»Tl1¢ flay of , jam 1650. upon ‘n % IN 'n»n2: HO us E 0 F LOR r:> sf ‘ ~ , V Eir»1g to@f[AJ_,<:a'k tmte ‘yourwLd*rdfl1'1ps*'fom-? _ what morecxteud:édI*ythen is myufic, I and uponza fiubjgzét whAer€iit1 there?” A may be p.cfl1aps not omélyw differéme, % . % but even: fc:rv0m 0f *Opinioms, Vlfind myfc”1foblige34y fomwhatthathap-V ° A A p€»n:r:c11 to mcéhcre the othef day,to beg A a favqur of Vycmrj Lp;dfl1ips,Athat e1kr1AAorm€sandA%€>rdcrs%éFthe%HcuTé,, W thatthmifhouldAfliafwme vmm’ms any ¢XPrefsionAA =fl1*atvm8‘)’A":‘beA di-L;Ton‘autA:_to‘thcLAA ‘Ears of“ ‘thofe=‘:WhoT1mdeiHand A ‘4beArter1:h4aniIjthei%‘forcea:;d4 proprwty 40f words! "You ‘win A will rm: he‘ rm;-Ae untomeé, bmibe 'p‘lcaR=:dt~o confidcr;, that A I havcimaen fixteen years out ofmy %C0unt:y.”,, and iema pro--;A feffibn far diff'eri+n4g frmhiwhat lam‘ now adoing: in ccmfi~— ' A A : de2:A:ce%of this %iudu1,gence I (hall proceed. A A A A A Q My ~L0rd4sAfy~ou' have have befmre you inthis*B%1I of In- A e-mpnity_tfhe ‘fimofl:impertamtbufinefé thztpcrhapathe A , 5Houfe @fPeer3hathatany time had in d=*c1iberatian;~ it is A that ugm1éWhi%ch tIu“e‘%H0aJowr car eaeifnal Reproch ofwbas N-3%.. '-tiOI3*ab.£Q§2d.‘,"éfld AitsEba;3piAnei§ or Comfufiom at lmme, fgcmcs (next u%ndVer ‘Gods infcrutable Providence) moi’cpr1m:'ip:;1Iy ~ =mdcpend. For an the one fidémhow abhon-‘d 3, Nam-n .r-anufl ‘we be £0,311‘! others, if the Ynfamy of our Soz::ra.{gn:%%"rmnrtber A 7‘fl1OuTd nut be thr'0ugh1yAAwafhed away by A V A M 4]uPci=¢e»A*in" the blood ofithe jguifty"? And on the other, f??~what A ha”ppinefi'a " A m quiet ican we hopfi for afhome, ;%-may," whamew combu- A flionsgughtwe dot“ to apprc:-h¢nfi, "if the “(lriminal abd the A ”*Mi'fled (between whom thcEIyc-ofthc -Law canmakelittlc J A +édi&in&iom_) making up fon~umerous aApart of the Naticznm’ meat fears, A ‘which might urge‘t»he~m ta new~Crimes, flmuid not be fccurcd by the firmefi aHu~rancc+s 0-flmpflfiitj .3 Puni- "fl1ing and Securing am certainly the-~two~ principal ~Ends of A this BiI1,5andTw11erein as certaimlj7~‘¢V¢1YA~A0.fl¢ Qf,YOur LAoA,rd-A 4» AA ”flViipsAd0r'hcenc:ur 5 but v w‘h'ether% fhée ;m_p2¢nsVi":QF 4at~'taining ~:*z:ore endshavvbcen fuf;ficiAcnt‘1y Iightedi-1‘phoni4e“i re A &fofCommons_in&this Bil}, That I {:3 p~pofeis.the% ;iu~cfcntQue-‘A A "-fliong and wher,ein ‘ I thimkVVmyfcIfin‘duty“ObIiged4to«c%%x.~% % Wprcfs unto Your Lérdihips withfreedom aI%1d_finC€rityA emy_ ’jfA*u%dgmen:>inallhnmble%fubm%iffion»unt9Yours»4 [ As for that paft oMh c Bi1lV%‘which relates to_ ou1* fSaw::-V M y 37igngf'mu1‘d€I‘,‘I findiz F0 ihortand ib much 0u7t dfthe‘~waygfl .;.0fwhat.?w;e owe, both tothe fcverity apd fc)I%emnwit>y Qf ::h‘.a,tj méreiretsgfe, that:I Acannorbufithimk» itin 50m‘; fbftf pardon iha :»’e};5"pre{fi(j)n) a pro pb.a}ngat1ou of-the dine Rites oft'hat~~—facred wlegpiariom to handle it in thafa-me .;=B:Z1I pmmifcupufly with méiaea more -vu_1__ga~r things... A ‘My mationthéréforerhalzybe. Tha:¢caexe4%bc farms A —:.~'a C§.mami:.:¢eapp0inted5 to mn=fidcr' 35 an things fitAtc>4%bL- d=oneefox the waiiamg away of Athar Sa:a=?iVnifrom the Nation, «wand from ?t=he.AgC Whe:*re1n.#Wel1~ve5 ‘ax-1d%;"to dra an up an A63: ' purpofelyandfcylelyforthatenk-1. in confidence that this 1 ~mfoti‘gm 1wiil¢itIé1r::rV be m1bAr21~c¢‘c§.by4yo%ur; Eord (hips, oxmlaa c, V «iafic mbcL oppo%!cix;3, I (mil have the l.ibm'ty t%0»fOr7t%!fi¢;';* it by my : t ~reafm:1s, {hall fer max b*uf1'nei%Mapaft.;: agzd :1 pply my dif- *'.:COE1i%i;4fcto Awhat Aconcernsfliis Bil~'1i1=mll either r,:eIg1,tiéynsA': “Iii A which I {hall trim make mime to £611 ,“Your; llordihi pa, A tI:a.t: .1 -éthink.ic:d-cfefihxzlté anythimgs rf"e~a9 able, a nd raduncia-n’t fiixi fomcfirhiflgs lmm-afo;nab!e‘W; and yet, notwi.£hi}andin5g,% not onely my humble Marion, but my »no{’a..earne£kprxeT~ [ :~£i1.re,%:%w":‘as;f;'1ras With.hu.miiity»«1may,Q1311 beg; Thapwg mayprocécdimmediatelycothe pa%¢£§iAngAofthi.s Bill, xv;iz,h x.e:I1itt»l*e0r.n0 a1\te.ra.ti0n. 4 * :3 ”Thti%9,‘Iny5L.OrdS, niaya-ppe%ar.a [j.1rpri’fi[ig‘%m‘Of§@n4fr0m ~ \' ?aP<‘$”I'fGI1 th0}1'.,2h* *0 E3554 as ind§a€d¢I am,% as muchfimflfmned '-*waAU%Y‘m3"flllvlflga. With %Ix1%digmatio~n at the” de*tt:Pc aHe §'33.’€‘.fié- *9vC€fid}‘fl%5 %0fV ‘hf 9; ‘lflyté ufixrpcd r Pu W613 ‘ fa perniciotéls rm t1’:1»*.2 F4P:;3b1ick audio inj*uri0usVt,o frny own particularwg in wh£>m5 I m0ti°n may f'—'=‘=m yet more Iizrprifin%g.Wh:¢n I f£.vrtAt1Aru:r&f§1az*am;r4L%<5jz;£:§u,(%€ figsBiiwf«h:§smpniVty ma % V A §€§*:*:§>2e*r§ FM AtVFse*%:*A %?§%£I<;w°@itg; £‘i%éaa;%m1d%% gaffe M ii ‘istmm 9%-c% ' =w‘§mvY@a2rf¢@rdfIr§p§ 3’ 3%: tgfiige gn:3r3n& i gm agpxzm $5,. this % Kimfi mtg.» »3:'§’§__,'§3&3a€.)§§fl§i§.§’3fi&—§‘v§"fi$ -Better '4“ A %:Aw%e;‘;‘ tfmtmm~1fl&{W;*~€21i¢';:£ti%; ,gm¢;A; E 5?ft;"f"~;§3i£1!i}}3.?:'3#Lé;¢’ * »¢‘5'i£fI*fis? p4*¢?M’3VP£*f3:a:4M’Fmi1’::;,flmzarsfi ézmzgy um- f i“se:ae%§A¢i?.a*:é” m'e,?:t'wc: fa mg Fe 51;; .. . A A MyLprds, 1 1aA%rit'a ?.§r<3&x3i ft Ema m“y{s’1r ran fire,’ V :whan[I think 1o::$<:l?“ of fi)%m%any% verruons ‘andm‘£‘¢r:i-= A mrio~usVV»Pce.rs,V%an%dPerfonsand othersofall "ranks; Jib <:;ruc1~?= A i§4!yVandAimpioufly fhcd',‘ou1d cry fo§1vd Wm mdeavou: by ;d<»&'b3tes to 4 bring; game! Cmzn ta aVyg}r¢at4¢-rpcrfbfiiofi, they we fer the mcrfi mg: )!40f%éAfb:% V goppertunity Oftimaiflg thir—‘egSr§ght1y,,Whi~ch A -;._:gmAat gfiitjons m*fimed”remfan betwixt Ga:>0%dam:;§ B,;et:er'; 4 - fisof fiar mm imporr:mc'e then tht“ prVeferenc:;.=.- — accozrdéng go» A " Upon t:hi§ gmumd myc0x1cIuVfi1:inis;that,;wtha‘?% partfwhich % ‘ mam-;frr:;s‘3:hé=: Kitigsd4ca=th i’bci%nrgA%pg.1+t?in rhgwagr .4]pymmrga%43w¢ 4 fimuid procew tothc>{pe£eVdyAgaiimgof this 311 wis:ho4gg% 19... , fisxag any‘ti'mfe "1n em"e:‘1datwns’5~ buttfwe be‘ de:£’t;:23ec! .5056 fa- ta1:a10fs"hsy rw3vCl$ing ifito p5a%tti§cu~1ars, I {Hall in th9;t_¥*éal£}:,vdc- A. . ‘ r*&irc1Ae;;5ve to Aofiéx‘ gm 3.» our4Lai'dMp1s 'jthérein Vmy ’r‘efl.e§g A o.msla;lio.A A L ‘ ' ¢ ’ A “A A