* ' V u. 4 - '.- v u ~ an * . ' . ‘ " ‘-I’ .. ” k.l¢‘' ‘ ‘ V ’ r ,"‘.-""' . ‘-3- '* ‘ 9‘ , - M ‘ V 5. “ . g. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ %m»av§a%*gtsmwfi~a»§»$x*§$?~&»_%afi%%s§%*£«*a3mzw¢ A rafve and learned h or an . QAPOLOGY deliveredby 5 In A a full Anfwcr to the Charge .4 againfi him, from His Excellency Sir T HOMA. s FAAAAI.KF.Ax and the Army: For the clearing of himfelfc in every % particular Crime charg€d4.ag~ainfih11n4 ~ *~ »’ .~ in the P,apcrs«V" % w . . ‘ 1' My .. "‘ >r.mJ '‘,i’ “W, % ” J3.‘ v um‘; «, W ‘ ‘“" an {i 1‘ “g ‘ ‘ " ¢ “ ‘ , ‘;, .‘ ‘ . ’-‘ rfjfe‘ War, tn‘ ‘ J ’~» ‘ I W-‘.I>.,w.‘. Y M‘ 91“ xiv‘ ,‘ 1., ' ‘ 1% ‘Arr -.«§Wq$gW:n5kM ‘ V ‘§,..,gz ‘igwaw ‘Vcx»,4.~.‘»g-_«fl,.$ N .rv~.f’mo «£11 at an ‘gm, 1» ~ v 5 J «I '“~ " ‘Printed in the care. 1647. A ‘_ M ,1 7‘ ‘A .3 Ha. ‘ M ' A Dcnzill Hollis Erq :: 4" . I *,w» =%eMaaa%%We aaaaaaa. V t at ‘W wd3§»~9v.e1wxh£«‘ii:»£=‘a‘a'¢“*a‘e’ee’ . A g//ave afldleatned SpeEch,0r an Apology 4 e h delivered by pmszzz Ha11¢...- E1q:,&c. A MK-e‘Spea:~é_er: A A ’*‘.»..;. " T is my unhappineffe to Rand ac- m Whit: I‘ doubt not (and fo ' ,1‘, ' g the tefi: of the Gentlemen under a fatisfaétory accompt of inno-— hvfivhiwch concerns my fe1f},I'f11a1l.give thisAnfwer to it: I éannot undertake to charge my tnemory(at ’ tzufed bfla Charge againfi me, \ this mifl-fortune with me) to give 7 ucency therein :. And for that ” ' V this ti'fi’i“e)j to give particular and pofitive anfwers to L 7 thofe paifagesateat Oxford; '-Which-1‘€CC1V€d a full debate in the Houfe of Commons two yeares fince-3 I"doe"n‘”ot”“finde any newmatter in this Charge, fave Whatl have (together with Mr. t A L a who was a Cqtnmiffioner with me there) then gave accompt o”f_.,‘e when Wehwere accufed by the Lord Swill 5 And this I-Ioufe was fo fullyfatisfied A " (afiera full debate held feverall daies thereon, that it was Iigolpedupon the ggjueflion, july at . g164w5. (by this H on e) Tlmtht/nee warm» of the repbrtfiould be 10-- mlly haizdfimzlly laidafide.‘ And for the truth here; 4 otgtm manifeftmy innocency, and difcover the ma- 1iceoftheLord Swill, who was then my Accufer, Ifhall refer felfe to the Papers which conceme rnythentfiixatttinations, and the refolutions of the Houfethereom “ A A * at 4% A *4 ; And thus muchl ammfotmed fince concemmg ‘t A . A... A Ant his f1is;iffaoitdffT1i:s§%‘ts¥;ii:;he4h;zt1i*'béemmu¢h 1-‘1‘011b1‘€‘,.d" st’: e=e~rta*ae°* A .m"y felfej _ h} s Lgrdfla'1p,fep tf p§_1:fonw lflawar, nbt long fince, tofne, ti; give me fluféfi'EévthEFé"bf; fur- - z V ther d’ec1aring fromhim ,. _1'l94t:vzé/aw./qii‘: fiwzpofitiu A A % A % mm 22%.? wfide wi?'b the ~Pd;~[~i,;zIz1¢flt&a"Wd i§2.;z.si p4fléd%:%4%%by= . A 9592?]? Ht?%f6,.r,£re waul££l”t7aen~%%di Quiver zmtv we /aazfifbgf 22>/dole, lm‘z'22ey]é1:x;m3:l¢z"i:1 éigsciiizfl we,:»md‘naba% Atf£2ejMti>z?’r%£i'1‘% L A figa“in"fl; tI’m"tlaio1_it 3 15¢/aiafj mbe;2%1@em,IJ7aauldfiee 41 Adamo: ~ zwfi: to He fl? éwéggry 22:77)?/9‘ /{rimf 5azzdt£7eréfié%éVIz§§a:%$é1é-elw fired by 2i I’eere of the R'eV.Vzl/22651 (71:x»_/go c»w2”e frazzz H/.1?/;z* wt to be dgéziiifl fizxfittingz 11/.?6”fifl'é‘ c‘*£W%}7%o‘;; [itim 5; telling 52:22; that/ii: v1;0”r‘dj71ip: not :;l;zfc§a72¢r~ 7 it £gefcgreM,;* but. an/:vezzb'z'.r Cogvzfiaqfltibii §m}i.€ jyzfléfl, lwé waaldé/etffize t}:'féA‘partiVc1:{ar:4 , 55:5 lé;gW[fVé‘}éé/{ling‘*% A zifibéreofta cbwefzrdvi-/,)ir}m't0 £bqixk}zé1:filédgé,Z$1“ fiibdrfii be mci;w_'2zV’dangcr) might“ prqfae V/3,23 zfuznén V Q. ‘Yet I7Cai‘l fifl3.1i“e 0;1 -Vmtof eak Afii; \';v?i'tJI”1¢f;{1t“%ir§i1i"‘1E4' I (knowmg my GWn,1nnocengy)paflE::f*‘5r <35" 4% Vi¥n:g.hi%sL0r<'i'.fi1ip~any difvffiwlte for h1S"fb.rki1éf Liialice; And'asfor*tf1£-2 Letter r¢nr4 ‘rm. Ea-I o"£z;;mzm M f0,,I¥1??s.CQnt3m7“¥(.3S cha4Eg¢d)i fbine fécféiw d£‘fig'-I16’... ’- A It is truth * rehclve f aal agar gfjxrxji A . afien Whicfi it Wfis,‘ uphapfilflflé <5 which inade1n'e “forget itf‘9r 1T<5r:1‘e i”iiii¢¢é. §?€= ftmne %a;‘s, it camp tomy mindgl gcqqtiaifné thé Houfe wxth it the com:en1;s4bf 11; was C‘11;i.a& Iifié (if 1*.-wo,,very {hart} 3 ;iét:pn1m¢;14g1“:1i§wi;j§"1_ bf Bé§fIéi',:, the L0rdSa'z12"[I .- Ihad then the Words Hedi A mihde, and didthenmpeage them *inflExefI—1(5ufe zevlmiehrtiinwae Mat . E “tn ;that—trhas»Haourt.uwa¢weaz agawme. ;£«g(9;fl¥7~0fly;]3;11§gg = fW1¥5“~**fi‘/94t~W3£re3dai:§vi2wg;9ff'79颢'W?€sfi7§vW/0fl‘tmfiflm 6“? -i:§'diz?5.l5'ifwV??§§3 dwa-;£9a1a$img¥vfi 7%; ; And%tf<»r~the*Pfipst in f@1«fQc=IId@m§acknav;a itwahat be- telligméé tk3~::EW5W_1'% »e:::£@«;farw ~{@t1«$ficd».»th:tr¢,eit15 QEi£§’0%tWh@th6F'B.burmE‘.k9 as+§erhtavpsI«tnaighr.« t A fan ga‘rt;» 9% » the tflhafggé” ehargetht me: F}%%t“¢E1€E'1’.s’-"1.@,tt0fi1¥v7?’1f?ift3?;$*‘ n32osv~e<.:1»ffirTa «p.a~£Teto~gtm tb oxford» andthéf “=h€?KiEt~"t£h‘bH1dvfflYstt hat did‘ 4 hfim tbettam; fe~rvie«eu in tlie ~Pa:t‘1i:amerit, i then I Veauld 9 the re 5 That was 17€@DI’t€d_1 ta t1~1i¥s»H§)Ié1\fevfE0met]§1@t E};aQ11mt1on»s« Q5 what! the Lord: sagwill tinfioaémccl: aw?-= gfliflfi and; 35 I;;f21id*tt~h3fl5".{0“0Wa§' A I’ know 1710'’ thing? Qf1t,I~ am eonfidetnt 1Ist1s’fa1«fe»§;the Earl of Lind- A féyg inolmny, body e1fe,,h_ad nevetmcation toan» fuch e»fif‘e~from meg norf‘had~ I ever’ any“ fi1‘c:h»1:h0u?g« = ts. W up Pttopofitions, andfendingthern privately totl-lis Maje-fi«y5 It: istttall falfeand untrue, in all an-din every: pa‘-1""t_<)fi1:.. t ‘§ \ 1 A ~ Twqthat in the third Article: :11» mufi acknowledge’ thqt(by the Lady‘early;/Ze,r.fztvt)ut11)tt Ifhave oftentwai-— tgd upqnhésgboth ather lodgins kin W’bite?lmll,.and» elfewhere, but nevm: fwit1iVafl)’.‘ difafiisfiédt perfonsg 1:9’ A hqld eorrefpondency with‘tVhet£_geene toypiutt . ~ttA;s~V%f(n‘r:9vhat I chargetd it1»th:e"9f‘G:Cond4Articiey V V With~4fend1‘~tng" feverall Niufiagets tea the Earl of Dmfet and_the*L0rd Digbfior to jgnyne-witlu any~'1ndraWing‘ Qonditins un that Parliament, to tbrirng :in.the— A tmfpan Aany tter1nes_.,.%.by‘ (bur. plotting againfl the: P;ars_‘iament,..or do an;gy_ot~ha1~ wi-ngt4in.pr0fecuti0I}= t V of fupheyill defig¥I€5a' Vbut omlytto fhéwt réfpeétr which isydue ta in fuch Hoirioufn. y A And 21? e ivteit 1s,wellknoWn€"t0th'$.»tHQU1_§a; “ A A ‘I } 1: t’: ww‘ fin‘ “ 5'), ' that I have been alwayefh fo farre f1‘on1“hav1ngA'fi great pAoWerupon’the>Treafure ofthrs Kingdomeg, O to rnaintaine the t.,6,g3_1eenes Paftya 3fi1A11‘€h€‘1“A P535011: A or undertake to doe moreAyfor the Kigzg thenrthe Ai‘—r " my would doe,ThatIliave had as litdetordoewith A AmoneyAAbufine{Tes asAar1y5 ¢IAhaVeA not growlle? fglifiat A A by the mines of'omt’hAers by thefe fad Atimes, nor pren- , ferred my felfeAAn4or fiiends to higherfortunes then A A A otherwifeweh coi11drAredAr€fleofi)lib1ikegrievafncesa _I _ Vhave o«neIyr"dAelimveredAA my: opinion 1n this Houfzg to when fedifiihO13s,Petitionsr¢ have been reads Aarid for A A MajrorA‘ATuleday5A 21‘z1d,'Nic/molar Tam they afii*onted,thee 'Cor.nr'nittere, [aAnd?‘Tew AAendeavoured to rAaAifeA a Tu» mult in the Court ofReAquefls,, to the danger and A A difiurbgmcfi Ofthe C'ofnmitAtee_.,who committedthem A both uncill” the next morning, whichwas approved. A ‘by this'AAHoufe5 AA yetA(tuApAonA my motion in_h1sAbe-‘- ha1fe)rthis I-loufe was pleafed to bayle Major Tale... At 6%’-4}’a€lI1dAAfli0rt1y after Mr. “TI” aw was difcharged. AS ins fo_rthatwh1el;.1sh1d upon mehinthe ¢igh$:A1'tiele, conccrnmg hcndrawingup eftthe Beclaratamnit donein A ethisfloufe, the_HonfehalloWiI:1g i1t,land{it pniflecmothi Houfes, A A A V and y”thCl‘€f01.‘€Mlt‘f€Em€S fltange to me that ygnyyyy {houldi qua;-Ah A i - i» 7‘ Rich that which was made anAé’tof both Houfes 4 of Parlia-n W ~ A _ .‘ W, i ment 5% I drew it up indeed ( th Pugh jiery unwilling to take that tax upon me ) as neare as I could according to the fence of the Houfe, inobedience towa generall Call uponme\..fq: it, being exceedingly pref’: and prged to doe it y,y as you Well know. And for it the reliefe of Irel.»:md,it wasnlwnies rny‘in- deavom-_to,promoteit, defiring thatan intire Body might A A have gone out of the Army- It is true, fome forces for Irelnézoi were eohgnrninindedybacle A from Bromjzgrooc In Worceflerflairey tohliendingnyihwhteh was yor- dered by the Committee that‘t1'1CY1111}ght_r€"C§:1j7«€; their pay fafe. The Officers then reprefenting to the C.oimm1ttee_l the fireat neeeflities ofthe Slouldiers,anl<:l thnti they iclidno.tkn_ow V ow toconvey it into VI/‘orceflejrflaire inffafety", regard that itmufl 'pafle through the he quartersof the‘Army, who had ex-so preffed great d1‘l'p1ea.fure to thyofet forces which were drawne offfor Ireland 5 and the Cornmtnxttee was the rather indu-— ced to doe it; becaufe they knew themonies which was ifent to 0xfi2rdh‘for disbanding on fiegiment there quartered ,, was t feized on, which feare caufed the calling back of thofe to 1teading,and nptupon any defihne vvhatfoeven ?‘ » y And whereasby the 14. Artie e 1 am _charged with thofe Gentlernen, to“ obfiruéi Articlesétagainfir theL:ord Inc/Jiguin, A . A andfor callin back the Lord L7:/le, thathis command might beycommitte to the Lord hlncbiqueng I was Calwayes fo fat re , from keeping ofi’ proceedings upon th0i"f:_.ArtiCl€$,'th-at. I-iflLl1‘i-— 4 thered.itnll1eould, and feverall times nioved it the Houfe, ybeingi very defirous tom“ havenll clearedconcerning the Lord Inclaiquen , whom I beleeve to a man of honour and A yfidelity. he i A e iAn:1y Ana?-&wIAflm%i»the %l;ord'*>Iiz;yZw nme»of‘[gvmmmmt ‘firem- gamz ’Wgg “1fi¥“m .whiéh ~-was Vibnt it<¢:>; ‘mnmwmne yeeameénn zthat*~59»the-?Pa:i-linmem:‘bemgrp!veai%&1» tmxdifpaovfe. - of wélmdtinan oflwr~Way4‘5 Wmt**im~fheL fave-A rill %éémte7s~~fl3e1*eom‘ fin ftheifinnfe) =?acm~r9§ing—~tomy’§uflge—4 mam and ~c0nfdenm ,*not‘»1;'efp€‘&ing azgyipmtimiar fon,>but$t{he"A common 3" mnfl = forfize mjjfaifhetter to «put at all zthofe who favura%fl?Indep@nd;1nrs5 fsIAnw?er* knewofany fuflzthing done. E ‘ V A A ’A*nd*~vs‘ihe'reas ‘I am%1c*'}?xa'rged ‘by _m A Apower an‘d-c0ume-- %nance to A obfirué} *juflice* in ;the -% cau e fbetvveen »A1jderman Larzgbmi and Captains Limery,-=it»%is very» untrue. confeflizw ' that my felfe, and Sir‘ P/oilip 8tapletan“‘(~4wh4o i«s%accufed& with me) being one ».Va;.fterne:cane’ in >.,.th=e Court « of vA’%R¢qu¢fl$‘% , -we heard that the" Hou~f_e* of Lords were ”then to fit , we »wem: to aske the occafionwthereofg and Ineetirgg with the. Earle»: of 3Rntla72d“ in the Labbjghié L01‘df'hipt01”d—«us, «That» iewas éabomt ‘ ~ A A a 1great‘ACaufe» depend1t)g%~-*between "L~.»,mg/mm and Limery, and we had fame difcouffe’,<:1!Lbou1§it,% bfit * adid not 1,’ under-- fiand that the mAe1*it*-’ bf‘ the ‘Caufe -A was at all «in quefiion, onely the erxtertainixlgtif‘-P it upon an~§A;;>£eale5 conceming which I faid, That itwas Opinion,t V t it was the com- *‘mon juftice of the" 7‘Kingdom“e, and not to1»’%bedenye¢cl: to ~a~ny~ :‘-This was al1AthatVwp1a{TedVbetweenus, as foi1*aeiof7M:2ifcer Liwerie: C0mifé1l%‘then préfentfuwhio‘ ~%hea1*dAit" I-'kcj+n)~ can ’tefiifie. ‘And’ for the who1e% Charge delivered inm. thisifloufé ~againfk me from tfie ‘Anny, I‘? havie hada fh~ié°cV‘ fcrugeny A over my confi:mnceg&4 ar1d*hav¢*'-I1iga§:1e%% enqtnry %1~;«n~a~w»e“ar~y A W "A branch * ~there4c3f into my» pzifi 2 ‘(;’)M11S ““a11fdjjiT1t¢flfi0fl§ Imnnot finde*hat‘I %hav¢'M<1¢’T¢r.*i°%d*‘V Web a*#~r¢mrn%e5vfi*0m -={~wh—o pretend robe” ‘filends -‘to"‘the_ Pakfliaxnent , and‘..;P»¢a¢¢ -“"of'Vthe church ai1d*?I{5in%‘ddm¢: 'IN1s.V