Lc ll——\. L122/3: ¥3{§>~1<# Y7" ‘£30 SPR 87-430 SPR émment Pu bncations t ’ CRS REPORT FOR CO§g$_ J . ‘ , . ‘ 1‘ ‘ta :v y, .. ‘Iv ."° ‘rs - ‘:1 I’ ‘:‘:2~w4- 1 7 “W: W ‘.3 E3 2: ;'~' r 1 . ..._ fan I) ;t.—.' V. H -._ ,‘. 1‘ -_‘.' . ,'»:¢/ ‘'53 ~ :23‘: _?.=§.,;‘<1?:>_ ..§";uwm muwuwwumum Hmu=ua=u«uw< Hmcofiumz mwemawm \u .mHmauHwmo muawwm wwauomca wcm cowumuwwwumsm uwwvsn mucwwm Eoum vwcamuao mums wwwmvowwm pom mwuswam \m .m .m .mwo:w«um Hmu:uH=uHum¢ wam voom no uuommm Hm=::< mwmfi mnu Scum cwxmu wuw3 mwwmlowwm now wmusmfim mm m.¢nm o.~ooH o.mem ©.qww 9.0mm m.oHm o.w_~ o.owe auummmmm .HmuoH H.H H.H m.o ~.H ~.o o.o 0.0 m.o m.o mofi>umm % :o«uummm:H cwmuu Hmuwuwm mummfi m.m~H o.mHH w.mHH ~.woH ~.~o~ H.~HH ¢.moH wuabuwm ummuom xv m.~ H.m q.m m.m m.m V ~.o o.m m.m u:wSmoHm>mQ wan cofiumumao Hm:o«umcumu:H mo wowmwo o.o H.H H.H m.H w. m.o o.H m.o w.o aofiumuuommamue we mofimmo o.H m.H m.H o.H o.~ m.H m.H ¢.H m.H mufi>umm mafiuuxumz Hmu=uH=oHpm< ~.N ~.~ ~.~ ¢.~ ~.~ N.~ ~.H w.H o.H mufi>umm « w>«umummooo Hmu=uH=u«um¢ ~.m m.o m.~H m.N H.o “.5 m.w ~.w H.n mu«>umm :oHumEuom:H aowuauusz cwedm q.m¢ H.«q H.n¢ m.qq m.¢m H.c~ mufi>umm coummmwm ofieocoom ~.m ~.w o.» <.w ~.w o.~ o.~ m.N o.m \u muH>uwm mcwuuomwm Hmowumaumum mhwmm q.Nm~ ~.~m~ m.~m~ o.o- n.oo~ q.qmH mmmu .HmuoH \w m.¢ m.o w.“ o.o 0.0 o.o o.o o.o wucmuu m>Hufiummeou muummuom mufi o.~ m.H m.H c.o m.o m.o m.H m.H :oHumuumH=Heu< Hmumumm uomufio xv m.m m.m w.m w.m w.m w.m m.o o.© mmmwmfin w suammm Hmefi:< mhqq N.oq% m.~q o.o¢ o.~H o.~H m.oH o.©H m.mH mucmuu suummmmm m>flufiumaeoo \u o.m~ m.o~ w.- H.m~ ~.wH ~.mH mucwuu cuummmmm Hmfiummm m.m~ m.- m.N~ m.mN w.- w.HN m.H~ m.mH w.nH wowmxmsa w mwmmaaoo omwfi o.mH q.NH ¢.m~ H.mH m.~H q.N~ o.~H m.oH o.oH zuummuom m>fiumumaooo m.mmH w.mqH w.w¢H m.cmH m.~mH ~.m¢H ~.HwH o.m~H c.wH~ maseuom uo< cuumm muH>uom Loummmwm wumuw m>«umpmmooo o.~qm o.o~mm ~.mwqw H.~mqw o.moqm m.Hm¢m ~.m~qm H.qo¢m o.mmmm muH>umm cuuwmwmm Hmp:uH:uwuw< Hm:uu< Hw:uu< Hw=uu< .mm=uu< Hm:uu< Hm=uu< Hm:uu< Hm:uu< ~m:uu< cuumwmwm \nmw»m Nmwm omwm \mmm»m qwwm mmwm Nwwm Hmwm omwm Amumfifiou mo mcofifififie :Hv mwma wmlcwma Mm supmmmmm pom mcowumHuaoumm¢ umu=uH:o«uw< mo ucmeuummmm .m.D .~ mAmumm co«uumamaH SHNHU Hmumvwm m.~a ~.¢oH o.wa ¢.Ho# m.ooH m.moH H.-H m.oHH ~.mHH mufi>uom umupom H.~ ~.~ m.e a.q m.m ~.o q.m m.o u=uamoHo>ma uam aofiumumao HmnoHum:uwuaH mo wowmwo m. a. o.H ~.~ N. w. o.H o.H m. cofiumuuommamue we mofimmo m.H ~.H m.~ q.~ m.~ ¢.H m.H m.H m.H wufi>uwm wafiumxumz Hmu=uH=uHHw< w.H ~.~ m.~ o.~ o.~ H.~ ~.H m.H m.H moH>umm m>«uwuwaoou amu:uH:uaum< a.o ~.m H.~a 5.0 o.m «.5 m.m m.w q.w % mo«>umm :o«umEuomaH cowuauusz cwaam e.~m o.wm o.~¢ a.o¢ ~.~m ¢.mm q.~q mufi>umm suumomum ufieocoum a.e w.e% o.o m.~ o.“ m.~ o.n o.w m.m muH>umm mcwuuomwm Hmowumaumum o.omH m.Hm~ m.mH~ w.-~ o.o- m.mH~ o.~H~ ammo .Hmuoa % ~.m o.m a.o o.o o.o o.o o.o o.o muamuu m>Hufiuomaoo muumouom m.H ~.~ m.H m.H e. m. w.o ¢.H m.H aoHumuuma=fieu< amumvem uooufla o.q ~.q ~.m ¢.m o.m w.m o.~ H.~ mmmmmfin a zufimwm HmeHc< o.Hq ~.mH m.oH m.oH ~.- m.m~ muamuu soummmmm m>HuHumaaoo o.oq o.m~ o.a~ m.¢~ ~.o~ H.m~ m.mH a.~H muamuu coumwmmm Hmfiummm o.mH m.mH N.mH o.H~ o.H~ a.o~ m.H~ ~.o~ o.H~ umwmxmaa a muwmaaoo oawfl %q.oH m.oH ~.oH ~.~H m.HH m.HH o.~H ~.mH w.HH zuummuom m>Humumaooo o.q~H m.m~H m.w~H ¢.amH m.o¢H ~.~qH% H.H¢H o.wmH o.oqH waseuom uu< coumm T muH>Hwm A nuuwwmwm mumum m>Huwumaoou w.~m¢m¢m ~.oHqm q.mmqm ~.~mqw m.mmqm ~.m~qw m.mmqw m.~Numm nuummmwm awu=uH:uHum< .mm:.uu< Hm=uo< .nm=uo< Hm5uU¢ am:uo< .nw:uo¢ Hm=uo< Hm=uo<. Hw=uu< zuummmmm nwwm owwm mmwm gm»; mwwm % Nmwm Hmwm owwm wmwm. Ampmaaow mo mcofifififis aHV Amumaaov Nwma ucmumcou ¢Hv wwma wmnowma wm suumwwmm pom m:oHumHumouam¢ wu:uH:oHuw< mo uameuummmn .m.: .m mumy. g g g program, focus, priorities and implementation strategies; (4) Analyzing the potential important role of the System in the practical application of the results of biotechnology generated research; and (5) Continuing assessment of the system in terms of the most efficient and effective structure and staffing tailored to the needs and demands of today's clientele.103 101 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Extension Service. A Catalyst for Change - The Extension Service. Oct. 1983. p. 6. 102 U.S. Dept. of Agriculture. Testimony of Myron D. Johnsrud, Administrator, Extension Service before the Senate Committee on Agriculture, Rural Development, and Related Agencies. Written Testimony. Mar. 4, 1987. p. 2. 103 Ibid., p. 2. CRS-54 The Extension Service says it is redirecting or eliminating programs and shifting personnel so they directly serve the needs of producers of U.S. food and fiber. The proposed restructuring of the Extension Service's operations is intended to keep it on the "cutting edge of science" while serving its clientele in both an effective and efficient manner. CRS-55 XIII. CONCLUSIONS Although specific agricultural problems have changed drastically over the past years, the apparent need for research has remained the same. It is probable that for the next several years, U.S. agricultural production will continue to have excess capacity (resulting from technological advances), that perturbations in the international economy will continue, that there will be less growth in demand for agricultural commodities, and that the existing dichotomy in the farm sector will be more marked (the number of medium-sized farms will continue to decline while the number of small and large farm operations will increase). The agricultural research system, building on a broad base of ongoing research activity and capability, may be in the position to address high_priOriLy national problems that others systems cannot or will not because of their narrower geographic focus or shorter term perspective. However, greater research and training probably are needed. As B. R. Eddleman,. Mississippi Agricultural and Forestry Experiment Station, Mississippi State University, stated: . . . [T]he potential for growth in the farm and food system is not being realized because we are not investing enough in schooling farm people and developing their skills nor in R&D and the dissemination of its results. . . . Our ability to maintain a competitive edge for farm and food products in a world market depends on continued technological advances. The best efforts of [G]overnment, universities, and the private insti- tutions engaged in R&D will be required to deliver this new technol- ogy. Without such technology, productivity Skowth in the farm and food system with all the attendant benefits such growth provides for society will lag behind what it otherwise could be. 104 Eddleman, B. R. p. 8. LIBRARY OF WASHINGTON umvsnsrrv s'r. Loucs - MO. fi...——-v