vr—L—VA‘, V VA 1 _A PRODIGAL SON. w ‘1 N IVER "s E SJHEWING How a young Gentieman spent his money in riotous living, and was afterwards reduced to feed Swine, when being almost starved be returns}; t9 big F ather, who kindly received him, and wide a great Feast on the asion. " .‘P. ‘1‘ . THE PRODIGAL SON. m EN the" Redeemer ofom‘ race, " Holy, and pure, and full of grace To sinners ave a free access, ' His whole i n to save and bless, The Pharisees is conductblam’d, - g ' And thus with pride and rage exclaim’d; ‘ This man'abandon’d wretches greets, And often at their table eats! ' ‘ ‘\ Our Lord in parables reply’d, And his behavior justify’d; . _ -- Two 90113,": wealthy, .worthy‘u‘ian; ' ' (Twas'thus‘ the son of God began) With pleasure saw to manhood reach, " And hop’d for long delights in each ;. The younger-son hisSire address’d, ‘ Be leas’d to favor my request, An since I’m noW'arriv’d‘at age, - ‘ In busy life I would engage; ‘To my'own caredonow assi ' ‘- ' ‘ ‘ - ‘ The portion youintend- as mg; 3 The fatl'ier‘yielding to his. p‘l'ay"r, Divided to each sOn his share - Of those riches which kindheav'n Had in bounty largely. giv’n. ‘ The younger son a few days past, . His substance in one sum amaSs’d Audjourney’d to a distant land, Where with a loose and lavish hand He squander’d all his Wealth away, To wine and wanton lust a. prey: . ~ His money one, to swell his w'oes, A famine w ere he dwelt alrose, When feeling want, and fearing more, V All his gay scenes of riot o’er, , He to a native of the place . Ventur’d'to tell .his wOeful case, And to suppl his pressing need, To be his-fait iful slave agreed. Into his fields the master sent The half-starv’d wretched indigent, To be the swine-herd—where so scam His wa es in that- time of want,- That 0 t and 0ft he wish’d to dine Upon. the husks that fed the swine ;. But none so small a boon hestow'd, Nor yet the least compassion shew’d : Abandon’d, helpless, and forlorn, The butt of universal scorn, Unto himself he comes and cries, , (A gleam ‘of'hOPe-illum’d his eyes;) ‘ ‘ Howmany servants of my Sire, ‘ Besides the profits of their hire, . ‘ Have bread to eat, and e’en to Spare, ‘ Whilelthesc pugs ofhunger heat; C)” ‘j I. 1" {1.1, Q ) ‘ ...; *2] .A .‘ a ,. O . And tears of Joy in: plenty s-hmm’d .4, :7 ‘ I’ll haste me'he’n'ce; fidhim I 11 gs, ‘ Myself upon his mercy 1:111011‘7', 1 .\ , ‘And own that both against the shies§ - - , 1 i ‘ And him so black my; ‘catimes arise,- ' -:_ . ‘ He might so yiie a. wreteh disown, .j -- i . ‘ Unworthy' to be 0311’ «1 his son; I My utmOSt. hope, my only pray’f 1‘ "F.“ " To be What his hit (1 servants are.’ The wretch immediately arose, Towards his father’s ho‘use hengEs y At distance far, tho" Wt‘mng 0n,- g; The Siree y (1 his coming sun '_ '::,,f;-r Beheld, 11111iJ felt his bowels move In all the tenderness '01“: love; -‘ Unto him ran with 111115111311 haste, ’ ,1, In his fond arms his Uhild e'mbi'ac’ ii 5;"13‘ Fell on his tied/6,1115 kisses pour’el ‘ 7 9 ' ’ 7 7*: ‘ Father,’ on bended knees he cries, ‘ So mack my 017111183 362111151; theekans, ‘ Against thyself than *miglttwffI disown ‘ For ever thy tweliioussdm -:.:. +1-,; ,. ‘. a '- .‘j: The Father to his scheme 1111-118, I While his own $0111 ‘with rapture'hnms ‘ Bring the best robe mthohit dela37,7 : t4 ‘ And clothe him with the fieli array4 ' Let rings of gold his fingers grace ‘ And shoes his naked feet: embrace“ -. . 1 " The fatted calf. 011m quiekty; slay, . -:'}" J; ‘ Music and miith She‘ll drown the day, , ~, ' For this my son, whose death I: 1111111171111 ‘ Is to my Wagaiti 191111111117; 2211 e, i.‘ ' ' The sea yer-1191a 1 smimgnieptm’d ,-: '2. . ‘Istbhimme‘ssdms WM: -.- 23.: vx‘rs‘“ '5‘ 17?, The busy 11"0use,th'e feast pretpa'i ’(15 _ .. And nought 11111103111115 seen 11111111611111... ' The elder son was 1:n.;’r.11'e.fiek1, " ' 1111121763113 411711.11 patient labour t1ll'd IIis father’s grounds ta whom were sent No tidings of this glad: extent; -- But when. at the decline?. of day, He home1varcl €001: 111511111621er way;p ~. .As 1111 theamansion: 11161158 drew- 1113111251 Music and dancii’ng met his 111;: 5 ‘- Stiuck 11/1111 surprisieg he made. 11; {1111191651 A servant 0111’ (153211111 waskfirthetause, .~ . ‘ Thy 111011121 11115 flunday returéli'wd, ~154- ‘ Whose absence 1111: so bangehave mom (13113 ‘ Thy fathei' 15 11411111111111nt fiil d1, >-- "’ ‘ Foi him the fagrd Lah‘ bias kill 'd5::= ‘ Because his .1111 his safe (EL ('11 '11,.- ‘ Whom he arming (his dead beiie'v (:1 His Wiath the eldér son exp-11:13:, N01 111011111 51011110511113.1116 feast ' Then came the 1311111111: a’ncl 111111101 ’d His cmnpany. to crown (11 e 13.021111 ‘ All these long: ygiatrs (1'12: ply v'cl the son) ‘ 1'1 6 "51111 *1 (.111: 111161 1101111115111 111 we (10nd, ‘ N'01 1.1 0111': (iasmmésdisobeyd‘ ‘--,i-:.zn'x=’. ‘ W 11d101LF’thC bum-1111111115 younlmd 117-" ‘ And yet as woa (by: no 1315111115111; . ‘ A kid for me you never 511811711; :1 1 z .1 1 ’ ()n WhiCh my fliends and I might dine, ‘ And' in mush ifitqfne 71116115111815 Join' .. 1 ‘ But soon as $1115 thy 1111111111653 3011, .- a ‘ By his own Wickedms 11111101316511: .g- ' ‘ W110, dm’uflc wwhulnegmthmarlgtmoabdfi ‘ Thy living has so 501m devom ’5d 6‘; ‘ Returns the fatted calfimu‘st die, ‘ incl all 15 mirth and iollitv.’ To VV hom the Fathe1 ans“ er-d mild, ' ‘ Be not displeas ’d, thou worthy child. ‘ T hou eV e1 dost reside With me, ' ,, ‘And all I haVe belOVVgs to thee: , :1: "'I was surely meet to pass away ‘ In milth this memma'ble day: ‘ Thy brother, whom I deeply mournd 1‘ As (lead, to life 18 now return ’d; ‘ Thy brothel, I so much deplor’d ‘ As lost, is to myarmseresto'r d.. ’ 1 Behold the wand ring. prod1gal,v Most fitly represents us all; » - ' , And we in him a picture sec, , Of our own helpless mise', A» Sinners, by practice and 1n heart, Like him we all from God depart, And fondly dream that all is well, While far from home and near to hell. Sad proof of adisorderd mind, ' To our true state to be so blind Beside ourselves,“ e surely are, Or Satan 3 yoke we could not wear, Fond, like the proditral of toys, W e waste 0111 daV s in carnal Joys, From broken cisterns seek supply, ,, '1 houghtless of an eternity. Till God his Holy Spirit grants, We nCV er feel Our num ’rous wants; But 1n our. hearts a famine find, ' VI hen taught by him that we are bhnd A . .z ‘ Naked and miserably. p001. a i - . $ ' No begrrarxhen was" eve: mo‘m; 7 é Who begg’d his bread from door to (loot; By these arid such {llké ipai‘ables, The Lord tolu's'hisgi'alcei‘eyeals, ‘ WV hereby he} calls pool- sihners’ home, And ‘kindly’ welcomesall that come. : S'ay, Readergsay, :haVe YWfl-Q eyes: ;' It? . , Tosee the ”blessed Sacrifice ‘ ,- - . ,. ‘ Of Jesus Christ, of Wond’rouls worth," ' In the fatted calf set forth? , " And-blinded by self4riglite01,isness, ’ - In the best robe is there no dress § To coverymirlownnakedness? ' ' 'le’v~Museful lessons'taught, 1 _ , By the two other [Witt-ieybggggjm L? The Rambleris’hand and foot to (leek; \Vliile Weepizig on h.is.Fa'thei"s neck? , By the round ring that grac’d his hand, , Eternal love. betroth’d did stand, ’ To guide the prodigalsafe home, Who had indeed to Jesus come. The shoes that did his feet adorn, (Which always’are for walkifig‘womJ ' True holiness Of’lif'eexprestflj ' An evidenc’eofall‘the're'st;' " A proof thatfall religioh’s'rzzin, '_ ‘ Except a. .i‘nfa'n‘ be born again} Reader, excuse‘hie; if'l dwell" ‘ “5* e A little here, to caution well: ‘ a" ”J" .— Faith without works we’re-told- is dead, 3 l: 1' ’T is something flogtingin the head; . _ But; when itonce na3_..rea0h’d the begin, It; shews itselllP§Y§rX Pa??? .. X ' , \ “x. - . ' 1 . .° 2.". 8 ;F01 if no stafefl 111111: (To grow U31011 113 tree.,' tiS 11133” $011 kde 3;T 6 1118111111131»; 131 e and free, 1 But 1111151. I’lISfllre thé héndfz‘d knee 1 ’We do 3111 in thesé‘bles 111 5 Shirts, '3', , U11Iess We re fdfihd'I 1111’9 16111 pray’ 1' ‘Great 'BII'JI'Cf 13111113" 111} 11111 {V6 111ng .1 If that same book néOIeétéd hes _’ I _, ’ ’_ And 11incIy we (10d reJéct ' ’ If pughc Worship We ne eCt. Are you, my header $1111 11111631116 ,1 SA 1131111 161 "still, nOt' yet 1et‘um’d 3 ' ' Tell 111e,111y friends, hbw StandS the case 3 . gWill you 1.1'ot seek the’f'atha s 111612“ ’.'- . N011. a - ' 1,, " 11g break your sad repose-5 Nor W31‘11you 0f the, heach rous ‘ca 1 Of Bata‘n s dee'p arid dlreful charm ‘7 Smner, accept t11é warning 'g1vn, 13:; 1 _' _ ‘5‘ F01 tuWIth resolVe to Seek 101 hefuf 11* ,1" 1 _ But rest not I161 e, anse 311d go ' :“‘;;.*.:-~,;,‘, , ._ You 1113 resolve, and never odd. - ‘ 3' . _ 5 Of this ware—the way to hel‘l ‘ f Is p31i’d With “good mleq tl1§y tell,“ _ 1 The Son with this was not cantent _ {j . 1- . When once resoIv (I 31 08:3 anCLWen ~_---— ‘ Escape, escape the 1111111111 (11113; 0031' ‘ " Arise, 3116 fleé from W13 513301116' ' ’ / v . V ,V l_ o - ‘.Q 1 . 3 “LI 1 a”, _‘ , . ,- ,. , ' l‘l', I ' ‘5' .’ , . ' '1‘.“; _ ..1«:‘: ~‘Si'.’ -,';' FLNIS"s:’T‘:r;It1-i‘:“ k ' 1'1 VI} Iii. L S0441 §[111:7311.{1’ A -.‘ «- 1.6%ng Phfiga by 1111111 911311“S§n "1 1111:4111. S“ '- , 5014 also by F". U611 §,;6‘d} l’ncMmqgwg ”63" I , Niflm, 13. “$111153 oxforam. A.“ .. -'.’-. ‘ I . I I J , 1 . l.- . _. RARE ET 378 ,P8 17002 University of Missouri- Columbia lllllllllllllllllllllll 0—10110813