‘.4.~ ‘ “ , ‘ ' ‘. W1" ‘ ‘H U,‘ " " Wu‘, ‘- ‘ J ‘ - ‘. “. ‘ '\ ‘ ‘ _ [v a’ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ W; ‘ ‘ W. ‘ ' ‘ 1‘ ‘ _ ‘ “ j, ‘ v w ' u ‘ - ‘ « - 2 , 3 " , ‘ ' ' ‘j-,1‘ ‘ « y ‘ <2» ‘ " ‘ ’ ‘ ‘”. In | . aw? "m ‘ '> ' ‘ ': , . _ “ « . ‘Y ’ "X ha» " " ‘ ,' ‘ ‘ ' In H y 4 "3 ‘ ‘ ' ' ‘ ’ V n I ». \ ‘ - z ‘ r I ' ‘ E?‘ . . . ..u . ‘ ‘ ‘ . ed at ‘ ‘ ‘_‘ V7 _ “w, ‘ ' ‘ j % A V‘ gm . % V‘ " A fmmwry 33. 1465.9. 9’ f 4 Rderednubytlre Pm¢lz?4¢;2zerw,Tha1: ADfe—.. A G;1fil‘§fi01}1 b€ fq.t’thWi'th%Prin{i§c1é;11C1“4PtIb-J“ T % k L A A ‘ 75 °M=£a$;S“,NVx C-»1iwn4prefcntacives an4d, in tha Ex¢cutiVePWe“1", by their 1c110Vv11;LaW.Sé a11d%judi¢£‘~t:Ory5:% the b.CPc»mcafure mad” SW13»;rd:dft%Lic1*ty% : weir NaViga«tir1~. Fa-1% %:wC0ué“aged and fp1*or‘:notecL Whkh in a1IM¢ozmrc1uies is”fii1iLéd mg krefirmfi. ;}UA"11f«‘. P1‘®t€fi?&fit v g % n bo_c11%%at%luon-m and. abroati owm anal: C@U11t€113T1C¢d5,_W«*11iCh 11rad@rthe’former ;C¢ohfli.t'uti§o;1 as {:1 ”»¢dif‘VV?ith vai11&4;mdi "SuperPcit.ious< Y‘-2 ' ' " If ‘ :s~wz%f%ig:ius»%VC%¢1*®«1;%»‘i%<3iesis “<1 «crrugmt <:*~l;”:i%z*1i¢~‘J»%11Jss%*@ou%clmii::%;* 51mafe+.i,~‘ pron: 2s;li‘},5‘wv%ith:0:.1ta.11y?re.§;arC}*"%1:ad§ :tg.s;-mdA;:%1* Co11fc:iencs:%s,an the ‘.in.1{%@z*s%“A ; €.;the: G0{pe_}, A a%1*1?dA¥.*.§?1::: ?Tr0E;;flf0rsVMtlzexfetafi %%'Wir£fh h.11«'i perfc:<:L1I€d.% % evdl%in.e{:“s itfelf; d*if¢ounte1§a::1%cea% I x ATdtA11‘i*3 Pcata oFt'hi»1gsf did Q1165 P%é1?lLa%;»&i’ ‘e, A mam: judge it" t‘%2-six? to v~briin»g9~ t—{?7xi:g ¢an&% ation, A‘ and the i71*€:e péOpV1%e1§h6»re o 1t10TAm¥‘1,and c9.1%1%reafi1%1a131y "dub»t;,~“ “t~» at 4 j 11g before this time: ,T P~a.r}Aia*m$en*t% . thmuh A theffazne go" bd V and‘"{gr3,cius L r%efem':e% {mad acci n1%pa%niedA‘»tA‘ dicrtaigings) 5 would hazve accom1i(he ¢ their n.t6fiti0I1 s i11t hefc. things, Aanclfat-«-V 1ed?d*:’1c* ommbfi-«*Wea1€11A u on the anc1~VFound»ation‘*s; %Aorefaid, if my bad ifxgnt bjcenf%o&enir1térrupted5 handthemw E)?‘ %Pr=e%ve11ted Vhithelttca om oir71g*« that; % which ‘\ I Meg” ‘ 4 ,4 ,:, , M:ai%$:§»2a§%’WVa§’ me A A %a;.11d%:mtem fi1?fl%1GF cl1*m1xt4l;a;e»%Arts. z ;; filld {yet th*,e‘ :éirl*ia:mA£m m1*ty1.u1: . t3k¢&& ilzowticef thsfi Artifims *~t %:‘iT§p’f@IIt ;t},:1J_t"fi1" i1‘Lta€.*I?1t[i 3;, i~r:~-«=% £ub;e*&%«A%rhe peple x graimy P40We13:%Va11£“Im ~¢AGV@rI1 thé g jC(3..’: 4.; A An ;1.t;]j: mag¢g1?s;:~»i§ ;i?:;;, ig1}01j ' .n7“;;o2ne; handg, %Tl:za.t*they_aa'fe eneziaies‘ t ‘A ¢ «iA11i;{h:yA%, 1:h;e.ir %:I%/l«a:m1te ziafimme 1 _ '4 gt t'I'mCL M 11i%vm*fi.%tiur§4d "L em:~%a;%1;;é W «A ~ <8) 4 clif-»afYaé1: the pfcc§p‘a<:[ com-. Par1i»amen_t,* are \‘ {Each 3, who by *fP$:.cAiouS A t‘eGte11{‘es ~»vou1ci1-1x{’cP11cout their CV65, rim t§;1€Y L migl1t¢not fee the Way.to thx?,ir0‘»Vn true liberty, and tiienbring A;he~:n%%b;::.ck again A intotheinold Afervitude... VA The Par1iamcnt4 thei*ef°or-c , to ~%0r1_1it nothing in .theif power that may nude» ceive h®ne{’c andwzzll meaning men, % Wllerfiifl > ‘ 1113.)’ have i;houg11t it } ilecelfary i1i44th%isA¢ cong- junélvure ofTifne“%%an Affairs, 4 1:069- A Clara ‘%af.nd1\/M1a;t1ifcPc% ( as they do%here»? A by Wha.t~t11séira Intentions are ,; }as %to GOVCI‘1’lm6nt ofthefcB[ations,%%wit; {omit 0thc:r particulars V rclatlng “the-raw (through the Gcéodnefsan dM A1-QGZEIICC, ~ dfG0d 4:€DA rfemin C011 ‘é1f1t;_%afld 1:11:11-+-’ A moveablm Stfat€a’Wil*7?0Wfl? i dfid19y* Mflqém 1* T774’? #96 "P arlxame ’WiW..“‘~4:;-T wide fwtbfi?if/5t0pWtféc?t*ivwemw in %/vial? dredlready Wafer fer-— 1mg #96 Cmrzxerzameizt of tévefe WW3 47¢ 5/96 Teofiie f7~Weof‘in the may Ofcl ,p_wef‘a1t_+h zm ¢z' am :56) WW6 ovmwd fmw 50 rim b1i«:r€fe%ntat%%ves l'fiPa1’M%7--; cbAf¢n&yr1Wzf@Ives,in Wm: kdlww €75*65”PWd?”/WI/5%’Wfgéaf t/2~c1fe~ Wis d0fbMd 0i».tg7at to: ;»~eflA A 4% evvist/963411 azpmt%M Md Confltrm 45 zcm «Md Mimflers t]?€ 60 W F/Mi %f7?6’ ‘P :"/id M82251 W/Z WWW that V Vmtoafwgm five rim?» Wd%W$€€5*0fV?*’:'>?;€ NétEZ0.%I,54 m MCI?! A what Wylie/% zrflva%!lJée/ma m 33€@6.f€Wfi79‘€¢?z omzzzzy aJfz?/svmtsaé m Y3 £16522" kgpfi fipfor F‘;i175'S“¢f‘?t3’0f 5% Com” 4 monxmllwszbey vmzy he W9o!1,vf»tb-- 166$ .dfiZCi';,0£3a'i€}2tZ0 the zvil AW/:2"o»~;— ¢ % V ;%fZ’.i’9‘ez*e£>c:{i;¢‘g%%¢2oziIyi;¢‘g moreeflenie r‘i.4i‘t0 2‘/be Ereedome of a State, than 11%;» t/Be people fléould be g%0vernedTéj tlae"»L%aw%c%-s&,« cmd 1:/oat 57%/Ziceb%e*¢4d~’ mz-mflred [7 52 f Mari? 072(3)» fat: are ac¢omp:~ able % far maleaadmzzzz mz‘2on%; It 4 iéercéy farther‘ eclmd;,% Tim? M froceedings touching l"]9 '”6 I4l’~'V6’S:, .&ern‘e;,; Md Efizzm of the «Frey 60}? k» oftelyis Comn*10n%wea1t*h%%,]7m;€l 561 acc0z~dz'2¢;;to rt/ms? Lcm7:o% M:.l¢ef‘*Lmd.%: aid t/Eigzfrfyg M Parliament‘7 1’ ’ hot" mea’d1e 2272‘: /:2£79eVorcii7zz1?jadmini/%rzz=-%=~[ 2?i;z,0:-'6 2*‘/aiek executive part “of 4t/93* 31-» 35W It lvmzz f5€PI‘iflcip4l'care of ffiifmf it IWa“‘19een%ofa/iformer 1:1:;2a‘*;‘2%eaf:‘zas,z?o pmvide fb rV%t/7efi¢@edame~%~ %[9*" A A A W ‘ A” the people azgem/i eee2_eeerzezej8’ez2e g0,UE,,,mw¢.A ¢ izem/elm.eeee3weil1nz%2&,ee;« %e='i%»’47l pro‘7Wf,*be,’efor:t/ye om:eeezm;erCi;eg of 4 V L%edMeed med 91’,i0z¢e -Geoélwzezifflry tlmmglaall the e e mfoezs, and for tlye eeza0m'a_gm%ge% Lewd »eprateé?i;eg them 1'” thee ‘W0?/g~0f ezlm-_,«« izzzf/Z2) egeieefldifieelvmzees. ed 4; ea te;Jeze“ maizzeeimece, t7emfb_y Tytl‘1;esflJd!Z£ve eem‘im-zed,,ezTt ebez'~;z_g aelreatafy eflabliflaed 3» Law, and 453 »im't efelf the emo cw» ziczin eomveizieiet and 21:0 mfo rtczble way of =mcZl‘i¢t6i2*d}¢C6’, teat in e/:36 fzedg memzie aft/ye Par1i;.m1ente»4ce¢zzzeefezttled.flied therefore they do «expeéiedndreqpzire, T/Mt: ~tbej"z/»dges, fie”/H1065 of ::;;t£.7'e’ eace, and oet/oer: ‘R7/eom it ecozecernsm; do te!<”“eaaee,etlaa:% t/96 Laws touching, A the f amebe pm izaefifeéhzalweexecuw ezon, : ziedforeaezzrtlaer increafiw‘ M E Z md?112l'l~e‘- 4 mdimf 64mm‘ 6.’ tlfeflatia bawz¢w'c2§'e>92/2¢i“%_%y: fettled wpozcz preaclmag ..7k4mzfiws, T/aePar1*ia:11entat»?a% %eciawe;:E”£mz wzbef";~2;1.1gz’ner1t£M:Ai”0r.aLs&j> t§::6A Empzfebw riatiorxs atlcxa M36 i 11113351, %ean%s moi %Ai;ha;pter%s 3, ma’ ue@:aAtsrmz: " cagwpwnded for, Wfl'c.f‘Xl:'k€-'1! ’E%1vifeZ23: *"3""mt1a34a«d ”Firfl~P1"L1its, WIc%féi22g fli/53%’: be dz;/?rz'Wfe%d% in fm5}9$¢mm2ex, Am they ~ J w “' fyflr ‘E P appized to /3 Woes flaw ?%?ec%’a';, zimz "erveqy plcwe‘ the 4«J .d“ WC m*¢£g%ew;gM£ Ad2?%%0¢2gV them 4 g%z%azzm;ramav % 1 % A daze’ Az7e‘awr;y» C m ,(“fc¢:*i.:mce% :34/1 fie %mtz‘2¢:¢eda;e /’m‘\lea'M0n V02" zzI£‘Ac~‘7ied f:¢‘0v1v2«2t Mt Mfg ; Md A _ aw let/96 _g aodkgowfwfg ft V e m:"clma3> ‘Muse 61% "eo7<;2fo‘»art(;z+l mv elzgz0:z,accMtz¢\g t the 0f‘ ”[_; ., 4« Abs * ' ‘T/mt £196} MpI1'3}0[dWl‘ .576 L mafia 022633,; czz£z7.w;:€deV to F z*:'¢%e:*4224 the ‘1’.m“viiedg65 dfid..fl.§Z?dfiET4g€: filmy '0/C 351%’ % % .. klves to f #61? fiozsmcelsasid Macias, } gm é_pzz/Imlz éaereaqy to 35%‘ *’arlimrze‘m~T do SDeclare,”% # _ 2%.’? A &i?z"W2«*%2%z*z65gctA:'2Swaols @fff¢’f§l...;clfi?d,~ them Mia ~fm'ti:»m* Cozmt em;me*eAa;n«2ay Emc0z¢r4g6 tlmm 1~fll‘i96‘$f 3'mdzr3y3a2¢ ‘Promzgziv Q7odl:'mefr, L€aW¢z;gg,awd Qooeizkdazémcars msvzzwg/% z:~£z=m¢.4 A we ‘P¢2rZia;«2+2e2zz+ ?§ez':rzf,;"vc:wf;2 rm... ~ fléfe 0f£79l@&s:§r@d£1)€"Ct{y of the ‘T czVtéw«zs, will dppg 4 H9€m+~ as fImZH98 oma:A¢ ma ~ pm M’ both for my re/lomzg mm’ Marga/{mg tfiwerao fwafgimga That there as no omtlxin m %th%eMVAff;2i1‘s’ of State rrxore 1zn‘.r;gm£t0 %tI1.<2VaFe}Ea:1%e, V ;;%t1*cz'zgtl1, %~Str%ength,,.and Glor (I4) yof aCommon~ wealth, efpecially of this being an lfland, t‘hen4 the En~C0u1‘ag~ement of TraAdeand Navigation. [ it to time wps/ejmt 1T>’zzrtl2e;¢.5 Waicb are upon the .7\( qzti 0¢z,,‘1'”ke Parn- liamc?;¢tis "very few; /{Z216 thereof, and of tlaofe E:><:t.ra'vagm.2t Comzcels am! :- ti;w=~g%zzilt :21?/vwéof T will 2101: re/% zzpom xfom‘ 3?ax39id9 lmv7éz;¢g»agedtl7e .7\(:;».;z---'4 mag 2;»; f0 great at elm: and Charga;-9 tr!.78m._,, I/90/43.52 dye fD.ct22-g-67' =¢md}§7.'3w‘~ I/96% tiiefleof (30%. fl7zd.z1t4.is023*6 the f% Cam? they imve z¢p0z¢ tlamr, A /1709}? to gave l”‘r£J6’f‘1)€0Pl6 l“/9'41? EdfeA M255/ow ram C omdizimz icczils for , and 4%o%%pro?vzdef0r t/oeir S afetj, and 472+»- IV/ae prefszmg meceflczrzesyof rim .,9»m.t E .3 I4’/"loic.79 tbe ‘T’ drlidmemt lmpes ‘fir 1%.! [arm me.4fz4reAzoMdo% M «*1 T26?jJifl’JC?'t fame; .223?-2.642]-6 we zmvea %o72.cz5le:_k fdiiifdfiiéiés (I6) fm;fazfi‘50m mi zmgm/en; .21/Fr'i;2gs of mzqi/zzet ¢mei¢ do not C ozztizme I/ac [barge longer t/2622 otberwifew ml! be izeceffdry. .._._._u l\/Iunday, fan. 223.1659. .‘R;a'ered1éyt/ye ‘P ar/%iament,T11at% thisA9Decla:mtio7z ‘be forthwigh Printed and Pubhfhed. Thoma: St.J\[ic/901,1: Clerk of t11ePar1iament.» XOWOW-;» i~.mI€d'bY f0l9{¢ Strecztenj andfo/9'22 Macock? Printers to the zzrliameim 16'; 9..