| ‘‘y‘‘ u‘. I’ fogetiier wiih &h?eV%La:;w;;3T4¢ A CHANCELLOW&% To betll Houfes of P A an A M E if -:~-; 0119* a-‘ Satui?d;ay th'¢29”h<3:1yC) f .bem%z&er;“ 1660; A Being the da‘y‘oft11ei1+ Dzflflo/uriom * % As a1f'<>',thatofthce.‘ P A K E R; of the’H011’IOrablé‘l Houfe OfVC%o M M 0 N3 at £118. fame £i1n:?'.: ‘ z —._»_..._. _.........._ mu.‘..w~-‘P ‘ Print‘edbY%J as B ILL; P1*iI1te1* tothe . A - ‘ - ‘ ‘ N V ‘ V ’\ . ‘ . V‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ , V‘ ‘ ‘ % 0 A 0 ,‘ , Aw‘ ‘ ~ m ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ X : ‘ “ ‘ I ‘ ' ‘ yr ; ‘ . , ‘ ‘ V‘ ‘ . L, , . ‘ v ‘ ‘ - \ ‘ ' ‘ - . ‘«‘ ' ‘I ‘ ‘ “ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Kingsm0fiEXCc11€1itM%Jcf*Y» % I 60a 1"" ‘ 4 ,W'*.*z4 '. .._, fliu‘. ‘ ‘w . _ IV 5. " ,,,“ ,JV', [1 1 W “ H ‘ ‘ " W ~ ‘ ,;:‘-W -1 ‘ " IV ‘ ‘ I ,' ;.'.:. M ‘ f ,j’_ ‘ ‘ ‘ " ’ 3- 4'1“ 5‘; ' ' , A, T. ‘ ‘ff. 2 11:... ‘ - k ‘. _~ v .N_ .3 , ‘ ‘ ‘ 1: ‘ ya 1, ‘~,_ ‘ ‘ 2 :5 A ‘ . ‘ . . -‘ _‘ , , ‘ ‘ <1“ I ‘ ._ . a — ,‘ , _ ‘ _ ‘ n _ ‘ ,, . ‘ . ‘ A ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - ‘ ‘m‘,“ w" _, ‘ 1 ‘ ' - r ‘ ‘ - - n ‘ ‘ " 1' . ‘ ‘ ‘ r n. ', -‘_ W‘- V A I 0 bot ou e V ~ ¢ \- ‘ _ ..‘ y‘ ‘. ‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . 9“ ’ 1 "‘ ‘ “ ‘ y “ . I , \ “ V ‘ ‘ “ 1 I W ‘ A ‘ “ Y ‘ I I‘ ’ I " _ “ “ ‘ " ' ‘ “ » 5 ‘ "-5 I, “ ‘ 3,“ ‘ _‘” H; “ ‘ M n‘; ';y ‘V . ‘ 5 t ‘K “g «-_ , ‘ “ V-_ ‘ 0 Saturday? the 29 déy of @et‘eméer-1550, ‘ ‘Up%o1 1 the_iH’d1utionofthfe‘¢»P _¢fl-:R‘;_L'"J':lPv‘_d5“;y‘fi,!-.Ey‘|"‘ N33 My ‘ V not be eezflefbfmetoe ‘V _,i N! .' ) gm; A.\,-4. ‘ ‘v A w- ' ~ , ., , ‘ ‘ « ‘$1’-‘-.-I.-~unzu'u'¢vi.aaqo»-ac:-o-nnuuuunsauoa vu - .)--;u u .,.u.. ' . V. mm “ w_,‘ \‘ 4‘ A - A , ' g as ‘ ‘ . ' ' V . _ -«u . M , . 4 “ T ‘ - ‘ 44‘ ‘ A ' ‘ . , ent6fmz‘7% ~ -1 Courfi, 5‘ Vt/'79’ A J all I A:im%+z2“e%ta. to : %&J0u% éeing% bur» ta 2' ‘ « ' 9 ff ~ @379’ /9“%6d}*'7734*”k;r flfid I .2’ *7-¥ f 0/ ’"x5;A7’¢rfuaE?o29* rdimry than/g:.or:0rdWryv M A ¢ ‘VP 535 grew %t0;05;Zie;gé~%%*~ *6 [are .rt/ye bf M 3,4.‘ (44) or‘Z°azriizimefit$. Y rzéeaf flflqe5fi07z% J15?’Z(».1I; E/Zqeem f not tell you“/901%" mu:/aft 215 imprbwd .6)/your W... fizge towgzrflx me. You ‘Ymve Aowgtx./(9723 @111 3/56‘ goaa/mzdob!iegingflE?x of j/0MV.5”7’r€c{ecefl0rI‘t0'L. amrds‘ z“/ae C3'e‘?’}«?2?;z zmcirv/9€7f6f?9rey0u cazmzqzr lam éeiieve Hem if %éé?Cé?di?¢g‘!3> W/Wged witk %z/93 gcéggowle % V » t:b%zz*ve?W’P4’*ficu» % %~%wominatio;a; fiom Mar t/2qy*£woe%# 4om»=¢ T/96):/mve been fli/ed,Learr1ed ézfzdutilearnéd: ?W’fi’m6times M06 /véliwr/E‘ Efiitflfefa IPW ‘let :21! “ e *ol=ve that this be for max called, Hmealixig and the Blefléd A Pariia.» *2 3 Ivt£fvl?:lk_?)1‘0M,* t/oowgbnotenougb, for w/9;zz~ ‘MU? , Z2;12‘}‘mI’§e”ZvIe fiirzg V ,.1.0(j,*: n»/aen_1/ballczzllzi % j%»,z2%liz:z21g#e72%t”,: 122/9ic79 I/7941! do fanny ??0Vd6flr6» .1./7"“”’”@'” r"?ii*U6y0fi7‘ lam/Q: for 599/mt l7zzve¢%do7ze mce I U "H x,‘ it “r" Camels. {this . L’ .f}:..., H 2:/sic“/o rémm (‘ 5') A fl/mighty 3 andindeedgfiyds an immediate? eff‘ of “W We/Einga I i*v2z%2<¢£Ar/ze¢g9.Q41>fii%¢e0W and Securzty we of ‘?"*"'£’M 4 H avd%Cj deflnce W» W’ .C0?W»¢°17:¥5::"‘?J?"‘;"ir it‘i?[¢1igi0»w:; %im4e}a!Mw5£?:V +%~» ‘ A/MM! ‘ ‘ ‘ R‘ a‘ Ii “ " A ‘ >» w -:0‘. ‘. 4. .‘ L» ‘V f n "A; U ‘ I . “4'- ,0‘ 2* anygpergon [ A ,t/9fe4:[7*o$ cvezzmra ¢ hr: aw‘/J Na,“ K rem t :0 %&~e:*fM’~¢%11/1%=<»%% r.e}#lvr fin efwkc dccemmianfiram :;>?«a%:‘;»;:%/ae.»am imw,£,«% 127/20/%5ot4{:.:2’ wade Al?CMé1{7g'1gi;,.‘” 2 WW »Q0'v?mm£nt zzftflzfi i%2n:u1e.z;¢;2‘m andnppetifie. Q/M?“ WW4 W mat émfi at ‘ rewixa ;,Cl2‘a7me%lla2:y gf orligr ,4)‘.EiCMla%£:'7€I: mmcb :ea‘e%ze.my%a;,. . CT ; \ it: < 4‘ I ‘ ‘.3 I ' J - .\ ‘J - ‘ ‘ w ‘ ‘ C7,, 3 ,1. , 5 VA ‘ I- IS“ 4 3. 6» "‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘L. ',“V ‘ 3' J‘ 92-‘ .r " ‘ W“ W» fl y" ' “‘;_ w‘ ‘ \ at “ ‘ Ii; 4‘ ll ‘ ;‘_ >9 4 ‘.4 “ V3 v ‘ “ 3:5 Ci WW ~ - . “' ‘; MN . u r‘ - ‘. _ fl n 9 '';.‘J 9 ‘*3 wérn; é.Mem ory:m7tb,4%. Mt. ~ fivhad Lard 6 .z"¢1]Lard3, 4mljbn tl}aKm z;;;«~,;AVc:‘z*¢:;'.»;-«.;;,-m,, .m?# (V 4Bz¢rg'kffe:M of film HflflfE..6 Cam 7_7z‘o:z:; A % » great of * Temper ££eaiansV%%%chroughqm chew ~ V man, xii %v%i1i*g an cm o;1ife~sofI~f'%m~}ia";« hc%erfu1i1.é£s chef ffigme AlzcrityA% their Co~11ritei19.;11 ce~“at the? ‘oI1itiQ*ij ,A*»‘a%sAwI1e1i to metaum qnventibxz “of#*Par1ia;n1ent.:'% is anunquef¥it5::2;b%1aev"WA eface, tha;’£— theyare%ex. ceedi11glyfatiSficd in what chey*;have: ‘ waraseach‘*4 ‘other, t}1a‘t"fithey«* i1aazcNvery%‘%v:g¢1+1 c1’¢jnéallth~¢ bufinwcfs*’t%" mat»: ~hi§~ how” Y<51i~1~%‘ca YO}1l;"0W1’1hC/0111. cfences ,, . that. you aiige ope» 4 Ara. SPM er, that: you have never asked any ‘ “ ‘.‘ V O 1“ “ ‘ - H E9: 3 W ‘I ‘ ‘ ‘ n. I‘ ‘H ‘ - H‘ 4,’ Ab p.f1C “thing Vggfit hchath not w ‘J " ’ “ I 7 V; with alliiriagixxabléb. é'érffiJfieE;:v - mcag, and in truth Majcfiydoth %witH§-great comfort '% aclinowledge, 1:31 %you%haV~e‘beenAfo farfrom denying HimA a}fiy thingl-Ic l’1AaA%;t1A1laskcdC,A th2it*, He hath di.C3.1fCe wifhed any thing t11at4yo%u; have 11OtA granted 5 L 11d no VAV.°11de1*,~gt;11at 1**?°7'Vi11g{0 5111?’ °°mP1Y€d Wid1Y‘5m‘ 051133‘? 01?5;.V"i" "I1-h‘aViI’1gf0VV6l,1 compofed the gnindi . . m jot of “ wflli be io ; ”an%dV¢ re adnablc wf AA:7afid,'“Ade§+-%M fire% l1a‘Ath9 broug151t~' éthe ; tocomply You;mi;Whi¢hn0thing¢1T€:c0u1ddouse witl:VVa‘11“%c§qua1 ;:l1é:erFul’ne{s§ an’ [ ha «dough-,:% hm cce eding 'hé,~a11d %:«¢1;%:upo1;V; our A Aéliogy‘ jail D‘ $13 5?... am can '1 ‘ V 3‘ 3 '~;f ,锑..‘.f3 1;" . ;.s "-3- .,, ;M 3;... , vercncew 1 A V x‘ % . V’~" idéthér ‘fWyour‘11i“ucua1;AfFe¢é’cion,' yow haw V ‘hen fo and& p1méti1al*~ 9 m. ' W W a ._ ,3“ J“; ' ‘M ' ‘x u“ ‘a. ‘ ‘WW ‘ ‘ ~: :~ ‘stwards each 0th 617,». thatt“ Havel; Wnoflpfo F¢‘Si°I1¢ ~ EA at 1g11«, 4 ihafl fhall t.M]71r:a.C‘:'. tlw %c?aedi;agsw%:Mi mren% C ynr7DifIut2io 5 I\fiajeg:i{k;yt~1‘1:@l1 ;p;_1f@1:r¢1;ifc;c,l Y"‘uJ“"‘M ‘sham gave ._u:#al:l% A hm « ;e,1M¢g»vors ta: com ‘£Me.MTfi1§13‘mfl1T3&PPY i 1*6~11C€Si11 matcsgrg Reltgim, 1Ma11g¢11%i M M M%i’éfY%aLns1d:~ em Mmuich p£L1:is%M pffv t1mzrp;¢feM;:A wagjeflry In V % red the Lea:ri1ed%% 3 ¢en,%%a§n l:1eag1'd;,all mid % faid on Mfeveral Vpini I16 .anI‘d II}:-3‘ terefl:sMa‘pa;rt,% Ml M ihMen in t1i£%MxpreTen§§fM;0fth Parties, hfmfelf moderating debgqgsm (and lefs alailig gmndg am lmzéiry ' “MM ‘xi ME ” acfl s LS L a or ar1M ~ ‘ é_ MC‘ ' 9 _ M. M . ‘Q M ,~ ,~ é\ L‘ é 1 é ' .77 ' MA ‘ my " ‘. av » ' M ‘. M MM ‘ ‘W ‘MM M a‘ M K = M M ‘ “V ~ 0! ‘ n, "‘ ‘ " It ..“' N M“ . M V 1 2‘ ~ M ‘“ *‘ . W " O Mmi H 5 M ‘ 7 “Mr “M -, W. M \ M M; my in W ‘ #1 , , . ‘ ‘ ‘. M, ‘ '2 mm. . “ ,.‘_y 4., “V.“‘;a Mt‘ ulwk‘ flu/W‘ ‘ M W \. ‘ , " '-V ‘ L * I . M ‘ ‘ fM ; v .. MW a ~ M Mg ,.: V :2»: w v ‘ w~m4“-4}) r M “ ‘ aw xx ‘ W M 9 “u. ‘ ‘I .‘ ‘A Mr; ~ rM- . s “ “V ‘ ‘ A "A ‘ v i W ‘ L ‘ ’ V ‘J: I 1 ‘V M‘ “ M « , M ‘ “ ‘ ‘M H ‘ “ .._u M . , W ,1 ,‘ M‘ - , ,3‘ -. M “ ‘ . . ‘ , ‘ ‘ ' M ‘. ‘ MW‘ ‘ M‘ - ‘ 4% “an M Sm ,‘ My ,M ‘M 3+ MW ‘ M . .4: y “ ” M M ‘-Mm‘ ‘ M ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ “ ’I u ‘ .M H 1 N ". ‘ ‘ JW ‘N .5 M, N V a % ‘ A all £1115.» . ‘V, A \‘M‘¢*-‘ ‘‘ 1.) '''W W . M ‘. ‘ ' _, W “ M n‘ M; MM 9 «u 2 M, “ \ M‘ M ‘ M M ‘ ‘ *. ‘ ‘_ ‘ “ 9 W ‘ Av \_ . W . w W "3 % am. ~ “ M V ‘ ~ V J « g L x 3 W E ‘Q ' “ ° E «y %.,,.~ , ; & ‘ Wm. ‘ Q‘! ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ » » ‘ . »_‘ H . H .9. , >9 "1' M ‘ » . A; , w M‘ r M '1' M M « 1 . ‘M % 1'£1_K:o_nfcié11ti M4 wk M M M%¢tofcireM% been dam: 9. * %Mf1~Imempnicy M ‘ their I1 . 1? - 7'2‘. . 7‘ V ' ?l v "-7 " «in» 1*.‘ _ S. W ~ H _,‘ a N; 1’ “M, L. 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V *3 A Vrhe unaxaliin115%Aa'§'*viC¢%%E mi Lifiimu uc sm%s .;Lie lam che¢+fetLi:ag* M v. “ ‘M, ‘A, jflrn . I ‘ ' ‘ .. - ‘ ry . ~51 gifidllflr 3* :13 *:+ % v Y A % ~ A * := ‘es ‘ ‘ ‘ N.” “ ~4:‘.~M mw L-vw.2‘n"n>‘,\« ...-at am ‘otthn ___w Ai‘ H: ‘ \. m 3!‘ " w ‘(M ‘ 5‘ . . I ,9}, . ' ~ , ' _ .« ..' . ‘ft W‘, ‘ » r 1=:@c1o1n»1AM 6 13 ~1t:.~ % ,»:» . 1; M‘: In ‘V ‘ ‘ “ W_(_w, J, "5 ni‘\’muv» J‘ . “ '4 ‘W; Mu \ mi? ‘am, -“IN . ‘, ‘ m. wax. M and ;1a(qx~¢e%%%au2:é";aac% bg H1 mi Yo lihvé heard of .1 ‘ “ ‘)_‘,,,,“ awe ml“ ,“ ..‘—..‘1‘. av.‘ ‘M -‘A-.1 ..m~;.‘ ,u“.~ ‘ '3 ‘ “ ‘ ' ‘,.”§>“ _ ,,g‘,\, r 1 we «r mv K W "“‘0u--V“"" , '!!1,flh -EL “ ' J , W‘ «M um» “ M ‘ ‘ j . .»h€Y 1jlW3:. }e7 « " A . fill" and V M »-,m %#~ *wfwW*“WL ‘ yaw ’_,‘u‘.r xv“ ‘V ‘}‘5j‘\ ‘,c“')M;,{, ‘ If ‘ ‘ ‘E V; M /_ l;\»“, , )_\‘ ‘ “ I “ 1 ‘ ."“"‘* y Lflw, :- ;x_ %i {V .mg &~%”J¢w$«wH+;a . A %¢“zwu%v&¢¢v ~%%;M: ‘ mllmq‘ M 11 . ‘ ‘ ‘ vvm l V M C W ‘ ,, 1 « ._ . A an - ‘ 1: (4 3‘ ‘mm 4gaa C%m ‘ ‘r.‘.\," V ‘ l ‘ "if ‘ .,‘ W, www W, A ‘ .,mkn ‘ ‘ . ‘ 1 r‘ “ 1 K L ‘ .‘ ‘ ‘H >‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ . \“.‘i“ 4: fig;-7,} ‘ W ..‘g. ‘‘ in ‘L: ‘H _"!€"‘,‘-". “jg M ‘L‘‘-- ‘V ‘ ‘ cxlange A $1163? .PuFP{‘i’f 1‘: e;«%;,@13a€1af;%MAatt€Iaf;m M folf*th¢r6 {CH6 fe s”;h_ 0 V M1)? A VV0r:F1:1i~1)K €X€§‘,.%¥‘€C1 km?/g my M61563‘; W. Prewfént aifid flay till ~.th§‘~ %Ar1n ~ disbafldfidaVV11iC}1.¢11€Yf%§d;VVaSg§;1’3 _b3UC1‘€dm tlmt is, R¢;tu:in€» em b¢di‘3“CC :93‘ :3. 3}? A AA. A‘ _e1' " “ A “W ' Ci!) % “i %C11a17g€‘“ <>?f“Ati:e "II?¢1‘6{¢ii1t ‘M 5. ‘ \ tr V £71 M A . ‘ 'm.?v'.J‘.. that ” \‘ ,;.. «er 4:111 .,w ” Z ;; % AA _ w=g...~ g.M ;wW ""1; v 5: ‘W ‘ ,4‘ “ ~ ‘ “$4 1 % V % % 072 1 ~ x \uA --v W, 9; 9 ;fb:~:Jéa¢ 3%t1:a@i1*;fp$aa¢*i£ .. ( ‘W I ‘ 5., ‘ ‘:1 I ,“ .jt E: +\~‘ ;f V‘ “ % ” VV‘ 3 % »“‘fW- ”' g y nu ~ ac %1%%;~%1§ g '“ ““ W'*’ m”*” ” V”‘*” \‘*”Ef- ¢ wf9"J ‘ ‘ fl mg a 3' ‘ ‘- ‘ v ‘,‘ w “ n In . M‘; “-an E. -»'~m‘ , ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ __‘_ on ;_ ‘ M 7 W. ‘ ‘ W mm... ,5 ‘ , NY’ A _‘ . ‘ I X a ‘~ in‘! 5» “WY ' y‘\ ml‘ me‘ 5 . 1‘ “ ‘ -a" V1 1 ‘ M ‘ “ . 1‘ ? I w ’ , ‘V-‘~»,m5' -2.. r.}§., I ‘ ...4.L ' W‘ ‘ ‘ "nu ‘ ‘ 4%. ‘ “ , ‘ , V "1 ‘in. A M “ ~ mu.» m 45 Y M w “ ‘ ‘ ‘ g to ””+”'N”A’ “'V“ "T’9*"~3Q3v~V«5;, ..v-«x- ,: gm ‘ 49. Q 14.,‘ “ .~:‘: ‘r... ‘ ("Tl ._ “. , , ‘ g W ' ‘ , ; “_, ' ‘ gq ‘ , W ‘ .‘ ‘ *4‘ “ " ‘ W ‘ ,, ‘ WV “,‘ ‘ - .- ‘ ‘ ‘ ' an H» .. ‘ -‘ "‘“‘?“ “‘ ~«-r- rub .~ “,; .17‘. ~w“ .»- .m“‘..M§A :g:,v~_ .,; M, -‘ ...‘ MU. u... 3g,‘,u-.\,:3 «; H Up” _‘ “ “ 3‘ ‘ M ‘ V M6 4 V re 1n t M & 11 1: ‘ “ ‘ ,‘ aw“ ‘ .‘ ‘ . « ‘ 5»). I 5 ‘ , . 5‘ N.‘-_ “._ ,,' } ‘ M M I ‘ ‘A " " \ “ “ fl ‘ ‘W ‘ ‘ “ "v " in ‘ J ‘ ““'V«*“ ’- ,1 ‘_ M‘ " ‘I/H . “ ‘ ‘ 8. ltthfill d 11%’? n m"1 ‘ “‘ % zwxhr. V“; Ar 4. .‘ ‘u , 4‘ ' *‘ 5, a I %»m,d fir MDA 21 ‘r l.. 5 m¢m.M,.~wx4$4w~,y; ~, 3.: «W fin; “ ‘¢QV é “V,w W .«, ~A ‘%m‘ _My fl é )é:,w, . . ix {6r1']%e ~ _ «i 'w;M 3 ~v v ~ ; 1W“ “ W , ;'«'..: 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ‘__‘ <,,, ‘V x._ 1‘ ‘ ':n “ . ‘ W ‘I I‘ ' W ' l I‘ ‘ ‘ j" - fa" 1 “ 1 ‘4 . . " 9* w * n . « z ,,' ‘W -1 " $1 ‘ . ‘ Y Vac1‘\nW J,‘ ‘ ‘ ‘:- ‘ Mr ‘ A ‘ _ ‘ "" “ * . M . A, , _, ‘ ‘- if " ‘ i "' ‘V ""I*" .. -" ‘ 1 ‘ . v ‘ W.‘ ‘ ‘a V ~ ~. ‘ ‘ ’ ‘M »‘ ‘W " '; ‘ :' i‘ 1"‘ Ta‘ ‘, .-.1 - “' ‘ ‘ K ‘ ‘, .4‘ ‘M. -M ‘ .... ‘ mg ‘Wu ‘ ~|‘.:w “ _, W 11¢ ,, I mpfigiilstitfl €=1“<3C't flw R6 PU1911 Ck ; t.h€=' .a€1#<%:§MoWlemdg@ am 11% raia‘o 1am 4 a ‘ “ A L W ‘ '«M«- v" X, , ‘ ‘ " ‘ . * ~. — mwfi .1 '< ' I an ‘VH 3.: ‘ , , J ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . m. mu. M M. , “ iy, ‘ , ‘ ‘ _‘ “ I ‘ “ U ' .'r‘1"'”"‘f ‘ ‘ <» ‘ < K’ . "vi aw \ «‘ A - ‘ - . ‘ ‘ ' “ Q‘ A ‘ I" ‘M “ ,"‘€_ . “ “ “ .. - '. ,- ._ ._ ‘ V1 ‘ J “fl -‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ cm r V. k , M V W _ _. % H‘ ‘:“‘ ¢ ,1 “ v ,_ 3 », , , . ‘V ' ‘ VWM; Wm M, .W ,_;,»» ,gd M w m M W i W #% T C‘ w ' H V 1 or m».< , _ ,2 sp- ~ “;w;r_=m,~ .www»a»~u¢ [W ;;4;A #3 . . * ‘ -ucx.“ "_» ‘ , ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ v ‘ .1 “ . " ‘ ‘ 4, ,. ,, ‘ M.‘ ‘ k ? : ‘ ‘ u , "-1 “ ‘V(':)w .‘ ‘ MM Jr’ ‘ " “ . on w,. X A ; "~ “ ‘V; V “ ‘_', , * JM‘ . ‘:'.u ‘war $5». Moi‘ is ‘ ' ‘L V‘ Q ' A. , ‘ mg. .cm,. ‘ -~ ;%”% C17 ~‘m ‘*"“W - it " r‘? w3:W"v V é é w w ~ :4 . C€?«3 é(§1ffiL17‘erab}cé Rgifing” in 4 the%V W<:Pc t111de1'luNa/, fflwfge «andwi‘fi’”h”flj“¢“” %T’o1*th m1de1* odlfls 5 but 1'18 0 gm iimra ‘ .JVeT*=and;%fi 1V'f."7 ’t‘éd n1C}1;‘11 ‘With dy lie1*e;5 1 thi 11%"; they’ Q 1 fii*”e’~*M::¢~f:l*sr%d«»-i1;At1;1é%‘firI’cplac« 49:. “lg Wm ‘ ,“‘.~\ I ~“_‘=‘ g, W “ A ‘ “ ~. g";“_,« j"'fg| ‘\:"\ ;.5‘.;,.. ~@ as c A 6 13 A "K .1» ¥"' ‘ ‘ 9" ‘ "'7 ” M" ‘ “ . ‘ W \ ‘ ‘ W ‘)4 ‘ v...,.;- ‘ . 1, gr’. ‘ ‘at K “L 4.‘ W‘ 1:‘ V 1, 9‘ ‘**:« ‘a" ' up B mg M-uxv mm‘ 44 - ‘ . ‘ n L M H ‘, ‘ V. , an if 2w ,5 ‘ _ Q ygu ~ _ » ~ » A agam Aeverte ) ‘ , .w “ V ‘, P1‘ ‘ ‘ '3‘ ‘ ' ‘ M, >‘ M" ‘ ‘ ‘ I “\'~v“ ‘U 1" 1 mu‘. " '~ . “ 49'" ‘ ‘V . « A In t e~ oorAA 10 eem tq “ « W. >‘ M V éi "H; j 3} M M 7 "fps ;_ '" ‘ are Very f‘a~r%+ f§1‘O11‘J;~zb@11_‘10‘ A ‘ " ‘ ‘ W A H Om A ' , AA i “ }~:frow% fl'%*é ls “Si 1% Vvillbé talaéfl éti" mcwrcxac and truth this am gsabtm so ‘ ‘ w D “ 2-» ‘ ‘ 7 xiii r P’? N, 0% 1 £31,‘ a {#15 e 11Curagen1cnt E0 pup *1;;”%a~%;*.f11ei%1~”? "é‘fpg1~;t%a% % % % % A % % A V % M %_ % W0fwe~1l~?i*eqL1it~e AA A L A ha 56 r i%lt‘1%t%1éfi“£’t()f.t1~ié . the )1 ”1ChCa?1‘i *L uczh a etrpPa[;3Amgfif~*r.é%@éii,y€AW 4 % i 9 * 6 went A a ra an we 0 ‘ , A [V V I V H I ,1 . -I . ‘ . I ‘ _ .. @~ I .r‘fifi¢@i éfitéfprifc ; and. King {at them: againfiwhoxn the evidence fltfpiciotl r¢‘:sfe—nab1e in the mea11 ivkili‘ *aire111truih A i4n11}oCéi*it,A pr”océé _ . R S , ,. ‘ V I .1: ";‘ ‘ " ‘ .:‘ > 1'!‘ \ -‘ V ' * - ,4. W . ‘W W.‘-‘, W .‘ 7. ‘. ,_ «m~ W, ‘ , ‘ 21-». $1»? { ‘ 5“ “‘ 3‘;-‘ 1‘ 3‘ u S J’ 7‘ M3‘ > “X “‘ ‘ ‘ , . , 3 ~ * v ‘V’ g“-;..; ‘_ N‘ V‘ '" . H , ' ' at M ‘ " ‘ ‘ J " V 3.. n 7 Q ‘ “ ‘ ‘ am i w "6 v\ V L «us ‘ 2‘ Q‘-wg wk, 3’ » , * “ « M . 1‘. . fit“ ‘ I1. ‘ 4 ‘m\‘m'1 - 3., .2‘: ‘ N “” "' ‘C3 . 5: 1 . >- ‘HM “ ;u ‘ w -- mm \ ~ Ny%¢W$wJw.k ~ U r¢rsA:1m£e ‘vi... e0'%p%c,% rm: 1 per» § ;f .“%€”?uV$@%,4)gT§ %%{WE§j %gN3%f x§ éfl%y §«mnm4%3 ~ rfieans? adwverfiollsand Re A r~=hc11fi0I1swhcn% there is o <:c:afionL. and His cars Wln« be alw%ay‘s»%%%%.(3p¢n ;o;rece1,ve thofe complalnts. % 4 Ordfdml Q€7”1[3‘"9”:-Y0u31”¢ “OW returning to your Countrcys to receive the thanks and A 3Ck110VV1€dg€131€0¢5 of . your :i*ic1is and Neigltlbouw 501‘ Vt1‘1<=’% gm t1;ingsTAéyou lnavedone, and t6‘ mm: the burrlms Youhavc laid L1%p011%ti1m1; V<'=afie»% by co11vinciv1f1gtil1t3n1of‘. the-f:i11c\ritab%l¢ r‘1‘c'cr.'§cfs,%itVy‘ %0Ft11‘«==ii‘.fiibrnittirllgto tlwms Y0uWi11%make them féé t1‘iatY0u%w1?a\’€ Pro%ce6d¢d far towaws ‘h€f¢P3T3‘i°1Ts‘ anédevcn diwrceof %that Necefsiwfiiom them, ‘W1§;].g.c1‘.l2 tlwv V11:tav¢ 56611 f0 101%? maI*ri¢dz‘&r11at» the V are Q Vernfne der‘v"vhich tlmeiré 1umdrcd- Yicars, that full andthemifcrv of be» niléafumof Fella! 11“chV thay ave .oVf%:_1Ifiv» kg %”dcPr1K *ed 4 of «f¢lt’f‘ hat% ‘h?Y n:0~Vf3‘¢¢ fi‘0mi t1;?'t.<>1~'<*’= %midnigl1t%%%A1arI11s.;y wxth ;AV1i1ch44¢th~¢ .31 : flth i ” E¢11‘AN;t¢r{r?5?d;% ~5~11?Ari%T¢4 011*": éiffif ‘M M ‘ ‘IVM. 1.1‘ 5, “ ‘u w‘: I M , 4 V‘ ‘ ‘ "’ ‘ ' \ ‘ _ .5, _.+‘ w. ‘P " ,; W 0 no ¢M%m1:scn»% Ofd fhips ‘W11. 641?? wfi nme Jud:£% %I1e‘y5 ye 7-f a1~%e;1a o; §adxi1ic:cd&:d ' L ‘bnverfai1o1i;'mi‘ E 1i°i -. y°ur ism» %fi@gard‘u1 and%1o- I‘T°‘5i11T tY; fi¢N°bflirY in Bum?‘ cxirife13f1cvcd%Y%th¢ P¢f0‘P1°a there ma? and andcarror of them. n ftiélilovtifiwcards fhcffi ‘M4 in E"g1»W1»~ Lc:raIhips,do: not V Ibiza %th-by ‘have lbdlicd upon your ant ev wm mu ,... IP32 win,” as tlw rie“a:tcfiV exam 9163 f K111» their gr g=+‘““?’L—f“5’9~~° V % . ‘ "V N % ““"" % 2 %\ ff } , » % 111du,cfs f t0W9-Ifds, I fillfl, A will maké A 1 W ‘-ea» ‘,9; ‘..a:“ .9;-:3 M, X M ix .,_,1...,_ 0*“ : mi‘ "LE3 éxfir Aaic, or L3 M’ '3‘? LA‘) A: ‘ ‘V ‘A 9?’ vi. \‘ x ‘ ‘ . ‘ ' _#1:‘}_‘ "";=‘ v < W = 35.. *2. . . . . . . . -~‘1,.”g' ”‘ ‘:1 Jim. ‘mfina’ M ';,“~7" "",w?*'” ’ M. M.» X»; V‘ - ‘ jfh _- ‘ ‘ W ‘ ‘ ‘ 9 . ‘ ‘ w ‘ ‘ ' 1 W: .; .;. ax‘ .2 , i‘ -w 35”‘ W W‘: W my A *5: - I» -‘ ~ = ' 6 ~52» w 4 Jr‘-2’ my ‘’‘«4:?!* k K E §?u%mi1ié: fl1fiifi D tié’;s’.‘tt:n fllé. T atffi E16 rétfirm iY|fiA;l-‘:1’ rio.i\i3z* 11i‘s%;% PL1fi€s % ; his Ema gpc t7é1itiai%‘é"e:s i %iEm~am- %aH‘u3€.fl£é1n§that {tics-% flan His; éa*1i1i2jit)ins€i1:&1;d‘:thgu€ Wei‘ *6? f A i 5; gwith%%~~m‘Aii:a1i%; he g=&m1§‘%v§%;‘i§;" ‘his A’ ‘ as 'fro111z=*i?ifiL:;i21?g5‘§ him; I , A »:‘ '.‘.,’R . ; ‘ ,-3 , \ a:ahiIl«"?i%mpr@§jeéiiA%ith*é % ' % fifxéri w£¢H‘e&v '12; a ’ ' aim: ;o5 I{'u‘3i.ibje':c€t§§; .. L . . 1 ax,‘ . . " A a W ...a . W‘ ___r . n , 9 ‘ r .V_ _ ., ‘ ‘ ' =_ . v ‘ "1 5 : " 9 . V‘ T “ ;‘.:'<.- 4» "[3" '1 ' v “A 5' A ‘ s 4 , w .- . , . = r_. ,2: 9, - ~..— 4 :. _«‘.~- ~ .. I '**‘ ~ “ _,,,.:. ‘ ~i,,-J.‘ ‘ "' :‘;__ J 1 “ "‘ .3 2 . o .- ,,»._. Q J z ' 0* s" 11‘ ' - *—"‘?1"’,-4 W‘ V " > K 5 " : - 7 To‘ 2. 1 w ,.» . - - K . V. s "“ ~’ J .,; “ , 5 «.-. 4 .4 «. ... p 3 , .a 1 G > .,[-Y.,. E . . ' ,; ¢ ‘ - v ¢ wt. ' ‘ 1: -.~>'"gv -: e \ t , 4‘ _ Q ( “i. E . 5., A.‘ at - ‘ i 4'“ ‘ :2 ’,_’_:‘ fl. -‘.4 P.“ H» :’v .. ._..‘ 3’; ,. __ pm wig Ltr 3% - L. 3 .2 ,,’v."‘r' 975"‘: ‘Z . . ) I ~ ,_ ,. W _ . \ . r ‘(\‘K" “fig _x 5". --u ° . 5 yr ,, 3 “ ‘ 3 \ .. ..' -‘.7. .v ‘~ ‘v.2 54’. ‘ % 2 -@111 1 E § % an .« it E % A ‘ 1‘ \s_.;:,: ; A '3» 7». ‘ , . _ . . ‘. ', I’ _.~.. _, . ; 5 . ' ‘ fa r I .,_£_‘. ' ' fix‘) ) ‘ .5 -V _. " ’ > " A'‘’— -- W4 “:2. ;- V‘ 5r all’ ’ 5‘ \* - w _ V3» 1:: -» ‘ . ' ‘ . 32W. 34 w .V 1 « = . * faflfgg. 1 _~, x,. , ‘ ‘F . _ .v wf . . j: Y; H ’ ‘ . ‘, -‘"s'_« i us; 2 ' 3*‘ ’ 5 V .. ' L fail‘ ~ % faitygizififibjeéitis § ' , MA’ ‘ . K » ". > ‘ i ' . V « x ' ‘_ . g ~ « - , \:~ _ ,._ ‘ ‘ ‘ 4 ‘ my: . W. ‘.‘ _. 9, -,"' ‘ ,;‘M\ :v* . ' -.~. .- ‘ ) X3,‘ 1 n :1 ‘ = «w >:I~= - wk» ' M v ‘ V A ‘v ‘ ' ,.¢ ‘ ‘ 4 w w ‘ ~- ‘ ‘ly I 3}‘ ‘, ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . “ ‘ ‘ * l v,\ ‘ “' V ‘ ‘“.,u», In H " " <" ‘ » . - v . . , « \ ‘ 5 - n‘u;': * gm, ;¢_ , 14 : I ‘ ., , _ ‘ ‘ ‘ v “ . . 1 ‘ " .' ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ V 1 ‘v ~ *~ " ‘ , "Sn, .- ~" ‘Kw 4;‘ 3-‘ , ‘H I - Wt" : ' ‘ ‘ i -. v. ‘ E‘. Jr‘ J I K 1‘ .4 W .. ’ .. . ‘N .» .'- y , ¢,’ . _ . M‘ . .. ’ ‘a ' ‘ A‘ -, g I ‘ _ ‘ gm‘! .»' An ‘ “ ‘V ‘ I I w «W ‘~ _ ‘ya V‘ v ' " M ‘_ _‘ “I ' " . w‘ : $ *« . ‘I . V u‘.‘>_‘. ‘a ‘,3; _‘ " ‘ ‘ QW" “"' " n V . ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ .v,?,a.., ~,.“ .y-:,M 1 ’ ‘. > ‘= ’ '.. '~ >. ‘“ ‘a. a . . 7 ' M ‘ ‘ “V ‘ v‘9:~ -‘Ills . w I p 4: ‘ ‘ , ‘ V . 1 . , 3; _ ‘V ‘. M Nu m -x: ' . . «r H; ‘ ; ‘Hz.’ a, u ‘A . 4 I it ' 0 éi. 1» H150W11fafétyas11eoug11— * A’ beg :13 9 i11£OI;1=1‘1€:,M if$hfitV:*%§%HAis :Se1wvaVnts”,V‘ gui CIT; ' L: ‘ V W , , ‘V , ‘ ‘ n " g ‘ ’ V‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ .‘ ' ‘ ' V VV " ‘ V 1.‘ ‘ "1: ‘ ‘ ‘. ‘V U:..~__ ‘.4924-A‘w;. V “ K H . V“ M‘, " -I N .' - V W -W,‘ F V5‘ _, V W ‘. 3 “ ‘ ma ,, ML‘; ‘ V . , ‘ ‘,‘ V L“ ’ §V_ H V I ‘ M U ‘ “ I W A .u- . V, - ‘ ‘ I - . . r~ - K ‘I ). \ V'«_Vm»=" V‘-V ‘ U V V‘ V H ' _ ‘ V ‘ ‘ 3“ “ ‘ ' 7 H ‘ ‘ ‘ V“ '.‘V -,9 “V I ‘i 2 ,§"c ' 5 ‘," ,,»<7 ,1‘ VV ‘H " F, V , ‘ ‘ V V‘ ‘ E‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ »‘ VV ‘ ‘ L VV ‘ ‘ V ‘: ‘ V. :~g ‘ “ “““" V V _ x V_, yaw.-V M I. . ‘V V V M V, Vt" - V V M W ~ ' ; ‘* M ”" “ “ "n: j *3” J ) - V V’ " VV "W _ -W‘ . W U , , W . , A e 5.9; 3 ‘ ‘:‘ ‘X tr"? W“? °' ' ‘ ‘ '?u"; :1 I. ‘ 1, ‘ ‘ ‘ (‘ ,:‘‘,‘"‘, ‘ ___. W ‘ ‘ _ V ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘V *"‘ , " \" V‘ K». 2» ~ V4” @ V4 Vs W % V 2 ~21 V ; V: V V . ‘ , p M ,VV“v”"“ «W -' H "m ‘V‘‘' A , .: . 7‘ WV ‘V N?‘ ‘V ‘ \‘ ‘ ‘V , ‘ A . ‘V . _ V ‘ V ‘ .‘ , « . V ‘.3 “: *3?" a ‘_ _ ’ ‘_ , HM g - w ‘ ‘ \ V - \ V‘? , U V ‘ W" VI‘ XQV “ ‘ L‘ ‘VV A ..l\\ " ‘ ‘ " V ‘ M w :,jV,Jm mu ‘ V 4 4' V;.;,;IV’;.‘ _ - t , * V‘ ‘ _, M 3“ a V «v 5*‘ ' ~ ‘ ‘ ‘n ’ ’ M ’ ’" "W ’ V . V ' ‘ V’?-‘ ' V =‘ \. ‘ V . _- ‘V. V. U , , ‘ ‘ _ ‘ V “ ,_ “ “IA V V ‘V :V ' V ;V " V ‘ um‘ ‘ ‘J4; , _ ‘ my ‘ "M ‘ ‘ V- ‘ ‘ V ‘ New “ ‘ VV~V _' ‘ - V V . MC ~,_,,Vx ,, ‘ ‘ “V ‘ V a ' ‘ V». \. by ' I ‘V “' ‘ .‘ ‘ J j ‘ ‘ < V ‘ L ‘W 1-' V; 1 -, M~m,«:; _‘ \V. ‘ V ‘ ‘ t ‘ '\ 5 ‘ ‘ ‘ M \V_‘ ‘ _ “' ."§ “. \ V ‘ , ‘V I ‘ ‘ ’ Q ‘ I “ “ 7 W 1 . V .V« “ ‘V’ , ‘V1 V . - - a; g V w x, ‘ . V ‘-V V ‘ _V ‘ ‘ , WK - . ‘ N, ‘ “ ’ ‘V ‘ ‘ W » n H . ' “‘ xi. " ‘ 7‘‘‘‘.a.‘ ' ‘ WUZV ‘J , , ‘ _ V I “ V‘ \ ‘ ‘,4, r-Vbl ‘ V 9. V , , , ‘ VV V H ‘ V V. ‘ A V 4 may ' MV .« .> " V ‘ :5 V?“ M ‘ 5 ‘ ” V V - V V -V ‘ " I «W? 7» “ ‘ , " .V.V V -IV?‘ JV VA.‘ :n ‘\ .,v . V ‘ V. \ _ V ' . , . ‘V V 2 ‘: . ' “ V V. "33" w my 7», V H ‘ m , I-.,_,.- ,3 ‘ r’ V; “H/~ V’. ' ‘ ‘\ * V AC V'MIVVm‘ aL¢1n.>u M: x '9 I «nu C ‘9) Wards the full mealure 090111“ prolperity. Lordst and Cjciztlezazefl, God hath et1a.a bled‘ us to imfe1ftOn€ Argtlment, which, I hope, may to a gpod cleg1',_ee_1“epai1* the much lmifchief; it hath lteretofore clone: lt hath beenurgeclvery umjealonably, yet luccelsfiale‘ lyniurgccl in the worfi times, That it was not Faith, butPt_rel'umption, ttoetxpeét that God would reftore a Farnily, with which he leemed tohavela K co11troverfi¢,. (SC had humbled fo far; That he t}woulcl ever Ceutntenatxice a Party, that he hadlllfo much dilficoulltenaali Ced, atlcl almofc defiroy7ed.« We may n0W.;mi1Cl1m01fe1fealo11» landtethereforel hope as effeélually; prefs the:l\diracles théIt‘,GQd lA1tm:.ighty hath lately wreughta For? and Cpxle, as la n evlde 11 ce that f the will a not again léafilgy foxhke tllem :5 tl10f;e, fwho_ Ltfing exfleaxiours. to imtroil ethe ; _§3t1.O11‘ itllelwv tho‘ubles,el That it eianot probable, that a ”l\la—1- tiant agaitilit -VV11_iCf1‘],"l‘ e;GQcl< etfeemed thgfet late y‘ca1i:s*;tol have :PI'O110UflCCdM,.;l_1lS,~ Iuclgment, in the? tWfic’Ey; lalnlguagcaof the l')r0phet go tyetfwifirime/fénger: dtdxationfcdtféred mzdfeeled, 4 people ramble from the be» gaining kt:/aerta Nation rooted ouzf 2zm£ tradealarzt wbofz? :Lmd livers: lliaalegflaéiied “is-rm-e “$798: «Lard ;/9/3? almiflgeldé It/!9€2’”’£)€7fi’ fpizfitll 157:1; ta/9.6% tnziddtfl Ibeie» 0 . That 11§tppi1a€{s«i& can wit That’ 1’1e%‘il§zouldrcd'vJce th:3;t‘._pei*ve1*fi1éf$ms gir@at7‘e£t:‘11e¢k11%ef3% and 1“€figi‘1a»tiOi*1 th?at% ’ flj1oLI1d ;xw*ithd1‘a&v % his Judg¢%n1e11t Nafiiohg ?g1‘nd- inn 9; fi1o1ne1qgéreI1o1*e a‘fl1.£h@V ” andito 110% 0thé1~§11d"§-huti”. I-O expofe ‘ it to the 1ne1*cy zand fury Qf: 3. few; difccmx%nted% pa;-ffo thef orim tiixe @111) is%1‘A1?o,t *bae1i¢?sre‘i.:L c%u1Lo+~;:i?:b;r have ;fi1;ax f'7¢<'f~ga riéfdilfi; V&mg§m5r ye am and pi%€3i"y§ ait’ ;»C11ufiCh’w~?Wh:ic§1 I‘ ‘3 K . , ‘° «_ . ‘ .a;.. ‘ ., , ; Vl ‘ L ’ “X ms x J L ,. *5: =* W , -1 =‘ ‘ ~-. 1 ». 3 4‘ . g ‘V “ * ‘ .. ‘I ~ L; {u m e élmxa 3 £1§1&1 ~ 9,» max) % . _ _ _ U, " 9 ‘ ‘ I ' 9' » 1~ V 4 ‘L “ . " .. z. “i. , , A . vv-r . : . . .. : _r -2} kn .,V R ‘wk §‘§~‘{ _ 4 En: la ., fin’ pr .\ _‘ - in “L ., H w . 53? ~_ ~,_1?,‘m‘IhV. ~ . w — " 5”‘ 1‘ -‘vw. _ - K _ __ __ .;. K I _‘._ 7 at \ \ 1. ,. .bLJ. An ; x we ,g «Q _ ‘ “if K § '; ' ‘ "‘° K G -: ‘ ~ . ‘ W T ‘ D G “ K V ;k ‘V, W. K g 5, ~ ‘ K 5‘ ~ L 5,5»/x . §"*‘ " ._ x 1 . 4. .1 ‘ 3 V :1 ,1 :3 w_, -s , -' \,.* ' ‘a .3 V ‘ . - ‘ flawané W » 1 hp . I . _ ‘. Y. . Q ‘ ’: %%‘153 ;@W;;:f?ub %~;v:;tq Qfiz-E ousi jpf@“2;:lgas%i11 été farm apiue §f€a*1§éé *° *%ifmE®1i€3<>aW%S fir h;a.d5: Re»- % ihad Cbyered , to %%fWaI1¥Wediitu%45th*at%t?ha‘ci%‘ouldagéfih Aaippear‘ aboveit7‘%é VfV~a;tefir§,f 1bic:§»5a§g£3ai‘h% fer°\?é:d '" ére tjulwd be Hill {bmé e‘VenuelE:ft ef¥xi$clmieghty§; would éai*fimé5d;¥a11d*fiféfy fl “5§ A 1:1’ . s\, *9 Y5 5, h eV4énu%e till théy ih*¥ad«%poITcH'ed*%%ift; [ ‘ L ould en%ioi1flyrefiQ1‘é %i1eyhad ?§*a*CCeta§ble;t0 r J . all “W xvi‘; “ \H,‘,,‘ .A‘ N ‘ 7' i’: '1!‘ #3 V V. 15' J:.-_ 35 44 ; Man I I m _,~fl “,1 ,, M , _ ,.4 M: V W. J|l;§‘r“ u Iv Y ‘ ‘. \V‘ “ “ M Wwxmmm fl my 1‘ M MM‘. 4 , - w.‘ W .a~"1 .-"' 1; fl ‘;_ J ggv $1qz;§ ‘ ‘ ' ,\ \-0' “ ,1: '*_,,t'5' ‘ ‘ " 7,, ¢lt'..M 9 t’,'m'2‘neL Mn. we-*‘ :3» A “ MA mi... . C22> M. *”«..4A Q.“-‘m ’-‘;l'.' m‘ M3“ mm’ .. ‘ "WM W V‘ ‘ " H 0 gr. \ -urn ‘ " M ‘ 2, » 1 I’ ‘ --H- ' “ "4 “ J" , fry,‘ “ . ‘ 0 -: 4h W. ‘ 1 c’, ‘ w in am . ‘w . .‘ h;1E%;iSEj(lC) .._.Z. “ ea» ‘ »Jmir~vI7 ‘- "M4 A‘ "=‘:‘ ‘ ‘ ¢n"‘;.; A I‘ A h i €11 isAEV11¢<:mi€s uparafi i m , [%%.;9i@:,§h§Xm0?ght% fu%.r¢ H 1173 , 32§:,§h€ W A :1» ... -' Q ;q;g;ldJ;9iCl:«f A «‘andf0 §'\'”i1€.. pr%i<:c “Q3 K tidéha-%V‘*7 «$3 V:5?7f5«d’” "3 O10u% : ‘ “ m hu ,p‘ H ~midfl? Efémmiesw 5 V T f A ' ‘ Z » fifflfiglfl .ir¥f1gf1‘»wt:h»€»* nsd . « ff‘; I1 x. 0 tfian t :¢¢>t%h;er ) with thafé u 1T1:1’1€¥* P€&$’*’i“1*€* N, , MM?‘ wv‘ A . ‘ 1 .‘a » % %;%%;@;%$=?!%<4a i€1nigbth&V€% 3 *'?1'«11‘II~3* A +%§i:1n§e;:1t to H:is Own is f1fl‘e&i0ns,Wifh vtvjb%¢i1f1g;%Vcorrupted 3:00 % ii%f%%¢ganLd;t%tu% ?nP limit Vu He V9l11€1%nt have me? all 65 .Aw m«m”“ * wW1~ “ *“u m. ,g% ,€w» mm» Wn$NMmmflIWW V» M; ;»¢w (In M : e .;f;pr:,1 ,mofi fecrct V%machinati- M M, VI’ ‘N H‘, ‘ }L4n,,us Mn - wm,‘ ‘- Wu mg ,:l' my)‘ " *-‘ma ‘:4 - ‘ “Wu ' Hy L .% 15 nemx 1 , 4 ‘ v ‘ ‘ . L )?‘*2w ' ' _ ‘ \ fl’fi&ionsV . \ pleaVfL;re, an1;gre%atob- id! hadlittle lefs I*’ro- h , tra.£maryFrra1gn 40b1Igat1~ + ' % nEue,and~almA~ I \ ./I if theleflrguineiltations, Getitlenieez, ur- ged Wit~h“?that vivacity as ‘is mofi; ianatural to y‘0L1I‘OWiJ gratitude and l Afleéfions, recover as many (audit would befl:range»if it i ouldnot) as have been corrupted by‘ the A other Logick, thehearts of the wh0le%Nation, even to a* man, will inlenfibly be (0 devdted to the King? as the -. only Confervator and Proteélor of all tliatis die arand preciouato them,ar1d will be lb Zea- lous to pleafe him, whofe greateflt pleafure is to i leethem pleafed, that when theymake clioice of l3’erli:»n»s again to ferve in Parliament, they will not elzool e liaela 5 who they Wiihil‘lOUlCi op- pole tl:1eKin‘g,but therefore choofe them,be— eaufe they have, and becaiuie they are like to {§."°,‘K‘fV'i:‘. the King with their whole hearts; and finee he defires win at is befi: f01fhisPeople,to gratifiehim in all “lite defirese: Tliits blelifed har- mony would rail}: us to the highefi Pinacle of henour and happiiielle in this World, a pinacle witixout a peintg upon which King and People may lmeeurely ref: and repofi: thetnfelves againll: . all the gulls, and iliormzes and itempefis which all the malice of this w0rld.caenrailieagainfius, l 8;1‘11,_fi11'€: you will all contend A to beat the ;topofthisFinac%le.i V % i ' lhave nomore to add, but the Words ofcw Home, Tibet tbeKin declares 1/::73'refl2’nt~ arliaél menu to be dzfllered 5 and tbi: pr? mt Pmflaaanent A . ’ diflbltzed. 7] a WHICH THE S P K ER of the Houfe of Commom A made unto the K M‘J G, on 5'.aztz~m/ay Dan» cenzlver 29. 41660 , being the Day oftlmeir ‘ Diffolutioza. Mofl Grczciom am Dread Sover“ai‘g7n, A He Knights, eCitizens aficl B’urgeH'e$ 1 now aflembled in Parliament, be» 1 W ing the Reprefi-:ntativ'e Body cf Your 3 if Commons of England, arc as Can» 5 ‘:3 tiuit Pipes or Qgils to convey the M V Streams ofYourPcoP1es dutiful AF» fefiionsand humble~eDe{fiAr§s into Your Royal Pre- fiznce 5 and that beingdone,» they eneedeno mher Speaker but Your Self, for they know Your Skél, and ;they havehad experience of Yam’ Will. And yet, ‘ '1 3‘ 4- ‘ .,_ V‘ “. % Rqyfl 4311*, Theugh they have no caufetd emmplain, ithcyecannot buttake notice ofYour Partiafityn Fm: ewheneany thirigine point oFRight, mbguv: C0nvem-~ eAecnecy,¢i1ath£ae11en out {(3 be, A as ewe ufe to ifiy, 9. meg»- A i11reingCafi} A difguzable Cafe betweenfitgm‘ Se}: 9 and G A A ‘few C25) ‘mm’ Peopie, Withouthny regard or refpefi had; unto ‘x’mm* awn ‘Right, m‘!t1'1£‘ fidvan’t:fge that might ac. emeetsjtir Your Self aifercing the lime, if the .go"Qd 50? X mgr Phheapie "hath co me in mm p€'€iEi“On with hit, '3“ cu }m*e:11wa;yes am it eagahiinhhflhh Your Seif, a.r1c3 egih‘’;V. .Aflejfmez2t, rgomnzeizgigvg.t:}2e%*(0g{2f and § mo22jzIg5% coin- ’ ’ 3 ; k :‘°f¢71’:‘ w % '% of . V ‘ ‘ . »- _j A . - ‘ \ K 9: :9 i ‘ $ ’“5‘“ § 1; 1&8 that €.q?y:%j$%¥Vp§eafe&g 2 on drdinafi? pf xivillamountf» »very great F um. At1d..a's e:~.:,. 190; it J2. ‘growmfig, Dcbg, $a% few ‘ M3; , afi1fi.11‘e“’t§is% fi’*;§;ffl5tr:b1€ifl this ga‘«{e};Q&:‘ Qgfpay 1:; re adi Ly , is th-£3‘ xvay .3: 0: 3y ) A ? ~ %s;gi§ax1b1es.% ']:':1:;e1‘eV 1s%»af&)'i&r1g; _ i;é;7tc.~A& cigar, A N gm‘. to tgkgmxamc to; pggyg due f‘u1‘f:xW;:; y‘ cits-£0 re u r 1 01mm 0 n 3 lay 4 A 08> ing aficle the {id thoughts of:th€i1'1011g T33-¢Ving5’r ' aria thofe miferabhceDeVaPcat~1OsflS and Pmfifuhrfis “e‘fieY*h ” have iain under Foremany years"laH:-»pa{h;:a"hn~1oso~k:;;r ing upon the neceffityof Af*Fa.irs,svVhAIch*ca1l*t:1§I:1;p;o;1;~% runateiv, and mu{’: be anfwered hef¥e€tu2.ls1y, 'i=haVc fed anodther Bill herein my hand, intitulcd, sA’n:ee;A5} for Six Monet/as flfléjflnent, ezt~Se»:12;e22t): Thou/Zmcl s§p0usn(c.fi‘9;.:§€I “ hrvienfcm, to bcginthe Firfit,of janz¢4ry,~ahdrtobe gasld in, the onelvloycty thereof b€_f0YC‘h€e=5?1‘fi_*?F\F€[” W 5 and the other Moyecy, be1:}gthe~rerI}a1n1f1egpart, by the Pirff of flpril next enfillflgg Whl‘-lh 13 E01: 13:3 ahplyed wholly to the paying off the Ar1'63f5°f Youzr Majefl:ies Navy :.md"Army'. h A e ’ A 4' A I have three otherhfiillsinfihyehrmd, V relation to Your Majefiies Rev%”enL1e, and are ' branches thereof; the one incituledaee/1n;l‘AEZiohefor‘jibe l2etter0r- daring htbsefellincg of Wmes~ by Rgtqilfis. anclfor;preventin_gu4M-- [es in N59“ Mzfiglzrge, Corr'flptirsmmandcd humbly to prcfcnc yoL1tflMajeH:;y wichall and 120 pray your gracious acceptance thcreqfiand your Royal afffcnt chcrcuntcnc A A A c , ‘ M M A There are other Bil1s41ci kdewVi{E: of Pub1ickconc¢r:'n%c-— men: which cha;Vepafl.ed both Heufcs, fand donow attend upon you%r.Maj%cf’ty,c waiting for your%Roya«l afTcr:it.c Thcjconc. is Imittulcd , 6./Ira,/1’é? flzr tl:e[At.f-- minder afjévmzl 1‘?e2j/?msA, Az£il£jof%t‘l2e horrid Murtber of l2i5Wc AYbur Royal F9‘«thc«r; ofcvcr 4 bid?- Memory; ;Thcrc is:2§nothcrMBi.llVIntitulcd, An /18 f9’ Confifmrioncvfcleafer c Gm“-* from Céllfidgas and E{9/Pitdl$- 5% cxvviillv tcndcmuch V to the M quictingof many mensfifims, Wtimhfl13t¢%f1111h9~PPY ticm¢Sc crcncwscc and changcrhcir Ef’cat;¢s mfl¢h* ;f0T Wcrc it what 561.? Ehc; faVQu in AV c , A A herd K (303 here at honie, have grea»t4~%i;dmApofiti%Dn$;1aié\upizm ir1Tfo:rraign:pVa~rtswherfithaey Aa revfim fifidit n, Imwm %Cwf1ntries fix:tccn=T of fevientlefinr PW ”aI1§iV‘Ain1%sRar:§2¢£.. gal T wcnty per.?:ez2t" Va t‘It:fie:Ieafi. But 4~t:h~<~::>fr:* ~.,%wr~h:n+ Zfér tifieir‘4toWn private: bafcf filthylucre fa;kc,;‘AVh:.w1ng no Wig‘ gardmr rcfp:eL‘?cun»to4the;p.ubIickgcmd, that fiscal iwrcr , meA I\;fIatfifii3i;I§ wh:ich. that-3 Mafiufa flturcs are magi Iiiwans J “rnakc}:ho.fé1NIapufa‘&mre§;&o%f out upon fuch*eafie~§efmcs," that‘%ALh“cy%**canA afib and? 4 do underfel your¥Memhants,which”isthe oVcca7fi'o1.a. oi ;%fa11fd’3~0f Eanailiéés do w.h0H5%5de % “.;]'§h_**gOa~% and fly “ ©1ffe?neg,5; 7: ,..in.,_5 .3 ~m<< _ W There is,an¢oi:h4er Billuintltul d,3f57é°“7 udouble lofi: 11ir=P:,a:o" §t'o%urm~Maj€fiy in; Your oms, f:31ndi»n?the next Place 1:491 'P€’0P*‘!é§** who.a%::“e:“4¥Atheixe..; A fl1sa~prened%%:a7nddifjsemage, %4n.4m fiiflxo time, A Wm‘; j‘;i‘fv7}1ot‘ prjcven t.=¢d,* will b§€£9Hffi'.'fIy ¥bA€at*%31i;;0ut OF hm: Ahcienc name szap%Ie:¢tm«d¢iup<>n whic£aA11wa.ny: thaw fle31!i’d»~ fografl 11¢; 5ir4 l%iTv@¥ ‘Mr ‘flcves ea Th 32% be nev%ét{>»fo«"%we11 Ixémea, %‘made up wk-b the M be, yes it is impombre, ¢’a£c,»:;-T it :mde%%u§>» % rheaou, cukeep it; mm, mnduae gene:aA11y%, cmt>%%ic v% fwcitfinens bodies Be fidéfé majciy ‘flgrcat jim ineonveniencics %%fo11owupp;;Ai;, if 13¢ P€rmitt€d+~% 4 Th=AiaBét€m=n=% <>i’%¢%y0i1r; The f brioad, The diflcouraging of Na 4 decay gndfiulwarks of your Majcfiies A _ in vA:;wgland~ and zrezmr. l€;1Fi¢ma;terAA i§£fd ¥;%%i§7e ” % A H findby expe}fia*ntfe~;»M:£;p€t*?$ A A V A'%preférvé»iffromiV A Vabovc three or %f‘o11r‘mVt%>*nj4etf13 ‘atthre Vihpfii % *‘ foze‘ Phyfitians, even i;tho_fc" thatIb"Ve‘iAt%%befi ,% W A (30 M ; 7 T%herAeA isandt*h.erVfBiH I~z3’tit;;JIed,# fob they kidg A ‘away th&%%.€o%urc A &0fj§NVard3 andLimies%, m%- géther?;CWith :enVmes% in . Caitég, Knigh‘t~4s5‘€rAtz2%ice~;tE~ 11x;i£*;es% and Purvey:a ncesA.’. This BFflIEx re» ffinta m.ay%A1'e5a A pimrly bec.a1Ied¢:a Bill of Excshan ge=for_,,as .'C,fir€' is timre-5-‘A %i‘n*%taken fm EhVe‘”?¢{asi§e¢ our%,p€opIe 530 ti'1¢4%;i:r§f 1that%;{partofi}fi6u“r"MajePtiesgfievenue, Awyhi€hA~i;former- Iy cameinto you"rTrc:af'ary yourtenuVres,v3.nd%*fr om: Ptxrvcyan ccs, is t'here%by Iikcwife provided fd!!7£%!44by the ya mwf a1»10tI1‘f:r ?Aw im%p0fiti0n robe’ ta;wkr:“11% 13g;onAAIe, Beer5a‘n;dV0therALiqu0rs%,4 T:o=h1d ta y::m3:4 fififiié’) v,zoux:15‘I:i5@*.i*A::-cs anc1Succ¢ffbrs form: And K yet »*th%Vey “fl1ot1‘l*<:1% mt loAo{<[c;pcm the c13fidem4tipns% ”%‘n3611VAt;i@nTéd am this’ b:i*1%l AL,,V as a fail com1pe:z:a:f?itio11mnii reco‘m“«§e::nce Afof‘ your Majleflzies par1:iV:ngi“iwith?%%¢mro fixch ¢Raya1 rewgaziwe:Aia11dAamient floawem QF ymxir if imam W61‘-13% no _t: implyed ‘3¢K‘{JiT€’fl@&, ;%iRayal Sir; Y%dz1r%Tenvu::es.im Capirae Am mt tzmly ?tuEi1e"d* mm a..T?cné;i1*c in Soccage »(th%m1"gh% that almre Willi fér A ever giv your % jufi: Righ:AV mid *tit1@*%»tb the iabdih*r:‘fof% m1rPlcaughs, arid the fweat “ of 7% %Am:Jhey ateiiiktwiic ziurnfid 'ir1m:;a iTe1:mre if! Carde wlxatfiyour Maj€fii€A4V;h3d¥%44%bfif!‘€§:%i 7 j,}'£*1?I“?C0i1i';: 0? : 3‘yiH:" be; {are to find it A ‘t* Excheqfier of A your p‘€.*o§Ie 3;? hmr%tsV*’ < The %k¢?King of Spwimési Mints’ WAWHI Toner *ecciveMhima’ Vthm ibis Re Venila ‘ wiI%lfailA&&y4ot1 % T for hi%é$%1VIin€3'4'h§VV¢ A A felf into the heartsand affi:§cians« @fymuf£%peb!c5 the A great%eAryouwi}?Ifind your Wca»lVtb to j , In‘f ask, , and Ehéréfor&e mtifi‘ needs-"%«be a happy’ PaAr!iam€nt ‘; V%AT1his£;is a .ThcaIing.=Parliannent , Reconciling Pcaceimaék aking VPa*rIiamentV , hlasfiéd Parliament .. Par-* Jian1»mt,P;rwpter‘ex4:e1?emiam, r%ha~t1fiay-truly “baa: caIIed% Fafliamenri Imam Pariiamentmvz no man can (as y, that *hathmade ‘A ::ht:J;.m%dfi: curious fearchinm Books t::1f%«I-‘mag :1:1:ds5Ayt%h*anr4theArr:wcver"%jv;tasA¢i£11ch a;%»%\ParlVi;am€n@t €13 this; i:es#% %ou3aA%rgnfpeakame I ¢i-oxnfrr f4tVl‘i5—1tino longas %.L1i1ay” a;:mtherA 5:f0r y ou havéiéfec 4ym1i*%4 Royal Heart uponic,%to»da%Ayp%uLrpcop*le gm-eod.4 L And as we have noth‘i7ii“g4*‘miorc%%.m“¢fay, fa Wshave A3nm;hingmorergodo, %‘%l:m:t.that which willbe a doing :33 ltmg a“swek_1ai:%é;a§b~¢ing%%J;~ [mg pfo’uring~ m'u:%~,o qr %‘fu1es% unm ¢f>;dj.%%f6irA ; ~a)efiI¢s f “Long , L nggnd ma 1 =:ha ppy,Ab1€fl§c:1,GIoriousandM A ;1’r;ofpe%mu3wA KeignVover.,t5x%s; ,wr—..~——-—- ‘ LONfD A moff Esaccllent J