1 His}P%afsi11g of tlie A % A: 4 ; f2‘‘I:ae 29.of A1Ms1gt1B:£vé.t/def mm? 0#T‘V%L;0?F£1.I66G;:.. . V ‘ _ Hwézwd and T 130'. Néwcomfi ..%Prih:c%i:s~» *‘,PEAKERohm% 1% ofifé gf Cmmom’ V A ' I iMad~e III-1itot.I1e[ A %I1utI1e‘HoufeiofLOi-R S, at r av- H ‘I,’ V) '4 1:herein méncioned, “ L N1>0N,%f7 3 A A g;1;o_thcHoufe%%ofVC0mm@ns,_.dzmo %I66@.4..% , .r'-av,‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ .~.b ‘ ,‘ » “ ‘.'n ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ‘guy - _ ‘ , c1m1;;¢11 ‘K 3%. ‘T ' ‘ ;’ V "W ‘x % «W. . ,\ ; r‘‘Vj1j,_:;:” 4 Vi,-‘ff, '%:'”"'”:’_.?'”E ,5,“ wr 40f til1c;Houfe of C‘0~2.*r'¢i%¢;',0*%wrr1',.tg1_%c1«: %L;m»% E0 thé*King..it11e« 9 *0F%%i;gf¢f¥;, k [ %%V‘3r‘3W°F3 35 . éfid; ;I;h;€i;‘ lfitlim‘ EWK fibff “ ”w121ch§hey44gov¢m<=d.. ” 1‘he%grear :a(ha"¢inO£%“hWf'i'r‘¢¢- God; conveyed divine,ihté1w Iig¢:n¢¢%.%inab«Your mien: andP1oAus sggxgrmftaughtym» h‘owLAbyfufi'¢r1ngfor L13, Atoydcl1:Ve1iA; Us iLf{f1:'0m ..ou1:fa I ufiegrin A Oi§mi11iymdhéth)s4IinCé3E}2g!d72a’Wa§Vbuc :z:;gr€a1:.:¢*; . P145033 Wh¢I‘¢ .th.W9r£%,0f’7 'In€m?We1%é“0Ur t¢€s~,g and ,f.<&:tYo_ur I5?eoplgei%az'1iiLt$ké14:~téy* Wh%én%Vii1eit1i<:rf 13bwer, ~ %Po1icy s:.ou1=d %é&"eé% Vim»: $0" £’ooz-1 : 3“ asf'Yézii' Maj”e°"{{y “fet7Yo.ur:. Eoowt upjon ourEng1i1h~‘fl1c3re,f A our Prifon uwas turned inm aP.1r:.1dic{;: of -I>le;.1fu"eJ, and A A %theWI1oIAe Nation fi1l’dwith Joy, .2m%.§LOVe,4w%a:1d. I§*e;££;‘c.% M > I, .. V P5. PI€§::ti“ éfillkfi-11 H€3F‘55~*3-V 1113.5 thi53’*fd€fiAre izhii M " ‘ (D T3‘;-¢ 152 ‘L’ ” m01‘Y* fiféreof %11ai%§;5;ht:be parp e:qacéd%: 5,; and f thWere;’or~e they 2 _ A hafTV§¢ Md itamongfl their cheaicefl: _T%ewc-:13, and annaexzt j’ A étd~%%B1e11i9g~% abxea;dy~~%r¢gi&1~e;;iin; Ydfir A ;:z—;e 2‘-‘ . ,z.c.V;. m it t0th¢irM4g#¢ Wrids WhiG‘1§h€Y ar¢%wi1*i%ng top-awn IIIICO R A . A : forget zmgc %“*V***‘“~“%” AA"f0Ifcfi§1£“‘t%1.1t 311. 5 fair fl.%€zW€1‘$s%A ‘M . as wear i?n:%1V Yh‘€I'r;*Ia‘ic1e of D%efefiéd6X%€bf»“F A A A A A - fo tl1e“A%fi~t1*t1~tH“of%V"it; oilf hap~p&neAfS; “ N*ieithérCf11’é highefl: :4Provoca:ior1sL, ~nofrAtI1e A rongeftAT¢wn3p-tatipns , “ thggc em-31+ . ous Faxth, , Vnor; abate Your holy Zeal;W.ltI1§.fS,YQ;,1r%firI‘c V s;;,VfAAm%mg .9cJ;Youmany»I11qmiou;titles;xvlggchlike A darn. be-+d«c%4V Your i§3YC2l1i~rA%I7*I"0nAo1f, » ?aft?e;t»: 2‘YQur@f»<3£§1ivAn yo the exercire 91A? Your Regal %Pewsr;MY§m4¢ax1YaQd t*%:;I1€13:Afu12prefiinl?1=®phan€n~efs» ,aiiH”&1fcfdqhcén‘a@;c1ng d‘e;bafic§ht A perfbfié who know not how to ¢> - Milxisnimex, _v}f1th"%i0yfn»1‘i:aV¢a‘r,4:$, tqmakeQm~"hum1BJc#w'*% “dx-effefi %1mto4YWAMai€fi*Y,§A*afi¥i;*W* 'a1‘WéimP‘ of %our proicefidings A%PaAriament4,%Vf*.Wm M A {pent A ur whole timmapQn%A P A 4 Ilicli IB;i1Is_ Alxvejrmuft I %c0nfe{§fo'f VEFY %g15f%fl£4 €G0fiC€mm6mm Yfl011r4 and .all Your Peovpl;e,;;arl”e%-n.0Ttd yet ripe; ndrb1—uhctdp.e1~fb&i~ A%vQVni;:%4~ BAu‘t"n*h0u,gli1iL@ mi here, which attend:~flIid wai1:forfYour Majcfiies R_o5m1~Af«- Vfenm andjl fl1al1_‘humb1~ybegfthe favQr»Lone.1y: blit to much ~ ;lup%q;1,fofi¢o£Anhfhofmofi %p_ublick J A%;%%¢once;rn1nc%m:_~ 54 by 4} J - in A for the Coflfimwfionvtaf §75wdz'ci41Pram?dings me fcopc. % % ‘A .5 which VVNi;s§tl_‘1e wriyito *qme.t; their mind~es‘.-, anc1wh‘e»n‘¢*A¢t¢h‘éir %mindés«4a1-oe at r;e£t,A% wtherse W111 benofear Qf their .bréa.king the %;~,¢,; forfeiting V their%GoOd-+behavior. any *1i1{1*e%i11 4 1‘ ’£ ‘/ %ritious miI1*d;es , %whf0'fe Canfciemcs ;*aAs4Largeas:‘hei%rA Bag$a¢ Wi115€:a gzzeat ezacfe ti0:uY0ur PWP1€a smdi an inabIe- ‘m€;11§,,;“j._tg~r%Y@;?a;7; §tn§hmts4%~ 5% nicer tog omwithniacn: A :A,,,TheAy a1‘eth64 aL?a.;bg@r;iii®h1s% Baes‘:hat,bIinginAHoney A dff@t!€s,~%~fh9+%I’%Your ‘Hivwf the4HonV * . é» J Thane ;iritoYout‘ Mfiififfies I-E{'ivfe and ‘arc;rhe41a4zy?, .. '3)“ 4 pya:»41;»bmz+uer{arymmzargzvzisgeg {$4 52 omiqye mi‘ Imp Aupmtlye29«afx~M;1yy;: 1:;.yy ch anGvadhgymreifisms pLe‘.-111. R ed‘ tohoxlo sand 5adom 4-with’ 21‘ addi«t»i‘Qn3.l S9EZi“T,“,f1&V‘e r fecynbtéfore nor fiance;-4 -a~Sc;n‘ 0% r:1yr=:;wa§py:€t,. whiphy de- C1I1,r’d t’oya1l;y=tAhe*w'or‘ldya‘t¥onc¢.y.wyth¢ *1-13P£’Y[nesvs'of' Your A M:ij':;*yflieS.y; B1611‘ efl N.;1imrTz.ty .‘ Ami ~ ’w~a?sy Yput M:ajg~_ fli¢SqyBirth-day%,;Vfo it 5*‘ the my of y-yR€ff‘~:iur3‘cioxi:a‘ W up YburK1ngd4o:ris», 4 Pitrhayrnyent My, ‘and'TPeop1{e:y A llkewzfeythe day“ of Your Peoples1*e~Crearion »ou,co£a ‘Chaosof conféufion and mifcyry, "Ahdy“£her~¢§Ore ftheyy humbly pray-, A’ That not only we (forthere % ywyouldy A need \n n,o_y.A,&foryth1h: {o'1ong’as wAeyyIyiv'e~) bt1c’t!1;:1;:'our pofl:’eri—- I ty, and t"he3gES7th1t fl1_1l1“fi1cceed u«s‘,»m,;ghcE “r eveyry~b%:y Q Qbligeyd y:co={c;arpar;y;hacyday., as-a Ho1ydé.v,:yy ‘tbyyd C£fiC3.15C:. £he1ruPra'{fesyii1dyThankyfgivxngsflp!1nt"OP§‘migyhcy Gcbd» fbr his %mir:;c}u1oyus Deliverancwc-yyyof ythisypoof yNac"i4on, . whim it ,1a'yyin.du€t and afl1es51nAa mofi-miferyabyle, defp_g- ~ A rate,‘,forlom, ‘andvdeplorableycondiuon; A * * A y ;'I‘»hereisTanof:hé1:*B‘i115 E'mi‘t»u1ed, pf 21714531 Genera! yPm’~dm, ,Ifl't¥€?4iPfiit]‘ and 0?£vli¢2t’on; may« wen A —be*c2iHcAd,a L _Fre?er Pardon _for1Ym1%1?7 yM1i€f%'Y“ W45 Piéaféd tioyyeffcyric befarcy ‘we‘hyad7 cyonfl«:ie‘nrceyyenyough 4 and a,t.a.tim‘e wVhAeny Ymi1raPe Jple,hadymoflme»e»_$i-of~j”’i4t»~:y * v And in may uiysy trVu~ly , be called ‘ay Géd‘éra1VPard0‘n-5’§§ ‘jrc-~!. 1 fpeéf of ‘the;e:xtenyyfiirenefs.~ c:sf«.~.i€1t [ BEE. ~AIooy=’;s: Ina” ova-r*yy~a* 1ong5Ab1ayck‘, A yprodigious,’ difmal 7RoI1aymd‘Cifalyogue of I «Maleytacfiiors, we’ there In-estihot w1tvh.ymé‘n, butyMonfters, -‘ A A guilty ~of7B1oo«d,PreciouisHBt1bQd;. Precid”u5yRoyya1?yB1bo;*_d‘:,4 A nevefgto be re’meimbnedy ywithouty te3rs’;yyinc{am para"b1ey Ainy % 4 all the kindes» of Vilmiy than ever ’ViVa'sy 3<5’¢*4§di%byf% the Worfl 3 A yn£.Miyfcrcancs, penvercers of y‘R:e11gi1on;- . fubverxzers of ~Gya-+ vc2:nrn'cnr~,- Man&"”pE:1"”fi'd¥ou§‘fto”tfitei? “*C oun"trey+:°: I ('7 ) vernmcnt, bfal-tfe,»t0eGod, .difl.oj*a1ro_é 19¢“ t!*’VT ¢:111éttt:°A¥1i”§¥* ABi‘11h€¢§€in"m¥ Wlticfa‘ A I eomlti 7a"neTed~ to prefent A Your M aj.e1‘ty¢wit;tIt+g all; A ” 4, A -‘b t» 1w~‘m:g1t:;t taeoumayfee ~41"_:{ct':¥ifi&cyes,t to appaate; ‘aooqs r A ]€0yal‘Sz'r, Yo1u*Comu1ot1s, tihe.eKtnight3,ACitizen;Sandt Burgefles nofwyuffembled in Parliantettt, taking ‘into confi- A. A‘dez-ation thegreat and yunfupportable Burden ofttlte mies 2md’%NaVy,thatV your people do now groaneunder; ztttd-knowing, as Monyr is the finews of War, “foyastthet State of Px_fl:11i1_H'SQOVX7PC3I1d'3t.V{hat ’tiS1Ik€Wif€7th€ beam» udz'zzmA that can usid ingoifdyer to the attaining "that end; \K’€bCi\z*€._.Ei1I fo nuuclt ydefirtedsundfo long prayd for,The fet-A 1 . tlement of uHappy VP ezticeg, and x11er’ef0re they have pal?-A -fed this Bill Entituledg fife: 2z’1A.fpem’y Pmvifim of J‘a’é‘?'7L’Z’,’ M fayzfl Md diibztfidall Mqyforces of 2‘/72;: t.1'€z';2g—~ dam at/1 éy Sm ‘tt72’d_Ld7Zd:,' upon which they hope fuchrzt Sum ‘viV.11‘l)‘€V53d‘.-Va:I1‘bCn@&"‘a brought in, as 5m aybe fuffictient fullytlo C1(ifCI?'.31fg€€13dCfi{P3tCh that ~wo;u~kt .;.And they A I1‘umblyyp‘xatyYour M a jefiies ‘gracious avcceptta nce=tt1:~ereof, tend hYOI1g§“Ryyya13ff€nt tl~:ereunto. ~ Ianttfuttlaertoy iufoxm enduffute yourAMajefly&,” thzit A yYou§rypeop}e h:tve?pufl?ed an other Supply ‘.3 nd Rtevenuet A unto:7you1~ 7M:3j€fly, Awhtkh A {cit fiumoutntetlt all t~l1ey‘%h:.we " iaaéniithéfi pi11*f€s.A A already clonein v;itIu»e, AA zmd tb yis,,t~ttheir Hearts and At? A fe&i0ns:ut‘havi“ngtt11eirl1e:ut:s,Ayour Majefiy may cyC’m-- Mott ‘D (5) A rem: isa«:w;z:~+~,’? % nothing @3613 Orwiisk at this tim€,A but Yéiur Ma},efl:'ies¢ gracious favor, fo%foon‘jas y0!1f S "€fViC€," and the;P1-iblick AAflF’ aii*AsL W‘11%P6fmita A A that AW? might ha-V¢1eave ‘tbA»g0 " into ourA Countries» Where We fl1311m3~k€\Y0ur peoplgfenfible of their yhappin%efs,_ it-1* l1aving.[f1J.cl1L$a Kingtp F1; and W15 ow-‘th€m.a and%%$%#*’¢ Préife Y°“fMaiefiY»f@ Iikexwae rd P1‘3Y f01"y0u-IAMa:eft>za.th&t3z0§1%may L1vqei1ong,addR%eign. rarofrzcreufly;