.4: A Di~eiSaz~él2’4,t/oi 20*, A anzmrii. 1649». Imtm.mAtAG’eneraAl Hammand, Colonel Okay, and other Of-A-A A AA I A _ficAer.t of tin-«Army, At/air dd} prcfcnted A Petition, tn the A it Hmfe, mitIaAaADr4uglat-of t/94 Agreement’ of the P&opl’Q=: A The Petitioner: éeingxra/led in, Mr Speaker, 5} Commvmfii‘ cf that HVozgflt,gm/e them, tI:i:.A1:fwcr..A A A A A 7Gmz'rt.mt.1m, A A A A A ‘O11 the Officers of the Army, {cut by the Lord General,andA" Ah the Officers of the ArmyA,unto this Houfc with this Petiti--rA an :A The Houfe hath Aread year Petiticm, and For the Agreement, A prefented therewith, the Houfe hath commanAdedAmc :6) tell you, A A They have refolved to .taAkeA the fame into their Con fideration, A with what po£_'fib1c=:A- fpeedr the neceflity of the prefent weighty A and urgent affairs will permit. Theyihave commanded me likr.'A.*-A AA A % wife to tcllyou, They finelthcfe goodAAfl7:é'tions and ferious Re»-A prefentations made in your Pttition, that they have 0AArdeAred it A to be printt‘d;A A I am Aliktwife comrnanded to tell A you, That this. Houfe doth take nqticc ofTyA.cmt f'aithfulAand great Sc‘-tvicesto the} A Kingdomfijn ftanding in the Gap For their Prefer_vation5And Aacom-A-,» mandedme to give hearty 'I?han%ks..to Athc Lord-tGeneral,A M and the A A . A A ffice-rsAAof the Army,Afor theft good Services, and the good AF». A fifzétions yeti have herein exprefled ; And I do,Ai.n their tNaAt11e, . give the hearty Thanks-of this Houfe to the Lord General, and to A AA A 4 you, and the tel-toFthe Oflicers oFAthe Army, For their gO0.d Ail; A feé’tions-,grcat.Se.rviccs, and ACOIjdiaA1AAEXprtfliGl3S; _ A , A» A A A i ‘Hen: Scalael, Cler. AP;2Ar1.A Dom. amt A \ 3746 s A my 3.. .. 4 3 V I’ A ’ N-E v3+°§z.~34j¥*"$*“¥<~h°$é~«¥%°3*~h~$=vi?~$=-£»*3*‘§e.~$a~i~*$'*3:.$,=t'~$2~$ad§=¢3ai°!*‘%~A~M«h A G AR‘ “E EME NT A is» "3" . -‘(VA A A J’ Ag r. Prepared For the 3 3 5 4'” .,;-v' xiii“ A '1 fit ‘T ‘ F or a fecure and prefi.-3111: PEALE, Aupo-n Ground-s of Common Right A“ A A Freedom and Saféry. ‘ AIfo,a D BC L AR A T I/ON ofrhcs: GeneraICOunCel A "£9 ‘mo A AA A A , of A 0fl3C@A1‘8, Ooncfirning the fame. %, fiv A A to: With 22 Pmwrxowm his Exc HA- ad A. b {aid Gememl CounceI,prefented cherewfithfrgzufiiyfi the (£9 A fanzzazrf 20. I (:48. To the Honorable the C0MrW5\L5oF m<9‘w\@>% * IRPRLIAMENT aflémbled} Hare tendred £0 thfi I~”eop1es Confiderations, and in due time A A A For their Sub:"cript:ions. ‘A V ” 5?’ —'---vv-no-«.4 A%¢;f& B2’ the Appoirztmem cf the General! Commit! afoflzfl-WJ. 0 I/as firm}. Signed. A A A A A IOHNRUS Hvvon TA:-1, A A A A 4 A L ND ojv, A A A @ Printed for fokw Pazrtrioigje, Ii’. HarfaA«~d, g,,[w,,., 'and % % G.;rbz:¢;ngza». MDCXLIX. ’ A ‘ ‘*9 ' ‘“*‘§"”';“é*;*%>""""= '. ~-*»~*.z,»:.¢».:~'A*- ” ‘A A .. * V 7 ‘ ~Aw=w A A w éA A %‘%s i)i To the honorable the Gmmmbns 0f N can A N D in Parliariwenc a-flE~mb1.¢d 5 The lfiimélé Pat#ian.af his Excéllmcj Thomég L0,.6;1:air{a,x; npzfid’ the Gememl %Cow2o‘%el bf Ofigcem‘ of the ../17"-77!] finale‘? /oi: %‘ A ;,Cammmad , cowcmxzing tIaeDr.mgIat ofAn Agreementfithe 1 People, by them framed and prepared. V L N 0 r 1ateRemonPcranccoF1:hc13 bfNo.: A vember 1219: 5 we propoundcd ( next afisér; A ” the matters of publikc Jufiicc Jfbme wfoundaxions for a gem‘-rral fettlemenc of Peézée A «yin the Nation 5 which We lzhcrgin defimd mighc be fornued and EPca,b1ifl1ed in the na... trurc of a. gcncra1lContra.€t or Agreement of V , ;thc%1?cop1c 5 anfi fincc %!:l1en_,l the matters fo prcpogndcd bemg Wholy 1*e}c6.ted,or no cam fideratlon. of them admxttcd in Parliaxneijc (though Vifi 1)? OF highefl Moment {.0 the Publiquw and all ordinary Remedies being denycd , we wcrcneceffitatcd to an cxtfrao1*~ dinary Way of Remedy , whereby no avoyd thy: mifchicfs than athand, and I}: yiou in 3. condition (without fijch ob{’crué’ci‘ons or" di- Vedions by corrupt Members) to }_:>%rocccd%% to matters ofpubliquc Juflsicc and gcncra1\Scttlc.... i~mem:. Now as nochingchd in our“ow,n 1 hcartsmorcjuflifieour laccundertakins tog Wards many Members in this P41:1ia«ment5 *i‘€i4)_r «twthctn the ncccfiitythcreof in orderto :1 found 4 Scitt1_emer1t in the“Kihgdom', andxthhe integ1*i-«V M t 10.£xO‘u¥i¥1 ngi@11SntQ‘i a va -t» 9f-.i=t onlytro igcthjatecjtid, we._ hoidi¢u’t5t It-Ives obliged to he thci“PCiOPi€'aii affurance poflible, That ; our oppofingthe corrhupttcioihre endeavoured‘ * ~withrtheKing, wast notindefigneto hinder “Peace or Settlement, (thereby to render our yemploymentsi *as Souldiers , neceiiary to M “v be continued, er) and that neither A that*extra- ordinarycourfe weihave taken, not any other A proceedingof ours, have been intended For the fetting upof any particular Party o*1~”In~ i ii tereii, by or with which to uphold our feivek V i but that it was ar.1d’is the defire of our hearts in Power and Dominion over the Nation n-,. 7 . A in all We have done, (with the hindering_oF A that imminent evil, and def’truéi7iVe ton.- jtunétion with the King) to make way Forge ' fettlement of the Peaeeiand Government of‘ the Kingdom upon Groundsi of commbne Freedom and Safety : And’it"”thercFore5becétufi: our former Overturesior that P-urpofe ;_Tbeing only in ‘gener3lte1'ms, and nott1"educedtoVe certainty of pariticuiars fit ior’pra~é‘tie{e)t might 9 Poffibly be tin.derPto«od~’,_ 4 but as ip~1aufi‘b1e¢p‘re-*4; e A tences _, note intended really: to; be Put: itntoti V cfileélc, Wehavéthougjhtitour duty to draw» o1~1t4'thol'c tlgcnetals into an intire frame of par- f ticularsglafixrrainedwith [“°hCi?l°Umfl3nCc8 V asernay rnakeit efleétivcly praeéticable And for that end, while your time hath beenltaken V upin othetmatters ofhigh an‘dprel“en~tIm--7 portance, We have {pent much of ours in prea- l A Parinegandperfeéting fucha draught ofan_A- greement, and in all things [0 circumPtanti-~ l atecl, asnxorender it ripefer your fpeedier con-;- 4 fiderationg and theKingdonns acceptance and ptlaétile (if approved 1) And fowedo here- with humbly prefent it to you. A NOW“? Prcventmlil Anderllandingofourin-«n ecntions therein,We have but this to Cay, That we are fardfifom fuclhla fpirigas pofitively to im‘- pore our private apprehenfions upon thejudg~ n meentsof any in the Kingdom, » that have not l7orfeiltedtheir Freedom and much lefleu on your felves: Nexthcr are weapt1n any wxle toeinfill: upon circumflantial things , or ought that is not evidently fundamental to that pub-~ A 4 lique InterePt For which Youand we have de- clared and engaged; But in this Tenderof it A wchunnblydefire, t A A A Tléarzévbezber zkflaallée fiwfly {zpprawd 5) Tax: Md received 6} I/:eel.Ple~:apleAll( M itee22ozrj?zz72cfs)a.vli2ot,l M he * it A ziftmayyu remaznuponKccwvLA&eforayw,aAperp2; AA A A:;ual%zn"t:2efi" of our real imemiam: and uzmgff‘ ‘en... A glcarzzorsfar afbtand and equal Settlement -54 and ,4: A"2zA tefi£mqi3j,mfiereé} all meiémay A 6; 41] are?/, wfvat naem rbillzhg audrcaaga maAcquiefce in, 4?2clt£7_<£z'M A A jmloufies fatitfied 0zA~msoat6vsA ffapn, who 41?; 412: to % %Atbz’m€' arfmy, We ,£wu.mo éaVtt‘am.A A A A AA A 3. That (with all ex-pea’itz'o12A wbztb zéqimmezliayearzd A A prefliizg great aAfiaz'rs 2222‘/I AadmTz"tAA)A£t mayVrc&ezA':mAA A A A your maff kmdtmw’: C onfi defat z'mA2A ami R efczlutioifii up; 022 it; not that we dafire eitb er tbé whale, or what you ’ [ball like in z't,fbould ée éy your 431:1)“/J0rzAty z'mpofed VA A M .41; alaam upon the Kingdom; "for /‘aft A‘waAaM /of} A the intended mztm;e:A of An Agreement of the peopleg) éat that ([5) far .35‘ it aramwrs nwz°t£1‘_yam* amt; jadgmmrs) it may mreirve Tour Seal afA.r2:lq3_pra~ % mm» only. A I AA, A T bat~ ( according in the met6aAc{prapom2c!ez:1 tf.2erez'22") 2: may ée re-mired to the People m allpzzrrrj to 5»: “ fuéfcriéed éjtbcfe Mat are wilting, Q25‘ I’£'!5'il';ZAA0725',“ . . amfatber tbings afa voluntary nazure, £175) and % " tblzt mew wbzle, rhea/'e:¢rtaAi/9iiA2g of t/Eafle cz'2fmm-V flfdizces’, wilt}/7 it refers ta%Comm.i/.'r'z2mers' Aim the? = A femral Caaz2tz'e.g ma) "ée [)V06“€,€&,1££{5tp0}2A ”z"n :1 way A preparatory to tin: pm§:'fzfaAqf'z'tA: ‘Ami.’ Awpom t/M ..4caoui2tr{fj2x»é/2*riptims (tn £3‘ rammed éy tbofe Commzfliamars in A pl-£14 mm) tber; cgpjggais ;q£Ac; A _A 4 general or cammazz _Re:e12tz'omyF' it aAmo22gff~tl§ef People, or éy the we/1-.afie£?ed of them, aizaaifzgrb arena: oémaxiaus far Delz'argue?2cjv,4 irmdjftefytm A A taleeplxzce, and efiefl atcordimg ta the Teizar,‘ and AM A A",SuAé{1c222ce of it. A 21714 Tom‘PPt5*iv7I€T5f79A9i7P7‘?IJ'4§?*6¥ A A A W11: 51' n HAAL L A By the Appointment of his Exce1lenc‘yA, amt AA W A fan. 15. 1649. the general Cpur1celofOffic'ers ofthc Army. A A» ‘ ‘ A Jo: R115 avv 0 Rift-1 Secrf. ' V __ \ ‘ ‘ v-m :~'’‘ , . ,; .1 I ‘ — ‘In. 11% ‘ ‘ ‘_,_‘_ ‘ .l 1’ 1 h " q ‘._. . /_ ‘Q, ‘I " ' A . “"‘v2t'::*3 7‘ '- V V’ o ~ _ And the pIkaccs%t:1f1crcwi'ch ’ A INCO P 0 M T Fbr aIEcurcandpfcf&ntPcacc,upon%Gmundsw A N. T’ 4Right.', Frgtcdom and S 3f_EI3y; j " ‘--1|v:\',". 31% “i;;f: ~ :1‘, ., “ G” ‘J’:-” W A» appear M theéworldjm. hbwhingh a rate We.va+ ~‘\* fish far owned our caufezis to deliver the Enemies thereof into eur hands ,4 ‘We do npw ho1dout'* A L‘-----nuwqvluv-u-A-H--15 A e ; A flhvtév» iébbfsi‘ ‘amid Vmfimés mm;¢%;A liie our Jufl: ‘Freedom; 1,: ‘G; having fo A % A A {elves boundin mutual!‘ duty to each o1:her%to, A A A A ‘takg ihg bcfi care we Eon; :11: future, to Vavoyd both thE‘dg_;‘1V- , ii get V ('3) ofretutuing into at flavifh condition; a-ndthe chargeable re-‘ A tmedy of another War : For as it cannot be Imagined , That fo ; many ofout Country men would havcoppofed usin. this Quart tell‘, if they had underfiood their io~wngo‘od, tomay We hope- fully ptomife to out {elves ,FTehatp1wherJ_t out Common Right V andLibettiesi11alltbe eleuted,itheitendemvots Wiillibendifa point-e A A ed,tha,t feek to makeithernfe1ves:011rtMaPters, fince there one out tfotrneropp.refl3ons, and» not yet ended e troubles, have been on- incafioned, eit-her by ‘want of frequent National oh/lettings in C0111‘!-C€l,.W(j_3;1T by the undue or unequal Gonititution theteofior by ‘ t rendering thofe meetings unefifeétual. narefuliy agteedptnd ‘teio1ved(God wil1pi4ng)to nproviideffhat thereafter our Reprefené tatives be neither left to an uncertaintypfot time, nor be unequal-— Iy conihtuted, not naade‘ufe1efs to the ends for which they are inteneled; it A A t e “ t 4'“! M’§’*‘+’6’;t 1. That to prevent the many inconveuiencies, apparently a-A ; gifing from the long continuance of the fame tpetfpns in fupteam Authority, this Prefent Patliamentend and difolve upon, or be- fore the lad’: day of wprzz, iufthe yeur ofoutloprdn 16495 _ A e In Orderw/fieziezmto LVe*iTiec/aii*e t 2. That the People of 19 nglmd at this day vetyiu1ie4:i' u qually diPcributed,byt Counties, Cities and Butroughsgpfot the E-, ' leftion of their Repref‘entati~ves)i be iudifferently ptopottion”ed e A And to this end; That the Repreifentativte of the whole Nation {hall confifi of Four hundred perfous, or not above; and in each i b Count , and the places nethefeto ifubjcpysnedg \"thflmfi% ;e~, ‘rv . . . . . . t 4, to ant e up the {aid Reprefentattve» at ~a;l1 ;t1u1esnt;Ag;thc*-fevetalf ~ numbers here ‘mentioned; but gm A « AC9) A 4 . %1n.AthefCoxmtybof Kent, with the Burroughs, <'1‘own‘s, V _The County of .S’z¢1fcx, with the Burroughsffowns and'% A The City of Winciujiar, with the Suburbs and Liberties} A v “7AAPari.fl'1estbhercin., exccptfuch asbarehcrcjnndcr parti- ¢u1ar1yA.nam¢d» A o R hLl¥«‘;;;AA¥"‘{'h«;:» as ‘W~j,J‘ ‘“ A VA M. M AAA, A iAThc _C1ty.Qf 89cc:/hr, and Paribfhcsh therein (except {nah as are hcrcundcrg ma ' ‘particularly flamed) too. ‘The City of =Canm’é:4ry,; with Athcj Suburbs aAdjoAyAninog, A A 2., A; and Liberties thereof, : A A two. The City of Rot;/:13/3:7‘, with the Parifhcsbof /Mt/mm and Strami, _% A h b A one, A ' The Cinque Ports in Kent and .S’Au[]}x, ?uz':::.. fl3wer,R;mé A b A m4y,bH_ydc, Samlwicla, Hafiingx, with tho townes ofg «‘.R]:VAand Wz“nc/a:#Tc’.y, % ’ h A three. an L hParifl1cs there-in (except AC/mic/aeficr and the Cinquc *PorI:s)% A A A A A A ‘ A ; A eight. Ibo City of Cbiclacfier, with the Suburbs and Liberties thereof, A A A one. ‘The. . _ A ,S’outl24mp?onA with, ~ohsAhnh;c ; Burroughs; ffowns and Pamihes therein, except fuch as are here»? > Aundunamcd, 4 cight. .. « .H: g, : ‘thereof, ‘A % V one. , ‘_TheVCcy%untyAofthe town of Somthgsmpimg. A *onc._] A The County of ‘.Do)fi-t, with the . Burroughs, Townes hand Parilhes therein (exocpt fbarcbeflcr) A fcvcn, . _ThoToWi'iof Tarcbaficr, * ~ 3;‘ fI'heACo"1inty of Devon, with the Burrough'"s,Townsandé b M A I; A A twelve. Wu» B * b sum C I‘3535.A?‘ "A I'i)i.m1*'o‘f"”1° lymmth A~ A A ' {two‘;4_’_] :2 A% 'fhe TQyyngffiarnfbzple, % M L4 ~on;e.]‘ Tm C«j:£1V2ity«%o.f§.%CammIZ,:.xv~iz:flAxhe_;;B.urmughs,fl"owms,§ §,; ";1ndAParifhesthdVere.in,. % AA A ‘ V ei"gh:.A A The: Cotmfizygdf Sé}1¢e?f3’f» wi;th%*‘t%heBurmughs, To%wI“1esf) T . I anAd‘%~P%:;riA%fl1esgtherein ,,except fuch.as~arc hereunder? A 8: THE: Ag‘fV*Aza2pzazz;a;¢;%f ‘A xm::1rc»;‘,,,__»« AA H A A eight. Tlnifi (T.i‘i:”gzA<2A>FA'%9B’:~z‘j1.*z’a4 .' A L V A % 1‘ A A three.:] T11-eT{‘>mié.“c$fTzzzmtaaa-—-DMm°,. » _ V 0116;] IAi_ Th}: C<'juntAy’ofj%W£Z¢.g ‘w.Aith1;_i1eA?%BL1r1:0pghs,f.TbwnTsa~nd‘l: V A Pa1'iA%fl13€m;hE rein (cxospt Sa21zjZ2Am-y,.A~ fevemf f Th; City-03$1§z££}fl:pz;+-y;AA‘V‘ ¢ Li :5 f 1 one.) >n Th-e‘Coum:y of B‘;-rks, with thefBurroughs,~Tbwns%and A A VI’«;;z:ii1':4es;A:k;x‘:1=e1i1,7 e;AAA.\here. A A AJ.}xnd;er.x;g;§ned‘, A _ :.fO1:1I‘. A A» £1; qg 1H,. am‘. .¢ A A M The C§yo.f' Vflbaigzglqag, A M cight;j A we m A Q [ffEi“Ht?y Bf‘ Hzartford, with the Burro-ughs;”T 6Whs,} VA VA . ‘ .., »...A. 3 I 4 The County of Btgckinglmm with the TBurr.oug‘f§1s,'I‘$ow:'n‘$'zW A and*Par:11xesthe:ei2'a,A A ’ 113$-“S The (“i 4;~mt;.r ofbxan, withthe I%L1rroL1g!1s,T¢:w§:*s:s,a}1d‘;)%& _ A Pa‘1'ifbe~s ciwrein .(m;.cep:A-fu£:hAa5%arrz~ ?h*e»rc‘ 1Vz‘nder-*3» «I114 named} -fLom3’ A AA T116 CityQf%Qx;m, 1 % ‘A .% % W/0.:] ,2. :AThc%U11iverfityoF 0xm4f;%;‘,%;,;V,,_j A 2 ‘A ‘ThéCount'y of G’Zacc=fi‘er4, with the Bmfrougtis, mwns'g_ ' and 1"ari1”hes t11€r€i1‘1W(€XCept Glocc{1c:r) 3 fevenkg 7 1 W 4 'Ih&.Cc~)~L1ntj/of Hcwford,with the Bmf.ro%L1gh§3, M W A and_Pari{hes therin (except: Hercf7m:i)% A four. Tfigcme of-Hm,fW,d’ - ; - “ s _y~; - ;om._.L_ at “ Par: j1es4t?i*er‘¢§I2’1 (eXc€pA‘t Warccfler) w « f‘om_7c." fl Th E‘ Ci}ty4 of ‘ Worcaflcr, V? L7“ * W», Th§.C0untg of PVarwiake, with the Btgxgyghggqw an%dPar1 ics thercm (except Ca2:cnt%i~ay)»t VA «we, ¢ The Ctty offawentrey, V w A d 5 3 * 'r.nr gm r-‘ ‘ ‘ ‘, g '"‘ w v _.., he. fioamsy‘ '0,1I7m1X7w$V15.;|_’%4larl¢11I?03?sz‘7[{:¥§h..:F"“ B%WmbwsAr»a»w&§» A A flhes thfiffiifl (€XC€Pt N971; ,% $38; Th€%«“*1‘0;Wfl 05 Nari/vamptw, &:s~.a~ 0¥:7fA<‘::VA2l,;,A,‘~‘:*I Thaéttmmcy of Bedfard, with the Bum; rawmfi -V 9'.“ ‘ u VV % fourfl’ A m»«»w:~fiVI%.z.%.;g. gu:%%;f:,::mm25:La*.:.» Mi: .¢¢:$w‘m‘3a:«;%asn..‘?."*".;. i 5 $5. as f B 2mm::=.:..rJ!:z .a;:5Iém;f‘Ei 5;:m:rf_h¢ _ A m )— anclfiarifhes therein (exceptfuch as are here A unden: TheCountyflf‘(’z¢mé;ridge4,%with the Bu~rroughs,to«wns-,A§ A I .4 particularlynamcd) A AA % foure. ’ The%Univférfity_ o%fCam6ridgq,:Aw%V AA ’\ A j tVwo.]A; 2 O: 'I’i'1c=:TovAv,~i:1o%f' Caméridgg 0 AA % %_ ¢;,w0,]._A 2,.‘ Comty 0FAEflEx3_W.ithtb¢%ABurrp1‘1%gh53 towngand V “A I-Barifiires thereln (except Cal:/ac.s"r’~w-)'n , A %e41even..,A5’ The Town of;—Colchcflcr,, ' A A A A t~wo.]A» 2} and“Parifhes%t_her6indA (cxcepfi 111611 M axe héreundmf named), A A A _ AA AA A ten, A AA "AThc’IA‘pwn of Ipfdviclir, 7 A V A nwo.]Af Th; "fawn of AS’.AEcAimm¢d.r Bflrfi A , A 0ne.]AA~ _TheC0~ugity of Sufialk, With‘ the Burroughs, T<’)Wns,§ % Axe] ind gRa1;ifhes.A,Vthercin, (Acxcepg, fn.ch__ .a_sW A are, hcgcundxr, A 9.. A51’ hcfiountyof % j1\Egrfolk,.4 with the Burroughs, Towns? namcd) V A A A niney W Thféflityhtof Norwich, ¢ A A A tH1'ec.]‘“ A one.]_A V‘ 3"." AA th€.t0AWfl 0573 'I‘shcACountA:yof' Lincoln, with the Bufropgfis, Towns, AA A A and VPar1thcs‘ thcrei$n. (cxiccpn :the%@1zty of%15¢incaln,an*, ; “ A V‘ % c1AcVv‘cia..‘: ‘ V The-..Cityof L'i»coln,,A A V”%%0nb.].»*.¢4; A ."lZ;ow.n.9f w»~,;% A ‘(iouufgy of Rmtgndg jvgiglg :;hg,V§i.jiEgou g"fts,5‘1fownes;}_ andAB@sti139§51!.9r9.me*.v;. 4 3 9r.1Ac. f . '.l7he_» L... M‘ r-» W r ha") A h'£?hc:” County of Hz4?¢t¢3§gton,,wi£h.the Bnr»roughs,Towns§ ' .W'hI'helACiounty of Nbtringlmm», with the Burroughgg and Pariihes therein, three; 3]2?hc..County of Leicéflcr, with the Burroughs, Townes» A and Parifhes therein (exccptL:icgflcr) A A five, 'I’h.eTo~wnof liaise/2er,g ' A ‘ one.:]A h1_- Towns and Parizhhcs thcreixl (€XC€pt'.Nétti71g/mm)“ A ftfmrc. A A h h A The Town of .Z\7'0‘)7Z‘Z'/”~’Ag1?&2?}3,' A A 0116.1 1- % . Ah hhThe County Of 5Der57,hw with the Burroughs, Townes? and Parifhes Lhehrain heXc.€A3ph_.£ Derlvy) five. 4 The.Té3wn of ‘Dcréy, h A A A A one.]AA I: A The, ~Cou1-uty ’OF“C’F1éfl&r, with the Burrough‘s,‘tOwnes,}__ A Thehhcounty of Stafi?ard,1 with the City of Liciafiald; J the Burroughs, towns and? Pariflieshthcrcih, fix.“ A Q the BL1rroughs,'toWns, and‘ A 6 Parifhes tla-+ere1nh(except S/arawxémfy) fix; A The Town of Jkrawexéury, A onc.'_]hA An andhPari{hAesthe1:.ein (¢xccpl_:('b¢£Zar), 1 A hfivcu hhihcfitvofckvffera , h «:wo.;1’ as ,.hfI'hq¢,€(§ui?at*y of Eancaflngwitih‘ t‘heB‘m'rohughs,fownes,A_ » andhhlflfiflxcs therein (cxcept .Mmzclu¥fi‘:r)~ fix“; A "6 _AThc towq of ivlmcbefl-22?, and the PaAri{h, V W h A A on~c.]_“ A 71- ”fAIhcC“0u:iEy of Yorke, with the Burroughs, towns, and i §f1§da»h.. fifcchcn-« at 4§ifl.rr€sa§h¢r=in,«Wm? héimag 553» undehrh In- rs, Ihcv “The City andcountyof the gity of‘AA‘Tarl{e, V A ’ 4three.] A The ATown and “co 1-mty of Newmézzaupon try »g;.~_,, T with“: A «The County of ’Czzm!5er2az}zd,vvAith the Burr«;>I}ghs,towns,} L The :C0%a1i1tyAflf% VI/eflmerl.am1 witI1Athc4:‘BL1rroughs‘,-'€ Q) A The Town and County GFKM;/ion upon Hull, ‘ A omen] ‘ x ThewwnandParifl10fl?mlt,% I A one,-:]A¢.4i A Tim Cmmty ‘Pdmtim? of” .7Jm=gfme, with {he Burmughs,*) gawns,and Pariihes therem, except ‘Dmfma and» 3 A % gflfifldfia-. ‘ H M iThe”City?OAf%Dm*efm%é, M one] W ‘I; ‘AN'%I"h¢(3(j%u!%1‘ty%»0f%2\(5m;la¢¢méerlmzd,with the BurrougAh»s,“)V toxvm; and Pairifhes therein, except’ fuch as are here A 3 V tmdcr named, three. * Gaztefide, ' A two.“ A A7Th'cTo_Wn of flmvicke, T ' « %cme.] _ I 5" and I5arii1aest3*g:::xAc:in,A -A three. t0Awi1sarzc’i. I’arifl:;¢s therein, A A two. Thé H16 of ¢?5{”g‘3€/3J(Wi“7¥4$Ah€ Parif11€A5th¢r¢in> %.tW°»~] " Thé Ccaiznty of%2E’reafzé:iosIQ,AA"A;iL?vith %E7éEBL1ff6b1gh§,A t6W‘ns,Z and AP’a.riflaes therein, téhrgcg T§"ejC0“P o4f:Car4m»% wicwe AAA€BAux:rczttg1x:sa and:—%P=r- A A ‘ 5’ *“fl3‘75 therkifiv A;£“;¢I%:‘.;~f; 3‘ ,;A§§;1‘fifC;§€ S3" A 3 ~ Thf:A1mtv of Caermart!2waAA with film» f.BAn1rr0Ar44ghsw¢A»and,« ¢ Pimfhes thcrexn, ’ . A” A %<*‘TAAZ3aaA;mtifi ‘yiif Goki‘§Mi*?i)‘i9z¥g§3vitH fih"«é7Bi~1?#i9a{% 3 A ~_ therein, A A * ¢ A tWA§0L“ " V‘! _ A ‘thrAcA¢§ ~ - The A -. % (x5‘)4 % The County of“1£Jené£.g/9, with the Burrmighs and PM» A A The Countyof Mmmmla, winhfzlxacfiurro uqghs and Pa} ‘ fluesthcrein, twog A $ The bouncy orrmwich the Burmughs and Parifhcs} V therein, A A x " one.‘ rifhcsAche.r,ein, , , A fm1rc.% A The County bf glamargma, with the,B;1rroughs‘and E'::...“g_ M tithes therein, A V A A four:-.3: The? County of L7!/Ieriaéutb, with the Burrough-5 am? wPari{hes I:h¢rein,4 A % twonf fl‘heC13ountydfManntgomer},withthe Burroughs and” A V A , "Parifhestherciry A A A A three. fhc County ofRddna}', with the: Burroughs and Path} ASA. 4 A 4 A AtwAo-AA A A Th.¢ County of T%cn;éro/Q, with thefiurroughs, Towns} A j ‘ 'A andParAi1hcsthcrein, A A _ fourc. »> Pr°Yi494! Providtd5Th2tt thc‘fitfi or;‘feeo.11d Reprefentative may ‘(if they fee cattle ) alligne the remainder of thetf013'r’e'h‘undred Re1:n*‘eii.:nt0lrs, (not hereby afiigned) or fo many of tl-xem has thti:yli1i.llAffiC eaufellforgunto l'nch.Counties as {hall appear in lthis plrefent Cilli:fli3L1EAiOl1' to have lellc: then their due lpmpottiv o11."PtoviiliedAalfo , Thezttiwhete. any Citie or Biutroughi tot whientnzle Reprelimtotor more is afiigrfd {hall be fottntl in at due proportion, not competent alone to ele& a Reprefe~ntor, or the number of Reprefentors al‘{ign’d- tlxeretog, it is left ta future Re‘ptefentatiAves to afligneftteha Anumbet of Patiflres orlVillages heeare acljoyning to fuch City, or Burtough,-=to’be joynetl therewith in the Ele€’cions,as may rnaltethe fame pro-A Portionab‘le. A A * = . A‘ A l A A" A l ~ ' 3. That’ the people do ofcntzrfe ehoofe tAhe,mfelveisa Repre--' fent:.a.tive once in two yeares, and {ball meet forthat Apetjpofe u 0 Clock inthe morning,»ancl the Reprefentativeslfonthiyfen to meet upon the fecond Thurfday in Juttefollowingat the uA-— {stall placefAin* WePcminl’cer, orfuthotheripilacet as by? the ~fAorAe..; going Repfefentative, or the Councell of‘ State"'inl eh-ea iivte1‘- vall,lhall be from timeto time ,appo,intAccl tang; publilhe-d to A the Peoplegiatthe iteafttwienty dai"esi’BefQt*"e the ?%tAime7ofiiElec4 A tion. And to continue their Seflion there or‘: tllclfewheretmtill the fecond Thlurfdayin December following, unlcflie they the fitB:~ Thurfday in Aeveriy fecondi May by”elie‘ven*A A<')f' fhalladjoutne, or diliolve‘theti1felvesfooner,ibut r1otAtoAcon- A 1:AAinu,Ae longer. The Eleétiontof the firfi Reprefentative to be on t¥iie?lfitft7ThL1rfday in May, 1649. And that; and all future Elec- tions tobe according to therules prefcribed for the fame put-3’ A pofe in thisAgteement, viz. A l _:t. A Thatjthe Eleéio}.-s ineveryAADivifi=on,'fl1allbe Natives; A orDen1z0ns of England, net perfonsl receiving Almes, but fuch as are aflelfed o.rd1natily, towards the ‘teliefe A A of the pooregnot lfervants to, and receiving wages from any particulate pcrfon. And in all ’Ele&ions,( except for the Univerfit~ies,) they (hall be men of one and twiene Aty yeqree 9-ld ., gt upvttttls, 5l“Il§ihQ;l1f€~k€€p€fS,‘ dwelling * within l .p‘rcl'entlPétrliament.,no:pierfOn »i*.*;3l»<"?rh°Cl»lll a&1dl%9.ting rstlgtoufifihiilfil =4, l l V l l 115%.; J; V Within tluf: Deirifiénlflor whiichthe lfiléfiionjs prof; ‘vilde d , That untill the end offeve11y,ear$lnext§len~ fiiingf the time» heréihnli~mit;edl for the end” Qfthis A llallbglammcueacog of have any ha§ndV%orlv0iC;€ infuch El6&iQnf3,l wghp hath adhered unto,or,aflil’ted the King agai_n"Pciche 7’ P3zrli.azmmt,jin any the late VVarres, or Infurfefiié pus , orhlwho {halll’m,algc or ;oyn,in , qr abet any; h fmrcible oppofitlon aga1nfith1sAgreement. . ml fuch pe:rfons,and ruchon1y,maybe exeaed to beofthe Reprefentative , who by the rule;=._~—% A ; llforelfhid, arclto have voice in Elections in one place or other ; ,~,~provided , That ofthofe,nonMe1 {hall be eligible for the firfc or fecond lRepVrefentativ{¢s , who have -not voluntarily alfllftedlthe Parlizzwzeqt l a”gainft.the.Kin,g , either “in lpherfonbeforc t11e,14.%’ \offm:e.1l645. y0rl‘h€hlfb,l131Vl10I1CYa ~1’late, H0rTe,0n l ,~_Armt:s, le‘nh11‘po1i"thePgppoiitioxybefore the ermi- e hni agement in London , in the h lyear,1l64 7.. or who dc.-clared_lor engagedthcm- dixwm:a»bet»ccl 1': bins for. a.lC4ell'al_1:;f.on ofArmes with ;he S_cat.r,t_:hat invaded” .thls Nat:;9n.,; the lafl;;lSuxnr1_1m#,,rcrccding 3.-W1»¥19t~?@P3ll?19r0f¢l‘?§§l§} 4 lmmiimhe,~¢nd;¢2.f £¢vsnlvlear~mfl:all bsllcapablc to bCf§e1¢Q.§.c"7.p§p$.;1«th¢ and of 1+ lyea%r$,«l1§¢XF €fifi3~ mu. Jthatfi all”lt1m?5l'~¥l1¢P$fl‘0138ltP:lb@ F3 ..0,{e:§ ‘for this graatltxtiiina may;h@l n1can.;ol lf9!m8=.f§§rr L ghassovs ,3»: ‘ u....._‘.. 3: 7' %:c'' for chatmd. ’ . éati0q«0fhisx7ofh0le :¢:;e}:: _P M A %9.nd7( he have ncit ah‘ ”EVfi:%rté3:t’qf_t‘he*’Va1ueOf“ A ‘ ..A%(I6)T ¢% _ B.epre:fentativ¢s4 ; would makeALthe Abefie p'i'a>v~ifions hat whoever, Lby A1:"he.Ai two.%ruIes'i%n’rh'e- V m§‘ctpre‘cedingA.Artic1esV, are incapable-of Elefiiog, A A o%n;,Aw hie? e»lééte"d; A 1 fhalll afli1.meA to vo"te_h in, or’ be ~% pre»fent7 Aautig ;i{u'ch :‘E1e-Etions fox: the firfi Aorifecondf B;epref€Mnt«ative, obrbxeing elecfted ‘fhall prefurnc 1:0 fi,t=- orfi-vote in~eit~her of V the fai%dAAReprefent‘atives A ‘ IhaI1%inc~ur=thAe pai;nAA0fA}:onfi-fcgttinn‘ bf . cwhwwe moycty of his EQ:ate, te{tI1e pfe Qfthe publikc,“ in cafe he havcany cffate vi{jiblt~,At~o the valu¢offiRyV‘Apori1a‘cIs. And»ifI1‘e»have not fi17ch?ansERate5then.hb fhallfin-- V eur~t'he paiAn Aofimprifonmt-nt,AAfor A73 .% months; “And if any-pevfon {hall Aforcib?IyA;Op15A(5fe,A *molefl:, for‘ % A hi‘nder~tlae7 peoyle, (capa.‘ble‘$@fA e1e<51:ingi %.as. ;afo?rey {aid} i'mheir4Aqui‘et%and+fgee EAlle6tion of RAepfrefen~A:w mrs,4 «for ;tI1e Re-pnef¢ntati,ve,; :V;tAI1én:31:’za..cI1 1—pen-AA fon foAwofFendixgg, fhaijll»Vinc11AtAAt11§,peAna lfty nf Acofiffifw A 1a»éux:.&s, AAfla%2»11»fufl¢eL1i-§A.ins;2:i17di£me%ntAdAuxing one w¢1}0ie»yrg:Aar~;wia;hout'A'dB‘a'i»Le; or:AMwinpriz¢. 7 . Provig- ~ fl@d’,‘..:'EFh;at ithe Offendéf ifh each‘fucI%a:c;ife,‘ t~beAA;c.On--~~ = v*ik€’c’e,f’<‘:I-iWit*‘}”"1?i£igI:fhig”“c.~é M%€1¢g1’Et~“fib"%§I;ext?»:i'3f.'”té“r%;T :tImc;V¥'cc5m+--» 4 égféximiefi; f1‘AA’Lfi'tIi~!:»“4i ex£iri?c%Ré@refgu»mmativEeV- am; i¥1Faké3fi1‘-rEI1ér”éprovifitiig filfiéfir‘ :iavU§?fl':ifig*'0f = 4 t'he&}€évi«l§;wih‘«amFter‘Eie&i0fl§;.7 * A‘ :4 ‘ A “‘ “ ? :A What éfto , ¥;he"end," LA: ; 331% fiiéé1“§s.ié£ Stfia;‘t:e;;:A% 4 hégééfldqly»gcq(T$m;ptdb1é2;3 jfiaidf .‘ % %. 'to“~ maéiheeamie its/éim¢ugi1E75%;i?1*~1”féi*é1% <%no:»M»erflfberzm£Am, -A ~€é>iu:&;é11iAai~*:se;a:te;%. any 9fi’cEr'A1Ao£‘Jaxa§,r”. ;Sdl”airy~- A A ércéfi-in;i&rm3v;»wGairi*i=fén;Ane;j'eeny_ *?R‘ec§ivék?dfi pgabiiépiéf mon&es,~n3aw1ewhi1e’mcmQ;bAe ‘" E}€&e'E13tp c§fea1iy«j “ V % “ Avoi*d;I=3A’t§dL M « A m: ~*réfaffirefiI::m' 3 Ii0thme?a11.?amdA:p¢rfo1ialg A M A imzafe any ’La,wye,r" ffia1I+b”¢ Chofen Of vany Rcprav % : fgntativcg, or Coun_ce;1Qf=State,thc:;~n he-;£ha._l1b:C 111%, cgpgblc of pragfitiacfie as aI,awy¢1j,du;f111g;battruf’c; % Eon .theA.Amore nv¢ni¢ht»:% Eleflion of R3?‘ V %px?=fcnts%s.tivé$;» éwsikli C40u:n:yA; §w¢he§éAinAm0reifiben thréeA _R¢.p1f;ef¢nters _a.r"e,,Vto H be chofm;, Wi%th the% Town¢sC0rP0ratean~dA<3mies,+ (i.fA%%thAeir‘b¢»¢an:v)» 1ying,wi;hirA_1cQm'pafl“e ;hereof§, ;:9%Aiwhigh no;~R¢;-‘ . pi‘éfé*ntersdar¢vAher¢ind 4a{fTigneda7M [a11=b¢¢ Eflividédfi by 4Vd’fie~%Rr9P0Vrtion ‘inc .ma9v,and”%fuch*‘15mS;:L as eangh pazrt.II1ay~:eJa@t.tw4»; &cno’Part ab0'm*hrce»A A VRePréf¢9§ers;.P9mhcfctrin3ffi4=I41?- ~ res‘herca.ft¢r~ae1s1>r¢fhafc>”"asAto makedthe%E41¢4%10ns; ‘ sir faéznI>a#.wgg;§,%S”ir4Heg§rj léffe fi1bi¢crv4t9:¢9n£u;fic>n,or mi ake,inordex:to»4theV¢ n¢=it#1?~ePrc:;i7‘ V VOrd-”Gr0kA.Qf‘Gxo#g¥,.1' ‘ _ k % ;Hplcraft 1??-War/I GAenrl¢mam:Saen:vvl Mayan 7:olw;L4ng!ers ('5 33 £1 ‘£3 :- C :9 = ; Wifliflfifffiwéiflwsflfifflm Bai”g*0%m,Davi61T49'*r%~ L Alamw ‘ ~ ,. ‘dc Citxmns ")'0f..‘:z1yL“p‘|‘Wd»0'\r”>W5“‘i.‘xl'-"01; ;et:nv five 5 “ 9r .% mmtew #3 them areA*iwntrL1{ted.%A;q.1mniinateand appoi A ¢. thfiif Hfa1id$. affid ’3<*-‘ale!-it fiEAP€¥f0fl3A t<,>.% which% bnerflfifiprerfegacamqqr mV%cvr4E;a%%"i§i“’Ma£¥5£n¢& ‘:97 ‘b6 ”zis.7 %¢omm;m,9.¢¢%;s¢.,:£9; Athew_4 {ehds ;vaforee-% A fagidg in, ~M1?¢fE‘i?¢~1?i"'§ ;A®oumti¢s :.. %s;V+Giti‘§5;{s ; and VB*urroug’h%s,’faxid%AAby ;,t%hc:; writm» gander ¢ thfiif * Iwdk aAI1d5°a1§ffh%1l.c.eftAifi¢ i%"’co%‘t ,ce= %1’ar1iamenty u ‘ I: _, “L :4» N ‘ Wliécv 4b¢f0?é,r§he§;;fenrt9¢ntd1 a;.d4ay4;9f1%eérua2:v4. I tedA, fbrA~;4rh¢;r€f1vective4&d§ VC£inm”£Aic§ g«mfi,Q‘fi§£1fl§'_&1:.a§;dj:; ‘ B:irMm'nghS; Wh3ch.€Ommifl”1@m¢r,%+01"aIayt%hr:m9?a ‘I V Ore 01’ thfim; Mf0;raf:fm!m¥efi>¢7é}im C»?%9”u;x3ti\es47:C£iti;es. Ig£\:&tV‘~,5i,Bjs? writing under their ~H3'ndS%aIi4d Seziles %V * C2 % " I 5 .ap- ' A $ iii¢a¢hC°i1%n¥Ya4VamMi41@ _;;d€tW1~BI°¥0V#8hs»@4‘& né2=vit;;%»tI;c§r1a;r;1Ae§03F a§hegCpnamifli§o4ners¢fo aP;P&iI1:*% V dfiipoifif tfiod fit andfdithfull pcrfdns-," or n16'reifa' d edafth Hundred 5 ' Lath, 0r‘Wa&pentdake,d*within‘ refp‘dek:tive'~C%oL1nt1e§, and In each Ward,w1thin‘thed°dd’ d I City o£L‘andm, ‘ tdqd take care ‘For the ordefily cg; A king ofall vodii1nté1;fy‘fubfctiptionéd "to thi-sdgAf_gree+~l rrijént, * ibydfitdperfonsto be i'mpI.oyedfor that pur- , pofé in cvéry pa:-1~£h, who are no 5 retI1rne1theifizb.-d:- fgzripfionffo taken to dtpe pedrfonsd thatimp1oygd_ii';« d t;hem,(kek-'; ping adtranfcrfpt thereof co“~them’felvcsd)dd =j{ A A it1i()"1'e.d~:‘5¢':'d1;for"1iskeépingd1ikéTyanfcriptstidretiirn :he"*Origiria11ifibfcripcibns tdoddthercfpéctivc;C0mé-~34 A 1i’t1i[Tioners,d'% bywhom theywere appointed, at; or before: the f'O'L1“rt_ecnth“ QFA pr‘!!! neXt,t0 be regifired ' arid‘ ~kept" in “the County‘ Records, V~fo“r the faidfg Coufiqés refpeépivelyg, and » tfiedd 'f'L_1"bI‘criptions'd‘ii‘1C"f9 the fQfLogzdon,to be kept‘ i1idthe76hiéfCourt off Rt-éord for the fi1i~d~Cit}TI And théddCo_mrriifl'ionefs ;_fd1:tf.h‘e? géther Cities; and d**l;o‘rou”ghsdféfpettively, W "~'c1"I"‘:”d“‘é‘dd C0 %:“3I"i~"0int.tW0§ 015 TT1Q‘I‘€l.“* fit‘[5@r~f0:i33§in'ddéAV€ty‘ Eiriflt ?w"i:thin thedift‘ H Prectrincfts 4 to take jfuch dfu.~b.-4. T féfiptidné, V:t=’nd b(kee"‘ping '—t‘f5‘fr1'ni'crip’tidC5nsk‘tfhérc-of 7 )1" tddretiirh the Originallsfpd‘the~refi)e&iveCo1nniif-~ { -* fio§i”"edrsd' byjzhe {aid fo}.1rteemhjqf April! ncxt, to be —; ‘régiftféd ,:md k:‘c‘pt“inwthde chdi¢fCo“1irt€vithi11‘tI1c"rc%-A A. fpefiive Citie’s?and Boroudghs;‘And Ath»:-:'farriMe* C6,in;‘% 7 “ mi*fiIo‘héfs,f¢»rihny »thréé;‘6f’tx10re%0F‘d "t'ti”e1fri,~,“ forffithe 7: févéraldld’ Counties ,[ A Clbitiésfg ”Bofou5gIiéf, ~gr¢.;.} ‘ dd * fpe‘&:ive1?y,dfI1aII,'\vheré rrfore than ttir'e:e«RepreJ‘e*n.¢ mrs dife to bechfofen; ddivideffutilgiCOunties'(asda‘ffodd A the City of'L”o’micm) 1d‘in tb (:0: many, and dfi.1.ch“parcsd as ‘ d2£1‘eVaf0ra mentififiéd dfid’? flidlld j Tet‘ ‘Eoi'tfi7 d ché bounds dos fuch~ddddiyi,fiéns, .and‘_ma11: irggvery "Co.unty,l Ci" ty;,ahd‘B_01‘01i{”gh "(Where any R§pre~ ' {enters are}t:o~< be ch*<3fen)~dgn_dd in evgty {itch dag-’ £i?nd%2“%a€9*¢f4i<1 szicihiéa Fit?" «If Ma», atzddd‘; ~ ” yvciffim A A % 4(I9“) wi€hin,tI1‘eA,f§:vera11 CA911t‘1;ies fo divided,1;eAfpectLiV€9‘ A 1;», alwoint one <:.ertAr+~in View whersm the people“ fhalf meere for #11: chwfe oAft21mir«v’»¢prefe12tAors, A andAVforn.e—or;1e. fitA+Perfon,%0rmA0rF;AfnA bé£AingssMViAth+” A inAea<=h B°rAm}gh.5r§?‘CitY$I*piYifi‘§3?§nl‘§??"“s:A ‘ A &fPective%1Ys to be préfcnit%at.thmAim§Vandplace of Ele%cti0nA,A in A the naturcV A055 :)5hA€Afi5.F€$; Lr¢8Ia1%§¢dA¢‘ the E1ecAtions,A and byP01é; 0rvQth¢rwifeV, c1e;;rIy»—%~ to; ciifcinguiflx aAnc!AAiu91ge tAh¢r9<2.€; $wd;memakeA% Ate;tum3; of ;.t1_1es‘ 1’<.:rf]<>rA1s~a0r ¥‘.e{.'1."‘A~[:,(.:')i¥»‘l.$i E»!$£¥;¢Ada,A%wAAfl4»;‘ciAIe¢fpectVive1Ya and flu! {in Tmflecx, ‘KOJA; ‘fl?’9*~fi':C}"£’;} of;-. %ey;cry* fi1«ch% A Pariffi likefi V marge aft]aenzfl:,zll_aiirpEfi¢. jfifirife Aqominatéa A and 'aP§"',,@ A Apoiml»%«(.bvA4«FWarwntAwk d¢rA theAAi:: Ahe¢And9.%;vaz1d; S¢a1%)yA9»1e51‘ruf%yjV4I3é# ri mi , % inh9bitin3aA t%;ImAr¢in~.?4A.1to ~~rna.keA% Atrfie lifi "of; «all, Vthca, Parfons ,w;,;hin cheirj1;¢fpectivp‘A1§?a+ rigl}csA, yv\L1Ao ?accordin g,_.AtoA ,):he rL11esAaforegQ«.-- ” ing,»arc to hélve? voycc inthé EIectio11s%.,Ma:f:‘;dA exnéa - pre ____ng., who among£’c them are by the fame ru:les.t_ A A A '% " C3 7, ” A capable; {capable 'of heih“g~‘\?e{li=:&eHf fand :fi‘1'dI*i 4’ xliegfaid »’%War%ra"nt i§c>*~4 ’b ,{ f'1‘:1,nct=4 -retm*‘p at: iplzjecer‘ of ¢LEIe&«1@n~; 7 the‘P¢?r—~£ -:f(3fi§-W15 ‘-Vihé?3fia‘tui~zé§%0£ *»Stieriff?e%{,A¢ VamsAz+:a-w; A1317‘/i?f’1“o11;refpéétifi/ely5s*§w31ii1th*‘«"”Pe1‘foh * 1'0’ *iAappoin"— ” 1:f£é%C31"%7és% “;§’l17iéi’if‘I7;,;’~V1ieii1g%prefentg A at tihé time‘ and? ;5*£2‘1*c%;t§Wio£*~;EI%:&::i<>rf1 5 rm +c;ar¢.L%o£ his a::+r¢nceA:by: tfie~‘iff1ac?je*“d’E>f i ”{ji‘j<:s’I1_1”=}‘-;~;}; ?é2é7f"te;§'w’ 1tihd’*tii1ié ’~li1Iiit«éti~* V 131115 31:7 ”*'i]s4 4éIigi*B'1e ,~ afo"i‘(ef21«i€d‘%7%?%,~ V .Wfh0fI:1: " 11315137 pe.0pl.e- °‘iihe3h 53 arid there ?a4ffen.1bIed fhal1'Chuf'e»f0Tr‘ % :h5u:i~;exT:d;% fiai11I~recaive,a'-nd kegp :%h”eV%faidVLii%s axgd z,ii 1:* 3: t;¢'l{1b?”?I"eAffdns "§=he;*eixi 7 ;con:«a»iVned f »‘or* , 1'0 - A A’ pi-ere::t=:u:neo¢ iina th"éf—{%i~i¢iVV:%AEIécfiibii‘if? "ihaving fiyfl: %caufi_ed this Agi‘ee1nein't3 %t;Q be“ %pub1i‘query% "read in A~cI:eaudi=- 3% V “'eh‘ce% of t%I‘ie*v‘f5éop1ew,’ ‘ flflall pAr0*; and‘ a—eAgp1ate&L £1nfl* 1;ee~p2a%p¢3a¢e;gan¢r- anqlgI:>y:A;I>‘o1e,o¢r~o~at11e;%w11ve,’opemy di.Pcinguifla~ f wri“c’t}'t1d'g1;% <3”f5*,t’I1gj;§fafné‘#’%3;‘A4V3 A1a;d‘="Eh§I"é§of~MT%hy»* t~ifiégj;zA%*e*~¢%, %'dr«%.writih’g~%":14ndé3* the h'a1’1d§and?Se'k1ile3;of, liAi*rh~félf; a'~nd_;[fix%%3“Ao'r pf"’fihe~»Elec;drs'(fiQ— min4ar;fig §c—he~; %V%I’étfiox‘;1”orAAfPeiAfon§‘i» d1i1"i‘3("4» 3BIei3t%é‘d)'A V ma112*%nia§k§; ax ;:érer.uA%rn~ *i;1t";=6=-the _Pfij#li§mei% M V» “’3V£h5?i ‘5%‘?"@§TV1’*V“3’§,”4“W*‘-‘fig “ a4f»‘@f" ‘ ftjr gpgkifig any £a%1r..~; rhw gf€~>‘4f6,fféitWb&m~ died j"to; ‘_;%t‘he‘“ _I?ub1ique ui%~r:)” F :AnTd‘?% ~fl1ali V alfb fifitfigév "')fn(1e31n'L1r3sf“C5 be ma Ve,, and Inter; ‘ " 4 “é*1;:=iv§i'g‘é‘EZ’éiET319 rezaléarji-*add=; %dvé1ivé&%ea€:»;w§u;§jt&7hfi1%L A :ré“1£: + and“ figmmg M:ehe§:~r%ei~dr?m§em;séwH % the fen E1ccted~ fevcrg11yd%1on VArhe-orwér 1~t*”§ V exmeflg ...» if W V‘ my ‘ ~* 3" I % ‘ ‘ m . . ., -W “w w - ~; ~ m‘ . ‘ Wt. , m pg M .. ..;1’5-* av ?I‘J‘?”“r..,:“...A *’IM 1:.«,¥ my a n W «NH ‘ff . -(21) ” II ' h h fixfg their ~EIe&ion of himas cahh'ReLprefex1t;§rh“'°6f ~ them, according i:o::::his greemcnt, and hishac4~'* ,.cepcancerof that tmfl: ," and his iprdmifc hhaceorw l ;. r;din.g1y* h’th0h,~”hper£r;rme hhhithe hzfameh with ;£ai't:%hfu‘1— h ; nheffli2,*.to'the befizof‘ his uncfeffianding 95-A " - hbilitygzfor the glory ofG.odh, and«goohdhh0fhh%che« “ A This courfeistoh '1l6ld'f0"r the ;*fiIfi:h giiegjrefené A A native, which is to hproceede for the afcertaim : mg *,of' -xtthefe Circumftances J1n%0r&E“er.hh hgtorhhsfrtfuhre Rehprefentatiohns; - ;* “" Ah “ A That one hundred and fifty Merriberh. art‘,vh>leaft;, % be alwaies prefent in each‘ fitting of the Repre-~ ~hh‘fentLa"tive,7hh.i2ct the; pafling A of any Law, 6;‘ doing of nany. hA&,h ; Aw hereby. the people are to be bound ; r ;fa§rinig,;:: “That the Imimber offixty may make an D¢bateS,. : or h:Refolhut*ions:thatrare fpm. — ~ ;E‘#"1.«I‘”“§“”*:‘»!"“+ ~\ 33 ‘ yw ‘ ’ ‘ 5' A ‘ Tlifaxz‘ labh Represféntativehh{hall withiri twcgn- f*t~1y}d’:1yfé=s :::i‘fte::‘h~th“ei:1;+*fiflPcmeehtiuigj»appoiti_:f%a%Crmn- A” icéfllshh‘oF»?St%a»ue:%f0;§g~t fiefinélnxiagirngiizif pfiblgqm, —Af__% I 9‘Afa7iIre9,~h gm;tiLI?phe 11:; day after t'he«h méetifxg‘ of , 1 aha» ne1aTt‘1*.«epr§fe1_1htathiwfie,%g un1eITe3that“next, Rgpm. ' ° '"fent:~atiV{’e hthhinkh47fith:7t'0 hpiit »ar1}; ’~énd‘h«tohihcha;t~ ~~1r1h~1,117i; A ..fc>honmf::4 ‘v5Ataél< «fhéh«fam¢4 €éiincé!pu”o»A»a¢c;~maha » A h<§3€B§1CT§_€F€in.haLjC0rding to Inch Inftguegions, and .lt»nr'iimt10i1s, Sh‘;thé’RephfieTenE~dEiv%*hHiéeIJ"givé, and . vnocsochluyez-wiiffe; A 1,1}wfe7c1:~¢hfoorn«ér;% 2: ;: ; 5 A; g h That (.110,AMemberh.;oE;A.;.any_; .Reprefent£{tive * be made eitherI§Seceiuer,hhTreaf;11:er, Cm other Officer, during that imployment, favmg to be a Membcr of ,1§11eC0u'ncéllho£hStatc~.. A ; r A is _: " ‘me i, , ‘ A 73 A A ‘%'I‘ha«t chef Rephr_c~fenA‘tati~ves‘Ahave, _stndf11a11héiixi~ A Q 3 d¢r£’:ood,? tozhave the;Su preangefitrufi in'_ order {no “ the pre~ferv;1tionhhanAd" Goivernment “of c%he__§vAhple,‘ ; .:1nhqltha;;.h.eir:p.0We1~%ext¢nd,kwinhourthégbnfimz A «Ae4rA2:oncL1rrenceAhAof any other ~P¢r{gm “0r;E€l”f0n$,j F ~h:fo*the Verectifig 8: abolifhing of Courts of Jufcice, hh?tandpnb1iquehOffices, hand to the enaciing, ’ alts. A ' :1:;£igg3’- re-pe”a*l%i;;ag;,,?har1.ddeclaring hoffl Lawesg, and the .h high§fi2 amt :fifl3;u;.J.1.1.483m¢¥1FsC0nG€fflin3*3uNam“ I.-nH1")‘aV’ll 9r«iCivil1 t.:11iAfigs-..~ h«buc.~ ;110tL:c0ncemrI1i13gi~t~hi1igs I fapirittiahllrméhEVafigelicali,s ‘—I’rwided; ; that A mhings l_\Iatu;'2t_l*l;”agdCiyill:hc{eIfix;particula;'s next hf0l10Wi1?3,af€,@ndhf11a11 be underftoodh to be x:cphr¢s1,,8; .r¢fer3{¢d;fr9m;0ur- :R¢mef¢§1fi‘§tiV¢$awi~§:' A A w ' ‘V4 _» \r w 3 mu,“ "‘- h '7.‘ «~ «"1, W‘ ' ‘ "’ , h 1 a » e,dph¢;~ non Impower ?§h‘¢1fn £0 Imprefi, c)r“hcoi1£’cr”£tineany”Péhrfomh to f€I'V_h*CAA‘iI'1h Forming; A A _ V * ‘VVa1_rreA'e:itheI,‘by Séacir Landff, (nor for A‘ any « Milicafgservice Within '.th'.ej K: :9 AH, A; g9»-he ; . :“tAh¢y may 9rd¢§?hh.f;9«r the “ the fermi1gg,"traihi4ng and exercifing of the pea ‘la in A A: military Way to be i.fl*_t€adifl‘EH.c,fOI"’l‘¢Tfifii!i{gsC AFAor- rraiign Ihvafi0Ans,TuppréHing§of {added :Infi-1rre;*&ibne,or % it fibr} Aaflifiihrgiiihfvexecutidn :of A Igagvmrrand may. tha:k;3e~91gder fortthe imploying andf conduating of them; ;,fbrAf~:th die A ends; provided, Thatevciniin thcfhcafias; none be com» .. pellable to go out of thcgCo’unty helivcs in, if he pro-A . cure another to fiarve in his room. A V 2. That after the time herein Hmited for the com"menc:e- N‘ ment of the firlt Keprefcntativc, nbnei ef the people * e maAy‘beAi‘at_anyr timer iqueflioned forhany thing {aid or t dpnein relation to the lateWars, or publick differen- ‘A A does, “otherwife then in execution or pufrfuancé of the dcterminatiibmrof the prcfent TI-ioufet of Gommons.,j A W 1“ againfi fuch asihave adhered to the King, (.5: his incc. Vircfi againi’: the [Staple :~A‘nd Caving that Accqmptants ~ A for publick monies received, {hall remain accomptable fl “‘ht.‘Aifd€’thefamc. ‘ e M . 1 V % H A 3'; .That ‘no fecurities g1ven,fA¢r to be given by the publick 4 Nationgi «nor any engagement ofthe pub-A ‘ A lick Faith for i'atisfa&io‘nA“ of Debts and Damages,fhall «be made» void or invalid by thc “sex: or any future -Re-~ V refentatives at except to fucht Creditors, at A h ave, or lhall have iufily forfeited the fame 2, and faving, That ‘it the next‘ RcApirc{'ei1tatiire7iAmaAy confirm or make null, A ’ ~ in‘ perrg ‘0r%in*whole, all gifts of Lande, Monics,OHi-- Aces, or otherwifi, made by the prefent Parliament to. any”Mcmber orflttcndant ofeuhcr Houfe. _ , . At 4, i T h.~ht"in ai;ytLawse hereafter to be niade, no perfoh, by \ A Ave the of ny; Tenure, Grant, Charter, $Patent,Degree ' A or Birth, . thallbe privilcdged fron_1jfubje&io%n‘thereto, or fromibcing bound thereby, as well as others. A A A big; Thanh: Reprelentativc may not give iudgementup- e V A on any man: perfon or efiate, where: he Lawjhath be- V * 7* 7 fore prdvidedr; fave oncly in; caillin 1:0 Mcomptg, and A €_ani(hingpublickr0&ioera «fore ab it mg or failing their 6.4 That no Reprefimtative rgty in my wife render up, or give = V §fV¢A[-'9 %0I*‘take zwéYA!hvi % % % % , ~ fight, *Liher'ty4‘ ahd Safety ‘com:ain¢d* ingthis ‘Agrees V A -T merit‘; pndr Iéfircll :n¢nsfVEflétes,;déftmy Pr<)priecya4%¢; or ‘| * m“ake%2£Il“AtMhings comnj.mn= : ;A~:An:d%;AAechat;A»in% 3AlIA'ri1Aatt:§j:?sA “of A fuchvfizndamenca141~cencemmemr, the;-emallbe a‘%libeA1,‘f-A-‘ % y to particular~Meinbfcrs of j thé“fa£id4 E.ep_ref¢nVcazjv ¢s ( Mg! % the. awfidawns 95 cmnmon to] ¢nt;:r‘,thAeir diiI7:r[A1t$fi;ot11¢the,.m4jqr°v9t¢; , *% ConcemingVKeZig_ian,‘we .;A_ A A Ic‘i§Vintex1*c;!Aed, That: CI;ri.£’cAiai1 agngmAmwamtg V and recommended, (as: theptt-;‘bl«i7ko.-£_ Pmfgflign i;1‘?th;fi‘sV¢ Natioi1%(wh_i(;h Wee defiAre~ma3tA by Ath=é%g£*aA¢c“ Qf Q reformed to the greatefl pt1rAityin§ l)(Ai.l($H“i1'):Aé,1+A Waf- fl11ipAAa%nd Difcipline, %accordm‘gwetIaaWord ,of God.) A The? inyfirufiinggaif c‘hepe’bplc wrl,mc'rcuni:o"in*:a%. A ' L my (fbit beflnot éor?npulfive)Aas a1fo%%thAgm§aidnc3iniqg * o_f§abIc1ATaache%rsf'or that‘ end,an‘d A 111* difcovery.of}-Ierefie,Errour,and thin canfq~§;a‘:ion’ whacfomir iM§oxi- V" H‘ traryco found o_&riz1c,%~iuaMbwe& tq»_;b¢;pm;g,vi;§d*‘f¢§ % 5 * by oA.Aur~ Reprefencatives ; the’ ;'x=xaix‘1tai'1iai1c:ex ofwhicfi AA % mAay~Jbeou~t of “a p1i1icF;wT»reaf11r3i', ‘and vt'rc”e¢fi§¢:i not- "A byATit:héS; A Provi‘d‘¢dA,A¥ TIME P0p¢ryOr"PreIacy: whemot %ati(A)n'. V A A %2._ A (aid) fi1alF trot“AAbe remained U 5 héld‘ Af0Ar‘tb 1 n y .< That fro EH9 be endeavoured! ti? “be M Aeizample‘ofa'good%C0nverfatiO«né»"“'.A;*w~.,.% » That fuch_ gs pmfefié Faith pi°W ‘?‘G’Gd2 653$ ;m*iAfi,, (hOW¢V¢f,di~fiA‘1dA“8i‘h»ifidgi:mmfirfitffimtzflex b Worfl1ip?A%or%.Di*iEi%pIine ham afore. ' « gmv;eé't~A- H edizn ths%’profeI¥:onAofAt1wi*v FwiVnh~»:'d tamwe of f A%R§IT3i'°i?; ~‘«"5¥.%*‘“-M1’ Am.-¢ (except Iwfet A V Warmip, "wfiérééf _ ‘:55 A¢?Yi*1A°9°* they have Ié:a§re)~fo as” they ‘atI_)uAfWiéA ‘ ,. , ‘ . A, _‘~ «w A 1 ‘ n ‘ _ V V ‘ “ A‘ a '%a?8?Athc fwgyt _ or profcflidn in this A , pumick p;o;emg¢ he‘ Vcompe1I¢d by»penaltic&O1*0th¢PV?iAf¢? 3 but i¢pneIyg%I1ay 1 A Won found afirinc, the A inc“, AA aim: gan 4 A not {his ta % A A A V V A it c » AAth¢AAP“b1ic1£Peaceém:h¢ir%parts ,«neve%rthelefl‘e it A 2 > ‘in WI Aintmdcd «W 567‘h€r¢1?YA~”AAPr9vided; That’ this AA %1ei_bfiFty4A%f¥%“11 €x§§n§AgA:é2V% Popcry A ?9hAPfc- & % V A «,9 "1" -- 1 4.9: ATharAa11LaWsa= QAr4m2n¢e:sAs .V'S,'ta‘t«!;:t'eS_3.:.;'.aW«I.1‘\;CAi‘ ¢1ai!Tf%$ATi;’a A AA ,_ anyA.ALaW,; 5l:at:IJ.I:¢:; or ;OrdinanceAto" xhe Aconcnary of the AA 5 »Libet;tyA%herein*, ‘provided f‘or;_f i;rr«r:5Athe two ypazfticulars » 4 next %A;AA1Jr°~=~‘=¢é*%i’!1g‘A ¢°nccrriing Fse1igioriAA. be %and. are r ;. ; hcrebyreP¢a1¢d 3fl%d:ym€461A¢AA“?5d-‘la *1 F A T AA A 4 $0.. II: isagreédm, That xi?-hdf0é%vcr? 7”Ih:LII'%byV of Armcs, refifi the Orders of the‘next%%h r dny”‘fu tm‘e Rép're4- fex°1tative(exce;p*tin “cafe. wAhcre«£‘uch xF{%epr»ei'ént~ativev~fi1aHre»- vide;1tlA A;endAer &up _., ()1: give, 0:1. tAAak,ke&%z1way the E‘ougc}a;i- pits Clloinmofi R1igHf$“"”’L¥béff? %1i‘ic‘1m'él~‘“”étyw"‘~A<"A~*-'€%’”!?1"u‘.~§viIit'%'“d in tl1’iI,j.AgreciiieI1li)f%ftta1l¢»f0r,£l§withgaf;eg ' ax: fu ch A % Refiifiancc lofe the benefit ;and p z'ote&ion of the L:1 ws,and {hall be punifhablé with ADfleath,aés an"EnVemyV and Traitour % to%nl;gA§L§I§niAq;1$,_% A ‘ A ~ % A A OF th. ggcxpréfl in this£Agr‘éemeht5 Thkcertain Th‘? f_°”}1 ‘>5 ending of this Parl'ament;(as:,in thieA.Afi1~fi Krricleyhe equal ff”bf‘;1‘:}’(§"駑 er proportionable difiribution ofche numbenofghg Re- CEESIOF ms ' pfefcncatofs robe e1e&ed (as in the fc:c:cmd) Certa‘»ig}gty'Ap1n)r; «inf tsheipeopl-es mcctingm e1e_8§_Af0iT RT‘”fP¥:¢¥iEnAA;£;fa_tives A nialls aml Atheirfrw3:'0min Afifilefiimvwifih th“g‘§¢enAtAain‘AA:? of mneciang, fitting’ andpnding _:0f_ [0 ei ;ed A ‘(which arewprovidedjfor in Ath!eAAALh:i;rd ‘Ar-£iCIy%;?i‘:f;§aS alra the (l;a’1i~fication8 of :Perf0rmA:’At0Anle& 0rb:Ael%é&eH4"%(as‘%'inAtwhg 2firPc;anfd £aaemdAA%pa;ntiAcu1ara Imdegr the third ArciCIeA)A A112) ‘the; certainty«0f—a W¢fl3b€f‘f€H'%P3mfl*&3 LAfs%W‘0 F P?fi£?p%a~r‘atp}fy 4<%dcbatesA(rw?0Vid«=d Win tcVfwm&:11 +5-Evté¢1¢);Th§ mwfifir » rofthe Afifnh Am:iCLe5d0m;e’rnin,g Ach;;1€mm?c§,141 Qf~Sc‘aA;§eA% lgéand fwfthe fimtha Cofiwrning thc..ca1linAg,- fl§ting4 and ending (if A*B;ep1M'cutat:ives ’¢‘m:raordin.;A2g'y Alfo power (3% Re- *prcfanicati’v¢8*I:0f be, as in t.heAV%€ig4hth Ai‘5iC165 an=d‘1imi‘ted3 ‘i:m'mAthcA fixligfflffifvcfi Anew: fc:}l»l;@AV0*iI§;g.¢_t:hc fa;me;%%.ALi kAA¢wi1§e Wfaéondzand Lahird » icflla,1§!‘$%_AUm;de£;nhe gyth Ai‘;t5iCIG"'Q§)n;~ A éetnifigficligiéng am chetgmle mawzcrer 51:35 ltwhe I othfmzicle A A A A 2 A All 9‘! 9'9 am ‘ " ‘ . 3;‘ ‘ M14 3," -’ ‘ ( I v A " V A. - A( 26 9 , V~A11:here%we a¢ac¢dunc‘ana agctaee £0 beaxnaagsx-am.11 A to-%"ou 15 common Righc,ALibcrcy and ‘Safety ; anddtfigrgjfgre A "do “bdth agreethére”unto,ényd refdlvetdmaintain ch": fvaiilic. V God fha11€¥1ab1e Us-A» Tfwrefi-of the matters in?! t:his A-A “%Agréémen4t,%%wejaccoutit j"t'o beVu{E:£‘uIl*£1id~;go6d4forfithe ‘pub- Iic‘k‘,f aind thc>par%ci.cuIa4r circumftancés of n‘umbers, "times L and places, ‘expreffid in th eafe'vérzrll Articles, we‘ account A not Funda'mentall, butwc finddthem neceffiry ‘to"bc herew determined forth: makingtheAgreemeiixt‘cert:1in3 and .Vpra’§‘3cicabIe, and do _ hold theft: mofl C~onv¢nic"ncf,that aw hercfqt doW4n,anc'l th*ercfore do pcéfitivcly agree]chereu15ItQ. ' A AAiDe¢Z.m¢tiorz~-"‘ojf AExV¢¢llchcy T A 3 L0V:dLF A I i%.F Ax“, -‘and 4l9‘i4'%Gener2iIl : V1: . M C'ou22cell af Officers : A Cazzcerzzing we Agreemmt them frame?! orw-5’ ~ Mder”teP:é4Jce, a1zdAfi'om~tbémAte1zdredtithe P:of2le'A' 1‘ ‘“qfENeLAHD;~ longingly waited for fame fuch fclttlementz A ? dftlhe Peaéze and G%ovcmment ofthis MA W % ‘ AVAI N GA ever finwcc the endof tfie firfl : V6n,whercby the common Rights_,Liberti¢s _ A 7 andfafetzy thcreoflmighc in future.- be more A A hopcfully priovidcd“for;%and‘thereiii f'ot”n\e‘-"A . thing gaineroper%wo‘rk?‘~icAAwas AA: %Bu1: uhAe§‘many A addrcfles AM V and (iefires of our fislves, ’a nd cithtrsg in thaybghalf,“ rgjqfi .34’ €27) ~&ed, lidifeountenianted andoplpofi:d,, andlionelyt avcorrluptzv ') e ’cIofu4'i"e€Iild€8V0upr¢d with thd King, on teajrmee, fiarvin g onelyto his intereftg, A and their; that promoted the fame :~ Arid being thereupon (for the avoidance oftheevil there- I i ofgatid to make Wayfor fome better féttlement) I‘l'€CCffi].C§'e"'f V ted to makeextraordinary wayes oi remedy(when» the or-- o dinery were denied):now to exhibit our utmoft en.dea_vours% for fulehla fetteIement.p Whereupon we and other Forces; A‘ (with which the Kingdome hath to long beene burthenccl‘ ‘above meafure; and whotegcontinpuence {hall not belnecafa o fary for the immediatefafety andquiet therof ) may with comfort to out f'elves_.,; anm.ga‘ 7% Corrupt COmplia«fl¢¢ With the .Ki‘?85 7:*I11;I:ercf’£.d dhith; baendddriw , A d van on , émd aldlfettlhmen-C Qtbetjwiffi hath‘~hitberto‘.heen V ’ _hindcrc-d) TAh“odfe‘xjemair1irgg Wortby_Pa;triojts4tQ whom we ha.lvc_ pirefented jthel Agreement,‘ will fol: 11:11: mainhllow thereof, dand ‘givedftlmir {cal of Approbation fthe::eby_ So We defire and h'e_Jpe‘,Thda;tValAlgooddpeople offEngdland Whofc hfeart Godfthall’dmakefenrfiblc of C1-1eir,d and vow‘ common concérnment Atherc‘i,n,d Cand ofthe ufcfulneflia and fuitablc- . ncffe dthcrébfdddto the? publick ends it holds f9%rth,w ‘winkcflfw dially dewmbmce it, randdbyfubfcription ydecIar¢,d their e concurrence and accord thderet%o5 when in {hall tgeh-A-» ddreddxo them, as ,i5sd direfied A thcrein 3 wherein if it P pdleafe'God, weefhall finds adgoodfieception of itw‘ith_ the peaple of the Na«t’io;n, or t~he,dWel1jaife_&ed therein; We [hail rejoyée at the d hoped good to thed Common- wealth,“ whi_chA thmudgh Gods mercy may rcdound dchm-%e_~ from,‘ .«.mdAc1m God hE1(.h,VOL1ChfafEd thereby tamake us infirumemzall for any good fettlement to this poordi,{’crcf- % fE~:dACountry,% as he hath formerly madedus. for the avoid- in g% of evil; But if God [hall (idndghis Righ tecima Judgement "towards this Land)i"ufl?cr"the‘pe0pIe to; be F0 blinded}: not to fee their awn commton good and frcedomag A endta-~d vbu red to be pr qvided for therein, or an5‘H:o4be fo deluded (to their own and the publick prc‘i11dicc)a:s to ‘ makaevop-~ ‘ " ’p‘ofitiQn ?thereAto,‘ whereby the effefi of itdbe hidndredg we have’. ygc, by the pr¢pax:at.iem andtsendcrof in difaharggd V our Confcieuces. (:9 God, and duty to our dmatived Cemm-y in our utmofi endeavours for a iéttlemendt, ( to»-aha bcfi of A our underftandiflgs) unfq. adjufi publick inddcerefi sand Thopc we {hall be acquitted before;God and good fnmn, fmmthe Blame of may furnher 1:roubl:es.,- diflra&i*ons or mifericsimd the Kingdom, whsichmay arife: thrdugh ;t?h-e neg1a&Hor:lré- jcfiion dthmeof} qr oppoficionthercto. arrd,;whercas there are many good tlyingsg particular Ai:1:ers7whi€:h0.tu; 4 ohm ) ownificafom ;a,ndioh»fetvati itrthcitphttopcrttime ”mld*:W1yi’Ca& thé {citing of ‘moda- rdtcfineaetlupoo fuchrof the:Ki‘nga;Pa‘rtv as (hall not be ex. V Vccptledt: ‘life;-ttttwith a»¢ert’ain. day; for their coming in 1 and fuhmittinggandlfanfiefi of Pzfdbfl to fifcht as {hall come M 4 ondlforltthc Petiitionsl of -othefralll have:fugg¢fl'edaand lwhich.w¢tl%m1d teqtuoifitdtolbeprovidted"V in and» (ohmic acc'0r.dit1gly,_0r hlaveaolreatdy compounded. _ .Thetf'ed-ing.«—of a‘ Rcxvehuét for all neceffaty‘ publickh ttilesg in l A A A fuck a my mhcppeople mayhbe molt eafcd.» The afllgnaing' ' M’ afme-8‘: afcettaining.of,f¢cutitiesfor $ou1die'm laifrefairafi o and lforlpublick Debts and Damagesa~lThcl~tahing away-' of lTithca,§ "pttliclflg; that maimzainarmel ,which ‘lhatll Be “!;.l1f0l!:gllt}'C0fi1pEt§E fox‘ :lb1eToach¢rs to itIf’tru.5h,£hel people, ‘into tfflmc other Way, l:effél fubieti to’: fctuplc “or wcox1tem:i+- -l A oré1,thel“l,cloating=tmdrperfefiing ,of~Accompts forttll pub-l A £3 ” ‘ l tfiquetmoniciifthe relieving tloflprifohgets for D&l3]t"5x the; res lhmoving or r % the.-pre£entLaws,; lmtlminiiltatinsf ltlléreof, the W? :drefl‘e“;tiflahof:s*, ‘add fitpplymg of Defeéttt thcrlein»,§puu~ ting of‘alllthelLaWs andlproccclings tbihrcrfinto tht.-IEr1,gj.t-‘ ll orminglof other lefivils lorinconvenienciea in A lilfh tongue, the reducin‘ of the coutfe ofl Law to more brevity-"am:ltttIe{lIetctt:ttgg1,':l thé fouling of Souths oflojhililce I and Recordin eachcounty or Icflé Div1fio'ns:ofthe Kings ,dom,am:lf1:h¢¢r¢&giqg;of4Qoq:ta20%/liatgahztnts for contro- ‘“ N A ‘verfieé intrading, andlthe~l'ikc.”j§'l‘ht:fc and many other A things oflike fort being of a particular na.ture',aud requ i~ ' ring very particularandfmzitute confideratioxy, with law- ger experience in the particular matters than we ha.vz>,a’nd much Cautiomthat by takingvaway of prefetnt Evils grea- ter inconveniences may not ‘enfue for want of other pro-l irifions in the room thereof, where it is neceffltry and we (for our parts) being far from any Define or thought: to affume or exercif: a Law- giving, Judiciall power ovtr the Kingdome, or towtnetldltgio agnyrg; hing fave the funda-- memzal fetling of thd‘t.‘”?~pol?ver"i'h the .-“ ll equ all and hope- full way for Common Right, Freedom, and Safcty(as in this Agreement) and having not lmeanes not time for, nor V the neceffity of form prefent general fettlemenc, admitting tion x the delay of fuch a co‘nfiderationg,as ("cams requifitc in relax- (36) vfion to tfuch numerous particulars, we have purpoflzlytdew declined the infiertinge of Inch things into this Agreement. ~;_But(as we have formerly exprefied out defitres that way, A fo)when the matters nf pnhlique Jufiice, and 5%-.-net-all fee» A A 1 itlement are ever, we [hall n()t??be wanting ncedfull) humbly to recfimendhfuch particulars to the Parliament, L by whom they may more properly,“ fafely, and fatisfafio- Yrily he provided fonand we doubt not but they will be fo, A fuch ofthem at Iefl: as arevnof more neqtcand prefient cone- cemrnent by this Parliament, and therefiby future Re- A preientatives in due time. A ‘ A AAnd"‘thus we recommend for prelent the bnfinefle of this Agreementhwithont further addition to the heft confin- deration of all indifferent and equal! minded men, and commit the ifliaen thereof (at of all but ways and conc,em-A ments) to the goed pleal'ureAof the Lord, whofe will is better to us then our own, or any inventions ofourwwho hath decreed and promifizd better things then weean with or imagine,“ and whois moi’: faithful! to accomplilh them in the belt way and feafon. A h A . M A A4 A A Atheappointment of thegenerall Cotwcel/of‘ ~0_fiEcers.A A A A ‘ ‘ A \ A 4 A A oAAuNPs,unAsnAwto Hurt: , Secretary.“ s.