. .. édumfia. 11.91.. ¥.,.a..3...........£.1......i...v:.a...\s.< 1 . a ,1 gr V e‘ " ‘ ' % :V . ‘ /’*<~{'..f« ’?»;*'i1‘gJ " . .3 fw f/3~.’~“""'-~"“’¢“~v»*'-’,-vi \ B 31 1-531 N’s 'I"'i‘n’1%c'}jr Remeamprancer : , ‘ 01;, A VV1AR'NING;f‘rom* HEAVEN % ' ‘ tflo/vilc Sinnersbn Earth. B*E ING . ' Mg. 3 R1GHrLY’s;1an 3 ER MO N, ~ % ,"w§hich he pr”each,c‘;lfig1 his Shroud,‘ 'a'nd died»; immcdLiar§1y after he ‘concludedthe fame. A 'i‘O’ "WH1CI-I IS ADDED,‘ T L .3412 account . f the boly Life of Mr; Richard Briglatxfy. . V i ;z‘2_z,in.ifi‘e.rTIl/gzlt/;ain Chard), in'Leicq/let;//sire. and V ; of.T».hi.£rdr1i1y‘-uzgllging with God : Haw at /evera! % ’ .._ baqrggi 1’-lca'z,v“e;_1z»’y Mafia‘ -wbm at Prayer ! ofi*many.p;r[on: tbatappeared to /Jim in Iw/nit: ,4-4.Fieldr, 'w/2ic/1/2: called G'ad’:‘ Field.‘ V Vcafa-figfiaak of/2i: Pan’/Z2, during their V zfi-A malignant amivia/W DWm1>m- be with fervent Devotion V _ ane:1}J:ig[);,j Window, [zefe/I into a 1 , 2':j.aguf‘q.,_ tibéd/lat‘: of the Damned in ever. ; * andqt/mt oftlre Bl‘eflTed_ jncele/154! \ ' ; . Glory.‘ Amt bgiygg; t/zen warned of %De;;t/2 by t/J: an- _ I gel, _/2: aflerwand: bought a .5‘/kazgd and Cofin, and _ .OI‘dtr¢'d bi: gramita be made, invited In’: Pari/In % 07151.5‘. to bear /72': la/I Sernzrm, wbiclz be preac/zed the 2; ‘ Sunday fblloivingg, having bi: /broad gm, and 72:‘: “ % cfafih kg/‘Var: /rim ; /Je t/Jan d::,:_l£zred bi: Vzflan, haw ; Ire /aw deal?-/2, riding an 4': pa{: Hor/5, of tbe 13/1:/-' ¥ % _/age 12; bad gizgen bin: to warn the Iméabitmzts a/' A N the tvfly frqm t/2e-W_"r:.zt‘,‘6 ta come, and of7ln':~ ‘ ‘ dy,zjrzg.,in ¢be;Pz_¢/pit w/gm be bad delivmrd tbs fame, ‘ ' I ;.I.";2_/f1y,, lag’: Burial, and tbs harmonious Mu/ic t/mt F 1; -21:4: lggqz-:41’-iz,.\,,t/_;: dmjing bf: Interment. L -~ ' 22v‘ ’-739* - ; ‘ Q ‘:23 - '2'“ L‘ r; ‘L f ‘ Lg; G ,0 »v,_, Rfiéi N .’1"l§‘.'D~1"1*J,~TLH1E-:5 ms. '1iM‘.AI§ I£:i2.f*>15; ........w_....... a.. . _\.__‘,_ A_-_ i. C’ 2‘ »)e l .‘ asset zee mt etc-=.*> 3: at eteaé xi G BrZittz.in’: Timely Rernembraneer, (ya. VIN the town of Walthamg t3,Miles N. of Lei- ‘ ’ celler in Leiceflerfhire, lately lived one Mr. Rich»- ard Brightly who Was a ‘worthy and ahie‘:‘Div'ii‘rc, 1 and had been miniflerof the church zolyearsgtihichi i l ‘ time he behaved himfelf as a faithful (hepherd; to his . flock, preffing them on by the faith of the golpel to ' the praétice of a’ Chriflian life, and lovingly invited . them to the pallure of Chrill’s field, and to drink the water of everlaliing life. *He“was in all refpeéts a Minifler indeed, like afecond Enjoth, tdail‘y’walk- V ing with God and joining with+;.h-is ’Fatnily"it‘1 prayer three times a-clay, and would often‘it;;—‘tlté’in,igh:t,’ like holy David, rife up to prayer, fayi‘ng:,ilI’%l§5iir*“Il‘am go- ing to {peak with my God, and diféotirfe with my blefled Saviour,who I émi ‘well’alTnred,‘ hears. and willanfwer me; and me 'tliit1lt°s7,’r‘r_ty‘ foul is filled with joy, that I am as it werei‘in7heav‘en, amongfl: the ‘glorious {aims and angels, wh‘cn‘I am praying. And God, out of his abundant goodnefs, grhcioufly manifelled his love to this his fervant‘, and was pleafed by many fig-ns to lfihewthe plcafure he had in fuck a foul. Many times as hehwas finging of pfalms‘, \he thought himfelf en<:ompafl'cd with ravith- ing lounds of mnfic, joined‘ with harmonious voices, diflinflly praifing God, laying, “ E-Iallelujahi, Glory, “ glory be to‘God,” the fountain of aillife, the feat " sf mercy, and Jefuge for loft‘ finners.” L % Often at night he would walk abroad, either in his garden or ‘in’ the church-yard, praying and efinging of e pfalms over the graves, and tombs, meditating on the frailty of man, the certainty of death, and the eter- , nity ofiijoy and blcfs hereafter. In, {itch fort of em; ploy, thiegood man Fpent his time, enjoying 3 bcaa wen upon earth. It happened thatthe parilh waseaf-« 2 \ ' ...___,_____ ;_r~A__ ;_ _ _- V‘-_~_‘ . I 0 A WARNiN’G FROM HEAVEN, &.e. 3-‘ fiifized with the ffB1li—pOX.,/ fevers and-othe'r:diR'em-@993 pers,*in’ which he comforted them, faying, “ O-God. “ wonderful art thofuin thy way, and gracious in all “ ‘thy doings. Let not, 0’ God, thisyilitatioti be in‘ ‘ > _ y 3 "~ thyvanger, tgor lay C-I; thy creatures more than they , ‘_." areiabletto bear. Give us thy grace that we may ‘_‘~o:b¢iar;;;ih:eitiffliéliiofne tlioue lays upon‘ us with‘»‘pati_- - . ' - -“T.en§e,v.an.dethtough-the body lS\p0lllJ‘!€Cl, yet‘let*thc ‘fligolnl a',p.pC3&‘_bfifOfC thee without blemilhf’ It was his ttfoalgptaiflicle I0 viii; the lick, iwere they poor or vrit:b:,,..tol tile thelikc ‘ejaculations, and"extetidi'ng his charity very _bountifully to the needy. And all corn that grew in God’s fie’-lil,‘ ‘as he called it,‘ h¢'ga'Vé‘tc) the poo{.. iLatle:;tt nighton ‘the '5th Augufl,‘ praying at his,_chamber‘ window, he raw round it a bright and £hi£i_ing3_‘l§g,ht‘,oand faw feveral perfons together, in l gloritiu§si3tp_patfel,_a1a1d heard ravifhing mufle, -which made fhixp <:t'y_ otft_,[ “ 30 heavenly Father, ‘leti me be i “ ii! to heat fttch heavenly founds.” At lali on¢.;a’ppéare’d_to_ ehiltn like a hufbandman under‘ the window, .'(;ai;llit1gAth)'eei times,.Brightly, thou {er- vatit of the/L'orc‘l : land‘hc anf\:ve‘red', Igord, ‘hear am 1: The manger {aid toeohim, “ The Lord Hath found V“ thee faithful in his fight; and .h¢}_§h this night bech “ plcafetl tdvifit thee, ‘therefore continue to do the " will of God, and he will deciareuntmyou what “ he is about to doto the lnl18l)‘ll8B!S'Of the earth;” the voice ceafing; hcjoiningwith the reviving mulit: again, and as he was fervent in praifing of God, a {udden drowfine{s-feize_d him; and he faid, “ I will “ lay myfelfdown? and take my refit, for the Lord " is mytfhield angl dcfenceg’? then falling into “a ' trance, he lay feveral hours, till his wife came and endeavoured to’ awake him, but in vain; however, ‘the perceived life in him, and heard him whilper thefc wotfd“s’,”“ O ‘my good Lord, my moll gracious “ God, pity thelc poorl"c_>uls.” After -(he had wait» .cd‘aboutian hour, he awaited, and ctjyingi out with‘ tears, “ 0 my good_ Lord, leave me not, I " i ,4 A: WARNING I-‘ROM, I-IE Avert, 0 'be{eech;thec;” thentuxning to his wifc,~.he féid, “ My dear, had you feen thofe manfions of eterni. ‘l"‘ ty, which I beheld in my trance-, then” you would "- fiand in admiration of the glory of God, which.‘ “ I {ha-ll reveal next Lord’s‘day in the -pulpit-—.” ,_,.After "this he invited his parifhioners tohear’ him preach his funeral fermon, and to fee--his end, for he ‘-had ‘a divine commilfion _to deliver to them. Saturday before his death he bought a verylplaih {hrowd and coflin, and ordered his gravel to be made, which great i numbers of people went to fee. On Sunday his coffin was carried before him to the church, his‘ family and friends following, he fingingiipraifevs to God as he went. [In the church he ordered his coffin to be putona i heir before the pulpit, into which he afcended, after ‘putting on his (brood, and facing, the people; crowd to hear-b_i,m, he (aid, would to, God'y_ou,vttould be as eager t9_pr6lS forward to gain-etei*nal,life‘:Then he proceeded to prayer, repeating the mlornting; fervice as nfuail; after which he informed them of.wfh;athe bad feen, the manner of his death,‘ and how h‘ea~was_ com- manded by an angel .in his vifion, to ex_ho_r,t them by _a.timely,r§pe.ntance mile: from the wrath .tO-gcome, and be diligent in fuing‘for mercy, while it is call—. ed to-day, aflhxfng them, that his time to “be with than was but fhort, for he was going to his Father. He thenproccedtd on his fumon. ' ' r " Joni: xii. 16. A little while and-yefhall not fee me; 3 and ‘again a little while,,{c1nd ye “(hail fee me. HEN my-l"enf‘es.were_lulled aflewetn), and my * t foul as it were, had taken its {light into a_no-, ther world, I’ was met and kindly {aluted the fame perfon as waracd me of death: With him were two i ‘Withers clothed in white, with crowns of gold on their e ‘heads, who welcomed meitvith, “ Come. Blefléd 05 ‘1heiLoi'd ; ¢:ind':,bid me drink,frc_ely of the cup offal,- ‘ v3:ion.” I was then.led up a hill by them, wherel be- --=f~o\‘\.s.-oa I , l -4 ‘F’ }='ro v1Le,s'1NNmz§;$@i4 EARTH. «5 held the heavenly Jetufalem, the walls thereof were -chryftal, and thdcity isfour lquare,leach fquarc ihavingfour gates~.befet with; preclous Iloncs. «This, faid m-y'guide, is the city 01 God ywhiehis enligh- ;tened by «he glory of God, the -Lamb, and the Holy Chef} ;;and none doth enter therein‘, but (hole whofe 5x1.atn£sl:zre‘in the book of life.‘ .1) Lord, In beleech; ..~,thc*c,- {aid nl,,_"perm_it xhy__fe.rva.nt4 19 enter in; that} ‘ -.tbou?fla"alt do, {aid the angel, but thou mufi fizfi die‘ -_~in ‘the flefl1,l then-thou lhall» enjoy the blelled tell of I —.£aints and angels ; otonzgduee cannot exprels, nor an; it enter into the heart of {man to conceive the glories" that I beheld. _ _ - - . I xlléfe {aw angelsland arch-angels, cherflbims and-’ ferapgbims,; will) the heavenly halls of fuchwbo had; fetved me. Lord; allwalking in prelenceof the Lamb ; .. i'a.'gl;¢~y»,;W_i4.h crown: on theirfheads, firnging halle-‘I lujahszmatlaelmofl H§gh.. Now, laid t«bc;angel, yoiu; ‘ ,lh‘al1 fte:thc,- fxege of-.qh¢;_qamne_d,, prepared for the’ De-vil'aud his angels, and all thoie thatmalcc not fgheir» ea,ce~.‘,wi&h_God. Then taking me down the} hill, id~me. look on t’l1e,-left hand, wh.eI_‘c'.l had a dreadful pmfpefl-of theibottomlefs pit, - burning with; - fire and brimllone, which put me into_ a tremblinggd becaufel (aw; devils at the brink, who offered‘ to catch me, butjhe angel bid me take ’c0urage, for: ,they could dot hurt me. And looking earnellly, I3 gelrcteivedlthey were chained, (0 could not burt,me.”:. .011! had you heard.1helr.cries, and (een'their"tor-i ments, _vo‘u‘w‘ould never date to oflenld the living] God any ri1ore.,' There did the AtheiFt_ cry out, hcfj‘ fou13d.tlye fiery_vengeancenx'»E.a jult incenled God; .thc~’;; «.I,i;lx filled out againlltehe dcceirfulnels of his heart _ the A_dulterer'againfl his_lul‘t'; the Dr-unlcatd againllxj }' his exc'el’s,.-, the Sweaters, Callers and Blalpbenlelrsh-Q agaiur lb;-*or pomp and pride.‘ Tbusgevetyone in tor-L’? nlentisg agony, was exelaiming againfinthofe tranl‘...:§ 8VfI.}_r)'.'e‘.'«S,3hat brought .their foul: line that-milerablegs fiaac, but all was in vain; no pity wgs to be had,‘ 110.3% 9 ;‘= 1:/,.'_.‘~ 6 A.WAR'1n’s;‘ AMy" fpirits faint; elef myedeath convince you, thatwhat I fay is true. The Lord comfort and‘ prefcxve you. Oh ! my Saviour, (now I come, open they arms, ea/nd receive my poor {on}, _ iv ¢ . L‘ 6 A‘ . rl _ ' '. I " ‘ " ‘ ‘I I =,"¥~..‘ 't ' -r’~?9_'+' L,‘ . ,,...'§,,&_.j.l ‘. - - '; ,_ y . .. ‘ ' ~ 9 Au» 1», .e-:... . . ‘_ ;._;-L 2 -<.:.‘,.. ‘ ‘,»¢-~-: ‘ »V.‘ .« U7't#t:eri1‘1g enf WEc)r¢iis;- dropt * - his‘pu1pit: They fetched him down, andjiaid in‘- hlixcofiin, He was 2 comeleyecorpfe, and diedivitfx’ e a» rcfemblance of joy in his face. He was aged efify:-five years, three months and odd —days.‘.Afte2-1 he had lain‘ fome hours’, they ‘carried him? to be interred; aiifi as they were putting him into the ground, abouthine at night, an harmonious I/11‘c|od'y.\'0f rtmiic’, ‘was.Hea'rd in the_a'ir, which ceafed after they had buriedhim: .8 -‘Nowflet ue join; with one heart and“ cmemigzd; and fay, from Sword, Peflikznce, and *Fam‘°m'e, \ from ~ «“-::_*~7 v-A: - ._ , V . . 5”" « Battles, Murder and {udden Death, Good W 'L0l‘d’_.“. _ A % deliverus. M - . Q o The Truth of the._abov¢‘Reletion is :itet*e{‘tcd by',1e. K Sir zmzam Glonfdrt’, Bért. 3 es:r‘m1zzm 'Pa._rj$b_: ‘;§rt::‘ gal»: Mar, Efq. - ‘ "I jams: Helm;-3,e.;_Ee{q;;L‘» L icI2&?‘d“Mareton, Min‘. | Thomas Rzev23,“"1‘v1’§n. fin‘ 4.”, ',Ij:nfy,;C§ulteny, “hflligl. _ ! Hc=zz2jf;i-iortiré} N129.‘ *"“' % ../~/‘ ' *-'7“, RARE BT 800 .B74 17002 ni ersit of Missouri — Co|umb' mil lIl||||||II“I||I 0 -10097572 10 2