_ . _ ~*v ‘ 1' '35.. - V ‘ " ‘ . , -. . I _' " a . 3 . M "5 33”‘ «H -‘= % W % »~ . $ A. L . 4.. A ‘T i-¢~"'I'-'»"& ‘ . it . Commiflioners ¢i';§7 Sc'otlag2%:;§3t0%§ub1ifl1 t§1€irp1*occ:e. _ »%%%w%%¢%%%%%@%%@;.A” OFIflE A AS 5 E.M.BL E D IN I 9‘ The aciviczc Mid g:<:mc,m*rence. of the dingsL1p~ an V.«js.;~£% §...(itE€f,t:qfl»flw@® . § A 4 V%':':a2z-%A2§’Ims::»§s‘¢ziwfiffisceg mfifab mgrm nefimce s€tt:s§s:i:zg % A .a21~E')%§%&ti§&%%fi€nt, of azmara " A:mt2‘~wAgi1%c11 Vug 132’ W2 A ’ A A‘;r1.ietm?:»:'a¢fent s.:’aistAo‘€;*1l%3’fs 551»? % t5;éA4§at1é%fAFort125Lmficfia mgségasg 1'n%%a=.;:$b—='— asasm Email at O~XfQrd5&t1:fiA:££ah‘{€:r§b§:E"_AA§j?3 Iziizew mm am ®¢n1ti8tner*e.iwncmiwi in mm cf mm " 2:: 2‘ “;lm::ew, <4)’ ‘€.,et*t#ca'§, mm aismfia wtfi-12 mu Gfiatigw "Effcx A .g'§{'i’H7“v:'9>~7-fi'%§£i?L33?.'£i3-fifj‘.1'_£T3 0:139: fizezim Emafcztheifiby my .»r;zja%aa§'w.«a£%ie;ani14%Bir¢m mg; '1’0.rh<:~I;ordstaAnd C ommonsi of P::w!;ame*n: «3fl=L-mblrzd J at W'¢fim%in~ %_é»*;%<:=1~=,,«,"%.1*‘?..:3w!:s'a'i:°i;hp cm p:‘:i£a'a:‘a:~:~:£im’z% gii3eu%?b°p £238 Agassi: af» F01“?iiwifiiiflmfaAilmmi‘?i3§‘jw33AVW em£ch;ife«2m%£D% is hez1tt€n“02Bf0;t.% we rwd69r:'$.}8‘t1f£5 afag°3~ariiamaa1zV;aiimuicb m2i2a®e”cau£.€n%A‘tci»be % ~L£3sr2 2m’fl;> ;§z%tem”mi’a%taiawi3£;£ame%iz3:a,o:s€,£¢=‘ ; r§3£w@ét1~Detatiamarm 4tb9m‘E;e%r;h—€itaiii?€é2Vt>' tpenmitbéta rumntzr aim pgzzcnse cf 3 Txmzty of Pmce;m§;i£b%(hsizzg acmmpmaienmirbtruth) &;;,azhaim.ape5 beeneousea-mam nefires, mm mafia, 4‘ , -’1.:_i1£Ami£z fa§t:;Euii‘e:1h£afiou$§ ta‘ tff€Ct.;,'EflD Esamng %‘;atém!p mexgijee the Eaxne,Aw’zti;ziia:+ sifsmunftancea 4 %¢¢tberA% mos Ema is to farrefmm any ayme 9; in: ‘ zen:-m ta Peace,.tbatu1:D£ttbemasR€ m3D%Atitl€ aaanfigazaszzie,aaaparp, am) ;%%w;2£l3é,£ifiz1,.%mb%Ec~%;V :. % mates? =, it amizarea ta baa‘ anLAezmei3mu: [toV;im~&fie ’ Lmwt1:I'i1amw.?Jifit&aiw9,fifiDJmii2*riw4m 0;2‘¥%"£%%fifi tugs afihtimvw mm:s=¢wu£c»tIabIe..¢. ' j. zzflwmsmmfl1£‘3*¥fi38§3§ a a:.hf§?E.\f§" %m.:c;..:m fialaznizicg, from mei%hsg€:3ning4 inten- mn, i“ E“.aap %;am‘1mesu.renm £32 in fubflanee ngmiy 9?§.af€"§3'é£.}’3 3 t‘é}é%’.$~25§A, the ovwmhroxv and dc{h‘uA<§“tion-~ of z:_h_iVsV sp1‘cf€Ht Pari£:11n:{nr,beiI!gV {$333885 $30) V fi«§;eai:3~i;r4?B4j¢afis :mMam2o*;sof*m:: iIiei'ég;’sn_mm f;¢ib£i'£§7, a7xm%Vthc my fiuimmrm smmsenzm ‘ am: " Cs)“ " aremeiiing bawta was-mn%¢%ai1%ti;echm ' mgfg names; flan becaufemep ’f0¥3.fl'&1§7fltl}8€£lhmtfifs mmf méaa9at1iament,mms1nbe eEa1t;a:3m€ge~s fiitzxmsritia the p£op12,tb4.zz> mum fisfiwaiwc in :;:rma:i:t»1vae bifgameofi 1>e;;cc« 5 am ttyamoge ma g¢9.~:;'zs‘tie in his amaiicatimz therautzw ’tnumsp‘?%l3é% Maw 40211:» the fteeimmeag1n co11ttt1uam:*e%dttJ€tes emnmnalae maytothe fettmg up of an ottm at xfbrd,inflp1ingclyafilimmezttion by the mains of V the Lords and ‘Commons. of ’l7’;1rIi;1n‘xen4ta&fi‘c:n1+» bled at Oxford-,b€ing the same tit1E'i1}i)5§C"i;k i% there in giben to the ggawiiament, emu om-m*ng«ti;§3 % pgoseecizxgtmsuatns peace: ts be by main 4anhiw ; man mm if upm:t1)ciet2tnxes4 maxim: fisufiw ' eutettameh tibia wmrzuw, ttmr i;at3e~ga.:':1icx‘J'i:aa$ acanainieugetnetag mm W25 9% bainguio gmrlias m2:1t,nVg.at ieammfe a ririiactte Vcun£e=11:%oE manna: bipaz Ox ford, to be in cquaiimrmétiéVt£mitb4_u95% ; 2332-'izt.ca£e t’€:*.€5~ aaagafie ~€’am'um' BB te;'ectm,Ax1;m “ti-12;w£nauln:»taiae the anmnmge t1)m:iJip%:a ww- ttnanzvtbemogm, that they at O’2:fm-d mm l:1bm.w «mg ‘%Preme,ann the we-.::im’menc izag~"amrTe ta ~»Pca'cAe;r 3{i:%D—fUb1H13i8 Vzumm infim:42nti.m*s4 pnyimn tseaffiertimw of we psz;cs*;>12,%tu%:1xai;e ttjk mttw may%ta%wme bath .19 mtamem;-azta gfizqpler % 3m@%t:)?2réfa;2t“12aa*'tS.32§iztmityVérf' o;xtaLdViax;$; arm rim‘ maiisze U am: Euhmty MV suit Eimazzrfiarfim may be tImnmg2%c1amiy hi I 3 {mama 1flaj1t$Q‘%£%$. % ~‘ A fig; <63: ‘VOW Rim? C\Vi’Ih;‘tfi¢»ad'Vf1i‘C€V'VV1md-co:t§c11r?c:ncC05 wthc €2om‘mViIs,is;5ners*%of the KiagdO?§!fiv Of$?¢:1?5fid9 ta zluhiiféy em p_2esew~iz‘%£s 5:9 me igzmgmsm, Mam A ta vz»ciawt%1atitAl;4a4:E3 ai2z2%ape§’m:z2,arm was man 113 fiéifi % eamefi arsffl €»;'%;it§}i"I3i§' ezzaeiiwrfi 43$ mama saw tafiw ttouhlm azaxnwA:xngs:tn:sfi Wi€%:2:¢ ~ mm of w:'.;e5 ikz't1gfic:;m- by fl bazzrvp arm mleli g:*sm:hem*p:a;5e;#§~Ls :5 is can: €$%.:%Aa tefslaszéma in iaiisbmfge af %e2;ettzzfirwa£¢a 5:3 am, mass: :3 pzamgafe it t*m'fi€i*3t%;~:s mfie zu*:tm,:fz'zae ca? max” i33»£*5i- §ifl~$1fitm%}J.ib9fi€?,havingbsfsgze om 2;2w_t§I;e' ma % fpectacie at thaw mofui! ikingaesme Bf: !:*eiand,, §l}i}1’C!}'ii3fi'-€I5- we cpm2ns2.o% fa smwjia ,:fa'::;acmz~ Lbloob us iwfemie of we gmatcflszzzt ifieizgzfin 25% ma»-" - bettbe fa1fc%g1ofle& ofPcm-:-, mb;'>w;en‘a:w dbyzmugtgt unbettbe power sf aaoperp arm fsupets Etitimzg fiiw mote bluawifiebeia timing efimw theft 211% zfaltfigafi ikingyozne, me bgozagm shew‘ V fi;itI3?et,Ato2i:zg¢4 egmrrmc the fame paiw, imam % %up»n+rat!3i;5occ¢afiar:meme:1eceiTiresVto,pifiziifig. V zfieiug i:1omtem:mn -by that ipzsiampg/ztexzca to acknomlemge the bi&nmAtém21 at t~%}§fi_$%’°t'iflm'r “ nte:1t,Amb€cM4aainee afienceam, mmaiij not me: iy¢u2pzi‘mz us, main am mfiz3sa?’t;> 9? we pgeiem, but off, we bamfi %AanB4cam££zée 95» may Vfumse %.%atl~é§;:2ez:t alum to ac’ azmflum cm $.23 =%',T:mm» wecmef2*Ez:m3a;t~~aawamiiatofmm: am A Tflibméeag %j?a_2 Emmtbzmr afmzmce ms: we bgwz, em;eto%f¢ aux pg-aim am_;~mtuv2 Eébzmtiw Ataen , £13833 :2 M25 auti» %tat;:¢tc§; pf the ~ .i3ozne,a%¢atzM41fimti greats: eblsgatzan cat; §J:ge4e: £_;3= met mg I 4eb€emaLn~pe tbewéof Eben ms . aw: £t%ieM$eIr£o‘::ai:!.~+ A¢e:4-mg: to that ¢II;a~w; %“:iti»*bff§;é«@ %A%;facreAt: arm iaimtne saw to eb£¢t‘oe*%L the II.ame‘3. $501223 botlJt,l;e£e are not tt;uagl;tm%inafitA:$:iig genuuwitu tame :ssour»mmn~,3}n€emuc2) thatzmfs einlp4 wig pgmfzis %%%$aa«vVii’asn;eAVutf »c¢§nS:rwe!mi émwgee aingto QEommcnV4£am5a:3fi umage o£tt;eA11%iea}m, ~ a4pDenacten bx! S; flaw %VccV:1A£en"t¢nw tmtc D2“ tjz«m~5 % £9159habe+co:::t1r:.nemJc2(awI1¢tAemit1wgzn¢ten} sg azrempmzsome mmusea” am; .s~mm2;cc neavourevrobe wtcm aeoxrford-;%%e:v 2% riaei~wtn@s;% n‘e%té£i9vfian%vt’fi@ an » ®%bIiga4tian% $1313}! A as gamma nzame:6£A£;»i» em? cmlp wig-ai32JBV%nf ~%tB9€Ame£eVxf§r,~~bu€~»€t1am.%mcaaim sit; m1‘?a1f,9iz3:g‘AVd‘;*tb<“e‘ bexA34efit~A 996 -fi~l1=117f£lfl£%¥£ «3%mia:= wt 9‘; M %¢%e4§;a:=tz> Wewe:»%mam&a%n%n%%~mtw w¢~W4 %%&’€w*£ A "A * 4 b :aéTt<:H5;€*‘9W?* “ A , fin ‘ C‘. my “ ‘M Na iii” y,»-My 3-‘v<~.I:;; _ _,'~ ~~-‘Kw 1.‘ _ .;-< 5 » A-r-~-;3 *1 we ' enta%»gf+ia(Ew%td+ 4»a%oe3A~am“h* %§~:*a% alcmgmttb it pgobabiutygf tug % “ A use A » F9 mxefi fmb areanififf. ma?,&c. 04fan19‘cwr£eti;at mm baene yctfikeais Wmiflfi new E1221! was LAtb8A8biL6jazmmfiievitsa Uimieife atw%?b:'a mickcsfi a»cO%nfeD«9raf€;9A%:ba¥e bzambt uvvmxsw this vififefiefl m ,3:s~ingia;a:=me can amen no£amp’bu%t by azten”-mtén.g nge%. .5. ..i \ mecvac Oxfo-rd, i33.bB ban a!r£3DP\co4t1-ttarptnIUQE ancmm ttyemnii rwaren in thembzr tbei:A¢oun> tW}Bif€tt8fl tt1é_;9:atl§ament,anU aimen amam A agai;1flic,% Aax1IJ}JfiD%%%tn¢%re Abeeqe anptmubs eg fufpuiouiofitt)e1:concuttet:c¢atn that fiaeflgnz, tbe%b¢r2%n1ac¢a£ m¢8tifIa@,b¢ingttxebean slum: twfiefti $909119 Elitmzi: 4€Bbe€e*;12au!e% tbevmre 3921.3 tiw!z!{ti3;é9 Cfiéiln A M: tbizzke of; %Aa.ny%, +%mme limp 4m%Amfm.1ne t!;e}n1£ein25§ntbe:=£mzt:e % 9t!il#t.%Vtbe1zV ,,t'r}0£e"m;nt”-Ufa‘ arm fieuclemen new tbeAr¢%ta <>o_t1f§I¥t't~=f4 ,1°tIIIi be a~%1aotme~£narve enough t0%€ecuw Ibenn that few; am is a9£ta:f:»!fffi¢ie:3ti9Aapmare :tt2%at rm ufim mac: :bamarrumcoA we sazmemnapercitenzgepamecor a1Bac1iam,eat: racbepist in two ni£tim:tp1ace5,tcarmtng the cue $9 95651359 95’ %Wt¢5aVanD aflJ3Q1?199¥ W9 «§9V'3.lli$ 05 A ®mn3on9:a am am tbe~11mv Lita: 2:1emu,Q¢{qeaBetr’e,%A a w Anxfignf; W bafie =tau€w to 11?: bmmifb Mateo. %i3B~ mlyat via bzmm an, ann%m:bwtt1;e me: au’m+y % ‘MW? of a fiafitamiflfs they r§a11z‘A hectare!) amwm:“~ ‘£wtngLmme4, mu tbg amrliament it £2162, gaéltp of .;1;igia % meaton, aamng mama mu: Qwtimu of seat.» Iandi, mbo+a1:mn uuv"3Ifl3una;nn, arm ‘acco2m'tsgAm 123:: %a; uni :@aacifiicatien,,'&Aa.t»csomein ta aim: %u§Ain L mwaamz uf mxt:melzAgtnn ~%atm 1’ufl¢~~1@gibiIenge5a¢ Am; we ma iiauuiieas, mm: bane emu fuss mg L ;:.r ; ‘,5 xwemftaefieneewéanhéwe maingmai1ce_afL'%;2itAiRie1tw% mm mm ;@ra;vtom am2m“i:‘&¢bve%i~$.V 4 q‘ 3-‘; 2? x.fltmnmm'm W{*”Et “§£ twp fnbret ~a1113inWt7éité}i‘!5€£’“? % mam mama: etzmm nan baa ixigémc szttezswn A V 4m%MAfi1a2ke $3 mm in .fmmvt ‘bansd ?1.?am%Am?h % WEE 'c15:;rmnma»wnt, firm wh‘ Am tiae Mai » J»rmm1ttij2i;p:a§<>s% »m:‘fi vhmmiéa At an ah=fa?;ute @313 A»f .63 stm%Vi,wTt"§«t‘~§. W Am:mmc4 wmfifi. w e « V 2 m@m%;§ga>g':aa:1ac; 4 "£€:fl ;‘i“m% =mntx%attwa§¥i . W , ms. <'g31@;§’m@W{9.%§mm££1w§ we %wmp wc"?a ‘ ' mvfxm *"fl05W?=fi'€ fW*;':3} % W SR5 (IQ) J. A4 Baby M? the fiingbume, ré:3u{n¢tiae1:eEn332L:3:1m:k%%Vt:t? 1232 may by,tbz:mt,anabefimp bm:~t1%1%at1iam2ncVana%M %ia,gnam%e. mu mbzn%¢me £anfiM£.»%Atbemitffliifiirtbifis % *amt:€64cummaéfmafgéttwpznmttei um g;9rea"t%men%;x:r,% wttfiffing not mteéyg of fact; *$A%mmJ mg hImm12ing>Et!3e%A%V V tifufit xremihhitl them stjeiv %ti38Bmgfiazne;*%%Ata :amm'AtI;ai1:Vfltéall, aim tbétefaae by1%gacIama:iung4is::;tsA $aazefiiss'“hamc,:; % Mafia i)t6%9IBaA§efiie¥bas%i;erepge€ens T £u¢mmm1%en % flflflfiatfigffl aufmer to t"bat1VcI;a£g2. 1; Vi#Q5fm§1‘A’Vn;.g;w4g%g~ gm-‘e[t%:* §risfwa mac tbatcficmmcmi ¢{a;nu1u~to mrepsv-%4 33f1€;fi9fdu%9-zusutehifi*%Aateffiz tmderrhe Ipre:‘emce%%i« of Peace) Me tbeig%31uiim:n2nt%tu *a::a:cemm:€o« Bffi¥udibe.«to "i%i:1If€Ife5fiingmz.:yue mm %‘2op!e5* anjm . %A zoenmahoucwe sonEent1oE%’4tbegatitamcnt, :oneaA W “%‘fif2 Wit omnemmraa aau2L:net:tesae% 311 $tt8m:1t.:mt%mfizgsatzatlem by tbep;mn¢u;;ue thee ma I3?-'%'t1tti0:fifi Xiattfl4iE42&’ectw5 haomi?J?it1¢t{jz , 13.20528 as Danmgetaufi t0I7i}I’§~ ggaisflie as to “t-ha %‘“359m3o; mbisbmay be mam apparmshp cm W; 3311313 “E? £39-W Qfihis ifigmgggfiggg 5 unbappifg milk V ‘W §‘~?Pi3¢ 9@9W9Efi§A€.@ounce1gA.‘flf %}?&§\;g am 111;, a;fi"gg;-; ampetfaflfi-i‘ wnfiuerati0n%zmefiitateh ’uat0?%% rcttttwe IJ£.3%:@aiefiie tbeanfm2t%beretnisDfnizitevsé‘ W:wemms.cm theL§almgeffva mict;a1i3utn§i;tp am %%Di¢x A: M §mmwfl%& my [ %1a:nne€€e;yA toémlm W W1! the W mg gmgsw 6am: wteszk::ttpt& fn@%mba:n 1m=& as e'Timuf“”5afiggggga ‘me? W 5 m~tbat wttbet1t%av9acsae% §1z9&tt1%af‘h0%?Ja ~ mt: Lwuiii mt afivent gm : any fme atg wen% we term e:r1J2¢!i“ti3%»in W $‘@aieflie5‘» 1:uae:%s £9 Vliiwmire tn tam:-at unto t3imA~mts«1Jumble fltm£'czA « "”of4a&fafie% aim? mam: 33%?j'tU {1flt:-.aH§2flfi,t:o ;“g1;g4gg¢gem can coumsms mtg %aieflies%o’1ninx1mw,ann gm Tmungnzgcampom:eunc:uuaa1.a:m.~mmamag; Vas:ta%ii%i%ig%tWfi.?%V€fi iI1’mlo3e»%i;im,ti3at gaaua;-»1eng:§ »;mgum amine} %%I3iV3ii;aI3opaII ~.%ea~re*[to be m_zgAu.gf3g + T }%AflBf'fl}9.f3A M3393? B&33£fD1;$ V cafmnen~faznuct;Jnnncct:t% bitch to flaine; my V arm by bfiathning unm tI1ein4imaniaic2nf botbifiag; , 1332:1225 mum happily uvaiten in‘ this comment titanic by that wt? f01€‘Iinne Leag 4e and Covenant, put an yap. 'p'gt'ffu_e ta mirnetzrcoumes. mus mathmlfibtncceflatp to Declare, to the em: ‘ % ;b2%ma;Iu may fée a% 15.1121! our chime ceatieénmabours its atmmea tafz armxufi mace, aa the inhefatigahlz pgaaices of tIJO£e_% amvifla man Szztuiticall finumels A ctigaflnfirummxm of afii nu_c%mt$er£e§) iffibta arecouafl tmm‘Va9vease iu%~a11~fl3a~9€%. a«nnle%WA% mommies una %—«attem1m*h ta cumpaffctlmn emu: nuns. jf'itft_.~, tbgg tuouib We Mtitiimtititlheh 1% hp recast pgacticem than W212 i1‘mu1bI;a1:@e fomD aging mm: ammzt.-25 arm * nomtbep %?mnu!vna1£m:e M31? the fpeciuua mmsmcent Peace ta Bifiafiam tizifi ziaaritament, am an: imtv iaigbts am afigiizsilengegs aamsonfequéutlp tefigne aw:Ceihmfieiigicn, Ihames, mm mlaettiea ta we ‘ % 1aomzvuf3Bo1a~tt?,%up2taitinn; arm ;@;§gat1np. Y‘ (*1 A % fit: Pfiilftaxitlp Ateflaiiwzm izzbitémrgjg at? the IJ;::I:9%mz.:am%%tQ;0%:Irwan, we tum we ran in . 1!? oncwunzwcp:W..tDm1 late %€aIemm;@acb%~ arm Wuants mit9«tbe Dasiaatmaf Vuuc[lihe5a:1D tenancy, tja ne£mn% ouv4iainfuIl fiiabtfi arm I!,tnsv:tes,. rm: jfivézhomeanD«§B@thii49B$£5~ ‘fiftbis pgetent diiaarlias % mm mm",bi&I}:%ia.~‘ahabeaA1‘1the tme amtcfiantf % iaeligiun , mnerem mAe{I)aiIAn9t nnubthuc toreceimcL . .tbet)zatt:19 concurrence ann.a1Itt3’anfe at‘ all men afies gftea;matei1anf:san1a%tm¢lows at their cztauntrey any uhzct? am tb¢2112D.2DAaE.V%iB9fi3whore cam?_e_ityts . me than fogganfl upon Inhafafimltance we vstnllnallp grant ant *:nnzanauw%.%aL».4bieflen aw: happ_g r. . 7 "* 3‘ ‘ . ‘A '» " {CV ‘V “_ . , ‘ ' ~ v .. 9 _...o -u., . .1 ~— ~ . ‘ ‘. , ,. s ‘ ‘ r . . .‘ . v- . - ,.s\ .:573§“'9Y ’3;,, "‘ *" ' .‘,‘-M-., ‘ A ‘ ’ ‘ 33-‘: W " "’|_”_ .‘ w r‘:='..'*»{-'5‘»»’.. ‘in. 1*’ "=.=-«W ‘ ‘3'1‘~'* 1»; .34 - ‘ "'.7“*.*"' "t ' "' H — H V , . ‘* ‘ A ‘ “ . . ‘ m ‘ M4‘ - . ‘ I u. ‘ , _ ‘ I R ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ _ _ ‘ ‘. 0 ‘ ._( : A , arliRegis, AnAC7t‘t%pt@V@mt B360 A V i Vegniencues which may happen : by t11€ur~:1tiVmely Adjouming, %_ I . M F.FDI‘;O‘guing,or Dififolving’ :%of%th'1s A V 9*preAfent ParIia111en%t.w .3- w. « ,..- . .1‘ v . ‘ \ ‘-3 ‘z. ‘ ' an - y ‘ VI ‘ N... ‘ ...\.x .. hr. ' ‘."‘..r . "' ""2 . ‘ . mm: . . . ’ ‘ ‘f;.... i y,._.; ‘ V a. 1. ~ . . ‘4. A; ‘w T” mu E9; the mtefc of 191% $123?‘ ‘H€1‘€aS great fummes Of W tnanep» nnuct of:% mcefiltfty hp? : fmem’Ip~ annamen am: pznbv» jzfiizfizértnyatxn pmfpiz ’ in ibis; éfizmtberu mwaf cuts matm, am % amt g;%1:b.2 éanmtnmf @DfiIm¢t fiJ1‘5I % % §5‘i%1IQ'«? i?&angnwtuV»isina an!) fm fxwvViP»oVf» Wat ~ % jams fi%?&§2fiie5_Dz9Y%f imbumsnt nccafié ms, mam; mnnmhz fa tmzefip sfimm$ as %vWi5reqmW; 'mifljmt +ct@2m: fez taifmgtije ; fa:9fl.‘3"3§?0U9?5l ,%+m%WJ w-mt cannatbz oh; tmmn, %unmifm§3 Emmy he firfiveé ambesgagammtsafimtqn by wares , fay ie3t2i'i'£§, am amazmmfmzs ufntmmsffiazs ] mama Wail émbims t13=£—%~';tf1)?5 W Vfmt imrliatmnt maybe miamww, 3%; vaguely, ozmflnivm, befaze ‘fizmce fimi $19M“? BPWW Iivflfiimlifltififlffiy W134 like dfiziehante t$eD2.8fi"an, a,fir1n£games be; V tsrmentije mm3@atiI3‘IIS DfEngIangiimD % Scotland cnmlnum 5 any mfnge fttfizciznt fifizmmfian be mimeifozthzitzpamtmt at the €am‘%tnmn2ps~£o tn be:ra¥z£m;: :a11mm‘cg1 tbs mzntnmns in my p2¢fent¢%A3R;atiiatneut afiembien Ijantng wumip cmmzeven+, no tigmfozeljuznbip mieemypnmi znatwxcel; i_enffi}aiefig2, ] thatit nnarpim mclaxzn ant: mama; mun h2it%DBcfareh*mtn%ci3a¢shVbp£133 ifiatng, fl>m%obecaignw.ma, mm; ti): + aa‘entoft1)ziLozB5»auB nogn,%,an;g ofnom effect. 1'd€f*: "' 4 L % Rdere by the cmmm A affemb1edinV ‘.ar1iament,That% AQAA efhrllamcntmade _ I7‘“yeere Voszf‘ .; is a1¢efl1es%Vre1gn?¢,;Aj for theco%nt7inu%an Ce of this“ p1fefe:nt€_ Parha mefl"1%.% .~‘bfle__‘ {printed with gtiig Declaration» % H.8lA‘y'm£,g;éfler.?1?§zr/.$,.¢;‘g,g;‘ [ b1*e¢1e%acAo;::,W;% :1 ma "pd mesa ” ) AA %;4 A;'ff:;‘L9«;5j5 "I?*‘fc; you :11er¢With1 'VthiS"i'I‘!:C1‘€)f.€'C1.pilfikffg W‘ 7' dixefit m-ybu’i'V'w_LOrdfl1i'§5i—fi?ori*i Vth0"f¢ ’L0*1‘d*s a'1*1d~ 4-...‘ . M ,. . 322% E4?!‘ inf Fort‘h4 Tia %%Hz:A4Exzs¢1lagaayv 'JEj22:¢Z~1‘0fEfi?€X;; 3 :1neiifi;b%rs of ‘the Hbufe af cqmmons,~ 1-ma‘: A 0 ‘ ' V v .4 , ‘, at ‘V ., %o'xa;2, 2%9,%1tm‘s;:;»y,% 16y,'3,t§ 1 I ‘jjF~ 31:3 Ma34%e{§;¢hgvingmgy1§1—i>::;‘pm¢1am%a:ionmfighgm-9%¢ ~ .ai1d' twcntijieth é;>fVé(7:érribc1*‘%(%t1~p;o'n th“:~9M9ACdzifi’¢6fl;0£';' the 1nVg‘fion‘:1§r¢atIiéd‘, af1'dj{n i93rt‘bégl3h1hYfQmc éf’HiS V ¢ zfgazg» Lara:/7;;;;;:%‘rz;Wze,¢.2;»sm¢,, Subjieéfs” off 5'mrlmzl‘”) *1iumnzon+ae:»1+1 :h%e~rn«%em»qwcrgcsfsm:i; ,71—1¢o5uf§s'(jf "P a«r14iarie1ei1At tjo atteizéi hitii jhétfé c’ L -% whofehamcs are i1ndervx‘§v1*1%tt’<:,n%,, are her: met’ A&;aff' %*ib‘I§dw' inwobcdiénce tothafi-:-"HisA M%ajVqPcieS ‘%comma§1dJ‘s ; His‘ ’Majéf£i«c was plégtfcd co_ invité ‘ %‘byAthef¢?%g%racim=s Exprcifliéns EThar’H1S‘%Subi¢&S%%fh0u1?d%A ee"hb W‘7Wi11«in§g~ hewas tQ~*r¢CAcn2'c‘ Aadvicc , " for the-préfet~'-' VafiO~1i (if the RE.1»igi‘Qi1 %,,'-"’I;.:§w;es¢,?azid”'fif’ety ofthé King; A = domé, ?;zxi%d]‘ea§ farr¢;a§’~in h"im*‘1ay,’ ~:t0A r¢'7{%0r¢ it ti) i't’%s;f:>:~‘< 14 met _P'é2;ce ,‘ ér1<':i;’ fécuripijf ‘ Hgis *Cbi%Cfe% ‘ fin o’i1cIy; '%¢ri}c1j)T* A j fr¢1*xiv*t_‘hi2>f'e”wfibrfithéyf-ii 1_:1*uI%§éaiF?,~ ‘AV 2%%reéci?~ie%w1it «in t1*rr=v:**P1‘«‘<=~‘=; “WW” “hc¢aPp%oi%nt¢d%: ‘gra*¢i¢0IiSTinVitaiin¢f¥Y]1>"¢¢n4*1‘iad¢@904W0: A11s;,,V\ if-€€50fi:d=€d; ‘;:« uici‘% hc;i3gfiHi1’§CI’* by fuch‘: 1ifi%q§i;c§Pcid1;a“b1¢. "% "'&@?i1i£§5fi‘fi.V3Eiit?i.;0*1‘%5* ;"‘3*7.‘ J % 1 M M v. f‘? In , . . ‘, _ ‘. V -v u A A A qucfcion him‘. ‘ % &ff"'5W~¢;r;i*=%5‘5‘ndf¢a1.&m‘i’ti¢Si ~05 H.4iS‘"P@<é*r V’5**%I‘b»i’¢ %%unna:ma11‘ 3fi.df4‘<>ff“Hi’$‘ %_ ”11'~1c:;>'ft’~'ém't:i~1*‘ei‘-$;,I1a p21;fl'i‘ona~t)€ Maff'¢‘&io}fis’,, £0’ t¢Tdef¢m3;~;h¢’11"1 frem %tha:~f:ea¢anc% “ée@‘oyra=b»1:c fco&idAi:i¢*n.AVb4st21I‘ . . %~%A:’;’s.;:s;3gc%»A1ja*:§°Ae%:;;% 4/‘ X 5 [the‘4«rK:r‘1gdom~, rtrat as it%W§:¢ w1mp1;écy- ‘ta [ ......-.. quéf_ii55i2x4“tcl1e rfinccricyrqfchtmyfo we1*ct3t g1’€_€l:!i Want ofclugy andgfaithfulncffc i'n_u$(H;1§ Majclty having‘;‘vou_cl1fi1f¢"3 tg) declare, that he diclgcallwrs to be witnclfcs of His a&ion;'y and privy cor His; iflCCI'H3'l:0_I15g_ )fl1ouldMwic_nor tcflific ‘iuadf A Witncffe cocrallrliclwiorld, the alfurancg lwc%hay1;%o:f’thrc4r, — piety andrlinlccrritic of“"boch.Wq being more mtrrely Cans-r—‘ fled ofthis crrirlfiwlc Cannot but confcflc that arnidfl our 1. highcllc affliétions, in the deep and ‘piercing fence," or the rcfcnrimiifc~ricsr~and ‘defolzttions of gur %‘;;qr_rqcrcy,an»d rhofc ll ~‘>;1rcl1cr idangcrst1,1»ccatncclfr,om 5556:1434; ;VVciarc {ac lc%ri1_’l‘ltl‘1’;;,;‘ crafted to form: chtcrfull and comforcablc iitlxoughts, ii ‘ “z1“c:' 4 poffibly wci mayyet( Gods t‘ncrcy,if his A jufiicc havcf inocf j determined thisiNatiox1fforit"5 fit1$,tO comllruinc, and dc-; " folationjhé croibc happic“inlhjum¢nt§ of our countrcfys ;: > redemption fgom the Tmifcrics of‘,i.Wair.,‘and reVfiitutio_r1.rQ the 2 L‘ blcflings of Pcacca And we b¢_ing"dc{irou‘si tc bclcevc your V Lordfl1ip‘(how evcrcn aged 4 ca pcrfon likely to be fin, .A ciblyl touc‘hcdr.i§Vf;irhl the cicfcmfidcrat"ions,thavei thought {it s “tocinvitclyou"t0.tharp:1rriii§l1isVbIcfl‘cdfmfor‘kcg: which is, ; A oncly capable rd repair all ciur misfoirtuncs, ahd, to rbuloyc. ll 1 upphc .ICin°d0?m,4 from %r3.1incrr:,llfIfl1ar 1'-gbyconjuring lyou,‘ M bY411.th«¢;:b11%@u:Ofl5.th=itih3V'¢ r><>wcr:iuron h0nour,con—~ A fcienccx oripfibliliyc lPi¢fii¢; i~thlati1ayingi §0«h§§*1’t1 Casi ii ch: inivard~1;yccb1%¢ding Cbfiditionof Yéiurwuntrvarxndthlc ou:wa;—aLmmemcnaczng dlcflgruétiorn a”fQrrVaignc ,l?‘~I¢;1'l't,i~ { on, 'llHP‘"?-HifPbint;:Cff3V3%diUlgi”F:Y°“iWluc.‘C'Q9P¢l‘8t ¢= Withius r°iit‘$* . Mérvationa by §¢RT¢f¢1?s1iflgFrQfis F‘ , M ,g1:;j,‘\.,w...r I Wham purilirthis ;f0H0VVing lgfnroflt .firficer=5: K and mo ~‘%Ffl°MF5‘¢°5: wt?-A Thactheyi iroyrfiiig with Us In fight fi=n<=¢ left thc~i 8!’: 1>rc,f-mrii.-, landr . thrc”aitrfi-fig ¢a1am1:i;é.sq£rhrs” cfilqrablc Kingfldgm gffomct r¢rT9*155”¢ aprcidmctl€i¥f¢i¢h¢!:ii>arr.=ir1«¥ar place algrmif r A ‘e. brixike of dcfolgtion. ~. téa mat inf fuch Peiféssei, ‘A25 may yet rcdecmc it fromithc This%‘addre1T6?W“é “flyould not havc}madAE: ,»but His _ Majcfiies {um moris by whxch we are mcgmqft grgacxmzfly “ A ~Vproc1aiminag paxdonco allgwithout exception , is evxdcncc enough, tlhaiywflis ‘mercy and clemency can tranfccnd % all former-provdcations;And tlmaclic hath notoncl y made: 1i'swim¢4fTc~sA0f» His PrinccIyi‘m:entions, but honourcd%;u§_§h¢4w% ‘am: with the name of being fitcurity for:ht:m‘.$ ’ ‘ God Almighty dircét your Lordfhip, and thbfctcr whem you fhall,rcprcfcntémhcfc our. mofi real! dcfircs , in A fi1Ch a co’ur%fe_;*asA may p'ro'duce that hapgy Peace, and {et- flemcn; of {hie préfqnt Vdifiracftions , W xch is f’o.l1c:1rgiV1y dcfircd,and prayed for by us, and which make us A % A ‘ Vwomoxfard }"}&m.z7.I643m#%4%. ; 4 A ATM’ 4.z?’¢5?ivi¢4ttFriev¢v1~?,»%$ % ,‘ C};arlcéP. % % % Ydrk. % ‘ ..,. % %Ed:%Li;tAlct”onCs: A L Tho: Cott;ingtonV ' Richmofid “ % Hartford % sm-ewsbu:y% Hen: B*Xat§m:'1% 1 Théat;&>u:hsmnPton §:»cm@% « 7N@x2%a&xa§mm H ' A Rivers W: %D¢Vo%flfliireA V Brif’coI1j%% * % A Barkfliire Cleveland .3 % M Peterborougli % A HAen:'y%D0AvVcrV‘#V % Conway AA 7* ‘ C2L ’Howardo‘f Charlton Crumwcll 4 w\k1ovvbr2iy%?M%al%tm-3 4 % W/'i}liat4nPage”t% ” L cicieficr Jr 'N€W‘P mt . :I§>1%iflA'A1%i5¥%”€v1w?;4§:€~;i w§Mh3hiHfl? 4PoTr%:1ma;c%%¢‘ A iiM‘ii1E?fi;§t 3:: :%5@§?%fl10EU%¥:% f39;¢?¢Y"” ]oh_nEct§_pIacc‘§=;J~. A ALcx:F:“%*Aén‘t§;$‘i?1.%%V “ " «A ‘ R Thomas Smith '§§?(}aIrHJ1m A C3'11flAHafi7if§$.?“.:§ L§5.’Qf.:f.‘Ph jféjfiesig ' Gcoi’gfi n x ;;§§®§V‘ %V% . I \W«1lmQjt ‘ ;(3£W“3dk駫 % ‘in. _ “ ‘ M‘ ‘ I M‘ M Hy-_ ,"“._ U; 7 w Y‘. - ‘ ’ “ ' _ 3 Wm.‘ { ,. €vf~:~l,’I,.:a-iv‘ :‘..~“. ‘ ‘ ‘ " ‘ ‘ ’ 3..-«j “ ‘ ‘ “ W . ‘ ,. , ~. ~ ‘ . ‘ w"w._ ‘yum w ‘M’ “,9 w‘ r " ’“"*' v"‘.';; y I7 .,'.‘ ‘ 3"‘ ‘ « ” W: “ V, _, <‘ ,~ » ,, R ~\ ‘. ‘ A ;‘.,e W « -' ». ‘ .. ».... k X 3 Edwaw:Hy&e. : ‘z VifH%E¥Tes-_ EJohnSm1‘rE;€%% AA AA A A‘ A E,d\'vAard Li%L9t"I;etA0”n N ‘A Ax. w AI. .a Ed\vardA,€t0~n“A x E . ._ A, M "Fillis Kyrtfon V ‘ Chr: Lewkeneri A "Edw: Alf'o%rd A e _ ljohhwhite ]ohnAfl1buniham i ‘William Smith ii Thomas Leeae J: Tliynne William Pleydell” Robert Hyde Hem); Herbert Endymioneilfortecr Samzshmdyse A Joi1nB°df¢l‘e’ 1 V2 9 » ill/:Thorgan ii \WilliamThoxrus.7 “John Méritine \ ‘I Hcn§’Beli1fyl.e M A4 F I V George Wentwdrth . William Malory A Jozjceiy _ R: Herbert " 7 Charles Price A A Phil: Warwick lTho: Coke . u Ro:Criol<’c‘ ~ I-Ierl3ertl_‘Prif'e =J°eh.nY"**if*1¢r 12% l Richard ’A1dbeegh % Johln Salusbury % .lWilliamiI-Ierbeit e William Price V EdwardGriflin 4 A Walter Smith A , George Lowe , i h Richa1'dHardinlg“VA, A (23) , . Hi: Exec/leircywto tire Earl of F 0 R ‘TH. i T Lard,I received this day a Letter of’ the :2 go of" this ‘ A inftanft From your Lordfhip,and 3. Parchmtent,f‘Lihr~ . e1cri':.oedL by th€Prir.ce,Duke of Ttarle,dive¢rs Lords and Chen: A A tiemiez*1:tBnt it neither having addrefi'e to the twofi Houfesi" [ of Pat-irarnent, nor therein there being any acknowledge“ men: of them, I cotzlid not Eommtunicate-it to them. MyLo'rd, the maintenance of the Parliament of Erzg-A A i’ 4‘ land, and of the privilcdges thereof; is; that, for which we 3 atefretfolved tofpend ourbloodg as being the foundation whereon all our Loarxtfsand Liberties are bujiltf . aIfen”dyo_ur Lordfliiprhetewith aNational1Covenant, 1 A“ foiemnly entredi into byboth the Kingdoms of England a and Scatlazmfliand a Declaration paffed by them both,toge-' ther with another Declaration ofthe Kingdom of Saw» A l:wd.AI1'cfl i, M ii a 7/7: Earl iqf F0 R THW ta Exce[lcm*y.T H. in _places of our coxm-‘11atl>dsc,cif‘pecia1Iy when the tbloodrthat \ isfpiit,is of perfons under the fameAIlegiance,of the fame cozuntryoand Religion. HisMa}ei’ty continuing cofniiantin or V - 1 A 1’ var Larag/73:3»: /Ammlrmle Servant, 5 ' 1-Tfix /2011]}, $422.30. 416443. A ' L i 4 Y Lord,¢ I cannot fo“ tirillingly write to you inianyeiee‘ 4 - , a‘bufine{Te, ascin that of Peace; The indeavonrsrfi A thereof beingtlleprincipa‘l1- duty of thofe Whoare trufléci" hi5;Pti~0_;U5',.5C frcquenndeiires ofaahappy end £0 th¢fl3b190? dyoadifiraétionsa. I do hereby defire,yot1r Lordihipato fe7nd~e= ii ‘ me a fafe Condu6‘t,t‘ofand fromaW:flmi»ffcr,ior Mt-Ritljérd A _ F47::b4w,_%andMr-.T/aoma-J 0fl‘7y, Ef‘quires,wtoabefi:ntby M I A His Mlajeflyt c_on_cerni.nga Treaty for Peacealorefi, V4 ' ii A A ‘ ot%My'tLa;di,jig1;r L.arz¥jb{p; Immbfc Servant, I‘ ioxfi-v'd,iiI§.Fé$f.1i¢54;3a A ‘V V A A 13 on rate. H“ A W . 34.) J % ";F:I~zZ§.lv?:z‘.&9[!e;¢=5y:..fo Vt/zc.~E.;wi%‘of% 0, I? T , A Y0-E-.1?'\V'iHi17$~g~[1€.fi~€ tO \%rri%f.c to 1nci;*x:my bVL1fi1AI:¢ff7é;,:,¢ ‘E * Lmid, yamfl3ew*%%yoL11',nob1enewITe‘,‘~igfiwdeFc1é2§3§i11@ 4 V‘ ~:Q:; of h:f.z joVf+P%“eaVce 4.; A ;3.z1d:’i j,0y11« Wit11y0ju _i,n t11e"fa»me;_o4p1i.-‘ A ~%niio;n,~ t1_3?at it <::~ug“1*’r::% t<3s;bc+a%p1+1nc4;pal;1[dutyof thofa Wha :1 ref vr,1*re.-I-¥<‘~:A d‘?AV%iim %§;*§§.%a2c¢‘”s Ao% om'%*%c arxm d‘§:~ *:hc‘r fore wviaém” W . focver IA fl*1aI1‘? _'1‘t*‘-.‘ <:"1A¢.‘»'.‘ie~'\}’f'(i“3‘A d:i.i:e:tS°ci40n:si? * E02 twhovfc ~W~1‘i'<;%4 hzwc; » int1:uflEed}*Arnc Ifl'1;‘;~11"1:~3rL‘1~’¥{%;‘:‘, befi: %indé‘aNom:sh- aiAz1»44t:1§1e ~ of Pa1*1im;¢n"c;V I%(hanrwith &1=17c;cs5i£'tfi*trx‘e%4f%‘§'«sj “w§jrny¢»“v%i1~ 1imgzic‘£FeA Vt® ’f‘L1fEh§’f' Wii-Y that ma,y'¥pVr«g9~ u‘CAc~th»a3:4~l-ma A ——~pi?ne{¥é, th:Lta1I%hQnc'fif rm *rx« pr-gtyrAfo4_1*.,*~x:§?h¢iqh~ is true rm--ii A% ”de1=f’é:1%mdAiwg-betwee11'%‘TV A one17yC-ounce1~1;%t11we I?f%a‘r1hamcn.tv.‘ 4; ' A * %:’aij¢‘i~%1:=i;.1‘:‘m "‘-fem‘ Lamflazfi bzmfiivié Sfiéfizléfifé‘ A :19’; Ft35}'v‘~.%~ E “S S E X . _ _ ....____. Au.-nun-c-mu-mu " , , _ ._...,._._,__ -— '—--—-—— %m>L1zcz>«z*%af»«;+%¢»1m%'H:¢o# ms Ek4je‘I1c%33tyL ‘ ’" T Lor_d,I have A1rec__civcd1Aye«_ur%Letccrof the 3515.. m _‘ w A 1hc'w”ed»~'1ytéiflisxMaVj§’fi.y;,»w11o% ©bI_7emr_vi»n gin i%t;y7@~L%1Wr Exp1=c£- ~ A ch}: 1‘aP¢fn AMo:1cvt1_15«xxr11iéh%, a-ccLorjdifn-g to my,duty;;w7L;_ = fi®fn5s igonyg crn*i7mg=I?$e~£c hia£VA*>v§flh%e%nfQ_ev_ef «youu VA r¢’C»"¢i?VE* “ arq;°-4dii~1“eéfi6ns 1-.hofc:— w~1r;Q ‘hgum:'1;<11:ruPé§d yvo“u;~yoL1,'fl1 211:1 ufei yg§>11>1;kl?7éf~fEf esr”_1~ci<:a. 3 -%Mw.% cm: A The ii1é?Iofccf'N.:*ctf§i:fr;b131$%vH" }srfa‘§1k3?t§4’a;A ;thu5‘&if@&Edi‘"w=:”% .% % ¢ 0 H3 3; %”Ta%4* the mm6z¢s%‘4 of Bzzrlzzze “ meme, yzfilzméled at .__, ‘ ‘ ~ 3 .9""‘,_ g “ _‘ P1‘-4 A ‘ “ van fv ‘ g ‘ ‘ , ‘ .. ' “ ‘ « ‘. a . ‘ 3?? . J. _, W N = VI“ * u : N ‘ ‘3 ‘l ‘ ‘ .r‘- . ' ., ', v ‘ I _ v ‘V J MP‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ ' 1" > at” ' W ‘W: ‘ » “ ‘ " " ‘ " ‘W ’ 4 . _ ‘- 1_ L .. ..;,-L' I I J _ “ ?b. % fix" A -1“ % was W ‘ 3 ?lead <«;~oV.taaifg;i»mazAfi ifithiiéfi A;54(‘m‘? Was’ 'f@3§ “ /* d§@fi‘::?‘5"j53.%“‘3*€*“‘f‘V*“f’¢¢?‘i*5’:‘ ' srallil %s¢remed~ieag:% Wvhfiéélf»? «#135 4 *5 %%o£ty; ;.aG dig? ~7rv€e1' HE D‘ from % (2 6) Ilfl‘ Lordg; of Pa1‘11am%en ti afi‘em;.. ' ’%b1ed‘%%.t»0xfbrd,% ’ da propound and dc» figs 3 aconvénicnt numberof fit-per»--* 4 4 V [arid 3U‘}1AQlfiZ¢d by Q 4you,.&1;comeec ;(with:-111convementfpeed, at fuch place 3 asgyou fl1aII"nomiAnaté) %With an - equal! number Vof fit :pevfqnV$ , Whom We .4 A :flmallappomtVan‘dauthQ1fize,to freéVt4offuch' . A wayesandmcans., to fettle, than prefent d.i.f'.M ’Pcra&mi’Ons# O1°Qur_Kingdom;L and to A p%rocure%a happy Pe:.:%ce; And particulagly, how 7—%Me_rnbers%ofF@both Houfes Amayfi feci1ré;1y4L: meét Aa%’fi*ee and Full convention ’ of Parliamtnt,ther¢“toi:treat? %VcQr;fi1It, and A A agree; upon fuch things,~A'a%s may conduce to the maintcnancc,'.AVand defence ofi the true R€f0rmedA ProtéPca’nt[ Religi.o’n?3,V?‘*% Wi7f*h V%Adue .éca1~fi%é1:a»ti%to%n_,;to: 1: jufi VaI1*CIA%*r.ca’f . }tcn«;1c:%;:%%*c;onfci¢r;1ees t'o thé fetlin . 1 ..Q.l?1‘:'j11fi Rights and P ‘15§1"0*+%—‘% A A 2 A Laws %yo£~ the Lab % 4 ?.£;;;Q%f {the Vaiatf mi‘ . $11 ‘. -»~. £é7) A A that Bléffed end ofzi:1.fi»%rinand lgfiingP%c;«;<;c, both Yb Church and-SLta.tc¢,§ ‘A%TaVnfl..Aa;‘4.-péizféfi M undcrfianding Whercin no ‘J€nd€9—V0Zl1¢i‘s5:i4iVGr 4?COnCI3?f€r¢nC¢A, Of hearts in“ thc:Away§s%%of4‘P¢;ibe; M “Hrs fl1a11beWariting- And%G¢d:flir=&%y°ur% % A vfflxfard tIm1e*0fNIarfc4I;fl,%1643. A M :2. my W A p‘"*j‘ , in A ,.,.v A7‘ is .' . 1 In m 3 1%; A":;-LA A~ \ » NE‘ (“E ;M“M‘. A AAAIEAAAH, U ’ ‘ ~. xw aw MA M . ‘ . _ ° ‘ l< v wzl . "-1 W’; % E1 *. A , % A‘ A V‘ 4 rdz. L 4 » may 5: PJ8;§;€*Ay0z§r ¢,,rmjeft.§e,:%. % :;;.;AAAv AA 45-*3,‘ A izglzzzzdg, %£.:3;ifig%Li11m .OAui° a» "‘ ‘. 3 .- _ ‘ .; N.‘ my ‘ ‘ y “a My “’ ' 0% r '-A rt’, -r$AAA .')}’u‘, an .,,, £- mnfi dAerAat ion’ - 3% » ta fen tw AA A fi:01n«YLou r“ 1\7I.ajAéflfAi-Le: ,; é'Aat‘ed A V 4 th€%V thirdAof.VMarcb.. infian;t;% .4 a€§Ai:r£;f9£C’;d 1:0‘; the % Lords «and. , C%01‘An1‘Ii 0 I~A1s— A A 7 A ‘ A A }a7flA§3mble&» um If A’:é;=ca,« r 73$/We rC“01n*{:?e44i*s.fc iitn5tVé:%1:1dé'é«d ‘t4ofom+ ?f&.I‘itr?es '1h aWe ?irbf6fIx7‘€d FW~i‘th' .fly1fe:c%11€1e_cr1:irir’en~i:;" c;e;,V.H L coxfim ftf af .‘t‘h.é C.ommiAfl3%on2csr4:% M L W % i A A 4% % ‘hf ‘a Let me ftfm .EairlA i «of :For:tl9 , ‘ “t1+Ta1%t*()J1;hl<%2.4« ('3 R 45E N I-’.,_ % §“t£hjc a'1:.%i : if :8 :+r A ?r*€p:~e‘fe:1zz:c rt: f*Yo,u.~zF- :3§~9ifi'«ie' giiéxa 1 ix huem:i’l;iity“ *:p;1%a.=iL2z;1@£¥e5w 41:5 as €*.§&rcw 15-Ea ta fer" Aail 1%‘a-mas VfdV.r%i:?a»%e A “ ‘3?!I1;d Waffe ~«Pea<1:e A,» fa “wiifl " %w:e a:neirc:1'*; A" ;=w;réL'.1a£t..ii11 guns: ¢~uw:mi¢1n<3%" ’ %‘%£o;«%:ci1aéc~%ms. V ‘ curi4ng-%t}1ereo 5f :5 A Butwvllczj We co11fideir ?th;f:‘rc: fa;-d CM‘? a-irjn g ~ { 4 nu ;®:agzm[% Ma r:.~%%am~E;a4d: rci‘aef«a_m1e5Vjt?1waen %Ae*ve~r bacsamfié Ftfh €1“4E13y-Lét§hO"i~»?€ ;peA2ri70n%s »~n . :a?~%V+em- bTi‘«%e’Vra%I1:7Oxj‘=;*3:.ri‘—’," a’w~h2Vo A comm st11¥e,i«*1* ??d=1=:t W V 3* Vleféfxfiwti :‘»F1’ma::i* i { ecniét! am: pm: _ _%fi*1"3”t;%‘oV~«“a311%~%i«équa III A ¢:@5;I=;dri%1:f%i o%?r1‘ wi:th‘i%.s % .‘It‘9h»i»s prefcam ft. rfffi aémenét _‘c0rfwen=ed ?21}Ac~¥1édi1'14g;:__-j A éhée %k3m3%@ %r;w.:ia4 Ltjheé Vi '~s‘;1i‘4~n géw ,C ” t%i%£wx%»2‘¢é11cc whe3x%»e@f“5% 4; V ffinvitw; Win": 0:: % ¢ h % A 5&5 : .‘d~err1§r e4d» >10; 4.'4*bc:_ La a.:tI§i%a.%ment. 5* t~h3‘;e.A 4 A - ~ ‘- ‘ V (30) A feope"and intentio1:“17 of that Lefte;*, ‘beefing M V atoamakeprovifionehoweallthe Members ;_,,_. A _asai_s pretended, aofboth, hH0uf'esj;,,% may fer “ cufely meet in a full a.nd- free Convention w~of.Par1iarnent5,» whereof, no other ceohe ' J ncV]ufion}can bemade, but thatprefenvt Pam li_ament,*‘is not afiee, nor fi1II,Conve‘ntion%;e A ~ and that tomake it afree,Aandfi1lI Cc5nven-- A tiqn of Parliament , theveajgaefence ofth‘ofe necefvI‘ary,» who notwithranding they hiavea a deferted that great Trufi, anddo levy War» A Uagainfi Your Parliament,‘ ..ar;e §pre‘ten.ded to be Members of the two Hqufes of Par’!-i*a-ea ment. _ A ” And lmerellpon), we thaink your-V feIves' bound, 110 1611 Your Majefiie know , A A That feeing the continuance of this Parliament, ‘is fetled by a Law ( w\hich‘ as all other, the Laws _of Your ;Kflingdom5,4 Your Majefiy V 7is {worn to maientaixiias we are‘fWo.rn " to our ‘.AIle_gian ce to Your‘Majefiy, ( thefe ObIi- A ganqnsbeing5reeiproca1:I) we mufi in adu”ty, . and aecordihgiy €’arerei7bIved,,, with our ‘ Liyes, and ,Fort1;mes , to defend» and ‘pre- :f€=rYe, th‘fi;,.vT§%u&. +Rights , and ifulleapower of ‘ this ~ A 'this;P arIi:§1ment. .A And do ";b”eef‘ee”ch~Ybi1r M"ajef’cie , ThatYour eA9R6yéH; and hearty concurrence with?‘ us herein 5; will be the ‘ mofi efiaefluall and readygmeansg. of procuring :1 firm and Iafiing Peace , in A J ealul‘ Yéur MajePdesDominioi1?s éndgoff begetting ape1_§~f‘e5’ce5 underfianding betAw~eenee Your Royall 1\/IajePcie',”andeYou1j Peoplegm vfi/itho‘,u”twhich , Your A Majefiies mofi: earnefc Profeflions )- and om: %m0fi reall“ ” ‘ Intentions eoncerninor the fame , mufi ne-we D A ceflhrily be fruPcrated,5 A and in” cafe Your 4 Majefixes three Kingdoms {hall Pcill remain in: this V. {ad and bleeding conditimm, tend--A W J By .t"=his%1i1n_r1at4u:I'a‘1I WaVrfee¢5 tog tileimgr ruin ej ,1 W Y-du1*»~ Ma}ef‘tie ecannete be A the léva—f‘r,~"% not the la~f’cfi1fi"erer. God%inhis,go0dneG'e,e in_c1ine+e_You1‘ Roy*aII§Bref’c , out of pittyi % ~aJnd”eAcbii1paflio_11, to th.e:ede’epfuff'eri1%1egsoff Your innocent people, to put zifpeedy and, ~ hgppy I;{1he¢teo thefeee defperatee*viIs’,.fbyet}ie:; e % A ~e"ad"vicee §j;;°1;:;ot1e1~ee Kinge1_%pn1s V‘) .. A now happily ui1i’i“tedin” this Acomxmm caufe by their laJteefol4emn League ..and.Coveenant;,e “ ch a:s:,d1t:w*1,EI pa3;ev.e.« A * ‘ A % %Y‘T‘o~r;2x% 'M3}¢ V 4 '. k A w ‘~‘ I .. ? - 4 ‘ " ‘ . ._ . ,9!’ ... _.', .‘ = H ' . M I ._ ’ “ ~ 3, , A 1 V. I . i, . ~ ,. v . ":3 .. _ . . ky‘ Q, «I: A . V. 1» g, ya . Vr n- '2» i A 1 v .. .3; ? fit , _- ‘‘, 3‘: .;, gr ‘ 3» Ma,‘ 2» -.9} V .,;3 " {* ' V ‘ I r‘ V " " « ml ' .'l-1 ‘ ‘- ‘ _ . V _ ’ " _ i v. ~. .~ ‘ ,.~'* ,, , _ t In W --w ‘ u ' _ » r,,,, t.- ‘ ‘ 1 - .>’ . ¥ - ‘__, KY ‘ _ ‘ M \ M, ' _‘_‘. A ' 1 V .1 I .’ *‘ » , a I , w-' - ~. 11' " ‘I ' . x e ‘ »‘ g.‘ , 1 ‘ . I . " ',-“W nu ~ w * . ,,‘ , V 4 A ‘ ‘I V‘? ‘ . ' '.- ~ 3 V‘ ,. . 9- . .— ,» ,_ ‘ 5 1-‘ "" " " n ; -., Q ,, y ‘ M “: W/~.‘, . . . \ fi , ‘L » s 3' u , 3-. , < . i ,.,..Q J’ ,- ‘ “ 4 I" ' "‘ A 1‘. w . y 1 ,. ..—-«- n -* \ 1 A .- i_’‘’-.‘'.‘.* ; .. “ M ‘ i “ -K“ .v 1 '_ _‘ ‘ W‘ \ ‘V A c ‘ =~ .: ' ‘ " ;,. . i " I-* -‘V , ‘ N“ i M‘ ~ st . W ‘. v i . u . 1 W‘ L - A i ‘ ‘ s ‘ an ‘7 ' , ,3 -' - - “‘ ‘ ~}', i 5 "9' ' ’ ‘Q 1.: I “ i g ; 1 1 *‘ . hi 9 V V ‘ ‘I. V! .1 i . . in .» i ma ‘ l‘ . , V ‘ma ,‘..,.M,, a V 3‘. '4‘ ‘Sun, , A I A i 11:‘-ffl;y.”¥Se¢Tfl‘t3Fy:3‘i for -an A€Cmpt.e£ whet;eeurrenees 1 pie affrded :1 efinsiweekshz th‘bec..af:,t;ajams*pa‘ of_w;iM3»*fi:s1.ra-_ .“:.a,+g‘;cz¢l.%miz'4'i:w%z'; cgzwrméwg yawrfivzfh, ‘A . M *9 Kt‘: . 3"“ “ »« ‘ Au , W‘ (“N Z . 11 ‘ 4 dam '3 dr If maébe; W A éwhat M a 0ia*fi‘%f‘ mg .¢.,v A '4.‘ n. J,_ ‘ . % ? T ”;;a:*%§qm gaiishw mist §i.L1bverm2g thfi mafimmg of am Has We prezzw madxngsa-':v';§1m§; flmzm :;m::% Mat winch Hm? mw £§0E$"?‘up0'in _ v ‘ 3-74 *3 *9 - ,‘ :34 a W "“ w 0% ‘ ~ '«-‘~.,;‘ . ««.~,¢~a.~ by the adwmo f~a~»l:31*<>s:3»:;:§A1ty, V‘ harm as;3rma~W1I1 pczfceaagak fig? th~1sincH°ed P§@n‘iqm'3vm:0fl, umata: rim e§eé}si‘vvhaere:0if}2.E5i A thee-ycs~ofthe% Kzxzgdome. ms“ HOW Ext’: ‘Go!-ifanci them tofl fi %e‘a:*'~;g@o&, a€h§:i*;‘ed’, "as rhcy=are in fpecumzim: f0r‘1jaim mnfirfiem srhziti. r=ea;i’E)¥;w—VV§t»V cgryrim; ptobfiifiifiy gmf _a*§1%efizref?é am remzafi to aV€%ré~e{%3.bi:afl1ment. Io ;;H§s;«;Ma§gi%y in A jufi ?*R:ifg?{‘a:_%'s:MaI?2fi§”i'~’°0'vmfs5 ‘ofmzy tomfe that hath heed‘ ya: attempmd A; tfiflm is alg mom when Ftiieheatfiy refpefmf ‘ .3. afleaa¢nat¢%s~aenv: V L 4m.j§*¢%;g~;y.;a1:;:;::,%A ~ * w 5 ‘ ‘ l 0 ‘ -.« £ . . 5 \ Vb M rt!‘ 9 W J «V , V‘ J’ I.‘ ,‘ W n. ‘,1 “r alga‘ ‘.4 I «L V-. V V A . w ; . ,_ ‘ y ; A; s .. .73 R "A -E '4» ‘ 3; 33'; 5 _‘___‘ _ _ ‘ f, ._ ;‘_;; 3 , ' _‘ ,,. J : ;, 3;‘ K. . g A‘ '.' M w ' .. ‘ -A « w" ‘ ‘ «'1 =. ~w‘Y‘.\.L ,’ V ; , “ ""1; ‘ I 1 V‘,;‘..‘,“ H . 4 W ‘ fl ‘ k ‘ ,, K ‘ ‘_ ‘ H, A ‘ ‘ ~ 1_‘ .. l, 1” M.’ . .. I ‘_ , _ I L VJ 3 L .. _ ‘ ‘ V , I H‘ “ _ ‘ ' v - a M .'. '3'. - . "W" ‘7 - *‘ , i u I , » M: W I I _ .«" _u , T. V " ‘ A W _ ’ H 5,“ 5. I 5 ‘ v ' “ . V \. ' 1 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ VN-'\‘m '» ‘ v W . . ‘ a. ‘~-‘v w '6'” J _' ' . ‘...‘:; ‘ ‘ l. ‘ ‘am ,>- N‘ H‘ Li‘ : : p v “ ‘ X M _ ,, ‘ ‘ ‘ . ’ L ‘ ’ ; H1”, ,4 W4; ,- _‘ K ._ ‘v __A,¥ ‘ _\ ‘ ~- » 4 _~ fa ‘ . ‘ :‘ ,., .‘. my » _ ‘ ‘ Ht‘ _. ~ E C H A R. mi E L E ii. 4 ?R@# ; « , - * ‘ " ::.7"“» \ ]."1“ ‘ ‘ ",., “ 2 " n . ;‘ ~ - ‘ I’ - ~ , ‘. ~ ‘ _{ ‘ . -~ :' , ' aw‘ ~v ‘ M‘ M ’ M ‘g_ V n ._ _, ‘ ‘ 1 -- L l‘ 2 ,: ‘ :. Y‘) n 3 - ‘ ' ‘u 1 ,‘ ,« ‘ . _‘ - . 3 . ‘ ",- ~ 7- : _ »~ "7 -2‘ ,- - ‘ ‘ - » . ‘ H: »,,_ ‘M ,. ~_ A _ '1» ;j“ A ‘ -‘ A : _ ~ ; . . ‘ ' , A -. -u I v,. Y-. f " "'1. \_ , ‘ ‘; .r r~ ' v 1 ' . -‘1 .1\. filBui@VED5%» % you vveflt W "he‘mas~'3I1"UurSuEsje5%s7 * T % of the ¢Ki:1§§&oem 0F,Egfigi;zn£a" I?»o§Em'g. *ni054f1QAf2>mie.@°, am b0?.“h;='%Bv,th£3i.rAi£léQ“i‘4: * :2 *5;an%:é'and‘*'A%&%‘oF VPjacifiéaéfinngboiwnfi “ass I r€fiPcAjé%fi&fuppréH’e M3 {M55 fQ"7;f’%Ui1‘i'*’;S:7rfD:'5 U ‘ J I€&57€5 Of 559W?'¢‘6/Q 35 fizkxzé i:1Ei0fHf§c ’ aver gm 5:155 Kz"ng@;;gm¢» Amaby Law44youg‘¢ p¢;+;;b;;3;V:m.§.; vicicg 2-gt:‘endedVVin ia%wr:;r%ika%m mi¢ ‘zf £1126 2-:r:{‘ifi%4:az1.t%e7% cfflfié n6r:a’1readye:;1tr%ed; or- am} hm-efserene {1~"" 56 f*€‘13~‘h'?‘5§ wb3’«V5‘»?VT53§C§1 W5 3? £3¢{’Ji1‘€J*trprc:fian.Aa5 §%O;1‘rA3;fl??€éi:ioz3S :0‘ m iE.+Az*i%ié:;%él';.r:,&}¥1*ém ffét{§xf"?o‘f"t[l*}i”s;“ 22%-* rkma am+:e:~eas we Memmes of-Both 0.5 mi. P4i?E'tfib$%*d :=:W.:~1,4V5=afld Qélr~Pwp!p‘;ag2;;m}~%t§.w; }%'.n%v:‘a£i%@m:m;:& .»;’Fom:*h’r: W?’ W», n ~7- M‘ » , . ‘:w 44 , ~ .‘ 0 v “If”, ‘ ""“; W‘ n 7 ~f' c ‘ ‘- . ,.f w;, "g 3, fir‘ -; " ‘W. A f3F"W:U‘f91‘% “Of f3"h@.¢R€1%1;,%“1*?,1 » "E;”:e%sv:e§s vami “L zbcrtxacs of 2.'”:7.".m’3! F’; A ». V 2 1 ’ mg *_ _' \ ‘{.?:J V »~5~~Vj: ~ MM} ‘ff *':*r“[.~.r‘ M :1» w; ‘ ‘ * , ‘ ., ; m, .' my Km1g_dé:mez Mia theAzreL1p0,gj%~m;_veA éagmed, uwpcm i'rc=.~a“ fg§e4;{%y.*r;22:g ‘ , M i$’€Wa1%2*¢j‘advancm2Z ?5Pi*o7§fiortio:::s’:£n”c£V"bf? %. % A 2 t_h4€i?m A ar throughout the Kuj1gdom~vv11lin afhort time makeup the ~ Rem:%a=inder,. whereby‘ Wk: {hall ntonéljfbe enabIfed_rb pay arid Afecruite Our Army,:Bi1tIiké'wi"fe%be enabIecI::o...pu: Our Armies in3?f't2ch‘:z.~C©n:iiti‘o i1,V as 'wQ“tit%SLi1bjeé°ts fluall not fuf- fer by Free-Qgarteror%~?rl*re» ‘r;1nmi1ime*f¥‘eAvof Our Souldiers; whichis now in prefent Agiz.-%atio~ and will (We no way doubt, by the Advice of the Me rs Houfes Af-4 fembled) be1'beediIyefEafted.. Vvdocatowards {'0 good 3» wm:kc,by4~thcA Approbation a.,m,d;;A civics oft he faici Members ofboch ifloufias here..Vva.fI'emb1ned,¢ defire you forthwith to Iencl Vs the-Summeif Twa b»11Ild»IC§3;“p0J£1flldS, or t:hr:v.11t1"cther¢~{ A Eta plate, touczht: %P‘I:£te at Em: fihfllingsg‘ a«m1Luz‘;t:ouCI3tA-plate an {auto {billings foure pence,».g2er ounce-, and to ;orVde1%i~ vet the.-1 famfi-'5 withim faven daies: af7tc3r‘the Reef-i%pt»rhereof,1;~A t“.=ht?" ~hands of Our H1gh7S.I1em 0f th3t f:Qum:y,, arm‘ fuch whom!he~{ha11 a pom:“tomcexwz.the‘f{‘ame; (upon his A-cquibamces Fértii-e5vRcCieith¢Wr€Of whey %;i?s7;for:hwVi1;fi«to— %xecu~rn and~pay'r11e fame at Carma flfzrzfit C0Uedg.eiin ~ ftwf, Ito t11t:'iAhand,s of ,t‘E1e'“VE"1.l3£~"I-e,"Q'V‘fIE&""f&)‘the iLord 5'ejywzoar,_. Mr. IOE;¢V(‘+¥1]1fi‘;zfl£fl64m,i A and A’ ~\1'HUb& .Fet£z}2/Me. or any of ' themgwho are appointed T7rcafi1;rers far the receiving andiflé uing-thLere€1fBy Atéha A i'a;id4J'{‘»4Ic«.;1nberS, (by~wh0{c ‘realm: c>nIy~ te faid Moricy is mbe difpafed and to A give Receipts far T‘ A V re fame; the which VPromwife t%%4tepay.1fi”one as4(3 od~ ifI12cH énable I13; vTi1is%%S%L1m:m: gtobe advanced With“- * fpeed, Wé are n.cceIfita1:edto.appIy Qugr-;S¢I.ves to’fa’c4Ia fons;z.;syourJL£e1fe; oAFvfv1v1j0feAibfLlity and Affefiiom %‘ have.ACAo.nfidencc, gixfing Lthisfi ffu rancc, _th2t‘inj ‘ fiu*th*er1A Charges,» §£hat»;r.h"e mcaeffipy ofWOu=1: iufzi D1&i%—fem:" A4 A * fi13H kinfbrce %'(1‘s m%.A reqAu'i;:ti: good 2313? 5}€&Sa ‘€13; a&van~tag_e; ‘Andi Fe prcfi:mi?ngya;;« wm not faifc" to expfeffé“ % 5murAAAfFe€:i@nhercin, yu»Farcw¢H. 6*z3u¢.m,4t0urA _’ % Court at O X '3 o R, I;>,'A1“1.?:«e$ 14* £14} affebmary, in we Him» mmbjeare ofoar R"az_'gi2e, 1 5 4 3.. g L S0zzt'f2wampta12;A A Ta MR3 ‘-7?’!-He} of Rafiétrwicé zoa. pound. V _ A I 339%: z$df7 them they ‘fliall think fit. .v Elfjsggc Clef. Fari Can); -"*-‘J’ . . N‘ ‘V ' r W‘ #5. ~, ,‘ K as $3; ‘I gamm - =" M ‘M ‘(J V £~~3’‘‘ « - ,5‘ w ‘r , ‘W’ #4.‘: fm ‘W L ‘ J0 «D % Vfifiw agfiéfi Vic/M‘ mh g; ‘ V‘. ‘,3: _‘ “ " 3 -3 ‘ _ I M ,, M ‘ 2,} “'2 ,-1:"? ‘L V3 fiu *3 3‘ "3 E W ‘ ' f‘ -‘ “ ‘N ’ ‘M ‘-M ‘ ‘ll F‘ W ‘ ., ‘av’ "W ' " 1' fl‘.'.3 ft m“ , 1, _~ ‘ »,,‘ v . ‘ ' 1 .‘ 3- " ? ‘ ‘ ‘H’ .‘ 1 V’ . V {be me‘ 0 5 W 5“ A ;. ‘ ' W‘, _' . u ‘iv ‘ .‘ .‘ M, ‘ ‘ ,_ 1 r in ». ‘ wt kt w~ev; “Kim: «fim:hA S jV6t:s*of4S:@22’4:z,; *;R&fO~1iV%€€1,u&'C:~_ ."*7~*‘?”'”.”'Z*" ..”””t""’?"d"3 M”? hjiii“ 3.11,‘. hi§;M.fi-- “*}€f?ci¢S-111b*iei.‘?e»a OM36. §€Vi%}%&9m Of Englafid a*ndAI2b‘z»a3i:ib%n.é£ ,»t:¢:%=W?aiessv both by:Ath¢ir 3WH€g:i2n c&“: a2*1