Die Martir. 23 [Way I 6 4 8. i '1 '5. 7-‘ VAR 7 ‘ \3?g=«.§§:¥‘ ‘z: ‘xgfic, '3 "7 ’ C’ \ ‘i’ A a . p An If] an CC Oi l.'l1C LOFClS 3.l1Cl COlT1l11OT1S A Afiembled in PARLIAMENT. For fetling of the Militia in the County of Hereford. ’~\ st» Qrdained by the Lords and Commons aliemblcd in Parliament, that thefe perlons fol- « T?‘ l0WfDg, WI» W4/I67 Lord Vifcount Hereford, Leicefler Dtvereux Eliquire, Sir Edward Pow. c/lpfiaronet, Sir Robert Harley ‘Knight of the Bath,Sir Robert Pye Senior Knight , Frarzrir Kzr/e Efquzre, High Sherxffe of the County of Hereford, Edward Harley, Thoma/3 Barkervile, Edward Pitt Efquires) Iii/"alter Kirle, VVz‘l/iam Litt/eta», Robert Kyle Roéert Harley , john Sm- J. Wu s§§‘\\k“\‘l_ V of or en Church, Szrmerl ;‘l«{are ,_ Banner Hozkirzr , joim Birch , VI/il/iam Crowrber A Jmérofe E/ton Junior 3 3 jiflhn “pure/Ba f"7.a!1(Z5‘ [>(rrJb€’r3 yyilll F/rcckat, junior’ Thyme: ‘Raw/in: res, Major mama; "Bla; ”?"9_’ 2 Cjfiptaillé iP7W7wf {3.»2‘v:er., and T/coma: Eaton Gentleman; Shall bee Commiflioners for the .'7l4i-' /ma, In the County of Hereford , for the better fecuring and fafety of the Parliament and the {aid County ; And [hall have power and Authority, and are hereby Authorized by themfelves , or any five or more or them to put the [aid County into a pollute‘ of defence, and to raife Forces , Horle and Foot , and them to Lil}, Arme, and exercile; and to forme them into Regiments, Troops, and Companies, and them to Mufier, Array and weapon from time to time in places fit for that put. pele : And to appoint over them Colonels, Captaines, and other Officers from time to time by (‘om- millions underthe hauls and feales of the {aid C ommisfioners, or any lievenofthem, as often as there {hall be occafion in that behalfe : And {hall have power, and are hereby authorized by themlelves, or their fatd Commanders and Ollicers to lead, condutft and imploy the {aid perfonsarrayed , and weaponed for the lilppresfion of all liebellions and Infurrefiions that {hall or may happen within the County aforefaid, According asithe laid Commisfipners, or any five ofthem lhallfrom time to time give direétions, or [hall be otherwife directed from time to time by the Lords and Commons in Parliament alfembled, or the Committee fitting at Derby houfe : Any former‘Order, Declaration, or other matter to the contrary hereof in any wile notwithfianding. And for all and every their doings herein, the [aid Commisfioners , and all and every the {aid P-erion and Perfons {hall be faved harmlefle and indempnified by the Authority of-Parliament. Provided that this Ordinance and every thing therein conteyned [hall continue for P the {pace of fixe Moneths, and no longer. % & Die, Martir. 23 May I 6 4 8, OR deredby tbe Lora’: Aflémla led in P zzr/iament, T/mt tbir Ordinance be fortbwitb P rin- ted and pulalzjbeal. ‘ , ]oh. Brown Cler. Parliamentorum. #_.4.-. ..-_ 44 p - L ON D 0 N, Printed for 70511 W right at the Kings Headin the old Bayley. 1648. FOLEQ RARE KD 6111+ . A31 62 .A3 16148 uuvtnnv or nuuouu - cowuuu ELL SPC RRE RARE 831945 D6114.A3162 A3 1648 llllilllIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 01 0-007247133