.f,. L u a r l. u , IIIL M . - V... a . 3. A T M 0 V .m \. . LL . S mu, i n . A % I 3 ...I I I . . V n ..,,......_ 61 X.....M. , ‘ . . ,., . .. e. K %.W .F— _. V W .l....\... .41 \\ . «L 1.. \ Printed and Said by J. TURNER, covemq; I 1 ’ . ’ ‘ . r ' . ' " 'f‘‘ ‘> -~--»...v.-_ -.. RARE BV 4517 .H56 17002 llllltlllilllii O niversity of Missouri umbia ll I man IHIIIJIIHIIN 10—101146 O29 ' 0 -_¢. , e;t.pres_si'o n. ‘THE adtumulated 9. decent fo‘rtu,ne,'retiiredLwith -_;l3_is daughuter ;R,osestt_ja’, totlie. VililageofRose~ " wodd, where they inhabited a small, though "‘ neat. rnaiision, il)uilts_i,ii1‘ the cottage style. f Next to the fair jigneg Rosetta. was es- ‘ ‘ \ teamed tlfe handsomesto girl in i.t;,liat part: of ' the country. ,Shewas‘.in her‘ nineteenth year, and her amial3le mann‘ei+s-ssoion gained hex: the'.,cst?e2I_n of su’1‘f0unding"*families; and, iamlongflthe rest, ' farmer moltl"s. -~ . ,?Rosett‘as» admired all the sisters, but parti-A ; culai'ly‘‘' attached » ‘herself ~ to Jane, Their n sentiments were congenial; and their chief happiness seemed‘to be in each others so- ciety. ,Often would Jane ‘repair to Mr. Percival’s, andreside with laser dear Rosette for three or four days atea time, Often, as they roved, ‘arm in" arm, ‘their discourse would . turn on Henry‘, Rosetta’_s brother, whom she tenderly loved and sincerelv re. .31-etited his absence. On their departure from London, Hairy ... . .:-Sn. ..;~ f.».._\_ - ‘-—--s;a-“->3 , , Q. 5 . --<3-;_,;.,, .....\ nu . ., . - A I ;’ 9-. . , V\’»’V‘.‘M‘«}"i :0 ‘ A. _ L\ K ' " ’\ . I I- ’ y . 4 . ' -.. _- , r \ . .. '. . .2- hvd%%refase&%ac¢9mPfih>* fawer aitl sL%€é{‘§ti33'Z'3fO‘SéWO(5I‘1_'§ but'._’ac¢eptedj‘a«n'V»’9'fTef-3 3 ~ % %wh’i'c>h: "q1%9is;1x€i flay“ at 'f§1‘e1*chanti‘,¢ ‘£3-x>‘}f1_Q7'_ ’ ; 'wa*§{ di1s;t;:iai11.l_y“i’~e2fi=:;itec2,to the: "family, gd ;r_e- T V. '1 1 ~ , n1:iin:iWit115vk?iix1*x- in the‘ capacity oiihis “h:eéitl 'c1érk;—%% which ‘wast ai very%%%1L¥9rfi,tive“‘employ? ‘ , "meh't.‘4 TPercivaI,;ian&iiis dauglitgzrg had % . now beertlin" ‘WiIts.hire5t»vo. iyears; 'a,£% ‘ 4 _% Lyet3tié;d§%rél3éiy;e(I 2:10 ‘V'isit1frOm_‘%Hehry', whom; I 5az§1“aIX%acepgzryflishm’ents;;%\ « ~ ’ % » y h;.;sis4£e?« rep%~resent“ed*%za;sm:e%%.of.ihe ~ -yout*h's‘ofWii1g!,5M(>‘ffdV¥%i‘V‘gin " LxiaV...Vf’isigt; ‘ii1iifQ1'In‘eqi‘ »§t5}1§na’,- "',sfz1‘s ‘fox? in g tofizzsmasbter s deLexjmxn~at5_1on» cf qg,-g;:,,5,g- { E%ng;;lan"d %f0‘r~it;11e‘\VeLS’*t hidxes, ‘i‘l}"i’)iT('i'_(3i‘ ’ t'(jg-T ‘ ,n1;s1ke ‘aj ;>;je‘1*,s.6’na1,.»in%vestiga;ion% or; his {;‘;~4)-'=—f A per-ty ; %a1i%dg2thi‘th§r the iyQu_th7 Felt % 1i0‘i:1;.;‘ A \ ‘_ «ya ‘ ,~\,. ,. »— .«.4‘ . r c1%ina(i‘o:n.‘ fto A’accompa1‘1y- 'hinj; but "'r¢‘5. solved to repa~ir‘ to"Ros%ew<‘)od', and ~r,g,mf‘ai¢ ‘ some time Xvith h‘is*;fa.ff1er,J' p'r€%vions"f.<) ’A11’iIi ; L f0I*minfg’ * or L V . 11'-_t:'vV'..het%ti%e‘I11eI1—t%~fbrhiuzsclf;f » ; co» *. of the letter". she intreated Mr. Aeneid to perznit his three daughrtersto‘ Visit her on the day appozrzted f'or%I":1e11r_'y',’s‘ c-*az'—i_y' hour in the fbrexroon, andthat Lu- A him shouldjoin the pa;rty'rin the evening. Rosetta then departed; and the interven- ing time was spent in pr‘epa_1'ing,ail their village finery for the occasion. «Monday: 3: A arrived, and with it-a serious disappoint-k i ment. Annette was seized wiitha sudden indisposition ; and the attemlalrce of Lucy was-necessary. x But, in .C6mpii- auce ‘Vithv the desire of her arents,_Jane kept her appointment, as ‘tgey were un-‘-’ nwilling to deprive Rosetta of the company of her friend. Passing through a grove, v... I I n i. v. 2} F: ,3 ..V.. overtaken by a young gentleman o:r'ithei As soon “as Rosetta .h3,d iimperteido the :1.r*1‘.§vz'2i,: as+her tiother ilnteucied to make it e a kimi Mfszstivai. The f’armer¢_1‘eadiiy ac-F r ' qruiesed: ami i‘t".mseagreer‘l that the fair . A mics eizouid ~rcp‘air to Rosewood at an Fr - in her Mgay to Mr.. Pc:x'.civa1’s, she was i most prepossessing appearance, who en- e quired of her the way to Rosewood. fihe ,imn1ediate1y ;.informed him; and a‘ ‘ few moments_ ‘conversation made it: km'mjn,-,t11at it was Henry Percival who rt ‘:0 ._ ‘I-‘5.vif:7'-_-‘~‘~r_~i:':;“_“:;“ ':-NJ‘. _j' a:= g adglressed bee. W ‘Teniijted by the lfienlésslll of ‘.'tl1.C‘{II:1€‘)fI'1iIlg', Henry hatgfidgischaxgedwe ‘ [his chaise at the last town, and leaving his luggétge at the i‘nn,,l proceeded on fofiefil ’Plea‘se§l wifh tfhe‘fsociety' of each other, Henry land-Jane gprocéedcgd mi,‘ arm in‘ l arm,’ to 7R.osewood,; where ‘they were af-‘ fectionately welcomcdglbyg Mr. gPerci\va.1 and Rosettajl igho. had 7%‘3romg the Windows of ‘the parlbilr beheld the approach olfgtlm - ‘ youthf :11 pair; ‘ u_/ T he ireturnljof Hlerxlryfivwals‘ celelrratcd L with theeutmbst‘festivi»t;y.lg Thefzonapzny“ ’ I were plentif‘La1ly"regalcd ; ‘and the young people (la/need on the ggralss-p1at'thatl‘ - -adorned the front of Mr; Perciva1"s; dwell-+ ing. fgRo'set“t_a Qsgi Lubin’s parttier; land: ‘Jane was I—Iem~y*s. ” Neverdid foulrggper-1 5035 appear sq 11appy.1J0y beamedl in their eyes. and £116 glow of delight flush; , _¢.-de ox_1l~their cheeks’ " When’ the hour of separation amved. young Percival‘ insist- ed ' on‘ accompanying Lubin and Jane home, ‘.130 their parental dxyel ling; a11edg.~ ing, ‘that, as the hour waylatge’, her bro; 't‘ner’s pmtec»ti0n might hot be'suffi¥.§ient tg) ensure the sufetyofthe gerjtlemaz-den. . His‘ being -Jane’: escort, .infrodL;c’ed 5‘. .5 P: N ll‘ *1} ;f . is h;i_m to Mt; ieA:'m,>l;‘Qb'l' against the seductive _powersof,li'is tongue. §h'en'ry soon .gas1~i1ed the entigfe possessions of her afipections ; nV,0’r-was he Joilgt irg'n01‘ant of-«her sentimcntsin his ' zfavdur; _-Thiifs pleasiiig -Confiirm,Watie0n,, in-c sitead of iinfspir1n_g‘ him with the \x,ish_‘0f' ‘caliingfhers his own, by,iI1(llSS(g)ll1l)l€‘tl€S, l i only prompted him to proceed fin a base A desig:;z-he had f'ormeél againsthe1' honour. I Not CODtEl]t.‘Wl\th the handsome compe- tency \\’l1lln.fl1 he would eventually ideriveis fr(§)m'.l}lS father, and a handsome subsist- slice ,t‘hét.%he could ea1'115l1iIi1self,_ he had rpre-dererniiiiecl never tq marry, un-lesslie,’ could“ mget with some woman: with al‘lV‘in—">"" i i , (_l.eficndent fortune in her own hands. Asfi; 7 , y_ét, noléir mie, calculated to gratify _his .avzu:icio/us passions, had fell in his way; but inzmy a hapless fair one had become the 9-\'i~Ctl‘In of his seductive arts. Tlle . W ‘Jr v _~, __’:', .»~ C ' ‘ \ ‘ K “ . ' \ «.~.. 9,: I ‘C '» ' o ’~.a«'. G "W ', 1 -"L." n ' , 1 ”eautyjGf fl1€4iBt'€%’C'S”t‘i~i1g Jane, afidftlic; K/diSpositi‘<)n~?s. o:f_- hfllsalf %a1x¢c1Ffa:mi71Fy, wh 0,1 ' 2‘ " -vi;:tbu”'cmS and .%.1>}«3%txeV\;{‘;>‘1.e;:f1V1st1311!;1i£;c1nséIves,‘% “ ‘ _ S1fliSp€‘Ct€d.' nOg+ui1e jg} >(:,3th5:1’s,, Ia!37pca1;e<1 to this’ monster iof':331ct % » ‘.11O1_C_r.S kkdkaub and ..sistcts— .0? the mai den, ever Sup.p(§S'€(3. > that tbvéil‘ i1'1t€'rc0i1v6”€:L, had lwroceedfitditg ' ‘ .-s.uc51 alength. EVery;11i‘9;‘nt, %wh‘g-,n%-_thc _~ resét of the family had }‘(?§,§.F€-(‘1 i:o.r.eposc., Z3ane.sto1e‘fi7o%1'n}1cr chamlmr ‘to nkeetfiaer Lv“ve:.111 the -gmvc. ‘ Sat c.H;;;1r;y ‘;:'e::i:hi23Fg.a17'i % A "Ion "the vows of an impassioned tIover';« aiié June listening xi-'it}1rrdeiight- For some‘ i rm;-iiths did the4de‘ar,de1usio’n last; 9a;1,di the breast of Jane was the abode of,iove,’ ' innocence, and hope, till one fatai ho1_1r,.‘ when the ill-fated Jeane s»urrendered“I1er; virtue to the impor‘tun'ities of the deceit? _ful Henry,“ and-badetadieu to peace for, mrer. (Ah, yefair daughters ofthe.earth! . ‘v;,_ ,» 1- , 1 . ‘N,|gtUTC’S choicest work, did dyouirigheiy ‘ ‘ toiisiderthe pre-eminencieeof virtue, and _ your’ own conscious dignity, how few,7:'if s Gutby rectitude, *religion,, and honour. At the next interview that »took~p1acc v F tbetween . Henry and our unfortuiiatei ~ maiden, afterthe fatal triumph, her swoln eyes, and altered eou1rtenance,' declared . thcgpoignlancy of her feelings. and that remorse had already taken 'possession of § her soul. Henry exerted all his €i0qU€hC€ tosooth her griefs. His arguments re- newed her smiles ; and he promised to repair to Loridori in a few‘ weeks, and seek for a situation in shme commercial house, that should enabie him to maintain his beloved Jane. in case his father should be « oifended at their marriage, the so}iemni- \ . ! I any,\x{ou1d depart from the path pointetl “ z’i'lfou .o'fgwl1ick mks _t K’ « t‘ > ’ _ fl_‘__1‘ _, a..:.ur . ‘ .‘ , ix, _ ‘_ ‘J-,§_ >§__"_.-45.‘ . , ' " ‘I :3. ‘ we o,£aé@ geoam “and expired in her Qarrfns. A the vessel “now appeared to sink erWapi‘de1y.t ‘ o t;od,thehorrors of‘death w'~ere, arouhd her. ' . Just at the. moment of this ,vi§ionmjy V tt.roub1e,e her tsistex: Annetteeenfered the ' C-fh"ambetj and awoke the s!e+eping.suffex‘er; I ” ’, ¢But§sheL;was too‘mueh einfiisposeti to rise, wtgndtrreadily oaacquiesed in he1js'&ster’s desire {sf te‘r11;"r.,inirig*‘ti11,her[,bed. 3' 7 M , ¥ ‘ Jane did not rise till the evening. Nor W0.u1’dV$hB».tthen have left. he; toliambeiy only go keep » het.appoirnt‘me.nt ‘ ev‘vi%th& V Henry, W A.f whom she had dpromi\sedLt o meet at the '- ‘; usual spot, in thewell known grove. In _ «Wain Anhette,perst;a(§ed her not to leave the ehousefz. LJ aue persisted that a walk would be of tse.rvivce to hen";3,amlfio obtained‘ her sistexjfs promise not to mexztirtg her ab- sence so her: parents; and thenhastened t.,0 the place where her pexfirflous lover wast} waliting ;———-Hemy, with :seemi11g- affection. em1;r;3ced ‘her, and then iimpartted his in- tention of leavi n g. asa-wood,‘ and repairing ‘ to the metropoiis the next day. Jane-‘i117 tremulous’ accents, enquired“ the motive that ledto suc'n.a,sudden departure. He \ informed her,- that he had that day re- ceived a elettex'}from' tfiet n1et_:ropolis, Vin‘ "'33,. 1" V «' .‘ ‘ M.__.‘-_ . G I ‘.':_‘: ‘V,’ v_ v ‘_ 1 ‘ / . “L 1 ‘ . V. _._> “I; t‘ “K L . A ‘ »\ ’\ Q, . . . *3? . % f ¥ . ' A L A ~ %_:g, ‘ ihg the saq4I;emt; ‘:cif%._,«;i . \ ’ prone7u‘;::cr%¢ 1 ; - .;m2*&§iAd§évi,% ~ ‘% acc0»r11;p:a;_x1'iPL§§V A tQ%theA%<3L1d‘bf} the andéjthetii,k§f§‘A*h’eri«¢f {Gr ~ . ; V A V He irffargaifed, h_3s j y 9» J .-he w“ajs« g0i11g%t0% reca4iVéJ ‘§i3ai33‘§5/{(i1”i€3\1T§.‘E‘-:’§’T::Eéthét E” ' L 3 *g€¥2:%;%§8maf¥1 . ’ 3 ;W€,’: »‘m»Offi‘%:;b 3’ & *5 his "%:%'§33 nke7r,jh§§n7f£h%e .f<;§rV% i A th 4 an J ‘ ~ it2diSz2%@s%%i¢n % "‘ ,\ A ‘ 5 ‘ ¢l*;:i$%?7Tox?s?s;LL~ Igfiétfi'Ag;i‘1Qi;7§§;a@_:» /: a 5. \ / . 3 1’ b S d rt! 5 go \@ . ; I." _., '.v—.‘—.:.. ~ ‘ *3 « ., ‘ «. _' ‘ ., ' ‘-». ‘ \. r I ‘ J \ ‘ I —-\’ . L .8‘ . I -, I . » ‘K . . ~ ~...._§ \‘ : ‘ “‘ “\~—~\ 5 ‘M . . t¢1;‘t<~¢oF berfmisery ‘;-.sh§-: éwaujdg 8Q013,eP,«~.;h8V€{:‘ % ,die.ssko£~ ~ingn%9cenceo 7 ‘Raw’ 2;<;J£uirl .5-he OVéi:"-x~”l)elm_.her¢ ag€dagp¢-., . reggtg;gwiL1lz‘.angni.sh; am! br§:1:§;;,:1 s%t;aiI"{_«0n%a i ‘ f2}riiil.y.§\zi;Qsg% x}ir_t,11e,%;had bee*:~:; £héi%rs»boast? M A % A;1eu,e:- »cai‘m9 by ;;1;»e_pos: :oM r ‘.Perciva=lv,‘ 3. V'itssco::1temsw§eteIj1§8;a. tiimxder C%?;€i$I t0 W8 A 01clL‘,g%eju*t1emia %?I’I€~I:1‘y 12a{5.;ekx1i)éxrked ¢fQ1‘j .31 3.3 the Wgst Ingiies». The y‘ot1.t.,i‘:ii1_t4r€iit€d hi3 5 ‘ pand Q11}; 1 bnt’~&ass11:'ed' ;‘gim~,' % that a~iz’c:a1ms.~tax1«, . Vcesof £135 u1xpleas§=xz;t’nat11re, vvhici1 heLcouI_<:1 ‘ not;t"ne\n‘eXpiaiu;, had <;bIigcaad‘. ‘ ‘Lucy ~t.00»:~‘8b1‘z1ptlyg Q0.m':mt1-nicaiped, in_téUigenCe at the f:: .f‘x'g), and in?-the »pre.%. sence of the‘Lm‘?o:‘tu:*:;1't:§J:;n,e.% . , 1‘zy,s§§.;r:‘ics seizcatl on l1er3fs‘agil'e farm ;» an.» abgrtimxsxzccegideai. In'~frantiCa%c0{3uts ,she co-'Jfe3s’.ci ‘mgr g~2Fzi§:;4% -‘Vhat;',-Were‘ we feel-- or} '--irsgs;0f Arn<>§§3 ant} his a5;;W, IV}: - rg;a,retta!¢ They tore ti1eir7n.air and *.‘~e§;-E 1.a=j’tl’1 bitte?-» ness of sou}; -but they did mt. axpbéniasi t‘r»;5ir hzipaéss dimghter. J ta‘ic;d go <:a§m«% : her’m2n’d§a.nd¢ speakthe lar_1gua”ge (3%? peace 1l<;.ad‘cd,mf'0rt to. the m<,mmer.. T§jei.r;,efibx‘ts¢ «I " szicceefied, and shéafeihmo a.ca1m s1x1mber. 7 ‘A3; :1 ‘Mae h0uLs",,ti1e i?z>.miE’y%r%rezi:‘ed to their. C}fi_3«xnJbé:r:s; all hm: R;os€ttz1%,.Wfm watcheci I Violent 1 A‘ thought of the grove; Thane: \ 13, W o i 4 . by the bedside of L her beloved’ Jahe,‘ still slept in apparent cot'nposure.'. About ~ four itnsthe Vmorning, Rosetta reclined’ he), » f head on the back of her cha.ir,:“and \‘§.‘*”.el a- ’ /sleep. Inflless than an -hour, she was awoke; by hearin some footsteps "hastily~ descend- ing lthe‘sta;irs.,» She arose,,and approached 1 , the bed. 45'/ze was gone.’ 4 Rtosettdlooked:-he around; it was evident that she hadarose, and dressed herself} ; 'I‘errified‘b’eyond ode. scriptioh, Rosette; and" Lubi11l~is§tantly was fast as their fears would allow,‘ and found the object of their search Lstretched on the 'cold ground. 1 Luhinmised andssupportedd her in his‘arms; while he joinedwith Ros f setta in calling herby the most endearing appellations. As they led her home, they ran, l 4 2 1 3 endeavoured to inspire her ivitfh‘ fortitude § and resignation. She answered only with- heavy sighs. melancholy desp‘ood,ev.ce reigned "there; e In vain were physicians, and tlaeflmedical atte:1dants,.surI1mo:_)e‘ratioL1§a1ly ftha%11‘%5he~%had’ , done §i-nee the first.: ;¢ia,y§»;of "1 ' her’ glerangement. ‘As sobn ’as«1heir’repa{st ~ was ended,_ Jane arose’, a;ud% afTectionzi21éIiyased% . I ' to ,:reetere% the sf-zzses of A the fezfir» znaniac. ‘; They then se%pé;y21.t9c!, to pegffogfin ..E:eiri%s;9.; "ve1'a‘l% domestic duties; and TL} ajne fmstezreai %' to hexjusual’ haunts, takingkwith hes‘ _a lit~tlc V basket pf pxtovisions, %‘11iéb her ;tender% mo;-[;’ ; ' ‘ tner‘.ah_v.ays‘prepared reatiy to put into her -; % hands. When evening arrived, andabove an hour, was spent’. in momentary expecta-%-_ tions of “her return, the famiiy‘ %b.ecarr.e, : greatly ‘alafmead ;’ and Lubini and his*m0- that went forth toiséekher.’ They were net»; . . A__,__,_ ..«—u...- - " “ ’ L v‘,5::,;3|-,1 "“"""""‘ .,.,._..'.x " ‘ ; ' K A , ~ 1 I x . > . . , H " A . ‘ - I ‘ , I _ I K .H , /s'f".‘lit"e had left her. flair forni fznflever. % "Her I (’ { % ‘many paces-Lfrbm the house, when ’they', _ , perceived agfcupe 0fviI’iage1ts; 'approaching toW'éu'd%sifi;é11?1.,.ljeagring a Corpse. Aias % I1’ ‘ Wa,s’§‘J aine‘! They_ had fouz1d’ahe2' as :t1‘ieyL‘ were passing through the »grové,_ layiawg on A ‘the turf finani;ma.te.% She was—L([cQld;:k«anc1 < A. V—..,_ ,,_V. .. . _ 1‘ig{"it;ha:'1’dA rec1ir1eId”*on I1Lg=:‘rb%reést‘; azid%%im~ : ‘ -‘her left-“was.‘claspe_:1% q‘l0c’ket,‘ ’ Which ’ A * ta;ir1e\d' ;¢5.4fragmefit 0f“He1;ry’s ‘h:,1ir,. vvhich l2é‘ha(T’gi\’e:1 hm" on ti§fe‘_Vday of; Roséttéfs Cfgmxptials. ‘W“hat *s§g¥'2§ fa pare.r‘1t I}! \~ I\€{a.rig«aretfz; fiaitxit in its ‘;“:‘:Ei fb;[cg, and £3ai _m; ' Al ed: by 't}.u# -$i(.;1lE’€ALV‘a'-'_(')f _"5l'le’§‘ &%dé;};ir,tgéetaI .‘.r:’s blood ; ' ‘ agd» .rashed‘ uilbidden in 1;o~ =»the% presence r! ” vV“%~»;brf?%3;Es‘Maker. " 0 . \ , s ' . ~* ,«-Tm‘ner,~Pi'in1er,~(‘3oventr_),:. _;,,, ~ -- ‘ 7 ~, £3"; s % -V=-nig*ht~'at7tI§é*%(‘irea”ry,V h<31;r" of tweiVj%e,ar%he% ‘ ‘§vander1?d round a znoss-grownVtowca-,_j_* »1:o::«appé‘ar,V and 1"eIi_Jtc; tl1'e:»In'oon a itale mf 2