:“\:.rM“ ‘ >y ‘ g::.i4«§’" T 0V.VAlRDl F1 N» -1 N G A E C I s 1 0 N 0 F I am ch:e;rc’Canllci:mzleu3cy nawdebated A ‘mnccfming6jéa‘r§'5.(gom-ernmenx. Q A A-A A . 5 :‘I"prefupp"ofclI am fa A I , _ l'"f“pi3ak to mén ‘that fnakc con-.- , fl"-’fci’enc¢ -of th“t:ir%waiesl, ah& A’ ‘ A 5 lconfsqucntly {ludyt0wall" that , lwhemixu all fuch as are cftcémed to bee l A mofi; fa.‘ .~ . W * *7 lg? 3% § 3-‘=‘«-A v‘l:’11«‘?l; 1;? M J“ .9» "“-ll, ~J:*“' .$..-,~.==w . .,, $.='aT;1,‘;,._-‘,6 i <2) itifizfiiiraitionall ddeiiagiree : with fueh men Idefire tee fpeake, and would tell them thatelifindeeeim the=con- M 7 igrovgrfie ofthis ti'mC2. divers little Treaties put forth, niatlfy bitterlygandjihdifcreetly, fame med.efiiy,e;nd’- wifeiyriwritein 3;, eftiime For, and efomeeagaiiifi Epifcge; A- paegf, all 5of them; fiandirigfor particuléziritefnets 5 13+ .4 Benito _L;pi1oiIdi%theirJ;evw1eformeof governmet:1t"as.. A the heft; and oneiylzzwfull ordmzmce of God. None thatlhave met. withall doe-Ioolce upon the matter without partia1ity_tQ feekevconcerning the pbirjts chiefly to be q‘uefl:‘roned, a‘-Decifion, which I think: maybe "taken fiom undoubted‘. grounds , L amid undeniable principles. Therefore Ithought it" mightzbc of rife to put: fomething to paper aifo in this kindc 5 V as it tomakeatr'iaI1 .; whether or no the way toiidecideeihis ~grea: cdhtrbverfie might maths foufld fa. ass to give prefent fatisfaékion :0 t}ieiiiime':fe figmple and fcifupuleusg and toifhewtoi the mere learnedeand judicious (whof: doubts lie dee-—» p:.«.r‘)~ 4‘a’%mc:t‘h0d4 whereby to refoi\%ee‘thernfelves, if ‘ they’ will foliowi thfli famewithpuz peejudice§ I {hall . endeavfourro doe. , * J Iftake the matterehiefly queflionabie,_* . iti1o1;.1ghnorzhithertemézinly,i and exprefly quefiioe tied tti V-.hi5~o Whether or no Chrifi ‘hath not ibis - ekeeimti£1:gee1nd,;ibuilding, up of his Chiirch, i.mPti» ‘F tuted fame overfeefs or Biiheps (for IfflfCEi£1c"?{¢.~ ‘*5 names iriciiercntiy ) to be before , and ahgvc 0....’ K “ them in Church: government? erwhether fen: eke ~ Lfifiuiiizingk building up_.of his Church , he hath ~ <32 ~ :9?‘ .fgQmVanod1cr§j T V F $7“ Vrmdle 1.73113. gswrfcers" _-3&3.» fiézgt. A Ifth¢ firft be affirmcd, then t11cV£].u¢*{:}’ioA1i_ mufl bc -wmc that Primjity, ‘a:ndS=up“cri<1rity;is which‘ “Chm: ’ Shath allowcdof <2’ and how it ough}: to be cxcrcii'cd ra‘bm"m «écifhersrf B11! ifthc lfafi ‘bc?mainv:1inEd,*f}i4cn :"wg wmufl: be taught, w11at£ha:%V:pri"mMVndAun!iAdinatc Authority of every qvcrfcer i‘s,V in his 4‘ geculiar +s:::harg£ er anc1ho«w":hc fhauldexcrcifc it 6 ;N0§;v to fisndxaza way sm :c1~r::<:idc% theft que°flion%s , I am a;.s%oncA who is .d0ubtfujil,:t4h%at I smay *bca1'.ca4 parwf ibufi "slash ofthofe who are in doubt. ‘Therefore to bee ablmto‘mfoim wfelfe , zit be tiiay fomegmunds fmromiwhcnce infctrenccs% m ay bcjmade appliablcto me qucfticms now in hand, AA A A % j ThcV:g=mu:;ads mufi rsbc mileage dV06i:rinc§ "of holy Scripture ., concerning the zmattcrs wh-i:::h are fun» :axncn:a1%1 in;r$11c.q-uefiien.‘ T he: inferences mufi «rules taken from rth0fe.do6brVin»es , «whcmby»my4;une- mderftandimg may be dircéicd to go the firaigm way % towards a dccifion ,oM1e .q:ue{t.icm, and applicam tit)‘n‘ Amufi be a %cnVfidc1‘mian particular Acir; ¢ ~ cumflancemfthings new acbaitedafp far as they are dcterminablia “by ache mics “which “smay be 7fbun.d out; Thus than to ifindc agreumds bf Decificn I mufi take notice %, Jofthi g7s‘fundament3Ill~’m the quw Rnyvmhich I fix ;~r ‘=C arc%:he-Fe, M ‘ LTQ which are called his Church 5:’ l 3 ,1i_To7what and Chrifie hath 4 gathered «ttogcthe and compaeced i into ‘one body i.«fcvcra1llbelccms :4. iciisipropcrlyiobtililidi up hié A 3. A wciei appointed. by Chirili.,eitc5§ be the huildersofhis Churchc‘ A A" 4. [What rlieir feverall .charges and duties fvs}'c1*e» -4 in the Chuxch, and how; they were to adxninifizratei the fa“!-_neevery one according to his gufi: and places? " A ~ -''-~. ~ 5. How'_rhefe_ithaf were commlitteci to their charge , wcrc tp biehaVe.themfe1vesi tdwarcls them «-3'.» 6. iHowv~acC<.5rclingrovthfle intention of Chrift gahcl tile! rules prioceeding-fioin his ‘fpirit«, the cihiefebfuil-: ders his immediate followers the _«ApOl’d€S did put all in execution 2’, here then their pra;fti“ce in tlheway=~ of government is CQ be .talrtioz%2,i {mm thofcwhleiéin Chrifi: and his Apofties with ,;t;h1éirtr:1c foiiowers in times mofi inC01‘1‘L1ptx*JCr3‘ri exception adrnitted , g then my mcxt Care muff be tr) i_§:‘0nv€fl”anit. _ Nowthcn to 1mift‘ms t121i()t1.iis; "that thébc1ceVcirs,Tmay:bce able to bu'i~1d~iL1pt11er1i*i=» ,i‘CiV.'CiS inigracei This isiclcer in Epéeflzmé. ’"AnQ~i thér c_nd.is, ‘that théyifmayipimfcrvei thcmfeivcs fi*0ri‘i the ‘dangers of:{dvcrfa1f1es , V and the‘caufc-s of over-+ throw ., Phil. 1, 247,218. "Gal. 3 :1 3°,i4513. 'And“:£ ,f’urthcrcnd A is the holding up of the credit of Gods A KiBgdOf11€iflithCi\V01‘i"Ci, afwcll by life, as bydc-: iciginfi, P/xii. 2i.~I,2i,;. and fa-q1‘1ent:but chiefly verfe 141, ii 5,16. From whence I fuppofe theie..:=;fl"c1*tions ma i.fa.fc1w.fbci°‘athcrcdiasrulcs oTf'f1:turcé Decifion. 3'.» W - 4 ". wart" 1t.i.tIfthe_icnow1edge and faitho‘fChriPc.,i ifthef ;_Pathers ‘love toali belecvers be t?t1:tc;i'e‘rn;/titziifefti unto ~the,worci,i€the . but-ikiingt up .ofai1? beleevers ttrnongflz themfeives , if their prefervation from adverifitriesg, and if the credit of Gods Kingdome both in life 'do¢‘9crine,be upheld irtgtiie Church of God.,more d‘ig- 'reé3dy jufiiy and ifitfeiy by a Priority‘ and’ Superiority ofoverfeers one above another,then by an ind'epen--V ~dency offpirituall perfons and charges one from a- nother, then it isto. be conceivedgthat a Priority and Superiority of overfeets in Chrifls Church, is more anfwerabie tohis air-ne in compztcfiing it irt--. V to one body,then an ihdiependency. But: it may Bee “ conceived , that thefe ends may be attained more direéfly, .j.uPc1y andfafcly by the ohe,ithen by the 0- t:her.rThereforeitt1‘1ay eonpceiieci , that thcirtone [is more anfwterable to his airne thetlipthc other. 4 V J i -2; Iiftherehe my Priority 2ttid1phS_uperiotrit57 of fpirituail chggrges, and performs, or any parity anc1“in:~ detpendeneyiof charges amoingfi per-Fons which is not: fuhotdinate ._,p but,repugnat1.t unto thofe. ends‘; xheniitié to bee conCeii*ed“'that ifufch‘ both Priority’ it and fuperiority,_as alfo parity and independency is 1‘ti'EQg€_ti1fitti‘ eun1awfuii..‘ But’ ]perp'haps there is forrie 7iaoth?Prior"ity,atnd Sit1;p.eriority..,as aifo independiency Lend’ parity , p not fttbordhtate but repugnangt to thefe tends: 2:: ttheirefiore it is to be co.pt1cei‘$/redo ,_ that perhaps fame both parity and” independency‘ i_., as aifo Priori”-=4 and Superiority is utiiawfitilg A ‘ ¢t.eke3thefe affertions though doabt u1lyptopo- . . e ; <95" r fed inrel‘pe5trofp:irtieulars,to he nevertihelelle outof all doubtin itheiijgenet*ality-,iantl therefore I lay them A as groundscifi future direétitm-3 t0i3V;1rd5at¢Cifi_Cfm. ‘<25th¢P°3nf~ Secondly; eoncern—ir.1g the huilcling up ioftlte Church , Ifincle in Scripture that to build up ‘the Church of Chrift is to ule rneanes to perfeét the “ Saints till they all come unto the unity ofthe fairly ' “ and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto it A “ perfeéi man,'\ut~1tc> the meafure of the flatureofthe 5‘;fulneIl"elorf Chrifi, that they may not afilwaies bee ff‘ carried toand fro as II~1fafi=tS with divers windeslof 5‘ dtjntfitriltne gi rbutidehling truly in love tmygrow up “»in ‘him, that is"the'vhead even Chrift , froxnwhorm V V?‘ the whole body ifitlyl joynecl together , arid com. QC.‘ paéted by‘ that which every joynt fupgalieth-l,;tTarc. ii‘s‘lcordingtt the reffeéluallworking in the meafure; M“ of every part, “Trti,aitl1is Apoflles appolinteth thcmto be‘h»1s’ witnelfes pinto the utmoft pttrtsol‘ tlxe earth, ofthht: whxchhe hath ‘doneifor our (‘aim- tion, A62‘: t.i8.l it All?) hcegiveth "t«l1€f1"lCh:11‘gCiéJ'"i ‘teach all cemento ohferve wltatfoever hee had com- _..mandecl them , and to%baptil'etho{e that received their cloétrinc, M.ps , and Overfmrs of the Churches , nexci unto the Apdfllcsg their chargcxvas K’) 52: in order thingsiii .WhiCht:hC Ape-w fiicslcft undone for the confiituting of the Chum ciws 3 A amongfl: which tiae_.ou:iaining of Ei.dcrs,andZ ifleacwmnsin cve1‘yiChurch , wasvachiefc dutybe-is }®{1giflg.C0th€‘m-9 x Tim. 1.3. Tix.1,.5. mm To rim; p.refi7*:iandini1ibii§fai{e dflékrincsv 1.Tim I. 3fl'“it..‘ rfi. _ iz.«;>,.; 1, irgm To feztiea courfc of prayers infi1e,— icizurcia, 77m.. 2.: i1wz,.:.TQ appoint; due nlainteh mnice forwidmvcsi, aindi Eiders; -1 ’I‘§":zg.5.9.I7§ 1+8.» aim, T0 be Judgés in maswrs iofaccufaricih ja- ggxinft i.E»1inicrs,;'ézid, v¢i*fe 19. midi togivc imfitioti = net hamdfs to Ighoibthat Wfifc: approved -and Ht fax‘ the '~Mini{imy.,. it&:'a'uerifc‘¢2. rim: To maintaine" chair ii ,.$§2c;rr:;,n,, 31 Timqi. x 2;, Tit. mg I 5. Andiafily," to with -:1 urhqriry, 8: rzmzzm zfufiicr thcmfelvcs to be dcfpifcci-2 c 0 “$155. 1 VHS “'9 ‘ ‘rnit the things when they hfidetht¢L1fL§'0f‘_thht3 Pi», poyftlhes, tuftto fitit}1f‘tr111hnI€‘f1,i1b—}€ to‘ teach others» who r "hfltou1’d*h*e fuccefT°ot5- in thrtt ph.‘~iCE‘f,',* A ofimt 2.7,-.. {As for other Rulers in they Pfaftotalt ehatgeg, their duty ‘is f ecified to be 3. watching over the t‘"ou1esot*t1:eir flockas thofe which mutt givean aceount,, ~b'aé.x 3. 1 7. and in doingrthis M , they are bound to tea}! their 4 Theepth by name, to lead them ‘out and to gore before them, Iolz. 1323.3 .4‘. item To defend thetnagainftthe Wolves, though they hzzzarditheir life in fO1G'0ing‘} ‘i5.w'erfe 1 1.13818 To‘ vifit the ficlt, 8: pray for thenty "Imnté,5.~t4. item Toheepe the keyes of the King- tdomeof Heaven to {hut it, _and open it at oecafioh that: requitte,t; *1 61.; rhgfyand tt8;tttr7, r 8. and r Cor.*5.i4.5, A And thcnmegenerall duty of a11OPficet'sis,that as everyonej hath received the gift , fo he fhould "mittifter thgefame to others’ as a good Reward of tht. thattifoldgraccs ofGod, t Pet.4.ro, A A A ?Froma11this'1 make thefe inferenceso 1., If all thefe charges and duties are different, A and yet fhould be adminiftred jointly as by feverall . members of one body, then it feems fuch 3 priority ‘and fuperiotity in Tome , and fubordinzttion in o-» ithers, isto be obferved asts tn themembers ofa D21» turallbodypne in tefpefi: of another. But alltltefe A charges are diffeteng and yet ‘ {o to be ttdminifi red has is ment’ioned,1'r Cor.12.4,5.. anti till theetendfof-the to is C 2 . Chapter. Q15) -Chaplet. THCIEFOIGKA feeme "fuch ‘:1 priority an& 5 ft:perior:R}vinlotneti,A atidellubordination inrothersg e is? to beoblervcd. her Ifthefe charges in their mturall property; as they {land in relation one toA‘anot_her,¢ be repngg mm to an indepcn dent parity , then there is no in: _dependent parity allowed or emongfi theOffi-- eers who are to difcharge the fame. Butitmty perhaps be made good that theft: chlarges art-in their natural! property as they {land in relation one to another, repuignantrto an lindepenolent pa.- rity, therefore perhaps there is noindependent parity allowed of amongli the Oficers whoare to clifchiarge the fame. re A - p A ~ Fiftbly, tltedntyof the acct is in more to be obedient untotheir Rulers , anclto ftrbmit them- _felves unto them , Heé. 13. 7. 17.; and to provide I neceflltry tnzintbnance f‘0r,th::m, G4l.l6..l6.~ 1 Car.9.7,8,9,xo',rt,t3,14... A i From hence I inFeirre,tltatifuhmillioin and o... brdience is to be yeelded , and if Rulers be difl'e- A A *:_r<.'nt in charge, thenaccordm-Lg to every ones de... gree and diP,F:rentpl.1ce in his charge, the lubmif‘. lion ought robe differenccd: Butthe%Anteccdenit istruegtndrtherefore all'otheConlequAent, There. fore I;o‘neeit'e , A that more refpeét w ts due unto Apgzrllles evengasthey were ordinary Minillers, tihentothe-it ortfinaryli Rulers 5 andmore to the A r Bxfl3A‘op“s <1?) Bilhops and Overfécrs tfiliart wet: xniidc IJudgcs%V "(SF _ L other Elders, thcnf to thc5EIdcrs rim % am~c Afufi-» jcfi tbbc judged 5 and more ‘rcvcrcncc duc tothcf Ejld"cV:rs*thcn to the Deacons. ' % A ¢‘ Lafily, the piaéticc of the Apoftlés as%cI1i:£"eiA Mafia-builders was this :thcy laid the fO{Jnd“ati0?:3 ‘ which is Chrifi, I Cargg, m, 11. may builtby prcachingfupenthc foundarionjgold, am, and A » precious fioncs‘ ,1 they b;1pti1c3_ the; 'bcI:‘c‘V”\?cr5,: . and gathered them together in o'ncbody,% and or-“ daincd Eldcrs «and Officcrs os;rcrT thcm ‘-to rulcf them, and doc the work ofthg AMiVniflcry.S:‘c Aifs I 3 .and 14;.» Chaprdrs ;* an«d%>pf:’r“t%ic4u1é‘rIy” pf’ 14;. the: vv;-grics‘2x‘.,22.,2~. ThcyMg.1v:: orders my their followers" conccrnmg all things ncedfull for M cdification in the Churchzs 7, as may bc {cc-ncin ’ A 1_Cor.CVha’ptcrs5<,andV 6,<"%;i'nd 7,‘-md 3, and 9, and 9’ arid 1o,'i"nd1 x,and 12#and' I 4, aAd[d’A‘”i vcrfc x :‘an‘d* in the 2 Cori. Cl1ap.f48‘,.a_n’d9.‘ in tFl1cEpi{iIcs-tof‘T;'-5 Mala} andgfitm‘ throughougand clfwhcrc,as%in’thc A5?.s in Chap. 6.'and15.ahd 20¢ V . From whence Tinfci',t'hat i{*'j“nci‘th‘cr% in the? A-‘V pofilcs otvpc prasfficc, nor in thq praéiicc 0-fthefc .-' whom they icti over the Churches Minfthcir owncj tif'§”3”E“~t4hcrcV bcgny example 0fin__c:1ép‘ cndcni p;1rizy_ intimated or ujcd in the: way of ‘ordinzzry govcrin%—~ “ V mcnt, than fuck a pirity may {cc mzfo be ’incoh‘v cu-: nicnt ta b: admittéd into the Chuzch of G 35. h A ’ L i4%‘B‘m%y admitted. - % Mi) i”iBu:"pciha‘ps no " f'uc:11 pxam pléiii tiio1i'bcc faund in mhcig iprafificci or in the prafiicc of ithoigi whom ‘i thcy appaintcd rd ‘beg § ordinary Ruiérs F;hc:;— ‘Churches in thcifownci nmc. ‘fhcrcfore an 1:14..‘ dcpendcnt parizyxgnay iccm inconvcmcm: to bafc V Ls. “ Thusihave brie fly tuaovct “the futidamcntaii mattcrsbf the: fiifi qucfiion in hand , «*njo_t int¢;qgi% ding to dczcrmifi: any thing prcciiciiiy , but itmgié-A-i;W thcr tome ruicshi of _ eictcrminaxion whcrcby the: matter ofpriorityand fupciiority in government imisy be triad more at large in due time; 4 A jf0nly*thus much! mufi new intima‘tc~g, that my «doubt contcrningprioxizy and i«fup:riorizy%oE I-‘pi-f ritual! 0'fficcrsizi the “Church isio farrc.-iircI‘oI~ 'vc<:i , f A that 4 it Iccmc ch notatyaili‘ repugnant to ‘mcjj but rather more coinlonanri and anfwcrabic to’ "ChriPcsi inzcnzioniiin the fiirflriniiitution of his ‘Church; then an hdcpcndcntpzgity. And this is ah: firfi pofition“Whtr'“cin‘iiT meavic fdmcifitisfib-‘ éiion to mydqvubtsi V A » A - , Ifthcrcfotc anywilicontradiét this pofitionitiq make me again: doinbtfullef it , 1 tliinléc he is ob). Jigcd toihclw that an‘ indcpcadcnt purity of Ru-2 igrs is not om-ly no lcffc, but as much %,i and ram»: much morcginfwcrablc to Chrifis intention : ia?ni::I; this he n.::u&'ihcw' from the iami: grourid s which‘! hgva hid, except base can flmv thefc [0 be in£ufl‘i- “ V - elem’, K 419 P“ . fiicnt, andlqy fame othcrsthatm mdom ftidrisfhw éi‘ory%: which if he! dotlgthcn "it wi»1!"b:¢%wa53fi3Arc qu§m.. A fitc, ‘thathc define clccrly what that pr§mcznd‘in- 4 dcpcndcnt authmizy ig , %J1ich mryy Rulgzr uh himfclf¢jin%his pgrtxcularcharga. ’ % A A V As far mew, . bgcaugc Ijakg thisfiofiticin #5 gm. tcd ,% th.at.Chrx£t-dxd znflitutc zn thr: fizrfi con» Aikimtign of hisChurcl; a priority and fapcrim my of {prituall =Qfliccrs.;. thcrcfam 1: thmkel may fafcly gathcr 5‘ that for-the bu.ild,:ing up and pgrpctugll propagating ofciixc {me a his %intmti>- A thcrdfpirizusll’ Oflicers which ordit”1ar:1ydruI3L-zddic *Churchcs.*It~thcn it be granted that in ‘the .or.d.i-« nary, c%ourfc%_do:fd’thci~r Miniflcry? they 4 wéxc ébdbvc ' others , the next thing to be fought after will be ,,dthis,;w‘hcrein dqthcir ‘V Iuperiori‘ty»' did‘ Confifi <3 “ and howfard it was dcrivcdd or ~no; ~dérivcd.”uhto ghcir ,,.%Vfucccfl"ors:" A A Andtofin‘dc c>u"t*this7,A Icontcivc that ititffc , ,Apo'fl.1csdi{chargco'F thcir duty fo’mcd~thdi’ng was Vcxtraordinary, asd-fbcing ufffull and rcquifitc Ohcfy for that time yvhcrcin they lived 5 and A fomc-thing dordiriarydand of? pcrpquall mulé ddwhich wasyd tdbcc dtranfmittcdduntothéir fucccflors; A A 1' ' - ddddThccVxtra‘ordinary dilchargc of thcird«Apo;flo- Jicaill duty was fiffi may the foundation, d and ~ (then to raifc a‘n‘d*fct‘tlc that fr2m'1c~d7ofd Chrifls » Church upon the fame‘ whichwas mo{t;3nfwc¥- table to hisKingdc)m1-,4: ‘And to doc tl1is,,Goidix._z}. ducdtbcm with_¢xtraordinarygifis, pt tongucs, dfknowlcdgcg.of%wifdomc,4of prudbncc , and (if A in m . , . Ismfalixbiiigji -’*ifr+~:,mthA and »pub!ic-‘kc Agovcrnmcnt 3 and ‘cor1hr:nc‘d Emir ;mthoriz‘y vi’i‘iY%‘un:é ,tl1of¢Wh%Aom%::tt;1;Y ap%pc>intcd to: b‘¢fcheii‘%A'iI%uc¢géflbrs in“ thc‘"A«oriit’inajry:chargcéjmy; tbcy'cfid-tVf:;anfrn1t% xt ext%h‘cr bygxprcffc prcccprs,‘m€:f byaahalt jitaéticcipropofgd to be an example: uh-— tc' 3’t’!ic':'rr“i to;bc‘fc;}1‘o‘wcd“inA»Iike cafcs,’for}‘-*§_h%us % A 2“}j‘2“ii::‘;‘3;: g5;;,¢1'I .,thc Afpoiflc rccomcfldctlfhi§§;)Wn.J p:r%1‘&.idcto“{5'¢.obfc,r\icd. I lzzflly, from j both V‘ thrfc :"ir;fcr%c%ncg3$ Vlgathcf a th%i’1f"d cpficluficn-»i, thf3tv37 A if we will trulymqw what thcpriq riry andfupcié‘ r.ior.ity ofanc fpjj'1t1ualI% govt;-rnour; is above“ ‘zmcaw thcr m the nrd'iziary cgugfi of +goy‘c‘rnm¢ mt! A,7~i.w::c V muff takc n¢":),c1(_:t; of a11thc“p2fl?zgcs of Apoflfilié‘ ‘ cgllpraéficg :h%i;.;caf¢. Add this will 1u1i5g;f%‘ aciV4.%his.%%tim§ fi1tat1%‘cnt‘tjy raw-ard4s _thcVdct~ct*t3;)i‘t'1é1g-"’, .4 %zibnoftha£whichw:f’cc:kf'or. A 4‘ |{ L‘ Th; ncéx; ground goingbcforcfhisA*; w;gsth¢¢;, pmrcpt of obedkncc and fhtymiifiofi‘ dud by ‘th°c*_ nipmbérs Aofthe; I. Gh1LI“ch‘ gintb V thcir R;‘ulcrs'that watched ova-Ar their} : ah‘: ‘precept is AcIc’cr,',AHé£ A ~ 374%?“ I91? ififstrcé .§r%0r3;$h¢nc¢ was» that accord ditggi’. V (23% dine; to ehe dihfiferencee 095 A RL11ershe«hehoin the ecgrees oz?‘ 4 331256; theefubmeoiiiionetindh} obedience *W:rs,::o he dif- ‘ 5‘feren‘ced.» New 1*fIe.WO'-L1'1d.e R nowW11hat:rhe different degreeshof Rulers are ,. Ietlxioliel ought: toeohferve ehepropertyexvhiclm the Apofile adderh untoth:e eifice of aRu1er as :1 eha1'aé’cerifi;ico11 note of his ~~cohangehwhen he eaileth him awatching Rulereover V V-thetiflock. A From" which property Irgather this infer- renee" toward s~a fim.=her.d eteerminatione of the point in hand 5 namely that‘: whim:priority»andfuperiority xfoevere may bee e found infthe. ordxnary ..?cou.x;fe of . zvfimtcheing, pI'3.é}.'if€d*byeo the Apofflves ,. "and fo tonfe- quently traofmioz-edV‘11ntotheir followers ,» that fame priorxty and fuperiority hiwatching may bee law- fully ufedsnowiz ~ aidaies 5 and therefore if in the or» dihary courfe:;~of7 watching they did extend their bare unto more particular congreg atiohs thenone , ~the1%7rhee*I.:thin1: And’ lecvthisalfo {mice for a timber entry * ‘at this‘ time towards the deeterminationeoof that V ‘ - .,‘ ‘- 7 ‘ eAgaine, the groundp1*ecedem»o»fo this ehéizléwfourc branches , whereof the laft concerned the peculiar M ‘ -3 d§zty‘ofpe1petua11 Rulers where we obferved their charge—to' confifi it? watching over the‘fou‘1es: of e «their flocks ,1 byca11ingthe;n;’h“y leadiog them, oes fending them, vifirfing them, and keepmgthe kexes of the heavenlejr flueepfoeldg to {hot out the {heep5:or filer; ei:hem‘;in5 as theyheflioulidefee oeea£.ion.. _ [D :2» A e~hm*m £i i ;i47 W r.x * A .i Frtom Whencelregatliert t11is_iniCl‘€f1C¢:,itilaittwimtfe ~ priorityfand fuperiority foever, any ordinaryeliulers *.-‘had irirthe 4Apoft1es time above others in their A V watching oirertheflocke; by calling.. ’ileading,i die?-= rfendi11g,”viefiting and keeping the keyes of the fold, . vthatnowi aifo the fame priority 8: fuperiority may A thee-iauvfuiiy eixercifed : and ifit can be made: appa-» tent, that any ordinary rulers had; a priority and fit-~ I pcriforityi of’ watching above others whichtiextended A ittfetife unto t more congregations then one, then I A fuppogfetit may fafely bee concluded that fucha “ A fuper1oripriorityV,_of; watci1it1g“’ mqyibee lawfully . 9:. exrcifedr, W - The other concerned the charge- ,of T21- *mm5y'aud. Uta? as they Wereeitlieg; Evangeliftsrrt 4 A» or ordiinaryfiverfeers, I take them either rwaly :and A lookeg LI‘§DD.I1~1.ti7!£ilC.'Wi11Ci’m1‘ ,theyr-had to rldoe g, aindifay "thus Ii7:11i‘the;thmgsTxvh1ieh they had recommcns» dedtothcrrrbeofperpet‘uaI1 gtxfein the Church of i ‘ God,then what priority midi fuperiority foe-yer they rirmd oven Oilhéitfstilli~tii¢11‘,:EQl1Pf¢aQr‘f ii:‘¢;1i]flYU€Ii1I fior V the 3dLI1iUifi.‘1'£1EiOfl of thofe chargés,’ithfat fitrnei niay (now aiio be i1«’i?1Ci;‘C..11i‘€‘:'r0f;3fld7 18 requifiteto be in the Churches 0£'&“11‘iflg®SI“:Jut33:1t11‘iingS‘ir€CbmniendB&. V i -tothetn as I conceive arleiofperpetuall u{'e._~ A Therefore the H priority and fuperifority_iwihi£:h -they ‘had error ,thei'7 rtthcr~A ;zA‘mA<:A1]th‘is.Aa1f9AaIIW"fuFficeAac this % iimc to; ‘ Wardg a,fu§thcr4. c_§§t;crrmn: ;2,t1;m of the ipoiririn hrmd’; thcii gt<§)iA1htity—mav’he 3tI‘ibUt€<£i unto :!£}:1€‘VC i‘€ otfi71t:ets,i ‘Wi'1iCi‘1iChI‘1PC hath appointed for his Church. From "whence againel infette, that accottung as the iioeit ‘ E its if so 3 his {man of "great, the watchtower high or lowing A a big or little C itie; the coimpaniielefle or more; {'0 the fuperiority in the charge maybe diiferenced, i and by degrees extended o1*contraél:ed. I The name of Steward alfois attributed untoiithe chiefe officer but not unto him alone.-, yet it imploy- eth a‘ power oifdifpenfiengthefe things which theM. of the houfe hath appointed to be given unto his houfhold; Theret"ore as the things to be clifpen - ifed are diferent, and either more or l’e1fl'e uniuerfal» lyto bee adtniniftred , fo the clifl’e1jence offuperio« rity may be obferved in the Stewardfhip. . The name of a husbandman is fomewhat ofan V other kind, for it imployeth a property rather of =painfnl~nefie thenof “power and authority wherein wee cot~1ce1ve._,ethatt ‘.~1‘CCOI"11=‘1g‘tO the entent and na- mre oiftihe foi‘le,i fothe husbandry muflhe -.-, fotas A-Ithe‘foIi’l‘ernajr be laroerori leffer , fo the Charge gin» O the ihusbandrylthereoefmay be di-fiereinced. In like manner, the name of Builder may be difl ferenced according to the largenefle of the houfe, and different duties in then building thereof .; A Laftly,fI;he name ofAngell is given to the Chief iOfl‘icer in a » eculiar manner, as denoting a Superio- rity of rne age, wherein he is employed by”God tOWa1‘d9SvOtl‘1C1"S._, to declare hiswili and fee it eixeeu... ted in his Kingd-o«me_. For hee is ’the'Arnhaffadour of God unto his people, and hath the beams of hie authority con—Ferre<:i"uponhim. Thus then I gather that all thefe namesof Shepherd , Ruler , Watch-» man; 0ver—i‘eer-, Steward, Hushandmana Builder, and Angelledenote cleetl},*~:.a tsuperiority of _ Office a» 0V,C‘?i'.. K31) over and towards the perfons unto which they are apl pointed to difcharge the fame; not doe their proper- ties feeme repugnant ma gradation and differencing cfthat fuperiority which their name denoteth.e1y.A . peculiar manner of dxfchargmg the dutxeicommit-» ted unto the Ofl‘ice.-hearers in Chrifis Church. for as each nemei bath at feverall fignifieatiomfo it earieth with it a peculiar relation which the Oflice-bearer hath towards the Church, according to which hee ought to behave himfelf in the miner of difcharging his dutie. And this will fuffice to thew in general! the way , how this priority and fuperiorite ought to bee exercifed towards others. A The m+@»re«repaflrtieuiat.deterrm"1rathiematter mufl bee taken from the fpeciall coznmaodeme nts which are given to this efeét , which are many , and cannot now be infifiedfupon at iarge.'the‘ref'ore we will only point at them , in {ho-wing the places of Scrip- ture,where they maybe found. ‘ " A The peculiar duties of a Shepheard, and the man.» her of performing the fame,are fer forth, john ma. till 16. and Ez;ee.g4.2. ‘till 20. it The Ruletstdu tie is menvtio11edrt,.,t.Eom~. 712.8. and He5.1;.17. andMezb.18.17,I8,rg. A The Watchmans dutie is mentioned, E.zeIE,,3. E73,, 3 T he Bifhops dutie is Iargeiymeotioned in the Epifiiestor Timorlay,..and Titer, throughout, and iehiefly in the places heretofore alleaged concerning their pecuiiat charges, and 1 Tk:jfl..$.t e,r 3,14 The Stewards ciotie is mentioned , 1!/ImI.«.r 3,5 2 24-04-30 \ C0r¢4~0I,?ah E 22 The K33’) ‘ The Huslaandmans and Builders dutiesware ‘men; ~tyione;d together, ,1 Cor.3.6. 4 y r The Angels duties are mentioned,RevéZ.z. and i Chapters throughout. In all which places ll’ do per: ceive that the tnanner of dil‘cl1arrgingatl1eir duties is chiefly-rinfiolledupon, as it hatharelation unto the flock at 170 that their Priority and Superiorityis only in that refpeét , cleerly who gathered, namely from the duty which towards thetlocke is to bee. done: Therefore perhaps very little will be found tending to tefolve.us.of the doubt in hand , namely, how the Priority and Superiority in C harge whichone Over.-' leer may haveabove another, is to be exercifed. Yet: then if there be nothing at all repugnant unto this Superiour Priority of one Over-feet above another inthe difcharge of the dutiesthere mentioned; then I fay I ought to conceive that they may very well fiend. together : Butif onthe otherfitle any thing here mentioned in ' the manner of exercifingr theft: Charges of Superiority 3... bee altogether incon- fiflsent with ant-Independent Paritie of Over~feers, andyetif that which isuto. beeydpneyymt1l’t bee perpetually -made ufe or in Government 2 then I fay it may be -lirorrgly inferred ,.that as for this.real'on an independent ~1:>aritya is not to bee ad...‘ mitted , fo a fuperior priority ought to be allowed» yet alwaysfo, asit may be a furtheranc to all the clu- ties of a particularpallzorallcharge-.3 andno vvayesa erofiiel to the true manner of difcharging the fame» PI Andhere I will leave it unto the impartiall confide» ration of thofe thatare j-uditious , whether or no the pecial,co_m.mandemcnts given unto Timothy and Ta» ‘ l ” * A i ’ me had?) r(AA3.‘g;‘)‘h} AA A r,-nror the cTifcAhaI'gin”g ofthat Pitioneytcthnzfi”Superioé e A rity"Whe1*ein they were fet above other O‘fhcers,be ‘not-‘of perpetual-1 ufe both in ref peft of the thing to he done, and in refpecft of the ma1‘me1*roE doingthe fame, as it is recommended unto them; whe.re=:fpee- ciall notice m:1y*be taken of that itlfpeétion, which is deferred unto them, over others7"\,‘ for the repreil fing of falfe Doé‘trines,{-‘or the ordaining oferfilders: inrfeverallr Churches, »f‘Or1‘iAth€ impofition of hands, for the receiving-Aofitccufittions‘ aAg:1inr‘t Elders, and for the power of the Keyes : which «things ought fifll’ ‘both for matter and manner to be continued as they were recommended unto Tzémarhy and ?‘irm',—. c exceptforne»fuh1}:2tntiall.d.i.nrce4;an.he.flaew.ec§, which as yet I cannot fee; or The exanup-1esr»«~ofPraét‘ice both cotnmentdabrlecr and difcommendablhe 5.. in refpea: of the lavvfull or unlawfhll difchatrge of this duty, may be gathetefi from fuch places of Scripture , wherein the Aétsr of Priority and Su~_perio1*ity', and the manner ofex- ercifing the fame are nrentronred, I xviltname fornee ~ few that come no W in my mxnd. A A Fi1‘fl:,thC pI'&&1A:aCC~rOfEh»€.,Ch4H§Q:AQatQ‘YilhiahtChfifh doth fendtug rnecefesr of fcandztlij eflmzzla. 18. I7} whofe authority is eftabhflred the1‘e.;zw. I 8 , I 9,20." Secondly , the practice of the Apoftles zztjeruw-» fnietnt A5355 1 . I 3. till the end . And Chap-, 6. in the ordination of'Deacons. AndA:S%.r15r. in holding. ofthesynod , which determined the-controverfie rifen at Antiadaia. And ASL; I4. 23'. in ordainingr A ZElde1*s. r T hirdlyg.-he %p1:ac"tice crew in theernattert ofex»-A A 7 A com.» (343 communication, I C0f.5.*334a§~ and in the marmet of exercifing his power, I C0129. throughout. Anal 2 ~Cor.ro; throughout. Andééid. C/Mp-» I 3- 2» 3-‘ ion Item,t Tl~2cfl.2t.3.till 212.1387”; 2435‘ 20-2o.2‘6§iz7,33, ' A 3 5 ~ * 34 'I3‘hefe are examples of comm eudahle pracfticez the examples of praétice which is difcommendecl are thefe: t " Firfc of Diotreplaer , gjolm 9.10. who loved to lhavea preeminencie. , e ‘ . Secondly, ofthofe that in the lafl times fhoulol be clifobedient unto the truth through prefirmptu-» ufnefle, who defpifing all Superiority fhould pe--~ rifh in the contraclléhion ofcarejndg. 2 I . by which wee perceive that Care, Dazlmrt, and Abiram, were types of that difobediencetr which will be under the Gofpell in fome , who will take upon them to bee A equalhancl in nothing inferiour to their lawfull Sum at elfiort thereof may bee found” Amlljtere Imult periours... Thirdly',the reproofof the Angels of the Chur» A Aches for not exercifing the authority which they had, Revel.2.I4,I5,2o. Thefe examples being wel erxa1‘nlned,I fuppofe, ll mayigiveus fome light to fhew the manner how the Superiour Prrority Which fotne have over on the-rs’ In the Church ought to be put in praétice. Thus having laid the grounds , and gathereo A fame inf'erences;, whereby to regulate my thoughts in this doubtful! matter. I th?nl _ A"§3‘hisDoé‘tou;'.K.ej;zoldr in the F0ren3.~r1redVgat‘he.? A 7:rethf’ro1n Cyprian, Ep%."6-.@’ 13. ‘P1‘£5jt8rt76' 63’ Die...’ r:?svr2r':.A From Ezzfe5.z'm.Hzflar.Ecclcfi.l.6.c.42.afld from ‘«£’orrzeIz’zr:r Eerter to. Cgprian Epift‘. 4.6. dyad Cylvriazz. ._’Whi-Ch D'o‘cf?:Or Vflaer alfo hath mzzdeemore cleere by’ forge obfervaeions takez1fi‘0In /gfitwiw hi‘?-S Epifi-‘L3 fro;thee,Church of Eflaavfm , Written but twelve yeeres after t11‘Vefwriting of the Revelation of Saint ‘_ 30/923, and from Termzfzzzn who flourifhed zzboutcr A hundred yeares after Ignazim , and fi‘O~m 1560mm of Magnejia, who at the Generall Counceli of C/mite doe tefiifieth that fiforn Timothy until that rimegrlrere had- been at Epbefm 3 continued fucceflion of {even ‘" and twenty Bifl10ps,WhiC11 Bifl1?ops(no doubt)Were rrrone elfe but, r11e,1?r.e.fiderrts oftqhe Ephqfizzc Pre.{1¢ byter§»z.e A . ‘ 4 ‘ A V Thefe Witneffes being next to the firfi t?.mes, arrd‘ wortlry bf credit fee-m to make the matter of pri-- X mitive,and (for oughtthar I fee can be excepre.d) . efApofl'o1icaIl praéfice alf 0,011: ofdoubr. And if rhis Prioritie and Superioritie was frrch, and was in this“ rnannerg, received "and deferred to one above 0--. ‘xhers; I corzjcéfurc, th'Z2““"ti“t Grrasbyrrimitationrof A- poftolrcall pra&ice thusdeferred and received, be.- eaufe I find nothxtrgdeereirrr repugnant ,. but every ’ thing rafther,.and every way Vconfonant ta Apoftoli-4 eall RuI’es,. fa that unto this Biflrbp as Prefidenr of’ ; rhe Presbytery aflrhepowerrbelonging tothe or - ditmry Rulers did primelybelong 5 whiehhee 4 eonfent ofthe refi edit? exercife , omhe ref’: by .3%.3r.irn~didput.rro»exeerrtion. M A V e Ame? .,.r. tw And this I eeneeine was the pra8t§ee of Eghéfltgt Athemfelves in their coutfe of ordinary governtnentges % may be gatheted,_{t0m .fiff5,5 .15. 35 t Cor.3:.Thittint A my apprehenfinn is alfo tnofl atn{évetab1eAt0 the tuies ' 0-fperpetnal ‘ government givenunto Timmy and Ti» ms. and this is every way conionant to the d men &i9 on Qfoffieerst inthe Chttrch to. the meansof. build ing up the Church 83: to the intention ofchrifl tn uniting an tbelievers into one body, and therefore maysvith - ent fctuple be believedjto have beene the pmétice of the fitft primitive and incormpt times. vvhichbe -_, jug granted as I think it 1h0uid,thenI ought not to‘ make any more doubt of the matter; chiefely if’ ftmm thatttttttimednywandt glwfo at this ‘Stine; in aI1VtheChtiftian and protefleant C\!11ii'Cf1€S ‘ etteeptnnely thofe that are in fe-are of danger by tea.- fan of the ebufe of this authority , mete tender the A .t:tofiE nfa fizperttitious State-gnvernrnentjeithet the nndeubted: footzefieps otthe manifefi:ufE:- of fuch n ‘Ptintity and Supetiotityhath beene in at! ages ézfndé pieces and {H11 is in fame tneaftre to be feund which it‘ E perceive fo to-bee, as ttnfy F fine; then X judge that my mindeetetnfhnttle fnilybee a£.r§13:,t3DdtfdubI¢ sit {é!fe*no mare about this tnattet%.Tthu’s I have fatisu fined mafia 05 mine owne doubts fefattre as Icenceive theme teabee common both to the fitnple and? mare Eeetrnedt There be fome nthetficwples more proper to tftiofe that dive deeper into mattetsgtvhéch Utnow nntifit be fit to propofe to {every em 1 Eeafi in fleacfl ef taking away ntdinaty 5, wee may nrdinnry at wee tttight tette €'mmQTt§iflar}7 ft2Et1pY1€fi‘5,~ therefore ti}? ‘ié €412 ‘l ‘ hehettet tefolved, what ought to bee done in this? N J and perceive how farre this way of deciding matters a doth it give fatisfaétion unto divided Judgements. I thinlce it will nothe amilfe to furceafe. In the mean time fuch as are lfpirituall, ought to exh or: all {ides not to cenfure one another , with rigour ,[not to dm things with paflion and rafhly, ortojudge of per... fans according to the outward appearance, but to judge righteous judgement which may bee done if & they will Rudy to feperate in thefe particular courier and different opinions of molt men, theprecious from the vile, and apply themfelves rather to heale then to exafperate foxes l._, rather to build up then to pull downed. The Lord give us‘ all underftanding that keeping the foundation afwell in knowledge as in pra étice we may through Charity build thereon, not hay and fiuhbleghut Gold, Silver and, precious fiones , yet when weefhall he carefull, firfl to keepe our {Elveswithout blame in the imidit of this fro-l reward generation , wee may thenalfio be able to hold forth unto al the word of lite-we making a difierence “have? compaflionlof fame and fave others with feare as pulling them out ofthisi fire of ehdléffe fitilfe and -contention; Now the Lord enable us to doe this in the Spirit of lenity, with godly Zeale tohisGlory, lg/Imerz. A lEINI.S{% Erram. A 'Pag.2 1; an asp; 6 17 20 whazp. 71. 3 fiar vnfapflcd read’ 7 mifapplicd p.7,l.a,.% far indiikrcnt read diffi-rent P58 1, 3 for word r-moi word p, 1,2 I for thczfc rmalthofe p. 19.1. I 5 . fartherefore ream’ wherefore pa 9.}. 2 2 . for the rmflthat p.203. 9,fivr miflcry mar! miniflry p. I 6. 1. 22. for parit§,w~mdPriority‘ p, 4.26.1. 2 3’. far ground mm’ grounded P. 27 Y. E8.far the rmdchcfé: p. 127 1 23 for to readinm p... 5 n8~1.a6fmmoW mzdmorc p. 39 1. 2 far name mad names 9. 29 L 3:2. far for vrmdovcr p. 3 8 E. 8.. Me ought p. 39 E. ; a 7 the Prcfiflcnfi V p. 4 1 L pcnulz: Mk war: may ordinary pa, ¢ 40 H. 3 m for particular rmdpartial1'. L 3 8, for yet mm’ that A