‘HISTORY on nu Lfey T rial,» cS~E.ziccution J or - § JOAN WASTE. & % _ w'HoLwAs V V ,§UR«NTn :IiNL VVINDMILL PIT’, NEAR VDERABY’, ’ A IN_THEgYEAR: 155.6. ~ V Li,§ ¢r1_l1y cdpiicdrfroxn _an ac‘&oufit publifhecf at flu‘-4.. 4 ' b ] e timé. V ’ — an - ‘ ‘ " V ‘ ~ > ‘ DERBY; , g..- 3... .1‘ .. if L, {L mm Printe1d—a\n&-Srbféi byAA1:(”;';. w*i%:1{m.~ %~ V7 .v..__._..._._.,.vf .—4 44 . A The MARTYREDOME of JOANE K-VASTE, a blinde‘Wo%man inethe T Townc of Darbie..,f W : t H Ejfirst-day of Auéufi in the yeere 15 56, i'u.H.'e1'ed at the towne of Dar- bic;;,__ta gerteine epoor.hone‘fi.. god}/ie_ wo; maniz being b-§i’njde,;.Ifrc3m her bi‘rth; timharriedg ab0ut:i.he.age %0f"AXX‘II, nah-Q med Jeane VVaefie,‘eeof the parifh oft Aithallowes. Of them that fate upon t!‘i]"S" igmocent woznansgbloyld, the-'chei:fcfi ' of them was Rafe Bain, Bifhop oftthe Diocefe, Dr. -Draicot,‘h.is tchanctellour, Sir._']ohn Port Knight, Henrie Vernon, Efquire, Peter ?F'i7ntIh,j‘O~fl¥”1Ic-ial~ Of. Darbie, with the affiflance alfo of divers others, Richard "Warde, and "Wi1eliam ’-Bf‘e'm‘-'- bridge, the fame tiineébeing Bailiffse of the towne of Darbie, &c. hFif17:t after the aboue named tBi‘fli"Ciph, “’ and i‘DoE’ttour Draicot, had caflffid the faid \ joane Wafie to bee app1*e‘l1‘ended%in the towne of Djarbie, fufpe€Ling:he1f'tQ}_b_e gui1_tie—of , ccrteine herefies {he ‘was dtuers umes h prjuilie examinegi 9“_s_.?\y‘e_1_l in prifon as out ofprifon, M the ioflictal aforefaxd: after that br6igfift‘o‘pfl_bhc examtmttoa *7“ . “iii. fer’ - ;.».e 3 " *7», I" E .$‘ __.;_‘ ,_.\ P , fiat’ _; V 3 §ié?f}';§beforc the Biifhop-, at ‘la-afi,‘ was .theg"*et 22‘ burnt in Darbie as is abofuefaid. toucliing‘ whofe life,brin~gisn-gs u~p,'and‘ ‘conuerfation, fomewhat more -amply we mean to ~dif~ courfe, as by faithful relation hath come to my handes. e ” F iArPt,i this joane Waite was the dauagtert ~ .ofon"e iWilliam VVaPte, and.hone‘fi poore man, and by his fcience a barber ; who ». fometimes alfo ufed to make ropes.-~ other oataibir‘th,i and {he was born blinde; i L! His wife‘ had the faine-Joaneiiiiatid” o/‘nae _ andtwhfen flie.wea§s~ai3mc fuH'c3red« i-mprtfonment, and othcr ifonnc death, for the fame doftrinc; autongfll whom ihee namcd, befidcs othcrs, Dr, 'I‘aiIou1,.dwhor.n. {hee‘faid- tookc it of his c0nficienCc,'that’that doétrine which he taught was true, and afkcd them, 'i{‘tht:*_y (so) would doe {o in like cal'c— For their doc- trine, whichcifthey would not, {heel deli-h red them for‘God’s fake not to trouble i her, being a blinde, poore, and unlearned woman, with any further talke,sfaying (by God,s affiftance) that fhee was ready. to yeeld up her life in that faith in fuch fort as they fhould appoint. And.yet~notwithPtanding, beinigtprelt by the {aid Bilhop anff‘fron) the bodfe9of‘th*e“i: ‘t'h’O?-'1 he Ciazzrch, and he rayae, um em um onh}: blind in her‘ bodilie eyes, bin "aim hiimie ih the eyes’ of her foule.-4- And he rm, that as her budie fhould be pr<:Eent_‘:ae confirmed in material fire, fo her 3"Oi_1‘§<.‘,,{(1()iJe1d be burnedm hell, in ever}a{t:xzg ii:-e, as foone as it {hould be fcpqratci-d from :he bodic, and there :to remaiue worid ‘wiI:h<,>ut end, and {aide It was not lawful for the people to pray for her: and To withgman§e terrible threats he made an end of his fertnon, and com» manded the Bailoiffs and thofe Gentlemen tofee her executed,— e o ’ [ _ 13_xnd the fermonw thus ended,—after fooinethe bleffed {eruant of‘ Godirwasy car- lerifed. away/from the lfaide Church to a place jzalled W"indn1i1*l.rpi-tt, nere unto thesfiowne and holding ~the aforefaid A Roger ;’W.a.«fie her «bro.t:her~h.y the hand I ;fl1e5prep.ared§ :herfe‘ife, and defired the people to pray withher, and {aid fuech r prvayeerseasrihe before had “learned, ‘and cried aupo-n Chrifhito haue zmercie upon h¢‘.1-has Idng as life ferued. A ' in«tht5"WCane __ f¢afo‘n',_-the faisde DI Draic-ot went torfhis I rm, for great -forrowt of her death, and there, lay’d himdowne, and flept djurfng “ - ,all the time of her: .execution:< and thus muchof oane Waite. ‘ Now, f'oraftnurch:i”s’ I am notignorant) faithful reader, thét‘ this and other ffories m.OT¢, fer forth, of the martyrs, {hill ‘not t lacke*~carpers3zind "4f.§?1"é1'l