V. I A % %é _. ‘ /ff‘? 121% &;_:§7" V M (Jae. W %@%%%%®%%%%%%&@%%%%w%&%%%&¢%%%%&@%$%%&%%%fi%@J "‘ fawnd. W F the Army 1. A ?.*E - ' figfflice zfmze In Me flrzizée, W'}.*cm'r2 Their.“ Prxnmpies arc: Aneazv :n0dd‘d,brou§nt mi: Qf0bfC%uri@'y1nm ckiarer Eight. ' X B Y _ _ at Which the Army and the Vf/"E1016 King-v °%"i? dam:areunderthcconduéi oftl1eSpiria:ofGod, led; A am am Wildcrn.efl%; to the View 916 a eC;'ar2aqa72. ‘ Dedicated ' $0 tbs Gmaraiijazzd tha Cmmcd of VVM’. ...‘.4__... By William erig22?ic%: .‘ rim piace where it wwjfaid mzto t/Jew, Te are mt myx peoplet, tlbm z"t'flm/Zbeflzidrmta t/331.3%, ya: we the f2:-in of the: lizzézvg A Gad? Hfrfmi e E0. }Q %¢ V% LONDONp _ P1*intedv«f0r H.Hil.r9and G..CczZirit that 14} in your- wa}.3€§"fbal now zmgfold the right, which bring: you into light, amdfa makes crooked places {trait for you, Sac. % , A 2 Tom Q "3? am 5, «cw ’57:'“33 *:~3‘1? =-‘V. m it _*-:!"< £ "’fi J|"‘>\ !\rVI“‘ ' 36* A! ~ ~ 3 M ., <“4w?;f-33 K5’ &‘:~§-‘ , wThe%E§ifi1é©¢Eiéfaféryfe “'?;wirm€pmé« fiéfémégzitiaiix aria322%»,"*;mq,f/}‘&2;:;m%gig niyblj #1? £?2?}::l‘V ‘2§cc*Te pii* ”i*“/;?# :2; %%+*:¢;/%%s?e§I% swig mt gig '_ gig % ,»:;W.:'a'jf‘f W 4,?‘:22*}x3.iN W V_f7*.c?r;2‘@ /rfififiézwwxtfirzz ** .££1.‘2*d ‘¢iz2z?*1f{L% . . M,‘ u I F: .c. av, ' 4.. J” 9 ..t.' '71 I . 9“ ¢zz.«:*z:-%~“-'V:*g;.s" s'n-M gzzrla wig: m;aa:3¢§W’;.1A and me}; A;/oz; ms’? :2. rm‘: :9 fllfil - zgm'a‘t£=i4 i:»w!y cbiia M V fiazzzejartflg m,;~:.,£T t.*i:%ffi g“0¢ .5?.7i’27?? thfi flflmfifi 50¢ ' A EEi.«:w.f;% .1“ #9 mad Ifjxw .4 little tmtb in ft; gzezide it gggjzge zirkg féigfjt -.3: ;:lme._. zm ti$~izz‘tmrni1%ga11d ‘gI'Q,Wiflg1l‘gr:Z}3’-,fl?1’d..IWz’ jZ2i2:zei‘m31”.¢ and 3f1*;~0re untill perfefit day» Ibis? I glare clm!2’e:zga ‘ !?ji’i!0i:a1j7‘dr,n tf3.o@i7g1’i€'a¢t am! pméiigm irzg,/i £534! if c«:w2m't.t_eoi my . Aym, £93 .w/;5z’cI-y we/.mmt: 41/in dcapg jZaar°e3j?a2m tiwfg high 4% , wezigfsry gfi-‘airef X75.4§?*}’(?:$e3‘4?°§j ztpazga vffigcbkgzigbty coizamzmczyfi Lira tliwggiafy ofQ¥m?3¢4a‘?z£~£ tzésgmod ajkfi people? fi':9/'¢3 Ltlmt mgem ‘j}‘e¢;zejflé? Maazf ya??? fizxwa pwfwéd W §"’6a;'?(3i‘ZJ'E ¢m5**e:sg{?@ ¢%£§wm: aiig ,.zxsm’? ta,» ulggrifiziafi/’§2ti;s;f;za%2’0z2 E0 ail», mdfefi»e.ci4zi’y zapaézr 5&3 .2zz2.:¢iZm;Wj;y 0f fif???M¥WZPfifé? mzfrzs I r’m°5 ciaglzme meidfét :1. p9ii;v.2t% yaga wi/Q17 wtjieigbt A‘2*‘«7Wfifi'?°§“ ‘-fa Md #4» 42% mi fag it" ajfaiefiamfli aim efieredg Mr i1£?:¢»i;m£ wile gfévzw we bédriwmzd 52522, am irfifézgg @539 y M §3éf1j7é?$.§*_j‘iE’F?;?§3§?$ #35? £€?£¢?$<-F fig as?3¢:iAA¢:W;%w~ mraiéaie Wgiezgea _j7;$£‘iqf2i§3%”m “aw if“ i? bet? ke%:2&wE:?j‘asZ3 W}’0?¥$ I‘ a~:wt.a_y fmszwe apgsaryzam "¢e§z§;;( 25:? Mam“ if; W5 127-’ My 3 Wfiflgg ay 55% fims Cm’ Jfizeliwaa % @%‘2‘?¥§ éizfiyfii rii aiifiszfifiafifi i?§.rv::amie3¢;9$ W7 amegy 12:3! ?‘€?i§@@§"%£.~:§§ tifmfi maiv qf W my fxfiwif M?§é!§iL_?f: g:;ffiaa?zj'I9gi=’m®j?§ip mg i'£?e:§¢."£2r駣€g ,Ajfe:$z:9 fiwfl W pz.v2§W°,m;ig‘m ;e;;_[]§W éftfimgfimi W 3 arm aw? zwwlsi Kw mm 4 V Ytiurfia ’ . - _- 3, 1‘ 2 ‘W cg ‘t/,:—;~.~ ‘k":~.cl _. J,‘ rt . . %§w@ gmww. at ‘«aaP’%~ 1: >>zv . ‘W’ M % ?%fiiC6 done to the flmzy Told you 'Wh‘:II1 I was adminiihing j'uflz'tc upon jam‘ t R E MONST RA N c E. Remozzfirance, that it was :1 mixt thing ofggood and . evil}; that the Law’ fwd’/5' in it; but hid under fia A A much filth that we could not difzcrne him. You a,—_~¢ Siam, but not pc1*fe<9c, and thtzrcforc we xnufi wafb . away your filtb mzd purge away jut-r blond by the jfrifit of Judge fjzirit ofbzmzizzg : The Lord is antmongit us , aizdfits .45 :1 T€_fii;'er mza’ pznifier offilzzer 5 hetis [it to it clofe, and will t11akeit his cotafiant bufineflé, and doetit hotly, fharply 5 even the fllver, the f07150f_L€vi,, the people ofGod, mufi paflt thorow this fire 5 and _th€retorcW1)oina) abide tbe da)‘ oftb;‘a' conzing, and who um} fland wben A _,be appearezi) .9 Many cannot Pcand before it, but are: overtumd into 3 Iffeafily ditch ofragc, fretting and foolifh paffion-, this is a baffard fP1Ti€th<1t Cfmilot endure cbaffifment: But others doe fiand in peace: and quietriefle, there we fee the Fpitit and fircngtll of the Son who Willinglyfiufitrstcbafiifirztent, knowing that be 2?: cbofezz in the fu.r72,ace, and that bytit he is n1adetpartaI{er af Gad: bolirzejfe .3 purified from lwrnzzkrze bolz'22e]]E, which is at heft butfilthincffe, into the divine }Jolz'-- )”"’.U~9 I And to fuch I apply that 0FSolomen, A: the fining Pot forfilvw, 4074-1 the fumaretfer gold, {'6 if :2 man to bi»; pmife. t . The fining pot and furnace are for the bet’: t11eMtta1:=s, and ti: for their zpfaifié’, that they nzaybetbrought forth in a more noble: forms, and -fitted toreceive fame exccllent impreffion. #‘ "kén away y0tur*dmfi7e , Wee {hall hold you Now therefore havixi'g“ cttfi you into the fire, and ta- forth with a ‘ b€Z’o,‘l.ti£U1-E. (2) _Fhe.autf{uI:n1p 0‘£"$htheh'n1ei§'ef:’C37‘ of God flttptan you: ‘Thee hail o}'2m~ lunclezme fpiriat being rem: away, we now behold your face 7ihin§ing “with the glory of God upon you; New tt:e‘1.wzz>ett:;’r\e22ja:t:t>:2}t ttisejiczmts and caft it into the fire, we may fafely eete esf themeat , having done jtttffice apart the flefhly, worldly pa1*t:, We mat“: dcejfefiice to. the hea-' venly and holy pa rt. ‘ The Remonitraince of it felfe is as the earth, without form and void, there is a face on it, hue ti: deep, £1?’t‘d”£l't2?‘l?j28fl‘8 2: upovz it: ABM titefpirit of God ?I2&ZIi1?g_-, oe"broodit2g, upon the face sf the Watetztg brings forth e new creation, which is bleffed. and goody f The Kingdomes of the earth, and the way 0? Gods dealing with them inehefe lat} times , are dsefcrib’d in .Nebuc§Jea'7t"e“z2sar and his Vifion, Dem. 4. A Kingdome is :1 great tree growing «out of the earth unto a great ftrength and h€i:1g11t,,T€aC})Z'?7g mzto beavezz, and» tbefigbt tb ereofmzto the. end: ef the earth}: 3 it: grows am: of the pteo- A ple, and receives its1'1’fe and nourifhmem; from the Iowefi element; rche ienferiour peopIe,h‘i1tarifes up to fetch a height as touches heaw ven,i.e. camses near the heavenlyglory, the Kingdome of heaven or Chrittg, This tree hath fair leave: and much fiuit, meat form’! 5 it Brings forth honour, order, peace, ‘juftice, love, riches, advantage to all; Kingdomes afford a univerfall benefit .2 The Zaetzfis of the field heme fbadotre ttzzder it, and the fowlet of the ])£’a?)87Z dwell 272 the éougjts tbereofgefi” ailfleflé feed of itzflllfortts oftm-en receive tpr0te&i0n front ieegthoiethat liahour and etoil as beaits in the earth,they enjoy their ' eeeaith and zfafety under it; and thofethat: Fly in the aire ofwife-t dotne, learning, they nteke their neits cf honour and*prefern1en~t init, and all live upon it : Or the heafis, men of earthy‘ and civil! E?n1p3:O}‘7n»1e*!1t 3 Faerie’; ’0f}.‘€:‘27J€??3 menioftreligious and heavenly em- pioyntent, all have thefir peace in this Tree. A h Vt But thehold zz«;v:ztc}ter, amt’ ez2*i3oZy one came dwtze ft?-omttetwbetz 3 This tmeteber is the ‘3$t7at£’})t?7zt72:0fI:[5’a€l31that‘keepsUS and looks to us‘whi1e' We fleep 5 or tt“ehathtbiefe titat comet intbe rzig/tt, t3eet~eec1y*{tea1tng in’ t~1‘:cm usflwhilte we fee him net 9 aztdet 591}? me, ethtough ea tbiefe, and in the might breaking dome the lmtfe, yet a ho1yC1ti1d]e.ft1s, a holy” Latmh, and we may know who he is, be C«ame»d013P?2 fiem 73€d?,’€fi; V Tis the co {hinge of Ch rifi «fiom heatvten that doth this , He cryed tzloztdg, aedflzid tbm, Heep down tbetree, and cm of tbi: branches, ”_f/Jaieee V bf: leavet, and [carter bi: fiutt, let the Zteaflt get away fi~om under it, and we fewler fi'0m by ivratzebet: Heres harfb, cruel »dotih§:s from one that. eomesfrom heaven»; C7395 alaugbeis \1tm;._th=e fiitllhhveicge 5. and *I“1o-‘- W . ghmgf? fa) % tfiingbbut eIef{ru§’ci0n ;, Hera dawn the tree, Izzy t¥1e 2i§ete"th}3e mt; gag? M down ail govetnment,dorn1nion,King,Pa::1iamentgwith all pow... ter,ord:.e; c:4tofi”tbe brazzcbex of lawes, offices, places; Scatter t’/J‘? fi~m'z~,I-st there be no fafety, peace, getting of eftates 5 Let the beafi: getfiwnu>z1‘erit, and the female: {torn the Ewzrzcnbesg let: the inhabitants be fceteteeecig let weaith be removed, let honour and peefetmemzs ceafe. A y “ A Neoertbelefie leave the flump of the root: in zbe earth, witb a me of frm me &r;:jj'é ifltiae tender‘grafle of tbe fiteEd,a?2d let it be wet unit!) we dew gf heaven, zztzd let bzér portion be with the beafii in $528 gerejfiflz offbe earff); Iezzbiy bearer éecfmnged fforn man, and 4 beetfs heart be giyvezz unto him, and let fe- zvezt times pzzfie over irim -3 There is not utter de{’cm£’tion, though the glory, honour, riehesfi. peace of the Ki11‘gd'Om€ be em: down , yet it YCII1’-.1iI1§SiB the Pcump, and 5; [are ehe re : Theres nothing left: but the [temp of tberoots in the 6':zT‘i‘/J, fume life in the lowefl people, and that bound down, yet jfafe kept by cl band of iron and Zmzjie , by the power of thteefwore1* : Irzttbe‘ temleer grajfe oftbe fiefidgin the Wide field; not in a fecled, built City, tather a. w'tidemefi"e, amongft fome T éveakey tender fpfreite, fome Q1131 Made; of gt':1fi’e that are grown up; Ami wetwitbttbe dew ofbetzvetz, lying open to heaven in the night 09 d=ar§ raz'fd' by tbe%Paz:§iamemt ,. 24 :1 fu;?e%rz« ‘ our and {fmnger~ Fewer tfmz: tbczt oftbe P4xZmwen,t%. . 4,, Tim t__}J_ig~ _4my% tmlj’ t.b:~s: peopZe.@ of tfm Ki?2gdOm:g34i£f§ad farmd 174:“ A AtaA¢zb<2d)1%:of_%aLzz Array; V V A . W V 4 A “A ‘_Z’i14£ti;i::faa*¢23e of 422; Am}: 124% tI§e%m¢e,F£ eaccefims, aggreaalzfis to AGm',, L ' azzci fittefl for the preflezzt, mrke , and tbe%Am9'é5W ‘We? % powem Firfi, The Pa}-IwianienAt%% hafiiug gill po1‘§ve:@r% byffhépx ef"c"1wer4of' “EH65 {word in RVa‘fo.rrai:1~n§£« tion may be inordinate, but at hozneg being raifd for its own f_af<-':- ty, ’twi1he mailers 2;nd,éate up; ér*t:ré*r~xipl:e wponVTth:ei~mh5er. { ‘ % 3. As an Arfl3}7:,.b&ing rougJ3,.thxu&s. 0115* the cieir feat: ma’ exalt ,tl>em of low degree, Lab; 1. Tie. a great {port andlpleafure the Lord takes no fee up and pufl dbwzze, tobring great thingfse to 1;othing5 and 1:0 exalt, nothing to be all things 5 its excellent iuhilce to‘ {mere con‘- tempt zzpo7z.Pri2ece:, to tread’ apex: them #5‘ mortar, to bring them under as the befiefl, vilejf creatures; and to poure riches, honour and great-» lnelle upcm meane and bafe men_.,ie as excellent love and goodnefle. ‘This he hathfaid he will doe, and this hedoth doc, and 1:33 his gpreeogatilve. ‘ 4; L *' M ‘ V e . . This too is taken out of a higher cbpfir, the way of the Son of j§G0d¢,who is in the form of God, in the_f2igi)effl beaverzgand from thence to be home of e teemmz, _to be eccawztg to defcelnd into the 'iwitb«tl:e eeckecleg ‘ re defoend em belig e eerpeiéteril S0225 to’ be Wi«th%;>eef2Ze efyzo J9werger£:‘eflzbe «earth, to make b;;r.gmw '€‘ resume to xhingle themfézlves Witih cleft of caemzozz mam ; «Ageine, l V We l{210I7€.?5l)0?2’0T ejEi2zbo72om2te,l1onout is in him that honour-u (9) hell , and from thence to afieazd againe far above all beavem. Txis the great Goclthe hing ofleings, looks down amongfl men of low. de- greel, anal is content to have big: fo:mL1at.io7z in tbe daft, and fa arm: that he :.hisg‘r:t fi//afl I/Jings and take up the lowefl into the iyiglyefl and he the ,‘2igl)efl in the lowefi, and fo co mpreiberzli all z/Jirzgx in one go: 2‘); that he niigeht fil low2:ej_77a with nznje/3"), and :+nzz_,5<9jly with lozvzzeffi-, Tthatthei*n3i;ghthea perfeélz agreement tween the greateli God, andthe porefl man. . I . Thus We lee the fr:-cond thing maenifelled 3 That thie pallmg OE power from the Parliamentpr any higher or Politiqne bod} in... to the lower, or naturall ofthe People 3 is rationell, ortlerly , and and accortlitig to the original! rule and meafure olalltl1ir1gs which is the mincle axiclrlway of God. I Thirtlly , the people fol rais"d and cal’.d up, are the fiipreme pom ,W'€l‘ or {hperiour to all othersg even to them that beget tl era; the Parliament. L A 1; The Parliament call (as is manitell in their Declarzzrioizr) to jzrdge; fayirng, let the People judge : they appeals to them and fo they have fuhjeélzed themfelves to the people: and tie but reafon they llllould iudge ; for the people themfelves, l1:Wt3 in themielves 3 the tmell and pure exaéft lence of their rights, and of good and evill i‘el"p—-:€’cir1,<_;}; their liberty and f'afety.- and thofe principles in them of difcerizirxg men, and things relating to puhliqueewealeior W065 are more cle- te, more incorrupted then they are in men ta.is’d by them into place and office.-, €l‘i)‘c“:Cl_ally,1Vl1E11 all high places are poluted by the divell, and the mintles otmen grow Worfe hy§)rel’em1euts and honom's_.,las tis manifell they do in thefe times of eFe&ion,where- in fcarce any man in place, either Parliament or elle Where , re- taines his integrity , and the Parliament it felle is one heap of felfe feeking , they being generally bias’d, both on the one ficle antl the other, with plates, advantagvirs, ol‘li<:es, particular interellsi, 8: (0 not fit to be the iudges ofpuhliqtxe and common lright¢Tl:1ere'- it light ofiuclging which is reafoxig and the rnolt fore tis teafon that God lhould call up the people, who t‘.l'10l1gl'] they . be ruci'e,iclel'i3icah1e and unlearned, yet have a plain and honeli lhlfe in them ofgootl and evill : and they are now let up to he judges of the afl~"aiL'es of the kingdom by God,aml by the Parliament as his hand. ' 2. As they are higher being made judges and appeald ‘mztog [o“t‘bey A “ Q are cm; are the f‘:‘0?'.mer andx timbre‘ eebie E0‘ doe "wise and defend themfelvee e e 1 than a1xyix2i‘m:uted pawn‘: in a11‘repre¢{e22?a*ti22e3 there is fame week- mzfle being but figumtiwe : They are indeed everyelegantfi beautiful and Pmtely admixzifireztiofix c-f_jz»xflz'ce5, but have not that inward fixffi- ciency and fundanaental, ifeble firength that is in the peopiez And being but fmmees of government, we have found them, as in this ‘Parliaznent, trifiixzg about puI1é‘1’.ii’m’s of honour , circumfi::mcees and points of'privi£w’ge and pr'eragari7.2e, and nofgone dowxl-right to the Aroeztm the matter; which fighcneftfe of fpirit is not a pro- per remedy fqr the imge bz¢Z.i=;§ of Wickednefie that hath gctten into this Kingciomgmor able to Hand againfc the height azpride of z'72ju+- fiice emhornd in the nation, Sc would be a Whole age 8; more in purging out theft evil} humours in their dull, Foz*1e1al1 and cu{’to’- mzzry way ofpeoceedixag, which is wholly un{'atisfa€’cory to the‘ jufiice of God- Yea iniquity grew upon th'C!’3‘3, and appeard in fuch an ovemflovvixag maligglity, and ixjzeperfons of Fuck eeminencyg that they feard to meddle with it, or feardx theyfluould be five}- iowed up with it, and therefore fotzght the people to fiand up and doe that which they ccuid 220:; whofe weight and firenath is only able to 123?: cm: the Wicked fpirit that had u11iv“e?ri”al1y Mpoflefd it {e} {e 95 9.3} parts ofche Kingdome, efpeciallv the filperiour parts: Ana‘? the people thus mzeho: iéid anei empoweriti bv the fwordaand in- fienzed Wiih Wrath and zeaie agaiufid their edarerfzmries, have ‘With much difiiculty along Whiie contefied with thefe evils, and at M’: got the beeeer- 0fthem,WhicE1 would have long ease (as tis mofe ’evic§ene) i1avei‘w‘a§§oWed up the Pamlianxentg and by this tie. evi=- dem: this ofzhe pmpie is the Monger pmver. Thirdly, There is th§;*‘Ci confideration proper for this, whiche the paws? theft is eammiazted to the peapleg its the power of we fword, and that m a zg:iIi-tary way : If I give a man Ir:y1'word= I make hin1my}..m‘d,;:s2dgive him my fife: {<3 c§id the Parlia- {n.'11t in eomnaizztizaeg the fi.vord_ to tize peuple , fubmizted theme- ie-Ives to fzhefn 5 And with it t§t«.ey have declared, 2‘£‘-ea‘ tbeyevioula’ live esgd age wztiiv mm’ {hey have fa entmfieci: Tis as nmch as to fay, we gm’-‘ 0?~1i‘3W<‘~’3’ 30 3fO_!l1‘COmmafld ; Oi‘1I‘}7Y0jfi€?'i7} anfl éeizzg is oneiy 33} Y<3ef~{>W’»‘? 133513 lfve cniyupmx you:NoW tis reafon that thofe that gave me Fnezeiafgzve Iajvves too; and them upon A whom we depend 9?” 0i“‘b€ifl;,%'; V36 nmfi e¥epencf upon them likewiie for our mic : {Q that age Pamamen nave made she Army the Lords neat»-e&<:surs« mt Lh€1‘.%:’31€1V€S_.,fa13'd3 of. the right @114 jgggrffin Qf Efigjéfids gvhighv A e V while 5 I T e p Awhile it flatids, is the chiefe power : What rn:.zY< es 2%. puiwiiqzre pen»- {on above a private, but that he hatiathe civil} {word in ms hand et0adn11ni-96.13}-Lxfiice? Now the military {word isfharper, ias 3, trufc 111 Are ::?a£E>1azte and3ndepex1d<:11t, more e3e;ercii?..‘3 by will , and Iefie §Ecz‘3§e=f7t :0 {h%.’:‘ farmss of Luv; am therei'brc: they three have ii: are maeazh {emcee Lords over ci1:>fe that are fEzb§e&: to it) sand {:3 the Army more fuperieur to the Pa.x.*iia=.ment then they to Q... e.§":;er3.e V Thielknow Wili-feenne fersange to nmny_.,:-md is not c€«:a.re to the Army it felfe, that the Padlzanzent i"n0u§& become a fuberdi-— mate and inferiour, and they a Imigiaer and fivpeeme power. But God hath made it ft), and that (as you fee) according to the res:-» film and a<‘3.‘iz4;bm2i:;f‘,(xvi£h afmxaii nlixzzlee ofthe Gerztry) which are thee bady and fiwengtit of the Kingdeme, and in Whom the coz11mon“inetereé‘c n1ofi: iies.e _ AL A V 2. Timey are the heart and fife of the peopie, men in whom: ape peares ferong and liveiy af:'3:%€’c'zms fer pubiiqzze good, :n:»;r1§.%’e;"‘s:::ci* in theirgreat labours, az1d§1aza:'dir1g their lives fa often for the Ki21gdomeg,by“ which they have merited the l10mae to be accoeam-cg ' C *2 ‘ e * {H ted the very l:=rez=.i’£‘and firexzgth of Englamd, and to have in them the fouls and life of the nation. V 3;. They dideccept the appeale of the Parliament, and arxfwer their call oftbe people to_;'uc:‘ge, and seccptingof itgits reafon they {hould have it 3 if oz hers f’l€l1fI‘aI‘€l”€I}f€‘lC‘{l€ and cannotjudge, or flugglfh smclcowatclly end will not through fears 8.(:lVf."nm1‘€3‘ or entangled with principles of llavezy, or engaged by particular and felf--ref"peé’ts to at naallgtzant psrtyfiand lb otpolethenza-1. yet they’ feeing and apprehending the danger of the Com-n‘1on-Wealtl19 hearing the call of the Parliament, and being wlimt for the truth,» to {leppe up upon this throne ofjudicature offered to them, they are tmqoefilonably to be entitled the people of Erzgllcmd. 4. To this may be added the concurrence of the affcétions, P;-ayg-1'5, counsels, pens eocl purfes of the honefh lpirits inthe Kingdonze, who have at iome time or other l feald to them, and contributed their belt helps to them : Although it may be fince, mzmy through darkneile, weaknefie, temptations, div’lfions, petty tzrxel inferiour faélclons, have been dillalled at them, and witladmwn themfelves from them : But the-lle earthly and cam all dillraélions larifing, partly from the'Arr;3ies mlfcarrlages and weaknelfiypartly ifrom others palllons, ce.1‘mot obliterate and blot out the many fi.1hfi:t*iptions of theixi names in heaven, to and For the Army he theirpréayers and fpeaklngs, efheeiallyin their dhlreffe : Aod.al7- tee theie mills are blowne sway; God will leade people baclie to their owne hearty and earnell defires. of a hlefllng upon the Army, as on thofe in Whom theirlives antlthe life and Cstlety of religion zmlcl liberty lay; Wlmichere en rolletzl in heaven; and to lhew themg thougll they are divided below, they are one in the l3lghel’r_.,_ bCfi_:, sgncl mall genemll aftingsloi’ their fplrlts. 5. This Army in their gerzerall carriage totzwa’; the petple, hzzve by their teodem«efi'e of them,care of preiervingthem, forbesrizxg to plunder and {holler them ,,though ahfolutely in their power~,have"s lhewd that they. have a ‘puhlique fpirigsnd that the peace and good ofthe nation lives in them: And although they be not fo abfolnte and perfecfiz in this, but that there he fome {ltd examples ofviolence H and wrong , by many ill members amongllthem, yet: they have generally ,~ through the excellency of comand, and the good {pl--s Itit OF God guiding of them, 1’ o behaved tllfiml-C‘lV€S*, thatthe peo- le every ‘Wl}€_i‘€ have W3..€,IT_1fll~€Cl‘_ !;.l1C_i}“ great approbat_irox1lof them, ‘ ” ‘ as. 1}‘ (W ‘as faviex.:rsex~ prefervere m°-them3 by ioyin their prefence azfi lteares at :hei1*cleparLux'e: Tie 1.13.163 the Arnzy hatll of late for 7:Il?1€.l.I'lfllq‘UltltS$ by the judgement of God upon their mifcarmgea layne under ehecurfe of many people, and under a. blame and ethicke Cloud ofvwrath : But mxmcr liinclncfle wlllbe rementabzed, and God wiflgive them greater honour and acceptance, and let l us know they are our felves, and as we have faid, Ibe people of Eng» Jami; having publique fpl5;‘l{S;, and mineélng the good of every p€.{‘- fon in England as their QWIIE. » ‘ 4 So that they are rightly and tally tire people, not in a grofle beeps, or in a i)eaz»),dz:1! £~ody,bm: in a felefied, cbeice way: They are the peo-« V l ple in virtue, fyfiirit and rower, gatherd up into bear! and m2z'o2:z_.,and {b l mail able and fit for the worke they have in hand: The peoplgin groflef. being a moniler, an imwc-:*il'dy:, rude bulke of no ufe; but here they are gathered together into one pure, excellent life", and fo ufefull and aélive fer their gooclancl fafety. The clzare under» fiandixag ofthiswill be a great meanes tc; compofe the dili-ail”e€’ci~ one (if people to them,.a11d to draw their hearts to than in love, being tbemfelmx formd by God into this body,and that new their interefl‘ lies as‘ truly in the Army, as ever it did in King or Paella--» mam‘, and will too be a guide 1:0 leade the Army into wales of common good, and will enlarge their principles to a general! love of all, and a defire ofmaklng all happy as the-emf"elves.e. The Fifth axld lafl particular is very confiderable ,, ancl l is that which the will fpirlt of darknefle hath cxbiltured from the Army and the Kinggdome , and by it cleniecl them the eomforc and us the benefit of their being; amt} that is this. e That the Army are the People gathered and united into a mail’ excel/em and divine forms 2 Or an Armyls a fingulm: Orclinance of Q God appointed for fpeciall-purpafey, and at this time reiicl by God as nm{’c fit for thofe n obleghonourable and dificult Works he hath 27i0Y‘76'.'lI1 hand.‘ z e For the clearing of this I would have confidered,-, 'I"ha..t: Army is a peculiar Ordinance of Godlwherein he bath a fpeci- all delight , and a*ppropriates it to himfelfe as a. power: that hath. nzpre neare yelationl to hixn, and more immea- ‘C 3“ diam? (MD. =-iciiiitfi fiepeiiéemee iipen him,,& in Wizieiz he wiil niofi viiibiy fhew iiiimfeii, 8: etherfore cimfes fo oizen to be said the L O R. D O F H O A S T 8., And though they have a Very dark and black out--fide, being the infirumeints of his weracia, fo they have 3; very {ween and precious ii1~iidemrhe11 Geri b;i‘i{1gS-i70::'th his awne mime upon ehem, and aiiieover them to be his : As e-he bi:1eie:»21: In this pofiure hath he put ail things, not Oneiy the {tars above, who figbi: in if)?-if ordm march in their comfea but the very Zocufi: gee fortb :5} Imzzds. The rejaibn is; that they niighe. sail quietly Qrve him under the proteéiion 05 an Army; and that iftiieyiae ihfeiied with any aciverfe powezg, they migiat Em‘.-*e force: ea retr'eat:i to: in this military Wife-dome hath the Lordof Ifoafix m,s:m22d €fi‘a£*[z'fl?ed tbe warid. A i 2; When God eXpx*efi"esi1is prefence with his people in the world, he mauifelis iiimfeife to be in 5; miiicaryi fiate, I wiifez-zczmzy z:.i=..££f m°_:s' }3oz¢fl:»:Pirc/3 bziy term aiezzt tbemgfo in a flecond, midciie or an»- geiieaii iiatehe isam Army3,; While he peeferves us he gzithers his Ziiigzijiers about us in 21 body, an Parnuy. = . 3. Wiicn he comes in his iaf’: and gm: glory, he brings his fsoaffi. with /J.im,, and comes as a Genemii and Lard of Hcmfis , i‘i}0Z«ffcZ?2Li5' if tl)c::4’}zg2zi5 attending upon him, ail I313: Szzizzrs and Az‘22;,:ef;; ii) timt. wherever the Lord appeaees, it is in this fiance, either iii the reare 05: i0VWfi'_-,~ in the bOd_‘,i7 OI‘ midfigini the» var: or higiieii, tis in this er»! 1361‘ 5 the creatures a swap, the Church xnilitanij 3 6&3’;-*2?-,. the Saints in glory 3. cam}; or 130}? Iiiiemrife. A A in the pr-ovidence of Goci in the Wic)rId,God hath made geeaat: ‘ uie offirmies. F3393: They have beene the parents 0? all the Empires and King--= domes of the world; i all the peefem: Cozizmon-Weaiths upon emtia. mufi owne the {ward to be their oeigixmli, and confefie that from ' n i‘ . ' ‘ 0 q . i: may had their begxxlnxngs 3 mid as rationedli, for an Army bath in (Is) in it allgovernrnent, and all parts of governlnient, order, ftiiiiele, See. in highefi and noblefi virtueand majeiiy. Secondly) As all Kingdomes come outotan Army, fo are nmech cherifhed and upheld by the fzmie 5 moi’: Kingdomes iiiourifhingt ‘while their military virtues arekept bright and cleare by me; am quickly languilh when the {word is wholly laid slide; The prefence of thefword keeping of defirttéiion from them. Thircily, As Kingdomes are begotten and nourilhed by Armiesfl fo doe they againe refolve into them as into their firli principles: And when by iirength of tvickediielie civill“ focieties are dil.iur§::d_., they naturally retire to a niilitazy, as unto their OW1‘1€ Fatl1er3i"ot* fztfety 5 for they have a peculiar maje[l)',jeverit}', aéiz'z'ity and nmiitu. line vertue or force to uphold 21 {late againtl fuch evils as are in the 'WOI‘lCi,iWhiCl1 no power befides hath : And therefore Armies are not {rich hideous evils, as fome imagine, but are beautifull,- giori- ous and exceeding profitable foeieties; not oneiy fcourges, hm: fitviottrs and prote<9tors;they have moth erly bowels as Well as iron hands: and X0 in Gods railing and {opp-orting this Army there is a moi’: pe,rFe@t wifedonie of God 5 cafiing his peoplein:to'this ‘form is very ieafonable and proper for us at this time. F or we are at this tirnellbecome a wildernefle, the pale oi civill power being broken doWn,and men let loofe to furious arid heali- ly lulis, fiieh as would leade them to inhumenel and bt‘LiEiii1‘J}1ll£i- niesj, were there not this curb in their mouths; nor could any two promife iJin2fe1ffecL1z"ity in what he hath, but thatffiodlis a wall a.- bout us in this Arn'1y;And Wife men wii eaiily ‘lee, iiTii€i1"l€lOi‘i—0{'ilC prefent fix e'7'i72g:,0r. adhering to another fide or party diei not hlimi them,lth-st the violent and exorbitant lulis of Him in this age, is no way tolbe rlefwained but by this fharpe hit, E1i'l4f'"‘:.i‘i'!;1\]2« Tis true, tis our Wilckednefile hath b1*ougl1t us wit -3 but rte.-222%‘ it is fo, tis mercy in God to put hi=n1felfe and people into {och a poll-m:*e for our defence : Arid this is the minde of God formerly decia-.. red, not onely to break? ?2ati0?23,‘but to male them affo twirl) an from fcepn. fer. e 2» The worke th at God hath now in hand is not an earthygixt; thing, but he is upon motioizgnarcbiazg of us out of Egmatiarz oath- ne-He and bondage, into «a Caizazzm of ref’: and happinefieg am-cl theres fore tis proper for ‘him to gird up himfelfe, to leon%trat‘?t himfeife~ from avali bodyl ofa Kingckyme into a f1£irrOiV€flCOfl1p&fl:E, into 3.; few fpirits in an aétitve ~body,_fi1ch as anfltmy isfloofe zmti ‘ hree.e» A V . i£l'."Qflla { C 16) fmm the clogge ofolcl Forrnes and cufcomes, to 215% lively his plea«‘; f:,1x‘e;mcl tofollow him into thofc new Wales and pitches of truth and liberty, that helihéll lead them: and becaufe this Work is~ atw tencled upon with dilficulcies, and 1:l1rougl1 a wildernellé full of wild bealls andenenfies on all {i«:les,it.s his great wifedam to, we hlnzllrlfe and £0 imploy men Slilllllll at thefward as Well as at the t’r:zaZ;,t<“3 l>?ulld]’eruFalem» with weapons in their l1;1n.ds,our great dan- gers :.*eq::lrlng; it. An:l we lmozv the beginizxgs of G0d’s great wczilis <>t'go0.l :0 his lprsople, have been by Am1ies:as tlxeir delive- nmce oz1z:0l"Eg}!;>tan::l 83.621072, in the fatal ~ par: clctlx, he wall: Hill, aml therefore doth he nlow in his lall appearing gather 12:2: /Joafl aw bom: h’m1_., and pat us into this {late as he hath foretold , Rev. 20., The mmp of tbe 3az‘7ztI,Tbe Armies £72 beazmz. l l j V Tlms have we brougglzt you forth as the Ifirgin daugljter ofziorz, a l7.=:l::*<9c aml cbaf97z (:?:22ze*r:z2‘io7z,.a love-:ly :md«pretiogs people: But yet a, flan *}:all_., a wozmmand lb ill flefh and wcal{ne[ll7e being lhbfefl: co lira and llxfiiiring: as llate that mull be tried, and by mtnptations im- pmved l: tis no {cure I101‘ fiablcf conclition, {being not in compleai: and eternall union with God: you have had the lava cf efivouflzly, mmy lfmdsz lslwozzrs from God , a Fatherga l.oz*cl: but have fiml zl:;,r§.3lz1£lthem aztd him, for which he hath cazzsld yam 3. While to» ‘wancler in darlge and t2‘oubl<~:£'ome waies, and not a.dmi'cte<:ll you ta t.lLg,t {late 0F::ePc and ,c.;lory which he intends to you. He hath ta- lien the Crown and Diadem from offylour lleacl, for your unbeliefe anal clcparturefrom him,and For that impurity Whlclwvas in you: lac llript you ofyourl beautifull garments ofPmz‘f2 and Horzam" that once clothed you, and fo ea-r.p0s’d you to wrath, cnrfizx, reproach, and put: you again into a new fire of trozalzle to purifie ycm, be ‘m-akeyou jéege the Lam’. But he barb rzatdealrwitbymfi, as be barb dealt with at/Jer people : be barb refrained far bi: narnefake, that he might :1 0t make me as. tar and ofyou. Becaufe he will have a people that fball bear bi; name. I-Ia?!) be fmiteezz Mm as /Jefinate tbeafe rbat [mote bim .5’ Or is be flaizz acmrd. ing to tbeflauglaterl of them mat, areflezilzze by /Jim .9 5»No_., In mmfizrenrbegz it fbometlz fart!) thou wilt debate with it , beflayetb bi; rougbwirzde in we day of lbs: eafflwinde. By t/J1‘:tbergforelfbab’tbe;i:ziqzzi‘2j/ offacab la purged, mi mm" 1: all the fiwit to talge away /Jifflfi. When he mzzlgetli all the flame: of we all?!” , as cballqzyfione; that arebeat zzfmzder, @*c. lfa. 27, There is a a féozztizzg fmb aftbe rigbteem l7?':"£?Z€l}=ln you, axzd ltherefo re! We ~ ma #43’ all Ijofigb wirzdex, and breatl1 gentle galcsupon you: yam; 5,35. 91419 5~‘-‘mg taken away, we will prefezzt you holy to the Lord , ané marry <17)‘ many you to the God of youres‘falv.e_ttio{n'. E i V W _ I, i Know therefore,thac the I§e,r.1,iti1e imii Go£{«‘::fis,if;ieii(fie, aofyog, rsm_)'0u,.1nd wit/) you in glarioizr pmzmce, *aj§‘,3>qu;1ia;vgp;o;_ rfefled : Tzzeyjcri-o;:r~Go-d, or ebe glory a_fG.od,€lwefsWith‘you,,,p;~ -in bi: bz'gl)e;’l*glory reéis‘ ulpong you‘, 1' o ‘chit Ygoiifaeffte; jgecoigl i‘t(ie 1§ebple sfEng_la2zd, but t'b,e‘Peiop1ee qfi'C¥b;’1,‘fi1rfi’t~i‘£i’eti bye‘ it'hj e‘,;ho'iy, nfightii, 'wife]fn'rit 0fGad, and‘endeo1t%edihy*the diiizize’ Wifetfonxejirength aniijy jufiice ; and you are as ai~nArmy‘,ei'o the LO RD S /2,0,4]? 5} or .;‘he Lord hin1felf'e in ‘hisgreat majefly ‘appearing .amo;ngfi ymc.,i,."‘;m¢ Ihoafi 3‘ the Whole hoiafle he;w'enly”anid b»le(ied mm; and iwith all their various amid: ’innunier‘ahl’e;é5gcell,eng;ikéé éi[fi.id«:f,\£1§tE;€fi:n ions gathered together, andiembodied upon the e.«1rt~h‘in y-.;:u":i Pin .ear_thly Army in union with the beavenly bog}, ore the Lord sf/ya my in Mount Sim among his people glorioujl}: This ‘is, 'your‘@ ‘gbteagzyé; ielflz thelord 76/wva/1 is*y<>.iI!= €év?Yf"i§3’=Y9iIeFv§?*W§?iI.’0fi“»%F1 vatvosd Ponely this can juliifie you‘; iirorigellcijiflvisexjtiofins 1 gnd,5gy§o,<.i': F -are rotten rags, and vt0o*"32.d1‘rofi2‘\t*o.‘boiler‘ yoitfi‘ Zia 5' 3"’ ,5: 5,.‘,’.}i(¢«,“{fha,.i therefore open and unfold this glory unto you, ‘-and§.b11i{1gf§forth "this your righteoufnefie. _ ‘ y "' in . 1 « . _Firi’c, The Lord iseWitl1yyougifn,‘lhis',, highfifl arid‘ grfiatfifi. there is no power, noeglory of God, ,,”.b,u_t‘ this, in .'yio,u feiid;Wirh,,you, find no power nor glory "greater. then,_t‘hfat .dwels in» you, alone befides,none above, nonebeyond it ;, ThegLor'd , is here, the ynofi bigiJ_iGod, and with him all power 1'72 bedvezz and cart}; 5 .the1‘e is‘ no Wiiedome or Pcrength that youhavc not, andilafll ;inigtg3i1»1atiQt}gs ofa power abfent fro me you either in beavengor emf», is an i.njury,_o_r accufation to God and to you,‘ tebséft and robéerfkiisealikngezway the riches of God from youland from bimfeylfe irzyou 3 if you *lool{u;p- on the Kingdome of God, the new creation ,_ new heavens , and new earth, as abfent or to come.-,you deny the bol} one iwzitb‘ you,wh-o is prefent in deed and powefr, though under your weake- Secondly, The Lord is with you in perfsft union , and _con1;mu- nion; you are what he is, he is whatzyou are; whatever is in him e~tis communicated to you, andwhatever isin, you, is communica- Eéd to him : Is therepo\§ver or g1,ory,i;1,iiGod?,t__is in you ralfo.- 18 there Weaknefle in you?’ it ‘lies upon‘ :; ‘Or is there righoeus ’0'ufnefl'e in God? tis in you as it is in him, to live in it, aft in it find by its to employ and bring forth: And is. there il1fiI‘l’l)ity,i in join? tis in him astis in you, a. clogge, a burden, an enemy hated, ‘ D feparatcd, 618‘? A fepaeatedg taken away, aim‘. Nothinghow is l°po‘ken of’ God , but > may be fpokenof you 5 you being in union with him : or nothing fpoken or done to you, but tis done to God with you , you being one : And tie the blafphemy of hell and divell to feparate God "from you}. or you from God. Will men fayi you are Rebels, De»? firoyers , t ey fey it ofthe Lord : or will you; or. fatan : in -you, ~ fay you are Weake, and men, and can’: do fuch higlr things : they are too great for us, you and they will know you fpeakll the fame ‘ of God, and fo iudge him as weal{.+ and unable to do them.’ For “ is in nothing you mull be d~ivid"ed: or ifyoeethink that iswGocl’s,~ hot: this is our work , youeowrong God, and your {elves :% you omufi {peak the word; and doe thelwerkes ofGod: God is now, God in "time earth, andfyou an Aim} 2'72 heaven. » 3.‘ The Lo,r&‘is with you in fiirit and truelgeterxxa.lly,infepara.hlys,,. ma :’é\ingdame_etba1'12e'z_2‘er flmllbe de_fire_yed %_z in; an everlaflizqr cozxemzzt eiaaeeavzzzot be brol;eez. The ekingdome is_lfo..wit&h you the.» 'Lorcle people, as 1tl{hall never be tal§e7zfi'o2nyou, but {hall e11du;e forever, mid all opprefling Feafes or dark doubts, they are of the malicious *one,y0lur enemy,Vand the darkneffe of hell that obfcurc: the glory of A Gee.',wl1ich is aneveelailiog light,aSun.~that';‘willnot fee 2 and » all attempts o‘fSa“tan orilhis_in£%ruments,will be asvWa~ves againffa . rock clztlh"cl‘in pie'ces",and‘youi {hell grow fronxm Iitile _{fo;ze,:‘e a great mewzrazie : from ,aIz'tt;1e‘bra2zcb, to e»g,fe4lttree,thhc..£l1all thread it {elf-'e imzclfilltbe eczftb ~a;2z'tl2fi*zri,t.e A A [lplon tl1is'moum;aiu flmll tllelaaiedeftbe Lefd ref}, Having , this found3tion_; 7I9}?_)‘fl7dll thy light breal; fartl) my the mamz'2zg ,a2zd '¢l1i;2e beam’: l]?2et1l},%ring.fbrtb “fi>‘e‘edi1},; mz_dA tf:y‘ rigfateoujzzefle [ball go befe2*e ¢ ebee , and tbe glee‘) iefltbie iL0‘ra'f/ml! be thy Vere-ward ;. yourfhgll at ofige have light, cleare liglhetomwallie _byg_,b3dllb' to cure your: difeafes, to make-you~firong : anecl‘~o’lRi'gbzeoufg;zefle to ‘ju'{Hlfie»a11 that you dog“; For thefe eannotbesfiépm-aceellWl‘fen the Sun rifier, with light to di- he isa~S:ml of-lsfiglrteoufnefig tojsuflifie zinc! "takeaway fin and W fhame, and hath bealizz,g.§72fz;f: wigzgxa gives life andeileehgeh to doe Whatlee leaeles~~usVtOedo;‘L-_iV V l ’ A . V A o F l V 1- iS€¢ifl,*‘?,.t*l13*L01‘Cl lliii-11*-l'1 fi'oI-11"oth'ef oowers to you.,..-£345 iézealted-;0r«fet up you 3.5 the pref'enfc flandj n o paw;-;~e 9 f’ the _ King,-. «dome , and hath given ehimfelfe to you, and taken you an into his glariem'prefi:';2ce’5 then muflyouhexaltltbeLor2I,j>ub1zfb, declare the . ‘me?1,e«7 _ef the Iififélé C9,!‘-7-f€fi'€ him tO_ be i‘n;~_ the _m'1d’ll of you foulndl s Ki‘ W) fmmsfbgch ezai;1’c%1:t{y,Eoléiiyfizloadgfaytisé LORD lives with ymzi ;,‘ that be :5 some ta rezgrzessameyzy gm glarzoxafly. Bring hinz fort}; in brightnefléz andpower: let; this opprajfed ozzegafi-ee;teI1.ic to» all the. snatio11s§thcSaviouro Ifraelis came to redeem his people from all zthcir %e.;.1em1«cs:i you 06 mutt-er It, asndfpeak it feftly, and by halves; but declare it fuI1y,.sti1a§ We may hearts: the ffmzzt of ca Kiizg "in “V camp, that God bzmfelfeu zzzjazt of 4 tmb : Let us heare~thefo?.:r2<~£ % of amt; Trumpet in thqCa‘mp, which the flez:e;2tb, " lsfi and bleffed ggegelfaundss And thoicgreaz voices in beavezz,’f2a};‘ng_, f1’besKi;2gdam-a»; sf 21955 mm-Id are éecame the Kizzgdomestef the Lord am} of his Clarifl, and be final! reigne forwecr and wczfr: »..D0c yaumoz 1n wards but in power and mstb, cajijem‘ crowzzes down to the em*tb._, fall 129111))/our face: fo the eartfa; youi‘ creme of fixcceffes, vi&0ries,1«ay them downs in the dirt, bets» _ jug but earthly; and ysourfafices, your cxcellcncy of honeffy, V3- ssL;,ur,w1iEdon1e, honour; lajzt dawn to the earth, for tis but eluflg and doe jxou worfbip God, ljzxe ‘God, cozzfefle Gad, sexalr God, his righceo-uf-e .ne{I‘e and powerswhlchsls worthy, perfcff, aimiglxy 3, Say (and doe) we give tbee wgzzzlgs, O «Lafd Gad almigbty, which art, and waif, and art 22.» came, becaufla tbou Imfl talw is tbee tb} great power, and buff reigned, Revs K‘ 1 I. Give up yomfliélves fisom humane, weake and fiefhly Rate, as thanks 02' a free will offering, to the glory and naafieify ofGo;1, tea: I‘ sf}: and live the life of the Alrnigfny, put on t:I1e”Almightinefl?e of ~God, be clostzhedwith God Almighty; and know the~L0rd,:'«.r Evidfa you who c1T_t, deny not his prefent being in paws: andsglorpyj in you_., and confcfife he alwaieshath beam: with you 5 which waff, and tbczfi jmbicb :2: ts come; thacjwhich is etérxxall and everlsfiing, ‘is prefezzt 5; s ¢;§is}oin¢ not §:heI7s,’I€t110chin-1 thats‘is new with you , be another 1: from himwho is to come, or,fromhin1 who was 3 but fay and V» jhzcatie instrmb, that he who 5: to come, in all that he wi‘11d9e_.,»is zzuow ;prefe;1t with yam to doe it; A He lmtbtaken » bi»: great power and Imtéy reigned; he hath already begun, hath taken his lafi and great power, and is in.thcexerciiE*ofi1:..f s A E ~ a » » ' A A A W s. ~ The.refore, Arifl? mzdfbinc fo.i1:tFJJ*‘”' "vsligllf: :35 come, mi ‘tbs glory of j the Lord :2: riferz upon tfaee: Far behold the day‘ nsfle fbgfjsgwgr 1-be_ggrf[,1&¢.g;1d grofie cIaa‘l§22ef]e.t13e peqpla, Zmtstbe Lord {ball rijes upsn thee, and bi; gloryflm1Z £3 feezzefitzpoézt/Jae; And tbeaGez2tis1e5s%¢flMI! camera tbysligbt, and King: in «$716 brigbstnefléfgsf fbjs srififig- \sThis1iftings»up the narneof the 3 L0 R:DsinwyoL1.f:&{i11yhavc a. .vcry.grcac..effe,&u.po11.0therssa11d your ‘ ,w£'c:Ives.i ‘, , A V .‘ hs ; 1- Upon oshvériss; Sadsdssiinejfis nowsosrsts thewrle 95 £1153 D 2 Nari $3113 (20) q ‘ Natioog Se: t’i1"eyA2irei”in pisi~p2ie:;it;iy,n ot iii*ay'-‘SS5’ but coming forth ioto @.ll:l::'*C§&fl3. emit in ltigh, noble and gene- rous l » e e s i you co%uI'cH3oId1y and imzhe light and Fczjength of God 3‘ €T'2'5§ + “;/*‘%nc:’;"::a3L7 “be_'ing71:hus eimlarged you will be as the W315 of the Na», gggggj §_ncic;.~f% and imbface all men, and all interefls, and of “:2; zfi-‘icideia gatm-'1'u'paIl%men into your félves, furprxife and %ca”.t:ch mans ~hearts beforethcy are a‘Ware : and begin the Kingdom Withv your arms, zmd”binde up all he: breaches in union Withyo1;r 13:-1ves:. andbe a farefent cafe-‘and flay to mans {ad and aking 1pi- 1‘its:~ that'whez*eas they are nmv 1:1 3 wxldemeflé and know‘ not wliercj theyare, they may of a fuddqn, their eies being op‘en ’d fee *eheya:~ein the harkdsofa. wife and gcod God, taking carewjf’ . them by his awn pmple whom he hath b1eH'ed with Iargéxlefii-,‘ V jizdgenzént a1;1dgoodne{E.for their fafiety. That men may “{'¢e _ that though they are fé1Icn,i yet not into a pit of utter dgfiruéfi-: V on, mnot intot-he hands oAFencVm1es, but unexpeé’ced1y upon af- very good bottoms 5 a peopic hgving the Vtenda-rne{T=: and «nefle of the Nation, and the hrmncflh, hxtgeneflae . and fiability ofG<;)d in them_.,both in civil and fpiritu tziifcover 3. vfotxndacicang, a’ firm ‘rock anndbcgin and hap+pi11efl7e to the Kingdom: arifing up A g00d~ al thingsmnd ning of peace‘ in the miclfl “V of us. ' Thirdly, Let: me bring yoa Forth too as the highefl and firong-— ePcpower in the N a4;ion, being fuperiour to King, Parlhmxent and Al}, in a true and good Carafe : TisGod and Nature gives_ it you, and you wrong the Kingdonae and your {'eIvr:s,ti11 you come forth in. aclear and free 0wning% of it: You darkly and in thé tnviiigizt flea! it by your affions, but deny to profefl’E: it, which %fub}e€’ts you to reproach and {corn as adtllcereflés and C! A _ ._ challenge “it as ynuA1'rig,ht and nmn1FePc1t:5 braced : Truths wvhile they are faintly owrfd and by E1a3:'9'es are -abufed a«nd~rc}e3t«:€l: When% they lielow in the dufl and arc obfcuh 1'-eci by da‘rknefi'e are terrible“, and men flit: from vshem: but when We lift them} up imtcom‘ faces, and givczghem 3 thmne in our 3;. Apezmnci Free pofléifion ofthfim they‘ are lovely and*vaccepx;ab~Ee=; and c:omzna11dfub§€.<9ti0n%in a11Befides the King&ome is name "i::1c4and looks this Way and thzztway for a head: fame look m *the King, and others to the»Par}iamt=nt, ‘§1eadAth::n‘z3 tvhichkeeps them {H11 in 2 wavering Rate, farm 171202311 "any i’raiednefl'e or fecledneffe: Nowlifc up your IJead.r, &e'":tprfgi)’t;; ePrandup..iz1:~he%%22g::z¢arzdgvazzwofGgd,vam;i*;§1§g mm cd{rnpQfe ffi,g> divided _am_d. dozzming mind?-’$0f H1811; Eznowing where to fix,A%and attra& , judgement: ' Iieves, if ' Whatis nfow feafid would be im-5 ‘ and neither appears the (233 A % I.'%%ra&%a»n£Y ingage all to yen: for you appearing §~hc3;¢1atura1 arm ‘ Ezcad cant bmdifomfd. A Tia txfiue you may be thotzght a Eaézcoé 21 fuppIaLn%‘ter~ Om. elder». bmthgsr ofhis birthright: Butyou havin'g.ti1e bleffing‘ too, it“ m%wiI_IAbear you out : God gives it :~ Tbsf2~:2eli Ofmj fame-;'5 :2: H19“ fimz; a_fi'eZd_w33irb the Lord bat}: blefled. God gz'7’Je tfzee the d€w‘_0f'i)ea‘8E‘I"n:E1?Zd j the famtefle of tbs emb, and pleas} “of com ma n2iz2e- ‘ Let people femg ;l;eg~ and rzatiens éowe down (to (bee : f Re Lofd we?‘ thy brat/arm, and cuffed be ed WT} 0335’ fbaf Cwfetb 1586;. and 5’1€];77€’d.be be that blefleti) thee.‘ ‘ Shaw fo1*t§¥1 that riches of begzzaerz, that1ightandg'1Qry of God, and that 19:3... .%2»2cFfl“e of the embg thau:"g00dx1efl%,“ pcmrer, jufiiceand kindeneffé A that ii: in yam and than all p'QW€I“'I11L1§3£ bbwedto yougal-1 will {Eek « "£0 yam. . n . ‘ Whiglcyou hoiél it forthin afi3g11Edré.an1,$as 3’of.e~;§}'9 ‘c¥othI1is~ ;Bi~othersf?2c4a72~s: Earning to his : they defpife and envie you for it,bu"t fhetv your {elves pofliéfi of all the corn offigyptg, of all the goad of gtfae ‘ia;s:d, and then your brethren tlzerebeing 9. fa$mi;2e in the land of 4 peace and righteoufneffe, t.1_1iey: will be} glad éfyou, am-3 some and ‘ x Vrernovew all their fubffm2ce.to you, into the cam-p;, to be prefervfl and kept alive. by that ficare of he-a1th%and%{'a1vation that A is in the prefenccand goio.dneH‘e "5of_God laid‘%'u9.:_:amo*ngfi you r andin you. W J A V § . %_ ’ Ycmr haltingin this point ism?-ry difhonaurabifiand L’1‘1‘1fz=.tisf' :1- ficgory, to write»your”{e1ve%s the fermznts of the-Parlianzent, and ycjt: to exerggife power «over them : And it putsyou upon grofl‘*7e~ and unfeemly aftions : td patch énd bodg;e',, iopickout: and cull fame fxjom the Parliament that go: againfryou, and leave "others % ’ that are as unfit yo. govern a,sA.Lhey%y0u raft: fa, only becaufe‘ they V Vote with you ;. This hath great appéaran'ce of fiding and parti:¥t--- . lity. :% iawere more iufiifiablc fame to diifdlve the Whole ‘and {kind T upon your own-abfolutc and«fiiprem¢p'0£ver: For whi1‘é y_c§u gage as §a_'AS'mil wiph vthatmo1~d.-’l9ozzfi,£4pa22}%c.uzf1% bead:,.yoL1WiII ixdvexf make any dif patch in yoL1i‘bL}5neffC,4:~%#they being in‘ :h:1?t;i flare 111 wh1‘<:"f1 Tycuqwn them,a.n emptié vain 1:191 in flog to you p.e~rpc:tua!ly, andimakeyéu Eor'n1a1l,:Im-.v, fevrvilfe 5 and t~édi0u;s in a11y'o~§_ar%aé’cions..V. ‘ V A. ' .. %& 5 Thereforc afize-ndinto that height}-n‘to Which” you are ‘call ,. %g‘lég£@}a::r fialve: from yourdzzffof fc'>rma.1 ‘wre1at'io.I1_S‘ E0 .4'JC>th€‘I‘% P0V‘V€F5 nth;-it arcgromzdto pouderfij tr')ej8flice*of Gad,» thapyou naiglut coiixe fiofizzth of ghenz : Laa_[e.yez4r nccizg fiwiz jam‘ bmzds, 1w'1di1ge:* caggvéri Fn0u{‘e at an ,” but wi1I*bc‘a % My Y (24) u Th 63} +1-me mod Gadohaifi mode "yo11jr’udgeo,}azodo given you» atithcarjw icy and dosniuiem : T/as mozmmizz of the L 0 R. D S $10-HIE, [boil be e- finszblzfbed in the top of tbe‘n1ou.7zo£aiom, and E23 eoooiiod above we ibizsgorod A nation; ,{bo?i’fiowu2ato it; A Ix: {hall appear that you are ind*e:£:d’.the fopoeroeoooooer tékm up 23:. % to the tbfooze ofGooI5 livingf in the fecrét gblozce of the mofi Thg.t the mofi~oobwig!o God rulosoin yo::1,f aw gives‘ his ioigioefi wiidome ant} ‘jufiice toyou: And that youhave*a mere oxquihce fm{”e»c;f the good and svilof the Nation than any; and more a}:a1<:%_to gudge what is truly for their good, and to rgfoolveo tho1€o%qu<6i1zi- tmsand controverfieo which yet [lie in doubt: and darkngfife aw ohaoxagfi us. V ” ’ ‘ —~ A ’ V 1 ’ A And that you are in the power 0fG'od migbgioto j7a_z2e them when ms.-':n cannot, being the people of GOD, O-E‘ qualified with a” doivinxe flrengtia: Though the Kingdome be miférably broken, and ‘chofe that have attempted to heaiit through’u11‘ski1fi1lne{Tc and uonmerw cifixizzeife have more abus’doche‘pcor people‘: yet: were 5;: bopeo foo ,._Tj’-'- roel coozcer‘2zi2zgtI3é-tbiozg. Tlnoreiixbaim in Gilead : Theugh there be none in the waies of men, yet there is among& the people of God in . Ifraoi, tlmtza-aprinoe with God,omd préooil; over mezzo: Th-oughthe Storms be tza“m’d into dorlgrzeflfe,’ orzoftbe Moon to blood 2 there ‘is confufin . Lonfihame and defpair, in dandvupon the greagefiy lights qfthe World : Tet in mount Zion and in for ufalem {boll boo delf'oemoce', or :06 A LORD foatbfaid,’ and in the remnant whom the LORD fbol? coll, Vjoel ‘2.31,32, %zf:2i‘be LORDS peopie, odojfiifd mmmmoto Englands‘ wflzlzzotfooz; ; frheresoreoxeccnemoknowochac though ‘through the gem: as wickedo4e{Te that is % broken foroch anmngfc i1so_,.; religion bolaifi o'Waf’te,c>’rc1er:é.11d govorrnmem; in Church and Gomn1on~W¢aIth be d'ifi”0Ived,‘and.the honour,»royay1ty, Vgceatneffgw riches, trade of o "the Nation 13¢ V ifib1y% loft, yetthoere is a%po0We"ro*owjtho youvothaot cam. reco%Ver allthefe%i11t0.Iight;'oaIIC1 health Aagainc, to the fatisfafiidn <>fa11thzit”oiefi‘reVto fee.good""44doi-ex: This alworeating, al--refisoring fpawer is with us, and W1! nootofhile us in 0urooWorke.'Ifaj.58o.1 15121 ffbe Lord {ball guide thee continua *1}, e'9“c- ‘fbooofbolto be lilgo .4 wdtergd gar... don, and like ajfrring ofwzzter wbofe water: faileo not .'%‘1'bou {bolt oozzo the ‘_ ofdwofie ploceg tbooofbolt raifeoup the fozmdotiomof inafzy genorotiozro, mod ‘. this whole-Kingdomog and not fail: in any worke you are upongbe tisozoflmit beoofled tborepoéroro ofzoe breach, the refl'or.:r“ of jimtbs todwefl 2'72: There is a fountain axxdffarfrzg of the [fiirit of God that {ball run ova; ‘ A A(*2sAA> A it rlever Io higb, geeit exid liozmourablegaofl allltl1at§sAexeelleo£’ Erie the Kirxgdome, though it be fimke into the fo;1nd;1z'_ic;m—§ ‘3 A yet; youwlilmfolre and repairs them again. A V A % Fourthly, lpeefentyou to the Kingclome, and fo mufl yoez . ptfefezuc your (elves t:Aothem=as the fi‘L1Ait_0ftheir own wgmb, _'1‘~.1;._¢ You ofGod~begoteen by the Spirit afGad, of t'his N ;3,t:io'*1, wf'ox:nAi1'*d and lhaped by the divme Wi{'cloAme out of the bowels ofthe people; .,.Or, that little fiomgl zz preciom rffane, being ieradiated with the holy and; divinle nature, an out If rbel mountain oftlae Kinegclome without /Jczazaflrs There isfin you their‘, e and /fririt of the Kingdome ; the vigotxr and flrexzgth ofthe %Nacl%_on.: 11¢: firl’:-b_om you are: the Rafe and firengeth of her age, and although of all we Cl.J::../C1'E‘€2‘2'l'l)¢1t flare barb far... i}1efl}l[JrA0ugl)lf0’r‘fl) by her eleétiozas, ‘laws, cullomess there is nonie th at can talqg bar by the bmzcl, and guide lzelrouc of her dill;‘efl'e,A, yet; you will _kincA:leIy put under your lhoulclers to carry her in your arm; :3 aplace ofréfl. A A A A Ca?-1’: away therefore that Vail of a Aparty of any particular inc‘.-_;;-.,.o o ef’r,;,at1dllool2ex.f§o22e,,a%.fm*eféu22d;2"fio22;; be tfsatbkliezrerb mai{gz!9~22o~2ba_,‘?e§~: Yeu'7h"avé%Zaee;ze t’ricJ% aml ewe fomzcf pre:ciazz»;, and 2% _C0r?1er' flazie in xvhich a}.Lom~ rights am laid, rmd fo fqazzafid by God Wit:h that exafi: in»? J fiice, as to be a, mic and {2;;1ax‘e to t’ue$% Wholé Kizagdome, ax1«d%%%a~~fin*e' §-‘mia%:zan% of an ¢v¢e>*la]YiEgg pmcagfitcil :1 fou:1.d2u:1on:a.s h ath she Whoie b;1i¢1§j__i1jg.i 11 it .:i”nd::his wii1n1%%;1i{'e zxien {tayupox13?0uanCi b£%:1i£‘vc ~h1“you_.,%11Vo%t/)aflc22i72g‘sfte:f any och:-~r helps or Savipur. ‘I A You ;. re, bf.?i11;:~§f‘O1‘I1}CCib}}’ Gad, of that true and intrinfecall wo:-tI1,Tthatyou1121ve the przfefiof the N~ationin% yogy, and chat mi f;’2‘irit,m1d_f0§s1 the pu~r£:{i'a11d%’oe{‘s: mziozz, W11-ic‘a 18120 as Rg£;QL111d%- and boctomgj of true peace : A B3: yin; m~g1<”:’é°c Athis true, ‘ fL1bfi:m:iall_ mriazr,‘ and a;re_zna§{in%g anOth::r_;, an agfeeme7z? of the people 3, which» flxewes a grofiexxeifi and fiithincfié of fpirit; net able to difi:'€rne4 » the mzz’mafG0d in you in 0725 beart and mimic , and not 0n~:::Iy an- nxbxugfl your feljs/es',buc ofcim wfmle Kizzgdom ixmheir txguc and right,% fr:m"e , ai1djti1éref‘oz*e‘ai‘c f"ram.ix1g at c;ir11%a1.i‘and ficfhly one, zzccorw diner to the cuflome of the Heachew :3. Vvomé below the Lord and :3 . 3 .. 3. aydefcexltiizxg info the earth to doe that whi<:h‘G0d hath done 31?‘ V V feady moi’: eXccI‘fen.z:I y : You are a living; Altar, and .4 lifu'22g*z:p :1 tools m1:o"iI‘dot.’J po1:9:tez’t :» The Lord“ is building :2 !)o.z¢fl? w.«5ibb from be;2z:e2z,Jand"yoL1 know tI.'eeA patteme 22: 2'22 tbe”.Z\L1'ow2t ,V%¢~and is,th€nC€X % bkréught Forzzh 3 ¢_thwc‘ffo2ze £5“ ma2a..;’e read}, and there muit 520: ‘l2,e«"%i.jean£ *mi:i1£éIi%zi:£5xi!di2;fg,4%%7zei2~£2er‘*Mnkinsf, am, or any male of*frmz;%i22 A:be%%}3a;zu{}:;‘ ti:§'1:s _i"amg azid*r:§tti22g t0%x11::ke émoutwardg1i'tera1w1s;greemenc, %v:::x£:s and wouAncisy&Qur fpirits ,and ‘tends to u’if3~'zxr2.?te you from the Lord,% ;’32‘iCH‘t‘0m‘€}.iCh‘i).th¢;“ Lozxi is with yotn in m2iq22,,heis one,and% g~'m:s*§7; 01.3% true zJ2*V2£zjo:?xeViouZt2 and fpkit: Therefore Franc} up and?’ A COW in tliat cmife fox*n1eth;.1cWtVVlie LordALI=:a%th: cafli you into, in ?;(h;11: in1agejth'a-tl1'e fl‘=31fi!,pS_upO:1 yoiu .; 3. Iivi%zzgffo2ze% in a.1l*par.r;s, ' aspailiflmifoq'uick§2zed%by the Afpi~ritVc§fG"oVdL. lafiiya LE1: r'ne-preihuz; you% and b "rag you f7i‘;.»¢rtI-1¢asihéLord3iJocg!? O infltzlic Agrését %zm}<3{%yfl O£.a.:3.:295.1T£21y’ 5 %§:1%tl1isA%1;1o{’t %Vk€?ii{éz;5 iii i);3~”cz’ppazr£:1/,tra%veIIir2g z‘mbel gremwgg biz“ ffrezzy/2, radix apparel], amid /2}}: gm*m-mt: Iti l'§e~b,i22’2 "nag: Ltreaaeetla £72 t/svew’}zeMw& fat‘ 1;; for we ‘day of yv¢n;;c4}2céi 5: 2122 2:2) iiezirt, and ‘:be*yeareV my fédeezned :3; com : D A I‘ o;fAvei2g;e;mcc , thiSWb1*ke waft 53 cz.rrf_bo”VrtVjnfiigéfgoufizeffir, A qgiicke axldfpecdy, and that too in in ger.-vfeéfi. % l ~ Ward a€’cs of iuiullice and opprelllohn, as con (27) \ .Perfe& un‘:':o11IWi:h.j2zlvat§o22 or re¢lemptio2z,=1vl3‘ich muff be long, _ _Y E. <, _1c Wrnuitlait for civcr, lTl)e}a1ar§r of l:2qyradeg.=¢7:z«;d :3 come.‘ _ 1.1:; mls ..1‘tZlp¢3&._‘/Ol:l._:.1“_1]‘L1l;l app¢ar_n1ofi lhzzsblol-one in y,%ou;~ commas, fi‘1‘0i1g,.fi11‘~D*'lT1Ly and1nd1{‘pz:tab\le 111 your a.u;tiho.ricyV; fuch ishthe _ ‘government ofall Arn1y,and tis hpropc~rin w:l1ewo_rf«:e%yoL1 arein .1 D5272, 4.. 3 3. 4224 bedorb ac.cordi;zg;‘1a ..='J;7: will lz',r~z,zi:cvAm*2y.i72.I)ea-TU8Iz5Aand ; among the z'nl)a[9itam.y‘ ofhfieeart/1%, and 220326 can Fry? ./olmd, arr fayuzzta . bi221,.wi2z‘r.tdaffli)ou.? /In A M2} £22 lie-avoz, thaL’syour?pla;ce,l7l:ancl1ngin God, aI1%%dix1l"pired by the Spirit ofG-ad 5 one"‘ with I‘.l1E beézverzly bcm_l[-2‘, _ majelty or ablblutcneile, is but due hcre_.,fand; that With OL1.tClangE1‘, “ when the W"i‘L'c God guidcs%yo~ur1*el'olvcs 3,; for n oching moi’: come forth but that which hath the face of God upon 1;, and that in Which%%divineljo{l'1c.egod goo<;lnollEdoth appeare: Being the Lord . dothhic, rvl)o”tz;7z¢ ax;-,_fi?I3altd_%yft thou? This exccl‘le.ncylo£ Godgnhdfllajl -other glo1*iouNs perfefcions are amonglllus, ‘andlmull ;1ol.or1ger:lz)e . buried underllnlmane we:alwxco1 tzhapwe can dQ,11Dthing in Ifut/Jarlothiaa m Go-.'1,noth%'ing d%ifi°erent“f’rom thg mofi Cobmmon andQrdizA1ary i,u:f;3,- A Athens: and ‘bdut that which wil%1§3€1’c:*oy us as Q3011 as we haw: made f A %it.}.f we {E12 up an .eartb1yVVa%nd%fle;fl1}y {.0 mm, it will currupt and Amrxx " enemy co:1s;:ha1_: wc{%Aa11d‘p‘4z:dré& b::giz*’mi11g3%; “II}:1E“I110‘1‘€‘g1‘O'I“i€)lISthfiifffldj aha vileraxxd deeper ti%i:6%17d%u%x%1dat4i0n 5 God that z‘a"1f'ed x;I1e firfi ca*cation—%ou t of~a%Cl13os, and 6fl‘c129£'Zfl7é‘(4,i'!£ip‘072 Ibe warm, will raife . E116 zsew .!')£’.'z*:Jc??23 cam! mm my-zgs cm; of a weake and coxaftzfed heaps of’ Waters, 3. poor: and defpiféd people; Andzhere where men look- e2dnocf<>1'l1i.n1V.'iii he appearc“::‘Out of .N.-12‘:3'c2I‘”Et:') from When‘ceAno' g,ced%c“ome5 5 Afiam Ef§j;>r,JAa2 pI*ace"of thra"ldon'1£: andcaptivitygflnd thou B:'§/Jlelserzr, [13:15 amwzg the £*I'.3oz¢fa22a': of fwdiib, out of thee flm/I be come {Off}? mzro me to be Ruler fxz Ifrael : T1312-r man fl7:z1'1éne%our pewzcé 12;?/Jen the 441]) rim ‘.314 in tbeflzmd; Arm’ ti:eLr'en22zm2t of facabflzafl bemnong the Gent:fIe:,“in% the, midfi of mm} feapié, M aLio72 amaizg the 2‘9‘eafl:,Mic.5.A1'lwh‘ich fhycws, ; ’ m .¢ that the Lord chufies‘ c0manifeflVhin1Fc:lFeV ‘firfi in thciafe **thf1c are be«:«fll«y, gentle, ignorant, means, defpifed pecphg; a‘n‘d*% even “ then w}1ez1-Vt1ze,4,9j%ri.ar2, the1:mr2of‘j?n2zez3,: in tbslzzrzd, in then: and ripen them. * A The Lord hath been Withyou in fox*m‘erin:ercies,; and in Iate%fi1‘E-"T fcz*i:1 hath Iyen downe in diigraceg made%/Ji: grave with the wiclzxecflfarrzi wit!) zbe "rich in 1:22 a'mt/.2, be bat!) beme rzmnbred wit/3 tra2z;,'gre]]7m'r3: Yomz‘ gs 5 Infappearcd azixongft you*in~a Fpring bf blelfingsg fince” {ins have flain your Lord, yourgglory, and “your Lord by*de4%r/2 Ajhartin borne a11d.[[gir2e%j'ozrr% firgr; yoti have lim dead, becaufe‘Cl1ri1’c yams Ilifc hath been: £*_z'1'd"b},?y01l1_:' ans 4; * but Cfirifi hath dzcd whh‘ ’youf,“ in you , ‘int-0 yous :4In%dA%%;S‘a?é2;*;fb9zg-ii%fi9,‘b A his Adeatbhathkim "311 W5 7333;“ AA arzia-54; your t*ran£greHfdns‘ h:avc4%fi1a*de‘ zk‘gra;-.09, 8z th*e1*e bu ricd chr:rn- V! faéhres, and Ioofe t11cirdcPn*oyir:g natu¥=re in -him, hanging upon him 5% he now afi”ermp* 1:21: bale a .{}zcrz'fice foffizzzze, which is an accep- table and pleafim-t :h_ingAtp God, who is p°Iea{'ed:"%td fife our ‘fi_n*s f:L1l‘% by C12 z~i1~}:s dczuh ‘g, ‘2irxfi<:H"n3,&l%3 :1 {mm frmam“ iiithat deafla that mkes away tl1~e,-:1‘*x‘§L%‘.“e1‘3z;*€xi"1C3 Vgri‘ei’c bfhis people, and out crf V-which l2e¥rife5' with them £0 gI~<:rrfy~a~nd" 1=igE1t%e0u£:1cfle V: N0‘Wfl1a1ltb.e ~fi:c%-oftbe m*zé~' zzailsa o;)~ of: afr::»yrmaaerazzsma avbfi ‘%’?°ovvle%ige;r:»azrmmguo; go. o m:;ufi2fiy:maun.y butdying under om he hadonotbeengemrightooufiif he "h.:a'd not diedg: ‘hos, he undwe 1-ia1za»gcyogu1aer:ara 1ci rm reward 2'4 with [Jim and his work is before bimg A’2~zd they flml cal them mbe }:o.ly 'peo:pZe,ti2e rcde..-me- ed of the Lord E And thou f/mlt be called, fiougbt out a any not forfakepza Tia your falvation that is come,', you flmll fee evill no more; let all the world know it, hit the news of it fill the dark and troubled earth, praclaim it openly, he gives you a reward of all your pyainss and foil- ferin>g»$as1ls§,fi;by;§g3gys alygood withhjuuyou will ueeduo £upp_1yes but what he wifl daily bAr.'ing‘fo"r”th tdymi” ;“'“;4i;”§ao**23*u‘-"aaairasjewems»~y;;;.m.,y Tis now clear; what he will doe, reigne over the Nations in righ» meoufneffe; fen: up an ewerlafiing Kingdoms for the Sa.inyts; that thafl ~€ P, V ueygg fig dgfiyoyed 3 And; oil muf§‘owoe you and coufcuc you ; «co y_ fly (g4)hb h Id 1 ‘ urn ¢ . A A4 , t ewor 3 com 1 I ‘b"““f,I‘°,1,5’i‘°}°,§’,-3,2,?» ”2£’Zi”§i£§‘§§ ilfiiyhievlgederzdedmaxl :hey’now ngw etel‘ 41, an % h . - - E ’ hf lnem: 5% you are holywith the bali-.-1 trig: §§“;g%%°;a;:,3, I:-Ever?!) F at/Jar ix bot}, to mine donme b-leflizzgs 726‘ 2 A . - _ d to let the Sun of favour and falvation to apon tbejufi and u?1.I“f*s an A V A V he evil! and the good: God hath {hine generally Llptm 3-“:3 “P0” C I. - - " (Fe and not knowing whether M ~ dung In a Wddcme 2 . ..("“£'bU’”“ Um Wan . A an not left. to your OWN M . Fefled you are notforfak 9 V ‘CO gOC 3 and man! « ' “ v ; ' % ' hxhe pow- . - ls but taken mm nearefi #72109‘? W" V ‘waxes, W115 or connect ,, A _ 4 f 5 1' 1 nthc left Wif:§:::s:,::§L?;§fl:a*e‘§;:;e 23%%%?32m2;‘*,:na’;:*a“;":;% for 0!] ‘WI % ’ « % v % The.Pollfceipt. i 0 D hath divided the ‘jndg-emetzte of men in thefe tiznee, and concerning A the flT771j,et1"t_/tit fz'me"Uery rrzucitzgiving to jeverall’ n2etzpartt7cztlar pro,-.- ezpley, and thele with a pervert: fpmt engaged in enmity one azg,aitzfioa7t0- lther : fame fofierce agattzfl them as they can hear no goodyof them .- jomefia hlintled with felfe-love to their part}, foolififlatterert can fee no ill in tlJ£’Iti.‘ to thefeh_al_f..-headed men, foorjlvretls ofChrifiz‘am, I [hall feem to C0tt_tret--, , .dit‘?t*my jelfe in thefe two piece: I have writ; and it may he ofiend hath.‘ I E confejfe it hathheemny portion to have all men offettded at me, and cart‘ lteare its hot I am willing now, if a little reafon tozll fatisfie to remove the I ofimce, if not, I mutt mite. Wlten thit little hookelman comes to he open’d and interpreted by the largel Spirit of Godgtoeflzallfinde its a womb that hath two Nations in it, that ' it cotntaint i72‘z't alltthe depths ofSatan,t’9° all the treafures oftvrildom : a When God come: to fearch and judge men,therre are Goats and Sheep,.(;t11.,; t (ed ana'*bleH'ecl in ever) one; and they: are pitifttlly hlizzcleil a7Z£l***71tlt'I'0.‘I320 fil-9,‘ tit: that ee not all ‘evil, all evil in pafticular are well are in generall, all in higlteft and intenfe degrees in themfelve: : tandjou muff fee thzar or elle _yotl eazzt fee the highefl and chiefeft good in your felver. The Lord faith to Pet er, Math. 16.17. Blelled art thou Barjona, and ver. 23. Get thee be- hinde me Satan: And a mongfl the Prophets it was very common, as in Ezek. to declare againfl the wickedrzefle of Ifrael, as worfe then Sama“- ria orSodome, and immediatbt to declare them the Lords People, his own flock, in covenant with him, Ste. Hofea in the fame place faiee, ‘ye are not my People, and again, ye are the People of the living God: ngwoedulterejfeg, then married; yet no c,ontradié?iotn.- no more there the exgcfiirgghtend the morning to be one day 5 Offlefh and Fpir? C to he in one heart, or the man of fin to”oe in the Temple ofGocl, and to be exaltedthtrelabove him; or Godt own peopleitz Babylon : Thit 2'; not firange to me. Nor to declare.the"et2il of the Arm_y,oz5 in theflefh, and ttmch good in the llzme Army,ae_ they are in God. , t Nor do I count it inftahility to condemn the wicked one in men, and 'uf’tifie therighteous: A When I fee Ifrael in their bloucl to turn my face fiom the2tz,;,dnd_{teeing them Iftacl to tame my face towards them: or to fe- The Pamfifcriyia. paraie tEva2Apm.:'c°x::.1a,s}$+o:~i2z tbs file; ta bamile at‘ two £&,ged fi;§7e3”rAc7T,4i‘afi@ grad favegor to fave wizf: Vfn geance: 1eIz'f.z'szatoz42zt£d iigb1n£fle,AIr}.'-qfe* to 5; a fan 2a"[&~pame-the chafl°efro7ntVi:e wheataarzd Alwfire to‘ ézxévz :up:1}Je dro7{fé%$ mad purify" the Gold. A A A A . ‘T0393; that are agizinflibe ¢4w~7g2_., ifsix 33' no mung #0 you, zerrzanifcfi G0 d11e:r<=:, and 2'22 /aim fkzlvati an to all /21’: mrwz and to all that is good: we are !:2rol2A‘_e22Vi%2rzpj::’ce5 rszflcrably, and if we Lard wz':’NJml W3 let us not fiand upon ci:*curz2f§a:4ces, wlmfser it be g5} fiierza’ or foe; l2z'g}Jer orlowera A it be peace and r+ighteoufnefi3:. God appear in a few, :mg,~£» we are move it that it migln “be 729 /:z'z2dem72ce :93 V A ten men Qffevera1V languages, lets all take Imld of !;isA'skirt,1fay€é 513§sW§;Wi1Igoewith you, for we have heard Gad with you; TZ"b£;r be af]"m”d tz3*AGod that is berejért up ageizerall Md u22iz»er_fezZlgoad.v, mad Szwiozzra arm’ ée not zzfiiaid of him; £1301»/gjbbe come: zoyozz 2'22 we appearaizcé of men belorv or (1gdI'72fl_)‘0Z«!“. A ‘ V 4 L A L To the Army and your party3MI fix )1, The IovEAbere;[b&w’d you is-A we chaé rity : which vaunteth not i::“fe%1f,“ is not puffizd up, fiécketh ribihexf own, but.beareth allthings, évc. 7'55; love bzmzbley you to aemreaw all,m~zd to bears the brzrden: of all : irzldrgeryou to imbrace and comprebend g%li,flrengtberz.r}Voz: to fave ami deliver M ;*It dot!) not coverjour evilgém re-9 A A A ’ am‘doinggo40d. A A 51;; my cpye 47241;‘ bajart to czdv§7zce;Ltbe ‘true and pab1z¢zz‘gaod, THElIORD,&% an fiotw We Wm Jmz i?W34'I a1!2zaz§Aa:IA or d -we be exalted :%A22d therefore Ireflj” af’ fizz M 3 mfifi