, W" “ ; 1: ‘ Wm; t.” __ 3‘ T H E {3F'THE K" A Y s T E R I 13 J TVVOIVNTO£ PRESBYTERIAN and INDEPENDENT. T 0R» THESERPENTINTHHZ % BOSOME, VNFOLHDED. ' , 9‘ M‘ ,3.‘ .~. rm ~ ~~ H‘ 1; ‘: I ,‘ V " ‘ “ T‘ m_ u. , y » v H w‘ «. -—' -ff‘? "',.‘ , ‘$2-~.'::'_n.«o‘ ‘ 4.‘-‘E 'v"‘..I« 0 Q " ‘I; *1“ ‘Q -«v: - wm V "V " _-“ V W M Pnrno::.A11;}x1'a‘n. V A A Omne: noéflum mat Carri gm’ lacemnt, am Cadmera qme /acemntur. _._.._u Printed in the Years, 1 6 4.79 C0 ' ;: Tot11eu11»b‘ya{‘fed Reade1*.' .. h ,4. \2~:~g,),” , I M A - o . x «:5 4;. av» . ~;-’i01l‘h0, jaw hon/ejooer flame: 5 »meel_yoezr Ema’: *7’ o hefbrejcm We mvez-7‘e,e like ‘Shot, wot ;f45'ezreé{, all felt) aw/z’ o'om'e ezymjozo. To the upright in ‘Cohflder ohm .6} or “pr-cvaricating ‘nu-rn”ber of Gfandi:€$,ee1r Principles are ozltereol; our v A 4 .o A Religion into Schifme,_mz.dHypocriticaol proe. faneneffe ; _.T?¢/E37’/'¢»'»£€'l9 that the Lords Szopper 235 now, ozlmofl ever} where difco'1¢tim¢eo1,fio7‘ want of I @0127 not whatfimagihavy ’Uto}7ia2¢~ holihefle. T he Creed, Lord: i7°m]er,oemcz’Te2¢ Comzomezdemeeotx, the A ‘ihflmmefltx of Faith, Hope,Chm'r£e, teaching Omnia crede-noda,fpc~ randhafic facienda) lcfi om‘ of the ifioekihorj. Thee: much firr Religion. V Our known Lawes (heing “t-he o;fcc0:eide‘oPri11c‘i'ple hem am: to other ‘ People 5] the Nhtiomz/Z fovehmet, and ?7ZoZFZJ’ Declamtiosoyj e are the; reed ieito Arbitrary, enmergentgaind up-fltart Orders and Ordinances of Pezriinment ; erver} ole} rifz';eg , and heave:-gy oh} withering like Mnfhromes. So that we are 340237 governed ]u1‘e vago 85 ooinceerto, hy ez leozden Leshieiéz amaze, Io which we ammo: fayozere oozero eo2heo.’2'w2o'e ozezd efliom, hoot ?7Zflfi.fl_'/Z'o*2.j’eZ'1..[11“hJl?‘G'7”a>l‘f¢d£’o€3‘ that gozizie the Legfiflutive ‘pa.- wer of‘Pezrli:zme:et 2£ppli0ozti0fi¢*0fth€fi¢«‘f0 om‘ afiiohx. A great mg'fl*rie.e$ V A 7 ~ e L‘ V Thehthifdhintiple is“ our Libfi-'-:rtwi‘es¢ What heeome ofthem, this Iitt‘1e,‘T7*'eoztzfev5£’fZ3te!!_yo;o, eomlfl: of our . Properties; J5’-m‘ flog}! ! me othiezkslheozre menfqy‘, theztotheholhmozzr ezmlhdmgero mmtiniezg are the M Tdrlzkzmeht oloore rhcfi rm’ lezfl weelgfr‘, heath whemzhled our Gmmficjex, hatred meale them flee/Q the Lorolwith Fafiiillg. a11d~P1'aye1f. I .:mfia’e;*, let me telljaotiixehmtfleceeeoleoloio-2 the? of Commoozxg 137/3872 .42 Let- ih‘erooahelh‘It)L eolezreoticm frohMh”eh_1€2'rmjo éeeieg »te2oohed toehe o7<*e.¢zr/.75, fime of z‘heh(_'_V§'1?.§?z;¢olee:2t77fi:ve7“eai*l; That fhoedolh reozelie e thofi: elemmoh, they flight ‘eehdhtee oo them oofthgze ezeatzere, .45 the] com heft/oer we/J jzoflice olezoy them, nor wzrbhmazar gmht them, heeemfe it name not ho-5 hohmhlefor rhemhfo doe their deny Z9/P076-’ admonition of the£re.zJ;oe{y, &Eifl‘g'»5”2.'-.tt“th;?¢é?T fhrwznzir, etfl5l3§7pfit1oifc1'U0%V ofc‘om[7e.*-lfiah. To ]}7"€'2'J_£‘72Z z.‘1:»zi.vi,f’ “they re,~’5!7’redo2‘~o :e@io£;aea kcenfidemeioxo fieeeéy meal rl.,.=eir ozawee A A :3 ~ o~2F¢-‘.0 °:'-02¢ that are h_y.o' me with felfe-"-refpefls Iweite Ah -heafirt, «though ‘mif-led in j'udgemeenot,Ij}ae.rz@'., he (Z) r ' A .I5cram’eI5e Grievances ma;eefimeez;z.ee:ee people.T;ée7Weee tfiéere-4 fore z¢}2rm 3 Head: : 1r'.Th‘e {elf-crienying O”rdi_na11cc:*. T/P022 Waie/9} ‘ » they l7otm'(r.J tbejfezii 5]‘ ex Preparatory‘ Vote oniefy T/mt ell Mere- éer: V/gelding ear} Ofiieex; Greznte, or lace: éj cogf;cefl?o;¢_ oft/ye ‘]34zr[z'... emcee,‘/lm/Z ezceozmtfar , and page in 5:126 profit: A1:/aereofre rice earm famirzzittee of '}i7qc'azerzt;._ T/oi: I-cmceive (ze;¢e2._’Le7%_;f§z%fz/c2;a:r% eftke Greta; A eieeex; *ievk6.'po tkefl: pl:zce.r,ezrzd cefetrie/eel’ t7az§*Vote).Tto 5e .92 ifieerei% deleg/er] Order; Farw}:a arm éeliezre t/get flee/j fe/f—fi'ek_i2g_gf7?;ere_;, A 45 . all mm: kgeowt};-em to ée, ‘mi/Z rexecwe L‘/aéfl’ Ofice; fo:r.A:{1orl2iiz‘g,meei pee} in to the ufl: aft/ye. State their profitxr. efidex, fiery firraient‘ to t}1ej[2=_ Grezmdee: ,' ; their‘ ro,:r2ze§ eerezztzeriéxfig fo77§}72z't‘ee““”6")“ Avcozmtsflzzre. A “ V A, A , »_ - e. ‘V e V ' A 2. They Voted ,. That 720- more] /aereefter jlzezeld ée given to em} ;Z’»/Ieméer in compenfation or recompenc‘er of his ioflés , mm‘/I zélae ~‘~L7’I¢zl2l.£:]z«ze fleéteée paid. [Here z‘be%,Gremelee:. were in eezrne_fl‘,éec:azefé. their law}: tier:/ze: are already fereied ,m¢d the (off? rand iecomrenierzee.‘ eftlaeét V are fie/1.rAo;¢e{ye uparzit/ae mete}: cozetemned Middle or-Mcdergte J Members. A ~ . 3. T/aegyazppointed 92 Committee MA ccmzcler /new to tpzlge of the Griewmce urifingfromfm:/9 Meméer: M‘-.» aéujfzeg "t£ge_Priz2£{ed_ge_ of A Tarliameht refufe to pay their deétx. % _ % % _ ' “Proh:Superi _.,quant:.um mortalia pe&<_)ra.caecx; A Nofléis habent;-Ipfe fceleris molimine Tereus Creditur efl?-: pins; laudemque ea crimine fumit, % " Let not the Gremdee: ée offended V, that I a.’zfi‘o'z/er t/cafe fiekneflex A ew/951%! the} A meow» fa ewer ; Ante morbo;s_, neceffc ,e£%,recogmtosre,fTc, quart-1 rcmedia comm... God anal} can ea t/are Aifculapiush ezeedeflre them. But I am afiwziaf they defire mt/oer zzfligktftgppurating , rlaen 4! gerfec‘?eyre;vand that tl2e_}+[pre_zyA rather to hide, t/oer: hell; their ew’l.r.. Da fallcre, da jufium,fan&umq;._videri, A 4 A V \‘ A : ‘ A A Noétem peccatis fraudibus objicenubemg‘ 4 , Jfftloie ea t/aeir e-merge, quos perdere v%u1t_]rru%piter , hos;d'¢i[n”en-4 tat;quos tueri vuJt,ifufcitat:.I have dam? my duty, even int/aé: gezzem-3' A rim, quando dicere quod no'lo miferum,Aquod volo 8:. debeo perig- cu1ofum..Ile.ee/e the./i¢cee'[fe»Io Gad,refh'ng',. A V A 1=..oT‘n..4onA.vé Parliament language) Firfi: ‘Media/ided. themfelvtis lll11E0tw0ifi2&10223 The ]\_./lyite-tie of nhefltwo l‘unto’s*,. A Trexlb/te7i‘i422‘atadjtnc/epeiaalezzt.A V ' e ' ‘He Kingdolme being ®VC1’»gfQWn€.W'itl1 Prero_r,gwa~: TV .7. ' ~ rive, forrtaptiasz, a11dl5%Em§>jf£tion, ( the fruits Aofas v long and lazie peace) by a-long. ‘difcontinuance: .i_ , " ofPa1‘eliamenilts~;?AtlafibyProvid<:nceA I-lisA.IM'3.-e I i jcfiy was neceffitated, toicall aLPar.liame'nt,liitheA ~ i / onelyi Colledge oft Pliyfitiansy to purge the mncAh.i diftempered body. ofthe Com_mon--wea'ltl1..i- r A j ~ _ A A v H In Ath‘is*Parl1a.rnent a iconte-it hetweene the - Prero_'gv:zti*3e- 3-A.,.A, and the People: Lawn and Liéertie.rAAib?egat Wa r. Thee ?7.i'vir2e;rOn< both fides out of their Pulpits founding Aiarnnzitheretol 3 and not onely Se?mm.r;., but 7Deblm.*zztio:¢.r ofP&zrl£i2mL*nr7, and ~t}.2¢:* 1i7\(_g.v.t£oA;«, vs 7’ glwen-am: (holding forth to i the peopAA1eA the d€f€nC€f;.Of Religion, Lawes, Liberties, and Properties ) inflamed the people to A tAhcA rage of hattell, as the Elephant is inriiged at the l71ght, of.:Ked.I“‘his War ‘oeca.fioned:e:it;*ao“rdinar?y; Taxes and _Le.vf1es Aofi_i:mone§*,Ai1i'.AAch. l i. asiwerelnevet heardofby Ouf.AUC€&OUrS5V and Aweroj;jalApI;»;*itpz;5¢e;a:.oz _ ' A malartzm,the nurfe of out Corruptionst . i. a 4 ‘ Ai - A l A j A s Thisincentive working upon thehumane frailty of ,l?l1G ~Ipe_ak.- 3,. V 4 ing and leadingmembers of the I-Ioufes, .caufed'TtAhetn toApinA+ .G’m::oice:. nerv_veave.»,thei.ri particular? ixiterefiss iandl anjihitioil1s= xviihfthpe pub; fliqgaeg.andrlaftlyltopreferrethembeforethx;publAiqt1esaV" ,5 A :: Wherefoire the faidp_Lezzdi;zg mm are Gm}-¢d'1:=¢: 5 (for {tvhatis now _ or ]"~w2to.r’.t.Pre.:é)'t2ri.¢z;¢.r,.and‘Imieptiadvznrgr ::;feemingA IQ l."oA€>jl{ lonely Fflfimmm upon the Church, but i ( Religion having the ...firong&’§ ope ration upon the fpiritofi mean)» involved the.iintelr.efisi A of.,thei— “Common; l Wealth. 4’ v The Cornmon peopleof the tWoAhoufes lfollolwing AiA (w;itihaAxL1 5% implicite faith and blind obedienoce)the example of theirelaadens, ‘ ‘divided themfelyes alfcir into the fa“id.»Dichot:0my; Whichtheyv did with moreaferiolnfnefl'e,.ithen theirleaders; L as? not petceivixzg any thing of defigne i therein : But according» to the divcrrfity of their ' judgements, or rather fancyes and confidings (£52: £~01'efigne a A 3., . mans .6?’ 7'5 8 Monafdléfimg ‘Trofit: prefi'rmmt:. Q -( C4-‘D 'inansj'udgement to the opinion of another man is but a filly trufi and confidence) fitidied the upholding of their parties with ear-_-» neftnefle; whilit the Grandees of each party‘ in private cioie togg‘. A their for their owne advancem ent, ferving one anothers turn. A The Gmrzdee:s(1niailpubl1’que debates) feemejasreall in thei reciprocal} oppofitions, as thofe fill-y_org1e5, whereby they tcheriih the zeaele of-their A 5 them fiiil divided, Divide ejv impem is the devils ii A amufe them, and take them off from iooking after o,t;he«ri;in§t2e1?fi1;'-5 r~ -in which :(wTere they eonjoyned) they might ‘fhaife; deeds themfelves :. and for the better contentnrieriltilrof Confidents as looite too iintenitively after their ownc gain, the ‘Graedees of each jlmto conferre fomthing ~ofadva;'r-itaget upon thofe that are 1f.1i)fCt‘V1@ntftOt theme as five pounds a week, or Ifoine pettyimployment. is d , . or ':'1“=:heefeedioif thefe faéiionso fpread ethemfelves intoethe. Com- “ mon-wealth 6: Armies : as Rheume .doif’ciles from the}-lead into all the body. , faith,j‘1¢mrez°n *2/eréoz Migé/iri, _ to their opinions upon fleeves; ‘I-‘hey beegiin to advance .theirvprojet"cs of Monopolizing A thefp1rofitls,iprefermeentsdiian/ewower of the Kingdome Lin. three}:-1 felvzess To; whic.hpi1rpofe,‘r th.hgh:tthe leaderso-of eachitparty deem to maintain a hotio'ppofition,yeet.-whenanyrprofit;oh:prefermem is to be reached at, Itris obferved 'ith‘a‘t. ia'poWerfi1iIlr,indepe1id-dnt or iefpeeially moves «foere a Presbyterian ;, or a leading oPresbyteiria‘z1 ‘for-an Ifndepcndantirrdc. feldome doth ionezoppiofefloxrfpeaki agdinfi ihntdther: i1;1fiiche”cdfes)mizfiierfometghing“ofepear.tii:uiaEr”iifpieene or ~Cotnpe'tit?iorr icomef iazhicihiecatifeth;them?’.'ototi’%breake;:the common Ruvie. By this meanes the Grandecs of fieachiffatftidhifele =d;otne=i :1niflfe»iit*h“eire m;atit,: i"finCE"I3.I.1 Inde.pendgant movingtrforr has 1i?1"eI3- L x‘-;'.b".'}VA7iiIi‘\‘3I"3i—§’.{*:i‘1‘,i»“’it’i1'iS tteputetiionmrries ‘r..theeibt1f1neiTe deare with-4-their Indes- pendent party a: the .;,i’§t?";i‘db:'3;r:itc1'.ia1<1sf ’t2o:t.oip”po£e alieidiiig on * titeiei owne fide; By this amecerme fidtetfh are the -.Com;meor.»‘weaith ‘betweenathemzi ‘aiieinotv come i proud, do;mineei+ingiRehobam§1 (:even~ew:ereztinre off their ~. . :. e ow “E33 ~ 2% Thusitheleadingtmen tor Beii,-Wethers heivingfimfmingb A t%c’mfilve:,ii and rihaivifig Jcmlgy zlividgedtlae rHo#fi:,r:_and:-éemptivaefed V mm’ their r-eifpeétifve parties judgement, teaehingathem. by an Igmepltieite i ’ fefiewi emeeiiziéers, eVceetem6y;eeo 13i’b€}‘E§jZ of I9;ae:"L‘ which cemfifts: .AeineeeaAne.eeq;Ia}i=t-y)»éhat wereeVf0rmfe:wIy‘e fawmng*ambeeiti011s.A;bfi11oms.: ' e 5! ?7There. hath Beene‘ lateiyh - given away" to»memberse erpenlyi ( be-~ fieleseiniuiugrzjerasble and iaacfiimable private ch eates mutually‘ cor.-— ;1iv£=:cI"a;t)* fit leaPc;eoQ‘Qo.l; inmoneygbefides rich offices, Im-~ p1eym‘en;s—Aen monfgay €emmitt:-ees,; esequefiratibnes A and wocheir ada va~n1§2iges-.A%‘ A7*.A:nd‘th-ofe%AmAembe12s§wh0Ahave?*flo weelli Afe1‘v:%d t:Ahem.3 faves under celAoAuv eof’fervAing* the pubIiquee,1are A‘ (for t?he“moePt:I pa;r~_t:)’ old €9.17nv"-aférs Féflians wfioeehave fer: idlely and fafely in. A tee-H~oufeA A wfatehingrlieir advantages to con-fouAn%d. eb11%fin.cfl‘es,; andi; L 1tF1e1AAeaA1'd;es5w‘mt67~ mialieee etheir" "Town “game; when/Aeo.rh'e ;rs that: e}’§avee?Ave1&tured: eheirperf'éns~abroad;lhbeure’diin» the publiquee work: flicieilfnaelites under tAhefeAAEgy’ptiantaisbmaflersg Aa11‘de1g finde reliefe in that empty Be”g,« caHed;by~f'0%o«AIes fldE=;puAéAlZ?m byiwife men.fia‘wp:um‘m. A And: menowA1ebkedAeupen; ingthe Hm.1fef~ fupAe*rcil1Ai0u_fl:yV, like umvel- . e game“ = (fer it~iskAnown*hc?>WA ma1ig1ian7t:1y~ andhow jugiingly Writs efo;JneweI¢&ions were gr:=,n_t«ed" andmecutedje eindAcaHeci:: jomxger Aérathem,’é;nd4“1ikegyeungerbdrtlaxers-they a%re‘?ufec-i :their' éi-A1de?r.t brothers -have flipped» Ainto th€‘W0r-id. before them, anclig 2tnticipated”t:he inheritan%ceA;;- They hetjve br0ken=fir£’tA into the coma- monfie1’g!,ahd fliutfthcr cioor t o~pA.re:v1ent“ Lafcerecommers even frorné. A A gleaming after their fu11‘AhaArvefi;‘ F01‘7?tfie better efl‘e&ing whereof they«haveeeA"noviz morgaged‘i% €in=efi'e'&.)allthemeanes t:hey%have ‘to’ ra4ifei*‘V_rnone}i,unt0 {he (Jity.i And“ being tfieeemefelves-fat and full: with the *publiqu€jTi'6afiJf@t07“= A A will be vvdillipg to argue tagainfl me_ paniculalr perfons and merits of his» Fe1lolvl~members , and zlzcreby heap envie upon his own A head; befides the delay ofa pmicullawr dfibatfi. d _ l A How frequently thcllcawmrq ‘Camfifittetf alfi cecmcrary to the‘ Laws ofthe Land : they trample Afazgnam Céwrralunlder mi: feet , llhow‘ boldly and avowedlyfthfey 't'1“én7fgr€fil2 all Ordcrslllandl I rm. ‘ J l C-:l:mz‘s+-¢=] €'o,;xmtmm 0 rdinancesof ?ar1iam«eTnt ; and break our Solemn League and . Covcnam:,hovv they‘ ordinarily turn well affeéled men om: of A “ A A A‘ dmi: 3* \/ -( I i ‘rsheir iieeaholds and g one any known charge, etecnlerfr or wrtnels agestarliti1em.Hoiv fre—-- quently they leavy one taxe three or {onto times over, and conti. one their leavies after the Orclinances expire. How cmeny they mile the twentiethandfifrh part upon the weliaFFer?ted;exereifing 1 anill'egall arbitrary tyrannicall power over their»iifello’w: fnbjcfis ii ‘ eftheir rapines; to whom they facrifiee. A A onion Commiflioners. farre higher than ever Smzfml or C;z:2rere5m»};.dur(?c advife the King to. How ignorantly and unjnlilyl rtheyreexereifearpowerro lmr-re and determine (or rather to determine without hearing, or lheare Without tmderlianding) pricier: dantratocrfler pf Q/"ileum 6"" l A s, irnpriibn and; beer rheirfoeriionmit-.h~4 ?':mm,far a'rérr, trefjnzflir, my title nndepafléflim of-lmad,withom; t _n either formality or knowledge of the Lamnot having vv1t,rna-ta» tiers norbteeding enough (as being choien for the greateflt part, out of the bafeli of the people, for bale ends) to fatisfy men with an-outlide,torcomplement“ofjuPti‘r:e: Infomueh that nothing is now more common, then an Acenfértion without ian.Accul’er, a- zlentence W1l.i‘lOflt~a judge,‘ . and-a condemnation’ W1th0l.'lt a heare- iing. Ifany-‘man, I lay, be fo deafas not to «heare the loud umvct:- fail outcrying ofthe people ; fogreat a Pcranger in our Iliael as not i t to know this truth, let him perufe M._Ednmrd King: Dilizovery K of the arbitrary aéiions of the Com. or Lizrcalne, printed 1647. T where he may fee thefc things briefly epitomifed ; but tO_‘hiii0£ilZ3 r them -atllar er would require a volume as bigas the book of Man- yrs: % The e Committeeslare excellent . fpnnges to fuek mon fromstltheapeople , A andto ferve not only their owne, but alfo the i A iCove‘tous, Malicious, Arnbitiouséendsi of thofe that raked them out of the dunghill for that employment, an.d~'to defend them in their opprellions. A Who is foblind as not to feethat thefe men have their proteéiors? their Damon: to whom they offer up 931;! ocmlm /polio‘, c§‘pl.’:¢ra: dc.pd.cewl:2"i r2'z1wp5a.r.«.~ A ‘ e ’ if there bciany intention to reflore our Laws 8t Liberties, and flee us from Arbitrary Government;..it is fit the-fc Committees endsall Afi”ociations,beei laid down, having no enemy to aliociate againfi, andthat theold form of'Governtnient by Sht=i<:fFes,. Irr- flioes of l the Peace,azebeirreeeflabliflieeii : andithc Militia in each County ‘ffitlfidctasib€f.0I€,iI1-LkVE,Cn3l'.lIS,3DdDCQUIIY Lievtenants, Noe. , (9) i a to ~ Net is it a {mall attyific-.‘e‘to irail'e*moneyi‘by {omen}-fitvemifdwf it confitfid T axcx. Whereas one or two wayes orderlyuled and well~husbanded,would have done the work. 1. Royallssubfidie of4ooooo.l. 2. Pole money. g.The free Loanes and C.ont4ti- butions upon the Pub1iqueFaith amounted to a van incredible fumme in Money;Plate,Hotfe, Atrnes,&;e. 4. The Irifh Advent “A . it-I-Ire fora faleof Lands the firfl and tecond time. 5. The'wee-klyi Meals. 6-The City Loaneafter the tateof 5o.*Subfidies. 7.The Aifefiement for bringing ingthe Scots. .8. They. and~zo..patt; i 9. The weekly Afi‘eflemcnt for my I..Genetals Army. 10. The l weeklytfore-Monthly)Afiefiement for Sir Tho, Fairfax Army. a 1 I‘. The Weekly Afleffement for the Scotifla Army. 11 2. The l weekly Afiieliement-fotthe Britifh Army in Ireland. 13; The weekly Afleflement for my L.ofMm1n/im Army. 14”. Free-"vi i "quartet (atleafi) connived at by the State, beeaufe the 50u1di¢~f3 7 having for-a time fubfifience that way, are the lefl‘e~.ctavi-ng for their pay wvheteby theirgtktteares growing Hale; will, at 133:6!" thetbe fi-ufl‘r~ated by a tedious Cotnmittee of Accounts, or for-' gotten. In theitnean time, the Grand Committee of Accounts - difcount it out of the C otnmandets Arrears, whereby E113 SW3 - fives it. 15. The Kings Revenue. ~16. Sequeflrations andPlun-l- det by Committees, which if well anfwl:eted~»to«the State would havecatryed on the work : Whifihllthus I demonPtrate,=One halfe ' A a of all the goods and chattels , and (at leafi) one halfe =Of all the Lands, Rents, and-Revenues of the Kingdome; have been Se- quefited. And who can imagine that onehalfe of the profits and goods: of the LandA a,-mmna.w2fl?»:iA Impaféi ‘£056 a1;wayesmakingtA,ye:. never fiiwi:£E£fii7ng'w A an .aAccount thereofi; A A ‘And as they have a§t1ificiaAlIy;:anfauAmdedathraactcompmsbyIayg ing onA'muItip«1ici:y_Ao£ Taxes ; 10 (four the fame reafom) l:hc_y1e;:. the money rum; in 10 many muddy, obfcure:ci:2anAne1sA, thronghifai % many Commit tees axgd 7Qfl3cersrfingez§,b_o§h fa:ca11cé1ing,m¢ei.. , viFnAg, iffuing a‘nd._ payAiAnAg1:t forzh;,nhAa: *1: 1sA1mp9fl§b1se:Aton1a1;e Eff! , 2 ‘ba11aAn::eAarn:y pubhjque account there of : and: an chA.eA:1eaI’z one;AhAalfe thegeof jg: Lmown to beg dcv‘aured: by Committees and; OéH€ce1zss,;‘ and theft thatfor Iucre%pra;eé3; them. By theft mmmes as eheyv _make;many.mm parmers wiah ghem, in: the; puike fpoyles, fat: they mm-&:h flrcngtm-‘:nAand iAnaqreaAfc- th.ei~rA=pam:yA s‘VVF1E1'€‘by mzalti-. rm pA::xm.;ztiAz¢m zfallit paemw. A \ A x If theft: thfiags wen: not purppf*c1ydone,1..m<:;:chva1ane11A, undex the finge:1:1ngA:of few~erAI—IwAer Exccheqauép , A are a1s;m1cien;a%anc1;funda1x1sentai1?as&% any Csaurfn in Eng[;._:md,);:A ami pm,-t i.u~.r;Am’e.gr a Com.naiLVme6s%.Lwi1idiA(am al LAfAzhe} Pup. fmii *am:s aAmd?M‘c’flE ng€1ts,wt2@i%'E Commigi I:w_1?J,$jA *- rankt yThe+fervant inplace ofhis.MaHer5 the it Bieggeri in; Aplaee f _ of the King,,.thc'fo01e in plagze of the Counfellourw, theyllheefet » v .. . t ., y ~ in place of the judge, the Cheater in place of the Tteafuter, the V Clowne in place oftheGentlett1an ,; none but God alone can play ‘Daaazm part, and give us aClue to leaél us out of this labyrinthi \ : into which thefe unpdlittiqueiifzrqcaza Tocaj]"exhave brought us.Thefef it-nskilftsll workmen that have built up Babel, andi puilled clewne Sion. Othets are faitl to prepare Foirraigne iPlanta:tions for Re-« treat; To peoplewhich, children are ravilhecl~fr0m their parents a armes, and Shipped away 5 an f;1l)0mlfla‘tl0I11‘lOl:% knownein Eng-i lanclhefoi‘e, and therefore nocompetent Law made agaihft it ; no more then in ancient Rome agaxnll Parricitles. 4 By what hath been already faid», you fee what 'th@_i'Q3—’WP‘}‘.4Z[l!; and V G.M::}6;'” ‘:jihat_th%e caazjqyazed intereflx ofthefe main fylzaatax at tF«2££C?io~;«.z: , Tree» ‘. their/wemfi >;jzer.za;z% and Iiadefexdetat are. Let us rioww confic_let__ where {hear _£mWe/I,‘ Md. eerertafifl/rilraagrla. lyes. The Iizaiepeflalaaat gteundeth ~l*‘tlvS_fiZ$.‘€3~l‘3g'~’€l‘l ttpezii A Jgfigm aw the warm}, which If he can klelepe up, he hopee to give the ts‘. flréxgwfi all ;i and to produce that great ;Chym~aera, Lziéeerzjl ofCp:4fcae;ace : V‘ t % flOCCO.l1l‘lClCl'l‘l'lg_. thatthe cohfufion andlilcentioufnefie of futha l libeitty will Adeltrey it felfe, Liéeriaia Liéertate perit. t The i7’9~.:=*.:'.l')'-i- l 2'a:v*zIa;2:i have three Pi/Z417”! to fupportlthem, 1. ‘T105. 621:}! is tlteit “ , ~.:;l3€lf€ foundatien,with which theykeepe a l’cti%c‘l’ec eor1*efponclencie, and tlayly communication efCouaeells; Upeh?thi«s C0f'.tllCl:€I“ati;. on,the_y have lately put the Parliament Purfe into theCities Poc- litill as aforefaid; fetled and inlarged the City Militia. W7ll€%t‘€~ as all theCountryes (of England (being more ohneaious to injuries A thenlthe Citie) fuffer much fotwant of fetling their Militia ,-;the’ Parliament not t1'ultin;q, A them with aimes, lb mueh as ‘£01’ their ewne defence :“An evident figne, there is a fzmher eldigne «then dishancling this Army.‘ And becaufe the Citie Militia, can oelyt l(€€p€ ii‘: awe the adjacent South and Ball‘: Countiles ofthe King: dome‘; therefore to fupprefle the 3‘f€mQtl3l.';"p3Tt5, and li1afot'ee V 7% there tolobedienee, they keepe up vlfome 287:»-?Zaz:«25.l Gazrriijaasr, and Thavea Geaem:/I ‘Poyzra: fzzpemazmaerarieforcex f01'th~e N*0“r~tl3. And in la-Eva lW;‘=/2* (under ‘colour of ‘fencling menifor I“1‘ClafiCl>ltl1€y,—l{€Ep€l:., upon ftteequarter and pay of the C()11I'lt1‘y,§??.cta::§)ffliperfifiwerarie fie»-V > gmcara wTroo%ps,V —m0ll: Cavalietrs ; at leaf: live t’1{"9I’l€‘S'3*S many as ltheyli 1-ea%1i;riacena to tiaiifport. Thefe aretalwayes going‘, hat Anew fvetgone :il.ll{€:'. SaaintlGeorgie, alwayes him his failddle, lnea/ei"ion his away. v C15’); ' way. “Something ever is and fhall be wanting untill; ~.S’ir Tiaamm F4yrfax’s Army be difbandedgand then(it is thought)the difguifc W « A wrillafall iofl‘; and thefe fupernumeraries fhall appeare at new rno-a-» delledAhrmy1‘-Inder Presbyterian; commanders 1, yourinay be fure: lo iandfuch vfvhofe? confeiencesafhall notagbefoorlean theirllwri£sr:=a where r . A i b" any matter of gain alppearethe ; If this be not their ayme» ~,h ; Why ; did they notldisband thefe lewd Supernurneraries beforellafil winter ,fince they might: hzweraifed as many men the fpring fol- a, lowing for half the charge thelrvery free quarters cofi? And ” l molfofi thefe fweare theywill not gone for Ireland ,; vQwirngjthey~ willcut thethroats -of the Ronndséfleades. \ ~ A A n A i The countreyis amazed ,fearing thefe Cavaileelrslare kept on freequarter by at Cavaleerifh lpartyfi for fo me Cavaleerilh Defignea; .\ Secondly, why didtheynot rather divide Sr. T/yam»; Fa rfax; r ihtfolltlwlo pan?:s,one tolgo for Ireland , the_,ot_her to {gay in Englmeal; being already tnodelled, excellently difciplined, andha-gr; ving the vifible marksrof Gods favour upon their afiionsa? But to V it take afewifor Ireland, a few for England , and leave a Coare in; the rmiddlelto be? plucked forthl and disbanded, r was the way to difco"nt"ent% them, ahd put then} into mutiny : and thereby. necell-1‘ fitateithei‘Parliame?nt to disband them all: and givean opportu-r nitie-totherh&rthrat_;feek it,to new frnodelllr another army out of the afoirefaid Suprernumeraries, l more plyable tor the defires of“ the Presbyterian» =§’fm1z‘0‘ : Addelhereunto the ecaui'lefl'e exafperating fpeechesiand afperfionse caffupon” molt. of the army ‘- plarpofely, as moderate men think,to difeonternta;then1.l Thi;rd‘ly,If they have no ; intentrito keep up an army. uponl the people , why have *theyacon;. or tiindedthe military charge"Arforl another year; and inlarged it from 5-aooo to 6ooooCl.; a monahla - ’ r l r ‘ ‘ Thus the “C.r‘£§y,\Ii¢ldn.l’:Z_ GM zfz3m',: andl-Supemflmemrie fame: '2 L madellcglm are‘e1il{e‘toprove‘the.ithieerfl:ringed"whipsfwherewithr tah‘e; ¢P,,e_,g],m._ I5reesby‘1eria'Cn} Phaetonsk lvvill adrive "Jtheir;,> it ryurnph ant” Charioélt they prevailed; To whichmay befadded ‘the P2-r=.ré_yrem4 ;;themfealve]s,l who by overawingl ‘met-is Confciences withltheirl doch?rrinea,h will. fiabdue andxjvork mens minds like wax:toreceiv,e any imprefiion ofbcsndage ‘that*"tyrai1_.my j and ; olpprfeffionlacalx fet fiPOn‘t1;e‘1]1;} I as they do]intSc0tland»:[The Clergy allltimes and places ;have T evei r lo on A-u....~& tl.2e‘’‘7’r:m2§,’Z-:'. ” (#16:)- field‘ with {lie I?l‘ziAgl1.tiej;er‘9£s'tl1e jacleo {iilli with ;itl1ei;Lio;n"}e.;o A pelrtalke of his? prey; ii i é } M 'I7laedpremifesiconfidered; Iilflmllipropounditi1el°ef.ezafui‘ng “ '%¢,!‘¢7'jg3.‘1,3,§g,;g rim to thoféthat‘alfflfbfittfi1‘lr‘j'I1Cl.€._{Cl‘flCI1l; thenmy felf. e * ; ggrmrhyche titleiandl rpu:;mmx-genteofMa1ignan:s,‘1s::m:n~ ."ff“ th;er?!a11d fuch well .2£fl'e&ed as h,aVe»o p pofed Tyrarmyi one kind-,, I will not admit of it in another? ~—‘Wl1y i’s1it;no.W~jaecounted ia~n0t:Efi of maligtiity and idifaf’fec*°cion (to: endeavour the putringdownre of Arbitrary Government, arid re—e{’cablif-hing our“L:i?W.esr, liberties; A and properties;wheretoi.rhe .Parliament1by their many Declara1zi- j ons and their Natioin-al~le~Co.vena=nt are bound Lay this to, hear; ilandeoniider Whether they haveinot changled thefe; theirfirfi. prin’-- ciplesgand eorifequently whether tl1ey:a“re not "deifirrousl‘ to Ch31§gC};»" their old friendsriwho refolutely adhere to the {aid principles. v 2. Ifrhe Kinggrant the 'epnopofi:ions ;-or if heiclenie them,amd~d . thepredominam: glmm (for both joints’; joynedirx one (forithis~ . is lprobable). toidriveronl one~com'mon* 15nterePr)L”;ie£iablil}1 the-mic ‘A litary and .civill .power without him ,acco*rdIing (‘go-_their,'defires,and inorder to their aymes.. ;Qw.e whether the fair:lleacli;ng men fet-5%; do led in their pofirrres vvith their confident gL1=ar<;ls.about them ,.,may;[~ _ - non draw"after,thcmfo~manyof theirrparmias 11p®fnl.;afn‘.‘?im,P;fici't{¢:_/ -fa=ith»w i-ll rfollorvthem’ and filitksir up" ; E116: lli:rur1;1l>s~ of-me ii,;2I;;b;nli’q11¢E: ’ fpoiles;under the‘ir"Tabl-eszlz» 'e;rpe"lrlirng ior;dil%zbliing_.: {as4aforefaid);r rhe difingagedi imembers, and by this policy makelehemfel-yes per-f-5» petuall Dic°cators, incorporating wland ,ingro{liflgr1~ to the,rnfelves§ lborlr the lC:C')l‘IfL‘l4llEiV€',r»..Dif€&LlVC,eaI'1d“"MlflifiC§i3,1l‘ _pQW‘¢f§- éwiofifiie‘ Kiiigdo a’ll:aeirufesirC_ivil‘ ind» *Milité~rie,{eteing ;ulp‘jayn Qiéggzfcfsjt, i or Popular '§3r.razgn'iee irfleado o.fa.iRegall¥ i As 3 me .«i4:hi:trieeillylrgxrxcsg i of Athens diidi In orrclcr ivheretinto;;ithey:ralredd§,A d;eclare,~, A an ®r.d.inan ce of¢Pa:rlia-m em. witzhouti the rKings; Royall oAfsent,", is eqrxdllltoamfiwc ofI?arliamenr;.~ 2. That and Ord?ir;a5ncleAis ‘above a‘*Laxe;_by:a2ez%rue of:the1r*rLegiflativepowenuporn 1rghicl1rflpref1«;miA ngr in their rdinzmee of =Enadeempnit}7¢,§b€37rrhave grdnt‘ed~e;ao5Agipealei frosm the judges of the Law. ro 31 Committee of Parliament. See she Ordinance e<.x’i«.€I:v:y 21. 1:34-7. 3.iThatthey are theI1*fi— r voca e fiared"fr*om the ”(:32lvaiec~;rs,v.~;vl:1oi;.f«::§t1ghtf forfiegall Tyranny; againiicy the Pa'rl;." and laid upon ithofe that fought—‘againlir’ Regall 'I*‘y'f§U‘1‘{"l'fl nie.fo’rrrrthe Pa1'liamr.-rrIs_it' not becaufe ithofe Cavaliers thatrihavei foughtw for one'Tyrar_mi;e, will not be fcrupulous .. to fight for anou “ mwu-«mm as-am-m «a A fiionéwhich he is provided to qualifie with difiin:fl:ioe11 or ry ' ' A A . “ ir: 07> vocabie Trnfimbf the P609165; 1%W€5s»“b¢fti€5 and Proeertics. eb"W’it110%fit ae:ecoum;: with other prificiplerprepazrrtriexee to”, _7:}*rgz22;gy. “ ,e £343 ,gWhy Arbitrary and Barbarous‘ AGoverr1mentby Committees and other Illegall proceedirggs Cwbich ih time of war were ufed bup*oneReal1 or pretendednecefl1t1e,a1}dbWere then only excufabIe4 , Ab eeaufeinec‘ef/TWA etoflit Légem) A abr€.[mfii’Ilr Continued. 119011 us now in ‘tirneof pea’ce_b, no enemies trobueblring ourquietfi , and wiethont afiy Further pretence of neeeffiue, Contrary to their Na. i'.iona‘11’%Coevena,nt ,and a1lteheir%DeClaratri"ons? Isitnot, to inure A the :Peop"1ee to fervigude gandlever ufe their patience? A4. ‘_—,*Zz:¢ere,Whé;ther _th"ePrédigious oppreHIonsofCommittees,r ‘Sequefirators 8zcf.' andbioffreebquarter’ be not purpofsly cdtlmtei-4 nanced*~to neceflitate the people to rife in tumbults, that thence“ i occétfion may be taken to keepin.-land Garrifonsband Armies? r 5. Qmere; Whether our Lawes, liberties; and properties are nornow as Iyable to an invafion from the Legz):-kzrive power, as Mformerly from theb"Z’rero’g;iti'«v'eecenfidering thatL.th6f€ \Vh0 like ambitious‘ Abfizlam courted and rwooédr the people in the begin-« ning of troubles; ”,” now 4; like haughtie 'Reboz’2oazm.r”‘ care net fthoughethe p‘eepIe7complai_ne ; Their little finger is heafrierrethen j:1;¢ eloynesrof the King;'Ifherbco1i§ro7V.erfie between the &;t_\I§;o’r}p:;z:%qf.;: f'beingnAo mo:e,:her; whofeibiai/eSXvee’bfk1all be. e “ Ifthe middle .424 dg/,7; regimen in tI»1eTHo,uf°ee doe ha: rgaeédily "unite thernfelves into apartyor fmétb ,asbthe fafltiotxs have done, fand C0fIlI'n1iniGat_eetheirbcoutifels; They Wil be azrezagz’/z'2ze,‘r:zlce,IO0jI‘e fandefilfipated by every breath: and nexther fervieeable for rheme "felves nor their countrey. Whereas if they unite; twenty or rthfire A jty rnayebecome Moderators arid Uampeers between berth parties; ‘(ashath been already faid,) Let the moderate. "men but confider “ bhowbfad and‘ diflaonerable a thingit is to fee nothing -almoft of flfidafli. mi Mode7‘a!e IV./eméerr 425- gains. “great and publique concernment come intogthe Houfe , bur %xvIiat 7 ilxathibinbefare b.'md,contrived, de5azte.a[,k£n5l dzgffied in one ieorbothb jo‘f_th_'e twe flmztpv attheir private Tmeétings: and put intc roerero1;‘ ‘V661 aend prejhdicate a wayand: method of J difpatch, that every * ‘man is appointedhis ‘part or Cue before-;han’d:OneA mzmto {peak #0‘ mm Parr oftheareumerm anobrhertor anotherb part :‘3I_1,0th§Ty5;'L To keep hrmfelfe to t“heyl:;(f’cf for referve ,[ and {pea}; toe.thWe fi}f1€: 4; . C; _ V 334* [33«¢o‘lfizfi9fl wirhfime complaintx. (18) A»%it,gifheefi:ided'i:*dTii=fimIcto‘pe{1%. 'musa11pub1%zque are me;£ifufed4byiprivate refp%e&s; whereby it:"appears,_ that as;frcqg¢e;;;- fPi.¢z::l. are gaodpéyfigk: fo continua1lPar1. are éadfaad ; 48; the pea, V pk: maymmplaxn, that,qui medic: *z}i'vz7t,mzf:‘re %wivit;’ParHqmcn§s are B¢fl¢’P8ViwV4; they ¢=ann‘0-*- K6169 lmg Wlthaéut Corruptlomna -A perpetuity fimboldcns the members, ‘*byV;:akixigfrona them ail feare%ofbeiAng ca1lAed to account %: Efp¢cfiak41y%'if “ they getwrheir ‘fonnes into the Houfe as well as themfelves (as many “have done N this Parliaméflt :a.r:d gnpre endeavour to do) whereby they %hav;=;~ ~--wan cfiate in !.f1:1€i}:' placesjfor tyvo‘orAthx%e¢ *«1\ivc_s»; Moreover by long fitting th¢V*颢orhs;Af0familiarjwith on: 5_ z:;r é11fé% % Theeves? that was he;-etofore*oM;.:;; cOInplaiiig31;”QW' we V€rtViF»?.“d “Ya %Thatv01irIh’€eV¢SL%%V{rI1€éLr1¢pmfplé) mam B€c0m¢‘?r%nces-L We 3:r¢%fiek3ver>r fi’c%f$?ii¢1i%s % God §2_;‘I‘V;e:r1}ttS a?Pffyfit1.:;:;V‘ infhis wrgath 1; gjaj “what gag \ é A fnow, 09> ~«fnow,~fitter»to.i11fe&~then cure us. prew A A « l ffctibe? Poyfon. ‘What dyer? Stonessinllteadalofbread,’ Scorpions inftead of fiihes, hard fareféforthem thatformerilyfedfo dainti -Before I ycon_clude,l1etlme g?iV.'.§‘y-Qt! the V pedeg1*ee of our Miieries, and of the1rlRemedies.““A long¢Peacer begat ‘l?ielntyl,;‘l Plenty hiegayc. lPride_,_iand herfifier "Riot; l Pride ?be“gotlAmbilti1on,* Ambition he- got ,Fa&ion,5Fa&i.onIbegot ~Civili Warre : And (ir‘om: evilsfhe not: i _incu,rable,ifWe1vbe not »fa‘lnc-i;¢~ia' ltemporzkl qua area aerial m/Era‘, me‘ comm remqdiafirre pojjiamaa) our Warrelwiifl he-g'et'Poverty, Po», i verty Humiiity, Hurnility 1 Peace .againe,, ;;S‘:ib warm wearer-te1ezia’5§.=w' -viciém ammlw raertimr Tqfiticua. l Thetdetiliinings -rfpolake of the wheele will rife againe. ‘But’ we are " not yet fufficientily humbled 3; we have ynotirepeinted with Nineveh VVeweare Silks andVel- vets infiead of 1ack—c?loath j and arihes (even the mv.J€;1‘I1eft’.u§3...fiart‘ « hath [his thefts writupon hislbaeke 4by7his;Taylaor,io proud-Chaa ‘raétets »of]Gold late); We have not wfa—tere.dr .am~ couch; with hour a Teares, but with adulterous ”fw:eatLl: ’Loloi£1ei’t-o “it. ltherefore lye {irate Inméi, that by anirlceftuous (copulation have begot l plenty upgon arre, and filledyouruhoufc‘s wirh»thefpoile~ andzepllhmderl of your dear Country‘ ;; an sslihundation of blood ; landzof themears of the oprefied will swalh away the foundationfsllof your houfes dz; And peace will he farre from you in this world, but efpecially’ that peace which the World cannot give : And becaufe Salaman- d£r—-like you delight in the fire of contention 5 an unquenchable’ fire will be your lot hereafter. And though you efcape all ac- A counts "here, yet upon thegteat day of account when you flaall: receive your fentenceof condemnation ;7‘?thofe , your children for y y wh-ofe preferment you fell your foules, your God for go.ld,ifhall not fhew fo much ‘thankfulnefle or pitty towards you, as to fay, alas our father E But your hearts are hardned with yPbamolJ,?I leave you therefore to‘P/Jame/as defiiny, to be drowned in your owne Red Sea, as he was in his. a l it Thus farre I adventured to vindicate our Religion, I.awes:and'4 Liberties with my pen 5 in difcharge of my Confcience, and put-. M Rtfifutiafi 6"‘ fuance of our National! Covenant which obligeth us to defend pope gftkg them againlt whofoever to our power; neither knowing not ca» ring whether in to wicked an age (wherein vice is-ho%nouredL,a.nd s r ' i vertue Ca c}fr¢t/707..., C103 wrertueii contemnedil) I. may be _,thOI;1gl}t wojrthy ofypuniyflnment for‘ “being more righteous—then my fupertours. Iknow . an honel-pt! man dsxvondered at like a monfiegyand the ianoccncy iofhis lifejandi eonverfation fufpeélted as a Ltbell agamfi: the State, yet if I perifh V I periih; 65' perezmalam iazi=1iciti:.i Nor aml leffe provided of apfafe a retreat then‘ our Grandees. My iygrave is « open for me.., and one foot in it alreadie. [antempfitt omzzex ille gm’ mamm prim-. He -that contemnes death , {comes both Hope and Feare ; which are the only afieftions that make Knaves ,_Foolesear1d‘ Coward: of I 'La1th;e‘w’O_r1dO iThe,world is a gooclly.Th_eater,we the at‘tors,God is both Poet and cheife fpeétator. We «mull not choofe our‘own ;:parts, that is at Gods appointment;One man he i appoints to play the Kiing, another the Beggeigone a Comick , another a Tragickc _ apart : Whatfoever part God hath appointed for me in this re. mainder of my life, I Willhavea care to perfonate itingenuoufly and aptly: Note doubting but m;y,l'hal1he aecorn pained with A it an applaufe into my tyring Booms , my Tombe 5 not i will lI-arc... A fufe the meanefi: part that may draw a plaudit from re» excellent at , ifpeéirator , but will prepare my felfe for the worft of evills,in this worft of times; and to pray to God to reforprne out Refer-; imerst y i xfmm. T E mm). A