......:... . : « «St .....A...». .. V\ .1. .\Kn..,». u.fl..§. . .4. Q. ~. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . A m........... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v..fo.\- »». v‘.¢nlIII-lulI..Il|.ol€(.. 4. L. . . . .. . . . ‘ . . . 29.23. 2.. Or . . , . . . . a . , . . , Gfihnrrlg Zfiggmns mm finapel finngs for use in church Services lbrager meetings an!) other Religious fiatberinge BY IRA D. SANKEY J AMES MCGRANAHAN ma GEO. C. STEBBINS >14 PUBLISHED BY ‘(Ibe Biglow a main (to. 74 EAST NINTH ST. LAKESIDE BUILDING NEW YORK CHICAGO Copyright 1898. by THE BIGLOW & MAIN Co. PREFACE This volume has been prepared in response to many re- quests for a. small and inexpensive collection of well known Standard Church Hymns, together with apselection of the best and most useful “Gospel Hymns and Sacred Songs.” It contains three hundred and sixty-seven hymns, with music, selected with great care, conveniently arranged, covering a large range of subjects, and provided with a com- plete Topical Index. We believe this collection will prove a great boon to many Churches throughout the country, that do not care to purchase the large and expensive Hymnals of the day, from which only a a small portion of the pieces are sung by any congregation. Trusting that these Standard Hymns and Sacred Songs may find a warm welcome, not only in the Church Services, but also in the Prayer Meetings of the land, and be a blessing Wherever used, we send them forth on their ‘joyful mission. THE AUTHORS. NOTICE. lliany of the new pieces in this Collection, both words and music, are Copyright in the United States, Great Britain and Provinces, under the provisions of the International Copyright Law, and must not be reprinted or published for any purpose whatever, without the written pe'“‘isIlon of the owners thereof. \. THE BIGLOW & MAIN (.10., Publishers. CHURCH HYMNS mo GOSPEL SONGS. % ‘worship. 1 moms. 11.12.12, 10. Jean 3. mm ~/ 1 Ho-ly, ho-ly, ho - ly, LordGod Al-might-yl Ear-ly in the ~./ _ . morn-ing our song shall rise to Thee; Ho - ly, ho - ly, ho - A ,r_ . mer - ci '- £111 and might - y, God in three Per.-sons, bless-ed '1‘rin-i- - ty! _J_-\ /3 2 Holy, holy, holy! all the saints adore Thee, Casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea; Oherubim and seraphim falling down before Thee, Which wert and art and evermore shalt be. 8 Holy, holy, holy! though the darkness hide Thee, . Though the eye of sinful man Thy glory may not see; Only Thou art holy; there is none beside Thee, Perfect in power, in love and purity. 4 Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty! All Thy works shall praise Thy name, in earth and sky and sea; Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty; God in three persons, blessed Trinity! ‘worship. 2 SABBATI-I. 73. en. Lownt. mm. 1 Safely through another week, God has brought us on our way; Let us now a blessing seek, Wait-ing in His courts to - day: Day of all the week the best, Em-blem /5 of e-ter-nal rest; Day of all theweek thebest, Em-blem of e - ter-nal rest. 2 While we seek supplies of grace, Pleasant are Thy courts below Through the dear Redeemer’s name, In this land of sin and woe. Show Thy reconciling face——- Oh, my spirit longs and faints Take away our sin and shame; For the converse of Thy saints, [|:From our worldly cares set free,— For the brightness of Thy face, May we rest this day in Thee. :|| King of glory, God of grace! 8 Here we come Thy name to praise; 2 Happy birds that sing and fly, Let us feel Thy presence near; Round Thy altars, 0 Most High! May Thy glory meet our eyes, Happier souls that find a rest, While we in Thy house appear: In their heavenly Father’s breast! ll: Here a.fi'ord us, Lord, a taste Like the wandering dove that found Of our everlasting feast.: || No repose on earth around, , . They can to their ark repair, mum- Make the fruits of grace abound, 8 Happy souls, their praises flow, Bring relief for all complaints: Ever in this vale of woe; ||:Thus let all our Sabbaths prove, Waters in the desert rise, Till we rest in Thee above. :1] Manna feeds them from the skies; ’°‘”‘ "°"°°"' On they go from strength to strength, 3 Till they reach Thy throne at lemth; xmwnsamnmmme. e;,2hz,::::,-1;:;s,¥.:2»m,,.n In the land of light and love; 3,", E L,‘ ‘worship. 4 MBNDEBRA8. 73.63. D. '9' ‘FT 2 Today on weary nations The heavenly manna falls; To holy convocations The silver trumpet calls, Where gospel light is glowing With pure and radiant beams, And living water flowing With soul-refreshing streams. 3 New graces ever gaining From this our day of rest, We reach the rest remaining To spirits of the blest. To Holy Ghost be praises, To Father and to Son; The Church her voice upraises To Thee, blest Three in One. _ Christopher Wadsworth 5 1 The dawn of God’s new Sabbath Breaks o'er the earth again, As some sweet summer morning After a night of pain. It comes as cooling showers To cheer a thirsting land, As shades of clustered palm-trees ’Mid weary wastes of sand. 1 {O day of rest and gladness, 0 day of_ 0 balm of care and sad-ness, Most beauu Bend-inz be-forethe throne, Sing, Ho- ly. ho-ly, ho- ly. To the Great Three in One. Arr. by Lowau. Mason. and light, most bright; On Thee, the high and . low- U. 2 Lord, we would bring our burden Of sinful thought and deed, In Thy pure presence kneeling From bondage to be freed; Our heart’s most bitter sorrow For all our work undone, So many talents wasted, So few true conquests won. 3 Yet still, 0 Lord long-sufiering, Still grant us in our need Here in Thy holy presence The saving name to plead; And on Thy day of blessings, Within Thy temple walls, To foretaste the pure worship Of Zion's golden halls:- 4 Until in joy and gladness We reach that home at last, When life’s short week of sorrow And sin and strife is past; When angel-hands have gathered The first ripe fruit for Thee, ' 0 Father, Son, and Spirit, Most Holy Trinity! AdaC.Cn¢. ‘worship. 6 MORNINGTON. S. M. I This is the day of \.z 0 Day-spring, rise up - on 2 This is the day of rest: Our failing strength renew; On weary brain and troubled breast Shed Thou Thy freshening dew. 3 This is the day of peace: Thy peace our spirits fill; Bid Thou the blasts of discord cease, The waves of strife be still. 4 This is the day of prayer: Let earth to heaven draw near; Lift up our hearts to seek Thee there; Come down to meet us here. 5 This is the first of days: Send forth Thy quickening breath, And wake dead souls to love and praise, O Vanquisher of death! 7 1 With joy we lift our eyes To those bright realms above, That glorious temple in the skies, Where dwells eternal Love. 2 Before Thy throne we bow, 0 Thou almighty King; Here we present the solemn vow, And hymns of praise we sing. John Ellerton. light: G. C. Wnnusxxv. Let there be light to» day; 1* our night, And chase its gloom a - way. 3 While in Thy house we kneel, With trust and holy fear, Thy mercy and Thy truth reveal, And lend a gracious ear. 4 Lord, teach our hearts to pray, And tune our lips to sing; Nor from Thy presence cast away The sacrifice we bring. 8 1 Now let our voices join To raise a sacred song; Ye pilgrims! in J ehovah’s ways, With music pass along. Thomas Jervis. 2 See-flowers of paradise, In rich profusion, spring; The sun of glory gilds the path, And dear companions sing. 3 See——Sa1em’s golden spires, In beauteous prospect, rise; And brighter crowns than mortals wear, Which sparkle through the skies. 4 All honor to His name, Who marks the shining way,- To Him who leads the pilgrims on To realms of endless day. ‘ Phi1ipDodd:-ldgv. ‘Wlorsbip. 9 cnssuwoon. s. M. 1 Sweet- ly the ho - Josnm E. Swuxsn. ly hymn Breaks on the morn - ing air: 2 While flowers are wet with dews, Dew of our souls, descend: Ere yet the sun the day renews, O Lord, Thy Spirit send. 8 Upon the battle-field, Before the fight begins, We seek, O Lord, Thy sheltering shield, Toguardusfromoursins. 4 Ere yet our yessel sails Upon the stream of day, We plead, O Lord, for heavenly gales To speed us on our way. 5 On the lone mountain side, ‘ Before the morning's light, The Man of Sorrows wept and cried, And rose refreshed with might. 6 Oh, hear us then, for we Are very weak and frail, We make the Saviour’s name our plea, And surely must prevail. Chlrlos H. Spuigeon. I0 1 Sweet is the work, 0 Lord, Thy glorious name to sing; To praise and pray-to hear Thy word, And grateful ofierings bring. 2 Sweet-at the dawning light, Thy boundless love to tell ; Be -fore the world with smoke is dim We meet to of - fer prayer. And, when approach the shades of night, Still on the theme to dwell. 3 Sweet—on this day of rest, To join in heart and voice, With those who love and serve Thee best, Andin Thy name rejoice. 4 To sons of praise and joy Be every Sabbath given, That such may be our blest employ Eternally in heaven. !!auhtAaber. II 1 Welcome, sweet day of rest, That saw the Lord arise! Welcome. to this reviving breast, And these rejoicing eyes! 2 The King himself comes near, And feasts His saints to-day; Here may we sit and see Him here, And love, and praise, and pray. 8 One day, amid the place Where my dear Lord hath been, Is sweeter than ten thousand days Within the tents of sin. 4 My soul would stay In such a frame as this, And sit and sing herself away To everlasting bliss. ‘snowsh- morning. 12 uscmzn. H. M. Faumsucn Scmmnn. I g Wel-come. tie - I hail '.lhy '0- I soar to reach im - mor - tal joys, I 2 Now may the King descend, And fill His throne of grace; Thy scepter, Lord, extend, While saints address Thy face: Let sinners feel Thy quickening word, And learn to know and fear the Lord. 3 Descend, celestial Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; Disclose a Saviour’s love, And bless the sacred hours: Then shall my soul new life obtain, Nor Sabbaths be enjoyed in vain. -—-Hayward. I3 1 O Zion! tune thy voice, And raise thy hands on high; Tell all the earth thy joys, And boast salvation nigh; Cheerful in God, arise and shine, While rays divine stream all abroad. 2 He gilds thy mourning face With beams that cannot fade; His all-resplendent grace He pours around thy head; The nations round thy form shall view, With luster new, divinely crowned. 3 In honor to His name, Reflect that sacred light; And load that grace proclaim, to reach morn, Thou day of sa - cred rest- return ;—Lord, make these blest:} From the low train of mor - tal toys im - mor-tal joys. I soar to reach im-mor-tal joys. Which makes thy darkness bright; Pursue His praise, till sovereign love, In worlds above, the glory raise. 4 There, on His holy hill, A brighter sun shall rise, And, with His radiance, fill Those fairer, purer skies; While,round His throne, ten thousand stars, In nobler spheres, His influence own. l’hil|pDoddrld¢e. I4 1 Now, to Thy sacred house, With joy I turn my feet, Where saints, with morning-vows, In full assembly meet: Thy power divine shall there be shown, And from Thy throne Thy mercy shine. 2 Oh, send Thy light abroad; Thy truth with heavenly ray Shall lead my soul to God, And guide my doubtful way; I’ll hear Thy word with faith sincere, And learn to fear. and praise the Lord. 3 Now in Thy holy hill, Before Thine altar, Lordl. My harp and song shall sound The glories of Thy word: Henceforth, to Thee, O God of gqcel A hymn of praise my life shall be. Timothy Dvlthta morning. 15 LAUDES comm. es. en. josmsiam. 1 When motninggildsthe s/k_i‘es, My hearta-wak-ing cries, May J e-sus Christbe "\ \ A-like atworkand prayer, To J e-sus I re - May J o - sus Christ be praised. 2 To Thee, O God, above, Or fades my earthly bliss, I cry with glowing love, My comfort still is this: May Jesus Christ be praised: May Jesus Christ be praised. This’ song of sacred joy, . . . . . It never seems to cloyz §[??:a%;§31:31¥;nE{° 18 mme’ my J°“““ Chm‘ "° P““°°"* May Jesus Christ be praised: 3 Does sadness fill my mind, Be this the eternal song, A solace here I find; Through all the ages long: May Jesus Christ be praised: May Jesus Christ be praised. Tr. Edvard Casvall. 16 HEBRON. L. M. Lowau. Mason. 1 God the morn-ing, at whose voice The cheer-ful sun makes haste to rise, like a gi - ant doth r’o- joice To run his jour-ney through the skies; 2 Oh» mm the sun may I fulfil And leave me in this world's wide mane, The appointed duties of the day; To follow every wandering star. With ready mind and active will, 4 Give me Thy counsel for my guide, And then receive me to Thy bliss; 8 But I shall rove, and lose the race, All my desires and hopes beside If God my Sun should disappear, Are faint and cold compared with this. lnacwatflo March on and keep ‘my heavenly way. Evening. 17 EVENTIDE. 103. Wn.uAuH.Mo1tt. 1 A-hide with me! Fast falls the e - ven - tide, The darkness deep-ens-Lord,with me a-bide! When_ oth-er help — ers fail, and comforts flee, Help of the helpless, 011, a - bide with me! " £114 2 Swift to its close ebbs out life’s little day; Earth’s joys grow dim, its glories pass away; Change and decay in all around I see; 0 Thou, W110 changest not, abide with me! 3 I need Thy presence every passing hour, What but Thy grace can foil the tempter’s power ? Who, like Thyself, my guide and stay can be? Through cloud and sunshine, oh, abide with me! 4 Hold Thou Thy cross before my closing eyes; Shine through the gloom, and point me to the skies; Heaven’s morning breaks, and earth’s vain shadows flee! In life, in death, 0 Lord, abide with me! 18 1 Saviour, again to Thy dear name we raise With oneaizcord a parting hymn of praise; We rise to bless Thee ere our worship cease, And now, departing, wait Thy word of peace, mp: 2 Grant us Thy peace upon our homeward way; With Thee began, with Thee shall end the day; Guard Thou the lips from sin, the hearts from shame, That in this house have called upon Thy name. 8 Grant us Thy peace, Lord, through the coming night; Turn Thou for us its darkness into light; From harm and danger keep Thy children free, For dark and light are both alike to Thee. 4 Grant us Thy peace throughout our earthly life, Our balm in sorrow, and our stay in strife; Then, when Thy voice shall bid our confliot cease, Call us, 0 Lord, to Thine eternal peace. Johniilluton. Evening. 19 EVENING PRAYER. 83,73. GnoRcuC.S-rlzssms. 1 Sav-iour, breathe an eve-ning blessing, Ere re-pose our spir- its seal: f.\ Rit ......................................... . . 1878, by Geo. C. Stebbfm. ‘F Sin and want we come con-fess-ing, Thou canst save and Thou canst heal. .4? ’-‘- 2 Though destruction walk around us, Thou art He who, never weary, Though the arrows past us fly; Watchest where Thy people be. Angel-guards from Thee surround us, We are gafg if Thou art nigh. 4 swift O’61't8k0‘IlS, And our couch become our tomb, 8 Though the night be dark and dreary, May the mo.-n in heaven awake us, Darkness cannot hide from Thee; Clad in bright and deathless bloom. JamesEdxnestoa. 20 Now THE DAY [8 oven. as. 53. Jesus Bmnv. -r- 6- 1 Now the dayis o-ver,Night is drawing nigh,Shadows of theeveningsteal across the sky. :1 sky. 2 Jesus, give the weary 4 Through the long night-watches, Calm and sweet repose; May Thine angels spread With Thy tenderest blessing Their white wings above me, May our eyelids close. Watching round my bed. 8 Grant to little children 5 When the morning wakens, Visions bright of Thee; Then may I arise, Guard the sailors tossing Pure and fresh and sinless On the deep blue sea. In Thy holy eyes. Sabinoiodnroonld. Evening. 21 BTOCKWELL. 8s. 7s. Duuus r. Ions. 1 Si -lent-ly the shades of eve - ning Gath-er round my low-ly door; Si -lent-ly they bring be- fore me Fae - es I shall see no more. 2 Oh, the lost, the unforgotten, 4 Feeble, trembling, fainting, dying, Though the World be oft forgot; Lord, I cast myself on Thee; Oh, the shrouded and the lonely, Tarry with me through the darkness! In our hearts they perish not. While I sleep, still watch by me. 8 Living in the silent hours, 5 Tarry with me, 0 my Saviour! Where our spirits only blend, Lay my head upon Thy breast They, unlinked with earthly trouble, Till the morning; then awake me- We still hoping for its end. Morning of eternal rest! cmuno 3. Smith. 4 How such holy memories cluster, Like the stars when storms are past, 23 P°intin3 “P t° that hi’ heaven 1 Yes for me for me He eareth We may h°P° t° gain “ta 19‘, St‘ With a brother’s tender care; ’ WC’ cox‘ Yes, with me, with me He shareth 22 Every burden, every fear. 1 Terry with me, O my Saviour, 2 Yes, for me He standeth pleading, For the day is passing by; At the mercy-seat above; See! the shades of evening gather, Ever for me interceding, And the night is drawing nigh. Constant in untiring love. 2 Many friends were gathered round me 3 Yes, in me, in me He dwelleth, In the bright days of the past; I in Him, and He in me! But the grave has closed above them, And my empty soul He filleth, And I linger here at last. Here and through eternity. 8 Deeper, deeper grow the shadows; 4 Thus I wait for His returning, Paler now the glowing west; Singing all the way to heaven; Swift the night of death advances; Such the joyous song of morning, Shall it-be the night of rest? Such the banquet song of even. lioratius Bout. Evening. 24 HURSLEY. L. M. 1 Sun of my soul! Thou Sav-iour dear, It J. Oh, may no eartlI—born cloud a - rise 2 When the soft dews of kindly sleep My weary eyelids gently steep, Be my last thought-—how sweet to rest For ever on my Saviour’s breast! 8 Abide with me from morn till eve, For without Thee I cannot live;. Abide with me‘ when night is nigh, For without Thee I dare not die. 4 Be near to bless me when I wake, Ere through the world my way I take; Abide with me till in Thy love I lose myself in heaven above. John Keble. 25 1 Again, as evening’s shadow falls, We gather in these hallowed walls; And evening hymn and evening prayer Rise mingling on the holy air. ‘ I 2 May struggling hearts, that seek release, Here find the rest of G‘rod’s own peace; And, strengthened hereby hymn and prayer, Lay down the burden and the care. ' 8 O God our Light, to Thee we bow; Within all shadows standest Thou: ‘ Give deeper calm than night can bring, Give sweeter songs than life can sing. 4. Life’s tumult we must meet We cannot at the shrine rema-i__11'; But in the spirit’s secret cell. d f ' l‘ 11. Mar hm an We °* °;::.:::.:..... Pm-an Rrrrsn, an-. \» \.z is not night if Thou be near: To hide Thee from Thy ser-vant’s eyes! 26 1 When shades of night around us close, And weary limbs in sleep repose, The faithful soul awake may be, And longing sigh, O Lord, to Thee. 2 Thou true Desire of nations, hear; Thou Word of God, Thou Saviour dear; In pity heed our humble cries, And bid at length the fallen rise. 3 Oh, come, Redeemer, come and free Thine own from guilt and misery; The gates of heaven again unfold, Which Adam’s sin had closed of old. 4 All praise, eternal Son, to Thee, Whose advent doth Thy people free; Whom with the Father we adore And Holy Ghost for evermore. ‘ _ Tr._/V. C. Coin. 27 . 1 Great God! to Thee my evening song With humble gratitude I raise; Oh, let Thy mercy tune my tongue, And fill my heart with lively praise. 2 My days unolouded as they pass, And every gentle, rolling hour, Are monuments of wondrous grace, And witness to Thy love and power. 3 Seal my forgiveness in the blood Of Jesus; His dear name alone I plead for pardon, gracious God! And kind acceptance at Thy throne. Anne Steele. praise to (Bob. 28 OLD HUNDRED. L. M. LoursBomzcnots. 1 All peo-ple that on earth do dwell, Sing to the Lord with cheer-fnl voice: I3 Him serve with mirth, His praise forth tell, Come ye be - fore A and re-joioe. ta 2 Know that the Lord is God indeed; His truth at all times firmly stood, Without our aid He did us make: And shall from age to age endure. We are His flock, He did us feed, Wm“ 5°“- And for His sheep He doth us take. 29 Do by 3 Oh, ter th His ates with praise, , _ ' _ Appfdlaoh witllli joy courts unto: Pm’1°°flg:d' from Whom an blamngs Praise, land, and bless His name always, , , * _ For it is seemly so to do. £13389 gi1:»a*;11o::“:“;:*;f°” ‘_’°1°‘:} 4 For why ? the Lord our God is good, Praise Father’ Sollyand Ho1m"o8t'_ His mercy 18 for ever sure; Thcnuu 1:... 3° WARE. L. M. [Ps- 72.] Gm Kimm- 1 Nowbless-ed be the might-y One, Je - ho-vah,God of Is - re - For He 3 - lone hath wonders done, And deeds in glo - that ex - eel. /7\ 2 All kings before Him down shall fall: 3 And blessed be His glorious name. All nations shall His laws obey; Long as the ages shall endure; He’lI save the needy when they call, O’er all the earth extend His isms The poor, and those that have no stay. Amen, amen, forever more. Anon. praise to (Bob. 31 LYONS. 108,113. FmzJ.HAvns- 1 Ye serv-ants of God, your Mas-ter pro-claim, And pub-lish a- broad His won - der - ful name; The name all - vie - to - rious of Je-sus ex - tol; His king-dom is glo-rious:He rules 0 - ver all. 2 God ruleth on high, almighty to save; And still He is nigh: His presence we‘ have; The great congregation His triumph shall sing, Ascribing salvation to Jesus, our King. 3 “ Salvation to God, who sits on the throne,” Let all cry aloud, and honor the Son; The praises of Jesus the angels proclaim, Fall down on their faces, and worship the Lamb. 4 Then let us adore, and give Him His right- All glory and power, and wisdom and might; All honor and blessing, with angels ‘above, And thanks never ceasing, for infinite love. Charleswesley. 33 ‘l‘une—WARE. rm. 9.] 1 Lord, Thee I’l1 praise with all my heart, 3 And they, 0 Lord, that know Thy name, And all Thy wondrous works proclaim; Their confidence in Thee will place; In Thee, 0 Thou Most High, I'll joy, For Thou, Jehovah, never hast And sing the prdse of Thy great name. Forsaken them that seek Thy face. 2 Jehovah shall a refuge prove, 4 Sing praises to the Lord most high, A refuge strong for poor oppressed To Him that doth in Zion dwell; A safe retreat where weary souls Declare His mighty deeds abroad, In troublous times may find a rest His deeds among all people tell praise 33 MANOAH. c. M. to Gob. Fr. Franz I. Havnu. 1 Be - gin, my tongue,some heavenly theme, And speak some boundless thing; fl: -; u....C) I F "I 0. he) I I ‘V’ F"! ‘F’ The might-y works, or might-ier 2 Tell of His wondrous faithfulness, And sound His power abroad; Sing the sweet promise of His grace, The love and truth of God. 3 His very word of grace is strong, . As that which built the skies; The voice that rolls the stars along, Speaks all the promises. 4 Oh, might I hear Thy heavenly tongue But whisper, “ Thou art mine!” Those gentle words should raise my song To notes almost divine. Islac Watt. 34 1 My God! the spring of all my joys, The life of my delights, The glory of my brightest days, And comfort of my nights! 2 In darkest shades if He appear, My dawning is begun: He is my soul's sweet morning star And He my rising sun. 8 The opening heavens around me shine With beams of sacred bliss, While Jesus shows His heart is mine, And whispers, I am His. 4; My soul would leave this heavy clay, At that transporting word; e - ter-nal King. ug- name, Of our Bun up with joy the shining way, To meet my gracious Lord! 35 1 When all Thy mercies, 0 my God! My rising soul surveys, Transported with the view, I’m_ lost In wonder, love, and praise. 2 Unnumbered comforts, to my soul, Thy tender care bestowed, Before my infant heart conceived From who those comforts flowed. Isaac Watts. 3 When, in the slippery paths of youth, With heedless steps, I ran, Thine arm, unseen, conveyed me safe, And led me up to man. - 4 Ten thousand, thousand precious gifts My daily thanks employ; Nor is the least a cheerful heart, That tastes those gifts with joy. '5 Through every period of my life, Thy goodness I’ll pursue; And after death, in distant worlds, The glorious theme renew. 6 Through all eternity, to Thee A joyful song I’ll raise; For, 611, eternity’s too short To utter all Thy praise! Joseph Addison. praise to (Bob. 36 DUNDEE. C. M. 1 O God, our help in Our she1- ter from the storm-y 2 Under the shadow of Thy throne Thy saints have dwelt secure; Snficient is Thine arm alone; And our defence is sure. 8 Before the hills in order stood, Or earth received her frame, From everlasting Thou art God To endlessyears the same. 4 A thousand ages, in Thy sight, Short as the watch that ends the night, Before the rising sun. 5 Time, like an ever-rolling stream Bears all its sons away; They fly, forgotten, as adream Dies at the opening day. 37 1 God moves in amysterious way His wonders to perform: He plants His footsteps in the see, And rides upon the storm. 2 Deep in unfathomable mines Of never-failing skill, He treasures up His bright designs. And works His sovereign will. 3 Ye fearful saints, fresh courage take! The clouds ye so much dread, Are big with mercy, and will break In blessings on your head. Isaac Watts. a - ges past, Ammo Hart's Pssm-n. Our hope for years to come; blast, 6 - ter - nal home! And our 4 J ndge not the Lord by feeble sense, But trust Him for His grace; Behind a frowning providence He hides asmilinig face 5 His purposes will ripen fast, Unfolding every hour; The bud may have a bitter taste, But sweet will be the flower. 6 Blind unbelief is sureto err, And scan His work in vain; God is His own interpreter, And He will make 38 1 Oh, foraheartto praisemy God, A heart fromsin setfree; s A heart that always feels Thy blood So freely shed for me! 2 A heart resigned, submissive, meek, My dear Redeemer-’s throne; Where only Christ is heard to speak, Where Jesus reigns alone! 8 Oh, for a lowly, contrite heat, Believing, true, and clean! Which neither life nor death can part From dwells 4 A heart in every thought renewed, And filled with love divine; Perfect. and right, and pure, and good; An image, Lord! of Thine. cnaaawauy. braver. 39 HENDON. 73. f\ Astuuum H. C. Mum. P . 1 Lord, we come be- fore Thee now, At Thy feet we hum-bly bow; Oh, do not our suit dis-dain! Shall we seekThee,Lord,in vain?Shall we seekThee, Lord, in vain? .4. A £1 .2. 2 Lord, on Thee our souls depend, In compassion now descend; Fill our hearts with Thy rich grace, Tune our lips to sing Thy praise. 3 In Thine own appointed way, Now we seek Thee; here we stay; Lord, we know not how to go, Till a blessing Thou bestow. 4 Comfort those who weep and mourn; Let the time of joy return; Those that are cast down lift up; Make them strong in faith and hope. 5 Grant that all may seek and find Thee a God supremely kind; Heal the sick; the captive free; Let us all rejoice in Thee. William Hammond. 40 1 ToThypasturesfairandlarge, Heavenly Shepherd, lead Thy charge, And my couch, with tenderest care, ‘Mid the springing grass prepare. 2 When I faint with summer's heat, Thou shalt guide my weary feet To the streams that, still and slow, Through the verdant meadows’ flow. 3 Safe the dreary vale I tread, By the shades of death o'erspread, -9- .1- With Thy rod and stafl’ supplied, This my guard—and that my guide. -1 Constant to my latest end, Thou my footsteps shalt attend; And shalt bid Thy hallowed dome Yield me an eternal home. 41 1 Come, my soul,’ thy suit prepare, Jesus loves to answer prayer; He Himself has bid thee pray, Therefore will not say thee nay. 2 With my burden I begin:- Lord! remove this load of sin; Let Thy blood for sinners spilt, Set my conscience free from guilt. 3 Lord! I come to_Thee for rest; Take possession of my breast; There, Thy blood-bought right maintdn, And, without a rival, reign. 4 While I am a pilgrim here, Let Thy love my spirit cheer; As my Guide, my Guard, my Friend, Lead me to my journey’s end. 5 Show ‘me what I have to do, Every hour my strength renew; Let me live" alife of faith, «A. Let me die Thy people's death. Johltcunn James Merrick. Draper. 42 HORTON. 73. 1 Steal - ing from the world a - way, g 2 Yonder stars that gild the sky Shine but with a borrowed light; We, unless Thy light be nigh, Wander, wrapt in gloomy night. 8 Sun of Righteousness! dispel All our darkness, doubts, and fears; May Thy light within us dwell, Till eternal day appears. 4 Warm our hearts in prayer and praise, Lift our every thought above; Hear the grateful songs we raise, Fill us with Thy perfect love. Raylhltnu. 43 1 They who seek the throne of grace Find that throne in every place; If we live a life of prayer, God is present everywhere. 2 In our sickness and our health, In our want, or in our wealth, If we look to God in prayer, God is present everywhere. 8 When our earthly comforts fail, When the foes of life prevail, ’Tis the time for earnest prayer; God is present everywhere. Kind-ly meet us, Lord, we pray, We are come to seek Thy face; Grantus Thy re-viv-ing grace. 4 Then, my soul’, in every strait, To thy Father come, and wait; He will answer every prayer: God is present everywhere. Oliver Holden. 44 1 Lord! I cannot let Thee go, Till a blessing Thou bestow; Do not turn away Thy face, Mine’s an urgent, pressing case. 2 Once a sinner, near despair, Sought Thy mercy-seat by prayer; Mercy heard and set him £ree_—— Lordl that mercy came to me. 8 Many days have passed since then, Many changes I have seen; Yet have been upheld till now; Who could hold me up but Thou? 4 Then hast helped in every need- This emboldens me to plead; After so much mercy past, Canst Thou let me sink at last? 5 No--I must maintain my hold; ’Tis Thy goodness makes me hold; I can no denial take, Since I plead for Jesus’ sake. Mm Newm- prayer. 45 RETREAT. L. M. ‘moms mamas» ' \.v 1 From ev - ery storm-"y wind that blows, From ev - ery swell-ing tide of woes, a calm, a sure re-treat—--‘Tie found be-neath the mer - cy - seat. A There is 2 There is a place where Jesus sheds And Satan trembles when he sees The oil of gladness on our heads, The weakest saint upon his knees. A place than all besides, m t—— , It is the blood-bought mercgjegzoe 4 H°‘V° 7°“ n° wads? “M thmk “gun; Words flow space when‘ you complain, 8 There is a scene, where spirits blend, And fill a fellow-creature’s ear Where friend holds fellowship with friend; With the sad tale of all your care. Though sundered far, by faith they meet Around one oommon merorseato J 5 Were half the breath thus vainly spent L To heaven in supplicafion sent, 4 There, there on eagles’ wings we soar, Our cheerful song would oftener be, And sin and sense molest no more, “Hear what the Lord hath done for me! ” And heav’n comes down our souls to greet, ‘mm’ °°"°" And glory crowns the mercy-seat. 47 6 Oh, let my hand forget her :3 ' 1 M is an hour ,0 “feet, My ‘°n8_‘1° 53193‘: °°ld and :13?» F1?:>r(:Ol(>l’ush ofymorn to evening star, Thil bounding heart forget to beat. As that which calls me to Thy feet, If I fotset Thy mercy-seat! M W The calm and holy hour of prayer? 46 , 2 Then is my strength by Thee renewed; Then are my sins by Thee forgiven; 1 What various hindrances we meet t Then dost Thou cheer my solitude. In coming to a mercy-seat! With clear and beauteous hopes of Yet who that knows the worth of prayer heaven. But wishes to he often there? , 8 No words can tell what sweet relief, 2 Prayer makes darkened clouds with- There for my every want I find; 51'1"’; What strength for warfare, balm for grief, a'ayer climbs the flluadder Jacob saw, What deep and cheerful peace of mind! V93 9301,0539 to °th and love, , ~ . . 3,-jnggwgnryblednghom above_ 4 L01-d,.t1llIreach the blissful shore,- No privilege so dear shall be, 3 Restraining prayer, We cease to fight; As thus my inmostssoul to pour Prayer makes the Christian's armorbright; In faithful, filial prayer to Thee! chaxumsusos. prayer. 48 NAOMI. O. M. 1 Prayer is the soul's sin - cere de - sire, The mo-tion of a 2 Prayer is the burden of a sigh, The falling of a tear, The upward glancing of an eye, When none but God is near. 3 Prayer is the simplest form of speech That infant lips can try; Prayer, the sublimest strains that reach The majesty on high. 4. Prayer is the Christian's vital breath, The Cbristian’s"native air: His watchword at the gates of death- He enters heaven with prayer. 5 Prayer is the contrite sin.ner’s voice, Returning from his ways; While angels in their songs rejoice, And cry—“Behold he prays!” 6 0 Then, by whom we come to God- The "Life, the Truth, the Way; The path of prayer Thyself hast trod; Lord! teach us how to pray. Jams Newcomer!- 49 1 I love to steal awhile away From every cumbering care, And spend the hours‘of setting day In humble, grateful prayer. 2 I love in solitude to shed The penitential tear, hid - den fire Lownuusson. Un - ut - tered or ex - pressed; That trem-bles in "the breast. And all His promises to plead, Where none but God can hear. 3 I love to think on mercies past, And future good implore, And all my cares and sorrows cast On Him whom I adore. 4 Iloveby faithtotakeaview Of brightest scenes in heaven; The prospect doth my strength renew, While here by tempests driven. 5 Thus, when life’s toilsome day is o'er, May its departing ray Be calm at this impressive hour, And lead to endless day. 50 1 Father! whate’er of earthly bliss Thy sovereign will denies, Accepted at Thy throne of grace, Let this petition rise:-— 2 “Give me a calm, a thankful heart, From every murmur free; The blessings of Thy grace impart, And make me live to Thee. Pha:bcH,Bmgwn. 8 “Let the sweet hope that Thou art mine My life and death attend; Thy presence through my journey shine, And crown my journey’s end. ” Annestesle. Ebe nativity. 51 ANTIOCH. c. M. Fr.Gaont:aF.HA2¢nu.; 1 Joy to theworld;the Lord is come! Let earth re-eeive her King; { ev - e heart pm-pare H m room, And heav’n and nature sing, And heav’n and nature sing, and heav‘nand nature sing. And heav‘n and naturesing, heav’n and nature sing, 2 Joy to the earth; the Saviour reigns; He comes to make His blessings flow Let men their songs employ; fplains, Far as the curse is found. While Md“ and fl°°d‘*"' ’*'°°k“’ hm? “mi 4 He rules the world with truth andgrace, Repeat the sounding joy‘ - And makes the nations prove 8 No more let sins and sorrows grow, The glories of His righteousness, Nor thorns infest the ground; And wonders of His love. ' Isaac Want 52 BATH BU N. ss, 78. Imam: comm. 1 Hark! what mean those ho ‘ - Iy voic - es, Sweet-ly sounding through the skies? A Lo! th’an-gel - is host re - joie-es— Heavenly hal - le - lu - jahs rise. 2 Listen to the wondrous story, 4 “ Christ is born, the great Anointed; Which they chant in hymns of joy ;— Heaven and earth His praises sing: “Glory in the highest, glory; 0 receive whom God appointed, Glory be to God most high! For your Prophet, Priest, and King. 8 “Peace on earth, good-will from heaven‘, 5 “Hasten, mortals, to adore Him; Beaehingfnrasmanisfound; Learnfiisnameandtastefiisjoy; Souls redeemed, and sinus forgiven ;-- Till in heaven ye sing before Him,-— ~ Loud our golden harps shall sound. Glory be to God most high!” JolaC«&od. 53 CAROL. C. M. D. near the earth, heav’n’s all-gracious King: ” The earth in solemn stillness lay, With peaceful wings unfurled; And still celestial music floats O’er all the weary world; Above its sad and lowly plains They bend on heavenly wing, And ever o’er its Babel sounds, The blessed angels sing. 8 0 ye, beneath life's crushing load, Whose forms are bending low, Who toil along the climbing way, With painful steps and slow ;— Look up! for glad and golden hours Come swiftly on the wing; Oh, rest beside the weary road, And hear the angels sing! 4 For lo! the days are hastening on, By prophet-bards foretold, When with the ever-circling years Comes round the age of gold! When peace shall over all the earth Its final splendors fling, And the whole world send back the song Which now the angels sing! Edmund H. Scars. touch their harps of 375:1; “ Peace to /\ Ebe nativity. RICHARD S. Wn.z.:s. \/ 1 It came up-on the midnight clear,That glorious song of old, From angels hear the 54 2 Still through the cloven skies they come, 1 Calm on the listening ear of night Come heaven’s melodious strains, Where wild J udea stretches far Her silver-mantled plains. Celestial choirs, from courts above, Shed sacred glories there, And angels, with their sparkling lyres, Make music on the air. 2 The answering hills of Palestine Send back the glad reply, And greet from all their holy heights The Dayspring from on high: O’er the blue depths of Galilee There comes a holier calm; And Sharon waves in eblemn praise Her silent groveslof palm. 3 “Glory to God!” the lofty strain The realms of ether fills; How sweeps the song of solemn joy O’er J udah’s‘ sacred hills! “Glory to God!” the sounding skies Loud with their anthems ring: “ Peace on the earth; good-will to men, ~ From heaven's eternal King.” Edmund H. Sean. earth,good-will to men,From the nativity. 55 CHRISTMAS. c. M. GroacIF.Hm¢nsx.. 1 While shepherds watched their flocks by night,A1l seat-ed on the ground; The an-gel of the Lord came down,And glo-ry shone a - round, And glo - ry shone a-round. 2 “Fear not,” said he,—for mighty dread To take a servant’s form, and die, Had seized their troubled mind,—- For evils we had done! “ Glad tidings of great joy I bring, , _ To you and all mankind. 3 G"_°d"‘;1l1(11tE31(‘::1°tnf’0l3.'?ofy“:1°n 13°91 8 “ To you in David’s town this day, He comes, with rich, abounding graoe, Is born of David ’s line, To save, and not destroy. The Saviour who is Christ the Lord - ' - ’ ._ ' 4 Lord! send the gracious tidings forth, And this shall be the mgn’ And fill the world with light, 4 “ The heavenly babe you there shall find That Jew and Gentile, through the earth, To human view displayed, May know Thy saving might. All meanly wrapped in swathing bands, Wm“ ’*“"'- And in a manger laid.” 5 Thus spake the seraph--and forthwith 1 Bright was the guiding star (.113; 13a, Appeared is shining throng With mild, benignant ray, of 3118919» Praising G05» W110 H1113 The Gentiles to the lowly shed A-ddrefified their l07f111 30333“ Where the Redeemer lay. 6 " All 81017 b9 *0 G°d 011 high» 2 But 10! a brighter, clearer light And to the 681‘t11 be 139809: Now points to His abode; G°0d°Wi11 h6110ef01'th f1‘0m 1199-V011 *0 men It shines through sin and sorrow’s night, Begin. and never cease!” To guide us to our God. Nahum ‘rate. 6 3 Oh,‘ haste to follow where it leads; 5 The gracious call obey, 1 Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung 136 rugged wilds. 01' flowery 11169118. At our Bedeemer’s birth; The Christian’s destined way. Mortals! awake; le eve ton e Proclaim His matchlelsz wort‘; 4 01*’ 31”‘? tread ‘hi’ "°""°". Pm" While light and grace are given; 2 Glory to God, who dwells on high, Who meekly follow Christ on earth And sent His only Son Shall reign with Him in heaven. . Haniethnbu. the nativity. 58 BETHLEHEM. P. M. 1.msn.nmun. 1 O lit - tle town‘ of Beth- le - hem, How still we see thee lie! O A - bove thy deep and dream-less sleep The si - lent stars go by; Yet in thy dark streetsshin - eth The ev - er - 1ast- ing Light; The hopes and fears of all the years Are met in thee to - night! 2 For Christis born of Mary; Noearmay hear His coming; And gathered all above, But in this world of sin, While mortals sleep, the angels keep Where meek souls will receive Him still, Their watch of wondering love. The dear Christ enters in. . 0 morning stars! together Proclaim the holy birth, 4 0 holy Child of Bethlehem. And praises sing to God the King, Descend to us, we pray; And peace to men on earth! Cast out our sin and enter in,-—: Be born in us to-day! 3 HOW silently. 110W silently We hear the Christmas angels The wondrous gift is given! The great glad tidings ten’... 80 God imparts to human hearts Oh, come to us, abide with us, The blessings of His heaven. Our Lord Emmanuel! ?hillips Brooks- ¢briet’e ‘life anb ministry. 59 ROOKINGHAM. L.M. Lownu. Mason. 1 My dear Re-deem - er, and my Lord, read my du - ty in Thy word; But in Thy life the law ap-pears, Drawn out in liv - ing char-ac-ters. 2 Such was Thy truth, and such Thy zeal. Such deference to Thy Father’s will, Such love, and meekness so divine, I would transcribe and make them mine. 8 Gold mountains and the midnight air Witneesed the fervor of Thy prayer; The desert Thy temptations knew, Thy conflict and Thy victory too. 4 Be Then my pattern; make me bear More of Thy gracious image here; Then God, the Judge, shall own my name Among the followers of the Lamb. Ina: Watts. 60 1 How beauteouswere the marks divine, That in Thy meekness used to shine, That lit Thy lonely pathway, trod In wondrous love, 0 Son of God! 2 Oh, who like Thee, so calm, so bright, 80 pure, so made to live in light? Oh, who like Thee did ever go 80 patient through a world of woe? 8 Oh, who like Thee, so humbly bore The scorn, the scofi of men, before? So meek, forgiving, godlike, high, So glorious in humility? 4 The bending angels stooped to see The lisping infant clasp Thy knee, And smile as in a father’s eye, Upon Thy mild divinity. 5 And death, which sets the prisoner free, Was pang, and scofl’, and scorn to Thee; ~, Yet love through all Thy torture glowed, And mercy with Thy life-blood flowed. 6 Oh, in Thy light be mine to go, Illuming all my way of woe; And give me ever on the road To trace Thy footsteps, Son of God! AI'thurC.CcIe., 61 1 How sweetly flowed the gospel sound From lips of gentleness and grace, V When listening thousands gathered round, And joy and gladness filled the place! ‘ 2 From heaven He came, of heaven He spoke, To heaven He led His followers’ way; Dark clouds of gloomy night He broke, Unveiling an immortal day. 8 “ Come, Wanderers, to my Father’s home, Come, all ye weary ones, and rest; ” . Yes, sacred Teacher, we will come, Obey Thee, love Thee, and be blestl 4 Decay then, tenements of dust; Pillars of earthly pride, decay: A nobler mansion waits the just, And Jesus has prepared the way. 1°50 ‘WW ¢brist’s life an!) minismz. 62 HEBRON. L. M. Iowan. Mason- I To Thee be glo - ry, hon - or, praise, J e - sus, Be-deem - er, Saviour, King! Inspired with at Thine approach, Thy chil-dren loud ho - san - nas sing. 64 2 Hail, Israel’s King! Hail David’s Son! 1 Oh love how doe H . - - . , , plhow broadlhowhighl Hail, Thou that m Jehovah s name It fills the heart with ecstasy, Did’st come Thy people to redeem, And comest now Thy crown to claim! ‘That God, the Son of God, should take a Our mortal form, for mortals’ sake. 8 Then, in Thy way to Salem's courts 2 For us He . . ' pra ed, f us He ta ht, They met Thee with tnumphal Paln1§S For no His daflyyworkgrfie wrong‘?-,,_.. Now,for Thy glad return we watch [psa1ms. By W01. do and signs and actions thus With longing prayers, and vows, and Still seeking not Himself but M 4 Then, from the shouts of fickle joy 3 To Him whooo bouoolooo love has won J T110“ Pmedflt *0 Th? 01°38» Th! WW6: Salvation for us through His Son, Now, from the dawn of endless day, To God tho Fothor glory ho We welcome Him that comes to save. Both now and through otoroity. 5 To Thee, Redeemer, Saviour, King, T''’°h” "' "°"°" To Thee be glory, honor, praise! M Thine §PP1'°9=°ha Vii’-113°? iI13P51'9d. 1 Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair, Thy chfldren loud hosannas raise. of glory that the Church shall share, 1-”°°d‘“""' "' b’ C‘ $5" Which Christ upon the mountain shows, 63 Where brighter than the sun He glows! 1 Ride on! ride on in majesty! 2 With shining face and bright array, In lowly pomp ride on to die: Christ deigns to manifest to-day O Christ, Thy triumphs now begin What glory shall be theirs above, O’er captive death and conquered sin. Who joy in God with perfect love. . 2 Ride on! ride on in majesty! 8 And faithful hearts are raised on high The last and fiercest strife is nigh: By this great vision’s mystery; The Father on His sapphire throne H For which in joyful strains we raise Awaits His own anointed Son. The voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. 8 Ride on! ride on in majesty! 4 0 Father, with the Eternal Son, In lowly pomp ride on to die; And Holy Spirit, ever One, Bow Thy meek head to mortal pain; Vouchsafe to bring us by Thy grace Then take, 0 God, Thy power, and reign. To see Thy glory face to face. Henry H. Milman Tr. Ida ENCH- ¢brist’s life anb ministry. 66 EVAN. L. M. Wxnuzm H. Havncal. 1 I heard the voice of Je-sus say,—“Come un - to me and rest; -6- Lay down, thou wea - ry one, lay down Thy head up - on my breast!” 2 I came to Jesus as I was, 8 It tells me of a Father’s smile Weary, and worn, and sad; Beaming upon His child; I found in Him a resting-place, It cheers me through this “ little while,” And He hath made me glad. Through desert, waste, and wild. 8 I heard the voice of Jesus say,— 4 It tells of One whose loving heart “Behold, I freely give Can feel my smallest woe- The living water; thirsty one, Who in each sorrow bears a part Stoop down, and drink, and live! ” That none can bear below. 4 I came to Jesus, and I drank 6 It bids my trembling soul rejoice, Of that life-giving stream; And dries each rising tear; My thirst was quenched, my soul revived, It tells me in a “ still small voice,” And now I live in Him. To trust, and not to fear. ‘- Preduickwhltield. 5 I heard the voice of Jesus say,- “I am this dark world's light; L001! 1111110 1'00. 15111 100111 511811 rifle. 1 A pilgrim through this lonely world, And all thy day be bright! ” The blesséd Saviour passed; A mourner all His life was He, 6 ‘E°t:r“f’m“;,"13,Infi’“d A dying Lamb at last. And in that light of life I'll walk. 2 That tender heart that felt for all, Till traveling days are done For all its life-blood gave; ’'‘''‘'‘‘'‘B‘'‘‘”' It found on earth a resting-place, 67 Save only in the grave. 1 There is a name I love to hear; 8 Such was our Lord; and shall we fear I love. to sing its worth; The cross, with all its scorn? It sounds like music in mine ear— Or love a faithless evil world, The sweetest name on earth. That wreathed His brow with thorn? 2 It tells me of a Saviour’s love 4 No! facing all its frowns or smiles, Whodiedtosetmefree; Like Him, obedientstill, It tells me of His precious blood- We homeward press thro’ storm or calm. The sinner’s perfect plea. To Zion's blessed hill. a. Honda: loan. ¢brist’s ‘life anb ministtg. 69 SERENITY. C. M. Wu-I-IAN V-WALMCK 1 We may not climb the heavenly steeps To bring theLordChrist down; In vain we search the low - est deeps, For Him no depths can drown. 2 But warm, sweet, tender, even yet i 4 Oh, give us hearts to love like Thee! A present help is He; Like Thee, 0 Lord, to grieve And faith has yet its Olivet, Far more for others’ sins, than all And love its Galilee. The wrongs that we receive. 3 The healing of the seamless dress 5 One with Thyself, may every eye, Is by our beds of pain; In us, Thy brethren, see . We touch Him in life’s throng and press, The gentleness and grace that spring And we are whole again. From union, Lord! with Thee. Edward Dean. 4 Thro’ Him the first fond prayers are said ‘ Our lipsof frame; 7I The last low vhisperé ofonr dead’ 1 0 Lord, we now the path retrace ‘Are burdened with His name Which Thou on earth hast trod, 5 0 Lord and Master of us all, To man Thy wondrous love and grace, Whate’er our name or sign, . Thy f"'ithf“1n°“5 G°d!, We own Thy sway, we hear Thy call, 2 Thy 10%, bymm 30 mm}, V We test our lives by Thine! . Proved stronger than the grave; ’ 1°“ °‘w”"“°" The very spear that pierced Thy side 70 Drew forth the blood to save. ' ' 1 What grace, 0 Lord, and beauty shone 3 Unmoved by Satan’s subtle wiles, Around Thy steps below; Or sufi‘ez-ing, shame, or loss, What patient love was seen in all '~ Thy path unoheered by earthly smiles, Thy life and death of woe. Led only to the cross. a T 2 For ever on Thy burdened heart 4 O Lord, with sorrow and with shame, A weight of sorrow hung; We meekly would confess, ' Yet no ungentle, murmufing word How little we, who bear Thy name, Escaped Thy silent tongue. Thy mind, Thy ‘ways, express. 3 Thy foes might hate, despise, revile, 5 Give us Thy meek, ‘Thy lowly mind; Thy friends unfaithful prove; We would obedient be, ' Unwearied in forgiveness still, And all our rest and pleasure find JuIesG.Deck. Thy heart could only love. In fellowship with Thee. ¢brist’5 Sufiertnge anb Eeatb. 72 OLIVE-3'8 snow. L. M. wmhmnsunmn. 1 ‘Tie mid-night; and on O1 - i\te’s brow The star is dimm'd that late-ly shone: ‘Tie mid-night; in the gar - den, now, The sufi’ring Sav-iour 2 ‘Tie midnight; and from all removed, 74 _ _ H _ _ The Saviour wrestles lone with fears; 1 “ "1318 fimshedi --so the S8-V1011? _°T1°do Ev’n that disciple whom He loved And m°°kl3' b°W9d His head and ‘hedi Heeds not His Master’s grief and tears. " "159 fi“i5h°d!’’‘'’7°39 the 1'“°° is “me 8 "H flnight d f th , _It The battle fought, the victory won. s m ; an or o ers gm , . . The Man of Sorrows weeps in 2 T13 h%VOn Yet he that hath in anguish knelt, . 33’ Pr°Ph°‘'*9 in W’ 437“ °‘ °1d3, Is not forsaken his God. 8130 opened t0 011!‘ 710W That kings and prophets never knew. 4 ‘Tie midnight; and from ether-plains 3 ’Tis finished! Son of God, Thy power Is borne the song that angels know; - - - . Unheud by mortals are the BI . 3 Hath triumphed 1n this awful hour, . , And yet our eyes with sorrow see That sweetly soothe the game. That we to us was death to Thee. . 4 ‘Tie finished! let the joyful sound 73 Be heard through all the nations round: 1 Within the sarden’s whispering shade. ’Tis finishedl—-let the triumph rise, He knelt in anguish and 810116; And swell the chorus of the skies. And mid the gathering gloom He prayed, 5""°‘ 5'°“°"'- While crushed by burdens not His own. 75 2 “ My. Father, if Thou wilt, remove 1 Jesus, whom angel hosts adore, This cup of woe and wrath divine; Became a man of griefs for me; But if I must its anguish prove, In love, though rich, becoming poor, Then not my will be done, but Thine.” That I through Him enriched might be. 3 Alone He knelt, alone He wept; 2 The ever-blessed Son of God Our cup He drank and for us prayed; Went up to Calvary for me ; My soul awake! for thou hast slept There paid my debt, there bore my load, While Christ thy Master was betrayed. In His own body on the tree. 4 Lord, think upon that hour of gloom, 3 ’Tis finished all: the vail is rent, Thy tears, Thy blood, Thine agony; The welcome sure, the access free:-— The cross, the darkness and the tomb, Now then, we leave our banishment, Then, 0 my Saviour, think on me! 0 Father, to return to Thee! I Hanger... M Human Bonn. ‘ ¢brt9t’s Sutferinga ant Eeatb. HAM BU R0. L. M. P :76 x. 1 When I sur-vey the \.v \. My rich-est gain I \—v 2 Forbid it, Lord! that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ, my God; All the vain things that charm me mod; I sacrifice them to His blood. count but loss, And pour contempt on -9- Ad. by Lowgu. Mason. -\ \.» won-drous cross, On which the Prince of glo - ry died, .9- -9- all my pride. But when Jehovah vailed His face, Unutterable pangs were Thine. 4 Let the dumb world its silence break; Let pealing anthems rend the sky; 3 See, from His head, His hands, His feet, Awake, my sluggish soul, awake! Sorrow and love flow mingled down; Did e’er such love and sorrow meet, Or thorns compose so rich a crown? 4 His dying crimson, like a robe, Spreads o'er His body on the tree; Then I am dead to all the globe, And all the globe is dead to me. 5 Were the whole realm of nature mine, That were a present far too small; Love so amazing, so divine, Demands my soul, my life, my all. Isaac Watts. 77 1 From Calvary a cry was heard- A bitter and heart-rending cry; My Saviour! every mournful word Bespoke Thy soul’s deep agony. 2 A horror of great darkness fell On Thee, Thou spotless, holy One! And all the eager hosts of hell Oonspired to tempt God’s only Son. 3 The scourge, the thorns, the deep dis- [pine graoe— These Thou cou1d’st bear, nor once re- He died, that we might never die. John W. Cunningham. ~ 78 1 He dies! the Friend of sinners dies! Lo! Salem’s daughters weep around; A solemn darkness veils the skies, A sudden trembling shakes the ground. 2 Ye saints, approach! the anguish view Of Him who groans beneath your load; He gives His precious life for you, For you He sheds His precious blood. 3 Here's love and grief beyond degree, The Lord of Glory dies for men; But 10! what sudden joys we see, Jesus, the dead, revives again. 4 Break off your tears, ye saints, and tell How high our great Deliverer reigns; Sing how He spoiled the hosts of hell, And led the tyrant death in chains. 5 Say, “Live forever, glorious King, Born to redeem, and strong to save! ” Then ask, — “O death, where is thy sting? And Where thy victory, O grave‘? ” IHRWQSB ¢brist’s Sufierings snb Eeatb. 79 AUTUMN. 88. 78. D. FRANCOIS H. Banrnxtxuw. 1 J e-sus weptlthose tears areo - ver, But His heart is still the same; Kinsman, '9'- Friend, and eld-er Brother, Is His ev-er-last-ing name . Saviour, who can love like Thee, ~./ 2 When the pangs of trial seize us When the waves of sorrow roll, I will lay my head on Jesus, Pillow of the troubled soul. ||: Surely, none can feel like Thee, ' Weeping Oiie of Bethany! :|| 3 Jesus wept! and still in glory, He can mark each mourner’s tear; Living to retrace the story 0! the heart He solaeed here. ||:Lord, when I am called to die, Let me think of Bethany. :{| 4 Jesus wept! that tear of sorrow Is a legacy of love; Yesterday, to-day, to-morrow, He the same doth ever prove. ]|:'."'hou artallinall tome, Living One of Bethany!:|| John 3. means. 80 1 Hark! the voice of love and mercy Sounds aloud from Calvary; . ’\ '9- Gracious One of Bethany ? Saviour,who can love like Thee,Gracious One of Bethany ? See!—it rends the rocksusunder, Shakes the earth, and vails the sky: ||: “It is finished !----It is finished!” Hear the dying Saviour cry. :|] 2 Now redemption is completed, Sin atoned, the curse removed, Satan, death, and hell defeated, At His rising fully proved. ||: All is finished!—All is finished! Here our hopes do rest unmoved. :|| 3 Finished all the types and shadows Of the ceremonial law; . Finished all that God had promised, Death and hell no more shall awe. ||: “It is finished!--It is finished!” Saints, from hence your comfort draw. :|| 4 Tune your harps anew, ye seraphsl Join to. sing the pleasing. theme: All in earth and heaven uniting. Join to praise Immanuel’ name: ||: Hallelujah !—Ha.l1elu;iah! Glory to the bleeding Lamhlzll onathaufivulu ¢briet’a Sufferinge anb Death. 81 RATHBUN. 8s, 73. ‘ ITHAMARCONKIY. - I 1 In the cross of Christ I glo - ry, Towering o'er the wrecks of time; r"\ .1 A P- All the ligh t '1 of so. - cred sto - ry G-ath-ers round its head sub-lime. 2 When the woes of life o’ertake me, From the cross the radiance streaming, Hopes deceive, and fears annoy, Adds more luster to the day._ Never shall the cross forsake me: Lo! it glows with peace and joy. 4 Bane and blessing’ Pain and Pleasure’ By the cross are sanctified; 3 When the sun of bliss is beaming Peace is there that knows no measure, Light and love upon my way, ‘ Joys that through all time abide. john Banting. 83 AVON. c. M. Hucn wagon. 1' - las! and my Sav- iour ‘Sovereign die? Would Be do - vote that sa - cred head For sub/11 a worm as I"? 2 Was it for crimes that I had done 4 Thus might I hide my blushing face He groaned upon the tree? Whilst His dear cross appears; Amazing pity! grace unknown! Dissolve my heart in thankfulness, And love beyond deg-reel And melt mine eyes to tears. 3 Well might the sun in darkness hide, 5 But drops of grief can ne’er repay And shut his glories in, The debt of love I owe; When Christ, the mighty Maker died Here, Lord, I give myself away, For man, the creature's sin. ‘Tia all that I can do. Isaac Watts. ¢briet’s sufferings anb Eeatb. AU RELIA. 78, 68. D. ' SAMUEL S.WIsutY- ’ 1 0 sacred Head, now wounded,With grief and shame weighed down,Now scornfully sur- round-ed With Thine only crown; 0 so. - cred Head,what glo - ry, What bliss, till now was Thine! Yet, though despised and go-ry, I joy to call Thee mine. 34 2 What Thou, my Lord, hast sufi‘ered 1 I need The, precious Jesus! Was all for sinners’ gain: For I am full of sin; Mine, mine was the transgression, My soul is dark and guilty, But Thine the deadly pain; My heart is dead within; Lo, here I fall, my Saviour! I need the cleansing fountain, ’Tis I deserved Thy place; Where I can always flee, Look on me with Thy favor, The blood of Christ most precious, Vouchsafe to me Thy grace. The sinner’s perfect plea. 3 What language shall I borrow, 2 I need Thee, blessed Jesus! To thank Thee, dearest Friend, For I am very poor; For this, Thy dying sorrow, A stranger and a pilgrim, Thy pity without end? I have no earthly store; Lord, make me Thine for ever, I need the love of Jesus Nor let me faithless prove: To cheer me on my way, Oh, let me never, never, To guide my doubting footsteps, Abuse such dying love. To be my strength and stay. 4: Be near when I am dying, . 3 I need Thee, blesséd Jesus! Oh, show Thy cross to me! And hope to see Thee soon, And for my succor flying, Encircled with the rainbow, Come, Lord, and set me free! And seated on Thy throne: These eyes-, new faith receiving, There, with Thy blood-bought children, From Jesus shall not move; My joy shall ever be For he who dies believing, To sing Thy praise, Lord Jesus, Dies safely--through Thy love. To gaze, my Lord, on Theek Th James ‘W. Alexander. Fledelick Whitfield. Resurrection anoi Elscension. 35 LISCH ER. H. M. -in light, Came down the an - ge 1{On wings of To bless andpraise your ris - en Lord! To bless 2 The keepers watching near, At that dread sight and sound, Fell, down with sudden fear Like dead men to the ground. Your voices raise, etc. 3 Then rose from death’s dark gloom, Unseen by mortal eye,~ Triumphant o'er the tomb The Lord of earth and sky! Your voices raise, etc. 4 Oh, let your hearts be strong! For we, like Him, shall rise, To dwell with Him ere long In bliss beyond the skies! Your voices raise, etc. William W. How. 86 1 Come, every pious heart, ~ That loves the Saviour’s name, Your noblest powers exert To celebrate His fame; Tel.l all above, and all below, That debt of love to Him you owe. 2 From the dark grave He rose, The mansions of the dead, And thence His mighty foes In glorious triumph led; Up through the sky the Conqueror rode, And reigns on high, the Saviour God. Fmanaxca Sc!-mamas. At ea -1' t d f d , bright, And rollledetshe 3t7$e° Your voio-es raise with one as - cord and praise your ris - en Lord! To bless and praise 3 Jesus, we ne’er can pay The debt we owe Thy love; Yet tell us how we may Our gratitude approve; Our hearts, our all to Thee we give; The gift, though small, Thou wilt receive. 37 1 The happy mom is come! Triumphant o'er the grave, The Lord hath left the tomb, Omnipotent to save: Captivity is captive led; , _' For Jesus liveth that was dead. 2 Who now accuseth them For whom their Surety died? Who now shall those condemn Whom God hath justified? Captivity, etc. 3 Christ hath the ransom paid; The glorious work is done; On Him our help is laid, By Him our victory won; Captivity, etc. 4 Hail, the triumphant Lord! ‘ Thy resurrection Thou! We bless Thy sacred Word; Before Thy throne we bow; Captivity, etc. 'l‘ho¢nas Haweis. Resurrection anb ascension. 88 NUREM BURG. 78. 1 Christ, the Lord, is risen to - day, J omxmc R. Anus. Sons of men, and an - gels, say; ii‘ Raise your joys and tri - umphs high; Sing, ye heavens,-—and earth, re - ply! 2 Love’s redeeming work is done, Fought the fight, the battle won: Lo! the sun's eclipse is o’er; Lo! he sets in blood no more. 8 Vain the stone, the watch, the seal; Christ hath burst the gates of hell! Death in vain forbids His rise; Christ hath opened Paradise! 4 Lives again our glorious King: Where, 0 Death, is now thy sting! Once He died, our souls to save: Where thy victory, boasting Grave? 5 Soar we now where Christ has led, Follow our exalted Head; v Made like Him, like Him we rise; Ours the cross, the grave, the skies. Charles Wesley. 39 1 Angels! roll the rock away; Death! yield up thy mighty Prey; See! the Saviour leaves the tomb, Glowing with immortal bloom. 2 Now, ye saints, lift up your eyes, See Him high in glory rise! Hosts of angels, on the road, Hail Him—-the incarnate God. ii‘ 3 Heaven unfolds its portals wide; See the Conqueror through them ride! King of glory! mount Thy throne'—' Boundless empire is Thine own. 4 Praise Him, ye celestial choirs! Tune, and sweep your golden lyres; Raise, O earth! your noblest songs, From ten thousand thousand tongues. 5 Every note with wonder swell, Sin o’erthi-own, and captive -hell! Where, 0 Death, is now thy sting? Where thy terrors, vanquished king? lhonusoota 9° 1 Morning breaks upon the tomb, Jesus scatters all its gloom; Day of triumph through the skies- See the glorious Saviour rise! 2 Ye, who are of death afraid, Triumph in the scattered shade; Drive your anxious cares away; See the place where Jesus lay! 3 Christian! dry your flowing tears, Chase your unbelieving fears; Look on His deserted grave; Doubt no more His power to saire! WiI1lI.In3.Colly.,__ Resurrection anb ascension. 91 HEROLD. 73. -—-O- 1* \/ 1 Hail the day that sees Him rise, Glo -rious, to His na - tive skies! Louis J. F. Hanoi». Christ, a - while to mor - tals given, En - ters now the gates of heaven. «R ‘L. 2 There the glorious triumph waits: Lift your heads, eternal gates! Christ hath vanquished death and sin; Take the King of glory in. 3 Still for us He intercedes, His prevailing death He pleads; Near Himself prepares our place, Great Forerunner of our race. 4 Master, will we ever say, Taken from our Head to-day, See Thy faithful servants, see, Ever gazing up to Thee! 5 Grant, though parted from our sight, High above yon azure height, Grant, our hearts may thither rise, Following Thee beyond the skies! Charles Wesley. 92 1 Hail to Thee, our risen King! J oyfully Thy praise we sing; For, the mighty conflict o'er, Now Thou livest evermore. 2 Thou within the tomb hast slept, Angel guards Thy vigil kept; ’'].‘was their word to Mary brought Tidings of the Lord she sought. 3 “ Seek Him not among the dead, He is risen as He said:” Gladdened by the angelic word, Turning, she beheld her Lord. 4 Fain like Mary, Lord, would we In Thy glorious presence be, Hear Thy voice and see Thy face, Praise Thee for Thy wondrous grace. s. A. 93 1. Christ, the Lord, is risen .to—day, Our triumphant holy-day: ‘ He endured the cross and grave, Sinners to redeem and save. 2 Lo! He rises, mighty King! Where, 0 death! is now thy sting? Lo! He claims His native sky! Grave! where is thy victory ?v 3 Sinners, see your ransom paid, Peace with God for ever made: With your risen Saviour rise; Claim with Him the purchased skies. 4 Ohm’ t, the Lord, isirisen to-day, Our triumphant holy-day, Loud the song of victory raise; Shout the great Redeemer’s praise. ' Anal. ¢briet’s Seconb (taming. 94 MENDEBRAS. 73.63. D. Arr. by Lownu. MAQON. -9- T The shades of eve The Bridegroom is Up! watch and pray, nor slum - ber; 2 See that your lamps are burning, Your vessels filled with oil; Wait calmly your deliverance From earthly pain and toil; The watchers on the mountains Proclaim the Bridegroom near; G-o, meet Him, as He. cometh, With hallelujahs clear. 3 Our hope and expectation, 0 Jesus, now appear! Arise, Thou sun so looked-for, O’er this benighted sphere! With hearts and hands uplifted, We plead, O Lord, to see The day of our redemption, And ever be with Thee. Tr. Jane Bo:-thwlck. 95 1 The marriage feast is ready, The marriage of the Lamb, 1 Be - joice, re - joice, be -liev — era! are thickening, ad - Vane - ing; And let your light ap - pear; And dark-er night is near; Each hour He draws more nigh; At mid - night comes the cry. He calls the faithful children Of faithful Abraham: Now from the golden portals The sounds of triumph ring; The triumph of the Victor, The marriage of the King. 2 Nor sigh nor sorrow enters Where Jesus leads them in; Nor death may cross the threshold, Nor pain, nor fear, nor sin: Now shades of night and darkness Are past and fled away, Before the radiant brightness Of everlasting day. 3 No tear-drops stain that threshold, No weeping eyes are there; For God hath wiped all tear-drops, And God hath stilled all care: The sunlight of the Presence, The bright Shechinah-flame, Lights up the bridal banquet Of God and of the Lamb. Gmldlloullio. €briet’s Seconb (taming. 96 ZION. 88, 78, 4-. Tnonus Has-runes. 1 Lo, He comes, with clouds descending, Once for favored sin-ners slain; Thousand 9 thousand saints at-tend-ing Swell the tri - umph of His train; Hal - le - lu - jah! -0- I God ap - pears on earth to reign; Hal-le -lu - jah! God ap-pears on earth to reign. 2 Every eye shall now behold Him, 2 0 Thou long-expected, weary Bobed in dreadful majesty; Waits my anxious soul for Thee; Those who set at naught and sold Him, Life is dark, and earth is dreary Pierced, and nailed Him to the tree, Where Thy light I do not see: Deeply wailing, O my Saviour, Shall the true Messiah see. When wilt Thou return to me? 3 Yea, Amen; let all adore Thee, , , , High on Thine eternal throne: 3 N99-rel’ 13 1”? 8°01 8 3“1"°‘“°‘;; _ Saviour, take the power and glory; SP9“ the mght, the day at and, Claim the kingdom for Thine own. Keep m°.m my lowly siatlfn’ Oh, come quickly, Watching for trhee’ an stand’ Hallelujah! Come, Lord, come. 0 my S8“°“*~ Charles Wesley, alt. In and p1'0n.li3ed 97 O . . 4 With my lamp well-trimmed andburning, 1 0’er the distant mountains breaking swift to hem.’ and 310w to roam, Comes the reddening dawn of day; Watching for Thy 313,1 returning B5392 my 5°31» f1'°m 31°91’ 9'w°‘kings To restore me to my home; Rise, and sing, and watch, and pray; Come, my gaviom.’ "-H3 thy Savibura. O my Saviour, quickly come! On His bright returning way. Johnanmmua. ¢brist’9 fieconb coming. 98 ST. AGNES. C. M. Joan B. Drun- 1 Lo! what a glo - rious sight ap - pears To our be - liev - ing eyes! ‘P’ The earth and seas are passed a - way, And the old roll - ing skies. 2 From the third heaven where God re- 3 Hope of our hearts, 0 Lord, appear, That holy, happy place,— [sides-— Thou glorious Star of day! The New Jerusalem comes down, Shine forth and chase the dreary night, Adorned with shining grace. , With all our tears away. 8 Attending angels shout for joy, 4 No resting-place we seek on earth, And the bright armies sing,— No loveliness we see; “Mortals! behold the sacred seat Our eye is on the royal crown, Of your descending King :- Prepared for us—-and Thee! 4 “The God of glory, down to men, 5 But, dearest Lord, however bright, Bemoves His blest abode; That crown of joy above, Men, the dear objects of His grace, What is it to the brighter hope And He their loving God:—- Of dwelling in Thy love? Edward Denny. 5 “His own soft hand shallwipe the tears From every weeping eye; I 00 ~ . W A-Dd P9535» and 8703119: and 81‘i9f3a311d £0319» 1 Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake! And death iififilf 8119-11 die!" Why sleep for sorrow now? 6 How long, dear Saviour! oh, how long Th9 h°P° °f 31°‘?/'v Christ» is ‘him: Shall this bright hour delay? A 055“ 0f 8105'» thon- Fly swifter round, ye wheels of time! 2 Thy spirit, through the lonely night’ And th9 W0l00m0 dfiy. F1-on; 931-thl '0 gm’ muwm _ 3' J I Hath sighed for one that's far away,- 99 The Bridegroom of thy heart. 1 Light of the lonely pilgrim’s heart! 3 But see! the night is waning fast, Star of the coming day! The breaking mom is near; Arise, and with Thy morning beams And J eeus comes with voice of love, Chase all our griefs away. Thy drooping heart to cheer. 2 Come, blessed Lord! let every shore 4 Then weep no more; ’tis all thine own, And answering island sing His crown, His joy divine; The praises of Thy royal name,‘ And, sweeter fat than_ all beside, Andown'J.‘heesstheirKing. He,HeHimseI1isthine! ‘ B4WIN|DlI~ ¢brist's Seconb Goming. 101 GREENWOOD. S. M. . Josnpn E.Sw1:s1'sxII. 1 Come, Lord, and tar - ry not, Bring the long-looked - for day; Oh, why these years of wait -ing here, These a - ges of de - ‘lay? 2 Come! for the good are few, 3 Saint after saint on earth They lift the voice in vain; Has lived, and loved, and died; Faith waxes fainter on the earth, And as they left us one by one, And love is on the wane. ' We laid them side by side: 8 Come! for love waxes cold, 4 We laid them down to sleep, Its steps are faint and slow; But not in hope forlorn; Faith now is lost in unbelief; We laid them but to ripen there Hope's lamp burns dim and low. Till the last glorious mom. 4 Come! for creation groans, 5 Come, Lord, and wipe away Impatient of Thy stay, - The curse, the sin, the stain, Worn out with these long years of ill, And make this blighted world of 01119 These ages of delay. Thine own fair world again. Horace: Bauer. 5 Come, and make all things new; , Build up this ruined earth, 103 g 368$?” 0111' faded Paradise» 1 Ye servants of the Lord! Creation’s second birth! Each in His oflice wait, 6 Come’ and -11 Th reign Observant of His heavenly word, of everm ? And watchful at His gate.‘ Come. take the kingdom to Thyself. 2 Let all your lamps be bright, GT9“ Killg 0f Ri8ht'°°°5n9353 And trim the golden flame; “°"““' B°""' Gird up your loins as in His sight, 102 . For awful is His name. ' 1 The Ohm-ah has waited long 8 Watch,——’tis your Lord's command; Her abgent Lord to see; And while we speak He’s near; And still in loneliness she waits, Mark the first signal of His hand, A iriendless stranger she. And ready all appeal: _ 2 Age after age has gone, 4 Oh. happy 361'V8I1t 110» sun after gun has set, ' In such a posture found! And still, in weeds of widowhood, He shall his Lord with rapture see, She weeps a mourner yet. And be with honor crowned. ¥HbDeddI|fi'- praise to ctbriet. 104 CORONATION. c. M. Ouvmzfioumt. 1 hail the power of Jesus’ name! Let an -gels prostrate fall! Bring forth the roy-a1 di - a - dem, \-v And crown Him Lord of all ; Bring forth the royal - a- dem. And crown Him /-\ 2 Crown Him, ye morning stars of light, 3 J esusl the name that calms my fears, Who fixed this earthly ball; That bids my sorrows cease; Now hail the Strength of Israel’s might, ’Tis music in the sinner’s ears, And crown Him Lord of all. ’Tis life, and health, and peace. 3 Ye chosen seed of Israel’s race, 4 He breaks the "power of canceled sin, Ye ransomed from the fall, He sets the prisoner free; Hail Him who saves you by His grace, His blood can make the foulest clean; And crown Him Lord of all. His blood availed for me. Charles Wesley. 4 Sinners, whose love can ne'er forget The Wormwood and the gall; . 106 G0. 8P1'°°»d 70111’ t1‘°Phie8 815 His feet. 1 Oome, ye that love the Saviour’s name, And crown Him Lord of all. And joy to make it known’ 1-’ - - The Sovereign of your hearts proclaim, " 3:tt‘i;"i:’fe:.’:8‘,§ff;'}’f:fi’7 tnbe’ And how before His throne. T0 E3111 311 ma-1.955)’ ascribe: 2 Behold your King, your Saviour crowned And crown Him Lord of all. with glories an divine; 6 0 that with yonder sacred throng And tell the wondering nations round, We at His feet may fall! HOW bright those glories shine. W941 loin the 9V°1'133tin8 30118’, 3 When in His earthly courts we view And crown Him Lord of all. The beauties of om.'King, Ed“ p°"°°°"'"‘ We Ion to love n el d g as a g s o, 105 And with their voice to sing. 1 Oh, for a thousand tongues to sing 4 And shall we long and wish in vain? My great Bedeemer’s praise! Lord, teach our songs to rise: The glories of my God and King, Thy love can raise our humble strain, The triumphs of His grace! And bid it reach the skies. 2 My gracious Master and my God! 5 Oh for the day, the glorious day! Assist me to proclaim, When heaven and earth shall raise, To spread through all the earth abroad With all their powers, the raptnre& lay, The honors of Thy name. To celebrate Thy praise. Annefihoh. praise to Cllbtifit. 107 ITALIAN HYMN. 63,4-3. *'\ o - ver us, An-cient of days! 2 Come, Thou incarnate Word, Gird on Thy mighty sword; Our prayer attend; Come, and Thy people bless, And give Thy word success, Spirit of holiness! On us descend. 3 Come, holy Comforter! Thy sacred witness bear, In this glad hour: _ Thou, Who, almighty art, Now rule in every heart, And ne'er from us depart, Spirit of power! 4 To the great One in Three, The highest praises be, Hence evermore! His sovereign majesty May we in glory see, And to eternity Love and adore. Chuleswulney. Fa - ther! all - glo - ri-ous, O’er all Fm.rcsGmnmn: 1 Come, Thou a1 - might-y King, Help us Thy name to sing, Help us to praise; ‘t vic - to - ri - ous, Come. and reign I08 1 Glory to God on high! Let heaven and earth reply, “Praise ye His name!” His love and grace adore, Who all our sorrows bore; Sing loud for evermore, “Worthy the Lamb!” 2 While they around the throne Cheerfully join in one, Praising His name,- Ye who have felt His blood Sealing your peace with God, Sound His dear name abroad, “Worthy the Lamb!” 3 Join, all ye ransomed race, Our Lord and God to bless; Praise ye His name! In Him we will rejoice, And make a joyful noise, Shouting with heart and voice, “Worthy the Lamb!” 4 Soon must we change our place, Yet will we never cease Praising His name; To Him our songs we bring; Hail Him our gracious King; And, through all ages, sing, “Worthy the Lamb!” ~ Juullb praise to cbriet. ‘I09 ARIEL. c. P. M. Ad. Lowmumu. \w I speak the matchless worth,0h,could I sound the glories forth.Whiohin my Saviour shine! x '- x‘ flnnoses al-mostdi-vine, Innotes al—most di-vine. I'd soar and touch the l1eav'nly strings, And vie with Ga - briel while he sings I u./ 2 I’d sing the precious blood He spflt, In loftlest songs of sweetest praise, “My ransom from the dreadful guilt I would to everlasting days 0! sin and wrath divine! Make all His glories known. rd Bing His glorious 1'i3h!390118I1e83. 4 Wel1—-the delightful day will come, In which all-perfect heavenly dress When my dear Lord will bring me home, My soul shall ever shine. And 1 511311 599 His face; 8 I’d sing the characters He bears, Then with my Saviour, Brother, Friend, And all the forms of love He wears, A blest eternity I'll spend, Exalted on His throne: Triumphant in His grace. Samuel Medley. I I0 AZMON. c. M. C1uu.GLKssn. 1 Come, let us join our cheerful songs With an -gels round the throne; 0 Ten thou-sand thou-sand are their tongues, their joys are 333. t 2 “Worthy the Lamb that died, '1 they cry, And blessings, more than we can give, “ To be exalted thus!” Be, Lord, for ever Thine! "W°r5h7 the 131115! " 0111' HP3 “P17: 4 Let all that dwell above the sky, “F0? H0 W35 slain for 113.” fir, and gal-th’ and 53“ 3 Jesus is worthy to receive Oonspire to lift Thy glories high, ‘ Honor and power divine; And speak Thine endless praise. lnscflfi. praise to Gbriet. 111 Lsnox. H. M. 1 A - rlse,my soulla-rise! Shake otfthy guiltyfears; The Before the throne my Surety stands, Before the throne my Surety stands : My name is written on His hands. 2 He ever lives above, For me to intercede, His all-redeeming love, His precious blood to plead; His blood atoned for all our race, And sprinkles now the throne of grace. 8. My God is reconciled; His pardoning voice I hear; He owns me for His child; I can no longer fear; With confidence I now draw nigh, And Father, Abba, Father, cry. Charles Wesley. I I 2 1 Ye saints, your music bring, Attuned to sweetest sound, Strike every trembling string, Till earth and heaven resound; The triumphs of the cross we sing; Awake, ye saints, each joyful string. 2 The cross, the cross alone, Subdued the powers of hell; Like lightning from His_ throne The prince of darkness fell; The triumphs of the cross we sing; Awake, ye saints, each joyful string. 8 The cross hath power to save From all the ‘fees that‘ rise; The cross hath made the grave A passage to the skies; The triumphs of the cross we sing; Awake, ye saints, each joyful string. Andrew Read. 113 1 Blow ye the trumpet, blow ;-- 'The gladly solemn sound;— Let all the nations know, To ea‘:-th’s remotest bound, The year of jubilee is come: Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 2 Jesus, our great High Priest, Hath full atonement made; Ye weary spirits, rest; .Ye mournful souls, be glad: The year of jubilee is come: Return, ye ransomed sinners, home. 3 Extol the Lamb of God, The all’-atoning Lamb; Redemption in His blood" Throughout the world proclaim: The year of jubilee is come; Return, ye ransom sinners, home. 4 The gospel trumpet hear, The news of heavenly grace; And, saved from earth, appear Before your Saviour’s face: The year of jubilee is come! Return, ye ransomed Biliners, home; Charla Wesley. Sacrifice In my be-half appears; praise to Gibrist. H4 HEBER. c.M. ~./ 1 How sweet the name of R’ soothes his scr - rows, heals his wounds, And drives a - way 2 It makes the wounded spirit whole, And calms the troubled breast; ‘Tie manna to the hungry soul, And, to the weary, rest. Je - sus sounds In a Geckos Kmcsuv. ~/ be - 'liev - er's Cl ear! \/ his fear. Justice and mercy, truth and peace, In Union here are found. 2 He is our life, our joy, our strength, In Him all glories meet; 3 JESUS, my Shepherd, Guardian, Friend, He is a shade above our My Prophet, Priest, and King,-— My Lord, my Life, my Way, my End, Accept the praise I bring. 4 Weak is the efi‘ort of my heart, And cold my warmest thought; But, when I see Thee as Thou art, I'll praise Thee as I ought. I I 5 1 To our Bedeemer’s glorious Name Awake the sacred song: 0 may His love——-immortal flame- Tune every heart and tongue. 2 Hislove, what mortal tho’t canreach? What mortal tongue display? Imagination’s utmost stretch In wonder dies away. 3 Let wonder still with love unite. And gratitude and joy; Be Jesus our supreme delight, His praise our best employ. 116 1 Jesus! delightful, charming name! It spreads a fragrance round: John Newton. A light to guide our feet. 3 The thickest clouds are soon dispersed, If Jesus shows His face: To weary, heavy-laden souls He is the resting-place. Benjamin Beddmno. I I 7 1 Jesus, I love Thy charming name, ’Tis music to mine ear: Fain would I sound it out so loud, That earth and heaven should hear. 2 Yes, Thou art precious to my soul, My Transport and my Trust; Jewels to Thee are gaudy toys, And gold is sordid dust. 3 Thy grace still dwells upon my heart, And sheds its fragrance there; The noblest balm of all its wounds, The cordial of its care. 4 I'll speak the honors of Thy name With my last laboring breath; Then, speechless, clasp Thee in mine arms, The antidote of death. ramp noauaga. praise to dtbrist. I I 8 FOUNTAIN. C. M. Ad. fr. Lowsu. MASON. is a fountain filled with Im-man-uel’s veins; And sinners plunged be - 9 0 o neath that flood, Lose alltheir g'uilt~y stains, Lose all their guilty stains, Lose all their y stains. _ 2 The dying thief rejoiced to see 4 E’er since, by faith, I saw the stream That fountain in his day; Thy flowing wounds supply, And there may I, though vile as he, Redeeming love has been my theme, Wash all my sins away. And shall be, till I die. 3 Dear dying Lamb, Thy precious blood 5 Then in a nobler, sweeter song, Shall never lose its power, I'll sing Thy power to save, Till all the ransomed church of God When this poor lisping, stammering tongue Be saved to sin no more. Lies silent in the grave. William Cowper. I 19 ST. AGNES. c. M. Joan B. Dms. 1 Je sue, the ver - y thought of Thee, 9 sweet-ness fills my breast; ._ But sweet-er far Thy face to see And in Thy gres-ence rest. 2 Nor voice can nor heart can frame, 4 But what to those who find? Ah! this, Nor can the memory find Nor tongue nor pen can show; A sweeter sound than Thy blest name, The love of Jesus, what it is, 0 Saviour of mankind! None but His loved ones know. 3 0 Hope of every oontrite heart! 5 Jesus, our only joy be Thou, 0 Joy of all the mesh! , As Thou our prize wilt be; To those who fall, how kind Thou art! Jesus, be Thou our glory now, How good to those who seek! And through eternity. Tr. Edward Casual.‘ bolg Spirit. 120 STEPHENS. C. M. \.o 1 Come, Ho - l Spir - it, “\ Kin -dle a flame of 2 Look-——how we grovel here below, Fond of these earthly toys; Our soul, how heavily they go, To reach eternal joys. 3 In vain we tune our formal songs, In vain we strive to rise; Hoannas languish on our tongues, And our devotion dies. 4 Father, and shall we ever live At this poor dying rate, Our love so faint, so cold to Thee, And Thine to us so great? 5 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; Come, shed abroad a Saviour’s love, And that shall kindle ours. Isaac Watts. I21 1 Spirit Divine! attend our prayer, And make our hearts Thy home; Descend with all Thy gracious power: Come, Holy Spirit, come! 2 Come as the light: to us reveal Our sinfulness and woe; And lead us in those paths of life Where all the righteous go. 8 Come as the fire, and purge our hearts Like sacrificial flame: sa - cred love Wruuua Jonas. "U" heavenly Dove, With all Thy quickening powers; "3' ° these cold hearts of ours. In Let our whole soul an offering be To our Redeemer’s name. 4 Come as the dew, and sweetly bless This consecrated hour; Shed richly on my fruitless soul Thy fertilizing power. 5 Come as the wind, with rushing sound, With Pentecostal grace; And make the great salvation known Wide as the human race. Andrew Reed. I22 1 Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed His tender, last farewell, A Guide, a Comforter, bequeathed, With us on earth to dwell. 2 He came in tongues of living flame, To teach, convince, subdue; All-powerful as the wind He came, And all as viewless, too. 8 He came, sweet influence to impart, A gracious, willing Guest, While He can find one humble heart Wherein to fix His rest. 4 And His that gentle voice we hear, Soft as the breath of even, That checks each fault, calms every ‘fear, And speaks to us of heaven. liaulethuber. alt. ‘bolg Spirit. 133 WARD. L. M. Ad. Lowau. Mason. 1 Come, 0 Cre- a - tor, Spir-it blestl And in our souls take up Thy rest; Come, with Thy g1-ace,and heavenly aid, 2 Great Comforter! to Thee we cry; 0 highest gift of God most high! 0 Fount of life! 0 fire of love! Send sweet anointing from above! 8 Kindle our senses from above, And make our heart o’erflow with love; With patience firm and virtue.hfgh, The weakness of our flesh supply. 4 Far fromusdrivethefoewedread, And grantusThytruepeaceinstead; So shall we ‘not, with Thee for guide, Turn from the path of life aside. ' Tr. Edward Casual! I24 1 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dove, With light and comfort from above: Be Thou our guardian, Thou our guide! O’er every thought and step preside. 2 To us.-the light of truth display, And make us know and choose Thy way; Plant holy fear in every heart, That we from God may ne’er depart. 3 Lead us to holiness—the road That we must take to dwell with God; Lead us to Christ, the Living Way,- Nor let us from His precepts stray. 4 Lead ustoGod, ourfinal rest, To be with Him for ever blest; Lead us to heaven, its bliss to share-— Fullnessotjoy forever-there! Shouhuuno. To an the hearts which Thou hast made. I 25 1 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay, Though I_ have done Thee such despite; Nor cast the sinner quite away, Nor take Thine everlasting flight. 2 Thoughl have steeled my stubborn heart, And shaken oif my guilty fears; And vexed, and urged Thee to depart, For many long rebellious years: 3 Though I have most unfaithful been, Of all who e’er Thy grace received; Ten thousand times Thy goodness seen; Ten thousandtimesThy goodness grieved: 4 Yet, 0, the chief of sinners spare, In honor ofmy great High Priest; Nor in Thy righteous angersweai‘ T‘exclude me from Thy people’s rat. Chntleswsdcy. I26 1 Eternal Spirit, we confess And sing the wonders of Thy grace; Thy power conveys our blessings down From God theFatherandthe Son. 2 Enlightened by Thy heavenly ray, Our shades and darkness turn to day; Thine inward teachings make us know Our danger, and our refuge too. 3 Thy power and glory work within, And break the chains of reigning sin; Do our imperious lusts subdue, And form our wretched hearts anew. unurau. ‘bolt; fipirtt. 127 LAST HOPE. 73. 1. M. GofllcuA1.It,arr.lIyH.P.H&. ’‘ h 1 Ho - ly Ghost! with lightdi-‘vine, h up - on this heart of mine; /‘ 9 § § .. ru I I J_ r\. r~ V 1 A : 3 1 _ E . 4 \_ Chase the shades of ni ht a. - way, am my darkness in . to aa _ /" /'~ /\ y E, ‘__ fig" ' I .‘_1‘ i_ I; I rr‘/ L 2 Holy Ghost! with power divine, I29 Cleanse this guilty heart of mine; . Long hath sin without control, 1 H013’ SP5-1'55» Truth difinel Held dominion o'er my soul. gfwsll “IP01! this Soul of giiggh , , orcGod,a.ninwar ‘ti scnmlflhgshgsggg i"e7m‘_i::‘fn°', ; Wake my spirit. cleer my sight. my many woes depart, 2 H01 3pm- -t, Lo" di - ! Heal my wounded, bleeding heart. Glow iithin this hattggznim; 4 E01 3 - -“ a_11_di"-na Kindle every high desire; this heart of mine; Perish ‘elf in Thy Pm‘ 5'9! Cast down. every idol-throne, , , _ ° 3.3“; ,1 _ 3 Holy Spirit, Power divine! Bash “pram mien Afannzneea. and nerve this will of mine; i By Thee may I strongly live, I 2 0 Brevely beer, and nobly strive. 1 Grecian: £?i1-it, Love divine, 3-='I'"-°-INN Iaet Thy lig ‘within me shine‘ I All my guilty fears remove; 130 E11 use mth Thy heavenly love. 1 H 01’ 8pm“ ‘may y2;_Speek'1‘hyperdoningg1-acetone; Baisensfromlouriallenstete; Setfieebnrdenedeinnertree; Fix'1‘hy everlufigheme the Imb~‘o£God; In the hearts '.l‘hou'&dIt crate. Wash mein Hie precious blood. _ 8 to me impu‘; 2 How '.l.‘hy.qu1ckening influence bring, Seal-nlntion on my heart; In our spirit‘ ‘weal’ mow’ into my breast, °§§:m°X°:{u_”f;‘ffi‘1““] “"3 8TakethethiI'.'geofm:ht,IadIhow V87; ‘ Fillmy fiifiiie; May weflcdthe Fetherihat, Keepme, Lord, forever‘ Through His well‘-beloved Ben L you secs... Invitation. I31 com‘-:, vs DISCONSOLATE. 113,103. smmwmx. \.. 1 Come, ye - con - so - late, ye Ian-guish; Come to the mar - cy - seat, fer - vent-ly kneel; Herehring wound-ed hearts, \. here tell your an - guish, Earthhas no sor - row that heaven can-not heal. 2 J 03* of the comfortless, light of the straying, Hope of the penitient, fadeless and pure; Here speaks the Comforter, tenderly saying-— Earth has no sorrowthat heaven cannot cure. 8 Here see the Bread of Life; see waters flowing Forth from the throne of God, pure from above; Come to the feast of love: come, ever knowing Earth has no sorrow but heaven can remove. Thomas lIou'¢.'¢t al. I 32 TO-DAY. 69. 4-8. Lownu. Mason. 1 To-day the Saviour calls! Ye wan‘d’rers.come; Oh,ye benighted sou1s,Why longer roam? ' -9- 2 To-day the Saviour calls; The storm of justice falls, Oh, hear Him now; And death is nigh. Within these sacred walls . . 4 The Spmt calls to-day: TO Jews bow’ Yield to His power; 8 To-day the Saviour calls; Oh, grieve Him not away, For retuge fly; ’Tis mercy’s hour. final!-Sum-Q! Invitation. 133 FEDERAL STREET. 1... M. 1 Be - hold a Stranger’s at the .1 Has wait-ed long-—is 2 - Oh, lovely attitude, He stands With melting heart and laden hands) Oh, matchless kindness! and He shows This matchless kindness to His foes; 8 But will He prove. a friend indeed? He will; the very friend you need: The friend of sinners—yes, ’tis He, With garments dyed on Calvary. 4 Rise, touched with gratitude divine; Turn out His enemy and thine, That soul-destroying monster, sin, And let the heavenly Stranger in. 5 Admit Him, ere His anger burn- His feet departed, ne'er return: Admit Him, or the hour’s at hand You’1l at His door rejected stand. Joseph Guess- 134 1 Say, sinner, hath a voice within Oft whispered to thy secret soul,- Urged thee to leave the ways of sin, And yield thy heart to —God’s control? 2 Sinner, it waea heavenly voice, It was the Spirit’s gracious call; It bade thee make the better choice, And haste to seek in Christ thine all. 8 Spurn nottheeallteliie and light; Regard in time the warning kind; door! He gen-tly knocks, has knocked before; 19- wait - ing still: You treat no oth - er friend so ill. -9‘ That call thou mayst not always slight And yet the gate of mercy find. 4 God’s Spirit will not always strive With hardened, self-destroying man; Ye, who persist His love to grieve, May never hear His voice. 5 Sinner, perhaps this very day Thy last accepted time may be; 0 shouldst thou grieve Him now away, Then hope may never beam on thee. AnnB.Hyde. 135 1 Haste, traveler,hasteI the night comesoh, And many a shining hour is gone; The storm is gathering in the west, And thou art far from home and rest. 2 0 far fromhome thy. footsteps strays‘ Christ is the Life, and Christ the Way,’ And Christ the Light; thy setting sun. Sinks ere thy morning is‘ 8 The rising tempest sweeps the sky; The rains descend, the winds are high; The waters swell, and death and fear Beset thy path, nor refuge near. 4 Then linger not in ail the plain, Flee for thy life, the mountain gdn; Look notbehind, makeno delay, Ospeed thee, speedtheeon thywsy." wuunacnsn. .6- Invitation. 135 BERA. L. M. JomtE-G°W>- /‘ ~./ 1 Why will ya waste on tri - fling cares That life which God's compassion spares? _...Q. ~/ ~./ While, in the va - rious range of thought,The one thing need-ful J '3' is for - got? 0 I 38 2 Shall God invite you from above? 1 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast; Shall Jesus urge His dying love? Let every soul be Jesus’ guest: Shall troubled conscience give you pain? Ye need not one be left behind, And all these pleas unite in vain? For God hath hidden all mankind. 8 Not so your eyes will always view 2 Sent by my Lord, on you I call; Those objects which you now pursue; The invitation is to all: Not so will heaven and hell appear, Come all the world! come, sinner, thou! When death’s decisive hour is near. All things in Christ are ready now. 4 Almighty God! Thy grace impart; 3 Come, all ye souls by sin oppressed, Fix deep conviction on each hear-t:~ Ye restless wanderers after rest; Nor let us waste on trifling cares Ye poor, and maimed, and halt, and blind, That life which Thy compassion spares. In Christ a hearty welcome find. Philip Doddrldge. ' Charlflwellfiio 137 ' 139 1 “Take up thy cross,” the Saviour said, 1 God calling yet! shall I not hear? “I! thou wouldst my disciple be; Earth’s pleasures shall I still hold dear? Deny thyself, the world forsake, Shall life's swift passing years all fly, And humbly follow after me.” And still my soul in slumber lie? 2 Take up thy cross; let not its weight 2 God calling yet! shall I‘ not rise? Fill thy weak spirit with alarm; Can I His loving voice despise. His strength shall bear thy spirit up, And basely His kind care repay? | And brace thy heart and nerve thine arm. He calls me still; can I delay? 8 Take up thy cross, nor heed the shame; 3 God calling yet! and shall He knock, Nor let thy foolish pride rebel; And I my heart the closer lock? Thy Lord for thee the cross endured, He still is waiting to receive, To save thy ‘soul from death and he1L And shall I dare His Spirit grieve? 4 Take up thy cross, and follow Christ; 4 God calling yet! I cannot stay; Nor think till death to lay it down; My heart I yield without delay: For only he who bears_the cross Vain world, farewell! from thee I part; May hope to wear the glorious crown. The voice of God hath reached my halti- Chadaaw. finned. Tr. lane Boithvlcko ‘Repentance. I40 woonwonn-1. L. M. 1 ust as I Wmaau B. Bunsen? am, with - out one plea, But that Thy blood was shed for me. 2 Just as I am, and waiting not To rid my soul of one dark blot, To Thee whose blood can cleanse each spot, 0 Lamb of God, I come! 3 Just as I am, though tossed about With many a conflict, many a doubt, Fightings within, and fears without, 0 Lamb of God, I come! 4 Just as I am—Thou wilt receive, Wilt ‘welcome, pardon, cleanse, relieve; Because Thy promise I believe, 0 Lamb of God, I come! 5 Just as I am-—Thy love unknown Hath broken every barrier down; Now, to be Thine, yea, Thine alone, 0 Lamb of God, I come! Charlotte Elliott. I41 1 With tearful eyes I look around; Life seems a dark and stormy sea; Yet ’mid the gloom, I hear a sound, A heavenly whisper, “ Come to me! ” 2 It tells me of a place of rest; It tells me where my soul may flee: Oh, to the weary, faint, oppressed, How sweet the bidding, “Come to me! ” 3 “Come, for all else must fail and die! is no resting-place for thee; To heaven direct thy weeping eye, I am thy portion, “Come to me!” And that Thou bid’stme come to Thee, 0 Lamb of God, I come! I come! /5 4 0 voice of mercy! voice of love! In conflict, grief, and agony, Support me, cheer me from above! And gently whisper, “Come to me!” Chaxlotte sum. I 4 2 1 Show pity, Lord! 0 Lord! forgive; Let a repenting rebel live; Are not Thy mercies large and free? May not a sinner trust in Thee? 2 Oh, wash my soul from every sin, And make my guilty conscience clean; Here on my heart the burden lies, And past ofl‘ences pain mine eyes. 3 My lips with shame my sins confess, Against Thy law, against Thy grace: Lord! should Thy judgments grow se- vere I am condemned, but Thou art clear. 4 Should sudden vengeance seize my breath, I must pronounce Thee just in death; And if my soul were sent to‘ hell, Thy righteous law approves it well. 5 Yet save a trembling sinner, Lord! Whose hope, still hovering round Thy word, Would light on some sweet promise there. Some sure support against despair. " nucwua. ‘Repentance. 143 e1‘. I-IILDA. 73.63." D. Jvsrm I-I.KNacm',e!.a!. 1 O J e - sue, Thou art stand- ing Out - side the fast-closed door, T In low - ly pa- tience wait - ing To pass the thresh-old o'er: We hear the name of Chris-tians, His name and sign we bear: F Oh,shame,thriee shame up - on us! To keep Him stand -ing there. 2 0 Jesus, Thou art knocking: 3 0 Jesus, Thou art pleading. And lol that hand is scarred, In accents meek and low, And theme Thy brow encircle, “I died for you, my children, « And tears Thy face have marred: And will ye treat me so?” Oh, love that passeth knowledge, 0 Lord, with shame and sorrow So patiently to wait! We open now the door: Oh, sin that hath no equal, Dear Saviour, enter, enter, 80 fast to bar the gate! And leave us nevermore! t WilltunW.HoIb ‘Repentance. I44 ALETTA. 79. WrmmB.Bunwn. 1 Depth of mer -cy!—'c9.n there be Mer - cy still re - served for me? I‘ . I‘ J Can my God His wrath for - bear? Me, the chief of sin - ners, spare? J 2 I have long withstood His grace; Cries, How shall I give thee up?- Long provoked Him to His face; Lets the lifted thunder drop! Would not hearken to His calls; . grieved Him by 9, thousand fa_118_ 4 There for me the S8Vl0I11' stands; H Shows His wounds and spreads Hishsnds! 8 Kindled His relentings are; God is love! I know, I feel: Me He now delights to spare; Jesus weeps, and loves me still. Chuleswcdey. 145 BOYLSTON. 9. M. H mm mm. 1 Did Christ o’er_ sin - ners weep, ,And shsll our cheeks hep dry? -9' Let floods of pen - i - ten - tisl grief Burst forth from ev - ery eye. 0 -0- 2 'fln.Sono£Godin_tea.rs 8 He wept that we might weep; Thewondoringsngelssee; Esehsindemsndsstesr: Be thou astonished, O my soul; In heaven alone no sin is found, Heshed thosetesrsfiortheo. And there's no weeping thee. ldlnbiouuno. ‘Repentance. I46 LEBANON. s. M. D. Jam: zomm. m 1 I was a wan-d’ring sheep, I did not love the fold, O did not love my Shepherd's voice, I would not be con - trolled: did not love my Fs- tI1'er’s voice, I loved a - far to roam. s.-—I \.../ was a ' way - ward child, did not love ‘my home, /—'\ 2- The Shepherd sought His sheep, "1‘was He that sought the lost, , The Father sought His child; That found the wandering sheep; He followed me o’er vale aud hill, ‘Twas He that brought me to the fold, HeOfer dgserts a(1l1<1 :1Vl11d2 Tm He that still doth keep. oun me mg 0 ea , . n-mmmammna *}:::;$;;:“:.“::.“:::;%. He saved the wandering one. I love, I love ‘hi fold? ‘ 3 Jesus my Shepherd is; I was a wayward child, ‘Twas He that loved my soul, I once preferred to room; ''].‘was He that washed me in His blood, But now I love my Father’s voice, ‘Twas He that made me whole: I love, I love His home! Hwniufienu. 147 "l"une—BOYLS'l‘ON. 140.145. 1 Andoanlyet delay Isink, bydyingloveeompelled, My little all to give?-— And own Thee Conqueror. To tear my soul from earth away, i _ And Jesus to receive? 3 l1:;°:rg:n::’In§_3:luf°1r.:;kgfl’. 2 Nay, but I yield, I yield! Gracious Bedeemer, take, eh; take, I can hold out no more: And see]. me ever Thine. Charles \'-'ce:c,yo Zlibe (match. 143 BILOAM. c. M. ISAAC B.Woonwnv. ./ 1 By cool Si - 10 ~ am’s aha - dy rill How fair the lil . y grows! How sweet the breath be - neath the hill Of Shar-en's dew - y rose! *--n-——---/ ‘X? I 50 2 Lo! 11 th hild h I f I: The oflfme ;'av‘:";r‘:1’;7 °‘’ 1 Proelaim, saith Christ, my wondrous Whose secret heart, with influence sweet, T0 “H the, 5°” °f ‘"9"? , [3""’°°' Is upward drawn to God. H°S:1h“tu:°°h:;:l“i b°‘Pt“‘°d- va on o . 8 ,¥{e°§1°1?;11f;n:1:;.h‘_'dy nn 2 Let plenteous grace descend on those, The rosejtrhat bloomsybeneath the hill W"°' h°P"‘3 in T1’? "°"‘» Mm “hora has am This day have solemnly declared 7 7° That Jesus is their Lord. 4 0 Thou, whose infant feet were found 3 Within Thy Father's shrine, :;r;1’f1hr:11‘1°f,f£‘f31€°‘?t,3”“7mt],:.f’ "‘d'“”°°' Wh°°°7°“r8'with°h““3°1°“"irt“°°r°wn’d And, through the troubles of the way, W°’° ‘-11 ‘W’ diVi“°' Find allrsufioient grace. 5’ Dependent on Thy bounteous breath, 3”“ ”°"‘°°‘ We seek Thy grace alone I51 » In childhood, manhood, age and death, 1 0 Lo (1, ,1 will Th para - 1 T° k°°P “5 “fin Thim’ °"n' Emb1?aceaa1.1wretch soyvile? omng we H°b°" Wilt Thou my load of guilt remove, And bless me with Thy smile? I See,Israel’s gentle Shepherd stands, 2 East Then the cross for me endured, With all engaging charms! And all the shame despised? Hark! how He calls the tender lambs, And shall I be ashamed, 0 Lord, V And folds them in His arms! With Thee to be baptized? 2 “Permit them to approach,” He cries, 3 Didst Thou the great example lead, “Nor scorn their humble name; In J ordan’s swelling flood? For y’twas to bless such souls as these, And shall my pride disdain the deed The Lord of angels came.” V That's worthy of my God? 3 We bringthem, Lord, in thankful hands, 4 O Lord, the ardor of Thy love And yield them up to Thee; Beproves my cold delays; Joyful that we ourselves are Thine,-— And now my willing footsteps move Thine let our obpring be. In Thy delightful ways. ?IWDoddt|d¢!- I0hnFe1lowl- ‘(the chin rcb. MAncusM.Wxu.s. 152 coins. 73. 61. 1 Till He come— 0 D. o.—Let us think how heaven and home Lie *\ 0 let the words Lin - get on the trembling chords; be-yond that “Till He come.” the lit - tle while be-tween Let In their gold - en light be seen; 0 2 When the weary ones we love Enter on their rest above, Seems the earth so poor and vast, All our life-joy overcast? Hush! be every murmur dumb: It is only, “Till He come.” 3 See, the feast of love is spread, Drink the wine, and break the bread; Sweet memorials—till the Lord Call us round His heavenly board; Some from earth, from glory some, Severed only “Till He come.” 153 fs'rA'rE eraser. s. M. , Edward H. Bickerstcth. JONATHAN C. Woomum. '9- 1 Jo - susinviteafiin saints To meet around thoboard; Hero pardoned rebels at and hold Communion with theirlmd. 2 This holy bread and wine Maintains our fainting breath, By union with our living Lord, And interest in His death. 3 Our heavenly Father calls Christ and His members one; We, the young children of His love, And He, the first-born Son. 4 Let all our powers be joined, His glorious name to raise; Pleasure and love fill every mind And every voice be praise. Isaac Watts. 154 1 Jesus, we thus obey Thy last and kindest word, And in Thine own appointed way We come to meet Thee, Lord! 2 Thus we remember Thee, And take this bread and wine As Thine own dying legacy, And our redemption’s sign. 8 Now let our souls be fed With manna from above, And over us Thy banner spread Of everlasting love. Charles Wcdeyo fellowship. 155 nsmus. s. M. 1 Blest he the tie fl‘ »/ The fel - low - ship of kin - dred minds Is J?‘ -J- J- 2 Before our Father's throne We pour our ardent prayers; Our fears, our hopes, our aims are one, Our comforts and our cares. 8 We share our mutual woes, Our mutual burdens bear; And often for each other flows The sympathizfng tear. 4 When we asunder part, It gives us inward pain; But we shall still be joined in heart, And hope to meet again. I 56 1 And though our bodies part, To different climes afar, Still ever joined as one in heart The friends of Jesus are. 2 The vineyard of the Lord _ Before His laborers lies, And lo! we see the vast reward Which waits us in the skies. 8 O that our heart and mind May evermore ascend, That haven of repose to find, Where all our labors end; 4 Where all our toils are o’er, Our sufi‘ering and our pain! Who meet on that eternal shore Shall never part again. John Fawcett. Quill Wdqy. that binds Our hearts in _J_’'\ Hines G. Nit.-nu. Chris-tian love: \. like to that a -bove. J- -J‘ I 57 1 Once more before we part, Oh, bless the Saviour’s name! Let every tongue and every heart Adore and praise the same. 2 Lord, in Thy grace we came, That blessing still impart; We meet in Jesus’ sacred name, In Jesus’ name we part. 8 Still on Thy holy word We’11 live, and feed, and grow, And still go on to know the Lord, And practise what we know. 4 Now, Lord, before we part, Help us to bless Thy name; Let every tongue and every heart Adore and praise the same. Joseph Hart. I 58 1 Blest are the sons of peace, Whose hearts and hopes are one, Whose kind designs to serve and please Through all their actions run. 2 Blest is the pious house, Where zeal and friendship meet; Their songs of praise, their mingled vows, Make their communion sweet. 8 From those celestial springs Such streams of pleasure flow As no increase of riches brings, Nor honors can bestow. Inac Watt- 2 When each can feel his brother’s sigh, 2 Walk in the Light! and thou shalt find fellowship. EVAN. C. M. WILLIAM H. Ihvnaat. 1 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight, When those that love the Lord . -9- so ful - fil - His word! In one an - oth - er’s peace do - light. And with him bear a part; Thy heart made truly His; When sorrow flows from eye to eye, Who dwells in cloudless light enshrined, And joy from.heart to heart! In Whoni no darkness is. 3 When. free from envy. scorn. and pride. 3 Walk in the Light! and thou shalt own .0 .1r wishes all above, Thy darkness passed away, Each can his brother's failings hide, Becange that fight hath on thee shone And show a brother’s love! In which is perfect day. 4 Love is thg golden chain that binds 4 Walk in the Light! and even the tomb T119 h3PPIY 9°“13 9-b°V°3 No fearful shade shall wear; And he’s an heir of heaven who finds G1 hall chase -ts 1 His 5°80“! 81°‘? Wi*'vh1°V°- mph mi, schriet hathfiatglderegdctliilfe. I60 5 Walk in the Light! thy path shall be 1 Lord,Thon on earth didstlove Thine own, Peaceful» serene: and brish%=_ Didst love them to the end; Fm God’ b7'3_r°°°' 3_h"'n_ dwell 1“ th°°s Oh, still from Thy celestial throne, And 9°“ H1m°°1f 13 Light e Let gifts of love descend! I 62 _ _ 2Thl thFt-h bearsto'1‘h, _ " Hi: 02,‘: eteinfi 33;’ Ge 1 Come 1n, thou blessed of the Lord, Fm an Thy saints, tin an shall be Stranger nor foe art thou: In Pure afi-action one_ We welcome thee with warm accord, 3 One blessed fellowship of love, our friend’ our brother’ now’ churgh should 3|-,a,nd.,’ 2 The Of fellowship, the heart Till, faultless, she at last above of 10%: W0 0501‘ 1111093 Shall shine at Thy right hand. Leaving the world. thou dost but part 4 Oh, glorious day, when she, the Bride, Fmm he“ ‘ma “'mt7' With her dear Lord appears! 3 Come with us; we will do thee good, Then robed in beauty_ at His side, As God to us‘ hath done; She shall forget her tears. Stand but in Him, as those have stood R" P"""‘°" Whose faith the victory won. 151 4 And 1. b tu 1 Walk in the Light! so shalt thou know And fmfifigy 3;, ;':§;,‘:f,i1;“° ‘W’ That fellowship of love May each, translated into day’, His Spirit 01113: “P WWW» Be lost and found in Him. Who reigns 111 light above. 3..., ,,,.,,g,,__,. Scripture. 163 uxenmcs. LM. Iaow':r.r.MAsou. 1 God, in the gospel of His Son, Makes His e-ter-nal coun- sels known: -9- Where love in all its glo - ry shines, And truth is drawn in fair - est lines. _J_-\ 2 Here sinners, of an humble frame, Dear Lord, oh, when wilt Thou appear, May taste His grace, and learn His name; And bear Thy prisoner away? May read, in characters of blood, Thy wisdom, power, and grace of God. 4 While I em here: these 1eeVee WPP17 His place, and tell me of His love; 8 The prisoner here may break his chains; I read with faith’s discerning eye, The weary rest from all his pain; And gain a glimpse of joys above. The captive feel his bondage cease, The mourner find the way of peace. 5 I knew in them the SPh'it hree-thee To animate His people here; 4 Here faith reveals to mortal eyes Oh, may these truths prove life to all, A brighter world beyond the skies; Till in His presence we appear! Here shines the light which guides our way WW "°“?~ From earth to realms of endless day. I 65 5 011. Greet he Breees Almighty Lord. 1 Upon the Gospel’s sacred page To read and mark Thy holy word; The ggthel-ed beams of ages shine; Itfl meekness to TOGBIVG, And, as hastens, every 339 And by its hell P1'e°ePte 1iVe- But makes its brightness more divine. Benjalnlnncddome. I 6 2 On mightier wing, in loftier flight, 4 From year to year does knowledge soar; 1 I love the sacred Book of God! And, as it soars, the Gospel light No other can its place supply; Becomes efiulgent more and more. It points me to His own abode; _ _ _ _ It gives me wings and bids me fly. 8 More glorious still, as centuries roll, New regions blest, new powers unfurled, 2 Sweet Book! in thee my eyes discern Expanding with the expanding soul, The very image of my Lord; . Its radiance shall o’erflow the world,--- From thine instructive page I learn The joygflig pregame win ago,-,1, 4 Flow to restore, but not destroy; As when the clondless lamp of day 8 In thee I read my title clear Pours out its floods of light and joy, To mansions’ that will ne’er decay ;-- And sweeps the lingering mist away. Iohll W ficripture. 166 ssunotrr. c. M. 1 How pre -_cious is Bright as a 2 Its light descending from above, Our gloomy world to cheer, Displays a Saviour’s boundless love, And brings His glories near. 3 It shows to man his wandering ways, And where his feet have trod; And brings to view the matchless grace Of a forgiving God. 4 0’er all the strait and narrow way Its radiant beams are cast; A light whose never weary ray Grows brightest at the last. 5 It sweetly cheers our fainting hearts In this dark vale of tears; Life, light, and comfort it imparts, And calms our anxious fears. 6 This lamp through all the dreary night Of life shall guide our way, Till we behold the clearer light Of an eternal day. John Fawcett. 167 1 The Spirit breathes upon the word, And brings the truth to sight; Precepts and promises afibrd A sanctiiying light. 2 A glory gilds the sacred page, Majestic, like the sun; It gives a light to every age;— It given, but borrows none. the book di- vine, By Fr. Wmulm Gamma. in - spi - ra - tion given! J‘ £1 lamp its doc-trines shine, To guide our souls to heaven. -4?‘ 3 The hand, that gave it, still supplies The gracious light and heat; Its truths upon the nations rise,- They rise, but never set. 4: Let everlasting thanks be Thine, For such a bright display, As makes a world of darkness shine With beams of heavenly day. 5 My soul rejoices to pursue The steps of Him I love, _ Till glory breaks upon my view, In brighter worlds above. 168 1 Father of mercies! in Thy word What endless glory shines! For ever be Thy name adored, For these celestial lines. 2 Here, the fair tree of knowledge grows, And yields a free repast; Sublimer sweets than nature knows Invite the longing taste. 3 Here, the Redeemer’s welcome voice Spreads heavenly peace around; And life and everlasting joys Attend the blissful sound. . 4 Oh, may these heavenly pages be My ever dear delight; And still new beauties may I see, And still increasing light. AIMSNIIQ I69 assurance. BRADEN. SI MI WILLIAM B. Bmmsunv. 1 Here I can firm - ly \. That God, \....- the high-est and the 2 Naught have I of my own, Naught in the life I lead; What Christ hath given, that alone I dare in faith to plead. 3 ‘I rest upon the ground Of Jesus and His blood; It is through Him that I have found My soul’s eternal good. 4 His Spirit in me dwells, 0’er all my mind He reigns, My care and sadness He dispels, And soothes away my pains. Tr. Catherine Winlmorth. I 70 1 What cheering words are these; Their sweetness who can tell? In time, and to eternal days, “ ’Tis with the righteous well! ” 2 Well when they see His face, Or sink "amidst the flood; Well in aflliction’s thorny maze, Or on the mount with God. 3 "Be well when joys arise, ’Tis well when sorrows flow, "1‘is well when darkness vails the skies, And strong temptations grow. 4 ’Tis well when Jesus calls,- “From earth and sin arise, To join the hosts of ransomed souls, Made to salvation wise!” John Kent. rest; dare to boast of this, best, My Friend and Fa - ther is. I 7 I 1 I bless the Christ of God, I rest on love divine, And with unfaltering lip and heart, I call the Saviour mine. 2 I praise the God of peace; I trust His truth and might; He calls me His, I call Him mine, My God, my joy, my light. 3 ‘Tie He who saveth me, And freely pardon gives; I love because He loveth me; I live because He lives. 4 My life with Him is hid, My death has passed away, My clouds have melted into light, My midnight into day. Horatius Boner. I 7 2 1 How can a sinner know His sins on earth forgiven? How can my gracious Saviour show My name inscribed in heaven? 2 What we have felt and seen With confidence we tell; And publish to the sons of men The signs infallible. 3 We who in Christ believe That He for us hath died, We all His unknown peace receive, And feel His blood applied. chutes Wales With oil Thou dost anoint my head; iH95111'al‘lC€. 373 LOUVAN. L. M. [Pa 23-1 Vrmmcvrmoa. is the Lord Most High, And all my wants shall sup-plied: In pastures green He makes me lie, And leads by streams which gentlyglide. 175 ° His 41 th 2 3; 1:m1 wfifilrcgnkgng -1 My soul complete in Jesus stands! For His name’s sake He evermore ~ It fears 3° mm” 'th°*1"’3 d°m°'nd35 was me in we or rw»~:sne«~ ;::3::::,:h::::r':;h 3 £3; ttlfigrggzflék dark vale’ 2 My soul at rest in Jesus lives; Because Thy presence shall not fail, A°°°Pt8 the Peace Pardon give“; Th rodandstaifm soulshallcheer Recmvesthegmoefludmthsecured‘ y y ' And pleads the anguish He endured. 4 For me a table Thou hast spread, 3 M sou-1 its 9 foe defies’ Pr°P°r°d b°f°1‘° “*0 130° bf f°°°3 Andycries-i—-’Tisv(.:Zd that justifiies! Who charges God's elect with sin? M7 WP is 131°“ “"1 °V°'fl°‘'°- M Shall Christ, who died their peace to win? 4 Asong of praise mysoul shall-sing, 174 To our eternal, glorious Kingli 1 Complete in Thee, no work of mine Shall worship humbly at-His’ feet, May take, dear Lord, the place of Thine; In whom alone it stands complete‘. Thy blood has pardon bought for me, °"°° W- ‘""‘*‘°- And I am now complete in Thee. I 76 2 Complete in Thee-—no more shall sin 1 Let me but hear my Saviour say, Thy grace has conquered, reign within; “Strength shall.bo’equal to thy day;” Thy voice will bid the tempter flee, Then I rejoice in deep distress, And I shall stand complete in Thee. Leaning on all-suficient grace. 8 Complete in Thee--each want supplied, 2 I can do all things-or can bear And no good thing to me denied, All suflering, if my Lord be there; Since Thou .my portion, Lord, wilt be, Sweet pleasures mingle with the pains, I as]: no more—-complete in Thee. While He 'my~sink.ing head sustains. 4 Complete in Thee, for ever blest, 3 I glory in-infirmity, Of all Thy fullness, Lord, possessed, That Christ's own power may rest on net‘ Thy praise throughout eternity—- When I am weak, then am I strong; Thy love I’ll sing complete in Thee. Aston R. Wolfe. Graceismyshield, andCIn-istmysong. hIacWn&- Gioneectation. I HENDON. 78. Anmumu H. C. Mum fl let it be Con-se - crat-ed, Lord, to Thee; Take my hands,and let them move At the impulse of Thy love, At the im-pulse of Thy love. .9. .4. A Q 2 Take my feet, and let them be Who will place me on His right Swift and beautiful for Thee; With the countless hosts of light? Take my voice, and let me sing Jesus Christ, the Crucified. Always’ Only’ for my Kmg° 3 This is that great thing I know; 8 Take my lips, and let them be This d9]-i8hl75 and 35-1'3 me 30; Filled with messages from Thee; Faith in who died to SW9» Take my" silver and my gold, mm W110 l51'1_‘1mPh°d 0'31: the €1’3V°a Not a mite would I withold. 395113 01111815. the Cmntzlffigh mad 3'. 4 Take my moments and my days, I Let them flow in ceaseless praise; Take my intellect, and use 1 S3Vi0l11'l tewh me: <19-3' by 537» Every power as Thou shalt choose. L0V0’8 Sweet 1988011 to obey; _ Sweeter lesson cannot be,— 5 Take my will and make it Thine; loving him who fir“ loved me_ It shall be no longer mine; , . . Take my heart, it is Thine own; a 2 With a child-like heart of love, It shall be Thy royal throne. At Thy bidding may Pmove; Prompt to serve and follow Thee, 6 T9-k° m710Ve3 111)’ L01'd, I P0111’ Loving Him who first loved me. At Th f t 't t - to ; m.,:.,:e::mn“:$;:e ggomgogelgu wesepsetee. Ever, only, all for Thee. "3 ° °W 1” Thy 3m°°3 1.-M0,, R, H,,,,,,,,_ Learning how to love from Thee, I 78 ::oLov1ngve Eimin I who loved; me. ~ ovm — 1 Ask ye what great thing I know In obedience anghe: jo;;mp 0’ iE,Z°ln°wmtmh“tl°yfi:l11b°2a v1n Whose the name I glory in? 3 V , °‘' '"°' Jesus Christ, the Crucified. 5 Thus may I T910109 to shov That I feel the love I owe; 2 Who is life in life to me? Singing, till Thy faqe I see, Who the death of death will be? Of His love who first loved in Iiuohoaun. ctoneecration. Q 180 DISCIPLE. 88. 7 3. D. Mozaézgr. Hat. by Hmmrr P. Mam. 1 J o - ans. I my crosshave taken. All to leave and follow ; 2N'aked,poor. despised. n.s.—Yet how rich is my con *\ Thou mm hence my all shalt be! Per - ish ev-ery fond All I've sought. or hoped, or known. God and heaven still my own ! “'\ 2 Let the world despise and leave me, 3 Man may trouble and distress me, They have left my Saviour, too; ’Twill but drive me to Thy breast; Human hearts and looks deceive me—- Life with trials hard may press me; Thou art not, like them, untrue; Heaven will bring me sweeter rest! Oh, while Thou dost smile upon me, Oh, ’tis not in grief to harm me, God of wisdom, love, and might, While Thy love is left to me; Foes may hate, and friends disown me, Oh, ’twere not in joy to charm me, Show Thy face, and all is bright. Were that joy unmixed with Thee. Henry F. Lyte. 181 MAITLAND. C. M Gmoaon N. ~/ xv 1 Must Je - sus bear the _cross a - lone, And 311 the world, go free? ~./ , No, there's a cross for ev - ery - one, And there's a cross for me. /'\ 2' How happy are the saints above, And then go home my crown to wear, Who once went sorrowing here! For there’s a crown for me. But 110W the? taste “mingled 10%, 4 Upon the crystal pavement, down And lo? Without 3 tea-15 At Jesus’ piercéd feet, 3 The consecrated cross I’l1 bear, Joyful, I’ll cast my golden crown, Till death shall set me free; And His dear name repeat. ThouuIsShcphcI'd. consecration. I82 HAPPY DAY. L. M. Fr. Enmum F. RIMBAULT. _.8:Cno3us. 1 {C11, hap - y day that flxedmy choice On Thee, my Sav-iour and my God! Well may t is glow -ing heart re - joioe. And tell its rap-tures all a - broad. Hap - py . O day, hap — py day. When J esus washed my sins a - way! { EB (p1lI_1vg:E.‘emej(l)1i<())w it: gW::0he:;d plray, } 1 ' ‘ ‘ 9-Y ; 2 Oh, happy bond, that seals my vows To Him who merits all my love! Let cheerful anthems fill His house, While to that sacred shrine I move.—C7zo. 3 ‘Tie done; the great transaction’s done; I am my Lord’s, and He is mine; He drew me, and I followed on, Charmed to confess the voice divine.——C'ho. 4 Now rest, my long-divided heart! Fixed on this blissful centre, rest; Here have I found a nobler part, Here heavenly pleasures fill my breast.—0ho. Philip Doddridze. TALMAR. 88. 78. Isuc B. Woonnumr. "\ 1 hhmyhurho takeit- I.ot'1‘hy8pir1tme1tandbroakit— fmmma koopmummown; Thisproudhoartofsinandstono. 2 Father, make me pure and lowly, Till Thy cords of love have bound me: Fond of peace and far from strife; Make me to be wholly Thine, 4g1_¢gthe*z1wd°fJ«w.w - ~ my 81118 be all forgiven; 8 Ever let Thy grace surround me, Holy Spirit, take and seal me, Strengthen me with power divine, Guide me in the path to heawn. Anon. $l'8C€. ORTONVILLE. C. M. Taonus Hasrmcs. ' %/ 1 Ma-jes-tic sweetness sits enthroned Up - on the 8aviour’s brow; His head with radiant ?'\ 9' \/ \./ glo-ries crowned,His lips with grace o’er - flow, His lips with grace o'er - flow. /"\ /‘K 185 2 No mortal can with Him compare, 1 Amazing grace! how sweet the sound, Among the sons of men; That saved a wretch like me! Fairer is He than all the fair ,_ I once was lost, but now am found, That fill the heavenly train. Was blind, but now I see. 3 He saw me plunged in deep distress, 2 "I'was grace that taught my heart to fear, And flew to my relief; And grace my fears relieved; For me He bore the shameful cross, How precious did that grace appear And carried all my grief. The hour I first behaved! 4 To I owe my life and breath, 3 Through many dangers, toils, and snares, And all the joys I have; I have already come; He makes me triumph over death, ’Tis grace hath brought me safe thus far, And saves me from the grave. And grace will lead me home. Samuel Steanctt. John Newton. 186 STATE STREET. 8. M. Josxrtww C. Woomux. 10hlusthelnrttnysoullfilsgraeetothoepz-oolnln;Andallthatiswlth-inus,join Tohlessnisho-ly nun. 2 The Lord forgives thy sins, And like the eagle He renews Prolongs thy feeble breath; The vigor of thy youth. bin .nfir . . H:1J:<0lalr(:1hs 5 n 0 Ay “A A _ . . 7 Q A P F I’ Y I Z . . n 1 i 276 Saveo by (Brace. “ By grace ye are saved."-—Eph. 2: 5. FAN"? 1- CR05BVo Gnoacn C. S1-xnnmi. Sono on Duaw. L A I L -4) B I‘ ‘II I_. . - _n_ I j‘_‘ * ‘ F1 4‘ \ _1‘IE ' ‘ L - A If ‘ ‘ o 1 J‘ I - T J - 4. - -FE - —+» - 4 -. pr. 1 Some day the sil - ver cord will break, And I no more as now shall sing; 2 Some day my earth - Iy house will fall, I can-not tell how soon ’twill be, 3 Some day,when fades the gold—en sun Beneath the ro - sy -tint- ed west, 4 Some day; till then I’ll watch and wait, My lamp all trimmed and burning bright, . .11 . '1 +—4—‘ fr . rt”-t Ir. v r ?~ ' I rjr ‘A L L A L L I __ . n n I‘ 1 Q .1‘ n. ‘W ‘ J n 1 A : l ' ' ‘ J I .fi: 0- * _ o __r I J - - g R ‘J’ '3' ' :0 '' “iii” . "3' T + i ll? 40 1" . 1/ But, 0, the joy when I-shall wake With-in the pal-ace of the King! But this I know— my All in All Has now a place in heaven for me. My bless-ed Lord shall say,“Well done!”And I shall en-ter in - to rest. That when my Sav - iour ope's the gate, My soul to Him may take its flight. o I QJ IA - I l@1;—~ae—’—=—r=w“'—r~ = 4+‘: =1 L '4 1 V _| o; I 1 7» P F I ° ' Cnonvs. ‘v3 sewn! -9 moms was 4'4 96:: ':¢z1.u»€¢'o3 And I shall see Him face to face, And tell the ..__i- sto - ry— Saved by grace; And _ I shall see ho Saveb by ¢race.—¢oncIuoeo. rit ............... .. And tell the sto - ry-— by grace. to face, 277 “not 11, but ¢brist.” " Not I, but Ohrist liucth in me.”--Gal. 2: 20. A. A. F. J. H. Btmxs. . . I I_ . 4 I I _T I i : I I I _‘I___ ' J -:~:.._z—L—e. _ I=£=i 1 “Not I, but Christ," be honored,loved,ex - alt - ed; “Not I, but 2 “Not I, but Christ," to gen-tly soothe in sor - row; “Not I, but 3 "Not I, but Christ," in low-ly, si -lent la. - bor; “Not I, but 4 Christ, on- ly Christ, ere long will fill my vis - ion; Glo - ry ex- - *9‘ g ' I I C l_ I ’ I ’ —I , I J I ‘ I I I I I I —[ S’ It I I ' L I I _I\ Q ‘" I I J :1 I I I I\l ‘- _' § “ .- 4 - J I I 1 I 1:1 4 '5 :3 d . —-J-.—3_—3 ~../ . I E Christ,” be seen, be known,he heard; " Not I, but Christ,” in ev - ery look and 3 Christ,”to wipe the fall - ing tear: “Not I, but Christ,"to lift the wee-ry 21 Christ," in hum-ble ear-nest toil: Christ,on-ly Christ! no show, no os- ten- § eel - ling soon, fullsoon I'll see-4 Christ,on-ly Christ, my ev - ery wish ful - '1 It .a. E fit‘ 3 - §_.fi .~ 5 L E t * is 3* Jj ll I I I K .! 1 ,! g . E‘ ..fi so - tion, "Not I, but Christ," I; ev - ery thought and word. but - den; “Not I, but Christ," to hush a - way all fear. to - tion; Christ, none but Christ, the goth-erer of the spoil. fill - ing— Christ, on - ly Christ, my All in All to be. 0 l I .' - V . ' I r V“ M" J1 ‘W '1'? 278 Rev. J. H. SAMMIS. crust anb ®bes2. “ Though he slay me. yet -will I trust ht'm.”—Job. 13: 15. La _L{J_! ._ #14 J D. B. Towmnz. _ L I I‘ J‘ A 1- :i__ In the light of His word, What a an... IT‘ T ' 1 When we walk with the Lord 2 Not a shad-ow can rise, 3 Not a. bur-den we bear, 4 But we nev-er can prove The de-lights of His love, Un - til 1 w! T . - glo-ry He Not a cloud in the skies, But His smile quickly Not a sor-row we share, But our toil He doth all on. the 5 Then in fel-low-ship sweet We will sit at His feet, Or we'll walk by His - ~v- + . - 2- -2- 12 _-v- + +'- -'- W L §:E8 L .- .2 p I 5 in 1. B I i . i”—*§:fi I 1| . ‘L v-1-_v 1_ V I T r r I While we Not sheds on our way! drives it a - way; do His good will, a doubt nor a. fear, Not a-hides with us still, a sigh nor a tear, ‘leg! ; 1/); flag ,. I we! to ma '-0-¢m.z "er ‘a 4: rich - ly re - pay; Not a grief nor a loss, Not a. frown nor 9. cross, al - tar we lay, For the fa. - vor He shows, And the joy He be-stows, side in the way; What He says we will do, Where He sends we will go, fer’ ' ‘*’ ‘““ %% . V‘ ;e . - : it s g 17- 9 . ' I I I V ’ Cnonus. L [I __L . I n J l I A I. ‘ 4'” 4 ' “' ‘ " ‘ H I . l I J J _._ ; y And with all who will trust and o - bey. Can a -bide while we trust and o - bey. But is blest if we trust and o - bey Trust and 0 ~ boy, for there's Are for them who will trust and o - bey. ~ Nev-er fear, on - ly trust and o - bey. is-r-r+* -'-+-. ' ‘P"'P'19' :F : [ 1' __ 1 : I 1_ J; V ‘ T I H . I V‘ :1 I -.. I I I ' F I I H no oth-er way To be hap-py in Je-sus, but to trust and o - bey. ‘Wm: not ‘now? ‘Behold. now it the accepted time."-2 Cor. 6 : 2. C. C. Cass. 2 \_ I J K J L 1 -11 4 . 1 " L:--_‘ n . , 4 5; I A n V 4 q 5" : o 1 I o -0- ° \.. ' ° ~ ‘ \'_/ ' 1 While we. pray, and while we plead, While you see your soul's deep need, 2 You have wandered far 9. - way; Do not risk an - oth - er day; 3 In the world you've failedto find Aught of peace for troubled mind; 4 Come to Christ, con-fess-ion make; Come to Christ and par-don take; A A A 0 A 0 A A . _ f. A O A 0 A_ A I ,. .rt #';¢=. .44 .1 =* 3:? r [_ ’fi EA JI r. r— *' rmj. - - TL ! ' L‘ T‘ ° N I I 9‘ .,.Z While your Fa. - ther calls you Do not turn from God your home, face, Come to Christ, on Him be - lieve, Will you not, my broth - er, But, to - day, ac - cept His Peace and joy you shall re - ceive. come? grace. cop,”-gm, 189:. car Jam: ztccranatm. 4:: rank: mowi- \_../ Why not now ? Why not now I why not V Why not now? Why not Why not now! V now? if new ? Why not now! Whynotnowf Why not come to Je - sue Why not eometo Je - 8118 Trust in Him from day to day, He will keep you all the way. /'\ +4 A 0 A O A A 0 A 0 .. A A_ A W E I ." 1' F? I’ Z _l I I"? E F 0 o o o ' b I I‘ L L ° 7: ' I fl 17 A ‘C . o o I Cuonus. \./ now? now? take time to be help. “Be 943 holy : for I own the Lord your God."—-Lev, 20 : 7. L n _l._ . . L4; 2 1‘ ' 1 Take time to be he - ly, Speak oft with thy Lord; 2 Take time to be ho - ly, The world rush - es on; 8 Take time to be he - ly, Let Him be thy Guide, 4 Take time to be he - ly, Be calm in thy soul, 1' . 1 ' ' . ‘P’ ’ o "75 0 . . L 4 A_ I - D I‘ [T 3- 4 ‘. L T 0 I V [ 1_ m . L 1_ g ‘ I V V I A g 4; I IV _I J I>J A 5 IL 1 ‘ 3 ‘ ' . ‘ . I J‘ L J ‘ jfgax‘ _l O O : : : A - hide in Him :11 - ways, And feed on His Word; Spend much time in se - cret, With J e - sue a - lone; And run not be - fore Him, What - ev - er be - tide; 3 Each thought and each mo - tive Be ’neath His con - trol; :9-° 9- 9 -9- _P-- -on . ’-“L. ' v—fi J ° ° ° 4 . L ' Iv‘ I i ‘L 4)‘ ‘VJ L) 4 . «'2' t - I “uni r .3. Q .5 é“ U.‘ 1 L L 1 J L 4% -8 I‘ I ‘ . : ‘ _I‘ _'A‘ A/'5‘ I _I. _ o | o : friends of God's chil - dren. Help those who are weak, look - ing to J e - sue, Like Him thou shalt be; joy or in sor - row Still fol - low thy Lord, led by His Spir - it To fount -ains of love, ‘P’ '9' L '2' - _ _ 1!" ‘P’ ‘ '9' ' _ _L I 4* b - :‘ O : p o f I" L‘ ‘ L; '_;_l fl if Sir F F H? [F t L: T ‘I V V V I "V V V 1 ;_1h I . . _ _ 4 0 J : I ‘ IL‘ A _l 4-; i‘ [I . : E E . V . ‘ . .. V - - -0- . For - get - ting in noth - ing His bless - ing to seek. Thy friends in thy con - duct His like - ness shall see. And. look" - ing to J e - sus, Sti1l_ trust in His Word. Thou soon shalt be fit - ted For serv - ice a. - bove. J . x"- 4- T Xj 4&1 "j e ' —1"° O O 2 %_ T T V E. Cmfll, 18¢, by Jana Mccrauahau. 281 ‘I will pass over 11)ou. “WhenIuot1wblood,Im'l1pacsova-you."-—Ex. 12:13. EL. Na-nuut. Janus Mccxzamutan. ‘ ; L . L R K _.t __ _n 13 If: f - y. _. 1' J J r N 7' 1; .4 4 - . . : ' P Q 4 . s- 4_ + 1 WhenGodthe way of life would teach And gath - or all His own, "2 By Christ, the sin - lessLamb of God, The pre - oious bloodwas shed, 3 0 soul, for thee sal -va -tion thus By God is free -ly given; 4 The wrath of God that was our due, Up - on the Lamb was laid; 5 How calm the judg-ment hourshallpass To all who do 0 - boy 4. 1. n. . Q T T 7 I7 I; 0 I C r ‘ TI " . 0 A A_ A A ‘[7 ! T - V I I ...-L 1 :l L L L 4 L Q _ J ‘ L 4... u. J1 _l‘ DJ _J - \ Am _F J ‘ I - ‘F H I J.‘ gr:—~g—_—;—_—:4§:;' J J -- T. 0 U 3 0 He puts them safe be-yond the reach ‘Of death, by blood a - lone. When He ful-filled God's ho- ly word, And suf- feredin our stead. ' The blood of Christ a-tones for sin, And makes us meet for heaven And by the shed - ding of His blood, The debt for us was paid. The word of God a - bout the blood, -And make that wordtheir stay. — L . g - A I - 0 O 1' : 5:8: s - ~ . . _- an - g . T1 J r g I I I 7' I r V - Csosus. It is His word, God's precious It ;is His word. God's precious word, .1. It stands for - ev - or true: O When I,‘ the Lord, shall seehhe blood, when I thenord, shall see 'thebIood, 1 will pass o-veryou. 282 bioe me, ® my Saviour. “He shall hide me ’’—Ps. 27 : 5. Fmmv J. Cnosnv. Wmmm I-I. Dona. ________ K K .4 1 J I n ' _1 I T r i ' ~ o 0 T ‘ Q I J I 1 T 0 $21: A —q U" ' ° ' ° -6- 1' ‘"5" 1 Hide me, 0 my Sav - iour, hide me In Thy ho - ly place; 2 Hide me, when the storm is rag - ing 0’er life's troubled sea; 3 Hide me, when my heart is break-ing With its weight of woe; 4 e .u b0 R J ; T; in : -hf 5- 1” ‘: F F r 4 Rest - ing there be - neath Thy glo - ry, 0 let me see Thy face; Like a clove on o -cean’s bil - lows, 0 let me fly to Thee. When in tears I seek the com - fort Thou canst a - lone be - stow. U--.-P--L- -1--ft +9-. 0 I.._. I’ F I’ L {fl ’ . - - I ' £ is é ‘ff - 3 I RIPBAJN. '09 won 0 mower nu 4: ‘ass! ‘vwwvo ‘ Hide me, hide me, O bless-ed Sav - iour, hide me; Hide me. hide me, safe - ly hide me, O_ 8317 - iour, keep me I Safe - 1y, 0 Lord, with Thee. 0 my Sav - ionr. keep Thou me. Cafirzkht, 1300: 5.7 The Bfgtow 45- ‘Main Ca. K ‘K L h 1 _ K 5 %n L‘ I‘ \‘ 1‘ ‘ ' _ '. H - , : ii“‘“":«. 3; :' - =' =' T“‘“. - 1 0 .5. .',_ U T o - y 1 Throw out the Life-Line a. - cross the dark wave, There is a. broth-er whom 2 Throw out the Life-Line withhond quickand strong:Why do you tar - ry, why 3 Throw out the Life-Line to dun-ger-fraught men, Sink-ing in anguish where 4 Soon will the sea- son of res-cue be o’er, Soonwill they driftto e - ' I T - 9 p 9‘ - i c ., L L 5 —‘p I u 2,, ., 2, 2,, L) I 3 2 u . 7-5 u v V '1 '1 J I V . I“ i : "' ‘ AT‘ : F‘ ‘ nth i ‘* I — D 1- some one should save; Some-bod - y's broth-_er! oh, who then,will dare To lin - ger so long? See! he IS sink-mg; oh, hast-en to- day—— And you've nev - er been: Winds of temp-ta — tion and bil-lows of woe Will 283 (throw ®ut the ‘llifesline. (MAY 3: sum: A8 A 8oL.o mo Cuoaus.) Rev. Enwm S. UFFOIID. E. S. UFFORD. Arr. by GEORGE C. Smsaxns. ter - ni - ty’s shore, Haste then, my broth-er, no time for de-lay, But L E Q J‘ I‘ - .1 - I‘ .1 .- .- .- ' u u ‘H L; L: E; I J ' ' ' ' ' ’ I I. w I V I V V \ I throw out the Life-Line, his out per - il soon hurl them out where the dot ‘P’ with the Life-Boat! a - wa ,then, a - way! we - ters flow. throw out the Life-Line and save them to - day. ll. L E‘ n . I I to share? Cuonus. \ J.‘ R IILI --I-—-1 ' I I -' J g T v 3 £Throw out the Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Some one is drift-ing Life-Line! Throw out the Life-Line! Some one is D g T ..I ' I1. 41-- —!r V:LJE1PL1-‘ -V; a. - way; sink-ing Throw out the to - day. 284 the Eye of Jfaitb. "Beckett thou great thingcfor thyself? seek them not."—Jer. 4.5: 5. To see my du - ty face to face, And trust the Lord for dai - ly grace. Well sat - is - fled that sweet re _— ward Is sure to those who trust the Lord Thy will, 0 Lord, be mine each day, While pressing on my homeward way And learn what here I can- not know, Why Thou hast ev — er loved me so. E ——+—‘ f-P . 0 I l l_ l_J_ l'J U D‘ J 7 7 Rev. J. J. MAxrn:I..n. Wu,u.m A. Ocnmz. ‘ A A _I‘\ I». H I I _l is J i I 1,‘? F ‘ 5‘ :. _I‘ I - 3 E I _: fig 1 J - $1 . u - i . Q7 -3-’ ' -0- ' 1 I do not ask for earth-ly store Be-yond a day’s sup - ply; 2 I care not for the emp-ty show That thoughtless worldlings see; 3 What-e’er the cross-es mine shall be, I will not dare to shun; 4 And when at last, my la - bor o'er, I cross the nar - row sea, 0 _."_ '_ , _ . . r -F ‘E. i fit ,0 -B I? . : 1" . f '— : IP- £ n__ 1 l 3 I . : J: y l— I I V F I V II V U V I ‘ ' I 1 n ] I _I 1' K W i J I _l \ I ‘ I :.' j— E I I“ _I rq I ..I I 1 —' ' 0 I I "I ° __ - | 5 I I_ _: - _ 0 v 0 4- V . I on - ly cov - et, more and more, The clear and sin - gle eye, I crave to do the best I know, And leave the rest with Thee;— I on - ly ask to live for Thee, And that Thy will be done; GI-ant,Lord. that on the oth - er shore My soul may dwell with Thee; Q o I ‘I’. 3 .7. I. II,‘ . ! It i I I . L I I I_ . ,_ g. | ._ I F F - I r :- I 0 _'_ " I I l I I [ a Is, * I I’ fi‘['*]' I V I I l— g Q‘ S‘ .. n I Is J\ 4\ . IN J J I \ \ \ h _.g I I - _i - . ~ _,_. 1-H. wq, _ _5I_____I_"._ - ' - _ 5 Q 5:” $' II I‘- 1 R . . .. mi. 1 rvv"v Then shall my heartkeep sing - ing While to the cross I cling; For rest is ' I singing. singing, elinfg. I cling; the Eye of faith.-Gonclubeb. sweet at Jesus’ feet, While homeward faith keeps winging, While homeward faith keeps winging. 285 Sweet bout of Draper. “Evening, and morning, and at men will I pra.'y."--Psalm. 4: 17. Rev. WILLIAM W. WALFORD. WILLIAM B. BRADBURY. /5 1 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! That calls me from a world of care, D.c.—-—And oft es~caped the tempter’s snare, By thy re-turn,sweet hour of prayer! L ~LA714‘ "””%jV7 A ."‘ 4— at e ~ 4: i__ —I—* V \ And bids me at my Fa-ther’s throne Make all my wants and-wish- es known: And oft es-eaped the tempter’s snare, By thy re-turn, sweet hour- of prayer! Cofivzyht, frofn-or 9/ The Barlow Gr Main Co. ' Cl '- 4- , - 1. I . . F big -11 1r LL J ;1 u .. | v :, . 1* '1'" I * 7? T 7 ‘ V ' v " V v sea-sons of dis-tress and grief, My soul has oft - en found re - lief; 2 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer! 3 Sweet hour of prayer! sweet hour of prayer‘! Thy wings shall my petition bear May I thy consolation share, To Him whose truth and faithfulness Till, from Mount Pisgah’s lofty height, Engage the waiting soul to bless. I view my home and take my flight; And since He bids me seek His face, This robe of flesh I'll drop, and rise Believe His word, and trust His grace, To seize the everlasting prize; . [3 I'll cast on Him my every care ||: And shout, while passing through the air, And wait for thee, sweet hour of prayer! :|1 Farewell, farewell, sweet hour of prayer! :}| 286 1830 fD€, Saviour. " I-"or thy name‘; .s'a.l‘e lead me «ma guide me."—Pa. 31 :3. F. M. D. FRANK M. DAVIS. 1 Say - iour, lead me, lest I stare lest I sire. * , Gen - t1 2 Thou the ref - uge of my 3011 of my 3011 When Ii 8'8 3 Sav - iour, lead me, till at last. (till at last), When the 7 4nV.';J;.__A It in J, . .1 --1~:——g~ ,‘ ___:. —:¢ _ E fiw—| D lead me all the we all the we ); I am safe when b Thy storm-y bil - lows rol bil - lows roll, I am safe when T on art storm of life is past life is past), I shall reach the land of ' A Q. A A ‘in. . ‘F. -L ‘F. ‘#- 0 L_. E’ 1" I’ E’ —| [ I 0. h L l_ ya :| o I EV V . . . it . u 1-? . ._ I I; . 1 I V I V | V I ‘ A big I IL?!‘ ‘' F 3;‘ .74; -.. 1:“ - - - :e—|:'4-—-1 — . #2:- V F F’ L P’ I A o A g U F V V I F’ " -6- -H-_ D side (h Thy side), I would in Thy love a - bide (love a - bide). sigh ET on art nigh), On Th mer-cy I re - ly EI re -137). 3' land of day), Where al tears are wiped a - way wiped a-way). D .,. .1. ‘E: -3 ,."'.‘L‘LT'::F 3|‘ 2* H-~ (- CHORUS. /"‘_"""':'”'-\/.,N / stray; . . . . . . . . lost I stray; Lead me, lead me, Say - iour, lead me, lest I fit. edim» '0" 1" the way. Gen-tly down the stream of time, Lead me,Sav-iour all the stream of time -;:{1_:.aCd'a_9fi .4aunza ‘smog -}y _.f -.4214; p3;/7 ® Glue anb cfilorioue Gospel. “ God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten aS'on."—Jno. 3:16. 287 M. Fsusmz. j.-\.\n-ts IWCGRANAHAN’. ‘ " J-‘___ 4 L 4 ~‘ i . = 5 + . 1 l - —d—‘—“—“‘- 2 I :3 - - U 3» —la'- ' 1 Tie a true and faith-ful say - ing, Jo - sus died for sin — ful men; Copyrzffiu, 139:, by Jana M¢Grauah¢u. 2 He has made a. full in tone- ment, Now his sav- ing work is done; 3 Still up - on Hishands the nail-prints, And the scars up - on His brow, 4 But re-mem-ber this same J e - sus In the clouds will come 9. - gain, -9--1--9--r ~---rt. -9'19-.; 0 ' O : 0 I l__ 1 _L_-_ E . ‘ . I 1 I_ II I . 1‘ " I I I I 1 . . . _ T" I ' ' 1 I ' I J ! V‘ Q ’ ' EX’ ! I _ 1 JV ° ° ' - Though we’ve toldthe sto - ry oft - en, We must tell _it o'er a - gain. He has sat - is - fied the Fa. — ther, Who ao—oepts us in His Son. Our Re-deem-er, Lord and Sav - iour In the glo - ry stand-et}~ now And with Him His b1ood.bought pen - ple Ev - er-more shall live and reign. : ‘ . -’- . I 0 '9' . 0 , - ._ . ' —_l' W I: ' V. r: . j Y r‘. . . jjjjuj fl 3’ In .F _ I "2 : 3. .. r ”-’-=-- E ' ' I ' V T Cnonos. O glad and glo-rioue Gos- pel! With joy we now pro - O we now pro-claim A full and free 3111 - vs. - tion, Through faith in Je - sue’ name. 288 El fiolbier of the (trees. "A good soldier of Jesus Christ."-2 Tim. 2 :3. L _ I A , _. _1_ ‘ 3 IE“ Iyfi " “I 3 ‘Wj I r 1 .‘ . I . Q U H 0 0 v"? _o 1 Am I a. sol - dier of the cross— A follower of the Lamb? 2 Mustl be car - ried to the skies, On flow-ery beds of ease. 3 Are there no foes for me to face? Must I not stem the flood? 4 Since I must fight if I would reign,’ In - crease my cour - age, Lord! #- . I . . ] 1 ‘ i '45!“ ‘4P.— ’ . 33:4‘ ‘ I " '._ . -7. : V. I I ‘L I F o F I V I t ' ' . ..._ 1 I ‘ ._.‘ s‘ I 1 4 I } , ' 4 4 3 L ~r —u§ . V ~ ' v '5; And shall I fear to own H13 cause, Or blush to speak His name? While oth - ere fought to win the prize, And sailed thro’ blood - y seas? Is this vile world a. friend to grace, To help me on to God? Q- I'll bear the toil, en - dure the pain, Sup- port - ed "by Thy word. 3 $7 .. o - Q o ° n Jo 1' 1' 1. j _L . 4 T1‘-1 _ § -1: ° . —19——t3 F * 3 L J _1. V. L I r ' :. ll 1 1— I V rt? | 5 fig v r CHORUS: In the name. . . . . .. of Christ the King, Who hath purchased In the name of Christ the King, life for me, Thro’ grace I'll win the promised crown,Whate’er my cross may be. Cogyrq-ht. 189:, bv Jame: 1lcGrana)aan. 289 Sometime we'll ‘lllnberetanb. “ ‘What Idothou knowestnot now, but tlwuslaaltlmow hereafter."-—-John 13: 7. Maxwsu. N. Connsuvs, D.D. J.-mes MCGRANAHAN. I _Q L. . I K L n ‘ I __ . Uh " “ _l‘\ _l 1-. ...v - I J L--I ‘I J. E "' _‘i s e s ,., E ...' ‘ —€f - 1 o _.'_ if _g_ 4- ya 0 . 1 Not now, but in the com-ing years, It may be in the bet-ter land, 2 We'll catch the brok-en threada - gain, And fin - ish what we here be - gan; 8 We'llknow why cloudsinstead of sun Were o - ver many a cherished plan; 4 Why what we long for most of all, E — ludes so oft our ea- ger hand; 5 God knows the way, He holds the key, He guides us with un-err-ing hand; "’ * I r D‘ I) {J I r 7' 7 ‘Cl ‘W Ink: . FL B \ ‘ _J“ u ‘ L L - , ' y i:!t::1$—, P s Eu T —r‘-* ° U ' -6- H ° ' -6 We'll read the mean-ing of our tears, And there,sometime,we'll nu-der-stand. Heav'n will the mys- ter - ies ex- plain, And then, ah then, we'll un-der-stand. Why song has ceased when scarcebe-gun; 'Tis there,sometime,we'll un-der-stand. Why hopes are crushed and eas-tles fall, Up there, sometime,we’ll nn-der-stand. Some-time with tear-less eyes we'll see; Yes, there, up there,we'll an-der-stand. BISJK- L A I __ I O _]|;_;’; 0 l" I’ I’ I * I I I I I1 IJ IJ IJ U’ V l l I 7- 7- 7 7- 7' 0 Cnoatrs. A little fatter. 7 tzcrr .;L.L. Then trustin God throughall thy days; Fear not, for He doth hold thy hand; dothhold, doth holdthyhand; - Though thy way, still sing and praise; Sometime,some'time,we'll un - der-‘stand. i f‘ 29o Ztruesflaearteb, fllflbolesiaearteb. “ I will praise Thee, 0 Lord, with my whole heart."—Ps. 9: 1. FRANCES R. HAVERGAL. Gnome C. Surname- |_n . . I H '5‘ I .N '- ' 4! -J —l 1 ' . L _l u _l n ' V £—.a—E:r. 1 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, faith - ful and loy - al, King of our 2 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, full - est al - le-giance Yield - ingl1ence- 3 True-heart-ed, whole-heart-ed, Sav - iour all - glo-rious! Take Thy great """IL-._L {L0 -11- L ‘.0 0 -D-0 E -h. -4 1-— - 0 4 - :,-- .: . .5 3:4 Z) -' C T. I L I. I l_ _' I nfi 1 I I'D L L V I 1 7- IT I 7 V il Thy grace we will be; Un - der the stand - ard ex - forth to our glo - ri - ous King; Val - iant en - deav - or and and reign there a. - lone, O - Yer our wills and at - -G‘ % 3 vi: :7 Q ' ' ' . ' E. alt - ed and my - 9.1, Strong in Thy strength we will bat - tle for Thee. lov - ing 0 - be-dience, Free - ly and joy - one - ly now would we bring. fee - tions vie - to - rious, Free - ly eur - rendered and whol - ly Thine own. -II‘. -1.. an-— . I on—-- u -|.- u—n— U C . ~ . . 3 E J. 0- 1- + . 0 ° _'_ I 1 I_]: J_ 0 ‘ - . | I L I I I. u . I C 1- I7 I: F ; I . . V I Ifi T V I ' V I 1 I I_"T V‘ ‘ F I Cnonus. Peal out the watch-word! si - lence it new - Her!‘ Song of our Peel ai - lenoe Song .2. . Ztrueebearteb, whole 1bearteb.—conc:uoea. ‘: T spir- its re - joic - - ing and free; Peal out the watch-word! re - joio-ing and free; Peal hf loy - al for- ev- er, King of our lives, by Thy grfice we will be, Ioy - al King 291 I mun ‘lift up mine Eyes. Psalm 121. Aaron. ‘ . ;, i 1 i i‘ g 2 I 5 '. 9--~, I -9. _ 1 I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence . . . . . . . . . cometh my help; 2 He will not suffer thy foot to be moved: He that keepeth thee will not slumber; 3 The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy. . . . right -- hand; 4 The Lord shall preserve thee from all evil: He shall pre - - serve thy soul. _ -9- :. 5 953% ' I I I I9 *7 I ' 1 I 4 n . L '" i I i i 1 : V 4 -6- My help cometh from the Lord, which . . . . . . . . . . . . . made —- heaven and earth. Behold, He that keepeth Israel shall neither . . . . . . . .. slum - her nor —— sleep. The sun shall not smite thee by day, not the . . . . . . . . moon —~ by --— night. The Lord shall preserve thy going out and thy com - ing in from this time forth, and even for . . . . . . . . . ev - er - more. A - men. --9- -9- E 1 = ‘ I I T ' “WW 292 Imlonoerful love! GRACE J. Fusczs. “As the Father loved me, so have I loved yau."—Jqhn 15: 9. HUBER? P. MAIN. Q I. 1 4 4 T4 Ah 4: I 0 . ‘ J if 2 - - - — ' ' . -65- T " 1 O Lord, my soul re — joio - eth in Thee, My tongue Thy mer - cy is 2 I came to Thee o’er-burdened with care, My guilt with sor- row con- 8 To Thee, my hope and ref - uge di - vine, My faith is fer - vent-ly I ‘ 4. 0 ‘T 4 I look be-yond this val — ley of tears, Where Thou, o man-sion pre- ” . -'9 - 9- J4 saw 4- 4;. h Ah Z Y . I L 4:‘ D If I F 0 ‘fi T 7 I V a{L4.. I l IJJ n n n L ' I J I J L I ' I -1 _I 1 . U U 3 f ‘ fir 0 """' I 0 E H’ ‘ -3- -51- H‘ ’ ' ' tell - ing; I’ve found Thy love so pre-cious to me, My heart with its fess - ing; 'Twar~'. love, Thy love, that banished my fear, And gave me for cling-ing; And ev — ery hour some tok - en of love New joy to my par- ing, Wilt call me home for- ev - er with Thee, The bliss of the h—H- W W 1% 1| I) Q r, 0 9 ____ T °__4# 9 __ o I 0. W? _ —+ _ e, f 7 ‘T ‘ T F N Rzmmm. rapt - ure is swell - ing. sad - ness a. bless - ing. spir - it is bring -ing. glo - ri - fied shar - ing. Won-der - ful love! 0 won - der - ful love! ':¢>qruvs V 9.4; Q ‘one: I’ll sing its fu1- ness for - ev - er; I’ve found the way that lea.d- eth a. - bove, The way to the life-giv - ing riv - er. W3-ra'.r and liar. Cogyrighl, 1890, by Ira Sanka. 293 T A Speeb Elvoap. " Go ye tnto all the world and preach the gocpel."-Mark 16: 15. FANNY J. Cjzossv. I. B. Woonsvsv, arr. 1 Speed 3. - way, speed a - way on your mis - sion of light, 2 Speed a - way, speed a - way with the life - giv - ing Word, 3 a - , speed a - with the mes - sage of rest, _JL J F I To the lands that are ly - ing in dark-ness and night; ‘Tie the To the na - tions that know not the voice of the Lord; Take the To the souls by the tempt - er in bond-age op - pressed; For the - . ,_ _ ‘*“ ‘ #4: EL E .r J1, . 1 . I ' I T V | 1 . . I I . . . . 1 cfié; 1 I RE‘) \./ Mas - tei-’s com-mand; go ye forth in His name, The won - der - ful wings of the morn - in and fly o'er the wave, In the strength of your Sav - iour has purchase their ran-som frfim sin, And the ban -quet is + .+ J‘ +- .+ .+ -0- - 1- -.r"‘r ‘P’ ‘Q’ -2 0'—C E -E1[: I L 1% :l I II Ln 1%": I . . . if : .. * T I I r T r VVV r r I 1 BA J 1 I - A 5 Goa-pel of Jo - sus pro - claim; Take your lives in your hand, to the Mas-ter the lost ones to save; He is call - ing once more, not a read -y, 0 gath-er them in; To the res - one make haste, there's no 1. -1'- -1- .4’. I-1I----9-_+-a>—- +1--. -v-°-o- I 7 WW F E E l I 1 I I I I ‘ F F F work while ’tis day, mo - ment’s de - lay, time for do - lay, 3 Speed a- way, speed a - way, 294 Satisfieb. “I shall be satisfied, when I wake with thy lz'keness.”--Pa. 17:15. Hoxuvrms BONAR. Geo. C. Smnsms. £1; "‘ ‘ J‘ I A . l___ ih 1 7 . ‘ . Aw 4‘ 4‘ J : 4 ‘ .. : (<17 ‘-1- LI. - ." J g .' - I 0- ‘ ‘ 3' " ' -3- -2- -7- 1 When I shall wake in that fair morn of morns, Aft - er whose dawn-ing 2 When I shall see Thy glo - ry face to face, When in Thine arms Thou 3 When I shall meet with those thatl have loved, Clasp in my arms the 4 When I shall gaze up - on the face of Him Who died for me, with @231: 5 - _ o p I p i 1_ "- :E::'1:':§: I '4 _ 1 o g I - J _ ' I g 2 W V V P I I 1/flu 4’. “'\"A‘fi"““;' ‘W 5‘{4-‘‘-*-j~.}. ‘. g:—.~“*"—““¢-— ~'-é:'- ° - _.¢.q«:v—-§—»,_——r~—‘. ‘ 4—I :7 ' - - 5 ' - - 3' ' ' ° 1 %‘ nev - er night re-turns, And with whose glo — ry day e - ter - nal burns- zvilt Thy child em-brace, When Thou shalto - pen all Thy stores of grace- dear ones long re-moved, And find how faith-ful Thou to me hast proved- oyes no 1011- get dim, And praise Him with the ev - er — last - ing hymn-— ..fl. .fl. fl. o 32:}! ,_. 3 ;_p___i_-_p_l_p__._pj,¢_;__,¢_.,,/4 ’ ‘ i . _4§ . L Tl z7’vvV"?= lflji \ L 1 in: l I- C’! i IVE REFRAIN. N I shall he sat - is be sat-is-fied. 1.... shall be sat.-is-fied, . I shall be - 0 o . I . . . . .. .P_.!. shall be sat - is - fied, When I shall wake in When I shall _ 3.. W that fair mom of morns; I.... shall he sat - is-fled, I.... shall be I shall be I shall be dbl, 0 Jane: HcGrauahan. ‘ fiatlfifiebr-Goncluoeo. V sat - is - fled, When I shall wake in that fair mom of moms. When I shall 295 Mr Saviour king. “ Hz‘: mercy endureth jorever.”—Ps. 136:1. Jams H. Jonssrow. Jams MCGRANAHAN. I A . 5 A H _I ‘ _1‘\ \ E F .§‘ L u xx‘ 1 i Q L A J Y L ‘ ° i ‘ '1 ET n A ° I 1 I V ‘:2! A . ' ' -' - 1 1 1 I 7 - r " . C C r 0 ' P V 1 He lives and loves, our Sav-iour King; With joy-ful lips your trib-ute bring; 2 His Hand is strong, His word en-dures, His sac - ri - fice our peace se- cures; 3 Each day re - veals His con-stant love, With “mercies new ” from heaven a-hove; E 4 _'. . . _._ I I C 1 r F I Q _; J L 0 _1 A I ll TJ I F I I F [J [J F ' T) r 1) _I L 7 T7 7 . I 7' V V V j ' _ I L _ K K K R g r 4 J,‘ fl J I‘ W ‘I IJ"—{ zi fi_ "Ir M T 7 Re - peat His praise, ex - alt His Name,Whosegraceand trutharestill the same. From sin and death He doth re-deem, His change-less love be all our theme. Through a- gas past His word has stood, Oh, taste and see that He is good. q , _ - 1. ' _ 4- _ -1 , I *' - r ' L_'i: . . -2%! L JLP . T , - * “V I’ I‘ t y I‘ V y Cnonus. His mer-cy flows, an end-less stream, To all e - ter - ni - ty the sanie; all e- ter-ni.ty, to e - ter-ni-ty, To all e - ter-ni-ty the same. O O - 296 faith is the tbictorp. " The victory that overcomcth the world, even ou.rfaith."—1 John 5 : 4. JOHN H. YATES IRA D. SANKIIV. 1 Eu-camped a - long the hills of light, Ye Chris-tian sol - diers, rise, 2 His ban - ner o - ver us is love, Our sword the Word of God; 3 On ev - ’ry hand the foe we find Drawn up in dread ar - ray; 4 To him that 0 - ver-comes the foe, White rai-ment shall be given; - — + . - 1» --"32 1' 0 _n I Q r : r F . 9 ;~ 3- 9 e "” F: ‘ I V l _ V l V I V C :fi;- ‘-‘ , flu _ I1. _ -0- And press the bat - tle ere the night Shall veil the glow-ing skies; We tread the road the saints a- hove With shouts of tri - umph trod; Let tents of ease be left be-hind, And— on -ward to the fray; Be - fore the an - gels he shall know His name eon-fessed in heaven; 3% '5; L '1.‘ l V— V‘ ‘g 8' F i ‘H s . J .. ~ .-"' J 1: i . f ‘E —"' :"r""' @= U *2 g A - gainst the foe in Vales be - low Let all our strength be hurled; 9 By faith, they like a whirlwind’s breath, Swept on o'er ev - ’ry field; Sal - vs.-tion’s hel-met on each head, With truth all girt a - bout, Then on - ward from the hills of light, Our hearts with love a - flame; +++2--9+ +1» J‘ /74, 0 l[_ 1 I_ I C ' ,3 V I V F IT‘) -I’ VI" Kw _l . _ I $I ‘_.'I I \./ Faith is the vic - to - ry, we know, That 0 - ver-eomes the world. The faith by which they couquer'd Death Is still our shin - ing shield. ' The earth shall trem-ble ’neath our tread, And ech - o with our shout. - We'll van- quish all the hosts of night, In «To - ans’ conquering name. -r- 9--- ,,,,1+_, . l Jfaitb is the lvictorp.-—conauoeo. cnonus. Faith is the Vic - to - ry! Faith is the vie - to - ry! Faith is the vie - to - ry! Faith is the vie - to - ry! 0 Oh, glo - ri- ous vie - to - ry, That 0 - -ver-comes the world. 297 more love to (thee, ® Gzbriet. “ Continue ya in -my love.”—-John 15 : 9. 1 J . 1 Euzasrm Pxsunss. WILLIAM H. Dorms. _l_ J I l_._fl_ |- I _. .IIl1A - _L I _l ' * fl 1 " . 1 . —3:|=%——a . . :: I] I I} ._ (I v . -I '4' LL. I--' o 1 More love to Thee, 0 Christ! More love to Thee; Hear Then the 2 Once earth-ly joy I craved, Sought peace and rest; Now Thee a- 3 Let sor -row do its work, Come grief or pain; Sweet are Thy 4 Then shall my lat - est breath Whis - per Thy praise, This be the T I . I-._A_ ; ; . L 1 5 - _1 I %‘[/:h‘'’' I '1 : _ u 9 | '.— I I’ _ ‘V _ ' 0 u l I I 5" I ]_ l _I_ n- if L) 7 I I “ms "run Th JLJJ 8 -§‘i_a. 5'1‘; :5 ' —J' I i I I - i —! —! I‘ I _ ,5, v. . _2,_..a_E;e— — ,,~fe—:r— 3 U ' "3 5 ' ‘L . . " .9, prayer I make On bend- ed knee; This 13 my earn - est plea, E lone I seek, Give what is best: This all ‘ my prayer shall be, \ mes - sen-gers, Sweet their re - frain, When they can sing with me,— Q part - ing cry My heart shall raise; This still its prayer shall be: .11. .4I. -I. q .. Es. A 2- -p- -,P- -g-; E -4- +- -s— , -5 E L’ I , 1 _ ,~.g F : '9 IIIPF e : : : - e : .-s ' +— E ' 5 More love, 0 Christ, to Thee, More love to Thee, More love to Thee! 298 [praise 1bim! [praise him! “ I will sing praises unto my God."—Ps. 146 : 2. Farm? I. Cnosev. ————l—.§‘ , I «I ! . . ‘: 7 . 4 0 I J g g C . = . 5 0 I " 1 léraise Him! praise Him! J e - sus, our bless-ed Re-deem - er! 2 Praise Him! praise Him! J e - sus, our bless-ed Re-deem - er! 4! 4. ._,'-. T.Tg‘a-. Sing, 0 earth-His For our sins He 3 Praise Him! praise Him! Je - sus, our bless-ed Re-deem - er! Heavenly por- tals ._....J-‘*“*‘;"*‘*‘# .g°_=°.+‘:' 1153 E 4 1' : = E LC 5 . L n vj/73 4. . . n . :i“r‘:'. ‘ V I V I j £ 0 ;f~5 =2 .-‘ ." . :8: ' . ; 1 ‘ 1‘ !'~. r‘ em -4-,» -1!’ $1 ‘J '4: 4:», < « .. I } fl I I A A J C C U ‘H.’ . C U \-I’ V 9 V 0 V 0 V 0 won-der-ful love pro - claim! Hail Him! hail Him! high-est arch-an-gels in suf -fered,and bled,and died; He our Rock, our hope of e - ter-nal sal - 9 loud with he - san - nae ring! Je - sus, Sav - iour, reigneth for-ev - er and § f-\ , A 0 : : J 0 -1“. 4.. -F ;_ _Q E. o o 14' ' I r 1' g “B ‘EL 1f ‘: F 1-9--9-t3 171% F"! g . . r. 1 I. 4 . - ‘ I ' H . . . . ' '. ' ' " E, :0.s.-Pra1seH1m!pra1seH1m! tell of H18 ex-cel-lent .3; E i J D k_1 I J J L L J _x J I I g. ' . U ° F If _A 1" ' ‘ ' ' . I: 'k‘ . . -1 as l 31 - - - 5 4 1‘ - e V‘ - - - . X . g! I A .. ' ¢ . . V [ V” V 0 ‘V 0 F 0 F 0 glo - ry; Strength and hon-or give to His ho - ly name! Like a shepherd, va. - tion,Hail Him! hail Him! J e~sus,the Cru - ci - fled. Sound His prais - es! ev-er:Crown Himlcrown Him!Prophet, and Priest,and King!Christ is com - ing! A 0 A 9 , A 0 A O 0 4 . .2‘ # ‘F. F _ A. J,‘ 0 .4 J1 I’ j_f F I’ __o_ _o___‘ I o . 0 J l I L , ozjl = ‘ o I o i o o - . Lu u J f 1 . (gm r. F r I 7 7 7? T 7 U M H V I: V’ greatness, Praise Him! praise Him! ev-er in joy - ful song! I A I. . K _'h xfi ! J J . 4 _J' E A‘ a‘ H J Ins’ H-—*_ if 4L._.;_*:—I ' .I— ' J m ' '— 14313:! = T V 0 0 : 0 V0 4 . _d_ '1 'l V J e-sue will guard His children, In His arms He car-ries them all day long; Je-sue who bore our sor-rows, Love un-bound-ed,won-der-ful,deep and strong; 0 - ver the world via - to -rious, Power and glo - ry un - to the Lord be - long; L: Q A 0 l"_ P I 4 i if‘; HVL I ‘- V V ' ' 1' 299 ‘I know ‘whom I have fielieveo. 2 Tim. 1:12. Ex, NA-m;m,' Janus McG:uuumA1c. Moderate. | L “J __ I -_ ,1 _ l\‘ 4 i J 1' ' ha. ‘'1' "I :1 }_ ' ' 3 V1! a I ' - "I 2 ' ' 0 1; I’ ' " 1 I know not why God's wondrous grace To me He hath made known, 2 I know not how this sav - ing faith To me He did im - part, 3 I know not how the Spir- it movee,Con-vine- ing men of sin. 4 I know- not what of good or ill May be re- served for me, 5 I know not when my Lord may come, At night or noon-day fair, - I . EZE . h - t 2; J g_. j:='1‘7" .Li.L.1:% 2 Ii 5 :!§fi4I.=: JI——H—. éoyrqu. 53:}. e- I297. bu mm AllcGrai¢akan. I I J ' 0 :1 i i 9 L ' . 0 W ? 3 I . —g‘J u I . ' Nor why--- ‘an - wor - thy—-Christ in love Be - deemed me for His own. Nor how be - liev - ing in His word Wrought peace with-in my heart. Be - veal - ing Je . ans throughthe Word, Ore - at - ing faith in Him. _ Of wea - ry ways or gold -en days, Be - fore His face I see. Nor if I'll walk the vale with Him, Or “meet Him in the air.” . re . n qn—:n ___ Cno_nus_ :_ - . ==- But “ I know whom I have be - liev-ed, And am per-euad-ed thatfie is a - ble :3" ' . O - - b To keep that whiohrve com - mit- ted Un - to Him a- gainst that day.” 9. 300 tislesseb assurance. “ He that believeth on me hath everlasting lz'fc.”—-John 6: 47. Famw J. Cnosnv. Mrs. Joszm F. Krupp. _I\ ‘ fit 2 1 4 2 n L g I ff._(1 - z 1 J .\ _J‘ ' : W I -:79} \ u I r—v I £2 1 B1ess-e<1 as - sur-ance,—— Je «-5115 is mine! Oh,wI19.t a fore-taste of 2 Per- feet sub - mis-sion, per-feet de - light, Vis-ions of rapt - ure now 3 Per - fect sub - mis - sion, all is at rest, I in my Sav — iour am 4‘ I J 2% , A 0 A A A ‘ A 0 4;’ 1 4 I I ° ‘A ‘j Y I ’: @302‘ a"a~4_r} - 5- ,= i 95%;} -1; : - I-—-—-1’-— 2-—%r——-1--t——v-V-—¢—'-?—z-—Lv——¢-—/—L-r———+-—v'—— I I . I"_” —I “J, ‘*7 " 7 IL U LT I - ‘ J I burst on my sight; An - gels, do - scend-ing, bring from a. - bovo I i 0 glo - ry di - vine! Heir of 331 - ya - tion, pur-chase of God, hap-py and blest; Watching and wait - ing, look- ing a. - bove, I A I A 0 0 j 1 I K I x_9 m 0 J 9 I I .' I F ’ F I x J J J 0 ' 1%; Ami 1 I J 1 h 1 A T ‘i V 7 M‘ I V I I V V V [ I Cuonns. O . 0 Born of His Spir - it, washed in His blood. . Ech -oes of mer . cy, Whis-pers of love. This 18 my sto - ry, Filled with His good - ness, lost in His love. ‘J Wm: £9 ‘Fla! S J #3. . ~13.‘ [U I _ _v I this is my song, Prais-ing my Sav - iour all the day long; T1113 13 my /"‘\ (um... . . sto - ry, this is my Praising my Saw - iour. all the day long. 301 Elt the (trees. “Look unto me, and be 110 eaood."—Isa. 45: 22. it 1 . I I _g _ .J.dIu I 45 l l 1 I‘ I l _] L . J _l__J . 1 FF‘ _l‘ l #_l I I ' * I I . . 1. ' n 0 I cf ° ° "1 3 II - las! and id my Sav - iour bleed, And did my Sovereign die? 2 Was it for crimes that I have done, He groaned up — on the tree? 3 But drops of grief can ne'er re-pay The debt of love I owe; :3. Would He de -vote that ea - cred head For such a worm as I? _g. A - maz - ing pit - y, grace un-known,And love be-yond de-gree! ‘g Here, Lord, I give my- 8:E1:f :E- way, ‘Tia all that I can do! b ’ ; 1:a% . I L g “z i * I :2 E E E ‘.1 Ir - 5 l E ! hi ; Cnonvs. At the cross, at the cross, where I first saw light, And the bur-den of my heart rolled a - way, It was there by faith -, _ rolled a - way, ‘I re - ceived sight, And now I am hap-py all the 302 (B0 196 "(unto all the worth. Matt. 28:18. Mark 16: 15. G. M. J. Imus McG1uuumm. J L L i \ A K , ‘ Y‘ W . I . A 1‘ ' I ‘ J ‘"1 ' D 1 J A _1V _: ‘ 3 5 I I . I‘ V V I l_‘ . —v1 5-: . 3 J 7 U 3 U V ‘ ‘ 1 Far, far a.-way in heathen darkness dwell-ing, Mill-ions of souls for 2 See o'er the world the 0 ~ pen doors in - vit - ing, Sol-diers of Christ, as - 3 “ Why will ye die?” the voice of God is call - ing, “Why will ‘ye die?” re - 4 God speed the day when those of ev - or 113. - tion, “ Glo - ry to God " tri - J :4 mm I . 1 L L L L V‘: " " J _L L A I‘ F.‘ " _ | I i ' F K I‘ I‘ f an -!m L . 0 . ' ‘ ' ‘ - LEV " O . '4 n O 1 i E ._L_ _ e V V ev - er may be ost; Who, who will go sal - va.-tion’s sto - ry tell - ing. rise and en - ter in! Breth’ren, a-wake! our forc- es all u - nit - ing, eohu o in His name; Je - sushath died to save from deathn -pall - ing, umphant-ly shall sing; Bsnsomed, redeemed,re-joic-ing in sag - vs - tion, _ ‘ 4_ 0 A 44 L h R h t 7f'\Y?. | t E I 4" .' F 0 r ‘ *1‘; L012 ' LL J ' ’ E E E E I - I A L f ’ n {:1 V‘ ' I O ' . §''-"‘''' -' ° .7 . . 1? 'u9ybuv.49:}7 nmvf M ‘W8’ 3!’ *3 ' ‘ _l‘ I‘ L J __I ._J j ¢ L ‘ i‘ ‘ :5.-§$ 6. O O Loo(11:£ in go Je-sus,Il)iee8iin]g nfit the cost? Sen ort t egospe , re t ec sins of sin. “ . . . Life and sal-vs-1-ion therefore go proclaim. Anp°w°“8 3""°n an " t° m°' Shout “Hal-le-lu- jsh for the Lord is King." t A J l ' is 1 A O 4 A O L on A I L ' ° 1 7 Q . L F" * my 4; 9 . .4 ‘F 5 0 II All power is giv- en 1m- to me, Go ye in- to all the world and preach the gos - pel, And lo, I am with you 9.1 - way.” Copvrqrhl, 1883, 5} Geo. C. Stcbbfnx. 303 3esue is calling. “Arise, he calleth thee.”-—John 11 :28. Fnmw J. Cnosnv. Gsoucn C. Snails.‘ I n L m? __p;_r_ ' ‘ .IT‘ ,I\, - T3. 1 Je - sus is ten-der - ly call-ing thee home——Ca1l-ing to - day, call - ing to - day; 2 Je - sus is call-ing the west - ry to rest—— Call-ing to - day, call - ing to - day; 3 Je - we is wait-ing, oh, come to Him now—-Waiting to - day, wait-ing to - day; 4 Je - sus is pleading, oh. list to His voice—Hear Him to- day, hear Him to - day; -4- h~P~-L --Q--_o--‘o--p-. rvr‘uv‘v'vv=uv‘r vvnva :l L\ ‘K; A A A A . A I‘ ‘ ‘ i ‘ I‘ ‘ H“ {I ‘II ‘U! {I ‘N ‘H ‘Ii ‘V . ‘I u 1 _ 71 ‘ 0 - U’ \ Why "from the sunshine of love wilt thou roam Far-ther and far-ther a. - way? Bring Him thy burden, and thou shalt be blest; He will not turn thee 9. - way. Come with thy sins, at His feet low-ly bow; Come, and no Ion-ger de - lay. They who be-lieve on His name shall rejoice; Quick-ly a - rise and a - way. I. /-\ -E. -5 pg? ’ -I I . 1 1 . . I . I. . ; L I A‘ C ' V V V I V V Call - - ing to - day! . . . . .. call - - ing to - day! . . . . . .. Call - ing. call - ing to - day, to - day; Call - ing, call - ing to - day, to - day; Je ‘- - we is call - - ing, is ten -‘der-ly call-ing to - day. Je - one is ten-der-ly call-ing to-day. V O 304 ®nvoarb, otbristian Solbiers. " Be strong and of a good courage."—Deut. 31: 6. Sum: BARma-GOULD. Ax:-mm S. Suuxvnt. an A 14.4. L:-1‘! I . | __ - .... L 1 1 J I V 1 On - ward, Christian sol - diers! March-ing as to war, With the cross of 2 Like a might- y at - my Moves the church of God: Brothers, we are 8 Crowns and thrones may per-ish, Kingdoms rise and wane, But the Church of 4 On - ward then, ye faith - ful, Join our hap-py throng, Blend with cure your fig;-4#—3fi '5 £4. , .r _* j_ E E l_ Je - sus, Go - ing on be-fore. Christ, the Roy- al Mas - ter, tread - ing Where the saints have trod; We are not di - vid - ed Je - sns Con-stant will re -main: Gates of hell can nev - er voio - es In the tri-nmph-song: G10 - ry, praise, and hon - or, -1-‘ a -r -9- 19- gfi 1 $__ I W n‘ I r ' in 5 J J I J J 1‘: 1,; I . . _l_‘_____fi __ :1 1 I #- Leads a-guinst the foe; For-ward in - to bat - tle, See His ban-nets . All one bod-y we, One in hope and (100 -trine, One in char-i - gr. ’Gainst.that Church prevail: We have Christ's own promise’, And that can-not fail. Un - to Christ the King: This, through countless a-ges, Men and an - gels sing. '\"'\ -9- On - ward. Chris. was :1 . diers! March-ing as E With" the cross of Jo - sus, - ing on be -_ fore. 3°. ,» ,.~ 305 Ebere shall be fibowere of Blessing. Ezek. 34: 26. E1. NATHAN. James MCGRANAHAN. nk L L L K n R . - . In‘ J = . .-W T\—n 5‘ ‘ _ 11 _. I‘ In H I __‘l' 5 . T: _l_ ‘I :—|fi o . V -' go 1_ " There shall be show - ers of bless - ing: " This is the prom-ise of love; 2 “ There shall be show - ers of bless - ing”-- Pre-cious ro - viv - ing a. -lgsin; 3 “ There shall be show - ers of bless - ing: ” Send them up-on us, 0 Lord; 4 “There shall be show-ers of bless-ing:” Oh that to- day theymight fall, '1!‘ . J-£9-1 -9- -9' E. 1 u ; . ; . o L III blI:— T._r.én__._.. W ‘J “$3: "i? H? L 7 There shall be sea.-sons re -fresh-ing, Sent from the Sav-iour a. - ‘hove. 0 - ver the hills and the val -leys, Sound of ‘a - bun-dance‘ of rain. IE § Grant to us now a re -fresh-ing, Come, and now hon - or Thy Word. 5 Now as to God we’recon-fess-ing, Now as on Je - sus we call! £4 g p D . . I 'p‘ "‘ ""‘ 6- . . = E? —“ §l'—'"? 5% -"‘H= 5 Show-era. show- ers of bless - ing, Show-ers .' of bless-ing we ;need9: Mer - cy-drops round us are full '- ing, But for the show-ers we plead. 306 El Shelter in the time of Storm. “My God is the Rock Qfmy refl¢ge."—Pe. 94:22. V. G. Ct-tamnswon-m. 1 The Lord's our Rock, in Him we hide, A shel-ter in the time of storm; 2 A shade by day, do -fence by night, A shel-ter in the time of storm; 3 .The rag - ing storms may round us beat, A shel-ter in the time of storm; 4 0 Rock di - vine, O Ref-uge dear, A shel-ter in the time of storm; 1* r - 5 . 'Q'j!'.°'P;":'P“P"'P'_19" , 0 I I £ I D“F4‘..V. Km]: 0 I ' T I’ V V Aw I_ I Ti T‘ ' j _ l _1 I ,1 I j’ ‘ lb I l J ’ .' I ’ I ‘ 0 O '0- so - cure what - ev - or ill be - tide, shel-ter in the time of storm. . 1 iii A -3* No fears a - larm, no foes af - fright, A shel-ter in the time of storm. . We'll nev - er leave our safe re - treat, A shel-ter in the time of storm. Be Thou our help - er ev - er near, A shel-ter in the time of storm. E; -9- -9- -r F - . E ' . .0. e. L . V I‘ _l [_ I I . fil I 1 l -71] . . - I fl 7 V P V V I l ‘-‘ Cnonus. -Oh, Je-ens is a. Rock in a. wea-ry land, A wea.-ry land, a wee.-ry lend; Oh, Je - sue is s Rock in a wee.-ry land,-— A shel-ter in the time of storm. . O 307 ¢bri5t Elrose! "He is not here, but is 1-ism."--Luke. 24.; s. i 1 1 i _1 4 jd J 1 *1 I : I1 _[ _| ' "1 Low _in the grave He lay— Je -_§ns,.'my . Sat-Aiour!’ Wait -ing the 2 Vain - ly they watch His bed— J o - 3113. my '8e.v_- iour! Vain - ly they 3 Death can -not keep his prey-— Je - sue, my Sav - iour! He tore the -:9--P 'P"!"r9'_a_._,0._p"P"P','9“P“ 15'fi.Jii.54‘ CAI I I '0 II T I I "”l»l1lfl“F__~T"_FW~l Cnonvs. Faster. 7’ oom-ing day— Je - sus, my Lo:-dig Up from the grave Be a - rose, With a Re _a - moo. seal the dead-— J e - 3113, my Lord! ‘bars a - way— J e - 8115, my Lord! might _-y tri-umph o'er His foes; He. a -'rose 3 :'Vio.- iorirom the -' He ya-rose! dark do- main, And He lives for ev - er with His saints to : Be a. - rose! ' i He ‘ a - rose! Hail-In In.-L jahlflhlrist 3 ‘- rose! He -rose! _ Ho 3-rose! C 1 1 I I A ' 3. " I ‘_ V 1- I I . I I . - 7'7] A _'_ I U L I E . I I1 ‘ > 7 V I I 7 308 Qtaeting an 1I)our (tare upon him. 1Pot.5:7. CESAR MALAN, arr by J. E. A. J/was MCGRANA!-IAN. ' ‘*4 we Ht av g u. 1"‘ :_ §:‘§: -J--3 -4- ' I How sweet, my Sav - iour, to~ re - pose On Thine al - might-y war! 2 It is Thy will that I should cast My ev - ’ry care on ee; 3 That I should trust Thy lov - ing care, And look to Thee a - lone, 4 Why should my heart then be dis-trest By dread of fu - ture ill? ‘ P 5 N /5 °_I-11‘ A ‘h ! I I I 1 1 ‘ 1 a‘ ‘if I 1_:L ! $1" 2 ! : 4 F PIE : ‘ D I‘: Ah B I an L 3 L I ' 5 ‘ g ‘ .1 5“ A 2‘ ~.- 2 A _ :1 :: V I - U ' 4' ' 40 To feel Thy strength up - hold - ing me, Through ev - ’ry try - ing hour! To Thee re - fer each ris - ing grief, Each new er - plex - i - ty; To calm each trou- bled thought to rest, In prayer e - fore Thy throne. Or why should un - be - liev - ing fear My trem-bling spir - it fill? ___3!:,;:5 »:- I- . .-. L1- Cnonus. \__/ Cast-ing all . . . . . . . your care up - on Him, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cast-ing all your care, all your care up - on Him, 'um(ouv.49.mr tnu up £4 ‘[33: «9 en: ';y:_u4‘(o;) V ' all. . . . . your care up-on I-hm, . . . . . . . . . . Casting all . . . . . . . . . . . your care up-on all your care, all your care upon Him, ’ ‘ I y0ll!' 031$. L Him, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. all your care up - on Him, __./ He car - eth, He car - eth for you. 0: D. B. Tewucr. 309 Elriee anb Shine. CARRIE E. Bmcx. Isa. 60:1. Dunn. B. Towwnx. 1 “A - rise and shine! thy light is come!” The Lord hath made thee free! 2 “A - rise and shine! thy light is come!” Let sin and so: - row hide. ‘The chains of dark-ness bind no more. Go forth in lib - er - ty! Go forth and show to all the world That Light and Life a. - bide. Cnonvs. "A - rise and shine! thy light is come!” A - rise, a. - rise and shine! With love’s bright a - dorn - ing shine forth as the morn- ing,— 3 “Arise and shine! thy light is come! " Thy.God thy glory is; Show forth the wonders of His love, And let all praise be His.—C%o. 4 “Arise and shine! thy light is come!” And night shall be no more! Shine till the glory of the Lord Is known from shore to shore.—Gto. A_- rise, a - rise and shine! 310 n (though 1120111“ %£5ine be ae‘~5carIet. "mough your sin: be as ace:-let. they shall be anohite aumow."—Iaa.iah 1:18. Faun? J. Cnossv. Wn.1.:AM H. Down. L ,‘ _:oum~. Gently. e _. _ _ Im. led. .5*'9c;« KJ|_l v . I B 9‘ L\_]:;_l -I in i I‘ "5227" :33’ 3=!‘.“fa , .4. v ‘ 5 1 "Though yoursins be as scar-let, They shall be as white as snow; as snow; 2 Hear the voice that en-treatsyou: Oh, re- turn ye un - to God! to God! 3 He’ll for-give your transgressions, And re -memberthem no more; no more; ~: .’-.b-4--3-4-9---.1-.n'-g-_~'--:9 :.-+‘: If" "F .' F {= ". {L :. LV3": HQ!‘-‘[_.:'#L‘ F. : Qtmrrrr.‘ I I‘: L n 3 I ' 1 _' 1 1 r. K 1| L_ o n _../ 3 " 4 4 T V‘ ‘ 1; -9- Thoughthey be red . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. like crim-son, They shall be as woo1;” He is of great . . . . . . . . . . . .. com-pa.s- sion, And of_ won-drone love; 6 “Look un - to Me, . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ye peo - p1e,” Saith the Lord your God; :3 ‘. f+ .1: _S\ J I ‘I w 8‘ § E 8 ? R_. . _. . -—-*’ . e» “ Though your B1118 be as scar -- let, Though your sins be as scar - let, 3 Hear the voice that en-treats you, Hear the voice that en-treats you, :- He’l1 for - give ' your trans-gressions, He'll for - give your trans-gressions, -. V H‘ -‘L ’ A_0 A An 8 . . I "1 1' F 1 1' P F ; .3 i‘ n l I L ill I L .. 4. 4 . :r_-:i._—_:]L ' I '- I They shall ‘be as white ' as snow, Theylshall be as white as snow.” Oh-, re- turn ye un -. to God! Oh, re- turn ye un - to God! And re - mexn - ber them no more, And re - mom - ber them no more. 311 Clibriet Receivetb 'Sm‘ftt[‘?{I)en. “.'l'hey‘tlu:¢'are' whole need notafphycician, but they that are sick."--Mnt.f.. 9 : 19. From Enmuus‘ 'N1:tmns1'nR, x671. Jmuzs MCGRANAHANo J L K n jg \ J K L " ‘ ‘T: ‘ P _z‘ A I . - ‘ L‘ I I I 0 j I ' | I ' 2 ° 3 1 Sin - ners Je - sus will re - ceive; Sound this word of grace to all 2 Come, and He will give you rest; Trust Him, for His word is plain; 8 Now my heart condemns me not, Pure be - fore the law I stand; 4 Christ re-ceiv-eth sin - ful men, E - ven me with all my sin; -IL . . -L - 1!‘. ; A O A A I A I: L P’ ." F’ I 1:1 - o . . ' ' . ' F - E : : F‘ . F . . 1'. I P"-‘P. 1 | -~ . V. . . 1r. :1. v. I 1 v v r I V v v Q I A_0 I . WIT fir“ ' ' Who the hesv’n-1 ' path-‘war’ leave, All.’ who lin - ger,‘ all who fall. " He will take t e sin-fu - est; Christ re - ceiv-eth sin - ful men; He who cleansed me from all spot, Sat - is - fied its last de-- mand. Purgedfrom ev - '1-y spot and stain, Hea.v’n with Him I en - ter in. -1. . -1. .3. - -g. .1. ‘- -' 1 I E’_—_l O O I ---. L... L I. I 1 E ms-~rp r’ V I I Jame: 1lcGraualum. "Z and o'er a. - gain: . . . . . . . . . . .. Christ re- Sing‘ it o'er. - 188:. oeiv - - - eth sin- men; . . . . . . . . .. Makethe mes - - - sage‘-‘ oeslv-eth sin- fnl men. Christ re - oeiveth sin- -men; Make the ‘Z-*1 clear and plain: . . . . . . . . .. Christ re - eeiv - eth sin - Make the mes-sageplsln: 312 (tome ‘(unto me. “ Game unto me all ya that labor, and Iwill give you rat.”-Mutt. 11:28. Nxmauam. Nos-row. Gzoscz C. Srnnnms. 4; s L g x I K K .—V 3) 7 . I A J‘ _D I‘ IV 7 I%L ‘V ‘ ...a J, '9 4 z‘ ' F I - . : - - ' —?——d-7——d-—-I P 0 1 "Come un - to me.” It is the Saviour’s voioe,—— The Lord of 2 Wea - ry with 1ife’s long strug-gle, full of pain, 0 doubt- ing 3 0, dy - ing man, with guilt and sin dis - mayed, With con - science 4 Best, peace, and life, the fiow’rs of deathless bloom, The Sav . iour . . 3 fl 0 _1 "P" ° "' '9' '9' LL _ : "3"‘ L L‘ 9 L L‘ L‘ E’ L‘ ¥ 7 5 1 4? P A_[1 I. _ L V? _I n K _| I; 44 1 Kfi I. _I lit‘ :‘_ IV _I‘ ! g : 7 Y _'_D‘ _] ‘ —I _ 1; I 1“ - 1' o '8' life, who bids thy heart re - joice; 0 wea. — ry heart, with soul, thy Sav - iour calls a - gain; Thy doubts shall van - ish, wak - ened, of thy God a - fraid; Twixt hopes and fears-— oh, gives us,— not be - yond the tomb-— But here, and now: on if 0 . C A . . J is -~-———s —v-—-1: ' 5 2 5 1% 2 2, 3,. T I I: V I I 7 f I 7 .3 JV 1 I ‘ h ‘ L’ J‘ L J g 1 . Ifi : d1 4‘ U 0 K A I‘ 7 1 I O! I - ’ 0 ‘ I 5 i J A‘ T‘ _' . ' 3' U— V 0 V V 0 heav - y cares op - prest; “ Come un - to me,” and I and thy sorrows cease, “Come un - to me,” and I end the anxious strife, “Come un - to me," and I earth some glimpse is giv’n Of joys which wait us thro’ the gates of heav’n. A . -P. ‘P if . : .. E 0 fie. - _____[P__ . . 9 9 E1 L‘ ' I ' 11 - 1 e “Come an - to me, “Como come un- to me, £14. £221‘ .42 to me, 0. 00500111!- to me, Come Canaan--to me, will give you rest. will give you peace; will give you life. 1111 - to me, and (tome unto {I)e.-—¢onc:uoeo. R‘td9Y1...o..oa..o...... I.‘ I will give you rest, I will give you rest, . . . will give you I will give you rest.”. . . . will giveyon rest.” *"\ 313 A Every: Eag anb bout. FANNY J. Cuosnv " Oleame mefrom e:'n."—Ps. 51: 2. Wtuuut I-I. Dolmn. I A ‘LL $ K n A - L L 45 4‘ I _ . I‘ E ‘ 4.1 +9 ‘ ' ‘ J‘ . ' " 0 _.‘_ . 0 O 1 Sav-iour, more than life to me, I am clinging, cring-ing, close to Thee; 2 Thro' this changing world be - low, Lead me gen-tly, gen -tly, as I go; 3 Let me love Thee more and more, Till this fleet-ing, fleet-ing life is o'er; 4 B L A 0 A A A 4 ._; 0 Q 4 O A o 9 ‘ L J’ I P 1' I’ E 0 0 0 [7 Ii [— 0 . . e . 0 A n 1 ?1_ %_ V _ £3 . B K _ n x hp A J _ K1; ‘ JV 4 - fl . J fix +1 r ' 0 ‘ ' ' J I I A I L‘ ' 0 - ' o c '\ Fl E T‘ ‘W O o O I 0 . o 0 § ‘Let Thy re - oious ‘blood up-plied, Keep me ev - er, ev - er near Thy side. i Trust-ing hee, I can - not stray, I can new er, nev-er, lose my way. ‘ht Till my soul is lost in love, In a. brighter,=b1-ighter world a. - bove. §- '“x’#z§fi§?*i?5:A ‘z: D . 0 W V V I VI V (V v1 -'5‘ RIPBAIR. Ev - ery day, ev - ery hour, Ev - ery day and hour, ev - day and hour, Let me feel Thy cleansing power; O Thy ten - der love to me Bind me clos-er, er, Lord, to Thee. 314 Elbunbantlg able to Save. “ He will abundantly pardon."—Isa. 55} 7. Pmur P. Buss. Eusms A. I-Ionmm. 1 - ev - or re - ceiv - eth the Ora -ci - fled One, - ev - er - 2 Who-ev - er re - ceiv - eth the mes-sage of God, And trusts in the 3 Who -ev - er re - pents and for-sakes ev - ’ry sin, And 0 - pens his eth on God’s on - ly Son, free "and a per - feet 89.1 over of the soul cleansing blood, A full and e - ter - nal re - earl: for the Lord to come in, A pres-ent and per - feet 89.1- ' fl h L K _h K 1 x L g Kjg : 1 ‘:3 '" ‘ _l‘ ,. Q ‘ I‘ 14-‘ I‘ J‘ 7‘ T‘ I‘ A ]4_--. ] 3‘ ‘_fi:q:‘ 1,.‘ 1 J‘ 5 ! firffi ‘ ‘ " _“' Q- 4 ' "" 33 ' vs - 'tion shall have: For He is a. - bun - dent-ly 9. - ble to save. Q, demption shall have: For He is both a - ble and will-ing to save. ' k va - tion shall have: For Je- sus is read - y this mo-ment to save. ..J‘J‘ J‘ »-.-~ . - ~-9‘---r‘ -P--Q--E--P ° ' E E 1" 1' I F :1 . L. I . '4 - I '. a Y J V K I F . . . L . I “W 1*‘-'-' I_ . . 1. . L‘;’_U u :4 D D D - Cnonvs. Mas - - ter is call-ing for thee; . . . . . . . . . . . Broth-er, the Mas-ter is come, and is ca.1l- ing for thee; broth-er, mer - - cy are wondrous-ly free;. ; . . . . . . . Broth - er, His grace and His mer - ey are won -drones ly grace and‘ copreau. 1817. D In D. $a!l%- Elbunbantlp Elble to 5aV€.-conctubco. ¥J gave, . . . . . . . . sin-ners He gave. His blood as a ran - — som for sin - ners He Brother, Hiabloodaa a ran - aom for And He a bun And He C 18 - a- ble a-ble da.nt- ly so bun-dant - ly to is to Resurrection morn. " The dead in Ohrict shall rise 1cm."-.1 These. 4:10. 315 Sam: Bxuzmo-Govua. In D. Sncnv. A J . 4 41. __I T _ 5‘ it ‘f E i J ‘L3 + 3% '-——J-—-a"'*-I ‘f _d_ l:_'_ 1 On the res - ur - rec-tion morning, Soul and bod - y meet a- in, 2 Here a-while they must be part-ed, And the flesh its sab-bath eep 3 For 9. s ace the tir-ed bod - y ’ Waits in peace the morning's dawn; 4 On that a - py East.-er morn-ing All the graves their dead re_-store- 5 Soul and b0 - 37,» re - u - n1t — ed, Henceforth noth- ing shall - v1de, — .- - *" 5F—# to §::?'_—_‘r_—_—p:; I if 0 if i : i L E‘ if; E C J: K I 1 I ‘ _1__ A - _ _ ‘ T‘ fl :1 | ' 1 ,Jfl I j __g I T _ ' ‘ ' _J _g I . —-I ' U " W -5» . 0 V O No _ more sor - row, no more wee - mg. No more 111. Walt - ing in a ho’ - ly sti - nesa, Wrapped in" s eep.' " When there breaks the last and bright-est East - - er morn. Fa - ther, moth-er, sis - ter, broth - er. Meet once more. We]: - mg up in Christ's own like - ness, Sat - - is - fled. 2 . |_ . - L -. V . -' 316 I will Sing the ‘monotone Store. “ I will sing of the mercies of the Lord forever.”—Ps. 1: 89. Rev. FRANCIS H. Rowuv. Pr:-an Brutonx. _I E = - .1 K I V V I I will sing the wondrous sto - ry Of the Christ who died for me, I was lost, but Je - sus found me, Found the sheep that went a- stray; I wa.sbruised,but Je - sus healed me, Faint was I from many a fall, Days of dark-ness still come o'er me, Sor - row’s paths I oft - en tread, He will keep me till the riv - er- Rolls its wa - ters at my feet; _I_-_rl 4,t'j—=E'+*— . IE1 {I553--t--=‘=fi_ 1.. A 14 :1 _. J 1 I I_ 1 0 I) D I _D I) D I I I I) U I I F ‘ 7 V I? V V 7 I I r 7 I V I 4 \ _ A ""' I I _r‘ in . I 1 fi . . . . A . - fig ’ I1 U 0 " ' How He left His home in glo ~ ry, For the cross on Gal- va - ry. § Threw His lov - ing arms a-round me, Drew me back in - to His way. § Sight was gone, and fears pos-sessed me, But He freed me from them all. -2 But the Sav - iour still is with me, By His hand I’m safe- ly led. 3* Then He'll hear me safe - 1y 0 - ver, Where the loved ones I shall meet. f 0 0 . V hugger 2- a. ;, . 9 0 0 0 I W I E .9! " J J J 0 0 T. ‘ [T n r I71 I71 {J I I I L; n I I E 1 ' ‘ I. / I V _ cnonve. \_/ Yes, I’ll the wondrous sto - - - ry Of the the won-drous sto - ry sing . . . . . . . . Yes, I'll sing Christ . . . . . . who died for me, . . . . . . . . .. Sung it with . . . . . . the samtsm Of thochrist who died for me, Sing it with coprmt; in. D sigma 45- mm. I will Sing the ‘monotone %tor9.—aoncmaeo. TF1? H ‘ glo - - ry, Gathered by . . . . . . . . the crya-tel see. _ the saints in glo - ry. . gathered by the -1331 see. 317 take me as 1 Elm "Himthotcomethtoma,Iwillianow£oeoaatout.”—John6:87. Emu I-I. Hamuron. IRA D. SANKBV. 1 1; _1 5 1 _ #4‘ ‘R . I j 4‘ ‘ H3“ ‘ 3’:-ZF -" .1 —:L T 1 Je - 8113, my Lord, to Thee I cry; Un - 1ess_Thou help me I must diezw 2 Help-less I am, and full of guilt; But yet for me Thybloodwas spilt, 3 No grep - 9. - ra. - tion can I make, My best re-solvea ‘ I on - ly break, 4 Be - old me, Sav-iour, at Thy feet, Deal with me as Thou sev-estmeet; "' ' _ ‘ ‘V A . : l I z : _:_ E3 I ‘SF’ I * ' I “ u 'r If i F ‘F J *1 ‘ ' T ' “ If ' V V F V " \ J B H A _~ - _ _ 4;‘; Lrfr “a :44 , : . , fi - 3 $5 Oh, Thy e - va.- tign nigh, And take me as I am. I And Thou eanst make me what Thou wilt, And take me as I am. Yet save- me for Thine own name's sake, And take me ‘as I ar__n. Thy work be ~ gin, Thy work ‘com-plete, And take me as I _ am. I’ C F . A F f J: F ‘C - V died fer me! _318 «1barh, mark I my Soul! "Are they not all ministering spirits."—He1). 1 :14. Fnnnntcx W. I-‘Anus. C1uuu.Es C. Coxvluzsn. Arr. by I. D. S. K 4 ‘9‘g.. _. . % E 4‘ 4 . If . [Fl ; n 51 .. ‘1 _ n . I _ I fi 1 Hark, hark! my soul! an — gel - ic songs are swell - ing O’er earth's green _ 2 Far, far a. - way, like bells at eve - ning peel -ing, The voice of 3 On - ward we go, for still W; hear them siig - ing, “Come, wee. - ry 7.? "7 111 ‘J ,L I - 3: I I f‘ n V] ,1 '1 , g \‘ B L I A TIT Jl 1 I l [S L . h I A I H -9- ‘ ‘ o - eee.n’s wave-best-shore; How sweet the truth those sounds o’e1-land and sea; And 19. - den souls by Jo - sus bids you come, And through the dark, its W... T 9 g L A a K s L E x 4 I 1 ‘f n 9‘ . —I_._ I 3. “ J‘ . «Fl _1_ I 4 I _~~. ‘ 1 '1 1 _I ~ ' 33’ bless-ed strains are tell - ing Of that new life when sin shall be no more. ‘E thousands meek-1y steel-ing, Kind Shepherd, turn their weary ste s to Thee. E ' eoh -_ oes sweet-ly ring-ing, The mu - sic of the Gros - pel lea as us home. -0- -L -P- ' «I» -f- 4- -L i_ I if _1 _=_u J__ I I fl‘ , . . F . V ' ~ 7 V" Caonvs. An - gels, sing on! your faith-ful watch-es keep - ing; Sing us sweet £1-sg - ments of the songs a -_ bove '1_‘i11 morn-ing’s joy shall ‘bath, ‘bark! mg 50111!-Gonclnbeb. end the night of weep -ing, And life's long shadows break in cloud. . j1.QV0- 319 mg Seeue, I love Ztbee. “Him -are thine mad thine are mp'nc.”—Jehn 17: 10. Anon. Apom_n_4n J. . I - J. I I I n l J ' ]—I I I-—-.5‘ ._----l I 4] I I "7' %§: I '_n I I I I 1 My J e - ens, I love Thee, I know Thou art mine, For Thee all the 2 I love Thee, be - cause Thou hast first lov - ed me, And pur¢het=ec1_;r_1y 3 I will love Thee in life, I will love Thee in death, .And praise Theeae 4 In man- sione of glo -' ry and end-lees delight, I'll ev - er a. -_ 19» + «- J1‘) /‘ . ,9» .IL"—L I_ I I—“'i"l__ I I I_ I l_ ' J I I I I . I I I [_ I ' _I ‘ I I F- : A I _I 1 I I I I ' ' 1-‘ I I I . r . J I I ‘I I I ' _ ‘ fol - lies of sin I re - sign; My gm. - oious Re -I deem"-er, In par - don on Cal - Va. - ry’s tree; I love Thee for wear - ing the long as Thou lend - eat me breath; And say when dewglies dare Thee in heav - en so bright; I'll sing fit}: the _-»-tor-n ing -.., "17 *“ llI— _\.o . Bat -. iour..ar€ Thou. thorns-on Thy brow; cold on my brow, crown on my brow, If ev -_ er I loved Thee,'myJe - ans, ‘ti! I.‘ 320 when the mists have ‘RoIIeb Ewan. “ Until the day break and the shadow: flea aana;/.”—Cant. 1:17. Amnn I-Inez:-r. Arr. Ina. D. Suruv. H9 in , .. as 5 F! 5 =. ‘ I " It a 5 r‘ B 4 i 37 "R. ‘: : ‘ IE4’; "J: :W U ' T V ‘ 1 When the mists have rolled in s len-dor From the bean - ty of the hills, 2 Oft we tread the ath be- ore us With a wee - ry, bur-den'd heart; 8 We shall come with Joy and glad-noes, We shall gath - er ‘round the throne; 0 A O A 0 A A 0 0 4: IL . -F -P- . -P‘ ‘L I. L A Z .' 1' F I IF’ ‘I :1 _I I "_'IlJ'I '1' . IT a V. s V5_7. I W a 7. L} I ‘ V V V 7 V V I V V V ' It In L43 I sun-light falls in glad -nesa On the riv - er and the rills: toil a - mid the shad-owe, And our fields are far a - part: Face to face with those that love us, We shall know as we are known: 2 . .3. .‘p.. .9. 1... +1‘: I 7113'. TI —" " I ' II; n J n 1 A01... K L. K t \ N L K K K K W .v]-a an . I 1-. _*:rI r‘ n. 1' L V . n I I _ . C . . I ':=1«f.=.a-W03 We re- call our Fath-er’e 1-om-iee In the rain-bow of the spray: _ But the Sa.viour’s “Come, ye less-e( ,” All our la - bar will re - pay, And the song of our - re‘-demp-tion Shall re - sound thro’ end - less day, I I -F . A A 0 g A 0 _ -E- . fin‘ ‘F. . . A _L._L ilfl P’ 1' E I" I I: I I! E E E E E i | V ' o 0 ' ' ' I I ‘I. I l V"i?:i-I“ I I . V: 1-. 71;? . I I . If I_# - '1 '1 VJ r I I v v V 7 7 V r r - V - :32! We shall know each oth - er bet-ter When the mists have rolled a. - way. When we gath - er in the morning Where the mists have rolled a. - way. When the shed -owe have do -part-ed And the mists have rolled a - way. -" 9 ‘I.’ ' '- -I" ' : -. -1-; 1- -I»-q 3 -I-: -1- - A I I I I ; * § ; I’ E; _ ' g—- _ ' Cnonvs, _ &/ \~../ known, as we are known, We eha11know.... as we are known,. . .. Nev-er-more. walk a- We shall know aewe are known. Nevermore towalk ‘I9-1"“’.5' ‘G’ 94! -9.’ Co}yrg'g'Iu, mg. by W. 6. Father. Um! byfier. when the (Diets, etC.——¢oncIueee. - lone, ...... .. In the dawning of the morning Of thathright and happy day: 0 O lone. to walk e-lone. We shall know each oth- er bet - ter When the mists have rolled a - way. 9 , . I.\ A 321 I am (Deming to the cross. “Hinze thatoometh to me, Iwillin no wise cast out.”--John 6:37. Rev. Wanna McDoruu.n. - Wrnum G. I-‘tscan. . '2 1 .v-. =5 53: 4 I ‘K 3: 3 .n. i i : : ;:=“*!T9:5 . : 3 1: ' V I ' » 1 f am com-ing to the cross; I am poor,andweak,andblind; I am 2 Long my heart has sighed for Thee, .» Long has 0 - vil reigned with-in; Je - "ans 3 Here I give my all to Thee, Friends,and time,and earthly store; Soul and 4 In the prom -is - es, I ' trust, Now I feel the blood ap-plied; I am 6 Je - ens comes! He fills my soul! Per-fect - ed in Him I am; I am $35’ ‘9: ' ‘F g In E : : it u i] i‘ ll; ' :— ‘F I U i L D E "'33 J ' _ V V ' ' Iv. F | ' ' ' V ' I g ' ' -- Ono.--I am trust-i7|9.Lord,in Thee, Bless-ed Lamb of Cal-ea - ry; Him-My ' s ° ‘-i-"'-1*!‘ I : count - ing all but dress, I shall full sal - va. - tion 'fln'd. sweet - ly speaks to me,— "I will cleanse you from all sin.’_’ bod - y Thine to be,— Whol-ly Thine for ev - er - more. pros - trate in the dust, . I with Christ am cru.- ci - fled. av - ery whit madewhole: Glo-ry, ‘glo - .1‘-y A. to the Lamb. 0 E. _rF_ _ ..4I..o .1’. . i E 1” V - - - -e4‘“""";“”e ‘av a¢I7sycro«1bow.Saveme.Je-aumaavemenow. . v A 322 ® bow ‘love 1| Ztbp ‘law. " The fear of the Lord is clean, enduring forcoer.".—Ps. 19: 9. Avon. jamzs MCGRANAHAN. L A L (1 \ I R J .1 _ 1 {I I 4 _'l‘ _J ‘ I I A I I ‘T V to. %“ ' ~ ‘ T T ‘ ' * ~ % I‘ 1 __ ' U - 1 n - spot-ted is the fear of God, And ev .- er doth en - dure; 2 They more than gold,yea,much fine gold, To be de - sir - ed are; 3 More-o - ver they, thy serv-ant warn, How he his life should frame. 4 Who can his er - rors un - der-stand? From se - cret faults me cleanse; 5 And do not suf- fer them to have Do - min-ion o - ver me; r4-1-++ .J’I. L-9--9-"W-_ :._| L . ; 1 I‘ “ “ '4 S V 7 _I I L. I 1 l 1 '_ I 7/ I V I V W?’ A n . I J ._i_ £9 judg-ments of the Lord are truth, And right-eous-ness most pure. Than hon - ey, from the hon - ey-comb That drop-peth,sweet-er far. A great re-ward pro -vid - ed is For them that keep the same. Thy serv-ant al - so keep Thou back From all pre-sump-tuous sins. I shall be right-eous, then, and from The great trans-gres-sion free. . -—_~\ A._I I F‘ 0 it 5: : F1 I ’i:“ E I 9 33?:=ié===i5 I ’**-“F r* f w v r V F v Cnonvs. Psalm 119: 97. ‘“9'!9“ W.-Jmr ma’! M ‘are: ':ar3.'u£/09 “O how love I Thy law, 0 how love Thylaw; It is mymed-i- ta - tion the day; 0 how love I Thy law, 0 how love I Thy law; It is my med-i - ta-tion all the day."(all the dsy)." 323 Sunshine in the Soul. " I willjoy in the God of my caIvatz’on.”—Hab. 3:18. Emu E. Hnwn"'r. Joan R. Swuruv. i L K I _ _i J n _ n 3 ‘ ‘ ‘: ' I I Va 1 Q o g I :I— 0 _] ‘ _ ; 0 A '— ' 0 - ' ° ° ' -6- . ’ 1 There's sun-shine in my soul to - day,_ More glo - ri - 0113 and bright 2 There’s mu - sic in my soul to - day, A car - ol to my King, 3 The:-e’ss ringtime in my soul to - day, For when the Lord is near, 4 The:-e’sg ad-ness in my soul to - day, And hope, and pr9.ise,a.nd love, A A 0 0 A_ is ' A 0 I F’ ." I" {’ E ‘[1’ [— o o P I ‘ fl E i! 0 I‘ A V I A 1 VI . V I If 0 I F J . _J _J 5 J I I '— . Ir 1‘ 1' ' - r ii I J‘ ' ' - l ' ' ’ fil L ' “' - _- - 4: A .1 . u ‘I Q T Q T 4|’. .47 Than glows in a - ny earth-ly sky, For Je - S113 is the Light. And J e - sus, list - en - ing, can hear. The songs I can-not sing. The dove of peace sings in my heart-, The flowers of grace up - ear. For bless-ings which He gives me now, For joys laid up a. - ove. fr '= -°e.;9'.%L. ——P——4 ' 'P -'_:'r_ IL: . A J 9' V. VJ I Z] 7 V V 7' i J ' Rmrmux. Ina. R. Sweucy. Uni by per. shine, Bless - ed sun - - -' shiile, soul, ann'- shine in my soul, 8 Oh, there’s sun - - - snn - shine in While the peace - ful, S - py mo - ments roll; Imp - py mo - meats roll; -Je-sus shows His smi1- face, There is sun-shine in my soul. 324 Ifileeeeb be the fountain. Emm R. Lxrm. Lwhit" fin" BMW’) HEN!!! S. Psalms. I K _ " fa awe .. 1 F‘ tr i ‘ : "‘ 2 * " - ‘ T‘ L... r . . "'1 . .. 1 Bless-ed be the Fonnt-ain of blood, To a world of sin-ners revealed; 2 Thomy was the crown that He wore, And the cross His bod - y o'er-came; 3 Fa -ther, I have wandered from Thee, Oft - en has my heart gone a - stray; 3': ‘I10 - In 1 g A A _ p -fig 1' Ii I .' l" r' I" 1- F’ I n 0 [— I V; 1 7 . V V '2!’ VJ? I Bless-ed be the dear Son of God: On - 1 by His stripes we are healed. Grievous were the sor-rows He bore, But e suf-feted thus not in vain. Grim-son do my 81118 seem to me-— Wa-ter can not wash them a - way. Q n 0 g u. 9_4 1 9 IF ' _F P ‘ 0 . -t9 . r - L ' I " a V. 1 V; a Z l— 1 7; ' ' c - ‘Z I V I 7 f‘ V I V f . Though Pyewandered far from His fold, Bringing to my hear't1.:i.na.nd woe, May I to that Fountain be led, Made to cleanse mysins ere be - low; Jo - sus to that Fountain of Thine, Lean-ing on Thy prom-ise I . go; '00 ‘-9 mm -‘M-to '-all-C9 smn W3:-«flea. Wash me in the Blood of the Lamb, And I shall be whit - er than snow. Wash me in the Blood that He shed, And I shall be whit - er than snow. Cleanse me-by Thy wash-ing di - vine, And I shall be whit - er than snow. .1 o . 0 L‘ . I: I I I : * -. - 0 . . . . ' : : I u rj I . n . P. I V. I .___V:_l I I ' ' ' 0 I I V V V V V ; I Cnosus. X ' . . - er than the snow, . . . . . . . . . . _ Whit-or than the snow, whiter than the snow, , I - 9 H ,. I I u 1 ] J . * fl - _] o Ifileseeb be the ;fountain.~—-eonctuoea. X than the snow; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wash me in the Blood of the whit - er than the snow; Wash me in the Blood of the O fit. . . . . . . . . . . .. 1" whit - er than snow . . . . . . . . . . whit - or than snow, than snow. Lamb, . . . . . . . . .. And I shall Lamb, of the Lamb, And I shall be 325 Even me. “Blue me, even me also, 0 my Fat.her.."—-Gen. 27: 38. Euusrm Comma. I J L I Wxmm B. Bmmsmev. - _. _ _ I I . _._l ‘b. tn ‘ 1-} 3 IL 1 41 A Ir ‘C ‘I C If 7 LI — LI *7 . 1 {Lord I hear of showers of bless-ing Thou art scattering full and free-— Showers the thirsty land re-freh-ing; Let some droppings fall on me- 2 Pass me not,_ 0 gra-cious Fa-ther! Sin - ful though my heart may be; Thou might’st leave me,but the rath - er, Let Thy mer - cy fall on me- toys-v‘9r‘P' ’ A .41. .9. . -«9~, -[('.'>Eo‘;'X€‘z’u'“-1-‘ T’ 4’ ' I n ‘_ _ . A . ‘ '* g .3: Vvji F: F If ‘1: IE: '[ 0 0 S Q Rnmnm. . S E - ven me, E - ven me, Let Thy bless-ing fall on me. -3 Pass me not, 0 tender Saviour! 5 Love of God, so pure and changeless; Let me love and cling to Thee; Blood of Christ, so rich and free; I am longing for Thy favor; Grace of God, so strong and boundless. Whilst Thon’rt calling. oh, call me.—-Ref, . Magnify them all in me.--Rgf. 4 Pass me not, 0 mighty Spirit! 6 Pass me not! Thy lost one bringing, Thou canst make the blind to see; Bind my heart, 0 Lord, to Thee; Witnesser of Jesus’ merit. While the streams of life are springing, Speak the word of power to me.——Re_!f. Blessing others, oh, bless me.—R¢_ef. 326 Jfiebolb, what love. “Behold, what manner of loos the Father hath bestowed upon us."-John 3:1. M. S. S. Janus McGa/muum. J 4:1“ _1 1 J I; 5‘. I F A : I L in } V ' 4- 3 ‘ - I 1 Be - hold, what love, what bound-less love, e Fa - ther hath be - stowed 2 No lon - ger far from Him, but now By “ re-c1ousblood”made nigh; 3 What we in glo - ry soon shall be, It oth not et ap - gear; 4 With such 9. bless-ed hope in view, We would more 0 -' ly e, -0- V if F i I” ‘F i W2 i I r ‘F 1‘ F n n I K__l A I ;1_ .1 f e.L 4* j 7 ?;l_1 7 ° . T T Q . F On sin - ners lost, that we should be How called the sons of God! Ac - cept - ed in the “Well he - loved,” Near to God’s heart we lie. But when our pre-cious Lord we see, We shall His im - age bear. More like our ris - en, 810-rious Lord, Whose face we soon shall see. /‘ P‘ !‘E%E. T* ' "1! -Z hold, what man-ner of love! . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘What manner What man-ner of n we, . . . . . . that . love the - ther hath bestowed up - on us, That O €-———-—/ ' we should be called . . . . . . . . . . . . the sons of Should be called the sons God." -0- ‘8W!'“*’-‘9-’Jf mu vr 4? '01:! ‘It!!! #109 327 ‘while the ways are (Being 559. " Wlumoeuer thy handfindeth to do, do it with thy Im'ght.”—Eocl. 9:10. Gnoncn COOPER, by per. In D. SANKEY. I A In L N I 1 L K ' g L I_V_h_J I 7:. I I I‘ K‘ —' I‘ I ‘ " |."'1' . 1 In :1 4 L T‘ ' -' ‘ - - 1 ' I I ' ' ‘ C . U C . €_ . 1 {There are lone - ly hearts to cher- ish, While the days are go - ing by; There are wee - ry souls who per - ish, While the days are go - ing by; 2 %There’sno time for i - dle scorn-ing, While the days are go -ing by; Let your face be like the morn-ing, While the days are go-ing by; 3 All the lov - ing links that bind us, While the days are go - ing by; One by one we leave be - hind us, While the days are go - ing by; A0 A A A_ A A-x A A —I_l'_' I" I’ 1" F’ ' ‘ F 1' E E I-DIE If WWI" F 0 0 0 I I I I ' I V. I I V " J A w ‘AI-L L I K I I I I - I 2 92 -- . 1* I . 1* 1: . A A. I J J I T.’ v._ v w tar. a. smile we can re - new, As our jour-ne we put - sue, Oh, the world is full of sighs, Full of sad an weep-mg eyes; But the seeds of good we sow, Both in shade and shine will grow, § ' I ‘i I. V: r“ I . l - : .,, J I— . I I T I v V l_ V I I . ,5. V 9 9 E ! Q ‘L N .91 A L. h I I L K I n _I I _ - ‘_I I ‘ I _I I _J“ ¢“J I‘ ' ._I I _! I :|;#—_-_—I' . ¥ ' ‘ ' qj: - - Ii I.‘ , ‘r I _ _ -0- - ' " 4- V‘ -64-. . .5. _ Oh the good we all may do, While the days are go - ing by. Hog) your fall - en broth - er rise, While the days are go - ing by. An will keep our hearts a. - glow, While the days are go - ing by. 3 rs 0 A A 0 ' _....._ _E 0 F I I’ I P’ I’ - - I I_ '_ 0 0 . IJ I II I ; I l n L V I - ' V. r U U I - _ ‘ V 7 I V ' 7 7 I Rrmnm. go - ing by, Go - ing by, G Go-ing by, G°'ingbyI g°'ing by! Oh, the good we all may do, . While the days are go-ing by. 328 “Fbrgetting those things which are behind, and reaching which are before.“--Phil. 3 : 13. ‘ ®mvarb (Bo! untothouthiugc E._B. Arr. Jmzs McGn.mAnA_u. 3; . 4 1 4 rj! j _. 1 Trust-ing in the Lord thy God, On -ward go! on-ward" go! 2 Has . He called thee to the plough? On- word go! ._on-ward. go! 3 Has I-Ie given thee gold- en grain? On - word go! on .-ward -go! 4 Has He said the end is near? On - word go! on - ward go! 6 In this lit - tle mo-ment then,. On-ward go! on-ward go! .11. .¢l.. 4!. ._ .11. .1. ‘ ' L;-I :1 I * i ‘J Hold-ing fast His promised I word, On-ward! ‘on-wax!!! Night is oom- ing, serve Him now; aw, end gxou shill; 1i1eap- la - gain; on -‘ V313 8°! rv - mg 1m W1 0 - y ear, ' . In thy ways so - knowledge Him; °“"'“"" °“""F"d 3°’ § I. n. .,p. . -IL ;.9._ _#_A.§ 0 ;__; Wm] . V F 4' P’ T ' I 33' 55?. fii 4’ aE"'—’ I as ‘H ’ * I ' ' :.-- g j On - word! on-wamdloyn-1_nrdl-k B _l .. I J - H. 11-4 1 J E Faith and love To thy in re - pair, stay, His might-y arm do - Watching be and wait-ing. Heavenly bread up Ne’er do - ny His wor - thy Name, Though it bring re-prosch and shame; serv - ice blend; On Mas - ter’s gate Christ thy por - tion, Christ thy ¥5.f""!“"* ere; '-‘on the" way Let His mind be found in thee: Let His will th pleas-ure be, i‘ 1. J fie; I ‘ ‘“ - 45' P .4 l 5' I F I I 1 --j_;L“1 F V I I Al"; I “fi ' -I J ' | _ _ l_‘1 g 11 HI J 8 read-ing still His wondrous fame. On ~W81'<1 K0! L . Sand-ing fast an - til the end; . - . He will hear and an - swer prayer; 011 - V334 851 ' ‘ ff‘, Lead-ing on the lo-rious day; - ' . n Thus in life and 'b - er - ty, ' ' gm I I L I _L_ nfi V -1 Copyr:‘g9u'.- by. 880 Bitten: 6- Kath. 329 me the Jsleeaeb bout of prayer. “ into theltempla at the hour of prays:-."—Acts 3: 1. . . . . ' . Wruum I-I. Donn. ' 4 I I K V I’ L-.11‘! I L 3-" j: _‘l I‘ T‘. .3 .4. 7- T 1 A It V J 1 ‘Tie the b1ess- ed hour of prayer, when our hearts low - ly bend, And we 2 ‘Tie the bless- ed hour of prayer, when the Saw - iour draws near, With a .3 Tie the bless- ed hour of prayer, when the tempt-ed and tried To the 4 -At the bless - ed hour of prayer, trust-ing Him we be - lieve That the ' 1 F H P L. U+ L_L —fl—I 7 a L gath - er to Je - sus, our Sav-iour and Friend; If we eome to Him in ten - der com-pas-sion His ehi1—dren to hear; When He tells us we may ' Sav - iour who loves them their sor - row eon - fide; With a sym - pa—-thiz- ingn - bless-ing we're need-ing we'll sure - ly re - ceive, In the full-ness of this faith, His pro -tee - tion to share, cast at His feet ev- ’ry care, _ heart He re-moves ev - ’ry care; Trust we shall lose ev - ’ry care; ' D.s.—W7mta balmfor the wea-ry! 0' how " _ 3‘: I _ -p- . , - g F T V , 5 I 4 1 I n u u - . _r [ V g '6. I l I V ' I V W Fmn. Crronvs. "sweet to be there! Bless-ed hour of prayer, bless-ed hour Q’ prayer ;.I' to he there! Whata balm for the wea-ryl 0 how ¥ 330 fieloveb, ‘now are ‘me. 1 if no. 3: 2. EL. NATHAN. Jamns MCGRANAHAN. I (1 h 1 Sons of God, be - loved in Je - sus! O the wondrous word of grace; 2 Bless-ed hope, now bright-ly beam-ing, On our God we soon shall gaze; 3 By the power of grace transform-ing, We shall then His im - age bear; _"""~"""' .;:'£]".i"""“' . 4 . E ° If I = ' I I I v I ‘V I F ' s ' f”"' .n I\_ f N I I "‘I Hi I I ' ' In His Son the Fa - ther sees us, And as sons He gives us place. And in light ce - les - tial gleam-ing, We shall see our Sav - iour’s facc._ Christ His promised word per-form- ing, We shall then His glo - ry share. -0- . -_o- -9- -0-. ta 0 0 1:! J I I I _______ 0 I . w. ° I .~w: «,2 I» II .- ‘ I I I V I V I I I I Cuonus. “Be -lov - ed, now are we ‘the sons of God, and it doth not yet ap - f'\ °um(vu-9.191}! taunt Ag ‘€31! ‘II!1,lJI¢'(03 pear what we shall be: but we know . . . . . .. that when he shall ap - but we know, we know we r.'- pear, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . we know . . . . . . . . that when he shall ap - 9 know. that when he shall ap - pear we know. we know. we _ Beloveb, new are '(lIlle.——eonc1uoeo. par: . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. we shall be like him, we shall he know that when He shall - pear, f \---’ like him, for we shall see... him as.... he is. . . . . . . . .. 0 .'. 0 0 33: hole ‘(Ebou mp “bane. " I the LORD have called thee. . . .and will hold thine Iu:md."—Isa.iah 42:6. Flume j. Cnosnv. Hanan? P. MAIN. ‘ n. L I . I I‘ _E I 1 i n. _F\ I : 1 p. I P q . ' ' _: I :‘ my-‘ ' .1 .. . , . . .. - T’ I 1 Hold Thou my hand; so weak I am, and help-less, I dare not 2 Hold Thou my hand; and clos-er, clos-er draw me" To Thy dear 3 Hold Thou my hand; the way is dark be - fore me With-out the 4 Hold Thou my hand, that when I reach the mar -' gin Of that lone 5 ca+rw*t=w- ;. ' ~ - take one step with-out Thy ‘aid; Hold Then my hand; for then, 0 lov-in self -my hope. my joy, my all; Hold Thou my hand, lest hap- 1y I she d sun-hg t of Thy face (11 -vine; But when by faith I catch its ra-diant nv - er Thou didst cross for me, A heavenly light may flash a-long its CI.0"I€t'3\!. ma, aysawaue-Mun. 0 A A A A O A g 4 A V V L I F F‘ F ." F i 1 I . I I II :I_ L I I" I I V V V 9*” 3 - V I— l \ hm . N L i 1 " i‘- - —l 1 ' L.._ _-_L .1 .' - . ' I ' I Say - 10111; No dread of ill shall make my soul a - fraid. wan - der. And. miss - in Thee, my trem-bling feet should fall. glo - ry. What heights 0 joy. what rapturous songs are mine! W3 ' 17013. And ev - ’ry wave _ like crys - tal bri ht shall be. _ .. . f I . _F _& . -2' ' I ’ : ' L o n 1 nl ‘ ' ' _ P T IVJ P " I V U L 332 isringing in the Ebeaves. “ The harvest is the end of the -world.”—Matt. 13: 39. _ Knowms S1-uw. Gnoncs A. Minion." 1 A I‘; I [IA 1'; A R '1' 1‘ I‘ ." 17''? L «J 1 O ’ T *1 1 Sow-ing in the morning, sow-ing seeds of kindness, Sow-ing in the noon-tide 2 Sow-ing in the sunshine, sow-mg in the shadows, Fear-ing neither clouds nor 3 Go - mg forth with weeping,sowing for the Mass- ter, Tho’ the loss sustainedour _f"P"P"‘.""P' - *9’ '.9"."'P'°'P“." F; 11' . and the dew-y e\le8;. Waiting for the hat -vest, and the time i ‘rues:-ing, win-ter’s chilling breeze; By and by the her - vest, and the la - bor en -ed spir- it oft- en grieves; When our weeping’s o - ver, ‘ He will bid us wel-come, P I‘ -p.- -o-- -p- -p- - I- 3 Q : g_ J: L r I n I 1 -h E - ; 3 i” 1 | - I A JIJ I l_ V ' ' ' ' v V v V I I .2 v 9 V . A n R \ l \__ M I l if‘: v cl _ We shall come,re - joic - ing, bringing in the sheaves. ' - - - ' We shall come,re - joic - ing, bringing in the sheaves. Bringing in the sheaves, We shall come,re - joic - ing, bringing in the sheaves. ‘awn O Bringingin the sheaves,bringing in the sheaves, . ' i '4" sheaveg. “ i ’ A e V - .W°shé119°!1¥P4*°59€°ine»,; ' . bringing in the sheaves, We shall come,'ro -4 joic - ing, Bring-ing in: _ the sheavesfi . OOPWWH. 289:,’-‘by Jame: M'c(:'ra_naIuu¢. 333 for 3ebovab i am ‘waiting. Psalm 130. ( Metrical Version.) Wnnvn A. Cmzxs-rv. . ,g_ 1 N V k _i I f‘ 1% ' IIA “I _ . ' £1’ . T I _ . fl V’ T v L7 - 1 From the depths do I in - voke Thee, 0 £5 - ho - vah, give an ear; 2 Lord, if Thou shouldst mark transgressions, Who be -fore Thee, Lord, shall stand? 3 Is - rael, hope thou in J e - ho - vah, Mercies great are found with Him; ’ . 0 O % \/ O . . 0 # ' 0 - - -,: Ff . J I I I | 4 0 I VII I) J) I '7' II [2 D ;'J_I y—_ r r u ‘I I 7' V V ‘V ‘I t— ‘n L x J _ T’ r'1T.V A J _p 1 I L. 4 A - I \' . 1 I . 9 0 1p 5 9 O O | _ V To my voice be Thou at - ten - tive, And my cup - pli - ca.-tions hear. But with Thee there is for- ive - ness, That Thy name may fear com - mand. He. 3 -bound-ing in re - emp-tion, Is - rael W111 from sin re - deem. M A ‘ ‘ - 1' I I : ' ' 1 0 ‘jj g % ‘Ii I I ‘# lfl I ‘V? * V V V Cnonus. I am wail: - ing, I am wait - ing, . . . . . . . . . . . . And my ‘For Je - ho - vah I am wait - ing, wait-ing, .49: 2%: I. am wait -ing, ev - er In His word of prom-me. my wait - - ing, Yes, my soul waits for Lord. hope in in His word. Yes, my soul .......... .. waits for the Lord. J—""\..L.. ‘L 334 ‘we're matching to Zion. “ We are journeying unto the place of which the Lord said, Isuc WATTS. I will give it you.”—Num. 10:29. Romurr Lowxv. Spirited. I It} \ lr . W A _: 5 K‘ ' I - I f 1 :* ET ' ' \..z 1 Come, we that love the Lord, And let our 'oys be known, Join 2 Let those re - fuse to sing Who nev - er new our God; But 3 The bill of Zi - on yields A thou-sand sa. - cred sweets Be - 4 Then let our songs a-bound, And ev - ery tear be dry; We're ° .. .-F- -F. .1. 0 .... .- D 0 1| ill 0 I g l\¢ Q .1 l I L. 1% I I L Q J 9 I . , f 1 I O I L. I. I ’. I ‘i’ !I_ J T A flu 1 RA K 1 L I L E ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ L l A‘ I IJ gr _J 7‘ L I I “I U 6' in a song with sweet ac-cord, Join in a song with sweet ac-cord, And chil-dren of the heavenly King, But chil-dren of the heavenly King, May fore we reach the heavenly fields, Be - fore we reach the heavenly fields, Or marching thro’ Immanue1’s ground, We're marching thro’ Immanuel’s ground, To P- ~P- _ F L 4_ n ll’ '1 I_ Q A I 1 I A]: f . E: . V ° V T ' U - thus sur - — round the throne, And thus sur-round the throne. speak their joys a-broad, May speak their joys a - broad. walk the gold -en streets, Or walk the gold - en streets. fair - - er worlds on high, To fair - er worlds on high. 4.‘ +.— A $ 1- 9 - . 0 :g‘:_fi‘_—‘_fi L n J__ 1 1 . I g I 0 I I F J1 I T D I ' I I I ' . I I ' . I I o 1 6 F V \.m thus sur-round the throne, And thus s r - round the throne. Cuouus. We're march - ing to Zi - on, Beau-ti-ful, beau-ti-ful Zi - on; We're We're marching on to march-ing up-ward to Zi - on, The beau-ti- ful cit - y of God. Z1 - on, Z1 - on, ‘-“IQ?”/I ‘am’? '8 ‘W8 5'? '19?’ 'l'!’?4“'/09 335 blbing in Ghee. " My strong rock, for a house of dqfmce."—Ps. 31: 2. Rev. WILLIAM 0. Cusnmc. IRA D. SANKEY. V 7 1 0 Safe to the Rock that is high - er than I, 2 In the calm of the noon - tide, in eor - row’s lone hour, 3 How ~ oft in the con - flict, when pressed by the foe, My soul in its con - fl_icts and sor - rows would fly; In times when tempt - a. - tlon casts o'er me its power; I have fled to my Ref - uge and breathed out my woe; ——.—— So sin - ful, so wee. - ry, Thine, Thine would I ha; In the tem - pests of life, on its wide, heav - ing IOI, How oft - en, when tri - ale like sea - bil - lows roll, /"5 Thou b1est“R0ck of A - gee," I’m hid - ing in Thee. Thou blest “ Rock of A - ges,” I'm hid - ing in Thee. Hid - ing in Thee, Havel hid - den in Thee, 0 Thou Rock of my soul. . Hid-ing in Thee, Thou b1est“Rock of A - gee,” I'm hid - ing in Then. 336 (tbriet Returnetb. “ I will come again. and receive you unto m-yself.”—Jo11n 14 :3. 11.. L. Tunmm. J/mas Mccaaxamm. I _nm LL A I J {V14 I_T. i I F _F““| 'ILL)"I' 4 I J : _ . _ .II_I*I 1 It may be at morn, when the day is a - wak-ing, When sunlightthrough 2 It may be at mid-day, it may be at twi-light, It may be, er- 3 While the hosts cry Ho - san-na,from heaven descending,With glo - ri - ed 4 Oh, joy! oh, de-lightlshould we go with-out dy- ing, No 810k-D688, no I 0 AA [ I II I ' ' ' I '"1"I‘l_ I Céll 1 VII [_ I . I I I 7 V I ‘I I I ' \ ' J ' I I I R K 0 I E J I "III I I ' ‘ I i l l 9 F I dark - ness and shad - ow is break-ing, That J e- sue will come in the chance, that the black-ness of mid-night Will burst in - to ‘light in the saints and the an - gels at - tend-ing With grace on His brow, like a sad - ness, no dread and no cry - ing, Caught up throughthe oloudswith our 1 G 0 A 4 A . -E ‘Ia. -P. ‘P. ‘L 0 .¢ *7 E 1 4 I I fi ‘, gt’: _ : :_ I = : I § . I F I i ll 1 ' I 1 C D L] V . V. I ' ' ‘ I ' 7 ' 3 Q‘ _ ~ 3 _ _p,.\\ ‘ I rs I .,..| I I 3. I - o - § é ’ . . 0 h \\.-'l & £111 - ness of glo - ry, To re-ceive from the world “His own.” 3‘ blaze of His glo - ry, When Je - sue re - ceives “His own.” E ha - 10 of glo - ry, Will J e - sus re - ceive “His own.” Lord in - to glo - ry, When Je - sue re - ceives “His own.” 3' . ° P- -p- .1. .1. i. - .f. - la _ g 1; L 4 \ . I . l 1 l_ l'_ 0 I I *’ V: I r I) I I I I . l V V I F ' ' J ,, 0 Lord J e - sue, how long, how long Ere we shout the glad song, re-turneth, Hal-le - In-jahlhal-le - In-jah! A - men, Hal-le - In - jah! h- men. C_‘o).yrs'(lu'. up, ay 5‘. H. gmzz. Uscdby pr. 337 1126 must be Jfiotn again. “ Verity, verily, I my unto thee, Except a man be born again, he cannot see WIUJAM T. Snxnran. 015 kiflgdomflf God-"""J°hn 333- Gnome C. Sruantxs. I A L A 4“ K g 4 V 4; 5 n T J‘ 1‘ ‘ ‘ 5 j 1' J; i’ .-J1 no T‘ of IL—-— I Q 7 -0 “ L : 1 1 1'11 - 161‘ once came to J 9 - sue "by. night, To _ 2 Ye chil-dren of men, at - tend to‘ the ’ word So‘ 3 0 ye who would en - ter that glo - ri - one rest, And 4 A dear one in heav- en thy heart yearns to see, At the ask Him the way of sal - va - tion and light; The Mas - ter made sol - emn - ly ut - tered by J e - sue, the Lord, And let not this sing with the mn-somed the song of the blest; The life ev - er - beau-,ti - fnl gate may be watch-ing for thee; Then list to the 0 -1 1. T. 4 4‘ f I If F" W fa ‘P1747 1”.-u'u E"',W“ a_-gain. .... .. lain ; K A K g ' x \ f‘ I‘ I‘ _l I I IV I’ -‘1 ] - I an - swer in words true and plain, “Ye must be born a. - gain, a.-gain.” mes-sege to you be in vain, “Ye must be born 9. - gain, a-gain." 188$ ‘-‘ if . ye wo_ul‘d_ ob - tain, “Ye must ‘ ‘be born‘ 9. '4» gain." a~gain." note 0 this sol - emn re - frain, “Ye must be born a - gain. 8-gain.” np"""’ ‘K I- 4 I F . fi I V U ‘T J} u I U T) -17 1 I E | f . 1 . ~ VT '91‘ ' i- 1!. ever-i--ly, say an - to thee, Ye must born a. - gain,Ha.-g'ain. 338 {the mistakes of my life. “ Behold, I have set before thee an open door.”-Rev. 3:8. Mrs. URANIA L. Bmasv. Rosxwr Lowxv. n K {K K n 4- L L L A L R 1.: 4' V‘ * s i . _ . 4‘ , ~.- ’ ’“ U . . . 1 The mistakes of my life have been ma-ny, The sins of my hearthave been 2 I am low-est of those who love Him, I am weak-est of those who 3 My mistakes His free grace will cov- er, My sins He will wash a - .4 The mistakes of my life have been me. - ny, And myspir- it is sick with . /1. 1- ° -9- -9- {TE -'- __ E-' I ‘L O F L L [ Vfvfi T {fin flirt. V"_V V V'—V V V | “\ U’ ‘I; ‘ ‘ V f . \..' '7 " more, And I scarce can see for weep-ing, But I’ll knock at the o - pen door. -é‘ pray; But I come as He has bid-den, And He will not say me nay. ,1? way, And the feet that shrink and fal - ter Shall walk through the gates of day. 3‘ ‘sin, And I scarce can see for weep-ing, But the Say-iour will let me in. § 3 " 1 .r . 2: 5 3?!‘ +"‘+ .j+'—«5+ :5, ; 9 - I l_ I L . F _l_ If ‘I I . 0 ' f , L Q; . JL .1 4 1 K 1 l_ :l_ I q p I gvp V V [ at $ Cuoaus. ‘T I know I am weak and sin-ful, It comes to me more and more; 5 But when the dear Sav-iour shall bid me come in. I'll en - tor the o - pen ' door. 339 ‘(travelling home. And the ransomed of the Lord shall come to Zion with tongs."--Isa. 35: 10. JOHN CENNICK. TULLIUS C. O'I{A:s:s. Arr. by D. B. Towmm. I n L_: - L s _l J - I ll 1 {/75 54 J ‘ ‘W l\ I I_ A ‘.3 I 7 . " —-—A-—b+—j. ". +11’ '—L‘, " '—.~—l5-—a"———D»— u -3-: 4 -4 - 4 - aj '5 ' ° 5 1 Chil-dren of the heavenly King, As we jour - ney let us sing, 2 Fear not, breth-ren, joy - ful stand 011 the bot - ders of our land, 3 Lord, 0 - be - dient-1y we’ll go, Glad-ly leav - ing all be- low, ‘L Q 0 I I 0 0 15¢)! L II_ 1 i I’- K. K. I ‘ISL. C ‘L. ‘EL. 1 Sing our Sav - iour’s wor - thy praise, G10 - rious in His works and ways. Je - sus Christ, our Fa-ther's Son, Bids us un - dis-me. ed go on. On - ly Thou our Lead-er be, And we still will fol - low Thee. . ::l‘=.l‘_b _'.""'.":p.'Q' . I ‘ i I I 0 5- 1 J try I I g H n 3 1 7' 7 1- ‘L. C. d. 1 We are trav -‘ling home, trav -’1i.ng home to God, We are trav - - - - '1ing home to God, In the waiy ........................ .. our fa . theta trod; They are hap- py now, hap - py now and we Soon their hap-pi-ness shall see. X :- hop - - - py now"'and we 340 _ when the Roll is ctalleb up lponber. “ For we must ‘all’ appear before the judgment-seat of Christ.’ '--2 Cor, 5: 10. _I._ B. JAMES M. BLACK. \‘ _i‘ 1}‘ _f\ B P‘ \‘ . I A 1-1 L ‘ \ g L I F1111 J I‘ l\ 3 I ‘ D. nu .. N - V | . . . I I E I C . . U '- 3 . . 5 o : 5 .0 5 3 .. V g 7 0 " . 0 _ . 1_' When‘ theietrum-pet of "the Lord shall sound‘, and time shall be no more, _ _2 Qn _ that bright and cloudless morn-ing,when~ the dead in Christshall rise, 3 Let ' me Is.- bor for the Mas - ter from the dawn till set - ting sun, LL 0 O I 4 O ‘ 0 I-4. . ' I’ P’ 0 ° h-"1' «L I«l-—--- L l_- - Al -I- r - -0 0 _ . . . . ° V‘ V‘ .\ x I L ‘K H] I I‘ A: I the i . . - - . And the morn- ing breaks, e - ter - no.1, bright and fair; When the _ And the glo - ry of His res - ur-rec - tion share; When His. Let _me talk of all His won-drous love and care, Then, when .- L 33. . t ‘ ° ‘_ ‘ ' : FL 7 F’ 1' I L’ Z V . 0 O -i is L I_ 1: 1: L I I. V. 4 , - L E F V V .-V O 0 9 O I [\__l..._.' l\ 5 h B [N y. _ _ . . . W l 1‘ L‘ O . . i W.‘ - '0 - < 0 0 ' 0 1 ' o I _ 0 saved of earth shall gath - er. o_ - ver on the oth - er shore And the chos - en ones shall gath - er to their home be-yond the skies, And the .1111 of life ..is o _- vet, and. my work on earth is done, And the WWI” "«r=='z.v W’ ‘(fl '-of 4'9 pm)" ‘(@4999 '11 ‘two Ir‘ F09! ‘:v1J’Mf¢-I9 . I i 1 - '- .. C ' - . V _n[ l L l_ __ L _ f . 0 I: I 1% 0 0 J ’ O V D 5 y W V T‘ V lg; ._: ' rs” rs" . "V. t ' .. t . ' *CF°m- L . I ‘ I . E: Y ‘ _‘:JI ‘fl j H I ' . ‘ i I. - .. . . 0 0 O ‘ , J 1 1 1 ‘ o » "'0 U o ‘[3,?’ - ,/? “ . 4 v V", .V_ troll ‘istfiilled uri yon"-der,I'11 be there. . ‘_ _ ' '_ . " ' " "' roll" is Eelied up yon-der, I’ll be‘ there. zrwhen 3119 1'°n- ~ 4 - - - - -' ' 13 °“H°d"“P.j .~ .».~roll:.-iseslled-up=yen4der,«.I911‘be ‘there; V ~-the iscdled up 3 .‘° .' . . . '0 0 °. o.- 0 0 ‘A u I - . J Copyriglrt, 1881. Q7 In: D. Sauky. when the Roll is ctalleb up 1I)onber.—~—conc1uaeo. yon - - der, When the roll . . . . . . . . is called up you - - der, When the yon-der, I’ll be there, When the roll is called up yon-der, I'll be there, roll . . . . . . . . is called up yon-der, When the rollis called up yonder, I'll be there. When the roll 34: ‘light after Earhnese. " They shall obtain joy and gladmu, and and cighing shall flee away."—Iss. 35: 10. Flumcns R. HAVIRGAL. In D. Sammr. I I 4: :1 L a n _ “ 0 I 1 Light aft - er dark-ness, Gain aft-er loss,Strength after weakness,Crown aft-er cross; - 2 Sheaves after sow - ing, Sun aft-er rai-n,Sight aft-er mys-tery, Peace aft-er pain; 3 Near aft - er dis - ta.nt,Gleam after gloom,Love aft-er lone1ineaa,Life aft - er tomb; # p__'_p_£_ - -W -~— - rm F’ r. . ? Iflki I Q‘-n‘L__l‘| 1 L . ‘ V t CT I‘; '1 '. Sweet after bit - ter, Hope aft- er fears, Home aft-er wa.ndering.Praise sf-ter . Joy aft-er sor - row, Calm aft- er blast, Ret aft-er weariness, Sweetrest at last. Aft - er long ag- o - ny Rep-ture of bliss, Right was the pathway, Leading t9 this. ‘dibe ninety anb ‘nine. (Should be sung only as a Solo ad llbitum.) 3¥3 Euzanrrn C. CLBPHANE. In D. SANKEY. /""‘~ n Jw_ Ex 3% _i _J‘: I sr"''‘~s .. i u %?"‘*E{ ‘..-~--—--.. I I‘ A: I‘ I ‘\ ‘'___, \.:..-I \.......r 1 There were nine - ty and nine, that safe - - ly lay In the 2 “Lord, Thou hast here Thy nine- ty and nine; Are 3 But none of the ran - somed ev - - er knew How 4 " Lord. whence are those blood - drops all the way That 5 But all through the mount-ems, thun - der - riv'n, And A _ _ d"':"‘~_ ’-'\ L5'§ 9 - "*- J “»‘=R . rvrj . in «a n ‘i’ 2 s 0 7 V . T U’, : ,7 7 C V shel - tor of the fold, But was out _on the one Thee?” But the Shep-herd made -an -_- swer: they not e-nough for dee were the we — ters crossed; Nor how dark was the night that the mar out the mountain's track?” " They were shed for ' one’ who had up. from the rock- y steep, There a - rose a glad cry to the /"s _I R 1; . _...._-...___ . \._/ ‘ ¢ _ 1 hills a - way, Far - oif £1-om the gates of gold--— A - " This of mine Has wan - dered a - way from me, And, :11 - Lordpassed thro’ Ere He found His shoe that. was lost: gone a - stray Ere the Shepherd could b n him bac :" “Lord,” -gate of heaven, “Be - jo1ce! I have fonn my sheep!" And the /"N /-\ /-Ix /-~. _ . /-. L I’ 4- e V""P ' ' ' ' ' f"\ Z:lI'J1’—""f:jflb.jl_L Vii‘; .12." X jT"'f—- :lI\'C'_—ij ji j ii «.x.:-.vj;r-j-1'1 .1: 1 — _ way on the mount-sins wild and bare, - way from the ten - der though the road be rough and steep, I o to the- des- ert to Out in the des-ert He heard its cry—- ick and hel whence are Th handsso rent and torn?" "They arepierced to - s by ‘n 0 -r1’¥-s 9 1-+ ’“ v.-urmvrxr ‘ ' .1’ nfixiajaj jaz- -.:.uum tjjj ngxjjj -rrwvnnu-L_4'.1urju-Iv.-.4r1uunn gels ec -oed a- round-thethrone, “Be - jozceltor the Lord bring: T_Ir"rl "*"v“'v v y r T U ‘mine when ‘car 'z«r4m'o'o:: (Che ‘ninety anb mine.—concmoeo. . /'\ A _ K /5 -'-'-=-‘ ----.-.'.='.-E 7.C2'I ' j j -:1 Q’ In: . wuvavj -j :3 1 n’ ,1’-I’ j’ j’ L41 :.m In?!- \/ She - herd's care, A - way from the ten - der She - herd’s care. fin my sheep, _I o to the des-ert to fin my sheep.” read-y to die, gick, and help-less, and read-y to die. ma-ny a thorn, They are pierced to - night by ma-ny a thorn.” back His own! Re - joice! for the Lord brings back His own!” 4;? £ 1: /\ /:-\ _+'_ ’\ E as :1 J I [I V 1 1 n . U ‘-'lJ [J v ~ ' ' 343 be ‘leabetb me. “He leadeth me by the still water:.”—-Psalm 23: 2. Rev. Josxrn H. Gxutonn. L K ‘ VJ] UT!) U 7 V V Wxuuu B. Bunsvnv. f.\ _L _. 1 I éJ*r_1 . _. : x 4 “ r I * N r . 4 42' . ' 45"}. ' 1 He lead - eth me! oh! blessed thought, Oh! words with heavenly comfort fraught; 2 Sometimes ’mid scenes of deepest gloom, Sometimes where E - den’s bowers bloom, 8 Lord, I would clasp Thy hand in mine, Nor ev . er mur-mur nor re-pine; 4 And when my task on earth is done, When, by Thygrace, the victory’s won, 1. - 4‘ A e - g I * 4B:::p:,-—_—,e::. “, in-'—— I a~ : . 2 ' ; r | “W? I . 1: 1 ' ' g ' . I I r I r I r , A I 3 ‘ r ‘. Q 4 -5 : r ‘r . k 2 '5 What-e’er :? o, wher-e’er I be, Still ’tis God's hand that lead - eth me. Q By wa - ters still, o'er troubled sea,— Still ’tis His hand that lead - eth me. 3 Con - tent, what-ev - er lot I see, Since ’tis my God that lead - eth me. 3 E’en death’s cold wave I will not flee, Since Eodthrofllor-dan lead - eth me. *‘ I '* 4 - E : ‘ I. r . I g I F I T ! L ! : Hip I ‘ l I ‘ Q; ‘ V He lead-eth me! He lead - eth me! By His own hand lead -eth me; His faith-ful follower I would be, For His hand He lead - eth me. r.\ 344 Lpielb flat to (temptation; “ God 9'8/aflhful, who will not cufor you to be tempted above that ye are able.”—-Cor. 10:13. H._R. P. Homwxo R. PALMII. I A I. 1 K h K 1*: , L K o J -1 ."_ ' I1‘ Jgj I I A _l‘ I‘ . I’ w I I V I I . ‘J ' I I I e 0 3 . : : ! 1 Yield not to tempt-a - tion, For yield-ing is sin, Each Vic-t’ry will 2 Shun e - vil com-pan-ions, Bad language dis - dain, God's namehold in 3 To him that o'er-com - eth God giv-eth a crown, Thro’ faith we shall I .0 o 0 1 Cl] 4 II ‘w_ Ann. l help you Some oth-er to win; Fight man-ful - ly on - ward. rev - ’rence, Nor take it in vain; Be thoughtful and earn - est, con - quer, Though oft - en cast down; He who is our Sav - iour, O A _J j ‘ ‘ rt! 0 0 I ! O O 0 O I i ' Q ‘ 0 m I J I I 2' Va - - : --“T 4 - - % - : ~—* 3‘ T h - % =..r' . ‘"0 I‘? :l K‘ #1 i L 1 Li 1*] "F A \‘—‘K ' ‘ I . v : Ir T . I I L! . ‘ £:L . 9 0 E . 04 7 . . Dark pass-ions sub - due, Look ev-er to J e - sue, He'll car-ry you tliiough. Kind-hea.rt—ed and true, Look ev-er to J e - sus, He'll our-ry you through. Ourstrength willre - new, Look ev-er to J e - sue, He'll car-ry you through. /\ " ‘ J J l 0 I o e o ' I J I ' I 3 o L o] 0 0 9 L I \ 1 I- 0 0 I L L] I I V r Ti‘. I I L1 J I 1 I . Col ‘ F‘ to’ I‘. ‘r I ' o I Cnonve. Ask the Saviour to help you, Com - fort, strengthen, and keep you; I Be is will-ing to aid you, He will oer- 11 you through. as Wm:-¥Q1m'a '4-mzvd '3 ‘Ha ‘mt ‘mi;-«V0.9 345 (trusting 3eeu5_, (that is BIL “ Tllbugh be shy me, yet wilt I - trust h:'m.”—-Job 13: 15. EDGAR Po ‘S‘_l'l1‘RS. ‘ - I n i..’ J \ 5 _i \ . . . ' _. N I ' '_ ‘ Eql ‘ ‘ _! 41 ‘$1 F‘ I I ' . - H ._u - .. .. . '*I— 5‘ 4 ‘Q ‘! v . _d_ . _. _ o '1 Sim -' plytrust-ing ev - ’ry day, Trust-‘ing througha storm-y way; 2 Bright-1y"doth His‘ Spir - it shine "In - to this poor hea1“t"of mixie; 3 Sing - ing, it my way is clear; Pray ‘- ing, if the path is drear; 4 Trust-ing ..'EIim.w.hi1,e life‘. shall last, Trustging Him. till .. eart1L.is._ past; . ‘ 3 ‘ ‘ fi‘ 1‘-'°Ifi"' I’ F f o I V 4 ogr I - -"‘— 4A._4 net .‘i a_r«, . g 1,54 .. J 4;. I U ‘=‘ 3 r:1:1§51fte : 5; copyflpix. 2:70, iy Barzoai 0- Main. E. - ven when my faith is small, Trust-ing Je - sus, that is ‘all. While He leads I can - not fall._ Trust-ing J c - sus, that is all. If in‘ dan -’ ger, for Him call ','_ Trust-ing J e - ans, that is all. Till with -' -in the jars»- per wall»,-' -Trust-ing Je - 3113, that is -all. 4 .=. .= .; ye ° ° E, E 2 - v I v if Cnonus. Trust -ing __ the mo-ments fly, T_rnst_-ing as the days -.'I‘1-net.-eing ‘Him what-o'er .be..-;fa.ll, Trust-ing Je - ans. that is all. .51 ~. 346 the ifietter ‘Lane. “ A better country, that it an lueauenh/."—Heb. 11:16. Guanox Rooms, ux. Damn. B. Town; I A . . A 4 1' IR‘ _1 I . _.l I; 0 e F I ' I 1 There is a land mine e e hath seen In vi - sions of en-ra tured thought, 2 A land up - on whose b °ss-ful shore Thererests no shad-ow, f as no stain; 3 Its skies are not like earth-ly skies, With va-rying hues of shade and light; 4 Theresweeps no des - o - la - ting wind A - cross the calm, se- rene a - bode. fir‘ n 1 l 0 J L] ; _l I L” J . I I ' I I‘ 0 ‘ ' 0 T7 I I l ‘ I u V r“'*[ Q '_ -0- ' i ' 80 bright, that all which spreads between Ia with its ra- diant glo - ries fraught. There thosewho meet shall part no more, And those long parted meet a - gain. It hath no need of suns, to rise To d1s- s1 - pate the gloom of night. The wan-d’rer there a home may find With-in the par - a - disc of God. _.I J J}; 4 J ! J O I . I I‘ I ' I ‘W-’)4“09 Cuonus. -love,..... of joy and light, Thy glo-ries Oh, land of love, ’ of joy and ught. Oh, land of 11/4950 ‘N301 '87‘? \_/ gild . . . . . . earth's darkest night;. . . . Thy tran-quil shore.. . . . Thy glories zild earth's darkeetnight (earth's darkest night) ; Thy ' * T T T T we, too, shall see, When dayshall and shadows flee. J. J. (we, too, eholl see), When dayslnllhreok apron. 1378. Juan. c. éuum. vmrbvya-. 347 (there is a Green bill far Elwag. “And they took Juucaud led him wig."-John 19: 16. Cum. F. Aux/moss. Guoncx C. S1-names. Moderate. 1 L L 1 A J A I - I A I ' .‘ I 11-; T 2' 1 w‘ 1‘ T 1‘ r :' I 1' ‘ fin * H“ w n g 1 . . | U 1*“ ' ° 1 There is a green hill far a - way, With-out a. cit - y wall; 2 We ‘may not know, we can - not tell What painsfie had to bear; 3 He died that we might be for-given, He died to make us good, 4 There was no oth - er good e - nough To pay the price of sin; 2____ 0 L 1‘ I “ I‘ I‘ - ‘ ‘ : . ~g:1++a—_ y E:‘_.___,., Where the dear Lord was cru «- ci - fled, Who died to save us all. But we be - liove it was for us He hung and mi - fared there. That we might go at last to heaven, Saved by His pre - cious blood. Be on - ly could nn . lock the gate Of heaven and let us in. *7 J L 7 7 ...J 7 )7 9--F-19+-p-_.’.‘ D I Y 1: var xrrfi EVJZT Er: . IUI ‘V’! I; . 1 x 4. ‘ 7 I I I 7 i fl - N--’ Oh! dear - ly, dear - ly has He loved, And we must 10:79 Him too; % T And trust in His re - deem-ing blood, And try His works to do. 343 I am priming for 112011. " Eoonivag, and mowing, and at noomwill I-1n'ay_.’!—--Pea. 55:17. SAIKUIL O’M. Cwnr. In D. SANKIYC 1 tr J I _._I . I I —4'H='}}4"~1:;: 1 ‘I I“ A I ] ' ‘J’ I ' ' ‘f’ 4 ; . have a Sav-iour,Ee’s p end-ing in glo - ry, A dear, lov-ing 1 I 2 I have :3. Fa — thsr: to me He has giv — en A hope for e - 8 I have‘ a. robe“: ’t_1s ~1-‘e -. splen -dent in wnite-ness.' A - wait; ing in - 4 I have a peace: 11:" 1s ‘calm as -a. -nv - er— A peace that the 5 WhenJe-sus has found you, telloth-ers the sto - ry,_ That. my ~~lov-ing I J 0 . - E A l I i I: W I I . L I I I I J I = ‘I3 * '- I ' ~ “ ' --I - I 1 I - ' I 3} -.- -. ' -~.8av - iour, tho’ earthéfriends be-.. £ew.;».. . .. And now He . is ....'wa.tch - ing -i'_n'.- ter - ni - ty bless - ed and true: And soon He will call me to" lo - ry 111 won - der-ing view;' 011, when .I re- ceive- it all griends of tlus world nev- er knew: My Say - iour a - lone is its Say ~ igt-11' is your Sag-iour too; ’_ Then pray that your Say - iour may o - - . I 1 ‘I A I I i. A I.‘ 1 '— ' * I ' ( I I I . A‘ /I .1 ' I ‘F. r"_ s ,~ .-. E .' V J _§._I I _ I ' LT . j i . _. 4 a,, ; ten - der-ness o'er me, And oh, that my Sa.v- iour were your Sav-iour too! meet Him in heav - en, But oh, that he’d let me bring you with me too! shin-ing in ‘bright-ness, Dearfriend, coulc1I see you re - ceiv-'-' i1-lg‘ one too! Au- tho: and G1? - er, And oh, _. could I know it was. giv '- en to you! 'bring themto glo “-‘ ‘ ry," And p1-ay’r‘wi1l be ‘answered-’twa.s answered for you! 1 .. .‘ ;+ E I I I . ' r I I i l' |_. ‘ ;‘..I. II ‘ .. F V .- ‘ I , I _ —" 1 ~[ '. y . Cnonue. ‘A-1 um pray - ing, For "yon" “ "I Vfiin pray '- ing, 1 _a.m pray - ing, I’m pray - ing for ' Used by ya-.’ rt’. 1!.'_Duué. «timer cycogyrcgh r. 349 ‘Rescue the periebing. “Go out into the highway: and hedgu, and compel them to come in, that Farm? Cnosmr. my 710"“ "W3! 30fla0d-"""'L‘1'k° 143 23~ Wu.1.um H. Donn. . n" "L. V 1 . . 1 B P 1 J /I _.n _L __A 1 T l ‘J A A r _; K I‘ I ' . -1-.. . ' ' :‘ ‘L I 5 i‘ * 1 Bee -cue the per -ish-ing, Care for the dy - ing, Snatch them in pit - y from '2 Tho’ they are slighting Him, Still He is wait- ing, Wait - ing the pen - i -tent 3 Down in the human heart, Crushed ‘by the tempter, Feel-inge lie bu-ried that 4 Bes- cue the per - ish-ing, Du - ty demands it; Strength forthy la. -bor the I I __I lii FT‘ Cl J. E J5 J I \ yr 1% sin and the grave; Weep_ o'er the err-ing one, Lift up the fall - en, child to _ re - ceive. Plead with tl_1em.ea.1;nest-ly, . Plead with them gen-tly: grace can re-store: Touchedby a lov-ing heart, Wakened by kind-ness, Lord will pro-vide: Back to the nar -row way ._Pa - tient - ly win them; 1 e t H u 7% ._;L V girl” I : 5 11 Cnoxws. .1 R l‘ I 5‘ _‘ I 'n_ R Tell them. at my the might-y to .save_._' _ _ He will for-give if they ‘on - _ly ‘be-jlieve. ' ‘ ' " . ' . Chords‘ that were kroken will vi - brate once more. ‘ B“ ' (me the P?’-‘sh 1.38’ Tell the poor wanderer 9.’ Sav-iour" has died. ' ' JV [__L|_F T.‘ "‘ . , Q "-"I ."' . *2‘ ‘ ! E Q 3 . . : Q : 1* fl; *1 I I’ ' ' ‘L ' ' ‘ _: {_ V 1;‘ Care for the dy—.ing;_, Je - s.ue..is _mer-ci- fnl, Je _- sus _will_seve. 35o Wlonberful mores of life. “The words that 1 cpeak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.”--John 6:61. P.P.B. Pu1urP.Bx.u. 4 R g a _ L L __l L _ I fi _1' I ‘ 45 _i_ I 3" 11 j% g 1:-__ fl J * -1 ? - 4» 4.‘ ‘B -6- 4: T7. : T I Sing them 0 - ver a - gain to me, Won -der - ful words of Life; 2 Christ, the bless- ed One, gives to all Won - der - ful words of Life; 3 Sweet. - Iy ech - o the gos - pel call, Won - der - ful words of Life; Let me more of their beau’ - ty see, Won-der - ful words of Life; Sin ~ net, list to the lov - ing call, Won-der - ful words of Life; Of - fer par - don and peace to all, Won-der - ful words of Life; ' F u J If u . ' k | " * ' * f F 1 I: I I . ‘I’ If I * J4! -T ' F V I V V V F" 7 W team "09 fl’-IMIO «wt 001.: ‘-0! 4? ram Words of life and bean - ty, Teeoh me faith and du - ty; All ' so tree-ly giv - en, Woo -ing us to hoav-en. }Beau-ti - ful words, Jo. - nus, on-ly Sav-iour, Sane-ti - fy for- ev - er. I14: Vmw Life. Life. won - der — tul words, Won - der - ful words of f 0 35 1 Safe in the time of 329115. “ Underneath are the everlasting anm."--Deut. 33 :27. Famnr J. Cnosnv. R \ Wznum H. Dona. ‘ 4———-4‘———§ ‘ . . E 1 - ~' ° -———- ——_9 . ‘L 4.’ . : 2 ~ -—r—* y r 1 Safe in the arms of Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tle breast, 2 Safe in the arms of J e - 8118, Safe from cor - rod - ing care, 3 Je - ens, my heart's dear ref - uge, Je - sue has died for me; Ono.-—-Safe in the arms Qf Je - sus, Safe on His gen - tle breast, /“ 1'; I g- 5 ; ».-- 4.2- - _. 4__ I g r ‘L g I; 'F *__N [ I ' fit. I} R I B K g m; J l_ ‘ xx 1 A J 41 Q E ‘F’ f I i There by His love o’er - shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. Safe from theworld’s tempt-a. - tions, Sin can-not harm me there. § Firm on the Rock of A - ges Ev - er my trust shall be. 3 There by His love o’er - shad - ed, Sweet-ly my soul shall rest. E 4». , g ‘r -E. : s _ :5 T . 5‘ I W V V 5 . X -D 3. :3 *F Hark! ’tis the voice . of an - gels, Borne in a song to me, Free from the blight of sor - row, Free from my doubts and fears; Here let me wait with pa - tience, Wait till the night is o'er; 2'' ;';°;‘'-*'- ~'- 19- . I ‘E’ :E .9. g. ' on A - - 1_fir I [4 P’ J 1' , . 1* f ‘ . fi I’ J! I F 1 U1 I J). . I 9 :7 LF 7 1: 1 lfii f F. V. I h L 1: V r —r 1 I V I .0- Vet thefields of glo - ry, 0 - ver the Jas-per sea........ On - ly a. few more tri - 9.13, On - 1y a few more tears!...... Wait till I see the mom - ing Break on the gold - on shore....... 352 ‘welcome! manberer, welcome! Hon-nus Bomm. J _ In D. Saturn. 1 . 9 , - j I . 4-. ‘ 1 ‘ -1 -L uvpixg‘ ‘ - * I i]_;‘i_1 L ' ' , L. .% 1 In the land of stran - gers, Whith- er thou art gone, ear 9. far voice “From the land of hun - ger, Faint-ing, femished, lone, Come to love and Leave the haunts of ri - ot, Wast - ed, woe -be - gone, Sick at heart and See the door still o - en! Thou art still my own; Eyes of love are O 2 it 5 Far 06 thou hast wan- ered; Wilt thou fa.r- ther roam? Come, and all 18 6 7 ._I Jr HII . See the well-spread ta - ble, Un - for- got-ten one! Here is rest and Thou art friendless, home-less, Hope-less and un-done; Mine is love 1121 - -‘I-° D-HI“ of 19' 0 0 I: I E . ‘[2; [Q . —* 5%’ I 2% T” I ‘F i F A ‘ A ‘ I I I .1 .1 . . I ‘ I # A "‘—2—-——-1 '4 “'1 Z“ -— Q U ;% ~ *3 call - ing, “My son‘ my son!” §‘ glad - ness, My son‘ my son‘ -'_‘ wee - ry, My son‘ my son! ‘g on thee, My son! my son! “Wel-come! wand-’rer, wel - oomel Wel-come Q, par-doned, My 8011' my son‘ .4. plen - ty, My 8011' my son‘! ° changdng, My son‘ my son: J. J ‘ 5 . -9- -0- -9- -- 4- -¢- T . I .J I : fi—’"é - I‘: A 6‘ ”“" L J. F “i . _=|' ' Am’? F: F I v I 1 " _ I I I I F L I 1 x I \',/ 1} I- /3 back to home! Thou hast wan-dered far a. - way: Come home! come home!" 353 _ 1| bear. the welcome tnoice. L H_ Lnwxs I-Imrrsoucn. 3.! 44 - ‘L’ - 1 ‘I’ hear Thy wel-come voice T at callsme, Lord, to Thee For cleansing in Thy 2 Tho’ com - ing weak and vile, Thou dost my strength assure;Thon dost m vileness 3 ’Tis Je'- ens calls me‘ on To per-fect faith and love, To per-fact ope,end 4 Tie Je - sus who eon-firms The bless-ed work with-in, By add-ing graoeto 5 And_, He the wit- ness gives To lay - 31 hearts and free, ‘That ev- ery Eromise ' 6 All hail, a. - ton- ing blood!A1l hail, re-deem-ing graoe! All hail, the ift of u ' Hy L if ‘ . . - F T D E: I I— . . _l’T rf i”: u I: f l V 7 I V —y‘" I —I F 7 7 7 Urdbfcr. IV. fzhauuc. aavua-ycopyrlflat. _ % I beat the welcome lDoicei.—-conctuoeb. -‘L fig‘ :11‘ i r Caonus. ,_ L A ' ' ’ ' ". ‘. . .' . . EH41 =T4>-Taem fi 9 1 n 0 '-” V P V I pro - cions blood That flowed (911 Cal - va - ry. 5 ml - ly dcleanae, spoti; less ‘hall ' and ‘ ure. ‘ _ * ‘ .3 peace, an true or eart an ea.v’n 9.’ - ve. V - Q we!-oomed grace, Where reigned the p'ow’r‘ of sin. I am °°m' ' Lad! ab _‘ is _ ful - filled, If faith lint brings the plea. ‘ ‘ ‘ 3 Christ, our Lord, Our Strength and Right-eons» ness. - _-9. E ‘ i i I . , Lo :- r# g ‘ '§.l-"V 9 Efi#9 3F ' V E !: L4 .4 9% A . Com-ing now Thee! Wash me, cleanse me the blood on Calm - ry. WILJJAM H. Donia. L ' Q 0 a 4 I10 '4 ' (I g V V :7 V. — 1 Pass me not, 0 gen - tle Sav - iou_r,. Hearmy hum-bleVcry;. While on, 2 Let me at a throne of me: - cy Find a sweet re - lief. Knee!-ing 3 Trust-ing on - ly in Thy mer - it, Wouldl seek Thyface; Heal my 4 Thou the Spring of all my com - fort More than life to me, Whom have - --.-~"-"-.,-:9 -9"--°-P--r . j ' I L‘¢§?IK1_—' ill} 1‘ W J V . .u. 7‘ I x’ v , Cnonus. ~ A Q I L J I J J I _g‘ 4 4 f J ‘*2 oth - era Thou art smil-ing, Do not paseme by. there in dee con -tri - tion, Help my uu - be - lief: wounded. bro -en spir - it, Save me by Thy race. I on earth be - side Thee? Whom in Heav'n but ee? ._ 0 ' I V . cum. -4 . .55 SEV ' 4" ‘ 0 hear my humble ery, While on oth-ers Thou ‘err: ca1l-ing, : noi me by. 355 we praise (thee, ® (Boo! Rev. Wxnuaa P. MACKAY. Jomv J. Hvsmmn. x ¥ K J _L J in j_ I 34' ' I 1 0 1 U fi \,o 1 epraise Thee, 0 God! for the Son of Thy love, For Je - sue who 2 We praise Thee, O God! for Thy Spir-it of light, Who has shown us our 2 glo - ry 8113 praise to the Lam: thfat was slain, $0 lhas Ihgrngtall om‘; o-ry an praise to to o o a e, o as ug us,an 5 Be - vgve us a - gain; fill each heart with Thyfihafe; May each soul be re - I‘ r'\ 7*:.’: F‘ a; 1 , l_ ' V I l— I lJ“”h [ I [— . -v- f Y I I 7‘ f V? r— 1'? 1 T F Cnonus. . . . . \ \ 1 .. L \ B I I I ll I I ‘ 1‘ ‘J l I ' I - I —' - W I [V . _-CI . w A - -A ~ A -= d 0 died, and is now gone a - hove. Sav - iour, and scattered our night. ' sins. and has cleansed every stain. Hal -le - lu-jah! Thine the glo - ry, hal-le - sought us, and guid-ed our ways. -- kin-dled with fire from ‘a - bove. j"."'F"P- _ . '9' 4" . __I“_{I‘ I_: ;_ -J x rfi PI iu'nFfiT‘urJ '—fi- :;r—:—z— I o ;''r * ' V I I I I I J In - jah, a - men, Hal - le - lu-jah! Thine the glo - ry, re - rive us a - gain. ’356 I 'I=leeo Ztbee Every hour. Arum: 5. Having. Roanwr Lownr, D.D. ‘~“!‘~j«§ifi;:,!“In]:J _'‘B 4- Zfiitj: - _I I J - _ . I_A 5 5_A 3 J - —.L -4 if 7% |' ~ need Thee ev-ery hour, Mostrgra-cious Lord; No ten - der voice like Thine need Thee ev-ery hour, Stay hou near by; Temptations lose their war need Thee ev-ery hour, In joy or pain; Come quickly and a -- ide. need Thee ev-ery hour; Teach me Thy will; And T3 rich rom-is - es - need Thee every hour, Most Ho - ly One; Oh, m e me -hine in-deed. can-anew v-H-H-u-or-I - R A .. , 0 _ [7 “ ‘ i % _ r_ t 1 [J ‘L 7' V V " I meet» ‘(thee Every 1laour.—eonc1uoeo. RE1='1uu.\'. ~_./ Can eace When hou art nigh. Or life is vain. I needThee,oh! I need Thee: Ev- ery hour I In me ful - fill. Thou bless—ed Son. M72, by )2. Lawn». Uxdby need Thee; Oh, bless me now, my Sav—iour! I come to Thee. 357. ‘what a frienb we have in 3eeue. JOSEPH Scnwsx. CHARLES C. Conrvsnsn. A _(_‘L J H N P‘ .‘ J ‘ 1 1 What a friend we have in Je - sue, All our sins and griefs to bear; 2 Have we tri - als and temp -ta - tions? Is there trou-ble a - ny-W11-ere? 3 Are we weak and heav -y - la - den, Cumbered with a load of care? '9' . "' "r9"o T E :-z': . . , e T’ . I V‘-+1 H’ I V V 7 I-' 11 if I?’ II‘ % I—' i_ "_' .n ‘BU xx H rx . _ FM- rxl E 4 ' E +‘ ‘= -x ‘y " _ 4%f: . ---9* u rsw%’1 = § What a priv - i -loge to car - ry Ev .- ery-thingto God in prayer. "-' D.s.——A1l be-cause we ,do not car - ry Ev - ery-thing to God__ in prayer. L _We should nev-er be dis-eour-aged, Take it to the Le prayer. 9 :o.s.—-Je - susknows our ev-ery weak-ness, Take it to the Lorfl prayer. -3 Pre- cions Saviour, still our ref - uge,— Take it to the Lord in prayer. :3 n.s.—In His arms He'll take and shield thee, Thou wilt find a so,- lace there. - I: -—‘L E '. I 0 Q 41: - ‘ 9---—t+—~u :2 ..= .: 1 I : n._:: i. an F‘ -;—l 3 ' I 5' __.\ h .\ I mg. I, " I ‘ " ‘ 'j__ o x U : . . : 011. Whatpiecewe oft-en for- feit, Oh, what needlesspain we bear- Can we find n.Friend so faith -ful, Who will all our sor-rows share? Do thy friends despise, for-sake thee? Take it to the Lord in prayer; rrrrrrfi - t+re~: . i —l ' +1—+ L’, _J _u_, I , I -iv;/v=.»;r r r -- 358 Eravo me mearer. Farm? J. Caesar. Wmuau H. Down. A A § I 5 1 ' 5 ' _ ‘ ' ‘_ '. ! ' E‘ '* - I _ _. . 4 !i:!:=l=3=:3§ gfi - - .- , ,_ - s 1 I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard Thy voice, And it told Thy love to me: 2 Con - se-crate me now to Thy serv-ice, Lord, By the pow’r of grace di - vine; 3 O the pure de-light of a sin - gle hour That be-fore Thy throne I spend, 4 There are depths of love that I can-not know Till I cross the nar -row sea, U Q0Q_Q :4 4. A A Q Q :7 IF F P P’ 2' IN ‘ (‘I 1...: h \ J \ I I K -.4j_ '. 14".gL j;:g_g I ' ' _ ' - ____.___' _ _d_ _',_ I =1 I But I long to rise in the arms of faith, And he clos-er drawn to Thee. Let my soul look up with a steadfast hope, And my will be lost in Thine. When I kneel in pra ’r,and with Thee,my Ged,I commune as friend with friend. There are heights of Joy that I may not reach Till I rest in peace with Thee. . - - '9" LL 1 I I FFIF . .J r...I $_—__a - - ;§ppr gfr ‘Q CK um"- Rnr«'mu.\'. '1' '1-3.3 4439.‘) Draw me near - er, near-er,blessed Lord, To the cross where Thou hast died, E near-er, near-er, ‘sewn #9 M13? Draw me near-er, near - er, nearer.'blessed Lg:-d, To Thy precious,bleeding 359 ‘nothing but leaves. ' LucvE.Axzmuu¢. Sxx.AsJ.V:uL. J O 1- K K K I L 1 L I V (0 N I‘ J‘ _l __l“ A _l I I A I I 1" 1 . 1 I49‘ I I I . II J _l I IV I | I I1" I II ‘.4 I ‘ma’ 1 Noth-ing but leaveslThe Spir-it grieves 0’er years of west — ed life; 2 Noth-ing hutleaves!No gathered sheaves, Of life's fair ripen-ing grain: 3 Noth-ing butleaveslsad mem-'1-y weaves No veil to hide the past: 4 Ah, who shall thus the Mas-ter meet, And bring but withered leaves? ' . A""'\ 3:_-'F-lt1t-F*-!--P--9-_-P-t-£-='£-g- 1 1 r_ y g « +_ I C I I - I vvus V ‘nothing but ‘1Lea'oe9.—<*:oncIubeb. A .. J J ._n ‘ __f_ Kfi " Ln J , . 4 . _lL _1 fL;~“"’eiv.'E1:,—__:,.¢:,:;,:‘ U» 4 l Us “~ ‘ o 0’er sins indulged while conscience slept, 0’er vows and prom -is - es un-kept, We sow our seeds; lo! tares and weeds,— Words,i - dle words, for earnest deeds- And as Ah, who shall at we trace our wea - ry way,‘ And count each lost and misspentday the Sav-iour’s feet, Be - fore the aw - £111 judgment-seat I/Jed bl fernuintfon. /~ -1 s% «-« I? : A 5] o_='_oI ET \./ And reap from years of strife-— with toil and ly find at Lay down for gold-en sheaves, Then res , We sadp- Nothing but leaves! Nothing but leaves! Nothing but leaves! Nothing but leaves! ain, ast— nothing but leaves! nothing but leaves! nothing but leaves! nothing but leaves! 360 /\ lax . Ia /\ 0 o o 9 . 0 0 F 1 f I :1 : o7 ' : - T I - - . JJ . . L ’ ' , " 4 I V? fig ' ‘T V V T V 1 v ' . I am (thine ®von. HELEN Btmnunr. A. A. Wmcrrr. {W \ nix I V Cofyrfgluproficrov <3] The Bx‘g'.‘o'w 6- Ala?» Co. 1 1 am Thine own, 0 Christ; Hence-forth en - tire - ly Thine; 2 No earth - ly joy can lure My qui .. et soul from Thee: 3 -My joy - fill song of praise In sweet con - tent I sin : _ 4 I can - not tell the art By which such bliss is givn: ~!'-° + 1 3 i 5 . 4! 1 E F— - l : o I_ [3 ‘L fi ? :i 1- -F :1" *2 4 1-‘ 7* fir‘ V 1 - % ‘ IL 45 ‘ 1‘ 2! ., fl 1 | . - —% I ‘ U r ' C U 0 1 I life from this glad hour, New life is mine. This deep de - light so pure, Is heav’n to me. the note I raise, My King! My King! Thou hast my heart, And I—- have he:w’n. '1'. Q Ifg. _ fa fi’ ‘V F 2 ‘f V “ IL % 1“ 19“ 361 mg 1930159, Soul anb Spirit. MARY D. JAMES. Mrs. JOSEPH F. Kmwr. 5 £1: " \' J __ I . 1 i jj _[ ‘T’ In‘ I . .fi "J :1! "105 g-‘—:—.+-.~~—I- . -Hi V I C \-n/ 1 My bod - y, soul and spit - it, Je - sus I give to Thee, A con-se - 2 O J e - sus, might-3! Sav - iour, I trust in Thy great name, I look for 3 0 let the fire e- scend-ing Just now up-on my soul, Consume my 4 I'm Thine, 0 bless-ed Je - ens, Washed byThy precious blood, Nowseal me % D L o _ . I -I '— * 3; ' --2’ I - 13:5: 1 l ' U I I O I I L 1 L '" T3‘|7 I [_ L r {'1 I l_ U I l V .77 I .‘r. I I 5' I’) I I Cnosus. I \‘ I . M jfifi "I 3 I I 15* ——f I : = - "—.9 Thy sal - va- tion, Thy prom-ise now I claim. hum - bleof-t"rzng,And cleanse and make me whole. by Thy Spir - it A sac - ri - fice to God. crat - ed of-f'ring Thine ev - er more to be. My all is on the 9.1 - tar, u. A O A ' . . A 44 $4 fi g F O 0 f 0 0 0 I j; (I I 1 T T i E L L1 F f "i '17 E 9 r ritard. \.z , I'm waiting for the fire, Waiting, waiting, waiting, I'm waiting for the fire. , /‘K 362 M), (Bite me “Rest from Self. " . Euzn H. HAMILTON. Rev. HANDLE? C. G. Moons. «W08 “W01 wavx .. we-43 ¢) fifi T ‘i I —i :1_ I 4 I __I I I‘ I " I l I I I ' I ' L -0- . 1 My Sav - iour, Thou hast of - fered rest; Oh, give it, then, to me! 2 This cru - el self, oh, how it strives And works with - in my breast, 3 How ma - ny sub - tle forms it takes Of seem -ing vet - i - ty, 4 O Lord, I seek 9. ho - ly rest, A vie - t'ry o - ver sin! 5 In Thy strong hand I lay me down, So shall the work be done: 6 Work on, then, Lord, till on my soul E - ter - nal light shall break, '—*—I Ii’ F ’I ‘f ll 4‘ L‘ I. L I I 1 If f H__.._“ I I I fix v-— 1: “ I ' '0’ 599930 '14’ may ‘J are; '1-./IV/9 4‘:.a.>(o4l ;y..7,u.€.k;) 4%, Give me Reet.—aonciuoeo. JJJJI. - ‘-aL——¢— i_j'—_i;i:_i_1 :1, I U i -91- ‘_ '5' j‘ '6‘ _6_ The rest of ceas - ing from my - self, To find my all in Thee. To come he - tween Thee and my soul, And keep me back from rest. if it were not safe to rest And ven - ture all on Thee. seek that Thou a-lone shouldst reign 0’er all with-out, with - in. For who can work so ‘won — drous - ly As the Al - might - y One? And, in Thy like - ness per - feet - ed, I “ sat - is -' fied” shall wake. -'P— —P— I :g —g9———r— , -- #—F E—}—' . Used by fie-ruutrsfau. ~ :> M iris ': ',_ 363 none of Self, anb HII of thee. Rev. Tsnonon Manon. Rev. J. MOUNTAIN. f‘ _| J I _| I J" I I 1 J :1 l _. l J l 1 I I 1 ] I J’ _l _]__l _l 9 J. J. . J . J. 5 ' ' ' ,7 .' tr 3 a la‘ fiv f‘ 1 ,Oh, the bit — ter shame and sor-row, That a time could ev - er be, 2 Yet He found me; I be-held Him Bleed-ing on th’ao-curs - ed tree, 3 Day by day His ten - der mer-cy, Heal-ing, help - ing, full and free, 4 High-er than the high-est heavens, Deep- er than the deep - est sea, /- I I -0- -9- , _l: J 0 1 L H. 1 ' Jon 1 rr F «K I r E_IE' I . I: 1' ' ' ' . n [L '- ‘_ _ ' I I I I I V" 5.. _ .— 4 l I I I l_"\h n L . 1% 1 -11- jfi: Ir _' :1 I _| _; _1 .' I = . n = : f:''_. ‘it. .r - E When I let the ‘Saw -iour’s pit - y Plead in vain, and roud-‘Iy answered,-— § Heard Him pray,“ For-give the-m,Fa-ther,” And my wrist - ful fies:-t said faint-ly,—— S, Sweetand strong,and ah!’ so pa-tient, Brought me low-er while I whispered,- ,% Lord, Thy love at last hath conquered: Grant me now my soul's pe - ti - tion,— ' -A -F- 1- ii I F * '“ r I 1* ' ' 5 i r r E!‘-— I r u r Q /“ . 5: 1] J1 J": 1 §_..:r: L 1 “-1 - “All of Qff, and none of Thee,” “All of .m and none of Thee.” "Some of self, and some of Thee,” “Some of self, and some of Thee.” “Less of self, and more of Thee,” “Less of self. and more of Thee.” “None of self, and all of Thee," "None of self, and all of Thee.” j .T— - I 1 =_ 4n n‘ I5 F f_ I ' ' If" I_I 1. n F I ' I E F '1 —j9 I.. "F [Ill |[r|r 364 I am lbis anb be is mine. Rev. Wan: Rosmson. Rev. J. Mousmnr. ‘-19. 1'7"¢T 4 L 3 f j T i 4 . Q: 1 —i I ~. - - ,' 6‘ ° 1 Loved with ev - er - last - ing love, Led by grace that love to know; 2 Heav'n a - bove is 8 Things that once were wild - er, 4 His for ev soft - er on -ly blue, Earth a - round is a - larms His; sweet-er green! Can -not now dis - turb my rest; Who the Lord and me shall part? . n ‘P’ ht [___Fg . p 3 Q 0 __._ o J_ I V115 1r_ 1I_ Ll: g I I l I ; 1* T"1 V I I D L J m 4 1 II _.__I_ I F J1 J} _I_l T I J 'fi I E 4| * ‘ ' :I I __ - - —| | oj 9 : —6 0 Spir - it, breath -ing from a - hove, Thou hast taught me - it is so! Something lives in Ah, with what a ev - ery hue Christ-less eyes Closed in ev - er - last - ing arms, Pil - lowed on rest of bliss, Christ can fill have nev - er the the 86811 1 lov - ing breast. lov - ing heart! o :1 ii! : _g'—I-‘F ‘j —I I 737 ‘F _'E 'r 4: fi'" I it 1. ' fi ' ' I ‘ F I F I 1 [L I. #4 1 , J l Jj _I_ 4 _ ._V' J 3 __j_ 3 J ' -1 J {I _I I r— L , :3 . ‘I - . 2 1 - . fi=EE3%'| - -7 i T Oh, this full and per- fect peace! Oh, this trans - port all di - vine! Birds with lad ‘- der songs o’er- flow, Flow’rs with deep-er beau-ties shine, , to ie for ev - er here, Doubt and care and self re - sign, Heav’n and earth may fade and flee, First -bo.rn light in gloom de - cline; I4. : l "" : T 41* 4: T F I *1‘ fl’ ¥ f 1“? I A E J J L J _ Refleatlast two linaofe¢:chmu.a Charm. 0 Q _l 4.1 _l ’%"‘ l_ J 0 ° -6!-.—-C 2 -' +L.—4—4—L' :; I 1 .. .. ° In a love which can - not cease, I am His, and He is mine. Since I know, as now I know, I am His, and He is mine. While He whis - pets in my ear— I am His, and He is mine. But while God and I shall be, I am His, and "He is mine. I 0 0 _ ' H F I l ' ' 1» T T L I ' j_ I F 4 HI‘ 0 ' J I fl ' ' r «_ ‘W V 365 like a River, cfilorioue. Frances R. I-Iavnncu. J Rev. J. Motnrrant. ‘ n 4 _ - - A 3 : i I + 4 4 1 7 g;3—__:.E #4 1 :1- -o- -0» -I -4 "_ " “' -4- -d- -6» _ 1 Like a riv - er, lo - nous Is God's Eer - feet mes, 0 - ver all no - 2 Hid - den in the 01- low Of His less-ed d, Nev-er foe can 3 Ev - ’ry joy or - al Fall - eth from a - bove, '1‘rac’d up-on our ' I f I ‘ ‘ I : L [ g—m_I -aéixqzvuszlz ..'-3'09}! 304°C’! ‘I-’."”-"3!-v”I1 ’“°“J me a “River o1on¢us.—ao.mea. .*3;r44. :- | 4. 4 ml :' . ' 1:--nu '9- to - rions In its bright in-crease; Per-feet, yet it flow - eth Fu1l- er fol - low, Nev-er trai - tor stand; Not a. surge of wor .- ry, Not a. di - 9.1 By the Sun of Love. We may trust Him ful - ly, All for 4 L—-9—-6*——l-4 ..l P E ‘n . rr 1 u 1 . ' TI XI I I Wifi I Q " 7 I 17 -I ‘f _l I I Q ' _L I Cno.--Stayed up - cm Je - ho - vah, Hearts are Hll From "K‘e.rm'cb {bum Baal." med bier- ev - ’ry day— Per-fect, yet it row - eth Deep-er all the way. shade of care, Not a. blast of ur - ry Touch thesiir-it there. as to do; They who trust Him whol - ly Find Him W 01-ly true. ‘.’ '|"' 6‘ " ‘ . . J I i I , I_ I I V ~ r 1 n | A I I T T 5 F fid-Zy blast; Find-ing as He prom - ised. Per-fectpeacoand rest. 366 ‘work, for the might is (taming. Auxmr L. Wanna. wsu. MASON. H mEL 4 3. irfifi F 0 ""‘ . I ‘g I Work, for the night is com - ing, Work thro’ the morning hours; 8 Work,wh1le the dew 18 spark-1ing,( Omit . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) Work ‘mid springing '3. ,1. EL Eh 231% T f ._ ‘J- gaazeag *1. i‘”:. 72?: L3’; : :|_'“W§o 1_ *7 7 I L. L L T 7 1 L . r ' 3 n.c.—Work for the night. is com - ing. ( Omit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ) When‘ man's work is _§ ' rum. ores. D.0. 15 °I By flow’rs; Work, when the day grows bright- er, Work in the glow-ing sun; done. 2 Work. f0!‘ the night is coming. 3 Work, for the night is coming, ‘Work throu h the sunny noon; Under the sunset skies; F111‘ bnghtest 0078 with labor. While their bright tints are glowing, _ t comes sure and soon; Work, for daylight flies; G1“ 9'01? flymi minute. Work till the last beam fadeth, - Something to_ eep_ in store; Fadeth to shine no more; Work, for the night 18 coming, Work while the night is darkening, When man works no more. When man's work is o'er. 35., (too be with 112011! “ The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”—Roma.ns. 16: 20. Jnaxmzux E. RANKIN’. WILLIAM G. Tolmll. I n 1. . . 4x A A _I\ K I I Q 11 _I x m A 4; n I l 9* I _p _1; J: _l_‘ %_L I ‘V IV \ V ' ; I . 1 God be with you till we meet 9. - ga.in!—liy His counsels guide, up - 2 God be with you till we meet a - gain!--’ eath His wingspro-tect-ing 3 God be with you till we meet a - gain!— When life’s er - 113 thick con - 4 God be with you till we meet 9. - ga.in!--- Keep love’s an-nerfloat-ing : 2;}: 4' : ; l \O . *4. . A % IF L «K I I I7 *1 1 u 45 I V]/Ta 21- . . ._I I l ' ' ' ' ' A A 1- I l n #_1 ._ L x L I J ‘WW 9 F. . 1 I / I I _ jj—.q ; hold you, With His sheep se - cure-ly fold you; God be hide you, Dai - ly man-no. still di - vide you; d be you, Put His arms un-fail-ing round you; God be you, Smite death's threat’nin£\vave be-fore you; God be .1. - 2" ,a. I ' “I r ° f g, -' % X '. 4 "r V as ‘ .%9 :3‘ ' +- I "7/Th J S 5 TI 1 J l I X I I I V P! an E .% § 2 with you till we meet 9. - gain! i wtth 3°“ 15311 We meet 9‘ " 33?“! Till we meet! . . . . . . .. Till we V‘ with you till we meet a - gain! § with you till we meet 9. - gain! Till we meet! Till we .3 II. I. ‘ _ AL . .9. ?. L” 9 A —:5-1—~l-——]-X-—- ' Bar; - I__ fl 1- o L. 4. I #1 ._ . v. f Vj/4} , ', v '1 I ‘(E [L I I I, I 7 v meet! Till we meet at Je - sus’ feet; " Till we Tm we meet! meet I.-gain! meet I. . . . Till we meet! God be with you we meet a - gain! Tillwemeet! Till we meet a - gain! - TOPICAL INDEX. CHURCH HYMNS AND GOSPEL SONGS. AFFLICTION. In Jesus eslls us 243 Lend. kindly Light ......................... ..2I.I5 Hy Jesus, as Thou 14" Pilgrims in this rule ............. .348 ASSURANCE. Blessed sssursnce ............................ ..3oo Complete in Thee 115 Here I out finnly.. .......................... "160 How can s sinner ............................ ..1'I2 I bless the Christ 111 I know not why 299 Let me hesr my , 116 My Shepherd ie 1'23 Hy soul ‘ ‘ 115 Sons of God, beloved ..... .... ............... "330 ‘What cheering words ..... ............... ..11o ATONEMENT. There is s green hill ....................... ..34']’ BAPTISM. By cool 8ilosm's 148 O Lord, and will 151 Proclsim, seith Bee, Israel's gentle .............................169 BLOOD (Precious). Blessed be the an Bsviour more then 313 Tjwnsh your sin: 810 CHILDREN. Come unto lie, ye in Jesus is tenderly....... ................. ......-so3 Bing them over sgsin ......... .......... "350 What s friend we any Yield not to temptation CHRIST-SEEKING. and ceiling yet 139 How sweetly ....... ..' ....... .. 61 I heard the voice of ......................... .. 66 nnss . ' _ 145 June knocks; He ..... .... .360 Thelewereninetysnd ................. Throw out the Lite-Line..... ............. .383 To-dsy the “ ’ 132 ’ CI-IRI8T'8 LIFE-MINISTRY. A pilgrilnthrot. .......... ..... ................ .. 68 How hesuteous were .... ................. .. 60 How sweetly file!-I‘ 01‘ I heard the voice 66 any deer " ’ 59 Oh, love, how deem _ 64 on, wondrous type. ......................... .. ee 0.I.csd, we now '11 .—...¢...—.._ NO. Ride on! ride all 63 There is a meme 6'! To Thee be glory ............................. .. 62 We my not climb 69 Whst grace, O Lord ........................ .. ‘I0 CI-IRIS'I"S SECOND COMING. Bridg of an run}. 100 Come Lord sud 101 Come on the wing 258 It mgy ho gt mnrn 338 Light of the lonely ........................... .. 99 Lo! He comes with ......................... .. 98 Lo! whets_,2--'- 98 0'er the '“-‘--‘ 91' Rejoice, rejoice believers... ................ .. 94 The Church has waited ................... "102 The msrrisge feeet 96 'l‘here’ll be no "--" 2% Ye serrents of the ...... ............... ..1o3 CI'IRIS'I"S SUFFERINGS— DEATH. Alss, end did my. ......... ....... ...... .... .. 82 From Cslvsry s,cry .... .................. .. 1'! Bark! the voice of ...... ...... ........ .. 80 Hedies! the Friend....... ............. 18 In the cross of 81 I need Thee, , ’ 84 Jesus wept! thnee ‘IO Jesus, whom -_-5-l 15 O Bscred Heed, .......... .. 88 "1‘is‘Inished! so ............................. .. ‘H ‘Tie midnight; ...... ....... .. ‘I2 Whenl survey ................................ .. ‘I8 Withinthegs.rden'e_ ‘I3 CLOSING. God be with you 38'! CONFESSION. ()h_ um um; shnrna :53 The mistekes of .......... CONFLICT. - Am I . -nltlinr 283 Gone we that love ........................... "3845 Jesus, Lover of :80 Jesus, Ssvionr, pilot.... ..... ...... .388 My soul be on 224 Onwnrd, 1"‘ ’ " 80¢ Rock of Ages 2'11 Stend up! Item! 228 True-hesrted, whole-.. ..... ............. ".200 CONSECRATION. Ask ye what :''-I* 1-78 I em Thine, 0 358 I em Thine own 389 Jesus, I my m-nu 188 201 NO. Must Jesus bin‘ 181 My body, soul, end 361 My life, my love 213 Not I, but Ci-rid 21'! Oh. happy day “'9' Sevionr, tesch me 119 Tgkg my Inns-t 183 Tske my iii! 1'17 CROSS AND CROWN. Alss! end did my 301 I am coming in 381 EVENING. Abide with me 1'! Again as erening's................. ........ 25 Greet God! to 8'l’_ Now the dsyie 30 Bsviour, sgsin 18 Bsviour bresthe en. ................... 19 Silently the -I--in 81 Sun of my Inn‘ It Terry with me Is ‘When shades of 28- Yes, for me, ibr I8 FAITH. Enesmped uong.....;..........................sse Fsith adds new 134 How fir.-21'“ ’ " 1“ I do not eel! 285 Lord, I believe 1“ My hith looks. 191 0 for s faith. 103 Sevionr, I leek 193 FELLOWSHIP. Aug gum‘; an 1 53 3|“; 3-. flu in mg“ 1,. an {in ms Buried with Christ............................3el Come in, Then *6! How sweet, how i II Lord, Thou cnesrth...........................100 Once more befoIe...............................1§‘l Wslk in the “:"i 1 I1 FRIEND. whg gr.-Inna’ ‘ 351 GRACE. Amusing grsce! how... ....... Behold, what wondrous .....................1!0 gm,’ 1-hm 3-mm us Grsoe, ‘tie s charming .......................189 lisjestlo - .. ‘“ ' 114 O bless the T1-i ‘I In some dsy the silver...........................I‘lI We would see 5"" ‘ll 202 TOPICAL INDEX-—CHURcH Hvmrs AND GOSPEL Some. GOSPEL. N0 HO. N0. . ' Come unto Me. It ............................ ..3l2 Speed away‘ 293 God 111 the gospel ............................ ..163 _ , How sweetly flowed ......................... .. 61. gm‘, unt?1.M°' ye} ta 3;: The mommy "M In ‘Tie a true and faithful ................... ..2s-r “ --------------------- ---1“ Upon the Gospel’: ........................... "165 Bu“ ‘ 35: H5 Whoever reeeiveth the ................... ....311; I he“: ‘ an MORNING- “ mo Inf! ‘'1', 35, God of the morning 16 Jesus is tenderly 10‘! N0" t'° Thy “and 1‘ Jen“ kmml“ 2‘! ghzlion, tux:e'thly:.....‘ ......................... .. . come, G 'd e. 0 Thou 2“ Say, sinner, hath “Q nlulozaltch me .................. .. ...............s4.3 Ttke up thy erf-= “T Wh“ "'°"‘i”‘ mud‘ """" "-' """"""" " 1” Lad kindly Light “,5 ac}-slay the Saviour ....... ... ............... "12: G“; 335 0 We pray Hunt. my Whoever roouiv “ 314 why Wm 1° God blese our native ........................ "264 My country, 'tla of ........................... .362 HEAVEN‘ Our land, with as Art thou weary........ ....... ..._. ...... ........259 Joy_ Children of the 5'“ Ari”, “Id ‘Mm M9 0°“ b’ ‘mh "_‘"_ 3" come,1o¢ u. mg 21.9. NATIVITY. Kw” the gym an Oh‘ for a shout of '3“ A la ' ’ ’ O "°'“"l°m' my 9'“ The Heed that mm -212 B“; T .1. :; J°’m 1’ ’ joy! “Hy Q“ There’: sunshine in 323 C3,‘, Em. "4 - M H d‘ L‘ 2” ......................... .. G Nit noyw.’ but in 289 W“ T M ..... .._ ............ .. Oh, for the pearly .......................... ....258 I‘ °""° “P°“fld ' 53 2: The Homeland! 0 ....... .., ................. .367 Gi h rt mm There is a fold any I k':o:°fl;t:y ,0‘ While shepherds watched" ............... .. 55 There is aland, mine 348 Jam our Mn ,0, There is a land at am Oh ' ,,,m,,,, They tell me of. 912 ' Wh“ ‘ 1“ PARTING. I oooooooooo eeeeeeueee ooooo n3.‘ h wh“ th° mifl‘ 3,“ God be with you 381 W593 “W *" .~ L 3“ L°RD'S SUPPER’ Saviour again, to Thy ...................... .. 18 Jeeus invites Hi: 153 Saviour, breathe au......... ................ .. 19_ Jesus, we thus obey .... ..... .... ..1M HOLINESS. Till He Mm 1 I! Take time to be 280 PEACE. ht afte ’ ” M1 LOVE’ gigs a rivir 385 HOLY spIRIT_HoLY AVIRO, my MI!’ 101 Lord, while for 1“ 91 4 GHOST. Behold what love In Peace! pet-leet peace ........... ..... .311 Gd u WOICIOIOIOIQIOIlOIOIIIOIIIIIIOIBxD Come, graeioue Spirit ...................... "124 I 1"“. an ya”. ,0, °°"‘°v H°‘-Y "9"" 1“ Jesus, Thy ....................... .105 °°'n°- 0 “"""“" "3 Lord, I hear or see gm-3.1 apt;-n»,_ ya me Lo" am”, m in PRAISE TO CHRIST. Gfloiflfll 3P1!'i*- L0" ------------- -----»-----133 Lana with "n an All hail the power.‘.‘....... .... ..... .... "104 ............................ c0121 Mo’. 10'. too]-huh.‘ Arm, my 31] 111 gently ...................... .....139 Jun.‘ 110'. 31’ th. Q-un1pg‘_"“.____.__"__"...._._118 Holy Spirit. Truth In 0 no“, my ...... 333 com, let ue join in NW“ but 1"” 3'“ 0 Love me. will. ..................... co-no. Thou almighty... --------- .....-.--mm our 1‘ J son‘ of ell‘ COMB, ’. M 1070...-«nu eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 001°‘ Divine 11’-flfid 1,1 M». .—u Q.‘ tn M an In‘ my """""""""""""" "xso L: J IOIIL. eeeeeee ..............-318 Take time to be I80 - He livee and .......... "I95 Howsweet the name ........................ ..114 nun .1.‘ the ma HopE_ MISSIONS. Jen,’ ddkhuu ,1. G‘ ‘O the i as __________________ _______ M u Far, far away, in sea Jeens, I love Thy arm" i. :3‘ L,’ From Greenland’: iey.... ................. ...34I1 Jeeua, the very “ ,,“ ' 119 Go mm I I0.00IOIIOIIOOOCIOOOOOIOO..IOO1o’ Jeans ehall nign 387 Oh, In a “ ’ 1M Look from Th 1: .................. ..."!!! Praise Him, ................... .3” INVITATION’ Nowbe the ............. There is a ‘ ‘ ' 118 Behold a Strangers ................. “.133 On the ‘ ' 94! To our Redeemer’-I "5 I m 1 wormIOIDIOOOOOCIOCOIOOOOIOCOIIW mmfllljfllflQQIUIOCOCIIOOOCJIB TOPICAL INDEX-—CHUBCH Hmxs AND Goerm. SONGS. 203 PRAISE TO GOD. NO. All people that on. ............. 38 Basin. my ‘M-3'" 33 God moves in * 8'! Lord. Thee I’ll 33 My God! the spring .................. M New blessed he the. ......................... .. 30 0 God, our help in. ......................... .. 36 Oh, for a heart to ..... ... .................... .. 38 Praise God, "W" 29 We praise Thee, 0 God ................... .365 When all Thy me:-eiee..... ............... 35 Ye servants of 31 PRAYER. Come my soul, 41 Father! whato’er of ............... .. 60 From every -km-ny 45 I have a “ ’ *4! I love to steal -hih (O W’ I remnant “ Lord, I hear «W ‘I25 Lord. we oome before. ...................... .. 39 My 6031 II In! C? Pass me not, 0 see , Prayer is the soul's ............... es Stealing tom the ............ ................ .. 42 Sweet hour of 285 They who seek .... ..... .. 43 ‘Tie the blessed hour. ......... .... ........329 To Thy pastures !air...... .................. .. £0 What various “ ’ - 40 PROMISES. “Come 11800 No." it is.......................318 sinnerl. Jesus will... ........... ..... ......311 There shall he ‘ no; Thou‘); your nine me When God the way of ................ ........281 Whoever reeelveth the.. ........ ...........-s1e REPUGE—ROCK. 0 sat to the NM‘! 336 xnpaurancz. , And ean.I yet 14-! Depth of Inerey me Did Christ o'er 155 I was a —‘ ‘ “W us Jesus. my Lord :11 Just as I In 15¢ 0 Jesus, Thou art 143 Out of my ‘ ‘ _ 275 Bhowvity. T:--I us The mimlm of my life.....................sss with tearful 0!‘ 151 REST. Andisthers, rm ,1. N0. Oahu me, my 04-‘ us “ Come unto lie." It ....... ......... ..818 Light alter ’ ‘ M1 Hy Saviour, '1"-M 158 Oh, where shall ---‘= 9‘ '1 RESURREC'I‘ION—ASCEN- SION. Angelo! rollthe rock.. ...... 89 Christ the Lord is ........... 03 Come, every pious heart..................... 80 fun the dey 91 Hail to Thee, our 9: Low in the grave...............................80'l Morning hreeks 90 on an A :1 a. On wings of living 85 The happy man 8'! SAFETY AND SECURITY. Dying with Jn-In 210 Hide me, 0 my........... ..... ..................fl8 Hold Thou my Fund 181 How sweet, my 2.” "I Loved with .. ‘ " RM- Sate in the -"M 851 The Lord's our Rook. ..... .... .... ..300 Under Bis ''L:: ‘It! SCRIP’I’URE—BIBLE. A ruler ones name 381 Father of ' 1 60 5.5, in an n...:..1 1 Q3 How precious ‘I in I love the Sing them ever 850 Sheers, Jesus The Spirit‘ “ 131 ‘Tie a tree -3 I81 Uaspotted is the £ear...... .... ....... "33! Upon the Gespel's.. ......... ...................1ee W‘ G“ E WUOOOOIOOCICOOOXCZCOOIOXOO381 tbs0-Oeneoeeeeeeeesseees-31‘ SHEPHERD. 8aviour,I --- ass There were TEMPERANCE. Rescue the , ' "w. 89 Yield not to ‘ ‘ " 844 rrznuviwrxon. Yield not to ‘ ,‘ " see THEM THAT SLEEP—DEA'I‘I-I Asleep in -‘'--n- in Far from these seeues......................_..85O N0. It is not 3"“ 258 WP NhmICCCCQOlIOOOCQC..IOIOIOOOOC‘.ICnu 'I‘RUS'I‘s rm fin flngflm m Saviour, more 9'“ 81! Simply t. “‘ V see Trusting in the 338 When we wall: 218 WARFARE. Am I a soldier :88 Come, we that love ......................... "880. Jesus, Lover of my ........ ...... ".820 Jesus, saviour pilot ...... Hy soul be on thy .... ............ .324 Onward, P‘ ’ " SM Book of Age: 281 Stand up! Item! 288 True-hearted, whole-.. ....... WARNING. Haste. traveler, heste ...... Say, einuer, hath 114 Why will ye waste. ......... WORK—WORKS. All unseen the ' 280 Arise ye -sink 881 Awake, my Inn! 8!? Cast thy MIN.‘ 88! Father, hear the :36 Going north at 271 Go, labor mL 280 He that goeth fn-th 888 I'm not ‘ ‘ 888 Laborers of Hake haste. 0 than ...........................888 Rescue the , _, 340 Sewing in ths......... ..........................88I There are lonely .... ...........................831 Work, for the uight....... ............... ..'...306 n..ll A WORSHIP. 301:. holy. ‘ML’. 1 I need Thee I will an -9 891 Now let our voice: 8 0 day of rest and I Pleasant are Thy .............................. 8 Ssiely through aaother...................... 8 sweet is the‘?!-F|r 10 sweetly the My 9 Th. d M.‘ OOOO OIOIOIOOOOOOCOOOIOUOOOIO 6 M h ‘h “OIOIIOOOOOOCOOOOCIODOOOIIOOIOO ‘ Welcome sweet I1-,v............................ It WC !‘3e'eeeee.0eeeeeeeoeeec ‘eeeeeeeeeoeee Q 204 no. . BA Ahira, 3.1: .-....-...--.---230 Aletta, 7s ............ _-144 America, 6s, 4s-..---..---262 Antioch, c.M. ........ -_ 51 Ariel, C.P.M. --------_--109 Arlington, C.M ....... --211 Aurelia, 7s, 68, D ..... -- 83 Autumn, 8s, 7s, D. -..--.-.. 79 Avon, C.M. -....----_---- 82 Azmon, C.M ..--...'- 110,193 B Beecher, 8s, 7s, D.....----199 Belmont, C.M. ----, --..- 166 Bera, I..M ............ --136 Bethany, 6s, 4s, ...... -.225 Bethlehem, P.M. .... -- .. 58 Boylston, 8.1!. ....145,217 Braden, s.M.--....-..----169 Bradford, (2.11. ..........207 C Carol, C.M.D. ....... -- 53 Christmas, C.M. ---.. 55,227 Come, ye Disconsolate, us, 1os-.._-131 Coronation, c.M.--..----.l04 1) Dennis, s.M._------..-..-155 Disciple, 8s, 7s, D ..... --18O Duke Street, L.M. .... _-237 Dundee, c.M. ........ -- 36 E Evan, C.M. ...... -- 66,159 Evening Prayer, 8s, 7s-.. 19 Eventide, Ios---- ....-..-- 1.7 P Federal Street, L.l£...---133 Fountain, c.M... ...--.....-118 G —. Geer, 13.11. 257 Gerar, s.M:. -....’.. ---- -..--250 Good Night, Ios, 6s ----251 Greenwood, S.M. 9, 101,252 Guide, 73, 61 —.-- ..... -. 1 52_ No. K Hamburg, L.M. -------- 76 Happy Day, L.M. ---__-182 Heber, C.M ___________ _- 114 Hebron, I..M. -----_ 16, 62 Hendon, 7s ...... -- 39,177 Herold, 7s-....----..----- 91 Horton, 7s ........... -_ 42 Hursley, I..M.---------.. 24 I Italian Hymn, 6s, 4s--..-107 J’ Jewett, 6s, D. ........ --247 Joyfully, Ios ....-..... ---- -260 Io Laban, 3.11. --..-.... ..-.....-..224 Last Hope, 75 ........ ..-127 Laudes Dom1ni, 6s, 61 -- 15 Lebanon, S.M.D. -..--_-_ 46 Lenox, H.M... ...-...... --- - 111 Lischer, H.M. ..... --12, 85 Louvan, I..M ......... -- 173 Loving Kindness, L.M. -201" Lyons, ms, ns ....... -- 31 Lyte, 6s 4s .......... ..205 Lu: Benigna, Ios, 4s, - - -- 245 M Maitland, C.M ........ --181 Manoah, C.M. ........ .. 33 Martyn, 7s, D ......... _- 220 Materna, c.M.D.-..-.._..--255 Mendebras, 7s, 65, D. -4, 94 Missionary Chant, L.M.-229 Missionary Hymn, 7s, 65, D. --------_-241 Mornington, s.M. .... -- 6 N Naomi, c.u. ..--....--48, 215 Nettleton, 8s, 7s, D. ----188 Niccea, 11s, 12s, ros --..- 1 Now the Day, 6s, 5s---- 20 Nuremburg, 7s ....... .. 88_ INDEX OF STANDARD CHURCH TUNES. no. 0 Old Hundred, L.M.--__- 28 Olive’s Brow, I..M. ----- 72 Olivet. 6s, 4s. ........ .__].91 Olmutz, S. M. -----....-..-189 Ortonville, C.M ....... --184 P Pax Tecum, Ios ...... ....214 Pilot, 7s, 61 .......... --222 Portuguese Hymn, IIs..-196 \ R Rathbun, 8s, 7s --__52, 81 Raynolds, 118, ms .... --137 Refuge, 7s, D ......... --220 Rest, Lu. ........... --249 Retreat, I..M. ----..-....-- 45 Rockingham, L.M. --....- 59 Sabbath, 7s, 6? ....... .. 2 Serenity, c.M. ....... -- 69 Shining Shore, 8s, 7s, P. -253 Siloam, C.M. ........ ..-148 Solid Rock, L151. 61. ._--197 St. Agnes, c.u. ----98, 119 St. -Hilda, 7s, 6s, D. ---- 143 St. Margaret, 7s, 6s ---- 206 St. Michael, S.M. ..... --203 StateStreet, s.u.--153 186 Stephanos, 8s, 5, 3 ....---259- Stephens, c.M. ----- ---_ 120 Stockwell, 8s, 7s, --21, 233 '.|.‘ Talmar, 8s, 7s ....].83, 246 Thacher, sin. ........ .. 198 To-Day, 6s, 4s ........ -..132 Toplady, 7s, 61 ....... --221 U Uxbridge, Lu. ....... -..163 V Varina, C.M.D. ....... --254 W Ward, L.M. .......... ..-123 Ware, Lu. ----..------ 30 Webb, 7s, 6s, D. --223, 243 Wellesley, 8s, 7s--;...-..204 Woodworth, I..M. _-.--_- 140 z . Zion, 8s 79,4 --96, 226, 242 Inber. Titles in SMALL Carri-Ans; First Lines in Roman. NO. ‘A-PILGBIM through this lonely world . 68 A ruler once came to Jesus by night. 337 ASnm.rr.3mrnnTmnorSmnM . . . . . . ..306 A Somms or -rnn Csoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 Abide with me, fast falls the . . . . . . . . .. 17 Anunnnrrmr Anna To Save . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 314 Again as evening's shadow falls . . . . . . . . . 25 Alas! and did my Saviour bleed . . . . . .82, 301 All hail the power of Jesus’ Name . . . . . . 104 All people that on earth do dwell . . . . . . . 28 All unseen the Master walketh. . . . . . . . .. 236 Amazing grace, how sweet the sound. . . . 185 Am I a soldier of the cross . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 288 And canlyet delay..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 147 And is there, Lord, a rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 218 And though our bodies part . . . . . . . . . . . . 156 Angels rejoiced and sweetly sung . . . . . . . 56 Angels! roll the rock away . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89 Asian. AND Snnm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 309 Arise, my soul, arise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 111 Arise, ye saints, arise . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . .. 231 Art thou weary, art thou languid . . . . . . . 259 Ask ye what great thing I know . . . . . . . .. 178 Asleep in Jesus! blessed sleep . . . . . . . . . . 249 Ar rm: Cnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . L. 301 Awake, my soul, in joyful lays . . . . . . . . . . 201 Awake! my soul stretch every nerve . . '. . 227 BEGIN. my tongue. some heavenly. . . . 38 Behold, a Stranger’s at the door. . . .. 133 Bnnonn. wnyr Lovn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 326 Behold! what wondrous grace . . . . . . . . . .. 190 Bnnovnn. HOW ARE WE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 330 Bnsssnn Assommcr: . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . 300 Bmssnn as THE Founnm. .- . . . . . . . . . . . . . 324 Blest are the sons of peace . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 158 Blest be the tie that binds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 155 Blow ye the trumpet, blow . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 113 Bride of the Lamb, awake, awake . . . . . .. 100 Bright was the guiding star that led. . . . . 57 Bamome IN rm: Snnvns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 332 By cool Siloam’s shady rill . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 148 CALM me, my God, and keep me . . . . . . 219 Calm on the listening ear of night. . . 54 Cast thy bread upon the waters . . . . . . . . . 235 Carma ALI. Youn Cans Upon‘. Hm . . . . . . . 308 Children of the heavenly King . . . . . . . . . . 339 Cmus-r Anosn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 307 CEBIBTREOEIVBTHSINIFULMEN . . . . . . . 311 Cums’: Bnruarusrn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 336_ ' no. Christ the Lord is risen to-day . . . . . . . .88, 93 Come every pious heart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 86 Come, gracious Spirit, heavenly Dovc. . . 124 Come, Holy Spirit, heavenly Dove . . . . . . 120 Come in, Thou blessed of the Lord . . . . . . 162 Come, let us join our cheerful songs. . . . 1-10 Come, let us lift our joyful eyes . . . . . . 213 Come, Lord, and tarry not . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 101 Come, my soul, thy suit prepare . . . . . . .. 41 Come, 0 Creator, Spirit blest! . . . . . . . . . . 123 Conn on -rnn Wntes or run Monmxo. . . . . 268 Come, sinners, to the gospel feast . . . . . . . 138 Come, Thou almighty King . . . . . . . . . . . .. 107 Come, Thou Fount of every blessing‘. . . . 188 Conn: urrro Mn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 312 Com:1mroMn,xnWmnr . . . . . . . . . 269 Come, we that love the Lord . . . . . . . . . . .. 334 Come, ye disconsolate, where'er yo . . . . . . 131 Come ye that love the Saviour's name . . . 106 Complete in Thee, no work of mine. . . . . 174 EPTH of mercy, can there be . . . . . . ., 144 Did Christ o'er sinners weep . . . . . . . . 145 Dnaw an Nnnnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 358 Dying with Jesus, by death reckoned . . . 270 ENCAMPED along the hills of light . . . 296 Eternal Spirit, we confess . . . . . . . . . . 126 Evsx Mn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. _325 Evnnr Du mp Houn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 313 Eric mm nor Snn:1~I.- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 272 AITH adds new charms to earthly. . . . 194 FAIIEIBTHEVICIOBY . . . . . . . Far, far away, in heathen darkness . . . . . . 302 Far from these scenes of night . . . . . . . . . 250 Father, hear the prayer we ofier . . . . . . . . 234 Father of mercies! in Thy word . . . . . . . . 168 Father! whate’er of earthly bliss . . . . . . . . 50 For. Jnnovm I an Wurmo . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 333 From Calvary a cry was heard . . . . . . . . .. 77 From every stormy wind that blows . . . . 45 From Greenland’s icy mountains . . . . . . . 241 From the depths do I invoke Thee . . . . . . 333 IVE me a heart of calm repose . . . . . . . 208 Give to the winds thy fears . . . . . . . . . . 198 Glory to God on high . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 108 GonnnwrrnYotr. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘.....367 God bless our native land . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 264 God calling yet! shall I not . . . . . . . . . . . . . 139 God in the gospel of His Son . . . . . . . . . . . 1'63 206 ‘lnoer. - no. so Godisloveg His mercy brightens . . . . . .. 200 Irtm1>Tnmn'vm! HoUn....... 356 God moves in a mysterious way . . . . . . .. 37 I need Thee, precious Jesus ........... .. 81 God of the morning, at whose voice. . . . . 16 I was a wandering sheep . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 146 Go labor on; spend and be spent . . . . . .. 229 I wru. Ln:-r UP mun Ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 291 Go, messenger of peace and love . . . . . . . . 238 I win. Pass ovnn You . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 281 Go rs: mrro Am. ran Worm) . . . . . . . . . . . . . 302 I wru. SING rm: Wosnnous Sronr . . . . . . . . 316 Going forth at Christ's command . . . . . . . 271 I'LL LIVE FOR Tam . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 273 Grace, ’tis a charming sound . . . . . . . . . . . . 189 I’m not ashamed to own my Lord . . . . . . . 228 Gracious Spirit, Love divine . . . . . . . . . . .. 128 In the cross of Christ I glory . . . . . . . . . . . 81 Great God! to Thee my evening song . . . 27 In the land of strangers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 352 Guide me, 0 Thou great J eho_vah . . . . . . . 226 It came upon the midnight clear . . . . . . . . 53 It is not death to die . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 252 HAIL the day that sees Him rise . . . . .. 91 Itmay be at morn when the day . . . . . . . . 336 Hail to Thee, our risen King . . . . . . . 92 Happy the spirit released from its clay.. 261 RUSALEM, my happy home . . . . . . . .. 255 Haux! HARE! M! SOUL . . . . . . . . ..' . . . . . . 1. . 318 Jesus calls us o'er the tumult . . . . . . . . 246 Hark! the voice of love and mercy . . . . . . . 80. Jesus! delightful, charming name . . . . . .. 116 Hark! what mean those holy voices. . . . 52 J mess, I Conn: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275 Haste, traveler, haste! the night comes . 135 Jesus, I love Thy charming name . . . . . .. 117" He dies! the Friend of sinners -dies. . . . . 78 Jesus, I my cross have taken . . . . . . . . . . . 180 Hi: Iannmn Mn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 343 J esus invites His saints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153 He lives and loves, our Saviour King. . . . 295 Jmsus Is Gamma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 303 He that goeth forth with weeping. . . . .. 233 Jesus is tenderly calling Thee home. . . . . 303 _Here I can firmly rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 169 J esus knocks: He calls to Thee . . . . . . . . . 266 Hm: ms, 0 in SAYIOUB . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 282 J esusl Lover of my soul . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 Hmrso IN THEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 335 Jeans, my Lord, to Thee I cry . . . . . . . . . . 317 How Tnou Mr Hum . . . . .! . . . . . . . . . . . .. 331 Jesus, our life, our hope, our heaven. . . . 209 Holy Ghost! with light divine . . . . . . . . . . 127 J esus, Saviour, pilot me. . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . 222 Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty . . . 1 Jesus‘ shall reign where'er the sun . . . . . . 237 Holy Spirit! gently come . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 130 J esus, the very thought of Thee . . . . . . . . 119 Holy Spirit! Truth divine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 129 Jeans, Thy name I love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205 How beauteous were the marks divine . . 60 Jesus wept! those tears are over . . . . . . . . 79 How can a sinner know . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 172 Jesus, we thus obey . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 154 How firm a foundation, ye saints of. . . . . 196 Jesus, whom angel hosts adore . . . . . . . . .. 75 How precious is the book divine. . . . . . .. 166 J oyfully, joyfully, onward I move . . . . . . . 260 How sweet, how heavenly is the sight. . . 159 Joy to the world; the Lord is come . . . . . 51 How sweet, my Saviour to repose . . . . . . . 308 Just as I am, without one plea . . . . . . . . . . 140 How sweet the name of J esus sounds . . . 114 How sweetly flowed the gospels’ sound. . 61 ABORERS of Christ, arise . . . . . . . . . .. 230 6 Lead, kindly Light, amid . . . . . . . . .. 245 All Comics we run Cnoss . . . . . . . . . . . . . 321 Law Mn, Ssvzoua . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 286 I In His um Bins Mnm . . . . . . . . . . . .. 364 Let me hear my Saviour say . . . . . . . . . . .. 176 IAHPBAYINGFOBYOU . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 348 I..ron'rarrnaDAaxmnss.....’ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 341 I am Thine, O Lord, I have heard . . . . . . . .358 Light of the lonely pilgrim’s heart . . . . . . 99 lnfl‘nnm0wx.... .... . . . . . . . . . . . 360 LIKIARIYEBGLORIOUS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .§. 365 I bless the Christ of God . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 171 L0, He comes with clouds descending.. . 96 I do not ask for earthly store . . . . . . . . . . . 284 L0! what a glorious sight appears . . . . . .. 98 I have a Saviour, He's pleading in . . . . . . 348 Look from Thy sphere of endless day. . . 239 I hear the words of love . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 203 Lord, I believe; Thy power I own . . . . . . 195 I Hun Tn! Wnncoun Vorcm . . . . . . . . . . . . 353 Lord, 1 cannot let Thee go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44 I heard the voice ofJes_us say . . . . . . . . . . 66 Lord, I hear of showers of blessing . . . . . 325 I know not why Godfs wondrous . . . . . . . . 299 Lord, Thee I'll praise with all my. . . . . . . 32 I know that my Redeemer lives . . . . . .. . 207 Lord, Thou on earth did’st love . . . . . .- . . . 160 I Know WHO)! I Iiavn Bxnmvsn . . . . . . . . . 299 Lord, ‘we come before Thee now . . . . . . . . 39 I love the sacred Book of God. . . .- . .- . . . . 164 Lord, while for all mankind we pray. . . . 216 Iloveto stealawhile away.............. 49 Love divine. all love excelling........._»- 199 Incer. 207 no. ' no. Loved with everlasting love . . . . . . . . . . .. 364 Oh, for the pearly gates of heaven . . . . .. 258 Low in the grave He lay . . . . . , . . , . . . , . _ . 307 03, Give us Rnsr mom Saar . . . . . . . . . . . . 362 Oh, happy day that fixed my . . . . . . . . . . . . 182 AJESTIG sweetness sits enthroned.. 184 Oh, love, how deep! how broad! how. . . 64 Make haste, 0 man, to live . . . . . . . . . 232 Oh, the bitter shame and sorrow . . . . . . . . 363 Moumrr BY MOMENT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 270 Oh, what a blessed hope is ours . . . . . . . . . 210 Mona Lovn T0 Tuna, O Cnsrsr . . . . . , , , _ , 297 Oh, where shall rest be found . . . . . . . . . . 217 Morning breaks upon the tomb . . . . . . . .. 90 Oh, wondrous type, oh, vision fair . . . . .. 65 Must Jesus bear the cross alone . . . . . . . .. 181 0’er the distant mountains breaking. . . . 97 MY Bonv, Sour. AND SPIRIT . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 361 Once more before we part . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 157 My Country, ’tis of thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 262 On the mountain-top appearing . . . . . . . .. 242 My days are gliding swiftly by . . . . . . . . .. 253 On the resurrection morning . . . . . . . . . . . 315 My dear Redeemer, and my Lord . . . . . . . 59 ONWABD, Cnmsrrau Sonnmns . . . . . . . . . . .. 304 My faith looks up to Thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 191 ONWARD Go . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 328 My God, is any hour so sweet . . . . . . . . . .. 47 On wings of living light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 85 My God! the spring of all my joys . . . . . . 34 OPEN Winn run Doon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 266 My hope is’ built on nothing less . . . . . . . . 197 Our blest Redeemer, ere He breathed. . . 122 My Jesus, as Thou wilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 247 Our land, with mercies crowned." . . . . . . . 263 Mr Jssus, I Lovm THEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 319 Our: Savroun KING . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..". . . . . 295 My life, my love, I give to Thee . . . . . . . . 273 Out of my bondage, sorrow and night .. 275 My Saviour, Thou hast ofiered . . . . . . . . . . 362 ' My Shepherd is the Lord Most High _ , _ , 173 ASS Mn Nor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 354 My soul, be on thy guard . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 224 Peace! perfect peace! in this dark. . . 214 My soul complete in Jesus stands . . . . . . . 175 Pilgrims, in this vale of sorrow. . . . . . . 248 Pleasant are Thy courts above . . . . . . . . . . 3 EAREB. my God, to Thee . . . . . . . . . . . 225 Praise God from whom all blessings . . . . 29 Norm or Sum, AND ALL or 'J.‘mm. . . .. 363 Pause Hm! Pnusn: Hm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 298 Nornnve mrr Lmvns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 359 Prayer is the soul's sincere‘ desire . . . . . . . 48 Nor I, BUT Cnmsr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 277 Proclaim, saith Christ, my wondrous. . . . 150 Not now, but in the coming years . . . . . . . 289 Now be the gospel banner . . . . . .. . . . . . . . 244 EJOICE, rejoice, believers . . . . . . . . . . 94 Now blessed be the mighty One . . . . . . . .. 30 Rnscun {ran Pnnrsame . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 349 Now let our voices join . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 RESUBBECTION Moan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 315 ' Now the day is over . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Ride on! ride on in majesty . . . . . . . . . . . . 63 NOW. to Thy sacred house . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Rock of Ages, cleft for me . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 221 0 BLESS the Lord, my soul . . . . . . . . . . . 186 AFE IN’ run Anus or J nsus . . . . . . . . . . . . 351 0 day of rest and gladness . . . . . . . . . . 4 Safely through another week . . . . . . . . 2 O for a faith that will not shrink . . . . . . . 193 Sarrsnnn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 294 0 Gun nu) Gnomous Gosrm. . . . . . . . . . .. 287 SAVED BY Gmcn: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 276 O God. our help in ages past . . . . . . . . . . .. 36 SAVED 'ro SERVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 271 '0 now Lovn I Tm: Law. . . .~ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 322 Saviour, again to Thy dear name. . . . . . . . 18 0 Jesus. Thou art standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . 143 Saviour, breathe an evening blessing . . . 19 0 little town of Bethlehem . . . . . . . . . . . .. 58 Saviour, I look to Thee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 192 O Lord. and will Thy pardoning love. . . . 151 Saviour, lead me, lest I stray . . . . . . , . . . . 286 0 Lord. my soul rejoieeth in Thee . . . . . . 292 Saviour, more than life to me . . . . . . . . . .. 313 0 Lord. We now the path retrace . . . . . . .. 71 Saviour, teach me, day by day . . . . . . . . . . 179 0 love that will not let me go . . . . . . . . . . . 206 Say, sinner, hath a voice within . . . . . . . .. 134 0 mother dear, Jerusalem . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 256 See Israel's gentle Shepherd stands. . . . . 149 0 sacred Head, now wounded . . . . . . . . . . . 83 Show pity, Lord! 0 Lord! forgive . . . . . .. 142 0 88-1'6 to the Rock that is higher . . . . . . .. 335 Silently the shades of evening . . . . . . . . . . 21 0 Zion, tune thy voice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Simply trusting every day . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 345 011. 0011161 I speak the matchless worth . . 109 Sing them over again to me . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350 011. for 8 heart to praise my God . . . . . . . . 38 Sinners Jesus will receive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 311 Oh. for a thousand tongues to sing . . . . . . 105 Sleep on, beloved, sleep, and take thy. .. 251 Oh! for a shout of sacred joy . . . . . . . . . .. 211 Some day the silver cord will break. . . . . 276 208 - No. SOMETIHE WE'LL UNDERSTAND. . . . . . . . . . . 289. Sons of God, beloved in Jesus . . . . . . . . . . 330 Sovereign of worlds! display Thy. . . ._i .. 240 Sowing in the morning, sowing. . . . . .. 332 SPE AWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 293 Spirit Divine! attend our prayer . . . . . . . . 121 Stand up!—stand up for Jesus . . . . . . . . .. 223 Stay, Thou insulted Spirit, stay . . . . . . . . 125 Stealing from the world away . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Sun of my soul! Thou Saviour . . . . . . . . .. 24 SUNsHINs IN THE SoUL . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 323 SWEET Horn: or PRAYER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 285 Sweet is the Work, 0 Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Sweetly the holy hymn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 AKE ME As I AM. .' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 317 Take my heart. 0 Father! take it. . .. 183 Take my life and let it be . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 177 TAKE TIME To BE Hour . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 280 “ Take up thy cross,” the Saviour said. . . Tarry with me, O my Saviour . . . . . . . . . . . THE BErrEa LAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 346 The Church has waited long . . . . . . . . . . .. 102 The dawn of God's new Sabbath. . . . . . . . 5 THE Era or FAITH . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 284 The happy morn is come . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 The head that once was crowned Wit11,. . 212 THE HOMELAND . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The Lord’s our Rock, in Him We . . . . . . . . The marriage feast is ready . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 THE MIsTAHEs or Mr LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 338 The morning light is breaking . . . . . . .' . . . 243 THE NINETY AND NINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 342 The Spirit breathes upon the Word . . . . . 167 There are lonely hearts to cherish . . . . . . 327 There is a fold whence none can . . . . . . . . 257 There is a fountain filled with blood. . . . 118 THERE Is A GREEN HILL FAE AWAY . . . . . . . 347 There is a land mine eye hath . . . . . . . . . . 346 There is a land of pure delight . . . . . . . . . 254 67 305 There is a name I love to hear . . . . . . . . . . THERE SHALL BE SHOWEEE or BLEss1No. . . . There were ninety and nine that . . . . . . . . 342 There’s a widness in God’s mercy . . . . . . . 204 There's sunshine in my soul to . . . . . . . . . 323 THEnE’LI. BE No DARK VALLEY . . . . . . . . . . . 274 They tell me of a land so fair . . . . . . . . . .. 272 They who seek the throne of grace . . . . . . 43 This is the day of light . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 THOUGH You: Sure zen As SCAELET . . . . . . .. 310 Tnaow OUT THE LIFE-LINE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 283 Thy loving-kindness, Lord, I sing . . . . . . . 202 Till He come--0 let the words . . . . . . . . . . 15".} Tie a true and faithful saying . . . . . . .~ . 287 “ 'Tis finished!" so the Saviour cried. . . . 74 "Tie midnight; and on 0live’s brow. . . . . 72 " Inter. - ' No. ’TIs THE BLEssED Hotm or PRAYER . . . . . . . 329 To-day the Saviour calls . . . . . . . . .- . . . . . . . 132 To our Redeemei-’s glorious Name . . . . . .. 115 To Thee be glory, honor, praise . . . . . . 62 To Thy pastures fair and large . . . . . . . . . . 40 TRAVELLING HOME . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 339 TRUE-HEARTED, WHOLE-HEABTED . . . . . . . . . 230 TRUST AND OBEY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 278 Trusting in the Lord thy God . . . . . . . . . . . 328 TRUSTING J ESUS, THAT Is ALL . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-15 NDER Hrs WINos . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 265 Unspotted is the fear of God . . . . . . . 322 Upon the Gospel’s sacred page . . . . . . . . . . 165 ALK in Light! so shalt thou . . . . . . . 161 .- WE’EE MARCHING To ZION . . . . . . . . . .. 334 '- We bless Thee for Thy peace, 0 God. . . . 215 _ Welcome, delightful morn. . . .' . . . . . . . . . .' 12 Welcome, sweet day of rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 - WELCOME, WANDERER, WELCOME . . . . . . . .. 352 We may not climb the heavenly steeps . . 69 WE PRAISE THEE, 0 G01) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . We would see Jesus—for the shadows. . . 187 . WHAT A FRIEND WE HAVE IN J ESUS . . . . . . . . 357 What cheering Words are these . . . . . . . . . . 170 What grace, O Lord, and beauty shone. . 70 What various hindrances We meet . . . . . . 46 ' When all Thy mercies, O my Go.1 . . . . . . . 35 When God the way of life would . . . . . . . . 281 When I shall Wake in that fair . . . . . . . . . . 294 When I survey the Wondrous cross . . . . . . 76 When morning gilds the skies . . . . . . . . . . 15 When shades of night aroun_d us . . . . . . . . 26 WHEN THE MIsTs HAVE ROLLED AWAY. . . . 320 WHEN THE ROLL Is CALLED UP YONDER. . .. 340 When the trumpet of. the Lord shall . . . . 3-10 When we Walk with the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . 278 While shepherds Watched their flocks. . . 55 While we pray, and While We plead . . . . .. 279 WHILE THE DAYs ARE GOING BY. . .' . . . . . . .. 327 ._ Whoever receiveth the Crucifiegl One. . . . 314 :'_.= WHY NoT Now . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2795, Why will ye waste on trifling cares . . . . . . 136' _j‘ Within the garden's whispering shade . . With joy we lift our eyes . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7'-_‘ With tearful eyes I look around . . . . . . . .. 141:5? WONDEEFUL LovE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 292;.‘ WONDERFUL Wonns or LIFE . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350,? Wonk, roa THE NIGHT Is COMING . . . . . . . . . 366% Musr BE BOEN AGAIN . . . . . . . . . . . .. 337 - Ye saints, your music bring. . . .“. . . . . 112 Ye servants of "God, your Master . . . . . . . . 31.". Ye servants of the Lord . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1(a3"fq Yes, for me, for me He careth ., . . . . . . . .. 2 5.,-_ YIELD Nor To TEMPTATION . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 344'- 1 PRICE OF ' ! llllumn Hymns and ensue! songs. .1- . Per :00 ' 1; Half bound, printed paper sides—‘*’*.- -- - "$25.00 E Cloth bound, printed ink stamp-*------30.00 E Cloth bound, printed in]: stamj), with Scripture Readings: _-—. ----.--~-- - -40.00 j Full cloth, gilt stamp»-=3.-:9-__§_._ . “—‘=-35.00 E Fa1%{:£h, gilt stamp, with Scripture 1 ass *-~~-:-~-~~~"~-‘ 5-00 I [f ordqregi by mail-, add.5 cenis /rer bop)! /71r__ 1 . . . postage. _...__.L -4 L 4%