School Health Studies No. 11 July, 1925 DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR BUREAU OF EDUCATION ' WASHINGTON. D. 0. SCHOOL NURSE ADMINISTRATION Prepared in the Division of Physical Education and School Hygiene, James F. Rogers, Chief ' At the present time the most important special agent in school health work is the school nurse. The employment of a competent person in this post has practically always meant her retention, raise of salary, and often reduction in the number of pupils assigned to her by the employment of other nurses. Her work has changed con- siderably; she is no longer chiefly a searcher for and eradicator of vermin; and with the invitation of parents to attend the physical examination of their children, her labor in “following up” physi- cally defective pupils and getting something done for them is being lightened. The better training of teachers in observing the physical traits of pupils will also relieve her of work; but there is still very much to occupy her time, and she continues an indispensable agent in every well-ordered school system. In fact in cities of smaller size, and in the rural districts, her worth is just being discovered. The number of cities employing nurses has more than doubled in the past 10 years, while the proportionate increase for rural schools is very much greater. The work of the nurse has always added point to the health teach- ing in the schools, and in some instances from special study or apti- tude she has been put in charge of this work. More and more her duties were away from those of the traditional nurse, and the name so long connected with sickness seems far from appropriate, though doubtless the old title will cling to her until by training she is further specialized. Hitherto school nurses have been recruited chiefly from nurses with only sick—room training, but many now enter upon their duties with an additional'schooling in public health work and a very few with special training in the service they are to assume. For those who undertake, among other duties, the supervision of or assistance in health-habit teaching, something more than the ordinary training of a nurse is essential. 54541—25° 2 SCHOOL NURSE ADMINISTRATION Where the medical work of the school is under the administration of the department of health the school nurses are usually under the direction of that department, but the tendency has been for all school health activities, save the management of cases of communicable disease, to be taken under the management of the department of education. ' _ .The results of a brief study of present practice in school nurse administration in cities of more than 30,000 population should be of interest to all school authorities. Of 179 cities in the United States having a population of 30,000 or more which furnished information in regard to school nurses, 136, cities'reported that the school nurses are employed by the board of education; 34 cities reported that the school nurses are employed by the health department; 5 cities reported a joint control by the board of education and the board of health; 3 cities reported employment of the nurses by the local welfare organization; 1 city reported the school nUrse as employed by the Red Cross. In 116 of these cities the nurse is employed for the school year, and in 58 for the calendar year. Five cities did not answer this question. The average number of children per nurse as given by these cities is about 3,000, the lowest 800, while the highest is 7,000. The minimum salary reported for a staff nurse is $637 (8% months) and the maximum $2,700. Average salaries paid in certain cities will be found in the accompanying table. In 66 cities nurses are appointed through examination; 88 cities reported no examination necessary for appointment; 12 cities specify that it is necessary for a nurse to hold a certificate as R. N., and 13 cities did not furnish information on this subject. In 41 cities the school nurse receives the benefit of a retirement fund; 122 cities reported that the school nurse does not receive the benefit of a retirement fund, and 16 cities did not answer this question. - In most cities the school nurse works from 9 a. m. till 4 p. m. In 110 of the cities sick leave with pay is granted, the number of days with full pay varying from 5 to 30. In 102 cities vacation with pay is given. ' To the question, would you suggest a more appropriate name for the school nurse? the majority answered in the negative; several suggested the name of “Health teacher.” Many interesting remarks accompanied the ansWers, as follows: “No deduction is made in salary for illness not exceeding a month.” “Nurses are on same salary schedule as the grade teachers.” “Visiting nurses organization pays the school nurse’s salary through the sum- mer months, out of a community chest.” “A $50 bonus is paid all teachers and nurses attending summer school.” “We have two assistant nurses, ,not graduates.” SCHOOL NURSE ADMINISTRATION 3 One city allows “$200 per year traveling expenses to each nurse, in addition to her regular salary. Leave is granted to attend conventions with pay and ex- penses.” , “Nurses are employed in summer camp for undernourished children during summer months.” - “We call our nurses ‘instructive nurses of hygiene.”’ “In this State (New York) we have summer schools for nurses in one or two of our universities.” , , A “School nurses receive same holidays and sick leave as teachers and are on same Schedule.” ‘ “School nurses here do not receive benefit of retirement fund, but they should.” “If school nurse takes preliminary summer course, she receives $110 per month when she begins her work; otherwise she receives $100. The second year $135; if no summer course is taken, she onlyrecei‘ves $125.” A “N urses’ contract same as teachers; salary apportioned on 12 months’ basis.” “Name of school nurse now under discussion.” ‘ “Nursing service not authorized by laws of our State. We have some trouble with organizations opposed to health programs.” The National Education Association recently made a study of public—school salaries. Their report gives the median salaries paid to school nurses in the past two years in cities of different sizes, as follows: Median salaries of school nurses in cities of difierent sizes Population In11922—23 In 1924—25 2,500 to 5,000- $1, 388 $1, 503 5,000 to 10,000- -- 1, 425 1, 515 10,000 to 30,000- 1, 510 1, 545 30,000 to 100,000- ‘ 1, 389 1, 504 100,000 or more 1, 423 . 1, 507 The following table shows the trendin median salaries paid in city schools for the period 1913—14 to 1924—25: Trend of nurses’ salaries ' Per cent Per cent of in- of in- . . _ _ crease crease Populatlon of city 1913—14 1919—20 1922 23 1924 25 192%2’5 192¥23 over over 1913—14 1922—23 More than 100,000 $792 $1, 246 $1, 423 $1, 507 90. 28 5. 90 30,000 to 100,000- --- 800 1, 164 1, 395 1, 504 88. 00 7. 81 10,000 to 30,000- 758 1, 100 1, 510 1, 545 103. 83 2. 32 SCHOOL NURSE ADMINISTRATION .oZ - - 8? m oom .m --oZ . . - -oZ ....... --oZ ..... «888388 88on ---oHHoEo8H8© £88m ...... 859-883 52 ....... - -8? 8 8m .8. an H 28 H 8H .H w ....... {-52 com .H -- -8? ...... .888qu H8802 ---H8H80H_8 8 88m ........ 88888 - .mHooHHom .88 .02 8- - -8? o oow ”m ---oZ ....... ooo .H oom- .H m ooo .H - -8? 8 33:8 8: 895m -8268 8 oneEoH-aofl ........ 83.82 .02 - -8? ....... o oom Km - -8? ---.- oow .H ooo .H 2 c-Z ooo .m - do? ........... comm-Ho aficom ....... H380: no 689% ..... 98>me 3oz 62 - -8? H. ooo m. --8? ooo H omm .H oom .H m ....... --oZ ....... --oZ ....... 88883 828w ................ co ..... -- -88th B82 85288580 - do .02 .02 1-02 18? m ooo ”m --oZ ooo .m ooo. .H m cZ ooo .m - -8? ..... 838:8 8 880m -.--H838H88 8 38m How-SEQ 285m 62 - -8? --oZ w oom m --oZ «on .H ooo .H 3 98 .n - -8? oom .m - -8? ...... £83 8 .88on ......... £038 853% ......... 8>an 88880 .583 .8? - -8? --oZ w ooo ”m --8? ooo ”m ooo .H on NHH .N in 8? ooo .m --8? ..... 38:5 8 .88th one-Ha 8 onoafiaaofl --oom8H8.H,m 8m 82 --oZ - -8? m «on .H - -8? ooo .H ooh .H ooo .H HH ....... {-82 ooo .m - -8? ----------------- ow ----- 1:888:88 8 oHaom ------- oweHQ 8m .02 H--- “-8?. +5 ooo .n --oZ ------- ooH- .H omm .H m c2 c2 ------- 88883 808m ---------- 8803 833 ----- 388883 82 -8? -. - Ru ooo “m - -cZ ooo .m ooHXH w ....... --oZ ------- {:82 238% 8:8 8 .88th ---------------- co ------------ anooamam .oZ - 8? w ooo m :2 .m o8. 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Soon HooHHom .mHooHHom HmounquHHoQHHm 6.38, Ho qucnoHHHHHoHHSw ...... HHHHooHH Ho HowooHHQ HO ------- noHonhHHHH HooHHom .................. oHo- -1- ..... HHoHHoosHoo Ho HoHoom unmwnounHHonm .......... mHooHHom oHHoHHm .mHooHHom. unocnquHHomDm .5583 .5 Haonwa Ho .88th .HHoHonHmHHHH Homo mHooHHom Ho HmoHoHHoHQHHoHHHHm -------------- noHonhnnH Ho .HHoHH -mHOOmmw mdeHH wHHHHHmH> .................. oHo - - - - - - - 18393 Ho .88th ------------------ oHo- - - - - .................. ow- ---- .wHooHHow . Ho oneHoHHmHHHHHoHHSm .HoHoE -oHoHHoo 236B 230 ---------- mucuoow Hooflow .................. ow}--- .mHoooHom Ho HHHoHooHoHHHHHoHHHHm .HoHoonqH HooHHooHHH Homo mHooHHom Ho unocHHoHHHHHoHHHHm ......... .Hopoo HHHHoomH -HoHooHHmHHH HooHHaHHH HoHHHO 4:8 -HooHoHHHHHoHHSm nouoemom ---------- UHNOQ Hooflom - - - 483836 Ho HoHaom ......... 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