A Sgandaldus, Lib¢l1§~«us,and Scdiciaus ‘ luv 1. I-ET gamed, on, A W. I AT’he gfrmies Interefl p1ca’dc-rd, % tm;.m.mm44+;,,, Hm é;augbt;n£;3~ w an bi: awn Part} and Amie; could not db’ 11‘, T1257 fdgfnflg hot 411 Mrefpcfl and tenderfittflf .? “c/‘Ind w/oar/mj pr_aportiamz£l¢Jm»% 'L‘oxr;¢‘g:Intnfa1¢;g_IJt nat%Vto%;£¢giwn to (ac/9,*4%w/%Jdj77I£;/ls.5¢ élmfdtfa if, 42:caré:l—% 4 : fizgvto bi: J‘!/[g¢_;q[fic;lateDacIarutidn: \ A P f Anf His Majefly hath given aifuraricetoflconfef aChaE§&er of your uponthofe Performs’ of the Ar%myV vyho were Inflrum_em:al iii hisRe&au-M ration ; M and m order chereunto, there Is Cape take11,ATnhac thTofe Lands pur- 4 bhafed by phem, or Rcceivcd~for_ Service, in their,p0{17e¢1I30n,% .to. be’ fecu:cdA Atothenyand their Pofceriry. A ‘. - A 3 Q ° 9 A * ‘ ‘W _ % A A ~ 2. .4 Whether it can 1:; MIN tandem:-fr, or Acnco:¢rage2nmg:;’? to tum autlfqmm . “of timid” Oficerx and Sq;uldz'%er.‘raf7%tI2e flryy, 4;7d%%»Garrz]'oré:, Acmtrnry tat Ac % gown LaxfisjM4rtidl,% :md1"contrazr7%t9f'iI c,7l{Ajq/‘fie: Roya!Promife ¢;zd£n- ‘ _g4g¢im2t,A am; paying tbéf 15 %%Am¢r: béfm didwvdffigmar lttting them“ kréow any Fkifififar 2"?/zit/9* the} .: #719 Ofltéda web’ to ma/U=?w4}_fa2*. flit?/' who ‘law: we» known aEnf¢?w'é;t. ‘‘ tv~;Par1tWvntA Md rlnm not lvflflofve vmmiffwwdr * %0fi5verfin_mn7 9I<_¢g57Wt& whet/a:rAtheA W:/2 ‘rif Army,-Mao mga‘gcd‘fof* AP4r1iamnt,4re vat li1<¢f;2e¢di!yto fallfiw, éf 22otAAAp?ret?/ernrcd. ‘find whetlm‘ tire — Natiom 2n?rn0;tinfeIafl5/J Aérwag"/or/ve‘r¢17} to win: arzzljl»zw?7»,befbre4 rlraj fair. W ‘ xfnfw. To ‘the, Seco11”d,%A%‘% ,QgL1%;;»:riV‘1’c%in%fQi1‘j1n"‘4hiXDf€IE%'ar5’ghr,»,v~V and he j f6‘0h€1Y ‘O(f“’[‘11“‘€‘ 01dA;V%Army &i.'V.“7¢(‘.1 :'€(i"«.‘l,Q.‘£w= I_:&,1e‘i.-f“ I1TmI0v}?1}1e11:s, that _ {me _bej¢fiL~ Ig1‘£%«r.L11m:n; s ‘1¢"tiv*é4Iy.m gr‘ ;_ }"~éifw&1y4u:1dg;‘ 111-1L.€‘.‘1*2;11%2%;:,‘,£:”<, a;1ii exrcsr. p%:*ib&i1: Ata:.1*1‘!pc7;tE3.’ £f3v”£~‘o 51:Iie.:i‘~.\:.;:1i:i:>w§ngA%»;dc>»v'i1,c§fanyt A Clzarggc ;Wh.1_tf:>;:v*e; : ’% Vvlgnqthofe Continued, areeirhcr Pegfons shat have given Tefixmony of‘then;. %d1flIkeoE,.thofc Grand. Inconvenicncies, ‘[h2l.t*‘.v7&( €:‘1‘€A daiV1.yMpr-gaifed upon-* thefe Na%;ipns,Vby4 a Giddy, unpoxaihllt, PrQ1.;d ,liafdléxntglgnorafnt, anéi un--A A principled Generati‘o’n 1‘: 'O_E'¢1f€.f|.1_Ch who *vf\r;£:e;j¢ Vvearigd om: with the often * V ‘ Qlaflges, V abhorredtof”: be InfffuxnczxatésAv1yd11g’€1?4*‘%*;5¢11 i15¢f1g=:: thexrmxns to defend ? Eaéfion, and rheréfore theydid ream? adherc-:,»{ft;0 thatNob1%;V%%Norchernv ~ Cdnduéfcor. The Q1.erif’c ‘11‘J Athefe‘ words, 3u£;':;,%Tm’min¢cg ow? ?7¢ozny~of z‘/96 % 4 C?flZcgr:%aft/9e.2‘4?é¢2/V, ta% ma/Q6 m4)¢;for1ggzamz¢Ewemie:, d-ifcovegfeth his fp'11:it C0 beturbulehtandfa€’:io:.1s5~tokA1i:€€P E1P“difiiné’cio11s ;of %PartiesL: A A thing ‘ ~ "Dangerous a'nd11nprofitab1e, and not permitted by any Wife Princes or ' Efudcaxrozrred to be fomei*:r¢dM t§1é:<;A,qthor%?;of I.fihefe4O\1.:eries. S mres.j Bigtjmnhe Cafemovxt fijamezh, it'§i5S~ the trot’: wife and advifeabled C.,0uri_”c: than can bah tak€11*a to fiat; Arinsieimftbé +Ha21dsof~L fu¢fi:P‘c:fo11s of boLl1_.P-;1rEies,% m~1*‘ea11y% de£i=re:%4 Sé§:-%el¥&n1e13t.% If theAArm§~®E" th <:mNatic$ri% were zmtfo difpofed ‘of, A there wouldb-1*: new %Matter“ for ]r:a1oufie= which is 7 V 3 A.% Wl::r/;e’r rise ~7{2::tf1!z6£_ af~f/Se L mg P:zrZz'azmrzt.; Cazsfl:,h»ztIqmt%éeenfuficimtbr awed é}h€n2 [4ztaVZ€ii¢(g',/oi: cmcqfliam at tlac Ifla a»fVVigl}t 3 And zféeg;S'al¢m;:_ AL ~~C7w£v.<é??z¢ am! V clamtiofiz of F1213: is: mégegffl % a7:é"_t.a.@f§ Ca;w:s4agtA;}§;¢. ‘A Scctland M _ : 1 ‘ m % 1§~I0A<:fo:t%bt, -but What _1?ubIikg.’mr%ASaAc1sad‘L nrfihing ms dojn"e; A airbag .by'Ihi‘s;_;1m:cA Mz1;eVf?cie,"AVo»r” hiS:fiQWf”Ma§6fiY,j[ 62136 pe;$t%»vm¢ hétd “ th€:1‘(’.L,11‘1tC‘)' '-‘ HoWi<:,ver,% the Segue. of Ali‘Fa%ii1és;:y*ar¢=‘aif‘t:éred,bis I*Vacsv=_:% IMajeAfty7w,a%s %‘%u1:1d%ér%R££%f“aint; a11d~«%aVp”®x'¢;erfuI.¢Army in béing ;? his Majéfiy prefent had a (3raiV’vnIofi*"e?r;%<-id him upon Terms, '1t:7Iis motto be be1ieved’=orfuppofed*(oth<:r—- .% $1153 £13311 En\i1oufly)m‘th:-at: What His Father aid, or what u AI:-1‘eA dxd Himfelf, »W11%1_ %bfiij by. Hlme d1foW411e‘dVAL; ‘%~a1though pera_c1vexature11or m phe fellfe of the Amzhoifof thefe Qger-ies-. His %Majefc.y ndyv was ca%1ied%infi¢~u.c of a perfe;‘ ~r:1*1xé:"» fécurity A E'r;a:NacioI1 his%oW11—Interefl;t1aa1:44 71sI‘,i,t is his Intereflto‘ do an or more that: what: jufilly or~V1egmA11yéQu«ld ha‘ve-bcen e—Xpe6fe.d b'y tfie %U11<':Im-cake-grs cf;.;’ the ;‘1aceVA:W;a:r% :: ~Ic “ism evidente,£orA chm: by any thinghis hath=a;l*-nea~dy% dung: and be led’ ‘by ’his»%Princip1es4,.§tbe7¢h£‘ah e‘/Mt/9 zzotfiéérx dam accardivg to the Legal hirztemt of the flfl rlmt pmépafe 9’ h'§‘./19'wfw;hhTo ithe firit parchIea11fwer~~yA€Se, Ihjooo years hence; if the Doéhrine of fhaii Philofopher be etrue, that once in ,1, 9 00 Q years all Beeings —§hm.~~,«A§’c the fame% p;u7cA_ over ag:1m,‘:hey have ealrheady Af6¥ed A hereuporr A Eairth% A . In thi§jAgeicié;no_t111rc xi: 1" elf, m that €€‘.f€f’_AAA!ZhAC‘_.‘,_n,_ ?A6‘:‘hhadehee:1p1eaedab1e. h"B1>zzEZz2z2,‘"h1-flezaz, ,HOTfl, and Iii:/axon a{,;re«.;, A . if the L<5rd‘fl1a11:fai[1 to pr0te€thisLhVafi1a1“,th¢ Vaf1"a1’s° O.uh’l~; di{To1~§*e¢i,forA A enéicfif -mother Par1iarAneAnx.e‘ ' that the Law intehd.etl1a. CO1’1ditiO1"1,andthE Law hfreech him from his?AOhe4«~ dxencesz Evezx‘ f0 15% ic;,:}1,:.1c*Pa;*1x;;1fI1e11t feafed fb he a1>;;:11an1e11t,hy bemg not ab1eEuEQpf0t&& rhe,;1’?i.”:‘op1e£rdm;thofe‘Afrequem: VA1o1-.1t;;1o11sh8:‘ Ouré~rage~-3.Irre-» Qguhl-micies hhjnd %DifnedA Cafe, and rhehee‘ flike-A (ZAa[e:§ e emxghc%bhe‘aAtcurqeohend a'fIA§gne=d to eano:h‘erALorde,;u ‘So doubnlefie the Sub?» jeéfmay he 'ahct‘firneed“a11da1T1gnedto fit u_xiderAh:he Council and determinehb e 5; Whethcffieingthfie :z;I;¢a_tazaAgfa I gm: itM;2fii9e2zcéAifl,..§1§e"’ hAComplex€025 of Pehrlim¥£¢}éfk,§e one éezngeremly tajgziw away :1m~,hA 750/2icb% thébther -]1V£ilZ':5\'05l‘t£”z‘.?2?.°64{ Er”) A Qnqmglf : ; h a:ndtI2e n;.a;t fnccecdmg mm!) to mdcriézz rhcformcr for j}; A deihg,» at 17¢? hhmtf 1 to A w[6.‘:}A A A a "'1 frfifor .71/Iafie/9 yfi “ and t-h:35t(’a:2'L'er:tz'o72, toégerhdrztland amfirmlnxé Father: Corcrflitms 23¢ the Ifle of .Wi’ghtA7? Axzfiv-.' To th“ letthe jAuthour1ool<’back,haArxd fha=lI7 Parlian 1§‘.«€1‘ltS {peak the Language of rhelnterefit of State that is mofi AtlPredo1x1inate oat the ‘time of their Sitting; If the AFa&ions of the Peoplehe Predomimte, A it fpe:iiketh lovvdefi in their behalf ; and fo of the Prince; the like ofthe. Nobility or Clergy. I ll Sothat if itwerer neeeifary for the beginning of ‘the I.OI1g'Paf1i{1m€11t'Vt0 adhelretto the People; it isnow more Aneceflhry forthis lPa‘t1liea11i%ent to adhere to his: AAMaj;efiy, tolballance the extremity of the Humor of State that did_{»veIA1i:Afe1Foup to Incottfifieficy on the behalf of the People, fin1'omuch that nothingbut Ruine and CotffixfionAhcould have been expeéted. tA;Who_~lis*it thatfdoth notice that *if.th'1S' Parliament‘ {houldout of their fFeé’cion‘s to his Majefiy,give away al1!the”People< Rights? A t Tha:‘h'1sMae- Pry himfelf out of his Wifdom, and julitnefs, and Noblenefsreof rninflid will e amgood ;t11:ty,he knowing like 21 good Phyfirianrfof State;thatA it is neceffafy 3 in the conPtitutio11of a Body to keep the Burners equalhbyt proportiom ‘that; one do not rptedominafe’lhover thertother, whlch produceth ‘st healthy Confli- I tution ; the contrary, Difeafes as forfhis grantingof the Coiiceflions of the A A Illef of Wzglat,“ as the’ Cafe now fiandeth‘, Lit. wou1d:jnotbefafe to Pofieriry to infill}: pen that, ” but rather as is ,fAai’d :blefore,l*5iéorl ‘account itffhffieient to re- ehceiveh no other fecurity than what his MetjePcy_’9j[titere{’t wjfll produce, the which by the operattons of time, W111 reduce all ‘otAher Interefis to a~condi:- _ tion of Security. ll r A A or ‘A A V h r_ A A We ' g _e 7. W/cerlzqr anfrbzng dang éjrlazls C om/Aéntzou, my 5: oélrzgzgacgto the Nutter, fleeing they /agwel zrottlqc rrght Q2éfl£f1¢?1:9?2 of 4% Parliament"; a:cc'ordi;2g to the ePm2*~r ‘ I ldammtall oL):m2roftI2a ingdom I; _1.4776l~W]9¢5l!Jfl” may Parlimaerér rméefi called for rke_f3xrm~e‘, tmttlge 4Lon(gP4r1£.me¢:t,calrajf/3mg ofLo%*d: died Commwaée 45*?‘- ~..‘ozn[1)'tdz'_/].".ca’1-L’ezl l2]V_;a1';§t c»:io_‘fis*iét ? o ” A : " Aztfiaa Thearhwhieh they ’dq,, i'sobhgingAtto the Nation. ‘If the Nation tl‘l.lb1‘1\..llZ_l to it, a"’p:1rtdirfcor1tenred”tn th€ttN8[l.‘Qfl§ is motto he taklenifor the r . A Natiofl .; but the I1ite‘7€filthfllE_iC5Hpp€§1‘T1‘§0PE1oSA'®b€§AE3k¢filhf0f‘lEh3”' Natioli = r so it if wAhelrAe”there isFzi€tio11s in St;1t£S5~théiS:'1A1311“?I1751.116 §]"#1fi‘§¢3 ttat1dG?é:- ll lam. 111:7 one StatAe“ihou1d hwerltwp fFaéLtionlsAeli1*rit,l ar1otherA Statehtttfendethr A ErrfAh;t{§ige , they fenfl htolthe lAlu}?$peri1?0fi; "Who?,jare_Aab1eAl‘togivellhwes A;‘ A ~ hrzti A 11olth‘trofth-at whit h niiutfl rec‘eix*elI;‘2iWes;[ ” :Befide$*;,l»Vhat :AChi§'P&I'li3fIT€11Ell ~(lto'iI1,orI1rrr1l”: Q rzeerls am; ge,1.:>ee.-Mmf e ;, Whgrtthey dog: ittiltetrhaand iagreethl Alwhi o;{~;~1ir@gAA,toE n‘~]<‘:*:ll“ lot’ the N atioift“-' Arid d3;I§ai*¢1‘AsCgf0/{i~a1Eh§P;itt_ 4v.Inj?z¢; hf}-1: ’_ ‘l~'lit<-“eh.” r:ott:«so£ tP.11*11al’h1e11t,l'l'hatrih1il rotr1etAACares thehrhilembere V limy gr ‘hat’. they 1. t1l1*go.r:1c.‘t "con£'tl;1$tr&$r1‘th 1.ll€TICOu11t1¢SA_ for; Wh:_ChA A the? A = theyferve. i The Original of all ALaw;t and"Po»yer rifetifrom the People Aétii/ely or Pailivelys let thembe Juli, or 11n_ju(i.y good Prince that y is abfo1uAte.,‘ refpeéts whatwill bell Suit, Secure, and Content the yPeo"pIe‘= yATyrant Confitlts what hemay(having o~pportunity)inEotcAe upon them. If the{‘ethree Nationsfhouldkbie Cotifulteehthere would, no doubt,be_?th tee to o‘nee“to-givertheirhpprobation of what 15 done 3% therefore it nmuyPtoble'-§- A _ ging, to the Nation. In fuch Times, Rules byyMode«and Figure cannot be obfervect You cannot fail by the Comoafs in aPcotm,as is {aide before; For ' Diffolution-of the Long 1.’arliamentby _Ioyht_C3onl'ent, that neednot to be, unlefs that the Long Patltamentyhadrkept their Interefiy 8: themfelvsi in the . fame form without alteration, 8: ‘powei: to be ablewto give Lawes together with the King ,as they did atthe time of pafling that 1A&i.If that Parliament at the time of fitting down of this, 4 had undertaken: to deal in the Govern--- ‘ment as. formerly , I pray wha.atAobedience would the Nationhave given to it tthem A? So that the Aéty in that-cafe becamevoid~oflitfe1f; There he rnany. ,A&S.Of Patliamentthat become void by time,aAnd need not other repealing, _ then that which: theyprovideagainmgrowvingup to Aufe. *As for Example, A There is an; Ab} yet t“1ntepea1e‘cl,thatnotll-logs lha1l*.betBtewedyyin Beer; 8:" l i'anQther.,i ThataanoA Sen'—-_Coalr fliall be burned in Lbndan. Iélthere Aanyy need of ” Repealing thefe A:&st?; None furely.‘ W The Cafe isthe fatfleairi the Matter ,i—n*ha;1d fmthyereyygst now no Inteteli thatis able to PcrengthAenit’, to bC.‘C)bf'*y ferved: iinoriAAiSAthetei_'need to repealAi;t}_.; for that it is‘ Repealed byifevemltlyl . Concurringyactidehts andaffairs of State that are Confiderable in ofpofiél ‘ tion oiithatg E'l.iJ,1€:tOI'€Fl'ClCEA It ufelels andivoid, .a‘st1t 16:. A A A A A ‘ E «v A. 8. »Whetheryif "hcf King hj Mflngrtl Pdrlféthfllnt Arrzhith he theft» at Oxford ,wzz:A‘ mt aajufl mid Legal miAt/ah"? __ y _ y hlzér pow;r,;:4n mnkgthis at Lggal Thhlfamehfyhqforc V y fetch AayiAZ)zj]'oh¢Atzah bfrheiothar, his Father could not dc the alike?’ wlhtrhér the] - a if tflnfw. This Parliament had a Legal Being and Power fr;or11tb<’1i1’eopi .i=,h,)]f A as is beforeexprelled Their Eleétion dAetrronfltatefd the Peoples Confent and Approbation; which is a fufiicjientfiamp of Authority. His Majeliiésfli A their Suycicefsy had A wen it at fuflicientsanétton for i‘tsyLega11.ty. A A Qonfent beihcr added thefeunto,maketh it yunqnefiionableA.i If; the ‘ King; by # czzl-’iEithatePaf1ia1nientyat:~Oxf0rdby theiryCo11I1f€:l had; ptevfailed, A y 9, t Whether h) I glare Vbteymflhj this commie», into’ 2 all Séulcliciir and Purphhferr, at their lntcrg/fr iiizA Crowiz~L2znd:, when they might [angLe£t;. t»flér,hat1:fr:mfttl M4ig3y3:A77tle, incfenfidhzk Rewnue‘h4:yom1h23l‘I?r:dccc:_f—- fir; ; ‘anal haven hlfivfatzkjfiredtthqufahdtytaf PA7w'lie:;thdt _4zr:_. nan: ;mdya1¢e,y it cloth; i met e22izléhtA){jft4p]2e ,3 fhatthéjyhmze aleffgned and rgfalfikeél y to mine amt ch;/fray arr thbfythmfirvedwnd adhered tort/9'e1r1tt1'q/fioifathc Léigg-Parliamgnte gr” ~ AA -dnfw, T lithe C0unfe15¢.ArmsA, or Interfifibf the Poffellots ofthefe Igaglg F8] «:23 gaigaié h=x%ie’A beam, £1334? I: ifIAA<:: hgzz:-I1 Af b§:g;a1VnzAadew Vgobii’ Aby.7i11[eA'AA J£’1’gg*s=ra;: ;=::ea11§AAtb%<3§,j*1i:21ci _it}b.)’:§.g T53 10i1*E~§%ii‘5.191?¢<3;¢1‘=’l'u€ ‘that faiIing;Vthei‘r“? A °7i"T1r1::1s mid; -.mA;i 1a‘0‘\vAi&At’ mufl be in his Ma1;Cl7r1¢"S‘R0ya1HBr€aPrWh3r he will“ dc» 5.;m that Vc-aR&:.N<§ dcmbt but h€3WVVil1-wbtt ”1“£‘;'(3(1{i‘i‘_'L’..%fZ%';",-,[Z)€_'fCE1l_-If-€t""}‘1<‘3 will not Iasfve mo A gr:-cat;;1:1. Ixlzpreifiygiz of D1Afco1'1ceAnAtL;pon fo.Co_nfid<-irablea par1:ofAAAAAf_:1je* A t'oAArtifie AI1%im%felE by ‘fgch Réafong 65 S_£;if€5'§{$A§V'OLiRi"b€;"AfC111pt€:f gAoAjA ‘ f A of%%th=e:.A Publikc _ Whcmas otAheArw11"e, h§: e§:t111gA; With f1A1o~ 0pp.§>fifii_d1}9A wAijI_1Aj M ' ~ I * 1‘\?ar;i,«im; A A Other t‘h<':n r.hiA=, P§,zrChai”v4f_far'l2z»' fA14'£__zj6]lz_}'fl?£’€£3l!1_1_')’t0AcA{z:‘[7:'2l"?Jc.f1 % f£>,£,s' 0:2~;~;»g,'2r.;aA:25 And not confifm 43¢} 2-.f;_J_l7217gw2‘kt$’)’ '{7m¢7 eryezffs B14 rgtkak, firtbwitfi Er) ;‘A£:.-gjz’ Azfge old Maméerx ta{J'”¢'::At/6’%I‘i;Jx$’AJ\7;“"":,’i?"'=?J' ?V_ A % A A ‘V % V ts? .f§ya A Let a.A+f¢ux1dAa~:. r%fif¥[?~ % 1*Vh«;:th¢&* rh&1‘tA17:¢‘11¢2iA: ’ ‘ \ *d::>1~1A_hA1Atf for 3 ‘New 4‘;x’i/‘;11‘:'; W‘i1A;A:j.-1:AhAcA=:Ar»1s"A;cAAcQnvc:11Az¢;nAtAto‘gig a_ny% LAAh'1f;g Athag-_A ?_ fhoLiA1\;3'% %CaixAfeA of j:TsaI‘oi:fiAL% t:@ h;i3 LJC5f%.}.i7AiS,31ta1t€% a1§3§§D‘ig;1j“gy,A h::_fhou1.ciI1*éec%~Vix11 0P:P0fifi-01'1s it {vV9LI1id‘dbuVtA4pAut :1A11.c:cefl3ty :4upcn himAto%A: be had Aby ;NatuAra1 Co11{eque11c{:s, 1:0-dc;)Aa1A1 tha:A1I1ay”%bd obliging A:A"A jePty byhis long de) rivation, hA:1.th ,1¢_'{1ki71c":’_CiV£l1@‘A%t€111p:.‘:I:‘~of' the %E11gliAf11AA‘N.aa-AAAAA A tion, well obfcjrired y’Si1"j§7Im_r Sz:€Ck[Ii4g,411‘_1h1sL§tE&3:IIO the. Lord 7erm}n,A A;% 1540; faith, 770a Kmg A Vay p7~.efi:ArA;zgzéA -/22: pa1276’7f,..5)7_gz‘Z/t'7«2¢g‘Az't Md}; fmdftha page A % p/alVofAAE11gIa_11d /Imze cw? é‘ceZ2‘7 »v_aznta(2;r5 $277356/O P74lZ az;:(dlttZ‘g Ad; lAa;¢g ';z:_ zj/J; A A isgtke &Spir'z'z aft/9eA xVdfia;zA92kra;g1fi.g{y A di_(ca2m;ztez£‘ A A 1'('¢z,;ga‘ bawfpulled zpitrb t/9313,45 you nmyfqe Az}zAAA%Ed¥V,3 i;égOhn,ami:EdW.2. anti indeed 25} all t/5eV‘Trgm5Jlzffo'fi1:3 and ZJnfortw¢2zts% Réz'g7¢:A /zm t}Jo£eAKing: 22¢“ lazwcfet itga ya 05/53: A the Peaple, rbg‘ Ilqoplew/jazwe p.mA it ‘izéto tbair ml: again 11:15.‘/J {Ida/iziozi, 45 you ma] fa-£5)! Q_m=e;z_E1iz;1b¢cb,AA.ozm1%at/Jeri, ‘*Kz}~{g1}of tbzévl %Rm!m_% A A Thofauhavc been nncfl pgswefful abroad. and at hQme.i11 cheir'bw11 Dotiliéfiglls; who Aoblig;edA their People A mofl: Thgatrhfi (Athe; jDifp “ A of His pA‘refAer1t: Maj¢fiy,iscA§;tai11 5A :andVEAnvy i{:fi:1 f« can11%o;"AtrulyfffaAy %Ac:rt;'2I;a«'-“3”r+-A I L: Whether it be éiotm daaégcrozk fir Mgjflfjfta 6_‘fifl' dflola‘%/Ji5a[¢lAP;«s§jZ:L-A ¥wWA> W5/law t/wCam2vi1 flefr/iefeflwg.C01?W'tiarzér:;A»4?*”54:¢4r%fi¢*‘fW /arm; t/Jemfélzix, war we PIE; wmjfi2f%.R€h0b§AC3am; ifijfl A A:av.« Wherhm tha%cA%ifhiAsAAAMa;cfiy 11»;ou1dAA doA£'uAchA;;AAtAf1i.;1g;_Aiu~§vfcuIdg1§or dii‘<:oim<2nt rh¢”Na1rVio11 mAuthAmor¢rh=1nitimti prcF~AeA11r»Aasthe~Au:h i ¥’07f€i'—t;‘3a0?f £11811 C3I1V’b€iIi1&z‘§i¥1éi3“bY"fh¢ LA-W3h9¥=~ ItAAiS”A%tOAiA%A5¢ ad1"£1.ihr¢é35i%*tfiif;EhflV 1’-1i‘1i?i=fi11¢11E *“4’1.A10fI1 113 ¥1?3?¥1iCi<‘?ufl‘YCe1I?!-ha Qékveviivna 13d§%TII3Q§¢5 Ma:A¢fiie°;a tnt:‘¢xpre11A3b:IV4¢Terrw:andII11¢1ina:ionA to (vfv “ v,‘ “tc,1vIode:-mzieiae, e"Wii1Be%i1aegoQd Maitegw, §i§"is;4e{‘:1iéH:p%e‘£’c5f“e.eV% " hath A *’beei1eLiftial¥;inIe”fua:ii Viciffitudes,A ‘chm: ’Whe'f1 ‘c>er1:e Lparx: bf a;Natidti~"h5{—th % 7 hvifify‘. vi . ‘ Wm wponahotheer,Theatethe prfedomihatee‘ patty ha‘;$7eeLb‘eei1 %T:1i'i1tedV%"’witf‘f1 i’>Revetige—':e 4 But; this prefe11c‘%iPar1ia1nefit makejfio 0'f:her‘L1fC t3f‘eAeLhe1r%‘:1?owere 9i:he1n becorn'ech% :;hem,; and dem(>nPgrziteth_ :heir%t1;:-idefitfecsikwing to beth eEff'¢&s e*e6f‘C0ut1¢1l4,£tn-dhot of? Arms. Bef1desf,e*His%Maj‘ef{y; .fendGfWed_ Wltfh %%%;Mpiric of difCerning,‘- n'ot’"to1 Itxciienekoefuch WCti>"Li11c}é1S aé’ fjhalle tend; ti); the A %Detrimefi"t osphe I’ublik=€:M.e Wh1cl_i"” is Mciur greatePc”happi11éfs Jami {ecu-m A: ~ e 31 2. Wloetloer our %%‘"f”1{5el~5‘g:?M KWIM %l2jf/5? % .ggm"g:agt,g?wztIa the expmce affo mm}: Bfamb‘d;zz’22zi% Teégzffzfgg fbahld “be 526145 leaji-‘zéveafe * not lake to éeeéroucgbt to the French made bf a*Vérnm”§iét:e z‘izid%«-ail! :.Péé,~"fo;23‘ c£et}: fr’~£i * ‘avertoappm7']”0MPérliammtifi fuiturd V _ V flnfw, fl’-hrs need not be fearedem: :a:1tIe:e*;?1l5‘llif: Zia “obfierxreth A A «well fof the Englifb Nation, Thacthey «cannot endurecoo £1-a_ver_y§ Aim? "too much alibercy; This his Majejfiy well kfioweth, 5 5118 that if if wé1;:eA%eat this eMaje{’cic’s Choyfe robe King bf Eygldif.@1_§§ fihe; eKi1if* ‘of ”Prm~e‘is‘Ki1age "o£%;Frm‘m;e~:‘he Wotrled rather’Chufe* to-b‘e”Kin’gf or E¢gglzsi7‘¢V" upo1fith’ée.etear:n‘é% ~hi:»‘% Predecefifors .W€T¢ Kingseof E’/‘£14nd:4ekef9‘r that in isemore hoi:xt$ii%féeb1c’f‘<§i {E70 b¢”‘Kitag" df eePriiice§ em: ‘1:ree:nen=, fih*-éxriid‘eeeb‘e"eKifigf¥bf 4S1a7\'7§es I”.f%€ff°2it"1"":s%e_: He who Vm1echeeAaAFr¢c ;Peop1e_is much, more power£’ti1e15£o:e chifhise A,t1hfsa;If1d \ " Treafure he-eanimploy againfi _a Comméri “Enemy,’;an%dA‘ be able" tflgivé; Lawseeeto%;Fdrrain Princes, bY"4C071InCi1'0r P&rf1TTS» 1 Wheereasveifeh%§:yR1i1¥ an ;s?1aves«,eeehis»councie1earm a1my=es*1mp1oyea em his Veowa::::1 e#:4e .fe1iCe: ageinfi his own; People whom he fhould defendand prote8:.'‘e ” A e . irr%;5j¢:has~;if¢:;»grz.;~»e1»2;x:§;a fiawevifible %:a;m::2*:%t;e£Iaee;9,¢,;aj,;a;m;z;;gge «omft‘b&4 1Im4g;£gmen:~;"%# F;-iifégdsj, 3 area; to" iiztvfflqle tl5e4EreAF,Ezg§2;éie:5 wbiv/ae~L2fié4r{:. 4W”“*””* ”’?N'?1?¢?’4¥?”4f 4"f5>f?“”£'[”“’£"f"‘7*P4”¢’f“’°** /9"‘1’?¢"M'i%W3*?’"‘e Wzgaged ft/J? e’Ie’m‘[z:i?716??2t dreflzll in Y lzfiezn 5 why“ ¢¢;agz¢ate"£;4§;rg;t;zf;g zzfgéixw; an: tgetbeir,q[ql'P5*i3zcifl¢}ndr§déi"a*,.Ife5é “? 573 e «W ‘ e V eeJ;‘e*fi*a»»%g*?a!J"»éei¢ ”’i44?f’€‘E+*TP‘5?4t"W0' fliafiéturn. z e f#;?.%P6rthe-Anfvvereiorthisg ydu‘a‘reVr’efeifredMfd“tE’§' 15;n{'vs3'er:.fth‘c_r,Tif yméihbula remexiiéf the Hanas‘ ‘ A A"A;,I@5 V A£3f?i=l1IParci'esA,~.it would be ufelefs : SO«§h&t.i1:.iS»b€tt6f to wave truPcing,m. A tb_eMi1itia,untilbché1c the minds Of all are morejquifet and fecAc1ed,and to keep up a confiderable Apart Of'thCAAI‘1’I1Ay,WhAiAQh ~beingCo11bducSted,as is gzggpreffeél in the Ahfwer tothebbfecond Q3aére,,.vv.i11be.A;ii1..his Ma;Aefii;e’s ; I:Ié1ads% an 3 eqL1alArbi:ra:;Ao: of Diffe,r_ences,V and of much niomce and léfs ACha1?ge_,:oA,A the N anigpn than ch¢‘Mili%tiAa will be, A for that hefwho. bpayetlfnj 3 per ,,,,,,-mm to the A'fl}:fl?;mencs for th,eAArmy,A~Wi.11.,be’at1.2ofbAs;g¢rbmmm.Cbargm IAaj: the l*eP:;in firA1]dingAArms and othsgr Expences and 10175 A0fiti117e,Aby‘attendAing. ba:‘Mufiers,8c infibnitlybbrruchanore in cafe of Sefv':ce,~ tbe1Aik<-A: of his Efiam A pgsoportionably, -that fl.1al1,byA,th€:-_A<9.£ for the %MV%11tiab.Afi13d Hark: and Agmg, * and pay to a Ride: : A Th; Milttia Willbe of A ufe Whenthc m.71A1-ldbs c>£Peop1¢. A 31'Bl1_IA1itedii1to One,‘jyvbicb,(no doubt). will be by the Indeavours of big Majefiy and with the bleifing of God in -.1. thorn time, if not amicipatedbby the: wickgd prggiiifcs af ;b¢:_LAefuic§_,' and bz;Ahe,. ungracefulnefsA oA£ unquiet Spi-. A I153” A _ " M A x _ m * A. Ab b A 14-, % —W3A¢6f-5eA7‘ it ééfe5‘fi9A.f0.rh. tA0Awft3AA5‘6j«?:i£ f1¥P¢’Yfr:iz‘zAoz¢;:b form of P1793»-_-A 17?’? W79€nb00_vezWte4l bagwfl, «W1 whether, 1f4“0’”“5”£ faftb/WACQ?/e?mv¢r=.t12§.N}:¢+ /' A .tionfIqaul§lAap1Je4r agaivafl itmzt wt .52: ofdamgeram cAaz2feqz¢e;§cAqbb,té% l;;;;.z]_4[g;j,g_fii)f3~ b " rbéfy iv/nAA"a‘{lab‘zzZé£~ la2z'b?b’AA5eé#é t/ob:AA;AA'b’b1’Eo}j>leA’.As‘ refuigé have nof.pfb?2)e2I tA73Eir rzgzgi “ p ‘ArafW€bAAbPor“tfiebbAhfwen to.t1‘1iAS:.A3 yAo1::~ar¢ referredblbtbthéb‘b;«Anfvs}érA°::o‘:55 A , A A A 4 b1 5.. Whether A."7l_..tAiA0??fiz.~la,fiA7;” Willbhivgbiléwfl mriaeal "3'”4£W'.~ét:, Tand.-ma 3]??? tbeflm? of Blood arid Idolatry, %21p,L*b- orzélj zztbpzjeflmt femzzA:¢gl)A"A A ramoted by tloizv ZiCaz2*z/bc;Aztia7¢, azrcmAt Ii/Q9; to b¢cam.A6”AZatzbnalZ ‘ A_ZA14;A£_fq/At), ~ A Anf;;o;To.thi§I»{11aI1%fay 1itt1e,in regard "th§:Auth@r hath‘b~rc§¢:_reg1bbAthgAbgre- b vention ofhjs fem.-s:ohis;1v1aje&y, who is a bmercAifu1l;fandb wife Prbincagwho. WAA111A<;f1o that vwzhich (hall, not be juPc1y=fenfurab1;e by 1A1iA:-3AA bworflof I;ZAnerpieg;;bat} hfi may be fo 5@W¢II1l1f’¢ P373AY!‘3°Ihe A1mightYb to i~Iéad«h1m~bbY AAAt,.t‘1¢L.h%n«r.d.‘;-hAAa0‘-‘£‘A.A‘: PrOvidenc¢,'jAaqid‘fiillbwatchbovarbfiim f0rAg»¢4 btbsérfBArvrhrv3%1dizé.b[1bb‘i;s bcfore a1'.11edg¢d~a Thatb 1t,T1§Ab‘.~’§F‘?§b ms A A Mg}’efiYbC3mé ’wic11obutbTearmsmhan with bTé§Ims ;. féA>r;,1£.mthacnh¢ _ ~bhad~,.: ¢0nA:1eb;iAnffupQnAAVTearms; btbof¢‘T¢arfns ?An1iIAfl haAvebeéAnAAA £II1étdé:%,WbicbbbAAn¢A A é:.1n:e:eri, 9: w.i[h.311.Ebé,1)=éA*A3:tAi3§*§9dAIt-mergfis we iA¢>,fAb.t1i?¢f1’éifr1:i<:§z~ than ‘€h2itl“had’belehll to the pre1'.udioce' of the reflmf if itr,lC5l.1Zl_‘l)'E\§_f1 with allthe P.if--A ties, that could hardly ‘have been p ef’fec:S°ced~= “The” DifFejre11ces were for tirre-r ‘*concila5le,l that without an Llrnpire, itwould rrhave produced ainother, lWa;', and unto which of the lParties‘Succefs might”ha.v‘e happened‘ istuncertain,,for A that all hadrutjfqg equal_danger;lthereEore it its much hetterthat l1ispM:;-nary came in pa‘sl‘a'11equel1lArb1t{4t0f ofall our Differences. Moreoverfit char time When‘ his M’ajfefiy twasinvitedl intothe Nation;preLméert ;w;rse.fc5rmringl‘a new War, which Wonldhave been fafefor_ no 1?a.rty, whole Principles ‘Were A nothing butrollArnbition,_l who“, as he hath fard hi'rnfelf; did Interrupt the theta fitting" Parliament7 the A 1 3 of Ofiué-‘er,llId6 3 9.; up0iTfl0 pmOp1:et’rhlan heilf a’11h'o‘u‘rs ‘confid erarion, being led thereto by»ta* violent Impulfe of “the Spirit ;7 fuclfll e A «patron él‘§~’l‘lC1‘é!.ll’$ltt<3l11plil'1;C‘lj?,!{£hlf:l‘g_ nponrhe face of Authority Without more ;_deliberarion,Let rt be ‘Legal or Illegalgrs not a.t_all to be rrqfled. So that 1:: is evident, that there ‘Was ai necelfitytof his Ma}elhes‘commg rn a‘t”rhoa‘t“ time, 43: “that it will Shell for tlhellbetrer to the Nation other he c’:ame_1n[ without Tearmé; V :FOf; as he 1C‘;rerizrié2ia3*rliizrdl tl;é‘riCbzmb, “) am A Vllazzflylezk llzafmdfbr 3 eamanrldzdr1)ezIg:a+ar:iaz;etotem: tip in 1/9:2“ loDamzm£m:.,Lv* it A ms thrrefbre éef er? ?¢r€/W5/77.i? “fiber/W7’-M?-Dusléifi ~SWm¢wM »1fll'I'V0fé-~0ft]1€.C67’L'€m:zflt_. éewt&!erm*ed%%%?% A , H1s"M;,1;ePt%y’s %proceed1ngs_#1n that parttqular are jufi and»honou;~a;.. 513 -3; iiiinta-tidéfifi a syxuodxo rec01ici1E:.«th“o;?é: d;1f‘fcre11ccs;Ai1*rche,Chm-ch ‘xfi1;;fafS':‘Y‘3‘r®&1fQfiabifi‘faglike!‘ Pmsbvcerians no aims xvhatrhsay»vou1d1me,.%- Wfifirv flifi ;Epi4féQp;11Vfitb %iaE>)§é1t¢: OE What tf1<5§7%d€fi1‘eA;;f‘Or tha;‘t:=fi%‘;to ~;;4%oxr5¢r:§11ne11t%r’% ”<‘f>r.{Ce‘:é11i¢nié$A;in »ch¢“ Churéh; rieith-er of chairV1?oz=1ns1'a're2ib‘folu::»ely maria 1» «.x[;Qj Sajl-‘vatitén :so;h;ch1s.M;;eny, by,th’eadvias: of a harixuéicij a1id'fmi;f3w zzotfa @z7=¢tzmlZi%.‘_1?7j*ec1z£'z‘;zanMafféme _[ja?eecl)r:f]'¢t.g1g;27¢¢;¢t%;ta fillazja, fZ;J6?o7”1‘Iv.6l "Z/.1"0e!*=»¢ %jS3711q%d4tomodcratephingg Ab=etw¢e.n :-.%th<:gé1'1A that: they may» unite and agm A amtlg étfé ;H*¢.1s% 7)H¢4;1d%.A¢o£ A théf ej N;atid4tis,% “do so Good A Offitej, and «gnfwe 1; prhg ,fE"ri?ds7?o£%th':-LE CoVeriant,% gg \Zv1fiich"f?¢#?.méth to drive: ¥‘ p.1;1ncip;{%11y% éag ”.a Q0.~,,,:m__W g IT;.1’€Jiit~ a”CCo£di1’fg: i“-<5%:th¢; 5. Word DE God: :;1i1d;nQt ab o‘IL1,teIy[‘%%thi%s, O: that, f Govetnmr f1ich%to»’beAvveirprVt6anythifig tha_A:L%is evil,’ in hdpe dfljreferfnent :¢~I\]:prA Vi.c,_‘hi:34 ’Ma_jefly~’s defign," ozhexi A than no he truly ii'JfQ1*niLedby.ALh§:rr; of»thWe.be£’;.a1ad*%%moderate waycs to Re- éonci1ia.t;'1on?,7AAAA.AWhic“b~«w§i11 b7efi1u.ch Abé1_:tcrl th;an,_fo;:;his A;»MgjefiY: to adhere ta ¢n€PartYOr the 9‘-hfif party A%f0:;thatAhi'S adhering t0,von¢APartYV%V0U1d no:Joe,fafé:; éxlfo cheikeézping them in equalhopes and favour is*~not‘fafe, for t.iha"t theVkeep‘i13g zip s’-3f l9‘é}A<5§i01T1$%i11VChU1Z4€b'v‘ Wi11pf.0.d’uce Eafiioxusf State : % thércf0reA tbs: Wet? P i$Mét;:¢€’v3z‘%Ais 11QW:*£3ki¥1§i'Air$thfibéifiz mpleare Godyfecurc fii*mf€1Vfa3nd“£Ohr f,0g?fh. PWC3 to A . T , W V What‘/aer two N;zt.;nfzm2%l co;zfz‘itz>ttia22:%' Em .§’i‘azn4£%:t’agetI3ér,s:%écl tberq)"t2ré"ivk;=+ O “ ?‘A£>e}* tI96fif1?w?*'¢€5 ‘f W1‘? 7V‘¢'1?ttiérIl% H5¥‘§’W¢/°] : 40,1517 #30‘: 22-mmllg A prediEi‘th¢ fall mi Avfw,ThatirisAtruaasmforfi;¥h¢~A¢0u1:u<=n%ane1~ngAAam14t:courag€mcn4nof . Lb: 0r1cAi%ws%ja.détri{m€:nt to ;‘ A »ch§f-eforc; ~extrea1i1s:A 05 both ’pvAm;ie%s 1:é%ifi%i19£?t~ 13%": ih€Y%1m9b€~ %*i§1ited%a1a’d”becon1e%om %A¢xvhichTwi1t;Vmtxch . no‘‘\7vn%Athc:;fVCT1u1*ch5lafAfipglaxgd ,« and _15;§?=1.?y1A<:}1€I£—it; 5 m1:¢AV formidab1*e’.againP: the’ cfihurch V prafiifa it is toA:Afrni<:x*a;taA differgancsss 4; e1:hera£ore.i.2: I is the¢du¥1z Acmefis1dZz0and»».praé%1£eRe:concmanqn.»:7 %“ A * y M [J .\ ‘ *“2‘3_AA .rrb2+:b;;r M1» 4;"17r¢1a‘t&: V A A AA A AA ~1Wv.;12b;A cndeavourcd;= IrAisA;n%ot w<:irk*« hem wprefciibb a way, I fir)’ 1”eave%icAte1:hofwh<>feA.~voxk Ainzismdo =h~a:,AAmyAd:rasxgisA¢:oAdcnaetches¢ophi* ..h¢rf~€t"4g«A%%413i3AA2¥4dJ¢§?){‘;lMtlzF. wAVm»:mme gvdlj minfier, Tloazt the%a}'cl4 AfiAl:ic~iMim"fler;r‘wir£+A% m the lzberzzgg of£4:mdmfuaz;7*mg%%ta:%»:da=%?A %.422d'%3%5fl1:t%atI9er» flit Pralwitibaillw pzzrt)r"ola.22at§4:lI‘Itf?:?tb{3: Ma]e§}}’s mar,» ;tVelling%%/aim the)*,.zii3‘}3[a¢*e ~ A é 4 '3;..:é [3 x’5"w .A ,l‘r- , “)9 ‘AV ‘ " V3 .. —i “ “ M V! A *% *‘ fl; #e.‘"I:kdAvs:~.n«:: A :2: h ath dQfl¢%any_”Afuch vching&_-37~ps=:ra1dvent£tre.‘a11Crhc A incumbents of chof_a.A 1A;g4A@AsbgVcme;orVAe£a~1fe,% tmtztmhexn yqafi W2fmm4 A A A A . AAh1»W1vIga*am11~*e‘:"What 501113 ho€hhtbmiAAtA.vv::re1xot .ordrtx11eAdby Afixflaops at fA1T;‘~’r”ehht«*hy?:2e:fréi;h;}in'”th;it~hChffc‘thh&‘~De;1h1s* C%.gAa‘1*.i ‘“ " 3+ ; A ‘A «:27, What er there age may of the Pc€f5hytehr1a“r1“a’wz7,ah Iaundredgoazl Prm.cber“:A A cinch" of t/Je”~AAI’re!/AtticazlZ ;5 fl72t1‘At’AI9iltAAG'b“AA?f/A(,’7_’I¢fl¢£_AfiA¢f§é6 mt 5d.‘i"zr"AA_)’-“()rAht/J: JV/I-= A rim, ht/mth/Wk 22za§%«zmAAol éA'efl*A~I’?7*ez;z(:*A/9é7A*i5A~? ‘ A V A A ”1;Alr¢f2w. 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