fl Second %Compl4im* 2 To 4 A DOVBTFVLL D, ABOUT The rifling ofthe Twentieth 0 Part 0 Z5’ 45% .3 .3 A? 2:: 13 .4‘ w a « In . ~ ‘ 5 LA ‘I ...‘ 5 j-—--———. « Rgade and laurnew M‘ . .4, $ik.‘h...w K». ‘,-7a~.,..«1 4‘ 1 cm a.:.‘-. ~"“'" ‘ 1‘ 5 i" s. v‘ 5) M ‘N "" wt.- 1 ,.,;;" ” 3 I R efleemed fiiemf and ;’2Qr_z;,/9rz..»<;z‘~n 4-52}? HIV» am; kowfi2nWwminfler%» I-IeAindxfpAofi-mu%ofmyb@d"y%%ha§h confined1%m%c to_%mAy_ A Chambcr,.wc mufi now th¢r<:‘f0r¢»difc%.pifh .-. i thflugh iufiificgd by thé I <.?;WPP“v W-tw:M4rtyr4vw< undc.r rh¢ fpwifhryratmy ,,;bw: nhacwili maize ;way‘;fcn: nh<:i!; mw¥Da¢2trin¢s and %‘§2:c¢In.%poganyibat;15.n%gs:,n%¢xt% «A tbc.ydiffo1vinAg_ of:Biflw;41ari<;ks:A,a»nci;% ADpar1r»i<+;s~wi11«t~:pay thema- A . ncy;1mt;uponVpub1iqu¢ f;1;ith,for advancing the LordsxwziAr;'c,' .1 (for fo they mifca.11Atrea;fon4)&‘ to concludc,;:bat being Tt,/§aI,VaraVsv 4¢ét,i.::;.i§. fis:msft'%to. be paid «nu: GE %th%c:}L9rds. Vinh¢ri;anc~e %,%1%;%~.th¢m J ]; B’i‘fl10B5-*~.,b*C,i.Eg ¢i1i;ac1iC..a;tNec1=¢.E;1;cl<:%ix:s mayggrow Lip emd fiduxiflmm ' V C in Safiumwcssdaycs .1‘.VA,«»u&-"it‘Zifizifimhflfidfirfibzlg‘ii tint thcc~1fiéVa~£e5»4%®f‘ g%VMalignaz1:s,4'wi1l be iuft rcwardsdfo: fhegodly1a1wrers»in%thia %ha5t*v¢I%,Mall whichfiwil be loft by 3 beggfarly%acdcam.;modati¢0n. 5?£;1.r.’%fi?:;T@;u’ghiflg €;HQL1f¢5;[Gf P'arli;am¢m,“whic«h c;@n4£i»£ts;.: M1'<.. H0l5ame,‘M.eMr- iBWia'gt71’4??§= it it EVI:~.C/éadwe£1i;3i*‘;‘?5e0/ae~Stmigmétyifs his f0nne,Mf.§'3aéIeDig£ey;Sir A Bee». Deerirzg, Wiimzm mddriegton, Mafiet I{'e22aéele:,; eagmne - .€)f;ECiiet2erto;e_, Ai\4r>.’1iage2A*5,*fy11“. Newpart, .Si1‘AEfl7W4?”.6{ ;A(ferd,hM~1¢i. Wlaitmaret Mfr. Cbztclzley 3 .MnAEdgcam,£%3 31,; §§gb:;g1...SIl1§.‘Wgn:qg}[[J .Mr.Creeke, Mr. N me/1, Mr.tSzm*an,Sir:t04g1€;‘$irA Wig ;;Pepq1g, one htmdteti; mere then my pape1';.wtil~1ho1d5 gnu en; of Mun;der;- 7 fiandingiattd k:1ewniintAegrizy,& which ofiallthefe whofe age health would permit,-adventured I10£AEi1Cir1iVCS a,n‘d;e{tate_sA inthis War with the tKing?tNow let us Aextmine Ttheeitfleleigieg, V yovue {hail Afi-nde them daily at Sermons and ‘iSetyie«eA&§»7»:iteh the Kin~g,'heatingAa:nd ptaétifingj the fame ; Preteftant Religij-— on AandeLitt_1rgie,that faved our Fathers, andihath beeneein our Chute-h‘ ever «fince the Reformation.,aud which We .h:~1ve vow-e J edby the late Proteftatitmte maintain ,.then ( no donbt)t1ei— ther the*King net they are likely to.bri_ngin9 fPeo.per;y ,A_A not bee ~ Sepatatifis; A A That they ‘are men of Eftates the Countiest that Aee1_e,&ed I ” themj(ifnot the Kingdom) knows, anti which of, them he-etch A anyAprofit»bythe warre :' ~ which tef them “gees K-10b himfelfe ' and fervants to thewarre at his own charge -3 Nay,‘wAhich Q5" themhave not otherwife in 2. large manner contrib'uted tothge-A maintenance efthe Kings Army,and that -witheut-A *anyCo;m~ memes efam OrdAinance; “yea,event ageinftthe eDec1amtien of: the Hmife 2' what would theyiaivxd others thet1.heve1dene, ‘had an Order of the Houfe direéted it as on the oth'er£ic4?e;? By this then you fee they are neither Popifhliy nor‘: bcggarl rm me? have any reward or hopes of reipaire A otttef the.vAeflat,es* ‘ int they wouidqinducee ~bAitra_ry govemrzncetiti ray.Wha.t y mejfe is there efAthat?whatAAone;a& hajth,.th¢j «_Kingtdkone; fincgc e A he Commence ofthe Parliamenttttthat fmititirs of'arb:itrary. A §ufiiee?whem he hath di{‘trained,i COEflHli€t’C&-‘TI otteAttutnedém1t ' A A the Tflywfle for Amt ‘lending ? A iN.ey ,A what V he.th~te;h;ee Aeen,e;tA em eerie te eaflitte us i the cemetery; A His ._Declarati— e i Q35 . A 4 ox‘1*%*s,VTt proceedings of'Law,?‘ ‘ W‘l1b~fri aim air‘o*h:1'aryV%"juf°tice» mbreprc-judicefi, ~then thfc .. ndm5*‘a%{">1é6f1‘e‘ . hands from givinggand fo preferve my confcicnce 5 I will faft bpIt%[;—%;n *d,q.Q% rc§,~fand~fo prcfervc my pcrfon a‘n'H‘i1Afit”il1 9. 1°c1*on”g¢mh‘;«:n I cdmc; For I had rather othcrs committed trefpaffc: in taking, then I treafon. *;in giving”; A‘nd’4I~a.m furc that bath Armics are mm on the righa\£«Afiu¢1e*iV;»»?V»bflt#:*®§ne, with all % mm: their voluntary maintainers and abetters, mull, without Gods infinite mercie be guilty of the blood of all the men {laine on either lid:-3.1 {hall therefore, for my particular beleeveand follow therule ofthe fipollle , to 0&6} the King, for He: at fer awry»: by God , rather then runne with the new opinions and conttary_doé’trine of our militant Evangelills, Dr. Bur» ages, Dr Dcm2;2mg,"Mr mi;/7m/X, and Sedgwicke, whole con» feiences llart out of the way at awhite Surplelie, but never hoggle at garments ‘rolled it bland. There are other things tonfidetable with us Citizens alfo, as the returne of Sir Faizéfallefartefme , Lieutenant Colonell‘ Wagflafe and my Lo: Ef]7s':tlfaiv‘ourite,Captain Scrimp/haw, unto the King , next the danger and jealoufie we are in,that even fome of the great ones will follow, (for theft are but iharbengers,) antlirather then come empty handed t0 their King,will make us their peace offering. Let nsgconfider the event ofwar, wherein Wecantyet boaft nothing but our fucceifet at I/Vina/aefler. But had wee had the A day at Edge. i2ill,antl totally touted the Cavalliers, would that have determined the warte ? Ifeare rather have called in all the Mgonarches ofiiChritftendome,to maintain Monarchie , and then were we engaged like the Low iCeuntries , in perpetuall blootI.How great then is oinrftraight, for if we fucceede wee undue our felves. If the King byviétory (or treachery of our Commander-5) the labour is faved us th'en,i fer" having re--M fufedehis mercie,-we mull expegit his juftice. A V ~_ Ihavenow, Sir, unbofomed my felfe 120 you my friend, let therefore my errnts finde a friendly reproof, reétifying my miftakes by your advice,which I hall take as lCommands,te«t A tame you thethankfull aclrnoytlcdgenient mfg l . "‘llReadand burner l A V Jldil/eagflraete Lontlnngégai it 0 A V ~ 3 ' ;:D:ttm6gr_tr64z, A Tafirfrieztal mré.Ka£:>2fmmr3f