«2- 5 z:’%L A A40 M, E VV ST A % Leading Wifexlmm unto my A V. cict A fl S “TKO L 0 QB Ku.5,* Auau 3 T I; 16 4.9. I1‘1theChu1*ch of. my fl/c/erwfllary, 4 Lom2’w2. By Ra B an r G n 1. 1.13.13. Mini4flcrh5ftHEmV?fordt!1ef‘e; 501 8c Luna, pofl: Dcurn, omnium viwzntium vita funt. Harm. Trififl. Kkézwzr, Q at*am1:.u‘w "'};1‘§ 5% nab?’ ifiggzvuu Mix/r?a‘ewv s'~o;fiaLa‘;.c¢go'7’ ‘w'gg4£a’P![4¢HV'o?.W "3“"IV%§5 1§pcue{wa3AA¢3qgfif oéhngfieyégwu a7; ‘a§&!.sauJ‘¢'és'ac7'a¢ AeMx9au, $7.; ang.ce'~?'a'. yeyéuwwp o?c3rége;%. Philo Jud. demnndi Opif. % j A4 % % A'Pcro1ogia.pcrfizrutanda cit ad cognofccndum pmprictares iI’cm:um%fycIcr%um‘, xix: hum: locum intclligcrc poflimus. e/ffzzg. » % ‘ % % % % ‘ Anpca;cem'@" £44 'z"z7I'§_*7‘§W %[»WroLg0"§wV %mzg5w"n§w?a”£wg ~7ra?x;g¢5A:‘..r;r¢g;:?~.€:;,:oV;".«i.‘o¢>t'ata'A am-wvayaios-n. Clcm.Alcx. tmm.¢1ib.6.. A Chaldmi cxitium, qmfqd im%minc:l:>..1'%:x2via-lm: no11%po;m‘c1*Lifxr, utp%ctc‘qu%odAc3cn:1m{ % Atumli Aaihox-um an-rm ‘non cmamrcrfcd can zmmxo IDc3ijconfilio., Galwfrz; jfiertum“ tefl, mulms in clcnucnzis-znutm;ioncs ab afirisi%Io%z~‘j1ii_, C01'f1DO1‘111n_g,~‘8C ~ix1genioxum imc1ination;ibus,% jI:111*1‘¢:11%¥;:or:1%c-£’cc:% m:ag4nam{vin1 Ixabcm T/2zl.:17m:lazzcI7« % ‘ ’ AA % ‘ % % % Au. “-*‘ 0:02 am 5311? 22%’ si3s§u:&”0I2 .“4?a£1sis21s.:i;fiil1.e 5 { 8: in ¢:::ag{i% humaxjxorum V 01‘ ® O N P1*intc{dfo1' .$';zmz;el S'zztter't%/Jwaite:'5 :1zi%cI”m:e £0 bcfoldgt A; % " -15..‘-A j A 2A'_:_<;f_ 1 .2; ‘ .v A_ A, ..,..v (MA 2 «-A,,_ - 19$’. Ax-w . OF Artiflsaor Students A S TR L 0 GI A gentlemen, ,~W,, A Ha: I Awas nofcafily pcrffwadvcd td A {peak inpublique of the cnfuin A argument, fame ofyourfclvcsgwho A A importuncd~ me t:hcr¢unco,cantcfii=~ fie. % But how muchmorc avcrfél View and ccnfurc of all men , manyc}tI‘1cr%vcrywcI1 evvrhavg been% fi'om¢XP01ing my ‘ zzhoughts inAAApr1m: U3 Athc“coan2.;flonM know. Among other teafbns, thefcéfi:3ccially&%moved[~ m-e=... Thc.worldis ovcrcha rgcd wfiith an Vin%f‘i1pporta1\blc number of baoksg,“a~nc£AA;Ewokwrig6txVdai*I.y“3éfcr1itlifizoizhc = A , A AA buA§d%¢n=% ihuirtie_n : Scziéimm indafixz‘a'aé2‘ig',re.~+a.uI'haVe 0bf'erv€d? A alfo‘ n“mCh_ precious. truth aheadydxtanta,exceedingly’ A - r negriiieeéied, efpeeialiy becaufeitprefentait {elf in“fir~u--. pleanei plain language, ‘even as theiSe.r_iBture, for the“ A A f12t1e,reai7t;n,.i5,fleigflhted, which rI1ai<5trine,‘it’s evid'enti’yffi1ppoi'ed',that in re... » ; ceived T<‘.’r1€FltS 0fD0<9cx'inc,ti‘nerctt111I’t be foznewihat ‘ amiffe; itow «:15 Can there be~.Re‘for111ation made in And Whereas Btefizarmationiin'iDiiitipletiueiand Gib-— verttmem: is much prclfedg though there #be*hMot ouch word of anyfpcjgiall Govetnrnent tn the Covenant», 11 A ought not mento be moire earnefl for Reformation i;‘ne D9~5“Ti“¢a‘Yhi§13ti§f‘?iT¢“F¥?i1‘1§i‘?diP1‘.i‘?¢5F3”». than fat ma Gorrernnaentwhich isaecidentall only" * and implied“? and therefore, under the favour ofthofe l \ wfho"thinl; ot»herwife5 thereisforne neceility , that all diiflierrences in judgement fhould be made known , yea grhough fame of them be Very ~erroneous; in“which A ° e :ere’l‘pei<9c, there nfmfilbe herefies,ofait‘h‘the~Apoflle, I" Car. ;,~r 1 .. And therfore prove ad t/:z‘r2gs,a.wl /sold fafl I/Mt mama ~ .A isgoocij r T/ref. *5 .o 21. Try the Spirits; I §'—"ob27.4.. I . For "how can weprove all things, unlefle We have fme V knowledge ofthemr+:' how can We try the Spi1‘iIZ$,‘€}{- :cept we 1tnoW,there are fuchfixch Spiritsa’ *1 There is yet another reafon, winch truly m1: felf, is not fo prevalent with me, as the importunity of form: l ...;friendsmakes it _:,.namely,, the obloquy and reproac,h tithatfome men have can upon ~ this obe,rmon,; and the Preacher ofit. T/Mt it had neither bead more taz‘le‘.i Tlmz.‘ V , in it I /and defended Conjurer: and gizagleh. That 1 held the z'nflu.encc5eafte/mflarres fa powerful/, t/mtt/76} inferred A fa msmeto fin. ‘That I /and dclirveradl many naturism Parse Tau-r 1-13. A That Phrafc oF"im‘pli~cite contra—- a adiétion plainly {peaks the men,of what judgement they a rate. r And thereforel had altogether negleéited their re-5 pproaches, having endeavoured now for many years to approve my {.C1f3.."f€I'V3fll.'. 0£ Chrifl: , by honour and ~difl1onour, by good report and evill report. Howbeit underfianding that form: were hired to take notes , by. A one or other, of whom I couldgrornife felf no lngreatt good, having had experience of fuch indircét l l ‘de_aling,leaf’t the truthit felffluould {offer by me, (even that ..;....... grefidaewas Ale:/yes, that old Truth, Whiclil I e endeavoured to draw out of the pig‘) I chofe rat-her cxpofc mrruck rncéitatians M9 the worldin their \ OWH A ‘own homeefijttn titeflAAeA, EI1a!3fuPfEA1‘th€t13~tOAbe prefcnl. .e ted naked on the ftage (according to the mifapprehen» ‘ {ions and evill intentions of fume) to bje.hifl"ed oft” . A again,if.‘I could thus prevent it... - Thus Gentlemen, I have given you my rfeafons both, A A o£Amy bflCkVV.A31'd'i~A1CflAAC'J and yet alfo of my forwardneffe to fetive.you;._t_»Excui?e, Iprayyou, all defeéts, as for _ o?1:ihe"rrea{'ons, fo by my.fl~1ort warningga fortnight A onely, wherein my weekly hufineI’fe,as much as other e I mens, hath notbeen omitted , though Iitnow the A uife of men,‘mz'mt-zmtde‘ ilzzéorettt addanr ifigfiflffig yet _ fwhat If%1y,ye know to_he- true. I befizech ye, heed well, what in fpeciall It fpeak to -- A you, toward the end of this difcourfe : -which thCA ta- ‘ ther I hope ye will do, beicaufeye made choice of me , not onely as being one of your judgetrient touching yout.r:A~rt,butAnas one, ofwhom ye might heare Truth a A A impartially concerning your due pta6’tifeAAof Ayour Art, 1, A willing to pleafe all men, but onely for their good un- to edification, having. no mans perfon in admiration; A for advantage fake. A A As thereforeye and your Art are férvents unto the A God of Heaven, Io far forth I ;profeITe and fubiizrihetg myofélf; ~ A A A MA A A t A A A t A A A A A Sits; , Your.fi=:tvantin the L‘otd,A A V ”‘”'*--9 /I ‘ “\.‘~‘zax\?§\' I W // As ERMO N Preacheci before the learned Soéféty of A % As TR 0'1.’ 0 G E< RA 5. ~ _, W... ‘ ..,.,_,,,,,,,, ‘ . ..__.....— - J; WHEY? 14 H8 “Mi 5:‘ Zmme King of the fewer .? for we r'mxe feene bim _ %-5'14?.57Mb5 E41}: fifld-are come to worfbiy /Jim. M A" 9,, Mung the ?’Gr.e,ci2m: they had their "Common Affemblies of their owne and other Nations %ever fifth cer faith Herodotus‘; :md¢at;‘thof'e Y A Y .9 . rneetin s,their Panegyrigzal Orations,whofe /%mait1i¢ cope was mydgfimyavg th‘epro'flt: and "0' I ’ 4 ‘ I]: ’ . feflions and Societies'0Fmen.havex:hcizCon4- froWm that40f' Greeée; it via w%;g%;‘faz;.ao%r,;%t.heir Weaith, the Wadvanccé menpand increaiéof Trade. “And although :here%be; farms pré-A ' came ofwamicy and love, yet all being Vbufied about the fame coinmodi'tYa; wherein‘ every one hath equal! intehe{’t,if fome no-g~ cable gainfiike 4 B-one_.,bc cafl among thc.m,rp3vv§e: g; vembvx m..«.-mu Vcovetmzfneffe ande1ivic:1'oon«raviIs%alI their friendfhlp. ‘, ’- Wealth of Greece; Andamong us;_.,mo(’c Pro-- . mbliesg and their and commonly differs little A ' % As for you, tI1el%earne‘Jbu£9‘0‘7P , datum, -thg¢'*fu?»pptofit»i9n 5 that they tt3QI“(cfC$dt't= A ‘€722 Z11’?-:~a'm::‘aa, tgta‘ii~‘t€td3tTM?b5rKi71§?f*?b67eW5 “_’“”I3’0"”t‘""~ A Thatwhich‘they tputto the O¢1_ei’e1b“n upon t~lx1stAfup~pofit1om,. t F7’/‘be‘r‘e9 13' He tbat‘yz'».rtborm*,f*@’0.~ t ” t To“ cm unfolding bothtt~oft£il1e.§ Supp(>fition~.=étnd omen, { before the Svciety }gf‘A: 51‘ on a airs. lthebeupon; its i i£<:efl'ar y that wekrmw‘ whg thcfi: AQgellio-ll ; niAf’cs”wcre. The verf:AAbAefore my Thextmls us tihelylwere Mag2,l ' which we turn Wife-menl: which lword_.,bec‘aufieihts very am: bi.gu;>us, we maylmow that anciently there _hw%éreitwoforclsl A df‘llW2fdomeAs5$and {'0 of Wxhfe.-smen. TAhle9Afcrrmer Wxfédameh truely» ‘called ,? beg in; with the A Afélare of God;, and is -tlhel lgnowlehdgclof jDivin,e&andAHun1aineAthings 'iVhin€9a8 oflthei Providence oaf God, his general! Agoxrernxnent of the AWorld by Stars andAAngels; his 'f'pAeciaIlA government of his ACha;{ch A by his%lWo;:da1nd Spirit. A V A A ? * gfiumailmzi,‘as_chel‘k.nowledge o‘Af hNat“fLi~ré3 aI1il(fl‘flf5;l3AlE*'t1f;;-y¥l?lell?ll€‘f_3‘ and whndérs t'hAerqiAr1fcoh"tained,Afarré&%gr¢aI;erlt*h.tn~ =ou¢r 1_1altL1‘-V A mall Phy‘lqAfoph‘;i‘"*‘iihow in; ufe azadlrcputatlon 4wiIlrelaclh%u1ntol=; V V alfo%pra&icaI1AP‘h‘ilofophy in Morality and Civility. A 5 ll $Thc“’lattler%Avfort ofAW.iAfdomle,lfalfelly llfo llclaIhl3ed,?‘blegim with the ignorance of pefilefi andlcdntempt 5‘fA_o'f'l his Nature, K Will, Word,‘ Wayés , *lis’”tf’h¢; J Fhfiébwl ¢c:lge <”caf - D‘iabo1ica‘lAl gulrioficies ,4; Wi:dhcraft,fi‘Necrdmahcy5 conlfedeé ‘ racy with. un¢lhan;l.Sp1riAts 5 A 4.':.‘l:3m>sgl;:_'ob_,i:1 fubtill my of deceiving L ruinednfldeflcufiionoFM:mkinde,A * A A 2 4',rhli3\i'$"Cl1L€l‘I“h*l3*’l1#"~VU(-¢@”0?’¢?lf:Ic;,VVif'CClKZ§Ii‘l'cl$tn¢Zl Wife-men fallfe-A A A a”nms1%1lfe dhd‘bth§rs5 by the names ‘(iFlG0d *8: Angelsgwheh A thellDci*il1‘% inL;¢Ii‘dS #n‘”Qthiln$g Ieflé, A tfhilsh l-siride Aa'li7o~ is ltha-cl fort of ugl'in'g WhéfehyAche~FalucieAisAlc0r‘rupted,*';and Wtzrks true! y wrought “b¢y;ond*Afthe pawer o,f'Na_ture‘ by compa& with th.eDivo1l. A V A A A ” ~ ¢ [The VvlfdomelsCgllgéll9¥ea§*ocpfao,§a33pw7rqavl¢>la:c, l l Lgztuififl 3VIa,si¢‘kA€: lrendah~a»1“;¢geeh~er the Ahon‘1:>li~r*l‘0»f G56, and ltb’chéA;pfélZérvatién‘ c§l’;ih+=kinAdle. A x The latteir 'i8‘lCa“lleCll){9:1naau¢/5_cx;,_ x9ualJ‘cce(,wyEoc,, MagickelDiAabo* ‘ . 1ical1,andt¥ends Whlflly :0 the dAi(h A A nour of God, andwolche ll lllfbflcéllfidl 5, which ' ' bfxerx by his: Pm- V phlets a«nd«Ap‘olflles linveighes .agair.1P:;; Such were Pbaraob: $.01lfb*f3y¢Ifl%S,lOf lWh.oAm Saim: Paul fhlenltions two, jam and ' V V A léndfundryl4the;;llli¢.; A * V ;V;The:‘e tfird A kizidéxgf WHadomél”a:id uwiféemen _.,A h*el~ who B2 _ V ,ccm- 3'¢i?7.i5ft5J‘ fizich Wa8ll5?m°n.lMagw, iuéh the Scarccrer, A A l . ” =:;;: I E A -5 ' ‘ col::1£ounds,‘avnde takes for qzhe fame; e"i.chej: out of iglnoranhccm M L or rualice,or both (for fuchthere are) he too much wrongs % \ and abafes the fervants ofGod,anld too -much honors the lvaf-g {als of the Dlvell. A He who thinks I attribute too much tooth: formerl kindeefi ll of Wifh-:»m,e and Wi{e~ineh,Iet him; inqJ1}5irc What theoG_ymna-fl l fopfjifirlim Etl2iapi£W"ere,andl the Braclamamii i1n»Ir;did,5 .What the BabiIm;ian¢ov*oand Perfizm lMdgil Wére, land he will thinke V I haul kegzne too fparing in theincolmméndaltion. T_hof'e owefel four: Slfihooles of Wifmmenlfamousthroughoutlche World; and. V V Ofthem werewethcfe Wifaemen, who he-movethe qnefcion _ in;my- Texta T&hof¢Wife—elm“cn o‘fthe~E;:{’t, as j_th‘eyIcxcee_ded. flllltheeee ; W0rl%d in Otliérwlfédomévatfid l{n0Wl£'d.ge,Afo inlflfifg. . namie and Azmroliqgiee; whence they “are thought: by tome to be A calledMagi of A Magog, oneofths lfeveneCiti.es_of— note in Afia,T V far!-10U3l‘f0I‘ that Scicncee ,Anhd th§1e:cfor¢Mt=1;0go is thhoughcle l have theJeenarhehin the Ebpew, becaufe from the Houfe-ti”o;ps(fg. , .33. fignlifies)V,whicho.£5Qld were made ”pIaineleandlflat1_.,Tthejr llwerewoflnt to.cont¢mplate and beholdfhtlhe Stapresh and Mo»- tions of the Heavcns_.,. and‘theIic'c*"to pr aife Godlihf hil$fVVor,ka.‘l ‘ OF this Profelliongthouglh not::;of~this eCitl.C, Wehe thote Mega in my Text. Such Wiféemeh they Were}: knew God;,a[ndthéj invifible things of GO('l5» beingcleerlylfeelie Landelluhderfloody. from the Creatiorilof thhelwbrld, by zhethings that are made; M as his etemallepower hand God-hea%d And thus knowing , we they glorified him as God, Rom. 1.; Such zisawere not l'“1eae-..- ms of thelawa be-‘t doers'0fi'th= flmh hashhaving notathc Lawg. were 1aeL;aw unw?.lchemfe1ves, flmwing, thc"w‘érke§§f A ‘A Iwritcen in their ehealrtsl, Rome. :lL4,l such he were fglltyhlftzll in little 3 and therefore God imparted more unto them ; ac... . choreling to th~at",geneeral.1 and ln€V8rllfaili1_1g_ rule, ?Haob'enti .dabi-A-‘h Mr 33:0 thélil h~3Il?S,-#74‘ 3 mulch’-Whét l okn0W1¢€lg'9°a_ 37339 and fitengtb he ha~th;"_£h,al‘l% naotjehe Wgiflven. ,Yelal_., giofuch a P14:-e A mphory and full lpcrf\§Vafion' of Dlvinetruthlthey hadattainé. . 'Ag3£l_.,tl‘_1atthely m_ade,, not any quefiion_;, whether Chrifi were borne‘ the King of the fewer, or no,,Vtha%t theyntwooke for granted, buzz aak ed, Whemahfi was borne ae.lI{beree Mex‘; bQw‘ne5@c- Eefbre the Soeiety 3 $3.0 ALW0 9 E.‘ Res, A 5* B.;.; hmggrgcame they [0 confident? few His Starre iii; A V che Eaif :7 there’: their fix-Pc Reaf0n,'from theimpu1fi=veAeaeufe.- A A Eat it itfatisfa&ory ? For explication ofchis'e'Peea;fon,ic°‘s I161 A V 9 cefliry We fatisfie thefe Qgleflions. 1.. How knew they the Kingof the fewes .-?;~' A % 2. AI-Iowhx-mes this S"::a;'x=eI—;:'Iis 2; A A * V e A 3. V Aflowhknew they A this hSi:hareree to heme 2”" Mr .‘ _ 4; From what paec‘oft:b€'Eafl: came.th‘¢:y,Where they faw“ 1, Hew knew they Him? Who was‘ their Teaeherflutor, . or Cou._x1fehll0ur?~ AA 3 A ' " ' he A A A h eh “ A * V A His Starre ? e A ‘V Theyhhadeh;cWCi;f_'.n;,..¢uoii, "or thing grantgd, thatstheflihng of ¢4~:the*‘ewe1isAborn.;C AA A4 A' h A V A hAAhe:m:ehA we mhhay"takhehoticeAhow Em-eV nature hhlpen arc, andtraaition, may goe. Tat cannotbe denycds but that A thcfir Magihknew M:hfirf’ch_., that therewasachild born : fecohdly, «am He was a male child :.m1;h11'dl}, that-Hg: was tube a Kmg 5; A ‘W A V A . A ‘ A fourthly ‘ A A ~lvéfin~e tbehSaciétyaf K S 1‘ i1.\._ hojLfo‘“e?*E‘"a.'"s. :9 fourthly, that parcicularlyfie ‘was; to be a King of the Ic"a‘£'I, _why‘Arc“(houId hchexcludcd Wholy fifOti1- the co,«2'nii'%mc4e of‘ N4tiv4it_ieS,h 0%: of Kings %andStat:<-.3, I cannm: f‘ce,Iincc%Prc.di- A fliuns according to prcscepts of“Art,f'urmavyages_ known and A ahppmhv-4:-d, have been found {Q true. 7 Imdeedchehobjeufi h_§:re flandthc meahsialfo Wm: e-:xcr:~1"£>rdi~ n’ar%y,_ a new Stagfre: -yet wasthahth a nacurail helpe; and farms to cvié’t thus much; that the well groundad.Scholars ‘ cf Naturchhandh Art, efpcciallybeing wife, hone{’c,%a.nd~verthz1~" ous pexjfuns , hhandhfaichfull accardingto what thcfy.kn.c)w,(as pmbably thefe might: know fohmewhhat by tx7a?dition., as Whathh ; -been fhcwn) fixch mayunderfiandimany hthidngs (rut of the : face of hheavengwhen the afpefl isicirdinary 5 Fm‘ Th» the Stat: M .-are made” not Qmilyfor "S6311? ms, but: Valfo for Signes3€ren..;. I4. . V ~wh'ihc:hh they figmifie not, how are they Signs; 3 yet hence I would infer no more then the Text will heat. A Alfo when the .Afpe& is extraordinary and new_., A fixcfib as-this Scar wasj. And the reafbn is ; That, it beirig the Crizators end, thathfihlch his I extraordinary creatures fhouldh hporcend and fignifich fame 7 ‘good hor evill to the wm*ldh,h that extraordinary: work of V ~God_ £hCgLll‘d“b€ vaWine,,W anti that end of Gohd which he aymes W at",h fruf’tiéace5 qfpécialfi uniflto thofc W50: 'Wam: Word’ , if none haghmohng themhfhould undcrfiand What isphercbyiigrzified % andwforctold. h ;2“. The lightof. Nature ahndArt: being further iII11flrar’@”(j,w and holpenbygrggga may difcfirne 1'pirihtua1h1thins=:s« out ~ :h¢,_bh<:ol‘hfNathtirc' W as thefE1Mdgi- did dirccrn fmm this Scfihrg By fhh?e%hh¢Ip‘%p¢f.Godshgracious illufnirhfatflicxm That; not an ()u’t.wa.rd and éivill ,“bL1”cha fpiricfiallh King, a”1\«:I¢*/jig!) ,‘A and ‘A Shayihour was ngw :bQrtl7C,9 Qhg; .hI¢wc.r. % V}Wh.1;:h' cm: hraht:’h«:t~~ I om fcrim, find C0rnfli§3fhl_dhUnytOht11¢%mhtho think OE, Whho would exfv ‘- cIuhd;ch} allclhehhhflcafhen; hf'x‘9mhw1I1lv:ition, ” hechémfe they’ have no -‘ } 3 thchCii‘”din'a‘I‘y 1i1m:‘a;t"1sh,,i“Iiéhh"<5utié"flvard Prc*aChing'bF the ’Wc.i1‘ci,f_ A A gvidchthetfl 5 as if the ,on,eIy gfvifc, andV,graci0u4s Godhwenehhlie Ah mi1‘;3'hdg,$ andVbou’q§1LG;;QV‘%inflru&‘and i"a1rctjha»c?Way0n.éIy.. Silithhh . not the Apofile expre.fly,chat whmhche hG)37zh{z’le!h, who have h M H nr.:$c” yo AAvAsermon5, P-«reaéhed A % A not: 1:11;: Lavg, ~dqiby Nature the, things co_ntginhAd i’mthyeLa£n3, . %% ‘ Atkxciehgyjng riot th%c%Law, are Ha¢Law unto chcmfelves ? whe,-5"" % H ¢JQjl}¢5""’N acure Lia‘ rjbt éppdfcd 120A pcofeu _% G:%a‘qé,§bu‘t% to" vé Atkié Law 5 and‘ Wriiitéxi ‘AWorH:i0f Gc3d« ‘Nob bm: _th».2g:; W; V T Gught exceedingly.§:oVVp;aife}Ofur Godt%_,%%$%a-(id: higlply to efieem of his % £"p§;fcia‘1Ig(a__odn¢fi% &l1'%;t1tVo t‘i$’, imm:~.ff0$rdi‘ng wr'it_tcn I Word , Awhicfl bleifing ho1y,Dawd i‘I1fp£gir1l.I, man»ne- A Praii"e*=h Gad; andesmdxtécht9«io%: Pfl41’-;I%47- I9,%:wA; BALit%wiLh¢a11 , it bec0'rr:1esLis‘aI,fo’ Ato,ackr1owI cdg the Aric7:_hesA A of hTsAAmercYAa% %cfvAexi?Aunj:o‘%ih0fe‘Aivho‘Want th%e§joi1t‘wa_rd ward; %ax”1ci miénflrtéy Bun": that c”h¢_«;iutw‘a_rd4 w4Qrdd) azigd reach?- m’l’A%A '7-iEdx&i2‘_.”, % is" czglléd the ligbtpffi1e§2}fo7J. ‘ I. A izdg‘ or‘ it; is not ghé pn§3;:lyW%3Q11 t;W%ard megtncfi 1ead ing_1f.o fa1\{fi9- , tibn, ‘Vthef¢Apafllef#cegc;%heth"Afévidcntlyx 61975 I‘, 4717 9"" V‘ be) 75“ ‘be ‘j"’° Tda*béMf04%?71a3 WiFhcr I-h¢%%day.4 of Fame-WV cap,‘ Tne:aAA;Aprzm;}vz;_ Gehijz_{r(1_,~_qth¢%fiFfif1‘9iC5,9f the Gezz:,iIe:,.%. Imew new x;heiAi: own: callixjgg Wwhichst? 1’ £71 ?-’T.. 4457-‘ 1 Q,» %34a,3$‘S‘-} A trim be anAA’:qAknow; when he; 11" d reap a v‘fi6n f}QH1 he1’vWen‘. ; . . A %Atxd’S‘:; Pad My hig7hIy"cI’€éerh”§ the revelétidn of;d_x:his%*%my~d % an 7ude~«. ; ; Hi”'t"1ier“toT yxr’e5Aiiav§ ffeex;c the J’A=!5~3v°zs_ or rt-zing, grantieflfi in” the i1%飒ti4t31_x'1 qopgcgns 1__1s..’ The §nfI£u*g_9r,_ pr thing g; g % - 4 Aas;‘;n¢ier119o11$«;¢r9 I 31??-AThe A H; %;11*gAc%;s V4‘£x’ 1€i§3g§ y":y’|n.¥h‘e“‘ A «WV ~%where,4;4%‘ w.dAmayt%a’k§j_10iic¢ A A V V T MA ” A" xiii AThefi ‘M4gi,A thcfé. wigfs: .in~s1t;airfli!3£4a»_ Whfirs was 5.9% ¢ % .ih?Y. ‘?"‘=1*‘F?. .*3¢“9fA’%‘1¢~ F”i?fl%€?§{‘*;€€¥;‘:‘a3lF?%=sW Pb‘? 5“? W? as Aerepr; * A A ~* A A A AA A A "G03 “vV%0u11dA4hav§=%}th¢Afari3.¢ So’n.s.% .i”‘€Ifl4¥i9Z? fiéry made krwwn un¢9.hi£n=~E12bef~3- 2- A ‘F . V . . n P 5: an eeaam , fay ’,A * Whycfiwe is \ .\ , » ftzrmdr-10* nelyas Weé¢e»%2~Wa; M ! "3"" - , Eefore ibemsaaiefy‘;T0f7uz.A;-aSAA?r.fToigAAL 0 "0 ER. 3» 41.}: A A ,3. VAAtA;%r4n}”azV£<:m%% 12h’-W ask~?t"his <:p%.1c:flti~en:,§Awh*Qm?w7ifémen% pmpound q~:1;efti.o::;3 untoxmcn afiAc»;amd iarbla to ,%an{?-my ¢;hm;,%3A A who Awer:eA AtA1ereA Mae iza-hiabitazAAxtsVo§j‘e»ru,’}zlem,A§md% ‘rhea wi lmeMA&“l‘a3. 2*- ned of them. ,VV'hence.we may nc:)t«A=;.,%~‘t4hat» t~he;aAw§fe“ in Aegepy kinda areperfonsmecc to The A%ad"§rifed W§E%h«a1L,‘ ->in..d()‘ubts Aof all«?Afmms ., ;Aa:a_1dA thflf» fpiszitual wife winuAfpirit~t1;zli d%ifliCmlr.ViesA, , ItA§5; Gods O"di:uncc_.,A I;'lziaI2 2.1. 2. - % ~% AA 4. jBot.h Nature :;&~A Ara may: b~av;at.~a ~f’ean“d in ‘Afpiri~Atu»:a3 ceh-mas, efpecially c0n%cem;ing— Chrifi; ‘Vw-hKii‘ch’“‘a$"I the ,;A4pbfiZe.wjmg.fl;;33 ar@V‘7;VerV" rnyflcerious,*Epbef.«AA3 .‘4.¢=;»;1 ~‘.Z‘:j'z'm. 37.16. A4 A A :5. When Nature and Arcaareim. a°lo£7é,t,hey ~mufl: be%pheIi2linef;riof bi; ‘bimdmajden, fluke IA.A . “H"'%”'%heicher , ‘ Vtheirxnocgncy, Wnc>:fin1pIic‘§.'tyW, nAo:‘humility‘oF“th'& Chi1&.r2 % WChrifl_bc‘bom;1.n~»us,.rhow,AisChr1{tbomiqus ffimuch :a,s*A‘~3 .; asmra~2%% A A % A A f T;-ue iwc\Kis, thefemjc but weak, where‘Ch rifiA isAAnewb«'orn.i~A V A %BA‘”tit lét t“h¢m% confider thi9A , who thmk they ought: alwayes mbe (0 weak, and place their firengch andpowcr ofjFueV-A A A gligion‘ in c(omp‘1aining% OF their‘ Wehkhfefs. the‘ch«_i1d 1. A conti“nue_a1way.esA§I chil‘d;?"or dbtfh AheAAgro.W_41:.o% 'g“réatcrA* age A and {item ? 'Ep'l2‘.4L. I 4.,1;.;=‘ hrif’cAb‘orn in “her , H: barb T£fig{d.r£{§;. Lem emAaIfoVconfidcr yhis , wha alflibugli theyjwa-nt the:innoccm':y,fimplicityg and humility of the Child Chrifl, A yet pzref'u?nAc%thnmfe1§I'¢s able and wellAgrown'ChrifiianHs, » yea-, finch-' are: grown upto the V0ld-Wage of CAhriPt;’ hyV?“"[ A ,Bec§auiEthey fihde chefléfh relidlagainfc the Spifit ',A andvrthc rSpiric againfi the fiefh ; which they take fdr a figne of ‘:1 per». fear regenerate man. He who thus judgeth of h*imfelf_;, ’as%»I‘V< fear LooV’n&4-apy4% 5:10’ glét qh1i_m knmv‘, th’atl'1e;% is but yeta childc, a%Iit"tI“<é chil%d”,‘if 'f'oAr1nuch'in Chrifiiini4ty.' Arndfor proofof?this5compm're5 I befeech yee G2zjl..4.. I 9:; with cap. 5;.,1'7.; % A But th6ugh Chi'i{’c ”l5éAborn%as 1 Child _.,V yet is He than a King.; T3 'the .clfi1d Chr'iA[’c bbrn a in chat? ?”W'her¢ Chrifl: '4 % is biom" ea Kirjfig, tfhk§rcH‘é’ mu f’treign_, 'If&iab 9. :1/ntov Am Aer Cbz'ld .b%om_-., e*’9~c.a. ai2}:1‘“tl)gGovei'nmenz is %upon‘bi: {boulder ,. éfic. Udes chisf gingfireignibéhr rule ,, and gu:)vc1"n t- eAeAai1d.A;n1e’?AA %‘Wh£er¢4 Idé,%reighe.s,. flue wi1tilVtz:%paffi'c3nfis,,4-the brutifh~-é:ndA~%fav:rgc~ afi'e&’i%on%sT»;‘% as hatréd%,.%¢sr¢ar*ia*nce,A emtilatigon , %wrach_, .¥fi%rifq,,-A Vtwhcyna ;5:1ame”d: "and -«[bi‘0L1g’h't 'into=’ '*ffl5i¢s&i0n5;ufidE5r‘ -§l':h;*!“A ‘ * AA ;S‘e.rmmf Pregmiaed AChi!d Aflaat‘-;A‘i8A Abortl Aa AKix;g, If:2z7aAb 1 1. 6A..A InAtbe¢!;1f;Ae:’so[f A A4%‘Chxfi-Pr, {O it is in AA the A‘CbaldyA "Paraphrafi) ‘The Welfeff;m'l1 A *A,.AAAdx;2eI/ with t‘beALamb_., and tbe Leopard ;~.=,»aI1 lyea”a~.2m with Atbe Kid, Amzd tbeACagIf. A.ana'1be_you?1g %LAia2:r,% aazd; tbeAfatling. tegexber,A ‘drzbfa l~itt%lAe A :«-:;CAhiIdA [hall lead and governAVtbem,-APAroverb.% 20.38. ’ % A And ther‘cfQre%‘AjC«hrifl Ais Called the King the;IéI%‘e%:. V ‘-::VVhacAisAchat:..m§«ur. ?» A The true .Iewe.c Aarmhcy who, praife Aand AAglorifie,their«:AGodA, Gerzefis 29.3-V5;'AAiTiHe “is not a.Iew, who is AAAon:eQutward;y, Aneicherwis %tha~cACircumcifion A, which is put- A~ward% inAV§he.AfleA{h;, bathe is a llew who is one inwardly, a“ndI A ' xCircuAmcifi0.n isAthat:AAof» theheart and Spirit, %anAd:not4 .;.O£ fu“cAl1AAAAIewe.r, Aefus» is the.KiIA1-g. Av A A;.con%ccrnaAAm;.A% Sqjdo At_heirA§Reafons.A ‘ A A ’ AA:FiArPc,Athey {aw H~isAA,Sjra1:. Whgnce we may%.~:fi the Lettier, Atvbofe pmife is notbf Ame72,Al9uAt bf G dd, I~’.om.~A2. AA28_,jAA29. Yqperc¢ivc.%(A:Ee1aved) ..Aho1W nee;rIyAiA:heA Wife mefisAAO_u¢&i0n . AFir{’(,Qbf:rve the Amétlmd «:«f%-A ol1!‘*+GoAd ,V%i11’brij1gingmen - i1ntoChrifi: He takAAc~s‘men at their work, he V_'Shepher%ds wcre{fcedingv.of AAA:1aeir flocks bynight _., and t.hAe‘Anwge1A of A.fthe ‘Lord =-bz70.‘ughtAAAtAh.emAthe~'firf’tglad tidings of %Chr iPc ccming .~,Ain.Ach*e%:A:fle{»h,,ALu}z§A2.A A }AThc ,Apof’clesAwere at: “their Atrade a .A~Vfifhirgg, and Chrifi calleclthem. 'TAhefe Vvife n;1en‘wgre..bahol~ dingfthe Scars,rand%Agivia:g ;g1~or»y Auntoméd 2 and God» fby a ~~%Star1eaAds A..1;hnemA untoACh“riA. . ’ A A A A A A AA_Secon*d1y,takeAA%%nouiceAof AGodsAgmc‘i%o*us condefcenc unto A ;¢;*M;u1.ki3nde,: ?A:I-Ieetakcs men by their worke andfby‘ their firqw A »f¢iIiai;gA¢”Iff 41:73’ :70.» H?-;bAofc,.David fer'uant,and took: ‘him from theSbeqpfo?ld5,:fromAfo1104WingA.%tbé*EW5 AAAgveat witbyoimfle *‘bro‘z¢gbt A.._Him to feed (onto Alérob bi1'People,_a72d A4 Iljfrahl AAA; u"‘inbAerir¢mc¢:. A A “ A HC:«"E00kC th’ewV*%ApofiIesAbeAi;1gA;vFi{her~amen,and .mg”‘“ H ,them‘Fifh~ ersAiAAofZAm¢n,13~.ulge 5. I0. AThus%'Die2Az)'fim the Mrcbpa mg¢,AAgA,Ay gm, cho1ding&:hac¢ruperx-murall .E{':lipfeA (sf thcA:Suzf1 at thevPa~fIion of Chriift 5 ‘ as» He br%;i iefff Wm?-‘V men»0;.th%_floathfu1ne4fTeMo£moI’cmcn. in t3fii=‘f¢d4"az5re‘é!44JL!%""j . h‘gfv¢4noc% ,.or1)e1)%gthe bcioke of Nzture openytb Tus, as théfzgzl-LV VVifeA-is-1enhad,. but the Grra%ce%% j(oF¢hG%od alfoshaah m God» gave Ilfilthet‘ Preac en nor Word;V‘ O~m5rIy’%A" it ‘is: V"5mbt5b1e, «a _ traehtwn fthgy tw;d»»%«an¢1¢b¢ut probable a. they m¢I1ti»on_ it ‘nOt4|‘n""& °9§~I;5'£\tlmYx£aW 4; $'t%rn¢4ea9d;¢awe .a1,9D31Quxney:ca~ wcirffzip» Beloved I Iblame not now gm: w‘ant4 of ai1%%ig”éMpcer~in«4¢omg m51a§@;_::,§h@Wh$~ “.‘3«“£1»’~‘{'7*.1.~9¢¥,,i1J‘1E«’Qh1'lfi¢3!1YaWhen my abroadg. ngk-w1t,haqep%§aqw efethlngs we "nlay doe, and;gbod*4me‘amm.¢ they; iE1;fj?vEh\9Jlr“%ggd‘é: “W d¢gt€e% “yet Vmay we..,u£e*%che a11,,,s%~.& auda that dlllgeilfilv and ye; A’firs% ppflible “we may i not % n‘ so%~m,s+;%;3g0 C_hFi.f"- %M2irk:».Iy*ptay;¢. what‘. AAbuc...Sa£+iour ffaitlm-r1*~. 7‘ ” % can A 4 4 z4M’}S'eiftfi2’0Iz, Pr¢aébed _‘ A % VtQATNthéi¢W3h5 195;! 40. Teé jearcb tI2.=:Scr}}$Iz1tre.r(i‘c::y» {lie .<'G-reelge Word em/m7e%Vié% rnathér IndAicat§v.+:1y than impg,at;W;y_% there to» be underfiood, as ch: Tait will appears to any judi. acious man,who (hall well confider it 5 ) Yecflfarc/J,faith he the %%t;a3’2rip:nre%:, for in t%/Jemyee tbinlge to bave eter'mal/ life :,A and tbcy flare‘ Jtbqy wbicla teflifie af me ;and yea wit! not com}: unto me, am véemigbt Mbawelifegg To come;um:oAH§m, is tjoba-leave on Him, Iabn“6 A -,.~:33a to conformeflthiemfelvesunco his death, that as Chrifi '1.ives;_they mighF.Iiv§ alfo; Tb??? mvxa-7c;Aa3g9;§a_faitbf:tll fay-, mg, zf we dye wztbH:m, we flaall lwe w.itbA-~Him,% 2 Timothy 2, A ,;1 1', 12. evergftbfgzt lifeof Gad from which weare eflfqnggda Ephef; H %.4,. T%hus the?AI£nm’ came not unto C‘hriPc,A nor,Ifcare, many g Mofus.” “ A" I _ A ¢ hefewife-main came unto Chrifi by the” guidance of at % 1’-Starve, and their examplemay jufily biamcthe unwifg-,‘ who a"fi’:ri.Ab*é thiair no1‘.”cornmipg*unto Chrifi, to fa1;all.neceflity or I i:ifl?Mg;:et‘)ces of the %Stars‘3: :As Tgrrtulliazz réporcs bfigra oranthrnen, Dcninefdnt feipfo'I,@€ mal¢ me7=z’ti1t% impetm 7291 fat‘a%ve#lAflri3 «z1np,,¢mA;‘ V V They excufe thernfclves and lay fit he blame of their evil! minds A Au"’bn%f'ataII% necc*f{ityj_,TorI upanthe Starr%e\s.f % M P A = ‘ - W p 4 A A V V A ‘A3 for fatal! neceffity,Iet them an {wet 8: fatisfie thefe com- -p1 £';iff1tS_. ,MWh‘O are i“gno%rant of Gods Go'sjrer'nmm“an t_,of thé %Wc3’fi!d; ~ = by%%ASt‘;ar1fe%s %a;mdAngcls;and gthercfore all other %men3mbfi° dpgi pofe Aflrdlogie. Thcfc and thy who faigne a combendjtgug afid pe1fcmptory¢dfecrce[‘of Gzfiadg, Awichotit confideraticm of firme d,‘to lave a few, and d'an;?u*1 all the world; *~ A V01un,tariIy,cQn1mitte A ;i£:th%eycja,1r1, gfatisfie Athofié who ?com"pla~ih~‘V *c)‘fA ‘» ‘;,;‘ §‘Ht 91 aV,$‘ gf \5" 5“. if '1 :i ,.w U "V; x N‘\+; 9 J§flT iWw-flwf¢ -b€fid¢- the?-fJ ~fat>-A,-A :»AnddeI*’iZr?-y’+%‘ {blame of theirtiotz" c V and teaches men‘: in A .“%ch%an_ges toAcon1¢:,1nthe Ekmfien _AxhL«;,.ir. m0LiQns,cpnfigurations,~ A ‘ * “ A 1* A.;..x; "|‘V:~‘$"J‘ .. a~g;».; ‘ " j +1 {hall rachr éAnd¢ajr_b1irL%to fatisfiethei_rCav3‘H, who V1‘3§i;{h¢ mmming‘ unto ChAr1fi,“ upon theaStar.re]s_¢ and thneirinflucncefi 5, yea,and upon Afigjolog1c:aIl%..jqdgcmcntsV A "7VT.m*-‘A4wiI i53MF910S1¢ 13't‘13F7A’¢"9V 3?‘°9995" ‘ W555‘? “‘i.3.[?1¢78 "<3 judge‘ AM “’an%dV fC:)l.'€tCI'I; naturall and ta A:m'éFEIé“n3entary bodies,‘ by A A 4”‘? andA,in*flt1'¢ntes‘ «of the ‘ Si“gi*m,% :f ; ‘L ¢ *‘“{M V‘»:fl%,¢M1 /, R ..9Q wfl A , A ’ =~ kscarrca -mi , n vb A Sermon, Preacbed A A V A _ I 7 ‘§‘carrc¢%and Planets ;yct nalcheraifi the influences, much: leifg A the judgements and pred*i&ions ofcbcir effcfls, the%cau!'ca:.c>F ‘ finnc, or any hinderances W by W¢ may not conze unto C l=z;~‘i&,; as thefcvviFe4_men did." AA % ~ L 1: cannot be denyedgbutznfiuences t‘?1s:r‘e ate :3? the hen»- Vvcxfly bndicsbenigne, and c0n1fGrtable ca I he. i‘:;é5;A-iamr‘ arm... tu res, as t%hufe oftinc :P1ez"adu', j-"OIL 38. 31. “2'.'h.?fé aftévc. Em: and A Mann, Dem‘. 33.‘ 14. Tea, qftbe zivlwleftlecwerz, 1'{cj:2.2 I .3’/M-e are irzflzdezzcewjfiefirufi ive mzto wicéedmezz, 5'“ 2o. ‘1A'l:eSt,.:rré; in f{J83fC(}flI‘fé!_f_.1igb!figdiflfi Sit}.-ra. And a}! chef}: infiuencasrarc conveyed uxmtohhis lame: world a,&edA by the'n. Whmcmhe A Cabalifi: fayfihat thereis Crater {u;>eriz.rr, an heavez1l}*%\7c£Te}l, Awhich empties it; felfe inycraterem iazferimrn iAm:ol thclawer VciTelI_.,% eyed all the eleméntary world, which reccftveswhat is emptied from heaven unto it 5 that Umrzw rear z'2zfériare.r repre— fgntfiuiwaefwztfu]2eriomm,chat, as eicry herb hath it°.3 vifible fig- % nature, which difcovers ui‘cfi;1II% for~0nfe or other part of the body; fa. 11:41:11 Ac.-very one émi11fie1encefron1 iu’s ~ proper Starre, % and Angmll governing it; A yca, 0191223: re! anirmzta babe: 3,", catlo’ A fiellam adj} izzflrzezztezvzg yea, that there is ndfher herb, nor plant nor ftonegnflf mifi¢!‘-Rumor tnau,nor beafi which reccsivc not the infit;iences.from the Scarrcs. A A H A A 4 « A , Now though there be fuch powerfixll influences, yet doe not the-fa hinder our cmgnming unta Ghrifi. For howfoever by our fall, according to the full Adam, our nature is dcpm... ‘vcdgand Athat r gimativesymmecry Srhmnony bccwem heivmav and mch, cl’ oIved‘andlofl,f whence the cracumfis fubjefi: to vanity, yet as We recover our {elves out ofthe ' 5113 V ‘throtgh Afghe power offaith in the fttcondg/Idaruwg all that}; fldufimétirc and Jqpinious infiuunces Ioofefthe‘ir power upon l1!.~Mcwtime ¢ phey cannot: mlly be faid to br.-the caiufé pf flan: untous. A [Forneithcr Sun, 1101:‘ M0005 nor Aothcr Planltgy 001' 32117063 not Con:fie1lati6ns,nor AAngc1s afiing thcm, can do agy ghig g in this Elemencaxfy world, otberwif: 1:hcn”a,Lucc, or other Muficali infirummt can be faidito make harmony of it: felfe a_L"Ione,A.Awithout th.e,tom;h of the skilfi11lLuta:ail’t- And {ugh inflruments hlfoare a11~lh€f€; Whofié AAharmonicall motion: A ‘ * _ A D -II wholly A 18” biif9re;t}3e& S ociet} of A 3 *p’R#Vg ¢,..o% GE 3 5,, ‘W ho11y%depct1d oh him _; Wfia doth ééco1*d?fi‘g tc; his will, boti:1~% A A 3“ t§i?%°W13YA®f H~fS!V6n5 and the Ainbabitams of the“ Earth, ~ 7Dafl. 4.. 3-5 . % Sm:h.1tifwebIamezhefitarres, we. mufflay the“ aha g5: higher, as eiaher upon God himfelfe, or upon the An... gelsflis immediate inf;’rrurz1?c11ts, who by the Stars. Wee ’ ‘3‘m“'~7‘. jam? I-"-‘Y 331?‘? blame on Gad : .FL)f I€C ho man fayg L when he is tempited, I am ien1pted0~fG0d,&‘c; yam. 1.13.‘ Néss, > fayjrét be lamb ewfidmeta erre. Ecclefi. i5%.fq;Ié. For he {ms}: 220 V «@353 01' f5’3fi'”fi*”m¢72- S0 Cont:?ary i's%i:his to their afl%rt’1on_., A % ¢ that God in great‘ Wifedome contrived a way to bring fi-nncs »im;o7tha wor1d,:hathez'_efb_y he might glorifie his iuifice. A/9 mefimzw mm fa:m:§ azdz4l3ztore.r Dei 5% faith St. Hierom, Gods §L1fii€:e7 37'-3-'3 110 11¢‘-‘Cd OEQUI‘ 1Iic3.N0r can“ou’r {in be imputed ta the An-% gels, :27/yfle prapersfy z'tz'.r ta doe bi; Commazdemerzt,’ and barker: to the wyce aflair Wbrd, Pfi'.I;.M_ I03. 20. 21. %When men are driven ‘ %fmm¢ rhcfe vaim: refuges, they cbmmonly lay the bI_a.rI-1eu«pcm A the Davill. Th: Dcvill, they fay ought: them afpight. » True 1 it is, the Prince‘ ofthe Aim ruelcs imzhe Sctmnesbf difobcdiw A mice, bmthc S;-mnes of difobediéncc firfl yeild A t:hetml:c GE ‘ A “the n1;’%2-Evtg to t’E'§1Pzinee ofthtz Aire. T é a D¢&viH ‘rm es in ‘th€[‘l_f13 but firfi lufi mice: in %thr:ir mambers. ; he DeviI4?IA takes thern, caprim at his =:.vi.i;I3 ‘hm; firfit they‘ ycfldi ~thei1*1feIvcs¥i4captivg;%—%Q.f V ‘th?eir”m9vne%Wi11L%. A;1?d%tfie1'efdAre Lht1rV'S»‘a*vi*d%ur .Vw’f‘i£3'=éA:£«ttfib%utcs ” ‘she lnfis ofwicked men mwo thé Deflvfllflle atcr’i‘bu‘tes *wichal!; ‘ A *the1ufi340f»the Dsv2li.un::0AWfck”ed*m%:n,wheri fh%ey°Frée1y and % icommi; them. =”‘Yc%:_aLre,-1ZaithE:Ie, of ytrizm Father the’ 5, av‘.“'l'”v¢ ’l‘ti"l18*"@lf-'{3_€2.5:§9 yi1r'"F3Eh¢r~“ye%:‘w2'll %d9e's% The L *;:a_¢ri)r"c!-'3 iii ‘ our E:3;g1§fi1+4ér7éA* j%it)15»fbmfié_ :* '17*I1e”’ ‘Greék%{wo”r&s ,3:/r"e,;~‘ ‘Macs? Em»3~v 55.; ‘Ta »ma'r 34 :5 379% %~3€A~'2?re w“aIe‘Fv.4'%- The %1ufisi6’f. 0mf P‘ P I" . ‘F ath*.3rMyjeA 21:/z‘I1;%, y%c-rfhavg alufifto doe, 8. \44.4.‘Sd’trué is that (Irf .Auj2‘.ifi:: 3 Ffl) de rzamm fim .:m't%fleI1.:m¢19z ifisrfluécu carzqiierufl-'-% tnr%mm*z‘zzIe3§,4 ._qmz0d¢peccaIum',¢d§b 710-?untariz¢miej7,%%, qztad ‘ -720?: 710-... Zmztm-izimg mm efijvrebmtum. T111‘: %Apa;filt referrs all to%t*hem»1*e Oifginafl, Rnm.6. :79. Te haveyéilglecijamr memizm /Ervmzts ta ‘ §ac.aycfea22!2g[[ea1:dLt9 im.E_q-gitie. _ 4% f % M N h % _% = - Yea, jufi1y?w:«mVayA 1.2%! all the b1ai,m:¢vofth“cF Stiarres _ ¢maIzAg== szagztinfiamzgéeugsmoup elves, and ‘" our oWn:1:%»perv§rfbAWifl" .- wa M A .ASerm0rz, Preacbed We ourdAfZ=:f‘ves fi1x‘*niIhVt:hé Afirologcrs, Lhé Chiromatntesy ,and Phyfiognomcrs Wit%hAm_amr of pxfognofiicatian and predi&i¥ Y on. For althciugh the: Stars inclinc, and be aptm raife v§Cioul % paffio.ns,and~a:Ffc<9cion:, Air: onc“fadhefi7c and mcla;ncI1oI'iqme 4 thoughts; in another v_v.ra-th,in another wantonlove,whir.h the Afirolager well known, in the mmmofthofeinfiumca.-s,Vwe' A readily ycild Aunco thofc influcnccsgfiougfi there be inusihe. power of God“ through faith to lay thoufc turbu-fem; Spirits, %bre»ak thei 1" force and vigor. And by this c0ivardI3ryei,1ding, wemake the Afirologer fpcake truth, who ozhefrwife, by our A refifiing the tcmptatimn and fuggeflion unto finne, would cafi-g- ly be 'de%ceived. S0 two is. ?thar,---swfitpfiiem giamimzbirur gzjirgh A wife man Aover-rules the AiAnfiu¢ncw of the AStaro,.4 ' " And this trucly to me is r.uA_1,a.rgumene, that thc, prcfént Egg: M "m:ra,ti0i1 of‘men,win this Land“ is, ‘ and hath V %Abe¢nc%cxt;cam1y »b;rutifl3, %¢ai*mpt; and fenfiimlla and witlpallg than the A pri11y¢i41;§I Ar-gs Aof Aifrolofiu are firme and ;g«o;od,in. tl1‘aM1hcip %prcdi&ionsI.and prognoftic ationa A touching A this przfahtisgc, halve prov¢d°{o true, which nevercould havacomc to p Ac; had men afigtd A atcordingto the princi-.;plAa0fch~r%_n faLithA and right: reéfiiq, AA and not; fleemzdnm id bruti, \ accordxng Atp their bI‘ULm1 _3.11d. aorrupt nature them. To conclude all,fi1fFer,I befcecb W tfxcavord of A V yca,cfp:cial1y whoprofefle‘ your fclvcfz followers ofthefamagi. Athefe wife mm in the Tcxt:Doye<:I.s they did;Bc ya guidcdby the Stars unto ]*7'Acs¥ E" R st’. tlhiaci they fh,ce:t1*1dh Aliezarnei where A hue of the learned ;Seribve£,;; But‘ lmmmmm flagitantex Ahconfilium ,‘ dizvimmu amifére ducdtflmgf$1ith;$E._E§?1"72afd.fl.WbflEt§h€y{OI1ghC thcecounfell of; men, they loft the guidance ofGod, Thus did Samuel; but it 1 A Waswwhiie fhefiwaé. fbut acm1a1.~=;-..; ‘God callgd him, andhc _ eamem Eli the doting ‘Priefi; Buthwben Gadhrewealed bz'.r:SonV in; méj2z£t12;; 81:3, Paul; I cqnférredhnatxrsvizlz flag/b and A blaod.h Gal; ‘A 1., h I NQAF-;muflweh.A.N0*th bmui:thau~h%tharca"mA»1eami'cribe$,h wai‘:~;;_ichey V !:amgi1t:puntocl;1_ie Kin:gdOnqe of; Godg, 1'-347%‘-‘,""'.“ h is a du--‘ A aI1,AAt%he:rear¢goe:rd amzljbad toget‘he1:. L A ~ -‘-7 h - The“ScriBes ttefl ‘fl:_l€'jWif<3 men_.,_ that the King of thAeA h V Jewes isborne in Bet/alefigenzg the Houfeof Bread, Ve-ryfitly. was :_-he Bread Ahhof lfife, horn in the hdufeh of Bread, hwhcanthe, 4 Br;eadhc5flhife isbrohen. Doe we thus fe¢:kAhim~2 or (ask we him A ‘ ;~a,th‘er fohr[AoAur own advantage, as,AfomeAfoughthimfortzhe loaves; Iabnh-A6. This is7to A reek Chrifl injfietblebem, ache houfe A Apart of their raeligion 5, of ‘brezgdg, . not inhyhfietblhebem Iudag but in Bethlehem in the Atribg; of Zdbularz, Io£b.. 19.‘ 15. that is; they {lack Him forfthe léavcs in‘ their; bwri abithation; that; Zabulons as the Jaribe; ‘Who told the ¥W‘ifehmanth‘at~Chrii’cA fhould bu-M born in mlimlelzehm, yet they themfelves» Went not one of their own Town to feekA Him.-'I'hus withoucfdoubt the greatefi part ofmnm fieckchriftg. h Vchey~%wi1l~non_: go out of themfglvcmto finde:-whim 5 theywould A l1aveAAHimh:co~m‘ehtoA in their §fin$:A,,TA in thrir Comtrey; A A they will 1110!: ‘gt: “hm ‘M ~'I:'*hish the, reafon of {'0 much mg and :W*“a:yW£::f§ 3:3: 3;:.:-£1“? “$552: ‘A h ’ 9 ‘-‘all ' depart.£rom‘th€i&‘ fiweiioufneflfe; their envie, thcirhhp1ide,ht»heiar= _ H A hatred; h&t:..r i: in is impofl1b.lg.Whfle we are yet in “par own Counszy,thisbmd it hhiddemM4nna.There-1' rm.-he ‘Bgtblebem-fign'ificah nlfo tlm haufe: 9}" War, iimplying thus mach unto us , that A cannot feed of the. bread A of life, h hunlcfs WC ftrivc or fightAhforh‘ith« :5 ...hL"4ba%urhfar4 that meat tbat V endures A _ (Into the em-rlafling Iifca ~ if *=T*hc?*hI*nhabihcahnu iofxh hthehblfl-lndfideiaresh A skin {mama plane, am in was lodge‘? age not their children mean . hunlefrby flinging, »e%;as‘emaz:,%~~ Pz_~¢a“z§b¢d~~+ 54 H'i§”x»£«h4o jWi”fI~«'nat:TétBgur5l‘j‘i‘imfl brwead of .Ii£e.% To NcnereV:1a«e‘toz~d «p£7.@fi1f'fEéH“¥éfr€fliH§1§H§ but " of the true‘ Beth?- W Iebem. 19-1/Jim‘tf);flt,0?-58TCb721éf£7, .the ife;Lis ‘B_;fb1€'.IJEm , AA the fhoufé of Wm:,% “ is W mm Iiwifl‘ give 1 ' BetblMe£)e=m' _., {hr hmfe¢fAbm::d,?1{ez;¢z.’4;, ”1j7.% fiéfhai %~ "Chrifl in rhefe Iafi dayes ‘is ‘t:.ioW bé“ born in the ‘:5*pi‘riAcf_.,, when Chrifl: was barn i;1.thef1:.{h5 ~-He was hon-ndedw within AA a certain place: The Wifia men muff takey%a”1"ongjoum.ey to come and feek Him. _ When ha is bornin the‘ %S,pz'x:i;::%, I-leis not bduntded to thin): aim; place, Matthew 2'4... 23 . ‘ 26,_ 27. not here‘or chere'?,.f0r a5' t‘bé1ig?Jt;zing%,hz*£rc._Tbe‘rbi7zde hr Aspirit blow: where it lift: , Icahtl 3,8.f ‘But if Chrift be {'0 bo;in,,h‘0W,%"‘ and -when {hall We finde H3111 1? I-‘Vifdom. fl2e,i.r eafllyfién oft/Jbfe ‘ % ifdom 5. tbd‘tl¢ve'f)er ,,andfo_ur2d.of4 ztbofe ‘that ficIg+7mi_%.,’[ I 23 1.3;, %Y”ea_., tihere vcfrillybmc; need Offiuricms £2:-archingg, they W116 317?, mrn Qif phcfj Spjki; M] I-Ii: “feeB:3;the1;n,,%%IaI)fl A 4; 23”; ”2‘4. Yfe.-a,? w"hén hejs thu3'ibo4ma,r:cordi4flg%».éo thé Sgiric , Hia prcfence will be {'qillu{’cr'i0L11s_ ,‘, k.heé: will need’ I10‘fé.r"th1er dc 4- ‘xjgonfikgapiop, ,wT%h'€y' ifi"'Wh0m isfoborn, {hall finds his ‘With;;ifi5Aft%§emjf¢1v¢4é‘:y¢,a dnhers,;a'Iii'5 acknowAl*edge it in w.srn»d%V% mga A , But hm§}s fiszsfi commrngrn thegflefl1 was hon,ourcd and declaréd bya new Staraand” woulti not our geodcrod vottchfifle ta» h«a2’I1_our Chri1’Es_Aie”c%ouVd1q.Qmming;amd that more % gmrioufly %ix1thaffpitir,.4wi‘th‘%;§fflar M15.» 3‘ 3 A , : Dmubclafle loved 3 «our go fidiiord hath not bqen Vw..m- ting, umo% ua heemirg, thqtxgh herein lfcar, Wehavfe bet4:n% and , are r::Ktrem¢IVy’4Wan§i';fxg :9 our fcl«fvé;8%, V ' In 1:! year ofo’ur4L9rd, @372; Thisré aippearcd in.AC¢a1I?éV;6exg5, aPc%fa£r Mat th63vea:a’fmagi2iWca %a?w1%d’%~far§‘grc%ater Izherm tan?“ Of dmcAA Mca3i;2‘i-%ré’1Iac‘i1u"n‘..Icp;v3g';pg ::maf<3;‘12,y t1i¢”mo& fkilji-‘n11 and %**£auams 4A{¥m nommt‘ ;4!$tv_:I'tiflq1e:%; ;7t«i>j hold ‘ the_ gzmfi MP‘%=& ifMn*a11,%ghee».;o£d‘¢<:1;4x:i:tegxsis>mmt :26‘ fame Vc<5x¥ri“e, ;t:o keepe; ma “ lamp” p;‘;§;1:;;m'r1i4iq_g}'5 'difia,!%C§4 and1fi"tua;ci¢nj‘.e.rwry xzmereéand in eircfy’ p5ina:,w}m:h¢%fi5;ad*scm;b%y dt{‘Atl£‘f3V{‘*f;;3}fl3.1(3é,,”T¢:,‘i§,7' » é ‘A1"éizit:1c,;£3fI5. Manama, others of WW3! whole ycare:tMPeL1crrus%%% . in his Efihrozwlogic, an-eye wzmeflh 0173;.-. as many thoufands A % eat of;tbf:; Iaitidm %M%a2m~4;3TA‘%ihcr¢is 4 Bm:JBu¥:4lebemw was she: placawbcrc 0 iii’: was . more % ' Le; A bcff‘3?feetl9eSa.af1cty_ofAsen amazes. A fmoree were, he Writes thus efit »= fulget M eaflenzgfimae Cagiopeeie Ana”-name‘ fitizer €:¢ju:fimilée'nuIl4 vicfifatder,’ cubs iuagnitudinefiuantmn A adevifumfiellmr omne: tam emmte: .qu4m‘fim:efz¢peret.; I-Iefet.iimna~ A bile em cceli leca quodprimflm ,efl"u1fit‘.e”t.£ie 12051‘-I .co7zfpeé?um cfl‘.*Maney ‘of that time de‘liveredgh«cir opinions 'of&jt, ‘whee it «might portend, Beza Wriabte v”逑r"fi.-5 on it; it was..heId b ‘ -a'°II,, ~~end4c‘al-r led by ffycbobrabe, fieEdee.mirdbili:,,;a% w.onde1jfu1lV tar. Arzd e igwell. “ }mighe “it be {:3 called, for Lhat,;wonder£u1I,Star pbintee!.%aM:hee great Wonder in Heaven; Revel; ;12.—e;I.A,;G'brifi barnfbefecomf % ems imbefe lafldayey accardingeto the Spirit. ‘.1738 women tbe_"C/mrcb clprbedwitb tbefu;z,~Ma1.%;4; 2.3;.Irl'%1}2 C_b_rz’fi fbefmzefe reg}9"zeouf7z¢_fl°e, the Moone thechangeable world under herefeet.’ Thus foe:-1e » of the Ancients an erfiood fericbo which. bath the name from the Mcm,,akind _pfLuuebm.'g_,.che eCicy.of the Mode, the e % phangeable world. That was trodenAundereethe feet: ofielofuab and the Chfiufdh with him, ehe fprituall and ycue ]ofbuab- the Lordjefume e “He Vhz’n:h % chefamc”, namee Lear; and A be A clothes ‘the woman the Church, who ‘through Him treads the muta- Ble world ehe fpifitueflijericho under her feet. ’ At this ewonderfiallebinthin thefe left dayes, that %Iorieuseand ”-wonderfull Stampoinced _.,g'and Vet points men y wife gen. 4 Notliwkc thatocher Star, whic A doubtlefs was not higher ’ than thelower Region of the aim: _(;)cherwifc‘-.' how: couldie be {aid to gt): before them, as th1l.Nufiib; 24.. V17; e'“T.'l'«:'=1 -inceflit, it went’ dndfload averfbe place ‘where we Gbild wad‘, Match. 9.. But thisewondefufl Star {hone over all Chrifiendome, - over dye wholefipoufc afxChr.ift,., of whom Chrifi is born xtheeiiéondtimns _ _ ‘ ‘, V You-A, befifl‘¢aA‘“chis wonder in;-Ieaven and this wonderful! “ Star dire&i' to it, in the flame years 1 572. and 73. 4, 5.8zc. ‘V gbrake forth emefi glorious and Wonderful] light of fpiri. l yes, 7., And this glorieus Hg guall and heavenly Do&r'im= 5 The everhfling Gojfiel , wbicb bad {in Angel far tR1’reapbe_r.of_ir,,flf L‘ it; the mid]! uffletwm, Rieve1.e % A 1 ‘Elf-'l,h¢_. everlafing Gafpel again eksfonhin Ia!“ thongh‘1:he,Do’gs ex?- tneamlyibirketeitq Biltwe mail beconee‘rxt§:‘ie Ifwrithfiiii V lrbefiare tbe"Saeiety of A s r n o t. o e E 2; s." ‘ 2; A A A ‘envious Dogs batke that the Moon the lcflér light, no marveil though they bark“ atlthesuon the greater 1ight,end the vfoman ACIO{h:Cd1Wi.ti1' it. ’?But the tir11elhall become which ye read in fee fbua, 1o.2tx- Tim ‘none [ball move their tongue at the icbildrezz of ljrael. e ‘ A H e o « 4 Now as thc’Lord called the LHealvenc towitneflethe» Spirit A ~tueHbitth ofChrilt; and an Angeli flying infmel midi’: of A Heaven to give teltimony to the evetIa.{’cingHG0fpell: So in “the ycet‘ x 57 5. when the lightof it brake forth into this i Ifland, the Lord called alfo the earth to witr-zefle the fame _ etxfuth, Mifcer Cathderz in his Britannia tels us, in the De- lfcrfiption of ..I-Ierefardjbire, that Prope conflueme: [Llugi tfw Vagaz] Cefiir quem Marcley-billloocant, amza feluti: I 5 7 5.qm2fi formze {alum confuoz-orexitefr triduum feieimmenifiimztzjz molem propellant barrenaaooreboazzs mugim, .69“ olmia gtzgaeque prpfiernen: z'7z.fup8rz'e~rem locum,’ mag_12a'cum admirfatione fe pronzevir, ea tememotm genereaut -judico,quod PbvficiBrafmatiamoocant. A A it ' Mafter Speed, inohios Defcripti nof the ifame County, gives w uslthe Hifloty more fully 5 onely there is in him a mifia-kc of of the liiyeere,» unlqffe it were one-ly the Printers fault, ‘as l .belee=ve. A N V e \ Marcley~bil1'in the 3Ea{’c of this Shite, rowfed it felfe out of a dead fleepe, with a roaring’ noyfe removed from the place where it flood, and for three dayes together travelled from the firfi fite, to tzhegreat amazement and feare of the beho1- A ders. It began to ion may upon thefevemzh day of Febr. being Saturday; at fix’ a clocke at night, and by {even the next mor- ning, had gone forty paces, Carrying with it Sheepc in their A coates, hedge roweeand trees, whereof fome were ov.erc-turn-l ed, and fomethat flood upon the Plaine,are firomely growing upon the Hill, thofe that were Eel}, were turned Weft, and thofc in the Welt were let in theEal’t. In which remove, it hoverthteow lKinnaflon Qhappcll, and turned two "High-wayes n¢¢retone**hundrcde yards from their ‘ufuall Pathea“ formerly trod : The gro_tmd,thue travelling neere about and tweak _ty Acres, which opening it ti:1fc}:E with Rocks and all hate thfi g ’ l A A l ‘ ‘A l earth “ . ‘ V‘. ‘~ M’ ~\ _‘ ,‘ , x_ % % “*3 ~ » -A . ~ .‘ ‘ M , ' ' " ’ “ :: ‘ 1 u;:«:7~:v ‘ < 4* H. ‘ I A V “gm I? C‘ ‘‘ gun “ ‘ "Jail. +t3.5%.<:‘..‘z..*2:...i £.'3=f2u;.- we 3%. .3‘ A ¢~*.«'” ' :_f."" " -~"j' ' ' +_.‘ V,“ . W“?.5Mg?£2?3 YEW ” K " "4 m.m::A hazzmfifedi :~a:a;7:£§ét:«M3m ‘§:_§;«m.,:§’y *2 *9" { _ 4'" I V I we . « ‘« \ ‘ I - M” __ _r z ‘ $12: ,, 3.¢:-.: mzs:.‘3; mm‘: irhmitx was P;=ifi1'1r&‘-.$"»‘M3:, Arm, ‘::,§'i:;:: :3.-.2‘ mg m: *"Mf,n ‘ A: .- W” t... ‘J 4 ‘ IE :4 -‘ta .r5‘g",('§ ' . .. V} figrfi &"‘f"1:l‘ gr‘-“ " . mo 1,'fY“‘:"‘ W W,-Mu.» 7? .., V .£'.¢‘££-{#5. as «:1. « Kali} K‘. ¢~.£.~'es,z:’m§'.3a...- PFv...<3.5..43 Wiui n. ma. »I3..:s.% cw‘ * _~~'.. I.-' ‘ w 5! %% ‘w:=.?}73 in-;3x11ain‘is2 €*.~«=s‘.-=:.s2.*':sr;~“i:«:*:‘;"ir:»;%%:AE2'3x;4-%-' her §e9vJ,‘&;, 9” 'E_[zz}' .».;g§c3a E23 % % % ; % V ». « ?"Efh§a‘,9 e:§z§1«3u;,:§h we may refkrxreza %um'c~> 3i'%bc:emc:%I ca;uiE::<%,; M;1fie:r' Cazmdem ciathg yetif we mamfiderjtmz great ,mniMa¢»~» Ta:§<31.1, Lac}? z‘:?.1aa:fD§;v§xw fight; we pabflifldiiag wf thee -£.*"..‘W’lI‘MPE“1" g Gmfpefii that 'vear;*y yeercé tzmmczza tE'xis‘1\I!'m;x2‘om;, ‘War cannot ‘bat %;app§y* i.‘.f§f,-M emf am: Pj.m’¢nifi Z?f';Vi.3m cayled _‘~;':?'e'3 3Ie7e‘ZWm;z:.mi7~z“e5 rim‘: _}‘£":§.’ &‘};\ipped like Ra:-$153 a%?zdj/ee littIesHiZsw?%lél@*__ybrzg%‘x‘§beegmE’ % TreVmH@ V 2.190;; E:z:’<'t‘b at ‘H36 prefezwe gtlzée 1Lor21;.,, at‘%t?fJf6Vpr%elfe2z‘ce2/mfiad of law 695'} Pfigfl, 1 1-4“, “’ % _ V‘ “ I 5' % % %\ A % 4 Lmrd than Emma mam,ifafi;Hdfg.*a:vers Léxm E.-ma, I9¢:.flfld'.?€Jo.HOC idem %%:m’%fcii.r qggorgzw M i_aE?);mgelim:;~m fmm”: ;§vmfn:;r:i42a?zjj"e Vj7c2"zrmmf2, Ti1i'$tfie'Lé3ro§ fli‘& %, Khamfim cileiiveamiixsg ‘m§.“::c@ MW 3 He Emo"mn to "‘pre‘fig1T1ire more ‘mHing3‘mhM«a be~mg~«mnm;me ?‘if}a; ‘E6’-1314?; 2t§;§a;1i*thgag” I_:‘~£iér3& A @€§iem§'zmf71§éfi3‘§'fi arfi A *0?§‘%%,“imitt'»¢t'h;4:§§r.’ ¢ . i”i:K*mm*;b1.€:r~.:ag 3, a1m3otherLm£wfi'x;fg ofitflm E&rm:h“%;%i§1%9@fia%tt%§31@5a%f$ wfmgm Whfiu “§*Vife fii1£:n“§;r4a my ‘Tefiflfificuamé [pm afigaétfl ~ %«§uife3,9i;?év§}fie2‘é fiiffie W”}‘%}35f‘4 §“N5?Z5r7z&"}$i”5ig2g * fi:tIiejX£3i5rQe.6‘ V?W'!J£’A?2 ”“7?Te?ém M z?ae‘%K%gig”41:{ve4#d £Eé*f‘e‘ «gwgs *3-I ffl;e?i?’im‘fliv5§;E;ea w2%%§,2£eru§;z:iem I %f*I¢."ma?§+aa;sL:afia:";ZfcYmé4n m WW ‘:,a;,~?~::=‘;1;hm%‘vT‘1wa¢%:he§:r%*m Afififgsy’ 73593535’ Q’ ;fig;mm*®§§7’ i1Va:?Ei%¢; « Q“. J ;&E§“a$fis“5“§Ef’i.Efi EM A. A £%fm~ge flee ¢@*€1§Efy‘Qf*A L $75:-fE 3.3% an&%zrwi@& Fur irhe Edam L the % as bear: } f6¥:‘e,; an: we we »E?i74g¢i t?fa;*cu%::ai@f a$%£‘i j I 5 6 V J Ehe » W he 3 €1 R glad? L ‘ A § mat _’ % all ” V A , 1 % L k % A and ''''‘’2 ‘ MFA 1 7 ‘4 W‘ ‘ ~> t 7 ‘ 1 A % §&;fi;§>s W M *w»Hm!wrn8$§16iV.”r3d HEW: gfl -5;’ '€ffi‘& .» 3- 7* >c « ,1‘ w M? .. ‘M? <. “W Q Eme‘b§;£=o;re31 T % 3 M2 ‘W? ¥?£*a§fiib»fi%t?v~ ¥§i1§ ifl m‘駻;%%§.e¥£§;R:t53 9 Q?ftf % ~ oy§zg ‘gisggviig is éE®min'é"§fe"fn"ci;e$. fig gfi: .%%§«L§§e;.:sé:»i4ée« §i":%: .dv%m;e% % 2915;?‘ 525?? % §éa?£.i w@f%?:z;&.i‘e;w;£5§:sL{ ma Wéy ‘figidi A33? :$E«v~7i:S§-%,: £1J“2$».jx%;2?:»fA '2: ‘,3 " . ’ » M. v ‘ ‘ =-, b - -“E "24. a.‘ w ’ 4: 55 ‘_;.1E?ée§:1_y, Mariam; av firmammufigegfidei, J/?u{‘ge;La;:_;~ the Fin. ‘ mamem;Qf Aynurzfaith, »-by «this ‘.W@r& the LXX E31111 ,§J1§;°:‘-?%~ Gem E8‘?a"¢§4P%wFé$6*\ffiy—§'the power this ;Fa-imfiag, t,11is,fi:rna.m¢n_:§ af Fflkhgs allrthefigmpmtions of ;_his 4 are exz;i~né’c,».and«,fz:ifi’crat;, ‘E .Pi't. 5 e 9_ o % ham réfiflgfledfqfl; Fai£'12m-"jam. g‘5.,,7¢:%~. zfiefifir bim,/Arid be mifl _.§flj€fB’0f3%f:§’9#. gvgrgug af’ this .Fait§'a 5. ewe quench am the fiufydarts afxcE=xegB;eyi1I, By vemuenf zhis'a.Faiz_Ex, ,a:H,,:he inflt2eno;csincF=i;£1i¥?g‘ :50 £V§:11§,% m»ay..m)E cmeiy 5b£>fEDfiE&t6,@§.Ef‘!§€iF?‘C7fi.e&; r him 3159 t;_&_.1;‘lme_fi:t}z§. gersd. Hafit cfimaaw mceigvedzail imprefioizn ,o;f ’£Iadn_.ef'$:_ gig; Q9131 ,&h:«rigE1t.ob§c&}3 _:th.yfin 3;; and:re;memher,,' :,B1::‘:fl";d,4re =»th,g$ mouréz, e»$v~c., Art fihoufmosved by amather I,§:;ii;.;eéz%,2ccd Ea: COVe§g % and ha;pA.u;p»Wea1th.? La}.-zap Ib} treafure ig Efeqwng: CDOEQ anathcr Influence inciinarhee to‘ wanton love E ‘Aiv:a.ne£ it , éiaeiave of my %@d3 iziiy gaefighlzvour 3'a.I1é,E';’§1i§.1;‘;‘2‘:.£;Z~’ fire} r %t - ‘V A -.A ’ show Mfaw "$3? Smmfgy 0] 14% 3.; 6'13"‘. ma mam yet m=;1:m-hasx“ ‘IIf"fA€:i"1C‘2§i.’ iizrzaiiniefi am wratfin. Be mgdfingzm .l>a;jo gm “V A ' %¢h.ag ;fi@,na;sm a*n«a,§x‘T im-m>».t V% V A . ‘ H WJiIZ?we1%2l»pbz%ir:z»fi¢~.x' M 5; ifi m«::*;m Giaizema 91% mm . % §%mw;c§.‘@i:m%y-3 ‘t’§:m:‘=C;:z‘%c y «inf Dmdfi 30 206, By waZkg?2g% a;;Fa‘*§.°2v’3 ~%fif”§E*1V€«5§J::2i“fM ;I%es£‘Ee.1;%" and with ifiiéfife W’éfi*ma33 wmlfo fimllfiewifeg and ma may founfl *3 Gamers m mheesrsfi stand win their {mum wmazea and fa bawma mam %w§fl°e-3 Fzfawo EL 33$ ‘.ii'fi*afi.:%:ar;e.: %.Ffirmmmem 3 “yam Wejbafl E:e¢:ame_»,Smr.§5 ma‘/;§fl.?.«<§’.2‘«;a»t~;=' firm trim? wing Dam 120 gm Tiicay ‘Wm Ma wif5eggTI3raEFfia%z?z*z.éa‘ me fa§rz:gb?::z@;”3 ¢!2aFz’vza.:ament,@ mzd