To the Right Hondurable; . T H E L OR D zv_/1I%:zu2'zz.X:. t.A'ND Ha: co VNC ELL Of WARRE; THE Hfu M3 L Ee1DD?ESSE 012 _ k HENRY HAMMOND. _,_;—u Lozvxiozv, Printed for 2%»; Ra)/£072 in Ivie Lane; “ M, DC. .XL..I.«Y:" ~ (I) aflugjkan JW_}' Lord, and Gentlemen, y l l >1 Aving by the Weekly occurrences of your pro; ‘ l 5 ceedirrgs, not onely taken notice of the weigh-‘ i ty matters which you have of late chofen to be €34 the fubjeéi: of your Debates, l'uch as never any l Q Councell in this Kingrlome are lrnowne to have t ------‘J i y i takenznto therr cognizance, or confideration; but withall, drl'cern’d the cheerfull and hofpitable reception of ' one meane Performs advice, which pretended to have received. fome counfell from God to communicate to you: And having alfo as lincere a deliro and zeale to your good, (teftified by my daily prayers to God,that he will incline your hearts to thoughts of true Chriflian mceknelie and charity) and con.fequently,l as deep an intercfi in the due management of your affairea, as any others 5 and as great an aliurance, that what 1 {ball fay to you, proceeds from a peaceabloand an humble fpirit; and which tends y more immediately to your welfare, and honour, bothibefore ‘ God and man, than any thing which is knowne of late to have been reprefented to you, And lafily, having among you former of . the nearefl of my bloud,,whol'e eternall weale malt uefrdsbe very deare and pretious to me ; ll am in the feare of-‘God, and the profecution and difcharge of my duty and confcience, defirous to make this fhort addreffe toyou, to defireyou, in the name,‘ and in the bowels of fllsfm o’Imjz, and by all the obligations of Chrifiian duty and Charity, l to review Tome of the principles by » which you feerne to be afied, and yvhereon to ground the high A Vi enterprifes which you have nowin handy y y l 4 it i A yzi y And cal ‘ And 1. whereas you feem to believe, that god 6} laé Spiriri lama part it into yam‘ Iarnrt: to“ due whet laiitlamo jar; b.zoe.ydmpp,-, ‘ mm’ w/mt new you prafe_{]?.= to deliéemte to doe fart/oer againff H12: tfi/I A f E S T T, and all others, who aremwfa/Ian intqjcmr /9rma’.r7‘; I befeech you to confider, in the prefence of that God, to whofe direéisiotns and Spirit you pretend, what fafe ground you have for to doing : for, I {hall fuppofe that the plain: words of Scrip- ture are not that voice of the Spirit which is your onely guide in this niatoter; or if it be, I defire that Charity from you for my felfe anal others, that youwill point uslout thofe Scriptures .- and 1 mini’: profeffe to believe you bound in duty th God, and man, and to yourfelves, to fatisfie this defire, to produce that voice of the Spirit in the received Scriptures of God, which may fay that to other ChriPtians ualfo‘ which it appears to doc to you : But if Gods‘ Spirit be by “youeconceivcd to have fpoken to you any 0- ther way A than in, or by forne part of the written Ward ; Then my fecond requeft is, that you will declare to others the ground “ of this your perfwafion, that you have received any fuch Revela-A tion from God 5 that for that pretended Spirit may accordingto rhemle: prefcriéed 5} God in /522: acknowledged Word be tried and.» yexaminecll regularly, Wlaet/aerlit be if n gay! or 5420, before the fuhjeét-matter of fuch Revelation be belicvedinfallible, or ac-i cordi-ngly.lbuilt upon y by you as your warrant or principle e of aa étingany thing : For, there are em’/I Spirit: that come into the world, and which many times are by God permitted to feduce, men,and that they may éoe fo the better, they con{iantly.pre~. rem! to come from God, and afama —« divine Authority to purge commend and authorize their delufionsi; (athing foordinary in» all Ages, that the Post that would exprelfe the Imbroyling of an 1{ingclome,.thinlts he cannot- doe itrohetter. than bybringing in s.«A"Iec‘?o, a Furj,y.mit1al 4 Zllejfrgge from Hermrm to aofengefecfoy 07‘°T'Z_ #0551619 on injury) Andaof;th«efe our Sasoiozrriforewarns us, and tells. us, that we fénll khan; them 5} their ‘fruit: ; and {O direfls us to up judge of the truth of their pretenfious by the gootlneiie 3: room‘ . ‘ rnendablenefle, at leaPc, jultifiablenelie of their iflfiionr, and not to judge‘ of their azfiiam by: their pretemser. u lAi"lClfb€fiCl€S thefe will « Spirémftom without, there istalfo an evil! Spirit within, .a great dealt of clifguifed wickedncilelin the heart oftnany which when. . V ze- <3)‘ it retnainesrlunmortified in there who believe themlhlves to be :G0d.r cl‘/anfim Sprints, and taught éj Iaim, is very apt to be miflaken ‘for an inclination 0fG,'a_d: Spirit, jand oz flame afeeale, when it is really the molt contrary to it ; and becaufe there is fo much dena- get, that what is not fetcht from the acknowledged Word of God, may thusrfiow from one of tlrefe contrary principles, My next requefl is, V that it be confidered, Whether when am flrrgel frumy:;PI;enr/len,tin cafe he lhould tench rm} other Dofirine, tlarm wlmt land firm éj Saint PAD L preached to his Gnl¢zt[ainn:,Were to be mm... ttlaematkeed, and when the judgements are for fearfull, which are A pronounced tagainll them which [be]! azalde to the Word; oft/mt Trapbtjie, which we nowyteteine under the Title of the Apamgyps or Revelation, (which being the lall Writing which is ltnowne to be diflated by the Spirit, may very probably contains h fevere demmtiaticm againlt all thofe, who pretend. to any Ree/elaztiorr or d V Propkefie after that, concerningothe Chriltian Church) whether, Ifay, litbenot armatter of‘feare and full apprehenfion, to all thofe, who {hall affix, or irnpofe upon the Spirit afGa.,l(or prereml we revealed to them from that) any matter of Doétrine or Pra&ice,which acknowledges not the Spiritjg-'Gqdyfpeaking in the Scripture foritspyonely warrant or foundation ?Qr~~lal’cly, if from A ptheseriptures you conceive itmay be proved, that any partof‘ ‘ the Unfiion mentioned there fo farre belongs to you, that it {hall furely Iendyopz into ad tmria 5 then f1rll,'I befeech you to eonfider, whether you doe not oblige your felves by the fame, or form: o- V that Scripture to proveto others ( and not onely your felves to e no ‘ be perfwaded) I thatjazr are tbofiahflleqifl/1Saintxtoffiad, to whom that prlviledgelpeeuliarly belongs, to “and as clearly to demon» pfiratethat all others who conceive that that Unfiion‘ teaches them’ direfily the contrary to that which you profefle to be taught by it, ate_itnpio_us Perfonps pollell with that deludingh Spi- rit, which Inow defire yojuto beware of. And fecondly, to 6X3.»- mine whether this diffetenpeingnofyour :f€y1Yeslfromn others, this yéeezring Witnefle . tojarrryféelezer, and jedging at/gem: (b.efide that, it A will look ldikeen aftddof molt P/amiflzzfeazl Prefumptiomancl the very thing,yywhich from Simwz yfldngm downward, hath been ob- fervedjinjall I-Ieretlcks, cellingthemfelvestlae Spiritual], and all others Aizimxtl, mm/1 tMen)_ will not, he .all'op a great lujuflice at A A; n that <4) this” time toward them who pretend not to learn any thing fmxht , - this Uzuetipn, but what theyereceive from the Doétriane ofthc: Gofpel, in thofe Books, which have in efi'c&, and in the lali refnilt, theiteli~im’oniy of God from Heaven, that they‘ are his true infal- lible Word, and diflate Qt‘ his Spirit, and which defircato make no other nfe ofithzs to their own: advantage, but onely itofprc. ‘ferve them in a quiet poflefiion of what by Law belongs to them, Be a capacity of making, good theit Allegiance to Him, to whom they have often by Law been required t0,fVv@'arjefliltn“ A j ‘A fecond Principle whichl mult defire you; to Vreview, is that, , upon which youconclude that God /mt}: born tqfiimwzgy tajcwr camfe éj the man} Vifioriex which he lagztalagiven you ; This concluding of A youts,fitl’c, proceeds upona lpremife directly falfe in mattetiof‘ fa&“'~:.} for, you lay, t/mtft?/at’ IG lay taking up Alrme.s'madc Halt appeal: to Heaven; which itis molt certaine that he never did, -(but ohely, ufed a firength which God A putin his hands. to te- -pell _them,whom He looked on as His Suhjefls declining their duty to» Him, and invading the l'et.led «Lewes, and never referred the right ofthc Caufe tq be judged by the fuccefli‘: of His Artnes) not indeed could rationally have occafion to doe fo, any more thananyflone of you would make: {nth appeale, -when aviolent" i A l Perfon fhould invade, what you conceive to be your undoubted right : not could He teligioufly, ‘or Chrifiianly have done this, ‘ when thofe Lawes that allowedof {uch appea"lslby0m’mle,“or DMZ, and the like,have been jullly cenlfuted M amcbm‘fz‘ia;¢ and am». fiarom. Nay Secondly, this concluding ofyours will by the fame reafoinl infefre _;t:haft Chtiftianity l is not, and that Mahumietifme A is the true Rciliigiou, *tbecauife when the Turks aiierted one, and the Grjteke Churchttheother, and that difierence begat a’Warrc betwixt thern,\’t:i~s clear: that the Turks were fucceiefull, and the Greeke Church waslofiifadily wafilcdiand fubdued by them, and fo re-maineth tothis home in that unrt-turn‘,"d% Captivity. ‘Whlich A will therefore be a fit opportunity to make you_tevertlllt"q the l ' tryningiofethat Spirit (which inclines youlth“u”sito‘largue) by this tenchf‘toane.i-1.byconfidering& examining whetherin the written Word any thing be more frequent and vifiblethan »t/aef5£_firerimgs 0 f Gad: peaple, the féreddiaqgtiae diam’ l ,ofzlaa emu, the faitning all kind of conturneliesion lunch, particularly «lthati reproach offilaau é/away I K 5 ) hIm»:lylm4zn]’upqn _D4’eaple,t that gives the power oft/or Sword, 0tt]2o\?eer:of‘Life ltollltheyfiowernmr ; when God a /aim- . fezfz fets aaI or if they might, whee-i ther this were not tnofi contrary to the and of all Government, gm‘et,nndpeace, and probably the parent of all confafian in the world, which is much worfc thanthc lamb-dz]! fiaéjcfiion E‘ a Nayz. if it {hould be granted fiill, that the lcommzmitj of people have power to rem/!,y on-r void that trufi, yet ‘twill be matter of ‘more than doubt againe, whether at tivit time in the Kingdom: i there be any way ‘for the wlaoie cammamiry to aéiz, or whether it can by any man be reafonablyjbelieved, that what is new done, is ash-Isl by the commmzil-‘jiaft/as People it? i For if (to thatpurpofe) it berconceived, that tl=l6b’Haat_/2’, of A \ Gammmg-his (or that the two Houfes together are) the Reprefien-in mime of all the Pcoplegyyffhen fire, it is to be confidered that A there is at great number of men in thisyiyKingdame, that are not re- prelented by tlocfi, and who never put (nor can by any interpre; tation be thought to have put) into their hands that power, which is fuppofed to be in every Free Commoner in this Kingdomeg 2-. That you your felves have expreli: your opinionle,‘thatt—‘this5}. which now is, is an unequal! Reprefen-trzt'i'zJ6,y and have-on that l Confidera.tio.n thought your {elves obliged to propazmd another Forme. 3. “Ti; fore, that (whatever pofliély wig/at have been)- yet they, that have ever till this time chofeniI(m;g/at: or Bzargejjles tolt*heePmc1iaz2:ue;¢t, did never aéhtally put into their hands, as in-— to their Ileprefizatrztirves, all that power,‘ which ( in this cafe oi’ the yPeiapl¢-rbeing the Supreme Pawer) is naturally fuppofed to be veficdyin them“, but onely a POWE7‘ ofdoing thofe things,for which the Writ (fen: out under the Bram.’ SeaZ)rdid command them to be returned”, e..tor~tconfi¢lz‘ with the If I I\(_ 9’ oft/ae difiim/t afllzire: of the Ifiazgdeme, not to fie-ttle 421'] part of it Wit/aorar, or agazinfl.‘ I-Jim. And 4. »”Tis clyeanthat in fuszrh an acl:;nowl.edgeel conjuneture of tirne as this is, a [wall {Far lelie) part of thofe that were retzmraal by the Countries, cannot be field to be that entire com--7 yP3~“Yt: (I4) Why, or bodybytwhich the w1aoleAcomm:miry, is teprefented ; Orin if’ it be laid, that the godly People o f the Land, ewhoyby wPetitio2z: to " the Genem/Z, thelom’ Fairfax have exprel’: their defires, that fluflice be executed upon thofe, whom A they call Delinqeentx, are to be reputed as the commzmitj oft/at People: then firlt, It will be clear, that thofe thatyAAAhaVe fo Petitioned(btfiCi€,‘ that they are rnofl of the body of the t-/:r’rm_y) are not the thoufandth part of the people of this Icingdome, and therefore cannot by any rule of ‘ judgement or Efiimaltionrbe reputed as the wholecommzmigy 5 and if this p7‘_6’fia'e:v2t might be admitted, that afen? perAfons,undAer the title of the God! , A may pretend to the right Aof. theA,wbole,At tis very well worth forefeeing, how altzrzgerozttv {nth example: may prove to the pmoeof P0l7t€l'1ty.. 2. All the evidence of their (gardlirtejfethat we can t perceive, .1SOl‘1€‘iy_ the d€fi1'II1gIz'éer{y for themfelves and others, and therefore fzoflice on tliofe who {lentil in their way to that liéerty ; and I Co1‘:ceiveit_demonlAtt‘étble that a quiet fltémi/flan and oéedieme, and adefire not to cal’: off their day, but {till to continue “under it, rather then to be their own ctzroerx, or contriversr of liéértj, is a farre furer figne of lzruegad. ylerzaflé. And thirdly, there hath yet been no fair indifferent means ufed to know whether there be not Farre greater numbers A offuchgodl} meek men,who would rather defire that the K1 N G Alhould be A refioted to His Government, then that any courfe fhould betaken by any, wit/com? or agtzinflrt/as KI NAG. And the plaintrnth is, that ifyonwillgo on inthe courfe you are in, and y yet defire freely to appear, and be accounted the (‘an-ferwrx, and not Conqzteroztrx of the liéerzjr of your Country. then, if you will A not impofenpon the people, as you fay I<'iug.c have-clone; No.- thing can be more fntableto thole preterzcex, then to declare mofl ' prrélicfl ,thatit {hall befree for every man to fitéfiriée, whe-A the: he doth defire this totally change by you tendredr in the l draught of your Reprtfimztilve, or the continuance of the prefent efiablilhed Government,(with an aflhrance ofyourfnbmiflion thereunto.) 4. ’Tis (upon Fuppofition that all power is mrgim/2'; in the People) molt undeniable and clear, that nothing but the confint of each perfon (at leafl: of :1 muzybr party A of the whole being convolted together) can divefi any one, or more men ofthat ‘I their fuppol “ laying ed 0?‘z;;fii7+~l[/Vaig/J2 gand tonfequently, that other tnens :;; (‘:53 fafying thatthcy are not God! , and thatlthemfelves are “fo, tart never exclude them from their “flirtlargg/oz; By which itwili in-A falibly be concluded, that all thofe that have adhered to the K: N G all this time, or that favonr’d the Kate: aft/oe two Hazafit, . which refolved the K I N o’s late Conceflions at Newport to be a fit ground of peace (whatfoever cenfure or brand is by you fet t upon them) are as much to be confidered to the making up the tmmmwit} of the ePeapIe,iasiany others. And. if to, Let it then be confidered by-all equal] minded mfifl; Wlhatya ‘violation it is of i thofe Rights, which you pretend to vindicate, what an invafion M’ of the mzmm//fieeeolame of your Brethren (by you aeknowliedgedg, the inlacrimnce ofmcb man) to force them againlt their wills, with ' their very great inlcommodation and detriment, to rwertto that l*i£737‘{'~f,.VVhiCh is by you fuppofed to belong to all 7¢aztt'«57?o2l'_[y, but wtithout which We of this Nation have happily lived, under the . -farre greatertadvantages of Regalzgtmemmmt. 4 And yet {'0 con» trasrytothis {principle have you now lproceeded, than when you . A “havethusrth‘rowne us back into our firli ebaoxagaine, ontlythat you may reduce our libmy, you then immt-diat‘ely by your Rm. pre/”am.°nz»ioetfo bind us up, thatawe are not .permittetd7,= upon vvharm foeversemergentcy, to cafi our felves into any mewfiarmte, although the exchange ihould appeare never {'0 advantagaiious, and gainfi.1l.l to us 3 which beficles that, it is an evidence of your inward feerle, . A that thetchange now defigned will be foone repc.-nted.of agaiine, in certainly ifo farre from being “an enlarging, that it is the am». i lflbiflg of mar li!m~ty,— and denying us that framhme, of Wh'iC*l1il'.iTE Jz'hol-’c ibwréa7r.‘ar»t5 and the mofi lrivialie,ed People have been equally. at apartakers, when rfixbjeftion fccmecl better forltheir mrnes. As i «befide the examples oifethe Strwmr: in Exadm, which earethere rfiappofed fornetimes to plrelierre their fervitude to their Maltere — before the ipriviliedge of the Saééatickejeflreg wefind praéhfed by i fzempemianx, .who~voluntarily cal’:themfelvesracvrhelfear,and e A’ itfurrendred themfelves into the power of th€.lRamem,i“ta0 pn-rchaie thereby that right of being prozeéied by them ; at by many Bewéaw ~ M rim: irldppievawho fem: Embajflzdoer: to 1£0HmE’10fl'n\Pur;p0fe't0 pe- »‘ti;tion=the-favor of being received into the number 0f”thci‘rfi£éjeé?:a~ . I have irififled. the elongertupon this, in‘ obed=iencle to your townie énttlitatiozz ;. which was alfo a great motive and :eatc*aMagemeeet:ito A l U5) a make this whole” aaangz to you, and gives me ai~'l'u-rance of your kind reception of it. i i _i _ _ a by A i The‘ci principle to be rev1ew’d 15 this, That there having been much 91%; fpiltin this Kingdotne in the late Warres, there ' mulihow "he-.fome'jIaer.£fic-e ofl"er’d to Goa’ (i. "e. fome more ma y fllfid) for the»e:epz3a:tz'o;a ~05 thatfisanie of Iélafidgflinliyiie-ESE’, befm-he l (jar! can be pmfied, or rermciied to the flavor’. On which particu- lar, it will firfl be worth your feriousy enquiry, howlit fhoold ape lpeare that thatgreat iffue of Elmd, let out in the late Warres (which bath with great reaforl been 10 okt on, asthe fl1arpePc of Goa’: plagaer, and the faddell: part of pmaz'//zm-mt of the former finncs ofitliis Nation) is now the mame, and orlely, jimzeof they ;Land,~with which God is not reconciled : Or 2.151: were flappe- fed to be fo, yet how it can be thougght that a general! K:.jfZ7rm,e.. time of that finne, an /amalgam before God for it, through trhe whole Land, and a reg/ezlmion never to flax‘/Z we drop more, were not a more Cbraflzaa probable meanfis to pecifie god, than the proceeding in cold blond to the cfifiafiaa of. mm : The Head of men being never thought afit faerifice for any, but the evil! Spi- rit ; and peaceaéle-mmdedazejfle, and charity, and the ccmtrire heart being the f peciall, if not Onelyfitcrzifirer, which we find mentiorfd A in the Gofpell. Or 53. how it can appeare that ifGod require any fuchfizcrzfica, you,or any but thofe whom the knowne Lawes of the Land have placed in a Tribunall (and that legally ereércd for fiacla cagnieaaces) have any right to put your felves into the office 0fGem‘ile Prz'efl.c, as the onely Perfons appointed to flay that fia- mfice. Nay 4. it will be worth your Oblerving, that car/2 dif... claimed the ofice of a }’adge,ahd thereby rendered it very unfit for any of you to put your {elves into that Gficer ybylvertue of nob-i ther title, but that of being his Dzfi‘iple_'.r. lAlr1dlaf’tly;it is.wort’_h your {acldell thoughts, whether by your prefent (form-e~l!.r,and the saeceflity by you fuppofed of changing the fiarmer Government,‘ it doe not now appeare, that the deftmce of the gflaéls]/Bed Lower was on the K1 N G’s part the 0CCafi0I'1_Of His taking Allrxaegland on Tom‘ parts, the defigne of elteriflg A thofe Lama,‘ and im:ro+ d!3Cing“atber: more {arable to yfour inclinations. And ifnow by a eiezi/Z or martial! courfe, inan aréitrerj way of triall,rr contrary to the Lower ellablifhed, it floould. be byiyou thought fit to pro» ' teed teed r?o”étml againfi thofc T he will in his fr 7) whofecngagements have been for the defiam of theft rfluélz‘/Z»: Lmm, Let it be confidet’d!, ‘how im- oliticégthis may be, and what tuatttr ofd£fi'axsmgem2mt to all that {hall he iotrufted with tht: managery, or 0[£’f€?$'6'6‘ of future Ga- vemmem .~ Which tingle conficittatiou will, I hope, abate: much of your dcfigruedfiwerity. But xf(ia:1 flézouyld permit you to go oh . undiflurb’d to the /hedc[2i,::Ig of more (aloud, as the fewer did fiéom othcr”lower aéts to the crflcéfjiirzg their 1(z';rg, How poflihlc were it; not onely that this fhould prove the provoking of Goclto do-_' liver you Mpfiar war to your own: /oeurrr lufis, but be totht: whole Nation afi!/mg up the M-Mfme afrmr imiqwitiex, and the forerunner ofall the mlamitimthat can befall a People. Havingm'em:i0n’d the weakneflh, and fizI'Z}7élem-fie ofthefe Few priucipley, I {hall leave you to the farther confitieration of the fiuilneflé , and danger of thoft: fztpe2jfi:rmf?z¢re:, which {hall be en reétcd on any, or all of theft. A And ifthere were never a gadiu the world to avenge them, yet the experience now before your eyes, how eafie it is for principle: taken up for mens prtfcnt .ad~ wmmgur to prove withinra while moft difladmnrageom, and per»- nicious to them ( as the Wampum of a diflzrmed mma tu;ru’d into his cum éreff) may infilfc into you that fiuzre and temper, that am- tian, and moderation, and timely wflame, A which the Authour of this Addreffe may be otherwifc too uuskilfu-ll to imprejfe on you : Wh-o yet, if'h.e might any way be ufofuli to you, doth profcfle to . be ready to contribute his utmoft endeavour to your fotvice, if it be but thereby to demonftratc to you, howjufl it is for him (and what a dmgy, and oblzgatiou of charity toward you) to intercedo daily at the térrme ofgrace, that Goal would molzfie your hearts toward the K1 MG, and all His co2zfc'ie2¢tioz».r/sfazir/Jftz/I Suhjcfis, or elfe intcrpofé: his band, to refcute His Royal Perfim out otyour pawtr; believing confidently, that, if God have any remainders ” ofmercy for this Kz'ngolome,tor the true Pz~°orc°flzzm* p.2ofzaflw«ziz'1'it;, good time heart: and aufwct this prayer ofall trot A Er-2g!:'j%mm,y andyaymong them of y Tom‘ Lordjbipi Immfvle Satay’:-uzt, flan. I5. 164. V A A “ H.HA.MMoND. F I N I 5. » ‘I t ‘