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PAUL FISHER :-n.‘-_'. -,.. .c .o. ‘aw .- . w_._‘,_§~,,- 'ul -' _. -‘..?¢«‘. -.,..«‘ , , ‘_.‘?;._— . . .‘ Cu; .. .a.. ‘.‘--.--.~.- .v'.~. .' - .- . .,_~ - .. .~.. . -.o."'.~ -.... <-aw.-'.."u. . .'. --\-.‘. ‘ . .., .-v-..'.', i60305 mmmmmmmmmmmmamam EEEEEEBEEBE EEBEEEEEEEE EEEEEEEEEEEBEEEE German Hebrew Greek Armenian Rabbinic Gaelic Russian Esperanto Music Type American Type Founders Company (fivrman ®1>xtNn.1fl 35 Point 4 A $2 75 8a 332 70 $5 45 311 iir 3J1>h1> E1>1;_t5rh1> ifirurkarhvit Bit (EI‘iif§TPtI Lfévrlinvrilnftitutv izvrhriftvn unh (ifirnamvnt Ifiurh 30 Point A $2 20 11 a 65 $4 ifiufft hvutr flflnrgrn in fiflivn zu Ianhvn Em grnfgartigrr Eng f iir flxéiumungvn 311 ivl mm Iflnmvrng Eriirkv mth vrtrank Z:11filf(Ernfgv Hvrgniigungzapléitgr inflmvrika Bit Svvhpnamiirhigv A112 Evknratinnamalvrri Ifiréirhtigt Svtrnvrir int Niirhlirhmt Qlalifnrnia 5 A $1 60 12 a $2 ()5 $3 65 18 Point 8A $1 50 22 a $2 00 $3 50 10 Point 14 A $1 10 44 a $1 40 $2 50 31111‘ firittxthilh ift riur ,-%'rrlr in firm ifiirprr Zfiau tIP1IP1‘ Qlarnvgip-Tléihlinthpk lflhvnrvtifrhv Evutfrlpz §>t11hi1>n flflnhrrnr Svrhriftmt ifivhrhiirhvr 1E5P11hP1‘iiljlIIIiP i§1II1IUI‘if1ifIhP firrhriftvn (%rn%artig1> §>rh1u>m1u>ifg1> Alpvtthiihett fiiitv frhiin ntit (finlh unh lfivrlvn uvrzivrt Hnlkzfpft in hen: IIPIIPII §7rhiii:—:1>n {Hark 10 A $1 25 :33 a $1 an $3 05 12 Point 31htnhr£i11rrfz1l1'1t11;1 hm‘ (lérrifrnhrrg iflrmthlilt Elrgauz Nmwr Antvriltaniithrr iEi5r11halmm1 Bin 3J1rmIhr1t unh Zfirihrn in hrm ifilyrftanhr ifirlauht Eltttrrvfllm $ 12345578911 Elvpnlitvn 869 13 A $1 25 3721 $1 65 $2 90 Irfluntrrr Ilfiriihrr fiigrn nrhru hrm 't'|fiirrfa1’3 T132111 Eantpfrr i\'aifrr lflflillgrlnt hrr (k3rn1‘;»;r 311 iinftrr lflrrrint hrr Ettdghrudarr grlyaltrn Nut Zmiilf 1uiirI1rutlid1r 3Hntrrl1alt1t11g1‘11 8 Point 16 A $0 95 48 a $1 40 $2 35 Iirrlag hm i&3il11iu1_1ra1,1l;ifd1r1t Jlnfiitum in ifirrlixt Elie ifiifmtlxalyntm mm flrlahrih unh Qlnuftautinnplr Zmri Efiztlyrtmt um hit mm mit iflmupfrr Auatrn Axtavixtanhrrlrgxtxtxj hrr (|r'»rfdy11tix1hfd1rril1rlumfi 1Tlz~1r1t1uu_1mt uuh Illatfdyléigv fiir lnmrrv (I1'>rn1§ru firlyr 1311125 iL'-rlyrlmdy fiir ifiuhrr nuh i‘5r1um:hfmtr 6 Point 16A $0 80 5021 $120 $2 00 Erfinhnmgm mu‘: 3h'urt1'd1ritn‘ hrr fitxthrutrn int '114:1hru vihtrrrnptifdyr mth I1t1IfIki1lifl‘l]l‘ flntrrhaltxuuj nnrgrzm Ilrrz_m"_ ng:zrri' mt hit E‘ in: rrfiru 3lill]1‘h1llIh‘ Nr11t {L ‘xrr hrin -ranh Dr; I ‘mttrnnr ifintrlu 1_1nrrIIr Zritfrhriftrn unh £"nt1t111rlr11Irrlu‘ iihrr ham 3Frmlunnnlru ifirqunnftr nub hilligftr flhifrgrlgrnhrit mud; Sfiih Iiltztlirxt 3lahrmzlwn‘d1tr zrigmx$12345fi 78911mitglirhrrimllrrrin 'I‘588S’7' lblenburg Series (Cast on original line) 60 Point 3 A $4 90 5 a $3 80 $8 70 Pracbtigcs Grénland Zwei Scmnc Biiclier 48 Point 3 A $3 35 8 a $4 15 $7 50 liamburgersoimtags Blair Fiinl Cbcorctilclic Studien 36 Point 4 A $2 ()5 10a $2 .95 $5 ()0 Elegante Hmerikanilclic mcnlcbcn Die Scbwiegermutterund Pantollel 24 Point 6 A $1 15a $1 95 :53 50 Die modem ljehrbiiclier Praktilcliesscbrilten Bud» Fiinl Cheoretilcbc Studien 18 Point 8 A $1 20 25a $2 05 $3 25 HmerikanilcbetransportGelcbalte Dicflulliirung von Deutlclieropcrn Uolkslcst der liamburger Scliiitzen 12 Point 13 A $1 10 35a $1 65 $2 75 Erltes Uolksfelt im Scbiitzen Park am Samstag Die Uersammlung des Deutlclmt Uereinsflrion Erlaubt lmerellcn $l234567890 fiir Depoliten 870 11) Point 14 A $0 90 42 a $1 60 $2 50 Sdiénc Sommcrnacm im nérdlichen Berlin morgen lch'o'n mit Gold and Pcrlen verziert Konkurrcnzentwiirfc dcs Scliiitaen llercins Eisenbalm von madrid nach flonltantinoplc Zeitlclirift fiir die deutlchen Schulen in wien Selir Gronartige Sclmeeweibe Jllpcnbélmi 8 Point 15 A $0 80 44 a $1 45 $2 25 Bervorragender Roman and novellen erzfihler llehrreiches lnltitut fiir Kinder und erwachsene lllunderldiénc Kleine Baume im Schwarswalde Parktildic metboden fiir Jlckerbaugcsellldiaften wahre Freundlcbaft ilt gleid» einer Schaumiinze Zwei munterc Briider linen neben dem Bierfals 6 Point 17 A $0 75 4921 $1 25 $2 Of) Debatten zwisdaen Erkermann and G'o'lhe iiber Dcutscbland edelsimi and Philanthropic der Gross new Yorker Biirger Biographie des Bans wilhelm smarter and Poet in Sdarmen Gin Grosses Uolksfelt im Jllten schiitzen Park am Samstag Zwei jabresberidite zcigen $12345 67890 viele new mitglieder Iblenburg Extended (Cast on original line) 60 Point 3 A $5 05 4 a $4 45 $9 50 Bueb iiir Kinder 48 Point 3 A $3 75 6a $4 25 $8 00 neue ‘Faebseitiebriit Gliiekliebe Ilrbeiter 36 Point 3A$2 30 7a$2 75 $5 05 Sebrkleine Blaue Hugen Elegante llereinsleitung 30 Point 4A $2 15 9213215 $430 Prfiebtige (lleibnaebts Bfiume Deuticbe Studenten Duelliren 24 Point 4 A $1 45 12 a $2 30 $3 75 Praktiicbe Cbeorie Bekréinst mit Eaub 18 Point 6 A $1 25 183. $2 00 $3 25 neuite Eisenbabn Briicke Sieben Deutlebe Seldaten 12 Point 9A $0 95 27a $1 80 $2 75 nur ‘Fiinf Erefiblungen aus findien Die Bandelsfrage in nerdflmerika Besablt beute $l234567890 in Gold 871 10 Point 11 A $0 90 32 a $1 60 $2 50 naeb Regen Felgt Senneniehein Uereine Enttéiuicbter Eiebhaber lielster Bericht cler Kemmiilfire Jlrbeit in die wiirge des liebens 8 Point 12 A $0 75 35 a $1 50 $2 25 Das Deutiehe Cageblatt in Hamburg Bekr°a'n;t mit liaub clas Uelle Glas Zuiehneicler and Graue Dummk8pte Die Schriften von Johann Gutenberg 6 Point 13 A $0 70 89a $1 30 $2 00 ‘Hammen Drobten lzuna Park yu Uernichten wertlwolle Prachtv°o’gel and sebmetterlingc Deutieher novelleniebatz in wort and Bilder fihr sinnbild iit eine Seele in Zwei R3rpern neue Bank $l23!4567890 Empiehlenswerth Schmabacber (Cast on original line.) 48 Point - 3A$380 6a$370 $750 2’{[7einrr>ein fianblung Préicbtige Zfionbfdyein 36 Point 3A$235 8a$2 65 $500 liveibnacbtsafienb fiir Hinber (filiicflicbe ffiugenbberrlicbfeit 30 Point 4A $200 10a $2 30 $4 30 Xeues Zlmerifanifcbes Scbriftbucb llnterbanblung éwiicben {Diraten Bilber fiir Hinber unb Qfrrvacbsene 24Point 5A $160 13a$190 $350 Ueuefte Berliner moben Sebr ®I1'icI’licI2e Zlrbeiter Kleine Scbmarge Béiren 14 Point 9A $1 25 263. $1 75 $3 00 Egier finb bie Billets fiir bas (fiepéicf Solbaten Fehren Dom Rriege éuriicf Hehmen Sie nod) eine Caffe Raffe 12 Point 11A $1 10 33a$170 $2 80 Der Knabe bat bas beutfcbe Cfiebicbt gelernt Egeute babe id) meine Klavierftunbe gebabt Die mutter $125456789O macbt ben Kaffee 872 10 Point 12A $1 00 36 a $1 50 $2 50 Zirbeit unb (Belt) regiert bie gange melt Sieben fyumoriftifdye Bilber fiir Kinber Der Keno I2or{’er Scbulmeifter 5eitung Qod) flingt bus fiiieb non braven mann Zlnficbt eines Ziaturforfcfyers ans mien Das Zlbfcbiebslieb berfréblidyen Siinger 8 Point 14 A $0 95 41 a $1 30 $2 25 Q3Ieid2 nadp bet Cfirfinbung ber Bucfgbrucferfunft preifet unfere Reben sagt ein altes Spridytvort émei munberfdgéne Heine Eelegraphenftation <5em¢'1'Ibe jnftitut fiir Kinber unb Ermadpsene Sdzfine Sommernadpt im ZI'o'rbIichen Denmarf 6 Point 15A $0 70 46a $1 30 $2 00 Ibunbervolle Deutfcber Itoveflenfdyag in wort unb Bilb préichtiger Zlmerifanifdyer Blumengarten in Deutfchlanb Grfiinbungen unb Sortfchritte ber Stubenten in Efiamburg greunbe in marburg, mo er Stubiert hat, gugefcbtcft 8e5abIen Sie has porto $k234¢56?890 baben Sie hen Brief Sdptvabadycr 21¢. 2 (Ca t s on original line.) 48 Point 3 A $3 95 5 a $3 65 $7 60 21111 friilyett mcvgen 3111 walbe 511 gelyen 36 Point 3A $2 45 6a $2 55 $5 00 §cIy3n¢ Sfisombalynbriiclflz Zkly Hebe Sclywarges 3&6 30 Point 3A $1 70 8a $2 55 $4 2r ScIy3n¢ lfifiuicr in fieuticlylanb) Bio: bcuticlye lfiicipc geffiflt min: 455555 Sic mir bio: 2IIt¢ liaube 20 Point 5A $1 50 12a $1 75 $3 25 12 Point 9A $1 00 27a $1 $0 $2 80 Cfiliicfliciyc Sclyriitietywr Brci Iyiibiclyc 8IiimI¢in pilantgen clmc éwcigc 16 Point 6 A $1 20 18a $1 80 $3 00 sficritiiubung bow Zltaifaicr fin Cfiliicfliclye Sclpviitictgcv tficiclyiclptcn unb sfoblicbcr 14 Point 8 A $1 15 23 a $1 85 $3 00 Glcgantc Sdyriftcn ificlyrbiiclycr (Drnantcntc unb Zliciiinglinicn dircigc Zlieiitcr ScIp'¢'nc lfiiinitc 873 (Brakes Ronsert im walbc winbmiilylcn iiir gabrifcn Itcucite lfiamburgcr Iltobcn Eesalplt $125455z890 (Bow 10 Point 10A $1 20 27a $1 35 $2 55 625 iit bus Dampibeot vent 8crIin Ztelymcn Sic cin (Blots Rat!) wcin was iiir cine idp'o'nc Ilcbcrialyrt Der gag gctpt in gclpn Zltinutcn ab Iiommcn Sic nady bcm (‘fiollamtc 8 Point 13 A $0 90 35 a $1 35 $2 25 wir wcrécn cine Icmgc ucbcrialprt Iyabcn 3d) falyrc mit bcm critcn ggugc nadp wicn staiicn sic ans Iyinab in bet Rajiitc gclycn 3c!) wiinidpc jslpncn cine gliicflidpc Rciic 8riItgcn Sic $1254567890 bio Rcdpttuttg ®er111a11 1 1111 ?~11ee 9E0. 150 (Cast on original line) 30 Point 3A $1 $0 8a$235 $425 2811: iittb (éieitertt bier ®e111eie11 24 Point 4A $1 65 11a$185 $3 50 3d) iniitticlje $;I)11e11 gliicfliclpe éfiiiefiatyrt 18 Point 7 A $1 50 1821 $1 75 $3 25 @ie I)11I1e11 jfimei gate 2eI)1ter 12 Point 10 A $1 15 26a $1 60 $2 75 ’Bri11ge11 611 11111 111ei11e @cf)111111iti'1cI)er ($ieI1ta11cI) $123456789()11ieI (Belt: 11 Point 12 A $1 15 33 a $1 60 $2 75 Sflie be11ticI)e11 Qfiiuter 711133 fiilter 1111 3a1111ar $6-11117 groige ‘Berg11iig1111g§11I&t;e 111 QI111erifa 10 Point 12 A $1 05 35 a $1 45 $2 50 Griteé 93olfé%feit 1111 ?.rl)i'1t3e11 ‘J3arf 11111 Ga1118tag Qie §Be1'ia111111I1111g beé $e11tid)e11 9Berei118 9Irin11 9 Point 13 A $1 00 35a $1 50 $2 50 @r111uI)11ti11 bet e1'ite11 gtraige *J211111ero ei11 31'!) fame 111itbe111 eriten 311ge 111111) *8erIi11 8 Point 13 A $0 95 35a $1 30 $2 25 ‘£aiie11 61¢ 11118 bulb baéi Qlbenbbrnb baben «*I53erfe11 Eie 1111111 111nrge11 iriib 11111 $1111? llbr $011 $n11e1‘ 111it bet (%iie11baI111 11acI1 *I93ie11 7 Point 14A $0 90 42 a $1 35 $2 25 ‘J)}n1‘ge11 1111b *1Ibe11b tit eé febr fiil)I 111 €5e3Jte111ber ‘£93111 bre1111e11 3501;, 11117.1 tori. 3u1ueiIe11*I%ra1111fnl)I Eie fi51111e11 511 ieber seit 111111) bet .(i‘a1‘te 711311111111 6 Point 14 A $0 85 42a $1 15 $2 00 Ticie $l)iirei1't11e1111 311$; Irma 1111b ferns 7611:‘; Brett 311) biitte 111ei11e11 *J2a111e11 I)i11ei11irl)re1be11 ioIIe11 .{1abe11 gie baa be1"teIIt$l234567890 in 3d) babe .s§ci11t5e111a1111 Gcriccfi (Cast on original line) 30 Point 4A $1 90 10a $2 35 $4 25 @nIhate11S%cI)re11 110111 firiegc Suriicf 24 Point 5A $1 55 13a$1 95 $3 50 @r tsjgofit Iyeute Morgen in .s§a111In11°g 511 Ianhen 18 Point 8A $1 40 21a$185 $3 25 311) babe alio gwci (mnigntitcr, abet 11111‘ cine ($51°ni§11111tter 14 Point 3 A $1 15 27 a $1 85 $3 00 ®rnf;artigc Sclntccinciigc 9II1Jc1tI)iiI1e11 12 Point 12 A $1 20 33 a $1 55 $2 75 (S31°Ia11bt§‘s11te1°ciic11$123456789()“Jcpniitcnt 1() Point 13 A $1 0() 4() a $1 50 $2 50 ‘Set 6111111 be?» ¥cI1rcre.'» idyrcibt Der Ed)111cftcr ci11c11 2*ricf Ed)'1i11cr 9ic11cr ‘JI111crifa11iid)cr Ed)i'11;c11 ‘Barf gcbaut 874 9 Point 14A $1 ()0 41 a $1 50 $2 50 92111’ ‘Bicrgclyn 1u'1id)c11tIirIyc 1I11tcrI)aIt1111gc11 ’l‘icfcr tbricf ift fiir 111ci11c EcI)111icgcr11111ttc1' 8 Point 14 A $0 95 42 a $1 35 $2 30 ‘Bering bets ‘Bibling1'avI)ifd)c11 Q<\11itit11t~: i11‘I13ic11 ‘!I11~:~’ci11a11bcrIcg1111g her (85cid1111i11bicI)rcibcfmtit 6 Point 15 A $0 70 46a $1 30 $2 00 (€~rfi11b1111gc11 1111b 7§4u1't1‘d11'ittc bcr §t11bc11tc11 111 Eitcnb Etc1'cn11tiid)c1111b11111iifalifd)c1111tcrl)aIt1111g nn1'gcz,ugc11 3al1rc:'-bcridptc 5cigc11 $1234;'>(i7890 11c111'tc Euar ‘Bmtf ®er111a11 Sitle C$n11he11+3eh, 9111. 150 (Cast on original line) 72 Point 3A $485 5a$315 $800 @111 $1111 611111111 e 60 Point 3A$500 5a$350 $850 $3316 %§11'iI)1‘1i11f tit %§e1tig 42 Point 3A$260 10a$365 $625 @1111 but 31111111 iDE111fi11 éilhee 36 Point 3A $2 15 10a$2 85 $500 fbeuti 1I1I1111h ift g1i1'1”1e1 1115 ?111111f1ei1I) 30 Point _ 5A $2 05 13 a $2 20 $4 25 @i11he11ti1I1e§953iege11Iieh 20 Point 7 A $1 60 18a $1 65 $3 25 $9116 ifiuhier 111111 1111111 311fi11he11 18 Point 8 A $1 30 27a $1 95 $3 25 (£6 gieht hiefeé 811111 11ieI®I11111111u1111e1 11111111113 her 9JEn11a1rI)ie 111 %r1111f1eirI1 14 Point 11A $1 20 32 a $1 80 $3 00 ‘J3fIii1fe11 @ie .nieIe .s§1)aei11tI1e111111h $11I1,1e11 C°:'>1I1111aI1e11ft1e11I1e her SDe11ti1I1e11 @t11he11te11 12 Point 13A $1 15 36a $1 60 $2 75 $113 sjeihelherger 3111‘; but 130 111a11rI1e11 SD11rftgeftiIlt §Be311fyIe11 Ciie E11 ($511111 $1234567890 311) babe 86 875 11 Point 15A $1 10 44a $1 70 $2 80 1S§1111hert .S§erre11 11111I)11e11 in hieiem gauie Qellner, Seigen ©ie 11111 hie épieiefarte 10 Point 13A $1 00 40a $1 50 $2 50 Set 811g 111111 11111 ieher Etatinu fiir (55e11ii1f ‘laiien Eie 11118l’1aIh haé 9I1'1e11hI1rnh Ipalien 9 Point 15 A $0 95 4611 $1 60 $2 55 Sbie Qlrheit 1111h haé (53eIh Sfiegiert hie gauge Qfielt SD11111e11 fabren 11111 hem erfteu 31111 1111111 1511111111113 9le11113eb11 C5nIh11te11 Shebren 1111111 Shriege 31111111 8 Point 14A $0 90 42a $1 35 $2 25 (£6 ift ein 2B1111hettd)h'11e1t Sag fiit SRii111111111ge11 @11e3ieII fiit SI5at1inte11, 91111111111 he11tf1I1er $a11e1 8111 gI1111I1e 11111 meehen hath ei11e11 ©t11r111 bahen 6 Point 18A $0 75 523 $1 25 $2 00 29116 erfte 9811111 her 92111111 Iiegt ieit 3aI1rt1111te11he11 aufgeidylagen 3mei.51111hmerter, ‘Syria 111th fiané, 11111d)te11 ei11111aI einen £eIler $ri11ge11 Gie 111ei11e SRed1111111g $123456789O ?8erfteI1e11 Gie 9321111 GERMAN No. 571 6 Point No. 571 14 A $0 80 42 a $1 20 00 153111 1‘1‘11111‘1‘ ‘JJE111111 1111111‘ 1‘1111‘ 111‘11‘1'1111t111111‘ (111‘1D1'111111111‘, 111111111‘ 111 1‘111 I11111 1‘111_111‘111'1'11t111111‘, 111‘1'1111‘1‘11.1E1‘ 1111111111‘ 11‘1'111‘11241‘1‘11111111‘1‘11111111111D 11111 D1‘111 1‘111'l11111‘11 71-111D1‘1‘ 11111‘ ‘111~1111111111111111111 111111D1‘1‘1 I11I1‘1'111111. ‘$11 111111 11111D 1‘111111111‘1' 1111D 1‘111‘111111‘1‘111111111 D11111‘1‘ 111‘111111111‘11. "$11111 1111‘1D 1111111‘ 1111111‘11111D1‘11. ’211‘~:~ 11111’D':~ 11111111 1111115311 111111111 D1‘111Q‘1111‘11111111 3111‘111‘f!“ 311111111111 11' 11111 D1‘111 111‘111‘1‘11 11111111‘ 1‘.1111‘§~ c111‘111I)1‘11 ‘JJ1'1111111‘~:~ 1111D 1‘1'111‘~:~ 11111111 (1$1‘11111'11‘11~:~. 211‘ 1111D1‘1‘1‘ 1111111111‘ 1111111 1‘111 11"1'111111111‘~:~ 1151111111, 11111‘1' 11111‘, 1111‘11 1‘1‘ 11‘111 111‘1‘I111‘1‘11 11c11111111111‘~:~ 1S11‘1D 11111‘D1‘1‘ 1111111‘. C1‘1‘1111 11111‘ 11111 11‘1111‘ Q‘111‘111111'1‘11 1111~:~11111, D11~:~11111‘1111111 11111D .-;1‘1111‘11. 61 51111111‘ D11~:~ 1'111‘ID 1111D D1111111‘ 111111‘1‘D1‘1‘1'1‘11 1111111111111D 1111111,11111‘ 1‘1‘D1‘11 11‘1‘111‘11 ,‘1~111D1‘1‘111111'1‘1111‘ 111‘1‘1111'111111‘111‘ ‘l11‘11111111111_11 111‘111111‘11 ED111111‘. ,,(151111‘1‘ T1~1'1‘1111D," 111111111 11‘ 1111111111, 111111‘1‘11 800 311111‘ 111 D11»: 311111 1‘111111‘111'1111. .3111 1111D1‘ 111111‘ 11111‘ 1111111700 211111‘. 211 111111111111111 1‘1111‘ ‘J1‘11111 11111111‘11‘1‘11111 1111D D1‘1111‘ 111111D1‘1‘1 E11111‘ 11c1‘1111~:~111‘: 11111111111‘11 1111'111‘11. "$11 111111 D11 11111111 D111‘1111 111‘11111. 3111 D1111f1‘ D112" 211' 1‘111‘111111‘ ‘T-111D1‘1‘, D1‘111 1111‘111111‘1' 11111 D11‘ 100 E11111‘ 111»: 11111 111111‘ 1111111‘111111111‘111‘>111‘1111111111111‘11f1‘11 1111 11111 111111‘, 111‘1‘111111‘1‘11‘. 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Kai 813 ,u£‘v,” 507;, "é7rz’0ra0'19e, E).-L 7rap£0'- /csvagéluz/'12 éya) /1?/id; 7T(10'L Xaldaioig Iua/capwrobg 7r0i770ai- 12612 (5’,” £077, "/17) 19av,ua'§e're, 7'71; rig Kai amoizaw 13/1212 I€p8/T- ran» é‘127i:,1/37.” ’AK0i20’av1'eg‘ 'ra'?7'a 02 Xakdaloi £'(7ei0av T8 Kai ZKé‘rev0v 7ra1’10a0'19ai 0p‘/i§0,u£v0v, Kai Ta ;(p/},ua7'a Trav- Ta avrodwaeiv é"q'>a0'0v. '0 (58 8577812, (in oiidéu a1’).-(In) (5é'01.T0. 11 Point No. 2 Per Font $ 7 50 Tr/.Dz'a 8% rroaby, zr/.2‘/Z 2'1). 0i7r0z'0’m3z'a2'a (30- zofiwca aim: 2'05 _‘.'0:‘00‘:a22c'e322 §‘0&/1.a‘z'0g rig s’7re0?30"//q v/0270; dua/Qzfidf ea X0./'.0‘ac'0u; 75 mi Hépaag. ‘H;'>;'0(/.z'0 8 (10707; d227‘7‘0 [Ie‘:paag, (30520; ;'s;'szxgl(./.é*/0; 215» 522 "cf, oizloorcé/Is: 7:220: Per Font $ 7 50 Kai 032 (uév, 0°gugbi 702/ K5001», (3,8£7l11JO7tD()L7,:(1'G,;L£81J0L Kai ovrparteviiartc =z'0i 5° 0’c?L?:.a gbfila 5'7t0L 55131/aépeI. Tfi 1l'6)\€l. Kal AaKe8aLp.ov‘tovs 6.a'9eve’is eivat Kal ®'qBa£ous *ro1'rroua'L. Ecru 1'o(vuv’e'v 1-wt. *roI.o1'rrc§ ‘rd. 1rp6.yp.a1-a viiv £11 ‘fl. Set Tots elpqpévots 1roM«iKI.s -rrafi 1'1p.Ev Kéyots 1'eKp.1’]paa'9ac., é'>a'1~re Gnflaious pév ’Opxop.£vo13 Kal ('9eo'1né‘>v Ktli. Him- 11 Point Per Font $ 7 50 Bo1191'1o'av'res 8% és afrrb 1'Iav 1’1}u’:vov1'o. Kai abs éBLa§ov'ro Kai. at vfies Eipia 1T€pl.é1T)\E GREEK LETTERS (Cast on original line.) 24 Point Greek Letters 20 21 22 23 31 T 2 F in T Psi Sigma Gamma Xi Upsilon 30 Point Cheltenham Bold Condensed Greek Letters 1 2 3 4 ‘I’ E "" 1" .- 1 Psi Sigma Gamma Xi afiéA 01 Per Font $1 00 Lambda Omega 30 Theta Delta Per Font $ 1 00 6 7 8 9 Pi Theta Lambda Omega RABBINIC (Cast on original line.) 10 Point Sold in Weight Fonts only “5f> {Tri :~‘-n37» I->~~7 ‘I//1:17 5/in ‘~“’I:'>5 5//2» 7m’*r> vnfn 735 135 n‘>7i r'>5f> i>‘7o3 oa'>3r'> 5.‘> 'o tn“ sin: {#51 '3 3‘DD onti 5957 05% mm ~f7p7 0:73;’? 575 wt: mfav 'm.‘>5 ‘pti W‘-5:"? c>.‘>'>: m5 3/£1.53 o:»'>3.‘> 5.‘> .‘>~7o3 l‘5pm WED m.’v3f*5z’m ,pir’v7r'7o ow: ohm /73 ~7ov 12 Point 8 Point Sold in Weight Fonts only zvna $51 '0 W95.‘ hm 3*:‘/:73‘ pr: V/m7 5% V/:75 5":a> vyvfm ofw ~r'vp7 037375 5.* ‘W2 :55 3:5 #77» .*5r'v #703 cows? 5:3 '0 r’~'a‘-i v5.5 073?: on’: :-':"i CD73?‘ 5% r’>~-5:»: :~‘r>: am: 595"» 35‘): rv:'>3i= 755%? ‘.i'>‘3 ~23‘ mw D5 1331 15 out ‘>32 to: 05mm :55 cm’: wt’) wt I355 05w: D19 fip:~5 //:1 :1‘: 0145 ,c~.5m:~. rt‘ 1:35 ‘min 7“~.fi'~.*a am: '73 7:2“ ,e‘5~r '>~p*:~ min yiavb pr‘ ~,r'~:n: ‘:5 W735 Sold in Weight Fonts only *{j7i r’>5r’> I’v7:v:~ oovsfi 5:5 /:1 fm 3m: (*5: /0 v5f~ 1'77‘: 3‘D'.37)) p=~7 ‘I/:77 5”‘-W wm5 5'/2» vwfn cm ‘M 15:9 at : tmb 3”i‘i omzfi 51'“ #70: 37>: onm 5957 05m nzvota vivpv omisfv 5:5 ‘mm .55 3:5 "577 5"‘Di .15~rvo pt fip:~5 it» 155:9 ‘F3 ~53‘, mm Dr“ ‘>331 15 mi ‘>33 507 05mm 15 cm’: W5 37‘: m5 5"‘ (pm?) .o51r>o rt 1,735 ‘fur r'mmi> wt 155:5 am: 0375 morn :"r>r’* mm) 1957» ,->~~7 ‘P35 ‘Wt "935 5”$P 'wr’*>~: o‘5wr> “‘,|"‘3 n~>'r~ ;~7>>5 ufv ~,r'*:a~: ~35 w'7p:~5 wt r551 05w Di‘ 7,135 Wm RUSSIAN Sold in Weight Fonts only 10 Point Century Expanded Russian Sold in Weight Fonts only 8 Point Lining Russian O6LuecTBo AMepI/II{aHCKI/IX'b CJIOBOJII/ITHI/I- KOB'b p€KOM€H,Z1y€T'b cBo1>’1 6oPaTb1P’1 ciuiazn) AHPHlfiCKHXB, I‘I’I‘:.MeI1KI/IX'B, Fpeqecmxxxt I/I EBpe1‘/’1cIcnX'b Hlpl/I(I)TOB'B, C,Z1'I:‘»JIaHHbIX’b 1/1313 caMaro JIy‘IHIaI‘O MaTepiaJ1a. IIeqaTHL1s1 1/1 ~3'1‘o ;m;1>11;:u1i;1 A./7II1JKCAI‘L7IPA BTO- I’()F(), ‘ITO 1:1) CT().JII/I1L'I‘> II 0 '1‘ 9, p6 y p 1"!) Hzmzuiztcb B2t>KII:1;I IIepe.\I’I3II{L IIo.2I1;1LLiII, KoTop:m M()}K(3’1"b 6bITb I1[)I/IC21'I'5JI}Ul:l :\.mpIIoMy Hapogzy 6oJI'I3e 914a/J;HocTu KT) l’°“‘”1K)1Ii<>IiImiii ('JI{LB'1‘). 0,11/IH'b O(tTpOy)II{I>IIi upo- 12 Point Century Expanded Russian Sold in Weight Fonts only 06II1ecTBo AM€pI/IKaHCKI/IX'b CJIOBOJII/ITHI/IKOBT: p€KOM€Hfl,’y€T'b caofi 6oraTL1f’I CKJ1alI'b AHI‘JIlI7ICKI/IX'b, H’I3M€I1KI/IX'b, I‘peqecIc1/IX'b I/I Espeficm/Ixrb Illpl/I(I)TOB'b, C/—I'I‘>JIaHHb1x'L 143'}. caMaPo Jlyqmaro MaTepiaJIa. He‘IaTHbI$I I/I 6yMaro-p'I33HL1a M31111/IHBI Hal/IJIy‘IH1€I7I I{OHCTpyKI.llI/I I/I BC5IKl€ TI/IIIOI‘pa(I)I/I‘I€CKle MaT€plaJIbI no 12 Point Russian N0. 10 Sold in Weight Fonts only O611I€CTBO AMepmtaHe1mx'b C4IOBOJIIa1THl/IKOB’b peltoilemzyecm) cBo1'- AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER 883 Type for Music Printers Ow3&®@O: Qww®&.Q®-.v\ >%_<: m. m. E5 Oo Nw UGSOQ HOAH .mwa=oQ Om .u.fiOm .$=.mEm MO u£.W_O>P M .02 U532 .=mm_<.._ m>_> ow mm wcsoa mom amazon om finch mwzwfim mo _E.wmw.>> m .oz 05:2 m._.D@@ ®®®@®@@®@® 9 ® ®®@®®®@®6@ ®®®®@®®®@C~) ®®@®®®®®@@ ®®@®@®@®@@ 17 each, characters 4 to 15, inc 8 10 Point No. 1015 18 each, characters 1 to 3, inc { 1 00 18 each, characters 16 to 18, inc l_ 1 00 i i 8 P°‘“‘ N°' 899 i 13 each, characters 88 to 99, inc l i 10 Point No { 8 Point Footnote Indicators 17 each, characters 19 to 30, inc l 13 each, characters 31 to 48, inc L 1 00 ® ® ® @ @ @ @ @ ® @ ® @ 10 Point N0‘ losol12each,characters49to50,inc9 J 11 each, characters 51 to 58, inc { 1 00 ® @ @ ® ® @ @ @ ® 10 P°int N°' 1075l10each,characters59to75,inc6 @ @ ® @ @ @ @ 10PointNo~1099?i3::§l‘::i1:£:§§:£:32:33:23:l 1 0° 12 Point No. 1215 12 each, characters 1 to 15, inc 1 00 @ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ 12 Point No. 1230 12each,characters 16to30, inc 1 00 @ @ @ 12 Point No. 1250 9each,characters31to50, inc 1 00 8 each, characters 51 to 55, inc 1 1 O0 @ @ ® @ @ ® @ @ @ @ 12 P°int N°' 1275l 7each,characters56to75,incI @ @ @ 12 P°intNo-1299i §:::t::l1:::2E::i:§§E33§:§::l 1 0° 6 Point Footnote Indicators ®@®@®@@®®®®®®®®@®®®@@®®®@®® ®@®@®®@@®@®®@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@® MINIATURE CALENDAR FIGURES These Calendar Figures make a very attractive calendar on blotters and for a multiplicity of commercial requirements. Many printers I 9 1 3 JUNE 1 9 1 3 make a specialty of monthly blotters and other advertising forms which , , I . , Earry a calendar, and will readily appreciate the fact that these new Su NJ MoN_ Tu E_ ,WED, TH u_; FR|, ' SAT_ gures will impart a distinctiveness to all such printing. l I z i TEDTFE 12 Point Calendar No. 1, per font $1 25 L BRUFRY 1913 10 Point Calendar No. 1, per font 1 00 6 §E,'_‘:!“°N‘l TU E.lwED.‘THU.l FRI. ‘SAT. 8 Point Calendar No. 1, per font 1 00 ’ i ‘i I “‘ ""'” W“ 6 Point Calendar No, 1, per font 1 O0 @ l o l o @ <9 l G) ® ° bl fonts containing suffi- K ® l ® | t}<1):'a yefarly calendars in the 6 ® ® ® @ , @ I o P ' t " e, and for six months in the f 8,o11r(l) grid 12 Point sizes, including 0 blank circles. Miniature Calendar Figures are put i @ 2 l@ 1 l:® 1 g e@ i i 50 5 885 Accented Letters for Modern Languages REGARDING OUR ACCENTED LETTERS So great is the variety of accented letters made by the American Type Founders Company that it is impracticable to attempt to list the individual characters in this catalogue. Such a list would necessarily be incomplete before this book was off the press, because important additions are being made almost daily. The list printed herewith is therefore limited to the type faces shown in this specimen book for which accented letters are made. A complete list of accents for these and other faces is published by the American Type Founders Company in loose leaf form, for which a suitable leather cover is provided, and may be obtained from any of our Selling Houses, for temporary use, or the accent list may be purchased outright for $2.00. This price includes the mailing of changes and additions as made from time to time. To those having considerable use for accents this book will be found a great convenience. ACCENTED LETTERS USED IN VARIOUS MODERN LANGUAGES German Polish Bohemian .401"; OAEQL,N’SZ,Z AEiofJU°Y,E1v(§1')v1a_m'sh p,e,,C;, ééiéfiééibfiié AEioUUN 5516535 EAEioI‘JAE'1iot"JAEIoUQ . . . éaéiouaéifiiiaéiofic N°"”e8“"' “""D‘"""' .. §"’“''‘’‘,_ 25122 13¢ AOAéioa TABLE OF NUMBERS DESIGNATING ACCENTED LETTERS Each accented letter is designated by an invariable number irrespective of face or size, as shown in the table below. In ordering it is only necessary to state the number of the accented letter and the name and size of the face. NUMBERZLACCENT NUMBERJACCENT lNUMBER ACCENT NUMBER‘/KCCENT NUMBl'_RlACCENT lNUMBERlACCENT NUMBER'ACCENT NUMBERIACCENT NUMBERlACCENT 1 a 101 A 201 A 18 3? 118 Y 218 if 51 ¢ 151 0 251 525 2 é 102 E 202 E 19 a 119 A 219 A 52 9 152 Q 252 Q 3 i 103 l 203 i 20 e 120 E 220 1% 54 6 154 O 254 6 4 6 104 O 204 6 21 i 121 l 221 i 55 ii 155 U 255 ti 5 1'1 105 U 205 I’; 22 o 122 O 222 0 58 a 158 A 258 A 6 3'7 106 Y 206 Y 23 ii 123 U 223 U’ 59 e 159 E 259 15 7 3 107 A 207 A 37 E 137 C 237 6 60 6 160 C 260 C 8 e 108 E 208 E 38 d’ 138 D 238 1') 61 l 161 L 261 L 9 i 109 l 209 i 39 e 139 E 239 E 62 1'1 162 N 262 N 10 o 110 O 210 o 41 1'1 141 N 241 N 63 s 163 S 263 S 11 1‘1 111 U 211 ii 42 1' 142 R 242 R 64 z 164 Z 264 Z 13 a 113 A 213 A 43 5 143 S 243 s 65 2 165 Z 265 Z 14 e 114 E 214 E 44 t 144 T 244 T 70 '21 170 A 270 K 15 l i 115 l 215 ‘I’ 45 1": 145 U 245 1°} 73 6 173 O 273 6 16 6 116 216 | 6 47 2 147 Z 247 Z 79 1'1 179 N 279 1?: 17 ii 117 U 217 ii 50 2e 150 E 250 [E 80 3 180 A 280 A All accents for capitals, small capitals and lower case shown in the above table are made for the following type faces in the size noted. Century Bold—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, ' Cheltenham Bold—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. 6 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Century Expanded-—Caps, Lower Case and Small Caps: Cheltenham Bold Condensed-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8. 10. 12. 14 and 18 P011111 , 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Century Expanded 1Pa"<=—CaDS and Lower CaSe= 6’ 8» 1 Cheltenham Bold Extended—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 10» 12» 14 and 13 Point 1 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Century Oldstyle—Caps, _LoWer Case and Small Caps‘ 6 Cheltenham Bold Extra Condensed--Caps and Lower 6* 8’ 1°’ 12' 14 and 18 P°”"°- C - 6 8 10 12 14 18 24 30 36 42 d 48 P ' t Caps and Lower Case: 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. ase‘ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ ’ an om ' _ . Cheltenham Oldstyle-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, C‘*1'§f"1'Z,’: §§{d;;f§,;:,%;’,'g,,dC:§°;§;;3,L°Wer Case‘ 6’ 8’ 1°’ 7 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Century Oldstyle Italic—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, ‘ Cheltenham Wide--Caps and _Lower Case: 6. 8, 10. 12. 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. 7 14, 18. 24, 30, 36. 42 and 48 Pomt. Our complete list of piece accents for job and body type faces will be found on page 914 886 Accented Letters for Modern Languages Adver Condensed-Caps and Lower Case: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48 Point. American Extra Condensed—Caps and Lower Case: 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60 and 72 Point. Blair—-Caps: 6 and 12 Point. Bookman Oldstyle-—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point. Clearface Bold—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Compact-Caps and Lower Case: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 Point. Curtis Post—Caps and Lower Case: 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Della Robbia—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. Engravers Old English—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12» 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 Point. Heavy Caslon-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. Light Dorsey—Caps and Lower Case: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. Lining Boldface No. 520-—Caps and Lower Case: 5‘/2, 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Point. Lining Boldface Italic No. 520-Caps and Lower Case: 6. 8. 9, 10, 11 and 12 Point. Lining Caslon No. 540-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Point. Lining Condensed Title No. 523—Caps and Lower Case: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24 and 30 Point. Lining DeVinne No. 2-—Caps and Lower Case: 5‘/2, 6, '8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48, 54, 60 and 72 Point. Lining DeVinne Condensed No. 2-6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24. 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Lining French Oldstyle No. 552—Caps, Lower Case ‘and Small Caps: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12 and 18 Point. I-"ling Gothic No. 544—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, _12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Lining Gothic No. 545—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 9, _1<}, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 Point. I-Jmng Gothic Condensed No. 523--Caps and Lower _C§se: 6. 8, 10, 12, 18, 30 and 36 Point. Lining Gothic Condensed No. 529—Caps and Lower ‘Case: 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 60 and 72 Point. Lining Oldstyle No. 523—Caps, Lower Case and Small Caps: 5, 5%», 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point. Lining Oldstyle Italic No. 523—Caps and Lower Case: _5» 5 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point. Lining Oldstyle No. 550—Caps, Lower Case and Small ‘Caps: 6. 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 Point. I-"W18 Oldstyle Italic No. 550—Caps and Lower Case: _6s.7. 8. 9, 10 and 12 Point. I-181118 Oldstyle Antique No. 560—Caps and Lower Pzisfiti 6» 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 48, 60 and 72 Lining Roman No. 510—Caps, Lower Case and Small Caps: 6, 8. 10. 11 and 12 Point SOME TYPE FACES FOR WHICH NUMEROUS ACCENTED LETTERS ARE MADE _ In addition to the list given on the preceding page, the American Type Founders Company makes an exceptionally liberal number of Accented Letters for its extensive line of popular type faces as is shown by the schedule below. As additions to these faces are also constantly being made the Loose Leaf Accent Book should be consulted when ordering. Lining Roman No. 524-Caps and Lower Case: 5 Point. Lining Roman No. 527-Caps and Lower Case: 5 and 51/: Point. Lining Ronaldson Oldstyle No. 551—Caps, Lower Case and Small Caps: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 14 Point. Lining Ronaldson Oldstyle Italic No. 551—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Point. Lining Schoeffer Oldstyle No. 2-Caps and Lower Case: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48 Point. MacFarland—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30 and 36 Point. MacFarland Italic—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 9, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24 and 30 Point. New Caslon—Caps and Lower Case: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. New Caslon ltalic—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. New Model Remington Typewriter-Caps and Lower Case: 12 Point. New Model Smith Premier Typewriter—Caps and Lower Case: 12 Point. Oliver Typewriter—Caps and Lower Case : 12 Point. Post Condensed-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Post Monotone—Caps and Lower Case : 5 on 6, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30 and 36 Point. Post Monotone No. 2-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30 and 36 Point. Post Oldstyle Italic-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 60 Point. Post Oldstyle Roman No. l—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Post Oldstyle Roman No. 2—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 Point. Recut Caslon-Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. Recut Caslon Italic—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point. Ribbonface Typewriter—Caps and Lower Case : 12 Point. Scotch Roman—Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 11, 12 and 14 Point. Scotch Roman Italic——Caps and Lower Case: 6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 Point. Shaded Title Litho-Caps: 6, 12 and 24 Point. Stenograf—-Caps and Lower Case: 12 Point. Typo Script—Caps and Lower Case: 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 60 Point. Typo Script Extended-—Caps and Lower Case: 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 48 and 60 Point. . Typo Slope--Caps and Lower Case: 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48 Point. Typo Text—Caps and Lower Case: 8, 10, 12, 14, 18 and 24 Point. POINT °:2::;:~ . .F2Ez:*:, « 21:11:.“ 5-] . . . . . . . $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 $0.20 5 . .20 .20 .20 .20 6 . . . . . . . . .20 .20 .20 .20 '87 . . . . . . . . .25 .25 .25 .25 9 . . . . . . . . .25 .25 .25 .25 10 . . . . . . . . .25 .25 .25 .25 11 . . . . . . . . .25 .25 325 .25 12 . . . . . . . . .30 .30 .30 .30 14 . . . . . . . . .30 .30 .30 .30 16 . . . . . . . . .30 .30 .30 .30 18 . . . . . . . . .30 .30 .30 .30 20 . . . . . . . . .35 .35 .35 .35 24 . . . . . . . . .35 .35 .35 .35 30 . . . . . . . . .40 .40 .40 .40 36 . . . . . . . . .50 .50 .50 .50 42 . . . . . . . . .60 .60 .60 .60 48 . . . . . . . . .75 .75 .75 .75 . . . . . . . . .85 .85 .85 .85 Larger 10% of the list price of the font L Price List of Fonts of Accented Letters for Various Languages SLOVENIAN ; SPANISH $0.20 887 . CZ:fi:&:E POUSH l BOHEMIAN 1 HUNGARIAN f SLOVAK $0.35 $0.35 $.050 $0.50 $0.50 .35 .35 .50 .50 .50 .35 .35 .50 .50 .50 .40 .40 .55 .55 .55 .40 .40 .55 .55 .55 .45 .45 .60 .60 .60 .45 .45 .60 .60 .60 .50 .50 .65 .65 .65 .50 .50 .65 .65 .65 .65 .55 .75 .75 .75 .55 .55 .75 .75 .75 .60 .60 .85 .85 .85 .60 .60 .85 .85 .85 .70 .70 1.00 1.00 1.00 .85 .85 1.15 1.15 1.15 1.00 1.00 1.35 1.35 1.35 1.25 1.25 1.75 1.75 1.75 1.50 1.50 2.10 2.10 2.10 20’// of the list price 30% of the list price of of the font. the font. Our complete list of piece accents for job and body type faces will be found on page 914 Body Type Sundries 18 Point REFERENCES No. 1 En Set except Fists Per lb. font $0 50 *T3;§l|llt@@ 14 Point Per lb. font $0 50 *Ti§||ll@@ 12 Point *1 11 Point 10 Point * T I § ll 9Point * T I § H 8Point * T I § ll 7Point * T I § ll 6Point * T I § ll 18 Point __ _.___ T... __A__ 14 Point /‘L/kJ\ »\2\’—\ 12 Point A \ 11 Point «—-§_»'\J\ »\/\z\ 10 Point /i/Kjx i§l| Per lb. font $0 52 ll@@ Per lb. font $0 55 @@ Per lb. font $0 56 @” ‘@ Per lb. font $0 60 @° @ Per lb. font $0 64 @ @ _ Per lb. font $0 69 EB" ‘Si! Per lb. font $0 79 @ ‘$1 COMMERCIAL MARKS No. 1 Em Set except Cent Mark 18 Point Per lb. font $0 50 %9@T’b"/0”/c¢ 14 Point Per lb. font $0 50 %9@Tb”/0%¢ 12 Point Per lb. font $0 52 %9@Tb%%¢ 11 Point Per lb. font $0 55 %9@1‘b%%¢ 10 Point Per lb. font $0 56 $9 @ Tb % % ¢ 9 Point Per lb. font $0 60 ll? @ 11> % “/c if 8 Point Per lb. font $0 64 W @ Tb % “/0 ¢ 7 Point _ Per lb. font $0 69 Q3? @ lb % "/6 ¢ 6 Point Per lb. font $0 79 78? @ lb % % 9‘ BRACES AND DASHES No. 1 Per lb. font $0 50 /§A;\ Per lb. font $0 50 ’,__4L_ Per lb. font $0 52 _/L __\ Per lb. font $0 55 Per lb. font $0 56 .J\. I l i l l l l I i 1 I 1 9 Point Per lb. font $0 60 ._ j __.__ z\.k.z /L/k_Z‘\ r—— A :~\ 8 Point Per lb. font $0 64 — —— —————-— -—————— /\.»'~./‘w /satzx K-— -A —\ 7 Point Per lb. font $0 69 ... ___ jj ._..__......_—__ ,§A.’~ /§J\..é-x K—- —A- -—fi 6 Point Per lb. font $0 79 - ._ _.__ __.._._._ /'\J~./\ /\»\/x r 4- —\ 5‘/2 Point Per lb. font $0 92 5 Point Per lb. font $1 05 _ 2 —:— ————: ;\A’~ /\/‘Cf f _A. ._\ For.many years the American Type Founders Company has enjoyed the reputation of making a most complete and sat1sfactory l1ne of Body Type Sundries as well as the very best Body Type and Job Type Faces 888 Body Type Sundries FRACTIONS No. 1 1 FRACTIONS No_ 5 18 Point Em Set Per lb. font $0 50 i 18 Point En Set Per lb. font $0 50 113 12 13 3 1131213571 17118888886 5/8 7/8 1/6 1 14 Point Per lb. font $0 50 14 point ; L L 3 _1_ 2 1 3 5 7 _1_ %yyVyy;??? 2413333636 12 P 4 4 3 3 8 8 8 8 6 12 Point Per lb. font $0 52 oint Per lb. font $0 52 1 1. it 1 2 .§. % .3 7 % 1/ 1 3 1 2 1 3 5 7 l 7 4 75 3 5 2 /1 /1 /3 5 /8 /8 /8 /8 1/6 1 11 Point Per lb. font $0 55 11 Poiit (3 Per 11:). font $0 55 %%%%%%%%%% . %4‘%§*3§*% 110 P0iDt per 11_-,_ font $0 56 g 10 Point Per lb. font $0 56 n%%%%%%%%% ; tff$$t$55$ 9 POW Per lb. font $0 60 E - 1/2 1/4 34 1/3 2/3 % % 7/8 1/5 i 9 Point Per lb. font $0 60 . 1} it 9: El ?: % 3 5 5 t 5: P°"1t Per lb. font $0 64 /2 1/; 3/1 % % 1% 3/8 % 7/8 1/6 8 Point Per lb. font $0 64 iépoigt 3 1 Per lb. font $0 69 1} i ii 5 g % 3 g % 5 4 /4 A % /8 3/8 % % % 7 Point Per lb. font $0 69 6 P°‘“t Per lb. font $0 79 >4 14 % % 2/3 5 3/3 % % ya FRACTIONS No. 2 . Em Set 18 P01“ Per lb. font $0 50 %¥Z%¥é%¥6% %?é% 114f°i1"t 3 Per lb. font $0 50 / 2 11 A 1/3 2/3 1/8 3/8% 7/8 1/6 112 P°‘1“t Per lb. font $0 52 é4%%%%%%%% 11;P°i1“t Per lb. font $0 55 2 /4 5% 1/3 2/3 1/8 3/6 % 7/8 1/6 10 P°i“'° Per lb. font $0 56 1/2‘/43/41/32/31/83/85/$7/81/o 9 n 1/POIT: 3 Per lb. font $0 60 “Z /4 /4 1/6 % 1/6 90 % 7/8 1/6 8 P ' 1/ 0":t/ Per lb. font $0 64 7 P ' V Omit 3, Per lb. font $0 69 2 /4 /4 Vs ts 4/3 9;; 5/8 7/3 4.1;, 6 P ' Omlli Per lb. font $0‘ 79 *4 3%: 1/3 2/3 1/a 30 5/3 7/3 1/o FRACTIONS No. 4 12 P . Em Set 1/ °‘“1t Per lb. font $0 52 3 1 2 3 7 m44nn%5%A; 10 Point 1/ 1_ 3’ Per lb. font $0 56 2 /4 A 1/3 % 1/8 3/8 % 7/5 8P - 1/ °"‘f Per lb. font $0 64 24%%%mo%5% 6Point 1/ 1 V, Per lb. font $0 79 /9/1§4¥:§2/é¥~$?s%7/5 A 889 it 1} i‘ 1} +3 1!; ’3 é‘ § 1} 6 Point Per lb. font $0 79 it fl :1‘ is it it . 13 § % t FRACTIONS No. 8 En Set 12 Point Per lb. font $0 52 % .1. 3. J; .1. 1_3 5 1 .1. .2. 3 £1_ 1 4 -1 . 3 8 8 § 8 '3 5 5 5 () 10 Point Per lb. font $0 56 55255555555555 8 Point Per lb. font $0 64 5 1 2 93 § 5 3 S 5 5 5 5 1'3‘ 5 6 Point Per lb. font $0 79 " % 6 %t‘E%§%%%§%;.=; FRACTIONS No. 9 En Set 12 Point Per lb. font $0 52 .1. 6 .5 1 2 1_1 L3 E 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 10 Point Per lb. font $0 56 .1. L3. .5. L7. 3 1_1 E} E 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 8 Point Per lb. font $0 64 .1. E Q 1 3 H 1.3 £3 16 16 lb 16 16 16 16 16 6 Point Per lb. font $0 79 its 5 1?; 1% la lél ltl Lining Oldstyle No. 523 Figures Shown with Frac- tions No. 2 and Cent and Per Cent Marks $8. 95 10% 25¢ 331 3 33 .1/3 $2. 96 13¢ 25% 99% 73¢ $1.53 22% 47¢ $3.89 16% 50% Body Type Sundries AMERICAN LINE LEADERS AMERICAN LINE LEADERS SERIES 541 One Dot to the Em PER POUND 5Point $105 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$.O;79 .7i?(;irit . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . v . . . . . .$6 6.9 .8I.)Oi.nt...................$b6;1 §P.0h.1t................é0éO 16P;)in.t..............$b56 n.P(;im_:............é055 12 Point ' $0 52 14 Point $0 50 C C C O Q I O C O O C U 18 Point $0 50 AMERICAN LINE LEADERS SERIES 542 Two Dots to the Em PER POUND AMERICAN LINE LEADERS SERIES 543 Three Dots to the Em PER POUND 5 Point $1 05 ........................................................................ ................................................................. ............................................................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 55 12 Point I I i . $0 52 14 Point $0 50 18 Point $0 50 AMERICAN LINE LEADERS SERIES 544 Fine Hyphen Face PER POUND 5 Point $1 05 6 Point $0 79 . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 __________________________________________________________________________________ __ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Point $0 69 6 Point $0 79 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- - - o - - . . . . . . . . . - . - a o . u . - o . - . » . . . . - . . . . - u - o é P.0.int . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . £0 9 Point $0 60 .t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _________________________________________________________________________ __ ‘M $0 10 Point $0 56 10 Point $0 56 ............................................................................. -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Point $0 55 11 Point $0 55 ________________________________________________________________________________________ __ 12 Point $0 52 12 I-)°i"t $0 52 1C4 U I I C C I I O O O I I I O O C C C O I O C 18 Point $0 50 18 Point $0 50 AMERICAN LINE LEADERS SERIES 545 Hyphen Face PER POUND PER POUND 5 Point $1 05 10 Point _ $0 56 51/2 Point $0 92 1—1—P—oi—n_t ______________________________ 0 "$0 35 6 Point $0 79 f2]a3i;,{ _________________________ S ‘$332 7 P_oint _ _ $0 69 1; ggirjt " " ' ‘ " ” ’ ' ’ ' ‘ ' " ‘ ' " ' " ‘ ’ " " “$6 5) 8 Point $0 64 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ - — — — — — ~ - — — — - — — — — — — — — ~ — — — — - - — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 18 Point $0 50 9 Point $0 60 The American Line Leaders herewith shown are the only correctly proportioned and accurately cut_Leaders ever des_i ned and cast. These have been cut in five distinct series, with a uniformity and_ harmony in the grading of the different sizes whic will_ be appreciated by discriminatingyprinters. This erfection has been attained only through the use of newly invented tools belonging exclusively to the American pe Founders mpany. On this page is an impression of each size of the five styles. These Leaders are cast from Copper Alloy type metal, which excels all other makes in lightness and in wearing qualities. For the special conven- ience of dprinters they are put up in "ob fonts of three and five pounds and sold at regular body type rates, the same as charged when or ered in bulk. The American ine Leaders line accurately with all American Line faces cast on larger or smaller bodies by justification with point leads and slugs. A practical illustration is given on the following page. Body Type Sundries AMERICAN LINE LEADERS Examples showing how our Leaders print Specimen of 12 Point American Line Leaders N o. 545 aligned with 18 Point and 30 Point Typo Script ,¢'/z/(,y¢20¢/ _ _ — — — — — — — — ~ — — — — — — —- /073’ /Jflwflfl Aéawzew <5%7wM°cz2;2z/ c,%IZ6j afl/' aw mzzam/mega,‘ /0 la’ /5'1?" fi/ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ M /Aamez __________________ 7-< _ — — — ~ /A6’ //’—(l//3’ 1/_______ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ aw Aehw wv ,aA.4%7z.4,' _ _ _ _ _ _ __,a¢e%o//6&7?‘/2.4/;X(______-___ .@wé¢J M‘ _______________ _ _ ,/Aw ____ _ , ,@/w(/% ,0% ___________ _ _//Q9/3, Specimen of 12 Point American Line Leaders No. 544 used with 12 Point Lining Caslon Italic No. 540 Hlmgdriam ............................ “K6/erBe/4 C/0‘U€7" Blossom ............................ .. Roger: S6’7‘€7Zcld'€..--.--...---.-._.p.p Ass.....-.-.Beez‘/z0‘ven W50 13” Sly/‘via ............................ __Scfiuéerz‘ Specimen of 10 Point American Line Leaders N o. 542 used with 10 Point Cheltenham Oldstyle Maidens Lament . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Scarlatti Mazurka in B Minor . . . . . . . . .Saint Saens Mandalay . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A. G.Thomas Voci Di Primavera . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Strauss Specimen of 8 Point American Line Leaders No. 541 used with 8 Point Della. Robbia Planet Venus . , February 14 La Champagne . . March 17 M°“taUk P0int . October 19 Virginian November 2 I Specimen of 6 Point American Line Leaders No. 543 used with 6 Point Roman No. 590 Benefits of the Kindergarten ...................... ..Chickering The Modern Child ......................... ..Lillian A. Robinson 301116 Curious Information ................... ..Grace Howard American Husbands ......................... ..Kathie H. Porter Specimen of 12 Point American Line Leaders No. 641 used with 12 Point Century Oldstyle Italic . M attez Allegro . Mattinata . . Nieniawski Thomas Night Hymns Leave Not . Bullard Specimen of 10 Point American Line Leaders No. 543 used with 10 Point Clearface Son of the Puzta ............... .7.Dillon Sunset. ._.;; ........ .. Elizabeth Coolidge The Podsnap Hunt .......... ..Hammel Le Cygne .......... ..Sir Harry Hoguet Specimen of 8 Point American Line Leaders No. 544 used with 8 Point Century Expanded The Year’s at the Spring .................... ..Haydn ‘ ’Neath the Stars_....-........ c..-...Sinz1ee Presto in E Major .................... .. “Beethoven Fifth Nocturne ................................... -.Leybach Point American Line Leaders No. 542 used with 6 Point Cheltenham Medium Domestic Economy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Mary Ottman Bates Inventions of the Century . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Ramage The Servant Question . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Rachel Lowentritt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Alice Elizabeth Moran Specimen of 6 Personation Braces, Dashes, Fraction Marks and Canceled Figures THREE POINT NEW METAL BRACES 3 Point Per dozen of any one size $0 60 Per font $1 25 312 315 318 321 324 327 330 333 336 339 342 348 351 354 360 366 369 372 378 384 387 390 396 Made in 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 48, 51, 54, 60, 66, 69, 72, 78, 84, 87, 90 and 96 Point lengths The last two figures of each number indicate the length of Brace in points FOUR POINT NEW METAL BRACES 4 Point Per dozen of any one size $0 60 Per font $1 25 412 416 420 424 428 432 436 440 444 448 I-J‘—x zJ\—\ %"'—‘\ I-—?‘——\ T4‘? \ r————i"-T f 4 452 456 469 464 $68 472 480 484 488 496 f Made in 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 52, 56, 60, 64, 68, 72, 80, 84, 88 and 96 Point lengths The last two figures of each number indicate the length of Brace in points SIX POINT NEW METAL BRACES 6 Point Per dozen of any one size $0 50 Per font $1 00 612 618 624 630 636 642 648 654 as _./s__\ .4»? ,._._/_..% ,_.._./yj.‘ ,___/\:_.fi F A g ~ 660 666 672 ‘ 678 ”"j—\ _ A ~ r w I A 684 690 696 1 f r \ Made in 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60, 66, 72, 78, 84, 90 and 96 Point lengths The last two figures of each number indicate the length of Brace in points SIX POINT METAL BRACES 6 Point Per dozen of any one size $0 50 Per font $1 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 ~“* /~”‘-\ /‘-/\;'\ W/\-?‘\ /L/\j\ TL/\j\ Font contains six of each. The number also indicates the length of each Brace in 12 Point ems SIX POINT BRACES AND DASHES No. 2 6 Point Per font $1 25 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 10 11 " ‘— I—'' ‘A’ “-\ /""A"\ / A \ / A \ 9 12 A /—’A"“"\ I’ A \ I A_ f Font contains eight each Nos. 1 to 7, four each Nos. 8 to 12 Nos. 1 to 7 are for piecing. Nos. 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are complete and are 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 ems respectively DIACONAL FRACTION MARKS 3 CANCELED FIGURES Font containing three sizes $0 75 1 11 Point N 0. 40 Per font $1 00 12 Point 9 Point 6 Point l Examples ‘ 10 Point No. 40 Per font $1 00 I 3 7 24 zzsaswrrww 5/2 9 Point No. 40 Per font $1 00 4 1/ 1 15 1234567r'§599 3/~, 1/2 34 100 _ 1/ 7/ 42/ 53/ 73/ 150/ 8 Point No. 40 Per font $1 00 /2 /8 /3 /4 /4 /1000 xzzawmw 892 Radical Signs and Piece Fractions 2 SPECIAL RADICAL SIGNS ' Notice.—These Special Radical Signs are cast so that ordinary two-point single rule will join at the top and line with them, as is shown in the following specimens: 5 Point Per font $2 80 10 Point X 20 Point Per font $1 30 \82.60 V \67.041 I 1 2/ sl 4/ s/1 6/ 552971 ‘ 82 ' 6° ‘1 V 67104 I 10 Point 24 Point Per font $1 30 8 Po' t I 1 1 7 7 * V :7 7. 5 6 ,2 1:e:.f°m3122f° I 2 3 4 5 5 .z24:69 V ‘ \ V V V4132 V8051 V7859 V9240 127__96 10 Point Per 10111 $1 30 10 Point X 26 Point Per font $1 30 V W 3/ 4) 55 6’ ,~ “’ 5 "_"’ " = ~ V \ V \ \63 +24 V29 +78 . // I 2 3 4 5 6 12 Point Per font $1 20 V \/ \/ 7‘, 2 35/ 4’ 5! 6' 2;! ‘C ' ' 5:./"”“"* ’ V V V V V V "27. V18. 12 point X 35 point’ I 14 Point >1 44 Point - Per font $1 20 10 Point X. 14 Point Per font $1 30 14 Point >< 48 P011115 I 2 3 4 s 6/ ‘ __.____.__,22_._.‘ V V \/ \/ \/ \ 7 7 I I / 14 Point 14 P - ,_. 1 . 10 Point >( 16 Point Per font $1 30 I 48 . t >”i)1n 1 12 1:?1nt \/ \2/ \3/ \1/7 \5/, ‘ \/ °"‘ 44 Pomt 36 Point I SELF SPACING PIECE FRACTIONS These fonts are supplied with spaces and can be used with any type 12 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 26 Per font $2 50 1211/€32 1234507800 1/2/27‘17§0/7/5500 /1/2/3?]:/5/6/7/8/91) 1234567890 495/16 11 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 25 Per font $2 50 2411/32 1234507890 1221293220 9/7 1/5. /12/:3€1%6’7’2;§0 1234567890 187//16 10 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 24 Per font $2 50 9019/32 1234567890 1999997999 %O 1/3 1294367896 1234567890 94%6 9 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 28 Per font $2 50 731%? 1 234567800 12971203200 1/3 2/5 976 ‘1/9 9/10 ’12éC1’5fs/74890 1234567890 37716 8 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 22 Per font $2 50 _ , V, _ _ ,,// 2412/55 1934067890 1/’-’/3/17-“/W29‘) 14 1/.» % 4/3 5/8 7/8 93 7/to aaetstegoo 1234567890 562/16 6 Point Self Spacing Oldstyle No. 27 Per font $2 50 "1211/€32 1234567390 1/2/3/4,207/8/00 1/3 2/3 14. 1/2 3/1 1/8 % 7/8 % %5 1234369206 1234567890 331/16 12 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 311/.» Per 2°“ $2 50 6020/32 -1'-’315078"" 1/2%/"07/8/11/0 1‘.’351{5f5‘7/81)/1» 1234567890 149/16 Per font $2 50 48% 1234567890 218//16 Per font $2 50 11 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 21‘/.» 4511/32 1234567890 1/2:3/4/31 10 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 171/: 7213/32 1234=5“7300 1/2’/1/""7/8/00 2/9 ‘1/5 ’12€si{5ts"78©0 1234567890 367/16 Per font $2 50 236/16 Per font $2 50 9 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 321/32 3212/ 1"‘34"6 890 1234567890 2. 4/~ 5% 7/; ‘V10 /1~>€3C150‘7'820 32 " 0 7 /“///'//‘//‘H 3 D 0 " 8 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 181/2 1 H A / 191192 1234567890 1/2:z,4,5,0 1234567890 933/16 Per font $2 50 “V11 11/12 11352 1231809800 1234567890 401/16 7 Point Self Spacing Roman No. 231/2 3911/16 1234567890 1/2:14/_.';(;7/8/1)/0 1/3 2%; +';{, 94; 6 Polnt Self Spacing Roman No. 201/: 2020333 12‘“’-"07000 12317715173131‘) 1?; 23 1/4 1354 155 "50 0/7 7/2 1-59 1710 L‘ 893 Fractions, Special Figures and Root Signs SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR LETTERS AND FRACTIONS 12 Point No. 150 abcdefghijklmnopqrst abcdefghijklmnopqrst 1234567890 1234567890 Per font $1 20 11 Point No. 150 b d f h"k1 t a C 8 g 1] mnopqrs abcdefghijklmnopqrst 1234567890 1234567890 Per font $1 20 10 Point No. 150 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuv 1234567890 Per font $1 40 ahcdefghijkhnnopqrstuv 1234567890 Per font $1 45 abcdefgliijklmnopqrstuv 1234567890 9 Point No. 150 abcdefgliijklmnopqrstuv 1234567890 8 Point No. 150 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy 0 1234567890 Per font $1 65 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy I 23456789() 7 Point No. 150 Per font $1 90 abcdefghijklmnopqmtuwvxy abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1‘3"45“7**9° 1f2.‘54.367890 6 Point No. 150 Per font $2 10 abcdefghilklnlnopqTSWVWXY abcdofghijklmnopqrstuvwxy 12345*37890 1234507300 51/.» Point No. 40 :1bcdefgliijklmnopqrstiivwxyz Per font $2 40 :Ll)cdcf1:,liijklmnopqrstuv\\“L 1934567390 1234507x00 The font prices quoted above are for single fonts of either Supe- rior Lctters, Inferior Letters, Superior Figures or Inferior Figures PIECE FRACTIONS 12 Point No. 120 Per font $2 00 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 -2 4 5 -6" I7‘ *8“ T9’ 70' » 3 _ _ 5 _1 3 _ 9 _Z_ __5 T 5, _ 5 16 36 68 100 100 11 Point No. 120 Per font $2 40 1234567890 '1’ 22 3 4 5 0‘ 27‘ ’a‘“0"”0 2 ,3, ,4 ,3 __,7m 6_8_ .3 7 9 25 80 234 275 10 Point No. 12() Per font $2 80 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 8 9 0 -1 -24 3 T 5 6 67 8 9 I0 2 _3_ .* “£9 _24, 4.5 "5 20 68 9'0 10 100 200 9 Point No. 12.’) Per font $3 20 1234567890 1;3i.1_55_j;_3A9_;)_ 3 _,4, ,3_ .12 _,I1l_ 0 2 7 1 :5 3 1 3 2 _l7_ __3,.I,,,_ 380 1000 8 Point No. 120 Per font $3 60 1234507590 ‘1’2’34'50'7’s0’0 1 2 _3, , 0 5 3 _ u _3 1 _ 2 9): 4 5 17 45 £5 130 197 420 7 Point No. 40 Per font $500 1234567890 ‘1‘2’34?»E’7S«90 2 3 _4 4 : 2; ‘>4 ' 2 *7 2:4 45 £2 '1 329 1‘”00 T389 6 Point No. 120 Per font $5 00 12345127890 12341567890 .. : '7 4, r. H 2:: 6 24 93, 32 _ 1; 7 9 ~17 3.»: 45 71 100 150 230 1231 SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR FRACTIONS 12 Point Per font $1 20 .2 514 1234567890 1234567890 / 3628/57 11 Point Per font $1 20 6212/ 78 12345678('m 1234507890 / 9845/ 89 1() Point Per font $1 40 3850/85 1-234:,67s00 1234567890 /1 3019/26 SPECIAL FRACTIONS 8 Point No. 1528 Per font $0 50 14 12 34 13 '-’:; 18 ‘*8 58 78 7 Point No. 1528 Per font $0 50 14 12 34 13 ‘~’:; Is 3:4 52 78 6 Point No. 1528 Per font $0 50 14 12 34 1:; ‘’~3 ls 3»; 58 78 51/.» Point No. 1528 Per font $0 50 14 12 34 13 23 18 38 58 78 6 Point No. 154 Per font $0 50 1&1 1/2 3/11 1/3 3/3 V8 3/8 5/8 7/8 5%» Point No. 154 Per font $0 50 1/4 1/2 13 1% 1’-/3 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 5% Point No. 40 Per font $0 50 1/111; .7’/it: 346 l}I/6 191/1; ml/6 9 Point Per font $1 45 4736/52 ”‘“‘'’‘‘78’’‘‘’ 1234-567890 / 1519/62 8 Point Per font $1 65 ;.g51s>l,'4‘_ 12:34.-307390 12_.,4567890 / 4621/46 7 Point Per font $1 90 6947/73 1234567390 1234567890 / 8269/71 6 Point Per font $2 10 1435/51 l‘.2.‘H.")67>-'90 123.;;,673g;() / 3558/64 SPECIAL FIGURES 8 Point Two-Third Figures Per lb. $0 64 12:;45< —:— :2 —— : 59 60 61 62 63 64 ' C] A < 1/ 1‘/ 3 66 67 9 Point Per font $1 44 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 + _ X + = — 1- D 60 61 62 63 64 65 A < 1/ ti’ 1? 66 67 4 ‘--5 PRICES Medical, Arithmetical, Astronomical, Algebraic and Miscellaneous Signs are sold by the pound or single character as follows: Per Per Pound Character 51/: Pt. $2 40 $0 05 Pt. 2 O0 05 7 Pt. 1 80 O5 8 Pt. 1 60 05 9 Pt. 1 44 05 10 Pt. 1 30 O5 11 Pt. 1 22 05 12 Pt. . . 1 16 05 14 to 20 Pt. . 06 8 Point Per font $1 60 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 59 60 + - >< — = 4; E] A 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 < 1/ IV '- 4 “-5 7 Point Per font $1 80 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 + -— X + = i- C] D A 61 62 63 64 65 66 < V 19’ 2 22 L 6 Point Per font $2 00 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 + - X — = - i 0 Cl A 61 62 63 64 65 66 < 1’ IV I ' '- 5‘/2 Point Per font $2 40 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 ‘l‘ " X + = ”" If U D //,\.\ 61 62 63 64 65 66 < 1/ I?’ I- ARITHMETICAL SIGNS 12 Point + 11 Point + 10 Point + 9 Point -l- 8 Point -1‘- 7 Point + 6 Point _+_ 5‘/2 Point ILLUSTRATIONS AND DEFINITIONS OF SIGNS Mathematical Mathematical “7‘ plus (Continued) : Tmnus therefore A mm’ with because + divided by 1/ = equality o 1“ Dlus or minus U Square ‘ 3 rectangle A triangle Commercial 0 circle (0 at’ to A alngle it" per, each FL fight angle 11, pound 01‘ 2‘ greater than {I percentum 7‘ 01‘ <1 less than / Shilling T Iferpendicular (3; cent Cgfiflience ‘Q. account . mtegration . :7. equivalency Medical 3 33 Droportion If recipe, take "* geometrical propor- 7% ounce tion 73 drachm *‘ difference, excess 3) scruple Ecclesiastical V versicle H response >{< or '1‘ sign of the cross Astronomical 9° Aries 8 Taurus El Gemini 5 Cancer [1 Leo ill) Virgo 2 Libra lll Scorpio I Sagittarius V}> Capricornus :2‘. Aquarius 3-E Pisces G or {3} Sun Q Mercury 9 Venus 69 Earth _+. No. 150 Per font $0 50 ><~:— Per font $0 50 X —:- >< __ ><—:‘ >< Per font $0 50 Per font $0 50 Per font $0 50 Per font $0 50 — >< —:— Per font $0 50 ._><+= Astronomical (Continued) cf Mars '34 Jupiter I2 Saturn or 111 Uranus Q? Neptune G5 New Moon E) First Quarter Full Moon (“L7 Last Quarter (5 Conjunction 8 Opposition A Trine Cl Quartile * Sextile Q Dragon's Head U Dragon’s Tail 9 Ceres 5? Pallas G Juno ii Vesta. 895 ASTRONOMICAL SIGNS Set of four $0 40 14 Point No. 551 Per font $1 00 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 5 11 <36 81 113: 2 111 1 V5 Set of four $0 25 4 Q Set of four $0 25 3 /Q ’ Astronomical Signs and Brackets 3 552 3 mmwimid mmw3.,..@33 33333339333 338 @¢ cw em .0 as cw mm aw ma mb. 11 Ow. oo 40 3 3 3.W., mg 0 mm mum 33 38 M M4 1 m9AI_.2V\ 0 2( o omvxmd o1my3W. M mm M 90393 ,m%3m33.mnZe§.m3333 Wwg D..oomN0 % Psml %@P9 5 P 5 % 1® 3D mW2.o.6* lxoou. 7 1 7 7 7 2 9 3 3 1 2 86 oo mW@v at am: oo yum? oo mW@v Amj mu ¢:1v no mwmv oo mmu nv mm Aug 14. as Amy mm mu mu Ju no ma 3 n.2 3 made - 2© 3 3m.m$%m_ m8 3* 6m 7 3* Gmsg 3* .n_ 9 30.0 4 9Tr%O+6 3@2ro3 1 m6 3 1® .L_m®3A 3m%3.3* MW %@g 11 . no %@; “W %@; wnm oo mw /mu mw nw mu 5Q5©.%.o+4A 3Q..m©mo+ A 91$ 1w+ ewma 8 7A_%®4A MA 1 ,3 3 4 .»Jo+u 5 u@ 3 snmomd ewzmms 34533.33 m4%13 .3 W133 oolam mwmsnmmw .M3Hm@2 .N.3H1@3 .N.3H m® mbmsmuomwmmmmmu 933x39 mzamxga .m:o3,33m..m23E 35 P 2 P 3 1 0 02 1 m%;3_3 H4939 m+13§TI@ W1TnO 333 3393383133383 m3§:3w§_933 LN1 33m 9 14 3 39 .993. am:/U 2m 3% 31 2 3% P M P 4 P P3, P P9 P9 393 3W 3% fm \. 16 3m2®u am “MA 3 1 1 Sum m© m© 5% 1 5 5 5 61W .. 1 . pin: pint 3 mg 23 M9 333% Ww® w@ 2 19... 4 4 1 5Q.. . 6 mzo. 61.8 005. 4&7: 4 1 Fm smmmw 5 d 513 2 H 1% 5a W Mm... 5QN@3m.. « 24 Point No. 150 20 Point No. 150 9% 16 Point N8. 150 3 . AVAV m nmww mwmAmV mm AaAyAV mm nmmu MW mmu . .30”) nan... mzvo ED 3% 9 film mm 330 wlm mm 33 10 2 10 2 10 k? 12 Po1ntNo 553 1 2 rrfif 3-E: 99; 9 10 156 R 35‘: 121Point No. W W M’ M98 W 9 11 . Q’?! 3' 2 £1 11 Point No. 552 . 1 3 W W 1'1‘ M98 W‘ 5 9 $3 10 Point No. 552 1 2 3 W W M «fie 9 @ v 9Point No 552 “$4 8 Pomt No 553 '91 o1ntNo 551 853 852 SIGNS Nos. 849 to 853 Each $0 10 . 849 851 896 I3? BRACKETS 42 Pt. No. 150 Each $0 15 30 Pt. No. 150 Each $0 10 919 920 921 J” > :| 916 Miscellaneous Signs and Imprints MISCELLANEOUS SIGNS These Signs are cast to order promptly 1 n §O8Po1ntS;0£\Io. 15310 911 9 9 Per lb. $1 16 12 Point No. 120 per 1b. $1 16 , O # V 1- 913 914 915 839 840 83 844 845 846 922 O 1 T + 1 >14 + X :3 {B 5 3 I 10 Point No. 120 Per lb. 31 30 11 P ' °”‘t N°- 150 Per lb. 31 22 - 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 991 932 903 904 905 906 907 10 P;::3nt 0. 159 ' Per lb. $1 30 750 751 752 753 E4 755 756 757 758 759 760 2 ' ii” 1° :22‘ :4; 93:0 < "’ 7 || = A L ‘J 1.‘ w :: 7 761 762 763 764 765 766 7663 767 _ _ ___o o O I \ ” :’Qf°":'f N0-3150 A Per lb. 31 44 I ‘ ' O @ «-'~ «:4 885 886 887 888 889 890 891 892 ' 774 7_7_5 776 777 778 779 780 781 732 3 >32‘ t + >l~ =1: R R .1 3 2 19 :1; 4- (A - 783 "84 '85 "86 "87 '88 789 "90 7 ~ ifolgfi N9'_r150 _ Per lb. $1 60 in Q1 3%; 33:‘: ‘(F13 v _i)i__ 7? I}. (2 8H) 84/6 877 878 879 880 881 882 _ “'* "‘ 6 ‘=-~-“ *7‘ V # 1- + ,1. :1: E 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 7 Point No. 150 Per lb. $1 80 I V) 7-€ Tm 5 MN/if “L 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 7° <19 19 6 0 o 69 o 67 816 817 818 819 820 821 822. 823 824 825 826 “:55 3:6 867 868 869 870 871 872 V ‘I’ 1- + % II %%t:1:: \:-6 o 29 I7 ‘is 6 P°l’;f_N°-_}850 Per lb. 32 00 1 Qt 8 8"‘ k ‘ 1- *1 I. "as q . ' Mfg"‘;;>9;»1e:2§664 1QS2$fi§S2?22£’2>l<$(5 5% Point NC 150 K‘ 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837 838‘ . 3 854 8” 86 Per1b.$240 . A [j (9 Q9 3,; (5131 + _l-_- 1; 2 .10 5 M 0 ' 8 Point No. 120 Per 1b_ $1 50 6rPo1ntNo.120 Per lb. $200 1 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 f0 fil 552 553 554 555 '66 557 558 559 560 561 l _ Z ‘I’ X + It D E’ A < > ‘ + X + *+ ;t C1 1.1 A < > I . .. . . _ 1 (154 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 578 7 ~ V L 1 -2 F ‘J 12 -I : 0 IE“ N ‘i ” g 4 L V’ L" "3 m 2: —= 669 670 671 672 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 633 5'.) F I‘ " "W "F" --3 -7 : 7 '9‘ ' ‘:4 5/35 5'6 571 5:6 5:9 5:0 581 582 586 587 588 0 ° / " ll 5 a 3 5 18 5 3 $89 590 5:)2 5; 594 59' _9‘ "_ fl ’ ‘E I 685 686 687 688 689 690 8691 692 693 694 695 :) 2 is 3. r.-5 0156 5:‘ 55;’ 1 5" L5 2:; Q35 ¥‘fi«=~3— e V / 13/ 373926996999 327393369333 5g 61114 615 6&6 6397 618 6&9 63;) 63 6:: 634 E; $9 7&0 78 753 lg; 7:56 73:7 218 29 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 7230 7:1 7:2 7723 7:4 7:5 7:6 727 E8 759 730 70.31 93¢¢89ub>1<332\ 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 I C*86B17I:I8s+-:-'~ . §4i3I3{*9K>3i‘éS COPPER ALLOY IMPRINTS ‘ Cast in one piece; any of the faces here shown at the fol 6 P Net Prices of Matrices °ln_t and Smaller, up to one inch in length each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $4 00 Additional inches or fractions thereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Price for Casting Imprints These prices in addition to cost of matrices 50 or less type from each of two matrices. . . .$5 75 lowing prices: 2(1) gligoor less from one matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3 25 _ 200 or type from one matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 O0 51 to 100 type from each of two _matrices. . . . 9 50 more type from one matrix. . . . .per 100, 4 50 200 or more from each of two matrices. .per 100, 8 50 Style of Imprints Style 10 Style 13 Style 16 ARTS PRINTING co..'rRoY HENRY STILMAN, PRINTER BRONX PRINT SHOP Style 11 Style 14 Style 17 _ WYNDHAM PRESS, UTICA 11.”; HAfi'rsMAN pnzss HOWES PRINTING C0..N.Y. Style 18 Style 15 Style 12 STANDARD PRINTING COMPANY EAGLERS PUBLISHING co PRESS OF W. H. SMITH Copper Alloy Imprints are recommended as they have a uniform clearness of face not obtainable in so small Imprints would be cheaper than the electro. an electro line. When wanted in quantities the Copper Alloy ELECTROTYPED IMPRINTS S. El€_CtI‘0’§yDed Imprints made from any of the type styles shown above for Copper Alloy Imprints. Price of ‘"5519 Imprint 50 cents. If more than one is ordered, the duplicates at regular electrotype scale price. p 897 Auxiliaries, Commercial Signs, Parentheses and Brackets MISCELLANEOUS AUXILIARIES Below is shown a comprehensive line of Inland Type Foundry’s Miscellaneous Auxiliaries. For the convenience of our customers we have printed a circular giving complete detail as to the various characters, sizes, and the manner in which they are fonted. We will send this circular to any one interested. When requesting this circular be sure to mention that it is the Inland Type Foundry’s Miscellaneous Auxiliaries that are wanted. Mathematical 1 + plus 2 —— minus 3 X multiplied by 4 —:— divided by 5 = equal to 6 : ratio 7 :2 proportion 8 geometrical proportion 9 =*= plus or minus 10 < less than 11 > greater than 12
  • not greater than 14 3 equivalent to 15 ¢ not equal to 16 -~ nearly equal to 17 co difference 18 2 difference between 19 cc variation 20 \/ radical 21 9" cube root 22 0 degree 23 ’ minute 24 ” second 25 O circle I] 26 square 27 [:1 rectangle 28 Z angle 29 A triangle 30 f integration ‘ integration of a 31 ¢ quaternion 32 =i= minus or plus 33 hence therefore 34 ' because 35 f integral of 36 co infinity 37 L. right angle 38 _L perpendicular to 39 E identical with 40 i approaches Arithmetical MOON’S PHASES——Continued 1 1 19 ® Full Moon 2 E gfililsus 20 (C Last Quarter 3 X giul(tii&1ik€):d by SUN AND PLANETS 4 — ivi y 5 2 equal to % §’I1i)r(l)n Nautical 3 $333‘? 1 G sun's center 25 69 Earth 2 O sun’s upper limb 26 07' Mars 3 Q sun’s lower limb 27 Q1 Jupiter 4 (T: moon’s upper limb 28 b Saturn 5 (E moon’s lower limb 29 5 Uranus Medical 30 ‘I1 Neptune SIGNS OF POSITION R recipe 31 o’ conjunction 3 Ounce 32 oo opposition 5) dram, drachm 33 A trine 5) Scruple 34 D quadrature Astronomical if :‘:’Ifit;lt‘3iOn SIGNS OF THE ZODIAC 37 % Bragons heald - 38 ragon’s tai ; :5): rfiglllersus 39 {Z} station mark 3 II Gemini C . 1 4 ® Cancer ommercla 5 8? Leo 119 per 6 TI? Virgo " 7 2 Libra. Q‘: agutgd 8 TH Scorpio _ E, p cent 9 2?‘ Sagittarius per t 10 *6 Capricornus accoun 11 W Aquarius ‘Z’ cent 12 H Pisces Miscellaneous MOON’S PHASES 13 0 New Moon >X< Maltese Cross 14 B First Quarter # number 15 G9 Full Moon / shilling mark 16 (i Last Quarter -9 I, direction 17 0 New Moon -> 5 arrow 18 3 First Quarter o male This line of Auxiliary material is most complete. It includes Superior_ and Inferior Letters and Figures, both in Roman and Oldstyle, Scored and Pointed Figures, Canceled Letters and Figures, and in addition the following Signs and Marks in the various bodies from 5 Point to 12 Point. JOB COMMERCIAL SIGNS 36 Point 1 2 30 Point 1 2 18 Point @ % Tb 1 2 4 12 Point 6) 75 in 1 7 6 Per font $0 50 Per font $0 50 lb 3 Per font $0 50 ‘$9? Per font $0 50 ¢ 1:?’ 16 2 SPECIAL PARENTHESES All Cast on 6 Point Body _ These Parentheses are cast_in the lengths indicated under each pair. Sold sir_iiz_ly at 10c per pair or $1.28 er pound. Also put up in fonts containing 4 of each, at $1.50 pe out. :2 £2 £2 0 <> <> 18 20 22 24 28 44 42 40 36 34 32 SPECIAL BRACKETS All Cast on 6 Point Body These Brackets are cast in the lengths indicated under each air. Sold s_in_gIy at 10c per pair, or $1.28 per pound. Also put; up in iimts containing 4 of each, at $1.50 per font. 9 [J U [l H ll 16 18 _ _ 20 22 24 28 30 898 Per Cent Marks, Cent Marks and Quotation Marks JOB FACE PER CENT MARKS Series No. 1, Thin ’ Series No. 2, Thick Font A Font D Containing 16 characters of each size Per font $0 75 Containing 8 characters of each size Per font $0 75 5 Iz’t. 6 Pt. 8 Pt. 10 Pt. 12 Pt. 14 Pt. 18 Pt. 1 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 8 Pt. 10 Pt. 12 Pt. 14 Pt. 18 Pt. % ‘z 7 7 , % % % 7 7 o ‘ 0 0 % ° % % 7 ° 90 I Font B ‘ Font E Containing 5 characters of each size Per font $0 75 ; Containing 3 characters of each size Per font $0 75 48 Pt. 42 Pt. 36 Pt. 30 Pt. 24 Pt. 5 48 Pt. 42 Pt. 36 Pt. 30 Pt. 24 Pt. 3 30 3oj0%73O£0:0O Font C FOnt F Containing 3 characters of each size Per font $0 50 60 Pt. 72 Pt. % % % 7 PER CENT AND CENT MARKS Font containing 2 characters of each size $0 50 \ Font containing’ 10 characters °f each Size $0 50 72 Point 60 Point 1 18 Pt. 12 Pt. 10 Pt. 8 Pt. 6 Pt. ; % ‘/0 % 7" % } Font containing 20 characters of each size $0 50 6 Pt. 3 Pt. 10 Pt. 12 Pt. 13 Pt. ‘ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ ¢ A PER CENT AND CENT MARKS Font containing 4 éhamcters of each Size $0 50 918,15c 929,15c 930, 6c 931, 6c 932, 5c 933, 5c i I 48 Point 36P ‘ t 24P ° t ' Oln Oln : 0 0 ¢ % 9 0 § 20 j BODONI QUOTATION MARKS ’ 10 Pt. 12 Pt. 14 Pt. Containing 3 characters of each size Per font $0 50 ; 6 Pt. 8 Pt. e 9 9* 99 e 9_ ee 79 Q 9 ee 99 ¢ 7 Q9 99 Q 9 CC 99 Series No. 2 ~ 13 Point 24 Point 30 Point 6Pt. 8Pt. 10 Pt. 12 Pt. 14 Pt. » C 9 cc 99 Q 9 CC 99 Q 9 (Q 99 "~99 nun nee” eaten (SR9! A 36 Point 42 Point 18 Point 24 Point 30 Point ; (QR!) 979977 Q9997? Q ’ Q ’ 48 Point 60 P0int (H03 99 (9483,, Q???” WmC9CC99 t 9 We 99 ° 9 ° Fonts of both Heavyface an _ contain the following number of each (right and left) 72 "°"“ : of different “”ii‘§§§§§ 53:22:":- ‘ h ' uo es an e secon p n - ‘ 22$ ih: iigiiibieqquotesz 6 pt., 17-55; 3 pt., 15-45; 10 pt., 1 13-41; 12 pt., 10-32; 14 pt., 8-25; 13 pt., 5-16; 24 pt., 4-13; 7 30 pt" 5-16; 36 pt., 3-12; 48 pt., 2-6; 60 pt., 2-4; 72 pt.,1-3. P t ' - - A t ' rate fonts of each body. Sizes 6 Point u up in separate fonts of each body. Sizes 6Po1nt . toP21‘11 ‘fifilfiiusive’ 25 cents per font; 30 Point to 72 to 24 Point, inclusive, 25 cents per font; 30 point to 72 point, 50 cents per font Point, 50 cents per font. 899 Parentheses and Brackets PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS FOR JOB FACES Parentheses and Brackets No. 11 Contains 5'», (3, .8‘, S), 10 and 12 Point sizes () U 0 0 () [1 [1 H [1 H Parontheses and Brackets No. 12 () (‘,ont'ains 14, IR, 24 and 30 Point sizes 0 0 [] U Parcntheses and Brackets No. 13 (‘ontains 363, 42 and 48 Point sizes 0 () [1 [] I’arentheses and Brackets N0. 14 Contains 54, (30 and 72 Point sizes .<;»;n 50 $0 75 $1.) 90 $1 25 0)( []][ Parentheses and Brackets No. 21 $0 50 (7(mt,ains :3, (3, 8, 9, ll) and 12 Point sizes () H H [1 [1 [] U H () 0 () [1 Parentheses and Bra(-kets No. 22 $0 7 () [] $0 90 {:1 Contains 14, IN, 2-1 and 30 Point sizes 0 () H [1 () [] Parentheses and Brackets N0. 23 (‘nntains 365, 42 and 48 Point sizes 0 () () [1 [] [] Parentheses and Brackets No. 24 ~39 ')£ Iv -1 Contains 51, 60 and 72 Point sizes 0 0 0 () O O U [] n [1 [] 900 Parentheses and Brackets PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS FOR JOB FACES Parentheses and Brackets N0- 31 $0 50 ' Parentheses and Brackets No. 41 $0 50 C t ' . . A _ _ on ams 5» 6: 8» 9, 10 and 12 Point sizes V Contains 5, 6, 8, 9, 10 and 12 Point sizes 0 U () () () U H [1 [] [] [] () () () () u [1 U [1 H H Parenth d B - - es(.:es an. rackets No. 32 $0 75 Parentheses and Brackets No. 42 $0 75 ( ) ontains 14, 18, 24 and 30 Point sizes Contains 14, 18, 24 and 30 Point sizes P th . V H ‘ aren eses and.Brad\etS N0- -33 $0 90 Parentheses and Brackets No. 43 $0 90 Contams '36’ 42 and 48 P0int Si’/«BS Contains 36, 42 and 48 Point sizes i)[1O[]O[i i)[1(i](i[i Parentheses and Brackets No. 34 $1 25 Parentheses and Brackets No. 44 $1 25 Contains 54, 60 and 72 Point Sizes 1 Contains 54, 60 and 72 Point sizes E’ E1’ 6 E’[‘]’[‘i Parentheses and Brackets No. 51 $0 50 Contains 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point sizes () () () (2 [J [I [] [] Parentheses and Brackets No. 52 $0 30 Contains 14, lb‘, 24 and 30 Point sizes $1 10 ). . I at entheses and Brackets No. 53 Contains 36, 48 and 60 Point sizes )()0 [][][] 901 Time-Table Logotypes and Signs TIME-TABLE LOGOTYPES Sold in quantities of one pound or more per character, at body type prices 5 Point 5 Point set AM PM AM PM W A“ 6 7 8 9 120 121 6 Point set AM PM AM RM 11 ‘ 13 14 61;; Point set am pm 15 7 Point set AM pM AR Lv am pm 17 18 19 20 98 99 7363 Point set am pm LV Ar 122 123 124 125 10 Point set AM PM LV A1‘ 126 127 128 129 Time-Table References 2% Point set 11 § 1' I 1 2 3 5 5 Point set “ 10 Can be cast on 51/.» Point or 6 Point body or any wider set 5‘/2 Point 51%; Point set AM PM 26 27 Time-Table References 23/: Point set * + t 5‘ *1 21 22 23 24 25 6 Point 6 Point set AM mi am pm |_v Ar n’t n'n 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 .1. 1: 1' 100 101 102 103 104 105 7%; Point set am pm 45 46 8Point set AR Lv am pm am pm 6 107 108 109 110 111 9 Point set AM. PM. AM PM 47 48 112 113 11 Point set AM PM 49 50 12 Point set am pm n’n n’t 51 52 53 54 AM PM 67 68 Can be cast on any wider set 6 Point-—Continued 18 Point set A, M, P. 1\I. 1 -‘U10 55 56 130 36 Point set AM P M 69 70 53 Point set Stations, 131 Time-Table References 3PointSet * + 1 § , ,5, ,5’, 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 5 Point set 4: ,, 35 36 8 Point 4 Point set I111 111 114 115 8 Point set I11‘, AM "-11 116 117 118 119 12 Point set AM PM 57 58 18 Point set A. M. P. NI. 59 60 48 Point set 71 12 Point A P 3 Point set M M 148 149 12 Point set 11V A1‘ 132 133 32 Point set Ex. Sun. Daily. 74 75 SUNDAY DAILY ONLY 61 62 DAILY DAILY EX. SUN. EX. MON. 63 64 36 Point set E 72 73 SPECIAL TARIFF SIGNS 18 Point 32 Point set DAILY DAILY EXCEPT EXCEPT SUNDAY MONDAY 65 66 Special Logotypes 51/: Point 3 Point set 31 :7 78 79 8 Point set AM PM 76 77 6 Point 6 Point set AM PM Ar. Lv. 80 81 82 83 12 Point set am pm A.M P.M 84 85 86 87 18Pointset A. M. P.M. A.M.P.M. 88 89 90 91 8 Point 3 Point set a 134 4 Point set E, G 92 93 8 Point set LV, 94 95 10 Point set A-M P-’V'- M" "'M' 135 136 137 138 12 Point set 96 97 14 Point set M- A-‘\’‘- RM- 139 140 141 15 Pointset 142 143 21 Point set A.M. P.M. 144 145 146 26 Point set M . 147 Sold in quantities of one pound or more per character. at body type prices 6 Point IE § G 03 A I C ‘ In C 609 610 611 612 613 614 8 Point ®®l'A'_l§@®6©®®1E1 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 @®®ve;Al 816 817 818 819 812 813 814 815 10 Point IE] § (9 ® 1000 1001 1002 1003 11 Point 6 1100 1101 1102 12 Point ® ® 600 601 602 603 604 605 O 820 821 822 6 Point—6 point set: Nos. 600, 602, 603, 604, 605, 606. W V Q 6 Point—5‘/2 point set (to order only): Nos. 604, 605. 606 607 608 6 Point-4 point set: Nos. 607, 608, 609, 610, 611, 612. 6 6 Point-31/1 pointset: No. 601. 615 616 6 Point—3 point set: Nos. 613, 614, 615, 616. 8 Point—8 point set: Nos. 802, 804, 805, 807, 808, 809, 810, 811, 812, 813, 814. 8 Point—5 point set (to order only): Nos. 804, 805. 8 Point—41A point set: No. 803. 8 Point-4 point set: Nos. 800, 801, 806, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 820, 821, 822. 10 Point—-10 point set: Nos. 1000, 1002, 1003, 1005, 1006. “QC? 1006 10 Point-6 point set (to order only): Nos. 1002, 1003. 10 Point-5‘/2 point set: No. 1001. 10 Point-5 point set: No. 1004. 11 Point-5‘/_» point set: Nos. 1100, 1101, 1102. 12 Point—12 point set: Nos. 1200, 1202, 1203, 1204, 1205, 1206, 1207. 12 Point—6‘/2 point set: No. 1201. |Z\]§@@@® 1200 41201 1204 1205 1206 1207 COPYRIGHT SIGNS 12 Point © 1202 1203 Explanation 5 Increase passenger rate. 131 ® Advance freight rate. 131 ® Reduction freight rate. 1 3 Reduction passenger rate. 902 Time -Table Figures TIME-TABLE FIGURES 6 Point Lining Gothic 6 Point Lining Gothic No. 529 Figures, 3‘/2 Pt. set ARRIVE AT 1 No. 6 No. 20 NEW YORK DAILY DAILY CORTLANDT STREET ....... 7 20AM 2 20PM DESBROSSES STREET ....... .. 7 23AM 2 23PM TWENTY-THIRD STREET....... 7 33AM 1 2 33PM New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad W’K DAYSI SUNDAYS DAILY Lv NEW YORK 8 OOAM i no oom 3 oopm AR STAMFORD ................ 8 57AM 12 22AM is 58PM AR SOUTH NORWALK ....... 7 23AM 1 I2 33AM is 59pm AR NEW HAVEN ............... .. 8 24AM | :2 44-AM 4 03pm Set in 6 Point Lining Gothic Nos. 527, 528 and 529 5 Point Roman No. 527. Figures en set 5 Point Clarendon Time-Table Figures, en set 1>.M.«A.M. ILV Ari1>.M. "A.M. 1111110 11'BUl{LI1\’GT()N ............................ .. 11 11:11 10 .....i950aLatt,\' .............................................. ll 21‘ 9 55l1\°Iediz1polis .................................... ..1l 22l10 5;’) 11 25110 00;.\«1ou.MNG SUN ........................... 1112510 00 11 28 10 201VVadello._ ......................................... .111 33410 20 11 38 11 05coLU1~1BL*s JUNO ...................... .. 11 41111 05 ILQ2 20iNICH()LS ....................................... ..r11 55 12 20 51/2 Point Roman N o. 527. Figures en set 5‘/2 Point Clarendon Time-Table Figures, en set P-M.|A.M.fLV A1-JP. M.iA. M. 3 30; 4 2().BURLINGTON ........................ .. 10 45 8 15 .....Latty ........................................ ...... .. 7 Oli 4 55‘1\/Iocliapolis ............................... ..; 9 141 7 40 7 165 5 14;MORNING SUN ....................... .1 9 l5‘l 7 25 7 3o« 5 .')Wadc11o .................................... ..i 9 18; 7 15 7 51 5 55 COLUMBUS JUNC .................. 8 171 6 5'2 8 20 4 25:NICHOLS ................................ .. 8 18} 6 25 6 Point Century Expanded. Figures en set 6 Point Clarendon Time-Table Figures, en set 5%: Point Antique No. 525 Figures, 4 Point set 10 O5Pm,Ar . . . . . . . .Grra.nd Island . . . . . . . .Lv‘ 1 1 22am 10 0ODm!Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..Crook . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv‘12 40am 11 44pm1Ar . . . . . . . . ..Ster1ing . . . . . . . . . ..Lv'|12 44am 12 39pmiAr . . . . . . . . . ..Merino . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 11 55am 12 4.-9pm Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..Snyder . . . . . . . . . ..Lv’1o o4am 2 53DmiAr . . . . . . . ..Ft. Morgan . . . . . . . ..Lv,1o 83am 4 55pm!Ar . . . . . . . . . .. Weldon . . . . . . . . . ..Lv;1o 45am 4 38pmjAr . . . . . . . . .. Orchard . . . . . . . . . ..LV,1O 56am 4 36pm-Ar . . . . . . . . . .. Hardin . . . . . . . . . ..Lv,1o 56am 4 34pm'Ar . . . . . . . . . .. Kersey . . . . . . . . . ..Lv11O 58am 6 Point Antique No. 525 Figures, 5 Point set Can be cast on four-fifth body if desired 10 00pm .. Geneva. . . . . . ..Lv 4 00am 10 12pmAr.... DeKa1b...... .Lv 4: 05am 10 22pm Ar.... .. .. Dixon..... .. .Lv| 4 10am 2 45pm Ar.... Boone...... ..Lv} 4 21am 2 550m Ar . . . . . . ..Jefferson .... ..Lv’: 4 50am 2 58pm Ar... Cedar Rapids .. .Lvl 4 55am 3 00pm Ar.. .. . Columbus . . . . ..Lv} 5 45am 3 04pm Ar.. . Grand Island.. . .LV. 5 59am 3 10pm Ar.. .. .Des Moines.. .. .Lv11O 22am 3 24pm Ar.. .Missouri Junct. ..LV‘1O 55am 5 Point Ionic No. 522 Figures, 4 Point set . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I ‘ unct . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , (42d Street) . . . . . . . V. V. V. V. V. V. 6 Point Ionic No. 522 Figures, 5 Point set Can be cast on four-fifth body if desired AM I PM ILV AR? PM I AM * 1 E ' '*”‘T‘ ‘“ ‘V 8 40 6 . I 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 6 O DID 858‘.'..-lEaIi§.yLINGTON . . . . . . . . . . 8 15 Ooprn 9 15 7 01Media"0'1'iS; ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' " i0'i4r§'4(') 125lLv. North Manchester .. .112 30pm 9 31‘ 7 15’M0R§ING- ---------- ~- 9 55! 7 25 205lLv. Auburn .................. 1 09pm ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' "1 413=Lv.But1er......................;164pm 948 730Wade11o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1940 715 1 10 15, 7 5l1COLUMBUS JUNC ..... 9151 6 52 glggggelier " " " "1 } 833$ 1°=5°i—8—3°e'eNICH°LSr --------------- 9 ‘*6’ 5 25 39'7iLv:DE'1‘ROI'1‘ . .. .. .. ..g 8 28pm 6POintN 31 6P.tN 32 ggéaipm 0. om o. ' V. H 3 am . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. pm Lightface Both en set Heavyface 8 Point N0_ 31 8 point N0_ 32 ’ 1 ‘ ' ‘«"_‘—1“‘““‘ L‘ htf Both en set Heavyface E Bi‘ g ...... fit.‘ 273’ 5 32 3 1£1g5iIi:ri ...... ..ST. LOUIS ....... ..Ar?11 48 388 121 ----- -~ Edwardsville ------ -- 351‘ 5 "7 3 1 I .............. ..A1ton. ............. .112 15 _ 21: . . . . . . . . ..Crandall . . . . 521447 . 22 . . . . . . . . . . .. Mott . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . .. 2 45 ....... ..Texas Junction ............... .. 9 06, 231 Corydon Junction 2491 4 43 1 Clarksville , , . . . . . . , , ..1 2 9131 26 . . . . . . . . ..Ramseys . . . . . . . . .. 2461428 ' ' ' I I I I I . ' U L ' ' ‘ 9 20 31. ........ .. ePauw ........ .. 243‘ 4 25 I2 55 ----------- -- °‘“S‘.3na- ---------- ~- 9 311 33 . . . . . . . . ..Mi1ltown . . . . . . . . .. 239! 4 20 12 12 AI‘ ------- --Hannlbal ------- --LV 3 15 9 52' 42‘ . . . . . . . . . ..Temp1e . . . . . . . . . ..l 2383 4 3 10 49 Lv Hannibal .AI' 3 woof 451 ......... ..English ......... ..“227i355 """" " P1 """ " 442 10 12; 48% _ ‘ . _ _ _ _ . . __ Lamar . _ _ . _ . . . _ __1 [ 10 ............ .. aErnyra ............ .. 4 59 ~~ ~——~—A: , 3-3- _ _ 9 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,, y. ............... 5% Point No. 31 51/2 Point No. 32 3 ............ ..§11a11:§?nt°1’i‘ii’3.‘2iK The 0 .Ro 0 s e ve 1 t 4 Apr 14 MAIL LIST LOGOTYPES 10 Point Em Set No. 122 9 Point En Set No. 150 I... :. g —: E9 3.. > 0 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jne July Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec ,§ g 5; E ,5; .; ,7, U, 3 § 5 14: Mr Mrs Miss Box Dr Rev Esq 10 8POintEmSetN0.15O 10 Point En Set NQ123 Jan Feb I123” Aprl May Jgur; Aug Stag; 09101 Nov Dec E E g E E. E E E0 §_ 3 E E 2 2 E B astasoon om emse y _ w m x ' E v G H _ Point En Set No. 121 Figures on 4-to-Em Set zgéaaaggaass as 22,30 Mlss Jan 5 “ E E < E -a 3 :9 U) 8 § g I (I) r: x > T L L N or: we- 1o Point Em Set No. 120 E 3‘? m 8:’ 1234557390 E 0 2 92 2 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep 061 Nov Dec 10poi,,tN0_124 “rig SDak Kan I I I I O 10 Point En Set No. 114 Iowa Ind 2 5 5 3 2 3 3 E 5 2 1°%i.i";£.“.£.1‘l~‘;;:2§:3%:::’.?“ 2 RH] Route Sold at body type prices. These Logotypes may be used with any series of Mail List Type MAIL LIST SPECIMENS 10 Point Century Expanded in combination with 10 Point Mail List Logotypes No. 1 14 and 10 Point Century Bold CORNCOB IDAHO SAN JUAN PORT POQUONOCK CONN §jAnna Mosity 6514 §No 1327 25214 éHannah Bates 4.": 15 I I I I I I I 10 Point Century Expanded in combination with 10 Point Mail List Logotypes No. 121 and 10 Point Railroad Gothic No. 1 NMANGHESTER MICH I WINDSOR LOOKS CONN I RUSSIANVILLE IND I §M P Radicals 6212 5M D Curemall 9.°e’13 I §John Patrickson 83 A complete font for 1000 single-line names, as above, will weigh as follows: Century Expanded including Spaces and Quads, 100 pounds; Century Bold Caps or Railroad Gothic No. 1 Caps, 10 pounds; Logotypes, 4‘a_4 pounds. Where Counties and States are added (not using Century Bold or Railroad Gothic No. 1 Caps) from 25 to 50 pounds of extra sorts and quads would be required, for which a special sort order must be sent. Century Bold Caps and Railroad Gothic No. 1 Caps are the only faces of Post Ofiice type furnished as per above specifications; are put up only in fonts of 10 pounds or multiples thereof. 904 Auxiliaries for New Caslon and Heavy Dashes 48 Point 93% 42 Point 9% 36 Point %!é 30 Point 916 24 Point 93% 18 Point 916 14 Point 3] W i§ i§ 1‘§ 1‘i§I§I T § II 31 * + § :1 3a 1) Point Per font $0 50 1‘§H31@@‘W[]()%% ff P°int Per font $0 50 1‘ § II 3 ‘@ W [1 () 2 % LINING HEAVYFACE DASHES No. 1 F°nt any one size $0 50 Job fonts (four sizes) $0 50 _ 10 Point Body- 12 Point Body- 6 Point Body _ 8 Point BOdy_ Font any one size $0 50 ‘ 30 Point — F°nt any one size $0 50 60- z LINING HEAVYFACE DASHES No. 3 LINING HEAVYFACE DASHES No. 4 905 AUXILIARIES FOR NEW CASLON 3J[]()% llfl[]()% ll SJ [1 () % 31 I] () % [1 Per font $0 75 0 Per font $0 75 0 Per font $0 75 0 Per font $0 50 % Per font $0 50 % % Per font $0 50 ()%% () [] Per font $0 50 [ ] ( ) % % Per font $0 50 [ I ( ) % % 8 Point Per font $0 50 * ‘r § H 3 @ fl@ [ I ( ) % % Per font $0 50 @"' ll () 75 % 5 Point ' ‘r § II S LINING HEAVYFACE DASHES No. 2 Font any one size $0 50 Job fonts (three sizes) $0 50 14 Point— 18 Point- 24 Point — Job fonts (two sizes) $0 50 36 Point- Job fonts (two sizes) $0 75 48- N°-1~—-——.No.2_:. uni Nagj T No,4— — Job Type Fractions in Fonts 18 Point 1/4 14 Point 1/4 12 Point ‘/4 ‘/2 3/1 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ 8 Point ‘/4 ‘/2 24 Point 42 Point 12 Z M % 30 Point 2 24 Point I 2 ‘/2 ‘/2 3/1 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 ‘/0 ¢ ‘/2 ‘/2 3/1 ‘/3 3/4 34 CHELTENHAM FRACTIONS 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 Per font $0 50 10 Point ‘/3 ‘/3 5/8 5/8 Per font $0 50 6 Point CHELTENHAM BOLD FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 0/0 ¢ Per font $0 50 ‘/0 / Per font $0 50 7/8 7/8 ‘/1‘/23/1‘/32/3‘/83/85/87/8%¢ Per font $0 50 ‘/1'/2%‘/32/3‘/83/85/s7A3%¢ Per font $0 50 3/1‘/3%‘/8?/8%-/8%¢ 3/1 3/1 ‘/3 ‘/3 2/3 2/3 %; 1/83/8% 3/1 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 % 3/1 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/3 3/3 % Per font $0 50 6 Point 2/31/83/as/37/s%¢ %*/2%‘/32/s OLDSTYLE FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 20 Point R Per font $() 50 K Per font $0 50 3/s%7/s%¢ Per font $0 50 % ¢ Per font $0 50 7/s '/3 % 35 Per font $0 50 V3 % ¢ Perfont$050 ‘/8 “/3 % 7/s % ¢ Per font $0 50 z % Per font $0 50 % % ANTIQUE FRACTIONS No. 525 Per font $0 5 O 10 Point 1/21/134 K 1/3 Per font $0 50 %1/8%%7/3 906 Job Type Fractions in Fonts 24 Point DE VINNE FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 ‘/2‘/t%‘/3?.’3%3~,3é5878%¢ ‘‘/2% 14 Point 10 Point ‘Az‘/t3/t‘/333‘/838~5878%¢ 7 Point ‘/2‘/t34'/.’3'7’398385878%¢ 36 Point _1_._1_ 2 4 18 Point 1 1 2 4 12 Point I- +- «Io» e»I~ Per font $0 50 3%tI/3%‘/8385878%¢ M -M -5:-|oa Per font $0 50 -38 587896;? 33 53 73 $0}? Per font $0 50 ‘/2'/13,4‘/3%‘/8~385878%¢ 6 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/2‘/4-34'/3?35é~385878%¢ I/3% ‘/3% Per font $0 50 ‘/8 ‘/8 Per font $0 50 DE VINNE CONDENSED FRACTIONS 1_Z__l_ 3 8 Per font $0 75 Per font $0 75 24 Point Per font $0 50 1 3 ._1_ _l. .3. .1. .2. .1. .3. i J. 8 8 8 8 2 4 4 3 3 8 8 8 8 Per font $0 50 14 Point Per font $0 50 L _§_ i 1 L .1. i l. .1 .1. i i l 8 8 8 8 2 4 4 3 3 8 8 8 8 Per font $0 50 10 Point Per font $0 50 f % -2- -gr % % % %' 1: iv % % ‘I Per font $0 50 6 Point Per font $0 50 -:,« % % 5: + + :1 av & % =3» % & LATIN ANTIQUE FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 24 Point Per font $0 50 _1__1_§3___1_2l_:1_5__7_ "" * ""' 2 4- 4- 3 3 8 8 8 8 18 Point Per font $0 50 1§e”‘;“$°f§ _1__1__:—3__1_2_1;.§z 3 8 8 8 2 4 4 3 3 8 8 8 8 GOTHIC CONDENSED FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 24 Point Per font $0 50 I 3 5 7 _|_ |_ 1 L 2 L 3 _5_ .7. ““ 4 4 3 3 8 8 8 8 I Bljer fofirjt $0 :0 18 Poi? 1 ' -2- ‘L ger fogt $0 570 § 3 3 1; 2 4 4 3 3 8 F e if 907 J ob Type Fractions in Fonts N|*-‘ NIH NIH Nlb-I -M0-I NIH NIH NIH Ni- 02:]:- WIN NEW CASLON FRACTIONS No. 1 F‘ O3 U] Kl -P-Io» -P-I03 -MC» -[Aw -P-Iv Aloe -Aloe -M03 oolcn oolu col»-1 oo|r-- OOIF-* 00 °°|<» colt» colt» _l_ 8 _1_ L3. 8 8 L 1'5. 8 8 .1. 3. 8 8 Per font $0 50 1 2 1 3 3 6 Per font $0 50 i- § é core» 0010- cola: oolm oolcn OOIUI OOI § 8 8 1 Point W 0°|~I 0°!“ 0°!“ OOIKI ml“ % | ‘I W 5 Point } i % ROMAN FRACTIONS Per font $0 50 1 1 3 1 /2414/3 Aw 1 {.1 Per font $0 50 / Per font $0 50 %% SE6-Point /2 24 Point 11 /24 18 Point 3% Z w W 9.1». c»|r-- WI?-‘ Q3];-I UJIP‘ Q) A N W I H Per font $0 75 _1_ 6 Per font $0 75 Q, calm? OJIN WIN oxlr--E: O\ er font $0 50 calm ,6 OJIN .1. 6 er font $0 50 1 P .2 __ 3 6 Per font $0 50 2 L 6 03 Per font $0 50 2 1 3 6 Per font $0 50 %c%% Per font $0 50 5 1 } onion 00!» I flu Per font $0 50 34 »>\" Per font $0 50 12 /3/3 H§\J© Per font $0 50 3 1 2 4 6 /3 908 Job Type Fractions in Fonts NEW CASLON FRACTIONS No. 2 Per font $0 75 36 Point g%%%%%%%%% Per font $0 75 g%%%%%%%%% Per font $0 50 1/» Perfont$050 ‘/3 % % % % % % Perfont$050 1/8 % % % 1/2 %% 7/s % %%%1/s%%7/8 % % 38 / % t $0 50 1/2 % er font $0 50 12 Point 1 1 /4 A 10 Point % 8 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/3 ‘/3 % Per font $0 50 9;‘ 16 )6 % % % 1/3 1 1 3/ 1 3 Perfon /4 /2 A /s /s % % ‘/3 2/3 % 6Point 5 Point V 34 % X 3:’ 1/ V Per font $0 50 /4 ‘/2’ if ‘/3’ 3/s % % % “/3 % CONDENSED STUDLEY FRACTIONS 909 Job Type Fractions in Fonts 36 Point Z 30 Point '/2 24 Point QUENTELL FRACTIONS Per font $0 75 '/.3/4'/2.2/3%%5/s7/8 Per font $0 75 I/43/4|/32/3|/83/85/87/8 Per font $0 50 '/2 % % ‘/3 2/3 % % 5/s 7/s 18 Point Per font $0 50 '/2%%%’/3'/83/35/8% 12 Point Per font $0 50 %%3/456%‘/s%%’/s 8 Point %'/.%'A% 36 Point 24 Point ‘/4 14 Point ‘A 10 Point ‘A 8 Point ‘A 36 Point 30 Point ‘A 18 Point ‘/I ‘/2 1/2 ‘/2 ‘/3 Per font $0 50 965636 14 Point Per font $0 50 % I/I % % 2/3 '/s 3/s % 7/s 10 Point %%%%% Per font $0 50 %%%36 6 Point Per font $0 50 Z ‘/4 % K 36 56 96 96 % INLAND GOTHIC FRACTIONS No. 1 % 34 3/ Per font $0 75 Per font $0 50 ‘/3 Per font $0 50 1 3 Per font $0 50 ‘/3 Per font $0 50 1/». 1/4‘/23/4‘/3 ‘/2 3/4 30 Point Per font $0 75 ‘/L‘/2%‘/2 18 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/ ‘/ 9/ ‘/ 4 2 4 3 12 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/4 V2 % ‘/3 9 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/4 ‘A 3/: % 6 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/4 ‘/2 3/s ‘/3 INLAND GOTHIC FRACTIONS No. 8 Per font $0 75 Per font $0 75 %2%% Per font $0 50 M%%% V2 % w». % 3/4 Per font $0 50 ‘/3 14 Point Per font $0 50 /4 % ‘/1 V3 12 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/I ‘/2 ‘% ‘/3 10 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/4 ‘/é % ‘/3 9 Point Per font $0 3‘; ‘A2 3/I ‘/3 8 Point Per font $0 50 ‘A: ‘/a 3/1 ‘/3 910 Job Type Fractions in Fonts DORIC FRACTIONS i Point 1 3 1 /é/4«4§4§ 2i Point 1 3 1 /é 4§4i»é 1 Olnt /4 %?§i1é 1/2 1/4 % 1/3 $34 %4 4 34 .14 % 1/8 1é%;‘14%3é1é%%7/3 9&3 c&°...&°o&° 1 Per font $1 00 &< o&=o$°°o&°° $9 $3 Per font $0 N Na Per font $0 5 7/ 8 Per font $0 50 KKK‘ 0% N N O BOLDF ACE FRACTIONS 30 Point 1 1 3 1 / 2 4 4 /3 24 Point 1 1 3 1 /2 4 4 /3 18 Point Per font $0 50 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 5 7 /2 4 4 4 4 /8 4 /8 /8 12 Point Per font $0 50 1/2 14 34 1/3 % % 3/8 % 7/s 11 Point Per font $0 50 1/2 14 34 13 34 18 % 3/s 74 10 Point Per font $0 50 1/2 14 34 14 13 1§ 34 3/s 7/8 OLDSTYLE ANTIQUE FRACTIONS 30 Point Per font $0 50 %é%i%U%E% 1; Point Per font $0 50 1 /2 A 3/1 12 Point Per font $0 50 1/2 ‘A 3/1 1/3 3/3 141 2 /3 911 Per font $0 50 1 3 5 ' 7 /s /3 /s /3 10 Point Per font $0 50 1/2 14 34 1/3 % 1/s 3/s 58 7/s 6 Point Per font $0 50 524 14 94 1:; % 16 96 96 3'6 Per font $0 50 Per font $0 50 1 3 5 7 /3 /8 6 /8 9 Point Per font $0 50 4 14 11 14 34 % 3/s 1% 14 8 Point Per font $0 50 4 14 4 13 % 1:“; 1% 1‘/s 74 7 Point Per font $0 50 1:’: 1é 16 14 14 14 14 14 14’ 6 Point Per font $0 50 14 14 14 13 13 16 51:; 96 16 51/; Point Per font $0 50 15 14 15 18 16 11:5 96 '16 GOTHIC FRACTIONS No. 4 18 Point Per font $0 50 %M%%%%%%% 12 Point Per font $0 50 % M % ‘/3 3/2, '/s % % % 10 Point Per font $0 50 Z2 M 3/L V3 3/3 %3 3/s 3/s % 6 Point Per font $0 50 %%%%s%'/é%%?é Job Type Fractions in Fonts GLOBE GOTHIC FRACTIONS 36 Point Per font $1 00 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 3/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 °/o ¢ ‘/4 ‘/2 3/4 ‘/3 3/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ 24 Point Per font $0 75 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 5/8 5/8 7/8 "70 ¢ 18 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 "/0 ¢ 14 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/4 ‘/2 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ 12 Point Per font $0 50 , 10 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 W0 ¢ ; ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/s 5/8 7/8 "/0 ¢ 8 Point Per font $0 50 6 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 1/3 3/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 1/3 2/3 1/s 3/s 5/s 7/s "/0 9! CUSHING FRACTIONS 12 Point Per font $1 00 i 10 Point Per font $1 00 -5- t % 5‘ :2; % 3 % % % I if 2% Z‘ 43 :3; t 2‘; Q‘ 8 % 8 Point Per font $1 00 6 Point Per font $1 00 3 It 5‘ =3 3“ % iv 8‘ % 7} E 5 3 3‘ ‘S 5 is % 3 3 3 ANTIQUE FRACTIONS 36 Point No. 20 Per font $0 50 1 30 Point No. 20 Per font $0 50 18 Point N0- 20 Per font $0 50 12 Point Em Set No. 22 Per font $0 50 1 1 1 1 3 E 1 1 3 1 3 5 7 /2 A A 3% /. K3 % % ; /2 A A /3 A A /3 18 Point En Set No. 22 Per font $0 50 ‘ 14 Point En Set N0 22 Per font $0 50 1 1. .3 9 1 ' 1 3 ‘Z 4 4 § 1 Z In every printing office there are occasions when the possession of a font or two of fractions is particularly desirable. To meet such an emergency the above were cast and fonted at merely nominal prices 912 Job Type Fractions in Fonts |L ROYCROFT FRACTIONS %m%w%% 3/8 5/8 7/ 8 °/o ¢ ‘/ 2 ‘/4 3/4 1/ 3 3/3 ‘/8115 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/ 8 7/ 8 "/0 ¢ 3 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ nt ‘/4 3/4 1/3 3/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 12 Point Per font $0 50 ‘/3 ‘/4 3/4 1/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 % ¢ 0 °“‘t Per font$ 50 o1n 91' n 1/2 ‘/4 3/4 1/3 2/3 1/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 (70 ¢ ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 2/3 ‘/8 3/8 5/8 7/8 °/0 ¢ 913 ‘/2 ‘/4 3/4 ‘/3 3/3 ‘/8 Job Type Fractions in Fonts, Accents IONIC FRACTIONS 48 Point Per font $0 75 1/2 1/1 % 1/3 2/3 42 Point 36 Point Per font $0 50 %%%%s% 30 Point Per font $0 50 %%%%.2/3 1 1 24 Point K K 18 Point 1 1 /2 /4 12 Point 1/2 ‘/1 IONIC FRACTIONS No. 122 18 Point %1/3 Per font $0 75 Per font $0 50 "/4‘/32/3 3/4 % Per font $0 50 % 33 Per font $0 50 1/3 % Per font $1 00 1/2‘/43/41/3”/3‘/33/35/87/8‘/65/mV1e9/m‘%e% CONDENSED GOTHIC FRACTIONS No. 1 48 Point 1 4 42 Point 1 4 36 Point 1 4 Per font $0 75 1 3 Per font $0 75 1 3 Per font $0 75 1 3 Na|—- N:I—-\ §|—-i -hlcu -hlcu .§lOa 30 Point 1 4 24 Point 1 4 18 Point .mi 14 Point 4 PIECE ACCENTS 12 Point No. 6 Per font $1 25 P Q 7 \ A £7 1:: U 0 El 12 Point Per font $1 25 IK/\A~—UoI 12 Point No. 2 /\/\/1 10 Point No. 2 Per font $1 00 / \ A /1 - - 9 Point Per font $1 10 I‘/\A~.-Vvoo Per font $1 00 CO & /Q’ 8 Point No. 2 / \ 6 Point 1 2 &3l--5 %l—5 kild -hlao -RIGQ -filth) ilk) /1 at 1 O0 6 Point No. 2 / \ 41/: Point N0. 2 I \ A A 00 5 0. tr 4 Point Set (12 Point Body) I \ I \ If A 0 O 2 Point Set (6 Point Body) Per font $0 75 Per font $0 50 3 Per font $0 50 1 3 Per font $0 50 1 3 Per font $1 00 O 0 wt’ Per font $1 00 unool Per font $1 00 1' Per font $1 00 Per font $0 65 /5 T % II Per font $0 50 914 Advertising Figures in Fonts S-S ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 72 I Series No. 73 60 Point No. 72 5 lbs. $2 70 ’ 60 Point No. 73 5 lbs. $2 70 I I E ‘i I 1 i I 48 Point No. 72 5 lbs. $2 70 3 48 Point No. 73 5 lbs. $2 70 I l ; 1 E I I i i 1 1 0 ”i§34567”“§ 4iT2%3456””7 1§§4567 8§ii i§3456f§ 12311567 18:96 301PO§§4567851bii980 1131367890 $133 212456 $8.13 12345678901234567 8 1 123456789 $1.20 i§§i§6i89o12345 $1333 E 1f§§2%6789O123ilb§3g 1 1 i I 12 P°int No- 72 51bs. 30 1 12 Point No.73 5lbs.$330 l234567890l358l2345678 l9$i2 123456789123456 1913 915 Advertising Figures in Fonts ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 69 72 Point N0. 69 59 60 Point N0. 69 76 54 Point N0. 69 12 42 Point No. 69 36 Point No. 69 .3 lb 30 Point N0. 69 5 lbs 24 Point No. s. 80 12Ea4567”3 18 Point N0. 69 :3 lbs. $3 ()0 12345 $7.89 16 Point No. 69 .3 lbs. $3 ()0 123-4567 $1.98 1234567890 10 lbs. $5 20 5 lbs. $2 70 5 lbs. 952 70 lbs. T0 $2 80 5 lbs. 31) $3.47 70 Series No. 72 Point N0. 70 12 60 Point No. 70 45 54 Point N0. 70 89 42 Point No. 70 5 lbs 3 36 Point N0. 70 123456 1§i4567§i 123456739”6i 24 I’<)int No. TU 18 Point No. 70 5 lbs. 00 12345673 $3.90 16 I’<)int N0. 70 :3 lbs. $3 ()0 1234567890 $4.98 12 Point N0. 70 1234567890 10 lbs. 20 V .352 71 o~ s. $2 80 5 lbs. $331) $146.53 916 Advertising Figures in Fonts Series No. 67 72 Point No. 67 60 Point No. 67 5 lbs. $2 70 "Z76 E3 54 Point No. 67 5 lbs. $2 70 12 4 42 Point No. 67 (D "Z7 36 Point No. 67 12334 30 Point No. 67 12345632 24 Point No. 67 5 1bs_ $2 30 1234562 18 Point No. 67 123345 7.9 16 Point No, 67 123456?! 1.3) 12 Point No. 67 1234567796 $33.47 5 lbs. $2 80 ADVERTISING FIGURES 10 lbs. $5 20 * 5 lbs. $2 70 V J 5 lbs. $2 80 ' 24 Point No. 68 1 5 lbs. $3 00 1 5 lbs. $3 00 ’ 51bs.$330 I 917 Series No. 68 72 Point No. 68 10 lbs. $5 20 12 3 60 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $2 70 456 2 54 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $2 70 83(0) 6 42 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $2 70 342 13 36 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $2 80 123456 17 30 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $2 30 12345617 3 12334-ses37z4”i©” 12345562 $.31 16 Point No. 68 5 lbs. $3 00 12345623@ $4.3 5 lbs. $3 30 $146.53 12 Point No. 68 1234562331) Advertising Figures in Fonts ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 63 60 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 70 54 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 70 1234567 8 48 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 70 42 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 70 123456789 0 36 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 80 1234567800 $1 30 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 80 1234567890 780 24 Point No. 63 5 lbs. $2 80 1234567890 $37.06 0000060890 $49,500.00 12 Point No. 63 lZ34567890 5 lbs. $3 30 $73Z95l8.46 Series No. 66 60 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 00 54 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 00 567 48 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 00 7890 42 Point N0. 66 1234 5lbs $300 36 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 10 30 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 10 123456 7 24 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 20 12345678 9 18 Point No. 66 5 lbs. $3 30 1234567890 $5 12 Point No. 66 123456 7 890 5 lbs. $3 70 $624395 A liberal sized font of Advertising Figures is a very handy adjunct to any composing room whether it bea job or newspaper office. The several series shown in this catalogue offer an excellent variety of faces to choose from. 5 Advertising Figures in Fonts Series No. 61 60 Point No. 61 123 4 54 Point N0. 61 1234 5 48 Point No. 61 5 lbs. $2 70 42 Point No. 61 36 Point No. 61 5 lbs, $2 80 30 Point No. 61 5 lbs. $2 80 24 Point No. 61 18 Point No. 61 12 Point No. 61 1234567890 5 lbs. $3 30 $6435.29 a. very short 5 lbs. $2 70 ‘ 123456 7 1 1 1 5 lbs. $2 70 , ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 62 60 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 70 1234 5 54 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 70 12345 6 5678 9 5 lbs. $2 70 5 12345 6 48 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 70 42 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 70 1234567 8 36 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 80 i 30 Point No. 62 ' 5 lbs. $2 80 12345678 5 lbs. $2 80 f 123456789 0 5lbs. $300 1 1234567890 $ 1234567890 A liberal supply of Advertising Figures should be in every composing room. They readily pay for themselves in time. 919 123456789 0 24 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $2 80 18 Point No. 62 5 lbs. $3 00 l234567890 $3.95 5 lbs. $3 30 $521 437.95 Advertising Figures in Fonts ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 53 Series No. 54 I 60 Point No. 53 5 lbs. $2 70 { 60 Point No. 54 5 lbs. $2 70 \ x I 1 z 1 1 a 4 56789 67890 4 12345 6 1234567 8 1234 $56 12345 $9.67 ii”2i§4567“i§ 3102345678 932: 2i°§§45673élbi335315678 $9369 i3i§Z567s9 $330 i§§:i§657s97 $ili9ii 1234567890 $19.34 12345678901234 $18.76 11131518678090 1333 12§t435é7890l2341565lb§3: 12 Point No. 53 5 lbs. $3 30 12 Point No. 54 5 lbs. $3 30 1234567890 $147.98 I l23456789012345678 $162.98 920 Advertising Figures in Fonts [S ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 50 1 Series No. 51 48 Point N o. 50 5 lbs. $2 70 48 Point No. 51 5 lbs. $2 70 ii §3456 1Pi2N345678§ili 33215 $6.78 12345678 300 12345678 90c 123456789 $1.85 155836730 $633200 i1§§1i§s739o3s3iii§8 3530557890360 $51}? i8i°§i§§7s9ns789 $1353 i§§i°§%7a9o135 ssieiiiiio i6i°§i§§7s9u45s739nW83}? i2iii§Ei89o123455789 ' i2iiHii59o12345s789 $iii§ii Series No. 52 :ii”3N1Es7s9u23 8628 ii8i§§7s9ns7s $25883 12345s7s9m357s9 $19.30 30 Point No. 52 5 1bs_ $2 8,0 I 9 12 Point No.52 51bs.$33” . 1234587890 13588531 $253418!) 60 Point is also made for the three Series shown on this page, 5 lbs. $2. 70 Advertising Figures in Fonts ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 65 60 Point No. 65 I2 5 lbs. $2 70 54 Point No. 65 5 lbs. $2 70 1 48 Point No. 65 5 lbs. $2 70 42 Point No. 65 5 lbs. $2 70 I5678 36 Point No. 65 5 lbs. $2 80 I234567 30 Point No. 65 5 lbs. $2 80 I 2345678 Series No. 60 60 54 Point No. 5 lbs. $2 70 5:67 60 Point N0. 1 5 lbs. $2 70 48 Point No 5 lbs. $2 70 42 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $2 70 36 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $2 80 123456 30 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $2 80 12345678 9 24 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $2 80 12345678$90 24 Point No. 65 1234567890 18 Point No. 65 20 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $2 80 18 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $3 00 5lbs.$300 1234567890 $8 5 lbs. $3 00 |23456789O $ 12 Point No. 65 1234567890 5 lbs. $3 30 $428.59 1234567890 $4 16 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $3 00 1234567890 $248.3 12 Point No. 60 5 lbs. $3 30 12345678901358 $47.98 A liberal sized font of Advertising Figures is a very handy adjunct to any composing room whether it be a job or news office. The several series shown in this catalogue offer an excellent variety of faces to choose from. Advertising F iguresin Fonts ADVERTISING FIGURES Series No. 64 Series No. 71 72 Point No. 64 10 lbs. $5 20 60 Point No. 71 5 lbs. $2 70 54 Point No. 71 5 lbs. $2 70 60 Point No. 64 .5 lbs. $2 70 1 2 3 I 5 0 4 42 Point No. 71 5 lbs. $2 7 8 Point No. 64 5 lbs. $2 70 , 1 I 1 E A 36 Point No. 71 3 123455“? l234567890 $2 . i2§fs45 6?‘? 2i°b§§4567s9W3 ZOIPEEZISG789 SW3 l234567890 $43 l234567890 $25.90 l234567890 $284565? A 1234567890 $83426£;.75 A i3;4§37s9o345 $1475.49 is 923 Chessmen and Checkers CHESSMEN 24 Point Per font $4 80 2 3 7 8 9 4 5 6 Q Q %/ $2’ I E Q 11 12 / I25 ’ , 7 14 I 15 / 19 2 /> / ’/ ’- ‘ ’ / é////////Zé r{///1/////% %////// 21 16 17 18 _ 22 23 I 24 22% fi2222@:@ 2222 % %//// // ////////,% ‘%/'7//7///,/.' //////// /A %////'///2% 2; 2 %l% % % ‘2’/2 %, % g '3'” 7/77 , ’///7% 7”.///7 5 2 /, , ,, ////////g Q5’://///2. £2t2£2 /2 I 7' /fl’///,. //C 16 Point Chess CHECKERS 24 Point Per font $3 26 27 / 25 29 23 %s@22@=§ oar 7 ems square 20 Point 20 Point Checkers makes board 14 1-3 ems square 16 Point 27 29 28 be 2 2 9 @ Q 1 oin eckers makes board 11 -3 ems square 11 Point Per font $2 00 1 3 V 5 4 2 @ o 222 0 © 11 Point Checkers makes board 8 1-3 ems square 18 19 7 ,'//’I ;’.'/////.’/ / / / // Per font $3 40 29% Per font $3 40 IOID-av ///// 24 Point Chessmen makes board 17 7/f///2 / 2 ///// 22922222 2“ 2222222211 %%%%%%%%§ 2 2 2 2 w 18 2 ////./z/«/ 20 Point Chessmen makes board 14 1-3 e 7/r/.:"'r//I Wa”2 /' ‘,4 ’ 2 / . , men makes board 11 2-3 ems square ems square 6 7 22 § 7/ 1/§///, 14w; 4 , / //' \ 19 M %///Mg 8 9 ,,/2,2 0%’, // rlé. ,,,,1,3,// 2 // %///% 25 23 ms square Per font $3 40 40 % 22292229 @2@2@2 2, , , W2W2 2% 2222 %% % % 2 2 27/ %9’ V/V »2€2§2923 a%a%e%%% f% 7 % Prices for Chessmen and Checkers include brass rule border as shown in the above examples 924 Calendar Figures in Fonts CALENDAR FIGURES No. 6001 $5 35 No. 1310 $0 50 I No. 6005 78 I 6 168 No. 1802 $0 50 No. 1801 $0 60 2“ 937 75 Each font contains suflicient figures for any one month of the year. You would often have occasion to Set up 3 m°nth1y calendar if you possessed a font of these figures. They are inexpenswe and a good Investment’ I N .5405 4 35 No. 5401 $4 20 I ° $ I No. 3002 $1 05 I I I V No. 3010 $115 I K . I I I No. 3602 $1 45 No_ 4801 $3 20 No 3610 $1 85 I No. 4305 $3 45 9 3 7 ' I I I I 1 6 I I I No. 4202 $2 00 No. 4210 32 50 No_ 4205 $2 65 No. 4201 $2 60 l I ; I I « I 8 1 6 I I I N o. 4802 $2 60 No. 4310 $3 25 ; No. 3601 $1 90 ’ No_ 3605 $2 ()0 7 I I I 8 I I I No. 5402 $3 25 No. 3001 $1 35 No 5410 $4 10 No. 3005 $1 35 9 3 ' I I ; 8 I Z 6 I 1 6 8 I No. 2401 $0 90 No. 2405 $0 90 No. 6002 $4 30 . I 7 8 No. 6010 $4 30 I I I I I I I I I I 925 Improved Perpetual Calendars 1914 MAY 1914 12345678906876543 os, seven b anks, one each of the gos, suflicient ‘type, figures f r every month of the r from 1912 to 1932 inclusive 24 POINT CHELTENHAM CALENDAR No. 14 1913 SUNUMON MARCH TUEIWEDHTHU 1913 FRI SAT ND FOR PAMPHLET SH OWING CO LE MPLETE 1 23 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 18 19 20 21 22 1 2 23 16 17 §%%%é 25 26 27 28 29 PRICES AND SIZES OF CHELTENHAM CALENDARS ' of igur s Sh n n this Page Wnth the St Ie F e ow o . ,CompIete,$1.00 ‘ m on Send for pa. plete, $1.75 48 Point No. 16, Co I i . m . ,CompIete, 2.25 m mphlet showing co mplete semes o 33 1:1: 36 POINT CHELTENHAM CALENDAR No. 15 9 SUN THE AMERIC BES 1913 AUGUST 1913 MON TUE WED] THU FRI SAT AN TYPE FOUNDERS CO OF EV MPANY SELLS THE E 1 2 3 4 INC F 6BR 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 17 % 25 26 27 28 29 30 SUN WED] [WA] 926 SAT Improved Perpetual Calendars 24 POINT CHELTENHAM CALENDAR No. 24 1914 AUGUST 1912 FEBRUARY 1912 1914 Mo Tu We El Th Fr Sa Fonts include one each of the date logos, seven blanks, one each of the day logos, sufficient type, 1 3456 figures and spaces for every month of the year from 1912 to 1932 inclusive 78 7 910 11 12 13 14? 1718 19 20 2122 1Z345678901234567890513974 16 25 26 2 31 27 28 29 123 2162029 31 30 PRICES AND SIZES OF CHELTENHAM CALENDARS With the Style of Figures shown on this Page 10 Point No. 21, Complete, $1.00 12 Point No. 22, Complete, 1.25 , 48 Point No. 26, Complete, $5.50 60 Point No. 27, Complete, 7.50 18 Point No. 23, Complete, $1.75 24 Point No. 24, Complete, 2.00 36 Point No. 25, Complete, 3.50 Send for pamphlet showing complete series 36 POINT CHELTENHAM CALENDAR No. 25 MARCH C F0nts include one each of the date108"os, seven blanks, one efich of the day logos, suffi- “ent type, figures and spaces °r eV€1'Y month of the year from 1912 to 1932 inclusive ~ E 123456789 E 1915 NOVEMBER 1915 Su Mo Tu We Th Fr Sa 123456 78910111213 1415 16 1718 19 20 121 22 23 24 25 26 27 WE SELL THE BEST OF EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER 28 29 30 927 Sectional Calendars R uuuuuuu H oooooooooooooooo w% I 1912 AUGUST 1912 Sun | Mnn\ OCTOBER Fri | Sat . Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu F11 Sat 9 I E] I... r BEE 1 1912 SEPTEMBER 1 Sun Mon Tue Fri W d Th 3 9*‘ wmmammm alga _ 111111111111111 mmmunnu 1251. = “ EEEE 1 1913 JANUARY 1913 flmll 1234567890 EI Secti nnnnnnnnnn a r No. 6. ‘"33. 00 928 Cards, Indicators, Arrows and Recipe CARD PIPS, Series No. 1 Marks No. 821/.» 15c No. 918E c Series No. 1 No. 831/: No. 841/.» 15c 15c 4V Set of four 40c N o. 919E No. 920E c -I-$9 Set of four 50c CARD INDICATORS Series No. 2 No. 851/2 24 Pt. 15c No. 921E 20c The American Type Founders Company makes about everything that a printer can find use for. If you don’t find what you want please write us. WHIST MARKERS 18 Point Per lb. $1 00 Tex IE 2E 50 5c Ii 11E 10c 2420F 10c ARROWS { 11 12 13 14 15 16 5 / X <__ 9 5 7 "’ -9 S 3 8 4 2 x\ 1 -) : >>>>——> >>>>>>-> For Advertising Purposes. Per font $1 00 RECIPE MARKS 4E 8E 9E 10E 5c 6c 10c 20c 12E 6c / 24121?‘ 2410F 1999A 10c 15c 15c Per font $1 75 n+J4 uvko IZ345 Series No. 3 10 Pt. Per lb. $1 30 12 Pt. Per lb. $1 16 WQOK-Y-JV 2345678 Cast to order on 10 Point or 12 Point Ody CARD INDICATORS SeriesNo.4 60‘ J0. K0’ A<> 70f 90% 20} _' <99 moi 50» —Q—° —— ; I 4.2 ‘&A » 0° '—' 4.3 jot? _S7_2 -Y-J {K ~ iQ7A f 2Q1"‘5 I-—_ W5 5Qp.y,5 K“ 80 60: 7. 4- 8.‘ 0 9¢~1o4- loo‘ ————3O Q90 'Q7K Jgfas Q97 108 QQfQ7J 6 Point Per font $5 50 Complete with rules, leads and spaces Baseball Blanks, Figures, Seals and Brands BASEBALL BLANKS 12 Point Baseball Blanks Per font 950 :30 18 Point Baseball Blanks Per font $30 75 Contains 9|.) Type-—all 12 Point set Contains 72 Type——all 18 Point set In order to save time in printing: editions where forms are stereotyped, total runs maybe stamped in the blanks by reversed dies. BASEBALL FIGURES 1 2 3 4 5 7 8 9 Per font $1 ()0 Lancaster E E E Reading E E I E — Font contains 66 figure 1, 24 fiprure 2, 20 figure 3, 18 fi;2:ure 4, 16 figure 5, 10 each figures 6, 7, 8, 9, and 1:34 figure 0, 8 character X, and 16 en blanks-all 6 Point set. 18 Point Baseball Figures 1 2 3 4 .7) 6 7 8 9 Per font $1 .30 Newmk E E E E E — Detroit EE- Font contains 56 figure 1, 20 figure 2, 16 fixture 3, 14 figure 4, 12 figure 5, 10 each figures 6, 7. 8, 9, and 120 figure (), 6 character x, and 12 en blanks-—all 9 Point set. 12 Point Baseball Figures SLOCUM SEALS Per font of each character $1 00 24 Point 100 96 Point 40c 36 Point 15c 72 Point 30c 60 Point 25c ENGRAVING BLANKS The Numbers indicate the size in points~—thus: No. 7218 is 72x18 points. No. 7218 N0. 6024 N0. 4824 N0. 2828 N0. 3636 N0. 3624 N0. 1818 No. 1814 No. 72183. No. 2424 No. 816 N0. 88 N0. 1616 No. 2412 N0. 4212 N0. 1212 N0. 3618 1 lb. and No. Char— T 1 lb. and No. (Jhar— 3 1 lb. and No. Char- over actcrs to over acters to 9 over actors to No. Each per lb. Pound ‘ No. Each pcr lb. Pound 1 N0. Each per lb. Pound 7218 $0 25 $0 58 16 1 3624 $0 15 $0 62 24 ‘ 1814 $0 ()6 $0 66 82 72183 25 58 16 3618 15 62 32 1616 06 68 80 6024 20 60 14 2828 15 62 26 1212 05 74 144 4824 20 60 18 2424 10 64 36 ‘ 816 05 1 00 160 4212 15 60 40 2412 10 64 72 ; 88 05 1 00 320 3636 15 62 16 1818 06 66 64 930 Stars, Maltese Crosses and Seals FIVE POINTED BLACK STARS 20115‘ 2()2F 203F 204F 205F 206F 207F 208F 209F 210F 211F 212F 213F 2141? 215F **220Pg~k-k~k****** 219F 218F I 217F 216F 201F, 50 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 206F, 50 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 211F, 30 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 216F, 8 type . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 202F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 207F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 212F, 30 type . . . . . . . . . .50 217F, 8 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 203F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 208F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 213F, 15 type. . . . . . . .50 218F, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 204F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 209F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 214F, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 219F, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 205F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 210F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 215F, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 220F, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 201F to 215F, 4 of each size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 00 FIVE POINTED OUTLINE STARS 230F 231F 232F 233F 234F 235F 236F 316B 317B 1‘ 1‘ * ii? 71? 3% if 230F, 50 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 231F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 234F, 10 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 232F, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 235F, 10 type . . . . . . . . . .50 233F, 10 type . . . . . . . . . .50 236F, 4 type . . . . . . . . . .50 316B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 317B, 4 type . . . . . . . . .. .50 FIVE POINTED SHADED STARS 323B 322B 321B 320B 319B 318B 2 § 318B, 50 type . . . . . . . .$0.50 321B, 8 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 319B, 30 type . . . . . . . . .50 322B, 8 type . . . . . . . . . .50 320B, 15 type . . . . . . . . .50 323B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . .50 MALTESE CROSSES—BI_.ACK 310B 309B 308B 307B 306B 305B 304B I l l * 301B 302B 303B * *1‘ *1‘ >14 304B, 50 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 308B, 8 type . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 301B, 50 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 305B, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 309B, 8 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 302B, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 306B, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 310B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .60 303B, 50 type . . . . . . . . . .50 307B, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 311B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .60 MALTESE CROSSES—OUTLINE 317B 316B 315B 314B 313B 312B 312B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . .$O.60 314B, 8 type . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 316B, 15 type . . . . . . . . .$0.50 313B, 4 type . . . . . . . . . . .60 315B, 8 type . . . . . . . . . . .50 317B, 15 type . . . . . . . . . .50 LOCUS SIGILLI 664E 15c 453E 10¢ 31113 513E 10c 3541) 10c 931 Weather Signals, Theatre Logos and Election Signs WEATHER SIGNALS 36 Point Per set $0 50 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 Fair Rain or Snow Local Rain or Snow Temperature Cold Wave 24 Point Per set $0 50 No. 1 No. 2 N o. 3 No.4 No. 5 INTERPRETATION OF DISPLAYS No. 1, alone, indicates fair weather, stationary temperature. No. 2, with No. 4 above it, indicates rain or snow, warmer. No. 2, alone, indicates rain or snow, stationary temperature. No. 2, with No. 4 below it, indicates rain or snow, colder. No. 3, alone, indicates local rain or snow, stationary temperature. No. 3, with No. 4 above it, indicates local rain or snow, warmer. No. 1, with No. 4 above it, indicates fair weather, warmer. No. 3, with No. 4 below it, indicates local rain or snow, colder. No. 1, with No. 4 below it, indicates fair weather, colder. WEATHER INDICATORS 36 Point Each $0 15 Per font $1 75 No. 1 No. 2 No. 3 No. 4 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 8 No. 9 No. 10 CLEAR FAIR GHRISGE CLOUDY RAIN SNOW WARM GOLD WIND STORM II II II II II THEATRE LOGOTYPES No. 1 12 Point Body Five of each character Per font $2 75 MONDAY TUESDAY WEDN’DAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY JAN. FEB. MCH. APL. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEP. OCT. NOV. DEC. EVG. EVENING MAT. MATINEE 5* THEATRE LOGOTYPES No. 2 20 Point Body Three of each character Per font $1 00 JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUNE JULY AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC ELECTION TICKET SIGNS am O©® 12055 18055 18509 20502 30022 42502 42503 No. 12055, 12 Point body . each, 5c; per pound, 74c No. 30022, 30 Point body . each, 10c; per pound, 62c No. 18055, 18 Point body . each, 6c; per pound, 66c No. 42502, 42 Point body . each, 15c; per pound, 60c No. 18509, 18 Point body . each, 6c; per pound, 66c No. 42503, 42 Point body . each, 15c; per pound, 60c No. 20502, 20 Point body . each, 6c; per pound, 66c I_ L. 18517 20518 24519 36520 No. 18517, 18 Point body . each, 6c; per pound, 66c No. 24519, 24 Point body . each, 10c; per pound, 64c No. 20518, 20 Point body . each, 6c; per pound, 66c No. 36520, 36 Point body . each, 15c; per pound, 62c 932 O Arti._:tzc'Pa,rag'raph Marks in Fonts PRIORY '1*‘<>:'1t No. 11 (C:;ntair1Sn_~;§ 11".‘, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 3:’) Point sizes) $1 ()0 F(>nt No. 12 ({‘,on-taining 36, 42, 48, 93!‘: and. 72 Point sizes} $1 ()1! PRIORY OPEN Font No. 13 (Containing 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 30 Point sizes) 381 00 Font No. 14 (Containing 36, 42, 48. 60 and 72 Point sizes) $1 00 1 “L <11 <11 (IL aft CASLON TEXT Font No. 21 (Containing 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 30 Pt. sizes) $1 00 Font No. 22 (Containing 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point sizes) 551 00 (IL arm e 9 (IL DORSEY Fonz No. 31 (Containing (3, 8, 10, 12, 14, 1 24 and 30 Pt. sizes) $1 00 Font No. 3'2 (Containing 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point sizes) $1 (:0 in 431 i ii ii’ ‘i fir qi CHELTENHAM Font N0. 4 (Containing 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 3%) Pt. sizes) $1 ()0 Font No. 5 DELLA ROBBIA Font No. 9 (Containing 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24 and 30 Pt. sizes) $1 00 Font No. 10 (Containing 36, 42, 48, 54, 60 and 72 Point sizes) $1 00 Cl[GI"1 aaaflifllqiqiqiqicil BEWICK Font No. 6 (Containing 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24 and 30 Point sizes) $1 00 Font No. 7 $1 00 (Containing 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point sizes) 3 ll ‘.11 E ‘II M \n 933 Chap-Book Guidons, which include a varietv of Decorative Paragraph Marks. are Shown On page 988 Of this Catalosrue. Trade Marks Made by the Adcut Process ADCUTS o r“ Telephone “Wino po 9‘ Connectzon TRADE. MARK 570 = 2105403: _j '_ EECTI 7 I‘ SPECIAL TO TELEPHONE ORDERS 580 ESTABLECIDA 1802 -an Telephone Orders Will Receive Careful Aflention fiemi/zg_(_Q_tz,-I/MC’ TRADE MARKS CAST IN TYPE METAL On this page are shown a number of well-known trade—marks and devices made by our Adcut process. By this proc- ess the original design is accurately reproduced in type metal at a figure conceded to be less than that charged for electrotypes, when one hundred or more Adcuts are ordered at a time. Every Adcut is of uniform height and cast on point body. We have published a handsome pamphlet giving the scale of prices of Adcuts besides much interesting information regarding trade-marks. If interested, send to our ADCUT DEPARTMENT for a copy of this pamphlet. .731 367 628 \K.';.kc~).'a..: ‘ 3‘ 7 “;y«" F 934 ‘.2’ ":2-4;.i~.:;.2..§._p'.-»f.5&4<;:e-«—«-‘E ~ “‘ Trade Marks Made by the Adcut Process AD CUTS 7 1? E VTR XL €¢ B Cr/sew YORK 4/ ”w- B. 5. L.E. R. R. ' l.lNESr 379 667 117 195 88 Rock Island MAINE CENTRAL RAI LROAD Color 222 umou PACIFIC Color 166 TRADE MARKS CAST IN TYPE METAL The well—known trade devices shown on this page are but a few that have also been reproduced by our A_dcut €}11'00ess. The cheapness of Adcuts makes it practicable to use all kinds of trade devices more generously and ¢_3fl"eCtW_e1Y b an heretofore. It is not often that an article recommends itself as being‘ cheaper and Very much better 111 qllallty. “t Ehe examination of an Adcut, which will be sent on request, will convince at a glance that Adcuts form an ex- °?Dt10n. Printers prefer Adcuts to electrotypes because they are absolutely uniform in height and all other dimen- sions, and perfectly flat on top, justifying with the type better and also printing better. _ _ Send to our ADCUT DEPARTMENT for a copy of our Adcut Pamphlet giving prices and any information desired. my 935 mm¢w¢s mm; Adeuts and Cast index Cuts ADCUTS .7’. 5- 3 ,5 A ‘-‘-ii :*“°‘ W". 7.'af.f$ ,' 1 ‘$14 3_0l&'£|"Y,:: _: _ \ g if.‘ § I 1 'fil‘l‘?"~Ii"i °‘~ Vi’? \\3 ‘W7 ‘:7’ WI 157 377 768 372 457 W is ./'\*§;§§§l <£{_S,s'2.x {B13233 b\ \{|i Rtillirinterz E in > AU RODA |, ILUNOIS I I I "‘ . * §!PRlNTEReSl| 34 ; il.&._i'_£.._..-V-'§£_—A-—_—’i————'_I.?_!{;_|J N 2 an a I I: , - /””"~3.‘7’. V" " - ; ' 582 M uLTor~i\\ N fig h . ‘ pl r ‘ _ 33*’ __ /\v-Iunrlzn 5;; e _ or HAYES Llfi.O.Cu.®.JrFALO,N.Y 798 669 785 670 " “'2 'a°‘.‘. ’ ' . F‘ 11;"'1\f ; ’fm<)¢si. (Afrf’roN . ‘V ‘ /"V f«'LcL».f“.".’ mhck: V ,,::,*.“’¢¢-\ " U‘ " I: " OMPANY "‘ 5.. - ' _ ' ‘ yg~aj.audwvuovv'~ , .;‘j| 3 -» ’ SEATT LE \‘v ‘j , ‘ ‘H 2 -9vr,v1«g ‘ 2 . , rt). ! \‘.."_, ~ /7; _\ l\‘f'\ l»\;J«;:g;z(-)'u§‘gs{xt=[vvjwv <‘ [PRlIl)EN'X‘l.u. I'RE;S§l I; xfl;M:~;:’l‘;,:; 841 u;(>§&‘,'“\¢ mznicflcwataxnm no. V.‘ ~,vum- W 84” L_ _ > J ( - 1 425 I10 783 491 K‘ 249 6‘ (‘fir ’ 2' /’ 2“ 4*‘<”°m‘w4 A5 ‘ll "l220NAR€Ii PRINTING (£0. W1“ " a 7‘ ‘$3 JUQSYOWIAI i (§<>§§5;i22 x'n{AT’sAULl ‘whv i. '4‘) ‘ .,,n J ,,sv* 4‘ Yo W? 2%/Z2/?2’/E1/VJ ‘S? _g,‘ CLEVELAND 3 412 658 689 690 We have reproduced hundreds of imprints for printers and publishers by our Adcut process and our cus- tomers find them superior to electrotypes. Adcu ts are sold only in quantities of one hundred or more each size and design. If you are interested ask for our Adcut pamphlet, which contains a complete scale of prices and gives much other valuable information regarding this new method of casting cuts in type molds. CAST INDEX CUTS ‘yr ‘X \ 1.. ‘ . “" ‘. ix.‘ "'2 No. 40141’ 2 for 25c No. 401317 2 for 25c No. 4018F 25c No. 401713‘ 25c FONTED INDEX CUTS Per font, one of each, 50c No.4011F 10c No.4010F 10c No.4008F 10¢ No.4007F 10c No.4009F 10¢ No.4012F10c No.4006F 5c No.4003F 5c No.4001F 5c No. 40021? 5c No. 40041? 5c No. 40051? 5c NEW CAST INDEX CUTS Per font, one of each, 50c . ‘ <1,-2 ’ A ' - ~ ~ < 24 Point 18 Point 12 Point 12 Point 18 Point 24 Point No. 524 15c No. 522 12c No. 520 10c N0. 521 10c No. 523 12c No. 525 15c Elf‘ 1% mm «x 651 10 Point 8 Point 6 Point 6 Point 8 Point 10 Point No. 518 8c No. 516 6c No. 514 5c N0. 515 5c No. 517 60 No. 519 8c This four—pagc section was pebbled on the American Roughing Machine for which the American Type Founders Company is selling Agent Decorative Material The addition of suitable Decora- tive Material, costing but a trifle, will add dollars’ worth of selling value to many kinds of Printing, without increasing the cost of production. Those who have had advertising experience know that an appropriate and emblematic ornament photographically im- presses the mind of the reader of an advertisement and cinches the argument AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS CO M PAN Y 72 Point No. 7202 Two colors, per Letter 50c Per Font $9.00 72 Point N o. 7201 One color, per Letter 25c Per Font $4.50 W lunar: '5" ., _ FE-.'?~»r.)l:}-“.:A.v‘.’~"¢‘v _ ~‘ .. . N .1 , , ~._;._. -7 ‘ In addition to the 48 Point and 72 Point, which are cast in type molds, ‘ 9 ‘ we can supply electrotypes of Della Robbia Initials in 9 lme and 12 line sizes for one or two colors. Versatile Initials No. 12006 60c Color 60c 5,,‘ N ARRAY of new I and original de- signs in Borders, Ornaments and 0.7240 0 Initials has been I added to the Versatile Series. The Initials shown on this and the following page will add that subtle charm which is so often sought for in high-class job printing. Watch for our specimens, which are sent out from time to time, and keep your plant always up-to-date AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY ORIGINATOR OF STYLISH TYPE DESIGNS \ . _ , y I 1 In 0 » _ No. 7203 40c No. 9601 50c Color 50c No. 9602 50c Color 50c " No. 7204 40c 938 Versatile Initials No. 12010 60¢ No. 7205 40c Color 40ci ‘*0-4804 30c r¢o.4805 30¢ No. 4808 30c No. 4809 30c NaWB4% i\ 939 3 A Font, including backgrounds, $4.30 3 A Font, including backgrounds, $7.50 Burford Initials Single Letter 20c 72 Point Single Letter 25c 60 Point Single Letter 20c 3 A Font, including backgrounds, $7.00 . . . \ 36 Point Single Letter 15c 3 A Font, including backgrounds, $3.00 Five backgrounds, for use in two~color work. are included with each font of Burford Initials 1‘ nu .mk..~ /(RN; ,1 .. 7 flaw 940 Hearst Initials 48 P0int Single Letter 20c 3 A Font $4.30 H H I I E I M:N_ Hum E BEE Emm nan Emmi Eflfl 1 Ema HIE WEE“ Kflmimmin E EEK E W Inna Schoeffer Oldstyle Initials O 0. 2 FEED“ WEED“ Emmi L t 0 6 3 .m 0 P 8 4 Letter 20c M g .m S H B H I I I M ulmfl iflflflm mflfllfl “mm” wfllfll Eflflfl nun IKE I I I I H I H I I H _ H E E Cincinnati Initials No. 1160 64 Point Ornamental No. 1148 64 Point Outline KR ‘to. ‘7 C Q»,.»/‘ Q? 5 -flax J'*""~)i\\\E/irfl Per Font $3.00 Each 30c Per Font $3.00 Each 30c No. 52 64 Point Two Color Combination of Nos. 1148 and 1156 No. 1156 64 Point Plain 5 | B Per Font $5.50 Each 50c Per Font $3.00 Each 30c No. 1158 32 Point Ornamental ‘j v\\1\J\. \,,./<7 M V Per Font $1.25 Each 15c No. 1154 32 Point Plain Per Font $1.50 Each 20c GBXZ No. 1155 48 Point Plain Per Font $1.25 Each 15c Q/‘FCXW 77 I ~ 2; No. 50 32 Point Two Color ' Combination of Nos. 1146 and 1154 ,«* , 2 it I. E9 Per Font $1.50 Each 20c No. 1159 48 Point Ornamental , C M Per Font $2.50 Each 30c 2 ' tl' No.51 48 Point Two Color NO. 1146 3 Pomt Ou me Combination of Nos.1147 and 1155 {F 9% P" of? <”f”’—,2 E‘°( «» :4» z.@ as M25 .5. Per Font $1.25 Each 15c 1391- Font $2375 Each 35¢ No. 49_ 24 Point Two Color Combination of Nos. 1153 and 1157 . E’ - No. 1147 48 Point Outline 0 g ’ ii‘ Per Font/$1.402 Each 20c No. 1157 24 Point Outline No. 1153 24 Point Plain EOE Per Font l75c Each 10c Per Font 75c Each 10c 943 Caxton Initials and Missal Initials CAXTON INITIALS 12 Point 8A $1.20 DOQQRSGUVWX MISSAL INITIALS fimuflflafi Q%3®Z1V?]5°X §’”@E1@(1®”é I2 Point 3 A 10 Pgint 8 A $11") EGEIUEEQQOQ QQ@®UVlI5Xg@EI©G 944 Department Store Initials and French Cast Squares DEPARTMENT STORE INITIALS Accurately Cast in Type Molds 36 Point 5 A Font $2.75 '\""‘/‘/‘. \ .\ \’\’s' EPARTMENT STORE INITIALS are cast in type molds in the two sizes, 24x18 and 36x24 points. They are exceedingly useful in department store and other large news- "xx "51" paper advertisements, where a number of Initials are required, and, because of their even and uniform widths, are speedily handled with linotype matter. They are also very useful in the job office, in general commercial work, one or two colors, and, for that purpose, color blanks are included with the fonts, which are put up to regular Cap. A schemes. two colors has half point easy register Character for printing in bevel to give l\\W. FRENCH CAST SQUARES I 12 Point, 12 sets 50c ' I E Color, 12 sets 50c RENCH CAST SQUARES are made sets 50¢ MA 18 Point, in the five sizes, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36 C010,.’ 8 sets 50¢ point, for printing in one or two colors. They are designed for use with one of the most useful brass 24 Point, 5 Sets 50¢ rule faces with which a printing office can be provided : 1 point face, flush to side of a 1'/.» point body. Two of these rules, bevel to I bevel, will “ match up " with the little black corner squares in the 12 point size, and only 30 point, require even point spacing for the other color, Color, 5 sets 50c L’! 31 sizes. In the middle, or between these two parallel lines, place whatever material that is necessary to give “ balance" to the work. I pp. 36 Point, Color, E 4‘- Art—'l‘ile Tint }:m.mm.S :0 via 01 Dutch Initials 120 Point Single Letter 60c Font of 25 Characters $11.00 /—. Dutch Imtlals (7 \ 1" «£3 79;. 6% Q, Q5 Q J ...... , 1 wxé has Wm Q . @ @ @ a \J . x L \ Q 9 mo fifififi mm“. J enson Initials and Busha Mortised Initials JENSON INITIALS No. 79 Single Letter 30c 72 Point JENSON INITIALS No. 80 Single Letter 20c Font of 23 letters (V X Z not made) $2.00 48 Point JENSON INITIALS No. 82 Single Letter 10c Font of 24 letters (V X not made) $1.00 A 30 Point {@ \‘\) I an 773 53%;- I 5 % as ,4». Single Character 35c Z553 $ BUSHA MORTISED INITIALS Point 8C ortised Initials as shown vast in type molds m in s and Bushu M 948 (In .118 Dflflt‘ IlI'(‘ Bradley Initials and Versatile Mortised Ornaments BRADLEY INITIALS 54 P0l11t Single Letter 20c Per Font $2.00 7 VERSATILE MORTISED ORNAMENTS An original and striking series of initial designs. Cast in type molds on O A W, , '=\\':.*“’<- I 31'.’ 5‘ \‘ . t b d §,\‘~tF?‘»f\§l §’(<.;>;»/,a "°"‘ ° ’ I. f ‘K I’ \ 1,9 $7! :7 39 '1; ~‘ 'I s‘ ' Q ’/A\"71 L‘ *; Q cl 1 x . _ , .., '-7:!-.‘_':_. ,"L'.' ' it i ,_'..._.:’_ w.» No. 7201 40c Mortiscs cast to points both No. 4801 30c 0’ ... “Q0 .- AMERICAN _ , N00 6c CO’ No. 1201 60c ge . 949 Strathmore Mortised Initials I T. ‘ l v f. ‘ q&:"‘.‘A~. - I | §._>_%%q‘// ‘I:. ,. E E :%_4fi7.1 g MORTISED / \ _ um. ___ .«.im.av..a. _ * " pi) £72 3§'»=_~.\ 0' ‘AA’ »" 72 Point No. 8 40c /’ .1 I I 1 ‘ (- §\‘, C § I & 120 Point No. 6 60c 120 Point No. 10 60c 120 Point No. 1 60¢ Strathmure I i Eds are cast in type molds and rmyrtiset. at the time they are cast Strathmore and Renaissalnce Initials I‘ 1 I ‘ - ‘ §$'Il?,‘§N‘,‘¢.,_.,>.-3.1 '\§ a ‘:“ \\.‘\'.‘V/=."lJ$a5’I‘I‘\) M w N § No. 37 40c N0. 28 206 NO. 29 20C No’ 30 20¢ \viTh.i:i§s§.i’m No. 23 25¢ No.24 25¢ g Group F Complete $1.00 N °° 35 200 No.31 20¢ No. 32 20¢ No.33 20¢ No.34 20¢ No.36 20¢ 953 Baseball Series No.2 No.‘ 17 350 No. 19 45c BASEBALL SERIES No. 2 There are many times and places where our baseball illustrators may be used to a great advantage. Every- body is interested in the National game and atten- tion to an advertisement or announcement is more readily attracted by their use. Our baseball cuts are made in convenient sizes and will add to the value of any baseball printing Per Font $3.25 Individual characters at prices quoted Each font contains one each of characters 1 1 to 2 1 inclusive and three of character 22. All are castin type molds on point body ,\ <1 W-{V ii..." l 2l‘\L\\l No. 13 35c No. 22 10c 954 Baseball Series No. 3 and No. 1 N0. 31 40c N o. 33 30c 9% No. 30 40c No. 23 40c BASEBALL SERIES No. 3 Per Font $2.25 This font contains one each of characters Nos. 23 to 33 inclusive, and three of char- acter No. 34. Individual characters are furnished at prices quoted. All are cast in type molds on point body and point set, thus guaranteeing quick justification No.25 30c No.34 10c Single Character 25c BASEBALL SERIES No. 1 Per Font $1.00 "47’? X 3g 2" \\1L No.23 No.4 3; % . / .. em N... i ~ 1\\\ V \ ./'3 /rm,/C, Va \ :'.rZ.i.7,'i/’/' /M «/I/W, \‘~‘:\'.x‘:e.v/.-=.-.:.'.‘.*a‘r"/ . ,_______ \ F, rr7v;4;v«;‘a\~\\ "Y$,g'~.iL*s?o{m::o:o;tA)___;¥_.;\=_.;\,.>> Aerial Cuts No. 21 30c » mil’! \ No. 14 10c HIS original and attractive series of Aerial cuts is sure to be often used. It will be appreciated by advertisers and also will prove of value to the printer having the series in his composing room. You will have many opportunities to use these new aviation illustrators ['1/1’ . :/ ‘/ pg; -' /. y,' ,1‘ I ‘dig 1‘. _ ._ \ t~ ..... .-.\s,‘.’.'.-.§‘ ._ . _ .‘ C ‘IE7. ‘ u 5. ‘‘-¢''—''.''.- ' - . . ‘ . Per Font $2.25 Separate characters at the prices indicated Font contains four each of characters 8, 14 and 17; two each 5, 9, 11, 15, 18 and 23; one each 2, 3, 6, 12, 20, 21 and 24 AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY No. 20 20c AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS Co. ORIGINATOR OF STYLISH TYPE FACES 956 Army and Navy Series No. 3, Warships ARMY AND NAVY SERIES No. 3 Per Font $2.50 Font contains one each of characters 2. 6, 10. 14. 16. 18, 20 and 22; four each 4. 8. and 12 ~ ‘‘ \R\\ $_ \ No. 16 30c No. 2 20c No. 4 25¢ No. 6 20c CAST IN TYPE MOLDS No. 12 25c No. 14 20c No. 22 25c Grand Military Celebration MODERN AIR, FIELD AND SEA DEMONSTRATIONS BEGINNING MONDAY, MARCH THE TWENTY-SEVENTH CLOSING SUNDAY, APRIL THE FOURTH No.28 30c No. 23 20c WARSHIPS Per Font $2.35 Font contains two of each character Separate characters at prices quoted No. 26 15c CAST IN TYPE MOLDS E»,/ii * =$“—‘ ° “:§ No.27 25c No.25 20c N0. 30 25C K‘: 957 Golf Illustrators No. 19 60c THE GAME OF GOLF FOLLOWS CLOSELY TO BASEBALL AS TO POPULARITY. A SERIES OF GOLF ILLUSTRATORS WILL PROVE A GOOD INVESTMENT TO EVERY PRINTER For additional golf cuts see page 1015 \' \\ '10 1:’ 11 I:3'\'I‘\«l\v‘li*/(“T ‘ la ‘/3 «- x \ \ \ M 3.‘ (,\. ~ E“.‘.5q”‘,\_I:\: \\.}’.._v _\‘“\‘¢ \ 5'‘ \\‘.\{;'\‘~ OI’ No. 12 40c Golf Illustrators MORTISED No. 21 45c N 0. 28 85c ‘Q px‘|h‘J,‘fc‘ ' x . 3‘ l~_ _ V‘. ‘ p‘ K \_ \ T .‘\. T Q /T — V No.26 60c No.25 70c No.31 $1.00 No. 23 45c No. 30 70c 959 Bulfinch Attractors ";||?'r|| ' T I l>l’.‘7l “.5 ‘ ' V. mi‘. §v//3 dj No. 11 96 Point ‘ 40c 4% No.7 96 Point 40c No.20 72 Point 25c No.21 72 Point 25c Out of Order Out of Order No. 12 72 Point 25c No. 1 96 Point 40c No.10 96 Point 40c No.16 72 Point 25¢ No.13 72 Point 25¢ No.5 96Point 40c Bulfinch Attru<'tor.<. are all cast in type nu his and are (“-0 c-asi|yjust.i1'u-d «— ’ Holiday Decorators The Holiday Decorators have been the means of creating a great amount of new business for progressive printers, extraordinary when compared with the prices of the Decorators. Printers who have profited by buying new designs to attract more business inform us that on investments of a few dollars they have secured many additional orders amounting to hundreds of dollars. 1'\ ,' V (‘~36 ‘- . ¢'fl§ .. ._._ --Z--’ |‘b~ \l~. \‘r \ . _‘ , O 3. = '. No. 40 80c No. 66 70c 961 Holiday Decorators N o. 10 60c No. 123 Color 35c No. 108 30c No.89 85c No, 104 30c ’ ‘nun, vwu"-uuuuuun Q.‘ "u)“ r3\~"§-qO , «‘=.‘.!://Ax‘. No.85 50c No. 197 70c No, 196 35¢ 962 Holiday Decorators No. 61 30c No. 58 30c No.163 35c No 110 25c N. 111 30c 963 Holiday Decorators No. 37 80c N0. 171 80c \ \ *' 477%»; 3, t Holiday Decorators \\’/ ’ . / \ \ 0 \\ §‘~/.9 ' I I‘ ‘ ... -\ ’ _._,’;u. "I III lililililill .II I I . 4 - '|'I No. 71 50c . No. 140 N0. 141 g No. 142 § ‘§ .T;ih*€ 4 for 15c 4 for 10c . f 0 /' "‘\ N 0. 30 350 N 0. 88 40c N o. 133 Color 35c No. 29 45c N o. 126 Color 300 N o. 127 Color 40c N o. 1, green, 95c. No. 115, red, 50c. Also supplied for three colors No. 116, blue, 90c No. 22 40c No. 3 50c No. 119 Color 40c Holiday Decorators ”v5“f =a‘;i”?"‘E‘-s‘\fv/ _...—_T‘———.—_—-A-xv , _/ K?/{ 7/f‘:/5/E.g;( ( ;{{l No. 2 75¢ N . NO. 134 30C 0 118 Color 60c No. 135 Color 20c No. 54 50c No. 129 Color 35c No. 59 75c Holiday Decorators O No. 70 45c N°- 193 50° 967 Holiday Decorators No. 73 60c No. 136 Color 40c $51 « *"'fif'\‘-~ .3, © '5' ‘\\‘oil.// ..”@;' v '-. /—\ 71g‘ I I‘ " I No. 95 45c No. 13 45c 968 Twentieth Century Ornaments 20TH CENTURY ORNAMENT CAST IN TYPE MOLDS ON POINT BODY AND POINT SET, INSURING PERFECT JUSTIFICATION ~ SERIES NO. 1 Per Font $4.00 unnnn ’ uum No.8 200 No.13 10c A/.\J.U.\J.U.\).\J. [J [J I] (‘V V \(" 7/‘ No.5 2 c No. 7 we N W 2 0.0 ' No.1 25c -____--=-_- ?W " Vflflfiflif N0.“ 15¢ No.4 30¢ Iflflflflfll finaaanr N0-54 10(- NU.57 15C No.52 20c N°'55 150 No.56 15c No.53 10c No.82 25c No.62 25¢ N°- 50 20° Twentieth Century Ornaments 1Il%Y1’::§\;»’ r 4% w, L/.’ No. 76 20c No. 33 25c 970 Twentieth Century Ornaments No. 10 35c ‘ M V ‘ Ecfij Versatile Ornaments ’ No.5 V.V.V.V.V.V.UNNN.V.V.V.V.'.V.V.V.V.'.'.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V \ No.58 50c 15c N 0. 144 25c No. 67 85c N 0. 36 30c 0 0 ‘ . 8.9‘. 2-233%-:5‘ *1.-.se:<».. ..-.,‘_3,~.-. ::‘.~.“-.-.=.-':=f..-':'~‘//-a-‘;':~'.-.§‘.%-' --- 2‘-.2-;:,-.-_.A;-gm-.-.’..v-1 I Versatile Ornaments .%\. TJo.121 20c I¢0.122 20c’ 110.115 35c 110.70 45¢ IJo.65 85c T ‘§,§- V 1» A _ I . _ ‘ _ .v 4 - . ' .52,-. . ...» :,'.__ l‘., I‘ ; ._ .1" l_*,,"-”.:‘_‘ ‘~.“-'.»’.‘’ / lflF5'? No. 107 35c 1‘ , No.106 35c I¢o.105 35c IQo.]30 35c 973 }¢o.45 40c 1! I¢o.81 25c 100.82 25c IJo.47 45c Versatile Ornaments 110.98 20c IJo.71 75c 974 IJo.104 50c Versatile Ornaments No. 46 90c No. 29 35c N0. 100 50c No. 30 30c No. 157 30c N . . ° 22 25° No.85 15c 0 \ / No. 25 25c No. 139 4 an/0,)” ,v"‘y ml '1, 'I,"H;[ up 3'44‘. /no 0\‘\\V‘ u-M7,"! .,«m.'« . ..um4....\\\um.\\\\m I‘ « "gt J bl.‘ 4’\\-\'.’\‘ f I nm :2?! u\\WM64’/A/‘l1.'ln\\\ "II,".‘;;I:.; “ ‘. x\- , .. m . .. . 40 0“ ‘\\‘\~ '3'“! ‘\ ‘ nu“! -\"f(\|‘a\u\|' !\\\c':.\i\*‘.‘\.\\A‘;££1'.'.'.znun’->\.\u..i9!(i% ’:)):.'.'.'..\~u‘. No. 137 35c No. 138 20c No,3 60¢ No. 136 25c No. 135 45c 975 -..'-'.v'- ' Versatile Ornaments 1 .1 \ :.~..'.;':- No. 161 50c N0. 155 35c No. 158 No. 162 50c No. 163 Color 50c (For color see page 527) VERSATILE ORNAMENTS IN GROUPS Group T Complete 75c 1 ' lg? ’’ C 4 co. 1’, W ’ ,1 ’ r nun \_Mw|o 4 1;:/er”; v, ,,u,, ..\\‘Iu , .m u . ‘\ ‘um. :..;.qAA ht ¢ ;;1///”, q .\\h\\ \ III of I U 1! M4 f!\\N .1 “WA \\\ Hyiq 5 ,1; “M II] , ,1 I ‘/:’):.‘n‘..\\\\‘.m\1cuélzfufrffiféfi I} umu1W!\<{c1!\‘&'§§§Im$%%G(\\‘a$\u\\h;iM11$ '/})2‘.'.'.‘;.\\\\‘.u\\»h.é!Z5571/{K61 Group 3 Complete 60c ‘- ’ '9. I \I ‘ ;m'm'S‘S o".v \ 'uu«\Hw|~ 1 -x . um \ 1/ '15)9§5m~\\\m\m.4!..,:m.\\\\Q IL. \‘.9.u\Iuu ‘,’/‘VIII! r‘3"I'(II' “I1,"-‘:5"II\\‘\§““\'m«W\W‘\\W H,'.’,‘,’.'«‘4 k"!'(¢‘1{W|' "'1' "” ' ' '!!|.\((&i3\‘.\*‘.‘\‘\‘\‘\‘|‘A£';'.'.:§'$\9$\.\\a.}ie56% ':)):‘.'..‘,.\x\\‘. 976 2... u... Lru-.4.:»..'.A,. Versatile Ornaments in Groups Group P Complete $1.25 Group A Complete 30c J“, ,. V. ‘_., .' / ~; / 1 .:T- ) Aiuislll ‘I'll’ Group L Complete 50c Complete 40° Group H Complete 40c ré . I ‘NI #2 No. 163 25c 4.!‘ 2"? . " -‘15??"'%‘-“’. No. 209 40c .\ is-‘I ’ \‘ .‘ Strathmore Ornaments $ No. 118 20c No. 17 25c 978 N0. 113 20c No. 111 30c Strathmore Ornaments No.116 20c 33 No. 142 15c No. 140 20c . 32:, 33;; No. 1.39 20c No. 141 15c ‘i’ 3.. 33 33 34 3% £1; .- . 5c No. 135 20c N0. 137 20c No. 138 20c No. 136 20c No. 134 25c No. 132 25c X3 $3 No. 144 No. 146 15 No. 148 No. 197 15c 15c 331?‘-:»:?_si No. 40 25c No. 30 25c _ U No.32 30c No.48 25c No.47 33¢ No.42 30c No.38 25c 979 Strathmore Ornaments ~ , (‘R1 "if? ‘K\» ‘sifisigg/iégé egg??- u Q ‘ ‘3)‘.‘ l E‘ //& N0. 124 $1.00 ‘ I 75%;‘. V‘ £5 No. 123 75c I¢o.182 75c 980 Strathmore Ornaments 0 1‘ I ' 4 3]‘: ‘ 4; ‘/ N0. 225 35c No. 226 Color 300 No. 211 60c No. 212 Color 60c No. 128 50c “'9 2:5‘ . 3 Zixvv’ (1,. at 1&2! W , 0,;‘Va‘3'~>‘ p_l._ , A 9. 5V wit’. 9, EV’ W.» <~"“'2"?4 <2*é??$ah',a§l)g§0n§T§',»’ "If? “(’X '1tfo'~‘>'> "‘ No. 223 45c No. 224 Color 40c No.130 $1.00 Knickerbocker Ornates Series No. l 1 Per Font $3.55 Series No. 12 Per Font $3.55 Font contains two each of characters 51, 60 and 61 ; five each 54 and Font contains two each of characters 51, 62 and 63 ; five each 54 and 55; six each 52, 53, 56 and 57 55; six each 52. 53. 56 and 57 Characters 60 and 61 separately each 30c Characters 62 and 63 separatelyeach 30c Series No. 8 Per Font $2.70 Font contains four of character 36; ten each 37. 38, 39, 40, 41 and 42 ; two each 47 and 48 Series No. 7 Per Font $2.70 Font contains four of character 36 ; ten each 37. 38. 39, 40, 41 and 42; two each 45 and 46 Characters 45 and 46 separately each 20c Characters 47 and 48 separately each 20c No. 41 No. 42 as 3? 6 as 53 a 3? § as as No. 37 No. 38 No. 36 N o. 39 No. 40 No. 37 No. 38 No. 36 No. 39 No. 40 Series No. 10 Per Font $2.70 Font contains four of character 36; ten each 37. 38, 39, 40, 41 and 2; two each 43 and 44 Series No. 9 Per Font $2.70 Font contains four of character 36; ten each 37. 38. 39, 40. 41 and 42 ; two each 49 and 50 Characters 49 and 50 separately each 20c Characters 43 and 44 separately each 20c No. 41 No. 37 No. 38 No. 36 No. 39 N o. 40 i No. 37 ..v ~\.~..;».,.».._\.m.A...... 7....a:.we;~.., ‘ ' "4 ‘. -’ " ' ' r..bA_';£1-{.25. ..... E at Knickerbocker Ornates 2 Series No. 14 Per Font $3.55 Font contains two each of characters 51. 58 and 59 ; five each 54 and 55 ; six each 52. 53, 56 and 57 Series NO. 13 Per Font $3.55 Font. contains two each of characters 51. 64 and 65 ; five each 54 and 55 ; six each 52. 53, 56 and 57 Characters 64 and 65 separately each 30c Characters 58 and 59 separately each 30c No. 64 ‘ No. 65 No. 58 No. 59 No. 54 No. 51 No. 55 No. 54 No. 51 No. 55 No. 52 No. 53 . No. 56 No. 57 No. 52 No. 53 No. 56 No. 57 F Series No. 3 Series No. 4 Series No. 5 ' Series No. 6 “gm Wntajns eight of character 21; Font contains ei ht of character 21 ; Font contains ei ht of character 21; « Font contains ei ht of character 21; ° egch 22 and 23; sixteen each two each 30 an 31; sixteen each two each 32 ang 33; sixteen each two each 34 ans 35' sixteen each -4- 25, 26. 27. 28 and 29 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 24, 25, 26, 27, 28 and 29 7 24, 25. 26, 27, 28 and 29 Per Font $2.00 Per Font $2.00 Per Font $2.00 Per Font $2.00 No. 22 No. 23 No. 30 No. 31 No.32 No.33 1 No.34 No.35 No.28 No.29 No. 219 No.28 No.29 9N0. 219 No.28 No.29 No.21 { No.28 No.29 No.21 Q E ‘X5 33- 7 N0. 26 No. 27 No. 24 No. 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 24 N 0. 25 No. 26 No. 27 No. 24 No. 25 1 No. 26 No. 27 No. 24 No. 25 Series No. 1 Per Font $2.00 Series No. 2 Per Font $3.00 (mt contains (me °‘“'h "f °h‘"'a°t‘~‘1'3 1» 2v 3v 4 and 53 Font contains one each of characters 11, 12. 13, 14 and 15 ; four each 16, 17. 18 and 19 ; twenty-four of 20 f1‘’8 each 6 and 7; eight each 8 and 9; thiity 1 seven of 10 I No. 2 _ No. 13 N0’ 12 N0. 11 N0‘ 4 No. 5 No. 3 No. 1 D ‘ No.20 R No. 14 No. 16 N°~ 7 No.9 No.8 No.6 No.17 No.15 No.19 No. 18 983 Trade Cuts No.46 35c No.52 Ornament only 3:39. No.55 Hat only 200 uuulunuu IHHIHHIHH No. 43 80c No.47 40c No. 56 Shoe only 25c No. 54 Ornament only 40¢ No. 45 25c No.60 $1.00 No.42 35c 984 Wayside Ornaments :~ " .. N0. 526 25c N0. 499 20c \ ,=:£$==‘~ ~ - ((3 /.-..g.‘.. .. ‘Q... V: ._ ‘L3 - : No. 5;!) ;:)c Ni)é492 Ni);.3480 N<§.5472 .C C 2C ?‘¢$2‘ Y ‘.' to“. ‘£1: :33 R ( 3 No.500 25c 'A\.\"p_v :. ya '6 ‘ " X01 . " " ‘ IIFK \ . ~T' _ M ‘ ‘o0 . .@<=\ra=°®. No.513 20¢ No.a09 20¢ No. 474 15c No. 503 20c No.497._ 20c r‘ , v ,(.m 0 . .¢ 6 5*! r “/7 \ cw ?§ 5 No.499 20¢ No.-496 15¢ No.52? 20¢ No.476 15¢ No. 517 20c .v:»‘-"“ .@-VF-‘3. " ‘? r3~"~“- -ca‘? !=s=‘,_,@‘, .@i‘!°3, \. __.—4 No. 511 20(: N0. 487 20c N(,_ 471 Que No, 473 20c ' No. 516 25c No. 498 25c 985 Wayside Ornaments ‘ax /° § €32 I» «X "‘~‘.395 200 N0.Z{37 20¢ N().327 25¢ No. 322 25c N0. 421 15c N0. 348 20(- N0. 420 20c No. 349 20c No. 406 200 No. 319 250 NW 424 150 N0. 387 200 N0. 372 150 No. 519 200 N0. 391 15(' No. 419 150 N0. 425 1:30 No. 386 20c‘ 7. - U E N0. 481 200 N0. 325 250 N0. 328 25c N0. 330 250 N0. 485 206 N0. 491 20c N().4()2 15(' N0.-403 150 .> N0.468 20¢ No.46?) 20¢ No.412 2m- ? N 7 . 1' 1; I’ No. 411 20c No.318 25¢ a 3 ‘ " 2 O No.415 20¢ N $0 No. 333 25(' 0.394 200 %'A N 0. -4( )5 15¢ §%W~ ‘ N0. 417 150 No. 413 15c N0. 360 No. 427 N0. 361 N0. 425 20c 15v we 15c 15c 15c 10c 15c Mm ¥@&y%$ N0-398 15¢ N0.399 15c N0. 377 150 N0.378 150 N().431 15¢ N0.-432 150 Nu.-404 150 No.4()() 1.")(‘ N0.381 15c N0.382 150 987 1()(- N0. 375 N0. 376 N0._383 N0. 384 Chap-Book Guidons 30 Point Per Font 65c 6;, Q % U 4 F ‘H’ II]! P = -' ; * -' f ' ' M kc . . an nthtbes ta‘ ‘deb 0 Paragraph ar \ Font contains four pairs each of Brackets and Parenthcses; four each of Paragraph Marks 24 Point Per Font 60c 18 Point Per Font 60c $3 § ’(])°=°()”[}”‘[[]| &»;&§U<>‘{P H F t t_ . _. . __ h f B _ _k t d I,_ _ th _ ‘ _ _ Font contains eight pairs each of Brackets and Parentheses; 0" ""1 “lug “'3:if:::h'“:¥ P:ra“:_‘_:‘p}:’N?a:r“(s ‘"1 " “““"' eight each of Paragraph Marks 36 Point ' Per Font 65c $3? U**(}”{F [HI Font contains three pairs each of Iii-:u-kc-ts and Parenthcses; three each of Paragraph Marks 42 Point Per Font 65c %(E%‘())V(WiP IN] Font contains two pairs each of I-h-:u-kc-ts and Parenthcses; two each of Paragraph Marks 48 Point Per Font 75c E», (E % ‘WM? [HI Font contains two pairs each of I’n'}l('kvl.\‘ and I’:n'entheses; two each of Paragraph Marks 60 Point Per Font 75c IN] ‘IF F G H Font contains two pairs each of Brackets and Parentheses; two each of Paragraph Marks 72 Point Per Font 80c K» II] 1? % F W U Font contains two pairs each of Brackets and Parenthe.-«es; one each of Paragraph Marks . _.‘.::'..$_.-..,., .‘..~am¢ A. .4. ,...!‘.gi -4.-. ..~: 1...: .;...<..-. .-,...~..s..m..;v_. , .. -...A. ‘n. 988 Chap-Book Directors, Swastika Ornaments CHAP-BOOK DIRECTORS Are made in four eye-catching styles, comprising nine sizes each, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60, 72, 96 and 120 Point No. 1201 120 Point Per Pair 50c No. 7201 72 Point Per Pair 40c No. 9601 96 Point Per Pair 50c 24 Point Per Font of eigh pairs, sixt t 42 Point Per Font of four pairs, eight characters, 50c een characters’ 50¢ . @WW§%$ %$§§ E 30 Point Per Font of eight pairs, sixteen characters, 50c 36 Point Per Font of eight pairs. sixteen characters, 60c %% 5 W @ 48 Point Per Font of four pairs, eight characters. 60c %% W W W 60 Point Per Font of four pairs, eight characters, 75¢ SWASTIKA ORNAMENTS Per Font 80c '—fi =5 en 5-". '.-E =+'= 5" '.'fi'_'-Fnefimefiua SWASTIKA OUTLINE ORNAMENTS Per Font 80c «m sh.m-5 complete font s 245 as 5% 989 EEEEEEEEEEEE Chap-Book Cuts No. 6 25(- No. 44 40c We have issued a pamphlet showing the complete series of Chap-Book Cuts which will be sent to anyone in- terested. Besides the Chap-Book Cuts this pamphlet contains a showing of many other attractive naments. You should and useful or- secure a copy N0. 93 350 % $$ as No. 26 30c % N 0. 79 250 990 Renaissance Ornaments ) "\\ Wm» ///////I////////W///lfl m_»»rIJlTWI>:::+:%:I ggflnltuull i :1 No.15 60c No.19 75c No. 14 35¢ 991 Commerce, Industrial and Arrow Ornaments V V _\ ~f /- l.. CC“-.°‘_ ‘~"‘il7l7-lg’ 'k’— " ARROWS <{-—€ 18 Point Body. 72 Point Set Each 20c Per Pound 66c 12 Point Body. 60 Point Set Each 15c Per Pound 74c j-———-> 6 Point Body, 66 Point Set Each 15c Per Pound $1.28 -> 6 Point Body. 12 Point Sct Each 5c Per Pound $1.28 COMMERCE ORNAMENTS -p 6 Point Body, 6 Point Set Each 5c Per Pound $1.28 -9 5 Point Body, 5 Point Set Each 5c Per Pound $2.00 No. 5 25c Per Font, 1 each, $1.75 ;a¢._r.,.L «.....3.- u‘. -. '3.‘ . AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Commerce Ornaments may be used as individual ornaments, or the various characters may be combined, making a deco- rative panel or headpiece as shown in some of the dis- play pages in this catalogue '.. ‘ 3 2:5!» l2 POINT ARROW ORNAMENTS ' No. 2 Per Font $1.50 r"*“1 Characters in Complete Font No.2 5c No. 1 5c No. 4 30c No. 6 25¢ ‘ INDUSTRIAL . ORNAMENTS No.3 10c ‘ A . W ,5, T No. 5 25c No. 6 5c Per Font, 1 each, $1.75 _ — No. 5 5c No. 4 5c Industrial Ornaments may be used as individual ornaments, or the various characters may be combined, making a deco- rative panel or headpiece as shown in some of the dis- play pages in this catalogue I-‘ont contains fourteen each of characte n 1 and 2; eight of 3. ton of 4. nine each 5. 6 and 7 Commerce Ornaments and Industrial Ornaments 36 POINT COMMERCE ORNAMENTS Per Font, two of each character, $2.75 These ornaments may be used as individual ornaments, or the various characters may be combined, making a decorative panel or headpiece ‘er CAST IN TYPE MOLDS Ix, — No. 7 40c E No. 11 20c No. 12 20c No. 8 40c AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY Originator and Maker 36 POINT INDUSTRIAL ORNAMENTS Per Font, two of each character, $2.75 No. 11 20c No. 10 25c Schuil Ornaments M-:1 :::~ +: I:-L» fl: |:::1- SCHUIL ORNAMENTS I THIS DISTINCTIVE SERIES OF ORNAMENTS IS ADAPTED TO EVERY SIZE l OF PAGE AND TO ALL CLASSES OF LARGE AND SMALL FORMS OF AD- VERTISING. MANY PLEASING AND ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS CAN BE MADE J LL Lg] Q. G‘ IL_ Characters in Complete Font l = :3 L s L a L a l 1 2 ‘3 4 5 W @ 13 15 5 4 LL_. )1 16 11 12 10 6 8 9 7 Per Font $3.50 Font contains sixteen each of characters 1, 2 and 3; twenty of 4: twenty-four of 5: seven of 6; eight of 10; four each 7. 8. 11, 12, 13, 14. 15 and 16 A special six point brass rule. shown on page 1130, is made to work with Schuil Ornaments and is used for long panels in connection with character No. 1 for end pieces. It is put up in regular labor-saving fonts at prices given on page 1108. Miter fonts containing two sets two and one-half ems and one set five ems, 50 cents per font extra 9925 Dainty Border No. 1 :' .-:3-..-' -.: -352-§’§33' -..-‘I.-';°~°.°'-3 0090.9 0..0 .. 9.00:0 0.. O...O ..... ..O 0... ... E THIS IS A BORDER CAPABLE OF BEING SET WITH AN ALMOST INFINITE NUMBER OF E E COMBINATIONS, ALL EASILY CONSTRUCTED. IT WILL LOOK EXTREMELY WELL IN RED 5 E OR ANY OTHER SECONDARY COLOR IN A TYPE COMPOSITION, AND AT THE SAME TIME E 5 IS STRONG ENOUGH TO MAKE ATTRACTIVE BORDERS, PANELS, DECORATIONS AND E E END PIECES IN A ONE COLOR COMPOSITION. A BORDER OF UNLIMITED USEFULNESS E 00.... a. :.O 0' '0 0. 09.9 000 .0 : .9 .0.‘ 0. .00 00. ..0.".0. 0 .°00..“.0:..0 .:°.:'.0.9 9.0.9 .9; :9. 0'..°0..'.. 0} E. .9.:°°...0.0°..:..:.E°0:'..o:0.. .000.. .0 000000:.00099999:g0g000:0: :00.000.00::"999000.:000000.. ..00.. ..0:0..°:0°E.:,.:..°0.0°..0°:°0. ..g .. 0. 00... 0..0 0. .0 0. .0 .0 . ‘.00 .: : . . :.: 00.. ..0. 0. .0 0. 0 0..0 .. 00 .. .0 . 90 00 00 0°.9 9 0 9 9 0 9 0 0 . 0 00 00 000 0 9. 9 9 900° .0. .0. .0 : : 0. .9. .9. .90. 9 9 0' 090 ..0 0: .009...0 E E E E :..900. ‘.0 .9.’ . .. ... 00.:.00.0..00 :. 0... 0...:9...0 ‘.5 E.‘ 0...9:...0 ‘:0 ...00..0.00: .00 :. 4 .0....0...0 ....0.. 0.... :. .. :00. 0.: ’ :.0 ‘.00.. .. E ....0 :0...‘ 0. ‘.0 ....0.. ......O.:.O...... 000... 0...0 :. :. ...0 ...000 ......O.:.O....: 9. 0° '0 .0 '°00°9'0 0.9999’. 0' 0° '0 '0 :.099...99:..90.: E I E :.009...99:..00.: E. 0:0 :1 I... 0.00 .5 .900 0E9. "E0 009. BORDER BEAUTIES 2 8 HIGHLY EFFECTIVE ’ 0 0 OBTAINED COMBINATIONS ’ 0000 Per Font $4.00 _ Characters in Complete Font D E 0 0 9 9 9'..'0 .0 900 099 5 3.0.909 .39 90.0. ........... .00. .O.. ..O......:0.. ..: :0OO00 ...00000. ..... .:: 3 0 . .0 1 0..900..:...09..0 3 .0’. . .90. : 2 -."'.°"-. °'. fir,-"' .°. "-.3 : :"°-' ': ’- 3 : 0. .09.99 .:00000.9 9 9 '0 : 000:0 ‘.0990 0.0 ...0....0.:.”.0 . 0.. H" :9 ....0"0..... 0. 0... ‘.00 ...O .:' . 0..::.0,...00... : §.....°900009.. 2.. '00. 0: 2 5 . .9. .90‘ E .900009°. ‘oi ’ 000000000000000 °.....0'0 0 4 0 0 90...09999009999999999 ’ 12 13 E 0 00 0000 000000 000000000000 0000000000000000 : 6 7 8 9 10 11 Font contains eight each of characters 1. 2. 3, 4. 5; sixteen each of 6 and 7; nineteen of 8; eighteen of 9; twenty-six of 10; twenty-four of 11; four each of 12. 13. 14. 16. 16, 17 0. 3...‘: 000.000....’ :...0:.0.0.00 0...: .0 .0. .000. .0’. ‘.0 00:00 00:00 0: . 0. .000. '0. 0 0 .. 0 .00. 0 0.0 0 0 009 0 0990 .9 00 : : : 0..0 .0 .9. .00 : .00. 2 .9 9. .8 0.0.0“: :0’: '0.:.0 .0 5000.00’. ..90::9.. ..9000009. ..900009. .0. .90009 .00009. E 14 16 17 15 5 AMERICAN I Y PE F OUNDERS COMPANY ORIGINATOR AND MAKER _': E. 00............. .....00000.....:0 ,.: : .09 .. '0. 0' ....0. '0. : :9. .0...9.."'0 .0 .00. 00 .00 .000 00000 . 0 00 099 :. ..9.. 0’ .9: .0: 9.0: ....0..:00:.00000..9... ...0 0...:.0 0o0...:.0 00...:.0 0 01 0...00 00do.”.0\ 00I0.“.0\ 011.. .....:00 ...0.0..9.0....0.... 0. .: 9.09. .900 ... . .0 9 . 9 . : : : : 0: 000 0.99 .09.: 5.. ‘.90 09: 9....‘ E 0:.0 :. :.0 0.10 ” 9..9 9..9 :0 .909 .9 .9000009....’E ..9990::::IOOOOa0:.:09:9999.. ..9000.. ‘.9009’. ‘.9000’. ..000000000000.. ‘.9009’. ‘.9009’. .9009. ..9999.900000:999999999999999 992° Hylite Borders "“=========:=========i'i 6 Point No. 4, 60 inches, $1.50 HYLITE BORDERS The Hylite Borders are serviceable and refined. They will readily lend themselves to attractive combinations and artistic conceptions, and open up a great range of possibilities for fine results. 6 Point No. 2 60 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 12, 60 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 9, 60 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 6, 60 inches, $1.50 go 6 Point No. 5 q} 60 inches. $1.50 %é%%%%4>€%%%%A <>%<>%€r‘%<>€€> 6 Point No. 10, 60 inches. $1.50 ii /\ <43. 6 Point No. 1 60 inches, $1.50 :>-—4>——~x>~—+-9-?»-4>—3>—<1>—:{ 6 Point No. 11, 60 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 7 60 inches, $1.50 >¢>©<¢<¢<°<*<¢§9} ‘E E I.\°.\°.\°.\°.\°.\°°1.'1.'J.°1.'I -é F—<»———<»——<;—-z>—<>——3>—~n>—-4:-<>—<>——~>o>~>o>o><9<: 6 Point No. 3, 60 inches, $1.50 9920‘ Beardsley Ornaments and Beacon Ornaments -5'2 BEARDSLEY ORNAMENTS—Series . plete Font Characters in Com $* No. 72025 30c No. 60019 20c No. 48030 20c BEARDSLEY ORNAMENTS—Series No. 2 Per Font $2.50 acters in Complete Font i V fl E’ v Q (‘V 5321 c No. 96002A 30c No. 96002C 30c mg-.wz* II)! ‘ 9 + + W A 4 T 1 * No, 7F No. 6 nt con ins four each of cha cters 4, 5 6, 7 and 8; five each 1 and 3; six of 2; sixteen of 9 N 3 No. 8 A Mission Toys for One or Two Colors Single character for one color 40c 120 POINT MISSION TOYS No. 33 Mission Toys These cuts are made for printing in either one ortwo colors. In order to display their possibilities and at- tractiveness we have printed a few of them in two colors. The prices are shown above. When order- ing,kindly designate whether for one or two colors CAST IN TYPE MOLDS No.31 Single character for two colors 75c No. 32 No. 34 994 Mission Toys and Floral Basket Pieces MISSION TOYS 72 Point No. 1 72 Point No. 2 Per Font $1.50 Single Character 25c Per Font $1.50 Single Character 25c Font contains one of each character for one color Font contains one color block of each character No. 27 48 Point No. 1 48 Point No. 2 Per Font 75c Single Character 20c Per Font 75c Single Character 20¢ Font contains one of each character for one color Font contains one color block of each character No. 1 No. 7 No.4 . No6 NQ5 No8 The 48 Point No. 2 and the 72 Point No. 2 are colors for both the No. 1 Series. In ordering state whether for one or two colors nj Fa FLORAL BASKET PIECES Per Font $1.25 Font contains six designs \'l \'i \'I \'I ‘:3 5.4 5.6 ‘A4 ‘V’ ‘v’ .'A< .’¢\‘ 5.‘ ”4\‘ (\R’’/\\. 6 \\o/\\\’ / // . 2g;/fizsflf "*.\\ o % ‘ \ \\ \\\\\ V V V Yfiifiifiif 995 Laurel Ornaments and Mural Ornaments 53 9/’ W’ s 58 56 Laurel Ornaments are cast in core separately and with the Laurel (The characters of 6 Point and 12 Point are practically the same as these) $7 W close up. A great variety of designs may be quickly and easily produced with these inexpensive ornaments. They are designed to work LAUREL ORNAMENTS \\p ‘I, . _V.'-‘I’? . \ \ .“ V ”. //.5’ ‘:3,’ %-';:‘::e< . . .'. is if 3 .~, * Prices °‘./ 6 Point $1.25 12 Point 1.25 /1 18 Point 1.50 I’ //24 A .');.%4 gag Characters in Complete Font of 18 Point 69 °\\. 55.“. 3 #32446 -." ‘. 0"] 55 54 6.7 or xvfsga X v d type molds. with as little shoulder as possible inside of the wreaths, so that type lines may be set Borders shown on page 1028. Wreaths may be enlarged symmetrically by using the single piece 2; n 1:) no \ as 9 MURAL ORNAMENTS $%%:% No. 310A 20c No. 313A 20c No. 312A 15c No. 308A 20c No. 311A 20c No. 309A 20c N 0. 307A 20c N 0. 306A 20c N 0. 305A 20c No. 292A 250 \ 0 0 § No. 297A 15c No. 304A 15c No. 296A 15c No. 298A 15c No. 290A 15c No. 301A 15c No. 294A 15c No. 303A N 0. 302A No_ 314A 15¢ 16c 15c No. 315A 15c 996 Tree Ornaments and Combination Ornaments TREE ORNAMENTS Each Font contains six inches Per Font 800 12 Point éééééééééééééé 10 Point Per Font 60c 5 ééééééééééééééé 8 Point . Per Font 60c 6 Point Per Font 60c AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA Zn fi:::n:::c:I:Ir 4§|T_:_,] COMBINATION ORNAMENTS—Series No. 63 Per Font $2.25 Characters in Complete Font % I] 1%: % $3 1% I] t 11 12 15 7 IE El EU: [:;-_:in 9'‘? ‘i’ ‘F :2‘ ‘:53 Font contains four of each character (mag LE:-:1[rEJI:=3_II2I%BE Art Ornaments Series NO. 54 Per Font $1.00 Font contains one of each character No. 84002 40c N o. ' 18059 15c No. 84003 40c Series No. 60 Per Font $ 1 .00 Font contains two each of char- acters 72024 and 48028; six of character 48027 an 3'v'.~'~.sL>‘*,?-§$;“'-,°,v'-!!':~‘f.=-’.1‘3¢9’ G’. gvr,-. \L.*z\'«s\\\~‘ O4/\‘(v,4¢-y/K‘: v -9 ~ .u‘§ aw"? No. 72024 30c H No. 48027 20c $1‘ 0 No. 48028 20c Series No. 57 Per Font 75c Font contains two each of characters 42005 and 42007; six of character 42006 No. 42005 15c No. 42006 15c ll 99 No. 42007 15c No. 72020 30c «\"I'/ I v ~;"«;:«‘~.~‘a -‘.~m‘.,O:( 0 .‘ 1: o. ,1 s ‘Q ?;?;g'_99'.". “c 7 'r , V. I4 ,,"\V 3? "I'is‘\"“ I No. 42009 15c Color 42010 15c Series No. 55 Per Font $1.25 Font contains two each of characters 60010 and 36028; six of 36027 N 0. 6001() 30c No. 36027 15c No. 36028 25c Series No. 34 Per Font $1.50 Font contains one of each character f !'.’/;"""\-"Fifi: \ . J No. 60009 30c Series No. 53 Per Font 75c Font contains one of each character No. 42003 25c N 0. 36026 25c is» No. 36029 25c N 0. 42008 20c No. 72021 30c 998 Art Ornaments \ {- No. 84008 40c No. 60013 30c 33 k\ <”*=. No. 120003 40c No. 72022 30c No. 48025 25c (€59) N 0. 42004 20c No. 60016 25c 999 Della Robbia Festoons and Ornaments, Dixon Ornaments © >><€<-9 © o o DELLA ROBBIA FESTOONS No. l 18 Point Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 12 Point Per Font’ 54 inches’ $1.50 ©~ DELLA ROBBIA FESTOONS No. 2 Per Font $2.00 i 6) _‘ _‘ i No.2 N°'7 No. 1 No. 4 Font contains two each of characters 1, 3, 4. 5, 6 and 8; six each 7 and 9; ten of 2 0 _‘4>. \\ \\ 4.5 \\ \\ // flfl 45 // $03 //fl //,9 @ ' x .//// // V9’ // /.4 ms \\ \\ VP \\ Zea \\ \\‘~“ 0 © >2 $03 DELLA ROBBIA ORNAMENTS Per Font, two of each Character, $2.25. Half Font, one of each Character, $1.25 .9’. ‘J: °>>‘VRiu ‘e i‘\\~‘ \.~u ‘ “WV. No. 8 20c MORTISED No. 10 35c No. 4 25c DIXON ORNAMENTS Per Font $1.75 Font contains twelve of character 1; six of 2; three each 3 and 4; two each 5 and 6 wt \O1 “" \g; A ""* N’ No.1 15c No.2 15c No. 6 40c No. 4 15c No. 3 15c No. 5 40c 1000 Happy Thoughts and Electric Ornaments HAPPY THOUGHTS Group K Each character put up in sets of four 60¢ per set L€ Q\\§’/// We §% ac//n\\\\ \* N / ’//!\\\\ No. 79 No. 81 }"‘§_ \i/ '鑧‘3‘!"é"{»”4 Q T A. § <§: .'l"< /i\ v,%.....»~‘s /I 5 \\ No. 83 N0. 82 ' No. 80 N0. 76 Group H ’ Group E Each character put up in sets of four 50c per set Each character put up in sets of four 50¢ per set V ‘K52. N o. 51 No. 68 ' \\;I /, § % No. 53 / /i\\\ No. 70 Each character put up in sets of eight 0c per set Group G ),j 1 ~>‘;% N o. 63 No. 62 No. 66 \\\\m;,, \ 4 -E 5 7/ § \ No.85 No.86 //m\\\ No. 58 Group L Each character put up in sets of eight 50c per set N°- 47 No. 48 No. 49 No. 50 N0- 57 ELECTRIC ORNAMENTS Per Font $3.50 Font contains twelve each of characters 1 and 2; eight of 3; four each 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 16, 17, 18, 21, 22 and 23; ' thirty—six of 5; two each 12, 13, 19, 20 and 24; five each 14 and 15 - V 99% $& &% /Q No.5 - No_g . No.9 No.4 N ’ "7‘~i~.—.~( Q’ /A 0' 21 No. 13 No. 7 No. 23 N0- 6 N°- 19 N0- 22 ' AM» a ‘ No. 2 No. 1 No. 3 ° aw N E 2 ' No. 17 No. 20 No. 24 No. 12 No. 18 No. 11 No. 10 Collins F lorets, Anti -Tuberculosis Emblems § CQSQE No. 212 Set of four 50c No. 228 Set of four 40c N 144 N 143 o. 0. No. 160 Set of four 40c No. 189 20c Set of four 400. Setof four 40c ,‘-Ev-v*"«x‘ A ,1 - N0. 215 Set of four 60¢ No. 203 25c No. 202 15c No.204 15c E g No. 194 25c No. 195 25c No. 190 25c No. 208 35c N0. 211 Set of four 50¢ N°'187 20° No. 192 20c No.216 Set of four 50c No. 206 20c -r"«- N0. ezcfl f‘? '‘'$‘' @ No. 193 35c NO. 184 206 NO. 183 15c "6 I A- ‘ No. 199 35c No. 207 20c 8'53 No. 196 35c 31% No. 213 No. 209 Set of four 40c No. 191 30c No. 200 35c No. 188 30c Set of four 40c Set of four 40¢ "H"1"1"1"1“F‘F‘|"1“F‘|“l“|“f"|“|"'1“l“l“l“|“F‘|“l"|"H"|‘ . ANTI-TUBERCULOSIS EMBLEMS ()flicial emblem of the Society for the Prevention and Cure of Tuberculosis Font contains six inches of one size only + -1: + * 12 Pt. No.12533 5c 18 Pt. No. 18533 10c Per Font 50c Per Font 50¢ 24 Pt. No.24533 10c 36 Pt.No.36533 15c Per Font 50° Per Font 75c 48 Pt. No. 48533 20c Per Font $1.00 I I $"|‘+++++++++‘|“|" I I {J 1002 Collins F lorets Group M Four of one Character 30c Per Font $2.00 ®3 xv: aU*.3\ réfls w «I; No. 88 No. 91 No. 98 No. 97 No. 89 No. 90 «in 4:231 @555 "‘* «to N0. 106 N0. 105 No. 100 N0. 99 N0. 93 No. 110 $3 :<~ 0- 262 No. 257 No. 259 No. 260 No. 265 N°- 253 No. 264 No. 261 No. 254 R1 \ / N 4. °- 258 No. 252 No. 263 No. 255 No. 256 Group Z F our of one Character 50c Each Character 15c K’ $04 $1? ‘ 6 No 21 . - 9 No. 220 No. 217 No. 218 Group Q F01" of one Character 50c Two of one Character 30c N /‘\ }.§ way» ‘.1169 No. 168 No. 171 No. 170 nus, 53 3-7 6-» 6 Q0 . Q 0 N°' 135 No. 167% No. 164 No. 166 Group F Four of one Character 406 LEE?\ No. 156 No. 159 No. 144 N 0. 152 No. 145 ‘$'T"$”‘§':v‘37-‘W'R‘ N0. 143 N0. 147 N0. 162 No. 160 N0. 146 st-my-. «O ‘- V J K 5251» 3!» ‘>6 ~W~“‘>7- ‘\(lr.~/3515», \ * '%(((C":'tk fl 7:’/{Q No. 148 N o. 150 No. 151 No. 154 No. 153 No. 149 KG’ \ ““3"‘.?%. 36675252 %5e NE N0. 157 N0. 158 No. 161 No. 163 No. 155 Group V Four of one Character 40c Per Font $1.50 . .. - $ (@ ‘,4? J4? ($2 No. 275 No. 267 No. 270 No. 271 No. 266 No. 273 N0. 269 N 0. 272 N0. 263 N0. 274 Group X Four of one Character 40c Per Font $2.50 Nrac}/"3'/§$»ym5v11%‘.\r N o. 250 No. 251 No. 244 No. 242 No. 243 No. 248 No. 239 /Q. ’ * A 6% K6 .;a. 0 o No. 247 No. 245 No.246 F No. 238 No. 237 No. 249 N 0. 240 No. 241 Group Y Four of one Character 40c a®@-,.!{~‘.“w€:?J?‘\!4" No. 232 N o. 225 maawmm No. 278 No. 277 No. 226 N o. 276 No. 229 N o. 233 N o. 234 N o. 223 N o. 235 N o. 230 71 9 5% 56? $0 No. 236 N o. 228 No. 221 N o. 222 N o. 227 N o. 224 No. 231 Group R Four of one Character 50c Two of one Character 30c ’<%?2:.>c}§ . No. 179 No. 177 N0. 172 ¢5lII 50:‘. Q2 .4 1* "- \ . /5 No. 174 No. 181 No. 180 No. 175 «W No. 173 No. 182 No. 178 No. 176 1% F lorets, Rogers Embellishments and Tail Pieces ELZEVlR F LORETS Group C Per Font $1.65 I Font contains four of each character 'F"'i'3i-‘s’.a‘»s’.a‘>s’.a‘5s’.a‘5s’ N3.-‘:40?’ 14 Point, 42 inches, $1.50 No. 1418 N211”) 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 No. 1203 3«~m‘1’.m‘£m‘¥.m‘lm‘.’m‘1m‘£m‘1a9.’.a9£m‘£m‘lm. No. 1015 All designs shown above are nndc in 10. 12, 14, 18, 24. 36 and 48 Point DEWEY ORNAMENTS Series No. 1 Per Font $1.50 Series‘ No. 2 Per Font $2.00 Font contains one of each character Font contains one of each character - za 3 L. ' " .c 02‘? 3 20 Series No. 3 Per Font $1.00 § Font (‘t)nt:1ins one of much character b No 27 W. 3 NO'30 ' No. 21 4% W @ *2‘? ‘Jul Vs‘-' .42 ..~s.«>@ 4 A @224 No. 28 No. 26 No. 25 No. 23 No. 22 No. 29 No. 32 No. 24 91%?- 4° No. 31 1005 Busha Ornaments and Egyptian Ornaments BUSHA ORNAMENTS No. 197A 60c No. 45G 20c No. 44G 15c Q No. 229A 45c a«\§/\J~ N0. 1 ‘m 25 No. 222A 25c No._ 149B 20c £ fig No. 178A 25c No. 72G 15c No. 247A 15c K‘ No. 16G 10c ./4 \’ /‘x V , \\ \\‘‘‘_4‘\’‘\‘3\_4. !‘ ®- ("-'1)’: ~¢ ~ __-A\'if\,‘l\fl (‘CV ‘ or" V: 0 at ” F 6 W. :;°\'~F:ll,.In3Lfl(’$”\“. .' \\ ' No.221A 20c No. 57G 10c ~ No. 405A 20c v C9 No. 170A 20c '1 \\“,, _ 74 I _\ ' :' __<~‘:v»‘(,‘§;’'‘'°:fi ’ K9‘; »:7- .x-...w 91‘- _/‘(¢, __,/o VD‘ up‘ -‘5 - - 7‘ 1// ‘~ No. 15c 3 . -- No. 34G 15c No. 213A 20c No. 175A 25c No. 272A 30c No. 48G 15c _ No. 219A 20c «E g. EGYPTIAN ORNAMENTS % ’ Series B Series A Series C Per Font $2.50 Half Font $1.25 Per Font $2.50 Half Font $1.25 Per Font $2.50 Half Font $1.25 Font contains two of character 13; six each 10 Font Contains f0‘-11‘ 0f each Character Font contains two of character 22; six each 23. 24, 26 and 27; ten each 21 and 25 and 15; foureach 11, 12. 14, 16. 17. 18, 19 and 20 N . C N0 N0 N0. 14 No.3 No.4 NO'5 16' 17' "7' ’ NO_ No, M Sc. N N N.o. 1118- 11 12 No.1 No.2 23 22' 21 No.22 No. 13 No. 19 No. 20 No. 7 No. 8 No. 23 No. 24 1006 Valentine, Bookman and Page Ornaments, Glad Hands, Pointers VALENTINE ORNAMENT BOOKMAN ORNAMENTS Series No. 62 Per Font $1 .00 Font contains four each of characters 60017 and 2403?. eight of 24032A V //i\\ No. 60017 25c AMERlCAN N0. 24032A 10c TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY N 0. 24032 10c GLAD HANDS No. 21A 25c No. 31A 50c . PAGE ORNAMENTS No. 2 40c ,=-.-Xv 3’ No. 54104 25c N0. 1 35c No. 84105 40c ; . POINTERS Per Font $1.00 $____!}_‘{.::-_.___._.___4.::?*0-\/s?“ 3 1 SHADED POINTERS Per Font $1.00 i CONTOUR POINTERS Per Font $1.00 7 8 “% 12 11 LE1: xx 4:2.-———~———-——-=1 0 9&1 xi 5 6 14 13 ; 4 1 2 10 9 3 1007 Kate Greenaway Mignonettes No.20 25c No.16 30c No.38 25c No.12 25c No.30 25c No.57 25c No.48 30c No.19 30c No.56 25c No.10 25c No.35 25c No.7 25c No.42 25c No.11 25c No.4 25c No.51 25c No.54 25c No. 28 25c No. 22 25c ,. No. 55 25c - . ‘I- No.6 25c No.36 25¢ No.3 25c No.8 25c No.33 25c No.31 25c No.37 25c No.2 25¢ 1008 Lady Speakers, Klondikers, Army and Navy, Hello Cuts LARGE LADY SPEAKERS Single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character Per Font $1-25 No. 21 No. 22 No. 23 No.28 SMALL LADY SPEAKERS ARMY AND NAVY No. 1 Singie Character 200 Per Font 75c Single Character 25c Per Font $1.25 No. 18 No. 15 No. 14 No. 13 Font contains one of each character ‘ No' 5 - : No. 7 No. 10 Font contains one of each character \ N0‘ 12 No. 17 . M1 S_ KLONDIKERS lngle Character 25¢ Per Font $1.25 No. 8 N o. 9 No. 11 For additional Army and Navy see page 957 HELLO CUTS Per Font $1.00 Font contains one of each character \ \ 1 ‘ I ’ \ Font contains one of each character i 18 Pt: 10c flea 60 Pt. 20c 72 Pt. 25c No. 7 No.4 ‘ 36 Pt. 15¢ 48 Pt. 20c 96 Pt. 25c All cuts shovvn on this page are cast In type molds Shoppers, Small Scorchers, Colonials, Large Scorchers SHOPPERS Single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character Per Font $1 .00 No. 9 No. 8 No. 5 No. 6 No. 7 No. 3 SMALL SCORCHERS COLONIALS Font contains one of each character Font contains one of each character Single Character 20c Per Font $1.00 M Single Character 25c Per Font 75c No. 7 No. 1 No. 4 N o. 3 No. 9 Single Character 30c Per Font $1.75 ‘ Booklet Ornaments and Margin Ornaments BOOKLET ORNAMENTS No. 2 Single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character Per Font $2.50 W BOOKLET ORNAMENTS No. 1 Font contains one of each character Per Font $ 1.25 MARGIN ORNAMENTS Series No. 1 Per Font $1.00 Series No. 2 Per Font $1-00 Font contains two of character 14: three each 12 and 13 Font contains three of each character ;. ( v‘ . gr . j\—-3 W ildh _, » ‘i /'/‘V "Y \ "V.',- ‘\\‘§§%“9 No. 14 30c Druggists, Silhouettes, Bowlers, Hoboes, Chefs and Waiters DRUGGISTS single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character Per Font No. 7 No. 6 No. 5 SILHOUETTES BOWLERS Font contains one of each character 1 Font contains one of each character Single Character 25c Per Font $1.25 ~ Single Character 25c Per Font $1.25 4 ii/Hi M? No. 10 No. 12 No. 2 No. 7 No. 1() No. 1 No. 6 HOBOES Single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character‘ PCT Font No. 3 No. 10 No. 5 No. 6 DELMONICO CHEFS AND WAITERS Single Character 25¢ Font contains one of each character Per Font $1_O0 1 No. 10 No. 9 No. 8 No. 7 No. 6 All cuts shownaoflitzhliz Eigeyagsscfgsctdin type molds Pick-Ups, Campaigners, Speakers, Athletes, Rigs and Traps PICK-UPS SPEAKERS Single Character 25c Per Font $1.25 Single Character 20c I Per Font $1.00 c I 0 ¢ Oi" fr V O 1 F f ’ ‘ No 10 No 9 No.8 No.2 No 1 C ‘ ‘ § O G ‘ ‘ § ’ ‘ No 5 No. 3 No. 7 No. 6 No 4 ATHLETES Single Character 25c Per Font $1.25 CAMPAIGNERS Single Character 25c Per Font $1.50 ,3 No. 4 No. 3 No. 8 No. 2 No. 7 No. 5 N0. 6 RICS AND TRAPS Single Character 20c Per Font $1.00 1013 Coppers, Ballet Dancers, American Indians, Rounders COPPERS Font contains one of each character Per Font $ 1.25 % Single Character 25c No. 10 BALLET DANCERS Font contains one of each character Per Font No. 3 No. 7 No. 14 No. 10 AMERICAN INDIANS ' ROUNDERS per from $125 Single Characters Nos. 1, 2, 3 and 5, 30c Nos. 4 and 6, 40¢ Per Font $1.25 No.6 No.3 Single Character 25c Font contains one of each character N o. 2 No. 4 Font contains one of each character I : \4 ‘ >1 ~ * = = :: 1 tr . * : : . II ‘ N0. 24. 66 Inches. $1-50 - GI : No. 44, 66 inches, $1.50 : N No. 43, 66 inches, $1.50 N ,3 :« 5: 2 2 :: u } firvv vvi q E E N N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx ZZX:21'::X¢Z:ZZZZ2X I‘ ‘L’ >5 No_ 27, 65 inches, $1_50 N0. 6. 66 inches. $1.50 g No. 29, 66 inches, $1.50 f g wi...._,.a . '-‘_JIllIl Il‘I -1--v Ill‘ 1'11‘ No. 5, 66 inches, $1.50 Three Polnt B Orders No. 37, 66 inches, $1.50 ‘ r* 1 § 3 The Three Point Borders shown i ‘ on this page are considered the \ § ; most popular designs in Running ‘ ' """'“' "‘ "" " ' ' ' ' ' Borders on the market. For neat , ‘ labels, dainty panel work and simi- A/vx/9 § lar printing they will be found 5 remarkably effective. The ease 2 j: _ with which these Borders can be E g N°' 4’ 66 mches’ $150 E assembled is at once apparent to ‘~ No. 8. 66 inches. $1.50 ) 4 the discerning printer and will be < g ‘E ‘ found a strong factor in shops ' ( 2 where high-grade work in record / LN ‘ _ A3 time is essential, in fact these Borders will make an excellent fl" addition to any composing room 6. L_c I A No. 35, 66 inches, $1.50 6 N0. 22, 66 inches, $1.50 1 l 51'; XXIXIIXXXIXXIIIIXIIIIIIIIXIIXIXXXXXXXI L: I ------ - - - - -; .«». » ‘£51,: ‘«.. 4-1;-;1 >4 E H H ~ : : ' -4 _ 4» 9 : >4 H 0 ~; 0 ‘ 0 u E E No. 31. 66 inches, $1.50 E N0- 30. 66 Inches. $1.50 .. N o. 32, 66 inches, $1.50 ; D , E .. 1. s a4 a4 4» >4 r4 4» ~. >4 >4 ' ~IXIIIIXlXXXIIIIXXIIXXXXXIIIXIXIXXIXXIIN n_ 4: ‘>O-O+OO4O-OOO¢+§O+O¢O6_¢§O+O-O¢6¢4O§O¢ ALLALLLLLLLLLALALLLLLLAAAAAALLILIALALALLLL AAAAA A A A A A A A A A A A . A A A A A A A A A A A 4 A A A A AAAA ’ I I I ‘ ' 3; -4 >- 4 ’ -4 >- 4 ’ 7‘ < >- 4 ’ e -4 > 4 ' _ : . I I I 3 N0. 34. 66 Inches. $1-50 : ; No. 33, 66 inches, $1.50 I 5; -4 > 4 : -4 F" 4 V -4 >- 4 ’ “E. -4 > 4 : _;: 4 ,. ‘ ’ . -4 >- 4 _, .5. YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYVYY v vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv vvvvvv" """ " } ;j|i|||| j A;AAAAAAAAAAAAA'AAA ' j“ I I . = = 4 ’ 3 — : ) _‘ : : 6 F ‘J - . 4 . > ' . “V E No. 20, 66 inches, $1.50 E No. 28, 66 inches, $1.50 > No. 13, 66 inches, 1.50 ; _ ., 4 k > -3 - - = = * i ;: = = l D _ _ . . f_ IIIIIIF Vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv . 1016 Six Point Borders and Twelve Point Borders ; lllfllllllllllllllllHIIIIIIIHIIIIIIHHIIIIIIHIIIIIIIdlllllllil|l|l||l.l|||I|||Ei|||I|||;i|llI|||iillllllliillllllliillllllléilllg QlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIE § § E E g No. 243, 60 inches, $1.50 E E No. 209, 60 inches, $1.50 E E E 5.‘ E m Illllllllllllilllllllll|||I|||]l|||I|||2}|||I||l1|l||I|||Ellllllllélllllllli|l|lI||lli|||I|||‘EIIIIII|ii|||I|||i|l||I|llIlllllllllillfifi .-1:-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE ”£J_l!EiilHl!linHf};1iiffiEli‘IIii:H?L2iiI?!5§ii!!ijiIIHI5ilI1IiHllHiiiiif5Hi11Ilii§l§iilil?!!IlI|ll!!ilHHill|!!lliii!!5{5i3!!§ii31!lliilflifiijé /4. / E E 2/’ /4. = := // 5//» 1 1:? '52 No. 215, 60 inches, $1.50 E N 0. 207, 60 inches, $1.50 Q E ii ; 4 . // E E 7./.\\\~\\:\‘, _‘\‘. \ W‘ \ \\‘ V ‘ \~ .\\ \s V .~ \»\ \~ \~ - \. »\~ 4 \‘ \4Z/, E 1» m :-v, w 1 1 v 1, H -1 ‘vs I ‘ 1; H I :I H ' v fil!|Hl'.iill!hrlW‘W11‘N13:*?1.a:!{L1NW}Wt!“iitl!!%}W‘H11Hillllii;1HHllIIllllIlllllllllllliiillluliHill!llltlliillfifi c|____.,’§\"_.\':.\"""c.\:.\"\:.&'.\"\'.\'\\,c-‘L1 UJ I a ( TWELVE POINT BORDERS 4 .N°- 214 60 inches, $1.50 K 3)“-'4/-44 .9;/z“1J/Ziyg/z“z;/1 1 52°) 9’ K’. /3 ‘ -No. 1241 W 1» ‘( %?’C/Z 54 inches, $1.50 \ ‘G ) K? : No. 212 L ‘D 60 inches, ’ K/\ ’ K] ( 1: C [6] : L N o. 213 L « xfi .:§b‘£C:‘£CL_L01 . . s & - 54 inches, $1.50 ‘#3 I A, ,_ A ,_V._ ,.,.,.v,. A < > 5» L EE@E [& < > 5. No. 222 K ' ((3 t) No. 204 \ > I 60 inches, $1_5() [9 :> 60 inches, $1.50 ; “*3 .5 < > «i < > J. 0 E0 """"" No. 227 ) E 54 inches, $1.50 35 No. 251 60 inches, $1.50 No. 207, 54 inches, $1.50 IXIIIXIIKXXIXXXX Ixxxxxxxxxxx No. 245 60 inches, $1.50 3/2 5% No. 641 » egg 60 inches. $1.50 2/: £4 "9.’ V rs: ?/5 \ xuw? ,mm,, M ..,.,u“,,,,-mm '“ "‘ '‘€>»‘S>&«&€‘£‘»&»C‘&&&&C‘rC‘»8>rS‘»e>»i er No. 227 I . 1 N 0- 205 % 60 inches, $1.50 ' . ,2’ i : " 60 inches, $1.50 ' l \ 6 Point N0. 71 00 inches, $1.50 !OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVV 6 Point N0. 78 60 inches, $1.50 AAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVTVVVVVV Newspaper Borders 6 Point N0. 230 60 inches, $51.50 ,r....1. .l___l, 6 Point No. 235 60 inches, $1.50 I O I 8 Point No. 81 Q 60 inches, $1.50 - O I O Q>"o"o"o’7>"o"o"o"6 6 Point N0. 82 60 inches, $1.50 121111111? 6 Point N0. 80. 60 inches, $1.50 > 4 1 I 4,.» 1» 4: 1:» 4,» 0 0 Point No. 79 4’ 1') 6 Point No. 7:) 1!) {D 60 inches, $1.50 1’ 1'9 60 inches, $1.50 (*9 > 4 I a 1”» 1» 4’ 4”: 4 > AWAVAVAVAVAVAvAvAv‘vAvAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA n”3€iC”3C”:3:”:”:”:5C”:”:”:”:x:”:”:3 : 6 Point No. 258 60 inches, $1.50 '!,}’o"o‘3 '55‘3"3’33‘3‘3‘3‘5‘3"33‘3"3V3‘3V333"€’€5‘3"35"3(0 (9 (0 (Q 6 Point N0. 74 (O 60 inches. $1.50 (9 12 Point N0. 70 54 inches, $1.50 § 7 12 Point N0. 70 541 inches, $1.50 1 Cf>C..>f>(>f>C.1" f>~L”/(>0 r 6 Point No. .84 5 J 60 inches, 31.50 L C\’J4T\’J4,VJ<,‘ .... .... ... .. ..,.... , .., .,_.. - . - -:--'--.'.-.--°.%-=:'-9-:-2-2-:.-.-r--=-.-.°.%--:°-9--:-1-ah-:- '.-'- ._o_.,,,¢,,_.._.n. ,.a¢.Ooo.n. .I.ooOnu.O-.00. ..0o.lou.o. o - 12 Point N0. 73 54 inches, $1.50 6 Point N0. 259 00 inches, $1.50 C°,>L0)C0X'0 @,l@@>C5.)C°3©©(3>C° 0/.°3('0)C§)(!7<'9)@)f0Y§2"°? §)‘;°7@<3.>a’§X°7@'753 2 E E OOOOOOCOOOOOOOO: 6 Point N0. 231 60 inches, $31.50 6 Point N0. 77, 60 inches, $1.50 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOCOOO OOOOOOOOCOOOOOO a§;@©<75}<9)@©1mches, $1..) ‘fly 000 19¢’ coll 0" 000 09‘ can 00' -o: :::::::::::::::::::::::: 9 u - u o o o I o o o o n o o o u o n - u o u ¢ - o o O - ‘ 12 Point No. 232 54 inches, $1.50 > 3 7 \ j; T AVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVAVA Newspaper Borders 0f%Ly(>Ly(%Lyr>Q J 12 Point N0. 76 :34 inches, $31.50 6 On <26 <26 <1/4 0 "x'"!"§"§~§*§~§~§*§~§' 0000000000 9 9 0 0 ‘E’ 12 Point ‘U’ D 12 Point N0. 74 D (D) 54 inc-he , .1’ .50 ‘ .34 inches, $1.50 x 15?‘ ‘ ‘E’ Q Q L Q Q Q *wwwmmmwww@ 0000000000 9 12 Point N0. 75 54 inches, $51.50 G®®G@®@®G®GGGGg ?¥NNNNNNN&N&N» 12 Point No. 66 54 inches, $1.50 000000000090» ,_.: ft ,"-5 12 P0intN .2. D 54 inches, .' .:,' /\/\/'\/\/\/W/'\/\/W ’U€w€d000000000@ 0 12 Point . 67 54 inches, .50 0 33903330000330 00900000003-.-. 00 000000000 12 Point .81 :34 inche , .50 000000000 % % 0000000000 12 Point N0. 84 54 inches, $1.50 @000 0000000000 12 Point N . 54 inches, Q‘ .5’ 12 Point No. 77 inches, $1.50 ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©§ ©©©©©©©©©©©©©©© -C —{ —‘ ~( { ‘ i —{ —< —{ -i “f 4 —{ ._‘ —( —{ ‘{ ~{ ~{ —‘ ~i —{ ..‘ Vii?iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 12 Point N0. 64 54 inches, $1.51) fimmmmmmmm 177188ltkllklttlttltkllk181168181 V 12 ’ ' tN0.6&~’ 54' ' es,$1.50 1019 gmmnvn 4 SKZKN 12 Point N . ‘. 54 inches, . YCNBNERRZXQ 12 Point ’ . 62% 5-1 in(.'.he.‘, ., .50 Newspaper Borders }. 18 Point N0. 18 ,_( 18 Point No.21 ' 18 Point No. 19 )-.» 36 inches, $1.30 _( 36 inches. $1.30 36 inches, $1.30 .” -—‘ }-— ~( Wiiiiifliiiiik ‘V\ 18 Point No. 7, 36 inches. $41.30 18 Point No. .3, 36 inches, $1.30 E-3§;»:“%%§-;§”§-3§§'?§‘i’°§§”2“‘E*2>”°,§%§5,E O//1 6"“. 18 Point N0. 24 18 Point No. 23 18 Point No. 22 3 36 inches, $1.30 V 36 inches, 531.30 36 inches. $1.30 O/ofifkfl 18 Point N0. 16, 36 inches, $51.30 6 .. . @@Q3@@Cé3 @ 18PointNo.13 G,‘ 36 inches, $1.30 k~ @@@@@@ is giiiiiviiiiiiiiiiiig 18 Point No. 4 36 inches, $1.30 24 Point No. 2, 36 inches, $1.65 ‘ 24 Point N0. 3, 36 inches, $1.65 o o t o Q U O I Q O o 0 Q O o O Q O Q I o I u I ¢ O | O Q I O O 0 a ICC O O O C C O C O C O O O O O C O C O O O O O C O C O O COCO OOOCCCCCCCCCOCCCOCCC.....CC.OCOCO0' O OOOOOOOOOOCOOCOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOCCO0" ..... . g . g . 9 g g . . . g . g . . g g . --0000000OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooo-- . '._o,--,: : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2 : : : : :. --no Coon 0 ' «-00 00-» Ou.'.': "DOC 24 Point No. 4, 36 inches, $1.65 .0000 .0000 24 Point N0. 5, 36 inches, $31.65 '3... ..OOo ..OOo §WWWWWWWW 36 Point No. 1, 24 inches, $1.65 flumummmmmm 1020 Typotect Borders and Linear Borders §">4' K>3 V 1 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 K NEH xw V VP———— 1 1 V ,‘. . ;‘ L L [‘ " [,1 ‘x ‘ v ‘I @> TYPOTECT BORDER No. 1 Characters in Complete Font QJJQJQJIHIIHIINHIllIIIHHIllIllIIllIllIllIHIHIIIIWWHHJJIIWilli)!!!HWWHIHIHHHIIJHHH Hllllll|HiHH llllllllfllIIIHII|l|UWI|Nl!ll|HHlll!l|fl|llllllfmlillllllllfllIIHWIIWI|I3HlIIIIIIIllII!IIINHIIJHIIIHIIIIJHWHIIIIHHIIIIIHUHWWIIJI[LE %%lIIIIHEH!IIIll1IlllliilllftllillilllllilHIIIIHIIIHIIIIHINIHIIHIIIIllllllllléwwivrIWHllQ!Iwill1IIélwllliblllwWWH1IHIWIIIHIIllIHHIHIIIllIHHHIIHJIHHIIllilllllllllllllllllllg _ gllllllllllllllllllllHillH!I!HHllIHIiIllIHIIIIHIIIIIHIIIIIHllliIIHIIIIHI[HIllHNHllHIHHIlllIHIIHIllHillII{HIl||lll||H||HHl!Hl|HIHIIIH||IIH||llllllllllllllllllllllg _ ‘ § glllllillllllllilllHI"!HHHIIIIIIHIHHIilllllllillllllIHIHHl|l||lHI!|Hllll|H|HH||lHHIHHHIHHIIHIIIIIII1 HHH!1IIllllllillllllllllllllllg § _§ LINEAR BORDER No. 2 — — E E W umunHummm:mtughmuunnlmmmmmr %'lHHlIIIHHHIIIHHHIIIIHIIHlllilllllillllll"Hill!|:i[I!m;lI'IHIIllH'|'}l|!W;;l|Illl|lil|lIiIHHIHHH||l|HH _ fllllllifilillllillli!HiI5lUlIli!HiHHlll!ililHili|illl!lHlillIIIlfSII1!]Iil5IHII1HiI5!IHIIIHilfillil||!||l§|lHlliHHlH|i!|lill|lHl|iHHllHHHII|lHi!11%llIHH!lHH||H}|I||lE:% %%R”1u ' 8 )-()'-()-()i()-().( No. 79 nunnamuaifi Gilli»)!!! No. 85 u No.9!) §‘KXI>XI*Xl>l'l>II>fln*XI>fl-fl>§ fl No. 83 K a ) No. 88 ( a , : 2 I! n ) : g ( E E 0 3 : E < E . 9 E n 3 I N , E ( ‘* R z 1 xi 1!; A\ 0. l : O n 3 ) : U. \ ) E ( E E *5 It : E 2 5 2 H 3 : 2 R «antiI:nuI1IxI1itnnniuuuxnnnnxnnxrnnnnnxnlniifl n ) fimxmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmc} No. >42 g ) N0. NT Nu. -*4-‘1 HHHHHHIINQ §~>/'\/"K/'\f'\f'\/"K No. 89 /'\/‘'\f'\/'\/‘\/'\ N0. 3:’) II>Xl>Xl-H-XI'Xl>II-H-G O No.41 o"oi2n2n:o:i ijojta Q)? i)<1)ai><:>'; the next lar- 9:9 E K '3‘ ger size the single characters ’:° '3' are 18 points long0C> and '3' :8: the double characters are :8: .-'z« .2-'z—2«=.~;~s'~;~;-5'-;~ :2 o‘« 35 P°‘"*S “mg °C>°‘>: 3o it, ,1! Q .3. the third size characters .3. ‘iv: all Q 930 are 24 points C1} and 9:9 ‘in <3‘ G 9:9 48 points cicl 39 ‘ _ 9 ‘E: g :3: long respectively. In the :3: : No, (51 a 3 fourth size single characters 3 '9 C4. 0 .0 Oz. '5 cl‘ .3. only are fonted, the length ., 1;, 9',‘ .§. being 30 points 1; .§. ‘L: J. 0:0 in the largest size each char- 9:0 1;’ ‘ix 9° acteris36pointsO '3‘ ~ ..1.1.'1.'1.'1.'1.' ,3, . 1 h .. N VI R I! ‘t. In engt . .z. 8 0. Oz. 9.09:00:00:co:09:«:oo:«:oo:«:»:«:«:«:«:oo:«:»:«.¢ No.63 No. 62 ‘3§¢‘3§I~’§¢’§I$' ‘ ~‘l.o!§o§¢ s§«§¢o‘i: ’ 3 3 " g _ _ i C ‘ N(_) H 3 N0. 31 5 W ‘ ‘ _ I C ‘. $091331‘ $133133‘ ’ Q Q ’ vi l l .- t§a§o§¢$§¢-i- i»-~--~--~-«i. ~1- ‘K<1)<1)<1><1><1><3t><1>c§ No. 42 D(-)(§D(jGD1)((D1)((Di(1D(-)(1 No. 4-1 i>c:>cio<:><0.0> ODOCHTHTHCOCHTHCIOCOE N0. 59 No. 54 SIX POINT PANEL BORDERS §'|—1un-N—71nn——nn~_;_; Per Font» 60 inches» $1-50 uxcasesnszczstazzczx ’0. ‘) 1 V . .._.. glllllllllllllDIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIIIIIII[D Q NM" Q ;-- .., _ V . ( 2 ::;c§c8es3=::a::ouos'.*: "' No. 2:4 = = N"'1 ) = No_ 13 =._ | ‘M _ I _ 'f_-_' 9:mmmmummuunuummnnrg g Q Q . . Q Q = = inn-—v |||| no‘; = E g E No. R E E Q 0 OcoII<:IrII:IrIcIIIt:Iu13O O Q I i i I § E OEOIIIIIIIIIIIII nu ml IKJIIIIIIIIIIIIKOEO E -g Q n 6 Q =2 E = = = E E Q Q Q Q No. 2b = *8 g E \ E g 2 No. 16 = ‘I. E 71 E ;V’().‘; E F E I I i | Q 2 = Q = - = = Q : 3 Q = | I = E E 9.02"" ml I I mmmn II I un lll0.0 E E ! O.OICIII:JlIOIIOI~Il3I-0-0.0 5 "" : 5 E = n = No.27 ' ' I E " No.7 ' E Q No.17 Q ‘h‘§"'5* IINTI-Izll ‘fill-—-ll; SJIIIIIIIIIIIIIQ JIIIIIIIIIIIIE GJIIIIIIIIIIIIIS ll-“ $3 33%.: 0- 3 N0. 9 0. 19 n***A&A § °I*iii°!° :C°(°C°(°{°C°C°C°°J°)°}°}: No. 25 N0. :3 . N0-15 . 3 n o§oc:::o<::>-§- Q PGC-0C-€°€°€°¢°°3°>°>-1! Q N0. 21’; N(), 3 ¢ 2 No.13 2 6 ifiauauanauuanarf 0 0 ¢ é Qfoc-ooooooooooc? 6 ¢ 5 0 6 2 E 3 “-‘ “ Q as 3 as vb . 0 0 4: e No. 21 E 3 No.1 0 ¢ 3 N0. 11 3 6 ‘ 9 . 3 3 . 9 3 S Q 9 Q Q ~:v ~:» Q ? 00O00(‘0O0~)£ 3 3 i "““*"'*W‘VWVW'r~r~¢% 0 3 ? #00 3 ¢ '.' . . a**¥¥Wvwwvwvvwwv¥W§ °§0<=:><:c><:o::>‘i° Q 3 £""""°“§“"1")""""""& 3 N .22 J .2 . 0- ‘~ . “W 0 No 9 v C VVVVVY OYYYVVYG 0!‘- §‘ hC'(‘(°(' ('\$'(]'1" """"‘ No.2-1 No. -'1 1 "- ‘M Qjfijfiqjfijfija N(,_ 50 N0. =10 3"~" ~- - ~ :: : : : .12 g g ' ' :x:o..4s ' 2; 5 I I No-3* U U 1: g ‘E g V ' oi-—~ ' V Q . .. . | | I g N 1 ' fl ! No if) 1: I K 0 h I ' i ' § *2‘ =:= 3 . .1. . I g I 5 1: | | It 35”“ I - rr. :: :2 : : "3 Q I G — , ._ - H N(,_ 47 I I\o. 3: N0. A19 mam‘): :3 N0. 39 C: 3: Ll ()2C:‘)> @@©©@@@@@% 12 Point N0. 6, Open ® W @ ® 54 inches, @ ‘@@@@©@@@© i+++++++ :34 inches, $1.51) 0 OOOOOOOOOOOOCOO éflidididfdfdfidfié Art Borders 3flJ.$-'ps?oJ.~?o~?--io-?v-!--!-i-!--?o-?-~k@ ‘! "3flf516*1fl1‘>1’9>1€??515’1rY%1fi‘.16’35" *3??? I ° 0 \0§O & J. 91: .3 6 Point No. 3%, Tint 1;. ‘fix 61) inches, $1.50 '1‘ 3° %$m$mm¢m$$$¢¢x .9... 6 Poin 1 ). R, Tint 31 6111 7 es, $1.:3() a"‘T“S“T“i“i“8“8“i‘$‘5‘$‘8"i"i"1"i‘$$'-’\ E 12 P ' No. 1 xox 31!! X0)! 119! 54in « ~, $1.50 19! X9! XOX OOOOOOOCOOOOCO3 Qdfidiikifdidfidhé 12 Point N0. 7, Tint 12 Point No. 5, ' :34 inches, 9:31..’ ;wmmwwmmm% 12 Point No. 4, Open _ 5-1 inches $1.50 12 Point No. 4, "' 5-1 inches, ¢¢¢¢¢0¢¢¢ 9&9 ‘ ,» W A I» ,1 <:§;c>C§fOX*q© 12 Point No. 8, Open T ' ches .50 cu)»/" ' ‘-5) J ,. ., /1 ‘\ ,9 _ IL » ‘ ‘ Point ‘-‘ix fig’, 1 . 3, Open ' 7+3’ r ' . . 733' M .)4 inches .- >1S1.:')() ‘ 2 \ .1 35 ,9 y. :‘ ,\: EEEE 11111 44444» fi4+++++++++u E3333 3 25;”? ' %.:»?/11%, 3%: 1:,31§%§E(” 12 Point No. 3, Tint :34 inches, $1.51) ‘44444444 '4 : o£.:v;:;.‘f_x , .2 7‘ _ \ ‘ K1 Q 12 ' t No. H, ' ' F ' ches, $1.? 0 O O C V 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 ¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢ 4444444444 a ¢ ¢ 0 9 ¢ ¢ ¢ 0 9 ¢ swwwwwwmww fi???++?++i % nexfiosnurgos nucfios /M39» I¥I§\9s 12 ’ t ..21 34' - es, .' .50 $>$%$>$>$>$> 12 ' t No. 12 54' , es, $1.50 9 4 6 4% ¥“6‘EIif‘'€‘§,hLf“-C‘§I*Lf‘€‘§1’if‘€‘fihL* m eeeeeeeee @%:@&%@@&@ E3‘ 1% xmmm * % 151$ g fl y/--\ - a/--\ ‘' o ¢,mm%§%m $%®$%®%®$$ m%@§%%@§%m §ss1m1m1aa1m1m1ea1m1e<»1e1§ %e911w21e91%s&1 ' No. 9 H; L $ 216 in -, $1.311 L__’rnr37s ._\‘i; 1;\gC3 P 12 ' t No. 11 , 54 ' - es, $1.51) ~ ,:1,J/1.'a; 7' ,4‘ «311'zE$§‘;=:‘->‘fl ‘V , ~\’\_1 ' // ; . § "\1\ 5 . & 3/‘/’I\ , 18 1’ t No. 11 gg 18 4’ t N0. 1% gg ma ) 31;, r. es, $1.30 gg :;}«;. i ,~g1_:;n gg // '1 14 _. \.§ J1 MWMMMW Art Borders 18 Point No.7, ' . 3b'inc.hes, COUCH: %%%%%%%% fié iiéé 24 Point N0. 25, 36 inches, %%%%%%%% 24 Point No. 24, 36 inches $1.65 °9 69 G0 G0 G0 G0 G9 6 %%%%®%%% 2-1 Point N0. 20, 36 inches, $1.65 x:*>?m9?m?m?c&5 %gimwWWwW,§ %%ww%%m& &¢¢¢¢$ ‘} §Z§.‘1?}i‘:,N;’i $3 C‘ & “ é $¢@@@$ %%%%%%%% 24 Point N0. 19, 36 inches, $1.65 Wfififififlfifi mmmmmmmfi 24 Point No. 18, 36 inches, $1.65 W %MMM%%%% 00000000 24 Point N0. 7 Tint, 36 inches, $1.65 c%%?>?@?>?69%?69%?6’%i?6’

    ?€§é <%2WmmWmW,% ‘%<9&Q><955<9’&‘%5<95‘¥’>&’59><‘9Z$9>%% Qfififififlfig 24 Point No. 15, 36 inches, $1.65 E EEMEEEEE 36 Point No. 24 inches $1.65 ?¥a':5%§':>%§'93=>§':‘%¥2 9% §%$Zé':§%$5éu£>u£>u£>u£91§ %%%®%*%%W$%%%®$W%%fi§: {:4- E 11) Point No.17, :34 inches, $1.40 E: X‘ %* 4? %W%*%%W$*%%®$*%€F%~% LA ‘mu .._)\ ’ )\ ‘ A ‘ax 1:2‘ '2‘ ' A ',,.>\ '.)x ' A ' A 1.2‘ '2‘ f /\ ‘.2, '¢“'\ ')\ §??¢§? §§??§??§ g??? 6 5 5 e 5 §&&?&&©&&?&§&&?% Q 6 Point No.18, 60 inches, $1.530 g Oéfléfiéfléfléfiéfléfiéfléflg %$$$$$33$$$3$$$$$3$: g §2E2E2E2E2E2E2 § 2 $%§b§%9 Q 3 211 E: :@x Q: E E 1 N R :3 [g 6 Point 8: 5) $3 In No: .11 gs (5 :1 in. (a :3 .$1_:)1) Q3 3 $11 Q: g ® x Q 3 i E %§q§Q§Q$ Q 3 2 fl @ 8 w @2@2@2E2@2E2@2 Q 3 6 Point N0. :45 g :3 60 inches, $1.50 3 ififififfififiiiffifififififfifi 6 Point No. 34, (51) inches, $1..‘')() 14 Point No.19, 42 inches, $1.50 ¥????¥???3????¥??¥ Old English Borders m®&mm@© a W, §} 12 Point N0. 20 :3-1 inches $1.50 66 auaaan» Qkaaaaa @§@9@9@9@9@9 ‘7 «Men» Cfl§WQ9@$W§mD 12 Point N0. #4, :34 inches, $91.51) evcfifl es §H§§%@%§§H§%%@%§§% O éf 10 Point No.12, :34 inches, $1.40 W $3 % £3 fifififififififififififi Qfifififi f §” % g 9/ Ehkhkhhhkhhhhhhhhhtg &) l 3 z 6 Point No. 4, (51) inches, $1.50 :3 t 3 uaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa ~. \. O¢¢C>JC>JC>¢C>JC>¢O (5 Point N<).32,6(1 inches, $1.:3() §xxxxxx- 1 »xxwaax' QQGG@QQQQQQ@QQQ€GQg Q G 0 ® 8 (3 Point N0. 11, 6!) inches, ."$1..3H ((3 8 8 GSGEEQSQBEQEEEEBEBBQ 1026 0 12 Point N0. 28 :34 inches, $1.50 CD EkIMDDOCKNig 5K§K§K§K§K§K§K§K§K§E $1 7% Q f :44 12 Point No. 6 Q r "*m"7 ’ :4,‘ )11n(hcs, ‘>1. >11 ,5): § 5 % w v €é«»3§3§3$352$3§Z§%§ 9 9 9 V 9 O 9 9 O O Q rag cm’) ch? 0;? cap cw? «ma emu on? egg 0”? gr? 0%? (‘A’) 0;‘) V («A3 ’ ll) Point No. :3, :34 inches, $1.40 ' cm/2 cap Cg? 0;‘? 9 V V 9 9 9 9 V O 9 9 «L1 egg 0*? omo 0&9 oma any emu 0”? cm? om’) emf) @%%%fi%fi%%fifi%%% % % 14 Point No.13, 42 inches, $1.50 % % fl¥¥¥¥%¥¥¥¥¥¥¥% @kQ!QhQ!@Q&GhQkQh@g 9 6 Point N<).1:3, 61) inches, 551.5!) ((3 9 0 £8fl8333838@R83®fl83®3 -s k 0 8 G G fl G -s §&%®%&%&%@%&%&%&%&%§ £ §O€O€C6060606§ g g 3 §%%%%%%§ g § 533 §3§ g S §%%%%%%§ g g 6 Point Nu. 2%, 60 inches, $1.431) Old English Borders >34 >34 34 34 >34 34 >34 34 34 34 >34 >34 >34 >34 34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 34 D - .V : >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >34 >‘;4 :3 D - '5 -.4 : 5:, >34>34€4>34>34>34>34€4>34>34>34>34>34>34>34£4€34§4>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>34>§ 3‘ ‘A’ ~:- I5 3. {4 A’ ., . . . - '5 .‘ .2 5:. b Pomt No. 26, 60 mches, $1.50 .2‘ ‘z. ‘ .2 '1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1‘ 9. 4 .2. : >54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54>54 : '. ..° 0 . . . O O C C C O O O I C O C O O O C C C C C O C C C C C O O ‘ s 5‘ >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 y. 8 Point No.24, 54 inches, $1.35 ‘ 34 >54 >54 >54 >5 54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >54 >5 >54 >54 12 Point No. 21, 54 inches, $1.50 ’.'/®T\"-‘DZ/®Ev'3Z®@ @ @fl~'5£/@®@® 18 Point No. 27, 36 inches, $1.30 0370 0‘? {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 30 {>30 >30 {>30 >30 >30 >30 >30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>3 $7 8 {$30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 >30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 {>30 >30 {>30 {>30 (50 Do’. ‘>6 ‘Z0 570 [)9 DZ. [{;€o»?0»?qu°?q{§?w?..{§?w?w?w?w?w‘?g»?w?w?03:2.. . .20 8 0 ’ 1:53 (3 {>95 DE. =3 go -50 D9. 02. Q; 6 Point No.25, 60 inches, $1.50 3 90 (70 5 2 Ca . 8 {>°- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :2: 0 D6 D8 Q0f>a<](>a<1Da0%OOoO%GDa0%QDa0%ODQGDQGDOG(>00(>a<]Q§[>00(>00(>00(>a<}(>a<3(>00(>00DOG(>00l>a<}(>a<'l!>a5<1{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50{>50 570 8 Point No. 23, 54 inches, $1.35 6 ‘>c'§1i>50 {>50 {>50 {>5 {>50 {>50 50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>5 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>50 {>° 12 Point No. 22, 54 inches, $1.50 18 Point No. 10, 36 inches, $1.30 Do 0 O O O O O O O O O O O O 0 § § 1 0% E E E E ....,® 0 ‘%‘%”?3*‘?”$ 6 12 Point No. 2, 54 inches, $1.50 0 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 0 E} E} E E} O O O O § § § ( O O O O O O O O fififififififififlfififififififii ‘%§&&&&&&&&&&&&&&&%%££%££%Z‘.££fiifififiifi E?) 5:3 %@@@@@@@%@@@@@@@% Oint No. 14 36 inches $165 ’ ’ ’ 1027 ”@@@@V § @@@@% m D A *'U Laurel Borders and Laurel Borders No. 2 wwwwwwwwwwwwww», wwwwwwwwwwwnwww 1% ma £7 x In: . . ma ”« ,.\ .3 MW -. 9 aw svx JV 1 Ha /...\ mom %. gm» ., @.®.. .0, “W .\x.. V. .. H” .. \y > » «N. .. W9”. «.1 \ 7/ w 5 /.\ % \a . Vfl 0 g » .., .: \\ .. ,« C . % » .0... av. Kw 4 .,, .. \., :1 W“ 4‘ 1.: 5% .0? .. $7.... g. “W at H«“ < 4\ A7 \.O./ 2 .. . mo; 2 sm /T .. ,.f .. .. ...... mo/U o M- ...Qf : .., < 1: A? N 0 § M” m. .. /z .. .\.w “.3. 4‘ . . . . % W... m M Va 9 am. Wow ... .3 xt. .. 4“... < 4\ $5 $5 M W .. xi M” fly $5 \., U: C %.m R av- vs» A7 M” H . w.\\.\. .. am. ,...\ 1.: \% afl. m av _ “W R .. 3 I “Wm ... . . . . M gfi m m $3 .0 . .3 U a 4‘ 1 \ . P R a K1 “W M M \..., :1 av ,..\ .. .. $7.. U .. gfl % M, C \...,.. fl ,«. ,...\ 4‘ $7 % M C .. gf. .0. aw M” \..., , H.“ e .. .. gy .. gfl y. > .<. M. ,...\ 4‘ gfl % .. % as M” ? .\\..\ H” < I.‘ 5% g, E\.\.. M” Jr ..., .\\.\ H« < . . > % MW. ....%.. .9 SR. .,.,,, X . e I ,,\.\. ,...\ /.\ . . % “WW /ma 2 NO. .0 WWW. ..H,/,.mmmmm.mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmv w ,,..\.\ 1.‘ % E .u\00.\.h\00.\.fi\00.\..\v.;\u.fififi.\I.fi5? A7 mV..A\vw\vw\u.Nvw\vH®® \ . . Strathmore Borders %7é £37‘. ' V41’ V war '-*k(,,v ‘mv v w [CC-KQKIK-‘Z33 E2?) M U4 70: mi % 24 P.oint No$ 2401 ‘ 24 Point Noé 2406 M -A 36 Inches, 1.65 V d.‘ 36 mches, 1.65 V‘ ‘ V) 1% :01 .30! (‘:5 r ‘D DI; CE§]E; ‘D [‘:> ¢n‘g;iwr *-1rgr' *’r'-;.wr'—1.\ LK»%%%CE1c_é_%é§zT1E@4 §.Q..a1'E‘z,..§«s’2.‘$I’J2 §)@3‘%@% %@Eh ac. ti. , 1§J2:‘;1f.3:°$:fi§31 @-E 1§J2:1‘;‘:J:‘;f.§3“ 6% 361?] 53? r GTE) [rs] « .~ W"/=5".-Ar-‘F*‘ 'ef-"/'""”=5"«‘\ r «£14 c§»_v1T75&%4 9162 24 Point No, 2403 24 Point No. 2402 K Qjfifii ] [fi 36 inches, $1.65 7 Fr‘ % 36 iniches, $1.65 V <1 @6>;@/2 @4661 : 1%}: 1,1915% 9 V L. .41 L. A N 1:;::‘:;.:::.:23 gag 1:;:::;::°1:::::2 g':@; 636» 6-66 5%/>>?@@:% @<2fi<<6~® :@::X@: 16116:: : ‘ @3@:: :1@:: @::@ 66 >2 M M V . Q5 12 point NO_ 1203 12 Pomt No. 1202 @@@ QN 54 inches, $150 54 inches, $1.50 J @@@; QQ 166 7 ‘ V VV 7'‘? ~yz@ @V @<® @::@:;@:@;: 1@:X<6>:@:® 1029 Adtype Borders and Brockton Borders §}#€%%§%%§%%§%§%%§i 12 Point N0. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 1 5 1 1 8 Point N0. 1, 54 inches, $1.3-3:") %€€€€ 14- Point N0. 1, 42 inches, $51.50 1 V 10 Point N0. 2, 54 inches, $1.40 Characters in Complete Font :8 0 s 3,’ 53 3! 3% ' €€ N 5 3 3’- l 2 ‘ 4 -3 6 7 fl «%gggg%g$ ) I) 5 ’ 4 (5 3 . 33. $2 2% 8 Point N0. 3, 54 inches, $1.35 6 Point N0. 3, 60 inches, $1.50 O O O O '27‘ Ch: fifififififififififififi 12 Point N0. 2, 54 inches, $1.5() fififififififififififififififififlfiflfififififlflflfififlfififl 35 18 Point 6 inches ‘£1 30 :25.-"3.-">.<7E.-'2:-‘..-‘DEE.-'3"-.3.-"3 535 C"-.r’e'<.-'<.-"'e"e'é'<'-'.’e'€<'-.5. E55 1’Io1nt, .)41n(hcs ‘s1 0 ‘ ’ W szs.=,;-‘.2329:-:s3‘:~‘-.:sf-.::-‘:':::‘. 5:: 55555:-:;'s;=s5;'e;=;'ss:s W W ‘ l ‘” 6 Point, 60 inches, $1.50 ‘" ‘ I , w 35 135 w , ‘ ) W m BROCKTON BORDERS w W ‘ I o :3: :0; Ch-zffacters inrgfmplete Eont \ it ,, V 1 ‘=1’ . _ 53% iii 5:} g; g; 1U’(ii:’e1i“:l.(('lt:‘.(Ii‘S1(:én(.nZgf):1lil£b ;,g 5:; 5:} 2'-==2==========2 = - 555’-'5;':-:s*_~':'-:s..=.:.-'55:’-.ii§ (03 g (.3 IO} m ‘ ‘=‘-.=,.-‘:.-‘:.‘-:.=..‘-:.=,.=..=:.=..=>.=..-‘: 55555;’:-.':-res:-zsssssezs m 1()P()1nt linches ‘b1 10 Beacon Borders, Klondike Borders and Newspaper Border I I I [ll LJJJDELI I LI u BEACON BORDERS 24 Point, GA $2.50 Font contains Caps, and 30 each thick and thin spacing blanks I Extra blanks, large size, per font of 36 inches, $1.65 I I 18 Point, 10A $2.00 I Font contains (Taps, and 28 thin and 30 thick spucim: blanks Extra blanks, large size, per font of 36 inches, $1.30 D DDDDDEDDDD Hflfl flfllivlflflfl /.3]/Eflflflflflgflfilj/E] ilLI_]@llEJLflJ|__ZJHLEJLQ_JElillI can llfl I ll W 18 Point, 36 inches, $1.30 KLONDIKE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 36 Point, 24 inches, $1.65 ' — "— X> (X NEWSP R BORDER No. 119 18 i , 36 inches, $1.30 Characters in Complete Font z> ' ‘-' J 1 Q 9 3 4 :3 .. ’TTjTT'TT: Q 1031 Navajo Border, Primrose Borders and Monotone Borders ;\\Y//I£\\\‘Z//L\\V'///.R\W'//E.\\\‘////A\\V T \ A‘?! D a\\.'/ 5 NAVAJO BORDER Characters in Complete Font //..\}\'/ 12 Point No. 238, 54 inches, $1.50 {( (kt.-rnc I A1 1/; 6 K 2 T T /A\\'J//A\\\'//fl_.\\\'// /fl.\\\‘//&\\W'// I7.\\‘ 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 PRIMROSE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font / 1032 E] I I D SIX POINT MONOTONE BORDER No. 1 ® ® ® 60 inches $1.50 ® ® ® [| " 7<7: I] I 4 I I L 4 El _. . — . —- Cl Cl D J \ Cl U C] D D Characters in Complete Font D D B if :><>i jii MC QC D 16 12 14 10 15 :)C>C : I: C: U I". — I C K .__ 9 8 7 11 13 1 2 3 4 5 6 SIX POINT MONOTONE BORDER No. 2 60 inches $1.50 Characters in Complete Font Z. .- - C C i T i - - - -. 16 12 14 10 15 El Ion M 1 1 1 I I I | 4 - E] D I] 9 s 7 11 1:; 1 2 3 4 6 [3 D D D U \ Forusc:1:~' tint with No.1 A U D D ._ I 7“ I -"" l l I I2] fl I 4 [W] ORIGINATOR AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY DESIGNER _ l.—- E] I 4 [J Tabard Borders 36 Point No. 3607 24 inches $1.65 30 Point N0. 3007 24 Point No. 2407 36 inches $1.65 0 C O 323' 18 Point No. 1807 36 inches $1.30 0 O C O E§ZE§kAE§5Z§§kAE§§§E 12 Point No. 1207 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 3609 24 inches $1.65 %%%%% 30 Point No. 3009 24 inches $1.35 %%%%%% 24 Point No. 2409 36 inches $1.65 ¥%¥%¥%#%¥%¥% ¥% 18 Point No. 1809 36 inches $1.30 fifififififififififi §§§§%###m#a£§§§ 36 Point N0. 3611 24 inches $1.65 EEQEE 30 Point No. 3011 24 inches $1.35 ©@@@@@ 24 Point No. 2411 36 inches $1.65 EEEEEEEEEEEE §§ 18 Point No. 1811 36 inches $1.30 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE 12 Point No. 1211 54 inches $1.50 &&E 36 Point No. 3608 24 inches $1.65 O C Q C O C Q C Q " C O o O a O 4 Q 4 Q g 24 inches $1.35 <=EE§&7E§§:5 30 Point No. 3008 24 inches $1.35 SEEEEEEEEEEE 24 Point No. 2408 36 inches $1.65 CKDCKECKECKDCKE €E§§5Ex 13CXm3c> 36 Point N0. 3610 24 inches $1.65 QWWWWV 30 Point No. 3010 24 inches $1.35 Qbflbflbdbflbflb 24 Point No. 2410 36 inches $1.65 49494942494? 49 18 Point N0. 1810 36 inches $1.30 QVQVQVQVQVQVQDQVQVQV 12 Point No. 1210 54 inches $1.50 *4W12119119111211!/db~ilas!!a~!b§1b§!WiaSW9 F Th‘ 5 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 3612 24 inches $1.65 Borders No. 3612, No. 3012, No. 2412, No. 1812 and No. 1212 are cast six points thick and may be used in combination with the various Tabard or other borders T : 30 Point No. 3012 24 inches $1.35 I 24 Point No. 2412 36 inches $1.65 Ty fl 18 Point No. 1812 36 inches $1.30 fly hp- 54 inches $1.50 -of -i l 12 Point No. 1212 1033 Bewick Borders 36 Point No. 61 24 inches $1.65 30 Point No. 61 24 inches $1.35 I 24 Point N0. 61 36 inches $1.65 18 Point N0. 61 36 inches $1.30 12 Point No. 61 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 65 24 inches $1.65 WWWWW 30 Point No. 65 24 inches $1.35 WWWWWW 24 Point N0. 65 36 inches $1.65 WWWWWW W 18 Point No. 65 36 inches $1.30 WWWWWWWWWW 12 Point No. 65 54 inches $1.50 WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 36 Point No. 68 24 inches $1.65 30 Point No. 68 24 inches $1.35 24 Point No. 68 36 inches $1.65 18 Point No. 68 36 inches $1.30 6’ 96? ‘id’ $5’ $5’ ‘hi if ‘*6’ %$ ‘Pea? 9! %%%%%% fififi 12 Point No.68 54 inches $1.50 ?%°‘§%"%‘%"%"%"%”%‘°'»%‘°'%"%"%"%"%"% I 1034 36 Point No. 71 24 inches $1.65 ®®®@ 30 Point No.71 24 inches $1.35 ®®®@® 24 Point No. 71 36 inches $1.65 WQWQWQWQWWQ $9 18 Point No. 71 36 inches $1.30 @@®®®@@@@@ 12 Point No. 71 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 66 24 inches $1.65 99999 30 Point No. 66 24 inches $1.35 999999 24 Point No. 66 36 inches $1.65 9999999 18 Point No. 66 9 12 Point No. 66 36 inches $1.30 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 70 24 inches $1.65 24 Point N0. 70 36 inches $1.65 18 Point No. 70 ~ 36 inches $1.30 fifififififififififi 12 Point No.70 54 inches $1.50 Chap-Book Borders 36 Point No. 54D 24 inches $1.65 3333 30 Point No. 54D 24 inches $1.35 333333 24 Point No. 54D 36 inches $1.65 333333 3 18 Point No. 54D 36 inches $1.30 3333333333 54 inches $1.50 18 Point N0. 10-] 36 inches $1.30 3333333333 3333 18 Point No. 1J 36 inches $1.30 * x x x 18 Point No. 3J 3333333333 18 Point No. 4J 36 inches $1.30 \ \ 18 P°int No. 5J 36 inches $1.30 3333333333 18 Point No.6 36 inches $1.30 § 5 '3 I‘ § '4 '5 gr Q I "0 » - - . . . 'I. s“ W" '85‘! 7*?‘ |‘~“ 1 P89‘! \'~"r'I CH‘! rs’ '1 r " 1 r " -3 r " w r ‘'%w ._ ,.§\\(‘z:::,. (($32)) 0 ((1: :3)‘ 33))‘; ”(i‘¢;\“.5'I(3;\“ ‘fig, ,~\ ‘.9/-,‘,\\~‘ ‘In \x‘ ‘I: .\\ 3 ‘nu ‘\\\§.‘%"\\\§."Il"\\\§.‘W¢“\ . on « cl L ¢“$ 49., 5‘; 49”’; §‘:‘.:'£ sf,’ ”e§*‘ ‘'05 .\\‘Q I In, \\\"l1 \\\.w \\ .11! ‘\\~ «..~ 3 0- .. -I 0- «.3-I L¢__$4 3.2;.) L254 o. 34 O M‘ O ‘i ‘Q a " -I I-&.=‘~ 3f’e_,s‘3 ‘l:'%__$‘.‘;"'L’&_3‘3 %\rQ\”r9 Q Q‘ @336?“ ._‘Q'@‘.'@"". :37’. fig’: ‘' ;o39ig°@?§¢9“e§3¢9°e3¥i5°@33i. 9. . . A l\ 12 POW No. 6J 54 inches $1.50 3@@@@@@3 12 POW No. U 54 inches $1.50 3 3 1035 36 Point No. 52D 24 inches $1.65 3333 30 Point No. 52D 24 inches $1.35 24 Point No. 52D 36 inches $1.65 18 Point N 0. 52D 36 inches $1.30 0 o o o o o o o o fi3n.~ 3333 54 inches $1.50 0 O O O 0 0 18 Point No. 11J 36 inches $1.30 3333333333 (‘V lP(,%S'-ll L1-.,.-4'... "iI=-"-‘IT’ Fir-"%w‘1 18 Point No. 7J 36 inches $1.30 3333333333 18 Point No. 8J 36 inches $1.30 E£3%$%$%&% 18 Point No. 9J 36 inches $1.30 18 Point No. 13J 36 inches $1.30 fififififigfifififi 36 inches $1.30 18 Point No. 14J 54- inches $1.50 12 Point No. 8J &BO93@aSB8BSBS Q 6 Point No. 1J @flfl$¥¥WmW 6 Point No. 2J [___,..___/. i .__/ L 60 inches $1.50 14'; 44 4u):4|;x4§‘dx L 6 Point No. 3J 60 inches $1.50 @@@E@@@E@@@@@@@@@@E@@@@K&@%N@@ 6 Point No. 4J * A 60 inches $1.5 G33é%$iE&§cZ%9SCZ&3ék%&5Ck&5cZ%§3z%5C2§9 Chaucer Borders 36 Point No. 102 24 inches $1.65 4%] E L»-w~n€'@V~r--as 30 Point No. 102 24 inches $1.35 L.§{%@flW§.| 24 Point No. 102 36 inches $1.65 wuVwwWuW”‘ oéhaflkdflsgfi 18 Point No. 102 36 inches $1.30 £>I'.N:T-‘£51.31’.-”ESi$;’.”.—”E5‘ V~o§a 24 inches $1.35 @@@@ 36 inches $1.65 '. ."0'r. 3'9. g g 24 Point No. 101 18 Point No. 101 @@@®@@%@@@ 12 Point No. 101 54 inches $1.50 -" ».: ».: ».: »: »: 2». ». ». ». »z 2:. s»; »x. 36 inches $1.30 36 Point N0. 106 24 inches $1.65 30 Point No. 106 24 inches $1.35 \ v \ v \ a v \ 0 0 \ 0 4 \ 0 v ,e%37. #32 #632 M. M. b.\\ PA PA 9.\\ fl.\\ (IA! 24 Point No. 106 36 inches $1.65 ‘PAY ‘(AW TIA’ 'fl.\\° ‘DAY ‘(AW *3’ "5 18 Point No. 106 36 inches $1.30 fifififififififififi 12 Point No. 106 54 inches $1.50 @Q@@@@@%@@%%% 1036 36 Point No. 105 24 inches $1.65 @@@@@ 30 Point No. 105 24 inches $1.35 Efififififi 24 Point No. 105 36 inches $1.65 §.?Iu%§?E§'éE@@@ E 18 Point No.105 36 inches $1.30 EEEGGEEGEE 12 Point No. 105 54 inches $1.50 @@@ 36 Point No. 110 24 inches $1.65 %fi@E§@ 30 Point No. 110 24 inches $1.35 |°§%§@%§§°l 24 Point No. 110 36 inches $1.65 VWVWVW F] 18 Point No. 110 36 inches $1.30 E ‘@“@“@’ Q 12 Point No. 110 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 103 24 inches $1.65 MMMMM 30 Point No. 103 24 inches $1.35 MMMMMM 24 Point No. 103 36 inches $1.65 MMMMMM M 18 Point N0. 103 36 inches $1.30 MMMMMMMMMM 12 Point N0. 103 54 inches $1.50 Cheltenham Borders 36 Point N0. 3652 24 inches $31.65 fifi 30 Point N0. 3052 24 inches $1.35 @@%@ 24 Point N0. 245?. 36 inches fi?@fifi®fiflfiE 13 Point N0.1>s’52 36 inches $11.30 @§fi@%@fifi@fi 12 Point No.1252 54 inches $1.50 Efifififififififififififlfifi 36 Point N0. 3653 2-4 inches 9.41.65 @@@®® 30 Point No. 3053 24 inches $1.35 @@®®®® 24 Point No. 2453 36 inches 18 Point No. 1853 36 inches $1.30 ’§¢'74\ '§‘°'74.\ r§‘°'72.\ ¢§‘°'7E.\ r§‘°'7n}.\ I§‘°'7&.\ ‘.9\£"’ $5.42" ‘,"14~;""."£~;°" ‘E4?’ ‘E4?’ 12 Point N0. 1253 ’ ‘ 0 \ o -. o s a - s s. ’~“.,"4\ '¢“"4.\ ’¢~“" r5"'4\ r§"7§.\ I§"74\ I§"7§\ r§"74\ r§"'4.\ 5 .; go o o o o o o o .92 ' ‘. 92" ‘7. - .- - - . - “:42” filo" ‘,‘s~;" "so" file" fine" 36 Point N0. 3651 24 inches $31.65 30 Point N0. 3051 24 inches $1.35 24 Point No. 2451 36 inches $1.65 18 Point N0. 1851 36 inches $1.30 12 Point No. 1251 54 inches $1.50 54 inches $1.50 1037 36 Point N0. 3649 24 inches $1.65 flfififlfl 30 Point N0. 3049 24 inches $1.35 fifififlfifi 24 Point No. 2449 36 inches $31.65 aismmammma 18 Point No. 1849 36 inches -$1.30 fififlfiflfiflfiflfi 12 Point No. 1249 54 inches $1.50 36 Point No. 3646 24 inches $1.65 24 Point N0. 2446 ssss 18 Point No. 1846 36 in ch es $1.65 “'9 .‘. am; 36 inches $31.30 ssssssssss 12 Point N0. 1246 54 inches 351.5" 3%}-‘=3-3.é-’= 10 Point N0. 1046 54 inches $1.40 @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ 8 Point No. 846 54 inches 531-35 @@@@®@@@@@@@@®@®@@@@ 24 inches $1.65 36 Point N0. 3650 24 Point N0. 2450 .6“'4- .6”?- %§%§ 18 Point No. 1850 Cloister Borders 36 Point No. 3640 24 inches $1.65 30 Point No. 3040 24 inches $1.35 24 Point No. 2440 36 inches $1.65 00 00 0 I 0 36 inches $1.30 12 Point No. 1240 54 inches $1.50 10 Point No. 1040 54 inches $1.40 &&&& 8 Point No. 840 54 inches $1.35 36 Point No. 3637 24 inches $1.65 36 Point N0. 3636 24 inches $1.65 DOOQQC 30 Point No. 3036 24 inches $1.35 Vh©X<>X<>X<> < 24 Point No. 2436 36 inches $1.65 fififififiwfifiéfi 18 Point No. 1836 36 inches $1.30 3 Q C) O O Q 0 0 Q Q C 12 Point NO. 1236 3 Q Q Q Q Q 0 O Q Q 10 Point N0. 1036 54 inches $1.40 > 0000000000000000fi 8 Point NO. 836 54 inches $1.35 00 00 00000000 00crXc 54 inches $1.50 OOCDOOC 36 Point No. 3643 24 inches $1.65 1% 24 inches $1.35 30 Point No. 3043 * %% 24 Point No. 2443 36 inches $1.65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 18 Point No. 1843 36 inches $1.30 %%%%%%%%%% 12 Point No. 1243 54 inches $1.50 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 54 inches $1.40 54 inches $1.35 F‘? '9 1.. . s . M. ' as 02¢ 60 3333333333 36 Point No. 3638 24 inches $1.65 36 inches $1.65 36 inches $1.30 1038 Pabst Borders 36 Point No. 81 C-33 S‘.‘§Am L_..);._..J 24 inches $1.65 mm L._.J Y-$32 ‘GAL! (H7 24 Point No. 81 18 Point N0. 81 G’ 9%? “””__.E"’.'. .‘§.p $2 36 inches $1.65 36 inches $1.30 9?? (ll, 9%? ET’; Y5T~??V.s:?2S‘-.~%2 (II) ' (II) $13’. %.%. 36 Point No. 94 E§fi§fifl 30 Point No.94 24 inches $1.65 24 inches $1.35 1 36 inches $1.65 1 392:1’ “’?@u'''‘ % 36 inches $1.30 L. 24 Point No. 94 18 Point No. 94 54 inches $1.50 24 inches $1.65 24 Point No. 82 .-<'>:2..a<:». «<°>:=.s‘»:.. ca:-:62». 38:12 33:1’; 18 Point N0. 82 36 inches $1.65 6% see 3821*; M M 36 inches $1.30 ..6f.’_52,_ ¢6?§%_ ¢6f.f_6%, 8.212 M . 4 -o ._ °._ o'..o._ "6-(‘T-5%. ¢5.9.5‘3. c5.9.5‘3. 65.99%. 69.9.57’. 69.99%. 65.99%. t No. 82 .'.'.Z . .9. 1",’! 36 Point No. 93 24 inches $1.65 30 Point No. 93 24 inches $1.35 24 Point No. 93 36 inches $1.65 {§<:597 , §, .3 %| 18 Point No. 93 I I 36 inches $1.30 12 Point No. 93 36 Point No. 91 fififififi 30 Point No. 91 fifififififi 24 Point N0. 91 fififi%fi% % 24 inches $1.65 24 inches $1.35 36 inches $1.65 18 Point No. 91 36 inches $1.30 %H%%%%%%%% 12 Point No. 91 54 inches $1.50 %%%%%%%%%?r’%%%%%% 24 inches $1.65 36 Point N0. 83 24 Point N0. 83 36 inches $1.65 fiWWW%WWW°W° ¢‘f,.o‘f,.,¢\f-..o‘f...,o\f-.c\f-. cf... 18 Point N0. 83 36 inches $1.30 ,°nO ,°no /(O00 /(000 /(000 /(000 /(O09 /(onfl /(°nO /(000 $19.? z9.?z9.?z.°.?z.€2?z9.?z.°.?z.€! 12 Point No.83 54 inches $1.50 ;( no ;(n° ;( av ,1 no @@@®@@@@@@@ 1039 Empire Borders and Bridal Borders 1 . 5,; . a ;. \~;'/" «I ')" \‘I K K‘; )" ' _ .. .,.o- . ‘Q:-3'.‘ :1:-,.\‘.’ - .( EMPIRE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 36 Point No. 2, 24 inches, $1.65 «N ‘B I J‘, Ii, ;=)'»/,\'~/‘(s » Vi §~\ ,’ 5 9.. 4' vi‘ ‘ \ "AV iii K ,_ \ .11. .1. .1‘-. .1 I .1‘. _-'5. V ./"*1 1%: T "V ‘T ’. “IT “V” -’ 5".‘ ’ ~ ’ \ ’ k 1 tn * 5‘ " ‘*1 ‘ A I “ ‘ ‘I ‘ ii \_ I /J ,1 l,_.l ow I ;'/ I Int,/gv ~ . * =29‘ / (329, ~ :39‘ (€19, -9-;§)_, — :29, (ii), \ , (-.;E)"“_ —(-i_:'9\ —(€£E)\ ‘ G39‘ » ‘“\~ « r ,1 36 Point No. 1, 24 inches, $1.65 g . -g’iEf“4?————-1.:3-(- ,_‘‘''___._x 4'; 1 52; ». : ..i‘:b:..ii. JET» ii 24 Point No. 1, 36 inches, $1.65 EMPIRE BORDERS haracters in Complete Font of No. 1 ‘E 2 mmm Q QQQQQQ 24 Point No. 3, 36 inches, $1.65. One character only 36 Point No. 3, 24 i nches, $1_65_ One character only : ; ' (3.3 J y (3.3) ( » (:_.:3 4,. (gig I t,» I if , ". , L 1 ~34 ea 4 4 Eve 4 *3~.a"-'_- 3 N: u -ii} - I ‘ 3 1 ) é «- 48 Point, 18 inches, $1.50 BRIDAL BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 36 Point, 24 inches, $1.65 Palm Border, Myrtle Borders and Elite Borders I - ./ ’ * ' ‘ PALM BORDER -"\ '3 Per Font, 30 inches, $3.00 ( ( Characters in Complete Font KO MYRTLE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font of 18 Point Characters in Complete Font of 12 Point & €% é Q é fl 11 10 9 8 7 5 4 3 2 1 ,'. 12 3 Characters in Complete, Font of 6 Point .' 7 $2 «w e e e as 17 16 .15 14 13 t, 60 in 48 Point, 18 inches, $1.50 ELITE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 36 Point, 24 inches, $1.65 Flame Bcrders and Art Borders W! W H H W Wi“i‘i‘iWii€iiWi H U i$i"iiWi/7 24 Point, 36 inches, $1.65 MW? 36 Point, 24 inches, $1.65 .. I; 1l'I.I;iii?‘l1i‘l'fl.l‘iiiIVfiIt‘! Ifli iniiiiiI‘rIhI‘WiiI'iiIV I'I’¢'I“r'r/‘:7. FLAME BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 2 3 4 1.‘ P.‘.‘,'.'~.".‘«.'.'.‘M'P!.F.'Pf.'.‘PP.’F?!‘.'.‘NWM' '.‘.“.'." .',‘.'.'P,‘P."‘ ' ‘ PS 6 Point, 60 inches, $1.50 _ filllllllltl 1 ‘l4\4fla-41‘ "“ “IIUIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII ». 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 VARAMMHRM 18 Point, 36 inches, $1.30 flMAA,R.RflMMMM. %% . mmaa-Mm mwm 18 Point No. 1, 36 inches, $1.30 ART BORDERS Characters in Complete Font . I _ ‘ \ 0 ., 2 4 1 5 3 18 Point font contains 18 of character 1; 26 each 2 and 3; 6 each 4 and 5 36 Point font contains 8 of character 1; 13 each 2 and 3; 2 each 4 and 5 ' 2 4 1 5 3 18 Point N o. 2, 36 inches, $1.30 Unit Borders and Firecracker Borders 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 “ UNIT BORDERS 36 Point, 24 inches, $1.65 30 Point, 24 inches, $1.35 24 Point, 36 inches, $1.65 18 Point, 36 inches, $1.30 W V '7 V 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 %é%%é%§%§=§%§%@é%§§%é%%§ %§%§%§%%§§%§§%%é%%é%§%éé $74 %é%§ $2545 ssssssssssssssssss ¢‘~’-'»‘~¢‘~*—¥»‘~’-'r‘~’-‘»‘~¢*~"$‘~¢~¢~"‘~*“~"‘~”‘~**‘~*“~©~¢‘~¢‘~’-$‘«*“~%‘»‘~%'»‘~¢‘~¢‘~¢‘~ ?§?E§§?§§fi§E§§§§?§§§ ?§ t ‘$1 --'/\ I «II II -\ = \’=—; /<'»\’= x’: 12 ~r/ T §\§\§\’.\1‘ <:/ /-:4 7-; 74». —» Point No. 120023, 54 inches, $1.50 >« {Si N“ ‘E? xgl \‘ ~.\“ x .2: ,1 W9: /» 7. 36 Point No. 360023, 24 inches, $1.65 ’«§T.7(’E / / , \ ,7 , \/ /\\ I|\ xi: W 18 Point No. 180023, 36 inches, $1.30 F IRECRACKER BORDERS Characters in Complete Font %r%%% 5 Vi _")\‘r5,’ 7|‘ , I'%”y/.\‘ 2 1 3 4 Della Robbia Borders oo<> csog O 24 Point N0. 5, 36 inches, $1.65 11 r v I v v v r 1 v v w v v v II | 4 1 12 Point No. 4, 54 inches, $1.50 . 0, ’ ~ ,-,__ =1-;«_:_»,a>::<.=. rt . ,-°v'—““» ‘ _._§ - -2; 24 Point N0. 1, 36 inches, $1.6 fhxf-'3 I " - ‘F l‘ , Especially Adapted \ for High-Grade JobWork _ 4|; 4!; III) I'YVYYIII| E%C$°$K 12 Point No. 3, 54 inches, $1.50 <2? {)7 _ 6 Point No. 2 _ E 60 inches, $1.50 : :»gze<:>»<;>o<:=>»<;:> E o<>oo@o ' | L I I J A A A I I I I A A J A I I I A J A Ala 18 Point No. 2, 36 inches, $1.30 {.1 B 24 Point No. 3, 36 inches, $1.65 E <%> 6 Point No.6, 60 inches, $1.50 6 Point N0. 1. 60 inches. $1.50 V1-><%>°<%>°<§>°<%>°6’><%>°<%>°<‘c>°<%>°<%> ’,»<:>»<:>»<;>«><:>«»<:>»<:><:>«<::>~c:>~<:>«c:>«c:>c-2% \o©oo©oo<>oo<>oo@oo<>o\ A l 12 Point No.1, 54 inches, $1.50 ‘- vv :1 it it y. yy 1171 V1 uw it v: v-vv vv vv -1 vi it it it vv vv vv -v in vv wvvv vv vv 1044 12 Point “ ~ Knickerbocker Borders ] @®@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@é§$A @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ wwwwwwwgww gwm gay @w+%§§§ wwwwgg 72 Pomt 12 Inches $1.35 E 3 I 96 Point ‘n h ‘ V Y i » I i 1C€b¢. 3 i ‘ v i . I f i i 2 «' K 1 : L K ? R... MVWW $ I I Bulfinch Borders %%%%%%% L ( Ill 33/: K K 4- 4 3. ~\‘ 48 Point 18 inches $1.50 42 Point 18 inches $1.35 24 inches $1.65 % @ 24 inches $1.35 36 Point 30 Point @ % 24 Point 36 inches $1.65 iiiii/'2 -v_~‘r‘+”, Two characters, each a border in itself w*;v wt W 4/ ma ¥:fl§\\§Y'V’.:¥A> _ ‘ ~-.. I 35" i:§£;:4L,..\ “\\‘I:3“\\ILé' ~\~\i;«,:::.\\‘l:',3"‘~&“£'.'* 1 u./A as-/»+\. A ~w« H J i” ‘ii I i: “z/~+\";7: II ”/ 4“ iggii '1 V 1 é 2 . « ' ma; -1 W "I/7L.L,;+;-L.LJ.«i~ as .\t‘I. § ‘:33 ~35- >r’ ‘ %_ L 41:: :5 \/ 3 if \.a 4 V534 ‘ A,» -- '~/ "IIk\.1l/\Ql/\ IIIIIIHJW I/\i I/\\l I I II I ,1, .-:..~s1‘.¢;i.»:,-z“.:,,.J,-,.~eL»‘:+f~J=1§§i ‘I: 9 ‘ " ki «V,» j‘7-«~*‘~t-‘§\\i[r3 9 i 3 9 lI«}i’»5¥?;~; ‘L’ is L, .;‘.’\€_1LIc‘J=-i\\~‘».:,£3~\~‘v,',“iI.\‘:]jE2,.;'\:9' 3. 4, K‘ ‘A ~;:;;;~;:'5; 1.3] 3.;.('_ 3‘ ’\" “ " I} ?~§\\_e;;* A 1 "*~~ . ; 1 ;.~“ - - _~ — 3 ' _ ~"*~*'»_;<~I:»,'- . J.‘ L‘. i>3‘!5',f§>‘~*‘r»"iiE31531?31334‘?-fl',3J.!.3L'?&3%5,$24 .3.L'3£'3iL'.?£L'3iE3l!3lL' . . . .;«*_..‘9‘_..«‘:. ..‘v‘_... . .. ‘r . . . 1 . -. .. .. . ‘E . 4' , L V I ‘\ 7 , ” J C\\‘ ‘‘\\E '* \ +‘ -§‘3‘_‘‘‘ 4*‘ ‘I’ "” ' J + \. A} L111 ,4 t“ * :4-3‘~= ~ *4»: ' -4». ~«».- ..4~».~o~»».-.4».-.-.4.» 7‘ ~ — f,\\";\\Il'\'lfl\\§§\)Ifl\\9{\Ifl\\i’\\"\\If,\\I’\\"\\'§\\"\\' _(§\\!£\\f/V\\I’, "if { V E» .\ kff4'r2.\\~QlIr3:\"“f£t ,\\‘}’I¢ ,\\~((I«£,\\\]’It . [lit ,\\[I; \\\‘f’Iv \\\‘f£'/ » ;‘\~”’/ .\\‘[,(lr£3\\‘f’I( . \.—-'1 \\J_t{*\\_L// \\+/{‘\\+/;‘“\+/1 ,// 35 +/‘1_‘)\ 4_//‘‘:\ +1’ \\+/;‘v.:\+/{‘_\\+//":\J_/;;‘}\;_ _/1*: .11 \\#//‘.:\+/;":\_;_/(.:\+// \\‘L/ \.+ w4i‘§?f«”4:” ui iwm” ' i i ‘ ' L ' , {I4 .\\[/4 .\\fI4 .\\[I4 \‘\\"(2\ Via .\\ /r2.\VI4 ,\ . . a ‘/;‘&‘\J_// ‘,\+/;:‘;,\+/€..\\+//*4 \\ :4 .. )1‘.‘ pl H‘ ‘?\\'(‘3 “vii, .: v.4.~ + «.42 + ~§.~+:+.-+—.~.~ I3 §o L \ /1 I 1' +45 2‘\ \\ v ‘V \ I \ \\ //\\ /1 I \ ,, \‘ 2 + .. ...‘ 1iLi§..5 “AL:Qmi [LI ?¥~‘v2=~ . ‘ \ ;* . 4 / \ / \ I3 LI3 ‘L "-.~+ " ..'.$+< '~ .- c :<..§».: ‘ ls : “‘s‘$’r':23\‘s‘$’»?: //“\\+//A 3 5 L\ Sit’ $.A"AA :m;e¢ ‘ .. '+‘ 4- %‘ss\ (F ‘,1 § ~\§§ sfl 77 Q4- 4 K 4* 4 5 Tint made with Art-tile Tint Formers ; 251.9; ‘mix; _ +3, 1/ EL «Lay .11 ~ I . I .. 1 - .. .. .. . 79.: .’'-:,Q-‘+/‘54--,‘ 5}; ‘+5 V: “W: “Wu;/I \ w a ,\ "“"' “*5 V “ W ,5 .~/(f“t‘7r““ ta \V/4 \Vrli\ 4 « ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ‘ i fix‘ ' ‘ixi " ‘\\+/z ‘\+/1$\ /1 ‘\ /1 ‘\ ‘ ‘ + ‘ J/I ‘ 1 " ’ ' ‘ x ‘ A I ‘ ‘ AA. .-' *‘+”.«¢?‘+"', .“+ Tlliiiliil . . ; J 1 1: 1 R I'M |\ S“ .0 “ < . _ (’ 41/ .-.~i..'e )1 :7 .2 < . .2 vi '43‘; ’ ' uj. \\ Swastika Borders and Swastika Outline Borders =fl_l_l'F'll IT-‘ll lF'lLFl'l IFII [PH IT-"'11 IT-‘I1 F-‘IIFII IFII I'F'flJ'E_|'LJ'Ffl lFl'lJF'flJF’fl [F11 [F11 IT-‘[1 [F11 l'F'fl F-‘ll IFII lF'l'l IT-‘ll lF'fl IFII [F11 [F11 IFHFH " U:_J.lU:dIll::UUcdlU:-_'IU:-.'.lU:_'IUdlUdW¢_-£IU:=:'.I U:-.'Jlh:.-!IU=!lUdIUdlU=!lU='JUdIUdIUdIUd.llJdJ Udlllcllllzll lid! Udl Udllhil llzdlllfl Ur.-£1 lid! Udl Ui.-ll lid] lh:’J Uu:!I Udllldl Udillriillcll fl fllF'IIlF'fllFfl F’-'IIlF'fl [PH IF-"IIlFI1FflIF'fl Ir'=fl IT-'IlIFIlIE-"'IlFfl IFIHF-"ll IF-‘ll IFHJT-='flIF'fl [F11 [F11 IFH l'F='flJF'IU'F'fl lFfUF'flIT-‘H [PH [F11 IF'll IP11 IF’-‘H IF'fl IFH IFIUFH [F11 [F11 [F11 fF'fl [PH l'r_"lU'r=fl lF’fl fi='fl F“ F’: fUdI Ur:-El Udl Us-_JI Ur.-'I U:_4J Udl gdl lldl Ufl l.|:.-_'l lid] Udl Udl U:=J UHJ Uu.-H lldl Uu:'_l l.l::-_'.I1l¢:‘.I1JETU:-_‘fl.|r£I lldl U:’J lldl lid] U:-_'l lldl Udl lldflldl lid] lldl lid! Udl U::.‘.l lldfllc. 72 Point No. 720005 Font of 12 inches $1.35 72 Point No. 720006 5 5 55 60 Point No. 600005 Font of 12 inches $1.25 60 Point No. 600006 55555 48 Point No. 480005 Font of 18 inches $1.50 48 Point No. 480006 5555 555 36 Point No. 360005 Font of 24 inches $1.65 36 Point No. 360006 5555 5 5555 30 Point No. 300005 Font of 24 inches $1.35 30 Point N0. 300006 55555 5 55555 24 Point No. 240005 Font of 36 inches $1.65 24 Point N0- 240005 55555555 5 55555 36 ahgnghafiéfiféfi 12 Point No. 120005 Font of 54 inches $1.50 12 Point No. 120006 5555555555555555 5 55555555555 10 Point No. 100005 Font of 54 inches $1.40 10 Point No- 100006 555555555555555555 5 555555555555555 8 Point No. 8()005 Font of 54 inches $1.35 8 Point No- 80006 555555555555555555555555 5 55555555555555555 6 Point No. 60005 Font of 60 inches 351-50 6 Point N°- 60006 5'55555555555555555555555555555555 E5 EE§EEr‘=flE§EfiE§E§§:ExigfiEEE§E§EE%%EE§§EEE5E§E:§E}jnEE Swastika and Swastika Outline put up in Separate f0ntS Men IF-‘I1 F-"ll r.=-In rE[ga[yFn IF-‘fl [Fri rPn Fn 1F»[ua[g.—-In IFH rr-In I'r_-‘I1 IT-‘I1 :7-‘In IFH IF-;n_rE-_n_1FInJFIm=n n=n rr—-n1F-nir-=yF-n lF'n IE LIP-n fr_-‘I1 F=‘fl rr-in fi='IllF'n rr-In lF'l1l'F‘[ll'r'='ll F'lll'E-"fl F-‘-‘I1 IF-‘ll Ir‘-"ll IT-'lll'r'-‘ll rF-n IFII IFII rr-In rr-=n lF'lllF‘ll rr-‘In Ii='fl IFII IFII IF-‘ll r.=n IFII IF'MF‘n IFILIFH rr=n IT-'lLl'F'n r=n IF-'l'l [PH IF-n IF-"I1 rayagmn lF'l1 r=n Fn raga J |.lc:J|.|:£.lU:.-_’.| U¢:‘.I uc-.11 ll:-_'I lid] u.=1ru=J u=_-I lh.-llll:-_'l |l=’Jll:.9.l1l:£.l Ildl u=J ll:-.£l lldl |ldfll=‘J u=u lldlllc.-.'J lid! u.-_=1 ll=LI ll='J ll:.-_’.l1l:dlll::'J1J:.3_'I1.|dl Udl lid! 11:’! U=.'.l1h.-H uc-_-1 ua U='J U:.'.'.| U:'_'1 u==_1 Ucil u=u Udl u..-:1 u:-.1 u=1ru.-_'nJ V "=1 u=.=I Udl u.-_-J U::J1J:.-_‘.l Us-:’.Jll='JU:il u.—_-1 Udi 1121 uc—_u U:-_'l uzfiéniéi uei Udl U='J u=u Us:-Hus.-_’I1l='J1l=!Jllv.-.’.l Udl u=11u.-:1 lit.-_'J udru.-:1 u 1047 Colonial Border, Curtis Borders, Star Borders and Pointer Borders 6 POINT COLONIAL BORDER No. 256 60 inches $1.50 . 7 Characters In Complete Font 2 8 7 9 C j T I T ' 4 0 3 6 1 18 "°”i$ §§f,’.i‘;Li§°R”E“ / % 12 POINT CURTIS BORDER 54 inches $1.50 W . Characters in Complete Font ‘:‘k‘k‘k‘A'****‘k‘k*‘k‘k*‘k*‘k‘k*‘k*‘k‘k*‘k‘k‘k‘k‘A'*****‘k**‘k*‘k*****‘k***‘k‘k‘A'**‘k‘k*A"k**'k*‘k‘k‘k‘k 12 Point No. 12 54 inches $1.50 *‘k**********‘k************‘k*‘k‘k‘k* 14) Point No. 10 54 inches 31.40 ************************t************ :):r;::)‘;*************‘k‘k‘k*‘k*‘k*‘k**‘k***********:i::e;$1i) 5 Point N0. 5 43 inches $1.5” ‘k**'k‘k**‘k*‘kk*'k‘k‘k**‘k***‘k******‘k*‘k***‘k'k*‘k****‘A"k**‘k**‘k***‘k**‘k**i****‘k**‘k‘k*‘k‘k* i’ 6 lf’oint No. 6, 60 inches, $1.:3() *‘k‘k*‘k*‘k***‘A'*‘k*‘k*‘k‘k'k**‘k*‘k*‘A’*‘k‘k***‘k**‘k***‘k‘k‘k**‘k*‘k**‘A'**i‘k‘k***'k‘k‘A"k‘k‘k*** )l>>l>l1>ll>l1>lH4’ll>)I>)1>>l>>1>74>l|*lH1>>(> ****i>************* POINTER BORDERS :O0C000O0OO0O0OO0OO: 3s®©o@Q®Q0Q®Q: esssssssfi" : : 0 '% ’ , : 6 Point No.1, 6!) inches, $1.50 : 9) 6 Point N0. 3, 60 inches, 331-5” 2)) ’ 61’oint No. 2,61) i11ches,$1.5H ¢ 3 2 65 § : g 0 O 3 G OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 6ub®%<3®‘°°°°°°°°°°°§§fl I L 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 3 Characters in Complete Font E CE::: 0 2 3 4 IL Y I] 5 Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 18 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. l ' Characters in Complete Font 3 4 5 Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 6 Characters in Complete Font B 5 Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 18 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 4 Characters in Complete Font Mma 5 Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 ' O - .3: 3- H @ [331 {____———f‘' Century Borders ‘ L 7; JL M l ll fig 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 4 Characters in Complete Font Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 18 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 2 1 Characters in Complete Font I" ll 6 Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 5 Characters in Complete Font Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 18 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 3 Characters in Complete Font ] ] ooo€}oo oogooo l 3 4 5 Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 K l xlr 3.”; . ; fir 413% ] ~~ %% «cm: 1051 Century Borders —III' II D @ -llfi -I||fi -IF 4! l|3|[D|l|:|ll|';T|llEZ|lE||F +4|lEZ|||- JIIEZIIF K<‘_?Ak<_?)k'?Y_7AK9i'7AK<:'7x' R<3?)‘§:7Jk<:?AK<:I77A K?Aki7AK:7AK§?A'E‘§) 9 3 12 PO ‘:23 INT CENTURY BORDER No. 1 Characters in Complete Font lc 1 [c I9) (3 Price per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 1 1 Designed for use as tint with Century Border No. 1 2 I 6 Price per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 2 Wliilfifliil Characters in Complete Font I 6 fl H Price per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 12 POINT CENTURY BORDER No. 12 Designed for use as tint with Century Border No. 2 6 Chara cters in Complete Font 5 Price per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 THESE BORDERS ARE DESIGNED FOR ONE OR TWO COLORS :$j©IF ,.@ E) @11- W63 @ ®ILr :5) @11- W161] =«<<«11 w@J arm E) ®1LL 3 E) ©un E; @11- 11%] finiéj :I>>>®Jh - Q (E) :""—|lEl J|lEZ|||' IIUIF fi___..IlII_.__.“_“I] EIILLJI I7 Iflfi f—\ ti?) Em; n\\;\\\t:==::\[::: EIIII--———————JllI--—————:-'l'l:_______.___.r Borders for Holiday Printing ‘ 0 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 .1 /N I 3;! 4”, %’% 6 Point No. 7, 24 inches, $1.65 36 Point No. 8, Color for No. 7, 24 inches, $1.65 %% W% 18 Point No. 3, 36 inches, $1.30 8 Point No. 4, Color for No. 3, 36 inches, $1.30 y HOLIDAY BORDERS Characters in Complete Font 3 §§?';“5 film W %%m¢s %% Wmwsst 1;, 24 Point No. 5, 36 inches, $1.65 24 Point No. 6, Color for N o. 5, 36 inches, $1.65 < > if 4 a “M 0'\.-{’L , :*~ 3! - ,1 ‘La 6‘ 9%" M xx , (« ru Characters in all the four sizes of these borders are the same in design $ 6163’? The 12 Point size is made for one color only ‘_} V, 1,«£7.:}—- 4,: .__”-,r,, .1/1f*‘.".’. , 11g 9.. “,( fly‘: ‘ /.1/--to_ I g A Q 3 :2--‘xx, 21g 5» K0‘ 4%}; ,. ‘:3-~\‘.:\ ‘v._7(‘S}- /“,(._‘ 3:,‘ 0 1‘ : fly, : ~“ ,3‘ vi :~..®~’-.,.n.('* ~74‘ '41 i’=’\"¢;?>‘*»\'?.s. <74‘ :2?» 3*“/\ 4' ':‘*“ ’/- 1,.-*6,-)‘»t=~ \ 3:1”: 12 Point N o. 9, 54 inches, $1.50 if T (3%. IS‘? .~‘ a} \_, l 2. /».{‘».r‘> -.}__: - 4 / S‘: .i_.. .w.4° HOLIDAY BORDERS ' ‘ . 2 ‘ ' ' Characters In Complete Font _. \ . .< - ; ._o -.'o_ , ’ ‘ 4 0‘; \ .9 -ii 1:. 1, I I Borders for Holiday Printing 36 POINT HOLIDAY BORDER Nos.23 AND 24 Characters in Complete Font This 36 Point Holiday Border may be appropriately used for either one or two colors. Around this portion of the page it is shown in combination 36 Point No. 23, 24 inches. $1.65 36 Point No. 24, Color for No. 23, 24 inches, $1.65 ) " \» ,,r J. '- ,_ J. ‘I,’ ‘v. J, )1 “>,, J; Ir ,_ f- I. ~-,_ J,» 4 -»,_ J; 1 -V.‘ . 4 ~v,, ,» I. *»,‘ J,- 4 * V N J,» 1 Wk #4 - 4 y. _, (1 ,4" ‘: ." 4",’: .‘.'*-"is?" ‘ ’-'7 P.-v"i‘. ,"‘, ,1”. .l‘ . _”"’.”'-"7; "7 .("‘. ’'‘'‘-‘3v (4 r I*’‘ r-*~’.x“:5."'.x - ~ ~ . . »- v~ . . V - . . - v~ . I . .>-~ . K. ....~ . w- ..-,~ . V‘ ..-.14‘ . ' . —-H" . *1. ..~« . v., ..-A . ..~2r' . .-A . . - . V _/ ' o c 1 2 1’; 12 Pomt No. 120026, 54 inches, $1.50 Hr‘ v_ Q . 'x ,ir~ .’ \ 4' ,; fa, ,2: ,z< ,'g<"" fa ,2<'. ,y<‘q»sg ,5‘ ;g_A"q*»,~,\ 24 y'j’”‘ ,z< gr"... ‘N C ,3. ;.v*,J‘s“>x.»*~,>r"“~x,>/'>xx;»/nary/‘*>x_>*,>r"“>».e*>~r" ., I O. T‘ I‘, C, I \ I. T‘ X _/‘L ~_ .,..~« - wk‘ ,...~’- .,_.a/‘ ’-g‘ *»g_ ,..;—-y* ' ’»g_ ,_.a«- ‘.K_ ‘_‘*x ,2‘z* €- r :5‘ /<*‘ ‘f\}\. 3?! '.t. M" ‘ ‘fix; ‘ - I '1‘ E >5‘ J; V‘ 3 x2“ I, I O K INLAND HOLLY BORDERS C V‘ A .‘ y?‘ ‘k I V‘ A ) . ‘X yfv“ -K. r/T .—‘'V {:1 2/1 _ TV» .___ Q __,_ . J-:4 Characters in Complete Font 1" ‘*4 X xv? Q %%;§ 35 Kill‘; fl? 1 2 3 O fi'.~ ;/< 1‘ ll .‘ ' V [(4 l . l \’ ‘Ir; 0 ” \ '~:.1*t~‘l , ‘W ~>. ,2‘ /' pa. ,2‘ 9/‘ ~»., ,1 3» yr 9/‘ “>~. ,.»r ‘x _,r ).(r -.4, ;' _ 5, 1%‘ ‘Xi : 3! M '1! «—-" 1' 2 M K- ...~ ' K «—-W *1. ..« «*3 If ‘K 18 Point No. 180026, 36 iches, $1.30 \ ’ U i, 1 \_‘\f “m M‘ 0&2 2 22*" ,_’\A4 — /*2“ W“ _fw\ ‘i. vi -« .2‘ yr 2» ~+«;-,,>v yr yr >r yr gm >>« ,x W *1 ’- 24 Point No. 240026, 36 inches, $1.65 '3» 1 «TEN 2 -9»: 5“ 1,. . 0 7-.. — 0 ,,.. 0 ,.,.- _‘ 0 _...- 0 ,I.... »,, O ,2, »,‘ 0 _,.,_ '9‘ I _...— - ,_ 0 _.a.— -.1‘ 0 _,,.. » ,‘ 0 _.._- . _‘ 0 _..,. - ,_ 0 _..,- .._ o l.,..,. ‘ 0 __,. ‘-_.,_ ‘ J ‘-do °"'*“ I,’ I, “', "f, _' a ‘fi _, “:' ‘f, ‘-0; , , '~;., . T .- w -.__ .1 .-r «.,_ .r r -1." ,1 » -«._ ,/ -r a._, .’ ~' ~<.__ M .r a., M —r <._ J M -..‘ ./ .-r ~«.__ ,1 -r «._ ,’ 24" ..__ M‘ M M 4' ~.., /,7 .»' ~._ _,w‘ ' 1054 Borders for Holiday Printing Combination of No. 480007 and No. 480009 48 Point Holly Border, No. 480007 48 Point Holly Border No. 480008 (Green) =‘~F*%€‘§ 48 Point Holly Border No. 480009 (Red Berries only) 18 inches $1.50 4 18 inches $1.50 Combination of No. 480007, No. 480008 and No. 480009 ‘E ifi (2% Th N HOLLY BORDER No. 1 Per Font $1.65 (For one color only) HOLLY BORDER Nos. 2 and 3 No. 3 Per Font $1.65 No. 2 Color Per Font $1.65 firms mw Each Font contains 24 inches 0: Bgfder used around the lower half of this page is Holly Border ' ‘md 3; the No. 2 constitutes the red dots (or berries) only Indian Borders V<\VAVAVAVAV; \V';\V,\'V;lV,\V5)V < rymmmwmxxmmvmx A ,,V 12 Point N o. 2, 54 inches, $1.50 The 3-on—6, 6, 12 and 18 Point sizes are made in two weights, Nos. 1 and 2. Characters for printing in colors (No. 3) made for 12, 18, 24. 36 and 60 Point of the No. 1 and include an extra corner piece for the first color 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 12 Point No. 3, 54 inches, $1.50 l§’A"A"A"A"A"A"A}\V;’S\V;’A‘.\V;ZA 18 Point No. 2, 36 inches, $1.30 \R¥’A\W’A‘1Z W/’A}lV,fA‘\V 60 Point No. 1, 12 inches, $1.25 > Characters in Complete Characters in Complete « Font No. 1 Font No. 2 I P! 2: 2 2 '4: .1 \ 1 3 2 2 3 1 Characters in Complete Font No. 3 7'74 213 24 Point No. 1, 36 inches, $1.65 24 Point No. 3, 36 inches, $1.65 I ixvgxmmx /A 36 Point No. 1, 24 inches, $1.65 36 Point No. 3, 24 inches, $1.65 ‘ 18 Point N0. 1. 36 inches. $1.30 18 Point No. 3, 36 inches, $1.30 7<‘xV}\V}l7;U.'¢$ ’iA‘.\V/A‘¥’.A\V‘ AV < 6 3 < _ > B ‘I B 4. Q 3on6Point No.1, 60inches,$1.50 ,3 D’ ‘ 5. 3on6Point No.2, 60inches,$1.50 } ~ '47 '4 }~ ‘v 6’ D; - - s‘ I 4 — ‘ I ’ \ ~ 6 Point No. 1, 60 inches, $1.50 ’ \ 6 Point No. 2, 60 inches, $1.50 I RV/A‘§’A\ /2‘ ;21V5TA‘W@\V/A k\W’S\V:$\V/is /2.sY/AXV/AXV/A émmmmm cvzrnmmzvxsi 1056 Inland Borders 24 Point No. 2428, 36 inches, $1.65 %@ @@ E5 @E I I One Character Only E E 12 Point No. 1228, 54 inches, $1.50 E %fl 1 . 6 Point No. 628, 60 inches, $1.50 '5‘ &.s% 5.‘ C; 5.‘ C: C: x& 591-5‘ 5‘ -5‘ C.‘ -5: 56-5‘ -59.5: 6‘ 3 -52% 6.5‘ C-»‘.€~‘I€~‘I&.€~‘ ‘ 6* 6} 36 Point N o. 3628, 24 inches, $1.65 69 153 @@@§ The borders on this page may be worked together in colors as shown below I@I I II§@@H @@@@@@@@@@@@ 24 Point No. 2427, 36 inches, $1.65 @ 1?} % @ 15332 @ % @ Ev} E One Chagcter Only 6 2 gig 12 Point No. 1227, 54 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 627, 60 inches, $1.50 .r ” "V" 6 :93 C333 61 is 18 Point No. 1827, 36 inches, $1.30 § §@§@l@?@§§Tf@§@ @ see me 36 Point No. 3627, 24 inches, $1.65 nu@n @ @@:@n % flnflnflaagngnflnfififln EEI-i Inland Borders O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O1 O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O20-O-O-O OIO—O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OIO '0' \ - I O I O O r0-O-O-O-O-O—O-O-O-O-O-O O O OIOIOIOIOKOHO-OIOIOIOIOIO I ' OIO-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O-OIO O '0' 24 Point No. 2443, 36 inches, $1.65 '0' O O O 0 0'0 0'0 0 '0 I I<':3'33?.3€£%'-3?-3?3?£33-1373-'5&1'3-1&13333| I O I Q R3?!)-OX0-O—OZO-O-0-O-O20-O-O-O—fi)gfi I 0'0 i'i INLAND BORDERS iri O O O O O O '0' oic oio 0' I '0' Characters in Complete Font '0' I I I '0' 0 0 ili ,<;: 9:: 2 3 :2 ea iii 0 0 0 ii; 1° 3 2 2° °:° ii; 0 o O O '0' o olo 1 0 0'0 olc 12 P _ N _ 0'0 0'0 '0' olnt 0.1243, 541nches, $1.50 '0' '0' O O OIC—O-O-O-O-O-O-O-O20-010-0-O-0-0.0 O O O !I! °39.%'3."3&1$1313-"3&12?}?-‘33'£€'£?é°.?£€333I O O O O '0 ' Slo ~° O 18 Point No. 1843, 36 inches, $1.30 .0’ O I QlofioxoxozozoxoxozozoxoxoxoIO o O o 0-oZoxoxofiozoxoxozoxojozox0’ O O .0zoxoxozozojoxozoxoxoxofio—° O O I O I 36 Point No. 3643, 24 inches, $1.65 I O I - O I 0-0-02010-0:0-O_O_O—O %E“fiE“BfiEE”fiE.'n'“fifiEEfifi°E g mmmmmw-as 24 Point No. 2440, 36 inches, $1.65 [Ii1[lHLLl1[Jfl[Jl1[l I ]l_I -1llI1LI -1[lI1[_I -11111 EL[i1E]EH.LIiE1EH_[iH§1BH_[EiE1EELEiii]J5H_lEii§JB INLAND BORDERS One Character Only I I: 12 Point No. 1240, 54 inches, $1.50 Isiiis ‘Q: Rag‘ E Efiifitm “‘4E‘&PiEE,E‘”E!!¥‘ gag Eflfl iii: fififi fifififi 18 Point No. 1840, 36 inches, $1.30 36 Point No. 3640, 24 inches, $1.65 E33 EJEEEEEEE 1058 L Inland Borders INLAND BORDERS a:§2m\I I--I IE Efiaml EIEIEIEI I fi E I IE QIQI EI IQIQ E EIEIEIEI E QIQIQ EIEIEIEI IQIQI IEIEIEIE EI Ialalala u-Ea-E. IE alalalal nu-u-nun EI _Ia. IE an an IE In nnuuuuuunununu nu V as KI QI a an IE In an \ ‘ la = E I\ an an mm S V la m man EIW V$ an S o $IE IE3. $ uwm an m fin my MIE um M Mum. -am W lmm mm” mum WIQ nu an gal In M“ nu flu. IE “I IE VAI ‘V IE nunununuumnunv. um QI _E-_ .2. ——mw Ifl IE EIEIEIEI -25-nun EI IEIEIEIE alalalal KI IEIEI IQIVMIEIH EIE VAIVAIVAIEI 1059 Inland Borders INLAND BORDER No. 240022 l Per Font, 36 inches, $1.65 4 5 0 V Si Characters in Complete Font 1%: IE! 1%: 2 1 3 Font contains twelve of character 1; ten each 2 and 3; nine each 4 and 5 %IlZ]||EI]|I=]|§]|%|i|lE| l§:|l_E_|l§:I|E']lE|E€l[C=§|E|l§=:l[L| INLAND BORDER No. 240021 Per Font, 36 inches, $1.65 Characters in Complete Font 1 2 Font contains thirty-six of each character |§lEJI___I;I__ll___='='___llI=]|§ll'§_=:]|I7.||§I|_E_l Di! |jlE|ZiL Iilila INLAND BORDER No. 120021 a Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 £ 1 Characters in Complete Font 7 U - 5 - r.-3:: ; I".2:I :1 ‘ 4 ':'”'-_-“Tl |_E_|l:_|i'1__|l__t'—;E"_I|__Ia] E=_TJ§§lE| Font contains sixteen of character 1; fifteen each 2, 3, 4 and 5; fourteen of 6; twelve of 7 E” u Iilililiil JEEIELI ILFWIL I-I fiII’1IL ’fiIL,c ’W-L,J- _ INLAND BORDER No. 1297 [I - E I Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 I E Characters in Complete Font [:3 I C::3 EIZZZ L 7 1.; -J 1 2 3 4 5 J !C:3I IEZH! Font contains eighteen each of characters 1, 3. 4 and 5; fift_v—four of 2 ._ .J II I-L‘ 1I;_ III 4-! ’fi-L‘ 1IF7JI 1060 Inland Borders ('|'.¢-1'|IfiIfilFJ-1*‘ INLAND BORDER No. 2477 Per Font $2.25 4 3 nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn es ?e""‘—\ T4 ! 9 '22 § §T‘!§'Z|i7l§§‘2E"f4 A F OOOOODODDDCDOOOOO8 6 INLAND BORDER No. 2497 Per Font $1.65 For two-color work, turn half way around and print h d k 1; er 0 the white or unprinted port Font t e ar par ov ion. A unique effect is thus obtained contains 36 inches Inland Borders 1062 I II« N / N 1 \ J.\ \ \/ II I I I I I I I I I I ‘ ) ‘. I’: r ‘I1 [. > ‘ ‘ ‘ ..uJJ‘\J.\ rxhx//rxfix//rxhx/a&\»V.\JJx hrhr Jr Jr J! Jr JrJJrAn\ Jr JrA.\& x.IJJr..Jr..Jr..Jr..JrJJrfirAr..Jr Jr.Ar..Jr.. r..Jr JKIJKI/frlldfr/Uta/\~n\& >J/ .r.JI.rV.J. .tr\(..»\fl:Cx(P (J/P P A P » \\«‘0« /:r.0. . 2r R1? /«\ 1? \P/.3; w J__x J__w J__w J__x J__« J__‘ ..__w ..__x J_ Jnkw $5 V» .7J I \ “J J . A . \\I J J J J J . J . / .\J .\J .\J .\J Jv.Jv.\\rJ)\. V x__r x__r ;__r ;__r u__r ;__r x__r x__r x_ \\».#,,vV,Y\ 609 R>@J R>J,/L xflxrruv R>0(J Am, R2, R}, R}! ;J \. ullznl....I|.i|..lI”xu“..I|hn“:|hn“:l|Hu||H:I.“.3“|I””..h:“._”u”u..”.:H.|l:H||n”n Ir/r, v(rJJ\): r\)\r.r\\> la \.J\)x<§® Ax \\.\vJ\ ».§§J(). \\\\..J0\\rR xx? (xr/\\C (1? rm 1 A V 1 wt»? xmrz Sr.,K»~v\uw€&s»<\JvA P23 «A ¢.)ZZS >rw,,c/.}..@)Xuw «A XQY \n\ ., __V 1:1 1:1 .J__V J_ \oJJ>n<>, 0 %.>r\.:«\ .¢«\«J«V,.J:PJxfi«Jx)Jx):Q@zJain a::z.Jv,§,/..k,4JJ\\J..J< \«> I .u .H .. .. .. «A6 ax)» 1 ,kAr»r$ US .r:\\ruu“u VJJJ ,J»JJ,JJA<\mrJ «r7vJJ\4J v.$.m§.\ .310 .9» :r.cJ. . . .. .. .. n\5«.cJ<\mwm 4 5 M xmrrnr \:J(:J L <.:B<$\m\>. JJSW, ea» _ : _ _ _ <4) J MVJW N O c.... W/\(\w §f\(CJ7JCJ \\ \\ rJ}\Z\\l\\\ 7r 9J\J\wv‘% VJ. /\\\\4>¢ J»: )xUwvLfluJJv\J\ \r.)\x . .. .. r\\/ V\r) . t0 \r) \ J J J Ix .&rJr. r\\/ rfr. r r A r ‘ /R. x. ‘ . .. .. V r J, V): \ Ed. t E «Fr J. r¢ Y .J IV. \/I. Qr tF n6 . /»/Jr NJ. I ) JJI//7/A Ix Jr \\.l\7f\\ \AN\.N\ \u “;Q\\rf7J D1 0 \\rgfC/r \rrJJrJJrJJrJJ \\ /E u\\I\ :\ H AVJJ J\\\f2nrrJJmrJJf A .Jnr..\ .kn\&/JJ J... J \ \:\\\fJJ/ ( T. ( J V. \)V \fIV l \\l K /V / \\.VJx I J F / r rJ \\\.\\\\I \ ft «N \\ V JVVLI \ Ia) \L 7 L7 L7 Kr K \ (7 //7 ( ( ( xv A4//7,! «P A) rr r uuxfu vkxzrm 6 e vJ\\rru..\r\&rznVJJ\\mJvJJ\ véwnmxr.eflar,8?/a¢JJwJ(%»ée&&\>r£ »»n«vJP/(v .24 .|I..|I..|l|..|l....|...||...||...|l. 1 I ( 1‘ A\ a\ ( ( t ( lv ( u \ _w J__w J__w J__w J §wJ.m$..§ P n\,mr,,nN,v\JJ,»J¢.JvJ\JJ.,w\J>J.J.nJ\,\/«»v.,,J.J,»»,,v\“,»,wv mo‘m2@m¥§«.W,i&».. mmax, (A .\ .I:f/ )I\If)f( K \II \l\fJ} . Q .. Q Q mu«\,.J,»,%,\.W,w.§A,m,\,\.,J,u,,\» a,,.r;,,\,,>m,Jw.J\,v.y..s$mw \®@u av» Ar/J\\/ff.IN\Vf» \.rm\mrJ<\«r.r\Jv\>w«<.,JJ.JJJ8r.»\Vr»,«\,.rJvL»,wQ«§«,!r~, Q «AA, A» V 0 .l..l..l..l..I..H.H..|. 0 (he «Am «A c V4,J»o.»J»a4,J», J.Jv¥w Q“ ,%»A@.J.§«»flmr.,<,m2w«»J» J. V. N n\5£n\.\\Mrfi «J Wu \Vuf7\\Q,br\\Mfifi )\f~\\\ \\.r. J \flJfl.M\\\wrrI.J\VUfifiJNJV( )/.rV( JNMCM Jx \AQ\\r slu V A V A V J §J\r/«JJ. .4 rm./r../r¢ w: J\ \\J JJ >»J« \ r C. J. k .\ ..x . 2 5 . vbr? ob. ,, M 3 .,,.,,¥, «.2 E $wJ¥§,,s 5 >9 J, x“ . .. .. .. . ( V r\n .I\ )\ V\r\rV\\I AP” NY‘). a.\ a.\/ IQ a\V \f\v/ff///f/V\fH ~ \ \.u \ /V. 6 .® .. © .. @ J ®. 3 0 J E ,, k At A: . . e Jkanns. Ar? xx uI\\ Q.,rfin\rrnn\«r2, c 5 Wk? \. 30$ Sr; (x nn\\ ssxmrfi K at .J J.\\J)m 0 1 y _r .__r .__r .__r ._ ... x F 1 J .%\.,, \ 7,1 g 9 .I. n n H n . E? \ <\rJ: »C»,«,.>.,,,.>w.»< fins 5 « cw «Ac K W .m ..m V my W L mEw.\:rrw...v)A7S..n\s «.Mr,n.JwSw»\%rAm\h»r»v.Hr,«.<\4 .1 HHHNHUHHHHHHHHHHHNHHHHHH Jl.(x(\Q n V.\. C J“ ) \\ L7 JJh\\ Cw .r u M % .....na... W n\wmg. n Am .J\J /J|\\\\ »r\\\»r /I\\\J/\Z\\<\L »r)\.J\ \W\@\ \.rWT\fl\w B , c J ® __ © : @ 2 @ _ R 3 s .\,,3«.\,sw«J..,,,§»,,, vJ..,» Jew» ,\@& t \) r r II r r rnxxr. «/JJ rxrnr \rn av»? v) P rr «kxr. rff J. .\)J C); ‘ n e V K V K V L V K n:0\\\ V77» It e Ja Vr4W/Ari)» ., JJ.Q\\ r ..\)r r \ \A\§ \\\\ Cur .4r»«).r« rr..7» \\\ (I/r rJ/ \\ D .m n ”|.||.._n“u””u””“u||l””””u..||.|u””u O woJJu\m\mv.N¢\, d Fxm V,\)\rr\.. J.JJA\fl\AJ.@~fJWmAn\rrm% .«JmrxA\\H./»»\A\\.H.wwmJ\.n.M.,\k,~n,rNM\\mr\fihJJ\\rNVM\A,r\m Jr/M\vr... O B 0/ \\\f7W CJ 9 \\gf7\\gf7n4\ ) r J .N\ )\ ) “.I\:“.l\v)\/K ) J(\ !///U\\/l.l\ )\ Q\\ \I\ N p _‘J__w J__w J__w J_ $3 m Na «Jen? %«§wmw._»m«,»w,%%\m ; Acw Em 4 . ® 2 ® 2 © 3 @ . D 7 SVVA», a J‘ vbmubfiz. J 7”, Abu Y 9. ,7<¢§«o.rx,eJ ,\>,.¢JJv ,J \m?a :73 A 2 . . xwvm. SP2 :0 h S §<§J«\.,» CJ/rtv JJJJJAJJ ,«\.w«\>»x,«\>\krz« ?»V\?m mw J. \ ) J.JA\LJJx L N A N\\\ r V/(x/r run C Vrtsfr//(«VIV rfr P \)rf\r /J4 P5 \|,rfrN.PPIVVAWIIKKH/n7‘/rV\MrKn/fits/I \\u /\fll/r /\;/\\h ué A/rt)» . S n\\ »,+Lmrz ( /JCJJJ J9)» Srz «If» Qrfirkx nrQ\A/a\ » J“ .,//(J. JJJ N .I_.I..I..I..l..l..I..l. A 23¢” mm 5 Q xar, K“ .I. _‘ 1:‘ 1:‘ 1:‘ J_ L \\\AJtWW..rJ at JJJ( Mxa VJJm.7w./I(:V..w\.u\rv\rn AVVfl4rJNJ\&vJ r VWA/W Pu NW JJ\\ \.,,.\J\u J J 3 34., wk?» v,\ K J )\ v.\A»..:\1A» (fr ;k>»r, I. J «J? J \r..fr \rmf?mn\\ .\u.\\rf/n\\uu Jm \. m. \. Ja u:||l3|.||:l||.n|l.l.””:|r.|:n“u J Jr J ) . . ) J. r /(‘VI ) I rfJ \ r /\I/JAflx\\fl rt?» I rt?» z x R u r x r L r In .rI .. .,.$,e,.X», “V, ¥,»x,,.x,% w.a«\V>»Xn»©Js» 5 £J\<§rzw+n..,%rzw«,n», w“ _« J__w J__w J__w J_ mg » W “J\ I \n s l\ »l\ c .\ \.\ rJ\ \: A \. \« G G G @ M ,§.,\.u,.,\,u,.,\,u,.,\,J,,m_ xe ,» fix» :) I , J. J0 H) .)J ‘M I \)r(\. 7 ,« xv! . C) L); . _rI.k__V..k__r|...m__rI..h__ .oJmommawv»»w/«J««»nn\,_%n§w»u.m\vm«vx~», 1;,/«JV ,,% _v...A. __..1I..aJu.__|..|..l..l. , easy, gs» \ \ (Jr ) ) /A 0\/(\/r((sf/)(f f(/(s//)l\f ’ I ) r //.\\ r\ \ \fl K \f\ J\ \f K 5 /Uh!/4\\‘) «E V: nnx wk )(J 33 73 T\ »k )(JJ\ \Sr. .\ VS‘ 6 »JJ cw \ x \ x U : n 7$PcJ\ rrddx /)/x Araflmrrui \JJW\:Jr\ >,>an.>%8 3///M QVEL u Ararvr eJxJ\\ .. \.(\. x 648 V4) xxurfim. J<\qr7 .3. »JJ 3}3§\in \J7J>.JJM\.V\\\7/(J Qqtmiv J(\r LA\\flmtJ JA x4 :\\x 9. <. /JV ,r.J.\raJxJ\\@. \v.»\.c,.r vx. \o.JxJ\\r Ar (r z 2. rrf J %&<\, r J7J€Jr . iv. nJJ\nN\&M\\V .u\.VJ Jl\Q\ > (xxx Mv_V.,x\ \ r ).x ,1’ 7L»r7<7&v< JfJ/Nxnv .\ /I I»); H . ///) Jr\uKJ\ K: “J\ \/Afifr \ rAf»f\/(EKJ »Am:\\“ « .r.\\» ~ . J// . ‘f Anrz\\. Jn _.w..J__xI..J__W..J__v..J. .4... m. iv, mm /\\ )n\/I“) 2 . S /(‘rm J \I \ \\\\r M//(‘VI//(a/\vJJ~ //(«VI//(‘JV/\~V m \ . J\ \f \ H 2 : 2 u . »A\Uw\§\.:\ \ 1 I .m s wk»? Uzntntntoc ua VJ r\J,,¢r.wr\«.rJrr,~\A»av.\.nfi7J.uHArGk>Ard. ..J,.«mr \\GJm\m Vu\“: \\r\ffi . $ m e \\&f2u r.JrJJrJJrJJrJJ \\\ n\ n\ /\\H.H\\\un NJJN L%E /\\r A /VJ J.A\ h)\ _ L__r x__r ;__r L_ at» «<2 0 .. uh ¢.>, , , , , >CL€»,§.» E24 3 u§E.JS .. Jr./J ,4: /sr\\/Otra\\ H 0 c r:\\ un r Jr Jr..Jr J/rJ r J .JrA\r \\ I Kl4kn\& / 7 s ax) J/)\ .. .\\Awv.sJ\\Mzr.m N W c.m :0§u:_0:0=0 :0 xx \QJJJ( x\gr7.‘.>wt,J.JJw»m.e$\\J.JJ\W $t».J%»m.r®§,~.JJ(\o ‘.»\\v\,AJ\,\,.m.rA\\\v..J\\.mJ.nv.\\\vJa.JAmWnvJJ\\v\JJ&a\Y, mum (»\w\\/An\&&.rv.\,J/Vvr. \\.r\\M\ rJu\u\ rJ~\M\ Influx rJumJ\ r uvwx rJ«J\ rJ~\M\ rJu\M\ hr km W.v.\v\(r\u,» ..v\vWxJ«sJJv~0;>,JJ«4§\\0SJA(JJmxha s .\\l x .\sJ x ..\\.J x K) s K) x .\\/ x K) x K)\A\Cvxw\n x \ CJ wr. hr. \ur.Jr.J( \r r .\/r \/r krr .\/r V/r .\rr .\r .\M\\/Jxu \\y\ /(I/\\\ Af/\\\JVJl\ VAC \\JJ/>.///a\/ \f 4\/ \f (1 \f Ix) \r (1 \f (1 \f ;\/ \r Ax) \r )1!) \>%»E<>%»<..\B.J \>.J \ L53 L,o»t7J,,i.I1t 1, 3€.5.lnCh<;. $31-30 a ;POin?I (:nch‘r, y ‘2‘4f’oint I\I.(>:3,{3€3‘i11ches, It 24 Point No. 9 (for two colors) 24 Point N0 8 (for two colors) 27 inches, $2.50 27 Inches» $2-50 36 point N0_ 12 (for two colors)’ 18 inches, $2.50 36 Point No. 15 (for two colors), 18 inches, $2.50 1065 Gray Borders No. 1 and No. 2 P: M ’ X Qfiilllt‘///,',7,;Qfl a~.\®.%@IJmlulmmmullunruuuulIllullimmxlutrmnhg...> §;:(@§> iauMLm1IJ1ImmMIJ1IIwM_mIfl K® ya” 5§»;§ GRAY BORDER No.1 Characters in Complete Font «.3./» " 31" «W» § 8 10 s::t::;9;:::r:::<:o1;::::.:.: 2:“ 1% R @ ® W M E 1 5 7 6 3 2 E 5 Per Fon $3.50 AMERICAN TYPE FOtUNDERS COMPANY E. E c "3 I Q ’€>.’ .. ................. II ................... _. » U; ~ ~ A V we (égglmllIIIIllllllllllllIllI"ll||I"llI|IIIlHIII|I||||||[|M||||||||||||||||HI|I|H|fl £iiw: $mM ||[|fl |||]‘Q I \ 9 71; Amx .:|J|"l"_""“"{|ll|fl|M|ll|l|""||"|“W!Wmm“"[Wl|_I;... ‘C /,/tg-.!nJII.IIIIM_IIIIIIIII.I.IIIMMMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIWIIMIIHIIMHL I ' ' 6*‘ GRAY BORDER No.2 Characters in Complete Font lga 8 Font contains'sixteen of character 1; eight each 2, 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8; twenty-six of 4; two each 9 and 10 4 .§/ M mummummmmuummmmumnmu 5 W M E T 4 5 7 6 3 2 Per Font $3.50 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS COMPANY 2%‘ i W '3 ...... ggamlImmIIIunumumnuumunmulmmIlulllllumulumgé iélgnyummlmmumuIIumumuumIInuuIlllllllllllllnulngmwzumg;; ” "‘ ’*if‘%“Yi%'; 1066 / 0 £1 Tricky Borders and Quadruple Cast Squares RICKY BORDER is made in the four sizes, 12, 24, 36 and 48 point. It is a very ingenious border, in that two colors can ‘i be printed from one character. For printing the first color the charac- ter is set nick up as usual. For the second color the character is turned once around, the nick , to either side, as here: E E Hence, the initial outlay for a two-color border is the price of only one font, and there is a further saving in that it is necessary to put together but one form. ‘ DE in eight sizes: 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, and 36 point, ‘ ’ for printing in one or two colors. The brass rule faces with which they are to be used are indicated by the numbers. 24 point No. 1, the lines being 1 point, should be used with 1 point flush with body face rule; No. 2, the lines being 2 point, should be used with a 2 point flush with body face rule; No. 3 with 3 point, and so on. A labor-saving font each of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 point will provide brass rule for the complete series. These Quadruple Cast Squares, with a proper Supply of our superior, accurately-cut rule, is an equipment that will cost but little, and can be used-a great deal! TRICKY BORDERS 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 5 24 Point No. 2, 36 inches, $1.65 fl 36 Point No. 3, 24 inches, $1.65 [0 |-R "U 5* Z O H 30 Pt. No. 1 F-‘ 36 Pt. No. 10 Pt. No. 24 Pt. No. 36 Pt. No. N) 30 Pt. No. 2 [0 QUADRUPLE CAST SQUARES ""—l ‘iqx l|——|‘ PRICES Set consists of four type . Font contains 30 sets . Font contains 20 sets . Fonts contain 16 sets . Fonts contain 12 sets . Fonts contain . Fonts contain . Fonts contain . Fonts contain 18 Pt. No. 3 24 Pt. No. 3 30 Pt. No. 3 36 Pt. No. 3 8 sets 5 sets 5 sets 4 sets Color characters in same quantities for the same sizes same prices as the above. . .50c . .50c . .50c . .50c . .50c . 50c . .75c . 80c 24 Pt. No. 4 30 Pt. No. 4 EB 36 Pt. No. 4 EEI III ITI 24 Color 30 Pt. No. 6 36 Pt. No. 6 III II‘- II.- III III Artistic Rose Borders ‘ A A r\"~v* +v*++ ~v ++ f*‘ f~‘\ ROSE BORDER~—Section No.2 Per Font$4.75 \ A) ((3, (E: ‘Q’: Ctar‘:t:in Complete Font \ V V 'lTe,‘Tf33I p lEE"(ei ,, ’~ I gr, :4 I» ,;g +I, L ‘ 300007 1 0 > 540001 600012 600011 480020 0 ‘ A I A A A A I A V v V 7 +' 7 V% v 7 f R I 4 I A A A A A A ROSE BORDER—Section No. 1 0 Per Font $1.65 1 . 60008 Font contains sixty-six of character 60008; 60007 120007 forty-eight of 60007; twcnty—four of 120007 T I 7 4 R 0 4 T #1 L T R A 0 The tint shown on this page was routed on :1 Miller Saw Trimmer If’.-..1.1("mye"'m11k"m1}k"'m11k"'m11k"m11k"’m13léiQé! -1:42». 3:». W 3:». 2». 3:». 3:». zsxvalgt ‘ 1 I 36 POINT ROSE BORDER No. 360021 Per Fan 1 .65 I ["~'R' an 0%‘ £»'ID P? ‘ Characters in omplete Font ‘V '9) 19’ ‘ 1 6 «J ('5; E2‘: “’ K'i"~‘i°1 gs‘-Ev [2 Font contains two each of characters 600011 and 600012; thirty-four of 360021 I at :._I 9%‘ 0%.?‘ 0'1‘. 1‘ 0'1‘. 1‘ 0'1‘. V‘ v'-‘‘-.?] 0'1‘. 1] 0'1‘. 1‘ 0'1‘. 1] ‘Q. \I VII \I VII \I VII \I VII \I VII \I VII \I VII \I VII pa. fit 1068 ('9' Art Nouveau Border, Victory Border and Galt Border : ART NOUVEAU BORDER Per Font $4.50 U /‘\ VICTORY BORDER Per Font $2.75 _ \ Characters in Complete Font V \v \v \9 xx /ox ... A 4! 23$ “\ as .. /ox “‘- /A ' 6 2 8 9 1 7 . %++%++++++++%+++++++% Per Font. 36 inches. $1.30 Characters in Complete Font 35 :1 m t; 6 H 4 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 1069 Acme Borders and Dixon Borders E IE E ACME BORDER Section A Per Font $2.40 Characters in Complete Font '%I] % 7:: 19A 20A 7 E:-Z T " l 8A 3A 4A 7A I M F I “A 6A 5A Font contains two each of chara(‘t.(.-rs 9A, 10A, 11A, 12A, 13A, 14A, 15A and . ; four each 6A, 7A. 8A, L 16A, 17A. 19A and 20A; ton of 1A; fourteen each 3A, 4A Zl.I‘1(1 SA; 1 con of 2A ACME BORDER Section B Per Font $2.00 '1 Characters in Complete Font E 21B E 1 22B 26B 23B 2413 28B 27B 25B F t ' nt: 1 (‘tors 241%, 251%, 271% and 281%; two each 2311111111 261%; furty—twuc:1ch 211% and 221% on ,u) 1in.> 18 POINT MERCANTILE BORDER 36 inches $1.30 Characters in Complete Font ll X 5 6 7 Font contalns mght of ¢}mr;;cg.-r 1; ton of .3; fourteen of .5, four t.d(l‘l 4. 6 and 7, two of a 1073 Newspaper Borders and Triple Line Borders 12 Point No. 231, 54 inches, $1.50 6 Point No. 254, 60 inches, $1.50 NEWSPAPER BORDERS Characters in Complete Fonts 6 Point 12 Point 3 on 6 Point 2 I - 2 3 4 ‘V 5 3-on-6 Point No. 48, 60 inches, $1.50 / 12 Point No. 1, 54 inches, $1.50 W TRIPLE LINE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font @__g-—I__II_I_I : 6 Point No. 3, 60 inches, $1.50 12 Point No. 2, 54 inches, $1.50 TRIPLE LINE BORDERS Characters in Complete Font — 8 6 Point No. 4, 60 inches, $1.50 1074 Adver Borders WOTOTOTOV ADVER BORDER No. 2 Per Font $4.75 ‘'1 cf _9l Characters in Complete Font 6 . - — _ — & 6 1 2 3 4 5 7 397%? t @555 4% ? ‘#106 4} 21 20 0110-ojojg‘ ’ Font contains two each of characters 11, 12, 13 and 14; four each 6, 7, 8, 15, 18, 19, 20 and 21; eight each 9, 10, 16 and 17; twenty each 2, 3 and 4; forty-five (30 inches) of 5; ninety-two (8 inches) of 1. \ (About 50 inches of straight pieces.) 010% o AOMOJ ‘ : ‘ ‘6..__..,,_...-.-._...-..,¢..__._ ADVER BORDER No. 1 Per Font $2.50 Characters in Complete Font e - . - — _ § 7 2 1 3 4 5 6 Font contains four each of characters 6, 7 and 8; eight each 9, 10, 16 and 17; twenty each 2, 3 and 4; forty- three of 5; seventy-two of 1. (Practically 72 inches of straight pieces.) ‘ I 9 10 8 17 16 F 10 Ojojojo cojojojol Oj__O_CjO1 ADVER BORDER No. 239 V0 Characters in Complete Font 1 2 5 4 Per Font $1.50 . o—ojojojo—o( i o Font contains thirty-seven of character 1; seventeen of 2; four each 3. 4 and 5; thirty-six of 6 6 ,. !t I I I ! Stylus Border Lffif THE STYLUS BORDER IS VERY ORNATE AND ATTRACTIVE. IT IS VERY ADAPTABLE FOR USE WITH ALMOST ANY STYLE OF LETTER FACE AND OWING TO ITS MULTIPLICITY OF COMBINATIONS IT WILL PRODUCE THE MOST ARTISTIC ENGRAVED EFFECTS. IT IS ESPECIALLY SUITABLE FOR QUICK HANDLING, THUS ENABLING THE PRINTER TO READILY FORM AN EMBELLISHMENT THAT WILL BE APPROPRIATE FOR THE JOB IN HAND ‘JC BORDER BEAUTIES OBTAINED All characters are cast on point bodies, lining perfectly in any combi- nation by using our six and twelve point quads ‘JG HIGHLY EFFECTIVE COMBINATIONS The possibilities of the Stylus Border for origi- nal and artistic effects in the composing room are practically limitless 5 @ Q 1 15 Font contains two each of characters 3, 4, 10 and 11; four each 1, 2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 12, 15 and 16; eight each 5, 20 and 21; nine each DC % ? W s 2% 5 6E T 16 18 E AMERICAN TYPE F OUN DERS COMPANY Per Font $3.75 Characters in Complete Font Q 20 11 4 13 14 21 3 10 EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER JL The tint shown on this page was routed on 3. Miller Saw Trimmer 1076 Graphic Border THE CHARACTERS OF THIS BORDER ARE CAST ON MULTIPLES OF TWELVE POINT. THEY ARE ESPECIALLY ADAPTED TO BE SET IN A GREAT VARIETY OF STYLES,THUS PRODUCING MANY UNIQUE AND ATTRACTIVE DESIGNS OF DISTINCTIVE MERIT Per Font $4.00 Characters in Complete Font 1 L- 2 17 3 16 Font contains one each of characters 6, 7, 8 and 9; two each 10 10 and 11; three each 3 and 5; four each 14, 15, 16, 17 and 18; five of ‘.2 (6 inches); eight of 13; twelve of 12 (6 inches); fourteen of -1; sixteen of 1 (18 inches). (Practically 30 inches of straight pieces.) 14 b-4 01 Y cxya AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY The tint shown on this page was routed on a Miller Saw Trimmer 1077 Post Borders POST BORDER No. 2 ' Characters in Complete Font 8 Per Font $3.65 ~ M 12 4 1 2 5 ?§s°°9”é»"sa$?‘2 Font contains four each of characters 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14 and 18; eight each 5 and 12; twelve of 1; thirty-six of 9 C)“ O-aw POST BORDER No. 1 $ Characters in Complete Font : 2 Per Font $3.25 1 -u-"\flI""° 14 as i’? M?“ -2; h Font contains four each of characters 12, 13 and 17 ; eight each 9. 10 and 11; @ twelve each 3, 5. 6 and 14 ; twenty-four each 1, 2, 4, 7 8 and 16 POST BORDER No. 4 Characters in Complete Font 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 U 1'1 POST BORDER No. 3 , w T Characters in Complete Font ? Q 4 -/fir -Q:-0 1) -—16-- up» 8 1 3 7 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 Gnu-and-c-noun-uns 1078 Arlington Borders, Abbot Border and Herald Borders = C — C — 18 Point, 36 inches, $1.30 12 Point No. 234, 54 inches, $1.50 ARLINGTON BORDERS Characters in Complete Font C I — — C1 7 1 2 3 4 '5 6 C‘C r.......... K 3-on-6 Point, 60 inches, $1.50 J 6 Point No. 255, 60 inches, $1.50 .—C1_——CXO—C ABBOT BORDER } Per Font $2.00 Characters in Complete Font ‘ ‘ ’ Font contains two each of characters 11 and 12; four 7 ‘ each 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10; five each 1, 2 and 3; six each -— 7,8, 13,14, 15 and 16. <24 inches of straight pieces.) 1 3 OmO:OJO$O%O 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 O$O O O O O$O 6 Point, 60 inches, $1.50 0 O f\ HERALD BORDERS f\ kl Characters in Complete Font F 0 Z V T 9 7 8 12 O 11 10 \oI:roio::o::.-:10!"-—'—fir.=I—""'—Jr.>::oJ O:OJOi £O 1079 £0.10? f0 \O£O€O4 'j_-"_,|_|||||||I||||Ill|||||||||||||l|||||||||l||||||||||||||||||||| :4-1';|'||||||||||||l|||||||||||||||||||Illlll||||||||||||||l||||||| Linear Borders N I. E Ii? lljl IE ||||||||l|2|||||||||| \\l||llIIIllI||||||||IIIlllllllllllllllIIIll/%\l||||I|||||Il||||||||l||||||ll||||||I|l||||||l|||l|||||||l|l|||l|||||||l||||l||| Font contains sixteen of character 1; fifty-four of 2; 24 POINT LINEAR BORDER Per Font, 36 inches, $1 .65 Characters in Complete Font % |\\\\\\\\\\ Font contains four each of characters 1 and 6; nine of 2; thirteen of 3 (llllllllllllllllllll||||||||||||ll||||||||||II|||||||||||||l|||||||l|||||I|||||I|l|||||||||||||||||||||||||||I|||||Ill|||||||||||||||||||l||||||I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 6 POINT LINEAR BORDER §\\\“ Per Font 60 inches $1 50 "////»§\\\“ = ’ ’ ' 2 6 Characters in Complete Font 4 lllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllll lgl llll7lll| lllllllllllllllglllllllllllllll 5 5 § 6 § % D>>>) thi1'ty—si.\: of 3; four each 4 and 5; eight of 6; forty—two of 7 ////llllIIIllIllIIIIllllIllllllllIIIIIIIllIllllIIII|||||IlIllIll|||||ll|||IlllllllIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIllllllllIII||||I|||l|lll|||||l|||||||l||||||||lIIllllllIII|l||II||ll||l|||Illlll|||l|I|ll|||l||||||||\\ /ll||||||||||||||||l|||||||l||l||l|||||||||||||||||||||||I||||||||||||Illllllllllll Z ///IlllllllIllIIll|||||||||||||||l||||||||l||l\ f.‘-_'J_|||||llIIlllllIIIIllll|||||||||||||||lllllllllllllllllll||||||||_lg.-‘f 18 POINT LINEAR BORDER Per Font, 36 inches, $1.30 III I L5 6 Characters in Complete Font 3 1 ///////m I; IIIIl||ll||||2|||l||||||||| Font contains four each of char-.1cter.s‘ 1 and 6; ten of 2; eight of 3; four of 5 \\\\\\\\\\u 12 POINT LINEAR BORDER Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 [T Characters in Complete Font l|||l|||" "|||||lll |||lII5I|l||| ' ll////’§\\\\l ~=-I) l\\\\ coja ||l|||||||||2|||||||||||| Font contains eight of character 1; thirty-six of 2; sixteen of 3; four each 4 and 5; eight of 6 2'-TllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllll-FF; .J||IllllllllllllllllllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE 1080 51 llllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll IE lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIIIIllfi E "'\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\l\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lFE Patriotic Borders ..«s~!¥L.s,». 48 POINT PATRIOTIC BORDER Per Font, 36 inches, $3.00 Characters in Complete Font 24 POINT PATRIOTIC BORDER Per Font, 36 inches, $1.65 Characters in Complete Font §\,.~;_¢- ; Z/;7-..:/ ‘ I VF if @- 3 I 1- 1081 Easter Border *<~w' ‘Y § ,4; . C AN ENTIRELY NEW IDEA IN A COMBINATION BORDER. IT IS VERY APPROPRIATE FOR EASTER-TIME PRINTING. THE INDIVIDUAL CHARACTERS MAY BE USED IN COMBINATION OR INDIVIDUALLY AS MAY BE DESIRED BY THE PRINTER EASTER BORDER Characters in Complete Font *:*\/ >?‘§/ ' / 2 7 3 5 Per Font, 36 inches, $2.50 Font contains four each of characters 1, 2 and 7; eig t of 3; eighteen of 4; twelve of 5; ton of 6; two 0 I I '§’~W‘! . «RI?» dfi kl) F loral Borders and Brier Border £.$3_{»a» m§?sx. _ “la, “uh “uh #- 4-5: ‘W W ‘ W 4% ‘ ms’ Isms’ ":3 us‘ “I” Inns’ 49: av: FLORAL BORDER No. 2 Per Font, 18 inches, $1.50 Characters in Complete Font WW FLORAL BORDER No. 1 V Per Font, 54 inches, $1.50 Characters in Complete Font W -F‘ o $9 I J. 91% 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 an 9- 9% -v ‘'w\'&';\ W8 6W5‘ W‘ ‘0‘\ v fv fv "v 0v ''‘\v \\ A Q, BRIER BORDER Q A‘ Per Font, 18 inches, $1.50 3‘ Characters in Complete Font 5 M iv 1 1083 5=.~x;1.-nu Strand Border, Grille Border and Sansom Border '\ / ‘-10 if % “RV? STRAND BORDER "—_<‘)- Per Font $2.50 Characters in Complete Font 11 9 8 10 7 \ ‘ r Font contains fifty of character 1; thirty-two of 3; thirty of 5; eighteen each 2. 4, 6 and 7; i 4.? fourteen of 8; ten of 9; five each 10 and 11 4 9 9° 9' 9'9 ’ 9'9 '99’9 9'99°9 9'99°9 9°99°9 3 9'9 ' 9’9 9' 9'9 9'9 ° 9'9 0' 9 9'9 ' : ' 9'9 ° 9'9 9' 9'9 9'99°9 ~ WWWWWWWWWWWWWWW WWIWW .~;~. ”” ?+§v+++v4+++++++¢+y¢v4 : ”” “WY siléllii A A A WY o GRILLE BORDER ,,.,., .«;=;~. .~,v,~. Per Font $2.50 “W W Characters in Complete Font ._- g\ /3 .9:9:9’ 3 6 °°° . 9 Y o'9'9’9 W - «<72 U W 909 - I - 0 I C9‘ @ 4 7 1 9 5 11 Font contains eighteen each of characters 1 and 2; twenty of 9; twelve each 3, 4. 5 and 10; eight of 6; ten of 11;s1x of 7; four of 8 ' 39 9'9 9'9 9'9 "”" V # § f f 9 # Q # § V v .cx 49.0 AICX tJ.(1 ;O.Cx 10.9; 40.0; A3 [SSA Al 40%.} 40.11 ‘on; 40 0 5 ‘C 0 0 5" C C 9 €' 50 .4 '4 é ‘o :0 .0 :0 3' §:« SANSOM BORDER Per Font $3.00 Characters in Complete Font vb Ty‘? 9 10 C ) ( c,\, /0 3 6 5 4 Font contains thirty of character 1; twenty-four each 5 and 6; eighteen each 2 and 7; twelve each 8 and 9; eight each 3, 4 and 11; three of 12; five of 10 Sansom Border used in combination with 2 Point brass rule "V" 1084 Thistle Border, Meadow Border and Teasel Border " ‘ . " § 6 ‘V 7 9 11 12 /[3 THISTLE BORDER Per Font $3.00 \ Characters in Complete Font if 10 Font contains thirty—sevcn of character 1; thirty-six of 2; twelve each 3 and 4; ten each 7 and 8; eight each 5, 9 and 10; six each 6, 13 and 14; five each 11. 12. 15 and 16; three of 17 \ V‘ V’ If 1% 1 3 4 2 7 17 15 ..;‘w-gar‘ MEADOW BORDER Per Font $3.50 Characters in Complete Font 12 16 it '5“, ill. cm <<»>> 31’? 1 6 3 4 7 Font contains forty-one of character 1; eight of 2; thirty-six of 3; six each 4. 5, 6. 9. 19 and 20; four each 7. 8, 10. 11, 12, ten of 17; three each 14, 22, 24 and 25; two each 18 and 23 13, 15. 16 and 21; A iv’ Per Font $2.50 ‘\_. V ‘N Iv" Characters in Complete Font \ ‘N . Q’. C ‘A: 1"‘ ‘pr’ ‘ x, \ , 5 4 1 2 3 {l i Font contains thirty-eight of character twenty—four each and 3: ) ‘ twelve each 4, 5, 10 and 11; eight each 6, 8. 9. 12 and 13: S1-\' Of 7- _x .\ A M X 1,?‘ V x ‘y ) i‘ 10 11 13 I 1085 Celebration Borders _.___ ’rt ...___. _——— C -@'37"*‘S‘>- ~<<¥Y7'iIT"‘”**>~ C 48 POINT CELEBRATION BORDER Per Font, 18 inches, $1.50 Characters in Complete Font E>/\{r»n I 1 q’\/<3] A~\___ _. L» ' I 24 POINT CELEBRATION BORDER : ‘U Per Font, 36 inches, $1.65 _,_( ,3 .-‘V:-_\ -_ ’ “. ‘zl-,".'|'-'2/‘*u""' Characters in Complete Font . - ’ i L\ _ ‘TL’ ' ' 3 . III&l.::“/‘ t'£.’f’~"13_b». ““3'V _/ '\ | v ‘. E ’A- . » _ __.;‘.‘_I( , _ _’ 7.551 C /;¢!«l‘"‘\ G ‘.6. ->161 F Jir, Versatile Borders VERSATILE BORDER No. 2405 Per Font $2.00 Characters in Complete Font Font contains two each of characters 1. 2 and 3; ton of 4; forty of 5 Versatile Border No. 2405 is new and interesting. It is composed of five char- acters, as shown above. Each character may be used appropriately as an indi- vidual ornament, or the several different characters may be combined into an attractive and tasteful border. The high artistic quality of these new designs will undoubtedly be appreciated by all printers AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS CO. ORIGINATOR AND MAKER Q. .\ sf. 7 /"fix/\’?:\/\"9‘3'\ /" * C‘t~?‘<‘|~Z*<‘|~Z‘ Ch?‘ 0 Q‘ 24 Point No. 2404, 36 inches $1.65 0,px~nu»»7,tp—:\.,\x 0' we as as ~ as‘ «\‘< er s ~ :. 24 Point No. 2401, 36 inches $1.65 %%%%%% flflfifi 18 Point No. 1801 36 inches $1.30 VERSATILE BORDERS ‘ <\\"',’ ” “\\\«Jr+/’ “\\\‘Jr!’ “\\\\1fr!’ “\\\\J">” *'\\\;v:r>/’ “\\V\J">” ‘ ‘ I I ' I r . / v I 1- / / . Kl/l kl/Klfl 01) kt») VERSATILE — BORDERS 18 Point No. 1802 36 inches $1.30 Versatile Borders V ‘A aks-dam - 4‘ ‘ V VVVVVVJ \\\!I// ff’ Im‘.‘@:’s. V VERSATILE BORDER No. 6002 and No. 6003 (Color) CAST IN TYPE MOLDS Per Font, each, $3.75 amiss, «‘ 9 as!!! U ‘K A *‘ ".'(|®D»'1A V01 . V Y V v V . . ( Q \\_// .0 ‘:9 .00 i ul ‘) Versatile Electro Ornament 1%‘ my '3/\- T \\I’ W) R\<< F:___::] %l VERSATILE ELECTRO ORNAMENT No. 2 Electrotyped and Mortised (Made to Order Only) PRICE $3.50 This is an electrotype in one piece, mounted on wood and mortised, but the same design will later be cast in type molds and sold in fonts as 60 point Versatile Border No. 6004, at the same price as Versatile Border No. 6002 shown on page 1088. This is a very pleasing and appro- priate design for fine display adver- tising and catalogue covers. ORIGINATED AND MADE BY THE AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER \\(1 MI) Rx? 1089 Versatile Electro Ornament < T 5 W‘ W‘ (- VERSATILE ELECTRO ORNAMENT No. 1 Electrotyped and Mortised (Made to Order Only) PRICE $3.50 This is an electrotype in one piece, mounted on wood and mortised, but the same design will later be cast in type molds and sold in fonts as 60 point Versatile Border No. 6006, at the same price as Versatile Border No. 6002 shown on page 1088. This is a very pleasing and appro- priate design for fine display adver- tising and catalogue covers. ORIGINATED AND MADE BY THE AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER Versatile Border 60 POINT VERSATILE BORDER No. 6001 Per Font, 36 inches, $3.75 Characters in Complete Font Fcmt contains, four each of characters 1 and 2; twenty-four of 3; ton each 4 and 5; two each 6, 7 and 8 I . o o . < i \ 75" D 121 if A Snappy and Original Border Design, Suitable for High-Grade Entertainment Work American Type Founders Company ibipnuhrumv 1091 Cast Panel Pieces "" 2 T‘ I FOR USE WITH BRASS RULE Jr sizes, 12 and 18 Point. In each size there are two patterns: one with which a single rule 31"‘: is used, the other with which two rules are ‘ ’ ’ used. All the rules required are standard, Fl: commonly used faces. A labor-saving font each of our 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 point flush-with-body face rules r r r will provide for the entire outfit. These are rule faces that most offices are already provided with. While the Cast Panel Pieces do not dispense with the use of a mitering machine F in an office, they do, in actual use, with a proper equipment of our accurately cut brass rule, dispense with mitering. That is their intent; they make possible much better rule designs, without the expense ' ~ ' and delay of cutting and mitering. For J two-color work the l AST PANEL PIECES are made in the two fl 1 1 single - line designs, with brass rule, are ’ used in setting form E % for the second color. » Il'!.—.——j_ Qtppe a Junhers win. an Gtiginatnr Color form for this design shown annexed. Use as it is, or as color for preceding form. Ilr 12 POINT CAST PANEL PIECES Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 24 of each character, 50c 24 of each character, 50c 24 of each character, 50c 24 of each character, 50c Group 11 Group 12 16 of each character, 50c 16 of each character, 50c |._.:'|_ _I'L ..l #1. J1. .I I" -LI" ‘I I" 11' ‘I 18 POINT CAST PANEL PIECES Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 16 of each character, 50c 16 of each character, 50c 16 of each character, 50c 16 of each character, 50c Group 6 Group 11 Group 12 Group 13 16 of each character, 50c 12 each H and J, 8 of I, 50c 12 each H and J , 8 of I, 50c 12 each H and J ,8 of I, 50c :11. _n_ .1 | ‘:1. .n. .1 ‘:1. .rl. .II I" U "I I’ U ‘I I‘ ‘If ‘I H I J H I J H I J u Art-Tile Tint Farmers Department Store Initial f 1092 Boston Breton Cast Squares BOSTON BRETON CAST SQUARES 1, font contains 16 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 10 Point No. 10 Point No. 10 Point No. 12 Point No. 12 Point No. 12 Point No. 18 Point No. 18 Point No. 18 Point No. 24 Point No. 24 Point No. 24 Point No. 30 Point No. 30 Point No. 30 Point No. 36 Point No. 36 Point No. 36 Point No. 2, font contains 8 sets, each . . . . . . . . 50c 3, font contains 16 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 4, font contains 12 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 5, font contains 6 sets, each . . . . . . . . 50c 6, font contains 12 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 7, font contains 8, font contains 9, font contains 10, font contains 11, font contains 12, font contains 13, font contains 14, font contains 15, font contains 16, font contains 17, font contains 18, font contains 8 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 4 sets, each . . . . . . . . 50c 8 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 5 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 3 sets, each . . . . . . . . 60c 5 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50c 5 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c 3 sets, each . . . . . . . . 90c 5 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75c 4 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80c 2 sets, each . . . . . . . . 80c 4 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80c _ Nos. 1, 4, 7, 10, 13 and 16 contain only characters of the large Square with the inner Square for one c or Nos. 2, 5, S, 11, 14 and 17 conta color work. for two in the hollow Square and the angle Nos. 3, 6, 9, 12, 15 and 18 contain the hollow Square only. For One and Two Colors 1093 Cast Squares LIiE|ElEIElEL fiE|E|ElElElIIIElEIElEIEl jElElE|E!lfl!_| :1:IE1E1E1E1|I| I 36 POINT CAST SQUARES Four Sets, any character, 80c Cast Squares are made for printing in either one or two colors El El 36 Color IE Sq 36-8 El El E1 IEI M 36-4 SW 36-4 C 36-4 D 36-4 [E] E] El E] [3] Sq 36-6 Sq 36-4 1 8 POINT CAST SQUARES Eight Sets, any character, 50c Sq 18-4 C 18-2 D 18-2 Sq 18-3 C 18-1 D 18-1 Sq 18-2 Sw 18-2 M 18-2 Sq 18-1 SW 18-1 M 18-1 _ , 18 Color M 36-2 SW 36-2 C 36-2 D 36-2 Sq 36-2 6 PT. CAST SQUARES 30 Sets, either character, 50c E M 36-1 SW 36-1 C 36-1 D 36-1 S 36-1 B . E ' Q ' Sq 6-1 6 Color El El EL 1 o POINT CAST SQUARES 30 POINT CAST .!.. Sixteen Sets, any character, 50c SQUARES E Five Sets. E] [E] E E 30 Color any character. 75c Sq 30-6 Sq 30-4 E Sq 10-1 Sq 10-2 Sq 10-3 10 Color M 30-3 SW 30-3 C 30-3 D 30-3 Sq 30-3 8 POINT CAST SQUARES Li-_i El El El El M 30-2 Sw 30-2 C 30-2 D 30-2 Sq 30-2 Twenty Sets, any character, 50c ' X . I Sq 8-1 8 Color Sq 8-2 M 30-1 Sw 30-1 C 30-1 D 30-1 Sq 30-1 24 POINT CAST SQUARES Five Sets, any character, 50c 12 POINT CAST SQUARES Twelve Sets, any Character, SOC M 24-3 Sw 24-3 C 24-3 D 24-3 Sq 24-3 Sq 24-4 M 12.2 D 12.2 c 12.1 E M 24-2 Sw 24-2 C 24-2 D 24-2 Sq 24-2 E E1 Sw 12-2 Sq 12-2 Sq 12-3 E1 E K4 C I '9 El I 111 E M 24-1 Sw 24-1 C 24-1 D 24-1 Sq 24-1 24 Color Sw 12-1 Sq 12-1 12 Color E E. - « - I I IIIEIEIEIEIEI EIIEIEIIEIEIIIIIEIIEIIEIIEIEI: EIEJEIEIEIIII I 1094 :EIEIE|E|E1Ifi I EIEIElElEI]!|ElE|E]ElEl Uniform-Rule Cast Corners UNIFORM-RULE CAST CORNERS FOR ONE COLOR 10 Point Font contains 16 sets 50c HESE are very desirable Use 2 P0“ Fa“ Rule _ _ 12 Point Font contains 12 sets 50c because of the big sizes Use 2 Point Face Rule - - 18 Point Font contains 8 sets 50c (being made to include Use 3 Point Face Rule 48, 60 and 72 point), and can be 24 P °‘“{};§f1“Pf)?§§fi§’;:e51§§fj 50° used to excellent advantage in 30 Point Font contains 5 sets 75c . _ Use 6 Point Face Rule llI'l€S Of bigger WOI'k than 36 PoinEJFontPcontaFins 41felts 80c . . . V . se6 oint ace u e which is provided for in other 48 POint,per1§et _F_ ‘ ‘Rf 20¢ series of similar material. The , _ Use 8 °”‘t ace ” e . _ 60 Point, per set . . . . . . . 25c nine sizes make a useful outfit U891‘) P°mtFa°e Rule 72 Point, per set . . . . . . . 30c Use 12 Point Face Rule '1 I"l ' 72 Pt. Uniform—Rule Cast Corners are so named because all the lines in each size are the same width, requiring 60 PC- but one kind of rule. A “Set” means four corners 48 Pt 36 Pt. 30 Pt. 24 Pt. 10 12 18 Pt. EEH E E UNIFORM-RULE CAST CORNERS FOR TWO COLORS 10 Point Font contains 8 sets .50c Use 2 Point Face Rule 12 Point Font contains 6 sets 50c Use 2 Point Face Rule 18 Point Font contains 4 sets 50c Use 3 Point Face Rule 24 Point Font contains 3 sets 60c Use 4 Point Face Rule 30 Point Font contains 3 sets 90c Use 6 Point Face Rule 36 Point Font contains 2 sets 80c Use 6 Point Face Rule 48 Point, per set . . . . . . . 35c , Use 8 point Face Rule Thellargccai sizeskare (xirelry useful for showcalilg , ver a es, a 60 Point’ per Set- ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' 40c :i:ep ififciculzily dagsiraibllgioiionewsgaiiier ads. Use 10 Point Face Rule p 72 Point, per set . . . . . . . 50c Use 12 Point Face Rule 1 I‘ 72 Pt. In the above list a “Set" means eight types, that is, four types of each color, or four complete corners. 50 Pt- Quantities listed are the smallest which will be sold 48 Pt 36 Pt. 30 Pt. 24 Pt. _ 10 12 18 Pt. I Pt. Pt. I 1095 Art-tiles, Outline Art-tiles and Art-tile Tint Formers ART-TILES AND OUTLINE ART-TILES 10 Point No. 1001 (Outline) Price per font, 54 inches, $1 .40 El 10 Point No. 1002 (Tint) Price per font, 54 inches, $1.40 12 Point No. 1201 (Outline) Price per font, 54 inches, $1.50 . . . 12 Point No. 1202 (Tint) Price per font, 54 inches, $1.50 . . . 18 Point No. 1801 (Outline) Price per font, 36 inches, $1 .30 18 Point No. 1802 (Tint) Price per font, 36 inches, $1.30 ART-TILE TINT FORMERS 6 Point, 60 inches,$l.50 . . . . I I 24 Point, 36 inches, $1.65 . . . . . . . . 8Point,54inches,$1.35 . . . I I 10 Point,54 inches, $1.40 . . I I 30 Point 24 inches I - $1.35 . . . . . 12 Point, 54 inches, $1.50 . . I I I . I I 36 Point,24 inches, 18 Point, 36 inches,$1.30 $1.65 . . . . . . 1096 Items Made of Brass for the Composing Room Bythe American Type Founders C0mPaI1Y A Corner of the Brass Rule Department of the American Type Founders Company NEW SYSTEMATIC POINT-F ACE BRASS RULE Point Faces as well as Point Bodies EW Systematic Point-Face Brass Rule means that our Brass Rule faces are graduated by a scientific Point-Face System never before attempted, which adds greatly to their value. All single line rules thicker than hairline are graduated by one-quarter points up to one point, and by one-half points above one point, whether placed in center or on side of the bodies. Double and Parallel Faces are graded to give uniform color and are also made flush on the body. This assists the compositor in makingva neat joint when si gle cross rules are used in a page. The thickness of the lines are indicated by the figures in brackets, so that printers may know the exact thickness of both face and body, and in ordering two or more kinds of Brass Rules to work together, may be sure of harmonious results. This departure from the rule-o’- thumb method of designing brass rule by standardizing the faces is distinctly an improvement and as important as was the substitution of point bodies for the old irregular bodies of types. Unexcellable quality is guaranteed to all purchasers of the Brass Materials shown in this section of our catalogue by the use of the very best wearing brass, which is planed, faced or engraved, cut and numbered by special machines of extraordinary precision in charge of skillful operators of long experience. This claim is made in no boastful spirit, for it is simply a matter of good business policy, as the most extensive manufacturers of Brass Materials for printing uses, to lead in quality as well as quantity. Therefore, no effort is spared to maintain our leadership in quality, as the surest method of retaining our leadership in output. The faces of Brass Rules and Corners shown in this section need no encomiums, as their merits are displayed in the following specimens, and their variety is such as to meet every requirement of every grade of printing. Particular attention is given to accuracy of height and accuracy of lengths. The standards and gauges which establish these accuracies are as nearly infallible as anything can be. These accuracies are labor-saving in type composition, facilitat- ing joining of miters, and assist in obtaining equal impression on conjoining pieces of rules or corners, thus saving much time otherwise consumed in make-ready where rules are used which are inaccurately planed or cut. There is nothing in a type form so difficult to underlay and overlay as brass rules; inaccurate brass rules are uneconomical. Special Faces and Fonts and Matching Faces Although our assortment of faces and fonts would seem to cover all requirements, we are prepared to match all faces of Brass Rules now in the market on orders of sufficient size, and to make Rules with special thicknesses, widths and line arrangements, and to supply fonts to special schemes. 1097 ,_ Bench for ' «N Facing Brass u es Power Machine for Rubbing Edges of Brass Rules After they are Sawed Power; or mpmg idth Numbers on Labor-Savl Brass Rule Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips Hairline Face in Center Hairline Face on Side NO. BODY PER FOOT NO. BODY PER FOOT 100% . 3/.» Point $0 05 2001 1 Point $0 05 100% % POi‘.|.'lt t0 D103.) 5 Point . . V i i 100% 47% Point (15 to pica) 5 2002 2 Point 10 1001 1 Point 5 2003 .. 3 Point 15 100134; 1% Point (10 to pica) 6 2004 4 Point 20 _ _ 1001% 1% Point 7% 2006 6 Point 30 — 1002 2 Point 10 » —— — ~—~»~-—~T ‘/1 Point Face in Center 1003 3 Point 15 1021 1 Point 5 1004 4 Point 20 102100 1% Point 7% 6 — 1005 5 point 25 1022 2 Point 10 - j 100512» 5% Poinc 27% 1°23 3 POW 15 _ . 1024 4 ' ~ 20 1006 6 Point 30 P°"‘t — _ 1026 6 Point 30 1007 7 Point 35 — - ‘A Point Face on Side 1008 8 Point 40 2021 1 Point 5 2022 2 Point 10 10010 ~ 10 Point 50 2023 _ 3 Point 15 10011 11 Point 55 - 2024 4 Point 20 — 10012 12 Point 60 ' 2026 6 Point 30 — Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips ‘/2 Point Face in Center 1 Point Face in Center I NO. BODY PER FOOT I NO. BODY PER FOOT 1041 1 Point 30 05 I 10811/_> 11/2 Point 60 071/.» F I I 10411/2 11/; Point 71/.» ‘I 1082 2 Point 10 I I 1042 2 Point 10 I 1083 3 Point 15 I 1043 3 P°int 15 I 1084 4 Point 20 I j I _1044 4 P°i““ $0 I 1086 6 Point 30 I T I 1046 6 Point 30 I L - I 1 Point Face on Side I I 2081‘/.2 11/2 Point 71/.» I ‘/2 Point Face on Side I .2041 1 POW 5 I 2082 2 Point 10 I i0411/'’ 1%’ P°i“t 7% I 2083 3 Point 15 I 2042 2 Point 10 I L I 2084 4 Point 20 I j 2043 3 Point 15 I L I 2086 6 Point 30 — 2044 4 Point 20 L j , I 2 1'/2 Point Face on Side 046 - L 6 P°"‘t I & 2102 2 Point 10 3/1 Point Face in Center 2103 3 Point 15 10% 11/2 Point 71/: I 2104 4 Point 20 10; 2 Point 10 I ' T I I I 2106 6 Point 30 1063 - I L 3 Pomt 15 I — I I . ML 4 Point 20 2 Point Face on Side 1 2123 3 Point 15 1°66 6 Point 30 L L 2124 4 Point 20 j 3A Point Face on Side I 6 P ' t 30 3% 11/: Point 71/’ 2126 Om _ 2062 - 2 Pomt 10 I 2 ‘/2 Point Face on Side I 2143 3 Point 15 2063 3 Point 15 I \_g I 9 2144 4 Point 20 ~°64 4 point 20 I O L _j I I I . 2066 6 Point 30 2146 6 Point 30 L 1 I 1 Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips Full Face Series No. 115 NO. BODY PER FOOT 1151/2 1/2 Point $0 05 1153/5 3/in Point (20 to pica) 5 115% 4/3 Point (15 to pica) 5 1151 1 Point 5 1151‘/5 1% Point (10 to pica) 6 1151126 1% Point 71/2 1152 2 Point 10 1153 3 Point 15 1154 4 Point 20 1155 5 Point 25 5% Point 27 ‘< 6 Point 30 7 Point 35 8 Point 40 1159 9 Point 45 11510 10 Point 50 11 Point 55 12 Point 60 11518 18 Point 90 1100 Wave Rules » NO. aoov PER FOOT 3082 2 Point $0 10 3002 2 Point 10 3012 2 Point 10 3092 ‘ pp 2 Point 10 3142 2 Point 10 3152 2 Point 10 3022 2 Point 10 3042 2 Point 10 3043 3 Point 15 i 3102 2 Point 10 3113 3 Point 15 V 3123 3 Point 15 S 3052 2 Point II'\u'h"I"'iI‘U'hl"U'\u'h"uf‘uI‘Il'\l"\I'\1'h"u"ul‘hl'II'|l'U'|I'\u"-"bl"Il"H"\u'\u'Vu"I 3062 2 Point -ourn.vnuum.vumumn.Imu.mmmnum-nIIn4Iu4-um-u-um-mm:m..nm.n..nm-I Rugged Series No. 175 1751 j L 1 1"oint 5- 1751‘/2 1% Point _ 1752 __ % 2 P:ir_1t %___v:_;'i‘04 _1_753__i ; é-3_1:oi: 1754 4 Point 20 1756 6 Point 30 17512 12 Point 60 Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips Dotted and Hyphen Series Dotted Rule 1012, 1032 and 1052 will line with and match American Line Brass Leaders Nos. 101, 103 and 105 with the use of leads. N0- BODY PER FOOT .5??? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr P°‘“t 625° 05 .193.1.-_ rrrr 6512,39??? rrrrrrrrrrr 5 2 2 -1051 1 .Pf’?“‘ 2 5 , .1951??? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr (¥c?%cc?9i2* rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 3393?’/? rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .1121./f"__,1,’.f’.‘.T¥ctc rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr _,.7}f". be 41°”? E13142 _ 3 ~~*9‘(+"‘ rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr .6?...¥?9?¥?F rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr 9°33 -A €39??? 2 1° 5 1°52 @5121 19 153% ______________ _3_P;o_ir§c ________________ 31 _ 1032. _________ _31’:>3:t iiiiiiiiii 3,119.. ._._..1..%.%..2. ..... .. 2 Point 10 ____ __ 2 Point 10 “M 1?,°?W?c as - 5 »1492 A A ‘ 2 Point _fl 1403 _ 3 Point 15 _}§‘°‘*~:::::_ 4 Pf’“"‘ - :3: 1406 6 Point 30 Uniform Grade Series In making these Uniform Grade faces it was not always possible to obtain point faces, but in most cases these rules can be used either with face rules Nos. 2022-2042-2062-2082 (respectively ‘)4-1/2-‘V4 and 1 point faces) or with fullface rules %. 475, 1, 1%, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 point. NO. Boov pea Foor 1452 2 Point (14) $0 10 1453 3 Point (1/2) 15 1454 4 Point (%) 20 1456 6 Point (974) 30 i 1212 2 Point ($6) 10 1213 3 Point G2.) 15 1214 4 Point (56) 20 1216 6 Point (1) 30 1232 2 Point (925) 10 1223. 3 Point (3/4) 15 1224 4 Point (1) 20 1226 6 Point (1%) 30 1256 6 Point (1%) 30 1232 2 Point (976) 10 1233 3 Point (1) 15 1234 4 Point (1%) 20 1236 6 Point (2) 30 1233 3 Point (2%) 40 12310 10 Point (31/11) 50 T 12312 12 Point (4) 60 12318 18 Point (6) 90 All rules on this page (except dotted rules) are flush on body. The figures in parentheses show the face of the rule in points. 1101 Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips Uniform Grade Series These three uniform grade series supplant the old rule- of-thumb faces. They are all made flush on body so that a cross rule of 2 point hair line rule No. 1002 will fit snug against the light line of the rule. Any of the old faces formerly shown can be obtained on short notice but are not usually carried in stock. NO. aoov PER r-oor 1412 2 Point $0 10 1413 3 Point 15 1414 4 Point 20 1415 5 Point 25 1416 6 Point 30 1418 8 Point 40 14110 10 Point 50 14112 12 Point 60 1422 2 Point 10 1423 3 Point 15 1424 4 Point 20 1425 5 Point 25 1426 6 Point 30 1428 8 Point 40 14210 10 Point 50 14212 12 Point 60 1432 2 Point 10 1433 3 Point 15 1434 4 Point 20 1435 5 Point 25 1436 6 Point 30 1438 8 Point 40 14310 10 Point 50 14312 12 Point 60 1 l I 1 l 1 i I i i l l l 5 1 N I l Point Face Series These rules are made to match regular point face rules, N 0 . B O D Y P E R F0 0 T 1264 4 Point (2-1/.») $0 20 1266 6 Point (3-1/2) 30 12612 12 Point (6-1) 60 1274 4 Point (21/.»—1/2) 20 I 1276 6 Point (4-1/2) 30 12712 12 Point (8-1) 60 1286 6 Point (4-1) 30 1314 4 Point (2-1) 20 1316 6 Point (3-1) 30 13112 12 Point (6-2) 60 13118 18 Point 1232 2 Point (973) 10 1233 3 Point (1) 15 1244 4 Point (11/.») 20 1246 6 Point (2%) 30 1248 8 Point (3) 40 12410 10 Point (4) 50 12412 12 Point (5) 60 12418 18 Point (7) 90 The figures in parentheses show the face of the rule in points 1102 Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips N0. BODY PER FOOT 1335 6 Point $0 30 1338 8 Point 40 13310 10 Point 50 13312 12 Point 60 1343 3 Point 15 1344 4 Point 20 1346 6 Point 30 Li? 8 Point 40 $0 10 Point 50 E2 12 Point 60 13413 18 Point 90 1356 6 Point 30 1358 - ? 8 Pomt 40 13510 10 P ' 1; 50 L o1n 6.; .1351? 12 Point 60 1-1 L 4328 18 Point 90 6 6 2 EL‘ 6 Point 30 83$ 6 Point 30 ‘$7328 8 Point 40 13210 10 Point 50 13212 12 Point 60 NO. BODY PER FOOT 1796 6 Point 36 VIlIIIlI4\\\\\\\\I\\6IIIIlIIlfl\ 18 Point 18112 12 Point 72 18118 18 Point 1 E 18312 12 Point 72 18318 18 Point 1 O8 1376 6 Point 30 8 Point 40 O’! O 13710 10 Point O) C 13712 12 Point 3 13718 18 Point 6 Point 30 17812 12 Point 60 18 Point Pd -3 00 H 00 15 O Brass Rule Shown in Series Unless otherwise noted, Brass Rules are made in 24-inch strips NO. BODY 1776 PER FOOT $0 36 6 Point 17712 12 Point 72 1506 6 Point 30 18 Point 90 6 Point 30 I _ __ V __, ._ :1. ' _’_;.j;:_:.,.;;;: .;_: ::f —.r,_—- —. —~___» __ *:*—""=. 12 Point 60 WV“ _ _ _ _ _=_...._A;‘u:»-3*-— ‘jf‘~_ 354" _~ “ 18 Point 90 18 Point 90 1463 13 17°”? 4 158 ;1464 b V 20 1466 6Poipt j 30 ‘ 14612 12 Point 60 Nos. 1482 to 14812 and 1472 to 14712 a1'eAAI;x:1;1‘o1~r 1 2 Pomr ; 3 Pomr I 4 pom 1 s pom 5 pom I 15 pom I 12 pom I 1 Pound ........ $2 100 $109501‘ $1"d69F I $1 55 M1 $1lli59W 01 $1 50 $1 50 1 11 $1 35 1 2Pound ........ 400 ' 360 1 320 300 I 300 1 "290 I 290 1* 270“ 260 hF31>“5;1d ....... ..i; 57)”: A 5 49 I 4 50 4 35 E21“ 35 ,1 171.29 1 21122112“ I W 21052 ....... ..1 7710“ 1, 3239 A ‘"5 001” 12151205291-:1 A R 5 W60‘ 1 M5240 1 l5Mz19m1 520 '1 “F5 90 5Pound ........ 375 1 325 1 725 675 1 675 1 650 1 650 650 I 600 I I 1 Special prices on large quantities. Write for estimates. See page 1123 for prices of 18 Point Labor-Saving Rule TABLE D 1 TABLE K Fonts of rnit_ers are put up at the following list I space Rule Fonts prices, containing the number of sets as noted: A set” of miters consists of 4 right and 4 left miters : Consisting of all faces and bodies from 1 to 12 Point I I I containing an equal number of each length from 1 em I NO. sers [ H_ 4[g_j1,<3;iE1~°3_A_,‘ pica to 4 ems pica, inclusive, by ‘Ar em pica. Fonts 1 I : I 1 1’ 1 F 1 weigh approximately, 1 pound. POINT 1 1 5 EMS PRICE 1I POINT I 1 5 EMS‘ pmce ‘ V 1 1 1 ‘ ’ 1 1 NUMBER 1 NUMBER 1 F .1 I 1 I BODY I P'E°Es PER FONT eoov P'E°Es I PER FONT ‘ 2 1 EACH 2 1 EA %1//2 ‘ 3 E 11 g 3 1 % ‘ 1 LENGTH 1 LENGTH 2 2 50 8 2 I 1 50 1 90 I $4 50 ‘ 6 I 15 $2 10 3 2 2 50 9 1 I 1 . 50 I 11/.» I 59 I 3 40 1 7 13 2 10 4 _ 2 2 50 10 1 I 1 1 50 1 2 1 45 1 2 35 11 3 11 1 2 00 5 1 2 1 501 11 1 1 1 50 1 3 ; 30 I 250 9 I 10 1 200 51/2 1 2 ‘ 1 50 12 1 1 1 50 I 4 1 22 . 2 30 I 10 9 1 1 90 _ “ . _ n 1 5 | 13 1 2 25 .1 11 3 1 1 30 Larger than 12 point figure price per piece, ac- 1 5% I 16 1 2 15 I1 12 7 1 70 cording to Tables H and I, on page 1109, plus charges for mitering in Table F, below. For sorts of space rule see Table H, page 1109 1 1 TABLE E I Miters will be sold in single sets from 1 to 6 ems in I I 1 I I AMERICAN LINE BRASS LEADERS American Line Leaders are made in three styles. Style 101, a fine dot; style 103, an open dot or short hyphen; style 105, a regular hyphen, which offers a selection varied enough to meet the requirements of length at the following list prices per set (4 each right and left): I I 1 P01” I 1=§§'s°§T I *’°"” I pE§"éE1 ‘ POW P:l:|(S:ET all printing offices. __ _ _ , H ‘ _ 1‘ Y1Vhen1 o1('iderin(g1' American Line Leaders give body 1 1 an sty e esire . %% ‘ $0 I $0 I 13 1 $0 1 When ordering leaders to line with any type not on 2 " T 15 1 6 25 1 11 40 1 American Line be sure and send sample type H and 3 15 1 7 1 25 11 12 I 40 1 mFand state style fog leadfirs gesired. t f 1105 4 15 1 8 25 11 I or specimens 0 rass ea ers see op 0 page . Larger than 12 point figure "price per piece” ac- cording to Tables H and I, on page 1109, plus charges for mitering in Table F, below : LABOR-SAVING FONTS hThese listargrices age for Regular Scheme Fonts. In t e 5-poun onts t e ongest piece is 15 ems, and in TABLE F the 10-pound fonts 20 ems, cut by half ems pica up to Page 11111111111111 M1191 01116 B111 4 32:1:';?.$::.’;.:::$.:1°:m21’::.: 1. .11.. and Are sold by the “price per piece” as per Tables H sold at “price per piece” listed in Tables H and I. and I (page 1109) for length of rule used plus the 1 All bodies other“tha.n those listed are cut to order following list prices per page or set of miters : onhyland sold a]l210£I))rlCe per piece” listed in Tables H 1 an , on page . I I I Fonts of short pieces are listed in Table K. 10 Pound . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 * L1: 112:1‘ 6.12 I “.1: 2.2:; , °::: 13.:;- I ~ , ,_AA_____ FONT GPOINT , BPOINT I1 10 POINT I 12 POINT 1 to 3 1 12c 14c 16c 1 20c 1 -____.-.- 1 . 1. 1 ..--L_-__ ““ L 11> d ........ .. 1 0 1 1 I 9 '00 15 11° 13° 1 150 I 190 I 2 Pgiigd ........ ..1 $3 :0 $3 23 1 $3 $ $2 :8 1 ‘ *7“ * “ I 3P d ........ 4 1 7 173132 10c t 12c 14c 1 18c 1 4p33§la ........ 6331 ‘$33, ‘$331 ‘$33 I 1 I "7" —* “ P d ........ 2 1 Over 32 9c 1 11c 13c 17c I 5 °“n E E3 1: 53 1 12 % 13 38 I L 1108 Price List of Brass Rule, Brass Leads and Slugs CUT RULE Cut Rule includes the following which are charged as noted: Sorts of Brass Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Tables H and I Column Rules, Table I, plus the following charges Special Scheme Fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tables H and I for notching: Advertising Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Tables H and I Each notch over to allow for foot slug. 2c extra. Cross Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Tables H and I Each notch under to allow for brass reglet. 5c extra. Sorts of Space Rule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Table H Each lug for perfecting press chases, 10c extra. Head Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Table I Miters over 6 ems and Page Rules, Tables H and I, Dash Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . .Tables H and 1, plus 5 cents plus charges in Table F. TABLE H __ List Price per 100 pieces. More or less at same rate. POiNT ' ;O1ll‘l2T 1 l3>’OTAl\AlA”l:'7'T“PMO“3lAlLJT POE|)NT ' l§O1ll‘J2T 1 POGINT ' PO7INT ' POBINT PO9lNT ' P:);l'&F)\'l_'I:",1- PCEIBNT ‘ 3 >77 ”“1'"-7-~“- 1 1-*—~~ 1*"~~~-17’~"w-17—*“71’—-“~-1“-7-"7 71777, --—~-i*~‘1 ;**7”-1 *—w 1 ............ .. $0 60 '80 70 ‘$0 70 $0 90 $1 10 '51 20 131 30 131 40 ‘$1 60 $1 80 31 90 32 00 '62 10 $2 20 3 4 00 11/2 . . . . . . . . . . ..' 60 70180'100'120'14011501160:190'210'2301240§250;270;450 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70180’, 90'110'140'1601170'180220'240’260'280‘290'3101500 212 .......... ..'70180190112011501180;1901200j240i270:2901310;330:340;550 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..180190110011301170120O1210s2201260 290132013401370<39016O0 312 . . . . . . . . . . .. 80' 90'100114011801220123012401280~320'350'38O141014301650 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80110O1110'150 190 240126012701310‘350'380'410;450148O*700 4%and5 .... ..' 90=110 1301170'210'270,3001320'360'400'440.480*520'560I900 51/2and6 . . . . ..?100'120'140 190'240'300'330'360’4101460'500‘550'590'630‘1000 6’/2and7 .... ..'1001130:'160'2101270'330'370'4O0'4601520'570:620'660'70011100 7%and8 .... ..1110 1401170'2301300'36O141O'450:52O1580:63O'69O:730'77011200 8%and9 . . . . ..112O1’1501190'2501330'400,440'49015701640170017601810185011300 91/2and10.....1 1201160‘200~270 360'440;490'15401620170017701830'8701950L1400 TABLEI H A List Price per Piece in cents and fractions. EMS ’ IN 1 1 1,_;'I1'»T;.,IM1 4 ' 5 151-271' 6 7 3 1 9 10 11 12 ' 13 2 _g _“gW _,, :1 :‘?'__'1‘T5' "°””1 "°"” 1F’°"‘” ' "°["__T 1_:‘_”__*_1 "°'”:"’°"”1 "°'”_T __f"fl_'_‘f' "°'”___T 1A'_’1‘jflA "°'”T' ”°'“1 10%to12 ...... .;2 1%'13/4'21/13 14 '5 5%16 S7 18 :8%19%é10%311:17 12% to 15 ..... 2% 1%' 2 12%14 15 6 16%' 7%1 81/21 9%;10%i11%} 12% 13%; 21 15%t618 ..... ..13 212%1314%15%1717%f8%110%11112%113%115116125 18%to 21 ..... 3% 2 l 3 13% 5 16%' 8 9 10 11% 13 14% 16 ,17%;18%. 29 21}2to24 . . . . . ..'4 21%'3 14 15%171/219 110 '11 113 1141/21161181191/2121133 24%to 27 ..... ..14% 2%' 3% 4121 6%18 110 111 112%114%'16 118 120 122 123%1 36 27‘/2to 30 ..... ..1 5 21%14 '5 7.9111'12113%116 18 120122 1231/2126140 30%to 5% 23/114 '5%17%110 112 113%115 117% 19%122124 26%128%; 44 33%t6 36 ..... 6 3 14%16 ,8 1101/2113 '14‘/2116 118% 21 123%126 1281/21 31 1 48 36%to42 ..... 7 41517'10113116117119122 25128131134136155 42‘/2to 48 . . . . . 8 4 6 18 '11 14 18 19 21 -25 28 '31 35 38 141 1 62 48%to 54 ..... ..19 5 1713 112 115120122 24128 31 135139.143 $46 170 54%to60 ..... ..110 5 17 19 113 118 122 124 126 .31 35 139 43147151177 60%t6 66 ..... ..111 6 '8 110 115 119 124 126 129 '34 38 14347152 156185 561/2to 72 . . . . . .312 6 '8 111 116 121 126 128 131 136 41 146151156161192 72%to 78 ..... ..'13 6 19 112 117 123 128 131 '34 139 45 150156j611661100 78‘/2to 84 . . . . . ..114 7 110 113 118 124 130 133 1'36 '42 48 1541601661711107 841/26090 _____ __'15 7 110 113 120 126 132 136 139 145 51 158164;701761115 90%to96 ..... ..116 8 11 '14 121 128 134 138 141 148 55 161 ‘68 175 181 2122 96%to102 ..... .. 17 8 112 115 122 129 136 141 144 151 158 1'65 372 179186 1130 102%to108 ..... ..'18 8 112 '16 123 131 138 '43 146 154 161 169176,841911137 108%to114 ..... ..119 9 113 117 25 133 141 '46 149 157 165 :73181189;961145 114%to120 ,,,,, ,,‘20 9 113 113 126 134 143 148 151 1'60 168 176 185 193 ;'101 .152 120%to126 ..... ..'21 10 114 118 127 136 '45 150 154 163 171 ;;80 189 398 1106 I160 126% to132 ..... ..122 10 '15 119 :28 138 147 152 156 166 :75 184 193 1102 1111 1167 132%to138 ..... .. 23 10 115 120 '30 139 149 154 59 '69 178 188 1 97 1107 C116 1 175 136% to 144 ..... ..' 11 116 121 '31 141 151 56 61 171 181 1 91 1101 £111 :121 1 182 2 ft. Strip ...... ..1 24 10 115 120 '30 140 150 155 60 170 180 1 90 1100 1110 1120 1 180 144%to150 ..... .. 25 '....1....1 64 174 185 195 1106 1116 3126 150%to156 ..... ..126 1 1....167 177 188 199 1110 1120 1131 , 156%to162 ..... ..1-27 ....'....'....‘....‘....'....1....169 180 191 1103 1114 1125 1136 1 162%to168 ..... .128 183 194 1106 1118 1129 1141 1 ___‘_ 1. , 1 V‘ 1 ‘ ' ‘ _ FONTS OF RULE MITERED AT BOTH ENDS T: 2 1 03,17 ' POl4NT 1 Poi-’NT ' POGNT POBINT Pciour PO1I:i‘4T Pomr Pl 1 1 1 ' 53;? 2326642666 153h‘1;6 26 it 1”“ W 1 1 1 (' 'd I; . . . . . .. ' 11 625'$720'$8401$1025‘$1290 $1390 $1580 F6;’éSiq§.’2,’£S?;iesea661.;;6:«e1;'1‘«;6's6".;;,;g.1$ 5 ° 1$ 1 1 1 1 » F(inside)byems .......................... ..1 13 55 14 951 20 101 23 251 28 501 35 65 ; 40 451 48 20 ont N .3,4 ' 1 1 1 1 (outsiiie) byp<;nc:§.(?&.1.c.h. 5 00 1 6 00 ' 6 90 1 7 90 9 60 1 11 40 ; 12 75 1 14 40 ont No. 4,4 ' hl th 1 t 50 1 ’ I (outside) .... 13 55 1 16 50 20 00 1 22 75 1 27 50 1 34 20 41 05 1 47 20 *In Fonts Nos. 3 and 4 the shortest piece in 4, 5 and 6 Point is 2 ems and the shortest piece in 8, 10 and 12 Point is 3 ems. These fonts with miters cut to outside measurements are intended for newspaper use. & 1109 Brass Cross Rules and Head Rules ADVERTISING AND CROSS RULES Cut any length from any of the faces listed under Head Rules, or any single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. 3 POINT 4c 41/2 61/2 7 10 11 4 P01 N T 5c 5% 8 9 13 14 5 POINT C S E PICA EMS 2 POINT Single Column 12‘/2 to 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2‘/.»c Single Column 151/.» to 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3 I Double Column 24‘/2 to 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4‘/2 Double Column 271/.» to 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 Triple Column 361/.» to 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7 Triple Column 42‘/2 to 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .8 No. 1002 N0. 1022 No. 1042 No. 1062 No. 1082 N0. 1402 BRASS HEAD RULES 6 PC I N T 7‘/2c 81/2 121/: 131/2 19 21 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point 2 Point The following list prices are for any single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. Regular sizes using 13 em column and 6 point column rule. For other bodies and lengths, see Table I on page 1109. SIZE PICA EMS 3 POINT Four-column 531/» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 12 Five-column 67 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Six-column 80‘/_» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Seven—column 94 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Eight-column 1071/.» . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Nine-column 121 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27 No No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. . 1064 1403 1404 1406 . 1454 1456 1414 1415 1416 . 1423 1424 1425 1426 1434 1435 1436 4 POINT $0 16 21 24 28 31 36 5 POINT $0 20 26 30 34 38 45 5 1-2 POINT $0 22 6 POINT $0 24 7 POINT $0 28 1110 B POINT 4 Point 3 Point 4 Point 6 Point 4 Point 6 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 3 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point 4 Point 5 Point 6 Point Cutting, Scoring and Perforating Rules BRASS SCORING RULES STEEL CUTTING RULE 2 Point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 10 4 Point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . .330 20 3 Point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 6 Point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 PRICE LIST OF STEEL CUTTING AND SCORING RULE PRICES PER FOOT Cuttlng R2uI:eOslNT 3 POINT 4 POINT 6 POINT A M l No. 102 No. 103 No. 104 No. 106 10 cents 15 cents 20 cents 25 cents No. 202 No. 203 No. 204 No. 206 10 cents 15 cents 20 cents 25 Cents Soft, or llard 13.1-.11-1< Steel Cutting Rule Soft (face in center) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Soft (face on side) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , , _, _ , - , No. 112 No.113 No. 114 No. 116 Hand’ black (face In Centel) ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' 15 cents 22 cents 30 cents 35 cents No. 212 No. 213 No. 214 I No. 216 15 cents 22 cents 30 cents 35 cents No. 122 No. 123 No. 124 No. 126 25 cents 35 cents 45 cents 50 cents A M V Hard, black (face on side) . . . . . . . . . . Hard, polished (face in center) . . . . . Hard, polished (face on side) . . . . . . . Scoring or Creasing Rules PRICES PER FOOT 2 POINT 3 POINT 4 POINT 6 POINT V > Hard and Polislied Steel Cutting Rule Soft No.132 No.133 No.134 No.136 o u . . . . - . . . . . - a . . - u . . a . - - . . . . a o u n Hard black No. 142 No. 143 No. 144 No. 146 PERFORATING RULE ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' “ 15 cents 22 cents 30 cents 35 cents Q \ W V _, kiwi‘ E,‘ W W , 1 1 1112;‘ PRICE LIST OF BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS POINTS STRIPS CUT TO MEASURE I LABOR SAVING 1 $0 85 $1 25 , $1 75 1'.~_» so * 1 15 1 60 2 75 , 1 00 1 25 I’ 75 1 00 1 25 4 75 95 1 20 6 75 95 1 20 Brass Nos. 800 and 801 Steel Nos. 802 and 8023 Cut to Measure is 10 ems or longer and not less than one pound of 3 1€I_1§:th, otherwise Labor—Saving prices will prevail. A regular Labor- Saving font of 2 point brass leads contains 73 pieces each length 4 to Z5 ems inclusive. PERFORATING RULES N0. 800, brass, 2 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .340 15 No. 801, brass, 3 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22‘/.» N0. 802, steel, 2 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 N0. 8033, steel, 3 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 No. 804, steel, 2 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 No. 80:), steel, 3 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 N0- 805, Steel, 2 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 No. 807, steel, 3 point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ‘ Steel Perforating Rule also put up in fonts of 4 feet cut to pica Sm“ N‘’‘‘”804 am 805 ems of assorted lengths. Price per font: 2 point, $2.00; 3 point, $2.50. BRASS RULE FOR ROGERS ATTACHMENT To 1 1 1 A 1 1 *1 K 1 THE LINOTYPE ~ th ;I_‘he Rogers Attachment to the Linotype machine casts a slot in 6} lnotype slugs so that this low brass rule (which is one—fifth the helght of regular rule) can be inserted in the slug. E R I g P0int, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .550 06 = 3 ;3 Point, per pound (56‘/2 feet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 . Zlpomt. cut labor saving, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 50 *9, \ 11/:.» Point, per foot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 “ 5 «ll 1 /2 Point, per pound (70 feet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 11/2 Point, cut labor saving, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 StCUlN"S-80G=1'“l3°7 2 Point Brziss 3 Point Brass 4 Point Brass 6 Point Brass or Metal 12 Point Brass or Metal BRASS AND METAL CORNER QUADS The use of Corner Quads insures a better junction of mitered corners by preventing them from slipping past each Other. They are made in both brass and type metal and sold at the following prices: Brass Corner Quads, 2, 3 or 4 point body, per set of four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 20 Pass Corner Quads, brazed, 6 point, per set of four. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :41) Pass Corner Quads, brazed, 12 point, per set of four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 etal Corner Quads, 6 or 12 point body, per set of four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 K 1111 Brass Dash Rules and Column Rules BRASS DASH RULES Cut any length face, from any single, double, parallel or triple rule shown in this book. Prices given below are for dash rules cut 121/.» to 15 ems. each piece to price in Table I on page 1109. 2 Pt. 1002A 7‘/.> cts. 2 Pt. 1002C 2 Pt. 1002B 71/.2 cts. 2 Pt. 1002D 2 Pt. 1082B 7‘/_» cts. 2 Pt. 1082D 3 Pt, 1403B 77 L55 37!’. —:7l:5:;: 9 cts, ‘ 3 Pt, ]_403D ‘W . ‘T 4 Pt. 1414B 10 cts. 4 Pt. 1414D 2 Pt. 1422B 71/2. cts. 2 Pt. 1422D 3 Pt. 1423B » A 9- it —~~——~a 9 cts. 3 Pt. 1423D 4 Pt. 1424B ___._-.. L _____._m_, 10 cts. 4 Pt. 1424D 4 Pt. 1434B _ __ 10 cts. 4 Pt. 1434D BRASS COLUMN RULES PRICE LIST For other bodies and lengths add 5 cents for Regular sizes using 13 em column The usual style has a notch over D to allow for Foot Slug SIZE IN. 6 PT. 7 PT. 8 PT. 9 PT. 10 PT. 4-column13% $0 38 $0 44 $0 50 $0 56 $0 62 5-column 17% 48 56 63 71 78 6-column 19% 53 62 70 78 87 7-column 21% 58 68 77 86 95 8-column 233/4 63 73 83 93 Column Rule, Style 10, with Regular Head Rule 9-column 25% 69 79 90 Deduct 2 cents from above prices for Col- umn Rules without notch D. See Table I on page 1109 for prices on other bodies and lengths, to which must be added 2 cents each for notch over D. Notch under for Brass Reglets, 5 cents extra (see Style 12). Lug for perfecting press, 10 cents extra (see Styles 11 to 15). Lug and notch under for perfecting press, 15 cents extra (see Style 12). Prices for all Column Rules are figured on the basis of length over all. BEVELED LINOTYPE COLUMN Column Rule, Style 12. RULES ‘‘.<.,,... ".‘'u. 1’ ,. ' I '. "n ....-.,.v w..~.-.-7--...«.» H . I-\ ’ SIZE LENGTH 5X6 PT. i 6X7 PT. ‘ 7X8 PT. 6-column. . . ., 19% in. $0 74 $0 86 A $0 98 7-column. . . . 213/4 in. A 81 1 95 l 1 07 8-column. . 23% in. k 88 1 02. 1 16 Beveled Column Rules for linotype mat- ter, figure according to Tables H and I for the largest body (5x6 figures as 6 Point). Add 40 per cent for beveling, to which must be added 2 cents each for notch over D. Lug for perfecting press, 10 cents extra (see Style 11). Lug and notch under for perfecting press, 15 cents extra (see Style 12). Prices for all Column Rules are fig- ured on the basis of length over all. Column Rule, Style 15. Special Notched Head Rule, Style 7 BRASS AND METAL FOOT SLUGS Single Double Column Column CS()]l’l1lTl'l1(D 12 Point, Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 04 $0 06 12 Point, Brass . . . . . . . . . . $0 15 18 Point, Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 O7 18 Point, Brass . . . . . _ . . . . . . . 2 24 Point, Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . O6 08 24 Point, Brass . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 25 1112 7‘/.1 cts. 7’/-’.» cts. 7‘/2 cts. 9 cts. 10 cts. 7”.» cts. 9 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. Double Colum“ $0 25 30 v 30 Slotted Corners and Mitered Panels BRASS SQUARE CORNERS For plain face brass rule. Made like a corner quad and cut from a solid block of brass The 1 and 1‘/-T.» Point are brazed with bevel on outside. 1, 1‘/12, 2, 3, 4 and 6 Point, 18 Point Body, per set of four, $0 35 ‘ 1 on 3 Pt. | ‘ 1‘/-_» on 3Pt. I 2 P0in'C 3 Point 4 point No. 11 No. 111/.» No. 21 No.31 No. 41 3, 10 and 12 Point, 24 Point Body, per set of four . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 :30 I 6 Point I I - ' r N0_ 61 8NP°‘;11t 10 Point 12 point 0- N0. NO. 12 and 18 Point, 36 Point Body, per set of f . . $0 75 18 Point 12 Point NO. 181 N0_ 127 SLOTTED BRASS CORNERS Per Set of Four: 2 to 6 Point—4-em leg . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 35; 6-em leg . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 6 Point No. 1156 2 Point No. 1152 4 Point 6 Point No. 1214 N0- 13315 2 Point No. 1212 SPECIAL SIZES ‘Slotted corners can be made to order from any rule. Give total length of leg and length of outside leg. Solid panels like one around this specimen can also be furnished. For price, figure pieces according to prices in Tables H or I and add 30 cents per set or page for slotting. Minimum price, 35 cents per set. ll Rule No. 1236. Slotted page this size, 18x34 ems, 79 cents. See page 1109 for price list of fonts of Panel Rule L PANEL RULE SAVES COMPOSITOR’S TIME—AND THE JOB T MITERED MITERED " BOTH SAMPLE OF PANEL RULE BOTH ENDS 0 ) Two ENDS v«»'5$t 2-Pt. RULE 2082 131;: Face 0‘ -V :| SHOULDER ON OUTSIDE I: Save FOUR PIECES EACH COSTS ONLY Save & Time 1 T0 50 EMS $13 55 LIST Money - X ‘3 A full size Rule Case holds pieces from 1 to 50 ems. Price $1 1. 1113 Brazed Corners for Brass Rule | 4111‘ BRASS BRAZED CORNERS The 2, 3 and 4 Point Corners are made 2 by 4 ems pica long 2 Point N0. 1002 2 Point N0. 2062 2 Point N0. 1402 A 2 Point N0. 1232 2 Point N0. 1432 ‘ 2 Point N0. 1362 2 Point No. 1752 3 Point No. 1403 3 Point No. 1413 3 Point N0. 1423 -..___ J 4 Point No. 1404 4 Point N0. 1234 | 4 Point N0. 1364 I 2 Point No.1022 2 Point N0. 2082 l 2 Point N0. 1452 :;—..:J_ 2 Point N0. 1412 PRICES Per Set of Four 2, 3, 4 or 6 Point . . $0 50 8, 10 or 12 Point , . 60 18 Point . . . . . . 75 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. | 3 Point No. 1453 I A 3% Point N0. 1343 A 3 Point N0. 1433 | 4 Point N0. 1454 N 4 Point No. 124-1 " 4 Point No. 1344 l 2 Point N0. 2042 l 2 Point N0. 2102 H 2 Point N0. 1212 I 2 Point No. 1422 I 3 Point N0. 1363 l 3 Point No. 1753 j 3 Point N0. 1213 | 3 Point N0. 1223 l I 3 Point N0. 1233 4 Point N0. 1214 I 4 Point N0. 1224 I I 4 Point No. 1274 4 Point N0. 1754 1114 Brazed Corners for Brass Rule BRASS BRAZED CORNERS The 4, 5 and 6 Point Corners are made 2 by 4 ems pica long 4 Point N0. 1414 4 Point N0. 1264 5 Point N0. 1415 1 . I 6 Point N0. 1406 I I 6 Point N0. 1226 | ‘I 6 Point No. 1246 6 Point N0. 1366 6 Point No. 1766 | I12‘ 3,‘ H 6 Point No. 1506 * 1 6 Point No. 1416 .:.j.__. 6 Point No. 1266 6 Point No. 1336 4 Point N0. 1424 ll 4 Point N0. 1314 5 Point No. 1425 I 6 Point No. 1456 T i 6 6 Point N0. 1256 ll PRICES Per Set of Four 2, 3, 4 or 6 Point . . $0 50 8, 10 and 12 Point . . 60 18 Point . . . . . . . 75 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. | 6 Point N0. 1286 I I 6 Point N0. 1516 I 6 Point N0. 1426 F 6 Point No. 1276 ( | <3 Point No. 1346 I” 4 Point No. 1434 6 Point N0. 1396 5 Point N0. 1435 I 6 Point No. 1216 | I 6 Point N0. 1236 I " 6 Point N0. 1376 6 Point No. 1756 ?_\\\\\V k\‘\‘\“\\"q \ K § 6 Point N0. 1796 I u I u - I I u I I o I u n Q n I A I n n | I I n n u I n u o u I u I I a I I u u I I I I I 0. . u u | u I I n I a I u u o n u I I I o I I I‘ I a | v u a | I | u u o I I - I u u u c u - " 6 Point No. 1776 I1 6 Point No. 1.325 6 Point N0. 1-136 | 6 Point N0.1316 6 Point No. 1356 1115 Brazed Corners for Brass Rule BRASS BRAZED CORNERS The 8, 10 and 12 Point Corners are made 2 by 4 ems pica long “I 8 Point N0. 1338 M I 8 Point No. 1238 I 8 Point N0. 1418 10 Point No. 14110 | I [ 10 Point No. 13310 I I | I I 10 Point No. 12310 I I ll 10 Point No. 12410 ‘I 10 Point No. 13710 I 8 l 12 Point No. 13312 I I I I I 12 Point No. 12312 I I ,___._.._k ..r, i 12 Point No. 14112 _ ._ _._.__...__.y_.___...:, 12 Point No. 12612 1 I 12 Point No. 13612 I " 8 Point N0. 1348 II 8 Point No. 1248 I 10 Point No. 14210 “I 101%. I" PRICES Per Set of Four 2, 3, 4 or 6 Point . . $0 50 8, 10 or 12 Point . . 60 18 Point . . . . . . 75 AMERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. I 8 Point No. 1358 ‘ II 8 Point N0. 1378 I 8 Point N0. 1438 10 Point No. 14310 10 Point No. 13510 8 Point No. 1328 10 Point No. 13210 12 Point No. 13212 ||r';:;:mfl|| |||r1Tmm‘I||| 12 Point No. 14212 I l 12 Point No. 12712 I I I I 12 Point No. 17812 | I I 12 Point No. 17512 ' 12 Point No. 14312 I I I 12 Point No. 13112 I I 1116 Brazed Corners for Brass Rule BRASS BRAZED CORNERS 12 Point—2 by 4 ems pica. Per Set of Four, 60c ...aaaza2=aa1zaa:¢M1222: =.:=.-.=,-.=-.=,-.=,-.=_-. ‘ V/////W :55? * “ / 33:55 12 Point No. 17612 Z 12 Point No. 17912 ,4. N 11‘:“‘:;J“‘ 12 Point No.15012 12 Point No.15112 '1 A 1 1 1 r11"“'m"“ 3 12 Point No. 18112 E g 12 Point No. 18212 E 12 Point No. 18312 Mj‘ 11%;. 1Wd:,I11 18 Point. Set of Four, 75c Size, 3x6 ems ' '11 18 Pomt jjj No. 17818 M 18 Point No. 12318 I 18 Point N o. 18 Point No. 12418 i 18 Point N 0. 1‘ ‘T “I 1 1 f “:11 1 ‘ 11:: 1 1‘ 18 Point No. 15018 18 Pomt N0. gmjf 1-», _|J|JJ I 11 1 11 13‘ ‘:1 . I 18 Point No. 18 Point No. 18218 1 ; 1 1 1. ‘ 1. 1‘ 1 1 1 18 Point No. 15218 18 Pomt N°- 18318 1 1 1 1 I ‘ 1 W1 is‘ 1 :,11:I1:g:,‘ “ ‘ '31:‘ 11”“ 1 1 1. 1.1» ' ,1 1117 R 18 Point No. 13418 I l | I | 18 Point No. 13518 I /N KN No. S1212 KN No. S1233 KN N o. S1224 KN No. S1314 KN No. S1256 KN No. S1316 No. S1002 KN No. S1452 KN N o. S1223 KN No. S1214 KN No. S1274 KN No. S1226 KN No. S1276 KN N o. S2022 KN No. S1232 KN No. S1413 KN No. S1234 KN No. S1344 KN No. S1236 KN N 0. S1336 KN No. S2042 N 0. S1412 KN No. S1423 KN No. S1244 KN No. S1425 KN No. S1246 KN No. S1346 BRASS ROUND CORNERS Made on 12 Point Solid Body. Per Set of Four, 35 Cents KN No. S2062 KN No. S1432 KN No. S1433 KN No. S1414 KN No. S1435 KN No. S1416 KN N o. S1356 KN No. S2082 KN N o. S1403 KN No. S1343 KN No. S1424 Kr\N N o. S1406 KN N o. S1426 KN No. S1506 KN No. S1434 Kr\N No. S1456 KN No. S1436 No. S1516 No. S1216 KN N 0. S1266 No. S1526 The final figure indicates the body of the rule, viz: Corner S1002 matches 2 Point Brass Rule No. 1002. Be sure and add the Initial S before the number if Round Corners are desired on 12 Point solid body. BRASS ROUND CORNERS 18 Point Full Mortised Body. Per Set of Four, 50 Cents / No // xx /, . /, ff N0. Square inside up to face of rule Showing Bottom of Corner /—/ \\_ 4 1118 Round Corners for Brass Rule BRASS ROUND CORNERS 24 Point Full Mortised Body. 8, 10 and 12 Point. Per set of four . . . . $0 60 mm Km a A ~ / —\ // / 1/ /II 8 Pt. 8 Pt. No. 1428 No. 1438 No. 1238 No. 1248 No. A12612 ‘J11 ;H,'. N: RI 2 1 :;;:i NI 10 Pt. 10 Pt. 10 Pt. 12 Pt. Sq; M; No. 14210 No. 12310 No. 12410 No. A12712 1111. " 12 Pt. II1II K r ‘ ::I[ II 12 Pt. 12 Pt. E1-A ?:::I ,1 12 Pt. No. A14212 No. A14312 No. A12312 No. A12412 No. A13112 31* Iwif VII _ M "11.! M /K \ W N /W N 8 Pt. 8 Pt. 8 Pt. 4 0;: No. 1338 No. 1348 No. 1358 [W I “III WA ;‘‘,| I 10 pt. 1 f0 1% /K: A K N If 12 It :2: No. 13210 No. 13310 No. 13410 No. 13510 No. A15112 ;;:I; .73‘ {fl V1: I /"I 12 Pt. Q fli 1% {mg g 1 Pm III ‘ No. A13212 No. A13312 No. A13412 No. A13512 No. A15012 };:j [I I II In ordering Round Corners for 12 Point Brass Rule, be sure to add the initial A before the number, if Round I ‘ Corners are desired on 24 Point body. ;I=«‘ 3‘-fl: I 36 Point Full Mortised Body. Ijjlj ‘I I 5 Per set of four: 12 Point . . . . $0 75; 18 Point . . . . $1 00 II II}! '7" 9‘ 1 ii 1 “ . I w 1;- I; j 71:? 11;, I3 I 12 Pt. :1-;: ;~; 1? No. 15012 I I I I‘ 12 Pt. ‘ 1 - I ‘II No. 13312 No. 13212 11 1 2 PK Er} No. 12312 11;, I I I I I I I I I I II , I II I I I I ‘ I I II 12 Pt. P I 1 I 1’, No. 12712 . ’ E ii I I ~04 1%}? {III 12 Pt. 12 Pt. I111 j;§j: No. 13512 No. 12412 ;,;j= I I I I I 1 I I I \\ 18 Pt. I 18 Pt. II} EII No. 13518 I No. 12318 g 18 Pt. No. 12418 8 , 18 Pt. I I/“‘;",I( N0. 1119 F ullface Brass Round Corners BRASS ROUND CORNERS For use with Fullface Brass Rule ‘ 2 Pt. No. ' ‘ 3 Pt. No. 35 | ‘ 4 Pt. No. 45 . _ ‘ 5 Pt N0. 65 | i 2 Pt. ‘ ( 1 fl P“ No_ 26 2 Point Corners No. 27 No. 24 3 Pt. I ‘ r 3 Pt. ‘ No. 36 3 Point Corners No. 37 No. 34 4 Pt. ‘ I _ I 4 Pt. \ No. 46 4 Point Corners No. 47 No_ 44 I 6 Pt. ‘ I K Pt. No. 66 6 Point Corners No. 67 No. 64 These Corners are 1‘/_»x6‘/2 ems. Two make a single 13—em column. All of the above Round Corners, per Set of Four, 50 Cents Round Corners on 12 Point Solid Body /\ /\ f\ f\ f\ f\ 1 Pt. Face 1% Pt. Face 2 Pt. Face 3 Pt. Face 4 Pt. Face 6 Pt. Face No. 18 No. 18%» No. 28 No. 38 No. 48 No. 68 Made on Solid 12 Point Body. Per Set of Four, 35 Cents ,0 Pt Brass Round Corners 12 Pt. N“- “)4 Per set of four, Mortised body No. 125 24 1”” B°dY 2, 3, 4 and 6 point ............ ..$o 50 24 Pt B°dY 8 and 10 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 12 point ............................ .. 75 18 point ......... ................ .. 1 00 18 Pt. No. 184 36 Pt. Body 1120 Brass Diagonal Corners and Squares BRASS DIAGONAL CORNERS 12 P , 2, 3, 4 and 6 Point omt Per set of four . . . . . . . . . . . 35 cents No. 122 . _ 24 Pt. Body 12 Point, per set of four . . . . . . 00 cents 12 Pt‘ NO. 123 Body / /\ /\ 2 P . No.23 3 Pt. No.33 4 Pt. No.43 \ 18 Pt. B y BRASS SQUARES 12, 18 and 24 Point, per set of four, 35 cents. 36 Point, 50 cents OTHER BRASS CORNERS I75! |_w_| F03 F3 2 point on top 2 point on top 2 point on top 2 point on top 12 point on side 6 point on side 6 point on side 12 point on side Set of four, 60 cts. Set of four, 60 cts. Set of four, 60 cts. Set of four, 60 cts. BRASS CENTER PIECES For use with Plain Face Brass Rule T 6 Pt. 6 P No. 16 T t- T , - N o. 17 50 cents per pair 50 cents per pair 8 Pt. 2 Pt. 4 pt No. 20 No. 19 N0_ 18 50 cents per pair 50 cents per pair 50 cents Del‘ pail‘ 1121 Rugged Brass Rule 6 Point No. 1756 4 Point No. 1754 1f ' V’ 3 I:(:nt No. 1753 as L: 4 :2 2 Poin‘t.No.1'752 ' ‘ ‘V 1 U __ Q _ — l {I V 11/~.» Pc;it‘No. 17511;» V \ I 1 Point N0. 1751 N l ROUND CORNERS ‘l l 1 Point No. 1751 11/: Point No. 1751‘/.> l 4 l l _ _ “ “‘ ~ l l l 4 l r 2 Point N 0- 1752 3 Point No.1753 ‘ l I l ‘ ) ‘ 4 Point NO. 1754 6 point N0. 1756 ‘ ’ r ‘ l The 1 and 1‘;-/.» Point are 1‘/.>X6V_> ems outside. The body is l ‘ ' l too thin to allow making the inside square, as in the larger ll 4 4 sizes. 1 and ll“-6.» Point corners, per set of four, 50 cents. The 2, 3, 4 and 6 Point are the regular patented corner, 4 l sizes 1‘/-.»x6‘/5.» outside. Price, per set of four, 51) cents. For l l N prices of Lal)or—Saving Fonts see page 1108. ‘ “W “W l "Iv ., l H " aw: H l ..-1| t ‘ v ( 1 . j 1;, V 12 Point No. 17512 12 Point No. 13612 - . .1 Per set of four ‘ lm V Per set of four 75 cents I'll“. ‘M '4' l 1 -s. 75 cents ~ .'.";‘ ' .1 H 1’ l llliu 1 : ll ll Labor-Saving Fonts do not contain Miters, Round or i Brazed Corners which are sold separately in fonts and sets. Brazed Corners for these Ru;2:ge(l Rules are made in all | bodies, except 1 and 1'’: Point. Per set of four, 2, 3, 4 and 6 P Point, 50 cents; 12 Point, 60 cents. 1 ’ Strip Rule is sold at] the regular prices per foot as fol- lows: 1 Point, 5 cents; 1/: Point, 7‘/2 cents; 2 Point, 10 cents; 1 , l 3 Point, 15 cents; -1 Point, 20 cents; 6 Point, 30 cents, and 12 | Point, 60 cents. 1 ‘U l, 4 Point No. 1354 6 Point N0-1366 : » L----- ----J 1 l I ’ I 2 point N0, 1352 3 Point No. 1363 ‘ 1’ ‘ l K 1 Point No. 1f%L _ 1% Point No. 1361‘/2) 1 Point NC. 1361 Point No.1361‘/L» _ __ __ J l 2 Point No. 1362. 1 k 1-} Point No. 1363 J 4 7—j : jigs 4 Point No. 1364 6 Point No. 1366 1122 Fancy Rule with Round Corners BRASS ROUND CORNERS Price, per Set of Four, 6 Point, 50c; 12 Point, 75c; 18 Point, $1.00 Brass Brazed Corners are made for this rule, and are shown on pages 1114 to 1117. Fonts are put up without Miters or Round Corners, which are sold separately in sets. Brass Round Corners for this Series of Rule are on 36 Point mortised body. For prices of Labor—Saving Fonts of Rule see page 1108 1 8 POINT RULE Rule larger.than 12 Point is not called for in 5 POUND FONT regular fonts in sufficient quantities to make it 1 t advisable to carry regular scheme fonts in stock. 5 t It is sold by the piece according to prices in 11 Tables H and I on page 1109. As a basis for figuring we give below schemes The above pieces (see Tables H and I for fonts of 18 oint rule, weighing approxi- on page 1109). amount to $7.05. mately 3, 5 and 10 pounds. 8 POUND FONT o 4 ems by one—half e_ms—4 pieces each 0 10 ems by ems’-3 pieces eac . to 18 ems by ems—2 pieces each. 10 POUND FONT , 1 to 4 ems bv one-half ems—4 pieces each. 1 to 4 ems b one-half e_ms—4 pieces each. 5 to 13 cms by ¢m_,~..3 pieces e-M-,h_ 0 to 14 “"15 37 emS‘‘‘2 913095 e3Ch- 19 to 25 ems by ems-2 pieces each. The above pieces (see Tables H and I on page 1109) ’ amount to $4.44. The above pieces (see Tables H and I on page 1109), amount to $13.21. Miters (18 Point) . 2‘-\_§ ems pica long inside, would amount to 72 cents per set and 5 em miters $1.04 per set. figured from Table H (using outside measure) and the charge for mitering in Table F. 18 Point No. 17818. Per foot 90 cents 44>-A4-44¢ ;;—¢._—g 6 Point No. 1786. Per foot 30 cents 12 Point No. 17812. Per foot 60 cents . \\\\\\\\\\\\‘I’////I/IA\\\\\V////////_§\\\\W/7/\.\\\\\\\\\WII( b ~\\\\\l\\\\\§JlIA\\\\\jIIIIIIIIA\\\\\\\VIIIIlIIIIIZIIIIII} PRICES OF LABOR-SAVING FONTS Without Miters or Round Corners State whether Miters or Round Corners are desired, giving number of fonts or sets of Miters and sets of Round Corners POINT 5 1:= ‘ POINT 6 1:7.’ 1 lb font _______________ __ $1 80 $1 65 ‘ Font Miters ....... .. 60¢ » 600 2 lb font _______________ _. 3 50 3 15 1 Sets of Miters in 3 2 A p— r() i - V i i A V ~ . ‘ ' I O i i I H '3 . . . . _ . , . . _ . _ _ . . __ D E 0- lb font _______________ ,, 7 80 1 20 ems and under... J\\\%\\\\\\ Ifl& \\\\\'IIl///IA\\\‘uIIr.3 6 Point Round Corners, per set of four, 50 cents; 12 Point, 75 cents L’/nu. \\vI/IIlIIA\\\\~ (‘VIIIIm\\\\VlIm\\\\\\\\WlIlIIIII@\\\\\\\\\\\\\\T' 6 Point No. 1796. Per foot 36 cents V "I137//JIIII/A\\\\\\\\'\’/flA\\\\\‘y//I////A\\\\\V///A\\\ 12 Point No. 17912. Per foot 72 cents 1128 '”7IIIL\\\\\\\\\:'/////I////i\\\(“ Brass Braces T1? N0. 32 30 cts. j' ’ _ Complete set, $5 No. 31 30 cts. 25 cts. ’ No. 2 12 cts. \/ No. 23 25 cts. No. 3 12 cts. ,—\‘ No. 22 _ 18 cts. No. 4 12 cts. No. 21 18 cts. 5 No. 20 A 18 cts. No. 6 12 cts. N f No. 19 \ 18 cts. No. 7 12 cts. No. 38 12 cts. No. 18 18 cts. No. 8 12 cts. «T, . \_j‘\ No. 37 12 cts. .15. No. 17 . 15 cts. No. 9 12 cts. / f No. 36 12 cts. 2% g\ No. 10 2-\ N0. 16 15 cts. 12 cts. No. 35 12 cts. /1. ‘.5 No. 15 15 cts. / No. 11 15 cts. re No. 34 12 cts. No. 14 15 cts. No. 12 15 cts. No. 33 12 cts. ’\_J*\ 2/ No. 13 15 cts. /, Sizes of Bodies: Nos. 1 to 15, 6 Point; Nos. 16 to 32, 7 Point; Nos. 33 to 38, 4 Point Latter made on 6 Point body or heavier, if wanted 60 OBEP 1124 Brass Newspaper Dashes |LX< [ WK No. No. No. No. No. No. N0. N0. N0. N0. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. N0. N0. 302 303 + 305 — O 306 G 309 310 , , ,_._ _ 311 _.___.,,.k_._‘____.__ ., 312 409 '0 313 314 315 316 -§- 317 319 3 -<->——~ —-———- 320 -Q-+- 321 —~«—¢ 405 ——+-—o—— 322 410 1% _%_¢_é___ 324 ——~ ¢¢ —~— 324% ‘ o-o—.-oo 412 _.___,_¢,._:. . 411 «o 9 0- . 328 -> O 4 . 329 -0 ‘ Q. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. 10 cts. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. No. 419 10 cts. a—4+—+—o—— 330 10 cts. 331 10 cts. ,.._,_{_.>_. 332 10 cts. > 4Q+ 4 414 10 cts. ._ 1_ 333 10 cts. ————-- «<0» ———————~ 416 10 cts 40+ 334 10 cts «+0-we 335 10 cts. 336 10 cts. 337 10 cts. —+ o +~ 421 10 cts. WCV 338 10 cts. Am" A >—o< —— ~~v 339 10 cts. —-a——~ —~-~—— ~- 340 10 cts. 1%.. . A 1 341 10 cts. » «—4~~—«o»+—<-—— 344 10 cts. —+- 4 7 424 10 cts. +4» 425 10 cts. 426 10 cts. ——————-no +>>——— 348 10 cts. ————~-2-~«o~+——v— 355 10 cts. 357 10 cts. {+6 All Brass Dashes that are sold for 10 cents each supplied any length for news columns not exceeding 15 ems pica I13 I J {X41 1125 Brass Circles BRASS CIRCLES Face 1344 Size 91 75c Face 1433 Face 1423 Size 51 V, The last figure and fraction in the size number size 61 denotes the diameter of the circle in inches. 756 Face 1422 60% 75c Our Brass Circles are made from seamless brass tubing and can be furnished in one-eighth inch graduations to 2 inches, and in one-quarter inch graduations to 41/: inches. Larger qr intermediate sizes are brazed. Any face shown in this book can be furnished. Always give face and szze when ordering. 1126 Brass Circles and Ovals BRASS CIRCLES Our Brass Circles are made from seamless brass tubing an(_i can be furnished in one-eightgh inch .£:radL1ations to‘.Z inches, and in one-quarter inch g'1'aduations to 41/: inches. l-a1'ge1‘01‘ 1nte_1'mediate s1zes_a1'e brazed. Any face shown in this book can be furnished to order. Always give f(l(.'(’ and 8130 when ordering. BRASS OVALS Face 1436 -‘£31 50 Siée 43;,” Face 1436 $1 50 Size 43 Face 1432 90c Size 40% H - _ _ Tholom:dinu-nsion r.-;lf-¥i.l;{”l.l‘’fliL°$93 ‘ ‘“'=*‘ "-*‘ “ ’“‘ niimhvr (lcrmtcs the d1:unv_:tc1' in inches of the circle frumwhich —» ()\':Ll is made " **** ~ Ihv dizunch-r n_f th_c 5'1rclo from which it lsma e Brass Circles and Diamonds nt Fa°e“S"Ze 83\ ., N25 xVd size 83'/—"-$1 25 size 82“-$1 on 251‘/‘2’$1 00 All ovals and diamonds, unless otherwise ordered, will be made in the proportion of 2 by 3, viz: 2 units wide by 3 units long. Brass Circles are made from seamless brass tubing: and can be furnished in ‘,4.-inch grraduations to 2 inches, and in ‘/1-inch grraduations to 41/: inches. Larger or intermediate sizes are brazed. DIAMETER on LENGTH C”_"c‘-ES l:)'.»’-.?~'H i7'L.‘\l U9 'lJVf\L 1 FNNH ‘Ll-,"l'-KT‘! UV l.)|»'\‘V1\'/“Nl)‘.» I"; ','ll§lJl<‘l l") MN lill, ._1IN‘i W»'\Y Hi '.~’\‘v‘.l FLA N fAN[§Y F\"7l E, RULE 6 ems and smaller. 1 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .,0 7.) $0 90 7 to 12 ems, 2 inches . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 U0 1 2:") 13 to 18 ems, 3 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 1 60 19 to 24 ems, 4 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 50 1 95 25 to 30 ems, 5 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 7.) 2 30 31 to 36 ems, 6 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 (N) 2 55 37 to 42 ems, 7 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 2 90 43 to 48 ems, 8 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 50 3 25 Ovals and diamonds, unless otherwise ordered, will be made in the proportion of 2 by 3, viz / / i/ - / 1/ 1 « / W / / /V i~ .5 / -= ’ \\ 3‘ .f Face 102 \ Size 7035: \ _ . /.. / \\ \\\ _ ‘/ \ ‘ / \\ , \\ / /I i / ‘ \\ / \_\\\ / OVALS OR [3 lfik h1_A1n R.JlE, fill 20 fill 7 r % vnz t\D [\u l\J >-A >—d >-4 :2: :: +—a :2 units wide by 2% units long‘. »—A N‘(‘Y W 11! $1 (ll) 45 iii) 37) 80 '7ll 4 l.5 C»: 2»: Ix: Ix; >-4 r-4 ‘m l“. 1128 K Special Brass Rule ADJUSTABLE DOTTED RULE FOR BLANK WORK For Use With American Line Type In blank work when large quantities of leaders are necessary it is customary in some offices to use 2 point dotted or hyphen rule justifying with leads. In 8 and 10 point the use of the 2 point rule necessi- tates the use of a 1 point lead at the bottom for lining the rule with the type. The 2 point side face rule for 8 point type using a 6 point slug to justify and the 4 point center face rule for 10 point type using a 6 point slug to justify saves considerable time. Other examples are also shown. labor saving rule see page 1108. Six Point ,_ , 2, , 2 (Using regular 2 point Dotted Rule No. 1032 with two 2 point leads above rule to justify.) Eight Point.__._._.._..__.._.._ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _. (Using 4 point Dotted Rule No. 1034 with two 2 point leads to justify, or one 4 point lead.) Ten Point ................................. (Using Special 3 Point Dotted Rule No. 4033 with two 2 point leads and one 3 point lead to justify.) Twelve Point.-. (Using regular2 Point Dotted Rule No. 1032 with one 2 point lead below rule and one each 2 point lead and 6 point slug above rule.) For prices of strip and Six Point ,2 . ._ . , . (Using Special 3 Point Dotted Rule No. 4033 with one 3 point lead to justify.) Eight Point T7 77 2 ._ . (Using Special 2 Point Side Face Dotted Rule No. 2032 with one 6 point slug to justify.) Ten Point”, . g g ........... _, (Using4 Point Dotted Rule No. 1034 with one 6 point slug to justify.) Twelve Point ? (Using Special 4 Point Dotted Rule No. 4034 with one 2 point lead below rule and one 6 point slug above rule. E MAKE Brass Rule to fit and Work with French Cast Squares, Quadruple Cast Squares, Boston Breton Cast Squares, Cast Panel Pieces, Uniform Rule Cast Corners, etc., as shown in many uses in the display pages of this catalogue. This rule and the various cast corners are great time savers, as the printers having used them will testify. The American has issued a beautifully ‘printed 32-page booklet entitled “Nuggets” which shows the complete line of Cast C<)rners, etc., in practical use with B/rass Rule. You may obtain this valuable booklet by writing for it. INTERLOCKING MITERS FOR BRASS RULE With regular miters care must be taken to prevent slipping at the corners which can be overcome with use of corner quads when space permits this use. The Interlocking Miter absolutely prevents slip- ping as the dovetails interclose holding the rules firmly in position. The use of these miters is becoming more general both for special pages and for sets of panel rule. List Prices of Interlocking Miters These are sold at the price per piece in Tables H and I according to length of rule used plus the following charges for mitering per page or per set of miters. i W‘ 1"£;;3iTé1%?E£Jfi‘i5¢E.;{i;1;;isitigmg iov..;ign. 1”” 1 P" "‘“‘° l_P°{}"‘9°i l._,P§‘3f}’‘‘.¥:;_.... .. “‘,.*"“~"’. . 1 to 8 $0 18 j $0 24 I $0 30 ; $0 35 9 to 16 i 17 } 23 4 v 34 17 to 32 . 16 ; 22 1 28 f 33 Over N l 7 ‘V 7 g, M" A AMERICAN TYPE F OUNDERS COMPANY 1129 BRASS RULE FOR TYPE BORDERS Stylus Border 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 Linear Border No. 2 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.45 v-H‘ ..‘- --:-‘.~.Hi|:~v-‘.» »..,;~.H.‘.~y,‘ -y- -1.,‘ -.1---~11. ‘,v|,‘~-W: -r.., .-H '1‘|;"V|l_" - v v ‘ - v v - i y v ~ i - - ~~ E . r‘ M,‘ . ‘g 1 . . . ¢; , E , Ill‘ i 5 ._‘1,., ‘,.,_,_‘:i,. 1 H.‘ ‘HI Hair". ‘Mil ‘W 'H\ “‘ ‘L ‘4m_,‘_l_4,, ‘H. 1‘ ill H zli ‘la ll. IHI ".lt..:l1l. 1 l .1 ml ll .i||1, ‘llxl .‘:lH.‘. Linear Border No. 2 llIIlllIIH!ilHH|l||!||HlH||l!H|1|ill!Hl|!|il¥lil?|WiiW‘YTIE?l?!?HiillHiil!!!li€% 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.90 lii!Hil{!F!HEIFFHilllliiE?li1iillllilllliillllilillllWiwii%Willi}!- ||li%!!liiE!Hi%!}!!|ill!ll|!!!!iETW ll. 4 Linear Border 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.36 ||||||||||||IllIIIII|||||||||||||||||||||||||||II||||||||||||||||||I||||I||||I||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||l||||||||||||||||||||I|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||IIIII|||||||||||||||||||||||||||— Linear Border 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.72 |||||||||||||||||||||||IIII||||||||||||||||||||||||IIIIIIIIIII|||||||ll||II||||||||||||||||||||||||||||_ Triple Line Border 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 Triple Line Border 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.60 3 Point on 6 Point Mercantile Border No. 49 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 6 Point Mercantile Border No. 257 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 — 12 Point Mercantile Border No. 236 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.60 6 Point Monotone Border No. 1 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 Schuil Border 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 :- 6 Point Acme Border 6 Point Rule. Per foot $0.30 12 Point Acme Border 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.60 12 Point Panel Border 12 Point Rule. Per foot $0.60 LABOR SAVING FONTS Regular scheme fonts will be furnished at prices on page 1 108 Except Rule for Linear Border 1130 Brass and Copper Thin Spaces Font of American Thin Spaces BRASS AND COPPER THIN SPACES Make justification so easy that no office should be without them That these 1/2 and the 1 Point Spaces are made of Brass. Style of Fonts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 inAi8Sortment No. 1. 1/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font 0 udes assortment of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, and 72 Point sizes, put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. lst price, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 75 Assortment No. 2. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- glfiléies assortment of 6, 8, _10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 L. 72 Point sizes, put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. ‘St price, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 75 Bftssortment No. 3. Assorted 1/2-Point Copper and 1 Point 1/2 %SS_ Thin Spaces. This font includes an equal amount of both - Olnt Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces cut the follow- ‘I95 Sizes: 6,_ 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18,20, 24,30, 36,42,48,60 and 72 L. nt. put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. ‘St Drice, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 75 Style of Fonts Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 infissortment No. 4. 1/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font ounggss a two ounce package each 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 List Drice . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 chfiissortment No. 5. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- uncissa two ounce package each 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 List Price ............................................... . .$1 00 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces may be readily distinguished, the 1/2 1131 Point Spaces are made of Copper Assortment No. 6. 1/.2 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This_font includes an assortment of two ounces of each of the following sizes : 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 00 . Assortment No. 7. 3/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font includes a two ounce package each 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 Point, 10 ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 25 Assortment No. 8. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- cludes a two ounce package each 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 Point, 10 ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 25 Style of one pound packages BRASS OR COPPER THIN SPACES One Pound Packages 5 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2 50 51/.» Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 6 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 7 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 85 8 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 9 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 10 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 55 11 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 12, 14 and 16 Points, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 18, 20, 24 and 30 Points, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 36 Point and larger, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 AMERICAN THIN SPACES Make Justification Easy The American Thin Spaces include a complete assortment of 1/.2 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces and also of 2 Point Metal Spaces put up in the following proportions : ‘/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. Include two ounces each cut 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. One ounce each cut 8, 10, 60 and 72 Point sizes. Assortment weighs one pound. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. Include two ounces each cut 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. One ounce each cut 8, 10, 60 and 72 Point sizes. Assortment weighs one pound. 2 Point Metal Spaces. Include ten ounces each 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. Also eight ounces cut 60 Points. Weighs 3 pounds. List price complete including Quarter Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5 00 List price of case only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 o ¢)o<$)o<:‘;>o<$oc(’*)oo o o o o o 3 BRASS TYPE ~ AMERICAN TYPE : FOUNDERS COMPANY MANUFACTURED AND FOR SALE BY THE | l llli l l Wise "/ flp -. W SPECIMEN Book and Price List W ,_L_V_| of Brass Type, Ornaments and Borders made by the American - ‘ Type Founders Company Wlll _ be sent upon application to any one interested. Several of our most popular type faces and ornaments have been repro- duced in solid brass and are shown in ad- dition to the many standard faces most used. These_faces have proven very popular with bookbinders, box maliers and manufacturers of advertising specialties of every description. The advarétagis of brass ltype can only be appreciate W ere specia requirements ne- cessitate severe usage. We guarantee our brass type to give the very best satisfaction %° 3 °<§>°<%>°<§>°<§>°<§>°<§>°€>°€>°<:’>°<§>°€>°<%>°<%>°<%>°<§><9°C5°<9°<%>°<9°<%>°<%°<’e>°<$>°<%>°<=%>°<-’?°<%>°<%>°<’e>°<%>°<$>°<9°<$>°<§>°°<‘r>°<§>°°<¥>° American Type Founders ermrggr Company EY»?%‘.¥.lJi‘¥‘§ tram: \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\l\\\l\\l\\\\\\ll\\\\\\lll\l\\l\\\lll\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\lllll\\\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllllllllllll llllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||l|l|l|l||||||lllllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllll||||l|l|lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll \\\\\\\\l\\\\\\\\ m m |l||||||lll|||l|l|||llllllllll lllllllllllllllllllllllll||||||ll|l|l||l|||llllllllllllllllllllllllllllI|||ll|||||lllllIllllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll||l|lllll|l Della Robbia Border Strathmore Initial %llllllllllIIllIllllllIllIllII|IIIllIllIIllIll1lllIIIIllllllll|IIllllIllIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIllIIllIIIIIIIll||||IllllllIllIllIlIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllIIllIllIllllllIlllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllflllllllll 1132 Newspaper Sub-Headings NEWSPAPER SUB-HEADINGS MER1T013I°” TIOOURNAL MARIo1i§I515TRUTH THE SACI31:}1IA NEWS Jflnrtljertiogransscript Coshocgooaf/z Times SPORTIKEE7 TRUTH KIRKERNBWENTINEL " the rtuangliiiilistal llDIZII'ltl THE BOTA1:J1°(5Z0;.L HERALD « CQNESTQKJOKDVQCATE Steubenv;jil:Dispatch The Sguthg;-,:0Me55enger 0RANGr:":I:RIBUNE ; MARLINA coifiy DEMOCRAT 3”” “‘“"“’ff_‘5ff “E“"’”"““‘ E ml): Brligiufifilnwlligvnrsr MEREDINTE TIMES KEARNYNOIWERIDIAN The Weeliflfregonian Iflflitthznr ZbE;:4tk5 1311255 SUFFIELDNOEEPORTER Tn: Wmuwngififfm PALLADIUM New England Republican SaturdayE;q}()é:6z'ngBulletin DAILY TELEGRAM ? POQUONOCKQ STATESMAN No. 513 No. 528 W)? 31amf°1’° ‘$61919 CENTER HARBOR SIGNAL No. 514 N0. 529 KINGS ADVERTISER Minnesota Times-Star Date Lines and Running Titles for Newspapers For such lines when made from 10 point Lining Title No. 524 there wilj be no ex r charge for composi- on. If a e rom an 0 er type customer buys the font at regular 11st prxce an prevax In dxscounts, n a ing the k ti m , _ _ wi h $1.00 e added or type, settin he lines and repa_c ing t e ype, whxch W111 en be sent to e customer with the electros, for which the 0 owing charges W111 be ma e: N me of paper, four words or less, each . . . . . . . . . Ea h "Vol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Each “N o . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 I 6 9 9 K 9 9 . I . . _ _ _ _ , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Eachsingleae,suchas“Boston,Mass.”................................ 45 Periods, commas or spaces will be cast attached to electros when so ordered without extra charge. 1133 Electrotyped Newspaper Headings Style No. 400—Six-Line Pica E REPORT Style No. 401—Six-Line Pica EX HANG Style No. 402—Six-Line Pica EVENING NEWS Style No. 403—Six-Line Pica AMERICAN -Baily Eagle NEWS ECHO Style No. 406—Six-Line Pica MICHIGAN BANNER For additional styles of Newspaper Headings, send for pamphlet containing our complete showing. It will be mailed gratuitously to anyone requesting it. 1134 Electrotyped Newspaper Headings Style No. 407—Five—Line Pica EPORTE Style No. 408-—Six—Line Pica OME NE W Style No. 4()9—Six-Line Pica ELEGRA Style No. 41()——Six-Line Pica xfurtl Reap Style No. 411—~Six-Line Pica VENIING SUN Style No. 412—Six-Line Pica EXAS IDEA Style No. 413—Six-Line Pica DA LY? IRPR I For tultlitionzil styles of Nexvspziper llezulimxs. send for pamphlet cwin_L:. It will be mailed ;:x‘atiuit,(>11sly to anyone l‘€(]UCStlI]}.’,' it. 1135 Electrotyped Date Lines Prices are for any city as per styles below. Length of dotted line about nine picas Style No. 1 W14 - eeeeeeeeeeee - Style No. 3 $100 $100 - /fl/ (6%//zoom;/, c/flu. , eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 9/ Style No. 6 $1 00 ebzcwcz Z 13/ _ . . . . . _ . . . . _ . . . . . . . ... ly/f>)4// Style N o. 7 $1 00 /B . i:§ZZ3234f;o:;z¢4{, 1... .7/J?7/ Style No. 8 $1 00 .,.;2/(.4 ‘Q. eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ../.9/ Style No. 30 $1 00 Style No. 13 $1 00 Euffaln, Style No. 14 Cleveland, Ohio, ....................... .6 Style No. 15 Cofma, Ca7., eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - Style No. 18 $1 00 $100 $1 O0 191 ./9/ 191 fialem, Zlutna, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee -191 Style No. 19 $1 00 CHICAGO, ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt o 1 91 Style No. 31 $1 00 Pittston, Ky., eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee - .191 Style No. 32 $1 00 Liberty, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 191 Style No. 33 Utica, Iowa, ,,,,,,,,,, - Style No. 34 Baltimore, Md., $100 $100 191 191 1136 Style N o. 2 $1 00 gfgifacleflpfiia, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. .1 9/] Style No. 4 $1 00 I§5E%vzd/gut;/,CjfiQé(, ________________________________________ “7/§77/ Style No. 9 $1 00 r/wgga, eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee /W Style No. 10 $1 00 Style No. 35 $1 00 2%)/mofi@4z, S S S . . . . S . . . . . . . ........... ./.94 Style No. 36 $1 00 «S9?2wt?(€%1é;2IzQ, . . _ . . . . . . . _ . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H7C95’ Style No. 37 $1 00 Trenton, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, J 91 Style No. 17 $1 00 Fitcl1l>urg.. 1Vlass., .......................................... .191 Style No. 16 $1 00 Bangor, lVle., ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, .. I 9 1 Style No. 21 $1 00 Boston, ............................................... -191 « Style No. 38 $1 00 Keene, N. H., ............................ .......... 61.91 ' Style No. 39 $1 00 Butte, MoI1t., .................................. 3 .... “ 191 Style No. 40 $1 00 flerlin, (!Imtn., ................................ .,. .... .. 191 Style No. 41 $1 00 Bonville, lnd., ........................................... .191 Style No. 42 $1 00 Scranton, Pa., _ ' .191 sho me, we have issued a se oth Electrotyped State Seals Owing to the great demand for space in this specimen Book and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the Wing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole er lines of cuts of interest to printers. We shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. 3338‘ ¢¢"‘ ..5‘\‘UD Q. Q .. ‘Q .9 No. 2240C Illinois $1 00 uC“§ "‘E’ 3 Q . N. . . ~?-‘I.“.9 0 o 0 ’.o I luau‘ 1.! 0.9’ No. 1 Arizona 75c We have Seals for all States uniform with the styles shown on this page . .‘ ‘I8. sllllll ‘ i’;»:‘ : ‘ii , ‘,v. “ A . _ r 4 ,, . Igp 7%,. ¢/ ¢'':, /4 .1 ,_ I7 1137 parate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several No. 3137C Kansas 75c United States Flags Attention is called to the fact that the United States, and several of the individual States, restrict and prohibit by law, the use of the American Flag, the State Flags and the National and State Coats of Arms for either adver tising or business purposes of any nature. All cuts, electrotype or type representations of same, made, sold or offered for sale by the American Type Founders Company are made and sold upon the condition that they are not to be used in any manner prohibited by law. All Flags supplied for one or two colors Old Glory Embossing Sets A set includes plates for printing in three colors and an electro embossing die. Flag designs are alike in each set. SetA Length (staff) 2 inches; width over all 1% inches . . . $2 .50 Set B Length (staff) 4 inches; width over all 3% inches . . . 4 50 Set C Length (staff) 5“.i inches; width over all 4'/.» inches . 6 00 Set A $2 50 For Embossing No. 5142C In ordering state if cuts are wanted in one or two colors These handsome flags were designed and engraved by the American Type Founders Company. This style is made in three sizes for either one or two col- ors; the two smallest are shown on this page (No. 51420, No. 5144C) . Dimen- sions of largest size (No. 51273.-C): length of staff 5 inches, width over all 4 inches. No. 5144C 31 00 Of/wr S'z',2c.s' (for d-zIn2.(an.s~ir)')Ls see above) % No. 5127«lC. For one color . . . . . . . . . . 3 No. 5127C. Two colors (size of No. 5127‘/QC) . . . . 00 { No. :">14.">(‘,. Two colors (size of No. 5144C) . . . . . . — 70 '- No. 5142-—’i(‘,. Two colors (size of No. 5142C) . 1 '3 No. 2712C 65c 40c A companion flag to No. 2712C is also made, same size and style but with staff to the left. This is No. 2713C. N0. 2712C Right . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 65 For two colors . . . . . . . . . . 1 25 No. 2711-{C Left . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6:”) For two colors . . . . . . . . 1 ‘ 5 N0. 2969C—Cast in type mould-15c each; Border Font (18 inches) . For two colors, 30¢ per set: Border Font (18 inches) . 1 138 Electrotyped United States Emblems Owing to the great demand for space in this Specimen Book and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the showing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole line we have issued a separate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several other lines of cuts of interest to printers. We shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. \; ad a :2‘:-::'q1'.l" . ll“i I m No. 3453C 75c ' '\“.$ \§:§§\§§\\\ \ \ \ i \\\§ .Gx .%<‘ ‘ \y“&&\ “‘ \\\{\\\:§\\\\\‘\\.\\ ““ ' “\‘~*'\‘\\\\\ . \ .\ .\~ \~. . \~.~\\\ . \\ \\ x ‘"\\<\<\\\\ s a * \ “«~.\\-.\.\ \ xx 52;: . ...\ 2' m V , 'um«“" Illllllllllllllllgn-lii»\.:,~, lg, No. 3183C $1.00 . . \ . \_ .‘i\~\‘\\ 3.‘ K i ‘ 59 ~ \\‘ ‘ xv W1“ ~\ ‘\ . \\\‘ ‘. \\\\*\.\.\\\\ \ \~ ‘~ \ ‘ x \\ \ \ “ / W j/4 :._~-‘__‘i.:\' ‘ : «:5? Nut ‘\.:"~i\\v~“‘ \\ll‘« ' - -“.\\ No. 2752C 45c “s;.. ~ "\ . 4-~‘-«~.. «N, .- ~ //I 5 ‘“\\\\_ ;,;.‘...-~...‘,;__\ '‘ - ' " .' x 1/, ‘ — ’\ “ , /g - a . " *"".”//’*“"’"*"’?%;7/;’??././/r//c”’ »«o4/.//- ’ ' /. NQ22901/2C 600 No. 2158C Mortised $1. 5 1139 Electrotyped Society Emblems Owing to the great demand for space in this Specimen Book and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the showing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole line, we have issued a separate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several other lines of cuts of interest to printers. We shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. K _\;x.\‘\\\‘ \\h‘ /wflwwmflw \ ‘ \ :§ \> / *3‘ \\ /////*i1~.t*\\\‘\\\‘ No. 5107C Cuba Libre 750 N0. 1207 400 .\ 3°: . \,7_l/ L ”IlHMlw,”_ mun. mumnm I No. 26460 40c ..'.:s ,, E c r ~ —. ..~. ‘- No. No. 1225C 30c No. 2078 60c 3359C 25c No. 183 30c I¢o.204 40c iJo.224 50¢ IJo.259 50c 1140 Electrotyped Society Emblems Owing to the great demand for space in this Specimen B’)f)l{ and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the showing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing’ only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole line, we have issued a separate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several other lines of cuts of interest to printers. VVe shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. _ No. 164 30c For three colors, 90c No. 2016 30c No.2113 35c: -’ - \c“', - . F“. . a E. ‘T :- \\\\“_\\." \.3 5/225 ' '13.‘;-' .‘,»‘\\‘\\\\\\‘§“.""‘§,\i“\;' ‘ - - Illlilulill][lll@Pm1’;w,,‘?¥{: _"|‘,K§l»\«}<fi\;?i‘,:,;}, »“.-5\‘\~‘§""v'i' ii“ *\1u3'v&i _ \\\\_\_l I.‘ t u . , ‘l ""\-\ 3\‘ "'.\’it"‘ii~\‘§i »\,\'~‘ '. ‘ "‘ui*i:i'.'i‘ iffr?"'},”,s:-:.‘}i§.~‘;1“ g\“‘\\- 1 'H,. “\\‘.I, l"(\\\\l‘ ‘L \\»{‘$- ' ‘! ‘ . No. 901 25c /I h‘ if \‘\._ “;. xx»-. .7/,, '*"i*.~ 1 . «sf §_»’“ H . /W‘ , 4" ' //4‘/9%/min\‘%::\:‘? No. 179 25c No. 264 35c .. .i...... . .i. H, ml ' — ’ '‘‘"‘‘ " ‘ I - "' —...-_ __.,.,, -'——'-—,,,____. : ..z Jr ; i r Miscellaneous Electrotyped Cuts Owing; to the great demand for space in this Specimen Book and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the showing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole line, we have issued a separate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several other lines of cuts of interest to printers. We shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. N o. 2435C 75c "Ts LL , ..J .il'Lill|il 3 V r ..._;.. OF “V cum 1 H ‘eemlllllflllaiiizilll I W’ _i. 1- \-. 2 - v ._\‘V ~ ’ !)“\»..:‘ J, M :1 u A. and I No. 3795C 50c No. 3498C Mortised 75c No.2425C 30c No. 4092C 50c -_. .(:‘’::_:¢-_ 1 . 5|,” .‘ [ti !##__ ._. ":fiifl.‘ “N —— v V‘. .15.; ‘ii i i .‘ l I u _ l an ’ .‘ - "“' ‘ —o . -. .. . ». é; M ‘ {T11 . 1' 'fT§fd" ""5-" 1131 L" '&c‘:«:v/._+ .3“ No.2062 60c i No. 2356C 40c Miscellaneous Electrotyped Cuts Owing to the great demand for space in this Specimen Book and its voluminous size, we have been compelled to condense the showing of Electrotyped Cuts. We are printing only a few sample pages here. In order, however, to illustrate and price our whole line, we have issued a separate pamphlet, which contains a complete showing of all the electrotypes made by us, besides several other lines of cuts of interest to printers. We shall be pleased to mail this pamphlet to any customer or interested printer on request. . « “~ ‘4 ‘ \\\\\\\\::\\T.\"~.\_‘_ . , .|‘ i. \ .: hi ,/ _ '~ ‘V////// N o. 3800C 30c fultiiiiiilliliiiillillJvlllifi r. ‘ him i U /‘l . _,’:;.’.I I I "’//2; 2 1-!‘ - 7'1) /_ I//W‘, .'_"!llllHIllfllii:/if 7 No. 3055C 40c _’ T“ No. 29290 60c \n‘ s . No. 4149 40¢ each $4 per dozen ,. \ ‘sac: \\§£‘. .‘. “? v :\\_~;\\\\§\\)‘& “cr§ \.r“V}\'* V \ \§ \ Q n ' /-1, ,/ ’ M1‘ ‘ I/‘v x ,/ i. V i, , in \>\ , i-/" l.‘_ mm~p= Vi! Wu W ‘I\‘»'<)l«‘:il‘ {r ‘n‘.‘\ x ,1 l ._ ‘ '«li»"“ if - H , r ~~~-~.\ — m \\ ,5; ;./._v ‘- \ V ,,r “alt, * \ ,/,1’; ' ,‘—. ' A: \\_ i I"! I’! J. _' ‘n'V""w ' ,2’ //,-K -«A - ' « , I ‘/5’ s ‘\‘ . \\ \ii\\\.\\‘" ‘H \ . ~§..¥t .1"k‘\l\\ '\ x\' i ii‘ ‘Fl .- \._\\_\\\. \ k N ‘.\\\\ . W \ \\\‘_\\ \\\_ \ \\ Ax“ \\\\ ‘ \ x x‘ \\ \\ _"‘. - .. ‘ '~ \ ‘ l i If \\\\ T} " _ H‘ I “ \~“ \\\~ « M » ’ ' \;; ‘{‘\ ; _ 3:. /g ‘;{/-:/,///j//,'//, ,//M" ‘T, " ’ m’/u"*,'/'/W “x ‘\ \N“‘ 05: 1 V ’y’I/«,’7'..,f/ /‘////,';;<.,) ' ‘. Q 1 0’//I” "\ L“ . t-‘‘ it i /4/..:’,//////-"" " i/».y’*:/9.3% . \ V \\ ‘) 4,}/y]////n I 1/ ; viz \ "\‘l{x\i\ X9,‘ “ ~z///z//’’. / 72/ -. , . « -1, - ‘ ‘:~ ‘::\,,»;;z.\®\=\‘i ‘rt \\ \ ;‘\\\E\. »\ 5%“ \ " \)\\\\\\\§ . ’_ V ( ‘ \.V\\\\“\\‘\\\\' ,9 ._ \ V , _ //' i-»>\\\\\\\\\\\\~\\\w~‘ \\ ‘.}:.‘ Mil/;,-.‘.'."‘ ~ ,»\‘.\’HI ‘ I\l-I! i i .»~ ‘aw .. /, ' ' mr“~ ‘¥‘-1" ” u/n..‘= ,. '5' , 3'./11'“. '/ ‘. ‘ " 2 , ’ '10‘ g-'— ; ~ I I‘ ‘ I'fl,\\\ \‘ IWII‘ /‘ H ‘\\:\l’v/I’n‘.'.%’f' 9 ’ A . - . " , . ‘\ - V ' """ : '£“"», '\‘ .\‘- a. .1 , ‘.n"'.vv ('1 ;\ \\\""/l"v ' ' _ lw . ‘f. .1 ,/I "I.$'“v~ ..,| \‘”I.. v N_ .: x as ... i ‘-::»;.':.'n", ;, , , -. \ E5 No. 4099 30¢ each :-;: i‘.I“7v_—.«: __ ' /, &A‘\ No. 3054C 75c $2.50 per dozen 1143 Bill of Fare Cuts N0. 4070C 50c No. 4056C 500 \ //3.; 9 9;‘. ' . A I .‘ \ T"«q5€fi._"e,‘.- . yr 4058C 50c N0. 4054C SOC v---:~ N0. 2997C 60¢ i : A , AMERICAN ‘ 2 TYPE 0 FOUNDERS 2 CO. 0 CompletePrinting Office Outfitter TAILPIECES, ETC. No.3878C 50c No. 31460 400 1144 Wood Type and Borders In addition to the extensive line of Metal Type Faces shown in this catalogue, the American Type Founders Company announces that it can also supply on short notice, any of the designs of type, borders, ornaments, etc., shown in a spe- cial Wood Type Catalogue, which will be sent to customers on request. The Wood Type sold by the SCALE OF FONTS American Type Founders Company is undoubtedly Showing the Number of Letters in Each the best_procurable and invariably gives perfect pom from 3 A to 5A satisfaction whenever used. We show_ only _a few Be sure and state if caps only are wanted, examples here. Any style can be furnished in any or caps and figures. or caps. lower-case and size desired, and in the following table we give ,fig“f‘?S-_,, A A 1 M A A A prices for all sizes up to one hundred lines pica. 3 A 3 a 4 A 4 a 5 A I 5 a S Ry rfefFerence to t1lliebR%vise(cil Price List and the CAPS Lease CAPS Lease CAPS Lease deczftefirgine Otllites ltrivcle of Znouslt le€2ucl)fe%§,ofin§II‘ttee 75 65 A 106 90 120 104 any desired sizd). First degerrriine the kind o3fpfont Letters Letters Letters LettersiLetters Letters deSired__Whether Caps Only, or caps and figures, O1. 1 A lower case and figures. Then determine the A -3 -3 A -4 -4 A -5 -5 Raps’ . B _2 E -2 3 _3 E _3 A 3 -3 ‘ 13, _3 size of font desired, _whether 3A’s, 4A’s or 5A’s. C -2 c -2 C -3 c -3 C -4 ‘ c —-4 When this IS determined you will have the total D “Z ‘I “2 D -3 d -3 D *4 ~ d —4 number of characters in the font See in what class E—4e—4E-5e—5E—-6e—6 . . . ' . 1: _2 1 _2 1: -3 f __3 1: ._3 f _3 the particular style_is listed and find the price per E11 -3 ii -3 E -1; g -3 91 —i g -3 letter. By multiplying the total number of pieces 5 _4 i _3 1 I _4 i ___4 I _5 i _5 by the price per letter you obtain the list price. -2'-1J—3'—2J-3’-2 K _1 i‘ _1 K _2 f‘ _2 K _2 1‘ _2 REVISED PRICE LIST PER LETTER L -4 I -4 L -5 1 I —5 L —-6 I -6 The prices for all sizes of each style of type can % :§ 1 L“ :g I 1%‘ :2 A L“ :2 118,1 :g 2 be found in this Revised Price List. The left hand 0 __3 0 _3 A 0 _4 ’ 0 _4 A 0 _5 1 0 _5 column gives size of type or lines pica. The letters P -2 p -2 P -3 p -3 P -3 p -3 L, M, N, etc., at the top of table, give the class to 3 :13 ‘I 213 3 :2 ‘I :3 ‘ I? ‘_‘g ‘r1 :g which the letters belong, and the figures in the dif- 5 _4 : _4 5 _5 I _5 5 _8 , __5 ferentcolumnsgive thepriceper letter. The sizes of '5 -3 t -4 '6 -4 t -4 "(F1 -5 1 t :2 fonts are given on this page in the Scale of Fonts. -2 -2 -3 -3 -4 V -2 3 -2 ‘ V -3 ‘ 3 -3 V -3 3 -3 Always state whether CAPS alone are wanted, or §’*5l5 W *4]? 1 )V(‘’-—g . W -7: * §V‘“g ‘ :2’ *3 CAPS and FIGURES, or CAPS, LOWER-CASE and —- x — — x — — I — %'-2 y -2 Y -3 y -3 3 y -3 FIGURES, or CAPS and LOWER-CASE, and how -1 -i Z -2 -2 --2 I z - v ‘gt _1 E __1 & __2 ‘ E _1 g: __2 _i large a font or number ofA s. . __ _ .2 _ _ . _ _ . . . ! __; _; ! __:15 A 2. _i 1 _:13 ff _1 Wood _type 1S priced by the letter, and sold in _3 ffi _1 1 _4 ffi_1 __4 m_1 various sized fonts,_ as below. Font orders are sub- -1 ffl—1 . -21ffl-1 , -2 ffl-1 ject to a liberal discount; small sort orders are , *1 ? ; -1 , *1 , subject to a smaller discount than is allowed on _ :11; _ :3 , :§ fonts. 3A cap font contains 75 letters; 3a lower- . -3 I -4 , -4 case font contains 65 letters; 4A cap ‘font contains » ~ «A » -5 A 106 letters; 4a lower-case font contains 90 letters; F"“'°“ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 s 5A cap font contains 120 letters; 5a lower—case N0‘ ea°h 3 2 .2 2 E F2 2 2 2 5 2 font contains 104 letters. Figures are put up sepa- 26 m “C (mt rately, 26 in each font. REVISED PRICE LIST PER LETTER Please bearm mmd < l cuss cuss . cuss I cuss I cuss l cuss ? cuss cuss i cuss cuss _thatEndWoodType 9,‘ N ; O . P.Q;R‘5A'-1-‘U is made in any size. 0- 1 L I M ; ' 1 :1 f I A A Wood-'type1etterin [(3 5 Cents Cents 1 Cents ‘ Cents : Cents Cents ‘ Cents . Cents 1 Cents ‘ Cegts ' '_ ‘ I ‘I 1er»er}per~pr alrrlld E Lgftler Lgsfier l Lgftler ‘ Lleger l Lgafer { Lleftrer Lgtter Lgtter Letter Letter length. Example: If *1 2 1 6 6 6 6 } 6 ] 8 I 8 10 1 13 15 a 12—line letter is 2 31 6 5 ‘ 6 ; 6 l 6 » 8 12 C 15 18 inches wide, the same 4 1 6 6 6 6 3 g 3 ii $3 letter in 15—line will 3» 2 3 2 2 ‘ 8 10 11 16 19 22 be 2% inches wide, 8» 8 8 8 8 10 12 13 18 22 26 the inereeee being % 1° 9 9 1° 13 ii l? 13 33 ‘ S2 33 each WaY- ii * ii) ig i4 16 20 22 26 30 34 All styles of Wood 15 : 12 13 14 15 ; 18 21 24 28 32 36 Type which are made 16 r 12 1 14 15 15 1 $51’ 1 SE 1 ES » gg . 3% . 33 can be furnished on $3 E ii’ 1 13 1 187; ; 83 ; 24 j 88 I 32 I 37 .’ 40 1 44 receipt of sample at 24 i 17 19 * 22 24 1 28 1 32 I 36 i 42 ‘ 45 ‘ 48 these prices, subject 25: 18 » 20 23 25 30 - 34 38 - 45 48 23 t 1.b 1 d. 30 21 , 24 27 30 I 35 40 44 52 55 0 1 era 1SC0Unt- 34 36 41 46 50 . 56 59 62 36 28 31 .. 4o ‘ 33 36 38 40 45 50 56 60 63 1 66 45 36 39 42 45 50 A 58 63 ‘ 5733 6; 1 72 5° 1 45 1 47 48 l 50 A 52 1 65 I 70 ‘ 80 I 83 86 AMERICAN 601 50 I 53 I 56 1 60 6 1 1, i 90 I 95 l 100 72 50 1 62 64 72 . 78 . 1 , TYPE FOUNDERS go 1 64 1 66 68 ‘ 80 1 86 100 107 v 114 100 1 75 . 78 80 ‘ 100 ’ 106 115 125 l 135 COMPANY \_L 1145 Wood Type Class N No. 727, 6—Line 6 Cents per Letter Class N No. 727, 8—Line 8 Cents per Letter Class N No. 727, 10-Line 10 Cents per Letter DR GS8 Class N No. 727, 12-Line 12 Cents per Letter Lower case and figures made for all sizes. For sizes of fonts and prices of other sizes of wood ty e see a re 1145. D D 5:. For complete showing of other styles and sizes see Specimen Book of Wood Type, which will be sent upon application. #4 1146 Wood Type Class O No. 723, 6-Line 6 Cents per Letter Class O No. 723, 8—Line 8 Cents per Letter C1335 0 No. 723, 10-Line 10 Cents per Letter Class O No. 723, 12-Line 12 Cents per Letter For sizes of fonts and prices of other sizes of wood type sec page 114."). Lower case and figures made for all sizes. od Type, which Wlll be sent upon application. For complete showing of other styles and sizes see Specimen Book of Wo L 1147 Wood Type Class O No. 728, 6-Line 6 Cents per Letter Class O No. 728, 8-Line 8 Cents per Letter Class O No. 728, 10-Line 10 Cents per Letter CR SH Class O No. 728, 12-Line 12 Cents per Letter Lower case and figures made for all sizes. For sizes of fonts and prices of other sizes of wood type see page 1145- For complete showing‘ of other styles and sizes see Specimen Book of Wood Type, which will be sent upon application. J 1148 Wood Type C1383 0 No. 732, 6-Line 6 Cents per Letter Diamond 5 C1338 0 No. 732, 8-Line 8 Cents per Letter MINES Class O N o. 732, 10-Line 10 Cents per Letter ROM E Class O N 0. 732, 12-Line 12 Cents per Letter For sizes of fonts and prices of other sizes of wood type see page 1145. Lower case and figures made for all sizes. For complete showing of other styles and sizes see Specimen Book of Wood Type, which will be sent upon application. L 1149 End-Wood Borders Put up in fonts of 5 feet, with one set of Corners. For a full-sheet 10 feet of border are required. 21 Point No. 251 Per foot 60c 36 Point No. 181 Per foot 70c 31 Point No. 274 Per foot 70c 60 Point No. 338 Per foot 90c 60 Point No. 244 Per foot 90c For complete line of Wood Borders see Complete Specimen Book of Wood Type. Sent upon application. 1150 End-Wood Borders END-WOOD BORDERS Put up in fonts of .5 feet, with one set of corners. For a fu11—sheet 10 feet of border are required. No. 251, 60c per foot For a complete assortment of Wood Borders see Specimen Book of Wood Type. Sent upon application. 1151 Wood Rule WOOD RULE Side—Wood, 12 cents per yard. End-Wood 15 cents per foot——in assorted lengths. End-Wood Rule cannot be supplied in yard lengths. Solid corners to match all sizes, 25 cents per set of four. Wood Rule is sold at a lesser discount than Wood Type. Style R 12 Point Style U 18 Point Style W 24 Point Style Y 36 Point STAR RULE ln fonts of 5 feet with one set of corners, $1.90. Star Rule cannot be supplied in yard lengths. No. 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. 24 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. 26 No. 30 No. 23 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 No. 27 1111111111 For other Styles of Wood and Star Rules see complete Specimen Book of Wood Type. Sent on application. 1152 A This Catalogue is the most €Xt\€l1$”iTY§ and c]omplete' . A ever issuedtfor the use of printers. ’» ‘ A n ' rt A ‘El - n.=r~uw5twa'zs?“°¢ \. . _ nine Magmnery and Ma; % as a t J terialselisted herein, which DISCOUMS a 5%!‘ ‘ant! _ are ingregular demand in‘ The listipricesof Printing Machinery‘ e $§€1i‘?“*k°f'th,e U.."'te.d_g ? «‘ and Suppliesare subject in most cases » s n- l 1 5t%t°I5;3’?’i& ept II.1~St"?§k'}_* T to discounts, which will be quoted on a L ‘ % A ga".i%t°5e. " °9‘,a5'°"a 3" application. The net selling prices are e I g i 1 ma“ can besvde']'r-Vered Very the Iowestquoted by‘ the“ various n 7 s.p§°mpet"5';?a..“5§‘§3"Y'i"99? ‘Mr manufacturers. . i is _ ' ’¢5°”°‘5t°°k5i“the"a'9¢T~=s»t-r s ‘ ’3T3flC?‘95¥,r»-i;\?iti i J Due ’|'€93!?d; fer rerutaa E 139'! of I; SN-i<>‘dtt’c»etrs ?Prrntérs’ Suppl? T T J ’5¥l?I¢}§eFW13d]eir§“r ,3 1 M _ 192, fllQ8d»~3fi¥fl13fl§‘ii ith“3;1‘.‘r- .-"C3 xx’: ‘_ -4‘ we , “ ;»_Cw,a " ,.‘ ;.».—"-- The Premier Two-Revolution Printing Press The past two decades have seen a great advance in the science and achievement of the printing art, and so urgent have been the consequent demands made on the printing press, that, while all the two-revolution presses now being built may be considered good printing machines, all of them, without exception, have failed to keep pace with the march of printing progress. The reason for this is obvious. Invention is diflicult, laborious and time-taking; one cannot turn a spigot and have a novel mechanical idea come forth. Printing-press invention is very much restricted, besides, by the crisscross of claim and description with which inventors have covered their patents already allowed, so that further originality and novelty seem to be almost impossible in any of the basic features of two-revolution presses. Most of the makes of this type of printing press sulfer also from the fact that the machines at The PR v.1"$'C V~ 1 is WHITLOCKPRINTINGPRESS "' T - . « Ewuati '*‘ 5V5: as i.;¢e\1s0~ ‘uuluuntgi The Premier Two-Revolution Press. The greatest advance in the science of and achievement in the printing art present built were originally designed from ten to twenty-five years ago, many of the new devices being added from time to time as the manufacturer could invent or design, retaining meanwhile all the weak, inadequate old—fashioned features for the lack of something better. There is but one two-revolution printing press in the market today of entirely new design throughout, fulfilling in every way every demand of the most exacting up-to-date printing, whose every mechanical feature and device has been tried, found successful and standardized, and that is The Premier, of which we are the selling agents. The builders of The Premier, while studying the situation, noted that, while every other two-revolution press of whatever make--the least liked as well as the most popular—possessed some particular feature of merit and value on which its reputation was based and maintained; noted too, that none of them, not even in the remotest way, filled the requirements of present-day printing conditions. They determined, therefore, to design and build a new series two-revolution, which, while original in some features, would base its greatest claim for preferment in the novel combination into one machine of all the meritorious devices and features found singly in all the other two-revolution presses, these devices when embodied in The Premier being simplified, amplified, strengthened and im- proved to the very fullest degree. This design has been successfully accomplished and the result, as must be plain to any thinking mind, is a two-revolution press, with the best device or feature for every operating function, all working together to effect a printing production of the highest quality in the greatest quantity with the least waste and at the lowest productive cost. A terse description of The Premier follows: The side frames are solid. On some two-revolutions the frames look solid but are merely flange frames with the flat surfaces on the outside. The greater strength of the solid frames is obvious. Heavy girders at each end join the frames together, while about midway between them and directly underneath the impression is a girder of tremendous depth and thickness, weighing in the larger sizes from a ton to a ton and a half with a strain resistance unequaled in any other two-revolution press. On these girders four bed tracks are separately bolted—not cast in one piece or spider as is the case in other makes of presses—and these tracks are made wider, thicker and therefore stronger than on other presses. Following the usual practice the tracks are steel shod—-high-point carbon steel being used. Tlfe bed-track friction rollers also are made of the best steel, are wider than usual and are geared throughout their run. The frame center where the cylinder rests is almost solid throughout, there being but one aperture for the single cylinder lifting spring. This frame structure as a whole is positively unequaled in any other two-revolution press for The center girder, weighing enduring stability and strain resistance, giving the press mechanism the from 0'10 ton to one and a half tons, fullest opportunity to run at its highest speed with the least jar: and con- “ ‘neat Strain “°SlS'5‘”' sequent strain and wear. _ The bed motion of The Premier is a direct shaft drive and consists of an upper and _lower bed rack, at each end of which is a lateral segment cast in one piece with the racks, the teeth of the racks and S_€g‘me_nts being cut by the gear cutter in the same cut—insi_iring positive uniformity and accuracy. The bed'dI'1V1n8‘ gear running constantly in one direction engages these racks and segments. This gear is cut away or recessed for a portion of its circumference into which recess is fitted a section of teeth or sector, which alternately recedes from or projects to the gear’s cir- cumference to engage or avoid the racks as the bed is _moved to and fro by.the gear. The bed-gear is not raised_or lowered nor slid along the drive shaft before engaging, as on other direct drive two-revolutions, the gear being cast double-width with teeth only on the part of the gear-face which engages the rack—the other Dart of the_gear-face being left blank-excepting where the sector is. Attached to the gear is a Lumen-bronze block with a four or five inch face, sliding in slides or shutters of J essop steel and assisting to arrest and start the bed movement. The block is obviously better than the roll or rolls generally used—as experiment with any round object will prove. The Premier bed motion is assuredly the best extant. No other is so Dositive,_ exact,.simple or enduring. It makes for abso- lute register, high speed, smoothness of operation and a durability and freedom from wear and breaks which no other two-revolution press even approximately equals. Hundreds of Premier presses have been running for several years now, and never, not even in one single case, has there been the slightest trouble or complaint concerning the bed- drive. We are convinced that this remarkable freedom from the bed-drive troubles so_ usual to other makes of two-revo- lution presses will continue for many years to come. The type bed of The Premier is not merely the usual flat surface 1153 «:<3r-self: 1;, is 7*: No other bed movement is so positive or so scientifically constructed The Premier Two-Revolution Printing Press with ribbing beneath as used on all other presses, but has a bottom as well asa top; itis what is termed a box type bed. The Premier is the only press possessing this valuable feature (being patented). It has more than double the strength of the ordinary type beds. The top surface of all type beds but that of The Premier is only planed and then put into the press. But on The Premier the type bed is scraped absolutely true after it is planed. This, combined with the extreme rigidity of the box type bed, makes a great saving in the time spent in make-ready, as also prolonging the life of type and plates. Runs of hundreds of thousands of im- pressions from a set of plates are common enough on The Premier to allow us to say they are customary. The type bed travels on the four bed tracks already mentioned. These tracks are extra wide as stated and are placed so that the two outer ones support the roll of the cylinder on the bed throughout the printing stroke. As register is gotten on all two- revolution presses by the contact of the cylinder bearers with the bed bearers after the impression segments are passed, great pressure of the cylinder on the bed is demanded. The bed tracks on almost all other makes of two-revolution presses are set too much toward the center of the bed to take up the strain of this tremendous pressure correctly, causing the bed to bow consider- ably, wearing type and plates and causing work-ups in the form. On The Premier the outer tracks are placed directly under the the bearers. No further comment is necessary. The impression mechanism of the two-revolution press particularly because of the two-revolution feature of its construction is undoubtedly the sine qua non of the up-to- date printing machine. All other functions are made or marred and the machine as a whole is good as worthless if the impressional device is not unyielding. Some presses- even the most popularly sold—have two long rods (sometimes almost four feet long) that pass through the frames (weakening these thereby), which rods are relied on to hold the cylinder rigidly on the bearers. But they fail utterly to do so, as the rods must and do stretch, causing slur, loss of register, wear on plates and type, lost time making ready and renewing or replacing plates. The Premier has an eccentric impression mechanism covered by the span of a man's hand—no rods, no weakening of the frames. A slight turn of the eccentric raises and lowers the cylinder. It is as unyielding as the Rock of Ages. There are four air springs on The Premier—two at each end of the press to assist the bed over centers. On some presses there are but two—one at each end. If there were need to discuss the value of the four over the two air springs we would do so. We think it unnecessary. The cylinder gear by means of a ring can be moved from one to three teeth forward permitting an increase on the type form printed of two inches or more (the type bed and cylinder impression surface being cast that much larger than the advertised size so as to take the form comfortably and correctly). This important feature is possessed by but a few of the other makes of two-revolution presses. Its value on occasions is incalculable. There is no outside intermediate pinion between the cylinder gear and the bed driving shaft gear, consequently the very slightest motion of the bed driving shaft is imparted uniformly to both cylinder and bed assuring more exact and enduring register by the elimi- nation of the wear sure to come in the contact points of the intermediate pinion. The cylinder of The Premier is unquestionably of the strongest construction possible. Almost all other two-revolution presses have printing and idle surfaces well spoked inside the cylinder, but wide gaps in the cylinder surface are left for the shoe-fly gripper and tympan rods. The Premier cylinder surface is closed-cast in that there are no open- ings for the rods, deep depressions being left in the cylinder surface to allow ample room for the rods and their easy manipulation. As the contact blow between the cylinder and the bed at the point of impression occurs within half an inch of the edge of the im- The Wonderful Eccentric Impression Mechanism--the pression surface the closed-cast periphery of The Premier cylinder presents an span ofa man’s hand covers it. adequate resistance with which the weakness of the open cylinder cannot be compared. On all two-revolution presses at the commencement of the printing stroke, the cylinder and bed are geared together up to the headline so as to travel at a uniform speed to get register. After the headline is passed, however, the sole reliance for register through the impression is the pressure contact between the bearers on the bed and cylinder. To hold this pressure more certainly and register surer, the bearers on the cylinder and bed of all Premier presses are wider than on all other two-revolution presses. size for size. The gripper mechanism on The Premier is of the most approved type, rotary in its action, strong, taking the sheet without shock and almost noiseless. A safety turn-back device throws the gripper rod back without damage should the press be started while the gripper rod is turned up. There are three tympan rods to draw and hold the make-ready and top sheets at the very highest tension. The distribution of The Premier is immeasurably superior to that of any and all other two-revolution presses. All these latter print and have distributions which lay on the ink in more or less satisfactory manner. But none other than The Premier has the sheet and ink saving possibilities of the tipping foun- tain and the independent vibratory motion. The fountain on every other two-revolution press is fixedly bolted to the press frames, whereas The Premier fountain is arranged to swing‘ at any angle merely by loosening one bolt and tightening it again. The fountain is placed above the ink plate. The ductor roller carries the ink, not to the ink table, but to the first table vibrator roller, and as the ink table is then at the other end of the press (when the press is running), the ink is cut up 150 some extent already when first laid on the plate. Over the . ‘ table and form rollers there are three vibrators beside two top . . . _ , , ,., . . « V , ' vibrators over the form roller vibrators. These form and .-~ ~- -- l‘.j"}?{l.i.:,_4?v~». fit" '2. ' ‘ 1' " P » table vibrating‘ rollers are independent one of the other, so that ' T’ “ " '" " P l T ’ while those over the form rollers may be set to vibrate a great deal, but little, or not at all, those over the table rollers can set to vibrate as desired, whether much or little. The vibrators The Unequaled Distribution; note the independent vibratory mechanism over the form rollers can be raised by the mere turning of a lever—the same operation raising the form rollers away from the form. There are two fountain pawls,permitting of a supplemental half nick movement of the fountain ratchet. The form and table rollers are interchangeable and gear-driven. No modern four roller two-revolution press is complete without a dual delivery. On pony presses where a sheet can be flicked ofl’ the press with one hand without stopping, a dual delivery is not alone unnecessary but is oftentimes more or less of a nuisance. But two-revolution presses designed to print color or black work of very high quality or built to run at very high speed must be supplied with a delivery which can deliver the sheet either printed- side-up so as to permit of the work being critically examined without either taking a sheet from the pile or stopping the press, or fly the sheet printed—side—d own at the fullest speed the press driving mechanism can operate. The printed sheet on M all printed-side-up delivery presses is absolutely uncontrolled at the place it is dis- . charged to the pile. The fly delivery, or printed-side-down, controls the i sheet very much better; hence the speed of so fast a two-revolution as The Premier and one or two other makes is necessarily cut down to the ability of its delivery to take care of the sheets. If, therefore, a press is supplied with only the printed-side-up delivery it cannot in the very nature of things run as fast on some work as if supplied with the fly, while if supplied with only the fly a pressman cannot examine his sheet or adjust his color thor- oughly well without stopping the press-an expensive and time wasting operation. Hence, the really modern two-revolution press must have both , deliveries. Having both deliveries on the press is not all there is to it either. " ~ A - . . . r There is a certain popular two-revolution press possessing both, whose The Premier Fountain Es arranged to swing at any angle by loosening printed-side-up delivery can handle only good heavy stock because it uses One bolt and tightening it again and the fountain is sticks with pushers to get the printed sheet onto the pile. The Premier P“=‘°ed ‘*b°"° the Plate dual delivery will handle all sheets from tissue to board equally well, be- cause the delivery carries the sheet directly over the pile and then rolls away from under the sheet leaving it to fall on the pile and adjust itself thereto with a fine layer of air between. This latter saves slip-sheeting on all but the very heaviest-inked cut forms. There are besides three just printed sheets exposed to the air for drying throughout the printing operation. The printed- 1154 . ’ ,....~~’ 7‘ ‘UV .. IV . .24 .9, v. The Premier Two-Revolution Printing Press side-up delivery of The Premier dual delivery has been used for years by the trade in connection with another make of press our improvement thereon consisting in the invention of a method for applying the fly in conjunction with it. A further absolute necessity in the use of a dual delivery is that it shall be readily and simply change- able from fly to printed-side-up and vice versa. The drive of The Premier dual is simplicity itself. It consists of the usual fly cam and lever with rack teeth cut in the latter to mesh with the fly pinion, and a duplicate of this mechanism turned back to back for driving the printed-side-up delivery, a circular plate , taking the place of the fly cam. The change is made by pushing a handle up or down—this handle throwing out of mesh either the fly gear from its lever or the printed-side-up delivery gear from its lever. The change can be made in from half a minute to two or three minutes and is so simply done that, once shown, a layman can do it correctly forever after. Where a press is running on badly curled sheets or on paper with broken edges and i one delivery seems not to handle it as well as it might, the other can be put into use almost instantly. If there is improvement in the production Well and good. If it is not so good, the delivery can be changed over again and less than five minutes only have been lost in the effort. Compare that with the two or three hours the same effort would cost on some of the other two-revolution presses. The Premier dual delivery besides is all self-contained no parts being re- moved to be hung on the wallorleft stand- ing around, and the fly is used as over- guides when the printed-s i d e-u p de- . _ livery is in operation andis not suspended in the air. In every feature, whether of utility, and ability, simplicity, effectiveness, ever-readiness for quick change or from any other standpoint whatever, The Premier dualdelivery is undoubtedly unapproached in even the remotest way by any other dual delivery on any other two-revolution press in the world. The Premier is supplied with a brush at the bottom of the The Premier Printed—Side-Up Delivery Dimensions of The premier Tw0_ cylinder to assist the front bands Revolution P to snug the sheet close so as to ‘Rs regs exgel shedair between the sheet ‘~~—~-——k --- an cy in er. Bed F0 2 z - Inches ‘ Ingzts There are both trip and back- I 1 11%)Ié1hOt1OI1S}>10n The Premier]. Some 28x41 23x37 ‘ 25x38 0 e ot er two_-revo ution 33x45 28x41 4 30x42 Bresses have the trip and a brake, 36x48 i 31x44 1 33x46 ut no back up. This requires 41x52 I 36x48 38x50 another hand at the fly wheel 43x56 I 38x52 r 40x54 when putting on make-ready and 47x66 4 42x62 ; 44x64 top sheet. The back-up is there- . _ ~~-._~“.-..,-,. I fore a time saver. The trip does The Premier Fly Delivery not operate, no matter if stepped on, during the printing operation, but will throw-off up to T _ _ Just before the head-line or after the impression-end is reached. We respectfully submit he Premier to the trade with perfect confidence that our claim for its far excelling any and every other two-revolution press in the market in any and every function of the modern printing press will be fully demonstrated on any user’s floor to his perfect satisfac- U011 if afforded the opportunity of doing so. It will make good absolutely. The Whitlock Two-Revolution Two-Roller Pony Press I No cylinder printing press is so profitable an investment for the printer as the Whitlock Pony. Its reputation is world-wide. 11 fact, it is the Standard Pony Press of the World. Smooth in its operation, quick to make ready and to get the form on and the work off, with a fine distribution, even and i ~ _ . , H rigid impression, exact register, easy to feed -- ‘ l ’ “ ‘ ' and to operate, simple and durable-all these elements have combined to make it the most popular of all the pony presses. It is as profitable for the large printing office with one hundred cylinder presses as it is for the small printer, whose only cylin- der it is. Its range of work comprehends everything - . W , Q from an envelope to a sheet the full size the bed will , , \ x .\ s \ .- ‘, take, and from the lightest form to one in which half- \ _(A(,,§ /(/(L. ‘ _‘ tones or other plates abound. It displaces the larger .:_“;:;1'‘:.:- jobbers—producing the work more quickly, _of finer BY cw, U 5 A_ quality and with less work in the production, and ,5“ ' ' ' ' -c oftentimes relieves the rush of work on large cylin- ders where the sheet can be split to a size that the bed can take on. There are in the market to-day a half dozen imi- tations of the Whitlock Pony, all purporting to do as good work as it does, but all of them will disclaim the ability to run as fast or to yield as much pro- duct whether in a run of an hour, a day, a week, a month or a year. If product means profit, and if quglity iS1Il1OthSa(}:lrlfi§tR(';‘ill to p1i;o<1l,uct, the unrivaled . . . . . spee at w ic t e it oc ony operates-its user . ‘Whitlock Pony Press, with P1'lnt0d-Side-Up Delivery I pnbeatable pr0duct___Sh0u1d make its Value to the pur }Sl0 great as to make impossible the consideration of any of the aforementioned imitations on the part of any intending Pon_y_press ex C aser. The Whitlock Pony possesses every known device for the production of the maximum of work at a minimum Dense. The following 18 a description of some of its features with a terse comparison of the same features as found in other akes of pony presses: Warghe bed motion is a simple crank _movement where the bed driving gear is constantly engaged with the bed, driving it back- Oth and forward without the tumbling around ends or the jumping up and down or the sliding in and out of the bed gear, as in gree: Dony presses. These latter run smoothly up to a speed of two thousand or twenty-two hundred an hour when new, but at a Pona 9}‘ Speed or when slightly worn they Jar badly over centers causing deviation in register, wear and trouble. The Whitlock be Y is guaranteed to run at three thousand per hour in the smaller size and twenty-six hundred per hour in the larger. It can an Sfeeded, however, from five to ten per cent faster than this—t_hirty-three hundred per hour being not uncommon for the former Dre Wenty-nine hundred for the latter. And this with exact register and without undue wear or strain. N 0 other pony printing 8’; can approach this wonderful operating capacity. than (Tile type bed of the Whitlock Pony is a box type bed-—witl_i a bottom as well _as sides and top. By this means a strength more ype fouble that possessed by any other pony press type bed is gotten. It is, besides, scraped absolutely true after planing so that Thorms _(and most pony presses run mainly on type forms) can be made ready in much less time because of this feature. inserfe cylinder on the Whitlock Pony is closed cast, 2. e., there are no openings at the front and tail of the impression for the ith 1011 Of the 8'I‘1DI_3er, _shoo-fly and tympan rods_as in the case of other pony presses. The cylinder of the Whitlock Pony is cast Stre a deep depression in place of the rod openings, allowing ample room for the comfortable accommodation of the rods. This flifithens the cylinder by over one hundred per cent, assisting to make ready quickly and prolonging the life of type and plates. can b e _fountain on the Whitlock Pony is _the only fountain on any cylinder press not bolted fixedly to the ‘frames of the press. It By 9 tipped and _set at any_ angle so that ink cannot work away from the fountain roller, thereby permitting color to work light. héeans of this tipped position all the ink is used and waste prevented. he Whitlock Pony has both trip and back-up motions. Some of the other pony presses have either the trip or the back-up, 1155 The Whitlock Two-Revolution Two-Roller Pony Press but few have both. The value of both these features is inestimable. There is a heavy sole plate supporting the superstructure of the Whitlock Pony while almost all other pony presses stand upon their side frames. The sole plate imparts rigidity and takes up the thrust which other pony presses impart to the floor where they are operating. As a con- . . .. ._ sequence, the Whitlock Pony can be installed and will run correctly on a floor much lighter as to strain resistance than any other pony press built. Concentrating the construction of the Whit- lock Pony has made it lower, shorter and narrower than any other pony-—its weight being kept well down to the sole plate, avoidingthereby that tendency to top-heavi- ness so noticeable in other machines and lending itself to the smoothest operation when running at highest speeds. The Whitlock Pony will make good absolutely no mat- 4 ,‘ ter what other pony may be put in opposition against it. It is built with front fly as shown in the preceding page . "THEWHlTLOCK" or with a printed-side-up (all tapes) as shown in the 4» two illustrations. The presses are equipped with a set l . of composition rollers, an extra set of stocks, hard packing for cylinder, slitter, counter, jogger, press tools and steam fixtures or motor pulley and bearing. . Dimensions of The Whitlock Two-Revolution Two-Roller Pony Press Bed Type Sheet Bed Type Sheet 27x31 22x27 24x29 28x40 23x36 25x38 The WW Pony, From my Dcnmy The Whitlock No. 23 Two-Revolution Three-Roller Pony Press The Whitlock No. 23 Pony is a Three-Roller Pony, an adaption of the No. 00 Four-Roller and the No. 3 Two-Roller Ponies. It 15 designed to meet the needs of those printers who, not needing the very high speed the two-roller can run at, yet find unnecessary the very fine distribution of the four-roller. The bed drive is the well-known elliptical-gear crank motion, Whlch is a modification of the bed driving mechanism employed in almost all stop cylinder and lithograph presses, the simplicity, durability and register-exactness of these machines being retained, and modern speed being imparted by the use of the speed gears. . Four air springs, set in pairs at.eaCh end, take up the thrust of the bed. A simple device automatically adjusts them for molje or less air, as speed requires. The No. 23 15 built with four full length steel-faced tracks in which run more than the usual number 0 steel friction rollers, whose pecular shape forms a perfect preventative to any side lash of the bed, and besides which, in their travel» carry the oil so that the tracks are thorough Y lubricated. The box type bed has a bottqm surface and not merely the usual cross rib- bing. This fully doubles the strength of the type bed. The type bed beside is scrape absolutely true-—a time saver in making type forms ready. The cylinder has its periphery closed—cast (I10 openings for gripper or blanket-clamp rods) thereby doubling its strength. This, with the heavy sole plate’ the heavy double-arched girder, the four full length tracks, and the box type bed, contrive to make 311 impressional capacity unequaled by any other press- The fountain is not bolted fixedly to the frames, bu may be tipped to any angle. This forces the ink down on the fountain roller thereby preventing color from working light. It also saves ink waste. All ink rollers are interchangeable. being of same diameter. Old form rollers can be used as angle rollers, thus saving roller expense. The angle rollers are geared ah driven in the same direction with the moving ink plate and at the same speed by a simple rack and gear driving mechanism-*aVQ1 ‘ _ _ . ing the use of belts and trains of gears. The fountain ductor roller deposits the ink, not on the {pk Dlmehslens Of The Wh1t' plate, but upon the first angle roller, and makes more than one complete revolution before returning‘ The Whitlock Two-Revolution Three-Roller Pony Press lock No.23 Two-Revolu- to the foun-tain_roller, thus cutting up the ink most effectively. The hinged roller frame with r011_e1" tion Th;-ee-Ro11er lifting device is so finely balanced that an easy swing of a lever lifts the top riding and vibratlhg pony press rollers from off the form rollers, the form rollers being lifted away from the form at the same time- B d Typ_ Sheet The press has both trip and back-up motion. The trip cannot be broken through improper timing- 28):41 23X.3L7 25x38 The back-up operates by friction and acts instantly at highest speed without any damage t0 the press. The printed-side—up delivery, which lays the sheets over the fountain, is an all tape_deIiveI'Y already in use for many years and is exact, simple and most effective in its operation. The Whitlock Two-Revolution Newspaper Press This press is specially designed to do not only the finest newspaper work at the highest speed at which a flat bed press may be run, but also to be equally efficient for production of the general work of the modern printing office. Its various patented and modernized features have been in use long enough and tested severely enough on the Whitlock Four-Roller Book Press to warrant the claim that the Whitlock Newspaper Press is the swiftest, smoothest running, simplest, most durable and most efiicient of all the two-revolution presses. The Whitlock News- paper Press is built with a heavy foundation. This, with the _, extra heavy double-arched girder directly under the inipres- id sion and the heavy girder at each end of the machine, impar a strength and solidity not possessed by any other two-revolution newspaper press. The new crank bed movement is a modification of the bed driving mechanism employed in almost all stop cylinder and lithographic presses—the simplicity, dura- bility and register exactness of these machines being retained, and modern speed being imparted by use of the speed gears. The speed of this ma- chine depends largely on the place of installation. If on a first-class foundation the usual speed will easily be eighteen hundred to two thousand per hour. This we guarantee. Twenty-two to twenty- three hundred per hour is not infrequent in the W ‘ The Whitlock High-Speed Two-Revolution Newspaper Press . thrust of the bed. A simple lever quickly adjusts them (in pairs), for more or less air, as speed or form requires. This machine ‘S built with four full length steel-faced tracks in which run more than the usual number of steel friction rollers, whose pee“ ‘ar shape forms a perfect preventative to any side lash of the bed, and besides which, in their travel, Carry Dimensions of The Whit- the oil so that the tracks are thoroughly lubricated. The box type bed has a bottom surface and nod lock Two-R,evo1ution merely the usual cross ribbing. This fully doubles the strength of the type bed. It is besides scrape Newspaper press absolutely true—a time saver in making ready. The cylinder is much larger in diameter than is Com’ Bed Type Sheet monly used, thereby lessening considerably the wear on type and plates. Its periphery is closed-cast (no 39x52 34x48 36x50 openings for grippers or blanket-clamp rod), thereby doubling its strength. This, with the heavy 50 9 plate, the heavy double-arched girder, the four full-length tracks, and the box type bed, contrive to ma { an impressional capacity unequaled by any other press. Made in one size only, seven-column quarto‘ 1156 The Brower Drum Cylinder Presses The Brower Drum Cylinder Press was first placed upon the market in January, 1906. It is, therefore, the most modern of standard d_rum presses. At the outset only the No. 7 size was manufactured, but the universal popularity of the machine among country pub- lishers ultimately resulted in the bringing out of the No. 9, or six column quarto press. These two presses are of the same type, the only difference in their construction being the result of their differences in size. _ Of all standard or one-revolution cylinders on the market, the Brower IS the lightest running, the simplest in construction and the most durable. Indeed it_is so easily understood and run that a printer, who can put a job On any kind of a press, quickly learnsto operate a Brower as successfully as an expert pressman. This is especially true when the book of instruc- tlons, which is sent with every press, is kept at hand for reference. This booklet IS. an invaluable aid and is the first clear and complete exposition Of the salient points of erecting, adjusting, making-ready and running a Cylinder press ever published by a cylinder press manufacturer. For the work of an office in which there is only One cylinder press, the Brower is without a peer, for each of the machines is fitted with table distri- bution and will deliver with perfect rhythm the Smallest sheet usually put upon a cylinder up to the largest its capacity will take. Too much stress can not be laid upon the fact that every Brower has table distribution and at no extra cost. Where {ll Doster or some other job requiring a special ink IS desired to be run, it is necessary only to discon- _T1ect the fountain of a Brower and apply the special V .. Ink directly to the plate with knife or brayer. Neither time » . .5 _ — " CHICAGO T101‘ ink is wasted cleaning out the fountain to do such a job. ‘ The usual extra charge for table distribution is from fifty to {me hundred dollars, but in the case of the Brower it is included In the regular price. This should be borne in mind when other drllms which do not have table distribution included in their Drice are offered in competition with a Brower. Every Brower likewise is fitted with tapeless delivery, receding gripper studs, mged feed board, detachable fly, adjustable chase head clamp, sheet slitter and every other valuable up-to-date convenience as befits the latest standard drum built. S th urthermore, as will be seen by reference to the cut above, every one of these machines has its fly wheel shaft placed high up, is r at should the motor balk, a handle may be inserted and the run finished by hand before time and patience are expendedin coax- She the motor to resume operations. No other_drum built can be run by hand for they are all of too heavy draught and their fiy wheel d_ftS are consequently placed low down. This one feature gives a confidence and degree of independence to the owner of a Brower Whlch, if it could be expressed in figures, would exceed the cost of the machine. m‘ There is no drum built other than the Brower which will give hair line register throughout its life. _ Perfect register is claimed for e ‘my competing drums, but after the newness has been worn off from these machines, they cannot give hair line register, because Very one has an intermediate gear between bed and cylinder, and such a gear makes perfect register a mechanical impossibility. th Evenness and_rigidity of impression are of the first importance in a cylinder press._ Years _of experience haveshown conclusively fofilt where a_bed 1S more than forty inches wide, it req_uire_s more than two tracks to give unflinching rigidity of impression. There- de the No_. 1 Brower, being but thir_ty—eight inches wide, is provided with two tracks under the bed, while the No. 9 Brower with a CS forty-eight inches wide, is supplied with four tracks. In other words, these two machines are the only drum presses built in armpliance with scientific rules envolved by long experience. Competing drums claim to have four tracks, but when these claims Ste {nvestigated it will be found, in every instance. that they are untrue. Besides two tracks the larger of them have two outside ationary roller bearings, but such roller bearings are mere makeshifts and no competent mechanic will ever claim that they can perform the functions of tracks. However the addition of such roller bearings to old presses is an admission of their defects. It goes without saying that the fewer the parts in a structure of given dimensions, the stronger and stiffer it is. Therefore in Lrmng the Brower cylinders, wherever two or more parts could be made in one, that plan was followed. For instance, take the PART B_l3 tracks and cross stays as shown in the cut and it will be seen that what in other machines is /1 /-2 /1 composed of seven different pieces, is in the t 5 No. 9 Brower only one piece. It is costly to cast ‘ M 4 I e W _ (K H m~ My if ‘ ~l . 1 fl H H W H 1 and machine such apiece, butit gives one hun- TRACKS / mm / died per cent moie stiffness and at the same Brower l)i'um Cylinder Press No. 9 desi time makes less weight on which freight has me I’ V .0 to be paid. In short, this system of construction ‘lRcyUNDER H ‘H , ,1, H, J‘, W W I, W H, M g , ‘ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ “ ‘ 1 ‘ ' ‘ ‘ ’ produces the best machine and that is what the SEAT 1”“ T V I l 1 \ —_ if it manufacturers of the Brower have aimed at from the start. A word must be said about base length. The space in an office occupied by a press is really meas- ured by the over all dimensions. Therefore as long ‘ , ._._. ,, -,ii,,i,;». i ‘l‘\\°Ji’ * M I" ‘* *9 1‘ ~' ’ base length gives stability, why not have thelength ‘T TRA‘CK§‘ ’ “' “ "“ ‘ ‘ " T of the base equal to that of the machine‘? The mak- ._ 4 ers of the Brower answer this question by referriiig W qllimm ..... ,._ I e e t J _ V A M H k 1 A e F J _ _ A to the projecting feet at the end of each side frame \\l‘JP' ~ l 4, , , ,, 1, , ,, , , ., , ,,_,,_ OPPER END as shovYn.in the cut_. The result is the Brower stays PER END CROSS STAY CROSS STAY where it is put and is as free from vibration as any such machine can be. The No. 9 Brower possesses one feature which deserves very particular attention. It prints thirty inches around the cylinder. No other six column quarto drum press can do this. This extra printing surface enables the machine to handle Wh _ _ thirty-two by forty-four inch sheets, the size most desired for large pamphlet work, especially 9“ financial statements have to be shown. e books say that a bearing should be fifty per cent longer than the diameter of the shaft working in it. Many of the bearings t of the cylinders on the market fall short of this rule and practically none of them exceed it. But in the Brower the principal Fearlngs are more than double the diameter of the shaft and all the other bearings meet the rule with a margin on the right side. ew Dublishers look into technical points like this one, but they would be better off" if they did. On such features of construction 095 the life of a machine depend. Please note this: No druin cylinder now on the market has a life equal to that of the Brower. e Brewers are made on the interchangeable plan, jigs, teniplets and special tools being employed at every stage of manufacture. ( ross Stays and 'l‘i':icks in mos B Prices of the Brower Drum Cylinder Presses f. 0. b. Factory No. 7 No. 9 rowel‘ Drum Cylinder, with drop rollers fitted for hand or belt power, without springs . . . . . . . . . . $550 00 $735 00 ttachinent. Air Springs complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 50 37 50 Attachment. Screw Vibrator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37 50 37 50 Omplete I’1‘eSS - $725 00 $810 00 boxgghe attachments when _purchased subsequent to shipment of press will cost $5_0_each for each machine. Each press is’pac.ked in Wrenghfleot crates, and furnished with felt blanket, sheet slitter, one set of composition rollers, one extra set of roller stocks, handle, s and screw driver. Dimensions of the Brower Drum Cylinder Presses Size 1 “Cd _ Fm-m l“looi' Space ‘ ()Vl‘l' All nclics Inches N . . . . . . . N8‘ 7 4_ columns folio ‘ 26x38 ‘ 22x34 8 feet 2 inches long, 4 feet 2 inches wide 8 feet 2 inches long, b feet 1 inch wide J 6 columns quarto 1 34x48 ‘ 30x42 10 feet 5 inches long, 5 feet 3 inches wide 11. feet 2 inches long, (i feet 9 inches wide SP]-J1-II) .»\mii'oxiiiiate Approxiiiiiitc Gl'L‘:ll(‘.\‘L ) ) V , » L) ‘CH0 5' ‘K ‘ “S ..‘ll'i l‘ KS N - . . 4500 pounds (i()()ll pounds 5 feet 3 inches , 4(l(l to nllfl bflfl to 700 1500 to 1600 i 6000 pounds 8()(l0 pounds 5 feet 6 inches 300 to 400 500 to b()() 1300 to 15()() 1157 The Cranston Newspaper Press The castings of the box frame style are solid, not only giving the press a massive appearance, but the required resistance for heavy impressions in cut work, and with full forms. The three sizes are desirable ones for general book and newspaper work, taking a six-column folio, a seven-column folio and six-column quarto without crowding. -we The quality of stock used, and the careful construction of the press, render it capable of the highest speed consistent with an economical production of good work. It is the experience of printers using this press that it fully sustains the points for which it is recommended. The press is fitted with air springs, with extra long cylinders and adjustable plungers, tapeless delivery, with wheels adjustable to any size sheet, simplex slider motion—the simplest device known for regulating the motion of the sliders,—brake, rack guard, iron feeder’s stand, feed guides that are capable of finest adjustment, large size form rollers, register rack and segment, deep fountain, with cover, , which will hold a large supply of ink, a simple _ 3, adjustment for regulating the fountain roll, and rack and cam distribution. The gripper motion is smooth and noiseless in operation. The tracks have solid ends with oil reser- voirs which prevent any leakage of oil from the ~ ends of the track. The bed has steel runners, is heavily webbed. and on thelargest size is additionally supported under the impression by two adjustable truck rollers. The (lranston Newspaper‘ Press The Cranston Improved Newspaper Press The Cranston Improved Newspaper Press has all the features of the Cranston Newspaper Press, and in addition, it has a long register rack and segment and a back-u p motion. The back-up motion is so arranged that it can be operated by f00l3 pedal when the belt is on the loose pulley and the machine backed up at quarter speed. The back-up parts are all of iron and steel, and are substantially constructed on correct mechanical principles, and do not get out of repair. List Prices of Cranston and Cranston Improved Newspaper Presses Newspaper Press, No. 1A, 24x32‘/_> . . . . . . . . . . . $1000 00 Improved Newspaper Press, No. 1A, 24x32‘/2 . . . . . . $1100 00 Newspaper Press, No. 2A, 26x39 . . . . . . . . . . . . 1100 00 Improved Newspaper Press, No. 2A, 26x39 . . . . . , . 1200 00 Newspaper Press, No. 3%», 33x48 . . . . . . . . 1200 00 Improved Newspaper Press, No. 3l5.» 33x48 . . . . . . . 1300 00 Table di.slr('I)u!ir_n/ will. be f1n'm'.s'l/ml for cs17tl1(37‘ 1n'(?ss for $101) c;rf7'(1,_ Stonemetz Two-Revolution Press The Stonemetz is a two-roller, two-revolution job and news press, capable of doing high-class halftone and Color work. A neW and excellent bed control reduces the vibration to a minimum and greatly enhances the value of this machine. Two air chambers Of ample size are provided to overcome !Y_10’ mentum, and the amount of compreSS_10n _ , in these can be adjusted without stoppmg .. , " ‘ the press. The bed is reversed with abS0' . 9 ’ 1 lute crank motion. The driving rack is attached 1:0 and directly underneath the bed, insuring uniform travel of bed and cylinder. At the end of the stroke this rack is freed from contact with the gear Wb1C_ carries it forward, and while thus relieved of all stram slides over in line with the reverse gear, which then engages it and carries the bed back. At the compl‘? tion of the stroke it is brought into its original P051’ tion by a similar motion. The bed is supported by twenty 23;-inch steel rollers running in tracks. These give the utmost rigidity to the bed. The roller equipment consists of two 3-inch_ f01_'m rollers which clear the form and four 2-inch dlstrlb‘ uting rollers set parallel with the edge of the table and oscillated in pairs in opposite directions by a double cam. The feed guides, operated by 3 cam, hold the sheet firmly until the gflbpers have engaged it, when the guides move away 3 a rate of speed uniform with that of the grippers. The trip is very simple and cannot be made to break the press. The fly fingers are metal, presenting a smooth curved surface to the paper. They are adjustable in all directions. Both feed and delivery b(_>31' can be adjusted or removed. The cylinder and bed are driven in absolute unison, there being only one bearing between. The cylmdel is held to the impression by an eccentric thrown beyond the center. thus insuring a perfectly rigid contact. Stonemetz Two—Rcvolution Press List Prices of Stonemetz Two-Revolution Presses No.2,25x33_..........$125000 No.3,26x38..........$l50000 No.4,29x42............$180000 The Diamond Cylinder Press The Diamond Cylinder Press is the evolution of many years’ experience in press building. It has been designed to m€€t_th.e requirements of country newspapers for a reliable low price press to run editions up to three thousand copies. In appearance 1t 15 handsome and it is a mechanically correct machine. ,, The frame is substantially built, strong and compact. The machine will print any sheet up to six-colunm folio. Ink distribution and impression—two very salient features in any press—are per- fected in the Diamond. Ink is furnished to a ductor roller by the Challenge Book Fountain with screws conveniently placed. The ink is carried to a roller and thence to a vibrating roller resting upon the two form rollers. The latter ink the form in both directions as it travels back and forth on the bed of the press beneath the cylinder. It needs no attention after the fountain has been adjusted. The rollers can be removed quickly and easily. The points of strain in impression are the cylinder, the bed and the bed support. The cylinder is heavy and unyielding under pressure. The journals at both ends run in anti-friction, oil retaining roller bearings. The impression can be adjusted quickly and to a nicety by simple screws and locknuts at the cylinder ends. The bed is heavy, evenly balanced and finely machine finished. Three anti-friction steel rollersin the lineof impression not only insure absolute rigidity, but make the motion free and easy. To insure easy feeding the large varnished, white pine feed board has the right pitch. Sockets fit over supporting standards and these can be lifted off and replaced in a moment as no adjustment is necessary. The sheets are delivered by tapes of linen twine, so arranged to deliver them to a fly, which in turn delivers them printed side up, on a nicely finished white pine table. The table can be removed when not in use to save space. Each press is furnished with felt blanket, set of cast rollers, extra set of roller cores, fly table, wrenches, oil can and screw driver. The steam power series in addition to the above, has tight and loose pulleys, shifter and fiy wheel. Rubber blanket in place of felt, $4.00 additional. Felt blanket complete with trimmings, $20.00. Rubber blanket, complete, with trim- mings $30.00. Steam power attachments (for hand power presses), $70.00. List Prices of Diamond Cylinder Presses fa’! ,;". ‘R: . 3.’ *5» . Steam Power Series, Six-Column Folio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$425 00 0" Hand Power Series, Six-Column Folio. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 370 00 Diamond Cylinder Press 11EO The Chandler & Price New Series Presses In bringing out this new and improved design of the Chandler & Price Gordon Press the endeavor has been to attain an advanced style of construction without changing any of the fundamental principles of the Gordon type of platen press, invented by George P. Gordon, and perfected by The Chandler & Price Company. This New Series Press has been designed along approved scientific lines. The frames are box pattern with deep flanges, which, together with the proper distribution of metal, make them exceedingly strong and rigid. The roller saddle rods and springs are enclosed in the roller frames, which are smooth outside and have no projection to catch and hold dirt. The main gear is heavier and has a broader face, insuring a longer life and the ability to stand up under the heaviest strain of fine type printing. Inside the gear in the raceway of the cam, where the wear is greatest, a hardened steel seg- ment is inserted, making it practically non-wearable. The gear is covered by a pro- tecting guard, preventing the soiling of paper by accidental contact with the top of the gear. The side arms are of steel, forged flat, and are provided with oil grooves and oil cups. The fly wheel is smaller, has straight spokes and a heavy rim, and is properly proportioned to give the best balance. The shafts are large, made of steel, and are ground true, thus reducing friction to its lowest point and insuring smooth, quiet running. All parts of the New Series Presses are accurately made to standard gauges and are interchangeable with proper adjustment. The essentials of a perfect impression are weight and power with correct balance and adjust- ment. The new gear and crank wheel, steel crank pins, forged side arms and massive steel shafts combine to produce a powerful, rigid, even impres- sion with absolute register, yet so finely balanced and so accurately adjusted is this great weight that the impact does not cause undue wear of type and cuts. Improved inking is provided by the new metal riding roller which vibrates above the form rollers, adding lateral distribution to the rotary distribu- tion of the disc. This simple device can be placed in position or removed as easily as an ordinary form roller, and is very effective where exceptional dis- tribution is required. Because of its compact construction, the New Series Press is lower, making the form and rollers more accessible, bring- ing the platen within easy reach for make-ready and the feed tables to a convenient height for rapid feeding. This New Series Press is painted a dark steel color, with- out striping or other ornamentation, giving it a distinctive appearance and making it easy to keep clean. No effort has been spared to build a compact, rigid, dur- able, serviceable printing machine, and this New Series Chandler & Price Gordon Press is presented with the con- fident assurance that it possesses the highest degree of platen press efficiency yet attained. Other Advantages The appearance is more modern, and the press is easier to keep clean because there are fewer projections on Three-Quarter View of 14‘»«_»x22 New Series Chandler & Price Press which dirt, Oil 01' ink can l0dge- The _metalS used have had very particular attention. A variety Of metals are utilized most suited to the various parts with the best materials in every case. The design is distinctive and comports in appearance with the Chandler & Price Paper Cutters. The modern design of these paper cutters and new presses will soon become known as The Chandler & Price style. They have an individuality all their own and characteristics of strength and rigidity , ~ 4. which make them absolutely distinctive. When a printer buys a new press of more modern design than his old one, ‘ ‘ he is impressed with the fact that the manufacturers are improving their product and keeping up with the times. The distribution of metal and the parts are more symmetrical, thus relieving them of undue strains in the cooling of the castings. This is most noticeable in the separator. A further example of this is found in the side frames, which by reason of their better shape and better distribution of metal, are not nearly as liable to breakage from the rough handling incident to export shipment. Also the roller arm lug on the left side frame is better braced, and not as liable to break- age as in the old style press. Gears run smoother and wear longer, because the flepth of the raceway is greater than on any other press and the surfaces are fin- ished with the greatest care. Three special machines are used to complete the race- ~ ways of gear wheels. The feed tables set level, which avoids the danger of the paper piled thereon being spilled by the continual jar of the press while printing. The bottoms of the .. V 3’ feet are milled,which allow the press to stand level, thus avoiding any _undue strains incident to the press standing on three legs. It also lessens the vibration, and there is less danger of the press get- _ ting out of alignment. The rocker box ,v ‘ caps and the crank shaft box are inter- —. changeable, and the crank shaft has a iiitssgeiisiiiiiiaiéiiii longer bearing in the journals. The fly wheel is smaller and less in the way. The press is . lower and easier to feed. Also it is easier to , put in and take out the forms. ‘The rocker , ' shaft is larger in diameter, and being made in \ ’ one piece with the rocker, it cannot get loose. The large gear cam wheel and the small head and lock cam are both thicker, which in- sures a more rigid impression. Thicken- ing of these parts does away with the wrist pin collars and gives the wrist pm more support. The side arms have oil cups, which insure better lubrication of the wrist _ _ pins. The large gear cam wheel is equipped with hardened steel segment. The diameters of the discs of the Chandler & Price New Series Presses are as follows‘: 8x12 press, thirteen and three-quarter inches; 10x15 press, seventeen and one-quarter inches; 12x18 press, twenty and five-sixteenths inches ; 14‘/_>x22 press, twenty-four and one-quarter inches. The height of the upper and lower tables are: 8x12 press, upper table, thirty-nine and three-quarter inches, lower table, thirty-four inches; 10x15 press, upper table, forty and ' five-eighths inches, lower table, thirty-five and one-quarter inches; 12x_18 press, upper Th"“°‘Q““”“" Vi°‘V "f a“ 3X13 NOW 301405 Ch'~*“<“°1‘ table forty and one-quarter inches, lower table, thirty-six and one-half inches; 14‘/2x22 & P"l°° P"°S*" press, upper table, forty-one and one-half inches, lower table, thirty-six inches. The roller trucks regularly furnished are : with the 8x12 press, one and three-eighths inches in diameter ; with the _10x1_5 press, 0118 and five-eighths inches in diameter, and with the 12x18 and the 14‘/2x22 presses, one and seven-eighths inches in diameter. _ Trucks can be furnished for each press, either one-sixteenth inch or one-eighth inch oversize, or one—sixteent_h inch or one-eighth mch undersize, as desired. The following are the dimensions of the presses when boxed : 8x12 press, 38x40x54 inches; 10_x15 press, 46x49x61 inches; 12x18 press, 42x52x63 inches; 14‘/~'.»x22 press, 46x56x67 inches. The following extras are recommended: Side Power Fixtures, Buckeye Fountain, C. & P. Fountain and Vibrating Distributer. We can supply Steel Skeleton Chase and Spider Chase, full escription of which can be found elsewhere. The prices of these extras are listed under their respective headings in this catalogue. 1159 SideView of New Series 10x15 Chandler & Price l’ress Chandler & Price Gordon Job Press The foundations of a majority of the successes made in the printing business, during the past twenty years, were laid with the profits made upon Chandler & Price Gordon Presses. Although the first of these machines were built in 1886, most of them are still in use, as printers do not part with them except to buy new. This is proven by the fact that though nearly forty thousand of these machines are in use, it is an unusual thing to find a second-hand Chandler & Price Press offered for sale, they being so well built they still maintain their supremacy. The Design and Mechanical Principles The design and mechanical principles of the Chandler & Price Gordon Press are as nearly “fool proof” as a printing press can be made. It has no complicated parts, and is simplicity itself in all .,,._,,._,____,, its movements. It requires few repairs and costs little to maintain in perfect condition. The product to be obtained from a Chandler & Price Gordon Press is a purely personal equation. The press can be run as fast as it can be fed. Every move- ment of every part is as brief as its duty permits, but the platen is in rest during the time the sheet is being fed, enabling the feeder to place the sheet more quickly and accurately than is possible on presses on which the bed is constantly in motion or has a very brief “dwell” or rest. On the Chandler& Price Gordon Presses it is easier to feed, as the feeder is not confused or retarded by unnecessary movements of the platen while the form is being inked. The impression is decisive, un- yielding, because of the rigidity of bed and platen, procured by sufficient weight to withstand even extraordinary strains. The impres- sion is even because the bed and the platen are planed on the highest grade machines made in any country, and thus, when the bed and platen of a Chandler & Price Gordon Press are finished, these surfaces are absolutely true, so that there are no inaccuracies for the printer to overcome in his make-ready. The American Type Founders Company has sold thousands of these presses and all have given the ~ .1 »- 1 very best satisfaction. We shall be pleased to give you any additional information required regarding (;},,,,,d,e,.&p,ice Gordon Job 1.1.653 these splendid presses. A beautifully printed pamphlet describing and illustrating the Chandler & Front View Price line of machines will be sent upon request. .,...,..., .......... . Chandler & Price Gordon Job Press, Side View Prices and Information Regarding Chandler & Price Presses Sx>A(:i«: 'l‘n1 2 4 2600 ‘/1 1250 $165 00 New Series C. & P. Press 10 x15 47 x55 43 31‘/L» 21‘/L» 21"?/1 ti 13‘/2x2‘/2 2 6 2300 ‘/1 1800 245 00 New Series C. & P. Press 12 X18 55‘/.>x60 46 36 25‘/.» 21 ‘/52 13‘/_»x2‘/2 2 7 1800 ‘/2 2400 295 00 New Series C. & P. Press 14 ‘/.>x22 62‘/_»x67 51 40 29% 2()‘"’/s 13‘/2x2‘/2 2 4 1500 ‘/2 3100 410 00 C. & P. Regular Model . . 7 X11 45 X377/‘S 33 25 16‘/I 253/1 12 X2‘/2 2 4 2800 1050 I40 00 C. & P. Regular Model . 8 X12 47 X37 35 27 17% 24"/I6 12 X2‘/.2 2 4 2600 ‘/1 1250 I55 00 C. & P. Regular Model . 2 1() x15 53 X43 43 31‘/5.» 21 23‘?/14; 13‘/L>x2‘/.2 2 6 2300 ‘/1 1800 225 00 C. & P. Regular Model I 12 X18 60 X49‘/I 46 36 251/1 22% 13‘/2X2‘/2 2 7 1800 ‘/.5 2500 275 00 C. & P. Regular Model . ‘ 14 X20 65 X53“/2/-4 50 40 28‘/.* 2330115 13‘./.»x2‘/£2 2 8 1500 ‘/2 3050 355 00 C & P. Regular Model . 14‘/QXZ2 66 X523/‘./s 51 40 28% 2333/14; I3‘/2X2‘/.2 2 8 1500 31()0 390 00 Side Power Fixtures, $15.00 extra. Send for /z'llust‘r'atcd pcmzplllct and l()w(e.s‘f scll1I’n_(/ mic-cs. A70 allowance can be made for the om.7,.s-.s~2o1z, of or 'ret’z.(,)"n, of the regular ('o'm,plcmc*n,t of Clz,u,.s-es or ’1‘re(1dles. ]\7c1,z‘lz.er can 2,2‘ be permttteri to ‘return Fownta’m.s~ or Steam I<‘“1«.rt2u'c.s' ordered _/or (my szzc m.(1(,rl1,2«ma. The Peerless Job Printing Press Thousands of Printers are familiar with the mechanical construction of the Peerless Press for its worth has been fully proven. but for those who have not had an opportunity of fully investigating its merits the following details are given. The Peerless is so constructed that every motion is positive. There are no adjustments, so it is impossible for even the most inexperienced person to put it out of order. All parts are interchangeable. The strain bearing parts are of steel and made heavy, thus insuring great strength. The bed is stationary and strengthened by lateral and transverse webs, which prevent springing. The chase is instantly and securely fastened to the bed by a substantial hook. It is accurately fitted and can be inserted either side up. The impression is given by a toggle, applied behind the platen-yoke. This motion is very simple and powerful. The ink- disc makes five-seventeenths of a complete revolution, thus exposing a fresh surface of ink to the rollers and form at every impression. It ensures a proper ink distribution. .. The rollers are three in number and cover a full form. The roller carriage is of original design, by means of which the rollers are securely fastened thus avoid- ing all chance of accident by the rollers dropping out. The throw-olf is an eccen- tric, operated by a lever, which locks itself in either position. The grippers are of spring steel, and can be instantly lowered or raised for the purpose of setting. All impression screws are in sight and easy to reach. The gear-wheel is placed below the feeding level—a very important advantage. The pinion is protected by a gear-guard. Each press is furnished with three cast iron chases, two sets (six) roller cores, two sets (twelve) roller bearers, a six inch brayer, with core and wrenches. The following are optional: roller mould or casting, one set of rollers and brayer, or two extra chases. _ Prices of Peerless Job The regular power fixtures consist of a pair Printing. Presses of special tight and loose pulleys. 8x12 . $155 12 X18 . $275 If desired the 9x13. 200 14 x20. 355 spider forelectric 10x15 . 225 14‘/52x22 . 390 drive may be sup- 11x17 . 265 plied. The Peer- less long or hinged well fountain will be found desirable when larger capacity than that of the pony is required. The Pilot Lever Press It is one of the best presses of its class in the market and has never failed to give satisfaction. As a time—saver it is all that can be desired. Each press is furnished with one set of rollers, chase and wrench. The Peerless Job Printing Press List Prices and Dimensions of Pilot Lever Press 6‘/_»x10 inches, inside chase. . . . . .$35 00 With fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 1160 The Pilot Lever Press The Laureate Platen Printing Presses The merits of the excellent line of machines manufactured by the John Thomson Press Company are so well known that com- ment is almost unnecessary. The American Type Founders Company, however, desires to impress upon its customers, who have never used any machines of this manufacture, that each press described in the pages devoted to this style of machine, stands in a class by itself. When an extra heavy printing press is required, there is no other machine manufactured that can so satisfactorily do the work. From those printers whom we have supplied in the past we have received many flattering words of commendation and Dr_aise. The new Laureate Presses described on this page represent the very last word in platen printing presses of their type, and will prove exceptionally popular with printers who appreciate machinery of the highest merit. Very much more could be said in favor of the Laureate Model, which would be of interest to the printer, but the limited space at our disposal will not permit it. We shall be pleased, however, to send an illustrated catalogue fully describing these and other presses to any one interested. A copy of this catalogue should be in the hands of every printer having use for a machine of this class. The Laureate Platen Printing Presses, Models J and T The Laureate is an entirely new four-roller platen printing press. No expense or effort has been spared to produce a machine Of the highest grade attainable by modern appliances and methods. It is built only in the Half Super Royal size, but in two models. The Laureate Model T press has a single fly wheel, main gear and pinion. Its inking apparatus is exactly the same as that of Model J, and the dominant object in bringing out the Model T was to reduce its price when the character of work and the conditions are such that it will serve the purchaser satisfactorily. The Model J is especially intended for work of a character requiring very heavy impressions at speeds of from one thousand to fourteen hundred per hour. While Model T is particularly adapted for work which can be run at a high rate of speed, say from four- teen hundred to eighteen hundred impressions an hour, so far as mere speed is concerned one model may be operated as rapidly as the other. The particular function of either of the Laureates is for printing halftones, multiple color plates, tint blocks and combinations of cuts, borders PLATEN CONTROLUNG and type, and of a size and character gener- CAM mam. AND LE;-T ally done on cylinderpresses. They can also be ’ used on thick and stiff cardboard signs, or any class of work requiring the very best results. The rigidity of the bed and platen, and the accuracy with which the platen slides squarely to the form, is such that, with cuts accurately backed to “type-high,” very thin and hard tympans may be used ; and, under the con- ditions named, the make-ready is more or less automatic. The inking facilities are perfection at a down and up reciprocation of the carriage. There are three distinct methods of form inking. First. Four inking rollers pass over the form twice. Second. The upper and third rollers are substituted by tubular steel changers, these riding, by gravity. upon the second and third form rollers. The changer action pro- ceeds continuously across the form, giving the thinnest, most uniform and perfect deposit of ink imaginable, especially effective in halftone and multiple color work. Third. By attaching the single inking latch, either the four form rollers, or the two form rollers and the two riding changers will be forced away from the form at the termination of the down movement and will be so maintained until the latch, when the carriage is near- ing the upper termination of its movement, is discon- nected. This is peculiarly effective with solid tint blocks requiring special quick-drying inks. All shafts and pins are of high carbon or BRAKE special steels, ground to precise gauge dimen- sions, and all bearings are reamed to definite “N.”-E diameters. , _ 1 _ The movement of the platen has been Iiront three—quarter view of the Laureate Model J, 14x22, showing platen closed likened to “Oil on water_y2 It is faultlessly cOn_ trolled and permits of rapid feeding. The Laureate Platen Printing Machines have been in process of development for several years and the completed machine has been sub- -lected to the most exacting service test for many months. The organization of the novel movements involved in its construction Caused great difficulty, but the ultimate result, mechanically, is a system of peculiar effectiveness, because of its simplicity. No expense or effort has been spared to produce a mechanism of the highest grade attainable by modern appliances and methods. LEVER ACTION FOR D|SENGAGlNG THE ADJUSTER BAR General Observation of the Laureate Platen Printing Presses Shifts from one color to another can be made very quickly. A mere nominal time is required to recharge the inking system. The distribution, as a system, cannot be equaled on any press. It will print a visiting card as a tint block, bcause of its four roller combinations. The frame and bed are of solid self-contained type. more massive and rigid than hitherto constructed and the main shaft earlng is solid. The fountain cylinder, the ductor roller and the changer e‘3Ve equal the length of the distributing rollers. t The distributing changer is of the enclosed thread ,- vg’,l3€,_ whereby a considerable charge of oil is contained ammo cHAN5ERs// ‘thin the sleeve. The “crescent” or switch, passes i rough the oil at each revolution; hence the lubrication /" 3 Continuous. It is believed, that as a system, the distri- '°'“‘ "°“‘E“‘°‘K ‘ DEWOII cannot be equaled on any press of any kind, either alien or cylinder. fo he following roller combinations are available: One aim and. one distributing roller. In this combination the ameral distribution afforded by the main ink cylinder is di Dle for a short run card job. Two form and one or two Vftrlbuter rollers and the changer. Next, three form and lasfgldistributer rollers with or without the changer. And i 3f. the full complement, that is four form and four Orstrlbuter rollers, with or without the changer, and with fo Without the ductor roller, and with or without the untain_ , wit};I‘h_e crank pins and platen trunnions are provided I e e1l(l1 reservoirs, the oil being readily introduced from ‘ s Please note that the fly wheels on all Colt’s Armory si~cLE mmno‘ LATCH / oc5co~Ni;c7iNG pm 0 ‘ HANDLE AN nmcnti’ LLVER IMPRESSION ADJUSTMENT AND TRIP o and Laureate presses should always run toward the feeder. T1 the const -t' n f th es an effort has been I‘a“"°at° M°d‘-’ls '1 and. T made to . rue 10 0 ese press . . Detailed view from the front and right-hand side. This shows the carriage when sect avold the employment of curllcue hues: Sharp Inter" provided with the two riding changers, and also the latch for causing all ‘ODS between angles, a general appearance of harsh- the form rollers to pass, during the up-movement, free of the itesS_ and yet to maintain everything that tends to simplic- form. The inking apparatus is the same in both models. ay "1 the details and to a harmonious result in the . _ _ ggregate. Many arbitrary conditions forced the construction of certain members of the Laureate Presses in a somewhat different anner than would have been preferred, but it is hoped that their appearance on the whole will be appreciated. Finally, the Laureate was designed to make it possible to profitably produce a grade of printing of the highest class. For list prices and important data see nervt page. 1161 FOUNTAIN GVLINDLR Colt’s Armory Press, Style B The new Style B Colt’s Armory Presses (a detailed illustration of the 5-B being shown below) possess many new and distinctive features which are of vital importance to users. Limited space prevents our giving more than passing details. A well-printed cata- logue, accurately describing and illustrating these machines, will be cheerfully sent to those interested. The effectiveness of the man behind the gun would be absolutely nullified were it not for the excellence of the mechanism which he uses and directs. This axiom applies with equal force to the printing press. The Style B, Colt’s Armory platen printing machine is similar to the well-known and popular earlier Style A and represents the embodiment of some thirty years of cumulative, progressive and successful experience in this particular line of mechanical en- gineering. Although the improvements are of fundamental simplicity, their practical effect is such as to considerably increase both the quality and quantity of the product. Especially is this so in regard to modern half tone multiple DUCTOR ROLLER IN CONTACT A, GE ‘S WITH THE FOUNTAIN CYLINDER .. WHEN CARRIA OF . ' LATCHED UP, FEED FOUNTAIN CEASES .- color and tint block printing. NOTE W'DE The improvements relate entirely to the “'EE°"“G ANGFE inking apparatus. The ink fountain has I ,/DOUBEFES been elevated and set back so that the ductor ’ ROLL roller deposits its ink directly upon the changer. Hence the fresh ink from the fountain is immediately distributed; is again passed to the two distributing rollers and re- distributed, the finishing touch being im- parted by the reciprocating action of the main cylinder. The vibrator frame is provided with an adjustment for taking up shrinkage of the composition and utilizing either light or heavy contact on the fountain cylinder. Thus streaky ink can neither reach the cylinder nor be imparted to the form rollers. When the carriage is latched up, which is done at will, the feed of the fountain au- tomatically ceases. Consequently when the LATCH SET OUT» form rollers are again put in action, the de— .R°LLER5 FREE OF livery of ink to the form is precisely the FORM‘ same as before. The carriage after it has passed to the lower ter- mination of its movement, is provided with means for latching out all of the form rollers, whereby none of the rollers make contact upon the form as they pass back upwardly. Then when the carriage approaches the cylinders the latches are automatically relieved and the form roller boxes snap back into their proper position for re-inking. This feature of single rolling is quite at variance with the views usually entertained ; but a close analy- sis of the matter from the present view-point will show that several previous assumptions were errone- ous. The fact remains, however,that the results speak for themselves, and it has been proven that this feature insures even and efficient distribution, free from streaking on large and solid surfaces. The 2-B’s are of the lightest construction, but are very sturdy machines and are amply strong and rigid. _ _ The 5—B’s are particularly intended for extra hard and heavy halftones multiple color, tint block and mixed form printing. They will stand about fifty per cent more pressure at the platen than the 2-B presses. HOOK LOCKS, ON ROLLER Detail Cut of Colt’s Armory Style 5-B We Recommend for Speed of Operation, Style B, as Follows In the Quarto, twenty-four hundred impressions an hour is frequently realized. In the Half Medium and Half Super Royal’ eighteen hundred. As between the 2-B and 5, or 6-B relative merely to the speed no difference need be observed. , All main shafts, pinion shafts, crank pins and cylinders are ground on live centers, thereby producing a faultless surfacing and practically true and uniform dimensions. All steel connections are hardened and ground. Babbited bearings are hammered an 1 then bored. Bronze bearing sleeves and bushings are bronze, copper and tin. Chases are made from cold drawn semi-mild Stee bars, milled to interlock. _ _ , _ _ f Ur The parts included with each Style B Press are as follows: Six form roller stocks ; four distributer stocks; two vibrator stocks . a r distributer stock boxes; four adjusting clamps; six form-roller wheels, one and fifteen-sixteenths inches in diameter; six form rode _ wheels, one and seven-eighths inches in diameter; five steel chases, interlocked; two feed tables; two_feed-table floor standar 5 ’ three frisket fingers ; one treadle (for Quarto only); three wrenches. With Style 6, one and one-eighth inch steel plate. List Prices and Important Data Concerning the Laureate and Colt’s Armory Machines . -C 1 5-"9 iv‘ = '8" 8 3 '2: ‘E I Q’ '5) 9-4 ‘E; E 1 in ‘E5’ 5 50 v ‘ . Faceof “E5 ou3‘5?*'¢";rt3”’ E2151 ist STYLE AND SIZE OF PRESS ‘ ‘f,-«O3 *7‘ € 1 Feed-table Egg 3 gfi. *3‘: E 1 £323 —5 =5 5 -5 *5 9% 23 8 E g-‘gf 5 Ii},-Ce C""'C.5 Inches ‘D. calm: "‘mE Em: .9!-1 ESJ:‘—"FD.i-Ea”: "">»~o Loses cé-cs" ‘es 2 ” 8”‘ .:=-5- Sis =‘”< :2” in :3‘ £94 »--< I : :2 i Li: I Q Q .._. p The Laureate Model J, Half Super Royal (l4x22) . 0 53x54 14‘/.»x22 53 1 3 14 8% 1400 4100 $909 The Laureate Model T, Half Super Royal (14x22) . ‘ 50x54 14‘//2x22 50 1 3% 14 81/; 1800 3900 322 00 Colt’s Armory Style 6-B, Half Super Royal (14x22) 1 48x51 1 14’/~.»x22 , 51 1 3 31/: 14 8‘/.1. 1 1600 340:3 770 00 Colt’s Armory Style 5—B, Half Super Royal (14x22) 1 48x51 14‘/_>x22 51 1 3 14 8% 1600 340:3 700 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2-B, Half Super Royal (14x22) 1 48x44 14‘/2x22 43 1 3 ‘/1 14 M 8% 1800 307:3 525 00 Colt’s Armory Style 6-B, Half Medium (13x19) . . . 48x46 * 14‘/2x22 46 1 3 3‘/4 14 8‘/i 1600 3205 669 00 Colt’s Armory Style 5—B, Half Medium (_13x19) . . ‘ 48x46 ‘ 14‘/52x22 46 $5.’: 3/ 3%. y 14 81/3 1600 3205 632 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2-B, Half Medium (13x1.‘)) . . 41x48 . 14‘/2x22 1 41 "41 2.‘/-_> 3 14 81/4 * 1800 2875 533 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2-B, Quarto Medium (10x15) . ‘ 45x33‘/2 12x18 , 33‘/2 ‘ ‘/2 1"/.1 2'/i 12 . 6 2000 1870 I 37;} 00 Colt’s Armory Style 6-A, Half Super Royal (14x22)‘ 48x51 ‘ 14‘/9x22 ‘ 51 1 3 3% 14 81/: 1700 34()5 I 72.) 00 Colt’s Armory Style 5—A, Half Super Royal (l4x22) 48x51 14‘./_>x22 I 51 ‘1 i 3 3% 14 1700 3405 ; 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2—A, Half Super Royal (14x22)1 48x44 1 14‘/_>x22 ‘ 43 "/4 2‘/_> 14 81/; 17()0 3075 j 075 00 Colt’s Armory Style 6-A, Half Medium (13x19) . . 48x46 ‘ 14‘/2x22 46 1 3 3% 14 8% 1800 3205 i 520 00 Colt’s Armory Style 5-A, Half Medium (13x19) . . ‘ 48x46 ‘ 14‘/2x22 I 46 I .1 3 3% 14 81/: 1800 ‘ 500 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2-A, Half Medium (13x19) . . , 41x48 ‘ 14‘/2x22 41 "/1 21/9 3 14 8‘/: 1800 2875 500 00 Colt’s Armory Style 2, Quarto Medium (10x15) . . ‘ 45x33‘/2 12x18 33‘/.> , 1/2 1% 2%: ; 12 y 6 2200 1870 35 Colt’s Armory Cutting and Scoring Press Style I _ _/ _ S 5 00 (20x30) . . . . .. . . . ._.. . . . S .f . 54x62vé 18x28 54 2 3kg 3»@ 1778 5&1 1 2400 5710 61 °°”2%.‘3i’£”‘_°‘fy 3.‘“.d .S(.:oi”.lg. firési . t.y . I . . . 3 31/.» 3% 17% 51/. 1800 7675 1000 00 Colt’s Armory Eccentric Action Cutting and Scor— I ‘ F 0 00 ing Press Style2 (26x38) . . . . . . . . . . . 60x56 241/.» X36‘/-_» 56 I 3 4 6‘/_» 30 91/: 1500 10320 100 . All John Thompson and Colt’s A*rmo*r'y Presses are sold f. o. b. the factory. . The above prices are f. o. b. factory, at Long Island City, N_. Y., and include ink fountain, pulleys, belt shifter fork, hand 1€Ve1’ brake and supporting bracket; also boxing and delivering to railroad or steamer. Odel J Double inking device for the regular Colt’s Armory Printing Press, $15.00. Steam or gas blank for Style 6-A and M00 “St Presses, $100.00 net. Riding form roller changers for Models J and T, $7.50 each. If_ the fountain is_not wanted, deduct $20-1 W61. for the Quarto and $25.00 for the larger sizes; also for power fixtures ‘deduct $15.00 in any of the sizes. Gas blank with b 0 for Styles 6 and Model J, $100.00. Blower to be used in connection with gas blank for Style 6-A Presses, $25.00. Prices on _r/auges for book cmzer or wood priiztmgj for Style 6-A press will be quoted on request. 1162 Colt’s Armory Printing Presses The Colts Armory Half Medium and Half Super Royal in the Style 2-A construction are high-speed presses equal to the average requirements of high-class printers for all letter press and halftone printing. Colt’s Armory Printing Press, Half Medium, Style 2-A In the 2-A Style the platen may be adjusted forward or backward by means of impression bolts: the heads of outside jack—bolts, at the corners, being first relieved from contact if the platen is to be drawn from the bed. This, however, is rarely necessary. Little need be said about these machines, as thousands of them are in use and giving the greatest satisfaction. The Half Medium Style 2-A has a heavy frame made from new patterns. The size of the chase inside is thirteen by nineteen inches. The following parts are included: Six form-roller stocks, four distributer stocks, two vibrator stocks, one changer, four distributer stock boxes, four adjusting clamps, twelve form-roller wheels, five steel chases, two feed V . tables, two feed-table floor standards, three frisket fingers and three wrenches. Floor space of table base, thirteen and one-half by thirteen and one-half inches. Distance from center of pinion shaft to floor, nineteen inches. F or list price and dimensions of machine see table on page 1162 Half Super Royal, Style 2-A This press also has heavy frame made from new patterns. Its size is fourteen by V - twenty-two inches inside of chase. if The following parts are included: Six ’ ' ' form roller stocks, four distributer stocks, four distributer stock boxes, two vibrator stocks, one changer, four adjusting clamps, twelve form rollers, five steel chases, two feed tables, two feed-table standards, three frisket fingers and three wrenches. Floor space of table base, thirteen and one-half by thirteen and one-half inches. Distance from center of pinion shaft to floor, nine- teen inches. This is a high-speed press and is equal to the average re- quirements of high-class printers. Colt’s Armory, Style 2-A. Made in two sizes: Half Medium, 13x19 inches. and Half Super Royal, 14x22 inches (inside F07 Z7-St ?97'7.»Ce and d7'«m«977»37:077«3 of chase measurements). machine see table on page 1162 Colt’s Armory Printing Press, Style 6-A The Colt’s Armory Half Medium Style 6-A Press is adapted for nearly all kinds of work that can be done on the Styles 2 and 5, and also for certain classes of embossing, book cover stamping, printing on wood, cutting and scoring, and the like, hot or cold. Made in two sizes, Half Medium and Half Super Royal. This press is made with heavy C It, A S l_6 A H MM d. . , L . i ‘ frame from new patterns, size thirteen by nineteen inches inside of chase. Gauges for 0 S rmory’ ty-'7-(3 . '1» mm'13xu whet’ book cover or wood printing are charged for extra, price depending upon the require- mm L 0 ( aw‘ ments. The following parts are included: Six form roller stocks, four distributer stocks, two vibrator stocks, one changer four dis- tributer stock_ boxes, four adjusting clamps, twelve form-roller wheels, five steel chases, two feed tables, two feed-table floor stand- cards, three frisket fingers, two wrenches and one one-eighth inch steel plate. Floor space of table base, thirteen and one-half by thirteen and one-half inches. Distance from center of pinion shaft to floor, nineteen inches. For list price and dimensions of above machines see table on page 1162 Gally Universal Embossing Press . The Gally Universal Embossing Press is a combination of strength, power, speed and facility, and the illustration affords a good Idea of its massiveness and strain bearing qualities. On this press the impression is obtained by means of a rocking and sliding v-~ platen held at the point of impression by lugs, to which is added a steel gibbed lock § at the front of the platen and in the line of the face of the embossing dies. This lock holds the platen in position and exact register for the dies and effectually pre- vents the bridge from raising from its seat and the platen from tilting in either direction. This device is a new patented feature of the Gally Embossing Press, is of great value, and is used exclusively on the Gally presses. This principle permits . of developing for the purpose practically unlimited strength and power. The largest press made can be run at eighteen hundred perfect impressions per hour. The platen is set low, is easy to feed to and is under absolute control by means of the instantaneous impression throw-off and im- pression adjuster. The presses are guaranteed not to stall on the heaviest work. Steel sections are welded into the wide double gears at the point in the periphery where im- pression is sustained. The main shaft is made of five and one- quarter inch steel with solid reamed bearing through the bed. The driving shaft, which is of two and one-quarter inch steel, runs in a series of six bearings and there is an end floor support to each extremity of the shaft. The platen bridge shaft is of three and one- eighth inch steel. There are six hundred pounds of iron in the rims of the two fly wheels, which revolve five and one-quarter times to each impression. The driving and loose pulleys are sixteen inches in diam- eter and are intended to carry a three and three-quarter inch belt. The platens of the press are usually set to the height of type. For cold pro- cess work, the dies, if blocked type high, may be locked in chases. For hot process work, a steam blank or a gas blank and a steel die plate are used, and the platen blank is removed to provide space for the dies. One steel plate to hold the dies, with screws and dowel pins, will be supplied _ with each steam blank, or gas blank, without extra charge. “:‘l‘~‘$:‘.* List Prices of Gally Embossing Presses No. 1 Gally Embossing Press, 21‘/.>x22 inch bed plate . . . . . . . . . . . . $800 00 No. 2 Gally Embossing Press, 24 x26 inch bed plate . . . . . . . . . . . . 900 00 Gally Cutting and Creasing Presses The Gally Cutting and Creasing Presses are of great power and strength, and are unequaled ar _ _ for their speed and facility. of operation. Although these machines are extremely powerful they €_ e_asily handled for cutting and creasing. Each has the improved platen movement, is remarkably simple in operation, and its Solldlty of construction insures lasting qualities. Write for fuller details and net prices. List Prices of G-ally Cutting and Creasing Presses, Complete with Power Fixtures Gally Cutting and Creasing Press /"3 1130- 11 20 X30 inches inside chase . . . . . . . . . . $700 00 No. 3 27x40 inches inside chase . . . . . . . . . . _ $1,200 00 N0- 1/.» 22‘/.>x3O‘/1 inches inside chase . . . . . . . . . . 800 00 No. 4 30x44 inches inside chase . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,450 00 0- 2 23‘/1x31 inches inside chase . . . . . . . . . . 900 00 1163 Security Roller Cabinets Economy and efficiency in all departments of a printing establishment are essential in these days of increased expenses and great competition. In the press room, where roller troubles often abound, time and money may frequently be saved by adding to the equipment Security Roller Cabinets. These are made entirely of iron and steel and are dust, fire, water and vermin proof. They greatly assist in prolong- ing the life of rollers and as they contain a liquid substance “Rollerlife” to preserve winter rollers and “ Rollerdry ” to keep summer rollers in condi- tion, they will soon save their original cost. The Rollers are held in a vertical position thus preventing the sagging of the composition or the loss of rotundity. Unless the rollers are dirty from paper dust they may be placed in the Cabinet and “Rollerlife” will keep the ink from drying. In hot weather if the rollers sweat they should be placed in the Cabinet and an application of “Rollerdry ” will materially as- sist in restoring them to their proper condition. Security Roller Cabinets are made for any size cylinder press and will hold eighteen four-inch rollers. In ordering give the extreme length of roller core over all. The Cabi- nets are made either stationary or revolving and require but twenty-four inches of floor space. The very old fashioned and wasteful method of placing rollers in any odd corner or out- of-the-way p 1 a c e should no longer exist in the well-man- aged printing office. The Security Roller Cabinets rep- resent a great improvement in this respect, as they obviate the danger of damage and tend to increased efficiency. T a k i n g into consideration the conven- ience and economy they effect, they are not high priced. A cir- cular, fully describing the Se- curity Roller Cabinets, will be mailed free upon request. .,. . W... M ~w_.,_,m,.« ,...,,,.,,,,_ «my Security Adjustable Tube Cabinet, for Presses having Rollers Security Job Press Cabinet, Roller and of varying lengths Prices of Security Roller Cabinets Ink St°mK'-‘ Side The Security Cylinder Solid Head Roller Cabinet holds 18 rollers, 4 inches in diameter or under. It is made of iron and steel occupying 23 inches of floor space. Has three doors, revolves and can be placed in a corner or near a wall. List price per inch $1 10 The Security Cylinder Adjustable-Tube Roller Cabinet holds 18 rollers, 4 inches in diameter. It provides for presses having varying length of form, angle and fountain rollers. It is made of iron and steel occupying 23 inches of floor space. It has three doors, revolves and can be placed in corner or near wall. List price per inch $1 20 Security Job Press Roller Cabinet This is avery attractive piece of iron and steel furniture constructed to hold every job press requisite including composition rollers, tympan paper, waste, ink, benzine can, gauge pins, wrenches, etc. Has plate glass top for ink mixing. Occupies a floor space of seventeen inches, and holds fourteen rollers of uniform length of cores. It is adjustable for any length of rollers. Has two doors, revolves and can be placed in corner or near wall. Built to last a life time. . Weight, 175 pounds. Price . . . . . . . . .$45 00 The J ustrite Oily Waste or Rag Can This Can has received the highest commendation of engineers allied with insurance interests and each Can bears the official label of the National Board of Fire Underwriters, thus insuring protection against other inferior oily waste cans. It is the only automatic waste can made. The patented foot lever is novel and appeals to all users. A slight pressure of the foot raises the cover and both hands are free to insert the rags. This obviates all desire to block the cover open and greatly increases the efficiency of the Just- rite Can over all others. On the removal of the foot from the handle the cover closes au- tomatically. It is easy to carry, absolutely safe, convenient, clean and durable. Prices of Justrite Waste Cans Size Exclusive of Legs No. 1, 1‘1‘?/1x13 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 No. 2, 12‘/2x14 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 No. 3, 13'/52x15 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 List Price Each The Justrite ()ily Waste Can Security Job Press Cabinet, Tympan Paper, Cleaning Rag Basket, Oil and Benzine Cans, Brush W‘ T°°' 5*“ The Burch Perforator This little device perforates successfully while printing, without inking the stock or cutting the rollers. Although a printer may already have a complete perforating equipment, the Burch Perforator will save the second handling of the sheets. The base of the device is of solid metal, consequently --.- no matter how much pressure is exerted .. 2, . by the quoins, it cannot affect the perfect T . working of the blade. The head can pro- rf I ject into the furniture and needs no sup- port, so no time is wasted on the stone. One simply locks the perforator in the form and the press does the rest. No quad or 4 other makeshift 1S necessary to paste on The Burch I,cl_f0ratm,_Cl0Scd the tympan. Measurements are taken over all; a ten-inch device just fills a ten-inch chase, but perforates only eight and seven-eighths inches; the head in every case takes up one and one-eighth inches. Sizes and Net Prices of the Burch Perforator 6 inches . . . $5 00 7inches . . . $5 50 8 inches . . . $6 00 9inches . . . $6 50 10 inches . . . $7 00 12inches . . . $8 00 Scoringblades,anylength,extra.............. c (c£((ccc(c(c((cc££c< The Burch Perforator-Open 1164 Oswego Automatic Clamp Power Paper Cutters Economy of operation is the first point to consider in purchasing a cutting machine. In the Oswego Automatic Cutters nothing has been spared to produce the most efficient cutting machines that can be built. Uniform accuracy and reliability are always embodied in these cutting machines. They give the greatest cutting output at lowest cost, quality considered. In adopting them for our special line of power cutters, there is full confidence that we are offering printers, binders, box- ' makers, and other tradesmen, the best cutting machines now made. Ninety sizes and styles of Oswego and Brown & Carver Cutting Machines are made in the only exclusive cutting ma- chine factory in the world. We sell all of them and can provide for the cutting needs of all, whether the requirements be simple or complicated. Write our nearest House for illustrated catalogue and net prices. Each cutter is supplied with one knife, oiler and wrenches. No overhead fixtures or pulleys of any kind are included. These machines pack, clamp, and cut a pile automatically. The steel indicator band registers position of back gauge. The clamp may be brought down by treadle to see exactly where the knife is going to cut. These machines cut as accurately as the Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Cut- ters. The automatic clamp is independent of the knife and is powerful and reliable. The stroke is fast and clean. The mechanism is the simplest and there are few moving and wearing parts. The table is grooved (plain, if desired) ; front scored one inch lines with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an inch, back graduated to sixteenths of an inch. In- terlocking clamp and back gauge cut work up to three- quarters of an inch. Removable fiat plate for clamp prevents clamp fingers indenting fine work. Back gauge is in three parts. Cable gauge movement. Clamp rises six inches. The line of Oswego and Brown & Carver Paper Cutters, illustrated and described on this and other pages, is unquestionably the very best that human Ingenuity and experience can construct. The American Type Founders Company unhesitatingly recommends these machines to printers requiring the very highest Oswego Automatic Clamp Power Paper Cutter ~ -’ V grade of paper cutters. Thousands of them are in ""'-----s daily use and in every case they give the greatest satisfaction. If you are contemplating the purchase of an up-to-date paper cutter, Dermit us to give you additional information and quote you our net prices. List Prices of Oswego Automatic Clamp and Foot Treadle Power Cutters Size Shipping Weight List Price Size Shipping Weight List Price Size Shipping Weight List Price 34-inch 5200 lbs. . . . . $ 750 00 54-inch 9300 lbs. . . . . $1440 00 68-inch 11750 lbs. . . . . $2150 00 38-inch 5900 lbs . . . . . . 875 00 57-inch 9800 lbs. . . . . 1550 00 74-inch 12200lbs. . . . . 2600 00 44-inch 6600lbs. . . . . . 1075 00 63-inch 11000 lbs. . . . . 1850 00 84-inch 13250 lbs. . . . . 3000 00 50-inch 7500 lbs . . . . . . 1300 00 65-inch 11250 lbs. . . . . 1970 00 Oswego Automatic Power Cutters Automatic Clamp, Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp We do not show an illustration of the Oswego Automatic Clamp, Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp Power Cutters as these machines are the same in every particular as the regular Oswego Automatic Clamp Power Paper Cutter as illustrated and described above, except that they have the hand clamp parts in addition. List Prices of Oswego Automatic Clamp, Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp Power Cutters Size Shipping Weight List Price Size Shipping Weight List Price Size Shipping Weight List Price 34-inch 5350 lbs. . . . . $ 800 00 54-inch 9350 lbs. . . . . $1490 00 68-inch 11800 lbs. . . . . $2200 00 38-inch 5950 lbs. . . . . 925 00 57-inch 9850 lbs. . . . . 1600 00 74-inch 12250 lbs. . . . . 2650 00 44-inch 6750 lbs. . . . . 1125 00 63-inch 11050 lbs. . . . . 1900 00 84-inch 13300 lbs. . . . . 3050 00 50-inch 7650 lbs. . . . . 1350 00 65-inch 11300 lbs. . . . . 2020 00 There is no other line of paper cutters so extensive as that manufactured by Oswego Machine Works. For years it has made a §t11dy and specialty of cutting machines. Its list ranges from the diminutive sixteen inch bench cutter to the mammoth eighty-four Inch automatic clamp. This specializing on paper cutters is undoubtedly the reason why the Oswego and Brown & Carver lines have Droven so successful. In the Oswego factory every facility is provided for the economical manufacture of these machines, and, Consequently, the prices are as low as is consistent with the high quality of the machinery. The American Type Founders Company has used these machines and can vouch that they are as represented. Oswego Paper Mill Automatic Power Cutters These machines are the same in every particular as the regular Oswego Auto described above except the clamp and back gauge are plain (not fingered), cutting work up to three and one-half inches; the table is plain (not grooved), and the back gauge is in two parts. List Prices of Oswego Paper Mill Automatic Power Cutters size Sv‘:,‘§,P,;“€‘ 13.12 Size %’G‘.§l§‘i§‘é‘ iI)‘,‘-i"c'i- 34-inch 5150 lbs. . . $ 660 00 63-inch 10850 lbs. . . . $1750 00 38-inch 5850lbs.. . . 78500 65-inch 11100lbs.. . . 187000 44-inch 6550 lbs. . . . 985 00 68-inch 11600 lbs. . . . 2950 00 50-inch 7450 lbs. . . . 1210 00 74-inch 12050 lbs. . . . 2500 00 54-inch 9150 lbs. . . . 1340 00 84-inch 13100 lbs. . . . 2900 00 57-inch 9650 lbs. . . . 1450 00 Oswego Semi-Automatic Power Cutters With Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp The clamp on these machines may be operated as on the regular Hand Clamp Cutters, or it may be brought down to the work quickly by treadle and will lock automatically on the work or return to the top, as desired. A partial turn of the hand-clamp wheel will give full clamping pressure, and a partial turn, in reverse, while foot is held on treadle, will release the clamp so it will rise automatically to the to . These machines are.fur- nished regularly with cable gauge movement Fscrew movement, if desired) and pilot hand-clamping wheel (round rim clamping wheel, if desired). Other equipment is the same as regular Hand Clamp Cutters. List Prices of Oswego Semi-Automatic Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp Power Cutters Size Sx'a‘v‘£¥’£E§ i>L§s‘Zte Size 531223‘? p‘;l‘Zi 34-inch 4600 lbs . . . . . . $665 00 44-inch 6100 lbs. . . . . 3 990 00 Oswego Semi_Automatic Power Cutter 38-inch lbs. . . . . 00 50-11'lCl'l lbs . . . . . . 00 1165 Oswego Hand Clamp Power Paper Cutters The high-speed Oswego Power Cutters make twenty-seven cuts a minute. The clamp rises four and three-eighths inches. The clamp and back gauge interlock, allowing work to be cut up to three-quarters of an inch. The back gauge is in two parts on twenty-six inch, thirty inch and thirty-two inch sizes; in three parts on thirty-six inch size. Screw move- ment for back gauge is furnished regularly; cable movement furnished to order. The hand wheel is graduated to measure the movement of back gauge. The table is plain (not grooved) ; front scored in one-half inch squares with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an inch ; back graduated to sixteenths of an inch. Round rim clamping wheel (pilot clamping wheel furnished, if desired). List Prices of Oswego Hand Clamp Power Cutters Size Shipping List Price List Price Weight Power Hand and Power 26-inch 2300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . $330 00 . . . . . . . . . . . $350 00 30-inch 2500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 355 00 . . . . . . . . . . . 380 00 32-inch 2600 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . 415 00 . . . . . . . . . 445 00 36-inch 2800 pounds . . . . _ . . _ . . . . 530 00 . . . . . . . . . . . 555 00 Oswego Semi-Automatic Power Cutters The high—speed Oswego Semi-Automatic makes twenty- seven cuts a minute. Hand clamp with treadle and with cable gauge. Clamp rises four and one-half inches. Operation the same as the 34 and 38 inch Oswego Semi-Automatic described on page 1165. These Cutters are especially recommended for the moderate-sized plant. Q WM_w__”____ gust’ I5. 9! as I; vcuuxw j List Prices of Oswego Semi-Automatic Power Cutters Size Shipping Weight List Price « ‘ 32-inch 2900 pounds . . . . . . . . $490 00 at” “Mt 364nch 31W)pounds. .. .. . .. 60000 “ / ‘-5,... Furnished for hand and power drive,extra 1 00 "S“"'x"<> Huml Clzunv l’<>\\'<*1'(‘utt<-1' ‘ Oswego Thirty-Three Inch Combination Hand and Power Drive Cutter Two Speeds This machine has a mechanical device for chang- ing speed and power. For hand power drive, by shifting gear at right, the speed can be decreased and power increased. Grooved table furnished regularly (plain table to order); front scored one inch lines with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an inch; back graduated to six- Osweizo Semi-Automatic teenths of an inch. Clamp rises four and three-eighths inches. Power Cutter The clamp and back gauge interlock, allowing work to be cut up to one-half inch. Double clamp screws are operated by hand wheel. Round rim clamping wheel (pilot clamping wheel furnished, if desired). Screw movement for back gauge is furnished regularly (cable movement, to order). The hand wheel is graduated to measure the movement of back gauge. List Price of Oswego Thirty-Three-Inch Combination Hand and Power Drive Cutter Shipping Weight List Price 2700 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $51000 Oswego Hand Wheel Drive Cutters The driving mechanism of these machines is powerful, and geared so the machine is easily driven by hand power. The table is plain (not grooved), front scored in one-half inch squares _ . ..... with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an inch; back gradu- ' A_, V ated to sixteenths of an inch. Extra long back side gauge. Detach- able front side gauge can be adjusted in and out. The clamp and 6 back gauge interlock, allowing work to be cut up to one-half inch. The clamp rises three and one-half inches. Back gauge is in two parts, the svlit I1>a1”t iS flush on one side,df0rming another side gauge near the middle of machine. This allows the knife to be worn e<1ua1l.V. Round rim clamping wheel (pilot clamping wheel furnished, if desired). Gauge screw movement. The hand wheel is graduated to measure the movements of back gauge. List Prices of Oswego Hand Wheel Drive Cutters Oswego Thirty-Three lncli Coiiibination Hand and Power Drive Cutter Size Shipping Weight List Price 30-inch 1400 pounds . . . $240 00 32-inch 1500 pounds . . . 275 00 Oswego Die-Cutting Presses Oswego Die-Cutting Presses are fur- nished in nine different sizes and three styles. The extra heavy pattern is designed for the heaviest work, and the heavy pattern for the average run of work. They are Offered as carefully designed well-built machines Capable of long and satisfactory service. List Prices of Oswego Die-Cutting Presses HEAVY PATTERN Size Shipping Weight List Price . I :3 l C Oswego Hand VVhecl l)rive Cutter 30x12 inches 3500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $420 00 30x18 inches 3600 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 440 00 36x18 inches 3800 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 480 00 EXTRA HEAVY PA’I‘I‘ERN Size Ship. Weight List Price Size Ship. Weight List Price 36x18 inches 4200 lbs. . . $540 00 44x24 inches 5200 lbs. . . $645 00 36x22 inches 4400 lbs. . . 560 00 44x30 inches 5600 lbs. . . 670 00 44x20 inches 5000 lbs. . . 625 00 60x30 inches 7400 lbs. . . 900 00 Write for Desc7‘1Tptive Pamphlet ()swcgo l)ic—(‘utting l’n-ss 1166 Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Power Paper Cutters Will cut work up to three-quarters of an inch wide, and the knife rises six and one-half inches. Table is grooved to prevent Sheets Wedglng under gauge; 01' the table_1S plain, if_ desired. The table is convenient height, and is arranged for putting on two side extensions in front for handling work before and after cut. The back gauge is in three parts regularly (or in two parts, or one part, if desired), and, when split, the section forms a side gauge so that work can be cut near the center of knife as well as at the side of the machine. The back gauge is close to the side gauge for small work. The knife is bolted solidly to the bar, and is instantly adjusted for level or wear by a turn of the connecting rods. The direct crank motion to the knife-bar never allows knife to fall short or to cut into the stick. The clamp is balanced to run the entire distance, up or down, with one spin of the wheel. The clamp is provided with a flat, removable plate to prevent clamp fingers from indenting fine work. Solid clamp and back gauge, cutting up to three and one-half inches, are furnished to order. Pulleys furnished regularly on side shown in cut, but can be fur- nished on opposite side to order. The fast screw movement for back gauge, with wheel divided to six- teenths, is furnished regularly on cutters thirty-four inch to eighty-four inch. Quick cable movement, with indicator reading to sixteenths, will be furniished instead of screw movement, if desired, without extra charge, to or er. The fifty-four inch to eighty-four inch machines can be started from either side by the bar across the front. The power movement shown in Brown & Carver catalogue on fifty-four- inch to eighty-four—inch machines, for operating back gauge, is furnished to special order only (extra). This labor-saving device moves the back gauge backward or forward by power, a lever swung to the right or left controlling both the direction and the speed. Its indicator wheel reads the position of the back gauge to sixteenths, and, if desired, a micrometer pointer can be attached to read to less than thousandths. Friction clutch, cut gears, steel shafts, brass rule, case-hardened steel bolts, iron of a durable quality. All machines subjected’ to a running test before leaving the works. Illustrated catalogue free. Brown & Carver Hand lamp Power Paper Cutter List Prices of Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Power Paper Cutters Size Shipping Weight List Price Size shipping Weight List Price Size Shipping Weight List Price §4‘}nCh 4500lbs.. . . . .$625 00 54-inch 7800lbs.. . . .$129000 68-inch 12300lbs.. . . .$200000 8-}nch 5200lbs.. . . . . 750 00 57-inch 82001bs.. . . . 140000 74-inch 145001bs.. . . . 2400 00 44‘1_nCh 60001bs.. . . . . 95000 63-inch 10500lbs.. . . . 170000 84-inch 160001bs.. . . . 280000 50‘1nCh 6800lbs.. . . . .1150 00 65-inch 11700lbs.. . . . 182000 Ontario Power Cutters With Hand Drive Attachment These machines have points of excellence resulting from thirty-seven years’ Specializing cutters. The advantage of this specialization is realized by the users 0 Oswego-made cutters. The Ontario Power Cutters, with hand drive attach- ment. are adapted for all classes of work. They are fast, powerful, convenient . _ and accurate. The high speed of cut is obtained with low speed of driving wheel, . 2 ‘ ~ ggwm-in NAC|llNl'3 worm Whlch indicates the easy action and the small power required to drive. Each . " W; °"*=°°-"»"-"""" ' Cutter is one-half inch wider between frames than the listed size. 1- _"“~' . .4-,..« l l . List Prices of Ontario Power Cutters with Hand Drive Attachment 308.229 Shipping Weight List Price 32__nCh 1900 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $325 00 "‘ Inch 20m0pounds. .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. 36000 32-Inch Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutter The11\{1S_o furnished with wheel on top for clamping by hand. Clamp ris_es.six inches. y th nife_ makes twenty-seven cuts a minute; production, therefore, IS limited only e ability of the operator to keep pace with the machine. . REGULAR EQUIPMENT. Grooved table; front scored in inch lines with brass rule graduated to six- teenths; back table gradu- ated to sixteenths. Cable gauge movement. Back gauge in three parts; ., , each part may be offset ff‘ seven inches and cuts work up to three-quar- ters of an inch. Start- ing lever on left-hand side. Ontario Power Cutter List Price of 32-inch Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutter with Foot Treadle and Cable Gauge _ Size Shipping Weight List Price 32-inch 4500lbs..........................$57000 List Price of 32-Inch Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutter with Foot Treadle, Cable Gauge and Hand Clamp Attachment Size Shipping Weight Llfit Price 32-inch 4700lbS.........................-$63500 The thirty-two inch Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutters have been greatly improved by building them on the same general lines as the regular thirty-four inch, thirty-eight inch and larger Oswego Power Automatic Clamp Cutters, which greatly increase their worth. All the Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutters have this advantage: The heavy pressure of the automatic clamp is applied before the instant of cutting and does not consume power during the cut or after the cut is made. The new Oswego Automatic cuts the maximum quantity of accurate work and saves its purchase price in a few years for this one point alone. Other improvements have been made in the other automatic machines shown in the Oswego pow _ _ list, all tending to increase their efficiency, improve their action and minimize the as per required to drive the machines. As a matter of fact, it has been the _policy of the manufacturers to sacrifice everything, such highatterns, tools, drawings, stock and effort in order to consummate an improvement and keep the Oswego machines up to that I-mpr Standard of merit which they have enjoyed for so many years. The makers have gone ever forward with the idea that _an one gVen_rient is the most precious thing in the world and must be incorporated in their machines. This policy has been an expensive ' Ut It is the best and only one in the long run. /‘7Z:‘47/J’/7 Oswego Automatic Clamp Cutter 1167 Oswego Hand Lever Paper Cutters The new toggled lever on the Oswego Lever Cutters, and the double shear, make the cut easier as the knife goes down. Simple and quick adjustment to knife; no long row of bolts to loosen (the knife has a solid backing in the bar instead of abutting against the points of screws). The lever motion is self-contained, the upper and lower turning . points being both in the solid, right-hand frame casting. List Prices of Oswego Hand Lever Cutters Size Shipping Weight List Price 23-inch 1200 pounds . . . . . . . . . . $110 00 26-inch 1400 pounds . . . . . . . . . . 130 00 30-inch 1650 pounds. . . . . . . . . . 17500 32-inch 1800 pounds. . . . . . . . . . 200 00 Oswego Hand Lever Cutters Vertical Stroke For textile mills, manufacturing tailors, printers, book makers, novelty manufacturers, who wish to cut ser- rated or special—shaped edges, or tab cards, or to pink cloth samples. The Oswego Automatic, the Oswego Semi-Auto- matic, and the Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Cutting Machines, thirty-four inch to eighty-four inch, and the Oswego Bench and Lever Cutters, sizes sixteen to thirty- two inches, are built to order with vertical stroke, and are lalso built to order with vertical, changeable to shear, stro e. The vertical stroke permits the cutting of piles of paper, cardboard, cloth, etc., with any special-shaped knives within the capacity of the machine. In pinking cloth samples on the Oswego Cutters there is no waste of material, as the serrated edge is obtained both front and back of the knife at one stroke where the pile is cut. Oswego Hand Lever Vertical Stroke Cutter Diamond Lever and Combination Lever and Power Paper Cutters The Diamond Cutter is a radical improvement in design over any other paper cutter. It involves new features and new prin_c1- ples of construction which are invaluable. The handsome box frame, the symmetrical arch, and the general compactness, simplicity and solidity which characterize it are noteworthy. The box frame, which includes the cross braces supporting the center of the bed, is cast in one piece. The arch is also cast in one piece. Excepting the working parts, the Diamond consists principally of three pieces—the frame, the arch and the bed. This means a vast gain in simplicity and solidity. The Diamond Cutter is arranged for either hand or power. Lever machines are shipped out with holes ready for receiving the bolts which fasten on the power fixtures. These fixtures can be purchased and applied at any time. With each power machine a lever is furnished. By simply un- "“ ' _ A screwing and changing one stud the power machine is ready to be used by hand. The * i A M 3 N 0 natural tendency of a cutting machine bed is to sag in the center under the constant , strain of heavy cuts. The Diamond Cutter bed rests on two massive adjustable cen- ter supports. The result is that it cuts through the last sheet as well as the first. The exact position of the back gauge is shown by the steel back gauge tape, so arranged as to be on a level with the operator’s eyes. It is simple, effective and reliable—-graduated to sixteenths of an inch. There is a figured scale in the bed, both front and back of the knife, also graduated to sixteenths . ~ ~‘ ‘H-=,-t'v inches 32 inches 3/iinch 1785 pounds 29000 15 00 *With each ‘set of ‘power fixtures sold separately, we include a triple-split back gauge to take the place of the one-piece back gauge regularly furnished with the lever cutters. Write for further particulars regarding the merits of these machines. 1168 Chandler & Price Power Paper Cutter This Power Paper Cutter is very simple in construction, having no extra parts and all parts are interchangeable wherever possible. A deep throat and ample table are salient features. Provision for safety is obtained by the controller knob which must be pulled forward and then given a quarter turn before the clutch engages with gear and the knife descends. It never repeats so the knife cannot fall. This prevents accidents. The speed is twenty cuts per minute, each cut as straight as a die. The power mechan- ism consists of the worm and gear drive, the most powerful. Power may be fur- nished by either belt or motor. Worm is keyed to worm shaft, which ends in belt wheel. The worm drives the gear wheel, so that a great power is always back of the knife. Worm wheel runs in oil, thus making the cutter noiseless, easy running and well lubricated. The knife is made of fine steel and is readily adjustable. The -M ’ List Prices and Dimensions knife bar is fitted to housings, which are three sizes 113;“ inches deep. This avoids deflection from wear. I“ch°S . Pounds P“"“ It is easy to clamp because of the extra large 5 “ _ hand wheel. The clamp fingers have a broad 4 2000 $310 00 surface to avoid creasing of stock. The clamp- 32 4 2100 I 0 ing may be as narrow as three-quarters of an 34 ‘ 3200 inch. All gauges are accurately squared with ’ the knife. Back gauge extends within one inch of side gauge, so small stock can slide by. The table is amply large for all purposes. The legs, braces, table and knife bar will not spring under strain as they are of very heavy pattern. The construction of this Cutter is the strongest possible, and each Cutter is guaranteed. Two horse-power reqm'ured for each size Chandler & Price Lever Paper Cutter Few parts and utmost simplicity of mechanism is characteristic of this Cutter. While the Cutter is from two hundred to three hundred pounds heavier than other makes of the same size, this extra metal is so distributed as to withstand strains. The legs, braces, table and knife bar are of very heavy pattern. Housings two and five-eighths to three inches deep obviate defiection of the knife bar by wear. A deep throat and ample table permit the handling of paper in quantity. Each cutter works quickly and with Chandler & Price Power Paper Cutter List Prices and Dimensions L . Shipping _ h;Sc‘f1:S Weight I{*_‘.S_“l a minimum of effort being perfectly counter balanced. ____, Pounds , m” The weight and lever are adjustable. Clamping is made 23 950 $110 00 easy by an_extra large hand wheel. To avoid creasing the 26 1100 1 130 00 stock the fingers of the.clamp have a broad surface. The I 175 00 back gauge and clamp interlock, clamping as narrow as N30,, . *~ five-eighths of an inch. The back gauge extends to within one inch of the side gauge. Each gauge is accurately squared with the knife. All parts are strictly inter- changeable. Split back gauges furnished if deszred Chandler & Price Lever Paper (.‘/utter Advance Lever Paper Cutters a dThe Advance Lever Cutter is mechanically correct, perfectly constructed and combines in the highest degree simplicity, strength 11 efficiency. Its serviceableness is increased by various helpful devices, the outcome of many years successful cutter-building experience. The frame is so constructed as to afford the broadest possible base and at the same time concentrate the resistance where most needed. A massive brace securely bolted to the side frames near the bottom supports the bed directly under the center, insuring perfect rig- idity under pressure of clamp and knife. The bed is finely machine finished and scraped to insure easy action of working parts. The ingeniously constructed curved lever combines powerful leverage with conven- ient shape. With the cut completed it is only a short distance below the bed and about waist high to the operator, thus allowing the application of greatest power when most needed. When the knife is raised the lever is entirely out of the way and does not iiiter- fere with the proper handling of stock. The curved shape also permits reinforcing the lever with a heavy rib at the point of greatest strain. Being perfectly counter- balanced there is no danger of the knife falling unexpectedly. The knife is controlled by a link motion, which secures a smooth, easy shear cut with least power. Gibs and set screws in the frame take up the wear in knife bar, adding niate— rially to the durability of the machine. Side gauges on both sides, front and back ‘ of the knife, are a valuable feature, enabling stock to be squared on either side of the cutter, a great convenience and saving of time, while equalizing the wear on the knife. The extra long back gauge is equipped with our “easily squared ” device by means of which it may be accurately adjusted to the knife in a nioment’s time. It interlocks with the clamp and permits the squaring of cuts only three-fourths inch wide. Half—inch cutting sticks are provided, having eight cutting surfaces same as large ones at one-third the cost. A figured scale is cut in the bed, back and front. The back gauge screw is supported at both ends, preventing wear on back gauge nut. Strength, power, durability, and accuracy are thus fully provided for in the construction of the Advance Lever Paper Cutter. List Prices and Dimensions of Advance Lever Paper Cutters Price for Size Net Weight Price Extra Knife 23‘,/i-inch . 660 pounds $105 00 $ 9 00 25‘/5.»-inch . 735 pounds 120 00 10 00 Advance Lever Paper Cutter 30 -inch 1130 pounds 165 00 14 00 33 -inch 1400 pounds 185 00 16 50 Advance Pony Lever Paper Cutters comghe Advance Pony Lever Cutters are unequaled for cutting and trim_ming small work. They backme great strength and durability with ease of operation. Accuracy is assured by sideugauge Sq“ and front on left side, which also forms our Challenge side frame protector, and our easily andared back gauge which comes within one inch of the side gauge. Theinterlocking back gauge cutfclamp allows stock to be gauged within one-half inch of knife. Half-inch cutting sticks, eight ivel mg edges, are an economical feature. Cutters square fully sixteen and nineteen inches respect- m 3/ecutting bed being one-fourth inch wider. No springs, gears or cams to get out of order. These achlnes may be furnished either as bench cutters or with the iron stand shown in the illustration. List Prices and Dimensions of Advance Pony Lever Paper Cutters Six Shipping - ‘Price for 16 _ 9 Weight Price Extra knife 16‘l“0h With Iron Stand as shown in cut . 420 pounds $71 00 $6 00 19‘l"°h Without Iron Stand . . . . . . . . 280 pounds 55 00 6 00 ilnch With Iron Stand as shown in cut . . 505 pounds 88 00 7 50 finch Without Iron Stand . 365 pounds 72 00 7 50 1169 . .,,‘m}.o.. ..,..../14.... . ‘ Advance Pony Lever Paper (‘utter The Peerless Gem Paper Cutter The Peerless Gem Paper Cutter is of the well-known “Gem” style and is not an experiment. For thirteen years it has been before the public and has stood the test of practical experience. While some minor changes have recently been made—changes which have con- stituted improvements of no mean merit-—the machine is built on practically the same lines and from the same “ patterns as the original machine. The leverage is as nearly perfect as anything can be. The frame and bed are L Well braced. The counterbalance is hung inside the frame out of the way. The knife bar is heavy and accurately finished and the knife is deeper and thicker than usual. The knife bar stop is an important feature as it pre- vents the breakage of the bell crank, when the lever is thrown up after the cut. The knife bar gibs are im- portant, as any possible wear in the ways may be easily taken up and the Cutter thus made to last for years. The tables are accurately lined in half-inch spaces at right angles to the knife, and the two larger sizes are cross-lined in the same manner on the front part of the table. A metal meas- uring rule graduated to eighths of an inch, is mortised into the table in view of the operator. The intersecting back gauges are furnished with all sizes, permitting the cutting of very narrow stock. These gauges are adjustable, although they are originally set parallel to the knife when the machines are tested before shipment. The two larger sizes have split-back gauges. All sizes are furnished with suitable side gauges, both front and back of the knife. Prices and Dimensions of Peerless Gem Paper Cutters Size Actual Width Weight Diameter Pounds Knife Bar Knife Lever Shaft Price 7 H 23-inch . . . . . . 231/: 750 13/1 41/.>x’,‘/8 1‘?/4 inches $115 00 25-inch . . . . . . 25‘/1 850 1% 4‘/_>x“/re , 17/S inches 135 00 30-inch . . . . . . 30‘/1- 1400 13/1 5 X1/.2 2 inches 185 00 32-inch . . . . . .' 32‘/_» 1450 1% 5 x‘/2 2 inches Oswego Improved Bench Lever Cutters The cutting lever is balanced so that it is easily raised and lowered. The back gauge has a locking device to hold it in any position. The gauge runs back full size of the machine and cuts as narrow as one-half inch. The clamp rises two and one-half inches. The table is ruled to one-sixteenth of an inch both front and back of knife. Prices and Weights of Oswego Improved Bench Lever Cutters Size Ship.Weight Price Size Ship.Weight Price Size Ship.Weight Price 16-inch 340 . . . $60 00 19-inch 375 . . . $75 00 19-inch on iron stand 575 . . . $85 00 Peerless Gem Paper Cutter Oswego Improved Bench Lever Cutter Paper Cutter Knives We can furnish, on short notice, Paper Cutter Knives for any of the standard makes of paper cutters. As the prices and Si_Ze5 for the different makes vary considerably, we do not list them, but we will promptly quote you on any make and size you may reqU11'e' Do not fail to write us when YOU are in the market. Paper Cutter Knives. Carborundum Knife Stone The Carborundum Knife Stone is something entirely new. The manufacturers have made a convenient size and shape to be used on paper cutter knives. After a knife has cut considerable stock and begins to show signs of dullness, the stockman rubs the Carborundum Knife Stone Carborundum Knife stone over the paper cutter knife a few times, first using the coarse surface and finishing the sharp edge with the fine side. The stoneis four inches in diameter and one and one-half inches in thickness, made with one side C0a_1"3e grit for rough work, to cut away metal, or take out nicks, etc., and one side fine grit for putting a keen sharp edge on the kmfe‘ Price,perstone. ...$150 American Roughing Machine The demand for a roughing (or pebbling) machine is constantly increasing. Heretofore roughing a job of nicely printed halftones has been considered more or less of a luxury, besides necessitating a great deal of trouble on account of the limited number of machines in operation, when such work was done for the trade. In some of the larger cities Plants have been established making a specialty of this work, but the annoyance in shipping printed stock back and forth, has limited the use of the Roughing Machine. There IS "0 doubt that running the printed stock of any finely printed V job through the machines, adds greatly to its appearance. ” 2 Buyers of printing are generally anxious and willing to pay the extra charge for this work. The process is a simple one, and anyone can do it with the aid of the American Roughing Machine. It is just a matter of the proper amount of “squeeze” and feed- ing the stock through the machine, as is done on a folding or ruling machine. The American Roughing Machine will emboss or rough any kind of paper. The steel roller can be en- graved to represent the coarse, fine or medium “eggshell ” finish. If desired 1 " ‘ . it can be engraved With the “skytogen” American Bench Roughing Machine with finish, which gives the dotted leather 15""°h"°“°’5 effect. Each machine, as shipped from the factory is equipped to do but one style of roughing. Other rollers 03“ be supplied, engraved to order, at an additional expense. as listed in the table below‘; The machine is shipped complete for operation, with tight and loose pulleys and bel shifter, together with feed and delivery tables and sets of clips for stripping Sheets from rolls. The American Roughing Machine is made in four sizes. The fifteen ‘PC and twenty inch sizes are bench machines. The twenty-four inch and thirty inch 5_‘Ze5 are regular high frame or floor machines, as shown in the cut. While the large machmes are recommended, the smaller machines will do the work equally as well. The American Roughing Machine with 30-inch rollers , i Prices and Details of The American Roughing Machines , ,4 D‘g‘§;;::§;’:S Shipping Weight gffgffgnfigyggd Em S;;;j;' PW Em Gears 6/ 15 2 x21/_» inches 450 pounds 11/; A H s 75 00 A L L "$13 00 $160 00 20 2‘/2x3‘/.2 inches 625 pounds 2 125 00 ; 16 00 240 00 24 4 x4‘/.> inches 1800 pounds 2 225 00 ‘ 30 00 1 450 00 30 6 x6 inches 3200 pounds 3‘/.> 275 00 36 00 650 00 g//, American Roughing Machines are sold f. 0. b. factory 1170 The BostonWire Stitchers Once Used—Always Used They are Demonstrably the Very Best N eatness The above cut shows twenty-one Boston Stitchers installed one after another in the plant of the McCaskey Register Company, Alliance, Ohio The Self-Regulating Stitcher As merchants in machinery for printing plants, we are always on the lookout for the Easy Sellers—machines of such unequalled merit that the sale of one insures orders for additional machines as they may be required. The Boston Self-Regulating Wire Stitchers are in this satisfying class and once used are always used AmericanType Founders Company GENERAL SELLING AGENT % 1171 The Boston Wire Stitchers On certain occasions machines cause almost a complete revolution in the method of manufacture. Previous to the advent of the Boston Wire Stitchers, makers of similar lines were under the impression that the highest perfection in wire stitching had been reached and there was no room for further improvement. The inventor of the Boston Wire Stitcher, however, was not satis- fied with the mechanical properties of existing stitchers. He believed that a machine of this class should be, to a very great extent, automatic in its action. He was not satisfied with a machine that required the almost constant supervision of an expert me- chanic._ 3He knew that the acme of mechanical perfection was comprised in the word “simplicity” and he worked with this idea 4 V... ._ solely in view. Every detail of the invention was carefully thought out and proved to the minutest particular 1’ before it was adopted. The result has been the production of a machine with wonderfully few parts and with mechanism of the simplest. The Boston Wire Stitcher is the acme of simplicity, combined with the utmost perfection of detail in its work. It is, today, the favorite machine with operators wherever used. That this is so may readily be substantiated by investigating the kind of stitchers used in any large bindery. It will be found that the Boston has been adopted in preference to any other . 1. 1 make of stitching machine. These are facts which should be given careful consider- ’ V ation by intending purchasers before additional wire stitching machines are bought. The quick adjustment and rapid manner in which a change may be made from flat stitching to saddle stitching are matters which count for much with operators. The Boston Wire Stitchers, in addition to being exceedingly simple in construction are , built strongly for working under every possible condition and present a handsome '. appearance. The No. 3 Boston Self-Regulating Wire Stitching Machine The No. 3 and No. 4 Boston Wire Stitchers have been on the market nine years, during which time more than 2,000 have been sold and are in satisfactory operation in all parts of the United States, Canada and abroad. All users of these machines appreciate their labor-saving features, simplicity of construction and the fact that they can be handled entirely by the operators, something heretofore impossible In this class of machinery. The most prominent feature of Boston Stitchers is the single adjustment for all parts; that is, the operator gauges the thickness of work by turn- ing the hand-wheel, when all other parts are automatically adjusted. No tools or wrenches of any kind are necessary. This self-regulation is important and an ex- clusive feature in the “ Boston,” placing it within the complete control of the operator and giving that exquisite sense of wire stitcher satisfaction—a revelation in the bindery and printing office. The No.3 Boston Self—Regulating Wire Stitching Machine. Capacity, two sheets to exceeding three-eighths inch. Wire used, 30, 28, 27, 26, 25 round; 21x25 flat; shipping weight, 290 pounds; floor space, 26x26 inches; diameter of pulley, 10 inches; speed, 120 to 140 revolutions a minute; belt, 11/.» inches. ListPrice . . . . . . . ..........$21000 The No. 4 Boston Self-Regulating Wire Stitching Machine The No. 4 Boston Wire Stitcher differs from the No. 3 in frame, space back of the point, weight and table arrange- ment. The saddle and flat table divides at the center, as shown / in the “working part” .; illustration. The fiat ' " table is the most effi- cient ever placed on a wire stitcher and per- ‘ mits gauging back ten inches, something very valuable in calendar . and other work requir- No. 3. Showing Combined Flat and Saddle Table and Electric ing long b a c k s p a c e. Motor Equipment These tables are placed in position and displaced by merely pulling the thumb-lock pins, without the. use of tools. Many parts of the No. 3 and No. 4 “Bostons” are interchangeablewith each other, and in both sizes worn parts may be instantly replaced, with positive assurance of correct fitting, as each part is made in a jig or tool and in the instances of tempered steel parts, ground to gauge after hardening. No difficulty can be had with replace- ments, many thousands of dollars having been invested at the factory to make this possible. The N 0. 4 Boston Self-Regulating Wire Stitching Machine. Capacity, two sheets to one-half inch. Wire used, 30, 28, 27, 26, 25 round; 21x25 fiat; ship- ping weight, 335 pounds; floor space 26x28 inches; diameter of pulley, 10 inches; speed, 120 to 140 revolutions a minute; belt 1‘/_» inches. The No. 4 is especially valuable for calendar stitching, having ten inches of back space for gauging. List Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $260 00 The Boston Self-Regulating Wire Stitching Machine The “working parts,” illustration herewith, show all the principal parts of the “Boston”—the wire tension, feed grip, wire straightener, wire cutter and clinchers. These are in full view of the operator; in fact, the wire may be observed from the time it leaves the spool until it is driven into the work—something possible in no other stitcher. For _ _ Bookbinders’ W118 see page 1259 Something New We here illustrate a new feature in wire stitching machines, and possible only in the “Boston,” owing to its wonderful simplicity. Figure 1 shows the actual size of the half-inch width of stitch for which the Nos. 3 and 4 machines are regularly fitted. If desired, special extra parts can be furnished at small cost ($18.00) for making a three-eighths inch width of stitch, with a consequent large saving in wire. Figure 2 illustrates this stitch—actual size. The change in the machine can be made in three minutes, and consists of replacing the driving bar, cutter plunger and supporter and slightly shifting the feed sector-—work which No_ 4_ The Feed Sector wire can be done by the operator. The three-eighths inch stitch is excellent Cutter, Climbers a,;d for small booklet and other thin work where wire from No. 30 to No. 25 Working Parts round is used. We cannot give too much importance to the fact that the tremendous advantage in the Boston Wire Stitcher is its simplicity in con- struction. The operator can easily take apart and assemble the working parts of the Boston Wire Stitcher. 1172 No. 4. The Saddle Table in Working Position. Flat Table in the rear 5 inch 2}/8 inch Fig. 1 Fig‘ 2 The No. 7 New Model Boston Wire Stitcher The No. 7 Boston Wire Stitcher differs from the No. 3 and No. 4 in nearly all features, excepting the single adjustment for all parts. A great many of these machines are in successful operation in every parts of the country, and the machine is confidently .-mg offered the trade as the most powerful heavy stitcher of its capacity. The Work- table is convertible from flat to saddle, or vice versa, by merely pulling the _ thumb-lock pin, and has special front extension for wide work. The perfected wire straighteners positively straighten the wire for accurate feeding and driving. Driver is a single piece of thick steel, quickly replaced when worn. V 1‘ .- Clinchers are instantly lifted out of the clincher plate at the top, . for changes from flat to round wire if desired. Fixed and movable feed- ing grips and wire cutters are single pieces, readily re- placed when necessary. The cutters are interchangeable, each having four cutting surfaces, and are made of finely tempered steel. The capacity is from thin pamphlets to books seven- eighths inch in thickness of any regular papers. The No. 7 New Model Boston Wire Stitcher is specially intended for thick work of various kinds and it does its work well. Extensive experience in the manufacture of these machines has taught the manufacturer the require- ments of a heavy stitching machine. and these require- ments have been fully met. There has always been a demand for a stitch- ing machine that would do heavy work in a satis- factory manner, and the No. 7 New Model Boston will fill the bill. The American Type Founders Company will be pleased to give intending pur- chasers any additional information required. The No. 7 New Model Boston Wire Stitcher. Capacity, thin stitching to seven-eighths inch. Wire used, 28, 27, 26, 25, 24 round; 21x25, 20x25 or 20x24 flat, the last for heavy work; shipping weight, 400 pounds; floor space, 26x27 inches; diam- eter of pulley, 12 inches; speed, 100 to 115 revolutions a min- ute; belt, 11/.» inches. List price . . . . . . _ _ _ _ _ $325 00 Work Table Extension For attachment to the No. 3 and No. 7 Bos- ton Wire Stitchers (not interchangeable) mak- ing available for gauging the space back of the regular table. Nickel plated and attach- able by bolts: no fitting necessary. Permits the gauging of work eight and one-half inches back on the No. 3 and seven and one-half . inches on the No. 7. The regular work _ guides and thumb screws operate on these ' ‘ extensions. With this extension it is pos- - sible to do the utmost yet required in wire stitching. The outfit is not complete without it. With the Boston Wire Stitcher, equipped with this exten- sion, you can do any job No. 7 Boston Wire Stitcherwith which comes your Way° E"~’°t"°3‘ Eqmpment List price, complete,$l1 25 New Model No. F 14 Boston Wire Stitcher For Foot Power Only The only practical foot power wire stitcher on the market. Capacity from two sheets to One-half inch. Has flat and saddle tables similar to the No. 3 and No. 7, and may be operated seated on a stool or standing. Uses wire from No. 30 to 25 round and 21 to 25 flat, the latter for thick work. Built on the lines of the No. 7, with single adjustment for all 4‘ parts, and has the many exclusive features of the regular power machines. The foot power Boston stitcher was made to meet the demand of the country job _ ’ " _ 1' oflices, where power is not always available or bindery work constant. Its stitching is fully up to the high standard of the power machines, and it is recommended as a thoroughly efficient stitcher in every respect. . New Model No. F 41 Boston Wire Stitcher. For foot power only. Capacity, two sheets to_one-half inch. Wire 30, 28, 27, 26, 25 round;21x25 flat. Weight, 180 pounds; floor space, 21x26 inches. List price . . $155 00 Boston Bindery Tables Adjustable to any angle, also to height of any 7 _.M........- Wire Stitcher / These strong and convenient tables (patented) -M.-» are made by the Boston Wire Stitcher Company to use with the Boston Wire Stitchers, but they are equally desirable for all Wire Stitchers. Each table will operate as a magazine, a saddle or a flat table, and be found valuable in binderies where heretofore a carpenter has had to rig up a stationary affair, admitting of no "change. The change in position is accomplished by man- ipulating the clamps shown in the saddle illustration, the work of a few seconds. Tables are adjustable to any angle; also up and down to conform to the height of the iron table on stitching machine. Base is of iron and heavy enough to counter-balance any work placed on. the tops. These tables fill a long-felt need in binderies and are the only equipment on the market for this work. List price, each . . - . For Bookbinders’ Wire see page 1229. No. 7 Boston Wire Stitcher, showing door open. All working parts and wire always visible VVork Table Extension ‘W ‘Y’. >... ‘t _ $10 ()0 Flat Saddle Magazine Boston Bindery Tables may be used with every make of Electric Equipment wire stitching machine On the preceding page is shown a No. 3 “Boston" equipped with individual motor. This equipment, suitable for all sizes, takes up no extra space, and consists of foundation bed with rolls for moving; motor, belt, belt tightener; also clamps and bolts for motor. Motors can be furnished for any current—direct or alternating- at the following prices for the complete motor equipment: , 110 0 220 olts—direct current . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $65 00 N°§§t1‘;B°St°“ W” 500 vIolts—-‘direct current . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 00 p.,°w§§(f§§,’f°°‘ 104 to 110 volts—alternating current, sixty cycles, single phase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 00 208 volts—alternating current, sixty Cycles, Single phase - - ~ . . . . 70 00 _ These motors will operate in single, two or three phase circuits, and the first thr_ee styles are usually in stock for prompt Shlpment. Alternating current motors of 125 cycles and voltages not listed above, furnished to order. All, excepting for 500 volt, may be attached to lighting service by removing the glass bulb and screwing in the stitcher extension wireplug. Wire and plugs are Obtained from any electrician. 500-volt motors require a starting box. 1173 The Boston Staple Binder, like the Boston Wire Stitcher, is built on distinctly new lines, with many valuable features never before used in a stapling machine. It is the nearest approach to a regular stitcher yet devised, and its work is neater and better The Boston Staple Binder than that of any Stitcher other than the Boston. It is difficult to distinguish its stapling from the best wire stitching. Staples are strung on metal cores (no shrinking or swelling of wood) with paper covers, and placed in the machine at the right-hand side, just as received, without removal from cores. The cores may be lifted out of the stapler and replaced as often as necessary without loss of staples, saving from twenty-five to fifty per cent in staples over all the other machines. The Boston Stapler employs a supporter to prevent buckling staples, this being an exclusive feature and one found only in the regular wire stitching machines. The supporter also permits the use of finer wire .72 % >uv1[\‘‘'l."l\”rv'~'”''» ‘P \\\\\\\l" ‘ lill\lm\l\t\\u\\u\\\\\n\ Style B, Bench inches. request. It will pay you to be Price, each, net . “mm, This is an entirely original idea and will be appreciated by all having a knowledge of loss through old methods. The feed is positive, the hardened steel pusher being operated by a steel spiral spring which also engages to a locking device at the end of the tin core to hold the same in position. This lock is pulled backward than heretofore possible. The result is cleaner work and less cost. Clinchers are the same as in the regular Boston Wire Stitching Machines, operating effec- tively for even, flat clinching. They will not clog if the stitch be missed, and, being \ in plain sight and easily detached, will retain their efficiency indefinitely. The driver is a single piece of hardened steel, reversible, and can be instantly replaced when worn without the aid of a wrench. Iron tables are provided at each side of the stitching head with pockets underneath to hold four boxes of staples. These tables are of a height to allow the operator to stand or work from a high stool as may be desired. The Stitcher Work Table tips forward or back for flat and saddle, and is held in the flat position by the back gauge. An extension table is also provided at small cost, making it possible to staple four and one-half inches back. One of the most important features of the Boston Stapler is the method of using staples. (See core on page 1229.) Wire No. 26, round, is used, the same being slightly flattened in the process of staple making. The staples are strung on metal cores of three hundred and thirty-four each, by auto- matic machinery. A paper covering protects the staples from moisture, permits of changes from one size to another without waste, and keeps the staples in line for sure feeding. /4, (1 to release the core when sizes of staples are changed. Screw driver and tools are unnecessary after the stapler is assembled, as all changes l//‘ll in staples are made without them. The illustration shows method of driv- 6 ing and how the supporter operates to enable fine wire to be driven to the maximum capacity of the machines. The reversible driver and staple are also shown, the sup- porter retiring as the stitch is forced through the work. Staples will never buckle when so supported, and the Boston Stapler is the only machine so provided. This feature is of great value and makes the quality of stap- ling the best. The foot power Boston Stapler is made in two styles. Style A has a pedestal. and Style B must be Showing Driver, Staple and Supporter screwed to a bench or table, the treadle attaching to the floor. The capacity of both styles slightly exceeds three-sixteenths of an inch, fiat or saddle work. Buyers of the Style B Stapler should note how the same is attached to a bench and that a floor block of wood must be provided. Boston Staple Binder Work Table Extension For Use on Style A and Style B Boston Staplers A convenient extension table when it is desired to gauge fiat work back of the stapling point. Suitable for calendars, pads, novelties, etc., the distance being four and one-half Made of cast iron, nickel-plated and is bolted to the back of the regular work table. A neatly printed circular describing the Boston Staple Binder will be mailed to you upon come fully advised as to the merits of the Boston Staple Binder Yarger Staple Binder No. 6 Staples are put up in packages of five thousand, there being two sizes: one-quarter inch for thin work and three-eighths of an inch for thick work. Shipping weight of Style A, one hundred and ten pounds; Style B, fifty pounds. Floor space, fourteen by twenty-four inches. Prices of the Boston Staple Binders Style A, Pedestal . . $35 00 Style B, Bench . 25 00 Yarger Staple Binder N o. 6 (Hercules) For Flat Work Only—Hand or Treadle Power A heavy, strong machine, operated by a treadle. It binds from two sheets up to seventy sheets of ordi- nary book or pamphlet paper. Staples can be inserted three inches ~ from the margin. Country printers will save its cost on one or two jobs, which they usually dispatch to the city, besides avoiding Yarger Staple Binder No. 6 has annoying delays. quick action; binds neatly and securely. Price of Yarger Staple Binder No. 6 No. 6 Yarger Staple Binder (Hercules) . . . $10 0 The No. 6 Yarger Staple Binder uses the following Staples: F, ‘,"m-inch; G, ‘/1- inch: H. "Via-.-inch;—put up in boxes of .$090 5,000 of any one size . Yarger Staple Binder No. 8 Binds through the fold twelve inches from margin. Provided with a saddle and flat table. It binds pamphlets, calendars, etc., from two pages up to the thickness of one hundred pages through the fold of ordinary book paper. Staples are delivered, driven through the paper and clinched automatically. No adjustments. Price of Yarger Staple Binder No. 8 Yarger Staple Binder No. 8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 00 Staple used on No. 8 Staple Binder: No. 1, “/1«s—inch; in boxes Of 5,()()() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For P)"i¢.'e.s- alml I71fm'm(Lt.7’,rm )'c_r/a/I‘(l'1'7'z,(1I>”in.(le/rs’ Wire and Wirrc Sfctyilcas, sec 1)a,_(/c 122.‘). 1174 A l ‘llllllllal 2 » 9% umuu il " . .$3 00 .. "mm _ y-~ .. Fl. * uvmwv"v'tt.. ‘ - -« - uuumuull , miillllflllhu mmiunnmuulhl A Extension Yarr-E01‘ Staple Binder No. 8 Yarger Staple Binder No. 2 This improved No. 2 Lightning Binder (for flat work only) is a combination of the original No. 1 and N0. 2 Binders, one machine now doing the work which formerly required two. Holds two hundred staples at a charge. Staples are delivered and driven through the paper and clinched and can be inserted six inches from margin. There is only one adjustment, by means of a handscrew, which elevates or depresses the clincher. All wearing parts are made of malleable steel to prevent breakage. The action is quick and sim- ple, the work neat and tight. The capacity of this machine is from two sheets up to one hundred and twenty-five sheets of ordinary book or pamphlet paper, usingfsix difffirent sizes of staples from three-sixteenths of an inch to one-half 0 an inc . Price of Yarger Staple Binder N o. 2 Yarger Staple Binder No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $25 00 Staples used on No. 2 Staple Binder: No. 7, ‘?’i«s—inch; No. 8, Vi-inch; No. 9, "’/’16~inch; No. 10, “/5»-inch; No. 11, 7/ii:-inch; No. 12, 1/3-inch, in boxes of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Yarger Staple Binder No. 10 The Yarger Staple Binder No. 10 will use six different sizes of staples both round and flat wire. It will stitch through the fold and through the back from two sheets up to seventy sheets (flat staples) and from two sheets up to thirty sheets (round staples) of ordinary book or pamphlet paper, and eleven inches from margin. The wearing parts are all made of malleable steel and not liable to break or get out of order. Price of Yarger Staple Binder N o. 10 Yarger Staple Binder No. 10 with flat and saddle table . . . . . . . . $25 00 Flat Wire Staples used in No. 10 Staple Binder: No. 4, ‘Vii:-inch; No. 5, 1/4-inch; No. 6, ’}’1u—inch; No. 61/2, 3/3-inch—per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Yar er Sta ,8 Round Wire Staples used only in No. 10 Staple Binder: No. 14, "3’1¢s—inch; Y?1‘K01‘StaD‘° Binier N052 No. 15, 1/4 —inch—per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 B'"d°” N°' 10 ‘ - Yarger Staple Binder No. 4 Binds one to fifty sheets of ordinary paper. Holds one hundred and twenty-five staples at a charge. Does not clog because one 3taDle must be driven before another can enter. Requires no adjustment. Feeds automatically. Machine is japanned. Knob and ring nickel plated. Price of Yarger Staple Binder No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 00 Staples used on No. 4 Staple Binder: No. L, 3/1ii—inch; No. M, 1/1-inch and No. N. F7/16-lnCl'l* 25 per box of 1,000 of any one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Also No. 4, 3/16 inch; No. 5, 1/4 inch; No. 6, ‘Vii; inch, per box of 5,000, one size . 90 Acme Sure-Shot Binder The Acme Sure-Shot Binder is one of the strongest binders ever made for office use. It holds one hundred staples at a charge. It binds to one-quarter inch book paper and cannot clog. " Price of Sure-Shot Staple Binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 00 -_ Staples used on Sure-Shot Staple Binder—No. X,_l/Ci-inch flat wire; No. Yarger Staple Binder XX, ‘Vii:-inch fiat wire. Per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . 90 NM Acme Staple Binder No. 4 “°'""S“”'S“°”""“°’ This machine is the simplest foot-power binder on the market. It uses fine wire staples only. Has both fiat and saddle-back t3«l_)1es. Binds up to one-fourth inch book paper. No adjusting. Can not clog. Shipped ready for work. Price of Acme Staple Binder No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $21 00 Staples used in No. 4 Acme Staple Binder: No. 21, 1/1-inch fine wire; No. 22, ’/16-inch fine wire--per box of 5,000 of one size . . 90 Acme Staple Binder N 0. 6 The Acme Staple Binder No. 6 is the most complete staple binder sold_. Uses both fine and coarse wire staples. Binds to one-fourth of an inch all kinds paper. Has automatic clinching device. Cannot clog. Has both flat and saddle-back tables. No adjustment required at all. Shipped ready for work. Price of Acme Staple Binder No. 6 AcmeStaple BinderNo.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . _. . . . . ._ . . . . . . .$27 00 Staples used in No. 6 Acme Staple Binder: No. 21, 1/i.-inch fine wire; No. 22, ‘7’iis:inch fine wire; No. 23, 1/i-inch coarse flat wire; No. 24, ‘Vii;-inch coarse flat wire-per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 Acme Staple Binder No. 1 The Acme Binder No. 1 is one of the strongest small binders made. The frame swings on a pivot and lifts high enough to give ample room for putting in and taking out the work. It holds one hundred staples and will not clog.‘ It uses coarse wire staples and binds to one-quarter inch. It is just what is wanted in the small printing office. Price of Acme Staple Binder No. 1 . . . ._ . . . . . . . $6 00 Staples used; No. X, 1/4 -inch coarse flat wire; No. XX, Wm-inch coarse fiat wire. Per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 Breech Loader Staple Binder The Breech Loader Staple Binder is a very useful Acme Staple BindvrNo. 1 machine for large or small offices, as it has a great B"°°°h L°“d°" Staple Bi"“°r variety of uses. It will bind paper or pamphlets from one to fifty sheets with wire staples. Holds one hundred staples at a charge. i Price of B e ch L ade Staple Binder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3 00 Acme Staple Binder N0_6 Staples usgdein Br(eechrLoader Binder No. 5; C, ‘Vii;-inch, D. 1/1-inch. E. "7/10-mch P81‘ b0-‘K Of 1.000 - - - - 25 For Prices and Information regarding Binders’ Wire and Wire Staples see page 1229 1175 Portland Multiple Punching Machines During the past few years there has been a tremendous increase in the demand for loose leaf and card index records of all kinds. These new systems have so many advantages over the old methods that they are being universally adopted by banking, mercantile, transportation and manufacturing concerns. Multiple punching machines were invented nearly fifty years ago, being originally designed for punch- ing button holes in paper collars, but the new systems for records and accounting created a demand for a machine which would enable printers. lithographers, bookbinders, manufacturing stationers and specialty houses to take advantage of the opportunities offered in this new field. The manufacturers of the Portland Multiple Punching Machines, which are illustrated on this page, have realized that modern methods call for modern equipment, consequently they have designed a machine which will enable the printing and kindred trades to do every conceivable kind of punching in the most economical and satisfactory manner possible. A great many thousand dollars have been spent in the equipment of .3 plant for the manufacture of the Portland Multiple Punching Machines in large quantities. A painstaking exactness is exercised every hour by every branch of a highly skillful organization. Nothing but the best material is used in the construction of the Portland. Every part is made on the interchangeable plan, which means that any one of the thousands of Port- lands will be interchangeable in its parts with any other Portland of the same type. By making the parts on the interchangeable plan, perfect alignment is obtained and friction is reduced to a minimum. No other punching machine can begin to give what the Portland gives for the money. When you invest in a Portland you not only get the best punching machine on the market at a price which is without parallel in the history of labor-saving machines, but you get something in addition which is quite out of the ordinary. _ You will receive with the machine a guarantee from the manufacturers In which they warrant the machine for one year to be absolutely free from defects in material or workmanship, and they will replace, free of charge, any part of a machine which proves defective in any such respect. This is a guarantee which means something. We have absolute confidence in the manufacturers of the Portland—-confidence born of years of satisfactory dealings with them. These machines are remarkable for a great many reasons. In the first place they are the most convenient and accurate punching machines made. They are designed for punching all kinds of round holes, open holes and irregular shapes for hundreds of different purposes. They are extensively used by specialty houses and novelty manufacturers because an endless variety of punching can be done with absolute accuracy and great rapidity. One of the most remarkable features of these machines is the perfect system of gauges. It consists of tW0 gauge heads which can be placed in any desired position in the machine for the convenient handling of any size sheet, and a side gauge which allows the use 9 the full length of the thirty-inch table. The back gauges, which are movab_le_ 111 the gauge heads by means of the thumb screws, can be set in any desired position and adjusted to the hundredth part of an inch without removing the gauge heads from the machine. The illustration near the bottom of this page shows the details of the gauge head one-quarter actual size. The side gauge is also cap- able of the finest possible adjustment, and it is pro- vided with a special swivel feature which is of great assistance when punching stock not perfectly square. A graduated rule, thirty inches long, is inlaid in the table close to the front of the punch heads, thus en- abling the operator to correctly locate the punch heads in the desired position. Any number of holes can be punched at each operation up to the full capacity of the machine. In other words it is possible to punch a row of holes twenty-four inches long in a sheet of stock thirty inches in length, or holes may be punched any distance apart up to the maximum distance of twenty-four inches from center to center. It is safe to say that the system of gauges provided with the Portland will enable the operator to make ready for a job of punching, either simple or difficult, in a fraction of the time usually required by other punching machines. There is a drawer under the punches running the entire length of the machine, into which the paper punchings drop, preventing litter around the machine. Round hole punch heads and open hole punch heads are shown on the two following pages. The gauge heads areincluded in the price of the machine, but punch heads are not included, as no two users are likely to require exactly the same equipment. The foot power and power machines are identical with the exception of the method of applying power. The foot power machine is easy to operate because the power is multi- plied sixteen times. By this we mean that if the operator should exert a pressure of 100 pounds on the treadle, it would equal 1600 pounds on the punches. The power machine is a marvel of mechanical perfection. A slight pressure on the treadle is all that is required to operate the noiseless power clutch which is another original feature of this remarkable machine. The pulley is fifteen inches in diameter with a three-inch face. One-half horse power will operate the machine to its full capacity. Speed from 125 to 135 revolutions per minute. The power machines can be supplied with motor direct connected. The motor is attached to the base of the pedestal and power transmitted by means of a noiseless pinion which engages directly with teeth cut in the rim of the fly wheel which takes the place of the pulley. Full inform- ation and prices on application. Not only is the first cost of the Portland very much less than other multi- ple punching machines, but the price for punch heads is also a great deal lower. The punch heads are shown on the next two pages. You could not purchase a better multiple punching machine than the Portland, although you might pay twice as much for it. These machines are in use by the United States Government, also by the largest corporations in the country, such as the Standard Oil Company, United States Steel Corporation and General Electric Company, but our records show that the great majority of the first thousand Portlands were sold to printers and bookbinders. Some of these concerns are quite small, but they are enter- prising and have found the Portland to be a great money-earner. Portland Multiple Punching Machine, foot power, shipping weight 480 pounds. Price . Portland Multiple Punching Machine, power, shipping weight 600 pounds. Price‘ . This illustration shows foot power machine equipped with three round hole punch heads with Punching Sets No. 375. The Punch heads are not included in price of machine, as no two users are likely to require exactly the same equipment. Illustration showing details of gauge head, one-quarter actual size This illustration shows power machine equipped with four 090“ hole Punch Heads Style M1. Punch heads are not included in the price of machine, as no two users are likely to require exactly the same equipment. . $60 00 . 90 00 Send for pamphlet giving complete informatvlon regarding the Portland Multiple Punching Machines. 1176 re Round Hole Punch Heads and Punching Sets for the Portland This illustration shows a round hole punch head with punching set. The illustration is one-half actual size. punched any distance from the margin up to two and one-quarter inches, and any distance a to twenty-four inches. When holes must be punched closer to- gether than one and one-eighth inches it is necessary to use the double round hole punch heads which are generally made for punching holes seven-eighths inch from center to center. When holes must be punched a greater dis- tance from the margin than two and one-quarter inches, it is necessary to use the deep throat punch heads. Any number of sheets of stock can be punched from a single sheet up to the full capacity of the head, which is one-half inch of stock. Users of punching machines have sometimes complained because smooth holes could not be punched through a thick pile of stock. Attention is called to the fact that ‘a holes with smooth edges \. , are not possible when a large amount of stock is punched at a single opera- tion, for the reason that the punch does not cut each in- dividual sheet, conse- quently the round discs of paper, which are of a yield- ing nature, will be forced down through the pile of stock ahead of the punch into the die, leaving a rag- ged hole. The sheets at the top and bottom of a thick Holes may be part from one and one-eighth inches up 343 3I2 28l ‘II’’ 250 218 I87 I56 093 I25 The fourteen sizes of punches for the round hole punch heads are shown by this diagram. They are graduated by thirty- seconds beginning. with three thirty-seconds which is No. 093. The number of the punch indicates the size in thousands of an inch, 1. e., No._ 250 is a quarter-inch, No.50O is a half- inch. pile will have smooth holes, but those in the middle of the pile will necessarily have rough holes. The round hole punch heads are made with a half- inch capacity to enable the punching of telephone directories and similar bound books, which are to be hung up; but when : punching sheets of paper which are afterwards to be used singly, it is always best to limit the quantity to the number of sheets which can be punched satisfactorily. The illustrations on the right hand side of this page show a No. 250 punch with die and stripper for same. (Actual size). These three parts constitute a punching set. The set complete is packed in a polished wooden box. Price, $2.00 for any of the fourteen sizes. Postage, eleven cents. A punching set can be removed from the punch head and replaced with another size in less than one minute. These punches, dies and strippers are marvels of mechanical perfection. The stripper, through which the punch passes, insures absolute alignment of the punch and prevents the die and punch from wearing. The stripper, which is made with a spiral groove, is raised or lowered by revolving in order to accommodate the different amounts of stock to be punched. These Punching Sets are made in the most perfect manner possible by means of specially designed equipment. The finest steel is used and each part carefully hardened by experts and then ground with diamond dust and the finest corun- dum. There are twenty-seven operations required for the completion of a punching set. Before shipment every punch, die and stripper is care- fully tested by means of micrometer gauges, and then assembled in a special testing head to prove accuracy of alignment. If a variation of as much as a thousandth of an inch is detected the part is discarded. All of these painstaking methods result in the production of punching sets which are as accurate and wear-resisting as human ingenuity can devise. A complete stock of all sizes of punching sets is always kept on hand ready for im- mediate shipment. All punching sets and punch heads, shown on this page, are made for interchangeable use. Punching sets are never included in the price of the punch head. Round Hole Punch Head O 375 O 406 I 437 C 468 C 500 Double Round Punch Head Prices for Round Hole Punch Heads Round Hole Punch Head, without punching set. Price . Double Round Punch Head, without punching sets. Price Deep Throat Punch Head, five and a half inches. Price, with- outpunchingset.................... 700 These heads are also made with nine inch throat. Price, with- outpunchingset 1000 $400 800 Punch Deep Throat l’uiicli Head Die Stripper 1177 Open Hole Punch Heads for the Portland Open Hole Punch Heads are used for an endless variety of loose leaf and card index punching. Punches and dies for this class of work cannot be made for interchangeable use, and for this reason the punch head with the required shape or style of punch and :”“‘ This il ustration shows an Open Hole Punch Head. style M-1, one—half actual size Price . die is always furnished complete, as shown in the illustration at the left, at a uniform price of $10.00 for any of the five styles shown on this page. The diagrams on the right illustrate three of the most popular styles for loose leaf work, while the diagrams on the left illustrate the styles most generally used for card index work. From time to time the manufacturers of the Portland will standardize additional styles for loose leaf and card index work, as well as for baggage checks, etc. Whenever a style becomes popular or uniform it will be standardized and carried in stock. All punch heads for the Portland are made in the finest possible manner and can be depended upon to give perfect results. Special Open Hole Punch Heads and other shapes not standardized by the manufacturers of the Portland can be made to order promptly. Prices will be quoted on application. Regular Open Hole Punch Heads can be spaced any distance apart from one and nine-sixteenths inches to twenty- four inches. Open Hole Punch Heads are usually made with one-quarter inch capacity, to enable the operator to insert the sheets of stock readily, but it is not possible to punch holes with smooth edges when a large number of sheets are punched at a single operation, as the punch does not cut each individual sheet, consequently the paper or cardboard punchings, which are of a yielding nature, will be forced down through the pile of stock ahead of the punch into the die, leaving a ragged hole. The best loose leaf and card index . _ $10 00 manufacturers always limit the quantity ° ' of stock punched at each operation to the number of sheets which can be punched satisfactorily. Tab Cutting Attachment The rapidly increasing use of sub-division cards, etc., has created a demand for a tab cutting attachment for the Portland. This tab cutting attachment will fill a long felt want for a reliable equipment for the production of tab-cards and similar work. Hundreds of different styles of sub-division cards and folders for vertical filing systems, etc., can be handled with great economy and satisfaction. Full information with samples and prices will be furnished on application. Special Punch Heads The manufacturers of the Portland are prepared to furnish special punch heads for almost every conceivable purpose. Some manufacturers of loose leaf goods find that it is of con- siderable advantage to have gang heads instead of single heads, thllls preventing the liability of variation in distance between the ho es. The illustration at the bottom of this page shows a three- gang special head. Special gang heads are frequently furnished for punching a large number of holes at fixed distances. A Portland Multiple Punching Machine in the plant of an enterprising concern is sure to 3 money-earner, because business which is new and profitable will come to those who are ready for It- Thin sheet metal can be successfully punched with the Portland, as well as celluloid, fibre and other material. New fields of usefulness for the Portland are being constantly developed. Special punch heads for punching cards on which cuff links, chains, pins, etc., are mounted can be made to order promptly. Such cards are extensively used by manufacturers of jewelry. Paper box manufacturers use special heads for cutting odd shaped corners of stock. Very effective household reminders can be manufactured economically by the use of heads designed for these purposes. Novelty manufacturers, particularly those houses making goods for the department store trade. have found that the Portland equipped with special punch heads enables them to produce a great variety of attractive articles in the paper and cardboard line. Southworth Punching Machines These machines are for punching paper, cardboard, celluloid, thin sheet metal and other material. They are designed for round hole punching only. Irregular shapes, such as open holes for loose leaf sheets, card indexes, etc., cannot be punched with them. hey are the best machines for the money which have ever been put on the market. They are powerful, strong and rapid, and contain exclusive features which merely have to be seen to be appreciated. The method of changing the punching set is only one of the many reasons for the great popularity of these machines. The change can be made from one size to in — another in less than one minute with- out the use of any tools. The gauges are exceedingly convenient and accurate. Adjustments can be made to a hundredth part of an inch, and holes can be punched at any distance from margin up to four inches. There is a drawer in the base of the machine under table into which the paper punchings drop, prevent- ing litter around machine. A grad- uated rule eighteen inches long is inlaid in the table. This rule also illustrates the four- ’ teen sizes of punching sets. Any number of sheets of stock can be punched from a single sheet of paper up to the full capacity of the machine which is one-half inch of stock. Users of punching machines have some- times complained because smooth holes could not be punched through a thick pile of stock. Attention is called to the fact that holes with smooth edges are not pos- sible when a large amount of stock is punched at a single operation, for the reason that the punch does not cut each individual sheet, consequently the round discs of paper, which are of a yielding nature, will be forced down through the pile of stock ahead of the punch into the die, leaving a ragged hole. The sheets at the top and bottom of a thick pile will have smooth holes, but those in the middle of the pile will necessarily have rough holes. The Southworth Punching Machines are made with a half-inch capacity to enable the punching of telephone directories and similar bound books which are to be hung up. When punching sheets of stock, which are afterwards to be used singly, it is always best to limit the quantity to the number of sheets which can be punched satisfactorily. There are no better machines made, regardless of price, for single round hole punching than the Southworth Punching Machines. They are in successful use everywhere. The illustrations show the hand power and foot power machines, which are identical, with the exception of method of apply- ing.power. The hand power machine is deslglled for bench .uSe’ The foot power Any size punching set can be supplied from three machlhe can he 633113’ m0V€d 3-1‘011hd the thirty-seconds to one-half inch in diameter. Note workshop and allows the operator the the diagram of sizes below. use of both hands for guiding the stock. Purchasers of hand power machines 0 . 6 5 Q 4 Southworth Punching Machine Hand Power sometimes ask if it will be possible for them to convert their machine into a foot power machine. As the method of apply- . ing power is not the same in the two machines, it is not possible to change a hand power 7 machine into a foot power machine by the addi- . tion of the foot power features. The price of 3 S°“thW°rtn Punching Machine either style of machine includes one punching F°°t P°“’°’r set. (See next page for full description.) The three-sixteenths inch size, which is No. 6, is 5 fllways sent with the machine unless otherwise directed. Additional sizes of punch- lhg‘ sets are $2.00 each. _The Southworth Punching Machines have proven their superiority in manufac- turlflg establishments in all parts of the country. Paper and cardboard mills and Selhng agents everywhere find the machine indispensable for punching holes in Samples of all kinds. A large number of calendar manufacturers and art publishers use the South- W0rth for round hole punching; in fact, no printing office, bookbindery or similar _C0ncern can any more afford to be without the services of one of these machines than 113 can afford to be without the telephone or typewriter. Every printing office and bookbindery is sure to have work which requires the use Of a punching machine, and it is therefore necessary that even the smallest Dlants should be equipped with a machine which will produce the greatest income Oh the smallest investment. The average country printer has found that the South- Worth Punching Machine can be used to great advantage. The machines are also used extensively for punching library index cards of the Styles requiring the round hole only. Newspaper publishers in every state in the Union have found that it is profita- ble to have a Southworth Punching Machine in their equipment. _Schools and colleges are also finding these machines to be very convenient and Satisfactory. _ The transportation companies use the foot power machines quite extensively for punching holes in large quantities of stock which must be fastened together. Purchasers of Southworth Punching Machines located at some distance from Well equipped book binderies have found that they have saved the entire cost of their machine by the elimination of transportation charges on work which would ordi- narhy have been sent out of town to be punched. The saving in time is also a factor 0f a great deal of importance. In establishments depending on girls to operate the machine the foot power machine is always recommended on account of the ease of operation. If the op- erator exerts a pressure of fifty pounds on the treadle, it would equal eight hundred h011nds on the punch, because the power is multiplied sixteen times. As the foot power machine costs only twelve dollars more than the hand power I4 I5 machine it is generally preferred because a larger amount of work can be punched The fourteen Sizes °f Puhchlhg Sets are 5h°W" by above diagram. They are graduated by thirty- wlth greater 93-59 than With the hand m3Chihe- seconds beginning with three-thirty-seconds which he demand for Southworth Punching Machines from foreign countries has ,3 NO:3_ The number of the nnncning Set indicates been surprising. When the machines were shown for the first time to the supply the size, 1.. e., No. 5 is five-thirty-seconds; No.16, Ouses in England they ordered more than one hundred of them during the first sixteen-thirty-seconds or one-half inch. Week and more orders are constantly being received. _ S0uthworth Punching Machine, Hand Power, shipping weight 75 D011Y1dS- P1109 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - . . . . .518 00 Outhworth Punching Machine, Foot Power, shipping weight 175 pounds. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 1179 Punching Sets for the Southworth Punching Machines The illustrations on the left hand side of this page show a No. 8 Punch with die and stripper for same. (Actual size.) These three parts constitute a punching set. The set complete is packed in a polished wooden box. Price $2.00 for any of the fourteen sizes. Postage eleven cents. (See diagram of sizes on preceding page.) These punches, dies and strippers are marvels of mechanical perfection. The stripper, through which the punch passes, insures absolute alignment of the punch and prevents the punch and die from wearing. The stripper, which is made with a spiral groove, is raised or lowered by revolving, in order to accommodate the different amounts of stock to be punched. These punching sets are made in the most perfect manner possible by means of specially designed equipment. The finest steel is used and each part carefully hardened by experts and then ground with diamond dust and the finest corundum. There are thirty operations required for the completion of a punching set. Before shipment, every punch, die and stripper is care- fully tested by means of micrometer gauges, and then assembled in a special testing machine to prove accuracy of alignment. If a variation of as much as a thousandth of an inch is detected the part is discarded. All of these painstaking methods result in the production of punching sets which are as accurate and wear-resisting as human ingenuity can devise. A complete stock of all sizes of punching sets is always kept on hand ready for immediate shipment. Brass Eyelets for the Southworth Punching Machines This illustration shows a Y4 Brass Eyelet. Price twenty-five cents per thou- sand. Packed only in boxes containing five thousand. The hole for this size eye- let must be punched with a No. 4 Punch- ing Set, as shown under the eyelet. The eyelets must be clinched with a P4 Eye- letting Set. This illustration shows a Y6 Brass Eyelet. Price twenty-five cents per thou- sand. Packed only in boxes containing five thousand. The hole for this size eye- let must be punched with a No. 6 Punch- ing Set, as shown under the eyelet. The eyelets must be clinched with a P6 Eye- letting Set. This illustration shows a Y8 Brass Eyelet. Price forty-five cents per thou- sand. Packed only in boxes con_taining five thousand. The hole for this size eye- let must be punched with a No. 8 Punch- ing Set, as shown under the eyelet. The eyelets must be clinched with a P8 Eye- letting Set. This illustration shows a Y10 Brass , A Eyelet. Price fifty cents per thousand. , , Packed only in boxes containing five -5 .; thousand. The hole for this size eyelet must be punched with a No. 10 Punch- ing Set, as shown under the eyelet. The eyelets must be clinched with a P10 Eye- letting Set. This illustration shows a Y12 Brass Eyelet. Price fifty—five cents per thou- sand. Packed only in boxes containing five thousand. The hole for this size eye- let must be punched with a No. 12 Punch- ing Set, as shown under the eyelet. The eyelets must be clinched with a P12 Eye- letting Set. Clincher Eyeletting Sets for the Southworth Punching Machines Almost every owner of a Southworth Punching Machine has an occasional job of eye- letting to be done. It is needless to purchase an expensive self-feeding eyeletting machine unless you have considerable of this class of work, because eyeletting can be done with the Southworth Punching Machines in a satisfactory and economical manner. The process is very simple. First the stock is punched with the required size of punching set and the eyelets are then clinched with the corresponding size of eyeletting set. The punch, die and stripper can be taken out of machine and the eyeletting set put in its place in less than one minute. The illustrations on the right hand side of this page show a No. P6 Clincher with anvil and stripper for same. (Actual size.) These three parts constitute an eyeletting set. The set complete is packed in a polished wooden box. Price $2.00 for any of the five sizes. Postage eleven cents. The sizes are as follows: P4, P6,, P8, P10, P12. The eyeletting sets are made in the best possible manner. The stripper or guide supports the clincher insuring absolute alignment with the anvil. The description, together with the illustration of the brass eyelets shown above, clearly explains the proper size of eyeletting set for clinching the corresponding styles of eyelets. 1180 Stripper ._J 5 M4... ... .__.. Tatum Paper Drill The Tatum Paper Drill, with adjustable table, is a great time saver. The table is readily adjustable, and by the use of automatic stops in front and with convenient gauges, the work is easily controlled, so that any desired distance between centers, from one- half inch to twelve inches, is quickly secured. The projecting handle of the sliding table is provided with a spring catch which engages these adjustable stops wherever they are placed. The gauges on the table also provide easy adjustments from edges to sheets. A very important feature is the clamping device which is operated by the foot, thus leaving both hands free to control the Work. The drills are hollow, a feature which avoids “choking,” as the clearance inside allows a ready passage for the refuse. The holes produced are clean all the way through, and the work is very rapidly and very accurately done. The holes may be the depth of one sheet or two inches in thickness if desired, depending for maximum thickness upon the size of the holes. The gauge at the top of the spindle regulates very precisely the depth of the drilling. The wooden backing strip in the table is adjustable, and receives the cutting edge of drill after it passes through the paper. The Tatum Paper Drill, with adjustable table, is undoubtedly the best machine of its kind on the market. For excessively thick work beyond the capacity of an ordinary punching operation, or for holes far from edge of sheet, the Tatum Paper Drill will be found invaluable and will do work not heretofore done satisfactorily. It is especially adapted for railroad tarififs, telephone directories, order blanks, calendar cards and work on which the holes are punched or drilled in large quantities. Send for circular completely describing the machine and its capacity. Prices of Tatum Paper Drills No. 43 B. Paper Drilling Machine, belt drive, with universal chuck and one one- quarterinchhollowdrill. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15000 No. 43 M. Paper Drilling Machine, with direct current motor 110 or 120 volts, one- quarter H. P. and supporting bracket, attached as shown in illustration . . . 1 0 00 No. 43 M. Paper Drilling Machine, with alternating current motor, 110 or 120 volts,60cycles,singlephase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20000 The “ Marvel ” Punc The " Marvel ” Punch is the most effective low priced paper punch on the market. It is un- usually simple in construction and may be truly called “a Marvel.” It operates on the well—known Arbor rack and pinion principle and will easily perforate thirty sheets of ordinary sixteen—pound folio paper at a time. The side gauge is adjustable to any desired margin, while the maximum distance from the center of the holes to the binding edge of the sheet «. is one-half inch. The machine is handsomely finished in green I‘ 4 with nickel-plated trimmings. Tatum Paper Drill Prices of The “ Marvel” Punch No. 60 “Marvel” Punch, punches two holes 1/4-inch in diameter (for three—six- teenths inch posts) 2% inches center to center, each . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 25 No. 63 Marvel” Punch, punches two holes 1/i-inch in diameter (for three—six— teenth inch posts) 41/; inches center to center, each . . . . . . . . . . . . Special prices will be quoted on heads other than standard. Send for circular The " Marvel " Punch giving other sizes and complete details. Standard Punching Machines The No. 1 Standard Punch will punch holes any distance apart from one-half inch to ten and one—fourth inches on any size sheet. Maximum distance from center of hole to edge of sheet is five-eighths inch. Punches are easily removed, and sharpened with a round file. Weight of machine with two heads, eight pounds. The No. 2 Standard Punch is similar in construction to the No. 1, but it is larger, heavier and stronger; it is capable of punching holes any distance apart up to 14% inches in any length of sheet; Takes the same Punch Heads . as No. 1. Weight, twenty pounds. *~ _ , We have sold a great many of them, and they invariably give satisfaction. The Standard » is a handy machine for small jobs of punching and it soon pays for itself. We shall_be pleased to supply you with any additional information regarding this line of punches. Prices and Dimensions of Standard Punching Machines Nos. 1 and 2 and Punch Heads StandardPunchNo.1(without punches) .... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600 StandardPunchNo.2 (without punches) ......................1400 Style U Punch Heads, for punching single round holes. Made in 14: inch, 3/10 inch, %2 inch, 1/4. inch, "/16 inch, 3‘/8 inch, 11/5:2 inch, 1%-_> inc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Style DU Double Round Hole Punch Heads, made in 7/€32 inch . . . . . . . . . . . 400 Style CU Punch Head. A combination Punch Head capable of punching five different sizes of round holes as follows: Me inch, ‘Vin inch, %;3 inch, 1A inch, and ‘lie inch. Fitted with five punches, four of which may be removed, leaving the proper size punch in the die for punching. ., .. ’ S‘a"da"d,P““°hi"g Price, complete . . . . . . . . . 8 00 a Ma°h"‘° N°' 1 Styles 13U and 15U Slotted Hole, price each................ Style US, made in 13/{:2 inch, “/82 inch, 3/8 inch for punching round holes, slotted forlooseleafwork.............................. Will punch holes any distance apart from 1/: inch to 101/; inches on any size sheet. Maximum distance from center of hole to edge of sheet is ‘Vs inch. Punches are easily rfimoved, and sharpened with a round file. Weight of machine with two heads, eight pounds. If you have any problems in the line of punching loose leaf work send us samples Stating amount of work to be done, and we will gladly recommend the machine best adapted to your needs. _..:..._M N _ ,, .. a , The “ Hummer ” Punch The "Hummer” Punch is an adjustable punch for either round or slotted holes, and satisfies a most pressing demand for a C0mbination adjustable oflice punch of high quality moderately priced. The “Hummer” Punch is made unusually strong and operates with ease. While it will be found a great convenience in the printing office for punching small jobs quickly, it is more particularly adapted for the counting room or business office. The Hummer” is adjustable to any distance between centers from three-quarters of an inch minimum to seven and one-eighth inches maximum. It can be fitted with extra heads for punching three or more holes at one opera- tion. The side gauge is adjustable to any desired margin and may be ' used on either side. The maximum distance from center of holes to binding edge of sheet is one-half inch for round holes and five-eighths of an inch for slotted holes. The base of the “Hummer” is of solid iron, four and one-half by nine and three-quarter inches, and is hand- somely finished in oxidized copper, and the trimmings are nickel plated. The large demand for loose sheets in the modern filing sys- tems makes this machine desirable for any printer. The “ Hummer ’ ’ Punch Prices of The “ Hummer ” Punch No. 70, " Hummer ” Punch, two round holes, each . . . . $5 00 Extra Heads, %.1 and 1/2-inch, round holes, each . . . . . $ 0. 83, “ Hummer” Punch, two slotted holes, each . . . 9 00 Extra Heads. standard sizes, slotted holes, each . Special prices will be quoted on heads other than standard. Send for circular giving other sizes and complete details. 1181 00 00 {Out Sterling Round Cornering Machines These machines are for round cornering booklets, catalogues, cards of all kinds, labels, folders, calendar backs and an endless variety of other work. The Sterling is the most popular round cornering machine ever devised. Over eight thousand of these machines have already been sold to printers, bookbinders and kindred trades in every civilized country in the world. The machine is self-clamping and very rapid. Every part is made with the utmost care, and nothing but the very best material is used in its construction. The operation of the Sterling is so simple and the price so low, that no enterprising concern can afford to get along without one of these wonderful machines. Round corners add to the appearance of agreat many different kinds of work, and in many instances they are absolute necessities. The actual cost of round cornering is only a trifle. The capacity of the machine is a little over one inch of stock. Any number of sheets can be cornered with the greatest ease, from a single sheet up to the full -« capacity of the machine. The knife cuts onto a block of end grain hardwood, which is held in position by means of a spring. Four cutting blocks are included with each machine. Extra cutting blocks are 35 cents per dozen. These blocks are always packed in boxes containing one dozen, which can be sent by mail at a cost of ten cents for postage. The price of the machine includes one No. 1 knife, which is the size generally used. The diagram illustrates five styles of knives, price $1.25 each. Postage five cents each. The illustrations show the hand power and foot power machines which are iden- tical with the exception of the method of operating. The hand power machine is specially designed for bench use. The foot power machine allows the operator the u s e o f b o t h hands for guid- ing the stock. Sterling Round Cornering Machine and Power The fact that the foot power machine can be eas- ily moved around the work- shop is a valuable feature in many plants. As the Sterling machines are built on the interchangeable plan, the hand power ma- chine may be converted into a foot power machine in a few minutes’ time by the addition of the pedestal foot power attachment. Several thousand pedestal foot power attachments have already been sold to the oo earlier purchasers of hand power Ste1.]ing.R0undC0rneringMachine ‘be Q'Q\° Sterling Round Cornering Machines. Foot Power :9‘ \ .3 Q? Prices of Sterling Round Cornering Machines _ Q0“ (3 Shippingweight ListPr1ce ,§o Handpower.....................35pounds $1500 $°,§’ Footpower................... .160pounds 3000 ,Db\ Q” Pedestal Foot Power Attachment. . . . . . . . . .136 pounds 15 00 Q7~\ 8 Bullock Ejector Press Punch The Bullock Ejector Press Punch is a useful device, which is made two poinfcs lower than type-high. One or more of them can be locked up in a type form and W11 cuta clean round hole three—thirty—sec- onds of an inch,one-eighth of an inch, 1 three-sixteenths or one-quarter of an inch, in paper or card stock at the same time as the job is printed. The Punch will not clog, as each piece cut is auto- matically ejected by the plunger and falls to the floor as soon as the impres- sion is released. The ejector protects the rollers from any danger of injury from the cutter. The cutters are all mounted on the same size body and as all parts are interchangeable, new cut- ters can be readily fitted. The spring Bullock E]-ectm. Press Punch for controlling the ejector can be strengthened by turning the screw at the bottom. Prices of Bullock Ejector Press Punches Punchfor‘??;-2,Ma,‘$36or%-inchonbases7/in-inch square, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$075 Punchfor’7ioor%—inch,onbases‘?/io-inchsquare,each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 Extra Cutters. Small. . . . . . .$035 large. . . . .$0 60 ExtraPlungers, small . . . . . . . .$010 large. . . . . 20 Extra Screw, small. . . . . . . . . . 10 Extra Cutting Plate, dozen, small . . 10 large. . . 10 Extra Square Base, small . . . . . . 20; large. . . . 40 Extra Springs, small. . . . . . . 05 large. . . . . 05 The Dillingham Punch The Dillingham Press Punch is secured to the tympan of Platen presses in practically the same manner as a feed guide. The ., » slightly curved spring as shown in the illustration is placed under the upper tympan sheet and the sheet to be punched is fed over this curved spring and under the punch with no more trouble than in feeding to gauge pins. The punch is secured to the tympan " '1 with paste or glue. If so desired several punches can be used on a sheet and the printing and punching done at the same time. It is made to punch holes five-thirty-seconds, three-sixteenths and one- quarter inch. State size of hole wanted when ordering. This is ”“"=»”;:‘-1%’. ‘~13 . an extremely useful device for any printer. and is thoroughly The Dgmngham punch‘; S effective in operation. Price, each, $1.25. 1 1182 The National Rotary Perforator The National Rotary Perforator is designed to fulfill all the requirements of an up-to-date perforating machine. It has no tapes or rubber bands. It does not punch holes in the paper, but makes a clean cut, leaving no burr. It perforates, cuts or trims and " . scores paper all in one operation. If desired, the paper can be perforated first and the printing ‘ readily completed afterwards. The speed is limited only by the expertness of the operator. It is supplied with the combination attachment for stub (or strike) and straight perforation at — one operation, also with crimping-scoring-slitting-trimming-attachment. The stub and straight attachment enables a straight line of perforation to be made the entire length of the sheet and at the same time striking as desired on stock not over thirty-six inches long. Two styles of crimping may be obtained, as ordered, one eight crimps to the inch, in width from one-eighth to one and three-quarter inches, or twenty-five crimps to the inch, the spools being one and one-half inches wide. Only one set of spools is furnished with the regular equipment. The scoring spools can be adjusted for single scoring or for hinged cover work from one-eighth of an inch up to any width desired within the limits of the machine. The National Rotary Perforator, thus equipped, will take care of a large variety of work, and will effect an economy in floor space. The crimping attachment can be furnished as an independent machine. The fol- lowing prices are for machines fitted with combination and crimping attachment. Prices of the National Rotary Perforators National Perforator, with 24-inch standard equipment . . . . $345 00 National Perforator, with 28-inch standard equipment . . . . 405 00 National Perforator, with 30-inch standard equipment . . . . 460 00 If fitted with specialMicrometer adjustment, extra . . . . . . . . . 30 00 This adjustment permits the setting of crimper spools to a reading of 1/1000 inch and assures a perfect crimp on any weight stock. If equipped for self-contained individual motor drive with direct current _ _ _motor, 110-220volts, single phase, add. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 000 ~.. Or, if for one-quarter H. P., alternating current motor, 110-220 volts, single KCC_&KQmd..u!i.I.!R.!e!.§!.!i£& phase,add 6500 @ " R ‘Q " In o2'dcr2Ing 7’)I(')t()“)‘.\', _(/‘inc iroltagc. Prices will be quoted on ‘motors of other National Rotary Perforator 11- 1)» v0I»ta.UC‘ (1/"Id 13ha-5'C’- National Rotary Perforator, without Combination and Crimping Attachment 20-inch National Rotary Perforator, fitted with 3 Heads . $200 00 28-inch National Rotary Perforator, fitted with 5 Heads . $300 00 24'mCh Natlfimal R0taI‘y Perforator, fitted with 4 Heads . 250 00 30-inch National Rotary Perforator, fitted with 6 Heads . 350 00 Tatum Perforators for Round Holes In the design of the Tatum Perforators, especial attention has been given to the proper distribution of the metal. This is notably the case with our arch or top member, which is very much heavier than usually made. This unusual stiffness of the arch or top member, with other features named, makes perfect perforating and unusual durability. Our total weights of various styles are from forty to sixty per cent. heavier than those of other manufacturers. This fact, in connection with the design and the high charac- ter of our workmanship and material, is bringing us orders from the most discrimin- ating buyers. Perfect alignment is necessary for really good work in any perforator. The studs upon which our_h_eads slide are long, of large diameter and in direct line with the needles. These guiding studs have double the bearing surface of other makes and being without any strain of supporting the top feed table, a per- fectly true and even action of the needles is thus ensured. Two of the weak points of perforators are the tempered needles and die plate. Realizing this, the manufacturers have put in special :.e:€*“;___ machines and furnaces to handle and temper these important parts, to secure even and uniform results. This, combined with careful and experienced workmanship, enables them to make perforators which Will not wear out in a short time, but will continue to make good, clean, round Derforations for years. Both needles and die plate are hardened, and a special hard temper is given the die plate, as then the needles are more easily replaced. The Tatum Perforators have been in use more than eight years, and the manu- facturers have never replaced a single die plate. The strippers on our perforators are made of steel and are so supported that they cannot “give” in the center. Being rigid their entire length, the work is always stripped in a perfect manner, no oval or ragged holes appearing in the center of the sheets, as in other makes where the strippers are not properly constructed or secured. The sectional ad- justment length of perfora- tions is amply provided for. The backing pieces which give action to the needles are cut into convenient divisions, which are easily adjusted. The removal of needles is quickly accomplished. One needle or one hundred can be readily removed or replaced without disturbing the others. A waste box to catch perforations is provided; is easily emptied and replaced. The Tatum Perforators are finished beautifully in smooth black ornamented in gold. Tables are of golden oak, “built up,” and will not warp. A broad guarantee covers the Tatum Perforators. Write for descriptive circular of full line of Tatum Perforators. ,, ..... -.»~_,«,._\:.~:- 'j.““‘-ff>'-“*_“W”-~_;\-‘ tr ,. . _ Tatum 28-Inch Power Pcrforiitor Front V icw Prices of Tatum Perforators for Round Holes 28-Inch Foot Power Tatum Perforator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $180 00 28-Inch Belt Power Tatum Perforator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 220 00 28-Inch Power Perforator, motor driven, half horse power, direct current, 110 or 220 volts, including starting box, switch and cut-out, cut gear, rawhide pinion, bracket, gear guards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 00 Delivery Roll in rear, inclinable delivery box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 00 Automatic Feed Gauge and special table . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 Top Feed Table . . . . 10 00 Perforators fitted with needles of 65 gauge, 15 holes to the inch. Needles 18 holes to inch furnished to order. 7710 I"(:);f'<)i'cLfixn_¢/ /V[(1«(‘]l/I./)‘l.(3.'s‘ .~»'h. inches. Shelves for 16 chases in each tier, 48 shelves in all. Weight, 475 pounds. Price. . 2. Height, 6 feet 9 inches; width at base, 22 inches; length, :3 feet 41/: inches. Shelves for 24 chases in each tier, 72 shelves in all. » Weight, 6()() pounds. No.2 Forrn Rack Price . . . . . . . . 52 00 ‘ The Form Racks represented by No. 5 and No. 6 (see right hand illustration) are new articles especially designed for pressroom requirements, and provide suitable holders for locked forms at a very moderate price. Racks can be placed near presses and forms when received from the composing room ready for the press can be temporarily placed in these Racks until required for printing. N O 36 00 N C Price and Dimensions of No. 5 Form Rack N0. 5 Form Rack provides accommodation for 18 large chases. The height at the back is 311/: inches; the depth from front to real‘ is 25 inches; the width across the front is 37 inches. The bottoms of chase grooves are lined with iron, turned at the edges and astened with screws at the front to prevent damage to woodwork. Weight, crated, ready for shipment, 200 pounds. Price ' P ‘ $22 00 Price and Dimensions of No. 6 Form Rack f No. 6 Form Rack provides accommodation for 12 medium size chases. The height at the back is_25‘/1 inches; thedepth from ront to ear is 19 inches; the width across the front is 25% inches. The bottoms of chase grooves are lined with iron, turned at the edges and fastened with screws at the front, to prevent dainagc to woodwork. Weight, ci'ated, ready for shipment, 100 pounds. 1‘iCe.. 1189 The Miller Incline Truck The Miller Incline Truck, Platform and Skids end all truck troubles of the printer. No trucks are tied up for every platform is a truck. By this plan the pile of sheets does not rest on the floor, but on a platform, which in turn rests on skids. The truck—-1ow- ered — is shoved under the platform, between the skids. Then the crank is given afew turns and as the top part of the truck is elevated by an incline plane device, it raises the sheets and platform clear of the skids. It will do this even if the sheets weigh five thousand pounds, which is the small truck's guaranteed capacity. No exertion is necessary on the part of the workman. The sheets remain in perfect order and all the man has to do is walk away with the load. The truck is equipped with either round axles, or roller bearings, so it is easily pulled. When the destination is reached another pair of skids stand ready. A twist of the crank to the left and the sheets and platform are then deposited safely. Such a change as this can be made very quickly. The truck is now ready for other work. This truck may truly be said to take the place of fifty trucks, as it is only a question of having enough skids and platforms to meet your needs and these, which may be readily constructed and are cheap, may be placed at convenient positions all over your plant. The Miller Incline Truck is applicable to every business, where much moving of wares is done. There is a fifth wheel plate in front, except on the No. 1, which hasa large size castor. If preferred a truck ; 2 may be equipped with all castors and swivel castors. Prices will remain the same. That the Miller Incline Truck is an investment which readily pays for itself is confirmed by ; some very strong testimonials which have been received. The Knapp Company ‘ . “ writes that it is using about three hundred platforms operated by two trucks at s .. “ 1 its plant, located at Bush Terminal, Brooklyn. The 4 I v ~ ~ » Stone Printing and Manufacturing Co., of Roanoke, Va., states that it has found them very satisfactory. The H. Bridgman Smith Co., of Brooklyn, is using a truck with entire satisfaction. The Richmond and Backus Co., of Detroit, admits that there is nothing that it has added to its equipment in the way of a money-saver that has produced such an excellent result as this Truck. The R. R. Donnelley & Sons Co., of Chicago, states that it has found the Truck to be per- fectly satisfactory, both as a Miller Incline Truck Method of Adjusting Truck under Loaded Platform time and money saver. List Prices and Dimensions of the Miller Incline Trucks and Platforms S" P ' » Truck No. 1-223?) (usually takes a platform 32x36) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160600 Truck No. 2—22x40 (usually takes a platform 32x44) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 Truck No. 3—28x40 (usually takes a platform 40x48) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125 00 Truck No. 4--28x48 (usually takes a platform 40x54) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 137 50 P'3tf°"" and TWO Skids Truck No. 5—28x60 (usually takes a platform 44x64) . . . . . . . . . . . . 150 00 One Platform, size 32x36, and two Skids for No. 1 Truck, price $1.50; one Platform, size 32x44, and two Skids for No. 2 Truck. price $2.25; one Platform, size 40x48, and two Skids for No. 3 Truck, price $2.50; one Platform, size 40x54, and two Skids for No. 4 Truck, price $3.00; one Platform, size 44x64, and Skids for No. 5 Truck, price $3.50. Wisconsin Printers’ Trucks These strong, easy running Trucks are made especially for the use of Koerner Interlocking Drying Racks and can be easily moved in a limited space. The Truck will turn in its own length, the two end wheels bearing on swivels. The handle is detachable and books on at either end-this feature saving much time in turning a truck laden with drying racks, paper or a form. These Trucks are designed to hold an unlimited number of Patent Interlocking Racks and may be depended upon to beat immense weight and give lasting service. They are unquestionably the easiest running printer's trucks 0“ the market. List Prices of Wisconsin Printers’ Trucks » PM *7 (Size 0%.... Weight, Cratedr 1’ Vlirtiéleii: No. 1 24x36 inches over all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 160 pounds $15 00 No. 2 33x45 inches over all . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 pounds _ 13 00 No. 3 38x52 inches over all . . . . . . 200 pounds 20 00 sizes made prices Hamilton Form Truck A most convenient article to have around a printing office. It can be used to advantage trucking forms back and forth between the composing room 3“ the pressroom, without danger of accident. It will take two forms, one on each side, up to thirty-four by forty-eight inches, or several small forms, without overlapping the edges of form beds. It is made of hardwood throughout, rein- forced by cleats underneath, and mounted on four double-wheeled swivel castors. Diameter of wheels is three and five-eighths inches. This insures easy motion. The Truck can be turned around and reversed within the floor space it occupies. The handle is detachable, and of malleable iron. The bottoms of the grooves where the chases rest on the Truck are lined with iron, so that the woodwork will not be damaged. Length, forty-eight inches; extreme height from the floor, thirty-nine and one-half inches; extreme width, forty-two inches; size of the sloping form beds, thirty-four inches high, forty-eight inches long. Weight, crated, ready for shipment, three hundred pounds. Listprice................................$4800 Other sizes of this Truck made to order at proportionate prices. Truck for Paper Rolls In every large printing office using paper from the roll there is always a demand for a suitable truck for conveying the heavy rolls to the stock room when received, and from the stock room to the pressroom. This new Truck will answer the require- ments fully. Made substantially of hardwood, with cast iron center wheels, and double swivel castors on the ends. If interested we shall be pleased to send you an illustration. , t Length, twenty—eight inches; width, twenty-four inches; extreme height, fourteen and three-eighths inches; center helgh ’ eleven inches. Weight, crated, one hundred and fifty pounds. 00 Listprice........... All prices quoted on this page are subject to prevailing discounts. 1190 Wisconsin Printers’ Truck Hamilton F011” Truck Rouse Mitering Machine This machine has so many excellent qualities that it is claimed to be the most perfect mitering machine made. It is equipped with a positive point gauge that sets instantly and locks automatically to points. This enables the operator to miter rules to picas nonpareils or points, inside as well as outside measure. The construction and operation of this gauge is shown in the X-Ray View. Here the gauge rod A on which the gauge head E slides is graduated to picas. It also has flaring notches milled on one side six points apart. These notches are engaged by four teeth of corresponding taper on the end of the locking- bolt G which is held firmly in position by a stiff spring. These teeth are self—centering, take up all play or lost motion and compensate for wear. The point adjustment shown in the front view is secured by the thumb nut B, one revolution of which moves the entire gauge six points, therefore one notch towards you adds one point, two notches two points, etc. This is an advantage which printers will be quick to appreciate. The rule holder or guide is provided with two hardened steel pins which engage in the circular slot in the table, and is located and locked at the exact angle wanted. The table is drilled and indexed for 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided figures. Square sets 3 . can be cut without any change whatever. ‘K » ~ The knife holder travels in two slots milled in the body of the machine. These slots, being wider than the guides on the knife holder, permit the knife to be fed up to the work with each downward movement. The inner face of the slots form a positive stop, beyond which the knife holder cannot go. The knife is of the best tool steel, hardened and set in the_knife holder at the right angle to obtain best results. It is provided with adjusting screws by.means of which it is held firmly and adjusted quickly. The edge of the knife can be easily maintained by means of a jointer. Price Rouse Mitering Machine, complete, with chip cup and jointer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $20 00 .a"" Rouse Mitering Machine Hansen Mitering Machine As the rule holder in the Hansen Mitering Machine has an angle of ninety degrees, when it is placed in a central position, it is Dossible to miter square sets without changing its position. By means of a pin it is easily set to any desired angle and as there are ., no lines to guess at the operator is enabled to obtain the required angle, absolutely accurately at all times. It is graduated by twelve point ems and has two gauges. The left hand gauge has a supporter which enters any one of the holes of even ems and by turn- ing the supporter a quarter turn, it lengthens or shortens the measure to a six point em. The inside measure is obtained by placing 2, 3 or 4 points between the supporter and the gauge. The knife is held firmly by two screws and is regulated by two adjusting screws. A jointer for sharpening the knife to the proper angle is furnished with each machine. This enables the operator to have the same bevel at all times, which is very essential in order to obtain a clean cut. The bed has an index, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 respectively, representing the different angles for a 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10 and 12 sided figure, therefore dispensing with lines to be guessed at. The handle strikes a rubber tube, thus obviating " "" " - all noise and jar. Hansen Mitering Machine Price Hansen Mitering Machine, complete, with or without chip cups . . . . . . . $18 50 American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 30 The vvell known American Lead and Rule Cutters were first made in 1899, and since that time they have been constantly improved in design, construction and finish. Without a doubt today they are recognized as possessing unexcelled merit, and are conceded to be the best cutters made. Cutter No. 30 is the latest development and has the following advantages: the gauges ' ’ can be set instantly; they are self locking and Lead Cutter cannot slip, as there are no screws. They are The strongest cheap lead cutter guaranteed for accuracy. The mechanism of made and a reliable and handy tool, the Cutter is such that the gauges can be set ‘ in a fraction of the usual time required. The front gauge slides on a stationary rod, grad- uated to picas and acts as a truss to the gauge- rod proper, thus forming a rigid construction. It is convenient _ for cutting short lengths, as the gauge can be set to nonpareil is readily as any other measure. The point gauge comes with the No. 30 Cutter only and can _ ~ e set quickly from six point to forty—five picas, by points. Capacity, 105 ems; by points 45 ems. Price Utility Lead Cutter, . - $2 00 List priceAmerican Lead and Rule CutterNo.30. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l2 00 American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 20 This No. 20 Cutter is identical with the No. 30, except that it does not have the point gauge. The cutters are graduated to picas and numbered every five ems up to 105 picas. The measure is indicated by the bed gauge when reversed and extended beyond the bed. Sag in material is avoided by the support on the right. The extra foot at the left hand of the bed steadies the machine, even when placed on an uneven surface. Capacity, 105 ems. List price American Lead and Rule Cutter No. 20 . . . . . $10 00 The No. 1 Cutter is a good serviceable machine, and is adapted for small ofiices, paper box makers and for cutting odd lengths. It has a reversible bed gauge which is clamped and secured quickly by a compression thumbscrew. The gauge is numbered every five ems butis not graduated. There are two rows of figures on the bed gauge, one showing the measures in normal position ,_ and the other indicating the measures when the gauge is reversed and extended. The L°“d ‘md Rule C“tt°’ N0‘ 20 grooved bed, a feature of this machine, pre- vents slipping of thin material. The material and workmanship of this cutter are the best obtainable. Capacity, fourteen inches. List priceAmerican Leadand RuleCutter No.1. . .. .................... We also handle otlmr sizes omrl will be pleased to quote prices and pa.i'l'ic'ul(i.rrs Rouse Lino-Slug Cutter This Lino-Slug Cutter has been designed for cutting single linotype slugs. Besides being strong and compact, it possesses many valuable time-saving and accuracy insuring features. The gauge can be set instantly to any measure up to thirty-one picas, either by nonpareils or points. The gauge locks automat- . ically and cannot possibly slip or be forced back when once R°“Se Lino-Slug Cutter V , locked. It is accurate and remains so. The knives are made of Front View. the best steel finely tempered. The upper knife is shaped so as to securea shear cut. It will cut the thickest slugs clean and Square and of uniform length. It is the only slug cutter with a permanently accurate gauge on Which it can be set instantly. It is the only slug cutter on which the gauge Cann0t Slip and On Which the last slug cut must be the same length as the first one. PI‘iceRouseLino-SlugCutter.................................$1200 1191 N0. 30 Lead and Rule Cutter Lead and Rule Cutter o. ’ .$6 00 Rouse l.in0—Slug Cutter Rear View Hoerner’s Combination Shute Board and Type-High Machine Every printer knows what a source of annoyance it is to have cuts or plates, which are uneven or too high, sent to the press. The pressman resorts to all sorts of expedients to overcome the difficulty. He tries to scrape the cut down with a knife or sand- -~ paper, and even with the greatest care and much lost time, is unable to make it satisfactory. Here is a machine at a very nominal price that will do the work quickly and cheaply. The Hoerner Combination Shute Board and Type-High Machine will reduce cuts to type-high and make them true and even, besides doing many other things that may be asked of it. Any printing office doing a considerable amount of cut work really cannot afford to be without one. If you desire to get your costs of production down, here is one way to begin. The Hoerner Combination Shute Board and Type-High Machine is simple, solid and accurately made. All parts, except the plane handles, are of iron or steel. Interchangeable planes, one carrying a knife blade and the other a file, work upon the carriage or guide frame. A block the full width of the machine can be shaved at one blocking as the carriage can be moved from side to side of the bed while operating. It will hold a block up to ten inches in width and of any length. The block is held down to the bed by a novel vise-lock, instantly adjusted by one turn of a small lever. The sliding cross bar, with miter point, can be set at any angle for mitering. The bed can be fastened to table or bench, thus leaving the operator free hands. This position has the added advantage of being convenient as a bench vise for holding blocks, while attaching or removing plates. Machine complete with file plane and one knife plane. Price of Hoerner’s Shute Board and Type-High Machine . . . $35 00 ExtraFiles. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 ExtraKnives........................ 75 The Challenge Type-High Machine l'l()crnc1"s Combination Shute Board and Type-High Machine The Challenge Type-High Machine lS a handy implement in the composing room or pressroom, where a more complete machine like the Hoerner is not absolutely required. It will do its work rapidly and entirely satisfactorily,and anyone can operate it successfully. Simply passing all cuts or plates mounted on wood through this machine before the form is sent to press saves a great deal of time in make-ready, and the cuts give much more satisfactory results. To oper- ate the Challenge Type-High machine the cut is placed face downward on the galley which is furnished with the machine and sheets of paper are placed under the cut as may be required to bring the cut to the desired height. When blocks are warped it is best to take the plate off and run the block through the machine, both top and bottom; this opera- tion will make it smooth; then replace plate, adding sufficient cardboard or paper between the plate and block to make it a paper more than type- high; then run the plane over the block again and you have the desired hdght Price of Challenge Type-High Machine . . . . The Practical Height Gauge While a great many printing offices and pressrooms already possess a Practical Height Gauge, there are still thousands of offices that would find use for one of them almost every day in the year. The .:- s - » Practical Height Gauge is one of the most useful money saving de- Challenge Type-High Mach;,,e_ vices that one could desire. As soon as cuts are received from the en- graver they can be tested for height. If too high they should be shaved down. If too low, the gauge will show the discrepancy . ,3. ,, and the cuts can then be built up to a proper height. The money saved by turning of cuts of proper size and height over to the compositor is too evident to need further argument. Priceof Practical Height Gauge, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1000 Challenge Type-High Gauges This Type High Gauge covers the needs of every printer using mounted electrotype plates, halftones, woodcuts, orna- The Practical Hei ht Ga“ 8 ments. initials, etc. It is absolutely accurate, being micro g g ground to .918 of an inch. It shows instantly whether every part is type high and ready for the press. Another great advantage in the Chal- lenge Type High Gauge will be found in the fact that one end forms a gauge by which the cylinders and bearers of a press can be adjusted accurately. List price Challenge Type High Gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 50 Mills Three-Heights Gauge Gauges accurately standard heights of type (.918-inch), electrotypes (11-points) and zinc (16-gauge). The Mills Three-Heights Gauge can be carried conveniently in the pocket or attached to a chain, thereby constantly having it at your com- mand when required. Newspapers using iron bases require advertisers to furnish unmounted electrotypes and process engravings, which must be of standard . $15 00 height. This Gauge detects inaccuracies which usually cause inferior results in Mills Threjégeights Cha”°"g°T”p"‘High Gauge printing. Price,each...........................................................$150 American Press Seats One of the best evidences that the American Press Seat is a good thing is that some of the largest firms in the country buy it. It fits any press, entails no trouble to attach. and when in place is strong and secure. It fastens to the floor and to the feeder’s platform. It can be adjusted in any direction, swings out of the way or may be taken off‘ en- tirely. When in place it looks like a part of the press. By its use the workmen are more contented, work more steadily and produce more and better work. Prices of American Press Seats Fitted for attachment to the feeder and stand on large cylinder presses . $6 00 For small pony cylinder presses has a heavy standard that attaches to the floor (as these presses do not have feeders’ stands) . . . . . . . . . . . The Matych Plate Cutter The Matych Stereotype Plate Cutter is a machine devised for cutting stereo- type plates. It will cut a plate as easily and as quickly as leads are cut on a lead cutter. It will cut between agate lines without injury to type on either side. Single line pieces cut with this machine can be used as well as larger pieces. Any make of plate can be cut by simply changing the under knife—an operation which takes but a moment. The cutter needs no adjustment whatever, and cannot get out of order. Price of the Matych Plate Cutter Matych Plate Cutter, complete with knives for the American Press Plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 Knives for other plates, extra, each . . . . . . . . . . . 25 When ordering, send small sample of plates used other than those of the American Press. , American l’rcss Seat The Matych Plate Cuttcl 1192 The Counting Machine in the Campaign for Efficiency The Counting Machine is an absolute necessity as a part of the equipment of every job and cylinder press in the oflice. It in- sures the delivery of a full count to the customer which every office intends and desires to give. It is possible by its use to keep a record of the output of each press per day or week, which record contains data of prime importance in figuring your costs per hour or per thousand on the press in question. It helps to keep track of the amount of waste, an important item of expense, the reduc- tion of which makes for efficiency and profits. American Counting Machine This Counter is especially adapted for platen presses. It registers only when the impression is on. There is no strain on the counter or attachment and the movement is positive and easy. When once set the Counter needs no attention. Any number wheel can be set forward or backward without disturbing the others. No ~ screws are used in the entire construction and the parts are so assembled that they cannot get out of order or become disarranged when in use. When ordering give size and make of press. ' 1 '2 List Prices American Counting Machines American Counting Machine for Gordon job press, five wheel . . . $12 00 $1 American Counting Machine for Gordon Press. with lock cover AME‘.R|cAN $1 (including padlockwith two keys) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 , A. . . Coupmnc MACHINE American Counting Machine for cylinder ress five wheel 10 00 AMENCAN "'ATD.>NO'V.lQ609’I. ,, . . . . p ’ . ' ' ' ' ' COUNWNG MACNNE __"EE‘lP.-,VVE1LL."Dq.g_ED ,. American Counting Machine, with lock cover, with two keys . . . 11 00 . KEE*g-\;;gt-o.vas7. .. JobPressAttachmenton1y. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 Amefican Counting Machine with American Counting Machine for Colt’s Armory Presses A'“""i°a“ C‘I’,‘;;‘itr:“go1“f::hi"° with Lock Cover Use the Counter without attachments by fastening counter to feed _ board and connecting operating lever of counter with a leather thong to the throw-off bar of the Dress. The Redington Counter can be attached to a Colt’s Armory Press in the same manner. The Redington Counting Machines The Redington Counting Machine, Model A, is especially designed for cylinder presses, embossing machines, stamping machines, punch presses, or any automatic machine where a correct count is required; the arrangement of the flanges permits attaching the Counter to wall or stand. It is simple in design, made of heavy material and has large wearing surfaces, thus ensuring ,, .«— — ~ V-- ilE§':!.l§ ease of operating life. Counts from 1 to 100, . The Model D Redington Counter is for Chandler & Price Gordon Presses only. It counts only when the impression is taken. It is easily and quickly attached to the presses named of all sizes. No drilling or removing of parts is necessary. Is secure after attaching and in plain view of operator. Guaranteed accurate at high or low speeds. Counts from 1 to 100,000. Will not jump or repeat. Easily and quickly turned back to zero, or set at any number. No key necessary. The Redington Counting Mgine figures are large and can be readily seen at a distance. M°d°l A Dimensions and Net Prices of Redington Counting Machines Mode1A—Size,31/2x2‘/.>x2‘/3inches............. ModelD—Packedinasubstantialbox,complete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 500 The Sheppard Counters The Sheppard Counter is constructed to run for years. As a test of its reliability it may be noted that among its users are included many of the largest manufacturers. The Model A has two rows of wheels in a box with lock, so that it cannot be tampered with. The top row of dial wheels can be set by the press- man after each run. The lower dials are sealed and record the grand total for any period of time-day, week, month or year—and can only be opened by a key used by the person authorized to take the tally. The lower dial has seven wheels allowing a maximum permanent record, ten million impres- sions. This counter counts the actual impressions and can be attached to any press without drilling. It is particularly adapted for use on cylinders, to show the exact product for any period of time. The Model B Sheppard Counter has only The Sheppard counter, Mode] A one set of dials, is suited for Job presses or cylinders and is Redington Counting M,,c,,i,,e_ Mode, D b _ _ Just as durable as model A. It has a lock and key, so cannot 9 tampered with. Fixtures are available for adapting model B to job presses. Prices of Sheppard Counters Sheppard Counter, Model A, double dial . . . . . . . . . $25 00 Sheppard Counter, Model B, in lots of twelve, each . . . . $9 50 eppard Counter, Model A, in lots of six, each . . . . . 24 00 Sheppard Counter Attachments for models A and B, for gpparg gounter, 11:4/[gel A, in lots of twelve, each . . . 23 00 Gordon, Colt’s Armory or Universal Presses . . . . . ppar t 9 1 By I I . . . . . . . ' ' ' ' ' hm... c2:::.::, Modgl B, ?.‘.“1%‘£.Z, Slag”, .... . . . _ , ‘3 $2 In we 3{,z.’::,:*’;; ::,:Whment as Durant Counting Machines The Durant Counting Machines are especially adapted for use on printing presses. They are reliable, strong, durable and attractive. They are so well and strongly made that they invariably give perfect satisfaction. They are made entirely of steel, .. lbunlnr o. -- * Durant Counting Machine, Model A No. 1 Durant Alarm Counter A Durant Counting Machine Model B "ion and brass, and the workmanship is of the very finest. All parts are interchangeable. The dials are of enamel and have large 0 ack figures that can readily be read at a distance. Can be quickly re-set to zero or any number. They are nicely finished, the tovel‘, lever dials, spring, etc., being nickel plated. With each machine a bracket is furnished for convenience in securing it to 8 feed board of the press. The Model B Durant Counter is intended especially for job press work. Every part that carries a strain is made of hardened steel and will permit of a constant speed of over 400 strokes per minute, without the slightest inaccuracy, breakage or appreciable wear, List Prices of Durant Counting Machines DUI‘antANo. 1-4-dial, counts 10,000, each . . . . . . .$ 8 50 Durant Model BCounter, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l0 00 “Pant A No. 2-5-dial, counts 100,000, each . . . . . . . 10 00 Durant Model B Counter, with instantaneous reset . . . . 14 00 “rant A No. 3-6-dial, counts 1,000,000, each . . . . . . 12 00 Durant Model B Counter, with attachment for Gordon U1'antNo.1Alarm Counter, with 4-inch gong to give Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Duralarm at each 100 . . . 13 00 Durant Model B Counter, with Colt’s Armory or Uni- 13 00 ant No. 2 Alarm Counter,-with .4-‘inch gong ‘to. give VeI‘Sa1PI‘€SS Attachment. alarmateach100...................1500 1193 Boston Model Wetter Numbering Machine This Model is made of steel throughout; parts liable to wear are hardened; wheels are equipped with ciphers of improved con- struction and are guaranteed not to get low. Has ‘ roughed ” side plates, hold-down-screw. removable “No.” slides, and can be 0 depended on for wearing qualities and accurate work. Made 3 5 6 in two sizes only; as regularly made all Models number for- ' ward, but can be constructed to number backward on special order, without extra charge. Boston Model No. 1, Five Wheels . . . $6 00 Boston Model No. 2, Six Wheels . . . $7 50 FACSIMILE lMPRESSlON Wetter Baggage Check Numbering Machine This new Model was designed for number- ing baggage checks and other work requiring ! I b old , easily Model No. 40 These are Con" structed along the general lines of all Wetter machines, except that dashes are placed between each two figures, so that the numbers may be easily read. They are 38 operated by a blank plunger preceding the figures. Model 40 is one and a half inches high, which neces- u - 95 Model No. 41 sitates cutting away the bed of the press in order to bring the face of the figures down to type-high. Models 41 and 42 are type—high. These Models are made to order only, and can be furnished with any M"‘l“‘ N"- 43 style figure desired, or with any number of wheels ; can also be made to number backward. Prices and Models of Wetter Baggage Check Numbering Machine Model No. 40, Six Wheels . . . $65 00 Without Dashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $50 00 Model No. 41, Six Wheels . . . 40 00 Without Dashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 00 Model No. 42, Six Wheels . . . 25 00 Without Dashes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 One-Inch-Wide Wetter A new machine, just one inch wide, type—high, and particularly adapted for use on fiat-bed web presses that are designed for rapidly printing and numbering tickets, sales slips, coupons and other work that will not admit of using the regular form of numbering machine. Can also be used on the ordinary Gordon press. In addition, they can be operated at a higher speed than others, are more durable, and have drop- ciphers that will not get low. Old users will appreciate the value of this detail of construction. Models 232 and 233 can be operated on the ordinary job press, printing figures only, if a “frisket” is used for the plunger to print on ; or the same result can be obtained M°d°‘ 232 M0dc1233 when working on a cylinder press by cutting the inking rollers so the plunger will not be inked. 3 5 8 9 0 Or a better plan is to use a sectional form inking roller, which we recommend when working any style of numbering machine on a 6‘Wh9€1a $20 00 5“Wh€€1» $19 00 cylinder press. (We will furnish detail information in regard to this feature on request.) These models can be worked in rows of twelve or fourteen on a 10x15 press —-fornumbering tickets one inch wide—and if the run is large two rows can be used, by having the ma- chines arranged to skip “2” so that when the work is é -------- ~ om: mos wlol? W€‘l'TE.R NUMBERING M IROOKLTN"HKW YURR, U This cut shows twelve machines in a row to print twelve tickets one inch wide. The special steel— finished the numbers Will run consecutively. 01‘ three rows can be used if the machines are arranged to skip 3.” The same rule applies to four rows or to any num- ber of rows up to ten. locking pieces can be made any length to fit any chase, so that machines cannot fall out and do not have to be locked up sidewisc. Another form of frame (twenty-nine inches long) containing tweiity-five machines for special work used on a flat—bed web press When ordering parts for Wetter machines it necessary to give the serial number of the machine (stamped on end of frame Of machine), for all machines numbered hzgher than thirty thousand. For machines numbered under thirty thousand, it necess_a7"?/ to send sample of the broken part wanted, as it cannot be flt7”’)’l‘lSh6d from a sketch, or sirin ply stating the serial number of the macl1/l.7lv€’- Wetter Special Numbering Machine Frames The Wetter frames are made on special Order only. They are suitable for almost any character Of numbering and for use on any fiat-bed printing press’ They are specially designed for using one or more nllm‘ bering machines at one time, to be operated by plungers at each end of each frame. Frames can be made of almost any length, and to properly operate almost any number of machines desired. The frames can be adjusted to any position in the chase, and each numbering machine can be adjust? to any position in the frame that holds it. This permlts of printing figures only. If it is desired to have a character to precede 0” follow the figures, they can be constructed to aCC0m‘ plish this. _ The plungers that operate the mechanism St1'_1ke on the tympan outsirle of the sheet of paper bemg numbered. Or, if the rollers are cut, it will D1'€_Ve”t .. . inking the plungers, which, under certain conditionsv M " “ permits of using frames, accomplishing results tha ~ - ‘ A» otherwise would have to be attained by a d0Ub1e operation. V , Frames can be made with a “lug” on each er1_dv, 50 . .. . .........-......_...»_._._._..«..........>...... ‘’ that the “lug” could extend under the chase, prowding warren nunsenms MACHINE co. ~ the chase is cut out to receive it. Or, the frames can ” '"‘ be made with “lugs” with holes in them, so that they can be screwed to the bed of the press without the use This illustration shows four Wetter frames containing forty machines (to skip “4”> of a chase. The price depends on the quantity order locked in a 10x15 chase, ready for printing. at one time_ .5 -{_. :1 GKNBSBB‘ :.’\\~‘. ’.’.’~n‘\;: ‘ I —? 2})$_l n The American Type Founders Company is in a position to hustle your orders for Numbering Machines both intelligently and promptly at prices which are right. It invites correspondence on this sub,]ect as well as on all other printing trade matter. 1194 Mammoth Wetter _ % /l§’*..Tx1,g;g_,_y /.»;‘_§ ,',/ . ‘ V ‘ V ‘T E ,‘l H \ L.4L.;4_;» \._AL.4_‘4.. These machines are used for all purposes where large figures (one-quarter inch high and over) are required for numbering bag- gage checks, bicycle checks, or other work that requires larger figures than can be furnished with a type-high machine. These machines are made with a “ blank” plunger at side, unless other- wise ordered. These models are all more than type-high. Bed of press must be cut out or platen adjusted, so that ma- -:_——__ chine can be lowered to bring the face of figures to height of type. =“"'_ The plunger is of special shape, and so adapted that the ma- c h i n e can Order by Model Number be W01'ke,d i n any posi- tion in the _. ¢ Q ‘ « - 1 7:.’/L" ‘V %L..€' -4 TM? l:Il nlluglz -3 —5._? 33 5 9 form. 2° E 5; Style of Figures E T h e S e Z 3:” models can _ » I be made on special order-with letters to spell out the figures in English, _ ‘ Spanish, French, etc.-~under or over each figure. Can also be made so that 210 :1 1 11/2 $5_33 00 figures are enclosed within parentheses thus: (36589). Other combinations 1 or styles of figurtes can be made to produce almost any result desired-and to ! /2 prevent counter eiting. l 1 ) ' ' 211 7 , N 1,/ 65 00 . The Midget Wetter 204 3 A 11/") V 54 00 Is made entirely of steel and 3‘ 11) J ' 7 P4 4 } 11: 35 00 is the smallest type-high num- 43 5 , , 1 /. . 56 00 . . 205 6 I ‘ 11/_, 1 60 00 bering machine made by any manufacturer in the world- for immediate delivery. De- signed to meet the demand for a small machine with figures large enough for ordinary commercial uses, and which can be depended upon for accurate work. Model 115 Model 116 The Midget has an attachment for printing 3 2 3 5 6 1 2 8 7 :;11g7inOé'1Ei3t?l110r;1nbtE:3}I1‘23?:)1I¥m1lumber of times, without The “No.” slide preceding figures can be re- 5 Wheel, $18 00 6 Wheel, $20 00 moved without taking machine from the form. _ The Midget Wetter Size 11-16x1"{, inches Special Model Wetter Designed for special work requiring spelling above or below the figures; made only with large figures, 5-16 inch high, or larger. The height of the machine is determined by the style of figures selected—necessarily higher than type, necessitating cutting out the bed of the press in order to bring the faces of the figures to type-high. _ Can be made with the ciphers to depress so that one or more figures print as desired; thus (1) or (99999), each number printed being enclosed within sliding parentheses. Or, they can be constructed without depressible ciphers, so that five figures would always print; the parentheses being rigidly fixed at each end of the line of figures, thus when printing 1 it would appear (00001), or, when three figures are being printed the lmbression would appear (00999); or, when five figures are printed, thus (99999); the parentheses always remaining in one position. \ . . .. .... ’ TRES CINCO UFHO SEIS CERO This illustration shows a section of a frame containing ten 5-wheel machines, which was designed to work on a 14x20 inch Gordon Press, and shows model 57 figures, with Spanish spelling above each figure. This model can be made in gangs—say ten machines in one frame, operated by plungers at each end of the frame--for use on the regular platen or flat bed perfecting presses ; or, can Model 57 l“lK‘ul‘cs be made for special designed fast running rotary web presses. Can be made to number either _ _ forward or backward; but a machine constructed to number forward will not number backward. Can be made with or without Darentheses to enclose the figures. Parentheses can be either rigidly fixed at each end of the line of figures, or made so that they Slide, enclosing either one, two, three, four or five figures thus: (1), (11), (111), (1111), (11111)._ _ _ The machines can be made to skip numbers, to print one number fifty times or one hundred times, and many other combinations. State your needs, and a machine can be made to meet your requirements. _ _ _ The nature of the work for which these machines are used oftentimes requires five (5) of these figures to be printed in ‘a small Space, and in very many instances they are printed in a row of ten, each set of figures close together. In order to accomplish this the machines must be made in a frame to hold the ten machines, and with the operating plungers (one at each end of the frame) that Drint on the “tympan ” outside of the sheet of paper being printed. _ _ _ _ _ ' _ _ As the conditions and the style of press on which the machines are worked are so varied, it is necessary when making inquiries In regard to this special machine to give particulars; that is, the style of press on which the. machine is to be worked ; the size of the bed of the press; the c:va(-t size of the full size sheet of paper, and a pencil diagram showing the different sections on which the numbers are to be placed; and the exact location of each number on eat-I_L of these SDaC_€S- _ _ _ Also the way in which the rollers cross the form, whether parallel with the line of figures or at right angles to the line of figures; and also state the ‘gripper ” edge of the sheet. - h h , ii:l.°:‘i:l.2;;:5;its2.p.:::i;.S.li:e.lV:9;.%s:.fr mm m min six cm or to the top of the chase. _ This model is also made for use on special de- signed fast running curved bed rotary presses. _ THREE FlVE EIGHT SIX CIPHER The machines are operated by shaft connecting Mode] 25 Ivigureg all (no plunger being necessary) and the lever and Mode] 35 F,-,w,.,.S_ ' l . cam roll can be made to suit the press mechanism. If the proper specifications accompany the inquiry, information can be furnished promptly. As the style of figures vary, we show herewith some of the regular styles that can be furnished promptly- 1195 Wetter Type-High Numbering Machines The Standard Model Can be locked in the form, the same as type, by itself, or surrounded by type to number and print at one impression, as all the figures can be properly inked; and is the only machine that can be successfully used on either a cylinder or job press. Each impression of the press automatically changes the numbers. The Wetter is operated by plunger containing the word “No.” to precede the figure. This “No.” slide is removable without taking the form from the press, and any other character, such as “A," “B,” asterisk, or a small black star ‘k, etc., can be inserted in its place in a moment. With each machine we furnish a “blank” slide to use in place of the w 0 r d ‘ ‘ N 0.” Some of the Standard Models. Order by Model Number when working . 1. . ” ‘ 7 — the machine on ..»m.....» WETTER N PA 7' .y . ‘Q. ._ ‘ . .v Model « Nugi-her SW19 of Figures price a Job prelss’ and Wetter Model 125 Actual size %;x1!»é inches; consecutively numbers wheels from 1 up to 99999. Prints figures like this impression 237 3 $ 800 have only the O 186 4 ’ T 9 00 figures 1’“.’.‘t by 0 125 5 P 0 ‘ 10 00 E53,? 3 fns‘ FACSIMILE IMPRESSION gig £57 7 ' 0 — if; 33 6 ‘TH E SIDE, Model 125—5 Wheel, List price . . . . . . . . . $10 00 * . _ L A T E s a r e 188 3 , 8 00 “roughed” or ‘,‘knu.rled” in place of being smooth, ‘highly polished or 182 4 7 9 00 damaskeened, ’ which prevents theflmachine from riding-up” or falling 130 5 N 0 1 2 3 4 5 10 00 out of the form. Doesn’_t have to be locked up” so tightly. 131 6 7 0 7 12 00 THE DROP-CIPHER is of new construction, and is the only one that can 132 7 16 00 be guaranteed not to get low, even under very hard usage—the life of a machine depends on this detail of construction. 242 3 7 10 00 AHDISTINCT AD\_'A_NTAGE. _Each machine is_equipped with a “hold- 187 4 7 12 00 down screw for _rigidly holding the plunger inoperative, so that any 147 5 l O 1 2 3 5 6 7 14 00 number may be printed a definite number of times. _ 148 6 g 16 00 THE PI:U-NGER is lower than others, permitting work on any cylinder 149 7 ‘ 18 00 press, and it is not necessary to remove the plunger at any time. Plunger , 6 Z is so arranged that the No.” slide can be removed without taking the 239 4 4 22 50 machine from the form, and a letter or character of any kind inserted to 138 5 , 25 00 precede the figures. . 139 6 28 00 THE SHAHT can be easily removed when making changes from con- 140 7 ' 32 00 secutive to skipping. Not necessary to remove plunger to do this. . , ENGRAVING. The wheels are made of hard steel; the faces of all figures 191 3 ‘ 24 00 are perfectly flat, and the figures are cut deep, insuring a clear impression. 144 4 » 25 50 THE WETTER is constructed of the best materials; parts are hardened 145 5 1 2 5 27 00 where necessary; workmanship is the best possible to produce. 146 6 30 00 _ THE CIPHERS on all models can be depressed so that the first impres- 241 7 7 33 00 sion would appear thus: N o. 1, the figures and ciphers coming to the 7 plane of print automatically when required. Or, if it is desired to print 82 3 ciphers to precede the number being printed, do not depress the ciphers, 83 4 ‘ ' ' ' and the first impression will appear thus: N 0. 00001. 84 5 1 8 3 9 7 4 All models have a drop-cipher on wheel next to p1unger—the only 85 6 19 00 machine having this feature. , As regularly made, all models number forward, advancing consecu- 86 3 tively_ from one (1) up. The five-wheel machines are entirely automatic. 244 4 7 ' ' ' The six-wheel machines are automatic for five Wheels only, and the sixth 156 5 27'“ wheel must be turned by hand as required. 157 6 7 30 00 Machines that number backward do not automatically depress the drop- . , . cipher; they must be depressed by hand. _ 73 3 ny model can be made, on special order, at an extra charge, to dupli- 74 4 ‘ ' ' ‘ cate, triplicate, quadruplicate, sextuplicate, etc. 75 5 ' _ Machines can_ also be made to print each number a certain number of 76 6 - 30 00 times, that is, print each number ten times, twenty times, thirty times. . , , .0 4 , etc.,Ta;1nd theéi advance }to the nkext ggher fiumberi d ed h 7 e com inationst at can e m ewit specia esign mac ines ar_e 3 5(1) 3; 5(1) :23 igpgzé . 33 so varied that it is oftentimes possible to combine twenty or thirty combi- D , nations in one machine by simply changing ratchets that are furnished with O 7 each machine. _ 7 If your wants arFe fully stated a machine can be furnished to meet our r uirements. or numberin checks with stubs, an number to 8 3 10(1) :0 10(1) am; repel‘: 33 gage, ggkipping” unit wheels aregnecessary; these are insterchangeable 263 j 2 1 to O0 and repeat ‘ 12 00 with the consecutive unit wheels furnished with each machine, and can 264 2 00 t3 1 and repeat 0 12 00 be adjusted to machine by any printer. We will send a little pamphlet g . . - , an. Ifepflfa . telling all about them on request. Any Model Wetter Numbering A if P P P ' "W . 0 0 ’ ' Machine can be made on special order to number backward at same list All models hsted above are type'hl9h- price as regular models that number forward Skipping Wheels (to skip any one numberonly from two to nine), each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Letter Slides to take place of the “No.” Slide (one letter), each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 LetterWheels,each.......................... 150 The Better Wetter (Plungerless) - For use with or without type on printing presses. It is the only typographic 0 7 0 numberer that prints nothing but the figures, without “No.,” a period, or any other ' /4' Q. , __‘ L '_? _‘ prefix or suffix intended to act as a plunger or to prevent the printed sheet from being .3 = "-‘ W4 smeared by the revolving figures. 7»; ‘ ' “L- 3 ll‘ ~ 1' The pressure of the platen or cylinder on the figures operates the mechanism, ; ¢ 6 . ':' which changes the numbers, and also brings into action ingenious bearers which , rE‘§W‘"" ’ f »_.» rise automatically and hold the printed sheet off the figures while they are changing. 7. - ._,_,,,_L,‘,,GE,,£5‘$r. . These bearers do not print on or indent the paper. _ *'t~i‘:o“~o”v. /o‘ r9'63"5~ ’ " 7 The Better Wetter is made of the best materials throughout, and all parts are . WfTT[I?~Nl,_/M85}?/N76 /'/AC///Ni hardened where necessary, insuring great durability, perfect accuracy, and long life. .__._.N£w YORIf.U.$.A. .. .. Order by Model Number The Bettr Wetter (Plunger-less) I . 7. 7 7 7 7 ' ’ 7‘ j.'“"” ’“""”"’ Model Nwlkllléilllsof Style of Figures Price Model ; Ngvwlggisof 7 Style of Figures Ifsggetg Price 386 ° 4 P be 13/, $19 00 387 4 i P13/4 ‘ $19 50 325 7 5 11%; 20 00 347 5 113/16 4 21% 326 6 11-7 23 00 348 6 ‘ 115/ E 24 327 7 21,/1.1;“ 26 00 349 7 I 21/36 7 27 00 382 E 4 11 3/1.; 19 00 446 3 13/4 19 00 330 A 5 6 7 8 9 0 11%; 20 00 447 4 1 2 3 4 5 11%.; i 2000 331 ' 6 21/1 is 23 00 365 5 ‘ 2.1//16 22 00 332 4 7 2%“ 26 00 366 6 7 l 2-*/in 6 25 00 All 'machincs on {Iris list. are type-Izigh, and are one and one t}i.irty-second inclies wide, the length i~ar;z/ing according to style offigure selected- 1196 Special Numbering Machines Designed for fast—running presses with curved bed, for rapidly numbering tickets, sales slips, coupons and other work that will not admit of using the regular form of numbering machine. One or more are operated by one shaft connecting all; are made to order with or without drop-ciphers, and to number either forward or backward. These Special Machines can be constructed to make any combinations desired; to duplicate, triplicate or skip numbers; print each number any number of times; to print up to almost any given number and repeat, etc. hen writing explain fully what you are called upon to produce; give combination of numbering; size of full size sheet; the size of each section of sheet to be numbered, and the exact position where num- bers are to be printed on each section; also give name of press on which they are to be used, and if for special designed presses, we should have a blue print or sketch, with dimensions, showing where the numbering head can be placed and what connection to operate them. American Numbering Machines The American Numbering Machine No. 30 is a new model, designed to be locked in a form, the same as type, either with or without type matter. Machines of this character are used with entire success on both cylinder and platen presses. The printing face of the figures is exactly type- . high and as the impact of the press takes place the plunger is depressed and the suc- _ ceeding number is brought into printing position, ready for inking. It is made en- tirely of steel, including the cases. The plungers are made of bar steel and constructed in one piece. All machines are fitted with steel wheels and are engraved with figures as shown in illustration. Drop-ciphers are con- structed of tool steel Impression of Figures Model 60 a n d a r e guaranteed. All parts are quickly released and machines are easily re-assembled in one-half minute. Skipping . unit wheels are furnished, skipping automatically any I number desired from one to ten, interchangeable with * regular consecutive unit wheels. Model No. 30 is 11%-2 ‘ inch in length by % inch in width and numbers for- ward. Price, American Model No. 30, five wheels, $5.00. American Model No. 31, six wheels, $6.00. Roberts Numbering Machines The Roberts New Model No. 27A Numbering Machine is generally used by printers for ordinary job work. It is constructed to be used with any press made to print from 0 type, and meets the requirements of any ordinary printing N. 1 2 3 4 5 establishment perfectly. Itis type-high and is locked in the Impression of Figures American Numbering Machine Roberts Numbering Machine Model 27 A chase with the form like a small cut. It can be used separ- ately or wholly surrounded with type matter. As an im- _ “ pression is made, the impact of the platen of the press actuates the prefix-slide No.” and a figure disc is advanced automatically in consecutive order from 1 to 99,999. Machines are 2}‘1so.furnished which number backwards, so as to avoid turning the sheets. For numbering checks, orders, strip tickets, etc.. skipping wheels are necessary. These_ skip automatically any number from to 10 and are interchangeable with regular consec- utive unit wheels. The No. 27A Numbering Machine is operated by a steel spring of great power and unusual elasticity, insuring correct numbering without the neccessity of constantly watching the sheets. The machine may be taken apart in an instant for cleansing and is as quickly re-assembled. Price, Roberts Numbering machine No. 27A, $10.00. Model N o. 28A, six wheels, $12.00. Bates Hand Numbering Machines The Bates Hand Numbering Machines represent the result of many years’ experience in the manufacture of numbering machines. They will number consecutively, will duplicate each number before passing to the next, or will repeat the same number as often as may be desired. These three different movements are attained by simply mov- . ing the pointer on the dial. This operation takes but a moment, and does not soil the hands. Any color of ink may be used and the pad recharged or a new one substituted very quickly. When the machine is not in use the figures rest on the ink pad, and are therefore always ready to make a perfect impression at once. The machine automatically inks itself after each impression. All the printing is done from solid steel type. The impressions are as true as those from a die. As there are no ratchet wheels between the figure dies, there is no lost or irregular spacing between the figures. The symmetrical printing of the Bates stamp with the perfect alignment are salient features. The Bates seven movement machine has the same frame and style as the three move- ment, except for the dial and the additional movement necessary in a seven movement machine. It numbers consecutive, duplicate, triplicate, quadruplicate, sextuplicate, twelve times and repeats. Prices of Bates Hand Numbering Machines 4 wheels, numbering to 9,999 . . $12 00 Seven movement, 4 wheels . . . $12 00 5 wheels, numbering to 99,999 . 14 00 Seven movement, 5 wheels . . 14 00 6 wheels, numbering to 999,999 . . 16 00 Seven movement, 6 wheels . 16 00 7 wheels, numbering to 9,999,999 . 18 00 Seven movement, 7 wheels . 18 00 Prices and information on other makes will be given on application. Price List of Numbering Machine Inks and Pads Bates Ink, No. 0, 1/4 ounce . . $0 20 Bates Ink, No. 1, 1/.> ounce . . . . $0 25 Atlas Hand Numbering Bates Hand Numbex'ing' Bates Ink, No. 2, 1 ounce . . . 40 Bates Ink in 1/.2-pound cans, any color 1 60 Machine Machine BatesPads,each..... 10 Atlas Hand Numbering Machine The Atlas Hand Numbering Machine is made in one style only. It is self inking, automatic in its action, and the dial changes to consecutive, duplicate and repeating. All the working parts are of steel with bronze wheels. Price, Atlas Hand Numbering Machine, with6wheels........................$350 Numbering Machine Ink The American Type Founders C o m p a n y handles a complete line of the best Numbering Machine Ink on the market. Our extended experience in selling inks for numbering Roberts Hand Numbering Machines The “regular” Model 49A is a six wheel machine with style H figures, and is usually sent, unless otherwise ordered. Each ma chine is mechanically perfect before it leaves the factory, and is as a ccu rate in all its working parts as a watch. A smaller figure, style A, can be furnished in six wheels, or a larger figure, style G, in five wheels. Prices of Roberts Hand Numbering Machines machines has given us an advantage in being able to recommend the right inks. Write for prices on larger quanti- ties than quoted below. Color, Size and Price of Numbering Machine Inks Model 49A, Style H, with 6 wheels . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 The machine with Style H figures can be furnished to Blue, Red and Black Ink, 1,/4 oz. bottle, $0 20 order to number consecutive, triplicate and repeat, Blue, Red and Black Ink, 1/.» oz. bottle, 25 ' or consecutive, quadruplicate and repeat. Price . . 6 00 Blue, Red and Black Ink, 1 oz. bottle, 40 Roberts Hand Numbering Model 49A, Style G, with 5 wheels . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Blue, Red and Black Ink, 8 oz. cans, l 60 Ma°hi"e' M°d"' 49A Model 49A, Style A, with 6 wheels . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 Felt Pads (without boxes) for above, 10 1197 Rouse Universal Block System The Rouse Universal Block System is a very simple and quick scheme for mounting plates. The blocks have many advantages, the principal one being the great speed which is made possible in make-up; varying sizes of pages have been actually assembled ready to lock up in from fifteen to fifty seconds, or at the rate of sixteen pages in from five to twenty minutes. The Univer- sal Block permits the work to be done on the stone, or on the press in running. One can clamp or release plates by this system at least three times as fast as on a grooved bed. It is adapted for fine regis- ter or ordinary black work. The hooks and catches can be placed where desired, as they are in separate units. Each set or font is com- plete in itself, so there is no occasion for sort- ing up. The Universal Hooks are extremely rapid, yet capable of fine ad- justment for register work. They are simple and very strong in con- struction. The jaw is operated by a ratchet for clamping or releas- ingplates. Thecatches are of brass and cannot Universal Block in Case With Sliding Cover Removed. D Osslbly Work up 0_n the press. A margin is allowed of three-eighths of an inch between plates. The bases are of iron. Point system. With a single set or font, eight pages can be made up into one hundred and sixty different sizes, ranging from seventeen by twenty-five up to and including thirty—five by fifty-one ems pica and a less number of larger pages into an endless variety of shapes and sizes, all with a variation of two picas in width or length, or in both ‘= width and length. \ V The up-to-date printer should always . _ R" be familiar with all the latest ideas in E ““““‘\“ Universal Hook AL patent blocks_ The American Type Founders Company handles the very best and most extensive lines on the market, and at all times is prepared to demonstrate their value. The printer who desires to economize time and money and to place his business on a well paying basis’ Universal Hook AR should from the very outset acquire the Universal Block, 25x55 ems. 35 seconds from case to page proper facilities for conducting his busi- ness on the most economical basis. The Rouse Universal Block System is one of the very best schemes known for mounting plates, in fact it goes a great way towards solving the block system. The method embraces a wide range of sizes, sufficient to meet all eventualities and always effects a great saving in making ready- Prices of Rouse Universal Block System Price per Set including Steel ratchet and dust-proof case . . $55 00 Universal Register Hook, 8x16 ems . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Universal Hook BR Climax Register Hooks A perfect plate mcunting and registering system must possess certain essential features, such as an unyielding and perfectly even base: absolute c0I1tr0l Of the plates; speed in clamping and releasing plates; rapidity and exactness in make-up; narrow margins; rigid support for the entire plate; strength and durability Without unnecessary weight and ability to make up forms on the stone or press. To secure the perfectly even base, cast iron has been used, as it is stronger and more rigid than any known alloy. A per- fect register is best secured by absolute and individual control of the plate. To do this there is only one way, by means of register hooks. Speed is essential. By means of the register hooks and bases great rapidity has been attained. Narrow margins effect a saving in paper. The Climax Register Hooks permit much narrower margins than any other way. The iron bases provide a rigid plate at all points. For strength and durability the hollow iron bases form an almost ideal Climax Hook NO_ 1 base, being light and indestructible. The system of mounting plate greatly reduces the waiting time of the presses, as with register hooks and bases one can make ,_ ,_ p. , . up forms on the stone 03 on fthle pgess. They . . Rouse Bases are ma e o t e est gray iron, accurately machined to the point system. _ Climax “°,‘,‘,',";,‘,°,,’,,,‘,‘,§’fi;f’,,*},,‘§‘,”,“‘““"" for are light, yet strong and rigid. They are comprised in a unit system composed of eight by eight em units, each unit being occupied by either a unit base or a hook and its justifiers. A unit may be lifted and a hook with its justifiers substituted. he body of the Climax Register Hook is made of hard drawn brass and a threaded steel bushing which can be replaced in case of wear is inserted in the rear wall. This permits a finer thread and thus a finer adjustment is insured. The jaw is made of steel the full width of the body. This prevents the jaw destroying the register. The head of the screw is let into the back of the wall and forms an effectual shield to prevent scratching or burring. The recess in the back of the jaw permits the narrow margin of eight points. The screw is of hardened steel and is keyed to the jaw, thus forming a two-piece hook, the very essence of strength and simplicity and the easiest possible hook to clean. The jaw has a movement of about sixteen points. , R No 2 The Climax Register Hooks are made in two sizes: No. 1, four by six ems, is especially adapted for very Chm” H00 ', small plates with extremely narrow margins, such as post cards. N o. 2, six by six ems, has been designed for all narrow ma1'8'1"5' ‘___—-K » Prices of the Climax Register Hooks No.1,4x6ems. . $085 No.2,6x6ems. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $090 The Rouse Register Hooks The Rouse Register Hook is operated with a pin only. The jaw has a movement of nearly four piC?5' which in addition to its unequaled speed makes this hook unexcelled for register work for which it is prm‘ cipally intended. Made in two sizes. Minimum margin sixteen points. Prices of the Rouse Register Hooks Rouse Register Hook N o. 0, Rouse Register Hook, 4x4 ems . . . . . $0 70 N 0. 1, Rouse Register Hook, 6x4 ems . . . . . $0 70 1198 Suddard Block System. There are certain essentials which should be embodied in every patent block, namely, ease of make-up, unlimited range of possibilities in the size and shape of plates which the block will handle, absolute accuracy and strength which means rigid, un- .. .. yielding impressions, and a lock—up which can be accomplished without resorting to the use of “Dutchmen” or slips of paper between the blocks in order to get the form to lift. The hooks should be of the right size and construction to insure ease of handling and at the same time permit them to be placed at any point of the page de- sired. This latter feature is found especially de- sirable where soldered plates are used, as the hook can then be placed to hold the plate at the solder- ing line, thus, even though the plate cracks in the run, it will still be held down in position and will print just as well as though the plate were in one solid piece as when originally put on the press. ‘ Any practical printer will agree that the points men- tioned above are important ones, and will want them incorporated in the block he desires to buy. A descrip- tion of the Suddard Block System follows: This system is made up in pages and multiples thereof. Each page consists of parts as shown in illustration N o. 1. The largest size plate which one page will accommodate is thirty-seven by fifty-two . - . . picas. The outside measure of the page is thirty-nine Cut No. 1. Shows page 39x55 picas outside. Three hooks and three brass catches to page. For by fifty'fiVe DiC3S- The pages are made up Of 3- Com‘ book or catalogue work. bination of castiron sections rangingin size from six- teen by twenty-four down to one by eight ems and have been so selected that it is possible with this system to handle any size page from seven by eleven picas up to the full size of a single page of the block, or larger, by the addition of more sections. Around two sides of the block the sections are made with a shoulder which permits the use of a ratchet to operate when ratchet hooks , .. . . .. .. are used. The shoulder which is made on these blocks will be found to save considerable time in the making up of book pages. The hooks used with the Suddard Block System are made either with a steel ratchet wheel or with a slotted wheel which is actuated by a pin wrench, a more accurate and positive method of moving the clutch-especially desirable on register work. The hooks are made eight by nine ems in size. The top surface of the hook is eight by eight ems. The one em additional is for the gutter. With standard sets of blocks the ratchet hook is furnished. On order, how- ever, the register hook will be supplied instead of same, without extra cost; or where both styles of hooks are needed, the extra part will be furnished so the hook can “<;:":. ! Cut No. 2. Page 25x41 picas. Made up with only nine simple pieces. CutNo_ 4_ Hooks are be used on either class of _ _ _ made of iron and steel, This is ,‘f,‘;‘,,{‘,‘,‘,’,; 2;, ,.eg33_ work at the price of twenty-five cents each. The construction of the hook is cast. iron. Illustration shows one ter work, with The hooks are durable and accurate and it will be found that they will lock better in the f0? 1300*‘ W°1‘k ‘Pith accurate pin—actuating form as they are of cast iron, same as the other sections. The principal advantages of "‘“c°1’1‘:r';'f.‘r’l"1(;’f'°l‘ clutch the Suddard Block System are briefly given as follows: Make up to any size of page. plfltef Narrow margins where necessary, down to three-eighths inch. Wide bearing on clutches and hooks to prevent digging into plates. Point system, So type may be used in form. Absolutely accurate, rigid and unyielding; reduce make-ready time and hold up under heaviest forms. Quick change of plates on book work. Hair-line register on color Work. Quick make-up, because of simplicity and few pieces. Hook and catches can be placed abso- ; lutely any place desired on page, a big advantage where soldered plates are used. Our patented ‘ hooks (same as we use on our other styles of blocks) cannot work loose. They stay where they ‘ are put. No grooves to injure underlays. Indestructible—because made of iron and steel. On illustrated work especially, it is admittedly advisable to mount plates on a solid, unyielding surface. No shrinking or warping occurs and thus accidents are less liable to happen than When wooden blocks are used. Sometimes in the past, where sectional blocks were used on book work, it was the custom to fill in the space with low slugs. This entailed the loss of con- siderable time and was unsatisfactory at best. Very often these low slugs would work up dur- ing the run, causing offsets. Occasionally they got out into the forms, smashing plates and doing considerable damage. As a time and labor saver the Suddard Block System not only avoids » — ‘ * all these contingencies, but cuts down the time on the make-ready from one-quarter to one- Cut No. 3. Tliisisa neal,nractical,small half, and reduces the number of overlays and underlays necessary. Page- 3'“ °“‘S‘de' 13*” p'°“s Price List of Suddard Blocks Equipped with patent narrow margin hooks, travels five picas, standard block height. All on the point system. Pricepersetof8pages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5500 Pricepersetof32-pages. . .. ....$21500 Price per set of 16 pages. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10900 Dust-proof casestoho1d8pages, each. . . . . 100 Each page is made up of all the parts as listed below, consisting of thirty-nine pieces to make up one Suddard Block. Blocks take plates within two ems of their size and also seven picas smaller and reduce regularly by two ems. Each Page Price Each Each Page Pm“? Each Contains Piece Contains _ Egelcgl Three 8x9 Narrow Margin Hooks, cast iron, with gutters .$090 Three 8x8 Cast Iron Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5 f One 9x9 Cast Iron Corner Section, with gutter . . . . . 13 Four 4x8 Cast Iron _Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 3 Five 8x9 Cast Iron Sections. with gutters . . . . . . . . 12 Three 2x8 Steel Sections _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 Two 4x9 Cast Iron Sections, with gutters . . . . . . . . 12 One 4x6 Cast Iron Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 08 Two 2x9 Steel Sections, with gutter . . . . . . . . . 06 One 2x6 Steel Section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 031 One 16x24CastIronSection. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 One 1x8SideSlugSteel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (1)5/2 Three 8x16 Cast Iron Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Three 1/.>x12 Brass Catches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1/ Two 4x16 Cast Iron Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Two 2x4 Steel Sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 04/u Two 2x16 Steel Sections . . . . 09 Individual parts may be ordered extra at the above prices. One ratchet supplied with each set, of either eight, sixteen or thirty-two pages. Three hooks and three brass catches figurcladf to each page. All nine-em pieces are grooved with gutter for ratchet. The ratchet wheel may be changed to pin-actuated whee or register work without extra charge, when desired, or sold extra at twenty-five cents each. Largest block thirty-nine _by fifty-five Dicas outside, largest plate thirty-seven by fifty-two picas outside. Smallest block th1rteen_by seventeen picas outside, smallest Dlate seven by eleven picas outside. Thirty-nine by fifty-five picas is the largest block of which eight, sixteen or thirty-two pages may be made with regular sets. Any size of page may be made by additional pieces, or a smaller number of large pages can be made. For example, with a set of thirty-two blocks, sixteen pages can be made up to fifty-five by seventy-eight picas. For further information regarding Patent Blocks write for Catalogue. Steel Keys for Register Hooks These Register Hook Keys are highly polished, _each four inches long, one end — , ....Q.5.:._.:._.Am._.‘.‘.t¢.”.. co to actuate Register Hooks the other for lifting sections. Register Hook Keys, each. . . $0 20 Two-inch single end flat keys, each . . $0 05 Steel Key for Register Hook 1199 Wilson Adjustable Patent Blocks In the Wilson Adjustable Patent Block an effort has been made to meet the varied requirements of the printer, that is, to sup- ply a block to take practically every size page, and all classes of work, and to do all this quicker and better than with existing appliances. The Wilson block is made up of pieces, some of which are complete blocks in themselves, others are extensions used in the making up of complete blocks in the various standard or odd sizes desired. The pieces are arranged in sets or fonts, suggested by extensive experience. These sets are in two styles,'“A” and ‘ B.” These two styles combined are generally used. Standard sets are made up in four, eight, sixteen or thirty-two of such pages, and are placed in special cabinets made to hold and protect them from loss or damage. The range of sizes possible with the Wilson Adjustable Patent Block is very large, running from two and one-half by three and one-eighth to thirteen and three-eighths by sixteen inches. With set “A”forty different sizes may be obtained, and with sets “A” and ‘ ‘B” combined eighty-two. All pieces are made with a view to having the least possible weight: they weigh one-third that of type,and from twenty- _ _ _ _ five per cent to fifty per cent less than the average solid block, thus insuring light forms, and at the same time good rigid impressions. The hooks are patented, narrow margin ones. very quick to_ operate, _and made from steel. They will not break under severe strain, cannot work up in the form, and give the smallest possible margin. All parts of the Wilson Blocks are finished to micrometer measurements, the standard used being the point system, so type may be used in the same form if desired. All parts are interchangeable, and absolutely the same in height. These are the only blocks made with interchangeable ends and side catches, so that they will fit on the key-block or extensions as required. The arrangement of the blocks is so simple that the make-up in the composing room is reduced to a minimum. Any job oflice will find these blocks _of exceptional_value, as they are adapted for all kinds of job work where electrotype plates are used. They save the cost of mounting, as well as in many other ways, and cost less per inch than any iron or steel blocks on the market. The Wilson Patent Solid Iron Blocks Showing a long narrow page made with Wilson Blocks The Wilson Patent Solid Iron Blocks are made to take the standard book sizes without the use of extensions. They are supplied with paten- ted narrow margin steel hooks, have extension brass catches, and are made as light as is consistent with strength. Extensions may be used with them when desired, making it possible to obtain practically any size page desired. Iron blocks are furnished with two side and one end hooks, except the three large sizes. These are supplied with three side and two end hooks. All the hooks have patented narrow margin steel clutches. The price is no more than that of the old style stereotype blocks, while the possibilities and value of the new style far exceeds the old. Prices of Wilson Patent and Iron Blocks Owing to the great diversity in sizes and parts of the Wilson Patent Wilson Solid Block with Adjustable Brass Catches Adjustable and Iron Blocks we are u_nable_to give the price list in full. If however you will kindly state your requirements, we shall be pleased to send.you full details _with prices. There is nothing required of blocks of this nature which cannot be covered by the Wilson Patent Ad,]ustable Blocks in some one of the various combinations of which they are capable. Rouse Unit System Bases In the Unit system the entire form is made up of 8x8 em units, each unit of space being occupied by a unit base or a hook with its justifiers. The Rouse Unit System Bases are made of cast iron and are ac- curately ma- . chined to the point system. They are as light as is con- sistent with the work de- sired of them and are practically indestructible. In presenting an even, un- broken and unyielding surface to the plate, they greatly reduce the time required for make-ready as well as increase the life of the plates. Rouse Unit Base, 8x8 ems. Listprice..... .. ....$020 Rouse Iron Bases Challenge Cast Iron Sectional Blocks These Blocks are made in a greater variety of sizes than the steel ones. They are as light as consistent with strength and are thoroughly braced and ribbed. Being finished_on the point system, and to micrometer measurements, they will work perfectly on the same form with steel and metal sections. 24x32 ems, each . . . . . $1 50 6x16 ems, each . . . . . $0 30 16x32 ems, each . . . . . 1 00 6x 8 ems, each . . . . . 18 16x24 ems,each . . . . . 85 6x 6 ems, each . . . . . 15 16x16 ems, each . . . . . 60 4x24 ems, each . . . . . 40 8x32 ems, each . . . . . 80 4x16 ems, each . . . . . 25 8x24 ems, each . . . . . 60 4x 8 ems, each . . . . . 15 8x16 ems, each . . . . . 35 4x 6 ems, each . . . . . 15 8x 8 ems, each . . . . . 20 4x 4 ems, each . . . . . 10 6x24 ems, each . . . . . 40 Challenge Metal Sectional Blocks Metal Sectional Blocks are made from extra hard metal. cored on their under side to lighten them. They are sufficiently heavy for the finest impressions of halftone or heavy tint plate- Being made on the point system, they are accurate and reliable at a low price. They hold the plates securely, save consider- able time in the make-ready and are as easy to make as metal furniture. With proper care they will last indefinitely. Sizes 16x16, 8x16, 8x8, 4x8, 2x8, 2x6, 2x4, 1x8, 1x6 and 1x4 ems.Perpound............ .5025 Mahogany sections, 8 ems square, each . . . . . . . . 10 Challenge Steel Sectional Blocks Steel blocks combine in the highest degree accuracy» rigidity, strength, durability, lightness and convenience. They are micro-ground, Without grooves, and thus form a faultless base. Their value in ease of assembling, their general adapt3' bility and the saving of time effected by their use in make’ ready, cause them to be indispensable in the modern printing office. They are constructed on the point system, and they are in every way qualified to fill any of the requirements of the printing office where blocks of such a nature are necessary- 8x8 ems, each. $0 18 2x8 ems, each, $0 09 2x6 ems, each, $0 08 Wesel Brass Sectional Blocks On Small Plates For very fine adjustments these Brass Blocks are used- They are made of solid brass, micro-ground. 1x16 ems, each . . . . . $0 09 1x6 ems, each . . . . . $0 0” l/2x16 ems, each . . . . . 07 l/..>x6 ems, each . . . . . 04 1x 8 ems, each . . . . 07 1x4 ems, each . . . . . 03 l/zx 8 ems, each . . . . . 05 l/.>x4 ems, each . . . . . 02 Prices quoted on Sectiomtl Bloc/cs are subject to Liberal discounts. Rabbeted Bases For Use with Combination Register Hooks Seven em Rabbeted Bases are to be used in connection with Combination Register Hooks. Their use makes it un- necessary to use low slugs or reglets, the rabbet forming a channel or gutter for the ratchet to run in. These bases also do away with justifiers and greatly facilitate the rapid making-up of pages with the Combination Hook. Size Rabbeted No. R 1 1x7 ems 1 end No. R2 2x7 ems 1 end No. R4 4x7 ems 1 end No.R6 6x7ems 1end....... No. R67 6x7 ems 1 end and 1 side . . No. R8 8x7 ems 1 side . . . . No. R 16 16x7 ems 1 side . r-T" Rabbeted Bases 1200 Mills Two-Heights Iron Newspaper Bases (Patent pending) The Two-in-One Bases. These bases have the extraordinary merit of holding either sixteen gauge zinc or eleven point electros or stereos at type height. They are reversible; in one position they accommodate sixteen gauge zinc, but when . reversed accommodate eleven point electros. In using allother kinds of newspaper bases two fonts are required to do the work of one font of the Mills Two-Heights Bases. An investment of (say) $18.00 in two-heights bases is almost equal in service to an F09 investment of $36.00 in ordinary iron bases. Mills Two-Heights l5’ GAUGE Bases are sold at the same list prices as the ordinary one-height newspaper bases, although almost one hundred per cent better value. We say “almost” one hundred per cent better value, because A the twelve point and six point justifiers are not reversible, and a small separate supply of these for each height (sixteen gauge zinc and eleven point electros) are included in each font. Catch Bases, which are not included in fonts, and are not reversible, are sold per piece. These bases are solid iron, and superior to cored bases, because a matrix is dried quicker on solid bases for reasons obvious to every expert stereotyper. The economy of using labor-saving iron bases in preference to cast-to-order ZINC ELECTROTYPES FOR Two-Heights Base Actual Size. land View MILLS’ TWO’-HEIGHTS IRON NEWSPAPER BASES ADJUSTED FOR BOTH I6-GAUGE ZINC .AND ll-POINT ELECTROTYPES ; ;_. Two-Heights Bases, with Justifiers and Catch Bases, made up to hold a cut of irregular shape stereotype bases is indisputable. In addition, the convenience and avoidance of errors, and the greater accuracy and fewer number of sizes in fonts, are qualities in themselves decisively in favor of the Mills Two-Heights Bases. Mills Two-Heights Bases can be made to order to accom- modate other thicknesses of zinc and electros or stereos, at special prices. Fonts G, H, K, L. M and N are assorted for those who require one height only. , m.,..,.._,..,_._......_.........w....-...—.. ‘ L. v F 7-“ T H A E ' CA RB ' List Prices of Mills Two-Heights Iron Bases ’ Fonts do not include catch bases or half column bases, which are sold by the piece. Single column is any width not exceeding fourteen pica ems ; half column is any wi th not exceeding seven pica ems. In ordering, it is necessary to state widths of columns and column rules. The smallest font fills one column of the standard size eight-column newspaper, and this length of column is the unit in larger fonts, enabling the purchaser to ascertain exactly which font or how many fonts will meet his requirements. Unit Fonts for Two Heights These fonts are assorted for columns of the standard eight-column newspaper, twenty-four inches by thirteen picas. All unit fonts for two heights contain twenty-eight pieces of two-heights bases (Fig. A), and twelve each six and twelve point justifiers _f0r sixteen—gauge zinc height and twelve each six and twelve point justifiers for eleven—point electros height—seventy-six pieces In all. The areas given are based on zinc height. UNIT ONE-COLUMN _FONT A—76 1-col. pieces, assorted (as above),covering 52 square inches. . . . BASE WITH CATCH ONE HEIGHT Catch B2180 f0)‘ El(‘('tI‘()S Catch Base for Zinc UNIT THREE-COLUMN FoNT C—76 3-col’. pieces, as—‘ .$12 00 sorted (as above), covering 160 square inches . . . $29 20 UNIT TWO—COLUMN _FoNT B-76 2-col. pieces, assorted (as above),covering 106 square inches . . . . . 20 00 UNIT FOUR—COLUMN FONT D—76 4-col. pieces, assorted (as above),covering 214 square inches . . . . . 37 20 Combination Two-Heights Fonts COM_BINATION FONT E-438 pieces, covering 432 square inches or the area of one page of standard size 8-col- umnnewspaper...................$8860 Contains the following two-heights bases (Fig. A): 1 col- umn, 112; 2-column, 28; 3-column, 18; and the following six and twelve point justifiers: 1-column, 96 each; 2-column, 24 each; 3-column, 20 each (half for zinc and half for electros). COMBINATION FONT F-219 pieces, covering 216 square inches or the area of a half-page of standard size 8- . columnnewspaper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$44.$0 Contains half the number of pieces in Font E. Unit Fonts for One Height In ordering, it is necessary to state whether these fonts are required for sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros. The bases are two heights, and these fonts differ from two-heights fonts in having justifiers for one height only. By adding justifiers for an- other height these fonts may at any time be made completely available for holding both sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros. _ All unit fonts for one height contain twenty-eight pieces of two-heights bases (Fig. A), and twelve each six and twelve point Justifiers for either sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros, as ordered. The areas are based on zinc height. UNIT ONE-COLUMN FONT G—52 1-col. pieces, assorted (as above), covering 52 square inches . . . . $10 20 UNIT TWO—COLUMN FONT H—~52 2-col. pieces, assorted (as above), covering 106 square inches . . . 700 UNIT THREE—COLUMN FONT K-52 3-col. pieces, as- sorted (as above), covering 160 square inches . . . . $24 40 UNIT FOUR-COLUMN FONT L—52 4-col. pieces, assorted (as above), covering 214 square inches . . . . . 31 20 Combination One-Height Fonts In ordering it is necessary to state whether these fonts are required for sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros. COM_BINATION FONT M-298 pieces, covering 432 square inches or the area of one page of standard size 8-col- umnnewspaper...................$7440 Contains the following two-heights bases (Fig. A): 1—col— umn, 112; 2-column, 28; 3-column, 18; and the following six and twelve point justifiers: 1—column, 48 each; 2-column, 12 each ; 3-column, 10 each. COMBINATION FONT N-149 pieces, covering 216 square inches or the area of a half-page of standard size 8-column newspaper (half of font M) . . . . . . . 7 20 Prices of Two-Heights Bases, per Piece Each (Fig. A)—‘/-'2-column, 15 cents; 1-column, 30 cents; 2-column, 50 cents; 3-column, 70 cents; 4-column, 90 cents. Prices of Catch Bases As illustrated in Figures B and C. In ordering, state whether for sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros. Each (Figs. B or C)—‘/L»-column, 25 cents; 1-column, 50 cents; 2-column, 90 cents; 3-column, $1.25; 4-column, $1.50. Justifiers In ordering, state whether for sixteen-gauge zinc or eleven-point electros. Six Point, each—l/.>-column, 3 cents; 1-column, 5 cents; 2-column, 10 cents; 3-column, 15 cents; 4—column, 20 cents. Twelve Point, each--1/-'.:—('Olumn, 5 cents; 1-column, 10 cents; 2-column, 15 cents; 3-column, 25 cents; 4—columii, 30 cents. Cast Iron Furniture Cast Iron Furniture is especially designed to take the place of w_ _ _ _ but is so well braced that it will stand the greatest lock-up strain without being affected in any way. One of the latest improvements jacent pieces when one of them is used as a fulcrum. The corrugated projection enables one to readily lift a piece from a form, thus avoiding damage and saving time and money by the operation. This Cast Iron Furniture is guaranteed to be on the point system both ways. It possesses point system saves the furniture and economizes time. It is forty per cent lighter than regular furniture and many times stronger. Being harder than type metal it will hold its accuracy longer and is therefore more economical in use. With ordinary care in handling it will last indefinitely. It is not easily dented or affected by heat. It makes lighter forms. It is in accordance with calls for iron imposing surfaces, iron stereo tables, iron composing exactness. The corrugated projection facilitates handling, the line of modern improvement, which ood or metal furniture. It is made exceptionally light in weight, to Cast Iron Furniture is the addi- tion of a corrugated projection in the center of each piece. This pro- jection practically performs all the purposes of a handle, as it is cast as a part of each piece, three by ten ems or larger, and is easily grasped by the thumb and forefinger. It as- sists materially in the manipulation of the furniture and adds just that perfection of detail which this style of furniture demanded. It dispenses entirely with the necessity of using a knife blade or bodkin between the pieces to raise them and avoids the danger of more or less damaging ad- stands and fire resisting qualities. The corrugated projection entails no additional expense. List Prices of Cast Iron Furniture and Dimensions and Number of Pieces in each Font Font A, 392 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32 00 Font A contains twelve pieces each of 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, 3x6, 4x6, 5x6, 6x6, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8, 3x10, 4x10, 5x10, 6x10, 8x10, 10x10, 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15, 3x20, 4x20; eight each of 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25 10x25 ems. Font A 1, 1,016 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . $74 00 Font A1 contains thirty-two pieces each of 2x4, 3x4, 4x4; twenty-four each of 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, 2x6, 3x6 4x6, 5x6, 6x6, 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8, 2x10. 3x10, 4x10, 5x10, 6x10, 8x10, 10x10, 2x15, 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15; sixteen each of 2x20, 3x20, 4x20, 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 2x25, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25 and 10x25 ems. Font A 2, 508 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 00 Font A 3, 254 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 50 Font A 4, 127 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 Font B, 488 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $37 00 Font B contains twelve pieces each of 2x4, 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, 2x6, 3x6, 4x6, 5x6, 6x6, 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8, 2x10, 3x10, 4x10, 5x10, 6x10, 8x10, 10x10, 2x15, 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15, 2x20, 3x20, 4x20, 2x25; eight each of 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25 and 10x25 ems. Font B 1 (drops the 2—em widths of A 1) 832 pieces. Price $64 00 32 Font B2, 416 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 00 Font B 3, 208 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 Font B 4, 104 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 00 Font C, 288 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $32 00 Font C contains sixteen pieces each of 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15, 3x20, 4x20, 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25 and 10x25 ems. Font C 1, 1,380 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . $68 00 Font C 1 contains eighty-four pieces each of 2x4, 3x4, 4x4, seventy-two each of 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, sixty each of 2x6, 3x6, 4x6, 5x6, 6x6; forty-eight each of 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8; thirty-six each of 2x10, 3x10, 4x10, 5x10, 6x10, 8x10 10x10 ems. Font C2, 690 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $34 00 Font C 3, 345 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 00 Font C 4, 172 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 Font D, 336 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 00 Font D contains sixteen pieces each of 2x15, 3x15, 4x15, 5x15, 6x15, 8x15, 10x15, 2x20, 3x20, 4x20, 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 2x25, 3x25, 4x25, 5x25, 6x25, 8x25 and 10x25 ems. Font D 1, 1,016 pieces, quotation sizes. List price . . . . $76 00 Font D 1 contains thirty-two pieces each of 2x4, 3x4, 4x4; twenty-four each of 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 5x5, 2x6, 3x6, 4x6, 5x6, 6x6, 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 5x8, 6x8, 8x8, 2x12, 3x12, 4x12, 5x12, 6x12, 8x12, 10x12, 2x16, 3x16, 4x16, 5x16, 6x16, 8x16, 10x16; sixteen each of 2x20, 3x20, 4x20, 5x20, 6x20, 8x20, 10x20, 2x24, 3x24, 4x24, 5x24, 6x24, 8x24 and 10x24 ems. Font D 2, 508 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $38 00 Font D 3, 254 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 00 Font D 4, 127 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 50 Font E, 588 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $31 00 Font E contains thirty-six pieces each of 2x4, 3x4, 4x4, 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 2x6, 3x6, 4x6; twenty-eight each of 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 2x12, 3x12, 4x12 ; sixteen each of 2x16, 3x16, 4x16, 2x20, 3x20, 4x20 ems. Font E 1, 1,272 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . $72 00 Font E 1 contains seventy-two pieces each of 2x4, 3x4, 4x4, 2x5, 3x5, 4x5, 2x6, 3x6, 4x6; fifty-six each of 2x8, 3x8, 4x8, 2x12, 3x12, 4x12 ; thirty-two each of 2x16, 3x16, 4x16, 2x20, 3x20, 4x20, 2x24, 3x24 and 4x24 ems. Font E 2, 636 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 Font E 3, 318 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . Font E 4, 159 pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . The two—line furniture in all fonts is made of drawn steel. For additional information regarding fonts and prices write for circular. Sort Prices per 100 Pieces. Smaller Quantities at Same Rate Size l’1'icc ‘ size P1E"T”size ”" Price ’ size ""1>rice 2x4 . .$300»3x30..$16001.5x12..$800 8x8 $625 2x5 . . 3 50 3x35 . 19 00 , 5x15 . . 9 00 8x10 . . 8 00 2x6 . 400 l 3x40 2100 1 5x16. . 950 1 8x12. . 850 2x8 . 475 0 3x45 2400 1 5x20. . 11 00‘; 8x15. .1000 2x10 5 00 3x50 26 50 , 5x24 . . 13 50 8x16 . . 10 50 2x12 6 00 3x60 31 50 1 5x25 . . 13 50 8x20 . . 12 50 2x15 7 00 3x70 36 50 5x30 . . 17 50 8x24 . 14 75 2x16 7 00 4x4 4 00 , 5x35 . . 20 00 1 8x25 . 14 75 2x20 9 00 4x5 . 4 25 5x40 . . 22 50 l 8x30 . . 19 00 2x24 10 00 4x6 . 4 75 5x45 . . 25 00 ‘ 8x35 . . 21 50 2x25 10 00 4x8 . 5 00 5x50 . . 27 50 8x40 . . 24 00 2x30 14 00 , 4x10 . 6 00 i 5x60 . . 32 50 ‘ 8x45 . . 26 50 2x35 16 00 4x12 . 7 00 1 5x70 . . 37 50 8x50 . 29 00 2x40. 1800 4x15. 800;6x6 .. 550‘ 8x60. 3400 2x45 . 20 50 4x16 . 9 00 * 6x8 . . 6 00 8x70 . 39 00 2x50 . 23 00 4x20 . 10 75 » 6x10 . . 7 00 10x10 9 00 2x60 28 00 4x24 . 13 00 6x12 . . 8 00 10x12 10 00 2x70 35 00 4x25 . 13 00 6x15 . . 9 00 l 10x15 11 25 3x4 3 00 4x30 . 17 00 i 6x16 . . 10 00 ‘ 10x16 12 00 3x5 4 00 4x35 . 19 50 ' 6x20 . . 11 50 10x20 . 13 50 3x6 4 25 4x40 . 22 00 , 6x24 . . 13 75 10x24 15 75 3x8 5 00 4x45 . 24 50 1 6x25 . . 13 75 10x25 . 15 75 3x10 6 00 4x50 . 27 00 ' 6x30 . . 18 00 ‘l 10x30 20 00 3x12 . 7 00 4x60 . 32 00 6x35 . . 20 50 1 10x35 22 00 3x15 7 00 4x70 37 00 6x40 . . 23 00 10x40 . . 25 00 3x16 8 00 5x5 4 50 6x45 . . 25 50 10x45 . . 27 50 3x20 10 00 5x6 5 00 6x50 . . 28 00 10x50 . . 30 00 3x24 12 00 5x8 600 ' 6x60. . 3300 10x60. .3500 3x25 12 00 5x10 6 75 6x70 . . 38 00 ; 10x70 . -4999 —~— 1 ::,_ Special, sizes for heads and gutters made to order. Challenge Mammoth Iron Furniture ) . ' ".- -u.e.,...vv'*9o'.« I’ anausxncl-«sequoia so in GIAIKIIII ~rx we, ,... Ila‘?-V".»'A/é Challenge Mammoth Iron Furniture Challenge Mammoth Iron Furniture is made on point system in seventeen mammoth sizes, ranging from twenty-five by fifty to made to order. large chase when locking chase on the press bed. fifty by one hundred ems pica. Special sizes This furniture is a great convenience in dressing out 3- up a small or open form, or in locking a small In addition, the cutting down of the numbe}: of pieces used in locking provides an eflicient remedy for “work—uD- Mammoth Iron Furniture is sold in fonts or by the piece as may best suit the customer. The prices for labor-saving fonts will be promptly furnished upon request. List Prices of Mammoth Iron Furniture Sorts Size Price size Price Size Price 25x50 . each $0 75 30x80 . . each $1 10 40x90 . . each $1 30 25x60 . each 85 40x50 . . each 90 50x60 . . each 1 25x70 . each 95 40x60 . . each 1 00 50x70. . each 1 20 30x50 . each 80 40x70 . . each 1 10 50x80 . . each 1 30, 30x60 . each 90 40x80 . . each 1 20 50x90 . . each 30x70 . each 1 00 50x10O . each Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces No one questions the superiority of iron imposing tops over the marble slabs, and in the Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces printers are offered the very best working tables yet produced. The materials in Radio-Iron Im- posing Surfaces are of special compound, which pro- duces a hard, tough casting which will never chip, and when finished leaves the surface perfectly smooth. Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces are made extra heavy, averaging forty pounds a square foot. The top side of Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces is as accurate as the bed of a cylinder press. A three-quarter inch rabbet is cut around the outer edge of the surface to give the galley a firm hold. The rabbet is cut extra deep, which allows for spring in old galleys, and a slight bevel downward assists in handling forms quickly. The bottom side of Radio-Iron Imposing Sur- faces has more than the usual number of ribs, which are made extra heavy. These ribs, and the large solid corners and rests on cross-stays, insure a permanently level surface. Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces are practically indestructible and are a permanent investment. The saving of time in composing 0!‘ pressroom, over ordinary marble stones, more than pays for the surfaces in a short time. When iron surfaces are ordered to replace marble slabs, or to fit imposing stone frames Originally made for marble slabs the new iron surfaces must be made approximately three Inches larger each Way, (over all measure), to cover the space formerly occupied by the coffin holding the marble slab. Extra heavy square-leg tables are made for Radio-Iron Imposing Surfaces. Unless other- wise specified these tables are furnished for the standard size surfaces listed herewith. hen special size iron tops are required a Dractical estimate of the cost may be derived by figuring the entire surface at three cents per Square inch. Radio-Iron surfaces weigh, when e1‘a:ted, about forty pounds to the square foot. _Printers contemplating substituting iron top impos- 1118' surfaces in place of marble tops are solicited to correspond with the American Type Founders Com- Dally regarding special sizes, prices, etc. We are in a_Dosition to supply you with all necessary informa- 1C_>n and no doubt will be able to offer some econo- mlcal suggestion regarding Iron Imposing Surfaces, as well as regarding other matters pertaining to the Craft in which you may be interested. ..i 'v:’.r\-‘.v'{. AN .'_>/~'.€' "T'x23% inches 5 00 Single . . . . 3‘%ix11"/4 inches 1 75 1 Five . . . . , 13 x23f‘/4 inches 5 50 Medium . . . . 5 X23‘?/4. inches ; 2 75 , Six . . . . . T 15 x23"/4 inches 6 25 Double . . . . 6%x23fVi inches ‘ 3 00 v‘ Seven . . . . 17 X233/4 inches , 7 00 . 51 ' . 4 T, Double . . . . 61/4x153‘/i inches 2 50 _ Eight . . . . 19 X233/4 inches . , 1: Double . . . . 6‘/4x11"/1 inches 1 2 25 ' .. . ., . . 1 . . i. .A’.l. - ' -W‘-"" "5 W “'*’*" " ”’"" " " ’ ""“' "”’ “”"‘—““’“"’ “ "““ _ ,_,___,, 5 A" B"‘”G"’d"ated Gan” Mailing Galleys, Closed Ends (Double Column) 6‘/4x23‘/2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -53 All-Brass Monotype Galley h M . . . e This Monotype Galley is made entirely of brass. The sides are angle shaped and riveted to the bottom. The rivets hilgegalley, heads and are countersunk into the bottom. Much thought by practical men has been devoted to the construction of 13 1 rid , e with the result that it is simple, thoroughly practical and will save time and pi in any office where the Monotype is used» he this piece is made removable and the sides are milled out at both ends, so that the end piece can be set at either end, as de_sir he n means the operator on the Monotype is able to shift the end of the galley, after it comes from the. machine, thus avoiding 1;) tro sity of transferring the matter from one galley to another when making up. This will be appreciated by those who know 13 9 caused where solid end galleys are used. Prices of All-Brass Monotype Galleys $3 50 Single Column, 334x23‘?/4 inches inside, each . . . . . . , . $2 50 Triple Column, 8‘/4x23"/4 inches inside, each . . . . . - - ‘ 2 25 Single Column, 3“/4x11‘Vi inches inside, each . . . . . . _ . 1 75 Job Size, 61/4x111/4 inches inside, each . . . . . . . .. - - ' 2 75 Double Column, 6% x23”/4 inches inside, each . . . . . . . 3 00 Job Size, 9x14 inches inside, each . . . . . . . . . . - - ' 1204 Linotype Patent All-Brass Galley The Linotype Patent All-Brass Galley is made expressly to furnish an efficient and quick method of handling linotype slugs. It is made in two styles: Style A, where slugs are used exclusively, and Style B, where type is used in connection with the slugs. . .~_~,--m—~=s,: . _ . __ In Style A one side of the galley rim is made con- ’ , .. e. = _ A siderably lower than the other and the inside of the rims is tapered at the top, which allows of very rapid correction, as the slugs can be tipped endways and lifted out of the galley without in- terference from the sides. Style B is made with both sides of equal height and finished straight , inside, thus effectually keeping the type on its L. t P t A“ B G H) feet. Both styles are locked at the bottom by a _ "'0 we a em ' rags 3‘ ‘Y foot clamp, which slides over the rims and is tightened by pushing the lever to the left. Pins are set into the ends of the rims to keep the clamp from sliding off and being mislaid. Practically no lock-up is needed. It is strong and exceedingly compact, the complete galley being only one-half inch wider than the measure it is designed to hold. It is made of the best materials with standard bottoms. Give width of column when ordering and send sample slug and mention whether Style A or B is wanted. Prices of Linotype Patent All-Brass Galleys Linotype Galley, 12 inches, 15 ems or under, Style A or B, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 Linotype Galley, 16 inches, 15 ems or under, Style A or B, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 Linotype Galley, 24 inches, 15 ems or under, Style A or B, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 05 75 For each em in width exceeding 15 ems, add to list price . . ExtraFootClamp,each.. The above prices include foot clamp. Milholland Linotype All-Brass Galley _ The Milholland Linotype Galley has a lock-up device, which is simple, strong and cannot easily be removed. The Galley is strong and well made. In ordering give exact measure of columns. Prices of Milholland Linotype All-Brass Galleys 8 inches long, any width not exceeding 15 ems . . . . . . . $2 00 12 inches long, any width not exceeding 15 ems . . . . . . . 2 00 16 inches long, any width not exceeding 15 ems . . . . . . . 2 50 24 inches long, any width not exceeding 15 ems . . . . . . . 3 00 24 inches long by 25 ems wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 ~-_«-- For each em in width, exceeding 15 ems, add to list price . . 05 Special sizes made to order at proportionate prices. Mi”‘°”‘"‘d Ll"°'5YP° A“'B"3SS Galley Brass Lined, Half Lined and Unlined Column Galleys Inches Columns ‘ Brass Half , Brass ' Inches Brass ‘ Half Brass V Inside Lined Lined Bottom 1 Inside C°'“""‘S i Lined ; Lined i Bottom 33/1x23‘/4 Single . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 $1 75 $1 50 ; 10 x16 , Job Size . . . . . . . . . 1 $3 00 . $2 75 ; $2 50 5 x23‘/4 Medium . . . . . . . . . 2 25 2 00 1 75 1 12 x18 L Job Size . . . . . . . . . I 3 75 3 50 1 3 00 6‘/4}-(23% , Double . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 2 25 2 00 14 X21 ‘ Job Size . . . . . . . . . 4 50 ‘ 4 00 ' 3 50 8‘/1x23‘/i 1 Triple . . . . . . . . . . 3 25 3 00 2 75 15 X22 , Job Size 1 5 00 4 50 4 4 00 7‘/2x23‘,/4 Extra Double . . . . . . 2 75 2 50 2 25 q 18 x25 1 Job Size L 6 00 5 50 ; 5 00 6 x10 1 Job Size . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1 40 1 25 1‘/2x30 . Mailing . . . . . . . . . I 1 50 1 00 . 75 8"/1x13 iJobSize . . . . . . . .. 200 190 175 61/.»x221/4.Maiiing ........ 300 275 , 250 » 9 x14 Job Size . . . . . . . . . 2 50 2 25 2 00 ‘ 71/2X221/4 1 Mailing . . . . . . . . . ' 3 25 5 3 00 Lincoln Patent All-Brass Galley The Lincoln Patent All-Brass Galley is generally recognized as the standard among type—holding, self-locking galleys. It has the advantage of insuring a rapid and safe handling of movable type. It has a strongly riveted bottom of standard thickness, and the stationary side and head are strongly riveted together at the corner. The depressible rim is made of extra heavy five—sixteenths inch stock and works on pivots set into the head rim, foot and at regular intervals along the bottom. While V the matter is being dumped, this depressible rim is dropped, allowing free access to the galley. When the galley is ready to prove the rim is bI'O1C11g'}l')lt up against) tllize sifile }(1)f the typte and fast- . ene a s rm 0 w ic sips in o a corre- Lincoln Patent AILBMSS Galley spondiibig sorhketg in the head rim and is held. The foot clamp is then slipped on over both rims, pushed up against the type and tightened. All this is done very quickly. Correc- 10T1S are made easily. The galley is only three-quarters of an inch wider than the inside measurement and takes up very little "00m. The Lincoln All-Brass Galley is made to order only. Prices of Lincoln Patent All-Brass Galleys 12 inches long, any width, not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 5 inches long, any width, not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 4 inches long, any width, not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 4 inches long, by 25 ems pica wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 xtraFootClamps,each........_....................................,...._.50 01‘ each additional pica em in width exceeding 15 ems, add to the list price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 05 The above prices include Foot Clamp. In ordering it is «necessary to gilve exact width of type matter for which galleys are required. _ Adzit Galley Lock 3 p x This is a simple, serviceable device for locking linotype slugs or type in Plate Zinc, Steel Galleys, - < °1' galleys of similar construction. No side lock is necessary for linotype slugs; the lock holds the matte!‘ "my on the side of the galley and is released on a simple pressure. It is well finished and made of steel. P1‘iceforSingleColumn,each . . . .........$015;perdozen . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 - rice for Double Column, each . . . . . . . . . . . . 20; per dozen _ . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Adzit Galley Lock The Hill & Webb Galley Lock The Hill & Webb Galley Lock is one of the most efficient and yet the simplest galley locks made. It is constructed of flexible steel, and owing to its unique shape, it automatically adjusts itself to widths varying from three-eighths to two inches, and in every case gives a firm_and safe lock-up. lts adaptability enables it to be used with either straight or beveled side sticks. Price of Hill&Webb Galley Lock, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2 00 1205 Pressed Brass, Bright Steel and Galvanized Steel Galleys The Pressed Brass Galley is made from one piece of heavy brass of standard gauge, pressed into shape with an extended rim which gives great rigidity and strength. An absolutely durable and dependable galley at a remarkably low price. It is sold at prices averaging one-third less than the regular all-brass galley. The Bright Steel and Galvanized Steel Galleys are sold at prices averaging one-third less than the regular galleys. They are made of heavy standard gauge steel, just as strong as possible. The galvanized steel galley is not smoothly finished as the steel, as the sur- face is galvanized to prevent rusting. It also is pressed into List Prices of Pressed Brass Galley s shape with extended rims which gives great rigidity and " W. W W" _ ‘ _g. strength. They are durable and dependable galleys at a very Size Galley i Less than 100 100 or over 1’ 250 or ove. #500 or over low price. 23/ix23=*/4 inches . . . , $1 35 $1 25 $1 15 $1 05 3‘/2x23“/4 inches . . . 1 50 1 40 1 30 1 20 6%/4x23% inches . . . 2 00 1 90 1 80 i 1 70 81/2x233/4 inches . . . » 2 60 ‘ 2 50 2 40 , 2 30 6 x10 inches . . . 1 1 60 1 50 1 40 , 1 30 83/1x13 inches . . . A 1 90 ‘ 1 80 1 70 i 1 60 10 x16 inches . . . | 2 60 , 2 50 ' 2 40 ; 2 30 12 x18 inches . . . E 3 00 _ 290 l 2 80 ! 2 70 MAILING 3:/2x23"/1 inches . . . ‘ 1 90 1 1 80 1 70 ‘ 1 60 3 - Bright Steel and Galvanized Steel Galleys lnchei ' 2 40 ‘ 2 30 2 20 2 10 List Prices of Pressed Steeland Galvanized Steel Galleys V rm SizelGalley ‘ Less than 100 ( 100 or over i 250 or over 5 500 or over _ ...___.___.,..._._.__ ... .,.. _. 4__._ .,,.. ,__. . _ . .....,_.W.._-.._’ T ..s_ 12.. __.__,. , . .,.._. _ _, W, g_, L W _ _ _>_ 23/4 X23"/4 inches . . I . ; so 40 4 so 38 ; $0 36 , so 34 ~ 31/2x23% inches . . .| 46 l 44 i 42 ‘ 40 6‘/4x23“/4 inches . . .. 48 I 46 44 i 42 81/2x233/4 inches . . .i 70 1 68 ' 66 1 64 " 6 x10 inches . . .3 40 1 38 I 36 34 8%x13 inches . . .1 46 1 44 1 42 40 10 x16 inches . . .. 66 ', 64 ; 62 1 60 12 x18 inches . . .( 72 1 70 I 68 66 3..., 3.1.9,, MAILING 2"‘/4x23“/4 inches . . .: 45 44 3 42 1 40 . 312éx23% inches . . 48 ; 46 44 42 Automatic Galley Lock 1 3 ' 1 1 . . . - - -1 ‘ The above are equipped with Automatic Galley Locks, _f- - g - 1 absolutely positive and reliable, at a price of 10 cents each extra. Galley Locks furnished only when specified in order- Plate Zinc Galleys A low price galley of very superior construction is offered in the Plate Zinc Galley. Specially prepared material and the c0I_1' struction of machinery capable of giving the best results have overcome great difficulties. Compressed double-rolled plate zinc 15 used, the sides are as nearly square and true as possible. The projections on the sides are bent by machinery and soldered to the ends; this gives strength, accuracy and rigidity. The finish is equal to the higher priced galleys, the surface being. Smooth’ even and free from defects. For Storage »_MW 7 L Ifist Dimensions 0f Plate Zinc Galleys galleys and for all purposes where a large quantity of “"2 ’ * *6 Z 977:7; 7’7"“fl77 if 778*‘ matter is kept standing, this Plate Zinc Galley will meet NEWSPAPER GALLEYS l ,h{;:‘*’f00 100 to 250 E 250 '50 500 or over all requirements. » 6 A ,— —~—~~——~_——.—.— 2242.-..-. . 4 ‘ 1.‘.-. . — «—/’ Single Column-3‘/2x23%s . . . . . . . . ~ $0 75 1 $0 70 1 so 65 $0 60 %ngkl)e Column-1/2 length-3‘/2x11‘/4 . . , 60 ‘ 55 50 ‘:2 ou le Column—61/4x23%i . . . . . . . 1 00 9’ 90 1 Triple Column-8‘/2x23‘/8 . . . . . . . . 5 1 30 1 1 25 1 1 20 n 1 15 JOB GALLEYS 1 \ N 6x10 inches, inside . . . . . . . . . . . so , 75 l 70 65 81/&X13 inches, inside . . . . . . . . . . I 95 90 85 80 10x16 inches, inside . . . . . . . . . 1 1 30 ' 1 25 ‘ 1 20 1 15 Mailing. closed ends, single col., 3‘/2x22‘/2 ‘ 95 90 85 30 Mailing,closed ends,double col., 6%x22‘/2 1 20 A 1 15 1 10 1 05 / plate zinc Galleys :‘;_;..,.:..-;:f;..:::-.;:;:”"*~*-M-~~-~-*——~~~~-~—~—~——--——~ ~ ~ ——»~ c— 6 _,-.._1/2 Riveted Zinc Galleys These Zinc Galleys are designed for general use where it is wished to _ _ keep forms in galleys while taking proofs and making corrections. Double compressed plate zinc, hard and smooth, free from scales and other defects is used, thus presenting the even surface essential to proof taking. The sides Qnd List Prices and Dimensions of Riveted Zinc Galleys end are attached to the bottom in a manner insuring — —— —, — 2 p — V » an absolutely square, true corner. To make the galleys GALLEYS 5 Size ‘Riv_eted‘Riveted unusually stiff and rigid, the sides are channel shaped’ W __, N Z , __m__,f__,g Z"‘° 1 Br“: ;1‘hese}31 affi_:_l'ord a subsgantial holld — . M * 1 or t e ngers in i ting. T e 312512221122’ iiiiiehai 4.... ~ A c A P s i 6 A «$12.31 *i§3 made Double Column, each . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . 51/1X23]/1 ‘ 1 40 » 2 80 Triple Column, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 81/4x23% 1 1 70 , 3 30 Job, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6x10‘ 2 1 10 ‘ 2 10 Jog, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8%x13 A 1 30 1 2 45 Jo , each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10x16 1 60 ~ 3 25 * Double Col. Mailing (with closed ends) each . . . ‘ 6‘/ix22‘‘/i ‘ 1 60 l 3 30 . Special Sizes Furnished at Proporttenate I7‘rs'1Elces. Write Discount on Quantity Orders. Riveted Zinc Galley Mailing Galleys 10 Ems 13 Ems 14 E33 McFatrich Mailing Galley, all zinc, 30 inches long $0 80 1 80 Mercantile Mailing Galley, all zinc, 30 inches long 66 . . Mailing Galliy Mustang Mailing Galley, zinc . . . . . . . . . . ’ Mustang Mailing Galley, brass bottom $0 75 Mercantile Addressing Machine Galleys Mercantile Galleys are made to work with the Mercantile Addressing Machine, as shown on page 1188 of this catalogue. Thfjfg Galleys are well constructed and will give excellent satisfaction. They are made by the manufacturers of the Mercantile Address‘ Machine, which in itself ought to be a sufficient recommenda- 5 . ., , 1,, . . 1 . 1 tion. The Mercantile Quoin is also intended to be used with a '. . 7 /7 these Galleys. The Mercantile Galley is furnished with Screw ‘ ’ ’ Locks unless otherwise specified. If you prefer the Quoin Lock kindly so mention in your order. a . . n . / .1... Prices of Mercantile Addressing Machine Galleys Mercantile Addressing Galley, 10 ems, each . . . . . . . . $0 66 Mercantile Addressing Galley, 18 ems, each . . . . . . - - sill Mercantile Addressing Galley, 14 ems, each . . . . . . . . 80 Mercantile Addressing Galley. 20 ems, each . . . . . . - - 1 40 Mercantile Addressing Galley, 16 ems, each . . . . . . . . 88 Mercantile Addressing Galley, 30 ems, each . . . . . - - - 70 Mercantile Steel Bell Slugs, per dozen: 10 ems . $0 30 14 ems, $0 40 16 ems . $0 50 18 ems . $0 55 20 ems . $0 60 30 ems - $0 50 Mercantile Quoins, per dozen . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . $0 50 Mercantile Quoin Keys, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - 1206 The Orro Embosser The printer who does job work ought certainly to do embossing. If he does not his presses are not giving him full service and he is missing the profits of one of the easiest and most attractive lines of work ever brought within his reach. It is a very simple matter to emboss on any job press, large or small, regardless of make, with the aid of the Orro Embosser. N o make-ready required and no extra impression. This handy device fastens to the tympan paper and holds the die and counter die (or “force”) in a sort of hinge, into which the paper or card passes naturally when the press is fed in the usual way. The device can be put on in a moment and anyone who can operate a press can do expert work with it. In embossing with the Orro the make-ready or “force” is prepared on a powerful screw press in the factory at the time the die is made. The material of which it is composed, slightly softened by heat, is put under tre- mendous pressure and forced into every depression of the die. When the “force” is in use the stock to be em- bossed is pressed into every part of the die with equal pressure (even at the deepest points) before the fiat surfaces of the die and force meet. This is the reason why perfect embossing is produced with the Orro without risk of injury to the smallest press made. Dies are interchangeable. Complete change of design can be made in one minute. ’ ’ Dies of any design can be made for the Orro, not exceeding two and one- quarter inches long by one inch wide, and a special designing department is maintained to work out customers’ ideas and to make drawings from their sketches, or to originate new designs as needed. This department is con- tinually preparing designs of various subjects suitable for all-around use in Dies fit perfectly when their arrows general job printing, from which dies are made and carried in stock in what point in the same direction is known as the ‘Library of Orro Dies.” These dies are always ready for immediate shipment and are furnished at very low prices. Com- plete sets of samples of the designs are at the disposal of owners of the Orro Embosser. The Orro Embosser means more in the printing world than simply another article to be sold at a little profit; it brings in a new element which makes for quality and better work and tends to uplift printing standards. It has hundreds of uses, among which are: Covers for booklets, catalogues and price lists, folders, announcements, circulars, notices, letter and note paper, envelopes, bill-heads, blotters, show cards, cal- endars, photograph-mounts, business cards, bank statements, certificates, invi- tations, programmes, score cards, pri- vate mailing cards, souvenirs, holiday greet- _ ings, menu cards, wine lists, ball tickets, or- A C°m"1°t"O”° Emb"S5,‘"g Outfit ders of dancing, society and club printing, imitation steel die stamping and for embellishing anything made of paper or card with an embossed crest, monogram, trade mark or any sort of design. Anything can be embossed within two inches of the edge. The embossing may be done in one color or several, with or without printing on top of color or gold. The use of the Orro Embosser means more profit on each job; getting new trade and holding your own; more new trade and greater profits. The Om) Embosser P The Orro die is two and one-quarter inches long by one inch wide. Prices of Orro Embossers and Dies Price,‘ including one‘die arid force, printing plate, template and two iron blocks, the extra block for use in a “standing” form $20 00 Dies, including the force or make-ready and a registering printing plate, eac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Dies, from your own design cost according to the nature of copy submitted. Minimum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Stock Dies may be exchanged at any time upon payment of the exchange fee of 500 250 Card Cutters For the particular printer, who desires to cut his own cards, our line of card cutters will certainly be of interest. It is the best line manufactured. The tables are made of well seasoned kiln dried cherry, stained and varnished. Some of the tables are divided into half-inch squares by lines cut into the ‘ wood, and filled with enamel. The joint prevents buckling or V 7'55 P351510“ dragging of the paper. The rule is adjustable. The blades are " made of tempered steel. These Card Cutters are essential in ’ every printing office. Should those listed not fully meet re- quirements, details of others will be furnished. THE PREIviIUM—F_or the rapid cutting of cards and sheets the Premium is especially adapted. A sheet of any length can be cut and slipped along without leaving the guide rule. 12-inch blade. Price . . $10 00 The Premium Card Cutter THE POPULAR—The ruled table is a leading feature of the THE MANUF:ACTl_JRER’S_'The highest attainment in cutters Popular, 11; provides 3 cutting guide at any point on the for heavy work in print shops or studios. Has adjustable gauge oard. This trimmer is large enough for all ordinary studio and automatlc bmder» Whlch h°1dS the Work ‘n place" work. fiifi ‘Q gm wni fifl The Popular Card Cutter 15 ' h bl d P ' ‘V ‘P ’The Manufacturer's Curd Cutter "me 36' “°e"""""""""'$725 24-inchblade. Price..................$3000 _ THE STUDIO—Thisis as perfectalittle machine as the most THE NATIONAL__.This is the latest product in the line of lmproved methods cal‘ produce’ and 15 adapted for the use of Trimmers and has an eighteen—inch blade thus meeting every the amateur and semi—professional photographer. requirement of the professional studio. It has adjustable joint and the table is ruled in half-inch squares. Th“ St“‘“" Card Cut” The National Card Cutter 10-inch blade. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$300 18-inch blade. Price 1207 o ......$l000 Improved Hempel Quoins The Hempel Quoins have been tested by time and approved by those who use them. The latest improved design fulfils every requlrement List Prices of Improved Hempel Quoins No. 1, small, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 50 No. 2, large, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Keys for either size, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 , The Monarch Quoins The New Monarch Quoin retains all the desirable features of other quoins with the added advantage of a self-locking device, consisting of a small spring inserted through the thick end. The purpose of this spring is, when the quoin is in position to force the center rib of one part against the teeth in the end of ' iii thus secure- ly lock th e q u oi n an d prevent its slipping. It is simple, but effective, ensuring permanentlockup when it is essential. Improved Hempel Quoin The Monarch Quoin I.ist Prices of Monarch Quoins No. 1, small, per dozen . $2 50 . . . . . . . . . No. 2, large, per dozen Challenge Hempel Quoins These have rounded ends, so do not scratch or injure the imposing stone or press bed. The beveled heels and points enable one to place two quoins wherever one will go. The Challenge Hempel Quoin Keys are made of the best cast steel, accurately cut, durable and satisfactory. Prices of Challenge Hem pel Quoins _ . A _ ‘ No. 1, small, per dozen . $ 1 00 W: A No. 1, small, per gross 10 00 Quoin Key "” "’ .« “‘~ . ._ ’ No. 2, large, per dozen 1 50 No. 2, large, per gross 15 00 Keys for either size, plain (Style C) each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Keys for either size, nickel plated (Style C) each . . . . . . Challenge Hempel Quoins 75 Favorite Quoins The Favorite Quoins have been very popular for many years. They have always been regarded as the best on the market and deservedly so. Prices of Favorite Quoins No. 1 size, per dozen , $ 1 00 ,. , _j A A No. 1 size, per gross 10 00 , ,,‘;';,,[,,,,,,§_,__,____ 1 No. 2 size, per dozen . 1 50 No. 2 size, per gross 15 00 _ _ . . _ . _ _ _ ‘ . Favorite Quoin Reglster Quoins Where perfect register is desired these Register Quoins are intended for use in forms of mounted plates. The quoins Wickersham Quoins The Wickersham Quoin is a very handy device for locking up forms with cramped mar- j._ I to E,’ r each page, as illustrated, so sufficient room for quoins of 5“ -/.-1 - ' ——~——*——— _ that any page may be moved the Hempel pattern._ The i ,5, ll independently in any desired Wickersham has a direct ( J’ direction withoutinterfering spread and will not slip or are placed on all four sides of with the other pages. The quoins permit of very narrow margins. They are made in two sizes: In No. 1 margins can be regulated from sixteen to twenty-four points. In No. 2 the margin adjustment is from thirty—six to forty—eight gins, or where there is not slide and “squeegee” pages. It is especially excellent for locking up patent blocks or electrotyped pages, whether made up in small or large forms. In printing this cata- logue there have been many occasions when it would have Wiclcersham _ Quoin and Key points. been next to impossible to , V “lock-up” some of the forms, / Q I M especially those requiring a very close register, without the Wickersham Q u o i n s . The No. 1 is five-eighths inch wide; the No. 2 is three-quar— , Y . ters inch wide; expanding 1:] NO 1 1'“) ’ fourteen points. ' ' Wickersham Quoins, Nos. 1 or 2, per dozen N0. 1, D91‘ (302811 - - $2 00 Wickersham Regular Key, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . N0- 2: per dozen - - - 2 00 The Wickerslzam Key fits all Wickrwrslza/m. Quoirns, all Morton Key for either style . . 20 Lock-'u,ps and all Stephens Exrparisioln Locks. New Star Adjustable Lock-Up This device registers mounted plates with precision and the greatest accuracy in a few minutes without disturbing other mat- ter in the form. In color or book printing, where absolute certainty and exactness of register is of the utmost importance, the use of this appliance assures accuracy without the possibility of failure. It consists of a rigid and accurately machined metallic corner piece, in which are mounted two adjusting screws, one at each side of the angle- These are designed to perform the same function for mounted plates that is accomplished by the well- known register hooks in use with “patent” blocks. Four corners comprise one set, and it requires one set to register a color plate. Price, per set of four corner hooks, complete . Midget Safety Quoins The Midget Safety Quoin is quickly locked by a tap of the mallet. It occupies no more space in length when locked than when open. It can be used in a space 18 points wide by 120 points long, either inside or outside of form. It is absolutely safe, as when locked it rests against its corresponding flat surface, and the harder the surface it bears against the better. Price, Midget Safety Quoin, per doz., with key . Extra Keys for Midget Quoins, each . . . . . 1208 N) r”"‘ '_ _,,__J , ,. _ , _—_C" '"I' 1. ,, _ $2 50 50 Register Quoins in Use. ‘$200 1 J -Q.f yc ' New Star Adjustable Lock-Up . 25 " “Lt ‘ A Lt) ‘mom Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Key The Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Keys fit Hempel Quoins of any make. They are made of tool steel, each tooth being cut and not drop forged. They are especially constructed for locking or unlocking a form under the cylinder without taking the chase from the bed of the press. The lever is long, giving ample power and Q along reach. . A ‘ Prices of Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Keys Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Key Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Key, plain, No. 1 and No. 2, each, $0 75 ‘T ‘ Right Angle Pressman’s Quoin Key, nickeled, No. 1 and No. 2, each, 90 Presssman’s Combination Quoin Key The Pressman’s Combination Quoin Key is made of tool steel, seven and one-half inches long. One end is accurately cut to fit a N0. Hempel Quoin and the other is drop forged to fit a No. 2 Quoin. One inch of each end of the key is bent towards the same side of the stem at an angle of 107 degrees, raising the disengaged end one and one-half inches from the form. The pressman is thus enabled to reach under the cylinder and tighten or loosen quoins without in any Way endangering the matter in the form, or bruising or soiling his knuckles. The shape of the end gives a firm, convenient hold On the key, while the length gives ample power. This key will be found to be very convenient and useful in the pressroom. V'[i1§7;1II%1lL=1fii{'1:}3I1IIIi Pressman’s Combination Quoin Key .,_ ,- :" X» Prices of Pressman’s Combination Quoin Key Pressman’s Combination Quoin Key, polished tool steel, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100 Pressman’s Combination Quoin Key, nickeled tool steel, each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 Wickersham Pressman’s Quoin Key The Wickersham Pressman’s Quoin Key, as its name implies, is also intended for use in locking and unlocking forms while on the press. It is decidedly a strong and well- made key and ought to last a long time. It fits both the No. 1 and No. 2 Wickersham Quoins and in offices where Wickersham prcssmanas Quoin Key these quoins are used this key is just as essential as the Com- bination or Right Angle Keys for Hempel pattern quoins. Price of Pressman’s Key for Wickersham Quoins, fits both Nos. 1 and 2, plain each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 Combination Paper Jogger . Every_cylinde_r press should have a paper jogger or straightener. The Combination Paper Jogger is made with wings which are instantly removable when desired. There is no projecting rod on the front side to tear clothes. This of itself is worth the price of a jogger. It has patent attachable wings for small joggers, by which letterheads etc., Can be evened up. These are made to go on inside of others, and are hung with wire over the main wing, or evening bar. When Specified in the order these are included free with small joggers. For sizes larger than twenty-four by thirty—six an extra price of fifty cents is charged. Prices of Combination Paper Jogger Hart Combination Jogger, 24x36 . . . $15 00 Hart Combination Jogger, 36x48 . . $18 00 Hart Combination Jogger, larger $20 00 Press Points and Wrench These points are screwed in as far as the cross bar with the wrench furnished, when they will stand the right height. a larger hole in the paper is desired, screw the point out. his plan is far superior to the old method of driving a nail or Wlre into the wood furniture so as to make holes into the sheet. HALF SLZE. Prices of Press Points and Wrenches Press Point and Wrench P0ints, per dozen . . . . .$0 75 Wrench . . . . . .$0 75 Iron Pulleys Iron pulleys are sold either solid or split and the diameters range from six inches to thirty-six inches, with widths of faces from three inches to six inches. We shall be happy to furnish list prices when desired. Adjustable Ball and Socket Drop Hangers b These hangers may be obtained either single or double raced. They all have machine—finished bases and bearings, machine-reamed and faced. Prices on applicafion shafting Wood-Split Pulleys _All shafting is cold rolled and turned, straightened and Wood-Split Pulleys are furnished in diameters ranging Dolished. The diameters run from fifteen-sixteenths of an inch from four inches to twenty—eight inches, and with widths of t0 One and fifteenth-sixteenths inches, and the weight per face from three inches to twelve inches. Orders can be filled f00t varies from 2.35 lbs. to 10.03 lbs. It is sold by the pound or promptly. Quotations will be gladly furnished for any size ab’ Tihe foot, and detailed prices will be gladly furnished on pulley on receipt of inquiry giving dimensions required. DD ication. '0 Overhead Fixtures _ Include two hangers, two collars and set-screws, countershaft, two cone pulleys and driving pulley. In ordering Overhead lxtures always give diameter and speed of line—shaft. Widths of belts given for the presses are those we recommend. It is possible to run ten by fifteen on a one and one-half inch belt or fourteen by twenty—two on a two inch belt. We strongly recommend fixtures Nos. 19 and 23 for heavy Universal Presses. List Prices, Dimensions and Style of Overhead Fixtures 7 V .' _ f W.dth f Diameter of O 7 7 Pl 7Sliip.ping List 'I’i'ice:List7 Price STYLE Speeds Dmmctel 0 1 0 Di-iving FOR PRESS Weight 1 it j. With C°"'~’5 Belt 1 Pulley . Pounds Solid Cone Split Cone No. 11 Light . . 3 6 to 9 . 11/.» 8 8x12 j 135 1 $15 00 f $16 50 N0. 13 Light 4 7 to 10 11/12 8 1 8X12 140 1 18 00 . 19 80 Overhead No. 15 Heavy . . 3 8 to 10 2 8 10x15-12x18 160 p 20 00 ; 22 00 Fixtures No, 19 Heavy . . 3 9 to 12 21/; M 12 14 X22 200 22 50 1 24 75 N0. 22 Heavy . . . 4 10 to 13 21/2 12 14'@X22 250 i 30 00 , 33 00 No. 23 Ex. Heavy . 3 12 to 15 fig 3‘/.» 1 16 Cylinder 400 40 00 p 44 00 Couplings and Collars ,.’ 1 1,7717%’-r1i(-S inchfll 1 5-16 inch ' 17-16 in;-hm! 1 11-16 inch 5 1 15-16 inch gibbedcompressioncoupiings.........................’ $305 1 $365 fééilzo $630 ;$74o C°l1ars,safetysetscrew........... 80 , 90 1 100 , 120 ; 130 Ollars, plain set screw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 55 ‘ 55 ' 60 ' 70 ‘ 80 1209 Composing Sticks, Etc. = ' ,7 ,*. Rouse Job Stick Depth 6-Inch 8—Inch 10-Inch 12—Inch 15—Inch 20-Inch 2 -inch . . . $1 75 $2 00 $2 25 $2 50 $3 00 $3 75 21/1-inch . . . 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 60 3 10 3 85 21//2-inch . . . 1 95 2 20 2 45 2 70 . . Rouse Pica Stick The only difference between this and the Rouse Stick is that this is without the six-point adjustment. Depth 6-Inch 8-Inch 10-Inch 12—Inch 15—Inch 20-Inch 2 -inch . . . $1 25 $1 50 $1 75 $2 00 $2 50 $3 25 2%—inch . . . 1 35 1 60 1 85 2 10 2 60 3 35 2124-inch . . 1 45 1 70 1 95 2 20 not made Plating . . . . 25 30 35 40 50 50 6-inch . . . . . . . $1 65 Plating, extra . . . . . . . $0 25 8-inch . . . . 1 90 Plating, extra . . . . . . . 30 10-inch . . . . . . . 2 15 Plating, extra . . . . . . . 35 00000000 Improved Standard Job Stick Depth 6-Inch 8-Inch 10-lnch 12—Inch 15—Inch 20-Inch 2 -inch . . $1 75 $2 00 $2 25 $2 50 $3 00 $3 75 2‘/1-inch . . 1 85 2 10 2 35 2 60 3 10 3 85 2‘/2-inch . . 1 95 2 20 2 45 2 70 Rouse, only . . 15x2‘/4, $3 10 20x2, $3 75 20x21/;, $3 85 Star Composing Stick Steel, Nickel Plated. Depth 6-Inch 8—Inch 10-Inch 12—Inch 15—Inch 18—Inch 2 -inch . . $2 00 $2 25 $2 75 $3 25 $3 75 $4 25 2‘/1.-inch . . 2 25 2 50 3 00 3 50 4 00 4 50 Brass. 6-Inch 8-Inch 10-Inch 12-Inch 2 -inch . . $2 50 $2 75 $3 25 $3 75 2‘/1-inch 2 75 3 00 3 50 4 00 The New Wedge Star Stick This stick is made in four lengths and two depths. Nickel plated or brass—the choice is left to the purchaser. 2 inches deep 2% inches deep 6-inch . . Steel, $2 00: Brass, $2 50 Steel, $2 25; Brass, $2 75 8-inch . . Steel, 2 25; Brass, 2 75 Steel, 2 50; Brass, 3 00 10-inch . . Steel, 2 75; Brass, 3 25 Steel, 3 00; Brass, 3 50 12-inch . . Steel, 3 25; Brass, 3 75 Steel, 3 50; Brass, 4 00 The Grover Stick 6x2‘/4 in. . $0 8x2‘/1 in. 1 10x2‘/1 in. . 1 101/2x2‘/_> in. . 1 12 x2‘/4 in. . 1 16 X2‘/4 in. . 1 Common Screw Stick 6-Inch 8-Inch 10-Inch 12-Inch 14-Inch Screw . $0 75 16—Inch 18—Inch 20-Inch $0 80 $100 $115 $130 $145 $160 $175 The Buckeye Stick 6x2‘/1 in., $0 90 8x2‘/1 in., 1 00 10x2% in., 1 25 10‘/2x2‘/2in., 1 25 12 X2‘/4 in., 1 40 16 x2‘/1 in., 1 80 121o I 7775 //AM/.4 raw /1/F6‘. 00. Wood Poster Stick These have brass lined ends, iron knee and screw clamp; width inside two and one half inches. Made of cherry and fitted with japanned clamp, polished knurl headed screw and japanned knee. 16-inch, $1 00; weight . 13 oz. 30-inch, $1 35; weight . 18 oz. 20-inch, 1 10; weight . 15 oz. 36-inch, 1 50; weight . 20 oz. 24-inch, 1 20; weight . 16 oz. 42-inch, 1 80; weight . 24 oz. Yankee Job Stick 6- 8- 10- 12- 14- 16- 18- 20- Depth Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch Inch 2 -inch . . $0 70 $0 80 $0 95 $1 10 $1 30 $1 45 $1 50 $1 75 2‘/1-inch. . 75 80 100 115 130 145 160 175 2‘/.>-inch . . 75 80 1 00 1 15 1 30 1 45 1 60 1 75 4‘?-' (.0 All Brass News Stick Made of all brass and permanently set to 13 ems measure therefore not adjusta- ble. Better appearance and more easily kept clean than iron or steel. 2‘/winches deep, net . . . . . . . . $0 80 2‘/2-inches deep, net . . . . . . . . 90 0') (D 1- N v—-> 0! Perfect News Stick No. 1 To make allowance for the inevitable compression in the lines of type in lock- ing up the form the measure of this composing stick is made to a standard slightly larger than the point system. Perfect News Stick N o. 2 No. 1. Malleable iron, milled for 13 or 13‘/2 ems pica measure, each . . $0 75 No. 2. Steel Riveted, for 13 or 13‘/2 ems pica measure, each )-x 0'.) l|TTI]I|l|I||[l|l[l|ll||I|lIl|l|l|I|l|l]l||| $3 ‘.3 N '\.I \l\lll\lll\l\lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll New Star Line Measure This is a most efficient, complete and handy tool, graduated to ems by halves. Its great merit is most convincingly shown by its practical use. A form being composed on the galley is easily measured on both edges, while the line gauge is in the same position for each edge. The right and left hand hook enables the user to compress the measure against the head of the galley with equal pressure as a test for a square, or for column lengths at either edge of the form. It will be found very useful for testing pages in locking up on the stone. These advan- tages are particularly noticeable in con- nection with forms set up of machine set matter, either alone or combined with type set matter. On the reverse side is the Pica Rule with standard inches, 8T3 U’ ated to sixteenths. EPRINGFIELD.-O New Star Line Measure Greatly Reduce Description and Prices 6-Inch 8543-Inch 12—1”°l’ Steel N. P.—-Pica and Nonpareil . _ . . so 25 so 35 $0 :3 Steel N. P.—Pica, N onpareil and Agate, 30 40 60 Aluminum—-Pica and Nonpareil . . . . 30 40 65 Aluminum—Pica, Nonpareil and Agate, 35 45 65 Brass—Pica and Nonpareil . . . . . . . 40 50 7:,’ Brass—Pica, Nonpareil and Agate . . . 50 60 90 German Silver—Pica and N onpareil . . 60 70 00 German Silver-—Pica, N onp. and Agate, 70 80 1 Prices of Pica and Sixteenths same as Pica, and Agate- Boxwood Triangular Type Measure The Boxwood Triangular Type Measures are very accurately and sharply cut, and “made of the best grade of thoroughly sea- soned boxwood. The graduations are guaranteed accurate. Each side of the triangle is fluted, thus enabling the rule to be easily and steadily handled. Will measure all sizes from 51/2 to 9 points, and all multi- ples of 6 point. List Price of Boxwood Triangular Type Measure, 9 inches long . . $1 50 , List Price of Boxwood Triangular Boxwood Triangular Type Measure Type Measure, 18 inches long . 3 00 The Lincoln Type Measure The Lincoln Type Measure is a steel tape, twenty-four inches scale, agate to pica measure, in a German silver case. May be easily carried in the vest pocket. ListPriceof LincolnTypeMeasure,each. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200 American Square Boxwood Type Measures The American Square Boxwood Type Measures are made of hard wood, three-quarters of an inch squarea twzelve inches long, with brass edges. They are graduated in inches, and to 51/2, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 1 1 an 1 p 0 i n t s . They also have the advertising agate scale of fourteen lines to the inch, American Square Boxwood Type Measure LincolnType Measure List Price of American Square Boxwood Type Measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 30 Steel Composing Rules The Perfection Set contains forty spring tempered steel composing rules, numbered 4 to 45 picas,including half-em measures below 10 picas, are fitted in a handsome case strongly made of polished oak, plush lined and nicely finished. List price . . . . $3 50 ,,r '73.? ll Leather Pocket Rule Case steel Make_up Rule The Leather Pocket Rule Case is well made of strong brown leather, and compositors will find it very convenient for carrying in the vest pocket. It has patent clasp and contains twelve steel composing rules. Sizes, 10, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 18, 21, 24, 26%», 28 and 30 ems pica. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . These Steel Composing and Make-up Rules are made from the finest quality tempered steel, highly finished. Sizes and prices: 4to15ems. .$015 31to35ems. .$035 51to55ems. .$055 16 to 20 ems . . 20 36 to 40 ems . . 40 56 to 60 ems . . 60 . 21 to 25 ems . . 25 41 to 45 ems . . 45 . . . . . . . . . . , ' ° ' 26 to 30 ems . . 30 46 to 50 ems . . 50 . . . . . . . Perfection Rule Set Steel Composing Rule Extra thin Composing Rule (10-to-pica) 13 ems . . . . . . . 15 Ink Spade A very useful little accessory for the pressroom is the ink ‘spade. . It is made of steel, heavily nickel plated and may be used for a variety of purposes—cleaning out ink keg, ink can or fountain, mixing ink, or scraping an ink disc or plate. In mixing inks it will not discolor the daintiest tint. - One side is cut on a slant and Ink Knlves slightly rounded, so the inside of L the keg can be scraped without '1‘ soiling the fingers. Steel han- ._A_ dle, with spring steel blade. No Ink Knife ink Spade better ink spade can befound. 6 S I B 8 . h Price,each........................$060 StyleB,6-inch...$0_0 tye ,-inc ...$100 Whensentbymail.................... 72 StyleB.10-Inch.-----$150 Square End Pallet PMMM“ E ~ ‘ Pallet, Style B, 6-inch . $0 60 l 5 \ ~ , , 3 “‘f,'_ Pallet, Style B, 8-inch . . 1 00 5 A l 1 ‘ . ~ : Pallet, Style B, 10-inch . 1 60 Pallet, Style B, 12-inch . 2 00 Square End Pallet Round or Square End Spatulas Spatula, Style A, 6-inch . . . . . . $0 50 Spatula, Style A, 8-inch . . . . . . . . . . 70 Spatula, Style A, 10-inch . . . . . . . . . 1 00 ‘ Spatula. Style A, 12-inch . . . . . . . . . 1 65 “°““d “"9 Spatula Pressman’s Knife Overlay Kfllfe These Overlay Knives are finely tempered and polished. Each is ground sharp. Pressman’s Knife The Ideal Pressman’s Knife is covered with a wood handle, which can be cut away as the knife becomes worn. Overlay Knife Pressman’s Knife, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$050 Overlay Knife, in leathercase. . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 60 1211 Hook Gauge Pin This Pin is adjustable. The hook point should be inserted one-half inch below the feed line and drawn forward. The gauge point must be dropped at the feed line and lifted to get register. Price, per dozen . $0 25 Single Prong Gauge Pin This Pin supports itself in an upright position. The point should be inserted at the feed line and the prong run under the tympan to the shou1- _ Q der or gauge. Price, per dozen . .$0 25 Two Prong Gauge Pin This Pin has a double point support with span between. Both points should be inserted on the feed line and the prongs run clear in. Price, per dozen . Golden Steel Gauge Pins In order to obtain the greatest advantage in the adjusta- bility of these Gauge Pins the prong should be inserted one- quarter of an inch below the line of feed. The prong, when in the paper with the point brought up through, acts as a sliding bar by which the Gauge Pin is moved sT\ .$0 25 No.2 backward and forward. Not until the Gauge Pin is in the exact position for feeding are the teeth forced in. All that is needed to stick the prong through is a single sheet of good strong paper. For the N” general run of job work and in order for the teeth to get a full hold, a tympan, padded with a half dozen hard sheets and a hard cardboard is very suitable. Price, either size, not assorted, per dozen . . —;.—%‘._ J’, T...’ .850 40 Original Steel Gauge Pin This Pin was, as its name implies, the first of adjustable gauge pins. Its advantage lies in the gauge head being double thick and its con- struction such as to pro- N vide a broad, fiat, even feeding surface. The Gauge corners are also rounded. It is simplicity itself in conception and is a great favorite with many. A good tight tympan should be used, but it is not necessary to stick the prong through more than the top sheet. When the point is run in about half an inch the point should be brought up through by pressing the finger over it and easing the teeth while moving along. Price; in four sizes, either one size or assorted, per dozen . $0 60 Original Steel Gauge Pin Spring Tongue Gauge Pin This Pin is liked exceedingly well for all kinds of work because it has a tongue which may be bent up high, so as to , receive the sheets more readily in feeding and being elastic ‘will not break under pressure of blocks, leads, or quads in the form. The tongue is also of assistance in preventing sheets or small cards from sticking to the form. In fact the tongue improves the register. The Pin is treated the same as other styles having teeth adjustment, but its securing power is enhanced by the back supports. Any degree of margin, or none at all, is met by setting the Tongue, which may also be run between lines or in blank spaces. Price, per set of three, with an extra eachpin.............. Per dozen . . Spring Tongue Gauge Pin Short Tongue long tongue with ..........$040 1 20 Screw Adjusting Gauge Pin The base of this Gauge Pin is fastened to the tympan by a stout prong and the Gauge is adjustable backward and for- » ward on the base. It ' 00 may be finely adjust- ed by simply turning the little knurled nut seen at the rear of the base. Its maximum adjustment is half an inch. Glue or wax may be applied to the open base if necessary. In attaching, the prong should be inserted a quarter of an inch below the feed line and pushed chock home, the Gauge being squared before bringing the prong up through. There are no teeth. Flat tongues are used, which are held in the head of the Gauge. Price, set of three, including one dozen fiat tongues . .$l 00 1212 Perfect Register Gauge To obtain perfect register, especially in fine color work, is probably among the most trying and exacting of all the requirements of the print- ing press. The Perfect Register Gauge is especial- ly designed for making very fine and quick adjustments, not only in starting, but in making changes in its posi- tion while running off the job. Some pressmen claim that ad- justments can be made without stopping the press. The Gauge is fas- tened to the tympan by applying glue to the base. To obtain adjustment a slight turn of the disk, which moves the sliding part or gauge-head backward or forward a much slighter degree, is all that is neces- sary. The full extent of ad- justment is one-eighth of an inch. To hold the base on while drying and to prevent sheets slipping under in feeding, a steel point, seen in the bottom view of Gauge, is inserted in Perfect Register Gauge Bottom View of Gauge Long Flat Tongue the tympan. It is only necessary to secure the top sheet. In removing the Gauge it is best to tear it off from the rear. Price of Gauge, per set of three, including one dozen flattongues.....................25 Flat tongues, long and short, per packet 25 Brass Gauge Pin This is a tough Gauge Pin for tough work. May be used on any tympan. Both points are stuck in at the feed line and brought up through. Sizes made 1, 2, 3, 6. Price, per dozen . . $0 40 Flexible Side Gauge Pin This is a Gauge Pin, which enables one to apply both grippers without consideration of the position or safety of the side gauge. It can be us '> as a bottom gauge as well as a side gauge and is non-smashable. It has teeth and is adjusted in the usual manner. It will be found to possess lasting qualities. Price, per dozen, with or without lips. . __:.__ .$0 60 Extension Feed Guides When it is desired to print on a sheet so large that it nearly covers the platen, the tympan gauges cannot be , used. In such a case the Ex- tension Feed Guides are fas- tened in the bale and by the use of the long \ a n d s h 0 r t guides, any p 0 i n t i S reached between ’ . ~-«._ ».. ’///4 . / K . ./ '7 the two positions. The leg of the ex- tension is furnished straight and should be bent around the 2 lower edge of the bale to form a hook, by which they are easily drawn down and secured with the bale. Price, including pair of short guides and long tongue, per pair..........................$100 Eccentric Stud Gauge This Gauge is turned from a solid bar of metal and is provided with a fixed lip instead of an adjustable tongue. The face of the gauge is round instead of flat. It is made fast_t0 the tympan by a knurled nut, which draws a circular plate against the under side of the tympan and binds the whole together. It may be at- tached from underneath or by 1”‘ serting the circular plate from above. In thick tympans a slot should be made, so that the screw may move freely in it. Price, per set of three . . . $0 75 will Iil!i.|:.'i. W‘-‘W Eccentric Stud Gauge Iron Gauge Pin Drawer Made of iron, ' --.~., screws on under the feed board of press . table. Useful for gauge pins when ,. . not in use. — Size 2‘/.»x3‘/2x3/4 in. ' Price each, in- cluding screw $0 25 Postage . 08 ml an ‘ill in §l'lll»~«”_lllllll ‘ uwllglelzmt Solid Brass Gauge Double Grip Gauge This is a job press guide or A new method of attachment was developed in devising gauge, made of solid brass. It is this Gauge. In fastening it there is no necessity to use teeth, twelve point, and when glued to i prongs,glue or paste. tympan acts as an effective guide. Neither is it neces- Price, per dozen . . . . . . . $0 50 5313' t°,Cut pieces out of or slit the tympan P F"""“"“““' transversely. All C ' ' ‘ Doubie Grip Gauge that is required is to yhnder Slde Gulde cut a slit through the This device is secured to the feed board by the sharp point top sheet straight from the feed line one inch in length. shown in tlZhe1?utlln€;1n Cl}1lt..Wlgil_Ch £8 placed at Into thics dslit tl(iie under plate is inserted sidewise up to the 1; the side 0 pi ar, so t at aira jus ments may screw s u s, an ‘ be obtained by simply turning the pillar to the there fastened desired position. The bendable brass tongue is adjustable in every direction. Price,each.......... ....$050 by the t w 0 nuts ‘I - 2 Sufficient lllIlvW,m}"‘“;; , hold can be . lmi“[H[,.|““‘ produced with Gauge Pins [;.iW,;; W .. |]Illm“ the.fingers for _ _ _ Gauge pins are prob_ iviunmld ll "‘ ordinary stock as it is secured at two points along ably more used today "-will {I A P flligiilllw the slit, but for cardboard the key should be used. W __ . . than ever before. frhgy If“Wgllwjmi One-quarter inch adjustment is obtained with the 1. * I are really a necessity in Wllflll "I'M Diagram showing slit p ‘ inch slit. If more is required it can be had by cut- mnst printing. OH.-Ices ‘(Ill ' _, i ting the slit longer. A very powerful hold is obtain- f 1 ed by the use of a manila top sheet. It does not They are inexpensive - injure packing, the tympan may be turned back or iirrlge ¥:a1f:_2.::i(§;ab11: KGe:u1;:r its use repeated. Sheets cannot be fed under the Order to meet tne'de_ _ . gauge-head. This is a very handy and useful de- mands of our custonn vice and is a gauge, not a pin. ers we keep a large assortment of the very best lines made. Price, set of three, including six extra tongues, per set . $1 25 Megill Automatic Register Gauge The highest class printing, whether in colors or in black, demands uniformity and this cannot be obtained without accurate register. The Automatic Register Gauge will not only produce absolutely perfect register but will increase the output and save stock. It will allow the press to be run at a higher rate of speed without the usual spoil- age and use of the throw-off. The Automatic is instantly applicable to all sizes and makes of platen presses. No changes are required. On reference to the illustration it will be seen that the Gauge is complete in itself and, though operated by the gripper, has no connection with it and is free to be placed anywhere. The speed arm touches the gripper near the bottom and, having a lateral motion across it, always works eas- ily and is adapted to any inclination of gripper or platen. All wearing parts are ~ of hardened steel and the device is constructed on the interchangeable system. K It takes less than a minute to attach, and the method of ‘ attachment is simple and reliable. The finest adjustment can be obtained and no parts are employed which are liable to disarrange during the run. The forward feet prevent the sheets from feeding under the setter-head. A tongue is unnecessary as the lip prevents the sheets from slipping up over the setter-head in feeding. The gripper is set so as to come down between the setter-head and toggle-joint when flat. All parts depress to twelve points. The speed arm is needed only // d, , Fig_ L Eaten one when running. It_is applied at the notch and _ . . _ . _ runs easily to position. The pressure of the . i ' gripper will not displace it. The illustrations show a twelve point setter-head. \ - ' _ _ / Fig. 3. Indicates Parts Referred -to Price,delivered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$480 F inDeS°1’iPti°" Gripper Cross-Bar and Gripper Fingers These devices will do the work which has defied the ordinary grippers. They are designed for the platen press and can be quickly applied and adjusted, holding immovably. The Cross-bar is the first invention to completely cross the platen and conform to all spaces between the grippers with- . . A ~ , out extending outside. It consists of — . two three—eighths inch Fingers and l . 3 l: 5 intermediate sections of different ' -_U - lengths which slide with spring ten- %-inch Finger ' %-inch Finzer M*“8i“3' sion upon the Fingers. The Fingers o _ , l are made in various shapes and used singly or collectively. They lie between the type matter without smashing n leads or quads. The Down Fingers extend vertically over the sheet and may be adjusted to do effective work anywhere between the grippers. The Marginal Down Fin- ' turns down at the end and nips the sheet. The gcr fowl" Inside Marginal extends laterally in both direc- l Inside m mfger tions over the end of the sheet parallel to the grip- , Marginal per and admits a narrow gauge-head between. Sheets are lapped along the margin in either di- 5? rection whether wide or narrow. Spaces between . Consists of two %—inch Fingers and Intermediate matter are also entered from either direction. In Se°ti°nS- C°"f°!‘mS 50 3" d'm°"S'°"3 ‘ - - - between Grippers printing small forms the left hand gripper may _ be equipped and the right hand gripper set to one side out of the feeder’s wayn Thg Grippeg Fingers atre mad: / . ~ -- in five-eighths, one inc an one an one-quar er me n D°W" Fm‘ sizes, the openings for grippers the same in width or t _ _ ’ gel‘ fol‘ narrower. There are frequently Occasions, after com_ 92,-inch Gripper Finger. size one inch, reduced one-half . Cr°SS'Bm plicated_type forms are put on the press, when the pressman is obliged to resort to make-shift methods in order to_ obtain the fine results he desires. Sometimes the forms may slur, or the stock will permit of very small margin. Often the stock curls and wrinkles, or will not lie flat. Frequently ’ ’ the sheets adhere to the form, or a variety of other dif'fi- 3 culties may arise, all tending to obviate good work and 5 causing loss of time. The prices of _the Gripper Cross ; Bar and Gripper Fingers make it possible for a pressroom to own a complete complement of this useful device. 5 ‘‘ Prices of Gripper Cross-Bars and Gripper Fingers %—inch Gripper Finger, each . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 ‘A4-inch Gripper Finger, each . . . . . . . . . . . 50 5 Cut at left shows right-hand gripper Marginal Finger, ‘each . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 ; n n equipped with 3% Finger carrying a Down Down Finger for ‘l/H-Incl] Finger, each . . . . . . . 25 ..»-w Q” F"‘g°‘”- Al“ 3 ‘A3 F‘“8°’- Down Finger for Cross-Bar, each . . 25 - . _ - . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' Cross-Bar with Down Finger Applied. Also an Inside . 0"‘ 3.‘ "gm" 9h°?”” '8“ ha"? “"9"” Complete Cross-Bar for all size presses up to 10x15 1 50 Marginal Finger which admin, 3 side gauge with % Finger carrying Down Finger set C 1 C B f 11 ize resses up to 13x19 1 75 V. n h d b t _ .t to very narrow margin, the side gauge to Omp ete r033‘ ar or 3' S p “''t a narrow ea. 9 wecn ' go belowit. Complete Cross-Bar for larger Dresses ' ' ‘ - ° - and the gripper 1213 2-. uummlllllllllllllllllllllllll This is a good and cheap Tweezer. Itis m ad e o f polished steel, nickel plated; 3‘/2 inches long. No. 11 A, nickel plated. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 25 The No. 5 is the best T wkele z e r V , ...._..,;~:_‘__ .:=s=«., _ procura e at ._ the price; h a s \\a531\\Xl\l\\l\l‘i\\‘i\l\‘\\\\\\\\l\lll\:i:llu«.m.....~.-—«~ ‘ file point, steel, No. 5 Tweezer nickle plated; 4 inches long. Price . ' oaov. -»«|||N‘“"" ....$050 The Nos. 7 and = ‘ ‘ 8are the best I mmlllllllllllll .. ____,,, Tweezers made; llllllllllllllll\lll\\ll1ui..........r._._..._ tempered Steel, nickel plated, W i t h fi l e c u t - .—..., No. 7 Tweezer points and backs. No. 7, 4 inches long. Price . . . . . . $0 75 Th l S IS I . ‘ the No. 8 ' ‘ V ’ weezer, I g" 12;; 3, . "M 4% inches imllmlilillilliullxlilliiim..........-...s long» No. 8 Tweezer Price No. 8 Tweezer . . . . .$0 85 p g V _ \ T h e Improved I .. ‘ "'/”""""" LockingTweezer mm“ cannot get out of order easily. Improved Locking Tweezer L o c k s and un- _ _ locks automatic- ally by holding the points up or down. Can be carried in the pocket with comfort and safety. Nickel plated. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 90 No. 3 Combi- nation Bodkin and Tweezer. When not in use the bodkin folds into the tweezer. Pres- sure on the file cut brings the bodkin out readily and when ex- tended it locks securely. Nickel plated. Price‘ . . . . . . . . '. . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Bodkins i.i.lilllllll\lllll!lll I No. 3 Combination Bodkin and Tweezer Steel Needle Bodkin Steel Needle Bodkin with wooden handle. Price Marble Ink Slabs These Marble Ink Slabs are made from the best grade of Vermont marble, especially finished for the purpose. Marble Ink Slabs, 8x12 inches, each . . . . . . . . . . $1 25 Marble Ink Slabs, 12x18 inches, each . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 Marble Ink Slabs, 18x24 inches, each . . . . . . . . . . 3 75 Saws The Back Saw is one of the most essential articles for _ the compos- _ ing room. It W-w * or ‘ ‘ cutswood or soft metal with the greatest of ease. Price. . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 25 Back Saw Miter Bees - We havea Miter Box so strongly built that it cannot be broken. It is made of lumber that is built up of various layers with the grain crossed. Unbreakable Miter Box, 131/2 ems wide, weight two pounds.Price.. . . . . . . . Unbreakable Miter Box, 3 inches wide, weight three and one-quarter pounds. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Other sizes of Laminated Miter Boxes can be made to order. Prices furnished on application. Miter Box Leader Boxes There are two types of practical Leader Boxes, the Ham- ilton and the May, both strong, well made and unexcelled in the purpose for which each is intended. For the job man the Hamilton Box is probably the best, as it can be used any- where about the office, carried to the job bank or used on a stone. For the type compositor the May Box is doubtless the best, as it does not cover the type boxes when in use and is placed in a certain position and kept there. Hamilton Leader Box Prices Hamilton Leader Box, size 5x8x1"/4 inches, weight six ounces. Price, per dozen . . . .$2 50 Each . . . . . . . . . . 25 May’s Patent Leader Box, size 4‘/2x6‘/2x1‘/2 inches, weight four ounces. List price, per dozen . . $5 00 Each.......... 50 ""g;..'.f. If I,’ ,.! *.:~:=~.'¢»3-‘»- .,_.,._.,,,....-.1 . . . 2" . w....‘..;- This illustration shows how the May Leader Box and the Hamilton Leader Box may be placed on a Case Case Pulls The No. 1 Case Pull is attached to all steel run and wood run cabinets and is a most convenient pull for all type cases. No. 1 Case Pull Price, with screws for attaching to case fronts, each . . $0 05 Price, with screws, in bulk, each . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 No. 2 Case Pull For attachment to shallow cases and narrow drawers. Price, with screws, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $004 Price, with screws, in bulk, each . . . . . . . . . . . . 03 No. 3 Case Pull This is a pull and label holder combined. Price, with screws, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 05 Price, with screws, in bulk, each . . . . . . . . . . . . 04 Bellows These Bellows are made exactly as illustrated and are correctly shaped; the)’ are very strongly made of b e s t selected materials. In th e construction of these bellows, a reed has been placed inside which Bellows greatly assists inflation. Small size Bellows, 8 inches, weight eighteen ounces. ListPrice.. . . . . Large size Bellows, 10 inches, weight, twen ty-three ounces. List price . . . . . . . . 1 25 Cylinder Bellows The operation of “blowing out” dusty cases is far better controlled by the use of the Cylinder Bellows than with the ordinary old fashioned bellows. The former is more powerful. Cylinder Bellows Small Cylinder Bellows. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . .$125 Large Cylinder Bellows. Price . . . . . . . American Lettering Pallet This Lettering Pallet is made of solid brass, substantially constructed, and handsomely finished. It is admitted to be one of the best pallets manufactured. It has capacity for a line four and one-half inches long. It is readily adjusted by two thumb screws, which center the line with one operation from either end. It is an indispensable tool for every bookbinder. The American Type Founders Company makes the best and largest assortment of Brass Type, reproducing in brass many of its type designs that are most suitable for the purpose. A complete, modern and up- to-date specimen book of Brass Types, Ornaments and Borders will be furnished on application. - Price, American Lettering Pallet . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 00 Triumph Eyelet Punch and Set The punch that cuts the paper is separate from the eyelet set, so that paper cannot be injured by the latter while being - » punched. There is a guide to regulate the distance of eyelet from paper’s edge. Triumph Eyelet Punch and Set, including 1,000 eyelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 25 XLT Eyelets, per box of 1,000 . . . . . . . . . 40 Combined Eyelet Punch and Set This is a very useful tool in any printing office. It punches the hole and sets the eyelet. Takes only one size eyelet (N o. 2 Skirt). AMERICAN American Lettering Pallet Triumph Eyelet Punch and Set Pricecomplete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 Jyelem for Punch Eyelets, per box of 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Eyelets, per box of 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 The sizes of the punches and the diescorrespond with the eye- Combined Eyelet Punch and Set lets made_ Order by number_ American Job Press Brake _ Qur Job Press Brake is a simple, durable and effective brake for Gordon and other platen presses. It is made entirely of cast Iron in a workmanlike manner. Anyone can attach it in a very few minutes. One of the most important features of this Job Press Brake is that a belt may also be used on the fly wheel of the press without interfering in any way. The Job Press Brake stops the press instantly, thus often avoiding accidents and expensive repairs. It is a safe- guard that should be placed on every job printing press. In addition to the list of regular sizes and prices given_ below, we can furnish special brakes at a slight advance in price for any press, if the following di- mensions are given: the diameter of the fly wheel; the distance from the fly wheel to the floor and the distance from the center of the fly wheel to the front of machine. Price of American Job Press Brake (in regular sizes) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 Tape in Rolls A good quality of tape is necessary in the press room and bindery. Cheap tape is dear at any price. There is scarcely anything more annoy- ing_ than thebreaking of a tape on the press, or on any other machine. . This invariably happens when one is in a hurry. We have tested many ‘ makes of tapes and have concluded that the quality we offer is the best that has been made up to this date. American Job Press Brake Prices of Press Tape in Rolls of Thirty-Six Yards T399 “‘ R°‘'3 Size 5 Rolls or less 6 to 11 Rolls 12 Rolls and over . 5 Rolls or less 6 to 11 Rolls 12 Rolls and over 3 _ PerRoll Per Roll Per Roll 5”“ Per Roll Per Roll Per Roll '];si_nch........... $065 $058 $050 1 inch........$l50 $130 $115 52inch............ 80 70 60 11/sinch........ 175 155 135 3/8inch.. . . . . . . . . .. 100 85 75 1‘,4iinch........ 180 160 140 é11nch...... .....120 105 95 1‘/2inch........ 210 185 160 8inch...... .....l40 120 110 2 inch........ 300 265 235 1 Metallic Tape Couplers This is a device for connecting the ends of tape on presses and folders, so that there will be no wear on the joined parts. This method is more durable than any other for securing the ends of tape. The Couplers prevent the tape from running crooked and throwing paper out of register. They can be put on in a few seconds by means of parallel pliers made for this purpose. The Metallic Couplers are not made larger than one and one-eighth inches. If one and one- quarter-inch size is wanted. use two of the five—eighth-inch Couplers. Parallel Pliers 3 . Prices of Metallic Tape Couplers, per Box of Fifty '1«;8}nch..... . . . . . . . ..$1l0 %inch.. . . . . . . . . . . ..$160 5/‘~’}nch . . . . . . . . . .....1l0 1inch............_..175 38inch..............125 1%inch............175 ' Atinch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1% inch . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 MetallicTapeCoup1ers Steel Roller Supporters For job presses these are among the best supporters yet devised. They only occupy one-quarter of an inch of the inside space of a_ chase: they ease the pressure of the rollers on the form, prevent over inking and save rollers from cutting, as they are three-quarters of an inch wide on top. Being nickel plated they will not affect the daintiest ink. 037‘/$1‘! .J3.~i;iin jaessrzioqqua nzuosi 43373 is V... List Prices and Dimensions of Steel Roller Supporters Elli‘. v Ch Peiopili _ l For7x11 ase. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -i M”"'"““"”"’""“"”‘~ For 8x12 Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 For 9x13 Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 For10x15Chase.........................50 For11x17Chase..........................60 For12x18Chase.....,................... 75 For13x19Chase...........................75 For14x20Chase..........................80 Steel Roller Supporters For 14]/2X22 Chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 1215 The Superior Steel Tableting Press Here is an improvement in the lasting qualities of a Tableting Press. While the old method of building this device mainly of wood was fairly satisfactory, a better way has been adopted. The Superior is constructed entiiely of steel and iron and is as rigid and strong as it is really possible for human hands to make it. There will be no more warping or cracking when this improved line of Steel Tableting Presses comes into general use. The Superior Press has no clamps or screws to be operated and is very rapid and effective in operation. This apparatus has an iron brick and base plate, which forms the bottom of the box. The sheets are placed in the box, as shown in the illustration, and the iron brick placed on top of the pile. Then by taking the press by the handle and leg and placing it in a perpendic- ular position, and withdrawing it from under the base plate, the pile is left standing on the base plate all ready for the glue brush, as depicted in the cut. This press is a trifle more ex- pensive than if made of wood, but will be found much more economical in the long run. Every printer needs one of these Steel Tableting Presses for his office equipment. List Price of Superior Steel Tableting Press Superior Steel Tableting Press, complete with sheet Superior Steel Tableting Press steel box, cast iron brick and base plate, size 50 Sheets Ready for Gluing 8x8x18 inches; capacity 6000 sheets I“ ,t ,t- .h - th, .til.0nb1-ick Extra Cast Iron Bricks, weight about twenty-five pounds, each . . . . . . . . . . . 2 75 U5 "‘,,,,',‘I1",,Z,,,‘;“I}§I,‘i,. i;:::ition Extra Base Plates, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 The Perfection Steel Tableting Press Like the Superior, the Perfection Steel Tableting Press is made of steel and iron, with the same careful workmanship as is used in the manufacture of the higher priced apparatus. While the price is somewhat higher than for wooden presses, the lasting qualities are so much greater that it is bound to prove cheaper in the long run. The Perfection Steel Tableting Press is intended to straighten up and hold the sheets of paper while being glued. It is simple and convenient and will be found to be one of the best and handiest ar- ticles yet devised for the purpose. It will handle an y number of sheets up to three thousand with equal ease. Is made slop- ing so that the paper will rest alone while being adjusted. The clamp is separate from the box and is quickly arranged to take various thicknesses. Any desired pressure may be obtained by turning the screw crank. The advisability of equipping with the Perfec- tion Steel Tableting Press will be apparent to the up-to-date printer. We supply them on short notice. l’ei'fection Steel Tableting Press This catalogue contains a great num- ber of articles that have recently undef- gone improvement in construction an i these Tableting Presses are among them. Prices of Perfection Steel Tableting Press and Clamps Perfection Steel Tableting Press, sheet steel holder, complete with clamp and five boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 Extra Clamp, with Five Boards . . . . . . _ . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 Extra Clamp, only . . . . . . . 1 40 Cott’s Tablet Holder and Clamp Cott’s Tablet Holder and Clamp is similar in construction to other tableting presses, except that it is made of wood and is m0I'9 economical in price. It will hold any number of sheets up to three thousand and any size from two and one-half by two and one-half inches to eighteen and one-half by fourteen inches. The clamp is adjustable to the various thicknesses and any desired pressure can be obtained quickly and effectively. List Prices of Cott’s Tablet Holder and Clamp Tablet Knife Holder and Clamp, complete, set of Five Press Boards . . $3 50 , Extra Set of Five Press Boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 Extra Clamp,without Press Boards . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 Liquid Padding Glue ,,,,, M This Liquid Padding Glue is an elastic, tough, quick dry- . . . . . This Knife is made especially for separating pads. H35 t h h 1 d f d . . i:;g.ti:;:?ai:i;°::,:V.;§,-ediovzizigzaofyteiz:;::;:.,fi:%i:é:.;.? ,<;>;;,g:,tr;;r;;,.;;rggg,b1ade made of _ so so feet under all conditions. Itisfreefrom odor and IS furnished ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' in red, blue, green or colorless, as you may desire. Cement Brush 0 Prices Liquid Padding Glue Cement Brush of French bristles, flat and Half Pint Cans . . . . . . . . . . . $0 35 double thick. . . . PintCans............. 60 Quart Cans . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 GallonCans............375 Glue Pots .-=4’ Cement Brush Prices of Cement Brushes . . - .; Glue Pots, while ordinary, are very es- 1l‘_n?h - - ~ - - - $0 30 2]m,°heS - - ' ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' $0 75 sential. We have but one quality and l/‘-’ mches « - — - - 40 3/3 mches - ' ' ' ’ ' that the best. . Paper Counter Prices Glue Pots This Pad or Paper Counter is a device adjustable for diVid' Glue pot gig: 11:32 gag 3(1) agly ciylilrlritber of sheets into equal parts fo padding. Padding Composition °“t"Y"e ’“”“' l b e r s h e e t s Many printers prefer padding composition to a liquid glue. EV 3315 93 '05‘; To those who do, we offer an excellent ‘article at a reasonable afil. an ‘ip 0 price. The friction Itop tin §ans,11n_whichh_ it is put tup keepdt ,‘C”h QC D 11; :29 r in good condition. t is ma e on y in w_ ite, excep on specia ° . . t the pape , order. This composition must not be boiled but simply heated. rSrc}:~:r;V?rf:_Vf;hE3hf1:r‘E(3fi1eS§:b%g Ecilégfhglg t:£'1i“r11yI?1§:g1ST0 €§§ri2in’C;-’«(; Prices of Padding Composition place p1late_on dtop of lot to be corilifited and _puS_hk5e1 plated Padding Composition, in friction top tin can, 1 pound . . $0 30 paperv. earmgl Own at Same “men 9 gailuge ‘S me Padding Composition, in friction top tin can, 5 pounds . . 1 25 an‘? 3-dJ11S’Cab1€ up to one and five-eighths inches. $0 75 Padding Composition, in friction top tin can, 10 pounds . 2 25 Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - v ' 1216 ELECTRIC-WELDED STEEL CHASES Every bar of steel used in the manufacture of these Electric-Welded Steel Chases is made up from a special grade of open hearth steel. This special mixture was compounded to meet the peculiar conditions of electro-welding, which always require that the impurities shall be very low, so that the steel shall weld well and also prevent what is known as a congregation of impurities rendering the steel brittle and liable to breakage, which happens when the impurities collect together. In order to bring about the right mixture, the proper proportions of carbon and manganese must be efiected. Carbon imparts the property of brittleness, therefore only a small percentage of carbon may be used. It is also necessary to have manganese in the proper quantity for the purpose of making it dense, close—grained, tough and strong. Sulphur and phosphorus are great enemies of steel and the best steel contains only very slight traces of these ingredients. Our steel contains the proper proportions of carbon . and manganese and is as free from sulphur, phosphorus and other impurities as Cutsthroug-hthehardsteel it is possible to make it. After the steel is made it is first hot drawn through Wm‘ ‘*“"°“‘*‘*“"““° dies of approximately the size, then cold drawn to the correct size. This very process of drawing is a guarantee of strength of each and every bar used by us as it takes a pull of some 40,000 pounds to draw each bar through the dies. Any bar which breaks in this drawing process is thrown aside as defective. Therefore the secret of the Electric-Welded Steel Chase lies, first, in the grade of steel used, and second, in the method of welding~—in electric-welding the heat is first generated at the center of the bars, and thus the weld is made from the center out- ward. In electric-welding, too, exactly the right amount of heat may be applied to bring the metal to just the degree of fusibility which gives the best results. The i . material is not weakened by burning, nor is its temper drawn at any p . point except where the weld is made; and yet the heat is sufficient ~ to cause the molecules of steel to intermingle just as they would were the metal melted and cast in a mold; hence it is that the four bars originally used for making an Electric-Welded Chase really become one solid, perfect piece of steel, without flaw or blemish of any sort to indi- cate that a weld has ever been made. The steel used in our chases has a tensile strength almost double that of the material used in the past, as has been demonstrated by tests made in the testing laboratory of one Gradually becomes bright until in a of the largest steel plants in this country. The tests by no means ended ‘°‘“‘“*"“’""”" here; mere strength lacks much of being the only test of a good chase. Deflective tests showed that, on two chases of the same size, when each was sprung a quarter of an inch the Electric- Welded Chase returned to its original shape on the removal of the pressure, while the one made from cast-steel remained three—sixty-fourths of an inch 5 permanently out of true. A series of these tests was made, every one of which showed the Electric-Welded Chases to have more than double the resisting power of any others. The tests were all made with a View of determining which of the many samples submitted was best for chase-making. Because of its bright, glossy finish we “ have named the new material Silver-Gloss Steel. The bars of 7 steel from which the Electric-Welded Steel Chases are made are drawn expressly for us. Being cold-drawn every bar is of the finest texture, and is perfectly true in all dimensions. The bars come from the steel mill in all the special sizes and shapes used in chases. The first process of manufacture is the sawing of the bars to lengths suitable for the work in hand, for which purpose a circular saw which cuts through the hard steel with astonishing ease and speed is used. When they leave the saw the pieces are passed to the man in charge of the welding. He places _ them in the electric-welder, where they are held tightly against each other by huge, Vise-like jaws, which gradually, at the will of the operator, close up as the ,4 heat increases, the movement being just sufficient to insure a perfect unblem- ‘ '- ished joint. This weld being made, the now solid piece is rigidly held in a right angle vise which. prevents warping out of shape or springing while cool- ing. But for small ridges of excess metal at the point where the weld is made, i the welding would finish the chase ; as it is, all that remains to be done is to cut away the ridge, which work is quickly done by the milling and grinding machines which leave the bars from which the chase is made as smooth and perfect as they were before the welding. The excess of metal formed in the Welding process in each inside corner is removed on the punch press (see Pum_M_,W,m_Wminmumsidc illustration). If the chase is to be fitted with bars, the special automatic lvfcornvml dovetailing machine is brought into play. Printers throughout the country have recognized the value Of improved chases for their jobbers and thousands of them have been sold. 1217 Double Cutter Milling Machine Size No. CD00-~1C>C)1v¥>OOl\'.>|-1 Outside Measurement X21 inches X25 inches X27 inches X27 inches X28 inches X29 inches X30 inches x32 inches x42 inches x30 inches 1 X34 inches 1 X35 inches 1 X36 inches 1 X39 inches « X41 inches ~ X42inches ‘ X44 inches 1 X46 inches 1 = 2 X47 inches 7 ‘ 331/.>X46inches 1 . 331/2X48 inches 1 - 34 X48 inches1 1 35 X50 inches 1 36 X52 inches I 1 38 X51 inches 1 ‘ 371/2X52 inches X60 inches X60 inches X53 inches 1 X55 inches 1 X56 inches 1 X63 inches 1 X62 inches ‘ X65 inches f Solid Cross Bar Measurement Length and Breadth 38 inches 45 inches 48 inches 49 inches 50 inches 52 inches 54 inches 55 inches _ 58 inches . 60 inches 60 inches 1 62 inches 66 inches 70 inches 71 inches 72 inches 76 inches 78 inches 79 inches 791/2 inches 811/zinches 82 inches , 85 inches 88 inches 89 inches 891/2inches 92 inches 96 inches 99 inches 100 inches 103 inches 106 inches 107 inches 110 inches 113 inches Steel Electric-Welded Book Chases Side Bars 1 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 15/16 inches ‘ 111/16 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 115/16 inches 11316 inches 11‘/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/1 6 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 1*"/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 1"/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 17/16 inches 17/16 inches 17/16 inches 7/16 inches 17/16 inches 1' One Bar Shifting L! “L W Zifl. L . SIZE or MATERIAL 5 5 ‘(Width End Bars 1 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 11/16 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 13//16 inches 13/1 6 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 13/16 inches 113/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 1"/16 inches 1"/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 15/16 inches 1’/16 inches 15/16 inches 17/16 inches 17/16 inches 17,-'16 inches 17/16 inches 17/16 inches Long Short Cross Bars 1 Li Both Bars Shifting ‘~ Thickness Cross Bars I 1 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 1 4 picas 6 picas 1 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas ‘ 6 picas 1 4 picas 1 6 picas 1 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 5 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas ‘ 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas f 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas ‘ 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas ‘ 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 5 picas 4 picas ’ 6 picas 4 picas 6 picas 1 4 picas 6 picas 4 picas 1 6 picas 4 picas 1 of Bars ‘Vs inch ‘V8 inch ‘76 inch ‘Vs inch '76 inch 5%; inch '% inch 7?; inch 56 inch 5/6 inch ‘Vs inch inc? "6 inc 1%: inch incfi 56 inc 5/6 inch 5/6 inch inch 53 inc 5%; inch 5%; inch 5/6 inch 549 inch 5/8 inch 1%; inch 54; inch 5/6 inch inch 5/8 inch 5/6 inch 1%; inch 5%; inch % inch 6picas ‘ 5/6 inch Price of Chase Price of Chase Price of Chase With Solid One Bar Both Bars Cross Bars Shifting Shifting $8 50 $9 50 $10 50 8 95 9 95 10 95 9 30 10 30 11 30 9 40 10 40 11 40 9 50 1 10 50 11 50 9 70 10 70 11 70 9 95 10 95 11 95 10 05 ’ 11 05 12 05 10 40 11 40 12 40 10 60 11 60 12 60 10 60 11 60 12 60 10 80 11 80 12 80 11 25 12 25 13 25 11 70 12 70 13 70 ll 80 12 80 13 80 11 90 12 90 13 90 12 35 13 35 14 35 12 60 13 60 14 60 12 70 13 70 14 70 12 80 13 80 14 80 13 00 14 00 15 00 13 00 14 00 15 00 13 35 14 35 15 35 13 70 14 70 15 70 13 80 14 80 15 80 13 90 14 90 15 90 14 10 15 10 16 10 14 55 1 15 55 16 55 14 90 1 15 90 16 90 15 00 16 00 17 00 15 35 16 35 17 35 15 65 . 16 65 17 65 15 75 16 75 17 75 16 10 17 10 18 10 16 45 18 45 X66 inches Theabove list of 131712163 and prices Chans'6s—-‘seepage 1221. 1 1 1 To Estimate Price of a Book Chase, size not listed Find price of same size Poster or Skeleton chase and add $4.00 if solid bars only are wanted. Add $5.00 if one bar only is t9 be shifted and $6.00 if both bars are to be shifted. Unless otherwise ordered, Book chases will be furnished with one bar only shifting‘ - Minimum price of Book chase with both bars shifting, $10.50. For bar only, add $1.00 to list; for pair of dovetails add $1.00 to list} for both add $2.00 to list. For extra stock charge same as in Poster chases. See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions- Steel Electric-Welded Folio Chases 1 ® SIZE OF MATEIHAL - , - 1 Size of Measurement W, .. .. , ,,,, , , , , ; Price No. Column S]c7i$«.»ci~f.§ii]r 1 Each Chase Length Side Bars End Bars Back Bars Of. 1 Folio Inches ' Outside and Breadth __ _W_ 6 6 _ 1 _> up A ___ Pal!‘ I 1 1"°1“’3 1 0"" A” ‘ width 'I‘hick- W.1th 1 Thick» w.dth Thick- ‘ ‘ , 1 nuss K ness 1 ness i /A1,. 1 1 *5 1 28 X213/1. 14 X21‘/1. 1 4911/4. inches 1 11/16 inches 1 5/3 inch 1 11/16 inches 5/6 inch 11316 inch 5/6 inch $ 9 33 2 5 ~ 293/6x221/4 Q 1411/16X2214 7 515/6 inches 1 11/16 inches 5/6 inch ' 11/16 inches 5%; inch ‘ 13/16 inch 5/3 inch 1 9 85 3 *6 ‘ 321/2X24 1 1614 X24 1 561/2 inches 1‘ 11/16 inches 543 inch 1 11/16 inches 1 -76 inch 13/16 inch 5/3 inch 1 10 00 4 6 337/-1X24 1 1615/16x24 1 577/6 inches 11/6 inches 5/6 inch 11/»; inches ‘ 5/6 inch 13/16 inch 5%; inch 1 11 15 5 *7 38 X25% 1 19 X253/4 1 63% inches 1 1%; inches 1 5/6 inch 1 11/6 inches % inch 1 13/16 inch 1 5/3 inch 12 35 6 7 387/6X26 197/16 X26 1 647/3 inches 1 1% inches 5/6 inch 1 1% inches 3 5/6 inch ‘ 13/16 inch 5/; inch 12 90 7 Special 41 X27 1 201/2 X27 . 68 inches 1 1% inches 1 5/3 inch 1 1_1/11 inches 5/8 inch 1 115/16 inch “/3 inch 1 12 30 8 *8 42 X28 1 21 X28 1 70 inches 1 15/16 inches 1 5/6 inch 1 15/16 inches 1 5/3 inch 1 15/16 inch 5/6 inch 1 13 70 9 8 43%X281A 1 2113/16X281/1 1 71% inches 1 11/; inches 1 56 inch ‘ 11/4 inches ‘ 5/8 inch 15/16 inch 5%; inch 1 13 80 10 1 *9 47 X301/2 ‘ 231/: X301‘; . 77% inches 1 11/1 inches inch 11,4 inches 1 5/6 inch 1’/16 inch 5/3 inch 1 14 00 11 9 1 483/sX30% ] 2415/16 X301/4 1 785/6 inches 11/; inches ‘/6 inch 11/; inches 1 5/3 inch 15/16 inch 5A9 inch 1 15 75 12 ‘Paper 24x36 40 X261/4 1 20 X261/1 1 661/: inches 1% inches 1%; inch 1 11/6 inches 1 % inch 1 13/16 inch 5/3 inch 13 Add length and breadth of pair over all_ in inches and multiply this by nineteen cents per inch. In figuring eXtra- , t consider each chase separately; charges will be same as for Poster chases. Minimum price of pair folios $9.00. See Poster 119 1 1fl1_h6iabove1l7Ist'oJ"'s'£zes anidqpriceis applies also to Brazed1Sl66llChases-F166 To Estimate Price of Pair of Folios, size not listed figuring measurements ending in fractions. *These sizes carried in stock and will be furnished unless otherwise specified. 1218 6 page 1 stock charges’ for Steel Electric -Welded Poster Chases 1 7 Without Bar With Bar 1 SIZE or MATERIAL I I 7‘ 7 width of Bars ' 7 Price of Price of Outside Measurerfient . 7 ' lgcfister ! 1(’:<})lster N0 ‘ Measurement 7 aniieslizdth ‘ Side Bars -1 1 End Ba 1 C i Thfiellgness Wit:5:t willie 7 . .. ross ‘ ° ars : Bars Bar - \ With Bar Wgggut ‘ With Bar Wfiggut ; Be“ : a ,11._1m1W1 eircwrwereexxwren, .11NH11,.,1 -_11.m11-J- 7w":. .--fW11_ 1 I 17 X21 inches 38 inclfies 11/ inches E//ioinclfies L 11/ inches 111/winches gpicas 7 inc: $450 : $6 50 2 7 20 X25 inc es 45 inc es , 161110 es ‘ 8 inc es 1 16lnC es 1 3 inc es 7 picas I inc 7 495 7 695 3 1 21 X27inches 48 inches 11/minches 7 11/; inches 7 11/13 inches ‘ 1%; inches ' 6picas ’ %inch 7 530 j 730 4 .22 X28 inches! 50 inches 1‘/winches 1%; inches 7 1‘/ioinches 1 1%; inches : 6picas ‘ ‘Vs inch 1 550 1 750 5 ‘24 x30inchesl 54 inches 7 11/ieinches ’ 1% inches . 1‘/minches 1 11/8 inches 7 6picas 5/3 inch 595 I 795 6 l 26 X32 inches 58 inches | 11/16 inches 11/3 inches 1 11/13 inches ‘ 1% inches 7 6picas 7 -73 inch 7 640 '7 840 7 25 x35inchesi 60 inches 7 1’/leinches 11/3 inches ‘ 11/13 inches 1% inches 7 6picas ~ % inch ' 660 7 860 8 27 X39 inches 66 inches ‘ 13/16 inches ‘ 1% inches ! 13/winches 1% inches 1 6picas 7 ‘Vs inch ' 725 ' 925 9 1 29 X42 inches 7 71 inches 7 13/16 inches - 1% inches 7 13/16 inches 1% inches 1 6 picas % inch : 7 80 17 9 80 10 l 32 x46inches~ 78 inches 13/winches 7 11/4 inches 7 13/10 inches 1‘/4 inches ‘ 6picas 7 We inch - 860 7 10 60 11 32 x47inches. 79 inches \ 1“/ieinches 1 1% inches 7 13/16 inches 1% inches 6picas ~ ~'/3 inch 1 870 10 70 12 7 331/.>x48inches| 81%» inches lriioinches 1 13/3 inches 15/13 inches 1°‘/3 inches 7 6picas ' 5/9 inch 7 900 7 11 00 13 734 X50 inches 84 inches 1 1’/winches 7 13/»; inches ‘ 1"’/is inches ‘ 1% inches 7 6picas ‘ %inch 1 925 j 1125 14 35 X52 inches ‘ 87 inches 7 19/16 inches 1°‘/8 inches 1 15/1o inches 1% inches 4 6 picas % inch ‘7 9 55 . 11 55 15 37 x54inches1 91 inches ' 1"/winches ‘ 1% inches : 1"/winches + 1% inches 1 6picas 7 % inch » 10 00 I 1200 16 39 X53 inches 7 92 inches 7 17/10 inches 7 1"/s inches 7 17/10 inches 1 1% inches 1 6 picas 1 % inch 4 10 10 I 12 10 17 I39 X55inches: 94 inches ' 1'7/ioinches 7 13/3 inches 7 15/13 inches * 1% inches 4 6picas ‘ 5/sinch I 10 35 » 12 35 18 § 41 X55 inches 96 inches 1 15/16 inches ' 1‘?/3 inches 7 15/16 inches ~ 1% inches ' 6 picas 5/3 inch 7 10 55 j 12 55 19 43 X60inches 103 inches 7 17/winches » 1‘/2 inches 2 17/1o inches 4 1‘/2 inches 6picas 7 5/sinch ‘ 1135 7 13 35 20 47 X66 inches ‘ 113 inches ’ 17/1o inches 11/: inches ' 17/16 inches 7 11/; inches 7 6 picas 1 % inch f 12 45 ‘ 14 45 The above list of sizes and prices applies also to Brazed Steel Chases—see page 1221. To Estimate Price of a Poster Chase. size not listed Add length and breadth in inches together to obtain measure. Multiply this measure by eleven cents. For price of News or Poster with bar add $2.00 to list of Poster without bar. Minimum price of Poster chase $4.50. For extra bar only, add $1.00. For extra pair dovetails only, add $1.00. Measurements ending in fractions to be figured as next full figure. For example: 17x2O3/1in.=373/1 in., figure 38 in.; 33%x453/4=79‘/4 in., figure 80 in.; 29%x40‘/2 in.=69% in., figure 70 in. *Charges for Extra Stock For each 1/; inch wider than regular, add for measurement, length, and breadth, 40 inches and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 20 For each $4 inch wider than regular, add for measurement, length, and breadth, 41 to 60 inches, inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . 30 For each 14 inch wider than regular, add for measurement, length, and breadth, 61 to 80 inches, inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . 45 For each 1/1. inch wider than regular, add for measurement, length, and breadth, 81 to 100 inches, inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . 60 For each ‘/1. inch wider than regular, add for measurement, length, and breadth, 101 inches and larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 For 94 inch thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 40 inches and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 For 3/; inch thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 41 to 60 inches inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 For ‘V4 inch thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 61 to 80 inches inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 For ”/4 inch thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 81 to 100 inches inclusive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 For 3/1 inch thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 101 and larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 For extra width and % inch thick stock, add both of the above charges. *Charges for extra stock are based on $4 inch increase in width over size of stock regularly used for a chase of similar _total length and breadth. If a chase is ordered with side bars 1/16 inch, 1/3 inch or ‘Vii; inch wider than regular, no extra charge Wlll be made. If extra stock is ordered for three side bars only take three—quarters of the extra charge for that size chase; for two bars one-half, and if only for one bar one quarter. N 0TE.—There will be no extra charge for special size cross bars. Steel Electric -Welded Job Chases f VF Owing to the fact that we find no two presses of any platen bed make other than the Chandler & Price which have the same length of bed, or the clamps in the same posi- tion, we are compelled to make chases for these presses with lugs long enough that they may be fitted to the press by purchaser, and also make the chase enough wider to cut out, * as shown by diagram to fit clamp. To insure a perfect fit on bed of press, we recommend customers to send complete chase with order after ascertaining that sample chase fits correctly. 7X11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 12 X18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6 50 8x12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 13 X19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 50 9X13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 14 X20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 25 10x15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 14 X22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 25 I 11x17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 141/2x22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 25 Job Chase wlth Bar and Job Chase with Roller Bearers K r-1 ‘ I! M” 7 X11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 00 8 X12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 9 X13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 00 10 X15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 11 X17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 50 12 X18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 13 X19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 50 14 X20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 14 X22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 14‘/2x22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 25 For each additional bar put in chase add W ___ A g A, __V_ ,_,__ l $2.00 to above prices. Job Chase with Roller Bearers Job Chase with Bar 1219 Steel Electric -Welded Quarto Chases 1 ® Quarto Chase - - Size of Size Col. S1335: gall‘ ’ Each Chase No. Quarto Inches 1 1 l 1 ; *4 I 357/3x241/1 , 1715/1cx241/4 2 ‘I 4 36 X241/.> 18 x241/2 3 T *5 43 x281/2 I 211/2 X281/.2 4 5 441/3x291/.2 ‘ 221/13 X291/.2 5 ~ *6 46 X321/2 1 23 X321/2 6 ' *6 47 X321/2 ' 231/.2 X321/.2 7 1 6 475/3x34 j 231*/16x34 8 I *7 , 51 x371/2 , 251/2 X371/2 9 1 7 I 521/3x39 , 261/16 X39 10 , *8 561/3x431/2 281/16 x431/2 I i I 79 Quadruple Chase I 1 - | SI’/.1-3 or MATERIAL . Measurement - , , . , . Price u Length Side Bars End Bars Back Bars Cross Bars 1 of and Breadth Pair 1 0 ‘All I . ‘I ., . 1 I‘ vel ThlCk— Tl1lCl(- l‘ Th1Cl\- ThlCl{- 1 “Q53 "CS5 __ ____é,.___ ..__“°5S,‘,__ ____. __ _,""SS _ ' 601/; inches 11/13 inches 5%; inch 11/in inches inch 13/13 inch i 5/3 inch 1 6 picas 5/5 inch $13 40 ' 601/2 inches 11/is inches 6 5%.» inch , 11/I3 inches %; inch ‘ 15/13 inch 1 5/; inch 6 picas 5/3 inch 13 40 ' 711/2 inches 11/3 inches ‘_/3 inch 11/3 inches inch 15/1 (1 inch 5/3 inch 6 picas ‘ 5/3 inch l 15 85 1 73"/3 inches 11/; inches ‘/3 inch 11/3 inches "/3 inch ‘ 15/13 inch = 5/3 inch I 6 picas 5/3 inch 1 16 30 1 781/.» inches 11/: inches 5/3 inch , 11/1 inches ‘ 5/3 inch 13/13 inch 5/3 inch 6 picas 5/3 inch * 17 40 ‘ 791/2 inches 11/; inches inch 11/; inches ‘/3 inch ‘ 15/16 inch 5/3 inch 6 picas 5/3 inch 17 60 ‘ 81%; inches 11/4 inches "/3 inch 11/: inches , 5/4 inch 13/1 (1 inch 5/3 inch , 6 picas 5/3 inch 18 05 ‘ 881/2 inches , 15«’i ; . 19 x251/1 _ ee SIZE or MATERIAL I Measurement 1 Length ‘s - ,- , , - , Side Bars Inside End Bars Outside End Bars 1 Back Bars and Breadth N g___ , I I Over A“ 1 Width Thick‘ 1 Width 1 T1‘1°1‘* 1 Width '1'1‘1°1‘' ‘ Width 1 T1‘1°1" I ness ness 1 ness 1 ness -_ , 1,1 ‘#__,_._, _.,.. 1, , 701/: inches 11/1 (1 inches inch “Vin inch inch 11/10 inches 5/3 inch 3 13/16 inch 5% inch 791/2 inches L 11/in inches ‘/3 inch 1*?’m inch ‘ 5/3 inch 11/16 inches 1 “/3 inch 13/16 inch "/3 inch 881/.) inches , 11/3 inches 543 inch 13/ 5/5 inch l 1 Price 1 for Set of Four $19 90 { 22 40 I 24 90 /16 inch , 5/3 inch 1 11/: inches 5/3 inch , 13/16 inch __._——»- The above list of sizes and prices applies also to Brazed Steel Chases—see page 1221 To Estimate Price of a Set of Quadruples, size not listed Add length and breadth in inches of set over all and multiply by twenty-eight cents per inch. In figuring extra-stock charges consider each chase separately; charges will be same as for Poster chases. Minimum price for set of Quadruples, $18.00. See poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. *These sizes carried in stock, and will be furnished unless otherwise specified. Steel Electric-Welded Electrotype Chases ®#J SIZE 01-‘ MATERIAL I I 5 Size Q Outside 1 Inside E . Price of Number ‘ Measurement ! Measurement ( wldth Thickness ‘ Chase I ' 1 Side Bars I End Bars °f 33“ , l u I I 55 -H‘ 5“. I O I *1 ! 13x17 inches , 10x14 inches 1 11/.» inches 11/.» inches 5/3 inch $4 90 *2 N 15x21 inches 1 12x18 inches | 11/: inches 11/2 inches 5/3 inch 4 90 W55Tlie”abo152e list of sizes and prices applliesflalso to Brazed Steel Chases-see page 1221 *Compute cost of Electrotype chases same as Poster, adding for extra stock. Minimum price $430‘ See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. Steel Electric-Welded Stereotype Chases SteelElectric-Welded Stereotype Chase to the side stick. 6 Column . . . . $36 00 9 Column 7 Column . 38 00 8 Column . 40 00 plete chase quoted above. Side Sticks, per pair . . . $12 00 Side Sticks, one only . . 7 50 Side Stick Screws, each 80 1220 Foot Sticks, each . . . Foot Stick Screws, eac These Stereotype chases are made in the most accurate manner, exactly type high» perfectly square and true. The side lock-up screw is attached to the side stick with 3 collar in such a manner so as to enable the operator to lock up and unlock the f0_I‘m with the wrench, moving the side stick backward and forward instantly, thus saving much time and avoiding the use of shooting stick and mallet, and consequent inJ111'Y . . . . . . . . . . ..$420° Blank Column . . . . . . . . . . . . Lock-up Wrenches for Stereotype Chases 2 00 *NOTE—One wrench is furnished gratis with each set of four stereotype chases. If less than four stereotype chases are ordered wrenches are not supplied except at regular price. Chase without side or foot sticks or screws, one-half of list price of com‘ 50 .......s340 350 Steel Electric -Welded Heading Chases SIZE OF MATERIAL Size of Chase ‘ Size of 3 K V W S 3 N W'dth ~ Price Of » Price Of No Outside Chase ~ Mefgggent ___ , I 0 ms 1 ‘ Chase Chase ’ With Bar Inside . _ _ , Th‘ k ' Without ' With Inches Inches and Breadth ‘ Side Bais | End Bars Cross ‘l OFBEESS , Bar 1 Bar .“ 1 . I ‘ i Bar ‘ Bar Wlth01.lt Bars 1 i 4 Bar Bar | ’ . . l - . 1 1 8 x19 ' 6x17 i 27 inches % 1 inch 1 11/its inches 1 inch 4 11/13 inches 6 picas inch I $4 50 ] $6 50 2 10 x23 8x21 i 33 inches i 1 inch t 11/ic inches 1 inch : 11/13 inches 6 picas inch 4 50 6 50 3 101/sx301/s , 8x28 5 40% inches I 11/1o inches I 1% inches 11/in inches . 11/s inches 6 picas %2 inch ' 4 50 6 50 The above list of sizes and prices applies also to Brazed Steel Chases--see below Estimate Price of Heading Chase, size not listed, same as Poster Chase Minimum price of Heading chase without bar, $4.50. For bar and pair of dovetails add $2.00. Unless otherwise ordered, cross bar Heading chases will be furnished. Figure extra stock same as in Poster chases. See Poster List for figuring measurements ending in fractions. McGreal Combination Printer’s Chase Every printer knows the advantage of having an adequate chase equipment in order to save time and money. In a plant equip- ped with McGreal Chases there is always on hand chases of the proper size to fit the form. A perfect lock-up is assured in the shortest time, and “springy” forms are avoided. The McGrea1 Chase is made from bars of high grade cold drawn steel, outside bars one and one-half inches wide by five-eighths of an inch thick; shifting cross bars three-quarters of an inch wide by five-eighths thick. Each piece is per- fectly interchangeable with every other piece. Any two pairs and shifting cross bars necessary to form a chase can be put together and taken apart in a few seconds. They are perfectly true, and resist one-third more pressure than the old wrought iron chase. The smallest size is four inches in length, and each succes- sive size is two inches longer up to twenty-eight inches. Prices of McGreal Combination Printer’s Chase Plain Bars. Each Plain Bars, Each 4-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . $1 60 35-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . $3 80 6-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 1 70 35%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . 3 80 8-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 1 80 373/i-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 3 90 10-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 1 90 38%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 00 12-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 10 ‘ 39%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 00 14-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 20 42-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 4 30 16-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 30 42%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 45 18-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 40 431/.2-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 45 20-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 50 44-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 4 45 22-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 80 44%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 60 23-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 90 46-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 4 60 24-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 2 90 463/i-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 75 25-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 48“/4-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 90 26-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 493/4-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 4 90 28-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 51%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 5 20 29%—inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 3 20 523/4-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 5 35 32-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . . 3 60 58%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 5 80 32%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 3 70 61%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 6 10 343/4-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 3 80 62%-inch lengths . . . . . . . . . 6 25 Above are inside measurements. Example :_ two twenty—four-inch pieces and two thirty-six-inch pieces make a chase 24x36, inside measurement. A Few Combinations 2-size lengths make . . . 1-size chase 9-size lengths make . . 36-size chases 3-size lengths make . . . 3-size chases 10-size lengths make . . 45-size chases 4-size lengths make . . . 6-size chases 11-size lengths make . . 55-size chases 5-size lengths make . . . 10-size chases 12—size lengths make . . 66-size chases 6-size lengths make . . . 15-size chases 13-size lengths make . . 78-size chases M G I C b, t, P . be , Ch 7-size lengths make . . . 21—size chases 14-size lengths make . . 91-size chases ° "'3 °"‘ "'3 ‘°“ rm ' 5 33° 8-size lengths make . . . 28-size chases 15-size lengths make . . 105-size chases American Brazed Steel Chases American Brazed Steel Chases are made from high grade cold drawn steel, milled to a perfectly square and even finish'a_nd beveled so as to insure perfect uniformity. They are constructed with an indestructible overlapped countersunk corner Joint - which cannot be broken by any ordinary usage. The Illustration Shows the Sledge Hammer Test. The cut on the left shows the brazed corner when sub- jected to a blow of a twenty pound sledge, chase lying fiat on anvil. The right hand cut shows test made with section of chase stuck upright in anvil and struck so as to break the corner if possible. The lower cut shows actual condition of the All Steel Chase after the test. American Brazed Steel Chases are uniform in size, and it has been demonstrated that they are undoubtedly the strongest chases on the market. Thousands of them are in daily use in many of_ the best printing offices in the country, and the demand for them is constantly increasing. The list of sizes and prices quoted on Steel Electric Welded Chases also apply to American Brazed Steel Chases. Write for circular and net selling prices. Prevailing Beveled Edge Bright Steel Chases The Prevailing Beveled Edge Bright Steel Chases for job presses are also made of cold drawn steel and brazed in the same manner as the American Brazed Steel Chases, and in addition possess the advantage Chases for C_ & P, Gordon Presses of having indestructible overlapped countersunk corners. Inside Cast Cast 1,0,, Cast steel Measure Iron Screw Steel Screw Spider List Prices of Prevailing Beveled Edge Bright Steel Chases 7 x11 in , , . $1 00 $1 50 $2 50 $4 00 $1 00 Size Press Inside Chase Price Size Press Inside Chase Price 8 x12 in _ , , I 25 1 90 2 50 4 50 1 25 7x11 7 x11 . . . . . $2 50 12 x18 12‘/2x181/1 . . . . $3 50 10 x15 in . . . 1 50 2 25 2 75 6 75 1 50 8x12 8 x12 . . . . . 2 50 13 x19 13%x19l/3 . . . . 3 50 12 x18 in . . . 2 00 3 00 3 50 8 00 2 00 9x13 9 x13 . . . . . 2 50 14 x20 141/2x201/2 . . . . 4 00 14 x20 in . . . 2 50 3 75 4 00 8 50 2 50 10x15 101/3x15‘/s . . . . 2 75 14 x22 141/3x221/e . . . . 4 25 141/2x22 in . . . 3 00 4 50 4 25 900 3 00 11x17 11‘/3x17’/s . . . . . 3 00 14%x22 15 x22‘/i . . . . 4 25 13x19 in. special, for 12x18 press, 3 50 6 00 1221 Metal Leads and Slugs To the user of American Leads and Slugs it is not necessary to say a word about quality. These leads and slugs are cast in a continuous strip, are shaved, smoothly finished by rollers and come out absolutely accurate to point bodies. They are cast from a ,_ 1 uniform quality of exceptionally durable metal, the formula of which is kept at a certain standard from year to year A regardless of cost of raw material. This lead alloy is the result of an experiment extending over several years, and is made up of new metals, no inferior scrap or old metal being used. Labor-Saving Leads and Slugs Our Labor-Saving Leads and Slugs are accurately trimmed to measure on improved ma- chinery. The leads pass between two rapidly revolving trimming heads which can be adjusted so finely that the highest standard of accuracy is secured. A twenty-five pound font of 2-point labor-saving leads is composed of sixty-two pieces each, 4 to 25 ems inclusive. Other sized fonts in proportion. Special scheme fonts can be made up to any desired scheme. Packages of five pounds are made up and carried in stock in all lengths from 4 to 36 ems. Other lengths are cut to order, but can be obtained on short notice. American Line Leads for Rapid J ustification These are special fonts of Labor-Saving Leads, cut from 1 em to 20 ems for use in lining type cast on American Line or the lining system of other foundries. These fonts are cut . I from 1 point, 2 point and 3 point leads, and put up as follows : 1' 1 Point Brass Leads—Font contains seven pieces each 1 to 10 ems graduated by 6 points; seven pieces each 11 to 14 ems graduated by 12 points; and five pieces each 15 to 20 ems graduated by 12 points. Font measures about 260 inches. _ . , Price, without Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .SI 00 ”“’°‘” S“"“‘ S‘“‘* Price, with Midget Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 so 2 Point Metal Leads—Font contains twelve pieces 1 to 10 ems graduated by 6 points ; also twelve pieces each 11 to 20 ems graduated by 12 points. Font weighs 4 pounds. _ - Price, without Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 ' Price, with Midget Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 3 Point Metal Leads—Font contains eight pieces each 1 to 10 ems graduated by 6 points; also eight pieces each 11 to 20 ems graduated by 12 points. Font Weighs 4 pounds. Price, without Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Price, with Midget Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 The Midget Labor-Saving Case The Midget Labor-saving Case has twenty- nine compartments and will hold either three fonts of 1 point, or one font each of 2 point . or 3 point. Size of case, 4%x8‘/2 inches. ». The Midget Case filled with short lengths of leads is an exceedingly handy thing for compositors, and will save many unnecessary trips to the main lead and slug case. Price of Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 60 Short Leads and Slugs These handy little cases speak for themselves. They are almost essential in the equipment of) ever% clompositor. Each font contains 1, 2, 3 and 6 point thicknesses cut to one of the bodies s own eow: N Midget Labor-Saving Case Prices of Short Leads and Slugs Short Leads and Slugs 18 point, including box . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 48 point, including box . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 24 point, including box . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 60 point, including box . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 36 point, including box . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 List Prices of Leads and Slugs 2 point 1 1_-2 1 1-5 3!- In strips “"ds3“'i°é‘°” §’6’"é‘4 ;‘3"§3 s‘ii’"iii Labor—sa\}ir'ig°1«"oi°itéZIIf:ifiifiiiiliiiifiiiiiiii 20 30 37 48 Cut7ems and longer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 30 37 43 Cut2to6‘;é ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35 44 54 53 Leads ‘and Slugs in Strips, 2,3, 6 and 12 point are packed one hundred and fifty pounds to the box, and are sold at slightly lower prices for this quantity. 2 point and thicker, 12 lb. labor-saving font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 40 2 point and thicker, 25 lb. labor-saving font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 00 These standard size fonts are carried in stock. Every office should be liberally supplied with 2 point leads and 6 point slugs. Angular Quads Angular Quads were introduced by the American Type Founders Company and will be found a great convenience when setting‘ rules,.and lines at an angle. There will always come a time when these Quads are needed and it will pay printers to have a font ready- Angular Quads are cast in type molds and range in sizes from twelve D0mt5 to seventy-two points. Each font contains twenty-eight pieces, conveniently assorted to meet ordinary requirements, but when additions are required, sorts may be added at the prices listed. List Prices of Angular Quads Angular Quads, complete font of four of each size . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 List Price per set of four of each size 12 Point . . $0 20 24 Point . . $0 20 48 Point . . $0 30 72 Point . . $0 40 18 Point. . 20 36 Point. . 25 60 Point. . 35 AAA Angular Quads—12. 18, 24. 36. 48, 60 and 72 Point _ _ _ _ We can now offer a more complete font of Circular Quads than heretofore- gvlllth .th‘5l fontlila great variety of; cturvled lines can be made very quickly. The font is made up of ninety-six pieces, cast in t 9 o owing eng s: six een pieces 0 we ve picas, sixteen ieces , , .. . ,, .. 0? nine Picasv SW99“ Pieces Of Peven Pi°a.Sv Sixteen Pieces gf Six IllllllIllIluluininnuill}Hill:IHEInIIIiiIimiii.nniiiiii llllmlillllllllllilllilllllllllllllllllllllmlliilllllllllllllllmlmn picas, sixteen pieces of five picas and sixteen pieces of three ‘ Wflllllllllllllll =1 ll“lllllllllllllli|||||l‘ [3 picas. The various pieces are quickly adiusted with quads and I inmlllllllll .inammiiumniniii1i:!ni innmunnuiuiiummnu . .1Hl.llIl‘ll‘l|I‘I‘lWm leads to make the required circles. For label and similar work “um! ' nmmumlnlllli||lWlWl|..lil llllllllllllllNHlllllunlmmmmmu “Isl Circular Quads quickly Day for themselves. Illl |]|||Illillliliinmlllllllllll The accompanying illustration shows some of the pieces in Hm”"""|""“m”' the font of Circular Quads considerably reduced in size. uilllllllllillmill l 1 .l ..u ii» in lmm1""' These quads are accurately Cast Circular Quads (Illustration slightly reduced) Circular Quads, put up in a neat box, price per font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3 50 1222 Labor-Saving Metal Furniture This popular design of metal furniture is cast from high grade metal and accurately finished with improved machinery. Labor-Saving Metal Furniture Made in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 em widths, and 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40 and 50 em lengths. The twenty—five pound font includes sizes from 2x4 to 10x25 ems. Fonts fifty pounds and larger include sizes from 2x4 to 10x50 ems. Capacity of Fonts A twenty—five pound font of Improved Metal Furniture as regularly assorted covers 235 square inches—about 9% square inches to the pound. An assortment of smaller lengths, up to 10x12, will cover about 6‘/é square inches to the pound. List Prices of Labor-Saving Metal Furniture 12 pound font . . . . . $360 50 pound font . . . . $1500 25 pound font . . . . . 750 100 pound font . . . . 2800 Quantity Prices of Labor-Saving Metal Furniture Regular Scheme Fonts and Sorts larger than 6x6 ems. Less than 100 Lbs. 100 Lbs. 500 Lbs. 1000 Lbs. 2000 Lbs. $0 30 $0 28 $0 26 $0 24 $0 22 Sorts 6x6 ems and smaller. Less than 5 Lbs. 5 Lbs. 25 Lbs. 50 Lbs. 100 Lbs. $0 50 $0 46 $0 41 $0 36 $0 34 Labor-Saving Quotation Furniture The well known pattern with closed bottom which presents smooth surface for electrotyping and stereotyping is cast from Labor-Saving Quotation Furniture high grade metal and accurately finished. Regular fonts con- tain 2, 3, and 4 em widths, and 4, 8, 12, 16 and 20 em lengths. Can also be cast to order in 2, 3 and 4 em widths and practically any lengths up to 80 ems. List Prices of Labor-Saving Quotation Furniture 12 pound font . . . . . $3 60 50 pound font . . . . $15 00 25 pound font . . . . . 750 100 pound font . . . . 2800 A twenty-five pound font of Quotation Furniture, regular assortment, covers 162 inches, and smaller lots practically the same proportion. Quantity Prices of Labor-Saving Quotation Furniture Regular Scheme Fonts and Sorts larger than 6x6 ems. Less than 100 Lbs 100 Lbs. 500 Lbs. 1000 Lbs. 2000 Lbs. $0 30 $0 28 $0 26 $0 24 $0 22 Sorts 6x6 ems and smaller. Less than 5 Lbs. 5 Lbs. 25 Lbs. 50 Lbs. 100 Lbs. $0 50 $0 46 $0 41 $0 36 $0 34 Corner Quads— Brass and Metal Better junctions of mitered corners can be obtained by using Corner Quads, as their use prevents rules from slipping. Made in both brass and metal. For prices see page 1111 1223 Labor-Saving Railroad or Reversible Furniture Especially designed for margins between pages and gen- eral blanking out. Accurately finished in 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 and Labor-Saving Railroad or Reversible Furniture 10 em widths and cut any desired length by points, 12 point ems or inches up to 161/.» inches or 99 ems. Approximate Weight Per Inch 2 ems wide . . . . 11/; ounces 6 ems wide . . . 3 ems wide . . . . 13/; ounces 8 ems wide . . . 4 ems wide . . . . 21/s ounces 9 ems wide . . . . 31/: ounces 5 ems wide . . . . 2% ounces 10 ems wide . . . . 3% ounces A twenty-five pound font of Railroad Furniture covers 150 square inches and is cut same widths as Improved, and any length up to 16‘/2 inches equal to 99 ems. Especially suited for margins in book forms. . 3% ounces . 3%; ounces List Prices of Labor-Saving Railroad Furniture 12 pound font . . . . . $3 60 50 pound font . . . . . $15 00 25 pound font . . . . . 7 50 100 pound font . . . . . 28 00 Quantity Prices of Railroad Labor-Saving Furniture Regular Scheme Fonts and Sorts larger than 6x6 ems. Less than 100 Lbs. 100 Lbs. 500 Lbs. 1000 Lbs. 2000 Lbs. $0 30 $0 28 $0 26 $0 24 $0 22 Sorts 6x6 ems and smaller. Less than 5 Lbs. 5 Lbs. 25 Lbs. 50 Lbs. 100 Lbs. $0 50 $0 46 $0 41 $0 36 $0 34 Labor-Saving Quotation Quads These quads are cast on regular type casting machines in ' the following sizes: Labor-Saving Quotation Quads 18x24 points, 18x36 points, 24x24 points, 24x36 points, 24x48 points, 36x36 points, 36x48 points, 36x72 points, 48x48 points and 48x96 points. List Price, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 5 lbs. and over, per 1b., $0 46 50 lbs. and over, per 1b., 36 25 lbs. and over, per 1b., 41 100 lbs. and over, per 1b., 34 Copper Alloy Take Slugs These are the only Take Slugs cast in a mold in extra durable copper alloy metal. They are better, cheaper and more durable than electrotype slugs. Any number from 1 to 100, but in one style of figure only. Copper Alloy Take Slug, price each . . . . . . . . . . . $0 15 Electrotyped Take Slugs Electrotyped Take Slugs, with word, letter or figure, first one of kind, price each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0 40 Duplicates as per Chicago Electrotype Scale list, per run- ning inch, with thirty cents minimum charge . . . . 15 Foot Slugs—Brass and Metal Single Double Column Column Brass Foot Slugs, 12 Point . . . . . . . . $0 15 $0 25 Brass Foot Slugs, 18 Point . . . . . . . . 20 30 Brass Foot Slugs, 24 Point . . . . . . . . 25 35 Metal Foot Slugs, 12 Point . . . . . . . . 04 06 Metal Foot Slugs, 18 Point . . . . . . . . 05 07 Metal Foot Slugs, 24 Point . . . . . . . . 06 08 Wesel Steel-Clad Safety Benzine Cans Benzine Brushes These Cans are practically indestruct- ible. They can be abused to almost any 1} extent without impairing their useful- ness,or s pringing a leak. They are being used by m a n y of the best printers in the United States and are giving ' » " reSu1tS_ VVesel Steel—CIad Safety Benzine Cans Benzine Brush Benzine Brush, all bristle, oval back . . . . . . . $0 40 Benzine Brush, all bristle, with handle . . . . . . 40 Medium bristle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 Large bristle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 Pint Can, coppered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 90 Quart Can, coppered . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Extra Patent Stoppers, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Success Safety Benzine Cans Benzine B10811 With Handle Success Cans are made of brass and are strong and durable. They have recently been strengthened fifty per cent to conform to the more exacting demands of the Underwriters. Hundreds of thou- sands are in use. The line ofBenzine Cans shown here represents the best of their kind which have been made up to the present time. Benzine Brush with Handle Price........................$040 Prices Success Safety Benzine Cans - Half Pint Can . . . . . . . . $0 60 Boston Benzme Brush 8ne Pint Czén . . . . . . . . 70 For Halftone Cuts ne Quart an ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ’ ' ' 85 ' i M ” To avoid all chances of scratching halftones with rags TWO Quart Can . . . . , . . I 50 Success Safety Benzine Cans bins, buttons, or hooks and eyes, it is advisable to use a Imperial Non-Explosive Benzine Cans A ~«~~~»~~-~~" 1 ‘’ff?‘~ :. » These Cans meet the requirements of the Board of Underwriters as a protec- tion to life and property. Explosion and fire are often caused when vapors are allowed to escape from benzine, gasolene, naptha or similar fluids. With these cans all such danger is practically eliminated. They have self-closing tops and are made . . Boston Benzine Brush in four sizes. Prices of Imperial N0n_Exp10sive Boston Benzine Brush, which will wear for six months under Benzine Cans ordinary usage. OnequartSiZe_.____.__._$150 Price..........................$025 Two quart size. . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 ~ , r‘r’3f§,%;Z.‘1‘i’,?f;?zee' : : : : : : : : : : $23 Stereotype Beating Brushes O"°Q“a"S'z° Five gallon size . . . . . . . . . . 500 \.,\ These brushes are of the ‘o ‘: -K bestmaterial and very strongly built- Flicker Combined Benzine Can and Brush In the Flicker Benzine Can and Brush, as its name implies, :""“‘“‘ the can and brush are combined, thus making it into a quick and “Sh handy article. The can is filled with ben- zine and the act of using it permits a ....‘_Cl.:e{ Prices No. 120. .$5 00 No. 121. . 600 No. 122. . 700 Stereotype certain quantity ; of benzine, suf- » ficient for clean- ing the type, to pass through a small tube into the brush. It is economical, as by its use both ben- zine and time are saved, sufficient to cover its cost in a few days. A new brush can be at- tached at any time. Flicker Combined Benzine Can and Brush, each . . . . . $1 25 ExtraBristleBrush...................75 Flicker Combined Benzine Can and Brush Bronzing Pad BaCk Lye BI'USheS The bronzing pad has become an article of necessity in the pressroom as it effects economy in time and bronze, and in‘ ; sures clean work. The bronze is received in a cavity on the 1. top (closed tightly with a slide) and is delivered through valves» .»..., .. .\\l~'UIH -.,...,..... v...~.—.».m...-..... which are opened and closed by the thumbscrew at the endv which regulates the flow of bronze into a sieve in the midst Qf fine fur. The bronze is fed only where, and just when it 15 wanted on the work, and is not scattered over the table. Large,21/_>x6inches.. . . . . . . . . . . . .5250 Small, for light work, 2‘/.» inches square . . . . . . . . . 1 50 oliack lsii i I H Bronzing Mitten No. 20, medium, all bristle, per dozen . . $5 00 Each . . $0 50 These Mittens a1'em_ade Of Sheep’s_W0ol with back of strong No. 30, large, all bristle, per dozen _ 7 00 Each , _ 75 cloth. They are convenient for bronzing and are made impe No. 8, medium Tampico, per dozen 3 50 Each . . 40 V1011S '00 bronze- No.9.largeTampico,perdozen. 450 Each. . 50 P;~ice,each_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , , , . . .$050 1224 The Robinson Improved Printer’s Mallets There is many a little printing office accessory, the utility of which has become _so manifest and the article so generally used that the wonder is the idea did not suggest itself sooner. This process will repeat itself in connection with the Robinson Improved Printer’s Mallet, the illustrations of which we show here. The hammer head of this Mallet is 7 ovoid, or egg shaped. A blow struck upon the planer is always a square blow, which is a most important consideration when striking a proof. It is not possible to strike a glancing blow with this Mallet. There are no sharp corners to wear away, slip or mar the delicate type faces. This mallet stands on end when not in use and in correct position to be quickly and rapidly grasped by the stone man at times when a second counts in the lock-up. The Robinson Improved Mallet is made in five sizes of lignumvitae and hickory. The best selected stock is used and the surface is smooth and polished, finished with shellac. Each single mallet is packed in a paper carton. properly labeled as to contents. A trial order for pp 3 Robinson Improved Mallet one of those improved mallets will convince any printer of its superiority over other mallets. List Prices and Dimensions of the Robinson Improved Mallets No. No. No. No. No. 1-—Ball, 4‘/2x4 inches—full length, 91/2 inches . . 2—Ball, 3%x39/13 inches-—full length, 83/4 inches . 3--Ball, 31//2x3‘;4 inches—full length, 8 inches . . 4--Ball, 31//sx2% inches-—full length, 7% inches . . 5-Ball, 23/4x2‘/4 inches-full length, 6% inches . Wooden Mallets TheseWooden Mallets are of attractive shapes; made of thoroughly well seasoned and selected stock; the handles are screwed in and all are finished in oil. The lignumvitae mallets are especially rec- ommended as they are much h e a v i e r than hickory mallets. Hickory Mallet List Prices of Wooden Mallets No. 1. Hickory, small, s i z e 2%>x4‘/2 in., weight ten 0 u n c e s . List price, $0 25 No. 2. Hickory, medium, size 3x5 inches, weight one pound. List price. . . . . Lignumvitae Mallet No. 3. Hickory, large, size 31/2x6 inches, weight one and one-half pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 40 No. 4. Lignumvitae, size 11/2x2‘/2 inches, weight five ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 No. 5. Lignumvitae, size 1%x3 inches, weight seven .. ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 No. 6. Lignumvitae, size 21/ix3V2 inches, weight ten ounces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 No. 7. Lignumvitae, size 3x5inches, weight one and one- half pounds. List price . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . 60 No. 8. Lignumvitae, size 3‘/2x5‘/.2 inches, weight two and one-quarter pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . 75 No. 9. 00d, iron bound, weight one and one-half pounds. Listprice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100 Rawhide Bound Mallets These Rawhide Bound Mallets are extremely durable, finely finished and handsomely made. The hide-facing cushions, with which each end is cov- ered give a spring to each blow and prevent the jarring of the muscles. They positively will not split. Rawhide Bound Mallet « .. Rawhide Bound Mallet, small, two-inch face. Price Rawhide Bound M face.Price...... . . . . . . . . . . Rawhide Bound Mallet, large, three-inch face. List price, All Rawhide Mallets The All Rawhide Mallets, as their name im- plies, have heads that are made throughout of rolled rawhide, specially treated, formed into their shape by means of hy- draulic p r e s - sure and kept in s h a p e by w a t e r p r o o f adhesives. They will be found serviceable mallets for the printers’ use. Each handle,which is of wood, is firmly fastened into the head. These mallets are well made, strong, durable and handsome in appearance. The heads are so made that they will not split. All Rawhide Mallet, No. 4. 2x3‘/.> inches, w e igh t t e n allet, two ‘and. one halflinch 10b All Rawhide Mallet ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All Rawhide Mallet, No. 10. 2x31/.> inches, weight twenty- fourounces (loaded). Price . . 0 All Rawhide Mallet, No.5. 23/ix4i/4' ilnlchelsl, lwleigihtt twenty-one ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 50 1225 . Lignumvitae . . $1 50 Hickory . . $1 00 . Lignumvitae . . 1 30 Hickory . . 85 . Lignumvitae . l 10 Hickory . . 70 . Lignumvitae . . 90 Hickory . . 60 . Lignumvitae . . 70 Hickory . . 50 Planers V x A . These Planers are .. 7 \ all made of the best selected rock maple and they will hold their surface in u c h longer than c h e a p e r woods. These «N Maple planers Maple planer are durable. Maple Planer, small, size 3‘/4x6 inches, weight one and one-quarter pounds. List price . . . . . . _ . . . . . $0 25 Maple Planer, large, size 3%x8 inches, weight one and three-quarter pounds. List price. . . . . . . . . 30 Maple Planernleather top, 31/4x8 inches, weight two pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Proof Planers These Proof Planers are all made of maple, carefully faced with very high priced, closely w 0 V e n , fi r m V and durable ‘ felt. They will ‘ produce sharp, clear proofs on being s t r u c k lightly; they are so made that there need not be the slightest fear of injuring the type in any Way. Proof Planer, size 31Ax8 inches, weight two pounds. """‘”“"“"“""°~~ um»-.... Proof Planer Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......$060 Proof Planer, size 31/4x8 inches, with leather top, weight two pounds. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70 Linotype Planer The Lino- type Planer is a n e c e s s i t y in every ofiice that uses the Linotype ma- chines. Each is faced with c o r r u g a t e d rubber, which removes t h e burr from the linotype slugs without 1; h e slightest in- jury t o t h e face of the type. The Planer is well and strongly made and satisfactorily fulfills the purposes for which it is intended. Linotype Planer, size 3‘/ix6 inches. Price . . . . . . . . $0 50 Linotype Planer, size 3%.x6 inches with leather top. Price . . . . . . 70 Linotype Planer . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . c . The Rouse Copy Holder This is a device for the job printer, practical and effective. It saves time and patience and prevents the loss of copy. De- signed as an adjunct to the Rouse Job Stick, but can be readily attached to any composing stick by having the necessary holes drilled in the stick for that purpose and putting it in place. It is convenient and is becoming popular. Rouse Copy Holder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 25 Yankee Side Sticks The Yankee Side Stick has double bevel and two sliding quoins, which are fastened to the brass-lined edge of the main stick. The quoins can be moved from the center to the ends, but cannot be taken off, being held in position by brass plates which engage Y ankec Side Stick Hamilton Side Stick No. 1 Hamilton Side Stick No. 2 Wood Quoins of All Kinds There always has been and there always will be a demand for good Wood Quoins. There is a rea- son, as it is impossible to estimate the amount of type that is injured by iron quoins and keys. Be- sides wood quoins are cheaper than any other simi- lar device. Wood Quoins are put up either in boxes, bags or barrels to suit the convenience of our customers. . Wood Quoins in Boxes Wood Quoins in Boxes For the convenience of customers requiring but a small quantity we have had one hundred quoins put up in a neat box ready for delivery. You can have them either made of hickory, boxwood or lignumvitae, but the boxes do not come assorted. Quoins in Barrels and Bags For large orders of Wood Quoins we have them put up in barrels and burlap bags. The barrels contain about 7,500 Quoins. Wood Quoins in Barrels and Bags Boxwood Quoins in Barrels, per 1000 quoins . $5 00 Hickory, in Barrels, per 1000 3 25 List Prices of Wood Quoins in Boxes and Bags Weight l Boxes Burlap l Burlap KIND i per 100 ‘ of 100 ‘ Bags of Basggoof _. .3 . l 1..-, 1,, l , . . - Hickory . .l1=3/.1bs.? so 40 * $180 $350 Boxwood . . . . , 2 lbs. ~ 60 I 2 70 I 5 25 Lignumvitae. . 721/.» lbs.’ 80 . 360 l 700 Tympan Press Boards 28x42 inches, each . $0 50 40x60 inches, each . $1 00 and overlap the brass edge of the main body piece. For a quick lock—up this Side Stick is very convenient. Length, 22‘/2 inches; width at center, 11/.» inc weight, 9ounces. List price, each . . . . . . Hamilton Side Sticks Side Stick No. 1 is made with two bevels. Length, 11% inches; width at wide end, 1 inch; width at narrow end, ‘/2 inch. List price, each . . . . . . . . . . . Side Stick No.2 is made with three bevels. Length, 231/; inches; width at wide end, 1 inch; width at narrow end, 1/2 inch. List price, each . . . . . . Wells Long Wood Quoins The Wells Quoins have long bearing surface and by their use a perfect lockup is secured. They are improved by a top notch, which greatly assists in unlocking the forms. Made in four sizes, all working in pairs with straight furniture, or they can be used singly with side sticks. Any two Quoins make a pair. They are beveled on one side only. Put up in neat paper boxes. hes; . . 0 60 05 08 No. 1 Wells Long Wood Quoins List Priqcesipoffi Wells Quoins 5 Q§dlirri]sl)I(?)uf)x Weigh‘ ; Hfclcigfiy Binches,wroughtsteel, nickeled, small. Price, each . . . .$0 60 No. 3, 91/2 inches,wroughtsteel, nickeled, large. Price, each . 75 MalleableIron,Japanned. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . each . . . 30 Boxwood, perdozen . . . . . . . . .$l 50. . . . . . each . . . 12 Hickory,perdozen.. . . . . . . . . 85. . . . . each . . . . 08 _ _ Iron, Wesel make, No. 3, black . . . . . . . . each . . 45 Sh°°“"g S"°l‘ The Dixie Hand Cleaner This hand cleaner has been prepared for printers and pressmen especially. It has antiseptic properties that cure chapped hands and keep the skin smooth and soft. It is one of the best hand cleaners on the market, and is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction. It goes down into the pores and removes the dirt and grime. It may also be used for household purposes, and will be found excellent for cleaning pots, kettles, tinware, floors, white paint, etc. Price,percan . . . . ...... . . . .$010 Kleenu Kleenu is a harmless and antiseptic preparation, which is better than soap for dirty hands. It is a great necessity in the printshop, as it removes, with remarkable quickness and thoroughness, all stains, grease stains and dirt which are unaffected by soap. For general hand-cleansing purposes it is without an equal. . Kleenu, price per can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0 10 “fix! nd ssx~........i,i,.,,,,,,,,,,,,w,.. , Eureka Type Wash V " 1-pound can. . . . . . .$0 20 10-pound can . . . .$l 25 The Dixie Hand Cleaner 5-pound can. . . . . . . 75 50-pound can . . . . 500 American Roller Spray The American Roller Spray is a liquid preparation for retaining ink on the press and rollers without drying, and also for reducing ink to a useable condition, while still preserving the color and working consistency. The Roller Spray enables presses to be run up to the last minute of working time, thus effecting a great economy. It can be applied to any style cylinder or job press, in less than a minute, at the end of a day’s run, and will keep the ink and rollers in perfect condition to begin work without delay. It is applied to the rollers, ink table or cylinder in a mechanical atomizer or sprayer and with a few revolutions of the press the Spray mixes with the ink. After applying the Spray the rollers should be left in the press. It protects the rollers from the at- mosphere and prolongs their life. It removes dirt, fuzz and lint from the rollers while the press is running. It prevents the ink from caking, brightens up dull or muddy ink and produces clean, brilliant and smooth impressions. It avoids wash- ing up at noon or night, increases output and is excellent for clean- ing all kinds of machinery. It is economical in use as it costs less than a cent for any application. Mechanical Sprayer or Atomizer Price, American Roller Spray, One Gallon Can . . . . . . . . . . . $3 00 Also put up in three and five gallon cans. Sprayers, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 C. E. Donnell’s Ink Regulator Donnell’s Ink Regulator is a combined ink reducer and dryer. It will increase the quality of any ink from twenty- five to fifty per cent. It enables one to print and back work on any quality of paper in from ten minutes to one hour with- out the least offset. It will work in all qualities and colors of ink equally well. Old inks can be used. Prices of C. E. Donnell’s Ink Regulator Donnell’s Ink Regulator, pint . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 Donnell’s Ink Regulator, quart . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 Donnell’s Ink Regulator, gallon . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Chesapeake Economy Compound American Rome, Spray _ A well known Compound, free from mineral products cir acids. Absolutely safe to use and will not dry on forms or ro - lers. Varnishes may be added if required. It is very economical in use. 1-pound can . $0 75 5-pound can . $3 25 10-pound can . $6 00 25—pound can . $13 75 50-pound can . $25 00. CraWford’s Ink Reducer Donmwsink i?ezu1at°r 1/spint.. . . . . .........$010 1/.»pint..... . . . . . . . . ..$030 lpint . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$050 Inkoleum A liquid preparation for reducing and refining printing inks, without impairing their color. Inkoleum has bfen _onk the marke(1i; a number of years and has made good. It is a splendid preparation to have in the pressroom W en in , paper an weather are at loggerheads. Try a bottle and note the results. Price per bottle, half pound. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 50 Burbank’s Embossing Composition This is a semi-liquid chemical preparation_for making counter dies for embossing. The composition is spread over a piece of cardboard glued to the platen of the press and covered with two sheets of tissue paper. _The impres- \ -. RICHTERS sion of the die is then made upon the composition, which results in a perfect K “or Metal _ counter die. Well adapted for use on all classes of embossing presses. : H ‘_ _ Prices of Embossing Compositions if H I‘ 3% Linotype Elect Burbank’s Embossing Composition, price per can . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 .75 Mr M ‘ ‘ W}, Michenex-*5 Embossing Composition, price per package . . . . . . . . . 1 00 E . ‘Mud Wa .f Apbly 0‘ V ‘P or.'>mmules.a Richter’s Metal Cleaner "‘“' ‘“ ‘- 5 W’ ‘° “' : Richter’s Metal Cleaner is a time-tried preparation which will thoroughly : V ‘ .........cru.i§ ' clean electrotype, stereotype, linotype and monotype metals; It also prevents i ‘ INDIANA CHE to a great extent oxidization, and reduces dross to the minimum. It Wlll tem- _ Wblangaoug per, clean, flux and regulate metals. \““‘*"""‘“"“’“' ' Prices of Richter’s Metal Cleaner _ One-pound can (sample) . . . . . . $0 65 Ten-pound can - - . . . . $ 5 00 _ ’ Inkoleum Five-pound can . . . . . . . . . . 3 00 Fifty-Dound can - » - - - 22 00 R‘°ht°‘‘ *5 MW“ Cl°‘°‘"'°”' Promptness in filling orders is usually an important factor. The _American Type Founders Company, withditsfvast faciilitieg and its selling houses in nearly all the important cities of the country, is particularly well adapted to fill every or er or supp ies 0 every description used by printers, with promptness and despatch. 1227 Steel Furniture Steel Furniture has been in use for many years past and is one of the greatest labor-savers ever introduced to the printing trade It is a Well tried and useful device for saving time in making up and locking up printing forms. It is made from especially cold Style No. 4. 48 point steel with three 12 point notches Style No. 5. 54 point steel with two 18 point notches drawn steel, accurate in every dimension to the thousandth part of an inch, and cut to accurate lengths with milled notched ends, which can be quickly set around blank spaces instead of filling them in the ordinary way with wood or metal furniture. For color and blank work it is exceptionally valuable, as it eliminates shrinkage due to changes in temperature. Weight for weight it goes six times as far in filling space as metal furniture and can be used in from one-half to one-sixth the time. It is practically indestructible, and being made of steel, always remains accurate. Four pieces each forty-two picas long will fill a blank of forty-nine square inches, weigh but little, be almost instantly installed and prove more secure with a minimum of pieces. Using the larger pieces, eight will fill a blank twelve by twenty-four inches, or two hundred and eighty-eight square inches. The few pieces required for large spaces, its security, and little liability to damage by use or from corrosion, gives this steel furniture advantages possessed by no other material for the purpose. List Prices and Styles of Steel Furniture Font A has eight pieces each 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40 and 42 picas of Style One, and 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69 and 72 picas of Style Two, two hundred and twenty-four pieces. List price . . $54 00 Font B is half of Font A, one hundred and twelve pieces. List price . . . 27 00 Font C, first section of Font A, one hundred and forty-four pieces. List price 29 00 Font D has half the quantity of Font C, seventy-two pieces. List price . . 14 50 Font E is the second section of Font A, Style Two, eighty pieces. List price. 25 00 Font F has half the quantity of Font E, forty pieces. List price . . . . . . . 12 50 Font G has eight pieces each of Style Three; lengths, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57, 60, 63, 66, 69 and 72 picas. Total, one hundred and seventy-six pieces. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Font H has half the quantity of Font G, eighty-eight pieces. List price . . Font I is made of Style Five; lengths 15, 18, 21 and 24 inches; four outside pieces, two cross-bars for each length, twenty-four pieces in all. List price Font J has eight pieces each 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28 and 30 picas of Style One, and 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57 and 60 picas of Style Two, and 63, 66, 69 and 72 picas of 48 point steel, with 12 point notches. Total, twenty-seven different lengths, two hundred and sixteen pieces. List price 44 00 22 00 21 00 60 00 This Steel Furniture is made of twenty-four, thirty-six, forty-eight or fifty-four point steel five-eighths of an inch high, and with either twelve or eighteen point notches. For Fonts A, B, E, G, H and J, each . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 Double A, E, G and J, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Hand Rollers The best roller composition is the cheapest. We furnish Prices of Cases for Steel Furniture For Fonts C and D, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 00 Double C . . . . Roller Casting“ Gordon or I Universal or LA.’ ., .._.,, , , rollers cast three inches in diameter with the best roller com- > Sg.Z,*;;;f pee,,esS_ Each Q C0,tS_ Each position when complete rollers are ordered. , , . , ,. .__,__ ' I _ Eighth Medium 7 x11 ' $0 40 $0 40 Eighth Medium 8 x12 I 40 60 Eighth Medium 9 X13 45 Quarto Medium 10 x15 ' 80 4 80 Quarto Medium 11 x17 I 85 ! Quarto Medium 12 x18 1 1 00 1 Half Medium 13 x19 , 1 00 1 00 Half Medium . . ‘ 14 x20 ‘ 1 10 Half Super-Royal 14‘/2x22 1 25 1 25 Number Frame 5 7 iR0i:~:j::l:‘: Z . . 5.35.. C5:::.3.'3.d ~ complete ' steer? _ _-_.Ce%:.939._a:<%’9¥!1:€s=:911=:1rterInches In diameter 6 inch . . . 1 $1 25 in Iiwshl /7| A Frame E R°“"" 8inch. . . 1 i 50 g 2 30 | 45 ,g _____ ,‘"“‘ 0”“ If°;'‘_‘i°fi 10 inch . . . 1 5 2 75 50 - 1 20 12inch... 1 200 I 320 l 60 3:33 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ' '‘| $233 . $140 14inch. .- 2 7 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16inch. . . 2 2 50 Q 4 10 4 75 18 inog - - 3 gig . 4 55 1 80 Felt Roller Cloth 2 ' . . . 5 . 2(2) . _ _ 3 3 :3 t 5 2g I 1 33 Felt Roller Cloth, 12 yard rolls, 21/: inch, each . . . . . . $5 00 24 inc . 5 90 1 10 . . . 26 inch. 2 3 75 l 6 35 { 1 15 Felt Cloth Distributing Rollers 28 inch . 2 4 00 6 80 ' 1 20 T —d_—~— - . . - . 1 mg 3252:: In 2 z :5 :5 , 15 ":«:'::‘1::g :21“? ' ' ' § 2 33 I 13 23 I } 23 17x21 Ii $1 90 $6 90 32x46 54 oo 7 $10 25 50 Ench - 2 u 6 50 r 11 50 , 1 75 20x25 2 00 I 7 25 ‘ 34x50 4 25 i 10 75 54 lnch ' ' - 2 5 7 00 I 12 40 1 2 00 21x27 l 2 25 | 7 55 I 36x52 4 50 A 11 25 me - - - ' ”_ 24x30 ‘ 2 50 3 00 40x54 4 75 11 75 “’ 25x35 | 3 00 | 8 75 L‘ 40x60 5 00 12 50 29 42 3 50 A 9 50 . Roller Cores for Job Presses X * ‘ .——' F 1 191? i?*f*?;‘71C“%?1?flC.i2..7%8.i}lT=’3>?13i}i4%?9.{14*é*2?l Roller Composition C & P or Chllengeiso 3 $0 35 $0 45 $0 60 3 $0 60 1 $0 60 a $0 60 Bingham’s Standard, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . - $0 35 Peerless . . . . ’ I 75 Q 75 75 1 75 | 75 i 75 Bingharrys Durable, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5g Colt’s Armory ! 60 1 j Bingham’s Gem, for Northwest, per pound . . . . . . . 3 . Felt Blankets Rollers for Hand and hnder Presses Thick, 36 inches wide, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 40 Cylinder Press Rollers, best composition, per pound . . . $0 35 Thick, 44 inches wide, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 60 Hand Press Rollers, 3 ins. in diameter, per running inch . 10 Thick, 54 inches wide, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 10 Hand Press Rollers, larger than 3 ins. in diameter, per lb. 35 Thin, 44 inches wide, per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 50 Rubber Blankets 2-I213? 3-D_lY 2-ply 3-p_ly 2—p_l 3-D.” 1—{gilcn1:h 1-ggkiznch 1-1giicri(ch 1-tl}%(l:I1:Cl1 1-igiicnch 1-giéflch 26 inches wide, per yard . $ 9 75 $12 25 40 inches wide, per yard . $15 50 $19 50 52 inches wide, per yard . $22 75 $23 75 30 inches wide, per yard . 11 25 14 25 42 inches wide, per yard . 16 75 21 00 54 inches wide, per yard . 24 00 30 50 32 inches wide, per yard . 12 00 15 00 44 inches wide, per yard . 17 75 22 50 56 inches wide, per yard . 25 50 32 25 34 inches wide, per yard . 12 75 16 00 46 inches wide, per yard . 19 00 24 00 58 inches wide, per yard . 26 75 34 00 36 inches wide, per yard . 13 50 17 00 48 inches wide, per yard . 20 25 25 50 60 inches wide, per yard . 28 00 35 75 38 inches wide, per yard . 14 50 18 25 50 inches wide, per yard . 21 50 27 25 1228 American Bookbinders’ Steel Wire The American Bookbinders’ Steel Wire is drawn especially for us and is the very best obtainable. The quality of wire used upon the various wire stitching machines has much to do with their successful operation. It is therefore advisable and more economical to buy nothing but the best. We recommend American Bookbinders’ Steel Wire. Each spool holds five pounds of wire and a case contains twenty spools. Spools are char- ged for to be rebated at same rate when same spools are returned to seller, freight prepaid, and in good condition. The following prices apply to our best quality Tinned Bookbinders’ Wire and to lots of one size. In lots of five hundred pounds and more special prices will be made according to market. We shall be pleased to quote current prices and discount on \~;,_, ¢9 — application. While the prices given below may to a great extent be relied on, there ‘\5' are times when the fluctuations in the cost of materials make it impossible for us ’)‘I_, 41», O to guarantee them absolutely and they are therefore subject to change without TINNED ‘\.:1.\‘ ‘1 " - notice. As the American Type Founders Company supplies a very large part of the wire used in the various binderies in this country, it is in a position to secure from the manufacturers a high quality of wire which by its long and varied experience it knows to be eminently suited for bookbinders’ requirements. List Prices of Bookbinders’ Steel Wire Less than 100 100 pounds and Round Wire pounds under 500 pounds Nos. 18 to 23 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 12 Nos. 24 and 25 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . 12 10 No. 26 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 11 No. 27 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 Bookbindersv No. 28 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 13 steel wire No. 30 Round, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 14 Flat, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 12 _ The above prices, as has already been stated, are based on the current market prices, which are subject to fluctuations. Special prices will be quoted on lots of five hundred pounds and more. The lowest market price for high grade wire will always govern regardless of the above prices. Wire Staples for all Machines The American Type Founders Company is also the largest dealer in Wire Staples for printers’ and bookbinders’ use. We supply millions of them annually and consequently are in a position to quote the very lowest prices on the very highest grade staples. We exercise the same care and attention in the selection of our Wire Staples for all machines as we do in choosing the highest type of printing machine. That is probably the reason why we sell so many staples. There are thousands of stapling machines in use in the smaller printing offices throughout the country and they are always consuming staples. The next time you are in the market for staples, send us an order; we shall be pleased to supply you and you will be readily convinced of the unusually high quality of our staples. The American Staples are all arranged in the most practical and convenient manner and are put up in neat boxes. Boston Wire Staples The Metal Core, Eifi-V Pusher, Paper Covering and Staples Prices of Boston Wire Staples, either size, are as follows: 5,000 lots, per box of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 90 50,000 lots, per box of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 70 25,000 lots, per box of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 100,000 lots, per box of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Yarger Staples These staples are furnished on tin sticks, fastened with a strand of wire and are much superior to the old style with wooden sticks held with rubber bands. All sizes carried in stock for Yarger Binders Nos. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10. Give number of staple or style of binder and size of staple desired ' 1 1 when ordering. Can be supplied at a moment’s notice. Nos. 1 to 15 per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 90 Larger quantities at same prices as Boston Wire Staples quoted above. Nos. C, D, E, L, M and N per box of 1,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . 25 Acme Staples We carry a large stock of staples for the Sure Shot Binder and Acme Binders Nos. 1, 4 and 6. There is no delay in filling orders. Staples Nos. 21, 22, 23, 24, X, XX. Per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . $0 90 Larger quantities at the same prices as Boston Wire Staples quoted above Table Showing Number of Wire Staples to One Pound of Wire To ascertain the number of staples to one pound of wire, measure full length of wire in staple, go to first column on left of table and pass down same until you reach the size that corresponds with staple measured; pass along to right until you reach size of wire used, shown by top row of figures. Example: If your staple measures 1‘/2 inches, and the size of wire is No. 28, there are 13,940 staples to one pound as shown in following table submitted for convenience of our patrons. A Box of Yarger Staples Lehgth of Wirein Staple 1 18 ' 19 . 20 . 21 1 22 ‘ 23 2 24 1 25 1 26 1 27 1 28 1 29 iH3_0__, 1/.» inch . . . . . . . . . . 1 4104 1 5394 1 7408 3 8856 1 11594 1 14544 5 17142 1 22640 1 28236 ' 31578 1 35820 1 40678 5 47058 5/8 inch . . . . . . . . . . . 3283 1 4315 1 5926 : 7084 T 9275 1 11635 13713 1 18112 f 22588 I 25262 1 28656 1 32542 I 37646 %inch . . . . . . . . . . .‘2736 3596 14938 5904‘ 7729 1 9696 11428 115093 118824 21052 23880 ‘27118 131372 7/sinch . . . . . . . . . . . 2345 ' 3082 1 4233 ' 5060 1 6625 1 8310 } 9795 1 12937 1 16134 1 18044 1 20468 323244 S 26890 hich . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 2052 1 2697 3704 1 4428 1 5797 1 7272 1 8571 1 11320 1 14118 1 15789 1 17910 : 20339 1 23529 11/11 inch . . . . . . . . . . . 1824 . 2397 13292 13936 1 5152 1 6464 , 7618 ’10062 112549 1 14034 1 15920 118079 1 20914 1‘/4 inch . . . . . . . . . ‘164112157 12963 13542 4637 5817' 6856 ‘ 9056 ‘11294 112631 114328 ‘16271 ‘18823 1% inch . . . . . . . i . I 1492 . 1961 ‘2693 '3220’ 4216 : 5288: 6233 5 8232 510267 211482 1 13025 114792 117112 119 hlcll . . . . . . . . . . ’ 1368 1 1798 ‘ 2469 1 2952 4 3864 4848 5714 1 7546 1 9412 1 10526 1 11940 1 13559 I 15686 1% inch ' 126211659 12279 127241 3567 ’ 4475' 5274 1 6966 3 8688 1 9716 111021 112516 114479 1% inch ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' "1172 ‘ 1541 '2116 125301 3812 9 4155' 4897 3 6468 1 8067 1‘ 9022 110234 '11622 113445 17/sinch I I I . i I i I I I .’.109411438 1' 1975 '2361.1 3091 E 3878{ 4571 1 6037 J 7529 i 8422 ; 9552 E10847 12548 inch . . . . . . . . . . _ 10261348 11852 122141 2898 3636. 4285 1 5660 1 7059 1 7894 1 8955 110169 ;11764 21/14 inch . . . . . . . . . . . 96511269 .1743 12083 2728 1 3422. 4033 1 5327 1 6643 1 7430 1 8428 1 9571 111072 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 91211198 ’1646 11968’ 2576 1 3232, 3809 ‘ 5031 1 6274 1 7017 i 7960 1 9039 10457 2% inch ' 864 ‘ 1135 11559 1864' 2440 1 3061 3608 ' 4766 1 5944 1 6648 1 7541 1 8563 3 9906 2% inch I I i Z . . i I I I W 82011078 11481 ’17711 2318 1 2908: 3428 3 4528 i 5647 E 6315 3 7164 5 8135 I 9411 2°/sinch . . . . . . . . . . - 781 1027 11411 116861 2208 1 27701 3265 1 4312 1 5378 1 6014 1 6822 1 7748 1 8963 2%inch . . . . . . . . . . . 746: 980 11346 116101 2108 1 26441 3116 1 4116 1 5133 ; 5741 1 6512 1 7396 1 8556 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . .1 713. 938 11288 11540. 2016 1 2529. 2981 1 3937 ; 4910 . 5491 1 6229 1 7074 1 8184 3 hich . . . . . . . . . . . 684 1 899 S 1234 . 1476 I 1932 1 2424 1 2857 1 3773 , 4706 1 5263 1 5970 1 6779 1 7843 317/8 inch . . . . . . . . . . .1 6561‘ 863 11185 ‘14161 1855 1 23271 2742 1 3622 1 4517 3 5052 1 5731 1 6508 1 7529 3% inch . . . . . . . . . . . 6311 829 11139 113621 1783 , 22371 2637 1 3483 1 4344 1 4858 : 5510 1 6258 ; 7239 3% inch . . . . . . . . . . .1 6081 799 ,1097 11312.1 1717 , 21541 2539 1 3354 f 4183 1 4678 1 5306 ; 6026 1 6971 31/.» inch . . . . . . . . . . .1 586 770 11058 112651 1656 . 20771 2448 1 3234 . 4033 1 4511 1 5117 1 5811 1 6722 2243/41 308% 3691 483%-.» W 6061 ,7_141/1,1 _943__1g1 T1176}/.»1 M13153/i_1 14921/.>T 16941-3 1960 1-‘ -31 l—‘ lflllimberof feet in one pound.1 Table copyrightcwclrby 6. 5.2131;4chh}§ii:_18i9§.”i»lihiiéhcd by permission 1229 Engraving Tools Each tool is made of the finest quality, highly tempered steel, ground and sharpened ready for use. No. 1. V-Shaped, large, sharp edge No. 4. Flat, face ‘/4’-inch wide Engraving tools, set of six, packed in box . . . . . . . . . . . . . Engravers’ Wood Engravers’ Boxwood is made in four grades, the blocks being made any size desired, the usual size being twelve by twelve. Boxwood blocks weigh approximately four and one- half pounds per square foot. Prices of Engravers’ Wood Engravers’ Boxwood, per square inch, according to the quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 02, $0 03, $0 04 and $0 05 American Boxwood, per square inch . . . . . . . . . . 02 Engravers’ Maple, per square inch . . . . . . . . . . . 01 An additional charge of twenty or twenty-five per cent is made for furnishing Maple Blocks dressed on both szdes. Eye Shades The Ellis Adjustable Eye Shade, with a shield from the side light, is a great im- provement over other shades. Adjustable E y e Shade, each . . $0 25 Adjustable E y e Shade, per doz. . 2 25 Reglet and Furniture in Yard Lengths In yard lengths and bundles. (Reglet is shipped in yard lengths unless otherwise ordered.) Thoroughly kiln—dried stock is used for our Reglet and Furniture, and made on machines especially designed for the purpose, thus insuring accuracy and smoothness. For Labor-Saving Reglet and Labor-Saving Reglet Cases see page 1267. List Prices of Reglet and Furniture in Yard Lengths “ Weight i‘ Price 1 Weight * Price , ! Widths 100 yards * Per , ‘ Widths 1 100 yards , Per Pounds 1 Yard ‘v 1, Pounds Yard ‘ .__.,._.,___.,,.1 _ _ . ,- 5tO12 Pt.f 10 $0 02 5 ‘ 11 Line ¢ 110 \ $0 08 18 Point E 15 1 03 » E 12 Line ; 120 * 08 2 Line 2 20 * 03 ll 13 Line g 130 s 10 3 Line ‘I 30 j 04 14 Line 1 140 5 10 4 Line , 40 1 04 ;. 15 Line = 150 . 10 5 Line 50 2 04 j 1 16 Line » 160 ‘ 10 6 Line ; 60 1 06 M 17 Line ~ 170 , 12 7Line ; 70 ‘ 06 1 ' 18 Line : 180 l 12 8Line } 80 06 20 Line i 200 1 14 9Line 1 90 06 I, 24 Line ‘ 240 16 10 Line ' 100 08 4 1 No. 2. V-Shaped, small, sharp edge No. 5. Oval, face 7-64-inch wide No. 6. Diamond, 5-32-inch square . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$250 Stick Rest This little article fills a long felt want. It saves time, temper and type. Made of wood; for holding the stick on top of type form while making corrections. Stick Rest Size of Stick Rest 4x10 inches, weight six ounces. Price, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Price, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 Magnifying and Reducing Glasses The regular Engravers’ Magnifying Glasses are the verb’ best that can be procured for the purpose. The lenses are accurately ground, very powerful and are set in vulcanite. Prices of Magnifying and Reducing Glasses No. A30. Magnifying Glass, 1-inch focus. Price . . . . No. A36. Magnifying Glass, two lenses, 1-inch and 21/2- inch focus. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Pocket Magnifiers These Pocket Magnifiers are made in two styles. The single lens is double convex, mounted in black vulcanite and finished in oval shape. List Prices of Pocket Magnifiers No. A5. Pocket Magnifier, diameter of lens, 1%. inches. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0 75 No. A6. Pocket Magnifier, diameter of lens, 2 inches. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 00 The Bellows-shaped Pocket Magnifier has two double con- vex lenses of different powers, which combined, give a thlr higher power. Black vulcanite mounting. No. A 12. Pocket Magnifier, diameter of lens, 7%.:-inch and 1-inch. Price $0 75 . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . - Enlarging and Reducing Glasses In these Enlarging and Reducing Glasses the lens is set in a nickel plated brass rim, and each has an ebonized hard‘ wood handle. They are the best glasses procurable for the purpose. Prices of Enlarging Glasses No. A 80. Enlarging Glass, diameter, 2 inches . . . . . . $0 80 No. A 82. Enlarging Glass, diameter, 21/: inches . . . . . 1 00 No. A 84. Enlarging Glass, diameter, 3 inches . . . . . . 1 50 No. A86. Enlarging Glass, diameter, 31/; inches . . . . . 1 75 Prices of Reducing Glasses No. A70. Reducing Glass, diameter, 2 inches . . . . . . $1 50 No. A72. Reducing Glass, diameter, 3 inches . . . . . 2 50 No. A 74. Reducing Glass, diameter, 4 inches . . . . . . 4 00 No. A 75. Reducing Glass, diameter, 5 inches . . . . . . 6 00 Hamilton Newspaper File This is the most satisfactory newspaper file in use today. It is strong and efficient, yet simple in operation. Thousands of these Files are in use in the best newspaper offices in the country. Made of oak, nicely finished with brass fastenings and polished 813991 Hamilton Newspaper Filc—Closcd is passed through a slot, and by giving the screw a quarter turn the File is securely locked. When the head is turned parallel with the File it opens instantly. Files in the following sizes are in stock; other sizes to order: Four-column paper, sixteen and one-half inches clear, ten ounces. Five-column paper, twenty and one-half inches clear, eleven ounces. Six—column paper, twenty-two and one- half inches clear, twelve ounces. Seven-column paper, twenty-four and one-half inches clear, thirteen ounces. twenty-six and one-half inches clear, sixteen ounces. Nine-column paper, twenty-eight and one-half inches clear, seventeen ounces. The sizes given above allow one-half inch play. List price, each Eight—colu mn paper, o - o - u . - - . - . o . . . . - . - . n o thumbscrews. The method of closing and opening the File is novel and simple. The clasp end Of me has a flat-headed thumbscrew ' ' ( s e e c u t) , which Fastener Brass and Copper Thin Spaces Font of American Thin Spaces BRASS AND COPPER THIN SPACES Make iustification so easy that no oflice should be without them That these 1/2 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces may be readily distinguished, the ‘/2 and the 1 Point Spaces are made of Brass. Style of Fonts Nos. 1, 2 and 3 _ Assortment No. 1. V2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font includes assortment of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 Point sizes, put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. Price, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 75 Assortment No. 2. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- cludes assortment of 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 Point sizes, put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. Price, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 75 Assortment No. 3. Assorted 1/2-Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font includes an equal amount of both X» Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces cut the follow- mg sizes : 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 60 and 72 Point, put up in wooden case, 16 ounces. Price, including case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1 75 Style of Fonts Nos. 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 . Assortment No. 4. V2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font includes a two ounce package each 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 00 Assortment No. 5. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- cludes a two ounce package each 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 00 1231 Point Spaces are made of Copper Assortment No. 6. 1/2 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font includes an assortment of two ounces of each of the following sizes : 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 10 ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 00 Assortment No. 7. 1/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. This font includes a two ounce package each 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 Point, 10 ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1 25 Assortment No. 8. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. This font in- cludes a two ounce package each 6, 8, 10, 12 and 18 Point, 10 ounces. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l 25 Style of one pound packages BRASS OR COPPER THIN SPACES One Pound Packages 5 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2 50 5%» Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 25 6 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 00 7 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 85 8 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 75 9 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 65 10 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 55 11 Point, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45 12, 14 and 16 Points, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 40 18, 20, 24 and 30 Points, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 35 36 Point and larger, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 30 AMERICAN THIN SPACES Make Justification Easy The American Thin Spaces include a complete assortment of 1/2 Point Copper and 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces and also of 2 Point Metal Spaces put up in the following proportions : l/2 Point Copper Thin Spaces. Include two ounces each cut 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. One ounce each cut 8, 10, 60 and 72 Point sizes. Assortment weighs one pound. 1 Point Brass Thin Spaces. Include two ounces each cut 6, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. One ounce each cut 8, 10, 60 and 72 Point sizes. Assortment weighs one pound. 2 Point Metal Spaces. Include ten ounces each 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point sizes. Also eight ounces cut 60 Points. Weighs 3 pounds. Price complete including Quarter Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5 00 Price of case only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65 Bookbinding Machinery In addition to the numerous Machines and Appliances for Bookbinding listed in this Catalogue, the American Type Founders Company sells all other Ma- chines used by Bookbinders, such as: Folding Machines Ruling Machines Bindery Presses Book Sewing Machines Standing Presses Bench Shears Table Shears Crimping Machines Automatic Index Cutters Stamping Presses Waste Paper Balers Etc., etc. Full information and descriptive circulars, and lowest market quo- tations, will be supplied upon request. Estimates will be furnished for complete Bookbinding Plants for pamphlet, commercial or publication work. American Type Founders Company EVERYTHING FOR THE PRINTER 1232 ::~“‘$;~"t " , __ 9. t 1. . av, , .3... n,.w.a . o +—. . 4?/......4a. . < I . .... J . §....&. v.3»: , . ...(.;....~. /... . ./ . . _ .. . 1 _,...%.a. , ..P :......r.... .. f.. . an}. o. . . u (3 41.. . . . . . . P. .... /9 Mm»; . ‘ .;d...um...t.zfa... J . n ....«...~..a..§.4~,.....u..,.._. , . .. ,..~..o._ . \. .1...:.§ . ........@m.»._. 3 ~...»mv-ofl.L..h. ...my_./urn 0;. . .« . . . m ,. . W...» mt_,..,. . q 1‘ . r a 4 ; .4..w.. .& an M» . 4... . r>...u.,._ 3 .1 « V;‘_;;_>- A Composing Room Equipped with Polhemus Cabinets In starting a new office it is advisable to thoroughly consider the installation of modern equipment, thus saving greatly in space as well as making it more convenient for the workmen The Polhemus Cabinets It is a remarkable fact that from the day of their first introduction the Polhemus Cabinets took the lead and are still con- sidered among the most popular type cabinets. Perfected by and named after the late Mr. John Polhemus, at one time one of the leading N _ V. . printers of New York City, they were thoroughly tested and their sterling qualities fully proved before they wereput upon the market. The No. 4 Triple Cabinet with sev- enty—five job cases is the king pin of the line. It is a veritable printing office in itself. It has steel runs and contains seventy-five cases; ten sort drawers; storage room for twenty double- column galleys; fifteen square feet of storage in the galley dump for tied- up matter and standing forms; three pairs news cases on top. If necessary six men can work at this 1 Cabinet at the same time without interfering. The practical value of this I _‘ _A _V _ , splendid Cabinetis greatly _’ 1 t ’ " ' ’ ’ Ab _ enhanced by brass lining ’ ’ 5 . ’ * 1 the full length galley dump shown in the illustration. With such a bank no mois- ture can enter the wood- work and the life of the » y x; . Cabinet is prolonged indefinitely. (The extra cost , V . W for the brass lining is $35.00.) The labor of set- ‘ ~ * ting type from the job cases is also facilitated by _No.4TriplePolhcmus Cabinet—Front View having brass label holders attached to the case ' _ fronts, thus enabling the compositor to see at a glance the face of the type in any job case. The increased capacity of this Cabinet, as compared with other Polhemus Cabinets, par- tlclllarly those with wood runs, places it at once at the head of the list as one of the best and most compact type cabinets ever con- ‘A.- structed. This Cabinet embraces all the good features of Polhemus construction, combined with case concentration. It has the full length galley dump, the sort cab- inet, the galley cabinet closed with door, and the patent tilting brackets with galley boards under the lower cases. No. 4 TRIPLE POLHE- MUS CABINET. With Steel Runs, containing fifty two- thirds California job cases, twenty-five cases in each tier, and twenty-five full size California job cases, in the center tier; three pairs of news cases and three pairs of No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top. Galley boards under lower cases. Full length galley dump, one tier of sort drawers and one series of galley shelves. List Price and Dimensions Height, 44% inches; width, 104 inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 1175 lbs. List price . . ‘ . $140 00 No. 4Triple Polhemus Cabinet—Rcar View NOTE.—The galley dump on this No. 4 Triple Polhemus Cabinet can be furnished full brass lined, using No. 21 gauge patent leveled sheet brass for the bottom and square brass tubing for the surrounding rim and division strips. Extra to list price for . . . . brass lined dump, $35.00. The N o. 5 DOUBLE POLHEMUS CABINET illustrated here is also one of the popular Polhemus Cabinets. Many printers prefer the tier of sort drawers between the two tiers of cases, in lieu of the tier of galley shelves. This Cabinet represents the extreme of case concentration. twenty-five cases in each tier within working height for type- setting purposes. It has the full length galley dump and job cases on the reverse side from the news cases. Four men can work at this Cabinet without interfering. Polhemus Cabinets are essen- tially space and material savers, therefore money makers. No. 5 DOUBLE POLHEMUS CABINET. With Steel Runs, con- taining twenty-five full size California job cases in one tier, an twenty-five two-thirds California job cases in the other tier, two pairs of news cases and two pairs of No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets on top, with galley boards under lower cases. F111 length galley dump and one tier of sort drawers between the two tiers of cases. ‘ The series of Polhemus Cabinets shown on this page will be sup‘ plied without brass lined galley dump unless otherwise ordered- List Price and Dimensions Height, 44% inches; width, 70 inches; depth, 27 inches- Weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds. List Price . . . . . . $95 00 NOTE.—-The galley dump on this No. 5 Double Polhemus Cabinet can be furnished full brass lined, using No. 21 gauge patent leveled sheet brass for the bottom and square brass tubing‘ for the surrounding rim and division strips. All screws on the Polhemus_.Cabinets are placed from the under side in order to make a smooth all brass top throughout. Extra to list price for brass lined dump; $24.00. Brass Label Holders, 1x3 inches, attached 130 any cabinet, at an addition to the list price of five cents per case. , - . ; ,.,,4.,v ”’ No. 5 Double Polhemus Cabinet Front View The prices quoted here are subject to our usual discounts. 1234 The Cabinets Grand Every feature of recognized merit found in any other style of type Cabinet is embodied in the construction of the No. 22 Cabinet Grand. It possesses the extension fronts to job cases, the distinctive feature of the Porter construction; the placing of the news and job compositors on opposite sides, and the full length galley dump, which are the distinctive features of Polhemus construction ; the varying depth of cases in modi- fied form, which is the distinctive feature of the Twentieth Century construction. It has the series of sort drawers, and the tier of galley shelves opening from the news side. It has a space and quad case, a seVenty—two inch lead and slug case, with du- plicate compartments, on the job side. It is supplied with the new improved Three-Case Tilting Bracket, with galley boards under the lower cases. N o. 22 Cabinet Grand contains a total of seventy California job cases arranged in three tiers, one tier of twenty- four full size cases, one tier of twenty-three V three-quarter size A W MM; M V , V W cases hang. one tier of vW,,,,_..x,. M. ..»;.... _ ' é TH E_ HA,Mu_-ro _ . two t ir s size cases. ..........,,,....._......,»»......v. ..,M.,.. M“... * These job cases are of y _ three different outside --~ /‘ No_ 22 Cabinet Grand depths as follows: Seven full size cases one inch deep; three three-quarter size cases one inch deep; fourteen full size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; seventeen three-quarter size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; three full size cases one and three-quarter inches deep; three three-quarter size cases one and three-quarter inches deep ; three two-thirds size cases one inch deep; seventeen two-thirds size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; three two-thirds size cases one and three- quarter inches deep. SORT DRAWERS. A series of ten Sort Drawers between the two tiers of cases, each Sort Drawer divided into ten equal size compartments, making one hundred compartments. . GALLEY SHELVES. A series of sixteen galley shelves enclosed by door, opening from the news side of the cabinet. The Shelves are inclined and wide enough to take double column galleys. ‘ TOP EQUIPMENT. Three pairs of N o. 2 Three-Case Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, with galley boards under the lower cases, on which are placed the following cases: Three pairs of news cases, one blank case, one thirty-inch space and quad case, one N o. 8 Bettis lead and slug case. List Price and Dimensions of No. 22 Cabinet Grand Height, 43 inches; width, 1101/.» inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 1200 pounds. List price, complete with fulltopequipment .....................$15000 The No. 20 Cabinet Grand contains a total of forty-seven California job cases, arranged in two tiers, one tier of twenty—four full size cases, and one tier of twenty-three two-thirds size cases. These cases are of three different outside depths as follows: Seven full size cases one inch deep; three two-thirds size cases one inch deep; fourteen full size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; seventeen two-thirds size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; three full size cases one and three-quarter inches deep; three two-thirds size cases one and three- quarter inches deep. SORT DRAWERS. A series of ten Sort Drawers between the two tiers of cases, each Sort Drawer divided into ten equal size compart- ments, a total of one hundred compartments. TOP EQUIPMENT. Three pairs of No. 2 Three-Case Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, with galley boards under the lower cases, on which are placed cases as follows: One pair of news cases; one blank case; one thirty-inch space and quad case; one No. 2 Adjustable lead and No 20 cabinet Grand slug case, one No. 8 Bettis lead and slug case. List Price and Dimensions of No. 20 Cabinet Grand Height, 43 inches; width, 71 inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds. List price, complete with fulltopequipment.....................................................$1 0000 The news compositor on the No. 21 Cabinet Grand works undisturbed at the pair of news cases and dumps on the galley placed in the blank case. A thirty-inch space and quad case is placed back of the galley, wherein is carried a large assortment of spaces .. . and quads in various sizes. Over the blank case on the upper bracket is placed A O ‘ a No. 2 adjustable lead and slug case, with center bar_. A series of galley shelves is arranged between the two tiers of cases. . With this arrangement the news compositor is not disturbed by the job man, and has all his material within reach. _ CASES. The No. 20 Cabinet Grand _contains a total of forty-seven California job cases, arranged in two tiers, one tier of _twenty-four full size cases, and one tier of twenty—three two-thirds size cases. These ~ cases are of three different outside depths as follows: Seven full size cases one inch deep; three two-thirds. size cases one inch deep; fourteen full size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; seventeen two-thirds size cases one and three-eighths inches deep; three full size cases one and three-quarter inches deep; three two-thirds size cases one and three-quarter inches deep. _ _ The cases one inch deep will easily take all small and medium size job fonts; the one and three-eighths inch cases are standard; the cases one and three-quarter inches deep are useful for holding large advertis- ing fonts and metal type of large size. GALLEY SHELVES. A series of sixteen Galley Shelves, enclosed by door, opening from the news side of the Cabinet. The shelves are in- clined and wide enough to take double column galleys. _ TOP EQUIPMENT. Two pairs of No. 2 Three-Case Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, with galley boards under the lower cases, on which are placed cases as follows: One pair of news cases; one blank case; one thirty-inch space and quad case; one No. 2 Adjustable lead and slug case; one No. 8 Bettis lead and slug case. .....-...«..........«a- o»..- ,.n ...,.......- No. 21 Cabinet Grand List Price and Dimensions of No. 21 Cabinet Grand Height, 43 inches; width, 71 inches; depth, 27 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 700 pounds. List price, complete with fulltopequipment. 1235 Reversible Unit Cabinets ‘Reversible Unit Cabinet_Combination No. 1 This Cabinet is made up by combining one Unit No. 10 with twelve large cases. California pattern; one Unit No. 12 with twenty-four half size Wells job cases; one cap piece and one base piece; one Bank No. 1: one pair tilting brackets with one pair of news cases. Occupies floor space twenty-five by thirty-five inches. Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 2 . This Cabinet is made by combining one Unit No. 12, holding twenty-four half size Wells Job cases; one Unit No. 16, holding twenty-two California job cases, two-thirds size, pulling‘ from the ends; one Unit No. 10, holding twelve large California job cases; one cap piece and one base piece. Note that the cases draw from four sides of the Cabinet. Four compositors can set type from this Cabinet without inter- fering. This is something not obtainable in any other type of cabinet. Occupies floor space twenty-five by thirty-five inches. Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 3 This Cabinet is made by combining one Unit No. 20, containing twenty-four sort drawers, each drawer having fourteen removable individual sort boxes; (the second unit above the sort drawer unit can be selected to suit the require— _ .. merits of any printing office); one base 1 piece and one cap piece; one galley box; two pairs New York case brackets; two pairs of news cases. This Cabinet combines all the desir- able features of a window cabinet, a unit cabinet and a Polhemus cabinet. Occupies floor space, twenty-five by thirty—five inches. llbi.llll'li£.. Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 4 This Cabinetis made by combining two Units No. 22, each containing seven letter boards; one unit No. 10, containing twelve large California Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 1 job Cases, Standard depth: one unit N 0. 11, con- taining fifteen large California job cases three- quarters of an inch deep inside the rail; two No. 1 banks, two cap pieces and two base pieces; two pairs of tilting brackets; two pairs of news cases on brackets. This makes a cabinet with all the desirable features of the unit system, and one which _ _ ‘ , _ _ _) can be made into two single cabinets by separating the two sections; a cabinet which can be “°""”“‘”"" Um“ ("“l""“t C°”‘b‘“"‘t“"‘ N"' “ changed at will, reversed or added to in order to meet the requirements of a growing office. When you have in mind the equipping of your composing room, these cabinets should be seri- ously considered. Unquestionably one of the greatest improvements in printers’ cabinet construction during recent years has been the addition of the unit system—a system which has grown and expanded from a small beginning until now it is found in all lines of trade where system has made any material progress. There are many points of superiority in the unit system over any other construction. It allows of expansion with a small outlay. A single unit will often provide the additional room required, and the expense involved in the purchase of a complete new cabinet is avoided. At the same time the cabinet will always be compcliete and the general balance of the office equipment will be main- taine . Heretofore the unit system, so far as printing office furniture is concerned, has not been attempted beyond regular type cabinet con- struction. The line of units now offered allow almost unlimited pos- sibilities in the way of different combinations including type case units, of various patterns, galley units, letter—boardE units, and sort drawer units. This allows the furniture in any printing office equipped with these new reversible units to be kept at an even balance. If new fonts of type are added, a unit containing a few type cases can be ordered. If more storage room is required for tied up forms, a letter board unit can be added. A branching out in legal blank or railroad work may require the purchase of a sort drawer unit, etc. In connection with this, - .. the fact that all these new units are made reversible, so as to face to the Reversibie unit cabinet combination N0_ 4 %- 7 front or rear, or to pull from the ends, doubles the utility of the system. With the various units described put; together in their respective places It is safe to say- that there has never been offered to printers a line 0 cabinets possessing such a wide range of elasticity and adjustment, and we expect to see the reversible unit generally adopted in many of the up-to-date printing offices in the very near future. Reversible units holding type cases, are of New Departure construction—New Departure cases, with three-ply unbreakable bottoms covered with the best quality manila paper—that’s what makes a new departure case. All fitted with new departure flat steel runs, on which the cases rest. Scarcely any wear or friction, and the life of the cases is prolonged indefinitely. Reversible Unit Galley Box This Galley Box is intended for use on top of a working cabinet, between two pairs of case brackets, It is ten and three- quarters inches ‘wide by twenty-five inches long outside. It is provided with six galley shelves, which are nine and one-quartet‘ inches wide inside. Provides a convenient dumping place and storage for galleys filled with body type, near the compositor. List Prices, Dimensions and Weights of Reversible Unit Cabinets, etc. Units ‘ Floor Space ,- , ,- ,- _ - , , _ Number of Cases, ,_, A roximate 1 u.-.0 Occupied Outside Height: Outside Size of Cases ‘ Etc.’ per Unit Style of Cases, Etc. welight’ Cmtcd, 1 II(. No. 10 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2x32‘/1 inches , 12 Cases California Job Cases 185 pounds $25 00 No. 11 . . . . ‘ 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2x32‘/i inches ) 15 Cases California Job Cases 195 pounds 28 00 No. 12 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2x151/.: inches 24 Cases Wells Job Cases 200 pounds 1 30 00 No. 13 . . . . ‘ 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2X15‘/2 inches ‘ 30 Cases Wells Job Cases 210 pounds ' 35 00 N o. 14 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2x15‘/2 inches » 24 Cases Yankee Job Cases 200 pounds 30 00 No. 15 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 211/2X15‘/.> inches 30 Cases Yankee Job Cases 210 pounds 35 00 No. 16 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 15‘/2x21‘?/1 inches 22 Cases California Job Cases 195 pounds 28 00 N o. 17 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 151/2x21‘?/.1 inches 28 Cases California Job Cases 200 pounds 35 00 No. 18 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/2X32‘/i inches 12 Cases Indexed ElectroCases 185 pounds 25 00 No. 19 . . . . 1 25 X35 inches 19 inches 21‘/.»X15‘/g inches 24 Cases ‘Indexed ElectroCases 200 pounds 30 00 No. 20 . . . . 1 25 X35 inches 19 inches 7‘/2x22"/i inches 24 Drawers |Sort Drawers ; 235 pounds 40 00 No. 21 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 6and 8]/HX24 inches 27 Shelves ‘Galley Shelves ‘ 135 pounds 16 00 No. 22 . . . . 25 X35 inches 19 inches 2335: x32 inches 7 Boards Letter Boards 195 pounds 18 00 Galley Box . . 10‘?/i X25 inches 13 inches 9% X24 inches 6 Shelves Galley Shelves 1 50 pounds 6 00 ap . . . . . 26 X35 inches 2% inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ 45 pounds 6 00 Base.....26 x35inches 2 inches 35pounds 250 Bank No. 1 . . 17 X35 inches Rear 7% inches . . . . . .. . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 pounds 3 00 Bank No. 2 . . 28‘/.»X35 inches Rear 111/: inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 pounds 6 00 Two Units with Cap and Base make a Cabinet forty-two and three-qu,arter.s- inches high. Three Units with Cap and Base will ma lit’ a Cabinet sixty-two and one-eighth inches high. Four Units with Cap and Base will make a Cabinet eighty and three-quarte'?‘-5’ inches high. The price of Uni t No. 2!) includes the removable sort boates, fourteen for each drawer, or three hundred and thirty‘ .l‘U’l»‘ Wlth Inch ; . . V . . - . ’ . (\( lS( HI( 4., () () ll(y L nm S l()Wll1L d. JUS 1) L dn( I(.n1()Vl L Strip Lead and Rule Cabinet A most convenient Cabinet for the storage of full lengths of leads, slugs and brass rule. N0 device of the kind has heretofore been offered printers, and this little Cabinet will surely find a prominent place. It is thoroughly well made of hardwood, with the ends paneled, finished antique, same as the best of our cabinet work. There are seventeen vertical compartments one inch wide, six inches in height, at the top of the Cabinet, which will take twenty-four-inch lengths of brass rule. Under the rule compartments are twenty vertical compartments thirteen-sixteenths of an inch wide, nine inches in height, which will accommodate twenty-four-inch lengths of leads and slugs. On the right-hand end, underneath the overhanging top is placed a drawer, running full depth of the cabinet and containing two compartments to receive the cuttings from the mitering machine and the lead cutter: the cuttings being dropped into the drawer by means of an opening through the hardwood top into each compartment, one compartment for leads and one for brass. The drawer is removable and can be dumped as required. At the bottom is a large compartment for storing the mitering machine and the lead cutter, when not in use, thus allowing the top to be used for other working purposes. The front of Cabinet is closed by two swinging doors, fastened by lock, which secures the Valuable material stored therein under direct care of the foreman or party holding the key. fa List Price and Dimensions of Strip Lead and Rule Cabinet 4 *--'-u-W Occupies floor space 22‘x-.>x‘26 inches; height, 38 inches. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $40 00 Strip Load and Rule (Yabinot I’7'i('c.s- (In: :2'(1.'z°l/1772.1] d'1'..s'('ounf.~: 1240 New Departure Type Cabinets The New Departure Type Cabinets are constructed of hardwood, finished antique; the ends are tastefully paneled and moulded. and the fronts ornamented and fitted with bronzed pulls. The cases are of our best New Departure pattern. The New Departure - _ _ _ Type Cabinets possess all the advantages of other cabinets and have the remarkable feature of combining from twenty—five to thirty- three cases within the height of forty-three inches, which is the correct height for a fiat top cabinet with cases and brackets on top for typesetting purposes. This represents a gain of thirty-three and one-third per cent in case capacity over the best steel run construction heretofore offered to printers. These steel runs are thin pieces of steel of great strength, fitted into saw-kerfs cut in the sides of the Cabinet and held in place by means of lips on the ends of the runs, so that such runs cannot possibly get out of place or become loose. These flat steel runs were originated and perfected more than ten years ago, and have been in continual use in steel run stands since that time. They have given such universal satisfaction that they are now incorporated in this line of Steel Run Cabinets. Owing to the fact that the cost of constructing these Cabinets is some- what less than the regular steel run construction, the prices on them are somewhat lower than those of other cabinets shown. Of all the cabinets shown within these pages, the No. 62 New Departure has had the greatest sale of any. Of this parti- cular Cabinet there have been manufactured and sold each year about one thousand. This certainly emphasizes the popularity of the No. 62, which has a single tier and contains twenty—five stan- dard size California job cases of regular depth. The No. 68, another popular style, has two tiers containing fifty full size job cases. Both the No. 62 and the No. 68 are fairly rep- resentative of the whole line of New Departure Cabinets, so it is unnecessary to illustrate them further. All the cabinets are flat top ' i 7 and if galley tops are wanted, there will be an additional charge of $3.00 for single tier cabinets and $6.00 for double tier cabinets. ese changes will be made whenever desired, but in ordering it will be necessary to state that such changes are wanted in order to secure them. This is imperative. The illus- tration above, however, shows the No. 68 New Departure Flat Top Cabinet with a top equip- ment made up as follows: Two pairs No. 2 Three Case Tilting Brackets, two pairs of News Cases and one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case. The individual prices of these articles may be found in other parts of this catalogue. The No. 68 New Departure Cabinet is of standard dimensions containing fifty regular full size California Job Cases in two tiers, or twenty-five cases in each tier. This cabinet occupies a floor space twenty—one by sixty-nine and seven-eighths inches, the height is forty-three inches. The top equipment may be selected to suit the customer. The seven special cabinets described below with a variety of cases, have a uniform height of forty-three inches, which is the correct height for typesetting purposes. These cabinets represent an achievement in type case construction never before attained. Heretofore the most compact cabinets have contained only twenty-five cases in the height of forty-five inches; here we have cabinets containing thirty-three cases all within the height of forty-three inches, and all of the cases deep enough for practical purposes except for the very largest fonts of metal type. In two cabinets, Nos. 64 and 70, containing cases of four different depths, we have a result of twenty-eight cases within forty-three inches, and some of these cases are unusually deep, thus accommodating the very largest sizes of metal type. All of the cabinets in the detailed list, as given below, with the following seven exceptions contain cases of standard depth, one and three-eighths inches outside the front. N o. 51 contains thirty-three two-thirds size cases sixteen and five-eighths by twenty- one and three-quarters inches outside measure. The cases have a uniform depth of one inch outside the front and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No. 57 contains thirty-three three-quarter size cases, size sixteen and five-eighths by twenty-six and one-half inches outside measure. The cases have a uniform depth of one inch outside the front and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No.63 contains thirty-three full size cases, size sixteen and five-eighths by thirty- two and one-quarter inches outside measure. The cases have a uniform depth of one inch outside the front and deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No. 64 contains twenty-eight full size cases, size sixteen and five-eighths by thirty-two and one-quarter inches outside measure. These cases are of four different depths; five cases are three-quarters of an inch, ten cases are one inch, ten cases are standard one and three-eighths inches and three cases are extra deep, being one and three-quarters inches, all measured outside the front. No. 69 is a two-tier cabinet, containing sixty-six full size cases, size sixteen and _ five-eighths by thirty-two and one-q uarter inches outside measure. There are thirty-three cases in each tier. All cases have a uniform depth of one inch outside the front and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts._ No. 70 is a two-tier cabinet containing fifty-six full size cases, size sixteen and five-eighths by thirty-two and one-quarter inches outside measure. There are twenty-eight cases in each tier of four different depths; five cases are three-quarters of an inch, ten one inch, ten standard one and three-eighths inches and three one and three-quarters inches, all measured outsidethe front. No. 72 contains three tiers of full size cases and represents New Departure Cabinets Nos. 62, 63 and 71 combined. The center tier contains thirty-three cases one inch deep outside, and one tier contains twenty cases one and three-quarters inches deep outside No. 68 New Departure Cabinet with Top Equipment No. 62 New Departure Cabinet of fronts. A total of seventy-eight cases of the three most convenient depths. List Prices and Dimensions of New Departure Type Cabinets , W No_ Number Number of Size of Cases Depth of Cases F100,. Space 7 Height Weight Priu of Cases Tiers Outside Measure Outside Front H 50 25 Single tier Two-thirds 16"%s’X213~/I inches Standard 1% inches 7 21X24% inches 1 43 inches 230 pounds $29 00 51 33 Single tier Two-thirds 16‘7«.~x21‘.‘/.1 inches Special 1 inch 21x24% inches 43 inches 260 pounds ‘ 37 00 52 3() Single tier Two-thirds 16%x21’,‘/Si inches Standard 1".» inches 21X247/s inches 52 inches ‘ 280 pounds I 34 50 53 40 Single tier Two-thirds 16%x21’,‘/’i. inches Standard 1% inches ‘ ZIXZ47:/s inches 7 67 inches 360 pounds 45 50 54 50 Single tier Two-thirds 16*'A inches 43 inches ‘ 440 D0l1I1dS 57 00 56 25 Single tier Three-quarters 16%x26‘/5.» inches 1 Standard 1% inches 21x29% inches 43 inches 7 250 pounds 34 50 57 33 Single tier Three-quarters 16%-(X261/1.’ inches Special 1 inch 21x29‘?/éa inches 43 inches 1 275 pounds . 43 00 58 30 Single tier Three-quarters 16"%sx26‘/.> inches Standard 1% inches 21x29‘?/s inches 52 inches 300 pounds 39 50 59 40 Single tier Three-quarters 16‘-.1’/.sX26'/‘:1 inches Standard 1% inches 2lX29'7s inches 7 67 inches 1 400 pounds 7 52 00 60 50 Single tier Three—quarters 16-%x26‘/4”.» inches Standard 1% inches 21x29% inches 82 inches 400 pounds 63 50 61 50 Double tier Three-quarters 16"7sx26‘/.» inches Standard 1% inches 4 21x58“/i inches 43 inches 1 415 pounds ; 64 25 62 25 Single tier Full size 16‘?/sx32‘/i. inches Standard 1".~,~ inches 21x35‘/i inches 7 43 inches , 300 pounds 7 38 75 63 Single tier Full size 16";’sx32‘/i inches Special 1 inch 21x35‘/i inches j 43 inches 330 pounds? 49 00 64 28 Single tier Full size 16"V'~:x32‘/1. inches Special four depths 21x35‘/i inches ' 43 inches 310 pounds 7 42 50 65 30 Single tier Full size 16"’/5x32‘/i inches Standard 1% inches 21x35‘/:7 inches 7 52 inches 360 pounds 45 00 66 40 Single tier Full size 16"?(sx32‘/i inches Standard 1% inches 21x35‘/i inches 67 inches 485 pounds 59 25 67 50 Single tier Full size 165/:L;x32‘/7’; inches Standard 1% inches 21x35‘/1 inches 82 inches 585 pounds 72 50 68 5() Double tier Full size 16‘%x32‘/1 inches Standard 1% inches 21x69% inches 43 inches 600 pounds 74 00 69 66 Double tier Full size 16*"?/.ux32‘/i inches Special 1 inch 21x69% inches 43inches 670 pounds 93 00 70 56 Double tier Full size 16-',’74.~x32‘/7/1 inches Special four depths 21x697,7"s inches 43 inches 630 pounds 7 81 00 71 20 Single tier Full size 16",’/.4.-X32‘/4 inches Special 1% inches 21x35‘/i inches 43 inches 275 pounds 38 00 72 78 Three tiers Full Size 16‘-’/5x321/1 inches 21X103:.l/l inches 43 inches 850 pounds; 113 00 Special three depths if Aiilihéllélilkle prices alnfldmdeslcriptions "aré £614 fiat”t6g)l’¢abiiiétis.’i if ”vt?ahi;éa}vi£i1 galleyfltopsagldito theprieeligiveh for single tier Cabinets $3.00, and for double tier cabinets $6.00. Brass label holders attached to a cabinet at an additional price of five cents per case, list. Add for paneled backs, single tier, $2.50; for two tiers, $4.00: for three tiers, $5.50 1241 Wisconsin Window Cabinet The Wisconsin Window Cabinet differs from other flat top cabinets in the arrangement of the top, which projects behind seven inches. Two pairs of brackets are placed so as to face the cases to the sides. The top is cleated to prevent the projecting top from . being broken. The back is paneled. Designed for placing in front of a window, as it does not obstruct the light. Two men may work undisturbed at the sides, while the job cases in front are convenient for the JO men. This Cabinet has the patent Tilting Bracket with galley rest, which enables a compositor to empty his stick without leaving the Cabinet, by simply tilting his lower case, thus exposing the galley board. Made in ash, with antique finish. Bottom is made flush to floor to prevent dirt from getting underneath Cabinet. List Prices and Dimensions of Wisconsin Window Cabinets No. 1 Wisconsin Window Cabinet, with wood runs and filled with 18 full size California job cases, 2 pairs of news cases and 2 pairs of Patent Tilting Brackets No. 1 on top. Weight, 350 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $36 00 No. 2. With 23 full size California job cases and steel runs, 2 pairs of news cases and 2 pairs of patent Tilting Brackets No. 1 on top, same height as No. 1. Weight, 375 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . The width is 35% inches, height, 43 inches, depth 211/: inches. The weight given in- cludes the cases and brackets on top, all crated, ready for shipment. One of the great advantages of this Cabinet is that it saves twenty-five per cent in floor space. Each can be utilized for body type composition by attaching case brackets on top. The capacity of the type cases for holding type is not reduced in the least as regular cases are used. The saving of space is attained by using the steel runs, which allow the cases to be placed more compactly in the Cabinet. “‘- , , s » - 1, ’ 3: 7 i ’ ’ 4 rig; 20;: 5. ’.‘HE»£ g The News Side No. 27 Tracy Steel Run Stand, with copy drawers and galley bank under the news cases List Prices of Brackets and Sockets i PRICE PER PAIR ; LENGTHS Weight‘ No.14 1 No. 15 Pounds 1 Inclined iRev rsible 8-inchArms..............! 21/.»:$o4o{$o40 The S°~“—ke‘ The Bracket 10-inch Arms . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘~ 4 75 1 75 12-inchArms..............l 7 ,125‘125 List Prices and Dimensions of Galley Racks W W 0 2 DimensionsofFramei;Wieight:iCdmpleAte:i ' Inches ‘ Poun s Pnce For 6Galleys.......................... 1]/2x147/16x31 22 1 $300 For8Ga1leys.......................... 1‘/2x147/13x38‘ 27 » 400 For 10 Galleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11/2x147/1.cx46 35 l 5 00 For12Galleys. 1‘%.>x14"/10x55 40 600 For15Galleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1V2x147/13x67 i 50 E 750 For20 Galleys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . i 1]/2x147/16x86 N 65 10 00 Galley Rack The prices quoted on this page are subject to prevailing discounts 1246 New York Double and Quadruple Stands The New York Case Stands were designed to economize floor space, they give the greatest case capacity to least area. The lower case projects into the alley several inches, affording the compositor ample knee room. The angle of the lower case is just right for rapid setting. - “ x; The cap case is raised above the lower and brought forward closer to the compositor’s hand, while not ob- structing the figure boxes of the lower case. The cases are held on strong iron brackets, 7 securely screwed to a hard- wood top, which is very use- ful for storing tied-up mat- ter. The utility of the No. 2 Double Stand can be in- creased by substituting three case brackets. A double stand holds thirty cases and two pairs of news cases on top. A quad- ruple stand holds sixty cases and four pairs of news cases on top. Prices given below in- clude the brackets, but not the case on top. These stands have been in use in some of the best printing offices . - for many years and have been found en- ., No. 3 New York Quadruple Case Stand No. 2 New York Double Case Stand tirely satisfactory in every way. //////////A a List Prices and Dimensions of New York Double and Quadruple Stands 1 New York Single Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 15 Cases and 1 pair on top : 18x36%z 75 pounds l $ 6 50 2 New York Double Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Cases and 2 pairs on top I 18x701A2 4 135 pounds 1 10 50 3 New York Quadruple Stand . . . . . . . . . . . 1 60 Cases and 4 pairs on top , 35x70]/2 l 225 pounds 1 18 00 4 New York Window Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 30 Cases and 2 pairs on top 1 35x36% ‘ 135 pounds * 10 50 Case Stands and Racks These Case Stands and Racks are all made of hardwood, and bolted together firmly. The high case racks are braced at the cen- ter with bolted rods to prevent spreading, and both stands and racks will remain rigid after long and steady use. To equip a print- . ing plant with these case stands probably requires the very least investment, and when price is an object and must be considered, in preference to style, they will prove to be satisfactory in every way. As a matter of fact a very serviceable office equipment may ._ be purchased with a very small pecuniary outlay. For offices located in districts where space is not of vital importance, these case stands and racks are just as satisfactory as higher priced steel run case stands. They are shipped to pur- chasers in the natural wood and in a knocked down condition. When assembled, and if it is desired to improve their appearance, they may be covered with a coat of shellac and then varnished. This may be done at a cost of only a few dimes and almost anyone who can use a brush can apply the shellac and afterwards the varnish to the stands. The varnish will add a lustre and brighten the woodwork considerably. As will be observed, there is a large assortment of Case Stands and Racks listed, both in single and double tiers, fitted for cases of various sizes. Should you, however, not find in the list exactly what you require, the American Type Founders Company invites you to correspond on the subject. Its vast experience and intimate knowledge on all matters pertaining to the printing craft and the proper equipment of printing offices is always at your service. As the largest dealer in all requisites for the printer, the American Type Founders Company is in a position to render to its customers better service than can be obtained from any other supply house. The convenient location of the many selling houses of the Amer- ican Type Founders Company gives it a great advantage in filling orders promptly. N°- 15 Double Stand: Wltl? Galley Rest and No matter where the customers are located this company has a selling house nearby Ram‘ f°’ 24 f“" 3'“ Cases that will give all business prompt and careful attention. List Prices and Dimensions of Case Stands No. 1’ DESCRIPTION :Spl;‘;°I"nS_4 $2353: 2 Price k 1 single, without Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l26x36l/sl 32 $2 75 "'._"'_"-i_ 2 Single, with Racks for 12 two-thirds Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘26x25%‘ 38 » 3 00 3; %‘ 21/2 Single, with Racks for 12 three-quarter Cases . . . . . . . . . . '26x30% 42 ‘ 3 00 T m 3 ‘Single, with Racks for 8 full size Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . l26x36%l 39 ‘ 3 00 g: iSingle, with Racks for 12 full size Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’26X36%‘ 45 3 25 3, 5 |Double News, without Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . »26x60 ‘ 50 ; 3 25 B,- 6 Double News, with Racks for 8 full size Cases . . . . . . . . . '26x60 ‘ 55 ' 3 75 7 Double News, with Racks for 10 full size Cases . . . . . . . . . 126x60 ‘ 56 , 4 25 3, 8 Double News, with Racks for 12 full size Cases . . . . . . . . . .26x60 58 1 4 75 ,3. 9 1Double Job Stand, with Racks for 8 full size and 8 two-thirds Cases.26 x60 61 A 4 25 ' Q3 10 lDouble J ob Stand, with Racks for 10 full size and 10 two-thirds Cases 26 x60 65 5 00 ~iI‘.i' 11 DoubleJob Stand, with Racks for12fu1l size and 12 two-thirds Cases26x60 70 ' 5 50 , . ,,»: 12 DoubleJ obStand,withRacksfor12fullsize& 12 three-quarterCases 26x64‘?/i. 72 1 5 75 ,_ V . 2». 13 Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks for 16 full size Cases . 26x70‘/2 70 5 50 ’ , :3: 14 Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks for 20 full size Cases . 26x70‘/2 74 . 5 75 .; * 15 Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks for 24 full size Cases . 26x70‘/2; 78 Y 6 00 . it“ 16 Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks for 30 full size Cases . 26x70‘/2. 83 7 00 "._ 3: Paneled ends to any of above Stands, $2.00 extra '4‘! 151 List Prices and Dimensions of Case Racks *3‘ r._.,_ , _ ' " ' ’“ ‘ " " ’ ,___;_ ;_, W " ' “' __ f’ ’ , , .,r .._.,,.,,L ‘Si No. CAPACITY I Elilfjst ; Fl‘i%‘é}§£l?:ce l Plain, as in Cutl Cggzegiggsk ~ —-W. . A, W . , ,_ , . l y , ~ ——— 20 Single tier 10 full size Cases . . . ’ 38 ' 201/:.’X36l/Ni » 45 I s 5 50 1 $ 7 75 ‘,3 21 Single tier 12 full size Cases . . . J 41 5 20‘/.>x36l/s . 49 1 6 00 « 8 50 E 22 Single tier 16 full size Cases . . . 50 20‘/.>x36l/e 56 7 00 I 9 50 - 23 Single tier 20 full size Cases . . . : 60 ’ 20‘/.:x36% 58 8 00 V 11 00 24 Single tier 24 full size Cases . . . 70 J 20‘/.»x36lA-i ‘ 67 9 00 1 12 00 25 Single tier 30 full size Cases . . . I 84 . 20‘/_>x36l/ca ‘ 83 10 00 ' 13 00 26 .Double tier 40 full size Cases . . . 60 ' 20‘/_>x70l/2 I 104 J 14 00 6 17 00 ., ‘- _ , 201/2X70]/2 3 144 ‘ 18 ()0 1 22 50 ‘ No. 25 Thirty-Case Rack ?Double tier 60 full size Cases . . . ‘ 84 hi All Case Stands and Racks are furnished unfinishedaand 1247 lem. The Roll Front Case Racks are equal to cabinets in every way, and they really are cabi- nets and not case racks in the ordinary sense of the term. They are fitted with steel runs, and are thoroughly well built. The roll front is fitted with the finest brass desk lock. A single lock secures the entire tier of cases. Made of ash, finished in antique, same as regular high-grade cabinets. The prices are for Case Racks only and do not include the cases. made to fit special cases. Case pulls, attached to case fronts, 5 cents each; in bulk, 4 cents each. List Prices and Dimensions of Roll Front Case Racks Capacity VVidth Depth Price No. 1 16 full size cases 45 inches 36 inches 24 inches 175 pounds $20 00 No. 2 20 full size cases 53 inches 36 inches 24 inches 210 pounds 23 00 No. 3 25 full size cases 63 inches 36 inches 24 inches 225 pounds 28 00 No. 4 30 full size cases 73 inches 36 inches 24 inches 260 pounds 32 00 No. 5 35 full size cases 83 inches 36 inches 24 inches 290 pounds 35 00 . 6 40 full size cases 93 inches 36 inches 24 inches 325 pounds 40 00 Height Roll Front Case Racks Many printers have desired to do away with the ordinary case racks and substitute cabinets, and thus increase the life of the type by keeping it free from dust. On account of the expense involved and the fact that their old cases could not be sold or utilized, they have hesitated in making the needed improvement. This new Case Rack solves the prob- These Racks can be Weight The prices quoted are subject to prevailing discoionts “ Everything for the printer” is a slogan which has the earmarks of accuracy when applied to the American Type Founders Company. Its aim is always, not only to keep abreast of the times, but to aid its customers in every way by bringing to their notice every new device or machine which will aid the development of the printing art. Write us your requirements. Our service and experience are at your disposal. Indexed Electrotype Cabinet A practical Indexed Electrotype Cabinet is here ofiered in the Indexed Electrotype‘ Cabinet No. 18. The question of the proper filing of the original cuts and electrotypes is a vital one in houses where the assortment is large. A large amount of money is usually tied up in them and it is economy to place them in a cabinet where they will be preserved and protected from in- jury, and where they can be found when wanted. The use of the Indexed Electrotype Cabinet absolutely prevents any cut from being lost or mislaid, and but a moment is required to find any original cut or electrotype. When in use the Cabinet is so arranged that each cut or electro- type has a place specially partitioned off for its ac- commodation. The space is laid out in the right size to accommodate the cut, and there is no waste of room. Itis properly recorded in the Index Book, which accompanies each Cabinet. To find a cut, a glance at the Index Book will show its exact location, giving the number of the drawer in which it is located, also the section of the drawer and the division of the section as shown in the illustration. When an original cut is withdrawn from the Cabinet for the purpose of having electrotypes cast from it, a record is made in the Index Book, giving the date of its withdrawal and where it was sent, thus maintaining a constant control of each cut. The method of laying out the drawers is shown in the illustration below. The drawers are slotted on the inside, all around on the front, sides and back at intervals of three-eighths of an inch. The full-length divisions, which run from front to back, are also slotted at intervals of three-eighths of an inch on both sides. These full-length divisions are placed in the proper position, leaving sufficient space to accommodate the cuts which are about to be placed in the Cabinet. The ,_ smaller cross divis- ii ‘ I Indexed Electrotype Cabinet No. 18 ions are? then placed in po- sition sepa- rating each cut and making a distinct compartment to fit each cut. As soon as cuts are properly laid, a record should be entered in the Index Book. Full details as to indexing are furnished elsewhere. POINTS OF SUPERIORITY. These Cabinets, with steel runs, allow the drawers to be placed compactly in the Cabinet and afford a saving in space occupied of twenty-five per cent. Each drawer is also fitted with a metal number plate, and the Index Book accompanies each Cabinet without extra charge. The Cabinets are made of ash, finished in antique oak, and will give thorough satisfaction. They are constructed in three sizes like regular type cabinets. The two-third size drawer is fifteen and one-eighth by twenty and one-half inches inside; the three-quarter drawer is fifteen by twenty-four and five-eighths inches inside; the full—size drawer is fifteen by thirty and one-half inches inside. All drawers have exten- sion side rails at the back, enabling_a drawer to be fully drawn and making the cuts in the back readily accessible. The prices given are for the Cabinets, fully equipped, ready for use. All drawers are of the favorably-known pattern, “New Departure." No. 5 Roll Front Case Rack Indexed Electrotype Drawer. This cut shows a drawer as It appears when divided off and filled with cuts or electro- types. Note that every cut is in a distinct compart- ment, and that the dimensions are arranged in both directions to fit various sizes of cuts. List Prices and Dimensions of Indexed Electrotype Cabinets Number and Size of Depth Weight Number and Size of Height 1 Width 1 Depth? Height Width ) . _ N0‘ Drawers Inches Inches Inches Pounds I “cc N0‘ Drawer Inches Inches Inches ' Pounds 1 Price 1 20 Two-thirds 37’?/4 251/4 21 180 $25 00 10 40 Three-quarter 68 29‘‘/;. 21 E 400 $53 00 2 25 Two-thirds 45% 25%. 21 225 30 00 11 50 Three-quarter 84 293/4 21 475 = 65 00 3 30 Two-thirds . 53"/s 25‘/4 21 275 35 00 12 60 Three-quarter- 99 29"/4 21 550 78 00 4 40 Two-thirds . 69 25% 21 350 48 00 13 20 Full-size . . 37 “As 35% 21 25() 35 00 5 50 Two-thirds . 84%» 251/: 21 425 60 00 14 25 Full-size . . 44‘/1 353/4 21 300 40 00 6 60 Two-thirds . 99 25% 21 475 72 00 15 30 Full-size . . 53 35%. 21 350 45 00 7 20 Three-quarter 37% 29% 21 200 30 00 16 40 Full-size . . 68 353/: 21 475 60 00 8 25 Three-quarter 4414 29% 21 250 35 00 17 50 Full-size . . 84 35% 21 575 75 00 9 30 Three-quarter 53 29% 21 300 40 00 18 60 Full-size . . 99 353/: 21 650 90 00 The Fifty Drawer and Sixty Drawer Cabinets are furnished in one or two tiers, as desired, at the same price. SPECIAL NOTICE. The above prices include the Cabinets fitted with a full equipment of division slats, including five of the slotted divisions for each drawer in the two-third size Cabinets, and six for each drawer in the three-quarter and full-size Cabinets}; also with a large assortment of cross divisions, in various lengths. Extra slotted division strips 5 cents each, list. Each drawer 15 fitted with a metal number plate, as shown in the illustration. One Indexed Book is furnished for each Cabinet, regardless of the size of the Cabinet. Additional Books, if required will be furnished for $1.00 each, list. Write for discounts. 1248 Wood Type Cabinets Our Wood Type Cabinets are fitted with either wood or steel runs and equipped with New Departure Cases. In these Cabinets the type is preserved and kept free from dust and at the same time every letter is available without disturbing others. The No. 9 Cabinet shown here occupies but nine square feet of floor space and affords one hundred and forty square feet of case surface for the systematic storage of wood type. Wood Type Cabinets are made to hold two sizes of cases, viz.: Nos. 1, 2, 3, 7 and 8, to hold cases twenty-three by thirty-two and one-quarter inches and known as the regular Wood Type Cabinet, while Nos. 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 are made to hold cases twenty-three by forty-four inches, and this size is known as the Mammoth H , - .. Wood Type Cabinet. They are very substantially constructed of ash, finished in ‘ ‘ ~- ‘ ~ ' ' ‘ antique oak. The cases are slotted on the sides and have movable strips which may be adjusted to picas. The cases in the Mammoth size (twenty-three by forty- four) have a center bar, as shown in the illustration, while the cases in the regular cases have no center bar. To meet the demand for Cabinets of greater storage capacity, there are four new sizes, represented by Nos. 7, 8, 9 and 10. These Cabinets are made with steel runs and have twenty-five cases in each tier, but occupy the same floor space and are the same height as Cabi- nets with wood runs holding twenty cases in each tier. This represents a gain in floor space of twenty—five per cent, an item of interest where space is limited _ and rents are high. ' Wood Type Cases for Wood Style No. 3 Wood Type Case used in Nos. 4, 5, 6, 9 and 10 Type Cabinets. All cases having. Cabmets’ S“ 23x44 "whes movable strips are adjustable by picas. The strips are also cut by even picas so that the variations are by single .-..=-A picas. For instance, a whole case can be adjusted to hold five line type or six line No, 9 Mamioih or eight line as desired, or part of each in the same case. The No. 2 Wood Type Case has no center bar, while the No. 3 Case is fitted with a center bar to add strength and to sustain the heavy load which will be carried when cases are filled. The sides and center bars of Wood Type Cases are slotted for pica adjustment. Each case in every Wood Type Cabinet is fitted with a suitable number of division strips without extra charge. IMPORTANT. Each Wood Type Cabinet is listed with flat top or with galley top under the same number. Customers should not fail to specify clearly which is wanted. List Prices and Dimensions of Wood Type Cabinets .3! Wood Type Cabinet with Galley Top CABINETS WITH FLAT Tops WITH GALLEY To? ,, - N z . ' . . °’ I Inches DC Lb UC Lb I DC Lb OUT} ‘.3 ‘ Inches Inches OUH S 1 Wood Runs . . . 12 23x32‘/I. 36 351/.» 26% 250 $ 24 00 36 42 , 275 $ 27 50 2 Wood Runs . . . 16 23x32‘/4 44% 351/: 2653 300 30 00 441/4 501/: 325 33 50 3 Wood Runs . . . 20 23x32% 52‘/2 351/.» 26% 350 36 00 521/.» 581/.» 375 39 50 4 Wood Runs . . . 12 23x44 36 47 1/.» 26% 300 1 30 00 36 42 y 325 34 00 5 Wood Runs . . . 16 23x44 44‘/4 471/2 26% 370 40 00 , 441/4. 50% 395 44 00 6 Wood Runs . . . 20 23x44 , 521/: 471/.» 26% 435 48 00 521/; 581/.» 460 52 00 7 Steel Runs . . . 25 23x32‘/4 50‘/2 35‘/2 26‘—_’s 400 46 50 50‘/_» 561/: 425 50 00 8 Steel Runs . . . 50 23x32%. 501/.» 69% 26‘:/s 750 87 00 501/.» 561/; 800 94 00 9 Steel Runs . . . 25 23x44 501/2 47% 26%; 500 63 O0 501/.» I 561/.» 525 67 00 10 Steel Runs . . 50 23x44 501/.» 93‘/.» 26% 950 118 00 501/.) 56%, 1000 p 125 00 The Cabinets Nos. 8 and 10 with steel runs and 50 cases are double tier, 25 cases in each tier. Six division strips are sent with every case in a Cabinet. Extra strips over this amount are furnished at 2 cents each. List Prices of Wood Type Cases Only Weight No. I I I 0 WITH LIP FRONTS LIKE ORDINARIK TYPE 6As1:sI 1 Pounds : Price 1 ‘16%x32‘/I inches, size of regular type case, no center bar . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 $ 0 90 2 23x32‘/4 inches, can be put in any regular case stand, and gives 224 square inches more space than No. 1 8 1 00 3 23x44 inches, gives 276 square inches more space than No. 2--with center bar . . ‘. ._ . . . . . . . . 11 1 30 .‘Case Rack with Wood Runs to hold 20 No. 3 Wood Type Cases, flat top, height, 57"/s inches . . . . . I 85 9 00 Case Rack with Steel Runs to hold 25 No. 3 Wood Type Cases, fiat top, height 57% inches . . . . . . ! 100 p 7 14 00 Specimen Cabinets for Particular Printers The proper classification and preservation of specimens of printing will enable the printer to show his work to_ prospective customers to the best advantage. There is a large line of specimen cabinets, which include a variety of sizes, forms and prices in order to meet the requirements of large and small printing offices. The Cabinets contain a large number of shallow drawers, _which can be labeled and properly indexed. By this method the specimens of printing are_not unduly bunched and are easy of access and convenient for display. _ The Cabinets can be used for other purposes than the storage of specimens of printing. Samples of stock, small supplies, blanks, legal papers and periodicals can be systematically stored. We can furnish any style of cabinet and shall be pleased to give you informa- tion regarding the complete line. Every printing office should have a specimen cabinet of some kind. The American Type Founders Company handles a large variety and they range in prices and finish from the No. 1 shown in the illustra- tion at $22.00 list, up to the beautiful Specimen Cabinet No. 3 at $120.00. This Cabinet is conveniently arranged with a large number of shallow drawers accom- modating almost any size of printed matter. The successful printer will not be slow to acknowledge the usefulness of the Specimen Cabinet. Realize for a moment how a much better impression is created in a customer’s mind, when you go to a neat cabinet for samples of your work, when you wish to exhibit them to a prospective buyer of printing. In any other line of business neatness in the display of merchandise counts as an important factor. Why should not the same hold good in the case of the printer, especially when the desired result can be obtained at such a small expenditure ‘.7 In addition to these Specimen Cabinets, neatly framed samples of your best efforts in printing displayed in prominent positions on the walls of your office are very effective and may assist materially in interesting prospective customers who may visit your establishment. N0- 1 Specimen Cabinet ‘ """" ‘ "‘ * List Price and Dimensions of No. 1 Specimen Cabinet No. 1 Specimen Cabinet contains 8 drawers with inside dimensions 15"?/I-ax20 inches. Four of these drawers are 2 inches deep, inside, and four are 41/.» inches deep, inside. This Cabinet occupies floor space 2034 inches deep, by 25% inches wide. The height is 37‘/«'2 inches. The Cabinet is made of ash and is nicely finished. Each draweris divided into nine compartments, with removable partitions. Weight, crated for shipment, 165 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $22 00 P ~i(.-e.s- quoted on fh7'.s' page are su.I)je(-t to preiva:ili"n_(7 d7,..s'(?()’ll‘Nfs 1249 Linotype Magazine Cabinet The advent and adoption of machine composition, especially in newspaper and book offices, has necessitated the introduction of a special line of furniture particularly adapted to this class of work. The Linotype Magazine Cabinet has met with much favor, and will be found a labor saving and convenient addition to the equipment of the machine office. Description It has a working top thirty-eight inches high. It provides a place for all parts and accessories of the Linotype outfit, including the heavy magazines. The storing of these expensive parts is essential and is well provided for in the large vertical drawers, which are always accessible. Built of hardwood throughout, substantially constructed and nicely finished in antique or any other desired shade. The back is paneled and well finished. Equipment MATRIX DRAWERS. In one tier are twelve mat- rix drawers with shelving bottoms sixteen inches wide, each drawer containing eight grooves or shelves, providing one hundred and twenty-eight inches of storage room in each drawer, or one hundred and twenty-eight running feet in the twelve drawers. The drawers are on an incline, thus keeping the matrices always on edge. . LINER DRAWERS. At the top of the middle tier Linotype Magazine Cabinet are two liner drawers, size sixteen by twenty-eight _ _ and one-half inches inside. These are partitioned to accommodate all sizes of liners. Cleats engage the slots in the liners and hold them in position. BLANK DRAWERS. Beneath the liner drawers are two blank drawers, size inside twelve and one-half by sixteen inches and two and three-quarter inches deep. On the end is located another blank drawer, size sixteen and three-quarters by twenty-two and one- half by two and one-half inches. These drawers will accommodate tools and other accessories. EJECTOR BLADE RACKS. In the center tier at the bottom, enclosed by a roll front secured with lock, are three shelves for ejector blades. Each shelf will hold seventeen blades; any size blade is held in proper position. SORTS TRAY RACK. At the side of the ejector blade rack is another compartment, secured by a lock, fitted with flat steel runs. This will accommodate eight standard size sort trays. MAGAZINE DRAWERS. There are eight upright drawers with wheel bearings made to accommodate the No. 5 model magazine. They are held on brackets engaging the lugs on the side of the magazine. If No. 3 magazines are to be accommodated they require deeper drawers, and this size cabinet will hold five of them. In ordering state what magazine it is desired to accommodate. GALLEY RACKS. These are arranged in double tier, fourteen shelves to each tier. Will accommodate twenty-eight standard double column galleys eight by twenty—four inches. CUPBOARD. On the opposite side is a cupboard with door, fitted with two adjustable shelves. Size twelve and one-half by nine- teen and one-quarter inches by twenty-three and one-half inches inside. WORKING TOP. This top is of hardwood, one and one-half inches deep, cleated on the ends. Size thirty-seven by seventy-six inches. The American Type Founders Company will be pleased to quote prices and submit sketches on any special cabinets required. We are in a position to offer you suggestions in your equipment which will save you time and money. List Price, Dimensions and Weight of Linotype Magazine Cabinet Occu_pies floorspace, 35x74 inches; height, 38 inches; weight, crated, 1,000 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $160 00 Special magazine cabinets of any desired size can be made to order. Drawings and prices furnished on request. Job Press Cabinets A pressman’s time can be saved and economy effected in waste of stock by the use of this Cabinet. It affords a suitable receptacle for tympan paper, gauge pins and other tools. benzine can and wiping rags. One cabinet will serve two presses when placed in the center. a little back of the pressmen. Where space is available the best results are obtained bY having a cabinet for each press. Each unit is mounted on an iron pedestal of convenient working height and on the top is a plate-glass mixing slab. There is a special compartment for the benzine can and to avoid the danger of spontaneous combustion, the compartment for oily rags is metal- lined. The usual gauge pin drawer is provided. There is one compartment for hard press board, cardboard and filler stock, in various grades for use as draw sheets, also three compartments for slip sheets. The Cabinets are made in three sizes, for eight by twelve, ten by fifteen and fourteen and one-half by twenty-two inch presses. Intermediate sizes may be accommodated in the next size larger. As there is undoubtedly a desire on the part of many printers to improve conditions in the pressroom we have listed here a very serviceable and up—to—date cabinet for the pressman. While to some the investment in an article of this nature may seem unnecessary, yet un- doubtedly the time is not far distant when such improvements will be eagerly sought for by the discriminating and progressive printing office proprietor. List Prices and Dimensions of Job Press Cabinets Job Press Cabinet No. 1. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 14‘/.>x8 inches inside ; one com- partment for draw sheets, 14‘/2x11 inches; metal-lined compartment for rags, gauge pin drawer, etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete, 90 pounds. Complete, with plate glass top. Price . . . $15 00 Job Press Cabinet N o. 2. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 17‘/2x10‘/2 inches inside; one compartment for draw sheets 17‘/.>x13 inches inside; metal-lined com- partment plate-glass top, etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete, 110 pounds. Price 18 00 Job Press Cabinet No. 3. Contains three compartments for slip sheets, 24‘/.>x17‘/.> inches inside; one compartment for draw sheets, 24‘/.zx17‘/_» inches inside ; metal-lined com- partment, plate-glass top, etc. Height, 42 inches; weight, complete, 150 pounds. Price 22 00 Ink and Roller Cabinets - , A considerable saving of ink and rollers Job Press Cabmct will quickly follow the introduction of this Ink and Roller Cabinet. It is an essential portion of the equipment of any printing office and is made in three sizes. List Prices and Dimensions of Ink and Roller Cabinets Ink and Roller Cabinet No. 1. With shelf for ink, shelf for brayers and slab and brackets to hold 6 eighth and 6 quarto rollers. Weight, 75 pounds. Height, 36% inches. Width, 27% inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price $6 50 Ink and Roller Cabinet No. 2. With shelves for ink,brayers and slab and brackets, for 6 each eighth, quarto and half medium rollers. Weight, 10() pounds. Height, 36% inches. Width, inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price . . 9 50 Ink and Roller Cabinet No. 3. With shelves as before and brackets to hold 12 each eighth,quarto and half medium rollers. Weight, 135 pounds. Height, 48% inches. Width, 331/.» inches. Depth, 15 inches, outside. List price . . . 13 00 Ink Slabs, Marble Marble, 8x12. . . . . . $1 25 12x18. . . . . . $2 00 18x24. . . . . . $3 75 A Prices quoted on this page are subject io ~prevailing d'i'scouxn.i‘s wliich will be quoted on application. Ink and Roller Cabinet 1250 Linotype Matrix Cabinets This Cabinet provides a convenient and safe receptacle for the storage of the valuable matrices, space bands and tools which accompany every linotype outfit. The construction is based on a careful study of the requirements of and after the suggestions of .. practical linotype experts. No linotype outfit is complete without one. This is the only practical cabinet ever made for holding the matrices, space bands and THE HAMILTORMFG. ,4 the small tools which accompany a linotype typesetting machine. They are " «~ ‘ = firmly and substantially constructed of hardwood, nicely finished. The roll curtain front will effectually exclude the dust, and being provided with a first-class lock insures the contents of the drawer from being tampered with. The use of these cabinets enables the linotype operator to separate his matrices, space bands and small tools, keeping each in separate compartments. There can be little wear and no damage under this arrangement. The roll curtain front is can- vas-backed, and can be removed from the cabinet by lifting off the top. It is smooth—running and easy to manipulate. Each drawer is fourteen and one—quarter by fifteen inches inside, having ten grooves upon which the matrices are placed edgewise as illustrated here. The capacity of each drawer is one hundred and forty-two running inches of matrices set edgewise. These drawers are set in the cabinet on an incline. This position of the drawers prevents the matrices from falling down or becoming disarranged when the grooves are not full. The illustration shows the matrices in place, the unfilled lines being held by metal slugs. Six metal slugs are furnished with each drawer in all these cabinets. These will be found very useful—holding up the ends of lines of matrices and also for separating special characters not always required. These slugs are made the same shape and size of matrix and three-quarters of an inch wide. List Prices and Dimensions of Matrix Cabinets for Linotype Machines 1 ‘ Tool 1 ‘ ‘Drawer 1 6 Drawers—for1 or2 machines 1 l 30% in. 18 in. j 20% in. I 150lbs. %$22 00 2 8 Drawers—for 2 to4 machines 1 i 36% in. i 18 in. . 20% in. f 175 lbs. ‘ 28 00 3 10 Drawers—for4 to6machines 1 : 401/1 in. 18 in. 4 203/4. in. , 200 lbs. ' 34 00 4 No. 1 Capacity I Height ~ Width , Depth ‘ Weight 4 Price ;_,,,_1 ' V 12 Drawers—for 6 to8 machines 1 J 451/x/1» in. 18 in. I 203/4 in. l 225 lbs. 1 40 00 Eight-Drawer Linotype Matrix Cabinet K W. ' ' Ti" ' . ‘T . 7 K . 1 C A suitable for an office running two to four mach;,,,3S_ Height. Specwl Cabznets of this pattern built to order. Prices and drawzngs _ 361», inches; width, 18 inches; depth, 20% inches furnished on recezpt of specificatzons. Monotype Cabinet This Cabinet has been designed to embody the ideas of monotype users and operators for a safe and convenient place for holding all accessories to the monotype casting machine when not in use. The door is arranged with holders for the various wrenches, screw-drivers and gauges furnished with the machine so that the Cabinet gives the operator a place for safely and neatly keeping all appliances and tools. The molds are kept in two sliding trays at the top of the Cabinet; each holds six molds in such a manner that it is impossible for them to strike. Beneath these trays are two shelves for normal wedges; each shelf holds fifteen wedges, and each wedge has its particular place, where it is protected from injury and where it may be quickly found. Two additional shelves provide for twenty-eight matrix cases; each case being held on edge and prevented from striking the other cases. Beneath these shelves are four drawers for indi- vidual matrices ; each drawer is divided into thirty-seven grooves, in which the matrices are stood on end. A bar across the center of each drawer divides it so that matrices taken from the matrix case, in making changes, are put above the bar in the same groove from which the matrices below the bar are taken to replace those removed from the matrix case. This simple and convenient arrangement reduces the time of the change to a minimum, and avoids mistakes. List Price and Dimensions of Monotype Cabinet Height, 251/.» inches; width, 14 inches; depth, 16 inches; weight, ready for shipment, 75 pounds. Listprice...........................$2200 Monotype Correcting Case This Case was designed to save floor space and time in correcting monotype matter. Ordinarily the corrector occupies a full size stand, resting the galley on one lower case and taking the sorts required from the other. In the Monotype Correcting Case a place is provided for the galley itself so that the corrector occupies but half the space formerly used and the distance his hand has to travel to reach any lower case character, space, figure or point is reduced to the minimum. List price, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Liner and Ejector Blade Cabinet This Cabinet has been designed to hold those essential parts of a Linotype machine—the liners and ejector blades. How to take care of the latter has been a problem for years. _ _ The trays for the liners are so arranged that each liner can readily be seen ‘at a glance. The rails in the trays are so adjusted that the short liners come opposite the longer ones, thus every inch of space in the tray. can be utilized, giving sufficient room to hold the liners for five machines. The trays are removable. Below the liner trays are racks for holding the ejector blades. The racks are arranged Monotype Cabinet With horizontal gI'00V€S at List Prices and Dimensions of Liner and Ejector the bottom, that meet per- Blade Cabinets pendicular grooves at the ._ . e e M —.——=..-;—,-_—.:, I ,_ ~ ,__I .,;_____ back. These grooves are ‘ Outside Dimensions 3 w..;,,rm i _ wk‘ V ‘ thirteen points wide and j —. —— Cmmd f 11:15‘ ' one-half inch deep and are N(,_ , Wjflfl} = - ‘_‘P‘_ “_"‘_‘_t 4 pounds 1 1”‘ __ five-sixteenths inch apart. ,_i‘l"l‘F_”_,,‘_i.TilI‘;Li _.Ir"‘ll.‘f , f ,--_ The bottoms of the g‘roo1v}e1>s 1 I 22% ‘ 191/_, I 241/; 1 120 } $35 00 We ilneclmgétlé bgfsbs-et O: 2 ; ‘ i9'/e « 38% , 180 ~ 48 00 elec Or ‘ G ‘C . ~ . 2214 ‘ 19P§ i 52§* I 240 ‘ 60 00 edge and pushed back until 3 ” c 1 ".1 T , l . the ends rest m QTOOVGS at Special sizes (L72d._.S'])L’("‘1.(I,l cciliirzctns-, 'im'tIi any desired ar- , back, tl111S h0ldl11£’.' them /rat n_qcme71t, Imzlf. to order. [)_)‘(l1('l._)‘?_([S ar_1(_1. esti mates ii upright. The.c-abinet has a will be $‘(!‘b))E‘llttUd on receipt of S})cCI_fI,(?(1(I()‘N8. 8 . A’ roll front, with Yale lock, which safely secures the valuable contents. NO. 1 CABINET has one liner tray and two ejector blade racks, with thirty- four grooves in each rack, and will give ample room for liners and cjectors for five machines. Liner and Ejector Blade Cabinet N0. 2 CABINET has two liner trays and four ejector blade racks, sufiicient for from six to fifteen machines. N0. 3 CABINET has three liner trays and six ejector blade racks, sufficient for from sixteen to thirty machines. 1251 it ‘€5- M n Irv‘ .~r’/r}V! 1., - _._.. ;,..y_.- Dorsey Compositor’s Working Cabinet The Dorsey Compositor’s Working Cabinet is a time saver and money maker. This Cabinet is as handsome as it is useful. Beautifully varnished and finished it stimulates personal pride and neatness, and is conducive to better workmanship. Sloping top is same size as ordinary lower case. Eight-inch flat surface at top for slugs, etc. Two drawers each with two compartments for copy, tools, etc. Five letter boards, twenty-one and one-half by twenty-four inches inside, to store forms as completed. Convenient galley racks at side to keep galleys off the floor, free from dust, and dirt, accommodate four brass galleys, as follows: One fifteen and one- half by twenty-two inches; one twelve and one-half by eighteen inches, and two regula- tion single column galleys. List Price and Dimensions of Dorsey Compositor’s Working Cabinet Height, front, 45 inches; back, 53 inches. Width, 31 inches; depth, 25 inches. Listprice...................................$3600 Working Galley or Job Bank The entire surface, including the main working space and the compartments for sort boxes, rule case, etc., is full brass lined with heavy sheet brass. All division strips are also brass lined on both sides. The brackets fit into removable sockets which can be fastened to the end of a cabinet, or to the wall. At the right is a compartment into which can be placed a quarter size rule case. At the top is a space filled with sixteen removable type or sort boxes, with metal bottoms screwed to the wooden rims. At the upper left-hand corner is a space with a heavy zinc cover. This space is for working tools like imposing rule, bodkin, etc. At the front is the main work-space, with open end at the left fitted with a lip to serve as a rest for brass galley. Size same as full size case. Under letter boards is large open space for storage of cuts in work, personal property of compositor, etc. List Prices of Working Galley or Job Banks List price, full brass lined, including brackets. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20 00 List price, full zinc lined, including brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 00 Galley Cabinets The Galley Cabinets displayed on this page show the two styles of construction. One style with flat tops and flat ends, the other with galley tops and paneled ends. The Galley Top Cabinets are superior articles and the shelves rest on strips fastened to , V p L the upright center divisions and ends. This method of construction reinforces the frame ., I A and they are more rigid than the Cabinets with flat sides. In addition they "1 ‘ 1 o .- have the sloping galley shelves on top, which are convenient for correcting purposes. The Cabinets with flat tops and flat sides have the shelves grooved into the uprights and ends. They are strong and serviceable and in the smaller _; -, _. . , sizes they provide a satisfactory article at a very moderate cost. 1,, Q - .. Each shelf of a large size Galley Cabinet should be numbered, using metal ll A? 1“ - - number plates. When the galley is put in shelf, after being proved, the number l,‘ l, , 1 of the shelf should be put on the , . _ ‘i «Y, ‘ 3;. I " proof slip. When proof is read A 5*‘ f ' if ‘ the number on it indicates where ‘l A‘ ,2 the galley can be found. When - ‘ ,_ , the galley is corrected, the com- The Dorsey Working Cabinet l « _ " ... — positor may find that the shelf { '". _ . corresponding with the number ‘l l » ' of his proof slip is occupied by - ’ " another galley, in which case he ;, puts his galley in the handiest ,, " ' vacant shelf, and changes the i.i7./* ~ number on the proof slip, so that ' ~' 5" 8 when proofs are handed to make- ' up he finds the galley without any loss of time. The No. 3 1}; °a¢-. ‘ 8 ~ v~.:;.:"*‘?"‘I.‘* ‘ . Cabinet shown here is the most j THE}.-i§. A popular form and size and meets _ '2 L " the requirements of the average No. 3 Galley Top Cabinet with Paneled Ends printing office fully. It has gal- . ley top and paneled ends. An 7 . ~ ‘ . V adequate equipment of Galley Cabinets will prove of great economical value in any . ~‘ ‘ - " ‘ well equipped office. No feature will prove so wasteful as the lack of a suitable place to store the loaded galleys. Such a condition results in much running about looking for desired matter; consequently, delays in the execution of work. It re- sults in much pi, which is always expensive. All of this can be avoided by install- ing a systematic equipment of Galley Cabinets. The _No. 9 Flat Top Cabinet holds forty galleys and has flat ends. Realizing_fully the severe strain to which large galley Cabinets are subjected w_hen filled with loaded galleys, the construction of these is such as to enable us to give an absolute guarantee that every galley Cabinet, large or small, will remain firm and rigid for an indefinite period. They are made of selected hardwoods El;I‘t§>i1:1%:1;)ut from well seasoned stock and finished like the best grades of printers’ NO. 9 Flat Top Galley Cabine-‘fith Flat Ends and Number The efficiency of a Galley Cabinet is greatly increased by having the galley Plat” Attach“ _ shelves numbered consecutively. This feature, as noticed by the price list below, is provided at a small addition to the list D1199’ List Prices and Dimensions of Cabinets with Galley Tops and Paneled Ends OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS I 1 : _ . ‘ti N0° ‘ Tiers ‘ Style 1 Capacity V‘ Height Y Length if Depth l Price ' E;l:ll:;tldv::r] , . , 1 , 1 Inches. {__I.§3°.*_i¢=i l Inches , 1 1 Galley Top j 22 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . . 50% ‘ 12‘/.2 . 26% 165 $14 00 $1 10 2 2 Galley Top , 44 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . .1 50% . 23% l 26% 280 25 00 , 2 20 3 3 Galley Top 66 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . . 50% 1 341/.» 4 26% 350 i 3600 3 30 4 4 Galley Top 88 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . 50% 1 45 26-% . 475 47 50 440 5 6 Galley Top 1 132 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . . 50% . 661/; l 26% 650 1 62 00 6 60 _ 6 A 9 Galley Top 198 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . A 50% , 981/.» l 26% 900 5 85 oo 7 9,90 Cabinets with Flat Tops and Flat Ends 7 1 : Flat 4166 if E 2oii”i53J6iieiié;iiieysif j l j 43=i/.Tl‘T1i/,, , 26‘/.> 1 125 2 l “is s 00 $1 00 8 1 Flat Top ; 30 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . A 62 1 11% 1 261/.» . 165 ' 11 50 1 50 9 2 Flat Top 1 40 Double Galleys . . . . . . . . 43% j 21% 4 26‘/.» l 200 . 1500 2 00 10 W2” FlfiatTop T g_6ogDougble‘Ge1leys . . . . . . . . .. 62 21% 261/.» , 230 V 22 00 3 0,0, I’rl'(.-es quoted on this page are subjert to prevailing d?'.<:counts. We shall be pleased to _(/‘ire any further inform.atio97, des'z'7'ed 1252 Rowen Border and Script Type Cabinets These Cabinets are invaluable for the life and preservation of delicate borders and script faces which soon become battered and worn by friction when thrown into the ordinary type or border cases. The_hair lines soon become battered and the type is unfit for first class work. The result is inevitably the purchase of new type—the most expensive k1nd—or the production of inferior work, which eventually is still more costly. This unnecessary waste of good material is completely avoided by the systematic use of the Rowen Cabinets. The Rowen Cabinets are handsome in appearance, made of hardwood throughout and beautifully finished. The ends are tastefully paneled and bronzed handles are at- tached to the case fronts. These Cabinets are con- structed, as shown in the illustration, with the drawers or cases pitched on an angle. The pieces of border or script type are set on end between the movable division strips, which leaves the faces exposed No. 2 Rowen Border and Script Type Cabinet to the compositor and prevents with SIX Drawers any possibility of wear or fric- , tion of delicate type faces. The tilt of the cases prevents the type from falling down. . The. slats or division strips are all made 18 points in thickness and the Elde rails are grooved at intervals of 6 points. Each case will hold thirty eet of 6 point, twenty-four feet of 12 point, twenty feet of 18 point, seven- teen feet of _24 point, fifteen feet of 30 point, thirteen feet of 36 point type, etc. Fifteen pinch springs and fifteen division slats furnished for each rawer Of 3 Cablnell _E_X_t1'a Springs, two cents each. Extra division slats, two cents each. All division slats are interchangeable. Prices of iRov:enMBorderWand Script Type Cabinets Weight , LN Ne 13:25:: ‘ 3:22: ‘S5352: g;;;;«;;; . 1 4 Drawers, one tier A 143/; , 141/4. ‘ 12 30 L $ 8 00 , 2 6 Drawers, one tier _ 1434 141/r : 17% 50 i 10 50 3 10 Drawers, one tier 1 14% 141/4 1 25%; 75 6 16 00 ‘D 4 , 16 Drawers, two tiers , 281/2 141/4 l 21 1 110 4 25 00 5 7 20 Drawers, two tiers : 281/.» a 14% ; 243/4 1 120 30 00 6 30 Drawers, two tiers 281/2 14% 35 160 45 00 7 40 Drawers, two tiers 1 281/.» 141/; 44 200 ‘ 60 00 Prices are subject to prevailing discounts A T — NO" 7 R0WCn“§:§d§:,.:;Ki)§:$::STypC Cabinet Hamilton Correcting Bank The Hamilton Correcting Bank is_intended for the use of small or medium sized newspaper and job offices, where machine composition is done, and where the higher priced correcting banks somewhat exceed requirements. A large number of these . banks are in use in newspaper offices throughout the country and are giving universal satisfaction. A convenient piece of furniture of this kind creates greater efliciency in any printing office. To get the desired amount of work out of employees it is essential to provide them with necessary conveniences so as to economize labor and time. While at first this class of furniture may seem somewhat expensive, yet in actual use it will be found to effect a con- siderable economy and after installation would not readily be dispensed with. to The Hamilton Correcting Bank is a piece of modern "t;...;_ ‘ M V printing office furniture especially adapted to linotype work. HAM‘LlQM_mM ' It is compact in form without waste of space. Three men -- . -. ,.,h,_... . _.,,,,_ ...._. ‘ T“? can work at it without interference. It holds one hundred .....,, '*~ and twenty—six loaded galleys. Above the top is a lead rack, subdivided into thirty-six divisions, which will accommodate thirteen-em leads and slugs. Immediately under the lead rack is an opening ex- tending to a metal lined chute, through which the discarded slugs drop to the truck below. A rim extends around the edge of the sloping top to hold the galley and prevent ma- terial from falling off. The truck is of improved form, full metal lined, and mounted on heavy double castors, which insures easy motion when loaded with metal. This truck is equipped with a lever, which dumps the contents. Floor space, twenty-five and one-half by fifty-nine inches; height at the front and ends, forty-four and three- quarters inches; total height to top of lead rack, fifty-seven and one—quarter inches. There are six tiers of galley racks, each tier accommodating twenty-one standard linotype galleys, twenty-four inches long. These galley shelves are five inches wide inside. The two shelves over the truck are twenty inches wide, and eighteen and three-quarters inches deep. The drawer under the top is seventeen by eighteen and one-quarter inches inside. The metal box of truck is thirteen inches wide, nineteen inches long, and sixteen and one-half inches deep, tapered with round bottom. Weight, without truck, crated for shipment, 650 pounds. Weight of truck, crated for shipment, 140 pounds. List Prices of Hamilton Correcting Bank Hamilton Correcting Bank with Truck With wood top, without truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 90 00 With full brass lined top, without truck . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V . _ . . . . . . . _ 110 00 Metal lined dumping truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 00 American Brass Label Holder This is a simple and unique device for holding labels on the fronts of cases, cabinets, sort drawers, racks, trays, etc. It is Stamped from sheer brass in one piece, and the labels can , be changed as often as required without injuring the holder. The holder is attached to the case or drawer by three brass tacks and the label is inserted through the Opening in the top. It is impossible for the label to slip sideways. Made in one size only. List Price of American Brass Label Holder, complete with cards and tacks, per 100 . . . . . . . . . . List Price of Celluloid Cards, 1x4‘/_> inches, to cover labels,per10O ii «iii O 50 American Brass Label Holder 1253 4' (Jo, -. Page Form Storage Cabinets It is only a few years since the letter board idea for the storage of standing matter was introduced. It would be difficult now to find a printing office without an adequate supply of letter boards arranged under the stone frames or in suitable cabinets. The Page Form Storage Cabinet No. 5 List Prices and Dimensions of Page Form Storage Cabinets letter board idea is certainly a most economical one and its general intro- duction has led to other improvements along this line. This new Page Form Storage Cabinet is primarily a cabinet filled with small letter boards of a suitable size to take standard size book pages. Each board is intended to take a single catalogue or book page. The idea has been thoroughly tested by some of the best stone men in the country, and it has met with unqualified approval. The page forms are stored away in the dust proof slides until required, and the long label-holder attached to the outside front of each slide enables the stone man to keep an accurate record of the contents of the cabinet. These labels are changed from time to time as the jobs progress. The labels are removed as the forms are taken to the pressroom. The unlabeled drawers will always show the space available for new page forms. The use of this cabinet concentrates an immense amount of material close to the hand of the stone man, so that there is little lost time in looking for material when it is required. Each slide has a back rail which is removable, so that the type forms can be pushed out from the back end to the stone. The back edges of the slides are beveled, as shown in the illustration, so as to facilitate the transfer of the type matter from the board to the stone. These cabinets are constructed of selected hardwood. They are thoroughly braced to stand great weight, and are guaran- ~ teed to give perfect satisfaction. The woodwork is nicely finished and the cabinet as a whole will help to clean up the ofiice and also give it an up-to-date appearance. Detail showing construction of Page Form Storasrc Cabinet—Note Back Rail in Drawer No, 3 slides?“ each luumberofriers‘; Tota]Pa_ge sndes |__2_n____._... i 5 ier l , W Pleight, Inches _ Depth, Inches 7 ~, Inches 17 V N 7 V _ 7 __ 1 3 19 1 3 1 57 ~ 38 ‘ 17% 337/16 I 250 $ 49 00 2 19 { 4 1 76 1 38 1 17% 43% ' 340 i 62 oo 3 28 . 2 1 56 57% 2 17% ; 23 I 250 7 48 00 4 : 28 1 3 1 84 1 57% 1 17% 337/16 1 375 g 68 00 5 1 28 : 4 I 112 7 57% _ 17% 43% i 485 85 00 6 1 28 $ 5 3 140 , 57% 1 17% 545/16 7 600 I 100 00 List Price OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS Weight, Pounds ‘ Size of Boards, inside, eight by twelve inches. All prices subject to prevailing discounts Book and Job Galley Cabinet This Book and Job Galley Cabinet facilitates the handling of work and at the same time protects the type and plates. With the index system, used in connection with it, one is able to locate any page immediately, ix 1 1 I H l 2 3 4 5 8 7 . £3 9 . ID I U 12 I 1:. it 15,: I6.‘ n _ is ~ 49-’ 2° .11, ‘ dir- .15, It 5 _ is V . 7.9 ‘ 22 4 ”‘ ‘ f‘ rs. 7° , ' ,. I! . ’9 I n.’ " p 5:, in .. fl . V 9, )5’ . 3:! , 3,1 ‘ / "iv )5 , ,, :95. 34 .. fr? ‘ 35 , 05, m " so - “ P ..,'“. J.» 5’ - ’ M‘ ’ _ . (3 35' ' 3’ ,5, , 9c, wt .. r ' ~~ :; .5 ~' 2: :2 u A i . Is A 45 '9§ 45 ' i 9" 3'4‘ ' u 91 " V — #5 it ' ,'vr . TH E H A « H G Book and Job Galley Cabinet Below this drawer is a compartment for old rags. throughout to effectually obviate all danger should spontaneous combustion take place. This com- partment is accessible from both sides of the cabinet by means of trap doors secured at the bottom with spring hinges. the material into it, but it is only open when the rubbish is removed to be emptied at night into the big trash sacks and carried to the furnace room. thus economizing time and labor. It has horizontal three-ply galley shelves, all numbered consecu- tively. Each tier of shelves will accommodate fifty standard 8'31‘ vanized iron galleys, size eight and three-quarter by thirteen inches. the galley compartments being nine inches wide by thirteen and one-eighth inches deep. Total capacity of cabinet, two hundre and fifty galleys, Two of these galley cabinets can by side, or back to back. be placed tightly together side List Price and Dimensions of Book and Job Galley Cabinet Occupies floor space 14%x52% inches. Height, 74 inches. Weight, crated, 475 pounds $75 00 Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet The Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet holds everythmg unsightly found around a pressroom. Will clear up the office an reduce danger from fire. The top is covered with plate glass, substituting the old ink slab. The ink cannot penetrate the glass and can thus be readily scraped off; copying ink is as easily cleaned off as any other. Beneath the glass are receptacles for inks, oil cans, tympan paper, etc. Beneath this there is a drawer three and one-quarter inches deep, wherein are kept the wrenches and the othermiscellanies which should ever be quickly available. Beneath this drawer is a com- partment for scraps of paper, spoiled sheets and anything of a waste-basket nature. The material is thrown into this drawer through a peculiar V—shaped open bin on the op- posite side from where the \ drawer pulls; it is not necessary to open the drawer in order to put Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet This rag compartment is lined with metal The cabinet is mounted on castors and therefore can be pushed about the pressroom as required. List Price and Weight of Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet Weight, crated, ready for shipment, and including glass top, 150 pounds. List price . .s36°° 1254 Desks for Proof Readers, Copy Cutters and Ad Foremen The Desks listed on this page have been designed at the suggestion of various proof readers and copy handlers in the more efficient plants, and have all proved to be aids to accurate, systematic and rapid work on the part of these important classes of employees, whose wants are generally neglected in the equipment of composing rooms. The work of these men is largely clerical, but as a rule they are work- ing on makeshift desks, with inadequate facilities for taking care of their copy, proofs and records, while a clerk in the counting room drawing half the wages is provided with modern facilities. Upon the ad foremen,copy cutters and proof readers depends in a large measure the expeditious and economical development of the work from the time it enters the composing room until the forms are ready for press, and it is the reverse of economical to leave them unprovided with proper working facilities. These desks are all made of hardwood, nicely finished, strongly con- structed, and are attractive in appearance. No. 3 Proof Reader’s Desk. This is a good practical flat top desk, with sloping writing top. The sloping top can be raised and provides a convenient compartment underneath for the storage of proofs, which can be secured by locking. Medium sized hood, with drawers and book compartments in the pedestal. Made of selected hardwood throughout and with paneled backs and ends. The drawer bottoms are of three-ply material which cannot crack, swell or shrink. List Price and Dimensions of Proof Reader’s Desk No. 3 Extreme height to top of hood, 41 inches; width, 54 inches; depth, 24 ff M I P’°°f Reader's Desk N0-3 inches; height of hood above writing bed, 10 inches; size of compart— *4 ~~"”‘ ment under sloping writing bed, 20‘€:x38‘/_» inches; size of three drawers in pedestal, 61/.» inches deep by 11% inches wide by 19 inches long inside; size of two end drawers under writing top, 21/: inches by 111/.» inches by 19 inches inside; size of center drawer under writing top, 21/.» inches by 221/; inches by 19 inches inside; height of book compartments in right-hand pedestal, 23 inches. Weight, crated for shipment, 300 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$52 00 Mills Proof Reader’s Desk No. 1 is specially designed for newspaper work; accommodates reader and copyholder, giving them facilities for alternating their duties if desired, and affords as great a degree of privacy and quietness as is possible in a busy news composing room. Each man has his own locked writing surface, which is hinged, and hasareceptacle underneath. The receptacles /‘“’ " °°“ ‘ » .. .. . ~ at either end are for the receipt of copy and proofs with- ‘ 1 — “ ‘ out interrupting the readers, and the center receptacle is for dead copy. This desk is furnished with or without the Linolites shown in illustration. Each Linolite has a line of light ten inches long, and the hood acts as a reflector, “ . at once diffusing the light over a large area and protecting the eyes from the glare. —.,. ~»A~...,.....,.....,,.. .. in“ List Price and Dimensions of Mills Proof Reader’s Desk No. 1 Length, over all, 60 inches; depth, over all, 23 inches; height to lower edge of writing surfaces, 33 inches; height, over all, 61 inches; size of hinged writing surfaces, 16x20 inches; size of copy and proof receptacles, 8x20x7 inches. List price . . $45 00 Linolites, attached and wired to the floor, extra, each 5 00 Mills Ad Foreman’s Desk No. 1 is very strongly yet attractively made to withstand the stress of newspaper work. The foreman may work standing or sitting on a high seat. In front of him is a holder for the large pad on which he makes his records, so devised that the pad may ’ be kept level with top of desk. There are seven compart- ments for the classification of copy, and eight locked Mans Ad Foremarys Desk No, 1 drawers for taking care of all papers and records. The desk is furnished with or without the Linolite shown in the illustration. The merit of the Linolite is that it diffuses its light widely, while the hood acts as a reflector and protects the eyes from the glare. List Price and Dimensions of Mills Ad Foreman’s Desk No. 1 Length, 72 inches; depth, over all, 36 inches; height to writing surface, 41 inches; height, over all, 49% inches; size of classi- fication compartments, 6x9‘/2x12 inches. Six drawers are 7x17 inches inside, and two drawers are 131,/2x17 inches inside. Listprice.........................................................$l0500 Linoliteattachedandwiredforconnection,extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 500 Mills Copy Cutter’s Desk No. 1 is another piece of furniture strongly made to meet the needs of newspaper work, yet attractive in design. The copy cutter may work standing or sitting. In front of him is an ingenious holder for the pad on which he keeps his records, with a device for keeping the pad always on a level with the top of the desk. There are four copy classification divisions of the copy shelf, on which the copy files are kept, and there are eight locked drawers for holding paper and records. This desk is furnished with or without the Linolite shown in illustration, and described above. List Price and Dimensions of Mills Copy Cutter’s Desk No. 1 Length, over all, 60 inches; depth, over all, 32 inches; height to writing surface, 41 inches; height, over all, 54 inches, size _inside of each division of copy shelf, 12x13‘/2x4 inches; six drawers are 7x17 inches inside, and two drawers are 131/_>x17 inches _ inside. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $90 00 " 1*“. . -A Linolite, attached and wired for connection, extra . . . 5 00 Mills Copy Cutter’s Desk No 1 b-4 Mills Proof Reader’s Desk No 1255 The Kaufman Imposing Stone Frame The Kaufman is an improved imposing stone frame with a different interior arrangement accommodating electrotype cases and galley rack than found in most other stone frames of the kind. It will be found very useful in large offices and has proved to be one of the most popular imposing stone frames. STONE. Of the best selected Vermont marble, two inches thick with a smooth imposing surface. Al.l stones which we supply are from the famous Vermont quarries. LETTER BOARDS. There are eleven letter boards, size fifteen inches by twenty-eight and one-half inches, inside measure, and twenty-two letter boards fifteen by twenty inches inside measure. These letter boards have a lip at the front on which to rest the galley and type matter can be pushed from the galley onto the board without difficulty. There is a rail at the back and also side rails to push the type against and hold it in position; they are made of the finest selected hard- wood, free from imperfections, and a special feature of all the letter board construction is the provision for expansion. DRAWERS. There are two drawers pulling clear through which can be drawn from either side of the frame; size, sixteen by forty and three-quarters by two and three-quarters inches. In the center there are two drawers for metal furniture, which pull clear through and can be drawn from either side. These drawers are S,1xteen by folfty and three'quarterS by one Size of Stone, 40x80 inches, Showing one side of the Frame with Indexed Electrotype lncheso They Drovlde 3 C0nVenlent place for the Systematlc Cases filled with cuts, Galleys in place on the Racks, Metal Furniture in storage Of the metal furniture where the stone man can upper shallow I)rawers,and Sort Drawers showing sort divisions. always have it handy without leaving his work. INDEXED ELECTROTYPE CASES. There are eighteen special indexed electrotype cases in this frame, twenty inches by twenty inches, inside. These cases are of the New Departure pattern with three-ply bottoms, covered with first quality manila paper. These bottoms cannot swell or contract, and owing to the nature of their construction, they cannot crack. These cases are numbered consecutively so that a proper record can be kept in theindex book of the contents of each case. With each case there isan assortment of all kinds of division strips, including four of the long, double slotted ones which run from front to back of the case, and various sizes of the short, cross—division strips. An indexed book accompanies this frame for use in connection with these indexed electrotype cases. SORT DRAWERS. There are sixteen sort drawers in this frame, each divided into ten equal size compartments, the size of each compartment being three by four by three inches. These sort drawers provide storage room for an immense amount of special type not in general use, but which must be kept in readiness for special and large jobs. GALLEY RACKS. This frame has accommodation for sixty galleys. There are three tiers to accommodate double-column galleys, and one tier to accommodate single-column galleys, fifteen galleys in each tier. The Kaufman Imposing Stone Frame. List Price and Dimensions of Kaufman Imposing Stone Frame The shipping weight of this Frame, complete, with the The Kaufman Imposing Stone Frame. Showing the opposite side of the same Stone with full Letter Board Equipment, providing Stone, is 1750 pounds, Welght of stone only, 770 80 square feet of Letter Board surface for the storage of standing pounds. This frame occupies floor Space 421/‘X821/; f°”"S “d “‘’d'‘‘‘’ W99 "‘a““”" inches. List price, complete with stone . . . . . $150 00 The Algoma Imposing Stone Frame The Algoma Frame takes a stone thirty-six by sixty inches, but with a change in equipment. The placing of the furniture on end is an especially good feature. It prevents waste of room. One end is entirely taken up by the reglet and furniture, which leaves the entire surface of both sides to be utilized for letter boards, chase racks and sort drawers, with the exception of ten inches, which is covered by panels, as shown. The assortment of reglet and furniture is in the usual widths from two to ten picas wide, and in the most convenient lengths from ten to sixty picas long, with variations of three to six picas. The reglet assortment is of nonpareil and pica from thirty to sixty picas long, with variations by single picas. This is a most convenient frame for all around purposes, and em- braces most of the good features of other stone frames combined into one piece of furniture. It is thoroughly made of selected hardwood, nicely finished and strongly bolted to safely carry any load to which it can be subjected. The use of this modern stone frameis decidedly eco- nomical. It contracts the space occupied by material used about the ' stone, and brings it within easy reach of the make-up man. LETTER BOARDS. There are twenty-two letter boards arranged in two tiers, eleven boards in each tier, size fifteen by seventeen inches, inside. These letter boards are made with lips on the front to receive ‘ ‘« ‘ the brass galley, so that type can be easily transferred from the galley The Algoma Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone 36x60 inches. to the letter boards or vice versa. SORT DRAWERS. Eight sort drawers arranged in one tier. Each drawer is sub-divided into six compartments of equal size. Size of each compartment, five and one—quarter by four and three-quarters by two and three-quarters inches deep, inside. DRAWERS. Under the coffin there are five drawers. All of these drawers run clear through the frame and can be withdrawn from either side. At the ends the two large drawers are four inches deep and thirteen and one-half by thirty-six and three-quarters inches inside. In the center are three shallow drawers for metal fur- niture, one inch deep and thirteen and one-half by thirty-six and three- quarters inches, inside. These three drawers will hold a large amount of metal furniture in a place most convenient for immediate use. CHASE RACKS. One side of the frame is taken up with chase-rack equipment. There are thirteen racks ten and one-half inches in height by twelve and one-half inches deep; ten racks sixteen inches high by eighteen inches deep; six racks twenty-seven and three-eighths inches high by eighteen inches deep. All of these chase-rack compartments are lined with iron on the bottom, turned at the edges to prevent damage to the woodwork when heavy forms are pushed into the compartments. FURNITURE. A total of one hundred and eighty-one yards of selected oil soaked furniture of various widths cut on the point system and cut into ten hundred and eight pieces in the following assortments: Sixteen pieces each 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 picas wide cut into each of the following lengths——18, 21 and 24 picas long. _ Eight pieces each 8 and 10 picas wide cut into each of the following’ lengths-—18, 21 and 24 picas long. Twenty pieces each 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 picas wide cut into each of the following lengths—30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. Ten pieces each 8 and 10 picas wide cut into each of the following lengths—30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. _ REGLET. An assortment of nonpareil and pica, smooth and perfect in every respect and on the point system. Variation is by single picas in the following lengths: hirty—four pieces each of nonpareil and pica thirty picas long to sixty picas long, with variations by single picas; a total of four hundred and fifty—eight yards cut into twenty—one hundred and eight pieces. List Price and Dimensions of Algoma Imposing Stone Frame Weight of Algoma Frame complete with stone and full equipment, crated, 1100 pounds. Weight of stone only, 500 pounds The Algoma Frame occupies floor space 38‘/2x62‘/L» inches. List price, complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - VI‘ .» J n v .... . i | ,. .. I“ N ' . .4 ,. .. .. -u I I I r u | '. l \ mifilflifii miaiuana In : Iflifllflfllaifilflflli The Algoma Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone 36x60 inches. _$l3600 1256 Metropolitan Imposing Stone Frame The difliculty of devising an imposing stone frame to meet the requirements of all printers has been recognized, but it is claimed that the Metropolitan Frame will help to solve some of the problems. A successful effort has been made to meet the con- stant demand for a special stone frame, not only special in size, but special in arrangement of mate- rial under the stone. Description This frame takes a stone forty-eight by seventy- two inches, a size found very convenient in large city oflices. The furniture and reglet are placed in one end. This is a most convenient arrangement and the material takes up very little space, leaving nearly all of both sides available for other equipment. The assortment of reglet and furniture is in the usual widths, from two to ten picas wide and from twelve to sixty picas in length. Certain features are distinctive. The ends are open, providing shelves or pigeon holes for planers and other tools. The base runs to the floor, thus preventing the accumulation of dust and refuse. It is also set back several inches, thus providing toe room for the workmen. The corners of the recessed foot rail are rounded, facili- tating effective sweeping away of refuse. The letter boards are supported by heavy steel runs, thus util- izing all available space. This frame is fitted with the following complete equipment: LETTER BOARDS. There are twenty-four letter boards, arranged in two tiers ; twelve boards in each tier. Size inside, twenty- three and one-quarter by thirty and one-half inches, one tier on each side of the frame. Letter boards supported on heavy steel runs. DRAWERS. Under the cofi"in there are four drawers, all of which run through the frame and can be drawn from either side. Two large drawers three inches deep and fourteen by forty-eight and three-quarters inches inside. Two shallow drawers one inch deep for metal furniture. These drawers are fourteen by forty-eight and three- quarters inches inside. CHASE RACKS. On one side are six chase racks with vertical clearance of twenty-five and seven- eighths inches. Measurement from front to back thirty-two and one—eighth inches. On the other side are two series of six chase racks, measuring verti- cally fourteen inches and eleven inches, both series measuring seventeen and one-half inches from front to back. All chase racks are metal lined on the bottom, thus preventing injury to woodwork. GALLEY RACKS. Two tiers of galley racks, one tier on each side of the frame, each tier having four- teen shelves for double column galleys. FURNITURE. A total of two hundred and six yards selected, oil soaked, hardwood furniture in various widths and lengths, comprising eleven hun- dred and fifty—five pieces in the following assort- ment 2 Eighteen pieces two, three, four and five lines The Metropolitan Imposing Stone Frame. Showing one side and one end with open planer shelf pica in width’ cut 12, 18 and 24 picas ]Qng_ Twelve and reglet and furniture racks. Recessed dustless base pieces six and eight lines pica in width, cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long. Nine pieces ten lines pica in width, cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long. Twenty-four pieces two, three, four and five lines pica in width, cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. Sixteen pieces six and eight lines pica in width, cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. Twelve pieces ten lines pica in width, cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. REGLET. An assortment of nonpareil and pica reglet, cut on the point system, smooth and perfect, with variations by single picas in the shorter lengths, and by three picas in the longer lengths. A total of two hundred and eighty yards, comprising twenty hundred and sixteen pieces. Metropolitan Imposing Stone Frame. Showing one side and one paneled end with planer shelf. Note the recessed base with rounded, dustless corners List Price and Dimensions of Metropolitan Imposing Stone Frame Height from floor to top of stone, 38 inches. Size of stone, 48x72 inches. Frame occupies floor space 50‘/.zx74‘/_~.: inches. Weight, complete with stone and full equipment of reglet and furniture, 2250 pounds. Weight, complete without stone, 1350 pounds.Listprice,completewithstone. The Dorsey Imposing Stone Frame The Dorsey Frame is the pioneer of all modern stone frames. It has proved very popular and _is more often called for than any other frame of its kind. Modifications of this frame can be furnished at proportionate prices. It is made in_one size only. The size of stone is forty by eighty inches, with smooth face and free from imperfections. The stone is two inches thick, of the best Ver- mont marble. The height from floor to top of stone is forty-one and one-half inches. The frame occupies floor space forty-two and one-quarter by eighty-two and one-quarter inches. _ The frame contains a labor-saving rack filled with furni- tuiC'1e.h The furniture is cut in the following lengths and wi t s: Eighteen pieces, each two, three and four-line; fifteen pieces, each five and six-line; nine pieces, each eight and ten- line, cut 25, 35, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 ems long. Twenty- four pieces, each two, three and four-line; twenty pieces, each five and six-line; twelve pieces, each eight and ten-line, cut 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long. A total of five hundred yards cut into fifteen hundred and sixty-two pieces. The length and width is stamped on the end of each piece. On the opposite side from the one shown in the illustra- tion, over the chase rack, are two large compartments for general storage; one compartment is seventeen inches deep, 5 * w thirty—seven inches long and ten and one-half inches_ high; The Dorsey Imposing Stone Frame with Labor-Saving Furniture and Chase Racks the other 15 _ twent¥'e1ght nllches de.ep’ thlrty-Seven 1n.c.hes long and thirteen inches high. This _arrangement utilizes every inch of space under the stone. The frame has paneled ends, is varnished, and is a beautiful piece of printing ofiice furniture. At the bottom, on the side shown in illustration, are thirty-six racks for chases for 8x12 Jo_b press. On the opposite side are racks for eighteen chases for 10x15 job press, and eighteen chases for 12x18 job press. On the sides of second tier of drawers there are eight compartments, four on each side of the frame. for string or small tools. In the center, arranged in double tier, are thirty-six compartments for steel furniture or cut reglets. These compartments hold the following lengths: 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57 and 60 ems; two compartments for each _length, except the 42-em length, which has four compartments. Each compartment holds thirty-five pieces of pica or seventy pieces of nonpareil reglet, or eleven pieces of steel furniture, three picas wide. _ _ There are six drawers at the top. On the left-hand side, extending half-way through, are two pulling out from each side and two on the right-hand side at the top, reaching clear through, and can be pulled out from either side. aw List Prices and Dimensions of the Dorsey Imposing Stone Frame and Equipment Complete, ready for shipment, including stone, 1700 pounds. Weight of stone only, 770 pounds. Price of font of reglet to ' l the center racks, $14.00. Price of font of steel furniture to fill the center racks, $100.00. This font consists of 22 pieces of each length as mentioned above, except the 42-em length, of which there are 44 pieces—a total of 396 pieces. Without the steel furniture or reglet, but including the labor-saving wood furniture, complete. . . . . . . . . . . .$140 00 1257 The Hamilton Imposing Stone Frame This is the largest stone frame made or ever listed. In large offices it will be found of inestimable value in providing a large space where the stone hand can work freely without interfering. It is firmly constructed of hardwood throughout and finished the same as the best cabinets. The stone is hard and the best procurable. This is the only stone frame or other piece of printing office furniture which provides labor-saving reglet and furniture from small sizes up to yard-lengths, with fre- quent variations. GALLEY RACKS. This frame has accommo- dations for two tiers of galleys on each side, four- teen galleys in each tier, a total of fifty-six double-column galleys. REGLET RACKS. One on each side of the frame; on one side lengths are accommodated as follows: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48, 51, 54, 57 and 60 picas. There are thirty-eight pieces of nonpareil and thirty-eight pieces of pica of each length. On the other side of the frame the fol- lowing lengths are accommodated: 63, 66, 69, 72, 78, 84 ,90, 96, 102 108,114, 120, 126, 132, 138, 144, 150, 156, 162, 168, 174, 180, 186, 192, 198, 204, 210 and 216 _ _ _ _ . ‘ picas. There are thirty-eight pieces of nonpa- reil and thirty-eight pieces of pica of each length, making a total of forty-two hundred and fifty-six pieces of reglet, amount- ing to sixteen hundred and thirty-nine yards, all cut labor-saving and comprising lengths by short variations from twelve picas to one yard, or two hundred and sixteen picas. FURNITURE. There are two furniture racks—one on each side of the frame; on one side the following lengths are accommo- dated: 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas, the variations being by six picas or inches. The assortment is as follows: Eighteen pieces of two-line; fifteen pieces of three, four, five and six-line; twelve pieces eight and ten-line; all cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long. Twenty-four pieces two-line; twenty pieces three, four, five and six-line; sixteen pieces eight and ten-line, cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. On the other side of the frame, the following lengths are accommodated: 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 160, 180, 200 and 216 picas, the latter being yard lengths. The assortment is as follows: Eighteen pieces two-line; fifteen pieces three, four, five and six-line; twelve pieces eight and ten-line, of each of the lengths from seventy to two hundred and sixteen picas, as given above, together, comprising the furniture on both sides of the frame, this makes a total of twenty-two hundred and forty-four pieces or eight hundred and eighty-eight yards of labor-saving furniture. LETTER BOARDS. The frame contains eleven letter boards, size twenty-four and one-half by forty-nine inches inside measure. These run through the frame and can be drawn from either side. They have a removable partition bar across the center which can be used to back the type against when desired. The fronts of these letter boards are rabbeted so that the galley can rest on the front edge and type matter readily pushed on the boards. DRAWERS. There are six drawers in the upper part of the frame, all of which run clear through and can be drawn from either side. The sizes of the drawers are as follows (inside measurements): One drawer thirteen and three—quarters by forty-eight and one-half by two and one-half inches; one drawer twenty-five by forty-eight and one-half by two and one-half inches; two drawers eight and three-quarters by forty-eight and one-half by one inch; two drawers thirteen and three-quarters by forty-eight and one- half by one inch. The four one-inch drawers are for the storage of metal furniture laid in single depth. The Hamilton Imposing Stone Frame List Price of Hamilton Imposing Stone Frame The weight of this stone and frame, complete, ready for shipment, including all the reglets and furniture is 2800 pounds. Weight of stone only, 1100 pounds. List price . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $290 00 Ramaley Imposing Stone Frame This is a Frame of general utility and of considerable service in small and medium size offices where the stone service is not extensive. It contains a wide variety of equipment in limited form. In compactness it cannot be surpassed, as all space is utilized. Built of hardwood throughout with ends paneled and moulded and well finished. Furnished with the following equipment: LETTER BOARDS. Thirteen letter boards on one side in one tier. size inside, thirty and one-half by twenty-one and one-half inches. These letter boards are supported on heavy angle-iron steel runs. guaranteed to carry any load which can be placed on the boards. A11 boards are lipped at the front. SORT DRAWERS. Six drawers easy of access, all being located near the top, each drawer divided into ten compartments. Size of each compartment three and five—sixteenths by three and one quar- ter by two and one-eighth inches. CHASE RACKS. On one side the chase racks are placed in double tiers, the lower tier having a perpendicular clearance of sixteen and seven-eighths inches and with a depth of twenty-four inches. The upper tier has a clearance of twelve and seven-eighths inches and with a depth of seventeen inches. Each tier accommodates twelve chases. On the other side the chase racks have a clearance of seventeen and five-eighths inches, and a depth of twelve and three- quarters inches, accommodating nine chases. All chase racks are ‘ steel-lined on the bottom. Ramaley Imposing Stone Fl‘aYI}l1e. One lview showing letter boards and FURNITURE_ Of clear, Selected Stock’ each piece with the length c age me 3 stamped on the end. There are nine lengths and seven widths, 35’ sorted as follows: Eighteen pieces each of two and three line. out 10: 15 and 20 picas long. Fifteen pieces of four line, cut 10, 15 and 20 picas long. Twelve pieces each of five and six line, cut 10. 15 and 20 picas long. Nine pieces each of eight and ten line, cut 10, 15 and 20 picas long. Twenty-four pieces each of two and three line, cut 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 picas long. Twenty pieces of four line cut, 25, 30, 40’ 50, 60 and 70 picas long. Sixteen pieces each of five and six line, cut 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 picas long. Twelve pieces each of eight and ten line, out 25, 30, 40, 50, 60 and 70 picas long. A total of ten hundred and twenty-three pieces, comprising one hundred and eighty—one yards of the best oil-soaked furniture. REGLET. A double rack, with separate compartments for non- pareil and pica in each length. Holds thirty-four pieces each of nonpareil and pica in each of the following lengths: 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 40, 42, 48, 50, 60 and 70 picas, a total of two hundred and forty-four yards cut into nineteen hundred and four pieces. METAL FURNITURE AND TooL DRAWERS. There are six drawers in the rail under the stone. The top drawer in the center runs clear through and pulls from either side. The size of this drawer is thirteen and one-half by thirty-seven by one and one-half inches in- side. The other five drawers run half way through, three pulling from one side and two from the opposite side. These drawers are most convenient for the storage of metal furniture, side sticks, column rules and all small tools. .........;.. OPEN BINS- At the end are Open blnsa each divided int? t_W0 Ramaley Stone Frame. View showing furniture and reglet rack compartments, useful for holding mallets, planers and other similar tools. List Price and Dimensions of Ramaley Imposing Stone Frame The Frame occupies floor space of 38‘/2x62‘/2 inches. Weight of stone only, 500 pounds. Shipping weight, complete with stone, 00 1150 pounds. List price, complete with stone, including the furniture and reglet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $135 1258 The Texas Imposing Stone Frame This Stone Frame differs from others only in the interior_arr_angement under the stone. It is most substantially constructed of selected hardwood, strongly bolted, and the floor space occupied is reduced to the minimum. It is economical in the fullest sense of the term as it replaces several pieces of ordinary printing ; , , . . .. ., .. ofi"ice furniture. While the expense may seem large to in. ‘ V “ stall, it ends with the purchase. This saving in expense is . ~ not only in material but in labor. SORT DRAWERS. There are twenty drawers for sorts, and each drawer is sub-divided into twenty equal compart- ments. Each drawer is two and one-half inches deep, fourteen inches wide and forty and three-eighths inches long, inside measure. Each of the four hundred compart- ments is three and three-quarters inches by six and three- quarters inches. Ten of these drawers are at each end of the frame, and all run clear through and draw from either .. side. Each drawer runs on twelve steel rollers, fitted into 7 the runs, six on each side. LETTER BOARDS. In the center, arranged in four tiers, two tiers drawing from each side, are fifty-six hardwood letter boards, fourteen boards in each tier. These are placed compactly and represent one hundred and forty square feet of storage surface. These letter boards are eighteen and one-half inches by nineteen and one-quarter inches, inside measure. They are lipped in front to receive the galley and have retaining walls at side and back. List Price and Dimensions of Texas Imposing Stone Frame Occupies floor space 42‘/ix82‘/4 inches. The size of the stone is 40x80 inches and 2 inches thick. The coffin enclosing the stone is depressed Vic of an inch below the top of stone, and is used as a rest for the galley, so that type matter can be passed from the stone to the galley. Height from floor to top of stone, 411/: inches. Weight, complete, ready for shipment, including stone, 1900 pounds. Weight of stone only, 770 pounds. List price, complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150 00 The Texas Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards and Sort Drawers The Two Rivers Imposing Stone Frame The Two Rivers Frame embodies many good features of other frames, at the same time providing letter board and sort drawer equipment. It is strongly constructed of selected hardwood and is well bolted. The finish is like the best printers’ cabinets. , _ LETTER BOARDS. Eleven Boards on one side, inside measure, twenty- five by thirty and one-half inches. These boards are lipped at the front to receive the brass galleys, SORT DRAWERS. Sixteen in two tiers, each divided into ten equal compartments, size four and one-half by four and three-eighths by three inches inside. DRAWERS. Two large drawers at top which run through frame and can be drawn from either side. Size inside, thirteen and one-quarter by thirty-seven by two and three-quarters inches. In the center, at the top, one above the other, running through the frame from side to side are two drawers for the storage of metal furniture. Size inside, thirteen and one-quarter by thirty-seven by one inches. FURNITURE. Of clear selected stock, oil soaked, each piece with length stamped on the end. This furniture and reglet equipment is cut on our own special machinery, which insures its accuracy. There are nine difi'erent lengths, as follows: 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, Two Rivers Imposing stone p,ame_1:~mnt View 54 and 60 picas, the variation being by inches or six picas. The widths _ _ _ and number of pieces are as follows: Eighteen pieces of two-line cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long. Twenty-four pieces of two-line cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long; fifteen pieces of three, four, five a_nd six-line cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long; twenty pieces of three, four, five and six-line cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long; twelve pieces of eight and ten-line cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long; sixteen pieces of eight and ten-line cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. Total number of pieces, eleven hundred and twenty-two; amounting to two hundred yards. REGLET. Absolutely accurate and on the point system. A double rack for holding thirty-seven pieces of nonpareil and thirty-seven pieces of pica of each of the following lengths: 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 30, 33, 36, 39, 42, 45, 48,. 51, 54, 57 and 60 picas, a total of twenty hundred and seventy-two pieces, amounting to two hundred and ninty yards. Stones are of the best Vermont marble, and with perfect imposing surfaces. All our stones are from the famous Rutland quarries. Roller Compartment is made with door. Rollers stand on end. Has accommodations for three rollers each for eight, quarto and half medium presses. When roller compartment is not required, this cupboard can be used for a variety of purposes. An additional shelf will convert it into a convenient ink cabinet or it can be used for the storage of galleys, etc. List Price and Dimensions of Two Rivers Imposing Stone Frame Two Rivers Imposing Stone Fmme_ ,_ Shipping weight, with stone complete, 1140 pounds. Weight of stone Rear View only, 500 pounds. The Two Rivers Frame takes a floor space 381/2x62‘/i. inches. List price, complete with furniture, reglet and stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$l2500 The Universal Imposing Stone Frame Thereis an increasing demand for large Imposing Frames with an abundance of Letter Board surface. The size of Stone, forty-eight by seventy-two inches, which the Universal Frame takes, is coming into general use. . This thoroughly modern and compact Frame is fitted with the dustless recessed bottom, with no square corners for the accumulation of dust. The runs supporting the letter boards are of heavy angle iron. The material is all selected hardwood throughout; the ends are paneled with moulded edges, and all out- side surfaces have the same finish as our best cabinets. Both sides are alike, there being four tiers of letter boards-—two tiers on each side, fourteen boards in each tier. These letter boards are made of the very choicest selected hardwood, free from every imperfection, and are lipped at the front to receive the galley. The fifty-six letter boards provide two hundred and eighty- eight square feet of surface, while the frame occupies a floor space of twenty-six square feet, and, in addition, provides twenty-four square feet of stone surface and sixteen square feet for metal furniture in the four drawers. The ends of the frame under the stone are open, providing convenient shelving for planers and other working tools. ,. .»‘| ‘ _ 1 -~ 9 V H The Universal Imposing Stone Frame List Price and Dimensions of Universal Imposing Stone Frame Size of stone, 48x72 inches; occupies floor space, 50‘/2x74‘/.» inches; height from floor to top of stone, 38 inches; size of letter boards, 31%x231;4 inches, inside measure; four drawers for metal furniture in the upper rail, size 12‘/sx48’3’4x1 inches, inside measure. These drawers run through the frame and can be pulled from either side. Weight, crated, without stone, 1000 pounds; stone only, 900 pounds. List price, complete with letter boards and stone . . . . . . . . . . . $165 00 1259 Savage Imposing Stone Frames The Savage Imposing Stone Frames are designed to carry individual galleys. The shelves are numbered consecutively, and by marking the proofs of the pages with the corresponding numbers of the shelves upon which the pages are stored, any particular _ A page can be located instantly when wanted. While ' ' '”‘ A ' i ‘ H I I '1 I H I specially valuable for pages of tariffs, directories, cata- . "' . e , ~ logues, etc., this arrangement is equally adapted to forms of every description. Some disposition, tempo- rary at least, must be made of every form. If left on the stone, it occupies working space; if placed upon letter boards or stacked upon shelving, no one but the compositor who put it there can find it. When found, it is frequently underneath or surrounded by other matter which has to be removed and replaced, with consequent loss of time and damage to material. These frames provide a place for every form, where it does not occupy valuable working space, yet where any compositor can go directly to the galley containing , A . A, , the desired page without unnecessary loss of time. j_ . ,,,, , , , , " ’ _ V The pages being on galleys can be handled quickly I I < ‘ . ' and conveniently, without danger of pi. Corrections can frequently be made on the galleys and proofs taken _ if desired. Printers will recognize the advantage of A _ ._ this method of carrying standing pages. These frames No, 2. Savage Imposing Stone and Frame ‘~ have recessed sanitary bases, as shown in illustrations. v '" ,r., . , . . .....w,_,,,,,,,m_w#M>M_“ 0. 0 .,i O we «:1 fl (.3 1'1» K‘ .~.J Q’ -3‘: .3 v 1:.’- A’: ‘V :3 , » w,»~/-»; . ..,»a»....x. List Price and Dimensions of Savage Imposing Stone Frame No. 1 Size of stone, 36x60 inches; capacity, 302 galleys; galley compart- ments, 9 inches wide, 13% inches deep, taking a standard 8?‘/ix13 inches galvano steel galley. Galley shelves on both sides and both ends of the Frame. All galley shelves are num- bered consecutively. One large drawer for mallet, planer, and other tools, running through the Frame, pulling from either side. Weight of Frame, complete with stone, 11()() pounds. Weight of stone only, 500 pounds. Occupies floor space 38‘/2x62‘/.> inches. List price, complete with stone . . $135 00 2'4: «.:'eoa- "' 7’ List Price and Dimensions of Savage Imposing Stone Frame No. 2 Size of stone, 48x72 inches; capacity, 384 galleys; galley compart- ments, 9 inches wide, 13%; inches deep, taking a standard 8“/4x13 inches galvano steel galley. Galley shelves on both sides and both ends of the Frame. All galley shelves num- bered consecutively. Two drawers for mallet, planer, and other tools, running half way through the Frame, one pulling No. 1. Savage Imposing Stone and Frame from each side. Weight of Frame, complete with stone, 1700 pounds. Weight of stone only, 900 pounds. Occupies floor space 50‘/2x74‘/_» inches. List price, complete with stone . . $165 00 Economic Imposing Stone Frame This is the smallest imposing frame made, taking a stone twenty-four by thirty-six inches. It is a modern Frame and possesses many of the excellent features found in much larger frames. There are eleven letter boards on one side, size inside, thirty-three inches wide and of varying depths from thir- .- . . _, _, _ M V _ V V teen and one—half to nineteen inches. ~ ' «A '8 ' " A‘ 1 ' I At the top there are two drawers for the storage of metal furniture and one deep drawer for quoins, tools and other accessories; these drawers run clear through the Frame, and can be drawn from either side. On the other side of the Frame is an assortment of wood furniture, as fol- lows: twenty—one pieces, two, three and four-line; fifteen pieces, five and six- line; twelve pieces, eight and ten-line, cut 12, 18 and 24 picas long. Twenty- eight pieces, two, three and four-line; twenty pieces, five and six-line; sixteen pieces, eight and ten-line, cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. This is a fine assortment of lengths and widths most used, and brings the furniture close to the stone man, where it is required. 3, ., The Frame is strongly constructed, » Economic Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone 24-‘I36 of hardwood throughout, and the stone Economic Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone 24x36 is of the finest quality. A strictly first- class piece of furniture in every way, and fully guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction to our customers. «an List Price and Weight of the Economic Imposing Stone Frame Weight, crated, ready for shipment, Without stone, 450 pounds, including stone, 650 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . $60 00 Imposing Stone Frames with Letter Boards No. 1 Imposing Stone Frame is constructed of hardwood throughout, strongly bolted to carry great weight and handsomely finished. Letter boards are lipped at the front to receive the galleys and have retaining rims at the ends and back. Boards can be pulled from either side of the Frame, but are lipped only on one edge. Size of stone, twenty by twenty-five inches, best Vermont marble, two inches thick. Furnished complete with ten hardwood letter boards. Size of letter boards, inside measure, twenty by twenty-two inches. No. 2 Imposing Stone Frame is the same as No. 1, except it is made in the follow- ing dimensions, and is most convenient for six-column two-page forms: Size of stone, twenty-four by thirty-six inches. Size of letter boards, inside measure, twenty-four by thirty-two inches. No. 3 Imposing Stone Frame is the same as No. 1 and No. 2, except it is made in the following dimensions: Size of stone, thirty-two by forty—eight inches. Size of letter boards, inside measure, thirty-two by forty-four inches. This frame is especially recommended as one to meet the requirements of the average modern printing shop. List Prices and Dimensions of Imposing Stone Frames Imposing Stone Frame No. 1 : Height, 38 inches; width, 22%» inches; length, 27‘/2 inches. Weight, crated, complete without stone, 200 pounds. Weight, crated, complete with stone, 310 pounds. List price, complete with stone . . $27 00 Imposing Stone Fra_me No. 2 : Height, 38 inches; width, 261/.» inches; length, 38‘/2 inches. Weight, crated, complete without stone, 285 pounds. Weight, crated, complete with stone, 465 pounds. List price, complete with stone . . 34 00 Imposing Stone Frame No. 3: Height, 38 inches; width, 34‘/.: inches; length, 50%» inches. Weight, crated, complete without stone, 450 pounds. Weight, Style of Nos. 1, 2 and 3 Imposing Stone Frames crated, complete with stone, 870 pounds. List price, complete with stone . . 50 00 with Letter Boards The Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame This is a most useful Frame, containing racks for large sizes of chases. We furnish this Frame with plain blank cases as shown in the illustration, or with indexed electrotype cases. This Frame is thoroughly well built of hardwood throughout and bolted at the ends. The coffin is of selected oak. The ends are tastefully paneled ° ' '6 6 6 ‘ with moulded edges. »- ~ . 5 *1 ‘ V‘ On one side of this Frame there are twenty-eight cases, size in- side, fifteen by twenty-six inches. These cases are arranged in two tiers, fourteen cases in each tier. They are of the New Departure pat- tern with three-ply bottoms, and as placed in the Frame are practically dust proof. On the other side are chase racks, as follows: Nine compartments, size inside, twenty-six by eighteen inches. N ine compartments, size inside, fourteen by eighteen inches. . hNine compartments, size inside, eleven and one-half by fifteen inc es. The bottoms of chase racks are covered with heavy sheet iron, turned at front edge and securely fastened, thus preventing injury to the Frame by the iron chases when pushed into place. At the top are two drawers, running through the frame, and they can be drawn from either side. These are for quoins, tools, furniture, etc. The Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame—Front View The stone is of the best Vermont marble, two inches thick, and free from imperfections. This stone is hard and makes the best stone imposing surface ever offered. The top of the stone is thirty-eight inches above the floor. Weight of frame, complete with stone, eleven hundred pounds. Weight of stone only, five hundred pounds. Occupies floor space, thirty-eight and one-half by sixty-two and one-quarter inches. List Prices of the Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame With twenty-eight blank cases as shown in the illustration and includingthestone, complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 9500 With twenty-eight indexed electrotype cases and full equipment of division strips and index book, complete and including thestone. 105 00 The Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame——Rear View Imposing Stone Frames with Square Legs The imposing stone frame is an important piece of furniture in every printing office and should be carefully selected with a view of getting the best the market affords. This splendid frame is substantially constructed of selected hardwoods, the coffin is of oak, and is so made that when the stone is bedded it will project one- sixteenth of an inch above the coflin. This ledge is to receive the galley A which rests on the coffin. Type matter can be transferred from galley to stone without danger of damage. The Square Leg Frame is made with four or six legs, according to size. All six leg frames have two drawers, while the four leg frames have one drawer. These drawers run through the frame and can be withdrawn from either side. The frame is furnished in the white, without finish, and shipped in knockdown form, with the stone crated separately. It is equipped with the finest grade of Vermont marble, the best stone imposing surface in the world. The weight of the imposing stone is the standard thickness of two inches, is approximately thirty pounds per square foot, uncrated, and thirty-seven pounds crated. A liberal equipment of imposing surface will help to secure the max- imum output. The utility of a stone frame is doubled by utilizing the space underneath for letter boards, chase racks, furniture, reglet, etc. The low-priced, square-legged frame will answer admirably in a country ofiice where space is not at a premium. _ These frames are made of hardwood in knockdown form. This insures convenience in handling, and large frames can be taken up stairways and through narrow doors. To properly bed an imposing surface it should be laid in putty. Take the stone and place on skids on the floor face down. _Roll strips of putty , Type or pom» Leg‘ Imposing stone Frame and lay on the stone where the supporting strips Wlll rest. Take cofhn I 3. with One Drawer and reverse, placing it over the stone. Lift coffin and stone together 3 ‘ and place on the frame. Tap stone to thoroughly bed it and see that it projects evenly above the inner edge of the coffin the thickness of a brass galley bottom. Fill space between edges of stone and coflin with putty. _ _ Square leg stone frames can be furnished for iron surfaces. These do not usually require a coffin, which reduces the list price of the frame 50 cents per foot the long List Prices and Dimensions of Imposing Stone Frames with Square Legs Way. F0I‘i1’1St3UCe 3 36x60 frame With‘ , , . . _. . . ., , . , , . . . .,,.__;_: out the coffin would take a reduction in _ Size '~ Weight ‘ Price ‘ Floor Space 7 Height Weight i No of Price thelist price of $2.50, When iron surface No. Capacity of Stone of Stone 1 of Stone of . Taken by ‘J to Top of I of Frame e'gS ‘ of is to be used customers Should deter- Inches I ounds Stone Ins. * Stone Pounds— p Frame mine the exact size of the iron Surfacg I , ‘Fe; 7 - , which should conform with the size 0 $9 3 pages’ 3 column ' ' I $ 3 ‘ in’ . 3 $ g the frame. Itis usual to allow iron sur- 62 2 Eigii’ 8 ' ' l 28:50 350 10 00 ‘ 3o1/iX521/i ‘ 32871‘ in i 160 ‘ 4 9 00 faces tc cvcrlcp the edges ef the theme 63 For §ob’Work ‘ ' 36 48 420 12 00 381/:'~)E50‘/>138“/it ]'n' 4 190 ‘ 4 9 50 ccehclf inch 3“ e"°“hd~ 64 2 9 1 ' ' ' ’ 32x60 470 13 50 341/"X621/" 383/4‘ in’ 200 ‘ 4 10 00 Allimpeslhg etehee ere eteted eehe‘ 65 4 pages’ 7 column ' ' 26x76 2 475 13 75 281/2x7 1/2 3834 in” 200 6 10 75 catch’ and are Shipped at eheteme” 66 4 pages’ 8 column ‘ ' ; 28x80 530 15 50 30,/‘-’x8§,/‘~’ , , 8,,//t ln' 270 6 12 50 risk. As stones are very heavy this is 67 4 pages’ 9 column ' ' 30x90 650 I 18 75 321/2x921/2 4 $8‘; in" 290 it 6 14 50 necessary in ctdet te get e 10”” freight 68 4 pages, 6 column ' . 36x 0 5 1 0 12x 12 34 in. l 4 00 rate. shipped released they take pages’ CO ' Quarto X6 525 5 0 38 /‘X62/2 38 /t m’ 4 I 15 00 fourth—class rate, if not released they 69 4 pages, 7 col. Quarto 48x60 675 20 00 50‘/2x62‘/_> 38% in. 225 take first-class rate. When coflins only are desired they can be furnished in any size at 75 cents per running foot the long way. The prices of tables without stones include the coffins. Imposing stones only for larger frames list at $1.00 per square foot. Hamilton Transfer Imposing Stone Frame This frame will be found a convenient and economical piece of modern printing office furniture. Forms can be transferred about the office with- out lifting from the stone. The frame is mounted on heavy swivel castors, which insure easy motion. List Price and Dimensions of the Hamilton Transfer Imposing Stone Frame Occupies floor space 28‘/2x46‘/2 inches. Height from floor to top of stone, 38 inches. Size of end drawer, inside measure, 7 inches wide, 24 inches long, 4 inches deep. Size of center drawer, inside measure, 12 inches wide, 8 inches long, 11/.» inches deep. Size of imposing stone, 26x44 inches. Weight, crated, complete without stone, 230 pounds. Weight, crated, complete with stone, 475 pounds. List price, complete with stone . . . . . . . . . . . . $45 00 Transfer Imposing Stone Frame Imposing Stone Frames With Letter Boards The general use of Imposing Stone Frames with all space under the stone utilized is steadily increasing and few printing oflices are now without one or more of these decidedly economical pieces of modern printing office furniture. The following list of imposing stone frames with letter boards is a comprehensive one, but as it is not always possible to meet the requirements of every printer with a stock frame, we are prepared to supply special frames to meet any desired condi- tion. The No. 1 Imposing Stone with Letter Boards, as well as all the frames Style of Nos. 1”: 2 and 3 Imposing Stone Frames with ,,_.. Letter B09»1‘d3 No. 4 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards described here are constructed of hardwood throughout and strongly bolted to carry great weight. They are all handsomely finished. The letter boards are lipped at the front to receive the galleys and with retaining rims at the ends and back. The boards can be pulled from either side of the frame, but are lipped only on one edge. All stones are of the best Vermont marble, two inches thick. For dimensions and prices, etc., see list below. The No. 2 Imposing Stone Frame is the same as the No. 1, except in size and is most convenient for six-column two-page forms. The No. 3 Imposing Stone Frame is the same as the Nos. 1 and 2, except in dimensions, which will be found in the list annexed. ~a‘_‘ W______,....— No. 5 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards No. 6 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards The No. 4 Imposing Stone Frame is large and commodious and will safely carry any load to which it can be subjected. All out- side surfaces are nicely varnished and finished in a manner equal to the best cabinet work. The boards are arranged in three tiers, eleven boards to each tier. This size is most convenient for nine-column four-page forms. The No. 5 Frame is compact and substantial and most serviceable for seven-column two-page forms. The boards can be drawn from either side of the Frame. The N o. 6 Imposing Stone Frame is most substantially constructed to carry great weight. The boards are lipped on one front edge only to receive the brass galleys, so that type can be easily transferred from the galleys to the boards, and back to the galleys again. The size is most convenient for seven-column four-page forms. No. 7 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards No. .8 Ii“n0SinK Stone Frame’ with Letter Boards The No. 7 Frame with Letter Boards. Where concentration and great storage capacity is desired, the No. 7 Frame will meet all requirements. Nothing could be more substantial. The materials are the best selected hardwood, steel and stone throughout. The ends are paneled, with moulded edges, and all outside surfaces are nicely varnished and finished equal to the best grades of cabinet construction. There are six tiers of hardwood letter boards, arranged thirteen boards to each tier; three tiers of boards No. 9 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards -- —-« No. 10 Imposing Stone Frame with Letter Boards pulling from each side of the Frame. The letter boards are of the finest selected stock, free from imperfections, and are smooth and well finished. They have retaining rims on the ends and backs to hold the type forms in position. All the runs on which the 1262 Imposing Stone Frames With Letter Boards—Continued boards ride are of heavy angle iron, and will carry any weight which can be placed on the boards. Each letter board has four steel rollers fitted on the under side to insure easy motion when boards are heavily loaded. There can therefore be no wear on the wooden parts, and the Frame will last indefinitely, and will give excellent service. The N o. 8 Frame represents a good example of economical concentration. It has great storage capacity, and the stone is of a size most convenient for seven-column quarto four—page forms; is substantially constructed throughout, and nicely finished. The boards are arranged in four tiers, two tiers pulling from each side of the Frame, eleven boards in each tier. The N o. 9 Frame is a most popular medium sized Frame, and comparatively low priced. While not so compact as some of the other frames, it has large storage capacity. The bottom rails being raised from the floor prevents dust and dirt from accumulating underneath. The boards are arranged in four tiers, two tiers drawing from each side of the Frame. This Frame is a most convenient size for six—column quarto four—page forms. The N o. 10 Frame represents one of the best all around pieces of printing ofiice furniture ever listed. Hundreds are in use in the best offices. It is strongly constructed of selected hardwood, well bolted and will carry any weight which can be put into it. The boards are arranged in six tiers, three tiers drawing from each side of the Frame. The fronts of these boards are lipped to receive the brass galleys, and they have retaining rims on the ends and at the back. Illustrations of the No. 8, No. 9 and No. 10 Frames will be found on the preceding page. List Prices and Dimensions of Imposing Stone Frames with Letter Boards 8 I 1 7” I OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS or FRAME l I V I I “- Size of _.-._- Weight Weight with 1 Size of Stone ‘ Number of List Price N°' Inches Letter Boards Lettf? ,B°‘“'dS Height : Width Length 4 Crawd St°“e : Complete nslde Inches Inches Inches Pounds Pounds i 1 20x25 10 20 X22 38 l 221/: 271/2 200 310 $ 27 00 2 24x36 ; 10 . 24 X32 38 : 261/2 . 381/2 . 285 1 465 } 34 00 3 32x48 10 l 32 X44 38 341/2 . 501/2 1 450 870 j 50 00 4 30x90 33 30 X26 38 ‘ 321/2 921/2 ; 800 1400 l 110 00 5 26x44 * 22 I 261éXl81/2 38 ‘ 281/2 461/2 1 380 620 57 00 6 26x76 33 26]/zx21];é . 38 l 281/: V 781/2 1 650 1050 1 84 00 7 1 48x80 1 78 ‘ 231/2X22’/2 38 i 501/2 ‘ 82% I 1100 2000 J 220 00 8 48x60 44 231/2X26 ' 38 ‘ 50]/.2 62% l 850 1450 i 100 00 9 * 36x60 32 171/2X26 , 38 l 381/: I 621/: 1 600 1050 , 72 50 10 40x80 48 l 19]/2X22]/2 38 ‘ 4212/2 ‘ 821/: l 800 1500 i 95 50 I 1 These prices are subject to our prevailing discounts. Standing Galley with Letter Boards This standing galley is specially constructed for use in machine offices requiring large storage room for type forms. It is equipped with twenty hardwood letter boards, providing one hundred and two square feet of letter-board surface and . . . . _ accommodating twenty-eight double-column galleys. The letter boards can be used for large and tied-up forms, while the small matter and untied forms can be ac- commodated in the series of galley racks at one end which will take twenty—eight triple-column brass-lined galleys. The frame is substantially constructed to stand great weight. The letter boards are made of hardwood with side rails mortised to bottoms as shown in the illustration. These letter boards are lipped at the fronts to receive the brass galley, thus facilitating the transfer of type matter from galley to boards and vice versa. These twenty large letter boards provide one hundred and two square feet of storage surface. When top is brass lined it contains over forty pounds of the finest patent leveled sheet brass, the whole top being covered, and all division strips and surrounding rim are of square brass tubing secured with screws from the under side, providing a smooth all-brass top. The zinc lined top contains over fifty pounds of heavy sheet zine. Both brass and zinc are of the ii‘ Standing Galley with Twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks same quality and 1 thickness as used - - in regular column galleys. The dimensions are: length over all, eight feet; depth, twenty- d Spa.c:.W1u ngt-fierinlttpf thi- seven inches; height, at front, three feet; height, at back, three feet ten inches. escmp Ion all 1 us ra Ion. 0 Size of letter boards is twenty-four by thirty and one-half inches inside. the many Cleslgns of Standmg This standing galley can be furnished with ten letter boards twenty-four by twenty- Galleys with Letter Boards one inches inside, in place of the galley rack, without change in price. Triple-column brass- handled by the American Type lined galleys to fit galley racks, size eight and one-quarter by twenty-three and one-quarter Founders Company_ It is in 3 Inches lnslde, $3.25 each, list. position to meet every possible List Prices of Standing Galley with Letter Boards requireménlii and tohsfipply ‘* .1 . " ’* ‘ ‘ Standin a e s wit etter - . -_ . W9“ ”’S- .Pri°"f, . Boards in a vaiyiety of styles, N o. 10 Unlined, wood top, with twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks 775 1 $72 00 and other printers’ requisites, No. 11 Zinc lined top, with twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks . . 825 95 00 with promptness and despatch. No. 12 Brass lined top, with twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks . 815 ; 107 00 These prices are subject to our prevailing discounts. The American Type Founders Company carries the largest line of Printers’ Supplies and also gives the best service because it is the largest concern in the world dealing in type, printers’ machinery and supplies, and has conveniently located selling houses ready to receive your orders and fill them with the least possible delay and at the right prices. Hardwood Letter Boards These can be supplied with or without cabinets. The boards are of standard size and will fit any regular case stand or rack for standard size type cases. No. 1 is the same length as a two-thirds size case. No. 2 is the same length as a three—quarter size . case. No. 3 is the same length as a full size case. They are made of the finest selected hardwood with retaining rims on three sides. The open side is lipped to receive the galley. The boards are made to provide for contraction and ex- pansion. Climatic changes do not affect them. Boards can be ordered singly or in lots and will always be found uniform in size. No feature of modern printing office equipment has undergone a larger development than let- ter boards. For the convenience of customers who have no stand room for the accommodation of these boards they can be listed with cabinets to hold sixteen boards at the prices shown in the following table : Hardwood Letter Board List Prices of Letter Boards Without Cabinet List Prices Of Cabinet and Boards ‘T B d . lSize OUtSldCl SlZC V H V H 3 .' C3.bl- b d .l Il‘£;)c0ruS}i)ll§e H \i i Con] 1 t l Price Oar 5 only ; Inches Inches | Board I “CC nets * um ero oar bi 13611.: b g , p C e ' C0m1)lt-‘te _, __ ,,,,____,,__l _ _ , i . ._ , 5 We...’ . 1 . No. 1 Letter Board 21?‘/1x20‘/2 20 x19‘/i l 9 pounds‘ $1 20 No.28: 16 No. 1 size 22x25‘/4 :48 inches #290 pounds 1 $32 00 No. 2 Letter Board 526‘/ix20'/2 1241/.2X19l/1 , 12 pounds 1 40 No. 29 16 No. 2 size , 22x30. . 48 inches ; 350 pounds j 36 00 No. 3 Letter Board 32‘/1x20‘/2 3O‘/£>x19‘/i. *' 131/.» pounds 1 70 No. 30 16 No. 3 size I 22x35'?ci. ‘ 48 inches I 430 pounds i 42 00 18 Subject to prevailing discounts. I M Subject to prevailingdiscounits.I L I ‘La 1263 Handy Letter Board Cabinets It is seldom that the composing room is equipped with sufiicient letter boards to properly provide for the standing matter which must necessarily be kept alive. In many cases makeshift boards are stacked up in some corner of the workroom, which in a way answer the purpose, but do not provide properly for the type forms. The Handy Letter Board Cabinets are made purposely to provide ample space and to take excellent care of the type. They also permit one to readily get at the page or form required with the very smallest effort and in the quickest possible time. The Cabinets and boards may be num- bered and indexed at slight cost, thus enabling one to keep track of the work in a syste- matic manner. The American Type Founders Company offers the printer a sufficient variety to meet the requirements of any office, but in case you do not find illustrated exactly what you want, we invite you to correspond with us and we will do our best to fill your wishes. For job work these small Handy Letter Board Cabinets are unrivaled. Nos. 25, 26 and 27, in single tier, occupy floor space of sixteen and one-half by nineteen inches, and are filled with letter boards constructed of hardwood throughout. The sides of the Cabinets are tastefully paneled and all exterior surfaces are finished and varnished like the best type cabinets. The letter boards are lipped at the front to receive the galleys and have retaining walls at the ends and back to hold the type forms. Cabinets have hardwood tops and are made with closed backs. List Prices and Dimensions of Handy Letter Board Cabinets F1001, Space Number of Inside Size Height of Letter Boards of Letter Boards Cabinet Weight Price No. 25 16‘/__»x19‘/i ins. 10 12x15 ins. 32inches 125 pounds $14 50 No. 26 16‘/2x19‘/1 ins. 12 12x15 ins. 36inches 145 pounds 17 00 ,No. 27 16‘/2x19‘/1 ms. 16 12x15 ins. 44 inches 175 pounds 21 00 Other containing any number of standard size Handy Letter Boards built to order. Letter Board Cabinets The No. 20 Cabinet is the most valuable storage cabinet for a job office having con- tinually on hand a large number of standing forms or tied-up matter of any kind. It can also be utilized for the storage of electros, lated matter etc. No. 27 Hand Letter Board Cabinet with Sixteen p ’ - Hardwood Letter Boards The top of the .cab]n.et being only thirty-six inches from the floor, makes a convenient working table. The construction is en- tirely of hardwood, the ends are paneled, with edges tastefully moulded. All exterior surfaces are varnished and finished in a first-class manner. The letter boards are lipped at the front to receive the galleys, and in size are the same as the boards put into the standard Handy Letter Board Cabinets listed above. If you are desirous of reducing the cost of labor in your com- posing room, one of these Letter Boards will materially assist you. The No. 21 is a good, medium-sized Letter Board Cabinet, which provides sixty-six square feet of letter board surface. It is constructed of selected hardwoods, firmly glued and bolted. The ends are paneled, with moulded edges. All exterior sur- faces are nicely finished. Cabinet has closed back and hard- wood top, which can be used as a working surface. Contains twenty standard letter boards, size No. 2, which are lipped at the front to receive the galleys and have retaining walls at the sides and back. " ' compact and Convenient Storage cabinet is the NO. 22 No. 21 Letter Board Cabinet complete with Twenty Hardwood Letter Boards Letter Board Cabinet. It is used for tied-up forms and stand- ing matter. The top is no higher from the floor than most imposing frames, and it provides a convenient working surface of large size. This Cabinet is constructed of selected hardwood throughout, with paneled ends, and closed back. Letter boards are lipp_ed at the front to receive the brass galleys, and have retain- ing walls at the ends and back. Contains thirty-six standard size No. 3 letter boards, providing one hundred and forty-seven square feet of letter board surface. A large and compact storage cabinet for standing forms is the No. 23 Letter Board Cabinet. It occupies comparatively little space, but provides one hundred and seventy square feet of letter board surface. It is con- structed of selected hardwood throughout, and the ends are paneled with moulded edges. All exterior surfaces are varnished and finished like the best grades of cabinets. The letter boards are lipped at the front to receive the brass galleys and have retaining walls at the ends and back. This Cabinet contains sixty-four standard size No. 1 letter boards. The No. 24 Cabinet is the most compact of all letter board cabinets. It occupies but seventeen and a hall ' ' square feet of floor space and provides one hundred and No. 20 Letter Board Cabinet complete with Seventy-two Hardwood Letter Boards ninety—five square feet of letter board surface. This large storage capacity is obtained by using heavy angle steel runs, which allow all space to be utilized without waste. The frame is substantially constructed of hardwood throughout, strongly bolted, and will carry an immense load safely. Letter boards are of selected hardwood, lipped at the front to receive the galleys and made with retaining walls at the ends and back. The ends of the Cabinet are paneled, and tastefully moulded on the edges. All exterior surfaces are varnished and nicely finished, like the best of cabinets. Made with a heavy hardwood top and closed back. On account of the limited space allotted to Letter Board Cabinets we are unable to show illustrations of No. 22 and No. 24. We shall be pleased to send to any one inter- ested a catalogue showing the complete line. List Prices and Dimensions of Letter Board Cabinets No. of Inside Size of g “°"”“ . No. Floor Space Letter Letter Boards C of wcmht Price Boards Inches abmet Pounds ‘ Inches ‘ 20 16‘/2x108 72 12 X15 36 640 $ 95 00 21 22‘/.>x 581/2 20 19 X241/..’ 34 I 390 52 00 22 22‘/.zX104 36 19‘/1x30‘/2 38% 750 84 00 23 22‘/2x 961/9 64 19‘/1x20 48 900 110 00 24 281/2X 88 45 25 X25 41 1000 120 00 The prices (moied on this page are subject to 7)re7Ja2'.l/z'n_(/ *_/‘__fl, (1Ai.s'(.-(rmzts “' _ , . No. 23 Letter Board Cabinet complete with Sixty-four Hardwood Letter Boai'd:~ 1264 Cardboard Cabinets These Cabinets, unless otherwise specified, are furnished with.heavy unfinished tops one and one-half inches thick. These tops serve admirably for counter purposes and for laying out and cutting stock, estimating, etc. Cardboard Cabinets are substantially constructed of hardwood with heavy three-ply bottoms, five-six- teenths of an inch thick. They have paneled ends and bronze pulls ., I .. attached to drawer fronts. List Prices of Cardboard Cabinets _ No. 1 contains 16 drawers; four have an inside depth of 11/2 inches; the other twelve are 1% inches deep inside. Each drawer will take 22‘/2x28 inch stock. Occupies fioor space 281/2x34"/s inches. Height, 411/2 inches. Weight, crated, 350 pounds. Listprice..........................$4000 . No. 2 contains 16 drawers; four have an inside depth of 11/2 inches; the other twelve are 1% inches deep inside. Each drawer will take 28x44—inch stock. Occupies floor space 341/.>x4£¥% inches. Height, 41‘/2 inches. Weight, crated, 400 pounds. Listprice.. . . . . ... . . . .. . .$5200 Tympan-Paper Cabinets , S A suitable receptacle for the flat storage of proper tympan I “ " ; ‘ ” c" ———— "” stock cut to sizes. Such stock should be of hard pressboard, card- .. ’ - ' ' board, and filler stock in various grades, to use under the draw- sheet. Apressman without proper tympan stock cut to size and kept conveniently arranged in a cabinet must first search for a ‘_—-:*~‘-' suitable draw-sheet, and after he has found that, he must search again for suitable slip-sheet material, which must be cut to size with much loss of time and waste of stock. All this waste can be _ _ . _ saved when he has a suitable stock of tympan paper in proper grades, cut to size. The individual units are made in proper size for stock to fit standard eight by twelve, ten by fifteen and fourteen and one-half by twenty-two presses. Intermediate sizes can be accommodated in the same units. The lower shelf in any unit is for the draw sheets, which are usually the length of the bed of the press and cut three inches wider than the slip-sheet. The three upper shelves in each unit are for difierent grades and thicknesses of paper for slip-sheets, which should be cut in proper size to fit the bed of the press. Units can be arranged in pyramid form or a unit can be used separately and placed near the particular press in connection with which it is to be used. The units and the base are listed separately, and as many units of each size can be ordered as will be required to provide for the press outfit. The base is provided with a gauge-pin drawer. This base can be conveniently used in connection with units when arranged In pyramidal form. An illustration of this Cabinet will be sent upon request. No. 2 Cardboard Cabinet with ixteen Drawers List Prices and Dimensions of Tympan-Paper Cabinets UNIT NO. 1-—Size outside, 16 inches long, 18 inches deep, 111/.» inches high. Has three compartments 14‘_/_»x8 inches inside for slip-sheets, and one compartment 14‘/2x11 inches inside for draw-sheets. Weight, 35 pounds. List price. .' . . . _. ._ . . . UNIT NO. 2-Size outside, 19 inches long, 18 inches deep, 11‘/.» inches high. Has three compartments 17‘/_»;<101/2 inches inside for slip-sheets, and one compartment 171/2x13 inches inside for draw-sheets. Weight, 45 pounds. List price . . . _. . . . _. .. . UNIT NO. 3-Size outside, 26 inches long, 18 inches deep, 111/; inches high. Has three compartments 24‘/.>x14_‘/2 inches inside for slip-sheets, and one compartment 241/2x171/_> inches inside for draw-sheets. Weight, 60_poun_ds. List price . . . . . . . BASE—Occupies floor space 18‘/2x27‘/2 inches; height, 6 inches; fitted with drawer for gauge pins, divided into 36 compartments, Zinchessquare.Weight,50pounds. Pressman’s Register Cabinets For testing the register on sheets printed in two or more colors, these Cabinets offer an economical and con- venient arrangement. The top is of heavy plate glass, with compartment under glass, finished in white enamel. The light reflectors in the bottom of this compartment are thrown upwards, throwing a strong white light through the sheets when laid on the plate glass to de- termine the register. The rim surrounding the glass is raised about one—eighth of an inch and serves as a stop for the sheets, when being tested. When not in use as a register cabinet, the top can be utilized as a most convenient working table. All cabinets are made of hardwood. List Prices and Dimensions PREssiviAN’s REGISTER CABINET No. 1. Occupies ground space 30x44 inches; height from floor to plate glass, 32 inches. Size of plate glass top, 281/2x42‘/2 inches. Thickness of glass 5-16 inch. Three lights are fitted in the light compartment, in triangular form, wired and complete with reflectors. Light compart- ment is finished in white enamel. Top is removable, thus providing ready access. Shipping weight, 325 pounds. List price . . $50 00 PRESSMAN’S REGISTER CABINET N0. 2. Occupies ground space 32x44 inches; height, from floor to plate glass, 32 inches. Size of plate glass top, and thickness of glass, same as Cabinet No. 1. The base contains four drawers, 17"/3x28‘/i;<3'3/.i inches inside, and one drawer 361/2x28‘/4 X33/1 inches inside. Lights and finish of interior, same as No. _1. Access to light compartment is provided by sliding doors on each side. Approximate shipping weight, 425 pounds. List price . . . . . $30 00 American Drying Rack and Stock Table Economy of space, material and time is essential, and the idea of combining the drying rack _with the stock table effects a saving alone of nearly fifty per cent. The storage of printed sheets in small lifts avoids back setting and smutting, and all work is thoroughly protected while drying. Further economy is effected by dispensing with excessive handling and bringing the whole drying arrangement close to the job presses. The American Drying Rack and Stock Table will take care of the work turned out on several job presses, as the dryers run through the frame and can be pulled out from either side. The frame is raised three inches from the floor, providing additional ventilation and ensuring cleanliness. Pressman’s Register Cabinet No. 1. Contains twenty-four dryers in two tiers, twelve in each tier. The dryers are thirty by thirty inches by one and one-half inches deep, inside measure. There is a clearance of two inches be- tween dryers, providing ample ventilation. All dryers pull from either side. Pulls attached on both fronts. The bottoms of dryers are made of strips one and five-eighths inches wide, three-eighths of an inch thick, spaced one and five-eighths inches apart and will carry any load placed on them. Dimensions, Weight and Price Occupies floor space, 32x69 inches; height, 40 inches; flvieéltggfiicecrated for Shipment’ 480 pounds’ $56 00 l " American Drying Rack and Stock Table 1265 Labor-Saving Cabinets and Racks for the Composing Room There is an increasing demand for labor-saving devices for the composing room and we therefore illustrate on this page a variety of very useful and convenient Lead and Slug Racks, as well as a splendid Metal Furniture Cabinet. Our Lead and Slug Racks will be found great time-savers when properly distributed in convenient places throughout the composing room. Some ofiices use as many as eight racks and compositors are never obliged to walk more than a few feet to obtain their leads and slugs. Metal Furniture Cabinet This rack has a double face and has been designed to hold a large quantity of metal furniture in a compact form and at the same time allow free access to every size. Every printer knows how readily metal furniture can be damaged. The use of this rack will prove economical as it will greatly prolong the life of metal furniture. Having the double face it can be filled from both sides. It has two compartments for each length and width, one on each side of the cabinet. Each compartment holds sixteen pieces arranged in two tiers, stacked eight pieces high, giv- ing a total capacity of over three hundred pounds of metal furniture. Each compartment is numbered for easy reference. Description and List Price The size of this rack is 153/; inches wide, 9 inches deep and 4 feet 10 inches long, outside dimensions. Weight crated, 75pounds.Listprice. Boston Lead Rack Made in four sections, which are sold separately, if desired. The different lengths which go in each section are stamped at the bottom of each compartment, as shown in cut. A line-gauge for determining lengths is attached to each section. The four sections accommodate lengths from four to seven, varying by ens, and from seven to sixty, varying by ems. Compare the space occupied by these racks with that now taken up by your leads and slugs. Wisconsin Lead Racks They commend themselves to practical printers as being common- sense and in which leads will not pi. These are made in a superior solid style, and each compartment is numbered very plainly. A line- ‘if:-an ‘w,.~..:.«...~..:'-,.,. gauge rule is attached to every Lead Rack to assist the workman in 200 A L Bson Ld Rack determining lengths, while distributing leads. x’ Two-Tier Wisconsin Rack In this rack leads and slugs lie flat and will not pi. (In racks where leads are placed on edge pi in- evitably results.) There are compartments to take leads from four to twelve and one—half ems (vary- ing by ens), and from thirteen to sixty ems (vary- ing by ems), the lengths being stamped over each compartment. The rack is solidly built. Compart- ments are eight inches high. Will hold seven hun- dred and fifty pounds of leads and slugs. Weight, forty pounds. -IV’-I‘ Four-Tier Wisconsin Rack ‘Has two compartments each for all sizes in the two-tier rack described above, and is similar in design and construction. One compartment of each size may be used for leads and the other for slugs or _reglet. Will hold fifteen hundred pounds of leads and slugs. A font of labor—saving reglet to fill this rack, consists of twelve hundred yards, cut into nine thousand, one hundred and eight pieces, forty-six pieces of pica and ninety-two pieces of nonpareil of each of the sixty-six differ- ent lengths. Weight, eighty pounds. .. \‘r_-. Eureka Lead Rack Substantially constructed in two sections, each section holds lengths from four to twenty-eight ems, varying by single ems. One section may be used for , leads and the other for slugs. The partitions in this ‘ rack are placed on an incline to prevent the leads and slugs from falling. These partitions are also inclined M , backwards, so that the material cannot be easily "“-’“9”'3“'~"'°"‘°»"‘°“v“°“""*"‘" «44». 5 55 s '5». 7 a sumo rim": thrown from the case by a slight jar. The Eureka Lead ‘ Rack is essentially a space-economizing and labor-sav- ' . ing device. It differs in many particulars from other « “ lead and slug racks and offers superior advantages ,' both in construction and details of workmanship. . . , - - » I ' Racks of this description assist materially in insuring I order in a printing office and their use obviates all ‘ V 25) danger of the leads becoming pied. The compart- ‘‘ merits are all numbered and the Rack is solidly built. The fact that the partitions are placed on an incline is an advantageous feature of the Eureka Rack. Weight, eleven and one—half pounds. The American Type Founders Company is always prepared to fully equip printing offices with all the latest devices for expediting work and effecting econo- mies. The services of its experts are at the disposal of those desiring them and as their experience is wide 2‘ z 20 29 so 3: 32 as 34 3:» as 5) 35.13 40 an 42 q,\44454e474a 49 so 5: 5 ‘-5 5557» "9 5., and varied they are in a position to tender advice, F°‘"‘Tl°’ Wl3°°"Si“ Lead Rack which if adopted is bound to achieve the best possible results. If in this list you do not see just What YOU Eureka Lead Rack desire, write us and we shall be happy to assist you in any way we possibly can to attain satisfaction. List Prices of Lead Racks and Reglets to Fill LP:-liézwerof I iweiizht Size Capacity Height of ‘ Width of Price Weight STYLE Outside Leads C‘mpartni'ts Coiiipurtiiieiits Rack Boxed Reglet to 3 Reglet only Inches Pounds Inside, In. Inside, Inches Only Pounds ' Fill Pounds Two-tier Wisconsin Rack . . . . . _ . . 18 X42‘/.2 750 7‘/_» . . . . . $6 00 73 I $14 00 1 40 Four-tier Wisconsin Rack . . . . . . . . 34‘/1x42‘/2 1500 7‘/5.» . . . . . 9 00 105 , 28 00 80 Eureka Lead Rack . . . . . . . . . . . . 14'/2x28‘/2 230 . . . . . 51/-’_» in. 2 50 15 I 4 25 11‘/2 Boston Rack, No. 1, 4 to 15 ems . . . . . 8‘/_>x17‘/2 50 67/34 Price 0 90 5 80 2’/2 Boston Rack, No. 2, 16 to 30 ems . . . . . 81/.»x17'/_> I30 67/; [ Complete J 1 20 11 i 1 80 . 61/2 Boston Rack, No. 3, 31 to 45 ems . . . . . 8‘./.>x17‘/2 210 6% I set of four] 1 50 15 I 3 00 I 10‘/2 Boston Rack, No. 4, 46 to 60 ems . . . . . 8‘/-’.»x 17%» 300 67,42 | $5.40 1 80 20 4 25 15 / For prices of Labor-Sairing Metal Leads and Slugs, see page 1222. For price list 0_f'Labo7'-Sari ng Reglet, see page 1267. 1266 Labor-Saving Reglet Cases The use of Labor-Saving Reglet results in a great economy of time and material. A calculation based on the cost of Reglet in yard lengths will demonstrate that our Reglet Cases secure these savings to printers at no advance in price for Reglet, and most moderate charges for the Cases. The best and most accurate oil-soaked Reglet is used and each Case contains equal proportions of nonpareil and pica. No Reglet is wasted when these Cases are used, as each piece is returned to its place in the Case after use. The Case can be refilled at a moderate cost. Labor-Saving Reglet Case No. 1 The Cases are made of selected hardwood and finished in antique oak, of fine appearance and substantial build. We put a line gauge on each Case and the different lengths are stamped on edges of all Cases over each compartment, so there will be no difficulty in replacing the Reglet in the several compartments after use. Labor-Saving Reglet Case No 3 The several Labor Saving Reglet Cases carried by us are made up according to the schemes given below and sold at the prices listed on this page. Reglet Case No. 1 contains 1800 pieces (300 yards) of the best Reglet, half pica and half nonpareil, 300 pieces each of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 and 60 ems long. Refilliilifi $60.01 Reglet Case, the same assortment as the above. List price, (reglet on y .0 . Reglet Case No. 2 contains 2400 pieces (560 yards) half pica and half nonpareil, 300 pieces each of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 72 and 120 ems long. Refilling No.2 Reglet Case, the same assortment as the above. List price (reglet only) $12.00. Reglet Case No. 3 contains 4200 pieces (600 yards) half pica and half nonpareil, in lengths from 10 to 51 ems, varying by one pica only, 100 pieces of each length. Height, 161/52 inches; length, 351/.» inches; depth, 91/2 inches. Refillirlig) l$\lo.(30 Reglet Case, the same assortment as the above. List price (reglet on y, 11. . Reglet Case No. 4 contains 2100 pieces (300 yards) one-half the amount in No. 3; same lengths, from 10 to 51 ems, varying by picas, 50 pieces of each length. Height, 161/.» inches; length, 201% inches; depth, 91/2 inches. Refillin% No.4 Reglet Case, the same assortment as the above. List price (reglet. only $5.50. . For prices and sizes of Reglet and Furniture in Yard Lengths see page 1230. List Prices of All Reglet Cases 1 I DIMENSIONS or CASE, INCHES WWvfl_M__*_%____,W_ip__ ‘ Case and 4 Weight Reglet : Weight DESCRIPTION OF REGLET CASES ’ Height Length Depth Reglet : Pounds I‘ Only 1 Pounds No. 1 contains 300 yards, cut into 1800 pieces, 10 to 60 picas . I 101/2 1 16% 7 15 $10 00 I 62 :, $ 6 00 j 30 No. 2 contains 560 yards, cut into 2400 pieces, 10 to 120 picas . I 201/2 21% 15 I‘ 18 00 120 , 1 12 00 5 60 No. 3 contains 600 yards, cut into 4200 pieces, 10 to 51 picas . . i 161/.» 351/; 91/2 1, 18 00 \ 110 f 11 00 j 60 No. 4 contains 300 yards, cut into 2100 pieces, 10 to 51 picas . , 161/2 203/4 I 91/: 11 00 I 62 j, 5 50 . 30 No. 5 contains 1550 yards, cut into 6200 pieces, 10 to 150 picas . , 161/.2 1 531/; 26 ;; 45 00 : 275 ,;' 30 00 j 150 No. 6 contains 775 yards, cut into 3100 pieces, 10 to 150 picas . , 161/.» 1 31 I 26 3 f 27 00 , 175 *. 15 00 I 75 21 gauge, graduated by picas, with a stop at thewend, is attached to every Case, for convenience in determining lengths while replacing Reglet. Labor Saving Reglet For the convenience of those who wish to replace the most used lengths in their Reglet Cases, and for those who require large amounts of certain lengths, we list below nonpareil and pica Reglet in hundred piece lots, cut to picas and tied in bundles. Thoroughly kiln-dried stock is used in the manufacture of our Reglet and Wood Furniture, and it is made on machines especially designed for this pur- pose, consequently it has a well deserved reputation for accuracy.and smoothness. It is all cut to point standard, and will be found entirely satisfactory in that respect. Thousands upon _thousands of yards of reglet and furniture are used annually, yet a printing office rarely ever has enough pieces of the desired lengths. It now becomes an easy matter for our customers to keep their reglet cases sorted up in good shape at very small cost. _ _ The American Type Founders Company is always in the lead with new ideas of practical value to the printer. A careful perusal of this catalogue will confirm our claims that we can supply everything for the printer” on short notice. Labor-Saving Reglet Tied in Bundles List Prices of Nonpareil and Pica Reglet Cut in Labor-Saving Lengths and Tied in Bundles 55 l _1o ’ T 20 1:25 _30 p 35 510 I :15 .50 l _ j 60 .65 PIECES AND WIDTHS Picas 1 Picas I Picas Picas Picas Picas Picas I Picas . Picas I Picas ' Picas Picas 1 Long I Long ng I Long I orig { Long I Iig Long Long 4 ng 1 Long ng - . . - . -..._-._-.......-.--. . . . ,, ‘_ .... ., E . .. ..| I . “was . ' .———r — , — 100pieces, nonpareil or pica ... $015 I $020 I $025 4 $030 : $035 : $040 $045 5 $050 i $055 E $060 $065 $070 Weights for pica reglet. (Figure ' ‘ 5 I 5 . 3 nonpareil one-half these weights) . . l 8 ozs. 1 12 ozs. 5 1 lb. 11/; lbs..11/.» lbs.L1‘,1/i lbs.i 2 lbs. ~21/4 lbs.~21/_> lbs.*2',‘/i lbs.f 3 lbs f 1/1. lbs. ” *’ “‘ “" ’ ’ ’ I” " [ “ " ” V ” " 7”" W V" W “;M’"” 0', " I 1 H " PIECES AND WIDTHS ; Pi7 lbs.*4"/4. lbs. 5 lbs.flf51/i lbs.l51/2 lbs.E5‘.1/4 lbs.i 6 lbs. 61/; lbs. Other lengths and widths of Labor Saving Reglet can be furnished at proportionate prices, subject to our prevailing discounts. 1267 Labor Saving Furniture Cases Experience in building Printing Office Furniture has shown that the most convenient form of furniture case is one without doors and with partitions separating the various widths and lengths. In designing this new line of Furniture Cases this idea has been carried out. The feature -- of Extension Furniture Cases is entirely new and is here listed for the first time. Many printers have found that the lengths which usually go with an ordinary furni- ture case are not long enough for all require- ments. Thus it has been necessary to make special cases to meet the require- ments and often the old case has been found use- less after the new case was installed. With the Extension Furniture Cases a printer requir- ing longer lengths can order the companion case to the one he al- ready has and the two will work together. The case with shorter lengths can be set on top of the one with the longer lengths. The two cases combined make practically o n e c o m p 1 e t e furniture case. All furniture which goes into these cases is cut “ “ from carefully No. 13 Standard Extension Furniture Case No. 10 Midget Furniture Case selected S to C k , thoroughly sea- soned and oil-soaked. With special machinery a furniture has been produced, which is smoothly finished, accurate and uniform. The N o. 10 Midget Furniture Case iIs the smallest of all furnfitulre Iclases. t is one-half the size o t e o. 12 ' Standard Furniture Case, and con- Sengbusch Beveled Furnlture tains one-half the amount of furni- ture of the same assortment. It contains a total of forty-two yards of oil-soaked furniture, cut into two hundred and eighty pieces, five pieces of each length and width, in the following assort- ment of lengths and widths: Widths, five pieces each 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 line picas; lengths 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 picas. No. 12 Standard Furni- 3i9i?§§ra§§i°s’駒}fi§ §2§a?rlZt§?' ture Case is the most com- the Sheet Thesehghusch mouly used furniture Furniture throws the 9359- For many years has rules out of perpendicu- been the standard pattern lar . the point of Contact used in Ordinary °,°unt,ry is ,spread longitudin- printingofiices. Itistwice ally, thus preventing. the Size and contains cutting of the rollers and twice the amount Of fur‘ providing a better inking sur- niture in a No. 10 Midget face_ . h , Furniture Case, is Each font of Sengbusch Sengbusch Beveled Furniture °ne‘ha1-f the Size and Furniture consists of twenty- Contains 0ue'ha1f the four pieces, four pieces each of the following lengths? amount of furniture 20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 picas. All pieces are two picas in 3 N°- 14 Duuble wide on the narrow end and of varying widths on Standard Furulture the wide end of each. Case. Contains a total . . . of eightyd-our yards List Price of Sengbusch Beveled Furniture $2 . . . . 0 of Oihsoaked furhi_ Per font of 24 pieces, including cabinet . . . . . 0 ture, cutinto five hun- dred alI)1d sixty pieces f h I h d _dth _ th f 1] _ tment_ _ - , . there eing ten pieces, 0 eac engt an wi in e o owing assor _ - N° 12 S"“"d“'d F""'"“'‘ C” Widths, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 line picas; lengths, 10, 15,20, 25, 30, 40, 50 and 60 picas- No. 13 Standard Extension Furniture Case is a companion piece to the No. 12 Standard Furniture Case, but containing longer lengths. This case is twice the size and contains twice the amount of furniture in a No. 11 Midget Extension Furniture Case, afld one-half the size and contains one-half the amount of furniture in a No. 15 Double Standard Extension Furniture Case. Contains a total of two hundred and fifty-two yards of oil-soaked furniture, cut into four hundred and ninety pieces, ten pieces of each length and width, in the following assortment: Widths, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8 and 10 line picas. Lengths, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 picas. No. 17 Mammoth Furniture Case. This is a most popular and much used case, probably the best all-around furniture case eVe(11' designed. It contains a wide variety of lengths and widths, properly assorted for general use. It contains a total of four hundred an eighty yards of oil-soaked furniture, cut into fifteen hundred and thirty pieces in the following assortment: Eighteen pieces eac of two, three and four line wide in the following lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 picas. _ Fifteen pieces each of five and six line wide, in the following lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 P1035: Nine pieces each of eight and ten line wide, in the following lengths: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 120, 140 and 160 P1035’ my'P'__(__,,.,,,,,:.,-. : raw-. The difficulty in locking up forms which contain long vertical rules, and obtaining an even distribution of ink, as well as preventing the cutting of rollers, are obviated by the use of the Sengbusch Beveled Furniture. It is a time economizer in lock- ing up a form on a slant and still maintain a square lock-up in the chase. In locking-up with this furniture, the form is inclined towards the left List Prices and Dimensions of all Furniture Cases . ‘ \. i . Depth at , _ ‘. " . . i ht; ; ; if:..‘:fl‘: * mt: 2’:.:::r:: * F":;::r:"= Vésxia i I ‘ i DC CS ‘ i ml/I No.10iMidget.................{10to 60; 280 31 " 10 101/.» $600 50 $2751 25 No. 11 3 Midget Extension . . . . . . . . . . . L 70 to 160 s 245 28 ‘ 10 27%: 17 00 n 130 8 25 70 No.12; Standard. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~10 to 60 1 560 31 161/: 10V.» 10 00 80 E 500 50 No. 13 L Standard Extension . . . . . . . . . . I 70 to 160 . 490 28 161/: 27% 23 00 190 ‘ 15 50 140 No. 14 , Double Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . I 10 to 60 , 1176 413/: 22‘/2 10% 20 00 175 11 50 100 No. 15 Double Standard Extension . . . . . . ‘ 70 to 160 1029 34‘/_» 22‘/2 27‘/.» 45 75 375 33 75 275 No. 16 Baby Mammoth . . . . . . . . ‘ 10 to 160 7 765 41 181/: 271/.» 29 00 240 15 00 135 No. 17 Mammoth . . . . . 10 to 160 1530 41 31% 271/.» 4000 400 25 00 230 _,_ __,,,____,,, , __,g_, __ . . ,._.,L, M v— ' “H ,a We shall be pleased to give you information regarding Labor Saving Furniture Cabinets not shown here 1268 Pyramid Lead and Slug Bank The most practical Lead and Slug Bank ever devised. It has a double—faced sloping top, divided into sections, each section adjustable, so as to accommodate any desired lengths. There is also provided a series of drawers, between the sloping banks, for the storage of surplus stock of leads and slugs. The working bank can be replenished from this stock as the occasion requires. The Sort Drawer Base serves to raise the Lead and Slug Bank to a convenient working height. This Bank and Base are most substantially constructed of hardwood throughout, so as to carry safely the immense load of metal, approximately 8,000 pounds, which it is de- signed to hold. All space inside and outside is utilized to the very best advantage. The space-saving qualities of this piece of furniture will be appre- ciated when it is considered that the floor space occupied is only a little more than twelve square feet. LEAD AND SLUG BANK.--In the No. 1 Bank there are twelve sections on each side, providing a total of seventy-five square feet of lead and slug surface, when the metal is stacked double depth, each sec- tion supplied with a number of adjustable partitions which can be so placed as to accommodate any length of leads and slugs. In the ends, between the sloping banks, is a series of ten storage drawers, five in each end, all 27 inches long, 4*‘/4. inches deep, inside measure, and of varying widths, 3%, 61/2, 9, 11% and 141/: inches re- spectively. Thirty-five hundred pounds of leads and slugs can be stored in these ten drawers. SORT DRAWER BASE.—This Base contains a total of twenty- four sort drawers, each divided into ten compartments; size of each compartment 4%x4x2‘/2 inches inside. These drawers run through the bank and can be pulled from either side. Dimensions, Weights and Capacity Height, without base, 48 inches; base, 18 inches; total height, bank and base, 66 inches. Occupies floor space, 251/.>x72 inches. Depth of Lead and Slug Bank, 11/.» inches, inside. Capacity, leads and slugs, on bank, 3,000 pounds. Capacity, leads and slugs, in drawers, 3,500 pounds. Capacity, Sort Drawer Base, 1,500 pounds. Weight of No. 1 Lead and Slug Bank, crated, 400 pounds. Weight of Sort Drawer Base for No. 1, crated, 300 pounds. .,;< «--'*’““‘“""‘ 1 Pyramid Lead and Slug Bank List Prices of Pyramid Lead and Slug Banks No. 1, Lead and Slug Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 00 No. 1, Sort Drawer Base . . . . . $56 00 No. 2, Lead and Slug Bank . . . . . $64 00 No. 2, Sort Drawer Base . . . . . 36 00 NOTE.--The No. 2 is just half the size of the No. 1, illustrated and described above. Double-faced with six sections in Lead and Slug Bank on each side, and with five drawers on the end running through and pulling from either end. Also with Sort Drawer Base containing twelve drawers in three tiers, pulling from either side. Capacity, one—half the amounts given for the No. 1. Furneaux Storage Cabinet for Leads, Slugs and Metal Furniture There has always existed a lack of storage room for leads and slugs, metal furniture, etc. Likewise the line of modernized Printing-oflice Furniture has lacked a convenient Lead and Slug Bank of large capacity. Both of these wants are supplied in the Furneaux Lead and Slug Bank and Storage Cabinet. .,,__,,__,__, W q H This equipment has given such great satisfaction and has proven its economical ’ .- ‘ ‘:7 ’ value so thoroughly, that we offer this Cabinet as a standard article to our customers. It has an enormous storage capacity and is most substantially constructed to support S -~ »- the great load of metal which it will accommodate. Dimensions of the Furneaux Storage Cabinets Occupies floor space, 36x26 inches; height at the front, 45 inches; height at back, 70 inches. The lower Lead and Slug Bank is two inches deep inside and divided into two sections, each section measuring 14% inches from front to back. The upper Lead and Slug Bank is 31/4 inches deep inside, and measures 13% inches from front to back. These Lead and Slug Banks are adjustable by picas, and the divisions can be arranged to accommodate any desired lengths. The body of the Cabinet is fitted with twelve storage drawers, all eighteen inches long from front to back, and thirteen inches wide, inside measure. The two upper drawers are eight inches deep inside and the ten lower drawers are five inches deep inside. All these drawers have removable partitions, adjustable by inches, running from front to back. Cabinet is fitted with heavy flat steel runs, capable of sustaining any load which can be stored in the draw- ers. Weight of Cabinet, crated for shipment, 500 pounds. Listprice....................................$8500 Make-up Tables with Iron or Brass Imposing Surfaces Make-up Tables are valuable in newspaper offices, where speed in getting ready is essential. They are fast coming into general use. They provide a place for every form without interfering with other imposing surfaces. The table and form can be quickly transferred to the stereotyping room. The iron tops are heavy and ribbed on the underside, which adds additional strength. The surfaces of the iron tops are smoothly and accurately finished. When brass covered, extra heavy, hard-rolled sheet brass is used, ten-gauge in thickness. The supporting posts of the frames fit into pockets cast into the iron top. This feature braces the frame and keeps the top always .. in correct position. Mounted on two-wheeled re- volving castors of the most improved pattern. The drawer under the iron surface for column rules is subdivided into various com- partments to keep the rule face up. The shelving underneath _ _ _ this drawer is useful for storage of galleys, furniture, sidesticks, tools, etc. Furneaux Storage Cabinet. The Rule Tray on Top The supplementary tray is attached to the table by means of a pair of sup- porting brackets. These brackets are detachable and the tray and brackets can be removed when the Make-up Table is transferred to the stereotyping room. This tray is full brass lined, the bottom being covered with heavy hard- rolled sheet brass. The surrounding rim and the heavy division bars are of square brass tubing. The various narrow divisions are also of brass tubing with rounded tops, like the slats in printers’ type cases. List Prices and Dimensions of Make-up Tables with Imposing Surfaces Frame with H J’ Size of i Size of Form I weigh? ‘ Tray and I Frame with ‘ Iron Top iAccommodated Cractlggtpfktlfndsll 1:-::,c¥:;S : Iron Top 1} BraI:n?r(;~:,:red J l_ _ ._ . , , ._1_....__._._ No.1 20‘/2x26‘/.z« 6 column L 295 , $13 00 1 $35 00 j $51 50 No.2 23 x28‘/2~ 7 column 1 345 ‘ 14 00 I 40 00 j 60 00 No.3 ‘251/.x301/.~ 8column ; 390 i 15 00 E 45 oo « 69 00 No.4 27‘/2x32‘/23 9 column , 440 « 16 00 50 00 l 79 00 No. 5 27‘/.:x36 I 10 column 1 480 ‘ 18 00 5 '1‘ _‘ Make-up Table with Tray Attached These prices are subject to prevailing discounts 1269 Bookbinders’ Materials and Supplies During the past few years many improvements and additions have been made in the tools and machinery used by Bookbinders. Recognizing this fact the American Type Founders Company is now in a position to supply its many customers promptly with the very best of everything in this especial line. Many of the machines and devices represented in the following pages are of exceptional merit and afford to any printer contemplating the addition of bookbinding to his equipment, a splendid line from which to make a choice selection. Should there be any device not specifically mentioned in this list, it will afford us pleasure to supply the fullest details and prices of same with the utmost despatch upon request. Our aim is to supply everything for the Bookbinder. Stuart Finishing Stand The Stuart Finishing Stand is far superior to the devices ordinarily used. It is made of oak and is very substantial. The clamp is faced with felt, and the part which presses against the book swings on a pivot so that it always strikes the cover of the book squarely, no matter what the thickness of the book may be. The clamp is closed by foot power with a treadle attached to a heavy coiled spring, and when closed is held in a fixed position by an iron ratchet. The connection between the treadle and the clamp is a heavy steel coiled wire which will stand any strain to which it can be subjected. The piece which supports the book, is adjusted with a lever and ratchet and this supporting shelf can be lowered fourteen inches below the top of the clamp, or it can be raised to the lower edge of the clamp; any size book can therefore be placed conveniently in the clamp and no time is lost in making the adjustment. The clamp can be easily adjusted to a table by two pins which drop into holes in the top of the table. When the table only is used, the clamp can be taken off and put away . until required. The device is sold with or without the table, as desired. List Price and Weight of Stuart Finishing tand Weight of clamp, 85 pounds, crated; weight of table, 75 pounds, crated; ListPrice.. . . . . . . . . . .. $1200 Price of hardwood table with drawer 10 00 Roll Cloth Cutting Machine The Roll Cloth Cutting Machine is a new apparatus for handling binders’ cloth and cut- ting same to size with great convenience and without waste. It will take six rolls of cloth in any length up to forty-two inches. The rolls of cloth are held on iron rods which are fitted in the up- rights on the frame and are removable. The cloth from all of the rolls passes down to the bottom of the frame and under a pressure roll. It then passes along over the bed of the machine as shown in the illustration. There is a cutting groove across the bed, which is lined with steel on both sides. The knife used in cutting, slips in this slot between the pieces of steel and the cloth can be quickly and smoothly cut. There is a measuring gauge marked off in inches to enable the operator to gauge the sizes of cloth which he is cutting. Directly in front of the cutting slot there is a heavy pressure roll of iron which . holds the cloth down close to the bed of the machine. All parts of wood are hardwood, nicely fitted and varnished. The machine as a whole is well and substantially made. List Price and Dimensions Roll Cloth Cutting Machine and Table 443/3 inches wide; 41% inches long; thickness of bed, 2‘/1. inches; height of uprights, 18‘/2 inches;_weight, crated for ship- ment, 160 pounds; weight of Table, crated ready for shipment, 75 pounds; length of bed from cutting groove to the gauges, 22 inches; size of Table, 40x43 inches. List Price,without Table. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ListPriceofTable......................... Stuart Finishing Stand Roll Cloth Cutting Machine 5 00 10 00 Gilding Presses The Gilding Press is here shown combined with the Stand. We can supply it with or without the Stand or the Stand alone, as desired. All materials entering into these Gilding Presses is the best procurable. They are made of hardwood throughout except _ . the screws, which are of iron_ The List Prices and Dimensions of Gilding Presses __ boxes are of irondor 1% .~ P > V — I e—~A——--4 ~ ~ ~ » gun metal as e- Length of - - 1 _ sired. The screws No.j SI""_“ I S6530? ; Style of Box 7 Wag“ iPrices work easily and ac— I Inches 1 Inches ‘ P°“"ds ‘ curately. Lever bar 2 W. I e N — ig°°°mDaT)11<;lS <3a.ch 1 . 35 \ 13/4 is-'/ex5='/8 Iron Boxes | 150 £536 00 reSS° e ‘S’ 2 , 35 , 1‘?/4 5-%x5% Gun Metal Boxes: 150 1 40 00 tance .between 3 ‘ 36 ~ 2 16%x53/i Iron Boxes 200 ‘ 44 00 S.°1‘eWS. 18 tW€ntY- 4 1 36 2 :6%x5=Vi Gun Metal Boxes 200 , 46 on eight inches. The ' ‘ ' —M~~ WW3 can be Spread Prices of hardwood Stand, to fi_t any size, as shown in illustration, $11.00. eighteen 1 n c h e s. Weight 100 pounds Special Presses with additional spread of jaw can be furnished at an advance of 50 cents per inch for the additional spread. All woodwork is nicely filled and varnished. Special attention is directed to an important improvement made in the construction of these Gilding Presses. The slide pins running parallel to the jaw screws are now made of steel in place of wood, as formerly. This imparts additional rigidity. The steel guide pins cannot bend and will not wear. These Gilding Presses are now all metal except the two jaw bars. Gilding Press Complete with Stand Plow and Press This illustration shows the Plow and Press complete with lever bar, which accompanies each Press. All materials are the best procurable. The diameter of the wood screw is two and seven-sixteenth inches. The distance between screws is twenty—six and one-half inches. The jaws have a spread of twelve inches. The knife is of the best .. tool steel. All Plows are equipped with the English pattern knife. This knife is short ~~~~ , " and stocky and cannot spring. It is a great improvement over the old style knife. ' C List Prices of Plow and Press -I Complete Plow, Press, Knife and Pin, $12 75 Press alone . . . . . . . . . $9 00 Plow alone. . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 00 Press Pin alone . . . . 75 Knifealone . . . . .. .......... 75 ‘Weight, eoxnnlete, 130 pounds. ' Bookbinders’ Band and Rubbing-Up Sticks Made of smoothly finished rock maple and put up in a set of six sizes—one ‘ each %2, ‘V32, %2, %2, ‘£32, %2-inch widths of groove. By their use the work is done much = quicker and bands of uniform width and finish are formed. The two larger sizes can be used for forming the larger bands on the backs of blank books, turning sharp corners, etc., thus taking the place of the folder, rubbing-up stick, burnisher, etc., heretofore used for this purpose. Weight, per set, :34’: pound. Price, per set of six, in neat paper box, $1.00. 1270 Plow and Press Complete Blank Book Sewing Bench This Blank Book Sewing Bench is a decided improvement over the usual construction of such articles. The screw clamps are of brass and work smoothly in the follower grooves. The screws are large with deep slotted heads. The uprights on these Benches are screwed into the bottom board. All screws are interchangeable with those in the regular Sewing Benches and are absolutely uniform in size. List Price and Dimensions Blank Book Sewing Bench Weight, crated for shipment, 35 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $7 00 Bookbinders’ Sewing Benches These Sewing Benches and Finishing Presses are made in a strictly first-class way, of good material and thorough workman- ship. The uprights are screwed to base and are detachable. The Screws are accurately cut from dies and are uniform and inter- changeable. A broken or worn- out Screw can be replaced with the certain knowledge that it Blank Book Sewing Bench will fit’ List Prices and Dimensions of Bookbinders’ Sewing Benches No. 1, Bookbinders’ Sewing Bench—24 inches between screws, weight, 9 lbs . . $1 50 No. 2, Bookbinders’ Sewing Bench—30 inches between screws, weight, 10 lbs . . 2 00 No. 3, Bookbinders’ Sewing Bench-36 inches between screws, weight, 11 lbs . . 2 50 Bookbinders’ sewing’ Bench Finishing Presses List Prices and Dimensions of Finishing Presses No. 1, Finishing Press—14 inches between screws, weight, 12 pounds . . . . $2 25 No. 2, Finishing Press—18 inches between screws, weight, 15 pounds . . . . 2 50 No. 3, Finishing Press—21 inches between screws, Weight, 17 pounds . . . . 2 75 No. 4, Finishing Press--24 inches between screws, weight, 19 pounds . . . . 3 00 No. 5, Finishing Press-28 inches between screws, weight, 22 pounds . . . . 3 25 No. 6, Finishing Press-31 inches between screws, weight, 24 pounds . . . . 3 50 Bookbinders’ Press Boards This line of Bookbinders’ Press Boards has been greatly developed, and is guaranteed, whether plain, laminated or brass bound, to be the best ever manu- factured. They are made of selected _ ‘ ’ cherry, or of five-ply laminated F““shi“g Press stock as shown in the two illustra- tions below. The Laminated Brass Bound Boards are meeting with great favor, and are now used by the best and largest binders. All stock going into these boards is the very best procurable. Any little defect in the wood is firmly plugged and smoothed. List Prices and Dimensions of Cases for Press Boards The Cases for holding Press Boards are of three sizes, each size in 14, 16 and 18 board capacity. Other sizes made to order. These cases are made of hardwood, nicely finished, and the sides are paneled. The boards are separated by fixed hard- wood strips. The prices of Cases given below do not include the Boards. Prices for the boards appear in the table below. Case to hold 14 Boards 16x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 9 50 Case to hold 16 Boards 16x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 50 Case to hold 18 Boards 16x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 50 18 Brass Bound Press Boards in Cases Approximate weight of empty Case, 100 pounds. Case to hold 14 Boards 18x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 Case to hold 14 Boards 20x28 inches . . . . . . . . . . . $11 00 Case to hold 16 Boards 18x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . 11 00 Case to hold 16 Boards 20x28 inches . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 Case to hold 18 Boards 18x24 inches . . . . . . . . . . . 12 00 Case to hold 18 Boards 20x28 inches . . . . . ' . . . . . . 13 00 Approximate weight of empty Case, 120 pounds. Approximate weight of empty Case, 140 pounds List Prices and Dimensions of Brass Bound and Unbound Press Boards - Approximate l Zinc, Brass or Aluminum ,1 Nickel Plated %::r(:if* 1 Weight per Unbound l ound 1 Brass Bound Inches 4 pliifgs Laminated Cherry l Laminated 1 Cherry Laminated Cherry A g 1 1 V ,_-_1___1- - 6x10‘/2 1 11/.» ' $0 25 ' so 20 *1 so 90 1 so 85 1 $1 30 $1 25 8x101/_» 1 2 i 30 ' 25 ‘ 1 00 ' 95 1 1 45 1 40 8x12 ' 21/. 1 35 I 30 1 15 ; 1 10 1 1 65 1 60 10x13 1 3 1 45 1 35 1 1 35 1 1 25 j 1 95 1 85 11x14 1 3% 55 I 45 ! 1 55 1 1 45 1 2 15 2 05 10x16 ' 4 1 60 2 50 1 1 65 1 1 55 2 30 2 20 ' ” 12x16 1 499 1 65 1 55 ! 1 80 T 1 70 : 2 50 2 40 Cherry Press Boards 12x18 1 5 1 75 1 60 ; 1 95 ; 1 80 1 2 7o 2 55 13x20 ' 61/4 1 90 I 70 *1 2 20 1 2 00 ’ 3 00 2 80 15x20 1 71/1 , 1 05 1 85 1 2 45 1 2 25 I 3 30 3 10 17x22 . 9 1 1 30 1 1 05 1 2 85 1 2 60 1 3 75 3 50 16x24 ' 91/4 1 1 35 1 1 10 1 2 95 1 2 70 : 3 95 3 70 18x24 F 101/.» 1 1 50 1 1 20 1 3 20 1 2 90 1 4 25 3 95 20x24 1 111/.» 1 65 1 35 : 3 40 1 3 10 1 4 50 4 20 20x28 131/.» , 1 95 1 1 55 I 3 85 1 3 45 1 5 05 4 65 22x28 1 1424 1 2 10 1 1 70 1 4 10 1 3 70 1 5 35 4 95 24x30 1 171/ 1 2 50 2 00 { 4 65 1 4 15 I 6 00 5 50 24x32 181/.» 1 2 65 2 15 1 4 90 - 4 40 1 6 30 5 80 26x40 1 25 1 360 1 290 . . . . . .“ . . . . .." . . . . . . . . . . .. 30x36 1 26 1 3 75 _ 3 00 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 36x44 38 5 50 I 1‘ Laminated Press Boards 1271 Cutting Gauge for Binders’ Cloth No satisfactory device for cutting Binders’ Cloth has heretofore been on the market. Printers and binders have resorted to home-made affairs or used an ordinary straight edge. This Cutting Gauge will be found very useful. It is well made, of hard- = _ wood and cannot get out of order or become broken with ordinary usage. It has a raised ’ handle bar twenty-four inches long. The cutting edge is faced with angle brass, fastened with screws from the under side. The arms are gauged by half—inches up to twenty-four inches. The length of the cutting edge is forty—two inches. The arms are detacha- ble and fastened with screws. Weight, 4 pounds. List Price of Cutting Gauge for Binders’ Face View of Cutting Gauge for Binders’ Cloth loth . . 00 Finishing Stand These Finishing Stands, Gold Cushions and Tables are strictly first-class and guar- anteed to give perfect satisfaction. All ., I,“ materials are of the best procurable and V A every piece is carefully inspected before sent out. The Finishing Stand can be attached to the Table, as shown. Made of hardwood, with cleated ends. - _____m____ A_'._'_.N _ ‘. , ..., ';,,..¢.w . I . A ._41..__ ..._..4.. .. .. ...'..._. ..... .’. . List Prices and Dimensions of Finishing Stands Small size, 12x20 inches, .with cleated ends; weight, crated, 19 pounds . . . . . . $3 00 Large size, 16x24 inches, with cleated ends; weight, crated, 25 pounds . . . . . . 5 00 Gold Cushions Covered with the best law calf, securely fastened on edges with tacks, and reinforced with binding strips fastened with round headed brass upholsterers’ tacks. Made of hardwood, with drawer in base. Table with Finishing Stand and Gold Cushion List Prices and Dimensions of Gold Cushions No. 1, size 7x13 inches; weight boxed, 8‘/.2 pounds . . . . . $3 00 No. 3, size 9x18 inches; weight boxed, 15 pounds . . . . . ,$5 00 No. 2. size 8x16 inches; weight boxed, 12 pounds . 4 00 Table Substantially made of hardwood, with heavy top and finished. Height, 32‘/1. inches; length, 421/: inches; width, 24% inches. Weight,100pounds. ListPrice............ Straight Edges for Cutting Stock Accurately made of straight-grained rock maple. Each Straight Edge has a large hole in one end for convenience in hanging up. ,;,.,, , . .,-‘,'V’§’I»?’r"“t'I.fl,‘.WW‘W£426’I.-;~>’/;,*"'1cI"!‘V~"'*#I":rm. -r, -:11.-.-a Stmght Edge °f R°°k Maple List Prices and Dimensions of Straight Edges for Cutting Stock 14 inches long, 11/.» inches wide, 14 inch thick, each . . . . $0 08 36 inches long, 3 inches wide, ‘/2 inch thick, each . . . . . $0 45 18 inches long, 2 inches wide, .’/4 inch thick, each . . . . 10 48 inches long, 4 inches wide, '% inch thick, each . . . . . 60 24 inches long, 2‘/2 inches Wld€,..3/8 inch thick, each . . . . 20 Other sizes at proportionate prices Bookbinders’ Cabinets Made with bronzed pulls on each case, and highly finished. The cases are made in exactly the same style as printers’ cases, with three-ply bottoms, are the same size and proportioned like one-half of the regular cap case. These Cabinets may be put on or under a bench. “A place for everything and everything in its place” is a rule bookbinders should live up to, and these Cabinets will enable them to do so. A List Prices of Bookbinders’ Cabinets ' it i 1 6 Cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 16 _P20x20PTll $600 2 ,10Cases.................... 110 ;24l/2; 20x20 l1200 3 ,15Cases................... 150 ‘33% 20x20 ;1650 3 4l18Cases.................. 190139 20x20 1900 5120Cases................... 210 4312Ox2O,2100 i 6 «25Cases...... 250 p61"/4 20x20 12500 l Other sizes can be furnished at proportionate prices. I Paper and Card Stock Cabinets ,..-- This is a proper receptacle for high—priced papers and fancy cardboard stock. Such ~ material quickly becomes soiled and unfit for high-grade work if exposed to the air and __ dirt. These Cabinets are “ ’ practically dust proof NO. 2 Bookbinders’ fade or the quality of the paper deteriorate when stock is stored in them. They are very strongly constructed to stand great weight and can be used for a variety of purposes. The bottoms are of heavy three—ply material, five-sixteenths of an inch thick, with the grain of the wood crossed. Such bottoms cannot shrink, swell or crack. All drawers are made with removable divisions so that each can be sub-divided for small sizes of cut stock when found desirable. Cabinets are made of hardwood throughout and nicely finished. The ends are paneled and bronze pulls are attached to the drawer fronts. The prices quoted are subject to prevailing discounts. We make a great many Paper and Card Stock Cabinets to special meatsurements. If you require something out of the ordinary wri e us. List Prices and Dimensions of Paper and Card Stock Cabinets No. 1 contains 12 drawers; eight of these drawers are 2 inches deep inside; the other four are 41/.» inches deep inside. Each drawer will take 22‘/.>x28 inch stock and smaller sizes. Occupies floor space 28‘/_»x34% inches. Height, 48 inches. Weight, crated, 340 pounds. List price.........................$3700 No. 2 contains 12 drawers; eight of these drawers are 2 inches deep inside; the other four are 4‘/2 inches deep inside. Each drawer will take 28x44 inch stock and smaller sizes. Occupies floor space 341/.»x49% inches, No. 1 Paper and Card Stock Cabinet _ . , Takes full sheet of Cardboard (22,‘n_4x28 inches). Occupies space of Height, 48 inches. Weight, crated, 400 pounds, List 34%x28}»5x48 inches price 48 00 1272 About the New Departure Type Cases 1 In order that customers may have little trouble in making their selections of type cases, the American Type Founders Company presents, in the following pages, many absolutely correct illustrations and much invaluable general information with regard to its extensive line of New Departure Type Cases. The list is very complete and we believe there is scarcely a type case, used to any extent, that is not represented in these pages. That there should be uniform- ity in the layout of all type cases is beyond any question of doubt and the large number of illustrations detailing many layouts should prove of the greatest assistance to printers. As we carry at all times an extensive stock of the New Departure Cases, all orders will receive careful and very prompt attention. The prices quoted are subject to prevailing discounts. While most printers are familiar with our line of Cases, the following descriptions and list prices may prove of service for general reference: The leading feature of the New Departure Cases is the one piece bottom the full width of the case, without joints or splices. This is made of three layers of wood, the grain of the middle layer running in an opposite direction from . 1. the grain of the outer layers. This makes cracking impossible. '. ’, " - ~ 1 _ ,1 The cases slide smoothly on side rails and not on the bottoms, " ‘X "'5 " with the screws forever catching. This feature lengthens the life of the cases. The bottom cannot be torn off, because it is rabbeted into the side rails and front. Made of thoroughly seasoned wood. Paper Covered Bottoms Another important feature in type case construction which im- proves and prolongs the life of each case is the fact that all of the New Departure Cases .- have three-ply bottoms covered with the best quality of manila paper. The paper absorbs the moisture from the type and prevents it entering the wood, dissolving the glue and destroying the case bottom. '_.,.,~___ __M_M‘ _ 1., . Section showing Triple-Veneer Bottom Brass Clasp Cases To add strength and make the cases practically indestructible at a very slight additional cost brass joint clasps are added. A long pin driven through and clinched holds the partition firmly to the bottom. The paper covering of the New Departure Cases is a final process and is used because it improves and prolongs the life of the case. Twenty-five years’ experience in manufacturing type cases has demonstrated that it is required. Since its introduction -1 _ _ ,. _ 1 the New Departufe Sty 1e of ty case has become pra°t1°.auy Sectional view of the New Departure Case, showing three-ply bottom and the only construction known to printers, not only in the United grooves in side rails and front (A A) States, but the whole of North America and every foreign country, where the art of printing has made material progress. It is safe to say that there is not a first-class printing office in the world, which is not equipped, in part at least, with New Departure Cases. List Prices of New Departure Cases. Illustrated on following pages 1 1' FULL SIZE CASES ~ ’ THREE-QUARTER CASES 1 TWO—THIRD CASES .1. -..-” m___.._ H, 5..-- ._1 M————.._. — 5- '1 1 Ordinary 1 Clasp , 1‘ Ordinary 1 Clasp 1 Ordinary j Clasp 1 , 1 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 1, single depth . . . . . . . . . 1i $1 50 1 T $1 25 1 $1 00 1 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 1, double depth . . . . . . . . 1E 2 50 1 . . . 1 2 25 1: 2 00 1 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 2, single depth . . . . . . . . . 11' 1 75 1 . . . 1 1 50 '1 1 25 1 Adgustable Lead and Slug Case No. 2, double depth . . . . . . . . 11 2 75 1 . . . 11 2 50 . . . 11 2 25 . . . Blank Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1l 65 1 ... so ... 11 45 1 ... Border Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 25 1 $1 50 1 1 15 $1 40 :1 1 00 $1 30 Brass LeaderCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'.1 . . . . . . Z . . . . . . 1' 75 . . . California Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 90 1 00 85 95 ‘1 . Combination Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 20 1 35 ‘1 . . ‘ 1 1' l Dearing Accent Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . ,| 1 5 1 1 I I l 1 1 I 1 1 1 I 1 1 . : 1 1 2 . . 1 _ . 1501180 Dearing Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 oo 1 1 15 '1 35 1 1 oo 11 75 1 35 DoubleLowerJobCase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 120 1 140 J . . . 1 . . . 11 . . 1 . . . DoubleYankee Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 120 1 140 11' . . . 1 . . . If . . . 1 . . . Duplex Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 10 1' 1 25 11 1 00 1 1 15 1; 90 1 1 05 Figure Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1 1 00 1 1 10 11 90 1 1 00 11 80 1 90 FigureCaseByerly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .'1 110 1 120 :1 ... 1 ... 1: ... 1 ... Furneaux Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . f1 1 40 l 1 50 1 15 1 40 1 05 1 1 30 German NewsCases,perpair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 160 J 175 '1 . I . 1 . - 1: - - - } - - - Greek Cases (upper and lower), per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,1 2 00 2 30 ’ . . . 1 . . 11 - - 1 HalfCapCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘1 1 .. 1 60 1 .. 11 .. I Hamilton Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . V 90 1 1 00 V, 35 1 95 :1 75 } 85 Hebrew Cases, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '1 1 60 1 1 75 1. . . . 1-1! - - 1 - - Improved NewYorkJobCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 100 1 115 11 . . 1 . . 1', . . . 1 . . . Improved Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . 11 1 00 1 1 10 1’ 90 1 1 00 1’ 80 1 90 Improved Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1 20 1 1 40 11 1 10 1 25 1} . . 1 . . . Indexed Electrotype Case, including partitions . . . . . . . . . . .:l 110 J . . . 11 . . - - 1} - - - 1 - - - Italic Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 90 l 1 00 ‘1 85 1 95 11 75 1 85 Jones Metal Furniture Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1‘ . . . . . . [1 700 1 . . . . . 1 . . Lead and Slug Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 100 1 . . . 90 1 1 - 11 75 1 Metal Furniture Case, single depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1' 1 50 1 . . 1: 1 40 f 1f 1 30 I Metal Furniture Case, double depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . j‘ 2 00 11 . - - ; I 1 70 1 1i 1 60 ; Music Cases (upper, lower and side), per set . . . . . . . . . . . _ 1‘ 3 00 1 3 45 11 . . . 1 . . . 11 . . . 1 . NeshotaRuleCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1‘ 200 1 ... 11 ... 1 . .. 11 --- I --- News Cases, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‘ 1 60 1 1 75 11 1 50 1 1 65 11 1 40 1 1 55 PatersonJobCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1? 100 115 :1 ... 1 . .. 11 . .. 1 ... Practical Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1‘ 1 10 1 1 20 1 00 1 1 10 ,1 90 j 1 00 Quadrup1eJobCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1f 120 1 135 11 .-1 1 ... 11 . .. 1 ... RuleCase. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115 1 125 11 100 1 115 11 90 1 100 RussellTabularJobCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 180 1 200 :1’ . . - 1 . 1 . 11 - - - j - - - Spaceless Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 1 00 1 1 15 1 90 1 1 00 11 30 1 90 Thirty-inch Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 . . . 1 . . . 11 75 1 . . . 11 . . 1 . . . Triple Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90 1 100 11 85 1 95 . . . 1 . . . Two Rivers Cap Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 90 1 1 00 15 35 I 95 If 75 1 35 TwoRivers Lead and Slug Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 175 1 . . . 11 - . I - - - 11 - - - 1 - - - Wells Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 00 1 1 15 85 1 1 00 :1 80 90 WheelerJobCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 90 1 100 1; 85 1 95 11 . . . 1 . . . Wood TypeCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11 90 I . .. 11 ... 1 ... 11 75 1 . -. Yankee Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 1 00 1 1 15 11 85 1 1 00 11 75 1 85 ZenobiaRuleCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l1 150 1 ... 1j ... 1 . .. 11 .. 1 . .. Dimensions over all, in inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :1 32%x16% inches 11 26‘/2x16% inches .1: 21%x16% inches Weight of a bundle of 10 cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ,? 75 pounds if 60 pounds 1: 50 pounds These prices are subject to our usual discounts. 1273 XE est“ News Lower Case, $0 80 The universal layout as put into the regular Lower Case from which every printer has learned his a-b—c’s. News Cap Case, $0 80 A new Cap Case that meets all requirements and one that is exceptionally popular with all compositors. Old standard Job Case, universally used before the intro- duction of the California Job Case. Convenient for fonts with accented letters. California Job Case, $0 90 Most popular of all Job Cases. Note the large cap boxes exclusively in all our type cabinets Used unless otherwise ordered. Quadruple Case, $1 20 Very useful for certain fonts. It is a double Cap Case. Holds our fonts caps, figures and points. 1 Triple Case, $0 90 A most useful and popular Case. Will take three fonts of caps, figures and points. Spaceless Job Case, $1 00 The Spaceless Job Case should be a twin companion to the Space and Quad Case. All space and quad boxes omitted. Improved Job Case, $1 20 The only Case combining all the boxes found in a regular pair of News Cases. Takes caps, small caps and lower case with figures. '“ .,'.‘v'.';'. 51!‘ F f‘., u Kr’ iv my ‘_ -. ~' . Wisaaazi. ~ms ._ . ' ,' L13! V : ' -V I I - = l -1 - 1 u 3'',‘ g 0 «W1 H»: l ’ .\a»; ;r’l.’%§fl j :;;,'. : - $- 2‘ fm V ll ~ x in ‘ ,~ i K,‘ ll 11¢ a . 1! gs‘ : ,1 2 e ""'*'*“‘“ V ~ H ~- ~'~—~ ~ ‘:1 "\ ‘-.\.‘-‘;. \\§>-.\~"‘~.\\3. '{.\‘\“\ "JG 5}: §'}'C‘,~ . Double Lower Case, $1 20 For holding two fonts of caps and figures; or caps, lower case and double font of figures; or a font each of Roman and bold face. Two Rivers Cap Case, $0 90 A sensible Cap Case now coming into general use. Large cap boxes, 2%x3 inches. Copy covers least used characters. Economical. 1274 Prices, Illustrations and Layouts of Popular Type Cases ._ .... .-.:—, :r.“;r=-W" » ‘g;:‘%1.“.,'T. .«» *~~'~~' ‘V - . .‘ I § 1 . ' g i I { ' g‘ Egg. E B’ ‘M! M‘ H! 5' ...._.L-..,:....._i.,. sf Zia: A ~.”‘“’”j ~» ‘ Li‘ _._I . i J ‘i ‘- ix ‘I7 ‘~ ' I -V, . 1 § ; y 5315‘: Br mi Ell ' W ., . xlvxnu «T. .. 47¢ ‘ _...._:?.\:-«........ «:'.'lk!’T.t'l.U?;.}_Q15_11}_~11.¥a7.L;,,‘.l).:l:’.!.;';;'77flfl T.!;!l.;!i4.lA,iT.l.*.!._.!.f..l.;_F....g.‘ Ex,‘ rgfi‘ i E‘ ’ l 3 § ' ,fi§$y _- - ea? El 1/ If E :5 :.,.?a ..;, Hmarrrrm? Tel, .$,,a.m?1Tr .tr H:-I‘; ace D i C - E§§wE¥$fi§§%&3}””' *i% Yankee Job Case, $1 00 The Cap b0Xe§ in this Case are placed 3'9 the back instead Of A very useful Case. Accommodates two complete fonts of the rlght Slde. A DODu1aI' Case In tW0-thlrds caps, lower case, figures and points. Size of and three-quarter sizes. boxes allows ample finger room. 7 I I i _. ....o‘.‘.. Double Yankee Job Case, $1 20 ~ 1 » .. 1- r Improved New Yor Job Case, $1 00 I 1 ‘ ‘ . . . Holds cap,C3sall1i21l’b1rrci:idlal)’st3(I)l‘<7;,e\2Ix;it?l?St$v:I:g>v§§o1f¥(l) ” '7" ”’7 ‘ iliiifilifitt X\l/Q/-"."l7“’ _ zxscuva-'+.;:,g3 0O,:,;OOO0OOLLl.L a'B’y8€€7’;\»\c3'lz\V¢',\-,~_.. vvvvvvvvvvuvr 9 ‘ " " I‘ " 5 ..;.:..:..:..:...*;a,..',.r..r.a... v¢I\F()V\8gQ\a‘»_LL ’-an "3 X 0» 9 I5 P“?-==fi33.§§~.?:~a€170vw -~ Porson Greek Case for Job Fonts, $2 00 1276 Takes capital and lower case characters in adjoining boxes. Usual lower case layout in duplicate. Large cipher, period and hyphen boxes. Gern Lower Cse, $0 80 This Case is the same as the regular Lower Case with the exception of the double ‘s” boxes, as shown. . Hebrew Low Ce, $0 80 Same as the regular Lower Case. The illustration simply shows how the Hebrew characters should be laid. All these Cases are made after the New Departure sty1e—the best that can be produced. T The new case has the regular arrangement of forty-nine com- partments on each side of the center bar. Prices, Illustrations and Layouts of Miscellaneous Cases Border Case, $1 25 A roomy Case of large capacity for all sizes of borders. Music compositors will find these illustrations of great service in laying type. If the lettering is not distinct use a hand glass. M « ?, ~'.. . . W ‘_ . ‘. _ I W .‘ ,‘ Y; ; 1 x , i . ~ ; l . , y , 1. :__ ., ..,‘:..: .:.._.._.....‘_..T%..;. . , .. x ‘ '1 \~.~ ..'J s ~ ' ’ \' ,4 9 i I . l . I 3 . _ i i . . .. :2’ Figure Case, $1 00 A necessity in every large office. Takes extra large supply An imDI‘0Ved. Figure Case Of_ great Value. Figure b0X€S of figures and fractions. Can be furnished double depth. 2% X4“/4 1Y1Ch€S- F1‘3Cl310n boxes ZWX1‘ 7- "“? 2; .f .. . .4 ~; ‘ ‘ * ’ * ‘ : . , . i, . ,, , ‘ _ ? ' I i . z‘ : ' 4 ; . V _y ,_ C . . . ...::_. ...1,..,,_.Mx-m..V '"“';<"' ’ = V .~ ‘ ‘ . . . ‘ v . i 5 7 ; :‘ I . . ' ' ! . > ._ >. .._. _......... . ,...—......——.~—_.............. ——:——:-~—~~-:~;.*--*- wrIr\F‘ A-r----'-'--*‘~*"*”““ . .. '.'i§tx«:\v+\iL1‘\\\\\\‘\\\ \\~‘\\\\\\~ \\\\\\\\\l‘\\\\\\\\\.=i c No. 2 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case (double dpth), $2 50 Prices, Illustrations and Layouts of Miscellaneous Cases ‘fifixmfxfiafifi Two Rrs Lead and Slug Case, $1 75 A new and most valuable Case. Takes lengths from 4 to 25‘/2 with variations by half picas. Nshota Rul Case, $2 00 Takes a larger number of lengths than any other Rule Case. All lengths from 1 to 50 picas, with the usual half- pica lengths and places for mitered pieces. C“ ‘ 10 E m s V V Ems Metal Furniture Case, $1 50 Compartments for each length as shown. Furnished in single or double depth, $2 00 V\*.'9E.‘r\i‘-.\*’\\\..“.‘\ ‘ZSN \.-'W% 03 Italic Job and California Job Case, $0 75 The standard two-thirds Case for all Dearing Job Case, $0 75 cabinets. The largest capacity of any two-thirds Case. Cases. Hamilton Lea a H 0 $1 0 Leads and slugs can be stacked two tiers deep. Can be had in double depth, if desired. . . . . . . .. Furneaux Rule Case, $1 40 Designed by Geo. A. Furneaux, Superintendent of The Inland Printer composing room. This Case will hold two large fonts of rule. .... .. , I" \ 51% ‘. {W - " .1» \{";_ gt .—"-l '62‘ ‘T. ‘~. \.= ‘ C ‘ -I —/ I l l1 1 ‘ ' "‘ ' — ‘N x, T5‘ » “'1”-"' «'':r--~.---n-- -- --1 I zl‘i*72fif;;‘ “.1 m 1/ m .u.. I Zenobi Rue se, $1‘ Holds fewer sizes and larger fonts than the Neshota. Takes all lengths up to 36 ems. STRIPS ADJU‘3'TlBLE.' BY‘ PlCAS Wood Type Case, $0 90 Graduated by picas on the ends. Strips can be adjusted to fit any size of type. Yankee Job Case, $0 75 The most popular of all two-thirds Prices, Illustrations and Layouts of Miscellaneous Cases .. ::::& . M‘: v “ " " W -' -~ -V I I 3 ' \ ,-..-> ‘ ' ‘ smaakxsllflsxx W: , '§.wa>e%€;. ;; _ . .. ., S Spaceless Job Case, $0 80 Hamilton Lead and Slug Case, $0 75 Brass Leader Case, $0 75 Two-thirds size. All boxes for spaces Twoschirds sjze_ separate compartments, by Two-thirds size. Compartments for and quads are omitted from this Case. picas, for lengths 4 to 25 picas inc1uSive_ lengths 1 to 25 picas. Half ems 11/2 to 91/.» picas. i I 1 85 . D l J b C , 0 9 Three-quarter size. All three-quarter Cases up ex 0 ase $ 0 listed by us are made in the same form I 0 Two-thirds size. The Duplex Job Case and arrangement as the full size of mproved Job Case’ $ 90 is unique. No other Case like it. the corresponding styles. Two-thirds size. An odd size, 21% by 19% Takes capital and lower case We therefore illustrate but one three-quarter inches deep. Fits regular tWo- characters in adj oi n i n g Case to show the comparative size. thirds case rack. compartments. Jones Metal Furniture Case The Jones Metal Furniture Case for the proper storage of metal furniture will facilitate its use and maintain its accuracy. When thrown around promiscuously in boxes and drawers the delicate edges of metal furniture become bat- tered, and it is permanently injured and ren- dered unfit for use in fine work. Much time will be saved by keeping metal furniture in cases with compartments numbered so that any de- sired length can be picked up without sorting a 3 F , , m¥1c1ellaé1eous collection. d f h d Od th . is ase is constructe 0 ar wo wi a Jones Metal Furmture Case thick 3-ply bottom, firmly fastened to the edges and also to the center bar. Being two and one- half inches deep on the inside, it will hold a great quantity of metal, and is strongly constructed with this end in view. It has forty- nine compartments as shown by the illustration. Size, outside measure, 18x72 inches. Weight, not crated, 30 pounds. List price . $7 00 /2 .90 w‘ ‘l£V4.", I’ " ‘C’ ,' ‘. " ‘ ' ‘ A I . . '7-I-20o6fI>.$.~.s.9‘a.»_91 /0/1//111111;) mm 15 The Bettis Lead and Slug Cases , . . . — The No. 8 Bettisl Leaddand Slufg Casi: takgg #I”‘W. . W. 1;.:.:‘:::y$:‘;‘2:“.x.gi:epi.253; gasping V . — * _ 27-em length. There are two compartments for V each length, each compartment two and three- eighths inches wide from back to front, so that leads and slugs can be kept in separate compart- ments. The blank space at the front is five- eighths of an inch deep and eleven inches wide, and will readily take a ten by twenty-four brass- lined or all-brass job galley, and is intended for a working space. This is the proper case to use in connection with steel run stands. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside lead compartments, 1‘/2 inches; working space, %—inch. Weight, not crated, 22 pounds. List price . . . . . $ 5 00 Listprice.withfullbrass lined working space... .. ................. .. . . .. ...... . 1500 (WORK/LNG SLSCT/ON 5/5 INCH DEER " -~ 4‘ ---0---—-.....,«.....,~:..................—.....m... . lV\ No. 8 Bettis Lead and S1 Case The Bettis Space and Quad Case is of the same ground dimensions as the series of Bettis Lead . A» -. .1» and Slug Cases, being 72 inches long and 18 inches A .. .. , ,, wide. It provides boxes for fourteen sizes of ' ' ‘ ‘ spaces and quads, six boxes for each size from six ,5’ V ...,. , ,........ 4- e » to forty-eight point, as the illustration shows; . large deep boxes at the front for quads and 2 * ~ . « . , . , _ _ smaller and shallower boxes at the back for ' spaces. It is six inches deep at the front and two and one-half inches deep at the back. The use of this Case will enable all spaces and quads for job fonts to be kept in a single case. It is impossible to estimate the gain in time, and the saving in material when this Case is used. There is one place for every size of space or quad, and the compositor can find in a moment just what he wants. The Case is a great convenience as it forms an easily accessible storage place for all spaces and quads. It can be laid on the top of any stand in the most convenient location in the printing office, so that all can reach it readily. Weight, uncrated, 32 pounds. List price . . . . . . . . . . . . $10 00 1279 Bettis Space and Quad Case The Bettis Lead and Slug Cases Few printing offices are now without the Bettis Cases. They possess wonderful capacity and are strongly built to sustain a full load of leads and slugs, stacked two tiers deep. All these Cases are one and one-half inches deep, thus readily taking two tiers of three-quarter inch leads and slugs. These Cases having proved so very popular and so thoroughly practical, we have extended the line to meet the demand for a variety of inside arrangement. Cases of this size, specially designed, can be furnished to meet the requirements of any office. The No. 2, Three Case Tilting Brackets, or the No. 4, Three Case Brackets, without tilting feature, are the proper brackets to use. ,*z»«;,>gsat»y:;:>a_'/l~;"‘ ':~W<"'*'>_'3,'(.w'W'v,.),.y ' ,, .,, The No. 1 Bettis Lead and Slug Case has com- partments from 4 to 28 picas wide, varying by single picas, omitting the 27-em length. Par- titions run from front to back Without central division. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside, 11/2 inches. Weight, not crated, 21 pounds. Listprice.................$400 No. 1 Bettis Lead and Slug C if The No. 2 Bettis Lead and Slug Case has com- partments from 30 to 60 picas wide--one compart- ment for each of the following lengths: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50 and 60 picas. Partitions run from front to back without central division. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside, 11/2 inches. Weight, not crated, 18 pounds. Listprice H No. 2 Bettis Lead and Slug Case The No. 3 Bettis Lead and Slug Case has com- partments from 3 to 48 picas wide, varying by single picas. It also has compartments for 1/2 pica lengths from 31/2 to 9% picas inclusive. The case is divided into three sections, there being two central division bars running the long way of the case. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, 1V.» inches, inside. Weight, not crated, 23 pounds. Listprice.................$500 r-rr 2 "' _.,,l., - :7|;i C‘ 6:’-i»"‘r’«*‘~ 9'2 /0 It /2 /.';"I4"1.s Ho" ' /2 rs” 19 No. 3 Bettis Lead and ,1! ‘C 4" ' ;- .1 V’ V ' " ' V, ‘ 7 7 \ 34 ~ , »/{M - . i ’ '_ 4'0 2! 22 .93 24 . ” — Slug Case The No. 4 Bettis Lead and Slug Case is the same as the No. 1 and No. 2 combined, having a central bar running the long direction of the case. The front section has compartments from 4 to 28 picas wide, varying by single picas, omit- ting the 27-em length; the back section has com- partments from 30 to 60 picas wide—one compart- ment for each of the following lengths: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50 and 60 picas. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside, 11/2 inches. Width, not crated, 21 pounds. A . Listprice ..... . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 N°'4BettlsLeadandSlugCase The No. 5 Bettis Lead and Slug Case is a duplicate of the No. 1, with one exception—it has a center bar running the long way, dividing the case into two sections, which are alike in every respect. One section can be used for leads and the other section for slugs. Each section has compartments from 4 to 28 picas wide, varying by single picas, omitting the 27-em length. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside, 11/2 inches. Weight, not crated, 22 - - pounds. N0- 5 Bettis Lead and 51118 Case List price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500 The No. 6 Bettis Lead and Slug Case is a duplicate of the No. 2, with one exception. It has a center bar running the long way, dividing the case into two sections. These sections are alikein every particular. One section can be used for leads and the other for slugs. Each section has compartments for lengths from 30 to 60 picas wide~one compartment in each section for each of the following lengths: 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50 and 60 picas. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; depth, inside, 11/.» inches. Weight, not crated, 19 No_ 6 Betts Lead and Slug. Case pounds. Listprice................$500 The No. 7 Bettis Lead and Slug Case repre- sents the No. 5 and No. 6 combined. It has com- partments in duplicate for all the lengths pro- vided for in Cases No. 1 and No. 2. Leads and slugs for all lengths can be carried in separate compartments. There are two compartments for each of the following lengths: 4 to 28 picas, varying by single picas, omitting the 27-em length; also 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, 45, 50 and 60 picas. Length, 72 inches; width, 18 inches, outside; ‘ depth, inside, 11/.» inches. Weight, not crated, 23 No. 7 Bettis Lead and Slug Case pounds, Listprice.................$600 1280 ~ ' ;: 2:39?’ ”. '9' , «:0 :u/,“..nVI:.,, 1:: /6» 17,“. l5”..‘"‘J.'l . .20.- Quarter Size and Other Rule Cases The series of Harris Rule Cases, quarter-size, and including the Sanspareil Harris Rule Case, one—half size, are in some respects the most economical, efficient and satisfactory Rule Cases ever constructed. The saving in time and space and in prolonging the life of brass rule by always keeping it face up, has made the Harris Cases popular with systematic printers. They Save Space, Time and Material It is seldom that a font of plain rule exceeds thirty-two pounds in weight, while sixteen pounds of dotted rule is usually ample even in large offices. It will take two ordinary rule cases to hold these two fonts, while they will fill only three-fourths of a set 0 .. - ~ «« mi-m:,u, Harris Rule Cases, leaving the other quarter for one , _ " . ~» or (if a No. 1 case is used) two more fonts. Four ‘ ’ ,,.,. ' al ,.. _ i’ ’ V, V 5,}? Harris Rule Cases fit into one full size blank case, .:_’~;°"""‘*“" '1‘ , gin’ ‘,5 -1 “.5 W and will hold sixty-four pounds of brass rule. . . ’ I ‘ I No space is wasted in the Harris Rule Cases, and J ' ’° ‘ there is room provided for a large proportion of * , ; ; , the smallest lengths——the most valuable part of a _ , A : 1’ .5 j 3 font. It takes much longer to trim one 1-em ~"‘~~"W’=~"~l1=V°I5"?!-7'” length than a 20-em length, and not one man ’ 3 out of ten can get the 1-em piece Harris Rule or Individual Lead .Square at that‘ AS each Harris Case . Case No 0 is only one-quarter the size of a full ; . V, 3 _ V ‘ size case, the compositor can put ~ « , , ,: _. . , 5; I _ Size, 7’?/£.x7‘/.> inches, or one- it on his cap case, or on the stone, - ‘ ‘ eighth inside size of full or on his galley rest, without in— A V , size case. Weight, 10 convenience. ‘ ‘ '1 '”‘"' " ounces. List price . . . $0 75 HARRIS RULE OR INDIVIDUAL Four Harris Rule Cases in a Full Size Blank Case LEAD CASE No.0. In this a com- positor may keep his much valued 12 to pica and other thicknesses of leads for justifying purposes, his pickups of dashes, rule, etc. It has boxes from 1 to 91/.» ems (varying by ens), from 10 to 22 ems (varying by ems), and from 22 to 28 ems (varying by two ems), with a long box for longer lengths. List price, including blank case. . . . . . . . .$4 65 ‘,1, . ‘ “ i . I ...- ‘* \ M. .. ....aq.. ule Case No. se .. '-¥ No. 3 Harris Rule Case No. 1 Harris R Size, 7’?/i-4x15‘/sz inches. Weight, Size, 7"?/Ax15% inches. Weight, Size, 7%x15%i inches. Weight, 19 ounces. List price. . . . $1 25 19 ounces. List price . . . . $1 00 18 ounces. List price. . . .$0 75 N0. 1 HARRIS RULE CASE. This case holds two complete small fonts of labor—saving rule, each weighing eight pounds, or sixteen pounds in all. Each half of this case holds eighteen pieces each length from 1 to 8‘/_» ems (varying by ens), eighteen pieces each from 9 to 18 ems (varying by ems), and nine pieces each of 19, 20, 21, 22, 24, 26 and 28 ems, besides boxes for right and left miters. N0. 2 HARRIS RULE CASE. This case holds one complete font of sixteen pounds weight. It has compartments for thirty-six pieces each from 1 to 9 ems long (varying by ens), eighteen pieces each from 10 to 24 ems (varying by ems), and eighteen pieces each of 26, 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 ems long, besides boxes for right and left miters. A large proportion of small lengths. NOS. 3 AND 4 HARRIS RULE CASES. These two cases are designed to be used together to hold a font of rule, suitable for a large oflice, weighing thirty-two pounds or less. Two, and in some cases four boxes are used to hold the most used sizes. Each case has its proportion of the small sizes, so that if it is desired to carry one case to a compositor’s stand for use in rule work, the other is available in its regular place. Case No. 3 has compartments for all short lengths up to and including the 20 em length. Case No.4 has compartments for all of the short lengths and also all long lengths u to and including the 36 em lengths. Together these cases have compartments for seventy—two pieces each from 1 to 9 ems long varying by ens), thirty-six pieces each from 10 to 24 ems long (varying by ems), and eighteen pieces each from 25 to 36 ems long (varying by ems), besides boxes for right and left miters. - ;;;.,.»'- «r v-~«~ No. 5 Harris order ‘Case Pe1'fe¢ti0“ Rule C359 Size, 7%x15% inches. Weight, Size, 7%x15‘/s inches. Weight, Size, 7’/‘/1~4X151/s‘ i_nCl'1€S_- Weight’ 17ounces. List price . . $1 18 ounces. List price. . . . $1 00 17 ounces. List P1'1C9- - - ~ $0 90 N0. 5 HARRIS BORDER CASE. This case may be used in combination with any other quarter-size cases, being exactly the same size. To meet the varied requirements of all border and ornament fonts, the sort partitions are movable, but are so nicely fitted that they remain in any position in which they are placed. This special and novel feature makes it an easy matter to change the sizes of the boxes at will. _ _ PERFECTION RULE CASE. This is another first-class quarter-size brass rule case. In size it is similar to the Compact Rule Case and accommodates the same lengths, but with a different arrangement of compartments. It has two compartments for all lengths from 1 to 12 ems, and one compartment for lengths from 13 to 36 ems. The variations are by ens from 1 to 10 and by ems from 10 to 36. Fouaof these cfiises well fit inrtfohancordinary blank case in a cabinet or rack. f h 1 th f OMPACT ULE ASE. e ompact Rule Case has one compartment or eac eng I‘0m V -’~'*-~"-***~=~»°~***..' 1 to 36 ems (varying by ens up to 10 ems) and by single ems from 10 to 36 ems. It will hold twenty .22/;+lp’g;v‘a/4-#.:r’ar’:rlr'sJ:;r’gJpl:J;JuJ.pl,ol, pieces of each length. It also has compartments for the miters. This rule case is preferred by _ printers, owing to its compact arrangement ‘ M . and even quantity of each length accommo- ~, W," , ' dated. All rule remains standing when .2 I ». :,/ / xh’”""‘-»,.__i ter case cabinets. THE SANSPAREIL HARRIS RULE CASE. Sanspareil Harris Rule Case This is without doubt one of the best rule Size, 7:%‘,X151A incheS_ weight’ Size, 143/,x151/, inches_ Weight, Cases yet? deS‘gned° The walls and partmons 17 ounces. List price. . . . $0 90 38 ounces. List price. . . . 1 50 are a trifle higher than type high, so the rules are at all times protected ; anything can drop, or be laid on the case without touching the face of the rule. The rule cannot get wedged or fall fiat on account of the narrow compartments. _ _ . _ Each compartment is the exact size of the rule it is to contain, and the next size will not fit into it, thus preventing sizes being mixed. The rule is easy to extract on account of low cross partitions and the special slot in downward partitions. The compositor need not study the case every time he wants a rule; the compartments follow in consecutive order, from 1 to 42 ems. Each case is complete with all sizes from 1 to 9% ems (varying by ens), and from 10 to 42 ems (varying by ems), with an extra allowance for small sizes; also an additional row for miters (second row of small sizes) which, when no miters are carried, can be used for overflow on small sizes, of which there is always a large stock. For large fonts of rule, running in lengths not usually included in fonts of labor- saving brass rule as now put up by the makers, it is especially valuable, and there is no case to replace it. 1281 placed in this case. The Compact Rule Case is one of the most popular of all rule cases. Few printing offices are without some of them and many offices use this case exclu- sively. Four of these cases will fit inside a full size blank case. They can be kept in blank cases in cabinets or stands or in quar- V . ._.~ ,., ....._ $9. I) ..*§—}."‘ _____._._j_~ Hamilton New Rule Cases »"“""""""‘"‘vHA:.AzL2‘"c7N 1? QAE .~‘§ ?»*V4..,.. I’ I 1519"‘ ’5f"3# H iuu2iuu——m.—...--an No. 94 Hamilton R] Case The Hamilton Rule Case, No. 94, takes a 25-pound font of standard rule on 2-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for two sizes of miters. Where there are a large number of pieces in the shorter lengths, the compartments are doubled, two for each length, so as to main- tain narrowness of compartments in order to keep the rules standing. Size, 15’?/«X121/2 inches, outside measure. Weight, 33 ounces. HAM/z.'!‘oN. Rum: CASE; No. 97 No. 97 Hamilton Rule ‘Ce 19 The No. 97 Hamilton Rule Case takes a 25-pound font of standard rule on 6-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for two sizes of miters. Where there are a large number of pieces in the shorter lengths, the compartments are doubled, two for each length, so as to main- tain narrowness of compartments in order to keep the rules standing. Size 13‘/ix16'/1 inches, outside measure. Weight, 40 ounces. Listprice Listprice.................... .$140 The No. 61 Hamilton Rule Case takes a 5-pound font of standard rule on 6-point body. Separate compartments are pro- vided for every length from 1 to 26 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for miters. All compartments are narrow, so that the rules will remain standing on . 61 Hamilton lesef edge. Size, 5’?/.sx11‘/2 inches, outside measure. Weight, 14 ounces. List price . . . . . . .$0 75 The Hamilton Rule Case No. 59, takes a 5-pound font of standard rule on 3-point body. Separate compartments are pro- vided for every length from 1 to 26 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for miters. All compartments are narrow, so that the rules will remain standing on . edge‘ No. 59 Hamilton Rule Case , ,..........«.«..:.’...m.. No. 95 Hamilton Rule Case The Hamilton Rule Case, No. 95, takes a 25-pound font of standard rule on 3-point body. Separate compartments _are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inC111S1Ve, with separate compartments for two sizes of miters. Where there are a large number of pieces in the shorter lengths the _ _ . compartments are doubled, two for each length, so as to maintain narrowness of compartments in order to keep the rules standing. Size, 13%x14‘/i inches, outside measure. Weight, 34 ounces. Listprice........................... .$140 Size, 5%x11‘}/i inches, outside measure. Weight, 15 ounces$ Listprice...................... 75 The No. 70 Hamilton Rule Case takes a 10-lb. font of standard rule on 6-point body. Separate f‘ compartments are pro- ~ 3’ vided for every length ,1‘ from 1 to 30 picas long, / ,.- g‘ , inclusive, with separate ‘*" :7‘ compartments for miters. ,- 5 The compartments are 89293‘ ‘ --~ narrow, so that the pieces of rule will always remain standing on edge. Size, 9%x11 inches, outside measure. Weight, 19 ounces. » .w...z.4t»¢vvx14% inches, outside meas- ure. Weight, 24 ounces. List , , price . . $1 25 .1 N 7:’-Q5 . , *3 ” “‘ "‘ ” '3 *9 ‘"1 The Hamilton Rule Case No. 58, takes a 5-pound font of standard rule on 2-point body. Separate campartments ~ v- ., , _ zaepizzz‘i::3;%;:if.?;.;e‘:.%:£: 22232.3: No- 58 Hamilton Rulecase compartments for miters. All compartments are narrow, so that the rules will always remain standing on edge. Size, 81/4X91/is inches, outside measure. Weight, 15 ounces. List price . - » A line gauge for determining lengths is printed on the edge of the above Hamilton Rule Cases No. 67 Hamilton Rule Case Space, Quad, Leader and Border Quarter Cases The series of four Wisconsin Quarter—size Cases have become very popular and are now widely used. They are intended to hold odd material not usually provided for in regular full size cases. For signs, borders, accents, split fractions, figures, spaces and quads, etc., they are most convenient. The Wisconsin Quarter Cases provide a means of keeping these valuable sorts where they can be found. These Cases are 7%x15%i inches in size, and can be placed on a cap case, a stand, or a stone, convenient to the com- positor’s hand. In setting mathematical work, foreign languages, dictionaries, special catalogues, with much table work, these Quarter Cases will prove invaluable. A few schemes are shown for laying signs, fractions and figures. Various other arrangements can be provided which will suggest themselves to the intelligent compositor. Wisconsin Qarr Size Case “A” Wisconsin Quarter Size Case “B” Wisconsin Qarr Size Case “C” Convenient for holding figures, spaces This pattern is suitable for holding This pattern has large boxes for figures and quads, fractions, etc. Size, 7%x15% accented letters and split fractions. Size, and smaller compartments for fractions. inches. Weight, 15 ounces. 7"/1»~x15‘A< inches. Weight, 17 ounces. Size, 7%x15%x inches. Weight, 14 ounces. Listprice. . . .. . $065 List price ............$065 List price.............$065 The American Type Founders Compctny sells the best of Everything for the P1°inter. Wisconsin Quarter Size Case “D” Especiallyconvenient for holding signs, —‘ ' ..: .: ~ 1- “ -~ borders and odd characters. Size,7’%~;x15%; A“ Rlght Space and Quad Case Happy Bmder Case inches. Weight, 16 ounces. Size, 7%x15%i inches. Weight, 15 ounces. Size, 7%x15‘/s ins. Weight, 22 ounces. Listprice.............$065 Listprice,.............$075 Listprice.............$125 THE ALL RIGHT SPACE AND QUAD CASE is a most useful addition to the family of Quarter-size Cases. It has compartments for one-half point thin copper spaces, one point thin brass spaces, also compartments for 3, 4, 5 and 6 em spaces, em, en and 2 and 3 cm quads. Compartments are proportioned in size correctly to take the amount of each size as put up by the type founders. Each case will hold a standard 10-pound font of spaces and quads of any size without over—filling the boxes. THE HAPPY BORDER CASE has adjustable partitions by picas the long way and by 6 points from front to back. Any font of border can be laid in this Case and the compartments laid out to accommodate the different characters, and left that way. Eight long slotted divisions and an assortment of short divisions in various lengths, accompany each Case. Four of these Border Cases will fit inside an ordinary blank case in a cabinet or case rack. Carpenter Quarter Case Ideal Brass Leader Cse Time-Tble Q4} Cifeii if Size, 7%x15%i ins. Weight, 17 ounces, Size, 7%x 151/»: inches. Weight, 17ounces. Size, 7’?/.'wx15%; ins. Weight, 17 ounces. Listlprice ....$075 Listprice . ..........$090 Listprice ...........$075 ..v THE CARPENTER QUARTER CASE is most useful in tabular and other intricate work. It is intended to set on the ends of the lower cases in the center between two lower cases covering the space usually occupied by a galley board, and the lugs on the back end hold the case from slipping off at the front. It also has a lip at the front which enables other small cases to be put on top of this Case and remain in place without danger of slipping off. In use it is a vertical figure case with double spaces for 5's and ciphers—~ the figures most used-and compartments for justifying material and special sorts. THE IDEAL BRASS LEADER CASE is designed to hold ordinary five and ten-pound fonts of brass leaders as put up by the type founders. Has compartments for all lengths from 1 to 22 picas, variations by ens from 1 to 10 and by ems from 10 to 22. Four of these cases will just fit inside a regular blank case in a rack or cabinet. The Case is fitted with a New Departure bottom. Numbers printed over each compartment. THE TIME-TABLE QUARTER CASE is a new and popular quarter-size case for tabular work. It has special compartments for A.M. and P. M. This case can be made useful in other work, such as legal notices, market reports, etc. The type can be laid in the case as required for the work in hand. Like other quarter-size cases, four will fit into a regular full—size blank case. They will also fit into our regular line of quarter case cabinets. 1283 __.. -. ‘. . --,- 2v. W W v ...._.,.,, _.~ , .~x....,...»...........uan~».-av-u-.s.......-».-.....-3“‘ - "1: , “ ‘ "‘ Koerner’s Patent Interlocking Drying Racks With these Racks sheets are taken direct from the fly, and may be stacked ceiling high, in a perfectly straight and rigid pile, which cannot be knocked over by accident, and with no more weight on the bottom than on the top sheets. This pile is a most ‘ effective drying room, occupying only the floor space of one rack, and from the time the sheets are fed into the machine until ready for the bindery they need not be handled. The interlocking device makes the pile straight and rigid. Each Rack is firmly locked on its neighbor, but each slides with ease on the Rack immediately below it. They save handling, all the time of that operation, and the consequent waste of paper through off- set, smearing, fingermarks and tearing. In many cases these Racks save expensive slip- sheeting. They circumvent electricity by re- ceiving the sheet direct from the fly. They insure evenness of temperature and thereby assist in getting a perfect register on lithographic work. They save seventy-five per cent of floor space over any other method of drying sheets, from one to two per cent of paper, and a vast amount of time. The Patent Interlocking Drying Racks are made with hardwood sides, wide softwood slats, and are very strongly put together. The side rails on Koerner Racks are one and one-quarter inches wide. The slats which support the sheets are three-eighths of an inch thick. When stacked, each Rack adds one and nine-sixteenths inches to the height. Unless otherwise ordered, the side rails are always made to run the longest dimension. The prices given below are for Racks with a clearance of one and three-sixteenths inches between, when Racks are stacked. For a clearance of two and one-half inches add twenty-five per cent to prices mentioned below, and for a clearance of three inches add thirty-five per cent to the prices mentioned below. Special Racks of any size and pattern can be made to order. Prices will be furnished on appli- cation and receipt of particulars. Interlocking Racks, stacked with paper, straight and rigid List Prices, Weights and Dimensions of Koerner’s Patent Interlocking Drying Racks Size, Inside ~ Weight, Each i Price Size, Inside Weight, Each 1 Price 8%x13 inches 1 11/2 pounds 3 $0 2 ij 24x36 inches i 8 pounds E $ 55 11 x 17 inches 1 3 pounds 25 i 32x48 inches | 12 pounds J 85 13 x19 inches 1 31/2 pounds j 30 ‘ 38x52 inches ' 15 pounds I 1 20 15 x21 inches , 4 pounds ; 35 ‘1 43x63 inches 19 pounds I 1 55 18 x25 inches v 5 pounds : 45 V 45x65 inches 1 20 pounds 1 1 60 End View of Interlocking Device Chicago Drying Racks A more economical addition cannot be made to a modernly equipped printing oflice than a suitable outfit for the proper drying of the printed sheets. These Drying Racks are substantially constructed of selected hardwood, and the framework is finished in the best cabinet style. They have wide bases, which prevent the frames from toppling over under heavy loads. The side rails extend at the rear and are notched to receive round lugs which project from the frame upright. When loaded the Dryers can be placed in a horizontal position, and when not loaded, they can be inclined upward and out of the way until required. These Drying Racks are made in three sizes, to take sheets 24x24, 24x36 and 30x48 inches. The Racks are supplied complete with Dryers, and the Dryers are also sold separately in dozen lots. Each rack is mounted on heavy castors, and can be transferred about the press room as the work in hand requires. List Prices of. Chis??? D_r§'i9s..B:°.':: SHELVES IN EACH RACK Price per NAME OF Price Cvzmplfite Price of E Dozen Weight . ' t , _ e oz. DRYING RACK Nlsllrnalfigsof Insclfitees Complete Poilgds ‘ Racks Only Sl(i)<.rly:s ; linfunds Chicago No. 5 12 Shelves 24x24 $20 25 200 , $12 50 $7 75 A 95 Chicago N0. 6 10 Shelves 24x36 22 00 225 14 00 9 60 125 Chicago No. 7 i 10 Shelves 30x48 32 25 250 21 T 1 13 50 ‘ 185 The New York Drying Racks The New York Dryers are also removable and can be transferred to the press in order to take the sheets direct from the fly. Thus undue handling, which means an excess of spoilage, is avoided. The use of these Dryers prevents undue stacking of freshly printed sheets, and ~ expensive slip sheeting is reduced to a minimum. The rightful use of a good set of Dryers will prevent much of the smutting commonly experienced. The New York ‘Drying Rack is made in four sizes. The Dryers are made in two sizes to take sheets twenty-four by thirty-six and twenty-eight by forty- two inches. The frames are made to take twenty or thirty dryers, as desired. Each rack is mounted on castors and can be transferred about the press room as the requirements demand. Dryers Chicago Drying Rack are sold complete with supporting Racks or loosely by the dozen. List Prices of New York Drying Racks NAME OF éi’s’.;ei;veei;;s;15e’fi.;e;; P Corfiplete f CPriceIperl t ‘ rice _ P ' D DRYING RACK f Number of Size Complete ¥,Ve‘ght Radkiegnly Shglfgs per D°z' _ I Shelves Inches [ ounds Only , Pmmds New York No. 1 Z 20 Shelves 24x36 $22 75 225 : $12 00 ‘* $6 50 80 New York No. 2 5 30 Shelves , 24x36 32 oo , 300 , 15 75 I 6 50 a 80 New York No. 3 20 Shelves 1 28x42 28 75 , 250 , 12 75 I 9 so 1 105 NewvYorkNNo.V4 tj 3QMS”he_lves 3 28x42 5 40 50 7 350 * 16 50 ‘ 9 so 105 New York Drying Rack The prices on this page subject to prevailing discounts 1284 The Best Ideas in Case Brackets We show here illustrations of all the best ideas in Case Brackets, Galley Brackets and also Roller Brackets. We handle the complete line and can promptly supply your wants. N o. 2 Three-Case Tilting Bracket No. 16 Low Job B k t No. 4 Three-Case Case rac e Bracket No. 3 Three-Case Tilting Bracket L... _..._..............u......M... No. 5 Three-Case Bracket No. 13 Roller Bracket No. 8 Double Case Bracket, Style C No. 18 Case Bracket with Up- _ per Arm extension in place No. 14 Double N0‘ 18 Case Galley Bracket Bracket with Upper Arm detached No. 10 Detachable Single Case Bracket For complete description and prices of all Brackets ;_ .l I see page 12841) No. 7 Double Case Bracket, style B l 284“ Case and Roller Brackets Brackets are made for Type Cases, Lead and Slug Banks, Working Banks, Galleys, Rollers, etc. page a selection from which almost any possible requirement can be met. tilting feature in two sizes. drilled for screws. The No. 1 Tilting Bracket takes a pair of standard size news cases. The lower case can be tilted back to expose the galley board underneath. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 The No. 2 Three-Case Tilting Bracket takes a pair of standard size news cases at the front, and an eighteen inch working bank or standard size Bettis lead and slug case at the rear. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 40 The No. 3 Three-Case Tilting Bracket is the same as the No. 2 except that it takes a twenty inch dump at the rear. Takes a pair of standard size news cases at the front. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 50 The No. 4 Three-Case Braket is without tilting feature. Takes a pair of standard size news cases at the front, and an eighteen inch working bank or standard Bettis lead and slug case at the rear. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 90 The No. 5 Three-Case Bracket is without tilting feature and is same as the No. 4, except that it takes a twenty inch dump at the rear. Accommodates a standard pair of news cases at the front. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 The No. 7 Double Case Bracket, style B, is for attach- ment on a flat surface. It takes a pair of standard size news cases. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 25 The No. 8 Double-Case Bracket, style C, takes an eighteen inch working bank or standard Bettis lead and slug case at the front and a standard full size case at the top. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 75 I 1 l I I '1 u I I i i I I 1 I 1 i N i I We illustrate on the opposite The three-case brackets are made with and without the All Brackets are of cast iron, free from flaws and are furnished with black japanned finish, with holes The No. 9 New York Case Bracket, takes a pair of stand- ard size news cases. Provides for bringing the cap case for- ward several inches over the lower case and close to the compositor. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1 50 The No. 10 Detachable Single Case Bracket, with sockets, will attach to an upright surface, particularly on the end of a cabinet. Will hold a single full size case or a working bank. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 The No. 13 Roller Bracket will attach to a perpendicular surface. Bracket arms extend horizontally and will hold six rollers. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50 cents The No. 16 Low Job Case Bracket will take two job cases on one side, one placed on top of the other. Can be tilted back and held in reversed position. The opposite side will take a itankdard eighteen inch Bettis lead and slug case or working an . Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 The No. 17 Low Job Case Bracket will take a standard size job case on one side, which can be tilted back. The opposite side will take a standard size eighteen inch Bettis lead and slug case or working bank. In the center is a four- inch space for lead bank. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 The No. 18 Case Bracket with upper arm detached will take a job case at the front and a two-surface lead and slug tray at the top. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 The No. 18 Case Bracket with upper arm extension in place will take a pair of news cases. Price, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2 00 Everything that is Good for the Printers as Quick as It Appears The American Type Founders Company, in its capacity as Universal Provider for Printing Plants, furnishes every standard and approved and also every new and good machine, apparatus, appliance or tool as soon as it appears. This is the most complete catalogue of Printers’ Requirements ever issued, but when from time to time in the future anything new in this line appears, and if it is Worthy to be recommended, it will be on sale by this company. IF IT IS GOOD FOR THE PRINTER THE AMERICAN HAS IT FIRST 12845 Steel and Iron Equipments HEN properly made, Steel and Iron Printing Plant Equip- ments are undoubtedly more economical than those made en- tirely of wood, because of their superior stability and durability. The economy of them is not to be measured by first cost, but by their practical indestructibility and the continuance of their good and dignified appearance after long use. When wooden equipments (bought at the same time) have become shaky, shop- worn and shabby, steel and iron equipments will be giving undi- minished satisfaction. In buying well-made Steel and Iron Equip- ments printers are making an in- vestment for their grandchildren. There is nothing so economical and lasting. These are the only Composing Room Equipments >3: '3" . . ' “:1 fill ,(r:}:“‘ '2‘, e rm n ..\;o'I5 (V. N) 43:5 '\‘a2: 3 °n.\U»‘ ,‘ A’ 7 I Pl t Y 1 -«.1;-4»:-‘I. .3: an oung " oooo llllllllll//ll T American Type Founders Company IMPORTANT TO BUYERS OF STEEL EQUIPMENTS In the design and the method of construction and the materials used the printing equipments catalogued in the following pages are for the most part quite new. It is the aim to make these steel and iron equipments not only more durable but also more space- and time-saving than any equipments heretofore offered to printers. The initial expense of the dies and formers required for each piece of steel furniture is so great, that the selection of the most advanced and best approved designs is a matter of the utmost importance to the manufacturer, a consideration that cannot fail to benefit the buyers. There can be no question of the ultimate economy of installing properly constructed steel and iron equipments. GOOD QUALITY AND BAD QUALITY The mere fact that iron and steel are used does not establish Stability and Dura- bility. A method of construction which may be suitable for ordinary office furniture is quite unsuitable and inadequate for printing plant equipments, which have to sustain heavy weights and withstand great strain and wear and-tear. Good quality in steel and iron equipments depends (even more than in wood) on careful, workmanlike and sub- stantial construction. The place to look for the essential quality is in the interior or concealed work and material. While steel and iron construction lends itself to attractive designs, the attractiveness may serve to conceal poor construction and inadequate ma- terials. The line of equipments offered here is not only attractive in appearance, but has behind the attractiveness a method of construction and a selection of materials which make these equipments the most economical and best value procurable, when tested by length of service and the maintenance of good appearance long after flimsy steel con- structions and the best wooden constructions have reached the scrap heap. A shelf of steel, if made too light, is not so serviceable as one made of wood of suitable thickness, on account of the greater spring in the steel. Iron inake-up and storage tables, if not adequately supported by a sufficient number of legs, will soon dis- close a degree of instability which will retard the work done on them. The first con- sideration in purchasing steel and iron equipments should be Stability and Durability. The American Type Founders Company is behind every piece of steel and iron equipment it sells. It recommends this class of equipment to those who are looking for permanent investments in equipments of a nature which may be passed along to their grandchildren with little practicable impairment of quality, and which will maintain a good and dignified appearance to their successors. If properly made, this class of equip- ment cannot, at present, be made as cheaply as wooden equipments, and any attempt to cheapen construction will result in a poor bargain for the purchaser. SPECIAL REQUIREMENTS FOR NEWSPAPER PLANTS Newspaper plants of the larger and growing kind require equipments of extra Durability. Furniture which may be adequate to the use of commercial printing plants may not withstand the greater wear and tear of daily newspaper usage. Steel and Iron Equipments which have been in use on daily newspapers for ten years are now as satisfactory both in service and in good appearance as when first bought. QUESTION OF FIRE INSURANCE In buildings constructed to be fireproof, the installation of wood equipments increases the hazard and the rate of insurance. If the contents are inflammable the building is in grave danger as well. The use of steel and iron equipments will lessen the risks from fire. THIS IS THE AGE OF STEEL In every direction the increasing use of steel and iron furniture and fittings is ob- servable. The demand is for permanency, for the best value, and that quality which is more appreciated years after the purchase than in the beginning. When the printing plant runs down the operating expenses run up. Those who invest in well constructed steel and iron printing plant equipments are insuring themselves against the plant run- ning down. These equipments will keep the printing plant perennially young. Those who install iron and steel equipments have served notice that they are in business to stay. 1285 Rogers Steel Cabinet No. 553 This highly efficient cabinet occupies the least possible floor space, holds the greatest number of full-size cases it is possible to put into a working cabinet, and gives the compositor liberal facilities for disposing of copy, proofs, tools, and the materials used in , V , . the work in hand. Above the cases there is a lead and slug bank holding sizes from four to twenty-five picas. This lead and slug bank is a great convenience and time-saver both to the compositors stationed in the same alley and to compositors who come to the alley from other stations to use the cases below. The Rogers Cabinet conforms to the only efficient principle: that access to cases in a cabinet or stand should never be obstructed by compositors working in front of them. Alleys should contain cases on one side and working banks on the other side. All the cases and the lead and slug bank are readily available for the com- positors using the working banks, and also available without hindering any man's work for compositors stationed in other alleys. Each case should be provided with spaces and quads, to save the time wasted in walking to and from a central space and quad Rogers Cabinet No. 553, Case Side supply every time a line is to be justified, a waste that very quickly foots up more than the cost of the spaces and quads. An entirely new and good feature is a shelf, ten inches by seventy inches, forming a top to the cabinet, but not in any way interfering with its uses as a working cabinet. This shelf will be found very convenient for holding such things as cuts and other material and quarter-cases holding auxiliary materials required for the work immediately in hand. The cabinet contains forty—eight full-size California job cases, twenty-four on each side. The runs project three inches beyond the cases to afford a secure hold for each case when it is pulled out) for setting a line without removing it from its place in the ca inet. , .. T ' On the working side there is a full length working bank, R°3°"3 C“bl"'~‘t N°- 553v W°““l“9 Side seventeen inches deep, on which two full-size cases can be placed, if required. This being a job compositor’s cabinet, no provision is made for pair cases. On this side also are two spacious drawers. The construction is strong, durable and very attractive. The frame and working bank are of heavy reinforced steel, the ends and sides of pressed sheet steel. The runs are so incorporated with the frame as to be more than sufficiently strong to withstand the heaviest weights which may properly be placed on them. Color, olive green. Linolite Lamps, as described on page 1300, may be attached on brackets over the working bank or above the case racks, as shown in illustration, if required. a Dimensions and Contents of Rogers Cabinet No. 553 Cases are of wood, with boxes "V1 3-inch deep, and with Steel Front Protectors and Bronzed Pulls. Contains 48 full-size California job cases. Length, over all, 71 inches; depth at floor, 211/2 inches; depth, over all, 25% inches; height to lower edge of working bank. 43 inches; height. over all, 50 inches. Case numbers extra. Linolite Lamps extra. Label holders (as shown in cut) are extra. Price on application. Extra deep California job cases, with boxes 11/13 inch deep, furnished at advance on price of regular cases. Tracy Steel Cabinet No. 550 For those who do not object to having a working bank on the case side of a cabinet, the Tracy Cabinet will commend itself, all giving good facilities for bunching the maximum number of compositors in the least possible area. On the case side there is a work- ing bank above the cases, which, however, serves a better purpose in being available for quarter-cases holding auxiliaries of all kinds, or brass rule cases, or special space and quad cases, bringing such ‘ material handy to the compositor in the alley and also to com- positors stationed elsewhere who may have occasion to use the cases in the alley. tiiiiiiiiiziiiiiiitltias Tracy Cabinet No. 550. Case Side On the working side there are three banks: a working bank, seventeen inches deep; a bank below the working bank, 81/: inches deep, for holding cuts and other materials in use in the work immediately in hand: and (above the working bank) a bank 81/.» . .. » inches deep, suitable for holding a long lead and slug rack, or a ” Tracy Cabinet No. 550, Working Side long space and quad case, or quarter-cases filled with brass rule or auxiliary materials. There are also two capacious drawers and a round iron foot rail which tends to prevent fatigue. The construction is strong and durable and attractive. The frame is made of heavy steel, the banks are of reinforced steel and the sides and ends of pressed steel. Color, olive green. Linolite Lamps. 3'5 d€SC1‘lbed On Dage 1300. may be attached 0T1 brackets Over the working banks above the case racks, as shown in illustration, if required. Label holders (as shown in cut) are extra. Dimensions and Contents of Tracy Cabinet No. 550 Cases are of wood, with boxes 1"/1o-inch deep, and with Steel Front Protectors and Bronzed Pulls. Contains 48 full-size California job cases; length, 71 inches; depth, on floor, 21‘/2 inches; depth over all, 37 inches;_ height to lower edge of working bank, 43 inches; height over all, 54 inches. Foot rail extra._ Linolite Lamps extra. Price on application. Extra deep California gob cases, with boxes 11/1 4:-inch deep, furnished at advance on price of regular cases. 1286 Extension Front Steel Cabinets Extension Front Cabinets are undoubtedly the most convenient and time-saving. Before the introduction of this style of cabi- net it was necessary to add a clumsy, inconvenient rear extension to each cabinet case-an intolerable nuisance when it was desired to set from such cases on the tops of other case stands or cabinets. By extending the sides of cabinet and the case runs four inches as shown in the illustration, any case can be pulled out and every box in it ex- posed without removal from runs. Further, if it is desired to set from a case which is either too high or too low to be conveniently reached, such case may he slipped into a conven- ient position between any of the runs and it will be held securely there by the extension of the runs, without removing the case already held be- tween the same runs. The construction is strong, dur- able and attractive. The frame and runs are of heavy steel; the top, sides and backs are of sheet steel, reinforced where required. For com- pactness these cabinets cannot be excelled. Color, olive green. The cabinet illustrated here is Extension Front Steel Cabinet No. 507 correct height for utilizing the top . of it for storing matter or material or for attaching case brackets or steel sectional working tops. If required, any suitable case brackets may be attached. Label holders shown in the illustration are extra. There are 24 full—size cases in each tier. These c a s e s h a v e e x t r a d e e p boxes, so that their type holding c a p a ci t y i s one-sixth m o r e t h a n that of regu- lar full - size j o b c a s e s . This increase of capacity is an important consi d e ration to those prin- ters who are realizing the economies de- i-i v e d f r o m the purchase and the use of weight fonts of job type. ,, . ' -e iii iii 11Z¢l3iii1liiimi,3_i v Extension Front Steel Cabinet No. 501 Extension Front Steel Cabinet No. 503 Contents and Dimensions of Extension Front Steel Cabinets C0868 (W0 mélde 0.7 ’w00d, 10175}! 509668 1‘7’i inches, is placed at one end of each stand or cabinet, to hold standing heads or to dump on in case the Work- ing Bank is covered with cases. The brackets which hold it are made to attach at either end. The Auxiliary Bank is divided to hold leads and slugs, cut to measure from one to seven columns in length. The frame is made of extra heavy angle iron, the runs of heavy angle iron. The Working and Auxiliary Banks are made of steel, reinforced where required, and resting on iron brackets. The ends and back are enclosed with sheet steel. In general, the construction is extra heavy throughout,—the strongest made,--and therefore suitable for the hardest kind of usage in newspaper plants. The color is olive green. The space occupied is the least possible that is required for storing and the easy handling of the cases. The runs project three inches beyond the cases, affording a secure hold when it is desired to set from them without removing them from their regular positions in the cabinet. he back of the cabinet and the Auxiliary Bank are flush, and may be set in close contact with a wall or another piece of furniture without wasting any space. Special attention is invited to the method of lighting these cabinets by means of four Linolite Lamps, two on brackets over- hanging the Auxiliary Bank and two located under the fore edge of Working Bank (as shown in illustration), lighting the cases on the brackets or in the racks. Linolite Lamps are controlled by switches, placed in handy positions on the cabinet. (For description of Linolite Lamps see page 1300). Capacity and Dimensions of Mills Head Letter Case Cabinets Single, to hold 14 full-size California job cases. Length, 36% inches; depth on floor, 20 inches; depth over all, 24 inches; depth of full length Working Bank, 20 inches; depth of full length Auxiliary Bank, 9 inches; height to Working Bank, 44 inches; height over all, 56‘/: inches. Double, to hold 28 full size California job cases. Length, 72 inches; depth on floor, 20 inches; depth over all, 24 inches: depth of full length Working Bank, 20 inches; depth of full length Auxiliary Bank, 9 inches; height to Working Bank, 44 inches; height over all, 561/: inches. Linolite Lamps and Case Numbers extra.’ [’”)"1'(L‘C.~: on (i,p1)l'z'(:ati',r’m. Ca.s'c.s- are not ‘i'niclucIc(I izuzilcss s'c1)a0‘al‘(%Ig/ 0)‘de)'c(1. Mills Double Head Letter (laliiiiet, to hold 28 full size cases, and showing positions of Linolite Laiiips Steel Cut Cabinets, with Steel Cases These are the first all-steel cut cabinets ever made, and commend themselves on account of being more compact and space-saving than any other cut cabinets heretofore made, as well as minimizing the danger of loss by fire and by dust. These cabinets are made with flush fronts (as illustrated) and also with extension fronts, and may be purchased with Indexed Steel Cut Cases or Plain (Blank) Steel Cases. Cases in flush front cabinets have four-inch projections in rear, to hold cases securely on the runs when drawn out to expose all the contents. These rear projections are not re- quired where the cabinets have projecting fronts, as de- scribed on page 1287. Indexed Cut Cases are illustrated on page 1248 of this catalogue. To those who insist upon systematic care of cuts these Indexed Cut Cases are indispensable. _ ‘ The construction is strong, durable and attractive. 'I he frames and top and partitions are of re_in_forced steel. _The cases are of heavy steel, capable of sustaining all the weight of inetal-body cuts that can be placed in them. The backs are of pressed steel. Color, olive green. _ M Cases are all steel, with bronzed pulls, full size, 32% x16‘-‘s inches over all. Case numbers and an indexed cut catalogue are included with cabinets containing indexed cases. Case numbers are extra when ordered with cabinets containing plain cases. «'5 is at 13 3 *9? iii 33% He is} is :7 W a ‘ in 1! 2: 2: ii .81 Steel (Tut. (‘ahinet No. .31-1A Contents and Dimensions of Flush Front Cut Cabinets No. .310, with 30 plain cases; floor space, 21‘/-_>x35 inches: height, 43 inches. No. 510A, with Ill) indexed cases; floor space. 21‘,»-_»x35 inches; height, 43 inches. See illustration. No. 512, with 50 plain cases: floor space, 21‘«-.»x35 inches; height, 72 inches. No. 512A, with 50 indexed cases; floor space, 21‘/-2x235 inches: height, 72 inches. No. 514, with (it) plain cases, in two tiers; floor space, 21‘.,«-.»xt5.‘l‘.‘i;: inches; height, 43 inches. No. 514A, with 60 indexed cases, in two tiers; floor space, 21‘2x69"iJ4 inches; length, 43 inches. See illustration. No. .316, with 90 plain cases, in three tiers; floor space, 2ll‘i_'X1(l3l*‘ll inches, height, 43 inches. Io. 516A, with 90 indexed cases, in three tiers; floor space, i.).1‘.;1I\'l(l3],1l inches; height, 43 inches. Contents and Dimensions of Extension Front Cut Cabinets No. 511, with 30 plain cases; floor space, 21‘/.>x35 inches: height, 43 inches. No. 511A, with 30 indexed cases, floor space, 21‘/‘_>x35 inches; height, 43 inches. See illustration. No. 513, with 50 plain cases; floor space, 21‘,»5_»x35 inches; height, 72 inches. No. 513A, with 50 indexed cases: floor space, 21‘/-’_»x35 inches, height, 72 inches. No. 515, with 60 plain cases, in two tiers; floor space, 211/5_»x(59’,‘/1 inches; height, 43 inches. T No. 515A, with 60 indexed cases, in two tiers; floor space, 21‘/2x69“/i inches; height 43 inches. No. 517, with 90 plain cases, in three tiers; floor space, 21]/£’.‘\’1(l31."?/I inches: height, 43 inches. No. 517A, with 90 indexed cases, in three tiers: floor space, ‘31‘~.>xl03‘,«i inches; height. 43 inches. Pri'ce.s- on (i.p1)lz'(:ci.tz'(m. Steel Cut C=1bim*t No. 510A 1289 American Steel and Iron Newspaper Make-up Tables In the larger and livelier newspaper plants the American Make-up Tables are superseding make-up tables on trucks because they undoubtedly afford facilities for quicker and more systematic Work. In addition to their time-, labor- and space-saving merits, the construction is massive, giving unexcelled strength, rigidity and durability, withstanding the hardest usage. This style of long make-up tables was first designed by Messrs. Oviatt and Clark, of the New York American, and first used on that newspaper, hence the name “American.” American Make-up Tables are made to order to any size desired, and with such disposition of the space under the table as may best meet the special requirements of each newspaper. The utilization of this space should be a matter of careful study, and the Efficiency Department (see pages 36, 37) of the American Type Founders Company is prepared to furnish suggestions based upon the experience of the majority of the leading newspaper plants using American Make-up Tables. Two illustrations of American Make-up Tables now in use are shown on this page, and each is more particularly described within the halftone. Each table is twelve feet long. Attention is invited to the number of substantial supports upon which the iron top rests. These are necessary, owing to the tendency of very heavy iron tops to spring. An unstable make-up surface is an intolerable Description of American Iron and Steel Newspaper Make-up Table No. 410 Length, 12 feet; height to table, 38‘/2 inches; depth, 29 inches. Underneath Arrangement (left to right) in- cludes chase rack; seven shelves for holding matter, and above them a large receptacle for empty galleys; self- emptying slug bin, full depth, with two shelves below; seven shelves for holding matter, with three recepta- cles for holding full, half and quarter-length column rules. and a second receptacle for empty galleys; ten steel letter boards, full depth, with a third receptacle for the empty galleys. The Overhead Bank is arranged 7% on front side to hold (in center) labor-_saving_column rules, and (at right and left) leads and slugs cut from one to seven-column measures, placed in duplicate so that all material is in reach of each man. Opposite side of Overhead Bank is arranged to meet special requirements. Six Linolite Lamps, controlled by switches at each end of table, provide ample light. Color, olive green. Price for this table, and for other sizes and styles, on application. *1 ,.v. V\Q, I . "V A "- American Iron and Steel Newspaper Make-up Table No. 410 nuisance. In selecting make-up tables following the idea original with Messrs. Oviatt and Clark, of the New York American, the matter of the number of supports is of great importance. No matter how much their omission may reduce the selling price, it is economy to buy tables having as many of them as the underneath arrangement will permit. In the illustrations the Overhead Banks rest on iron supports at either end. In practice a twelve-foot Overhead Bank is sup- ported in the center by a chain or wire from the ceiling. Any center support resting upon the make-up surface is to be avoided, as it materially interferes with the free use of the table. When desired the Overhead Bank is made by us to be suspended rigidly from the ceiling, which is the better method where practicable. The lighting of the American Make-up Tables is perfectly done by means of Linolite Lamps (described on page 1300), and the Description of American Iron and Steel Newspaper Make-up Table No. 411 - ' - ' In addition to its time-, labor- and space-saving Length, 12 feet; height to table, 38% inches. deDtll.291T1CheS- _ _d_ d d rabilit withstanding the merits the construction is massive, giving unexcelled stre_ngth,.rigi ity an 11 V» d _ 1 ’ r ludes fourteen steel letter boar s, a s ug hardest usage. The Underneath Arrangement (from left to right) inc d _ ht en Sing1e_column gaueys’ bin with two shelves underneath; a galley rack f0!‘ 0119 hundred 3“ , elg y‘5eV . h Id (- ’ - (1 Bank is arranged on front side to o in and a galley rack for elghty dOuble_cO1umn galleys. Overhea cl 1 cut from one to seven-column center) labor-saving column rules, and (at right_ a_nd left) leads an S llgs _ _ O h d Bank - - ' h f h an. Opposite side of ver ea measures 31zggigiégt(ilpggiialtfeziiicgleaihgillcsngiirlfilridlitle Ilfgrhpso ccfraigrolrled by switch at each end of table, pro- is arrange _ _ _ - . ’ - l 5' a,t7;on_ vide ample light. Color, olive green. Pricefor this table, and f0?" Othe?‘ 31293 Mid Sty 68 0% am? ‘L0 ‘t . ,. V — -. :‘ .\* ii W American Iron and Steel Newspaper Make-up Table No. 411 1290 American Iron and Steel Make-up Newspaper Tables (Continued) under sides of of the Overhead Banks are treated to reflect the light. The arrangement of Overhead Banks may be changed to suit local conditions. The Overhead Banks illustrated on preceding page are arranged to hold leads and slugs cut to 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7-col- umn lengths and labor-saving column rules. In the illustrations, bins for receiving dead slugs are shown; these are self-emptying into metal trucks, when the trap doors are raised. Some American Make-up Tables are made to receive metal trucks, under the tables, into which the dead slugs are thrown direct. As a rule we advise against putting drawers in make-up tables—they almost invariably become harbors for all sorts of materials which should not be in them, but they can be added when desired. An important detail in our American Make-up Table is the rigidity of all letter and form shelves. Metal has more spring than wood, and in selecting a make-up table or any other piece of furniture containing letter and form shelves it will be profitable to look closely into this matter. A letter or form shelf which is not rigid is a constant source of annoyance and delay. Specifications of two styles of these tables are printed, one within each illustration, on preceding page. American Make-up Tables These have proved very practical, especially when used in connection with Make-up Trucks. They can be furnished in any length, and the Under- neath Arrangement may be varied to suit special conditions. The table illustrated here has an iron top, supported in a strong iron frame. The fourteen galley shelves, the three galley bins (in centre) and both ends and the back are made of pressed sheet steel, reinforced where required. The Bank at the back is divided to hold the various lengths of leads and slugs commonly used on the publication. Linolite Lamps may be suspended over the Bank. Color, olive green. M . Dimensions of American Make-up Table No. 415 American Make~up Table No. 415 Length, 48 ins.; depth, 28 ins.; height, 381/.» ins. Linolite Lamps extra, if required. Prices for this table and for other lengths and styles on (1i])])l?'('aI"l()7‘L. ...~. .. .. i . ,_..-,.»..,-.-..¢a-*-»...-..-au'~uu..-.s.- ...-: American Steel and Iron Linotype Correcting Tables In the larger plants it is desirable to use separate correcting tables. The American Correcting Table, No. 420, illustrated here, has been found very practical in a number of plants. This style of table can be furnished to order in any length, and the Underneath Arrangement may be varied. There are two openings in the top of the table; that at the left is for take slugs, which drop into the drawer below; that near the centre is for dead slugs, which fall into a large self-emptying dead slug bin built in the form of a chute, and closed by a trap door. These tables are also made with dead slug trucks which are placed under the opening in the tables. The construction is designed to resist the hardest usage and maintain a good appearance. The top is of reinforced steel, supported by sub- stantial iron legs, rigidly braced. The take slug drawer, dead slug bin and both ends are of steel. The ten shelves for holding loaded galleys are of reinforced steel. Color, olive green. An overhead Linolite lighting arrangement may by added, if required, and is frequently de- sirable. Dimensions of American Correcting Table No. 420 . . Length, 84 lYlS-3 depth; 28 lns-§ height, 381/2 .. '§ American Steel and Iron Linotype Correcting Table No. 420 ins. Prices for this table and for other lengths and styles on application. American Galley Receiving and Storage Tables These are made to any size, and the Underneath Arrangement may be varied. The table illustrated here is in use in several plants, and is very practical. The top is of reinforced steel, supported by a strong iron frame. The seven galley shelves are of reinforced steel; the three galley bins and the three galley racks (two for single and one for double- column galleys) and both ends are made of sheet steel. Color, olive green. Dimensions of American Galley Receiving and Storage Table No. 422 Length, 60 ins.; depth, 26 ins.; height, 381/.» ins. I_’ric_es for this table and for other sizes and styles will be quoted on application. American Steel Dumping Tables The top is 72x25‘/4 inches, made of heavy leveled steel, with tubular steel cleats for supporting galleys at necessary angle. The take slug rack, held on brackets at rear of table, is of steel, and is (as shown in illustration) divided for single and double column measures, but may be divided to suit any special requirements. The Underneath Arrangement includes (left to right), 3 steel drawers, each 22x22‘/_>x3% inches; 3 steel bins for holding empty galleys; 3 tiers of steel shelves for holding 54 double column galleys; and 13 reinforced steel shelves for storing loaded galleys. he construction is strong, durable, and attractive. The ends and all supports are of double steel in tubular construc— _ _ tion, and the back is of pressed steel. Color, olive green. A"“"'°“" D“”“"““ T“b"’ N‘’' 800 Dimensions of American Dumping Bank No. 800 Length, 72 inches; depth, 251/: inches; height to working top, 38”.» inches; height over all, 49 inches; size of take slug rack, 9x72 inches; size of galley bins, 20%x24x81/.> inches; size of galley storage. shelves, 21x24 inches; size of drawers, 22x22‘/2x313; inches. Price for this table and for tables of other lengths and styles on application. 1291 American Combination Dumping and Correcting Tables For plants using about ten machines or less these combination tables are very practical and convenient. They are made with a variety of Underneath Arrangements to suit special conditions in composing rooms. On the dumping side, metal cleats are secured to the re- inforced steel top to support galleys. On the correcting side there is an opening in the reinforced steel top of table through which dead slugs drop into a self-emptying slug bin, made of steel, built in the form of a chute, and closed with a trap door. Some of these tables are built to accommodate a metal dumping truck under the opening in the top, instead of the slug bin. The Overhead Bank is usually divided on the correcting side for leads on one side and leads and take slugs on the other, but this arrangement can be varied to meet special conditions. The metal brace-bar above the Overhead Bank has copy hooks on both sides. These tables are furnished (if required) with Linolite Lamps under Overhead Bank, the bank acting as a reflector and protecting the eyes from the glare. This is the best method of lighting now in use. It is described on page 1300. When Linolite Lamps are furnished they are attached and wired for connection. The construction of this table is the best for the exceptional wear and tear of newspaper plants. The frame is made of one and a quar- ter inch iron pipe, the top and shelves and bins of reinforced steel, the Overhead Bank of heavy steel, and the ends of pressed steel. Nothing short of sledge hammer blows will injure equipments constructed in this manner. In the table illustrated, No. 450, the Un- derneath Arrangement includes, on the correct- ing side (left to right), a steel self-emptying slug bin, and three bins for dead galleys and twelve shelves for matter, all of reinforced W ’ steel. On the dumping side there are steel bins "" for quoins and sidesticks, and two bins for dead American Combination Dumping and Correcting Table No. 450 galleys, and eight shelves, all Of reinforced steel. The color is olive green. Description of American Combination Dumping and Correcting Table No. 450 Length, 72 inches; depth, 54 inches; height to top of table, 381/.» inches; height to copy hook bar, 68 inches. Linolite Lamps extra. Prices for this table and for other sizes and styles on application. American Iron and Steel Dumping Banks These Banks are practically indestructible. They are built any desired length, and the bank proper, take slug rack and Under- neath Arrangement can be varied to meet special conditions in the composing room. The frame is of one and one-quarter inch pipe, the top is made of sheet brass, with brass dividing strips, the take slug rack and copy hook bar are made of steel. The ends are of sheet steel. Particular attention is invited to the thorough support (consisting of five pairs of legs) provided for this bank. The cost would be considerably decreased by lessening this support, but when fully loaded these banks carry tons of weight, and in tables less well supported the bank itself and the storage shelves will sag and get out of line and gradually rack themselves to pieces. The manu- facturers would very willingly reduce the cost of manufacture if it could be done without ultimate injury to the buyer's best interests. These banks are also made to order, with removable letter boards, or galley racks, or blank steel cases for storing cuts, or page storage galleys, underneath the bank. In short, the Underneath Arrangements and the longitudinal divisions of the bank itself should be made to conform to the special conditions of each composing room. Linolite Lamps (as described on page 1300) may be placed on brackets and suspended over the bank. If the special conditions of a printing plant are detailed to the designers of the Efficiency Department of this Company, they will submit drawings showing such rearrangements of the bank here illustrated as may best meet the requirements of the buyer. The Underneath Arrangement of the table illustrated here has three long steel-lined receptacles for holding dead galleys, three steel bins for holding quoins and sidesticks, and twenty shelves for storing matter, all made of reinforced steel. Dimensions of American Dumping Bank No. 430 Length, 12 feet; depth, 22 inches; height to lower edge of bank, 42 inches; height to lower edge of take slug rack, 48 inches; height to copy hook bars, 67 inches; shelves, 26x21“/1 inches. Linolite Lamps extra, if required. Prices for this bank andfor other sizes and styles on application. American Dumping Bank No. 430 1292 Hamilton Steel Make-up and Storage Table No. 801 These tables are very practical for making-up the more intricate pages, such as Sunday edition matter. The make-up may have all the required matter under the table, including advertisements. These tables can be made any length and with Underneath Arrangements to suit special conditions. The construction is not only very strong, but is attractive. Frames of table and galley truck are of heavy steel, rigid and stable. The top surface is of steel. The bank is nine inches by seventy-two inches, and has adjustable division for leads, slugs, rules, etc., and is made of steel, brass-lined. The ends, back and drawer are of sheet steel. The galley shelves and the stationary storage shelves are of steel, properly reinforced. Color, olive green. The Underneath Arrangement of the table here illustrated has (left to right) a drawer; a movable Galley Truck by means of which live or dead matter is conveyed quickly and easily in a wholesale manner from or to any department of a composing room; three tiers of double-column galley shelves, each holding eighteen galleys, fifty-four in all; and fifteen storage shelves. Linolite Lamps (described on page 1300) may be added on brackets overhanging the bank, if desired. Dimensions of Hamilton Make-up and Storage Table No. 801 Length, 72 inches; depth, 25% inches over all; height to iron top, 381/.» inches; height to top of bank, 49 inches; galley shelves accommodate double-column galleys; storage shelves, 21 inches wide and 24 inches deep; drawer, 51A1x19“/4 X221/4 inches over all; overhead Hammon Steel Makempand St0,.ageTab1,. bank, 9 inches by 72 inches. Linolite Lamps extra. N0, 801 Prices of tins and other szzes and styles on application. Hamilton Steel Linotype Correcting Table No. 802 Flat tables are generally preferred for correcting linotype matter. No one style of Underneath Arrangement can meet all con- ditions, but for many plants this table will be found practical and effective. Another style is illustrated on page 1291. . .. .. V . . , The top is 72x25% inches, made of heavy levelled steel, with an opening 9‘ through which dead slugs are conveyed through a chute intoa self-dumping metal truck. The take slug rack, held on brackets at rear of table, is made of steel, and is (as shown in the illustration) divided for single and double column measures, but may be divided to suit any special requirements. The Underneath Arrangement includes (left to right) 3 steel drawers, each 22x22‘/_>x3% inches; 3 tiers of steel shelves for holding 54 double column galleys; a recess to accommodate a Hamilton Self-Dumping Metal Truck (described fully on pafie 1299); and 13 reinforced steel shelves for holding loaded ga eys. ' The construction is strong, durable and attractive. The ends and all supports are of double steel or; tubular construc- tion; the top and the storage shelves are of reinforced steel; the slug rack, back, drawers and galley shelves are of pressed steel. Color, olive green. ‘ This table may be purchased with or without the Hamilton Self-Dumping Metal Truck. Dimensions of American Linotype Correcting Table No. 802 Length, 72 inches; depth, 251/: inches; height to working top, 381/,» inches; height over all, 49 inches; size of take slug rack, 9x72 inches; size of galley storage shelves, 21x24 inches; size of drawers, 22x22‘/_>x37/4»: inches. Po'2'cesfor this table and for flamilton Self-Dumpivlg Metal Truck 097, a])).)l'?,'(,'(l~fi0’Il. American Linotype Correcting Table N o. 802 American All-Iron Make-up or Transfer Trucks Two styles are of- fered, each style at same prices. The strength, rigidity and stability of these trucks are unexcelled. They are practically indestructible. The swivel ball-bearing castors run easily and are easily guided. The Th ree-Leg Make- up or TransferTrucks are more easily guided than any four—leg trucks. All trucks, unless otherwise or- dered, are made 381/.» inches high. -‘5 §‘ z " -'-»x16x3‘/2 inches. The construction is strong, durable and attractive. The frame and top are made of reinforced steel, the drawers and back are made of pressed steel. Color, olive green. The heightis 381/.» inches, which is convenient for using the top for correcting, etc.; or the top may be used for storage purposes. Dimensions of Steel Galley Cabinet No. 655 Length, 72 inches; depth, 25% inches; height, 38 inches; size of drawers, 23‘/.»x16x3‘/-’_» inches. Price for this and for other sizes and styles on a1)plication. Steel Galley Cabinet No. 655 Hamilton Steel Page Storage Galley Cabinets This cabinet holds 62 galleys, each 8‘/_»x11“’; inches inside. Other sizes of this use- ful cabinet are made to order. When the cheapness and durability of pressed steel galleys are taken into con- sideration, together with the economy and convenience of carrying both live and dead matter on galleys rather than sliding the matter from and to movable letter boards (especially in the case of the smaller forms or pages) it will be found advisable to carry all such forms and pages on galleys, even if the full galleys are stored on the removable letter boards. Where there is a constant use of standard sizes of forms and pages, galleys can be made to fit such standard sizes, and cabinets (such as this one illustrated here) with runs instead of shelves to accommodate the gal- leys can be furnished, and will prove safe, space-saving, cleanly and con- venient. The construction of the Page Storage Galley Cabinet here illus- trated is strong, durable and attrac- tive. The frame and runs are of heavy steel, the sides and back of pressed steel. The galleys are also of pressed steel, and bottoms of standard galley thickness. Color, olive green. Dimensions and Contents of Page Storage Galley Cabinet No. 660* Capacity, 62 galleys, each 8'/.>xl1‘V1 inches inside. Height, 43 inches; width, 20"/: inches; depth, 131/: inches. I’9'ice for this cabinet and for other sizes on application. Steel Letter Board Cabinets These cabinets are unexcelled for convenience and utility. They occupy little space and can be placed in the most advantageous positions in com- mercial plants. _ Steel Letter Board Cabinet No. 576 The Cabinet here Illustrated has 22 steel letter boards,each 12x15 inches inside. The sides of the cabinet and the runs extend two inches beyond the letter boards, so that the latter may be pulled out to expose their entire contents without detaching them from the supporting runs. The construction is strong, durable and attractive. The frame and runs are made of heavy steel, the letter boards of reinforced steel, and the sides and back of pressed steel. Color, olive green. Dimensions and Contents of Steel Letter Board Cabinet No. 576* Capacity, 22 letter shelves, each 12x15 inches inside. Height, 43 inches; width. 19 inches; depth, 15‘/2 inches. Price on application. ‘As made the sides will be without the panel eflect shown in the illustrations. 1296 Page Storage Galley Cabinet No. 660 Steel Flat Top Galley Cabinets (For 0171,07‘ (iailley Cab1'nct.s' see page 1;—.’.‘)(»‘) These useful cabinets very forcibly illustrate the space-saving advantages of steel construction. The two-tier cabinet illustrated here accommodates 50 double—column galleys in the same (a little less, in fact) space occupied bya cabinet of wooden construction holding 40 galleys. This is a capacity increase of twenty-five per cent. The increase in durability is much greater. These steel cabinets are indestructible in regular use. Storage galleys are now so low-priced that in many plants it is found to be more economical and more convenient to store all standing matter on galleys in galley cabinets rather than on letter boards. The construction, is strong, durable and attractive. The frame, top and supports are made of reinforced steel; the back and the shelves are made of pressed steel. Color, olive green. Capacity and Dimensions of Steel Flat Top Galley Cabinets No. 6.50. holds 50 double-coluinn galleys, in two tiers. Height, 43 inches; width, 18”’: inches; depth, 241/: inches. » No. 651, holds 100 double-coluinn galleys, in four tiers. Height, 43 inches: width, 35 inches: depth, 241/: inches. V No. 652, holds 150 double-column galleys, in six tiers. Height, 43 inches; width, 51".: inches; depth. 241:: inches. I’)'i/('c.s' on (1,1)/)I1’<‘(zi‘z'<;/)2 for abore and other .s~i,;"e.s-. Numbers on upright opposite each shelf are extra. . Galley Tops will be furnished when specially ordered, and are extra. ;.~|,,t_1~,,p(;,,n,.V (~,,1,;m-t No.65!) Other sizes and styles of Galley Cabinets will be found in our Catalogue of Steel and Iron to hold 50 g1ille_\'s Equipments. Steel Galley Storage or Mail List Cabinets N o. 658 These are made in a variety of sizes. The top is of reinforced steel, capable of sustaining great weight. the runs are of strong angle iron, the ends and back of sheet steel. Color, olive green. A These cabinets afford the most compact and safe method of storing mail lists or other matter. Metal galleys are now furnished American Galley Storage or Mail liist Cabinet No (35% at such moderate prices that the most economical way of storing live or dead matter is to keep it on galleys rather than letter boards, unless the forms are large. The regular height of these cabinets is 38 inches, the correct height for a working table, and the steel tops of these cabinets may be used for correcting or any other purpose for which a table is convenient. American Galley Storage and Mail List Cabinets can be furnished any height desired or to suit any width or length of galley. The illustration is intended to show the construction and represent the large variety of such cabinets which can be supplied. The galleys are usually held flat with the matter secured in them, but the racks can be made to hold galleys at an angle suitable for storing unsecured matter. Dimensions of American Galley Storage or Mail List Cabinet No. 658 Capacity, 2:30 double column galleys. Length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 26 inches: height, 38 inches. l’rz'(-e of cabi'n.et (is “Ill/’ll.\‘t?'(“lf(’(I’ and for other sizes on app/i7('(Lfio)1. Wrought Iron Case Stands These are made of wrought iron pipe, threaded together rigidly at all joints: the runs are made of angle iron; the galleylrests are of steel. Very durable and well-appearing. No better case stands are made. The prices listed below apply to stands holding full-size, quarter or Rooker size cases. List Prices and Capacities of \Vrought Iron Case Stands In or(Icrz'n_r/ it is ?Z(’(‘(’.\‘.s'(I)'_I/ to .s'f(l.f(’ the .s'i.:4' «>_/'mi.x-es the sleuth: (1 re *requ1're(,1 to hold. No. 901. Single Stand, without runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .$ 9 00 No. 902. Single, with runs for 8 full cases (see illustration) . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 25 No. 903. Single, with runs for 8 full cases and galley rest . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . 13 25 No. 90-1. Double Stand, without runs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 30 No. 905. Double, with runs for ts’ full cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 50 No. 906. Double, with runs for >4 full cases and galley rest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 50 No. 907. Double, with runs for ks‘ full cases, galley rest and 16 galley racks . . . . . . . . 27 50 No. 908. Double, with runs for 8 full and 8 two—third cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 50 No. 909. Double, with runs for 16 full cases and galley rest . 21 70 No. 910. Double, with runs for ts’ full and 8 two—third cases, galley restandilfi galley racks 30 00 Extra runs, attached, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Wrought Iron Case Racks These are made of wrought iron pipe, threaded together rigidly at all joints: the runs are ma(le of angle iron. No. 911. Rack to hold 12 cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $16 00 No. 912. Rack to hold 16 cases . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 00 No. 913. Rack to hold 20 cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 No. 914. Rack to hold 24 cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 00 N0. Rack t0 l')()l(l 30 (‘E1803 . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 \\r,~(,m:},1 1,-(,,,(j;,.\.,.5mm1 N,,_ gm-_g N0. DOUbl€ t0 l1()l(l . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36 (shownwilhczisesi 1297 Drying Rack and Stock Table No. 917 A very useful piece of pressroom equipment in commercial printing plants. The top serves for piling paper ready for the presses or for handling printed matter when ready for delivery. Underneath there a_re twenty-four large. Streng Steel drawers. each 30x30 Drying Rack andflstock Table No. 917 Hamilton Steel Form Rack N o. 935 This Form Rack is a fine example of the printing office equipments of the future. In compactness, in the security with which it holds the forms, in the range of sizes of forms which it accommodates it leaves nothing to be desired. Added to this efiiciency is practical inde- structibility in its proper use. It is capable of sustain- ing much more than the maximum weight that can be put into it. Another great feature is the ease with which it may be kept clean. Nothing is concealed. There are no hiding places for dirt. The frame and racks are of heavy steel in tubular construction, rigid, strong, durable and attractive in appearance. Color, olive green. Dimensions and Capacity of Hamilton Steel Form Rack No. 935 Holds 72 chases (24 in each rack); width, 54 inches; height, 6 feet 9 inches; depth, over all, 23 inches. Prices for this Form Rack and for other sizes on application. Steel Bindery Work Tables The accompanying illustration is to call attention to the fact that all sorts of printing plant equipment can be supplied by us in steel and iron, fire-proof and indestruc- tible, and maintaining good appearance long after wooden equipments have gone into the furnace. The top of the Steel Bindery Work Table here illus- trated is of level reinforced steel; the frame of 1%-in. iron pipe, strongly braced with the same material, all joints being threaded together, making a perfectly rigid and stable construction. They are also made with steel frames instead of pipe frames. The color is olive green. Bindery equipments of this style are made to order to any specifications. The standard height of bindery work tables is 32 inches, but other heights can be fur- nished if preferred. Dimensions of Steel Bindery Work Tables No. 775, pipe frame; length, 6 feet; depth, 3 feet; height, 32 inches; approximate weight, 175 pounds. 0. 776, steel frame; dimensions same as those of preceding item; approximate weight, 125 pounds. No. 777, pipe frame (as per illustration); length, 9 feet 6 inches; depth, 3 feet; height, 32 inches; approximate weight, 225 pounds. No. 778, steel frame; dimensions same as those of pre- ceding item; approximate weight, 175 pounds. No. 779, pipe frame; length, 12 feet; depth, 3 feet 6 inches; height, 32 inches; approximate weight, 275 pounds. 0. 780, steel frame; dimensions same as those of preceding item; approximate weight, 220 pounds. Prices for above tables and tables of other sizes on application. » i l S 1 ‘I I ., _ ...... ..:....~.u.¢.va'-lu.’>1'-i-"u'>"au.a‘l...—-r 1298 inches and 1% inches deep inside, with pulls on both sides, arranged to give ample circulation of air between them. These drawers may be pulled out of the rack on either side. Tables of other sizes are made to order, with or with- out drying racks. The Underneath Arrangement can be varied to suit all requirements. Bins or shelves can be substituted for drying racks. The construction is strong, durable and attractive. The frame and central supports are made of heavy iron pipe rigidly threaded together at all joints; the top is of sheet steel, smooth, rigid and capable of sus- taining great weight; the drawers are of wood, with steel fronts. Color, olive green. The bottoms of the drawers have 1%-inch openings at 15/s-inch intervals, to permit extra circulation of air through all the drawers. Contents and Dimensions of Drying Rack and Stock Table No. 917 Contains twenty-four drawers, each 3Ox30x1‘/2 inches inside; length of table, 69 inches; depth, 32 inches; height, 40 inches. Price on application. Hamilton Steel Form Rack No. 935 ,, .._ “.4, .. -. ........»...u........ 4... .....o............... - Steel Bindery Work Table No 777 Steel Self-Dumping Metal Trucks These two trucks were designed by men practical in handling material in newspaper composing rooms, with a View to economizing in time. The Hamilton is specially adapted for use under correcting and breaking-up tables, having chutes leading into the trucks. he American is better adapted for use with tables in which the dead slug bins are part of the tables. The construction of the American is such that it can be dumped clean with the least possible effort. The economical feature is facility for self-dumping; any other style of trucks increases labor cost. The construction of both trucks is substantial and both are designed for maximum durability under rough usage. American Self-Dumping Metal Truck has frame and box in one strong steel construction. The box is balanced on 8-inch wheels with oval-shaped tires and a swivel roller-bearing castor at the handle end. The other end is a strong door, held by two strong locking-levers. When receiving metal, these locking- levers are held securely by a pin in the side brackets which engages in a notch in each locking—lever. To empty the box, the levers are lifted about 0 n e i n c h their handle-bar, and . - - A T I L “ when the truck is so . . tilted the door Hamilton Self-Il‘1)(i)1.rn81;i5ig Metal Ti uck v_ is Opeped by the weight of the contents. When tilted the box is at a sharp angle, and all the slugs run out freely. The truck handle-bar is high enough to enable the oper- ator to direct the truck without stooping. Hamilton Self-Dumping Metal Truck has a frame of semi-steel, on castors with broad tires, controlled by a handle—bar, and easily directed. The box is made of heavily—riveted pressed steel, hung on a substantial shaft. The box is dumped very easily by disengaging the hand lever. When empty the box automatically recovers its upright position. Color, olive green. Dimensions of Steel Self-Dumping Trucks Hamilton Self—Dumping Truck No. 850: length, 24% inches; width, 18% inches; height, 221/; inches; all over all. . Price on application. ' "’ American Self-Dumping Truck No. 851: length of box, 22 inches; width of box, 16 inches; height of box, 12 inches; height to upper handle-bar, 32 inches. Price on application. American self-Dumping Metal Truck No. 851 American Matrix Tissue Holder The object of this recent invention is to make it easy to paste up stereotype flongs quickly and easily and in better shape than can be done by the old method. This is the invention of a practical stereotyper, and it has proved very practical and popular wherever used. This apparatus enables one operator to lay the tissue sheets smoothly and rapidly on the pasted matrix paper. The sup- ply of tissue paper is held on the movable shelf A, under a rubber cover, which keeps it flat and clean. This shelf runs freely between eight grooved wheels at F. The matrix paper is kept on movable shelf D (see cut below). The matrix paper is pasted when on the marble top B; the operator draws the shelf B toward him as he stands at G, and releases one tissue, which he secures with h_1s fingers on the near edge of the pasted matrix paper. He then lifts the matrix roller from the brackets GG and rolls tissue in the usual manner. As the matrix roller is pushed over the paper it draws the tissue down from the shelf A, and at the same time pushes the shelf A back. The tissue lies flat and unwrinkled, and is always squared with the other sheets of the flong. , The matrix paste is kept on movable shelf E. A paste—holder is pro- vided, but no brush. The apparatus is on castors, so that it can be used in - ~ an advantageous position ' ' " ' and returned to any little used place in the stereo department. The shelf A is in an iron frame, the top is marble, the frame of wood. The hand matrix roller is extra. This appa- ratus is also f u r n i s h e d without the stand, with bracket for at- taching to a American Matrix Tissue Holder with Matrix Roller in Use beating table, List Prices and Dimensions of American Matrix Tissue Holder Length, when extended, 60 inches; length, when not extended, 42 inches; width, when extended, 62 inches; width, when not ex- tended, 28 inches; height, to marble top, 36 inches. List price, with Paste Holder, but without Hand Matrix Roller and Brush Price without Stand, including only Shelf A and a Bracket for attachingto beatingtable. . . . . . . 55 MERICAN TYPE FOUNDERS CO. A Hand Matrix Roller, solid iron, 2.0-inch cylinder '(6'co1umn.s)' . . . 9 00 Hand Matrix Roller, solid iron, 22-inch cylinder (7 columns) . . . 10 00 _ _ ‘_ Hand Matrix Roller, solid iron, 24-inch cylinder (8 columns) . . . 11 00 A”“~“"°a“ M3‘“"‘ '1'*“S‘“‘ H""l“"' R°‘“l-V f°’ US“ StereotypePasteBrush 300 Weights: Matrix Tissue Holder, complete, 476 pounds; without stand, 150 pounds. Hand Matrix Rollers, 20-inch. 54 pounds; 22 inch, 60 pounds; 24-inch, 66 pounds. Stereotype Paste Brush, 11/; pounds. 1299 Flexityp Dry Cold Stereotype Flong Flexityp Flongs are unexcelled for rapid results in getting press starters on the press. With them a good matrix is made in one minute. The operation is explained below. Flexityp Flongs are unexcelled among dry flongs, but dry flongs are recommended only where time and economy are the first considerations. All claims to the contrary notwithstanding, the properly prepared wet flong used expertly on efficient drying tables produces the better matrix. Where “ad” matrices are exchanged Flexityp Flongs enable the users to produce a number of matrices as quickly and as easily as running off a corresponding number of proofs on a galley proof press. The quality of stereotypes procurable from Flexityp Flongs is so good, the time saved by their use so important, the wear and tear of forms so . reduced, and the comfort of stereotyping so greatly increased by eliminating the drying tables (especially in hot weather), that an increasing number of O publishers prefer to stereotype by this method entirely. The daily news- paper with the largest circulation in Great Britain has discarded drying tables in favor of dry cold flongs. The leading newspapers of Germany a O y p e 0 (where this invention originated) have very generally discarded drying tables. In America the progress of dry cold flongs has been retarded by ignorance of the correct method of using them. Matrix Rolling Machines, which are ordinarily geared to pass over the form in five seconds, must be re-geared to pass over the form at the very slow speed of thirty seconds. It is essential to give ample time to make the impression, and it is essential to use the right kind and right thickness of felt blanket, and ample pressure. All these conditions being right, there will be no difficulty in procuring stereotypes of uniform good quality from Flexityp Cold Stereotype Flongs. Consider the collateral advantages: The form is never heated. As soon as the impression is taken (or a number of impressions) the form is returned for make-overs, and can be handled immediately, instead of being excessively hot, as it often is when it leaves the drying tables. The forms may be moulded a number of times in succession, at intervals of forty-five seconds, so that starters may be put into a number of boxes almost simultaneously. It is possible to get one press started in a minute and a half after closing the last form. Many newspapers which make a specialty of late baseball news have been doing this constantly for four or five years. When a number of forms reach the stereotyping room together, a few minutes before the edition closes, Flexityp enables them to be handled with the greatest ease and without delaying the presses. Where the wet flongs and drying tables are preferred, Flexityp may be used as an auxiliary for use in emergencies, such as receipt of news important enough to stop the presses, or when frequent make-overs are necessary. Directions for use are furnished with the first order. When the form reaches the matrix rolling machine the Flexityp Flong is laid on (smooth side on type) and covered with a moulding blanket of good quality and a rubber blanket; then run very slowly (thirty seconds at least) under matrix roller. Trim at head and sides only; bake bone-dry in dryer; cut tail at gauge and apply packing where necessary; dust with French chalk, and cast. If a large number of casts are required rub the matrix with cocoanut oil after half a dozen casts. Prices and Dimensions of Flexityp Dry Cold Stereotype Flongs Size, 19x25 inches. Minimum quantity sold is one dozen. List Prices, per sheet; lots of 12, at 40 cents; not less than 25, at 37‘/2 cents; not less than 50, at 35 cents; not less than 75, at 32% cents; not less than 100, at 30 cents; lots of not less than 200, 27‘/2 cents. Directions gratis with first order. Linolite System of Lighting We have adopted the Linolite System of Lighting for such equipments as require to have lights attached to them, on account of the superior diffusion of light as compared with bulb lamps. A Linolite Lamp (see Fig. 1) is literally a line oflight. It is an im- provement on the ordinary bulb lamp. In the bulb lamp there is a coil of filament through which the electric current enters and leaves at the same end. In the Linolite Lamp a tube nearly a foot long is sub- stituted for the bulb, and the electric current enters at one end of it and comes out at the other. It is self- ,_ evident that the light is diffused over a larger area by the tube, and, in addition, the extent of reflection by means of reflectors is much more than proportion- ately increased. Linolite Lamps are used exclusively in reflectors, and they can be removed from a reflector and replaced in a second or two. The position of a ANCHOR LEADING in WlRES Linolite Lamp in its Reflector is shown in Fig. 2. The Reflector also effectively protects the eyes from the glare of the lamps. Fig. 1 A Linolite Tubular Carbon Lamp For composing room equipments two kinds of Lino- lite Reflectors are used. Where the light is to be diffused downward and laterally in all directions (as, for in- stance, in the American Make—up Tables shown on page 1290) the Type A Reflector (Fig. 3) is used. Except where cabinets, banks and tables are placed against the wall, Type A Reflectors are used, as shown on Mills Extra Strong Cabinets on page 1288. When any equipments requiring overhead lighting are placed against a wall, or when it is required to light cases in racks of cabinets or shelves in the underneath arrangements of tables, etc., then Type L Reflectors (Fig. 4) are used, because they diffuse the light downward and out- ward toward the compositors or make-ups, and do not waste it on the wall. Linolite Reflectors are sold by the foot, in units of twelve inches, at the same price per foot, whether holding one or several lamps. If a continuous line of light (i. e., lamps) is not required in a reflector the lamps may be placed in a reflector with any desired intervals be- tween them. There is no limit to length of reflectors. Linolite Lamps are easily taken from and replaced in the reflectors. Fig. 2. Single Linolite Lamp in Reflector (Sectional View) List Prices of Linolite Reflectors and Lamps Type A Reflector for one lamp, with clip for attaching to bracket, but without bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type A Reflector for two or more lamps (Fig. 3), with clips for attaching to brackets, but without brackets, per foot . . Type L Reflector for one lamp, with clip for attaching to bracket, but without bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Type L Reflector for two or more lamps (Fig. 4), with clips for attaching to brackets, but without brackets, per foot Linolite Tubular Lamp, carbon filament (Fig. 1), for 100 to 125 volts, 16 candle power, each . . . . . . . . . . Linolite Tubular Lamp, tungsten filament, 25 watts, 20 candle power, 25-32 volts, each . . Linolite Tubular Lamp, tungsten filament, 35 watts, 28 candle power, 25-32 volts, each . bfilvrdvivinheng 2888888 These prices for unattached Reflectors and Lamps are sub- ject to liberal discounts. , p . Brackets and all other means ‘ “ of attaching to Cabinets, Banks, etc., and wiring for connection are extra, and are included in the prices listed with each kind of equipment requiring Linolite Lamps. Fig. 3. Type A Reflector, with Three Lamps, showing reflecting area, which in use is hidden from the eyes , . Wherever in a printing plant the light requires to be concen- trated the use of the Linolite ,. ; System is recommended. I W _,______ ___ .,__.____,,.,* ' The money value of eflicient Fig. 4. Type L Reflector, with Four Lamps, showing reflecting area, which in use is hidden from the eyes hghtlng In composing. roorns ls _ _ too little appreciated. The work of the compositors cannot be done so quickly or so efficiently in composing rooms which are imperfectly lighted. The more dif- fused a. light is the nearer it approximates sunlight on banks, tables, imposing tables, and case stands. All lights on such equip- ments should be concealed in reflectors. The reflectors diffuse the light naturally, and protect the eyes from the blinding effects of unprotected electric lamps. 1300 National Ingot Casters These Ingot Casters, three sizes of which are made, are easily attached to any metal furnace, Without being connected to the furnace, merely hanging over the upper edge of the furnace. In attaching them to metal furnaces the only \ expert work required is that of a plumber to make water connections, as the mould is water-cooled. Two men can easily remove the caster from the metal pot and replace it as easily. The National Ingot Caster illustrated here is the size most in use. It casts thirty-two (32) linotype or sixty-four (64) monotype ingots of regular size each minute, the fluid metal being pumped into the moulds by means of the long lever, and the ingots discharged by pulling back the short lever, which opens and closes the moulds. This is very quick work—fully 33% per cent quicker than ingots can be pro- duced by any other method. In addition to the advantages of rapid output, there is the greater advantage of producing \ ingots that are uniformly clean and free from dross. The metal is always pumped from the "\-N bottom of the pot where it is found thoroughly mixed. Clean metal improves the quality of the work, and effects a number of important indirect savings. Users of these National Ingot Casters report very favorably on them: " We turn out the required number of ingots in one~fifth the time.” "I find it a fuel-saver. I now cast once a week, instead of every day, and save five tons of coal per year.” “We cast an average of 1,200 ingots, or two and a half tons of metal a day. and the saving is immense.” “ Casting our ingots formerly required several hours of one man’s time each day. We now produce the same number, of better quality, in twelve minutes.” hree sizes are made, as per particulars below. These casters are in use in over fifty plants. As furnished, the National Ingot Casters produce linotype ingots 6% x2‘/2x"/s inches, weighing 3 pounds. This size has been adopted because it is better than the old size. It casts quicker. As shown in Fig. 1, the long, thin ingot is put into the metal pot without splash or danger of burning the hand. As shown in Fig. 2, the long, thin ingot stands better in the ingot holder, which is thus made to carry nearly twice as much metal as formerly. If specially ordered the ingot moulds are made to cast 63/8 x21/2 x V; inches (weight of ingot, 2 pounds), or any other thickness up to 7A; inch, without extra charge. Other shapes are made to order at reasonable extra charges. As furnished, the National Ingot Cas- ters produce monotype ingots 3 x 2% x ‘V: , inches, weighing 1% pounds, which is the size and weight recommended by the man- ufacturers of the monotype machines. National Ingot Caster Attached to Metal Furnace The National Ingot Caster may be operated with metal pots of one ton and greater _ . _ _ _ -t Fig. 1. Shows c.on.vcnic-nce of long linotype ingot, which capéfllieyllunior National Ingot Caster may be operated with metal pots of 500 pounds and ‘S 3"“ "‘t° 9”‘ ‘‘’"‘h‘’“'‘ *‘‘’'“‘‘'h‘“’‘’ greater capacity. An illustration of this apparatus will be sent on application. _ The words “Mono” and “Lino” are inserted in the moulds without extra charge, if‘ request is made when order for caster is placed. A short name or initials of users will be put in the mould, for which an extra charge is made. Prices and Particulars of National Ingot Casters Junior National Ingot Caster, for plants using five or six machines . . . . . . . . . . $100 00 National Ingot Caster, the size most used, as illustrated . . . . . . . ._ . . ._ . . . . . 20000 National Ingot Caster No. 4, for largest newspaper plants and plants in which a caster is used continuously, metal merchants, etc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300 00 Extra for inserting initials or short name in linotype ingot mould . . . . . . . . . . . 18 00 Extra for inserting initials or short name in monotype ingot mould . . . . . . . . . 23 75 Shipping weights: Junior National, 200 pounds; National, 300 pounds; National No. 4, 450 pounds. The Government Printing Office at Washington, D. C., is using four No. 4 National Ingot Casters. National Ingot Casters are in use in the following well-known plants_: Globe, Boston, Mass.; Enterprise, Brockton, Mass.; Times, Brockton, Mass.; Daily Evening Itemi, Lynn, Mass.; Evening News, Salem, Mass.; Republican, Springfield, Mass.; Phelps Publishing _Co., Springfield, Mass.; Journal, Providence, R. I.; Times, Pawtucket, R. I.; Free Press, Burling- ton, Vt.; Courier-Citizen, Lowell, Mass.; Globe (2), _I-Ierman Feinberg and Wm. B. Dana_Co., New York City; Herald, Syracuse, N. Y.; American, Baltimore, Md.; North American, Philadelphia, Pa.; Star, Toronto, Canada; Telegram, Toronto, Canada; Canada Metal Company; S”e°%‘°*iHis“‘£f°*§ "“"£€da‘ T"‘c”~“:S'iz“" €?:"’€f::°:‘§’:i S3-..‘;°i:':i:i‘:; Bee’ ma a’! e '; ta’/r’ ansas I y! 0'; era’ ’ a a e 1 y’ -; T’ ' ' ' hows how well the lon linot )e in ot iicks in Cal.; Call, San Francisco, Cal; Oregonian, Portland, 01:52.; Spokesman-Revieiq, Spokane, Wash. -' F“; 2 S ingot holdfl. Y1 K p The Times-Mirror C0,, Los Angeles, Cal., writes: The Ingot Caster which we purchased _ _ _ _ from you prior to October 1, was salvaged from the wreck of the Times building, and 1S now again in active use. It works satisfac- torily, and is a labor-saving as well as a time-saving apparatus.” _ _ _ _ The Boston Globe’s superintendent of stereoptying writes: One metal is used_in this entire plant. Your Ingot Caster has been used under my supervision for the past three months, and has given entire satisfaction. We cast an average of 1,200 ingots. or two-and—a-half tons of metal each day. The ingots are convenient in size and shape. 1301 C6 Electrotyping Plants and Photo-Engraving Plants EIEIEIIBEIEIEIIEEIEIEIIEEIIEIEIEIEIEIEI The Department of Specialized Outfits of the American Type Founders Company is pre- pared to install plants complete in every de- tail for electrotyping and photo-engraving. Although not manufacturers, our sales of such plants are made at the manufacturers’ lowest prices. No one manufacturer excels in all machines and appliances used in platemaking. The ideal and most effective plant is one made up of the best machines of each 1nanufac- turer. Plants sold by this Company are thus selected, and afford advantages not procur- able from any one manufacturer. The Department of Specialized Outfits,Which furnishes estimates and ‘installs platemaking plants, is in charge of those'who are recog- nized authorities in all matters relating to platemaking, with a long and successful ex- perience in installing platemaking plants. EIEIEIEIEEIEADDRESSEJEIEIEIIEEIEI DPZPARTMENT OF SPECIALIZED OUTFITS American‘ Type Founders Co. I__ J Set in ]‘»mI