K E A “OF THE ' . N {E of Commons Made unto the H ‘P IN THE A %3dr2gueting«—Houfe at W /aite/M11"; W November 9.1660. A = » Printgdfiby fab» 3illPrintcr to the KAI N G S ‘ _ A AExcelIent Majei’sy.. A A ¢ A ‘ —_ 1» ‘ ' 5. V _A. ......‘ -m .. _.... %Made u11to?the K 1 N G in the ‘Banqueting; ' Hrmflaat W/site/Mil: 16 6 9. A ‘Maj? Gmtiom and Royal So*veraz;gm A -;, F I had {ha com» f;_;:, ma11d of as Inany“ "; L .flT0flgL1C5; as Y0111‘ ‘ u ' ‘ ) m ,. H -,‘ .V V‘ R‘ . ,,a ‘VJ ‘ “ ‘_ ‘. ‘ 1‘ L “ “L , s R. _ ‘ _ ‘ N) ! 1‘ , fl { I “ "_ ,.‘ V ‘ 3-wit H» “ ‘ n ‘ i W .- J "‘ ‘M EU 0‘ ,:v 3 {NW N ‘ ~ » ‘ V 9 . % %. I % ..m,,:«;.« V M A as mat"; 0 F‘ . I .4 , 't,“‘\N. ' N‘ , _ «' . ‘ ‘I , II » J >¢;;%J Hearts 9 cduld W " cxprcfs % the Hg r 4 ~ [ Tl1a,n1 OHS , Afczirx , wherei11i tYQu1*v—Majefiy hath pm... vicled wholefom Fodcl fer all clean%Stomachs, "{’crong l\/lea_tfortfucl1* as are able to bear it, ‘allowing them theule iofoui" C‘il]1l)”Cl1 Li.» tu1“gy.,fi together ‘wiitl1i”ecomelyr‘ Vefiinents , Ornaments , and Ceremonies in the Service a1idVVorll1ip of God 3 last likewife Milltfor tentcle1* Babes,» clifpencing with tl1eirCo11- forinity iii” fuch Matters a11dTl1i1igs,” as are not [0 mucl1 ofi"til1e‘Subf’c2£i1cei’a°i”nd Ellence of Fair/.2 a11d;‘Relz'giQrz, W gas ,§Qif%Decenec:y and Be»- comingnels 3 which giveth ial:>unclant fatisfa.- ‘ €tio11 to» all peacieable,fl3er’miniclied Men,a11d eclaration concerning Eicclei/z}zflz'caiZ fuel‘: :.1sa1"e truly Religious: For thofe that ] A are really and truly fa, twill finde themf elves bound ever in Conflience to the @l:>l~erVation¢ t and praétice of that excellent Lefloii taught us by‘ the flpo/Z1e,‘i which is, Sapere adtempe.-il mntiaim (9“lSparmm ornare, with a Vade m 69* flu: fimile. “As forthole that have foul Sto.» lmachs, orlrather foul iHearts, and will be pleafed with nothing, unlefi they may have A ~ a Licent ious Liberty, Lilzermtem perditionix, aieLiberty Le em pozzere owlzls, minime cogi» ;-tzz_Iéte;¢~ltqziodi zzntipedésg lt1\/len ef turbulent’ ~ Spirits , Ian diPturibe1*sifi lot" the]Peace, ancl Civil iGoivern'ment of Your?Naition,iY our i Deelaration ‘ ' eclaration takes no”cafre of 5') tihieii1'*i for they will in deecll better elfie‘ Your Majefties penavnce arrdpuni‘fl1nrent ; then Your pity and iz1dt11‘ge1ace~.l l r ; r , ~ floydl 5% , Thii end of thi§‘hunrhle”" drels at thisitirne is to a;1Tu1;eiYotm4 Majéfiy, That Your‘ Grat>ious_ eclaration”do.th; general fattisfaétion“ 5 arid‘I‘~am‘coti1lna{i1¢1¢;1 byyourCorr'1tnons "11o*w AHTenihl*é2:l*”ifiiPiaii‘¥- liament‘ , to preifenttYot1r Majefiyriiiwvit "iiilas general Tha‘njl