. § ~. ,*.’ .7 % ~ . *3” I . 6 3:: /' . _ M’ I4!//.f ,,\$<*$\‘~:‘.‘§\‘.« . ., ‘ \ V . . Q ‘ M§>\~4-\\.\s\‘3§.‘$.\': ' M ex common» H0 LDEN Thefirffdayoffldqz)/I66. Rdcred by this Ceurt that‘ the King: J14 ajeflie: Letter and De»- claration dircdted tothis” Court, 8: now read,bc forthwith printed :3: publifhcd, Sadlgr. “ A Printed by4§54me*3 Flcflaer, Printer :0 the Honda? A 7 A table City of London, 16_%6o.V . ¢ A ~ uf’cy:and W61-beloved % 4%Revoz’zztz'07z;Lb7bi£b bflzém /mwbzzp«-.- 1v§’7zea’¢i7zt/Jazz 01.476 Kingdome to t/M? mwzdrr %4z7v7zaz{emz9/zzaf all tb6’.l170”7?[d,; tb6’7”25?Z'J%_‘ none4zmVVe:/mm.1az;%»eegmm mm mm ‘~C'”"’f07”1'*={%1»*/?‘«’?zAz:b/iffl»%fi”5W”t?l?ld]7”*5W vz:tioazs%%La% £irZzfiE*c7t'ia7z.f M Uviiz 25f/J6 ~City ¢ of Lonon, m/927;/9 rbzztb exmdingbz nzifizi Oar Spz'rz'tx,mza7. 14:27/§z‘cb,’7za 4/m.«,h,‘bazb V jnfmetti fi*m2z&Z/J1?5pirit waf WG]az.izz7z"d. \ /J13 exzrdordinfl 1 2; mm} #to tb(:Nzzti0‘zz,. %m/J23;/.9 éb-fltb M72 erzwzmzgad you; your gay ‘t°x4lmple4taA zzflErt t/mt Gaw’7f7zme7zt* tender /MM /7!é7l6”l'f6Zl@'}6*tl7?IA9¢:6’j V ; T; V ‘ 4 4‘ ‘ « . £5107; £2-».: E : aw; ~33» A fig *~,< , . ‘ i.‘ i _‘ ‘ W N‘ I it; ‘Wt: ‘,';‘5W.. M ‘m‘ ‘jg’, _‘ ,5’ '. 5 . M‘ ,, 23 I‘: "'_.‘._-»‘.»”,‘,.j*.f' Q..*:. J“. . “x‘ " ‘H “A A 4!;/dfié Oz; 42 Gavzirzzrzzgrzfi % . — V ‘ ' .. . ‘N 3 3 ‘:3 "‘-" ¥‘ ‘V . .1 7:3 ' . ”‘ *3 F. ‘ *5 ‘ “ e . ~. v ‘ » 5‘ “=3; % «rm 3! mm may ~*z732§2*.' 2:5 ; E’ ,.:'<.:I '‘ X.‘ ,’ L K A ’ . 7 ‘K ‘-3. V X‘ vs’. ‘V ‘ 5 . - <9 If ,9 1'16: ‘ it ‘ j ‘ ‘ R m 1; MM ‘ \‘.~, ‘C m ‘. , {gs . I’ *5 ,5 ;.«,.,. a m 1*.» ' " 3 3. §~,“;:‘w_W:. _-, ‘.2: V ‘ 3 I “J” . +4: & 3 , .";i” ' >"»" W . A - ‘ , " - ‘ V“, . _~..«~ts:)c\Lfi§3“ '.lI*-w."- V ~ 72 A ~ % mt: A ‘ “ at W‘ ‘ ' « «V H ‘ 1 mu“ ‘' ‘\ ‘ ”\. M5,) -. .‘ "‘...,': I ‘=25 ~ u 0. __ »V)V' ‘ ’ ' V ufviée - V > > I} V f5Z?5r=yz3tX7e¢2é?aia 223% :?:%2K:n>é?:Zz§ m!c§;v;r‘v«%¢za:7Z*%z7tF72>’;W: tfiébi 7zo“w3f2*'7m[l2fa« Aim: Jammy: . % % " Zflfl§?Z5 ‘“ ma .z,z¢’ 6.j~V M Iowntriézaig M Vizfzljav Ma/Ezigii/zizzgpt/95;}25&}z2:&”*L 2?2gé1§;2im£LA gz ‘§(2z22i%ASgzZ‘f5;%‘£;5. mzftfrazitfkrfiéak % A ‘ ‘ . ~ -It E .1“ 2 ,. ~‘ .-1; y 2 .‘ ~9,_~ ‘A; V ‘ « ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I. 14 ‘ ,» ‘<2 ' _' > ,, |,:‘>| ‘ H > V >"f,»ta ‘ . ‘ I W A 2f2§xzgz;a;~‘256%£adz2. ;é.e?A'>¢2zgf.5*%’;§wz3wz2?§ -‘W ‘ “ !_ w , 6 M ‘tv M \ t }. & MC" I “ ‘ ‘J ‘V "M"-». Q Ma "J; ‘E; ‘T7; aw 41'" H ‘A’ VN ‘M . VA % . ~ V '1 W??5€10‘W4‘G;”{%7l t/2e%;1;W om; 019.4 % 4224"‘ big;a:;y¢z2a’“%m%Zé&la*pz%ii 331‘ ’%.Gwzflméc’zz‘AEof 04¢ ed»;/§é~¢zzM% ta, 5.l.’5f[3:'3?; 57§'; yaw;=%%¢*2zmg¢z¢i{wz:/9@zj{az4a¢’ mzdfll % M43“ “P (aw V “W “é%;51”"$‘%’@’L‘7’“7”2w”}Ti.%“’é"”"” ””%’*’%%.;%J”W4""'?‘ ‘F W fiMw§.% '5 - H 73;‘ n W ' 4 .. h .. ‘ w‘ ‘ ,. ~. u H 19’ \ ~ * I‘ U “ I I K ‘ ‘ “ '@%%z%'mz » A . » ~ "“» . h F u V w W‘ "“ N. “‘ ‘ M)‘ , 1‘-‘ G‘ H ) u £3’. "‘!lfi\4&' . A‘ _‘ ~ ‘ V "aw ‘ ' Q’ ‘ '7' - J ‘M, ‘ V ‘ , an‘ 1 -_ 1 3‘. ,3 \ V: . .—*v.H”¢ '1» ‘J’ Q % 1’ % V” "4 _‘,,,.~ = w"~:* % _'f ‘ ; % 5: ,4; % - 7'! " ‘ '0 -v ,_ N ‘ M Zm’£fi7g'5 % % %' 4t v- a: advzmté WA»; Mavezbaz zz/M V éawirlwt A exzrmeraamr ki mg dll:mmta§*mm;* Ur mizb M4“ “ ~tenz!e¢>nc{£.iéz A dam€nta!L”zm’a5x ta%tb4a‘Rmrme ,5 xbem, zmd (WV tbs: 5 21* fmtian flpérzdi: }/azérfwll in m bzzppinéf5?, and we ?‘773]’?”0?%l'7@g@~i.t':5)i Oarparnmr qfléfiliwi ta zz a*zzam1 ;a72%%%2;?zi‘* %azz&t%%;o ;énj ” king _Iz*»‘; ’m2:mz1~_omzZZ men%;Mée am « 1 doméik general, f0'n3.w§0M’ld7zoi 53.?/M515 If x "’..u.' V, J ‘ - I M" 1 5 *( 7 5: endeaeeevztieg flew fewzm w/fie/? We edveeeet/9eTrede, VWZZ5» em’ Heme efe/mt oer native City, for mbiee m_mez;I ee fefelieizozes, ebezzf We ewe; nee eezemz; it will in dzee tzimereeeivefemee Benefit ez7zd Aeizzezrzzfezge 2'72 ell/f I/Jefe eejfzeelr, eveeflem Oar enm Aeeflweztiezz 65 experience eereed: elvzeie are efiezzfifleizzt VVej73ezZ[ 726’?/67‘ eee1e‘z’z'feep]2ei7zz;teeL’%z'7z0z_er expeeletiezz of all ” epefiiele flervieefiem yezer eze ee‘Zi7z.r. Q Aezez’ Vé‘ éi.‘i)’0Ié farewell; iV€I1 313* Our ‘Curt at Breeiez 'the".‘ day 0fApriI, 1660. inthe V e«e§3.1.'e: Of 0U1T R€i-gn- T0 0111-‘ Trufly and Wel-«beloved the eeI,oredMayor, Aldermen, ‘and Com-- A morflilouncil ofO~t;r ;City__ of London. B (9) 3 L33. by the Grace ofcodging T 49 j of-Bnglazi-d,§Sclotl2 z¢ol5lll~:Pr¢nce5and jrelm-id, . : A = L A e°fenderlofl the Faith,€9f*c.l To all Our 2 flbviti “ Subje&lS* off lvvh at degree or’lqr:1alityl {B- %tfvcr‘l,V gr‘eet::i1}gi:ll If the ‘ggneral l~diPcr9;é’cion land confi3.fi(3nxv;h.icl1isl [bread over ‘the w'h‘olc King- domle; lcl[0tl_1« dot awaken allmen to a. defire and .lol1€iging,ith:.t thcfe 7Wou1'1dswhich laavcfo mi» ny _ye.ars7 ltogechclrljfbeenl k~lcptlb1cieding5 may be band will l carifay will be to no put- A lpoffél: Howzevcr after thislong filencc W/C'l13V€:_ =tl1iugl;htw» it ‘Out uty to dc:-clare A haw much We dafirc .%tcJ‘¢o1f1;tribl1te t:lhereL1mlo. And thathas We l cm névér”"giv{'i§=ll[cI>_ver til?1C h ope, go? tlilnc to « lobltainthe ,0 Ac men 0 that R i t, w 1ic:1 God Nlatliltel lgath made OAur due, gfo We doe makg‘ fizzullrdaily fuliit A to :the Divine ProVid'cnce,that H6 will in lcotfilpalfllonto Us andVOur fubjeéts, A 21§fi:erlf0 l1bngl mifély and fL1fFerings5 '1~emicand putus ilntko-é1“lquietl and plealcleabllel polleflionof that OL‘1'r Rightyvith as little blood and damage no urpcoplcl as ilspofliblc {Nor doe A We dcfirc B 2 wmcnare L: 7 1 ). m¢1-c t¢ec¢fiingb111y4 4 fixachpderfijns asfhall lucxfeaffer bcexceptedby , Subjeéts, hw fau¢1ty%$foevcrA,Trcliefiupon the % wordofa ~Kingfo%1€mn1y%giVvcn*byA§h'is%prcfmt A Dmeclarariaon," VI I 1") Dc“darétioh,+That>noQriméxvhatlbgveream. »Vn1ittedaga1nPc Us (0: Our ARoyAa11%A Fétherjbéforc the P ublication of this,+fl1a1l ever jirif-':Ai1Vi Iudg-% V%ment;,[ pr:b€ : b1‘01}1ght% inj _quVeP:ion againfl: ;ai1y gfthcgm, the 1¢aPc cndarnagcmcnt ltherfi, 4f€ifihe.t in .t.hci1‘ "L_ive“s:,Libertics,Aor% Efiates, for (as [far .Mf01fth afs lies in Ou1jpovvE:r)fomLich2isto the (prejudice of their Rcputations by any Reproach Q1: vI€Vrm]0fdiflin<.°0lohjfroth th ’c”3:¢f%’c40:furbefl:4 -S1;bjev5ts%% We ]¢defiriA:1g.A% ~ and :orc§cyningg;%Vthac .hCn§€f0Iwardfa11 Notes of dif cord srfepzrration and cfifferencc of parties “be abé1i{1%1edA ?ai1310n%ga11;‘9L11'Subje£ts, whom Wc;:In\gir?cTzm1d ~ Conju’rc:AAto ér”perf€6’c Uniorl fl,aIi1ong* th:<§i:11I‘cLi7e*s %_%unAder Ot1rProtc<5tion',F01‘t%he7Rcfect1emcnt of %O1;,1'r AA A jufi Rights and ‘theirs in Va; 4Fr;ec 'APar1ia- by Whichlipn thegword, of a %%Kghg%, Jwi1lbeAad¢vifi:d. $ % A Andf becatife the péffion ~and“nnch2iritab1neA1§ of the timers have prodL1cedVfE:v:eral~:pinions = :b1igin5%Aby wh:ichV1nen*%~#Vare ,ingagcd‘in «P'a1%:ies%~ and yflnimofities A aainfi each 4otlmr; ; w&%fi'iachs. Whenthey {hall h:b1*eafter;unite“~ in a :15? rcedamt 4 VdfC0nv%€_rf‘aEi0h bf: 4¢%om«p}017cd%%a; bflectcr % We db: d1éc14arc 1%i~be1:ty* tawcmr A B 3 ~ A Cofifizicilcesé Q4 (12) A *Vquefl:ion T or Adifl*'ei'evncesw .;,f ffilifljufbfi the pcécc ofthc-5: K4iip gdoAm4e%4 ~A,nd:rtha1J: ;%e”{Iia11 'beAready%fto;i:o11iE:mt fuch % an%Ac9c%of A %;P%ar1~ia%meIit,% as«141P‘on ‘mia.ture.%e1ibera;t2‘i(3ni% %fl17é.%1l %‘AoFferedto 11435 forrhe fu11Lgr.2m ting th7atir1--V du1gem._c;@¢V44L 4 ~ A . » A A A * ‘I a raam1*¢i§em¢es5MTand‘%chac n¢manfi;'.%%a11beclffqiii Vc % . inion in. matters of Re11g1on,wh1ch doe itibt ecamin uhevc5nicinued$%%ai&raaVions %,of}fo”;nén}z.yea1fsi, andfo Vvmiany and great %Re‘v¢.. lutions, -itn;i11y Grants and}? urchafes offiflates A h21v<=:] ;.%been % made 1:9, and Officers 1, i:SouIfc1ic%1%s« otheirs; wlho"d:are Anovir pg ffefikd ;EI.I71§;L”€_', Aand; o4Jr%nay¢be9 lyable toA€’ci“'on‘s A ‘at: LawJ._upo%n4Af‘evera1titles, AW/eA are likewilk wfil1ing t};1a1: a11V%:Ii.1ch%VA Jd4i%FF€trences {an.d;11l 1 things rél;at;ing} fuch Gra;nts5'Sa1es iVandd“ fllall bedetcrmined in Parliamerlt ¢w‘hich can A We» furthicr? Aeclarcthatwead A beflsprdvidc forthe «jufi i31%tisfaé’cion’o%fa1'1%Amen VA A my r M1.-eai,%s:oVcm1én: toVany * Aét: orA 8:5 405; ar1ia- m”cnt.41: %.t.he4 Mpurpofés aforefaid : A And for -the fullacisfaaion of all Atears due -to the H12. ldiers ofthé Army under the % Command %ce£'sAi% SW VA (A13) CoAmrnand‘of%wGenéra1Mnck. %A And that they fha11be4rcceiv_ed into Our iérvice upon as good * ‘ Pay and conditions astheynow enjoy; A Given under“our fign manual and Priirie hgnet mu: Court at i>"r-cola this -I—-gday of .4p;~ili A M 1”n5n5'o,, in the Twelfth year ofourReign.; % EINIS. V (14 )e I ' A V i‘;MaY°r** ah xffomtmon Coancell /90lha’m t/aye cf may 1659. " N _ the~Lord Mayor doe acquaint theLord Vif-e» 2:3 ~._R'deredi by C ourt, that the tight I-Iottorabiew A 4 A y count Mordmzt and Sitfaibn g‘reenrvilé,(whot btoufiht the {aid Letter and Declaration) That this.- Court doe return» moft humble and heartywthauks to his Majefly for his gracious Condefcentsions to, and owning this Court and City expreffed in his Majefiies faid Letter and Declaration := And doe liikewife-retum: hearty thanks to the {aid Honorable Perfons that brought the {aid Gracious Meifagc: And doe declatee this Courts ready fubfihiflion~ to his Maj efiies Govern-o at V ‘merit: And that in Teflzimony thereof they had nowi taken. down. fthe €om'tnon-wealtlts Armes, and Orde-5 4 red hisMajiePcies Arms‘ to be fetup. And further that thisi.'Courtdoebeg thefavour of the-Lord Moralimti IO» returnwith an Anfwer inwtiting to his Ma}ePty from i this (3 ourt; Andalfo that this Court doe intend very A ‘A peedilyiito fendyMembers of their own ;toiWaitonthis- yhiajgwyr A A 4 S.'4¢ll‘e‘2*.;’.e