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Mm L L 3 4&4. ....L L LLL LL L L L L LL fL+..L...u 3. .M_L .. 3% LL . L . . ..L L L LL L LL L L L B L.LL.LL L. re... vr H'*wo> L. .2 L. V v .L. .3 w L MLLLL. L M..L¢L...LmMu L LL L L L L5 . . LLLL LL % L L L L LL .L.;L ...LLL L L L LL L L LL L L L. L L LL L.+wo4¢..%..oL . ¢ L L 4 Lu ....m.w.M 3 ‘3.‘5‘i*« .LL 3... L L»... La L 1... L L L Y L .6 La.» . LsL LL %LL ;$§. L qL . L -Lvv.&L. L L five? X L . IL .. L L LL L LL L .L..L..L L LVLJLJV .. L L L L LL L L L LL L L L L. LLLLLLLLLLELL L ;.L«Lw.LwL.Lm..y....Lv L L L L .Lm..€ .L£.L..~..m..L L L L L _ LL L L L L L L L LL L LL wfi ERRATA. Page 62, Lining Aldine Condensed. 6 point should read 30A can instead of 20 A. 8 point should read 63 a lower Case instead of 68 a. Page l8_8. _ ' 1()po1nt Caledoman No.5 instead of 19 point. Page 220. 30 point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 should read 9A can instead of 12 A. Page 440. Bard Open should read. Cast on Uni- form Line instead of Cap Line. Page 482. EIl$II‘21\'CI'S Title ts‘ point No.4 and 10 point No. 5 speciniexi lines should be transposed. Size of fonts and prices are correct as given. Page 600. Goethe No.5 5 A 14 a 24 point Goethe No. 5 should read 20 point instead of 24 point. Page 830. l\'ewspaper Ileadings. 48 point I.uxor No. 5 showing heading set in can and lower case should read 48 point Luxor No. 55. Page 833. Newspaper Ileadings. 60 point Lining I)eV'inne showing heading: set in can and lowercase should rezul 60 point Lining l)e\”'inne No. 55. _« «. 7-_":.‘-.—.=<.\(.Li ’ University of Mi§§ouri— Columbia Lib1*a1*i<:§ Dreascntsd Through The Ft‘iCf1d§ of the Libraries by DR. PAUL FISHER BOOK OF TYPE SPECIMENS COMPRISING A LARGE VARIETY OF SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES RULES, BORDERS. GALLEYS, PRINTING PRESSES, ELECTRIC-WELDED CHASES PAPER AND CARD CUTTERS. WOOD GOODS, BOOKBINDING MACHINERY ETC., TOGETHER WITH VALUABLE INFORMATION TO THE CRAFT. SPECIMEN BOOK NO. 9 I I I I BARNHART BROS. 8: SPINDLER TYPE FOUNDERS CHICAGO, ILLINOIS, U. S. A. TO THE TRADE A’ 30 better evidence is needed of our po- sition in the van of the great forward and upward movement in the printing industry than that disclosed by the con- tents of this book. A comparison with our earlier specimens will show the marked advance we have made in the art of letter designing, and an examination of our product will prove our progress in letter founding. All of this has been possible through the patron- age of our printer friends to whom we cordially acknowledge our indebtedness. Without this hearty support we could not have attained the perfection we have reached; without it we would have lacked the incentive that has enabled us to lead our competitors. In this specimen book we present for the first time, in a fixed and permanent manner, our latest and best productions. We are certain that it will be thoroughly and appreciatively examined, and in- telligently criticised; that something of the pride we have in it will be imparted to those interested. But only ourselves can know the amount of thoughtful care and sustained effort expended in its production. Herein we show more faces cast Point-Line, Point-Set, Point-Body, than can be found in any specimen book ever issued. Only Superior Copper- Mixed Metal, the most durable known, is used. As we lead in Type, so do we lead in the produc- tion of Chases, Brass Galleys, Electrotypes, Leads, Slugs and the full line of Printing Supplies. The Book is a Complete Compendium; the only book of its kind needed in a printing oflice; a well- rounded, instructive, valuable book. We recom- mend it to the careful study of every printer. BARNHART BROS. 8: SPINDLER Chicago. Ill.. U. S. A. THIS SPECIMEN BOOK SUPERSEDES ALL TYPE BOOKS ISSUED BY US IN THE PAST. ‘». Medal awarded Barnhart Bros. 8; Spindler, at the World‘s Columbian Exposition. at Chicago in 1893. DO NOT MUTILATE THIS SPECIMEN BOOK BY CUTTING OUT LINES OF TYPE OR CUTS. QUOTE ONLY NAME AND NUMBER AND YOU WILL RECEIVE WHAT YOU ORDER. 3 N HISTORICAL SKETCH IFTEEN years ago, the Inland Printer spoke of Barnhart Bros. 8; Spindler as possessing “one of the finest and largest type cast- ing foundries in the world.” It is only upon some occasion more or less important to ourselves, and, as we think, distinctly marking the progress of our success and growth, that we stop for a moment and revert to the time of beginning-—to that com- mencement which now seems so small and laborious, and of the existence of which we almost doubt, so insignificant is it by comparison, and so slow the development. Like the boy: to his family and friends he passes from youth to manhood over night, but to himself how tardy has been his growth to manis estate! If our friend of fifteen years ago should write again today, he would find even greater reasons for his expressions of surprise at the magnitude of our business, and the extent of the facilities provided to meet it. He would find that every department then in existence had trebled and quadrupled, while a number of others had been organized to introduce lines of manufacture then undreamed of; he would find that two buildings, each sixty feet front and six stories and basement, then but partly occupied, were now crowded to the utmost, making a total of 100,000 square feet, with an overflow in two other buildings equivalent to three additional stories, and an ever increasing cry for more space; he would find that our associate houses in the United States have grown from four to eight, with nine prominent connections beside; and two other establishments, practically branches, established in foreign countries; that from Australia to St. Petersburg, from Liverpool to Tokyo, agencies are more numerous and busier than ever before in distributing our unrivaled products, and increasing the prestige of Superior Copper-Mixed Type; he would find that now we better deserve to be placed with the largest and finest of our kind, for undoubtedly we are the largest type foundry in the world that has grown from its own beginning, without the aid of consoli- dation or combination with any other at any point in its history. In short, our friend would find such great increases everywhere that should he write with particu- larity he would consume much more time and space than were required before. He might even surprise ourselves, for fifteen years ago we believed the quarters then just occupied sufficient to accommodate us for all time. We are grateful for the marked appreciation of the craft that has made this result possible. We have tried to deserve it. As type founders, we have striven by excellence of design and superiority of manufacture to maintain the position accorded us, and to benefit the printing world through beauty of type faces and durability of metal. The satisfactory issue of our efforts cannot be better sub- stantiated than by the demand that has made our growth possible, a demand that is constantly compelling even a larger growth. \’ll AN HISTORICAL SKETCH Should other evidence be required it is furnished in the pages following this. The sending forth of a new Specimen Book marks a strong step forward, record— ing unmista_kable extension and improvement. To know just how well we have done, and how much accomplished, comparison with books that have gone before is necessary; and as we follow them back along the line to the first, and recall the conditions under which each was given to the world, we are filled with thank- fulness that we were able to do so well with the multitude of details involved in every page. It is one of the times upon which the spirit of retrospection takes possession of our souls; and we find this a fitting time and place to record somewhat minutely the progress of our firm. The bit of history we append will interest many of our friends, some of whom have entered our doors at frequent intervals since the business began. Sometime about 1850, Herman F. Toepfer, with his family, consisting of four sons and two daughters, left Saxe Weimer, Germany, where he had been engaged in a small way in type founding. Setting up in New York the small foundry he had brought with him, and adding two hand machines and other small improvements, he immediately began the casting of German type. Failing in that measure of success which he believed his skill and exertions warranted, he later removed to Chicago, where his foundry was presently absorbed by the Chicago Type Foundry. Two of the family, Herman and Charles, became members of the firm of Scofield, Marder, Toepfer 8L Co., proprietors of the Chicago Type Foundry, and had direction of the manufacturing end of the business. In 1867 the Toepfers withdrew from the firm, and in the following year established at 74 and 76 Madison Street, the Great Western Type Foundry, for the casting of English and German types. The business proved unprofitable. Sales were limited to the capacity of two hand—casting machines, and these were in use irregularly. Death followed rapidly a poor business season, and within four months the father and two sons were buried in quick succession. Upon these deaths the business temporarily devolved upon Herman Toepfer, until such time as it could be sold to close the estate. In June, 1869, the business was purchased by Geo. "W. Barnhart, Warren Barnhart, A. E. Barnhart, A. M. Barnhart, Chas. E. Spindler, and Herman Toepfer, who continued it under the title of the Great Western Type Foundry, as before. In 1870 Herman Toepferis interest was purchased by A. M. Barnhart, the firm of Barnhart Bros. 8: Spindler was created as a copartnership, and, in December 1883, was incorporated under the same name. The following were the first officers of the corporation: President, A. M. Barnhart; Vice President, C. E. Spindler; Secretary, Warren Barnhart; Treasurer, A. E. Barnhart. Directors: A. M. Barnhart, Warren Barnhart, A. E. Barnhart, Angie S. Barnhart, Chas. E. Spindler, S. G. Stein, and Charles Murray. Of the Toepfers, Charles, the eldest son, excelled as a type founder. l“Ie (lied in 1869, close upon the deaths of his father and a brother in 1868. The two remaining sons died on Long Island, N. Y., about the year 1876. With the new management came also an era of immediate prosperity. The first large order received was for a dress for the Illinois Staats Zeitung, soon followed by a similar one from the Chicago Tribune. The securing of these \'|H AN HISTORICAL SKETCH orders, with others of less magnitude, though important at the time, brought the new foundry into instant prominence, and the management soon suffered from a business growing in volume faster than it was possible to furnish facilities to meet it. Out of this embarrassment came the positive assurance of future success and greatness, and this encouragement was in no degree dimmed by the tremen- dous difficulties that must be met. Then was formed that policy of careful, conservative, exacting procedure that has made this firm one of the most powerful of its kind. Of the obstacles to be overcome one was uncontemplated, that of October, 1871, when Chicago was converted into piles of ashes and heaps of ruins. The foundry was completely destroyed except a limited number of matrices saved only by prompt action by individual members of the firm. These were removed four times during the progress of the fire, each time to a supposedly safe place, and finally to the West Side near Union Park, a portion of the city untouched by the calamity. Before the disorder of the conflagration had subsided, arrangements were made for new headquarters on the fourth floor of 49 West Randolph Street. Here, with two casting machines, shipped by express through the courtesy of an Eastern connection, and the remnants from the fire, operations were resumed under disadvantages that would discourage persons possessed with less energy and zeal. Every single article had to be carried up three flights of narrow stairs by muscular force alone. An improvement was made in this condition when, a few months later, the adjoining floor was secured, and a windlass hoist was rigged on the alley side of the building. During this period so great was the congestion and confusion in the various railroad yards, that it was frequently necessary to personally locate cars in order to secure and obtain freight. In the spring of 1872 the prospects were so flattering for an increase in business, that a room was secured on the second floor of the same building, which was used as an office and salesroom until May, 1873, when the foundry was moved to the second floor of 107 and 109 Madison Street. Here, a front floor space of 30x10() feet, and a rear floor space of 60x70 feet, held the entire plant of Barnhart Bros. 8; Spindler. in this location, in the year 1874, the publication of The Type Founder, was begun. From this time the growth of the business was marvelous. Several additional casting machines were secured, steam power being applied to a number of them. This innovation was made possible by inventions of employes, and, with other improvements, increased materially the facilities for the manufacture of type and other material. The work of bringing out a specimen book, the first, had been begun before the fire, which destroyed most of the forms. Not until 1873 was the book finally completed. It comprised 200 pages, made up largely of the products of astern foundries, for whom we were agents, the exceptions being a small variety of body faces, and less than a dozen series of plain display faces of our own manufacture. In 1876 the building at 146 Fifth Avenue, 20x80 feet, was occupied. With four floors and a basement, giving superfluous space, and a twelve horse-power IX AN HISTORICAL SKETCH engine and twenty horse-power boiler, it was confidently felt that here for a good long time the firm might rest in peace with no thought of flitting. In a short time, however, there was no superfluous space, and in 1880 a removal to 115 and 117 Fifth Avenue was necessary. This four story and basement double front building did not suffice for long. A fifth story was added; the building No. 113 was erected and occupied. Later additional room containing 11,000 square feet at 48 and 50 North Clinton Street was rented for machine repairing. From 1880 to 1891 the growth of the concern surpassed all calculations. During this period no unusual inducements through absurd discounts were offered buyers by rival houses, and printers bought Superior Copper-Mixed Type in preference to that cast by competitors from ordinary metal. New casting machines were added, and the facilities in every department increased and improved. While these walked, the demand ran; and the desperate attempts made to have the one overtake the other resulted in but momentary gleams of encouragement. Finally in April, 1892, removal was made to the present location, 183, 185, and 187 Monroe Street. of which we spoke in the early paragraphs of this article. In 1882, Chas. Murray became a member of the company, assuming the duties of superintendent of the manufacturing department; at the same time Mr. Spindler, who had been superintendent since the business started, was compelled to retire on account of ill health, but he still retains his interest in the company, and is frequently present at company meetings. In 1887, W. H. French, previously Asst. General Manager of the Associated Press, was admitted as a stockholder, took charge of the Correspondence Depart- ment, and a little later was elected a Director and Secretary of the company. M. W. Barnhart, a nephew of the senior members, became a stockholder in 1896. Later he took charge of the Purchasing Department and was made a Director. In 1904 he was elected Treasurer. H. C. Lewis became a stockholder in 1890, and soon after was elected a Director and given charge of the Credit Department. He is now President of the Barnhart Type Foundry Company, of New York, as also General Manager of the National Paper and Type Company of New York, a corporation which markets the Barnhart products in Mexico, Central America, South America, and the West Indies. In 1888, Charles R. Murray became a member, sharing with his father the rapidly growing work of the Manufacturing Department. He became a stock holder in 1897, and since 1901 has been a Director and General Superintendent of all manufacturing departments. In 1899, E. W. Conable and R. B. Hovey, nephews of the senior members, were given positions in the credit and general sales departments. In 1904 they became stockholders, and were elected Directors. Charles Murray and Warren Barnhart, both widely known and highly respected members of the company, passed to their reward in the early part of the present decade, 1901 and 1904. This is a brief sketch of the persons who have been instrumental in the build- ing up of and management of the business. \ AN HISTORICAL SKETCH The following are oflicers and directors of the company at the present time; they are all active in the business: A. M. Barnhart, President; A. E. Barnhart, Vice President; M. W. Barnhart, Treasurer; W. H. French, Secretary. Directors: A. M. Barnhart, A. E. Barnhart, M. W. Barnhart, C. R. Murray, E. W. Conable, R. B. Hovey and W. H. French. The few changes in the membership of the house, these changes being chiefly by reason of death, or growth of the business, necessitating enlargement of the personnel, tell an eloquent story of the harmony and mutual good-will which are well-known characteristics of the partners; characteristics which extend also to its employes and to its thousands of customers. From the beginning the business has been under the same management, and its early policies have not been departed from. That these are safe, sound and sufficient is attested by the success of the house, which today is growing as fast as at any period in its history. The endeavor to keep pace with the demand, which the rapidly growing country rendered more and more difficult, was at all times shoulder to shoulder with the necessity for improvement; not merely an increase of men and machines for turning out more product, but the improvement that must appear in quality and character of process. As the trade increased there was need of additional machinery; many special machines had to be designed. This made a continual draft upon inventive ability, and often forced us out of the beaten ways to the ultimate advantage of all concerned. Not only is courage wanted for the initi- ative. but ability, time and money. Under the title “Discursions of a Retired Printer,” there has recently been published a series of letters professing to be a history of type-founding in the United States. The letters would really seem, if read by an unprejudiced reader who knows the facts, to be written solely in the interest of one concern, since all founders not now a part of, or controlled by that concern, are either wholly ignored, or are mentioned in the most cursory way, or their position and promi- nence are ridiculously belittled. It was impossible to ignore the prominence of this house without exposing the animus and purpose of the “history;” but the writer has done his best by innuendo, false statement and faint praise to produce the impression that we have had scant part in the development of and progress in the art of type-founding. These methods will not deceive those now living who know of the prominent part we have had in type history for forty years; but in the interest of truth, for the benefit of those who have not investigated, and for the guidance of some future and truthful historian who may wish to write impartially on this subject, we give below some of the particulars in which we have led the type making industry, and benefited the printer. This article does not undertake to canvass the general subject, but gives correctly, and as briefly as may be, the facts touching our own agency in it. For years the senior members of this company had been publishers, and, therefore, buyers and users of type and printing material. Their practical experi- ence had led them to believe that the quality of the metal used in type-making could be improved, thus increasing its durability. If it could be, it should be, and, if it were possible, why had it not been done before? As type—founders their very XI‘ AN HISTORICAL SKETCH first experiments were along this line; nor did they cease until the perfection of Superior Copper-Mixed metal was attained————an alloy that, for durability, toughness, lightness and strength, has never been equalled. It is upon this important betterment, so obviously needed, so easy to demand, so difficult to attain that it never had been done before by anyone, that the success we have achieved had its beginning. Quality has ever since borne a prominent place in the superiority and popularity of our manufacture. The completion of a long series of experiments, in which were engaged some of the best metallurgists of the country, fixed the proper proportions of the ingredient metals, lead, antimony, tin and copper, that would give under all conditions the very best results in casting and durability. For the same reason that the mechanical engineer selects cast iron for one part of a machine, wrought iron for another, and steel for still another, as type-founding engineers we use different formulae in casting various kinds of type, or in casting the same type to be used for various purposes. Some of the largest foundries even today openly confess to employing but one mixture for all the type they manufacture. A study of the different uses to which type is subjected, enables us to specialize the alloys to be used. If the type is to be stereotyped from only, we use an alloy which we know is sufficiently hard to stand the strain. This same hardness would not do for casting script faces, where toughness is the principal quality sought, nor would the peculiar hardness desired for stereotyping, or the special toughness needed for scripts, answer for type that is to be used for printing on the press. To secure the very remarkable uniformity in the texture of our type metals for which they are noted, we are compelled to mix them in quantities, and possess facilities to do this in a large way. Our kettles are equip- ped with mechanical mixing devices, which insure uniformity of the several alloys used-—one kettle alone has a capacity of 10,000 pounds. Throughout the many changes in method of manufacture we have held tenaciously to the perfect construction of type details, such as depth of face, accuracy of line, set, height, body, finish and quality of metal. An important factor in the life of type is depth of face. We have never yielded to the temptation to alter the depth, or raise the shoulders, for the economies of manufacture that would accrue. With the deeper face there is more type to the pound, while its advantages for electrotyping and stereotyping, and the de- creased liability to fill up on the press, are clearly obvious. In the January, 1907, installment of “Discursions of a Retired Printer,” the author in discussing self—spacing type said: “The next development of the unit—width idea was Barnhart’s point set, which was applied to two series of body type. For some sizes the unit was one point; for others it was one—half a point. This effort, however, was not carried any farther." This gives us due credit for having first evolved the idea of using the point as a basis for the width (or set) of type. but an injustice is done in stating that this effort stopped at two series. The fact is that, as far back as 1893, we com- menced the cutting of four series of type, two body and two job faces, in each of which all characters were so designed and cut that when cast the set or width was a point, or multiple thereof. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH Everyone who is acquainted with the method of preparing and bringing out new type faces, knows that some time elapses between the cutting of the first size of a series, and the final fitting and finishing of the matrices of the last size, especially in a job series where the range of bodies is wide. It was not, therefore, until the Summer of 1894 that we finally showed in “ The Type Founder,” three of the four series, viz: West Lining Gothic, consisting of eight sizes; Elzevir Title series, complete from 6 to 60-point, eleven sizes, and Roman No. 30 series, six sizes. At the same time “ The Type Founder" made the following reference to those faces: “West Lining Gothic is a new face that will meet the wants of many. It is cast on the point system both ways, and is somewhat lighter than our regular Lining Gothic. Lines accurately at the bottom. “Elzevir Title is one of those neat condensed faces that very quickly find their way into magazine and newspaper advertising pages, as well as in job work. It is cast on the point system both ways, and lines at the bottom with the use of leads. Seventy-two point in preparation. “We present in this number of The Type Founder, our new series of body type, Roman No. 30. Much has been claimed by certain parties for so-called self-spacing type. It has been lauded to the skies by the manufacturers, and many printers pronounce it, to some extent, an advan- tage over the regular type, in justification, proof corrections, rule and table work. Our new series is not made on the self-spacing system but on the point-set system, which has great advantages over the so-called self-spacing scheme, in that the spaces and quads are made regularly on points in conformity with the point system now in vogue; that is, the en, em, 2 and 3-em quads are cast the same as they always have been, while in so-called self-spacing this does not hold good. In most bodies of the so-called self-spacing type the em quad is not an em quad at all, as it is not square, and the same disproportions apply to the other quads, leaders, etc. F or instance: the width of a 3-em quad or leader is not three times its thickness, as in our system. The so-called self-spacing system is arbitrary. Take any body you please as an example: if a founder has four faces of brevier, and one runs wider or narrower to the alphabet than another (which is always the case as the face is larger or smaller), the spaces and quads would have to be cast to conform with the unit on which each face is cast, and they will not justify with each other. It would be a “jay” office that would introduce two or three widths of quads, leaders, etc., of the same body in this age of printing." " While the point-set necessitates no change in quads, leaders, figures, etc., we have at the same time reduced the number of widths of letters to the minimum. The lower-case, caps, small caps, points and figures of 6-point No. 30, are cast on six widths: the 7-point on seven; the 8-point on seven;the 9-point on eight; the 10-point on eight; the 11-point on eight. The lower-case of 6-point has four widths; 7-point, four; 8-point, five; 9-point, five; 10-point, six, and 11-point, six. We have succeeded in confining the alphabet to the few widths mentioned without injuring the symmetrical appearance of the various letters. While the expense is somewhat more in manufacturing type on this system than in the regular way, at the same time we have determined to put it on the market at regular prices for the time being. If it is found that it can be afforded, the price will remain the same, otherwise it will be advanced a small percentage. Finally, if the point-set type proves advantageous, after a fair trial, and printers demand it, other faces will be made on this system." Very soon after this issue of “ The Type Founder,” the fourth series referred to, West Old Style No. 70, was shown with the Roman No. 30 (both body-type faces), in a booklet entitled “Point-Set." We quote from this monograph, in which the foundation principles of Point-Set were explained: “From the date when printing with movable type was invented to the closing years of the nineteenth century, the space justification of lines remained an unsolved problem. It is only neces- sary to mention this fact, to revive in the minds of all who have held a composing stick, the weary hours spent looking for the missing space that would bring the justification of the lines to the ideal that every conscientious “typo" sought to attain. A stumble in the direction of solving this intri- cate problem was made by the suggestion of a unit as a base, but unfortunately the units did not X111’ AN HISTORICAL SKETCH always unite. This system was encumbered by an excess of bastard spaces and quadrats, as the offices which adopted it learned to their sorrow when they found their cases mixed with iioff" sizes that failed to work with other fonts than those especially cast on the unit set. This condition obtained not merely with spaces and quads, but extended also to figures, leaders, etc. Realizing that something must be done to help matters, we have devised a system which diminishes instead of adding to the woes of a compositor. “Point-Set is the point system both ways. Type cast on Point-Set system is as much of an advance in typography over other “self-spacing" of the unit system variety, as the point system was over the bastard system of bodies. It has all the valuable qualities claimed for so—called self-spacing type, with none of the objectionable features. The use of Point-Set type does not compel the user to stock with bastard widths of spaces and quads, as all spaces and quads are separately cast a certain number of points, the quads being the same as in ordinary fonts. “The standard widths of newspaper columns, book pages and miscellaneous jobs are invariably so many pica (I2—points) ems, hence the compositor will readily see that the line whether short or long is always a certain number of points in length. This is just where the advantage of Point—Set comes into play. Every character is cast a certain number of points in thickness. What system can be more simple of justification? The compositoris experience in handling the various point bodies will aid him to pick the correct point space needed to justify the line more easily than he can fish out and try several bastard widths. Heretofore all letters and characters in fonts of type were cast different thicknesses regardless of any relative width. Imagine the satisfaction of the printer upon examining sorts to find that the same accuracy in manufacture has been observed respecting them as has heretofore been required only with figures, leaders, etc.” The casting of Point-Set type did not stop with “two series," or even with the four series described; but every series cut since 18 93 has been cast Point- Set, so that all of the series that are now displayed by as as being cast upon the lining system are also cast Point-Set, making our product strictly Point—Line, Point~Set and Point-Body. While we do not claim originality in the establishment of the lining system, we do claim to have recognized the many imperfections of the first system, and to have eliminated these in producing our own Lining System. In every lining system there must be three different and distinct lines. First, the line on which the majority of faces having caps and lower-case are cast. This line in our system is designated as the “Uniform-Line.” The position of the uniform line in each of the different bodies, from the smallest to the largest, is so situated as to permit the descenders, g, j, p, (1, y, to be cut in proper pro- portion, to admit them on the body without over-hanging at the bottom. A glance through the pages of this specimen book will show that we have not had to omit the display of the descenders in the larger sizes. In the bodies 48-point and larger they are cut in the same relative proportion to the ascenders, b, d, f, h, k, l, as they are in the smaller sizes. In the positioning of the line on each body, the economies of a printing office were constantly in mind. We have so placed the line that the greatest use of the two-point lead, or multiple, would be preserved. We claim there exists in our lining system more interbody lining combinations with use of the two- point lead, or multiple, than in any other. For instance, 24 and 36-point uniform-line type can be lined by using a two-point lead at the bottom of the 24-point; 42-point and larger, up to I20-point bodies, can all be lined by using the two-point lead, or multiple, such as the 6-point and I2-point slugs, and so on. Many other combinations might. be cited. AN HISTORICAL SKETCH The second line of importance in a lining system is that line upon which two-line and head—letter faces are cast. This particular line in our foundry is called the Cap—Line. All of the faces cast on the cap line in the bodies 36-point and smaller, line with each other. The bodies 42-point to 66-point line one with another, and vary from the bodies 36-point and smaller only by a drop of two points in line. In the bodies 72-point and larger the line is always a variation of a two-point lead, or multiple thereof. The third line is the line upon which are cast such faces as scripts, texts, and those faces that for typographical effect require long descenders. This line is called by us “Text-Line.” In each body this line is two points, or multiple thereof, higher on the body than the Uniform-Line, making it easy for line justification. The leading type makers of England, when made acquainted with the advan- tages of our Uniform-Line, immediately adopted it as the line to be followed in their foundries. When we first advertised our lining system, we coined the expression, “Point—Line, Point-Set, and Point-Body," which expression has since been taken up by others in describing their lining systems; but to secure the many economical advantages just rehearsed, only Barnhart Bros. 8L Spindleris Point- Line, Point-Set and Point-Body type should be purchased. When not positively leading, we have always been abreast of the times in new faces and machinery for the casting and finishing of type; first, by hand, then by steam, and finally by the perfecting or automatic machines. The hand and steam machines, upon which all our type was cast prior to the introduction of the automatic machines, were of the highest type of mechanical construction. One of the most important advances made in type-casting machines was that of the jet-breaking attachment which automatically broke the jet from the bottom of the type. We were prominently identified in perfecting and introducing this particular improvement, being the patentees of the principal mechanical movement which was the Vital feature of this device. In addition to the jet-breaking mechanism, which was a special feature of both our hand and steam casting machines, our steam casting machines were equipped with a stop motion mechanism designed and patented by us, it being conceded by type founders all over the world, to embody more original mechanical features than any other known stop motion device; by means of this device the opening and closing of the mold as well as the timing of the closed mold while the metal was being forced into it, could be regulated to any desired nicety, thus insuring solidity of body and sharpness of face. The principles of the perfecting or automatic casting machines generally used in this country are based upon the patents of August Foucher, of Paris, France. An old style is based upon patents taken out by Foucher in the 70’s. Our machines, however, are based upon later patents issued in the 80's. So well did we improve upon this machine, that only a few years ago we were able to equip two large type foundries of Paris, France, with automatic casters, which not only delivered more accurate type, but twice the quantity per diem possible with the original French machine. It is only proper to state that before the XV AN HISTORICAL SKETCH decision was reached to purchase our automatic machines, a careful examination of all other styles in use in this country had been made. In connection with the manufacture of type, a rigid inspection is constantly maintained. The daily product is gauged for accuracy of body, height, line, and set, by steel gauges which show a variation of one ten—thousandth part of an inch. Even these gauges are tested periodically on measuring machines of the finest known variations. In 1895 we installed engraving machines for the cutting of our matrices. Five of these machines are constantly at work. They are of the highest type of mechanical ingenuity, and permit the cutting of matrices from 3 to 144-point sizes. With these engraving machines we use microscopic gauges for maintain- ing accuracy of size, and it is possible to detect the slightest variation of weight of line, stem, size, or of any other detail of the letter or character under test. Up to 1876 the type productions of this foundry were limited to a small line of body faces and a meagre assortment of display type, the latter not exceeding a dozen styles of the ordinary advertising faces. In fact the cutting of original body and job faces had not been attempted west of New York and Philadelphia. A Cincinnati foundry had produced a few faces of borders and ornaments. It was, therefore, with some misgiving that we began designing and cutting new faces. Any apprehension was uncalled for, however, as from the very first the venture proved successful, and we met with instant appreciation from the Western printers, from whom at that time our trade principally came. Since then we have originated a very large number of beautiful and useful faces, the demand for some of these breaking all previous records in the amount sold. These faces cover every purpose for which type can be used, and furnish characters suitable for every class of work. Especially in scripts have our efforts been prolific in furnishing the most extensive, serviceable and graceful exhibit ever produced by a single concern. The United States government has granted us one hundred and five patents for originality in type design, and approximately as many faces have been registered in England and France. The line of scripts made by us have particularly a world-wide fame and are far in advance of the script product of any other foundry in the world. In our brass rule department will be found many machines of our own design and manufacture; all built with a View to insuring accuracy of face duplication, and uniformity of length of cut, for labor—saving rule. All brazing is done with the latest hard silver process. Circles are accurately turned on a special lathe, from seamless tubing, and for facing ovals an adjustable elliptical chuck is employed. The latest line of manufacture to be added is that of making all-brass galleys, established less than a year ago, and forming a part of our brass rule department. In 1900 we started a department for electrically welding chases. At that time what is known to the trade as “hot rolled stock" was used by all chase manufacturers. After a series of experiments, details of which are given on pages 902 and 903 of this book, we started the manufacture of chases from cold rolled steel. Everybody discouraged us from taking this step, even some of the largest X VI AN HISTORICAL SKETCH steel rolling mills, and we found it difficult to place orders for the special stock we wanted. Finally one mill co-operated with us to the extent of making the special dies necessary for the special sizes of stock required without compelling us to buy out their plant before hand. Tons upon tons, yes, carloads upon car- loads, of this cold rolled steel have since been used in the manufacture of the 34,000 chases that we have made and sold in the past six years. So great has been the demand for this remarkable product, that in the past year we were com- pelled to double the size of our chase department. We now have a specially wound dynamo capable of supplying 100 horse-power of current for electric welding purposes only. Nothing that we have recently done has benefited the printer more than the institution of the pound selling system, which we inaugurated April 1st, 1905, to include all jobbing fonts. It was the first departure of the kind in this country from the long established method of selling by the package, and it is still practiced only by ourselves. This method follows the doctrine of the square deal——the only one which gives to the printer the utmost value for his money. Whether one small job font is ordered, or one hundred, the type is weighed, and billed at its weight as shown by the scales. Popular predjudice favors sixteen ounces to the pound; the pound selling system gives full weight and will always be considered by the print- ing trade as the right and righteous method. By coring all bodies of 72-point and larger, although the expense of manu- facture is increased, we save the buyer the cost of a large amount of metal of little or no use to him. The old way of coring was to cast type with a hole through it. This method has its objections. Our coring is done on the outside on the principle of the I beam used in structural work, which is stronger than a hollow O beam or tube when the same amount of metal is used in both. These are a few of the innumerable items we have introduced for the benefit of the craft. Every year sees progress; the earnings of the business go chiefly into improvement of method and efficiency. We assure our thousands of loyal friends and customers that we shall ever be at the forefront of the army of progress in our line of business. XVII POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY LINING SYSTEM 1108 41:20 195 1:08 1 84 ]Ob 84 {BO Text Line Cap Line Uniform Line 1 60 148 1 42 L48 L5_4 30 1 42 1 42 IE ’O L r’) r- - e (0 O r m ¢ m 7'‘ CV F‘ G I—€ 7 -55 Logotypes for Mailing Type. in 2 and 5 pound font g 1 . assortments or multiples thereof. 9 Point: .48 .46 .45 .44 , .43 S 1 Italics are not furnished with Body Type unless 10 Point-- .46 .44 -43 .41 . -:10 , -339 ! specially ordered. (See Italic information on page 4.) 11 Point__ .44 .42 .41 .40 ', 39 , .38 ’ . _ 12 Point" 42 A0 _40 _39 i .33 _37 I Accents for Body l‘ype when furnished with regular 14 Point__ .40 .40 .40 .39 , j .37 « fonts will be sold at same price per pound as the font. 16 Point__ . ? . When ordered separately they will be treated as sorts. A I t___ . . . -E 0 l .: L u: . 18 Pom , y ‘N When ordering sorts always enclose a cap “H” and lower case “m” (as little worn as possible) of the type you wish to match, and plainly state the amount of each character wanted: also give name or number or both, and size of body of face desired. All .;i.e.Iii;.rg.;.~ tn... 13-point at Job Type rates. ' Larger quantities at special rates. Body Type Fonts, cast to regular scheme are put up in fonts of 25, 50 and 100 pounds or multiples thereof. If a customer orders lower case for say 25, 50 or 100 pound fonts, he will get lower case and the necessary points. No figures. spaces or quads will be included with such an 1 Mailing Type sold at same price per pound as Body order unless specified. , T,Vl3€- When sending samples always be sure they are en- closed with order. The failure of samples to reach us causes delay in filling orders. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S (~14 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TY PE 50 ,. BARNHARTS POUND I’ \ F «\0 COD 9 .. DFOINT 5[Y‘l 5 SELLING SYSTEM YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET YOU GET VVHAT YOU PAY FOR HOW TO ORDER SORTS The following table shows what each box in the type case will hold and will be found useful in ordering sorts: a c d h i m n o r s t Qpounds e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , _ _ _ _ _ _ . . . , , _ . . . . . _ . _ _ -_ 3 pounds 1) f g 1 p v w y and comma ....................... --15 ounces k j q x 7.. : 2-‘ ! ‘Eff ii iii and all figures--- 6 ounces Caps. Small Caps and side sorts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -- 5 ounces A pair of News Cases holds 50 pounds of type. an Italic or Job Case holds 25 pounds. APPROXIMATE NUMBER OF WORDS IN A SQUARE INCH In calculating the number of pages a manuscript will occupy, the following table giving number of words to the square inch, may be found useful. a Point, leaded . . . . . _ . . _ 4 9 Point, solid .. ., . . . -. -28 Point, solid ___________ _-69 10 Point. leaded ....... -_l6 6 Point. leaded _ . _ . . . . _ __34 z 10 Point, solid . _ _ . .. -._-21 6 Point. solid _____________ -_47 } 11 Point, leaded _ , _ , _ . _ _ __14 7 Point. leaded . _ . . -327 4 11 Point, solid _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ __l7 7 Point, solid_ __ .._ ____-_38 12 Point, leaded __ -11 8 Point, leaded _ o _ -__:23 3 12 Point. solid _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __14 8 Point, solid ___________ -,32 14 Point. solid ,,,, ,. ,.__n 9 Point, leaded ........ __21 3 18 Point, solid _ _ . . . _ . _ . -- 7 2 point leads used as a basis in above table. ESTIMATE WEIGHT OF BODY TYPE To ascertain the quantity of plain type required for a newspaper or magazine. or any other work. find the number of square inches and divide the same by four the quotient will be the approximate weight of matter: but as it is impossible to set the cases entirely clear. it is necessary to add ‘.25 per cent. to large fonts and 33 per cent. to small fonts, to allow for dead letter. The aver- age weight of 12 inches of solid matter set in 13 ems pica measure is 6% pounds.: if leaded it will weigh about 5% pounds. A single column of six column folio. solid. will weigh about 101/8 pounds. requiring about 13 pounds of type. while the same length column leaded with 2 point leads will contain but 73;; pounds solid matter requiring about 10 pounds to set the same. NUMBER OF EMS IN ONE POUND OF TYPE Four square inches (two by two inches) solid type weighs approximately one pound. 5Point_-._--_.._.___829ems 9P0int..-.--......-_256en1s 55/2P0iI1t...-..-————~--<386€II1S l 1()PoinL._.,.________2()7ems ' ' c . SEE; ‘ » g g A H 11Point . _ _ . . _ . . . . _ . -171 ems 8POint __324emS 1 12Po1nt-.-_-_---._--H4 ems SCHEME FOR BODY TYPE AND AUXILIARIES SCHEME FOR 100 POUNDS BODY TYPE. AUXILIARIES LOWER CASE CAPS SMALL CAPS POINTS FIGURES . MINIMVIYI F.0NTS , ._ ._ o .- These auxiliaries are not ='LBs.' oz §LBs., oz. %LBS.: oz. ILBSJ 02. {Leaf oz. £1I1_(1i'2i_Sh€d BXC/ept 011 SD€Cii11 a 6 A ...... --§§1/2 I b 1 B _ _ . . . . . -i 0 FRACTIONS REFERENCES C 1114 C . . . . . . --: 7_'V2 4 , . G 3 12 »»»»»» "I W2 --_-_x_:B.: 31.. ;3 —...i 6 8 It . . . V _ . --‘_ g ::::! I I %3::::é::::I 5% h 3 8 6%». 1_ ....f 2 1:2 I ....... --,i 61 ' J . . . . . . _- 5 J _ . _ _ . _ -_ ~1é ii 8 K _ . . . _ _ __,: 4 ___- 1 8 L . _ . . . _ __i 6 2 10 M _______ __l 7% T1 —- -‘ 4 6 N----l----i7.. 0 4 4 O _ _ _ _ _ _ “V755 ~- 13 —--- 1 6 P . . . _ . — 6 ' ii ..... 3 ....... Q . . . . . . __J 934 QUAmtA'1‘1«3s n I 2 -I 4 "---‘ I I . — — — — - ——‘ — — — — — . —— vv . F’. ‘ s : _' _ . 4 , _ _ 3 . _ _ _ _ _ _ __ -3 / . . 3111 --, 6 t __ _5 :3 13 IT‘, 19 :8‘ 1]] I I rIO 4H1 -_: I f- - u -- -I :2 2 U:::: :::_; «' l.::::::::'1£Z31T1 E 4 i 3 5m.——i---31?’ v ....... _- 14 v ...... 31/2 1 .3111. 1j1&1Ll.—_;;~ ‘\.V“I ‘Hg ------ w - - - — - — - ~3V §1o; ’L10Z ‘ ~ - - - - - - — _ . . » » . H; x - — - - . — 4 Y - - I1 4 Y _ _ . . _ . _ -_‘ 41:) r . . . . . _ _ _ _. 1/ 7. 4 Z ________ __ _ A _ _ k _ TOTAL E‘; I &.‘- » - - — - -— at ------ -»,l V Lower Case.__-- 58% lbs -’ ‘ ' ‘ “ I ' * ' 1- -' ' ./4 -‘Ii ' ‘ * - ~ - —-7 4 Points _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _- 41/4 lbs E ' ’ “ ' ' ‘ 4---it-H-g::_ ' - - ~ - I Fig'ures._--_ 4 lbs. r: r oooo " as ; .0: real ssss ~ 1%: ll}: ig ’ ‘I I Spaces _________ __ 10 lbs. ‘ “ ‘ *1‘ ' ‘ ' Quadrates- ., .. _ _. - T ltlw E58 1:2 100 lbs. POINT LINE. POINT SET. POINT BODY 3 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BARNHARTS POUND '/ ‘JOINT LIN’. ‘ -I SL1’ ' I Vboirn “K (3 SELLING SYSTEM YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR BODY ITALIC FONTS Body Italic fonts are cast to regular scheme and sold in 5 pound fonts or multiples thereof, excepting 5, 51, 6 and 7-point, which are sold in 2,1, pound fonts or multiples thereof. Body Italic fonts are put up in two packages, Lower case and Points in one and Caps, Points and Figures in another. MINIMUM SIZE OF MULTIPLE FONTS SHE MINIMUM PRICE M|:g::_J‘_M _ A 7*“ weuem pen LB. 1| PRICE 5 Point .......................... -- 2; lbs. $2.00 ‘$5.00 5; Point _ _ _ . _ . _ . . _ . . . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ _ -- 2‘ lbs. 1.60 4.00 6 Point ......................... -. 24 lbs. 1.28 3.20 7 Point .......................... _- 2; lbs. 1.12 2.80 8 Point ........................... _- 5 lbs. 1.00 5.00 9 Point ........................ -- 5 lbs. .90 4.50 10 Point--___. . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . -. 5 lbs. .82 4.10 11 Point___... 5 lbs. .78 12 5 lbs. .74 3.70 14 5 lbs. .70 3.50 16 5 lbs. .68 3.40 18 5 lbs. .66 3.30 1 5 1 I 1 I PRICE LIST OF QUADS Regular stock, point body, 1, 2 and 3 em quads (high or low) of one body, ordered at one time, assorted sizes or separately. z 30 0 z 1% ,3 z j < .2 Z o: as < Z < ‘,3_ SIZE E55? :3:IE3lg:E3.100LBS. $0 [mLu$o,Ju.|§goOROVER w .4swmm5w9 ’ ...| 119 ._J m ..J 5 Point..-..-..-.- $1.20 $1.00 .8070 1.6060 5§P01nt ................. --§ .74 .62 , .45 e .40 6 Point ___________________ .64 .54 .40 .36 7 Point __________________ _, .56 .50 _33 4 _34 8 Point _ _ , _ . . . . . , , . . . _ _ . _ .52 .45 1 .36 i ,32 9 Point ................... .48 .42 .34 ,31 10 Point-__...,.,-.__.___._._ .46 .40 } .32 .30 11 Point . _ _ . _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _.i .44 .38 g .30 .28 12 Point __________________ _. .42 3 .28 _26 14 Point and larger . . . . -_; .40 .36 3 .26 ‘ .24 The list prices on all spaces. en spaces and justiflers less than 1-em body of 18 point and smaller, will be the regular Body weight price and discount; 20 point and larger, 40 cents per pound less prevailing discount. JOB TYPE WEIGHT FONTS All faces of bodies 66 point and smaller enumerated in Lists "A.” “B” and "D” on the following pages are sold at Second Class Rate. All faces of bodies 66 point and smaller, enumerat- ed in Lists “C” and “F” on following pages are sold at Second Class Special. All faces of bodies 72 point and larger, enumerated in Lists “A,” “B” and “D” on following pages are sold at Second Class Special. All faces of bodies 72 point and larger, enumerated in Lists “C.” “E” and "F” on the following pages are sold at Third Class. All faces from smallest to largest bodies, enumerat- ed in List "E" on the following pages are sold at Third Class. Job Type Figure fonts including or excluding Dollar Mark, Period and Lower Case c, put up in 5 pound assort- ments or multiples thereof. Job Type Weight Fonts may be ordered in the follow- ing assortments: Caps, Points. Figures and Lower Case; Caps, Points and Lower Case: Caps, Points and Figures; Caps and Points; Lower Case. Points and Figures: Lower Case and Points; Figures and Points; Caps and Lower Case. Weight fonts of Job Type may be ordered in the following size fonts: Bodies 24 Point and smaller. 25. 50. 75, 100 lbs. or more. Bodies 26 to 42 point inclusive. 50, 75. 100 lbs. or more. Bodies 48 to 66 point inclusive, 75, 100 lbs. or more. Bodies 72 point and larger, 100 lbs. or more. Job Type weight fonts do not contain spaces and quads Job Type Accents when ordered with the font will be charged at the same rate per pound as the font. When ordered separately they will be treated as sorts. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S The following pound prices are for fonts of one body, face and line ordered at one time cast to regular scheme. secono cLAss secouo cLAss SPECIAL SIZE 25 LBS. 100 LBS. 250 LBS. 25 LBS. ! 100 LBS. ‘25O LBS. » 1 3 Point $5.00 $4.95 $4.85 $5.00 $4.95 ‘ $4.85 3;Point 5.00 4.95 4.85 5.00 4.95 i 4.85 4 Point 3.00 2.80 2.65 3.20 3.00 i 2.85 4§Point 2.50 2.30 2.15 2.80 2.60 2.45 5 Point 1.80 1.60 1.44 2.00 1.80 2 1.64 5§P0int 1.44 1.20 1.00 1.60 1.36 1.16 6 Point 1.16 1.00 .86 1.28 1.12 .98 7 Point 1.00 .86 .76 1.12 .98 .88 8 Point .90 .80 .70 1.00 .90 .80 9 Point .80 .72 .65 .90 .82 .75 10 Point 74 .66 .60 .82 .74 .68 11 Point 70 .63 .56 .78 .71 .64 12 Point 66 .60 .53 .74 .68 .61 14 Point 69 .57 .50 .70 .65 .58 16 Point 60 .55 .50 .68 .63 .58 18 Point 60 .55 .50 .66 .61 .56 20 Point 60 .55 .50 .66 .61 .56 24 Point 56 .52 .48 .64 .60 .56 26 Point 56 .52 .48 .62 .58 .54 30 Point 56 .52 48 .62 .58 .54 36 Point .56 .52 48 .62 .58 _ 4;. Point .54 .52 48 .60 .58 ; .54 48 Point .54 .52 48 .60 .58 ' .54 54 Point .54 .52 48 .60 i 60 Point .54 .52 48 .60 .58 ’ .54 66 Point .54 .52 48 .60 .58 .54 72 Point .52 .52 48 .58 .58 .54 84 Point .50 .50 48 .56 5 , .54 96 Point .48 .48 . 48 .52 52 ' .52 120 Point .44 3 .44 44 .48 48 1 .48 1 Larger quantities of above at special prices. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BARNHARTS POUND SELLING SYSTEM YOU PAY FOLHESWHATLIAYOU GET YOU GET WHAT YOU PAY FOR JOB FONTS OF SPACES AND QUADS. . 1 WBGHT . PRICE l1>R1ceo1=! ‘ WHGHT 1 PRICE fpmceoiri I WHGHT ’ pmce 1PRlCE OF 3125 _ 1 pan 11111111111001} 1 size = . 1 PER ‘MINIMUM; SIZE 1 . . PER 1 MINIMUM 1L13s1 oz 1 POUND 1 FONT - 1 ?LBS1' oz 1 POUND * FONT 1 11.1351 02 POUND 9 FONT . I 1 . 1 _1 1 7' 3 Point "1 $2.00 I 10 Point 1 1 3}1 $0.46 1 $0.55 1‘ 36 Po1.nt___--1 2 2 1 $0.40 1 $0.85 3§Point. - 1 1 .75 1 11 Point - 11 211 .44 1 .50 42 Po1nt__-__1 21 61 .40 1 0.0.3 4 Point. _- . 1.60 ; 12 Point . . _ _ 1 1 311 .42 ‘ .50 1 48 Point._... 2 I 12 .40 1 1.10 4‘ Point _ 1.45 : 14 Point_____’ 1 6 ~ .40 .55 1‘ 54 Point_-_-_1 3 . 2 1 .40 E 52 Point 1 0 1.20 1 1141.20 16 Point 1 }14 * .40 .75 1 60 Point . _ . _ -. 3 1 6 1 .40 1 1.35 5).; Point . 1 01,1 .74 1 .75 18 Point-_---i 1 114 I .40 .75 11 66 Point_-_-_1 3 1 12 j .40 1 1.50 6 Point ,.1 0 ’15 1 .64 .60 20 Point__.--1 1 114 1 .40 .75 1 2 Point___._; 4 1 0 1 .40 1 1.60 7 Point . . 1 111 56 .60 24 Point 1 114 .40 .75 = 84 Point ____ __ 4 1 10 .40 1 1.85 8 1’oint_.. I 1 1 ’ 52 .55 26 }'.’oi11t..__..‘ 1 _14 .40 .75 1 96 Point .... 5 ‘. 6 1 .40 I 2.15 9 Point. .. - 1 ' 2.11 .48 .55 30 Point-_... 1 ‘14 .40 .75 1 120 Point _ . . . -1 6 1 10 ' .40 , 2.65 Spaces and Quads are not up with Job Fonts excepting Scripts. Justiiiers for Typewriters put up in 1 and 5 pound fonts. 1 . ‘ . ‘ 1 1 . 1 — 1 1 I I 1 CLASSIFICATION OF JOB SECOND CLASS RED LABEL Running Borders in all bodies are sold at Second Class prices. FONTS. EXTRA CONDENSED RED wnma AND mus LABEL All faces of bodies 66 point and smaller enumerated in Lists "C" and THIRD CLASS BLUE LABEL 1 All faces from smallest to largest bodies enumerated 1 in List “E." 1 All faces of bodies 72 point and larger. enumerated 1 in Lists “C," and SECOND CLASS SPECIAL WHITE LABEL All faces from smallest to largest bodies enumerated in Lists “A." “B“ and "D.“ Job Fonts of Fractions and Calendar Figures. JOB FONT PRICES PER POUND. i I 1 11 1 1 . M SECOND 1 .1 1 SECOND 8'25 | SCECOND CLASS EXTRA I THIRD SIZE 1 SECOND CLASS EXTRA 1 THIRD LASS SPECIAL ‘ COND. CLASS 1 1 1 CLASS SPECIAL COND E CLASS J $1 ‘1 1 V L I ’1’h_Tw' M’ H ‘awn. K W I 1 5 Point- $1.80 1112.00 [$2.40 $2.80 4 |124 Point ....... _______ -1 $0.56 $0.64 160 78 560.90 5§Point 1.44 1.60 1 2.00 ~.40 1,1126 Point ‘ .56 .62 .76 E .86 6 Point- _ 1.16 1.28 1 1.50 1 2.00 I111 30 Point ..... -I_--iIi] .62 .76 1 .86 £13 goint- , _ _ _ . . . _ . . . . . 1.38 I 1.36 1 1.80 1: 136 Point .62 .76 1 ,8-2 . oint ................ -- . 1 1.20 ‘ 1.60 1. 142 Point .: .('0 .7 .7. 9 Point ................ .80 .90 1 1.12 1.44 11 148 Point ..-1 1 .60 _r}o $2 10 Ponit ............... .74 . 2 1.00 1 1.30 11 I 55 Point ______ __§ .54 1 .60 .70 2 11Po1nt ................ .70 .78 1 .98 1.22 11 160 Point _________________ _, I .60 .70 72 12 Point .................. -- .136 .74 1 .90 1.16 166 Point ................. .54 1 .60 1 .70 72 14 Point -- -- 1 .02 .70 1 .84 1 1.12 1 172 Point ______ _______ .52 1 .58 .68 16 P01nt ................. -- .60 .68 .82 1 1.06 11 84 Point ________________ .50 1 .56 .64 18 Po1nt .60 .66 .80 1 1.00 1 Point _________________ .48 1 .52 .60 20 Point ................ .60 .66 1 .80 1 .04 1: 1120 Point .44 1 .48 .56 LIST “A” Adstyle Bismarck 1 Design 3 Gothic Compressed No. 7 idstyle Border 3 B:1a(_3k Condensed No. 55 De Vinne Bold Gothic Coinp. Title No. 7 dstyle Border No. 1 Cadillac De Vinne Compressed 1 Guard Adstyle Border No. De Vinne Extra Compressed Headletter Condensed Adstyle Border No. Cadillac Condensed ‘ 1 Caledonian No. 5 Elzevir Bold . Hecla Adstyle Border No. 1 Caslon Old Roman 1 Elzevir Condensed No. 50 1 Hugo No. 5 Adstyle Border No. 1 Caslon Old Style 1 Elzevir No. 5 1 Kaiser K1552}!-#-‘DCIS Adstyle Border No. Antique Condensed No. Antique Extended No. 22. I Castor 1 Catalog Old Style ; Circular Gothic No. 44 1 Embossing Gothic No. Embossing Gothic No. _ 53 1 Engravers Roman Cond. { Latin No. 5 1 Latin No. , __ A 1 { Latin Condensed No. 1 Antique Extended No. on 1 Clarendon No. 5 1 Engravers Title 1 Light Latin Antique Extended No. 56 1 Clarendon Ex. Cond. No. 5 1 Expanded No. 4 Antique No. 7 Antique No. 53 § Composite Condensed No. 5 1 French Old Style No. 3 5 Lightface Post AFRO N0. 2 1 Condensed No. 51 1 French Old Style No. 56 '1 Lightface Gothic No. 45 Bard - Condensed No. 53 1 French Title ' Lining Aldine Bard 013611 1 . Condensed No. 54 1‘ German Title Cond. No. 5 '1 Lining Aldine Condensed Barnhart Old Style Cosmos 1 Goethe No. 5 = Lining Anglo POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POlI\lT- BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Club ', Expanded No. 5 1 Lightface No. 7 '. Lightface No. 54 BARNHARTS POUND Lining Al’ll.l(1ll(‘ (‘oiideiised Lining Antique No. 6 _ Lining Antique Poiiited Lining Arcade Lining Archer .};lI]1_TlgI]§lS(1U(.‘ N ) ,J1I11I]g isque o. L Lining (laligrapli No. :2 Lining Congo Lining Celtic No. 1 Liiii_ng Concave Lining I)e Viniie _Linii1g Doric, Lining I<)iigravers Roman Lining Egyptian Extended Lining Elite ’_l‘ypewriter Lining Emerald Lining Fair Lining Fail‘ Open Lining I1‘iiteenth Century Lining I<‘rencl‘i Antique Ex. Lining lI<‘reiic.h (llarendon Lining Gerinan Title Lining Gothic No. 47 Lining Gothic No. 60 Lining Gothic Title No. no Lining Gothic No. 71 Lining Gothic No. 82 Lining Gothic Title No. 872 Lining Gothic No. 90 Lining Got‘hi(-.. ’J‘itle No. 90 (faslon (t)ld Roin an Italic Caslon Old Style Italic Degree Gothic No. ] Degree Gotliic No. 2 Dewe ' No. 5 El’/ievir Italic No. 5 Inclined De Vinn e Inclined Gothic No. 120 Antique (Iondensed No. 55 I<‘.lection Antiqiie _ Election Condensed Carhoii Text I‘}lIll)()SSlIlg' 'l‘ext No. .3 Fallst Text heiiiiison Script l<‘reiicli .l’late . Lining Bank Script Liniiig Bank Script No. :2 j Liiiiiig Lakeside Script Lining _I’late Script No. 3 Lining Hltllk Script N0. 2} L Lining Myrtle Script * Lining l’reiiiie1.' Script Lining Grace Script I Lining .‘\‘t-stor Script. Lining l’rt-niicr Script No. :2 Ll ~31 Lining Aciiie l Lining l'ni|>ra. ”I’latc 'l‘e.\'t Lining Steelplate a BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S ti ‘ Lining Gothic No. ll] ‘ l iinin g Gran t ‘ Lining Light .Moderii I YOU PAY FOR WHAT YOU GET YOU GET ‘WHAT YOU PAY FOR LIST “A" Lining Gothic No. 117 Lining Gothic Title No. 117 I Lining Vulcan i Lining VVide Spenser Lining Yost l\Ia'/iariii No. 5 Lining Ionic Lining Menu I l Lining Modern Antique 3 Merit LiningMoorish p ; Mission Lining Moorish ()peii ‘ Mode ; Lining Spenser l I l I l l I I . ‘ Lining .1 ewell Script ’ Extra (londeiised No. :36 E Lining Nadall Lining Norm an (Jondensed Lining Oliver No. 3 Lining Plate Gothic Lining I’rinc,eton Lining Racine Lining Racine Circular Lining Remington Lining Remington No. :2 Lining Reinington No. 6 Lining Remington No. 7 Lining Ruiiic Liniiig Southey 1 Modern I<‘raktur No. 5 Modern Gotliic I Modern Gothic Title Modern Gotliic Condensed i Modern Gothic Cond. Title , Modern Title I Monitor No. 5 l Old Roman Hold 1 Old Roman U()Il(I(.’.llS(‘.(I I % Old Sty1eNo. 1 I ()ld Style No. 59 Old Style Title No. 59 _Liiiiiig Sterling ‘ Oiitliiie Gothic No. 61 Lining Stillson j Paragon > Lining Tasso Pastel Lining Tasso No. 2 ‘ Pastel Bold Lining Typewriter No. 1 ‘ Pastel Iloiideiised Lining Utility Gothic No. :2 I Pastel Liglitface Lining Utility Gothic No. 3 1 Paste] ()pen UB1: Marshall Italic No. :3 Mazarin Italic No. :3 Modern Gothic Italic ()1d Style Italic No. .-39 ]’aragon Italic ]—’isa No. 5 Plyiiiotith Italic Radial Italic No. 5 LIST Law Italic No. 5 Legal Italic No. 5 Lining I<‘ifteenth (Jentury Italic Lining Mayo Lining Oblique Gothic Lining Veiietian Luxor No. 5 LIST “C” Liiiiiig g(,3ll2l1‘I11'L’,1‘ L Lining Egyptiaii I*1X,()oiid. Lining l<‘acade (foiidensed Gotliic (foinpressed No. 8 ? Gotliic Comp. Title No. 8 LIST “D” [ Stationers 'l‘e.\’t No. 5 ‘ S_\’l\'a11t Text No. .3 i Tell Text No. .3 Pen '.I‘t-xt No. 5 Plate Text No. I Reed '.l‘e;\'t LIST “E” Liiiing Ha’/.el Script . L Lining1’antagr;iph Script Liiiiiig Ila’/.lett Script I Liiii1igil’late Script Lining ,l’late Script No. :2 i Title No. 5 Old Style (loiidensed No. 50 S ()ld Style (londeiised No. 52 SELLING SYSTEM Lining Utility Gotliic No. 172 ‘ Plyiiiouth : Lining Utility Gothic No. 13 3 I.’lyniouth Bold l Lining Utility Gothic No. 14 I’l_\'inouth Condensed Post i Post Open 1 S('liil1e1‘No. .3 i Sehwahaeher No. 5 i Sheridan 1 Smith I’reniier Stand. No. l : Stationers Plate Talisinan Teuton Black No. 5 ; Teuton Exteiided No. 5 Tetitonie No. 5 Title No. 5 Title No. 9 Title No. 10 Title No. >_a _4 Title No. 53 Topic No. :3 Two Line No. 55 Two Line No. 56 Two Line No. 58 Wesel West Lining Gothie West ()ld Style No. 70 VVide Germania No. 5 ‘Wide Lining Gotliic No. 520 ’Wide Old Style Slope Gotliic No. 50 Talisman Italic Title Italic, No. 10 Title Italic No. 50 \Varren Warren Ligh tfaee Lining Facade Contl. No. 1 Skeleton Antique No. 5.3 Spire No. 5 I Tudor Bold ',l‘-udor No. 5 A. ',l'l1(‘l()i‘ Text ‘No. 5 I Lining l’riiicess Script Lining Standard Script Wedding l’late Stet-lplate ’l‘ext No. .3 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’ \ “c W 0 1- v°‘"T or-‘O‘N'1SLT‘ lfigik’ V 16117118119 20 2! 2212312425 26127 28 29130131 32%33f34135136137’138139 40 4| 42;43§44145146%47;.48;49j50 1 ' 1 3 11 .53 111 1§”1;f ”+%” 16 17:18 19 m 21 22123 24125 26127 28 29;30j31 32133134135136137538139 40 41 42.43.44f45146f47f48149150 7 71 8 8 8 9 9101011011111 112112:13'13=141141141511515.1616171711717118.18;19:19f2020 9 9101011111 12112 1311314115 :16 16§1711711811811919120 20 21 2112212212312312412512626127127 1011 11 12 1211313114 1411516117 18118119§19120‘20121 22123 23 24 24125 25;26;26127128129:29130 30 21 23 24125 27:28 29130 323313536 38140141143144 45147 48149 51 52 53 54 56157159150161 1621‘64f65167 9 9 10110 1111 121213113114115 161161171171181181919120 20 212122 22123123124;25126126.27.27 7 7 8 8 8 9 91101011011111 124211311314141415115151616171711717118-18119119120120 20120121121 22 22 23 24125 25 26 27 2913031132 33 34 35 36137 38 39 40 41142<43i44f45;46f47i48149§50 8181 9' 9 9 9 9 919 9101010;10110110111111111111512212 81819 9 9 9 9 919 9 101123 10;10110110111111111 1111212 21 40 40 JOB FONT SCHEMES Lower Case Scheme 1' 1 1 1 m . 6 7 81 911o‘111;12113143 8 9;10'111:12113 1 H-1 tD®C9UI ‘3 but 1-: 1-4 I\9®UV-QG>®'QO1 1-4 1-4 ‘~‘!€D’UlUIOO¢DU1'*~I~I(\9IvF-N3NJNJ "0-'1'-‘F""-‘F-‘I\9I\9P-‘(Oi-‘(Q(0I\3rhI-hhPh‘(\$t>h§-(\9CJ$(\5l\3kF-¢J~DI\9(\9U!¢J3(\'JN)hP I5 *-U-*1-H-*1-*1-*¢1~30D*-‘NV-‘(\3l\30~7UlCJ‘IUU-*(\9UIUICJDUFIWNUY1-k(\9C)DC50\30O(\'JO1 U‘) 1-41-H-H-‘I01-‘H31-5(0CJOI\9€¢0I\9I-PC:ODC>I\D03O§O=>A1-F=-l\DMO=hRO3I-$i®Hkh§C&3C7‘- 1-‘*-‘P-‘F‘l>$(\9h¥kI-&l\903I\9OD©O1-B-*~I*~I-I(\9DG\I‘~IrBU10DDJ\ICJIDO1-IKCDHP-IF-CJGKI ~H~HwwmawAwAAm535 --wwmmwmwm+q1 wwwwww-1 n-4 5-4 1-11 5-4 I-B®‘~I'Q‘~I®¢OO§h-Ii r-A 0c 1-: 1:0 NJ 1-4 N9 N3 N9 03 I I 20 21 '21 23 24 20 16 17 I7 18 18 19 19 20 3638394041424345 14 15151616161718 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 16 17 18 W W 8 8 W I I I I wwuww~mmmmwmmmmwwwmmmA5mmwm m mm5wAwm©wwwme©mmww©wAA:mmA© 0 ii- 5-‘ If Iii 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 899S)999 9 21 21 22 22 23 24 25 I I 3 w w M w 523 M m g 1‘? so § 33 OH 1-4 1-3 1-: U1 5- C5 1-‘ C3 >—L ‘Q L--1 ® b-I CD I-—l|—l UI® 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 22 3031 32 33 34 35 36 37 1 u-Ihnfi I—l|-A bdfil 1-H-A Cfir-P-1-F®€DUIU1 wmoomqAA3mmmwmq$o WQ##QQ$$:QW®WQQ$H wqwwqmmm5qmmmqmmw -wmwwmwa»5mammmwmw F-‘ ]4l5161718192021222324252627 1- 3 hi i 1-: 1-4 NJ 1\') 5-11 0»: 111111‘! 111111‘! 6...: O 1-: 1.; 5% aeww@wozzbz~BmQqwcow> I I (' <1.‘ ' I E3‘13‘3333°:o1G$$ 00 E3 05 CO5 % ii Ow Iv C13 09 03 DJ- 933 03 C5 C33 KI ":E_EwI§:13E?.3ocl 1-?- Q 1-P- U3 HF- QC 8 9 9 1112121313114141515 6 6 616 6 6 6 1213131141141515 6 ‘6 6 6 6 . 11‘66616177717”7 9.1 91 91 9 10,1010 1011011011 11111 11 111111111 121121212112112131311313 ' 9._ 91 91011010101101101111111 11 1 9; 91 910110110101101101111111 11 91 91 9; 9101101101011011011 11111 11 91 9: 9 910110110110110,1011 ; 91 91 91 1011011011011011011 11111 11 1 .1 91 910110110110110;10 11:11 11 91 9, 9; 931011060110110110111 11111 111 7: 1 1 91 .~ 91 §1111_>11<_>110,1(1110;10111 1111111 1 1 1 '1 V 1 1 1 1 1112112. -13113113113113.1511511511511511717117111181 181181 9110111 1- 311415116117118119120121122123124 25 27 281291303113213334135136f37138139;4()141 42143 44145;46;47:481 9110111 121 '.14115;1(Si 7 1811£112()12l122123124 25 127 2812913031132133134135;3637138139140141 4214344 4;'>146‘47148 ‘ " 81 8 81 91 91 9, 9,. 91 91 91 91101101011010 11.11‘11111 41 41 51 51 5-‘ 61 1 61 6 71 71 71 7 81 81 81 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 10111111 11111-2112113113114 14115115116116:17:17:18;1819119120120 211221221221 5 ' 51515 6 " " ‘ ‘ 7 3 ' P o It‘ we hi fii III‘- P i w 9 3 I-F3 4 53 “$1 U 1' F c ii 9- 5-‘ 5-‘ I‘ IS Hi ,-— _3@—£&m$Q§& I I III‘ C S I—l 5-1 P Q u—-\ ‘_ |—J - 02 _ °¢°1=0c°c0¢.9<_=_99_<>¢"o° .v1v-73:21 cap G62: 35 9 ca C‘ E}‘1caE1‘8%8:°>53$eoeo%8‘&??o'c“c‘?‘=88 c: - $5 8 0-9» hi 1% hi. 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P1 . 1.. In- . V 31 :3! E w w w % 1 wawawwww -—~QwAA+@wwwwwQyqwwHw~wwwA»Agw§$wwww$wwwmwww$ 9 ‘-‘V-“*"*"‘D5I\9'UIUl -5-*—i\‘4l€a‘l\‘JI_\'iI\')l»‘)I\'.Jl\9Wl\') I\9I\9l\'a‘(\$$-7l0C§Cé h$>§\TfI\'J_l\‘)I\'Jl@I@I\'JI\9CJCI\'J I919031951310|vRC'3C§C3I@|IAC>C>I-51-5-I\9l\9@|$¢)3C)3®&&bBC}DC5 3 UIUVCJI *7.<5~}‘QZ*Y m??? 4141454; 4141441 U‘ U1 All our Job Fonts, with the exception of Scripts, Texts, and Germans. are put up by the above Schenles. POINT LINE. POINT SET. POINT BODY -2 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NEWSPAPER $1400 OUTFIT I’ \ . C0». 1- ‘ 9°mT “~(’ :9 *\ D90 NY SET‘ 1W 9 10x15 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon SB 250 00 1 1 12x18 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon 300 00 1 30-inch Advance Cutter .............................. .8 165 00 1 Imposing Stone and Frame, 48x60 in. . . 00 1 Imposing Stone and Frame. 28x50 in... 8. . 19 00 1 Font each, 6-point No. 1, 2, 4; 8-point No. 6; 10-point No. 7; 12-point No. 8, 9; 14, 18 and 24-point Lining Plate Gothic .................... .. 8 17 35 1 Font each, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18 and 24-point Plate Text No. 4. .... .8 20 25 1 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 2 30, 36 and 48-point Caslon Old Roman .................... .. . 88 8 . " 00 1 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30 and 36-point Caslon Old Roman Italic ............. .. 8. 8. . . 28 90 25 Pounds 6-point Roman or Old Style. 18 70 100 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style . 60 30 100 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style 53 50 50 Pounds 12-point Roman or Old Style... .8 8. 26 10 1 Font each. 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48-point Lining Gothic No.82 .............. .8 .. . . 3 85 1 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48-point Bdonitor IJo.£38”_. . In _H. _I I I. . I. 30 95 1 Font each, 14, 18 and 24-point Lin. Bank Script 13 25 1 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 48-point Modern Gothic ....................... .. .. 36 1 Font 12-point Typewriter Type... 6 00 Spaces and Quads, about ..... 8. . 8 25 00 6 Pair News Cases..... .. .. . _ 8 9 60 1 No. 67 New Departure Cabinet with 50 Califor- nia JobCases..8........ 8. . 72 50 1 Steel Run Stand No. 21. 8 8 20 00 4 Pair Case Brackets..... . . .. 5 00 20 California Job and Triple Cases 18 00 50 Pounds 2-point L. S. Leads . .. 10 00 50 Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs.8.8.. .. 10 00 2 Lead and Slug Cases... . 2 00 25 Pounds Improved L. S. Metal Furniture 6 1 Metal Furniture Case.... . 8 1 50 1 Rouse Lead and Slug Cutter No. 20 10 00 10 Pounds 2-point Leads, long..... 8 .. 1 60 5 Pounds 2-point L. S. Single Rule... .... .. 7 25 3 Pounds 2-point Dotted Rule . 4 50 3 Pounds 2-point L. S. Music Face Beveled Rule 4 50 5 Pounds 6-point L. S. Double Rule..... . .. 6 50 5 Pounds 6-point Black Face Rule... ........... .. 6 50 1 Set (4) Harris Rule Cases No. land 1 Blank Case 4 (35 1 Case each Brass and Copper Thin Spaces . 3 50 100 Yards6and 12-point Reglet8 . 8 .. 2 00 1 Font L. S. Wood Furniture and Case, No. 12 10 00 4 Doz.Improved Hempel Quoins No. 1and2Keys 11 00 1 All Brass Job Galley, 10x16 in..... .. 88 . 3 25 1 All Brass Job Galley, 12x18 .......... .. . 8 4 ()0 2 Double Column All-Brass Galley... 6 00 1 Mallet, Planer and Proof Planer 1 20 2 6-inch Yankee Sticks.._... 1 50 1 10-inch Grover or Buckeye Stick 1 20 1 12-inch Grover or Buckeye Stick 1 40 Assortment of Ink, about...8..._ 8 10 00 Borders and Ornaments, about . 8 . 10 00 1 Benzine Can and Brush and 1 Pair Bellows .. 2 15 $1444 15 PILOT LEVER OUTFIT 1 Pilot Lever Press. 64x10 in.. 8 8 $ 35 00 1 All-Brass Galley, 6x10 in. 8 . _ 2 00 1 Imposing Stone, 12x18in..8 .8 . . 88 2 00 25 Pounds 10-point Caslon Old Roman 14 65 1 Font each, 8, 12 and 18-point Plate Text No. 4. 8 1 Font each, 6-point No. 2, 4; 8-point No.6: 10-point No. 7 and 12-point No. 9, Lining Plate Gothic 6 20 1 Font each, 8. 12, 18, 24-point Caslon Old Roman 11 75 1 Font each. 6, 8, 10.12, 18, 24-pt. Spac.es and Quads 3 15 1 Pair News Cases . . . . . 8 8 _ . . . . .. .. . 1 60 7 California Job and 2 Triple Cases 8 10 1 Single Stand No. 4. for 12 Cases .8 3 1 Font Copper and Brass Thin Spaces 1 00 1 Pound Font 2-point L. S. Single Rule. 8 8 1 60 1 Pound Font L. S. Bevel Music Rule 1 60 Pounds 2-point L. Leads 8 8. . 1 00 5 Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs.88. .. 8. 1 00 4 Dozen Challenge Hemple Quoins No. 1 and Key 1 50 1 Small Mallet and Planer . . 8 8 50 1 6-inch Yankee Stick 8 75 Assortment of Inks88 1 00 1 Harris Rule Case No. 1 1 25 $ 107 1:. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S u—. u... -—. ._q v—‘>—A 5-; ct‘: F-‘O0-*--N4----*--—‘N.‘:.«*!C.:.$»:—-C =11.-, 100 a rd h—tg|—Av—Aa—A I-4 p—L u-4 U16--A -‘ 20 """"‘*""‘?~‘*"""C'-‘U‘l\90.’ul\'3I@CJ~3|-‘ 50 1 1 I ESTIMATES $750 OUTFIT 10x15 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon .8.y..'250 00 25-inch Advance or 25$-inch Reliance Cutter... . 110 00 Imposing Stone and Frame. 26x44 in. 16 00 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style 85 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style 29 00 Pounds 12-point Roman or Old Style 13 20 Pair News Cases... .8. 8 ........... .8 8 4 so Font each. 6. 8. 10, 12. 18. 24, 30, 36 and 48-point Caslon Old Roman ................................. 33 90 Font each. 6-point No. 1, 2, 3, 4; 8-point No. 5, 6; 10-point No. 7; 12-point No. 8, 9; 14-, 18 and 24- point Lining Plate Gothic .. ...... .. . . . . 8 . . . .8 .. 17 35 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36-point Caslon Old Roman Italic.....8.. .8. 8 8 . . ..' 90 Font each, 8. 10, 12, 18 and 24-point Plate Text No.4 ................................ .8. ............... 8 . .. 14 Font each. 6, 8, 10, 12, 18. 24, 30, 36 and 48-point Lining Gothic No. .8 .. 33 85 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24. 30, 36 and 48-point _ Monitor No.5 ..... 8. 8 .... .8 .8 24 70 Spaces and Quads... 8 .. 8 8 .. . 8 . 18 00 Double News Stand No.6 ....... 88 .. :- 75 New Departure Cabinet No. 66, with 5 Triple and 35 California Job Cases. 8. . . 59 Pair Case Brackets . . . . . . . . 8 . . . . . . 8 . . . 8. 50 Pounds L. Metal Furniture Pounds L. S. Leads and Slugs... Lead and Slug Case ........ .. 8 Pounds 2-point L. S. Single Rule. .. 8 Pounds 2-point L. Beveled Music Rule . Pounds 6-point L. S. Double Rule . . Harris Rule Cases No. 1 ................ 88 8 Case Copper and Brass Thin Spaces Mallet, Planer and Proof Planer . 8 . . . . . . . .. . Dozen Improved Hemple Quoins and 1 Key All-Brass Job Galley. 10x16.._8. 8 . .. . All-Brass Double Column Galleys8.. aww-wmA+~3aw :5! a: Font L. Furniture and Case. No. 12. 10 00 Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter ........ .8 88 6 00 Pounds 2-point Leads, long .......... 8. 88 1 60 each 6-inch Yankee and 12-inch Buckeye Stick 2 15 Yards 6 and 12-point Reglet . . . . . . . . 8 . 8 . 8 . . . 8 .8 2 00 Assortment of Inks, about .......... .. 7 50 Borders and Ornaments. about ................. .8 8 00 Benzme Can a11d Brush and 1 Pair Bellows 1 90 $77 90 $450 OUTFIT 8x12 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon......$165 00 22;-inch Advance or 23.}-inch Reliance Cutter.-- 90 00 Imposing Stone, 24x36 in ................................... 8. 6 00 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style.........8......88 29 00 Font each, 6, 8, 10, 12. 18, 24, 30 and 36-point Caslon Old Roman ....................................................... 8. 24 85 Font each, 6, 8. 10, 12, 18, 24, 30 and 36-point Lining Gothic No. 82 .................................................. .. 90 Font each, 8, 10, 12, 18 and 24-point Plate Text No. 4 ................................................................. .. 25 , Font each, 6-point No. 2, 3. 4; 8-point No. 5, 6; 10-point No. 7; 12-point No.8, 9; 18 and 24-point Lining Plate Gothic ............................ .. 8 8 14 00 Pair News Cases ........................................ .8 1 60 California Job Cases and 4 Triple Cases 17 10 Spaces and Quads ..................................... .. 88 8 00 Double Stand No. 15, for 24 full size cases..8.. 6 00 Pounds 10-point Leaders .......................... .. 8 8888 .. 1 80 Pound Font 2-point L. S. Single Rule.....8.. 3 20 Pound Font 2-point L. S. Beveled Music Rule. 3 20 Pound Font 6-point L. Double Rule .. 8 8 .. 4 20 Harris Rule Cases No. 1 8 . 2 50 Pounds L. S. Leads and Slugs ..... .. . 5 00 Lead and Slug Case ........................... 88 . 1 00 Pounds 2-point Leads, long..8 1 60 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Lead Cutter..... 2 00 Font L. S. Furniture in Case, No. 10. . 6 ()0 Dozen Improved Hemple Quoins No. 1 and Key 3 00 All-Brass Job Galley. 8;'}x13 in. .. . . 2 50 6-inch Yankee Job Stick..._8 . 75 12-inch Buckeye or Grover Stick 8 1 40 Mallet, Planer and Proof Planer... 20 Yards 6 and 12-point Reglet..... . 1 00 Benzine Can and Brush............. 8. . 888 90 Pair Bellows ....... _.8 . 100 Case Copper and Brass Thin Spaces. 1 75 Assortment of Job Inks, about. .. 5 00 Borders and Ornaments. about . 8. 6 00 $456 7 suPER1o'R COPPER-«MIXED TYPE p_| as ..w..,.. , $m8é5~——uwm—§§ F4 :_4:}[cn—Auan-In—-l—-(' nu —-cccc::«cc:c:3’i:.oi'3c ooa:mz:.»--- *1 NEWSPAPER NEWSPAPER AND JOB OUTFIT 1 6-Col. Quarto Tapeless Reliance Babcock Cylin- i—A-—n-—n n-d|h—l u~ wc~w——~wuc——~ vi-9-»— w 1' ocmSc~»5w 65 :-I C 24 m . ...&’ -81‘..- der Press with blanket, steam and overhead fixtures .............................................. 10x15 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon. Set side steam fixtures ............................... .- 24-Horse Power Bates & Edmonds Gas or Gasoline Engine... . 25%-inch Advance or Rel1ance_Paper Cutter Pair 6-Column Quarto Electric-VVelded Silver Gloss Steel Chases...-........._ .. Set straight iron side and root sticks Imposing Stone, 24X36..... .- Imposing Stone,_ 26X76.. .... .. Single Column Brass Galleys . .. Double Column Brass Galleys . . . . . .. 6X2}-inch Screw Composing Sticks......... .. _ . 10-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick... 12-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick _ 10x16 All—Brass Galley. . News Stands . Double Stand for 24 full size cases Pair Cases. .. . Job and Triple Cases..- T .. Mallet, Planer and Proof Planer . . . .. doz. Genuine Hempel Quoins and 2 Keys 6-point Column Rules, 193 inches. 6-point Head Rules. 13?, inches... 4-point Head Rule, 13-; inches. 4-point Cross Rules. 13 ems.. 2-point Advertising Rules. 13 ems 4-point Cross Rules, 26; ems... 2-point Dash Rules, 13 ems..... .. Pounds 2 point Leads, 13 ems. .. Pounds 6-point Slugs; 40 Pounds Pounds cut 26; ems..... .. . Pounds 2-point Leads. long.. 18-point Metal Foot Slugs.. .. Pounds 2-poi11t L. S. Leads ._ Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs. . . .. .. Font Wood Furniture and Case, No. 12.. Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Single....... Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Dotted . _ Pounds 6-point L. S. Rule, Double.... . . . . Lead and Slug Case and 2 Harris Rule Cases . Electrotyped Heading, 72 pt. .. 6-inch Proof Roller, complete cast Pounds 6-point Roman or Old Style . Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style. Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style... ._ Pounds 12-point Roman or Old Style...._ . Fonts of Job and Display Type, about .. . Spaces and Quads for Display Type. about._... Borders and Ornaments, about . . . . _ .. . .. . Dozen Spring Tongue Gauge Pins Benzine Can. quart ..................... .. Yards Reglet................ .. . .. Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter No. 1 . Assortment of Job Ink, about Pounds Superior News I11k ____ .. . . . Font Brass and Copper Spaces (10 oz.) ‘:£. (0 v--L CD out 13 ems, 2:3 250 1 105 110 F-‘ b-—|—A(\', . Q v-c»:<1:<::-----txacncn 0-‘I\9CJGh5~C|s'«CJ58’U"U\*d'-‘C.Tr 5w»—-z.-.-- ~—*3‘®»-A-(£:5:<::-.1‘:.~:.—-r-060-a::a".::‘.’:CJ|: $1100 00 00 000 COL. NEWSPAPER FOR FRONTIER TOWN Army Press, 16-,7,X22z, inches . .. Sing e Column Brass Galley Wood Galleys. 5x15.. .. 6-inch Screw Composing pairs Cases. . . Job and Triple Cases Mallet and Planer small. ._ Pounds Superior News Ink.. 6-point Column Rules. 21‘; inches 6-point Head Rules, 15?; inches... 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems 2-point Dash Rules, 13 ems 4-point Dash Rules. 13 ems. .. 4-point Cross Rules. 13 ems. Pounds 2-point Leads. 13 ems. . Pounds 6-point Slugs, 13 e1ns..... . . . . . Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style. Fonts Display Type. about_,..... . Electrotyped Heading. three words, 72 pt.. Spaces and Quads for Display Type, about Sticks POI NT-LI NE. POINT-SET.’ POINT-BODY *-‘C-‘-(O *1»-L‘-'-* I’ \ ' “\0“ COD“ 1, 59 gown’ L|~(. (‘Q .‘ point 527 V ESTIMATES NEWSPAPER AND JOB OUTFIT 1 6—Column Quarto, Ideal Hand CylinderPress. $225 00 1 10%)15 Chandler & Price or Challenge Gordon ress .............................................. __ . . 250 00 1 22§—Inch Advance or Reliance Paper Cutter. .. 90 00 1 P5311‘, 6—Cqolu1:{1E1Quarto, Electric Welded. Silve ossctee ‘ .. . . .. . ._ 17 40 1 Set straight iron side and foot sticks .. . :3 30 1 Imposing Stone,26x7 . 13 75 1 Imposing Stone, 24x36. . . . . 6 00 4 Single Column Brass Galleys . 10 00 2 Double Column Brass Ga1leys....._. _ . . 6 00 4 6X2}-inch Screw Composing Sticks....... . 3 00 1 10-inch Buckeye or Grover Composing Stick .. 1 20 1 13-ii1bc‘huB1éckeyZo1i1Grover Composing Stick... 1 40 X ' - rass —‘a ey.... .. ... 3 2;" 2 News Stands, . _... .. 7 56 1 Job Stand. for 24 full-size cases 6 00 7 PairCases. .. . 1120 27 Job and Triple Cases . 24 30 Mallet and Planer ........ .. . . _ . , . 60 : doz. No. 1 Genuine Hempel Quoins and 2Keys .. 8 50 20 6-point Column Rules. 19%} inches . .... .. 10 60 4 6-point Hea((11 gules, 133 in%hes 1 44 14- ' tH l .133.‘ ...... .. 24 4-ggilnt CI?(;)ls‘S R1311:-s. 13 clarrifs. . .. 1 2.3 15 4-point Cross Rules, 26; ems..... . 1 20 75 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems _ 33 40 2-point Dash Rules. 13 ems . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 25 4-point Dash Rules, 13 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 50 Z Pounds 2-point Leads, 13 ems.... . 10 00 25 Pounds 2-point L. S. Leads . . . . . . . .. . ....... .. 5 00 40 Pounds 6-point Slugs, cut to column. . 8 00 25 Pounds 6-point L. S. Slugs....... . . . 5 00 24 18-point Foot Slugs .......................................... .. 1 20 1 Font Wood Furniture and Case. No. 12 .......... .. 10 00 2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Single. .. .............. .. 3 20 2 Pounds 2-point L. S. Rule, Dotted. . .. 3 20 3 Pounds 6-point L. S- Rule, Double.. . 4 20 1 Lead and Slug Case ........... ......... .. . 100 1 Harris Rule Case ............................ .. . . 1 25 1 Font Brass and Copper Spaces (10 oz.) ............ .. 1 00 1 Electrotyped Heading three words, 72 pt.... . .. 2 25 1 6-inch Proof lgojller. cc];mptl)ete and cast ........ .. 1 8:’) Assortment 0 ob In , a out... . . . .... .. 7 50 10 Pounds News Ink ........................ .. .. . 2 00 50 Pounds 6-point Roman or Old Style .. .. 36 90 250 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style . . 149 50 50 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style..... . 29 00 30 Fonts Job and Display Type, about.._.. . . . 110 00 Spaces and Quads for Job and Display Type. about ................................................. .. .. .. 12 00 Borders and Ornaments, about ............ .. 10 00 1 dozen Spring Tongue Gauge Pins 1 20 50 Yards Reglet ................ ............ ., 1 00 10 Pounds 2-point Leads, _long...-.. . . . 1 60 1 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Lead Cutter. 2 00 $1132 36 6 COL. NEWSPAPER FOR FRONTIER TOWN 1 6-column Army Press, 14gx20g inches. 60 00 1 Single Column Brass Galley... 2 2 Wood Galleys 5X15. .. _ . 60 2 6-inch Screw Composing Sticks 1 50 3 pair Cases. .. . .. . 4 80 6 Job and Triple Cases .... .. 5 40 Mallet and Planer, small... 50 5 Pounds NewsInk. 100 10 6-point Column Rules. 19;‘ inches. 5 2 2 6-point Head Rules. inches... 72 25 2-point Advertising Rules, 13 ems 63 10 2-point Dash Rules. 13 ems... 75 10 4-point Dash Rules, 13 ems. 1 00 10 4-point Cross Rules. 13 ems... 50 15 Pounds 2-point Leads. cut to column 3 00 15 Pounds 6-point Slugs, cut to column 3 00 75 Pounds 10-point Roman or Old Style. 4: 50 50 Pounds 8-point Roman or Old Style... 32 83 8 Fonts Display Type. about.............. ._ _ 30 00 Spaces and Quads tor Display Type. about. .. 3 50 1 Electrotyped Heading. three words, 72 pt- _ _. 2 25 $203 30 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED go 5., R NEWSPAPER " ESTIMATES SUBJECT TO CHANGE ARTICLES 6 COLUMN FOLIO 7 COLUMN FOLIO 8 COLUMN FOLIO 9 COLUMN FOLIO BCOLUMNQUARTO 6COLUMN QUARTO ONE SIDE ONLY ONE SIDE ONLY ONE SIDE ONLY ONE SIDE ONLY ONE SIDE ONLY ONE SIDE ONLY Washington Hand Press* _______________ _-$200 00 ______ __$225 00 ...... _-$250 00 ...... --$275 00 ...... --$250 00 ______ __$300 00 Chases, Electric-Welded Silver Gloss Steel,1 pair ______________________ __ 10 85 _______ _- 1215 ....... __ 13 30 _______ -_ 14 80 ....... -_ 15 85 _______ -_ 17 40 CastRo1ler,Frame and Core----- 16 in---_ 41018in__-- 4 5520in___- 50022in____ 53020in__-_ 50022in_-_ 530 Straight Iron Side and Foot Sticks ........................... --2eacI1__ 2652each__ 3002each__ 3 352each-- 3654each-- 4654each-- 5 30 One Imposing Stone ............ -- Mx36___ 6 00 26x44___ 8 00 28x50--- 10 00 32x60--- 13 50 28x50--- 10 00 36x60--- 15 00 SingleGalleys,all-brass ......... _- 3 _____ __ 7 50 4 _____ _- 10 00 5 _____ __ 12 50 5 _____ __ 12 50 5 _____ --12 50 1500 Double Galleys,a1l-brass ....... -- 1 _____ __ 300 1 ..... _- 300 2 ..... _- 6 00 2 ..... -- 600 2 _____ -- 600 2 _____ -- 6 00 6-inch Screw Composing Stick--- 2 _____ __ 150 3 ..... -- 2 25 2 25 3 _____ _- 2 25 3 ..... -- 2 25 3 ..... -- 2 25 10-inch Grover or Buckeye Com- posingstick .................... _-1 _____ __ 1201 _____ -_ 120 1 _____ -- 1201 _____ -- 1201 ..... _- 1201 ..... -. 120 Newsstands ...................... --1 _____ _-3752 ..... __7502 ..... --7502 _____ _-7502 ..... --7502 _____ _-750 DoubleStand,for24ful1sizecases 1 _____ _- 600 1 ..... -- 600 1 ..... -- 600 1 _____ __ 600 1 ..... -- 600 1 _____ -- 600 News Cases, pairs ............... -- 6 _____ ,_ 960 6 ..... __ 960 7 _____ _- 1120 9 _____ ._1440 7 . . . . . --1120 9 ..... --1440 Joband'1‘rip1eCases ............ -- 12 _____ __ 10 8015 _____ _- 135015 ..... -- 135022 _____ -_ 198015 ..... -- 13 5022 ..... -- 1980 Mallet and Planer ........................ _- 60---- 60 ....... -. 60 _______ -_ 60 ....... -- 60 ....... -- 60 Wood Sidesticks, yards ........ -- 3 _____ _- 18 3 ..... -- 18 4 _____ _- 24 5 _____ -_ 30 5 _____ -- 30 5 _____ 1- 30 Assorted Reglet and Furniture-- _______ _, 1 00 _______ __ 1 00 ....... _- 1 00 ....... -_ 1 00 ....... -- 1 00 ....... -- 1 00 Column Rules .................... -- 10,199,111 5 30 12, 21§in 6 96 14, 232 in 8 82 16,23 in 10 8816, 18 in 7 68 20. 19% in 10 60 Head Rules ................... 3, 133111 1 08 3,15gin 123 3, 18 in 138 3,20}in 162 5, 111 in 155 5, 133 in 1 80 Double Cross Rules, single col- umn,4-point ................... --15 _____ __ 7515 _____ __ 7520 _____ -- 10025 _____ -- 12520 ..... -- 10025 ..... -- 125 Single Cross Rules, single column, 2-point __________________________ __3o _____ __ 7530 _____ __ 7550 _____ _- 12550 ..... _- 12550 ..... -- 12550 ..... -- 125 Double Cross Rules, double col- umn,2-point ___________________ _- 6 _____ __ 4310 _____ -_ 8010 ..... _- 8010 ..... -- 8015 ..... -- 12015 _____ _- 120 SingleDash Rules, 2-point ...... --25 ..... _- 18825 ..... -- 18830 ..... -- 22540 ..... -- 30040 ..... -- 30050_------ 375 Editorial Dash Rules, 4-point”--- 10 _____ -- 10015 ..... __ 15015 ..... -- 1 5020 ..... -- 2 0020 ..... _- 2 00 25 ..... -- 2 50 2-point Leads, 13ems ____________ -_251bs___ 50030lbs.__ 60040lbs.-- 80050lbs.-- 10 0040lbs._- 80050lbs.-- 1000 6-point Slugs, 13ems ............. -_251bs,__ 50025lbs.-- 50030lbs.-- 60040 lbs.-- 80030lbs.-- 60040lbs.-- 800 6-point Slugs. double co1umn-----151bs--- 3 0015 lbs.-- 3 00 20 lbs.-- 4 00 25 lbs._- 5 00 20 lbs.-- 4 00 25 lbs.-- 5 00 Beveled Foot Slugs, 18-point .... -- 12 _____ - - 60 14 ..... -_ 70 16 ..... - - 80 18 ..... - - 90 20 ...... - - 1 00 24 _____ _ - 1 20 1 Electrotyped Heading, 3 words- _______ -_ 2 25 ....... .- 2 25 ....... -_ 2 25 ....... -- 2 25 ....... -- 2 25 ....... -- 2 25 Superior News Ink .............. -_ 101bs.__ 2 0010 lbs._- 2 00 28 lbs.-- 3 92 28 lbs.-- 3 92 28 lbs.-- 3 92 28 lbs.-- 3 92 OneB.B.&S.LeadCutter ______________ __ 200 _______ -_ 200 ....... -_ 200 ....... -- 200 ....... -- 200 ....... -- 200 Inking Stone ..................... __ 12x18___ 2 o012x18___ 2 00 18x24--- 3 7518x24--- 3 7518X24--- 3 75 18x24--- 3 75 Genuine I-Iempel Quoins No. 1, including key __________________ ,_ 1dozen_ 3 00 1dozen_ 3 00 1dozen_ 3 00 1 dozen- 3 00 2dozen- 5 502dozen- 5 50 6-point Roman or Old Stylei .... -- 25 lbs.- 18 70 251bs-- 18 70 50 lbs - 36 90 50 lbs.- 36 90 50 lbs.- 36 90 50 lbs.- 36 90 8-point Roman or Old Stylei .... -- 50 lbs.- 32 85 50 lbs-_ 32 85 75 lbs._ 49 28 100 lbs._ 60 30 75 lbs.- 49 28100 lbs._ 60 30 10-point Roman or Old Style+----- 125 lbs.- 66 37150lbs-- 80 25 175 lbs.- 93 62 200 lbs.-107 00175 lbs.- 93 62 200 lbs.-107 00 12-point Roman or Old Style+----- 25 lbs.- 13 20 25 lbs_- 13 20 25 lbs._ 13 20 25 lbs._ 13 20 25 lbs._ 13 20 25 lbs.. 13 20 Display Type, about _____________ __ 10 fonts 35 0012 fonts 40 0015 fonts 50 00 20 fonts 80 0015 fonts 50 00 20 fonts 80 00 Spacesand Quads for display type _______ -_ 5 00 ....... -- 6 00 ....... -- 7 00 ....... -- 10 00 ....... -- 7 00 ....... -- 10 00 Borders and Ornaments, about-- _______ __ 4 00 ....... -- 4 00 ....... -- 5 00 --. ..... -_ 5 00 ....... -- 6 00 ....... -- 6 00 $479 94 $542 35 $649 36 $755 82 $657 65 $794 42 *Second Hand Presses usually in Stock at greatly reduced prices. +If other sizes of body letter are selected, the only change will be difference in prices. BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER’S 10 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE SYNOPSIS OF BODY TYPE CAST FROM SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED METAL ON THE POINT-LINE POINT-SET AND POINT BODY LINING SYSTEM Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Type Founders, Chicago, Illinois ST. PAUL, MINN. KANSAS QIITY, MO. Minnesota Fype Foundry Co. VVASHINGTON, D. C_ Great Western Fype Foundry ST. LQU-IS’ M0 Southern Printers Supply Co. OMAHA: NEE St. Louis Prmters Supply Co. SEATTLE’ wASH_ Great VVestern lype Foundry DALLAS, TEX. Pacific P1‘mt€rS 511131318’ C0- NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. Barnhart Type Foundry Co. SYNOPSIS OF I " 5) > 5 POINT NO. 64 ‘file ll111f1111111_L11111 11y11t11111 111 the 111l1111t11l11111 111 1.1111 1131111111111 111' 1111111111 111 111111 ihniiliar by the lining gotliius to all fue1111 111.’. ty 1111. As 1;1veryo11e k nows. in tho old lining‘ gothics only fonts of naps are made so that th “Bf WU‘ “"0 M'l£€.‘11hN‘s in llnll‘m"m»Ll1m typo, i‘11nl.:u 11114111111115‘luvwmw-u. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16% ems. .’I'I1.e U11 1,/111111111-111311111 111111111111 1111 N111 11.1.l111;1l11ll11111 1:1j'll1.e 111111111111. 11/’ ll111rl111g 11111111 efaimilimr by the lininql1otl1.ios to all_faces of type. As e1am~1/one know 1-1, in tile. 1111111 N'I‘l‘l")H7 got 1" ma m11lu_/’m1t.-.1 of 11111111-1 111% nlllvrlca 141': th mt 11111111 mi AB CDEFGHIJ K LM NOPQR S TUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGIlIJKLl\lNO1’QRS'l‘UVWXYZ 1234567891) ABCDEFG HIJ K L}IN(_) PQRSTL‘ VWXY Z 51.1; ]"’m.\*'1‘N(). 1:1) The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of typ 11. As evm'_vo1m knows. in the old lining gothic-1-.1 only fontt-:1 o 1' caps are rnaclo so that they will line t0g‘utl1m': 1.11 U1111'orn1— Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the _adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As erveryon e knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so tha ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 1234567890 lime} 5% POINT N0- 64 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of 11 ning made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. A s everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps a re made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line type, Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16}; ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As eivew-yon e knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so tha ABCDEFGHIJ KLMN OPQRS T UVWX YZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 123456 7890 ii} 6 POINT N0. 60 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system 0 f lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of ty pe. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ‘caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of l ining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining go thics only fonts of cap ABUDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST U VWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ G9 6 POINT N0. 64 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syste m of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all fac es of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line togeth Lower case alphabet, a to z, 17% ems. The Uniform-Line System is the adaptation of the system c f lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of ty pe. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts ABCDE FGHIJKLMNOPQRS T UV W X YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGIIIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678.90 A BCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXOYZ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I’ \ I DFCWNY \\ °~» 004 1 110:1/’ V BODY FACES 9 S l’<_11N'1‘ 01.1) STYLE No. 59 T1111 U111l111=111«~l.111e 1111t1t1111 11111111 111l1111111111111 111111111 1111111111111 11l1i11i1111’1111.11lt 111111 111111" by the lining gmlhics to 1111 ii1ces11i type. A11 cwcryone knows, in the old lining‘ szothics only fonts of cans are inade so that they will line together; in lfnlim-'111.l inn wpn. 111111: lm‘imllm.: \lvW£*!'1.:ih:U are umale in 1111-:1 ma vmlailltu '1' Lower case alphabet, a to 7., lb ems. 7 ‘/111 l,l111_‘,/;111wz~/. 11111 .1;;1.1..~./11111 1'1 {/16 1111’1m/111111111g"!/11.13111/11211 13/" 1’1”111'11y= 1z1.~111'1* fmm'/z‘nr /w 1‘/ze /2'm'2z,1_r,1,ro/1z1'r.c to a//fares of type, As ezzeryone )lvzo7u.c, m I/11' rum’ /1'u.<"u;,1',1,_w(/'1-.1'1"v.' wra{v_/“w:1‘.~.‘ 14/' r"rr/1-.1‘ 111'"? Nn‘H’t'r' .1111 (/1111! 1'/ngiv w':W' 1'1’;/.1 ma ABC!)/§F({H/;7l\'l,1llN()PQR.S‘7‘UVlV/1'YZ 1334567890 ABCDEFGHI]KLMN(')l’QRS'l‘UV\VXYZ I33-1507890 AliCI)l;'l*'CvHl_IKl.MN()I’QRS'l‘U\'\\'XYZ 5”“ ‘ "* 1:31‘; 5,143 l’ul?~:'l‘ N:.>.1i:3 The Uniform-Line systoin is the adpatation of the system of linin 1: made filll’1lllill'l.)y the lining gotlilcs to all faces of type. As ev oryo111-. knows, in the old lining got.l1i(:s only fonts of caps are mad 11 1-10 i.l1u.t.. 1.1111-y will 11111-1. tom1i.l1111'; 111 ll11ii'1:1rm-'1.11111 t.ypo, 111111.11-1 111111 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. The Uni/“or'n1.-Li-no system is the adaptation of the system of (in-1‘n.g made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyo ne knows, in the old lz'm'ng gothics onlyj‘onts 0)‘ caps are made so t ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVIVXYZ 1234567890 ABC])EF(ll{IJKLMN()PQllS'l‘llV\VXYZ 1234567890 AIECDEFGHIJKI.MNOPQRS’l‘l7VWX Y’/. m} 5% POINT N0- 66 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system 0 f lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of t ype. As everyone knows.1n the old lining gothics only fon ts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Unifo Lower case alphabet, a to z, 17% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyon e knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so tha ABCDEFGHIJK LMN OPQRS TU VWX YZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJ K LMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 1234567890 > 6 POINT N0- 63 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of typ e. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts 0 f caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-L Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the ada tation o the system of ti ning madefamiliar by the lining got ice to al faces oft pe. A s everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts 0 caps a ABCDEF GHIJK LMN OPQRS T U VWX Y Z 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 A BODE FGIIIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXY 7. _<<} 6 POINT NO. 66 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the s ste In of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to a 1 fa ces of type. As everyone knows, in the old linin gothi cs only fonts of caps are made so that they will line tog Lower case alphabet, a to z, 17% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the ada tation of the system of ti ning made familiar by the lining got ice to all faces oft pe. A s everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts 0 caps a AB 0DEFGIIIJ1i'L]lIN OPQRST U VWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE . tv e. As everyone SYNOPSIS OF 0. %’o'\T .1 , .. ’ c:m2iV . ‘ N %.LC"N7 iii‘/":.‘L’:"" ‘E BODY FACES C 6 POINT N°- 74 The Uniforrn—L1ne system in the adaptation of the system of lining made famll 9.1‘ by the lllllll‘ ‘ 901511108 T20 all lanes of _ knows, in the 0 d lining gothios only f on is of (Tupi-.5 are made so that tliey will line together: in U Lower case alphabet, iii. no in, 10 ems. 'l‘he Ul"llfm‘l‘ll-Ll’lw system is the adaptation of the 81]8l6‘m~_(l f l.in.in. made familiar by the Ii’/nin gothics to all faces oft mac. 8 eimrymw Irmows, in. me old .i‘.wmgs geithtes «mm fU’H ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS T UVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567891) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ [j : Z E > 6 Point‘ CASLON OLD S'l‘\'LE The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know s. in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together: in Uniform-Line type. fonts including lower case are ma Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made fa miliar by the lining gothic: to all faces of type. A: everyone knows, in th a old lining gothics only font: of caps are made so that they will line toget ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567800 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ } 6 PoiNT OLD STYLE No. 58 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation_of the syst em of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all fa ces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothi cs only fonts of caps are made so that they will line tog Lower case alphabet, a to z, 17 1-6 ems. The Uniform-Line system z's_th_e ada,1>ta_t2'on of the system of li nzng made familiar by the lznzng gothzcs _to all faces of tyjre. As everyone knows. in the old lining gothzc only fonts of ca/2s A BCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TU V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ §:’“-’—'-'—'§} 6 POINT OLD STYLE No. 70 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gotliics to all faces of type. As everyone knows. in the old lining gothics only fo nts of caps are made so that they will line together: in Uni Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 16% ems. The Uniform-Line system _is_ the adaptation of the system of lint’ ng made familiar by the lmtng gothzcs_ to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lznmg gothtcs only fonts of caps are AB CDE F GHIIYKLMN OPQR STU VWX2” Z 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXYZ 1234507890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I Z V " §} 6 Pomr OLD STYLE No. 200 The Uniform-Line system is_tlie adaptation of the system of 1 “H112 made familiar by the linir_ig.goth1cs_to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of cap s are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line ty De. f_onts including lower case are made to line as readily. _ T lius in Uniform-Line type all faces on the same body will line together at the bottom without any work of Justification by t he compositor, which allows the use of several faces in the sa me line without extra expense. Suppose the job being set re Lower case alphabet, 9. to z, 15% ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ RSTUVWXYZ 12345 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY _-3} 6 POINT No. 80 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system (ll lining made mmlliar by the lining othicu to all races of type. As everyone knows, in the ol lining gothics only i onts of cans are made so that they will line together: in U lnmii-imiii ti—'fl,EllL% nlul-inliisti, is. no is. Inlet mum. The Uni,fo7'm-Line system is the adaptation of the system oft inino made f'(t7ml(I.7' to the limo r/ethics to all faces of tune. As ainam/on.o Ilmowm. in the old lamina oothios onlr/.fonts of cap AB 0'1) E'I1'G1I1-]1i'L.-l[1V’0I’QRi‘S' T U V li*'l~"Y YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVW XYZ 1234567891) ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ l E} 6 P()ll\"l‘ 01.1) S'l‘\'Ll£ No. i The Uriiforrn.-Line syste_iii_is the adaptation of the systein of linin g made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As eve ryone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together: in Uniform-Line type, fonts inclnd Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Unzform-Line system is the adagltaflon of the system of live z'ng madefamz'lz'ar by the lining gothics to all faces of type, As everyone /snows, in the old lining gothics onlyfonts of ca _:5s a re 71: AB CDEF CHI,/K LMN OPQRS TU V WXYZ 1234567890 ' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456 7890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 6 Pomr OLD STYLE No. 59 The Uniform—Li_ne system is.the adaptation of the system of li ning made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. A s everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps a re made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line type Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lz'nz'n g made famz'lz'ar by the lining gothics to all faces of tyzle. As ev eryone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ca 15: are mad ABCDEFGHIJK L/IIN OPQRS TU V WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 4ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 6 POINT OLD STYLE No. 90 > The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows. in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line ty Lower case alphabet, 8. to z, 15% ems. The Um_'form-Line system is the adaptation of the system of line’ ng maa'efagnz'l1'ar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lz'm°ngg‘othz'cs only fonts of caps are AB CDEFGHI L711" LAIN OPQR STU VWXTZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234507890 ABC DEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l:::E 6 POINT ELZEVIR No. S The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of typ e. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform Lower case alphabet, is to z, 15 5-6 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know 5, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ "‘ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SYNOPSIS OF 6 POINT PARAGON l (9% The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of linin g made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As eve ryone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps were ma de so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line type, fonts in Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of 1i ning made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. s everyone knows, in the old lining gothios onlyfonts of caps a ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1254567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1254567890 ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l ' ” ” 83 > 6 POINT CASLON OLD ROMAN The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ca ps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform—Line Lower case alphabet, a to z. 15 5—6 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system o f lining made familiar by the lining gothics to allfaces oft ype. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fon ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ I : jj : @> > 6 POINT BARNHART OLD STYLE The Uniform-Line sytem is the adaptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows , in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will 1 inc together: in Uniform-Line type, fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line type all faces on the same bo dy will line together at the bottom without any work of justification by t he compositor, which allows the use of several faces in the same line wi Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 1-6 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ i'_“_‘_’_“‘_:_“j_‘:_“_‘e} 6 Point Old Roman Bold The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyon e knows. in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-line type. fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line type all fac es on the same body will line together at the bottom without any w ork of justification by the compositor. which allows the use of sever al faces in the same line without extra expense. Suppose the job be ing set requires some words in a blacker or other different face. as t Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 5-6 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ i j ‘_’ @ > 7 Point‘ No. 63 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothies to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics o Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Ifnzform-Line system is the adaptation of the system 0 fl ining made familiar by the lining gothxtcs to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining goihtcs only fonts of cap A.BODEFGHIJI(Lll[NOP QRS T UV WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGl{IJKLMNO1’QRS'l‘UVWXYZ 12345678.‘)() ABCDEFGHIJ K LMN OPQRSTU VW X Y7. BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER‘S l ©:> The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of typ e. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 5-6 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining golhics to all faces of type. As cveryorze know 5, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will ABC DE FGHIJK LMNOPQRS TUV WX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHlJKl-MNOPQRS'l‘UVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0 Pomr FRENCH OLD Srvus No. 3 1234567890 5 ‘ “ “ 83 > 6 Point 01.1) ROMAN Cormsnssn The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know s. in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they wil 1 line together; in Uniform-Line type. fonts including lower-case are m ade to line as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line type all faces on the sa me body will line together at the bottom without any work of justifica tion by the compositor. which allows the use of several faces in the sa me line without extra expense. Suppose the job being set requires so me words in a blacker or other different face, as the junction-points in Lower case alphabet, a to z. 13 1-6 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPORSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 § } 6 Point Mission The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, i n the old lining gothics only the fonts of caps are made so at ey w‘ line together; in uniform-Line type, fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line type all faces on the same bod y will line together at the bottom without any worle of justification by the compositor, which allows the use of several faces in the same line witho ut extra expense, Suppose the job being set requires some words in a b lacleer or other different face, as the junction—points in a railroad tariff; t Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 12345 j V V —"@'} 7 POINT N o. 60 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sys tern of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to al 1 faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 ems. The Uniforrn-Ixlne system. is the adaptation of the system o f liinmg made farm/lh3a.r by the lining gothies to all faces of t ype. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothtes only fon ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGH1JKI.MNoPQns'rUvwxYz 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ (9 7 POINT No. 66 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the s ystem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. The Un ifo1*m.—Line system is the adaptation of the system o f liming made f(un..~i.l.iar by the l-i.ni.ng gothics to all faces of t ype. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothies only fon A BCI)]u' FGH IJ K LM N OPQRS T UVVV X YZ l234567‘9() ABCl)EFGI.IIJKLMN()l’QltS'l‘l?VWXYZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 90‘ KC“! SYNOPSIS OF .v..c,;” O jje} 7 POINT N0- 80 The Uniform-Line system_is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining goth1cs_to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old hm ng gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they Lower case alphabet, a to z 15 2-7 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system o f lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of t ype. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fon ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 1234567890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123457890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sys tem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to al 1 faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will 1 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. Yhe Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of typ e. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of AB CDEF GHUKLMNOPQRS T U V WX YZ 12345678 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 7 POINT OLD STYLE No. 59 E j T ” e} 8VP0INT N0. 60 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of th e system of lining made familiar by the lining g othics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, i n the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are ma Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the ada tation of the sy stem of lining made familiar b% the ining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone nows, in the old lini AB ODEFGHIJ KLM N OPQRS T UVWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l j “ ea} 8 POINT No. 64 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of t he system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know s, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps ar Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the s ystem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old l ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS TU V WX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ POI NT-LI NE. POINT-SET. POI NT- BODY NT is BODY FACES Y S I V” “ “ ©.}> 7 POINT OLD STYLE No. 58 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sys tem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, the old lining goth ics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line to Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15 1-7 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothi cs to all faces of type. As everyone knows, the old ABCDEFGfI1][('L./£1./VOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345678 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 ©.} 7 Point Paragon The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syste In of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all face s of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line togethe Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 1-7 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syst em of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all fa ces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining goth ics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line to ABGDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS T U VWX YZ 1254-5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPGRSTUVW y 12545 j " “ cs} 8 POINT No. 63 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothi cs to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so th ' Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sys tem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to at l faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining AB (JDEF GHIJ KLMN OPQRS T U VWX Y Z 123456 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXYZ 5 ‘ ” ‘ e} 8 POINT No. 66 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lini ng gothics to all faces of type. As everyone k nows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ca Lower case alphabet, a to z, 15% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the ada tation of the sy stem of lining made familiar Z»;/C the ining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone nows, in the old lini AOBDEFGHIJKLM N OPQRS TUVWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SYNOPSIS OF j V " ©',> 8 POINT No. 74 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of th e system of lining made familiar by the lining go thics to all faces of type. I’ \ F “\O CO” DOINY sn , °°w1 u0Bj~’/ // V the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made § Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-I/lne system is the adaptation of the li niny system made familiar by the lining othies to a ll faces of type. As everyone knows, in tie old linin ABCDEFGHIJKLJIINOPQRSTUVWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 19345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ l 69} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the li ning system made familiar by the lining gothics to al 1 faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old linin g gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they wi Lower case alphabet, at to z, 13% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the lining system made familiar by tile lining gothics to all faces of type. A: erveryorze knows, in the old lining gothics only ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 POINT CASLON OLD STYLE The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of th e system of lining made familiar by the lining go thics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, i n the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are ma Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uiziform-[.z'7ze system is the aahzptatioiz of the system of /z'm'7ig made fami/z'a7' by the lz'm'7zg goth ies to all faces of type. As e7/eryoize /mews, in th AB CDEFG[![]l(L/l/NOPQ/8.8‘TU VDVXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 POINT OLD STYLE No. 58 l"“’"“”—’€»} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of t he system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know s, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps a Lower case alphabet, a. to z, 14% ems. The Uiziform-I.i7ze system is the adaptation of th (2 system of lining made familiar by the lining g othics to all faces of tygbe. As eveiyone knows, i A 1)’ (‘DE FGH 1 / [(1. M N ( LPQIBS '1 ‘U V WX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ 8 POINT OLD STYLE No. 70 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER BODY FACES 8 POINT No. 80 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of t a he system of lining made familiar by the lining As everyone knows, in L gothics to all faces of type. As everyone know s, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps a Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-Line system the acla tation of the s ystem of lining made familiar by the ining gothics t 0 all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lin AB ODEFGH IJ KLM'NOPQRS TUVWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123./l5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXYZ 8 l’oi.\"1‘ ()Ll) S'l‘\'l.li No. 1 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syst em of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining g othics only fonts of caps are made so that they will lin Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. The Uizifiw/2z—/.z'Ize sysle//l is the mlaptatiozz of the sys/ cm of liizi/zg mm/e familiar by the /z'iiz'7zg got/12'z‘s to all faces of type. As ewerymze /menus, in the old lz'7zz'11g' got A1)’ (.7l)1L‘/"(/'//./_/IV],.7lYZV()/’Q/\’.S' 7'13 'll—CY l 'Z 1234567 ABCDEFGllIJKLMNOI’QRS’I‘UVWXYZ 1234507 ABC] )El*‘G H UK LMNO l~’Q R STU VVVX Y7. E"”‘”—‘e7l> The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lin ing gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they w Lower case alphabet, a to z, 131/, ems. The Um_'f0rm—1,z'ize system is the adagitaition of the system of lz'm'7zg maa7efamz'l2'a7‘ by the l2'7z2°;zg' got/22' es to all faces of type. A everyone /cizozvs, 2'72 the A1)’ CDE F6‘ [1[//(L311/\tr0])Q/\’ .8‘ T ( ’VI/!*2\’ ll 7 1234567 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234567 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVVXYZ 8 POINT OLD STYLE No. 59 l ©} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of t he system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows , in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are Lower case alphabet, a to z. 14% ems. The Uniform-Liize system is the adaptation of th e system of lining made familiar by the li7zi'ngg' ot/tics to allfaces of type. As everyone hnozos, 15 A 13 C [)E1+‘G‘H Z / K]. M N OPQRS TU V ll 'Xl ’Z 12345 ABCI)1«:1«‘(;H1JKLMNoPg1 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system 0 E lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of ype. onts of caps are made so that they will line together; in U niform-Line type, fonts including lower case are made to 1 me as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line type all faces on th 8 same body will line together at the bottom without any w 8 Point OLD ROMAN CONDENSED As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only f ‘ BODY FACES 8 Pomr ELZEVIR No. 5 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sys tem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to a ll faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old linin r g gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they w Thus in Uniform-Line type all fac , ‘$QfWW- 125456 .' ork of justification by the compositor, which allows the us E Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 67890 8 Point Old Roman Bold The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syst em of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all fa ces of type, hics only_fonts.of caps are made so that they will line t °§ether; in Uniform-Line type. fonts including lower c ase are made to line as readily. Thus in Uniform-Line Wpe all faces on the same body will line together at th e bottom without any work of justification by the com Lower case apliabet. it to z. 12% ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ POINT-LINE. POIl\lT—SET. POI l\lT—BODY < he same line without extra expense. As everyone knows. in the old lining got 4 Lower case alphabet. a to z, 13% ems. The Umform-Lz’1ze sivs/en: is /he adaptatiolz of the system of 1z'm'ng made famz'/z'ar hi! the lz'1zz'ng gothics to allfaee /is eve7;1'one lmoivs, in the old lz'm'Izg gothics ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQR5TUI/I/VXYZ 1234567 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 1234507 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 ' C} 8 POINT FRENCH O. S. NO. 3 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lin ing gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. The Umform-Lz'n.e system is the a..daptatz'on of the system of lz'm'ng made famz'1z'ar by the lz'm'ng gothics to all face s of type. /ls everyone knows, in the old lz'm'ng gothies /lBCDEFGHIjKLMNOPQ_RSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 8 Point Mission The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ca ps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform—Line type, fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. Thus in Uniform—Line type all faces on the same body will I ine together at the bottom without any work of justification by the compositor, which allows the use of several faces in t Suppose the job bein Lower case alphabet. a to 7., 11:2.’ ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 67890 8 POINT BARNHART OLD STYLE E"'“’”'E The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of l ining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of ca ps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line t ype fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. T hus in Uniform-Line type all faces on the same body will lin e together at the bottom without any work of justification by the compositor. which allows the use of several faces in the Lower case alphabet, 8. to 7.. I1 ems. ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 67890 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEID SYNOPSIS OF I’ \ -3'!.(g{.1 '31? ‘7£';~".’,—‘ ». BODY FACES l ©F The Uniform-Line System is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining goth ics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in th e old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uniform-Line System is the adaptation of the s ystem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics t 0 all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lin AB CDEF GHIJKLMNOPQRS TU VWX YZ 123456 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123456 ABCDEFGH IJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX YZ 8 POINT CASLON 01.1) ROMAN E @} 9 POINT No. 60 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lini ng gothics to all faces of type. As everyone k Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to » ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 “ “ @} 9 POINT No.66 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As every Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS TUVWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 123./,5 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU VWXYZ E“ ' ‘ ea} 9POINTNO.80 The Unifor-m—Line system is the adaptation o f the system of lining made familiar by the li ning gothics to all faces of type. As everyo Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 1-9 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the sy stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 12345 ABCDEFGHI J KLMN OPQRSTUVWXYZ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S f © }> 8 Point Lining XV Century The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in U A Lower case alphabet, a to z, 11% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the syste m of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all f aces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining go ABCDEFGHIIKLMNOPORS TU VWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIIKLMNOPQRSTUV 12345 E ' @} 9 POINT No. 64 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the linin g gothics to all faces of type. As everyone kn Lower case alphabet, a to z, 18% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the s ystem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics t ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5' ' ' ©> 9PoIN'rNo.74 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation o f the system ‘of lining made familiar by the li ning gothics to all faces of type. As everyon Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. The lfiiiform-Line system is the adaptation of th (2 system of lining made familiar by the lining g AB UDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRS’ T U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMN OPQRSTUVW XY Z S ' ' " ©> 9 POINT OLD STYLE No. 58 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptatio n of the system of lining made familiar by t he lining gothics to all faces of type. As e Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 1-9 ems. T he Unzfo7*m-.ZIz'ne system is the adaptation of the system (If /z'7'zz'ng matte familiar by the tint): ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE IP \ . 4 ‘ - 1"3"’5""‘ “'7 l ~ @} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of th e system of lining made familiar by the lining go thics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, i Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. The Umform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lim'ng made familiar by the lz'm'ng goth AB CDEF GHI fKLMN OPQRS T U V WX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGI-II]KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 9 POINT OLD STYLE No. 59 E 69} 9 POINT OLD STYLE No. 90 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As every Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 2-9 e 6. The I/'niform—-Line system is the adaptation 0 f the system of lining made familiar by the [in ‘ AB CDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRS TU VWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ E ' ©.‘> 10 POINT No. 60 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptat Ion of the. system of lining made familia r by the lining gothics to all faces of ty Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by th ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX E ©.‘> 10 POINT No.64 The Uniform—Line system is the adaptatio n of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As e Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. The Uni form-Line system is the adaptati 0” Of the system of lining made familiar ABODEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 19345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POIl\IT- BODY pm :19,‘ SYNOPSIS OF 1 N T I . I it! \‘I‘-V ‘\...< BODY FACES 5 ' ' © }> 9 POINT OLD STYLE N o. 70 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gotliics to all faces of type. As every Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Unz_'form——Line system is the adaptation 0 f the system of lz'7zi7zg made familiar by the [in ABCDEFGHI]KLMNOPQRSTUVIVX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ E ' ’ ' 69> 9POINT CASLON OLD ROMAN The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation o f the system of lining made familiar by the li ning gothics to all faces of type. As everyon Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation o f the system of lining made familiar by the li AB CDEFGHIJKLMN OP QRS TU VWX YZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 10 POINT No. 63 5 ©} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation o f the system of liningmade familiar by the 1 ining gothics to all faces of type. As every Lower case alphabet. a to z, 12% ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation o f the system of lining made familiar by the l AB ODEF GHIJI(LMN OP QR S TU VTV 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVVV 12345 AB CDEFGHIJ KLMN OPQRSTUVWXY 5 j " @} 10 POINT ROMAN No. 66 The Uniform-Line system is the adapta tion of the system of lining made famil iar by the lining gothics to all faces of Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14% ems. The Uni form-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by th ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST UVWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 123,45 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED SYNOPSIS OF N— E 63% 10 POINT NO. 80 The Uniform-Line System is the adaptati On Of the System Of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform.-.Li7ie system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by th ABODEFGHIJKLMN OPQRST U VWX Y Z 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 1234.6 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY E ©} 10 POINT O. S. NO. I The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation Of the System of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces Of type. As every Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. The Umfom7z—Li72e system is the artaptatimz 0 f the system of lining made familiar by the ti ABCDEFGH]]KLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFQHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 123455 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 5 C9} The Uniform-Line System is the adaptation of the System Of lining made familiar by th e lining gothics to all faces Of type. AS ev Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 ems. The Uniform-Lirze system is the aetajfitatioiz of the system of lining matte familiar by the /ini ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU ' 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX IO POINT O. S. NO. 59 E ©} 10 POINT O. S. NO. 90 The Uniform-Line System is the adaptat ion Of the System Of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces Of type. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Umform-Line system is the adaptatio 12 of the system of lining made familiar b AB CDEF GHI flf LMN OPQRS T U V 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER BODY FACES 10 POINT CASLON O. S. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation Of the system Of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces Of type. As everyone know Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. The Uniform-Line System is the adaptation of t I_ he system oflining made familiar by the lizzirzg g f the lining gothics to all faces Of type. * ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY E ea} 10 POINT O. S. NO. 58 The Uniform-Line System is the adaptatio n Of the System Of lining made familiar by AS Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 2-5 ems. The U722’/arm-Line system is the aztaptati on of the system of lining made familiar ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV I2345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX E e} 10 POINT O. S. NO. 70 The Uniform-Line System is the adaptat ion of the System Of lining made familia r by the lining gothics to all faces of typ Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13% ems. T he Uniform-Line system is the adaptatio 72 0 f the system 0 f lining made familiar by ABCIJEFGIJIJIKL./VZVOPQRSTUV 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX § ©} 10 POINT O. S. NO. 100 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation Of the system Of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces Of type. As ever yone knows, in the Old lining gothics Only fO nts Of caps are made SO that they will line t Ogether; in Uniform-Line type, fontspinclucl Lo‘we1‘ case alphabet, a to z, 12 4-5 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 67890 ABCDEFGHI] KLMNOPQRSTUVVVXY SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 3"”-V”_§l> SYNOPSIS OF 10 POINT ELZEVIR No. 5 I The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation _of the system made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. Lower case alphabet-, a to z, 12 ems. As everyone knows, in th The Um_'fo1*m-Line system is tbe adaptation of I‘ P be system made familiar by tbe lining gotbics to ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 12345 1 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ E 10 PT. FRENCH O. 3. NO. 3 The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As ever Lower case alphabet, 8. to z, 13 ems. The Uziiform-Line system is the adaptation of t The Um'f0,.m-L,-ne system is the adaptat he system of lim'ng' made familiar by the lii2z'n,q' /IBCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 12345 ABCDEFGHUKLMNOPQRSTUV 19345 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ The UnifOrm—Line system is the adaptation of th e system Of lining made familiar by the lining g Othics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts of caps are m ade so that they will line together; in Uniform-L 10 POINT OLD ROMAN COND. BODY FACES F”_”"’_§l> The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by th e lining gothics to all faces of type. As ev Lower case alphabets, a to z, 13 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the AB CDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY 12545 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPGRSTUVWX 12545 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 10 POINT PARAGON 5 _ 8)} 10 POINT CASLON O. R. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptatio n of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 2-5 ems. ion of the system of lining made familia AB CDEFGHIJKLMN OP QRS TU VWX ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ine type, fonts including lower case are made to Lower case alphabet. a to z, 11% ems. 12 345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ EI::E>} The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation O f the system of lining made familiar by the li ning gothics to all faces of type. As everyon me knows, in the old lining gothics only fonts O «caps are made so that they will line together; In Uniform-Line type, fonts includinglower c Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 3-10 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 67890 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 10 POINT OLD ROMAN BOLD POINT-LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY E ©} 10 Pomr BARN!-[ART O. S. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining goth ics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in t he old lining gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they will line together; in Uniform-Line t ype, fonts including lower case are made to line a Lower case alphabet. a to z, 11 2-5 ems. 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 67890 ABCDEFGHIJ KLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ ST ©}> 10 Point Mission . The UnifOrm—Line system is the adaptation of the system of linin made familiar by the lining gothic s to all faces 0 type. As everyone knows, in th e old lining gothics, only fonts of ca s are made so that they will line together; in Unif<))rm~Line ty , pe, fonts including lower case are made to line as readily. Thus in UnifOrm~Line type all faces on Lower case alphabet, a to z, 11 1-5 ems. .12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 67890 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SYNOPSIS OF E ’ _____(<-> 10 Point Lining XV Century The Uniform—Line system is the adaptation of the sy i stem of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. As everyone knows, in the old lin .l.<1w(e1' (‘:lSt‘ 2Ll})lHl1l)(‘l1, IL in 7.. 10‘).-:'1(*1111~‘. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptation of 1 the system of lining made familiar by the Iinin 1 ABCDEFGHIIKLMNOPORSTUVWX Y 12345 ABCDEFCHIIKLMNOPOR _l.l 1l’(>1N'1‘ N0. 433 r“’““”“7z> The ll11ifor111—l;i11c :syst:e,111 the 2L(l:L}_)t2Ltl() i 11 of the .syst,e111 of liiiiiig mzulc .f:i111ilizi1' l) f tlw li11i1*1g' §_g‘()l.lll(‘,S to all f:1(-vs of type. A V tlm liniiig gotliics to all fzuzcs of t,y]>(~,. A limvi-1‘ (‘2L.\'(‘ lLl])lI{l.l)(‘,L. it t/() 7., 1201113. 771; U/uifn'/"/u- /if/aw sf/.s'f1('//1 /.s' If/in 11¢/((]l)f/(//(1 f H ()f"(‘//(4 .~.-_z/.s-fr»//I Qf'//°/z/i//{/ 1/m((/w fill//M1/fr!/' /2 ~ A /1’ (77/)1/17/"0' I//e./.11’./,_“/V//V() / ’(i)/1387'!/'1/’ l:£EH:"1 A 1;<:‘1>‘1<;1+'<;11 1.1 l\'I.M N‘(-ul]il1ulwl,.2l1I>z. 14 M1154. .7.‘/I1(’I /:'/Mfr)/'//1-/,z7-ma .\-.//.s/mu is /h (/1 (('(/(//)/H I‘[(m of //[P N.//.\'/(¥//1, Q7" /’/'/z/'/z{/ 7/I.-(H/(* fa’//1 A /1’(fl)/2'/"(£1//I./l1’l, J/1\'U /’(‘/I l1,’1\' '/'/1' V 12:-~’,45 A H( :111«:1«‘<; 11111.1 l.<.lJ,l\‘l N( 114.31 :5 A B( 1] ) lCQl*‘( ll ill II J K L :\/’l”.\' ( )l ’Qli{;S'.lo‘il V l’<)l.\"’l‘ U. S. N(). I \/“"'\/"\._/" T 1 1 '_l‘l‘ic Ui1i‘f<>r11i—l.i1i1> S}’Slt‘111 is lllt‘ 21.(lZl].)l£ll ion of tllt‘ sy.s‘ti>111 <>l' lining I11Zl(lL‘ l';1mili2i1' by the li1]lI1§;‘(g§()tlll(fS to all lzicvs ml ld\’1o)t‘. I.m\'(-1'<-11:41‘11||1I1:1ln-t. 21 11>'/.. 133%,’ (-1115. '/l//z’ {"///:/)2/'//z—/.///z’ .\‘_}'_\‘/(’/// is ///1' m/(I1/>/(H 5 2.12/1 0‘/" ///1‘ .\‘_7’.\‘/(’/// of //////zg‘ ///m/1*‘/)2//////'17 :1 />’(I‘/)/:‘/?‘(f///‘//\'/,.;l/.\’(?/’(_?/\’.\‘ '/Y1" l~"1l*"' 12345 1\1;<‘111«:1=<;111_11;1.x1x<>1>1‘>1<>;'1‘ /4;./g; Al%(7l)lCl“(}lll_] KI.l\'lN()l’(ljl{S'l‘l?\«’\\I'X BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER“S §mV'W’"W5} 12345 i 11 11 i,l:)()l1\"Is‘ N0. (343 /,~».».1,’.4.»7 . r M M 'olo‘l1c, ll1]ll()l‘]]"1-l..iI1() S‘\’St(§]1”] is the zida BODY FACES 111 .1 ’< )JN’.l‘ N o. (i() 'Jo‘}1<> U 11if<>i°111-Lii1<~ syst11 of tl“1e s;yl*st<>11s1 of lining‘ inamle . . 1 "f:L1'I'l.lll‘L1"il)i"[)l1(*E li111in0' >‘( tl1i(-s t 2 ' mg gothics only fonts of caps are made so that they 1 ( 3 L F ' " "" ’(" ) 5 to L“ f limw.-1‘ (-:1.s'(1 :11 »1m1wt1.u 1107., 1:19: «-1115. '/'/2 (1 l 1-71/u:/'()/‘/n—lxiiw .s"//.s"/‘mu is (/1 (2 (HZII;/2f //1/1/rm nfzf/M .x"//.s'/er//1, Q1’ ///u"n{/ //zr/(/(Q/it 1/,1/{(1/'/) /1'/"(X ll/.//1'], .1/1\’() Pg) /85’ '/'11’ V 1 2.‘-H5 A 1&1 :1) 1«:1«‘(;11e1s1.11s1<11m— N0. 81) 'l_‘he U111if<>;r1o11—Li110 systmn is tlie 2L(l2L X ptizitimii of tlie s;\»'sten1 of lining‘ itiaile f:1,n1.ili:i.1' by the li11i11g' {_);()tl]l(‘S to all f Luwiti‘ (-2130 ulplinlwt, 11 L1) 7., I3 10-11 01113. 1,/V‘/I/6 U/H:f'()/’//t-//1.71?.9]/Nl‘(’/II is fl: (1% (‘/(/(//)t i (/Z«2I()1/1, of tire .9.//.st(z//2 (gf'Z/m'e/2_(/ m(u,Zef(1/ .»1 I)’ (*1) E117}///.//1'/, A/.1V() / ’(;/M /1’ .8‘ TU V 1 2.‘-Hf’) A 1; ("Jl”),loC 100 :11 1.1 K LM N()I"Q 112.?)/,15 AB( 31) L] C fl<‘(-} ‘I 1 I J K L M N ()1;’Q Rt ‘TU V 11 .l’<11\"1‘().S.1\’<>. 58 ptzition of the s\'stci’11 of lining; 1n:1_\,' tlii: lir1:i11;{ gmtliics to all fzic: ,l.U\\'(‘l' <-:1.~'1- :ll|DlHll)('l. :1 1111 7,, 1:4 Tell 1-1:1». 771/ (,/’/!?_,./(I7’///—/./'//(‘ \S:‘],\S‘f(7/2 /A‘ ///z’ in/(I/>23 /a./z'u// (_2/' //l(' .\:1'.\‘/(”///. 11/ /////'//‘Q’ //Z(I(/(‘ /it .«/1/>’(.5/)/?/7(jo//[/1/C/, ./l//\?'( l/’.Q /1’ S ,7‘ 1 23.1.5 A1>.(i1 )1«:1v<;111j 1\"1,x1 .\'<11’1k11<.s /.23-/5 1’/‘\1%(.:.]‘)‘14‘l.l4‘(;/I[i[‘].[{IJ,l\/[%()_l)q_')I{g’.l‘r[ii SUPERIOR‘ COPPE‘R’~MlXE;D TYPE SYNOPSIS OF E @} II POINT O. S. No. 59 The Uniform—Line system is the adaptat ion of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. The U7ziform—Line system is the adaptati on of the system of lining made familiar ABCDEFGH{/KLMNOPQRSTUVW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX E @% 11 POINT O. S. No. 90 The Uniform-Line system is the ada ptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all f Lower case alphabet, a to z, 14 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adapt ation of the system of lining made fam ABCDEFGH[]KLMNOP.2RS TU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV 12 POINT N0. 63 The Uniform-Line system is the adapt ation of the system of lining made fam iliar by the lining gothics to all faces 0 Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12% ems. The U niform-Line system is the adapt cttion 0 the system 0 lining made AB UDEFGIJIJIKLZIIZVOPQR ST 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV i ea} 12 POINT CASLON O. S. The ‘Uniform-Line system is the ad aptatioiiof the system of lining ma de familiar by the lining gothics to The (]72z:f.0::::;.:a.E3l:.l7I;ea .:_;,7:;0€:,7Zl3y;.:m;/I6 adapta tzon of the system of lmmg made fczmi/2' ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRST POINT-LI NE. POINT-SET. POIl\lT- BODY BODY FACES 5 ' ' @} 11 POINT O. S. No.70 The Uniform-Line system is the adap tation of the system of lining made fa miliar by the lining gothics to all face Lower case alphabet, a to z, 133,6, ems. T he Uniform-Line system is the adapt ation of the system of lining‘ made fam ABCDEFGH[][{LMNOP.2I?S TU 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUV § @% 11 POINT CASLON O. R. The Uniform-Line system is the adaptati on of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all faces of type. Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 6 11 ems. The Uniform-Line system is the adapta tion of the system of lininig made famil ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS T U VW 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWX 5 ®} 12 POINT N0. 64 The Uniform-Line system is the ada ptation of the system of lining mad e familiar by the lining gothics to al The Unif:)V;i7:iLine the adap tion 0 f the system 0 f lining made fawn AB 0DEFC%HIJKLMNOPQRS 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRS 12345 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU j Ct)? 12 POINT O. S. No. I The Uniform-Line system is the ada ptation of the system of lining made familiar by the lining gothics to all f T he U7»zif07’m—Lz'7»ze system is the ada gfiteztimz of the system ef /z'ning madef z1>oR ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR .ower vase alplmbet. a to 7.. 13 ‘L7 14 POINT CASLON OLD ROMAN 14 POINT PARAGON The Uniform-Line System is the 1 The Uniform-Line System is adaptation of the system of linin the adaptation 01° the System I ) ver case alpliahct, u to 7., 12% mus. xx ‘.l'('1lh‘L’lll})llfU)(’tL. It to 7., 14 .1»? eins. The Unzform-Line system is t The Un form—L1'ne System 18 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 1234 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOP I234 1254 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO I254 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR ABGDEFGHIJKLMNOPQ 14 Point Mission i 14 POINT OLD ROMAN CONDENSED The Uniform-Line system is the a The Uniform-Line System is the a adaptation of the System of lining daptation Of the System Of lining made familiar by the lining gothic made familiar by the lining goth S to all faces of type. As every iCS to all faces Of type. AS every one knows, in the old lining goth l ‘ Lower case. alpliabet, u to 2, ll 4—7 ems. 1234 ABCDEFGHIJKL 5678 ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTU 16 iI’O1N'1‘ O. (34 16 Po1NT BARNHART O, S_ The Uililii)1‘]’l1—ilii1‘le SySt(¥iT1 The Unif0rm—Line systgm the ada.pta.tiO11 of the S_YStel’l’l is the adaptation of the sys of liiiiiig 1‘nadO tainiloiar by th tem of lining made familia <-use nlplmhet. 11 to 7.. 12% cm * <-use uiplmhvt. It to 7., 1:2} 1 .. 1 Owen‘ 1-use ulphuhvt, u to 7.. 1:375’ (mix 1234 A1«;01)1«:1«‘(;111.iKI.MN 5(i78i1234 A,BcD13p(;H1JK1_1t4 5678 ABC])EF(i5III.IKiI.MN()l’Qil{ ? ABCDEFGHIJKLMNO BARNHART BROS. & SPIND.LER‘S 7213 SUPERIOR’ COPPER-MIXED TYPE ROMAN BODY AND JOB TYPE CAST FROM SUPERIOR COPPER MIXED METAL ON THE POINT LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY LINING SYSTEM :: :: :: :: :: BARN HART BROTHERS & SPIN DLER TYPE FOUNDERS, CHICAGO ST. PAUL. MINN. KANSAS CITY, MO. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. W A5H1N.GT0N' D. C. Great Western Type Foundry 5:1; LOUIS. MO. Southern Pnnters Supply Co. OMAHA. NEE St. Loms Printers Supply Co. SEATTLE. wA5H_ Great Western Type Foundry DALLAS. TEX. Pacific Printers Supply C°- w YORK CITY. N. Y. The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. rnhart Type Foundry Co. 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Seem esp eew ewesm we>eeeee mes meeep esp we eepew mewppee GSH. 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E .8._aa pen .uE.§u -:ee PE ism? esp m::.e.E.n.§_ mfieeeem .m.§e: _§e>em ?§y.x_ espan e:H éewréw an mee.ee.« 3:3 we M5623 of pee>e.E eh.‘ emzeefia as we £33 9% fpeec u:e.::.$>e.w can u:e.w~.SmE 23 :e¢.,.£.e3_ .ee&.::_ 95 E €55 -e.wm.w:e 13¢: eepeu x ...e :3 xcsweam Sefi me:efiv.em5el.om .:aw £e_eD .238»: mounfimesuso : meats: .5 Seem a 2:3 E? can oaoom 23 co m_ «E38323 Emuco 32% 83:: .m.Eow =.mEE=_8 ES m..:$uSmE 2: E 38$ 2: =$E.om Eoaommuam 83$ 52% <2 3.; Jw .0»/M C$_:O.v~ ufiem x Cid .m. .3./M .~Ou:~O~.fi HCMOAH w USA» w J: “@2036 Cox: Llkxm. Eemeefi of ep ES em.eeEO eeceefi -:E 2.3 ee .,:..::.5e E ezfimee EB :eE>> ._e:::eE© eficm 2: .:::e.euG...:~ 35 ee eaeeee .5: we :e._:e.$ of :.m ce:emEee mam 95:9 ecx ,..E£ Lie :55 c3e_Ea mews mbwc Ego 23 5 cee.mE.._ ears aqua we mmeififl sewtee x _.,...:C mefixop :eE_e§E .aeEO E :eEm3 5 e::..eeQ_ mficefipeem :23» mcrsezm. e.eeee.H eipfiflefiea e: we 95:8 .m.»ee5:m :eSe.$ .5: we ...:_s:e.$ 23 23 E23 :_.e.fie.$ee em seen mm: mewzw -:e_m£E one we eeeezufi 2: new mafia -_eem 355: .3 cexemfim ,:£ee.ee.w? em. seen was memmfle .833 2: we :_eEe.$ eme:EO .3 m3.:£:ee gee _.e_e.$e:ew seen mm: .333 Seize e.E__ £320 23 J$OAH mmeeefifl 23 we eeeeec ,3 mE:Q E cezmzeera on ee we .%~:US_Q,uOOrW .mm38m we :oS&.Smoni.mc.=$m.. uutmun 23 2 :8 23.2 magnum «$851822. 25. mofiflofiom was 5525 o5 msnato U: nmsof. no>m .m=.n=ow:oE 25 3 :39 mm SEM Sioafim .3 cutnmnoum 3-8. o..< 235$ mfiufioa no Eoumwm T .oz:_<§maz: nezseé < mmmomomm «Egon mmmfizm ...,__e,_,_o,,_e_Ez_s .meeE>e.E emwee :.$5:em 2:. we wees... W ®.H.DU®m Op QQHEOHPV 23 SM fee.“ fiezee ea exwka. en ea E3 we 9%: ea .5.m€.$eQ H :55 28.2 8.3 e e.. .u:::Vee_ee... ..eomet ..$: see: 3.355 cm: eeeewc _ 1% -Ow.§>P .>w¢:~fl Q5. IQ.HdHT. .—C.~»—:OU .~$CC5. s».:SL _ _ W _ w k _ _ W .3 5.1” :«::cx tee; c 33 .m .e./H .5320? u:.:.; 3 ::x 3 5 He.:E: tea: e._>m_. deehemec >.ELw.~O2S75 me..:reE,n®.~ 30% Ce mar?» 33>» v.5me.§w :95 e-,.s: ..x.e.re:3 .35: E3 ,:.$ee. 23 .u:Se.::eu. B 2:25 3:7,. QSL. deem 95 .n.w:Se::.._ 32 .93 we unefi ms .>._.e.,_: we: ..Bec:_Q >5: mm neg? .e._: 23 m.re_:: .ooe.oeo.mm we _,eee£.5::m€: 2: E e: E3 m.r.e_ :33 3:. .fiTr..a uiwmom czs 2::>F:_ :a :5 nae: .3_.e of .m.eS:sQ_e:e:§: _:::.a.:m~ >5./H :.$~35em. we ,r.fiEEe.§:ew 92+ of .59: ::.e Zfieceu w nor: msfieee can ._..3fi: $50: $95.» .r.e_.tc ieefieez L80 M452? .n.~e.eEw:e: 3a:eeEE_ wfi 80.5 39: .~ew.m.::1me .u::.e:e:.r..Z 5 Re? map, eneE.e.:e.€_.e ~wee_ one :.eE..> cu .E.::s E.He:._em c _.:._._.> u_ee__.e.e 5 fie w5_::v..em .3: pew u:_3fi..£ .33: 3.3 Eenm ._»..E:.75fiw>w we .35 2.3 flee: .8 meg: R53 we 3:5 23 pa u:_,$e3 3?... n .35» .!m.E_.e -ee£..-._: .a m ..m. fie; :::eD .>..::_..re§._$ Bofimmo 3 BE; wzszm mi. .m8SE$m Etomon S3 8 mum ;C.~ £>oE.~ 3 x83 2: asm 26 22.3 E55 3 so 3:8 2 3:52 W E< Ema mz?_:.uz_nz=o§=m .25 333 mm base 33 ism was 882m firs Exam Ewez =< mm: akofiesuuooaaou mmfi E Emam pm_:§E._.e .on..3ew:.e c.~Q-.:~wAM.I. 9. .mo.u2 H.~fi:~H.~AwMH .3 awpoufi 6®N:fi...~o.mamO.v ..Ge.§o.m=m HHHOFH umnv mzmeeiemmm 304% WQGQ mmm<%h(»a.z ROMAN BODY TYPE FACES Partly leaded wit]1 two—1_1oi11t leads. l’o1.\"'1‘ l{o.\1AN No. (34 'l‘H1~: inatttei‘ot'li11in;.r type is so i1n11o1't,ant» tllati every printer should be i'an1ilia1' with the details ot’ our l’oint—Li11e. l’oi1'1t—Set. l’oint—l§ody Lining: Systein. This systen1 savest,l1e }11'i11ter111a11y 11 dollar 111 1-o11111os1» lion tiine, to say notl1i11;r oi’ the i11e1‘ease(lhea11tyot' his work. Every ]ll‘llll'1('l‘ has e.\')1e1‘ie11<-ed t.1'o11ble 111 |il‘lllg‘ill§.',‘ type on diii’e1'ent bodies to line. and iii lining rule witl1 type. and tl1er<-tore knows the 1:11-at loss of tin1e Itnavoidable wl1e11 lining ty]1e is not available. Take a 1e;_"al blank. i'ori11stam-e. in \\'hiell words in lar;:erty]1e that b(-;:'i11 }1a.1'ag;1‘a]1l1s. as well as some otl1ers. 11111.-'t be lined as near as may he with the let— ter selected for the body of tl1e work. and in \\'lll(‘]_l two—poi11th1'ass rule nmst: be lined with the type: hours of \‘al11al1le ti111e n'111sthe spent by the eon1posito1' iiaving only o1d~systen1 n1aterial at. his disposal. l1ee11use oi‘ the necessity for nsi11;,r 3111111-1' and ear(ihoa1'(l to h1'i11;_r; about even a senihlanee of ali1:11n1e11t bet.-ween the variotis faces and between type and rule. No p1'i11te.1' worthy oi’ the naine will willing:;ly send o11t slip-sliod work; l1enee the time spent i11 lining ditlerent faves witl1 em-.11 other and with rule is a n1atter oi" S(*I‘l()lls 111o111e11t. All such expe11se is 11llll(,‘C(*SSfl..l‘_Y now, thanks to the Unit'or111-liine type. and the ]n‘int.-er is ena- bled to poeket the money lieretoiore expended for work of this kind. ’l‘l1e l=ar11l1art. llros. «Y Spindler l’oint— Line, l’oint~Set. l’oint liody l.i11i11;,v"-Systen1 embodies the following: well-known and tried lines: l_7nil‘o1‘1n- l.ine.~—'l‘l1o point li11e i11 eaeh body to whieh the 111a;iority oi’ faves are vast. All H()llltLll and body faces are east (111 this line. as well as the leaders, etc. This line is so plaeed that ]n‘ope1‘ly ]1ro11o1‘tioned (lesee11(lers('aI1 be east entirely upon tl1e body. free of kerningr. 1‘1'o111 sn1ailest. to la1‘g:est’. size. All l’nit'o1'111--l.i11<- east t'1u~1-s will line tog.retl1erhody for body without jnstitieation; and by the use of point leads or slugs. one size hody can be readily made to 1i11e with all other sizes. In the niajority ot‘ eases the ditlerenee i11 line between any two bodies is two ]1ointso1'a lnllltriple t1l1e1‘eot'. 'l‘ext~l.ine.——l<‘o1' Sllt‘}l fat-es as Se1‘ipts.'l’exl.s. or the like Lower ease alphabet. a to 7,. lt‘1{‘_{' eins. .31,{, l’o1N'1‘ No. 60 Till‘) n1at,ter of lining: type is so in11‘1o1'ta11t that every ]:n'i11ter should be faniiliar with the details of o111'l’oi11t—li11e. l’oi11t~set. l’oint—body l.ini11g: Systeni. This system saves the p1‘int.e1' niany a dollar i11 eonipositioii time. to say 11ot.l1in;: of the i11(:.1'eased bea11tyo1' his work. Every 1)ri11ter has experienced trouble in bringringr type on different bodies to line, a11d i11 1i1‘1in.«.: rule with type, and therefore knows the ;:1'eat. loss of ti111e 1111av0idable when lining type is not :1.va.i1ab1e. Take a 1e;:a.l blank, for i11stanee, in wi1ieIl1 words i11 largrer type tJl1a.t hegiii 11a.ra.grapl1s. as well as some others. n111st be lined as 111-ar as n1a.y be with the l.ette1- seleeted for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule n111st be lined with the ty1:)e.; ho111-s of valuable time must be spent by tl1e C()1l‘11)OSit()1‘ l1avi11g only ol(l-system niaterial at his dis- 11osa.l._ because of the necessity for using paper and cartlboard to bri11g about even a semblance of ali;_rnment between the Various faces a11d between type a11d rule. No priiiter worthy of the nanie will willingly send out sli1)-shod work; hence the time spent in lining differe11t faces with each other and with rule is a matter of serious n*1on‘1e11t. All such expense is nn11eces— sary now, thanks to the Uniforni-line type, and the printe1* is enabled to pocket the mo11e_v l1ere- to-fore expended for work of this kind. The Bar11ha1't Bros. & Spindler l’oint-line, i’oint-set, l’oint—body Lining System embodies the following well-known and tried lines: Uniforn1- line.--J1‘he point line i11 each body to which the n1a.jority of faces are east. All Roman and body faces are cast on this line. as well as the leaders. etc. '1‘his line is so ])lace(l tl1at properly 1)1'o1)o1'tio11e(i (leseeiitlers can be east entirely 1111011 the body, free of kei-11in1:. 1'1~on1 smallest to l.owe1'e11se alpliabet. a to z. 16j'*;{ ems. 51/2 POINT No. 03 'l‘n1«: matter of lining type is so i11'1portant tl1at every p1'i11t,ersl1o11l(l be familiar with the details of our l’oi11t-l.i11e, l'oint-Set, l’oint.-Body Lining: Syste111. This syst‘.e111 saves the printer many a dollar 111 eoinposition time, to say nothing of the i11e1'ease(l be.11nt.y of l1is work. l;ing type on (:lilff€3i['(%11l3 bodies to line, and in lining‘ rule with type, and therefore knows the <,>;reat loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a leg2;al blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that liegin 1)a1_'agraplis, as well as some others, must be lined. as near as inay be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in wliiieh two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor havingz; only o_ld—systeni 1nate1'ial at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblan(;e ofalig_r;111i'1ent between the various faces and between type and rule. No printer worthy of the name will willingly send out slip-shod work; hen(_:e the time spent in lining‘ difi'erent faces with each other and with rule Lower case alphabet. 21 to 7., 14 ems. 11 I’o1N'r ‘No. 60 'l‘H1«3 matter of liniiig type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our l;’oint—Line , }e’(i)ient—%r‘i1it-Body Lining; System. This system saves the printer niany a dollar in eoniposition time, to say ]l(.)tl1l1‘l§_{' of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experieneeid trouble in bri11g'i1'1g_>; type on different bodies to line, and in liniiiig rule with type, and tl1ere.fore, knows the §%‘reat loss of time unavc)idable when lini11;1' t)’l"1‘ is “"t available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in whieh words in l.arg'er type that b<>gin ])2L1'2,Lg'i'a})lis, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the l(:=tter selected for the body of the work, and in iWl']l(_.‘,ll tvvo—point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the eoinpositor lraving only old-system material at his disposal, because of the ne(:essity for using‘ paper and <-ai'dboard to l )rin;_>; about Lowe!‘ ruse alphabet. u to 7., 1:53; ems. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 4-(S SUPERIOR COPPER“-MIXED TYPE ROMAN BODY TYPE FACES Cast on Uniform Line. Partly leaded with two-point leads. 11 POINT No. 63 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between the various faces and between type and rule. N o printer worthy of the name Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. 11 POINT No. 64 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between the various faces and between type and rule. No printer worthy of the name will willingly Lower case alphabet, a to z, 12 ems. POINT‘-LINE), POINT‘-SET, POINT-BODY 47 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ROMAN BODY TYPE FACES Cast on Uniforxn-LllleT—l;artly th two-point leads. 1] POINT No. 66 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining system. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on difierent bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a Lower case alphabet, a to z. 14 ems 11 POINT No. 80 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining system. This System saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a Lower case alphabet, a to z, 13 10-11 ems. BARN!-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLEFPS 48 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ROMAN BODY TYPE FACES (‘ust nu l'nil'm':n-l.im'. l’urtl_\i ](’:Hit'd with twupnim lvudr‘. l2'.l’. (33 T1114: ll’12L‘i/[,(éI' of lining t‘y])e, is aw) in1pe1'ta11t- tlmt e\'e1‘y p1'ji11’r,e1' .S‘il()ll_i(i be ’ii2L'I'l"lii.'i2Ll' with the d(‘.tEl.il.\‘. 01’ our il’ni11t-Line, l’i11ti-Set, il’<)i11t-l‘§ee on (1ifi'e1't~11t bmlies to line, ayml in 1i1lil'lg rule witli t_\‘1>e. zmd JDi'l(-’,l'(’fii(.)l'(-‘ i\'ll()\\'S the greitt .l<>ss of time 1111a,\'<>i(labi11°ii1i1.s't:e111(-e, in which words in lz11'g;'e1' type tlmt 1)eg;i1i1 _}')‘ct1'%L§_{l'2*L})il;\‘, as well as seine etiiers, niust he ',1'_il‘1e('.i as 1ie:u' as IIl%L)' he wifl'1 the .1et-tel’ .r the be(ily of the wm°k, and in which twn-peilit 1‘)1'ass rule must be liiied wit'{l1’rhe‘r.‘ype; lmurs of \'z1l11zL})l<*.‘r;i111e mu.s't be speiit by Hie em11pe;s‘it<)r lizwiiig m1_l‘y (>1".\‘.it‘}' for lisiing pa})e1' mid Luwer ruse ulplnulwt. :1 to 7. l2}(; mus. I2 '_I’(uN'r N0. (31 THE ma..ttee:1' of iii]’l'i1'lg' type so i]'l".1_p(.)I‘t21,1"lt- that every printer S1l_(.)11'l(:1. be fa1ni.lia;1f with the (iietails of 0111' Point Line, l:’()i11t-Set, Peiliit-B()(l‘y Lining Syistem. Tliis Systeiii S2L'V(3S the p1'inte1i' inziny it (_i(..)l1E1.1'_' in (‘(,.)'Il11)()Sfiti()Il time, to 1’i()t'l1i1*1g of the i1'l(‘/l'(’,ZLS(?(ii. beauty of hi8 work. E\*e1'iy p1'i1:1te1'il1ais‘ ex'pe‘1‘ie11ced treiubile in b1'i11gi11g type-f:,u‘e.3 en (1iffe1'ent 1§)0(I1ies to line, and in lining rule with type, 21,11(,l tlierefere k1'l()WS the grezit loss of time 111121J\"()'i(iiZlibile when ilining type is Iiot avaiiilable. '.l‘2Lke :1, ilegajl bilzmk, for i1i.1St21,1i1(i:<—e, in which w<);rd.i~s in 1ai1'g(e:1' type that begill K)£L1'2l-8TEl—D1‘lS, as well as smneotl1e1's, ninist be lined as; near as inay be with the 1ette1'.sfeile(:ted fe1't11ebe(i1iy ofthe work, and in ’\V}‘liC1'1 t'\\-'()-.p()‘i1'.lt 1)1'z1;ss rule mliist be iliined wit}: the type; he111's of V£.Ll‘l'liL1i)]6 time .Ill1'.lSt be spent by the ce1|1posito1' l1a,Vii'11gm1lfy old-systein n1:1,‘re1'ial at his sz1.l, l,mwr «A-use ulphuhv.t.. :1 t.u 1/.. 13 1-m.~:. P01 ~.. NT LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY I9 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED °o phfg .‘ 4 ROMAN BODY TYPE FACES Cast on L‘nifo1'm ]Ji;;éd ”l’a1't1‘y lealde(llwlt11 two-point leads. 14 P()IN'J‘ N0. (34 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his Work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable When lining type not available. Take a legal blank for instance, in Which Words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected Lower case alphabet. a to 7.. 12 ours. 16 P()lN'.l‘ N0. (34 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point—Line, Point-Set, Point Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his Work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type not available. Take a legal Lower case alphabet, a to z, 121/, ems. BARNHART BROS. & SF-’INDLER’S 50 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CONDENSED NUMBER 53. Weights and Prices are Approximate. Cast on Cap Line. 22 A 12 Point Cond. No. 53 2% lbs.. $1.50 CONSOLIDATED CORPORATIONS 1234567890 16 Point Cond. No. 53 2"/fa lbs.. $1.75 E3ZP0S1T1oN LITERATURE 1234567890 CONDENSED \Veights and Pric s 26A 6 Point Cond. No. 51 3/4 lb.. $1.00 SOUTHVVESTERN MANUFACTURERS BEAUTIFUL ROCKERS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION 1234567890 22 A 9 Point Cond. No. 51 1% lbs., $1.25 BARGAIN IN FURNITURE MORRIS CHAIRS 9 FOR COMFORT 30A 11 Point Cond. No. 51 1% lbs., $1.40 FORTY-SECOND SESSION UNITED STATES 7 CONGRESS 14 Point Cond. No. 51 2"/fa lbs., $1.80 EIZIHOSANY 4 EEESSEE 20 Point Cond. No. 51 3% lbs.. $2.25 EEETTT 2 DESIGN 30 Point Cond. No. 51 Opbtk \O NUMBER 51. e are Approximate. Cast on Cap Line. 26A 8 Point Cond. No. 51 1% lbs., $1.25 MAHOGANY AND BLACK WALNUT CABINET SALE THURSDAY COME EARLY 1234«56789O 20 A 10 Point Cond. No. 51 1% lbs., $1.40 HAVE JUST RECEIVED THOUSAND 2 NICE IRON BEDS 19A 12 Point Cond. No. 51 2 1135.. $1.50 BOYS AND GIRLS SMALL 3 WRITING DESKS 18 Point Cond. No. 51 3 lbs.. $2.00 ETSTUEES 8 FRAMED 11 A 24 Point Cond. No. 51 35% lbs., $2.50 4946 lbs.. $3.00 OOMBINATION 82 BOOKCASES 36 Point Cond. No. 51 ANCIENT 8 EUEETTUEE POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT- BODY 6% lbs.. $4.25 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Weights and Prices are Approximate. Cast on Cap Line. 19A 6 Point Title No. 52 % 1b.. $1.00 20 A 8 Point Title No. 52 1% lbs.. $1.25 A CARELESS PRINTER MAKES A ']_‘vV14]N’1‘Y ’fHOUSAfiD (J‘rRE.A'.I_‘ DEAL OF UNN‘ECESSAIlY WORK 123456"890 A A ‘ 1234567890 12 A 12 Point Title NO. 52 2 lbs.. $1.50 18 A 10 Point Title No. 52 19% lbs.. $1.40 INCORPORATION CALIFORNIAN BELLEVUE 3 COMPANIES ; CHESTER 2 COUNTY LIGrHTFACE ”N”U1V[I3ER 54:. Weights and Prices are Approximate Cast on Cap Line. 21 A 6 Point Lightface No. 54 -34 lb., $1.00 22 A 8 Point Lightface No. 54 1% lbs.. $1.25 PAPER ENGINE WHEELS WEATHER REPORTS THE GREAT WESTERN RAILROAD TRAINS 3 BEAUTIFUL MORNING QUNSHINE 123‘-’‘5‘*789‘’ ‘ 1234567890 12A 14 Point Lightface No. 54 2% lbs., $1.75 18A 10 Point Lightface No. 54 19% lbs.. $1.40 BOOTS AND SHOES BUILDING % LEATHER 8 MERCHANTS BC) I 1 N D 6 HOUSE 10A 18 Point Lightface No. 54 3% lbs.. $2.00 GRADUATES EXERCISES HANDSOMEST 46 PI%OGRAMMES 20 Point Lightface No. S4 3%. lbs., $2.25 EUELISHING 34 COMPANIES 24 Point Lightface No. 54 4% lbs.. $2.60 SHEMIGAL 86 STUDENTS BARNHART BROS. &. SPIl\lDLEZR’S ... SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TITLES NO. 9 AND NO. 1 1. I ' \ “ c “\O OP“ 5 \Veights and Prices are Approximate. Cast on Uniform Line. 16A 30 a 5% Point Title No. 11 1% lbs., $2.00 16 A 33 a 5% Point Title No. 9 1% lbs., $2.00 MARVEL()lIS ANTICS PfERF()BMED i GREAT WESTERN FOUNDRY Balloon Ascension vvith Parachute ‘Descent. ? Ileadquarters for Superior Copper—Mlxed Type 1234567890 1 1234567890 GREAT NATIONAL BALL GAMES ; PEOPLE AN!) COUN'l‘llIES lylemhants and Mechanics 8 weekly Journal 3 Journey ’I‘ln-ough 2 ]Berlin (fierlnany a 8 Point NO. 9 lbs.‘ 363. 9 Point NO. 9 lbS.. PMNTERS AND SCULPTORS { HAPPY HUNTING GROUNDS Charcoal Picture 8 Walnut Framed 7 Hunters Trapping 4 Bear and Deer 16A 30 a 10 Point Title No. 9 3%» lbs.. 352-50 CONSOLIDATED ENGLISH CORPORATIONS Wholesale Dealers in English 45 French and German Broadcloth TVV0-LISNE LETTERS NO. 55, 56 AND 58. \V<.*ights and Prices are Approximate. Cast on Cap Line. 18A 10 Point Two-line No. 55 1% lbs.. $1.40 15 A 12 Point Two~1ine No. 55 2 lbs., $1.50 THE DEFEATE1) RUSSIANS COUNTRY DRUGGISTS 1234567 890 1234567890 16A 12 point Tw0-1ine No_ 53 21/6 lb” $1_5o 16A 14 Point Two-line No. 55 2% lbs., $1.75 PRINTING 4 PRESSES CHINESE 3 EMBLEM 12 A 16 Point Two_line NO. 56 2% lbs” $1.85 11 A 18 Point Two-line No. 56 3 lbs.. $2.00 NORTH 5 POUND % PUNTA3G0RDA up . tT 1_ N 56 W“) $2 30 PointTwo-line No.56 4%1bs.,$3.1o om w0- me 0. a s., . - EINE 2 B1313 EED 2 INK 5 A 36 Point Two—line N0. 56 , 6% lbs“ $4,oo p°1NT~I-INE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 53 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED we . A 4: TITLES AND " TITLE ITALIC S. Weights and Prices are Approximate. Cast on Uniform Line. ‘17 A 34 a 5% point Title No. 10 1% 1bs._ $z_oo 20 A 41 a 6 Point Title No. 10 1% lbs.. $2.00 CANOEING ALONG THE CEDAR RIVER ANNUAL CONGRESS PROCEEDINGS Reveals Much Beauty of Bright Water and Grass National United Prison Association Transactions 1234567890 0 1234567890 20 A 38 7 P int Tue No 10 2 lbs $2 25 16 A 34 a 8 Point Title No. 10 2% lbs.. $2.25 8. ' O 1 . ., 0 MANY PEOPLE AND COUNTRIES PORTRAIT PAIN’-FEES Were Visited by Great Ships Last Year 57 2 Cha1'C0a1 Drawing S 57 Oil Pai11ti11gS 1 A 7 9 P _ T. 1 N 10 2V lb $2 50 15 A 32 a 10 Point Title No. 10 3%» lbs.. $2.50 8 3 a omt ite 0. 4 S-. - CHICAGO RACE COURSE MUSICAL MEASURES Decided they would 67 Hold June Meet Several Popular 431 Song Hits 12 A 24 a 12 Point Title No. 10 3%1bs.. $2.75 UNITED STATES PRINTING INDUSTRIES Modern Machines Superior 52 Type Careful WO1-kmen 17A 32 a 6 Point Title No. 53 1% lbs.. $2-00 DO NOT THINK THAT ALL THE IMPROVEMENTS HAVE BEEN MADE Upon the TWO-revolution Press for a large Per cent of the Best Printing is Done on a Drum 1 2 34 5 6 7 890 21 A 41 a 6 Point Title Italic No. 10 1%» lbs.. $2.00 16 A 33 a 8 Point Title Italic N0. 10 2% lbs.. $2.25 WASHINGTON AND HIS GENERALS HISTORICAL LITERATURE Lives of Sinners of the Declaration of Independence The 01,30 late Ipng “sh ‘Words Are Many 1234567890 1234567890 18 A 36 a 9 Point Title Italic No. 10 2% lbs.. $2.50 15 A 29 a 10 Point Title Italic No. 10 3%!» lbs.. $2.50 MEMBERS OF CONGRESS TRA VELER SP OR TSMEN Delegates to 6827 Southern Convention Nebraska Hunting 7 89 Grounds 12 A 23 a 12 Point Title Italic No. 10 3%. lbs.. $2.75 S UPERI OR 0 OPPER-M IXE1) T Y PE Uneqnaled Finish and 786 Great Lasting Qualities 16A 32 a . 6 Point Title Italic No. SO 1% lbs.. $2.00 THE STANDARD AND REGULAR DRUM CYLINDER PRESSES Are Handy and Lend Thenwelves Conveniently to Quick Changes of Forms and Short Runs 1284567890 BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 54 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE IE ;\.Ij0.ID.’>}I?] .1} 4. \\'¢~ig]1t5 and Prices are Ap1)r()xi1|I€it€. Cast on L'nif0r1n Line. 16A 31 a 6 Point Expanded No. 4 19/1}. 1bs., $2.00 17A 34 a 8 Point Expanded N0. 4 21/.{ lbs., $2.25 I{FJPO1%7l7S l*‘1{O1\’I THE T3(V)AI%1.) Sl{lCr_I.‘CIdES FR.(.):\I I\IA'.I‘Ul{DI‘} VViI1 Be lD)e(_.-filed the F‘i1-:-at 01' the I\’Ionth .\I(>x‘i('ans Ro1n1(1in£: I-.Ie1'ds of‘ Cattle LE L’ "“' 9 2 ,_ _., . 1 ) *4 ’(”8 O 1~z:~;-,L;;m am) ; 11 A 22 a 12 Point Expanded N0. 4 31,’//ft. lbs... $2.75 14 A 28 a 10 Point Expanded No. 4 37.1?) lbs., $2.50 fi _ PO VV ER EIOUSPQ CANADIAN HUNTERS T H U11jte(1 Stgli/(95 8 (}aJ1rne Lavvs I1]IeCtri(3a.I ‘.3 ALuton10biIes 8A 15 a 16 Point Expanded No. 4 491% lbs.. $3.00 B]4}A”UTII+‘0ULLY ARRANGED DispIayi11g the Best 8 S11I1'11”ne1“ Neckvveal“ 5 A 10 a 20 Point Expanded No. 4 5% 1bS.. $3-40 MODERN DESIGNS Handsomest 4 l31"*0gI‘aH1n1es IP \ fijfiog . _ ‘_ ponNY L:~€ ,‘ DOINV SE‘- ”°m'r 80°" / ,\ \\'eights and prices are Approxima&e. (just on Uniform Line. EXPANI;.)fEl7) 5. 15 A 28 a 6 Point Expanded No. 5 1%: lbs., $2.00 V 13 A 24 a 8 Point Expanded No. 5 21/;{ lbs.. $2.25 T I3USINESS AND PR1NT1+:.RS TIIOSIC POPIILAR 1\II«]N 'N°r"l“*r“ }’a°ifi° Rai11'°ad B3-“ended Senatorial (Jzunpaign Society "3““"“78"° 123456-7S9() 12 A 213 10 Point Expanded NO_ 5 3%) 1bS"$2.50 10A 17 a 12 Point Expanded No. 5 3!}{e1bs..$2.75 —~ . .. _) ‘ Nr 1 ” BRITISH EMPIRE 1 ()5 I CARI-) (akreen Inns 4 0‘ Iflngland ; ()‘l'1icag0 I’0sI;111(—>n 6A 12 '3 16 Point Expanded No. 5 4711. lbs.. $3.00 GERMAN BO VV LING 1VIa.1111fa.cturing 2 Bowling Alleys POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 55 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CONDENSED '2 22 A 45 a 6 Point Cond. No. 54 1%» lbs., $2.00 TEN THOUSAND TROOPS IN THE FIELD The Roar of a Cannon is Heard Distinctly For Miles 1234567890 22A 42a 10 Point Cond. No.54 3‘/1/olbs., $2.50 GENERAL MOSCARDO Will Surrender 375 Thousand Troops 18 A 32 a 14 Point Cond. No. 54 41/‘ lbs.. $3.00 STOCK EXCHANGE Good Investments Offered 58 10A 19a. 20 Point Cond. No. 54 5 lbs., $3.35 GREAT WESTERN Irrigation Company 231 7 A 13 a 30 Point Condensed No. 54 I’ \ Con ' po\NT L154‘ h 5 ,‘ pgfilfivw 24A 493. 3 Point Cond. No. 54 2%1bs., $2.25 SPANIARDS DRIVEN NORTH Many Fleeing to the Mountain for Safety 12344567890 20A 39a 12 Point Cond. No. 54 3‘%e lbs., $2.75 SOLDIERS RETREAT After Burning 76 Small Villages 12 A 23 a 18 Point Cond. No. 54 41%, lbs.. $3.25 COUNTRY MAIDEN Looked For 5 Young Men 8 A 16 a 24 Point Cond. No. 54 5% lbs.. $3.55 SURSTANTIAL Granite Building 389 6%» lbs.. $4.00 CALIFORNIA FRUIT SEASON I Ernployes Thousands 32 of Orange Pickers 5A 36 Point Condensed No. 54 ii GOLDEN STATE RESORT 7% lbs.. $4.35 Restful Retreat 7 Lovely Flowers SA7 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 48 Point Condensed No. 54 I GARDEN PLANTS 53 California 10% lbs.. $6.30 Nasturtiurns SUPERIOR COPPER‘- MIXED TYPE (‘();\’l)l*lNSl*3l) A S'l‘l+]E 1 CHA SE 1311 1111111111 111 L LY \1»11«1111>1«11> =3?-‘4= M1111 s11,\’1«1111-<111<>ss s'1*m<111 l)ll.1,li0(-1lio_11s on is to h1'it'tl1*, and it. is in iron l1z1.s z1l\\'21iys l)(‘(‘ll 1:11 l{,1\’1H.»\ 111‘ 1:111 1s. & s1>11>111«111, ‘T ‘"”~‘" “ first ‘plzlcv, 11111, l,wc2111s(* <>,\'1«: 1111:,\'1>11,1«:1> AND 1«:11:n'1‘\’ '1‘11111«:1«: " ““"'"’“i,‘-"9 1“ "“",““"’S 'l‘() us 1: 111‘x1»111«:1>AN1> 1«:1u11'1‘\' s1«:\'1«:x' ‘"’ “"““”“"‘,“"" "f ‘;‘'l'‘‘ .\m,\‘~1m1«: s'1‘111«:1«:'1', (‘»lll(‘AH(), _ll.l1L\'()_l.\‘ “““" "““‘““"‘ ‘‘‘”’‘’‘'‘‘‘‘‘’‘’= (1 of 1110 otl'm't» vxpv11(lv(l 1110111 \\'Ul1l(l he w:1st0d:1 _\' thv 11111111 }11’(1;:1'(*ssi\'(* 1* \’(‘l')’ 1121111111 uf tl1i11g's I111se wlw11 the \wldi11;: L old 111otl1ml of \\'vl(li11;_: 1111z1\'ui(l11l)ly b1'i11§_r:1l1m11t v:11'i:11t.io11s in width of 11211‘; tlw mllsidv h:11's (':11111oHw11111110 u_\'21(~tl_\' 11111-11111-l, 111111, unless tlwy 11115 tlw sidvs 211111 1-.111ls(-11111101 lw :1t11'igl1l 2111;:lvs. E\'v11\\'v1'(- itypossihlo11111121111121 11211111- \\”(‘l(l(‘(l—2lH(l—ll2lIl(l—llHlSll(‘(l <'l1:1sv :1c<°111'211t(*. i11 L110 first 1112100,, it- \\‘m1l(l 1m1v1'm11z1i11su 101131., 111111 the l21.1',«:v,1'tl1(‘ (-,l1:1s<- the \\'m'sv tho t1'm1l1lv. 'l‘l1v 1lvllv<'tin11 (~a111sv1'v the i11‘t'v1'in1' l1:1.11d-xwlmwl ('l1:1s<>s 1111* used that it 1w('u11ws 111n11ntm1m1s. ()z1st»i1'm1 (-l1:1svs are f111'11isl1v.d with 111111011 pm-ssvs 111us1.l_v. 'l‘l1v_\' an-1 sole 82 Made in the World 21A 4221 2%1bs..$2.2s LOVELY TEA GOWNS AN!) HOUSE Dresses Made of Silk 123 with Artistic ’l‘aste 8 Point Lining Aldine 10 A 2121 18 Point Lining Aldine 4151/(»ll)s.. $3.25 IHSCUNCERTEI) United States 13 Soldier 6 A H) :1 30 Point Lining Aldine (9310 lbs., $4.25 BUILDING Male 5 Laborer 36 Point Lining Aldine 8]/1/6 lbs., $5.00 EASTERN PRODUCT Silks Spices 83 Grain Goal 4 A ea 10%11»s.,$6.35 16 A 29 a 12 Point Lining Aldine 391/6 lbs., $2. 75 WARELHOUSE FIRESALE (ulreat Bargaiiis 7’ in Dry Goods 8 A 168. 20 Point Lining Aldine 4‘5{o lbs., $3.25 SUPERIORITY : Pictures Framed 4A 821 42 Point Lining Aldine NEAT CLERKS Handsome 5 N eekwear 4 A 7 a 48 Point Lining Aldine 12% lbs., $7.65 CELEBRATES National 2 Emblem BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 60 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 1/‘eat Sale 9/W Tan ‘ootwear f ‘lu-. lim-st, nm. Cl'STOMEl{ W1 '1‘! ,8 S_.t '1‘ st] 0 .‘ B' t'flBl st ' 1‘ I H , 1 .. . 1 . ,. ml W ml P “rm w].,.:?::;;8,,(fdl' I u I" 0 A '0 den "9 _ “I” lnulorrlm-dl_v Prove Alis, as well as some others, iiiust be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule i_iiust be_ lined with the type; liours oi \'alual)_le time must be speiit by the. _coin1)ositor liaving only old—system material at his disposal, becaiise ol_ the necessity for using_pa1ier and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignmeiit l>_et\vee}i the various faces and betwee.ii type aii(l_rule. l\'o priiiter worthy of tlie nani_e will willingly send out slip—s_hod work; lieiiee_tlie time spent in lining differeiit faces with each other and with rule is a matter of serious moment. All such expense is iiiinecessary now, thanks to the Uniforin-Line type, and the prniter is enabled to pocket the money lieretoforc expe1‘ide(l for work of this kind. The Bariiliart Bros. & Spindler l’oint-lqine, l’oint—Set, Point-Body Lining System embodies the following well-known and tried lines: Ulllf()l‘lll'Llll(3.‘“'""l\llC point line in each body to which the majority of faces are cast. All Roman and body faces are cast on this line, as well as the leaders, etc. 'l‘his line is so placed that 1)ro1)e1‘ly proportioned descenders can be cast entirely upon the body. free of kerniiig, from smallest to largest size. All Uniforn'i—l,ine cast faces will line together body for body without justification, and, by the use of point lea(1s or slugs, one size body can be readily made to line with all other sizes. In the majority of cases the differeiice in line between any two bodies is two points or a multiple thereof. 'I‘ext—l.iiie.-l*‘or such faces as Scripts, Texts, or the like, where. a longer descender is cut for typographical effect, we have established a point line on each body always varying above the Uniform-Line two points or a multiple thereof. llence any ’l‘ext-Line face may be made to line with any face cast Lower case alphabet, 9. to z, 17 1-6 ems. 6 1-’o1i\"r ELZEVIR. No. 5 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type. and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two—point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between the various faces and between type and rule. No printer worthy of the name will willingly send out slip-shod work; hence the time spent in lining different faces with each other and with rule is a matter of serious moment. All such expense is unnecessary now, thanks to the Uniforin-Line type, and the printer is enabled to pocket the money heretofore expended for work of this kind. The Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Point—Line, Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System embodies the following well-known and tried lines: Uniform-Line.——~The point line in each body to which the majority of faces are cast. All Roman and body faces are cast on this line, as well as the leaders, etc. This line is so placed that properly proportioned descenders can be cast entirely upon the body, free of kerning, from smallest to largest size. All Uiiiform-Line cast faces will line together body for body without justification, and. by the use of point leads or slugs. one size body can be readily made to line with all other sizes. in the majority of cases the difference in line between any two bodies is two points or a multiple thereof. Tcxt-LlllC..""‘l:()l' such faces as Scripts, Texts, or the like, where a longer descender is cut for typographical effect, we have established a point line on each body always varying above the Uniform-Line two points or a multiple thereof. llence any Text-Line face may be made to line with any face cast on Uniform Line or Cap-Line in the same way that Uniforin-Line faces on different bodies are brought to alignment, and the result is attained as easily. Cap-Line.-~~ For Title. Two~Line, and other Lower ease alphabet, a to z, .15 54'» ems. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 53 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I OLD STYLE I» \ F “\0 Co BOD Y FACES .. 9 > V (.‘ast on l'nif'orm Line. Partly leaded with two-point leads. 6 Po11\"r OLD STYLE No. 70 THi«: matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line. Point—Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in con1position time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore. knows tl1e great loss of time unavoidable when lining type. is not available. Take a legal blank, for i11sta11ce, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs. as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in wl1icl1 two—point brass rule must be lined with the type: hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between the various faces a11d between type and rule. No printer worthy of the name will willingly send out slip-shod work; hence the time spent in lining different faces with each other and with rule is a matter of serious moment. All such expense is unnecessary now, thanks to the. Uniform—Line type. and the printer is enabled to pocket the money heretofore expended for work of this kind. The Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Point-Line. Point-Set, Point-Body Lining System embodies the following well known and tried lines: Uniform-Line.—~The point line in each body to which the majority of faces are cast. All Roman and body faces are cast on this line, as well as the leaders, etc. This line is so placed that properly proportioned descenders can be cast entirely upon the ‘body, free of kerning, from smallest to largest size. All Uniform-Line cast faces will line together body for body without justification, and, by the use of point leads or slugs, one size body can be readily made to line with all other sizes. In the majority of cases the difference in line between any two bodies is two points or a multiple thereof. Text-Line.— For such faces as Scripts. Texts, or the like. wherea longer decender is cut for typographical effect, we have established a poi11t line on each body always varying above the Uniform Line two points or a multiple thereof. Hence any Text-Li11e face may be made to line with any face cast on Uniform-Line or Cap Line in the same. way that Uniform-Line faces on different bodies are brought to alignment, and the result is attained as easily. Cap-Line.—- Lower case alphabet, a to z, 16% ems. 6 POINT OLD STYLE No. 90 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point—Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two-point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of valuable time must be spent by the compositor having only old-system material at his disposal, because of the necessity for using paper and cardboard to bring about even a semblance of alignment between the various faces and between type and rule. No printer worthy of the name will willingly send out slip-shod work; hence the time spent in lining different faces with each other and with rule is a matter of serious moment. All such expense is unnecessary now, thanks to the Uniform Line type, and the printer is enabled to pocket the money heretofore expended for work of this kind. The Barnhart Bros. & Spindler Point-Line, Point.-Set, Point-Body Lining System embodies the following well-known and tried lines: Uniform-Line.-~The point line in each body to which the majority of faces are cast. All Roman and body faces are cast on this line, as well as the leaders, etc. This line is so placed that properly proportioned descenders can be cast entirely upon the body, free of kerning, from smallest to largest size. All Uniform-Line cast faces will line together body for body without justification, and, by the use of point leads or slugs, one size body can be readily made to line with all other sizes. In the majority of cases the difference in line between any two bodies is two points or a multiple thereof. Text-Line.~For such faces as Scripts, Texts, or the like, where a longer decender is cut for typographical effect, we have established a point line on each body always varying above the Uniform Line two points or a multiple thereof. Hence any Text-Line face may be made to line with any face cast on Uniform Line or Cap Line in the same way that Uniform-Line faces on different bodies are brought to alignment, and the result is attained as easily. Cap-Line.-~For Title, Two-Line, and other faces without lower case. All Cap-Line faces on the same bodies line. with each other at the bottom Lower case alphabet a to z, 15% ems. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 69 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OLD STYLE BODY FACES (‘:1st. 1111 l‘i1it'11i‘iii 1.11111. 1’£ll‘11.\' It-11111-11 with 1\‘\’<1»}i(11Il1. 11.-:11l.~i. "113 1’(1l.\"|' (11111 S'i‘1'i,i~i "N11. 21111 '1‘iii<‘, 1i1:1tte1' 111‘ 111111111‘ type is sn 1ll‘11)(>i‘1£1ll1 t1i:1t e\e1'y 1)l’1ll1(‘l' shntilil he f:1i111l1:1i‘ with the 11et:1ils 111 11111‘ 1’nii1t-1,iiie. 1’ni1it-het, 1’n11it-1’1n«ly 1,iiii1i_e; bysteiii. lhis s_\'.stei_1i .s:1\'es t1ie 1ii'iiitei' Ill1'lll_\~' :1 11nll:1i' 111 e.1111i1111s1ti11i1 time, tn .s:1_\fi 111111111112; 111 the i1iei‘e:1se11 11e:111t_\1 111 his wn1'l<. 1',ve1‘y ])l‘11l1Lfl'1lll>‘1 e>111ei‘1eiie.e11 t1'n11h1e iii 11i‘iii1,'ii1;.1' t_v11e11ii (1l11t'l‘('lll 11n111es tn liiie. :1i111 111 11111111,: rule with type, :1ii11 11lt‘l'("1()]"t‘.‘. lqiinws the §.','I't‘Zl1 lnss 111 time tlliZl\'1‘11t1Zl1)1t‘ wheii 111111111; ty11e is 11111 :1\':1il:1111e. '.1:11u(le(l with two-point leiuls. 1-4 ];’().l,N'l‘ 'l<)i,7.1«:v1n N1). .3 THE matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point—Line, Point—Set, Point—Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank for instance, in which words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for Lower case alphabet, :1. to z, 12 3-7 ems. 18 PO1N’l_‘ CASLON 01.1) STYLE THE matter of lining type is so impor- tant that printers should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point—Set, Point-Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say noth- ing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and Lower case alpliahet. a to z, 12};/; ems. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 90 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE OLD STYLE BODY FACES um Lii1<*iml;ziiitli:“l‘i;itleilwidth t\m—}mint 18 om) .39 THE matter oflining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-Line, Point-Set, Point Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time Lower case alphabet, it to z. 11);; ems. 18 POINT FRENCH O. S. No. 3 The matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the t details of our Point-Line, Point—Set, Point Body Lining System. This system saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, to say nothing of the increased beauty of his work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different bodies to line, and in lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time Lowercase alphabet, 21. to z. 11 2-9 ems. PoIm~.1_ INE. POINT-SET. POIl\lT—BODY 91 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BODY FACES pO‘"T ..._.g;> A1, \N-r B to OLD STYLE The matter of lining type is so important that every printer should be familiar with the details of our Point-l..,ine, Point-Set, li’oint-Iiodry Lining System. It saves the printer many a dollar in composition time, say nothing of the increased beauty of his Work. Every printer has experienced trouble in bringing type on different borlies to line, and lining rule with type, and therefore knows the great loss of time unavoidable when lining type is not available. Take a legal blank, for instance, in which Words in larger type that begin paragraphs, as Well as some others, must be lined as near as may be with the letter selected for the body of the work, and in which two point brass rule must be lined with the type; hours of Valuable time must be spent by the compositor Lower case alphabet. {L to z, 14% ems. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 92 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE TOOLS AND USAGES OF THE EARLY PRINTERS . A Early Types made without any System . . . From.a‘n Ad]]z‘i/ptalfileczl . .1l):[‘)1£:1C;;'Sag;e(:O0f:mpOSi- T1/Des. . . Rudeness of Early Composition . . . ‘ct of Hand- Press, with illustration- tors, , , Slowness of Improvement... Construction 0 - ' nsions of each body and HE types of the fifteenth century were made W1tl1Q“tt1 Sybstcitllii iiiziliiudsiciiiept copy which had 176611 the peculiarities of each face were dctcrmmcid chm Y yd ta es to be derived from a series of selected as the model’ No printer had any Idea 0? thcfa Yimrnig faces nor of the great evils the)’ rc8ularl)' graduated sizes, nor of the beauty of a series 0 rticgular bbdies‘ Gutenbcrg,S larger would impose on themselves and their successors by t_l1CfllSC'(})‘is Smaucr bodies Wm: not Separated at bodies were irregularly graduated and of Pointed Gothpch acepknown printer had four faces and four roper distances, and were of Round Gothic face. d eyu bodics each of the Sizes Paragon’ Gmgb bodies of the size English. Caxton had two faces an _ two! V nice Show meguhrities of body which primer and1I_Engbl1ish. {he ty es of matny printers at Paris an 6 f seem inex ica e to t e mo ern prin er. . . . ,- hat them are o ten A clzissification by scale of the types of an)’ Printer of th1St}}:crS1t?‘tal1l‘:::‘11b50hd(;::'s.t The Smallest Sizes wide gaps between the larger, and confusing proximities betu}"CC‘1D cretals 0 Gregory, ptinfcd ifl black which I have met in any book of the fifteenth century are in f If lfcthc text ‘S in Bourgeois and the SM, and red by Andrew Torresani at Venice in i498, in which («:30 0nd of Paris about the middle of the rounding notes are in Brevier. Nonpareil was first made byb aragi Nothing smaller was attempted sixteenth century. Diamond was made bylannon of Sedana outi 2§d.m French body of two and 0m_ until i827, when Henry Didot, then 66 years old, cut afont onHa1f’nOnparci1/about twenty-five half points——-a body known to American printers as B_X‘1ll1ant,.01' d b the mould in which it is cast, xt lines to the American inch. As the size ofevefy body is determincpistiymt body. at has been Suggested would seem that there must have been aseparate mould for ever)’ aficm for the body was made way that these distinct bodies were founded in sand _m.oul_ds; that a neg‘ pmsults of unintended or undctcctcd time a new font was cast; and that the irregularities in body are‘ dc The man bodies, the Sharp edges, variations in the pattern’ But this hypothesis cann'0t‘b'C acciiplcl i ld not have been roduced by a sand C1056 fi“i118~up and even lining of the types, are peculiarities w ic coumbcmd with fatafobicctions. The mould, nor by amould of any plastic material.) This inference is_ enctuool and it cannot be Supposed that type-mould of hard metal is, and always has been, a vet)’ ¢XP¢“5“’° Ou1’d Wouid any early printer made two or four moulds for one_body when one in Ould Serve — have served. It is much more probable that he tried to make Onctifil u M that $22} ” for two or more bodies. The inventor of the mould 1113)’ h‘“’d°.ff 0 gtbodics it should be constructed with adiustments, so that it_s_hould cast ilderefnthis dc_ ;._, as well as different widths of types. The practicability of amoubl 0 On” for - scription is properly demonstrated by the old-fashioned adxustab 6 glcnlargcd irregular bodies, or by the mould used for casting leads, which can {C S 056 or diminished that it will cast many bodies or thicknessc9.' I fwfi Sggtgers that this mould was used by Gutenberg for casting the two b0d1C(SlO ft Chis four of Indulgence, and by the unknown printer of the Netherlail 5 if ch time s._ bodies of English, and that it was, of necessity, XICYVIY 5“ °r adlustcf -ca u1ar_ a new font was cast, we shall at once have a precise explanation Io irregt cs ities which are unaccountable under any other hypothesis. Casting yp i\\ '14 ll lull’ if?’ | I 'r ufi/Mam’/I////1;: Xfllllfltflllftll/IIIl.f , . 1 I; 8 Point Liiriizg XVCg Ilrttl ry Set Solid D « QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALE3 POII\IT—LlNE POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 93 without the system, standards and gauges which modern type-founders ~ use. it is not surprising that the first printers made types with difference mould, at different times, types of uniform body, that compelled later type—founders to discard it, and to use instead a mould for each body. \\ The casting of the types, which was always done in the printing I :, office, was then adjudged a proper part of a printer’s trade. The earlier 1 chroniclers said the first types were made of lead and tin. The Cost \'7\‘ Book of the Ripoli Press specifies these metals, and obscurely men- tions another which seems to have been one of the constituents of ii‘ type—metal. lf this conjecture can be accepted, types were probably V, ~_ ~ made in the fifteenth centuryas they are now, of lead, tin and antimony. ' ' ‘_ Was this obscure metal antimony? The text books say that anti- " T‘ A " mon was, for the first time, set a art as a distinct metal in 1490, b %// BasilyValentine, a monk of Erfuii. But Madden says that a book ‘ i supposed to have been printed at Cologne, before the year 147 3, plainly describes antimony as a metal frequently used and much abused by many monks of the thirteenth century in their pharmaceutical preparations. Not one of the millions of types founded during the fifteenth century has been preserved, nor is there in any old book an engraving or a description of a type. This neglected information has been unwittingly furn- ished by a careless pressman in the office of Conrad Winters, who printed at cologne in 147 6. This pressman, or his mate, when inking a slackly justified form, permitted the inking ball to pull out a thin—bodied type, which dropped sideways on the face of the form. The accident was not noticed; the tympan closed upon the form, and the bed was drawn under the platen. Down came the screw and platen, jamming the unfortunate type in the form, and embossing it strongly in the fibres of the thick wet paper, in a manner which reveals to us the shape of Winters’ types more truthfully than it could have been done even by special engraving. The height of thistype is a trifle less than one American inch. It agrees exactly with the old French standard (of 1723) for height of type, which was ten and one—half geometric lines, or, by modern French measure, 24 millimetres. The sloping shoulder, or the beard, as it was once called, was made to prevent the blackening of the paper, for it would have been blackened if the shoulder had been high and square. The sloping shoulder, which was in general use in the first quarter of this century, was discarded to meet the requirements of the new art of stere- otyping. It was found that these sloping shoulders made projections in the plaster mould, which imperiled the making of an accurate cast. The blackening of the sheer from square shoulders was prevented by altering the mould and placing the shoulder lower on the body. The circular mark, about one—tenth of an inch diameter, on the side ofthe type, was firmly depressed in the metal, but did not perforate it. As this type had no nick on the body, it is apparent that the circular mark was cast there to guide the compositor. When the type was put in the stick with the mark facing outward, the compositor knew, without looking at the face, that it was rightly placed.‘ There is no groove at the foot. Duverger says that the early types had no jet or breaking—piece; that the superfluous metal was cut off, and the type made of proper height by sawing. These details may seem trifling, but they are of important: they show that, in the more important features, the types of the early printers closely resembled ours. There is a disagreement among bibliographers about the quantity of types ordinarily cast for a font by the early printers._ Some, judging from appearances which show that one page only was printed at an impression, say that they cast types for two or three pages only; others maintain that they must have had very large fonts. That the latter view is correct seems fully established after a survey of the books known to have been printed by Zell, Koburger, Leeu, and others. It would have been impossible to print these books in the short period in which we know they were done, if the printer had not been provided with abundance of types. As 10 I’m'nt l,1'm'ng/ X VC(*nfu r_I/ Set Solizl BARN}-{ART BROS. & SF-‘INDLER’S ‘J4 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE the types were made in the printing oflice, by a quick method, from an alloy which could be used repeatedly for the same purpose, the supply was rarely limited by con- siderations of expense. Bernard believes that Gutenberg cast for the Bible of 42 lines at least i2o,ooo types, or enough for two sections, or forty pages. He supposes that twenty pages were perfected, and ready for press or under press, while the suc- ceeding twenty pages were in the compositor’s hands. This would be the method adopted by the modern printer, and it may have been the method of Gutenberg, but it is probable that the difficulties connected with the new art compelled him to print the book more slowly, and with imperfect system. But the printers who followed him certainly used quick methods. The trades of compositor and pressman, and possibly that of type—caster, were kept about as distinct then as they are now. There were more compositors than pressmen, and the compositors, says Madden, in the heroic age of printing, were not boys, but men of education and intelligence. The early printers who were taught the business that they might become masters had to pay a premium for their education. Caxton said that he had “practysed 6 learned at [his] grete charge and dispense to ordeyne this said booke in prynte." In the brief time that they gave to the work, their education must have been more theoretical than practical. ‘As the branch of composition required the largest number of workmen, and more intelligence, and less manual labor than any other, it was usually selected by the pupil for practice. Of type—casting and presswork he learned no more than was sufficient to enable him to direct the labors of his future workmen. The knowl- edge of the trade which the pupil coveted was the ability to practice it on his own account, and this knowledge was, in most instances, satisfactorily acquired when he got a theoretical knowledge of its secret processes. The frequent specifications of the foremen in the earliest notices of printing shows that the mould, with its accompanying matrices, was regarded as the key to the knowledge and practice of the art. As the moulds were made by master mechanics, not bound to secrecy, and as the earlier compositors had some knowledge of the process of type~casting, it was not difficult for a journeymen to become a master printer. When he had bought a type-mould and matrices, he could go to any city and begin to print books. He could cast types and mix ink as he needed them; he could buy paper and the constituents of type-metal in any large town: properly in- structed, any joiner could make the press. Many of the early master printers practiced their trade for a few years in one place, and a few years in another, " roving about from town to town with a seeming indifference to change which seems unaccountable to the modern printer, who _ knows how expensive it is to move a printing office. The roving e is I‘ T habits of the masters will not seem so strange when it is known 1. r .2. U . that the equipment of the early office was simple, and that the """"" _ more expensive tools could be carried with little difliculty. This I’ illustration, a fac-smile of one of Amman’s engravings of a 5%.‘ I ‘ printing office, is from this book dated 1564. The case for the 12 Poim‘, Lining XVCcntur_I/ Set Solid POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 95 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED is of one piece and is resting on a g rude frame. All the boxes are repre- :.' V ‘t T’ 5 u D flgsented as of the same size, but this is E probably an error which is frequently , made by designers of this day. The engravings of cases shown by Moxon ' have boxes of unequalsize. No doubt. theywere so made from the beginning, , , for a day’s experience would teach any compositor that his case must have a larger box for the letter e than for the letter x. In this, and in many other early illustrations of type—setting, the compositors are seated on stools. In Italy and in Paris, women were employed as compositors. The early stick was not like the neatly finished iron tool of our time, With steel composing rule and an adjustable screw and knee adapting it to any measure. It was a real stick of wood, a home—made strip of deal, with the side and end—piece tacked on. For every measure, a new stick or retacking of the movable piece was required. The date of theintro- duction of the stick cannot be fixed, but it was used. without alteration for many years. by the printers of all countries. It is possible that some of the early printers had no sticks. The peculiar workmanship of the unknown printer and of Albert Pfister shows that the types were taken direct from the case and wedged in mortised blocks of wood which served 1:5 I’u(n( 1,mmg .\’V(}cn(ury Sol Solid BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 96 SUPERIOR COF-’PER—MlXED TYPE --'-—'/"3"/"""§;«if-'“.>:',' ,. f/4__§?.n.uI'm1‘ ‘ § / «~«'-t.\\‘l13.’."-355.3-i‘i-' l}lllillll).’.)3?2./22;»I... ll-»?."~.=3‘-”*"=“*"“:,i\\‘«*$1ii’2.'.L1.‘.'.'.‘."~“°5. ‘J ,4-‘ Z 'I/ _’ ‘ '’yi.l.-‘--r.‘l_.-_ /__-:\/lli\ ..I/I/%__¢’ ‘jfgf ai /// ‘./ EXCERPT FROM THE BIOGRAPHY OF BENJAMIN FRANKLIN >0f' , ROM my infancy I was passionately fond of reading, and all the money (® ‘:/ that came into my hands was laid out in the purchasing of books. I was ‘I; ' very fond of voyages. My first acquisition was Bunyanis works in sepa- \ rate little volumes; I afterwards sold them to enable me to buy Burtonis ‘s\ I § ‘.f'‘g‘!5 } Historical Collections. They were small chapmen's books, and cheap: '{ “N v"_‘ forty volumes in all. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books ‘/\| V in polemic divinity, most of which I read. I have often regretted that, ‘ii ‘ l ’\l‘ ' ‘.33 at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge. more proper books. “Va T T I ‘ had not fallen in my way, since it was resolved I should not be bred to r’ \ divinity. There was among them Plutarch s Lives, which I read abun- dantly. and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also 21 book of Defoeis called An Essay on Projects. and anotherof D1’. Mather's called An Essay to do Good, which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking. that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life. W This bookish inclination at length determined my father to make me a printer, though he had already one son, James, of that profession. In 1717 my brother James returned from England with a press and letters to set up his busi- ness in Boston. I liked it much better than that of my father. but still had a hankering for the sea. To prevent the apprehended effect of such an inclination. my father was im- patient to have me bound to my brother. I stood out some time, but at last was pursuaded and signed the indenture when I was yet but twelve years old. I was to serve an apprenticeship till I was twenty-one years of age. only I was to be allowed journeyman's wages during the last year. ‘In a little time I made a great progress in the business, and became a useful hand to my brother. I now had access to better books. An acquaintance with the apprentices of booksellers enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one. which I was careful to return soon, and clean. Often I sat up in my chamber reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrowed in the evening and to be returned in the morning, lest it should be missing. qlAfter some time a merchant—an ingenious. sensible man. Mr. Matthew Adams, who had a pretty collection of books——frequented our printing-office, took notice of me. and invited me to see his library. and very kindly proposed to lend me such books as Ichose to read. WI now took a strong inclination for poetry. and wrote some little pieces. My brother supposing it might turn to account. encouraged me, and induced me to compose two occas- ional ballads. One was called The Light-House Tragedy. and contained an account of the shipwreck of Captainworthilake with his two daughters; the other was a sailor song, on the taking of the famous Teach. or Blackbeard, the pirate. They were wretched stuff. in street ballad style; and-when they were printed my brother sent me about the town to sell them. The first sold prodigiously, the event being recent and having made a great noise. This success flattered my vanity; but my father discouraged me by criticising my performances and telling me verse-makers were generally beggars. Thus I escaped being a poet, and prob- ably 3 Very bad One: but. as prose writing has been of great use to me in the course of my life. Sr! in 6-point l»'m'ulmrt Old S11/I4-. ()}H’II(’(f IUHII mu)-[mini Ic'1uI.~;. POIN-I'*LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ' ‘J’? QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and was a principal means of my advancement, I shall tell you how in such a situation I acquired what little ability I may be supposed to have in that way. 41 There was another bookish lad in the town, John Collins by name, with whom I was intimately acquainted. We sometimes disputed, and very fond we were of argument, and very desirous of confuting one another——which disputatious turn, by the way, is apt to become a very bad habit, making people often extremely disagreeable in company, by the contradiction that is necessary to bring it into practice; and thence, besides souring and spoiling the conversation, it is productive of disgusts, and perhaps enmities, with those who may have occasion for friendship. I had caught this by reading my father's books of dispute on religion. Persons of good sense, I have since observed, seldom fall into it,‘ except lawyers, university men, and generally men of all sorts who have been bred at Edinburgh. 4] A question was once, somehow or other, started between Collins and me on the propriety of educating the female sex in learning, and their abilities for study. He was of the opinion that it was improper, and that they were naturally unequal to it. I took the contrary side, perhaps a little for disputes sake. He was naturally more elo- quent, having a greater plenty of words, and sometimes, as I thought, I was vanquished more by his fluency than by the strength of his reasons. IIAS we parted without settling the point, and were not to see one another again for some time, I sat down to put my arguments in writing, which I copied fair and sent to him. He answered and I replied. Three or four letters on a side had passed, when my father happened to find my papers, and read them. Without entering into the subject in dispute, he took occasion to talk to me about my manner of writing; observed that though I had the ad- vantage of my antagonist in correct spelling and pointing (which he attributed to the printing-house), I fell far short in elegance of expression, method, and in perspicuity, of which he convinced me by several instances. I saw the justice of his remarks, and thence grew more attentive to my manner of writing, and determined to endeavor to improve my style. ql About this time I met with an odd volume of the Spectator. I had never before seen any of them. I bought it, read it over and over, and was much delighted with it. I thought the writing excellent, and wished if possible to imitate it. With that view I took some of the papers, and, making short hints of the sentiments in each sentence, laid them by a few days, and then, without looking at the book, tried to complete the papers again, by expressing each hinted sentiment at length, and as fully as it had been expressed before, in any suitable words that should occur to me. Then I compared my Spectator with the original, dis- covered some of my faults, and corrected them. But I found I wanted a stock of words, or a readiness in collecting and using them, which Ithoughtl should have acquired before that time if I had gone on making verses; since the continual search for words of the same import, but of different length to suit the measure or of different sound for the rhyme, would have laid me under a constant necessity of searching for variety, and also have tended to fix that variety in my mind, and make me master of it. Therefore I took some of the tales in the Spectator and turned them into verse; and after a time, when I had pretty well forgotten the prose, turned them back again. Ii I also sometimes jumbled my collection of hints into confusion, and after some weeks endeavored to reduce them into the best order before I began to form the full sentences Set in 5-point Barnhart Old Style. Solirl B1‘-RNHART BROS & SPINDI-ER’S 98 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and complete the subject. This was to teach me method in the arrangement of the thoughts. GI By comparing my work with the original, I discovered many faults, and corrected them; butI sometimes had the pleasure to fancy that, in certain par- ticulars of small consequence, I had been fortunate enough to improve the method or the language, and this encouraged me to think that I might in time come to be a tolerable English writer, of which Iwas extremely ambitious. The time I alloted for writing exercises, and for reading, was at night, or before work began in the morning, or on Sundays, when I contrived to be in the printing-house, avoiding as much as I could the constant attendance at public worship, which my father used to exact of me when I was under his care, and which I still continued to consider a duty, though I could not afford time to practise it. {I When about sixteen years of age, I happened to meet with a book, written by one Tyron, recommending a vegetable diet. I determined to go into it. My brother, being yet unmarried, did not keep house, but boarded himself and his apprentices in another family. My refusal to eat flesh oc- casioned an inconvenience, and I was frequently chid for my singularity. I made myself acquainted with Tyron’s manner of preparing some of his dishes, such as boiling potatoes or rice, making hasty pudding and a few others, and then proposed to my brother that, if he would give me weekly half the money he paid for my board, I would board myself. He instantly agreed to it, and I presently found that I could save half what he paid me. (I This was an additional fund for buying of books; but I had another advantage in it. My brother and the rest going from the printing-house to their meals, I remained there alone, and despatching presently my light repast (which was often no more than a slice of bread, a handful of raisins, or a tart from the pastry-cook’s, and a glass of water), had the rest of the time, till their return, for study; in which I made the greater progress from that greater clearness of head and quicker apprehension which generally attend temperance in eating and drinking. 4! Now it was that (being on some occa- Set in 1U-point Bm*nhm't Old Style. ()pened with (me—pm'nt leads. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 99 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BENJAMIN FRANKLIN sion made ashamed of my ignorance in figures, which I had twice failed learning when at school), I took Cockerls book on Arithmetic, and went through the whole by myself with the greatest ease. I also read Seller's and Shermyis books on Navi- gation, which made me acquainted with the little geometry they contain; but I never proceeded far in that science. I read about this time Locke On Human Understanding, and The Art of Thinking by Messrs. de Port—Royal. qlwhile I was intent on improving my language, I met with an English grammar (I think it was Creenwood's), having at the end of it two little sketches on the Arts of Rhetoric and Logic, the latter finishing with a dis- pute in the Socratic method; and soon afterI pro- cured Xenophon’s Memorial Things of Socrates, wherein there are many examples of the same method. Iwas charmed with it, adopted it, dropped my abrupt contradictions and positive argument- ation, and put on the humble inquirer. And being then from reading Shaftesbury and Collins made a doubter, as I already was in many points of our religious doctrines, I found this method the safest for myself and Very embarrassing to those against whom I used it; therefore I took delight in it, practised it continually, and grew very artful and expert in drawing people even of superior knowledge into concessions, the consequences of which they did not foresee, entangling them in diffi- culties out of which they could not extricate them- Svt in 12-point I3urn.Iu.z)'t Old Style. (menml with one-point Imrls. BARNHART BROS & SF’1NDLE3R’S 100 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN selves, and so obtaining Victories that neither myself nor my cause always de- served. Q1 I continued this method some few years but gradually left it, retaining only the habit of expressing myself in terms of modest diflidence, never using, when I advance any thing that may pos- sibly be disputed, the words certainly, un- doubtedly, or any others that give the air of positiveness to an opinion; but rather say, I conceive, or apprehend a thing to be so and so; It appears to me, or I should not think it, so or so, for such and such reasons; or, I imagine it to be so; or It is so if I am not mistaken. qlThis habit, I believe, has been of great advantage to me when I have had the occasion to inculcate my opinions and persuade men into meas- ures that Ihave been from time to time engaged in promoting. And as the chief ends of conversation are to inform or to be informed, to please or to persuade, I wish well—meaning and sensible men would not lessen their power of doing good by a positive assuming manner, that seldom fails to disgust, tends to create opposition, -Vt’? in .1-}~/mi/M l)’«(/'u/IrrI'/ (ml St;/[¢«, (’_[II_’/l(’I./ (PH/1 nmu/mint [:'u:[.s~_ POINT4-INE. POlNT—SET.PO1NT-BODY my QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BENJAMIN FRANKLIN and to defeat most of the purposes for which speech was given to us. In fact, if you wish to instruct others, a positive dogmatical manner in advancing your sentiments may occasion opposition, and prevent a candid attention. If you desire instruction and improvement from others, you should not at the same time express yourself fixed in your present opinion. Modest and sensible men do not love disputation, will leave you undisturbed in the possession of your errors. In adopting such a manner, you can seldom expect to please your hearers, or obtain the concur- rence you desire. 1lMy brother had, in 1720, begun to print a newspaper. It was the second that appeared in America, and was called the New England Courant. The only one before it was the Boston News-Letter. I remember his being dis- suaded by some of his friends from the undertaking, as not likely to be a success, one newspaper in their judgment being enough for America. At this time, 1771, there are not less than five-and-twenty. Sr! in lIi~}m1‘nI Ifurnlutrl UIII .\'I_1/Ir‘. U;wm'rl with muwgminl Innis. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I02 SUPERIOR COPPEIR“-MIXED TYPE BENJAMIN FRANKLIN He went on, however, with the under- taking. I was employed to carry the papers to the customers, after having worked in composing th€ WPCS and printing off the sheets. {I Hellad 801113 ingenious men among his friends, who amused themselves by writing little pieces for this paper, Which gamed It credit, and made it more in demand, and these gentlemen very often visited us. Hearing their conversations, and their accounts of the approbation their papers were received with Iwas excited to try my hand among them. But, being still a boy, and suspecting that my b.rOt11€I‘ would object to printing anything of mine in his paper, if he knew it to be mine, I contrived to disguise my hand, and, writing an anonymous paper: I put it at night under the door of the printing house. GI It was found in the morning, and communicated,tohiswritingfriends Set in 18-point Baxrnharl Old Style. Opeiwd with one-po1"nt leads. pOINT_L1NE. pQ1NT...SE‘_'r, POINT-BODY 103 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED “ ~ oonn. no. so. a 10 Point O. S. Con . 0. 50 3%: lbs.. $2.50 E 24 A 48 a 12 Point O. S. Cond. No. 50 3“/(6 lbs.. $2.75 THE BEST PEARLS on THE WORLD A THE IMPORTATION OF SPARKLING Are Taken from the Depths of the Indian Ocean Diamonds and Precious StonesVery Profitable 1234567890 ; 1234567890 IWMBRAZILIAN D1rMoAi§°§titth“r3Xltdinhaler; cnsromms A Beautiful Brilliants are Found Near the Amazon River in South America Also in Bechuana Province 348 Many Expensive Sparkling Gems s.. $3.50 mvnnn sueseterohtlotsr orrrcnnsm Frequently Catch Wealthy Tourists Smuggling Valuables High Tariii on Several 479 Foreign Made Articles .. $4.00 C0L0RAh0301tmAOlltFC0Onll&)M1lll0WYOMINGW Three Principle Mining States of the Great West Some Mines Pay 75 Dollars per Week mnmvse means nvvssrni Procnnng Valuable 82 Gems tor Presents 6A 13a I 9 . il‘° C0» 01 D VTYI F v2:,7.Z;';:= * 4 \ 4 4 "Om-r 90°‘ \\'('ig1;1.~;;m1>r«»,\;ir11a1c: ;~»:'(‘ 1»:1;.v;e 3. (1151 m1 1."r1i§or1n Line. A 14 21 42 iI’<.>int Old Style Co11«1c11>;ed No. 50 3.}/4” 1bS__ $525 1 1 2 1 / r ' (‘0ndc11s(:d No 50 AF 6 H AN 1§’I‘jiAN [Mm-\’[‘10N% Oiten Dem/es 04 Pramed Eyes “PEARLs?%”%G%0%£D%M%%GARNET‘“W EXDBHSIVB Eastern 3 Products 3 A 4 3 72 Point Old Style Ccmdensed N0. 50 8‘}1'o1bs.,$5.10 POI - ._ - NT LINE. POINT SET, POI NT- BODY 10.?) Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED ELZEVIR « a coup. No. so. proximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 26A 50 a 10 Point Elzevir Cond. N0. 50 3%‘: lbs.. $2.50 ‘ 24A 4821 12 Point Elzevir Cond. NO. 50 3‘%6 lbs.. $2.75 SUMMER TIME IN NEW YORK THE CRIMSON AUTOMOBILE Coney Island Rockaway and North Beach Resorts ; Tl21Ck and ROM RZICETS and Light R11ll?lb01lTS Where the Ocean Waves Roll in and Out TW€I1‘EY'-Thf€€ Th01lSilIlC1 NOW Rffildl’ 1234567890 ‘ A 1234567890 23 A 43 a 14 Point Elzevir Condensed N0. 50 4%!» lbs.. $3.00 SINCE THE BLOODY CONFLICT BETWEEN THE JAPANESE AND RUSSIANS Russia Has Been Upon the Verge of a Revolution Which Has Been Checked by the Czars Soldiers Officials and Cabinet Members Lives 458 Constantly Endangered by Mines of Dynamite 16A 18 Point Elzevir Condensed No. 50 4% lbs.. $3.25 31 aABUNDANCE OF CLEAN RAIN WATER HELPS EVERYBODY Water Received Freely from the Clouds Expressly for the Present Occasion When Thunder Sounds and 382 Lightning Flashes From the Heavens 24 Point Elzevir Condensed No. 50 5% lbs.. $3.50 WEXTENSIVE nmvnvo DISTRICTS or coronnoo Fourteen Beautiful Oil Paintings of Mountain Scenery Exhibited Annual Display of Orchids 85 and American Beauty Roses 8A 30 Point Elzevir Condensed No. 50 67% lbs.. $4.00 EIGHTEEN EXPENSIVE nunonvos Handsome and Very Artistic Floral Declred Apartments Finished in Cherry and 75 Ouarter Sawed Oalc BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE nnnrssrr nrnrcns snnnrerr Unrted States Great 84 War Department GRAND EVEW Crank Bachelors 8 Not Accepted t"nnnrnr~:tntt§tt2nnrEn§" Unned States 74 Leading Mine 3*‘ 4 a 72 Poi eeeeee vi oooooooooooooo so 8% lbs.. $4.95 ttcann§tn1e8nn94 nntnfnrtcec OLD STYLE NUMBER ONE \Veights and Prices ;;'i\‘en are Approxirnate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Linc. 20A 60 a 6 PointOld Style No. 1 131/6 lbs.. $2.00 18A 52 a 8 Point Old Style No. 1 2% lbs., $2.25 s'rAmLr'rv or A GREAT CoUN'l‘Rs' : A'l‘HL1a:f1‘rcs S'I‘IMUI,A'.l‘E A HEALTHY Lies Entirely in the Intelligence and Loyalty of its Subjects And Ambitious Character in the Young Generation I234'6789O _, , ° 1234367890 _ 14 A 40 a 12 Point Old Style No. 1 3“/is lbs., $2.75 17A 49 a 10 Point Old Style No. 1 3‘/(6 lbs., $2.50 OLYMPIC GAMES AT CHICAGO Almost Equal those 379 of Ancient Athens Tfalllfid 1V'IUSC1€ 354 G311‘-5 V1Ct01',V 10A 20a 18 Point Old Style No. I 4‘5%o lbs., $3.25 CONTINUAL PHYSICAL EXERCISE Developes Iron Muscle 823 and Stimulates Dull Brains SMALL CAPS, for 6 to 18 inclusive, put up in separate fonts and sold as follows: 6-Point, 22 A, 6 oz., soc. ; 8-Point, 18 A, 8 oz., 5oc.; Io-Point, 15 A, 10 oz., 500.; 12-Point, II A, II oz., 5oc.; I8-Point, 6 A, 12 02., 55c. COSMOS ' ‘ SERIES. Vveights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 24 A 48 a 12 Point Cosmos 39% lbs.. $2. 75 18 A 35 a 18 Point Cosmos 4‘§i’6 lbs.. $3.25 THIRTY SECOND REGIMENTAL Band and Scouts Were Stationed at Balanga . TlllClICSl lll lllll Al]ll]llllllll0I1 Wagons 1234567890 1234567890 12 A 20a 24 Point Cosmos 5% lbs., $3.50 OLDFIELD HISTORICAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY Arion Agricultural College 45 Equitable Trust Association 6A 11 a 36 Point Cosmos 7%!» lbs., $4.35 TOUCHNESS AND DURABILITY Excellent Feature 86 Numerous Rewards BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I08 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXE‘.D TYPE CONI). X0. 32 @ @@ Catalogue Sixtcml The Lotus Carriage and Automobile C0. l)esig11e1‘s and B1‘ough;u11s i“€“1“f;§;.“111‘t‘1‘* Ru11;1l>>0uts Sta11110pcs Phactons Sulkics Surries A ut<>m<>1)i1 es (}c11c1‘;1l (L)1‘1’icc,4385 N o1'tl1 1’ift11w11cc1 l%<>111c\';u‘¢1 BRll)\\’1iI.l, BORDER useo, 12 Point NO. 434 .§_@@@@@@@@ ® P01 _ NT LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY 109 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I’ \ “\O« Con ll Sililil I? J 1 ,1 D°I~'r 80°‘ '° “ CONI). NO. 52. 26A 50 a 10 Point O. S. Cond. No. 52 3’/{6lbs., $2.50 V iglits and Prices given are Approxini. ‘ 20A 38a 12 Point O. S. Cond. No. 52 3‘%6 lbs., $2.75 'ite; see page 2. Cast on Uniform 1 me l IMPROVE YOUR OPl’ORTUNlTIl£S PALACIZS ANI) CAS'l‘l,liS Success Will Be the More Certainly Attained and i Remain Standing in Foreign Lands Your Life Will be More Worth the Living l*v1“1ic>}"1, t1’1e:~3r 1ir1r—x(:1€:. I)ea[1eres l‘1a\re c)11137’ to &‘511C)\’\’ tine $fl*1oe to sell t}*1<—.:rr1. ,1_‘]"1e leatlder 1.1:’:-‘,c—:-cl i11 all I3Z<—:£ac1 S1".1C)€3$ rxjexcie 1337 tlje I,_T1.’1itCi‘C‘1 I./(*3<}'1<':1“ 8‘t—1are1r1tee. C3011’; fps-11’.1_\7 \v1'1.c3ee 116117136: is 63 \7\7e 1..“)lEa<:i1'1g; t]".l&é1’1’1 §Ver}’\\’lfiere, 131.11: if t}“Ie11"1, vvill be glad to $‘.‘€§1’1(T1 C71‘ $3.89, 6-,1:1’1C1 vvill 1~e>fL1r1ci1 1‘c1f)reese1d_t¢:cj. ():1’1g: \’\'it}‘1 gcyoci. rrxeru. \7(DL.‘lI‘ ciealer C1(*>eS r1(:>t 1”1£El.\7€i‘ vvc: \7(i)L1 a 1:361 i 1* C 31/1 1‘eC>ei.1:)t r1C3t as C>’ve:r~ )7 (f)1_..‘1.1" .111 (‘>11 <'-:'_\* i f ()L.1.,r‘ 11 l11’1C'1f1‘(3C‘1 eatxrleas. S 1'‘: (If) e 11) C) ('9 1.4: S; 11 C.) vv 3r C) ‘L1 311.9111 <__)td<:r? Read Shoe CO. Lastville xve set’) C1 COMBINATION BORDER NO. 116 E:—?-EIIEIII-EIEf|E-IIIEIJIE-If! [I ®-‘=I:3E1EEJE—:=Jv:—3%r.=_:»IEIr—:*JtEE—:3 If__"—"1F%=1 —Er%&'=:1r-=-—:Ii1E—:%oa.-'='.—:r:—-_=nE1E:—:r£e'::u:-a @ INE. POINT-SET. POINT‘BODY 115 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \\'eigI1t.s and Prices gi\'(*i1"iTi'r4 ; 3. (fast on Text Line. 8 Point Lining Fifteenth Century I ll) Point Lining 1“iftee-ntli Century 24A 47 a 2}: lbs., $2.25 I 24 A 4721 3£i.; lbs..$2.50 I REMARKABLE CARPET BARGAINS 1 UNITED STATES CUNBOATS Send us Your Orders for Anything in Tapestries and Equippgd with Rapid Fin; Guns and Smokclcss They Will be Promptly Filled on Standard Time Powder do Creat Execution on Enemys Ships 1234567890 5 1234567890 21 A 41 a 12 Point Lining I<'il'teentI1 (.‘entnr_v 31,‘:/0 lbS.. $2-75 CALIFORNIA AND FLORIDA SEEDLESS ORANGES ARE FINE California and Florida are Great Winter Resorts for People who Live in the Northeastern States ‘Some People Have an Idea That it is Always 86 Hot but at Nights Blankets are Needed 11A 22 a 18 Point Lining1~‘ifteentI1 Century 4'5ii.II.)s.. $3.25 THE EASTERN LEATHER COMPANY Ten Thousand Horses Sold in 23 New York Last Month 8A 15 a 24 Point Lining Fifteenth Century 5% lbs., $3.50 THE MOON IS FULL TONIGHT Brightest Thoughts of 85 Boyhood Happy Days 5 A 9 a 36 Point Lining Fifteenth Century 7% lbs., $4.40 SATURDAY TIMES Thousand Politicians 3 in Offices 4A 9 a 48 Point Lining Fifteeilth Century 10% lbs.. $6.55 PERSIAN GOODS Oriental Rug6 Company LINING FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH THE ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF SPECIALLY ORDERED. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S llli SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING FIFTEENTH CENTURY SERIES .4» M/_»_.\\a INDOWS WITH XV CENTURY ‘STAINED GLASS s so very popular a few T’centuries ago, are again in vogue. We are pleased to note the eople of the World are liaiegrnning to realize that today there is nothing to surpass stained glass for beautiful Windows, not only for the church, but for the home, railroad coaches and various other places. We cordially invite the public to visit our showrooms in the Royal Exchange Building on the third and fourth floors Where We have on exhibition all the various patterns made in the last five centuries. We have contracts with leading artists along this line, and assure you perfect satisfaction. ABBOTT C5 STAHLING 217 to 231 Thirty—Second Street PLATINGTON, GLASSVILLE L POINT- LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 117 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALIC \VCij..?_'lItS and Prices given 2. Cast on Text Line. 8 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 10 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 22 A 44a . 2% lbs.. $2.25 21 A 42 a 3%, lbs.. $2.50 GREATEST RUSH ON EARTH ALL ANXIOUS To UNLQAD Women Rush to the Department Stores to Save on They Have Danced in the Big Pit and Now The New Frocks that they wish to Purchase Must Pay Bea, Fiddle” Handy Bil] 1234567890 1234567890 18A 35 a 12 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 3‘Vo lbs., $2.75 WEALTH DOES NOT ALWAYS CREATE HAPPINESS Many Men Deprive Themselves of Health and Happiness Struggling for Fortunes Knowledge Places more Men Before 673 the World than Immense Wealth 11 A 21 a 18 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 4’-§1”olbs.. $3.25 THOUSANDS GO EVERY DAY Pushing the Hudson River 54 Underground Tunnels 7A 14 a 24 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 5% lbs,, $3.55 CANDIDATES FOR SENA TOR SECRETS for Public Oflice 57 will Soon Appear 5 A 9a 36 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 8‘/to lbs., $5.00 DENVER VIEWS Beautiful Mountain 8 Sceneries 5 A 8a 48 Point Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 12912, lbs., $7.75 SPRING FEVER The Same 6 Old Story LINING FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF’ SPECIALLY ORDERED. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLE.R’S 118 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE cop l~t ptg .‘ ET‘ \ P“ *1 LINING FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALIC Ancient Stories from History of France Interestingly Written for Modern Readers by Alphonse Aubrey Publis/teroille Nineteenth Century Book Company 1906 VOGUE ORNAMENT N0. 116. PRICE 50C *3 4:1 POINT-. LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 119 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ELZEVIR NUMBER 5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Fniforin Line. 25 A 46 a 6 Point Elzevir No. 5 1%}; lbs.. $2.00 IMPRESSIONS FROM AROUND THE OLD WORLD Recollections of a Journalists Ilasty Trip for Ilis Health 1234567890 22 a 43 a 10 Point Elzevir No. 5 351/6 ll)s., $2.50 MANY BOLD ADVENTURERS Have Cleared the 24 Way for Civilization 15 A 30 a 14 Point Elzevir No. 5 4% Ibs.. $3.00 ORIENTAL DANCERS Enraptured 83 Paradise Lost 6 A 12 a 24 Point Elzevir No. 5 24 A 44 a 8 Point Elzevir No. 5 2% Ibs.. $2.25 TAPESTRIES FROM OLD CATHEDRALS The Rarest and Most Priceless Treasures of Europe 1234567890 17 A 33 a 12 Point Elzevir No. 5 3‘}i<. Ibs., $2.75 INDIAN CAMEL ROUTE Covered Deep 76 with Dry Bones 8 A 16 :1 20 Point Elzevir No. S 5‘/I6 lbs., $3.35 EXPLORATION Granadas 95 Castles 5% lbs., $3.60 RAREST EASTERN SPICES Musk Perfumery 37 Damascus Silks 4 A 8 a 36 Point Elzevir No. 5 81/{G lbs... $5.00 ELECTRIC WELDER Neptune Ba boa 4 Drake 4 A 6 a 48 Point lilzevir No. 5 12% lbs... $7.70 IVIATR IVIONY Swedish 5 Maidens SMALL CAPS, for () to 18 Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts as follows: (I-Point, 22A, ()oz., S0c.; 8-Point, 18A. 8 oz.. 500.; 10-Point, 14A,1()o7.., SUc.; l2—Point, 10A, 11 oz., 5Uc.; l4—Point, ‘)A, 11 oz., Soc. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. ELZEVH? I’ \ “ c 8‘° 0» ,_ QOINT LINE “£9 . QDOINT SET‘l ._.4_. .-. AALLAAA -A L A»LA~A-L-- ...;L.._ A; NUMBERS . . . . . A . L . . .. ~*(~* (~* (~* -‘»’;?(~* (~* (~* (4 ~v(~v 4 LLL._A_.-..--_;--.L. A LA--- LLLAA- .----.. AA--- - --. 4 (~w 4 (-V ’\. G? G‘ "* (‘* G‘ (~*(~* G‘ 6? (es@? \&./ (€53 6°) (4 4 vwwwwvvvvwwwwvuwwwwwww uwww vv-vvww --._L.__;-.A.;;L-...-.-L--. ;AAA AAAA AAAAAA .; LL.‘ w@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ I v w v * A V*V V V V v V vv ‘K ;LkLLA-..-.--. SUPEROR TYPE F vw vwww v vvvwwwww Barnhart Type Foundry Co. Great Western Type Foundry mmmmmmmm .; HERE are several things to consider in type quality. Durability, of course, is very important; but dura- bility is not all. Finish, accuracy, artistic design, correct lining principles, depth of cutting—aIl must be taken qfTo be durable, type must be cast from a perfectly proportioned and perfectly blended alloy of copper, antimony, tin and Iead——in fact, from All our type is cast from this metal, which gives at once the hardest, lightest, toughest, and, as a consequence, the most durable type in the world. (IfSuperior Copper—Mixed type is finished in a very superior manner, and is ab- solutely guiltless of burrs, rough edges, or any other imperfection that so commonly destroy justification, It is perfect in size and face. q‘Any number of Superior Copper—Mixed Types taken at random will not, even in the aggregate, show variations in size, though the test made in a gauge graduated to the hundred-thousandth part of an inch. qExamine our pamphlets, and this specimen Superior Copper—Mixed Type leads all others in artistic design. qr Deep cutting Deep cut type does not fill up on the press; it saves time and money. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER 5 into account. Superior Copper-Mixed metal. alignment, and height to paper. book. They tell the tale. means better work and better plates. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS ST. PAUL, MINN. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. DALLAS, TEX. The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. NEW YORK CITY KANSAS CITY. MO. OMAHA, NEB. Great Western Type Foundry A A‘ AIABOIEDEARSA USED: 3 POINT NO. 128, 6 POINT NO. 327 AND 24 POINT NO. 284. vvvvvwav A A_A_A_L_A vwww vv WASHINGTON. D. C. Southern Printers Supply Co. ST. LOUIS, MO. St. Louis Printers Supply Co. SEATTLE. WASH. Pacific Printers Supply Co. @<@@@@ > ;.LLLL;_AA....--.-A vwwvvyvwwwwvvvvvy V - POINT- LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY wwwwww wvw wvwwwww vwvwwwww V7 121 wwvwwwv ‘V wvwwvvvvwv w v V v wwww vvwuvwv QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ELZEVIR \ I’ \ “ c g\° °p\ ', 9g\NT Ll~t hi‘ \ h90|NY SET‘ ¢’ V IT/ILIC NO. 5 \\'(-i-‘l1tszm(l l’ri<‘<‘s "I\'(‘1l2lI‘t‘ A > )l"()XIlllilI(‘Z sci‘ [an-,g'v J. (inst on I-'nilorn1 Linc. 3-. 26A 52a 6 Point Elzevir Italic No. 5 1%. lbs., $2.00 FIRST I’ROCIiSSIiS IN ‘THE PRACTICE OF '1‘YI’OGRAPHY ‘The cutting; of punches and malcing of moulds, demanded a degree of skill in the handlin,<,r of tools and of experience in the worIc17n,gr of metal rarely found in any man who undertook to learn the art of printing. They were ne"eer 1'e;,rar'ded as proper branches of the printer’s trade, but were, from the lu'gz'11111'11,.gr, set aside as Icinds of work which could be properly done by the goldsmith only. _/enson, Cennini, Sweinheym and I/eldener seem to have been the only printers of the fifteenth century who had the preliminary edzlcation 1234567890 21 A 41 a 10 Point Elzevir Italic No. 5 3%}. lbs., $2.50 RE/I‘DINGS IN ASTRONOMY B Yc‘7\/{EN I/ERSED IN SCIENTIFIC KNOI/VLEDGE Close beside the star Migjar, the mia’dle star in the handle of the Great ‘Dipper, is a tiny star, which still bears the name groerz it by the Arabs, --/lleor , the Faint-orze. Aleor and Mtgar orm together what rrztqlat be ealled 1234567890 FRENCH O. S. 22A 4421 8 Point lilzevir Italic No. 5 2V, ll)s., $2.25 GUTENBERG /lN‘D HIS WORK AT MEUYTZ G11le11herg"s last art upon record 2711 Strashurg‘ was the selling out ofthe last renzrzant of his z'12I.7erz'tana?. The first e—Point, H A. 10 ()7... Rue: l‘2—Point. IUA. 11 or... Soc. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 172:! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Cob FRENCH OLD .. A ~~~~~~~~ D P O l N T 5 E Y4 ‘»"_'~~r STYLE NO. 56. VVeig'l\ts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 3. Cast on Cap Line. 29A 6 Point French 0. S. No. 56 3/4lbs., $1.00 24 A 8 Point French 0. S. No. 56 1% lbs..$1.25 COLORADO MOUNTAIN HUNTERS CONVENTION GREAT WESTERN RAILROADS EXCURSION RATES FROM ALL OVER THE UNITED STATES EMPLOY MANY THOUSAND WORKMEN 1234567890 1234567890 24A 9 Point French 0. S. No. 56 1%1bS”$1.25 21 A 10 Point French 0. S. NO. 56 1946 lbs.. $1.40 PASSENGER CONDUCTORS THROTTLE ECCENTRTC BLACKSMITH 48 AND YARDMASTER LU BRICATORS 673 WHISTLES 17A 12 Point French 0' S. NO. 56 2 lbs" $1.50 16 A 14 Point French 0. S. No. 56 2% lbs., $1.75 LOCOMOTIVES SMOKE STACKS BRAKEMEN 95 TRAINMEN I PILOTS 82 AIR BRAKE 12 A 18 Point French Old Style No. 56 33/{(» lbs.. $2-15 IMPROVED FARM MACHINES WAGONS CARTS 74 AND ELEVATOR 8 A . 24 Pomt French Old Style NO. 56 3% lbs.. $2.50 BLACKSMITH HUSTLERS SEVENTEEN 45 BOILER ELUES 30 Point French Old Style No. 56 5§I”o lbs., $3.30 ENGINEER 6 MACHINIST 6 A 36 Point French Old Style No. 56 61/11: lbs., $3.75 RIVETING 4 HAMMER S A 48 Point French Old Style No. 56 - 8% lbs.. $5.10 POIl\lT~LINE s POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 123 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED P \ 3‘ c0» ,. 50? ¢O“"‘T DFOINT SET‘ \» Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. OLD STYLE ITALIC NC). 59. 24 A 45 a 6 Point O. S. Italic No. 59 1%» lbs., $2.00 20A 40 a 8 Point O. S. Italic N0. 59 2% lbs.. $2.25 STORIES OF THE F[F;1‘EENTH CENTUR Y 1 T}/E 1’: UPH/\’A TES [GIVE]? I/I/2'1! Newer Cease to lrzterest 086 the Comirzg Gene7'az‘z'o7zs /‘(aides flu, B(,6,,z-fining 868 of CZ-v2'[Z°Zatz-on of [Wan 20A 38a 10 Point O. S. Italic NO. 59 3% 1bs"$2.50 17A 30a 12 Point O. S Italic No. 59 3‘%6 lbs.. $2.75 PERICLES DEMOS THE./VES I ENGLISH N OBILI TY Greezaiz CeZeé7’z‘tz'es 868 A7zez'em‘ At/ze/23 1 ffagjg a Long 686 Ljfig Of Angggfgyg I I l 10A 20a 18 Point O. S. Italic No. 59 4‘5/{o1bs.. $3.25 14A 27a 14 Point 0. S. Italic No.59 4% lbs.. $3.00 RUBBER 50-,75 A SHAKESPEARE G7/eaz‘ Demaaa’ 8 Rainy Days . AZ‘ S2‘?/6ll_‘fO7/cl] 54 074 147/072 7 A 13 a 20 Point Old Style Italic No. 59 5 lbs., $3.30 DRAMA TIC SUCCESSES Lzba Ana’ The Mouse 68 P7/27/zee of ladza 6A 10 a 24 Point Old Style Italic No. 59 5% lbs.. $3.50 RICHARD MAKESHIFT M aebeth Othello 94 And Cleopatra SA 8 a 30 Point Old Style Italic No. 59 6% lbs.. $4.25 A/VCIE/VT Tl/I/ES Cover/amem‘ was 59 /mo/e7/aé/e 4A 6 a 36 Point Old Style Italic No. 59 8%» lbs., $5.00 CHARLZ3/I/14 G/\/E Sezeaee [47/1‘ 6 aaa’ /I/asze LINING FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH THE ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF SPECIALLY ORDERED. BARN}-IART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S 124 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE (U,/) ST)’/.E /YZIL/C 4~\’(7. 59. \\'eigl1ts and Prices given are .~\1>pmxix1mtv: sue 1»:1;_;‘c _’. Cztat nu Uuiinrm Line. 4A 63 42 Point Old Style Italic No. S‘) 1U‘,‘{o ll_)s., $6.40 ALEXA/\/DE ffamméazl .2 /Vél/50/60% I A ‘la 48 Imim old Style Italic N0. 59 1.3%, ll>s_, $8.30 GA UN 7 L517 5 Szwoz/(Z5 5 Km°g%zz‘5 .‘ A -/ 2 _/ I 1 I 60 Point Old Style Italic No. S‘? 15"1o 11%.. $9-55 HORSES 5595! 3 Armor 3 A 3 a . . 1 72 1’01nt Old Style Imlxc l\m. 5‘) l‘J‘*a lbsn. $11-Z5 G/R24/VD CV%5acz’e7 8 LININIG FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH THE ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF’ SPECIALLY ORDERED. F’OINT—L1 NE, _ - POINT SET. POINT‘-BODY 1'3.) QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OLD STYLE ' [T/1]./C NO. 59 III M, TENTH EDITION The Biographies 0]‘ George Ashton Lengevite/L L;/é 9‘ Q42. :~ ~’: .*§e« ?@§ 9%., 4'4 If.’ ‘ ,6 '9! l l A- . A- 1 Q‘ o ‘o: I ‘LQQI ' Q o I st? :: 1% Prof. G457/eel ](zmew(zZz‘z 6" wt‘ “If ,5. g? ., .4,‘ .6,‘ zée Mz°7z7zesota Press Qf Z/ze Bz'eg7'a;‘>/zz'eaZ U721?/er5z'ty Teleji/zone, Ra urge 680 VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 54 250 Tr- ‘f A I ‘ F. /I/z'ez’ez’e7ea’07/fC0. Geizeral Age7zz‘s IMPROVED “G01-I)ENR0D CROWN” HEATER 68 N07’!/z Stale Street '3 V» I VV‘fi‘ I *:» ‘j I I . A o - .’ l\’ej‘>rese7ztca’ by R 0_ I _ ALFRED CLARK ‘mo 5 W7? BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 1'26 SUPERIOR cQppER_M1XED TYPE ,. NUMBER 59 no.r~-,- OLD STYLE FIFTY-NINE Is one of the most beautiful of old-styles; , or, to put it in the expressive words of a 2;; I prominent master printer, “It’s a daisy face.” It is not new; it will never grow =15 old. Its designer certainly understood ,9 that gracefulness and simplicity are more lasting than any complex ornamented :33 style which at best only catches the pass- 5“ ing fancy. Old Style No. 59 may be used in a multitude of ways. A booklet, for instance, printed from these types on 7! ‘(,7 -;-<»»:: n\ In | 44 1| v I1. W» at 1: ut_,v-; ‘t _ <>?'.;1<>,r.:<>.:‘:'¢§, 5 4- a\ II I! m M II’ " .-«.2 1' . . . . . :;: paper similar to that used in this Speci- 3; \Y, O 0 j\‘ 5;: men Book, with a good black and a nice -' -~" ' k ' ‘ll d' ' cl 1 3.,.- red in , is rea y an e ition e uxe. :,s ‘P U: :1: ,ae_!,z+s!ae'as!as!:~s!aslas',a«a'ae': ~" :'a~3.'.aoa,»Y2os:',aos.'.ao2!so'-lz+:\;’,:+s -. ., 1;: .. 3: 5:; —+~v-.n-ii1‘«~*'-*~—va~v13‘§'?3I§v’2"u~‘v:F~v?-‘§v2‘.'3%‘§vi‘§i2‘§v%§v2.‘§w—~i;¢;mv%‘§v2‘§'?.L§v- 'v ;v; sf; '¢~ !,2~s.'.2o;.,2«:',a~ '+:os.'_.-:+:.,'.aos.,:~:..a«:£a+s,"3+':E« :3}: T 22!: :3: :!,sos,,. j'j~.: II 11 v ~».~::’<.‘.'~.-'!”<.‘,T.-.—"". ,':4;3L.“-'-:-— \ IA II II AI (L at A II In" .1 iv; 1 "—.’.‘-flb I|' 0| I CAST FROM POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BoDY SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED METAL 1'. V‘! (I _v ,—w 4 *~;:. A II It 5 N! \.v_,'.,1 3w )1! qt 1 1 <>_ *7‘--. :..95;,J AW 41-" n‘\ tn ‘p\ 4;’ 5 II I 4.. I l I -)E?If~-3I‘- 21035135“)!féélfiééfiiéélriéélriééloZ591-€39?-I53€%rZE€Z~‘§5€I~%€l=E693-‘E’?$691369?'Z6€§fE‘é€lsZl3€3 .‘.'~~3Ev~%‘C*~).‘;‘ ~.Z‘I‘-.‘3—cI."€5 J1")?I%€I“I'$€I='I'$€Z 2!: - . . .3i~- ‘F .,. i,‘ 371 BARNHAR I BROS & SPINDLEIR 2!: ' If .".. '5‘ 3;; CHICAGO, ILLINOIS B NEW YORK CITY ' WASHINGTON. D. C. arnhart Type Foundry Co. ST_ PAUL’ MINN. Southern Printers Supply Co. sf; KANSAS CITY MO. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. ST, LOUIS, MO, Great Western Type Foundry DALLAS TEX, St. Louis Printers Supply Co. 335 OMAHA NEB. The Bamhart Type Foundry Co. SEATTLE. WASH. .1. Great Western Type Foundry Pacific Printers Supply Co. :7: Iv: 3'1 aonoen useo, 6 PO|NT N0. 95 u,_vr Q0): \t 0! 11 ‘I u if \v,vr \t II \t VI ‘Q’ H H ‘I \v H \0 9! \l V! \v I! U‘ H \v H H I! IV 9: ‘|‘Vl O‘ —C>_‘, J<>,f\'.‘<<§ ‘I?<> f~<>_.‘,.’<9't’\_<>‘ TQO 'Q> ,.T.'l<>‘.' <> 5 <§‘ 4>‘.. <0 -.'Q is A\ 44 H 41 AI t1A\ 41 M It :5 I lb H H I4 n 41 A ll M 16 H (A A5 ll 5! an A\ ll )5 It Al (I a\ In a\ .." H 7' U H H H H Y) n n u or u n u up ‘-‘*6-:~<>* :<>,.::<>>.-<>._~.-4»: ‘<>,:-4' >:":< 1 0| ti I In H a1l\ It 5! II A\ ll H ll AI‘ (K b\ P0INT~LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 127 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED r \ Cobb TL"“£' Q *\ T SET‘ 00 OLD STYLE ” '2§f=L'~... ‘~‘I2zz;\/ W'eigl1ts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. NUMBER 59. 24A 50a 6 Point 0. s. No. 59 1% lbs., $2.00 1 22 A 44a 8 Point 0. S. No. 59 2% lbs., $2.25 BUSINESS CARDS AND LETTER HEADS SMILE AND THE WORLD SMILES Printed in Two Colors Attracts the Customers Attention With You But Vi/hen You Sigh You Sigh Alone 1234567890 1234567390 19A 38a 10 Point O. S. No. 59 3% lbs., $2.50 1 USE COPPER-MIXED TYPE Compositors and 68 Pressmens Delight 16A 33 a 12 Point O. S. No 59 39% lbs., $2.75 TRY TO IMPROVE YOUR Time in:;Sketehing 86 Title Pages . , ,5 10A 20a 18 Point O. S. No. 59 4/(6 lbs., $3.25 16A 29a 14 Point O. S. NO. 59 4% 1bS.’$3_00 NEAT CLEAN FOR YEARS IN USE And Useful 24 to Printer | And Never 67 Fails to Please 8 A 14 a 20 Point Old Style No. 59 45/6; lbs., $3.25 ‘NATIONAL BANK BUILDING Frederick Center 37 Evening Headlight 6A 11 a 24 Point Old Style No. 59 5% 1135” $355 BOOKS AND MAGAZINES Are Mailed to all 76 Parts of Europe 5 A 9 a 130 Point Old Style No. 59 73,{,, 11,5,’ $4_45 POSTERS PRINTED Bright Red 34 Printing Inks 4 A 6 a 36 Point Old Style No. 59 COMPOSITOR 8%!) lbs., $5.05 Looking for 87 Saturday SMALL CAPS, for 6 to 18 Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts and sold as follows: 6-Point, 21A, 602., 50c.; 8—Point, 17A, 8 oz., 50c.; 10-Point, 14A, 10 oz., 50c.; 12-Point, 11A, 11 oz., 50c.; 14—Point, 8A, 11 oz., 50c.; 18-Point, 6A, 12 oz., 55c. LINING FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH THE ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF SPECIALLY ORDERED. BARNI-IART BROS. & SPIl\IDLER’S 128 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE OLD STYLE NUMBER 59. Ir \ F «\0 Cop ,. 9o\N" Lint “E5; .‘ Doom? SET‘ 4W \ V \\'eigl1ts and Prices ),:i\'cn are A1)1)mxix11ate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 4 A 7 a 42 Point Old Style No. 59 10“/’{(. lbs. $6.50 INCORPORATE Dcmcstic 37 lndustry 4 A 6 3 48 Point Old Style No. 59 1311/0 lbsq $7-35 ESTABLISH Electric 8 Machine 3 A *1 H 60 Point Old Style No. 59 15§é11»::., $9.45 HURRIES Corrcct 4 Stylc 3 A 4 R 72 Point Old Style No. 59 193:2» 1bs..$11.20 LINING FIGURES ARE FURNISHED WITH ABOVE SERIES. THE IRREGULAR OLD STYLE FIGURES WILL BE SUBSTITUTED IF SPECIALLY ORDERED. POlNT—LINE. PO1NT—SET. POINT—BODY 129 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED O L D STY LE TI'l‘LE NO. 59 \\’eigl1t$. and Prices given are Appmxinmtc; see page 2. (‘ast on (lap Line. '21 A 6 Point Old Style Title No. 59 5% 1135., $1.00 DESIGNED SYSTETVI ATI CALLY CAOT{’l{ I*:C'.l‘ 1234567890 19 A 10 Point Old Style Title Ne. 59 1% ll)s., $1.40 CONTINUOUS 58 PR()(}RESS 13 A 14 Point Old Style Title No. 59 '2‘/6 lbs., $1.75 HONOR 3 HEROES 20 Point ()ld Style Title No. 59 3% lbs., $2.45 TENNYSON 8 21 A 8 I’ei11t()ld Style Title No. 59 1% ll)s;., $1.25 SVVE. 5T M U SlC VV ELL REN Ll)El{EI) 12345 67890 17A 12 l’ei11t()ld Style Title Ne. 59 2 lbs._, $1.50 tl’()l’ULAR 37 ()LI) STYLE 16 Point Old Style Title Ne, 59 2‘,’,'{.. lbs,‘ $1.75 i{iA<;1C 5 SIGHT 24 Point Old Style Title No, 59 4jx;;1bg_, $230 § MIRROR: ()A 30 I’<)i11l()ls., $4.60 7 CENT 4A 48 Point ()ld Style Title No. 5%) 335 lbs., $5.10 8 MEN ()0 I’ei11t()ld Style Title No. 51) 105;, um, $6.05 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TY PE- WEST OLD STYLE NO. 70 I’ \ “ c (“O 0» P pom‘? M5,‘. ~55 .‘ \ boom! 5:1‘ 5 T-—-—-—:v -; v // \\\§ \\\— -’—-—v,/ !éf‘3‘¢ b‘———’.‘— \\\\ Coster Stove Company /Va7z»11_/22/.(:1‘zz 'r('/xx‘ General (f)ffices and WzLre11<>11ses, 78 Canal Street Irontowne R:u1;.>;c City Ofiicc and VV:u‘el10usc. Honlostczul Ofiicc and \‘V:1rc11011sc 245 A11og'11zm,v A\'m111c 305 Sunnysido Place 1<‘m111d1‘ie.s: Hobokclx, Swissvalc and 1)v1pl1i VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 260, 60C POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TL‘ “ax - . ' /o\N I ’’/vs‘— «at L Own STYLE NO. 70 Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 23 A 44 a 6 Point West o. s. No. 70 1%. lbs., $2.00 I 20 A 39 a 8 Point West 0. s. No. 70 2% lbs. $2.25 INDIANA FARMERS CUTTING RYE GREAT RAILROADS BUILT Wheat Corn Oats Hay and Barley Good Crops Reported Th1‘011gh Canada United States Old M€XiC0 1234567890 1234567890 FANTASTIC ENIGMAS MISERABLE JUDAS Weak Men Led 74 Estray by Fanatics Betrayed His 6 King and Master 19A 38 a 10 Point West 0. S. NO‘ 70 3% 1bS.,$2_s0 ‘ 16A 32 a 12 Point West 0. S. No. 70 3%!» lbs., $2.75 I I I I 9 A 17 a 18 Point West Old Style No. 70 4-‘5/fa lbs., $3.25 SATURDAY EVENING BAND Auditorium Concerts 25 are Highly Praised 5 A 11 a 24 Point West Old Style No. 70 CHINESE PRINTERS Daily and Weekly 7 5 Newspapers 4A6a 57/I/6 lbs., $3.50 36 Point West Old Style No. 70 . 3%, 11,5” $5_oo EAGLE CENTER Celebrate 8 Fireworks 4 A 6 a 48 Point West Old Style No. 70 SLEEPING Rose 5 Cemetery SMALL CAPS. for 6 to 12 Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts and sold as follows: 6-Point 19A 6 oz 50c ' 8-Point 15A, 8 oz., 50c.; 10—Point. 13 A. 10 02., 50c.; 12-Point, 9 A, 11 oz., 50c. ’ H H 12% lbs., $7.50 BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 132 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE WEST OLD STYLE NO. 70 I’ C CCIN 1% Weights and Prices are given Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 3 A 4 a 60 Point West Old Style No. 70 15% lbs” $9.25 N CHECKS Easy 5 Corner 3 A 4 3 72 Point West Old Style No. 70 13% lbs., $10.30 BUSTER Red 3 Book 3 . A 72 Point West Old Style No. 72. (Cast on Cap Line.) 14 lbs., $8.10 WHITE MOUSER F‘OINT~ _ LINE. POINT SET. POINT-BODY 133 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CASLON OLD STYLE ITALIC I’ \ 9 ‘ “\O Cobb ', 90 9o\NT LINE EQ .\ poomv snq 93¢-r 5 Vlleiglits and I’ri<.:es given are Approximate; see pzuze 3. (last on Uniform Line. 22 A 68a 6 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 1"/is lbs.. $2.00 18 A 50a 8 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 2% Ibs., $2-25 ROBBED ON STREET CAR IN BROAI) DA rL7O11'1' GIRL BECOMES HEIR T0 FORTUNE Left Her by an old Friend W/tom Slze Befriended 1234567800 1234507890 Police and Robber‘; in I)e5[>erate [land to Ildnd Duel three ('.‘;zpIurez! 16A 4731 10 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 35/ii, Ibex, $2.50 UNITED STATES SAILORS Will Row For 02 the Britzklz Lovirzg Cup 12 A 39a 12 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 391/6 lbs., 352-75 COUNTY POLITICIANS Adopts" Some 08 N ew Prz'71ez°pl€5 12 A 27a 14 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 4% lbs., $3.00 1 9A 2021 18 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 451/6 lbs., 533-25 COLD STORMY ; PAINT STORE Wz'7zter M072;/zs 52 are Past Bru5}1g5 617%] 46 G/we-P015 5 A 14 a 24 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 5716 lbs., $3.50 MEETING Aeiors 68 League I I : 7A 1621 20 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 4'5/‘tliis Ibs., $3-25 I I I I/I/EA THE R Fair and 86 I/Varmei 4A 12 a 3() Point Caslon Old Style Italic 6915 lbs., $4.25 GENEROUS PUBLIC Soutlz Haven 74 Natimzal Bank 4A 821 36 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 8% lbs.. $5-1° BR OTHERHO OD Firemen 86 and Engineers 4A 7a 42 Point Caslon Old Style Italic 10%; lbs” $6.25 LA K E H U R ON M O Oallglzz‘ 6 Exearslaas O 5 <1 “VD I: <1 D :9 E] 3Q .0 Tb o RIGIN §‘§:7% 6 Ez.02§é¢g, 2%‘§isg OF S Y LE 1>‘=S7qaq ._/_7Q§2,VD 93§Kx"€4 9,=»°40§(‘§= oil 9 D43 eggqitg development of the season s f§%§:g3 c-:1 . . O u‘§§g§‘;] modes are almost mvarlably Eanbigdg 393793 ' t d 'th th' ' "?‘v9”§V“° %;§V\% assocla e W1 1s un1que gogfigg gggggg style center. §‘g:C2%:VD DQkQ\Vu:§ P;§D@§<| u‘é§i%% E‘4}>®<’§ Du? afl 2 5: Q? A . Q1300 George ffzzgerly %;:€%=‘;3 C °()K>% 1-;§&\(>§=2£s?>§‘=é?£s?>¢@£s?>@As?>§‘r§L‘ls€>§€%?£s9@£s§’>¢?Pf‘%:%4£<§‘§%,§5 POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET, POINT-BODY 13:") QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED OLD STYLE Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 22A 63a 6 Point Caslon Old Style 1% lbs., $2.00 18A 52a 8 Point Caslon Old Style 2% lbs.. $2.25 THE ONLY WAY TO WEALTH AND HAPPINESS Lies in the Grasp of Every Man Who Uses His Talent and Tact English Language Should be Taught in Schools 123456789” 1234567890 ? 17A 48a 10 Point Caslon Old Style 3%,, 1bS_,$2_5o 3 13A 36a 12 Point Caslon Old Style 3% lbs., $2.75 BEAUTIFUL DISPLAY l THE LOYAL CITIZENS l Carriages Wagons 83 Phaetons Automobiles I Sl1OU.ld V0t€ fO1' 45 H0f1€St Men 12A 30a 14 Point Caslon Old Style 4%» lbs.. $3.00 CONSOLIDATED BAKING COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers 27 in all Kinds of Fancy Pastry 8A 25a 18 Point Caslon Old Style 45% lbs.. $3.25 GRASP THE OPPORTUNITY Fortune Knocks at 36 Least Once at Your Door 6A 19a 20 Point Caslon Old Style 4'%» lbs., $3.25 ELASTIC COMPOSITION The Toughest and 56 the Most Serviceable SA 13a 24 Point Caslon Old Style 57/{6 lbs.. $3.50 HARD HEADED FOLKS Farmers are Shrewd 47 and Sensible 4A 10a 30 Point Caslon Old Style 6%1bs.. $4.35 LADIES JOURNAL Questions for 85 Parliaments SMALL CAPS. for 6 to 18 Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts and sold as follows: 6-Point. 21 A. 6 02.. 50c.; 8-Point. 17A. 8 oz.. 50c.; l0—Point. 11A. 9 oz.. 500.; 12-Point, 10 A. 10 oz.. 50c.; 14-Point. 8 A.11oz..50c.; 18-Point. 5 A. 12 oz.. 500. BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S 136 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’\ “ c 60° 0/: . pom? . POINY SET‘ 5 \\'eights and Prices given are Approxiilultc; see page 3. Cast on Uniform Line. OLD STYLE 4 A 7 a 30 Point Caslon Old Style 8%}, lbs__ $5.00 MAGNIFICEN Display of 68 Mac ines -1 A 6a 42 Point Caslon Old Style 105%; lbs., $6.25 XPERIMENT Models 24 Examined 3 A 5 8 54 Point Caslon Old Style 14‘?/(6 lbs., $8.75 MODERN Sheep 3 Raising 3 A 3 3 72 Point Caslon Old Style 173/i/6 lbs-. $10-00 NORTH Large 7 Gap POINT—L1NE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 137 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BARNHART Weights and Prices given are 3 wroxima e; see xa e ’ . as on in mm me. 26 A 50a 6 Point Barnhart Old Style 1"/fa lbs.. $2.00 AFTER ELEVEN HOURS OF HARD LABOR Plowmen Leave Their Work in the Fields and Plod H oooo ard 1234567890 23 A 43 a 10 Point Barnhart Old Style 3% lbs.. $2.50 PUBLISHING COMPANIES Standard Works by 583- Celebrated Authors 25 A 50 a 8 Point Barnhart Old Style 2% lbs.. $2.25 MANY MEN IN BATTLE ARRAYED Fighting Redskins in Early Days of American Republic 1234567890 18 A 32 a 12 Point Barnhart Old Style 3%: lbs.. $2.75 FORGED BANK CHECKS Embezzlers and 432 Sneak Thieves 15 A 29a 14 Point Barnhart Old Style 4% lbs.. $3.00 NATIONAL BANK CASHIER DISCHARGED Moonshiners Apprehended by 372 United States Revenue Officer 11 A 21 a 16 Point Barnhart Old Style AUTOMOBILE RACE MEETINGS Oysters and Sweet Potatoes 637 Served at Receptions 4% lbs.. $3.00 10A 19a 18 Point Barnhart Old Style 41% lbs.. $3.25 SOUTHERN FARMING INDUSTRY Cotton Pickers Second 589 Annual Dress Parade 6A 13 a 24 Point Barnhart Old Style HISTORICAL SPEECHES Interested Twenty 86 Hundred Students 57/I/6 lbs.. $3.50 5 A 10 a 30 Point Barnhart Old Style 69% lbs.. $435 NATIONAL EMBLEM Patriotic People 37 Celebrating BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 138 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BARNHART OLD STYLE Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 5 36 Point Barnhart Old Style 8%!» lbs.. $5.00 EXPERT BUYERS Recommend 6 Satisfaction 42 Point Barnhart Old Style 10‘%6 lbs.. $6.40 MGUARD HONOR Excellent 8 Character 48 Point Barnhart Old Style 12% lbs.. $7.65 "ROAN HORSE Catching 3 Broncos 54 Point Barnhart Old Style 14% lbs.. $8.75 COLUMBIA Modern 9 Designs L A R G E R 3 I Z I S S H O W N O N N E X T P A G E. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 139 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BARNHART OLD STYLE Wciglits and Prices given are Approximate; see page Cast on llnifonn Line. 3A 421 60 Point Barnhart Old Style 14%: lbs.. $8.60 BORDERS Unique 4 House 3A 3 a 72 Point Barnhart Old Style 15‘5/1”c.lbs.. $9.25 PAPE Green 6 Style BARNHART OLD STYLE ITALIC IN PREPARATION $§$$$! $$3 $2833 28323 NATIONAL WAGON COMPANY 358 Fifthwheeling Avenue Spider Phaetons Stanhopes Traps Broughams Extension and Canopy Top Surries fl TIREVILLE _ HARNESS AND REPAIRING : Telephone, East 724 Delivery Express Milk Laundry Grocery Lumber and Farm Wagons ‘ fifififisrsiizfiszfiwfiszfififiiisifiiifiiififififisziazfiszfiiiwaiififiiiiififiiifi BARN}-{ART BROS. & SF’INDLER’S 140 SUPERIOR COPPER——MIXE2D TYPE OLD STYLE HAMLET Prince of Denmark By William Shakespeare Act 1.——Scene 3. P01. Yet here, Laertesl aboard, aboard, for shame! The wind sits in the shoulder of your sail, And you are stay’d for. There; my blessing with thee! And these few precepts in thy memory See thou character.* Give thy thoughts no tongue, Nor any unproportion’d thought his act. *E“g‘“"° Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar. Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried, Grapple them to thy soul with hoops of steel; But do not dull thy palm with entertainment Of each new-hatch'd, unfledged comrade. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel, but being in, Bear't that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, and few thy voice; Take each man's censure,'l' but reserve thy judgement. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, lO"‘“i°“ But not express'd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man, And they in France of the best rank and station Are of a most select and generous chief in that. The best and greatest modern exponent of the most profound character in the drama of the world, was Edwin Booth as Hamlet. This faithful portrait. from life, expresses the thoughtful mood and pose of the simulated part, and equally protrays the lofty characteristics of the man. Nearly every actor of ability has essayed the part of "Hamlet," and there have been many variations of the role. With Mr. Wilson Barrett its melodramatic side is most emphasized, and his skilled knowledge and taste have lent a new interest to a character hitherto traditional, even in its variations. The magnitude of Shakespeare's genius is seen in his adaptability to all times. 0 h The cord of deep emotion which Modjeska's playing invariably strikes is the very key-note of the character of p elia. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 141 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CATALOG OLD STYLE Weights and Prices are given Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 23 A 46 a 6 Point Catalog Old Style 1?’:/o lbs.. $2.00 YOU ARE ALWAYS RIGHT WHEN YOU Buy Copper-Mixed Type Cast on the Point Lining System 1234567890 18 A 36 a 10 Point Catalog: Old Style 3%» lbs., $2.50 INVEST IN REAL ESTATE Homes in the Nice 86 Part of Town 12 A 25 a 14 Point Catalog Old Style 4% lbs... $3.00 STORY FINISHED Told Before the 6 Parson 6A 14 a 20 Point Catalog: ()Id Style 22 A 43 :1 8 Point Catalog ()ld Style 2% lbs., $2.25 THE STORK CAME TO OUR HOME Team and Carriage We Have Had to Purchase 1234567890 15 A 33 a 12 Point Catalog Old Style 3%. lbs.. $2.75 YOUNG SOLDIERS Printers in a Printing 84 Office 9 A 19 a 18 Point Catalog Old Style 451'}. lbs... $3.25 INDUCEMENT All 6 Trading Stamps 4512, lbs., $3.25 GOAL FOR WHICH ALL STRIVE Resigned as Clerk Now 86 Employer 5 A 10 a 24 Point Catalog Old Style 5% lbs., $3.50 SUCCESS IN BUSINESS Put Your Best Foot 74 in Front 30 Point Catalog Old Style MRICH BRIDAL GIFTS 6546 lbs., $4.35 Groom to Bride 9 the Best 5 A 7 a 36 Point Catalog Old Style 8% lbs., $5.35 BRANCH HOUSE Detroit Berlin 5 London BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I» \ 5 C052,, ?§§rvo\~T LINE Q ,‘ PDINY SCT‘( V \Veigllts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast o1l Uniform Line. CATALOG OLD STYLE 5 A 8 a 42 Point Catalog Old Style 1091?; lbs.. $6.40 FINE PEACHES A Cream and Sugar 4 A 5 a 48 Point Catalog Old Style 13%; lbs.. $7.90 GOOD DAYS omes to Rent 3 A 5 a 54 Point Catalog Old Style 14% lbs.. $3.75 MODERN andv 9 Store 3 A 4 3 60 Point Catalog Old Style 15% Ibs.. $9.15 3 A 3 3 72 Point Catalog Old Style 18% lbs... $10.55 Neat 6 PIN POI — , NT LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 143 QUALITY AND FINSIH UNEQUALED v<«“‘° I, 0 vvvvv LI uuuu \' E °I~1' O Cobb "I: ST~( . B D CATALOG OLD STYLE Catalogue Thirteen GOLDENROD NURSERIES Floriculture Plants Seeds Horticulture . "I /' I FUCHSIA, DAISY 8: VIOLET CULTIVATO RS OF GODS GIFTS GERANIUMVILLE VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 41, SOC A BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I44 SUPERIOR COppER_D/IIXED TYPE CATALOG OLD STYLE I? \ ? 9-‘O C01: ,. ‘,o|N"' ..,\_ ‘gown Sig‘ INT 30 V -vo s'*’,.,s$o’.,s"o, s"'o..,s"'o 4-v‘o°4'-‘o ’ 3-3':-9'-.: .. -.':«e-..-o:¢»:':— -'= ' -2.3.9.v¢.g,9v¢.g,w.g,w.g.w.g.«-:39. 53*: :—‘3»«-to» ‘-fa'fiA%'9A%'§A%'éA§-éé.%'éA§~Sé§sf -4.-- I A Guaranteed F Investment Characters X of CATALOG Sound Business OLD STYLE § O 05.30 o O § Q ‘(A Well managed, with reasonable capital 1 to conduct it, operated under fl CM conservative principles presents the most staple and paying form 7 of investment. @ During past years success after success has 5 ,, proven with a combination of capital and good 9f‘ business judgment the greatest results are ob- tained in business life. This is due to the fact that in the consolidation of interests we have more capital, more brains, more push and ener- f J‘ ‘th gy,which are the essential principles ofsuccess. These facts are appreciated in the organization ,, ,0 H of this Company, as it would be impossible to f‘ pursue the outlined plans by any individual. St ly An idea of the many opportunities our charter enables us to grasp with their money-making powers is shown on the following pages and Ai>1>11<1c1«;s , , _ will pay you to look them over and investigate. 6 Point ‘ill! ll)s.. $0.25 b’ Point .14’ llxs... $0.25 Hi Point 35 lbs” $()_30 13 Point lbs.. $0.30 14 Point 1/5, 11,” $035 l3l’0l11t 5% ll>s.. $0.40 W5 A U S I IN & E LG I N G 34 Point :5; lbs... $0.50 30 Point '-‘ii. lbs $0.50 ;-;m>oim 15.. ll)s::$0.60 M -12 Point 1” io 1l)s., $0.70 "1bl)JiI\t 1”~.»11)s..$o.ss 1253 to 1257 Wendelle Building, Wisconsin 5-1 loiiit l,u. ll)s.. $1.00 ()0 l’(‘.iI1t H)s;,_ $]__3() 73 l’<>i1it 173 lbs-_ $1 10 (_‘ll2lI‘«'l('l'(.‘I‘ No. 5 not mzule in 72 point. 1.3 POINT n(moER NO. -163 V —“ W7??? 7* . . l"“9."".§‘O‘.“ ‘O‘A'o ‘ A A.o*'l.‘Q eA A%Wt A A A A.‘?"A." o...~' o$§~“‘o.’?2~""o.’?2~""Z'vi~'°“ «e Q Q '"‘ ' ’ ‘ '“‘o.."* .~“‘2?’i““?""3‘?~"“o.‘?2¢§‘ '».“'.--.*"'u~"*-.~"*..~"'¢9.~"‘o§~‘-"o 6-‘ s"‘$s‘*"oés“"4$""o$s‘-'o¢s""o é-o Cv-o$s'-'o 4- s'""0$3""oés"'3§s"-"o$3-'$s"‘3o¢s‘-'0. .§‘O 4" §"'O "'0 gf¢'v.v‘ viéiv‘ ¢v‘$’vv‘ vv vv vvéiféfiv‘ vi» vLvv.v‘¢’v.v¢'v.v 19 ‘n‘$%v .99». .0. an. .u. .4. .0. ‘.43’.-?'. 3’. “'. “' “' “' *" “‘ “' ". ". ff 3'. .*'. 3" “' *" v~:4;§’..~2go'.?‘.~' 'o.~;~z:;o..“7£~2z'z.‘?:~z4;o..‘*72.~:¢:o,’?t~:éo.$’.~“.-.~° ”‘ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY l~l5 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MONITOR I No.5 SERIES 25 A 49a 6 Point Monitor No. 5 1%. lbs., $2.00 25A 4921 8 Point Monitor No. 5 2% lbs., $2.25 DIVIDEND PAYING SERIES OF TYPE SHOWN CONSIDER THE MERTTS OF OUR POUND In This Book are Cast From Superior Copper Mixed Metal Selling System It Will Certainly Pay to Investigate 1234567890 5 1234567890 20 A 40 a 12 Point Monitor No.5 3“/ii. lbs., $2.75 WHOLESALE WAREHOUSES Great Bargains in 86 Boots and Shoes 23 A 45 a 10 Point Monitor No. 5 3516 lbs., $2-50 SATISFACTORY RESULTS SECURED Printers Use Superior 54 Copper-Mixed Type 16A 3121 14 Point Monitor No. 5 4% lbs-~ $3-00 SUMMER RESORTS OVERLOOKING WATER FALLS Autumnal Thunder Storms Bursting 42 Over Mountains and Valleys 11 A ’oint Monitor No. 5 4‘§{o1bs., $3-35 MGRAND OPERA Mtislc SELDOM APPRECIATED Universal Peace Growing 7 Stronger Among the Nations 7A 15 a ’oint Monitor No. 5 57/16 lbs., $3.50 HARD KICKS THE YANKEE MULE Waiting Twenty Years 5 to Square Matters 5 A 11 a 30 Point Monitor No. 5 6% lbs., $4.15 SENTIMENT OF VENERATION Memorial Tribute 78 Dead Heroes 4A 7a - 36 Point Monitor ‘No. 5 6% lbs., $4.30 WREATH OF RED ROSES From Cultivated 64 Gardens BARNI-TART BROS. & SPII\lDLER’S 14 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MONITOR N0.5 SERIES \\‘t’i_<_1h‘.s.'m<1 1‘I'i<‘t‘\}_{i\¢.‘11inn‘.\1)]\l‘UXiHi;l{(':aw 1m__1r (‘.1\1«>11l‘11it«»1‘m lim‘ " ' -ll l’uint.\Io11itm'I\’o. 5 ?§”‘1:»\1)s,, $5.40 ‘ SINISTER DESIGN Heiress 2 Great Fortune '18 l’ui111 M:mitn1'I\'<)_ S l()‘;%11\$..,$6.25 OLD TIME DANCE Prett Girls 9 Attend ‘SA (yd 54 Pmint .\‘lm1itm‘I\'n, 5 131.? H’-*3: $7-50 FISHING CAMPS Boatir1g7Excursion 3 :\ 4a (>()1’<»i11tM<.mito1‘N0.5 1331*’ “)9-a $730 3A A1 21 IL Puim :\'1HIlit<‘l‘ NH. 5 H H’~*‘., 398-10 Beauty 6 ROSE P .. OINT LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MONITOR / NUMBER 5 R. M. Gardner. Pres. Gardner Hardware Company Manufacturers and Wholesale Dealers Hardware and Builders Supplies W. E. I-Iart, Treas. Thos. Handron, Sec’y. Factory, North Manchester, Vermont Branch Office: 386 Farmer Ave. Ironton, 190 F PATENT COPPER AND ‘BRASS THIN SPACES No device so simple and inex- pensive ever saved the printer so much time and money. These spaces never break or wear out. Write for full description. w\ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER, SOLE OWNERS OF THE PATENTS, 183 TO 187 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO, ILL. K BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPIl\IDLEZR’S 148 J) TRAINS MEET IN COLLISION East Bound Mail and West Bound Express Meet Head On in Collision Near Altoona, Pa. MANY DEAD OR INJURED Cars are Smashed to Matchwood; Feared 25 Were Killed or Hurt In One Coach; Several are Under Wreckage. Altoona, Pa., May 5th, 3 a. m.—(Special.)—— The Chicago mail train No. 18, east bound, and the Chicago and St. Louis express No. 21, west bound, collided while running on the Pennsyl- vania railroad at full speed, eighteen miles from this city, at 11 o’clock to-night. One coach in which twenty-five persons were travelling was smashed to matchwood. It is feared that every one in this car was either killed or injured. The flrst report said three persons were killed and twenty-seven injured. Succeeding reports increased the number of dead to ten BODY SET IN 6 POINT ROMAN N0. 66 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MODERN BODY AND JOB FACES CAST FROM SUPERIOR COPPER.MIXED METAL ON THE POINT—LINE, POINT..SET, POINT. BODY LINING SYSTEM If BARNHART BROS. Er SPINDLER TYPE-FOUNDERS ST. PAUL. MINN. KANSAS CITY. MO. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. Great Western Type Foundry WASHINGTON. D. C. ST. LQUIS. MO. Southern Printers SuppIy Co. OMAHA, NEB. St‘ L°“‘5 P""‘t°"5 SUPPIY Co. Great Western Type Foundry SEATTLE. Wash. DALLAS, TEXAS Pacific Printers SuppIy Co. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. Barnhart Type Foundry Co. POINT- _ LINE. POINT SET. POINT-BODY 149 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JI oar-ay,,o-3 ""I~. n“q"‘lG .,,,e*;~.. ‘ ,. --‘-..''-.-_-«--.~ ..~\‘ .. ...... ,, -» _om.,m_-, FROM INDIA TO EGYPT. VOYAGE TO ADEN_ADEN TO SUEZ—THROUGH THE GANAL—‘*PORT SAID. voyage from Bombay, by one of the big liners, which run weekly from that city to London via the Suez Canal. The next port of call is Aden, which is reached by a sail of 1,664 miles southwest across the Arabian Sea. Here the ’round the world traveler meets again the vessels of the through service from Australia to England. Tourists who omit the journey through India, and remain with the Australian steamer throughout the voyage, sail directly from Colombo, and after a course of 2,095 miles northwest across the Arabian Sea, past the Island of Socotra and Cape Guardafui, where Arab dhows in the slave trade may be seen cruising at times, reach the same port of Aden. Aden is known as the Indian Gibraltar. With this to guard the entrance to the Red Sea and the other citadel at the Pillars of Hercules to guard the Mediterranean, Great Britain controls all the great interior area of water so far as naval power is concerned. The penin- sula of Aden is situated on the southeast coast of Arabia, about ninety miles from the entrance to the Red Sea. Originally it formed part of the Arabian province of Yemen, but for nearly half a century it has been included in British territory, under the governor of Bombay. The peninsula is connected with the Arabian continent on the north side by a narrow neck of land much as Gibraltar is joined to Spanish territory. The whole area of peninsula and harbor is estimated at thirty-five square miles, and the population not less than 20,000, exclusive of the garrison. The military cantonment is the place of greatest interest. There are barracks and mess—houses built of stone and mud for the accommodation of the garrison. The brigadier—general in command has under his direction a force which consists of artillery, British and Indian infantry, native sappers and miners, and atroop of native cavalry, to which camel-mounted Arabs are attached. The place is famously hot, and service on that military station is considerd as exile by British officers. A notable feature of the Arabian city is the water supply. In such a climate and a large population it is not to be wondered that great care has been taken to provide a reservoir system. There are about fifty tanks in Aden with an aggregate capacity of nearly 50,000,000 gallons. The date of the original construction of some of these was as early as the year 600 A. D., and many were in fair preservation at the time of the British conquest. Not all have been fully restored, but the supply now is ample. The Red Sea is the scene of more objects of interest and of the romance of history than the casual reader is apt to remember. In the early days of civilization its waters were full of Egyptian and Arabian commerce, and the region is famous in fable as well as history. The narrow entrance to this peculiar body of water is the Strait of Babu’l Mandib, but twelve and a half miles in breadth. Just within the strait is the little island of Perim, volcanic and arid, but occupied by a small detachment of British troops and a cable station. Near by on the Arabian coasts the village of Mocha, which has given its name to a favorite brand of coffee. Two hundred miles north in the Red Sea is the little island of Kamaran, also occu- pied by the British government and as a cable station. On the Arabian side of this narrow sea are the cities of Yamba and Jiddah, the ports respectively of Medina TRAVELERS who have toured across India sail on the next stage of their Set in 6-point 1’(u'agon.. Opened with one-poz'nt leads. VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 194, 750 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLI~:R’S 150 SUPERIOR CQppER-M[xED TYPE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. and Mecca. which lie more than one hundred miles inland. On the other side—~on the Egyptian and Abyssinian coast. are Annesley Bay, Masse- wah, the center of Italian influence in Africa—~Suakin and Kosair. The Red Sea lighthouses so far are maintained by the government of Egypt although European keepers are employed. The Turkish government. on the Arabian side. wholly neglects such aids to commerce. Near the northern extremity of the Red Sea are rocky islets which mark the entrance to the Gulf of Suez. All the way through this gulf the water is shallow and lighthouses are numerous. The place where the Israe- lites crossed is well identified by local tradition. At the same place Napoleon with his generals attempted a crossing on horseback. but was deterred by a sudden change of wind and tide. which swept a great volume of water in breakers over the place. Across these flats a passage had to be dredged for ocean steamers. A few hours more and one reaches the cities of the isthmus. The channel ofthe Suez Canal, which connects the. Mediterranean with the Red Sea. is about one hundred miles in length. It starts from the roadstead of Suez, which has been a seaport at the head of the Red Sea for two centuries. It possesses unique interest as a city of the desert. and as marking the spot where East and West have met in their commerce and travel. The picturesque sailing dhows which lie at its wharves bear cargoes of coffee. spices. gums. senna. rose leaves. and all other drugs and perfumes ofAraby. For some reason M. de Lesseps did not bring his canal through the ancient channel and past the old town. but when about five miles off he turned it eastward, avoiding altogether the head of the gulf. through which the direct road would have led. Thus it came to pass that the Suez Canal does not go to Suez at all. but has had formed for it a port of its own. about three miles from the head of the gulf. Some day Port Tewfik may be one of the great maritime and commercial cities of the world. though at present it contains little besides the offices of the canal com- pany and homes of the pilots. The canal has at present an average width of only twenty—five yards. but great improvements are being made in this respect. A deepening is quite as essential as a widening. because of the slow pace required of ships when there is little depth of water under keel. The average rate of speed of vessels passing through the canal is five miles an hour in the excavated channels. Of course they travel at full speed in the open lakes. so that the entire journey from Suez to Port Said is made in about twelve hours. Ships are piloted on the block system. well known in railway operation. Parts of the Suez cana have been cut through sandstone, while at other places it runs through clay and sand hills. In its course several lakes are passed. This is the same channel that was followed by the ship canal built by the Egyptian monarch Necho. 600 B. C.. from Suez to the Nile. This cutting became choked with sand. but was afterward cleared and reopened by Caliph Omar. in the seventh century. The town of lsmailia is situated on Lake Timsah. the half—way point in the canal. It clusters around a summer palace of the Khedive, and was the center of the celebrations at the opening of the canal in November. I869. Again in I882 it was the base of Lord Wolseley‘s campaign against Cairo and Alexandria. Port Said. the northern entrance to the canal and the Mediterranean port. owes its existence altogether to the canal and its commerce. It is built on Nvt in I—jmiu! ,I’tI/'u_(/ml. ()p¢'m'(I with mu*—1minI l<*ml.-. POINT‘-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY I51 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. reclaimed sands between the sea and Lake Menzaleh, and lies so low that it seems sometimes as if the sea would overwhelm it. It is not a picturesque place, and except for the canal has little interest. Lake Menzaleh is separated from the sea by a succession of sand beaches, which extend all along the delta of the Nile and far eastward almost to the coast of Palestine. Formerly Lake Menzaleh was a part of the delta, but the sea has claimed it, and it is now a vast, half—marshy lagoon dotted with islets, the fishing ground of Arabs, and the home of millions of waterfowl. THE LAND OF PHARAOHS. In all the world, no country has seen more change in methods and safety of travel in the last few years than has Egypt. Experts in the organization of comfort for tourists have expended their best energies in devising ways by which access can be had to the sights of greatest interest at the least cost of time and trouble. There was a day not long ago when a visit to Cairo, Alexandria, the Pyramids, and the Sphinx was the limit of possibility for the most daring traveler, and then great expenditure of money and labor was involved. Now it is but the beginning of a journey in Egypt. The cataracts of the Nile may be reached by steamers which afford every luxury of stateroom and table. Ancient Thebes and Luxor are way—stations on the voyage. The pilgrim who remembers Gordon’s brave fight and death may, thanks to Lord Kitchener’s brilliant re—conquest of the Soudan region, ex- tend his tour to Khartoum and the upper Soudan without great difficulty, and it will not be long until the lakes of Central Africa and the head waters of the Nile, the scenes of infinite labor and bravery on the part of Speke and Baker and Livingston and Stanley, may be included in the itinerary of a personally con- ducted excursion, with a coupon ticket as the guarantee of practability. Though Cairo is only about sixty miles in a direct line from Suez, the railway makes the journey more than double that distance. It follows the west bank of the canal to Ismailia, then turns directly westward along the bank of the fresh—water canal into the delta of the Nile. The line passes through a country which was the scene of much of the fighting between British troops and those of Arabi Pasha in 1882. This same fertile region, the delta, was the scene of the most of the labors of Joseph in the time of the Pharaohs, and it was from here. with the Exodus, that the captivity of the Jews ended and their wander~ ings in the desert of Sinai began. The soil of the delta is perhaps the most fertile in the world. It is always supplied with water by innumerable canals, annually filled when the Nile is high, and S(’f in 8-point _I’urugm1. ()/winvrl with m(('~)miH( Ivutls. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 15 is’. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. gradually diminishing till the inundation recommences in June. As the water subsides, the character of the crops is varied, but three distinct harvests commonly are taken off the same ground each year if it is arti- ficially watered. This is effected for the most part by the primitive methods of antiquity, although steam pumps and windmills are becoming more common. The Nile and its inundation are objects of constant interest and solicitude. A low Nile means something like star- vation for thousands. The cause of the inundation is the heavy rains of Central Africa. The Nile receives no tributaries for the last 1,800 miles of its course, but is constantly feeding canals and reservoirs, so that by the time it arrives at the delta very little of the original volumn remains. There are plenty of hotels in Cairo, so that one may choose as he likes as to degrees of fashion and expense. The city is another of those whose characteristic it has been of recent years to be the meeting place for East and West. It is a favorite resort for European travelers during the cold months of their own northern cities. The mixture of occidental and oriental types and costumes helps to make street scenes picturesque, and the city is unlike any other in the world. The new town is modern, with wide streets and many trees, but it is the old town, with its narrow, winding lanes, sometimes roofed over, and its red and white mosques, that affords the greatest pleasure to the stranger. Within the reach of daily excursions from Cairo are the Pyramids of Gizeh, the Sphinx, and the ruins of Memphis. The pyramids are but seven miles from Cairo, across the Nile, which one passes by a fine iron bridge. Altogether there are about sixty of these gigantic sepulchers in Egypt, of which those at Giizeh are the nearest to Cairo and the largest. The nearest, which, though not now the highest, is always called the great pyramid, is that of Cheops. In addition to the pyramids and Sphnix, an immense number of tombs Set in 10-point Paragon. Opened with one-point leads. POINT-LIl\lE. POINT-SET. POIl\IT-BODY 153 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. may be visited in the same part of the cemetery of Memphis. This excursion from Cairo may be made comfortably in a carriage, without fatigue or incon- venience. The Boolak Museum of Cairo, the streets of the native city, the mosques and citadel, the bazaars for the sale of Egyptian and Turkish work in gold and silver, sweetmeats, embroidery, rugs and other wares, will easily provide entertainment for a fortnight in Cairo, and the perfection of the climate, except in the height of summer, justifies a leisurely stay at this Egyptian capital. Sufficient variety of choice is offered to the traveler who wishes to go up the Nile, to gratify almost any demand. If there be sufficient time at disposal, the best way to see the wonders of Egypt is to take a sailing boat or daha— beeah. The voyage to the second cataract occupies about three months, is very pleasant, very healthful, and, considering what one gets out of it, very cheap. Tourist steamers offer an alternative method by which one may visit the Nile as far as Assuan and back, including the first cataract, in twenty days. Another plan is to go by rail as far as Siout, where the railway terminates, about two hundred and fifty miles above Cairo, and thence by the postal steamers, which run twice a week and permit a visit to some of the principal objects of interest. The tourist steamer journey up the Nile provides for sufficient time with donkeys and guides to visit each of the points of interest reached on the journey. Among these are the site of ancient Memphis, with some neighboring pyramids; Maghagga, with its sugar Set in 12-point Paragon. Opened with. one-pozfnt leads BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 154 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. manufactories; the tombs and grottoes near Beni—Hassan, with fine examples of the Doric and lotus columns; the town of Siout, the terminus of the railway; the ruins of the temple of Abydos; the tombs of the kings Rameses near Thebes; the ruins of Karnak; the temple and town of Luxor, and finally the cataract, and the rapids near Assuan. Above the first cataract, comfortable steamers connect with the voyage just outlined throughout the tourist season, making the journey to the second cataract and return in seven days. From this point connecting service can be availed of to Khartoum. THE HOLY LAND. With remarkably small expense and little difficulty the traveler ’round the world may next visit Palestine and thus diverge from his direct course. For this part of the journey a method of travel is employed altogether different from anything which he meets in his entire experience, and peculiarly appropriate to the country. The primitive modes of Set in 14-point Puruqon. ()pvnod with one-ymint leads. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 155 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED AROUND THE WORLD. life and curious method of travel that have survived in the land of Canaan from the days of the patriarchs have been utilized and adopted to tourist travel in such a Way as to multiply the pleasure of the experience and enable every feature of it to appeal strongly to the imagina- tion and excite the interest of all. The charm and beauty of the climate and scenery of Palestine the associations of its hills and valleys and cities with the stories of the Old Testament, the events of the New Testament, and the Wars of the Crusades, are some of the attractions acknowledged by people of every nationality. The journey through Palestine is a camping tour, provided with Set in 18-point Pa.ra.gon. ’ v’ * ir BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\IDLER’S 156 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE _ ; l.l/ 7/ 1?: :_':~L-_- :-—.:._.—4g¢7_—. BACK TO AMERICA THE BRITISH ISLES AND TRANSATLANTIC ROUTE. F ONE were touring the world “in eighty days," it would be necessary to sail from Eng- land without delay, but except for some imperative demand, the foreign traveler around the world will hardly quit that country without a glimpse of its attractions. So intimately are the United States and Great Britain bound together by commercial and blood relation— ships, and so directly do they trace the beginnings of their national greatness to the same sources, that it becomes a primary necessity for every American who wishes to understand well his own country and its history to acquaint himself with the British Isles. In a volume of this size it would be superfluous to attempt even a sketch review of the things to be seen in the United Kingdom. London alone isginexhaustible. One might devote himself to the literature, the art, the commerce, the history, which have centered there, and in either subject find material for endless interest. Only to name the Tower, St. Paul's, Westminster Abbey, and the National Gallery is enough to establish the truth of this assertion. There is hardly a mile of English and Scottish soil that does not contain a memory of something worth visit- ing. Stratford—on-«Avon, the lake district, the home of Scott, the abbeys, the castles. all offer material for the traveler, whatever his tastes may be, out of which he may select what is most pleasing to him. Equally romantic and enchanting is the scenery of lreland, the ports of which are the last to be seen by the trans—Atlantic traveler. From the British lsles the 'round the world tourist may choose any one of the dozen ocean steamship lines sailing from Southampton, Liverpool, London. Glasgow, Londonderry, or Queenstown. If. instead. he selects one ofthe continental cities as a port of debarkation. Hamburg, Bremen. Antwerp, Havre, or Cherbourg are at his disposal. German, French, English, and American lines are open to choice of the traveler who patronizes the American and Australian Line in the purchase of his ticket. If he has a favorite port, a favorite steamer, or a favorite captain, any one is at his disposal. Then after a voyage across the North Atlantic by the most commodious, most luxurious, safest, and fastest steamers in the world, he may land again on American soil at any one of the Atlantic coast cities, from which there is prompt, rapid and luxurious service back to the point of starting. This voyage across the North Atlantic Ocean, which leads to an American port, the railways of the United States, and home, is a very different thing from the voyages in the tropics and in the Pacific and lndian Oceans, which have been passed earlier in this "round the world" journey. On these big Atlantic liners the number of passengers is many times as great as on the steamers which ply on the longer routes. Scores of travelers cross the Atlantic to every one who visits the Orient, which after all is one thing which helps to make the long journey to the Far East more attrac- tive because less hackneyed. Nevertheless, the "Atlantic Ferry" has its very definite and distinct attractions not ever forgotten by one who has made the voyage. The astonishing perfection of the arrangements made for the comfort of travelers, the great size of the vessels in the service. the richness of their appointments, the variety of sports, and the wide sweep of the decks available for them, all help to make the voyage a pleasure. With a passenger list including hundreds of travelers, and a voyage lasting one week instead of several, the social life on board is more apt to take the form of acquaintance with congenial cabin, deck, and table neighbors than with the whole of the company, as is usually the case on the Pacific Ocean. This is none the less a pleasure of the voyage. Then, on the last night before making port, it is usual that a concert is given by the passengers. lnasmuch as it Set in 6-point Mission Opened with one-point leads. VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 200, 75C POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 157 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEID A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. is seldom that the number does not include authors, artists, musicians, and actors of eminence traveling between Europe and America, such events are likely to be of peculiar interest, and the last memory of the journey before reaching home a pleasant one. FROM AUSTRALIA TO THE ORIENT. The waters of the Pacific and lndian Oceans, north and west of Aus- tralia, are traversed by scores of great steamships of modern construction under the British Hag, which provide frequent and rapid communication between the ports of Australia, the East lndies, and the Asiatic continent, as well as with the home ports of Europe. These lines are operated under the flag of the British India Steam Navigation Company, The Queensland Royal Mail, and the Australasian United Steam Navigation Company. The fieets in this service are enormous and their volume of traffic correspondingly large. it is true that they do not carry the larger volume of passenger traffic between Europe and Australia, most of this business going by way of the southern Australian ports, instead of the northern. As has been related in previous pages, such lines as the Peninsular and Oriental, the Orient, the North German Lloyd, and the Messageries Maritimes afford a luxurious and swift service between London and Sydney, via Melbourne, Adelaide, Albany, Colombo, Aden, and Suez. But there is another series of attrac- tions to the north of Australia, reached by equally comfortable methods of travel, and altogether novel. The sailing port for these steamers is Brisbane, the capital of Queensland. From this city lines start whose other terminals include all the commercial ports from Yokohama to Aden, as well as the through service to London. it is quite worth while to consider these less frequented lines of travel in planning a journey 'round the world. From Brisbane to the northernmost extremity of the Australian continent at Cape York is a distance of nearly 2,000 miles. On the way there are many inter» esting ports of call, including Rockhampton, Townsville, and Cooktown. These and the half—dozen others which break the journey for a few hours are by no means uninteresting to the traveler beginning the long ocean voyage- Some of them are outlets for large gold~mining industries in the interior of the colony. Others are agricultural markets for wheat, mutton, wool, and sugar cane. The northward journey takes one farther and farther into the tropics, and at the first port beyond the Australian continent one enters the waters of Torres Strait, notable for the savagery of the natives discovered on the shores which bound it. Thursday lsland is the port right in the strait, York Cape a few miles to the southward, and the mountains of New Guinea are in sight to the north. New Guinea has been subdivided of late years by those colonial promoters of the East lndies, the British, Germans, and Dutch, each of whom has taken a segment for development. Nevertheless this largest of all islands is still to a great extent unexplored, and the natives in the remoter parts are as dangerous as they were in the days of the first explorers. The recent unprofitable rush of gold seekers into the island from Australia brings the last mentioned fact forcibly to mind. Thursday island is the center of pearlashell fisheries of great value. it is recognized as an important strategic point, and has been fortified .S'¢*I~1’u5-point .‘lIissiuu. .\'nIiu'. BARN}-TART BROS. & SPINDLER’S R158 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD. strongly by the British imperial authorities, who quarter a permav nent military force there. From Thursday Island the steamers of the British India Company sail almost directly westward for more than two thousand miles, through the Arafura, Banda, Flores, and Java seas, coasting the Dutch Spice Islands all the way to Batavia, the capital of the Dutch East Indies and the metropolis of the Archipelago. The voyage is a tropical one, but the steamers are built for this service and provide accom~ modations adapted to the climate. At Batavia the lines of this company diverge, some vessels sailing directly to Aden, and reaching Plymouth as a home port, by way of the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean, and Gibraltar. Others sail northwestward to Singapore, coasting the eastern shores of Sumatra, through the Straits of Malacca, and into the Bay of Bengal, touching at the ports of the Malay Peninsula, and finding their terminus at Rangoon, Calcutta, or Madras. By the vessels of this same great company one may visit Kurrachee, Muscat, Bushire, and the other ports of the Persian Gulf, even reaching Bagdad without difficulty. Another service maintained by the same company reaches all the ports of the east coast of Africa from Delagoa Bay northward to Mozamv bique, Zanzibar, and thence to Bombay. Still another service extends from Bombay and Colombo to the island of Mauritius the scene of the tale of "Paul and Virginia.” As for the ports of India and British Burmah, either on the Arabian Sea or the Bay of Bengal, they are brought as easily within reach by the frequent service of splendid steamers as are the Atlan- tic coast cities of the United States. Those countries of Europe which maintain colonies in the Pacific Ocean find it desirable to subsidize transportation lines, in order to provide satisfac- tory means of communication to these remote settlements. Passenger and freight traffic alone might support occasional steamers, but could not be depended upon to do so. The expenditure made by these governments, therefore, comes to the assistance of every individual tourist, and the traveler who visits these seas will find awaiting him commodious, safe and Set in 10-point J12'ss2'0n. Opened with one—p02'nt leads. A P°““T‘L1NE. POINT-SET. POINT—BODY 159 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD- fast steamers sailing on regular schedules to islands that are but names to most dwellers in the northern hemisphere- In the pages devoted to New Zealand something has been said concerning the facilities for travel to Samoa, Tonga, Tahiti, and the more easterly islands of the South Pacific. From the Australian ports another service is maintained to New Caledonia, the French colony of the West Pacific, the New Hebrides, Norfolk Island, and the Fiji Islands. These steamers sail in the service either of the Australasian United Steam Navigation Company or the Messageries Maritimes from Sydney, vessels passing each way every two weeles. Noumea, the capital of New Cale~ donia, is a very pleasant city, its French atmosphere making it altogether different from any other of the Pacific islands. It possesses a fine harbor, stone wharves, wide streets with shade trees, excellent public buildings, and a botanical garden. New Caledonia is a penal colony of France and an excellent convict band of forty preformers furnishes music in the public square- The town is well lighted, provided with good hotels, and the drives in the vicinity are exceedingly interesting- The chief industries are the mining of chrome and nicleel and the raising of coffee. Steamers leave Noumea for a circuit of the island every weele- They are new and comfortable, lighted by electricity, and the service is entirely satisfactory. The trip around the island consumes eight days, every moment of the time offering fresh views of novel scenery. The entire voyage is inside the reef, in smooth water, and the S11! in .I2.’—}min( JIi.s'.s*mn. 1)/wnml will: um’-[mint lmuls. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDL,ER’S H30 SUPER[QR cQppER_M1XED TYPE A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD vessel anchors every night. From the ports of Australia to those of the extreme Orient there are three steamship companies pre- forming regular service, and their schedules are arranged alternately, so the passenger may be sure of a direct sailing once a week. Two of these lines, the China Navigation Company and the Eastern and Australian Steamship Company, are English corpora~ tions, the steamers a product of English shipyards, and officered by Englishmen. The third line, the Nippon Yusen Kaisha, A or Japan Mail Line, is one part of that great service maintained in the Orient by the Japanese, whose steamers now ply between most ports of the Pacific. They too are English built and officered by Englishmen, although line and steamers have Japanese names. All of the vessels in these services are large enough to be entirely comfortable, and offer a very attractive journey to the passenger who visits Asia by this route. They sail from Sydney northward to Bris~ bane, at either of which ports passengers may join the vessel. All the principal ports of Queensland are visited in turn. From Set in 14-point Jllission. Opened with one-point leads. POINT—LINE, POINT~SET. POINT‘-BODY 161 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Thursday Island the tracle follows direct»- ly across the entrance to the Gulf of Carpentaria and around the northern coast of Australia to Port Darwin, which is the landing place of the submarine cable connecting these colonies with Europe by way of Java, Sumatra, and Singapore- Here too the transcontinental telegraph begins its southern journey across the Australian desert to Adelaide. From Port Darwin to Hongleong the track chart shows a very direct line of sailing, past the islands of Timor, the Moluccas, Celebes, Mindanao, and Luzon, into the China Sea. Under Spanish dominion the Philippine Islands were not favored by either trade or travel, consequently steamers did not choose to call at Manila, although that capital was almost within sight of the .\'v( in 1.\']min( Jlission (I/wuwl u‘iH1 m1('—/mini Iwmls BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 162 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE -5.? \ )..":\ ..-§§\ ‘xx ix .3 HE invention of the printing press must have followed the making of movable types. Nothing abso- lutely certain is known of the time at which either was first introduced, As the invention of type lies somewhere between the years 1438 and 1450. it may be assumed that this period also produced the first printing press. all the important features of which are still preserved in the modern hand press. As printing from blocks had been practised for many years previously. the method of taking such impressions now uncertain. it is possible that the first press for printing type may have derived some or all of its characteristics from that used for printing blocks. ¢IGutenberg's printing press- consisted of two upright timbers, with cross pieces of wood to stay them together at the top and bottom. and two intermediate cross-timbers. On one of these the type was supported. and through the other a wooden screw passed. its lower point resting on the center of a wooden platen. which was thus screwed down upon the type after it had been inked and the paper spread over it. This simple form continued in use for 150 years. or until the early part of the seventeenth century. without any material change. The forms of type were placed upon wood or stone beds. incased in frames called coffins. moved in and out laboriously by hand. and after each impression the platen had to be screwed up with the bar so that the printed sheet might be removed and hung up to dry. ‘I The first re- corded improvements to this press were made by William Jenson Blaeuw. of Amsterdam. about 1620. Blaeuw's press was introduced into England. and used there as well as upon the continent. being substantially the same as that used by Benjamin Franklin in London in 1725. ‘I Little further improvement was made before 1798. when the Earl of Stan- hope had a press built. the frame of which was one piece of cast iron. A necessity had arisen for greater power in giving impression. especially in the printing of wood-cuts. and the tendency was naturally toward larger forms of type. requir- ing greater exertion on part of the printer. The screw was retained with the addition of a combination of levers to as- sist in gaining greater power with less expenditure of energy. ‘I The next practical improvement was by George Clymer. of Philadelphia. who. about 1816. devised an iron machine entirely dispensing with the screw. Clymer took his inven- tion to England where it became known as the Columbian press. In England Ruthven. Brown and others made iron hand presses. all improving on the Stanhope. In 1722 Peter Smith devised a machine with cast iron frame. in which a toggle-joint. at once simple and effective. took the place of the screw with levers. (I In 1827‘ Samuel Rust. of New York. worked out a great improvement on the Smith press. This patent was purchased by R. Hoe & Co. who improved upon it. The new invention was known as the Washington press. and in principle and construction has never been surpassed by any hand printing machine. ‘I The bed-and-platen system of printing was up to the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury the favorite method for fine books and illustrations. and still has a limited use. The first power or steam press upon this principle was made by Dr. Daniel Treadwell of Boston in 1822. The frames were of wood. but only a few were con- structed. The best press of this description is that devised and patented by Issac Adams. of Boston in 1830 and 1836. and by Otis Tufts. of the same place. in 1834. This was first made with a wooden and afterward with an iron frame. In 1858 Adams‘ business became the property of Hoe & C0,. who improved the machine. ‘I The method of printing from forms carried upon flat beds backward and forward beneath a cylinder had been rudely employed by printers of copperplate engravings in the fifteenth century. With the introduction of this system began an entirely new era in the history of the printing press. The credit of actually introducing into use a flat-bed cylinder press is due to a Saxon named Friederich Koenig. who. in England. in 1806. through the aid of Thomas Bensley. a printer in London. devised a machine which was used in 1812-13. Koenig was assisted also by a mechanic named Andrew Bauer. a fellow coun- tryman. rt He also devised what has proved even to this day to be the best mechanism for producing reciprocating motion of the type bed. ‘I In 1814 Koenig patented a continuously revolving cylinder press. He also showed designs adapting it for use as a single cylinder. and also as a two-cylinder press. both for printing on one side of the paper at a time. like- wise a two-cylinder press for printing both sides at one operation. In the same year he erected two two-cylinder presses for the London Times that printed one side at the rate of 800 sheets per hour. Bacon. Donkin. Cowper and Applegath also patented improvements about the same time. ‘I The most ingenious and practical device improving the flat-bed and cylinder press was patented by Napier in 1829 and 1830. He first introduced grippers for conveying the sheets around the cylinder during impression. and for delivering them after printing. Tapes had been previously used. He was the first to construct presses in which the cylinders are of small size and make two or more revolutions to each impression. lifting the cylinder by toggles. ‘I'About 1832 Robert Hoe made the first cylinder press ever used in the United States. This was of the single large cylinder pattern, making one revolution for each impression. and never stopping. The stop-cylinder was devised and patented by a Frenchman named Dutartre in 1852. and was later intro- duced into the United States and improved in many respects. ‘I'Up to 1847 American newspapers were printed upon single small cylinder or two cylinder machines at 2000 to 4000 an hour. Then came in the Hoe type-revolving machine. where a central cylinder held the type pages upon its surface, and grouped about it were from four to ten impression cylinders as the case required. Each cylinder required a feeder. usually a boy. who was required to handle 2000 sheets an hour. Later type forms gave place to curved plates on these machines. In 1865 William Bullock constructed the first machine to print from a continuous web of paper. It consisted of two form or plate cylinders and two impression cylinders. the second impression cylinder being of large size to provide additional tympan surface to lessen the offset from the first printed side of the paper. In 1868 the London Times set up the first rotary perfecting press. similar to the Bullock. except that the cylinders were of the same size and placed one above the other. In 1871 R. Hoe and Co. turned their attention to the rotary perfecting press. and built machines containing many improvements. with little limit to their capacity for printing except the ability of the paper web to stand the strain of passing through the press. Then was developed the Hoe double supplement press. the.first of which was used by the New York Herald. and for the third time completely revolutionizing newspaper printing. A later time (1887) witnessed the installation in the New York World of the first quadruple newspaper press. and in 1890 the Herald installed a sextuple press. Since then various changes and improvements by several makers principally Hoe. Goss and Scott. have added greatly to the speed and perfection of machines for newspaper printing. 6 Point Old Roman Condensed "I3e'n.e(l with (rne-point leads POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 163 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A TRIP AROUND THE WORLD Thursday island the tracle follows direct-« ly across the entrance to the Gulf of Carpentaria and around the northern coast of Australia to Port Darwin, which is the landing place of the submarine cable connecting these colonies with Europe by way of Java, Sumatra, and Singapore- Here too the transcontinental telegraph begins its southern journey across the Australian desert to Adelaide- From Port Darwin to Hongleong the tracle chart shows a very direct line of sailing, past the islands of Timor, the Moluccas, Celehes, Mindanao, and Luzon, into the China Sea- Under Spanish dominion the Philippine islands were not favored by either trade or travel, consequently steamers did not choose to call at Manila, although that capital was almost within sight of the .\’«I in I\ /m/i/I fl/r'.~'.~'I'nI/ BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 16:3 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE K§ \ a &'.\*\m 1%-wfi % £$ HE invention of the printing press must have followed the making of movable types. Nothing abso- lutely certain is known of the time at which either was first introduced. As the invention of type lies somewhere between the years 1438 and 1450, it may be assumed that this period also produced the first printing press, all the important features of which are still preserved in the modern hand press. As printing from blocks had been practised for many years previously, the method of taking such impressions now uncertain, it is possible that the first press for printing type may have derived some or all of its characteristics from that used for printing blocks. (I'Gutenberg’s printing press- consisted of two upright timbers, with cross pieces of wood to stay them together at the top and bottom, and two intermediate cross-timbers. On one of these the type was supported, and through the other a wooden screw passed, its lower point resting on the center of a wooden platen, which was thus screwed down upon the type after it had been inked and the paper spread over it. This simple form continued in use for 150 years, or until the early part of the seventeenth century, without any material change. The forms of type Were Placed 1113011 Wood 01‘ Stone beds, incased in frames called coffins, moved in and out laboriously by hand, and after each impression the platen had to be screwed up with the bar so that the printed sheet might be removed and hung up to dry. qThe first re- corded improvements to this press were made by William Jenson Blaeuw, of Amsterdam, about 1620. Blaeuw's press was introduced into England, and used there as well as upon the continent, being substantially the same as that used by Benjamin Franklin in London in 1725. ‘I Little further improvement was made before 1798, when the Earl of Stan- hope had a press built, the frame of which was one piece of cast iron. A necessity had arisen for greater power in giving impression, especially in the printing of wood-cuts. and the tendency was naturally toward larger forms of type, requir- ing greater exertion on part of the printer. The screw was retained with the addition of a combination of levers to as- sist in gaining greater power with less expenditure of energy. q'The next practical improvement was by George Clymer, of Philadelphia, who. about 1816, devised an iron machine entirely dispensing with the screw. Clymer took his inven- tion to England where it became known as the Columbian press. In England Ruthven. Brown and others made iron hand presses, all improving on the Stanhope. In 1722 Peter Smith devised a machine with cast iron frame. in which a toggle-joint, at once simple and effective, took the place of the screw with levers. (flu 1827' Samuel Rust. of New York. worked out a great improvement on the Smith press. This patent was purchased by R. Hoe & Co. who improved upon it. The new invention was known as the Washington press, and in principle and construction has never been surpassed by any hand printing machine. qThe bed-and-platen system of printing was up to the middle of the nineteenth cen- tury the favorite method for fine books and illustrations. and still has a limited use. The first power or steam press upon this principle was made by Dr. Daniel Treadwell of Boston in 1822. The frames were of wood, but only a few were con- structed. The best press of this description is that devised and patented by Issac Adams. of Boston in 1830 and 1836, and by Otis Tufts, of the same place. in 1834. This was first made with a wooden and afterward with an iron frame. In 1858 Adams‘ business became the property of Hoe & Co.. who improved the machine. ‘I'The method of printing from forms carried upon flat beds backward and forward beneath a cylinder had been rudely employed by printers of copperplate engravings in the fifteenth century. With the introduction of this system began an entirely new era in the history of the printing press. The credit of actually introducing into use a flat-bed cylinder press is due to a Saxon named Friederich Koenig, who, in England. in 1806, through the aid of Thomas Bensley, a printer in London, devised a machine which was used in 1812-13. Koenig was assisted also by a mechanic named Andrew Bauer. a fellow coun- tryman, qHe also devised what has proved even to this day to be the best mechanism for producing reciprocating motion of the type bed. q'In 1814 Koenig patented a continuously revolving cylinder press. He also showed designs adapting it for use as a single cylinder, and also as a two-cylinder press, both for printing on one side of the paper at a time, like- wise a two-cylinder press for printing both sides at one operation. In the same year he erected two two-cylinder presses for the London Times that printed one side at the rate of 800 sheets per hour. Bacon. Donkin, Cowper and Applegath also patented improvements about the same time. ‘I' The most ingenious and practical device improving the flat-bed and cylinder press was patented by Napier in 1829 and 1830. He first introduced grippers for conveying the sheets around the cylinder during impression, and for delivering them after printing. Tapes had been previously used. He was the first to construct presses in which the cylinders are of small size and make two or more revolutions to each impression, lifting the cylinder by toggles. q'About 1832 Robert Hoe made the first cylinder press ever used in the United States. This was of the single large cylinder pattern, making one revolution for each impression, and never stopping. The stop-cylinder was devised and patented by a Frenchman named Dutartre in 1852. and was later intro- duced into the United States and improved in many respects. ‘I’ Up to 1847 American newspapers were printed upon single small cylinder or two cylinder machines at 2000 to 4000 an hour. Then came in the Hoe type-revolving machine, where a central cylinder held the type pages upon its surface, and grouped about it were from four to ten impression cylinders as the case required. Each cylinder required a feeder, usually a boy, who was required to handle 2000 sheets an hour. Later type forms gave place to curved plates on these machines. In 1865 William Bullock constructed the first machine to print from a continuous web of paper. It consisted of two form or plate cylinders and two impression cylinders, the second impression cylinder being of large size to provide additional tympan surface to lessen the offset from the first printed side of the paper. In 1868 the London Times set up the first rotary perfecting press, similar to the Bullock, except that the cylinders were of the same size and placed one above the other. In 1871 R. Hoe and Co. turned their attention to the rotary perfecting press, and built machines containing many improvements, with little limit to their capacity for printing except the ability of the paper web to stand the strain of passing through the press. Then was developed the Hoe double supplement press, the.first of which was used by the New York Herald, and for the third time completely revolutionizing newspaper printing. A later time (1887) witnessed the installation in the New York World of the first quadruple newspaper press. and in 1890 the Herald installed a sextuple press. Since then various changes and improvements by several makers principally Hoe. Goss and Scott, have added greatly to the speed and perfection of machines for newspaper printing. 6 Point Old Roman ('unrIm1so(I npmufl with um‘-point lomls POINT—LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY I63 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED THE OPTIMUS TWO-REVOLUTION; ITS SIMPLE BED MOTION. OR fifty years or more printing press builders have striven to attain perfection in the bed motion. In recent years the demand for greater speed but stimulated their exer- tions. Only through improvment could speed be reached. Individual effort along different lines has produced motions more or less commendable in the most vital and most important movement of a printing press. In this, as in every line of invention, there is only one really good way out—only one way that, because of high efficiency and perfection, can be said to be the very best and superior to all else for the purpose. This pre-emi- nence in driving motions we embody in the Optimus. (jfAll the desirable modern bed motions consist . of some adaptation of a shifting or a movable gear which, in each of two positions, engages a rack at- tached to the type bed. Experience indicates that a three-to—one gear is the best for speed; that is, a gear which makes three revolutions to each impression. A number of presses in common use have a three-to—one bed gear. If this were all, there would be no choice in these mechanisms. But all of these three-to-one bed motions, with the exception of the Babcock, are made up of a complexity of motions. The gear is thrown back and forth or up and down, and the shoes moved in and out, at each end of the rack at each stroke of the bed by separate and independent mechanisms more or less com- plex, all of which are expected to work in unison. The builders of these bed motions, taking as a model an early and intricate mechanism, have been forced to ignore simplicity. (If The most efficient device for any purpose is that which gives desired results with fewest parts and least motions. Sim- plicity is the first characteristic of the Babcock patented ball and socket bed motion. It is not made up of different mechanisms receiving motion from different sources. It has few parts, less than any other. It is a perfect motion, practically indestructible by wear, and eliminates the faults others con- tain. It is only a shaft with the driving pulley on one end and the star gear on the other. On this shaft is the series of balls and sockets so placed that one part of the shaft is deflectable, giving a recip- rocating as well as a rotary motion to the gear. This permits the star gear to engage the single rack from above at one movement of the bed and from below at the next, and secures the advantage of driv- ing in both directions from the same point. This patented device is the only one imparting motion with absolute uniformity regardless of the angle of transmission. The mechanism is so strong, so per-, fect in construction, that it will endure many times the strain that any work can give. During the years of its use no amount of hard running or actual abuse has impaired in the least its efficiency or its perfection of operation. qfThe ball and socket principle is carried further, and becomes the source of greatest advantage in our patented bed driving gear and rack. It is of the greatest possible efficiency at the points of reverse of the bed. Each end of the rack is fitted with a large hardened steel ball adjusted on a large steel stud, which engages the star gear. The space or socket in the gear which engages these balls is absolutely spherical, giving perfect contact between the gear and the ends of the rack, and furnishing large and durable wearing surfaces. qr The shaft which carries the bed gear is of very large proportions, being actually many times as strong as was considered necessary in well built machines a few years ago. The whole mechanism is so accurately balanced and nicely constructed as to admit of the highest speed without jar or vibration. (If The rack is located not in the center of the bed, but in the center of the load. The inking rollers, geared direct to one side of the bed, require a large amount of power to drive. The rack is placed at the proper point between the middle of the bed and the end which drives the rollers to insure its being in the center of resist- ance. All other bed drives move the bed in one direction with a rack close up under the bed, and in the other with a rack near the base of the machine, a bad application of power which makes impos- sible the use of a strong center-girt under impression. In the Babcock bed motion, however, there is but one rack, and this is sufficiently high to permit the use of a cross-girt of great strength. qr One of the serious objections to other bed driving devices is that the shoes are movable and long. The roll on the bed gear which engages these shoes and stops and starts the bed, travels a long distance quickly, and frequently under high pressure, touching the shoe at a point only. The result is worn roll and shoes, which “pound” at the points of reverse, reducing the speed and injuring the whole machine. The Babcock shoes for reversing the bed are small and curved to fit the star gear roll. They are not thrown in and out of action, but bolted solidly in position, and produce little motion in the roll. They run years without needing adjustment. qr A common device for overcoming the irreg- ularities of a poor bed motion is a long rack and segment for gearing bed and cylinder together during impression. This arrangement is positive evidence of a faulty bed motion, and is never entirely satis- factory. On Babcock presses a short rack and segment are used just before the impression, and the perfect bed motion does the rest in a manner beyond criticism. Cl}'The secret of the success of the whole 8 Point Old Roman Condensed opened with one-point leads BARNI-IART BROS. 61. SPINDLER’S 164 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. Babcock Optimus patented bed motion is in the proper adaptation of the ball and socket mechanism, a unique feature in a bed motion. The Babcock Company has invented special machinery for making the shoes and for making perfect balls and perfect sockets, and the result is an absolutely perfect bed motion, the acme of sim- plicity and durability, and unequalled speed. It is the only one unchanged and unchanging. Some other bed drives greatly boasted a year or so ago, are now en- tirely abandoned, while today the most vaunted are not as they were some months since. That of the Optimus has not given trouble nor cost anyone one cent. It gives easily a press of highest speed, greatest steadiness and smoothness in operation, and absolute register. The extreme and unusual uniformity of action of the driving motion of the Optimus makes the attaching of automatic feeders to this press exceed- ingly easy and satisfactory, and insures the best possible performance from these delicately adjusted machines. It gives, also, long wear to forms. On a No. 11 (45x63) Optimus a run of 800,000 was recently made from one set of plates, “and the plates do not look as if they had been used”,-a performance impossible on any other press. STRENGTH AND DELICACY OF IMPRESSION. Strength, pure and simple, is a matter of construction. If omitted by the builder the pressman cannot supply it. It does not depend upon mere weight. The metal must be properly placed. In some presses the pecularities of the driving motions do not admit of the use of a sufficiently massive center-girt to withstand the strains of impression, which often are great. The line of contact between cylinder and form in a press of average size is one-half inch wide. The pressure required for fine work on heavy forms is about six hundred pounds per square inch. On a forty-inch form the total pressure is nearly twelve thousand pounds, or six tons. Whether a press is well designed to withstand the intermittent blows of strong impression is best told by the absence of “guttering,” which is caused by the springing of the metal when press is on and off impression. To gutter is to be weak. I It is the evidence of a lack of rigidity. q‘The Optimus does not gutter. In this respect it stands alone, and is, under impression, the most rigid of presses. Just why this is so is due to the origi- nal, simple and effective means adopted to meet the conditions. ‘I'We show a View of that portion of an Optimus press immediately under the impression line. It dis- plays the massive center-girt used in all Optimus presses, and also the extreme simplicity of the driving motion, to which we have before referred. This center-girt supports six tracks which in turn support the bed. In addition to the heaviest girt, the Optimus possesses the heaviest side frames in use, and upon these the girt is supported by heavy flanges so that the strain of impression is not imposed upon the bolts which unite girt and frames. At this point the frames are solid, and in no way are they weakened by being cut away for rods, springs, toggles, or other com- plexities for raising the cylinder. Not only does the girt contain a great weight of metal, but its form is such as to greatly add to its power of resistance. It is not weakened by being cut away to admit the passage of a bed rack that hangs too low. It is not merely a tie between the side frames, but a massive, unyielding support for impression. qIThe pressure required today to print a high—class cut form would have been impossible in the strongest press built a'few years ago. It is a comparatively 10 Point Old Roman Comleozsed opened with one-point leads POINT-LINES, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 165 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED THE OPTIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. simple problem to make the cylinder sufficiently strong, though it is one not yet solved by everybody. The problem of the bed support is quite a different proposition, principally because the stopping and starting of a needlessly heavy bed produces shock and strain to the press and founda- tions, consumes power and limits speed, and speed is one of the prime fac- tors in a modern press. (If The first presses had two tracks. One of the early devices for increasing the bed support was a single wheel under the center of impression. Then two independent wheels made two runners between the tracks. These proved difficult of adjustment, and unequal to the strain. Then two or three smaller wheels in clusters were tried, making a short wheel track, resulting in increased strength, but still lacking in accuracy of adjustment, and this lack was fatal to best print- ~ ing. Later a builder put four full-length roller tracks under the bed, abandoning a better arrangement because of his inability to devise a way to accurately adjust the wheels, which, with several in each track, omust all have their upper surfaces exactly in line and touch the tracks under the bed with equal precision. With an exception or two the four- track practice became general. (If Four long roller tracks cannot be ad- justed accurately to compensate for wear, which is greatest on the inside tracks. A common expedient to correct wear in these is to “wedge up” between the center girt and the tracks; but here is met the same trouble as with the wheels—the impossibility of wedging accurately. Rebuilding _ at the factory is the only remedy. Cl}’We have always contended that four non-adjustable tracks were a poor arrangement, and that four tracks of any kind were insufficient for medium and large-sized beds. A support under each end is as necessary as at any point. The first effect of taking impression is strain between bed and cylinder. This strain must be maintained until the form is printed. The only possible way to accom- plish this is by firm contact between the bearers on ends of cylinder and the bearers on ends of bed. Otherwise every time the cylinder passes a margin it will drop into it to be picked up again by the opposite edge of the form, working ruin in the wake of its guttering weakness. CH" Tests proved that a wheel five or six inches in diameter was more durable un- der a press bed than a roller track the same length as the diameter of the wheel; and that a short track of two or three wheels was more durable and retained adjustment longer than a roller track of whatever length, each wheel having three times the wearing surface of a straight track as long as its diameter. Three wheels each five inches in diameter, are equivalent to a track about four feet (forty-seven inches) in length. As it is impossible to concentrate four feet of straight roller track under the point of impression, and entirely feasible to concentrate a track of wheels 1.‘? 1’m'nt Old Rmmm C'0n((m1swl set solid BARNI-IART BROS. & SPII\1DLER’S 166 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE ‘OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. with four feet of track surface on their circumferences, it is easy to understand why a wheel track of three wheels is more durable than any other arrangement. The ordinary long roller or guide tracks are needed to direct and main- tain the bed in position; but wheel tracks made of several wheels each are the perfect support for sustaining im- pression. The original users of wheel tracks, and other builders, have always conceded the desirability of wheels; but because of failure to adjust them accurately they were abandoned for a mechanism even less adjustable. The use of the four long roller tracks is advocated by saying that they will wear, and therefore will not need adjust- ing——a statement that the experience of printers will not substantiate. When, four or five years ago, a prominent . press that had been for years made as a two-track ma- chine was changed to four,'its makers said that they knew the last was not as good construction as the old; but they intended to take advantage of the fallacy of the printer concerning four tracks, and would furnish an inferior ma- ‘chine in order to sell more. (PfSatisfying ourselves. be- yond all doubt that wheel tracks adjustable for uneven- ness of wear are vastly more desirable than the non-ad- justable roller tracks, we invented a way to readily ad- just them to mathematical accuracy, and made positively practical. the use of this unequalled means of bed support. ‘lfThe result of this study is that for several years Optimus presses have been equipped with patented semi-automa- tic adjustable wheel tracks, three wheels in a track, and four of these tracks, beside the two long guide tracks, six in all, to each medium or large-sized press. Each of these wheels can_be adjusted in a few seconds so that it bears against the bed uniformly with all the others without special care on the part of the operator. This adjusta- blity does not exist in any other press, while the two Op- timus roller tracks themselves have twice the durability of the ordinary style. The two new patented roller 14 Point Old Roman Comlrnsml set solid POINT-LINE POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 167 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQU1‘-LED THE OPTIMUS TWO-REVOLUTION. tracks, combined with the four wheel tracks, all sustained by the most massive center-girt in use, make a six-track bed support never before equalled in durability and power of resistance to impressional strains. (lfThe strength sup- porting the bed is met above by a heavy and thoroughly well braced and accurately bal- anced cylinder, supplied with a steel shaft as large and nearly twice as strong as the cast iron shafts others use. This shaft runs in unusually large and long steel boxes, with close connec- tions between cylinder and bearings, offering a rigidity equal to that of the bed supports. The boxes, or bearings, are themselves a part of the heavy side frames, solidly bolted to them. The upward thrust of impression is, therefore, sus- tained by the cylinder shaft held in immov- able boxes. ln other words, the cylinder is held to form by the side frames, contrary to the practice in all other presses, wherein the boxes are loose in the side frames, and slip up and down as the cylinder rises and falls at each im- pression. The Optimus cylinder is adjusted for impression by means of a very heavy screw so fitted into the box that all strain is taken upon its head, and this screw is capable of resisting fifty times the strain that it will ever be called upon to endure. The raising or lowering of the cylinder never throws it out of line with the bed. Whether cylinder is high or low, its rela- tion to bed and tracks is always true. BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\IDLER‘S 168 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE OP TIMU U TI ON. A word about the bearings in which the cylinder shaft runs. A pipe box is one that is made out of a solid piece of metal. It has no cap, and cannot be taken apart. The bearings in such boxes are not true, and one end is larger than the other. The inside cannot be scraped thoroughly, or very well in fact, to work off the high spots. All that can be done is to make them as good as can be, and fit them so they will slide on the shaft, which, of course, touches only the high places. When the high spots are gone through wear the shaft is loose, and a very bad condition exists. qr split box is one that is in two pieces, has a cap, and can be taken apart. This is the one that is used in the Optimus. With the two parts securely fastened together these boxes are bored and reamed with two reamers, with the greatest care. Taken apart the interiors are easily accessible to the workman, who scrapes them until a perfect bearing throughout is secured. The shaft lies within them touching in every part, and has a full and complete bearing throughout its entire sur- face, giving slow wear and a perfect fit. After years of use, when wear is appreci- able, the split box affords a ready take-up. (Continued in Old Roman Bold on next page.) 18 Pm'nt Old Roman (.‘m1(l(>nse(l set solid POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 169 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED THE OPTIMUS TWO-REVOLUTION, CONTINUED. NLY in the certainty of great strength can evenness and delicacy of impression exist. Particu- larly does weakness make waste of time and effort. Only through rigidity is a press fast under make-ready—fast while standing still. On the Optimus a tissue overlay counts for all that it is worth. and the pressman‘s efforts are quickly fruitful in the expected results. There is no lifting around overlays where the last has borne off the impression from all around. and patch after patch is needed to bring it up. Not many overlays are needed. On some forms none. Strength gives delicacy. evenness. uniformity. certainty. Solids can be made solid. deep shad- ows strong. high lights clear. with least effort and little time. on a lasting tympan. Strength saves work. (EA vitally important point in every two-revolution press is the manner in which the cylinder is lifted to clear the form at the reverse of the bed after impression. The Optimus way differs from any other. In simplicity. directness of action, freedom from many parts and all complications. it is vastly better. and eliminates evils due to imperfect devices for this purpose. It offers less opportunity for wear. and the consequent lost motion, than any other arrangement. while it secures the maximum of strength and resistance. It is only an oscillating eccentric box holding the cylinder shaft journals. rotating with them while lifting, and the cam and lever necessary to operate the eccentric. That is all. During impression the eccentric is firmly locked upon its center. and. there- fore. no strain whatever comes upon the lifting connections. The trip is only operative when cylinder is off impression. The use of trip when cylinder is on impression has no effect. the impression will be completed per- fectly. There are no springs. toggles. rods or other complexities. The massive side frames are left uncored. unbored and uncut. and take the place of the springs and rods usually employed in other presses. These other machines have their cylinder boxes loose in the side frames. in which they slide up and down with the rising and falling of the cylinder. On the contrary. as we have shown. the boxes of the Optimus are fixed as a part of the side frames. and it is the only press whose side frames carry the brunt of impression. Through them only can the greatest impressional rigidity be found. for they are the natural, most effective, most direct and simplest means possible to use for holding the cylinder to its work. qfExcepting the Optimus there is no press that does not use a spring to assist in lifting the cylinder. and for that reason safety pins and mechanical devices. not always effect- ive. are used to prevent accidents should the trip be used at the wrong time. ROLLERS AND DISTRIBUTION. Entirely inside the frame and out of the way our patented device for driving the vibrators on form and table rollers is the perfection of simplicity. There is nothing else like it. It is positive and noiseless. and the most effective mechanism ever used for a like purpose. q'The ductor roller taking ink from the fountainroller deposits it upon the first steel vibrator over the forward pair of table rollers. It is impossible for the ink to come in contact with the ink plate until after the press has made one entire revolution. It is thoroughly distributed. therefore. on one vibrator and two table rollers before it reaches the plate. and better distributed when put on the plate than is usual with many two-roller presses in common use when put on the form. In other words. it is well enough manipulated before it reaches the plate to print an ordinary two-roller job. This approaches very closely the boasted method used on stop cylinders, where the ink was worked up and evenly distributed on the cylinder be- fore it was put upon the ink table. Not only does it increase distribution. but it gives a better. more delicate and more positive control than when the ink goes directly from fountain to plate. Table. or plate. rollers are in con- tact with the ink plate during both its forward and backward movements. and this. too. is a great advantage over those machines where they act upon the plate in one direction only. Compared with such a press the Optimus has practically double distribution. qlixcepting the pony sizes (Nos. 3 and 4) Optimus presses have the form and table rollers interchangeable. This is an economy to the user, as a roller not quite good enough for the form may go to the table. its usefulness extended. ([The patent eccentric roller bearings are an unequalled convenience. By a single motion of the hand they admit of the rollers being thrown out of contact with form and vibrator when it is desirable to run press to work up color. or for any other purpose. Just as simply are they brought into con- tact and firmly locked in place. Adjustment for contact is independent of the eccentric throw out. and is not dis- turbed by it. Both form and table rollers may be thrown out of action. or removed from press without affecting the adjustment of their bearings. All the rollers of an Optimus fully clear the largest form that can be worked conveniently upon the bed and cylinder. q'Roller capacity and distribution must be adapted to speed. Both are ample. Always with a larger superficial area of roller surface than of form, speed and high-class product are both assured. On all sizes larger than No, 6 the rollers are three and a half inches in diameter. a fact the good press- man always appreciates. SHEET DELIVERY. One of the distinguishing features of the Optimus is its superb patented sheet delivery. Although others have made attempts at imitation it remains absolutely unrivalled. No matter what the size of the sheet. whether it be to the full capacity of the press or but an envelope, the delivery is always ready to receive it. It needs no adjust- ment for either size, or anything between. Printed side up or down can be had within the time required for one impression. Either way it is impossible for anything to come in contact with the printed surface. nor can the sheet be marred or broken in the least. On much work freedom from offset is assured and slip-sheeting saved. It is the only delivery fit for the most artistic work. and best for all. Tissue or French folio can be delivered at the usual speed of the press, an impossibility on any other. Tissue is handled at 2000 per hour as a regular thing. ([Each sheet printed on an Optimus press is exposed to the air through the space of three impressions. The action of the delivery is like this: The first sheet printed passes from the cylinder to the rear of the delivery; with the next movement it is carried to the front of delivery, and with the next the second sheet takes its place at the rear. There are now two sheets on the delivery. one in front of the other. At the next movements the front sheet is deposited upon the jogger board. the second moves to the front. the third comes on the rear. Three impressions have been made. and we have one sheet exposed upon the board and two exposed upon the delivery. all lying flat. printed side up. without contact one with the other. The next impression covers the one on the table. which has been exposed through three impressions. After the third, every impression. of course. deposits upon the li.1’uinl ()f(l It’mnu'u linlrl U[I(‘IlI‘(f urit/1 mun-/uu'ut lmrls BARNHART BRQS_ & sp1ND1_E:R’s 170 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE THE OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. board a sheet which has been and will be exposed as its predecessors. It falls naturally and lightly by its own weight and is accurately jogged. Even when covered by succeeding sheet it is done so delicately that a stratum of air remains for some time to still further the drying process. If the paper be of fair size, a dozen sheets or more may hold air between them for a long time. qr In a moment's time the delivery carriage can be disconnected and moved for- ward, telescoping upon itself. to give access to the form and rollers at the front of the cylinder. Even in this position the press can be moved or run without disturbance or interference. The delivery table is supplied with the best jogger in use; and when necessary on very fine work we have a patented device for slip-sheeting that is labor saving and unknown on other machines. Our new patented automatic tape tightener guards against shrink or stretch of tapes under atmos- pheric changes, prevents breakage, and maintains an even tension at all times. An even greater improvement are our patented sheet delivery fingers. No matter how buckled or unevenly bent the edge of a sheet may be they always prevent it from catching as it leaves the cylinder, while they make easy the delivery of the very narrowest gripper hold possible to securely take. Optimus presses are the only ones built without the old and noisy tumbler gripper motion, and the only ones dispensing with the objectionable shoo flies. Our patented mechan- ism operates quietly and registers perfectly. If the machine is started while grippers are turned back no damage can result. Altogether the perfection of this delivery works a saving of many dollars a year, not only by expediting work, but in the greatly lessened spoilage of printed sheets. The out of date and detrimental fly forms no part of it. REGISTER. Register is not entirely a matter of grippers, guides and tongues. It lies quite as intimately in the driving motion; and other movements in the press may affect it seriously. Permanent register can only be secured by building it into the press from the base up. The Optimus has register built in; it is incorporated as a part of every movement. It is the only way to secure and keep it. It is not patched on by some sort of a make-shift used to counteract structural faults, and which at the best is unreliable. (If There has not been an Optimus out of register between bed and cylinder in ten years, or since the adoption of our bed motion and the making of the improvements the new motion necessitated. A pressman may have flattened a gripper, mis- placed the cam, got the tongues out of line, or done some other thing to interfere with register at the guides, all of which is easily corrected; but the assuring fact remains that the press registers perfectly on the tympan all the time. No other press is so closely coupled with as few parts between bed and cylinder. There is little opportunity for wear. and the consequent lost motion due to it. Register is thus protected and guarded, and lasts with certainty. A large number of Optimus presses are running exclusively on three and four-color process work in many places devoted to work of this character, and have been for years. In fact the first three-color work ever done on a two-revolution was done on an Optimus press, and then was first demonstrated the usefulness of this style of machine for a purpose for which it had been thought previously only stop-cylinder presses were adequate. SPEED. When we described the Optimus bed motion we gave the reason why speed was developed in the highest degree in this press. The fastest press must always be the simplest, the one of fewest parts and least motions. It is just this that makes an Optimus superior in speed to any other of like size. qfThe mere fact that a press can make impressions rapidly does not constitute it a fast press. This is illustrated in the case of a printer who bought a certain machine because of its alleged speed, and found after some months’ use that he must run fine work so slowly as to leave no profit; nor can he run cheap work fast and get good cheap work because. while his press will make impressions with fair speed, it is equipped with a slow distribution. To deserve the distinction of being fast a press must be speedy not only when running but when standing still, and this last speed is as important as the other and pays as large a profit. In giving to the Optimus the ability to furnish impressions at high speed we have calculated every part and action to support it, and thus aim to make rapidity thoroughly effective no matter what the character of the work. We have not made it fast in one thing only, but fast in all, a well-balanced machine. It is the only way in which a truly fast press 8 Point Old Roman Bold opened ‘zcillz, mw—point leads POINT-LIl\lE, POINIVSET, POINT-BODY 171 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED THE OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. can be built. It gives fine work at high speed. and cheap work that is good work. qr The high speed of the Optimus is based not only upon its superb bed drive, but upon tremendous strength, great weight, and painstaking con- struction. Its rigidity gives a fast make-ready. Its impression is so even that on some forms little if any make-ready is required. On the finest cut forms these qualities combine to reduce the time and labor usually consumed. Every overlay counts for itself without disturbing the results from any other. There is rapidity in washing up and the working up of color; in interchange- ability of form and table rollers; in accessibility for oiling so that this is easily done and not neglected; in absolute register; in certainty of perfect delivery without loss of time in adjusting for different sizes of sheets; in a sheet delivery whereon tissue or cardboard may be handled without bother at the usual speed of the press; in ability to back up cylinder from feeder's platform; in short, there is great handiness, which is but another name for speed. (If We make a guaranteed speed with every press. It is entirely within the safety limit, and can be maintained day in and day out for years without detriment beyond the natural wear. We are the only manufacturers who urge printers to get the speed. It is there. It is not what a press can do but what it does that counts in dollars and cents. And there is a speed away beyond the guaranteed speed that can be had on occasion. Some users habitually drive their Optimus presses beyond our mark. We know of a No.12, a very large size, that has been running for five years at 1900 an hour when our guarantee is. 1500. We know that on a good foundation that it will make 1800 easily Slow speed does not necessarily save the press. Some machines at slow speed wear faster than others at a high speed. It is entirely a matter of design and construction. (If To produce good work speedily is success. Time is money in the pressroom. Money cannot be made on a slow press. nomatter how good the work, nor on a so-called fast press incapable of the best product. Speed and quality must be combined. They are—in the Optimus. AIR SPRINGS, BACK-UP, MOTOR ATTACHMENT, ETC. As previously stated the reverse of the bed is assisted by air springs. These are the most efficient on any press, their superiority lying in the Babcock over-balanced piston head, which is adjusted without wrench or other tool; stays on the screw where left, and is always air-tight. By a hand nut in the center of the head all the wear is taken up. It always remains perfectly round. The air valve acts automatically, and is free from any pipe connec- tions. (If An effective back-up is furnished that is operated from the feeder’s platform. It also acts as a brake. Not all other machines are so equipped. (If Five times as many Optimus presses were sold at Baltimore after the great fire as of its next highest competitor, and several times as many as all others combined. The publishers of one of New York's great magazines compliment us on the manner nine large Optimus presses have stood an extraordinary test forced upon them by a rush of orders. “On a run of 150,000 impressions on a cut form, 39x54—140 coated paper, we kept one of your presses running night and day at a speed of fifteen hundred an hour, using one set of plates 10 1’m'nt 0111 Roman BUM upcnv(l with l)II(’—})()iHt [curls BARNHARTABROS. & SPINDLER’S 172 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. for the entire run. The cut form of 39x54, 170 coated, is run at the rate of fourteen hundred an hour, and the super and machine finished forms on 39x54, 155 paper, at the rate of fifteen hundred or sixteen hundred per hour, all with one set of plates. We are told by some of our pressmen who have not previously worked on the Babcock presses, that there is less time lost, and less expense for repairs with the Babcock Optimus than with any presses on which they have ever worked. You may rest assured that the next time we are in the market for another press, and we expect it will be soon, our choice will be the Babcock”. ‘llThere are ten sizes of the Optimus: Two. of two—roller pony presses are made; one three-roller for a 25x38 sheet and less, and seven sizes of four-rollers each. To any of these direct belt connected elec- tric motor is readily attached. The motor can be located on the floor near the rear or front of the press, or placed inside the frame at the rear entirely out of the way. In either case press is arranged for motor drive before shipping. It is neces- sary for us to know motor speed and the size of motor pulley. THE NO. 43 OPTIMUS. For forms taking a 25x38 sheet and less, the No. 43 Optimus has never been approached in perfection of detail, economy and efficiency. Its combination of advantages furnishes a small press that absolutely stands alone in the market, without a rival or a competitor. We know of no work so exacting in any direction as to fully test its capabil- ities. ‘lflt is not a pony press. While it possesses the high speed, ease of running, perfect bed motion, superb sheet delivery, compactness, accessibility and handiness of our very popular pony Optimus, and is a little larger, the No. 43 . unites with these the great strength, weight, interchange- ability of form and table rollers, the patented inking arrange- ment, perfect distribution, and all the other advantages of our large sizes. qfThe success and superiority of the No. 43 were assured from the beginning. The first four were built nearly five years ago. These were sold at once, and have been in constant and highly satisfactory use since. From all sections of the United States, from Canada and England, we have received most flattering testimonials concerning it, and covering widely varying conditions. ql'Three three-inch form rollers cover the form entirely. These are driven by two 12 Point Old Roman Bold set solid POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 173 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED T}. E OP TIMUS TWO-RE VOL UTION. geared vibrators. Table rollers of same size are also driven by two vibrators, and are interchange- able with form rollers. The form rollers and their vibrators have an inking surface of 44 1-4 inches to cover a 23-inch form. If the form were a solid surface, there is inking capacity sufficient to cover it nearly twice. The rollers alone have a surface of 28 1-4 inches, or 5 1-4 inches in excess of form. (lFThe ink is taken from the fountain to a vibrator, and thence over the composition rollers to the ink table, where it is further worked before going to the form rollers. This is of special value on fine illustrated work. The distribution of ink, and the strength of the press, are ample for the heaviest forms possible. It is impossible to overtax either. Like all Optimus presses it will not gutter. (IF The three-roller arrangement gives us a press occupy- ing less space than a four-roller taking the same form, makes higher speed, requires less power, stands lower, and is more easily and quickly handled, while the new device furnishes as perfect results as heretofore obtained with four. (lFThere are five tracks under bed, two of the usual roller type, and three wheel tracks. The press runs easily, almost noiselessly, at twenty-five hundred. THE PONY OPTIMUS The Optimus Pony—there are two of them- is a large Optimus condensed, and is made under the same conditions to be as good as can be built. In fact the demand has been so great for these machines that we have been forced to set aside one large factory especially for their construction, with the advantages of securing from special men and special tools the very best possible product. They have the simple and speedy Optimus ball 1-1 Point ()l(( Roman Bold set sulirl ,BARNI-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S . 174 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE THE OP TIMUS TWO—RE VOL UTION. and socket bed motion, the most perfect in use; and all the other patented and special features of Optimus machines. The only notable difference is in han- dling the ink. There are two three-inch form rollers and plain table distribution, with riders on the table rollers. The form roller vibrator carries two com- position rider rollers when necessary, an advantageous arrangement which places our pony distribution in a class by itself. With these composition riders the inking efficiency of a four-roller press is approximated. This will be appreciated in printing those forms requiring extra inking capacity. Of special value, too, are our new stripper fingers, as they make easy the delivery of sheets with the very narrowest grip- per hold. q}'Fast, strong, almost noise- less, accurate in register, and handy for make-ready, the Optimus pony is the money maker of a pressroom, and will get out several times as much work as a large jobber and do it better. It offers economy in production, and this is as necessary in printing as in any other line of manufacture. POINT-LINE. POIN'I‘—SET. POINT—BODY I75 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BABCOCK DRUM CYLINDER PRESSES. THE LOW-PRICED RELIANCE DRUM CYLINDER PRINTING PRESS. HE Reliance is the best low-priced drum cylinder press obtainable. It has air springs, tapeless delivery, steel tracks, cut gears, noiseless safety gripper motion, eccentric bearings for throwing form rollers in or out of action, and a first-class fountain. The bed has four bearings under impression. It is, in short, a high class drum cylinder press for newspaper and job work where but one cylinder is required. It is made either with rack and screw or table distribution, in one size only, six-column quarto. qfln the beginning, more than twenty years ago, we learned, as some had learned before and others have learned since, that it is not possible to make a press of low cost to the manufacturer a good press to the buyer. Our aim then was, as it now is, to build a good press for as little money as possible. Our object led us easily to a good press~at a high cost to us. Nothing deterred, however, we proceeded to furnish a good press at a price that pays its manufact- urers a profit much less than it should, and much less than any other press of its kind anywhere. Had we not been building other printing machines the continuation of the manufacture of the Reliance on its present plane of excellence would have been impossible at the price. No pretense, therefore. is made to build it cheaply for the purpose of meeting the demands of a cheap trade. The people for whom it is designed are those who can least afford a cheap press. The aim always has been to give its users a press exactly suited to their needs; whose excellencies would enable them to do better work; whose possession would add to the dignity and influence of the business; one that would give little or no bother, and would be durable, without constant repairs. There are some that have been in use for fifteen or sixteen years, the last few on daily editions, and they must be good machines yet; for we notice that their owners are not seriously contemplating any changes. qIWe found that a press for the smaller offices should be as carefully designed and constructed as machines sold at a much higher price; that while its range of work was more limited it yet must possess certain qualities common to all, even the best. Impressional strength, register, distribution, speed, and correct proportion to in- sure long wear, are as essential in the “country" press as in the most expensive machine favored by the metropolitan printer; and these have been incorporated in the Reliance in a higher degree and in a better way than in any other of its kind. It will print the paper and the jobs, and do both well; and at maximum speed will operate easily and quietly. ‘IA number of customers are using Reliance presses that have been in service for years to print their daily editions; and though we make a guaranteed speed of 1500 an hour, some are running it at speeds much higher. We have heard of a few who speed it on daily edi- tions to 1800 or 1900, and in one instance it is turning out over 2000. qfWe recommend the Reliance unre- servedly for all work within its capabilities. Its users commend it highly. It is a good press at a low price, and was never so good as now. The last one set up at this writing is the best ever built. qfThere are some good low-priced folders that are readily attached to the Reliance, and when attached the equip- ment is complete for newspaper work, and the investment will scarcely exceed one thousand dollars for the two machines. ‘If Here is a bit of evidence that shows good mechanical design and honest construc- tion, at least. The Reliance referred to was bought second hand by the firm now using it, and has had long use. Our claims that this press was "built on honor” and was good, are substantiated not by this one case but by many. We know that it requires instances like this to best bring conviction, and they are cited enthusiastically, yet not as often as they might be. The letter is dated Coshocton, Ohio, July 27. 1905: "Gentlemen: There is in the office of the Daily Age, Coshocton, Ohio, a Babcock Reliance that has been in use several years, that is making a record hard to believe to be true; but it is, for I have witnessed what I have to tell you. Their daily is a six-column quarto, and their circulation is from 2100 to 2900 daily (every evening). You can readily see that it would keep this press humping at the guaranteed speed of 1500 per hour to get their paper out in time with late news, but they do it with a speed as high as 2100 per hour. The press has stood this racket for a year. Yours truly, A. N. Starkes.” (lfThe manufacturers say that they have known for many years that the Reliance under proper conditions, with the right man, would run 2000 to 2100 per hour, and do it nicely. They cite one in their home town that has been in use for ten or twelve years, that is in excellent shape and never gives trouble, that seldom runs less than 1803, and frequently a good deal over 2000. ‘lfln a letter dated February, 22, 1906, we find this; "We note you do not care for the old Reliance, which the Globe Company is offering. They have sold this machine for three hundred dollars. It is fourteen years old and has printed a daily paper, without cessation or inter- mission, every business day all that time, getting out an edition of eighteen hundred. It has never broken down and never has delayed them for a minute for repairs. The working speed, for several years past, has been eighteen hundred an hour on the second side. They have bought a second hand Duplex to take its place. It is still in real good working order, and apparently, would run another fourteen years.” THE STANDARD AND REGULAR DRUM CYLINDER PRESSES. About seven years ago we placed the remodeled Standard on the market as the highest type of the drum cylinder ever built. We remade it in its most vital part by adapting the Optimus driving mech- anism to the new purpose, securing great speed, accuracy of register, and ease and quietness in oper- ation. We gave it increased strength, and made other improvements until we perfected a drum press that for a lot of work is quite as good as a two-roller two-revolution at about half the price. With all we preserved extreme simplicity. Minor improvements have been made since, and others will be made as the advancement of printing and consequent new needs of printers disclose in what direction these shall lie. q'Our patent ball and socket bed motion gives the Standard the only perfect bed drive 6 I’oz’nt (‘u.s'I}‘()\llllJllt". mu; >:L'.1".,‘,. (';x~»-.7.n11 l'11iIurm l,inr>. .«~. 3 I 17 A 33 :1 51’oint C;I1(t11i:m NH. 5 31 H. Hm‘, $2.50 CALIFORNIA AND MICHIGAN ELEGANT CHERRIES Four Thousand Apple 63 and Peach Trees Large Shipments 7 Received Daily H A 26:1 13 Point CEl](t(1()lll2lll No. 5 MENDELSOI-IN I-IARVESTER COMPANY New Binders Furnished With 5 Electricity for Motive Power .3‘;l1>s.,$2.75 ts‘.-'\ 16 a 18 Point Calodonizm No. 5 45:0 H)s‘_, $3.25 HORSES SHEEP AND CATTLE Received From 98 Western Stock Farms 6 A W H 24 Point (7z11<:<1o11izu1 No. 5 SEVERE COLD SNAPS Furnished by the 48 Weather Man 5”]?! 1l)S., 5 A 9 3 30 Point Caledonizm No. 5 7314 WK, $4-45 CORNER STONES Bought Sold 94 and Crushed 4 A 321 36 Point Ca1edoni:u1 No. S 85*?‘ 155-, $5-15 ONE PAPER MILL Situated on Fox River BARNHART‘ BROS. & SPINDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CALEDONIAN NUMBER 5 I’ \ 9 fl‘° Cop P vow? Ln“. “£9 .‘ \ Dpomr 5:1‘ 9 \Veig}1ts and Prices given are Approxinmtc: see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 3A 621 42 Point Caledonian No. 5 11% 1bs,,$6,8o FINE GRADE People 3 Agreed 3A 43 48 Point Caledonian No. 5 13% lbs., $7-50 TABLETS Linen 8 Paper hVAD.7L'VAVLT|."QTAVLTD74TAVjTD7jTAVLTD7jTAVLTD."jTA|7j‘?ALV‘ SPECIAL LEADS We are putting up special fonts of leads for lining type. They are cut in sizes from one to twenty picas, and are graduated by half ems up to ten picas. In thickness they are one, two, and three points, the one-point leads being made from brass. Each thickness is put up in a separate font. Price $1.00 Per Font At this low price no ofiice can afford to be without a full assortment. The one-point font contains about 260 inches, each of the others, four pounds. FOR LIN IN G TYPE ‘ s POINT BORDER, NO. 341 kV|."¢TAKi§D*4TAV.§T|_"¢TAVS.‘VAT4'1VLT|“'¢VAV$.‘|'j?AD74‘WVA bxmm DZVAVASD‘-avnrgwrpargwrgx V7 *-Ir;*.IrA1 Wim limmv. l>~ri<= l"1~H>—.,$2.00 ;\ 11.; n1mm1‘.mm- I>~m; f’;1t»»..,\S’2..2S DRESS SKIRTS IN HOMESPUN .An1ong the Many Ba1'g‘ui11s Offered Today CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY DIRECTOR Proficiency and Advancenient in all Branches 1234567890 1234557891) J 1“ Pmiln [lining l)Hl.i(,' 311“ Hm" ."\'.'L 1_,']’()i]l1 l.il1iIl;{l)41Ii¢~ ‘,1, H>n,_, TWO BILLION IN COIN A HAVANA CIGARS United States 32 Money Order Three Dollars 6 Per BOX 11AZUa 1»ll’t>iml.ini11;:l)n1i(: 1%., 11»... $3.00 93 H1‘ ‘4“’1’”i"11A“'3"‘*‘"“'i“ ‘‘'°"* ”’‘~ ~ *3-35 YOUNG WOMEN KING J 0H1‘_T Little Girls 5 at Play Brave 72 Soldler 5:\ H21 .31l’ninlI,ini1wI>~|i<‘ ‘»‘« Hr _, $3.50 ONE HUNDRED YEARS Grrandest Historical 28 Events 1A H11 _$()l’niu1l,i1m1j.{ l>miL' FAMOUS PORTS Guarded With 7 Soldiers 3A () 21 (Amp ,Y $(»l’<>i11Ll,ini11a.{ l)in1I.ininL:l)m‘i(: OLD ROMAN Burying Ground BARNHART BROS. & SP! NDLEiR‘S HI’; —' H).\_, $6.25 SUF’E.R|OR COF’PER’~[\/IIXED TYPE LINING ANTIQUE * NUMBER 6 \\'vi;.;}1t~..11x«1 Prix (-5 j.;'i\’<:1:air,-\m‘vrn\iH121It‘1H"*'l*11t_i'*'Z. (‘mat on Uxniinrnx Lim; I‘) A Va 6 Point Lin. A‘\]1ti(lll(x N0. (5 1°15 lbs., $2.00 C ZUA -10:1 81—’oi11tl,in.A111i<;11<~I\Jo.(s 13:; H)s., $2.25 HORSE RACE AT BRIGHTON PARK ’ Beatemall Wins Opening Event at Fifty to One \ Acrobatic Performers the Chief Attraction Jockey Punkrider is Thrown in Second Race Wild Man from Borneo Eats Gorillas 1234567890 ‘ 1234567890 13 .-\ 312: 131’0intl1in.Ami«an<-N<>.(> 3"?~11>S-»$2-75 15 A son 10 Poim Lin. Amiqm: No. 0 3' .0 lbs., $2.50 TRAIN W RECKED i PLAYER 3ADLY HURT Accident in 715 Elma City } Baseball Hits 428 His Stomach BA 1121 lb‘ Point Lining .=\11ti«mv No. () -1'.5It~11>>‘., $3-25 LARGE STAMP COLLECTION Many Varieties from '78 Both Continents SA 1();1 21 Paint I.il1il];_: .—\11t1q11.~., $5.20 WATCH SALE Bargain 6 Tuesday POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 19] QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 3A 621 ANTIQUE ' \ 0“ c $9‘ °"n . 2:‘ "9 * “N70!” 3 NUMBER 53. \Veights and 1’rittcs given are Approxinizitc; sec pugv Z. (fzist on Uniform Line. 23 A 43 a 5% Point Antique No. 53 1% lbs., $2.00 9 22A 41 a 6 Point Antique No. 53 19/m1i)S.,$2.00 LAWBREAKERS FIND STERN JUDGES . BOYS AND YOUNG MENS CLOTHING ‘ Headwear Leather Goods Rubbers and Umbrellas 1234567890 Thugs Being Severely Punished for Crimes Committed 1234567890 20 A 39 a 8 Point Antique No.53 2% lbs., $2.25 NATIVES OF THE PHILIPPINES Exhibited at the 67 Worlds Exposition 18A 35 a 10 Point Antique No. 53 3'11. lbs., $2.50 CHICAGO WATER WORKS Elgin and Aurora 36 Electric Cars 15A 30 a 12 Point Antique No.53 3%1bs.,$2.75 12 A 23 a 14 Point Antique No. 53 4%. lbs., $3.00 ERIE STATE BANK Three Per Cent 82 Interest 1 COTTON FABRICS Wholesale and 93 Retail 7 A 12 a 24 Point Antique No. 53 5% lbs., $3.60 ' ENGINES I Lawd-193 37 Club 1 Harvard :3 Student 4A 8 21 30 Point Antique No. 53 6':’io lbs., $4.25 HORSE RACING Oranges 6 and Peaches \ 3 A 6 21 36 Point Antique No. 53 81/5 lbs., $5.25 CREAM ROLLS Daily and 4. Sunday 3 A 4 E1 42 Point Antique No. 53 10‘/é lbs., $6.25 NATURAL Open 82 Canal BARNHART BROS. & SF-’INDLEIR’S 192 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ANTIQUE \V'eig}1ts and Prices given are Approximate: See page 2. Cast on Uniforin 20 A 40 a 5% Point Antique No.7 1% lbs., $2.00 20 A 40 a 6 Point Antique No. 7 1"/is lbs., $2.00 STREET CARS or‘ LATEST PATTERN EXP]-IJNSIVE HOUSEHOLD PRESENTS North Division Suburban Electric Railroad Companies Purchased for the New Brides and Grooms 1 234567890 ‘ 1 234567890 1 16A 32 a 10 Point Antique No. 7 3‘/1/6 lbs., $2.50 4 19A 373 8 point Antique NO_ 7 2% lbs” $235 HOMELESS CHILDREN FINEST DIAMOND STICKPIN Receiving 6 Christmas Presents Very Handsome Solid Gold 8 Necklaces 14 A 28a 12 Point Antique N0. 7 3% lbs., $2-75 GENERAL BUSINESS OFFICE OPENED Investors Protectiveland 94 Loan Association Incorporated LINING ANTIQUE " CONDENSED SERIES \Veig1its and 1’riu:s given :ire:\i)nr(>xiiiiz1tc: see page 43. Cast on Uniform Line. 26 A 50 a 8 Point Lining Antique Cond. 2% lbs., $2.25 23 A 4821 10 Point Lining Antique Cond. 35 16 lbs., $2.50 HIGH GRADE PIANOS AND ORGANS GRAND AND UPRIGHT PIANOS The Largest and Finest Stock of Pianofortes in the Country ‘ Excgllent Bargain in Slightly Used IIlS1':I‘11II1311tS 1234567890 9 31A 39 a 12 point Lining Antique C0nd_31/146 1bS.,$2_75 16A 34 a 14 Point Lining Antique Cond. 45/I/6 lbs.,$3.00 FINE VIOLINS AND GUITARS A MUSICIANS FAVORITE Concerts Given by the Mandolin 8 Clubs A Wonderful Instrument 4 Exhibit 13A 35 8- 16 Point Lining Antique Condensed 4313 lbs» $3-00 TICKETS SOLD AT THE GRANT MUSIC HOUSE Cotton Pickers Brass Band 6 Playing at the Riverview Parks 10A 20 a 20 Point Lining Antique Condensed 4516 1138-. $335 LARGEST COLORED MIN STREL TROUPE Africans Sing and Play the 9 Popular Songs of the Day POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 193 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SKELETON 1111111111 n~ NUMBER 55 e e on Antlque o. 55 znz 1bs., 1 24A 46:31 12 Point Skeleton Antique No.55 3’/{61bs.,$2.7$ 11111c111s111111 110111 111 L111 110111 FASHIUNABLE ORIENTAL 11111111111-3s ' nnn’ nnnnnnn nnnn nnnnnnn nn nnnnnnnn 1111111111 01111111 Plumes 111 Lamas Sarina Hat Styles nnnnnnn 9° 1 1234567890 11111111111111 1111111 1 2”“ “@1111?6§E§1“~11E“{1“i1iE1iE;11‘ Dealers 11 F1111 Class F1111 Pastry 97 1 1111111111 1111111111 31 11 Walls 11 Flame 11111 11111111111fi§‘ 1111111 111111311 1111111111 1811111111111 111 L111 38111 11 1}111111111a1P1s111111s ‘ 111111 1111113 ”§11“fi°1°11*iZ‘Ki{i: 1111111111 1 F1111 111111111 B1111 P111 83 B1111 a11 H11 Wafers 111111 11finn”1“1n1n1n11111 111111” 11111 1111111111 86 1111111111111 111 'I'as11 1111111111 111111111 7 BARNH F11111111111111111111V111!!1E1111111 HANUN EEEEEE EEEE HEEE IJP EE MEEEEE MEN BAH JUMP5 THMFK Hfl|JN[||N|3 UIJHVE 1234Es7E9u 1234537330 EiiEsE NATIONAL BANK ELEWEQEEEEAEEEEEE ELUSES EEEEfin$&Ei°s EEFEHEEE SKIPPED TU EiEEAiEE5EiKiE%EE%‘ %wEEH EEE EHE EEIEIEEE ham EEEEEEEEEE wEEE EE*%@E3EAi%EiCEi%EEEEEE EEE Eii[EKEE MEEEENE l]F nEE@E%ET fl“E§% E4 PH|]V|[l£ %iiE’§i”E Chamfc EENE ExEMEEEEE%%4E’E SIVIITH EEESEEET EEEEE EHEEEEWE HANK EEEEEE 5A 54 Point Lining Chamfer 6113» WS.. $4-25 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 195 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED nnrtoue eonoenseu to nurture so THHMAS JEFFERSON MUST HAVE THtltltlHT HE HAD HUTHHUWH SHHHT THUHSEHS When He Astonished the Cabinet by His Appearing Belore Them in Long Trousers and a New Truck Coat Hed Heektie Standing Collar Fancy Vest Buttonhole Bouquet l-‘edora Hat and Tan Shoes 1234567890 l)~=.., $3.25 ernesr WO0Ll'.H nlH;“s"lHitiAlii‘ill'oie rue one eneenl Prisoners Hohhed Colorado Gold Mines Saturday Morning August Fourth lleteetiye Brown Awarded Lead 32 Medal tor Making Capture H)», $355 rnousnns tdhllttAttlelsiewnnn roonr Are Somewhat Similar to Those Worn in Colonial Times Wheels Having 95 Revived Olden Time Styles H).~;., $4.00 eoreen-Mi“ireiiiiiineeerveo Highest Award at the 8 Columhian Exposition rnousnnns ill-'l-‘llll-ISM Use only Superior 46 Copper-Mixed Type ANTIQUE COND. I’ \ 9 C - 93° 04: ,. 50?‘ 999999 NE htfi .\ \\ Dnomv SET‘ ‘,,_9m1- V 29A 12 Point Antique Cond. No. 52 2% lbs., $1.50 23 A 14 Point Antique Cond. No. 52 29/2 lbs.. $1.75 UNITED STATES MINSTRELS CONCERTS : GONGERT GIVEN BY ORCHESTRA 1234567890 1234567890 LARIIE Iii i§1i1Lni1ies éiiqa”s?EI“§K“1ini“s ”2:.d”w:sT sum SWINE POULTRY 29 AND STOCK mun SEVENTEEN or GRUIINII BARGAIN IN THIS 8 PROPERTY 6A 48 Poi nnnn ti eeeeeeeeeeee No. 52 61910 lbs-v $435 3 A 60 Poi 11111 ti 11111111111 lsed No. 52 6% lbs-. $3-75 3 A 72 Poi 11111 tique C ooooo 1 sed No. 52 8'/3101138-, $5-10 POINT-LINE. POINT‘SET POI BO I97 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED . NT- DY Antique Ext’d Nuxnber 55 \\'vi',,;111~»;LI\<\ \’rir/<-5. giw-In are .\mm»xi111.1tL'; Rp.'1§,:<' J. (fzmt mm l7niimm Linc. 13A 2521 6I’<>i1‘1tAm. 1s., $2.50 7A Ma 1.’ l’()iI11;\nt. l.55 TS‘/‘1/o.lbs.,$2.7S ]N"]3.'.E.() IS I§.ILT(3'r F{I(3I—I:E}$'I' Said the 4: Ilonxans Boast 58 1\/Ieats 3A 6a 3()1’r»int.»\nt. }Cxue11<1u(l NH55 ~}’5r1:.lbs.,$3.25 SA lllu 1()1’ni11t.v\1a1. l',\’t(-mlt-(1 NH. 55 -1,“: Hit». $3-00 _ TPTJEEIE Iiat '7 P111 331351 9 (_‘,‘()x7V 3U1’()iI1t.*'\Illiq1l(' lixtt-11 IEDair;§7 12534.-EE"78ECD 3A6a 24 Point Antique Extended No. 53 5A10a 18 Point Antique Extended No. 53 41%) lbs., $3.25 APPLE Butter Pies 1284587 BC 5771?» lbs., $3.50 1\dII_.I/{ CREAM Fairfield E3 Creannery I.:I1N'Il\TC3'r FIRIEJNCII ANTIQUE EXTD. \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line, 15 A 29a 6 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. 19/I/6 lbs., $2.00 CL‘1aI1\AE.A.2§.'. REACEIEE 'VV'I'I‘I.EI Beautiful Poenn. by \7<7'r.r:.. Shakespeare :L23€t;58'789C 11A’22 a 10 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. 3‘/1/6 lbs., $2.50 LITERATURE .'.E—Iu.nd.:red. Years 39 C16. 6A 9a 16 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. DAIRY Co'<><7' 6 Calves 4% lbs., $3.00 3A 5a 24 Point Lining French Antique Extended 14A 25a 8 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. 2% lbs., $2.25 FINE NTEVV BOOKS Robinson Crusoe East Lynne 1234587890 8 A 15 a 14 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. 4% 1bs.,$3.00 DUMAS C-‘a-oocl E7 :Dra:cn.ae 4 A 8 a 20 Point Lining French Ant. Extd. 41%/61bS., $3.25 AITTSIC Solo 8 ID'L:Le‘t 5% lbs., $3.60 MERRICKS Crigin of 4; Monkey‘ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT- BODY 199 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Lining Antique Pointed Series ‘IA Wu H i’<>im 1,mm,: ,»\x1tmm: i)‘\iI1U‘,(i A1’: Hu::,., $3.00 f»z\ In: IR mm l.mm;v .\mm\1<* I’«:in1«-d *» H)s~.., $3.30 Fine Mutton Stews Music colleges 1234567890 n 1234567890 )5», $8.50 S1VIALIi’l0flfifll‘bEETSSt1(H String Beans Pickled Onions G-reen Peas and 5 Cabbage 5 GERMAN SOCIETY United States 6 Senators EMPTY HONORS Monarchial 8 Rulers \) A In -'1.\‘I’ni11x Linimt Ant1 £9 ~\ ,. 90 LINING CONCAVE O In V \\'eights and Prices given Zlrt‘A])[)I‘UX1IIllLI(‘; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 21 A 6 Point Lining Concave Um lbs., $1.00 METROPOLITAN AUCTION PARLORS CONTAINING EVERYTHING USEFUL IN THE HOUSEHOLD LINE WILL BE OPENED NEXT WEEK PRIVATE SALES MADE TO PARTIES DESIRING 1234567890 31 A 10 Point Lining: Concave 1“/(6 lbs., $1.40 COMPLETE OUTFITS OF FINE MAHOGANY BOOKCASES ROLLTOP DESKS FINE CHAIRS 95 ALL KINDS OFFICE FURNITURE 14 A 12 Point Lining Concave 3 1139-. $1-50 BRUSSELS CARPETS AND TAPESTRY FASHIONABLE DINING 58 ROOM DECORATIONS 11 A lb‘ Point Lining Concave 3116 1138., $2-00 HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES DEALER IN FANCY 64 FURNITURE 8 A 34 Point Lining Concave 4% 1bS«, $2-30 PERFORMING MORNING 5 EXERCISES 5 A 30 Point Lining: Concave 417110 1119-. 353-00 36 Point Lining Concave 674$ Ibs., $4.00 OFFICE 2 DESK POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 201 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING MODERN -~ ANTIQUE SERIES \\'<-iglits :IIIIl l’riIc-ts ‘,.’_l\¢‘ll £Ll'(‘ v\l)pl’<)\'.llll£llL‘; M1‘ 1v;IIw ’ < « (I ' 22 A 41 a 6 Point l,iIIiIIg I\l<>s., $2.00 CHOICE FLOWERS OF CENTRAL AMERICA Traveling the Beautiful Switzerland Mountains 1234567890 lHA 36 :1 H l’<>IIIt l,llllllL1 .\lml<-III ;\llll<1ll(t I131 lllfi-. $2-25 STONE HOUSE THAT JACK BUILT Beautiful Scenery of the Rocky Mountains 1234567890 19A 383 10 Point I..iIIiIIi! l\‘l()(lCl'Il AIIIIIIIII: film ll)S., $2.50 17”‘ all 3 13 l"—*lI11 llininu .\lHtl<‘I‘I| :\H1l‘ll1<* lull’ ll”-» $2-75 FINE BARGAIN COUNTERS AMERICAN STEAMBOAT Small Store Has 947 Artistic Display Pleasant Refreshing 43 Stream 11 A 7 18 Point LIIIIIII: I\1<>Il(-.I‘II Ait 4”‘u. ll>s,, $3.25 MGENERAL QUARTERS FOR‘ 1llVIPORTED FIGS Reception and Ball given 56 by Prominent Clubmen 8A 15; 20 Point l.iIIiII:.z l\Ios.. $4-35 SUBSTANTIAL COMFORTS President Of 36 Three Railroads 5 A 7 a 36 Point l.llllllL{ I\I SPRING CIIICKENS Received 8 Friday Morning BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 5-‘ lb llI.\‘., $5.10 ‘ll L SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING MODERN ANTIQUE SERIES \\'<-igIitszm<1 I’rivcs g'i\‘c1i:n‘c .\[)]lI‘UXiIll.'lI(‘I wc 1‘v£l_$.1't‘J. (list an l'nif:>rn1 Linc. 4 A 88 43 Point Lining .\Iode1'n Antique 10,‘31bs.,$6.25 CURIO S DEPOSIT ound old 9 Nuggets 4 A (>21 -18 Point I.II1II1g' I\Iode1'11 Antique 13% “>5-. $7-50 SHEET MUSIC peratic 7 Singing 3 A 4 El 6UP(>i11t I.i1iing I\Iodc1‘11 Alltitjllt‘. 15510 1bS.. $9-20 SUPERIOR isplay 5 Type 3 A 3 a 72 Point Lining Modern Antique 16.’ In 1135-, $9-35 FLORISTS Great 8 Days POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ‘EH3 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED L1n1ngg‘ Llght Modceam flames \\ .-;;.;m:. mm m. ;{lm’11 /\1’$‘ V. .1»- HARvEs*fi%iii’E}i%kAi§iXcH1NERY First Class Results Obtained ThP(‘)ug’h The Gee(1 Wcwk M 86 These Machines FINE DAIRY BUTTER W1seensin Full 7 Cream Cheese MORNINGPAPERS General Delivery 5 Statlon ORNAMENTAL% Mahogany 4+ Reekers 4A ‘* 21 4}x'l’<>iml,i11i11;1LightMn<1<-r11 NH’?--, $7.80 B A R N H A R T B R OS. & SPlNDL.ER'S ‘IU1 SUPERIOR‘ COPF3ER'[VHXE:|:) TYPE *>/ 9 C» " Q'°f’e4,R . m1's:$'-l : N O 5 2 1*?‘ ' !I!’<>i11tI.;1Ii1r.\§w.5l _7H)g_! $1.50 COME AND SEE OUR BIG BARGAIN UPHOLSTERED PARLOR FURNITURE SETS 1234567890 fig lbs” $1.80 FURNITUREWESEENVENTION SOLID OAK ROCKING 27 CHAIRS () \;7[() H).\‘., $2.25 ESAK AND 41§WRERASS BEDS 11‘ In lllcn, CRAND N ITURE ()5 mi. H.)S., $3.85 FINE 7 77.4 lbs., $4.75 5 A 42 I’<>i11tLati11 NO. 52 851:. H),~‘»., $5.00 5 A -“1Sl’uint Latin NM. 5.‘ .'.’U;') POINT—LINE. POlNT—SET. PC1NT—~BODY Q U A L 1 Ty AN[)p1N1sH UNEQUALED \Vei rhts zmrl l’riccs rivcn are A > imxiiiiatc-; race )El re .5. Cast on Uniform Line 1-. is I 1 3. . 17 A 34 a 6 Point Light Latin 1%}. lbs., $2.00 15 A 31 a 8 Point Ligzlit Latin 2‘/.{ lhsu, $2.25 READY TO WEAR GARMENTS MANS COMPLETE CLOTHIER Our Quality and Workmanship Unequaled Clothing for Particular Dressers 1234567890 A 1284567890 “A 29a 10 Point Light Latin 31"!" 1bS"$2'5° A 14 A 76a 17 Point 1 min I '1tin 3"/11 lbw. $2 75 RESCUING SINNERS A Z CANNED APRICOTS Emightens Your 32 Burden A Delic:i<>Lis 5 Canned Goods 6 A 1021 24 Point Light Latin 5% lbs., $3.60 HOME RUN L E:aeTAi§ti:liemHi3)b' Scored 7 Eight ? Printing 6 Office 5 A 9a 30 Point Light Latin 617‘/It) lbs.. $4.25 l\/IELODIOUS STRAINS Mandolin Violin 4 and Guitar 3A 6a 36 Point Light Latin 8% lbs.. $5.50 LARGE STORE Wholesale 5 Jewelry 3A Sa 48 Point Light Latin 13%. lhs., $7.85 QNE REAR/I Ginger 8 Bread BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S ‘20t‘i SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE VVeig1Its and Prices given are Appr0xiIII;Ite; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 17 A 34a 6 Point Latin No. 5 1?/I/6 lbs., $2.00 15 A 32 a 8 Point Latin N0. 5 2%1bs., $2.25 VACATION TIME Is COMING AMERICAN SPORTSMEN I Spend the Hot Summer in the Mountains Hunting Expedition to Georgia Bay 1234567890 1 15 A 29a 10 Point Latin NO. 5 31/{6 lbS., $2.50 ‘ /{ a oin ain 0.‘ “6 s. $2.75 ACROSS THE PACIFIC “A28 "P ”” N 5 3 ”” : SAVINGS ACCOUNT M d H 42 f . O em Ome Com Orts Interest on 8 All Deposits 5 A 11 a 24 Point Latin N0. 5 57/?’ lbs., $3.50 8 A 18 a 18 Point Latin N0. 5 5 lbs., $3.30 BICYC1-E3 T PHARMACIST Stored 7 Here I Only Pure 4 Drugs 4A 8 3 30 Point Latin No. 5 71bS.. $4-35 MILITARY CARNIVAL Great Opening 5 Tonight 3 A 53 36 Point Latin No. 5 8% 1138-. $5-05 FRESH MEATS Pure Jersey 2 Butter 3 A 5 3 48 Point Latin No. 5 l2I§’{61bS.. $7-30 HARD COAL Good 8 Weight POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 207 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \ Q \ . 5\.M.V“° cop”EIp LATIN CONDENSED s.:::~*=;:.« 51]‘, TB ‘*9; 15 A 5521 1() Point Latin Coridenscd No. I 5' It» lhsu, $2.50 CELEBRATING VICTORIA DAY IN CHATHAM Bold Bad Men Robbed the Banks in Broad Day Light 1234567 890 HA 3121 24 mint uitm ‘om (*.IlS(t(1 No. I 552 Il)s., $3.55 Burs ruriuuuuurue Danger is 34 Hovering Near tL:iti11 C011<1tizx11 lCxt<1. ‘»' nu Hr... $2.50 BLUSHING MAIDEN ; I3/IPE_®vEflflEIfl'T Merry 1\/Iilkrnaid Driving Cows Machines New Horne Prorn the Pasture System of Incubators 1234567890 1284567890 HA 33:1 1.! l’<»im I.inin_v, ]‘};*)‘1)[i21ll lixtvllalc-<1 5”!“ “W-, $2-80 SPORTSMEN HUNTING ‘WILD GAME Deer Antelopes Buffalos 23 Bears Lions and Tigers TA 11:1 M Point Lining lin1 Linim: }*L:.z_\'mi2L11 l£.\'1v11<1m1 1.”? “W. $7.50 BUTTER Fresh 65 Dairy BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S -:1-2 SUPERIOR COPPEF\’~M1XED TYPE LINING GOTHIC I TITLE NO. 82 \\'eig'lIt\ ;III:i;.;'c 2. (‘ant mi (‘up l.iiI('. 34 A 6 Point Lining: (}<>tlIi(: Title No. 831 ft; 11)., $1.00 NA ()1)()lllt Liiiing (jotliie Title No. 522 3:1’ lb., $1.00 MANY MEN MAKE A MISTAKE WHEN THEY FAIL TO LIVE THIS our THROUGH OUR GREAT MOUNTAINS ALONG THE PACIFIC 1234567890 1234567890 33 A (3 Point Lixiing (iotliie Title No. 833 -3.; 11)., $1.00 11 A 6 Pmnt I‘l“i““ (zlmhic Till“ N“ 524 ‘)4 lb-I $100 WITH THE STRONGEST 346 BANK IN AMERICA 1 GENERAL STATE 357 BANKWG BUSWESS V 30 A 8 Paint l.iI1i1i;: (i()tlliC Title No. 8.’ 1% lbs., $1.25 30 A 6 Point I.i1IiII;: (iI()tll1(‘, Title No. 825 )1 11)., $1.00 PULMAN CARS 86 ARE ENJOYED ARE OFTEN 864 MANY MILES SQUARE 13 A 1.’ Point I,iniIi;: (,iUtlli(‘, Title No. 82 2 lbs., $1.50 16A 10 Point I.i11i11I.: (iotliie Title No. 82 1"II» lbs., $1.40 DRIVE WITHOUT 3 HARM GANIE 970 PLAYED V _ _ _ . _ 5 A 1b'l’oiI1t Lining (1()t1ll(‘»',[‘it1().‘\V(l.\“i-Z 3 ll).\‘., $2.00 h A l6l’mI1tI,mIIII:‘(}<>tlI1(:'1‘Itle No. 83 19 I6 ll>s., $1.75 NORTH 3 WEST LEASANT 6 . . . . . 341’ ' t I.’ ' » <1; tl ' ~,'1“:I » I\' . 32:15» 11»s..$2-75 30 l’m1it 1.111111}: (}otl1IeTItle No. 82 59m lbs., $2.35 Um “NHL U m I ( U H MBATHING 2 NORTH 4 5 A 30 Point l.1I11I1§.{(l()tl1l(‘ Title N0. 33 531 ll>S.. 393-25 ‘l A 36 Point l.iI1iIIg (_}<>tl1iC Title No. 82 ()}1‘/% lbs‘-. $3-95' 4 A '18 Point I,iI1iII_I: Gotliic Title No. b.‘ <‘\'5Iull)S.. $5-00 51 Point l.iIIiIIL' (iUtlll(Z Title No. 52 11-‘Ii. ll)>‘., $6.70 PET 5 DOG POINT—LlNE. POINT-SET, POlNT—BODY 21:: QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MODERN GOTHIC TITLE SERIES \\’¢-iglitv. (HUI I’ri¢:c~- given are A[i1)I‘IIXlIIl£l1(‘; sc<'1>;Lgc-3. (_:£lHi()1l (fup l.iiie-. 28 A 6I’<>i11t i\l()(l(3I“Il (}(>tl1i(: Title No. l ,‘f{ ll)., $1.00 THE INVENTION OF PRINTING HAS BEEN RECOGNIZED BY ALL MEN AS THE MOST IMPORTANT 1 234567890 22 A 8 Point Mudcrii (iotliic Title No. .5 1V ll)ss., $1.25 THE FIFTEENTH CENTURY TYPES MADE 24 WITHOUT SYSTEM 17 A 10 Point l\T()(i(§1'I1 (}otl1i(: Title No. S 1',‘/1?, ll>s., $1.40 LINING SYSTEM POINT—LINE 72 POINT-SET 13A 12 Point Mmlerzi (‘.(>tlii(: Title: 3 lbs., $1.50 COPPER—MIXED DU RABLE 65 TYPES 10A 16 Point f\'Iud(:i'n (}otlii(: Title 277?: ll)s., $1.80 FINE TYPE MANY 5 FACES 9A 20 Point l\IndcI‘I1 (}otliiC Titlt 22 A () l’<>i11t I\Imlc1‘n (‘.utl1i(tTitl<-. Nu. Z lb., $1.00 BIG SILK CLEARANCE SALE EVERY ODD AND BROKEN LINE SOLD BELOW COST 1234567890 lb’ A 8 Point Z\Iml<:i'n (lntliic Title No. I ll/ii ll>s., $1.25 WEDNESDAY BARGAINS GREAT DAY AT 92 THE STORES 10 A 10 Point I\/I<>s., $2.15 LIGHTNING DARK 7 CLOUD 31»; lbs., $2.30 BEST STEAMERSI 3 AFLOAT 6 A 34 Point i\’lU(icI'I1 Gothic Title 50 Point I\I<>I’W|II1\IWI A (>l’HiI1lM<>_S II)” $1.00 ;{,I.\ ,5‘}mj;1[ .\]n.|(-In(;n,(‘¢m(1,'l‘i(l«~ \«»_1 1,54 lI)_«,,$1,25 ENLAROEO OYOLOPAEOIA OF ENGLISH LITERATURE BOUND VOLUMES OF SHAIIESPEAHES 23 OIIOICEST PRODUCTIONS MANUFACTURERS OF SHAFTING 45 AND WELL PUMPS ;1_,\ ;\v1)U‘”]1:\I<)(I<‘I11(}¢,.(“”H1‘,l.iIl(:NH.S ]H1h>M$l'2s _iI.\ IIII>ni1ItI\ImI<‘1J1(.«>,('n1)(I.'Iitl<‘Nu,tu I111}. ]I>\.,_‘$1.40 rmzucu AND ITALIAN MUSICIANS "°“T“E'"‘ INVESTMENT “REA” REHEARSE ron CHRISTMAS 49 ENTERTAINMENTS INTEREST PM” ON 73 TIME °E'’°3”3 0"” I”.-\ 10I’<>i11tf\ImI<*1’11(}r>.(7«u1int .\1t>'II’>%.. $2.00 MAGAZINES FOR STORING EXPLOSIIIES DISCOVERED BY MOUNTED 85 SCOUTS IN MICHIGAN FIFTY TWO nnnomu 4 umns or AMERICA BARNHART BROS. & SI’-"’INDLER’S T3143 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TY PE‘. MODERN GOTHIC \\l‘il3l'l|I\;tI1*l l’1'lkt'.\ j_1l\'tll zirc App:-<>\iiii.'ttc: .\'t‘t,' 1m;«.’ 3. (‘mi nit (Hip l,l}l('. 33 :\ ll l’niiit .\lo]1(lt‘IlS(‘tl Title .1 lbs,’ $2,450 7 A 50 Point I\Iodei‘1i Uotliic COI1(l(3I1.\‘t€:l Title 4%} lbs., $2.60 6A 36 Point I\Iodt:t‘i1 (}otl1ic (‘miilt-ii;s., $3.10 (’I\ -ll l’t>iitt I\ln(lt:t‘i1(}t>tliicUuiitltzitsmlTitlu 0' It) ll»s.. 393-55 S -’\ ~“1.\’l’<_>iiit I\lodt:1‘1i (,}(>tlll(‘, COIl(l(fIlSt,’tl Title (>7in ll>>‘.. $3.90 5 ~'\ 5-l l’HlI1t l\lo‘.. $4-80 .3 .~\ 60 l’t>ittt .\l(3(l(‘l‘11 (iutltic (‘()Il(l(‘.llS(‘,(l Titlu (Pa ll>.<.., $4.00 IISIG 6 ST LARGER SIZES SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE. POINT-LINE. Po1NT—sET. POINT—BODY 21': QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED '»,7\ V ' I'M)!!! J-\]‘1ll"}lI‘fa‘>l‘I!f iwnxxiawa vzi "I H‘.I‘ ‘Wen Hv. ‘ $15.55 V'H‘> ‘VI mm: Klmic-111 < utxxivlnw-:1 'l;1l<* l'-HI‘ _‘i>'»7.3() ‘A '!(:l’«>iI1lTH-.»«l«-1n!.«vIh1r ( wI|«.l<'1nw-l'liIh' ‘“ H‘ ‘$3.35 W‘ A III”! .\In«1-~11: l.<»H1it' ( v>In1m1~,t-<1 '1 1111- M‘ "1" H“ . $12-00 8 HOME E’>/\f<‘f\JHI\fx’”I HROF5. ESL S}’lNl)l,[,h’ ‘fin SLH’! }x’l()}x’ (,(‘)}’§’l’ ix“ IVHXLH T YPE GONDENSED TITLE \ ’ .1-«Y L. ' Own 9551 T’ | CQV THE MINNEAPOLIS, EASTERN WISOONSIN, AND LAIIE SIIPERIOR RAILROAD THROIIGH SOLID IIESTIBIILE TRAINS SIIPERIOR EOIIIPMENT GONSISTING OF GOAGHES, PIILLMAN SLEEPING GARS AND DINING GARS, HEATED BY STEAM AND LIGHTED BY ELEGTRIGITY. cmcneo cm TO MANGHESTER AND GENEVA VIA NIAGARA FALLS ARI) cmcneo AND Pom Hunou Rmnonns No. 11 No. 14 No 23 No. 87 No. 80 central Standard Time No. 50 No. 81 No. 73 No 84 No 95 A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. 1 20 8 30 2 00 7 15 3 25 Lv . . . . . . . “Chicago clty . . . . . . . . ..Ar 10 12 8 23 1 1 00 9 20 1 1 27 130 845 213 728 412 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Depow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 0 540 958 804 1049 1 47 702 228 . 741 430 . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Batavla . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 848 458 929 712 1003 2 02 7 20 2 35 7 59 4 48 . Stafford. 8 00 4 15 8 18 8 37 9 28 2 27 7 28 2 49 8 18 5 00 . . . . . . . . . . . . ..calcdon|a . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 38 3 47 7 42 5 58 8 58 2 40 7 50 3 08 8 32 5 15 Ar . . . . . . . . . ..Mortlmer . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 7 20 3 32 7 28 5 44 8 41 258 821 322 845 531 Lv . . . . . . . . . ..Mortlmer . . . . . . . . . ..Ar 704 3 18 7 12 529 835 3 08 8 32 3 40 8 59 5 50 . . . . . . . . ..|-Ienrletta . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 49 3 02 8 57 5 13 8 21 3 25 8 49 3 57 9 1 8 8 05 . Farmlngton . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 34 2 45 8 41 4 57 8 08 3 38 9 09 4 15 9 40 8 22 . . . . . . . . . ..ClIfton Springs . . . . . . . . . .. 8 1 9 2 39 8 28 4 52 7 50 4 00 9 32 4 29 9 57 8 40 . . . . . . . . . . . ..Manchester . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 05 2 23 8 1 1 4 47 7 33 422 953 442 1014 858 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Waterloo . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 551 215 558 438 717 433 1008 402 1034 713 Ar . . . . . . . . . . . ..Genova.............Lv 535 201 541 423 702 449 1030 534 1048 730 Lv............8-eneva . . . . . . . . . . ..Ar 530 158 535 418 857 502 1049 548 1130 751 ............SenecaFaIls............ 514 149 518 403 840 5 35 1 1 04 5 58 1 1 45 8 20 . . . . . . . . . . ..Trumansbur¢ . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 01 1 40 5 04 3 51 8 27 555 1140 830 1200 855 ........WiIlowcroek............ 448 129 449 335 810 830 1228 700 1237 930 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..c ood . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 431 117 425 320 555 723 100 742 1 15 954 Ar..........Rod urno . . . . . . . . ..Lv 415 102 410 305 540 A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. TABLE SET IN 5 POINT MODERN GOTHIC POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 219 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LININO GOTHIC TITLE NO. ||7 3‘) A 6 Point Lining Gothic Title N0, 117 3/4’ 11)., $1.00 I III A 8 Point Lining(}ot1iic Title No. 117 1% 11)., $1.25 uuunm; m we w|Ln JUNGLES or soum Armcg INTERESTING HISTORICAL INOIOENTS WITH BRIEF sou) AND ADVENTUROUS TRAVELERS uunemxe nnnsenous JOURNEY ACCOUNT OF THE HABDSHIPS ENDUBED BY THE EARLY SETTLERS 1234567890 7 1234567890 Point Ilining Gotllic 'I‘it1e N0. 111,1/6 lbs” I IX PC1111 1.111111}: (1()t111C '1‘1I1() NO. 1”}/611)S., FIFTH AVENUE open HOUSE BUILDING PATRIOTIC ENTHUSIASM DISPLAYED mum nesmoven In 364 Fine THURSDAY mom I IEGTUDENS RECEIVE 943 HEANTY WELCOME I ISA 12 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 3 lbs’, $150 31 A 16 Point Lining (.}ot11i(: Title No. 117 2916 1115.. $1.75 MEN or BUSINESS ABILITY 1 MAGAZINES FUN STORING AOOUMULATING 257 LARGE eomunes I DYNAMITE AND 27 GUN COTTON 21 A 18 Point Lining (iothic Title No. 117 3 II>>‘.. $2.00 GREAT DELUOE OAUSED BY OLOUD BURST LAST WEEK MANY SHIPS AHE LOST UPON 34 THE BOOKS IN THE FIEHOE DALE 13 A ll) Point Lining (}ot1ii<:Tit1e No. 117 3,1’8II>5--$2-25 DISCOVERED THE ENEMY HIDINO IN AMBUSH MOUNTED SOOUTS DIVE 68 OHASE AND OAPTUIIE TWENTY 1 24 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 3’E‘é)% 11%-. $2.50 we seem LOVE or me LION AND LAMB WAS A sum TU 92 AMUSE me ume rows 11 A 30 Point Lining (,‘1()[1lIC’1‘111(,‘ N0. 117 SPEOIAL nesums or NEW MACHINES ANNIIZDAITIIAINTING PRESS BARN}-IART BROS. & SP1NDLER’S L"-II -I14 II)s.. $2.65 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC TITLE N0. ll? I’ \ “ c $‘° 0» ;:= '°"~ * D I \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 1. Cast on Cap Line. 8A 36 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 5%; lbs.. $3.35 AMB|T|0N LEADS 57 T0 SUB [SS 8 A 42 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 6 lbs.. $3.60 6 A 48 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 6%) lbs” $3-95 6A 54 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 7/+1b>‘., $4-35 3 A 60 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 5910 lbs-, $3-35 3 A 73 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 117 7% lbs” $4.35 LARGE 34 BO0K POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 221 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC \Veig{lIts and l’ri(‘¢-5 given are Approxiiiizitc: sec 1)2\§.{C 2. 68 A 6 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 601 % lbs., $1.00 uonsmous cANNoNs WITH HUGE STEEL PROJECVILES MADE FOR IIIIREIDR AND COAST DEFENSE ms IARcEsT CANNON 'N we womu Is MOUNTED AT NEW voR« HARBOR mo THRD.-.5 A .~Ro.IEcTILE WEIGHING one TON THE GOVERNMENT svzwos MANY THOUSAND oo=.LARs FOR =owDER USED IN TARGET :»RAcTIcE IN THE Nwv 1224567890 43 A 6 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 603 3/; lhs., $1.00 THE AMUSEMENT PARKS ARE CROWDED TO THEIR CAPACITY THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE PASSING THEIR 3276 LEISURE HOURS IN THE PARKS 32 A 6 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 6()5 % lbs., $1.00 GREAT FRUIT INDUSTRY OF soUTHERN CALIFORNIA EIGHTEEN HUNDRED CARS 672 WERE SHIPPED LAST YEAR 28A 8 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 607 1% lbs.. $1.25 GLASSWARE QUEENSWARE STOVES CARPETS 84 AND FURNITURE 18 A 12 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 60 2 lbs., $1.50 MUSICAL JOURNALS INCREASE 9 CIRCULATION 13A 18 Point Lining: Gothic TITLE NO. 60 (Hist on (‘up T.lll(‘. 52 A 6 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 602 % lbs.. $1.00 THE CDNSQLIDATED NORTH AMERICAN BOOK AND MAGAZINE COMPANY STANDARD WORKS BY THE MOST CELEBRATED AUTHORS EMBRACING THEOLOGY AND SCIENCE EXHIBITING THE MOST IMPORTANT DISCOVERIES IN MECHANICS AND CHEMISTRY 1234567890 35 A 6 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 604 5% lbs., $1.00 STEEL CONSTRUCTED SHIPS PROTECTED WITH ARMOR EVERY COUNTRY STRIVING FOR 4652 SUPREMECY ON THE WATERS 32 A 8 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 606 1% lbs., $1.25 MONTHLY BARGAINS ADVERTISED HONEST POLITE 23 ACCOMODATING SALESMEN 33 A 10 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 60 1‘}I’o lbs., $1.40 FIVE THOUSAND MEN EMPLOYED AT 42 THREE-RIVERS 18 A 14 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 60 29/l/6 lbs., $1.80 LARGE ORDERS PLACED 65 BY PHONE Title No. 60 3% lbs.. $2.05 MODERN ELECTRICAL MACHINERY GRADUALLY TAKING 5 PLACE OF STEAM 20 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 60 38‘/é lbs., $2.25 MANUFACTURING CENTER RAILROAD SHOPS 87 AND YARDS 6A 24 Point Lining: Gothic Title No. 60 3% lbs.. $2.50 HORSES CATTLE BOUGHT 36 AND SOLD BARN}-IART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC ~ TITLE NO. 60 Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see gage 2. Cast on Cap Line. 4 A 30 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 60 4 lbs., $2.50 COMPETITION TRADE 58 JOURNAL 3 A 42 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 60 5% lbs., $3.25 PNEUMATIC ROAD 86 HOUSE 3 A 54 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 60 7% lbs-. $4-55 TROLLEY OAR 72 LINE 3 A so Point Lining Gothic Title No. so 9% lbs.. $5.75 EASTERN |\/|A|L 46 CAR POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET. POINT-BODY 223 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC \\'vi*,;'lits ziml l)I’It'<“$ gin-ii :n'c Amimxi1n;it<*: 25 A 6 Point Lining Gothic Title No. 90 12 oz.. $1.00 EXTRA FINE GRADE WOOLEN GOODS PLACED ON BARGAIN COUNTER NEXT TUESDAY |23456789O 19 A 8 Point Liniiig Gothic Title No. 902 1% ll,>s.. $1.25 STAPLE AND FANCY GROCERIES 3759 VEGETABLES IS A ll Point lining: (iotliio Title No. 90 2 ll)S., $1.50 LATEST NOVELTY WIRELESS 3 MESSAGE ll ;\ lh’1’oint I.,ining (.}othi(: Title No. ‘)0 TITLE NO. 90 5;:-v pugc .3. (Xmt on (‘up l.inv.'. 24 A 8 Point Linimg (lothiv. Title No. ‘)III 114 ll)». $1.25 WHEN A PERSON DIES DEATH MAY BE FROM NUMEROUS DISEASES I23456789O lb'A 10 Point Lining (}otlii(: Title No. ()0 ll/ll/6 lb». $1.40 MEDICAL COLLEGE YOUNG 8473 PHYSICIANS 13 A III Point l.IIlIll_L{ (Ii()1lll(‘, Tithe No. UH llé ll>.~'... $1.75 GOLD WATCH SILVER 379 RINGS 3'1}. ll)». $2.00 LARGE BANKING CONCERN WESTCHESTER 562 TIMES-HERALD 10 Point I.i11in;,r (}othi<: Titli-. No. ‘)0 3 ll)». LARGE POWER HOUSES GREAT ENGINES 38 DYNAMOS 24 Point Liiiimg Gothic Title No. ‘)0 ‘I .14 ll)s.. $2.70 RROMINENT 47 SPEAKER GREAT PIANO 8 COVER BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLE.R'S 30 Point I.iI1ing (}othic Title No. 90 "#21 =Il~’iu Il)>'., $3.00 59 WISDOM 4.7 Point Lining (‘mtliic Title No. ‘)0 7‘.’2” lb». $4.50 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 33 A 6I’ui11t(_}otl1ic (301111). Title No. 71 5.; 1b., $1.00 BIJOU THE WORLDS RENOWN HAIRLESS WONDER WILL MAKE HIS LAST APPEARANCE BEFORE THE PUBLIC EYE I23456789O 34 A 8 Point Gotliic Cmnp. Title No. 7 1% 1b., $1.25 NORTH AVENUE KENNEL COMPANY PEDIGREED DOGS SILK 453 HARES AND PIGEONS 33A 14 Point (_}()tI1iC(_§0n1p.TitleNU. 7 ll: ll)_~‘., $1.75 TWELVE LARGE CAMELS KILLED CROSSING 82 RAILWAY 17A 1(il’ni11t(}otliic C()Il1])I‘(‘.SS(§(l Title No. 7 TITLE NUMBER 7 my }’;i;:'<* J. (Hut mi (Tull l,Il)(’. 31A 6 Point Gothic Comm. Title No. 72 3.; 1b., $1.00 SAMBO THE CELEBRATED TRICK ELEPHANT WILL BE ON EXHIBITION DAILY AT THE NEW AUDITORIUM I234567890 31A 10 Point Gotliic (201111). Title No. 7 1”{o lb., $1.40 FIREWORKS FOR THE CHILDREN SKY ROCKET BALLOONS 35 AND TORCHES 33A 13 Point Gothic (lump. Title No. 7 2 ll)s., $1-50 CHRISTMAS EVERGREENS FROM HENDERSON 57 NURSERIES 2 91¢) Il)s., $1.75 ROLLER SKATING RINKS 63 CLOSED FOR THE SEASON ISROHIBIT BALL GAMIIIIES FINE AND WHIP 30 Point (}0tI1i(: Coinpressed Title No. 7 4510 II>S.. $2-70 REPAIR BOOTS 57 AND SHOES 43 Point (}0tl1i(‘. C01i1p1‘esse:(l Title No. 7 551:» Il)s.., $3-55 FINE DRESS 2 PARADES 54 Point Gothic C0lI1[)I‘(¥SS(‘.(l Title No. 7 7'-‘in. ll)s.. $4-70 MOTHERS 6 PRAYER POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 2'23 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED HI E El) GUT BGIIMPR SS V IIILENUMBERB \\'('IS,_{I1L.~»;n1II T’I’I««'~, gI\’<-n aw .\p1»rn\iI11.m ~.- r 1»; -. 41A h'l’<>int(}(>tIIi(:(Z<)m1).'l‘i1I<:No.8 I II)». $1.25 EUUR DAYS TRAMP THROUGH THE WILUS UT AERIGA GREAT HARUSHIPS WERE ENUUREU BY THE AUVENTURUUS TRAVELERS 1234557890 ." »\ 1-’I Point (}oII1i(‘, (1)1111). 'l‘I1I<: Nu, N 3' n. II>s‘., $1.75 TYNELETH ANNUAL PARAUE AT BARNHALLE EHIUAY EVENING JANUARY THE ELEVENTH AT EIGHT III T’(»I11I (}H1I1I(‘,(‘()IIlp. 'TIIlI(*, NI). .' SI-.r II).s., $2.75 IUUIIAIIIJUNIJTHEIIIIIIILII T’nIn1 (}<)tI1I(‘, (Vnnp. 'I‘III(‘ Nu, Ex’ IIAIIIIELS or APPLES SS ANII BIIXES III IIANIIY I’ni111(}<>tI1i<'(‘n1 SIPEIIIIL SAIEUI NNIGHIGAN RESURTS III NUW UPEN I’ni1n(}«>LIIi(‘.(‘, PRIVATE GNUUN I)UT’()III1(TI)II1I(i(,_‘ NI INN NII BARNHART BROS. &. SPINDL E_E€'S Sn-.~.~:<-«I 'I‘i1It‘ .\1>.h‘ ENS 30 SILK SHIRTS \'I’<»int(}<>tIII<‘(’<111pI<-s\s.(-_~,., $1.40 MANY LIVES LUST IN THE TERRIEIG EXPLUSIUN BGILER ENPLUUES KILLNG NINE ANU INJURING TWENTY SEVEN IYGANGTRIIU .‘.»\ If Imint (‘.<>1IIi(: (Tnlllp. 'I‘1IIv .*'\M. A I‘ iv‘. II»~._, $1.50 I REAUTIEUL SGENERY ALUNG THE RIVER NILE ELIZA ANU YUM GRUGSING ET THE EIELUS UE GUTTUN 1(JI’<»i1n(Lu1IIi»_, -1 II)», $3.25 .;‘:‘In IT).~;,, )1'¢*.s.s‘(-(I 'l‘i1Itt NH. 3 II)», $4.25 US 83 KEEP UUT 1* »(( ' IIII-. NH. S I14 III:%., $2.90 N47 N AS AN SUPER‘IOE\’ COPPER’—I\/ITXED TYPE ] P \°“ \ 9 °0 .. ,» .. DC|NY SIV V VVIEDE l_||'\l||\|3 C3$'|"|-HC3 NC). 520 \\'eights and Prices given are Ap])r0Xi1llllt(’2 see page .3. Cast on Cap Line. 21 A 6 Point VVide Lining Gothic No. 5201 )1 1b., $1.00 . 18A 6 Point Wide Lining Gothic No. 5202 3/4’ 113-, $1-00 COMFORTS 0" A HEADACHE i Hczousa DAMAGED BY FIRE: A'TTE|NiE1 VVITI-C A I?El=?E§I'1IfW3 §I_EEF’ MANY CHILDREN WERE RESGUED lV|A|‘(E§ TI-‘IE ?AIl\l |_E§§ EEVE?E |l\l$LJ?AN$E C3$\/E?$ LZEEEE 1234567890 1234557890 16 A 6 Point VVide Lining Gothic No. 5203 3/; 11)., $1.00 14 A 6 Point VVide Lining Gothic No. 5204 3/4 lb., $1.00 BIC; F-‘LCDVVEIR GARDEN » I=AE-3$El\|€uE|R $TAT|$l\l RCDSES CDARNATICDNS PANSIES PLJBL|$ lRE$El=T'I$N R$$l\/I3 VIOLETS 86 WATER |_IL.IES FREIGHT 45 TRAINS RUN ; 11 A 10 Point \iV1de Lining Gothic No. 520 1%/6 lbs., $1.40 13 A 8 Point Wide Lining: Gothic No. 510 1% lbs., $1.25 1 LEWIS AND CLARK 1 BA ' ' '-E5‘ '” SAINT LCDLJIS 62 FAIR ’ NAVY 62 YARDS 9A 12 Point Wide I.i11in;z Gothic 530 Z‘/it 1bS.. $1-50 F=||\|E EANQLJET TABLEE G‘=uCDVEl?|\|$F?$ 28 FQECDEI-‘-'-"I"|CD|\| 7A 16 Point \Vide I.ini11;: Gothic 520 2216 lbs.. $1.75 F:'A|\lC3Y C3!-"?CDC3EF-QIES C3|:\’©C3lxs., $1.50 12 Point \Vest Lining: Gothic No. 537 ELEGANT SAMPLES OF BUSINESS CARDS FOURTH NATIONAL EXCHANGE BANK OF NEW BRADFORD BOARD OF TRADE CLERKS 35 SURPRISE PARTIES 2 Ibs., $1_5() 12 Point West Lining Gothic No. 538 3 II)-S-. $1.50 CELEBRATED LITERARY CHARACTERS PERSONAL SKETCHES OF DISTINGUISHED WOMEN SELECTION OF 86 INTERESTING READING 18 Point \’Vest Linimz Gothic No. 539 35’ 1%. Ibs., $2.10 NATURAL HISTORY STUDENT REHEARSE THE MUSICAL PROGRAMS SOPRANO AND 3 TENOR SINGERS BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 2.-224 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE V!‘ P °°n,, LIGHTPACE '~A2§‘::*;:25 I" ‘ GOTHIC NO. 45 v \Veights and Prices given ate I~\[)pI‘OXi1l]Elt€; See Tizige 2. Cast on Cap Line. 29A 6 Point Ligzhtface Gothic No. 45 % 1b., $1.00 30 A 8 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 1% 1b., $1.25 ENGLISH AND AMERICAN YACHT RACE EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURERS CONTEST FOR THE CUP WHICH AMERICA NOW HOLDS EXIDENSIVE MARBLE COVERED TABLES CHAIRS ANNOUNCED TO COME OFF NEAR STATEN ISLAND A STANDS AND FINE MAHOGANY DESKS I23456789O '23456789O I I 23 A 12 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 234% lbs., $1.50 23A 10 point Lightface Gothic No, 45 1‘)-(1, lb, $1.40 MOUNTAIN RAILROADS I BANDMEN CELEBRATING SHORT ROUTES PINE SCENERY ; ELEVEN HUNDRED UNIFORMED MEN SPECIAL 78 TOURISTS CARS I PARADE 34 PRINCIPAL STREETS 21 A 14 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 3% lbs’! $1-75 THE UNITED STATES GRAIN INSPECTORS REPORT THE POSSIBILITY OF GREAT WHEAT YIELD FOR THIS SEASON WESTERN ELEVATORS ENLARGING 375 THEIR CAPACITY 16 A 18 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 3% 1135-. 32-00 NOTED MICHIGAN SUMMER RESORTS FINE TABLE SERVICE 389 DELIGHTPUL GROUNDS 13 A 20 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 3% lbs.. $2-25 COMMERCIAL BANKING HOUSE CAPITAL STOCK -45 THOUSAND DOLLARS 11 A 24 Point Lightface Gothic No. 45 3% 1135-. $2-50 DEER HUNT NG SEASON HUNTERS AFTER 86 WILD GAME POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 229 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED' I \\ 1511 111 1 1\ 11 11 .\11111 111111 1 11 1 1 1111 1'-111 1.1111 3,1 A (,[>(,m1 $111119 (‘,11111i¢~ N11 5111 "-,111,,$1.00 IH .\ {11’11111t 8111111-111111111‘ N11. 511.’ *1 111_, 311,00 yo1IARL CDRDIALI v INVITEU ID 1) 'R S()(i‘/LIV OUR MAMMOTH SUMMER Cl,FAIx.’A"\/CE SALL C()MF’(,IM£.NTAI<‘Y TlC,K£;'TS AIJMIIIINH G‘EN'7'I ;_MAN AND IADII 1. F NT/RE STOCK AT S/XI VF/1/[L C[f NETS ON TI—I[,’ l‘)(S)l,.L_/we TH[;RE 11/111 11.5 GAME‘: M1/S/(J Af\.’!>lI(1‘HI .:e1'IIe1<,II1wNI«. STORE OPL N IINTII. SIX £1/f NY TRIDA v I 11" NIN<‘; I93-6.')('}'/'<‘i’:’() I.?.'f-3.’)(i7<‘5§?(} _‘§.\ (11’111111S1111111(.1111111‘ X11.S111 .1'1111,,$1.00 28A (11><11111 S1<1111e<:1»t11i<> N1» 51“ 1“ ”’-1$1'°° GRAND EXHIBITION OF‘ STA TUARY WHEAT HARVESTWG W MAN/TOBA SHORT LECTURES DELIVERED BY ARTISTS SIXTY FIVE ABLE BODIED YOUNG MEN WANTED ANCIENT AND 467 /WO[)E<_RN PA/NTERS FOR THE MONTH OF 543 JULY AND AUGUST I1.\ 13 P111111 8111111‘ 111111111‘ N11. 5011 I 1113., $1.50 18 A (1 P111111 8111111: (}11t111(: N11. S05 *1 111., $1.00 - I T WILD FLOWERS OF AMERICA O DECORATING FIELDS AND FDRESTS ROW BOATS MADE TO ORDER GRADUALLY 243 FADE AND DIE SA/LORS 325 RELIEF HOUSE 17A 11 P111111 8111111-111111111‘ N11.S(17 RETAIL DENTAL LABORATORY SURRL/ES FIRST CLASS BRIDGE AND PLATE MAKERS WANTED MUST BE QUICK AND 639 COMRETENT WORKMEN 3111s., $1.50 1.’ P111111 8111111: (}1111111‘ N11. 505' RAILROAD BRIDGE CONSTRUCTORS CABOOSE COACHES AND FLAT CAR MAKERS FACTORY EIGHT 45 EVERGREEN STREET 11118., $1.50 9/\ 18 P111111 8111111-. (}11t11i1: N11. 50 FIVE THOUSAND MEN F’/NE RIDGE 36 EMPLOYEES 6A 3 1113., $2.00 31 P111111 S111111- (}11111i(‘ N11. F111 1'1<111s..$2.65 ORGAN REC/TAL MONDAY 87 E\/EN/NG BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLEI-TS 732111 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE GOTHIC NO. I20 \\I 1 I 1 1| 1'‘ >212." .5. ‘.\11\11>111'(11I1.111v ,7(1I\ {1I’<1111[]11(~1i}1('11(;1>II111‘X11, 1j1)1 ‘,1 11),‘ $1_()() _75.\ (\1’<\1111I11(‘I111('11(}1>11111‘ N11. 1311.‘ 1.; I11.,‘:1*§1.00 GREAT MANUFACTURING CENTER AT THIRTY MODERN HOTELS HAVE WESTERN TERMINUs NUMEROUS RAILROAD LINES ‘ PUBLIC RECEPTION ROOMS FOR GENTLEMEN ,-?1.—\ (11’ui111111<‘1i11ed1;<»1111<‘\<>. 1,3113 '1 11).. $1.00 1<)A ()1)1)11lI11l(‘I111(¥(1(1l_)I1l1(‘ Nu 1311-1 ‘.1 111., $1.00 I DIAMOND MINING COUNTRIES t MAGNIFICENT DECORATIONS POPULATION SEVEN 9 HUNDRED MILLION I FINE GALLERIES 28 AND COLLEGES 1-‘W'\ 31’11II1l1I1(711I1C(1(}1>t11I(‘ N1». 1111 1'1 1118,31-25 PASSENGER STATION BUREAU OF INFORMATION AND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 46 OFFICE OF PRESIDENT 171\ 111 Point 111(‘.1111<*.<1 (}<>1111C, No. 1311 114 1115-» 51-40 EMPLOYERS ARE ADVANCING THEIR MEN AS FAST AS BUSINESS WILL 39 AFFORD THE RAISE 13 A 1_‘ 1’oi11t111C1i11e<11}ot111(: No. 1111 3111» 1138., $1-50 LENINGTON GRAIN INSPECTORS EIGHT GREAT PRINTING 75 CONCERNS 111/1 I(>1’oi11t 111c1i11m111<1>111ic No. 121) 3”Iv11’~*-- 391-90 LARGE BANKING HOUSE WEST DRUMMOND 8 SENTINEL “IA 1.\’1’u1111111(tI111m11}1>111icN11. 1.111 511 111*» 5112-10 ROOMS FOR RENT IN NEW STONE 5 BUILDINGS (‘A .51 1’U11lI1I1(‘11I1t‘(1(1Ut11I(YNU. 13.11 1‘1..1I1~;..$2-60 GOLD FIELDS DISTRICT 4 NORTH POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 73:11 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING UTILITY GIITHII} N08. 2, 3, I2, I3 AND I4 \\'ei:..{l1ts and Prices given are :’\1)])I‘()XI1ll1lt(‘; sec [wage 2. (,I;1.st; given are ;\[)1)I‘().\'iIl12lt(’2 see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 25 A 51 a 6 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 1%, lbs., $2.00 24 A 4921 8 Point Circular Gothic No. 441 211 lbs.. $2.25 HARDVILLE MACHINERY COMPANY SEVENTEEN C‘~3UI\lT’5R-EFITFRS Ix/lanufacturers of Heavg Farming Ix/Iachinerg .?.ri::‘ VI/iiolesczle Alilieaed PH Umted Stalfiii S‘3Cl“~‘I S‘5‘l'VlC9 OTITICI-"l"~3 Dealers in Hai‘<‘i.r~mi'e Tiiix.i€1r::2 and Fancu Cutleru lVla”U Com/ICTS R900!‘-{lg Released Ill‘./OI‘,i'C;,I i2345678<.>0 l23‘l55/399 33 A 46a 10 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 3‘ In ll>s.. $2-50 BATTLE OF SANTIAGO FOLLOWED BY SURRENDER OF THE Spanish Troops at Havana and Manila Ended the Brief War Between America and Spain Giving Freedom to Several Million People and 923 Making Our Countrg a I/I/orld Power 21 A 41 a 12 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 3“{<- 1bS.. $2-75 GREAT ERUIT INDUSTRY OE SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA Eighteen Hundred Car Loads ot Apples Pears Oranges Plums Lemons and Raisins Green and Evaporated Eruit Sold 375 and Shipped to Eastern Markets 12 A 24 a 18 Point Circular Gothic N0. 44 4516 lbs-. $3-25 MARVELOUS MODERN |N\/ENTIONS Electric Lights Trolleg Cars Phonographs Ocean Cables Wireless Telegraphg 649 and the Automobile 7 A 13 a 24 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 57in lbS.. $3-50 OPERA HOUSE BURNED London and Manchester Eire Patrols Insurance Policies 28 Disappear POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ‘.335 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC A NUMBER 60 \\'ciglits‘ unrl 1’ri(‘es given are :\p1)r(),\'iIlI.'ll('Z svv 1)2l§.fCZ. (Hist on lluifnrin l.in(-. 28A 55 a 6 Point I,.l11l11),I (}otl1ic No. 60 1?:/r. Ibs., $2.00 26 A 50 a 8 Point l.ini11;: (‘.utl1i(~. .\'o. (>0 3% Ibs., $2.25 THE RETURNING OF THE SOLDIERS Several Interesting Stories Told of The Encounters EIGHTEEN HOMELY GOSSIPING OLD WOMEN Continually Creating Scandalizing Stories About The Young Men When Ever You Speak of Any One Speak Well or Not at All Many B|OOdy Scenes Reproduced on Canvas I 234567890 12 34567890 24 A 4921 10 Point Linim: Gotliic No. 60 DEMONSTRATIONS HONORING GREAT HEROES OF OUR NATION Many Children are Named in Honor of the Greatest Naval Conqueror the World Has Ever Known Captured Gunboats are Returned Sailors 645 Paroled and Prisoners of War Exchanged 3'16 Ibs., $2.50 20A 40 a 12 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 3‘,‘/to Ibs., $2.75 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING EMPORIUM ESTABLISHED Handsome Presents to Every Customer Great Bargains in Elegant New Spring Waists Clearance Sale of Fine Hosiery 632 Public Has Opportunity to Attend 12 A 24 a 18 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 ~I'-‘re Ibs., $3.25 STYLISH NECKWEAR AND FANCY HOSIERY Complete Satisfaction Ladies 932 Tailor Made Garments 7A 13 a 24 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 5712, Ibs., $3.50 WESTERN NOVELTY FIRM Genuine Hungarian 86 Champagnes 4 A 7 a 30 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 67w Ibs., $4.00 COUNTRY BUTTER Fancy Lot 84 Very Choice BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 236 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE °/ LINING GOTHIC tr \ 9 “\° Cox ‘ _ poINT Lnvt U M B ER 60 Q> 5 \\'ci).:ht:~;2im1 Price.-5 givcii are :\1)pI‘()Xill)il[t'Z soc p:1gc* J. L‘:L.~;t on Uniform Linc. 36 Point Lining: Gothic No. 60 (£513, 1bg_, $4.35 LEAR STREAMS Picturesque 3 Scenes 10'5{o1l)s., $6.60 3A 5:1 3 A 5 a 48 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 REFRESHING Ocean 5 Bathing 3 A 4 a 60 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 13% lbs., $8.30 MOUNTAIN gnest 2 Peak 3 A 4 8 72 Point Lining Gothic No. 60 155% lbs-, $3-35 GOLDEN Gates 8 Open POINT-LINE. POINT-SET POINT-BODY 237 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 1» \ 9 c 9‘° 0» ', vomw LIA,‘ ” 9 .\ POINY SE"_( lT 9~ LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 60 SiviiTH & uoi\iES 845-851 wEsT THlRTY-EIGHTH STREET l Elegant China, Rich Cut Glass, Lamps, Clocks, Art and Japanese Wares An intensely interesting group of sterling and unusual values, that are especially attractive now, at the very height of the wedding gift season. Appropriate for Wedding Gifts and also extremely desirable for those who are refurnishing the city or country home. Every item we list shows a splendid price saving. _ _A,_...__-4_#4_— -. , l Rare Opportunities Offered in Open Stock Patterns During this timely sale we shall offer complete 54-piece dinner sets (ample for six people) from any of our open stock patterns in fine English semi-porcelain, at a saving of great import- ance. The offering is made with the idea of interesting those who may desire a small set for the summer home and also to induce many who may not care to purchase a complete set at once to secure a splendid start in some one ofour many attractive patterns to which additions can be made from time to time as their needs require. This is the great advantage of making your initial purchase from an “open stock” pattern. 6 dinner plates 6 tea plates 1 covered vegetable dish 1 open vegetable dish 6 coupe soups 6 fruit saucers , _ , 1 av bot 6 individual gr y a butters 1 covered butter 6 tea Cups 1 sugar bowl and saucers l creamer l meat platter l pickle (lish BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 238 SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE NUMBER 82 ..N...m Km P. S .&.m m e mm W s Q» Q 1-.~\\x . 9 §- _ - \~&’-*3 — $L“"~>=’ 3g)» ‘L I he Best $1.75 Shoes in the World Sold in the United States and Canada Exclusively by CHESTNUT STREET AND RAWHIDE AVENUE Cobbleville 239 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POI NT-LIN E. POI NT-SET. POINT- BODY 1j',\ j;5;1 (;}’<)i1]1],l1]l]];§(;l»t11i(‘NILSZ l"1..ll>:».,$2.0() l‘»’ .\ it» 21 .‘\l’<>lIll lAi]]11l“)‘(;<){]‘i(>XHIX, 9‘; llw~..,$’2,.25 EASTERN COMMERCIAL CLUB SOUTH AMERICAN PROGRESS Seventh Annual Picnic and Ball Being Held Immense Forests of Superior Mohagany 1234567890 1234567890 l.’ A if» 21 lll’t>in1l,ini11u(}«>ll1i<.l Ulla: ll>:;., $2.75 GALLANT KNIGHT Brave on 9 the Battlefield lh.l\ $3 21 Ill Point l,imm: (mtliiv Nu. rs.’ 3'1’. ll)», $2.50 GRAND OPERA STAR Reached a Stage 4 of Perfection 13 A 11:1 1-I l’nint I,llllllL1(}l>Illl(‘, l\.'r>.?»‘_’. I‘: H)‘-»., $3.00 SUPERIORITY OF MODERN MUSICIANS Celebrated People 657' Reading Classical Music l.\l’>;., 2-ll Point Lining: (}<>tlii<: No, 8.’ 5“:/r. H)s., $3.60 LARGE POWER HOUSE Great Engine 5 and Dynamo 4 A 7 3 .'%Ul’<.>i11tl.im11;:(u2nthi(:No_82 THREE EDITIONS Morning 56 Noon Night .§ASa 7 lbs.. $4.35 l(»l’oi11tLiniiig:(}«»thi(:Nu.k$l CRANBERRY Banana 8 Oranges BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLE.R‘S 85 I6 His‘, $5.20 ‘JIM SUPEFHOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 82 \Vcightx and Price-is given are Approxilnatcz scc page J. Cast on Uniform Line. 3 A 5 a 48 Point Linim: Gothic No. 82 13345 lbs., $7.95 HISTORIES Night 3 Edition 3 A 4 a 60 Point Lining Gothic No. 82 1715/6 1175-; $10-75 BUSTED Sand 6 Bag @ m|lli=‘IIE-illmli-3 II I] Q Sandy Beach Hotel (AMERICAN AND EUROPEAN PLAN) ' The Best Hotel on the Lakes Its beautiful shrubs and flower beds, lawns and grounds, its tennis courts and sand beach are a joy these summer days. Em-Ullzm-DIE-ml For beautiful Illustrated magazine and all Information, address, the General Manager COMBINATION BORDER NO. 117 @ —:-as-.—.w-::—'—.3aE-«_aEa-aa-r:aos.=:1— ® POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 241 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC .,'_-\ I)iI iiI’uiii1I.iiii1i:'iii1I.mi1i;!(}uiIii<‘NHJIII III’ II».».. $3.25 TYPE MUST Fine 49 Finished 5.\ _’»II’niniI.ii1iii;:(m1Iii«iXu.‘IIJ COME RAMBLE THROUGH NO. 90 SERIES ’u_\ .~<;. .» I’lrIIIl i,.mi..~ <.~mi.~ x... «m I, $2.25 LIGHT AND TOUGH METAL The Most Desirable Quality is Toughness |23456789O I5.\ .T.‘»';1 I.‘ I’<»;m I,IIIIIl',' IHJIIIII‘ .\«~, ‘III ;‘'I., II.\_V 352,75 LETTERS SHOULD Always go 95 as First Class ‘I.\ ‘i I.\ I’rwiIiI I.IIIIIl‘u (.ri1Iii<' .\J>. ‘III I II» ,_ $3.25 LARGE STOCK Repairing 68 Cheap ‘V II>\.. $3.65 Years of Art in 3 French Furniture S,\ ‘Hi mlNnniLuunp». $5.00 REMAIN IN THE Shade 47 Old Dutch Jfifui I8IHnntLuung(hnhn‘Nnmu If I; II>>;._ $7_6() FURNITURE Ancient 6 Design BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE Cob "’t “Eh 1' av LINING GOTHIC * NUMBER 90. THE CLOTHES SHOP Holderness System Clothes - Carter's Furnishings l.___________________. l"'-"""'-""""""""—""""—""' Neckwear During the coming month we will offer a lot of Silk and Washable Ties and Scarfs in popular color combinations and styles at Greatly Reduced Prices, $2 values 950 The goods are above reproach and the only reason for reduction is to help a local maker who is “long.” Take the tip now as we shall not advertise it again. Silk and Lisle Hosiery Offerings Broken lines and odd sizes, best imported stock in black and fancy colors, $2 and $3 values at $l.25 Popular Grays and Mixtures, Plain Black Lisle, 25c 3805 CHADWICK STREET POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ZH3 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEEQUALED LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 7|. VI/eights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 20A 41 a 6 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 1"/is lbs., $2.00 * 19A 403. 8 Point Lining Gothic NO. 71 2% lbs., $2.25 MANY AMERICANS ARE DRIFTING THE IVIACCABEE REGINIENTS Further Northward Into The Dominion of Canada : showing Much Bravery Q" The Firing Line '2‘’4557°9° ; u2345s7a9o 15A 33 a 10 point Lining Gothic N0. 71 35,}, lbs” $250 I 15 A 2921 12 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 3‘%b lbs., $2.75 PHILIPPINO INSURGENTS i - FOREIGN PEOPLE Are Constantly 879 Surrendering ? Many Apply 8 for Admission 3 A 15 a 18 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 4‘%. lbs., $3.25 AUSTRALIAN IMMIGRATION Colony Ready to 298 Start Immediately 5 A 10 3 24 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 5‘,‘/{(. lbs., $3.65 AMERICAN STEAMERS Supply Many 63 Foreign Ports 4 A 3 3» 30 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 6‘5A2. lbs., $4.30 RUSSIAN PEOPLE Struggling 47 for Liberty 3 A 5 3 36 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 87/16 lbs., $5.25 PETERSBURGH Fighting 5 Rebellions 3 A 6a 48 Point Lining Gothic No. 71 13542) lbs., $8.00 FIRES 8 Burning BARN!-IART BROS. & SF’INDLER’S 244 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 0 D965; ., 4 LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 7|. THE CENTRAL H at5 BANK KNOCKS, SOMBREROS AND PANAMAS . OF MELTOWN SPECIAL STRAWS Elms Square Hatters CAPITAL . $|25,000 364 Everly Road p--/——:): H :: :: IL.-Q .® / 4@ W The Greatest of Household Econimizers STEEL RANGES OTHING on the market can compare with these stoves in cutting down the expense of your kitchen. Maximum of heat from any grade of coal and perfect control by improved dampers are salient features. Sizes to meet all requirements. $5 to $95 LION - HARDWARE -SHOP JACKSON 8: AMES, Proprietors k Crampton City, Nebraska Wu LE **'< 17. WITH CORNERS NO 1 COMBINATION BORDER NOS. 116 AND 1 . . , @ ll H I <90 E .. :: . : :: POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 245 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEID MODERN GOTHIC ITALIO SERIES \\'«-i«,;‘m~,.m«l |‘!’i«x"~\f.'_i\r.'1Iart’:\[r1II’H\§lIl.tII'2 x-"v~ [mg-‘<' <‘.n~.1<»n l'niImm Linc. 15 A .5021 5 Point I\’Ithi<‘. ltulir‘ I 11)., $2.00 1(;.xl;1;1 ()}’nint .\It}1i<‘ lmliu 1" :4. ll)», $2.00 HANDSOME SUMMER LAWNS GOVERNMENT OWNERSHIP Koptln Good Order Are Pleasing to The Passers by Is advocated by Many Men as a Solution And creat comrort to the Property Owner OI’ the Pending Financial Questions 1234567890 1234587890 16A 28:: H1’ui1\tMml<21'11(lotlxicItalic 2.31 1113., $2.25 ];‘\ 33“ 10 [Mint 31()({(,[-,] (;,,(},i(g lmlic H n» H)», $2-50 supzmon QUALITY I VICTOR SA RDOU Our Lining Types on Point System Was Author Of Many Very Labor Saving to 75 Printers Interesting 58 Stories 12 A 25 21 1.’ Point .\lm1(-.r11(2<)thi(‘, ltuliv 5":}. lbsz, $2.75 MEXICAN AND CIVIL WAR VETERANS Held a Grand Reunion at Central Music Hall New York There Being Many Noted 35 Generals Present WA 17in 14 Point .\’I<>dm'n (iutlliv Italic H21 ”).\‘., $3_00 DISGOVERIES AND IN VENTIONS Since the commencement of the Eighteenth century Many 48 Improvements Made 7A 1391 1h’1’0intl\*Im1m‘11(}<>tl1i(:Italic 1'”m1b>‘.,$3.2S TWO THOUSAND MEN Employed at State Golf Grounds Completed 84 Immediately W H).~‘.., $3_65 moss UERRTIBL E Fine Rain Coats and Ulsters Fall and 5 Winter Style BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MODERN GOTHIC ITALIC SERIES \\'<~ig._gI11~..m«I I'ri<«_‘\;,;i\t‘!1.Lx‘v~ .v\;~1»n-\i11n;m.-: ac-«'1m;.:<'_’. (W1\.t’»‘z«. II),<., $4.25 GE TTYSBUR Bull Run Shenandoah Missionary 3 Ri e I A I a 36 Point .\I()(Im'11(}(>IIliC I1;1Ii(‘ Sill}! IIISV, $5-40 DANGEROU Young 8 Elephant 3A 4 £1 42 Point I\Ios., $9.70 TROUBLE Pa y 6 Police 3A4a 60 Point Modern (jotliic Italic l()}f{ ll)s., $12.45 ASTUTE Little 4 Boy 3A 3a 72 Point Modern Gothic Italic 24316 lbs., $14.00 SHOES Red 8 T op BARNHART BROS. do SPINDLER’S 248 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE $23 silk-lined suits reduced to $14-75 2450 of them—~~—the originals from which the best houses ordered their swell $24.50 silk-lined suits, des- tined by the favor of fashion to be very popular the coming spring. Some are our exclusive designs and if you neglect to buy now you’ll find that these identical styles will cost you $25.50 later on in the season. $23 silk-lined suits $14. 75~— A large collection of manufacturers sam— ples and some of our own sample suits. Made of the finest quality Cheviot all $ 3 blouse style. Work- "" manship the best, colors in blue and black~—all sizes ~ entire suit over taffeta silk a 825.50 suit for $ 14. 75 A remarkable sale The only reason that we can quote so low a price is that they are sam- ples. the maker taking the loss——~the materials are the finest~e~cons1der what a suit of like style character would cost you if you bought the materials and had it made. New Spring Suits Pretty effects. latest styles, collarless effects, etc., all the latest colors and newest materials-~~l1ght— weight cheviots, Venetians, broadcloths, etc., strictly man- tailored, elegantly madeoverthefinest $ taffeta silk trimmed with silk band and buttons. Special in- troductory prices $25 and $35. Special bargains on all winter suits $ 1 0.00 and $ 12.00. of women ’s kid gloves. $1.15. $1.25 and $1.55 qualities for 79c a pair. That P"3CtiC3”J’ tells the Story, yet when you see the gloves you will agree that they are wonderful bargains. lt’s not a sale of“seconds” or broken lines, but the result of an important purchase of nearly SIX thousand pairs at a special price concession. W°m9"'5 Street kid gloves. pique sown, with correct embroidered backs, one pearl and two metal clasp wrists. They are approv- ed London street styles and come in the popular and fashionable shades of tan, brown, gray, and black. ‘ It s a glove opportunity that seldom occurs andit will be a goodinvestment to buy half dozen and dozen lots at the price’ ~-79c a pair. Economy Basement—Here you'll find 1'n progress in our newly appointed glove section the greatest half-price sale ofgloves at 50c ever held in Chicago —men's and women's gloves at half pricevepair, Extra salespeople have been employed for this extraordinary event. SCROLL BORDER N0. 4 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \\'c-ights and Prices ',:i\c-n are Approximate; see page .3. (list on l'niform Linc. 19A 38a 5 Point Modern Gothic 1 lb., $2.00 20 A 4121 6 Point .\Iodern Gothic 1%» lbs., $2.00 CLASSICAL MUSIC FOR THE EDUCATED EAR Failure to Render Appreciative Music Attributed to the Lack Of Instruction Directors Have had In Instrumentation 1234567890 18A 363. 8 Point Modern Gothic 2% lbs., $2.25 PRESENT TIME INSTRUMENTS Fail To Resemble Those Used Years Ago During the Reign 25 of Charlemagne 15 A 283 10 Point Modern Gothic 3'/to lbs., $2.50 MUSIC HATH CHARMS Soothe the 75 Savage Beast 14 Point Modern Gothic EVERY HEART BEATS TRUE TO THE Red White And Blue When The Band Plays Our National Song The Old Star Spangled Banner 1234567890 16A 33a 9 Point Modern Gothic 2%1bs.,$2.so MUSICAL JOURNALS Articles on The Origin of Music Advancement 89 Made Yearly 13 A 2621 12 Point Modern Gothic 3‘%o lbs., $2.75 MANDOLIN CLUBS Recital at 48 Sparks Park 4% lbs., $3.00 FREE CONCERT AT LINCOLN PARK Classical Music Saturday 53 Special Programme 8A 14a 18 Point Modern Gothic 5 lbs., $3.30 WASHINGTON MARINE BAND Baritones Bugles 48 Cornets Clarinets SA 10a 24 Point Modern Gothic 5% lbs., $3.60 EXPENSIVE PURCHASE American Talking 29 Machines 4A 7a 30 Point Modern Gothic 6%; 1bs.,$‘.25 CANNED OYSTERS ’ Staple and 3 Fancy Stock BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 250 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MODERN GOTHIC I» \ F “)0 Co » era ~\ sari‘-«r ‘NT? ‘R \\'ci~_,"ht\;1w1Prim-s 3,-‘ix:-!1;u':~_-\1\{-ruximzltez see1)agc‘ _’. (Inst an l'!'.?fm.':n Linc-. 3 A 53 36 Point Modern Gothic 5516 lbs., $5.20 PANTOGRAPHS porting 2 Microbes 3 A 5 3 42 Point Modern Gothic 10‘,‘i'o lbs., $6.40 FIRST DAILY ourly 7 Editions 3 A S 3 48 Point Modern Gothic 1273 lbs., $7.70 ESTABLISH Rainy 5 Season 3 A 3 a . . . _\ 54 Pomt Modern (gotlnc 1393 lbs., $9.20 V CRANKS Pony 6 Ca rts POINT- LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 231 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MODERN GOTHIC \\'r-i‘,:h\s.11w1 l’r'i\ v s ~,_{ixv,*n :u'r* _—\1»1n'n\i1n;11<~: ~.<:e:1»zL‘,_{r-.7. 1 mat nu \Vnif<>r1n 1 inc“ {A '1 21 (>Ul’0int f\In<1(-,11)(}ut11i(‘, JUN, II)», $12.25 BISCUITS Grey 2 Flag ‘A 3?! 7.’ Point Mmlt-.r11(}otl1irt _’l,7is4 lhsy, $13.35 DRINKS Hot 8 Rye Q’: A ,3 :1 ‘,)61’oint I\1nd<21‘n (iothic _$(>7:s 1h.~s., $19.15 RIED Chips 4 BARNHART BROS. dz. SPINDLER’S 252 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’\ 0“ c 9”“ MODERN "°° 4 AVA1I"jT2VjT|4"LT2VLTD4'7j;TAK§L‘V‘ OMAH E TDYQTALV ‘ s E L F‘ .4 V Leaves Chicago at 8:00 a. m., 5:30 p. m., 9:30 p. m. THE W PACIFIC coAsT E E ELECTRIC I LIGHTED LEAVES CHICAGO 5:30 P. M. DAILY PROVIDING FOR THE DISCRIMINATING TRAVELER VA 41V}T|4'2T.AV§TD_"LT4lD_7LTAV THE BEST OF EVERYTHING V The service on this super rain is interestingly described b in a new booklet, copy of w ich can be ha ree on applica- tion by any person contemplating a trip to e Pacific Coast. 4 Ticket Ofiice: General Passenger Station 5 RD bumr C..'¢&v4rzs.‘s_I1¢nTAI2-$.'1mIn1 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 2353 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED § 8 Yew ' Ggbmifigjl ;s':;s': (4-J Mo DE RN < [N1-.99 GOTHIC PETERMAN 2573 COMMERCIAL STREET Magnificent Showing of Tailored Suits and Waists Late Autumn Stylish Suits We have added many new lines to our magnificent show- ing of Tailored Suits. This event will attract the attention of all smart dressers because of the variety of styles. Many of these suits are our own creations, others by famous modistes The elaborate showing of individual style that predominates at Peterman’s style center will be of interest to all ladies in this vicinity, and the exclusiveness and elegance of these suits never deserved more praise from the critically inclined TAILOR-MADE SUITS——Great variety of new and exclusive ideas in chiffons, velvets, velveteens, broadcloths, and the newest novelty weaves in fancy materials, polka dots, checks, stripes, etc. We can conscientiously recommend this showing of suits as far more elaborate in variety than we have ever before attempted. We cordially invite all smart dressers to attend this sale and this fine showing of suits. Priced from $25.00 up to $84.73 Silk Petticoats for Fall The Autumn showing of Silk Petticoats is displayed to particularly good advant- age. Owing to the special prices quoted it will be productive ofplcasurc and profit Silk Petticoats, of heavy rustling taffeta, deep tucked raised flounce and silk dust ruffle. light and dark shades. Taffeta Silk Petticoats, accordion plaited or sectional flounce. Taffeta Silk Petticoats. in two styles, accordion plaited. Is a beautiful display of l’etti- 1 7 coats. Prices from $5 up to I (‘OMBlNATl(J»N BORDER NO. 11$; This fine hygenic Underwear takes rank as the most perfectly aalaptedfor a climate of such changeableness as this. In point of fit, comfort and cluraliility is unrivaled Women’s Silk Vests, low neck and sleeve- less. fancy openwork, silk lace and crochet trim- mings. Extra quality Vests and tights, of fine ribbed blue merino. are in fall and winter weights. Pure Wool Union Suits. heavy weight. natural short sleeves; This is a grand 1 O display. From 48c up to I S§GE'.\§‘%¢%‘%$.GE'..\m¢I"o\‘E'.'iGl'7) '§ 3 .6 C‘."’J.é‘GmGmGC*."'je"@§&9 ?..\::as':'s$:s' § 6%€.@bmGi§.@DiS&9 BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER—l\/HXED TYPE MODERN GOTHIC O 9 . ¢o\“"’ Q I; . POINT SET‘ v GEORGE E. HOLDEMUP EDWARD A. SOAKEM NATIONAL FUEL COMPANY Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Anthracite Bituminous 435 East Canalport Avenue MINERSTOWN GEORGE W. STEEL, Secy. JAMES RIVETER, Pres. WM. GOTROCKS, Treas. EDWIN COLDBLAST, Vice Pres. STRUCTURAL IRON AND STEEL COMPANY R I d b °'"°‘°’°'u‘=3e IRONTON, mo. Y D W. HOTAIR BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER Manufacturers of Electric- Welded chases. General Western Agents for Babcock Cylinder Presses. Dealers in Platen and Hand Presses, Folders, Power and Lever Paper cutters, Perforators, Stitchers and Printers Sup- plies of every description. Sold to Superior Copper-Mixed TYPE Point-Line Point-Set Point-Body Chicago, Superior copper Mixed Type cast on the Point Line, Point Set, Point Body Lining Sys- tem reeommends itself to the purchasing printer. The Pound Selling System Is fair to both purchaser and seller. The printer gets what he pays for and pays for what he gets. 190 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED {:4 VI ‘A POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ‘$3 I 930“ éobgx. Vs“ v::,"..1;;:«~ ""'“‘“ GOHDEH ED "0047 90°‘ \\'cigI1ts;111«I Pricvs givmr any ;\1)p1'H\i11I.1I<‘; st-v pa-,;v J. ( .1»! mi Vnitnrin Line. 26 A 5021 10 l’ui11t :\/1(.)d(il’1I (}()t11iC Cond. 3'10 lbs., $2.50 23 A -15;: 12 Point :\’I()(1(‘.I‘Il (}otIxi(: (Emmi. :'w"u. II)s., $2.75 HEAVY WORKING HORSES FOR SALE 0 HOME GHOWH WATER MELOHS Good Sound Horses Purchased Sold and Parted I your choice Today for Only '|'hmy Five gents A"°"°" 53'“ EV”? 4“:‘;';‘:';'oa“d w°d"°sdaV We Make a Specialty of Domestic Fruit 1 3 1234567890 18A 3821 14 Point Mmle-,1'11 (}ntI1i(: (TLm1(1(:11.~;<:s., $3.00 NATIIIES CROSSING THE DESERT ON THE BAOIIS OF ELEPNANTS Many of the Party Died From Starvation and Many Others From Want of Water Some Fine Elephants Were Sacriticed 234 to Supply Food and Drink 13 A 26 21 18 Point Modcnl Gothic C<)11(Ic11sc< '51:. II>s., $3.25 MANY BEAUTIFUL BIITTEIIFLIESHAIIE PEIIISNED Fierce Rain Storm Destroyed 56 Thousands of Rare Specimens 9A mint I\Inder11(}<>tI1i<,:(fo11:1§_{('2. (hut (>11 I'niIurm Line. 5 A 5’ :1 43 Point I\Iodcr11 (}0tI1ic Cs., $5.70 CORNER DRIIG STORE Prescriptions 2 our Specialty 4 A 8 21 >13 I’ui11t I\I0(1cr11 (}<>tI1ic C011(Ie11stI1ic C()I)(ICI]S(‘,(I lII‘u:' iI>s,. $6-50 PAPER MAKER Spectators 4 Invited 72 POINT SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 257 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MODERN GOTHIC CONDENSED \\'('ij.-,l1'.\ ;m«l l’riI V» ‘,1l\v'l1AH‘;\]npl‘<>\i1Il1tt‘; ~w<-1»:r',;v'.5. l".L~—»tm1l'niI--rml.i:l«x ,vA\ 1” 7.! Puint i\llo«l(:1'n (‘mtllic (I<>n<1<-n.~\<-;7_55 SAND BEACH Grand 8 Picture hVA|7jTAV}TD.YLTA7'LTD7j?.AVLTIZClD7jTAVLT|4"LTAVLT.D.‘.'j.TAL‘ ruourscn & sous ‘ Lincoln and Belmont Avenues V ‘{L‘§AV§j41LTAVA7.4'¢§‘.TAVAT41LTAVLT4¢'1iA7§T41LTAVAT.¢1§.TA‘ i Our Annual June Sale of Men’s it a Fine Summer Shirts 7 V at $1.25 t I E A sale strongly characterized by Values of a most unusual nature——a S V sale that has become established as an annual event of importance to ‘I Q many Chicagoans. And this year, more than ever, you will be impressed ” V with the splendidly large size of the offering, the Variety of styles and y N the exclusiveness of the patterns at the special sale price of $1.25 each i 7 The Latest Novelties in llnusual Varieties 4 A l ‘ . . . . . V ' K Embraced In the showing are the latest noveltres In medrum ? V or and dark effects and plain colors, with attached or detached _ $ it -25 culls. There are also neat, attractive designs on light grounds ‘ 4 with a choice of plaited or plain bosoms. Sizes are 14 to 19. 5 ‘ L l'H«'\l !s':l\‘l;El( N‘). H‘ ’AVVAZ'1LTAVLT41LT'AVL.T41VL.T,4'1hlVAT4'1LT'AVAT41hSA|'§T4¢'1VA BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 737)‘ SUPERIOR’ COPPEF€'lVllXED TYPE MODERN GOTHIC :?5\ £9 *\ CONDENSED SERIES THREE FAST DAILY TRAINS CALIFORNIA The San Francisco Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTED THROUGHOUT Less than three days from Chicago to San Francisco and Seattle. Finest drawing room and private compartment sleeping car, Composite Observation Cars. The North Portland Limited ELECTRIC LIGHTED THROIIGHOIIT Less than three days from Chicago to Los Angeles and Portland, via the new Omaha Route. Finest drawing room and TOl|l'ISI Sleeping car, Composit Observation Cars. Philippine and China Fast Mail Finest through daily train to San Francisco, Los Angeles and Seattle without change. Elegant Drawing Room and Tourist Sleeping Cars. ALL MEALS SERIIED IN DINING CARS. CHICAGO, KANSAS CITY & OMAHA RAILROAD Ticket Ottices: Main Passenger Station and 475 Railway Avenue, Corner Highroad. POINT-LINE. POINT SET. PO1NT—BODY Telephone, Skidoo 23 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC \\'(-igtns :m«1 1’ri: Ir» ',;i\‘c1r;rr'r* .'\l)1iT'H\1IlI&I.¢ art :1’: ’ 30 A 6021 5 Point 1,i11ing(;nt11i(:Nr). 117 1 11)., $2.00 RICHARDSON AND BROADBENT WHOLESALE CANDY MANUFACTURERS Factory and Salesrooms Seventeen Thousand Seven Hundred and Nineteen South Carmel Street 1234587890 34 A as 21 114:‘ 1115.. $2.25 LOVE OF MONEY IS THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL Yet all are After the Root and Big 234 a Hundred Feet Searching 8 Point I.i11i11;1 (}0t1ric No. 117 30A 58:1 10 Point I.i11ing (inthic No. 117 3‘ in 11)s., $2.50 SOME MEN OBTAIN MONEY VERY EASILY Men who Talk the Most 384 About Money have Little 21A 39:1 14 Point I,ir1in;g(3.ot11i(: No, 117 %;i.»\ win 5,‘;/> Paint 1.ir1ir1;:(}<>t1ii(:i\§<>. 117 I14 11)., $2.00 SPORTING EXTRA WITH FULL REPORT OF THE FOOT BALL GAME Latest News of the Terrible Murder and Suicide Commited on Seventy Second Street Yesterday 1234567890 it A (:5 :1 SOME PEOPLE FLY HIGH WITHOUT A FLYING MACHINE When They Have Plenty of Money 598 it has Wings and Ouickty Yanishes ()1’nillI1.1Il1llL:(}()I1li(fNH. 117 1"» 11»\_, $2.00 JOA 50:1 1.’ Point 1.1IlI11;1(}()I1l1(‘, .\'n. 117 WI}. 11)s.. $2.75 MUCH MONEY MADE ON EXCHANGE Great Loss to Brokers 257 by Declining Stocks I193 11)s., $3.00 MONEY OENOMINATIONS OF THE SAME VALUE ARE THE CRECIAN Oraehma Italian Lira Finland Mark Spanish 465 Peseta French Belgium Switzerland Francs 16A 3021 lb’ Point Linirrg (‘;()t}1i(‘l No. 117 "Il5m11).\.,$3.25 MOST MONEY PER CAPITA EVER KNOWN IN HISTORY Ot the United States Nearly 389 Billion Dollars in Coin and Paper Currency IIA 21:1 24 Point Lining: (}<>tl1i(: No. 117 57 It» 11).\.. $3.50 TWENTY MILLION SILVER DOLLARS COUNTEO Money to he Expenderl for 265 Magnificent Theatre Building SA 153 3U1’oir1tI.i11in;: (iotihc No. 117 (I710 11)», $4.00 FOUR HONORED AND NINETY YEARS Belore Christ the Creeks 47 Oeteaied the Persians (IA 921 jt61’0iIlt1.iIliI1g(}()I11i(tN0. I17 (>'~‘u.11):~.,$4_2S NORTH CALESBURC FORT Chattanooga 379 Eighteen Sixty Three BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 2r'ni SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC N0. II7 SERIES \ “\0 Cop boom! 5:?‘ J V \Veirhts.'u1xirrr;lt(': '>.(‘v: p;rgc -5. (Inst nu l’ni1m‘rn l.iH('. as A 4 a ()()1’oi11t I.i11im:(}nthi(: No. 117 ‘)“r}. 1l)s.. $5.80 SWEET VIULETS Handsome 397 Fragrant 3A 4:1 72 Point Lining (;nt11icNo. 117 1U”1/r» lbs._ $5.10 LARGE NURSERY Beautiful 582 Flowers 3A 3a 34 Point Lining: Gothic No. 117 16 rm, $3.95 CHRISTMAS Buys 48 Rejnicing BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S .'2(3f2 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC NUMBER II7 News of the Day Bulletined on this Train News Bulletins are issued twice a day for the passengers on the UNDEIILAND LIMITED and “extras” it important news warrants them. That’s but one of the many reasons why you should ask for tickets via the STANDARD PIIIIIFIII II’Y A. c. swIIITsEoII,RcIFI:MIII0I;:sas, Mo. WIIBII YUII gt) III “°°°t.ere.l.e°"s? “ceny uluei °“"°““""”’“'“a IIESTURED DECEIVERS Restores Gray, Streaked or Bleached Hair or A IREMENDQUS H” Moustache lnstantaneously. Gives any shade from Light Brown to Black. Does not wash S"I’I’°”°d I" a 3"°"g 33“ “I W9" or rub oft. Contains no poisons and is not Known_El_ayers sticky or greasy. Sold by all druggists at You WILL MISS IT IF You MISS IT 60s per bottle. Sample sent upon request. MATINEE enrces, 25c, 50c, 75c. A The GIIESIIIIIIIY company NIGHT PRICES, 50c, 75c, 31.00) HAIRSBURG, DAK. kk J L-_ W..- -- -_,-.4 P01NT*LlNE~ PO1NT~SET. POINT-BODY 25:: QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 47. \\'<*i1.;'lit\;ii1rl l’ri«'(‘\ ;_'_‘i\‘cn ;u'<- x\]il>l'U\illléLI(“. 501- 1>.'1},:i- 1. «am nn l'niIm'ni i.il:4‘. 26A 5321 6 Point Lining (i<)till(‘. No. l7 1" ln ll>.s., $2.00 ZOA SO21 :sl’<>int l.iI1iILL’(i0Iiti<‘ NU. 17 311 ll>s.. $2.25 PLEASANT JOURNEYS THROUGH ENGLAND EASTERN NATIONAL BANK COMPANY Visiting Towns Villages and Cities Where Lords and Barons Forty.Five Hundred Thousand Specimen Sheets Printed Control the Largest Portion of Land and Buildings Lashers Revised The United States Postal Guide 1234567890 1234567890 33A 4521 l(l Point I.inim.I (}ntl1iC.Nn. 17 3' In lbs., $2.50 199‘ i7“ 13 1)"i'” i'i‘m‘*~’ (;‘s’1i'i‘3 N"- '17 5”‘/‘* ii’-*‘-. 32-75 SOUTHERN COLLEGE SOCIETY SOUTHERN CONVENTIONS Everybody Invited to Attend Monday Evening C0mmiSSi0n M3l‘ChaOt$ and Traders New Westminster 42 Chapel Building EXCUi‘Si0O3 35 October SBVBOTR 17A 34 :1 iiipflllltlvilllllg(i()1illCNL).=i7 -Alli ll>s., $3.00 MANY GOOD SHOWER BATHS GRATIS TO EVERYBODY Water Received Freely from the Clouds 65 Expressly for the Needy Ones lsl A 36 :1 lit Point Lining (‘mtliic No. -17 1'51» ll)_<., $3.25 RAILROAD AND TELEGRAPH CORPORATIONS Union Southern and Central 98 Pacific Railroad Freight Houses 10 A 31?! 30 Point Lining (‘mtliic N0. 47 5 lbs., $3.30 KENTUCKY GROCERS ANNUAL BANQUET Massachusetts and Connecticut 36 Telegraph Company 7 A 15 3 24 Point I.i11iniz Gothic No. 47 57:2» lbs., $3.50 NATIONAL INSURANCE COMPANY Handsomely Decorated 54 Apartment House 5 36 Point Lining Gothic N0. 47 651;. lbs., $4.30 NEWSPAPER HISTORIES Three Hundred 86 Morning Papers BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S ‘36l SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING GOTHIC NUMBER 47. “"€i§I11S and Prices given are Approxiniate; see page 3. Cast on l'nii0rm Line. 5 A 9 3 48 Point Lining Gothic No. 47 1UUlu1bS.,$6.50 ANCIENT METHODS Ornamental 98 Decorating 3 A la 60 Point Lining Gothic No. 47 1(l~*~xo1bS..$5-10 MARINE CADETS Steamboat 3 Artillery UNDAY EXCURSIO ANDILERE PAVILION on cool Placid Lake has the most beautiful site I for recreation and outings I I I I that can beimagined. The beach oiferslishing,boats, Two Restful Boat Rides Healthful Recreation A Place to Visit Many Times Zifilitiaiifgo?§pZ".~isb§T.3 Sunday, August I4, 1906 at 8:30 A. M. Open-air Vaudeville Show. CRESCENT STEAMER FROM NEW PIER POINT-LINE. POINT-SETIIPOINT-BODY 265 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING GOTHIC \\'cigI1tszn1(1 Prices given are .»\pproxim;Ite; S(‘(' 1)ilg(‘ 13. Cast on Uniiorm Linc, 28A 54a 6 Point Lining Gothic No 111 1"/1'6 1bs.. $2.00 REPAIRING WOODEN LEGS A SPECIALTY Artistic Designs And Unnatural Limbs Made to Order Lowest Prices 1 Sales Room One Hundred and Seventy Five Castout Street I 1234567890 I 28A 583 8 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 2% lbs., $2.25 FURNITURE ON TIME AND EASY PAYMENTS Large Consignments of Fine Carpets Rugs Tables And Couches Goods Delivered Free of Charge to Any Part of the City 1 1234567890 21 A 40a 12 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 3“/is 1bs.. $2.75 SENATORS AND GOVERNORS Holding Positions are 37 Well Protected 28A 53a 10 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 3‘ 1}. lbs.. $2.50 l TESTIMONIALS AND CATALOGUES l Compound Distilled Rute 68 Tute Superfine Toilet Soap 16A 333 14 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 4% 1bs., $3.00 JUNE TWENTY FIRST LONGEST DAY IN THE YEAR Consequently the Proceeding Days are Shorter and Pass Very Rapidly 13A 22 a 18 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 REVIVAL OF THE ANCIENT LANGUAGES Hebrew Greek Latin and 76 Chinese Taught in Colleges 4‘5ik. lbs., $3.25 2-IA 17a 24 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 57..,1bs__$3_5o INSURRECTIONS AND REBELLIONS Diplomatic Tangles of 53 Santo Domingo Republic 7A 12 3 30 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 671?, 1bs., $4.00 AFRICKANDER HOMESTEADS Land Cheap To Old 46 Settlers Out West SA 103 36 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 69340 lbs., $4.25 SALMON FISHING INDUSTRY Poorest People 75 Earn Livelihood BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 200 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE SA 10a 48 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 10% lbs., $6.30 CONNIVERS AGREEMENT Motherly Love 27 Decreasing 3A 421 60 Point Lining Gothic No. 111 8‘,‘re lbs., $5.20 INCONIPREHENSIBLE Washingtons 45 Birthday FROST THE BABE’ SUCCESS COLLEGE MOTH ERS’ ADVICE. "T”TT’”_" l COLLEGE BLDG., 305 LOOKOUT ST. Clubwomen In St. Paul Told! LOOKOUT, M,NN_ That Chilly Treatment _ Thirty nine years of artistic achievement under the personal direction |n- of its President Dr. Freshman has made the College one of the vigorous educational forces of America. fants F at. SNOWBANK BEST CRADLE.i SUMMER SESSl0N Models Shown ‘of‘C‘Cage” to Keepl OPENS JULY 30th Baby in When Mother At- A"B'a"°hes°f l tends Meeting of the ELOCUTION DRAMATIC OPERA L; ART Club. y lBv A STATE; CORRESPONDENT] TST St.P 1, M’ .,J 5.~~lS 'l.J~Th d‘ 2 am um mm mm 8 lscoveryl SEND TO PRESIDENT FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE of a cold air and chilled water treatment for babies was 1 announced today to the general federation of women's l POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 267' QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 30A 583. 6 Point Gothic Comp. No. 7 1‘,’i/o 11)., $2.00 31 A 6321 8 Point Gothic (Zoiiii). No. 7 15: Ihs., $2.25 GARDEN CITY PARK OPENS SUNDAY AUGUST FIFTH ‘ CONSTRUCTED BY w||_[_|AM BIRTHINGTON Band concert in the Afternoon by case Brothers Famous Italian Band Admittance to Grounds Irggiiigjagohicken Supper one Dollar Office and Factory Twelve Hundred Prospect Street 1234567890 Building Contractor of Bridges and a|I Kind of Steel Structures 25A 49a 12 Point Gothic Comp. No. 7 39/1}. Ibs., $2.75 I 2‘) A 6021 1() Point Gothic Coiiip. No. 7 3'io Ibex. $2.50 . . . . GRAND RAPIDS POWER BOAT SHOW Various Designs for 46 Weddings and Parties . , , _ August Fifth Sixth Seventh 234 Eighth Ninth and Tenth 16A 30a 18 Point GotIiic Comp. No.7 4':"1’6 Ibs., $3.25 19A 38a 14 Point (}othi(‘, Comp. No. 7 414 lbs., $3.00 SHIPPING WILD ANIMALS A BAZAAR IN DUKES HALL Crossing the 83 Stormy Ocean I Monday Tuesday 46 and Wednesday 11 A 22a 20 Point Gothic Compressed No. 7 4'5u. II)s_, $3.25 LACROSSE MATCH TODAY AT GROSSE POINT Between the Detroit White 94 Caps and The Montreal Stars 8A 153 24 Point Gothic Coiiipressed No. 7 57m Ibs., $3.50 ANCIENT ORDER OF BAOHELORS Men Thirty Years 6 Old Initiated in November 7A 12 a 30 Point Gothic Compressed No. 7 67ié. Ibs., $4.00 EXAMINATION IN SPELLING School Reopens 8 October Eighteenth 5 A 9a 36 Point Gothic Coinpressed No. 7 6'~‘io Ih:-1., $4.25 REGULAR VOLUNTEER Shooting Ducks 4 Along the River BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 268 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NUMBER SEVEN GOTHIC COMPRESSED \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page L1. Cast on Uniform Line. 4 A 9a 48 Point Gothic Compressed No. 7 10% lbs., $6.35 TOMATO CATGHUP Delioious Cherry 5 Pudding 3A 4 a 60 Point Gothic Compressed No. 7 l0'3io lbs-. $5-55 DDMICAL SONGS Many New 7 Features Situated on corner of Lightwood and Hastings Streets The One and one half blocks from the Grand Central Depot E WEST HASTINGS HOTEL | W “l” Rates, $l.OO to $5.00 per Day W American and European Plan §I Special rates will be made to the theatrical profes- ; sion, touring journalists and baseball and football . ' teams, in consideration of the advertising they can give us, also special rates to very large families. West Hastings John Densmore, Prop. POINT-LINE POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 269 QUALILY AND FINISH UNEQUALED curruc cnmenrssm ~ — ,_ a (nut J0 11c only). to. c 2&5 lbs., $2.50 HARE nun EXPENSIVE rnrsu LACE rxrrrerrm AT ennrs Latest and Most Stylish Designs in Ladies Easter Hats and Suits 1234567890 33 A 6321 12 1’<>int(_;oc1ric Cmnp. N0. ta’ 3,‘ rt. ibs., $2.75 SEENNN ANNUAL SALE [ll GENUINE PANAMA HAlS Enmmences at twelve ll’clcck Wednesday in Our Hat llepartment lifitdfilflull ISA ll‘) 21 H Point (intlric (Zmnp. No. 8 3‘,'u. it>s., $3.00 VALUABLE MlN|AltlllE PAINTINGS UN IVORY Masterpieces cf the till Wnrlds Celebrated Painters ““§lirl”iiltiiEi ’iirit‘llnilr rruretrtst A Peculiar Peiice Rules 948 Very Strictly Enfcrced ‘ suernrun SUPPER mitrtd‘ttteftctllstAdd rm PillNillNlNtl}l1)tm System is the Hardest icughest lightest 57 and Must Nurahie Type that is Made ttcrucnleurcnr erm cnrurnidtiii Expensive Autumuhiles are being 23 used te peed Advantage nu cuunrniitlilliiiiiiiieA ENNPANNWZ5 Messages in Sculh Alrica B Earelessly Transmitted enuun cruiliiiiiiittninruc unnrrl 1 Viewing the Mameluus 8 Wnrirs ni [lame Nature eights >pr0xi1uz1te 54 Pomt Gothic Compressed N on RELIABLE eoev stoett§ttstt‘tt” Many Handsome 4 Steel Engravings FINE ttoeslooeott tatge Importation 3 ot Novelty Goods t oeoeHttttTs ttttteootoo Weekly Reports 95 Satlstaetory POINT »tA 6a gr \ O W 9 ‘ 1 °2:::,"”*» -- 1 % V ’1\(112|r(' ‘C >4i"'<' 111UBM1E11’3 ($11 21 A 12 Point Outline Gothic No. 61 21bs., $1.50 17 A 13 Point Outline Gothic No. 61 3%; l1>s., $2.05 L‘[1@\W [SEW ‘M1 @1E@EUW1E. /A [i1@lR3[E$ $[&\[L‘1]' WATEQ 1?L?111E[11@ [1111 [1111 ME @111 ED1LI31@1E NEW §7@E»3[K mg g3@m@@m “Z3 1”” 11@%3@15@71@1@ @E1mE11E11 WU11111177 1111111j1TE1% E31E£D1PlE 1F11$111111111@ mi mm] imi@Tni1i@ @ P111E@H@1J1§ THME 5 A 48 Point Outline Gothic No.61 _, $4,1o 3 A 66 Point Outline Gothic No. 61 9%: lbs., $5.45 3 A 72 Poi 11111111 line Gothic No.61 8% lbs,‘ $5_10 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 2713 PPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPPP PE LIGHTFACE " “ POST Ky SERIES THE NOTARA CLUB BANQUET MENOKEN HOUSE MONDAY JANUARY FIFTH MCM fig; MENU R" V .;‘:\* ‘ 1 V 2- I [Z / &\‘/ Z ’\~ 122/ 6% sf; 1 WV / Little Neck Clams J Celery Radishes Olives / Marrow Ball Soup . / 4} / 5/ Brook Trout / Cucumbers New Potatoes Broiled Spring Chicken Fresh Mushrooms Asparagus Salad Ice Creams Strawberries Assorted Nut Cakes Coffee Chocolate POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 273 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I \o O 0 POST SERIES \Veights .'mi11t}’<>st()pm1 .$“{<.l1)s.,$2.75 M®EZ’;T 1P>1R{®SIP>1EHQ®U%3 E31EAf3;®N LBVEBR L<’.N®\7‘7‘>7 S@v@n°éa;11 MiTN1i@m BflflSIh1C@HS> ff ©@n°<é;a1Es Rafiscgd m Maa;m1iif:‘[b>a1 Fliiflfls Mazirny Smggj@sfifi©m1s m IP>r:°@1«il<6+;n° U 8A 17;; 18 Point Post (men —1'-‘u.lbs.,$3.2S BUSHNESS [B%]L@©IKiS BURNER) 1L©1m@L@:z1 N@1fl‘:Th: MU@L:;fiW.1§A1fliLT£fl@1fifl LVDa:f:n0®fl M®:m@y Dfi°€&11W@If’ ©®1mLjp)fl@T;@fly ]“E}mj[3>Tcy 6 A 11 :1 14 Point Post ()pm) 55>: lbs., $3.60 BASKET BALL S©H©©L @r@@lm@‘:@<01 S1:m@1@1mtS am Playing SmL©@@ssf7fl 2© Mfmm L@@1gm@s J A 8 a 30 Point Post Open 6’r‘m lbs., $4.25 PETIQHFHED THMER M©mit%:1m@1 47 Smm Exhibit 4 A 7 a 36 Point Post Open 8-‘xi. lbs., $5.10 S©UTH AFRHQA Pn°@iBN \\'eig'l1ts and Prices given are Approxilnatez see pzlge 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 48 Point Post Open 1l'31o lbs., $7.70 HUMGDRCDUS Emmy 4 St@:(°i€3S T©lA@@© I1m@ 8 Tags 3 A 4 a 73 Point Post Open 18% lbS° $1°'65 :NT _ Sam 2 @aj:>> QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 277 I \ \ 0“ 6 x 9 01:‘ \ \ POINT E POS I 5”‘ ‘ SE IE9 °m-r 30°‘ L ‘o -“I \\'ci‘,.1'I1Is;u1i11t Post 3‘./3 1I>s., $2.25 MARVELOUS DEVEIIOPNIENTS Observe this Day in the Old Fashioned Manner linproveinent of the Nineteenth Century Church Service First then a Turkey Dinner Astonishing Discoveries are Made 1234567890 1234567890 1m 35a 10 Imim Imst 3' 1.. am, $2.50 ‘SA 5"‘ 1-’ 1’“i“t 1’~N 3‘.‘+%» Hm, $2.75 ADVERTISING POSTERS MONEY MAY SEEM Neat Colored 42 Newest Specimens The Root of 89 All the Evil DA 10;: 34 Point Post 55:4 1I)s., $3.50 SA 15 21 lb’ Point Post 4'5n. lbs., $3.25 FRESHMANS 1 ENGINEERS Extract 59 of Beef ‘ PYIZBS 6 GIVBII 4 A Ha 30 Point Post (,7/g lbs” $4.25 SEVENTH DISTRICT Convention 4 Entertained 4A (J3 36 Point Post OPERA HOUSE Financial 8 Questions 3 A ()a 48 Point Post b'.l'1o II)S., $5.00 13510 lI)s., $7.95 BANK CLERK Racing 3 Outing BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 27x SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE POST SERIES \Veig}1ts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 3 A 4 a 60 Point Post 175/is lbs.. $10.55 MARINE Band 6 Play 3 A 3 a 72 Point Post 18'5/(61135-. $11-0° BUGLES Tim 2 Horn 3 A 96 Point Post. (Cast on Cap Line) 223/12, lbs.. $11.55 HO S MINE 5 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 279 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 4 INCLINED DE VINNE c \ ea c» a\° 0;»... _ pom? Ll~E “E19-— D D O l N Y S ET‘ 9 \\'eig]It.x .'III<.l Pritcs §,ri\'cII are /\[)[)]‘()X)IlI3lI(‘Z sec Image .5. (f;I.xI UH l'IIiIm"III l.iIIu. 21A 42 a 6 Point Inclined l)e\’iIIII<_: 1%, lbs., $2.00 20 A 41 21 8 Point lIIclim:d l)c\'iIIIIe 15/I 1bS.,$2.25 WE HAVE DECIDED THAT ALL GOODS _ GENEROUS SA TURDA Y SALE Carried in our Corner Store Must be Sold at Once Surprising Bargains in all Wool Knee Pants 123456 7890 1234567890 18A 35 a 10 Point Inclined I):-,vnnne 3' n. 1bs.,$2.50 ‘, 15 " 3° “ 1*’ P"““ “‘°‘“‘““ """“W= 3‘«‘f<» Hm, $2.75 I CARPETS ARE SLIGHTLY . LA RG5 ST STOCK I Damaged at Half 57 Regular Price Gents Furmshmg 93 Goods 12 A 25 a 14 Point Inclined l)eVinne 4% lbs., $3.00 PRINTING MATERIAL STANDARD GOODS Always On Hand and Shipped 35 Promptly Everywhere 8A 1721 18 Point Inclined I)c\’inne 4‘5i(.11)s., $3.25 CELEBRA TED COPPER-MIXED Type Orders Filled 278 With Great Care 6A 1121 24 Point Inclined l)eVinIIe 558 lbs., $3.60 HEALTHY RESIDENTS Beautiful 5 8 Mansions On Lakes 5 A 98 30 Point Inclined I)e\’inIIe 6'~’Io lbs., $4.25 ONE HUNDRED DA Y Grand State 24 Exhibition 3A 7 36 Point Inclined I)eVinne 8-,‘I'o lbs., $5.05 MODERN DRUM Cylinder 7 .3 JOb Press BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER'S 7180 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE INCLINED \Voights ond l’ricc*s givc-n are Approxilnatc; see page J. (fast on L'nif0r1n Linc 4 A 68 42 Point Inclined De\’inne 10% lbs.. $6.30 FINEST RUGS Ingram 85 Carpets 3 A 6a 48 Point Inclined I)e\'inne 133/16 lb-9-. $7-95 OPEN HOUSE New Years 2 Day 3 A 4 a 60 Point Inclined DeVinne 155’/8 1bS-. 39-40 SPECIAL Fire 73 Sales 3 A 38 72 Point Inclined I)e\'inne 17“-1 lb-S-, $10-30 BOOTH Campaign 5 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 281 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED INCLINED DE VINNE Annual June Sale of Mens Negligee Shirts T at 95 C l E it was a foregone conclusion that intense in- terest should develop at once we announced the opening of this annual June event—~—the large size of the offering and the exclusiveness of many of the patterns still favor the customer in a very generous measure. There is A Splendid Variety to l Select From l l I To increase the interest of critical buyers it is sufficient perhaps to say that there is a variety to select from that cannot fail in its mission to please. I Embraced in the showing are the latest novelties in medium and dark effects and plain colors, with attached or detached cuffs. There are also neat attractive designs on light grounds with a choice of plaited or plain bosoms. The sizes included are 14 to 1912. These l are our regular $1.50 to $2.50 shirts. at C 3 l 1 Boys’ Suits Reduced to $6.50 Sharp reductions in our "Best to Buy" double breasted and Norfolk suits. and Russian and sailor blouse suits. sizes 2 to lO years. in many of the l most popular shades of all wool materials. Reduced from the former selling S prices of $7.50. $10.00 and $12.50 to, each, $6.50. ! Soakemall (E Company 711 Cheapside Avenue, Buncoville l BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S -gs: SUPERIOR COPPER—M1XED TYPE LINING DE VINNE House Furnishings -by I Mission Furniture We Place on Sale Today a Special Lot of Arts and Crafts Furniture at 25% Discount The maker of our fumed oak English furniture shipped us a special lot of this furniture, including Tables, Chairs and Rockers, which are too dark to place in stock with others so they must go at this sacrifice. Some exceptional bargain opportunities are offered. Oriental Rug Opportunities Rugs of Rare Quality in Great Variety of Patterns and Complete Range of Sizes At no time have we offered anything like the assortment of beautiful floor coverings which comprise this lot. Genuine Imported weaves in neutral color mixtures. Every piece worth twice the special marking. Anglo Persian rugs, 9x I2, each, $50.00 Anglo Indian rugs, l2xl6, each, $36.00 Monosul Persian, antique and perfect, Kashmere rugs, Oriental designs, 6x10, about 4x7, $12.00 8x11, at $14.00 Oriental Rug curtains, something novel French and Royal Wilton in latest and and beautiful in pattern, pair, $4.00 popular patterns, odd sizes, $5.00 Some Odd Pieces Real French China at Half Price for a Determined Clearance Dainty bits of the best of modern pottery. Every piece a decoration to the table and thoroughly useful. Mostlv odd pieces and sets of six. Salad Bowls in beautiful shapes, at 75c Olive Trays to match the above, at 50c Chop Trays, odd little decorations, 50c Berry Sets, six saucers and bowl, $1.25 Haviland China Plates, set of six, $3.00 Individual Salts and Peppers, each, 15c Importer Furnishing Company 7346 Orrington Avenue . Charlottesville . Georgia POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 283 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING DE VINNE \\'c-ights nnrl i’ri«.c-5 gin-n are .\mn'uxiin:nc; \(‘(‘1h'i;,_['f‘..'. ('i\!ui11'1iii-nrin Lin:-. 3_gA4.1;1 (,}J0in[[1mmgv ])e\'mm. 1?“, lbs., $2.00 11A 42:1 is Point Lining l)<.-.\'inn<- J14 li)s., $2.25 GREAT cnowos VISIT WORLDS FAIR MASTERPIECE IN LITERATURE New Attractions are Presented as the Years Roll By Darwins Series Fascinating and Beautiful 1234567890 1234567890 , _ _ ,_ I , i i();\ 3021 12 Point Lining l)e\'inn<: 5“ir. lbs., $2.75 19A 403 10 Point Lining l)e\1nne 3,10 lb;~;., $2.50 ‘1 “V “ fl PAINTERS ASSOCIATION UNEXPE1 RWNCED Conventions Holding 86 City Meetings » M0Ulder and 86 Wire Flnlsher 9A 1821 1h'l’nint Lining l)e\'inn<-, 4'-‘ii. lbs., $3.25 13A 2521 14 Point Lining l)e\’inne 4% lbs., $3.00 SPRING POETS MAIL ORDER And Four Happy 45 Boys a Bargain 5 Day Sales 6A 113 34 Point Lining l)eVinne 571:. lb.~;.. $3.50 POST OFFICE CLERKS Money Orders 37 Issued and Paid SA 921 30 Point Lining 1)e\'inne (:74 ii).\‘., $4.25 YOUNG SOLDIERS Pursuing their 43 Enemies -1 A 73 36 Point Lining De Vinne 57:}. H):-;., $5.25 FANCY LUNCH Room to 89 Open Soon 4A();1 All Point Lining l)e\’inn(: 10‘; ii),\‘., $6.45 FALL STYLE Coats and 4 Sacques BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 284 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING DEVINNE I’ \ “ c €l‘° Oh DOINYSCT ‘\ » \\'eighIs and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 4A 5a 48 Point Lining DeVinne 12,7/is Ibs., $7.75 UILDING Cages for 5 Sale 3A 5a 54 Point Lining DeVinne 14% 1135-, $3-75 KING JOHN Always 7 Bold 3A 4a 60 Point Lining DeVinne 15% lbs” 39-25 BARGAIN Cheap 8 Hats 3A 421 72 Point Lining I)eVim1e 1915i/blbs-, $11.50 MAD 3 Boy POINT-LINE. POINT-SET POINT-BODY 285 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED DE VINNE \\"eigl1ts and Prices given are Am)mxim:1t(-G; sec page Z. (Rust on l'nifnrn1 Line. 16A 31 a 6 Point DeVi11ne Bold 1?’:/6 lbs., $2.00 15 A 293 8 Point I)eVin11e Bold 2% lbs., $2.25 CHICAGO SHEET MUSIC 1 DOWN TOWN DISTRICT Company Furnished Music on Request CTOVVCIS Of Struggling Humanity Without Delay All the Latest 1 Seeking Bargains in Fl0WerS 1234567390 I 234567890 14A 37a 10 Point I)eVi1me Bold 3'12, lbs., $2.50 EMPORIUM OF FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING Satisfaction Guaranteed in Ladies Tailor Made Garments Latest Novelties of the 73 Season in Fancy Neckwear 13 A 33 8 12 Point I)e Vinue Hold 3% lbs., $2.75 UPSETTING OF THEORIST CLAIMS Not by Ridicule which often Signifies Ignorance But with sound 28 Argument well Delivered 6 A 12 a 18 Point De Vinne Bold 4'?{e lbs., $3.25 MUSEUM ORCHESTRA Organ Grinders Trolley Parties On an Excursion 46 Train 5 A 8“ 24 Point De Vinne Bold 571;. lbs., $3.50 GENUINE BOURBON Entertainments Furnished On Shortest 35 Notice BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 286 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE DE VINNE BOLD I’ \ 09 Co if“ “A lWg 9 \Vcights and Pricc-s given are A[>p1‘().\'im:1tc; see page 2. Cast on Unifornx Linc. 3 A 5 a 30 Point De Vinne Bold 5'3“, lb_, $4.25 HARMONIOUS Strains in 2 iscord 3 A 5 a 36 Point De Vinne Bold 8516 NH. 555-15 OPERA M SIC New York Artist 3 A 4 a 48 Point De Vinne Bold 1431?: 1138-. $3-55 MELODY Piano 5 Duet 3 A 4 a 60 Point De Vinne Bold 21% 1133-. $12-90 SONGS By 7 Choir POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 287 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED DE VINNE COMPRESSED \\'(*igIns.'ui«II’1'ii<'>. gixmi are .\1:1»rnxi11m'.«-: xv“ 1».i;:«' (Wm: mil niiurm I.III". 30A 5821 (rI’(»int l)(:\’i111i(:(,In1m). 1"«io II)s., $2.00 ISA 50a .5’ I’<>int I)tr\'inm* (Wimp. 11.; II)s,, $2.25 LIVINGSTONE WAS THE GREATEST EXPLORER Worlds Stupendous Achievement Was In The Nineteenth Century 034567890 GREAT DEMAND FOR LOCOMOTIVES Sent to Hawaiian Islands Sumatra Borneo and Java I234567890 26A 50:1 10 Point l)c\'i1m(: Colin). 3I.io II>s.. $2.50 CAPACITY TWENTY THOUSAND POUNDS Leased by New Brunswick 85 Refrigerator Line LIA -Ila 13 Paint I)t-,\'im1u (‘u1np. SHIT» II)s., $2.75 CONSPICUOUS LOOKING WOMEN Staring in Leading Opera 82 Companies IZA 15:1 18 Point I)c\'i1m(: COIIIIL 41516 IIIS-. $3-25 IQ; 34:1 III I’ui1it I)<:\'inm- (‘umi). 4,‘/40 II)s., $3.00 ARTISTIC DESIGNING snucnv IIOME cooxmo Picture Framing 73 Experts Special Turkey 8 Dinner Sunday SA Ina 24 Point l)(:\'i1m<: (.‘mnpr(:ssu(1 MISSOURI PRINTING INDUSTRIES Modern Machines and 34 Latest Improvements (>A1Ia 571:. II)s., $3.50 30 Point I)(:\'im1<.: (lriiiipmsstaii DEMANDS MORE READING ()7 In II)s., $4.00 Newspaper Rapid 8 Perfected Presses SA 821 36 Point I)e.Vinne Cmupresscd ()/7/8 Ib_u,,, $4.30 COSTUMES FROM PARIS Handsome Face 5 Appearance «/IA 721 -18 Point l)e\'inn(: Cmnpresse A.‘AA¢A‘ AA4.¢.. Trade and Food Stuffs A \( Ir‘ feature in this institution and 1’ ‘ r a great accomodatrnn to those REPORT PLACES mm IN BILLIONS .r on the rural free delivery, Let it us send our b0oklet“Bankrng” l{o1)<)1't,h_\' :1 1'e]izLh]<‘ illt‘/1‘(‘ilI1IiH * 2 1 5 I ' ' c,1~pdit zL;:(*11(t_\' slrrtws the l2L1';_:'(*.s't }_»'1('()\\L'1t1}(1 t 4% Opposite .the Court ‘House 1! in trhv cit»_\"s hi.s‘t()1'_\' and (‘hic;L;,r‘ \ : zLttr'i1>ut<- the iE11(*r°v21.s'(* 1'02L(1\'<*1'tisi)11:ui:: I it ‘ ,0 cm111trg\' I1'1(—‘(1i111Il.s‘2LI1(i mail ()r'(i<*r°s frrnn POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT—BODY Sq, QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SERIES \\'(-i;,;']n,s;m«1Prim-5 -J4i\'(-n;1rg-_v\1>pr(1xllIl211(‘2 \('t.' });L‘,{(‘ J. (Hui rm l'niI«»r:n Lin--. 15 A 2791 6 Point Mode 1910 lbs., $2.00 * 13 A 37 :1 8 Point .\Io'., $2.25 33 .a\ H :1 10 PM _ III l“I’(~,II(‘.1I'l‘itl<-, y)’] no 11):», $2.50 METROPOLITAN BANK ASSOCIATION MANCHESTER MACHINE COMPANY Millions Of Resources Greatest Assets And Liabilities 1234567890 Manufacturers Of Heavy Farm Implements 12 3456 7890 In A M a 13 Pmm1“rmmh,l‘mC ‘gum Hm" $2.75 10 A .33 .1 ll l’uiIIt 1911-,II(:lI 'l‘itlI+ .»1’.; H)s., $3.00 E E [N J RNALISM .5“ "C .°” NATIONALS ORGANIZED Treatise On Electric 46 Developments Lively Game 94 Fair Attendance 111 1“l'<’»l1I2;OsI5Enous nencnm Agricultural l5 Shipment Small Profit 23 Numerous Sales ()A I ’oiIIl l*‘I‘(-,II<:lI Title 5" N. ll>s., $3.55 ELABORATE AUTOMOBILE EXHIBITION Great Crowds Witnessed 276 Grand Speed Contests l"I'(:II(:lI Title 6? I0 lbS., WBANDMEN FUIWISHED UNIFORMS Soldiers Reception 753 Paradise Boulevard ()'5I<- 11)>‘.., $4.30 itsuB1vIAI2INI§ti3IAscovEnIEs Sixteen Mines 48 South Harbors 1()~/*3 lbs., $6.25 PollllcitlilllEEIINOS CommissionersW23 Assembling BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE FRENCH \\'eigln,~. and Prices ;.{i\'¢-n are .»\ppru.\;i111:1Ic: .s('c1>:1;.{('_'. (.'.'1.s1nn l’nifnrm Line. 3 A 4 a 60 Point I<‘1'enc11 Title 9915 lbs., $5.75 HUDSON STREET Splendid 54 Investment 3 A 4 a 72 Point French Title 10% lbs-v “'15 3 A 3 a 96 Point French Title. (Cast on Point Line) 19'>l1o1bS-.$10-3° PROTE T Three 7 Boys POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 295 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MODERN \\'eights and Privvs i_{i\'<-11 are Approxiinitttrz S('(‘1)(l;.:t‘«5. Cast on l'niform Line. 21 A 40 a 6 Point Modern Title 1?:/0 lbs.. $2.00 ISA 3621 8 Point Moderll Title 2% lbs.. $2.25 'ru1«:m«: Is AN l'N1fs1'A1. A.\1()l.'N'l‘ FINE DIAMOND RINGS Handsome Solid Gold Necklace Durable Watch Charm and Fine Jewelry Of Obscurity about the First Printed Books and The Lives and Works of Early Printers “2"’*5“789" 123zt5(;7suo 9A 37;, g})0iI1tMO(1e1~11 Title 2./, 11,5” $250 16A 3321 10 Point Modern Title 311;, lbs.. $2.50 DARKTOWN QUARTETTE l SOUTH DAKOTA FAR MS Will Sing all the Latest Coon Songs ‘ Are the Largest in the Country Guitar and Mandolin 62 Concert Seventeen Cattle 75 Ranches 17A 34a 11 Point I\vIol(i Mining‘ Co. F- r"* . == R100 Gold Pays Five (lent Monthly Dividends == on Every Share 0f Our Stock __ Signal to Buy is Now Wire y0ur reservations for Stock at ()ur Expense Q; 3 . _r - ‘r - \, SQ /2‘ 0 , '3 . . I’ \ ‘a 0/-.7) “:34 W ; §_a ‘Q 0 _../A Getrich Quick C0. SKIDOO, NEVADA 18 POINT BORDER NO. 5'15 1/ POINT BORDER NU. 480 " H II Ir 1' ” II II I____ll II If I JL II II BARNHART ;3Ros_ & si=>1ND1_ER's '.’$)>~‘ SUPERIOR COPPI-:R—MIxED TYPE LINING BISQUE ~ 0 NUMBER TWO 42.0 004 400 004 40.0 004 420 ‘-04 400 0.04 400 004 420 004 42.0 0.04 42.0 .-0.04 S Q 400" 004 40.0 E83 E80 egg New Aremesj New S1ze Cake 43% 0:50 SemePr1ee 15 Cents 440 Qfl E1 033 K V 0 083 40 0'84 ggg 0 40 4 40 004 Sample Cake Free We 0.04 400 I 00 04 Use It UI1ee—Yeu 11 Be Pleased 004 400 $3’ For Sale at GPOCBPIBS All Over 0.4 .0 MADE BY BISQUETTE SOAP COMPANY, WASHWELL, IDAHO 0 f ' ¥%§§§§§%§§§s§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§%% . QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT—BODY 299 LINING BISQUE "M N0. 2 SERIES. 12 Point L1I1lI1§IB1St1l1e No. 2 3”{a1I)s...$2.75 16A 3121 14 1’0iI1t Ilinillil Bifitllltf N0- 3 4% 1118.. PRINTERS WAREHOUSE We Furnish the Printer with the Best I Turn wasted time img Ppgfjtg 123455789“ 1234567890 $3.00 7A 14 24 I’ ' I.‘ ' V B': :N .2 59 ii 11 3.55 11A 17a 20 Point Lining Bisque No. 2 4‘,5/1/olbs.. $3.25 3 mm Hum‘ “mu 0 [6 H $ Steam Heated 84 Rooms Modern 52 Presses $4.05 LADIES SHOES Lace Shoes the Best 37 an the Market eaaariisiiiiiiiiiiaaterr“ii” Nine Handsatne 23 Patterns TRUE iiiaiiinanriiiiiii Established in 5 Business PIN $6.25 LINING BISQUE in No. 251231135 \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 60 Point Lining Bisque No. 2 14% lbs__ $8.80 COMMANDERS N nrmern B Province 3 A 4 a 72 Point Lining Bisque No. 2 1391/6 1138.. $3-15 CLEOPATRA Anuiem 8 Queens 3 A 3 a 84 Point Lining Bisque No 2 15% lbs.. $8-95 ENAMURS Ari 7%l\/Jude POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINTNG 9° '13 - BISQUE - see page 25. Cast on Cup Line. 35 A 10 Point Lixling l3isqI1e 1‘‘{«, lbs., $1.40 31A 12 Point Lining Hi‘5‘llW I 11>-‘—. $1.50 CRAFT INVITED TO VISIT PRINTERS SHOULD OUR DISPLAY ROOM OF FINE TYPE HAVE OUR NEW LINE TYPE 1234567890 1234567890 1(,A 181’I>iI1t I.iI1i]l§.1 Bisqm: 311;) 1bS., TWELVE THOUSAND 578 AND EIGHTEEN YEARS 20 Point Lining Bisqlfl‘. 37m lbs., $2.25 EIICLUNES ARE 68 VERY DISTRUCTIVE 30 Point Lining Bisque TIIE LONG DREAMY 59 DAYS I5A§T 36 Point Lining 4‘,‘I}. ll)s., $2.90 BRIGHT 43 §III\IsIIINE 48 Point I.i1Iin;,r Bi 6)?:% lbs., $3.80 PICNIC 2 GROUNDS 60 Point I.ini1Ig Bisque 7Ul6 lbs., $4.70 MARCH 7 SALE 72 Point I.ini11g 8% lbs., $5.05 COLD BRA NS BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING rncnm -— W connmsn) N0.l 31 A 12 Point Lining Facade Cond. No.1 153 11)», $1.50 3 35 A 18 Point Lining Facade Coud. No.1 216 lbs.. $2.00 cunmsm or COMMERCE BU|LDING (mun 3yMpH{)Ny (}0N(}[mg CONTAINING HuNnREnf2%25r46£7A8I9Lg runmsnw OFFICES I HMERIGHN IRHNSPORIHHON GORPORHHON A 1 |25456789U 4 l7}\I[A}fil ;i»iii%“:%ii%cir:”c b%ii£A$N25 ILY Mlumw %4%PHR_KRHG[IRH6K 10 A 4 011 t L1111 / 1 SE SUE ROMA (IE GREEN mum A + 48 Point Lming Facade Condensed No. 1 72 Point Lining Facade Condense ( 1 N 0 . 1 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED t Linix N be: 0 umuc FAGADE 00101131031113 15.-\ lbia 1’<1>in ling 19:1 Jan 1‘: 11).». $3.50 A 11 11ANm11H11]]111X11a11E11(%H(111l11I 1111111 1 81U1)EN11111 M11111 Comets can secure More Hnunciul Am man He wno Does N01 New [|[]1]0[[l|e WBSIEIII (I|][][l1[]1]|e lnslilulion 1264561890 1214511111110 1t acatle 5/’/41 11)s,, $4.00 111111 SUMMERM1111111\111R1(111111111111}1H1 GREEN vnmv BeuulllulMun3i0nVI1IueIIull1MllIl0n-1DullulsflemolisneflDecemhel1181131 36 Point Lining Facade Conden ed mm mm PROV|D1N(11 11 Au SEMINARIE1 1111111111111 1111 1111111113 01 1111111101 11 P11111118 111111 11111111 1110118 S U P E R 1 O R C O P P E R - M 1 X E D T Y PE LININGFHGHDE “ CONDENSED SERIES —1A 6:1 I R80! [8 t Lining Facade Condensed 63/1 lbs.. $4.70 0 NNESMMERGHANIS BANQUET lule Baum [leclefl men Presluenl JeJs1nM3nneI3 on SPIRE / /60*‘ ., \ ~Q”p£ °%=»'=~vs*= ‘*2 NUMBER 5 \e 4 " V A1,‘? so J g: ~( 21 A 46:1 1.’. 1’t>i11tS1>i1‘<: Nu. 5 3'10 H)>=... $2.75 H;\ .3} :1 1t‘3})()iIl1S[)il(', .\'t>, ‘S Wu. ll),.,‘ $3.25 TRESTLES AND RAILROAD BRIDGES Mompg ON A” pmggfs SIEBI ([lll.SUU(I9(l 587 EIEVMEU R0003 UT (hi(d§0 ¢tittIttiAtT%tttP0Rt“@ “tttottttttttttsttttttt“R” Guards Shot 45 Soldiers Will Cost 49 Radiant Beams Bmutttut R0(KW6UNTAlN SflRUBBlfl2‘”YW Summer Resort Opens 38 With New Attrattion ‘!1::|1>>.,$'6.40 t>ttttttttttR0t>YR ttttttvttttttt (rfltlllllg Happiness 42 Universal Esteem flttndtttls Rtttifiviné 7 DONAIIONS s~\ HEADLETTER W-i%I=“ CONDENSED \\'t=ig}1ts;11E<1 I’ri<’(*s g:i\'cn il1'(')\]>1iT()\1ill1&lI(‘I s(’('1H1‘,.5('.,’. «‘;Kstm1(‘;E1u l.im-. 32 A 10 Point }1e;1d1mtc1‘ Cond. 1‘,‘1K11)s.,$1.40 28 A 1.’ Point Iiemllettm‘ (iond. 3 lbs., $1.50 FOURTH OF JULY IS LIKE A CRACKER JACK RELIEVED OF ILL SMELLING BREATHS I 234567890 1234567890 26A 14 Point Ilctadletter (Iond. 255 1bs.. $1.75 * “W W=**“‘<*“<*1‘C<"‘<‘- 391°”)-*--$1-75 MONKEY WRENCH 85 IS NOT NAMED PUKLIC SK1K00L 52 ESTABLISHED 19 A 18 Point ll(:2u1lette1'Co11d. 3 lbs, $2.00 4 P”i’” H"“‘”“”‘”‘ C‘””' 37/“ ”’5~~ $2-50 MAY NEVER 68 CRACK JOKES SH(x)A|JlMA|)[ 74 in my 36 Point Ilcadl(:tt<:1' Cond. 47/“, lbs., $2.75 30 Point }’1(f2l(1](éH(‘,I‘ (foml. 4"m lbs., $2.50 EKESE 48 SKKKES KKEK m 38 KINGS [KKK cKKKEE%K1(”"Rf 6%Kon THE KKK KKKKKKK SIAIUTES COMPUIING 85 INIERESI RULES (:0 Point IIca(1lE:tt(:r Cm1(1<:nsc(1 471;, lbs” $2_65 KKKKEKIKKEKSKKEKEKI BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE HEADLETTER IP \ I » W CONDENSED °° M’ 903/ V INVESTIGATIONS OE BANK SNOW NANY AIIE SAVING SECOND REPORT ON THE TYPO NATIONAL BANK OE PRINTERDOM DISPERSES CLAIMS THAT THERE IS NO MONEY IN THE PRINTING BUSINESS AND ESTIMATES ACTUAL PROEIT PRINTERS ALL CREDIT THE POINT SYSTEM CHAIRMAN PICA SAYS AGGREGATE IS OVER $I2,5OO FOR THE CURRENT YEAR Printe self-satis since p dom has fied lot 0 r a justly proud and ‘ the greater facility with which point ' f printer men today system type justifies in the stick and roof has been shown that they I the compositor’s time saved thereby is THE BEST LETTER SUN HAS NEWTYPES DRESS OE FACES FOR THE PAPER AND JOB OFFICE ENLARGED ALLOW IO GEMS ON METAL PURCHASE ON ACTUAL WEIGHT BASIS Every employe as well as the happy owner of The Sun rejoices in the past year’s success and feels an honest and rightful satisfaction in being able to claim a share. Their reward will be a banquet this evening and a continued inspiration in which the new material is proving itself exceptional. Type on POI NT-LINE. POINT-SET. POI NT- BODY HOME THEATRE Messrs. Tinsel & Dazzle present the NEWEST BURLESOUE AND COMEDY ON THE ISLE OE SEASAME WITH A SPLENDID CAST INCLUDING MAE ELYE AND TED WHITE Summer Prices: 25, 50, and 75 cents SUNDAY I ERIEND OR EOE? Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED \\'(-ightsémtl1’ri:.'(-5 -,;‘i\‘cn are ;\1\1>I‘t)xiIll£1I(‘: S(‘(‘1)&lj.1‘(‘._'. (H151 um l'ni1<>rm Lint.-. 18A 36a 6 Point (}11ard 1910 lbs., $2.00 16 A 3221 .5’ Point (juard 3% lbs., $2-25 NEwwmnNNHAYMEmmnNs FARNILABORIMADE Green Fielclss of \/Vhe21L Oats and Com‘) Make Easy by New Inqproved lvlachinery The Good Old F‘21r*rners Very Happy NOW Being Sold by Ivlerchants 1284567890 E 1284587890 15 A 30 3 10})0int(;ua,~(1 3! M, 11,3, $z_50 12 A 25 :1 12 Point (}u;n‘<1 f%‘,'u. ]l)s.. $2.75 SHORT ARTICLES SOMETHING GOOD Accounts of 85 Book Makers Today for’ 92 the Ladies 1 S A 921 24 Point Guard 571:, lbs., $3.50 7 A 15 a 18 Point (}11ard 41510 lbs., $3.25 OLD POEMS A HATTER Modern 75 Books BOYS 68 Hats 4 A 7 a 30 Point Guard ()'~‘n. lbs., $4.35 DEEPEST DEPTH Below Deep 59 Blue Sea 3 A 4 a 36 Point Guard h’,‘*x lbs., $5.00 IKES PEAK Perpetual 6 Snow 3 A .1 a 48 Point Guard 12% lbs., $7.50 CHANGE Fine 8 Design BARNHART BROS. & SP1ND]_ER'S 310 SUPERIOR COPPER‘-IVl1)(E[3 TYPE LINING CELTIC \\'CI).{'lltS2ll1(l Prices giveil are Appruximzitez see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 22 A 6 Point Lining Celtic N0. 1 % lb., $1.00 33A 8 Point Lining Celtic NO. 1 1% lbS., $1-25 GENUINE AFRICAN DIAMONDS WALL STREET BROKERS WASH GEM IN PURE CRYSTALIZED WATER RAILROAD SECURIES AND BONDS SHINING SPARKLING GLISTENING « STOCKS AND REAL ESTATE 1234567890 '1 234567890 21 A 10 Point Lining Celtic No. 1 1% lbs., $1.45 17A 13 Point Lining Celtic N0- 1 351$ 1135-, $1-50 FINANCIAL AGENTS I FINE GARDENS COMMISSION AND BROKERS AMERICAN ROSE BUDS MEMBERS 46 EXCHANGE I SWEET 82 VIOLETS 14A 14 Point Lining Celtic NO. 1 2% lbs., $1.75 LEADING OFFICERS IN SERVICE GEN ERALS SHERMAN AND WASHINTON GREATEST FIGHTING 98 STRATEGISTS 9A 18 Point Lining: Celtic No. 1 31135» $2'O0 VESUVIAN ERUFTION BIG ITALIAN 45 CATASTROFHE 7A 24 Point Lining Celtic No. 1 4 1b5'v$2°55 MISTY FOUNTAIN SLOWLY 78 FLOWING 5 30 Point Lining Celtic No. 1 4'.-‘Io lbs., $3.00 A ACQUISITIONS CARPET 9 FOUND POINT-LINE. POINT-SET POINT-BODY 3]] QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING NORMAN vw CONDENSED SERIES 26 A 8 Point Lining Norman Condensed 1% lbS., $1.25 A 26 A 10 Point Lining Norman (,‘ondens(:d I‘.'/ft. lbs.. $1.40 MANY LARGE STEAM BOATS PROGRESS IN BUSINESS TRAVEL THE GREAT LAKES EVERY DAY MEANS AN INCREASE IN WEALTH AFFORDING PLEASANT JOURNEYS COSTLY HOMES AND STORES 1234557890 1234567890 21 A 12 Point Lil ' ;, Norman Condensed 3'1?» Ibs.. $1.50 SEEING THE SIGHTS IN OUR LEADING CITIES IS ENJOYMENT WHICH PEOPLE 927 TAKE GREAT PLEASURE IN 15 A 16 Point Lining N 1111111 n Condensed 2" 1}. lbs.. $1.75 MUSICIANS IN THE THEATRE FURNISH FINE MUSIC 53 FOR THOSE ASSEMELED 11 A 20 Point Lining: Nor iiii n Condensed 3"i}. lbs.. $2.35 MAGNIFICENT NEW RESIDENCE BUILT FROM THE 7 FINEST OF MARBLE 37%; lbs.. $2.50 OANOIINOIIAOIAIOEMY GRAND 8 MASOOERAOE 3 BALL SOMMERIIIIRIESORTS FISHING AND 54 EOATTNO BARN}-IART BROS. & SP1NDLER’S 312 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 471;. lbs., $2.75 1236!,‘ ’ I, . .‘ Doe v su‘ _, °I~1’ uG°,/1' \\,// NADAUU \Veights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on Cap Line 40 A 6 Point Lining Nadall No. 1 % lb.. $1.00 SLNAIOI23 ADI". PDOIOUND IN SPEAKING AND I)IZI5A'I'E SI)EI‘(,I‘II.S MADE BY IMINIIZNI MEN T’()I2 AND AGAINST MANY NIW B|L'l'.S I234bo7600 6 Point Lining Nadall No. 3 -/4 1b., $1.00 PEIZSONAII AND EISTIC AIQCUMENTS MOUNTAIN SCE.\EI2Y O SKIUIVIUIILY I2EI1)I2OI)IJCED 12 Point Lining Nadall QOCK OE ACES WEAK AND O EEEICIENT 1 M KING OF SP 18 Point Lining Nadall AIN AND PIQINCESS 32 A 6 Point Lining Nadall No. 2 ~/4 lb.. $1.00 smns/MN ENTANGLTD \\-In-1 FINANCI.\If PIBOBEEMS il’\V"I‘,NTY MIIfI.'lON BUSHEUS or \\’/HEAT I2AlSIi[) IN MANITOBA I‘.’34€)6?'8OO 8 Point Lining Nadall 1% lbs.. $1.25 BUSINESS EDUC/~\TIOI\I SCEIOOII I2I\/EIQD/.\UE UNIVEIQSITY Q’) COIIOIQ/~\I,)O 24A 10 Point Lining Nadall 1% lbs., $1.40 /V\I;}\’|CAN INDIAN TIQIBE VISITING PAIQIS 8 EXPOSITION 20A 3 lbs., $2.00 MUUTITUDES I‘1A|U C) BIQIDAL’ COUPLE EUOIQIDA O 24 Point Lining Nadall STI3|CI‘I 5) EAIQM 4% lbs.. $2.65 ---- ._ FLORETTE BORDER AND VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 70 USED. EASEIIONS EMPOQILIM DESIGNERS AND ;\/\AKEL’.S OI‘ COSTUMES, TAIIlOI2*/WADE SUITS r . '3 NO. 2542 IEASTIDIOUS BOUIfE\h\I2|) SOUTH ATTII2tV|L'I_'t 4:. 25 - ‘Mk *'.—‘:-.?§\; ‘Mk .5 , (, ’ .1” 'rz.,,," *4 WI“ mu, 3:19’ .,’M_ '41:,’ 3% -,'/A 'u.,,,/ um ‘um,’ "”“-,r W, '.‘ ‘V In . \..- Mu,” ma- 1"Jv:\\§ »\~-\-‘ 7' '_V;\.\- -w“ 7’ ’ xx? -\--‘ 5 ’ ~\‘ _ -V -\~-‘ ’ I“ } xx AF »-it POI NT- LINE. POINT-SET. POI NT- BODY 313 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING SPENSER \\'(-i;.,rhI.<. (uni T)I'Tk(‘% ;;'i\'(-11areA1>1:mxi1n;m-: s.<-<-1>;1«,.{¢-J. ('.‘1sIn1)(‘.'Lp Line. 3.5’ A ()1’oi11t I.ini11g Spmlser 1l)s., $1.00 é 35 A «‘~’1’<>iI1tI.inim: Spenser 11/4 1bS., $1-25 THEY COST LIKE THE VERY MISCHIEF RETURN OF THE YOUNG SOLDIER FLOWERS THAT BLOOM IN THE MILLINERS GARDENS STORIES TOLD OF THE BLOODY TiNCOUNTER 1254567890 1254567690 30 A 13 Point I,i11i11g Spenser _’lbs., $1.50 14 A 1()1’(>i11t Lining Spenser 1"{¢. lbs., $1.40 , . THE CHOICEST ESSAYS BOYS SEEKING KNOWLEDGE FOLLOWING 54 WESTERN COWBOYS EIGHTEEN GIRL 7 GRADUATES ‘.5 A lb’ Point I.inin',z Spenser 3? 16 lbs., $2.05 SWEET MOWN HAY AND CLOVER GLORIOUS SUMMER 5) MEADOW BLOOMING 10 A 24 Point I.ini11;g Spenser 44112. lbs., $2.70 TH E CHICAGO 6 CITY LIBRARIES 8 A 30 Point Linim: Spenser 5 lbs., $3.10 XCURSION 5 STEAMERS 7 A 36 Point Lining Spenser 6% lbs., $4.00 GREATER 5 BARGA 7 A 48 Point Lining: Spenser 854: lbs., $5.20 UNCHES 4 SERVED 60 Point Lining: Spenser 7523 lbs‘., $4-55 RAFD5 G NS BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 31-I SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING SPENSER STRATH J, I I + I fir‘ STRANGE STORY OF %‘ A YOUNG CITY GIRL WHO FORSAKES VAST INCOME TO BECOME THIEF PUBLISHED BY THE WRIGHT PUBLISHING CO. MARTINE, PA. VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 161, 60C. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 315 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING WIDE SPENSER \V I nd I \ ( ( I 16A 6 Point Lining Wide Spenser “Io 1bs.. $1.05 I 16 A 1() Point Lining: Wide Spenser 1% lbs.. $1.45 SUBURBAN RAILROAD 3 PRINTING PRESS OFFICIALS ARE RUSHING NEW FACTORY REIVIODLED RURAL ELEVATED ROADS 1284567890 1 12554567590 12 A 12 Point I.iIIiIIg Wide S1)t:IlS(fl' 3 Ibs., $1.50 INDIAN NAVIGATION GOIVIPANY FIRST CLASS PASSENGER STEAIVIERS TOURING THE 5557 ENTIRE GLOBE BA ’ ll .I1lI11),I VVidc Spenser 3% Ibs.. $2.15 DIRECTOR CONVENTION ATTRAGTS SEVERAL 4 THOUSAND 6 A .II1IIH.1 \Vid(: SpeIIseI' 4%; Ibsx, $2.65 WILD I§LO\X/ERS FAVORITE GARDEN ROSES 55 VIOLETS S A 30 Point I.iIIiIIg Wide SpeII:~‘.eI' 4?/3 Ibs.. $3.00 RICH IVIEN BUILD 6 HOUSE BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 316 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING P \ . c°Pp L4~(_ C” ,‘ INYSEJ‘. STERLING \VeigI1ts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 18A 6 Point Lining Sterling ‘,3/{s1bs., $1.00 NEVHDH MINING COMPHNY C3OL:D SIL:VER CO‘Hb ORE HND ZINC l23456789O 16A 10 Point Lining Sterling 1‘%o Ibs., $1.40 SHETLFIND PONIES INTELLIGENT 3 FINIMFILS 6A 24 Point Lining Sterling 4'/{e Ibs., $2.60 GFINDY TEN 6 PIN I SA 30 Point Lining Sterlimz 17A 3 Point Lining Sterling 1% Ibs., $1.25 STEHMBOHT EXCURSION EVERY TUESDHY 5 EVENING I23-4567890 13A 12 Point Lining Sterling 2‘/{6 Ibs., $1.50 SILVER WFITOH DIFIMOND 2 RINGS 20 Point Lining Sterling 3-}/é Ibs., $2.25 MOOUNTER BOYS 4 OFIF’ 4946 Ibs., $3.00 LITTLE GHILD FFIITH 7 GHFIRITY 36 Point Lining Sterling “ LFIRGE /v\i=\N 6910 Ibs., $4.25 GOFIT 8 GOWS 48 Point Lining Sterling it OLD OFIT 8;?/6 Ibs., $5 00 FINE I9 BIRD POINT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI I\IT- BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING \\'eig11ts:u1 i 1 ( . 1 1 : 1 1 i 1: 19 A 8 Point Lining: Vulcan NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF YACHTSMEN 114 lbs., $1.30 SCIENTIFIC MEANS OF MANIPULATING ANY GASOLINE LAUNCH MANY USEFUL HINTS ON 35 FISHING WITHOUT A HOOK 16 A 10 Point Lining Vulcan 15.’; lbs., $1.45 NEW AUTOMATIC SEVVING MACHINE COMPLETEST MACHINES ON THIS CONTINENT THOMAS WILLIAMSON 23 LOCAL AGENT 14 Point Lining Vulcan PLEASANT LAKE OUTING SLEPT NIGHTLY ON THE LOUNGE MANY HEALTHY 84 PEOPLE 31.? 11).\‘., $1.75 9 A 18 Point Lining Vulcan COUNCIL MEETINGS AUGUST THE SIXT EENT H SAVINGS 72 ACCOUNTS 331:. lhsz, $2.10 6 A 30 Point Lining FANCY i”éU1Ts LATEST CLOTHING WHITE 23 YESTS BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 318 5316 lbs., $3.20 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MA YO I’ \ 9 ‘*0 Ca‘: . v°||llT Liz: h€Q\ _‘ LIN IN 9 \\'(’i;{Inx:1n:I Privcs j.;I\ (-11 are .-\1v1u'ux11n:1Ic: an-1* 1>:I-gt J. (".131 an . 17 A 6 Point Lining .\Ia_\'u No. 3 3; 1b., $1.00 NERVE SPLITTING MUSIC MOSQUITOES IN SLEEPING CARS THE GOOD OLD SUMMER TIME 21 A 6 Point Linillg I\»I;1y<> No. I ‘:’{ 11)., $1.00 EVERY MAN HAS HIS DOUBLE BUT THECONTORTIONISTHAS SEVERAL YOU WOULD THINK HIM RUBBER 1234567890 1234567890 15 A 10 Point I.i11in;: Mayo 1% Ibs., $1.45 16A 8 Point Lining Mayo 15”) lbs” $1.30 BR’GHT MOMENT OREA TEST HONOR 5 UPPER OR DINNER OA NDIDA rEs NOMINA TED MOTHER 8 COOKS FOR THE 6 JUDGESHIP 11 A 12 Point Lining I\I:1yo 3' In II>s., $1.50 EXCELLENT PROGRAMME THE TROMBONE SOLOISTS MUSICAL GRAND 8 SUCCESS TUESDAY 8 A 16 Point Lining I\Iu_\'o HIV‘ lb“-s 351-80 PUTS ON GREAT AIRS I OUR MAJOR BEATS THE BAND HAS THE 6 NICEST GIRL 8 A lb’ Point Lining Mayo 311;’ ”’5-- $2-05 GRAND MUSICAL EVENING 4 CONCERTS 6A 24 Point Linim: I\Ia_\k0 ”I5I<~ H’-*3, $3-75 LEMON TREES ORANGE 3 GROVE POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED LINILNG ARCADE \\'ei3.{]1ts (H141 l’x‘i<‘(‘.\ _x:'i\(*n ;u‘e- ;\;v1n‘n.\'i1n.'m': 511- p;1;:¢- J. (‘;1.xln11(';1p].im'. 21A 6 Point I.i11i11;: Arcade 3/} l1)s., $1.00 ‘ WA 3 1’0i111 Lillilltl /\l'C?H1<’: 114/ 111*-y$1-Z5 LARGE HORSE AND CDATTLJE cm; PERFECTION CORSETS A 1284567890 1234567890 11A 14 Point Lining: Arcade 21:? 11:3,, $1.75 * _ _ * 13A 1()l’<>i11t l.i11in;: Arttzulc 15.1 lbs., $1.40 SUN SPRING LAMB EIGHT CENTS 3 CHOICE TURKEYS FREE 52 IRUB A PRE-DSLH 456 MILK 7A 18 Point Linimz Ar(:ad(: 5‘/4 1hs., $2.15 FIRES}-I OYSTERS C/‘A1\U\IE]D 72 LOLBSTER 24 Point Lining A1'(:a<1 :7‘; II)., $1.00 16A 12 point Lining '1‘;Iss<> 3‘ .I. II)'.\‘.. $1.55 '8 A 1“ Point Linmg ,1.aSSO 134 lbs” $1.45 BEST MATERIALS SHOW 7 THEMSELVES ELECTRIC WELDED STEEL CHASE 83 IS BEST 3 II)s., $2.00 MBEYOND LIES ITALY KEEP THE FRIEND 6 THOU HAST I 3 In II).~1., $2.70 WELCO/IIIIEIIIIIIAIISISHOWEF? CHANGE 5 ATMOSPHERE 1S9‘E’;_Sg’7”S FINNIGANS SOHOOLOF MUSIC-DRAMA ART GLASSES OPEN cJANUARY EIETH Jl ARTISTS BUILDING POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 3'21 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LININO STILLSON \\'c'-i;:;11t\ :m<1 1’ri« as ;5i\<-11 are :\m>m\i1n;1tx-'. \(‘(' p:1;:<- .5. (‘N51 mu (‘up 1,im-. .13.-\ (1 Point Lining Stillson No. 1 '-‘n. 11)., $1.00 ISA (1 Point I.i1IiIH.! Stillsnn No. 3 '~‘1..11»., $1.00 NEWSPAPER (,ORR£sPONI)F;NTs ENDURE GREAT , BICTCLES WITH COASTER BREAKS MARI).sHIP.s WHEN TRAVLLINO THROUGH sTRANOE LANDS 1 ARE VERY SERVICEABLE FOR HILL ‘ CLIMBING Il)45()76':)() 9 1234567690 1 31.-\ 6 Point Linimz Stillsmx No. I1 '-‘u. 11)., $1.00 NA 8 lmim Ililmm Stmson 11;" Hm" $125 sHORT STORIE5 FOR THE CHILDREN 3 NEW OAME5 FOR 5075 LNTERTAININO FROM 425 sTART TO FINISH 1 YOUR CHOICE .234 TEN CENTS 1S.—\ 11) Point I.in111g Stxllson 1;‘/i; 1I)s., $1.40 I 1)\ 1 10”“ I “Hm” Sunxml Zlhs" $150 FLORAL ASSOCIATION 3 JAPANESE SAILOR PLANTING 46?’) SHRUBBERT SEVEN 6 ISATTLESHIPS 1 1.\'I’uint I.inim,: Stillsnn 3 II).~‘.., $2.00 WAR DECLARED IN THE EAST 5OLDIi:R5 Rum 7 TO THE FRONT _’1II’uiIltI.ilIil1g Stillsmx .1 11,53, $2_55 TERRIBLE DISASTER MANY PEOPLE 4 1‘1A|1‘1ED 51) I’nim I.inim4 Stillsnn CONNUTRITIOULV MENTAL 6 ACTION an I’()iIlt 1.ining Stillsnn THEOLOOT OLLEOE 5 OIRL BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S la‘ 1.. 1h<.. $3.75 3'3?! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LININO \STlL[4\SON 21.; WEEKLY 5 UN BEAM CATION OF POINTS ININO TO LAR PEOPLE A PUl’>l.I RSONAL T RTIC. JUNE VOGUE ORNAMENI N0. 184 I ; PUBLISHED BY THE BRIGHT SIDE ENTERTAINING CLUIZI POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. F’OINT—BODY 3{'.’.'¥ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED STATIONERS 3S.\ ()1’<)int Stzlti<)m:rs l’1:1t<- No. 1 ‘I 11).. $1.00 LATEST 1‘-‘ARLIAMENTARY PROCEEDINGS UNITED STATES TREASURY DEPARTMENT DAILY REPORT BROUGHT BEFORE THE EXECUTIVE COMMI'I"I‘E);'.' 1234567890 37.\ () Point St21li()nm's l’1:m-. N1). 3 H 11)., $1.00 BUSINESS PROSPERITY IN MEXICO FORTY THOUSAND ACRES OF CORN AND RYE HARYESTED YEARLY 23 JUNE AND JULY 11 .~\ ()l’<)int St:1t1<)1)m's1’1:1u: .\'<). 5 ~“;11).,$1.00 KENTUCKY LIVE STOCK EXHIBIT \\'n'i;;'1H\;1I)tl 1’rim-s f;'i\«.'ll .u'v .\m)r«)\iln;m-: \<'<' 1):1;.;‘< ‘J. (‘;1\t4)I)(‘.'I1-1,i))(~_ PLATE SERIES §_’.—\ () I’«)inl St;1ti()1)<'rs l’1;u¢-. N<)._‘ ‘; 11).. $1.00 REAL ESTATE AND FIRE INSURANCE MONEY LOANED ON FURNITURE AT FIVE PER CENT EASY PAYMENTS BY THE WEEK OR MONTH 1 234567890 21 .\ ()1’t)1]1tS[Zlt1()11(fl'S1’12lI(? Xu. 1 ‘I 11)., $1.00 BEAUTIFUL SCENIC PRODUCTION REALISTIC FARM SCENE IN THE GREAT MELODRAMA ENTITLED 67 KANSAS 32 A Hl’<)int St;1t1<)n('.I's1’1;1t() 1\'t).() 1‘. 11)., $1.25 BUSY BEE LUNCH ROOM THOROUGHBRED 45 HORSES AND DOGS SUPPER FROM 89 SIX TO NINE CHARACTERS LT LY AT CONTAINED IN FONT. 8 POINT NO. 7, 10 POINT NO. 8 AND 12 NO. 9 IN PREPARATION. MRS. ASHTON LAURENCE AMILTON, M. D. 1212 HARVARD STREET I-IICAGO AGENT WESTERN MACHINE AMERICAN DRIVING CLUB XNEST SIDE OF‘ PARK 824 NORTH RACINE STREET THORNDYKE BARNHART BROS. & SP1NDLER‘S «r (V 9— SUPERIOR COPPER-M1XED TY PE W I (IPric A 1 24A 6 Point Lining Racine No. 1 3/4 lb., $1.00 22 A 6 point Lining Racine NO. 2 % 1b., $1.00 MODERN HOMES FOR SALE CHEAP S/‘\LE OE Ef\NCY DRESS SUITS FIFTEEN MINUTES RIDE FROM THE POST OFFICE COMMENCING MONDAY SEPTEMBER FIRST NICE LAwNs FRUIT TREES AND SHRUBBERY ALL GOODS SOLD /‘T REDUCED PRICES 1234557890 R ‘ 1234567890 v 19 AA 10 Point Lining Racine 1~/, lbs., $1.40 21 A 8 Point Lining Racine 1% Ibs., $1.25 B/\RGf\INS IN CUT GL1‘\SS STOCK EXCHANGE FURNITURE STOVES AND FRUITS BUREAU E OR INFORMATION BREAD TEN 42 CENTS A LOAF CHILDS 98 COMPLAINTS 16A 12 Point Lining Racine 35-"II> 1135-: $1-50 WILLOUGHBY RIGHTWORTH LONGINGTON TE/\CHER OE MATHEMATICS ERENCH /\ND GREEK ROOMS SEVEN /\ND 32 EIGHT WRENNS BLOCK 10A 18 Point Lining Rac , 3%? 1135-» $2-05 USEFUL CIIRISTFIAS GIFTS ‘CR/‘\Vf\TS GLOVES E/'“\NCY SHIRTS OVERCO/“ITS OR 6 UMBRELL/“IS 24 Point Lining Racine 43"!/6 lbs‘! $2-5° EASE AND COMFORT R/£\II\IY WEATHER 3 SHOES 7A 30 Point Lining Racine 5% lbs‘! $3-35 STORE EIXTURES GROCERS 8 SUPPLIES BARNI-IART BROS. &. SPIl'\IDLER’S 325 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING \\'('i-,_-Ii1s;m(I I')‘i((‘\ j,;i\('I\ urv .\pprn\ini;m~: H(‘(‘ 1m',1t' .’. <‘.mtI.inr'. gm 0 Point Lining I\Ic1iiiNo. 1 U... 11)., $1.00 2.;.\ o inmn Linim: Me-inn Nu. I '-‘u» H». $1.00 ROUND STEAK AND GREEN ONIONS CORNED BEEF AND CABBAGE DELICIOUS STRAWBERRIES WITH ICE CREAM RICH BEAN SOUP WITH MUSHROOMS 1934567890 I234-567890 JUA 6ImintI.i1iinu .\Iunu Nu, >4 H II>., $1.00 22 A 8 Hm” Lining Mum N”. I 1‘/I H)” $1.25 FANCY MIXED FRUIT CAKE FRESH BEEF SAUSAGE BLUE POINTS ON 45 HALF SHELL CHERRY AND 35 IVIINCE PIES I7.\ 10 Point Lining .\Icnn .\'u. 5 1":i. II)s., $1.40 GERMAN LETTUCE WITH 4 SCALLOPED OYSTERS I(».\ 1.3 I’uint Lining .\I¢-,nu .\'n, () _‘|I»s., $1.50 STRICTLY FRESH 9 CREAIVIERY BUTTERS ISA 1.’ I’uint Lining: I\I(',IIl1N(».7 2' u. II).~;.,$l.50 SWEET CORN 8 FROM THE FIELD ADDING A SHOE STOCK DURING THE PAST YEAR WE HAVE OPENED MANY NEW ACCOUNTS WITH CUSTOMERS WHO HAVE NOT BEEN HANDLING SHOES. WE BELIEVE MANY OTHERS WOULD OPEN A SHOE DEPARTMENT IF THEY KNEW HOW LITTLE SPACE AND CAPITAL ARE NEEDED FOR IT: HOW EASY AND PROFITABLE IT IS TO HANDLE SHOES. AND HOW MUCH IT HELPS OTHER BUSINESS. IT MIGHT ALMOST BE SAID THAT THE SELLING OF "OPENING" STOCKS IS A SPECIALTY WITH US: WE ARE CERTAINLY WELL EQUIPPED FOR IT. WE OWN AND OPERATE ONE OF THE MOST DISTINCT SPECIALIZED FACTORIES: AND OPERATE UNDER CONTRACT A LARGE RUBBER MILL. WE MAKE ONE OF THE MOST COMPLETE LINES FROM THE FINEST DRESS SHOE TO THE HEAVIEST WORK AND PLOW SHOE CASH MAN SHOE COMPAN Y LEATHERVILLE BARNHAR-r BRQS_ at sp1N[)LER's 320 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MENU LITTLENECK CLAMS CELERY OLIVES PICKLES MENU [ V B CLEAR GREEN TURTLE PLANKED WHITEFISH POTATOES HOLLANDAISE CUCUMBER SALAD M USHROOM PATTIES FILLET OF BEEF, BROWNED POTATOES FRENCH PEAS LIMA BEANS CAULIFLOWER RASPBERRY SH ERBET ROAST YOUNG TURKEY CRANBERRY SAUCE HUBBARD SQUASH ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING BRANDY SAUCE HOT MINCE PIE COFFEE CHEESE CRACKERS VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 162, 60C ’ ‘( . ._.: VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 119, 75C 35 pomr aonmgn No, 632 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 3737 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED EN (in R AV ICIQS i'l‘I '1‘ I JIC SIC I{ I ES \\'t-i-_.;'l\1x null |’riu-s _s,-"in-n arc :\[I])l'H\‘llll{ll(‘Z S(‘(‘1)2l).1(‘._'. (1151 NH (‘:i1>l.im~. 15A 0 Puint li1i;;i‘:1\'ui's Title No. l ‘; ll)., $1.00 i 30.-\ 6 lv’Uillt l‘3Il$:l‘a\'ci‘s 'l‘itl<-. NH l‘.é 0‘; lb., $1.00 I~2N(iI{.\\'l'2RH 'l‘l'l‘l.lC l‘Nl\'l‘2RS.\l.l.\' i 'I‘lllS Nl«2\\’ l<‘,\(’l«: R I«](‘().\l .\Ilint liiiuI';1\'(:i".~‘ Titlt: No.41 1,"./1 ll)s,, $1.25 I;t\ I:3( ) IQ S;-\V I N(i SI4U(iS I;I4L\I)S 78 Is’. ITIIICS M .\ 10 Point l'liiu1‘:i\'(:i‘s Title No. 5 l"u. ll)s., $1.40 (I (,)() I ) 1’ l{ I*]SS.I1‘»‘% I;§Al'*3(_3(t)(3 K (3 ()I"I‘I TVI. US 1.’ A 10 Point l£11m'a\'ci‘s Title No 6 1"/"no lbs., $1.40 l)()iLINS ITIAN 1) 25 (TON (J E1{T 12 A SS IQU .11 E B E ST 5 (511.7 13 I J] 'l‘ X’ l l l l l l l ll A 12 Point I";llL’l‘a\'(tl'S Title No. 7 1 lbs., $1.50 ‘ l l I 10 A 12 Point }*l1iui‘a\'c1's Title No. 8 3 lbs” $1.50 DE 01*‘ 'l‘I1fE ()LI) l\/lAAI’l4E I)()VVtN ON ’l‘IlE 7 6 (IOU N*I‘RY ROIAII) 91\ 14 Point l<)1igi‘ave1's Title 35:4 lbs., $1.75 IS'l‘()R I CAIJ SOCI ETSK N EVV SUfBJEC’l‘S 32 T()NIGrII’l‘ FL()VViEl{ 5 RtESOR1‘S 5.0 3 lbs., $2.00 24 Point I‘:ll},:l'£l\'(.fl’.\‘ Title -‘Us lbs., $2.80 I LUNCH ROOM SiI‘iXTY 4 TABLES BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 32x SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE l‘]N(} R .\\' HRS ’l‘l'l‘l..lC SIGN 1 ES :--II----I--I--IIII..-IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-II----I-I---------I I I I I I I I I ‘ I I (x()()I) l*‘()l\’.I I I .’ I I Y V ’ ’ Yr 1 A‘ I . ()1\ In 1>1x1 9 . I C" I I 1 1 _ -3 I u (/l{ ]m\1\I .9 u I 1 gr : 3 E25 ~" I I I ,\llI4L'S l)l*]I’()'l‘ I 1 I ,7 I __ x ’ I O "K J 3 1 (V : x 00 I Ly ‘ \ \' - ¢ ’* I I‘ 2* I _w‘ : .94" O : " 4 » ° " 1 V : Q4 ‘ 5' \‘0\ I k/ ‘\“ I A (Q ‘Q I < V I w \)q I A(_ \ §, “ I ¥ (. _ ‘Ck I \v 3‘ : A "8 1} ( * ‘r \ V ,«‘ k 3* ,9 C V ‘L . /i I , ‘xv \“ [x \’\__e § s"- 9 w‘: 4‘ ’L‘\.L> .2“ V‘ \+‘_;‘~":~ .~.’ L‘ x‘- \"\ 2*‘ \t\ \\°’..~V-‘-“ .~.»‘:\‘°\ 7 ‘fix.-\“ v V )1 RH. \V.\l. J()l|.\'H'I‘().\' .\I()l)lH'I‘I«I 'I‘|\’ l'I.\I().\'l‘ l'I;.\('I‘Z POINT-LINE. POINT-SETA POINT-BODY Z%.'."J QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ENGRAVERS R().\1lA1\’ (7()N1)E1\'S1‘]1) SERIES \\'¢.'1g1)1~..m«11’1'1<.('s ‘,_'1\'(‘H.U'(‘ ,\1)\)!‘H\1Ill§l1(".‘s('(‘\\£1;_[t‘.’. (‘.1s1m)(‘.)1)1.i))<.‘. ~18.-\ 61’«.)iut1£m11‘21\’t:1‘sR<)1mm(Z<)n(1. No. 1 5.; 11)., $1.00 1.’ .\ ()1’«)int1£1)gx'21\'m'>1{«)1neu1(‘m)(1. N1). 3 H 11)., $1.00 H\|21llIIl’.S.\N|) l..\|mIH-2R.\ \\',\\"HIl) 'r<) l.\|,H.\|) um |.l'.\lIH2I( n.\Iu.):~ 1 FR.\.\'1‘I-In IlI':NI>lv2l{.~’().\ .\‘1'IIt)()I. HI‘ \'(‘HJ.\( I.‘ .\\l) I)l<.\ \l.\'I‘l<‘ .\R'I‘ ..\l'|'l.\' In .\1.\H. nu I'r:u~‘«).\' 11) HI Tl.l‘Z\ l|l{U'I'lIl-Z1(\' .\\'|) I|0l.\H2\‘ l'1).\"l ):.u"1|\u. «mu-\\\ 1 HI'I1(‘l.\I. I{.\'l‘I-Is‘ I-‘(IR I’!-2m'l.I-1 l‘l{U.\l .\IHU).\I) I)l I{I.\I) .\l (il'\"l‘ .\XI) .\'l-1l"1‘l"..\lHHR TIIIUZII lll'.\‘l)l(}2l) .\.\I) ):u.n'r\ .\'l‘\\'.\’l'l;1( .~'rIuc|:1‘ roux)-2|: <.Iu:I'..\\\m)I) .u ):\I )2 1 Ul'l{ 'l‘\\‘I:.\"I‘\‘ 'l'\\'() .~"ruI(\' l!l'l|.l)1.\(i Ix‘ .\1'|'l .\'I'1:I) <)\ .\t)u'l‘II u.\I\' (il{()\'F. 1 I'.’:H.‘)(')7Mm I'_’:H.')<‘)7)‘~‘.HI 29 A 6 P011” lmmavcm Roman Cmld' NU’ /1 1'1 H)" $130 37 A ()Point1im:l';1\'m's 1\'«)1n;m (‘,<)m1. No. {S .1 :1 11).. $1.00 '””‘31“‘3 ‘V1111’ 1”‘: N“ -“"31'3'“N“' 1”“ T1”: V 1‘3S'1‘R1 ‘ \'()l'RHI';l.1-‘.\.\'I)(‘()Ml'.\N\‘ .\m«; l'l{(ilil) 'r<) v|<1-:s):.\"1‘ , 1 ”H“N“ T111‘; S11‘“‘“"3R ‘“”XT11S (W ‘H by AN” '\H11'’‘"1 1 \'()lI#’=§}:‘>O?‘I 3‘ g cm 1905 W W ‘I ‘I ‘V THE B OUN DRY PRESS l’()IN'l‘-LIN E FOR Tm-2 B1-INEFIT 01-‘ TM: BFILDING Fl'ND 99 LAKOTA COUNTY POLO CLUB ; ”§ MONDAY AND WEDNESDAY AUGUST 4-6. 1907 { W. I EIGHT 0'CL0CK : B.\L('ON\' AD.\llSSI().\' 75 CEZ\"l‘h‘ I .s‘r:..\'r. POINT-LINE. P‘OINT-SET. POINT-BODY 331 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED IAIN. Ol*3l\T(~}I:{:XVEI.{S in %?.OM.AN SEIQIES \\-'eig111.<. and Prices given are .-\1)proxi111z1tc: see page ‘J. (Just on (Tap Line. 34A 6 Point Lixiing Engravers Roman No. 1 3/1 11)., $1.00 ; 23A 6 Point Lining E11g1'ave1‘s Roman No. 2 V4’ lb., $1.00 '1‘1u«:1u-: is A SUPl.l.\' THE PUBLIC (IANNONS AND REVOLVERH SOLI) MIND '1fnA'r POOR S1-JJLLING IS A IHARK 011' It.‘ .\'0RAN()1«: 'r1u-:1u-; : EITHFJR MONTl‘HLY ()l{ VVFIEKLY l’AYMENTS .uu«: MANY MEN wuo ARE EVER 1u«:An\' 'l‘() l{.\'O(‘l\' 1 \VEAl’()l\'H (i‘rUAI{A1\"l‘l<}I<}l) F()Ul{ 1\l()I\"l‘I-IS 1234507300 1 123-.l56781)() 17A 8 Point Lining E11g1'ave1's Roman 1% lbs., $1.25 18A 6 Point Lining Engravers Roman No. 3 % lb., $1.00 1 r H 1 ‘ ’ ’ 7 ‘V DESIRE TO ‘VIN A GOOD NA11VI’143 BJYE OB D E P‘R0()l lV.II&1{] .\I I 53%‘ I I .\ 'I"l‘.I' [C I“T)IC I (3 I)[III*}'I‘ ~~.\lI«;mn' l3lRl):s"‘ " ' - - \\'u1'|'I-: NIISS }Cl)RY.'\ L\.'()4‘\' NIISS I"I{AN(‘IS (I}Il3BS ()R.A\TI()1\' - — - - - - - - MR. \\'ILL.-\Rl) n. (:U"IL'l) SOLO - - - - ' - " " Slcnl-:("1‘1~:n NIR. I‘}I{N]‘]S'I‘ I’lC.\(‘()(‘l{ ()l\’I\’J‘I(')N — — — - ~ - — - M IHH M A BEL no L.\l us I) I I I‘}'I‘ ' -6 BnA'.1‘M1«:.\'~.-L Hoxu" - " - ‘ .\ wr 'l‘Hl'] NIISSICS I.Y()N ANI) (IIBBH POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 333 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I11 N. I*}N'(} R AV ICRS R( );\I A N SICR I ICS 9 x \ 9\O Co*\ '9’ hp???‘ - DOINY SET 5 ICE‘-'l‘.\ HIIISII I411) I664! 'l‘I*}I.|‘}I’II().\' 1*‘. T11 1» J W T 1~‘1.\*1~: 1;( ml; L 1«:',1‘.s' 47 -7 1 IULDHN J (I J -. (?.\'l‘.\ mm ‘ ‘A \> ‘ \\’(.)l\’ K R 1 NT E HI ’I‘}(‘I .\ I./l‘\' Y ., gr’ °°<::«fi3 0 . I252 \ 0 0 (TON. R(),\L\I\' .\Nl) (‘()IIl\"1‘ HI<1(‘().\'l) m;()()|e \\'()I{I{ l)I<}I.I V ER El) “'11 I«:.\' vuumxsncl) .I*}XI(‘()I4.\. 'I‘(.)R()N'I‘(). 1908 I91 I{ST ( TOM MIC R.( "I 1\. II; IRLXN K l’-\\' 'I‘0 one ()l\’l)I<1'R l)()I;I..\ NH '1‘ R IGA S U .l{ 1*} l{ .\ I4.%'() .\1\' I<)I.I<}(i.\I\T'_l‘ .\H.‘s‘()I\"l‘.\l I‘}I\".I‘ ()I*‘ ’I‘I—\I I4()R ICI) S[,,j ITS |£l‘}I.\'(.' .\l.\I)IG ()I*‘ I.I(:‘II'l‘\\'l'}l(-‘II’l‘ IAlI(.‘II‘}I4l‘; .\I.\'l‘I<}I{I.\ LS ’l‘IlICh‘l<) .%‘l'I’l‘H (‘.\.\' HI‘) \\'()R‘.\' 'I.\' I\I()I{.\’II\'(-‘H .\.\'l) I‘}\'l'1‘.\'- I.\'(-‘H 'I‘III{()I'(iII()I"l‘ 'l‘IIl'] HI'}.\H()‘.\' 'l‘I'I.\(‘H I-ZR HI“ “<*"~*'-—\*">"'--W’ l\'IAI\’I1\V()IC HI\’()S.. 'I‘.\ I I.()I{S BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 32%| SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING PLATE GOTHIC SERIES CRITERION CAFE DINNER BILL 8%‘ TURTLE SOUP 25 WHITE FISH BLACK BAss CELERY RADISHES OLIVES J. FARMER. MOOSE BAY RESORT ”"""‘°E" AND GOLF ASSOCIATION POST OFFICE FISHING, HUNTING. SWIMMING. GOLF, TENNIS, ETC. PORK ROAST CREAM ROLLS CABBAGE PANTET CANET 2: ENGLISH PLUM PUDDING. BRANDY sAuCE MINCE PIE STRAWBERRY SHORT CAKE ?K COFFEE TABLE D‘HOTE. 5 TO 8.30 P. M. WM. R. REYNOLDSON ATTORNEY 627 WEST PORTLAND STREET GEORGE ROBERTSON CHICAGO 106 STATE ST. POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY 33.") QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LINING PLATE \\'n-if.-;Inx’ :u1., $1.05 SOAKEM AND SKINEM COMPANY DEALERS IN WATERED 34 MINING STOCK I7.-\ 8 l’oi1u I,ining'I’I;1t(a(}ntl1ic No. If» I‘.( 1I>s., $1.25 DRESSMAKING TAUGHT FREE FROM ONE 57 UNTIL SIX I5 .-\ I.’ I’<>i11tI.ining I’Iz1t(: (}0tI1i(: No. 5' lII»s.. $1.50 ANIMAL CIRCUS DOGS AND 82 PONIES 3II)s.. $1.50 IMPORTED CLEAR HAVANA CIGARS BEST CHEWING OR 35 SMOKING TOBACCO III Point Lining l’I:1t<2(}ntI1ic 258 II)s., $1.85 FIRST CLASS BARBER SHOP HAIRCUT SHAVE 28 AND MASSAGE SA 18 Point Linim; Plato (‘.otI1ic. 3'11» II)$., GENERAL SHERIDAN BATTLE OF 39 BUNKER HILL 3-I Point I.inin_u I’I:1t(1(}0tI1i(‘ '¥7‘:+ II).s‘., $2.50 COUNTY HOSPITAL POOR AND4 DISABLED CHARACTERS @ ? CONTAINED IN FONT. BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S IIEIU SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADMISSION TO THE BANQUET AND BALL AT BANQUET HALL PRESENTED BY HARMONIOUS POTTERY WARES THE PROPER USE OF ORNAMENTAL WARES FINISHES WITH INDEFINABLE ELEGANCE THE FURNISHING OF THE HOUSE, WHILE WELL-CHOSEN TABLE WARES ENABLES HOSTESS TO GIVE HOME ENTERTAINMENTS ADDED GRACE OF FAULTLESS SERVICE. GLASSHEAD & COMPANY ST. LOUISIANA STRONGLY MARKED WITH ORIGINALITY APPEALS TO THOSE SEEKING HARMONIOUS AND CREATIVE GENIUS. DECORATIVE TABL EEEE Es. II II ALWAYS OUT NEVER IN DR. JIM CROAKEM SPECIALIST GUARANTEE TO CURE on KILL GRAVESVILLE, I. T. POINT-LINE. POINT-‘SET. POINT—BODY IIZIT QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PARAGON \\"eigl1t.~'. and Prices given are ,~;iTie;iilimeiiee page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 24 A 4921 6 Point Paragon 1"/1/e lbs., $2.00 21 A 44 a 8 Point Paragon 2% lbs., $2.25 BRIDEGROOM STANDETH ARRAYED t TEXAS LOAN AND TRUST In Wedding Garments Beside His Young Bride Surrounded Association Does a General Banking Business By Bridesmaids Groomsmen Friends and Relatives Public Administrators and Guardians 1254567890 _ 1234567890 30 A 40a 10 Point Paragon 3‘/1/6 lbs., $2.50 MOUNTAIN SCENERY SKILLFULLY REPRODUCED Grandest Exhibition of Magnificent Portraits Painted by American and European Artists Seventeenth Semi—Annual Convention 475 of Painters and Sculptors 17 A 3521 12 Point Paragon 3‘}{o lbs., $2.75 MANY BEAUTIFUL FLORAL DECORATIONS Most Attractive Display of the«Very Rarest Tropical Specimens of Flowers Giant Trees With Dense 426 Growth of Rustling Foliage ll A 26a 14 Point Paragon ' IA lbs,, $3.00 GRAND RIVER VEHICLE FACTORY Manufacturers of Coaches Sulkies Chariots and Wagons Orders for Grand Phaetons 895 Received Daily ‘I A 18a 18 Point Paragon »*l'5*{o lbs., $3.25 AUTOMOBILE EXHIBITIONS Great Crowd Witnessed the Speeding Contests Many Foreign 585 Cars Were Entered 6 A 9;, 1-1 Point Paragon 5946 lbs., $3.55 SOUTHERN FARMING Cotton Pickers 27 First Banquet SMALL CAPS, for 6 to 18 Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts and sold as follows: 6—Point, 20 A, 6 oz., 500.; 8—Point, 17 A, 8 02., 500.; 10-Point, 15 A, 9 oz., 500.; 12-Point, 10 A, 11oz.,50c.; 14—Point, 10 A, 12 oz., 55c.; l8—Point, 4A, 12 oz., 500. BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 338 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PARAGON SERIES ‘I”I"’I’““I‘I"I‘I I I W J J J _J J ’__‘_/3 _) ,1, ,,,_\_/_Q) J J. J, J. J J. -/ J. I ?- £ 4‘. ' V’ V I ORDER OF DANOES '@ ‘L J.-. 39‘ my Qfia. WALTZ I 5 TWO-STEP .‘ .31. 4 @Z'@? A N) 5 QUADRILLE ,1 J WA LTZ I t. ‘ 5 TWO-STEP LANCIERS I W‘ \ fs. .4 I ‘ O”) The KALAMAZOO WALTZ . ' TWO—STEP I’@ I4 IINTERMISSION ‘L J?‘. J '\1 ' ‘L 4. C1) C3} '.l,‘L _g 5 co QUADRILLE l s VIRGINIA REEL PROGRAM WALTZ . V w: .I- _.!f‘- J. 01 N) SCOTTISCHE I 4“? ‘I <3 @ HOME swam HOME _ Monday Evenlng January Sixth 1907 ‘ IL _,_ GRAND BALL GIVEN BY TOMBOY HALL The Bachelor Girls Club Monday Evening January Sixth ADM11‘ ONE TOMBOY HALL 18 POINT BORDER NO. 525 POINT—LINE§. POINT-SET. POIN'l"-BODY 339 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \\'<*ig_rlit.<.;1n(I Prim-5 g-‘i\'c-n GUCCI.'{|\];rl:;IAIVIl2lIt’;W see 1»a;:(' .3. (‘zist ull l'niim‘m l.lll(‘ '23 A 46a 6 Point Paraizon Italic 1916 ll)s., $2.00 21 A 42 a 8 Point Paragon Italic 2% lbs., $2.25 FAMOUS KENTUCKY THOROUGHBRED CHICAGO SWIMMING CLUB Old Record Broken on New Race Track By Blind Horse Natatorjum Open Every Night During Season Highball Winner of the American Derby is Dead Children Under Eleven Years of Age Free 1254567890 1254567890 1‘) A 39a 10 Point Paragon Italic 3' Ii» ll!-*3. $2-50 PIKES PEAK IS COVERED WITH SNOW THE YEAR ROUND Railroads Climb Steep Mountain Sides Twenty Thousand Feet Above Level of the Ocean Yellowstone Park is the Most Beautiful 5 Place For Recreation in the Country 1(iA 33 a 12 Point Paragon Italic 3‘,'i«. ll)s., $2.75 BAND CONCERT TONIGHT AT LINCOLN PARK « Classical and Rag Time Music Will Be the Features for the Evening Cornet Solo by the Famous 5 Artist Herr Karl Von Becker 12 A 2521 14 Point Paragon Italic 4% ll)s., $3.00 REHEARSE GREAT MUSICAL PROGRAM Sixteenth Annual Christmas Entertainment and Festival. Given By the National 8 Brotherhood of Buttinskis 9 A 1621 18 Point Paragon Italic 4‘5io ll)s., $3.25 COLORED MINSTREL TROUPE In Africa Sing and Play All the Latest Songs Apple Pickers Brass 2 Band Plays Today (,A 11;; 24 Point Paragon Italic 57.1, lbs., $3.50 MUSICAL INSTR UMENTS Bought Exchanged 4 and Repaired BARNHART BROS, & sp1ND1_ER's 340 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PARAGON ‘ ITALIC ‘%Z-§ % THE FEA THER AND Bow EMPORI UM Q/33.3%)/=s°°s_@2>is»§§’@°m\%§ ° 0 ° FALL MILLINERY . O Q 0 O O (Q \ fimwm O Just four hundred catchy street hats; an accumulation, including many of the season's most suc- cessful styles, are radically re-. duced for immediate riddance Our store remains open until 10 p. m. Inspection solicited. 0 3 *?.Z>Z‘55€§ {Q RRRRRRRRRRRRR ER POINT-LINE. POINT-SET.-VPOINT-BODY 341 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ‘(»,\ 5._’;I f»I’uii11.\Ii-i~ii I‘II«. II>~..1'I*9'Z.0O “i.\ WM ‘\ I’~IHI .\II~~‘~1~H "I II\%.. $2.25 VALUABLEL (ej()LL.E‘I(;'I‘I(.)N or /\NI‘I(e)[)()'I‘ES ADVEZNTURES OI“ CAPTAIN JINKS I‘ix<~itin;3 Narratixw-a HI F¢>I‘(*Igll rI‘mw,*I.\ EX}>I()I‘HIinI1s ADII I\)i.sr*uw-r‘i¢-» /\(Irj{[ on the O(t(*&\r1 for Sixty TWO I)ay.s WIIITOIII FO0(I 1234867890 I234I3Ii7890 I”-" *5“ ‘3 '”‘‘‘'‘ “I"“‘I"“ ‘“"' ”“"~ $275 .:?.,s\.-11;. in 1mm .\Ii~~..I«»n M ... II». $2.50 CHICAGO WHIST SOCIETY THREE FIRESIDE COMPANIONS EIeCtion of Ofiicers 2 Day oi August \X/atcI1ingtI1e GIowing 3 Embers Disappear I5‘ \ “M III’n1n[_\Ii~.,<.inn III II)~~.. I LITERARY AND MUSICAL ENTERTAINMENT Handsome Assortment of Rare and 4 BeautiIuI Christmas Presents In’ I’«>inI .\Ii~a»iniI I'* II: II»~ ., $3.25 PARISIAN COSTUME DESIGNERS The Largest Importations of 5 European NoveIty Goods 1-. II» M $3.50 WGERMAN ofifioisir COMPANY Life and F ire Insurance 5 PoIioy CIaim Paid ‘~ *\ II '41». Ibs. $4.25 GENERAIHSELIVERY CIear Havana Cigars 7 for a DoIIar ih Point f\Ii.~:.~;inn R1 )x, WMORNING GLORIES Pink Carnations 8 and Roses BARNHART BROS, 5,, SPIN[")[_E,R‘_S III‘! SUPERIOR’ COF3I3ER--IVIIXED TYPES MISSION SERIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate: see page J. (fast on Uniform Line. 5 A 7 a 42 Point Mission 10% lbs., $6.55 FISHING POLE Bathing and 95 I"‘Iunting 5 A 7a -18 Point ‘Mission 15 lbs-i $730 BRIDAL FALLS Annua Dog 34 Show 3 THE c fiIectric~WeIded Steei Chase IL JBUILT FOR STRENGTHc 41 Made from SiIver~GIoss Steei A One-Piece Chase THE EIectric~WeIded Steel Chase is the strongest chase made, it is strictly a One- Piece Chase. There is no other process that wiII do this to any degree of certainty. “and weiding is bad because of the impossibiiity of obtaining a perfect weId through inefficient or over-heating of the steei-——a haII united joint is the result, which is Iiable to puII apart when subjected to the rigor of printing office handiing. qfThe fact that we have soId 30,000 Electric-Welded SiIver—GIoss Steel Chases shouid be convincing enough to the prospective purchaser of chases that the Electric-Weided One- Piece Steel Chase is the onIy one to be considered. It costs no more than the hand half- weided, hammered together, soidered, brazed or dove-tailed variety. The modern printing office equipment inciudes EIectric~WeIded Steei Chases for hand, piaten, web and cyiinder presses. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 343 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED “ The BARCLAY ‘T Oyster and Fish C0- JL ‘V 26 CALHOUN STREET Restaurants and Hotels Supplied on Short Notice. Sheiiviiie, 7 190. Membership Card INTERSTATE SCHOOL of MUSIC AND DRAMA Season '06 Barnstorm New York Mr. HARBOR ROLLER COMPANY Fine Printers Rollers FIRST CLASS WORK . 23 ABBOTT STREET QUICK DELIVEIRIEJS BROOKTON BARNHART BROS. & SP[NDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE CASLON OLD ROMAN ITALIC CA SL ON OLD Seventh ROMAN ITALIC Annual Picnic... A beautiful, clean cut type that is sure to meet with approval from all first- class printers doing high-class work Jdudddb p, F, HARTWELL T. S. HARTWEL1. ESTABLISHED 1871 V HART11’/ELL & SON W -"Q ’%-’ ix ART WORKS J 7/5: KW CLARKSK Y, V.‘ _ 7.; I90__O_ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 3-15 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CA SL ON OLD ROMAN ITALIC Weights and Prices given are Ap1»m,\'inx;1tc: see page .1. (Inst on Uniform Line. 12 A 41 a 6 Point Caslon Old Roman Italic I‘!-«it, lbs., $2.00 BELLOW OF BULL QUIETED BY RAIN Northwest Grain Crop Conditions Are Most Excellent 1234567890 l8A 35a 10 Point Caslon Old Roman Italic 3["It'> lbs., $2.50 LIVE MUTTON TRADE Farmers Holding 3 the Cattle Market 13A 25a 14 Point Caslon (,)ls., $2.25 VETERAN OF CIVIL WAR Railroad Trains Race Through a Wall of Fire 1234567890 ISA 3121 12 Point (jaslon Old Roman Italic 3‘.‘»{(, lbs., $2.75 COUNTER CHARGE Royal Guest Flees 2 from Hotel I0 A 20a 16 Point Caslon ()lmxini:lt<-2 see page Z. (Hist (H1 l='nil'm'|n l.lll(‘. 26 A 54 :1 6 Point ()ld Roman Comlensed 1" in lbs., $2.00 25 A 49:: 8 Point ()ld Roman (i<>i1(lmise.~;., $2.25 SUPERIORITY OF TYPE MADE FROM Copper Mixed Metal is not Fully Realized Until Compared With Other Makes and is the Reason Our Type is Popular 1234567890 24 A ~l.*s‘a 10 Point ()ld Rmnan Coiitlcmsed 3' in ll)s.. $2.50 DURING THE PHILIPPINE WAR Many Brave Soldiers Lost Their Lives on the Bloody Battle Fields 36 of Luzon Island 14 Point ()1d Roman Condensed WAR MAY BE BARBAROUS BUT Our National Honor Must be Defended and Maintained Oppression resented by the Cannons Mouth 1234567890 20A 40:1 12 Point ()ld Roman C()l1(l(-:llS(é(l .i"n. llisx, $2.75 GOVERNOR GENERAL Commanding United States Campaign Against Aguinaldo 48 the Dictator ll’! lbs., $3.00 SPANISH FLEET DESTROYED AT SANTIAGO Admiral Cervera Fails to Escape 27 Yankee Sailors are Victorious llA 22:1 16 Point ()ld Roman Condensed 43/3 ll)s., $3.00 TRADE WITH ISLANDS INCREASED Porto Rico Hawaii 26 Guam and the Philippine Islands 11 A 22:1 18 Point Old Roman Condensed 4'5 ll) lbS., SUPERIOR COPPER MIXED TYPE Unequaled for Toughness 84 Durability and Finish 7 .=\ 24 Point ()ld Roman (‘niirlmisml PRINTERS SUPPLY HOUSES 571}. ll),s‘., $3.50 Furnish Everything 29 the Printers Need 5:\l1:i 30 Point ()ld Rmnan (7,mi(l(:nsml (>7u. lhs., $4.00 BUILDERS MATERIAL Upholding 45 Logical Arguments SMALI. C.~ws, for6to 18-Point inclusive, put up in separate fonts as follows : (>—l’oint, .75 A, 6% 02., Sue. ; 8—l’oint, 21 A, 802., 50c. ; l()—Point, l8A, 9% oz., 50c.; l2—Point, 13A, 103.; n‘/.., 500.: l4—l’oint, 10 A, 1l_’/L5 02., Sir. BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER'S 35'! 2 l6—l’0int, 7A, 1153; nz., 500.: 18-l’uinl, 5.-\, 12 02., SOC. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE OLD ROMAN CONDENSED \\’ei;.{l1ts aml l’ric(-5 given are Approxinmte; see page 2. Cast on l'niform Line. 3 A 7 a 36 Point Old Roman Condensed 6%; lbs., $4.30 COPPER MIXED Universally 67 Demanded 3 A 7 a 42 Point Old Roman Condensed 8% 1135-» $535 ROMAN FACES Generous 39 Approval 3 A 03 48 Point Old Roman Condensed 11%" lb5-v $6'65 BRICK HOUSE Private 8 Residence 3 A 6a 54 Point Old Roman Condensed 131%" lbs” $7'6° SHIPMENTS Florida 5 Oranges LARGER SIZES SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 353 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OLD ROMAN CONDENSED \\'ci;;‘l11x.'L1H.1 l’ri«(-5 ',,g‘i\ (-11 are .‘\p1n'n.\;i1n;uc: svv 1u;1;:‘<- 3. (Km! nn l'nilm'1n Lilies. 3 A 4 3 (:0 Point ()1d Roman Co11dc11scd 135m lhsz, $8.00 PERFUME Fragrant 9 Rose 3 .\ '1 (1 7.‘ l’oi11t()ld kmnzm (Co11<1c11s<-<1 1551:. lhsz, $8.90 STRONG Hard 2 Paper W. I’. rt , ,,g _/_» ,7 ._ I, /.~ , %~‘ .3?/D‘, . 5‘ x " N \ \‘v ‘ E V ‘H’: /. , " f"z‘\ V. 3 . 'z ;.;‘ __ .{!=‘ .' fix f f ALL PAPER PAINTS, OILS AND VARNISHES 68 Bright Red BRUSHES J BARNHART BROS & Sp1N[)1_ER*s 25.34 SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE OLD ROMAN CONDENSED \ Wm. H. Canfield Geo. A. Longworth Henry Greenchild J K J LA SALLE PRINTING E§f;3:::S COMPANY aEc211%i)(i)g1<1l:t Designers kg 4, )j Printers up-to-date work in every department Telephone, Herald 642 67 and 69 Maryland Printing Building E. FERRYLAND Assurance Trust E] h A 1 t nnua COIIIPEIHY ff coiigit and Ball Savlngs Bank 3 '@® ' Acts as Trustees for Corporations, Firms and Individuals, and as Agent for the Registration and Transfer of Bonds and Stocks of Corporations, and the Payment of Coupons, Interest and G. 0 0 D Dividends, etc. Our SAVINGS DEPARTMENT accepts One Dollar and upwards, pay- ing three per cent interest on same. CAPITAL . . $3,500,000 SURPLUS . . 1,960,000 _ DIRECTORS On Thursday Evening Hector B. Williams Gregor Counlerfeil January. TWCIHY-Slxlh , Henry 0. Hirram Ruben E. Haye HERALD TRUST BANK BUILDING Suvggosgved §fi‘;‘3§$: Corner Desplaines and Euchre Streets, Cashton POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 3;').') QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OLD ROMAN BOLD SERIES \\'cigh1.~; and I)l'i(‘(‘S given are .»‘\.ppruxinmI(*: we p‘.lg(- -.'. (32151 on l'nii<>rm Line. 24 A 49a 6 Point Old Roman Bold 1916 lbs., $2.00 23 A 44 a 8 Point Old Roman Bold 2‘/4' lbs., $2.25 WE CLAIM THAT SUPERIOR COPPER ADVENTURES OF HUNGRY DICK Most Thrilling True Detective Story Ever Published For Sale by all Leading Stationers or Booksellers 1234567890 Mixed Type Cast on the Point Lining System is the Best made Most Durable and Satisfactory Type Sold on the Market 1234567890 17A 333 12 Point Old Roman Bold 3‘,‘/in lbs., $2.75 22A 42 a 10 Point Old Roman Bold 3516 lbs., $2.50 A S AN ELECTRIC WELDED Given to every Customer who will Chase Made from Silver Gloss Steel gives Call at 0111‘ 358 51101‘ 8 FI‘idaY Satisfactory 658 Results Always 13 A 26a 14 Point Old Roman Bold 4% lbs., $3.00 SHEEP NOSE OR EARLY HARVEST APPLES Demands for Early Fruit in 467 Large Cities are Enormous 10A 19a 18 Point Old Roman Bold TWO LARGE PLEASURE BOATS Collide in Mid Ocean 263 Many Lives Being Lost 6A 1221 4'§1/do lbs., $3.25 24 Point Old Roman Bold 57,“, lbs,” $3.50 RELIANCE CANNIN G WORKS Tomatoes and 234 Cucumbers Bought 5 A 1021 _ 30 Point Old Roman Bold CARRIAGE HORSES Bought Sold and 83 Exchanged 4A9a 6!," lo lbs. , $4.25 36 Point Old Roman Bold 8312) lbs., $5.00 GIGANTIC TREES Have Seen 9 Many Years BARNHART BRQS_ & sp1ND1_ER’s 3:56 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE OLD ROMAN BOLD SERIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 4A 7a 42 Point Old Roman Bold 103% lbs., $6.35 RABBIT HUNT Delightful 3 Pleasure 3A 6a 48 Point Old Roman Bold 13'r'I'6 1135-. $7-55 CARPENTER Bicycle 2 Repairer 3A 63 54 Point Old Roman Bold 15% ”’5-- $9-30 SALESME Paving 3 Streets 3A 4 3 60 Point Old Roman Bold 1415/6 lbs-. $3-30 PLUMBER Sewer 5 Pipes 72 POINT SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE. POIl\lT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT—BODY :-:57 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OLD ROMAN BOLD SERIES \\'r-iglnk. unrl l’ri« ts *,.:‘i\'r.*n.'1re /\p])l‘(),‘\'l11l;1l(‘2S('(‘p:l1.1'(’l. (Hts!-ml'niI:>r:I1 l.inr-. 72 Point ()1<1 Roman lfiold 13"u. ll)s., $7.80 BAKERY herry 8 Pie We are Offering High-Grade -e=;;.='e»2 MEATS ‘°"gE;g AND GROCERIES AT EXTRAORDINARY LOW PRICES Our wagons cover the South and West Sides and part of the North Side daily. Get acquainted with us. WE HAVE ALWAYS ON HAND Sirloin or Porterhouse Steaks — - - - 12c Prime Rib Roasts — - — - — — 10c For other bargains in the meat or grocery lines call us up by phone or come and see for yourself. THE CENTRAL MEAT SUPPLY COMPANY BARNHART BROS (3,, sp1ND1_ER‘s :{.3>< SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE OLD ROMAN ill“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"“IIIIIIIIIIII“IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIE E C\J E = E E ' | ‘H E 5 = = E E 1 1 = = = = E E .=. 5 = = E E a B ( Qg 5 = = .-.-. = § 5 E E E CONTENTS E E E E E E _ '33’ J E E 5 - H E 5 a THE FIELD OF MUSIC — - - - - E. z. Tenor E ‘ 1 E , E E ANCIENT MUSICIANS — — — - R d T A S E E aymon rom E g MODERN MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS - - Jay Intown M g E ON U. S. BANDS - — - - — - Capt. H. 0. Bess Y E E ' ' E = Publ1Cat1On = E HINTS TO DIRECTORS - - - - James Standstrate 5 g ADVANCEMENT OF COUNTRY BANDS - John Appleby Devoted E § FOREIGN MUSICIANS — — — — C. U. Blowout E g to the g E FAMOUS TROMBONE SOLOISTS — - - Caspar Davis § .. - = = Cl 1 = E A FIRST LESSON IN HARMONY - - — Isaac Rodski aSSlCa E § . - E = HINTS TO BEGINNERS - - - - I. M. Another Muslclan 5 § FAMOUS COMPOSERS - - - - w. E. Fourhert § - = E‘ FAVORITE MARCHES - ~ - - - J. N. Quickstep E E BAND REHEARSALS - - - — - C. Charles Bostoe E E E — 2 E NEW ORCHESTRA COMPOSITIONS - - - B v‘ I ‘L 4, E E aas 10 a J L W E E MUSICAL RYTHM - - _ _ - Horrace Smart I 1 I 73 E E 5 ANSWERS TO CORRESPONDENCE - - — G. Knowitall E E E E E E 1 S fillllllliimliflyiiiilIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllIllIllIIIIIllllllllllllIIIIIIIllllllllllllxlllllllll IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII-I-IT‘. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POlNT—BODY 37)S) QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ~\ MAZARIN I TALI C N O. 5 \Veiglits and Prices given are ;\1)1)r().\'lIllIlt(’.2 see page 2. (Last on Uniform Line. 27A 52 a 6 Point Mazarin Italic N0. 5 1918 lbs., $2.00 24 A 46a 8 Point Mazarin Italic No. 5 2% lbs., $2.25 MARVELOUS ELECTRIC INVENTION MEXICAN FINANCIAL AGENCY Automobiles and Tramways Electric Light and Power Companies ‘ P1’ Omofing the D€V€1°P€1n€11t 01 Cent!‘ 31 Am€fiC3 123456 7890 ‘ 123456 78 90 20A 403 10 Point ‘.\'Iazari11 Italic No. 5 37 lo ll)s.. $2.50 17 A 33 3 12 P0l“t Mazafin Italic N0- 5 3U‘/" lbs-v $2-75 PROFITABLE FARMING ‘K GI CAN TI C BUILDING ' ‘ 1 Northern Grangers 92 Debating Clubs Cbmago Court 89 HO use Building 214A 263 14 Point Mazafln Italic N0 5 4% “H $3 00 ‘ 11A 1921 18 Point Mazarin Italic N0. 5 4‘5io ll)s., $3.25 LARGE GRAINERY A GROUND FLOOR Harvesting 34 Machinery I Grocery and 27 Market 6A 11 a 24 Point Mazarin Italic No. S 571.. ll)s., $3.50 BRADNEI? IRON COMPANY Manufacturers of 46 Farm Machinery GA 93 30 Point Mazarin Italic No. 5 ()‘3m ll>s., $4.25 SPLENDID OR C HA RD Raising Prunes 47 in California 5 A 83 36 Point Mazarin Italic No. S CHICAGO CL UB Gymnasium 3 8 Exercises SA 721 8% lbs., $5.20 48 Point Mazarin Italic No. S 131%; lbs., $8.05 BANK CLERK Foreign 9 EXCI1 an ge BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 361! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MAZARIN I TALIC NO. 5 O I I May now be spent in Various Ways and at various resorts, but for a fine time spend your vacation at @%@@‘§@@§@?§@@‘§ THEL MAN & @ fifi @ II HOTEL E8 f§’ZZi3§'LZZefho2Zh§§§ The of this KEQ @ $3? @ a half miles north of hotel 3,11‘! Sufgmeg D resort IS cons: ere Ogtowm stage runs the best by the most daily except Tuesday conservative guest. and carries the mail. FISHING AND Rates, $2.00 Per Day and Up B am pom aoaoen NO. 532 are of the very best in this state, grape seeds, blue carp and other gamey fish are very numerous. Steamers Thomas E. Bradmin & Company make daily trips to and I from Frogneck’ return Proprietors and Managers by Way of the Goose 3¢~ 181 and Boating C1vb- Cork Lake Illinois VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. (If; 25(:. POINT-LINE. POlNT—SET. POINT-BODY zam QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MAZARIN \\'e:i3,5l11s;n1rll'ritc'~-.g‘i\z-11are/\m»rnxim;m-2st-<-p;1;:'<'J. (Hint nu lini um 1m _‘.\‘.»\ 55:1 () Point I\l:1z2u‘i11 No. 5 1"u.1hs..$2.00 34 A /10:1 PLEASANT SUMMER COTTAGE TO RENT With Gas Range Cooking Utensils and Good Stationary W¢1sl1 Tubs Groceries and Meats Delivered Free of Charge Every Day 1234567890 rs’ Point .\Ia/.;u‘in l\§<>. 5 Ila; ll>s., $2.25 TWENTIETH CENTURY EXPRESS Railway Steainship and Wireless Telegraph Service Foreign Money Market Commission Reports 1234567890 17 .~\ Jon 1.‘ Point Ma’/,;n'i11 N0. 5 .%"u}. ll)s., $2.75 31 .\ -11:1 10 l’()i1lt .\I:1zarin Nu. 5 3' u. H).s., $2.50 MOONLIGHT NIGHTS IMPORTED RUSSIAN SABLES Money Loaned on Furniture and Jewelry Real Estate Life and Fire 58 Insurance When the Nightingale Sweetly Sings Lovers Tell 23 the Same Story 15 A 38:1 H }’oi11tI\*Iazzu‘i11 No. 5 l‘.; ll)s.. $3.00 ENGLISH LITERATURE OF THE CENTURY Latest Books Magazines and 86 Periodicals on Modern Languages 1lA31a 1h‘l’<>i11t.\Ia7.:n‘in No 5 NEW FANCY UMBRELLA HANDLES Special Brand of Walking 34 Sticks and Riding Whips 7.\ 11:1 ‘Fm. ll)», $3.25 Ill’oim ,\l:1/:11in;\'u.5 ATTRACTIVE BEDSTEADS Steel Springs and 28 Chilled Iron Shafts (3 W ;{ 5: —: ll><_. $3.60 .$Ul’4.>i1lI3121/;11'iI1Nu.5 (:7, ll>s.. $4.30 CARRIAGE COMPANY New or Second 26 Hand Wagons S .\ 7 .s()l’<>i11tXI:1x2n‘inX<>.5 N‘ n. ll).\‘., $5.00 BLACK SQUIRREL Wild Turkeys 98 and Geese BARNHART BROS. &. SPlNDLER‘S 313'} SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MAZARIN “ A‘ No. 5 I’ \ Wwofi co 1: _ 9 O \ N T L I ~t D D O I N Y S E T‘ V ri\ en are Appro.\:in1:1te: sec pa;.{(‘ 2 (list an ‘ 5 A 5 48 Point Mazarin No. 5 $7.55 \\'cirl:t»':1n‘.. $3-00 LONG COLD WINTER MONTHS From December to 24 March the Twenty Eighth 3 A l(H1 18 I’oii1t'I‘alisn1an Italic l'5m ll)s.. $3.25 YOU WANT GOOD WORK Always use Superior 47 Copper Mixed Type 5 A 10:1 34 Point Talisiuali Italic S‘: ll)s., $3.55 TALISMAN ITALIC Series Cannot be 58 Overlooked I A 711 30 Point Talisinaii Italic 0'-‘ii. lbs., $4.25 GRAND SCENERY Colorado 5 River Canyon Fancy Characters of Talisman Italic “Y1 ‘Q’ ‘if WW \\'¢*i;:l1t.~. .'in1'u.\'iin.'m,- 6 Point . .. ‘no lb.. $0.10 14 Point 51¢. lb., $0.15 .30 Point ‘Sm lb., $0.60 ' £9 ‘V. . (8 )1 ,, I _. T . .. .15 18P0i11t w . ‘/111)., .20 48 'nt __ ‘u ll), .45 ll) ‘ll ._ _. “lb ll).. .15 3.4 I’ )‘ It , .. ‘_l’1%ll)., .25 ()0 ‘ll! ._ _l‘_1(/I ll)S., .65 1.7 Point ‘4 ll).. .15 301 ‘It _ _ .. 3'8 ll)., .45 73 Point ,5 , ,. I58 ll).s‘.. 95 Cll21I'ElCt(E1‘.\‘ 0 and 7 not made i114b‘. 60 and 7.’ point. BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLER‘S 366 SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE TALISMAN ITALIC \\'ci_u_‘I1Ix ;u1«_I I’1'i:'(~~.:4‘i\m1;u'<- 4\I‘{)r"q\'i]1“'1t{):gcci);i:¢—{.l' (‘mat on l‘nif()rm Linc. 3 A 5 a 36 Point Talislllzm Italic‘ 5" 1.. II).<., $5.00 NORTHERN Transit 49 Company 3 A 7' '18 Point 'I‘ali.~‘.1nzu1 Italiv 1.1 11>>‘.. $7.30 BUILDING Strong 37Bridge IA 121 ()0 Point 'I‘2IIis1nan Italic, 173: 11>>‘.. $10-50 R U AL Mail 25 Bags 3 A 3 21 73 Point Tzxlislnan Italic 31'1"» 11“-, $12-30 ROAST Big 8 Load POINT-LINE. F’OINT"SET. POINT-BODY 31$‘? QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TALISMAN \\'cig1)ts;mt1l’ri1<-s gi\on .'u‘<- .r\1)1)mxi)n;1tc: s<-(- 1);1)[('_'. (Hist «:11 1'ni1«)rm 1.1m-. 30 A 39;) () Point 'l‘a1isu)a1) 1911. 11)s., $2.00 lb‘ A (55 :1 H l’()int '1‘a1isu1a11 IA 11)s., $2.25 EXCLUSIVE MANUFACTURER LATE BOOKS OF FICTION Marble Covered Tables Mantels and Sideboards whY Dexter Left Home and Undaunted 1234567890 1234567890 16 A 31) a 10 Point Talisman 5‘ :2, lbs., $2.50 14 A 25:) 12 Point 'I‘a1isma1) 3“/fr. lbs., $2.75 COMPLETE OUTFITS CARPETS TAPESTRY Finest Mahogany 37 Furniture Parlors and 48 Bed Rooms 12 A 21:1 14 l’r)i1)t'I‘a1is11)a)) 41/,‘ 11,5” $3_0o NIAGARA FALLS PROGRAMME Entertainment Offered 75 United States Senators HA 15 a 18 Point Talisliian 4'5“, 11,3” $3_25 NEW YORK YACHT CLUB Attending Atlantic 26 City Race Meetings 5 A 1021 24 P011): 'l‘a1is)na)) 571., lha, $3.50 SOUVENIR OF RACES Presented on 46 Gala Occasion S A 7;) 30 Point Talislnan 7% 11)s., $4.45 MIDLAND BEACH Rockaway 38 Luna Parks Fancy Characters of Talisman .~\m)1‘<)xi)));1Ie l’riC(:s 10 Point 11)., $0-10 36 Point 1/5 11)., $0.35 12 Point ‘*1/411)., .10 42 Point ‘.")o 11)., .35 14 Point ‘/.9. 11)., .10 48 Point 5/1 11)., .50 12)’ Point -‘n. 11)., .15 a 6 S 54 Point 3311)., .50 ' 24 Point 51¢, 11)., .25 ()0 l’<' 1 11)., .60 30 Point ‘,2 11)., .35 1 3 3 4 5 72 Pr" 1% lbs., .60 [M1115 cmitain c11ara(:te1's l [()51llC11lS1\'(é. BARNHART BRQS_ & SP]ND1_ER'S 21138 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ./‘- »/u?\‘ I \ L "4 l -\ m ‘AV; 8- ? I '*),_/ 1' J-’ I) °m~ to mm?’ Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. TALISMAN SERIES 4 A 5 a 36 Point Talisman 8%: lbs., $5.15 GOLD FIELDS estern 78 Districts 4 A 5a 42 Point Talisman 10% 1135-» $530 SON GSTER Operatic 38 Leader 3 A 5 3 48 Point Talisman 12% lbs-v $750 DAN CIN String 47 usic 3 A 5 a 54 Point Talisman 15% lbs., $9.20 FOREIG Ships 26 Boats LARGER SIZES SHOWN ON NEXT PAGE POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 369 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TALISMAN \\'z~i;;htx ;m0 l’uint'l‘z1lism2m 10'-‘:4. lbsu, $10.15 ROCKERS Fancy 5 Chair .3 A 3 :1 73 l’(>i11t'I‘:11is111an ‘U5 u. ll>s., $11.75 BRAINS Big 6 Head TEA ROSES CARNATIONS 10c DOZ. 10c DOZ. ESTABLISHED 1868 W. B. CARMEN 6} CO. FLOWERS . _ V '.\"r'- / R I¥¢,,,,iW.;”’é:\9% ‘ I 1 I an \-\-\ uoacoaoga 626 CACTUS ST. GERANIUM, PA. Choice Cut Flowers Received Daily Orders Receive Prompt Attention VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 46. JE)(' BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 3:1» SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE HERIDAN Q HARTLEY 8 COHEN ‘M Popular Baby Grand r’ IANO u Nowhere will you find such a l combination of low prices and l I really high-grade instruments f as we are offering. I ‘y 1» Our New Models M l represent the experience of the old l combined with the progression of the new and up to date methods 2 LUNDING NEW LARK CHOCOCO 3 VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 173, 760. ‘ Tm. POINT-LINE.Po1NT—sET.Po1NT—BoDY zm QUALITY AND FINISH UNEZQUALED PAST EL \\'cigli1s ;m«l I’ri< cs ’i\'(‘1lill'(‘/\ i)I'11\'lIIli11(‘; k 12 A 44 El 6 Point Pastel I.i;:litfac(2 1" In u)S., $2.00 CANADAS GREAT HARVEST FIELDS Millions of Bushels of Cereals Raised on Manitoban Prairies Valuable Suggestions on Farming 1234567890 17 A 34 :1 I0 Point l’21st<:l I,i;:litf;i(:(: 3' In ll>s., $2.50 PRINTER BOOK BINDER Engraver Lithographer Embosser Highest Class 48 of Printing ‘) A IR ;1 lh’ Point l’:1.st(-.1 I.iglitl';u‘,t- LIGHTFACE ~,r*v.- 1».'1g<- 1. (His! on Viiiiuriii l.ii1<-. IIJA rim 3 mim l’:ist<~l I.i;,»litf;1(‘,(s :1/4 ll>s., $2.25 MACHINE MODEL DESIGNING Contractors Draftings and Specifications Everything Scientifically Prepared l2?>456"(89O ISA 16:1 12 Point l’:istel I.l;11ltf:1(‘,(E 3“u.l1>s.,$2.75 CIVIL ENGINEERS Civil Service Examinations Post Office 97 Clerks 5 im, $3.30 REPUTATION ESTABLISHED Optimus Standard and 58 Reliance Press 5 .\ ll) 3 lil Point }’£iSI(’l l,igIitfa Stores 3 A 3 3 72 Point Pastel 17% lbs-v $1035 NATURE Dew 7Drop RHEUMATISM A POSITIVE CURE We guarantee to cure absolutely and permanently the worst cases of Rheuma- tism, whether it be acute, inflamatory, sciatica or muscular, and do it in a safe and speedy way. It is not necessary for you to suffer any longer with your affliction, you don't have to take our word for it but ask your druggist for Rheumo Nut Grape Powders, They don't keep them; they sell them. Remember that we guarantee them to cure you. Directions on each package. Buy today, give them a trial and if not satisfied you get your money back. POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 377 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \1‘° ‘ 0:: ‘‘:fi. ISA 28a 12 Point Pastel Open 3%, lbs., $2.75 LEFE FBRWE lANli’>) ACCHDENT HNSUR/ANQE l}©©Lll@lllES Debentulree lleeued Fiirelr; ZMl©1r*tg@1g@e ©>ughtc Gllfldl E>x<.@lh1@1ng@
:nrg©1fm§ 10A 16 18 Point Pastel Open 4'5qo lbs., $3.25 a@YCZL©l\lE HARDWARE DEALERS ESt©ZlbllllSh@d Twelve Hundred ccmdl Eighteen Five Twenty Seven Z324 Nfinth Avenue 6A oint Pastel Open 5‘/r;’ lbs., $3.50 UlNl@AE©E> ERUHT EARAA P@©Zl@h@S ccmcdl 25 Appleg F©>r Selle 4 A 7a 36 Point Pastel (,)pe11 81/4 lbs., $5.15 lE}> @©>©:It$,, Trr©u1s@1r§,, Wcqxgh (End ]]="lwl‘l)\illl£l1I".‘»('r_‘p:\);*‘J. (Inn! cm l'I|i1m'1n |,m:~ ”; A 4 ;; (10I’uint l’;1.x‘t¢-,1 liold in . Hi~;., $10.10 §:\ 321 7.’ Point i’;1st<-pl Bald _’l'1\s lb.~‘.., $12.25 CHECKS Time 5 Boy Pastel Bold Series ls built for service in work of every description, from the choicest productions of the job printer to magazine or newspaper advertising. It is a letter that gains one’s confidence; a face that gives to printing the stamp of solid, genuine work. Strong Sturdy Attractive BARNHART‘ BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 21%;’ SUPERIOR COPPER’-MIXED TYPE PASTEL 'vW£~“ BOLD A. 0. ROGERS 8:. C-0. HARD CATALOGl906 <<>€§/Q 626 SMITHSONIAN STREET cINcINNA1'I, TENN. .;»'~\- / /6“ C‘ (_ /£9‘ Opp PASTEL :‘337~"=‘1*5“*" “ CONDENSED M -\°'~ 0° I‘\'[ -‘‘(?t \ l l I ',\m 1 l I 34 A 45;, 51am” }>;L_M,1(~(,m{(v.H5(.(1 314‘ 11,5’, $2.25 32 A M :1 ll) l’nmt l’z1.»'u-.l(‘«cm«l<-1\s;(~s.. $2.50 ANCIENT ORDER or BAGHELORS HUNTING IN THE JUNGLES Good Organization for Men of Sound Judgement Writing an Interesting and Educative Novel '93“56789° 1234567390 11 A :’»‘J;1 13 Paint l’;1st(_-.1(,§mId(e11s<‘s.,$2.75 VACATION PLEASURES Sixty Thousand 637 Pleasure Seekers l(>A 131 :I M l’<>IlIt l)2lSi(‘l (‘mnlt-Ilsml 1’/4 llmy. $3.00 MODERN PRESSES Optimus Reliance 43 Standard ‘J 1 )1 l’<>in1 PEISIUI (:(llI(t(‘llS(‘(l 5‘: llmg, $3.55 EXPERIENCED ‘Merits Eight Expert 9 Artists Songs of the 6 Sunny South EA ()9 lh “I53. $4.05 RELIABLE SALESMEN Selling Staple and Fancy 34 Groceries 5 .~\ llln mint 1)ll§<-t(‘1(:(lll(t(‘llH(f(1 ()7 . ll)», $4.25 Humoeous CUSTOMERS Beautifully Decorated 82 Windows 5 A ‘I 4.’ Point l’;Ist(:l (‘.mI<1(:11.s‘ml 9 “>52. $5-40 GRAND SHOW ROOM Exhibiting Fine 5 China Silks BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLER‘S 2l>«>l SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 5 A 8;; 48 Point Pastel Condensed 1()~‘/é lbs., $6.25 BURGLAR ALARM Photographs 67 Retouched SA 5;; 54 Point Pastel Condensed 13% 1bs.. $7-50 NORTON STREET Magnificent 9 Structure 3 A 4 a 60 Point Pastel Condensed 9598 1119-» 35-50 INDIAN SPRING Fishing and 5 Hunting 3 A 4:1 72 Point Pastel Condensed 11%» “)9, $530 COMMERCIAL Tobacco 4 Exports POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 3-£85 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I \ 9 c $‘° 0» I’ pouvr LWE ht» ,\ D O I N T 5 E Y4 °.°a~T W CONDENSED I VOLUME SEVEN NOVEMBER I908 NUMBER EIGHT I THE BUlLDER’S RECORD CONTENTS - The Teakettle Building . Howard Kohler Illustrated with Photos by the Author Ancient and Modern Terra Cotta . Editor 1 New Fire-proofing Materials . J. 3. Wine T Patent Office Examiner Report of the Twentieth Annual Meeting of The Builder’s Association at Poplar City, September 4-6, I908 News Items and Editorial Comment t I I L _l_ ( J L ) I I TEMPLE OHNAMENTS uo 102 44444 ,. I I I THE BUILDERS ASSOCIATION PUBLISHING COMPANY . 1234 scnrrom BUILDING . MASONRYBURG J BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 386 SUPEWOR C0PPE3R"V”XED TYPE Decorating Your Home 4% Hints on Fresco FINISHO PAINTS WEAR LONGEST E?.J.'§T§eYr?l;%%v ho’s your tove Man? ou are not trading with us we sk you a pertinent question or oes he display as an attractive and at lower prices than ours? emaker” Gas Ranges ?? till? $90 I I It |, I f i J s __ _V The above represents our line and stands for the best stove science and coupled with our courteous treatment makes a tandem that simply demands attention. We want to show you why we should be YOUR “Stove people” Noble Stove Works POINT-LINE. POI NT—SET. POI NT—BODY 387 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \"h °‘*'-:2‘; SERIES ..'S.-\ H :1 (» Point Mmit 1":-. Hr», $2.00 '1 .\ Hm l’nim .\l«'u it ”» ll» .$2.25 FASHIONABLE DRESSMAKING EMDORIUM LENINGTON GRAIN 5pECULATORS Guarantee Satislaction in Ladies Tailor Made Suits Cattle Buyers and Dealers in Pine Lumber l23456789O 1234567890 .’1.'\ -ilél HI i’Hllli .\I(‘lii i'l«, Hl'~.\.$2.5O GROCERIES AND MERCHANDISE Beautiful Modern 35 House Furnishings 1: .\ ‘ 1' i’Ivll1l \ie'I1i .‘ 1-‘ HM . $2.75 GRAND FLORAL PARADE Minstrel Bands 20 in Attendance 11 A 31 :1 M Point .\Imit l"‘.., Hm, $3.25 as\ rm H l‘»»im .\iI'llI 1‘ n. Il~~~.. $3.00 “CKET OFHCES PASSENGER STATION Arkansas 35 EXCUrS|0|1 Express Train 46 Eastbound *~‘:\ Hm In l'ninl .\luix 1"..,ll»~» .$3.25 SEVERAL DIFFERENT DRAWINGS Specifications Submitted for I2 New Bridges “A H 9‘ I-i }’<»iHI .\it-lit V» H’‘». $3-60 TOUGHEST AND MOST DURABL Clothing for 83 Hunting and Fishing WELECTRIC iii}iUiT0M0B|LEiiii General Repair 8 Department 5 A 9 91 hi Paint Mo-1 it 13%" “"‘~~ $7-80 Furniture and 5 Carpets BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLE.Fx"S Iii-’r< SUPERIOR COPPER’-MIXED TYPE MERIT SERIES \\'c'i 'III\ .1111! I’n« cs win-1. Mr ,\ >1rU\Ill|&lIt'§ \t‘(' v.'r,_-c‘ _’. 1'4»: H11 I'niI1»rxn Line‘ 3. A II ’% A la (M Point Merit 1151:) lbs.. $6.80 HEAT MARKET Growing 2 Stronger 3 A %a 72 Point Merit 15510 lbs-v 38-90 MONUMENT Shows 4 Respect MERIT WINS PRAISE f A Strong and Durable Type ' which can be used to good . advantage in various ways T CAST FROM Superior Copper-Mixed Metal POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT—BODY 389 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SERIES \\‘v1-,_:ht..n1«l|'H«r~.;;1\1~n.u«-.»\1»;.1n\I|Im1t’,‘ac’-’|».\,:-m‘ < ' um I mhnm I H- 13 A 35“ (I }’Hilll ( ill.) ‘"11: H)\.. ll '\ 33“ \ Ptrilll ( Ill}! _'l;H\~_‘ STAR QPERA H()Us[g; PUPILS \AIELCC)IV\E English and French Best f’|ays Dainty Lul1CI1 F70!‘ Ladies Three Comic Shows Dally Sainples for Children '234'5°78°° I2 34567890 Mr .\ 31;. H)l’<>in1(lul> .‘ ... Hr». $2.50 BRUSSELS CARPETS AND TAPESTRY Con1plete and Fashionable Line of Easy Chairs Grocery Department 28 on Sixteenth Floor 1.’ Puim (‘luh »"u«. llw, $2.75 BARGAINS EVERY TUESDAY These Sales Continue Until Septen1ber Music Furnished 42 by Seas Band (’ '\ W“ lb’ |’uint (flulr ‘Fin H'‘-.. 353-25 IV\C)RNlNS C}L.C)RIES Sketches fron1 Slun1berland An1erican Beauty 5 Rose _‘1|’ninI(‘|ulv ‘W HP». 333-50 FRESH MEATS F<‘ine Spring Chickens Oysters in 7 Season BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLEF€‘S REM! SUPERIOR COPPER’-MIXED TYPE SERIES \\¢'\*,:ht\ uni l’r1« cw ;:i\(-n an: _\]>pru\iII1.'1t<’: \(‘(‘ 1>;1;:c' _‘. (Uni ma l'm'!nrm Linc-. 3 A =1 A 30 Point Club U910 lbs., $5.90 NUNC PIE Bread 4 Tray ‘A 411 48 Point (‘lub 14 1b~*-» 38-40 OX DOG Large 8 Man /’> A 1321 ()1) Point (‘luh 19"“ lbs” $l1'6o TIGERS Red 7 Caps 3 A 3 3 fl Pflint (‘luh 1b!<.. SN AKE3 Greedy 5 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. PO[NT—BODY SW1 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED The Produce Exchange Exporters and Uuholesalers Vegetables I Native Fish (3on1rnission Merchants In ‘ J ‘LE_l.:' - R. I. Cook . Buyer Orchard Lake HALE F N\F\NlJh GUNS . RIFL CARTRI REPAIR General Offices and Target Cour NEUU STORE 5 First Place BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLE-ZR'S :29-3 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE HARD TIRES FOR LIGHT VEHICLES |90l FASTEST RUNNING U SLOWEST WEARING The Only Patented Solid Rubber Detachable Light Vehicle Tire in the World Giving Satisfaction Endorsed by The Amalgamated Order Autoists and Chauffeurs of Good Road City Clubs and Owners Everywhere MANUFACTURED BY THE HARD TIRE MANUFACTURING COMPANY PHILADELPHIA VALVELESS, 0r1|0 SAINT ANDREWS POINT-LINE. P’C)lNT’SL T. l’<’)lNT-HO[))‘r’ Jltiii GU/—\LlTY ANJD F-“l.’\HSH UNEQUAL_ED \\ hl—..ni~1|'ii« ,1 \|»1 3 I 1 I 1 I 1 I ; 33 A HA ll l’nint .\Inn Nu. 7 l"n. lb», $2.00 .’2.\ Ha n'l‘u111t.\Im»\41 in’ Point ;\IIlU NM. 3 15 HI». $7.80 ENORMOUS Copper 9 Mining PRINTER Blank 3 Card BARBERS TAR Marvelous Face Cream To be used after shaving You will find this Cream to be far Superior to any you have previously used. Gives perfect satisfaction. POINT—L|NE POINT SET. POINT-BODY ::eI:. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED re NUMBERS 37;‘. 558 6I’()il1t'I‘()pi(‘. NI). 5 lqlh lhsx, $2.00 35 .\ 50a 21 Puillt Tupit‘ NI». 5 3‘; lb», $2.25 INoIAN ANo AMERICAN ANTIQIJITIES WIIERE BUSY CHICAGO Now STANDS Revealed in Buried Cities Where Once Enlightened People Dwelt ‘ Once Grew Dense forests filled with Savage Indians American Buftalo Gradually Being Extingulshed Constantly Watching for the Whitemans Scalp l234567B90 I2 34567890 3.’ A -1521 IU Point 'l'()pi(: No. 5 3' II. lbs‘., $2.50 .10 A /H 2: 1.’ Point 'l‘npi(‘ N0. 5 3"I¢. lbs., $2.75 HUNTING SEASON OPENS ‘ SHEET |RON WORKERS Scarcity of Wild Game in Canada Causing Cutting and Shaping Heavy Sheet Iron Hunters to Invade 42 African Jungles Makes Men of 37 Strong Muscle 17 A 34 a 14 Point Topic No. 3'/'4 lbs... $3.00 UNITED STATES BATTLE SHIPS SAILING NORTHWARD Captured Cruisers Returned Sailors Paroled and many Prisoners Exchanged Treaty of Peace Signed 486 and Diplomatic Relations Resumed 13 A 263 18 Point Topic (I IIANDSOME MACHINES ENMIIBITED AT PARIS Exposition Judged by Many to he Light Strong and Speedy Most Perfect Machine 529 on the Market today 1'51!» ”)S., $3.25 57 II. llI.~:., $3.50 MOUNIAIN sIi4Iti”‘Aii?:°ii§Et5IItI>IIooIJcto Grand Cyclorama of 68 the Rocky Mountains 7 A ‘.33 (I7II. ”).\‘., $4.00 orrohruhlrfiiosi [XC[ll[NI farmers Getting 23 Beautiful Ilomesteads BARNHART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ID\ N“ °o “ NUMBER 5 ’ nc~Y)lY N1 // ED / \\‘<'i,_'}:t\ uni }’ri- -A» ,_'rx»,-H ..rv; .\pprHxi1n;xtt’: .*st’€1h'xgt'.’. (last my Yxxiiurxn Linc‘. 5 A ‘la 36 Point Topic No. 5 7% lbs., $4.45 STATE nrfililfirwr BANDM Bold Guards 58 New Armory LARGE GIi2\%NAnIts Wheat Corn 73 and Barley 54 Point Topic No. 5 13910 lbb‘-9 $7-55 EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE GE POINT—LlNE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 397' Q U A L I T Y A N D F 1 N I S H U N E Q U A L ED NUMBER 5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate: see page .5. (fast on Uniform Line. 3 A 4 a 60 Point Topic No. S - 10'/ii» lbs., $6.05 Bfllfilfl MINDS Iraining 37 Humanity 3 A 4a 72 Point Topic No. 5 11%6 lbs-. $6-70 DEEP SEA FISH Whales 48 Sharks 3 A 33 96 Point Topic No. 5 15% “’5-- 53-00 COLUIVIBIAN Corner 52 Halls BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER’S 398 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NUMBER 5 Ihe Rosewood Biiiiiom furniture (Jo. WASII STANDS Monms CHAIRS MANUFACTURERS AND um CLOCKS ””""5 '” OEEICE DESKS OEEICE CHAIRS ROCKERS I ommo cums f u r n I t u RAIIAN CHAIRS DINING IABLIES In connection with our CARD “Bus mammoth furniture WRIIING 955'“ factory we have added MUSIC CABINETS a rattan department "BMW “Bugs which enables us to design and manufacture “HM CANNES anything that is really PMIl0R CABINETS artistic in the way of |)R|ESS|N(j mists chairs, rockers and all BEDSIEADS kinds of woven goods. COUCIIES “0 IIIE ROSEWOOD FURNITURE CO. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 399 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 33 .\ M .1 (I IHIIIII \\’¢-~-mi 1" III ii)‘~., $2.00 _‘i .\ iiii GRAND OPPORTUNITY FOR YOUNG MEN Invest Your Money in the Wildcat Mining Company H i’ SERIES °1~Y 900 to 1 \\’ 9 '— " ii“ ' i q ' '* \;»',‘rw-..;'.;‘.r‘ ~.«-~'1 ._;r W }’«>HIt \\'<‘\¢'I \—‘ 1:, 11)». $5.10 STRANDED STEAMER Building 57 Eighty Ships 1\ }’umt \\'<-[xv 1.‘ ‘.~. lbs. $7.70 BLACK DIAMON Express 3 Company Ml Poilit \\'c-srl l3~‘.~< lbs.. $7.45 BOATSWAIN Climbing 2 Mast SHOEAASAL Open 8 Nights QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 3 .-\ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 14:] 1'; i ' \‘.’I .v.@ -}) 2‘ 0?} .)) ..}) -»>>> % \‘f ~»>>> ~>»>> ->»)> 3 ‘Q’ $ $ i Q o(§})oQ7)o U o®o@o \‘7 X» i *1 i "‘ 0 \/ 0 \/ 0 \/ ' C) C’) @ .\ V ’»’}>/ BAHNII/—\I\"I’ I$I\’(DFS. & S5F’lN[)ls_I;,I"\".% «:2 % é, i % $ é 5. i i 9, 9, 5, ‘$5 3, 4: $ ‘z % OVOVOV0\\?0\‘’7o\‘’}o\‘§o¥o¥oVo¥o\‘7o¥o¥o o\"}o\‘9o\‘?o\‘7 \ \ '1 , O 1.“! / ¢ ?~ $ 2 '@'®'@'@ 3 $ $ * SHRIMP LOBSTERS e -Q’)-(x) a a I I I O". I OYSTERS °Q") :o I .9. OPEN DAY AND NIGHT The best service that can be obtained in the city is guaranteed at our establish- ment and the best the market affords served to our patrons. -Q)~(\) TABLES WILL BE RESERVED FOR PRIVATE DINNER PARTIES Game of All Kinds in Season 31 it 1 1‘. 3‘. I I I I I (<- ((M- -(3 <<~ 4‘ '3 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ °C‘3)°("3)° “¢ 3* C -» \)>/ -»\>>\ -»>>>‘ ‘/ 'I )1‘? SLJIs’I_..HI()I~<‘ (.§(”)I’I-’[:.-I\’ ~ NI I X E.[,) TY Pfi 9 ‘ //‘g\° COD smamonm M t I (O 1*? \ V 1 TO_ RHGES \ P:?33i3¥a'7v\‘"}3\e 1 /('-/ \‘ ’I The Hollis (Sup Series m§ I908 ( week of seplsember 5!“)-1012'! T he Haviland Hum Glub Gourse JV‘ 95°“ COQDL SHERIDHN ° ""*75"5*‘ "° ‘ SERIES ‘U (D / 1*?‘ 20 A 3821 (i Paint Slit-i'id:1ii 1'’ ii. H)», $2.00 18 A $7 '1 . » Pniiii Slim ninn 1‘. 11.5., $2.25 moles i=nsmoNnBu=. THILOR FHNGY NEGKWEHR Sfil-E Satisfaction Guaranteed in Tailor Made Suits Wednesdau Ba|’Ga|“8 In I-35385 NOVBWICS waists Skirts Gloaks Gapes and Jackets stililnsh ‘"375 B0035 and 3h08$ |2345(,739o I2345b7890 15 A $1 a 1U Point Sin-iidaii 3' lo ll»-.., $2.50 15 .A\ 10;: 1.‘ Point Sin-i iiimi s"i«. Hm, $2.75 GLOTHING BHRGHINS UNUSUHL BHRCVHIN5 Great Glearing sale Gontinuing Handsome Souvenir Present Gotton Goods 23 sacrificed Wltih Each 59 Purchase 12 .v\ 25;: M Point Slimiilziii -35 ii. ll».~., $3.00 GENERHL MERGHHNDISE DEPHRTMENT Head to Foot Outfitters and Household Furnishings salt and Fresh Meats 86 Groceries and Drugs 4'-Ric Nix, $3.25 one Hunnneiiiiiilltssmnmen HOMES Beautifullu Located Rich and costlu Furnishings situated on the 92 shores of Lake Easter 57 In His.. $3.50 |MPROVEi4;mISli§iiiil5li(3HlNERY Exhibition at the 59 saint Louis Fair JUDOED *i§VExrEnTs Durable strong 56 and Efficient BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S ()7-\ H).\‘., $4.30 SUPERIOR COF"F’ER—MIXED TYPE *1} SERIES \\ t'i‘,_'hts.1lI<1 l’ri« rs ;;i\r'x| an‘ _\p|»rnxi1n.’1t¢-: st-e11.'1;.5c_’. |‘;1xtnn lwnimrm l.inr.-. 30 Point Sheridall t~'%":< lbs.. $5.20 NORTON HVENUE Evanston Glub 68 Rooms l2'3xo lbs., $7.70 5 A H («I S A ' -15 Point Sheridan FOUNDHTIONS Wholesale 34 House 14315 lbs., $8.40 ()0 Point Slueridan HMERIGHN Sand 94 Banks 165/2' lbs., $9.55 §.-\ In 72 Point Sheridan MODERN Auditorium 8 405 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 3A 3A POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY \\"L-ights auul l’ri« rs given are Appruxinmtc; S('(' 1);: to ’ 22 A 4.’ a 6 Point I.11.\:0r N0. 5 19 no lb.s., $2.00 3 18A 3821 8 Point Luxm No. 5 2% lbs., $2.25 EXCURSION BOAT MANCHESTER PRESENT D11 Y PROGRESS Finest Excursion Boat on Water Making Dally Electric L10)"-S Tl'0"9Y C31’ AU"""0b"9 Trips to Luna Island Rocky Park Conway PNDUDU PTO-SS and 0098" cRbl9 1234557399 I 1284567890 ISA Ma 10 Point I.nxm' No. 5 INTRODUCTION OF THREE DISTINCT METHODS Of Printing was Made by Different Persons and at three Different Places During the same Period 784 of Fifteenth Century 3'1}. lbs., $2.50 14 A 27;: 12 Point Luxor No. 5 Wilt» 1bS., $2-75 BIG CITIZENS NONPARTISAN MEETING Opposing Election of Designing Politicians Men Prominent In Business Affairs Take 529 Part in the Meeting 11 A 32?! 14 Point Luxor No.5 BUYERS IN AMERICAN MARKET Struggling to Buy 36 Spring and Summer Goods 45 to lbs., $3.00 “A 173 18 Point I.ux0r No. 5 5' lb “)8-. $3-35 PRINCIPAL INSTRUCTIONS Reproducing the 37 Human Thoughts 5 A H 8 24 Point Lllxor N0. 5 5% lb-*3, $3-55 POPULAR MEL ODIES Marine Band 24 Give Concert 3 A 621 36 Point Luxor No. 5 8% lb-9-. $5-35 DOMES TI CS Bargain 39 Hunter BARNI-IART BROS. & SF’INDLER’S 406 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE _\ 1.1 ‘ml’nimI.11x<>1o.\'r>.5 1.”; lb». $7.65 CHES TE Neat 57 Dairy ..\ nu Point I.ux«.>1‘ Nu. S ':v"7I~ H’‘~ 511-10 SPRING Rug 3 Sales High Grade PRINTING INK Fine Book, Cut and Half- Tone Blacks. We handle the best obtainable at prices that are in keeping with the goods. Copy lnk.s-all colors Typewriter Circular Inks POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1:17 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED wxon NUMBER 5 The Loraine Company Prin te rs 2348 Divided Avenue . . . Typetown Pamphlet and Bell Telephone :1:'.?.'.‘..‘:‘’‘’'‘ Southern Bindery °"'“’;.';’:::’ Maiden Avenue and South Boulevard COVERTONM e -7 tea I Gentlemen: Pleese deliver at once vie a . _ e I e n. with invoice the following goods and charge to our account: / / Orchard Creamery Butter, Eggs, Dairy Products Peartree Grove . . . . Iowa BARNHART BROS. .5. SPINDLER’S 408 SUPERIOR C0PPER*M1XED TYPE PLYMOUTH SERIES $275 Cobalte Piano for $175 If your neighbor possesses a Cobalte Piano you probably know its many points of superi- ority which no other piano made possesses- its clear, resonant tone, fine sounding board. responsive touch. beautiful case and finish. \ Q ‘ / JUST THINK \ of having the music of a “Cobalte” every evening in your home at the exceptionally low price of 1’ $1 PER WEEK I’ C This is a proposition which you cannot dupli- I cate in Eastville today. therefore you should not miss this opportunity of securing a really M high-grade piano at this low figure. There are ‘ plenty of pianos at $l.OO a week. it is true- but there is only one Cobalte. Stool and Scarf with every Piano I COBALTE PIANO CO. I 25 HARMONY AVENUE 3 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY {UH QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \\'(-ights um! |’rin cs gin-n .'u'¢- .\|)[)I’(),\ilII«ilt'; xv!‘ p.ig’r L5. (Hist cm l'niinrm Linc-. WA 38 :1 6 Point l’l_\'m()11til 1” no lbs., $2.00 lb‘ A 34 21 :3’ Point }’l_ymuuth 1% lbs., $2.25 FINE LILAC AND ROSE BUSHES PROSPECT FOR DIAMONDS Magnificent Display in all the Summer Gardens South Australian Investment Company Large Crowds Visiting the Parks every Day lnsures Success to Diligent Seekers 1234567890 1234567890 13 A 36a 1.’ Point Plynlouth .S','T1}. lbs., $2.75 ATHLETIC GAME SECRET SOCIETIES Breaks 5“ 49 the Records A Holding First 12 Annual Picnic Si1Vel‘ Medfils Awarded Prize for Best Looking Girl 15 A 3921 H) Point l’l)'mmnh 3' no lbs., $2.50 HA 20:1 14 Point l’l_\'nmuth W4 lbs., $3.00 EASTERN COLLEGE GRADUATES Seeking the Golden West for Financial Openings Selling of Government 65 Land an Attraction 18 Point Plynmuth -1'5n. li)s., $3.25 SOUTH LEAGUE GAMES Western Association Games are Played Base Ball Parks 71 Close for Season 5 A ‘) :1 24 Point Plyinoutin SHR» lbs., $3.65 GRAND OLD FLAGS National Emblem 92 Display 4 A 7 50 Point Plymouth 5'5"» H1‘-» $4-30 STORM CLOUDS Moonlight on 2 the Lake BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S iii! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PLYMOUTH SERIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 3 A 6 a 36 Point Plymouth 3%‘, lbs” $5,3o EAST GROVE Pleasing 3 Comedy 3 A 5 H 48 Point Plymouth 13% lbs., $7-95 ELECTRIC Storm 7 Hacks 3 A 4 3 54 Point Plymouth 15% lbs., $9-15 STORIES Rifle 2 Range LARGER 3|Z.E3 SHOWN ON FOLLOWING PAGES. Fancy Characters of Plymouth gahmnuI{®.o_f'y-3\€Z5’/ye \\'eiglIts and Prices are Approximate 0 Point — » . . . — . . . . . . -- V. 1b., $0.30 18 Point ...... --% lb., $0.45 54 Point .......... -- 1% lbs., $0.30 8 Point .. . ....%2. 1b., $0.30 24 Point ............ --'3{«. lb., $0.55 60 Point .......... -- 1% lbs., $0.95 10 Point 3/3 1b., $0.30 30 Point ......%lb., $0.65 72 Point .......... --15/s;11»s.,$0.ss 13 POW! — — - — » - — — — ~ A ~ —— 746 lb., $0.35 36 Point . » . — . . — — A — —-1lI’b lbs., $0.70 I 96 Point . . . . . — . . . — ——2‘.”i<» lbs., $1.35 14 Point ------- .... ~ ‘/2 1b.. $0.35 48 Point ............. -.1—}/é lbs., $0.70 I 120 Point .......... ..374;. lbs., $1.70 Characters 10, 11, 12, and 13 not made in 72, 96 and 120 point. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT—BODY 411 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH SERIES \\I’i“’I(“. ‘Hui |'1irt »','; ¢t1.zIr‘ \ I »Hr\iIII«1!v". "J! 111.11 ' “A VHW‘ HHHIIH I UH‘ >~ . X} s,\ MJl’uin1l’I\m«»ulh 1" HM . $11.90 BRIDGE Dark 5 Spot FROGS Leaping 4 §.\ 3.1 ‘llnl’uin1l’|)muull: H ‘In Him. $17.75 8 Sledge BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER"S 11'.’ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PLYMOUTH \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. (fast on Uniform Line. 3 A 3a 120 Point Plymouth 45% lbs., $21.65 DOG Boys 9 Colonial Furniture Z5/ye Plymouth Rock Beds Duckingstool Settles Winthrop-Alden Company Provincetown POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 413 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH \\'<-i‘,;1It~..‘mt1 1’ri«<-~.l,;i\«-n ;u'¢- .\m.ru.\i1n.'m-; 17A 33a (i1’0int1’1ynmut11 1ta1i(‘ 1"u.11>.x'.,$2.00 FINE GENUINE BUTTER All 1’ac/(age: Properly Marked and Delivered 1234567890 14 A .7821 1(11’nint1’1ynmut11Italic 1', n. 11>s_, $2.50 COUNT)? FA I? Trize Cattle 67 are Exhibited 1() A 2021 14 Point Plymouth 1121110 4% lbs., $3.00 H0'R.S‘E SHOW Big’ Society 35 Event; SA 1'18. 3/1 Point 1’1ym()ut11 Italic aw- [:.y,_g:A ' ('..—-,tnu1'n1Iuv1n1.1m-. 15 .\ 11;1 .\1’t>int 1’1_\'llI<)lll1l 1t:11i(‘ 314 11)», $2.25 LUVUJTDALZBATULALN 1’re.:ent.r to Every New Cuwtomer 1234567890 1.‘ .\ ‘la 1_’1’u1nt1’1\‘uwu11u ltalir $"1o.11)s,,$2.7S 1C0’R,NE’R .S‘T0’RE Important 4-2 Dtlrpatcb .\ 1.’ :1 Its’ 1’()1llI 1’1vm., .20 1H1’ninI *»;11>., .30 1h’ '11 1713» -55 1() 'nt ‘/1111).. .20 l11’<>in1 "/10111., .40 ()1) Point 1 W 11%‘. 30 1.’ Point '/2111).. .20 ‘»(|1’nm{ ‘v.11>., .40 7.31’nim 171.. HR. 85 (‘11(ll'2l(‘,l(‘1’S Nu» 7;1.m1.\nnt 1lHl(1(‘lIl()11¢’111l17.3[)()1llI. 7 BARNHART BROS. & SP1NDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Co - '/vs:,:1:;t£ “ LC-~'r ~ / R 1>LyM0 VTH ITALIC \\'¢-iglits and l’ri« (ax ;:i\'cn are Appmxiiiiate: we ])il',[t‘ 3. Cut un 1'nif0rin Line. 56 Point Plyinoutli Italic 8515 ll)s., $5.20 R05‘ E 3U..S‘ H F ragrant 4 F Iotverm 133 It: lbs., $7.90 3 A El :1 3 A 4 a 48 Point Plymoutli Italic GENUINE ’R/vine 6 Stan 3 A 4 a 60 Point Plymouth Italic 30,/VD5 Large 3 Duo/(_ 195/£2 lbs., $11.40 18% 1bs., $11.25 3 A 3;: 72 Point Plymouth Italic .5‘ HI NE Long’ ’Run POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH ,2 B. Dabber SIGNS PHONE CA ’RE.}’ 624 GOLD SIGNS ..S‘ILVE1Q SIGNS C01’PE’R SIGNS GLASS szajvs METAL SIGNS TIN .S‘IG,N.S‘ CLOTH SIGNS WALL SIGNS W007) SIGNS 1’APE’R 510/vs We employ the bewt art1'.:t.: obtainable in our modern painting’ J‘/20p and tberefbre guarantee cuwtomerxr toil! receive perfect tvor/(mamrbfp. 8 VE’RMILIOJV .ST’REET SIGN OF THE 3'R\/SH BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S M Huts! !s'm[»H( NI; M H03 SUPERIOR’ COPPER’-MIXED TYPE PLYMOUTH ..R{o“ Conn _:/'50 9O‘"T "Mt 69' Q‘ \ . .°°3'4:7r ”’t 99 \ >\/ Fine Printing’ K Catalogs Booklets } Folders Pamphlets Heralds t Stringers t Dodgers Circulars Maps, etc. POlNT—LlNE;. POINT-SET POlNT—BODY By Experts We wish to call the attention of our many patrons that we have been fortunate enough to secure the services of the best to be had among the higher grade workmen and can guarantee our customers ‘ the most perfect workmanship in every respect on 2 63 G‘ 2 {mm Letterheads 4 N oteheads Billheads Statements 1 Envelopes Business t t and Personal Cards, etc. J Q U A L 1 T Y A N D F INISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH " ~ CONDENSED 5 \Vei;.,'l1ts and Pritcs given ure-WA]>nroxi1n;1t<-; sec [!.’l).{(’ .3. (Vast on l'nitnrm Line. 22 A 45 a 6 Point Plymouth Condensed 1910 lbs., $2.00 22 A 43 a 8 Point Plymouth Condensed 2‘/1’ ll)s., $2.25 01-9 BUNKER H"-L MONUMENT NORTHWESTERN BARGAIN HOUSE Erected at Boston will ever be a Source of great Pride Latest styles in Mininery and Rare pjumcs To the Citizens of the State of Massachusetts Are now Selling at Greauy Reduced prices l234567890 l234567890 18 A 36a 12 Point Plymouth Condensed 3','{r. ll;.«;., $2.75 19A 4021 10 Point Plyxnouth Condensed 3' lo lbs., $2.50 _ NATIONAL PROBLEMS GRAND CANYON SCENERY E'ghty conshtuuonal Amendments Purchased from the Governments Art Several 586 immigration Laws A Collection 397 Exhibited at Paris 13 A 27 a 14 Point Plynxouth Condensed 4‘/4 ll)s.. $3-00 ENORMOUS YIELDS OF EARLY WHEAT Shipments Made to England 55 Scotland and Switzerland 10 A 20 a 18 Point Plymouth Condensed 4'5!/6 lbs‘-. $3-25 FAST MAIL SPEEDS T0 BUFFALO Bargain Sale in Mens 83 and Womens Clothes 5 A 12 a 24 Point Plymouth Condensed 5% lbs.. $3-50 EXCELLENT BUILDINGS Payments Made 4- Weekly or Monthly Fancy Characters of Plymouth Condensed *>é1\mevR‘f<’5fi6V \\'(-igltts and l’ri(;es are Apprnxillmtt-. 6 1’0iIlt %lb-, $0.20 14 Point 5~‘i/5 lb., $0.25 36 Point % lb., $0.50 8 Point 3/to 1b., .20 18 Point 712. lb., .30 48 Point 7/8 lb., .55 10 Point % 1b., .20 24 Point 7.13. lb., .30 60 Point I 1 lb., .60 12 Point 5/(5 lb., .25 30 Point ‘M/5 1b., .40 72 Point 1'14» lbs., .65 Character number 10 not included in fonts 6 to 36 point inclusive. BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER'S 418 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE «TI-‘L:’~A‘¢,. ,. ,,_.r-'~’{’~‘j . PLYMOUTH CONDENSED \Vc-iglns and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on l'niforIII I me. 5 A 10 a 30 Point Plymouth Condensed 7‘/é lbs., $4.40 DEPOSIT VAULTS Money Loaned 8 on Buildings 4 36 Point Plymouth Condensed 851/6 lbs., $5-00 GREAT BARGAIN Grand Country 4 Ruined 4 A 48 Point Plymouth Condensed 1-"tt"1’¢>1bS-, 37-55 it ESTIMATING Riverdale 5 Cottage 3A 4 a 60 Point Pl yyyy uth Condensed 13% lbs., $3-95 Seekingw Money on NEx1'_PAcz. 9 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 41 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH CONDENSED CENTRAL Long 8 Express THE EASTERN AND WESTERN EXCURSION LINE Both together being without doubt, in every respect. the finest and fastest excursion boats that are run in the interest of the traveling public in the United States. A trip on one of these famous steamers, on the noblest stream in the country, offers the rarest attractions. They are fitted up in the most elegant style, exclusively for passengers. Their great speed, line orchestra, spacious saloons, private parlors and luxurious accommodations renders them unexcelled in every respect. H/\l\’l\.|ll/\l\’l l‘ll'x’().°>, 381 ,‘»l’lNl)l t HT» l‘_’H ‘will’! }\'l’)l\’ ( (Jl’l’l lx’ l'V’llXl l) IYPL THAT IS POINT LINE POINT SET POINT BODY Q Good Type Q Really high-grade printing can be done only with foundry type: and of course it goes without saying that the best type not only gives the best results, but that it is the rnost econornical. Superior Copper-Mixed Type is as near perfection as the highest skill, in cornbination with the tnost perfect rnaterial and appliances can rnake it. Fianufactured by BARNHART BROS. (£3. SPINDLER TYPE FOUNDERS I . CHICAGO ‘I POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1'2] QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PLYMOUTH \\’(-iglnts zmrl l’ri« vs ;:i\'¢-1).'nr(- .\1)|)rn\'iI|mt(,-; svr [mgr 2. (Zn! on ldnilnnn 1.in¢-. 15 A 28a () Point Plyxnoutl) B()1(1 19):) lbs., $2.00 14 A 27a 8 Point 1’lymmn1) Bold 3‘/4 lbs., $2.25 INTELLIGENT MERCHANT SEEKING KNOWLEDGE Prosperous Fartners Grand Ilorno Ingtructiong In Keapln‘ Books 1254567890 12 A 23;) 11) Point 1’1_vm()nt1) Bold 3'10 11)s.., $2.50 11 A 31*‘ 13 P"1'" P1»""“"”h “Md '1”‘/‘’ ms" $2'75 Rockers 352 and Chairs Business 418 Colleges VA 115:1 14 Point 1’1yxn()ut1) 1<1t)1(1 45:6 111%.. $3.05 RELIABLE BANK DIRECTORS Monthly Statements 36 Fully Submitted 5 A 11?‘ 18 Point l’lyu)(_)ut1) Bold 5'10 1115-. $3-35 FINE SHEPHERD DOGS Watch Over the 37 Sheep Fold 4A 8;) 24 Point 1’1ym()nt11 Bold 5710 11)s., $3.50 BOAT TO RENT Grand 6 Sunday Papers ,1-A (1 3 30 Point I’1yn)r)ut1) Bold 7% 1115-. $4-40 CIRCULATION Morning’ 56 Evening 1 '2 <1 4 -‘, 5, v 3.; L, '1') V‘ \\'(-ig-’1)t.~; uml 1’ri« vs :|r(' i1|)|)rU\'1llI.'l!(’. 6 Point ho 11)., $0.25 14 Point '12 11)., $ . '§()1’<)im 727 11%. $11-50 81’Oil1t 11)., .30 18 Point 12 11)., . 48 Point 11/it 11>S-. -80 1 10 P0111! 13+ 11)., .30 .74 Point "m11)., .45 ()0 Point 1,14% 11)S., -35 1 131’01Ht 'r§s11)., .35 f1()1’()int 5/811)., .45 7_’1’<)int 1'51!) 1115-. 1-15 1 1 1 1 Character No. 10 not made in ()0 and 72 point. (Z1);u'aCt(:r N0. 11 not 1l1a(1C in 6, 48, ()0 and 7.! point. ‘ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 12'.’ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PLYMOUTH BOLD \\'c-ights and Prices given are Approxinnate; we page J. Fast on l'nif0nn Line. 3 A 4 :1 36 Point Plymouth Bold 89m lbs., $5.30 RAILROADS Demand 4 Money 3 A 4 H 48 Point Plymouth Bold 13%’ 1135-, $7-5° TABLET Linen 8 Paper 19‘-‘no lbs., $11.90 3 A 1 :1 60 Point Plymouth Bold SONG Birds 8 Sing’ 21% lbs., $12.50 3A 3 :1 72 Point Plymouth Bold PALM Sunday 4 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 423 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 3.’/\ ()5§l (I l’I)lHl .\Ilr»l)'l(‘ l"lI» ll>H., $2.00 "\.\ ‘3*\;I N l’IIllll .\Il~»l\‘lt' fit ll’*~-. $2-25 THOUGHTFUL WORKERS USUALLY PREPARE FOR THE FUTURE NEVER FORGET THAT A SATISFIED CUSTOMER While Some Never Think Anvthine About it Nor Will They Heed I Warning Will Undoubtedly Prove Advantageous to an Established Business 1234537390 1234567890 15.-I 50;. ll) Immx .\(lHl\lI' ;*,.. ll»»., $2.50 3‘ \ ll" l’ l’‘''“‘ ~“"““‘ “I” ”"“‘ $275 PRINTERS INK MAKES MILLIONS THINK HERE IS A GOOD DURABLE FACE Did You Ever Give 516 Type Any Consideration Adaptable to Many 78 Classes of Printing ll l’nIIIt ;\«l II\'l<- lit ll‘‘-» 533-00 THERE IS ALWAYS A CALM BEFORE A STORM THE OLD Proverb Goes and as a Rule There 1427 is Usually a Repetition Afterwards l1 A ‘\ ‘Hint ,\Il»,[\ l¢~ l':II. lllm. CONTINUOUS PRoSPERITY NOT SUFFICIENT T0 Satisfy the Continuous Demands 316 of Young Spendthrifts RA] ’ ’<>iIII .\>'..$7-90 MOURNING Wihlhl 37 Sllllllillil’ Th6 N0l°iIl llmerloah Prepares and delivers to anu part oi the oitu or suhurhs e NOONDHY Lohchlis Put up in Wax Boxes Containing the following choice eatables: three sandwiches of fried chicken feet, horseradish pie, potato pan cake, larded euebrow, a sweet pickle and a toothpick. ‘*%“¢v*°3‘-t%$"°‘z%r~%:.'$'$‘*-v;'&7"%‘£‘7'va‘@' Call or Telephone uour wants. All Flrticles lllwaus Fresh. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S -I30 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE SHOT: MINE O TENOTH, GOLD GOUNTY, NEW MEXIGO 1 — THE MOST» FFOGHGBIVB KHOWH - R6D0l’I»5 OT GOV6l’lllIl6IlB HSSGUS fllso inoludino Gaptain 8. M. Eltororo’s Opinion oi Our Mines and tho Now Lode Looatod Last Month. superintendents flooount of a Montn’5 Dovelopmont with Photos oi Minors at work and or Power Plant No. 3. SUPPLIES UNLIMITED TH6 B681} M0flI»|l §ill66 DISOOVBFU ii Bonanza lnnoon it TENOTH MINE & ORE GOMPHNY K4 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED \‘_?'.‘N. CADILLAC CONDENSED in Uniform Linc- 23 A 48a 10 Point Cadillac Condensed 3‘,i2) lbs., $2.50 18A 373. 12 Point Cadillac Condensed 3'%o lbs., $2.75 EICIITY EDUCATED CENTLEIIEN JUSTICE NEVER CHANGES Have Establlshcxi Many libraries and Schools Though Conceptions of Right Vary ‘23456739° 1234567890 11 A 22a 18 Point Cadillac Condensed 4'91}. lbs., $3.25 GENERAL BANKING eaAni;I;eaEi:Ae1onr ' Four Per Cent 9 Interest . eharlots wagons 2 and carts 24 Point Cadillac Condensed S"/fa lbs., 33-50 MBEAUTIFUL |=LonAL I)ECORAT|0NS Displayed at Lincoln 54 Park Green House 6A 11 30 Point Cadillac Condensed 6%» lbs., 84-00 C‘ sun; REGIMENT BANDS Play Daily at the 25 Grand Pavilion 36 Point Cadillac Condense 6'~%o lbs., $4-30 pnosprnous FARMING North and 36 South Carolina 42 Point Cadillac Condense 8% lbs-. $5-25 BARGAINS ioomr large Talking 78 Machine BARN!-{ART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER‘S 432 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CADILLAC CONDENSED \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 4 A 54 Point Cadillac Condensed 13 lbs., $7.75 “ MIXED PAINTS Varnish 35 and Oils 3 60 Point Cadillac Condensed 12513 lbs-, 37-35 Alnonoenls V Country 86 Parade F W M. A. REMLER & SONS CMIPANY 187 BADENOTE STREET Real Estate Investments Town and Country Property . Loans Stocks . First Mortgage Gold Bonds General Banking Business . Four Per Cent Interest on Savings Boston Denver E 9 POINT-LINE. POINT-SE-T. POINT-BODY 433 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED :. /X 0 CADILLAC ‘ ienllas .\“‘ \\'ci5;hts and l’riCcs gin-ll are Approximate: see page 2. (last on Uniform Lim-. 20 A 39a 6 Point Cadillac 1%. lbs., $2.00 l 19A 38a 8 Point Cadillac 2% lbs., $2.25 GIRLS BASKET BALL TOURNAMENT ELECTRICAL MACHINERY Games Appreciated by seventy Thousand People Latest and most Improved Forging Method Vlsltlng Teams were Elaboratoly Entortalned Guarantee Goods to be Satisfactory 12345e7e9o 1234567890 16A 32 a 10 Point Cadillac 3%?» lbs.. $2-50 FISHING IN THE BERING SEA IS A PAYING INDUSTRY Several Thousand Pounds of Fish Shipped to the American Markets Daily Fishermen of the Northern Seas are 578 Constantly in Great Danger 15 A 2921 12 Point Cadillac 3'4 lbs-. $2-75 SCENES ALONG LARGE RIVERS OF THE WORLD Water is still the Principal Means of Travel in some Countries Curious Vessels make Voyages 76 in the Orient Interesting 8 A 16 a 18 Point Cadillac 4-5.1. lbs., $3.25 MODERN VESTIBIJLE COACHES Universally Acknowledged 324 the Best 5A 11 a 24 Point Cadillac 5% lbs.. $3.50 THRESHING MACHINES Guarantee Speed of 86 Bushels 4A 7a 36 Point Cadillac 8% lbs-. $5-10 AUTOMOBILES Compound 2 Engines BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 434 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE /60 '30 :> CADILLAC SERIES ‘°~:>f ’<>1I1t(‘;uUHA(‘ 13:: 21".. $750 RIPE“ FRUIT Splendid 3 Crop 1:'~’~‘gr Hwy. $9.50 (:ARIi>ETs Black 5 Rugs V »’ A Sheridan & Hillman Lathes, Drill and Screw Presses TOOLS Models and Difficult Die Work 75 CLINTON STREET . . . HARVEY L A POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POlNT—BODY 42%.’) QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED LININC-'- l7.»\ 35:1 H}’<>inI l,i11im:(Ium:n 35.; ll)». $2.25 l."~.\ 2811 H) Puint |.inin;: (‘nmgn ii’ 1.. ll)». $2-50 mclzsnss IN susmsss |-|QN3s'r MET}-|¢ps Demands more Beams for New Stores Seven Devcted Bank clerks 1234567896 ‘ ‘IA 17 1()I’«)inl Lining (T ttttt H 4155-.$3-00 ERECTING HIGH SCHOOL BUILDING APCHHECCS SCUIFIOPS 5| CEPPEHCEPS MESOFIS SA ion 34 Point Linim: (fnmgn CHINESE THEATERS Wholesale China 3 Merchants 4/\.‘4 5'2 lbs-., $3.55 ()”In “)5... $4.25 sPse|éiiiLiiii”i5INN=2 Ehristmas IE Festivities ji.»\ 0 30 Point Linim: (‘ <<<<< n 51'.’ WK. $5-25 DINING emzs Excellent 3 Service .4 A H17... lbs” $6.25 iseuflfisss Publish Musie BARNHART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING Basket Lunch Field Spcrts Dancing Hayrack Bids 9 Tom Be thar! Islands F’OlNT‘LlNE".. POINT»-SET. POlNT~BOLf)Y til.’ QUALITY AND FINESH UNEQLJALED BARD \,/ SERIES \\ 1~,{l:I‘ I \|1 I ii‘ 1,*{.\ H2: (1 I’uiIIl l’>.uJF3JEW7II©U§ EXP©SHTH©N§ fl2@&L5©‘Z?£8>©© 10A 16 Point Bard Open 2"/Io lbS., $1.75 TUIRKHSH ZZEXTJEI IP72!-§&IEQJL©JR STEAM HEET .2 )ELE©‘TFIE2I[© LHGHTS 7A 24 Point Bard Open 4 lbs-. $2-55 F@REH@rN ©H@rAiR §M©KER§ 5 SUPPLHES 5 A 36 Point Bard Open 6‘/1'16 1135-. $3-75 ©]E2NA1MLENT M©DERN 8 H©ME 5 48 Point Bard Open 9% 1133-. $5-75 AEA§TERN D © @: @ W BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 440 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE iLolhb‘3iflZt\‘l@ ‘§§iI@Zc‘§iH§M @[?’i£i3EiI SERHES VVeights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 14 A 14 Point Lining Moorish Open 2% lbs., $1.75 18 Point Lining Moorish Open 3 lbs., $2.00 §§:JC?>‘@I??3_’=§i1Ts ? WEST R33 i1fZ§43@é3©i7/éE§9)(c) 112:/>5ZL?°5@79 24 Point Lining Moorish Open 3178 lbs-, $2-50 §@JN1TRY 4 MANSHZN1 36 Point Lining Moorish Open 5'/1/6 lbs-. $3-75 EAST @CK LINING Meemsn Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 14 A 14 Point Lining Moorish 2‘/5 lbs., $1.75 18 Point Lining Moorish 3 lbs., $2.00 PR6FESS@RS ”“‘$}‘.'£§2'§’a°9’f,"” 123456789 24 Point Lining Moorish 37/8 1135-. $250 &eem'rRY 6 MANs1eN 36 Point Lining Moorish 6.'~I3 lbs-. $3-75 i=2eAs'r 5 eecx LINING MOORISH AND OPEN WILL REGISTER FOR COLOR WORK. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 441 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED (OJEEN SEEHES EHNHNE mum ' E .\ 17A .353 14 Point Lining ‘ 41/4 1195., $3.00 E@MEE”F[W‘H®N HS SEED ’U'® EE TEE [LUEE ®E TEEEE ®umr Mm is it@ mam ®umr Ewdls E1r®\w@ 11:Un@mms@iJ\v/(as W@1\u.ua11b>H@it@ M ®umr Eunsit®mm@n*§ U23él53E7i83@® SA 17' 24 Point Lining ‘air pen 5',’.m lbs. $3-50 (1 EWEEWEUNE ‘WEE PEEUNEEE NEEES Ecwunmtficwung ‘IFn*@@iUmn@Hut 8763 Enc;@®md]@cd1 Each Eunsitcmnnncar 6A 1221 6‘,'~i'o lbs., $4.15 mE§FE@fi”EE“i*rEIEE%A@ESMEN ‘ENEHME E@nmm@@flfi@m1s E33 Es&@EHfiSHnm@mEs 4A 9a 42 Point Li 9%, lbs., $5.45 E‘USSHEN()“STE‘EE E®mSfid@m@fl E MM EMMEHE “Etnfis ‘U‘fi£c{ks@i1: and] ‘mm Clexmtts a{é\M:1h1@ [F’@u‘[fu*nmm1Lc@ [f ENEEE T®IM\"S EENEEEWDUS E NEW [Drama Emd1unc@.~;., $3.00 . _ BRIGHT STUDENT Foreign 86 Singers University 523: of Fine Art FRESH snnon STEAK Restaurant and 947 Hotel Supplies MICHIGAWFEACHES Fruit Growers 52 Convention coNcEii’f MUSIC Played in 36 Ragtime lU‘_¥ ll)s.. $6.30 GRAND Opening BARNHART‘ BROS. & SPINDLER’S 0" 1.. ll)», $4.05 ()":‘1«.H):s’.,$4.30 1()'~‘u. lhsx, $6.50 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE HECLA Mount Hillocks “""“:..:';: Re On: 2:12;“ The Most Healthful and Purified Air In the World Prospectus I908 HILLOCK - NEW HAMPSHIRE I F’?-'1-M '>’»‘«“If'. E”'H",>LiI IND‘ _’ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY HT: QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ’ \ 0 u'‘‘’ "N, . vzn-uni! “ or " CASTOR SERIES \’VeiglIts and l’ri<‘o:~. given are /\|)pr()xl1II.’ltt'; s<,-(- pstgc J. (last on Ilnifnnn l.im-. 20A 40a 6 Point Castor 19% lbs., $2.00 ’ 16A 32 a 8 Point Castor 2% lbs., $2.25 COPPER MININGIN WYOMING RAILROAD OFFICIALS Considered the Best Mining Investment Offered Drawlng plans for New Improvements 1234-5 7890 6 l23456789O 17A 32a 10 Point Castor 3‘/xi. lbs., $2.50 14 A 28a 12 Point Castor 3‘,‘»{«. lbs., $2.75 RURAL MAIL ROUTES DRIVING HORSES Selling Seventy 58 Teams Extending over 4-7 United States 6A 10a 24 Point Castor 5% lbs... $3.55 : FUR CAPS” 1EAsiPi:Emt(izoiE1iZ$3iz5 Higher 5 Crown i Summer 43 Outing l SA 73. 36 Point Castor 8% lbs., $5.15 FLORIDA ORANGES Selling in 7 Foreign Lands 4A 73 48 Point Castor 13%?» lbs-. $7-55 SPRINKLING Lightning Clouds 3A 4a 60 Point Castor 15 lbs., $9.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 446 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CASTOR SERIES GLAZIER STUDIO“ CutGlass Vases - Our artists have spent their leisure time this season in competition for the finest design in Vases and we offer these at Prices of $8 up to $535 Each one perfect and no duplicates made Diamond Rings Solitaires of exquisite simplicity and the product of the cleverest cutter in Austria For $20.00 and higher Especially Choice Line of Birthday Rings Ranging from $7.50 to $30.00 1 FIRSTSTREETRAND CARBON BOULEVARD POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 447 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ' ' A cher 3"/fa lbs., $2.75 021 12 Point Lxmng r 22 A 433 14 Point Lining Archer 4% lbs., $3.00 5UPERIOR COPPER MIXED TYPE I NEBRA6hA STOCK EXCHANGE Produces the (feanest Effect to the Ohserver Tweh/e Thousand Head Of (attfe Sofd |23‘f5o789O f I23‘t567890 WCLEARANCE sALt246°F”uo?AhEus smm unIs5f"fs§ff$3f5° Safe uiff Commence Tomorrow 78 Afternoon at Three Ocfocf 135., $4.05 A CRIi5TON éfffftffff conrnm Ofdest Automohife Manufacturers 35 in America HoNonnéffttfffffncnBtRs’ffffff Jefferson Athfetic 52 Association “ (HA/V\WCffN5HlP Aedah We 5 ttuatfiest BARNHART & SPINDLER’S SOUTHEY SERIES NIRLE JOHN MILETON .; §<’ ‘r Js I u ‘T? 3‘ 3% o ~"I"-- xv ~‘\; -D; fig; l4.‘."\.s"€.‘.§) ’ ‘7 ®/ (‘W , .47‘ A ..\;_W‘. 1\;" A 5" ~';"- ~?% /I: \"” 3.3 »_A_ /Q ] NIRLE APPROACHES THE SOUTHEY CASTLE OW, after a journey of three days and N as many nights, foot-sore and much fatigued, young Master Nirle Butnot- J quite broke through the thickets of Southey -.vv '’T.‘['‘‘"’:?{‘‘‘ ‘'L‘'" ~\‘\‘ «nix? .‘ . \ I , . j I_ I I, g I I J I Wood just as the sun appeared over in the foot-hills behind the grim old castle. Thus the little fellow’s dream was to be realized during his sojourn in the realm of q the fairy queen, who had adopted our hero. ‘ BEN Was not every detail being fulfilled? Little J 3 enough had he believed the seemingly false visions of his somnambulistic young mind. so the impressive scenes of this dawn ORNAMENT kindled anew his fading hopes. "°' " Invigorated, very gayly he trudged up the approach to the majestic draw, endeavoring with his puny strides to imitate the knights -<1£’>D- I I I 3 rs Point Line Set POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 449 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \\'('i 'lits illlli I’i'ii rs ~'i‘.«-n .Il'l‘ ;\ » n'n\irn.it<-: xi-t~ ».i Ir J. (Hist HII Liiilurrii l.in<-. 5-. A. I-. 34 A 50;: 6 Point Lining Smitlii-_v l"u. ll)s., $2.00 1.2 .~\ -*1 In H l’uint Lining Smitln-_\' 2‘; ll)», $2.25 LAWN MOWERS ANT) MOWING MACHINES NATION“ l‘I0NT1lLY WIGAZINE Gasoline Electric Sewing Machine and Automobile Fixtures Published ff” the IMCWSI Of Pnmers EXCIUSIVCID Varnish Oils Turpentine Paint Brushes and Varnishes Year“! SUIWCTIDUOH “V3 DOWNS in Ad‘/ance i2:545u7ano 1254557590 22 A I ll) Point Lining Sniitln-._v I‘ n. ll>s., $2.50 GREAT SACRIFICING SALE OF BOYS EASY SCHOOL SHOES Dongola Kid Colt Skin and Patent Leather Shoes Reduced to Almost Half their Regular Price Our Shoe Sale Lasts Two Weeks 545 Onlg Commencing Thursday November First l‘)A 383 I3 I’«>int Lining: Suiilln-_\' .i"H» ll!s.. $2-75 YOUR WANTS SUPPLIED IN OUR ADVERTISED SECTIONS Beautiful Modern Homes Sold Cheap for Cash or on Weeklg or Monthlg Pagment These Homes are Practicallg New and are 6562 in First Class State of Repair 17A 343 14 Point Lining Smitln-.y W’; ll)s., $3.00 FROM CHICAGO TO MACKINAW CITY AND RETURN During the Summer Months our Rate is 247 Ten Dollars Including Meals 13 A 2521 18 Point Lining Southey 4'5Ii- “>8-. $3-25 NORTH SHORE FREE SWIMMING SCHOO Young Men Over Twenty Years 925 of Age Not Admitted 8 A 17a 24 Point Lining Soutliey 571:» lbs-. $3-50 SUMMER TRIPS BY RAIL AND SHIPS Largest Safest and Fastest 573) Steel Vessels Afloat 6A Ila 30 Point Lining Smitliey 67m 1bS.. $4-00 CENTRAL BOOK STORE New Wall Paper Designs 24 from Paris BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 4.30 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LINING i‘ SOUTHEY \’Vc-i;,rms and Prix as given are Appmxiinzne: see page 2.’. Cast on Uniform Line. 5 A 821 36 Point Lining Southey 7%; lbs., $4.45 FismN8iiii§"EAso1\i”ii”i“ Piles of Fish 27in the Lakes 4A 7a 54 Point Lining Southey 11% lbs‘) $7-1° Owner Base 4 Ball Club 3A 3a 72 Point Lining S oooooo y 11'§‘{61bS-» $5-9° POINT-LINE. POINT*SET. POINT-BODY 451 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED \\"eigl1ts and i’I'iL't‘S given are Approximate: see page J. (‘amt cm Uniinrm Linc. 28A 53a 6 Point lalugo No. 5 1‘?1’6 lbs., $2.00 23A 4521 8 Point Hugo No. 5 2% lbs., $2.25 SPECIAL REDUCED FARES TO BOSTON AMERICAN SOLDIERS IN FRANCE Via the Missouri Hudson River Denver and Canadian Railroad Second Hand Billiard and Pool Tables Exchanged Excursions Every First and Third Sunday in the Month Piano Repairing and polishing Neatly Done 1234567890 I2.34.562'89O 19A 373 10 Point Hugo N0_ 5 3“; lbs” $250 17A 3421 12 Point H1120 N0. 5 3!,‘/1,6 ibS., $2.75 QUICK LUNCH SERVICE MONTHLY PAYMENTS Roast Pork Beef Stew and Veal Chops BiC)’C|€S Cameras and RGVOIVBPS Coolest Place to '2' Eat in the City Baseball Goods 3 and Guns 10A 19a 18 Point Hugo No. 5 4‘5/1"o1bs., $3.25 NORTHWEST NEWSBOYS WEEKLY Published By The Pressville Magazine Company Pica and Nonpareil 5 Avenues Spacetown 7A 133 24 Point Hugo No. 5 571}. lbs., $3.50 OGDEN PARK STATION Electric Light and Steam Heated Flats Suburban Real 8 Estate For Sale 6A 10a 30 Point Hugo No. 5 7% lbs., $4.45 LATEST INVENTIONS Modern Labor Saving Machines Automatic 26 Instruments BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 452 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE. \\'eigI1ts ;mrm Lin:-. 36 Point lluzo No. 5 85:0 Ibs., $5.15 MORNING GLORY National 4 League Games 12'-‘no lbs.. $7.75 5 A U 21 48 Point IIugo1\'o. S WITCH BOARD Motor Driven 6 Cars 13°10 II>s., $8.10 SA 821 3 A I :1 60 Point Ilugo No. S SUNNYSIDE Sprinkle 8 Wagon M Ma 72 Point II11g<> No. 5 13% “W $3-0° BIQIDES/VIAID Cloudy 2 Today POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 4.3:} QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NDER THE SE A Thrilling Recital of the Wierd Experiences of a Diver-Hermit in His Retreat Beneath the Surf By Captian byerburd Reese The True Story of Captain Caddy 5 O D Biological Harbor. Rhode Island :1. , T , ;_ 4 454 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S DEWEY NUMBER 5 Oceanic Cruises A utumn Itinerary Canary Islands Madagascar Straits The North Indies Behring Sea THE PINK STAR R01/Tf ;%%%%%%%% I000 Noteheads $8 $8 33 §§ . Se §7 I10 well Stationery House g E{ $8 $8 338 $8 $8 is ‘8 A PRINTERS 6 Brevier Road, Tab/etbury ‘3%%%‘3%fi%‘3s%%%%%$%‘3%$%“&$%%€‘3%‘3%$% $8:;8:%828%82_8%%28.%%%8%8%828%8%8s:B%%%8%8o9%%%?8%8%8%8q i ¢ P O ' N T B V ) R W E R NO. 'i‘~’2F) Q U A L l T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED ‘ET-‘T. DEWEY 4.-‘>',,, - N0. 5 I» 4» k Weights and Prices given are i\pproximate: see page .5. Cast on Uniform Line. 24 A 47a 6 Point Dewey No. 5 1"/fa lbs., $2.00 23A 45a 8 Point Dewey No. S 2‘/4 lbs., $2.25 INDIAN SUMMER APPROACIIING RAPIIJLY ‘ OVERCOA TS SUITS AND UNDERWEAR When the Leaves Begin to Fall the Robins Flu southward 1 Ladies and Mens Oxfords In Tan and Vic] Kid 1234567890 fl 1234567890 21A 423 10 poim Dewey N0_ 5 31/“ ‘bs_ $250 E 17 A 34 a 12 Point Dewey No. S 3'%o lbs., $2.75 PEERLESS /cE CREAM FREEZER % MILLION DOLLAI? CASTLE Delicious and 5 Refreshing Beverages B6611 1” U/ TPCC3 5 and 3 hi‘ U libel‘ U 11 A 20a 18 Point Dewey No. 5 4% lbs.. $3.25 TEETH EX TRAC TED FREE OF CHARGE Enamel Your Decayed 34 Teeth and Avoid Pain 7A 12a 24 Point Dewey No. 5 5%» lbs., $3.55 LOCAL STOCK MARKETS Cattle Hogs and 2 7 Chickens Arriving 5A 78 36 Point Dewey No. 5 8516 1133-. $5-20 STA TUE OE LIBERTY Morocco 58 Castle Cuba SA 721 48 Point Dewey No. 5 12% lbs., $7.50 C ONSER VA TOR Y Plums and 79 Pears BARN]-[ART BROS, 5,, sP1ND1_ER*s 456 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE DEWEY ‘ Q. \Vcights and Prices given are Approximate: see D329 2- C35‘ 0" U"if°"“ 15"‘?- 3A 4 60 Point Dewey No. 5 13% lbs., $8.00 a MA 6NOU/I flower 3 /louse . 15% lbs., $9-05 3A 33 72 Pomt Dewey No. 5 0/\/ I/E/385 Ginger 2 Cake Tllf TRIO/VA BO0T/I/VD S1105 C0. Corner Broadway and Conococheague Streets, Leatherville LL QQQQQQQQQ 0ur Shoes are making a great sensation among wolrrnen azid $331: dealers, on account of the stylish Shapes: ""9 f’’'‘’ "'0' ’"a"S p’ I remarkable leather of which they are made. Shoe dealers have on H to show them to sell them. Women always buy 3 3:9;’;dtPaiZ9aJ':‘: leather used in all Triona shoes is made by the Unite 61 68 Company, whose name is a guarantee. _ We are placing them with good shoe men everywhere and If they are not as represented, your money will be refunded. ?0ur S/we b00k shows over one hundred styles. Shall we send you one. QQQQQQQQ TTTTTTTTTTT TTTTTTTTT’ QQQQQQQQ TTTTTTT QQQAAQAAAQQQQQQQQQ vvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I’ \ .- s\., . . « IORINGZTDN ' '‘~’~vn’ { Q- 9 $300 ‘ 18A 35a 14 Point Lining Princeton 4% lbs., . ‘ 12A 22a 18 Point Lining Princeton 4'51}; lbs., $3.25 MIGHIGRN FRUIT PHRMS Splendid Crop of Peaches and Pears E Eighteen Expert plaggps 1284587890 8DU‘FI«IE(R1\2l4P0ill1;°:iii]J)fliiJfil:lt’0ilGUMPIKNSEW Three Large Twin 89 Serew Steamers 5”e1;\LLee1W§i§eE:Ns1e1§fi“‘° Ex/erg Mendag B7 Afternoon arm Big Safetg 45 Vault 3A 3a 7777 oint Lining Pri iiiiii n 12'%6 1bS.. $7-35 ‘ I [ I T BROS. 61. SPINDLER’S 458 S U P E R I O R C O P P E R - M I X E D T Y PE BARNHAR , $3.50 ’ n PRINGETUN LINING ‘ r \ SEVENTH BIXTRLDG OF’ Hnnownne /, IRUNSIDE Xe SONS MRNUPRGTURERS I AND DEALERS IN ‘ Barpenter's, Brioklagers, Blaoksmith's and Mechanic's Tools. ‘ ! Graniteware, Tinware, Grookerg, Glassware STDVEIS — Wire Fence and Screens. General Eastern Hgents for the Belebrated “derkemup Stump Puller." IRDNSIDE Xe SUNS DUTDPTDWN Branches of this up-to-date mail order oonoern can be found in every important oitg in the Gountrg POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET. POINT-BODY 459 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED -1} EMERALD \Veights and I’ricc-5 given are Approximate: see page .3. (His! nn Unifnrm Linc-. 15 A 31 a 6 Point Lining Emerald 1"/is lbs., $2.00 ‘ 13 A 3421 8 Point Lining Ennerald 2% lbs., $2.25 Ex1;ExO’FHIO l\I(!)'I‘(’)I{‘S l\/1()[)I*1It{N MA(‘»H1Nl*1 Irnpr<)ve1’r1enl.s of Nix'1t.(a¢>.t‘1l.h (3ent.urg b;x(;u1‘Si()n on 1-Jake \_~‘u1)H1.i01, 12.t54BG'Z8$)() l284£3()"Ii-$$)() 10A 22a 10 Point Lining Emerald 3'/fa lbs., $2.50 9A 15a 14 point Liniml Emerald 4% lbs" 33.00 FINE; SQBNBRY RED LIGHT Moutain 5 and Rivers Danger 6 Signal SA 9a 20 Point Lining Emerald SHOES MENDED Repairing 86 in General 4'5:o lbs., $3.25 3A 6a 24 Point Lining Emerald DARK NIGHTS Brightest 8 Outlook 3A 33. 5° xo lbs... $3.55 36 Point Lining Emerald 85!?» lbs-. $5-10 PRINTER Sooietg 9 Work 3A 321 48 Point Lining lilneralil 15;’/lb ll‘S-- 39-10 HOME est 6 Side BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 461) SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE EMERALD ‘Q 133 Always Yield t_J why‘? Because we plan and cultivate our fields with the idea of Hardy Plants always in mind. More New Varieties are produced here than in 0 any other garden in the world and each packet contains some of these novelties. Plant Mason Good Seeds Pansies Nasturtiurns New Sweet Peas Poppies 25 CENTS Send for a New Catalog o'o’o{ i Jo'o‘o K /L/\.___ Sunngbrook Seed Oornpang Flowerbed, West Virginia 10 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 461 4 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \V/1 I€I{I3N SISRIISS \\'(-i}_{l1ts;u1i11l\'V:u‘H-Rn ANN U111; CL E44 RA N CE ()pe11s Next 63 M()11(lz13' Nlor1s11'ng; 151:. H).\‘,, $3.25 5 A 14 Point \Vz.u'r¢-,n 57m ll)», $3.50 NEW YORK ARTIST Music For All 6 Occasions 3A 521 36 Point VVarrcn 8! ‘," H"-v $5-0° OR CH ES TRA M 001111‘ gh t 5 Parties 3 A 521 48 Point Warren 1358 H“-» $7-55 OBSERVED New 2 Things BARNHART BROS. do SPlNDLER’S 462 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE \\Q\I\’I\’I$A\' F1 0 ri S ts / \ =22 ';- / 1:-. .' '5 '‘-'-':r , _ v _ ":18; @%§@ _ The only shoe IIIZHIC‘ on .s‘c11.s‘1'I)Ie lines and I1:1\'i1)f_r :1 1':1sI11°0nuI)Ic air about then). Jlzule in tI1i1't_\' qu:11'tc-1' sizes and :1 dozen 1u111(I- sotnc IC‘¢'ItIlC1‘.'s‘. I5«z1sc you 1' feet. $3.98 Crefoote Shoes 1‘I11'u0l1t the Land ()l)(‘II 4“ .\V1.§_{‘IIt K (UT ~o.z3x2, soc 3 ’l‘I1c Ilonesuclcle C VOGUE OHNAMENY N0. “H. '=)( L —— Czl FE ;\j\'I) I)I5 LIC.~\ ’I‘I5SS,El\' 47 I(1’Iken11y Ifoad 1\Ia11°fzL\' VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. ‘'0. 25( POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 463 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 4,3»-‘f»:’:"*:>.» »\ LIGFITFA CE (I-¥>"’ \VARREN Weights and Prices are Apprnxilnatez see page 2. (fast nu Uniform Linc 16A 33a 6 Point Warren Lightface 1?/ii» lbs., $2.00 g 14 A 24a 8 Pomt Warren Lightface 2% lbs., $2.25 MEl\1BI£I\’S OF THIS GROSS ANIMATED PICTURE }’nr1r B()u'11'ng' Club Leave For .I.ouisv1'IIe A/[“t1.17CO l)H1'1)’ EXCC[)t Sunday 1:33458789() 1934567890 11 A 21 a 12 Point Warren Lightface 3‘%6 1135-. 32-75 AUDITORIUM WAS BEA UTIFULLY Decorated With Ferns 9 and Anierioan 13eauties 7A 13a 18 Point Warren Lightface 5 lbs.. $3.30 NUMEROUS CANDIDATES Organization Gives 36 Banquets 4A 33 24 Point Warren Lightface 5713» 1135-. 33-50 HOME MADE PIE Coffee Cake 8 and Bread 4 A 6a 36 Point Warren Lightface 8"/fa lbs., 3515 COURT HOUSE Robert 45 and Alice 3A 4 a 48 Point Warren Lightface 129/8 lbs-. 37-5° DIPLOMA Hat and 5 Cap BARN]-{ART BROS. do SPINDI.ER’S 464 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ... ...........»......\....».«.....~. .« .~...» . '(/;:"§‘~*.v\ WARREN LIGHTFA CB (1- Roekley Carved » Chairs OU doubtless are familiar With Rockley’s quality and reputation so When We say We are proud of this chair it is really artistic. Made by skilled hands in Flemish oak or Mahogany, straight ° or light rocker patterns in beautiful carved designs. 3:5 Bargains at I $15.00 ‘V0 Make Just the Chair You are looking for The Rookley Chair Makers Chippendale, Illinois POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 465 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 18A 54a 6 Point Pisa No. 5 1"/fa lbs., $2.00 17A 488. 8 Point Pisa No. 5 2% lbs., $2.25 emu Ewouove Mamtm\n'\m G-omvam \Doa\\m $\\t\'\ca\'\o\\s sot '3omon'om Seventeen \(.\m6.n6. and. '5owmse.\\ \(ort\\ \£a.m*9s\\\n $112.0‘: C\\'\eaqo and ‘O'\o'u\'\\~g Warm and Ya.t\\\) C\tm6.g comfiete 9..\x\es of '5\m.\\ Rem \Do6.6.\m Stamomm \‘2.‘M5B1 890 \2.so.5e1s<:o Send '\\2. Your 6\t\ ‘Me\a\ .3 °““‘°*“3 S‘°“° Q“°'"‘3 We \m\\ Pan ‘.3628 \\\e \£\9\\es’t '?\'\ce 'b\\\°ee. S'\~a.’s\; 1 82 ‘Monument Street I i 5 1 l 5 ‘ ' p'~ N .5 ‘X 1b-., . ISA 44a 10PointPisa No.5. 3%o1bs.,$2.50 BA 4°“ ”P°‘"‘ ‘*3 ° 3 " 5 $275 8 A 22a 18 Point Pisa No. 5 4‘§1?> lbs., $3.25 S\e:9\\2.\\s '03 adde\\ and Mauve En‘ am 'D2.a\v.\'s '5\m akovs Swim 'Y(Y\\\ 354 SW 2.0’: an& ‘SW2. 7)\\3@@371§3@)@) 6A 24 Point Lining Umbra 3'95 1135-. $2-95 [.RLAx‘§L”@§‘.fi&E&Y( <fl1Jl1l@E‘..§ @226: @EY(E‘;1.3&Ak@E.§ 4 A 36 Point Lining Umbra 55/is lbs.. $4-00 BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 470 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Circular, Text and Script Faces % 0 Cast from Superior Copper-Mixed Metal on the Point Lining System I’ \ (, . -/~( _ /' ,‘ , _.L>' L": N? ”""Hv CIRCULAR GOTHIC NUMBER 44 VVcig‘hts and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on l'niiurm Lim- 6 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 8 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 25A 51 a 1"/fa lbS., $2.00 24A 49a 2% lbs., $2.25 THE SIMPLENESS OF STRAIGHT LINES NEW FADS IN TYPOGRAPHIC ART Light Lines Having a Delicacu and Effect Similar to Several Have Been Introduced in Late Years The Work of Expensive Steel Engravings i None Can Abolish the Plain Gothics l23456789O it l23456789O 10 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 12 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 23A 46a 3%; lbs., $2.50 l 21A 413. 3% lbs.. $2.75 DIAMONDS AND JEWELS A PEDAGOGY SCHOOL Watches and Clocks Repaired and Sold TeaCii€S NGW -i—eaCil9i3 Discipline Commission of $5 is Required Truant Rule 97 Violations 12 A 24 a 18 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 4'54?» lbs-. $3-25 SWELLEST ASSOPTl\/l El\lT ANYWHEPE Handsome and Polite 487 Attendants in Charge 7A 13a 24 Point Circular Gothic No. 44 57“ lbs-. $3.50 ‘MILLINEPY AND GOWNS Imported From I3 Parisian Artists , The New Rochelle Emporium is pleased to Announce the Arrival and Reduction of a Special Importation of Chinese Silks Some Patterns at $l.25 per Yard For Elegant Ping Pong White Some Hand Colored and Stiff 5 Extra Thin Silk and Brocades Brocades for Charming Gowns Lu Fong Chog will give an Exhibition of Weaving Dailg 35 Hampton Court Saint Louis 12 POINT BORDER NO. 88 \§ / <>_:t .-o -3. i'§\4'i“i / BARN!-IART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S 472 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CIRCULAR ébébdbdbcibébébébcibéiocibdbdbdb SREND A WEEK AT ECREST LAKE Come out over Sundag and let Nature prove that in this section of her domains she offers more enticing opportunities for recreation than in ang other. The Lake and Countrg Right in the heart of the shadiest grove in Sglvane Forest and on the banks of a clear, cool inland lake lies the quiet little hamlet of Sglvane. The lake is over two miles long, clear as crgstal, and abounds in -- .2 -- gameg fish. Bathing is unequaled and the Mortar ’ l\/lud Baths are another natural attraction. The new hotel is bg far the most substantial building of its kind in the lake region and is superior to ang for homelike -4 i - " accomodations and those little conveniences everg traveler enjogs. A modern fire—proof structure of 300 rooms, baths, open-air dining room and spacious verandas. The Pavilion _ offers dancing and entertainment, tallghos go to the Forest '- City Park I§§r§i:‘°’i TEl\/IPERANCE RALLY MEETINGS Will be held under the auspices of The Northward Park League of The Seventg-second Street Episcopal Church After the Great Summer Campaign An Aftermath of Our Great Victorg and Service of Thanksgiving - - Interesting Chemical Experiments and Speakers NORTHWARD PARK LAWN U 5' " Week of November 25-3|, I905 Evergone Invited dbdbébdbébdbébdbébébdbdbébdbéb e-eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee %}>=83%>%>t>€}>€}>€3€3%>€3t33%>~tPt}>€3t>{>=83€3=83€9€3 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 473 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Paragon for 24A 49a 19/I/6 lbs.. $2.00 THIS HANDSOME SERIES OF‘ TYPE 6 Point Paragon Used for an Unlimited Amount of Fine Job Printing 1254567890 20A 40a 10 Point Paragon 3%!» lbs., $2.50 GREAT STATESMEN Sign Declaration 7 of Independence 12A 26a 4%1bs.,$3.oo EXCURSIONS Northern 86 Wisconsin 14 Point Paragon \Vcig'lits and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. Circular Work 21 A 4421 2% lbs.. $2.25 QUICK MESSENGER SERVICE Messages Delivered to all Parts of State 1254567890 8 Point Paragon 17A 35a 12 Point Paragon 3',‘/«/6 lbs.. $2.75 MODERN MACHINE Rapid Firing 9 Magazine Gun 9A 18a 18 Point Paragon 4% lbs., $3.25 FINE CROPS Corn and 2 Wheat vooue ORNAMENT N0. 195, soc Announcement Ladies in this vicinity and from surrounding towns are very cordially invited to pay us a visit and examine our stock during our Autumnal Opening. Parisian Designed Costumes The elaborate showing of individual style of character that predominates with us will be of unusual interest to all ladies, and the exclusiveness, and the rich elegance of these creations never deserved more praise from the critically inclined. All of these suits were imported direct from Paris by us. Wednesdays and Saturdays During September 1905 The Grand Chic Parlors 2154 South Eastward Boulevard VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 143, 25C BARN!-IART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 474 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Paragon in Circular Work A SHORT TALK WITH THE MAN flflflflfififlflflfl THE SURVIVAL OF THE F ITTEST Is the inexorable law of nature, and so it is in business life. Those who would sur- vive must demonstrate clearly and unmis- takably that they are entitled to take rank among the leaders. It means likewise, the the steady appreciation of higher standard of merit such as our styles and the quality of our product bear evidence of, and while we review with much satisfaction the result of our labors and the substantial growth of our business, yet we are not content with past attainments but are pressing on to new achievements. The best workman- ship, the best materials, and an experience of a business lifetime are put in service for your benefit. Superior GODDGF-MlX8d Type POlNT—LlNE POINT-SET POINT-BODY 36 POINT BORDER N0. 3625 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 47 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED C)! Paragon Italic for Circular Work \Veights and Prices given are Apprnxinmu-: 501- pages‘. (list on Unifurln Linc. 23A 46a 6 Point Paragon Italic 1"/xo lbs., $2.00 21 A 42a 8 Point Paragon Italic 2% lbs., $2.25 SIXTEEN CONGENIAL COMPANIONS FINE MIDNIGHT SERENADE Started in to Paint the Town a Very Bright Red Twelve Tomcats Perched on Back Fence 1254567890 1254567890 19A 39a 10 point paragon Italic 35"’, 1bS_’$2.50 16A 33a 12 Point Paragon Italic 3'%o lbs., $2.75 DESIRABLE POSITIONS TRAINED MONKEY After Passing 49 Six Examinations Sorepa W8 58 Popular Show 9A 16a 18 Point Paragon Italic 41,516 lbs., $3.25 12 A 2521 14 Point Paragon Italic 4% lbs., $3.00 MOCKING BIRD M [N CE PIES Singing in 25 the Tree Holiday 72 Cheer 6A 11a 24 Point Paragon Italic 5715 lbs., $3.50 CH O] CE FARM LAND Raise Large 56 Crop of Wheat Nowadays Truth is News The good news we have in store for our patrons the coming season will be the rare display of grand offerings gathered together here in our September Silk Sale Commences Monday September 5d The Fall Importations from all the silk centers of Europe consist of all the very latest patterns, shades and designs, and of every value in a variety only possible where busy buyers have searched the continent examining. selecting and purchas- ing, in company with that most successful economist——ready money. Thus the management realizing the desire of their patrons is for materials of high—grade, effective, serviceable and moderate price, have purchased accordingly, and know- ing with what favor our goods have been received through the generous patronage extended us, we shall be pleased to again serve you and cordially invite you to call P"'§,:::.§"'°* Am a’ t & H an se Company ':I.':a:.';:’;*,-',:' BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 476 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Paragon Italic in Circular Work ARTISTS’ S UPPLIES TO OUR PA TRONS: For years we have been recognized as head- quarters for I FINE ART WARES — STUDENTS, ARTISTS AND ART CRITICS Seek this store for authentic information, and strangers from out of town count our art rooms as one of the chief points of interest in the Garden City of the West. Twice yearly our representatives visit all the art centers of the world and secure from first hands those Inimitable Master-Pieces for which this great Art department is famous. It will be a pleasure for us to show you through our art department and we extend you a cordial invitation to call and inspect our magnifi- cent line of strictly high-grade artists supplies of every description. i IMPORTING, AS WE DO, OUR OWN ARTWARES DIRECT FROM THE FOREIGN MARKETS INSTEAD OF PURCHASING THEM FROM SOME JOBBER, WE SAVE YOU AT LEAST ONEHALF ON EA CH PURCHASE. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED «I POINT- LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 47 l+]NuRAV1«:18-. $2-00 PRIMARY ELECTION DAY BATTLE IS 326 BEING FOUGHT gmmmmmmmmmmmmg E SECOND ANNUAL PI()NI(} S E STAR COUNTING CLUBS S ‘*5 'l‘() Wlll(‘/H WE Rl<]Sl’E("l‘l<‘lYLLY lN\'l'l‘l<2 ALL (mu l+‘RlENl)S 'l‘() A'l"l‘ENl) AN!) 'l‘AlNMEN'l‘S 010 'rm<: A 1«"r1«: R N()()N ENJOY ’l‘lIE l’LEASlIRES AN!) EN'l‘ER- PRIZES 1*‘()R GAMES OF EVERY KIN!) ROUND TRIP, 50 (TENTS .S‘A'l‘l7Rl)AY. MAY SIXTH E E @MWMWWMWMWWMW@ '24 POINT BORDER NO. 284 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 478 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ENGRAVERS ROMAN COND. IN CIRCULAR WORK ‘I O 3'5 = . . . , , at »2‘:.v >22: )2: War )3: my )2‘: I23: I21: I. :4 xix: 1.4:! .2 L3! 1.2 .3.“-. )2: .2: _:z:.2s.«.z: 32:32:. .»2r.».s. .)..s.r.)2& 3.; _;%g_ ~ 0 O O O O O O O O O O O - O O O O ‘ ‘I ma 1'51 r.;,:'I rzz :55: rm razx 9'; .:,:1 : rgzz ,1 z: ,7: :17: )" 4 mi’: F5’: :3: rt: 7:!‘ >“Zc IX 2:4 SJ: 2:21 21 P’: 5: I‘ B 0 an ‘.2’?! O 3‘. ,7: ( ‘Z.’ '2.‘ '21 VI.‘ 0 O O O :35! 23:! 13;! 13;! CHRISTMAS TIME .- ‘X3! ‘Z4 '24 ‘L’: 0 o*o ‘$54 11,74 ::,7( z‘S,:'( V41 MATTE I31: 0 0 O :35: I",:'( I L4 0* 33,7: as ‘:1 ' . - -Q: "( I321 THERE ARE HOSTS OF THINGS SO SUITABLE FOR PRES- ENTS THAT WE ARE ALL MORE OR LESS BEWILDERED OVER A CHOICE. IT WOULD SEEM, HOWEVER, THAT THE USEFUL GIFT SHOULD FIND MOST FAVOR. LET YOUR PRESENT TO SOMEONE THIS YEAR BE A .4 L’.’‘‘ -cfi ta ta ‘..§..< L 0 ‘$22 ) 1.) 0 I as 0 ‘£4 *2‘! ‘Z3! '2‘; o -:5-c§:>-Q: PS5: PS5: mu rm .V.?§‘.‘.*.L...I_*.:"L<..v.’.’:‘.< x‘&"( K“: x‘;§;( I'SZ( z H Y LER STAND LAMP AT A LIKE COST THERE IS NOTHING WHICH BRINGS SO MUCH GENUINE. LASTING PLEASURE. ITS BEAUTIFUL. BRILLIANT-"SUPERIOR IN FACT TO ELECTRICITY OR GAS-WILL KEEP YOU GRATEFULLY IN MIND DURING 12%‘! 12;: O O I35’! 551 I .1 V2.1 I w.vu.‘ ( 3fia( } 11:: O ( 13;: V24 *2 I zV..;( ‘: 53.1? THE LONG WINTER EVENINGS. AND THEN IT’S LIGHT THAT NEVER SMOKES "-5 OR GIVES ANY TROUBLE =3" AND COSTS SO LITTLE T0 MAINTAIN —ABOUT TWELVE , CENTS A MONTH. MANY OF THE BEST HOMES, STORES. CHURCHES AND INSTITUTIONS USE IT EXCLUSIVELY. "3’ WE GLADLY SEND YOU A HANDSOME CATALOG FREE. .4 ‘:5 gm *2‘ Z! X ’ >2; v''..«_ :1; 1224 I,.*;( was I1; 1 ;< O O O O O O O I ‘SEE? 3 Zt REE? 3Ei§;( ‘$51 a\§z¢ z‘$§Z( I321 swz V ’, "(Ia I;-:.g{}~, :3»: ‘Y.’ 0 HI IJER & COMPANY ° :74 N LIGHT HOUSE STATION \i 2: >2 ~ :3: 7" 3 :« :2 " B 2' >2 * 1.)‘ ‘ - ' ’ :«’§»'::.« L7 22:: I22: :2 I- 2.: I23: 2:: 2:" . ° .? ‘ ~‘ a:‘:.<.>:..«..vzv.7. ..<.vz.33"*.é.v:‘<.L:<.vz .3: 3:-‘ <.L 3%.’!-’ . .",..(°?}§;’?§§',C§§‘, ,;§§§'—, ,.‘§§;,v"§§‘:‘,v,'§v‘£‘;', JV‘ , ; Ra rs;-I rm: ;« rm X; E: xv v :x~ v z vt : 12 POINT BORDER NO. 418 POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY 479 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I .IN1.\'(.' lC1\'(.'R1\ \' MRS R().\1AN 6 Point I,inim_r Iimzravers Roman N0. 1 34 A 9/.’ 11)., $1.00 l\I'ISHlHHII’I'l \\'A'l'I1II(H I“I.()\\‘ VIGRY RAPID ('()l,'N’J‘I .\'(u‘ ’l‘Il I‘) S'l‘A NH l<‘( DR A N I‘) \' EN I NH E.\"l‘l'}R'l‘A I NIH l‘).\".l‘ I 28450578!!!) 6 Point Lining: Emz1'avers Roman N0. 3 54 lb., $1.00 1"1(3K,[N(i I ’EA RS IN I’A.RIS 1\'I<}\VSI’A}’ERS (iI\'I<} 26 'l‘III<} NI4}\\'S 18A 12 Point Lining Emzravers Roman 1 lbs., $1.50 .,IE1LIgI3K FIQUIIT MUSIC 9 (07I~I()I~{ I) HA 2 t 4 6 1}} N/to, ‘a U I ‘-7 ‘o «v; --.W.~--« Qf’, <- 8013.» 'I‘I()NS, Mx\RI{H $“°.7$’W »'¢35;<>‘§3« 3874 Q cu)‘ \ \’B)A}{S ()I“ I'l‘S I‘}XlH'I‘l‘}N( €06’ ‘ .7/';>'<.J“ )I()H'l‘ I’I,A(‘/E IN 'I‘I'IE ‘ 7.?:) 1? -2» ‘ "))I€, _\ ¢?1'$>1¢;.5v.c“ A * M: 3 ’o:.»’ ~;v,o'<; 12 POINT BORDER NO. 418 4,? ' ‘7.$-1”?‘ ";;;7‘S‘;)l£'?‘§.'/::?Q?;/£7‘ 717;" * 4&6‘ n 2* as S E ¢-9,55 0;:$.‘> <05; cum’) on # '2.) I L70 S *4 "W 1-5:? 74!‘; » (3 *. 3 ‘» S ‘ 4: 5» .1» 035;» cs5» co; <»‘_,\"/.> 0;‘ .\ 03/» ‘T A ' Co . ' 909:1 L...” ~\ ‘ boo -.1 an‘ , Gun 11:29.» I ,/ \\'(-ights nml Privcs ;:i\'<-n are Approxinmtt‘: see page 1 I 0? :3” 3° 1: .. may, 3 3, 31s‘}:§§I.. AN ()’UfN*( 1,‘! EM 'F]NI'I‘ 1‘. $2; #19 ~-‘ <3 AN 1«:v1~:.\"1‘ 010 IVIURE THAN ORDINARY 1.\".1‘1<:n1<:.~1'1‘ ’l‘() uU..~11N1«:.s‘.-1 ma :3 *2 H3 ME.‘ IN OUR LOCALITY AH VVELL AH nun PA'l‘R()NH AND .<.$'9:, 4 9 . ‘>3’ H'I‘()(3I{II()I.I)ERS 1H 'I‘IIE AN.\'()IY1\'(‘»IC‘.-\1I<}N'l‘ BY ‘z 0 ‘ 2 1330.3 °. 9' r 1’ V ‘. 4 ,~, . 11110 ,~‘)% 1 ’ Y 1 -'*w‘ *)r1 Mrrw W1‘ )1‘ ,3’ .~—»*«~, SKI1\ MM ])}uPA Ix 1 N1 Iu1\ I 1 I Okla M 1* I ()I<‘ 'I‘HI<}IR A(3QI7I.‘ilCl‘I()N ()I" 'I‘III<} I’I{E1\lI:-HCH, 38!) AN!) 391 ~_- 1') jg’; A1).1o1N1N(.' '1‘111«: HKINP]M’H 'PREHE1"l‘ l.()(‘A'l‘l()N. POS- rs jig.’ SESSION HAS ALREADY BEEN '_rA1{1cN, AN!) '1‘1n<: 01.1) 6 BlYII.I)IN(i R}4}M()\'l<}I) AI\'I) I{I4)lSIY]Ll)II\'(i IH N()\V lYNI)I*}I{ gfj WAS’. 'J‘lIIS IVIOVEM l<]N'l‘, INV'( ' 0 339.3 1X’l‘P]NSI()N ()l“ 'I‘IfE .‘-1I{INI<}I\1 .0 A l\'()'I‘I I It‘. R NI I Ll<3S'I‘()l\' 14} IN 'l‘Il I1} (x‘I{()V\"I‘II ()I*‘ A IIIISJNFIHS VVI—Il(‘lI IN 'l‘IIE 'I‘llRI<}I‘} ‘I43 R IC'l‘.-\ I I. 74 IIAS X75’ ‘ 531 N25‘ 383 L‘.\.&»‘co 13 0.11;.» 0355 0 FOR ( ‘1 RC1 I LA 1: \VOR1< I ('21s! on (';1p Line. (1 Point Lining Iimzravers Roman No. 2 34 1b., $1.00 23A 1<3x(:1<:P'l‘1()N:-1 'I‘() 1«:VI<:RY RULE IJNLESH l’l<)R(‘/HA NOE 1'1‘ BE 'l‘}IE (.‘()I.I)E:\' 1 2:-5-I-B678!)() 8 Point Lining: Engravers Roman 17A 1% lbs., $1.25 I‘IxXI{ V EST ’l‘I IV] E .A(4}1XIl\' I )OWN ()N '.I‘ II I43 38 P] R A 'I‘I‘<"A_‘ :9 49 r N. ‘J34 H[YII.I)I NG v RI‘ 4 z\I)\'AN(‘F]I) ’l‘() A I*‘()I{IC- ()I~‘ 'l‘III‘I ('I'l‘\' ‘?‘ yni?‘ ‘’ 4 4 Q ‘ ‘2.‘> 3 $9 ‘ HIY.‘-II NBIHS ; ;7t§Z‘, 6%, 1/5.4.43 )5 32$.’ 0 .' 7 /\ ‘iv 4 O O '{ *3 Uo 8.5 9 tézv’ 0- .¢' °§‘§‘3' T5“ 3‘ 37¢‘: 3. '1.“ \ 974 J A 1/3 1 " 4 4 & 4 6 Q 9 Q 9 9 ¢ ' 033» c385 4383 4 38; 31° 3 3 J.) BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 480 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE LIN. ENGRAVERS ROMAN IN CIRCULAR WORK . , I?” 7 0‘ IQSV7‘ , '( 3 Y } .\ I £~5 D -S)I . £3 ‘ IF YOUR BUSINESS - 2'.’ ' IS ENLARGING TOO SPEEDILY FOR YOUR ‘J m~:’;§ CAPITAL, AND YOU HAVE A FAVORABLE OPPORTUNITY OF DEVELOPING IT, THIS £3‘-_jQ FIRM CAN SUPPLY AN INVESTOR. NO ‘~33 DIFFERENCE WHERE YOU ARE LOCATED. ”‘ ' LET ME KNOW THE SIZE OF THE PLANT, _. THE AMOUNT OF BUSINESS YOU DO, AND ~«'» THE POSSIBILITY OF EXTENDING YOUR t _ BUSINESS, AND HOW MUCH MONEY YOU y;-cjfé REQUIRE AND ON WHAT TERMS. ,. ,. ».. VV E HAVE CLIENTS f.f§”‘ “ WHO WANT TO BUY IT IS UNDOUBTEDLY BETTER BUSINESS POLICY TO BUY AN ESTABLISHED BUSI- NESS WHICH HAS THE THOUSAND-AND Z1 732'! K L ONE THINGS, AND xx LINE OF CUSTOMERS TO BEGIN WITH, THAN TO START .A NEW BUSINESS AND HAVE TO VVORK IT UP FROM THE VERY BOTTOM. IF YOU HAVE IX BUSINESS TO SELL SEND US ALL PARTICULARS. AS VVIB ARE IN TOUCH WITH POSSIBLE PURCHIXSERS. FINNIGAN & COMPANY BROKERS 9 ‘Z Vi! V’ .3 K’ L -e§::- o «ck.- ~«r.zrnxi1n:nr: we-c 112113-.5. <‘.‘1st«111(‘.1p 1.1111-. (1l’(1int l£11u1;1v<-.15 Title. No. 1 I 23!-«l."'1($71'HN) (1I’(.1iI1tl£11;:1';n'(e1's Title N11. 2 8 Point lC11;:1';1v(:1‘s Title: No. 4 25A *1 111., $1.00 (i()()l) f\lI(‘lll(iAN |“AR.\l l"(|R HALIC 16A 1*. 111., $1.00 I’AR'l‘NI‘]RS 432 \‘V.\‘;\"l‘ICl) FOR (‘lR(?l’l.Al{ \\'(1RK (C (11’<1i11t1'l11u1'21\'5-. $3-25 THANKSGIVING TURKEY Meat That Made 47 A Reputation /""‘\| v i v"/V) "V? '/t ’/in /1'} '7 '7 " /"“~ 1”“ be W '~ ~ W ~ ' *‘ r’ If“ /7‘ " '7 /1'“ ”’“‘ /5‘ <(':£U',);;1‘_A,J\))>‘)£(£f//‘!f;); «'7/;2)?); .r‘,\«7:3 jg//});§E7(¢/.lg??:}‘ ,‘¢"'f)’3} Y5 1‘ Of? 1! I; »\_),{;iv}r} I)/iv} yg»"Y_)r)‘;I}>1 1:} xi)‘; ;,['r);); ;tfr_‘r/7%}, :1 ‘g; x¢ ['5 l5:§‘f ‘Y£f .’V._. I .--, \\_, R3) R32» ‘\{.):,-fr lx/9. ‘J}>,.:} ‘(l5 —\/’\D/fr} 5:/3.)’, L‘/-Ly . /DI‘, ‘\xfl.:’/ ~.\/D7,} L\_(A>,) ".\/lv’ '-\/in. L4 4‘ 1;)’ Rfl \’}:)’J ~x’}- K(J— \’\‘_‘ \.\ \‘\{J,“ I ‘\ ‘ \~ “\ ". . / \- \' \" (T ‘- W’ g’§f2} A14, K Uwxlf BE AN c~/ICTOR $33 $;,°;‘:§ (kyr‘:";‘>‘)) L J No profession so fascinating and profitable. I <~*.4:»*>' ' :13? .'_v \—\~/‘K ‘is? teach you thoroughly so you will be qualified to go at once on the stage. My course is com- plete and embraces every branch y‘ knowledge necessary to become a successful actor. Some of the most prominent on the c/Imerican stage have taken my course. You can be the same. £2/“»°;L:3} L .c'.« , « 99°33 < «If ‘J1:-’ I fig, 4: K, r\ U\ , DO NOT DELAY. START AT ONCE BUMTOWN STUDIO OF DRAMA V _._V‘ ’ .-:. ;’:?rp; {ff .1} ..,,W; , ,_ I K-<,,LV:‘ V*.—;. , _— »-\ - “ \ .. _ __ W . . ~ ». V. /_/x 1;» 1: ‘\, /r‘ ’f‘ "."\. '91. “" "—‘x "’ x. "k .1’-“\ :!‘\. ;?~;>;1,{‘§:’,;éW7.»~, f~‘(rr)< '17,‘, ’v.‘x Sm»/..*,Xs.4T7,‘*,;’«’T.IE\{(/*,)?‘,l;)‘:{§\l’}’.I;r\,C-j.«%‘I(".v?{“I’:‘z§?‘:l"’« {‘?,’»?. QT,’/w §<.\F!7}.{.-‘*1’.-‘, pi‘-,3 Q5»,-»\ ,, w —;x A , ,1, —,_ -(_\ .'s 3 $1,‘ ;f,‘ p_ 4%» ‘ 1 .(x , xx 1 (‘:1/v; { .7 J 3 J _.» .4’ .5. ‘ .') _, —- » (~- r 3.‘ ~ 1 Y‘ ~ \" 7:‘ A ’ ‘;«. ‘)7: -\~‘),\ 1/‘. 1‘. lg‘ ) l ,3 1.<:»,:’- i. mi: new ‘:.1,i’H.‘:>*.1“1{f(.:if'L312? .2 1.2- .- 4.> Xv: * . - m. v. . 1:1-fr)» », - +3 v. *1: ‘> «>21» *2. >- fr“ V“ .0 ®@®®@@®®@@®@@®%®%%@@®®@@@@@® ®%®®%l %®@@@ 12 POINT BORDER NO. 92 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 489 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Mission for \\ gIt II ‘A111 1 1 ;__ ( t l I I 20A 52;: () Point I\Iissi8-. $3-00 NORTH AMERICAN GRAIN COMPANY Operating the Largest Grain 845 Eievators in the World I] A 22:1 18 Point i\lissim1 ‘V510 “)5-. $335 PAIVIPTILETS AND CIRCULARS Proved Best in Artistic 95 Typograph Dispiay RECORDS BROKEN TIME AND QUALITY Two things are necessary in making good ice cream quickIy. The first is a Snowflake Freezer; the second is to know how- Your deaIer wiII seII you the freezer and we wiII send you free of charge the book that teIIs how. Ordinary freezers are seidom used because they make hard disagreeabie work which aIways becomes an easy deIightIuI and economicai task with the TRIPLE MOTION SNOWFLAKE ICE CREAM FREEZER The Freezer with a character and reputation to sustain; recognized the Worid over to be the highest type of exceIIency in Ice Cream Freezers. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S «I00 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MISSION SERIES THIS REFRIGERATOR. . ' 'FIFTEEN DAYS FREE’;' I"Iere's a refrigerator that Ieeeps miII2 Ionger than others- We say miIIe because that's the hardest thing to keep- You Ienow its germ Iife that sours miII ARABIANS ‘ ALI BEN HASSAN FIBS Aladdin’s Lamp of Magical Power Kept Mystic Rumors of Fictious King Burning by Witches of the Red Gulf V Exploded by Historical Fact 1 234567890 1 16A 3021 l() Point Talismzm 3‘ Ii» lbs., $2.50 A 14 A 2521 12 Point 'I‘a1is1n.'m 3‘y':}. ll>s., $2.75 TEMPLE OF MARS I MODERN CITY Noble Architectural Pile I Inhabited by Workers Now Only 49 Debris I Earning 52 Profits 13 A 21 a 14 Point Talislnan 4.1/. lbs-. $3-00 ADVANCES OF A CENTURY A Steady Progress 18 of Art or Crafts 8 A 15 a 18 Point Talismam 4'51}. lbs., $3-25 BEAUTIFUL COUNTIES Illinois Meadow 42 Countrysides fiflfifififififififlfififlfifififlfifififlfififlWflfiflfififlfififlfififlfifififififlflflflfiflfifl ill‘ The Best Spring Chickens Each season we contract with the winners of poultry prizes to ship the finest of the flocks to us. We fatten them, kill and properly dress them and most people say they are Good. 9- ‘x- Northern Fish Store Oak Park 6 POINT BORDER NO. 326 5%fiklfl$85&5‘Kllpfl‘Kfiflfifl5&5KBhfllflllfllfllflflflfilbflfillflkfi fififlfifififlfififififififiiflflfiflfifififififififlfiflfif fififlfifififiKflhllflflfifillkfllfiluflflifi BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S 504 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Talisman in Circular Work GRECIAN PANELS VASES MEDALLIONS 8- STATUES We desire to call attention to the many new additions made in our stocks this year and which we secured only thru strenuous hustling and diplomacy. The ruins of the Periclean age are again the source delight to connoisseurs and lovers of the Grecian art cannot find a more interesting exhibit anywhere. Restorations of Dainty Statuettes Chandeliers and Lamps Made after the partially destroyed and antique models, they are alone a sight worth seeing. It is almost needless to add that our show-room is always open THE ATHENIAN EXPOSITIONS 2523 BROADWAY NEW YORK CITY LE J; ' POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET, POINT-BODY 505 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 5 EEE \Vei;:l1tt~;;u1‘¥; supplies: 1575 pounds of your Superior Copper-Mixed Point- ‘ z 1% Line, Point-Set and Point—Body body type; 525 fonts 0? ‘““nfi your Uniform—line Job type; 210 pounds of your brass rule; :vX‘800 pounds, more or less of your leads, slugs and metal *g~ furniture; one No. 7, four—rol1er Babcoek 0Pt1mU3 Press? §?Wane No. 4, Babcock Standard Press; two Chandler & Price ‘a or »sa5§sGordon Presses; two Challenge Gordon Presses; one 28 1/2 ; ~%jg inch Reliance Paper Cutter; one Hamilton Upright Engine; o,s_ N ~» §§;s1lver Gloss Steel Electric—Welded Chases including full 4 s ‘ insets for each job press, and a complete equipment Of . T Hamilton’s Wood Goods, Cabinets and Furniture. ‘ it We don't want to sell them; we want to keep them and gifiget more. Every article above mentioned we have bought jTof you, and every article is-a money-maker; With two i§F* early date, we beg to remain,‘ , . 4;, Yours very truly, '9 Barnhart Bros. & Spindlf Illflfiitr-8RO§.i83P1HDLER‘8* . r n as. NUMBER SEVEN we§¢l:usadrneesgivenanAppaoxinaa:secnIee2- CutonUuiin_nII-lno- - ‘, anmmxaamhsus iummummnmmmmnmz *a__ These three lines are printed direct from type. The yfi psame face is used in the.letter below, printed through~ -‘ {silk to give it the ribbon effect. Jutifinnnoldin 1 and 515. fonts. at 42‘ cents netlb. .‘;,, {Dean-Hicks Printing co., ' Grand Rapids, Mich. Feb. lO, 1906 _.§?f§%ntlemen: _ , ,“,,,7"jCdneerning.your letter neferring to ours of the 20th. ” _7§l To make an excavation costs time and money. The “ M.13rger the hole the more it costs, and the less chance 3? ”’£Qr its being filled quickly Dr easily. Xifi In type the.eXcavation is the "counter", the deeper .___ _ .¢¢§§i is the better for the printer, and the more it costs _ the type-founder. It cannot be filled readily with lint » §’fr9m paper, sediment from-ink and washing liquids, and Q gust and dirt from every source. i¥f1fBeing deep-cut there is opportunity for the face of ;7the letter to wear down considerably before it will élbegin to show indistinctly as‘a blotch." The shallow E}9Qunter, as the small hole,—is filled quickly and easily; ,§§fi often this sort of type is rendered useless by the ffiilled counter when the face itself is little Worn. ’ ;g1gh shoulders accompany the shallow counter. and these, ;gre apt to show on paper, as you have sometimes seen. , g;apDeep~cut type is necessary not only for maximum T:%fée?vice when it itself is used on the press, but is GVGH ; mere essential when electros and stereos are made fr0m ,it. ‘In these it duplicates itself, and gives the deep w~€§fie1ls and matrices needed in good and fast pre8SW0Tk- *?§7Deep~cut type.~é and that is our type 9- is best f0? every use. Type possesses no quality more important than this. It means longest wear, good plates, good ,resswork.. It saves at every turn; and were we to ;,_ éharge a considerable percentage more than we do oursee gt tbuld still be cheapest. We furnish, too, the most” “parable metal known, with point-line, point—set and , sf int-body, supporting faces that are artistic and "‘H;j.dsomely useful. . > 3;lew;*; H " Respectfully yours, BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED H A _u; '~-. ,. . . -9‘ V: 3;}. 3 *5: “~ .,.— r » ..« v 4 ~“‘*~- En‘ .. - -Iv ~= 4. “.;“.. 53;‘ " 5:: as r ‘” “ {-7 . - <-’ ~.*«". _ \ )-; _..__: zssaoa s%l_bs..86.o0 ‘:15. ~ U ‘ 1 - . . ' " V! kflrfl .- am ..4....51l...».u«» ...» LINING msmincwon ® NUMBER SIX Weights and Prices then are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on Unllonn ._,. ..,,,,',;,r_g(.“m.%_a-;z'a,:.r,*a.;.r;v;;+:e:,;,~;«~.~:9'<2 - :;3;:a~;,;e2;a..:g;=:w@ , 7A 35; 3% lbs., $2.75 ' 12 Point Lining Remington No.6 16A 853 3% lIn.,uQ..-. 5 p, The following letter is set in 12 Point Lining‘ ii Remington No. 6 and printed direct from type.- was i ‘ Inuifien soldin 1 and 5 lb. fonts, at 42 cents per lb. , April 14, Mr. Morgan L. wrightley, . Compliance, Ohio. L Dear Sir: . f* You ask concerning the term fisuperior Copper. _3.;., E Mixed" employed to distinguish the'quality of our typéj" gg ’ _ metal. r t 5 - It came about quite spontaneously years ago whe 16 we had ended our primary experiments to discover an . ‘ alloy for use in the manufacture of type that would more durable and better than any known. When, withv , money and time we had accomplished this, it came as E, naturally as breathing to call the result "Superior l’ Copper Mixed" Type Metal. , As you know, ordinary type metal is an alloy lead, antimony and tin. These can be mixed in many portions. Each mixture will give a different metal,,fi,:? each will have a wearing quality at variance with the;1?l others. ,Our experiments discovered those proportions; ‘ these metals giving highest result in durability, andg. these we added Copper to give even greater tenacity a” wear resistance. . * .c, We make the best type metal known. We make it. ” uniformly and all the time. Jlt is a very Superior metal, and is Copper Mixed. . s . Respectfully yours, a.nnn1xAa'r—anco..a‘emnn;.m.~a.'.w. Lin. Remington Number Two \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Unifortn Line. 6A 35a 391% lbs., $2.75 12 Point Lining Remington No. 2 15A 80a 8% lbs., $6.00 Barnhart Bros. & Spindler June 11, 1906. Chicago, Ill. Dear Sirs: When I bought my outfit of you nearly five years ago, your salesman mentioned as one of the reasons for dealing with you and using your type that you cast all your type under one roof; that if I wanted in future to add to a font or to procure sorts I would get quick service from you because of that fact, because I wouldn’t have to wait till the casting foundry, perhaps located in a distant city, should cast and forward the supplies. That seemed to me a good reason for giving you the order at that time, I have had something like fifty chances to applaud my good judgment and to confirm your excellent argument. In past years I have had bitter experience of waiting for sorts and type and material, I have lost work and patience and almost imperiled my immortal soul because of delays that have followed orders. Since I have traded with you its been smooth sailing and I do not think I have had just cause for complaint. I find that I do not now feel compelled, as I once did, to lay in large and unnecessary stocks of goods to provide for POSSIBLE future wants. If I need a thing QUICK I can get it of you. I like that sort of a thing and therefore I like you and I don't care who knows it. Yours fraternally WILLIAM B. TEMPLE. Justifiers sold in 1 and 5 lb. fonts, at 42 cents per lb. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 521 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED REMINGTON. 6A 3421 351}. Ibsz, $2.50 11) Point I.ininu Rt'IlIlIli1IHIl H A 7l);i f)!-‘.11)\__$5,00 Feb. 9, 1906 Messrs. Barnhart Bros. & Spindler, Chicago, Illinois. Gentlemen: I used to be in the machine business, and having recently bought a press from you am moved to make a few reflections. The rebuilding of machinery in the proper way requires no mean ability; if anyone doubts this statement let him experiment a little in buying second hand machin- ery from various firms that overhaul it. I have bought several machines, and without flattering, want to say to you that none of them has come up to the high standard which you established in the Cottrell & Babcock Drum Cylinder that you have just sent me. The things that I have gotten under the title of overhauled machines have generally proven wrecks, and caused lawsuits, failures and profanity. I believe, as one of your advertise- ments says, you have applied to this part of your business the same abilit and conscientious thought used in making SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE famous. Quality tells! Quality Pays! and the best man will want the best; perhaps he will experiment to find what the best IS, but my exper- ience is that in all lines of printers’ supplies you are furnishing the best that can be had. You are saving money to the buyer and you are making it easier for him to do business. I saw a state- ment that during the past 15 years you have sold nearly 10,000 second-hand machines, and I wonder with how many kicks. You must have come out without bruises and with abundant credit to your- selves for you have made 10,000 buyers happy. I Went thru your shop once and noticed these things: When a press comes in it looks like a heap of old iron; you put it into a lye vat, so that all the grease, putty, paint and other con- cealing makeshifts come off and the thing lies there in its nakedness, exposing all its weak spots; that you throw away many a machine because you cannot recommend it or because it will not pay to rebuild it; but that when a machine is rebuilt it is rebuilt, not rubbed up, slicked up, puttied, pasted and painted up, but rebuilt. I like to tell you this, it is simple justice to a firm that does its work right and gives the customer a square deal. Yours truly, John N. Albro. _]l1Stlll(,:I'S :<.ol’umactor, party of the second part. Witnesseth, that the party of the second part, in con- sideration of the payments to be made by the party of the first part, at the times and in the manner hereinafter specified, and in consideration of one dollar in hand paid, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, hath and do hereby engage and bind unto the said party of the first part, his heirs and assigns, to render services at such Theatres, Opera Houses and Halls as required by the party of the flrst part, in the United States or Canada, for any period less than ten months, commencing September 26th at the option of either party, and said party of the second part hereby agrees to render his services at said Theatres, Opera Houses or Halls, in the character of Skinny Jlluggs, in a correct and painstaking manner, paying strict regard to “make- up” and the proper dressing of characters assigned, furnish costumes for the same, and to conform 19A 38a 10 Point Legal Italic No. 5 3%. lbs.. $2.50 WHEREAS, a society having been formed for the promotion of universal happiness and good will among all classes of citizens, what- ever nationality or color; and whereas, this society having been named by its promoters and organizers, in accordance with the objects of its organization, The American Universal Fellowship league, each and every member thereof binds himself to the strict observance of the by-laws which make it obligatory to use his best endeavors to promote happiness and good-will among all classes with no partiality or preference, all being equal and none higher or lower or of more or less importance. Therefore, it shall be the duty of each and every Dated at Springfield, this ............. ..day of. ................................. .190 16 A 31 a 12 Point Legal Italic No. S 3% lbs-. 32-75 KJVO W HLZ MEN’, that 1, Henry Bowleg, of the County of Hope and State of flnticipation, party of the /irst part, for the consideration of Thirty Dollars, hereby Sell, Grant and Convey to Ike Pinwheel, of the County of Hope and State of flnticipation, party of the second part, the following described personal property, to-wit: One Hot flir Dispenser, One Barrel liquid Wind, One Imaginary flirship, Two Pink Monkeys and Four Coats. flnd I, the said party of Witness my hand and seal this ......... ..day of. ................. .-, 1.90 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 524 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Lfl I/V IT./SZLIC NUMBER 5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 20A 40a 3 Point Law Italic No. 5 ' ~ 2% lbs., $2.25 I.N' CONSIDERATION of the sum of Four Thousand One Hundred and Fifty Dollars to me paid I have this day conveyed to John Henry Goodwill all my right, part and title in the Dallas Blatter together with all the business and plant connected therewith, comprising ofiice furniture and fixtures, type and machinery, as follows: one No. 6 Standard cylinder press, three job presses, in sizes 8x19, 10x15 and 12x18, one power paper cutter, one wire stitcher, one four-horse gasoline engine, one mailing machine, one proof press, one dozen Witness this ............................... ..day of 190 13A 3421 10 Point Law Italic No. 5 3% lbs., $2-50 THIS IS TO CERTIFY’, that Thomas R. Rogers has been duly appointed solicitor and general salesman throughout the northwest for the firm of Pickemout and Keepemclean, manufacturers of and dealers in hardwood toothpiclcs. Said Thomas R. Rogers is also authorized to collect all bills that are past due and receipt for same in the name of the company, the company holding itself in readiness to cancel all bills collected by him. We bespealc Mr. Rogers will call on you the ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, __(lay of. ................................... .190 15A 30a 12 Point Law Italic No. 5 3% lbs., $2.75 NOTICE is hereby given, that the undersigned, administrator of the estate Of Barney Van Meter, deceased, will ojferfor sale at public auction, at the late residence of the deceased, in Fayette Township, Decatur County, Iowa, Wednesday, February 21, 1.900, the personal property of said decedent, con- Dated this ________________________________ ._day of 190 13A 26a 14 Point Law Italic No. 5 4% lbs., $3.00 THE DEFEJVD./1.N T, Jeremiah Hoddlehins, is notified of the pending of this action, that plaint- i/f’s cause for action therein is a petition for divorce, and that the plaintifi” has fixed February 31, 1910, for said defendant to appear to said Dated this ____________________________________ ..day of I90 POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET. POINT-BODY 525 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 9 I 9,99’ :‘7:{“1$ ~ 5‘ ITALIC NUMBER 5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 22A 40a 6 Point Marshall Italic No. S 1"/is lbs., $2.00 ME TH USELAII PICNIC AND REUNION Brothers in good standing of all Lodges of the Modern Order of Methuselah are cordially invited to attend 20A 37a 8 Point Marshall Italic No. S 2% lbs., 82.25 J 1 EXPERT WORK MEN NECESSAR Y 1 For the proper care of machinery. Many a the State Annual Picnic and Reunion to be held at ’"‘’‘,’’i"‘9 has 9”” fined for lack of 3 drop Shantyville, October first. The best of speakers, of ; 0f 011 at the 1' lght t1m¢’- Many 31103191’ 1133 national reputation, have been secured; also the best i come to grief because some blunderer with band and orchestral music, vocal solos, and choruses. ‘ a ScI-eW_dI-1'VeI- has aim 1333 1y joosened and Degree work will be carried on in the evening by six . . - competing teams from various parts of the state. and ugh tened’ W1 gggloof What he was 123456 7 890 17A 323 10 Point Marshall Italic No. 5 3% 1135-. 32-50 EXTRACT FROM OUR STANDARD INSURANCE FALLACY The party of the second part, otherwise known as the Cheetar Fire Insurance Corporation, hereby agrees to and does accept all liability for damage, either to buildings, stock, tools or machines, belonging to the party of the flrst part, or in use by them, in case of tire or demolished by earthquake, except from blazing caused by rapid oxidation, spontaneous combustion, explosion, incendiarism or ignition from adjoining buildings, defective grates, chimneys or llues, overheated heating apparatus, electrical currents, motors or dynamos, segar smoking 386 LlJ\7l.NG VEJVETI./UV Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 18A 35a 10 Point Lining Venetian 3% lbs., $2.50 16A 31 a 12 Point Lining Venetian 3% lbs., $2.75 QUSI./VESS THGQU THE MAIL TO _ALL JVEWSOLICITOGQS Within afew ye.ars multitudes of small manufacturers and agents havefound a simple and speedy means of securing To those who have lately become our co=operators and profit sharers some and delivering their orders by post. A few words_ of explénation ‘?h0uld be fuller comprehension may be had when 7"0t3d- F17’-St; the fine Clualztfi’ of our 1234567890 1234557890 11A 193 18 Point Lining Venetian 4'%6 lbs». 33-35 @E COJVSISTENT IN BUYING There is no economy in buying a makeshift unless it is only for temporary use. T he very best material should be procured in starting or adding to a printing office, consistent with the business done or expected to be done in the future 123456 BARNHART BROS. Jr. SPIl\IDLER’S , 526 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE L I P 5? 1 ' ‘ Weights and Prices gi vvvv re Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 12 Point Lining Anglo , 3% lbs., $2.75 EXTENSIVE IJ\IPROVEJVIENT3 NEEDED D0 N01.’ Tranzio as Lerzg as YOZJ. Gan fix/Gigi If Tfiaif is I70 32).): D0 Nof Give: Up a Sfeaag Pesifien 1301* flu iU12c~>e:rl.’ainijy’ 12345)6789(‘) 16A 29a 11 A 193 18 Point Lining Anglo 4% 1135-. $335 EXGITEMENT GHUSED FROM FIRES Qampeffiing Oiffic-:r Peapfe I0 Brc-:a\’f1%c-: Hot flir Gas Manafaxcifarea Ex 29 MC-zefiaxrzicaexf Dc—:\/icaes 5A 12 3 24 Point Lining Anglo 5% lbs‘! 33-55 STYLE IN WINTER I’IflT3 ExP2i‘tQ>ifing ’E1Q2c-: ./M0515 Ir22p®1A’(ar2I/JVIc-ZJCEQEI Of GPX-:T2Q1' 313% 521 expel Gaefiing @‘?ee’1'e/ ifte/1'6 czfilfe. cf)’ Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Line. 8A 173 18 Point Radial Italic No. 5 5 lbs., $3-30 /Tgpogrepbg flea’ J0 wait for Me 1'12ee12z‘1'012 of’ paper, [be only meleriel met 1'5 Izyecbelyiee//Cg adapted for pr1'12l1'12g, and me only mez‘er1'e/ Mei £1965 required to free tfie world from me many dieedeenzegee of perebmenz end papyrus. ca>>’<112e’ /Ieze simple, /00, 11985 me solution of’ {be POINT-LINE‘. POINT--SET. POINT-BODY 527 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED §iEn%L*sfi:g;zE:m*: 7A 1921 18 Point Steelplate Text No. S 4512. lbs., $3.25 mr§PmLw:_,g @B>flz1:,wmzww: fintumfififinuicne gawgw fifimmfléa mi? gnwaamfiqgmflhi flfimzmw gijrmwfiiui mf: gmw g“;E§°iw S A 11 a 24 Point Steelplatc Text No. 5 4% lbs., $3.50 E$@E§EE'1"£ izwlirifw mnwwiu azfimflw mm figs Efi[hIJB1'3E smfiii ififfim gmém 3A 93 30 Point Steelplate Text No. 5 51/4 lbs., $4.00 <> OEO1o<:>o<>o<:>o<>o~lo<:> xfiifi Lmu:fiE "W 3% u::i’:% W‘ finegiigixam ihw $33131‘: fifipifis @“»2m:fis3 Lg Law? 2% gem Eflfiswrilr ®i:°1Ef:f:Ltz1:fi L §$J§I§I1lT£fJ§ gmsrmmwflgrg gimtlhgwisxa fiu HE??? ZriLhTiZ»i£@E3i? mi? frflpvi finugz flmmaam <_"/"OiOEOOiO<>O<_?/>O€> E <3. &’°§E§'E‘$o<>o<:o<>olo<:>o:>o<>%<> BARN!-{ART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S 528 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 301/» ‘Qext 911/wnfivc 5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 17A 518. 8 Point Pen Text No, 5 2% lbs,’ $2.25 : 16A 46a 10 Point Pen Text No. 5 3%!» lbs., $2.50 éxtenoioc floooztmcmt of Sfcmcy, got, Eqpc Ehopfe 37mm 313 ®’U0/16 the Qivozfb ?""”“"‘3 SW“ g°"""”°‘t°° 3“““°V‘°b °" aPPu‘°‘“°” qfioit ea/fifozwia Wm gfaizeot 5pot ixw aw: mica 1234567890 % 1234567890 9A 2521 18 Point Pen Text No. 5 49% lbs., $3.25 ¢@ @ /t t ; 12A 363. 14 Point Pen Text No. S 4% lbs., $3.00 7/QCLO1/I/(x » 0 CL? 1/I/L04/L » % . 13 P = 9Kcm44444»oH3L 35cvVz,e'z/Leo ' 44 ' I - Q00 °19°”0’W/M3 5 @0‘””PCW”g} A gma cwvb @005 9 gmaare gavm 6A 16a 24 Point Pen Text No. 5 5%1bs.,$§-55 371°/4/Lct/4/Lci/ct/E cm/Lb eowm/no/cc1Uc1/13 9T(CVl/LC!/gc/60 Q4/L4/Luca/13 Q3/fiapozt fzom 4 ga/L:>1/Vccvn/Lee go’!/I/L1:)ClA/L1Ef 4A 133 30 Point Pen Text No. S 6'9’!/61bS-. $4-25 mm {<31/vcyficw/1/5 61 Q2/cLb1A/ct/C121/1/<3 §OC@®C/i/.>€/O 9 %/@131/act/no/ab fiizw afiac/aft? cm/Lb @3009 of ’O8 of Haw %/oztfimmywvn 26%/{31/vi/12/razo/°vt1g cozbiaffg wqueot gout pwownw at Wteh @044/M/VLQA/1/C01/VL04/I/C gocezci/042/o 9TCc1/so/mic 3‘Cc1/W ‘ELI/e:>bc1/12; &1)@1/l«i/1/Lg, June oi/JCWL, at eight o’c{3o<'/V» miweteew ¥t.uwb*c;eb cvwb ac van POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 529 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Stzttinmzrs "I‘i2xt Nu. 5 \Neights and Privcs. given are A|)|IT()XiIllilIt‘; see page L’. (,':ist on Uniturin Lint- 16A 45 a 6 Point Stationers Text No. 5 1%}, lbs., $2.00 K 15 A 4721 8 Point Stationers Text No. 5 3% lbs., $2.25 mung mm in the ‘Batik: gxrragccl ‘ '-Flu: Qizxmpztign nf nut‘ Zwntg in Fighting ajmiizms in the tiartp maps :11‘ mm: ‘I-Iistgxp L Qluhzt and nf the Nzxmg at Szmtiugu and ‘manila 1234567890 1 123-1557890 15 A 41 a 10 Point Stationers Text No. S 351?. lbs., $2.50 13 A 37 a 12 Point Stationers Text No. 5 3‘,‘A{o lbs., $2.75 Nnrth Antmzirzm 7Bnnk GInnu,Izm1_> T (1)111 Iittgtliisli I.,itL‘rzIt11t'L‘ "Pnhiialierfi fur 375 Oltithrzttvd Antliurs Q Wang Qlhnirt Z4 ?3JJ1Ittd 7L'InInm)25 ‘)A 27 a 16 Point Stationers Text No. 5 43/23 lbs., $3.00 ‘7I1I2.1;aI& Qlmuhimenl 9Pm352>35 ZI Qlertztitt Eiltgrma nf Iiiztztiizitg zmrl Hztrdmzaa 258 when 7I’1:rq:rm:Ig Amaigamated 6A 193 20 Point Stationers Text No. S 5513 1135-. $3-35 Turzhaziug (Of New "i’3:i25z. ’1’&uIT2a:5 (1)112 rd’ the °-B251; 743 E[m.n25i;mmtt5 gnu mm 11121122 4 A 13 a 24 Point Stationers Text No. 5 535 lbs., $3.55 '“?II1mzmt gcwztirm 7PmcIm:5 ‘zlliiii Ghxmt Fm: ‘7B1x5im2£z 592 ‘7fIInm:lzIg ‘-1112 fJJL'tiiZIUQ zulirit am insptrtinn uf nur 1211251 amid ntust zrrtistir rlizqalztg mi‘ 3“ 9 9 J 9 9 ~L1T12):lrlmg and $nw2tg Sitwttzxttmtz and -HiglI~Q'Izts5 $iEIfiUtIPt'Q "i’rinttd mitlt the mm: 1.I1q,I1IiEI1' Stzttiuittrs '-Frxt cs If-Vlxit o, ,, o , uf,T§fffmE,';’::§fn,1§ 2:. $II11L‘).Ex11IIU1, Sltmtitr i \ L BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 530 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Statinmzrs. Ttxt NH. 5 The dim; '“7Pzti¢:22 Qlhrh Sixtemth gmnuzxl ‘fianqutt and $32111 mnset 1'B$1JB£if1III1_) rtqwzst tlnz mtezmnt nf pnurzzlf and lady frimrlz at thtir next infnrmal '?%2:2ptiurc and gfilztmnz in he ginm Saturday znming, ‘marrh i11‘(B1IiQ~52£rI1IEl nimztxzm lnmdrtrl and ten . at thrz (Rem fllmnzing 9I9m:Irn:5 Qiranxi ‘martlt at aim: u’x:Im:k xltarp IQUE cfiinen by ‘Five '-Ivznnlerfnnt Smziztg Th): gchurrrth Hnttl mm ‘Rates $5.00 a gap Largtst and 332st in Szfltm 2:1 mnrtlr -H3121 7Katln2rin2 "IU22k5 Nn.__._____ Nthn ‘I‘num5hi.;t "Pay in tin: nrrltr Hi’ this gum nf and rhzxrge in war atruunt. i 992: "I' ::3)IITE13.'$ (1)Idfi2IIi (llzrtrhem 8: Qln. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 531 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Sylvan \V l l I c A1) -4 ( I I 19A 55a 6 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 1"/to lbs., $2.00 ‘ 19A 5321 10 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 3%. lbs., $2.50 (Emporium of fiashionable Dressmaking Zlustice Uever Seems to ébange Satisfaction tfiuaranteeb on our fables Qailor mabe (Eowns *5 Glhough its Eonception of Right G110 wrong Darg 1234562890 I234-5(o'¢'89() 15 A 44a 12 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 3‘%(. lbs., $2.75 13 A 35 a 14 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 4% lbs., $3.00 1 Striking Beauty of Nature farm fabor Qtgbteneb ®ranb Ciangon 2755 Rocky Zllountains H Zlnoention for 4-68 Ggrtculturalists 10A 22 3 18 Point Sylvan Text No. S 4'5/to lbs., $3.25 Short articles on Bnteresting Subjects ciomplete Stock of the most 549 Reliable Reference Books 5 A 153» 24 Point Sylvan Text No. S 574/6 lbs-. $3.50 Steamboats anb Railroabs Southwest iransportation 58 Ciompang 3 A 103' 36 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 5551/6 1135-. $4-30 G)rnaments ano Borbers Eopper Zllixeb 82 metal Cgpes 3 A 42 Point Sylvan Text No. 5 83/4 lbs., $5.25 M Zllammotb Collection Southeastern 5 Expositions 3 A 7 a 54 Point Sylvan Text No. S 13% lbs., $8.00 Zllountain 8 Scenerg BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE (Text l”(o. 5 Zlncorporateo MV.V.V/, .\\W T 0 R O , {:6 .w,.V,, /3. m o VMVVV coo ,;aeaVam 00 A gr ; V, 1 P V / ./kip» 6 . H CO‘ C COO R COO O COCO % Cuber ‘ 1no.5 1lllustrateb (Erabe Glatalogue ab Ecclesiastical Eupplies JBooks Etationersz anb fiheet {l|)usic Tflolibap (Boobs in leather anb metal movelties for Evert} Season Season of 1908 Dublisbeb for the benefit of Stationers ano Jsooksellers Everywhere all prices are Subject to tbe 1Regular ‘ccrabe Eiscount :: :: JBrooks Supply 1l=Iouse R? ‘FE POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 537 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \Vcights and l‘ri(‘e:~; given are Approximate; we page 2. (,‘a.st on Text Line. 24A 46a 8 Point Tudor No. S 2% lbs., $2.25 19A 373. l() Point Tudor No. 5 3!/'1/tr lbs., $2.50 Tltllonberful Era of mechanical Development \ Great ‘qrombone Somigt ‘(mull flggigt ®ne ‘Ebousano meats Elovancement of printing 1lnoustr9 noteb piano player at Euoitofium -Ball 1234567890 , 1234567890 16A 31 a 12 Point Tudor No. 5 3‘}fo lbs., $2.75 12A 2321 16 Point Tudor No. 5 43/23 lbs., $3.00 Excellent Elccommooations first class 4 Summer 1Re9orts lpublic 1Reaoing 1Roome Eictionarg of 8 English ‘law 1 ' ' " ‘ . 5 5?’, . . 8A 1621 20 Point Tudor No. 5 4',5io lbs., $3.25 5 6A “a 24 Pmm ludm NO 16 lbs ’ $3 50 Evening Ewiligbt 1l=lano Sewing Jfieautiful 2 [pictures 3 (machine 9 "(Llflorh 5 A 93 30 Point Tudor No. 5 65/3 lbs., $4.10 llbrivate (Damping Cfirounoe Jrsiitcbere Elnnual 6 Excursion 3 A 5 3 36 Point Tudor No. S 69% lbs., $4.25 iLarge Gigar jfactory Jfine 'i|=Iano 3 Illbaoe (Eigare 3A Sa 48 Point Tudor No. 5 10% lbs., $6.25 terrible Cialamitg Eoiitbern 2 Gountrsz BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 538 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 3 A 43 60 Point Tudor N0. 5 13‘?-I3 Ibs.? $8.40 Glattle 1Rancb Glowg anb 4 Sheep 3A 3a 72 Point Tudor No. 5 18% lbs., $10-60 iakesbore Ebabe 8 Urea Sames El. ‘lanbsome (Ehicago, 1|ll. Illbercbant (Sailor Euits flbabe to ®rber on Short motice 625=627 JBIuevoater Street Gleaning, Dressing , anb Eyeing ¢blCaQO, “II. POINT-LINE. F’OINT—SET. POINT-BODY 539 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I’ \ . c°Dh‘~._ I v°‘~Y “*4! ‘ In NYSKYV “luv 00'; mo. 5 22 A 62 a 10 Point Tudor Text No. 5 3'1}. lbs., $2.50 17 A 52 a I.’ Point Tudor Text No. 5 3% lbs., $2.75 llortb American Insurance coinpanii '-9\|W"|iG 8|!“ 108“ 3$$°CW‘°|1 incorporated in tbe ldnited States canada and diid Mexico 1 1"lC°|'D°T8W ill SQWNW "mm¢¢|l 'l3l||W|‘¢¢ 1234557390 1234567890 13 A 3821 16 Point Tudor Text No. S 4716 lbs., $3.00 iinterstate (Ernst and Savings lsaniz and Sateto Deposit ibaults ‘ltoneo loaned on first class iiieal Estate 235 Securities niaonnents to be liiiade monthly 7 A 193 2 ’oiut Tudor Text No. 5 5715 lbs-. $3-50 ‘(llnited States Gold and Silver Gertificates Government 1issned 1interest 87 4 1Bearing Gold 5Bonds 4 A 13 R ) ’oint Tudor Text No. S (>715 “)9. $4-00 a Greatest Sioow on Earth (today iidvertising Grand 86 Zlutornobile marade 3 Point Tudor Text No. 5 (‘U10 1133-, $4-25 Elie ifleporters (Ilnb ibouse Electing iBoard 829 of Eirectors ’0int Tudor Text No. 5 1()‘.'fs lbs., $6.40 iiiewsboys 217 Elnnual ifeast 60 Point Tudor Text No. S 17 lbs., $10.20 Grcbestra 8 iilebearsal BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S SUPERIOR COPPER’-MIXED TYPE mulor " “ ‘ ziext1lto.5 flhe 1lnterstate crorreshondence ‘l' School of nhenmanship '5 "-0 .% 3», 2 g If” «_ ’ ‘‘ ‘‘_,fl’.' —"' ‘ ” “A -s\. in I ' ~ 3 l'j'_ —- OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO 41 your ctorreshondence may he the only means hy which another man can judge you. the vital phase of a strong letter is not alone the suhstance ot the letter itself, hut also the llress in which it goes forth as your silent messenger. rt»: >31 fix») ‘I134 -.-[N I‘ «S I\ *2 \.l -U V .~ I “ 4332: \s .o- V‘ g’ [ ‘ \§ V SM» the ‘llnterstate School ()5; Xe av: - ,7‘ . ‘<3 ,_ Q teaches thoroughly and in a short herioll of time the essential points necessary to become a $|ii|l= tul penman. send tor our hook or lntonnation. V O G U E O R N A M E N T N O . 1 29 + jfree Scholarships §”.I:'l,':i.“..‘§°':.§.:‘”:J3:3.:2”.:':I.‘: + I44 4 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 541 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ‘Bold \Veights and Price-5 given are Appruxiumtc; see page 2. (Cast on Uniform Line. 15 A 44a 6 Point Tudor Bold 1216 lbs., $2.00 - 13 A 41 a 8 Point Tudor Bold 2% lbs., $2.25 printers who ‘ll-lave Ulsed Qbur \ Cibld Elntique Specimens Superior Cizopper mixed lining (types ‘need no £XP¢“3W¢ 5mb"°‘d¢"3? and E"¢$$ @0053 ‘Reminder as to Quality and Eurability aapzstry f°u“d in 5w“z¢"a“d 1z345373gQ 1234567890 10A 34a ‘ 10 Point Tudor Bold 3%; lbs., $2.50 mlountain Scenery Skillfully ‘(Reproduced by Elrtists Cbrandest Exhibition of magnificent portraits painted by Elmericans Seventeenth Elnnual Citonvention 375 of [painters and Sculptors 10 A 31 a 12 Point Tudor Bold 3‘,‘»rf¢. lbs., $2.75 Erecting 1Handsome School ‘Buildings Ulniversity Surrounded by Dense Cbrowth of Cbreen jfoliage Snow (tapped 1mountains 482 in the Distance 7 A 23 3‘ 16 Point Tudor Bold 4%; lbs.., $3.00 Special Sunday 1morning Edition Enterprising 1Flewspaper Editors Elnnual Excursion Eldvertising 1monthIy 475 (nothing Saies 6 A 17 3 18 Point Tudor Bold 5512. lbs., $3.35 Zllnited States ‘Battleships Elrmoured Gruisers and Cbunboats Battle with the Spanish 85 at Santiago 4 A 108 24 Point Tudor Bold 5%}; lbs., $3.50 [pure Greamery ‘JButter Sold in Sixty.-.five mound Ciiubs fresh from 45 the dzountry BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S :34 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’ \ Eudcr " :E£€§;i: “ ‘Bold V lbs., $4.25 Spanish 1mansion GDICI worlds 594 ctastles , $5.25 cbreenwifigsturesé Eelightful 38 $cenes mevémfilcck Steel 26 $prmg ’llmported and Domestic Gloves and ‘lmittens we are the largest 1lm= porters and 1Handlers of Gloves in Elmerica, we r r jr are sole agents for the “Goatilline” glove which is the best 1Kid Glove on the market Silk Gloves Double jfinger (tipped we call special attention to our Silk Gloves and our lisle Gloves which are su= perior and trade winners Gorrect styles cost no more than the undesirable or obsolete ones. r ’ (ii. CE. 'JBumpes 8» Go. Egypt (the success of a Glove Eepartment depends upon having the correct styles and colorings as well as the proper qualities. El great deal also depends upon the clerks that are employed, ours are always courteous to everybody. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 544 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 18A 57:1 8 Point Faust Text 2% lbs., $2.25 i ISA 43a 10 Point Faust Text 35/x/6 lbs., $2.50 (Dodern Printing is one of the many Deckalear (Ind Fancy Ribbons Developments of the Present Generation, showing, I (post Bqshjonqblq Silk fiinqd Jackets 1234567890 is 1234557390 8A 2321 18 Point Faust Text 4',5i6 lbs., $3.25 I lb $ 75 , , , 14 A 3921 12 Point Faust Text 39/13 5., Z. Gallo]-' (Dada Salt J Ixadies Fashion Bazaar PIDH GDQIISII 8 SUIIIDQ Zirimrned flats in 614 Ixatest Styles 6A 14a 24 Point Faust Text 553 lbs-v $3'6° (Dodern Skyscrapers are high Dzuellings are the 6 Product of Genius 3 A 811 36 Point Faust Text 71bS'v $4'40 Golonial Dzuellings flrchitect and 3 (Iontractor Great Glestern flntique (Io. I Furniture, Bapestries Paintings and (mines (Iatalog Saint Detersburg. Deb. I908 vocue ORN A M E N T N o . 2 6 3 , 5 oc VOGUE ORNAMENT NO. 262, 50C POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 545 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 15 A 43a 8 Point Reed Text 2% l1>s.,$2.2S §h1£tt Rolls ant Qtoffcc fltcn (menus mm or Qtoffct §2rnct with an fitrat «mrtma 1234567890 12 A 32 21 14 Point Reed Text 4516 lhs., $3.00 Qbbiu jlflunntain (Express éburt Glinnnel 97 launte Qtluset 8 A 22 a 18 Point Reed Text 4'-516 lbs., $3.25 Wanting Qfixpetititn ieigblantt 92 of QB1Itati0 5A15', 24 Point Reed Text A Qtgcltnesz ant Tflitrnatteszc in Qllanata 14 A 35 El 10 Point Reed Text 3512; lbs., $2.50 Qthirt annual Qlixcnrsion ®n almletnestan Enptetnber Qlimentietl) 1234567890 12 A 3321 12 Point Reed Text 3“4}» lbs., $2.75 Qbentlemenfi fimnking afituum jrirfit Qtlafifi 42 ibafisengerfi Qbnip 10 A 2721 16 Point Reed Text 47,12, lbs., $3.00 (Brant may jrestibal %econt ant 38 fitbirt of may T6 1bS., %ting (lttnssiterable 45 ZBatnage to ifirtpertp SA 12a 30 Point Reed Text ifiig Eailpdfltrttting iaatesz 6% lbs., $4.30 Maetnesatap 23 git’ fibin Qszcensitn 3 ) ’oint Reed Text aérnnt fiural fltfiplap 871}. lbs., $5.00 Qtarnattunsz 78 ant Wlultpfi 48 Point Reed Text élngnsat «E1211 nzntl) BARNI-{ART BROS. 8:. SPINDLER’S 12‘é lbs., $7.50 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ‘QC he Jatksann Qtlnth & iaelnet Qtumpanp 615 jmletthanttifie fitreet, Qthitagu Sintegrity in gmetchannise in Qtrenitfi fitmaurpose in (Everything % we attribute the yuttegig‘ tnhith this‘ husinefifi I183 attainen tn the stritt anherente to this’ ptintipie in all of our tranfiattinng‘. % we €£,B,5llr£ buyers that it visit to this store tniil hr of profittthte intrrrat to them. ;%%%%%%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%#%%%%% I r p mT 80Rofi;:_f3s NO 4 xgg X 5 ‘NJ L\Ji ' ,_w;r\A:}_'A\:)D,_.:‘:\:7',4 _uz__xLm;. _'u2.,\1§4/',«._\g..\'»§g,'4.,_\y‘..xLM,‘. _'u2..\'~(\4‘;.'_\fi..w‘~t\A‘4 Ln) g\y..«::\/L. _'u2..xL1\/9;. 412.. . V’ " V V '7 H \/ ( JW €N__§« ML ‘ZNI N 0 '. *.\". POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 547 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Qmrhmt Weights and }’l"iL'CS given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Uniform Lino. 13 A 37a 8 Point Carbon Text 2% lbs., $2.25 12 A 3521 10 Point Carbon Text 351., lbs., $2.50 Gfiemnau asauvaiice (!Lutttpa1-111 C glttneaastmvnt glsmuciatiott guunheh in the fllnntly of gtepteinlnnt R ifistttliing QLmu‘s:rn ifi Qfiaastahliaaheb 3,‘]ear Qléiglytecu djyunbreb nub firemen L Qfinntrullch 11;; (ifiovernnwnt 123456'789() ; 12:-3456’789() 10 A 3021 12 Point Carbon Text 3% lbs., $2.75 Q1"/ollectiutt of gjiaaituvical gitmtature iljiaawnnmtzh filiurliiaeity gtiluaeunt of glatural gjiaatary Qfitttirelg gleatroyeh giecettt ghhitirmaea of giapaneaan: 85 ayaaazaa 3;Im:tl;I giuinehr 9 A 25 3 14 Point Carbon Text 35/is lbs., $3.00 gtpecimetiea of gnttiaatic Qfitigranitig aglrinteh gheetas nf Qbrtiammital qfimtheraas gfuriiiaheh glllmtherful iliaplay of Qbrigimil flleaigms 7 A 20 a 16 Point Carbon Text 4% lbs., $3.00 Eutcnuntaai of Ekhnetttxxrousa glimzuneriea Qfiutttplete gxtncki of gieliahle gieference fiunlia fllritttera atth fiitthera 72 gins machinery 6 A 19 a 18 Point Carbon Text 451?» lbs., $3.25 gltttetnational $011122: of the Eljllnrlh gnpain gkfrica Qfityittu 89 gcupatt arth gmhia C glrtiaatic Qllaitttittg (lfiaihihit C aglrettg Q5Bg£iBL‘5 58 atth ggllaterfullaa BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 548 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Qliarhntt iliaittnnh gfilineei Qfizepnrtevaas 3;I1:ecin1w fitnnes gtmxttt glfrica 3m1¥'~"~"fl fitovhy illeccy £0 gttmzky & gout: 38% Q gittneatmetttaar ggfi and Qfiaastate 31:cab2 glllatgrtgtnn °Q_§_ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 549 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED filtllztie Klimt \Veigl1ts and Prit es given are Approximate; see page .3. (fast on Text Line. 16A 51a 8 Point Plate Text No.4 2% lbs., $2.25 iflriniers glinlh (Annual fiicui: at gfifinztun flung nf the @115 Cime glfiznthers Attexth uni! Elvin in fihakng 3; .]Rmnaxkahl2 Hummus: in wupulatinn glfiakittg Zficast zx gfllerrg unit Qinjngnhlc Affair Jlflang flllulks 2-jabs (‘Bane pnhtn a;/5731311; l 15A 4721 10 Point Plate Text No.4 3%: lbs., $2.50 I l 1 I2345E789fi 3 I2345fi7B§n I I l 1 1 Qlmtsus Glzxkcn in ;5'uuihc1'xt -a5'iaie5 14A 3321 14 Point Plate Text No.4 4% lbs., $3.00 MA 403 12 point plate Text NO_ 4 31%?) lbs. $2 75 gfllitters 3./Ktiltiftt fxnm gwlafilca gllflmtg are glgizh 9'5 (‘Dthmrs fllesulait mxtrlhs (firvat &§'kZIh‘1'5 g."/.\;'ntn in (Big Arrange fierivs nf 72 Butts at lfilmira WA 3021 16 Point Plate Text No. 4 47'/6 lbs-. $3.00 GU12 3Rnhi1t5mt flllxznttzxiit (lluxttpzmzg nf 3./Ktlttfiftfi Qliig *T171‘.521ti5 Qirxtest gllllzglllnnzxlit in flu» 'd§'mt5zIii1I1tztl 35 Clzutttitg Gllw E11142 glflaxt nf Qzrng 9A 2721 18 Point Plate Text No. 4 5 lbs-. $3.30 £1?’ nieit C/3111111117 gllllztrries Eeantifxtl 71 titess in tin filnrk (lleremnxtg {Lakes llllaze in the 97 gfiiile Qlltmtrlt C/Aifllltttfl the Lllnxxtmt 6A 163 24 Point Plate Text No. 4 571/6 1135-. $3-50 g gfeaifiixtg gflliillimm gvitttnltttllt gflall Gbpfning gfztiexei jlmpnrtatinnfi fmm E4 gflmxtw mt Qzxltihitimt 5A 158 30 Point Plate Text No. 4 6% lbs., $4-05 glluut fiutglats Eltttmibz ffimztll lfiillztge éllinlil 131:: Eltthzthiimtize Z3 mtfi fietute (vi/llflnxteg 4A 1121 36 Point Plate Text No. 4 7 lbs., $4.35 fiuilhing Emu (‘Bwmt fiitamex Elflatlatfiztl fined 5 Qltxighzxwii gvtuntilatle BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S ‘.350 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE filaie Clmct fiummw, 19113 £7£l}2 filigses Qfiliillfnxfls mtmnmte their ,1}? ifiemtilt C/Annual fiizplag 111‘ glflillixtmtg En uni fail in zzfimtit il1i5 beautiful nffmting nf all the lateral nf zlfiaxisa emit (fimtupezms must Iexxpziziie mtzaiimts in lmhs g. znxitiztl imtitaiimt is mctmtheh in zkretgmtz fiflztrlnrs apex: Cllnezimg, Qllmrnimg mtit fiaiurhag ehmxings POINT-LINE. 1=oIN'r—sE'r. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED gfimmhzit in the gem? nf @111 ginrh, @112 Cfihuusauh ffiiglfi 3'*I1tnhr2h zmh fiixig gfluut ilfllztine ("Lexi ‘ Qvxtxtmxl gnaw? flunk 1115 1 (Ufa glkihexgihe Hnihergiig nf fiwziznxtizt ‘fining ex Qlnxtqzlete Qhznxh nf flw gfiaqzpextixtgss nf the lixtihemitg = fax the (films; gem: = E E \ F T ifitinteh frnm igpe unit nrmzmeuts maize kg 11;: QCgp2~gfinunhrg nf flarxzlgari Qrns. & fipiuhler, Chitagn, Hlliunis BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 55)’) SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 8 Point Plate Text 10 Point Plate Text 12A 33a 1%; 1b., $2.25 j 12A 3321 2%1bs,,$z,5o Jlntvvnutimml Navigation ¢:¢"‘Pa"g mu llnhiiatimtfi Alf *F6W?¢1t$ Kinhfi WW: ‘éihv Elma Summn‘ 3-’,:¢n:m':=-ivnfi I 3?,/.;“g,;;», mfg‘, Q”, ‘flak gm“ 1¥¥4r5$7$$$ T ¥¥¥4r5‘?.7$$$ 14 Point Plate Text I E I I ! . 9A 26a 39/“ lbs.’ g 12 PO1]]t Plate Text I‘ 3 i I 11A 30a 3%. lbs., $2.I5 ifiitztnvw ¢i in flwutfful Sunni: -Av: Nam: mm 4? fizclfihitfun Snmmvv EH-Imus fiifiifzh ha -Wang ‘lfita 5$ fizuplz 7 A 213 18 Point Plate Text 4‘/{6 lbs-A. $3-25 flampvtvni -Wm WW2 %pm§ntw in flak? flame 6:1 @112 flwmmhian fl? fiztmfitimz fivzwfivli amh ivirnbfi an mozfiz vvzpvvtfully, inhitvii iv athmb 111$ ‘lhmmmtvzmm fi$W3'¥$$¥$ of H}? QLIW-$ Iii Nimivm Jfinnhrvb am 111%: ilmhi-mi? Jfigh Svhml 01$ ¢lmv$bag vi.-wing. aNohvmhn' 1112 hvvntg-fiizstly nimtvnm hunbvvb emb fivhnt tight o’cl¢d5 filzzttvw-wit fipvva Jhnfiv filmtvwh POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED $LtQ«IlC*V1" \Velghts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 10A 40a 14 Point French Plate 3%; lbs., $3.75 g§wcnl1J/-,acs2cor/ gxpcticncccl’ Sewiatg %1cKio1e«’ ®Pctulot.v¢%Qanlc(L @lot£am ,l;ul/ 833/:or-Jt.rw ® mew 91903! 11/ or my g)ooiLion/ CTKO\‘l»Q' .Y P P J 1284567890 9A 28a 18 Point French Plate 4% lbs., $4.50 g3Y1a«uLKa3a'A>i419/ Qbaty @Zo~2c41v8m/ /l’l)9e/ 8-S dizhelfv QCWW SCOW Smagw 2 :3 5 @eFQ/l))/zc1lc3/ ®Jo8cr §m.vrK/ 7A 229. 24 Point French Plate No. 1 5%6 1135-. 35-00 CBKO/£4“ gRe¥tQa/min3/ /t/l)L£’/l/'(/ @l)vciol’4naa/ Cgazol/‘ 6A 18a 24 Point French Plate No. 2 5% lbs.. $5-00 glzaelflimlcy ,0? 5A 15a 30 Point French Plate 6% lbs.. $5-50 ewrw ézaw @mW c?Jz’)wlé 8 ,a/n5/ fim 4A 12a 36 Point French Plate 8% lbS., $5-55 g€o/wvc2/a@w&efw/ €?oooww/io/n/ 7 gjyiwvgar £wnc&/ F BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 554 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE WM w@/®KW z3/ pvnmvoamoe//Cam/«no»:/<fivaA3,e/pf/€1@’vz//@aAax‘:,Yn)ce»L% EB?/30/E/elk Jim /0"//WW0//QAW/714°/I’t3/,0? gucaéaxlj/,/W10//iwmbgu/pfi @TCa»wVu ,onw/cfiouaamcbflwnwliamazaof/».«»a%/§a»,g Wax.» cm 815 Qmtofiag Squaw 23mm-flia EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE TH 58 ASTOR PLACE POINT-LINE POINT-SET POINT BODY 555 QUALITY ' ' ‘ - AND FINISH UNEQUALED I’ \ 83 /u241cY1/ ‘ g{:cvrvQo,o/rnw ,a/n/no/u/nee/M /(/Kw ,o}wn°m4g/ my maw/ pic/my MM ,a/ pompfwtw wv3/ ,Ki»vvQ/ ,0? /in1}3o*o[¢3/ 60030’ 43°” 50/”; p1/n5/G‘%§°mnXa/L/ / G)“/U ,m2M>/ gooaw /QOCC‘/Q/E ,HZLooo/ /Paab /1j/aa/w/ wfl MM ,ym}>a/ /bo/ new ,0/u/L/’ ‘pa/(wrw pwvcfl my my /to/ flJ/iA>/Q/ mew X/[’)u2/ (QPQW ,QA2(M1/iA1C]0/ /m'»nc/ J BARNHART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 556 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE %a< (7Q}m'e& Clflwo//ne/V / 4//eguea/’ ,é%e/ /%o4zo/z//%you/(/jo/w/.>enoe/ /ai/55¢ /»nza/bzia'7e//zec9oZ’ioI1//95,/flew /aQz / 1%Cz}4/ze& /anaé W m/ /eA2en1§/y/ /f/f/Zm/%L97&m/5 my / /one/,%uwcI//1d’ ,.n/1}n/e/ /gtmdzecfl /a//1% /ae/tie/IV /ai /9/&4I'/away ,0 /dé‘/JV fl (_ 0fW/ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 557 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ho F»:; m (>/)/) , D0047 :50‘/1}’/l ( ' I I /"I 5 \Vcigl1ts zuul l’ri( vs ;,ri\'cn are Approxlnmtc; see page 2:. (fast mu 'l‘¢-xt Linc. 9A 35 a 14 Point Wedding Plate 35,1}, lbs., $3.75 (7//ze.u‘c/Z5¢/ ma)://e—t»" K,‘/(:71/’ : (/I;u.‘z'/¢tf¢b/z.)’ u/u/ (Z21/totuzcu/net:K3’ C/)1: 41:16)/e~’ .6‘/;/aw '//£21“ «.6/z»)I'/1/!'r{(/* A {IV «galtte 241/ .6/)ot'tf(/ OS)/é ll.‘/‘/7” «9rz)¢1u’c/A 3 )ot£* /2.%‘76;z99r/ 8 A 22 21 18 Point Wedding: Plate 4% lbs., $4.50 97 0 9’ /6* 1 ) [ar/I/I(€'ll()(( / ((/IrC[/ (/OI}?/7Cl*/I'(// 1 )/ZQ’/"zlclézl/I’! l /(ll/O c‘ 0 L‘ R‘ (V A ~ , "3 ) I /4i1,?c/1,)’—c ’ nflllllc/{LIL/”/»(.(/I/c/’ (¢)»(/‘V/57/(w/z,() .()(o Z//I: Ca.) 5:010. be ([1‘eIzuc/ 5 A 18 21 24 Point We-(l ( /l'e'l23(3/ ( (I//I C/Zeéé CL’! K)S1;J;/ a/fiy 3 A 12 ex 30 Point Wedding: Plate 6%]! lbs., $5-50 /; Cpfif 8/I50/ice/” ;(%\%¢12e/z/.)/ /fly ;6/3a%/ 3 A 10a 36 Point Wedding Plate 7516 lbs., $6.50 ;1g<'.{. (‘;1.~.tm|'l‘v\t Linc. 10 A 2921 14 Point I.inins: Plate Script 3516 lbs., $3.75 /I/Z/£1/l’.IZy P7/om am// Pm//t //e /%//yr/:7//zen/J (1///e ;//érzttnrz I / / 17/ax‘ I/e fill)//0//ez72z(¢ ($4 /1,11//.0//5.)/'1'/25; .(]o/~/W /?2 ma .O))0r¢n/en:/J ./%;e(I///(«.1 0/ ?/It/0/I/(fly .1]/'om (3/rm/' _‘;(./£1117//ry ..Ofl/‘(I///fl/' rum/. ]/'I'rmr/ /7/5:///at/5 FSMao/'// P/.".3’.i.‘;'/2"/W7” 8A 23;: 18 Point Lining: Plate Script 452 lbs., $4.50 /J (2 02/, .9/7///(9/7!/na7z I/.3’-4 6A 14a 24 Point Lining Plate Script 5716 lb-9., $5.00 .(/Jrm'r/rz//¢/ . <]a/xi’/urea/.%¢°/3 //Z2)//6 ' at 0/21.54 . l /;1///%2m(/ Tgmcflzterzf 5 A 13a 36 Point Lining Plate Script 7'§{6 lbs., $6.50 '/ M2 §(¢/tr///kz '~ Lg/gram 7r? / / 4 A 921 48 Point Lining Plate Script 10%; lbs., $7.50 ‘0’ K / P/’~/2/////. L, BARN}-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S .360 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Em; 93/42; v .74/6 L %/W7 0/I/Ag I%/MM %a// MM/Z2 flfitfliflfiwéfléé a//59% e%%Mz/ gfigwwiea %€m/n/WW/ %/ » ygaézwfiy flee 9 ' /gem/5 flézp/km mm»/art 0//%¢m 024% /0 ' an//fiimti POINT-LINE. POIN'I‘—SET. POINT—BODY 561 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Weigh ts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 8A 25 a 14 Point Lining Plate Script No. 2 35/11: lbs., $3.75 9&9 0/Qecwnw/494: fit ./1/ém %1l 0/ /2345674590 7 A 21 a 18 Point Lining Plate Script No. 2 4% 1138-. 34-50 gm?/Z3 .9/6 L9;cawdmcd, avza/éfiumcoawfd 0 24 Point Lining Plate Script No. 2 5% lbs., $5-00 @@www/ec/ %% film .542 93¢/WA” 9%» %«%z;/ 5A16a 4A 13a 35 Point Lining Plate Script No. 2 7% lbs., 86.50 fiéfiyfl W//‘V/mc/.954 flea/W 3A 9a 48 Point Lining Plate Script No. 2 10% 1135-. $750 BARNHART BROS. an SPIl\IDLER’S 562. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Z51/551% y ./@j. 9 ./Zr. marl 4, :/9 ‘gt//m%% 1567561’/.1 / Zée //mazaa/it yd/WI!‘ /»/redr4—/w-(M til 54¢ 4)?/(Z/)"l'l«'(Zfle Z4645?” K/{Z/6%’/l’/£4¢"” ZW ‘9/agmy anal .%V. @(0m¢5/%/ %aw/% 0’/lb" Mr»/we/w32;%~ 0/ 7//e.r2ézez£r/a%/ flaw ifée et;¢%i‘A /M15/«0ei‘eM7,~ £10/L (/2.'1g‘<-J. (Hist nn Tc-\I |.in«'. () A 35 :1 14 Point Lining l'»;in|\' Svrim .3‘K; llmx, $3.75 : 7/7;,/,.,, 5///é/4' 5/;/,.,./’. .4/,,,, 4. .»i,;»,;, ( I - V. ‘/37,’ ///(;/y ((;/If/’("..)(’.) fill O ///'//(//’y Pr///'1’/’///'/I//'/K/I/y O%’//(7('///[/ ‘ I / ( I i /, .9.)’-/ J/»"/' 4'.’//’ (u\ 14 :1 13 Point l,inin_u li;in|\' Scrim 1'.’ “M. 354-50 */}/ . ///}2///'// .(/%;r//'/// I}/ ( K//J”;//' ".//’//I//' './//y/'/’ .9';//7;/.)/;}»// ' k}////v//' 41\ 11 =1 24 Point Lining Bznik Script 5"IS», $5-50 { .//?}/wz/z/2/.(/ZZ/////zéy/ #2:;////Kfl/J//////K -/ I I f H) ‘/74: lbs., $7.50 ; I 3 I I 3s'\ 5 £1 48 Point Linimz Bank Script N0. 2 ; fly/gm I BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 576 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Cfékz/'zy .%‘(l/1/ ' K POINT-LINE. Po1N'r—s£-:1". POINT-BODY 577 Cg/fl/ééz?//zd Jaw/z I}!/Z!//6* yam! l}t./%«(’-6'»//fl/Z /A:///'z Jam C gm/fl .’7fl&Mydaaé aw //2////izflzl/zMa’fly @114! MM; //MZZJ w/m’(z¢ze ///52/at 4720/ w: [as @214! av/ewéd ;w7/ fie//eadm’/4 aw yaw «m%e/flex! yaw 6%//J6 /4 flag; Mz /aw? mam/ad fiflwz V)/int//zgM’uy wm’Q¢//Ma’% wag//z/P///4 l!¢Z/&7«/Z/}7£ / QUALITY AND FINISH UNEZQUALED 1 SA 1521 18 Point Lining Bunk Script No, 3 4'é lhs., $4.50 *9/123;}/«/(2//2//i .///V4’?//°/in/It/J /fkatwd/(7/(f5(z«w (I/“lt’;?;i /-.yo)/)«'i")~fl.}. (V-yfl 4A 10a 24 Point Lining Bank Script No. 3 5?/{6 1135-. $5-00 99/Z////LRK/(650>/mfly .. %?/re/////» / 4,26’ . ..(/0/aw/e.li 3A 621 36 Point Lining Bank Script No. 3 7‘5»io lbs., $6.50 ?/%(¥/Z!/6///A/llfl 2/ ~é/2//5//////W///2 .7// L; 3A 4a 48 Point Lining Bank Script No. 3 105's lbs., $7.65 /K/?M7z//ez%///a/ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 578 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ((7 Ztizflfid %éc%¢i* .%a4u7//my .1010 @IM/*&/% .//é0/e/ J/a«%added wfl almcflézw, Jeévy ~wt7% «lléifi/147/01!!/'é(&'/fl/é flied. .///(Z all/'% (M m/«£3 4/i7zIan/Zed/f/2»t¢/M/Iaahy jam . %i%p%/p%&4z all//%e C\é J \ POINT-LINE. POINT SET. POIl\IT—BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 579 /i/Oil/YL'i:(ll(f'l,Cl/}Li)L Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 13A 36a 12 Point Lining Pantagraph Script 3 lbs., $3.50 gyamaqv Wu 0/rmw W1 ejfiwuitedi w Q!/1‘/tmolW’uJ gzlmw /Ba/w /i231;5(5’7896 10A 2621 18 Point Lining Pantagraph Script 4% lbs., $4.50 ynmmm 9L..Wv /ma Qrnm.,,.W1,¢/ /WI» $$e4wa1,/ j’i€a/mi/.w«'ne/ /i©7LiZ€{§/ I; 5 Qiwafuieti, Q04/iamnw 7A 20a 24 Point Lining Pantagraph Script S"/fa lbs., $5.00 )4€a/vwlwnd Qbnmmmwmwi/J /iaa/my égiwuiiaimmi on/mi} 3 (6 fiawwei /Wwg/La/vwmw’ SA 14a 36 Point Lining Pantagraph Script 754/6 lbs«. 36-50 /ii mm/U gwiia/mi fiwiiivb/Leoi’ QWLMWI QM/U 7 8 fiwwmi Qmm 3A 12a 48 Point Lining Pantagraph Script 11%?» lbs.. $7.55 4A Ila 60 Point Lining Pantagraph Script 14 lbs., $10-10 ji/Jmawu 9 Mooiatam/{A1 BARN!-IART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 580 SUPERIOR COPPER‘-MIXED TYPE gmmmumwmmwmmwww ax¢AmQnm§uu,%Az;4&».Am1m.agWum 9’w~w‘/mmflhw WWGVWWWW @ao£mmmt«,pmnammt.Wma ' Qmmwmemmwtmgm flfa/u}»©ulmu‘/ca {ma/ttmwlame W gm WWW POINT-LINE. POINT‘-SET. POINT-BODY 581 UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU ED j.)§niu«’ Nv.S?|«~v S1-viw Svnvicns ( \\'<*i;.5hts .'m& 365 9°a~tn,(2owwt gaajioum @w6erut imuuafimt at Wu dew K / POINT--LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 583 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED gee n n :3 on \\'(-ights unrl i’ri< cs given are Approximatt-; see pzige (,‘.'1.~.t on Text Line. 6A 19a 14 Point Dennison Script 3%. lbs., $3.75- gaule/IZ 9@nnua/con—u e«n/[icon ¢¢ag}eia-c 1'0 tiny ."ya«£ere.1' /Vew -/flue‘/[no.4/acre go/area/tiny .0/‘lac/1 /e tie/[re //[one] /:2 34 6'6°78‘.9 0* SA Ma 18 Point Dennison Script 4% lbs., $4.50 gge/au/2/‘ ' gee/zeta} 9%/o/:97 «Zée géitre/e gee/noclu/cealfiieonz 953 071:1?!/zza/g°az'rz/5'11? 3A 10:1 24 Point Dennison Script 5°10 1bS., $5-00 goxlgze fiee/Z8 afl eue/ty 3-A 73 36 Point Dennison Script 7'5I’61bS-. $5-50 ’ e/¢/l‘e//zée//c 5 971' 3A 521 48 Point Dennison Script 10516 lbS., $7-30 VOW 3 /V0/$1}/1/'@ BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 584 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE . 225 - » ~ « can/tdcin 8 W flczcflmt got:/the (fit)!/tw°ng an/tau/z ced iée o/e/zi/29' 0/3/éeie ekgczn/I‘ coIm/aieifme/21‘ a cant//ele ancf fiancleio me o}("/£411/4o,1e/e/al /lie comthg 97a// and qfliltieit 9:1/z@—-Ilzaale ya//enter:/1:5, géeeie fixéiafcei aiee dékec/ficom ga/awed: and We/ta 901% anclfivte ezceecl /Zéode ofiféiceal can flafieoizd in deadomi. 9” e will /5/e ale/1'}/4/ea! /0 dee }(;cz'eIzc[<£ L 4 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY. 585 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED .,Cj_nLn9 ?€>az,Z£JEi 50/LLf>i 56:/u'_&$ Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 9A 26a 12 Point Lining Hazlett Script 3 lbs., $3.50 575.85 Cl/us Ova/zsietadowacl Ufiifi “L90./(ff Ciiouds U1 aclxnasclo./1% Ls c7‘r°1£ 19a/if c'5"'o/7. 072916 Clrn/n/uafl yaefii 0?o.e£ §1/f_/‘ZJ‘tf[JOClf1/ L6 Qasfieeifuiby eYn.rz/Lied 7234567890 7A 22a 18 Point Lining Hazlett Script 4% lbs., $4.50 (€20./Lam? Earcixs am rrzmia in 1/0 (am Jfza e70/urnal Ofianhng of a 9/Leaf <~J'nA£L£/ufiion cgoeieini '11/o/11?: 68 on cgiezo/if noflae :£?‘¢ )4?’/zr/722? \Veights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 5A 213» 20 Point Lining Jewel Script 5%: lbs., $5.00 Zi;fl&/4 .7‘/fie Zwfl/7//¢/51¢? “fr//0/Z77» V1421 ha Qwurwd Zfie “@//vim: X000?/L 6% My @4d )7/OW////6 Qwa’ fié/é 7?%4/)0=a=1¢w,//Z% Maya Zi¢cl*Lg¢ywlZ2‘e 7234567895?» 5 A 14a 24 Point Lining Jewel Script 5%» lbs., $5.00 7}/aw fig//J @¢1/m¢p%cr/M4614/id ‘U0///7 Zkec/¢Z1¢g )5 /id/7‘/2&1/£fl?L:¢ Q?/Q5/Z‘75€r fludwmé 634 L6?!/if/& BARN!-IART BROS. do SPIl\lDLER’S 586 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’ \ V,-— . ¢ ’ ~~ ..~_ 3_,‘/ ‘ , ____.._.._______.:_ Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on ext ne. _._.._____._._____ 10A 3021 14 Point Lining Princess Script 3% lbs., $3.75 ”¢wz444/4! W4 fk/£4¢%« W mam M a//ma @u¢ =g¢'M¢ Q/¢Mm¢ ,4M¢z//WM giak ail ,41¢47w'a// Wedwflm//J 044- 114/fl/(Z/’fi M 014/!» j Zzzm /81/557570 9A 25a 18 Point Lining Princess Script 4% lbs., $4.50 Zzzw éww §3aW%y am/w /Wm? f 5 flmmwmflflfi MM’ flwfl flmm flfl/W W law am ¢ ,4”/W :7wM¢ /gm;/am gig/¢ flf fl4¢ ,J¢¢7/v/2/4 éfl//% Z2¢'¢%a¢¢ v7M/MM ZZZ mm’ 32/ ZMMZ Wéwéw/www flf JM v7a//MM flwéflw e 6A 17 %¢, WM %¢, éflwfl ew flfém 7$fl4»%/44/flw Mr; <%¢'2%7=fz%¢ Séfl 2Z4fl4/M7//4¢flfl4¢ Qkwwfl flaw/Mg POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 587 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I’ \ :1’ ’ Si we vvwvvog 04 v w «,1 V ".}(I gfi Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Line. 10A 289. 12 Point Lining Lakeside Script 3 lbs., $3.50 §‘.«w~.o§¢ 9‘/vcww WWW §>v¢~.~.w..wvi/w’c?cw E§>w.xw’v'v°.(w’L <§('v\'/we 0% fipmvvficflbwevw. pRM:ww’>o\w« mvscvo \.°).°3;;.(5@>'S(6©<3 8A 22 a I 18 Point Lining Lakeside Script 4% lbs., $4.50 ®.«‘D‘U./x/»3.« QM §Q'\«°..o«‘D ?.po«U« We f»)$;.«vL 9<\«o.Aw ow /‘?}ow»a& /we/ww 4 A 11 a 36 Point Lining Lakeside Script 8% lbs., $6.65 Si/vu W :f\/M W ®»Xvw{111_91)11119131_1 1911111, 1116 111111 91 1111119 21191111191 1111 61191119111111 11111119111111111 111111119. ll1111111'1111111 1111111111111 11111111 D91‘ 1l111111191'111191 _»{111111) 9111911 11111191119111911 11911911111191‘ 111191‘ 11111 12110911191111 110111 61111116 1111-. 1111' 1_‘§111111_111111. 2011111 1111111) 11111‘ 111111_11_1‘ 91119 71,0111 111111) 119111 111311111111)'1111 111111 1111d) 1111111116 1111. 511) 1111)111111 D11111 T11111111)11)111 111111) :11_11111191‘61111)1, _111 D1111911 ‘J1‘1'11)9 '-,‘§19111111'111l), 1111111119111 111‘ 11111 11111‘ 111111 2111111111 11111111111111111 111111, 911111 11"111111111)11 311: 1'11_d‘119311119111)911 1'11I111111‘19, 1111D 1111111 111 111111 91111111 111111111111111111911 :11111)'111111111l)1'11111. 1211111:111111p91'61111)I111111111111111 11111 119111 §D11_111111j91)111 111111) 6c1)11191‘11‘011, 11111 (“111111 11116 __»{i11'1d)91 69953 1111111111111, 111111 111111 1)19111116 11911111111 1111111 11111 1111111 ‘B0111111111911 111 9111111911 611111111111 1111d) 1189911111, 11111 1191 ‘1131111111111111 111111111111. 13111‘ 1111911 111111 i91)11111r11‘1111 1111111 1111111) 11111 111911116, 110111 1.'11111)1‘111111l 11111'11)1l1111111111-3 I1)11I, 1111 D1111911 1111111911 3.9111111 1111) 11111 111111111 12191111191911 111_11111111)111111111111 111101111 111111111)'111l11 1)11111111. 11111111‘ 11111911 111191111111 1111) 11111‘ 13000 $11111 1)111)11 ,,€1111111'" 111111911191‘ 1911111111111‘91)1111_11 611113911116. ‘B111 11139111911 1l)11111 1111) 111191‘ 111111 111 3111111 11111111: 11116 1'1111)111 1'11r1111111111111911111111 111111) (111111'11a'1, 11116 11111'<:»A119111111111911111'11 110111 11111111911199 11116119111111. 1,11§11111'1111 1)111 1111191111111111111111 1'11)'11119 13111111 111111 91'r111_11 11116 ‘1111D1111111‘1I, 111111 11111‘ 11111113, 11111 1119ld)9111 96 1111111, 11191)1 1,111‘ 131111111111 9111111‘ 111111111111 3.111111 11111111151 1111111111111 111. ‘1J1‘1111)1111111)111191'911 6111111 §191)1 1111111 111D1161*1l11r1191' ‘£1)111 1)1119111, 1119111)116 111111 119111 1‘111111'11111111, 11111 61111199 1111D (”““1d)*’“‘ m‘°T50Q91‘°" ‘“W1F1!iid) (3000 7.111111 1)0d)) b91)91'1111)1 1111111; 111111) 11111‘ 1101‘11111'1111 &1111111"111111'1111d‘11111111 11911 11131111911199, 1111111011111 11111131111111911 7,}9161‘u1111911. 1111191 11191911 111111 111111191111191)119r11191)r 111‘«:» \‘1111D 1)11111111: 9i‘11‘Q911t‘ ‘1)3i'!Fl3€II1tDC1‘1 0111 -911111111111)‘ NI‘ (WIII11111 111111 ‘.U1111'11111111)11119, 111 11111 13111111111, 119111111 1111111111111, 111111)i1'11)911 ’U?“m‘°“5i9W"9°" ii[)m‘["b9 59115911 11116 1111911111111‘ 1119» 7001) 1‘ 11} 11111111 1111D911.[1'1119 D111001D111'1111 11111 9111111 911 1 1\' Q ) 9 9 ‘ 1; " " 1 ' I '1': 1 . ' ‘ " ‘ . ‘ ' .' 1116 1.199 6111111111)1111111. ®11)111111111111111111111 1119111911 11111119111111111111'111111 11111111111111)111111)111, 19 11191191 11116 ®1111111f= fc1)111 111111 11831191911 11116 D911 61191)1111111111i1)1‘1. 1.1111111111111111) 111111)11111 1111111119» 1111111 111111‘ 11116. (9611111'1111)1 11116 1111191 ""1”W~‘1‘[W0d)€119" 919i[)95adig€r1mb 8emi“1111111r 11911911 111111 D911 1111r)'91)1911911111111111911 ,‘1-111111911, 11111111111 11911 11116 59"‘ <91‘ [)91‘011‘3 W 911191‘ bIIrd)1d)Ilil1[id)t‘II «C101)9 111111 6~~-71,1111) [1-1111 11111111 1311111)1111111i111111'1111. 181111 1111111111 T><‘1‘1t‘1b¢‘" 1111175‘ 9"‘ ‘1‘3011€1‘1't11I 111101‘ 1000 1111111 11011) 1)91'1111, 1111111‘ 11111I11191)1 91‘ 111111111 1111), 1111111) 111111 1l1311191')'t1111D D91.\'11f1 391111)11111, 11119 9111 3911111111191» 1'91D111196 ‘111111D 111111 ,‘91111911 119111111111‘. 9191)111111)11 ‘l8111i111‘111119, 1911011) 11011 Q91‘"19€I‘<‘l‘ -90111’, 111113911 11(1) |l1€[)1‘t’1‘t‘ DON. 91111191‘ 11)11911 1111111111 11919111111119 11111111111, (*11‘11s311111139 111111 1£911111)i111911, 1; P111.\"r L1.\'1.\'11(-;m1.\1A.\‘ N11. 2 "@1111 9 (§11)011111f116_t11119,"D19 111) 911Dl111) 911111111119, b9111)10f; 111) 11 91119111 91116111111 311 119111113911, D91‘ 11111111 111111111 11 fur391' 3911 111011I1c1)1t 11191 1111D 119ric1)19D91111rt1119 @r?d)9111111111911 D91 i11)1119139riic1)911 91111119 1101 211111911 f111)r_911_101119._ $91 1111111, 1119191)9r 11011 111111) 11116 111 91119111 I11119 9rr9111)t 1119rD911 1111111, 1119191 3111111 11! D1919F_$,>I1111d)f 91916111111111 119111111; 11091 D116 11111111111111, D116 1119111 11011 111111 11116 111191011911, l1911t1111t19111911 (§_1113911)91._t911D9111311111)111191: 11191119, 1116 D111; 91 191119 9191111191 1111 611991911911 b91r19Di11911 f'1'11111t9. 1I9b9r= D191; 11911111I)rt 1911011 D91 119111 9911 1191 3111111) 9111911 11l11191119111911 1191191111191 111191‘ D19 9111191119119 110111 6911116 1116 zsur §‘§»1111111191111.. 9.111111 11911) 11119 D111)9r 91119 111111 111111 D9111 1331111911199 11110 111191) 61111116 1111. 3-11) 111111? 11111 9111 SD11111111111)1fi 111191) 91011091611101. 111 D911911 ‘J2111)11 31191111111111), 111191)D9111 91 11111 11119 11011 1231111111 g9= 111111111911 10111, 91119 11111DI191)9 3111'i19111930119111)91t 111111111119, 1111D 11111D 111 111111 9111911 1191‘91t111111111911 1)19119119= f111)rt911. 513011 3R1111119r61111)l f111)rt 1111111 11111 D9111 §)11111111191)1ff 111111) 691)1119r1f011, 11111 L911D9 D96 11111191191 699’6 91911911. 111111 11011 1)191t 11116Q891111111t 1111111 11111 D9111 *1%0ft1111111911 111 9111111911 6t1111D911 111191) 183991911, 1110 Der 1111911199 b911111111. $91 911 11011 6901119111011 fi'11)11 D1119!) 9111 11191196, 110111 81111111111111! D11r11)fI111191196 $0111, 1111 D9fi911_b91D911 69119111191) D19 9911911 2391111191911 111 311119l)111911D9r (910139 11111119119111 1)1111911. 1111191 11)11911 39191111911111) D9r1s01111§‘§11f; 1)01)9 ,,61199r“ 111111911191 1911110 119f91)rt911 6111139 11116. 2391 ‘IB99i911 t1)911t 1111) D116 10111 111 311191 119119: D116 r9c1)t6 f01't111111911D9 1i'11)rt 111191) 1551111116, D116 111116 11919119119 1111rD 110111 QBMI911199 11116119111111. 933991911 1)11t 9111911111191119111 111)'1'1119 1311119 1111D 911119111 D116 ‘259D11119r11, D111; Der ‘B11113. a1111119111)9111 96119111, 11111)t 3111 12111111119 911191 11103911 6111111 091111131 11101‘D911 111. 1.111111) D91 1)111t9r911 69119 119111 1111111 111 D116 6311111191 iI1)111 1)1119111, 111911096 11011 119111 101011111911, 11111 611)11991111D (1319t1’c1)9r11 i1119r3011911911 Q’111'11111i111) (8000 §‘§11f;1)091)) 1191)9rr111)t 111190; 111111) D91 1111rD9r911 69119 1111911111911 1111111 D911 1131111911199, 11111= 111111111011 31191111911 3916111110911. 1111191 0191911 111111 11110191111191) D91 11191)r 111’6 $311110 I)111911111919119119 ?JJ11‘1rt= 3911110111, 9111 «f,1111111t1111)1 D91 691111911 1111D ‘>JJ111r11191t1)19r9, 111 Die 911111911, D9fi911 3191'111I)9, 110t1)1111)911 iI1)111t111= 119r319r111111911 i11)119111D9 611113911 11116 11)r9r 11191)r 1116 70110 3111f; 119tr1111911D911 1§1'1'11)9 D19 1101091911 1111111911111111911 D96 699’6 i'1b9r111)1111911. ‘£1919 11111119b111111911 1119rD911 111111191 1111lD9r 1111D 1111119111'1'11)111111)9r, 19 11191191 D116 SD11111111191)1ff 11011 QB991911 11116 D911 699 1)1119111ff111)rt. *J111111911t1191) 39111)119t 1191) D116 111119 11191 11116. C96 b9ft91)t 11116 91119111111111t9rbr0c1)9119111R9i1)9311111119r1111D 3911111119191 {$911911 11011 D911 119r191)19D91111rt111ft911 ‘{§0r111911, 1091c1)9 11911 11116 D9111 699 1)9r11116 311 911191 D11r1I)1‘11)111t11191)911 1E1'1'11)911011 6---7000 ‘[9111; 111 D19 81111 1)111111111't11rr911. %01191119111D9r19111911 11111319111 51811119911111 111191 11100 ‘[9111; 11091) 1)9r11b, 0D91' 1119I11191)r 99 111111111 1111), Durd) D911 22810911111110 1191 531111 39r11)9i1t, 11119 9111 391111191196 191D91196 Q31111D D911 31911911 1)9r111119r. 9191)1111c1)9 BARN!-{ART BROS. 61. SPINDLER’S 590 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TYPE FACES I’ \ I P ' 90.547 .4.” ‘rs: -user‘ "C-‘--47 BC I , GERMAN BODY Cast on Fniform Line. Partly leaded with two-point leads. >4 Po1.\"I' LINING GER.\IAl\' Utiirige (‘?rboI'1n1_g6tage, hie id) enhiid) eriibrigte, beieblofs icI)_;1_i einem 9[1I‘3f[~11g‘?,1l benutaen, h_er mir III nih'gIic[)ft furger Seit nihglicbit _nieI unh neridi1e_henart1ge (5.r1d)e1n: migen her icI_)mei;eriicI)en ‘Jiatur nor ‘llugen fiiI)ren mute. ‘fer ERIQIL me_IcI)er__v_on 31'i: rid) ans in einem ilage erreicht merhen farm, bietet gmar in hieier .\_3imicf)t ?)‘ie1d)tI)i111i getting; abet‘ has ‘lfianoramu, hue’ man hon iI)m ans i.iberb1id‘t, liegt mit iemen (flit: gelbeiten hem 1i1'cIauer:.1iierne alis hm"; er 'eine ‘lieu ier im 6 eeiellen befriehu en " 1 _ _) " _ I ' ‘ ‘ '_g_ ~ p ' 3 formte. Ileberhieis geinabrt icboii her Iletliberg bet 31l1‘ICf) emen aflgememen Ileber: blicf iiber hie flllpenfette vom C,enti«3 bié gur fsungfraii. ‘Dian rietf) mir _haI)e_r eme 'g’our IICICI) hem ‘ffialleiiiee imh mid) (iilaruis an. 36) fubr mit hem ‘iaiiipiicbin mid) :)iapper6i1n)I, in heiien ‘Jiiibe «;‘w1‘eilig1‘atE), nacbhem er mit mir non ‘liriiiiel gefommen mar, e1i_1_e Iiinhlicbe giiriicfgegogeiibeit fultivirte, imh fanh in ibm einen bereitmiliigen E}ie1yegem'f)1‘ten. ‘lion :ii‘apper5mi)I fiibrt man mit hem 1‘a111pfid)ifi mid) @Jd)merifon, am Gnhe he?» 3iirid)er €ee‘~:« gelegen, unh non bier ans gefaugt man mit hem ‘I300: magen in einigen étunheii mid) ‘liieeien, mo her ‘lisalleiiiee begiimt. Tet *I>3eg non Cicfmierifon f1'iI)rt hurd) ein breitefa, D0111 ‘Ji1Itf)f(11I(I[ h111‘cf)fIofiei1e€o ‘Zbal, an hefien beihen Geiten iicf) hie erften ‘liergrieien in 5uneE)menher Qirhise aufgeftellt baben. llnter ibnen geicbnet fid) her (3000 -fyriiz babe ,,©peer" mit ieiner ieitab gefebrten Epiiae ans. ‘Bei ‘2'$3eeien tbeilt ficf) ha<3 Ebal in gmei neue: ha?» recI)t<3fo1‘tIa11fenhe fiibrt mid) (ifilarués, ha«3 Iinfé gelegene mirh vom 233aIIeniee auégefiillt. ‘llieeien but eiiie ungemein icbhne Yage unh erregt has ‘Behauern, haiz her ‘J3Ia1§, auf meId)em e¢3 Iiegt, nicbt gur ‘llnlage einer grofgen ©taht benut5t morhen iit. ifiacf) her binteren Cwieite iiebt man in has (iilarner Elmf binein, meIcI)e«3 non hem foI'o1'iaIen, mit Cécbnee imh 9 POINT LINING (iEl{1\lAN (Sinige £frI)o[ung<3tage, hie id) enhlicl) eriibrigte, befcblofg id) 311 einem Qlufiflug 2,11 bemigen, her mir in nifiglicbft fur3,er Seit miigIicI)ft niel unh hericbiehenartige ($3rfcf)eimmgen her fcI)mei3erifc£)en fliatur nor illugen fiibren follte. ‘Der §Rigi, ipelcher mm Biiricf) aufi in eiuem iage erreicbt merhen farm, bietet 3mar_ in hiefer «binficf)t ?Reic£)tf)um genug; aber haé *1‘sanorama, ha«3 man non ibm aués uberblicft, [iegt mit feinen Oiingelbeiten hem Siifcbaiier gu ferne, aI«3 haf; er ieine Sieugi/er 1m Srieeiellen befriehigen fhrmte. Ileberhiefi gemiibrt fcbon her lletliberg bei 3iiricI) einen aflgemeinen lleberblicf fiber hie Slilpenfette Dom Sentifi bié 31:1‘ Siiiigfraii. ‘:Uian rietf) mir haber eine Emir naci) hem 233aIIenfee unh nacb (Slarué an. Sch iubr mit hem Eampficbiff riacl) §Rapper«3mt)I, in heffen ETiiiI)e >Z§reiIigratf), nacI)hem er mit mir ‘non §Briif1'e[ gefommen mar, eine Iiinh[icI)e Buriicfgegogenbeit fulti: nirte, unh id) fanh in ibm einen Bereittnilligen Sieifegefiibrten. ‘lion Siaphertfimnl fiibrt man mit hem Sbampffcbiff nacf) Ecbmerifon, am (Snhe hes3 Biiricber ®ee’§a gelegen, rmh non bier aué gelcmgt man mit hem *J3oftmagen in einigen Stlmhen nacf) 233eefeu, mo her QBaHem'ee begirmt. Sber 98:29 Don Gcbmerifon fiibrt hurcf) ein Breiteirs, Dom Slintbfanal hurcI)fIoffene6 ibal, cm heffen Beihen Geiten fici) hie erften Qiergriefen in gunebmenher Qfiriifge aufgefteflt baben. llnter ifmen g,eicI)net ficf) her 6000 ‘{§1ift babe ,,@peer” mit feiner feitab gefebrten Spige au2°». Qiei Qiieefen tbeilt fief) haé ‘libal in gmei neue: haé recbtfa fortlaufenhe fiibrt nacl) (S5Iar1v3, ha?» POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 591 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED GERMAN BODY TYPE FACES (fast on l7nif11r1n Lint-. Partly leaded with 111-11.11.1111! lezuls. :1 POINT LINl.\'(i Gm1.\1A.\‘ N11. :3 $111139 G:1°1)o11111115111119, bio 111) 911111111) 911'1111°i11t9, 1191'11)111)'; id) 111 91119111 111115: f11111 1u 119111113911, 119111111 111 11111111111111 1111191 3911 11111111111111 11191 111111 11111111119: 1191111111119 L‘?11'11)ci11111111911 1191 1d)111c11c1'i1’d)911 111111111 11111 911111911 1'111)11‘11 1111119. 9911111111, 11111111191 111111 3-1111111) 11115 111 91119111 311119 911911111 111c1't1c11 1111111, 1111191 1111111111 b191'c1.1,1i111id)t§)19i11)11)11111 111111111; 111191 11115 ‘1%1111111'1111111, 11115 1111111 111111 i1)111 11115 11111111111111, 110111 11111 19111111 GglId))t ntel unh nerfcf)1e: henartige (9‘1‘fd)ei111mgen her fd)mei_§e1‘ifd)e11 9iatur nor ‘llugen f1'iE)ren follte. Ter fliigt, 1neld)er non giirid) nuts in einem ‘Inge erreid)t merhen fmm, bietet gmar m hiefer .§5infid)t :}ieid)tI)um genug; uber hues ‘.13anorama, hug man non 1I)m au«3 iiberblicft, Iiegt mit feinen G'ingelf)eiten hem 3ufd)auer gu ferne, alé haf; er feine flieugier im \?>pecie[Ien befriehigen fiixmte. lleberhiefg gemiif)rt id)hn her lletliberg bei giirid) einen aflgemeinen Ileberblid iiber hie Qllpenfette nhni Sentis hie: gur §s1nigfra1:. ‘man rietf) mir hat/)er eine Iour nad) hem ‘l'§a[Ien)'ee unh mid) (35[aru§ an. 3d) fuI)r mit hem Tainpficbifi nad) §Rap: per§mr)l, in hefien 9iiiI)e fweiligratf), nad)hem er mit mir mm ‘B1'iifiel gefom: men mar, eine Ii1'nhIid)e 311riicfge3ogen{)eit fultinirte, unh id) fanh in if)m einen bereitmifligen ’Jiei)'egefii[)rten. A3011 27iapperc:»m1)l fiil)rt man mit hem ‘Eanipf: id)iff mid) 6d)merifou, am (S":nhe heés 31'irid)er See? geiegen, unh non I)ier auéa gelangt man mit hem ‘Boftmageii in einigen Etunhen nad) iBeefe1i,1no her ’1£§a[Ien)'ee beginnt. Ter ifieg non Ed)merifon fiif)rt hurd) ein breiteé, nom 5JintI)fmiaI hurd)fIofiene«3 Ebal, an heffen beihen Seiten fid) hie erfteu iiergrie: {en in 31mef)menher (35riif;e aufgefteflt I)aben. llnter if)nen geid)net fid) her 11 P01x'1‘ LINING GERMAN Lufinige (>}rI)oIung§tage, hie id) enhlid) eriibrigte, bejd)Iof3 id) gu einem 9Iu<3fIug gu benu1§eu, her mir in mhgiidfit furger geit mhgIid)it niel unh ner]'d)iehem1rtige @r)'d)einungen her )'d)mei5eriicben Eflatur nor Qlugen fiif)ren ioflte. Eer Siigi, meId)er non giirid) an?» in einem Inge erreid)t merhen farm, bietet gmar in hieier .8)i11iid)t E)ieid)tf)um genug; uber hais ‘ianorama, hafi man non iI)m (11I61"Ib€1‘biICff, liegt mit ieinen Q'in3eI[)eiten hem 3uid)auer 511 ferne, (116 hai; er ieine fiteugier im Epecieflen befrieh: igen fhnnte. lleberhiefg gemiif)rt id)on her llettiberg bei giirid) einen all: gemeinen lleberblicf iiber hie Qllpenfette nom Semi?» bi?» gur §‘§ungfrau. ‘Dean rietf) mir haf)er eine Iour uad) hem ifsaflenfee unh nad) (iilarués an. fd) fuf)r mit hem $ampfid)iff mid) 9‘tapper§nn)I, in hefieu ‘)hiI)e §‘s‘rei[igratE),i m1d)hem er mit mir non Qfiriifiel gefommen mar, eine Iiinh: Iid)e 3urfidge5ogenf)eit fultinirte, unh fanh in if)m einen bereitmilligen éfteiiegeffibrten. $011 3‘tapper€»rm)I fiibrt man mit hem :$an1pfid)ifi mad) 6d)merifo1i, am Qmhe he§ 3iirid)er See? gelegen, unh non bier an?» ge: Iangt man mit hem ‘lsoftmagen in einigen Stunhen mid) >l‘3ee)'en, mo her POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 593 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED GERMAN BODY v‘*‘“»s;i:;:;;« TYPE FACES (fast on l'nifur1n Linc. Partly l(';uk*(l with txvu-pnim ]1‘Il(‘\'. I22 l’()l.\"I‘ LlI\'l.\'(} (’}l'Zl{.\I.\N Qiiuige fiEtI)oI1i11g«:~tag)e, bie id) enblid) etiib1‘igte, be)"d)lu)”) id) 2,11 eiuem ?I11é:~fI1ig) 511 [1CII1I1jC1I, bet mit in mbgIid))"t f1II‘3,(‘I‘. 8eit 111bg)Iid))"t1)ieI1mb 1)et)"cI)iebenattii)e ($t)'d)ei111111ge1i bet )”d)mei: 5etiid)e1I *)iat1it not ‘lliigeu f1'iI)te1i ibllte. 3301? tliigi, ineId)et non 8iitid) (1115 in eiiieni ‘Edge erteid)tmetbe1i fanii, bietet 3,1001‘ in bieiet .)5inficI)t %)ieid)tI)11111 geiiiig; abet bus ‘lsmiotunia, ba¢:~ man non if)ni mus 1'i[)etbIid‘t, Iiegt mit ieiuen LFi1I5eII)eiten bem ,81i)'d)auet 511 ‘ietiie, alt» bafg et )'ei1u‘ 9iC1Igi(‘1‘ im ®))eeieIIi‘1i be: ftiebigen fijiiute. lleberbiei) gemi1'f)tt id)mi bet lletlibetg bei ,31"1tid) einen allgemeineii llebetblid‘ 1'iI)i‘t bie ‘élltwiifette D0111 C5e1iti§» hits 3111? Ruugftaii. ‘Jlimi tietl) mit buI)et eiue flout mad) bem ‘233aIli‘1i)"ee 1111b Iiad) (S5Iut1i§» an. Gd) f11I)t mit bem ‘.®a11ipfid)ifi uad) ?7iap))et§m1)I, in be)")"e1i ‘JiiiI)e Tsiteiligtatl), mid): bem er mit mit non $t1'ii)'eI g(‘.fDI1I1II(‘1I mat, eiue Iii1ibIid)e 81Irficfge5ogi‘11I)eit fultinitte, nub id) faiib in iI)m eiuen beteit: H P()lN'l‘ LlNl.\'u (:EIt.\IAN (Einige (fitboluiigstage, bie id) eublid) etiibtigte, be: )d)Ib)"; id) 511 eiiiem ‘lluéfhig 311 I)L‘1‘I1I15L‘II, bet mit in miigIid)ft fiitget ,3eit mfigIid)ft niel unb vet)'d)iebe1u1t= tige (§t)'d)ei111mg)en bet fd)mei5eti)'d)eu Ziiatut D01‘ ‘lhi: gen f1'iI)ten )'bIIte. ‘Der filiigi, meld)et non mitiib aués in einem Ciage etteid)t metben fmin, bietet 3113(1).’ in bieiet .S:)i11)"id)t $Reid)tf)1im geiiug; abet ba~3 ‘Bano: tama, bag man non iI)m au¢:~ iibetblidt, Iiegt mit ieinen (Siingelbeiten bem 8uid)auet 511 fetne, (116 baf; et )'eine ‘Jieugiet im gpeciellen beftiebigen fbnnte. llebetbiefg gemiibtt )'d)on bet lletlibetg bei Biitid) einen aIIge: meinen llebetblicf iibet bie Slllpenfette Dom gentiés his 3111‘ §‘§~ung)fta11. 931(1)) tietf) mit baI)et eine fliout nad) BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 594 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ‘ TYPE FACES GERMAN BODY on l'nifor1n Line. Partly leaded with 1\\'U-PUIIII 193(15- CE1111116 (E1111111111g§111g6, 1116 1111 6111111111 6111: 11111116, 1)€1C1)IDf3 1111 311 61116111 2111§1111g 311 1113: 111113611, 1161 11111 111 11111111111111 1111561 3611 1111111: 111111111161 111111 11611111161161111111116 6’:1111161111111g611 1161 fC1)ID€13€I‘1fC1)€II 91111111 11111 21119611 111111611 1111116. 2361 91191, 1116111161 111111 31111111 1111?» 111 61116111 ‘511116 611611111 1116111611 1111111, 11161615113111‘ 111 1116161 53111111111 916111111111111 116111111; 111161 1111§ *J31111o11111111, 1111?» 1111111 111111 111111 11116 1111611111111, 116111 11111 16111611 (S11156111611611 116111 3111111111161 511 161116, 1116 11111; 61 161116 9161111161 1111 @116= 61611611 116111611111611111111116. 1161161111613116111111111 11111111 1161 1161111611; 1161 31111111 6111611 1111116: 1116111611 116161111111 11161 1116 2111161116116 1111111 @€IIt1§ 111?» 5111 35111111111111. ED111111 116111 11111 11111161 61116 311111 1111111 116111 2331111611166 111111 1111111 65111111§ 1111. 3111 111111 11111 116111 i>111111111111111 1111111 9‘111111161§111111, 111 11611611 9111116 {§16111g111111, 1111111116111 61 11111 11111 111111 23111161 11610111111611 111111, 61116 1111111111116 31111"111g6511g61111611 111111111116, 111111 1111111 111 111111 6111611 1161611111111111611 1116116116: 1111111611. 251111 9111111161§111111 1111111 1111111 11111 116111 €®111111111111111 1111111 E11111161111111, 11111 ($11116 POINT--LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 59.3 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Sntihmweb Wu. *3 %q&‘%V ' (fiierntun Sitlc \\'¢.-iglits .'uul |’ri« vs gin-n .'n'(- :\])|>rU\ll!léll('Z SH‘ 1mg:-J. (Hist uh l'nilnrm |.im-. 6 Point (;erma11Titl¢: C0n(le11sud No. 5 T 10 Point (}crni;ui Title (‘mi()int(}erman’1~itl(e (*m1711, lbs., $4.00 5 A 1121 57..., 11»-., $3.50 fir " ' ®tlI1'fEI' 9 Slfiutrn 8 (S5m:tI)t mm 87 édnllcr - T 3 A 6” 30 Point (}<:1‘n1;m Title (io1i(l(:iis<2d Nu, S ()'-’u. lbs., $4.25 In ' 'I ' ' ' ' ' W /T Q C V 3 A 6“ 48 Point Gerinaii Title Coiulensml No. 5 . 1054 lbs-. $5-25 3 A 4 fl ()0 l’nint(}c1‘1nanTitle Condensed No. 5 H53 lbs-. $3-70 3 A 4 21 72 Point (}(:r1n;m Title Cmidcnseil No. 5 1(>"I6 lb.“-, $940 fbeut the 6 ””lm1tI)e BARNHART BROS. (Sc. SPINDLER‘S .396 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE :- Qiniug (sierman \Veigl1ts and Prircs given are Approxnna c . see n1 re .3 12A36a 6PomtLnnngGennmiTnm NwHmq$&NJ Qcr zmenidy idpicbt iehr oft biic zdmlb Qluf hie tlcincu .§1‘inbcr bic icbr tveuig button wifien 1234567890 12 A 34a 9 Point Lining German Title 251 lbs., $2.50 (6725 mui; nod) allcé bcim Qutcu *BIcibcu iagtc bet 5 .sj:ofp‘d)uI3c icicrlid) 10A 2821 12 Point Lining German Title 3‘,‘{o lbs., $2.75 $5-Ieifi ift beet (filiicfeé ‘Batct $cr ‘flue!’ macbt 3 nicbt but 933nm: 6A 15 a 18 Point Lining German Title 13 A 33 a 8 Point Lining" German Title 2% lbs., $2.25 9tid)t an bit‘ (miter biingc bcin agscrs me .St‘ncd)tc Iccrtcu bio 2%cd)cr mit rotbcm ificiu 1234567890 10A 30 a 10 Point Lining German Title 3%, lbs., $2.50 (ficicll bid) eiucm ficiicrn an ésais mit iljflt Mine 6 bciicrn Rrdftc 9A 28a 14 Point Lining German Title 4% lbs., $3.00 Sbie Eenttiment Eolbaten Sinb groimrtig 48 nub {turf 41515 lbs., $3.25 27teue§ ivlilliou fbollar éauitiire Kgoipital (moigefi fiebiiube with 67 in (siuglewoob gebaut 3 A 9a 24 Point Lining German Title 5%, lbs., $3.50 ®mmtagé unb fiéglicbe geitung Slllle Qlnfiinbigungcn 92 fiir montag 3 A 8 a 30 Point Lining German Title 7 lbs., $4.35 ifiillbelm $tucfer nerfauft Qiiuge fiit $ameu 5 nub Riuber 3 A 6a 36 Point Lining German Title £er Qltenfcl) S but @orge 3 A 6a 48 Point Lining German Title (fiiugbant .745 iltsaiité POINT-LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-~ BODY 85% lbs., $5.15 13',3Ii‘» lbs., . QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ‘flluhcrnt ?§ruftur 13 A 40;: (> Point f\'In(1¢:rn l"x‘z1kt1n' .'\'<>. 5 1"m ll)», $2.00 911:: man 31:11“: Snlnatcn im Qfiiutcrquurtirr (Smteral (Scum Qflnihixmtnxt unn hit ‘Jinn-ritnniidyr ‘Ilrmce 1234567890 13 A 3!) :1 1()1’ui11t.\’1<>d(-111 l*1‘:1ktnr Nu, 5 $' n. ll)s., $2.50 flfiinb iflcgcu édyucc nub «Sago! (Ein Eturm an her 5 Dftzstiiitc nun ‘llirifu l1.»\ 32:1 14 l’ui11tI\Iml(:r11 l*‘x‘ul\'t1u‘ No. 5 414 H)», $3.00 ‘lficr bod) itcigt ifillt lcidpt ‘flturgentcs iriil) mu 5 gcbt hie Somme uni 7A 22 18 l’<>int f\I«>d<-.rnl“r;1kt1n'Nu.S 1 $u’95 Elichcu nun 9111011 hie iclhft uidyts llllldlcll fiiuncn ‘Rmnhcr 5 14A-11);: ‘ilmint .\lus., $2.50 2110111: icmmtb rtmnis miilylt mu~:~ man uirht (Siluubm rum: in nmmt mun ihu ciucu*J)¢ii11id1t)u1tim l2:H;')('»7.‘4‘.m 1.’ A 54 :1 1.’l’«>i11tI\It>(l¢-HI l“IzLkm1‘f\'<>.5 '»“n» H)», $2.75 Err Séuutlmmt iiittcrt hie -ifiiihncr 91115 hcm ‘8uucrnl)nic 4 itcht cine Edmmc ‘?.0\ 11.1 l()l’«>int .\I«ul<-In l“1.'1ktl11’f\'<>.5 -1‘~sH>.~».,$3.00 ($5 iiug an lpcitig 311 lulitmt (‘fin ftarfc5(\§c1nittcr:$ gag lpcrau 3'—‘u«.llm., $3.25 9Jiud)c mus 1111 griinhlid) tIcritct)ft 6 unit mid) mug Int criulyrit 4 A I3 :1 24 Point A\I()‘l(l’l‘]l l"1;1ktu1 No. 5 Sir ‘Bil‘lIl‘ ift ciu Mr flcincfi Qmicfi 71¢. ll)s,,, $3.50 Syn marmcn Eugen iigt fie 7 anti hen 33111111011 3 A 9;; 30 Point I\Iod<:rn l“r;1kt111‘ No. 5 ()':‘1o H)S., $4.25 ‘Etc Eage mcrhcu idnm liinger Sm sjerlnit tit ha 8 her 92Binter nubt 3A 4.’ Paint I\I<><1¢:1‘n I’1':1l\'t111' No. 5 Qie (fiulheue Qntbgeit lU‘:+ H)s., $6.25 Ede i1I1t1’he1t9 alle iiberaitbt BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ‘ 110.5 17A 40a 10 Point Schiller No. 5 3,'1o lbs., $2.50 3 14A 443 13 Point Schiller N0- 5 391,12 lbs-. $2-75 midc bin lcb a¢b' zur ‘Rub’ scbllefie belde Der Bdlel‘ wolmt in den boben Gebirgen imlehl 1:: water lab die sum delu fiber mines Bette [em [mt den [marten mallet: ta[;t er [zine mute an 1234567890 I 1234567890 I 5 A 17a 24 Point Schiller N0‘ 5 5216 lbs‘, $3.50 11A 3421 16 Point Schiller No. 5 4% lbs., $3.00 IICI) nabm lllltllt @€W€l7I‘ ’ columlms wurde in Genoa geboren tiger ham 6 immer “fiber Sein water war air: 8 armer wollhfimmer 3 A ll; 30 Point Schiller No. 5 571/6 lbs-, $4-0° ‘ 15in icb aucb nocb jtmg and hlein Zlrtig and flzifiig 45 ham: icb [cbon sein 36 Point Schiller No. 5 6%1bS-» $4-25 A 1babzn Sie drei jfrzimarken 3 Eas ist «zin 768 doppzltzr Brief 3 A 7a 48 Point Schiller o. 10:/3 1135'» $535 tbereinigte Mstaaten Ear Zbeutcbe 4 tbolhsfreund 60 Point Schiller No. 5 15% lbs., $9.45 Zeitung i[t32 1biib[cb POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Vveights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Text Linc. 14A 42a 8 Point Goethe No.5 2% lbs., $2.25 12A 32a 10 Point Goethe No. 5 3312» lbs., $2.50 flltc unb fiunge Solbaten tm Ilflltnterquartier ~ Spficb me gtwag jgfifzg 9011 efinem Cfiencralwcorg '(lIlla|'bington unb hie ttmerikanflcbe flrmec ; Ibenrcben wan‘ on 68 fewer mcbt We‘Bt 1234567890 1234567890 10A 32a 12 Point Goethe No. 5 3‘}{o1bs., $2.75 0‘ 8A 24a 16 Point Goethe No. 5 4%; lbs., $3.00 iILteb unb Eankbarkeit gefiillt 0 3013511111 war mit [einem "(llnbanh ba|‘3t Die 46 9511138 ‘llltlelt ' GroBvater binauggegangen SA Ma 24 Point Goethe NO. 5 41%) lbs. $3.25 3A 10a 24 Point Goethe No. 5 531?, lbs., $3.50 1RIuger Sagbbunb Cfirofges Jfeuer 1RarI war 45 em Sager t Wide 90 verbramtt tfhscenirung vortreféffigfa gungens voobl i§inZEre1i8Pémt{:%%3’;9jfre11“tt$ ikleine ggwfitaatétt Blrme 5 jfrau BARN!-I10-XRT BROS. & SPINDLER’S ' 600 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ‘flsismarck \\'eights and I’ri(:¢‘$ gixen arc Approximate; see page Cast on Uniform Line. 12 A 36a 6 Point Bismarck 1916 lbs., $2.00 11A 343 8 Poim Bismarck 2% 1135-, $235 Zwzi muntre 'l(nab¢n Iran: and fritz won den ‘Bergen ftrfimt das lzbzn Sic waren die gr'o'gt¢ frzudz von Ibrem water ‘ Scbéne reine luft fiir fllznfch und \Di¢b 1234567890 1234557890 9A 2421 12 Point Bismarck 3916 lbs., $2.75 ‘ 10A 263 10 point Bismarck 334, 1bs_, $2.50 Grink nur was klar ift Eas fichiff fcbwenkte gzwaltig Spricb aucb 9 was wabr ift § Gapitain ftzigt 8 auf die '.(Briicke 6A 18a 16 Point Bismarck 43/§1bS-, $3-00 Bic kleine iflsiene ift zin 1‘ ebr fleifgiges jlnfekt wen die Gage warm fmd 8 fltgt fie auf den Ilslumen 5 A 1021 18 Point Bismarck 4‘?/(61135-. $3-25 Der ‘lmond kommt berauf im Cmlen ‘lmit feinem blaffen 7 freundlichen Cbeficbt t3l37aergib deinempogmiieben if ‘lman jfrierin 5 im winter tvzreinigte 6 fitaaten ‘lklemer wald Sein 4 flfleim POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT—BODY 601 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEOUALED Schrvabacher 5 . . , . V \ ‘ Number .3 \\'ei;,rhts and l‘ri(‘es given are Approximate; see page 13. (fast on Text Line. 15 A 42a 6 Point Schwabacher No. S 1915 lbs., $2.00 14 A 42 21 10 Point Schwabacher No. 5 3516 lbs., $2.50 menu iemanb etwas ersiihlt was man nicht Die Deutfchen Solbaten finb fehr ftoI3 °5‘““b°“ ""‘" 7° "°"'“ "“‘" W" ‘’i"‘''‘ l"“"‘*’‘’“"f°'‘ } (Es giebt jiiger jnfantrie <£avalrie nub lllabfien I234-5678°)() _ 1254g5(078()() 12 A 363. 12 Point Schwabacher No. S 3'.’-fa lbs., $2.75 ‘GA 30a M Point Schwabacher NU. 5 4% lbs" $3'0° 311 ber bunfeln IDolfe blitgt es E5 Tau?" 91°59 Regentropfen (Bin fcbrvaclyes Donnern 2 bért man jetst ID 19 w°[?m?at‘9 ‘ft -7 bas (5€w1tt€1' 3 A 10:1 24 Point Schwabacher No. 5 57/12. lbs., $3.50 7 A 22 a 18 Point Schwabacher No. 5 4'-‘ii. lbs., $3.25 érvei fleine Knaben A ¢grO'II€r giant, Sie gingen 511 4 bem meiiter ; &b€1ID€I5 7 Bluben 3 A 721 36 Point Schwabacher No. 5 6'91}. lbs., $4.25 Der 1{nabe Ivar verloren Seine Eltern 5 rvarteten auf ibn 3A 63 42 Point Schwabacher No. 5 8%; lbs., $5.35 Christoph (Columbus /Ixtmt 5'.’ is Ibs., $3.60 5A 1321 24 Point Kaiser fife fiiitinathmt itztltmt iitr géihrlidtes gm} 1HB17[r[tiBi1B1tB ,7/B12111 fiiw E9 knmmmt 211 f/fixtlsextg; qfiatxk 43 1321 30 Point Kaiser {"553 l1)S‘s $4-15 fife ]1itii1t]}2 fiittritithmg hint alien Efiiirriuz Instr mii knflharen 75 mitmt gefritmiirki 3A 8E1 36 Point Kaiser (W5 “>5-, $4-Z5 @1112 tmiti mtfi fdtemz fiiimttaxtfl (flute heiium I34 lfiatfmt mtil gmixfien: pQ1NT...L1NE‘ pQ1NT_sET, POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Titanium 5 \\'(-i:__I_rh{~, ,.1..| I’,-i. rs «H-in-n ;u’<‘ \|»|m~\i1n;m-: MW ;»;n)q<- .’. ('.1»t«ml’niInrIn Lizw. 10 A 34 :1 10 Point 'l‘(:uton luxt. Nu, S .3‘ u. lbs., $2.50 1U.»\ Hz: 1.’ l’ui11t'l'c-uum lixt. No. 5 _%“u. lbs., $2.75 i£~r frng ciucu kicincn ‘iltztffcn ilk‘): ‘iiinztbc ging Ilficfifiidp Sin mcictpcm ct £~dpmudx~:~ztcfpcn {gaffe {fir funh pic{ @5915 in Qijggiifpynign |?£3§—l5(i7?'s'90 8A 35;; 1-1 1’uint'l‘¢eutnn lixtt-mlml Nu. 5 4% lbs, $3.00 fl9as:» jbferb iff {tark 111121 fcipr uii1f,{idp V511 afloat Elipafan 185 gicipf hen ill/hgcat mm nwrgcuza 8 friiip bits abctttus zspéif 5 A 16 ;1 18 Pnint 'l‘¢-utnn lixtmnlt-d No. 5 4'5“; lbs., $3.25 19%: 7TRiYIbQ1.‘ cxmmtfctt been fiqcittzwlpfxznttzxttn %ic {péingcn boibc 56 ‘éfriitupfc mt bzvzs 'Z2aef{' 4 A ‘In 24 mm mu..,. ..;x;(,..M s an. n).~., $3.50 iéin ifréiuicin izapicif E15115 @I:u;>ier 2&2 bcfif/,f cine 7 1mgc£p«211rc jfcrfigkeif 30 Point 'l‘(eutm1 l£.\'t¢:ml<-Rd No. 5 ()'-‘u,l1>s., $4.25 mtbeiteten 6 feipr fieigig fieutntwz gin. 5 ant Ewtun filarlx £10. 5 \\'<-igllts untl l’ri« vs givc-n .'n'¢* Amn'u\iIn;nt<-; s(-1‘ p.’:«,,_rv J. (Inst nu l’nilnrm |.im-. 13 A 3921 10 Point 'l'roxim;m-; su 14 A 40 21 14 Point (jmlmositc Cond. N0. 5 4% lbs., $3.00 ‘ 10 A 2821 18 Point Cnn11msit(: Cond. No.5 4',51olbS., $3.25 1119: eillllluf fiigt Dent glllllfit mun 1 mliiffl Ilifi Bill filllll mlflffi Jticfit mm menu er unrf) Die Ilinfjrljeit [prirfit L flflllll 95 lllifi ml 08“ Smlllfiffi I2345«i78!>0 é l2:i'45(i7890 671:» lbS., $4.00 ms in Die L§iiii,”‘%iau[; mir [cine gefiule fiuflen mm [nine 76 geflule [inn nicljl [dimer 8% lbs., $5.25 All fcfiiine Bercthfiug mir Imr an was Dicfi fa fnflig mm 58 mnnler mucfien fiuml Blaclz(|Tn1thct15cb ‘V ‘ '1 A 3021 14 Point Black Condensed No. 55 4% lbs., $3.00 fiurm gmtlilts (lTii[at5 Qfrnhetuug bet gallifrlmt ifltflllilljttl biz: an lieu ifincin maven his altcn ififimcr his (lfitcnguaduburu her Zleutfdyen gcmurhcu 123456789() 3* A 18 Point Black C()11(1(:11sed N0. 55 4512. lbs., $3.25 Hlflirhigatt unit imbiatta batten nirl (01111 Diem Eahr Zfirombccrcn unit Eraubcn 79 [iuh iihcrfliiflig auf Dem fiimbe " £115 léieuntbier meihet auf Den ‘helm illlluflen Z3-etgen Znnnmarkena 23 norhltdyezs (Europa BARNHART BROS. & S P I N D L E R’S 600 SUPERIOR COP PPPPPPP ED TYPE 5710 H)S., $3.50 ORNAMENTS AND BORDERS p j¢r/)}’\s\‘j- 3 ///’|: ‘\\O W '\I\, Q’ W .;'.:;......=,-:;:'!:? c 3 K‘; 1 , {I i’ < / L ' I \ C 4 \ Barnhart Bros. 8; Spindler Type Founders, Chicago ST. PAUL. MINN. KANSAS CITY. MO. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. WASHINGTON D C Great Western Type Foundry ST. LOUIS, MO. Southern Printers Supply Co. OMAHA, NEB. St. Louis Printers Supply Co. SEAT-I-LE WASH Great Western Type Foundry DALLAS, TEX. Pacific Printers Supply Co. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. Barnhart Type Foundry Co. UNIQUE BORDERS Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 23. Five and one-half Feet 3 Point Borders 151% lbs., $1.50 1 E No. 10 ‘ E No. 11 g No. 115 I D 3 O * - -- - - -- 3 - 3 e -——c—<¢—~—o——@——0——c——c—c ¢¢3~‘r$?—3¢3~‘v33v~‘rvv vh :=-r:::=::==e4.==== 1 0 ’ 1’ " No. 116 ’ NO. 117 0 No. 118 0 0 1 " No. 119 N0. 120 g¢;— I-uouomuu -guonomow ” r—r—r-r " y_g_¢,g._§_.;,g*__*_¢_g,1._g.g._,5§4_gg._¢9¢ l).J1).,Q_,.k,£,t xxxxxxxxxxxxn No. 122 No. 123 E No. 124 , _ NV‘iF§“iVU“F1F!FVF1FiFVFiFfiFfiFVFVFflF1Fa xwrwrfir.r1rirzr1r1rzWx'x“rfir7r1r1r1rfiru 44. II ' V:‘:: 0 No. 125 g No. 126 - t No. 127 1} I 8* ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * ; “ -IIIIIIIIIIIIIIVVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. ::€:€::€$$::€:;€:€€ . . 0 0 I : 0 0 N0. I NO. I N0. - 3 ‘ 5 0 0 " ‘ V ' ' ‘ ' V V - v 1 v v v IllllllllllnInn:|n||l|A1Aj|lll|nn|lAlll- ::::;:::::;::::;::: (\':A:V;v ‘ 3": 3 . CV: 3333; CV3 3 3 33% g©iixi<>—l0'1§>~iC»0l03io0flvvl>9§>ol2sI0>l00l>0I<>d0OIO0I00l0EI 0 1) i 3: No. 131 g R. No. 132 I? No. 133 == 2 -9 ‘ -O0O0O(>O<>O<>OOO<>OOO<>¢<>O(>O0OOO<>O0O0O<>§OO~ C Tit C§:0l0<§l*0!<>Ci00l°0l°<‘§<’0k*<‘lO0l0’>i°0lO0l>0l<>0t>0l0QK‘lI I “““3““‘5*‘“****““‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ * L“ ““f2‘,;;;‘3, ‘fC‘ xFiFiFiFiFiFlfliFiFlPlFIFlFIFIFIPlFl’\'i‘iFIFiFiFIliFiFIPhFIfl No, 134 NO. 135 -CC-V-V.-C2---- T::T:::VV: --- ..-V 3-C2$----.-$--V-C.-L$- 1R{KtllliKiKiKKldKiK{lll(KKKKllliltliltliliRdlil(\l!lKKK Five Feet 6 Point Borders 15/1/6 lbs., $1.50 BARN!-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 608 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Five Feet ‘<9: I: % No 59 % _<%>. .3Z%e%Y* 1*» [Ii 3/; 5:‘ .I' V « .- N0. 81 “C. 9‘:/4 ‘ if :~:.;«; /M,'<.M.’< J 4 ~'- «: ~». « ;. . »: V <1 em :1 1/~17‘z~f%z~?‘1xIéL1>%r1’éL/V}%»»1){:1L1»1%7:X'1:X‘1»J L}ii>ii* :‘:',’/...>‘3’/_...§\'/4..\"’.’.._\"Z..>3"£..._“!,?_})?"§.§.!Z.* ’ <8? 2 ~ /A\\ /u\\ //A\\ /z‘a’\\ //1’\\ /z‘?\\ //a\\ /1 n\\ fi z‘!/: /P 7? 104 N°° 87 912 ’/a\‘ 71% ’ .\_‘.',’_/.. .\.\:,'¢.:‘:/4.:\,',’_/....\\gr»__ \\c',’/_. _.\‘¢',’£..>‘Z,’/..__\‘.',’£. ’ \/%v~/nhmflN~4Wv~4%v~rmv~amv~rmhmfiN\ \ *8‘ >95 LXTITTIXYIXXFKXXII No. 100 M >4 1111" Y JJJYYLYYYLYJYYYJIY 111111.111;1.1n-'1"?-'11 No. 103 T"""’1.‘.r11r1.’.I1l:1l:“‘ i No. 106 1 . ~§5s2.—>>‘=.»*~>‘=.—%.~‘:.=s2>$=.~*~.==.~*»%%%.>~§- E7777777777777777777‘ K No.110 K K KKAKKKKKKKKKKKKKAKKN POINT-LI NE, POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY BORDERS \\'eights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. 1%/6 lbs., $1.50 24; No. 58 \/ 6 Point Borders I\ I \l\(\l=sI\el I t\el\cI¥ 1 I I 1 l\l t\l\I\l fis/c\Ie\I\ *\l \I\I\ \%\%\Ic\re\/ \/ox \ \r6\/ex ENBEZBMEXBBEEEEBBNEE E E No.60 ‘, .4 Z 4 N.61 E F o M ’ E mmmmmmmmzfimmmmmmmmw MEEHMHMMMMHEMMMMHNKH .p'm’r\2L Q50? S, in? Y? £\'m'm'< 2?-7? No. 63 1 Uw'€‘uruw 3?‘; No. 80 TYTT 3 /° "?U”\°’.“? ° °/H\Z\T\?.\*i;< 2 0 , . 84>?» No. 82 / ‘ .V/\ .V/ \V/\ TV/\‘v/\v/ \V/\V/\V/ ~ ‘f/ \i_’/‘ &_’/\Y/ \Y/ ‘ Y/‘(Y/\ Y/\‘f’/\Y/\Y/ ?r¢\f'.>x$‘.’«'.»$‘,>x9/;$'>/;r.S?,<'?g9;®.$?»\?A?m€g$k€¢§ >*- '< Q‘ & & <’1>/‘ N0. 85 ~’¢,2 H 3 $ 3% 3? ~"$‘w:‘\~v,~v,'~v:'\~r_ ‘V we xv »vr'\v/W"! \v/xv/wt \V,"‘.0”V1"¢.\ ?A‘T3A9.L /A’/A V»;‘:>;‘7’4‘3;9;€’>g v'i€.>A‘9*\9/*\9/A\(>*9*‘§r)A‘»>A‘~ Q J 3 ( 3 ) t 3 3 <., ("3 ,0%:‘!\_/ m a§ 2 .0 8 ‘2;é%” \ ( , 1 , A A >It%¢%% ~1 ETYTTYTTTTYYYTTTYTTJ @fi%$%&%$%$%*%$%&%$W% 4 = 1 No. 102 '4 -' F . F NO. 3. L+f+11HHHWm‘++’r*}’r1H1+Ht11+H1 No. 104 TH’r1HF1' UH? 1L1’ *1’r1'rH-11+¥’rf1‘1~1'1+{*1fj{-_1'f+1*+f+f%+1'1‘f OCCCCCKCCC No. 108 ‘ OC>C>C>C>C>C>C>C>C>O °§'(°§*}°§°C°§°§~§°C°§°?'§* No. 107 °§~€°§°§'§~C°§°}~§~€°§°§°§° l\/.\/\/\/.\/.\/\/\/.\/\/\/\/L\/\/.\/\/.\/\/ 9 9 2 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 0 9 9 9 Q 2. t\ \ ,'; 5 g 5 5 g . 5 5 6 6 6 O 6 C 6 C O \/\'/\/\/\/\/\/\/\/\'/\/\/\/\/\/\'/\'/\'/\'/\/ out "'° an Y “* <> 7 <> “ 1\.o_ 111 H <9 No. 11. © o--0 "’° Q Q I Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q- l\/\/\/\/\/.\/.\/\A/.\/L\/\l\/A/.\/\/\/.\/\/\ '7 3 C 3 C O O O 5 C C O O 3 5 O C C \/\/\'/\'/\'/\/\/\/\'/\/\/\/\/\/\'/\/\'/\'/\'/\/ 609 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED UNIQUE Vveights and I’riccS givexn are Approximate; see page 2. Five Feet do oaoodooao undo odoodo «CE 6 Point Borders g No. 113 ° 75 % obnpo Om! onuno ohoono opooio ' : A +1:-4: dfiwdwfi I rev ‘'91 «for a‘. I \‘‘.I o. x\. Q 3': § .,-;";:’ 3;‘ ‘ "5 fio ~23 %u ‘. W0&1’19cY?MG0MJ‘2?c5?)U0J(K1f&5?JU00C~£1J9c5?)§§ '3 No. 141 ‘3 Q1’. 0‘ ¢ \ §3 §§{i9&IUO0DM&QWIUO&Q$%KIUO00M&QW{U0 \_ \ \ N 0. 1 4 4 Q autumn“: No. 146 flflflflfififliilfllflfllflllfiiif . I WWWWWWWWWWW '§§£§§%%¥i§i " No. 300 No. 159 MMMMMMMMM .-. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV 0 0 4> 4> . 0 4} 4} AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA VVVVVVVVVVVVVVYVVV c:wwwwww¢ww¢ew:¢¢¢¢: NO. 3“ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 610 15/16 lbS., $1. 50 -~~11,~‘~x.»,'=1.-'*—1~"~12—"~.14 ~.1.~ x1._»"‘~.1/ V O I -. ,".'/I‘: %I 944 004 >14 944 D4‘ on >44 >1 :1. ‘Is :2‘! i Q» |l1I.'h'!||l‘!|l!l|:I|( !1y: :1‘ g'1"!11I:'!1IIv'!11,»I:1r,1! n !41.!4;m.:. Q m;:m,,.m,,. 1 1| -uj.m1|v11.,|111.1|n11I'mI 11.:flm1..1111|m1. . i ,.1fi,“ua_,-.,.i m,.;,‘ ‘ ‘ !n:oi3l¢n11gv1I1u. Q1 11.1.1131-I .. 11.11.} m : : :- 2 = 3 = ; Im4II4:uIl.1mI' 1I1.1..Im.1I1,u:l:vr1 [1 .l 1 _IIIl 5; _ 0"! § '_' gui 3 r In- Z = E = 'II' 2'! g : 1 "‘ Ti ll: i fifififififififififififififififififig ‘W’ 4‘ § No. 145 ‘H’ ‘V #- § ###i¢f############### No. 148 No. 307 # No. 310 AAAAAAA No. 313 VVVVVV SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE Five Feet §%%¥¥¥%¥¥¥$%¥¥¥$¥¥¥£ No. 314 % % ‘ #%%%%%*#%%%%%%*%%#fi fifiltfititiiifiiifitfifi No. 317 ?FFFFF§i?F?F§'F?F‘§’Fi No. 320 No. 323 3 ammmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm« Hfiflflflfififlfiflflfiflfififififi Illflli 1 3 : No. 326 U flflflflhllbllflfliflflhlflfl %%%%K No. 329 If No. 332 4- LA LA AAA gA4AA ¢A A ‘ No. 335 ’ vvvv vi vvv v7 vvv vi vv vj flflflmHmUmHflHmflmHflHfl= ! ! N0. ! 4% Feet 9 Point Border Elslfihlé:I4;I4;l4;I4;l4:l4;]ZJK No. 800 2%U1K71T7IT7l<7l§7l<7I?7I<7l<§E POINT-LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY 611 Vt-'eights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. 6 Point Borders :¥#¥¥¥¥¥¥$¥¥¥¥¥¥###¥ ; No. 315 % fikfikfitkkfififikfifitfifififi QQQQ TTTT 9 L0 I-| on QQQQ TTTT éfifififififififfififfifififififififi " No. 321 W “’ 4' g§3$333333333333333 ®WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWg No. 324 - 3 @mmmmmmmmmmmmm@mmmm@ BORDERS 1% lbs., $1.50 &$§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§%% No. 322 M %%§@§§$§§§§§§§§§§§é¥ 3 25 . No. 3 IMKNKNKMKNNKNKNMNMF No. 330 7l<7I‘» 3'5‘ "'3*'2’»‘.3a $21 % No. 90 <§@® No. 92 . No. 93 No. 96 @%>€0@€9@ Wk: fiéfifi ?:<:.%%i ' “<6; 45?; , ~ '1} ... 4.-‘£3 _ 4.3} ". FLLILW 4" §ja%@§u%§?a%3?a§ '1 r '1 " ::i: No. 97 :iE No. 160 Q ~~L~ —-.r—~ (8 " .n.. 1‘ E ' ' * U-"*"~"1 L‘ «=ap\*:z§t=5®§\‘:x§c==pS\%n§r==®§\=1§r—‘5\=a\.-“,§§ “at H? W W BARNI-{ART BROS. &. SF-’INDLER’S 612 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ._1: BORDERS \Veigl1ts and Prices given are APDT0-Villlatei 599 Page 3- Four and one-half Feet 12 Point Borders 2 lbs., $1-50 @:@:@:@:©:@:@:@ .@. @. .@. I .@. @:©:@:©:@:©:@:© No. 166 ’////,, ”///.. ‘/44 \x\\‘‘ 1;"?//~\\T5“:‘ ' No 168 A N0-17° //= \\\ ' v /' \ - 1 . §@% ?§%¥ .,..\w,W,1w1W.1w W.g& §.>‘\ +9 ' /’4/}, .3 417//\\\“\ .§\\. /’///, g\\\‘\ iillllimiirnl. 1111111i1u1i1ul1I11n1115111111111i111£n1::§n1111n1iifi I //:’7"'¥I»~*‘\7\‘\\‘-‘«’///3"" V‘4“\7\*\\\‘-'-//”?”" -“°:‘\\\“"//”’/'4" {‘4‘\\“\\\"‘///"'0'/' ‘1‘a'é’E,’Z'-§~':¥w-". ' ' ?%m&% as §@%% 1% ;.~é3:»~s.:=.';32:-z-1-3*. / .3 3‘ L _—_ .43 1. 1 _t_ .1. ._—. I W o;;-.ov no; “-o._,0’.,— %. -3'? -9'. -9%? §?5;-§g3 Q 4@\ '0\.. 09- 6- @0.&@.o: AC; > O -00 ~93 I-.\'/Q ' *1 N mMmmmmm« fimwwww °p ‘ ‘ « 1 ' - ‘ - ‘ ' ' D I : 19¢." xi-". . 0. Ea ‘ $3“ “<5 §21’o°9- No 179 3-996 “W No. 178 D3, 9% £9, .3 v (390 ‘Q,’ . Qé ll?“ I 0' . .,.G. ...o. 9.100. .00 '0 . 0 6 '0. '0 , .. ( '.''o;,9 . av’ zvfi ‘J 0 f '00 ‘ 0 ‘ea '0‘ 9.0. .t'0."G' o 3- I 0 %& %%wammmm»9 ". . ,. “ v .»T w v «1 '0'L'W"317v"J'£'/~ 60? ONE‘ 01>,’ 000.5‘, 1, .0 9., Oc-10 , 0°35 2°35 9°35 0°o=? °°o5‘?2o‘q 2% ,2°c~°.9°o .“\ :‘‘,.V .“ .“\ .“ 5‘, §‘ .“, .“ flflfifimflflflmfl '5 9:4 7% No. 130 ‘E No. 131 ‘'4 O V @ 1" ‘V ‘V flwi 71$ mmflflfiflflflflm oofld X???YYWWWWXWWIYZ C3C3C3C3C3 u s No. 133 ""~* No. 184 9-,_ "fluxmmmmmmmw QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEID 3???? mm POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 613 UNIQUE BORDERS «¢%%~ way Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Four and one-half Feet 12 Point Borders 2% 11,3” $150 &%&%%%%%%% «VWV\Wwv\V\ (/5/\< (*1/~ .\;‘\\\ //I\\\\ ///.;‘§\ /.\.\ /\\\ /\\\ /\\\ \ 1: < % K \ ~\ - ~\/ \‘ \ % L/\) _l\\ /@ , , L_ , \ / 2% ‘"%>1e: I @ \ - A. . \ Z/C. 21/xf. /\\ 2/3: in}; i\ //2{\§~ z.‘\\\ //\ / N0. 186 xfi V goxoxoxox }{ N0.402 K BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 614 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNI UE °* Four and one—half Feet No. 413 fi*QQQ#QQQK &$£$$£$$$# R 3 No. 416 W M §$$$$$$$$% :wwwmwmkm% No. 419 5 Fri '\6' 1:’ , , 7 1 " x . ‘ /:\ “:21 .x rw - 1 ’ \ \ " <5‘ J\\~ ///£571‘? .: ~\f‘> ft, 3 ,U . I ER) xv » r N 0. 422 «— 31:9 \4 ./J‘ ":\\v‘ x ;_fa aw 3 ;;/f D» ,. 9:2./:r.»3” {J ;<7~.«,— ‘W/U \€.'k. ."<.»‘x \_; F/L‘) «.11;-ID/'1, /2[,n3.'xLL; 1 1% £51 Rfiafi 2% Rfijl 1°11’; 2&1 1% D 15450? Kw 3%? KW U450? U493 EW 3%? No. 428 C5‘ D3 Wm WW 2% 0% mil 2%; 2630?; Ilasbfi 1'12’; 2% Kw Vqki ‘O'°z¥W 154;?) V4?’ 543 ‘Kw Kw ééééfifi No. 431 fifié POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POI NT-BODY V Weights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. 12 Point Borders %%%%%¥%%%% % % No. 426 %%%%%%%%%% ; 1'1‘; 1"’; A‘; .1‘. 1'1‘; .1‘. :1‘; 1'1’; "1 P1 VP ‘W3 ‘W3 VP V‘; T‘; 14'} V No. 429 "*..'r. .1‘. P, d. U‘? ‘V ‘F .1», .1. fliwirt. :1‘; 11'; 15*; :1‘; 1'1‘; 2'1‘; 2'1‘; 1'’; “U ‘W? 3*: 1"‘: VJ} VJ} ‘*3 VJ,‘ @@@@@@@§ No. 432 @@@@$@@@@@ BORDERS 2% lbs.. $1.50 %$$$$$$$$% No. 412 fififififififififi &$$$$$$$$$$# R a ‘Q No. 415 5’ fi3$$$$$3$$$% )Zt)..E.()£ O ‘ O O "L 1'.’ x_'( 2'3 N % II 0 "4 R ‘J )1.’ O "4 33 E5 .9 SN 2 33),? O 9 Ztfi A ‘)2 D-—d O 03 ;’tI‘S $43!.’ 0 “(F3 ‘.11).’! O hiya .1)! Z,’ ) ,, )3: Q J " 33 hr‘ . 4% * .2. L4 ’.’.".’.( 7...! ‘.7 V211 ‘Z3! 12?.‘ ‘Z3! 73 o*o 0 0 0 0 0 O _0__'° r:,;( z ;¢ razv 213;: 33:7‘ I zs ‘sit 1 at ma‘ 75 N V1 ‘:4 6 Q “[1 -/B'°.‘3 .""°" ICU.“ % -. No. 421 1 .4 Q §#%%%%%%%¥ No 427 3% az= ' aé %#***%*#*& ®®®®®®® No. 430 . ®&®@®®®& $3932??? No. 433 fifkfflfflfk 615 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED F0111‘ and mu-~l1;1lf I"e(:t fififigfififlfifif ~ )1} L No. 443 ‘ >4 COOCOCCOC N<>.446 . § 0000 gfififififififififi I\<>. 44‘) “ §”””.,,[ fl Hflfififlflfiflflfi @@@@@@@@% ‘Q \' Eifi t 8 @QQ@ @@@@@@@@% ¥¥*%¥¥¥¥§ %%% N0. 455 - %%¥¥%¥%¥%§ BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 12 Point Borders iiiiiii NH, -415 ¥???????* Qgééééééfis W NH. -440 g§fl g éfl §§§§§§§%@ /. N '\~ v‘ ..” _ ZJ4__;Xx(_:xx/ Ex“? 3%? \:: , ~,\ /./FR'/~)~>'»— o>-Ll}-3 5 £5‘ . -‘-» 0 95 )>. c , - 33¢~_a;< Sew? 333K '7 . ~ _‘lhs., $1.50 -,'\\\'6)\'6)\'6)\'6) 0) it) 0) \'6)’I°,_- W \<~ H @mmmmmmmm§ W rum §§Q°Ob\iOZ W 1103 W W W Mg (23 V 4 L '1-1 1 Q § % § 9WQWQ§ €OE\(/QE\€O§1€QW0WQ.,“<§' §&%a%&%&;§ % Nn.HS : &£&%&%&%&% . = 3 -« ’w. * ->-,~ » av .\ ca-2 >5» *: » ~ ,':,'f, /‘M. _I -§x§W7a_,'~,:(‘Tr(-f._?':¢’r?&4,;-,5*“v -13‘-?M»~=,,* *3. 13 fix 514$‘ ?..%‘."u1'and()m~Il:1lf1“<*<:t flakiéakifiy No. 401 flgzwaafiwafi Sxzzzzzzzr « 4 N0. 470 »5¢OOOOV-*x Aflflflflflflflfl N0. 480 ommmmmmmm: L ! ‘MM Mmmmmmmmg N0, 48'} E WMWMMMMMF flflflfl mmmmmmmmg No. 486 5 QWNWNWWNWW mma POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 017 ca ?‘~“\o C535 5° 9\. BORDERS 1-ghts H ;, '2 .\M» I 1 12 Point Borders 2.1/I lbs.. $1.50 N¢$fl$JX3KK V@V@VwVmV@V@VmV No. 469 W W nwmwwwwwwmm gmmmmmg .’0.tfw‘ N 11 flfiflflfififlfifii émmmmmmmmg E VNWHHMWHH @mmmmmmmm% E 3 E Q %W@WWWW@@® No. 484 WWW N0. 487 @@@@@@@@@@ N0. 476 @ %@@@@@@@@@ @mmmmmmmm@ E § N0. 485 E § @WWWMWMMW$ ggmammfimgg gf N0.488 fig - ‘ , .., sgu flfifififlwfififlm QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED BORDERS VVeights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 3. Four and One-Half Feet 12 Point Borders 2% lbs., $1.50 41;: :: 1: :: :: I—I—II—I—| _ _ S " "I No. 490 ALV No. 489 V H No. 491 :: :: r LI-IHII-I_I‘ £)£";&2i"°,< i"£3?r as‘ :1 IDIIUIIUIIDIIDIIUIIDILTIIE I IIlIIllIlfIlIIIIIIIIlfi]|E E :1 '5‘ T = No. 495 1 No.497 2 E E 1 5 D Iullnllullnllnllnllnllnl :1 I IIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIII I N0. 498 §OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OQ:jo-E012} Three Feet 18 Point Borders 2% lbs.. $1.30 %%%%%%%%%% No. 150 %%%%%%%%%% :%%%%%%%%% mfififififififififi No. 152 % A A m %%%%%%%%%% fifififififififififi %%%%%%%%%% N0. 154 I %%a%%%%%%% BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 618 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE N0.151 UNIQUE BORDERS ‘%V Three Feet _*> L ‘ ‘* ‘ . 4; 4'; 4;. , I)‘ , . .. * ‘ (.5 * ~ V ~. 0 .» "A 7 ,r\ ‘IL 1\0. 155 :2 D 5‘ {\ v« H (\ A 1» A {s K K 1 x‘ A c 1 <2 ‘ cg; L ,3 an «-" ’§'><~" — < or ’’> <-’‘ 5;» 5*. " "3‘»/‘ "T-fir "5 V Sb 3 3 M’ av I r: V V ‘J’ ‘V’ ‘VF ‘W "I ‘V V V ‘\} a_1 . .- g? a‘; <4.’ ‘Y,’ ‘KI’ h'C888833'd vllllflllll £88888” ‘%®$&%&%%§ N0. 501 $ - %%%%%%%%& aeeeeeeeegf +€>> %@@@@@@@@®. ®MM@MMMMM% N0. 505 @ flmmmmmmmmfi @%@w&*$%+;= mwmfififififififim POI NT-LINE. POINT-SET. POI NT— BODY 18 Point Borders 2,18 lbs... $1.30 xwmmmmmmmg §mmwwmmmmR I :1 I r 1 ‘I :4 5| 34 ‘I I4 ‘I f’ 5 '1 ' ' . c 0 o 9 o o 0 9 . o . o 9 g at I on nu nI\ 4:‘ H Tu: No. 500 $ %%%%$%%%%% xwwwwwwwwg No. 502 §$&$w$mm$a mmsmmmsmgm §w¢w§§&w¢¥ Qmmmggmmmg § flwmwwwmwmfi e:3§£%@~: % % QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED UNIQUE \Vci;.{hts;u1x$" W5» W5» Rm; \\\;xR;:)R=§a\RR:\ms*& Av: J iv V‘) ?:s¢e~‘ ~ i««f5 ‘r’ —,« 919 J}; 7:35» 67%’ <>7uo“‘ «J19 "$5"; “AS (cj{ fig ) o}{o {fig} No. 515 (5.-}§>2 \ \/ 1% J— H» ~ ' , ‘%§>r§‘;3‘%2» ®:,)JC(e‘(DL[Lj2T1(i§::J ¢sdsés¢¢ab3§ @@@@@@@@ N0. 51‘) @%@@@%@Q flm§ N0. 522 Oooqlo ~§i:§§§§::’>§2:;»‘? BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S (‘H ilrt‘ 620 18 Point Borders .’,‘§s lbs., $1.30 4 No. 514 3%» %$< 7?‘ 7?‘ 7?‘ 7?‘ 75" 7?‘ 7?‘ $$$$$$$ N0. 516 $$$$$$ éfiéééfiié No. 518 fifiéééfififi 892293??? N(). 520 3 fflfifffkffl SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE BORDERS L.:. <«3.:.03 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED UNIQUE BORDERS \\'eig|1ts and |’rit'('s given are Apprnxiinatt-: SW‘ 1121):!‘ J. Three Feet 18 Point Borders 2%; lbs., $1.30 \'xz/~./'./-./4'/' N0. 538 C An//.~//.'//.:d\ qovvv.vv.vv.vv.vv.vv.90.»0.9 V V V V V V V V V V (/ ..w,.~..w..»..~ to? 9-~..~ '9'»? *.«.~ tar 2-~..~ t-~..~ 2. ‘ (/3 W W W W W M W M , 'o,.‘?i.~'~'o.‘?2~'~o§2~'—'o§2~'-'é?2v-z‘§v‘v‘§2vAz‘?2vAz..vA'J§2 )\ A/ No. 541 V "9 ‘.'» , , , , .9 v.9 0.» .v , ’ ~"o:3'»"-«"¢:3'»"-"e:?"~‘3:3'»:'9¥:a%'€c:«*:'?o:a%'§c:+*:'§e:3*" 'o.v.~"o.v.~'o.v.~"'¢.v.~ ‘ o.-.~¢.v.~¢.v.~o.~.~o.v.~ WAWAWAWAWAWAWAWAW/@V% @@@@@X@@@ No. 556 i’@@@@?@@@@% Emmmmma N0. 561 flmmmmmfi fiililllilliililillg No. 560 -— I . .. .. VOIOIIIOIIIIIIIIIIIV BARN}-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 6'2?! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE BORDERS ‘Quit? V 18 Point Borders 2%; lbs., $1.30 gfifimggmmmg émmmggmmmg mwmmmmmmmfi mmmmmmmmmr §mmm@@mmm% gmmmggmmmg @mmmmmmmm® ammmmmummw gmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmg €wwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww® fiflfiflfiflfiflfifl @ @ No. 570 fiflfiflfiflfiflfifl %fi%@%fl%fl%fl E @ No. 572 E@®@®@®@®@ @@@@@@@@@% N0. 574 E @E@@@@@@@@ gwflwwgwwwg flfififififififififi @@@@@@@@@ No. 573 @ . @%@%@%@%@% BORDERS \\'¢-i;:l1ts.'n1pr(>xillI<('1 sec pugv J. Three Feet 24 Point Borders 2';‘io lbs., $1.65 ° <<,?/ (‘T §*:r’_~?,:~ N0. gm ~ ‘j, .;/C6-' ‘ /r.>>/ J zzéété 3?? L )2 %%%%%%%% N1». 305 %%%%%%%% !||HHHHH§H.HiWiWH-11}!SHl|{||||l- V }‘=;T: C N} [W '1.|HH|HH' (1i*°F‘§?3{“/3'5 °:2!%§i>3;k'§31%f?:t§%gg7:’37l:;EC‘3E3:. i ;;.L . ‘ V Hf’ 1S.‘Q ’.3 :0\’.’z> {. VE - ‘. :. in ((4-\( ( /0,} L.‘OJ(. (. .:’:i¢QS2.f/L ‘:9 /‘/Q4 .!§3i{2i3.'iH-ils}!HWi§1}l-||}iHiH|HH-H:!§3\11HH:-i‘37W‘Ii!i-W M ii‘ 3°r"/ ‘ONT: -‘*3: ,‘_‘/"0": -‘§¢—"_/70 3‘-$3c Q/O i>\«3g(22J ‘lmmlunl cgww '*’2?d?I€ NH. 210 I 1 V . . ;.¢ $1.u!QHIIIEW!I:;?l!!i!;§;;H!;1;ji§z:%:{;.uIH::u:1wgE:mi!!!‘;H:iI*i’3iTI'i1m ;Qqg:~;s;;: _-:g»3:%;;£gjg5:;».:&..2jg5 36;»: " :2: A‘——:‘:' . " :::' " -1" : . V Z (/4 Co:."/",$/ .)(0“.2—/7 /..JC:O—~ 7.3./‘.}C“~.‘Z7O/‘.) x.) ' >’?-M-W?-"v.‘1>Oi:-‘v‘V-*‘:'4‘:“ :vn<‘.1::4“x;":: ‘ "(\ ” “\-/'0 \¢’\ '/ ‘S\ " ‘° Il|||||ll||Illlllihllmll|lin|i!IH:!IiI!l:él1f:ISm}IIi!§Eu!:}Ji!.!i1Il1!.!s}Miu?nI!!.hhHEllh!Il.:.H!m‘W.I \. ‘X’; 3% '2'. X:-4;g' 2%. 9.; ’ ‘IE n«. 1:’ ‘~:CC.'.’o 1: /582:: :’_-t‘,',;/////’O\\~§\>~\»\\\x 3» , ~\, //g, 9 :o_:;:r\(o\ ’o,' f.‘ '0, ‘o .’ojl :-\\ \ ,\ , ‘ - . $TO z ». Q‘ 0/ 1.. 0 O, / \ .\ ., '1 ‘ ' ’ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S (324 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE BORDERS \\'eights zmrl Priyc-s given are Approxinmte: 566 page .3. Thrflfi F89‘ 24 Point Borders 21516 lbs., $1.65 wrrxsssrzszzssxsrzg M ‘~ 4% :3 fixszxszzzassasszmffi \ N0. 215 ' _(.‘) (9, ‘yr ,‘ “,.f'( ‘:2 « ‘ I '-;_g—g‘, ,,» V g‘ -:3, '-,— V '.;£. \‘ . , D‘ I. ' »"\\ ‘figs-2»;i;; Le -2:: :9’-.»;:/(‘,2 f2g».>~;;%; 3'4»-<;; :;»-»;~; 2 , ‘ U C'}r?;<2O;1'.29/O5@’Wr3f!iQ/193.0 91540‘ ‘*¢i:O;/I -421» 9‘. 92(0), '0 ‘ ,-w , .1910 2’ 2;’. 20 2 ‘r— .;i; 0;“ 1:17 ;'[o*~«J @a..r‘9' ‘K./Q7" ‘I09, I; 9); Y9, [£5.97 Q‘; Q, ‘(Q '3 :40 ',',;TQ)‘¢f"O Q./’/_,,fgf;,/f\_’O;«\!/'9 «-2:-2 ‘-: #3 .s‘y.’.‘ \\/7/J «g '0 §; C‘) _,‘. \ / <1 3 O,’ . ‘*' — , ’ ‘K :2 '-i C!’ .2453 N” 3”’ “ 1;-2 .»~':*‘ ~ » —/‘I ~ ’w°/Vo» ‘>2’ 10» 612.2 2.-Ian '25., :.‘:49*3‘>:— /2: v \ ?/ \\\ 4'/"3'(>".»'i0 '« 0 ;~..}."-r‘§!»',0"‘?'."”: 9» ‘C’. J ‘ ‘ ‘I ~.‘ 21') /\{\§) N0. 218 ‘ N0. 219 -$3 @« - - - - - - - - $a$a-$4-$a$a$$a$a fi?)?)?)?)?)?7??9® :g~$“-$~@»@°§~@~$ %8%8%~€%€%»B%$§§ No. 220 N0. 221 ~$~$~$w$~$®$°$~$ $%%%!s~8%%%$%%%% No. 222 wwwwmwwwm «seoaavaavavavaavap? «as as ‘ 5 7 $9’: No. 224 v'\ /<‘ POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY (3:25 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED UNIQUE BORDERS \\'(-ights and l’ri<;es given are Apprnxinmtv: ~.c<- p;r,,r(- 3. Three Feet 24 Point Borders 2'-in. lbs., $1.65 N0. 325 N0. 320 ‘ ’ 1 °< '». / ’,-1;" A-Q: 1' Q‘;/'.,«-. ;\‘./'.,..:--;":::/‘.-;,~’;;. '3’ ° V _ .,’ .1’ ‘ my.‘ . u u ’ .1,’ . 7 No. 227 ., ’ WW . ‘adodadodast fi60£°-l°91°9£°5?« »"?°9'£"1"« 8888888§§38888 ‘é::¢i3¢i3¢i°¢i0§ No. 232 gseaeeééeseee N0. 22‘) 2552 in. W @ ; N0. 235 \\ %%§%% <1‘ J F\- .J\ JL J\. A V ‘ BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 626 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE I 1 Th eeeee et 24 Point B r e 2',5«i2, lbs.. $1-55 §%§%§§§%§§§%%£§%§§§¥E§§¥§§§§§§§§§ 59*.-,,.... @ 5-%4—«~%9,é 2% %é %‘?é%?é %é 32% >14 ~:.I.b AI; -:34 :34 -...« >!é $4 No. 239 3% —- N 7 fit: I/' I I I I I 6\§ {, I: ‘I1 ‘I: ‘U W ‘U \s/ %§§€ fififi 4% ‘?$> %% %&> %& Ki‘ %.< 7;: 7w V 7;: 7S: 7;: 7I<‘ awwmxwwguaaggxvg axwwxxxgruauauav %@@@@@@@g%%%%%%%% -\ %s %%%%%%%g%%%%%%%% $¢§¢*%*@****§°“* POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 627 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED I Pr « 51% «M M W §\wmvmvMvM» % W/MOWWOWW)Wm® fir/raxwuxvnxvmmxwam ww%g§m%z:§ N9 N0. 253 ‘Q - - ' ‘N’ - - L % %W2Wk.%%t!%% .,s"'o.. .‘ \ H. \ ./ ,(. . “ . '0. 3‘. % .‘«. 3 ‘ .3) \‘ Q34.-4 ~g. <; A \;W* (g\‘:\fl‘ n\‘;\(" \1\(" (“A g.. A\—._ Ag, /A, A \., ,)\\ I/24¢, l)),1\» /I IO Ol 00 00 ll 00 It ' - N0‘ . P > ,s"'¢..s BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S (3% SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE BORDERS 5 fiwmmmmmm ¢% fl ( /( WW , M W Mmmmmmmfi sxzzzzzy . No. 273 . Azzzzzss @@?@@@?§2@@ gmmmmmmg mwmmmmmfi QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POI NT-LI NE POI NT-SET. POI NT- BODY UNIQUE BORDERS I» ‘“" ”’"‘ s‘ «W» '9 ‘V9 9.9 9-9 zfllillillillil Elli: fijixfl 5 \A BEE « ‘2'l|IllIlP]EllIH.‘.lF’ @1[Q33]WWQfl[QE{R5§J[§3 gmmmmmmzx N " 8lR$1R'»1P$1D$1|2.$1R'o1lSf @%%@ @@m@@@w@ww@w@@w% @ »~ 0 %mmmmmmmmmmmmmm@ g©©©©©©g % M- m M ©©©©©©©© .mwwwWm%%%mmm%m%§ mmmMmMm%%ww» 43310 SUPERIOR C O P P E R - M l X E D T Y PE L D D D IIDIIDIIDJID ’1‘“-,, }.‘m,[ 36 point Borders 3'51}, lbs” $1.65 < %<} 45%qp%”%fiK ‘M ix‘? . Nu. .§(>()7 NW 35"?" >% @% %@ ~ gs ®@®@®@®@®@ &@$@&@$@$@ @®@®@®@@@@ @§@®@®@W@$ \-., ml No. 3611 . @@ ML @® fl® WW 63 - K 1 Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L E D BORDERS W Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Two Feet 36 Point Borders 21%/6 lbs.. $1.65 9 T @@@@& 3:- .4:~—~, :.~=__,~=*: Mmmmm 9 0 fi%§%§%§%§ BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 632 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIQUE \/ -* BORDERS Two Feet 36 Point Borders 2’-‘no lbs., 551-65 WWWW WWWWW flfififi &&&&% Q3 6%) 5% QMMME Amman The iors‘ re -ister '0I‘1< 5 @@@@@@@@@ § @ %@@@%@@@% % X X gflflflflfiflflfl Q U A L I T Y A N D F I N I S H U N E Q U A L ED S R E D R O B UNIQUE \Vci;_-‘11ts;nul l’ri«'(-5 given are Appmximutt-; am: p.'t;.:1~_’. 2'5m lbs.. $1.65 36 Point Borders Two Feet .._.$...»...fi»...»«... «n4_.ra....v.Pa....u»«.»a <\s “No no’ ' L V 4 ..»....m,_“ 0%.? 49$ IHI JO. 9 7?. A 7 V vwmmm ,..h...m.“ Emlovw. Fvuar fig 9,2“ v évu 1 vol A V D I 1 ma QmUo hfio . vfllo % ...n¢a_. mv A45 +\. 1/4. awe/M rm.» an 9, WmmYoD Lani»;- V700 W. M -v$b&— 9% rm war Q EVJQVD 3 ..u 3.. W OIJA “flaw. M w .55.. wvflfl .m«K 87 /W. M vlvfl Q vaVflQ&D W WM DIJA D QEUV ..n 5.... Vflnmu 04 M “£54 A Q» £45 ...m 11471? 87 /W ,.. iv an _v»_7flQVD K. DIAL owomvamu uvhub —. _v am 04 -“hr; A 33 Yr... co? ¢W iv an yyéfi M at; afloa UAW. -1 I5 —. V 004 o4 U454 ¢ &¢%@ a...wr§ w_»_7anQ_%vnm.fi.nm.__ vs I A 70.0 wMmwm@»pn%mapn%map Mb w@%m%§w . . .4 &»,.....“...u..«_....».a«... .n.\;..... «no. as; .....n......§.r..... tuax. ~.u.\.../n .. . an I %m. awn» _v VJQVD rs 0111 mg on De L»... . V400 Wu wu@wnm.w$wm%.% N0. 3637 2% lbs., $1.50 48 Point Borders Eighteen Inches 4 U 8 4 0. N N0. 4803 ’l>’h(.$(.' lmrdx-rs I'('${iSI('l‘ for calm’ wm'k. 634 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S %““ BORDERS Ia@\ ’ E U m N U flmmfi Ammri; 48 Point Borders }£i_s:htcen Inches Nu. 4.~§ gmmvz E Nu. 4:407 E i : No. 4505 lor wm R No. 4809 2:‘ 3 lbs., $1.35 72 Point Borders No. 7201 ' ‘ velve Inches @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@§@@@ 0 5 1 $ em § [L _W E E WW??? %@ @% v¢¢%%* BORDERS \\'i-iglxts uml l‘riit*s yziven arc .-\m»ro\im.’m': \¢'(' p;:;,;«- .5. American Flag Borders No. 1201 (one color‘ 4): feet, 2); lbs., $1.50 12 Point No. 1202 (two (‘.()l()l'.\‘* 2‘/4 feet, 2% lbs., $1.50 l§l§l§l§§§§l§§l§l§l§l§l§§l§l§§l§l§l§\§l§l§l§§l§l§§l§l§l§§ N0. 1801 (one color) 3 feet, 2% lbs., $1.30 18 Point No. 1802 (two colors) 18 in., 2) 3 ll)s., $1.30 E\§R§RR§RR§(§ERR§RE§\§R)§R No. 2401 (one color} 3 feet, 251., ll)s., $1.65 24 Point No. .12-W2 (two colors) 18 in., 2'~"io lbs., $1.65 RERRRRRRRRRRRRRR American Shield Borders No. 1203 (one color) 12 Point 452 feet, 1% lbs., $1.50 N°- 1803 (0113 C‘’10‘') 3 fffet. 31/14 “)5. $1-30 18 Point No. l8()4 (two colors) 18 in., ?.,‘’s ll)s,, $1.30 No. 2403 (one color) 3 feet, 3':‘io lbs., $1.65 24 Point No. 2404 (two colors) 18 in., 2'51}. lbs., $1.65 N0- 3601 (One 0010!‘) 2 feet, .7.l§’1b lbs., $1.65 36 Point No. 3602 (two colors) 12 in., 2'51}; lbs., $1.65 WWWWWWWW WW Cuban Flag Borders No. 1204 (one color) 12 Point 4% feet, 2% lbs., $1.50 ERRBREEERRERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRE No. 1805 (one color) 3 feet, 2%; lbs., $1.30 18 Point No. 1806 (two colors) 18 in., 2% lbs., $1.30 RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR No. 2405 (one color) 3 feet, 2‘5m ll)s., $1.65 24 Point No. 2406 (two colors) 18 in., 2‘5io lbs., $1.65 RRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR BARN}-IART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 636 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE COMBINATION BORDERS §%&&$%®&&&fl&&@&&&&&&£&§&$&§7§&@%@%&&@%£&§%&& Q §%§Baw §IW%W%W@W%W%W%&"$%%%B@®%W%&@§§@§%@ 4 ,2: I ,g. I P» gdgggfi’ '64 w §’ Q Pgjg 747g COMBINATION BORDER NO. 26 Aux?’ &~j&"[,7)_)_2 Characters 0119 and 18 Point Bodies a§ ??a W/A, §‘F $7 QT .72 ’<( ;?~\; gbi 1-66 3-72 2-30 M N I via, vq «w%z»¢ ((1 Price per font,$2.00 Q R §§ ma N’ Q wggweu I @@%I B ‘,¢?é(%»-’ig.@JI‘§]£);-’§.@4£§].%iQWJ@J»QT‘I&;§‘3.?£JiS1@.1»’§1&»’Qi1% $1?/2.,§&.&1'&..«;‘L,Q? £31/A§WAr§?.‘§. .721 «NWw@&Wm%E@W%W%W%$%W@W%W%$%WWW%W%WfiWW$@W%@%$ The figure before each hyphen denotes the number Of Ihe c_haracteI'; the following figure the number Of characters contalned In font. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 637 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 0 \ 5‘ v‘ _ \ I k, 1.’ Point \ - -‘ A2 <3 . \ I Y O l\ ‘ ' ) - k )I// ‘ V \‘. _ ‘k ‘.\o. 1305, one color. 4 2 ftftft, 2 4 lbs'.. $1.50 I\o. 1-00, two colots, _ t f(‘.(‘.t, _ .t lhsx. $1.50 kt) ' , \ .' 18 Pomt ,« _k , kk , ‘\ \ i D "(J ;‘ No. 1807, one color, 3 feet, 2% lbs., $1.30 No. 1808, two colors, 18 inclms, 2% ll)s., $1.30 xk‘ \ |\ I ‘ , 24 Point ~j x / / * / / / / , , vi ‘*0 ‘R . ‘X "X “X "R ‘= *1 k/ No. 2407, one 0.0101‘, 3 feet, ."5n. ll>s.. $1.65 No. _’4().\’, two volors, lHiIl(‘,}1('..~‘., 2'5n. ll)s., $1.65 \I‘ . ‘ { k, H: l’oiIIt k ' .“ ‘ "J 0 0 k ~ / -, «J I 9 b \k " No. 3603, onv volor, 2 foot, 2'51}. lbs., $1.65 No. '$()U4, two colors, 1.’ inch:-s, 2'5": ll)s.. $1.65 No. 340‘), otw color. 3 fr-(etk 2‘-‘yr. H).\‘., $1.65 No. 2410, two colors, 18 illcltes, 1'51}. lbs.. 36 Point it \; 1; Et t‘ R‘ ‘tr E; 1. 1. ’. K 1. 7. ’. 7» \ No. 3605, on(- volor. 2 foot, _”5u» llnsz, $1.65 No. 3(i()(), two (‘olor.<, 1.’ in(‘,h(:s, Zlslh H)s., $1.65 lb’ Point L kt kt kt kt kt kt kt kt Eff) J‘ \ No, 4.*<()1, (,l](‘7 volor, IR ittttlws, 23;’ ll)s., $1.50 No. «'1.‘~’()_’, two colors, 0 inches, 2% lbs., $1.50 i, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, 4, , K1’, K X1‘;-5 .5 ,4’ ;‘ =““:~“ .‘ ,0 '4) N.‘ .5 2' .5 ;h. =‘ ; .‘ :4 .“ .‘ ‘.~ : BARNHART BROS. dz. SPINDI.,ER’S 638 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE HOLLY ORNAMENTS “Rx pg?’ 1%’ "~‘é.x‘ "~\{: 338-2 121-4 122-4 123-2 124‘2 125'2 369'? jg MORTISED Q w & Orilaorlrllznts W MORTISED 9 366-4 Na 100 Y 367-4 ‘E éuormseo \ MORTlSE » Price per font, one color, 75c. For two colors, $1.50 fig?’ 45% /5 (1% (1% 3% ‘:“§5K\ 548-1 a 184_2 MORTISED H \ MORTISED 182-2 0 Y i / Ornaments 9 V No. 101 Y 18“ \,Z§m ma ’ ]f’* 5§$E§.;Il;dE{ §§§’ »4%§‘ ‘§$# ~aV jyal 49? 79 Price per font, one color, 75¢. F or two colors, $1.50 \ 241-2 242-2 243-2 244-2 245-2 % 41:: 24’ /3 «=/' me *~ (2? #5 ‘Kw K g I 6 Holly W. Ornaments No. 102 %§ 727.2 726-2 mmm Y’ ‘Y WWW y e, %»%g%~:£~’5‘ 1%: Price per font, one color. 31.25 F or two colors, $2.50 The first figure denotes the number of character; the second the number of characters contained in font. These ornaments work in combination with borders shown on opposite page. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 839 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED v—.».~mp.pm;--a---—...,--V...»-_.—~——w—v——4 — ©©©®@@@©@©©©@@@@@©©© @®©@@@@<%f§&20©@@@©@ \ i>\r g®®®@@©©©@®@@®@©@©®®®®@© © 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER l*‘umsr-$l§l;u1k~.. 1.3 .~\, 3 lb», $1.50 lil;mks;1lsu put up in 4‘;? fm-I, _"{ ll», fnlllwzlt $1.50 g©©®@®®©®©@©®©0@®©®©®©©© ©@®®@@©0©®®®®®@8 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER © @@©@©@©@©@@@®@% @®O@®@@@®@ 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER l"«mts(',m1t;1in (Xms, l"i;:111';. ().»\, Wu. Hwy, $2.50 lH2u1k:~;ulx‘<) put upin if:-(:1, 2'51» 11)., tkmts at $1.65 C) ©©®®®®®®®@©© ©©©©©© ©©©©© ©©©@@@©@@@©©@®@@@>©©© © 0 O O 0 ® ® ® © ® ® G) © 0 ® ® 6.3 CD) CD ® 0 6) CD ® ® 6.) 0 © 61) CD 6) ® (3 O O 0 © 8 PASTEL BORDERS I’ R \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page Z. 10 POINT PASTEL BORDER NO. 51 <::R-“"*" 4% feet, 1':‘~{o lbs., $1.40 \( 10 POINT PASTEL BORDER NO. 52 ‘ ‘ I u ' T ‘ 4,’/:3 feet, 1'§Ib lbs., $1.40 18 POINT PASTEL BORDER NO. 53 ‘ 3 feet, 2,’/81bs., $1.30 ‘ ‘ 18 POINT PASTEL BORDER NO. 54 I ' ‘ u-Qllyfu-rt ‘ ‘ 3 feet, 25/s lbs., $1.30 ‘ ’ The above borders register for color work. ( L ‘ —~—-— ~ I POINT-LINE. POINT-SET-.'POIN'I‘—BODY 641 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED METAL BORDER H l'(Iilll .\H. 1: 5)] (1 V’ M4 VF-rii I-1-I h]’ni1|l,\‘(L }i‘\ 121 122 1_»», 7,; 1g»: f'Y"'\I""""I l"('I'[ if Puilll .\<». 3:3 741 /4.’ '24’. P44 L’-3'1 BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER"S (‘>1’) SUPERIOR’ COPF’EF\’"MlXED TYPE ORNAMENTS PAGE ORNAMENTS NO. 57 1111-5 1111-8 1210-8 122-8 123-6 64-8 69-8 125-6 126-6 1212-6 127-8 128-8 5 -(1-6*--fa-«='V“"‘a=»<>;\9«‘,-53,’ Price per font $1.00 PAGE. ORNAMENTS NO. 58 155-4 186—_) 1812-2 1810-4 182-4 153-2 -.-Six‘ r9; ~94 -6‘ 16- <.\<~ 3) -ct ( ef Price per font $1.25 PAGE ORNAMENTS NO. 59 1465-4 244-2 249-2 363-2 ’ =§’>“" - '%612—1 366-1 1610-2 3132-2 ‘ 48%." 41111-2 457-2 488-2 ‘)1 KC‘ ‘[3 '5)’ Price per font $2.25 T111‘ 111411115 111~f1>1‘12 1*;11‘11 11111111-11 (1(:111>t(~, 1111* 1111111b(-1‘ of 1111‘ (‘11211‘21(‘11*1‘: 1111* f1)11mvi11;_» 1111111‘:-,5‘ 111-111111‘ 1111-111111111111 <1f(‘11a1‘21(‘11*1‘.x‘111 font. METAL RULE 5 V0111! P121‘ foot, 7120 (1 Point with .3 point face P01‘ foot, 150 0 PC1111 Pm‘ foot, 151: 13 1’0illt P111‘ foot, .301: T POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 643 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED COMBINATION BORDER NO. 23 61-36 62-36 63-144 124-36 125~36 126-‘I08 v*'"av‘aswvv Price per font. $2.00 E VVVVVVVVYVVVYVVVVVVVVVVYYVVVVVVV = : AAAAAAAAAAAAAAALAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA E ‘3‘-\ 3? Price per font. 32.00 ’\V Eta» ORNAMENTS NO. 60 431" 482-2 43% 2 434-1 i i Price per font, 50 cents. Single characters. 20 cents each. ORNAMENTS NO. 61 Price per font, 80 cents. Single characters. 25 cents each. The figures before each hyphen denote number of the CIl2ll'&l(‘,I(‘,l'; the followim: figlxretlwnumberof(:112u'a(tte1‘s oontaim.-d in font. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S (SH SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEW ART CORNERS AND ORNAMENTS CHARACTERS 6001-20C 60OQ—2OC 6003—2OC 6004-200 6005-200 6007-20C 6006-200 Lax W 48o1-2oc 6008-200 6009-200 6010-200 6011-200 6012-2oc 6013-200 6014-200 "E 98 Above characters register for color work. A%~Jm QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 645 BORDER NO. 49 CHARACTERS 56-8 51-8 62-12 \>§—h um-A H/'4 >9-3 ‘ fiwh -— -- ——§:--— nu :— ——f"§ -—'§- §{- -—T -— at: 1.;-1 6-3‘6 60-4 f)1'4 h 4-? n"r—h \/"\/' 2-‘ 69‘? 6/-4 my»: mu: 70-2 75-1 H-1 x1.;» ,';».'2 «'44 ¢;—1 53‘? 59-2 § xx u g % i 80-1 E Price per font. $3.90 Irhl‘first1i},1l1H'S(|('lIHl('HM‘lllllll|)(‘l‘()f(‘}l£ll‘£l(‘((‘l'll]l(*S('(‘()ll(llh(‘lIllHll)(’|' of r‘|mr;1(~,t¢-rs (‘.()lIl&1ilH'(1illfnlll. BARNHART BROS. 8:. SP[NDLER'S (3-HS SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEW ART 90 CHARACTERS I :~s 3 1.: +1 ‘r. ;-; 1 ‘-4 24-4 4-6 :=—;» out, ‘.~1'(>' I43-2 IU--I II>~l I>'—'J I5-6 I-9"-I I 11-4 1*- Pricc per font, $3.95 'I 11¢‘ IIINI II}_'llI‘(‘ (I(‘ll()I(‘.\' IIH‘ 1111mI>¢-r of (‘I12u‘zu‘I<*r; 1In- xvcuml tho’ nnmln-I‘ n1'<‘I1;11‘21<‘1v1's(‘rmtaint-(I in font. (SI? QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY C()MBlNATl()N B()Rl)ERS ‘ -J’ L3 \ 1» r C*."j£.%'.*3C9.QDC9Q@.C9E*’jf*J (f()MBlN/\'l‘l()N B()Rl)l£R N(). 115 '@fi N C) M $3‘ 2% xi {-1 3%’ S I Vuuc pm tum. $23 (H) 5 1 ll“¢H‘}1ll\[I|lIlIIII’HHl¢'11H’HlHH'H‘! mt lfxv 8 T 'Z§i Z35 §% .W§ VIN T‘ -< ~ ad! )‘ J, \ S? ‘ T T 5 I (,‘.()MBlN/\'l‘l()N BORDER N(). 119 ‘V: N 0 :21 an ‘ an‘ mm W ' 0,1 A s Plin } |nn1.$2.00 fi 4 @0369 Q0 ‘ @059 nt marl: l1\|>}II‘llll4'llHI¢‘ Ilw Humhm <-1‘ Ilnr r‘ln.u.u‘lr'I 1 the’ 1pmxi1n:ct-.-: S(’(’ 1>;1;.'t’J Five and 0ne~}1alf Feet 3 Point Borders ‘$1., 1b_~;_, $1.50 flUwaww5 ‘ 3 o:>o<>oc>o<>o<:>o ozocotocozo 0 § NO. M E) No, 15 3 NO. 1.‘; O . N0, 13 O 8 : o o o o o 0 Above 3 Point Borders are also cast 0116 Point Body. 5 feet, 15w lbs.. $1.50 6 Point Borders 1 51o lbs‘... $1.50 00000000000000: 00000 00‘ 3 No. 653 i No. 31: N0. 651 Five Feet Pom‘ and one—l1;1lf Feet 12 Point Borders 3121 lbs., $1.50 ?><><><><><><><>g 0100010 I u u n u n n J__ No. 1310 ._.... f—' .4 N0.1l11 I 2% lbs., $1.30 8<><><><><><><><><> 000000000 No. 121.’ No. 1207 000000008 999999999 0 NMW 9 Nmm 9 oocoooooo 9 9 o Nww 0 T1'”5‘>‘ F001 18 Point Borders 8000000008 300000000 V'- Z I I I No. 1809 No. 1810 Mm C> Nmm 4. CICJEJIZIEJDCIEJCICI IIIIIIIIII E] [3 II w’ II No. _ .\.'0.181l Three Feet 24 Point Borders 2'~‘u. lbs., $1.65 000 000 on one '.\o 2411 No. 2415 No. 2413 No. 2414 6482» QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY Qaoooooomaa<>@@®e@o@@aa@@o@@@@@a©@ooooooQ© cs>®®©@ cs) Qo®®®ooooQQ OOO©00000®©®®@O0O00O0.00 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 2 ape. and l‘1;:11r(:s. 12 A, _’ lbs., $1.50 "/> t fonts, ”/1 H)s., $1.50 OOOOOOOO OOOOOOO ®®©®O00®O0060G0.00®©®©O ®®@®O®®©©®®®®®O 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 2 ' nts(‘()nt;1in (Taps and l*‘i;:l11'c.<.. 7 A, 31”} lbs., $2.00 lihmks‘ in 3 foot fonts, 3%; lhs., $1.30 O OOO®®®©®®@®OOOO O©@®©®®®CS)O8 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 2 G I’ 1111 ts contain (laps and 1<'i;z11rcs. 5 A, 3'5u; lbs., $2.50 l’>l;1nks in 3 oooooooo ts, 2'§iE»1bs., $1.65 0 QQQQQ OOOOOOO QQooooo@@@ee@o©@@@@o@«m e <3 cm eooam@€%>@o<>oooQ B A R N H A R T B R O S & S P I N D L E R S S U P E R 1 O R C O P P E R M I X E D T Y PE .00ooouoaaeoeoaeeoacaoeeeoaeca«seem»0«Q. POlNT—LlNE. F’OlNT—SET. POINT-BODY tH.‘~’(' Eo“~ \ lggfomemeoe \\»1_»2~.1~, :m~ ’)1:s_~, .:1v .\'~ vE~\1!Ex=L'."1 w~,;4* O 4» E PATFNT APPLED FOR 0GJG09CD@000€DO0G0(DG)(D@0G®0 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 3 l'HIl[~+(‘<,)Il1(1iIl (‘;um.'u1d l"im1x<-rs. ISA, _’lbs._ $1.50 l’.1;1nk\ in -1’; foot ft_)1]l~», 31.; H>.~:., $1.50 000000000 3 § % OD G 0 G 9 0 Q 0 6 9 0 O Q 9 9 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 3 l*mx1~» mm ;' (fans .'111d l"ip111‘t‘s. 7 .»\,313n.llv>;.,$2.00 Ii; \z<;i11j>’ that 1‘ont~s, 2‘ f; lbs., $1.30 000000 00000 flD0000@00G00€D@06G 00©@®0QOG@03 0 0 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 3 l*<>nt>,(‘n11t;1iI1(‘;ms;u1<1l*‘i;;nH*s. 5 A. 3'‘:’In 11>-*‘%.. $2-50 lil;t11lm in 3 {mm fontss, ..":1n ll)», $1.65 0 0Q0@©@090G@0 .00000GOG@0|DOG0600G€DOG0@@00. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Qoooemooeooomoeoooaoowooeoofi. .000ouaaaaeeeoomcomeoeeaeoacaeooocaaucu. \o“ C05” IAIIDIISIITIIYIILIIEJ IQIIOIIRIIDIIEJIRIIS1 ‘KM \\'<-ightk. Imrl l’ri« vs givvn are Appru.\in|;1!t-2 961- |).'1gL- J. [:|Ejflmlmlfilrmmmrmmr1r:flIfi1I6II§1r1IEIr1r§Ifi=1mrfiIr:iIItIr€Irr?Ir1[]|:| PATENT APPLIED FOR __I ll IITIIHIIEII IIPIIEIIOIIPIILIIEIISTI |ISlITl|OllRllEll§1| ll 1 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 4 Fonts (‘ontuin (laps and Figur 12 A, 2 lbs., $1.50 Mzmks i114,'2 foot fonts‘, -0 lbs., $1.50 HI 1! II II 1| II III ll ll ILII II I L IILIIAIIRIIGIIEIISIWL IIIIINII IWLHJIEII IIWIIOIIRIILIIDII 1 HEEEHEDEIEEEEE 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 4 l Fonts contain C; 3 and Fignx' 7 A, 3', 1?. lbs., $2.00 E D Blanks ' foot fonts, - lbs., $1.30 E C|E][§IE]E>]EE]E]E1]E>]EQll§]lE]CI[]El HEEEEDEEHEE 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 4 D Fonts contain Caps and 1*‘igure.. A, 3'~5ii» lbs., $2.50 ‘ Blanks in 3 foot fonts, - ; C bs., $1.30 D D U D D U DEEEDEQIIEED [:_IL 11 ImIvm=n:~:u IIFIIOIIUIINIIDIIEIIRIISWI u IICIIHIIIIICIIAIIGIIOJI IL 1:“: BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 648d SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Dl II II II IL IIWIINIMPIIIJIVWI ll|"l[f'1ll|"1ll-1llV>l| IIUIIFHLUIIPIIWILEII l|¢"ll-llfillf-4]l°lff‘1l[|'_'llfilL H II Tl H I BEL H H H H II |f|"1}[:lJl-:w\1§I:.u.‘.r_‘: wrr ;uI's" ’ -llammmmmmIr§1I:m1sill:a[:um[aI3I3I.- PATFNT APPLIED FOR IIIEEEEIBEWMEEIBEBEEIIII 12 POINT ADSTYLF, BORDER No. 5 I‘()III\(‘()I1IilIII (IIIl).k\((IIl(l I“i;zn1’<-s. I3.-X, _’1I>s.. $1.50 I3I;mI.<., $1.50 IIBEBETHEEEIDEIIEGEBII IIJISBIBEIIESIIIIEDEIIIHESIII I‘()I1I‘»l“()Il[2tIIl(\1lI)S£I.Il(II"IL1lII'(‘>%. 7 A. 3' u. II>s., $2.00 = 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 5 I - IiI;mI\'.xin§$f(>ult‘m1ts. 3'2 II>,~4.,$1.30 I EDIIIEEJIEIEJIIDIEESIEIBI . 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 5 - 1901115 (‘HHIZIIII (‘ups and I*'i;:111'(‘s. 5 A, 315“. Ihsx. $2.50 I‘.I;mksin_‘)foo1fonts. _H‘:Iu II)S., $1.65 Illmlzlfimmmmlamallmnmamllfl QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Illllllltma -IIllllzamaanImiarmamlamammealnaaanrmhtmlulllfl POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. F-’OINT—BODY !iI.\’t- o@<>®o¢®<>®©<><><><><>o<><>(> E <><><><><><><><><~><~><«><>©<~:~><>®<>®<~><><~> NHA ®<>>®<><:> -I ' " ~ <»>®<><=:>® OOO®®®®®®®©O®O©®®®®©©OO8 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 6 Figures. , 2 lbs., $1.50 fonts, 2% lbs., $1.50 0 Fonts contain Caps and O O Blzmks in 4% foot 0 ©®®®®®®O®®©©©©©O®®®®®® 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 6 . . :1 ( ‘1$1lll‘0S. , 3%. lbs., $2.00 ' I 9' 3 foot fonts, 2%; lbs., $1.30 8<><><\><>®<'>©®©®<“><>§ 8 <> <> <> <> <> 0 oo©®©©©®®o©©ooo gO®©®®®®®®OO 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 6 Fonts contain Caps and l“i;1uros 5 A, 3"/6 lbs., $2.50 . ks ' a - '/l 111111111111111111 ts, 2‘,5{o lbs., $1.65 CXVO <)<>ooooo<>®©®©o©@®@©o©@©©®@o©e®e©@©®oooo OO®®©©®O©©O8 <><><><><=><:><>¢><<><><»><>><-:>®<9<><><¢<><¢<::>¢><>><><><> S U P E R I O R C O P P E R M I X E D T Y PE. <><>®<>®<><:«><<>©<>©<><:><=><><~><><>®<><>8 <> 0000000 \/ siggtooooeoo Q00000000090000009000000000” P A T E N T A P P L l E D F OR 099900000000000900009990 12 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 7 Fonts contain Caps and Figures. 12 A, 2 lbs., $1.50 : Blanks in 4%» foot fonts, 2% lbs., $1.50 9009999 00900000000000000009999 18 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 7 Fonts contain Caps and Figures. 7 A, 3‘/I/6 lbs., $2.00 Blanks in 3 foot fonts, 2%; lbs., $1.30 § 9 ¢o0ooeooe¢o¢eo¢ 00000000 24 POINT ADSTYLE BORDER No. 7 Fonts contain Caps and Fig111'es. 5 A, 3';"»1é, lbs., $2.50 Blanks in 3 foot fonts, 2’-501% lbs., $1.65 §00000900000000: 9 9 00009000009 Q90000090000000099000000099 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 648;! QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Qoooooowooooeoeeeooaeeeooeeeeaoeooooooo :99»oooooeeeoeooeooeoeooeooeeooooaoooooo |[§I@|[JI@I@l -s‘~i!":.'*-zC~ ~»\\ \ 1023-75c 1017-60c 10.36-SOC _I__ 5-—-—% l024—75c Above prices include both (inn and Base. 1016-60c l025—75c BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S (H811 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CHARACTERS " POIN'T~_l T M — ~ -» ~ V , - 4‘ _ L NE... wonwr mqr‘ POINT BODY CDUALITN AND }—-I.’\Jl5H UNE_QLJALE;T[.) SCROLL BORDER NO. so \‘ 6 a 61-12 62-12 63-20 64-25 65-30 66-32 67-4 — 1 1 R T T dfv» 2413-2 2414-2 2416-2 2415-2 88-2 129-4 3612-2 1210-2 1211-2 3017-2 3619-2 8621-2 3018-2 4822-2 3624-1 4623-2 MORTISED Movmseo Price per font. $3.25 The figures before each hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. ‘?f' SPECIAL CHARACTERS 841-250 842-250 MORT|8ED MORTISED MORTIBEO MORTISED 601-400 961-300 982-30c BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 650 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE SCROLL BORDER 41-12 44-24 45-6 46-6 42-12 43-4 47-10 68-4 69-4 610-20 —-._..._..-111A; j 916-4 1014-4 411-30 412-30 413-30 1015-4 917-4 ( 1833-2 1822-4 1219-6 1218-12 1828-2 1821-6 1220-6 1823-4 1834-2 3631-2 1824-4 1826-2 3029-2 3030-2 1827-2 1825-4 3632-2 1 1 7V‘$"r$g§,f'?,g3?4v-"?”§§ 1 Price per font. $2.00 The ti;.411rvs before the hyphen denote 1111111bc1‘ of the character, the following f1L’11I'(,‘ the11111111):-1'ofclutractters co11tai11cdinfont. :——:——::. 41-12 44-24 46-6 42-12 43-4 47-10 68-4 69-4 410-20 fi~p —‘-3 ‘IF. -‘.- I---I 413-30 1015-4 917-2 1L“f1L --I-IIIIIIIII I--IIIII--I I-----IIII IIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIII.--I Jr“~Jr 3025-2 1219-6 1218-12 1822-2 1224-2 1823-2 1221-4 1220-6 3026-2 f'l‘\r-L-1I\A“I 4833-2 3627-2 3629-2 3630-2 3628-2 4834-2 3632-2 C./"”‘/"’”"§"".~)W Price per font, $2.00 The fi;:111'(-gs‘ before the 11y1)11e11 denote m1mbc1' of the Cllaractcl‘, the following tigllrc the m11nh(-1* of C11£iI‘£iCt(*.1‘S CL)I1t£i1I1e(1iI1 font. 1 A QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED by POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY (3.31 SCROLL BORDER NUMBER 54 CHARACTERS 820-8 818-12 819-8 — 1812-1 1813-1 1814-4 189-1 1810-1 1818-1 1815-1 1882-2 1822-1 1811-2 1828-1 1883-2 3630-1 8884-1 8831-1 8828-1 3624-1 8821-2 3625-1 8827-1 7235-1 6028-1 6029-1 7288-1 MORTISED .4 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the charact'(3r, the following figure the number of ch2u‘acters contained in font. Price per font, $2.85 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S (352 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE SCROLL BORDER NUMBER 55 CHARACTERS 61-8 63-4 617-16 84-2 85-2 820-8 818-8 1812-1 1813-1 1814-4 189-1 1811-2 1810-1 1616-1 ‘1815-1 1832-2 3645-1 1833-2 7246-1 7243-1 7244-1 7241-1 7242-1 7247-1 j j MOHTISED MORTISED 3637-2 3621-2 3638-2 9648-1 ‘ N F 9649-1 6039-1 6040-1 TISED R MORT1bED MO 0. Price per font, $3.00 The figtlres before the hyphen denote m111‘1bex' of the Character, the following: figure the m1u1he1‘ of <:har;1cte1's Contained in font. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 6.133 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BORDERS pl 7! 7 UTILITY BORDER NO. 51 6 -8 4-8 65-16 66-4 67-4 61-8 62-8 68-6 69-6 610-4 11-4 1- 3r 6r; /r e A , ,. // \\ K. .\ 612-4 613-4 614-4 615-4 616-4 617-4 618-24 619-4 620-4 V :7 K2: |:’/ x V ~ to 1.361118 /pica; 111cl11s1\'e. ['\__T 9! <7 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED UTILITY ORNAMENTS CHARACTERS 483—20L 484-20( 601-ZUL 602‘2UL 1209-251 12010~25u O fl I’ \ F l . 967-261 968-250 485-209 486-209 é ; 7213-25(; 4811—20(. 4312-209 7214-25(, W iv *\~ 7217-25L 7218-250 )1’ W VVl1ilt: not :1 part of the Utility ll()l‘(l(:I' series, they will justify with the ‘ various l)()I‘(l(,‘l' (‘.ll2.1I‘i1Cl(.‘l‘.’\‘. ' S I BARNHART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S (‘>56 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MAZARIN O O L g ’“ I 'I' CHARACTERS 6 «rt 45' "" | s G s G s V g \" \" 9» 9» K 3 181-4 182-3 183-3 184-4 185-4 366-8 367-8 368~8 369-8 3610-8 3611-4 3612-8 3614-2 8 '9'. \,,";:'5>§”’%;>; W V":":““(f11)’fio 1 ‘ 1 '*‘ )0 Q Q 36 3-2 48 8-2 36 5' f 1 1‘ 1 A‘ 1 1 ";’/.v\1$:,v5") -1‘ I 1-‘ 672 ") .9 ‘ . W (R M‘ . 1 a =35. ‘ 4 1 OK L)‘ ‘[7 $3’ .; Price per font. $2.00 The fiszurcs before t11e11yp11c11 denote n11u1b(:r of the char- acter, the following figure the nulnber of C11al'21Ct(3l'S contained in font. I 6 1 ‘ q'’< q’< POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 6:37 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED RECHERCHE BORDER NO. 10 @ 2&3 x?‘ @ CHARACTERS O 4836-1 3618-1 3619-1 4837-1 0‘! Price per font, $3.65 The fiullrcs before the llyplntrn denote I111lllb(!l‘ of the C})21l‘ZlCt(3I‘, the following fiutlrc the nulnbcr of c11;11'21ct(:rs (tmxtaimrd in font. § €83 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 658 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE J“? COMBINATION BORDER NO. 116 T 122-8 123-8 124-8 125-8 126-8 128-8 127-4 129-8 1210-2 1211-2 1212-8 I J lI—r:E| 1:-_——:—-:1 ~———-:::: 1::_-T—————- - ' 3018-2 2414-4 2413-4 3015-4 3016-4 3017-4 3019-2 LEE. I E93 SKI Price per font. $2.15 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, W the following figure the number of characters contained in font. B L— :1 u———u-n :1 Ir-n————Jr-1i'u_ir-II gr-JiE1HI————Il-Ji'ETr-1F————ji1:_1l ——-4 ‘ |--—-I éd 3...: I.—_I |.—.I I._..l Can be used with Combination Borders N 117 MORTISED O8. 116 and fil ORNAMENTS NO. 118 481-200 482-200 RT|SED MORTISED MORTISED 806-20C @530 604-200 I:—EIl§1E1|'g']t:—;——_1J_3 Font containing two of each character, 75c. COMBINATION BORDER NO. 117 1 1 1 ll 121-12 122-12 123-8 124-6 126-6 127-8 128-8 I I El E1 5% $1 %=' 129-8 1210-5 1211-8 1212-2 1213-2 3618-2 3014-4 2415-4 185-4 3016-4 3617-2 ° = ‘:=: ' P I ' I. I =@ “ MORTISED ll MORTISED Price per font, $2.25 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. Eaéacsaua-Ee-=1-racapnae-——: POINT-LINE. POII\I'I‘—SE‘I‘. POINT-BODY 659 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Ii BARNI-IART BROS. 6:. SPIl\IDLER’S 660 N‘ ‘- OD“ GARLAND ' / " ORNAMENTS ‘”‘*;\-“" OUTLINE GARLAND ORNAMENTS NO. 54 1816-2 1817-2 1210-8 1211-8 128-4 61-4 62-8 63-4 64-4 65-4 66-4 67-8 129-4 1212-4 1213-4 1814:é4 S15-4 -.e - - 2 - as 67 I M M ezee see 1 ,4. .2-. .2 '- -' -$. .8!‘ ‘*6. 313 us? ‘in Ms 6. cm 6 W W MORTISED MORTISED MORTISED Price per font. 75c MORTISEO GARLAND ORNAMENTS NO. 51 1816-2 1817-2 1210-8 1211-8 128-4 61-4 62-8 - 63;; 65-4 66-4 67-8‘ 129-4 1212-4 1213-4 1814-; :15-4 .- -' -9 112 N» (-1-ze .u‘.‘‘' "6. 8'?‘ ‘£1 319 1 6" "$1 .8‘ *6. W W MORTISED uosmseo W W MORTIBED Price per font. 75¢ MORTISED -.e 9.‘ ~e .9- 8!‘ .. ‘*6. .83‘ "*' . cm not w W 1}» 6 W .02 OUTLINE GARLAND ORNAMENTS NO. 55 121-4 122-4 124-2 125-2 249-2 123-2 1218-2 126-2 128-2 127-4 '$W‘*’W"""“*'§1g11§€>I§;?'§§2§~I -4 3616-2 2410-4 2412-2 2413-2 2411-4 3617-2 3615-4 _¢'I‘-"4 , '12? 59536 __ -§1'§t_ .@ .02 ii?’ mo $10 6. 6. My MORTISED MORTISED MORTISED MORTISED MORTISED MORTISED W Price per font, $1.00 3214 MORTISED GARLAND ORNAMENTS NO. 52 121-4 122-4 124-2 125-2 249-2 123-2 1218-2 126-2 128-2 127-4 «M M» I 1 1* 3614; . 3616-2 2411;: 2412-2 2413-2 £1-4 3617-2 3615-4 12.9 yr’-* 12:3 .«£<’- -3. 3-41. =23». Morrrlseo . . . I MORTISED ‘.’ MORTIOED Monnaao MORTISED MORTISED MORTIBED Price per font, $1.00 The figures before the hyph denote number of the character, the following figure the nu er of characters contained in font. These Ornaments will work in combination with 6 point Borders No. 321, 322; 12 point Borders No. 439, 440. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 3%? W Q04 “.04 304 “.0? E04 “.04 E04 W Q04 2:04 W W W M POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 661 OUTLINE GARLAND NO. 56 figs, $82 §§f@ W ~~~~~~ 5° W W We ””"m .. s . Mg 42%; $9» .§%° mmxo W WW”®WMfi r ‘W ‘W Price per font, $1.30 3% S63 . mm W ~~~~~~ mm 541 - 0 00y‘ GARLAND ORNAMENTS NO. 53 .I2.’<3 3=‘.§s. E35 $19 0? .z2,?<”~ ~'>5§s. cf ~~~~~~ w ‘xv to; *5 7* W or ~~~~~~ H» '\B! MMMMMM .. ooooo arm! % W W Price, per font, $1.30 s e 1 o - 4 3 3 9 -2 _;,°.?- 1? MMMMMM ED -‘.9’ W W “““““ ” The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. These ornaments work in combination with Borders No. 521 and 522 oqo o o € W 9 1?? ° ° Qoi ofijofifij o o °:°:°: t :°:° °:° 0:010: %%%%%%§%%%%%9 &° . on M 50 @ fl @ @ @ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BORDER NO. 3 ‘W1 ./ I‘ 1% ‘ ~ ' V, ,,,,z,,,_~ ‘am 1 “ . -- 1-‘ 1:; _~)~\/2 #1:‘: .w; = 3‘: 7 _.=‘3~ ,-; 1; F- , vi‘.-. _‘ "r.':'\v -.19 Price per font, $2.20 The 1131111123 1)(!f()l‘(! : l)'[)1l(‘I1 dmlotc n111nb<:r of the chzu‘;1(‘,t¢-1‘, ‘ the follnwi11g 111111115 2111111111121‘ of (:l1a1‘21(:t(:1's 011111211111,-d i11 font. *3’ \?_ 3' 41' ’ -‘ I VZI]-[4 245-12 121-24 244-14 123-18 II Price per font. $2.00 The 11L,'1ll'(.'S bcfon:thel1ypl1(:11(l(:11otc n111nh(:' t11(:(:11a1';1ct(,-1', th.c f0ll0w1'11u 1'1;:111'c the 1111111h(:r ‘ J C1laI‘aCt(:l'S co11ta1m,-(1 in font. COMBINATION ~ ORNAMENTS NO. 20 ’5fi©@’/fl©®V&Q®@fi,©Q‘@Q©Q@d©\‘@dQQ’5<% *1 s§1 1 ':%;r :1 122 2' g; . \\‘ Pnce per font, $2.00 R The figulrtas before the hypl1(.-11 dz,-m : 1u1nh(.2r of the cl1zn'actc1', the f0lI<1wi11;1 11111110 the 11111111101‘ of ‘ 21'z1ct(e1's cmxtaim.-(.1 in font. Kg 4; 22 iixxxzxzxflxzxfi1«1«1«1%1«1«111«§§ BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S (3023 \(B’@2\\\\"@ /,§\‘ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE VERONESE OUTLINE ORNAMENTS b m H’ a " % O MORTISED 181-8 122-8 246-4 185-6 Price per font, $2.00 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. \ / VERONESE ORNAMENTS 183-4 607-4 184-4 0 MORTISED 181-8 122-8 246-4 185-6 @@-L f L) Price per font. $2.00 K W D ‘ The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, ' the following figure the number of characters contained in font. _ _4 ..1@@aL_. \ _ I‘ J L? POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 663 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED _ _,;_,é«» +%<.Fg4H._ +%4_%+.,_ CHARACTERS 95 314-4 315-4 33-2 34-2 37-2 36-2 35-2 68-4 69-4 610-2 f —~- >3 ¢oo——~ ~ K9—--~ .___.¢———/.\ - _*2x:- .&—.___J_ 4., . ;Y4 ._\."’£. .' /A\ 71%‘ 1 1227-1 1216-2 1217-2 1218-2 1219-2 1220-2 1221-4 1222-2 1223-4 1226-1 £ ' V 4/ . .316 (:1; 1 % \ 0‘ z E R‘ ' “ 1228-1 1224-1 1226-1 1229-1 613-2 2430-1 611-2 612-2 1232-1 2431-4 1233-1 1 '/ Q Tfi & , ‘ 1 2 1. i *2!‘ —a fr. Price. per font, 90 cents The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, 1. the following figure the number of characters contained in font. 1; I’ \ - ORNAMENTS ‘6; NUMBER 72 CHARACTERS 126-4 61-8’ 63-8 62-8 127-4 ,\®, .~»x«:-. —»,=.©—~ A"/.'. 1213-2 2419-2 1214-2 4820-1 1211-2 1212-2 1217-2 128-2 1215-1 1 O ' $3 Price. per font, $1.00 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, , the following figure the number of characters contained in font. ’ g ( BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 664 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE COMBINATION BORDER NO. 21 Price per font, $2.00 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figures the number of characters contained in font. CHARACTERS WV 1217-2 1218-2 01-4 62-12 03-12 04-14 12/7-2 128-2 129-2 '——:" :_-..°.-_-:.;_-. —-—_—_ \/ 1216-2 1215-12 126-4 1221-12 1220-2 ‘ X “/——"/ 2 W *\—\‘x _ 2411-2 2410-2 1213-2 1214-2 1219-2 2412°2 @\ \\@/J /‘r—/— —x'‘\-\- eyg <67 3% @\ Price per font, $2.00 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figures the number of characters contained in font. “%\-/ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 665 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NUMBER 71 CHARACTERS Price per font. $1.00 @ The figlxrtrs before the hyphen dunotc number of the c11;1ract(:r, ‘I th(.:fo1lowin;,z fis:11rc the number of (:hzu';1(:t1:1‘.~; containted in font. $4 P C 15“ 1 *1 fig 6011-1 6010-1 6012-1 Price per font, $1.00 Theii;1111'(rsbeforethchyphcn denote nunlbt-.r of the C}1zn‘z1Ctcr, the following figllro tho nn1nbm' of (‘.11£lI‘2i(‘,t(:I‘S (tolxtuillml in font. 1 ” BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLER’S 666 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NUMBER 63 3) CV 121-4 L/é 248- 1 4814-1 122-1 123-2 CHARACTERS 124-1 125-2 C9\_5?__/c=)E- 2411-1 -§§- 3612-1 % The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. wk it Price per font, $1.00 3’//7 249-4 2410-2 %§§§aI E éé §§;§é 3613-4 4815-4 W A ORNAMENTS I’ \ co //\ ‘WEN NUMBER 64 489-1 The figures before the hyphen denote number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. CHARACTERS 125-1 Price per font, 80c 123-1 244-1 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POII\IT- BODY 667 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED DISPLAY ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS NO. 83 816 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 121 122 123 124 1225 At ‘M-I + t 9 N .3 N .3 § 3 T It Q’? 125 128 127 128 129 1210 1211 1212 1213 1214 1215 N :3 433:: «$12.. 1' 5 X )5 599 “X ‘X9 Price per font, 75c Font contains four of each character. ORNAMENTS NO. 80 187-2 188'2 181'4 182-4 133-4 134-4 1814-2 1315'2 185-2 188-2 139'4 1810-4 1811"2 1812'2 1813'4 Price per font, 75c The figures before the hyphen denote the number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. ORNAMENTS NO. 81 '-‘$4 242-4 243-4 244-4 249-4 2413-4 2410-4 2411-2 2412-2 243-1 247-1 245-2 246-2 A’ axe. Ax, - .£ Price per font, 85¢ The figures before the hyphen denote the number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. ORNAMENTS NO. 79 2413 181 242 243 244 245 249 2412 2411 248 247 2410 3817 3818 2414 2415 . 7‘ lo Price per font, 75c Font contains one of each character. BARNHART BROS. & SF-"INDLER’S 668 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE DISPLAY — Q ORNAMENTS ORNAMENTS NO. 77 121-2 122-2 123-2 184-2 185-2 186-2 187-1 188-1 189-1 33 Q‘ 4% at?’ 7@ jg‘) ‘>36’ §. 2410-1 2411-1 2412-1 2413-1 2414-1 2415-1 2416-1 2417-1 2418-1 2419-1 .§.1%9%?e3?‘3§‘>§~$$a%1*4 30 Point 36 Point 48 Point ,, ORNAMENTS NO. 30 ‘N Vveights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. 8 Point Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 CHARACTERS 3/; 1b., 50c 6 7 1 9? 8» 3.- '%o lb., 50c éezfia Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 4 A Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 § 3 4 5 Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 2 3 6 3 4 3 *2 .4 Jo 3? 10 Point Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 -J-§3e.$<..€.s°e 6 JD vl-§>> $1» «a «as 1» ea 4% .36 {T 5;, $1 -1- 1 2% % >%> 18 POINT 18 POINT as POINT $1)» 1% 41% $1. * Q 24 POINT % . * % %*‘ 24 POINT 24 POINT I E; $34 I BE? <3%1§l%°<> Price per font, 50c Price per font, 60c ‘ ORNAMENTS NO. 68 ORNAMENTS NO‘ 60 8 POINT 48 POINT 10 POINT 18 Pen" 43 POINT -I. -:- + ,3. _;, ,(. 4 I * F. % .¢‘;);>. I 18 POINT A‘* ‘K‘ 5% 12 POINT I 9 ' O,‘ .3. 30 POINT I + . + .}‘ 4' 36 POINT ‘ ’ 24 POINT 30 POINT 20 POINT 4,%o.:.o%s +'I°+ $%<>:»’- ‘W -mt» °*|+|>=° °%l+l>*' 9 POINT ‘I’ Price per font, 65c ORNAMENTS NUMBER 84 bc 723-25c 3613-16c 725-250 728-250 6016-250 601-20c 602-20c 6016-250 1 %%‘ ‘<>X‘% 7211-250 7212-25c 3614-15c 728-250 72 7-25c Price per font, $1.25 Fonts contain one of each character. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 671 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED DISPLAY ORNAMENTS NO. 75 ORNAMENTS 65-1 66-1 63-2 61-16 62-8 64-2 67-1 68-‘! _......n1 Ann......_ 4 3/-lg /-«raw mum"-\ 1210-1 1211-1 1212-1 1213-1 129-2 1216-1 9!? 916 f % 1216-1 Price per font. 60c 1217-1 The figures before the hyphen denote the number of the character, the following figure the number of characters contained in font. ORNAMENTS NO. 74 61 62 63 64 85 66 67 68 69 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 "~”"“-1 —'-'“""""‘ ‘'‘’‘‘i j‘‘’‘'‘’ __...-nan‘ Ifina-._. --—----III“ ‘WI-----—— 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 °"""'*' "““-’° L... __.//_._’_2" ..-1.. ______—_ —-an 826 Price per font. 60c 626 "*3 Font contains one of each character. ORNAMENTS NO. 73 327 628 629 630 33‘ 632 633 634 ..__—u:\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ IIIIIIIIIIIII:-—.._ /vv ~ 337 638 639 . 640 1241 1242 1245 1246 1247 1243 1243 1244 636 Price per font. 60¢ 636 . Font contains one of each character. {L ORNAMENTS NO. 76 243 243 364 /1 , \\“ 242 ‘S of 35 Price per font. 50c Font contains two of each character. BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 672 .\\ SUPERIOR MORTISED COPPER-MIXED TYPE ORNAMENTS Per font, containing one character of each, 60c. Single characters, 25¢ each. MIDWAY MIDGETS SERIES NO. 1 Small Font Series No. 1, containing one character each, $1.50. Single characters, 60 point bodies, 20¢ each; 72 point bodies, 25¢ each. POINT-LINE. POI NT- SET. POINT- BODY ‘{ l ; I ! i 4 i I I E i l 5 I l y l 1 I l SERIES NO. 2 Small Font Series No. 2, containing one character each, $1.30. Single characters, 60 point bodies, 20¢ each; 72 point bodies, 25¢ each. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING ORNAMENTS GLIDERS 726-250 727-250 805-200 603-20C 361-150 482-200 604-20C 728-25C 729-25C , J - Per font, containing one character of each, 60c DELSARTES 721-250 722-250 728-250 724-250 728-25 725-25C 723-250 727-250 729-25C 7210-25C Per font, containing one character of each, 75c 725'25C 604-20C BIKES Per font, containing one character of each, $1.00 KICKERS 482-20C 483-200 484-200 485-200 486-200 487-200 K. Per font, containing one character of each, $1.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLE.R’S 674 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE \ ADVERTISING -» ORNAMENTS BROWNIES 307-106 368-150 369-150 306-100 245-100 183-6C 242-10C 244-10C 7217-250 7218-256 7215-25C 6014-20C /4? L6 :3,’ «Z\ Zia \ W I: K; 4811-200 4812-206 CHICKS 6011-20C 723-250 726-250 724-250 721-250 Per font, containing one character of each, $1.25 CUPIDS 724-250 721-250 722-250 723-250 7211-25C 729-25C 725450 7210-25c Per font, containing one character each, $1.10 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 675 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING ORNAMENTS \/" I’ \ g\O9 COD” 1' 9°? :9 '\ 9 AFRICANI /210 7211 §1t‘11m?1i’1f9i Per font, containing two CIl£iI'2lC1¢‘l'S of encli, 75c. Single ch2u'act(:rs 25c each. THE DARKTOWN NINE 7210 Per font, containing one character of each, $1.00. Single characters 25c each. CONVINCERS 724 7211 Per font, containing one character of each, 75c. Single characters 25¢ each. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE.R’S 676 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Per font, containing one character of each, 75c. Single characters, 25c each. 361-150 JIM CROWS 7212-250 7210-250 7211-250 725-250 728-25c 727-25c 606-200 604-200 482-206 Per font, containing one character of each, 75c. JESTERS MEPHISTOS 721 f Per font, containing one character of each, 50c. Single characters, 25c each. Per font, containing two characters of each, 50c. Single characters, 20¢ each. 726-250 729-250 724-250 Per font, containing one character of each, $1.00 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 677 QUALITY 727-250 a D 728-25C 605-20C 4810-20C AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING " "‘ ORNAMENTS AUTOS AND HORSES 842-250 841-250 723-250 844-250 Per font, containing one character of each $1.00 OLYMPICS 725-25C 721-250 723-250 722-250 607-200 726-250 724-25C JINGOS 721-250 722-250 726-250 724-25C 725-250 723-250 483-200 GRIFFINS 484-zoo 728-25C 725*25C 726—25C 727-25C ,3» l’r’"h§§P"\‘ .__ _...3\._ 608-200 609-200 6010~2OC ‘MM Per font, containing one character of each, 75c I: I 1 2 481~20c ;' 482-200 wear‘ “NunuW;'4e>Iu%Nh"v‘ . IX‘_ " + . Per font, containing: one character of each, 75c BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 678 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE 1 R SUNDRIES OUTLINE STARS MOON IES fig? 513% i?61* *81* fi101fi 301 :1.%£«i‘z%£. Fonts containing four of each size, 50c FIVE POINTED STARS 121 71 61 51 52 101 122 * * «k t * 16: 8*‘ % * * 481 241 141 | 301 242 181 | Per font, containing one character of each, 50c. Single characters, 20¢ each. MALTESE CROSSES e1 71 81 101 102 121 *1‘ '1‘ Fonts containing four of each size, $1.00. Single characters . IE FF * * % % % % * * 12 point and smaller, Sc; 14 to 20 point, 6c; 24 to 30 point, me; Price Der font, each size, 25c. Single characters, Sc each. 36 to 42 point, 15c; 48 point, 20c. CATTLE BRAND BLANKS 482 123 121 122 | 181 604 605 ~—\—_-'~ v Cattle Brand Blanks sold in quantities at 2d class prices. W :2- ._._.._ _. The first figures in each number designate the size of the body. Apr-\x_ APPX. APPX. 1 L8. AND OVER NO. PCS 1‘ 1 LB. AND OVER NO. PCS 1 1 LB. AND OVER N0. PCS N0 EAC PER L8. L8 NO. EACH PER LB. IN LB. NO. EACH PER LB. IN L8. 61 . . . . . . ..$0.0S . . . . . . .$1.28 . . . . . . ..1728 J 125 . . . . . . ..$0.05 . . . . . . ..$0.78 . . . . . . ..108 301 . . . . . . ..$0.10 . . . . . . ..$0.62 . . . . . . .. 23 62 . . . . . . .. .05 . . . . . .. 1.28 . . . . . . .. 384 1 161 . . . . . . .. .06 . . . . . . .. .68 . . . . . . .. 76 361 . . . . . . .. .15 . . . . . . .. .62 . . . . . . .. 64 91 . . . . . . .. .05 . . . . . .. .90 . . . . . . .. 256 181 . . . . . . .. 06 . . . . . . .. .66 . . . . . . ..l27 362 . . . . . . .. .15 . . . . . . .. .62 . . . . . . .. 16 101 . . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . .. .82 . . . . . . .. 205 I 182 . . . . . . .. .06 . . . . . . .. .66 . . . . . . .. 64 481 . . . . . . .. .20 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 9 121 . . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . .. .78 . . . . . . .. 288 . 183 . . . . . . .. 06 . . . . . . .. .61 . . . . . . .. 32 482 . . . . . . .. 20 . . . . . . .. .60 . . . . . . .. 36 122 . . . . . . .. os . . . . . .. .78 . . . . . . .. 144 1 241 . . . . . . .. .1o . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 36 I . . . . . . .. 2o . . . . . . .. .60 . . . . . . .. 15 123 . . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . .. .78 . . . . . . .. 72 242 . . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 24 I 602 to607.. 20 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 4 124 . . . . . . .. os . . . . . .. 73 . . . . . . .. 108 243 . . . . . . .. 1o . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .58 . . . . . . .. 12 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 679 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED lP\ — ., JOB TYPE §.\,~ SUNDRIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. WEATHER SIGNALS 24 Point Weather Signal Flags Price per font of two characters each, $0.50 1-100 2-100 3-100 4-100 6-100 8-100 7-100 - - % 48 Point Weather Signal Flags Price per font of one character each, $1.00 1-20c 2-2oc 3-20c 4-20c is-20c e-20c 1-2oc \§< —:- = 9 1o 11 12 13 14 ,5 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 I3 A < 1/ : -: E] < 1/ 9“ : :: :1; 13 A < 4/ V 1 1e 17 15 17 15 10 17 11 Point 1 lb., $1.22 12 Point 1 lb., $1.15 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 9 1 2 4 5 e 7 9 + - X -2- = :1: C1 + — X + = i :1 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 17 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 A s/ 6’ : :' 1 9-5 A J {V : 2: 1 V-3 COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 5 5 Point % lb., $0.25 5% Point % 11)., $0.25 6 Point 5%. lb., $0.25 19 C4» 11> as so % ¢ 19 @ 11> <5 % 96 ¢ * 259 @ 11> as 9;, 9;, ¢ 7 Point 3/(1; 1b,, $0.25 8 Point 54 lb., $0.25 9 Point $11. lb., $0.25 19@1b%%%¢ v@1b%%%¢ @@Ib%%%¢ 10 Point s,{,, 11,“ 30,25 11 Point §/s lb., $0.50 12 Point %1b-.$0-50 19@1b%%%¢19@1b%%%¢%9@1b%%%¢‘ 14 Point ' % lb., $0.50 16 Point 3% 1b., $0.50 19 @ Tb % % % ¢‘ 19 @ 11» % % % ¢‘ _ ' 24 Point 94 lb., $0.50 18 Poxnt 3% 1b,, $0.50 119 @ lb % % % ¢‘ @ 76 70 % ¢ 30 Point 1% lbs.’ $0.75 36 Point 7 1% lbs” $0.75 42 Point 1% lbs., $0.75 48 Point , y 1%1bs-.$1-00 POINT-LINIE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1 681 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JOB TYPE SUNDRIES \\'<-i',.{hts uml Prircs given arc Amxruxilnutc-; soc p;1;:(- ‘.3. (Its! on Uniform Lint-. COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 6 8 Point ,1/4 lb., $0.25 @Tb‘7c%%¢ 6 Point 3:0 11)., $0.25 @ Ib % % % I‘ 9 Point 510 1b., $0.25 @1b%%%}‘ I 1 1 » P I 5 V o E I % 10 Point 5,“, 11)., $0.25 11 Point lb., $0.50 12 Point flu. lbs., $0.50 @Tb%%%’w@Ib%%%I’0@Tb%%%i’ F 1 ( 1 14 point 1/1") lb” $050 16 Point 7‘/1 11)., $0.50 | 18 Point 3/, lb., $0.50 @ Tb % % %;¢‘5@Ib%%%,¢W@I‘t')%%%}‘ 24 Point /‘I lb., $0.50 } 30 Point 1310 lbs., $0.75 i @ lb %% %;t@Ib%%%¢ 36 Point 13,15 lbs., $0.75 42 Point 1% lbs., $0.75 48 Point 1%/a1bs.,s1.00 60 Point 154; 11,5” $1_o0 72 Point 1%. lbs., $1.00 @Tb%%% BARNHART BROS. 60 SPINDLER’S 682 $UPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE SUNDRIES \Veig'hts and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast Uniform Line. COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 7 6 Point 3.1}. lb., $0.25 8 Point % 1b., $0.25 , 10 Point 54% lbs., $0.25 @ ns 7:. :4 r @ tb % % r‘ @ 1'5 % 9; ,d r i , , 4 . 1 ‘ 15 Point % lb. $0.50 12 pomt 1}", lb” $0.50 t 14 Pomt %b 1b., $0-50 | v . (I @1b%%¢-@tb%/:¢!@Ib%%¢ 13 Point -4 1b., $0.50 ' 24 Point 34 lb., $0.50 H5 1 “ @ 7: % F‘ ; % /c F5 30 point 1% lbs $0 75 ’ 36 Point ' 13/12, lbs., $0.75 48 Point 1% lbs., $1.00 42 Point 1% lbs., $0.75 COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 8 6 Point 3,42 lb., $0.25 1 8 Point V. 1b., $0.25 [ 10 Point 51?. lb., $0.25 0 96 96 r E @ % 96 9' %i @ % % ¢ 1 U, 18P ' t -/ lb., $0.50 12 point :51/6 lb” $0.50 E 14 oint -15 lb., $0.50 @om ' 4 ¢ @ 96 as .2 . @ % % ¢ % % 24 Point % lb., $0.50 30 Point 13/is lbs., $0.75 42 Point 1% lbs., $0.75 36 Point 13/I/6 lbs., $0.75 48 Point @% POI NT-LI N E. POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY 683 1% lbs., $1.00 % QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MISCELLANEOUS The following Characters cast to order only 5 Point Per lb., $2.80 1 2 3 4 4 3 7 3 9 1o 11 12 13 14 + @ m *1 Q _.. 1% ¢ ..' 11 # -.= +. )( 5% Point Per lb., $2.40 1 2 3 4 5 9 7 3 9 10 11121314131319 2o 21 22 +X-.1-=/°"'1b1F@£M)%'"”¢ 6Point . Per lb..$2-00 1 2 3 4 5 3 7 3 9 1o 11 12 13 14 13 19 17 + X —:— 2 / ° ' " lb 19 @ .2. 3 «X» 96 11 :4 13 19 2o 21 22 23 24 23 23 27 23 29 so 31 32 33 34 :4o=§«9"""."..’:AMPM+AL'.Z.‘_J 35 33 37 33 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 NW SW NE SE AR LV : =. :2 j 49 47 43 43 49 no 61 52 53 54 so j#*R359%¢%»-§ak;\ 7 Point Per lb., $1.80 1 2 3 4 337 3 9191112131413 13 171319 +X_1__ =7 H Oiblw / £5 Q ‘L )7 ‘ 8 Point Per 1b., $1.60 1 2 3 4 3 3 '7’ 3 9 1o 11 12 13 + X + = / 15 @ £ % 14 13 1917 13 19 2o 21 22 23 24 29 29 % % 3 3 I9 B R <1 A :17 oo 27 23 29 so 31 32 33 34 33 33 37 33 O A )5 E w 1-» O — % Va [7 39 4o 41 42 43 44 43 43 47 43 49 150 51 32 A_l_®+er:1«“”‘#/)_ 33 34 33 33 37 as 39 so 31 52 33 V : Z (5 ¢ % 34 as Ques; Arts 9 Point Per 1b., $1 44 _1}_ >2 3 _4_ 3 3 <7 3 9 1o 11 12 + 1b ‘19 @ £ % 13 14 15 19 17 13 19 2o 21 22 23 24 % 3 :9 —- / 7 » 4 / 94 10 Point Per lb., $1.30 1 2 3 ‘$3 11 6 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 I’ 099 Silo @ 1 2 0 5 5 " 11 * “ « 9 — 24 9 23 27 23 29 3o 31 32 33 : :: + + :1: A < D + 34 35 33 37 33 39 4o 41 4/ 9' l_ J. 5 O%(, 42 43 44 45 43 47 43 49 no 31 52 99 V / ¢ / /N % O @ @ ® 33 34 33 so 97 53 39 o 91 92 Q e «HID W {:1 1:3 111 1:1 )3 E}- 93 34 35 33 97 33 30 7o ' 71 72 1:1 1:‘: ‘:1 [E A L A -: ’:=’ 3 BARN!-IART BROS. as SPINDLE‘.R’S 684 73 74 75 75 77 78 79 30 31 82 345 9 3 Q 9 + ~ % + 33 84 85 80 87 88 39 90 91 ___rx__ - __ ¢ % ¢ 1,..- .__ ____. 11 Point Per 1b., 31 22 1 2 3 4 9 1b 19 @ .29 5 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 “ 9, I N 1213131 153795652?) $293931‘: % 32 33 W96 ¢ 14 Point Per lb., $1.16 7 3 9 @ # 4: 17 13 19 2o 16 :9a<.>“¢ 25 26 27 28 29 10 » .¢ 0 0 II —. -. Per lb., $1.12 1 2 3 ‘4‘ ,3, 3 (7) 3 9 << / / % % ¢ 16 Point ‘ P91‘ lb-1 31-05 233;um 121 ¢ 66 97 Perlb.,$1.00 +22 %$ 18 Point 1 2 3 4 3 9a 7? 3 9 1o BB%H «%w 11 12 13 14 22 ,1’ 17 ‘ 13 % -— / / @ ¢‘ Point 6 cents each 1 2 3 4 5 )J/%/ 24 Point 10 cents each )[¢% SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE MISCELLANEOUS CHARACTERS Cut to order only 10 cents each [ A 434 93 A ' 15 cents each 30 Point 36 Point 1 as 79 0 20 cents each 48 Point 1 2 3 4 5 60 Point 20 cents each 72 Point 25 cents each 0 o NAIL, SCREW AND PIN HEADS 4 8 2 1 5 0 1 8 9 10 11 @¢I°°°°o«aedre 11 13 14 16 10 17 18 19 20 12 km}. {fig Price per font, 75¢ CHECKERS %©%o%o%o %O%©%O%O %,% % % %,%,%,%, @%9%9%©% %g%9%9%9 9// g// g// 9 Price per font, complete with rule, $3.00 \ 7 \ .§ @§ POI ISIT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY -we 685 SUNDRIES ELECT ROTYPED IMPRINTS 50 cents each. Style 11 ROGERS In FRENCH. PUBLISHERS. ENGLEWOOO. OHIO Style 12 THE EVENING HERALD PRESS, CHICAGO, ILL. Style 13 GEO. MARSHALL, PRINTER, OMAHA, NEB. Style 14. DUNN & Co., PRINTERS, PITTSBUBG PA. Style 15 annual. xnmsv, JOB ram-ran, usunms, nun. Style 16 Western Union Print Shop, San Francisco. Cal. Style 17 JAOKOON Q PITIHO, PRINTIBI AND_ IINDIRI Style 18 NORTHWESTERN PUBLISHING, 00., CINCINNATI, OHIO Style 19 MOORE G. LANGEN. PRINTERS. WARSAW. IND. Style 20 CHARLES A. BOOTH, JOB PRINTER, DALLAS, TEXAS Style 21 GLOBE-DEMOCRAT PRINT, LOS ANGELES, GAL. Style 22 WELLS J BRO_.. WRAPPING PAPER. CAIRO. ILL. Style 23 George R. Stevens, Printer, Holden, Mo. Style 24 ‘ J. H. DOUGLASS CO., WOLFSVILLE, MD. IMPRINT MATRICES Imprint Matrices of any of the above or other faces _that can be electrotyped-6 point and smaller, up to 1 inch in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4. Each additional inch or fraction thereof . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 TYPE-METAL IMPRINTS Cast from Superior Copper Mixed Metal. Price of type in addition to cost of matrices as follows: 50 type or less from one matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $3.25 51 to 100 type from one matrix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 200 or more type from one matrix, per hundred . . . . . . . 4.50 50 or less type from each of two matrices . . . . . . . . . . . .. 51 to 100 type from each of two matrices . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Special prices on larger quantities. THEATER TICKET LOGOTYPES Cast on ten point and sold as follows; 50 type or more from one matrix at 82 cents per pound; Less than 50 type from one matrix at $1.30 per pound. MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY JAN. FEB. MAR. APR. MAY JUNE JULY AUG. SEPT. DDT, NDV. DEG. EVENING EYE. MAT. MATINEE AFTERNDDN NIGHT QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 15 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢; 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢; 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font: 30 to 48 point inclusive, 50¢ per font. ) fif) /7?) [/”°‘?) 27”?) (/ 7/7; 2'?) ix?) /77),”, , PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 16 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢; 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢; 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts ot each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive. 50¢ per font. [i() ii?) If?) /1?) /70 ()"“[] 4 2f«>i>?» ii?» /70 /70 PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 17 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢: 16 to 24 point, 25¢: 30 and 36 point, 25¢; 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive. 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive. 50¢ per font. 43 POINT [10 ”" “$3 U0 30 PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 18 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢; 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢: 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive. 25¢ per font; 30 to 72 point inclusive, 50¢ per font. 50 POINT 48 POINT 42 POINT 36 POINT 80 POINT 72 POINT [1 no no no I299 on no’ as as ‘fi"b ii?) iii‘) ii?) [i i) [‘°J?') I] () PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 19 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢: 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢: 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive. 50¢ per font. [lb ‘E2 on () [1 BARNHART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S 686 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 12 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢; 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢; 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive, 50¢ per font 48 POINT IN .. ., [.1 .. ,) [.1 .....(.) .[.]..5 no .11 1123 iii“) PARENTHESES AND BRACKETS NO. 14 Per font, containing sizes 6 to 14 point, 25¢; 16 to 24 point, 25¢; 30 and 36 point, 25¢; 42 and 48 point, 25¢. Separate fonts of each body as follows: 6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font: 30 to 48 point inclusive. 50¢ per font. 48 POINT ‘ W“) n“”b rm ma Fifi? o”””[]( [ °u'7>' 81:76) I)]P(Tl [I0 [I 0 If DASHES .‘ ‘sf’ L M .,~‘- UNIFORM LINE MEDIUM DASHES LIGHT DASHES Dashes No. 1 Ber font, $0.50 ‘ Dashes No. 4 Per font, $0.50 5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 5 e 7 3 9 1o 11 12 Dashes N0~ 2 Per font, $0.50 Dashes No. 5 Per font, $0.50 14 16 13 24 14 1e 13 24 ————— ...j... ______ ..._—._.:.. — T — — Dashes No. 3 Per font, $0.50 Dashes No. 6 Per font, $0.50 so 35 43 5 so 36 48 1 HEAVY DASHES EXTRA HEAVY DASHES Dashes No. 7 Per font, $0.50 ; Dashes No. 10 Per font, $0.50 5 6 7 s 9 1o 11 12 = 5 6 7 8 9 1o 11 12 _. -— -nu — j j j — g x 1 3 _ T - _ — - 1 Dashes No. 8 Per font, $0.50 Dashes No. 11 Per font, $0.50 14 1e 18 24 3 14 1e 13 24 i Dashes No. 9 Per font, $0.50 § Dashes No. 12 Per font, $0.50 30 33 43 30 36 43 ! I I --u T Maj j — I Separate fonts of each body and style as follows: 5 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive, 50¢ per font, Lining Dashes also sold in quantities at second~¢lass prices. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 687 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PARAGRAPH MARKS NO. 1 Font including: all sizes. PC!‘ 10111, $1-00 6 PT. 8 PT. 9 PT. 10 PT. 11 PT. I2 PT. 14 PT. 16 PT. 18 PT. 48 POINT 42 POINT 36 POINT 30 POINT (11 «II qr PARAGRAPH MARKS NO. 2 Font including all sizes. Per font, $1.00 6 PT. 8 PT. 10 PT. 12 PT. 14 PT. 18 PT. 24 PT. ‘I «I 41 qI 4] q[ I 48 POINT 42 POINT 36 POINT 80 PT. 4 W 1141 SUNDRIES PARAGRAPH MARKS NO. 3 Per font, $1.00 Font including all sizes. 6 PT. 8 PT. 10 PT. 12 PT. 14 PT. 18 PT. 24 PT. 48 POINT fl fl 42 POINT 36 POINT 30 PT. 41 41 41 PARAGRAPH MARKS NO. 4 Font including all sizes. P81‘ f0n1. $1.00 6 PT. 8 PT. 9 PT. 10 PT. 11 PT. 12 PT. 14 PT. 16 PT. 18 PT. 48 PT. 42 POINT 36 POINT so POINT ‘ 24 POINT Separate fonts of each body and style as follows "6 to 24 point inclusive, 25¢ per font; 30 to 48 point inclusive, 50¢ per font. HANDY F ISTS HANDY F ISTS NO. 5 Per font, containing one character each of 6 to 30 point size, 50c: 36 to 48 point size, 75c. 181-6C 161-6C 162-60 182-30 141-60 142-60 241-10C . 242-10‘; 121-50 122-50 301-10C 3o2-1oc 111-50 112-50 101-50 102-5C 362-15C 81-60 82-50 422-150 Above fists sold separately at the prices given over each. BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 688 HANDY FISTS NO. 6 Per font, containing one character each of 6 to 30 point size, 50c; 36 to 48 point size, 75c. 183-6c 153-ac 154-ac 184-6c 243-10C 244-100 143-6c 144-ec 303-10C 304-100 123-5c 124-60 863-15c 103-50 104-50 364-150 83-50 84-5c 423-16c 424-16c 63-50 64-60 E 433-20c 484-200 Q 9 Above lists sold separately at the brices Riven Over 68011. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE HANDY ‘N f,‘r“!.W.v ' 1‘; }r' --"\}'~.r' { .\]LIw;‘;. HANDY FISTS NO. 7 6c .‘5—6c ;_'S—5c .’_‘f>—Sc Lvfiréc J>'.\'~6c 1 _y ' 4:?» 10C Q’ ‘,5 10c M5-Sc Em»-5C ;‘<0—10c 3U(»-10C I‘ p»: hum in<‘F;1«ii11;' HI1l'r_‘£1i_‘1l. SOC. }l;.1;fij» f:~I~~ ~-iw«»\\'11.a}>u\» '1"! IH'2OC 1‘,}r(‘liuL\'pw33%-1('»~2Sc }£1cct1‘o1ypc3b17—25c }‘;li'(‘1]H[_\'[n‘ (,(.(;(;—30c 311 1.10(; }‘:](,’(T1I'OI_\'[)(‘ 777/”—40c )1)‘,/U ,,l_\.W, NH SOC }£lu(‘1x'r>1,\'1><,- S.\‘f'U—50c .1 A’ "/7; 1/ 1/ , ' 1 x,////,,,‘ §’//C, ,’ /‘ ,. ,4 , . z,y QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT—BODY +352» SUPERIOR AND INFERIOR O, ’,> .1 . ,,v..' M3. , .. 4 LETTERS AND FIGURES The font prices quoted are for separate fonts of Superior Letters with Figures and Inferior Letters with Figures. 6 Point No. 640 abcdefghijklrnnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 7 Point No. 640 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 8 Point No. 640 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 9 Point No. 640 Per font, $2.10 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.65 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.45 6 Point Italic No. 640 abcdefghijklmnopqrstm-wafyz 1234567690 7 Point Italic No. 640 a.bcde_fght'jklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 8 Point Italic No. 640 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwryz 1234567890 9 Point Italic No. 640 Per font, $2.10 a bcdefghijkl nmopq rstuvuxcuz 1234667890 Per font, $1.90 ubcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwccyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.65 abcdefgh ijklm nopq rstut'w.r1/z 1234567890 Per font, $1.45 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz abcdefgmjklmnopqrswvwxyz 1234567890 1234567890 10 Point No. 640 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvwxyz ubcdefghlj klmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234667890 1234567890 Per font, $1.40 11 Point No. 640 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 1234587890 Per font..$1.20 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 1234567890 12 Point No. 640 abcdefghljklmnopqrstuvw 1 234567890 Per font, $1.20 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 1234567890 6 Point No. 590 abcdefghiiklmnopq rstuvwxyz 1234567890 Per font, $2.10 abcdefghiiklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 7 Point No. 590 abcdefghljklmnopq rstuvwxyz 1234567890 ' Per font, $1.90 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 8 Point No. 590 abcdefzhilklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.65 abcdefghiiklmnopqrstu vwxyz 1234567890 9 Point No. 590 Per font, $1.45 b d f h" a C e g Uklmnopqrsmvwxyz abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1234567890 10 Point No. 590 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz __ abcdefghuklmnopqrstuvwxyz 1234567890 1234567890 Per font, $1.40 11 Point No. 590 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw __ abcdefglnjklmnopqrstuvw 1234567890 1234567890 Per font, $1.20 12 Point No. 590 abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvw 1234567890 1234567890 Per font, $1.20 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPIl\IDLEZR’S abcdefghijklmnopqrst w 1 v tvaauz 123456 7890 ubctlefamjkl/onvnopqrstu'mv.ryz 1234567890 10 Point Italic No. 640 1 I )1) I M A abcdC‘_7 " ' r 1 ovwvvvwuw Per font, $1.40 ubcdefghijklmnnpqrstumva:-yz 1234567890 123456 7890 11 Point Italic No. 640 abcdefghijkltmwtopqrstwvwzcu 1234567890 Per font, $1.20 abcdefahijklmnopqrstuvwzry 1234567890 12 Point Italic No. 640 ahodefghijklmnopqrstuvwam 1234567890 Per font, $1.20 ahodefahUklmnopqrstuvwxu 1234567890 6 Point Italic No. 590 abcdefglz zjklm nopqrstumuxyz 1234567890 Per font, $2.10 abcdefglz1jél»znopqr:tuv7ux_yz 1221567890 7 Point Italic No. 590 abcdrfglz zjjklm nopq rstwz/urxyz 1237567890 Per font, $1.90 abcdcfghzjklmnopqrstu'z17u.t;1rz 1234567890 8 Point Italic No.'590 abcdefgh zjélm uopq rstmuzvxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.65 a bcdefglz zlikl m n opq rst uvu Ixyz 1234567890 9 Point Italic No. 590 abcde:/kt/zzfiiklmnopqrstuv-zo.w'z Per font, $1.45 a bcdefjr/z ziikl m noflqrs! umuxyz '2345678°° 1234567890 10 Point Italic No. 590 alrcdefelz ijklm no1$qrstu21wx.vz Per font, $1.40 a lxaie, fg/1 ijklm nopqrstuz 1111.311 '2 1234567890 1234567890 11 Point Italic No. 590 altcdefglzqklmrzopqrstzzwcvxyz 1234567890 Per font, $1.20 abcdefglz zjklmrzopqrstmrzvxyz 1234567890 12 Point Italic No. 590 alrcdefglzifllmrzopqrslrzzrwayz Per font, $1.20 abcdefg/1q'kl7mzopqrstuzrwxyz 6 8 12345 7 90 1234567890 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE‘. 6 Point IHHFORMJJNE LEADERS Vveights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. Fine Hyphen Leaders. 5 lbs., $3.20 10 Point ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' - - - - - - - ~-«\-----.-..................,_.._-._-.__.__...-‘__,_,.__. ..,_....._....... 11 Point 3 lbs., $1.38 3 lbs., $1.32 5 lbs., $.30 5 lbs., $2.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5% Point .--.- 6 Point 3 lbs., $1.92 5 lbs., $3.20 7 Point 3 lbs., $1.68 5 lbs., $.80 8 Point 3 lbs., $1.55 5 lbs., $2.50 9 Point 3 lbs., $1.44 5 lbs., $2.40 10 Point 3 lbs., $1.38 5 lbs., $2.30 11 Point 3 lbs., $1.32 5 lbs., $2.20 12 Point 3 lbs., $1.26 5 lbs., $2.10 One Dot to the Em. 5% Point 3 lbs., $2.20 5 lbs., $3.70 6 Point 3 lbs., $1.92 5 lbs., $3.20 Hyphen Leaders. 3 lbs., $3.60 0 o - o - - ¢ o a o n q a o o - u u o o o o u . o o o o o u o 5 lbs., $.80 7 Point 8 Point O O 10 Point 11 Point 12 Point 3 lbs., $1.68 3 lbs., $1.56 3 lbs., $1.38 3 lbs., $1.32 3 lbs., $1.26 5 lbs., $2.60 5 lbs., $2.30 5 lbs., $2.20 5 lbs., $.10 POI NT-LIN E. POINT-SET. POI NT- BODY 691 5 Point Two Dots to the Em. 3 lbs., $3.60 5 lbs., $6.00 . o . . . . - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . -- . a . - . - n - - o . . u - . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . - . - . . a - . - . . . . . . . o . - - o . - - a o - o u n . o . - ¢ o - . . - . - - . ¢ - - o o . n o - - n . o . u o o . - - o o - o - . o o o . . . - o o . o o o o o - - - - o o a . - - - u o o n o u ¢ o o u c o - o o a o - - o o o - . - - u u o . - o a u o n c o o u o o u - - c o o c o - o n o u o o O o C Q I Q o I I e o Q o o I o ~ o o o c o J o o v ~ o A o I Q C Q O o O o O Q u Q o Q O 0 I O Q Q O O Q o o o Q o ¢ o o o n u o o o Q o o o n e O o o e o o o o C o e o o o 0 0 10 Point 11 Point 12 Point I I O O 14 Point 16 Point 5 "°““ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..?.‘.7’f::_?‘.f.".? .... ...5..‘.‘.’.S.::.?3.t’.‘.’ 7 Point 3 lbs., $1.68 5 lbs., $2.80 8 Point 3 lbs., $1.56 5 lbs., $2.60 9 Point 3 lbs., $1.44 5 lbs., $2.40 10 Point 34lbs., $1.38 5 lbs., $2.30 11 Point V 3 lbs., $1.32 5 lbs., $2.20 12 Point 3 lbs., $1.26 3 lbs., $1.20 3 lbs., $1.20 3 lbs., $1.20 Three Dots to the Em. 3 lbs., $1.26 5 lbs., $2.30 5 lbs., $2.20 5 lbs., $2.10 5 lbs., $2.00 5 lbs., $2.00 5 lbs., $2.00 5 lbs., $2.10 OCICOOOUCCDCCOCOIOIOOOOOIOIIOIOOIIIUIOOIOOIOIOICCCICOCICICOIIO QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BODY TYPE SUNDRIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 70 6 Point No. 70 1 1b., $0.64 I’ @ 1b % % % I 8 Point N0. 70 1 lb., $0.52 P @ fb ' % % % I 9 Point No. 70 1 1b.. $0.48 1? @ 1b 7c % % K 10 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.46 1? @ rb 7c % % I‘ 11 Point No. 70 1 1b., $0.44 I? @ lb % % % 2‘ 12 Pomt No. 70 1 lb., $0.42 @ Tb % % % F‘ 14 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.40 {P @ Ib % % % F‘ 16 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.40 1? @ Tb % % % F‘ m1é%%V BRACES AND DASHES NO. 70 6 Point No. 70 .——:-— ..._.—_._.... r. A 1 lb., $0.64 2/\a\ -\ r-*‘*\ 8 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.52 /-5./\4\ 1 lb., $0.48 /5/\4\ 1 lb., $0.46 /§./\.4\ 1lb.,$0.44 /-4‘-\ ;-~’\—\;-—./\..—\ A 9 Point No. 70 10 Point No. 70 11 Point No. 70 12 Point No. 70 1lb.,$0.42 /---/V-j /-—-/N—\ W 14 Point No. 70 1 1b,, $0.40 f»/A A 16 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.40 uj E A T /%/\—\ /-§../&J-\ 18 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.40 BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 692 REFERENCES AND INDICES NO. 70 6 Point No. 70 ‘/5 lb., $0.32 arr <1 ' f I 5 I I ( ‘E: as Point No. 70 %‘1b , $0.26 03‘ (I * ‘r I 5 ll [ ( ‘E11 9 Point No. 70 ‘/6 1b., $0.24 03 ‘ll’ * T I § II [ ( iii) 10 Point No. 70 26 lb.. $0.23 E ‘F * ‘r I § II I ( "I211 11 Point No. 70 26 lb., $0.22 B? 01 * 1 1 § 1 1 < a 12 Point No. 70 % lb., $0.21 031” (IF * 1 I § II [ ( in 14 Point No. 70 % lb., $0.20 Bf.-§’(H'*TI§||[(@' 16 Point No. 70 myqwwmuflfi 18 Point No. 70 96 113-. 30-20 @‘1f*’rI§||[(@ FRACTIONS NO. 70 6 Point No. 70 1 113-, $17-54 % % % ‘/1 % % % X K 8 Point No. 70 _ V 1 lb-. 30-52 % % 3/3 % % % X X K 9 Point No. 70 1 1b-. 30-43 % % 73 % % % % % K 10 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.46 % % % % % % % % K 11 Point No. 70 1lb., $0-44 % % % % % % % % A 12 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.42 1 1 2 1 ' 1 5 7 A A A A % A % A 14 Point No. 70 1 lb-. $0-40 % % % % % % % % 7 16 Point No. 70 1 lb., $0.40 1 1 1 3 1 3 5 7 A A % A A A A A A 18 Point No. 1 lb., $0.45 %%%%%%% SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE %% Ia f,_>,... (9. “*E1~ SUNDRIES BODY TYPE IQ}, «<_}':“’ " 1' , » / Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. REFERENCES AND INDICES NO. 60 60 5 Point No. * 1 5% Point No. 50 * 1 6 Point No. 60 * 1' it 7 Point No. 60 -11- 1. 8 Point No. 60 * ’r I 9 Point No. 60 * 1‘ I 10 Point No. 60 * ’r I ‘ll Point No. 60 -)6 12 Point No. 60 *+I§|l §||'l)] +i§ $6 lb., 30.60 E‘ E 54 lb., $0.37 ] 3?‘ ‘El %1b.,so.32 E‘ m %1b.,$o.2s W ‘E }élb.,$0.26 ® ‘a 5411)., $0.24 @" ‘w §4|1)] 5 H 1 ) A I -I > 1 H 1 .) ] II ‘ 1 ) 1 ll ‘ ||'1I) COMMERCIAL MARKS NO. 60 5 Point No. 60 $0 5% Point No.60 1&1 6 Point No. so 19 7 Point No. 60 W @ 8 Point No. 60 @ 9 Point N6. 60 10 Point No. 60 ® =3 @ 11 Point No. 60 @ Point No. 60 18 Point No. 60 %9@11>% @ 11b., $1.20 11» 9e % as 12' ‘ 1lb.,$0.74 11> so so 95 ¢ 11b.,$o.64 tb % % 96 ¢ ' 1lb.,$0.56 Tb % % % ¢ 11b.,$o.s2 Ib % % 96 ¢ 1lb.,$0.48 lb % .% % 111)., $0.46 11> 0/c % % 11b.,$0.44 11» % % % ¢‘ 11b.,so.42 15 % % % ¢ 1 1113., $0.40 lb % % % 11b.,so.4o 11» % % °/61¢‘ 11b.,$o.4o %9a¢ POI NT-LINE, POINT-SET, POI NT-BODY 693 BRACES AND DASHES NO. 60 5 Point No. 60 1 1b., $1.20 — -- ——- -—:—-- r— -"~ —q ;—A—-. /s.*..—\ 5% Point No. 60 1 1b., $0.74 _ —— —--—- -—-j—- ,-- —k —\ ‘Ike §)\p- 6 Point No. 60 1 1b., $0.64 ._ ._... ———— —-——-—-— ,—— -*— ——\ aka 2/K2 7 Point No. 60 1 lb;, $0.56 .. .—_. -———-——- f— A —\ zeko. 2&2 8 Point No. 60 1 lb., $0.52 ._ _.__ —-—————— f—— A -—\ »sJ~a~ - z-‘A;- 9 Point No. 60 1 1b., $0-43 __ .__.. .._————-——— ,—— -k ——-, as/xax as/\4'\ 10 Point No. 60 1 1b., $0.45 _. ._._ _.___————— r-—— —k— -—\ ,§J~.4—s LAM 11 Point No. 60 1 119-. 30-44 12 Point No. 60 ~ 1 1b-. $043 -11-?- FRACTIONS NO. 127 Cast on Cap Line. Em Set. 5 Point 1 lb., $1.20 12 as as 54 y. 34. 1; x as % 5% Point 11b., $0-74 15 15 15 14 91 1/. 1. 9s 96 15 5 Point 1 1b.. $0.64 5 1/3 36 14 % % % % % % 7 Point -' 1_ 1b.. $0-56 ‘K 15. 36 % % % 56 16 % % 8 Point 1 113-. $0452 1/2 1/3 36 % 3/. 1/6 1/s 3/s % 7/s 9 Point ' 1 113-. $043 1/2 1/3 % 1/4 % % % % % 7/s 10 Point 1 lb.. $0.46 1/2 % 2/3 14 % 16 1/3 3/s % 7/s 11 Point ‘ 1 1b., $0-44 %. % 2/3 1/1 3/. 1/6 1/s 3/s % 7/s 12 Point 1 lb.. $0.42 1 7 1/2 % 1/3 % 3/1 1/6 /s 3/s 5/3 /s 14 Point 1 113-. 30-40 1/8 3/8 5/3 7/s 1lb.,$0.40 5/87/8 %1/3:2/131/1%1/6 %%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEID 1 lb., $0.40 W BODY TYPE SUNDRIES Weights and Prices given are Approximate: see page 2. FRACTIONS NO. 125 Cast on Cap Line. Em Set. 5 Point 1 1b., $1-20 5-2 33 C351 ‘/4 ‘P1 '13 34'; 922 "hi 3}’; 5% Point 1 1b., $0-74 ‘/2 I3 ‘:5 If 3’-1 ,'{s .'23 4:71 5&1 713 6 Point 1 1b., $064 ‘/2 '/3 % A 3/4 3/43 ‘A; "é % 3:”: 7 Point 1 1b., $0-55 /2 ‘/3 % 34 ")1 343 I43 }‘§ 5/8 7/8 8 Point 1 113-. $0-52 ‘/2 V3 2/3 34 X V. %; K; % 7/8 9 Point .1 1b., $0.43 ‘/2 ‘/3 % .‘/4 V6 1/51 % 5/3 7/3 10 Point 1 lb., $0.46 12 % % % 3/4 1/6 1/8 5/8 7/8 11 Point 1 lb., $0.44 % % % % 3/; %s %; 3/8 ‘/8 7/8 12 Point 1 lb., $0.42 1/2 1/3 % 1/4 % % 1/8 % % 7/8 14 Point 1 lb., $0.40 1 1 2 1 3 1 I 3 é /3 /3 /1 /L 4 /8 /8 % 7/8 16 P0iI1t 1 lb., $0.40 /2 3 3 4 4 6 8 8 8 /8 18 Point Ilb.,$0.40 1/21/3%%%1/61/83/85/87/8 PIECE FRACTIONS 6 Point Per font, $5.00 1234567890 18 1 7 6 T :1 :- 48591610110 2 4'6789° 8 POIM Per font, $3.60 1234567890 _1”>23.A4.5—-8'7"§§0 -_.3 _ ,1. 5, ._ 2. - 3 5_ .7 ., 1000 6 12 1047 5 16 32 1§7 10 Point Per font, $2.80 1234667890 '1"§‘34"5’6"7§§0 ._’'l _J__ _.9_ 4_ 1 ._.8 - .11. 1 5 5 0 0 5 0" ‘9 7 1 7 2 4 8 11 Point Per font, $2.40 1234567890 'f'2'3”4”l'i'?F'7’8'§T)‘ .5 -. 5 ._. 4 1 _. 3..- 9. _ .3. (T 1 if 1 6‘ 0 if 6 0 0 B‘ 2 5 12 Point Per font, $2.00 1234 507890 ’1"‘2.":3T4“5_6r7—8_’fIA'0‘ 7' 1'3 5 _ ,_ _3 _W_!)_ 4_ I 2 TI 25 '9 3'5 1 ':.’.”0'O' I ‘B T) BARNI-IART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 694 FRACTIONS NO. 126 Cast on Cap Line. En Set. 6 Point 1 1b., $0.64 *3 1 ii I 3 I. 3 ii 3 I 7 Point 1 lb., $.56 & I 1'? 1 1 I: I 3 3 i 8 Point 1 lb., $0.52 % 1 93 i § 3: 1!; % 3 % 9 Point 1 1b., $.48 % § 3 i 1} e’; % 3 13 § 10 Point 1 lb., $0.46 % 11 ?t 4 if % % § % 11 Point 1 lb., $.44 % 15 12 Point on» car- not 8 604» § 3: % 2% :7: :1 1’ % % % 14 Point 1 lb , $.40 % T15 % i % 1‘: -3 3 % 16 Point 1 1b., 1 1 1 3 1 3 5 7 7 3 % Z Z 3 § § 78'' 18 Point - 1 lb., $0.40 .1. _1_ 2 _1._ L3. .1. .3. .5. .7. 2 3 -5 4 4 6 8 8 8 CANCELLED LETTERS AND FIGURES 10 Point Per lb., $1.30 I 2 3 4 55 6 77 $ 9 16 12 Point Per lb., $1.16 Qua: New Styles 4-61 ewe iahe -Beslb 14 Point Per lb., $1.12 Shewing=iaI+e1-908l=&tes4;-Boa=ele1=s SPECIAL ROMAN FIGURES 5% Point Three—Fifth Figures Per 1b., $.74 I 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 5% Point Two—Third Figures Per 1b., $.74 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 6 Point Three-Fifth Figures Per lb., $0.64 1 2 3 4 5') 6 7 8 9 0 6 Point Two-Third Figures Per 1b., $.64 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 O 7 Point Two-Third Figures Per lb., $0.56 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 12 Point Per 1b., $0.42 1234567890 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MISCELLANEOUS FRACTIONS Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. FRACTIONS NO. 128 En Set 6 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.64 1 iv. 3 *3" 3 § 3 2 $71 8 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.52 \}%%.’:§%§1%% 9 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.48 if 3: 3 I 3 3: ‘E ‘3 2} 10 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.46 % § 45* 1} +2 % 1% ii‘ % 11 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.44 % % ‘E I if % 3‘ ‘E % 12 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.42 § 1: 3‘ I 7? ‘§ *3 3 % 14 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.40 1% =3 -3: -3- %- % % -Zr 18 Point No. 128 1 lb., $0.40 '7} % fr 1- +2 % -3- -3- % FRACTIONS NO. 130 6 Point No. 130 Em S“ 1 1b., $0.64 ‘/5 . X5 55 34 % ‘/5 ‘/3 % % % 8 Point No. 130 1 lb., $0.52 % % 2/s % % V6 %3 3/§ §é % 9 Point No. 130 1 lb., $0.48 % % % % %' % % % % % 10 Point No. 130 1 1b., % V3 V3 % % 96 ‘/§ 1% 5%: % 11 Point No. 130 .1 lb., $0.44 % % 73 % 3/4 % ‘/é % % % 12 Point No. 130 1 lb., $0.42 % % % % 3/1 % %s 3%; 5%; %3 18 Point No. 130 1 lb., $0.40 Z’/32/3‘/4%'.%%%%,7/8 MISCELLANEOUS FRACTIONS 8 Point No. 132 Per font, 3/(6 lb., $0.25 $6 %: 96 ‘/4 % % % 96 36 10 Point No. 132 Per font, 5/fa lb., $0.25 $13 5:‘. % ‘/4 3/1 ‘/8 % % % 10 Point No. 134 5% lb., $0.25 73>: 2% 1% 13% $7 12 Point No. 135 % lb., $0.50 %2%% POI NT-LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY 695 FRACTIONS NO. 129 Em Set 5 Point No. 129 1 lb., $1.20 ' }§ % 31$ % 5% $6 % X % 5% Point No. 129 1 lb., $0.74 }é % % ‘A §-’i 36 Ié % §8' % 6 Point No. 129 1 lb., $0.64 1/2 35 35 34 “/4. 56 96 96 76 7 Point No. 129 1 lb., $0.56 % % % % 3/4 $3’ % % '/3 8 Point No. 129 1 lb., $0.52 1/2 ‘/3 % $4 3/4 % % 5/s % 10 Point NO. 129 1 lb., $0.46 ' / 1/2 % 2/3 1/1 9/1 % % % % 12 Point No. 129 1 lb., $0.42 / 1 3 5 7/ 1/2 1/3 % 34 §4 /3 /3 /3 /3 FRACTIONS NO. 131 Per font, % 1b., $0.50 ’/3 % 1/2 18 Point No. 131 2 1/ 20 Point No. 131 1 3/ 4 4 36 Point No. 131 Per font, 13/1’e lbs., $0.75 1/4% .1/3% 3 1/21/32/3%=3/I: Per font, % lb., $0.50 1/2 1/3 '9/3 1/4 3/<1 FRACTIONS NO. 133 5% Point No. 133 Per 113-. $1-60 113123883 DIAGONAL FRACTION MARKS Font containing three sizes $0.75 16 Point 9 Point 12 Point ////H ////// Examples 33 3% 9% 25 100 2 8 100 134.... 2% % 4% 1%. 8% 194.... QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JOB TYPE FRACTIONS \Veights and Prices given arc ) uroxnn. e. see )a e ’. FRACTIONS NO. 65 Cast En Set 8 Point No. 65 Per font, 1/. lb., $0.25 ‘Ir I’ ‘I ‘I if 1% % 8' 5 10 Point No. 65 Per font, 5/ii. 1b., $0.25 ‘Ir *3: 1? "I *3‘ 1% *3" 5* *3 12 Point N0. 65 it % 5 1' 14 Point No. 65 *'r 7 I 18 Point No. 65 -I-% Per font, 5%; lb., $0.50 5 ‘3 5‘ 1' Per font, We lb., $0.50 A E. %. 8 8 Per font, 3/4 lb., $0.50 %%% Per font, 3/4 lb., $0.50 ¢.a|N -Mo» M0’ % “IN 24 Point No. 65 *3 -5- -5: 1? 4 >5 96 96 36 1 X 56 % M X X 56 96 96 36 10 point N0_ 60 7 POINT SET per {mm 54/6 11,.’ $0.25 10 Point No. 601 a poem sET Per font, 54% 1b., $0.25 % $6 % $4/. 94 56 36 % % Z6 % $6 % % % 36 % 96 % 36 12 Point N0. 60 ‘0 pm“ SET Per font’ % lb" $0.50 14 Point No.60 12 pom 357 Per font, ‘J/i’o lb., $0.50 %%%%%%%%%7s %%%~%%%%%%% 16 Point No. 60 14 Po|NT SET Per font, % 11)., $0.50 2; P0iI1iN()'620 1 '6 2;“ “T1 1 pergom’ lb" 9'50 %%%%%%%%%%.AAA4A£AAAA 24 Point N0. 60 20 pom’ SET Per font, % 1b., $0.50 é 3 3 4 4 6 8 8 8 8 30 Point N0. 00 24 poguf 85, Per font, '%o lbs., $0.50 %%%%%%%%%% %%%%%%%%%% % % % % FRACTIONS NO. 61 6 Point N0. 61 5 POINT 521' P81" fOI1t, 3/I/6 1b., $0.25 8 Point N0. 61 e POINT SET Pet‘ f0l5lt, % 113-, $13-25 % % % % % % % 5/a % % % % % % % % X }{ 9 Point No, 61 9 P0,,” 351- Pcy fgnt’ % lb” $0,25 10 Point N0. 61 1o POINT SET Per font, 531/6 11)., $0.25 1 1 2 1 3 1 3 5 7 % % % % % % % % % A A A A A A A A A 11 Point N0- 61 11 poum‘ SET Per font V; lb_ $0_50 12 Point NC. 61 v2 POINT SET P81‘ font, §/811)., $0.50 %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% 12 Point No. 610 12 Po|NT 551 Per font % 1b., $0.50 14 Poim N0‘ 61 “ ‘’°"” 3“ Per font’ 1%“ lb" $050 %%%%%%%%%1%%%%%%%%% 16 Point No. 61 ,5 pom: sE‘r Per f0I1t, ‘V4 11).. $0-50 % % % % % % % % % BARNI-{ART BROS. &. SPIl\lDLER’S 698 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING AND \\'«'E,:1:'.~« 11‘ 1I’ri« ‘,_:1'.c.-:1 .m_- .-\mm»\i1:1.zI«:: mg“ ' ADVERTISING FIGURES 1J1’I»11JI.\1IItN1>. 1(I1 1234567390 $3.65 25 $9.435 1I>1’<>111I.\w. 1111 _;11>>‘., $3.00 1234567390$429.33 75c 3U1’«»1nt.\.'«>. 1111 1234567390 $6.54 511)s..$2.80 g‘,v 511»s..$3.00 311’¢»i11t.\v~. 1111 1234567390 35 3()1’<«1111N<>. 101 511)5..$2.80 12345673 $9 '1(>1’< S11»~..$2.80 123456 35 5 11>s., $2.70 1111! NH. 1111 1_’1’<)imf\'n. 101 12345 $6 1.\'I’<>i11tf\'n. 101 S 1115:. $2.70 56739 0 #11 1’t>iI1tN<). 1111 511>s.. $2.70 12345 6 1111- ~wI> gixrn .11mn- .n‘(- In: I1},;1:rvs .«.11- mm «H POINT-LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY (3% . 111 DECIMAL FIGURES 5 11).... $3.00 5 $12345678.90 1(x1’«»im .\'n. 1010 $12345678.90 5 1119., $3.00 w11012345678.90 30 I’«_>im NH. 1010 $12345678.90 3; 1>..jm N1). 1010 511)s.,$2.8O $12345678.910 $1234.56 ,‘S(11’(1II1INI>. 11110 511>s..$2-80 $12345673.190 $12 1\1’uint N1». 1010 5 1115.. $2-70 Huh" 1‘1;_;'.n-x.11n11z:r111.u'L>;1:1»1 «Ix xx: in 110- inml Inmx. Q»E“'f*~. ‘ }nf!":1 EXAMPLES 1(»I’1>1'nt $8.37 $312.50 $56.00 $8.75 $450.00 $§.33 $34.93 $9.39 $49.67 $2.10 2-1 Point .10 I’1>int $65.12 $34.20 1.\1’H1Hl $4.05 $6.15 Hl1L11»\\, Iamcr « .1501 .'.11~ 1»:-1'11». :':~»1.»n, l\\‘ \ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 12345 Vveights and Prices given are Approximate, ADVERTISING FIGURES 12 Point No. 102 51bS., $3-30 1234567890 $§.3”8”2c 8954 68c 14 Point No. 102 sETs, 9-7-3 5 lbs., $3.10 1234567890 820 $636.34 16 Point No. 102 ssssssss -3 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 $245.36 98c 20 Point No. 102 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567830 75C $8 24 Point No. 102 123456589 30 Point No. 102 5 lbs., $2.80 Sc 5 lbs., $2.80 12345678 89 36 Point No. 102 5 lbs., $2.80 123432467 86 42 Point No. 102 5 11);.-,_, $2.70 12343 $7 48 Point No. 102 5 lbs., $2.70 6 54 Point No. 102 5 lbs., $2.70 SETS, 31-25—1o hove are for The sets given :1 BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S DECIMAL FIGURES ' see page 2. Advertising: ligurcs 1 ast on (Tap Linc-. DECIMAL FIGURES 16 Point No. 1020 $1234S678.90 5 lbs., $3.00 ‘ 3 $12345678.90 20 Point No. 1020 5 lbs., $3.00 $12345678.9O 731234567890 24 Point No. 1020 5 lbs., $2.80 812345678903 $123456 3:$:)()i1[lt20§)221567fi§:49O 48 Point No. 1020 5 lbs., $2.70 SET, 16-6 marks and periods cast in decimal fonts. ()n1y figures, dollar EXAMPLES 16 Point $736.40 $9.13 $1.98 $45.00 $45.25 8:335 $127.86 $36.47 $:§:75 $9.25 $47»2f2i2‘$35~76 48 Point $9.63 58.54 figures and dollar marks, lower case c :1 1 period respc-ctively. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING AND DECIMAL FIGURES \\'eights and Prices gi\'c11 are Approximate: see page 2. Advertising figures cast on (lap Line. ADVERTISING FIGURES 12 Point No. 103 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567890 63c $3.28 8c 16 Point NO. 103 SETS, 12-9-4 5 lbS., $3.00 1234567890 2c $25 20 P0lllt NO. 103 stars, 1541-5 5 II)S., $3.00 1234567890 5c 24 Point No. 103 SETS, 1843-6 5 lbs., $2.80 12345678 $9 5 lbs., $2.80 SETS, 9-7-3 30 N0. sETs, 23-16.7 123456 70 36 Point No. 103 SETS, 2,_,9_, 5 lbs” $2.80 1234 $5 42 POint N0. 5573’ 30-22.9 5 IbS., 48 N0. SETS’ 36_26_9 5 lbs” 54 Point NO. 103 sers, 38-28-10 5 lbs., $2.70 12345 DECIMAL FIGURES 16 POIIII NO. 3|-3T5, 7-3 5 IbS., $12345678.90 $l234567 8.90 $?5§0éi§)o73.93$19R3$1231H1N(). 104 5115, w. 1234567890 $7.63 11’) Point .\'n. 104 ‘FATE, 9 1234567890 $2.50 38c 21) Point N1), 104 .5 Ilwy, $3.00 1234567890 $89 7c 34 Point No. 111-1 5 11.3., $2,530 1234567890 2c 31) Point N1). HM 5111..., $3.10 0871: $8.93 21: 5 111%., $3.00 ans, 1.2 *1" +1 sets, 1-,—11_».~.-u. SE TR, H11 12345678 §() I’()1lI1 N1), 1111] 5 11..., $2.80 $9 S 1I).‘V., 12345678 9 Pflin‘ NI)‘ “H 55.15 .'»1~~:u»:-;~:& 5 lbs., $2.70 1234567 ‘L5’ Point No. [(1-1 12345 51I’t>i111 NH. 104 5 lbs., $2.70 6 SETS. 2;;-2z—‘-+11» 5 II)S., $2.70 5678 I110 ‘WIN ‘,(1\‘¢'I1 .1I1S., $3.00 I $12345573.9o 31) I’uilH NH. HMO 5 H15, $3.00 $1Z345678.9O $12345678.9O $’I$§§z1’5678.§b11 $123l1.€”7° 31» l’ninl NH. 1010 «.11 ._ ,1 5 1115., $2.80 $12345673.90 $12 -18 I’<)Ill1 N1). HHU 1. 5 II).\’., I;I.‘>, ‘H; I’r1‘~> 1|:-H.11‘1I1.11l.~.111111 [)1-1’in<1~.1.1~.1 11111: lHxI\ 111.,-,v.11«‘.. ‘«iI11.:.I 111111». EXAMPLES $46835 11) Paint $2 3.15 $90.20 $5 7.43 $33.25 $64.35 $8.52 $26.34 $7.57 N) I’<>i11t $49.94 $53.59 1HI’ni111 () 1 $8.35 $9.12 ensand<1<>H;1r1n;1rks,I()\\'('r 111x111.|u~1'i<»«l.111Il l1$£HI‘<‘UlH’ Y<'5l"“II“"1"- SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPES ADVERTISING AND ‘ Q. DECIMAL FIGURES Vveights and Prices given are Approximate; See Page 2- AdVe|’fiSi112’ fi2‘Ul'CS Cast 011 Cap Lille- ADVERTISING FIGURES 12 Point No. 105 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567890 $56.198 62c $23.04 16 POIIII NO. SETS, 11-9-3-7 5 IbS., 1234567890 $4.72 5c: 20 Point NO. 105 SETS, 13-11-4-9 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 $4.38 24 Point No. 105 5 lbs., $2.80 123456789 2c 30 Point No. 105 5 lbs., $2.80 123456 $7 36 P°int N°- 105 4 SETS, 25-22-7-19 5 lbs., $2.80 12345 60 42 Point No. 105 3575, ,,,_,,,.s.,, 5 ms,’ $2.70 12345 6 54 Point No. 105 ,m_ 36-,o-,.,_2. 5 11,5,’ $2.70 1234 5 5 lbs., $2.70 0 SETS, 7-6-2-5 SETS, 17-14-5-13 SETS, 21-19-6-17 50 P°int N0- 105 SETS, 42-as-12-29 789 DECIMAL FIGURES 16 Point N0. 1050 SETS, 6-2-6 5 lbs., $3.00 $12345678.90 $12345678.90 20 Point NO. 1050 SETS, 7-2-5 5 lbs., $3-0 $12345678.90 $12345678.9O 24 Point No. 1050 5 lbs., $2.80 $12345678.9O $1.33 §1203545678.9O 48 Point No. 1050 5 lbs., $2.70 $1234567.89 Only figures, dollar marks and periods cast in decimal fonts. SETS 1 1-3-7 s1=.'rs, 13-4-9 sr-:‘rs, 17-5-13 _ ?_.. EXAMPLES 16 Point $4.98 $25.00 $36.52 $7.18 $326.43 2$:f18 $52.60 24 Point $8.92 $3.56 $6.88 36 Point $56.48 $2.73 54 Point $1.75 $6.56 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case c, period and figure one respectively. POI NT-LI N E. POI NT- SET. POI NT- BODY 703 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING AND ~ + ‘ DECIMAL FIGURES \\'cig11t.~. .1111! Prius‘ ;,{1\(1l£lH \m1rnx1111.1t( S{ 1* 1.1 re ’ \1 11t1s1n'I11r11r1 s 1.1311211 1 .1 11 1111* ADVERTISING FIGURES 12. Point No. 106 51I)s., $3-30 1284557890 25c 83.838 80c 89.75 545 16 Point N1). 106 S 1125., $3.00 1284557890 848.775 58c 895.54 20 Point No. 106 5 lbs., $3.00 123456789080 818.24 5c 24 Point No. 106 5 lbs., $2.80 1284557800 $15.15 30 Point N0. 106 1234567890 3c 42 Point No. 106 5 lbs” $2_70 1234507890 54 Point No. 106 5 lbs.. $2.70 123456 7 60 Point N0. 106 5 lbs., $2.70 SETS, 20-29-12 The sets given above are Mr 11 5 1113., $2.80 gures and dollar ma BARN!-IART BROS. 61. SPINDLER’S DECIMAL FIGURES 16 Point N1). 1060 $|2345678.90 5 lbs., $3.00 $1 234567890 20 Point N0. 1060 812845578.90 812845578.90 24 Point No. 1060 5 lbs., $2.80 812845578.90 $m$l2345678.90 30 Point N0. 1060 5 lbs., $2.80 81284557800 81284.55 5 lbs., $2.70 5 1bs., $3.00 54 Point No. 1060 SET, 1140 Unly tigurc-5, dollar marks and periods cast in decimal fonts. EXAMPLES $36.87 859.58 10 Point $3.75 $2.98 83.49 24 Point $7 .54 $6.32 $4.89 89.85 8§T88 85.94 54 Point rks, lower case 1: and period respectively. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING AND DECIMAL FIGURES \\’ci‘,_rhts and Prices gixcn £lrL’ .\pproxin1atc: see page J. A(I\‘erti5ing figures cast on Cup Linc. ADVERTISING FIGURES il2I)§§'li5‘i§II890 42§$§f36 76c $b§I.$§'3 I6 POIIII NO. 107 sets, -3-v-4 5 IbS., 1234567890 530 $4.50 87c 20 Point No. 107 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 49¢ $9 24 I)OiIIlt NO. SETS. 1541.7 5 lbs” 1234567890 30 SETS, 12~9-5 30 Point No. 107 SETS, ,8.,2., 5 1bg__ $2.80 36 Point No. 107 SETS, 2,_,4_8 5 1b3_,$2,80 42 Point No. 1()7 SETS‘ 2446-9 5 lbs” $2.70 123456$ SETS, 27-20-12 5 II)S., $2.70 3456 5 lbs., $2.70 48 Point No. 107 12 54 Point No. 107 SETS, ‘,0_22_,, 5678 60 Point N0- 107 SETS, 352544 5 lbS., $2.70 6789 I I I DECIMAL FIGURES 5 lbs., $3.00 $l2345678.90 16 Point No. 1070 $l2345678.90 SETS 6-3 2$I2I5Z05I;7’078.90 W$1234557§.9'0 24 Point No. 01070 $12345678.90 $1234.56 5 lbs., $2.80 SETS, 9--1 sers, 12-5 36 Point No. 1070 $12345678.90 $1.23 48 Point NO. 1070 SETS, 15-7 5 “)5-a $2-70 $12345678.90$ (')nl_\' figures, (Io11ar marks and periods cast in 1'<1\i111.111': \1'<'1’-’l)."‘~—'~ ADVERTISING FIGURES 1l1’1>i111N<). 111) 51715., /1, 1 511)-*..$3-30 1234567890 $450.69 $35.68 750 1/1 P111111 N1). 111) sF1s,,r1..1 5 111%., $3.10 1234567890 $83.368 $052.340 1(>1’ni11t N1). 1111 5,1,5’ ,..., .1 5 1115., $3.00 1234567890 $4.89 $2.50 735 18 P111111 N11. 1111 511).\..$3.00 1234567890 $4.38 $6.59 2(11’0i111 No. 111) Sl1)g.,$3,00 1234567890 $8.95 345 .74 Point No. II() sans, <15 1 sers, 111-11». 5 1113., $2.80 1234567890 55 $4 .111 Point N0. 111) 12 .sers,12»11~1, sETs,11.119 5 1118., $2.80 45678 905 36 Point N1). 111) strs, w~15-9 5 1118., $2.80 1.7 Point N0. 111) 55.5’ 2,,“ M 511,.-,_,$2_70 ‘11‘x'I’1>iI1t N11. 1111 5...,‘ _,_,_,.,_,, 5 11,5,’ 32,70 S11 1’ni11t N1». 111) 55,5. _,,, U.,_, =1 11,5” $2_7o 456789 D 30190 g In? I (0 . V Q_. :11 ‘ 600* DECIMAL FIGURES .\11\1'rti~x1I1',.:11;.11111'.1.1~.11-11(‘.1111.1110‘. DECIMAL FIGURES 10 1’1nnt N1). 1101) sgvs 5.. 5 1113., $3.00 $12345575.9o $12545575.9o 31) P111111 N11. 1100 5,11%, ,1 , 5 11152, $3.00 $12345678.90 $12345678.90 $12345678.90 $12345.67 10 P111111 N1». 1100 5515, 111., 5 1bs., $2.80 $12345678.90 $12.34 118 Point N1». 1100 sns. 1.» -. 5 1I>S., $2.70 $12345678.90 $23 Unly11g11r(:s,11u1141r111.1r11~..111111u'ri1>11s. 1.15! 111115.-1i111.'111m1ts. EXAMPLES 11') P111111 $39.55 _’(1 Point $7.49 $55.95 $53.75 $9.55 $3.45 $5.54 $11335 $2.79 $72.59 $45.35 $8.98 6.23 1110 sets ;.{iv<:11 above are for figures ;111r1 dollar nmrks, Inwcr 111591 and p5-rin-1 r¢'r~.p(*1.ti\'('1\'. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 708 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 15° ADVERTISING 23:: \9\\ “ Al)VIiRT1S1NC FIGURES 1.’ 1511111 N11, 111 5111+, $3.30 1234567890 $2.65 86 ~.1‘- 111’1»1111\11,1l1 5 1119.. $3.10 1 234567890 $9.4 11234567690 123456769oW%w 123456760 ,f(11’¢11111.\W1. 111 .I11’H111t:\Wr. 111 123456 .11 '1 9c 5111s..$2.80 $7 1111711111 N11, 111 1,,v1_, _ -- 3111\_$2.8O 1111511111 .\WI. 111 1115,‘ $2.70 _. _- _; 5 ‘-111 K11». 11.111;-1 -:‘ ;\i_1,111 1.1v5.‘.;11,-'>' E4 1W1H11 NFL 111 1 V 2-1) 3 H)5q $2.7 11111:‘ 111711111 .\1 1115,, 15 P111111 0 V:1H ~»«.'1~. POINT-LINE, POINT—SET. POI NT-BODY ;.'1~.r11 .11‘<1=.r‘ .111‘ 1111 11z;:;1't"...111«1u11.1.1'111.11'L~.,111\\r11.1~»"1,1><‘1‘11H11111'115;:111"U11 711$’ DECIMAL FIGURES 5111.».,$3.00 $12345.67 1111’1.>111[ X11. 11111 $12345678.9O K376“, 5111.».,$3.0O $1.23 5111s.,$2.8O 5111_»‘.,$2.8O 90 . .<111\.,$2.70 6I : 1111111111111». :11 P111111 11111 $1 2345678. _“-11’<.11111\<1. $1 213456"76.9o $2345676. 61> 1’1>1111 N1». 11111 $2345 1:1: ~.1‘.«»11,111111!1\~». ‘-E'1'$1. ." 11Ifi\ kl: 1’U111y1Hv1\>1L»11W 1 EXAMPLES 11} P111111 $3.45 $11 1’H1111 $4.26 $5.36 $2.17 $23.61W $9.43 $8.75“$5.31 $631-79 1‘ 1«*~.1uw 1111-1\. $9.76 $3-26 QUALITY AND F1NlSH LJNEQUALED ADVERTISING AND ;r \ I. . . 2: -‘ ~ I ) vs»: rust!’ ‘hf‘0I~v u\:N~‘_’ (Ia .\ DECIMAL FIGURES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Advertising figures cast on Cap Line. ADVERTISING FIGURES 12 Point No. 112 SETS, 12-H-6-8 5 lbS., $3.70 123456 7890 $23.43 16 Point N0. 112 SETS, 1643-8-10 5 IbS., $3.40 1234567890 8c 20 Point No. 112 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567 $8 sers, 20-16-10-12 24 Point N0: 112 sen, 25-21-1246 5 lbS., $3.20 30 Point N0- 112 sers, 32-25-13-1a 5 lbs., $3.10 36 Point N0» 112 SETS, as-so-15-22 5 lbs., $3.10 C 42 Point No. 112 5 lbs,’ $3.00 12 48 Point No. 112 SETS, 40-31-19-24 5 lbs., $3.00 SETS, 47-37-2o~3o 6789 DECIMAL FIGURES 16 Point NO. 1120 3575, 1o-5-7 5 IbS., $3.40 $12345678.9O $123.45 20 Point N0. 1120 SETS, 12-6-8 5 lbS., $3.30 $12345678.9O $12 24 Point N0. 1120 sers, 15-3-10 5 IbS., $3.20 $123456 7 8. 90 36 Point No. 1120 5 lbs., $3.10 3123456. 78 48 Point No. 1120 51bs.. $3.00 $1234.56 ()nly figures, dollar marks and periods cast in decimal fonts. se1's, 20-10-12 SETS, 25-12-16 EXAMPLES 16 Point $4.39 $3.53 20 Point $2.31 $15.46 $83.27 $8.93 $6.40 36 Point $709-75 48 Point $35“ The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks lower case c. period and figure one respectively. BARNHART BROS. &. SF-’Il\lDLER’S 710 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING Qi: FIGURES \Veights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 12 Point No. 113 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567890 $682.58 64c $53.20 SETS, 7-5-3-5 16 Point No. 113 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 $172.65 86c 20 POIIII NO. 113 3513, 12-12-5-1o 5 IbS., 1234567890 $5 8c sers, 15-15-s-11 5 lbs-. $2-30 1134567890 $5 3513, 13-1a-s-14 5 lbs-, $2-30 12 4567 EB 36 Point No. am, ,,_,,-,,,6 5 1135,, $2.30 123456 70 ssrs, 9-7-4-7 24 Point No. 12 30 Point No. 113 %d 42 POIIII NO. 3573’ 24-2g-3-13 5 lbs., 48 POIIIIZ N0. 3575, 3040-10.22 5 lbs., 123456 60 Point No. 113 SE-r5_ 3...34-,,-,,, 5 lbs., $2.70 1234 5 14 Point No. 114 5 lbs., $3.50 /234567890 685 $64.93 7339567890 3?? 20 Point No. 114 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567 $73.47 24 Point No. 114 SETS, 19-1o-5-15 5 1138-, $330 /23 567 86 SETS, 9-6-4-7 ssrs, 11-a-5-9 SETS, 1440-5-10 30 Point N0. 114 stars 21-13-7-17 5 1135-. $3-10 36 Point No. 114 sers, 24-13-so-2o 5 lbsn $3-10 42 Point No. 114 SETS, 27-21-10-24 5 lbs., $3-00 5 lbs., $3.00 48 Point No. 114 SETS, as-24-12-32 12345 60 Point No. 114 3579, 43-31-1145 5 1135-, $3-00 678 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case c, period and figure one respectively. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 711 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING FIGURES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 12 Point N0. 115 SETS, 7-6-4 5 lbS., $3-3° 0 13 Point N0- 116 SET6, 9-7-4 5 lbs-p $3-30 l234567890 320 $4.90 570 $7.26 ‘[ |234567890 $|.32 I36 $24 l234507390 350 $5.42 7 30 5Z;'°° 934567390 ac $1.92 2i§t§;;56§-390 $33 I 30 Point N0. 116 8ET8,18-15-8 51bS-.32-80 I 30 Point N0 115 ears, 1542-7 5 lbS., $2.80 '1 l ‘ 23 36 Point No. 116 SETS, 2043-9 5 lbs., $2.80 sers, 1745-3 5 lbS., $2.80 5 i 2 I 1 ' 42 Point NO. 116 SETS, 27-22-10 5 lbs» $2-70 42 Pom‘ NW 115 sers 2046-9 5 lbS., $2.70 I 2 ‘ 2 3 t 54 Point N0. 116 3513, 32-26-12 5 lbs., $2.70 1 48 Point NC. 3573, 2043.9 5 lbs” . 1 123 5573 '23 ’ 60 Point No. 116 stars. 37-30-14 5 lbs., $2.70 54 Point N0. 115 sets, 25-20-10 5 lbs., $2.70 ’ 36 Point No. 11 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case c and period respectively. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER 712 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING FIGURES Vveights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 12 Point NO. 117 SETS, 8-8-4 5 lbs-. $3-30 1234567890 $8.90 320 $1.56 16 P0iIlt NO. 117 3573, 9-9-4 5 lbs-, $3-00 1234567890 $25.43 980 18 Point NO. sets, 1241-5 5 1bS., 123456 7890 2c $6 20 P0int NO. 3575’ 1443-5 5 lbs., 1234567890 30 $1 24 NO. 3513' 15-15-‘; 5 lbs., 123456789 8 30 Point N0. 117 5 lbs., $2.80 SETS, 19-19-3 12345678 $9 36 Point NC. sET3’ 2242-9 5 lbs., 123456 $ 42‘ Point NC. 117 3515, 26-26-11 5 lbs., $2.70 3456 $9 48 Point NC. 117 SETS, 30-30-12 5 lbs., $2.70 12345 6 12 Point No. 118 5 lbs., $3.30 1234567890 320 $16.87 98C sers, 3-7-4-e 16 Point No. 118 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 5C $27.16 20 Point No. 118 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 450 33845678 $553 SETS, 21-13-1044 5 lbs., $2-80 456 7c sers, 23-21-1044 5 lbs., $2-80 56 $7 5 lbs., $2.70 SETS, 10-9-5-3 SETS, 14-11-e-1o SETS, 1644-7-12 30 Point No. 118 12 36 Point No. 118 12 42 Point No. he 18 stars, 28-24-1246 48 Point NC. 118 sars, 30-26-12-18 5 lbs., $170 567890 54 Point No. 118 5 lbs., $2.70 1234 5 SETS. 34-29-14-20 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case C. periud Find fiiillrt‘ Ont‘ r<’SDf'ctive1y. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. F’OIl\IT- BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ADVERTISING I’ \ \». r ' o°‘~Y Dvowv; ‘:12 5 “A: 1 . 1 v ' °1~1 l!0'L‘j’-1’ o FIGURES Weights and Prices given are Appmxinnutc; soc page 2. Cast on (Sup Line. 133316197890 7$7§§4.892511§3:§ 12m3456783’096$5.28S4¢ 1234567890 $6 12 30 Point No. 119 12 45 789c 5 lbs., $2.80 4ll3$ 36 Point No. 119 5 lbs., $2.80 12 45 c 42 NO. 6 SE73’ 29-25-14 112 4 48 Point No. 119 SETS, 23-19-12 SETS, 25-21-12 5 lbs.. $2.70 $2 5 lbs., $2.70 789 0 54 P011" N0» 119 SETS, 36-29-17 5 lbS., $2.70 1234 5 sars, 34-27-14 16 Point NO. 120 sns, 14-15-7-10 5 lbs., $3.00 12345678901 35 20 Point NC. 1.7.0 ans, 17-18-7-1o 5 lbs., $3.00 123456789330 24 Point N0. 120 SETS, 23-22-10-15 5 lbS., $2.80 123456 7c 30 Point N0. 1.7.0 3575, 25-25-1245 5 lbs., $2.80 12345 $6 42 Point N(). 120 sevs, 37-so-15-22 5 lbs-. $2-70 67890 54 Point NO. 120 SETS, 45-42-18-27 5 1135.. $2.70 2345 18 Point N0. 121 SETS, 11-8-5 5 1135-: $3-0° 1234567890 $109.85 24 Point No. 121 am, 15.11.; 5 lbs-. $3.00 1234567890 $2 30 Point N0. 121 SETS, 13-15-8 5 1135-1 $230 12345678 $9 5 lbs., $2.80 36 Point No. 121 stars, 20-15-1o 123456789 42 Point No. 121 5 lbs.. $2.70 sevs, 24-19-1o 123456 7 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case 1’, period and figure one respmrtiw.-ly. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 714 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 123 ) ADVERTISING Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. 16 Point No. 122 says, 5.5.3 5 lbs., $3. 1234567890 $2.34 430 $9.86 320 $45 20 Point N0. 122 sets, 3-7-4 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 870 $16.54 606 24 Point N0. 122 sets, 11-3-5 5 lbs., $2.80 1234567 890 $82 750 30 POIHII NO. 3575’ 12.10.; 5 IbS., 1234567890 496 $3 42 Point No. 122 3573, 15-12.; 5 lbs., $2.70 1234567890 66 48 POII1t NO. 3573, 2045-7 5 IbS., 123456789 16 POIIHZ NO. sets, 12-11-5-5 5 IbS., 1234567890 $2.43 20 Point N0. 123 sets, 16-15-7-8 5 lbS., $3.00 1234567890 1C 24 Point No. 123 SETS, ,,,_,8_.,_,, 5 1bs,, $2.30 12345678 9 30 POITH NO. 3513, 2.3-21-3-” 5 IbS., 42 P041“ N0- 123 sets, 34-29-1144 5 lbs., $2.70 456 .7 E -. \ 1' ‘;0‘Y’ » («C N‘ 9': ‘<9 4-«r ea: (1. ' V _ 3‘/, F IGURE6 Cast on Cap Line. 11723312567890 933 20 Point No. 124 5 lbs., $3.00 1234567890 $1 30 Point N0. 124 SETS, 25-21-942 5 IbS., $2.80 123456 70 42 Point No. 124 5 lbs., $2.70 12345 6 54 Point No. 124 5 lbs., $2-70 789 0 433456907 3c$i’:l§%54°: 20 Point No. 125 5 1bs., $3-00 1 23456790 1 0c 24 Point No. 125 5 lbs., $2-30 1234567 $8 30 Point No. 125 sets, 22-17-1o 5 1135-» $2-30 12345678 9 36 Point No. 125 sets, 25-24-11 5 lbs., $2.80 123456 7 SETS, 14-11-6-8 sets, we-14-7-1o SETS, 32-27-10-16 SETS, 42-35-15-20 SETS, 12-11-5 SETS, 16-13-5 sets, 2o-17-9 The sets given above are for figures and dollar marks, lower case c, period and figure one respectively. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POII\IT- BODY 715 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Calendar figures are put up in fonts suflicient to set any one month. 16 Point No.51 % lb., $0.50 1 3 1 4 18 Point No. 51 1% lbs., $0.70 1 5 1 6 20 Point No.51 1% lbs., $0.85 1 7 1 8 24 Point No. 51 1"/fa lbs., $1.00 19 30 Point No. 51 20 2‘%e lbs., $1.75 36 Point No. 51 4 lbs., $2.50 2 41;"!/61bS., $3.00 3 7 lbs., $4.25 4 81/16 lbs., $4.75 5 42 Point No. 51 48 Point No. 51 54 Point No. 51 60 Point No.51 8% lbs., $5.00 6 CALENDAR “$4. =‘??‘~*~ FIGURES Weights and Prices given are Approximate; see page 2. Cast on Cap Line. 16 Point No. 52 16 18 Point No. 18 20 Point N0. 20 24 Point No. 2 30 Point No. 24 36 Point No 26 42 Point No. 48 Point No 54 Point No. 60 Point No. 52 52 52 V; 1b., $0.50 17 SA. lb., $0.55 19 3/41b., $0.65 21 1lb., $0.75 23 52 1%1bs., $1.10 25 52 2%1bs., $1.50 27 52 3% lbs., $2.00 52 3 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S . 52 4%1bs., $2.45 52 43/10 lbs., $2.70 5 lbs., $3.00 8 Point No. 53 22 10 Point No. 24 16 Point No. 26 18 Point No 28 30 Point No 53 53 Order by name and number. ‘/4 1b., $0.25 23 % lb., $0.35 25 910 lb., $0.55 27 . 53 1%!» lbs., $0.80 29 .53 2%1bs., $1.55 14 Point No. 54 18 %lb., $0.50 19 18 Point No. 54 1% lbs., $0.80 20 21 24 Point No. 54 22 23 30 Point No.54 3% lbs., $2.15 25 42 Point No. 54 5% lbs., $3.25 26 SUPERIOR COPPER-MI XED TYPE 2 lbs., $1.25 16 Point No.55 20 20 Point No. 55 22 24 Point No.55 24 30 Point No. 55 36 Point No. 55 42 Point No. 55 48 Point No. 55 % lb., $0.50 21 1% lbs., $0.85 23 1% lbs. , $1.25 25 2% lbs., $1.75 3% lbs. , $2.45 5 lbs., $3.00 5% lbs., $3.50 54 Point No. 55 6% lbs., $4.00 30 60 Point No. 55 81/4 lbs., $4.90 CALENDAR FIGURES I’ \ “ c a\° 0 ‘_ vow? L15,‘ _\ DDOANY SET‘ V \\'ci;.{1It~. .'m)1 1’rir(*s ;..{i\’cnareAm)r<)xi11)z1Ic: 5(1) x):x',.;c J. (‘.'1st«)n (_‘.'1p1.i1)c. (‘.'11<:m1;u‘ 11;{l11‘(?.% are put up in fonts sufficient to set ElI1_VOIlL* Inontl). Order by11a111c and 1)u1111)m‘. 1lI’()inLNr).56 5‘:-; 11)., $0.30 121’()intN0.57 17$ lb., $0.25 10 Point No. 58 11)., $0.25 14 I’()i11tN().5‘) ,1/:1 11)., $0.30 15 16 18 19 18 19 17 18 1()1’<)int1\'r).5() 5511)., $0.50 16 I’(')int N0. 59 .16 11).. $0.35 18 17 16 point NO. 57 lb.‘ $035 141’O1I1tNO. 58 11)., $0.40 20 2 I ‘ 59 11)., $0.55 It)’ Point No. 56 111)., $0.70 15 point NO_ _ 19 20 21 22 18 Point N0. 58 111).. $0.70 34 P0111‘ NW 50 1"’<11>8-.$0-90 18 Point N0’ 57 >1 H)“ $0'45 5 2 2 3 24 Point N0. 5‘) 13:§11)s.. $0.85 3(11)‘’1’”N‘’~ 56 3%11’5-.$1-35 3()1’()i11tNr).S9 117$11)s., $1.20 23 2 I 34 pom. NO. 57 1% “,3” $0,‘, 24 Point No. 53 1,¥é11)s.,$1.oo 36 Point No. 56 311)s., $1.85 36 point N0 51) _)3{11,;,~_, $1,7o 30 Point No. 57 lbs., $1.00 30 Point No. 58 2,5é1bs., $1.60 421’<>intN0-56 4%1bs.,$2.50 421’oi1)tNc). 59 .3;‘(11)..~.,$2.os 431’0i"‘ N0 57 35155-»$1-55 36PointNo.58 3£é11)s.,$2.2o 48 Point N0. 56 511)s‘., $3.00 2 2 9 3 F 48 Point No. 51) .15311)s., $2.75 48 Point No.57 3% l1)s., $1.95 48 point NO_ 58 45);; 11,5” $3,oo 54 Point N”. 56 51,2 lbs" $3.50 5 5 5-1Po111tN(). 59 51115.. $3.00 60 Point No. 56 (W8 lbs. $4.00 ()0 Point N0. 57 3;,3:{11)s.. $2.25 54 Point No. 58 ()~‘é11)s., $4.00 ()0 Point No. 5‘) 5:11 11>S.. $3.45 29 31 29 31 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 717' QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Fonts of Perpetual Ca1c11(lars C011tai1‘1 fifty-two logzotypcs, rules, can be 113011 for anv 111011 PERPETUAL I’ \ c0}\ " N“ 111 i11 any year; can CALENDARS l1:tt(21'sa11d fis1111‘1rsfn1‘ 111011 be (:l1a11;z(:d i11stz111tl_\'. 111 an (1 _v<:a1'; 1,11 3 4 56 71127 1m?jmaA1iv‘19_9§_1 1:21 5:93 11MARCH 1,909 1 D "1°11T;”§‘ Sf 1:1 13751131911 P151 #3 ?m{111_ER2!1_1:A;1 1: E1 15 6 7 »3:11?_7T6fi E1 1"?” :1; 3 11301 1411;5:31T”‘”1 93 1111 112 13 14 15116" .1118 13:1 114 15 161171 1131"] 925511 19 29121 22 23 24 25 1“ LL31 121122} 2131124125 26271 E51 13.51 20 27123 29 30 31 113.1 A 2.2 ~—— - ~— 1311 138 29 3o113_,!_1 1 1 121 [E1 Calendar x30 1 1551 __ R. Price Per tom, $1.75 ‘#1 W 1“ 2* Caiendar X33 1—“1 Price per font, $1.75 1908 MAY 1903 SUN1MON TUE WED THU1 FRI 1 SAT 11909 APRIL 1909 110 111 12113 141 151 1171118 19120 2? 124125 26127 M Calendar X31 161 22111231 281129131021 1_5“_T‘l.11TM9’5‘. 1.11 1 E1161171 T2113 1 91120 1181 TUE 11.Vfi2D 1 THU 11_1-‘R1 SAT 1 11121L_3;1 8 1911101 21 141115 122 E6 23 1171 241 _1 1 1 sUN 1 ._._:__..jZ.___* 6 20 23 25 Price per font, $2.00 1_E___§11:i-’v__5J127 128 129 Calendar X34 ,.._._____. :01 BL Price per font, $2.00 1908 FEBRUARY 1908 1 SUN MON TUE 1FVED THU 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Calendar X32 BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S Price per font $3.00 718 SAT 6 8 11 22 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ELECTROTYPED :« "~ "- "- "~ .51 _- 6789101112 7891011118 5 ._h_ __,, M ' y : : 5: 1814151617 1819 § 1415 1617 181920 "E-"‘u'-‘i"fii"P-‘i-"i"i"*i"F"F”'F V‘-i’¥'§'*§"i"*i""F-ii’-E-s¢'P'i' _’ 26 25 2627 .0 0 I 3 __ 4 . __ ._ __ . .. .. .. 5 JAN A ' :f’ .. .. .. .. .. 1 2 .. .. .. .. 1 2 3 ‘s 4 4 . ‘i 3'. 4 4 4 .”‘;". . 4 4 f.’E'i“i“'3E‘f 4 .. $7773 4 4.... .. -2 4 4 - 2 4 4 477 34442823424423: {§v¢,>I6l7 82101512 5 7 8 21011 8 91011121314331): ‘.__f____‘jg_______ffff.f I I I 1:? ‘ ' ' ; " 49.:.244;:;4;2::;.~’;;1;2; 2. 2 14:? 4 73 3 425222324252 272 4,1011“ ‘1.15“1n_1r617l8 n.n_ ‘E 2728293031....262728293o31..293o..........Q :;’,2:3_:32325é:,:§‘7’;§ {E 00 00 00 00 000 00 I000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 :“ '___3l-V".-.'-i.-. 2930'......... .: F 9“ 1284:r ...12345 4 ..E.""4”".'". 4 4 4 .‘”..“'i . 4 4 4°.°"4""f“. 4 2:. 2'7 811911518 t;,34Z.‘-‘449-i‘4’}4‘4i3 :§::: 7. 0 0 0 0 . “_ . 7“ 2 E I J V I I 2 3 % O 26 21 4: ‘J3 2;; g 3 4 5 6 7 8 90& 00 00000600 0600 8 El} _‘_ 4. 345 7 7 9|0III2 ......1284 I0III2I3I41516 910111213141513141516171819:, >_567g91()11>.3456789 7517181920212223161718192o21222o2122232425.26 ;’ 31213141516171: 2425262728....§g2425262728292728293o31.... 21252627282950 E II 00 IO 00 CI O0 IO 0! IO 00 0 IO C II 00 00 IO 1... .‘'g.. ..6 '6 .% % j_i _é .3 ,4: .6 .6 0’;- :@§ JULY NOVEMBER 5} 3101: 12181415 . 8 91011121814 :51‘? F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S E.’ gl6l71819202122 815161718192021 $5 ‘* —' —— —-— - 4:» 4 232425 26 2728 29 0 2223 24252627 28 4: £1; 2.. £1; 2 3 4 5 5 22% :40 ...l 293031.. .. <:.. 97 9101112133 45 7 9:- —* 45*’ I5161415161718192o1o11 1213141516 3. X1 22 23 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 17 18 19 20 2| 22 23 9’ C_ALENDAl§ Nofl $1310 45‘; 293028293031 .. .. .. 24 25 26 27 28 2930 5 Pnce.$1-00 Ymah - A 00000000-000000000000000000000 {:23 _ AUGUST DECEMBER .1? E T w F 15' 4., __ ssMTwT1=ssMT_vv_L]1=s ‘E 23 56........1231234567§§. 1&9 lZ'§lg:(7):§:;13 4 5 6 7 8210 8 g1o1g121314.@. 35 2011121314151 17151 171 192021.- 43,7’, 2;; 22 23 24 25 26 27 18 192021 22 23 24 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 ;« MAY 1;; 2 2930.. .. .. .. 25262728293031 293031 .. .. .. .. 5} 3&4}. “ I0 0. a.o0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 000- 00 00 ' 4:‘; _ ‘>4: S M T W T F S . . .. 1 2 3 4 CALENDAR NO. X9. Pr1ce,$l.50 By ma1l.$l.70 [2 I3 '4 I5 '6 '7 I8 lg202g 2223 24 25 2 272 29303! .. h h 00V000000000000 g*§"g.‘;~§;§§ g~§*gE*§g;§§ CALI-ZNDARNO.X3 "' (,3) § 7%: § § Lgg "" §) § § § LE (,3) Priceper set of 12 months.$3.75 jamtgf g 2 3—4—5 july 7 9101112 7 910111213 13141516171819 14151617181920 20212223242526 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2728293031.... 28293031....-. Feb-.. .. 1 2 Aug... 1 2 3 3 4 5 6 7 8 4 6 7 8 10 1011 1213141512 II 121314151217 171312 20 2:3 22 23 1819 20 2513 22 23 24 _~________ _ .W\}V._..4q...,--_..z_?...V1_7__--.._ 2 252 ,, _ 6 1 .c<:¢'<:1_~* ‘“_‘; /7 . -.43‘ r1,.34T\>_-. _' M _. 7?. . 4 8?. 76 ???‘.’?. 4» A cmaunzm. ar-34s6789Sept.r234567 :'=‘.-.~=':-.,-._- .:':’-':'.:'...-.4_- 10111213141516 861011121314 17131920212223 151617181920’-’1 ———£'3:1’2‘;»,5;‘§—,‘ "’”T“~0'i’-2”:a'ig"T"1‘:2“:s466“7 24 25 2627 28 2930 222324252627 28 Jan, -6;}, 8 9101112 '6 3 8 91011 8p. 8 91011121314 31 2930----~---" 13141516171819 12181415161718 1516 18192021 AP13 -- 1 2 3 4 5 6 Oct... .. 1 2 3 4 5 29312/‘#242526 2o21,“,;.;2,'-35 22442495962723 7 8 910111213 6 7 8 9101112 2738293631.. 26‘728293031 Oct 2930.; .. .. .. .. .. 1 .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. ‘ I .) ;::;g:6;71819)2o 131415161718‘? F°b- 3456789‘hme2345678 6789101112 3 4252 27 2° 2"” 23 24 252 10111218141516 9101112181415 18141516171819 232930 2728293031--~ 17181920212228 16171819202122 20212248242526 M35’---é~ I 2 3 4 NOV----------- 1 2 24245262728... 28242526272829 2728298081.... 5 7 8 1011 5 6 7 8 9 30.. .. 12 I3 14 15 1217 18 131: 12 13 14 15 16 M313 -- -; -- -- 1 3 -- ~ N0“ $3 19 2° “22 23 24 25 ‘7 181920212223 131%1{2)1g1Z1§16 .7 8 91011131; 10111218141516 26 27 98 29 3° 3‘ -- 24 25 26 27 28 29 3° 171819 20 21 22 25 141116171819 20 171819 20 2122 28 _]une............ 1 24252627282930 [21 2.5525262? 24252627282980 6 8 D . 6 81.. .. .. .. .. .. 2829811311.. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 2163121171 ec821g1:12131: A,.,128450'A"§-.......128D00- 1214567 9 345 9 p’ 78910111218 45678910 8910111-21814 ‘6’7‘8’9 2° 21” I516” 1812202; 1415l614i1819’20 11121814151617 15161718192021 23 24 25 25 27 23 29 22 23 24 252 272 21:42 2824.25 26 27 1819 20 2124» 2824 2228 -24,26 :36 27 28 30.. .. .. .. .. .. 29 3o 31 .. .. .. .. 23 29130 ' 25 26 27 :8 49 .11) 31 _ 3‘3S[§1)_331:_3._.W.>3. .. CALENDAR NO.X8. Price.$l.00 By mail.$l.15 CALENDAR NO.X30. Price, $1-00 BY mai1.$1.15 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 719 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TIME TABLE FIGURES TIME TABLE FIGURES 5 Point Roman Time Table Figures Enset 1234567890 Per lb., $1.20 5 Point Lightface Gothic Time Table Figures F.nSet 1234567890 Per lb., $1.80 5 Point Clarendon Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.80 Enset 1234567890 5 Point Black Clarendon Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.80 F.nSet 1234567890 5 Point Lin. Gothic No. 117 Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.80 Enset 1234567690 5 Point Medium Clarendon Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.80 EnSet 1234567690 5% Point Gothic Cond. Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.44 EnSet 1234567890 5% Point Roman Time Table Figures Per lb., $0.74 EnSet 1234567890 5% Point Clarendon Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.44 EnSet 1284667890 5% Point Black Gothic Time Table Figures 2-3Set 1234567890 Per lb., $1.44 5% Point Light Gothic Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.44 3-sset 1234567890 6 Point Roman Time Table Figures Per lb., $0.64 ' EnSet 1234567890 6 Point Clarendon Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.16 F.nSet 6 Point Gothic Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.16 Enset 1254587890 6 Point Light Gothic Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.16 F.n Set 1234567890 6 Point Telescopic Gothic Time Table Figures 3-5539‘ 1234567890 Per lb., $1.16 SPECIAL LOGOTYPES AND REFERENCES 5 Point Time Table Logotypes Per lb $1.80 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 " LV Al‘ AM P.M AM RM am pm 7 7 6 6 5 5 6 6 5% Point Time Table Logotypes per 1b_ $1_44 1 2 3 4 5 o 7 8 ’ Lv. Ar. AM PM Ar Lv AM PM 12 12 5 5 7 7 a 3 6 Point Time Table Logotypes Per lb., $1.16 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 11 12 13 14 8 Lv AR AM PM AM PM 6 {2 AM PM arr lve am [ml 7 7 7 7 10 10 3 3 8 6 9 9 8 8 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 am pm am pm n’n n’t n'n n't 6 6 12 12 12 12 6 8 Order by number. The figure above each character desig- gates the number of character; the figures below designates ie set. 6 Point Antique Time Table Figures Per lb., $1.16 4-5Set 1234567890 5 Point Time Table References Per lb., $1.20 1 2 3 4 5 6 1! § 1 * 1 “ All cast 2% point set 5% Point Time Table References Per lb., $0.74 1 2 3 3 5 e ‘.1 § 1 * I “ All cast 2% point set Per lb., $0.64 6 Point Time Table References 1 2 3 4 5 6‘ 7’ ll 5 l * 1 ‘ ’ All cast 3 point set Order by number. The figure above each character desig- nates the number of character. EXAMPLES SHOWING TIME TABLE FIGURES IN PRACTICAL USE 5 Point Lightface Gothic and Clarendon Time Table Figures 5 Point Roman and Medium Clarendon Time Table Figures " .. . No. 1 No.3 No. 4 Fro. 108 102 120 bI‘A FIONS 103 115 118 Dan), Ex.sun_ STATIONS Lhwtod Special PM AM an an m p 2 so m 1 19 am Ar.. .. ....caIdwo1l, Ida ....... ..Lv 4 30am 4 40 pm 7 50 9 10 10 Ar . . . . . ..\NI|kos-Barre . . . . . ..Lv 30 7 15 10 50 3 35 3... 2 12 am A!‘ . . . . . . . . .Ontarlo, Ore . . . . . . . . ..Lv 3 38 am 3 35 pm 7 28 8 45 47 Ar . . . . . . . . .. mouth . . . . . . . . ..Lv 49 7 35 11 05 3 45 pm 2 20 am Ar . . . . . . .. Fayette, Idaho . . . . . . ..Lv 3 30 am 3 25 pm 7 14 8 38 I 38 Ar . . . . . . . .. Nantlcoke . . . . . . . ..Lv 58 7 43 ll 13 4 10 pm 2 48 am A!‘ . . . . . . . ..Welser, Idaho . . . . . . . ..Lv 3 10 am 2 51pm 7 09 8 33 31 Ar . . . . ..Hunlock’s Creek . . . . ..Lv (13 7 49 11 19 5 on pm 3 40 am Ar.. .. ...Huntlng'ton, Ore. .. .. ..Lv 2 25 am 3 0| pm 6 59 8 22 20 Ar . . . . . . ..Sh1cksh1nny . .. ..Lv a) 3 01 11 81 4 1 pm 2 55 am l.v.. .. ..Huntlngton . . . . . . . . ..Ar 1 10 am 13 4 pm 641 805 K03 Ar........Beacl1Haven........Lv I87 8 19 1148 546nm . . . . . . . .. A1-........Pleasant Valley . . . . . . ..Lv . . . . . . . .. 11 am 6 84 7 57 58 Ar . . . . . . . . ..Berw1ck . . . . . . . . ..Lv 44 8 27 11 54 315 pm 4 40 am Ar . . . . . . . . .. Baker City .. .. ..Lv 11 15 pm 10 45 am 820 744 46 Ar........LlmeR1dge ...... ..Lv 58 840 .1209 785nm 5-mamlm ----------- -- Dion ----------- ..Lv osopm 9 10am 6 18 7 38 40 Ar . . . . . . . . . . .. Jspy . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv A 08 3 46 12 15 3 05 pm 6 10 am A1 La Grande Lv 9 05 pm 8 45 am 6 05 7 33 33 Ar . . . . . . ..Bloomsburg . . . . . . ..Lv 1 12 8 53 12 22 3 35 pm . . . . . . . .. A1 . . . . . . . . . . ..Hllgar(l . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv . . . . . . . .. 8 20am 6 01 7 26 29 Ar . . . . . . . . . ..Rupert . . . . . . . . . ..Lv I 15 3 57 12 25 9 25 pm 7 25 am Ar . . . . . . . . . ..Meacham . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 7 45 pm 7 25 am 556 721 23 Ar.........Oatawissa.........Lv I 20 902 12 32 10 20pm 8l5amA1-.......Blfl8‘11RmSPl‘ln8’8-------LV 025pm 550am 5 84 6 57 01 Ar . . . . . . . .. Cameron.. .. ..Lv I 48 9 24 12 57 11 00 pm 8 55 am Al‘ . . . . . . ..I’eIld18t0ll. Ore-. .. -- .-LV 5 40 pm 5 00 am 525 645 50 L\',_,,_Nofthun‘bgr|and_____Ar 1 55 935 110 11 59pm 1000am.Ar...........Echo,()re . . . . . . . . . ..Lv qacpm 350arn PM All RM RM AM AN 12 35am 10 40amlA1'. ..........Umat11la.............Lv jsapm 305nm BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 720 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TIME TABLE 5 Point Lightface Gothic and Black Clarendon Time Table Figures FIGURES 5 Point Liglitface Gothic and Lin. Gothic No. 117 Time Table Figures 71311; STATIONS L1}i1(1);t:d $312131 Tiifafiév E§.(§u6n. STATIONS €311; E§.(Su7n. * 535, L ...... .. iwood, b ....... ..A 205 1045 *1l(l)Rl*802P.MLv . . . . . . . . . . ..Ch|¢I 0............A1' 900"‘ 730“ 548::A¥ ' . _ _ . _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ "L: '45:: 10 25% 1111RM*812RILV . . . . . . . . ..Kedz1e V6..........AI‘ . . . . . . . .. 7 9m 545“ 553R“AI._ _-Bruno _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __Lv 1389“ 9559“ 12 9 AI‘ . . . . . . . . ..DOK&lb, . . . . . . . . . ..LV 7 5 6 6 Ar _ _ _ _ . . _ _ _ __ Bl-ainard _ ' _ _ . . _ _ . “Lv 1 B ....... ..+530PMLv............Peor1a.............Ar+1102AM 110201 705111 1; * _ I‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , _ 3123‘ 1125512?::11::::c‘.S.%‘2$?’f§e;;:::::::::£3 Eéfifi $389 Z323 11118.1.-........ ..§eM'ard .......... ..Lv 1241211 1011211 5 45AM 1 sou Ar ....... ..Ceda.r Rapids ....... ..Lv 3 3501 1 30»: 9 20AM 11eP.u Ar .......... ..(xoehner ---------- --Lv 12 24211 8 00211 10 02AM 423mAr . . . . . . . . ..Boone,Iowa. . . . . . . . . ..Lv 1238M 10102! 10 05AM 732RIAI'.......BeaVeI‘CI‘0S8in8'-------LV 1211911 525911 3459.11 915AuAr ........ ..0maha,Neb ........ ..Lv 838211 5 RI 1 104501 1«PuAr............Cordova..---.------Lv 113901 4501?! 425811 940mLv . . . . . . . .0maha. Neb . . . . . . ..Ar 818841 5 ORI44 112501 800P.lAr . . . . . . . . . . . ..Exeter . . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 1125AM 420841 305»: saunaAr.......IINortn151atteI.I .... ..Lv l08P.M 85001 1210P.I o121>.uAr.. .......Sawyer .......... ..Lv 1112»; 3451211 . . . . . . . ..Ig;)(i'thPl§tt: . . . . . . . 1o 20»: 11 10iiii§A:'.'.'.'.'.'.II6hey§3lé,\§r;FéI.'.'f.'f.'.'L: 303»: 1 40»: 2 1oPIu a 48PM Ar .......... ..Sh1ck1ey .......... ..Lv 10 37114 2 men 5% Point Gothic Condensed Time Table Figures 5% Point Clarendon Time Table Figures No.1 No.3 No.2 No.4 Daily Mail. STATION S Mail Daily 27 33 STATIONS 22 4° 7 151.11 1 00 PM Lv ...... .. Norfolk, Nob. ...... ..Ar 5 45AM 1 5581! AM PM AM P.M 13501 115P.uAr .......... ..Hd .......... ..L 528101 735P.u 758 830 L .......... ..s lb .......... ..Ar 1020 940 s was 1 so PM Ar .......... ..p1‘$1-35 .......... ..L: 5 mm 1 1oP.u 8 30 3 37 A: ........... ..s°1§ya'i§~' .......... ..Lv 10 00 9 15 8 45101 1 49 PM Al‘ . . . . . . . . . . ..Foster . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 4 51 All 6 30PM 8 45 8 48 A1 . . . . . . . . . . . .. Dodge . . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 9 46 8 48 9 25411 2 05 PM A!‘ - . . . . . . . ..PlainvieW . . . . . - . . -.Lv 4 37411 6 05PM 9 25 9 07 Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..Howe11s . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 9 25 7 50 10 1501 2 25 PM Ar . . . . . . . . ..Creighton . . . . . . . . ..Lv 4 15AM 5 30 R14 9 55 9 20 Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..Clarkson . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 9 08 7 00 10 35»: 2 35 an AI‘ . . . . . . . ..Winnetoon . . . . . . . ..Lv 4 021.14 4 55 PM 10 20 9 37 Ar . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Leigh . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 8 52 6 10 11 20 U 2 55 PM Ar ........ .. Verdigre ........ ..Lv 3 42m 4 30 RM 10 45 9 58 Ar .......... .. Creston .......... ..Lv 8 35 5 so 12 15 PM 3 20 PM Ar . . . . . . . . ..Niobrara . . . . . . . . ..Lv 3 20 M1 3 20 W 11 25 10 12 AI‘ . . . . . . . . . ..Humphrey . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 8 16 4 50 1 00 PM 3 45 PM Al‘ . . . . . . . . . .. Verde] . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 2 5504 2 25 RN 1158 10 21 AI‘ . . . . . . . . . . .. Cornlea . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 8 06 4 30 1 40 PM 4 01 RN Ar . . . . . . . . . ..Monowi . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 2 40 U 1 40 PI 12 45 10 33 Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..Lindsay . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 7 50 . . . . . .. 2 25 PM 4 20 PM Al‘ . . . . . . . . . . ..Lynch . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 2 24 AM 1 00 PM 1 so 10 46 Ar . . . . . .. Newman’s Grove . . . . . ..Lv 7 38 . . . . . .. 3 0091! 4 35 RI Ar . . . . . . . . . ..Bristow . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 2100111 45411 2 1o 11 05 Ar . . . . . . . . . . ..B1-adis . . . . . . . . . . ..Lv 718 . . . . . .. 3 40 PM 4 50 PM Ar ......... ..Spencer ......... ..Lv 1 5401 11 1501 PM PM AM PM 5% Point Lightface and Black Gothic Time Table Figures 6 point Lightface Gothic Time Table Figures N .3 N .5 N .6 N .4 ‘ Dgily Spgcial STATIONS S Jgcial Dgil)’ Fl:(§&n ggilg STATIONS ggfli E1:_OS'Sn 10401» I 50PM Ar ........ ..c u .... .. .Lv. 1:12pm 7450: " . . 10 55 *1 gag 66 *6 , _ _ _ _ _ _vVes':i‘J'31m—, _ _ _ _ _ __ 45 :1 on 6» 30 6‘ 7 (X) AM 3 35 AM .BO|lO. P|_aIne.....Af1 4! PM g PM 11 12 f‘ I 23 “ “ . . . . . . . ..Beemer . . . . . . . .. " 1 42 “ 7 14 “ 7 55 AM 9 10 AM “ . . . . .. HaItW1ck . . . . .. “ 9 PM 3 PM 11 25 '“ 37 “ “ . . . . . . . ..Wisner . . . . . . .. “ 1 30 1‘ 7 O0 5‘ 3 15 AM 9 25 AM “ . . . . ..Carnfo1'th . . . . .. “ 3 PM PM 11 40 “ I 50 “ “ . . . . . . . . ..Pi1ger ........ .. “ ‘ 15 '“ 6 47 " 9 00 AM 9 42 AM . . . . .. Guernsey . . . . .. “ 28 PM 2 30 PM 12 02PM _1 10“ “ . . . . . . . ..Stant0n . . . . . . . .. “ 11357“ 629“ 10 00AM 10 02 AM “ .....Deep R1VeI'..... 17 PM 1 50 PM 12 25 “ '35 “ Ar ...... ..Norfo1kJct .... ..Lv. 1:135 -1 3 1o “ 10 45 W10 20 AM “ _ _ _ , , _ _,Ti1ton ______ ._ “ PM 1 17 PM 12 50“ 100“ Lv ----- --N0rf01kJct ---- --Ar-1915“ 545 11 50... 1o 55 AM “ .....What Cheer..... “ 1:: 47 PM 11 501.. 1 15 "‘ 20 " Ar . . . . . ..Batt1eCreek . . . . ..Lv. 13. 52 U4 5 23 “ 12 50 PM 11 17 AM “ tW . . . . . .. ‘ 11! 28 PM 10 20 AM 1 30 “ 35 "‘ “ .....Meadow Grove..... “ 1j_ 35 “ 507 “ es “ 1:3 22 10 00AM .. .. v.‘ . .,. . 1. .. 1 05 PM 11 30 AM . . . . . . .. T1088» - . . . . . - -- PM 1 E‘ 145 6 “ . . . . . . . .. 11den . . . . . . . .. ]_:_ 22 4 56 “ I PM PM 66 Vvright “ PM 9 AM 1 l T . . . . . . .. Oakdale . . . . . . . .. “ 1.. 6. _ as , 56 m as :6 66 . . . ' . ‘No.1 . . . . . . . H as £6 “ . . . . . . . . . . .. “ % 9 “ ‘ “ . . . . . .. earwa er . . . . . .. “ “ ‘ - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 6 Point Telescopic Gothic Time Table Figures 6 P°int G°thi° Time Table Figures No. 1 No. 3 No. 2 No. 4 N0- 1 N0; 3 STATIONS NO 2 NO: 6 Daily Ex. Sun ST”’°"3 Ex. Sun Daily Lmtd-1 Dally Lm‘d- D3115’ 340”, 310A L ___.wAU_LAKE___.A 755,, 125,," 155PM 755AM Lv .... ..¢arnarvon . . . . ..AR 825PM 205PM 355m 825A:A;.....LAKEVlEW.....Li: 740»; 108PM 145” 3g;""'AR ---- --‘Vgé11T;“11t‘e ---- ~'-‘’ $195: 133% 4131:» 84-5AMAR .... ..SACClTY .... ..Lv 721 PM12 sopm 202PM 8 2:AR ...... ..Aelo ...... ..Lv “Sm “MM 429,," 901AMAR _ _ _ ' . _EARLY _ _ _ _ _ __Lv 7o3PM12 33PM 212PM 838 AR . . . . . . .. F0111] . . . . . . ..Lv 225PM 8 50AM AR . . . . ..Ida Grove . . . . ..Lv 7 52131412 53PM 4 45 PM 917AM AR.....SCHALLER.....LV 6 46 PM 12 16PM 2 58 PM 9 05 AM AR.... .Battle Creek.... .Lv 719 W12 45 PM 457PM 930AMAR . . . . . ..GALVA . . . . . ..Lv 633PM12 03PM 252PM 917AMAn . . . . . ..Danbu1'y.......|_v 702PM 12 28PM 514PM 946AMAR.... HOLSTE|N.....Lv 615PM1145AM 505PM 950AMAR . . . . . ..Map1eton.......An 650PM1217PM 528PM 10 02AMAR . . . . ..CUSH|NG . . . . ..Lv 559PM1128AM C 652% 12 01 PM 50OPM10 30AMAR .... ..P|ERSON .... ..Lv 531 PM11 02AM 52°?“ 945“"AR-------- 3319"“ ----- --1-V 5 30 PM 9 55 AM An . . . . . . . ..Tu1'1n . . . . . . . ..Lv 3 2291411 52AM 615 PM 10 48AM AR.... . KINGSLEY .....Lv 5 18 PM 10 48AM 610% 11 mm as 34 pm 11 09 AM An .... ..MOVlLLE .... ..Lv 5 oo PM 10 25AM 5 45”M1°1°’*“ AR ------ --‘(‘){1€“."3 ------ --1-V 5 55 PM 11 22 AM 6 48 PM11 23AM AR . . . . ..LAWTON . . . . ..Lv 4 45 pM10 121,, 5 59PM 10 27AM AR , _ _ . . .. nmng . . . . . . ..An 6 Point Clarendon Time Table Figures 6 Point Antique No. 5 Time Table Figures 35 41 STATIONS 18 22 23 35 STATIONS 34 56 12 40Pm~T553mL . . . . . . ..No|son . . . . . . ..A 810m 12 35pm AM PM _ 3 AM PM 10011111 8103mA‘F/1 . . . . ..VanPetten......L5 755pm1210pm 330 5 15 Lv . . . . . . ..OlInton........AnI 900 7 15 1209111 820amAn.....Hahnemann.....Lv 746pm 1150am 345 527 AR . . . . . . . ..Lyons . . . . . . . .. w 853 702 l4opm 8 32am AR , . . _ ..Normandy . . . . ..Lv 7 39pm 11 30am 4 10 5 41 AR . . . . . . ..A1mont . . . . . . ..Lv? 8 38 6 30 2 10 pm 8 48 am An . . . . . . ..Manlius . . . . . . ..Lv 7 25911110 55am 4 20 5 45 AR . . . . . ..Andove1 ..Lv; 8 33 6 15 . . . . . . .. 901amAR........Langley........|_v 712pm........ 440 555 An........Brya.nt........Lv; 825 555 245pm 910amAR . , , _ _ , , ,, uda , , , , , , , ..Lv 704pm1020am 454 601 AR . . . . ..GooseLake......LvE 817 535 3l0pm 924amAa . . . . . . . ..Mo1°se . . . . . . . ..Lv 653m 955m 520 6 10 AR . . . . . ..Char1otte.......Lvi 807 5 13 3 35 pm 0 37 am AR. .B1'oadmoo1' . . . . . .Lv 6 43 pm 9 37 am 5 38 6 19 AR . . . . ..Pete1-sville . . . . ..An! 7 59 4 55 405pm 947amAn.....CampG1'ove.....Lv 636nm 855am 555 628 An........De1mar........Lv; 751 440 4 351m 10 00am AR _ _ _ , , _ _ __ peer , , _ , , _ _ ,_1_V 6 26pm 8 25am 6 30 6 40 AR . . . . . . Maquoketa . . . . ..Lv; 7 40 4 20 5 0011111 10 13 am An . . . . . . .. Akron . . . . . . ..Lv 6 16 pm 8 00am 6 45 6 52 AR . . . . . ..Nashvi11e . . . . . ..Lv: 7 25 3 41 721 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY DIAMOND ' 3 MUSIC TYPE '\ Smallest font, about 30 lbs. Per Ib.. 33-20 . n 9- p . A 0" p . hi’. . 3 “‘¢_|_;fl __g L 4 :3 J‘ 3 ‘ \I 4. I 4; 0 L 1 ———p4 L - L . 3 7 .L F _ 3 a if V I I I I How can I bear to leave thee? One part - ing kiss I J h L ‘P’ g _ I _ A _J,1::il"-‘:I} I F Z? §:’,l F‘ '-"—‘i::i1::fh:fl I V V T. J; 14 .L w I I I I I E 9%. L fl give thee; And then what - e’er be 0 Ac 5 80 where hon- or - well, fare- well, my own true love, Fare- well, fare - well, my own true love. >- MUSIC BRASS RULE Excelsior—- Diamond- Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. $2.50 Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. $2.30 Logotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 3.00 Logotypes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " “ 2.75 Stems ............................... .. “ “ 2.50 Stems ............................... .. “ “ 2.30 Slurs ................................ .. “ “ 2.50 Slurs ................................ .. “ “ 2.30 Tails ................................ .. “ “ 2.50 Tails ................................ .. “ “ 2.30 Short Stems ........................ .. “ “ 3.50 Short Stems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 3.30 Quads ............................... .. “ “ 2.00 Quads . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 1.75 BARNI-IART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 722 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE AGATE '2 MUSIC TYPE Smallest font. about 30 lbs. Per lb., $2.40 GIPSY RONDO J. Hum. MUSIC BRASS RULE Agate— Nonpareil— Brass Bars for Music- Lines .. . ....per lb. $2.15 Lines . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. $2.10 1 Point . . . . . . . . . . ..per lb. $5.00 Logotypes . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 2.50 Logotypes ........ .. “ “ 2.55 1% Point .......... .. “ “ 3.90 Stems . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 2.15 Stems............... “ “ 2.10 2 Point .......... .. “ “ 3.35 Slurs .............. .. “ “ 2.15 Slurs .............. .. “ “ 2.10 . Tails .............. .. “ “ 2.15 Tails .............. .. “ “ 2.10 Short Stems . . . . . . .. “ “ 3.15 Short Stems . . . . . . .. “ “ 3.10 Quads............... “ “ 1.50 Quads............... “ “ 1.40 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 273 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MAILING Mailing Type is cast in fonts adapted to mailing purposes only. Parties ordering willrplease state whether en or em abbrevia- tions are desired; also whether Aldine or Clarendon is wanted for 1’. (). I‘ype. mailing type is required to set 1000 names. 8 POINT UNIFORM MAILING TYPE About 100 pounds of Price same as Roman. Every character is cast on % set, and by setting composing stick to a multiple of 8 Points, 3 em spaces only are used for spacing. HARTVILLE MASS Chas G Glasgow 16AugO7 Barney Cogwell 23SepO8 C O Hagstrom 15JanO6 Miss Lulu Peach 4AprO9 Daniel Jackson 25MayO7 Henry Adams 29MarO6 L G Morrison 8JulO8 Harry A Hart 290ctO6 Fred Milligan 17AugO7 Algred Smith 12NovO6 Wm Starbuck 240ctO9 Frank Plimmer 18JulO7 I K Hammerstein 6SepO6 W Smokestack 21MarO6 i ! I I James Southern 29509 Franklin Hager 6§O7 Louis Snyder 30§O6 Casper Mayhew 24508 Louise James 1720? A E Roberts 27§O6 ;MANISTEEiM]CH Clarence Hogan 4§O7 Harry Domer 25§O9 Robert Baker 20§O6 Claude Daggert 13308 J D Appleby 26§O6 Homer Gray 24§O7 Ivan E Windmill 28§O9 George A Davis 16§O6 ! 1 Mark Dangers 19§O6 La Porte Ind Charlie Lange24§O8 Louisiana Mich £Munroe Cambell 25309 Dallas Tex §George Childs 17506 Johnstown Pa Harry Thornton 23§O9 S? Los Angeles Cal 6E0? Atlanta Ga 30508 Pueblo Colo U J Woodruff 25§O6 Wichita Kas §Bessie Glaze 16§O7 Chillicothe Mo Wm M Munger Tony Weaver 10 POINT UNIFORM MAILING TYPE EVGF)’ Character is cast on en set, and by setting composing stick to a multiple of 5 Points, en quads and 4 em spaces only are used for spacing. QUINCY ILL Clara Young Z6Dec06 John Milan 18Feb08 H E Mason 31Apr06 S A Waters 14Jan07 R S Kelley 30Aug07 Myrtle Elvin 12Sep06 Markus Luff 25Nov09 A Peabody 130ct07 W H Phelps 290ct06 David Scott 13Jun08 J T Salyard 16May06 Lazarus Siler 22Jan09 l l l l I 1 l l I l Charles Taylor 13flP06 Jackson Munro 5Mm08 Harry Emmons 25ns07 Cora Stedman 29mv09 CARTHAGE MO George Baxter 30Aw06 Norval Wallace 12wM08 J G Thorndyke 4nm07 Chas E Fletcher 18AmD9 William Barrie 25uM06 Claude Bowers 24wu08 Sophia Smith 16m109 F N Goldwater 24MN06 Hugh Nelson 14§07 Jacksonville Ill Benjamin Holden 14§09 Clinton Mo §Artemus S Blair ZYEO7 Denver Colo Maude Dangerfield 13§08 Carterville Texas Jesse Barclay 30§06 St Louis Mo gHannah Collins 29508 Battlecreek Mich Fred J Workman 7§08 DeKa1b Ind §Carrie E Scott 15§06 Macon Ga BARNHART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S 724 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MAILING Mailing Type is cast in fonts adapted to mailing purposes only. desired; also whether Aldine or Clarendon is wanted for P. 0. Type. About 100 pounds of mailing type 1S required to set 1000 names. In ordering please state whether en or em abbreviations are Prices same as Body type. 10 POINT NO. 3 MAILING TYPE BOSTON WIS David Smokey 25"“08 Carl Traverse 13§06 T W h Laurence Conover 23Feb07 Mary Brandt 16"""O7 acoma as , - Hen Mossler 25 08 Maggle Strong 17Mar09 Emma Hopkins 8uov09 1'5’ Brookfield ac - . W A C1 2605:: 06 Peter Crlley 14Ap106 m §Jennie Black 19§07 Katherine Crow 13Sep07 Harvey Dluey 28'"08 Slater KY John Silsby 31May08 Bradford Jones 13'""“O6 James Cummings 25§06 ' N Michael Teale 15Jun09 PITTSBURG PA Hmngs "b . . Harry Howard 28308 Ben J Rice 180et06 Katie Gallop 18Al|BO7 E6 Wheeling W Va Philip Fleet 12FebO7 Minnie Moon 19.1»: 06 John J Boyle 5§06 Susan Rabidou 14Ju109 Birdie Blanchard 22ocI09 J0p1iI1 M0 MAIL-LIST LOGOTYPES Prices same as Body type. 3 point No. 50 6 Point Set 10 Point No. 52 Em 59* géagigggggig .1AursamArnIAv.Iuu£wuAuas£rocruovnsc :5 ;= 2 2 5 ‘°N::53- Q ._ ,, O, O 2“ 5°‘ :3. 9?.’ § E o O O -I § 10 Point No. 51. En Set 10 point No_ 54_ Em Set .?zE§§§§E%°§§é§§§.§:S-.§§ 09 10 R“ “‘”“’“ D" 3°" 6 POINT METAL BRACES NO. 3 Per font, $1.00. Per dozen, any one size, 50 cents. I 2 3 4 5 6 7 24 4° 36 42 44 32 48 52 so I be 60 28 64 A r fi 88 72 L I HT f \ With the exception of the first seven characters, the num- ber of character also denotes the width in points. POI NT-LI NE, POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY 725 11 POINT METAL BRACES NO. 7 Per font, $1.00 4 5 ;k A F N I \ 3 6 k K \ F \ 2 7 L F \ F \ 1 3 QM f"_’ “"\ K fi Nos. 6 to 8 cast in two pieces. 3 POINT METAL BRACES Per pound, $3.20. 1 2 3 4 5 ~A’\ r'\/\I\ ,«.J~;~ /§A.J\ /§/\/N QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ~,I Y (3: / AUSTRALIAN BALLOT SIGNS / Weights .'u1(1 Prices given are Approxilnute; see page 2. Cast on (Zap 1-ine. AUSTRALIAN BALLOT HEADINGS AND SIGNS 20 Point Election Antique 2',41”01bs., $2.25 23 A EEMCCEATIC STATE TICKET 20 A 24 Point Election Condensed 33/4. 1bs., $2.50 11'' 1'1’ 1 I11 111 IEE IEECBLICAN IICIIE I 1 81 82 1111 12 Point Roman No. 55. 42c per pound 1112 1113 101 12 ” D I3 /N CWILLIAM W. HARTMAN / E] [:1 .5 241 201 131 132 133 122 123 204 203 202 242 243 CI X (9 IXI “S N0 X 3001 244 3002 3003 3004 3005 3000 3007 3003 3000 1 E - REP, PROIII. PEOPL. M 3010 3011 _ 3012 _ 3013 3014 3015 3010 3017 3018 3019 FREE N_ 1)EM_ SOC. SOC. su.v1c1z SOC’ I DEM. I LAB. 6°‘ 481 301 421 422 001 ELECTROTYPE The first figures in each number designate the bodies. APPX. APPX. APP)‘- 1 L8. mo oven N0. PCS. 1 LB. mo oven NO. PCS. I 1 LB- AND OVER N0- PC8- PER LB. IN 1 LB. NO EACH PER LB IN 1 L8 1 N0 EACH PER LB IN 1 LB 61 . . . . . ..$0.05 . . . . . . ..$1.28 . . . . . . .. 576 I 204 . . . . . ..$0.06 . . . . . . ..$0 66 . . . . . . .. 52 3012 . . . . . ..$0 10 . . . . . . ..$0 62 . . . . . . .. 23 81 . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . . .. 1.00 . . . . . . .. 300 1 241 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 36 I 3013 . . . . . .. .10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 82 . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . . .. 1.00 . . . . . . .. 300 I 242 .10 . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 36 I 3014 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 101 . . . . . .. 05 . . . . . . .. .82 . . . . . . .. 205 1 243 10 . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 30 3015 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 102 . . . . . .. .05 . . . . . . .. .82 . . . . . . .. 205 I 244 10 . . . . . . .. 64 . . . . . . .. 36 3016 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 103 . . . . . .. .05 . . . . . . .. .82 . . . . . . .. 205 I 3001 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 3017 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 104 . . . . . .. .05 . . . . . . .. .82 . . . . . . .. 205 I 3002 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 I 3018 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 121 . . . . . .. OS . . . . . . .. .74 . . . . . . .. 144 I 3003 .10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 3019 . . . . . .. .10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 122 05 . . . . . . .. .74 . . . . . . .. 144 1 3004 . . . . . .. .10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 361 . . . . . .. .15 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 16 123 .05 . . . . . . .. .74 . . . . . . .. 144 1 3005 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 1 421 . . . . . .. 15 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 10 181 .06 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. 64 1 3006 . . . . . .. 10 62 . . . . . . .. 23 I 422 . . . . . .. 15 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 10 182 .05 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. 04 1 3007 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 I 481 . . . . . .. 20 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 9 183 .06 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. 64 3008 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 1 601 . . . . . .. 20 . . . . . . .. 60 . . . . . . .. 6 201 .06 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. S2 3009 . . . . . .. 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 1 721 . . . . . .. 25 . . . . . . .. 58 . . . . . . .. 4 202 . . . . . .. .06 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. 52 3010 . . . . . .. .10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 1 841 . . . . . .. 25 . . . . . . .. 56 . . . . . . .. 3 203 . . . . . . . .06 . . . . . . .. 66 . . . . . . .. 52 3011 . . . . . . . 10 . . . . . . .. 62 . . . . . . .. 23 661 Electrotype . . . . . . ..25 cents each BARNHART BROS. & SPI1\IDLER’S 726 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BODY TYPE Body Type Accents when ordered with a font will be charged at the same rate per pound as the font itself, and for accents so ordered there will be no minimum quantity or sort matrix charge. Fonts of accents of any language when ordered separately will be charged at the same rate per pound as the font they match, same subject to minimum charge of 35 cents, but no sort matrix charge. pom‘ ..;\,£ ,\ DC‘ NT QEY / ACCENTS The following is a list of accents in the different languages, and unless otherwise stated orders for body type accented fonts will be furnished as follows- Bohemian Hungarian . I ’ ” Portuguese ééd’ééifi6rst'1’11°1yi z’1é1'cS66’iiii AE1 ooUUU ’ éa9éAe}'§acs’aai; ACfiEEfNéR§TUfiYZ AACEEINGOOUU lwmfik Azggaifiaéauu Danish and Norwegian 1,5 p})'Q'Y’p ,9 $95 A30 I]_ Spanish taian I r’ ~ Duth \\\\ ~ \ aéiouun A 3; Ye? 5.6100 Aéffiééfi French Lithuanian _ Swedish aacééééfiofififi AQEEEE aééefWfii ACEEIUUSZ 5&5 AA5 3x6 Acfiisiéfi German Polish . TBEBOIO éioii AOL") aéqlfiosiz ACELNOSZZ 2 G a We give below a complete list of accents made (up to the time of the issue of this book) for all the body type faces shown in this specimen book. Roman No. 60 5Pmnga9éé1fiéfiaéIauaéib‘ 5é5a9dkrt¢é¢6fign AEffiéUAEToUY IoU?AKO®cArU DERSTGYZ tam 609 Kiziofi? KEIESL7 in D 6 BT66? Aai \ 11 E . (D\.-‘) 7Point, 61'1 éiéioii aéio Aérfiéoxxaagt \\\ 810 8 Point, 2'ié'i'(Sii 53. ii ‘7K1’U’DGKI:IRTACE2 N32 Y2 AEffi6uKfiY6UAEiouKfii60fi§i E766 KEi6t"Ji7Iu':I61'J1'{,A_g¢<;ec';("§§2_( ifiéfiaéi6fiaéibhaié6ugm;a9éq¢ Aéf do AAoUc¢)1‘«:E1«°: mime xxaugme 61’1aé'ioiiaeibi1 aéiofiaéiofi aéififia ao ‘39 556613 <;(_lgl_<_rt_y aéelfisiz <':d’é AEfNouAEoUYAEioUEo1a1 AKC(HlKNfDGKRTACELNSZZ ERSTGYZ Apeméomo éuaéiofiaéiouaéiofia pyaéelfiéii Aéfficiu Z Aéffiéufi S O 9 Point, é ~ 2:» ot-:o~c>c:«~<~= =>~ zu==~t=1>n< 10 Point, 11 Point, Italic No. 60 0- \\\\ ‘:‘9aéi a'e"ioii'}?ae1ou3raé éioiifl :?16?1(;¢iuaéQl1‘iéz7. EINOUAETOUYAEIOU CU? AEIOUY KCACQI ERSTfiYZ ??z’1éffi61'1 éiéioii aéiofiaéiéfiao 569 AC EEEN ?9ziéifi61’12'i'é'i6iiaeioii @056 éc¢6dgknrta6¢1 EfN6(lAETO(lAEiO EIoUKoAc¢ArUL> ZCDERSTUYZ aéffiéii a'é'i6ii aéibii fiAEI6UAEiOUAE 6 Point, f1 6 E19 Y ACEL 7 Point, 8 Point, U G , 9 Point, POINT-LINE, POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY 727 Italic No. 60, Continued u)Pohn,?9 éétfiéfi aéi6fi.aéiofi aéiéfi aéiafiy ao ac dgkgrt aéelrisii KEINOU AEICU IoUAEHN3KoAcpcKy3IAEL 11 Point,?219aéffi61'1aé'i'c5ii avian ao’5.6 ftciuué a aéqlfiéiz é&éf'€ 2 ot1""" " AEIOUAEIOUAE K ;q4CELNsZZCDE' RomanNo. 63 wéPmngééifi6fi5aag¢6fia9 Aéffi 6669 6Point, aiéffié aégr; ffiofi ZCDE 7 Point, ééir'161’1' ' (D Aréffi 8Point, ééifioti onaéui fiyz AEIN QUECEEA fiéfiXfiY6UAKK6 10Iwhu,ééIfi6fi aéiaa 5 ii 9-?9l'y aéelnsi AEI6t3AEiOU CELNSZZCDE Uxazgttzav 55 AE 0 aoagu 555¢ fi I ‘cd’er'irst'fiyz AE " u ae ou ate’ 99 N AEIOU NR iu<;l'aéel1i§z’2 E UAEiOUAE® RSTUYZ gem n Pohu,aéifi6u aéiau a 5 fi?9aéfln§H:KEIN6U ELNSZZ Mfifiéufi \ _ u aéiofi ac_>a5c'>¢c AA OUQZOQAC Italic No. 63 5% Point 6 Point, QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BODY TYPE ' J N 1| ‘ ~1uL~'>‘.- / . Italic No. 63, Continued 8 Point, ac; ééifiéfi aéiemy aeioa fiéiéfi fiéié 13 as z31<;¢61’ii1; qée;1fi§z’ZA éd’éf§t'1°1}52 A1~i_1 N613 AEIOU AEioU AEIOU A6 Ace) EU 11; ACELNSZZ CI')I3:R§T1°3\?Z 10 Point, '49 z’1éff161'1'eié'i'c'>ii ééibimiz fiéiéfi 2_1Q 5.6 ?x<;¢6 11 Point, ‘39 ééifi61'1'2ié'i6ii ééibil 12 Point, 1.”? ééifiéfi 'zié'i6ii ééic‘) 5 Point, ééffié qéqlfiéii éd’é1"§t'i’1y’2 Aéffiéfi AEYOU A E100 AEIOOKO Ace) A.C1~;L1<1sZz CDER STOYZ :_1Q§631<;¢égiq qéqlfiéiz (30 AI'«i'I'C5U Ai3iOU A U36 Ac¢)E1qA,C1~;L fi(_1gl5r_1_rt,qéQ11‘i§iZ éd'éf§t’ ’ Cc KI’U’I)GK1§IRTACELNSZ Roma.nNo.64 2ié'i6ii ééibix 5.éi6fi9§é'1'6i'1(3?)§ fiéié 1'1o”o9 I6 ég:e¢:_1Qg1é.éga,ggg§L_1;( AACUC EEENO mamas 9 1'1 "E 5% Point, ééifiéfi ééibt: ééi6fi&g¢ Axéfie X246 6 Point, ééifiéfi éiéiéii ééibfi ééiéfi $9 ¥1§6¢b'(i chst on \D 1 y_. Chum BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, géqlfiéii éd’éf§t’fi3?i Afiffiéfi AACSU c/)6 UACEEEACIEQLNSZZCDERSTUYZ Am $1666 (,:i«:i«if£ ééifiéfi ééibixééiéfi aéiafi ééiéfifi Man 9 ac.) qéqlfiéii éd’éf§t’fi352 Aéffi AAGU 25.6000 ACEEE A,C1~;L1<1sZZ C RS'I‘L°J'a?ZA1?;Ifié13 new ).<;f:i«§i«: ééifidfi aéiem aeio aa¢5u¢ 2:9 q6q1xiéizéd’é1'r§' AAESU KCQDOUACEEEAC Rs"I‘L°n?Z Aéffiéfi xxav Ac; ééifi I ll 10 11%? éibfi 39 a,g1_;c_>1_1 r_xa'1c'> (;1'p§§ qé¢;1xi§i2éd’éf§t‘fij GUYAEIOUAEIOOAEIO GU Ac(aH1;11¢‘-“-’ éV -a--"ou9u \\\\ A ae1ou ée1ou a UUACELN ‘flag ?.1‘.’(;qé(;lI"1§i Z A1«':1’r7xé1'1U éi S2 ItalicNo.64 ééffiéfi 522 2.19 ééffiéfi éié'i6ii EEEN A6UQNw 9569 AC 2‘1"ic‘>1“1 z_u_)5.(;¢ ééibh éiéiéfi A a N! L;;‘' Yr" 728 00 16 O\ %\l \O 08 \I Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, Point, . . Point, . . Point, Point, ACCENTS Italic No, 64, Continued =.*9{1éfr'161’1 2'iié'i6iiééibi1:‘1éi6f12'1éi6f1 iéibii 2319 55 ?1<;¢6(_ig1<1_1_r;a;éc;l1i§z’zéd'éf'§t'fi)7i A 1~ii1?I(3L’IA1'«:'I6U AEIOU AEIOU AEIOUA EIOU7xC5A<;(z)A<1'U'1,.>(_;1,<1;:1g'r ACELNSZ ZC1')1‘;fziéffi61’1Exéibhééiéfiaéiéfi aénsu gg a’16?1(;¢é£:iq q6(;hi§’2éd’é1"§t’1°1)5i Aléffi (513 AEIOU AEIOU AEIO0 A"IOU AEIO UKOAcc/)E1QA,C1;Lr(_;I_<1;I1_<1‘A,CI§L1~’1SZZCDER Y2 Axeraéo xrzravv Ai~:i(‘>0i( 3faf609 Ui"Xf:f6i'1i'rK.6¢9 AAGQN ééffiéfi aéibh 9;; am.» Aéffiéfi AE ‘IOU AEIOU A9100 AEIOU AEIOU .i;Ei (SO KEIOU KAI} Aowéficcccsxv? A 1'11’ I,>GI.<1:IRT ACIQLNSZZ CDERSTCNZ Amman xryrau Amen am 0 XEi6x'3 xrmsr; 2': E160 KEY66 .,u,I¢b'g:ec';(';§;< 3? ééifiéfi A aasu¢ =39 Aéffiéfi AA6U¢ ctr: E AI5:ffic'>1'Jl.'&6i3q1‘«;EE ééIfi61’1§é'i6iiAéibix:H.19 Aéféiifi AEGU Y AEIOU EO1AII:IQLJ AA 246 O0 A£I’U’ Dc; I_{R1‘ACELI\'I$ZZCDERS”I‘I°J\?Z Aéffiéfi Ai«;03i§i‘6<;iéi3i? ééifiéfi éié'1"c3iié cqmszz Aéffi éffiéfifi A 0 fl 1'???) 6 if \\ 10 aeiafi aéiafi c’i‘.19iq§:q U . E: {I (5 AA’ 0 ACELNSZZ A Ita1icNo.66 'zi‘é'i6ii')?ééibi13r:?1é 6?1(;¢i1; qéqlfiéii EIOUY Ai'«:i0U‘ 00? K0 Acc/)1 YZ a9ééI ézaay Effiéfi OUYAE fifi afi A I , 6 if) Q éd’ E ééibhé ao 56 éc ¢5d:kn.rtaé<:1fi iz Effié(JAt4:‘rbUA1‘~:ioUAEiO EIOU K.OAc(z)A'1'U'I_)c,1_ 5111555 35:55 59555151 (50 AEIOU AEIO-U A1~‘:ioU AEICU A 11 Point, ééifiéfi WM Mwwfi E1013 3.0 Ace) A£I’U’ DGKISRI A,CI.;L1<1SZ . ‘ .. ’ ’”” ééib1‘15.é’1‘61‘1aoé.c¢e111b ZCDERs.i.fiYZ 12 Po1nt,a° aé1no11 a1’e1vovu ’ H ’ ,~ ’ 91,. ééré. . 1 . . . - AE,N6 555515552 cd'er§t1°1yz AEI 06,11 AAoUc o1nt, n u ae1ou éélbu aéxéu a6 21:; I 0139 ACELNSZZ CDERS-I-UYZ Aéffiéu 5 511150 AEIOU 55150 55 Ac; Roma.nNo. 80 6 Point, 339 ééifibh 'a'\é'i6i3 ééiéfi 5515595; fiéiéfi iéi’ 52155 Old Style Italic No. 1 55 555 5551115; 5¢55g1_1 55515555 5551515 6 P°i"t’ :§§'E§3fifgégfidhgifgfggié%%%§§§§§:(?%é§ 15 5511155 21111559 21515511 551559 {Z Y’ 9 ‘E105? AK°¢¢, ””',U' I-3.C-“II:(I5f-H-:.’1.*.CW“N 8 P5151, 551555 551511 55155 555 55 55 A111’ SZZ CDERSTUYZ 51115551 51115512 5515 N613 AA‘-)-U Ccfififigffiyz M “M09 ””5‘—"_’ ‘flaw x5“ 10 Point 59 551555 55155 55155 55155 5955 7 Point, ééffiéfi I'«.ié'1'6ii ééibil fiéiéfi @959 $9 ’ yiuiu Qéqhfigiz éd'éf-§t'fi)$§ N 151555 11555555 GU c1aIa1)1A,C1«;L1D CDERSTGYZ y’i KEWO13 AEWU AFJOU 315100 A91 12 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 59¢ «99 5551 50 531017 735153 KFTOU M19 89303 5555 5d'5151'5y'2 Afiffiéfi AAGU (3% AC ceGG$5YY KI'U'D9I.~:1s1.2I ACELNSZZ 51.552255512515112 555551512 551555 1111155 55155 5515 . 5 55155 215155 215155 55155 5.5555555; °1<13W1°N°- 53 W 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 -5155 55155 55 9 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55 59¢ =19 Afif '. 155 55155 55195 555<;¢?‘-’ <'>99’L_‘15"6<36 551.1 5 $1613 A560 (actfifi 5111555 3555 5 555 5515555 55-5151'5;;5 Afiffxiéfi A5160 A151 10 Point, 551555 55155 55155 55155 55155 55155 55 00 A5100 C0 ACELNSZZ CIWERST ° Y 195;. 55 59 555511 51_1g1,111y 555155555 5515 Z 551555 55155 59999 151'5y'5 Aéffiéfi A560? A5101‘; E0151 7 Point, 551555 55155 55155 55155 551557 55615537 13911 AAKC 60 11111’ DGKR1‘ C LNSZ 55155 5555 555 59é9¢ W “f3 5§§hp¥ qéqlfiéiz Agffiéfi Aggjfi ACEL ACELNSZZCDEIRSTUYZ A1éfNouA1«:1oU 15322 1515563 155155 55155 1555151. 3 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155‘-o 55 Itau° N°' 80 T6969? iéififi iéiéfi 551911 59111.1 59 éééiue 5 Point, 59 551555 5515119 551559 55155;» 5 5 555 555;; 55515525 55'5151'5y'2 ’E1’1?1éU 5155y 55 55 §.c;¢i14 56515525 55'5151'5y2 A A560 0 c1‘«:E AQAQ CE ACELNSZZ CD Effiéfi AEIGUY AI‘3ioU1‘1 M11001? AEI ERSTGYZ L_11_1'551555 55511 5555 :1 00? A3100? 35 AC@IACF¢L11_1_1_1 5191911 5.c;¢61'ia B101”) 2416 Acca KYU’ DGKISRT ACELNSZ 5 515 5555555 55515555 55'51§1*5y'2 5151’ zC1’>ERsT1°Js?z N613 A5160 A5100 AEIOU AEIOU A111 9 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55 ac; ..&1«5f1?J(5 (‘)0 ca) 60111551) A CELNSZZ CDERS ' 15 AE'Ié)’U~AEI01‘J AEIO0 K6 Ac 0112 551555 215155 3555951 555151; POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 729 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQU1-'&'LEZD 6 Point, 7 Point, 8 Point, 9 Point, 10 Point, 11 Point, 6 Point, 7 Point, 8 Point, 9 Point, 10 Point, 11 Point, 12 Point, 14 Point, BODY”TYPE Old Style No. 58, Continued Old Style Italic No. 58 39 ziéffiéfi héibim N :49 ééifiéfi 'zi'é'i6ii;‘1é‘1bi1 fiéié‘ do dodd éd’ éf§t’L°1)7i /iEf1‘~':60AA6U<;CI5ERST0\?Z =.i9zié(fi61’1é1éi‘i1a65. A.'«>;6S1 ac.» ziéifiéfi 'aié'i6ii ééi‘h 2‘1‘i6fi iéi go ao¢ E y go ;o gdomszz éd'éf§t’fi3?2 Axéffiétj AA 60cmDb1AC1;L1~ EY60 EH60 $12160 <;¢693? Kec';i?u>,5 :<:o:c3. cbncn c:n,<\ 61'1'2ié'i6iiééibi1 ééi fl iéiéfl aeieu =39 颢 Qlfi§izéd’é1"§t't‘1}?i A1: ' AEi60 C@A,CI:;L1~°’ m N :° C2°i>> I-<\ It-AI I adogé do fié 5 i6figu11p6qée;1ri§izéd’éf§t’fi35i Afiffi (50 AETOU AEIOU AEIO0 AEI60 AEI6 0 (306010 12199 A,C1;1.1ERsT03? Z AmadoAAd Old Style Italic No. 59 ééffiéfi '2ié'i6iié1éibi1éiéi6f1 2395 §eoy'z AEff~I60 AA6q)ci2EC1’>1?:RS"I‘03?Z aodmado goido N aodétado géidaaeido do do é agcoyz Aéffiéfi AA60 QCDERSTOYZ ac.» Amado géioa goa AA6 N 5:19 ééifiéxi géidd éiiééfi adi go A 5 Sliqig q6(;l1‘i§z’2 éd’éf§t’fiy’i Aréffiéfi AA6 0c¢1>D1A,C1e;L19C1'>E1'< ac.» ééifiéfi géida deido .’1<;¢ nszz éd’éf§t'fiii Afiffiéfi AA60 c¢ AC ELNSZZCDERSTGYZ ééifi61’1é'a16i6éc;éé6i1 Em; Old Style No. 70 ééIfi61'1'aié'i6iiAéi6i1ééi6fi aéida é.&961’i any gdomszz <‘5d’éf§t'fi)7i Aéffiéfi AI«:'1'60 A E160 A6960 ACELNSZZCDERSTUYZ Amado xmdo Amdood 29 ééifiéfi géida some down iéibfi go aoodo gcom§z2dd'édr§t'oy'z Aiéffiéfi AEYGU AEIO0 AEIO0 AKOCQOU ACE}; aszz CDERSTOYZ Amado Amdo Amd dzmdo Ado ac.» ééffiéfi goida ééiofi ao Aéffié 0 AA6AcEE1‘«: Amado 0% ac.» dmadogéadh aeidoaéidaddgyg éiddddy 525.63’ geidoy éilbfi sea §1<,:e¢g goo ggg2'1g6§§ gcomszz daérdeoyz Aéffiéfi M1160 M3160 AEI60 AK6cA60 ACE; N322 C1'>ERST0s?Z Amado Amdo Adoo aooérado goido aeidogoo Aéffié 0 AQEEEU Amado QEEE aqééifidoaéibh aéidfi go 56 aoosdfi gdomszz dd'éi§t'oy'z AFAN60 AEI60 A E160 Acéo K660 ACELNSZZ CDERS T03?Z Amado Kégfiii ééifi6fié:?1;:ééé'ii6i1iifi§6 cfi Old Style Italic No. '70 aodéradoadidogéidaaéidogoad ¢éd’ ér§cdy'z A1§fN600K6AcE1t1'zC1'>ERST 002 aodéxadoadidogéidaad oadi go so does éd’éf§t’1"1}7Iz .&EfN60 AA60 K6 6 AcEEECDERST03?Z ac.» ééifiéfi géada ad-ado go go Aéffi 60 M16 A<;EEE 2.19 ééffiéxi géida aéiéfi aéida iéiéii go adao ad AEfN60 A2160 K66 Ac1‘~:EE 2:9 ééifiéfi géida aeido goo Afiffi (5130 ACEEE ac ééifiéfi géida aeido go do dogs A Effiéfi 02i6AcEEE Old Style No. 90 ééIficS1’1:eié'i6iiééi6ix aeidoaéida ddodo 2.19 gcomszz éd’éf§t'fi37i AEfN60 AEI60 A E160 AQE60 A,Cx;L1<1SZz'CDERST03?Z Amado Amdo Amdooe SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BODY”TYPE Old style No. 90, Continued 3 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 55155 55155 59 555511 55515555 5d'55151'5y'5 .&EfN61’J 111E161) 2112161} 3.9160 AZOCQOU ACEL 5522 CDERSTUYZ 151555 21111511 1515 5 15155 155 9 Point, 59 551555 5515555155 55155 55 A11fN6 13 A216 AQEEE 151555115 10 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 5515551153» 5 51555-5y 5555 5515531111511 555 55555 555 5 911 5555; 55515552 55'5151'5y2 .&EfN61’J A 11155 551511 15150 21551; .150 5,551. NSZZ C15ERS'I‘fiYZ 151555 55155 55511 11 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 555 AEIN <51? AQEEEU 1151555 55511 12 Point, ?9 ééffiéfi §é'1'6ii ééibfi ééiéfi 519 56 5.g:¢6fi 55515552 5d'5151'5y5 A1§fN6I5 AEI611 A EIOU A6126 K 661') A.C1~;L1<1sZz CDERS T0172 151555 55 5 513 Old Style Italic No. 90 5 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 55 55 55¢ 55- Ejrvsgoyz AEfN613U K6 AQEEE CDERST 3 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 55155 55155 55 55 55¢ éd’éf§t’fiy’2 AEfN613 A1160 K6 6AcE1«:E CDERSTUYZ 9 Point, =19 551555 551511 55155 551511 55 55 AEIN 613 AA6'.A¢'E1‘«:E 10 Point, 59 551555 55155 55155 55155 55155 55 55 55:15 AEINO13 A560 K66 AcE11E 11 Point, 59 551555 551511 55155 55155 555 AEfN 6130 AQEEE 12 Point, 19 551555 551511 55155 55155 55 55 555 A EfN613U KOACEEE Old Style No. 100 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 N 10 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 N Old Style No. 200 5 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 N F.lzevirNo. 5 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 55 AEfN615 A 6U6AcE1‘~:1.~‘. 555 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 5551155 511551 551155 AEfN6I5 A2160 AQEEE 601:1) C15 1111115155: 15551155 10 Point, 551555551511 55155 55155 5555 55515555 5 AFJN615 Ai~'.6UAcEEE1=1:> 555 12 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 55511 55515555 2 A1§fN<513 A566 60 A¢111‘«:E CDENRS 10122 55555 14 Point, 551555 5555551155115 AQEEEI: N 55 Elzevir Italic No. 5 3 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 5555 AEIN6 fib9?AcEEEAA6U 15 Point, 551555 55155 555 55155 55555 551N613 A116 1291? 2161255 12 Point, 3531355 551511 55155 55155 55 A116 A6115 French Old Style No. 3 5 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 55 A1§fN613 A f)'UOAcl‘:EE 551’: 8Point,éé1fi61'1 N ‘ POI NT-LINE. POI NT- SET. POINT-BODY 731- ACCENTS French Old Style No 3, Continued 10 Point, 551555 55155 55155 5 116656515 E9 12 Point, 551555 AEfN61i 212166 613 Acfifixi CD ENRSTIYJ1?-Z 13 Point, 551555 55511 QN ‘ Oaslon Old Style 5 Point, 551555 555 55155 5 A¢E1§1'a:EN. 1o Point, 551555 5555551155115 AQEEEEN Lining Fifteenth Century 3, 12, 24, 35 and 48 P5151, 5 5155 5 N 10 and 18 Point, 551555 5 N Lining Fifteenth Century Italic 8, 1o, 12, 13, 24, 35 and 48 Point, 551555 N Paragon 6Point, 551555 555 55155 55511 éd’é1'r§t’fi39i A1§fNé15 A561‘) A¢1‘11‘~5E 1555115 8Point, 1i_éifi61'1 l'1ié'1'6ii héfi fiéiéfi a‘L65.¢;6fi 565111522 éd’éi'§t’1‘iy9i AEfN613 A56 A6553 5613:. N922‘ CDERSTGYZ 1115555 10Point, ééifiéfi ’5ié'1'6ii Aéil ééiéfi 519611 56515552 6 5'5151'5y5 A1‘1:fN6fi A116 Ac,EE1E 5,CP,L 55225555515112 555 12 Point, 551555 555 55155 55511 <':d’é1"§t’fiy’i AEfN<51’1 A¢EE1‘i; CDERSTOYZ 55 14 Point, 551555 555 55155 5 QEEEEN 18Point, 551555 551511 555 55155 55511 éd’éf§t’fiy’i AA6A¢EEEEN 24 Point, 5.56 écéééfi AK5 Paragonltalic 6Point, 5E5F1555 551511 555 55155 55 5216 55555 8Point, 551555 551511 555 55155 55 AEfN615 AA 6AcEEE 10Point, 551555 551511 555 55155 55 55 AEfN61’1 AA6AcEEE 12 Point, 551555 551511 55155 55 AEN 515160 AA GUAQEE 14 Point, 551555 555 55155 5 QEEEEN 18 Point, 551555 515 555 55155 5 EN A¢EE1‘«: 24 Point, ééffiéfi N Caslonoldlioman 6Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 555 55515552 éd’éii1'~§t’fiji AEfN6fi 1113166 A5161} E160 Ace; ACELNSZZ CDENRSTOYZ 8Point,*.19 551555 551511 55155 55155 555511 5551 5555 55'55151'5y5 AEfN613 511160 A1516 UAEIOU AQQACELNSZZ CDENRSTN Y2 551555 9Point, 551555 éd’éi‘§t’fiy’i A1§fN61’ICDERS"I‘1‘.’n?z 15 Point, 551555 55155 55155 555511 5551555 5 5d'55151'5y'2 AEfN<515 A5160 AEIOU A $160 11615 60 ACELNSZZ CDENRSTU Z 11 Point, 551555 55511 éd’éi"§t’fiy’i A2160 N A5161? CDERSTUYZ 12 Point, 551555 55155 55511 551N613 A116 UACELNSZZCDERSTU?Z 14Point, 551555 55'5151'5y5 AEfN61’1C1'>ERsT1‘3Y’Z 16Point, 551555 555 55'5151'11y5 AEfN61’I 61515.11 S1012 A116 18Point, 551555 55155 55155 55511515 5551 5552 55151-51'5y'5 AEfN613 5566615615 L1<1szzc151112s11:11?z511 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED A . BODY AND JOB Caslon Old Roman Italic 6Point,z'1éif161'1 '2ii':'1°C)ii 2151611-a ,i6f1 aces qécliisii éd'é111§1'1'1y'2 111218613 A1'«:'1'o1”1 M41611 [1 E100 Ac(oA,C1;L1<1sZZC131ENRs"r1"1\?Z 8, 10 and 12 Point, z'1(’:1’f161'1 (;¢ aé1;l’§i2 1': '3f§t’°)72'r. Afiffiou C12) 4c1«;1.11szz C1')1?;R."i‘1‘31?Z 9Point,z'1(’:if1é1’1c¢ éd’éf§t'1°1y2 A1§1’,1?1o13 cc C131‘; .T1"J1?Z 11Poi11t, 6616611 911 éd’éf§t‘1°1y7 Aéffiou cc C13‘; .'f1"J1?Z 141301111,51616611a,e1;111s22é11'é1§1*11y2 11191.1? 16 Point, ziéifi '11 (;¢ aéeliiéiz é11'61~§1'1'1y';. /i1<;1’1’<1c’>1’1 cgacnrmszzcnnnstovz 18Point,:'1éif161’1 66111622. éd’é1‘§t’ y’; ;ir;1’1<1é1’1A, Q CI«;L1\'1:’5ZZ CI')Ef1’1 21216 S: Old Roman Condensed 6,8,10,12,14 a11dl8I’oi11t, 1“? :1 6111611 1111 51221611 A 13;1'fi(’)UU A1~’:1’1?11'>1313 l6l’oi11t, :'1('2i1'161’1 111'-'161121é11111 N Lining German &&9JmlLM,MamH8Pmm,Mwfi¢ AAGUQ Lining German No, 2 6 and l()Poi11t, 5'1 6 ii 125 A A (5 U Q) 9 Point, ii 6 ii A 6 U JOB TYPE ACCENTS Job Type Accents when ordered with a font will be charged at the sa111e rate per pound as the font itself, and for accents so ordered there will be no minimum quantity or sort matrix charge. Accents of any language when ordered separately will be charged at the same rate per pound as the font they match, same subject to minimum charge of 35 cents, but no sort matrix charge. Accents for Job Faces also put up in Fonts at weights and prices shown on page 740. Unless otherwise stated orders for job type accented fonts will be furnished as follows: B°heml3" Hungarian | Polish aéd’éeinor§t’1°111yi :’1r'ai6661’1ii1'i 2161111369132 AEL D I I anislgagdzlgorowegian . Portuguese lcelandic ‘ ."1a(;éé1’fi6(3(31'1iiC Dutch 1) 5 D D 1 3; Y Spanish Zéffiéfifi N French Italian l '1 aa;éé1se‘1'_1_6’111111 aéibfi Aisiou S"°‘““_‘_,, A Q 15: E E E l :1 11 6 A A 0 German Lithuanian . Tagalo a'o'ii AOU l qééeifiusi 11,1911; . 266‘. We give below a complete list of accents made (up to the time of the issue of this book) for all the job type faces shown in this speciman book. Adstyle 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, a’1éifi1'1 N Antique No. 7 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point, ééifiou fl 1 I k 18 Point. aé ‘ 5%. Antique No. 53 , 5% Point, :’1éi1'161’1 ;«112'1611 éé‘1bi1 3161611 5121611 561611 5 ! 6519 Aélfiou A1'i'1oUAEioUA1‘2iO0A 1 E1017 AEIO1'JZ&C5~Ac 1 6, 8, 30 and 36 Pomt, aé1’11o~u N l l0Poi11t,z’1éif161’1?1ii'oii N 1 14 Point, 6111:1611 611611 611 as ea ¢¢ éd’éf°§t’fi)7Iz As 1 1?1613AAo11c0<;1oc131~:11s'ruyz I 18Poi11t, :'1é1fi61’1?1‘2ii3éd’éfst'1°1y2'z AEINOU AM)’ C13 1 EISTOYZ 1 .. i 24Poi11t,z’1é1’f161'1a6é6c Q_N~ 1 42Poi11t,ziéif1c’>1’1f1.i6 AAON 1 [ ArnoNo.2 1 6, 8, 10, 12, 18 24, 30, 36, 48 a11d60Poi11t, ééifiéfi S1 32 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE u . ,f/- .1. JOB TYPE Bard 5,3,1o,12a5d15Po1n1,5515555 Efico 2oPo1n1,551555 N 24Po151,551555 5555115 cfi 35Po151,5515555555 cfi 43 Point, 551555 5 cf: Bard Open 12 and 24 Point, 1; N 15 Point, A1~5ff~i6L’J 35 and 43 Point, N Bismarck 5, 8, 10, 12, 15, 13, 24, 35 and 43 Point, A60 so and 35 Point, 551555 A61‘) S1 Black Condensed No. 55 14 Point, 551555 5555 N15 18 Point. 5613 ¢ 0 24 Point, 551555 55 55 5 Q5’! Caledonian No. 5 5Point, ééffiéfi iié'1'6ii 55155 ééiéfi 55155 iéiéfi 56 55 Afiffiéu AI‘-2-IOU AEiOU AEIOUAEI GU AEIOU 116 Ag; 5,13,24,35, Point, 551555 55511 55515522 AAOUEN AEL 8Point, 551555 551511 55155 55155 55155 55155 55 55 55515522 Afiffiétj 5131160 AEIOU E100 AEIOU AEIOU X6 Ac 5,151. 10 Point, 551555 55511 55515522 52160 5,131. $1 12,42, and 43 Point, 551555 55515522 551. N >) . 30 Point, 551555 5555 55515522 555 A560 ACEL N Carbon'1‘ext 8Point,ééffi61’1 55555 5605181 1oPo1n1,5515555511¢ A6091? 12Po151,551555 55115 951 14Po1n1,551555 N 15an513P51m,55155555555 A60 Q51 24Po1n1,55155555555 cfifi CaslonO1dRoma.n 5 Point, 551555 55155 55155 55¢ 55515522 5 g'551~51'5y2 Afiffiéfi AF;'1'i)'U AEIOU A12 160 A00 A,C1«;L1<1Szz' C1'>E1<1RS'I‘L"11?Z 3 Point, 59 551555 55155 55155 552511 55515 522 5d'55151*5y'2 Aéffiaéfi AEIGU AEIO U A5150 Ace) A.C1«;L1?1SZz CDENRSTO Y2 551555 10 Point, 551555 55155 555155 555 511 55515 522 5d'55151'5y'2 551555 AEIGU A1510 U 5121600 Ace) O0 A,<;1~;L1<1SZZ CDENR 515122 12 Point, 551555 55155 55511 5515166 A56 UACELNSZZCDERSTUYZ 14 Point, 5521555 5d'5151'5y'2 Aéffidtfi CDERSTO Y 15 Point, 551555 555 55'5151'5y'2.o’.Ef1?1dL’1 CDERS T1°J1?ZAAt5 13 Point, 551555 55155 55 5225c1'5151'5y2 Aéffiéti SZZCDERSTGYZQOU 24 Point, 551555 555 55515522 5551-555 ACELNCSZZ so, 35, 42, 43, 50555 72 Point, 551555 55515522 5115151’ 5342 5,151.51 é(;<'51'i Qiq a}6Ql’fi KACUIACELN '1=oI1\1'r—L1NE:. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY I’ \ ._—. ///‘'-—._g . .,r , .‘~f35 ».-1 -,.: r x. 733 cf /" ' Caslon Old Roman Italic 5 Point, 551555 55155 55155 555 55515522 5d'55151'11y'2 A’.E1’NéI3 A1'~:'1'€51"1 Aiaiofi E100 ACO ACELNSZZ CDEFIRSTUY’ 3,10 and 12 Point, 551555 55 55515522 5d'5151*5y' A1511?‘ (5U (:10 ACELNSZZ CDERSTGYZ 14 Point, 551555 55515522 55'515t'5y'2 5,51. $1 15 Point, 551555 521 55515522 55'5151'5y'2 AE1’ c¢5CELNsZZCDERsTfiYZ 13 Point, 551555 55515522 5515155552 E’ C1~;L1<1sZz' CD1?:iiS1"1‘31?Z 24 P5151, 551555 55515522 éd’éi'§t’1°13?2 30, 35, 42 and48 Point, 551555 55151511552 Caslon Old Style 55 555 55155 5 AQEEEEN 55 5555551155115 AQEEEEF1 Castor N< N<3>> N 3 Point, 5515 111 Point, 5515 5P5151, 551555 EN ~ 3,10, 12, 13, 24, 35, 43 and 50 Point, 551555 5 QEN Circular Gothic No. 44 55 N6 (1 10Point,ééffi61’1 6 18 Point, ' 1'1 I 24Point,ééffié1'1(; CN Catalog Old Style 5P5151,55155555py' 5515166 Baby’ 3P5151,551555555py Aéffiéfi 51361:? 10Point, 551555 5515 5555552 552 55y’ Aéffi (515 CEICSZ 961:1? . 12Point,€‘95’1éifi61'1 55111555522555)? AEINCUC Sz'1D6P1? 18Point,a'1éifi61’131éi6}7 .&Effié1’JAA61? 24Po1n1,555 Alli)‘ 35Po151,551555 55555 QF1 42and48Point.ééffi<51’1 N Clarendon No. 5 6and 10 Point, ééifidfi iié'1'61'i ééibil flé 5155 5555 1<.1§f1?1<5I3AFL'It5UA IOUAEIOUAEIOUAKOC ééifiéfi 551511 55155 ééibfi fiéiéii iiéiéii 556 ¢9dg1_{{_11'§ AIEICUAEI O0 AEIOU AEICU A561; KI’U’1_)(_}I_(I_\JR TC 551555 I6 5 5 5 E1011 E 3» 1:1 8 Point, 55511555 AAOUQN 15Po151,55155555511555 AA6Ug:EK1 18Point,ééffi61’15.2i6ii AAGUN 20Point,ééifi61'1 EN 24Po151,551555 51151511552 55555 cf: 12 Point, Clarendon Extra Condensed No. 5 6,10and36Point,ééifi61’1 N 3Po1n1,5515555 Q1?! 12 and 30 Point, ééi 18Point,2’1éifio'1'1 Club , 6,8,10,60and72Point,ééffiéfiéc; 12,13,35and43Poin1,551555555 24P5in1,551555 555115555555 A 5 é E1 écééfi Composite Condensed No. 14 Point, 5'1 6 ii 18 and 42 Point, ééifiéfiéibii so Point, 551555 5 Qfi N _ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JOB TYPE ACCENTS Condensed No. 51 6 Point, E N 8 Point, N 9 Point, ARC CN 10, 11, 20, and 311 P6161, 1; $1 12 P6161,A1~iffi61’J A6166 14P6161,A1§fN613 AA6 F166 ACELNSZZ 18Point, A1516 36P6161,AEf1?1613 6 ACELFISZZ Condensed No. 53 12 Point, N 16Point, C Condensed No. 54 6P6161,661666 66 666 QEN 8Point, ééifi61’1'ei'i€1é6f1 2'16 1'1 eéég ‘2‘91.1a1911<_3§IJ¥ N 1oP61n1, 661666616 6666 §éi61‘16'<')§§* ice £161‘; 6911 6911 661.16 /UU5 6 1- 6-6gy 66166666 666y 6 12P6161,661666 66 66 116 QN 14P6i61,661666 666 66 666 A1211? 13 18Point,ééff161'1 21611 56 9 qéqlriéiz Kliffiéfi ARC KOCACELNSZZ 2oP6161,661666 666 AEfN(5I3AA6 3oP6i61,cN 36P6161,661666 cfi 48P6161,661666666166z'z AEfN6L’1<;AC1g1.1~’1SZz Cosmos 12P6161,661666666661666 céfi 18P6161,661666 66666 QEN 24P6161,661666 66116 6111?: 36Point,ééif161’1Aéi1ééi6fi1;éd'éi‘§t’fi)5i céfi Degree Gothic No. 1 8, 10, 12, and 20 P6161, 661666 EN 16 P6161, 661666 6 61?: 24 P6161, 661666 N Degree Gothic No. 2 6Point Pearl Face, ééffiéfi Kfiffiéfi K5300 C 6Point,ééifi61’12 AEfN61’11'i613:6c 8P6161,661666 66666 AEf1?I6UA61-‘L61; 1oP6i61,6616666'166666 6111666 é§.' ¢,E1KISZ 6 12 P6161, 661666 66666 <;EN Dennison Script 14, 18, 24, 36, and 48 P6161, 6 616 6 6 1?: Design A 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30,36, and 54 P6161, 661666 N DeVinneBo1d 6, 8, 10, 12, 24, 30, 36,48, and 60 P6161, 6 61666 N 18P6161, 661666 66616662 N ACELNOSZZ De Vinne Compressed 6and 8 P6161, 661666 666 66666 66'6161'6y'6 Aiéffi 613 AA6CI‘)ERsT1°J1?Z 111 P6161, 661666 66611 66 66666 éd’é1'r§t’1‘i\ji AEINO 13 A6660 CDERSTOYZ 12 P6161, 661666 66611 6 66666 66'6161'6yz Aéffiéfi AA6U OCDERSTUYZ 14 P6161, 661666 66666 éd’éf§t'1’1y’i AEfN613 61511. RSTGYZ 18 P6161, 661666 66611 6 66666 66'6161'6y'6 11131111613 AA6U OAQEEE 24 P6161, 661666 666 66666 éd'éf§t'fi35i AA61‘~I 3o66d6oP6161, 661666 66666 66'6161'6y6 36P6161, 661666 666 6 66666 66'6161'6y6 AA6 N6 48 and 72 P6161, 661666 666 66666 éd'éf§t’fiy’2 AA6N BARNHART BROS. 66 SPINDLER’S De Vinne Extra Compressed 10, 18, and 24 Point, ééifiéfi éi6'1'6ii ééh £16 12 P6161, 661666 666 66166 666 cfi DeweyNo. 5 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48,60 and 72 P6161, 661666 N ElzevirNo. 5 6P6161, 661666 6611611 66166 66166 66 Afiffiéfi A60 6 A(;i~:F'.E 6613 8 P6161, 661666 66166 161666666 116 éd’éiii' §t’1"137i Aéffiéfi A1166 AcEEt~:E 60121) C DENRSTOYZ 16661166 111 P6161, 661666 661611 66166 6666 611'6161'6y'6 AE ffiétj AA6U AQEEE DD 666 12 P6161, 661666 66166 66166 66611 éd’é1'-§t'fi y'z Aléffiéli AAOU ()0 Ac EEE CDENR §'I‘fJYZ QEEEE 14 P6161, 661666 66666611661111 A¢EEEE N 66 2oP6161, 661666 66666 EN 24 P6161, 661666 66666 6111?: 36P6161, 661666 66 6666611 61:63 48 P6161, 661666 66666 N Elzevir Italic No. 5 8 P6161, 661666 661611 66166 66166 6p6y' Aéffiéfi pDYA¢EEEAE6U 10 P6161,,661666 661611 666 66166 666635 Aéffiéfi AA6 1>DYA¢EEE .___ 12 P6161, 661666 661611 66166 66166 66 A110 A616}? EE N Engravers Title 6 Point No. 1, 8 Point No. 3, 10 Point No. 5, and 12 Point No. zA6UN 6 Point No. 1%, 6 Point No. 2, 8 Point No.4, 10 Point No.6, 12 P6161 N6. 8, 14, 18 and 24 P6161, N Expanded No. 4 6P6161,661666 EN 8,10and16Point,ééffi61’1 N . 1266d2oP6161,661666 666 66 66116 AAOQN Expanded No. 5 6P6161,661661’1¢ E1110 8P6161,661666 EN 12P6161, 661666 666 6d'6161'6y'6 Afiffiéfi CDERS T0172 1o66d16P6161,661666 N Extra Condensed No. 56 8P6161,661666 666 66666 AA6¢1éN 1oP6161,661666666AA6EN 12P6161,66166 666666116 AA6(;EN 18 P6161, 66166 20 Point, ééifié 3o P6161, 66166 36 Point, ééifié 6 6611 6 cfi 42 and 54 Point, ééi 61’1&'ai6N Faust'1‘ext 8, 1o, 12, 18, 24 and 36 P6161, 66166 6 N French Old Style No. 3 6P6161, 661666 661611 66166 6616666 Aléffidfi A6U6AcEEE 8P6161,661666 N __ 1oP6161, 661666 661611 66166 66 A00 Act BEEN SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Ac -‘,/ . ’ ”/V_:r:~"1v.‘~ \' ‘ Qt"? -57 14:: JOB TYPE ACCENTS French Old Style No. 3, Continued 12 Point, 551555 AEfN 613 AAGU GU Ac CD E N R S T ("J Y Z 18 Point, 551555 5555 QN French Old Style No. 56 6Point, AEI’NéL’1 A60 6 AQEEE 8, 9, 10, 30 and 48 Point, N 12 Point, Ac EE E E N 14 Point, C N 18 Point, E N 24 and 36 Point, C E N French Plate ~ 14, 18, 24 Point No. 1,24 Point No. 2,30 and 36 Point, é é i F1 6 1'1 N FrenchTit1e 81>o1nt,5515555 5555 éd'éf'§t’1‘i}5i cEN 10Point, 551555 5 5555 5d'515:'5y'2 55515522 AE1’ N EQCDERSTGEZAEL 12 Point, 551555 5555 55515522 5d'51§t'5y'2 .&EfN OUQACELNSZZCDERSTOEZ 141>o1m,551555 d'51.z;1'5y'2 A’.EfNéfiCDE1'o1nt,555555552 24 1>o1m,551555555555§2 N 2055530125151, 551555 555'5151'5y'2 cEN 36and48Point, 551555 55555d'515t'5y'2 ¢EN 501>o1m,5955155555555d'515t'5y2 QEN 72Poinz,55155555555d'515t'5y2 QEN A-r 96Point,ééif1<51’1 5555 5d*51~§1'5y2 N German Title Condensed No. 5 5, 10, 14, 15, 20, 24 and 30 Point, 55555 21156015 12 Point, 551555 55555 AAOUQN 35 Point, 551555 5555 N121 48 and60Point, 2'«i6ii¢ (D 72 Point, iiiiii Guard 5, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 30,35 and 48 Point, 5 5155 5 E N Hecla. 10 and 24 Point, ééifidfi égtéé N 12 and 15 Point, 551555 5555 EN 30,36,48and60Point, 551555 EN Hugo No. 5 6. 8. 10. 12. 18, 24, 30, 35, 48, 50 and 72 Point 5 5155 5 N Inclined DeVinne 5, 8, 10, 18, 24, 35 and 48 Point, 551555 55 555555 c;N 12 Point, 551555 55 555555 QEEN 14, 30, 42 and 60 Point, 555 éé1‘1 Inclined Gothic No. 120 5 Point No. 1201 and 1202, AEfNo1m,a<.> 551555 5555 555 AAGQN 481>o1m,5515555555 555 55555 AA6cEN 60Point,ééifi61’1 EN 721>o1m,551555 555 A56 EN POI NT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY Latin No. 52 12, 20 and 36 Point, A E ffi (5 U 16 and 48 Point, N 42 Point, C NT Law Italic No. 5 10,12 and 14 Point, 551555 EN Legal Italic No. 5 1555555'5151'5y'2 cN 5d*5151'5y'2 N LightLatin 51555 EN 5 N 8 and 12 Point, éé 10 Point, ééifiéfi 6, 8, 18 and 30 Point, 10 Point, ééifiéfi A9 12 Point, ééifiéfi 59 36 and 48 Point, 5 é i F1 ‘:2 C1) t1'J\ 5 N 5 N Lig-htWarren 6Point,ééifi61i 555555115555 QN 8anc1481>o1nt,551555 N 12,18,24and36Point, 551555 55555 QN Lightface No. 7 5'1 \ e \ e 6 6Point, 551555 N 8Point, 551555 55555 AE1’Né13 KCEOQ 10 Point, 551555 5555 QN 12 Point, 551555 5555555 QENU 18 Point, ééfiéfi iii éiéiéfi z’1éic'>1‘1g66§ é’1éi61‘io”<>$" gggu 515g55§ ¢NU 20and30Point, a'1é1 611 §6é6<; C171 Lig-htface No. 54 2 6, 20 and 24 Point, N 8 Point, Kfiffiéfi KCECC 10 Point, c E N U 14 Point, c; N U 18 Point, Q N Lightface Post 5, 8, 24, 35 and 72 Point, 5 5155 5 N 10,12 and 18 Point, 551555 5555 5 QN Lightface Gotihc No. 45 5, 8, and 12 Point, ¢EN 10 Point, Kfiffiéfi l4and18Point, AEI’fi(5I’JC 20 Point, N 24 Point, <;N Lining'Acme 5, 8, 10, 12, and 18 Point, 551555 15 EN¢ 24 Point, 59 551555 9 CW 30 Point, ééifiéfi N LiningAldine 5 Point, ééffiéfi 3156 9 13.2415 (ZEN 6Point, 551555 5515‘ 555 55 5515522 5d'51~ I61’) AEiOU AEIOU AE c;¢OU AELCDERSTUYZ 8Point, ééifiéfi 21i'é'1'6ii ééib 55225d'5155t'5y'2 ’E1’N<513 E0 QE E53011; AEIOU A,5;Lz' CDERST (‘W2 10 Point, ééifiéti éé'1'6i1 ééibh fiéiéfi 56é1'i111 §1<;¢buq 5515522 éd’é'f t'5y'2 A’.EfN<513 A2460 AE IOU AEiOU (;E(DOU ACELNSZZ CDER $T1"n?Z 12 Point, 551555 55155 51555 55 555 5155 55 515522 5555151’ '2 AE1”'éL’1 A1?-;'ciU (2)6 UUEIQQAELNZCEERSTOYZ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEZD JOB TYPE Lining Aldine, Continued 18Point,.'iéifi61’1qée;}1i§z’z AELEN 2oP6int,6616666666 AAOQEN 3oP6int,66166666611 qéqlfiéiz AELEN 36, 42 and 48 Point, é é i I": 6 1'1 Lining Aldine Condensed 6P61m,661666 666 AAGN 1oand48P61m,661666666666 cN 12, 16 and 18 Point, 661666 N 141>6in1,6616666'66666666 AA'o¢N 241>61m,661666666 AAGN 30Point,ééifi61’12‘1o<;ii ¢N 36P6int,661666 6666666 AAGUQN Lining Anglo 12Point,ééifi61m,66166666666 QEN Lining Antique Condened 8and20Point,ééifi—<51'1 EN 1o1>61m,661666 611 QEN 121>61m,661666 666 KocEN 14Point,ééifi<51’15.6é6(; AEfNéL’1ZioEo<; 161>61m,661666 66611 CEN . Lining Antique No. 6‘ 66666; (EN 666166 66 EN 10 Point, 69 661666 EN 12Point,ééifi61iéd’éf§t’fi39i AEf<51’1C15ERST01‘{Z l8and36Point,éé1’fi61’1 c; CN 24 and 30 Point, ééifi(51’1' N 6 Point, 8 Point, Lining Antique Pointed 14 and 24 Point, 661666 666 A66 N 18, 30, 36 and 48 Point, é éifi (5 1'1 N Lining Arcade 6, 8, 1o, 14, 18 and 24 Point, A E {N (5 13 36 Point, N 54 Point, Q Lining Archer 12, 14,30 and 60 Point, 661666 N 24 Point, 661666 66666 (;N 42 Point, 661666 666666 c;N Lining Bank Script 661666 66166 66166 66166 666 ¢N 181>61m,66166666666666 AE1’Né13cEoo 24P61nt,661666a6666666 CN 36and481>61m,661666 66666666 CN 14 Point, Lining Bank Script No. 2 14, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 661666 66666 ¢N 18 Point, 661666 66666 AEfN(513 QEOO Lining Bank Script No. 3 181>61m,661666 AEf_N(513cEO6 24and48Point,ééifi61'1 CN 36Point,ééifi61’1<; c;N Lining Bisque 10 Point, E N 12 Point, 18, 20, 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point, N 30 Point, (2 E N BARNI-{ART BROS. 6:. SPIl\IDLER’S i 1 1 E i 736 ACCENTS Lining Bisque No. 2 12P6int,661666 EN 14p61m,661666 AEI’Né13 20, 24, 42, 48, 72 and 84 Point, 66166 6 N 30Point,ééifi61’1:‘1o<;ii QEN 6oP61m,6616666666 CN Lining Caligraph No. 2 12 Point, 661666 666 N Lining Celtic No. 1 6, 8, 12, 14 and 18 Point, A EfN (5 L’! 10 and 30 Point, N 24 Point, (; N Lining Concave 6 and 36 Point, N 10 and 18 Point, AEfN(5U C 12 and 24 Point, C N 30 Point, AEfN (513 Lining Congo 8, 10, 16, 24, 30 and 36 Point, 661666 N 42 Point, ééifiéfi CN Lining De Vinne 6Point, 69 661666 6666 666 5oé6<;¢ qéelfiéiz éd'é r§1'6y'2 AEfNé13 A66 00 AEL CDERS 1612 . 8Point, 69 661666 6666 666 66666 ¢;¢fi qéqhiéiz éd’ é1'~§t’1°135i AE1’N<5I3 A60‘ C0 ACELNSZZ CDERSTOYZ 10Point, ééifidfi é'ai6ii hen 6d'61§4'6y'6 AE1’N<5 SZZ C1')ERST1“J\?Z 12 Point, 5:”? ééifi61m, 661666 666 66¢ N0 48 Point, 661666 666 666 66¢ A66 No 54 Point, 661666 41 N¢ <;¢i.1.1éi'16{i qéqlfiéiz A600 cm ACELN Lining Doric 10 and 14 Point, ééifiéfi 42 Point, 661666 EN Lining Engravers Roman 6PointNo._i, KEfNéU KKUU KCC 6PointNo.2, .4EfN(5U AACU Al‘-ZIOU TC) KCC 6PointNo. 3, KFJNOI3 AK5 AEIOU i(°)C 8,10and12, AEfNéL’J AEIOU Iéc 18Point, N 24 Point, A}:’IfN(5[’I Q Lining Egyptian Extra Condensed 14, 18, 36, 42 and 60 Point, 6 6166 6 N 24 Point, 661666 66666 (IN 48 Point, 661666 666666 cN 72 Point, 661666 ii Lining Egyptian Extended 8, 10, 24,36 and 48 Point, 6 6166 6 N 12 and 18 Point, ééifiéfi EN SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE Lining-Emerald 6, Band 14 Point, 66111611 6611 66669 QEN 1o Point, 66111611 666 6611 66669 AA6(;EN 20 Point, ééifiéli ééh 5.6éc 24 Point, ééifiéfi ééh cé GEN 36 and48 Point, 66111611 6611 96 EN Lining Facade Condensed 14, 24 and60Point, ééifidxi A66 AKCSN 30,42 and84Point, 66111611 666 6666 AA6N 36, 5411111172 Point, 66111611 N Lining Facade Condensed No. ‘1 12, 18, 24,36 and 48 Point, AA6N 30 Point, N L1n1ng-11-611 1o, 12, 14 and .10 Point, 66111611 N 24 and42 Point, ééfiidfi 1; CN LiningFa.ir0Den 14a11d3o1>o1111, 66111611 N 24 and 42 P111111, 66111611 9 cN LiningFi1‘teenth Century 8, 12, 24, 36 and 48 Point, ééifidfi N 10, and 18 Point, fiéifidfi 1; N Linin3'Fii'teentl_1CenturyIta.lic 8, 1o, 12, 18, 24, 36 and 48 Point, 66111611 N Lining French Antique Extended 6and8Point, 1iéi1‘161’1 56é6(;¢ Cfififl 1o, 166111120 1=-61111, 66111611 EN 14 Point, 66111611 9 ¢EN 24Point, 66111611 N Lining French Clarendon 6and8POint, 66111611 66669 ‘cEN 1o Point, 66111611 6ii 666696 QEEN 14 Point, 66111611 66 666696 ¢EN 24 Point, 66111611 11 66669 éd’éi‘§t’1‘1wji AEfN6fi CD ERSTIWZ so and 36 Point, 66111611 11 66669 QEN 48Point, ééifiéfi A Lining-Ge:-man'J.‘itle 6, 8, 9, 1o, 14, 186111124 Point, 666116 AA6U¢ 12 and 48 Point, 6611 A60 30and36Point, 66116 A606 Lining-GothicNo.4'7 6Point, 66111611 611611 6691116611 A2160 EN AEL 31>o1111,66111611 11611 6611 116111 966 662 2166 EN CE 1S2 1o Point, 66111611 66611661196 11169111662 AA6U EN¢> AEL 12Point,ééifidfi&2i6ii§éi1q¢;iqcééfiéd’éii1‘§t'fl1ji AE fN613 AA6U AELQUE C1'JENRS'I‘fiYZ 14, 20 and 24 Point, 66111611 66611 AA6UN 18 Point, 66111611 66611 AA6U EN 36 Point, 66111611 666 AA6N 48and60Point, 66111611 N LiningGothio No. 60 6,8and 1o Point, 6616611 6116 AEfN66 AA6 12 Point, 66111611 666 66669 AA6cN 18 and 30 Point, 66111611 666 AA6N 24 Point, 66111611 611611 66669 AA6<;N 36Point, 6611166 N 48 Point, 66111611 66 66 91111 ¢N wand 72 Point, 66111611 66911 N POI NT-.LINE. POINT-SET POI NT-BODY ACCENTS Lining Gothic Title No. 60 8Point No.606and No. 607, KEIFIOII 3175.5 10 Point, AKCQN 14 and 2o Point, AA6 QN 30,54 and60Point, QN 42 Point, QN Lining Gothic No. 71 6Point, 66111611 666 661196 AA6N 861111 24 Point, 66111611 11:66 661196 qéqlfiéiz AA6N Mi‘ .. .. 10 Point, 66111611 666 6611 91315 AAONQ1 12 Point, 66111611 61166 A2«;6N¢ ‘181>o1111,66111611 62166 11611 96 1169111662 AA6 6 N AEL 3o Point, 66111611 666 AA6N 36 Point, 66111611 666 9 AA6cN 48Point, écéééfi LiningGothicNo.82 6Point, 66111611 666 AE1’N<5fi AA61: 8Point, 66111611 666 AA6N 1o Point, 66111611 61:66 AEfN6I5 AAEI'6U AEIOU A EIOU 12¢ 12Point, ééifiéfi 5.56 141>o1111, 66111611 N6 18 111111 24 Point, 66111611 666 AA6N 30 Point, 66111611 AEfN6fi K6E6c 36Point, 66111611 666 AA6cN 48Point, 66111611 cN AA6QN¢ '60Point, 66111611 N Lining Gothic Title No. 82 6PointNo.62l, AEfN6L'1¢ 6Point No. 622 and No. 623, Afiffiéfi 6Point No. 624, AEfN613 AA61: 6Point No.625, Aiififi 8Point Kfiffiéfi AKEI5U AIEIOU KEICU CQ l0Point, AA6cN¢ 12 Point, N10 16 6111120 Point, AA6N 18 and 54 Point, N 24Point, AEfNéI3 AOEOQ so Point, AA61;N 36Point, CW LiningGothic No. 90 6POint, 66111611 66911 §N_ 8Point, 66111611666 AA6N 1o Point, 66111611 6:16 116911166"z__AAo EN AEL 12 Point, 66111611 666 6696 AAoN¢ 13, 24, 3o, 36 and 48 Point, 66111611 N 20 Point, 66111611 EN 1.1111113 Gothic Title No. 90 6Point, CN 8Point,No. 901, KKUN 8PointNo.902 AA6 EN AEL 10 Point, AK5 N9 14, 20, 24, 30 and 42 Point, N 18Point, EN , Lining Gothic No. 111 6,8and 12 Point, 6616611 661196 611'6161'11y1 AEfN6 1’: CDERSTGEZ 1o Point, 66111611 6116 661196 6d'6161'6y1 AEfN61’J A A6 CDERSTGYZ 14 Point, 66111611 666 661196 AA6N 18, 24, so, 36 and 48 Point, 66111611 661196 N 60Point, 66111611 6611 669611 cN QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED JOB TYPE Lining Gothic No. 117 ééifiéfi 31311 ééh 331311 5393 qéqlriéiz éd’ é1§eay2 AEfNo1’J 93123060 A,C1~;L C1’) ERSTCIY/Z ééifiéfi ééh 33133 93 qéqlfiéii éd’é i"§t'1°1}7é A1~5fNoL’J 9233063 ACEL C1512 RSTIWZ 6 Point, 8 Point, 10Point, 11y'z AEINOU c A,3;L CDERSTUYZ ééifiéfi 3311 53933 qéqlfiéiz éd’éfif§t’ 1192 AEfNoL’I A60 A096 A,C1a;L CDER STUYZ 14 Point, ééifiofi 3133 331311 93469111322 éd'éfif§t’1‘i ya EN ACELCEEE 18 Point, ééifiofi iiéioii hen‘: ééiofi "95 é11r§1'11y'2 A1~5fNoI3 1121606 CDERSTGYZ 24 Point, ééifiofi ééh 33133 39 é11r§c3y'2 33131611 A1460 LNSZZ CDERSTOYZ 30 Point, 5313311 31311 3311 aeioa 96 939111322 éd’fiéf §1'11y'z A1éfNéL’J <;EEE ACEL CDERST 0122 36Point, ééifiéfi 33133 A311 331311 39 93913322 éd’é r§1'11y'z EN A216 91233 ACEL 42 Point, ééifidfi ééii 33133 9 939111322 333131‘ 392 EN QEEEU ACEL 54Point,ééifiofiééi1io9éiiéd'éf§t'1‘1yi cEN 66Point, ééifiéfi 5&1‘; 313133 9 EN QEEE 14,31. 72 Point, ééifiéfi ééh 331311 9 qéqlfiéiz éd’éf'§t'i°1 yz EN 9333 ACEL . 34 Point, fééfiifidxi iiéioii 33133 39 éd'ér§1'11yz 1$.N¢1>, 12 Point, 6 qéeifiéiz éd QEEEACEL 3 qéelfiéiz éw Ochflfiaéa Lining Gothic Title No. 117 6and8P’‘iI1}Jt,?2;EfN6[’J <;1‘~:EEi)'oU A,C1~;L CDERS 10PointNo.71,AEfN(5Lj§,:.4,1a;LCi51I;Rs'i~fi§z 1oPo1n1N19.U72é%&1§fNoUAoUKoc;op,c1;Lcm§1§g 12and60Point, EN A,C1«;L QEEE 16Point.zél;5?fZNo1’J M1606 QEEE A,CE,L CDERST 20Point, AEfNéI3 A3600 QEEE ACELNSZZ CD ERSTKWZ 241>oim,AEfN<513 c;§3EE 14,6111. CDERSTUYZ 30Point,EN 11.116 QEEE ACEL 36Point,ENCEEEUACEL 48Point,CEN 54Point,EN cEEEA,1~;L 72 Point, EN c1‘«:EE LiningGra.nt 8and 10 Point, ééiiiéfi é'iii aéh fiéiofi 9 qéeltiéiz C NAEL ééifi61’1 9691:1522 AELN ééifioni 353 qcqmsiz AAGEN ééifiéfi aéii ééiofi 39 96913332 13125. UAELCEN 21151111511 333 33339 qéqlriéiz A1§fNo13 A , AoKoEoc4EL 35 Point, ééifiéfi 3213 3169111322 AAG AELN 43, 72 and 34 Point, ééifiofi 46913322 A,1;LN 54Point, ééifiéfi EN 60Point, ééifiofi 9 qéqlfiéiz CN A,1~;L 12 Point, 14 Point, 24 Point, 30 Point, Lining Grace Script 30 Point Nos. land 2, ééifiofi ioéoc; N BARN!-IART BROS. 6:. SPINDLER’S '41. —.p. ééifidni 311 213:‘; 566696 3169111522 éd’éfli‘§t' ? N! 738 #9 ACCENTS Lining Hazel Script ééifiéxiioc, cN ééifiéfiaéhiogé qéqhiéii AIQLSZN ééifiéfi 53:11 5393 969111322 4ELszcN ééifiéfi 3159 N Lining Hazlett Script .43:-1ms1aaoeo9 43131611710309 ééif1<51i_ EN Lininglonic 5,15,2o and 24 Point, ééifiofi N 8Point,ééifi61’1EN l0Point,ééifi61i£1éi656é6<; AAGQEN 12Point,ééifi<51’1§6<;ii (;EN 14 Point, ééifiofi 35311 §6é6o6¢(i éd’éfi1"§t’fi)7i Afif N613 AAoUc¢OUCDERST1"n?Z Lining Jewel Script l8and24Point,ééifi61’1<; CN Lining Lakeside Script 12, 13 and 24 Point, ééifiéfi N Lining Light Modern 30Point,ééifi61’1 N 42Point,ééifi61’156é6g: CN Lininglilenu 14 Point, 18 Point, 24 Point, 36 Point, 12 Point, 18 Point, 6PointNo. 1, EfNéI3 xo1toc;31: 6Point No.2and 12 Point No.6, A’.EfNéfi KOEOQEEU 6Point No. 3, 10 Point No.5 and 12 Point No. 7, CEEEEN 8Point No.4, /iEfN(513 KOQEEEU Lining Modern Antique 6, 3, 20,42 and 43 Point, ziéifiéfi N 10 Point, =19 ééifiofi as 33163 9 EN 12, Point, ééifiofi EN 13 and 30 Point, ééifiéfi 333 AAGN Lining Moorish 14 and 24 Point, C N 18 and 36 Point, N Lining Moorish Open 14 and 24 Point, C N 18 and 36 Point, N Lining Myrtle Script 13 Point, ééifiofi 533393 3969111352 AELN 24 Point, ééifidfi 3333911 éd'ér§1'11y'z <;N ‘ Lining Nadall 12, 13 and 24 Point, N . Lining Norman Condensed 3, 10, 20 and 24 Point, N 12 and 16 Point, .41: fN 6 I3 36 Point, C N Lining Nestor Script 12, 13, 24, 35 and 43 Point, ééifiéui 31533911 (;N Lining Oblique Gothic 5,3,1o and 14 Point, ééifiéfi N 20 and 30 Point, ééifiofi 1; CN Lining Pantagraph Script 12 and6O Point, ééifiofi 215339 QN 13 Point, ééifiéfi 5333911 cN 24 Point, ééifiéfi 56339 aéh CN 36 Point, ééffiéfi ibéboii ééil N 43 Point, ééifiofi 5333911 333 <;N Lining Plate Gothic 6 Point No. 1, 6 Point No. 2, 6 Point No. 4, 8 Point No. 5, 10 Point No. 7, 12 Point No. 9 and 14 Point, A E fN (5 6C 6 Point No. 3, 8 Point No. 6, 12 Point No. 8, 18 and 24 Point, A E fN 6 13 c A, 13, L SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE Lining Plate Script 14Point,' 21811 zioééc; zgéelfiéiz éd’ 18 Point, -(UR-1 24 Point, 36 Point, 48 Point, Lining Plate Scrip A§§9fi . - 18Point,zié /31AOA,EL§ZCN 24 Point, éé 6 A,12;LSz'QI?I 36 and 48 Point, aéifiéfi CN Lining Plate Script No. 3 14 Point, :'1é1' 18 Point, 2'1 éi 24 Point, :3 é 1' 36 and 48 Point, Lining Premier Script I ; ou fic31'1z§6é6<;ii CN éét; CN 14 and 36 Point, 5'1 18 and 48 Point, 2'1 24 Point, éé i 1'16 1'1 éi éi a o Lining Premier Script No. 2 48 Point, ééifiéfi C N Lining Princess Script 12 and 18 Point, éé 24 Point, ziéifiéfi Lining Princeton 14, 18, 24 and 36 Point, 2'1 é i fio 1'1 N Lining Racine 6 Point No. 1 and 2 ; 12 and 24 Point, N 8 Point, C 10 Point, . 18 Point, A 8 Point, 10 Point, ' 12 Point, 14 Point, (SN 9:. Lining Remington 10 Point, ééifiéfi 88811 AAc51”1N Lining Remington No. 2 12 Point, zié1’fi(S1'1é’1Zai6ii¢ qé(;11i§z'z (':d’é1"§t’ 6111800 (DELI; ACELNSZZ >-<\ Lining Remington No. 6 fiéioiié i6é6<,:¢éi,1_1 qéelfiéiz (':d’éf§t’ 1«’:1’1TI6U AAOU ¢>I;:1L1 A.C13;L1io 5.69 (IN l } Lining Steelplate 6 12,18 and 24 Point, Afiffiofi c; Lining Sterling 6 and 8 Point, N 10 Point, AEIN 011 12 and 20 Point, N 24 Point, (3 N 30 and 36 Point, N Lining Tasso 6 and 12 Point, E N 8, 10 and 24 Point, N Lining Tasso No. 2 8 and 14 Point, E N 10 and 12 Point, ~Lining Umbra 18, 24 and 36 Point, C N Lining Utility Gothic 6 Point No. 6 Point No. 6 Point No. 6 Point No. “‘ "“ Z1 21 10 Point, 12 Point, 18 Point, Marshall Italic No. 5 6, 8 and 10 Point, ééifiofi N Mazarin No. 5 6 Point, 8'1 8 Point, {I 10 Point, 2'1 I é1' é1’ éi 6, 8, 10 and 12 Point, a'1éi"__ 14 Point, ééifiofi 5/ao 18, 24 and 36 Point, 8'1 éi 9 u .- 48Point, ééifiéfi 56 60 and 72 Point, éé fl Mission §1éi6¢ A216 171(2) lib 33 § 6 Point, ééifié 8 Point.a'1éifi ' 10 and 12 Point, ziéifié 1'1 14, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42 and 48 P 1'18 1'13: 2216 ¢ Ne) oint, ééifiéfi 5.5.6 av N 739 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE Mode 6Point, ééifiéfi ééll aoéo 1; qéqlriéii A111. cEN 8and 1o Point, ééifiéfi sass; qéelfi szz AEL ¢EN 12 Point, ééifiéfi sot: éoééc qéqlfiéiz éd'érst'oy2 A EN -0 .111 111 t‘*‘ :31 ‘:31 D1 21:31-0 ééii cé qéqlfiéiz éd'éi"§t’fi)7i Os fix 18 Point, é é i 24 Point. {1 éi 36 Point, .5 éi 48 Point, é éi 1193 3433111522 AELCEN (;ii qéelfiéii A131. c;EN age qéelriéiz AELCEN Os Os Ox Cs C‘ :\ SD’ 931 93’ G’ 0? CD’ Modern Fraktur No. 5 6Point,2s'16ii¢ A609) 9and 10 Point, 5.’¢ii)'ii¢ AAOUQ 12 Point, 511511 AA'o'U 14 Point, 5.éio'ii¢ Q 16 Point, ‘ci'cSii¢ Q 18 Point, '£'16ii 24 Point, éi6ii¢ Q) 30 and 42 Point, 56 ii ModernGothic 5Point,&§=i6ii Aiiéio 6.8and 10 Point, ééifiéfi 'ai.é'i6ii ééibfi fiéiéfi 5.(;¢ qée 1nszzesd'é111§t'oyz AEINOU AE1o'U Am 3; some Ace ACELNSZZ CDENRTE 12 and 13 Point, 5.415.511 3s3¢ qéqlfiéiz AAE5 (3 AEL N 24Point,ééifid1’1q6Q1§iz AELN so. so and 42 Point, ééifiéii N Modern Gothic Condensed 13 Point, 353 AA6 Modern Gothic Condensed Title 16 Point, A A 6 Modern Gothic Title 6Point,No.1, A315 (3 6Point No.2,8Point No.3andl0 Point No.5, Aléffiélj A E1011 AEIOQ AEiOO Ace ACELNSZZ CDENRSTCYZ 10 Point No.6and16 Point, AAi)'(21 AEL N 20 Point, A131. N 24 30 and 36 Point, N Modern Title 6and8Point, ééifiéfi N 9Point,ééif161’1 355 N 10 Point, ééifidfi sacs A216 N 12 Point, ziéifiéfi éd'és§t'»:1y'2 N CRSZ 13 Point, ééifiéfi qéqléiz éd’éf'§t’fiy’i AELN 24 Point, ééifiofi so Point, ééi_fi61’1 set: some g qéelriéii <‘,d’éi‘§t’fi 92 AEL QNCRSZ 36Point,éé1’fi61’1 N 43 Point, ééifiéfi 9 ¢ EN 60and72 Point, ééix’161’1_N MonitorNo. 5 6, 3, 12, 13, 24 and48 Point, ééifiéfi Aéo cé N 10Point, ééifidfi qqiq assmzz Qghpt N E; LZ CS2 30 and 36 Point, ééifiéfi Old Roman Condensed 6,8,10,12,14andl8Point, '-:19 ééifiéfi éié'1'6ii ééibix AE 1361311 AEfN(5I3U 16Point,ééifi61’1 'aié'1'61'iAéi<‘)i1 $1 24, so and so Point, ééifiéfi N BARN}-I1.-XRT BROS. 3.. SPIl\lDLER’S AEL ACCENTS Old Style Condensed No. 50 12Point,ééifi<51’1ééu<;é N 18Point,_ééi1'161'1ééi1 cé EN 24Point,ééif1o’1’1ééi1.?.’1o<,:éii QEN 30Point,ééifié1’1ééi1<;é E 42Point,ééif161’1 21311 as cé c;EN 48,60and72Point,ééif1é1'1 ééh cé EN Old Style Condensed No. 59 10and12Point, ééifiofi EN 13 Point, éé1’fi<51’1 as ea ¢;ii (;EN 24 Point, ééifiéfi 30 Point, ééifidfi 353 EN 35, 43, so and 72 Point, ééifidfi N Old Style No. 59 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 and 18 Point, same as body type list on page 730 20 Point, ééifiéfi a'a16¢ AA(5¢ EN 24 Point, ééifiéli .’1ii6ii £161‘) 9¢ a1éQh‘i§z’i cN¢ so Point, ééifiéfi 2156 héfi .1636 9121 AA6 C0 EN so Point, ééifiéfi qéehiéiz 3,111. N 42 Point, ééifiéfi 2156 A311 5633 4; AA6 c; EN 48Point, 556 A131. A216 Old Style Italic No. 59 20Point,ééifi61’1 EN 24Point,ééifi61’1é2si6ééi1<;é AAGN 30Point,éé1’1’161’1é2'=i6 N 42Point,éé1’f161’1 N Old Style Title No. 59 6Point,.&l5.‘fN(5UKElOUAI-t€1OUKEiOUAEICU AEIOU Ace 001:9 ACELNSZZ CDERS .TfiYZ A 3 Point, AEfNoU AEICSU M2100 AEIOO AEIOO AEIOU Acoofi 111129 ACELNSZZ CD1: RSTOYZ 1oPoin:.AEfNoU AEIGU AEIOU AEioU AEIO UAEIOUA'CoAOA,cEL1ERST (‘N2 12 Point, AAi5U@ ACELNOSZZ 14 Point, AE1’N(51’J AM)’ co AEL CISERSTOYZ 16Point, Aiioo EN 20Point, A,ELAA(5¢¢N 24Point, AAO Q0 EN so Point, AEL N 36Point.A13;5CEN Paragon 6Point, ééifidni set; some :1; 611 éd'é1'-st'oy'2 41; 1212143 AEfNéL’I AAGU A¢EEE 8Point, ééifiéti éiéioii ééfi fiéiéfi 56 ?1<;6{i qéelfiéiz no 9123 AEfNoI3 AA6 AE EEE ACELN SZZCDERSTEYZ 10Point, ééifiéfi 'aié'1'6ii Aéh ééiéfi écbfi qéQ11’1§i2 éd’é1"§t’fi}7i gm AEfNéL’I AA6 AQEEE A, CELNSZZCDERSTGYZ 12 Point, ééifiéfi ééh aeioo écflfi éd'é1'-seoyz :3 AEfNé1’J A¢EEE CDERSTUYZ 14 Point, ééifiéfi 3'13 3311 aeioo 9 cEEEEN 13 Point, ééifidfi 'aié'1'6ii aéo ééiofi 119611 éd’é1":§t’fiy’i AAOAQEEEEN 24Point, £156 Agéééh AA6 Paragonltalic 6Point, ééifiéfi 331311 3311 sesoo 39 A216 Ac; EEE EN 8Point, ééifiéfi 3311 2.31311 3; AEfNc5L’J AA GAQEEE 10Point, ééifiéfi 3311 33133 :33; AEfN<5fi AAGAQEEE SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE J03 TYPE Paragon Italic, Continued 12 P6161, 661666 66166 66 AEN AEIOU AA OUAQEE 14 P6161, 661666 666 18Point, ééifiofi é'1'ii A 11 24 P6161, 661666 N Pastel 6,8,10, 12 666 18 P6161, 661666 N 24 P6161, 661666 666 716 cN 36, 48, 60 666 72 P6161, 661666 N Pastel Bold 6, 12 and 18 Point, ééifi 8and24Point, ééi'61’1 10 Point, ziéif1c’>1’1 gé In 30 and 36 Point, ééi Pastel Condensed 8P6i61,661666666666 cN 1oP6161,6616666666 QN 12P6161,661666666666 cN 18,24,3666648P6161,6616666666 <;N av 60 Point, ziéifiéfi N Pastel Lightface 6, 8, 12, 18, 24, 36 666 48 P6161, 66166 6 N 111 P6161, 661666 6666 6 cN Pastel Open 12, 18, 24, 36 666 48 P6161, 6 é 166 6 N PenTextNo. 5 8P6161, 661666 6 CE 10 P6161, 661666 E 14 P6161, 661666 6666 66 66 6 6121613 AAOU K013: 0 C 18P6161,661666666 66 ~666666 cé 24P6161,6616666666666 66 QE 3oP6161, 661666666 66 66666 CE PisaNo.5 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24, 36 666 60 P6161, 661666 6666 6 CN 48 P6161, 661666 666 666 6 QN Plate Text 8, 1o, 12, 14 666 18 P6161, 661666 6 QN Plate Text No. 4 8,1o,12,14,16,18, 24,30 666 36 P6161, 661666 6666 AA 0U Plymouth 6P6i61, 661666 f1éi6iiééi1cééd’éf1f§t’1"1ji AE1’No13 AAGU Ci>1§NRST1"J1?Z , 8P6161, 661666 6666 666 666 6py' éd’é1'1'§t’1°13’ri A I~3fNéUAA6UOP(‘,D1?:NRSTI‘fI1?Z 1o P6161, 661666 6666 66 66'661§1’6y'2 666 A1§1’Né OAAGUQOCDENRSTGYZ 12P6161,661666 6666 666 666 may’ 66'66161'6y'2 .411: 1’N(5I3 £21150 6 P CI')I.«‘.NRS1"-L") '2 14 P6161, 661666 6666 66'6'161'6y'2 .&1~i1’Nc513 AAOU CDENRSTOYZ 18P6161, 661666 66611 666 6666 66'661'1’6y'6 2161’ N613 A661’) C CDENRST Y2 24,3666648P6161, 661666 6666 666 6 éd'é1'1f§t’1°1yi AAGU N 30 P6161, 661666 66611 66'66161'6y 54,60666 72 P6161, 661666 666 " POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 741 ACCENTS Plymouth Bold 24 Point, ééifiéfi N Plymouth Condensed 6, 8, 10, 12, 18, 24 666 36 P6161, 661666 6666 66'61§1'6y2 A216 N 14P6i61, 666 AM)’ 30 P6161, 661666 666 66'61§1'61;6 A216 N 48,60, 66672 P6161, 661666 6666 A216 N Plymouth Italic 6P6161,66166666666'61§1'6y2 AAON 8,10,12,18, 24, 30 and 36 Point, ééifiéfi fiiioii 56 9 éd’éf'§ H3392 AAocN 14P6161,661666666 AAUN 48P6161,6616666666 666 A216 <;N wand 72 Point, ziéifiéfi N Post 6Point,a’1é1’fic’>1’1 ééii gtéfi 6116 qéqlfiéiz <':d’é1'r§t‘1"1}52 AEINGUAELCCHN5 8Point, ééifiéfi ééfi l'—i6ii (;é6 qéelfiéii (':d’éi'11"§t'1°1}52 AEfN6U4ELCDERSTfi?ZcoUO 10 Point, ééifiéli aéu éioii gfi qéqlfiéiz éd’é1'11"§t’fi)7i AEfNoU6ELcCDENRSTfiYZ 12 Point, ééifiéli a‘1‘1‘1 cu o'ii6 a1éQlxié’z éd'éf1i"§t’fi}?2 AEfNéUAELctHN5CDERSTfiYZ 18Point, éé1'fi61’1 a‘i1 aoii 913 aéqlfiézz éd’éf§t’1°1)72 AEfNofi6ELCDERSTfiYZ 24 Point, ééifiéfi aéil aoxi 913 qéqlfiéiz éd’éfif§t’fi}7i AELCEN 30, 36and48Point, 2iéi”61'1 ééu cfi qéqlfiéiz éd’éi‘§t’1°1 jiAELCEN 5()point, 3:19 ééffiéti ééii gfi aéqlfiéiz éd’éf§t’1°13?2 A ELCEN ~ 72 P6161, 661666 666 66 66616662 AEL CN Post Open 12, 24, 3o, 36, 48, 60 666 ~72 P6161, 6 616 6 6 N 18 P6161, 661666 <;N Radial Italic No. 5 18 P6161, 661666 666 QEN Reed Text 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 24, 30 666 36 P6161, 6 6166 6 N Schiller No. 5 8, 1266618 P6161, 661666 666 666 6 A61‘) (EN 10 Point, ééifiéfi Ieioii ééil gé AOU 24and36Point,a’1é1’fi61i Ziéioii é‘i1 QEEEE N . ~ 48 P6161, 661666 6666 666 666 AAOU N Schwabacher No. 5 6P6161, 661666 6666 6 6 AAoU_.c_N"c2) ~ 1066614 P6161, 661666 6666 6 AAOU ENQ 1266618 P6161, 661666 6666 6 666 6666 AAOU c N(/) 24P6161,661666 666116666 66 AAoU~¢c1«fN 36 P6161, 661666 6666 6 666 1l_AoU CNQ 42 P6161, 6616611 ¢ AOU N9) 54 P6161, 661666 ¢ 666 A60 ¢N(D Sheridan 10, 12, 18, 24 666 60 P6161, 66166 6 N QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JOB TYPE Skeleton Antique No. 55 10 Point, ééifiéfi £166 66 EN 12, 20and 36 Point, ééifiéfi 66611 A611 66 13121150 14 Point, ééifiéfi 611611 5611 66 6d'6111§1'11y'2 '6 AAOU CDERSTGYZ 24 Point, éé1’fi61’1 66611 51611 1:16 éé 6 éd'é1§1'11y'2 N613 AAo‘U c C1')ERST('n?Z 48Point, 66111611 611611 566 5.6 66 18.2160 c;N 54 Point, 6611166 éiio 6611 56 éo 6 A2516 QN Slope Gothic No. 50 6 Point No. 501, 6 Point No. 502, 6 Point No. 503, 6 Point No. 504, 12 Point No. 506 and 12 Point No. 507, AE ffi 60 KO E6 C 6 Point No. 505, 12 Point No. 508 and 18 Point No. 50, C N 24 Point No. 50, N Spire No. 5 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 60 and 72 Point, 6 éifié 6 N 48 Point, ééifiéfi 5.6 gii C171 Stationers Text No. 5 6, 8, 10, 16, 20 and 24 Point, 6 é 1 F1 6 11 N 12 Point, ééifiéfi 5.6 éé 6 ¢N Steelplate Text No. 5 18,24 and 30 Point, 661666 N Sylvan Text No. 5 6Point,ééir“161’1 611611 6 6 AAo'U 1; N9) 10and 14 Point, 6611166 &'zi6ii 6 AAOU ENQ 12 and 18 Point, 6616611 611611 6 A61‘: 56 66 AAGU c N16 241>61m, 66111611 5.566 61 Aéh 66 A2160 9) ¢1§N 36 Point, ééifiéfi 1151611 ¢ 5.5 6 E1660 C N16 421>o1m,66111611 ¢ AOU N6 54 Polnt, aéifiéfi 'ai5ii ¢ :16 6 AOU c N9) Talisman 6, 8, 10, 18, 24 and 36 Point, 661666 N 12 Point, ééifidfi 6 N 30Point, éioii Talisman Italic 6,8,10,12,18and24Po1n1,6611161111611 N 14Point, ééifiéfi N 30 and 36 Point, iiiiii Tell Text No. 5 6, 8. 10, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48 and 60 Point, 6616 6 1'1 N Teuton Black No. 5 14 Point, ééifiéfi N Teuton Extended No. 5 10, 12 and 14 Point, A60 18Point, ééifiéfi 6 A60 N6 24and30 Point, 61 A60 (0 Teuton No. 5 ééifidfi 6611 14:60 N ‘cioii 10 Point, 12 Point, TitleNo.5 61‘: géfi 56 ('31; é§ qéqlfiéiz 4¢ELNSZZ 66611 QEN A1f:fNo’13i5 ENU QEN N0 18 Point, A E 24 Point, 30 Point, 36 Point, 48 Point, BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I f ACCENTS TitleNo.9 6, 8,9and 10 Point, ziéifidli iiéioii é‘ioi1 ééi"1‘1:'i’161‘1 iéiéfifio 66 A13:fNc313 A'.1'«':‘1‘oU AEIOU A 1;166;11:;166A12166;16A6 7POint, ééifiéfi 1121611 AAOU EN Tit1eNo. 10 5%am161>61n1, 1iéifi61’1 2151611 16 6666611 216616622 A 25.60 (AEN AC1«;1,Né~.’sz’z' 7POint, éé1’1‘1é1’1 5116 AM)‘ EN 8and9Point,{1éif161’1fiéioiiééiiééfi AACSU Q EN A,C1«;LN(3éZz' 10and 12 Point, :iéifi61’1'2ié'i6iiz‘1éioi1‘éiofi 56 51 9 qéc; 16512 5.660 N A, E,1.I61n1,66111611:12166 AA'o'c;N 81161191261111, éé1’1‘161’1£1'2i6 6 AM)’ 6 EN l0Point,ééificS1i<;qé<;hi§iz A,C1;1.I<1o 12 Point, 6616611 3156 qéqlfiéiz AM)’ E S22 5.6 9 qéqlfiéiz Z EN SZC N11161:; No Title Italic No. 50 6Point,éé1'fi61'1 .’1'2i6 6 A216 c;N Title No. 11 5% Point, ééif161’1£1'ai6 A216 N Title No. 52 6 Point, c N ~ 8 and 12 Point, N Title No. 53 6Point,éé1’fi61’1 c;N Topic No. 5 6, 8, 10, 14 and 30 Point, 6’: éifi 6 11 N 12, 18, 24, 48,60and72 Point, ééifiéfi 6611 66 N 36Point,ééifi61’1é1éi1 66161161116 QN 96Point,ééi1<;éé TudorBo1d 6,8,10,12,16,l8,24,36 and 48 Point, AOU 30and60Point,ééifi61'1'2i6fi AOUN Tudoi-No.5 8, 10, 12, 16, 30and36Point, 66111611 2166116 AAGU No 20and24Point, ééffiéfi 5116,11 ¢ 56 66 6 AAOU cN1o 48and72Point,z’1éificS1’1'ai6ii¢ AoUN¢ 60Point,'2i61'i¢ AOUQ Tudor Text No. 5 10,16and24Point,ééffi61’1 661166116666 A601: N 12Point,ééifi61’1 21611661166 AOU N 30and48Point,ééifi61'1 héiiééiéfifu; 13.6606 60 Point, ééifiéfi 116611 Aéh 6611 M100 N Two Line No. 55 12 Point, N Two Line No. 56 16 Point, N 18 Point, C E N 24, 30 and 36 Point, E N Two Line No. 58 12 Point, C Warren 6,8,12,18,24 and 48 Point, ééifiéfi 2166 56 6 AEfN(5fi AOQ 36Point,{1éific’>1’1 66 6 AEfN(5L’J KO C SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE JOB TYPE Wedding Plate 14, 18, 24 Point No. 1, 24 Point No. 2, 30 and 36 Point, 5'1 éifio 1'1 N Wesel 6, 10, 12, 14, e 8Point,ééii'i61’i éeii 1; 18, 24, ii ‘-0 A-. 0 West Lining Gothic 6Point Nos. 532, 533, 534 and 535, 12 Point No. 538, and 18 »~ Point No. 539, N 12 Point Nos. 535 and 537, A E I’ N 5 U qéelfisiz A,1«;L N 30, 36, 48, 60 and 72 Point, 551560 éeii 8Point, ééifiofi 10 Point, ziéifioii 1 12 Point, ééifioii 14 Point, aéifioii Wide Germania No. 5 as ea 9 A<')'U CE N ¢ A613 0 1?: aou¢ (DN 1?: ' 5550; A61‘) mi 505; QEN Wide Lining Gothic No. 520 5 Point, Nos. 5201 and 5204; 8, 12, 18, and 24 Point No. 520, C Si 5 Point No. 5202, A'.EI’N (3 13 C 6Point No. 5203, 1511350 716 E0 C Av 10 Point, and 16 Point No. 520, N Wide Old Style 8 Point, 5515511 3:55 .4210‘ EN West °1°‘ style N°- 7° 10 and 24 Point,éé1’fiou 355 as 55 9 AM)‘ CN 13 Point, 5515511 32.11 as 53 ca cf: 1 12 Point, 5515513 .555 9 A216 (EN 24, 48, and 72 Point, 551555 ééii cé cf: 1 18 and 30 Point, 5515511 5:53 23.216 N 35 Point, 5515511 351‘. 55 ea 9 cfi 5 35 Point, 5515511 Aiéiixiou 60Point,ééif1o1’i:‘iei1c;é N 1 48Point,ziéifioi’i N PIECE ACCENTS 3 Point Piece Accents. Price per font, $0.25 1 6 Point Piece Accents. Price Del‘ font, $1-00 1 2 3 4 5 0 7 3 9 1o 11 1(2 13 1 1 2 3 4 5 3 7 8 9 ,0 1, 12 ‘ ’ ‘ ’ 0 O O " " ‘V V V \ I / \ O 0 no 00 C. II II ~ 14 POl:t Piece Accents. Price per font, $0.50 1 13 14 15 16 16 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 3 4 5 0 7 a 9 10 1 \ , 0 __ __ ~ A , \ V 1 ,. ~ A A ~ 2 \ \ I /\ /\ .. ACCENT FONTS FOR JOB TYPE. Minimum Fonts of Accents for Job Type are put up at the following Approximate weights and prices: Second Class Special Extra Condensed Third Class Third Class BODY . . - L‘ C E d F List A, B and D. List C and F. List E. 15f . an - WEIGHT. pmce. wsucnr. PRICE. weuenr. 1 mice WEIGHT. 1 mos. 5 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. % lb. $0.25 % lb. $0.25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .... .. 5% Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. % lb. .25 %. lb. .30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 .... .. 6 Point,. .. . 3/(1. lb.- .25 3/(5 lb. .30 . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 - ~ - - -- 7 Point, . . .. 3/16 lb. .25 3/6 lb. .25 - - ~ - -- - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 - - - - -- 8 Point... V4 lb. .25 % lb. .30 . . . . .. 1 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 . . . . .. 9 Point,., , % 11,, .25 x 113. .25 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5/16 lb. -25 % lb. .25 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 11Point,............ .. 5/fslb. -25 5/falb. .30 - - - - - - - - - ‘ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ -- 12 Point,. ... 5/1. lb. -25 %1b. .30 5/14 lb. -35 - - - . - . - - . - .. 14 Point, . . .. .. . M5 lb. .30 % 1b_ .30 91/6 lb -35 - - - - - - - - - - -- 16 Point, . . .. .. 7/(1. lb. .30 % lb. .30 5/16 lb .35 . . . . . . . . . . .. 18 Point,.. . . . % lb. .35 7/1., lb. .35 %1b -40 . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 Point, . . .. .. % lb. .35 7/1. lb. .35 7/14 lb -40 . - - . - - . . . . .. 24 Point, . . .. .. "/2 lb. .35 7/(6 lb. .35 "/1/6 lb -50 . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. '’/{6 lb. .35 7/16 lb. .35 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 Point, ..................... .. % lb. .40 % lb .35 ‘X6 lb -50 . - . . . - . . . . .. 36Point,............... %lb. .40 Zlb .35 %1b. .50 . . . . . . . . . . .. 42 Point, .. .. . 91’. lb. .50 "/15 lb .40 % lb. .50 . . . . . . . . . . .. 48 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 lb. .60 ‘X6 lb. .50 %3 lb. .65 . . . . . . . . . . .. 54 Point, . . .. . . . 1% lbs. .75 " 1. lb. .50 % lb. .65 . . . . . . . . . . .. 60 Point, . . .. . .. . .. . . 1% lbs. .90 1 lb. .70 ‘éfo lb. .70 . . . . . . . . . . .. 66 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 lbs. 1.20 1 lb. .70 5/0 lb. .70 . . . . . . . . . . .. 72 Point, .. 2%; lbs. 1.20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15%; lbs 1.00 84 Point . . 2% lbs. 1.40 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1%; lbs. 1.20 96Point,....................... 2%slbs. 1.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1'5/folbs. 1.40 120 Point, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3% lbs. 1.75 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 743 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POI NT-LINE, POINT-SET. POIl\lT- BODY MODERN 56 §..€L-.1: ‘;4fi‘.93 %? 0) (SK 7 \d 3625 Per set of four, 50c :;' ss 12 Point Corners, 20¢ per set of four. 6 5 V 7 VT _ 8 ‘ 3;; .77 w ‘H7 -\T mz ; - r: 1 / ~' A4: :x* 3; ‘fl, ‘» {T3/\l 11 it 24 Point Corners, 40c per set of four. 49 B304 26 A rs A L: %\‘\ 42 44 - - 9 W [A9 ‘Z’ ‘ J 0° an on} O 0 ‘ S ;\.9 0/‘ 57 8303 PG}- B32} ‘ . . .5;;_'..)_ 8302 M; %%%f 5“ “;r1r2".111'. 259 54 POINT POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 74.» QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED JOB TYPE SUNDRIES MODERN CATCH—WORDS SERIES N(). 1 181-6L 182-fin 183~6L 184«6L 18% fin 241—1hL 242-UN, 245/1hL 244~1H« 246~10( <~ 5 ” ‘ I‘ ‘ /Q Q: 1/ " '1,‘ " D ’ /Q ’.,' ‘V ‘ 'V./ ¢a~%’ W? W» E9 va ,%/ :7 /* 5‘ ' ‘ ‘ 1 ‘U ’ - ' ' ,h—qf - ' ”-7: :3 ‘'1 Q» In fonts uf J.’ ‘)i("(~(.%' 75 (‘(:IlI.~§. SERIES NO. 2 121-5(,, 101—5(, 122-SC 123-‘)( 124-‘H 125-5t. 12f)‘~‘)( 186-6( 187-6( ., :3‘ 3 , . 2 K . /_ ;r wr <7!» M /41?’ Sf" ' ‘<9 «x9 ,. »‘ /5.» §)// g If“ f’, /X4 188-60 189-60 1810-6(.. 1811—6(; 946-1()(V 247-10¢, ’g4H‘H)( 249'1()t, %+5> «<2, <7 v ~ In fonts of}/1 pieces, $1.25 LOGOTYPES B146-350 B144—35(. 8‘ ,”,_.WV B,42_.;5(/ wwa’ - are’ E ,. ~Ty%%- gfigiyflfififib 5%%@3j§E§ “*i3ffl3ii1§§ ~_:,4 @?lI»fl B145-350 _\_+y0.>._:’ B14';._3U(_ B147-30C ELECTROTYPED B138-30¢ B132-300 B131-’30(. 8134-3100 ;C_[,,;: S;~,-._-» -.E4‘._///<'// §*4‘:'~j(~;;T’ 4“":W** ( »5’ ~..5.‘ 7&3 r‘\. _J_\_,4\.W.\F ygfx Efiptnugfllv 3%‘! Aug,» J@§ff , EBQ1]£},£1E.f.>’(fl\ ,: ;WxL®i<2:I;' L NE . ,. . 7- B155-'/5(, B156-500 ElF( HUIYNPED ELE(.TH(}YVF’£'.) BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLER’S H6 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE UNIVERSAL INITIALS 1€I-I{CTR( )TYPIiI). Price per set for one color, $10.00; two colors. $20.00. Single letters, one color, 50 cents; two colors, $1.00 747 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT- LINE. POI NT-SET. POINT-BODY INITIALS Cast from Superior Copper-Mixed Metal. Per set of one each, 75 cents 18 Point Anglo Initials Single characters’ 10¢ 1 I G V 4 E] 9 , 9 0 . ,1 97L 3 5.1 W V” W "X '1? Per set of one each, $1.00 24 Point Anglo Initials Single characters, we ff Z3 (:3 / I.’/~ ~c W, GL 3) }--K TD I’ 61 ?£.I:JXL;N~ “'19 <21 1 5 61‘ V‘ W W 5 P f ' ' . . . » . er set 0 one each, $1.50 36 Poxnt Anglo Imtxals Smgle characters, 15c $3 (3, H,‘ ZJ zflv L J? an fv V? (l W V‘ 3 BARNI-IART BROS. 6:. SPIl\IDLER’S 748 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE DEARBORN INITIALS Cast from Superior (‘upper-l\Iixc-(l Metal. Per set of one each, $1.00 24 Point Dearborn Initials Single characters‘ we BL U‘ V‘ W‘x.y‘ f1?iTTI+=iL$ [V\Q5TIsED Single cliaracters, 15c Pm’ set of one each, $1.50 36 Point Dearborn Initials J3 CWDEV ,1 3%??? Fr ? 3 *1? POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 7.19 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED DE VINNE INITIALS (‘gist frmn Stippriur (fuppcr Mixc-<_l :\It‘I(lI. 20 cents eacli. 60 Point I)e\'inne Initials Per set $3 25 t 36 Point 1):: \'i1i1m Initials. 15’ Point 1):: \'inne Initials. 48 Point De \'im1e Initials, 15 Cmlts "‘*('}'- P91‘ 50!, $1-75 10 cents each. Per set, 50 cents 20 cents each. Per set, $1.60 34 Point De Vinne Initials 10 cents each. Per set, $1.00 WE 25 Cents 93Ch- 72 Point I)e Vinne Initials pm get $4 00 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED «s VI .... POINT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI NT-BODY ROCOCO INITIALS I\’U(‘U(‘() IIIIIIHI-. NU. 3‘ 40 ‘‘‘'I”‘‘ ' “(Eh 75 (‘t'IlI\‘ v.u‘I1 BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER‘S ’I’.'u'_’ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE MAZARIN INITIALS I\I21z2n‘i11 Initials .\'n. I 30 Gems e“Ch POINT—LINE, POINT—SE'F. POINT—BODY 753 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED I)oIs(:n IIIIIIUIS No, 8 DOLSEN INITIALS I*.I .I'.("|‘I\'1 D'I'\'I’I‘ I L 40 cents each .. u LU I- I I‘ o I “ '1 9 Ni‘ « '. III' '1 I..I.‘.. . ' I _ I ’- J Ill‘.“-7,‘ ' ' }Il'.""' "'3 "Ml ....ifiavIl|I!'!I|l|l.‘»".}.'.:¥-!:%\".I ‘|. ‘.,:‘4:o.v -~:';1'.' |l|’o‘l' nl I- |"'“ ".Il|u‘«""".:-' . .IlI°.|IImlIlIlIu...:uI|' . ' BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S '<'v."--.- I‘? “.-'-" _':‘L_:. ‘-.-L; » '. ~ .3 _I*_,\.‘'’,‘,: . _ - ,~'Cc‘ ‘:7: _ I ._j .. -‘I33 ;‘Ll-.1‘ A _- ‘O . ’ ‘ ' ‘ 4:3‘ :3 . .<_-.‘_4 ~\ ._, . .. .. . J l , -* ': ‘~__ .. ~‘ 4-. ' ‘ml ' ~..»»~ - I I‘ " I 4‘ ~,,' '. . II ; ;.s2. V / o *‘~ .' -‘Y "I ll": _ “ .||II , 5°-:'v,"‘o ,l||mII|fiI f, ’a'o,’o:u:o '3'. ;4'(v"o' V A SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 'I'.')I 108 Point No. 58 40 cents O 0 108 Point 6 O No. 60 I I A . 40 cents In : '4 . ‘mi QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POI NT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI NT- BODY MORTISED BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 7.36 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PLAIN AND FANCY RULE IN STRIPS LABOR-SAVING RULE, COLUMN RULES, HEAD RULES, CROSS RULES, PLAIN AND FANCY BRASS CORNERS, OVALS CIRCLES, DIAMONDS DASHES, BRACES CUTTING AND S C O R I N G R U L E S ETC. 3 7) D K BARNHART BROS. 8; SPINDLER \ TYPE FOUNDERS, CHICAGO ST. PAUL. NN. KANSAS CITY. M . Minnesota Type oundry Co. WASHINGT D_ C_ Great Western Type Foun ry s1‘_ UIS_ MO, Southern Printers upply Co. AHA, NEB, St. Louis rinters Supply Co. ATTLE’ wASH_ Great estern Type Foundry [_LAS' TE _ Paci c Printers Supply Co. W YORK, N, Y, The Barr, art Type Foun ry Co. t Type Foundry Co. Snltl in strips nf two feet vzuzh. Sm- 14 Point I5 —- C I 5 16 Point ' uh 13 l 18 Point 0 % ‘.‘..‘.7 llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll MT‘/»e4P9‘4“* llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll $9-f?7*é 9?. lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ..%¥.’9i,¥?P yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy F’. T‘..‘.‘.’ lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ..‘_??_.?_‘?.i_‘4‘F lllllllllllllllllllll P7??? 420 2 P0111t 10 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 758 NUMBER pen FT f‘f~T.‘ ‘ 4 _ , 4 4 _ 41% P01“ llllllllllllllllllllll ‘_9_?}§ ‘Y3 ___________________________ 4_:’_,P4‘?‘1‘,‘ _____________________________ __1_9 423 1 1’()Li1w1Tpfi i _ y i 07}? ‘.‘‘:’“E __________________ __:’_'f9‘_‘1‘ ____________________ __1_0_ 3&5 lllllllllllllllll _ 3}’: E’9‘_"} _____________ _ _0_7_%; 43‘: ________________ , _‘-E E’£"_“_‘ ______________ _ )9 4.27” _ W A i W17§§gi})9il/ltfi i _ < V y 0714 ‘.‘."*i ............. _ 33"l“l‘ . ~ fi . m . _ _ _ _ _ .19 33*.’ _ 1 _ _4 444144¥i9‘4F?_L_W 4. ,, _ _ 4 _ -05 f%EifI_m 4 4, _ 4 4 ‘*3 I4’4??4l‘7?Lm-_,,, 4 -07% 431 2 Point .10 432 3 Point .15 433 4 Point .20 T 434 5 Point ,2;-, T 435 5% Point 37% T 436 6 PC1111 .30 437 7 P0.nt .35 438 8 Point .40 1 439 9 Point .45 $ 440 10 Point .50 1 441 11 Point .55 I 442 12 Point 60 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Sold in strips of two feet each. SD€Ci31 D1'iC€5 011 large Quantities- NUMBER PER FT. 443 1 Point $0.05 444 1% Point 07% 445 2 Point .10 446 3 Point .15 447 4 Point .20 6 448 5 Point .25 J 449 53,3 Point 27% j 450 6 Point .30 j 451 1 Point .05 452 1345 Point .O7% 453 2 Point .10 454 3 Point .15 455 4 Point .20 6 456 5 Point .25 6 457 5% Point .27}§ j 458 6 Point .30 1 459 1 Point .05 460 1% Point .0744 461 2 Point .10 462 3 Point .15 463 4 Point .20 2 464 5 Point .25 6 465 5% Point .274’: . j 466 6 Point -30 j POI NT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT- BODY -1 '0 NUMBER PER FT 467 1% Point $0.075 468 2 Point .10 469 3 Point .15 470 4 Point .20 j 471 5 Point .25 6 472 5% Point .2744 6 473 6 Point .30 T 474 7 Point .35 475 8 Point .40 476 9 Point .45 477 10 Point -50 478 11 Point -55 479 12 Point -60 480 1% Point .07}v§ 481 2 Point .10 482 3 Point .15 483 4 Point .20 6 484 5 Point .25 T 485 5% Point .2723 j 486 6 Point .30 J QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices 011 large quantities. NUMBER PER FT- 487 1 Point 550-05 488 1% Poiiptw W W i .0'l}§ 489 2 Point -10 490 3 Point -15 491 4 Point. -20 492 5 Point .25 493 5113 Point 27% 494 6 Point .30 495 7 Point .35 496 8 Point .40 497 9 Point .45 498 ____W_A_fl_ _ 10 Point .50 500 12 Point .30 502 3 Point .15 503 4 Point .20 504 5 Point .25 505 5% Point .271,~§ 506 6 Point .30 507 7 Point .35 508 8 Point .40 510 10 Point .50 512 12 Point .60 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S NUMBER PER FT. 513 4 Point $0.20 515 6 Point .30 516 7 Point .35 517 8 Point .40 518 9 Point .45 519 10 Point .50 521 12 Point .60 522 2 Point .10 523 3 Point .15 524 4 Point .20 525 5 Point .25 526 5% Point .275 527 j 6 Point .30 528 7 Point .35 529 8 Point .40 533 12 Point .60 534 3 Point .15 535 4 Point .20 536 5 Point .25 537 5% Point .2716 538 6 Point .30 539 7 Point .35 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices on large quzmtities. 2 C 3 0 IT! 3 8 Point U! u# : 9 Point .45 U1 -53 1-! U! 0 1() Point t . i 1 3 I : 1 . K O) O 12 Point CD O 46 16 Point J‘ O 47 18 Point .9 ‘ O 49 6 Point .3 O1 on in on 50 7 Point uh O 551 8 Point IF- U! 9 Point ‘ 10 Point O) C 12 Point 556 2 Point» .10 557 3 Point .15 558 4 Point .20 559 5 Point .25 560 6 Point .30 561 7 Point .35 562 8 Point .40 P01 NT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY NUMBER PER FT 563 No Shoulder 3 Point $0.15 564 4 Point 20 565 5 Point .25 566 6 Point .30 567 7 Point .35 568 8 Point .40 569 9 Point -45 573 N0 Shoulder 6 Point -30 574 7 Point -35 575 8 Point -40 576 9 Point -45 577 10 Point -50 580 No Shoulder 9 Point .45 581 10 Point .50 583 12 Point 60 O 84 14 Point O! m . C 85 16 Point 8 18 Point '1) 33 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NUMBER PER FT- 587 N0 Shoulder 6 Point 390-30 U‘ 588 7 Point .3 589 8 Point .40 590 9 Point .45 591 10 Point .50 593 12 Point .60 594 14 Point .70 595 16 Point .30 596 18 Point 90 593 5 Point 2 599 5% Point 27% 600 6 Point .30 601 7 Point .35 602 8 Point .40 603 9 Point .45 604 10 Point .50 606 12 Point .60 BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\IDLER’S NUMBER PER FT. 608 5 Point T-_ $0.25 609 5% Point 27% 610 6 P01!!! .30 ($1 1 '_7'1fp_111t .35 612 8 Point .40 (113 .45 | 14 10 Point .5 O 13 12 Point 5 1 8 1 6 Point 3 19 18 Point 2 321 4 Point .20 322 5 Point .25 G: N: W 53 "'5 10 ~; }e+ W O 624 7 Point .3 0| 625 8 Point .4 O 626 9 Point .4 VI 65 27 10 Point .5 O SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BRASS // RULE Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices on large quantities. NUMBER PER FT. 630 No Shoulder 8 Point $0.40 632 10 Point .50 634 12 Point .60 635 14 Point .70 636 16 Point .80 637 18 Point .90 638 3 Point .15 5 Point .2 10 Point -50 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 763 NUMBER 12 Point 650 18 Point T .99 652 3 Point .15 653 4 Point .20 654 5 Point -25 655 5% Point -27% 656 6 Point -30 f:‘_?T__._,...,.:::.;;;._*’.°:’3,E:__:::_.:_.;_,. 35 659 9 Point .45 660 10 Point .50 662 12 Point .60 664 16 Point Wk.‘ .80 665 18 Point .90 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NUMBER 676 16 Poi] .80 fZ1’1‘.W.-,,::. WK -f’}"’?{‘? ,1 ,..3_‘3 : ::'_"__~‘7—.‘,’;;',_~’;-__,*_4:_ -_— ~’—F’]—’—':)'—'(:::l:—t;:‘__ _ ’ ?—'~‘~':-— 75 —~‘ V-2'—T::.‘—”:"‘ ‘ 1 Egg;3"75T75f:3f":5::5:'7::+-gr3:93:1;-:r'fr--r-:::::::::rr--:12 f‘_“_‘_ _ W 1 " "f’1“1?‘ __ , ,1 _‘‘f 68‘) In Point 50 684 12 Point 00 686 16 Point 80 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 764 PERFT. $0.30 NUMBER 35-4 6 P()i11t % - ac - T «I 1 U f'\ i 3-!- bfl hi 1" co en 39:, 8 Point 393 1% Point .09 399 2 Point .12 700 3 Point .18 4 P011 701 1t .24 IllllllllllllllllIlllllIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllllll 702 5 Point .30 tllllllllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 703 5% Point .33 IlllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllllllIIIIIllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllllllli 704 6 Point .36 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 706 1% Point .09 2 Point .12 Dr;-—B-D——DC-EDD-D-‘DHHCCHD-D-C-D---D33 7m; 3 Point .18 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 709 4 Point .24 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices on large quantities. PER FT. 710 5 Point $0.30 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NUMBER 711 5% Point .33 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 712 6 Point .36 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 714 1% Point .09 715 2 Point .12 716 3 Point .18 ---II--I---I-I---IIIII------I 717 4P01nt .24 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 713 5Point .30 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 719 5% Point .33 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 720 6 Point .36 IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 722 134 Point .09 723 2 Point .12 724 3 Point .18 725 4 Pit 5 A V .24 723 5 Point .30 6WmNN\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\N\\\V&\\\\ 727 534 P 1 t .33 nwmwmwmmmm“\§ m 3\\2\§\\\\\\\wx\\\\\\nmx§\1§\?§xi’n31s.V1x\Vmm\xm\\\\“\\€\§ 731 2 Point .12 732 3 Point .18 733 4 P01 .24 .\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\a{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ 734 5 Point .30 \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\W 73 . l\5\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\{5\{{§{\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\€€ POI NT- LIN E, POI NT-SET, POI NT-BODY 765 NUMBER PER FT 738 2 Point $0.12 739 3 Point ’ .18 740 4 Point IIllllIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllllllllllllllllllllllill 74 1 5 Point .30 IIIIIIIIllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllllll 7 2 6 P int .33 ’I4IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 744 3 Point .18 745 4 Point .24 746 5 Point .30 747 5% Point -33 748 6 Point -36 750 4 Point -24 751 5 Point .30 753 4 Point -24 754 5 Point .30 756 4 Point .24 757 5 Point .30 758 5% Point .33 760 6 Point .36 761 4 Point .24 762 4 Point .24 763 5 Point .30 764 5% Point .33 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices on large quantities. NUMBER PER FE 765 4 Point 350-24 766 5 Point -30 767 5% Point -33 768 5 Point -30 769 5% Point .33 770 6 Point .36 771 2 Point .10 772 2 Point .10 \/\f\/\ 773 8 Point .15 ?.7:*---._.- _ Point _ 19 775 3 Point .15 776 2 Point .10 777 3 Point .15 £ 778 3 Point .18 ""‘~""-'\l‘~’\I‘~'\I‘~’\l‘u/\I‘~f\4‘sI\J'sI\4‘~f\1'nI\4’ul\;”sI\4‘sf\J‘s 779 4 Point .24 \/\/\@/\./\/y \/\/\/\/\/\_/‘ \/ \../'\/*\/\/\/'\./'\/'\.z‘\/\/\/\/\J\/\/ 780 4 Point .24 781 4 Point .24 782 3 Point .18 CIX2DC2KI>C2KI>C2KI>C2XI>CZXI>C2KI3C2XI>C3C3 783 4 Point .24 '-\/—\r\r\ /—\/—x/-\r\/—\ xxx“ xx '~\/'4 ’\ /—\/-x/--\/-* x/'-~-\/—\/--\/-**\/—\r‘ -——/x./\ v/\. ./\., ,/-~._/\ /\./\_/g/\., /x ’\ _ /\_ A,/\)\_/~2,,_/\ ,_/\_.,/\,__z«\_zx_/\__ 784 3 Point 18 785 4 Point 24 786 4 Poin .24 BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 766 NUMBER PER FT. 787 3 Point $0.18 788 4 Point .24 789 5 Point .30 790 6 Point .36 791 7 Point .42 792 8 Point .48 793 3 Point .18 794 4«Point .24 ~——-——----—v-«,_____,._.,.~ ---~ _ 795 5 Point .30 v v v v v V R V V v v V V 796 6 Point .36 797 4 Poin _ 24 --------------------------------------------------------------------- - ............ - . - . ~ , * . 6 . V - 6 . . . T . . _ .;~.;-.;=; ................... . 802 ~~- — ~ - - A 803 ......................... . . """ “+3 804 j V 4 Point_ W A .... H .24 805 j A 5 Point j .30 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE Sold in strips of two feet each. Special prices on large quantities. NUMBER PER FT. 807 3 Point $0.18 oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooouoo 808 4 Point .24 809 5 Point I .30 .....C.....C.................. 03 Q 810 6P0int JOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ O 1 1 6 Point .3 W IP 12 4 Point .2 13 6 Point .3 W U) 14 6 Point .3 Q G) 15 8 Point .4 816 8:Point .48 817 4 Point .24 818 4 Point .24 819 5% Point .33 820 6 Point 36 821 8 Point 48 822 8 Point .48 823 10 Point .60 7::zzjjjrwvyrztzjyjyzzayyjjy77 824 4 Point .24 O’) 825 6 Point -3 W N 3) C’) 6 Point .3 W 27 8 Point -4 POI NT-LI N E, POI NT-SET, POI NT-BODY 767 NUMBER PER FT 828 4 Point $0.24 T 829 5% Point .33 830 8 Point .48 W 31 5% Point .3 (X) on 32 8 Point .4 63 33 6 Point .3 W so 34 8 Point .4 CD 835 4 Point .24’ 836 5% Point .33 837 6 Point .36 .—:I : = : = === X--- X AA -14 A1: 838 8 Point .48 A8 A A A A A A A A A 839 10 Point .60 A—_xAA v_~_—v__:x_ 840 6 Point -36 841 I 8 Point .48 842 10 Point .60 843 12 Point .72 844 6 Point .36 845 8 8 Point .48 846 8 Pqint =5. __.__.. ‘V 847 10 Point .60 848 1:2 Point .72 ._.__.___.___.__..._..__._._._______.____.__--__-__.—:;.::=:-_.=__-- _— _— _— - -- - — _- 849 1:2 Point .72 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEZD PRICE LIST OF STRIP RULE. One body and one face ordered at one time. 1 PRICE NUMBER PRICE NUMRER I»RI(‘.E NUMBER PRICE NUMBER PRICE BODY I FOOT OF FEET PER FOOT OF FEET PER FOOT OF FEET PER FOOT OF FEET PER FOOT 1 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.05 200 50.04‘: . 400 50.04.1. 1000 50.04: 2000 5004 1.1, point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.071. 1 184 0.07; :30?’ 0.06‘: 11137 0.06;: 13434 0.06 :3 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.10 100 0.091. 200 1 0.09 500 0.08.1. 1000 0.08 8 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.15 ‘ 07‘ 0.14.: 184 1 0.131. 884 0.12: 13137’ 0.12 4 point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.20 50 0.19 100 ‘ 0.18 2:10 0.17 .300 0.16 5 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.25 40 0.231: 80 1 0.221 11.11; 0.21‘; 400 0.20 5111111111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.271 1 87' 0.26.‘. 1 7'8 0.24%.‘ 181 1 0.23;: 804 0.22 0 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.30 :14 _ 0.281. 07 0.27 107 0.25.1. 3344 0.24 7 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.35 T :21.» 0 0.33.: 58 0.31.1. 14:-s . 0.291‘ 2513 0.28 8 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.40 ‘ :35 0.38 50 0.36 1:35 0.34 250 0,32 0 point . . . . . . . . . .. 0.45 1 :38 0.42:‘: 45 0.401. 11:: 1 0.38.’ 2:28 03¢, 10 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.50 1 :20 j 0.471. 40 0.45 100 0.421. 200 0,40 11 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 0.55 1 11.1 1 0.52.‘ 87 0.491 1.11 0.461 182 0.44 11.: point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.60 11 17 0.57 84 0.54 84 0.51 107 0.48 14 point. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.70 . 113 1 0.661. 84 0.63 84 0.59.1. 1131‘. . 0.54 10 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.80 11 10 ; 0.76 84 0.72 1 84 0.68 100 0.64 18 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.90 1; 10 T 0.851. 84 0.81 3 84 0.761. 1130 0.72 :30 point . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 1; I0 0,95 34 0.90 ‘ H4 ‘ 0.85 100 0,30 24 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 11 113 0 1.14 ’ :14 1.08 84 1.02 101; 0,96 30 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 I13 I 1.421. I 34 1,35 84 1.271. 1131‘; 0 1.20 These prices are for plain ‘rule. 'l‘o obtain the price of fancy rule add 730 per cent. to the above table. 11 or Beveled Linotype (.olumn Rule add 41) per cent, using lgn-ger end of body as a basis. PRICE LIST OF CUT RULE. ‘All rulewother tha1’1‘that put up in regular labor-saving fonts will be charged according to "Price List of (Alt Rule tables. lhese prices are.tor Plain liule. 'I‘o obtain the price of Fancy Rule add 20 per cent. to the folltiwirig table. I1 or Beveled Innotype (lolumn Rule add 41) per cent.. using larger end of body as a basis. I1 or Brass Perforating Rule add 51) per cent. to the following table: SHORT LENGTHS Prices given are per hundred pieces. Any number of pieces under or over at the same rate. 1 1 1 1 BODY 2 2 1 - 3 1 3; 4 45AN05_5; AND6 8; AND?‘ 7; AND8 8; AND9 9; AND10 L EM PICA EMS PICA Q EMS PICA ‘ EMS PICA 1 EMS PICA ; EMS PICA EMS PICA EMS PICA EMS PICA. EMS PICA ‘ EMS PICA EMS PICA 1 EMS PICA 11 point . . . . . . .. 5 .601 5 .60 5 .70. 5 .70 5 .801 5 .80; 5 .80‘ 5 .901 51.001 $1.001 51.10 $1.201 51.20 06111 . . . . . ..; .701 .70 .801 .80‘ .901 .90 1 1.001 1.10 ‘ 1.20 1.301 1.40 1 1.50; 1.60 2 point . . . . . .701 .80 .901 .90] 1.001 1.00‘ 1.10 1 1.30 1 1.40‘ 1.60 1.70‘ 1.90 2.00 8 point . . . . . .. .90 1.00 1.10 1 1.20. 1.30 1 1.40 1 1.50 ‘ 1.70 5 1.90 1 2.10 1 2.30 2.50 2.70 4 point . . . . . .. 1.10 1.20 1.40‘ 1.501 1.701 1.801 1.90 1 2.10 1 2.40? 2.70 1 3.00 3.30 3.60 5 point . . . . . .. 1.20 1 1.40 1.60 i 1 80 1 2 00 1 2 20 2 40 . 2.70 1 3.00 . 3.30 3.60 1 4.00 1 4.40 54 point . . . . . . .1 1.30; 1.50 1.70 i 1:901 2:101 2301 2:60 3.00 1 3.30 ‘ 3.70 l 4.10 l 4.40 I 4.90 0 point . . . . . .. 1.40 1 1.60 1.80 1 2.00 1 2.20 1 2.40 1 2.70 3.20 1 3.60 1 4.00 S 4.50 4.90 1 5.40 7 point . . . . . . .. 1.601 1.90 2.20 1; 2.401 2.60 2.80 1 3.10 I 3.60 1 4.10 4.60 1 5.20 p 5.70 6.20 8 point . . . . . . .1 1.80; 2.10 2.401 2.70 1 2.90 1 3.20 ’ 3.50 1 4.00 4.60 1 5.20 5.80 1 6.40 7.00 9 point . .. . . . .» 1.90; 2.30 2.601 2.90 ; 3.20 3.50 l 3.80 1 4.40 1 5.00 ‘ 5.70 1 6.30 7.00 1 7.70 10 point . . . . . . .. 2.001 2.40 2.80 1 3.10 1 3.40 1 3.80 1 4.10 4.80 1 5.50 1 6.20 1 6.90 7.60 1 8.30 11 point. 2.101 2.50 2.90‘ 3.301 3.701 4.101 4.50 5.20 5.90, 6.60 . 7.301 8.10 8.70 1:: point , . . . . . ..1 2.20 2.70 3.103 3.40 1 3.90 4.30 1 4.80 1 5.60 6.30 1 7.00 7.70 l 8.50 9.50 14 point . . . . . .. 3.00 1 3.50 4.00 1 4.50 1 5.00 1 5.50 1 6.00 1 7.00 1 8.00 1 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 10 point . . . . . .. 3.50 1 4.00 4.50 ; 5.00 1 5.50 1 6.00 . 6.50 1 8.00 ; 9.00 I 10.00 1 11.00 12.00 1 13.00 18 point . . . . . 4.00 ; 4.50 5.00 ; 5.50 1 6.00 1 6.50 . 7.00 5 9.00 1 10.00 1 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 20 point. . 4.50 1 5.00 5.50 1 6.00 ; 6.50 1 7.00 8.00 1 9.50 1 10.50 12.00 1 13.50 1 15.00 1 16.50 The minimum charge for Cut Rule on one order is 40c list. subject to the prevailing discount. For lengths between those given charge the next longer piece. Quantity Discount If the amount of cut rule, one body and face, ordered at one time. equals or exceeds :l1<1().I)(). deduct Fxper cent before taking off the regular discount allowed on rule: if :i~‘L’().I)()(le(l11ct II) per cent.: if $5().()(), 15 per per cent.: if .‘.,'<1()I).()(). deduct 20 per cent. This quantity discount applies only to the above cut rule. For Nicking. at one end or bottom. add 5 cents per pound. based on the number of ems in table on page 701); at both ends. or one end and the bottom, 10 cents per pound and on both endsand bottom 1;) cents per pound. Nicking charge is not subject to the quantity discount above mentioned. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 768 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE of Cut Rule" tables. to the following‘ table. as a basis. For Brass Perforating Rule add 50 per cent. to the following table. Price per piece. in cents and fractions. , : 1 . 313 313331331313131..13 3131333 1 3 10116 12 . . . . . . . . ..’ 2 t011l.01%.021‘.03 .04 .05 ?.05iU.06 1.07 1.03 0311.091 .101 .11 .14 .15 .17 .19 12% to 15 . . . . . . . . 21 ’.0111.02 0211.04 .05 .06 l.061..0711.031:.09J.: .104.» .111 .121 .134 .16 .19 .21 .23 15% to 18 . . . . . . . . .. : ?.041.05%.07‘.07;'.03is1.10‘.11 .121: .134: .15 .16 .19 .22 .251 .27 18% to 21 . . . . . . . . .. 3; 1,021.03 .031.05 06% 03 .09 L10 1,111.13 .143. .16 .171 .139: .22 .25 .29 .32 to 24 . . . . . . . . . .1 4 1.021103 .04 051.071 091.10;.11 1.131.141 .16 1 .13 .191 .21; .25 .29 .33 .36 2 to 27 . . . . . . . . . .. 41 .021.::.031.041.061 .03 101.11 ;.121.14»3.16 .13 . .20 .22 .23, .23 .32 .36. .40 27; to 30 . . . . . . . . ..’ 5 *.021?.04 .05 .07 .09 11 1.121.13is.16 .13 .201 .22 .231 .26 .31 .35 .40 .45 301 to . . . . . . . . ..1 51 %.02%1.04 .051 071.10 121.13%1.15 471.19; .221.24 .269: .23; .34 .39 .44 .49 331 to 36 , . . . . . . . ..1 6 1.03 .041 .06 .03 .101 13 ‘141¥.16 .131.21 .2311 .26 .231 .31 .37 .42 .43 .53 361 to 42 . . . . . . . . ..i 7 7.04 .05 .07 .10 .13 .16 .17 {.19 .22 .25 .23 .31 .34 .36 .43 .49 .55 .61 421 to 48 . . . . . . . . ..‘ 8 '.04 .06 .03 .11 .14 .13 .19 .21 .25 .23 .31 .35 .33 .41 .49 .55 .62 .69 481 to 54 . . . . . . . . .. 9 9.05 .07 .03 .12 .16 .20 .22 .24 .23 .31 .35 .39 .43 .46 .54 .62 .70 .77 54; to 60 . . . . . . . . ..110 1.05 .07 .09 .13 .13 .22 .24 .26 .31 .35 .39 .43 .47 .51 .60 .69 .77 .36 601 to 66 . . . . . . . . .. 11 1.06 .03 .10 .15 .19 .24 .26 .29 .34 .33 .43 .47 .52 .56 .66 .75 .35 .94 661 to 72 . . . . . . . . ..*12 1.06 .03 .11 .16 .21 .26 .23 .31 .36 .41 .46 ' .51 .56 .61 .72 .32 .921.02 72; to 78 . . . . . . . . ..113 1.06 .09 .12 .17 .23 .23 .31 .34 .39 .45 .50 .56 .61 .66 .73 .391.001.11 78; to 84 . . . . . . . . ..1i14 .07 .10 .13 .13 .24 .30 .33 .36 .42 .43 .54 .60 .66 .71 .34 .951.071.19 84% to 90 . . . . . . . . ..: 15 1.07 10 .13 1.20 .26 .32 .36 .39 .45 .51 .53 .64 .70 .76 .391.021.151.27 90% to 96 916 103 11 14121 23 34 33.41 .43 .55 .61 .63 .75 .31 .951.091.221.36 96; to 102:.:.::::.:; 17 9.03 :12 :15 1:22 :29 .36 :41 .44 .51 .53 .65 .72 .79 .36 1.01i1.151.301.44 1021 to 108 . . . . . . . . .. 18 .03 .12 .16 .23 .31 .33 .43 .46 .54 .61 .69 .76 .34 .91 108% to 114 . . . . . . . . ...'19 .09 .13 .17 .25 .33 .41 .46 .49 .57 .65 .73 .31 .39 .96 114% to 120 . . . . . . . . .. 20 .09 .13 .13 .26 .34 .43 .43 .51 .60 .63 .76 .35 .93 1.01 1.191.351.521.69 120% to 126 . . . . . . . . . ..21 .10 .14 .13 .27 .36 .45 .50 .54 .63 .71 .30 .39 .93 1.06 1.241.421.601.77 126% to 132 . . . . . . . . .10 .15 .19 .23 .33 .47 .52 .56 .66 .75 .34 .93 1.02 1.11 1.301.491.671.36 1321 to 138 . . . . . . . . .10 .15 .20 .30 .39 .49 .54 .59 .69 .73 .33 .97 1.07 1.16 1.361.551.751.94 138% to 144 . . . . . . . . ..l .11 .16 .21 .31 .41 .51 .56 .61 .71 .31 .91 1.01 1.11 1.21 1.421.621.822.02 2-foot strip . . . . . . . ..124 .10 .15 .20 .30 .40 .50 .55 .60 .70 .30 .90 1.00 1.10 1.20 1.40 1.601.8O 2.00 144; to 150 . . . . . . . . ..125 .64 .74 .35 .95 1.06 1.16 1.26 1501 to 156 . . . . . . . ..;26 .67 .77 .33 .99 1.10 1.20 1.31 1 1561 to 162 . . . . . . . . ..!27 .69 .30 .91 1.03 1.14 1.25 1.361 1 1621 to 168 . . . . . . . . ..I28 .71 .33 .94 1.06 1.13 1.29 1.411 PRICE LIST OF CUT RULE. All rule other than that put up in regular labor-saving fonts will be charged according to “Price List These prices are for Plain Rule. To obtain the price of Fancy Rule add 20 per cent. For Beveled Linotype Column Rule add 40 per cent., using larger end of the body For lengths between those given charge the next longer piece. Quantity Discounts———If the amount of cut rule, one body and one face, ordered at one time, equals or exceeds $10.00, deduct 5 per cent. before taking ofi the regular discount allowed on rule; if $20.00 deduct 10 per cent.; if $50.00, 15 per cent.; if $100.00, deduct 20 per cent. For Nicking. at one end or bottom, add 5 cents per pound, based on the number of ems in table below; at both ends, or one end and the bottom, 10 cents per pound; and on both ends and bottom 15 cents per pound. N icking charge is not subject to the quantity discount above mentioned. STANDARD TABLE FOR ESTIMATING CUT BRASS RULE. NUMBER OF NUMBER OF EMS TO POUND 1 INCHES TO POUND 1548 1290 1032 7 74 516 387 310 282 J 258 215 172 129 86 64% POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POIl\lT- BODY NUMBER or 1 NUMBER 05 NUMBER 01-‘ NUMBER 0F FEET TO POUND BODY 1 EMS T0 pouno INCHES T0 POUND FEET TO POUND 21.5 6 point ....'. 258 43 3.6 17.9 7 point .. . 221 363 3,1 14.3 8 point .. . .1 194 32% 2,7 10.75 9 point . .. 1 172 283 2,4 7.2 10 point . . . .1 155 252 2,2 5.4 111 point .. I 141 231 1,9 4.3 112 po1nt . 129 211 1,3 3.9 118 polnt . . .1 86 14!; 1,2 769 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 8lZE FONT 1 POINT 1; POINT 2 POINT 3 POINT’ I 4 POINT e POINT 8 POINT 10 POINT 12 POINT 1 pound . . . . . $2.10 $1.95 $1.60 $1.55 $1.55 $1.50 $1.50 $1.50 ‘ $1.35 2 pounds . . . . 4.00 3.60 3.20 3.00 3.00 2.90 2.90 2.70 2.60 3 pounds . . . . 5.70 5.40 4.50 4.35 4.35 4.20 4.20 4.05 3.75 4 pounds . . . . 7.40 6.80 6.00 5.60 5.60 5.40 5.40 5.20 5.00 5 pounds . . . . 8.75 8.25 7.25 6.75 6.75 6.50 6.50 6.50 6.00 10 pounds . . . . 17.00 15.00 13.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.50 12.00 11.50 15 pounds . . . . 25.50 22.50 20.25 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.75 18.00 17.25 20 pounds . . . . 33.00 29.00 26.00 24.00 24.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 22.00 25 pounds . . . . 41.25 36.25 32.50 30.00 30.00 28.75 28.75 28.75 27.50 50 pounds . . . . 80.00 70.00 62.50 57.50 57.50 55.00 55.00 55.00 52.50 100 pounds . . . . 155.00 135.00 120.00 110.00 110.00 105.00 105.00 100.00 100.00 Fonts DO NOT include miters. For prices of miters see tables below. The above prices are for regular standard Labor-Saving fonts, put up according to schemes shown on pages 772 and 773. All rule out to, or put up, by any other scheme will be charged for in accordance with the price list for out rule pages 768 and 769. Other bodies are so seldom called for that fonts are not carried in stock and will be made up to order only at price per piece listed in price list of cut rule. Odd size fonts may be put up out of any two of these schemes. Thus a 30-pound font may be put up out of a 25 and a 5 pound font, 20 and 10, or two 15-pound fonts; but it may not be put up out of a 25, 3 and 2 pound fonts. Such special fonts will be charged for at the rate of the next smaller font. In the above case (30 pounds made up out of a 25 and a 5-pound font) divide the cost of a 25-pound font by 25 and multi- ply by 80. If a 5—pound font be made up out of 4 and 1 pound fonts, or 3 and 2 pound fonts, the combined price of the two fonts will be charged. MITERS IN SINGLE SETS PAGE RULE MITERS Miters will be sold in single sets, 1 to 6 ems in length, at the following prices per set (4 each right and left). Miters are sold by the “price per piece,” as per price list of cut rule, pages 768 and 769, for the lengths of rule used, plus the following list prices BODY PRICE BODY PRICE ‘ MOE per page or set of miters. PER SET PER sET BODY I PER SET — " , 1 I 1 NUMBER 1 TO 5% POINT 6 TO 12 POINT 14 T018 POINT OVER 18 POINT 1 point. . $0.15 5 point. $0.25 ‘ 9 point. $0.40 PAGES PER PAGE PER PAGE PER PAGE PER PAGE 1% point. . .15 5% point. .25 10 point. .40 , 2 point.. .15 6 point. .25 11 point. .40 1 to 8.... $0.12 $0.14 $0.16 $0.20 3 po1nt.. .15 7 point. .25 12 point.‘ .40 9 to 16.... .11 .13 .15 .19 4 po1nt.. .15 8 point. .25 | 17 to .10 .12 .14 .18 ‘ ‘ Over .09 .11 .13 .17 FONTS 01-‘ MITERS 2 SPACE RULE FONTS Fonts of miters are put up at the following prices, containing the number of sets as noted:—-A “set” Consisting of all faces and bodies from 1 to 12 of miters consists of 4 right and 4 left miters. point, containing an equal number of each length :;;:._:__ p ~_; from 1 em pica to 4 ems pica (12 point) inclusive, by No_ SETS N0_ SETS % ems pica. Fonts weigh approximately 1 pound. BODY PRICE BODY M#“‘__ PRICE W _ 2% EMS 5 EMS _ 2% EM8 6 EMS ”"””“ BODY E:g1-iFl'.I::(E$H I=:)ENRT BODY E221-|'l).|::(§1§H FEENRT 1 p01nt.. 2 2 $0.50 6 point. 2 1 $0.50 — —— —~——~.~~.-—--j 1%p0}nt.. 2 2 -50 7 point. 2 1 -50 1 point.. 90 54.50 6 point. 15 ,s2.10 2 poynt-. 2 2 -50 8 poynt. 2 1 -50 11point.. 59 3.40 7 polnt. 13 I 2.10 3 poynt-. 2 2 -50 9 poynt. 1 1 -50 2 point.'. 45 2.85 8 point. 11 2.00 4 p0}nt-. 2 2 -50 10 poynt. 1 1 .50 3 point.. 30 2.50 9 point. 10 2.00 5 poynt-. 2 1 -50 11 pognt. 1 1 -50 4 point.. 22 2.30 10 point. 9 1.90 5%p01nt.- 2 1 -50 12 p01nt- 1 1 -50 5 point.. 18 2.25 11 point. 8 1.80 - 51poinI;,. 16 2.15 12 point. 7 K 1.70 Larger than 12 point, figure “price per piece” according to price list for cut rule, pages 768 and No quantity discounts allowed on anything quoted 769, plus charges for page rule miters. ; on this page. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S 770 SUPERIOR COPPERTMIXED TYPE LABOR-SAVING BRASS RULE 2 Poin N0. 418 2 Point No. 431 2 Point No. 422 2 Point N0- 468 3 Point N0. 490 2 Point N o. 489 H H H 4 Point No. 535 3 Point No. 491 4 Point No. 513 3 Point No. 534 6 Point No. 549 7 Point No. 516 POI NT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 771 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED 1- BRASS RULE FONTS. . 1.1 tifijeixis %4?;iféf 35 ems 36 ems v—w~—1 1 ,, ' *~é‘ -:j-k ) ( 1 1 } 8 8 8' 8! 81 4 4! 1:121 21 1 121121 81 18 1 18' 121 pan-nu-L»-nu--A-—--A--‘lfi ‘27e_mS . ' 128ems Point Point Point Point; 41 P0iI'lta . 1 I 8 POint . 1 1 Pom‘ - 1 1 1 161 1 Point J 160 each———-——-~—-—-———— 1) (~ 1 — 1- 120 each 1 Point . '"‘—“"‘—"‘““‘* ‘‘‘’“‘24O 1' ’ bi bi [J-«glad 8 12 18181111 1 l8118‘l81111l1111l 1 1 —~—~) 120 Point Point. Point. Point; Point Point; Point. Point Point Point; . 100 each Point Point Point; Point Point Point Point Point Point; Point Point Point Point; Point Point Point Point; Point. Point. Point Point Point. Point Point Point. Point; Point. Point Point; Point Point; Point Point Point Point Point; Point; Point Point Point; Point Point. Point Point ' . Point; 100 lb. mmmxmmmmmmm aammmaaammm AAAAAAAAAaA wwwwwwwwwww wwwwwwwwmww ;;;;;;;;; BARNHART BROS. & SpINDLER9S 772 SUPERIOR COPPER‘NIIXED TYPE STANDARD LABOR-SAVING I ” BRASS RULE FONTS »\ BODY FONT 1e 1% em 88;5©GG@GAA 2ems fiems 5; ems 7 ems 7% ems 8; ems 9% ems 10 ems uems 12 ems 13 ems 14 ems 15 ems 16 ems 17 ems 18 ems 19 ems 20 ems 21 ems 22 ems 23 ems 24 ems 25 ems 26 ems 27 ems 28 ems 29 ems 30 ems 31 ems 32 ems 33 ems 34 ems 35 ems 36 ems 10 Point 11b. 10 Point 21b. 10 Point 31b. 10 Point 41b. 10 Point 51b. 10 Point 10 lb. 10 Point 15 lb. 10 Point 20lb. 10 Point 25lb. 10 Point 501b. 10 Point 100 lb. 12 Point 1 lb. 12 Point 2 lb. 12 Point 3 lb. 12 Point 4 lb. 12 Point 5 lb. 12 Point 10 lb. 12 Point 15 lb. 12 Point 20 lb. 12 Point 25 lb. 12 Point 50 lb. 12 Point 100 lb. 5omwwww3 55©awwwww 8emS 55cawwww3 55oawwwww 9emS zpé-—Au—A . __mwwawwww- 8$55omwwwww gr-d sfih-I . wawmwwwwaw -omaAwwww- fifiamwwwwwwi 55eamaama fiems oommAww333 en-— bomAwwww-- ommwwww35' 85mAwwww333 w .ill til [Qt-I D-I "(II A :h .. U-Iii‘ omwomaaamm goondud omwomaamma c 2‘:-and --mw©awwwww 3-‘ u u 3gommAwww- 383m@Awww33 I-‘ u u n gommwww-- g5mmwww5533 191-: . . . . oouAwww-- g3mAwww333' g3mAww53333 I-4 n u n 0 gomAww--- h-I - a u u o gomAww--- I-5 n o n a o 8ommww--- oomAww33333 g3maww53333 oomAww3'335 é 4020 E E E 8g55oaaam»» %8mS 8E55caaammm 3ems 8$55oawwwAA 48mS 8$55oawwwA3 8§55©mwwwww 5€mS 8*»-41-: . _mw©awwww- g555©®wwwww 3€mS ms— - ooommAwwmw- 383mmAwwwm3 O®®a-AKOIOIQIOIO Omdatb-l\9(\9l©l€(\9 it i >wmmmwwH~33 §5ammww-33 _§5@mAww-33 3mAwww~3335 5mAwmw53533 3mmwww33353 3mAmww33-31 3mmwww33533 ®,.5(\g(g: 1' I I II mgmqgz I I I I II mAw._.I I I I I II ®,.g(Q._;: I I I '31 mama’ ' I '1: mama! I I I I I2 8 Agw o omaawwwmw 383mm¢wwwmw 8 gggmawwwwwm #0 ggomaawwwww as-‘ - owaAwwww- ggammmwwwmw 383maAwwwm3 3g5maAwmwmw 3g5maAwmwm3 383mmAwmwww $83maAwwww3 3§8maAmwwww Sggmmmwmwwi 385mamwwwww 383mm»mmwm3 gggmmmwwwmu §5awmwwww~3 §5mmmwmw—~3 w— . mmmmmww-- _§§amAwm~—33 §5mmAmw-33 §5amww~H335 §5mAww-333 §§aAww-333 §§a»ww-333 §5a¢wm~—333 LABOR-SAVING BRASS PANEL RULES The panels shown below are made from Rule No. 468 showin various sizes and lengths. and labor necessary to cut the pieces from Strip Rule is large an expensive. h _ and is Each piece is mitered at both ends and the outside measurement is stamped upon eac piecde meas- always even picas unless otherwise ordered. Panels of any given number of ems up ,to 50 outsi e ‘Cm ureiment may be made with four pieces of this rule, and with a font “ads with panels can be as qul Y an cheaply set as ordinary matter. _ . _ Regular fonts contain four pieces of each length from 1 to 25 or 1 to 50-12 point ems, outside measure ment graduated by 12 point ems. _ , Brass Panel Rules can be furnished in regular fonts of all plain faces at prices below. They may be cut to order of any face rule to any scheme or lengths wanted at prices quoted upo_n appl1lcat10I1- Black face, parallel, and other plain face rules furnished in regular fonts at prices be ow. The waste LIST PRICES OF LABOR-SAVING BRASS PANEL RULE IN FONTS 2 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 5.00 2 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Point. 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.04 3 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.17 4 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.05 4Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 23.12 5 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.06 5 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27.70 6 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.80 6 Point, 1 to 50 ems _in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36.39 8 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.82 8 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41.47 10 Point. 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13.23 10 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47.61 12 Point, 1 to 25 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.86 12 Point, 1 to 50 ems in length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . I _l POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 773 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BRASS CORNERS /R KR KR /R r‘R 12 POINT SOLID BRASS ROUND CORNERS K4” KR KR /R W1 KR KR KR KR W1 K493 KR IR KR Km IR IWI KR KR KR IR 1””: KR KR KR KR “E 35 cents per set of four 18 POINT SOLID BRASS ROUND CORNERS KR K KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR KR /R KR rR IR TR‘ KR KR KR KR FR r4404‘50I0ur'1409‘ H by the numbers given. The 1219-; rule shown on prcc Order above corner rec figures indicate the matching face cm 11* pages. For quantity rates see page 778. \,. I _ 7 BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLI-:R’S 774 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CORNERS BRASS "‘ m A A m A /r‘°"\ A A /‘°\ A A fix r””\ A A is NNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNN RS /5“ ff‘ f N f N ‘ CORNERS BRASS ‘RM I I r>< X‘ 18 POINT SOLID BRASS CORNERS 9403 9407 7407 9407 9407 "" t\ V"! X)! I V V I L A 10407 11407 12407 13407 14407 CO 7 7\‘ 2131 (I L A 15407 10407 17407 2416 Y7 Y1 " IL . . D I 70 cents per set of four 24 POINT SOLID BRASS CORNERS 19407 19407 20407 21407 22407 23407 2409 3409 24407 4409 5409 9409 A L 7409 8409 9409 10409 V V V’ \“ I - - I 1.‘ ‘A I V W I 11409 12409 L A 70 cents per set of four Order above corners by the numbers given. The last three figures indicate the matching face rule shown on preceeding pages. L J I I BARN}-IART BROS. AND SPINDLER’S 776 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CORNERS BRASS BRAZED CORNERS The 2, 3. 4, 6. 8, 10 and 12 point corners are made 2 by 4 ems pica, 18 point 3 by 6 ems pica , I 2 Point No. 3402. 50c I 3 Point isro. 3563. 50c l 3 Point No. 7403. 50c l Fl 4 Point No. 3564. 50¢ I 4 Point No. 5404. 50¢ | l Fpbint N0. 3527. 50c I H II 6 Point No. 8538. 50¢ 6 Point No. 3566. 50¢ I R 6 Point No. 3587. 50¢ “ 6 Point No. 3573. 50¢ l 6 Point No. 26407. 50¢ I 8 Point N0_ 3530_ 50c N H 8 Point-No. 3540. 60¢ I l N 8 Point No. 3575. 60¢ I I 8 Point No. 3589. 60¢ Point No. 4634. 60¢““ '12 Point No. 4593. 60c' I '12 Point No. 3583. 60¢| I I l 12 Point No. 3544. 60¢| I '12 Point No. 5413. 60¢. ll 18 Point No. 2637. 75¢ I I II I I 18 Point No. 2596. 75¢ I I I 18 Point No. 2586. 75¢ I I Order above corners by the numbers given. The last three figures indicate the matching face rule shown on proceeding pages’. I 18 Point No. 2547. 75¢ Prices given are for per set of four. For quantity rates see page 778. POINT-LINE), POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 777 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CORNERS BRASS SLOTTED CORNERS Made from regular brass rule shown on preceding pages. No. 11403 No. 9404 No. 30407 __Ll___ No. 2556 No. 4563 No. 4564 No. 3565 No. 4566 fit‘? 35¢ per set of four N0. 8402 NO. 12403 No. 10404 NO. 2405 NO. 31407 *1“ No. 3556 No. 5563 No, 5534 No_ 4565 No. 4587 No. 4556 No. 9402 No. 13403 No. 11404 50¢ per set of four Order above corners by the numbers given. The last three figures indicate the matching face rule shown on preceding pages. QUANTITY RATES FOR BRASS CORNERS All brass corners of any style are sold at the following quantity rates. 1 T016 17 T0 32 33 T0 48 49 TO a4 65 TO so 81 AND sers SET8 sers SETS SETS oven Listed at ............................................... ..$0.35 34¢ 33¢ 32¢ 31¢ 30¢ Listed at .............................................. .. .50 49¢ 48¢ 47¢ 46¢ 45c Listed at ................ ............................ .. .60 59¢ 58¢ 57¢ 56¢ 55c Listed at .............................................. .. .70 69¢ 68¢ 67¢ 66¢ 65¢ Listed at .............................................. .. .75 74¢ 73¢ 72¢ 71¢ 70c Listed at .............................................. .. 1.00 99¢ 98¢ 97¢ 96¢ 95¢ BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 778 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE CORNERS BRASS SQUARE CORNERS I NO. 4402 I I N0. 8403 I I NO. 6404 I ' NO_ 27404 I 2. 3. 4 and 6 point faces. 18 point body, per set of four, 35c fie. 64131 I No.14409 I I N0_g411 ' 8. 10 and 12 point faces, 24 point body. per set of four. 50c 12 point face, 36 point body, 18 point face. 36 point body. I NO. 7413 I pgr Sgt Of four‘ 60¢ D61‘ Set Of four. 756 Order above corners by the numbers given. The last three figures indicate the matching face rule shown on preceding pages. BRASS SQUARES 12. 18 and 24 point. per set of four 35¢ 36 point. per set of four 50c 12 Point No. 9, 60¢ BRASS ROUND CORNERS 4 Point No. 5. 50¢ 3 Point No. 3. 50¢ 6 Point No. 7. 50¢ 2 Point No. 1. 50¢ Bottom of corner full measure slugs may be used. 2 Point N0. 2. 50¢ 6 Point No. 8, 50¢ 3 Point No. 4. 50¢ 4 Point No. 6. 50¢ 12 Point N0. 10, 60c Prices given are for per set of four. For quantity rates of Brass Corners see page 778. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 779 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED CORNERS SOLID BRASS DIAGONAL CORNERS 12 Point Body 36 Point Body 12 Point Body N0. 5402 N0. 9403 I \ No. 7404 No. 28407 2 point face 3 point face No. 9413 12 point face 4 point face 6 D0iI1t face 18 Point Body 18 Point Body / \ / \ 4 . B d / \ I \ No. 0402 No. 10403 2 Point 0 y No. 8404 No. 29407 2 point face 3 point face No. 8413 12 point face 4 point face 6 D0iI1t face 2. 3, 4 and 6 point face, per set of four, 35¢ 12 point face. per set of four, 50¢ Order above corners by the numbers given. The last three figures indicate the matching face rule shown on proceeding pages. BRASS CORNERS 2 and 6 Doint faces 2 and 12 point faces 24 Point Body, per set of four. 60¢ For quantity rates of Brass Corners see page 778. PLAIN FACE BRASS RULE No. 402 2 point Per foot, 10¢ N0. 403 3 point Per foot, 15¢ N0. 404 4 Point Per foot. 20¢ No. 407 6 Point Per foot. 30¢ No. 409 8 Point Per foot, 40¢ No. 411 10 Point Per foot. 50¢ No. 413 12 Point Per foot, 60¢ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 780 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE 100 Pounds SIZE FONT 1 Pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Pounds . . . . . . 25 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 Pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . - . - . . . - o - . . . . u - . . . - o o - o u - . . . . o u . . . - - - . . . . . - . . . . - c . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - - - . - - - --1 6 POINT 8 POINT 10 POINT 12 POINT L‘ 1 _ 8 1.70 8 1.60 1 $ 1.50 1 s 1.40 3.40 3.20 1 3.00 1 2.80 4.95 4.65 1 4.50 1 4.05 6.40 6.00 1 5.80 1 5.20 7.75 7.25 1 7.00 1 6.50 14.00 , 13.50 1 13.00 1 12.00 21.00 , 19.50 1 18.75 1 18.00 27.00 ; 25.00 1 24.00 1 23.00 33.75 31.25 1 30.00 1 28.75 65.00 1 60.00 1 57.50 1 55.00 . 1 115.00 1 110.00 5 105.00 1 All other bodies are so seldom called for that fonts are not carried in stock, and will be made up to order only at price per piece listed in Price List for Cut Rule. The weights given are approximate, fonts containing the number of pieces as shown in schemes below. 6 Point Bod‘ Fine Dot Hyphen 8 Point Bodi 10 Point Bodi 12 Point Bodv When ordering, be particular to state the style of Leader (whether Dotted or Hyphen). If Leaders are to be used with other than Uniform Line Type, send a cap “H” and lower case “m” as little worn as possible, so that exact line may be assured. STANDARD SCHEMES OF LABOR SAVING BRASS LEADERS. 10-POINT LEADERS FONTS 1 6-POINT LEADERS FONTS 8-POINT LEADERS FONTS LENGTH IN PICAS ‘2345101520255O 1234510152025 Ibfblbiblblblblblb 1b11>1b1b1b1b1b1b1b 1 ems ........... .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 1,1,ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 2 ems ........... .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 24ems ........... .. 1216162028425670140 6101212162030405O 3 ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 3g‘;ems ........... .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 4 ems ........... .. 1216162028425670140 61012121620304050 5ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8881216243240 80 24881012182430 6ems ........ .. 8881216243240 80 24881012182430 7 ems. "' 8 8 81216243240 80 2 4 6 61012182430 8 ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 888121624324080 24661012182430 9ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8881216243240 80124661012182430 10 ems . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 8881624324080124661012182430 11 ems ........... .. 48812182430 601.. 44448121620 12 ems ........... .. 4881218243060.... 4448121620 13 ems ........... .. 4881218243060.. .. 448121620 14 ems ....... .. 8 812182430 601.. 4 4 8121620 15 ems.........II.I "' .. 412182430 601.. .. .. 4 2 8121620 16 ems. 8121620 401.. .22gg1g1§ 1% 2$§::::::::::::: 313183 381:: ':::' 6131215 19 ems ........... .. .. .. .. .. .. 8121620 401.. 6 91215 20ems ........... 46810201. 691215 50 100 88e33ee838828§§§§§§ 3wwwmwwAAAAmAm19* w ‘lb % lb % lb _. O 12-POINT LEADERS FONTS 1 1 1 1 —I1 0 5 II’) I 1 24 32 24 32 24 I-‘#5 #‘i—‘FI‘U—‘|iF'dU'i oo8aaoammm|9 E33535Gk§§ $$g$§3333333 25 -mnmammmmmmmmm 9” u F-1F—‘iii—‘ih‘i-I‘ -- -mmaaamwwmwwww 9“ I F-‘iliiiikt -mwmmmmammmmmwmwmwww 3* F-‘I-‘I—l mmooo I—‘ (C1 1 I “"5-‘F-‘I-‘hi!-‘H-I -mmmawammmmaawwwwwwm 9°} I—‘hIdhi Qgggmmmw I-5|-‘|—‘ mmmwmmmm Eggggggggg 3wwwmwmwmmwwww 9*i 3wA¢AAAmmmamma éw’ :wNN#$Ah#$®®®®®m® §W :AA$A$$A$AA®®®@®®® 3*‘ . 1-11»-41-11141-t-41-4 ‘ - -mmmmmmmaamaooooooo. wmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmAmAAAAA. 201.. . , . 201.. 1 I. 1 1 1 .. ..1.. 1 —~——~—wmwwwww| — wm®mmwc©ccwwwwww—-~—- Um 1--tv—Au—-11-41-—-1-41-41-h»-Au-In-a(\',({, mmmmmwmwwummmmmmmm 20% lb 35 35 35 35 35 35 20 20 20 20 1 20 20 The number of pieces contained in a 100—pound font is 2 times that of a 50—pound font. POINT-LI NE, POI NT-SET, POI NT-BODY 781 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED COLUMN BRASS COLUMN RULE ‘ SIZE FULL LENGTHI 6 POINT 7 POINT I 8 POINT 9 POINT 10 POINT -l—column folio or qllztrto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l3f’~j, ill. I $0.38 $0.44 1 $0.50 $0.56 $0.62 5-column folio or quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I 17?, in. I .48 .56 ; .63 I .71 . .78 I’)-column folio or quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..: loss, in. .53 I .62 .70 I .73 I .87 7—column folio or quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..p 213,351 in. I .58 .68 .77 .86 .95 S—column folio or quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 132%», in. R .63 I 73 » .83 ' .93 1.03 ‘J-column folio or quarto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. flaw,’ in. t .69 .79 I .90 1.01 1.12 6—ems pica equal to one inch. The above prices include the 2 cent charge for notch over. a 7 a 9 10 For lengths not listed above figure according t.o the "Price [list of (Int Rule“ PT- F’T- '°T- PT- PT- pages 708 and 7('»‘.l. Full length of rule over all is used as a measure. Add 2 cents for each notch over, and add 5 cents for each notch under for 11se of brass reglet. Add 10 cents for each lug or shank. Column Rules made as per style '*B“ 10 cents each extra: as per styles ‘'(J‘‘ or “ I)” 25 cents each extra. A “notch over“ is the shoulder cut. from the face of the column rule. to allow for foot slugs. This style is seldom used for perfecting press. A "notch under“ is where column rule is cut out at head to allow for brass or metal reglet next to head rule. ’l‘l1is allows column rule to go flush to head rule and obviates the necessity of using slugs at head of type column. A “lug“ or “shank" is a portion of column rule, which is cut. off face at foot. to allow for foot sticks in perfecting press chases. Notching and lug charges are sub- ject to both the quantity and the regular r11le discount. Styles of Notched Column Rules Most Commonly Used. -—- —- — -FACE - -— — — —- — —— -- «I r -- —~:<\¢§..::.-::_:_ —i L I F 0: § "2’ :2 § l U (n B '1. . . . . _ . ..S K .. . . . _ -.. 2 Regular Notched Column Rule. Style A. Special Notched (folumn Rule. Style C. In ordering Column Rules. Style A. give quantity, size in ordering Column Rules, Style C. give quantity. size of body and length of face. 'l‘he shank on this style is of body and len -‘th of face. and height and_ length of always made as lo11g as the body of the rule. viz: on Shitllk» Ilcight 0 DOW“ UWIC1‘ iU1d1t’1lts“Ul01'111b- 6—tpo1nt rule, the shank is 6 points: on 8-point, 8 points, e c. - — ~FACE-——— —~ —- — —. -— -FACE 4—— ——« ~-- 4 ' A . H, _. ‘I. ....... J ll. .......... ..SHANK .......... ... Special Column R11le, Style 13. ‘J Special Notched Column Rule, Style D. _In ordering Column Rules. Style CB, give quantity, size In ordering Column Rules, Style I). give quantit V. size of body. and length of face. and height and length of of body and length of face; height and le11gth of s ank: shank. This style is most generally used for stereo— height and center notch and height and length oflower t)’PIT1g- nib. BEVELED LINOTYPE COLUMN RULES 6 r . I , i These prices include the 2c charge for notch over. I I - c o ' ' 3'25 IFULL LENGTH: 5” ”T- ‘ 6X7 PT- I 7X3 *’T- ‘ Figure other sizes and lengths according to ‘‘PI‘1C€ . |.. . ‘*4 .. . ,.. ,..,. (3 Column _ _ _ . _ _ . _ _ 193/4 in. I $0.74 $0.86 $0.98 Llst of Cut Rule.» pages .68 and 169, adding 40 per 7 Column _ . . _ _ . _ _ . mg; in. | _81 .95 1.07 cent thereto, using larger end of body as a basis. 8column . . . . . . . . . ..§ 23%’ in. I .88 1.02 1.16 . Quantity Discountswlf the amount of cut rule, one body and face. ordered at one time, equals or exceeds $~1().0(), deduct 5 per cent before taking off the regular discount allowed on rule; if $20.00, deduct 10 per cent; 1f $5().0(), deduct 15 per cent; if $100.00, deduct 20 per cent. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 782 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXE‘.D TYPE BRASS HEAD RULES Following prices are for any single, double, parallel, or triple rule shown on preceding pages. SIZE LENGTH 3 4 5 5; e 7 8 INCHES POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT 4-column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8”/3 $0.12 $0.16 $0.20 $0.22 $0.24 $0.28 $0.31 gcolumn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 113 .16 .21 .26 .28 .31 .36 .41 co umn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. .. 13,g .18 .24 .30 .33 .36 .42 .48 7-column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 153/4 .21 .28 .34 .38 .41 .48 .55 8-column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 .23 .31 .38 .43 .46 .54 .61 9-column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20% .27 .36 .45 .50 .54 .63 .71 All lengths not listed above will be charged according to “Price List of Cut Rule” pages 768 and 769. If head rules are to be notched for special column rules, time for cutting notches will be charged extra. Quantity Discounts———If the amount of cut rule, one body and face, ordered at one time, equals or exceeds $10.00, deduct 5 per cent before taking off the regular discount allowed on rule; if $20.00, deduct 10 per cent; if $50.00, deduct 15 per cent; if $100.00, deduct 20 per cent. STYLES OF HEAD RULES Regular Head Rule, Style “A” and “B” Special Head Rule, Style “C” --—---—--——-—— 1:-Ac; [-—- --—~-—---——-—--r-‘Ace —-—— - -—--—-—- -—- —-4 In ordering Head Rules give quantity, size of body, length of face and style. The following faces are the styles most used for head rules: 491-4 Point 527-6 Point 535-4 Point 560_6 Point 558-4 Point 516-7 Point 505-5145 Point 539-7 Point 493-5% point —> T 540-8 Point. 526-—5}é Point 494_6 Point 562-8 Point BRASS AND METAL FOOT SLUGS ' SINGLE COLUMN oouau: COLUMN . smcu-: COLUMN DOUBLE COLUMN Brass, 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.15 $0.25 Metal, 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.04 $0.06 Brass, 18 Point , _ _ , _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , __ .20 .30 Metal, 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 .07 Brass, 24 Point , _ , _ , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _ , .25 .35 Metal, 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .06 .08 po1N'1*-L1NE, pQ1NT..sE-1-,‘, PoINT—BODY 783 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED . _.__4_-L; cnoss RULES AND BRACES 1 I; 2 3 4 5 5; e “'8 “CA POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT POINT 101/2 to 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0.019 $0.013 $0.02} $0.03 $0.04 $0.05 $0.05; $0.06 12% 120 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0131 .02 .02} .04 .05 .06 .065 .07} 15% t0 18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 .02} .03 .04} .051 .07 .071 .081 18}6 to 21 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02 .03 .03§ .05 .061 .08 .09 .10 21% t0 24 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .021} .03 .04 .051 .071 .09 .10 .11 110 27 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .025 .03; .04} .06; .08 .10 .11 .12§ 2712 120 30 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .02§ .04 .05 .07 .09 .11 .12 .13} 301/2 to 33 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .022 .04 .05; .07% .10 .12 .13; .15» 331/2 I20 36 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .03 .04} .06 .08 .101 .13 .141 .16 36% to 42 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .04 .05 .07 .10 .13 .16 .17 .19 For sizes not listed above see “Price List of Cut Rules on Pages 768 and 769.” In ordering always give width of column. ‘ Although any face selected from our regular rules can be cut to order, the following styles of faces are the ones most used. 431-2 Point 490-3 Point 402-2 Point , 534-3 Point 489-2 Point , 491——4 Polnt 556-2 Point 558-4 Point 771-2 Point 513-4 Point 772-2 Point 770-2 Point 535-4 Point / BRASS BRACES -2- 638. 12c 847, 15c 639, 12c 634, 12c 848. 18c 640. 12c 633, 12c % 641, 15c 632, 12c 850, 18c 642. 15c 631, 12c 851 18c /-x/\_z\ ; 652, 18c 644, 15c 653, 25c . .4‘-éj \/ The first figure indicates the body. BARNHART BROS. &. SF’INDLER’S 784 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BRASS FANCY FANCY 83. 10¢ _76,’10c‘ - . PLAIN 75. 10¢ 80. 10¢ ” ° ’‘ 431. 7%: V 79;}. - 468. 7%c E’ 1% ' V’ V ' 7 % 709 ' ‘V 66. -—————-—+o-+-——————— —————-4-0-§——————— ' 489! 754C ‘ \ “EA” ‘ 5565 7;; 6322‘ 57. 10c - _ _ _ .77.”; Z226. ,, ,. ,. 61. 10c ¢f , —-:-¢-—---— 771. 7%¢ 58. 10¢ "‘”““““““'“““““""" .59. 10c '—'-"—"——--- 776. 72§¢ - 54. 10c 490, 9.; 51. 10c 53, 10.. 557’ 9° 50, we 5349 90 . 52. 10¢ 55. 10¢ _ 491. 10¢ 56. 10¢ . 558’ we 60. 10¢ o2,_1oc 513. 10c 64.l0c , 69, 10c Prices given are for lengths 68, 10¢‘ =¢v 12% to 15 ems. Other widths e charged as per “Price List of 72.A{0¢ Out Rules.” plus five cents for 77» 10¢ *" ° . notchinar at both ends. '"‘-"“""" "' 78. 10c ' 7% 12° ——————-—--no-o»—<—-......__._ v ~ 97, 10: _ 09455 n ~—-— A - V V——-* 92. me .. 1"L5s 88’ 10‘ #-"‘- _:1‘o4’:1'5;‘:: *~ 85, 10¢ 1: .:1;¢ ms 106 - 15¢ ._._.__......._......,.....___.._.___ ————--—--&~+n(ls iiglired the long‘ way. Inside nicasllreim-nt. N()'1‘1c. Circles, Ovals and ])ia1n(mds made 10 ()I‘deI’ frmn any face of rule shown on preceding pages. BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 786 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE £9 . r " ’ BRASS CIRCLES ‘ AND OVALS For prices of circles and ovals see page 786. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT BODY 737.‘ QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BRASS CIRCLES AND OVALS For prices of Circles and Ovals see page 780. BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER"S 788 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE BRASS AND 1 STEEL RULE BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS STRIPS CUPTTTOPMPEPASURE 1 1_ABoR:s-I,VwI1N(;. SIZE 1 LB. 25 LBS. 1100 LBS. 1200 LBS. 1 LB. 25 LBS. 1100 LBS. 1200 LBS. 1 LB. 25 LBS. 1100 LBS. 17200 . A E . . . 1 --.--... .. .. . E E N.-. . . W - --1. .- . 1. _. . 1 po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . .4 $0.75 1$0.70 1$0.65 1$0.60 1 $1.25 $1.20 1$1.15 1$1.10 1 $1.75 1$1.3s 1$1.30 $1.25 1% p01nt . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 = .70 1 .65 1 .60 1 1.15 1.10 1 1.05 1 1.00 11 1.60 1 1.20 1 1.15 l 1.10 2 p01nt . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 .75 .70 1 .65 1 .60 1 1.00 .95 1 .90 1 .85 11 1.25 1 1.05 T 1.00 1 .95 3 p01nt . . . . . . . . . . . .75 1 .70 1 .65 1 .60 11 1.00 .95 1 .90 1 .85 1 1.25 1 1.05 . 1.00 . .95 4 p01nt . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 .75 .70 . .65 1 .60 11 .95 .90 1 .85 1 .80 1f 1.20 1 .95 .90 1 .85 0 polnt . . . . . . . . . . . .75 .70 1 .65 1 .60 1 .95 .90 1 .85 1 .80 1 1.20 1 .95 1 .90 1 .85 Cut to measure is 10 ems or longer, and not less than 1 pound of a length. Otherwise labor-saving prices W111 prevail. BRASS LEADS AND SLUGS IN A POUND This table to be used in esti atingy regular heigh 1% inches). E,,,,. ,4, _ . 1 1 . , EMS TO INCHES TO 1 1 EMS TO INCHES TO POUND POUND 1 POUND 1 POUND 1 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 187-2 312 3 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 0:24 ' 104 1}, point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1560 2360 4 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4138 "8 1 % point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1248 2118 (3 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9 312 » 52 2 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 931'» 156 12 point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 156 1 ‘.213 BRASS PERFORATING RULE SIZE PRICE NUMBER PRICE NUMBER 1 PRICE NUMBER PRICE NUMBER 1 PRICE 1 1 FOOT OF FEET PER FOOT 11 OF FEET 1 PER FOOT .1 OF FEET PER FOOT 11 OF FEET PER FOOT ‘_”“T“\' E E 5 ~ ~~~ — mm mm 1 ._E-._——~ .—~—_~1L»——-—.... -4~--11 —~'-——— f3 DQ1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 $0.15 1 100 $0.141 11 200 $0.13% 11 500 1 $0.12:: 1 1000 1 $0.12 3p01nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 0.221 1 07 021%: 11 134 0.20} 1] 334 1 0.19.‘. 1 007' 1 0.18 ’ ' ‘ ,__ __r _v 4 __ _ I , ____ ____ __.,1*_ _ ______ ,_ , _,,_,__,,_ __,____,_,_ .. , Special tooth or depth 3c net extra per foot. For Brass Perforating Rule, c11t to measure, see pages 768 and 769. BRASS SCORING RULE SIZE 1 PRICE"11_0iTlt and larger, $1.30. A pound may contain either brass or copper or both. SHORT LEADS AND SLUGS LEADS FOR LINING TYPE Each font consists of accurately cut labor-saving F0111 N0- 1. Brass» (’11"~f'Il)0i11t3 ‘70,T1It_‘}ii,’;S;7 leads and slugs _in four thicknesses, 1, 2, 3 and 6 }1t€01(1)4“:_nn:S’?,)' egwfi 1}“, 1,‘, ems. pO1I1t,21S shown in illustration, which also shows ’ ‘ _ , . and 6 pieces 20 ems by picas_. ............... .. $1.00 style Of box in Whlch they are sold. Font N0_ 2, rpwomoint; contains »12 p1eces each rom 1 to 20 ems by picas. 12 pieces 18 point assortment, including case, per font ......... ..$1.50 each frgm 1 to 10 ems by n0nparei1s_,___ 1,00 24 point assortment, including case, per font ......... .. 1.50 Fem No, 3, '1‘hree-point; contains 8 pieces each 36 point assortment, including case, per font ......... .. 1.50 from 1 to go ems by picas, 12 pieces 48 point assortment, including case, per font ......... .. 1.50 each f1-0111 1 to 10 ems by nonpareils...._ 1.00 60 point assortment, including case, per font ......... .. 1.50 “The Midget,” 1;11)or-sa,ving case, having twenty- ,. , nine compartments. will hold either If we assortments ordered at one time . . . . . . . .. 7.25 three fonts Qf N0_ 1, or one font each Four-ounce packages of 2, 3 or 6-point, each. . . . .25 of No. 2 or 3 ........................................... .. .60 BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 790 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED MISCELLANEOUS W W DATE LINES SUB-HEADS NEWSPAPER HEADS NEWS CUTS SOCIETY EMBLEMS VOGUE ORNAMENTS WOOD RULES WOOD TYPE J BARNHART BROS. 8: SPINDLER TYPE FOUNDERS, CHICAGO ST. PAUL, PIINN. KANSAS CITY, MO. MINNESOTA rm: rounnnv co. wAsmNG.mN’ D. c_ axm wasmn ma rounnnv ST. LOUIS, MO. SOUTHERN PRINTERS SUPPLY C0. OMAIIA, NEB. sr. LOUIS mums sum? co. SEATTLE’ WASH. «mm wasn-mu rm: 1-‘ounmur DALLAS, TEX. PACIFIC PRINTERS SUPPLY C0. NEW YORK CITY, N. Y. TIIE BARNIIART TYPE FOUNDRY CO. BARNIIART TYPE FOUNDRY CO. COMMERCIAL “ LOGOTYPES IiI.]3()'l‘R()'l‘Yl’I{l) é a 1 ? I 5049, 15c ; 5047, 15c 1 5046, 20c 5050, 20c 5 5042, 15c Q 5048,15c i C@. , W , (g%/m/ , C0 / U I‘ Style AA, 75c Q/wé//2, (/)3'¢., AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA It AAAA /flfl Style B B, 75c g/4%Z%une0;.,7§n, Style C, 75c /"S — . CZ;/éa»JJ¢, %u’4.,. ............................................ .../ffl Style I), 75c ..,—/70 Style E, 75c ¢@~7/// ~ ,é(//, ........................... .. //K/fl Style F, 75c /2 j4f:7///// I 71/ —///~,”/,/ , Style G, 75c At 4 It/S“/U Style H, 75c §§%Z%é?flé2@%¢C tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt {Qc> "‘-. O K \v>Aaa&fl; {Q0 POINT-LI NE. POI NT- SET, POI NT- BODY 4/£9!’ }iI-I{(,"I‘R(,)'l‘YI’I{l) Style K, 75c §%@£%é%¢,§%?€%;, ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt I/7v Style L, 75c /* /7 //¢nWfl”av tttttttttttttttttttttttt t/7U tttttt K Style M, 75c @//5541.‘, ......................................... ._.....//Q0 Style N, 75c /I ~t/aw, ., ......................... /90 Style 0, 75c g§%y%é2@ ttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt {pa Style T, 75c /V\\( (L lT(m»lltll,tln(J/ln«1l, 3/lye/.1:u :3, ............................................. 4. A 9 0 Style U, 75c llwdnwffllxm, tttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt S496 Style V, 75c mm, fllll, A 96 Style P, $1.00 , /Q0 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED BLANKS 1{1.1{(}'l‘R()'l‘\r'1’l{l) B173 35‘: B172 35C 3209 25C B165 35c “"8 25° B176 35¢ 13177 35° B170 25c B171ZSc 3231 25c B160 35c B161 35c 4002 40c 4003 40c I=- , __-_.=%_ ».>.\ 4008 3°C o"" o, §g3€o :0 2 ~ 0000 65000 ',f ‘\‘‘'''w‘‘‘\\\\ '\ “' \V‘ . \\ .“ ‘\ ' ‘ ,. B 174 40c 4009 30c BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 794 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADVERTISING Cast from Superior Copper-Mixed Metal. A1 Sc A2 Sc B1 5c B2 Sc B3 Sc B4 Sc A33 Sc A3 Sc A4 Sc A5 Sc A6 5 A7 5c B5 Sc B6 6C B7 SC B8 SC 1310 6C C4 .56 B9 SC B14 5C B15 SC B16 50 B17 106 A8 6C B18 SC 1319 5C B20 5C fig A166 10c B13 Sc B24 10c A25 6c B25 10c A19 10c A38 6c A42 6c ,/ ——._ , /—'fi ' I 17/ V: 2 ‘ A188 150 A173 10c B26 10c A109 10c A104 10c A108 10c C880 10c B28 10c A211 10c fx 2 V SEAL SEAL A302 15c A263 10c A327 106 A342 10C A537 10C 5019 10C 4114. u "H G _ :; :,,——k*'—"—L;=_>=_:n’-‘=5 ~::_, . - * d ’-‘rm’ Mr‘ i" J :3 ll-. --::$.i‘.T A447 20c A114 25c A31 10c -r"1 1 3 W‘ \ 11 r\ »‘ ;- .\\\§V\\‘ V 1 POINT-LINE. POIl\lT—SET, POINT-BODY 795 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SOCIETY EMBLEMS lil .l{C'l‘R()'l‘Yl’I€1) MASONIC ///,/I//1|\\~. 10001 50c Z151 50c Z559 50c Z57 50c . 10002 40c BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 796 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE EMBLEMS SOCIETY ‘/I 0‘. _", \\\\\“ 'v 3'- 44¢ /0 ’m\\\‘‘\ \!{\\V- " ‘r._\’\\§\L.'....\'\\\\‘\\\\\;\\ ‘Q _ "'\I~ClZ$ ‘I. 10010 40c B2128 SOC W “N; . _,,.,—(/(«:r_(§\(\i¢. ‘.1’ ‘ - - - £? ' ‘cf QC:‘¢'3f.‘i_'¢5 I:‘<‘§ v ‘C; B 1508 50c ‘ . ‘.§ ¢7"‘ \ in . A‘\\”"*//1105"’ I z" /4 / \\ , \\ .44‘ \\V°’ , 1 151111 40¢ Z154 soc |lll1fl|l!|m<.'.._ ..1.....nmm1m111111111113»? _ [3 41111111111111 1000 50c 111311 60c Z158 75c 0 fl____ _ KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS B 2 266 40 POIN'I‘-LINE POINT-SET POINT-BODY 797 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SOCIETY EMBLEMS }{I-I{(.'TR()'l'Yl’}€I) KNIGHTS or PYTHIAS . *1 ' ~R ‘ 1 g fl ’§°77\X\ % B1728 75c 13”“ 5°° B1719 60c Z118 40c Z193 50¢ ;‘ ‘ 10030 50c 19033 50¢ BARNHART BROS. &. SPII\IDLER’S 798 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ,.. ,.._/.4‘... -.. --_-.__,-. , °o,_.,m \. pay ‘Y \ ‘ ’/5 I “ /3‘? I I.I€("lI}\‘< Yl‘\'l’l~'l) EMBLEMS ELKS AND FORESTERS Z319 ’. MortisedI. 50c 10022 60C 10025 $1.00 Z~’13~;I\In1‘tiS(*1- f ‘ E r. A. ‘V V o 1‘ o‘ ‘_ \ ‘ <2 . §\.“: ‘:19 131604 25c B1600 25c 151701 30c 131705 25c ‘ _* \‘/ii \ 10067 400 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 800 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE COp\ SOCIETY "”’°?$ EMBLEMS I{I.}£C'I‘R()'I‘Yl’IiI) FRATERNAL ORDER OF EAGLES 10045 75c 10046 50c 10044 75c Z436 35c Z516 75c Z172 50c 10058 35C Z56 35c POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 801 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEIQUALED EMBLEMS I-".1 .li(I'l‘l{( )'l‘\'l’l{l) EPWORTH LEAGUE B1928 25¢ 10050 40¢ H2148 40c Z438 30c I ~ 0.. .'( Z109 50c ‘A 10051 SOC 10049 75C CHRISTIAN EN DEAVOR /7 10053 soc 10054 40c 10055 60c 10052 30c .’/.201 40c Z398 50c /X ‘ 10063 40c I/.279 350 10004 40c. Z541 30c 10061 40c BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 802 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE \ SOCIETY * EMBLEMS }€LIiC'I‘ROTYPI{I) KNIGHTS OF THE MACCABEES Z634 50c B1533 40c B1522 40¢: MODERN WOODMEN W‘ ,0, HI‘, -5: K15 /> ' . I ‘@795 I ’ "":,r ,//Wt. I E " . yr // » / V4, /' ' 2 0 I ‘ X - -,_.s. “" ,.._.._.==_=_¢~ —_ ,__, tr . Y, 4 _ »=""” ”""" ”‘ “‘ ’— - V I \\ V Z429 40c POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 803 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED SOCIETY EMBLEMS l'.l.I‘.("l‘I\‘( )'l'Y|'I'.l) ANCIENT ORDER UNITED WORKMEN _ \§.;§; 33;. \\\ //r I ‘§., IIIHUO 40C IU5$3 40C l%1829 40C l§l8()l 30C IIIRIHI 30C ARMY HI H VEIERANORUM XI" I“! I V J A W; ’;- 142173. 40c Jaluux 50c MISCELLANEOUS 10000 40C 133018 40c BARNHART BROS.&.SPHVDLERT3 W4 SUPERKH?COPPER—MIXED TYPE » ELECTROTYPEI) SOCIETY EMBLEMS MISCELLANEOUS—Continued Z287 50c , ,_;..._...._ ,-. ,_....- -.__ \W‘YZ57:Si “ M /1.41 .'. 10095 50c 10093 75c POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 305 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ORNAMENTS No.41, SOC ”‘N0. 74. 20c , Q‘ , ‘ , .*$."'3i7§:‘E"“ ’ . EV - 77 *No.72, 20c ‘ — *N(>.()(i, 25C ééé-"2333, M9 ’*‘N0-03, 25c *No.6l, 30c *No.54, 25c ‘*‘No.23, 30c *No. -19, 35C go-,o‘a'.-. A,‘-no c Qo‘Q“ ‘O ‘II’ " '. .'.z:..'.-7:-‘''-’' :27,‘ Q:-‘I-I 15 *No. 149, 40c No. 150, 40c ..... % O...‘ 0'0 0 C ." ° :°o J ¢ :0 Jo 0. .0. co’ * Indicates metal husc =i=NU )7 75¢ BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 806 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE F.I-I{C'l‘R()TY}’I€l) 0 Lo (fié *No.79, 35c *No.S9, 40¢ *No. 5. 40¢ *N0-75, 45c *No.76, 45c *No.84. 30c * *No.83, 30c NQ82’ 30° No.86, 40c No.20, 50¢ *No.73, 20c No.115, 50c *No. 36, 60c N0. 227, 60c * Indicates metal base po1N1~-L1m.;, pom-1--55-r, POINT-BODY 807 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ORNAMENTS ,,‘.-5' .\‘; s5! 0‘ 9; 0'0 ‘o.‘.O‘p° ‘A I....s‘,I\r0fi .9npI'c adv. \‘\\' "'\"" *N(). 75, 30C I /,,-a. / « . , ,, t _ 4-. - -r 8-!- «ex 1; $38 ' 5 1% s:&*"’ -9‘ 4' No.11}, 60C sr ",",::+ 0? kc? Qég *2 vs: N0. 9, 60c N0. 118, 75C . _ ( * ln(h<:atc.~; metal base NO‘ 8)’ 6°C BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 808 SUPERIOR C0PPER‘M‘XED TYPE No.12‘), 60c *No. 147, 40c 50c . \. \\ \.\\N.M. \\MV«W. - 7 No.11 H... 4" . «W Va... .. ..o. . ......::.. .oo::.“.. ox ....tr..u. man. 0 O O o .. . . . ....—=_. .3. . an i? I\I0.14S. 60c .13’ .n........u. ..o p ...H.......:: 1iI-1iC'l‘R(1)'I‘Y1’1{1) N0. 191, *No. 151, 50c xi; It . ....T § ..§ No 97, 40c if *No. 145, 30c No.10, SOC *1\'0. 146, 30:: No.175, SOC * Indicates metal base N0. 236, $1.30 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 809 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ICl.l{(f'l'l\‘( )'I‘Yl’l{l) :‘:NH. 0‘), 40C 4‘s“-*er‘*=c=-'°‘ar~%.@-u-3va*‘~¢*=::I» *N().(>5, 40c No.6, 40C N0. 176, 65c *N().l-41, 25C N0. 26, 60c ’*lndic:1tes metal ha.~‘(_:. N0- 33, 50¢ BARNHART BROS. & SF’INDLER‘S 810 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE l{1.I{(j'[‘R( )TYl’I{l) 4 ago 3% N1’ % r (c) 5 /I" 1 /1 I,» W 1' N 4 N 114 50 N 40 75 ‘A o. 3. 50c . 0. , c 0. , c »f flny ‘g/W4?” P/q‘j;\4fl/‘A ._z \ S’ A/« ~ K‘ “‘ -———— 1-—-:—» _. ‘:" <1: jjn -.——j-— j it :0-—— T. uj E? - _ ““ .:.——- ——-:— .:—:-- -___.___— ' "- — T'— J: .—.—-:-—1— "T'——'.——j— jj—-_é-—- — '—' : "" “" ‘—*'—_ -——?: ____—. { I -.\' .1» _ A N0.81.40c *Indic:1tcs metal base. No_ 91, $1.25 . - POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 811 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED VOGUE }{lJ'("I’}\’< >'l‘\'l‘l' 1» §\ “ix ? ‘—.~.j¢.t ’*u\'o.183,75c No.45, 75C '/;"'v}n~«f- 1.2’ Ms . ...._............._,i-\./"I“\ ‘,__: \ A ‘F19/nun -' N0. 303, $1.00 )\'0_ 39, 75C ”*‘ In(1i(‘:1tc.~‘II1<:t;xlhum: N0_ 35, 75¢ BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 81:! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE *I\'«>.1w1.40c No. 80, 40C N0. 107, 75C . “ _ ' _ , , “Nu \.fa \ \ \ _ ._ 5.1-“ __ ‘ 2‘, °~‘ ‘ is ‘*‘§“:*‘ ,_ “ ‘ ~_' ‘,3’. ‘r -“ V‘ ’V .\ tr: ' ‘ 1' 5'; '\ - No_ 233, 75c “:3 I1n1ir_‘:1tc.~‘ mctul lulw :\~U'_\5. SOC P01NT*1-WE. POINT-SET. POINT—BODY 81:; QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED VOGUE ORNAMENTS ' Immm...........mulN\ N().174, SOC "‘"lUNW ’*‘I\'o. 143, 25c No.13}, SOC \ Q I xv. ,, 1%};3¢ * ‘5‘N(). 16, SOC —_._...._.— ..:—¢—' , *’ |n (R 5'1 “4"""‘ .'r:I";'74 o“““0\'I uw":vu .-cog )2,‘ ',:QoI~ 9 I-P~"h"9 un,. 7 ear.-.9 *" ""7 "0" «mass: r % ,9 ‘ 3 cw: .. ‘Iv P.’ 0 ‘ : U .9’; fan U./ca :17 a 4 4 n V ;. . C v Q‘1. .’ W r;.;‘Il‘ 1.: '- .... ' . No.195, 60c No.181, 75¢ « ‘*‘No. 77, 25c - No.29, 80c v~~'-,,‘.'u .,.- « -.1 _ .9 . -,.o:n".v :n 55:! . .'°"F? :c~"’A‘=vO’ |A"a”"H r PR5! I.1.""l, on Ann-{'51: '.’:.~‘: h‘q’I':) c-o-fin‘! cans‘: ,, «an, ° 1 4' I ‘J W .' V‘-7 ‘ ~.-.«. A. No. 192, 75c : No. 236, 75c No. 240, 50c *3‘ Indicates metal base N0- 235» 50¢ POINT—LINE, POINT-SET, POINT—BODY 815 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ORNAMENTS }'Il.}“( ,"l‘R()'I‘Yl’I{l) No.128, SOC ?’_’w“‘.‘«"<.’*'°T"""“- .. £5 F’; 151'-‘ if $73. 1‘; No.90, 50c No.16), 60C &% %%% ))))))" I 1)I ’ ;) 1)’ \\\‘,) W 1 b Y‘) ) I W‘. \ No. 10‘), 60c BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 816 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE VOGUE ORNAMENTS IiI-EC'I‘RUTYPF.I) % I//~)\ No. 273, 40c No. 280, 50c No. 288, 50c N0- 285, 5°C No.290, 40c No.27s, 40c No.266, 40c No.281, 50c POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 817 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED VOGUE _ ORNAMENTS “’:~,;,’ 'xl.Ivf"l‘l\’H'l \'l’I‘lI NU. EMU, 75C No. .;;u;s. $1.00 .\..‘7 «>*7‘‘‘‘‘ '. _j--—----——_.—_''—‘—‘‘—'‘. I ' . \ __..._.../ NH. 33%, 60C BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLEF?’S >41?‘ SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NO. 37'}. 40C m-'-v ?' . . mo...‘ '. 5' "l| I 0 0 14--. .- |I | -‘o"o5.'.-.' to C o I. 2- N0} 30,‘. . I II.“ ., qt.-o.o,r~., ..-.°{<>'.°.'.°I<>I<5I°X<>I°Xo.-.. V‘ 9 _0 3” ‘E. .. o‘~*.':e -153‘ » «~.'~‘ "Q.-.I§,$’9‘o"o' 3-,3,-Egfa .o . ‘.{=/9‘¢¥' 6'1 I \)) ‘ fé.J)\‘))\ NL,«.17(». 30c No. 267, 30C POiNT—LINE. POINT-SET. PO1NT—BODY er’ fifivfffi @ / ’% 3‘ j ax ‘\‘?"' [Via bZ@93,3@ .' ‘ix ._.fi, 3: :..‘.’.V. .1.‘ V; 3 &*>,,A ', --»4- I hm _..,~a'..‘u.. .. ..v>?u',~»«~-nvw .. . ‘3.°,»»‘~. ‘ ‘ . \‘> .- ._.I.,\«" ,“v”">~ ~-~;'--I “‘ ‘-11. a No. 19‘), 60c 51%! QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ORNAMENTS I{LE(jTROTYI’I{I) C No. 295, 75c No. 304, $1.00 No. 265, 25c No. 297, 75c -> —y. s. I’ 7 V ' /93 .«’;éVuV /3‘? I 21 No. 198. 75c 9 2 ,5’ § ‘M 4 $ 00,3 1 O -« 1 ’ e 9 -“£15; £'I~"I I m!‘~"z’ I’ 9 I ‘.'o“'a‘-0&7: (I-0-0'4, Pe¢‘o9,' Qggfiav I 7 9 ..' ~__,.- .‘ . - II: s"""‘ 6"“ I)! I'M. 5 1|": -~""" un‘s‘r l. ‘ ‘'''I\ on‘ ‘“'‘''''?v u ‘ -. “ 3 an ' \II“‘\‘-'“‘ . ~ ‘ "“| , ‘ ‘"35.’ "Viv '“'InQ-"‘ . \“”.’Io s ' n ")“""is. c M n\{\“.uufiu-“7'lnfiI|‘I- "'.-":‘""J"m. \‘)""lIn.'.§ -nnpnu»7"‘-nun '----am?-237:"--B.:..t.--c--B--....... ' ......u. > l_J.npuInu _ ;‘g. \‘ ”:‘m,...._v, - ...,,.... ‘''i'' .1 p-u\\vI\ '”“" -Au.-9 . No. 207, 75c BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE.R’S 8'20 No.l71, 50c SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE VOGUE ORNAMENTS }iI-}'{(_"I"R' "l‘\'}’I{I? .\'o.1Z4. 75C L-I‘ -- ‘ No.137. 7Sc @ No. 136. 75c ——‘ - ‘L;-,— I... .1 \\V 4))‘ V _ 4/////// \\ $151’ a A \ //////////mmmunmumnImmmlumnmunuIIuum\\\\\\\\\\\\\ /- ‘\'0_13(,' 50¢ No.17‘). 60c POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT--BODY 8731 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED No. 87, $1.50 BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 8'32 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ORNAMENTS EI-}{CTR¢')TYP}iI) . s ’\.-:: } ¥‘~":= /3; x 4 ‘ 9 9 0 No. 251. $1.00 No. 250. $1.00 \,,, _ ¢4§~, HL:::JSZEv ~:.‘\\.\ \& . “.\\‘\\\v;,'/..' / \ .c' ‘<—. ‘g\‘.:\\*w,¢vur A.~ ,\..\\~ .(\x\ --/3 T%§ €T-1 No.201, 75c IIIHIH No.133. 50c No.180, 75c '1 -1 ‘z x... ‘:4 ‘. 75431" =6’ :\ -U \_‘ * \-— 4). §- \\ A /3 T : hi‘ ' 35 -v " ‘{‘ . ‘V /’ \r..~';_ 4' ‘~f—-.. , §—=....—--5 ’ N0. 212, $1.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY J23 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ORNAMENTS N0. 308, $1.50 I f 1/ I ‘ W .-J:-.‘ ‘ . \ ;:n__._'‘ v ‘ .Q - .' I ' " I I ‘#4 4;, ’ ,._«g;,, . . . Y r « uh‘ ._V__~;»".'T. _‘ 3:-no-1.-E‘ ‘ ' ',‘\..!_:§_ .~ ‘II ~ 'E'-'''‘ _.s‘‘ --‘»‘--'-‘!-':t'-----‘- ,I IDI nu“ u as“ No. 208, $1.00 -*¢v-“‘5*‘.e:$*°“z.v~%5'-"~§’—*-@;*47*€&‘&7'~9a*¢%- No.4, 75c BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 824 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE }:'LI{CTRL)'I‘Y}’I£I) - r- In vs” :3-'~"-‘*.:: r~:~:~ 1‘ °c:“;‘\"o! f'N~"n":‘l :::1‘«.:‘.1‘~-.' e‘:.~:a?.»; I°o°(‘7\'t3" 5}-"'~?»’«p"4=' '\ ' 7 ' 0 «$32237 ~${?.3~’.': 4 s Q 0" . . . . CV 959 "" 15 »...I I . I I _ ; I -“e‘g,~“aam <.~.:°.:°2,=. "I"-5-§a"~FI" "=‘ ‘~‘ 7 ' ‘ ' « ‘ ‘en "0"" 1-“‘£"'o"" h-‘. \“_ : _Q.,,v(:... . Q ‘J. EU ‘Q 4 ~- < 690 7 N‘ 4 ’ v ‘.v.-4," =w;‘.,~—.° C - . ‘rials .9»: go .1 If "9," J V st? 5,‘. .----: G“ n -"H: ‘allay. cu. ) In 95- '0}. 2°C‘. cl-0, .'-'a)“""||I-. _ -*" .':_ u-n_w_e. . uquup '.“.n---\IIl""»n---nag”; aunun‘ _ yn :.I!_\\g»u.~‘—.'Il ‘I . \‘“.) "~ - --"“',_ _¢.‘-5 " “‘ '-:1‘; '""“°Iu3n... "mun _____. av -*".‘“-'.'nnn‘;‘||I?\\\‘/((«|‘ 3’ 1‘ ’’’‘"\\\‘\4n)fi~\\;§s\\u-4''’4 ‘' ““""“ '(.‘||“‘ ' - ‘\\n.‘ :0‘ 1! rIn\\\“ "lllh "0u..¢uuI§“ No. 253, $1.50 "P'~"Q9'U .01.," 44 5.,» 5;’ ‘hp ',,~qa «°.°&«:~:.’.~’ r-=:,,.‘,’»’,a, «°.:=>$ :; 1 *:.=:£:‘. rm"-n-;«. "e . - ‘vb mu 0 no , r.€;"‘."I; 56029‘! '*o°- 3u'?~"o“o-7.9 “$096,; r«":.~‘«'s" ::z:~"-. » :°.°e:.'.~~ «'~;%:2r: (‘'5 ‘I1 3 evfiofil, R.‘ 5‘! C QM.-,0 °"°""’ woo" . 9‘ “film 0': '0“ 9‘ fiQ,,'IQ “.~"",)7"4 '£:~q" 3-$2121‘, :::3.;s z= :: ‘é“.’«PJ’. ‘.::°..~;:~ “°Rn‘.?,,,z "l_f:::'p0:72 I.';V‘“rI'0;‘: ate: (~94, '3‘ H 5 *‘?3""'2’= 5.“ (ma "37 '6 $044.) 1"?’-7’ <:° z~.”=:: ‘.~'é°:-5° * °:e=!: ~‘u°2-P <5. , ‘at; he " ; a? A -_ , : ,_. -D s u..' 3 2' ' '8 ‘u’ '1-;?'.' I‘ °' ‘ ‘fa.’ " :'o'« 5 .-' '0‘ 3' 3 _...-" 6‘ \I\II - 1'“"- ¢|I\ ‘)1 III’, 3: .1“, "H _c - u -.c mm-u. .-"".’* nw’:. - ...\un-nu. ’ “nu |:.I\\‘!III)‘?._'q ‘* \ “ o‘ -n -‘ a_ .35”. \ = r ' ‘ ‘ nun“ i 42.’: . 9 u)|nu\\\|““.',,;: .._.-'_’.’..‘,,,“$5,'/(((((‘3q.~‘ .;‘~‘ .‘ r ...a«- Jinnninn\\\'__,,... non "Crou- lu|“' " "tow ._ _, ‘x I ‘\\Ig..\‘|Il" 1) nI|\ 0: an: alt‘ No. 254. $1.50 :- . ,. I7’; _ -3‘ .. °§\£§’ ‘.?,2.'7:«;’é4",4z,'z;"='.°=’o" e —{- <=-e¢r.$‘€‘ ~_<.-..&\a ,7 3:5‘ 3 3 . fit‘ éééézifi §‘ I 70-\ ‘§\ ->_,__ ‘_ I //37* s~;:\x$£’}m£W : < MI~:u;;,—,—., ? ‘i$2)))?22#2z2»;,;»_.; I})))//(3))/I’ 1'1,’»“'!!I"~“»»*:..‘,\\“‘I‘ I ,...- /9 } » l)’ \ I; v .>aIaIaI:1a.«.=JIZji'." m -/ imllm» _______ I ,_ I “ MI?’ I I.’/,9-»'——' 1"‘ ___ N0. 257, $1.25 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 825 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED (#3 653?.» 9 2 \'<>.35~».$1.00 ~§{\» wt 9 \\ § _ BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER"S VIM SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ELECTROTYPED " 1 ‘R * N‘ SUB-HEADS Made to column width, 50 cents each. No. 200 N ORTHAM JOURNAL. No. 201 SOUTHERN PLOWMAN. No. 202 GRAND FORKS TIMES. No. 203 Market Review. No. 204 CLINTON COUNTY NEWS. No. 205 El): Eultnu Er-utnal. No. 206 UTAH DAILY RECORD. No. 207 BENTON SIGNAL. No. 208 Kansas City Daily Hotel Reporter. No. 209 WESTERN POULTRYJOURNAL. No. 210 got gtprittgsa gitar. @3213 gum. No. 212 Carson Center Humorist. No. 213 SOUTH HAVEN EAGLE. POINT-LI NE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY Qflbe QEba:i)2z:m Blane. No. 215 Evening Eemocrat. No. 216 Ilborgan (Cimes. Golumbus free mess. No. 218 MARLETTE MONTHLY. No. 219 THE WISBONSIN WEEKLY ECHO. MONTHLSNE YIONITOR. No. 221 South Dakota Farmer. wAsH1N(§°T3N NEWS. MORNINFEEVIEW. No. 224 LAKESIDE TIMES. AVOIDALE Ifiliisv nuuzm. N0. 226 MARKET GUIDE. No. 227 DAILY SEN TIN EL. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED HEADINGS NEWSPAPER " W ELECTROTYPED One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Modern Text Each additional word. 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Tudor Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Tudor Bold Each additional word, 40¢ One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Black No. 2 Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.25; two words, $2.00 84 Point Extended Open Black Each additional word, 65¢ Emily Nettie BARNI-IART BROS. &. S1’-"Il\IDLER’S 828 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEWSPAPER EL}-ZL"I‘R< ITYPEI) One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 Point Modern Title Each additional xvgfd‘ 40¢ E R1 E GA ZE TTE One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 45 Point Post "V7 A I WE E Each additional word. 40c ‘ E O N G R A P H I C One word, $1.00; two woids, $1.50 4.3 Point Hera1dRoinan WEI IE- Each additional word. 40c I D A I 13.7 E C H O Om: word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 4.5’ Point De Yinne 7 Each additional wozd,40c E One woid, $1.00; two words. $1.50 I 45 PointLightface I I V I Eachadditional w0id,40c I one wnrd, $1.00; two words, $1.50 45‘ Point Talisman I /W pH— 7 I Eachadditionai word. 40c UTICA INDEX QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED Fr, 1 o ‘L POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY \ NEWSPAPER - HEADINGS EI-l:ICTR(,)TYPlil) One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 Point Plymouth Condensed Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 _ 1 O V V 48 Point Luxor No. 5 Each additional word, 40C 1: 811 t I1 L B One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 Point Luxor No. 5 Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 and 60 Point Modern Title A Each additional word, 40c D A I LY C I T Z E N One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 and 60 Point Post Each additional word, 40c —O—new<)rd,$1.00;two words, $1.50 48 and 60 Point Old Roman Bold Each additional word, 40c CAIRO HE ALD BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 830 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEWSPAPER HEADINGS El.F.CTR()TYPF.I) One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 48 and 60 Point Talisman Each additional word, 40c _ ‘One word, $1.00; tN\.rv‘t) wuord—s, $j50 48 and 60 Point Pastel Bold Each additional word, 40c word, $1.00;twowords,$1.50 H M R 48 and 72 Point Lightface Y R‘ — Each additional word, 4-Oc One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 54 Point Caslon Old Style Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 54 Point Barnhart Old Style Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00: two words, $1.50 54 and 72 Point Caslon Old Style Each additional word, 40c RECORDER POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 831 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED NEWSPAPER HEADINGS I’ I v we“ cop” r 9 :9 ~\ 5 IiI.l€CTROTYl’I€I) One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Old Roman Condensed Each additional word, 40c TEXAS N WS One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Caslon Old Roman Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Barnhart Old Style Each additional word. 40c MESSENGER One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Plymouth Condensed Each additional word, 40c AUSTIN GLOBE Each additional word, 40c OST SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 and 72 Point Barnhart Old Style TROY P BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 8372 NEWSPAPER HEADINGS If l-I{CTRI )'I‘YPIiI) One word, $1.00; two words,£.S0 60 Point De Vinne . Each additional word, 40c U111 11 I 111165 One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 E (v7 W 60 PointOldRo1nan Bold Each additional word, 40c E One word,$1.00: two words, $1.50 60 Point Talisman Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Bold Pastel Each additional word, 40c One word. $1.00; two wo1ds,$1.50 60 and 73 Point Old Roman Bold Each additional word, 40c AR AYS POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 833 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED HEADINGS / NEWSPAPER '1 9 }il.l{CTR( )'l‘Yl’l€l) One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Old Style ltalic No. 59 Each additional word, 40c C One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Old Style No. 70 Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Modern Titlc Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Post Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point De Vinne Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 60 Point Liszhtface Each additional word, 40c ERIE UN BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 834 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEWSPAPER HEADINGS _EE{aE§§o_r71Eo_ One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Old Style Italic No. 59 Each additional word, 40¢ /Z0 % P0 5 5 One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Old Style No. 70 Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Modern Title Each additional word, 40c _ Oneword, $1.00; two words, $1.50 I 72 Point Post Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Barnhart Old Style Each additional word, 40c DEFIAN CE POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 835 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \ NEWSPAPER HEADINGS One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Old Roman Condensed Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Oid Style No. 72 O Each additional word, One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Lightface Post Each additional word, 40: One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Caslon Old Roman Eachkadditional word, 40¢- One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point De Vinne - Each additional word, 40c _ ISTER BARN!-{ART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 836 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE NEWSPAPER - HEADINGS One word, $1.00; two words. $1.50 72 Point Plymouth Condensed Each additional word, 40c Oneword, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Talisman Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Old Roman Bold Each additional word, 40c —. One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Bold Pastel Each additional word, 40c One word, $1.00; two words, $1.50 72 Point Plymouth Each additional word, 40¢ ER POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 837 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ANGULAR ANGULAR QUADS With these quads lines can be set quickly and se- curely at any one of several different angles to the straight lines, and with but little space between. Angular Quads are put up in fonts, one of which contains quads whose straight sides are 8x8 points and 8x4 points respectively; the second, 10x10 and 10x5; and the third, 12x12 and 12x6. ’,/''The 8 POINT 1o POINT //liobjectin I K 1 K I K J K V’/cutting off Per half pound font . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80¢ Per half pound font . . .. . . .. .. .. ...65c . . this corner is to 12 POINT ll."/show how close t p I K ‘ K fgay be set to ruleyb: Per half pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . .60c _» the use of Angular Quads. (7 o MORE GRAY PIANOS oRéN§s.Ns 7 BEST Largest assortment to select from in the city, and at prices to suit the buyer. BOTTLE ALL DRUG STORES @E') T H E H O M E Yéiou lcan.comb bacllc youthful beauty, gloss an co or into your air, comb the grayness. C O M P A N Y the streaked and faded spots out of it by simply combing it with our preparations. 168 NOISE STREET ABSOLUTELY GUARANTEED. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S .~<:;»< SUPERIOR COPPER—MlXED TYPE Scale of fonts showing the number of letters in each font from 3A's to 30 As. These fonts are carefully assorted and do not contain surplus characters. I3 415171911211520130 1314 5;7I9f12]15;20:3o 1 A A 3 A 1 A I A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 A 1 a 1 a a 1 a I a 1 a 1 a I a 1 a 1 75 106 1 120 165 1 200 I 270 1 320 435 1 625 3 65 i 90 104 I 140 1 170 I 220 j 275 ‘ 360 I 510 ILETTERS1LETTERSILETTERS1' LETTERS LETTERSI LETTERSILETTERS LETTERSILETTERS LETTERS_ILETTERS1LETTERS LETTERS LETTERS'LETTERS LETTERS LETTERS LETTERS A‘3I4I5‘7'912.15I2030 a*314*5 7‘912I15'20‘30 B I 2 1 3 3 I 4 I 5 1 7 8 I 10 15 b 1 2 ; 3 3 4 5 6 8 11 15 C I 2 1 3 I 4 1 5 I 6 f 9 ‘ 10 ' 14 22 c 1 2 1 3 4 6 7 8 f 10 13 18 D12 1 3;4 § 5161 8- 9 12 17 111213 4 5 6 8 10 15120 E14151619111115 20 26138 e141? 6 9 12116120 28~40 Ff2!3 314'." 7'81111: £421: 314 ::6j810;14 t;i2 313141 7- 8 10 15 gI2§3,13;4 618 10114 H12131415I6 81911217 11121314 5 6 8:10114*>0 I 414.5 719113151222 1%31415 7 9112915120130 J‘21313I41415I6%810111.212 :11-5Ig'818 K 1 1 1 2 I 2 1 3 4 . 5 5 I 8 10 1; 1 -. 1 -. ; 5 2 8 1 I c I -v u I pt: I f -' I I " I ‘ 3 Pl I " L13.5'6.7 719111 15 22 1 4 516 61. 9112 15 20 M;213I415I6 8‘10I13118 m2I314 516 7191217 N 1 3 I 4 5 7 1 9 13 . 16 22 1 32 n 3 1 4 1 5 7 I 9 12 1 16 20 1 30 o 1 3 1 4 ' 5 7 . 9 13 1 16 22 . 32 o 3 1 4 : 5 7 I 9 12 ; 16 20 1 30 P«213I3 415 8-19112I1”‘ p 213 314:5 6171014 QI112I2I213I4!416I;5q‘11212 313 4’515I6 R‘314 5 7..10I131161221‘2 r132415 71911215120130 s:4*5 6 8110113116=22132 s14:5,6 81911216122.‘2 T13 41518;10113116122132 tf41§.5 71g,1§13;?1));:130 U 1 2 3 I 4 6 I 6 1 8 I 9 1 12 . 17 u 2 1 : 1 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 7 v’2 313=4‘4 '161810 v 2I31'3 4I4I.'§6{8‘10 W 2f3‘3!4I5I3.7 9‘13w‘2I3I3 4 5j<73I7;9112 X 1‘2121213I3I3'.5I6 x§112§2 3 3;3 41516 Y 2 3f3.4i515I6I9I13 _v‘2,3:3 4 5I6 618312 z 1 1 I 2 : 2 | 2 I 2 I 3 1 3 = 5 1 6 z I 1 f 2 1 2 2 I 2 1 3 4 = 5 j 6 &I112§2;212{3131:'>16 n'f11112j213 31314 .3I4|41719112115120.30 1111 111 3 4 4,7 91121152013011 111.1 1.1 - ..1-13 - 1 1 1 ; 1 I 3 I 3 4 1 7 ' 6 8 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 I 2 : ° ’ 2 2 1 2 1 3 4 1 6 1 '7) I 9 1 14 111 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 I 2 i 3 1 1 1 2 I 2 I 2 2 3 1 3 1 4 6 I : ' 1 A 1 1 1 1 2 2 I 3 I 3 1 4 1 6 ' 2 2 3 3 1 3 1 3 1 4 1 5 1 6 8 ‘ :~ 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 , 3 1 3 4 I 6 ORDER FIGURE I I ,I - I 1 I 1 I I TOTAL . . . . I. 1 I 2 3 1 4 I 5 « 6 7 1 8 1 9 I O 1 SPECIAL 1\()TICE—Tl fl’ 1st 1 ct .‘ ' 1 t1 FONTS BY NUMBER 1‘ I I 1 I 1 5 FIGURES lower case tallnf. (*<%{npr§:rli‘11;zet§:2 i§§t§%~:if§lr3d111:)l? —*’“"'_’__"“"1’ ’I ”T“""‘“‘ ”“T’ MT‘ 1 ‘ T—‘ T‘”‘" 1“"“”"’_ — ~ ' 31 ' ' ' ' t_~_ ' 1 . Font No.1..1 3 I 1 2 1 I I 2 1 2 I 1 3 1 26 2.‘.-‘1‘.‘.‘13’1”..‘1’1‘.‘..—:~‘§.§’.).~i’i......‘i‘.§.1...:I.1i‘fe.1’i1.2....1.e‘f1';¥{ie11’11‘i1‘:...'i.. Font NO. 2..I 5 I 4 1 3 3 1 3 I 3 1 3 I 3 I 3 I 7 1 3 1 40 ber of characters. In some styles the design includes Font N0_3._,1 8 A 5 6 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 5 1 11) 1 5 1 55 special chavracters: \\'l11cl1arecl1arg'ed extra. Q1/11eck_your Font NO_ 10 8 8 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 7 1 15 1 7 A 90 in\ o1ces by countxng the numbei of characters recen ed. REVISED PRICE LIST Per Letter ICLASSCLASSICLASSICLASSICLASSICLASSICLASS CLASSICLASS CLASS _‘V0Od_ type is priced by the letter‘ and Sold in 5 1 I M 1 , 1 1 R I 1 U various sized fonts. as shown above. i _E *1 E5 IE_—I“$"_: 5 1-5 "5 Customers should bear in mind that End VVood ”’I“5I°‘5I“5I°5I“5 °‘5I°5I“51“E‘I°5 ' deanvsizedesired.Awoodt eletter E1°25125125251:25I2E,125I251:25:2§ T3Pe°anI_’em? ,~ yp_ _ 1 E1 4 I E1 4 § 4 I § 4 1 § 4 1 4 1 4 I § 4 1 § 4 § 4 increases In Width in exactly the same proportion as it “:7 6% 5 1 6 I*6 1"]: 10 16 does in length. For example: ‘If a 12-line letter is 2 Q 1 Q Q (11 6I Q 1 8 1-§ inches Wide. the same letter In lo-line will be 29,: inches :1 I 9 3 1 3 1 111 31) wide. the increase being one-quarter each way. g 1 1 1 1 3 13 I 1 1 1 The prices for all sizes of each style of type shown 11, 9 I 9 ‘ 11, I 111 I 12 1 1}; 1 lb .35 1 5g 1 go in this book can be found in this Revised Price List. 1:2 10 I 10 I 12 I 12 I 14_ s 17 1 18 23 I 28 1 The left hand column gives the size of Type or lines 1 1 ‘ I I I I 1 Pica. The letters L. M. N. etc.. at the top of table. 16 I 12 I If 1 1§ 1 lb 1 19 I 22 I 25 $31) 1 3% = 38 gives the class to which the letter belongs. and the 1 1 I 1 ' I 1 figures in the different columns give the price per 2} I 17 1‘? 1 22 I 2f: 1 :28 I 332 , 336 F 4:} 4-3 ft‘ letter. The sizes of fonts are given above. 1 1 I 1 1 :3 1 1 Always state whether Caps alone are Wanted. or 36 28 1 31 34 I 36 1 41 116 :50 1 I 1 Q2 Caps and Figures. or Caps. Lower Case and Figures. 33 if I 1 I 1:? I ' $3 or Caps and Lower Case. and how large a font or 50§1_15I47148156‘65‘7 7172'7_ numberofA‘s. (7’I_3II 83 1 2:’ 1 3) Give full direction for shipping. unless it is desired 80 1 64 66 j 08 80 1 86 .. . .. 100 1 107 114 to leave the matter to us. in which case we will ship “I0 I 75 I 78 I 8” I I00 I “I6 115 125 13') the cheapest way. freight or express. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 839 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED WOOD RULE BORDERS . R"! Style N—lfIight Point Style E —— Twelve Point Style H—Eighteen Point Style J'—'l‘wenty Four Point Style L—’l‘hirty Six Point Style A A— Six Point Style B B—— Eight Point Style CC—TwelVe Point Style F F—Eighteen Point Style HH——Twenty Four Point On Sidewood, yard lengths, per yard, 12c On Endwood, cut labor-saving lemrths, per foot, 15c Solid Corners to match any Rule. Endwood or Sidewood, 25c1>e1‘ set of four As space will not permit the showing of all Wood Rule made, :1 complete Specimen Book of Wood Rule will be sent on Ztppliciltloll. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S Mt) SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE \ STAR RULE BORDERS 12 Point No. 1 18 Point No. 2% 24 Point No. 4 36 Point No. 5}._, ««««««««««« 12 Point N o. 7}/.; 18 Point No. 8% 24 Point No. 10 36 Point No. 11% 111‘ Linc, 6c per letter N0. ¢3t242%——C,l:1ss L Five Lint.-. 6c per lcttcr No t}243——Class L Six Linc, 6c per letter N0. f3‘243—~Cl:1ss L lfiigllt Lint‘. 8c pn:rlct.tc1‘ N0. ¢32J.:§——w— (jlass L ’J‘cr1nit the shuwim: of all W'<>m1'l‘y1>cmmlc.;t<‘e made. 21 culnpletc Specimen Book of \Vo0d'l‘y1»e will be sent on '.l1)1)ll(I21Il()n. BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLI-'_'R’S 854 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TYPE Nu. t‘»f‘»t.’ ———~-( ‘lass O Fr-ur Line. 6c per letter N0 ‘3*3i3—-(.312t.<>‘ 0 Five Line. 6c per letter No. €3f'»2——Class 0 Six Line. 6c per letter Nu. we —~—(5l;is.< () Eight Line. 8c per letter N0. (361 —--~Cl£1.s‘.s‘ 0 Ten Line, 10¢ per letter BE 2 As space will not permit the showing of all \\'0od Type made. LL Complete Specimeii Book of \V0<;>d Tyiie will be sent on 211.lDllCZi[l0ll. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 85?) QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TYPE No. 6()8——Class I’ Six Liynve. 8c per letter No. (}14-e»-C1a55 1) Six Line. 8c per letter No. (')()¢3—Class 1’ . Six Line, 8c per letter No. f31.3—~()lass 1’ Six Line, 8c per letter No. 616—Class Q Six Line, 10¢ per letter Ijeitn 2 As space will not permit the showing of all Wood Type made, 11 complete Specimen Book of VVood Type will he sent on ztpplicatioii. BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 8.36 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ILLUSTRATED CATALOGWI MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES! #7 % ff § B AND PRICE LIST OF PRINTING MATERIAL ARNHART BROTHERS AND SPINDLER TYPE FOUNDERS CHICAGO. ILLINOIS NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. Barnhart Type Foundry Co. WASHINGTON. D. C. Southern Printers Supply Co. ST. PAUL. MINN. Minnesota Type Foundry Co. KANSAS CITY. MO. Great Western Type Foundry ST. LOUIS. MO. St. Louis Printers Supply Co. OMAHA. NEB. Great Western Type Foundry SEATTLE. WASH. Pacific Printers Supply Co. DALLAS. TEX. k‘ The Barnhart Type Foundry Co. k JJ L1 On the pages following will be found described and illus- trated almost everything in the way of material, machinery and supplies required in the printing office. Every article listed is the best of its class, and prices are as low as legitimate business principles will allow. No one can buy cheaper than we; no one buys in such large quanti- ties; hence it is that our prices are as low as the lowest. A letter to us giving full par- ticulars as to what you require will bring you an estimate by return mail. PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PRICE LIST We quote Manufacturers’ Prices. which are subject to change. BACKING POWDER~—Vivian's 25 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 50 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 100 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.00 Our Bellows are correct in shape. and strongly made of the best materials. Small size, weight 1 lb. 2 oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 Large size, weight 1 lb. 9 oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 BELTING 1 inch . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.24 5 inch. ...... , . . . ..$0.84 114' inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 3}; inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 1}/._{ inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .36 . 4 inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .96 1% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .42 -I}./;_{ inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.08 2 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48 5 inch. . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .54 ‘ inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.32 21.; inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 1 0 inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.44 23/,,inch............. .6637 inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.68 3 inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .72 3 inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.92 3% inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. .78 S inch . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.16 For double belting double the above prices. BELT LACING Per bundle of 100 feet. 1/, inch . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 I 3./_. inch . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.25 éu. inch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 /54 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 59,5’ inch.............. 1.75 , :2; inch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.75 BELT FASTENERS For Single Leather or same thickness of other kinds of Belting. No. 1. for 1 inch belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .per 100, $1.50 No. 2, for l}._.’ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ " 2.00 No. 3. for 2 " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ “ 2.50 No. 4. for L’,1._. " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 3.00 No. for 3 ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " " 3.50 No. 13, for 3,1»; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 4.50 No. 7'. for 4 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 5.50 For Double Leather. or similar thickness of other Belting. No. 8, for :3 inch belt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per 100. $5.00 N0. 9, for " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . “ “ 6.50 No. 10, for 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 7.50 No. 11. for 31;_, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 8.50 No. 1:2, for 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 9.50 POINT-LI NE. POINT-SET. POI NT- BODY 859 “LODI" REVOLVING BELT PUNCH This Punch is light and strong. and is equipped with four different sizes Steel “Drive” Tubes. Bright Finish. 8 inch. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 BLANKETS———Felt PER YARD Thick, 36 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$5.40 Thick, 44 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.60 Thick. 54 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.10 Thin. 4-1 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.25 BLANKETS ~—Rubber 2-PLY. 3-PLY. 1-16 INCH 1-12 INCH THICK. THICK. 26 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..per yard $5.00 $6.25 30 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 5.50 6.75 32 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 5.75 7.00 34 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 6.25 7.50 36 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 6.50 7.75 38 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. “ 7.25 8.50 -10 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " 7.50 8.75 42 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. *' 8.00 9.50 4-1 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 8.50 10.00 46 inches wide. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 9.50 11.00 48 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 10.50 12.00 50 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.00 14.00 52 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 14.00 16.00 54 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16.00 18.00 56 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.00 20.00 58 inches Wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 20.00 22.00 60 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 22.00 24.00 72 inches wide . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 28.00 30.00 BOOKS FOR PRINTERS The Color Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 Cost of Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Guide to Practical Embossing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Hints on Imposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Inland Printer Account Book. 400 pages. . . .. 5.00 Inland Printer Account Book, 200 pages. . . .. 3.50 List of Prices and Estimate Guide . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Practical Printer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Presswork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Printer‘s Ready Reckoner . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Specimens of Job Work. Bishops . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 '1‘-J Subscription Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 Typographic Style Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Vest-Pocket Manual of Printing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE PRINTERS’ INSURANCE PROTECTIVE INVENTORY SYSTEM (Copyrighted by Charles S. Brown.) QOM \ ‘ -ff... . “ Na.“ ~ / ,. ...,~-- v ‘ "---,.. _ .,,_ . e~..,,.- -. ..,,‘_ ''~--»... _ , .3? g, .< ’~¢,j4<' Z‘“‘s’Afl<~..‘-9*" “ """"" Have you a correct and classified inventory of your plant? Are you prepared to talk to fire insurance adjusters? Are you sure that you are carrying the right amount of insurance? Are your insurance policies and schedules properly written? These are questions that arise after the fire occurs. The Printers’ Insurance Protective Inventory System has written $25,000,000 in Printing Material sound values; is indorsed by the printer and insurance company as the correct and honorable method to determine values. BOOK ONE Loose Leaf for Large J ob or News Offices Has 600 pages, heavy binder with leather back and corners and canvas sides, Scotch Linen Ledger. Gothic printed index sheets full size of book. Will write an in- ventory covering Business Office, Composing Room,Press Room, Stock Room, Bindery, En raving Plant, Electro- t pe Plant, Stereotype Plant, E itorial Rooms, Mailing oom, Shipping Room, Miscellaneous throughout Build- ing, Engine Room, Freight and Express Charges, Items sold, exchange and discarded. Recapitulation Sheets to correspond with the above departments. This book will inventory any Job Printing and Newspaper Plant in the United States. _ Price, $25.00 BOOK THREE Bound for Job Office Only Has 480 pa es, bound with leather back and corners and black clot sides. Gothic printed index tabs. Will write an inventory covering Business Office, Composing Room, Press Room, Stock Room, Bindery, Mailing Room, Proof Room, Shipping Room, Miscellaneous throughout Building, Freight and Express Charges, Engine Room, Items sold, exchanges and discarded. Recapitulation Sheets to correspon with the above departments. This book will inventory a Job Office of $100,000 value. Price, $15.00 BOOK TWO Bound for Newspaper Offices Has 480 pages bound with leather back and corners and black clot sides. Gothic printed index tabs, Will write an inventory covering Business Office, Composing and Press Rooms, Stock Room, Engraving. Electrotype and Stereotype Plants, Mailing Room, Editorial Rooms, Shipping Room, Miscellaneous throughout Building, Freight and Express Charges, Engine Room, Items sold. exchanged and discarded. Recapitulation sheets to cor- respond with the above departments, This book will inventory a Newspaper Office of $100,000 value. Price, $15.00 BOOK FOUR Bound for Small Job and Newspaper Offices Has 240 pages bound with leather back and black cloth sides. Gothic printed index tabs. Will write an inventory covering Business Office, Composing and Press Rooms, Stock Room, Bindery, Editorial Rooms, Shipping Room, Mailing Room, Miscellaneous throughout Build- ing, Freight Charges and Express Charges, Engine Room, Items sold, exchanged and discarded, Recapitu- lation sheets to correspond with the above departments. This book will inventory a Job and Newspaper Office of $25,000 value. Price, $10.00 The first part of the System contains information and instructions how to make your inventory, with printed sheets illustrating how to enter the material having charge of your inventory to make an error. in the book. If he does, the System will correct it. The System It is almost impossible for the person is so arranged that he can make his inventory by sections; by this way, he can inventory his body type one day, his display type another day, his cases another day, his composing sticks another day, and so on, and not become confused in his work by having made only part of his inventory one day and part a Week later. It is in blank book form, size l0%x15 inches, superfine paper, special ruled, indexed. Made in four different forms and sizes with full instructions how to make an inventory of your plant; how to find amount and size of material; how to enter same in the book, With printed heading departments specifying the name of the manufacturer; amount, size number or name of each article entered. BARNI-{ART BROS. 8:. SPINDLER’S 860 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BENZINE CANS Safety cans prevent leakage of ben- zine or its vapor. Insurance companies re- quire benzine to be kept in entirely closed metallic cans, and these with automatic stoppers not only saves loss caused by evap- oration, but tend to keep premiums on in- surance policies at the lowest rate. besides avoiding any chance for claims that fires were caused by the ignition of benzine con- tained in an open receptacle. They are cheap and handy. and no printer can afford to be Without them. Triixell Success PINTS QUART 2-QUART 1-GALLON Truxell Safety Benzine Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 Success Safety Benzine Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.60 .75 1.50 2.00 Poole‘s Safety Benzine_Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. .. .50 .. . . Steel Clad Safety Benzine Can . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .90 1.20 BODKINS AND TWEEZERS . :«lllill.%li!1l‘€%l“l3l ii ’“ b‘ No. 330 65¢ No. 350 $100 BOOKBINDERS SUPERIOR LETTERING PALLET ._-w— 1/. I - This is the best made Pallet in the market. BRASS TYPE Made of solid brass and is handsomely finished. _ _ Has capacity for a line 4% inches long. Its adjust- Specimen book of Brass Type will be sent _ _ ment is governed by thumb-screws centering the upon application. , _ , , , line with one operation from either end. It is an indispensible tool for bookbinders. Superior Lettering Pallet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 861 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BOOKBINDERS PRESS BOARDS These cases are made of hardwood, paneled sides and nicely finished. The boards are separated by fixed hardwood strips. 'l‘he prices of cases given below do not include the boards. l5»X 24 ‘R X 24 20 X 28 Case for 14 boards . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 9.50 $10.00 $11.00 Case for 11'; boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.50 11.00 12.00 Case for 13 boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11.50 12.00 13.00 PRESS BOARDS Made from seasoned cherry at the following‘ prices. each: SlZE OF BRASS SIZE OF BRASS BOARD UNBOUND BOUND BOARD UNBOUND BOUND (')X1()}.j . . . . . . ..$0.20 50.85 p 17 x 2:3 .. . . . . .. 1.05 2.60 s x 10} . . . . . . .. .25 .95 is x :34 . . . . . . .. 1.20 2.90 -‘~‘ X133 . . . . . . .. .30 1.10 :30 x :34 . . . . . . .. 1.35 3.10 10x13 . . . . . . .. .35 1.25 :20x:2s 1.55 3.45 11 X14 . . . . — - .. -45 1-45 1 :22 x res . . . . . . .. 1.70 3.70 X ll) . . . . . . .. Q4 7 2 4 12 x 113 . . . . . . .. .55 1.70 1', 1‘, ,,, ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' 12x 18 . . . . . . .. .60 1.80 ‘ "4)";" 2'15 4'40 13 x :20 . . . . . . .. .70 2.00 ‘ 73*’ X 4‘? - - - - - - -- 2-90 15x-730 _35 2_25 ‘ Z%()X3b ........3.00 163 x 734 . . . . . . ..$1.1O $2.70 1 313 X Jr’: . . . - - . -- 4-40 -- -- Brass-Bound Press Boards and (‘ase. BRONZING MITTEN Convenient for bronzing. Made of sheep‘s wool. with backs of strong cloth: made impervious to bronze. Price, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.50 BRONZING PAD . _ Receives the bronze in a cavity on top (which is closed tightly ‘V, 1; m H with a slide) and delivers it through valves which are opened W“! " " ‘ » “““W v and closed by the th11rr_1bscr.ew at the end. which regiilates the ; ' _flow of bronze onto a sieve 1n the midst of line fur. '1 he bronze ‘ 1S fed only as fast as wanted. and Just where wanted on the work. A .— *“nmlI1W" and not over the whole table. No bronze escapes except on the ' ' ’ . 1 work beingdone. and alarge quantity usually wastedisthus saved. 7.‘ V ‘Ill ‘»l.ll*l Y1 lllllu. Large, 21/; x 6 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.5O Small. inches square, for light work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 BRUSHES Benzine Brush. all bristle. oval back . . . . . . . ..$0.40 Ben’/.ine Brush. all bristle, with handle . .40 Stereotype Beating‘ Brusli. Net . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$7.00 1 (fenleiit Brush of Frteiicli bristles. flat and double thick. Lye Brush. all bristle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $.75 Lye Brush. medium. tampico , . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . .. .40 5 1 inch _ _ . . . . . . . . ..$0.30 2 inches . . . . . . . ..$0.55 Lye Brush. large. tampico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 1l._. inches . . . . . . . . .. .40 :§}._.’ inches . . . . . . . . .. .75 BARNHART BROS. &. SF’INDLER‘S X62 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CASE BRACKETS ' " ' _ No. 5 Hamilton 3-case Bracket No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Bracket N0. 6 Double Case Bracket Style A No. 10 Detachable Simzle Case Bracket with sockets No. 7 Double Case Bracket Style B .\'o. 13 Roller Bracket N0. 9 New York Case Bracket No. 3 Hamilton Patent 3-case Tilting Bracket PER PAIR No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting‘ Bracket . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 No. :3 Hamilton Patent :%—case ’I‘iltin;{ Bracket. for 15 in. bank. 2.40 No. 2% Hamilton Patent 3—ca.ttS features. long‘ tried and universall_y approved by progressive printers. coin- bined with the lqead and Slug Bank. Thirt_v—inch Space and Quad (Jase, and the reversing: of the Sort Drawers and (}alle_V Hack to the news side of the (fabinet. completes the combination and makes a Type (‘abinet that is truly Grand from an economical standpoint. and hence the name they have adopted to designate this. their latest and best venture in Type Cabinet. construction. The above illustration shows the front view or job side of the No. 337.’ Triple (‘abinet (Lrand. The left hand tier of :34 Cases are full size: the center tie.r of 733 Cases are tliree—qnarter si'/.e: the l"l}_{‘l1l' hand tier of 13:’. (Jases are two—third_s size. The top equipment is supported by three pairs of No. 73 'l‘l1ree-(Vase 'l‘iltin_c' Brackets. Over the .lob Cases there is a No. 5’ Bettis Lead and Slug: (Iase. The \\'o1‘l{iI1}_:‘ bank at the front of this (fase will take a H) x :24 inch (lalley. This \Vnt‘l{ii1§_;‘ space is il\'tf—(‘.l}_:‘lll>‘ of an inch deep. .-\t the back of this Bettis (Jase are the lead and slit: coinpartnients in duplicate. These compartments are 1.1. inches deep. A Blank Case holds the ’l‘hirt_v-inch Space and Quad (‘ase and the Brass Galley. Three pairs of l\'e\\'s Cases face opposite to the job side. BARNHART BROS. &. SF’INDLER'S 86¢‘) SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CABINETS GRAND mm» No. 2‘: (‘ahinet Grand No. rlo contains a total of47'(_‘alit‘ornia .lol)(.fases. arrar1;:‘ed in two tiers. as follows: 7 full size Cases 1 inch deep: 3 two-third size(_Tases 1 inch deep; 14 full size Cases 1;; inches deep; 17' two—third size Cases 1;} inches deep; 3 full size (‘ases 13 inches deep; 3 two-third size Cases 12 inches deep. also ten Sort Drawers be- tween the two tiers of (fases. The top equipment comprises two pair No. :2 Three—(.‘ase Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets. with Galley Boards. one pair of News Cases. one Blank Case. one 'l‘hirty—inch Space and (Quad (Jase, one No. '2 .—\d_iustahle Lead and Slug Case. one No. >4 Bettis Lead and Slug (Jase. IIei;:l1t.43 inches; width. 71 inches: depth, 727‘ inches. \\'ei:.,Tht crated for shipment. mo pounds. Price. colllllills a total of -17‘ California .I()I) (‘ases. arranged in two tiers. as follows: 7 full size (‘ases 1 inch deep; :1 two-third size Cases 1 inch deep: H full size Cases 13 inches deep: 17 two—third size Cases 1;: inches deep; 3 full size (Eases 1;‘ inches deep: 3 two—third size (Tases 13 inches deep. also 16 (lalley Shelves, enclosed by door. opening‘ from the news side of the (‘ahinet. The top equipment comprises two pairs of No. 2 'l‘hree—(_‘ase Hamilton Patent '.l‘iltin<_r Brackets, with (ialley Boards. one pair of news Vases, one Blank (Jase. one thirty—inch Space and Quad (‘ase. one .\'o. 2 .\d_itistahle Lead and Slug: (Tase. one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Sliitz‘ (‘ase. Heigzlit. 43 inches: width. '71 inches: depth. 727 inches. Weight, crated for shipment. Too pounds. Price.complete 100.00 contains a total of To (falifornia Joli ([‘ases. arran:‘ed in three tiers. as follows: 7 full size Cases 1 inch deep; 3 three—'CSthI‘CC1>ili1‘SUfNU-2 Th1‘€L‘- (‘ase Hamilton Patent ’l‘iltin.a‘ Braettets. with <:a1le_\' Boards. three pairs of News (]‘ases. one Blank (‘;[_\'(“ one 'l‘hirt_\'-inch ,\'}1;14‘c’lLl‘1(i (QU;[(1("([5‘(*‘ one .\‘o, >~t Bettis head and >‘ln.0 'l‘hree—Quarter, two tiers. I 53% I :38 21 I .330 I 118 78.00 II .-218 84.00 318 66.00 400 00Three—Quarter. three tiers... -.33}/i I 8034 I 21 I 800 I 110 112.00 I 210 I 121.00 I 310 95.00 (3)0 20 Full Size. one tier . . . . . . . . . . . .. ~ 217%. I 235%; I 21 I 2.30 I 120 I 220 I 120 220 2.3 Full Size, one tier . . . . . . . . . . . ..I- 4.3 I 33/1 I 21 :00 1'21 . I I 221 I . II 321 . 203 30 Full Size. one tier . . . . . . . . . . . .3314 I 1.3% I 21 330 II 122 45.00 I 222 48.00 ‘I 322 39.00 303 40 Full Size, one tier . . . . . . . . . . . .. 09 I I 21 I 47.3 II 121 60.00 II 223 I 64.00 II 323 52.00 413 I30 Full Size. one tier . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84 I :%;'r}2i I 21 :37.) II 124 75.00 22-_1 80.00 II 324 65.00 300 :30 Full Size. two tiers. . . . .. . .... ~15 I 6S)}I:4/. I 21 :37.) II 13) 75.00 I 232.) 80.00 32.) 65.00 MI 7.3 Full Size, three tiers.... . 4.3 I 103-_}.i I 21 800 120 I 110.00 I 220 119.00 II 320 95.00 (380 60 Full Size, one tier . . . . . . . . . . . .. 119 I 3.3%. I 21 ('I.>0 II 127 90.00 I 227 96.00 I 327 78.00 300 60 Full Size, two tiers.. .. -.3314 I (51121 I 21 I 0.30 II 128 90.00 II 228 96.00 328 . 78.00 I >00 90 Full Size. three tiers... . -.33,‘/IL I 103$’/xi I 21 000 II 129 130.00 I 229 140 00 , 329 I 113.00 I 7:30 BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 870 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS WISCONSIN CABINETS With Wood Runs and "New Departure" Cases Wisconsin Cabinets are all substantially made of selected. thoroughly seasoned hard- wood. beautifully finished. sides made with double panels. tastefully moulded. Bottoms are made flush with floor to prevent pi from getting underneath. The height of the galley top Cabinets is the same at the front as the flat top Cabinets. The backs of galley top Cabinets are 6;‘ inches higher than given in the list for flat top Cabinets. All galley top Cabinets are supplied with an extra blank copy drawer at the top. This drawer will be found useful for the storage of copy and small tools used on the working bank of galley top Cabinets. It is also useful for the storage of electrotypes and small tied-up forms. Brackets for use on Flat Top Cabinets To get the full value of a flat top Cabinet of standard height. Brackets and Cases should be placed on top. The styles of Brackets that work most conveniently with these Cabinets are as follows: No. 6 Style A Double Case Bracket. per pair $1.50 No. 7 Style B Double Case Bracket. per pair 1.25 No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Bracket. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 A. No. 2 Three Case Tilting Bracket. per pair.. 2.40 ' " > ‘ ' ‘ ' ' 2 ’ . . . . . . . . .. . No. :37 Galley 'l‘op 20—Case \Visconsin Cabinet, with Copy Drawer 30' 4 lhrte vibe Brmlwt‘ per 1) Ur 1 90 List Prices of Wisconsin Wood Run Cabinets 7 HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHT FLAT GALLE7‘ NO. NUMBER OF CASES INCHES INCHES INCHES POUNDS TOP I TOP No. 19 . .. 1:3 Two—thirds Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34% 20.3 140 . $15.00 ; $18.00 No. 20. . .. 113 Two—thirds Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -13 2353» 203 y 170 . 18-00 21-00 No. :21. . . . 20 'l‘wo—thirds Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42-3 I 100 21-00 I 24-00 No. 32:2. . . . 1:3 'l‘hree—quarter Cases , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 234% 3933 ;’();§~ 180 18.00 21.00 .\'o. :23. . . . 10 Three-quarter Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 2%)} 2():~:— y 215 22.00 25.00 No. :34. . . . :20 ’l‘hree—quarter Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 :39‘.{ 203 I 235 26.00 29.00 No. . 3. . .. 13 Full Size Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 34% . 35;’: "303 I 190 22-00 I 25-00 No. :36. . . . ll‘) Full Size Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 43 :2();_§ ‘.235 26.00 29.00 No. :37. . . . :20 Full Size Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 ‘ 35:3 20:’ 270 30.00 3300 When ordering by number state clearly whether flat top or galley t01>C21biI1€tS are WZlI1t€d- HANDY SORT CABINETS The Handy Sort Cabinets are very compact and will hold an immense amount of material within a small floor space. They are made of hardwood throughout and are nicely linished. Drawers are >s‘§x'.’.() inches over all and 2.3. inches deep inside. Each Drawer is divided into ten compartments. each 3lx3,1x:2}. inches inside. List Prices of Handy Sort Cabinets NO. NO. DEPTH LENGTH HEIGHT WEIGHT‘ PRICE TIERS. DRAw'R.sl.q:{9.ts§s._ WCHEEj.N9?1E§_,F’QU_'iP_3 . No.1 1 1 I 10 21 11.; 35 g 100' $17.50 I -> :30 I 21 1:31; 35 ; i¢s.3j 27.00 :30 21 : 30% T 35 y 230 C 30.00 40 21 . 40 2 35 I 200 , 45.00 50 « :21 . 40% :35 350 54.00 > P P‘ /./.Z An». ea‘! 2;’-I-»'.Ci.'.. :4""*:A.«l POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 871 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “NEW DEPARTURE" CABINETS Where Compactness is Essential in Saving Space. We Unqualifiedly Recommend These Cabinets to our Customers. Guaranteeing them to give Perfect Satisfaction. In these days when most modern printing of- fices are fast outgrowing their present quarters, it is essential that economy of space receive the great- est consideration. A short time ago it was not thought possible to make Type Cabinets with more than 18 Cases in a single tier and have the Cabinets the right height for type- setting purposes. Even this was a great advance over the old style Case Stand which accommo- dated but 8 or 12 Cases in a single tier. VVe now present the “New Departure“ Cabi- nets. These Cabinets, which possess all the ad- vantages of other Cabi- nets. have the remarkable feature of combining from 25 to 33 Cases within the height of 43 inches, which I is the correct height for a No. 68 New Departure Cabinet with Top Equipment Flat T01) Cabinet With Cases and Brackets on top for type—setting purposes. This represents a gain of 33:‘; per cent in Case capacity over the best Steel Run construction heretofore offered to printers. This result has been made possible by the use of the flat Steel Run which we illustrate. These runs are thin pieces of steel of great strength, fitted into saw-kerfs cut in the sides of the Cabinet and held in place by means of lips on the ends of the Runs, so that such Runs cannot possibly get out of place or become loose. These flat Steel Runs were originated and per- fected by the manufacturers more than ten years ago. and have been in continual use in Steel Run Stands since that time. They have given such universal satisfaction that they have decided to incorporate them in a line of modern Steel Run Cabinets, feeling sure that the printers will appreciate this new departure, and will be quick to take advantage of the large saving in Case capacity. Having found that the cost of constructing these Cabinets is somewhat less than the regular Steel Run construc- tion, therefore the prices on these Cabinets are somewhat lower than other Cabinets. The manufacturers, however. guarantee that in points of strength and beauty, the New Departure Cabinets are not surpassed by any other Cabinets. New Departure Cabinets are constructed of hardwood, finished antique; the ends are tastefully pan- eled and moulded, and the fronts ornamented and fitted with bronzed pulls. The Cases are of "New Departure” pattern covered with paper on the inside: the paper absorbs the moisture and prevents it from entering the bottom. Top Equipment for No. (38 Cabinet shown above, can be selected as desired. The illustration shows as follows: Showing Steel Run Construction of New Departure Type Cabinets 2 Pairs No. 2 Three-Case Tilting Brackets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .List Price, per pair $2.40 2 Pairs News Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .List Price. per pair 1.60 1 No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .List Price, 5.00 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 872 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS List Prices of "New Departure" Type Cabinets NUMBER AND SIZE OF CASES J NUMBER OF I DEPTH OF CASES FLO R P ' : NO‘ OUTSIDE MEASURE IN INCHES I mans OUTSIDE FRONT i m(iN¢SHé‘sCE ”R'°5 — — — 2 g——_____.__’ ‘ _.--_-_-_f____ Ho. 50 25 TWo—thirds 16=3x21% Single tier Standard 1% inches | 21x 2-1%; ; 43 . £ 3 29_()() No.51 33 Two-thirds 16%X2l% !Single tier ; Special 1 inch ; 21x 24% I 43 f 260 } 37.00 No. 52 30 Two-thirds 163X21% 3 Single tier . Standard 1% inches j 21X 24; : 52 i 280 1 34.50 No. 40 Two-thirds 16%x21% 3 Single tier , Standard 1% inches ! 21x , 67’ 3 360 I 45.50 No. 54 50 TWo—thirds 16%x21% , Single tier ; Standard 1% inches 21X 2-1-,? 5 82 E 430 3 5650 No. 55 50 TWo—thirds 163x213 f Double tier i Standard 1% inches [ 21X 499,: 5 43 440 I 57.00 No. 56 25 Three-quarters 16%x26l: I Single tier 5 Standard 1% inches . 21 X 293 E 43 ? 250 I 34.50 No. 57 33 Three-quarters 16§%x26is jSingle tier Special 1 inch 5 21x 29% ‘ 43 5 ~75 i 43,00 No. 58 30 Three-quarters 1625x265 [Single tier j Standard 1% inches 21x 293 I 52 I 300 ’ 39.50 Ho. 59 40 Three-quarters 16% x26% - Single tier i Standard 1% inches 21X 293 l 67 3 400 1 52,00 1'0. 60 50 Three-quarters 163x265 ; Single tier Standard 1% inches 5 21x 29;} § . 400 I 63.50 No. 61 50 Three-quarters 162x269: 3 Double tier Standard 1% inches 21X 583*. i 43 5 415 ' (,4_25 1'0. 62 25 Full Size 162x32% !Single tier Standard 1% inches . 21x 35:» § 13 . 300 33.75 No. 63 33 Full Size 16%x32% ; Single tier Special 1 inch 1 21x 35% 3 43 1 330 , 49.00 No. 64 28 Full Size 16% x32% Single tier Special four depths 21 X 35% E 4: 310 I 42.50 No. 65 30 Full Size 16%X32% 2 Single tier Standard 1% inches ; 21x 35% E 52 1 360 45.00 No. 66 40 Full Size 163x322‘; I Single tier Standard 1% inches 1 21x 35% j 67 I -185 59.25 No. 67 50 Full Size 16%x32% .1 Single tier Standard 1% inches 21x 35% i 32 I 585 72.50 No. 68 50 Full Size 162x32% i Double tier Standard 1% inches 1 21X 693 ,’ 43 f 600 74.00 No. 69 66 Full Size 16%x32% Double tier Special 1 inch j 21 x 69-? - 43 « 670 V 93.00 No. 70 56 Full Size 162x32% Double tier , Special four depths } 21 X 695- I’ 43 ,' 630 ; 81.00 No. 71 20 Full Size 16§x32% {Single tier E Special 1% inches ! 21x 35% I 43 ; 275 9 38.00 No. 72 78 Full Size 16% x32% , Three tiers i Special three depths ’ 21 x 103% , 43 - 850 I 113 00 The prices quoted above do not include the Top Equipment. All the above prices and descriptions are for Flat Top Cabinets. If wanted with Galley Tops add to the price given for single tier Cabinets $3.00. and for double tier Cabinets $6.00 All of the New Departure Cabinets listed above,with six exceptions. contain Cases of standard depth, 1% inches outside the front, and such cases require no further description. The six special Cabinets we describe more par- ticularly below: No. 51—Contains 33 two-thirds size Cases 163x21‘% outside measure. These Cases have a uniform depth of 1 inch outside the front, and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No. 57-—Contains 33 three-quarter size Cases. size 16;5x.-26% outside measure. These Cases have a uniform depth of 1 inch outside the front. and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No. 63—Contains 33 full size Cases. size 162 X321‘ outside measure. These cases have a uniform depth of 1 inch outside the front, and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. No. 64——Contains :28 full size Cases. size 16?. x32% outside measure. These cases are of four different depths; five Casespare 3 inch, ten Cases are 1 inch, ten Cases are Standard, 1% inches. and three Cases are extra deep, being 1'3‘ inches. all measured outside the front. _ No. 69—Is a two-tier Cabinet containing 66 full size Cases, size 16;: x32% outside measure. There are 33 Cases in each tier. All these Cases have a uniform depth of 1 inch outside the front. and are deep enough for all medium and small sizes of metal type without doubling fonts. _ No. 70—~Is a two-tier Cabinet containing 56 full size Cases. size 16;; x32% outside measure. There are 28Cases in each tier of four different depths; five Cases are ‘.3 inch, ten Cases 1 inch. ten Cases are standard, 13 inches. and three Cases are extra deep, being 1% inches, all measured outside the front. All of the six special Cabinets mentioned above have a uniform height of 43 inches which is the correct height for type-setting purposes when Cases and Brackets are placed on top. These Cabinets represent an achievement in Type Case construction never before attained. Heretofore the most compact Cabinets have only contained 25 Cases in the height of 45 inches; here we have Cabinets containing 33 Cases all within the height of 43 inches. and all of the Cases deep enough for practical purposes except for the very largest fonts of metal type. In the two Cabinets, Nos. 64 and 70, containing Cases of four different depths. we have a result of 28 Cases within 43 inches. and some of these Cases are unusually deep, thus accommodating the very largest sizes of metal type. DORSEY COMPOSITOR'S WORKING CABINET The sloping top is same size as ordinary lower case. 8-inch flat sur- face at top for slugs. etc. Two drawers each with two compartments for copy, tools, etc. Five Letter Boards. 21%x2-1 inches inside, to store forms as completed. Convenient Galley Racks at side to keep galleys off the floor, free from dust and dirt: accommodate four Brass Galleys. as follows: One 15:lx22 inches: one 12$x13 inches. and two regulation Single Column Galleys. This is an extremely handy arrangement and the workman has within reach Galleys to accommodate different sizes of work. Under Letter Boards is large open space for storage of cuts in work, personal property of compositor. etc. This Cabinet is as handsome as it is useful. Beautifully varnished and finished it stimulates personal pride and neatness. and is conducive to better workmanship. Don‘t make the compositors work on live type Cases in the way of others and compel them to l.ay out their work on the window. or throw it together without lay—out. This Cabinet is a profitable investment—not an expense. Height. front 45 inches; back 53 inches. Width. 31 inches. Depth, inches. Weight. crated, ready for shipment. including Letter Boards. 300 lbs. Dorsey Compositor's ‘Working Cabinet . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 873 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS REVERSIBLE UNIT CABINETS Unquestionably one of the greatest improv- ments in Printers’ Cab- inet construction during recent years has been the addition of the Unit System—asystemwhich hasgrownand expanded from a small beginning until now it is found in _ . _ - . , all lines of trade where ‘ - . system has made any ‘ material progress. The are many points of System over any other superiority in a Unit construction. It allows of expansion with a small outlay. A single Unit will often provide the additional room re- quired, and the expense involved in the purchase of a complete new Cab- inet is avoided. At the same time the Cabinet will always be complete and the general balance of the office equi iment will be maintained. Heretofore the Unit System. so far as print- ing office furniture is concerned, has not been attempted beyond regu- lar type Cabinet con- struction. We now offer a line of Units which allows almost unlimited possibilities in the way of different combinations. including Type Case Units of various patterns. Galley Units, Letter-board Units. and Sort Drawer Units. This allows the furniture in any printing oflice. equipped with these new Reversible Units to be kept at an even balance. If new fonts of type are added. a Unit containing a few type Cases can be ordered. The fact should not be lost sight of that reversible Units have greater capacity than other type Cabinets. owing to the increased depth from front to back. which is necessary on account of the 24-inch depth being required for Galley Cabinets, so as to accommodate full length standard 24-inch galleys. This increases the capacity of the type Cases and allows shallower Cases to be used without reducing the standard capacity of a type Case. It allows more Cases to be placed in a standard height of -13 inches for type setting purposes. It condenses a large amount of material into a small space and one Reversible Unit Cabinet will often take care of all of the material that would require two Cabinets of ordinary construction to hold. Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 4 is made by combining 2 Units No. 22. each containing seven Letter Boards. 1 Unit No. 10. containing 12 large California Job Cases, standard depth. 1 Unit No. 11, con- taining 15 large California Job Cases 3 inch deep inside the rail. 2 No. 1 Banks, 2 Cap pieces and 2 Base pieces, 2 pairs of Tilting Brackets and 2 pairs of News Cases on Brackets. Reversible Unit Cabinet Combination No. 4 List Prices, Dimensions and Weights of Reversible Unit Cabinets APPROXIMATE I I - FLOOR SPACE.O T 0 ‘ * U 8' E ~ NUMBER or CASES umrs occupy:-:0 . HEIGHT OUTSIDE SIZE or CASES 1 STYLE oF CASES, arc. WEIGHT panes . INCHES 1 INCHES I ETC" PER UN” 1 CRATED LBS. No. 10 T 25 x35 1 19 21 x32_ l2Cases . (,‘alifoi‘nia Job Cases 18.") $25.00 -lg). 11 2.3 . 19 21 x32; 15 Cases California Job Cases 195 28.00 1 o. 1. ......... .. x: 5 1 19 21 x15 24 Cases VVells Job Cases 200 30.00 11:770. 1.3 X35 ‘ 19 21 x15 30(,‘ases Wells Job Cases 210 35.00 o 14 25 x33 f 19 21 x15 24 Cases Yankee Job Cases 200 30.00 So 1 ) 25 x33 , 19 21 x15 :%UCases Yankee Job Cases 211) 35.00 o lb 25 x35 . 19 13 . 21; 22 Cases California Job Cases 195 28.00 No. 7 25 X35 « 19 1.3 x21i I 28 Cases California Job Cases 200 35.00 No. 18 ......... .. 25 x35 j 19 21 x32; 12 Cases Indexed Electro Cases 185 25.00 go. 19 25 x35 ‘ 19 21 x15 24 Cases Indexed Electro Cases 200 30.00 '0. 20 25 x35 , is 7 x22‘.. 24 Drawers Sort Drawers 23.3 40.00 No. 31 25 x35 19 6 and 8. x24 27 Shelves Galley Shelves 135 16.00 No. 22 x3’) I 19’; 23;Zx:-32 7 Boards Letter Boards ‘ 195 18.00 Cal) ............ .. 26x3.'> ‘ 2; .. _ 45 6.00 BankNo.l.. 17 x35 7.'_. .. . . . . . .. 30 3.00 BankNo.2.. 28.~‘_—.x3.'> 11} . . . . . . . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 6.00 Two Units with (lap and Baseiiiake a Cabinet 42;‘ inches high, Three Units with Cap and Base will make a Cabinet 62,‘. inches high. Four Units with Cap and Base will make a Cabinet Hm‘ inches high. The price of Unit No. 20 includes the removable sort boxes, 14 for each drawer; or 336 separate boxes for each Unit. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDI_ER’S 874 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS REVERSIBLE UNITS Reversible Unit Nos. 12 and 14 Reversible Unit No. 12 is fitted with 24 of the half size Wells Job Cases. The size of these cases is 21I;.x15% inches outside. In this Unit the cases are all standard depth. (fompared with the regular size two-thirds case, the Wells Half Size Job Case is about 10 per cent smaller. The cases in this Unit will easily take medium and large sizes of cap and figure fonts. Unit No. 14 externally the same as Unit No. 12, but fitted with '24 half size Yankee Job Cases, which will conveniently hold all small and medium size cap, lower case and figure fonts. Reversible Unit No. :20 This Unit is fitted with 24 Sort Drawers. each sort drawer being filled with 14 removable sort boxes. The size of each sort box is 2;§x.'3:'.~§x2,L inches inside. The side rails of the drawers are cut a way. leaving the sort boxes projectiiig above the rails. which allows their easy removal. Each box will hold 1} pounds of sorts. Each drawer will hold 17.'_. pounds and each Unit will hold 420 pounds of type. . u «'1 Reversible Unit No. 16 Unlike the other Units of this series. the cases pull from both ends. By adding one of these Units to a cabinet. the arrangement can be such as to have cases pull from the four sides of the cabinet. Holds 22 Cali- fornia Job Cases. size 15._1.x21§— inches outside, being but a trifle smaller in size than a standard two-thirds case. Unit No. 17 is identical with this except containing :28 cases of similar pattern. but shallower. Such cases easily take all small and medium fonts of caps, lower case and figures. an Reversible Unit No. 10 Each Unit of this pattern is fitted with 12 of the large California Job Cases of standard depth. Size of these cases is 321x212. inches outside measure. The cases in this Unit will easily take the very largest cap. lower case and figure fonts without crowding. No other type case has a like capacity. Reversible Unit No. 22 This Unit is fitted with 7 large_Letter—Boards, size of each board .-2,-2x:3ul inches inside. with one-half inch lip at front to receive the brass galley. Provides 32 square feet of letter board surface in each Unit for the convenient storage of standing forms and tied up matter. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY Reversible Unit No :21 This Unit has four tiers of Galley shelves. each tier taking nine galleys. or 36 galleys to the Unit. Three tiers are for double column galleys. having a width of 8; inches in the clear. One tier takes single column galleys hav- ing a width of 6 inches. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS REVERSIBLE UNIT Reversible Unit Bank No. 2 Length 35 in.; width 17in., outside measure. Divided Length, 35 in.; VVidth, in.. outside measure. It into three equal spaces, each space 4;=,x33 in. inside. This has a working space at the front 33x16‘; in.. inside meas- Bank makes a convenient working space and provides ure. Back of the working space is an adjustable lead storage room for standing jobs. It is intended to be and slug rack divided into two sections. each section 4.‘ used at the back of a pair of Case Brackets holding a in, wide. The working space at the front will take a pair of News Cases. .101) Galley 16x24 inches in size. Price. $3.00 Price. $6.00 WOOD TYPE CABINETS These Cabinets furnish the most economical method of keeping‘ VVood Type. The Type is preserved and kept free from dust. and at the same time every letter is available without dis- turbing others. The No, 9 Cabinet shown here occupies but 9 square feet of floor space and affords 140 square feet of case surface for the systematic storage of \Vood Type. VVood Type Cabinets are made to hold two sizes of Cases. viz.: Nos. 1. :3. 3. 7 and H’. to hold Cases 23x2-3121 and known as the Regular \\'ood Type Cabinet. while Nos. 4. 0. ‘J and 1() are made to hold Cases :23 x 44. and this size is known as the Mammoth \V'ood Type Cabinet. They are very substantially constructed of ash finished in antique oak. The Cases are slotted on the sides and l1aVe movable strips which may be adjusted to picas. The Cases in the Mammoth size (T33 X44) have a center bar as shown in the illustration below. while the Case in the regular Cabinets have no center bar. A A mu- No. 9 Mammoth Wood Type Cabinet Style No. 3. Size 23 x 44 inches List Prices of Wood Type Cabinets " 1 CABINETS WITH FLAT TOPS i WITH GALLEY TOPS NO. ‘ STEEL OR wooo RUNS l:FUg4ABSEERSj 512-E . ' y A Hgygm 1, Hglgm OF CASES ‘ ‘Vr:'CDHTEHS KJECPJSS A PRICE ‘AT FRONT AT BACK ‘L/CELJGNHDTS PRICE ( INCHES . 1 E 3 A INCHES INCHES I :\7'$.“1’ : xvtma Runs . . . . . .. 12 . ;2:;x:;:2.: . :10 y :-as; . 20;: : 250 1524.00 2:0 4:2 :27; $27.50 :\'o_ :3 1 VVood Runs _ _ _ _ _ _, 16 1 j23X3f3i 1 44'} 1 35% 1 73¢}; I 300 30.00 441 50}, 2&2?) 33.50 No. 3-5 “food Runs. . . . . .. '20 ‘ :23 X 321 . 52% i 35% 2t'y}i ' 350 A 36.00 A 52% 5&5 1 375 39.50 No 4 E VVood Runs . . . . . 1?} IZESX44 1 30 ‘ 475» A 21333 I 300 i 30.00 30 473 * 3‘.’.;") l 34.00 No 5 ; VVood Runs . . . . . 10 23x44 1 441 X 47% A 203%.’ . 2-370 A 40.00~ 4-H 501 30;’) 44.00 No, (3 . VV(md Runs _ , _ , , __ :30 : 23x44 523% : 47$ ; 2?}? q 435 ‘ 48.00 ;".’.-E ‘ 58% 400 52.00 N1). 7 ; Steel Runs . . . . . . :2’ 1 23x5$"l 1 50l ‘ 3:51 . 220;: A 400 46.50 50$ 5133;. p 4:25 50.00 No, s Steel Runs. . . . 50 [ ‘>:&x:-3‘3§ 1 501. ‘ «M 213;; 2 7.30 87.00 50% . 50% s00 94.00 No. ‘J Steel Runs . . . . . . . .1 ; 23x44 ‘ 50$ 47% ‘.20;:.’ V 50() g 63.00. 50% A Fifii. 67.00 No. 10 Steel Runs . . . _ . . .. 50 . 723x-H ‘ 505 1 11:51: 20;; 050 118.00 50% 503. 1000 125.00 Price List of Wood Type Cases Only No. 1. 10$.’ X2321 inches, size of regular type Case. no center bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.90 No. :2, 23x:-$21 inches. fits regular Case Stand. and gives 224 sq. in. more space than No. l . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 No. 3. 23x44 inches. gives 3371‘; sq. in. more space than No. L773 with center bar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 Case Rack with VVood Runs to hold :30 No. 2% VVood Type Cases. flat top. height 573 inches , _ _ _ , . _ , , , , _ _ _ 9.00 Case Rack with Steel Runs to hold :35 No. 23 VVood Type Cases, flat top. height 573 inches . , . . _ . _ . . , _ , ,,14.00 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SF-’IND}__ER‘S H76 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS GALLEY CABINETS .. .....—--=v-*~” “ \ \‘l\“{\‘ll”li\l ‘i 1 i E 1 E llillll ‘. No. 3 Galley Top Cabinet with Paneled Ends 0 9 F1Z:1tnr(I1‘OIg1i}n;i‘1r)1§1¥Igliatigseaitiziblliggllat Ends Hamilton Galley Cabinets have proved their worth by actual tests covering a period of twenty—five years. Thousands are in use in the best printing ofiices throughout the United States and foreign countries. The severe strain to which a Galley Cabinet is subjected when filled with loaded Galleys is fully realized, and their construction is such as to enable the manufacturers to give an absolute guarantee that every Galley Cabinet of their make. large or small. will remain firm and rigid for an indefinite period. They are made of selected hardwoods throughout from well seasoned stock and finished like the best grades of printers’ Cabinets. List Prices and Dimensions of Galley Cabinets OUTSIDE DIMENSIONS gwM__ # WEGHT 7 EXTRA WITH NO. TIERS STYLE CAPACITY HEIGHT LENGTH ‘ DEPTH POUNDS PRICE INCHES - INCHES INCHES No. 1 1 Galley Top 22 Double Galleys I 50%} 1'21; : 263 165 $14.00 ; $1.10 No. :2 2 Galley Top 44 Double Galleys 503 23% T ‘.263 280 25.00 2.20 No. 2% 3 Galley Top 66 Double Galleys 50$; 1 34% j 263 350 36.00 p 3.30 No 4 4 Galley Top 88 Double Galleys 503 5 45 ; 263 475 47.50 4.40 No. 5 6 Galley Top 132 Double Galleys 503- . 613% « '/36% 650 . 62.00 6.60 No. (3 0 Galley Top 198 Double Galleys 50$? 1 98% f 26% 900 1 85.00 5 9.90 No. 7 1 Flat Top 20 Double Galleys ~13§ 11% I 26% 125 8.00 1.00 No. S 1 Flat Top 30 Double Galleys 6:3 I 11:‘; 26% 165 I 11.50 1.50 No. ‘. '3 Flat Top -10 Double Galleys .r 21.‘; 26% I 200 15.00 2.00 No. 10 ‘.2 Flat Top 60 Double Galleys 6:3 f Illa‘. 136% , 230 22.00 I 3.00 The efficiency of a Galley Cabinet is greatly increased by having the Galley Shelves numbered consecutively. This feature. as noticed by the price list above. is provided at a small addition to the list price. Number Plates add system to the Galley equipment. INK AND ROLLER CABINETS A Very necessary article of printing oflice furniture. The use of it will result in a saving of ink and rollers. which will quickly pay for the Cabinet. No.1——VVith shelf for ink. shelf for brayers and slab. and Brackets to hold 6 eighth and 6 quarto rollers. VVeight, 75 pounds. Height, 33612 inches; width. 27% inches: depth. 15 inches, outside. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 6.50 No. :2—\Vith shelf for ink. shelf for brayers and slab, and Brackets for 6 each, eighth. quarto and half medium rollers. VVeight. 100 pounds. Height, 3&3‘; inches: width. 33% inches: depth. 15 inches. outside. Price . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.50 .3—-V\7ith shelf for ink. shelf for brayers and slab, and Brackets to hold 12 each, eighth. quarto and half medium rollers. VVeight. pounds. Height, 48% inches: width. 33% inches: depth, 15 inches. outside. Price . . . . . . . . . . .. 13.00 '/4 o POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 877 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS INDEXED ELECTROTYPE CABINETS \Vhere is that cut? Is a question asked a hundred thousand times every year. and it is a question often hard to answer. The use of these Indexed Electrotype Cabinets absolutely pre- vents any cut from being lost or mislaid. The cabinet is so arranged that each cut or electro- type has a place specially partitioned off for its accommodation. To find a cut. a glance of the Index Book will show the exact location. giving the number of the Drawer in which it is located. also the section of the Drawer and the division of the section. as shown in the illustration. No other cut is looked at or disturbed and no time is lost. When an original cut is withdrawn from the Cabinet for the purpose of having electrotypes cast from it. a slip of paper can be deposited. giving the date of its withdrawal and a record of where it Was sent. thus maintaining a constant control and certain knowledge of the location of each cut. Drawers are slotted on the inside. at inter- vals of three-eights of an inch. The full length divisions which run from front to back are also slotted at intervals of three-eights of an inch on both sides. The smaller cross divisions are placed in position. separating each cut and making a distinct compartment to fit each cut. These Cabinets are made with Steel Runs. which allows the Drawers to be placed compactly in the Cabinet and these Steel Runs afford a saving in space by accommodating per cent more Drawers than would be possible if VVood Runs were used. Each Drawer is also fitted with a metal Number Plate, and the Index Book ac- companies each Cabinet without extra charge. All Drawers placed in these Cabinets are of the “New Departure“ pattern, which is now so well and favorably known. The Cabinets are made of ash, finished in antique oak, and we can confi- dently assert that this Cabinet will give thorough satisfaction and soon pay for itself in time saved. They are constructed in three sizes like regular type Cabinets. The two-third size Drawer is 1.52. x2()’: inside: the three-quarter Drawer is 15 xtl-1;‘: inside; the full-size Drawer is 15 x 30% inside. All Drawers have exten- ‘slion side rczltils altthe lilack, enablilng it I)11;awe1(*it1o be fully rawn an ma mg t e cuts 1n t e )ac rea 1 y access- ible. Tgie pr§cefs given are for the Cabinets, fully equippe , reac y or use. Hamilton Indexed Electrotype Cabinet No. 15 This Cut Shows a Drawer as it appears when divided off and filled with cuts or electrotypes. See part of in- dex showing manner of indexing four of the cuts in the Drawer. Note that every cut is in a distinct compartment. and that the dimensions are arranged in both direc- tions to fit the various sizes of cuts. The Electrotype Cabinet Index Book \Ve give below an illustration of pages from the Index Book. This book is 75 x 83 inches. and contains 130 pages. There are 100 pages ruled as below and with an alphabetical margin. The book is neatly printed and ruled and bound in a canvas cover. A comparison of the index given below with the cut of the filled Drawer will show the simplicity of the arrangement. Find the four original wood cuts in drawer 1:2. ORlGlNAL our H 1‘ 15 ELECTROTYPES E-| . *1 l ‘E DATE OF DELIV-i . as 5 l .3 ~: « 1. «ml as I 5 r 5 = '5 1 ‘Q J ORDER OF ownsni 3 ‘ S i ownsuons K l in — I x u; ___° _J___f” _ l__ O _ ‘H p_p_y_,A__ _A__h_p _ _ __ T I __° V "’ _ I W3” :'_’B_I(/‘YCLE M V #_i SBIITH, JONES & CU. . m8j_4_ 1907 _ v4‘__g31 7 ‘IWIC ‘ W1 7‘ ‘lwwzlfi 3"? __12 _:_pAv :W2_p.._p_I.l_x‘7vv:§IppMovvi«1R VVAGNER HDW. co. 6- 3 1907‘ _33___1 ,4. : _4 _lw5__i_‘ts<_ 12 } :_3__l~sg.;Vv1No_qMAc;11NE_pl REMIN(-}TONp&WCO. W78 19(7)7—gI‘H35M'im 1sp,p_g1 A-2_A,_*_;§p_ 12 I D n 4 l FACTORY PLANT HAIJILTON I_\_1FG. Co. I 1-10 1907 ; 30 1 c I 7 . s 9 E3cplan‘(‘ttpory,'—~'l‘he initial 0f_every cut indexed on the sample page above illustrated should properly begin with the letter The cuts mentioned were chosen for the reference because of their visibleness as they lie in the Drawer illustrated. BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE.R’S 878 SUPERIOR COPPE.R—MlXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS List Prices of Indexed Electrotype Cabinets NUMBER AND SIZE OF DRAWERS |\::;CDl__{TE}-; . ‘t PRICE No. 1. :20 Two—thirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 37:.‘ -351 ’ :21 1.50 $25.00 No. ‘3. :35 Two—thirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 442'. 21 '32?) l 30.00 No. 3. 30 'I.‘wo—thirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 53 0 25.‘, :31 ‘375 I 35.00 No. 4. 40 'l‘wo—thirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . «as :35; :31 350 43.00 No. 5. 50 '.I‘wo—thirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ 84 :31 4:35 00.00 No. 1'». 130 Two-tliirds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘J9 251 :31. -17.’) 72.00 No. 7. ‘30 Tliree-quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37.23 2‘. 3 :31 :300 30.00 No. 8. ‘35 ’l‘hree—quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44% 139;: :31 250 35.00 No. ‘J. 30'l‘I1I‘ee—q11:l1‘tt’I‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 I '30: :31 300 40.00 No. 10. ~10 Three-quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Gs‘ ‘3‘.l‘.i '31 400 53.00 No. 11. 50 'I‘hree—q11arter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4 ‘3‘.l‘j :31 475 65.00 No. 1:3. 00 'I‘hree—quarter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘J9 ‘Jill :31 551) 78.00 No. 13. :30 Full—size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 371% 353 '31 :350 35.00 No. 14. Fu1l—size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 441 35-: 21 300 . 40.00 No. 15. 30 Full-size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .32; 35% :21 350 I 45.00 No. 10. 40 Full—size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . «as 353 :31 475 00.00 No. 17. 50 Full-size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S4 353 :31 575 75.00 No. IN, 00 F1111-si7.€ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘J9 3:33 731 050 90.00 The :')()—Drawer and 60-Drawer Cabinets are furnished i11 one or two tiers. as desired at the same price. The above prices include the Cabinets fitted with a full equipment of Division Slats. including 5 of the slotted divisions for each Drawer in the two-thirds size Cabinets. and 6 for each Drawer in the three-quarter and ful l—size (‘abinetsz also with a large assortment of cross divisions. in Various lengths. Each Drawer is titted with a metal number plate. as shown in the illustration. One Indexed Book is furnished for each Cabinet. regardless of the" size of the Cabinet. Additional Books, if required. will be furnished for $1.00 each. list. subject to the same discount that applies on the Cabinet. ELECTRO AND CUT CABINETS With Wood Runs and Plain Blank Drawers These Cabinets are filled with Blank Drawers. and are Very handsomely made of ash. antique finish. with bronze Drawer Pulls. In addition to the ordinary uses of the printer, these Cabinets can be recommended to advertisers for keeping their wood cuts. etc.. and many other purposes. A two-third Drawer is 15; X 20.3 inside: three~quarter is 1411? X 24;} inside. and the full—size Drawer is I-H—;'~§ x 3().1. inside. y 7V_- ‘V V7 H N v H7 7‘ "77 HID” WEIGHT LENGTH ; DEPTH HEIGHT! NO‘ ' 5'25 OF DRAWERS POUNDS INCHES > INCHES INCHES I PRICE 34:. ; 25.: y -.20-.7 : 125 512.00 12 Two—thirds .. . . . I No. :3 ll} Two-thirds .. .. 43 7354 I 730;? I50 I 14.00 No. 2% '30 Two-thirds .. .. 433 21);} 105 ' 16.00 No. 4 1:3 Three-quarter. 34-1» 30 ‘ ‘3();Z 105 15.00 No. 5 10 Three-quarter. 4:3 30 7302 105 I 18.00 No. 1'» 730 Three-quarter. 43 . 30 20:3 7310 21.00 No. 7 13 Full-size . . . . . .. 34%» . 2&5} . 1302 I 170 5 19.00 No. S 10 Full-size . . . . . .. -13 I 3.74‘ t3();3 , .‘3l.3 ; 22.00 No‘. ‘J .30 Full—size . . . . . .. ~13 . 35;‘ ‘302 ; :340 5 25.00 BOOKBINDERS’ CABINETS Made with bronzed pulls on each Case. and highly finished. The Cases are made in exactly the same style as printers‘ Cases. with three- ply bottoms. and are the same size and proportioned like one—half of the regular Cap Case. These Cabinets may be put on or under a bench. "A place for everything‘ and everything in its place“ is a rule bookbinders should live up to. and these Cabinets will enable them to do so. ’ WEIGHT 7 HEIGHT 7 FLOOR SPACE ; ' 3 PRICE NUMBER ‘ CAPACITY _ POUNDS; lNCHEs ; INCHES ‘ No.1 . . . . . . . . 0 Cases 75 i 10 3 ‘3()x'30 . $3.00 No. :3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cases 110 -.241 i 20 x 20 12.00 N... 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cases 150 :—;:s:: ‘ 20 x 20 16.50 No. -1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Cases 100 39 :30 x ‘.30 . 19.00 No. . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 20 Cases 210 43 » 20 x 20 21.00 No. (3 _ _ . . , _ , . . _ , . , _ :35 Cases ‘350 011‘ I ‘.30 X :30 25.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 879 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS MATRIX CABINETS Provides a convenient and safe receptacle for the storage of the valuable matrices. space bands and tools which accompany every Linotype outfit. The construction is based on a careful study of the requirements and after the suggestions of practical Linotype experts. No Linotype outfit is complete without one. This is the only practical Cabinet ever made for holding the matrices and other small tools which accompany a Linotype machine. They are firmly and substantially constructed of hardwood, nicely finished. The roll curtain front will effectually exclude the dust. and being provided with a first-class lock in- sures the contents of the Drawers from being tampered with. Each Drawer is 14%'x15 inches inside. having ten grooves upon which the matrices are placed edgewise as illustrated be- " low. The capacity of each Drawer is 142 running inches of matrices set edgewise. These Drawers are set in the Cabinet on an incline. This position of the Drawers prevents the ma- trices from falling down or becoming disarranged when the grooves are not full. The illustration shows the matrices in place, the unfilled lines being held by a metal slug. In the lower part is a Drawer 44.: inches deep inside. fitted with a pin lock. This Drawer cannot be opened until the curtain is raised. It will accommodate all the small tools which go with the Linotype machine. Eight-Drawer Linotype Matrix Cabinet Six metal slugs are furnished with each Drawer in all these Cabinets. These will be found very useful hold- ing up the ends of lines of matrices and also for separating special characters not always required. These slugs are made the same sha e and size of a matrix and 1 inch wi e. Detailed Section of Matrix Drawer showing Matrices in place List Prices and Dimensions of Matrix Cabinets I TOOL HEIGHT WIDTH DEPTH WEIGHT , : CAPACITY l DRAWER i INCHES INCHES INCHES POUNDS Pmce . -. ,,-,._- . .. 77 ,. LL. , No. 1 v 6 Drawers——for 1 or :3 machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 302 3 18 ’ 203 150 $22.00 No. 2 I 8 Drawers—for 2 to 4 machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 1 , 36.’: l 18 K 202 ; 175 28.00 No. 3 ‘I0 Drawers—-for 4 to 6 machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 I 40} 18 2051 = 200 . 34.00 No. 4 512 Drawers—for 6 to 8 machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 45:} I 18 ‘ 202 l 225 I 40.00 I MON OTYPE CABINETS The door of this Cabinet is arranged with hold- ers for the various wrenches, screw-drivers and gauges furnished with the machine. The Molds are kept in two sliding trays at the top of the Cabinet; each holds six Molds in such a manner that it is impossible for them to strike. Be- neath these trays are two shelves for Normal wedges; each shelf holds fifteen wedges. and each wedge has its particular place where it is protected from injury and where it ma ' be quickly found. Two additional shelves provi e for twenty—eight Matrix Cases; each case being held on edge and prevented from striking the other Cases. Beneath these shelves are four Drawers for individual Ma- trices; each Drawer is divided in thirty—seven grooves, in which the Matrices are stood on end. A bar across the center of each Drawer divides it so that Matrices taken from the Matrix Case, in making changes are put above the bar in the same groove from which the Matrices below the bar are taken to replace those removed from the Matrix Case. Height. 251: inches: width. 14 inches: depth, 16 inches; weight, ready for shipment, 75 pounds. Monotype Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$22.00 aF_$,..:‘..;(.,,,..-,-:-A .,-,.A ,-. 3. 3.: [gt é BARN}-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 880 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS No. 27 Handy Letter Board Cabinet HANDY LETTER BOARD CABINETS For Job work these small Letter Board Cabinets are un- rivalled. Nos. 25, 26 and 27, in single tier. occupy fioor space of 16% X 19 inches. and are filled with Letter Boards con- structed of hardwood throughout. The sides of the Cabinets are tastefully paneled and all exterior surfaces are finished and varnished like the best type Cabinets. They have hard- wood tops and are made with closed backs. NO_ FLcI»::HsEI;AcE I :&R<[3)F I SIZE OF somos HEIGHT ZWEIGHT % PRICE I , s INsIoE, INCHES I INCHES ; No. 254 161x 191 j 10 3 12 x 15 32 125 E51450 N0. 26’ 16% X 19% ’ 12 I 12 X 15 i 36 145 i 17.00 No. 27» 101 x 191 3 10 I 12 x 15 44 I 175 I 21.00 HARDWOOD LETTER BOARDS With and Without Cabinet These Boards areofstandard size,andwillfit ' any regular Case Stand or rack for stand- ard size t y p e Cases. No. 1 is the same length as a two-thirds size Case. No. 2 is the same length as a three-quarter size Case. No. 3 is the same length as a full size Case. They are made of the finest selected hardwood with retaining rims on three sides. These Boards are made to provide for contraction and expansion. Climatic changes do not affect them. Boards can be ordered singly or in lots, and will always be found uniform in size. For the convenience of customers who have no Stand room for the accommodation of these Boards we list them with Cabinets to hold 16 Boards. ‘ ' I noon oe I ; 1 I I I 1 No. 1 Letter Board.’ 212x201 20 x 101 0 $1.20 No. 28.} 10 No. 1 size 3 22x25}. 48 E 290 $32.00 No. 2 Letter Board, 26% X201: ' 249: x 19% . 12 I 1.40 No. 29.I 16 No. 2 size I 22x30 48 350 36.00 No. 3 Letter Board.” 32:‘; X730§ ’ 30% x 19% I 13% . 1.70 No. 30.: 16 No. 3 size j 22x35:'1‘ I 48 , -130 42.00 LETTER BOARD CABINETS Z’; T“”—‘ _ I i I ‘ FLOOR SPACE . or I SIZE or BOARDS I HEIGHT I NO. INCHES :3)/KRDS A INSIDE, INCHES INCHES WEIGHT i PRICE No. 20 ST10S§i{10s 72 12 x15 I‘ 30 640 E 5 95.00 No. 21 22; x 58% 20 19% x 242 ’ 34 I 39 5 52.00 No. 22 22; x 104 36 191 x 304.: 332 750 34.00 No. 2: 221x 901 04 191 x20 ; 43 900 110.00 N0. 24 281x as 45 25 x 25 I 41 I 1000 120.00 DORSEY COMBINATION PRESS ROOM CABINET The top is covered with plate glass, substituting the old ink slab. Beneath the glass are receptacles for inks, oil cans. tympan paper, etc. Beneath this is a tool drawer 3;‘c inches deep. Beneath the tool drawer is a V-shaped opening into which spoiled sheets and anything else of a waste-basket nature may be thrown. falling into a deep drawer below. that pulls from the rear side of the cabinet for emptying. Below this drawer is a compartment for old rags. This rag compartment is lined with metal throughout to effectually obviate all danger should spontaneous combustion take place. compartment is accessible from both sides of the Cabinet by means of trap doors secured at the bottom with spring hinges. The Cabinet is mounted on castors and can be pushed about the press room as required. Vlfeight, crated, ready for shipment, including glass top, 150 pounds. Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36.00 POI NT-LINE. POINT-SET. 'POI NT- BODY This 881 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SPECIMEN CABINETS No. 1. Specimen Cabinet contains 8 drawers with inside dimensions 155. X 20 inches. Four of these drawers are 2 inches deep and four are 4% inches deep inside. This Cabinet occupies floor space 2()i‘x2.33 inches. The height is 37% inches. It is made of ash and is nicely finished. Each drawer is divided into nine compartments. with removable partitions. V\'eight, crated for shipment, 165 pounds. No. 1 Specimen Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$22.00 No. 32 Specimen Cabinet contains 12 drawers with inside dimensions 15; x 20 inches. Six of these drawers are 2 inches deep and six are 4% inches deep inside. This Cabinet occupies floor space 2()‘1x:253 inches. The height is 572% inches. It is made of ash and nicely finished. Each drawer is divided into nine compartments with removable partitions. Weight, crated for shipment, 200 pounds. No. 2 Specimen Cabinet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$32.00 N0. 21 STEEL RUN STANDS News Compositors’ Side Job Compositors’ Side This is the cheapest of all Steel Run Stands. It represents the maximum of case capacity. It is strongly made and durable, and will prove economical wherever installed. This frame is made .with flat top and requires Case Brackets to hold the News Cases. The Job Cases can be put into the Racks from either side of the Frame, and the Steel Runs are placed so close together as to require Pulls on the fronts of the Job Cases to get the best results. Regular cases can be put into the Racks without planing off the fronts. It has capacity for 40 Cases under the top. Brackets and Cases for the top can be selected to meet the requirements. The top equipment illustrated is as folloWs:—Two pair No. 2 Three-Case Tilting Brackets, one pair News Cases. two Blank Cases, one Thirty-inch Space and Quad Case, one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case, and four Quarter Cases as follows :——Ideal Brass Leader Case, Compact Rule Case, Time Table Quarter Case, VVisconsin Quarter Case, Style C. List Prices of No 21 Steel Run Stand and Equipment Stand only, open front. VVeight, 215 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$20.00 Stand only, closed plain front. Weight, 260 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23.50 Stand only, closed paneled front. Weight, pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 Above prices are for stand only, and do not include the Cases in the body of the frame or the News Cases on the top. Selection of Case equipment can be made requirements demand. Case Pulls can be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts of old Cases for 4 cents each, list. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 88:2 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS NO. 22 STEEL RUN STAND The No. 2'2 Steel Run Stand requires no Brackets. as it is built with a top to hold News Cases. The Job Cases are put in from the back. as the illustration shows. There is ample knee room for the news com- positor. as the Cases do not come to a line of the front of the Stand. but set back about five inches as shown. Regular full size lip Cases can be used in all of these Stands. and there will be ample finger room between Cases. so that Pulls will not be required. However. the withdrawing of the Job Cases will be facilitated by attaching Pulls to the Case fronts. HEIGHT ‘ WEIGHT FLOOR P . 2 F L ' , ,i CA ACITYV 3 UL SIZE CASES FRONT ‘ POUNDS SPACE‘ IN. PRICE Open Front . . . . . . . . . . .44} in. 26 X 70 $25.00 Closed Plain Front. . . . I 442 in. ; 330 T :30 X 7 3 28.50 Closed Paneled Front. 0 -142 in. . 320 20 X 70 . 30.00 Above prices are for Stand only and do not include the Cases in the body of the frame or the News Cases on top. Selection of Case equipment can be made as require- ments demand. Case Pulls can be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts of old Cases for 4 cents each. list. N0. 23 STEEL RUN STAND Job Side, showing full length Galley Dump News Side, showing Paneled Front This Frame is Very similar to the No. 22 Steel Run Stand. but has Copy Drawers under the News Cases and full length Dump over the Job Cases. It also has other points of superiority and is most substantially and compactly built. This Stand. made with paneled front or closed plain front. is aboutas good an article could possibly be devised for the composing room. The news compositors and the_]ob compositors are placed on opposite sides and there will be no interference. Four men_can work continii- ously at the same Stand. two on each side. Made of selected hardwoods and finished like the best grades of Cabinets. These modern Steel Run Stands really belong to the Cabinet class. and when filled with Cases and fully equipped they compare in every respect with the best of Cabinets. The No. 23 Stand will take 323 full size lip Cases arranged in two tiers. 10 Cases in each tier. . V r ‘ The No. 23 Steel Run Stand “requires no Case Brackets. as it is built with a top to hold l\ ews Cases. The Job Cases are put in from the back. as the illustration shows. There is ample knee room on the side for the News Compositors. as the Cases do not come to a line on the front of the Stand. but set back about five inches as shown. Regular full size lip Cases can be used in all of these Stands. and there _will be ample finger room between Cases. so that pulls will not be required. However. the withdrawing of the Job Cases will be facilitated by attaching pulls to the Case fonts. ‘FLOOR SPACE‘ HE!GHT I WEIGHT CAPACITY, 32 FULL SIZE CASES ,NcHE§ FRONT I POUNDS PFNCE Open front . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . at; x 30 Z 44;: in. I sag 530-00 Closed plain front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘lb x 40 44; in. I -34-’) f 33.50 Closed paneled front . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20 x 40 I 442 In. 3-£0 i 35.00 Above prices are for the Stand only and do not include the Cases in the body of the Cabinet or the News Cases on top. Selection of Case equipment can be made as requirements deniand. T . (Jase Pulls can be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts of old Cases at 4 cents each, list. POlNT—I_INE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 883 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS N0. 24 STEEL RUN STAND Job Compositors Side News Compositors Side This excellent piece of Cabinet work, when fully equipped with "New Departure" Cases, represents the acme of Steel Run Stand construction, and the most advanced type of composing room equipment. The ends are paneled with neatly moulded edges. The back has seven panels with chamfered edges like a Polhemus Cabinet. The front rail is set back several inches, and the Job Cases when in place, set back several inches from the front, providing the extension front feature of the Porter Cabinets. This allows plenty of knee room for the compositor. Constructed of hardwood throughout, with all exterior surfaces nicely varnished like the best of Cabinets. The runs are of flat steel capable of sustaining great weight. The top equipment illustrated is as fo1lows:——Two pairs of No. 4 Three-Case Brackets; one pair of News Cases; two Blank Cases; one No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case, and four quarter size Cases as follows:——One Perfection Rule Case, one Compact Rule Case, one All-Right Space and Quad Case, one Wisconsin quarter Case, Style D. Under the top there are Steel Runs to accommodate 40 full size Cases. C FLOOR SPACE HEIGHT I WEIGHT EQUWMENT l INCHES INCHES I pouuos Pm“ Stand only, without top equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 21%x70 .i 44% l 260 $25.00 Plain Galley Dump . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . . . . . . . . . . . .’ . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3.50 No. 8 Bettis Lead and Slug Case, as illustrated . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . . 22 5.00 No. 9 New York Case Brackets, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . .0 . . . . . . . . . . . ., 25 1.50 No. 7 Style B Double Case Brackets, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . 17 1.25 No. 1 Hamilton Patent Tilting Brackets, per pair . . . . . . . . . . .< . . . . . . . . . . .3 . . . . . . . . . . 28 2.00 No. 2 Three-Case Tilting Brackets, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l . . . . . . . . . . . .j 35 2.40 No. 4 Three-Case Brackets, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . J . . . . . . . . . . . ., . . . . . . . . . . . 25 1.90 News Cases, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .' . . . . . . . . . . . .| . . . . . . . . . . 14 1.60 Above prices are for Stand only and do not include the Cases in the body of the Stand or the News Cases on the top. Selection of Case equipment can be made as requirements demand. Prices given for Brackets in the list above are net. and any discount allowed on the Steel Run Stand does not apply on such Brackets. Case Pulls can be furnished in bulk to attach to the fronts of old Cases at four cents each, list. THE POLHEMUS STAND The news compositor stands behind the Job Cases, where he works without being interrupted by the job men. He can empty his stick without leaving the Stand.on a Galley kept under the Lower Case, as the top Cases are held on Hamilton’s Patent Tilting Brackets. Over the Job Cases there is a working bank or a galley top, for keeping live or dead matter. Between the Case racks on the No. 3 Stand there is a Galley Cabinet, shown in the illustration. No. 1 Single, with Racks for 12 full size Cases: weight with Brackets, 100 lbs. ; occupies floor space 20%x3(3 inches. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 7.50 No. 2 Double, with Racks for ‘.24 full size Cases, and no Galley, Cabinet; weight, 180 lbs.; occupies floor space 26x70% inches. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13.00 No. 3 Double, with Racks for 12 full size Cases, and 1:3 two-thirdsCases, with Galley Cabinet; weight, 250 lbs.; occupies floor space 2(3§x71S inches. Price. . 20.00 The prices given above include the Brackets but not the Cases on the Brackets or in the body of the stand. Polhemus Stands are crated and shipped in knock-down form. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 884 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CASE STANDS The following Case Stands are all substantially constructed of selected hardwood. firmly bolted. and shipped in knock—down form. That they will stand constant hard usage is evidenced by the many thou- sands which are in use throughout the country. These improved Case Stands are far superior to the ordinary Case Stand. They have greater Case capacity and many other features which the common Stands do not possess. THE CITY STANDS The upper case projects forward over the lower, bringing it nearer the compositor. who sets caps with greater ease than from the ordinary Stand. Under the Lower Case there is a shelf to hold a Galley. and the Lower Case may be pushed back (‘see cut) as far as is necessary to permit emptying type on Galley without leaving Stand. The Single City Stands are made to hold 15 full size Cases, and the Double City Stands to hold 30-full size Cases. No. 1 Single. with Racks for 15 full size Cases: weight. 55 lbs.: occupies floor space 26x36 inches. Price. . $5.75 No. 2 Double. with Racks for 30 full size Cases; weight, 80 lbs.: occupies floor space 26x70% inches. Price, 8.00 §__ * ~ ‘ . I.‘ “ The prices given are for Stands only and do not include the Cases on top or in the body of the Stand. Case pulls to attach to the fronts of old Cases, in bulk, 4 cents each, list. Double Cit)’ Stands The City Stands are crated and shipped in knock-down form. NEW YORK DOUBLE AND QUADRUPLE STANDS § § § \ X \ \ \ § § \ s ‘ \‘ No. 2 New York Double Case Stand No. 3 New York Quadruple Case Stand The Lower Cases project into the alley several inches, affording the compositor ample knee room. The angle of the Lower Case is just right for rapid setting. The Cap Case is raised above the LOWer, and brought forward closer to the compositor‘s hand. while not obstructing the figure boxes of the Lower Case. The Cases are held on strong iron Brackets, securely screwed to a hardwood top. which is very use- ful for storing tied-up matter. A Double Stand holds 30 Cases and 2 pairs of News Cases on top. A Quad- ruple Stand holds 60 Cases and 4 pairs of News Cases on top. List Prices of New York Stands FLOOR SPACE . WEIGHT DESCRIPTION ; CA‘°A°'TY INCHES 1 WITH BRACKETS 5 pR'CE No. 1 I New York Single Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Cases and 1 pair on top 13 X 36,‘, I 75 pounds _i$ 6.50 No. 2 ‘ New York Double Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . .0 30 Cases and 2 pairs on top : 15‘ x 70% ; 135 pounds 1 10.50 No. 3 j New York Quadruple Stand . . . . . . . . . . 60 Cases and 4 pairs on top I x 70% f pounds ; 18.00 No. 4 New York Vvindow Stand . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Cases and 2 pairs on top ‘ X 36; 135 pounds 7 10.50 Prices given above include the Brackets. but not the Cases on top. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 88;") QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CASE STANDS AND RACKS ' N0. 15 Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks for 24 full size Cases I/.01’/IIIIIIIIIIII Double tier60full size Cases i_ L at s. s. L .‘ _ .1 : :,=~ i ‘la ‘gs . iii- In 15- ,_. I- , "«.'f*:: ~_~5.;§ 8 L. ....o.. _ ,““ .1-j" No. 6 Double News Stand with 8 Racks Our Case Stands and Racks are all made of hardwood, and bolted together firmly. The high Case Racks are braced at the center with bolted rods to prevent spreading. and both Stands and Racks will remain rigid after long and steady use. Price List of Case Stands NO. o.sc....T.o.. I Fw,;3gHs;;CEI mg; me 1 Single, without Racks .................................. ..‘ 26x36. 32 3 $2.75 :2 Single, with Racks for 12 two-third Cases 26x2.3~ 38 I 3.00 2; Sing1e.with Racks forlizthree-quarter Cases; 26x30: ' 42 I 3.00 3 Single with Racks for 8 full size Cases ....... .. :26x36,. I 39 3.00 4 Single. with Racks for 12 full size Cases .... .. 2(5x3€m 45 3.25 5 D’ble News, without Racks ......................... .. 26x60 1 50 3.25 6 D‘ble Ne ws, with Racks for 8 full size Cases.‘ 26x60 55 3.75 7 D‘ble News, with Racks for 10 full size Cases; 26x60 . 56 I 4.25 8 D‘ble News. with Racks for 12 full size Cases 26x60 58 I 4.75 9 Double Job Stand. with Racks for 8 full size ‘ and 8 two-third Cases .............................. .. 26x60 61 I 4.25 10 Double Job Stand, with Racks for 10 full‘ ‘ size and 10 two-third Cases ..................... 26x60 ‘ 6;’) 5.00 11 Double Job Stand, with Racks for 12 full size and 1:2 two-third Cases ..................... .. 26x60 ” 70 5.50 12 Double Job Stand, with Racks for 12 full size and 12 three-quarter Cases ............. .. 26x61} 72 5.75 13 I Double Stand. with Galley Rest and Racks! I I for 16fullsize :26x70.£ § 70 5.50 14 I Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks 1 for 20 full size Cases ................................. ..I 26x70%, 74 5.75 15 I Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks‘ I for 24 full size Cases ................................. 26x70-3. I 78 6.00 16 I Double Stand, with Galley Rest and Racks I I for 30 full size (Jases... . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . .. 26x70.}. 83 7.00 Paneled ends for any of the above Stands, $2.00 extra Price List of Case Racks PLAIN AS IN CLOSED BACK it ;..;;.;.’I I NO. : CAPACITY . _ 1 ‘ INCHES l INCHES I POUNDS _‘ CUT SHOWN AND SIDES N0. 20 I Single tier 10 full size Cases .............................................. ..I 38 I 20§.x36,‘, 45 . = s 5.50 5 7.75 No. 21 I Single tier 12 full size Cases ............................................. 41 V 20§x36,‘; 49 6.00 8.50 No 22 Single tier 16 full size Cases ............................................. '|l .30 I 20{.x36}. 56 7.00 9.50 No 623 Single tier 20 full size Cases .............................................. ..I 00 I 20{.x36,E, 8.00 1 1.00 No 24 Single tier 24 full size Cases ............................................. '1‘ 70 I 30£x36,. 67 l 9.00 12.00 No 25 Single tier 30 full size Cases .............................................. .. 81 .20£x36.‘. 83 . 10.00 13.00 No 26 Double tier 40 full size Cases ............................................. ..l 60 i *2()lx70% 104 ’ 14.00 17.00 No. 27 I 84 I 20%x’70§ 144 I 18.00 22.50 All Case Stands and Racks are furnished unfinished and shipped knocked down. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S 886 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SUPERIOR ALL-IRON CASE STANDS 1. Single. without racks . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 9.00 2. Single, with racks for 6 full cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.00 3. Single. with racks for .8‘ full cases and galley rest . . . . . . . .. .. 13.00 4. Double. without racks . . . . . . . . . .. 12.00 Double, with racks for rs’ full cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 0. Double. with racks for 5 full cases and galley rest . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.00 fl Double, with racks for ts‘ full cases. galley rest. and 16 galley racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ ,_ 25.00 8. Double. with racks for H‘ full and 8 two-third cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19.00 0. Double. with racks for 11'. full cases and galley rest . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.50 10. Double, with racks for 5 full and ts’ two—third cases. galley rest. and 16 galley racks . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.00 Extraruns riveted to stand, 40 cents per pair additional. _Estimates and _drawings of special sizes furnished upon application. _ Pricesgiven do not include cases shown in illustration. SIFTER AND TRANSFER CASES The Sifter and Transfer Cases solve the dust problem. These Cases have the cross slats projecting above the side rails instead of being depressed as in the ordinary Type Case. The type boxes are reversed lengthwise. When the Sifter Case is placed face down over a Type Case. the cross partitions of the two Cases meet, and type can not escape from one compartment to another. The Sifter Case has a wire screen bottom. and when clamped to a Type Case. the dust can be almost instantly removed and by reversing the Case, the type is returned to the original Case. Sifter Cases are also useful for removing type from old Cases and transferring to new Cases. It does away entirely with the work of removing the type laboriously from each compartment. List Prices 4 W Z zoescmprnou T gig E:/9ELCE'mF3‘f3l.CE‘. News Cap Case, full size . . . . . . . . . . . .1 5 $4.00 News Lower Case. full size . . . . . . . . . 5 4.50 California Job Case. full size . . . . . . . . 1 5.00 Italic Job Case. full size . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 California Job Case. two—third size. . «L 1 3.50 Yankee Job Case. two-third size . . . . 4 3.75 Dearing Job Case. two—third size . 4 3.50 BRASS CLASP CASES The cut at the right shows a section of our "New Departure“ Case with brass joint Clasps and long pin driven through and clinched. hold- ing partitions firmly to the bottom. This feature adds strength. makes the Case practically indestructible with fair treatment, and costs but very little additional. See price list on next page. PAPER COVERED BOTTOMS All “New Departure” Cases have 3-ply bottoms covered with the best quality of Manila paper. This is a most important feature in type case construction. The paper absorbs the moisture from type and prevents it entering the wood. dissolving the glue and destroying the Case bottom. POINT—LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY ssr QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PRICE LIST OF “NEW DEPARTURE" CASES W». >-fir»/0 Section showing Triple-Veneer Bottom Our Cases all have *‘l\'ew—Departure“ three-ply bottoms. which prevent splitting, shrinking and warping. These bottoms are set into the side and front rails (see AA) so that the case slides on the side rails. As the grain if the side rails and of the cross runs in stands and cabinets run the same way, the cases slide much easier and with considerable less wear and tear. FULL-SIZE CASES THREE-QUARTER CASES TWO-THIRD CASES I ORDINARY I CLASP ORDINARY CLASP ORDINARY CLASP Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 1. single depth .. . .‘ $1.50 I $1.25 I .. .. $1.00 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 1. double depth. . . .‘ 2.50 I . . .. 2.25 , .. .. 2.00 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 2-, single depth .. . .1 1.75 . . .. 1.50 I .. .. 1.25 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case No. 2. double depth. . . .; 2.75 , . . .. 2.50 , .. .. 2.25 Blank Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .., .65 I .... .60 I .... .45 ; .... Border Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..‘ 1.25 I 51.50 1.15 5 $1.40 1.00 ‘ $1.30 BrassLeaderCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I , .75 California Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 I 1.00 .85 I .95 Combination Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 1.35 Dearing Accent Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 1.80 , Dearing Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.00 I 1.15 .85 I 1.00 .75 1 .85 Double Lower Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: 1.20 1.40 . . .. .. . . Double Yankee Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.20 1.40 I . Duplex Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.10 I 1.25 1.00 1.15 .90 I 1.05 Figure Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 1.00 1.10 .90 1.00 .80 .90 Figure Case Byerly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I 1.10 1.20 Furneau Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .4 1.40 1.50 1.15 1.40 1.05 1.30 German News Cases per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.60 1.75 .... .... .... .... Greek Cases (upper and lower) per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 2.30 .. .. .... .. .. .. .. Hamilton J0b Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ .90 1.00 .85 1 .95 .75 I .85 Hebrew Cases, per pair. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 1.60 1.75 Improved New York Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I 1.00 1.15 .. .. I .... .. .. .... Improved Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 I 1.10 .90 1 1.00 .80 .90 Im )I'OV€d Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 , 1.40 1.10 1.25 In exed Electrotype Case, including partitions . . . . . . . . 1.10 . . . . . . . . I .. . . .. . . . . . . Italic Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 I 1.00 .85 .95 .75 * .85 Lead and Slug Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.00 . . .. .90 I .. .. .75 Metal Furniture Case. single depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.50 . . . . 1.40 I .. .. 1.30 Metal Furniture Case. double depth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , 2.00 I . . . . 1.70 .. . . 1.60 Music Cases (upper, lower and side) each . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 | 3.45 . . .. I . . . . NeshotaRuleCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 News Cases. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.60 I 1.75 1.50 1.65 1.40 1.55 Patterson Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 . 1.15 I , Practical Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 ‘ 1.20 1.00 1.10 .90 : 1.00 Quadruple Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.20 I 1.35 Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.15 I 1.25 1.00 , 1.15 .90 1.00 Russell Tabular Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.80 , 2.00 . . .. .. . . .. .. . . . . Spaceless Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 1.15 .90 1.00 .80 .90 Triple Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 I 1.00 .85 , .95 . . .. . . .. Two Rivers Cap Case . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 1.00 .85 I .95 .75 .85 TwoRiversLead andSlugCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 I 1 Wells Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 I 1.15 .85 I 1.00 .80 I .90 Wheeler Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I .90 , 1.00 .85 .95 .... .... WoodType _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .90 ‘ .75 Yankee Job Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 I 1.15 .85 ; 1.00 .75 .85 ZenobiaRu1eCase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 I 3 Dimensions over all, in inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3:3;1x1(3‘.”. inches :36-*.»xlI3E2 inches 2l5ix16'2 inches Weight of a bundle of 1() cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75 pounds 60 pounds 50 pounds The series of illustrations shown on the following pages. gives a uniform lay for all standard Type Cases. There has always been more or less diversity of opinion among printers in regard to the location of certain odd characters, fractions, and diacritical marks. After much investigation, we adopted the Various lays, as embodied in the illustrations, and we hope they will prove an assistance, especially to young printers. BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 888 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “ NEW DEPARTURE” CASES f‘f4fEEflB'E”Lf its Cap Case. 80c The old standard and universally used Cap Case. All The universal lay as put into the regular Lower Case boxes same size. from which every printer has learned his a-b—c‘s. California Job Case, 90c Italic Job Case. 90c Most popular of all Job Cases. Note the large (‘ap boxes old standard Job Case. 1lIll\'L’I‘S3.H_\' used before the intro- Fsed excltisively in all our type Cabinets unless otherwise duction of the California Job Case. Convenient for fonts ordered. with accented letters. Qu A most useful and popular Case. Will take three fonts Very useful for certain fonts. It a double Cap Case of Caps. titrures and points. Holds four fonts caps. figrures and points. _.' _ 2 . V ., . . , ’ - ».—» r _- ».—.~- ~_ ;, :~ i V I 1:: -I" ‘ ‘ l \ ., __.,, '4 ‘ , W V V : > __:_z V7 7 7: 7 \, , V I. - ,f-, . , , V V -_ ; ,» ~ - , » . ' " ' _i W _7 _ : _. ' \ ‘ . I ,l ‘ v‘ 15‘ -- »: ~ V; 1 1 -~ _— '3} \. ~. ‘ ‘r‘ ‘ .1 I ,’ ' | I: a- e , u . Two Rivers Cap Case, 90c D01lb1€ LOWGI‘ C1156. $1.20 A sensible (lap Case nowcominginto general use. Large For holding two toms of caps and figures: or caps, cap boxes. 25% xii inches. Worth a dozen regular Cap Cases. lower case and double rout of figures: or a font each of Copy covers least used characters. Economical. roman and bold face. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 889 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “ NEW DEPARTURE” CASES .1 3 - Fig til i The only Case combining all the boxes found in a reg- ular pair of News Cases. case with flg‘1lI‘CS. Takes caps. SlTl2i11C21[)S and lower Yankee Job (Jase, $1.00 The cap boxes in tl1is(‘hst.~;11‘t+ plueetl at the l)21(T1( instead of the risrht side. qlliirtel‘ Si7.L‘.‘a'. A[)()[)1l1211‘C'dHL‘ in two—thir(ls and three- .‘ . mrtmt-v t w’lT5’”’~l 4 Holds two fonts of Caps and tiqiires. Large boxes in- s~‘.11ri11g large ()i1[)il(?it_\'. (‘zip boxes one—thir«l larger than those in 21 1\'ewH(,‘ase. Improved New York Job (Jase, $1.00 Holds cap. small cap. lower CLLHL‘ and Ii§:111‘el'o11t.s'. (‘up side (,‘£11ilX)1‘I1lZ1 style with live 1‘owsot'l)oxeH. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 890 ,—_;—,.—l t _Ei-:,.; =;:=.;:;:;__.;—fI[ is 7‘ 9 ti’ J sfif qf§'." Spaceless Job Case. $1. 0 The Spaceless Job (‘Jase should he :1 twin companion to the Space and Q11a(l()ase. All space and quad boxes omitted. Double Yzmkee Job (Jase, $1.20 A very useful (‘use. A(‘(‘(>llllll()(lZ1It,‘SI\\'()(T1)lll[')1(,‘[Cf()l11S Size of boxes z1ll« >ws of<‘ap.=s. lower (.‘i1Ht‘. tigznres and points. ample tiiigrer room. « I)eztrinq Job (Jase, $1.00 For lztrgre sizes of type. other Joli (‘u.s‘e. Hats _qreater (‘apacity than any Lower (‘i1:x‘x‘ boxes ext1‘a1urs:e. F’ 1": :10 " 7I__ if luéi "N ‘In % 11 1 I ' A Like the New York Case. this is desiarned to hold Cup. smztll cap. lower case and ti,<.:nre fonts. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “NEW DEPARTURE" CASES ,lr:’a/ I \\\'i \\:».\«\\_j Q\\.v\§Ca .s:g 0; M * ._.l_; Russel Tabular Job Case, $1.80 _ Combination Job Case, $1.20 For use in legal blank and similar work. Holds brass leaders from] to 16 ems. half ems from 1 to 5. Will hold a 25-pound font of type. and a 12-pound font of brass leaders. Has separate series of boxes for odd characters and diacritical marks. brass rule and brass leaders. piece frac- tions, quads and spaces. fractions, etc. Large boxes for main figures. ‘AH: —~Lu... , I ' F ‘ill: - ‘” Fl Ea . Ill - >:__,.,.,{ Dearing Accent Case, $1.50 Five sections for caps. small caps and lower case of Accomodates large size cap and figure fonts of metal Romans. and caps and lower case of Italics. Extra boxes type, and small sizes of wood type. Holds one font caps. at front for Spanish. French and Portuguese accents. figures and points. Cap boxes 2% x 4% inches. aaaaaaa. ’~'..’l..’-‘I I all “ii la} i%:§@sRIssi5i§€6i%;*iiI>%i:: Music Case-Upper, $1.00 Border Case. $1.25 Music Compositors will find these illustrations of great service in laying type. If the lettering is not distinct, use a hand glass. A rooiny case of large capacity for all sizes of borders. 1 re?‘ *5’-7 ‘ 4 if IegA§\\'~._'tIo\\ \v\‘~:‘t:C.g;t$;;__ I Music Case-Side. $1.00 Music Case~Lower, 1.0 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 891 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “ NEW DEPARTURE” CASES Figure Case, $1.00 Byerly Figure Case, $1.10 A necessity in every large office. Takes extra large An improved figure case of great value. Figure boxes supply of figures and fractions. Can be furnished double 23/4 x 4-}; inches. 1<‘raction boxes 21% x 11%; inches. depth. .iiat (lerman Lower Case, 80c Same as the regular (lap (Yase. The illustration simply This case is the same as the regular Lower (‘ase with shows how the German characters should be laid. the exception of the double boxes. as shown. \\§§\\\\‘\\\\\\\\\. ..y . _.__ ___ , Z w‘ *‘ "-—V , ,_ iwixxs 6?; v{*s”<:Tco;f ’ ‘ I .“<.\‘~‘,‘¢>“~f.".\\§.'=‘~§*.¥.\"_§§3'-§,,9»_°- i.;__ No. 1 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case, $1.50 No. 2 Adjustable Lead and Slug Case, $2.75 (Single depth) (Double depth) (‘an be adjusted by picas to meet any requirement and (‘enter bar adds both strength and utility. l<‘urnished furnished also in double depth if desired. in either single or double depth as desired. :z__ I I ___. ~—v—~— ll - yairipii "§Ix’§ C§‘é€.§).. ’+~ ' '4-.—_ _ __.._ :_ 3*’ .._ -I "‘ ——— Hamilton Lead and Slug Case, $1.00 Two Rivers Lead and Slug Case, $1.75 A new and most valuable Case. Takes length from 4 Leads and slugs can be stacked two tiers deep. (‘an be to 2514; with Variations by half pleas. had in double depth. if desired. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 892 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “NEW DEPARTURE” CASES Improved Space and Quad Case, $1.00 A slight modification of the old Space and Quad Case which we no longer list. Furnished on all orders for reg- ular Space and Quad Cases. Rule Case. (Ordinary) $1.15 The old style full-sized Brass Rule Case. Many printers now prefer the new Quarter-size Rule Cases shown on following pages. Neshota Rule Case. $2.00 Takes a larger number of lengths than any other Rule Case. All lengths from I to 50 picas, with the usual half- pica length and places for mitred pieces. Metal Furniture Case, $1.50 Compartments for each length as shown. Furnished in A single depth Case will take two single or double depth. layers of furniture. a double depth Case three layers. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY mi 12Pt 9Pt I’I’fl ‘\’\‘€V=5‘»<>.:_- . Practical Space and Quad Case, $1.10 Provides for half-point and one—point spaces without the necessity of mixing. Accommodates seven sizes of spaces and quads. It'll aim 5/ M12! 5/:2/p ,- . I i. it it I If 1 .’ ’_ .! A I I155 Ijfi I I I I I ‘5;u,. M555 lll Furneaux Rule Case. $1.40 This Case will hold two large fonts of rule. 2~~ I W I T /55 I W I! 1/ .2 im nlmz i Ill Zenobia Rule Case. $1.50 Holds fewer sizes and larger fonts than the Neshota. Takes all lengths up to 36 ems. A very useful and popular Rule Case in the larger composing rooms. STRIPS ADJUSTIBLE BY PICAS V\’ood Type Case No. 1, 90¢ Graduated by picas on the ends. Strips can be adjusted to fit any size of wood type. Six strips go with each Case. 893 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS “ NEW DEPARTURE" CASES Dearing Job Case. 75c The largest capacity of any two-thirds Case. Yankee Job Case, 75c Svaceless Jpb Case. 80c , ‘ Two-thirds size. The most popular of all two-th1r(l(,ases. _ _ _ Boxes tor spaces and quads are omitted from this case. ..E./E/C , Z ;‘:[';3?maim§£—\s;s§ ;t§g,,;§ ; I ~ 4 I E 1 Hamilton Lead and Slug Case. 75c Brass Leader Case, 75c Tw0—th1rds slze. Two-thirds size. Separate Compartments. by piCaS. fol‘ 1Cr1gthS 4 I0 ‘Z5 Compartments for lengths 1 to 25 picas. Half ems 131; to picas inclusive. 91,§ picae’-3. I Ifllflsmuewl 4 ’ We-. V , _ ' . .'. . ' r1“O tmrd” ”1"e' All three—quarter Cases listed, are made in the same An odd size, 21% x 19§./1 inches. Fits regular two-third form and arrangement as the full size of the corresponding Case Rack. Takes caps, small caps. lower case and figures. styles BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 894 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS QUARTER SIZE AND SPECIAL CASES Carpenter (Quarter Case This Case is most useful in tabular and other intri- cate work. It is a \'€I'[lC3.1 Figure Case with double spaces for 5's and ciphers~the figures most usedfiand compartments for justifying material and special sorts. Size, 73 X 15.‘. inches. Weight. 17 ounces. Carpenter Quarter Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.75 Happy Border Case The partitions in this Case are adjustable by picas the long way and by 6 points from front to back. Eight long slotted divisions and an assortment of short divi- sions_in Various lengths accompany each Case. Size, 73 x 1.3.‘; inches. Weight, 22 ounces. Happy Border Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 Time Table Quarter Case _Has special compartmer_its_for A. M. and P. M. This Case can be made useful in other work, such as legal notices, market reports, etc. Size, 7;: x 15 I inches. VV€lght, 17 ounces. Time Table Quarter Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.75 Thirty-inch Space and Quad Case All Right Space and Quad Case Has compartments for .1 point thin copper and 1 point thin brass spaces also compartments for 3, 4. 5 and 6 em spaces. em quads, en quads, 2 and 3 em quads. Case will hold a Standard 10—pound font of spaces and quads of any size. Size, 73 X 15,’. inches. XVeight, 15 ounces. All Right Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$O.75 Ideal Brass Leader Case Designed to hold ordinary 5 and 10-pound fonts of brass leaders. Has compartments for all lengths from one to twenty-two ems, variations by one-half picas from 1 to 10 and by full picas from 10 to Size, 7;: x 15; inches. VVeight, 17 ounces. Ideal Brass Leader Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.9O Space Rule Case Designed to take Standard Fonts of Space Rules. Made in three sections each taking a one pound font in any size from 1 to 12 points. Three one-pound fonts of any one size or three separate fonts of different sizes will just fill the Case. Size, 45 x 6,; inches. Vveight, 8 ounces. Space Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 The idea is to use in connection with this Case a Blank Case as a working bank. The Thirty-inch Case is pushed to the rear of the Blank Case, which leaves a clear space at the front 10 inches wide to receive the Brass Galley. Size, 4,’, x 30 inches, outside. VVeiglit, 21 ounces. Thirty-inch Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POI NT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.9O 895 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE HARRIS RULE CASES The series of Harris Rule Cases, quarter—size, and including the Sanspareil Harris Rule Case. one-half size, are in some respects the most economical, eflicient and satisfactory Rule Cases ever constructed. The saving in time and space in prolonging the life of the high priced brass rule by always keeping it face up, have made the Harris Cases popular with systematic printers. I . . I ; __ Y5‘ ’ ' ' » :.n:Amatnmr.l"lVW'~ . ""“"'u/fl':’Ii';’/ . " A . ‘ I I 1 I / . " " ’ ""']'N',/___/I . ‘N C. , _ ’. Us .1 ’ z . -~ I. 7r"'a'r3"°z7.v” "Te? 1/‘ ...... V: F -‘5 " . ,,..,ms..+.a: A 1 . 0' . I . 1 g ; A if /7 / / / 7'3 7jo:la\i.}9/ II’ V I‘ ., , >8 " 5’, 53:’ 7”’ 8/6'.’-' 9 III , ,5? V Harris Rule Case No. 1 This Case holds two complete small fonts of labor- saving rule, each weighing 8 pounds, or 16 pounds in all. Each half of this Case holds 18 pieces each length from 1 to 8% ems (Varying by ens). 18 pieces each from 9 to 18 ems (varying by ems), and 9 pieces each 19, 20. 21, 22, 24, 26, and '38 ems, besides boxes for right and left initers. Size 731‘ x 1.3,‘. inches. VVeight. 19 ounces. No. 1 Harris Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 ‘ _W,_,,,3 1' c f 5 :3 tie‘ is ../.‘ Harrisliule Case No. 3 w..~«._~.5-M " in " . :1 V . 4 I‘ . “ “‘_,._... .'a« av.'~ui;xnnz. nn:.1p.x.u;aiIu...'guv 1- -*f‘_“‘— ,...iar;flnU whim . X 1 Harris Rule Case No. 2 This Case holds one complete font of 16 pounds weight. It has compartments for 36 pieces each from 1 to 9 ems long (Varying by ens), 18 pieces each from 10 to 24 ems (varying by ems), and 18 pieces each of 26, 28, 30. 32, 34, 36 ems long. besides boxes for right and left miters. A large proportion of small lengths. Size 73 x 15; inches. Weight. 19 ounces. No. 32 Harris Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 Harris Rule Case No. 4 These two Cases are designed to be used together to hold a font of rule, suitable for a large ofiice, weighing 32 pounds or less. Two and in some cases tour boxes are used to hold the most used sizes. Each case has its propor- tion ot_ the small s_i7.e.s, so that it it is desired to carry one Case to a coinpositor's Stand for use in rule work. the other lS available in its regular place with a good working font. Case No. 3 has compartments for all short lengths up to and including the 20 em length. Case No. 4 has com- partments for all of the short lengths and also all long lengths up to and including the 36 em lengths. Together these Cases have compartments for 72 pieces each from 1 to 9 ems long (varying by ens), 36 pieces eachpfrom 10 to 24 ems longs (varyiiigliy ems). and 18 pieces each from to 36 ems long (varying by ems), besides boxes tor right and left miters. Size. 7;.‘ x 15,: inches. Weight, No. 3, 18 ounces; No. 4. 17 ounces. No. 3 Harris Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.75 No. 4 Harris Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S 896 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS HARRIS RULE CASES In this a compositor may keep his much Valued 12 to pica and other thicknesses of leads for justifying pur- poses, his pickups of dashes, rule, etc. It has boxes from 1 to 9% ems (varying by ens), from 10 to 22 ems (varying by ems). and from 22 to 28 ems (varying by two ems), with a long box for longer lengths. Size. “:3 x 7%. inches. or _;% inside size of full size Case. Weight, 10 ounces. an m‘_,, .4:-in-;us'a=z: an ‘ -er, I 23-?‘ '3‘: I . 1 > " - ,= . .' 22" zwtes‘ 27 M 5 1-? .=.3v(3*»r' n .; "M Harris Rule Case No. 0 The NO. 5Case may be used in combination with any other Quarter-size Cases, being exactly the same size. To meet the varied requirements of all border and ornament fonts, the short partitions are movable, but are so nicely fitted that they remain in any position in which they are placed. This special and novel feature makes it an easy matter to change the sizes of the boxes at will. Size. 73 X 15; inches. V\’eight. 18 ounces. Harris Border (Jase No. 5 List Prices of Harris Rule Cases No. 0. Harris Rule or Individual Lead Case . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.75 No. 1, Harris Rule Case, holds two 8-lb. fonts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 No. :3. Harris Rule Case, holds one 16-lb. font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 1.00 No. 2%. Harris I 1 1e ‘.. s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . No. 4. Harris léiile Casg, mgether hold 32‘1b' font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117): No. 5. Harris Ornament or Border Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 Full size Blank Case to hold any four of above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .65 SANSPAREIL AND QUARTER-SIZE CASES This is without doubt one of the best Rule Cases yet designed. The walls and partitions are a trifle higher than type high. so the rules are at all times protected; anything can drop, or be laid on the Case without touching rule. It has compartments for all sizes from 1 to 9.‘; ems. (varying by ens). and from 10 to 42, (varying by ems), with an extra allowance for small sizes; also an additional row for miters. which, when no miters are carried, can be used for overflow on small sizes. For large fonts of rule, running in lengths not usually included in fonts of lab0r-sav- ing brass rule, it is especially valuable. and there is no Case to replace it. It has become Very popular and its use is constantly increasing The size of this Case is 14;‘ x 15:} inches-2 Cases fit into one stand- ard Blank Case. It is compact and every bit of space is utilized, thus insuring a capacity that cannot be equaled by any Case on the market. The cross partitions are one piece of wood from wall to wall, and they can- not slip down or break; the long downward partitions are durable. and the general construction is substantial. It has a “New Depart- ure ” bottom. Weight, 38 ounces. The Sanspareil Harris Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.5O .././A/._,/I /1 / . 1/ ./rfi-"n;7,;::,/.’g;:u~‘a J , J ‘ I’ I I II _ Tue 21”” 1’.-- J ;* ’ i .5 ’ Iii»!.€‘r.'.9i4€?e5$3§66k?'7&aB&5¢99'a Perfection Rule Case COIT1D21Ct R1118 Case The Perfection Rule Case has two compartments for The Compact Rule Case has one compartment for all lengths from 1 to 12 ems, and one compartment for lengths from 13 to 36 ems. The Variations are by one- half ems from 1 to 10 and by ems from 10 to 36. Four of these Cases will fit into an ordinary Blank Case. Perfection Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.9O POINT-LI NE, POI NT-SET. POINT‘ BODY each length from 1 to 36 ems, Varying by ens up to 10 ems. and by single ems from 10 to 36 ems. It also has compartments for the miters. Four of these Cases will fit into an ordinary Blank Case. Compact Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.90 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS HAMILTON RULE CASES No. 59 Hamilton Rule Case This Case takes a 5-pound font of Standard Rule on 3-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 26 picas long, inclusive, with sep- arate compartments for miters. Size, 5;x11‘,{ inches, outside. ‘Weight, 15 ounces. No. 50 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.75 No. 58 Hamilton Rule Case No. 70 Hamilton Rule Case The No. 58 Case takes a 5-pound font of Standard Rule on 2-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for miters. Size, 8,‘ x 9,‘, inches, outside. Weight, 15 ounces. No. 58 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.75 The No. 70 Case takes a 10-pound font of Standard Rule on 6-point body. Separate compartments are pro- vided for every length from 1 to 30 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments for miters. Size, 9,; x 11 inches, outside. Weight, 19 ounces. No. 71) Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 No. (31 Hamilton Rule Case This Case takes a 5-pound font of Standard Rule on 6-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 26 picas long, inclusive, with sep- arate compartments for miters. Size. 5:3‘ x l1.‘_. inches. outside. Weight, 14 ounces. No. 431 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.75 ~HAMlL7'ON nt;L.£ <:Asr: N: 3:. - "’.’.1’u‘Jn.ao~.-4» -.-/2; No. 95 Hamilton Rule Case The No. 9.3 Case takes a 25-pound font of Standard Rule on 3-point body. Separate compartmentsareprovided for every length froml 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with separate compartments tor two sizes oi miters. inches, outside. Weight, 34 ounces. No. 95 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . No. 67 Hamilton Rule Case This Case takes a 10-pound font of Standard Rule on 2-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long. inclusive, with sep- arate compartments for miters. Size, 7.1 x 1-1;‘ inches, outside. Weight, 24 ounces. No. (37 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S Size. 132 X H} . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ 1 . 40 « ,, - ;i’i’o?7L"r’é'£a‘Zfi27t’£*’c"A;SE’:1$1!."‘ is 3'7"” <1; mi? . ' V 4’, ~“ «- ' “ - ~. No. 68 Hamilton Rule Case This Case takes a 10-pound font of Standard Rule on 3-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long. inclusive, with sep- arate compartments for miters. Size, 8,‘.-, x 1.3 inches. outside. Weight, 28 ounces. No. (38 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS HAMILTON RULE CASES No. 94 Hamilton Rule Case This Case takes a 25-pound font of Standard Rule on on 2-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long. inclusive, with separate compartments for two sizes of miters. Size, 153 X inches, outside. Weight, 33 ounces. No. ‘J4 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.40 QUARTER a’ ., . 'fx "~""“~ .. '- 1? ,.t~ .: ’ « I .- I-{IA wire A} .;'.,~- Q Dun v «.99 a=r:.)z..=."""‘-ca. s'E N}. s; ‘No. 97 Hamilton Rule Case This case takes a 25-pound font of Standard Rule on 6-point body. Separate compartments are provided for every length from 1 to 36 picas long, inclusive, with sep- arate compartments for two sizes of miters. Size, 13-} x 16% inches, outside. XVeight. 40 ounces. No. 97 Hamilton Rule Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.40 SIZE CASES Our varied lines of Quarter-size Cases have come into general use and their popularity is steadily] in- creasing. Cases soon became apparent. and they are now designed for a variety of uses. Originally introduced for holding brass rules only, the economical features of these small In use the Quarter Cases with contents can be carried about the office where the work is being executed. This is hardly possible with a full-size Case heavily loaded. Their use preserves high priced material, facilitates its use. enables the compositor to do more and better work. Only one man can work at a full—size Case when filled. A Blank Case filled with four Quarter Cases will accommodate four workmen by removing the Cases and carrying the material to the work. Wisconsin Quarter Size Case “A" Convenient for holding _tigures, spaces and quads, fractions, etc. Size, 7% x 1.5,‘. inches. Vveight, 15 ounces. VV'sconsin Quarter Size Case "A“ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.65 Wisconsin Quarter Size Case "C Large boxes for figures and smaller compartments for fractions. Size, 7;; x 15;, inches. Weight, 14 ounces. Wisconsin Quarter Size Case "C“ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$O.65 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY ‘split fractions. \Visconsin Quarter Size Case “ B “ This pattern is suitable for holding accented letters, Size, 7% x 15.‘. inches. Weight, 17 ounces. Wisconsin Quarter Size Case "B “ . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.65 Wisconsin Quarter Size Case "D Especially convenient for holding signs, borders and odd characters. Size, 7% X 153%, inches. Weight, 16 ounces. Wisconsin Quarter Size Case “ D” . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.65 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED This Case has compart- ments from 4 to :38 picas wide. varying by single picas. Partitions run from front to back without central division. Length, 7:2 in. ; VVidth. 18‘ in. outside: Depth. inside. 1% in.: Weight 321 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$4.00 This Case has compart- ments from 30 to (‘)0 picas wide, one compartment for each of the following lengths: 31), 2373. :34. 30. 3.5’. 40. 473. 45. 50 and (31) picas. Length. 72 in. ; VVidth. 18 in. outside: Depth. inside, 1-1: in.: \Veight. 18’ lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$4.00 This Case has compart- ments from 2-3 to 48 picas wide. varying by single picas. It also has compart- ments for pica lengths. from 3-‘: to (H. picas. Length. 7:3 in.: \Vidth. Is‘ in. outside; Depth. inside. 1% in.: VVeight. :23 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 This Case is the same as No. 1 and No. :3 combined, having a central bar run- ning the long direction of Case. Length. 73 in.: VVidth. 18 in. outside: depth. inside, 11: in.', VVeight. 721 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 This case has a center bar running the long way dividing the case into two sections. allowing one to be used for leads and the other for slugs. Length. 7:3 in. ; VVidth. 18 in. outside: depth. inside. 1% in.: VVeight. 7372 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 This (Jase is the same as No. 73, having one section for leads and one for slugs. Each section has compart- ments for lengths from :30 to (30 picas wide. Length. 7:3 in. : \Vidth. 18 in. outside; depth. inside. 1% in.: \Veight. 19 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SF-'INDLEIR’S EM) PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BETTIS LEAD AND SLUG CASES .. . ..i......... _. _ 0». a Bettis Lead and Slug Case No. 4 Hettis Lead and Slug Case No. 6 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS This Case has compart- ments in duplicate for all the lengths provided for in Cases Nos. 1 and 2. Leads and slugs can be carried in separate compartments. Length. 72 in. : V\'idth. 18 in. outside: Depth. inside. 1%» in.: \Veight. ‘.23 lbs. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 Bettis Lead and Slug Case No. 7 I V . . .. ..... .. _ I ; " I Thilsl Caseh takes same .. ~ I - * ' " I encrt sast e N .1. "th a Kbogking S€CtlOIO1 in f‘I:1C§nt 4* ‘H ' "‘ ""1 H E .« _~» .- ~~~-~, w ic is arcre en» g t “ I ' ‘ " ‘ " ’ . A. take a 10x24 brass ed 0? ' " all brass Job Galley. 5*‘ ' . WORKING SECTION 5/6 INCH‘ DEEP. . . Length. .~3m_; \t1dth_1,5~ ‘ - . ‘ I ~' _ gig in. outside: Depth. inside. #_~_~M__ - __ ‘ 19; in.: \\'eight. 2:2 lbs. _, av. ; Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 Bettis Lead and Slug‘ Case No. 8 »-- — . . ,.,.< The Bettis Space and Quad Case is made to fit top of regular stand_7t2 in. long. 15 in, wide. 6 in. deep at front. in. deep at back. The use of this case will enable all spaces and quads for job fonts to be kept in a single case. Bettis Space and Quad Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 Isaoésaai METAL FURNITURE CASE _554s5::6 Jones Metal Furniture Case This Case is constructed of hardwood with a thick 3—p1y bottom. firmly fastened to the edges and also to the center bar. _Being :2}-._,’ inches deep on the inside. it will hold a great quantity of metal. and it is strongly constructed with this end in View. It has 49 compartments as follows: 3 for 4-line metal furniture: 4 for ;”)-line: 5 for I3-line: t} for S-line: 7 for 10-line; 7 for 15-line: 7 for 20-line: 7 for ;’;”)—line: 1 for :-3(J—line: 1 for 50-line: 1 large blank space for odd sizes. The weight of this Case. not crated. is 30 lbs. Jones Metal Furniture Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$7.00 Metal Furniture Cabinet METAL FURNITURE CABINET ,. - , - - — v ~ ' ' l investment and will crreatlv prolong the life of metal ll e 3 f thl.‘ R ick will rm e a most econornica _ s - is . furnitliirlere ft is rriadce with alzlouble face. being filled from both sides. and thus only one-half of the capacity . c - - is shown in the illustration It has two compartments for each length and width. one on each side of the Cabinet Fach compartment holds 16 pieces arranged in two tiers. stacked 8 pieces high. a total CE11)Z1C1t_\' of over :-$00 pounds of metal furniture. It is 152 inches wide. ‘J inches deep and -1 feet 10 inches long. outside dimensions, \\'eight, crated. 75 pounds. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$12.00 pQ1N‘f-]_[NE PQ1l\l'1‘—SET, POINT—BODY 901 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ELECTRIC-WELDED STEEL CHASES Made from Silver-Gloss Steel TRADE MARK I HE Chase plays a very important part in printing. Not only must its various bars be true and H regular in all respects in themselves. but in the relation they bear to each other. Such per- a - fection can be had only when material of the highest grade is used by the most skillful "_- """ workmen employing processes of manufacture scientifically correct and accurate. Electric welding is an invention of very recent years. As applied to printers‘ chases its first use dates back only to 1893. Were it not for this modern process any advance in chase manufacture ' would have been out of the question, as the hand—welded article had reached the utmost limit of possible improvement. Now, however. bars of steel perfectly true at the start. are welded with mathematical precision, and so exact are the chases made by the new process that further improve- ment would appear to be impossible. ‘IAbout the last important part of the printers‘ equipment to share in the improvements which of late years have brought printing materials to such an amazing degree of perfection was the chase. As far back as the records go. iron. both wrought and cast, has been the material from which chases were made. There are very serious objections to the use of either; cast iron is too brittle. and it is hard to get a true casting; wrought iron has always been welded and finished by hand. and not only was it impossible to make a chase true in the first place. but, because wrought iron is almost entirely lacking in flexibility, it becomes more and more imperfect with use. ‘(The perfection attained in the manufacture of type. presses. and other material. made better chases imperative, for without them a great part of the effort expended in improving the rest of the equipment would be vasted. a fact which was soon recognized by the more progressive printers and type-founders. In the very nature of things it is impossible to make a perfect chase when the .. welding and finishing are done by hand. Old methods of welding unavoidably bring about variations in width of bar; the outside bars cannot be made exactly parallel. and. unless they are, the sides and ends cannot be at right angles. Even were it possible to make a hand—welded and hand—iinished chase accurate in the first place. . \ _ , _ it would not long remain so. and the larger the chase the worse the trouble. The A A deflection caused by tight lock—up soon becomes permanent. and lost time and spoiled work follows as mat- ters of course. “That chase is bowed" is heard so often where the inferior hand-welded chases are used that it becomes monotonous. Q‘Cast-iron chases are furnished with platen presses mostly. They are seldom true: forms locked up in them are bound to be “springy.“ and nothing causes more lost time and spoiled work than a "springy" form. Besides. cast-iron chases break on the slightest provocation. and always. of course, when holding a large form. The stoneman drops the form to the floor with a little more force than usual. N the chase breaks at one of the corners. and the form is strewn over ’\ the floor. a confused mass of type. rule. furniture and quoins. ‘l'Because of its many imperfections it is impossible to lock up a form in a hand- " ' welded chase quickly; and, no matter how much time is taken. the work can seldom be done well. as is amply proven by the great amount of time put in on forms locked in such chases to make them register after they are on the press. 8 in. 10.10 12.10 17 39 X55 in. 94 in. I 1153 in. i 1% in. 1%.; in. I 1% in. 3 6 picas f ‘jg in. 10.35 12.35 18 41 X55 in. 96 in. 1156 in i 1% in. i 115.; in. ; 1% in. Q 6 picas ; ‘jg in. 10.55 12.55 19 43 X60 in. 103 in. I 117.; in. ‘i 1% in. ; 1:76 in. 1 11/2 in. I 6 picas . 38 in. 11.35 13.35 20 47 X66 in. 113 in. I 1176 in. I 11/2 in. I 1173 in. 11.2’ in. ‘ 6 picas 08 in. 12.45 14.45 I I I I ‘ I I To Estimate Price of a Poster Chase. size not listed Add length and breadth in inches together to obtain measure. Multiply this measure by 11 cents. For price of News or Poster with bar add $2.00 to list of Poster Without bar. Minimum price of Poster chase $4.50. For extra bar only add $1.00. For extra pair dovetails only add $1.00. Measurements ending in fractions to be figured as next full figure. For example: 17x20?/4 in.-—=373/4in., figure 38 in.; 33%x453/4 in.=”91/4in., figure 80 in.; 29%X401./3 in.=697/S in., figure 70 in. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT- BODY Charges for Extra Stock measurement‘ I40 inches and smaller $0 20 For each I16 inch wider than regular. add for length’ and breadth ‘ ~- 1‘ -‘~ ~~ ' 41 to 60 inches inclusive . . . . . . . . . . .30 “ ~ “ ~‘ 61 to 80 “ “ . . . . . . . . .. .45 6; hi .» us do on it is cs’ £4 . . . - . . . . .- '60 I-1 '~‘ -~ ~~ -- -- -~ -- *‘ 101 inches and larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 For 3/4—inch—thick stock add for measurement, length, and breadth, 40 inches and smaller . . . . . . . . . . .60 -~ -- -~ ~’~ -- - - “ " “ 41 to 60 inches inclusive . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 1- *- -~ " 61 to 80 “ “ . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 1‘ 81 to 100 “ “ . . . . . . . . .. 1.80 “ -~ -~ ~- 1‘ -- “ 101 inches and larger . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.20 For extra width and 3/4-inch-thick, add both of the above advanced charges. 905 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEZD PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED QUARTO CHASES *6 46 x32%in. 23 x32%in. 781/gin. 1%in. %in. 11/4in. 53in., E g 8 SIZE OF SIZE OF EMNEGA::':§D SIZE OF MATERIAL % pmcs OF “E” 3 E PAIR EACH CHASE LBREADTH suoe BARS 1 END BARS BACK BARS cnoss BARS D 0 3 "—“”“‘“‘ I *2” 2 I . PAIR z o o OVER ALL our SIDE OVER ALL THlCK- THlCK- ; THlCK- . I THICK- WIDTH NES8 3 WIDTH NESS WIDTH ‘ NESS WIDTH E NESS 7% 1 *4 35’/8x24,14in. 17}2 X24%in. 60}gin. Rain. %in. 136 5/Bin. E lain. 6picas %in. $13.40 2 4 36 X241/gln. 18 x24%1n. 601/21n. 1:13 in. ‘fgin. 1,5, in. ‘fsin. ‘ lgin. § 03in. ;6picas ‘jsin. 13.40 3 *5 43 X281/2:l.n. 211/2x28%in. 711_/gin. 1}gin. *3/Sin. 1%gin. fsin. , lain. ‘ égin. 6picas fgin. 15.85 5 5 44}gx291/21n. 22r13X291/zln. 73%1n. 1}g1n. °81I1. 1,gm. 08m. 1 érgin. fgin. 6p1cas °81n. 16.30 *6 47 X321/gin. 23%x32%in. 791/in. 11/4in. {>8in. 1%in. 58in. gin. 53in. .6picas 5/Sin. 17.60 6 475/8x34 in. 23{3x34 in. 81%1n. 11/41n. °81n. 11/41n. 581n..}g1n. ; 531I1. 6p1cas 58m. 18.05 7 Fain. fsin. gain. {gin X In. 1 X In. In. 5 In. 0 In. In. In. 5111. *8 56}gx431/gin. 283x431/gin. 995/gin. 1§§in. 621:1. igiin. 521:1. , “ 5/gin. 6picas 53in. 19.60 °81n. 6p1cas 0am. 20.25 53in. 6picas 08in. 22.00 }§1n. i 08in. 6picas %in, 17.40 CQDGD-Q0231 * -1 To Estimate Price per Pair of Quartos, sizes not listed. Add length and breadth of pair over all in inches and multiply this sum by 22 cents per inch. In figuring extra-stock charges, consider each chase separately; charges will be same as for Poster chases. Minimum price pair of Quartos, $12.00. *These sizes carried in stock, and Will be furnished unless otherwise specified. See poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. Ouarto Chases. Quadruple Chases. SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED QUADRUPLE CHASES E Z 5}} I’ I MEASURE- svze or MATERIAL . Pmce u. 1; ‘*1 SIZE or SET 1 SIZE OF EACH 1 MENT T" w | . . 2 33 E; 1 [Lawn mo‘-R ?°?l‘i‘.?"”“‘.S.,-.... 1,_l"?'?E?fP_.?.f5i-_~ ‘.’,‘.’.“°’_'1"f-,E‘1".,,f’,’§.'T.§.,._'?5E5f,'3.i'?_3 ‘pen ser 3 '0 <1 OVER ALL ' CHASE OUTSIDE BREADTH - | - I | - I Z to 2 , 1 I THICK ; THICK ‘ THICK _THICK . 1 _| OVER ALL WIDTH > NESS I WIDTH ¥ NESS ! WIDTH ,, NESS WIDTH I NESS ‘ OF FOUR ' \ ' ' _’ ‘M "" ‘’’’'“_‘ ""‘—".—‘: """'“” —‘_""”' !'“‘_T:‘‘— ":’T:‘‘’—‘ " '7" :_T"# _ _ _ — _ _ " "’.”""' 'T_’ '. 'V”""_' 1 { *5 [28 X42/14 in. f 14 x21% 1n. } 70% in. 1 19.; in. <’_>,,1n. ii‘, in. %1n. l Hgin. %1n. %31n.: %1n. |$19.90 2 4 *6 321/2x47 1n. . 161/4x23% 1n. ; 791/3 1n. 1.;‘g in. %m N; in. %1n. 11’._~,1n. ‘j/gin. A }31n. I %m. 22.40 3 I *7 '38 X5()% in. it 19 X251/4 in. n 88% in. 1% 1n. ‘ °81n -}?;1n. %1n. 1 1}g'1n. %1n. ‘§;"~t1n.. %1n. ! 24.90 To Estimate Price of a Set of Quadruples, sizes not listed. Add length and breadth in inches of set over all and multiply by 28 cents per inch. In figuring extra—stock charges consider each chase separately; charges will be same as for Poster chases. Minimum price for set of Quadruples, $18.00. *These sizes carried in stock, and will be furnished unless otherwise specified. See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. BARNI-IART BROS. &. SPINDLER’S 906 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED FOLIO CHASES Q L @ 35 COLUMN SIZE or CHASE SIZE MEASURE 5'25 °F ”"TER'“' g FOLIO PAIR EACH LEBNR°gA""n'_:':” suns BARS END BARs BACK BARS PRLCE OF z OVER ALL OUTSIDE OVER ALL MOTH THlCK- WIDTH THICK- WIDTH THlCK- MR NESS NESS NESS (1) *2 g3%x 3%:/§ 1:1 1 Xgéié in. $35? in. his in. 5/8 in 1-36 in. :8 in. }g in. 58 in $9.50 .4 X 4 1n. :3 X 4 1n. 5 1n. 5 1n. 5 in 1 in. in. P in. 5 in 9.90 3 *2 ggféxgi in. 13% x3: in. in. in. in. in. 2/2111. in. 53111. 10.35 X 1n. ,3 X in. 8 1n. 1n. 5 1n. 1n. 5 1n. 1n. 5 in. 11.00 5 *7 38 8x 253/4 in. ; 19 X253/4 in. 633/4 in. 1% in. 62 in 1% in. 62111. 1% in. 5:111. 12.15 6 7 38%X 26 1n. 19;’; X 26 in. 64% in. 1% in. 58 in 1% in. 58 in. F; in. 53 in. 12.35 7 *7X6 41 X27 in. 20% X 27 68 in. 1% 58 1% in. 5 1% in. 5/Sin. 12.90 8 *8 A 42_ X28 in. 21 X28 in. i 70 in. 1?; in. 58 1n. 1:33 1n. %m. i% in 58 in. 13.30 9 8 43%x 28% in. 21% X28%1n. I 71% in. 1% in. 58 in. 1% in. 53 in ié in %in. 13.70 10 *9 = 47 X 30% 1n. 23% X 30% 1n. } 77% 1n. 1% 1n. 53 in. 1% in. 5/3 in 1% 1n %in. 14.80 11 9 i 483/3X 30% 241% X 30% in. ; 78% in. 1% in. % in 1% in. 58 in. is in. 58 in. 15.00 12 PAPER 24x36 I 40 X26% 1n. 20 X26% in. 66% in. 1% in. 58 in. 1% in. 58 in. }% in. 53 in 12.75 To Estimate Price per Pair of Folios, sizes not listed Add length and breadth of pair over all in inches and multiply this by 19 cents per inch. In figuring extra-stock charges, consider each chase separately; charges will be same as for Poster chases. Minimum price pair folios $9.00. See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. *These sizes carried in stock and Will be furnished unless otherwise specified. SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED HEADING CHASES ® I If? I 1:-31L-J:-:1 ! | I SIZE or MATERIAL ‘i . : MEASURE- v PRICE or PRICE or SIZE 01: CHASE 1 suze or » ,- 1 5'25 4 I 5 MENT ’ WIDTH or BARS 1 1 CHASE 3 CHASE OUTSHJE I CHASE ILENGTHANDI: sane BARs 1 END BARs ' THICK- I wm-4ou1' * wm-1 . S 1 NUMBER F wm-1 BAR I INSIDE ‘ ; , 1 . ; CROSS o:‘E;SRs' E BREADTH 1 wm-1 BAR iwm-aour BAR, wm-1 BAR {wm-«our BAR EARS BAR BAR 1 ! 8 x19 1n.1 6X17in. 27 in. I 1 in. I 196 in- 1 in. ; 1:‘. in. 6p§cas _in. $4.50 $6.50 2 110 X23 1n.i 8X211n. 33 in. 1 1n. 135 1n. 1 1n. 1 1%.; 1n. 6p1cas % in, 4.50 6.50 3 §10%xI-30% 1n.! 8X28 in. 40% 1n. 1%.; 1n. ; 1% 1n. 1-Be 1n. 1 11 1n. 6p1cas 5/8 in. 4.50 6.50 To Estimate Price of Heading Chase, sizes not listed. same as Poster Chase Minimum price of Heading chase without bar, $4.50. For bar and pair of dovetails add $2.00. Unless otherwise ordered, cross bar Heading chases will be furnished. Figure extra stock same as in Poster chases. See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. 907 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALEZD PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED ELECTROTYPE CHASES ——.«—_n—g« _- , x — — ,E——~—»—~~ r 1 SIZE OF MATERIAL R" I 5.25 1 OUTSIDE T INSIDE PRICE OF I ’ WIDTH THlCK- 6 NUMBER ‘ MEASUREMENT ‘ MEASUREMENT i — NESS 1 CHASE 1 SIDE BARS END ems ‘ or BARS 1 4 13x17 in. 10X14in. 1}_, in. 1),: III. f%<; in. 1 $5.30 2 ‘ 15x21 in. 12x18 1n. 1}; in 11/;;1n. fig; 110- ‘ 5.95 Compute cost of Electrotype chases same as Poster, adding for extra stock. Minimum price $5.3“). See Poster list for figuring measurements ending in fractions. K SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED CHASES FOR JOB PRESSES 7-7 7 X11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 (7 8 X 12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 9 X 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 10 X 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.50 11 X 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 50 12 X lb‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 13 X 19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.50 14 X20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.25 14 X22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.25 14}(_,’X73t3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.25 I L Minimum price Silver—(}loss Steel chase for job press £45.01). SILVER-GLOSS STEEL ELECTRIC-WELDED STEREOTYPE CHASES The Best Made These Stereotype chases are made in the most accurate man- ner. exactly type high. perfectly square and true. The side lock-up screw is attached to the side stick with a collar in such a manner so as to enable the operator to lock up and unlock the form with the wrench. moving the side stick backward and for- ward instantly. thus saying much time and avoiding the use of shooting stick and mallet. and consequent injury to the side stick. 6—column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$36.00 7—column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 38.00 8—co1umn . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40 O0 9—column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 42.00 Blank column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.50 Lock-up VVrenches for Stereotype chases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 CAST IRON SPIDER CHASES For Job Presses These chases are invaluable for locking up small forms; they require but little furniture and forms do not spring as in the case when locked up in a large chase. In ordering give outside measure. 8 X 12 press, inside chase 5 X 7 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 0 X12 " " ;”>}.:_iX 8 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.25 10 X15 “ *‘ " 1') X10 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 12 X18 “ " " 7' X11 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.75 13 X19 " “ " 8 X12 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 14 X20 “ “ " 8,1._{X1:3}._.’ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.25 14}..;x22 -- ~- ~- 9 X13 ~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.50 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 908 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CAST-IRON CHASES. FINISHED INSIDE I'»x1.\‘ outside measure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.20 12x1-1 outside measure . . _ , , , , , , . , _ , , _ _ _ _ , , _ _ _ ,_$1_20 sxlo -~ -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .80 1:32:18 -- -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 ‘.Ix12 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 13x2b " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.80 -‘X330 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.30 12x30 “ " , _ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ _ , , _ _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 1_90 KXT34 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 1-IXII3 " " . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ L40 -\‘x2h' " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.60 ' 1~1X17\‘ “ " . . . . . . . . _ . _ _ _ , , , , , , , _ _ __ 1,75 10x14 ‘° “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.20 I 15x24 “ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 1()x2-1 ~~ -- . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 50 16x19 -- -~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 90 l()X2.‘>’ “ " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 75 17x22 _ , . _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ __ 1 75 CAST-IRON ELECTROTYPE CHASES 14 x 18 outside. made of /:34 X 2 inch iron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 ‘- -‘ " ;3{xt2 °* " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.25 II} x 22 CHASES FOR C. & P. GORDON PRESSES SIZE CAST IRON CAST IRON SCREW CAST STEEL STEEL SCREW SIZE CAST IRON CAST IRON SCREW CAST STEEL STEEL SCREW 7 x 11 . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 $1.50 $2.70 $4.00 V 12 X 18 . . . . . . ..$2.00 $3.00 $5.25 $8.00 8x12 . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 1.90 3.00 4.50 L 14 X20 . . . . . . .. 2.50 3.75 5.75 8.50 10x15 . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 2.25 4.50 6.75 I 14% X22 . . . . . . .. 3.00 4.50 6.00 9.00 Above prices apply to most other Gordon presses. CAST -IRON CHASES FOR PEERLESS PRESSES 31:12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 11 X17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 9x13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 14 X20 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 10 x15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 14% X22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 CHASES FOR GALLY AND OTHER UNIVERSAL PRESSES 8x12 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.75 1 13x19 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.25 10 x 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 14x22 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.75 Straight Iron Side and Foot Sticks. size x % inches, per inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.04 Beveled ' " " “ " " " “ " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 0.05 In ordering be careful to state whether straight or beveled side and foot sticks are wanted. The use of a Form Truck should be insisted on in every press—room of any size, not only because it is a time-saver. but because sliding chases along the floor is a source of frequent accidents. Form Truck. with iron tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.00 Form Truck. with rubber tire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 COMPOSIN G RULES Set of Composing Rules in Plush Lined Oak Box Set of Composing Rules in Leather Case Set of Composing Rules in a Plush Lined Oak Box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.50 Set of Composing Rules in a Leather Case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Steel, 15 ems and under, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 Steel. make-up. 15 ems and under. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 Each additional 5 ems or fraction .5 cents. 909 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ppR1NrEns° Fgnnlruns AND TOOLS CIRCULAR QUADS Per font nf >4 sets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.5O YANKEE JOB AND COMMON SCREW STICK 14-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.30 . ‘ 16-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.45 10-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 18-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.60 12-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.15 I f.’()-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75 THE BUCKEYE AND GROVER STICKS 5_inCh . _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . _ _ . . _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , . _ _ _ _ _ _ , , _ , “$0.90 I 14-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.6O 8-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 I 16-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.80 10-1nCh , _ _ _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ _ _ . _ _ , _ _ , _ _ _ , , _ _ _ . , ,, 1.20 I 730-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.20 12-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 2 24-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.60 ROUSE JOB STICKS .. ...—...—---'4" ' " 1, The Rouse Job Stick is scientific in design ‘s;;?3?.%_;i and faultless in construction. Easiest to set to picas or nonpareils. Measures are practically perfect. Uiidoiibtedly the best Job Stick made. Every stick warranted. 2 INCH 2 1-4 INCH 2 1-2 INCH 2 INCH 2 1-4 INCH 2 1-2 INCH 6-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.75 $1.35 $1.95 1 12-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..s2.5o $2.60 $2.70 8-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 2.10 2.20 I 15-lnch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 . . . . . . . . .. 10-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.25 2.35 2.45 ALBION STICK 1 ,1. Price, japanned . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 I’r1ce,n1ckled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 6-inch steel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.oo 1 as -- ’ “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.10 PERFECT NEWS STICK NO. 2 6 214' inches deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.15 ‘ ‘ I % A N Is -- —~ 2).: ~ -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 I 1”‘? it 6 " German Filver, 73/1,4’ inches deep . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 ‘ ___ 1- , rs -- ~ ~~ -- ~~ . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 I 4 8 -- ~- :2 -- -- . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75 I I (3 " nickle plated. :3 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.30 I -_ H -*1, Z 5 ~~ ~~ -~ :3 . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.45 ~ “ * No. 2-. steel riveted. 13 or 13}-._: ems pica . . . . . . ..$0.8O “C" SLOT STICK 6 ins. X 2:‘; ins. deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.15 f 10 ins. x 721 deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.45 ts’ ins. X 2,1 ins. deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 12 ins. x :2} ins. deep . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.65 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 910 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS WOOD POSTER STICK ’ / ’7/7: if ' P’ " I g I \Vithb1‘ass—Iine(I ends. iron knee. and screw clamp. \Vidth. inside. two and one half inches. Blade of the best seasoned cherry, and fitted with japanned clatnp. polished knurl—headed screxv and japanned knee. 1li—iIlL‘I1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 IS-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.05 ‘20—incI1 , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ 1.10 24-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . 1.20 2.5‘-i11cl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.30 thein frotn slipping past each other. followlng prlcesz METAL AND BRASS CORNER QUADS The use of Corner Quads insures a better junction of mitered corners bv preventing They are made in both brass and metal. and sold at Brass Corner Quads. made on both 2 point and 3 point body. in sets of four. per set. . . .$0.20 Bletal Corner Quzuls. Inade on both 0 point and 133 point body. in sets of four. per set. . . .15 . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . - . . . 32-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.40 30-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 -I0-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 42-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.80 DURANT COUNTING MACHINES No. 1 Counts 10.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. " T3. “ 100.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - Z; 1.000.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . HART COUNTING MACHINES It saves valuable time and paper. repeats automatically. ls accurate and durable. Counts to 100.000 and Made in a thorough manner and guaranteed every way reliable.—I ‘iroulur. Hart Counter. counts 100.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$6.00 Are especially adapted for use on printing presses. They are made entirely of iron. steel and brass. The dials have large black figures that are easy to read at a distance. They can easily be re-set to 0. or any number required. A bracket is furnished with each machine for convenience in securing it to the feed—board of a press. _ cover. lever. dials. springs, etc.. being nickle-plated.—(,‘ircuIm'. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . .$ 8.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12.00 They are nicelv finished. the COUNTERS FOR JOB PRESSES A good. reliable Counter for the job press at a reasonable price. ti .. Every part is first-class and nickle—plated. Gears and dogs are stamped from steel and case-hardened. making them very durable.——( 'iI'('ul(u'. .1! Size 1% X414’. registering 10,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00 ~~ 19;. x5 - 100,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.25 Throw-ofi' attachment. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 THE REDINGTON COUNTING MACHINE 'l‘l1e Redington (Jounting Machine has all the necessary qualifi- cations for accurate and rapid counting, is durable. neat in appear- All parts are made from ance. convenient in size and low in price. sheet steel formed by dies and are, therefore. interchangeable. plicity in design. heavy material and large wearing surfaces insure All working parts are enclosed and protected. yet easily accessible as the case opens both front and back. exposing all mechanism for oiling or inspection. The counter can be set back to zero without the use of a key or other It can be run at any speed without jumping or loosing count. . . . . . . . . . . ..$5.00 ease of operation and long life for the counter. device. Redington Counting Machine. size 3-1 x 2% X 2.‘. inches.. Sim- COPY HOLDERS Rouse, for composing stick . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.25 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PATENT CUTTING STICK The Patent Stick consists of a main body—piece (A), made to fit the groove of your paper cutter. The body—piece has a groove or recess in it, which holds a small strip (B). P6 of an inch square. This movable strip is the cutting-surface, and is held in place by a steel clamp (C), which is drawn up by the bolts (D). The Cutting Strips. being square, can be used on four sides, thus giving the same amount of service as the large sized sticks heretofore used. A is the Body-Piece made to flt groove in cutter. B is the Cutting Strip on which knife strikes; is {:3 inch square, and always fits. C is Steel Clamp which holds the Cutting Strip and prevents warping. D is the Screw which grips the clamp to the body piece. How to Order. 1. Give size square the main body—piece is to be. Be particular on this point, and see that groove in cutter is accurately measured. 2. Give length of stick. State how far from front edge of stick the knife strikes. 4. State whether knife cuts from right to left or left to right. In ordering cutting-strips, give the exact length required. All strips are cut to a standard uniform gauge, and are sure fit. Net Price List Main Body—piece, under 38 inches long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$5.00 Strips, under 38 inches long, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Main Body—piece, 38 to 54 inches long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 Strips, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 Main Body-piece, 55 to 70 inches long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 Strips, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 Main Body—piece, 71. to 84 inches long . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8.00 Strips. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 CUTTING STICKS Cutting Sticks are made of selected Rock Maple, thoroughly dry, and guaranteed to be true and accurate in every respect. They have a smooth velvety finish. 1: inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26 inch, $0.40 30 inch, $0.50 34 inch, $0.55 it inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, .70 30 inch, .85 34 inch, .95 1 inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, 1.00 30 inch, 1.15 34 inch, 1.30 1}. inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, 1.10 30 inch, 1.30 34 inch, 1.45 1% inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, 1.25 30 inch, 1.45 34 inch, 1.65 13 inch square, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, 1.40 30 inch, 1.60 34 inch, 1.80 1% inch round, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26 inch, 2.10 30 inch, 2.40 34 inch, 2.70 1% inch octagon, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . '36 inch, 1.55 30 inch, 1.80 34 inch, 2.05 CHICAGO DRYING RACK A more economical addition can not be made to a modernly equipped printing office than a suitable outfit for the proper drying of the printed sheets. An enormous waste of good material is constantly going on throughout the printing field, and there are large quantities of smutted work being delivered to dissatisfied customers, most of which could be avoided by the installation and proper handling of a drying outfit. These Drying Racks are substantially constructed of selected hard- wood, and the framework is finished in the best Cabinet style. They have wide bases, which prevent the frames from toppling over under heavy loads. The Racks are supplied complete with Dryers, and the Dryers are also sold separately in dozen lots. List Prices of Chicago Drying Racks I I I 4-‘ ~ I I _ SHELVES IN EACH RACK . COMPLETE I PRICE E PRICE PER WEIGHT NAME OF DRYING I'M "*5 PRICE . oozsn . an RACK NUMBER I suze I COMPLETE I ;"E'G:T OF RACKS SHELVES I ozzen ISHELVESI INCHES ‘ 0”" S ONLY outv Ipouuos ..._ _--#_2.—.—~—e~I . — — .—.———— I .. .. I . .. . I ..-. .. . .. . ,.,_-._, Chicago No. .1! 12 I 24 x 24 $20.25 200 , $12.50 I $7.75 95 Chicago No. 0! 10 « 24 x 30 I 22.00 I 225 I 14.00 I 9.00 I 125 Chicago No. 7} 10 I 30 x 48 32.25 ; 250 I 21.00 13.50 2 185 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SF-’IND_LER’S 912 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS KOERNER'S PATENT INTERLOCKING DRYING RACK \Vith these Racks sheets are taken direct from the fly and may be stacked ceiling high, in a perfectly straight and rigid pile. which cannot be knocked over by accident, and with no more weight on the bottom than on the top sheets. This pile is a most effective drying room, occupying only the floor space of one Rack. and from the time the sheets are fed into the machine until ready for the bindery they need not be handled. The Interlocking de- vice, which makes the pile straight and rigid, is shown in the illustration. Each Rack is firmly locked on its neighbor, but each slides with ease on the Rack im- _ _ _ , mediatdy below it They Interlocking Racks, stacked with Paper, straight and rigid. save handling. all the time of that operation, and the consequent waste of paper through offset. smearing fingermarks and tearing. In many cases these Racks save expensive slip-sheeting. They save 75 per cent of floor space over any other method of drying sheets. from one to two per cent of paper. and a vast amount of time. A further saving of time may be efiected by placing the Racks as they come from the fly board on a V‘Visconsin Printers’ Truck. made specially to take these Racks. (see Printers’ Trucks.) Using this Truck saves handling the Racks——you can move a pile of Racks to any point quicker. safer. and easier on the Truck than the single armful can be moved by hand. The Patent Interlocking Drying Racks are made with hardwood sides, wide softwood slats, and are very strongly put together. Price List. Weights and Dimensions SIZE INSIDE I WEIGHT EACH PRICE EACH I SIZE INSIDE 1 WEIGHT EACH PRICE EACH 8% x 13 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1% pounds , $0.20 I 24 x 36 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 pounds $0.55 11 x 17 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 pounds , .25 I 32 x 48 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12- pounds I .85 13 x 19 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3% pounds I .30 I 38 x 52 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 pounds I 1.20 15 x 21 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 pounds I .35 I 43 X 63 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 pounds I 1.55 18 X 25 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 pounds i .45 II 45 X 65 inches . . . . . . . . .. . . . . :20 pounds 1.60 The side rails on Koerner’s Racks are 1% inches wide. The slats which support the sheets are 3 of an inch thick. When stacked, each Rack adds 119.; inches to the height. Unless otherwise ordered. the side rails are always made to run the longest dimension. The prices given above are for Racks with a clearance of 1%.; inches between. when Racks are stacked. For a clearance of 2% inches add 25 per cent to above prices. and for a clearance of 3 inches add 35 per cent to the above prices . NEW YORK DRYING RACK A suitable Drying Rack is a necessity in every economically managed printing ofiice. It will improve the quality of the pro- duct. and facilitates the handling of the printed sheets. The New York Dryers are removable and can be transferred to the press in order to take the sheets direct from the fly. Thus undue handling, which means an excess of spoilage, is avoided. The use of these Dryers prevents undue stacking of the freshly printed sheets, and also expensive slip sheeting is reduced to a minimum. The rightful use of a good set of Dryers will prevent much of the smutting commonly experienced. I , W » in I , ‘a: (D I Z I SHELVES IN EACH RACK I- I-— I— (D I ;uJ Z Lu 1].. In (D I — ~ ————~ — ~——‘' “'1 “J I “J I O I In (D >' yam > >' I No NAMEOFDRYING . 9: _JQZ 95).: wN_,_,iu8z RACK ‘NUMBERI SIZE E2 I§iTi3I°=<5 <;‘o“J§*iTi 3 I O I oin. I 0”“: mo: ';°:2 ISHELVES. Q O I; “J I E INCHES I I New York No. 1‘ 20 I 2-1x36 1s22.75I }s12.00;so.5o: 80 New York No. 2% 30 I 24x36 I 32.00‘: 390 I 15.75; 6-50 I _ New York No. 3; 20 . 28x42 I 28.75, ‘.300 I 12.751 9.60 I 10;) New York No.4. 30 I 28x42 I 40.50, I 16.50‘) 9.60 i POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 913 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PRINTERS’ DIVIDERS Useful for laying out paper, setting gauges. and imposing plate forms. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.85 EMBOSSING COMPOUND B. B. & S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.5O Michener's . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 Burbank‘s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 5 Peters‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 ELECTRIC MOTORS VVe can supply Electric Motors on short notice. Full information. prices. terms. etc.. on application. ELECTROTYPING Our electrotype foundry is thoroughly complete. All orders for electrotyping are promptly attended to at current prices. \Ne carry a Very complete line of stock cuts, and on short notice can furnish duplicates of any cuts shown in our electrotype catalogue. VVe make a specialty of reproductions of half—tone engravings. the printing from our electros being practically as good as from the original. ENGINES VVe can supply gas or gasoline engines on short notice and at manufacturers‘ prices. Full information. rices terms etc. on a ) ilication. 7 7 7 ENGRAVERS' TOOLS No. 1. V shape, large, sharp edge F ' 5 A , No. 4. Flat, face 4‘-inch wide N0. 2. V SI12l.1)€, SITIZLII, Shllrp edge N(')~ Ova-1» face 671'in(‘11 Widb’ N0. 3. Flat. face «:7;-iI1Ch Wide No. 6. Diamond, 3'";-in<‘h square Engraving Tools, set of six, sharpened ready for use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S2.50 ENGRAVERS' WOOD Boxwoo1)—~1n four grades, blocks made any size desired. Stock is usually made about 1f2x1:2 inches, 2—cent, 3-cent, 4-cent, and :')—cent, per square inch. according to quality. Boxwood blocks weigh approxi- mately 41: pounds per square foot. American Boxwood, per square inch, blocks made any size desired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.02 Maple Blocks. per square inch, blocks made any size desired . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .01 An additional charge of 25 per cent. is made for furnishing Maple blocks dressed on both sides. EYE SHADES Eye shades. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.15 I‘ Eye shades, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 COMBINED EYELET PUNCH AND SET An indispensable tool in the printing ofiice. Punches the hole and sets the eyelet. Takes only one size eyelet (No. :2 Skirt). Price, complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.5O Eyelets, per box of 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 Eyelets, per box of 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Sizes of punches and dies correspond with eyelets made. Order by number. BARNHART BROS. & SPII\IDLER’S 914 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS FORM RACKS The new Form Racks Nos. 0. 1 and 2. are strong and substantially built. and varnished the same as our regular line of Cabinets, and take up a surprisingly small amount of floor space considering the number of forms accommo- dated. The bottom boards where the forms rest are covered with sheet iron turned at the edges and firmly fastened as shown in the illustration. This prevents wear and tear which would otherwise occur when heavy forms are pushed into the compartments. The use of these Racks will clear up the office. allows more stone room and mini- mize the danger of pied forms. No. 0——Height. 6 feet 9 inches: width at base. 22 inches: length. 2 feet 8 inches. Shelves for 10 cases in each tier. 30 shelves in all. VVeight. 350 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$24.00 No 1—Height 6 feet 9 inches; width at base. 22 inches: length. 8 feet 9% inches. Shelves for 16 cases in each tier. -18 shelves in all. Weight. 475 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$36.00 1\'o.—Height. 6 feet 9 inches; with at base. 22 inches: length. 5 feet 4% inches. Shelves for 2-1 cases in each tier. 72 shelves in all. V\'eight. 600 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$52.00 The Form Racks Nos. 5 and No. 6 are a new article especially designed for press room requirements. and provide a suitable holder for locked forms at a very moderate price. This Rack can be put in position con- venient to the press and the forms when received from the composing room ready for the press can be tempo- rarily placed in these Racks until required for printing. They are strong and substantially made of hardwood and all the chase grooves are lined on the bottom with iron to prevent damage to the wood work. No. 5 Form Rack provides accommodation for 18 large chases. The height at the back is 311: inches: the depth from front to rear is inches: the width across the front is :37 inches. The bottom of chase grooves are lined with iron. turned at the edges and fastened with screws at the front. to prevent damage to wood work. \Veight. crated for shipment. 200 pounds. .$22.00 No. 6 Form Rack provides accommodations for 12 medium size chases. The height at the back is 25% inches: the depth from front to rear is 19 inches: the width across the front is 253 inches. The bottom of chase grooves are lined with iron. turned at the edges U and fastened with screws at the front. to prevent dam- ‘ age to wood work. \\'eight. crated ready for shipment. 100 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$14.00 HAMILTON FORM TRUCK A most convenient article to have around a printing ofiice. It can be used to advantage trucking forms back and forth be- tween the composing room and the press room. without danger of accident, It will take two forms. one on each side. up to 3-1x~1b’ inches, or several small forms. without overlapping the edge of form beds. It is made of hardwood throughout. re—inforced by cleats underneath. and mounted on four double-wheeled swivel castors. Diameter of wheels is inches. This insures easy motion. The Truck can be turned around and reversed within the floor space it occupies. The bottoms of the grooves where the chases rest on the Truck are lined with iron. Length. 45‘ inches: extreme height from the floor. 23$); inches; extreme width. 42 inches: size of the sloping form beds. 34 inches high. 48 inches long. VVeight. crated. ready for shipment. 300 pounds. Other sizes of this truck can be made to order at proportionate prices. Hamilton Form Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$48.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 915 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS FEED FOLDERS Bone feed folders, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5025 Bone feed folders, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 FOLDING MACHINES We are manufacturers‘ agents for all the leading makes of folders, and are prepared to make quotations on any style desired. Descriptive circulars, prices, terms, etc., on application. FOOT SLUGS SINGLE COL. DOUBLE COL. Brass, 12 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.15 $0.25 Brass, 18 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .20 .30 Brass, 24 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 .35 Metal, 12 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .04 .06 Metal, 18 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .05 .07 Metal, 24 point, cut to newspaper measure, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -06 .08 PATENT STEEL FURNITURE * “ Patent Steel Furniture is a well tried and useful device for saving time in making up and locking up printing forms. It consists 0‘ of pieces of steel in accurate lengths with SW19 Number one notched ends, which can be quickly thrown around blank spaces, instead of filling them in the ordinary way with wood or metal furni- ture. As it takes less material to go around a space than to fill it, so it takes less time to do it. The larger the space the greater the saving in both time and material. It pays for itself over and over again in the time and trouble it saves and the accuracy it secures over the ordinary material. For color and blank work there is nothing in use that can compare with it. Weight for weight it goes six times as far in filling space as metal furniture, and can be used in from one-half to one-sixth the time. It is accurate in every way, to the one-thousandth of an -‘ A inch. It is not only practically perfect when ‘T 9 *3, " , new, but bein made of steel it is alwa s ’i*#1WE’»»@9@r_' - P E’ U‘ ' ' accurate. It isgmade of 24, 36 and 54 point stebel , , if I ’ - 3 2 of an inch high, and with either 12 or 18 point notches. "I :*%é~5ié«2?¥‘-.‘J¢i\'.*—‘ l I I l l I l I - 1 1 l 1 I l I 1 l l LABOR-SAVING REGLET CASES It is an undisputed fact that the use of Labor—Saving Reglet results in a great economy of time and material. A calculation based on the cost of Reglet in yard lengths will demon- strate that our Reglet Cases secure these sav- ings to printers at no advance in price for Reglet, and most moderate charges for the Cases. The best and most accurate oil—soaked Reglet is used and each Case contains equal proportions of nonpareil and pica. I)on‘t waste time and money with the saw and mitre box. No lieglet is wasted when these Lases are used. as each piece is returned to its place in the Case after use. \Vhen the Reglet becomes worn and battered through long usage the Case can be refilled at a moderate cost. \Ve present here the largest line ever offered of these Cases in various sizes and different arrangements. The Cases are made of selected hardwood and finished in antique oak. of fine appearance and substantial build. Aline gauge is put on each Case and the differ- ent lengths are stamped on edges of all Cases over each compartment. so there will be no difficulty in replacing the lieglet in the several compartments after use. LlLl)()I‘-SLl\'lI'l}._:' Reglet Case No. 4 NUMBER NUMBER LENGTH PICAS ' ___,D'h_AENS',,ONS OF CASE’ INCHES CASE AND WEIGHT REGLET WEIGHT YARDS CUT PlECES : HEIGHT LENGTH DEPTH REGLET 1 POUNDS ONLY POUNDS 300 1 s00 1 10 to 00 . 101 . 10;: 15 $10.00 l 0:2 as 5.00 :10 n a , l ~ 1‘ — 0 500 2.400 , 10 to 1:20 1 201: 1 213 1.» 18.00 i 1:20 12.00 00 000 4.200 1 10 to 51 1 101. 1 :-15.1 , 0.3 18.00 ' 110 11.00 00 300 2.100 1 10 to 51 '; 169.: 1 203 l 0.1. 11.00 1 0:: 5.50 :10 1.551) 0.7200 1 10 to 150 g 101 . 52;; 1 :20 45.00 j 275 30.00 150 775 21,100 1 10 to 150 . 10$ :11 1 :20 27.00 1 17.3 15.00 75 A line gauge. graduated by 1)i(‘:LS, with a stop at the end, is attached to every Case, for convenience in determin- ing lengths while replacing Reglet. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER'S ‘J18 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS LABOR-SAVING WOOD FURNITURE CASES No. 12 Standard Furniture Case No. 17 Mammoth Furniture Case All furniture which goes into these cases is cut from carefully selected stock. thoroughly seasoned and oil—soaked. It is smoothly finished, accurate and uniform in size. The feature of Extension Furniture Cases is entirely new and such cases are here listed for the first time. Many printers have found that the lengths which usually go with an ordinary funiture case are not long enough for all requirements. \\'ith the Extension Furniture Cases a printer requiring longer lengths can order the companion case to the one he already has and the two will work together. The case with shorter lengths can be set on top of the one with longest lengths. The two cases combined make practically one complete Furniture Case. PICA NO. OF HEIGHT‘ WIDTH DEPTH AT} CASE AND .WEIGHT FURMTURE IWEIGHT NO‘ NAME LENGTHS PIECES INCHES INCHES ‘BASE IN.‘ FURNITURE I CRATED ONLY j BOXED No.11) Midget . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I010 00 250, :31 10 1 10:: s 6.00 : 50 I s 2.75 5 No. 11 Midget lfixtension . . . . . . . . . .. 70 to 1030 ‘.345 I 255 I 1() - ‘.27-5 . 17.00 130 8.25 i 7 NH. 1:2 Standard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 to 00 .3001 :11 I 10.1: T 101 10.00 ; so 5.00 I 50 No.13 Standard Extension , . . . . . .. 70 to 100 400 73% i 16-’: I 137% I 23-00 1 100 15-50 f 140 l\'II_1-1 I)()11b1eSt;1nd;1I'd , , _ , . . . . . . .. 10 to‘ 00 1.170 41': 10% I 20.00 I 175 11.50 I 100 No. 15 Double Standard Extension 70 to 160 1.():3‘.I 34%» j 22% I 727% 45.75 375 33.75 1 ‘.275 No.10 BabV.\la1nn1oth . . . . . . . . . . . .. I0 to 100 705 41 . 18} ; 27.3 29.00 240 15.00 I 130 No.17 .\la1nmoth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 to170 1.52%) 41 314‘ I 37% 1 40-00 I, 400 25-00 1 330 .\'6,Is Variety . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1-2 to 1:201 1,1120 243. ; 30 :21 I 24.75 . 190 13.75 100 '.\'o.1‘.i (jaslonu. . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .. 1-2 16120 :3.().s‘()i zm L 30 I :31 i 46.50 I 340 I 26.00 I 200 .\'6.-.20*.Imnb6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.216210 :a.sIIIII 02 . :41 :37 ; 110.00 5 760 I 73.00 I 500 Order by name and number. WOOD FURNITURE Cut in Labor-Saving Lengths 40 PICAS 50 PICAS _ 60 PICAS 70 PICAS SO PICAS 90 PICAS 10 PICAS 15 PICAS 20 PICAS 25 PICAS I 30 PICAS PIECES AM) MDTHS LONG LONG ‘ LONG . LONG LONG 6 LONG LONG ‘ LONG I LONG . LONG 1 LONG 100 Pieces Nonpareil or Pica. $0.15 . $0.20 $0.25 ~ $0.30 . $0.35 j $0.45 ; $0.55 I $0.65 $0.75 ; $0.85 1 $0.95 100 Pieces :2 picas wide . . . . _. .20 I .30 .40 1 .50 I .60 I .80 ; 1.00 1 1.20 ; 1.40 ; 1.60 1.30 100 Pieces 3 picas wide . . . . .. .23 .35 .46 L .58 .70 7 .92 f 1.16 I 1.40 1 1.62 ; 1.84 ; 2.08 100 Pieces 4 picas wide . . . . .. .26 .39 .52 .65 I .78 1.04 1.30 1.56 ; 1.82 I 2.08 ; 2.34 100 Pieces picas wide . . . . ,_ .29 .44 .58 .73 j .88 ; 1.16 ; 1.46 l 1.76 2.04 g 2.32 5 2.64 100 Pieces 6 picas wide . . . . ,, .32 .48 .64 .80 3 .96 I 1.28 A 1.60 ‘ 1.92 2.24 I 2.56 1 2.88 100 Pieces 8 picas Wide . . . . .. .37 .57 .74 .93 I 1.14 J 1.48 I 1.85 ; 2.28 I 2.59 3 2.96 3 3.33 ]()()pieCe_g 1()1,iC;1Swjde _ _ _ _ _, .43 .66 .86 1.08 I 1.29 I 1.72 2.15 I 2.58 f 3.01 I 3.44 3.87 Other lengths and widths of Labor-Saving Furniture can be furnished at proportionate prices. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 919 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS REGLET AND WOOD FURNITURE In Yard Lengths WEIGHT PRICE 11 WE GHT PR1cE 1 WEIGHT | PR1cE 1; A WIDTHS l 100 YARDS I PER '1 WIDTHS 7 100 YARDS1 PER . WlDTHS 100 YARDS . PER } POUNDS 1 YARD I1 1 POUNDS YARD POUNDS i YARD Pearl to Pica. . . . 10 1 $0.02 1! 7 line . . . . . . . . . . .1 70 ~ $0.06 14 line . . . . . . . . . .. 1-10 $0.10 Great Primer 15 ~ -03 1! 8 line . . . . . . . . . . .. 30 I .06 ., 15 line . . . . . . . . . .. 150 .10 2line . . . . . . . . . . . 20 1 .03 11 9 line . . . . . . . . . .. 110 , .06 ltlline . . . . . . . . . .. 1110 .10 3line . . . . . . . . . . . :-so 1 .04 11 10 line . . . . . . . . . .4 100 = .03 .1 17 line . . . . . . . . . .. 170 , .12 4 line . . . . . . . . . . . 40 1 .04 11 11 line . . . . . . . . . ..1 110 1 .03 H 1s line . . . . . . . . . 1110 1 .12 5 line . . . . . . . . . . . 50 1 .04 1 1:2 line . . . . . . . . . .., 1:20 .03 ,. 20 line . . . . . . . . . .. 200 ! .14 6 line . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 00 f .06 1 13 line . . . . . . . . . 130 1 .10 11 24 line . . . . . . . . . .. 240 ~ .16 SUPERIOR ALL-BRASS GALLEYS Extra Heavy Rims. Bottoms of Standard Thickness and Absolutely Flat Superior All—Brass Galley is the strongest and most serviceable galley made. The rim is made of extra heavy brass with an extra lip at the top and bottom, which not only acts as a rein- forcement but enables the printer to get a more secure grip on the galley as he lifts it from the case or stone. The corners are securely interlocked and are exceptionally strong and true. The method of interlocking the corners increases the life of the galley to over double that of any other galley. In an all-brass galley the corner construction is the most important point to investigate, as it is there that most of the lock—up strain comes. Sho ws ho w corners are interloc ked The bottoms are treated to a special straightening process which insures their nearest approach to a perfect flatness. The rivets which hold the sides and ends securely to the bottom are of extra hard brass, extend clear through the sides and bottom of the galley, the holes are deeply countersunk and the rivet headed over, top and bottom. Our method of interlocking the corners and strongly riveting the sides and bottoms has brought the Superior All-Brass R Galley to a point of perfection where it is acknow- ledged to be the standard of quality and construction. JOB GALLEYS PRICE 6 X10 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 $1.50 851x13 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 2.00 9 X14 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 2.50 1() X113 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 3.00 12 X18 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .‘ 3.75 14 X731 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I 4.50 15 X22 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 18 X25 inches inside . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.00 COLUMNS ;lNCHES INSIDE: PRICE COLUMN 1NcHEs 1Ns|oE pmcg Single Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .~ 311x231‘ 1 $2.00 1 Five Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .l 12':‘x:>.:s:: $4.75 Single Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 233x152 1 1.75 .1 Six Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ., 15 X2:-$1 § 5.50 Single Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .; 3-lixllfi ‘ 1.50 11 Seven Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ 17lx:33:: 6,00 Me ium Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 X332 3 ‘ 2.25 ,1 Eight Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lS)§Xt3:-1‘; 6.50 Double Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 131x233 2.50 ,1 Mailing Galley, both ends closed, 111x30 ‘ 2,25 Double Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .j 1331x153 . 2.25 31 Mailing Galley, both ends closed’ 61x23; ' 3.00 Double Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1‘ Hlxllié . 2.00 .1 Mailing Galley. both ends closed 71x23; . 3.25 Triple Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Hlxfli-$‘1 1 3.25 ,1 Mailing Galley. both ends closed 10 X239: 4.00 Four Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1()lXf3Z-32% 1 4.00 . Special sizes made to Order at proportionate prices. BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 920 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ALL-BRASS LINOTYPE GALLEY ICIHI \'I\,‘\\' (if Styli‘ I‘; 'l‘his galley was designed to furnish an efficient and quick method of handling linotype slugs. It is made in two styles: Style A. where slugs are used exclusively. and Style B. where type is used in connection with the slugs. In Style A one side of the galley rim is made considerably lower than the other and the inside of the rims are tapered at the top. which permits very rapid corrections. as the slugs can be tipped up endways and lifted out of the galley without interference from the sides. Style B is made with both sides of equal height and finished straight inside. Both styles are locked at the bottom by a foot clamp which slides over the rims and is tightened by pushing the lever to the left. Pins are set into the ends of the rims to keep the clamp from sliding off and getting lost. Prices for either style are the same. 1:3 inches long. any width. not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 1+‘; inches long. any width. not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75 :24 inches long. any width. not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 Extra Foot Clamps. each . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 For each additional pica em in width exceeding 1.‘) ems pica. add to the list price. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .05 The above prices include Foot Clamp. In ordering it is necessary to give exact width of column and to send a sample linotype slug‘ also be sure and state whether Style A or B is wanted. 1 The advantages of this galley are apparent to all. There is no trouble. confusion. or loss of time in handling side-sticks and quoins. either to the compositors or stone hands. The type is always secure an held intact during composition. n1aking—up. or in standing matter. \\'l1en sufiicient type is placed upon the galley. close up the side. which is caught by a spring catch at the head of the galley. adjust the clamp tightly against the matter and turn the lever to the left. In correcting. loosen the matter by simply turning the lever to the right. l?3—ins. long. any width. not exceeding 15 ems pica . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 ll} " ‘* *' “ “ " 15 " " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 734 " " " " " “ 15 " “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 :34 “ -' by 73.3 ems pica wide . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 3.50 Extra I~‘oot (jlamps. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .50 For each additional pica em in width exceeding 1.‘) ems pica. add to the list price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .05 The above prices include Foot (‘1amp. In ordering it is necessary to give exact width of type matter for which galleys are required. MUSTANG, MCFATRICH AND MERCANTILE MAILING GALLEYS _~ - are. ..\.-.x .~....' ..... .__ ‘ _ .¥v8w;,—R .'a..uag«.u—u-..-....--_~-v-sn-~_-- _ M 1. ma“... " ‘WWI ’ * ’“ V “' ""‘ - I. ~' - -s«‘»a..~.«-- -. - M . - . ._ -~"~~v3~—“’~'-“-“'>*-'**‘«= Mustang Mailing Galley 10 EM 14 EM 16 EM NIcI*‘atricl1 Mailing (lalleys. all zinc. 30 inches long. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.80 $1.00 - — Mercantile (—:‘-alleys. all zinc. 30 inches long. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . .. .80 1.00 1.10 Mustang Mailing Galley. 10 picas x:2>~’§ inches long. brass bottoln. llnlincd . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 -—~‘~ -~~—~ Mustang Mailing (lalley, 10 picas x73.\“.‘ inches long. zinc bottom. unlined . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . .50 ——~—— -————~« WOOD GALLEYS ii;cAgs'“.~sdB"ej Eéiaicéii Eméie “INCHES Ir:J_Sv|kDEH’ PRICE 4 x is ‘ $0.20 ”' 0.1. x :24 $0.60 3 10 x In $0.65 x s _25 ‘i (3 x :20 .50 «i ‘J x 1s .70 5 x 15 .30 gj 7 x 273 .55 i 10 x 734 .75 X lo’ .40 ll 8 x 10 .40 I :53 I 734 .50 (3 x E 10 .30 ll sx:34 .60 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 9731 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BRASS LINED, HALF LINED AND UNLINED JOB GALLEYS arms TT T I T T T TTT T T TT T T TTTTATE TT T INCHES INSIDE BRASS LINED I HALF LINED ~ 3 80 OM INCHES INSIDE BRASS LINED HALF LINED BRASS BOTTOM UNLINED T I p * UNLINED I}. X 10 ‘ $1.50 I $1.40 $1.25 12 X 18 $3.75 $3.50 $3.00 81 X 13 I 2.00 I 1.90 ‘ 1.75 ‘ 14 X 721 4.50 ‘ 4.00 3.50 I) X 14 I 2.50 I 2.25 p 2.00 1:") x 722 5.00 4.50 4.00 10 X II} 3.00 ‘ 2.75 2.50 18 X 6.00 p 5.50 5.00 BRASS LINED, HALF LINED AND UNLINED COLUMN GALLEYS ‘ I I I BRASS ‘ ZINC INSIDE I A H LF » I INCHES I IB_I?NESI§ LINED I BOTTOM L‘ BOTTOM E i UNLINED‘ UNLINED Single... . . . . .‘ 3;‘ X231 I $2.00 $1.75 I $1.50 I $1.25 Medium . . . . . .I 5 x 7334' l 2.25 I 2.00 I 1.75 I 1.40 I)ouble . . . . . I" X7231 ‘ 2.50 2.25 I 2.00 1.50 Extra I)ouble* 7-3 x :2: [ 2.75 I 2.50 I 2.25 I 1.75 '.I‘riple.......fl’ sl x:3:;.' . 3.25 f 3.00 I 2.75 2.25 I BRASS LINED, HALF LINED AND UNLINED MAILING GALLEYS '/ ..., .._...4a.......z.T..T.-..........._ l'A‘AI~ .1... .,. . . BRASS ZINC INSIDE I BRASS HALF ‘ BOTTO BO TOM MEASUREMENTS LINED LINED UNUNEE UNCTINED l0})iC21S X 30 in . . . . . . . .1 $1.50 $1.00 $ .75 5 .65 64‘ in. X221 in . . . . . . .. 3.00 I 2.75 2.50 1.50 7-‘; II]. X 732} in . . . . . . 3.25 3.00 2.75 1.75 CHALLENGE RIVETED ZINC GALLEYS Designed for general useuparticularly for storage pur- poses where it is desirable to keep the type in the galleys while taking proofs and correcting. The corners are square where the sides attach to the bottom. thus insuring perfect proofs. ’J‘he material used is Compressed Plate-'/.inc. especially made for this purpose. T TT , , , T ‘T TT _f,T'T', T_TTT” TTT’_TT T, , ,,,, T!,T,,,'T’ Ti ,,,TTT ’ __', , COLUMNS {INCHES INSIDE; 99 OR LESS ~ 100 OR OVER I 250 OR OVER 500 OR OVER Single Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 3-£x2:-51 : $1.10 I $1.05 I $1.00 $ .95 Single Column, Half Length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 2-llxlli .90 .85 .80 .75 I)ouble Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I'Ilx23‘1 1.40 I 1.35 1.30 1.25 Triple Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I Slxtli-34' 1.70 1.65 p 1.60 1.55 Job and book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (‘I X10 p 1.10 1.05 * 1.00 .95 Job and book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83x13 T 1.30 1.25 1.20 1.15 Job and book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10 x10 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 Double Column Mailing. both ends closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I I'>1xt3:.’§ 1.60 1.55 1.50 1.45 CHALLENGE PLATE-ZINC STORAGE GALLEYS Challenge Plate-'/.inc Storage Galleys are shaped in special molds, the corners reinforced. making them very substantial and durable. The material used is double—rolled plate—7.inc. Especially desirable for stor- age purposes where ’l‘ype-Setting and Linotype ma- chines are used. COLUMNS “INCHES INSIDE‘ 99 OR LESS I00 OR OVER 1250 OR OVER 500 OR OVER Job and Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 6 x10 I s .80 I as .75 as .70 : as .65 Job and Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 83x13 .95 .90 .85 .80 Job and Book . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ; 10 X10 1.30 I 1.25 I 1.20 1.15 Single Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . T :-3lx23.‘. I .75 ‘ .70. I .65 I .60 Single Column. half length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘ 3-5x111 T .60 I .55 .50 I .45 Double Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..I ts:.x:2:;.'. ‘ 1.00 .95 I .90 I .35 Triple Column . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I 85x2: I I 1.30 I 1.25 E 1.20 1.15 Mailing Galley, both ends closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I 3§x.f2‘.3-1.» .95 _ .90 .85 .80 Mailing Galley. both ends closed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . I f11it1‘(1\V0()t1 tliroug‘lm11t and finished untique. 'l‘l1ey provide cunvenient dumping‘ and stnrztge surface at muderztte Cust. ',l‘l1e brztss-lined tops are covered on the hnttnius with lieztvy sheet hrztss. sucl1 as is used fur ,<,r2tlley lmttntns. The s11r1‘nt1ndiI1;.;‘rimszmd division strips on such tops are of heavy square hrztss tubing‘. inziking an 2tll—hrztss top, first class in every respect. ’l‘hese Stzmdingg (-iztlleys its constructed hold stzmdztrd size Letter Bnztrds. Ni». 1 and 2%. 'l‘he_v can he speciztlly built with mere (fuse l{2tCks tn utilize all the spztce under the top. and with clused hack and ends. Prices ,9;iVen helnw dn not include (fuses. Prices. Dimensions and Weights 5 SINGLE 6 SINGLE 7 SINGLE 8 SINGLE 9 SINGLE 10 SINGLE . 1 ‘ (, i I _h __ Th N » m,U_ h _ V,“_i _d “M1 m_m(_ U) COLUMNS. COLUMNS COLUMNS. COLUMNS. COLUMNS. COLUMNS. “’ um””- ’ '‘ ‘E5’ " ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ TOP 20 ms. TOP 21; 1~2 TOP 27 ms. TOP .301-2 TOP 34 ms. TOP 271-2 2t(‘LU2Ll1)i(‘2l and nunpuriel iiivztstires, w|[)E_ ms, w|DE_ wing. ms, w.DE_ w|DE_ ms_ w,DE_ l The width ofsin::lt-t-ultnmis is three im~l1;nfd<)t1hle l. .3 feet lmig‘. with rztcks tn 110111 >4 twwthirds and 5' full—si7.e cases. II;11‘dw«md imp. with \\'m)tit*n strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $14.75 $15.25 $15.75 $16.25 $16.75 $17.25 '/11I1(j—ii11L*,ti 10]) ................. . . . . .. 19.75 21.00 22.50 24.00 25.75 27.50 B1‘ZlSS—ilI1t*.ti int) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26.00 29.00 32.00 35.00 38.00 41.00 ". (3 feet lmig‘. with rztcks tn lmld *8'1\\'H—Ii1iI‘(i:s‘ and N full—c;tses and 14 §_;‘2tlle_\i racks. 1i2l1'p . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 35.75 38.50 ~ 40.50 42.00 43.75 p 45.50 B1'2tss—liI1e¢i t<)p.... 49.50 54.75 . 60.00 65.25 70.50 . 75.75 0'». 173 feet long". with racks to huld 2173 full cases. Ilztrdwtmd tnp. with \V(H)(i(’I1 strips . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 29.50 ’ 30.65 31.80 32.95 34.10 35.25 '/.inc—lined top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40.75 43.50 l 45.75 48.00 50.75 53.50 .BI‘L1SS—iil1t‘,(i top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 57.75 M 64.50 71.25 78.00 84.75 91.50 BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLER'S 9:34 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS STANDING GALLEY WITH LETTER BOARDS Equipped with Twenty Hardwood Letter Boards. Providing 102 Square Feet of Letter Board Surface and Accommodating Twenty-Eight Double Column Galleys ,_’-~-~ No. 10 Standing Galley with Twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks. This Standing Galley is specially constructed for use in machine offices requiring large storage room for type forms. The space beneath 21 Standing Galley has usually been left \'2lC21Ilt or partly filled with ordinary case racks. and there was always a consequent loss of floor space and a want of storage room for standing forms. The Letter Boards can be utilized for large and tied—up forms. while the small matter and untied forms can be accommodated in the series of Galley Racks at one end wl1icl1 will take 2% Triple Column All Brass (lalleys. The frame is substantially constructed to stand great weight. The Letter Boards are made of hardwood with side rails mortised to bottoms as shown in the illustration. These Letter Boards are lipped at the fronts to receive the Brass Galley. thus facilitating the transfer of type matter from Gal- ley to Boards and Vice Versa. These twenty large Letter Boards provide 10:}. square feet of storage surface. V\'hen top is brass lined it contains over «I0 pounds of the finest patent leveled sheet brass. the whole top being covered. and all division strips and surrounding rim are of square brass tubing secured with screws from the under side. providing a smooth all brass top. The zinc lined top contains over .30 pounds of heavy sheet zinc. Both brass and zinc are of the same quality and thickness as used in regular Column (ialleys. The dimensions are: Length over all. 8 feet: depth. :37 inches: height. at front. 2% feet: height. at back. 3 feet 10 inches. Size of Letter Boards is 2-1 X 3111» inches inside. This Standing Galley can be furnished with 10 Letter Boards :34 x :31 inches inside. in place of the Gal- ley Rack. without change in price. NO, WEIGHT PRICE No. 10 I Unlined. wood top. with twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks. .. pounds :5 72.00 No. 11 Zinc lined top. with twenty Letter Boards and Galley Racks. . . . . . . . pounds 95.00 No. 12 Brass lined top. with twenty letter Boards and Galley Racks _ . . . . .. R15 pounds I 107.00 WROUGHT-IRON STANDING GALLEY With Iron Racks and All Brass Top 5 SINGLE 6 SINGLE 7 SINGLE 8 SINGLE I COLUMNS COLUMNS COLUMNS COLUMNS I ' " ’ I I I I I I I I 9 SINGLE 10 SINGLE COLUMNS COLUMNS NO. ‘ DESCRIPTION No. 1 .3 feet long. with racks to hold 8 tWo—third and >4 full cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $54.00 $58.00 . $62.00 $66.00 $70.00 $74.00 No. :3 6 feet long. with racks to hold 8 two—third and >4 full cases. and 16 galley racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70.00 75.00 80.00 85.00 90.00 95.00 No. 3 7 feet long. with racks to hold 16 full cases. . . .. 65.00 71.00 77.00 83.00 ; 89.00 95.00 No. 4 j 8 feet long. with racks to hold 16 full cases and p ; 10 galley racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 80.00 86.00 92.00 98.00 { 104.00 110.00 No. 5 5 10 feet long. with racks to hold 734 full cases. . .. 85.00 92.00 99.00 106.00 3 113.00 120.00 No. Ii 12 feet long‘. with racks to hold 32 full cases. . .. 95.00 104.00 3 113.00 122.00 131.00 j 140.00 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 925 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS GAUGE PINS AND GUIDES \ Flexible Side Gauge Pin Eccentric Stud (iaugc Perfect Register Gauge 25': - ’_ -V -‘ ,7. I‘ ,V A FE£l2"BQAREI_. “ Extension Feed (—}l1i(lL‘S Cylinder Side Guide Pin Urolderi Steel Gauge Pin. Nos. 1. 73. £3. 4. (3. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.40 Original Steel Gauge Pin. Nos. 1. :3, 3. 4. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 No. I. I2-point high; :3. 15-point; 3. 18-point; each with a .'.~, inch lip; I. 12-point, no lip; 5, 15-point, ,'. inch lip; 6. I2-point. Measures over all. Spring-Tongue Gauge Pin. per dozen. with 133 extra tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 Spring—’l‘ongue Gaiige Pin. per set of three. with 5; extra tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Tongues. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .25 Screw Adjusting Gauge Pin. per set of three. with extra tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 Flexible Side Gauge Pin. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 Perfect Register Gauge. per set of three. with extra tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Eccentric Stud Gauge. per set of three . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 lflxtension Feed Guide. per pair. with short guide and tongues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Cylinder Side Guide Pin. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Radiating Sheet Supporters. complete sets. either length . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 Lengths, 3 3.1-. 4 4-‘_. 5 6 inches For a Txll 8x12 9x13 10x15 11x17 12x18 13x19 press Iron Gauge Pin Drawer, size. L’.'.x$59_» inches. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 AUXILIARY GRIPPERS Pressmen have always been given to the use of all sorts of cumbersome devices in cardboard. strinv‘. rubber. or wire. for temporary relief when common grippers fail. Instant relief can be had in nearly every case by the use of Auxiliary Grippers. They are held firmly to gripper by a strong steel spring having three—eighths-inch throw. and can be placed instantly at any point on gripper. Admits of the use of left—hand gauge pin in all _io|)s. \/Vith small forms right-hand gripper can be thrown to right out of feeder‘s way. If your form. has narrow margins the gripper—attachment tongues can be adjusted between lines or at head or foot of sheet. By a slight bend of tongues they will hang to sheet after side grippers let go. All parts are aceti- rately made of the best material. and they are acknowledged by pressmen to be the only practical gripper made. 'l‘hey do not interfere with either wood reglet or metal furniture. Price per pair. sizes ii, 5:. Si. .3. 1 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.50 Be sure and state size wanted. GLUE POTS 1 Quart. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.90 2 Quart. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.20 BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 9226 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS MULLER PATENT HALF-TONE SOFTENING HAMMERS AND PUNCHES Invaluable in pressrooms where halftone or process plates are used. as their use on the iirst job usually results in a saving which more than equals their first cost. They are used for softening the harsh edges of vignetted cuts. whether origin- al halftones. electrotypes. stereotypes or wood engravings. The hammers are made with lines on each end to match any screen. and the edges are softly tapped. thus softening them as if by magic. Unlike a hand tooled edge the effect of the hammer is not noticeable T on the printed page. but the vignetted edge I ma isI!1|"ll‘?!’§iliH”EEEl'lll1li§fl{l’},giIlimilii“ 1! willll!illllli“!(lllill:,,..v_ or other lig‘litenetT spot appearsfias if it were H "K".,ml!W'jMWfliiiillllfil all ,.i' ‘ l.'..r. re—etcl1ed and not touched with a tool. The ~. punches are made in three different shapes. oblong. square and diamond. By the aid of these punches it is possible to carry the softening effect immediately up to a solid. which it is impossible to do with an under- lay or overlay alone. and impossible to do with a graver without showing the tool mark. No. 1 Hammer. with different Screen at each end. weighs .3 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . ..$5.00 No. 2 Hammer. with Screen at small end. and Stipple at large end. weighs :3 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. 6.50 No. :5 Hammer. with Screen at small end. and Burnisher at large end. weighs .3 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.50 Oblong Punch. any Screen. lxié inch. weight 72 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 Square Punch. any Screen. ix; inch. weight 73 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 Diamond Punch. any Screen. .‘.xl inch. weight 2 ozs . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Oblong and Square Punches. for Stipple. weight 2 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 THE HAMILTON IMPOSING STONE FRAME. Fitted with Letter Boards. Galley Racks. Furniture Rack. Reglet Rack and Drawers for Metal Furniture. This is the largest Stone Frame made or ever listed. In large oflices it will be found of inestimable value in providing‘ a large space where the stone hands can work freely without interfering. It is firmly constructed of hardwood throughout and finished the same as our pest Cabinets. The Stone is hard and the best procurable. This is the only Stone Frame or other piece of printing ofiice furniture which pro- vides [.abor—Saving Reglet and Furniture from small sizes up to yard-lengths. with frequent variations. The Hamilton Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone, 48 x 96 inches. Galley Racks This Frame has accommodations for two tiers of Galleys on each side. 14 Galleys in each tier. a total of an Double Column Galleys. Reglet Racks (me on each side of the Frame. There are 38 pieces of nonpareil and 38 pieces of pica of each length. making a total of 4.2.36 pieces of Reglet. amounting to 1,639 yards. all cut labor-saving and comprising lengths by short variations from 12 picas to one yard. or 216 picas. Furniture There are two Furniture Racks-—one on each side of the Frame. The following lengths are accom- modated: 12. 18, 24. 30, 36. 42. 48, -.34, 60, 70, 80, 90. 100, 120, 140. 160, 180. 200 and 216 picas of 2, 3. 4. 6. 8 and 10—line furni- ture makinzz a total of 2.244 pieces or 888 yards of Labor-Saving Furniture. Letter Boards — The Frame contains 11 Letter Boards, size 24; x 49 inches inside measure. These run through the Frame and can be drawn from either side. They have a removable partition bar across the center which can be used to back the type against when desired. Drawers There are 6 Drawers iii the upper part of the Frame. all of which run clear through a11d can be drawn from either side. The sizes of the Drawers are as follows (inside measurements): -1 Drawer 132 x 48.1. x inches; 1 Drawer 2.’) x 48.1. x 2.‘_. inches; 2 Drawers 8} x 48.1. x1 inch; 2 Drawers 13;‘ X 483;. x 1 inch. The four 1-inch Drawers are for the storage of Metal Furniture laid in single depth. The weight of this Stone and Frame. complete, ready for shipment, including all the Reglets and Furniture is 2.800 pounds. Weight of Stone only. 1,100 pounds. Hamilton Imposing Frame with Stone. complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$290.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT*BODY 927 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE KAUFMAN IMPOSING STONE FRAME Fitted with Letter Boards. Sort Drawers. Galley Racks and Indexed Electrotype Cases. Size of Stone. 40 x 80 inches The general. use of large modern Imposing Stone Frames with all space under the Stone utilized. is steadily increasing and few good offices are now without one or more of these decidedly economical pieces of modern Printing Office Furniture. No single article of printers‘ furniture has undergone such unusual development as the Stone Frame. 'l‘he Kaufman is an improved Imposing Stone Frame. somewhat after the style of the original Dorsey Frame but with a different arrangement and accommodating ldlectrotype Cases and Galley Rack not found in most other Stone Frames of the kind. It will be found very useful in large ofiices and it has proved to be one of the most popular Imposing Frames on the market. Letter Boards There are H l.etter Boards, 1-.')x:2><{. inches. and :37.’ Letter Boards, 15 x in inches inside Ineasure. These Letter Boards have a lip at the front on which to rest the (lalley, and type matter can be pushed from the Galley on to the Board without dilliculty. There is a rail at the back and also side rails to push the type against and hold it in position. 'l‘hey are made of the finest selected hardwood, free front imperfections. Climatic changes will not affect them. Drawers There are two Drawers which pull clear through and can be drawn from either side of the Fraine: size. 16 x 40;‘ x 2;‘ inches. In the. center there are two Drawers for metal furniture, which pull clear through and can be drawn from either side. These Drawers are H; x to‘; x I inch. They provide a convenient place for the sys- tematic storage of the metal furniture where the stone man can always have it handy without leaving his work. Indexed Electrotype Cases’ There are I8 special Indexed Blectrotype Cases in this Frame; size 20x20 inches inside. These Cases are numbered consecutively so that a proper record can be kept in the index book of the contents of each Case. With each (Jase there is an assortment of all kinds of division strips. including four of the long, double slotted ones which run from front to back of the (Base, and various sizes of the short cross-division strips. An In- dexed Book accompanies this Frame for use in connection with these Indexed Electrotype (Bases. Sort Drawers “There are 16 Sort Drawers in this Frame, each divided into ten equal size compartments. the size of each compartment being 3 x -4 x 3 inches. These Sort Drawers provide storage room for an immense amount of special type not in general use but which n1ust be kept in readiness for special and large jobs. Galley Racks This Frame has accommodation for 60 (lalleys. There. are three tiers to accommodate Double Column (}alleys, and one tier to accommodate Single Column (lalleys, l.')(l.al1eys in each tier. The shipping weight of this [<‘ra1ne, complete, with the Stone. is l.15Upoumls. Weight of Stone only. 770 pounds. ()ccup1es floor space. 421x 82;} inches. Kaufman Imposing Frame. complete with Stone, ~l0xb‘() inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$150.00 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S $128 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE ALGOMA IMPOSING STONE FRAME Fitted with Chase Racks. Sort Drawers, Letter Boards. Reglet and Furniture. and Drawers for Tools and Metal Furniture The Algoma Frame is a companion piece to the Two Rivers and \Visconsin Frames. taking the same size of Stone. 36 x 130 inches. but with a change in equipment. The placing of the Furniture on the end is an especially good feature. It prevents waste of room. One end is entirely taken up by the Reglet and Furniture. which leaves the entire surface of both sides to be utilized for Letter Boards. Chase Racks and Sort Drawers. with the exception of 10 inches. which is cover- ed by panels. as shown. The Assortment of Reglet and Furniture is in the usual widths from ‘.2 to 10 picas wide, and in the most convenient lengths from 10 to 60 picas long. with Variations of to 6 picas. The Reg- let assortment is of nonpareil and pica from 30 to (30 picas long. with variations of single picas. . This is a most convenient Frame for all around purposes. and it embraces most of the good features of other Stone Frames combined into one piece of furniture. It is thoroughly made of selected hardwoods. nicely finished. like the best of printers‘ Cabinets. and strongly bolted to safely carry any load to which it can be subjected. The use of this modern Stone Frame is decidedly economical. It contracts the space occupied by material used about the Stone. and brings it within easy reach of the make-up man. It does away with useless running back and forth about the ofiice. hunting for material and interference with other workmen. It will save space as well, and where rents are high and space is necessarily limited. this Stone Frame will replace the cost in a saving of time and material in a Very short time. Letter Boards-—'I‘ here ar e 22 Letter Boards arranged in 2 tiers. 11 Boards in each tier. size 15 X17 inside. These Letter Boards are made with lips on the front to re— . A '- i ceive the Brass Galley, so that —» Q 3; . § , 5 3 5 i ‘ type can be easily transferred from the Galley to Letter Boards. Sort Drawers—8 Sort Drawers arranged in one tier. Each Drawer is sub-divided into 6 com- partments. each 51x 43 x 21 inches deep inside. Drawers—Under the Coftin there are 5 Drawers. all of which run clear through and can be with- drawn from either side. The 2 large Drawers are 4 inches deep and 13.‘_. X362 inches inside. In the center are 3 shallow drawers for metal furniture, 1 inch deep and 13-‘_-. x362 inches inside. . _ Chase Racks_One Side Of mg Frzmm is utlgen up with Chase Rack equipment. There are 14 Racks 10.1. inches in height by inches deep; 9 Racks 16 inches high by 19 inches deep; 6 Racks 26,‘; high by 18 inches deep. All of these Chase Rack compartments are lined with iron on the bottom turned at the edges to prevent damage to the wood work when heavy forms are pushed into the co1nI>i11‘UT1€T1t-*- . . .. .1v-E.‘-Q,-.—i‘rV'?!v-§‘(;.__>,._.I ' Furniture-A total of 181 yards of selected oil soaked Furniture of var- ious widths cut on the point system and cut into 1,008 pieces as follows: 16 pieces each 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 picas wide, cut 18, 21 and 2-1 picas long. 8 pieces each 8 and 10 picas wide cut 18, 21 and 24 picas long. 20 pieces each 2. 3, 4, 5 and 6 picas wide cut 30, 36, 42. 48, 54 and 60 picas long. 10 pieces each of 8 and 10 picas wide cut 30, 36, 42, 48, 54 and 60 picas long. Reg1et—Anassortmentof nonpareil and pica. 34 pieces each of nonpareil and pica 30 to 60 picas long, with vari- ations by single picas: a total of 458 yards cut into 2,108 pieces. Stone—The best Vermont marble free from imperfections. . *6 ? ulnli ,1‘! IIIIIIIIII1 f u- Inr I I. . .. " .. I |, 1. H |. If I I I I I I |. I I .1 |. I I ,. "1 I I. I I I Weight of Algoma Frame complete with Stone and full equipment, crated, 1.100 pounds. VVeight of Stone only, 500 pounds. Occupies floor space 38% xtjtliv inches. Algoma Imposing Frame complete with stone. 36x6() inches, and full equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$136.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 929 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS TWO RIVERS IMPOSING STONE FRAME Fitted with Labor-Saving Furniture and Reglet. Letter Boards and Sort Drawers. Roller Cabinet and Drawers for Metal Furniture 'l‘herel1;ts been it demand for medium size lmposi11}_:‘ Stone l<‘rzunes built ztfter the. style of the l)orsey l1‘r2tme. To meet this demand several l<‘rztmes have be.en devised. one, of which is represented by the Two Rivers l.<‘r;tme. It embodies most of the ggootl features of the l)orse_\' lllltl zit the szune time pt‘o\'i(les Lettet‘ Boztrd and Sort Drztwer equipment. 'l‘his l“t‘itlIt(t has been on the II12ll‘l{(.‘t for some time ztnd is proving‘ it ggenerzil favorite. It is strongly constructed of selected l12tt‘(l\\'oods tlll‘t>ll}_Illt)lli and is stron;;‘l_v bolted. The finish is like the best printers‘ tjztbinets. Letter Boards tltllevetl Hoztrds on one side, inside ntezisure, :35 x 30.1 inches. These Ho£ll‘tl.s' 1tl‘t‘ lipped at the front to receive the brass (.‘ztlle_y. Sort Drawers .‘s‘ixteen in two tiers, eztch dividetl into I0 eituztl eonlpztrttnents. size L‘, x If; x 2: inches inside. Drawers Two lztrtre Drztwers ZLL top which run tl1rou,<:h l<‘r;tn1e;tnd can be dr;twn from either side. Size. 13; x 37 x 21 inches. In the center.;1t the top, one zibove the other, runnitn: through the l“l‘;tlllt‘ from side to side ztre two Drztwers for the .s‘[ot‘zL;.Ie of 1net;tl furniture. Size inside. I3; x 37' x 1 inch. Furniture ()f eleztr selected stock, oil soaked. ezteh piece with len,. 173. is’. .31 itlltl tit) piczis lon;.:‘; 1;") pieces of 3, »t, .3 ztnd is-line cut 172. is illltl :21 piczts lotltl‘; rlo pieces of 2%, «I. fiztnd ii-line cut 30. 36'». 1'2. 18. .')t;tnd tit) ]>i(‘1tSl()ll;I: I2 pieces of 8 ztnd to-line cut 1:2. l?*’1lll(l73~l])l(‘2lSl()ll§J‘: It‘. pieces of >4 and lll—lit1e cut :30. ilta, it-2. l.\',.')»l1llltl ('»tl]ii<‘1lS long‘. 'l‘ot;t1 number of pieces. 112:2; ztlI](>tllltlll,£1' to ,-zoo yztrds. Reglet Absolutely ztccurztte lttltl on the point systetn. A double l{ztt‘l{ for holding" 37' pieces of nonp;treil and :17‘ pieces of piczt of eztch of the following‘ lenarths: I72, 13. H, 1.3, It‘», I7. IH, til, :30. 731. 737.’, 73:}. 721. '33, .'3t'», 73:’, :38, till, 33, 36. 39, 173, 1.3. «M, .31. .34. .3'I';t11tlt‘»opic:is,;ttot;tlof:2ti1':2 pieces, ;unottntitt,u' to two _\'2tl‘tlS. Stone --—'l‘he best Vermont nutrhle. and with a perfect iII1posill,L" surface. Roller Compartment Mztde with door. Rollers stztnd on end. llzts ;icconintod;ttion for three e;t<‘lI. rollers for Cl.‘.Illtl'l. ouztrtozind h;tlf medium presses. \Vhen roller cotnp;trttnent. is not 1‘t‘<|t1it‘t*«l. this (‘ll[)lH)Zll‘(l can he used for it vztriety of purposes. An zidditionztl shelf will convert it into it convenient ink <‘;tl>inet or it can be used for the storzttre of (l2tlle_\'s. etc. The Two Rivers l“l‘;tlllL' occttpies floor spztce :lt<.[. x (321 inches. Shippintg‘ \\'ei,L:‘llt, \\ ith Stone complete. 1.1 lopounds. Stone only. fioo pounds. ~ v -~ --tr ~a-.».~».,......-..,...l...V..,..my VI . *_,;.tw "g=Wv’. <’.'>~>"..13;‘T'?::f“:2-' '|‘wo Rivers ltnposing Stone l<‘I‘2une. complete with Furniture, lieglet and Stone, imxlill . . . . . . . . . . ..$125.00 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPlNDl..ER’S 930 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS WISCONSIN IMPOSING STONE FRAME Fitted with Blank Cases. Chase Racks and Drawers for Metal Furniture This will be found a most useful Frame. containing as it does Racks for large sizes of chases. something not found in most other Stone Frames. VVe furnish this Frame with plain Blank Cases as shown in the illustration, or with Indexed Electrotype Cases. It is thoroughly well built of hardwood throughout and bolted at the ends. The Coflin is of selected oak. The ends are tastefully paneled with molded edges. v \Visconsin Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone, 36 X60 inches Cases ()n one side of this Frame there are 28 Cases. 15x26 inches. These Cases z1I‘c'drI"«U1‘.‘.‘cd ill LWU tiers. 14 in each “Ct rphc). M1. Of the --Ncw [)ep;1nu1-e“ pattern with 3-ply bottoms, and as placed in the Frame are practically dust proof. _ Chase Racks -011 the other side are Chase Racks. as f0l10ws:~9 co1111>2U"“n'3m5- 36x18 1r1Ch€S; 9 colnvartnlents. 14x18 inches; 0 conipartlnents. l1.'.x1;3 inches. The bottoms of Chase Racks are covered w1th heavy’ Sheet iron. turned at from edgc and sgcurcly fastened, thus preventing injury to the Frame by the iron chases when pushed into place. Drawerse ‘At the top are two Drawers, 36.§x21 inches and 4 inches deev. running through the Frame and can be drawn from either side. These are for quoins, tools, furniture. etc.’ V . . _ . . Stone The best Vermont marble, 2 inches thick, and tree from imperfections. This Stone is hard and it makes the best stone imposing surface ever offered. _ p g _ The Wisconsin Frame occupies floor space, 381.x62.-} inches. We1gl’1t Of 1‘ rdlllc. COHIDIBLC Wlth Stout. 1100 pounds. Stone, only ‘.300 pounds. Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame. Size of Stone, 36x60 inches Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame with Blank Gases as shown in the illustration and including the Stone. complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 95.00 Wisconsin Imposing Stone Frame with :28 Index Electrotype Cases and full equipment of division strips and Index Book, complete and including the Stone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 105.00 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 931 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE DORSEY IMPOSING STONE FRAME Fitted with Furniture Case. Reglet Rack. Chase Racks, and Drawers for Metal Furniture '.l‘he Dorsey Imposing Stone Frame with Labor—Saving Furniture and Chase Racks VVe show here one of the most improved Imposing Stone Frames. It will he noticed that there is no waste room. but all space is utilized in the most advantageous manner. The [)orse_v Frame was the pioneer of all modern Stone Frames and was introduced several years ago. it has proved a popular li‘rame and is still more often called for than. any other Frame of its kind. Moditicatioiis of this l*‘rame can he fur- nished at proportionate prices. It is made in one size only. The size of Stone is -1() x H1) inches. with smoot "face and free from imperfections. The height from floor to top of Stone is 411. inches. The frame occupies floor space 4721 xb‘2i inches. Labor-Saving Furniture Rack—-The l~‘ra1ne contains a lahor—saving rack lilled with Furniture. This Furniture is cut in the following lengths and widths: 18 pieces, each 2, 3 and 1-line; 1.3 pieces, each ;3 and ti-line; 21 pieces, each 8 and 10-line, cut 2;’, 3.3, 70, 80. 90. 100, 120, 140 and 160 ems long. :21 pieces, each 72. 3 and -4-line: :20 pieces. each .3 and 6-line; 172 pieces, each 8 and 10-line. cut 30, 111, :30 and 60 ems long. A total of .300 yards cut into 1..31'»:3 pieces. This gives a better a11d larger assortment than the Mammoth .l“ut‘11iture (Jase. The length a11d width is stamped on the end of each piece. Cupboard or bins——()n the opposite side from the o11e shown in the illustration. over the chase rack, are 2 large compartments for general storage; one compartment is 17 inches deep. 3'2’ inches long and 10.1. inches high; the other is 28 inches deep, 31' inches long and 13 inches high. This arrangement utili’/.es every inch of space under the Stone. The Frame has paneled ends and is varnished. Chase Racks-——At the bottom. on the side shown in illustration, are 36 Racks for chases t'orHx1.-ljoh press. 011 the opposite side are Racks for 18 chases for 10x 15 job press, and 18 chases for 12x 18 job press. (>11 the side of second tier of Drawers there are 8 compartments, 1 on each side of the l*‘rame, for string or small tools. Rack for Steel Furniture or Cut Reglet-—In the center, arranged in double tier. are 315 compartments for Steel l<‘urniture or cut Reglets. These compartments hold the following lengths: 12. 1.3. 18. 21. :21,27.30,33,36.39,A1:2. 1.3. 18. .31. .31. .37 and no ems; :3 compartments for each length, except the 42-em length. which has 4 compartments. Each compartment holds 35 pieces of pica or 70 pieces of nonpareil Reglet, or 11 pieces of Steel Furniture. 3 picas wide. Drawers—'.l‘here are 6 Drawers at the top. On the left-hand side. extending half-way th rough. are 2 pulling out from each side, and 2 o11 the right-hand side at the top, reaching clear through. and can he pulled out from either side. These Drawers are 11 inch deep and 11.‘_. inches wide, and are used for storing Metal Furniture. Under these Drawers are 3 large Drawers. 1 reaching clear through and 2 reaching half-way through. These Drawers are 3 inches deep by inches wide. inside. Weight—Complete. ready for shipment. including Stone. 1.700 pounds. Weight of Stone only. 7'?!) pounds. Dorsey Imposing l.<‘rame and Stone. without Steel l<‘urniture or lieglet but including labor saving wood furniture . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$140.00 Steel Ftirnittire to fill center Racks. consisting of 73:3 pieces of each length as mentioned above. ex- cept the ~1:’-em length. of which there are 44 1)l€C(3s—~2l total of 3913 pieces , , _ , _ _ _ , _ _ . _ _ , _ , _ _ , _ _ _ _ __ 100,00 Reglet to till center Racks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPll\lDLER’S 932 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS TEXAS IMPOSING STONE FRAME Texas Imposing Stone Frame fitted with Letter Boards and Sort Drawers. size of Stone 40 X 80 inches. This Stone Frame is a companion piece to the Dorsey Stone. the two being exactly alike in form and size. only difiering in the interior arrangement under the Stone. Sort Drawers—There are twenty drawers for sorts. and each drawer is sub-divided into twenty equal compart- ments. Each drawer is :2.‘_. inches deep, 14 inches wide and 40;; inches long, inside measure. Each of the 400 com- partments is 3‘: x63} inches. Ten oi these drawers are at each end or the Frame. and all run clear through and draw from either side. Each drawer runs on 1:2 steel rollers. titted into the runs. six on each side. The edges of drawer sides which come in contact with the steel rollers are lined with iron. 0 Letter Boards-—In the center. arranged in four tiers. two tiers drawing from each side. are fifty-six hardwood Letter Boards. fourteen Boards in each tier. These are placed compactly and represent 140 square feet of storage surface. These Letter Boards are 1><.‘_. X101 inches inside measure. ° Weight—-Complete, ready for shipment. including Stone, 1.900 pounds. \‘\'eight of Stone only, 770 pounds. Texas imposing Frame with Stone. complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$150.00 ECONOMIC IMPOSING STONE FRAME }() gs: pieces. 30 pieces of 3, pica and 60 pieces of ""' nonpareil for each of ...a-~"‘ . \ its ..__,,¢.. .3-.—..~» Eureka Lead Rack the 735 different lengths. \\'eight. 11% pounds. BARNHART BROS &. SPINDLER'S H 455 \ 1 < + s V l ;..‘ I l I 25 9 30 3|‘ 3 i Four-ticr Wisconsin Lead Rack. 938 . ii a. - . ‘ 1 ” _.-'7'“ .. ‘L’ I " i l 4 l ‘ ! 5550477 5 9 E l I l . E |0!0ll ll ‘ I l 3 | i l 9 t 2 2 ‘l 2 u 12:2. |3I45l6 UH ll Ml W I . 1 .2 1715:9202! l g ‘ I, l , . l l g v _ il. l 3. 3. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS LEADS AND SLUGS ! CUT TO MEASURE THICKNESS or LEADS U srmps J LA3oR.sAv.NG } E2 TO 61-2 EMS 7 EMS & OVER 1 point, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..' $0.40 $0.68 $0.48 $0.43 1% point. per l_b . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .24 .44 .30 .30 2 point or thicker. per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 .35 .20 .20 LABOR-SAVING LEADS AND SLUGS 2 points or thicker. in fonts of graduated lengths, from 4 to 25 pica ems. 5 pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 25 pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 5.00 10 pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 50 pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 12; pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 3 100 pound font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 LEADS FOR LINING TYPE Font No. 1, Brass, one point; contains 7 pieces each 1 to 10 ems by nonpariels, 7 pieces each 11 to 14 ems, 5 pieces each 14 to 19 ems. and 6 pieces 20 ems by picas . . . . . . . . . . . . . $1.00 Font No. 2, Two point; contains 12 pieces each from 1 to 20 ems by picas, 12 pieces each from 1 to 10 ems by nonpariels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , 1.00 Font No. 3, Three point; contains 8 pieces each from 1 to 20 ems by picas, 12 pieces each from 1 to 10 ems by nonpariels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 "The Midget," labor-saving case. having twenty-nine compartments. will hold either three fonts of No. 1. or one font each of No. 2 or 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 /”@@7“r“‘ ' SHORT LEADS AND SLUGS 2 ' Every printer will appreciate the value of having a good supply of short leads and slugs and a place to keep them. Each font consists of accurately cut labor-saving leads and slugs in four thicknesses, 1. 2. 3 and 6 point, as shown in illustration. which also shows style of box in which they are sold. 18 point assortment, including case, per font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 2-1 point assortment, including case, per font . . _ . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 36 point assortment, including case, per font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 48 point assortment. including case. per font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 60 point assortment. including case, per font . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . 1.50 CHALLENGE METAL TIE-UP SLUGS Metal Tie-Up Slugs are of 12 point body and made from the best grade of metal and are grooved on one side so they can be placed around the type pages, when being locked up. with- out removing the string. This Will save many a page from being pied just when it is needed. It will save all of the time usually consumed in removing the string and consequently will save the time required for putting string around the form when it is again taken from the chase. Full Length. 18—inches long, per lb. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.18 Cut to measure, 7-ems pica and over, per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 Cut to measure, 4 to 64.:-ems pica, per lb . . . . . . . . . .1 . . . . . . . . . .35 Labor-saving fonts, 5, 10 or 25 lbs.. per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 939 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ROUSE LEAD AND RULE CUTTERS Numbers 30 and 20 The Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter No. 30 is the best Cutter made. The gauges can be set instantly. They are locked automatically and can not possibly slip. The Front Gauge slides on a stationary rod which is graduated to picas. and which acts as a truss to the gauge—rod proper. the whole forming an extremely rigid and unvarying construction. This gauge is especially convenient for cutting short lengths. as it sets to one nonpareil as readily as to any other measure. The Point Gauge comes with the No. 30 Cutter only. and can be set quickly and accurately from six points to forty—five picas by points. In every other respect the No. 20 and No. 30 Cutters are identical. Both machines are graduated to picas. and numbered every five ems. the back-gauge» rod indicating the measures when reversed and extended beyond the bed of the machine.——(IircuIr.n-. No. 30. Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter, gauges to 105 picas by nonpareils: also 45 picas by points. . . . . . .$12.00 No. 20, Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter. gauges to 105 picas by nonpareils_ . _ , .' , , , , , , _ , _ _ . , _ , , , , _ _ _ , . _ _ . ,, 10.00 ROUSE LEAD AND RULE CUTTERS Numbers 10 and 1 The No. 10 Cutter is a good. serviceable machine. more particu- larly adapted for small ofiices. paper box makers, and for cutting odd lengths. The Bed Gauge is reversible and is clamped quickly and securely by means of a compression thumb screw. Both Gauges are graduated to picas and numbered every five ems. The Bed Gauge has two rows of figures. one to indicate the measures when in its normal position. the other row to indicate the measures when the gauge is reversed and extended beyond the end of the bed. This cutter also has the grooved bed. which. with the flanges on the gauge—head preclude the possibility of thin material getting under the gauge.~(,‘ircuIm-. The No. 1 Cutter is exactly the same as the No. 10. except that it is not graduated. No. 10. Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter. graduated to picas. Capacity. 84 ems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S7.00 No. 1. Rouse Lead and Rule Cutter, not graduated. Capacity, 84 ems . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 “SUCCESS" RULE AND LEAD CUTTERS The “Success“ Lead and Rule Cutter has made a great reputation by its time and labor—saving qualities. Any thickness of brass rule up to 0 point can easily be cut with sizes 1 and 2. With the No. 3 Cutter any thick- ness of brass rule up to 10 point can be cut. The improved bed gauge is reversible and made to extend its entire length beyond the bed. This allows long leads to be cut as quickly and accurately as short ones. Nar- row pieces of leads and brass rule are cut exact with the aid of the front gauge. Nos. 1 and 2 gauge 12 inches with the rear gauge and 7 inches with _.the front gauge. No. 3 gauges 18 inches with the rear gauge and 0 inches with the front gauge.—-(7ir(‘ul(u'. No. 1. 9 inch bed. not graduated. gauges 12 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 8.00 No. 2. 0 inch bed. graduated by picas. gauges 12 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 No. 3. 13 inch bed. graduated by picas. gauges 18 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 LINOTYPE SLUG CUTTER This cutter is designed for cutting single Linotype slugs. It is of great advantage where irregular lengths. a single letter. or a small portion of a slug has to be cut off. The adjustable gauge can be instantly set for cutting any desired length.~('e'r<-ular. Linotype Slug Cutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$12.00 B. B. & S. LEAD CUTTER A strong. cheap and reliable lead cutter. B. B. 3; 8. Lead Cutter . . . . .I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.0o BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 0-40 suPER1oR coppER_M1xE;D -1-ypg PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CHANDLER & PRICE LEAD AND RULE CUTTER This cutter embodies several valuable features. and is a radical departure from old styles. The bed is nearly vertical. but inclines slightly backward. with a raised guide along its lower edge. The lead or rule rests on edge and assumes its position by gravity. assur- ing a square cut. The guide is accurately graduated to 12-point ems. and numbered to 5—em lengths. The gauge is reversible for cutting leads longer than the bed and fitted with a latch to gauge the slots of the guide. A thumb screw holds the gauge for odd lengths. Gauges fourteen inches, 0 to 8-1 ems.—(‘ircular. Chandler & Price Lead and Rule Cutter. weight. 15 pounds. . . .$8.00 MERCANTILE ADDRESSING MACHINE A modern system of addressing envelopes, letters. circulars. bills, statements. etc. Soon pays for itself in the saving of labor. time. postage and paper. Operated by foot power. fitted for steam when so ordered. Prints and moves the next address into place at one motion of the foot. No. 4 machine automatically prints same name twice if desired—once on bill and once on stub or envelope. This machine is especially adapted for use of Printers. Publishers. \V'holesale Merchants, Manufacturers, Gas Light Companies, Electric Light Companies, Fire and Life Insurance Companies, Lawyers, Collection Agencies. and in fact every one with a mail list of a few hundred up to the millions. VVith one of these machines your office boy or girl can attend to mailing your circulars. etc., at the rate of 2000 or more an hour. Costs but a trifle to keep your list cor- rected up to date. Names are stored away in a neat, convenient cabinet, occupying less space than by any other system. It is built of iron and steel. in the most substantial manner, very simple in all its parts, not liable to get out of order. and will last a lifetime. It is operated by treadle and both hands are free for handling papers.—(‘7ilrcuIm-. I i l E i No. 1 Mercantile Addressing Machine. for 10 em names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 40.00 No. 2 Mercantile Addressing Machine. for 14 em names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.00 No. 3 Mercantile Addressing Machine. for 16 em names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60.00 N o. 4 Mercantile Addressing Machine. for 16 em names, with Duplicating Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 ‘No. 5 Mercantile Addressing Machine. for 16 em names. with duplicating and self-inking attachments 180.00 Power Attachment fitted to any Mercantile Addressing Machine. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.00 Style A Cabinet, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Style B Cabinet, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17.00 Style C Cabinet, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24.00 Style D Cabinet. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 36.00 Style E Cabinet, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 48.00 10 em Metal Slugs. 1() Point. (20 slugs to a pound), per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 14 em Metal Slugs, 10 Point. (14 slugs to a pound), per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 16 em Metal Slugs, 10 Point. (12 slugs to a pound), per lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 10 em VVood Reglets. 6. S or 10 Point, per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 14 em V\'ood Reglets. 6. S or 10 Point. per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. .20 16 em VVood Reglets, 6, 8 or 10 Point. per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .25 10 em Bell Slugs, steel. per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .30 14 em Bell Slugs. Steel. per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 16 em Bell Slugs, steel, per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 ICxt1‘as:-Ink Stone in Cabinet, Cast Hand Roller. 1 Pound Ink. Ink Knife. Poole‘s Safety Benzine Can. Brush. Screw Driver and Wrench . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 Galleys fitted with Screw Lock or Quoin Lock as desired. Screw Lock furnished unless otherwise specified, LESS THAN 100 TO 250 T0 soo on 100 250 500 OVER 10 em Galleys. all zinc, :30 inches long, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.77 $0.75 $0.73 $0.71 14 em Galleys, all zinc. 30 inches long. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .96 .93 .90 .87 16 em Galleys. all zinc. 30 inches long. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.06 1.03 1.00 .97 POINT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 941 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ACME MAILING MACHINE The Acme has been simplified, strengthened and improved without ma- terially altering the shape of the mailer. Anyone who has used other mailers will at once be able to handle this with increased facility. because it is much lighter and more convenient. That the machine is a favorite wherever used is attested by numerous testimonials from those who use it daily. The machine was designed by a practical mailer, for years employed by one of Chicago‘s largest dailies, and he has produced something that will do the greatest amount of work in the smallest space of time and with the least labor to the operator.—(7iircular. Acme Mailer, net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$15.00 MUSTANG MAILING MACHINE Acme Mailing Machine Mustang Mailing Machine The Mustang Mailer occupies space 37 inches in length and 4% inches in width, is made wholly of iron. without springs or complications of any kind to get out of order. They are capable of printing addresses at the rate of 1,500 to 2,500 an hour. according to the expertness of the operator. The mail list is imposed (made up) on galleys 13 inches (10 ems pica) in width on the inside. Each galley will contain 7:‘) to 80 addresses, is easily accessible for making corrections. and is convenient for hand1ing.—lfirvulm-. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$10.00 Galleys, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 WOODEN MALLETS Made of thoroughly seasoned and selected stock, handles screwed in, finished in oil. at- tractive shape. Our lignumvitae Mallets are especially recommended. They are heavier than hickory mallets, and wear like iron. SIZE INCHES WEIGHT No. 1. Hickory, small .......2é X432 10 oz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0.25 No. 2. Hickory, medium .. . X5 1 lb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 No. 3. Hickory. large . . . . . ..3lX6 1% lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 Pmce No. 4, Lignumvitaa . . . . . . . ..l% X23 5 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $0.30 No.5, Lignumvita: . . . . . . . . . 13. X3 7’ ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 No. 6, Lignumvitae . . . . . . . . 33% x3§ 10 ozs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 No. 7. Lignumvitae . . . . . . . ..3 x5 ll lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 No. 8. Lignumvitae . . . . . . . ..3lrx5l: 2% lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 No. 0. Iron Bound .. . . . . . . . . . . . .. lit lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 RAWHIDE BOUND MALLETS SOLID RAWHIDE MALLETS " The most durable, finest finish, and Made entirely of rolled rawhide ex- handsomest mallets made. Positively ‘ cept the handle. which is of wood. will not split. g No. 4. Diameter. :3 in.: length, 31 :3 -inch face, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.60 in., weight. 1() or... each... . .$0.75 75-inch face, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 1 N0 5 Diameter 93; in . length “in weight I u n Q IV a I h g .g , :3 -inch face, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 '* :30 oz.. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.50 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 942 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS IMPROVED UPRIGHT MITERING MACHINE The regular machine is fitted with a special sliding gauge by which rules can be cut to picas or other lengths. both rapidly and accurately. for the gauge can not slip. The machine fitted with the micrometer gauge enables the operator. through its extremely accurate gauge combi- nations to shave a piece of rule exactly to any number of picas. nonpareils. or even points of the new standard system. The gauge itself consists of two main parts the body and a sliding front piece. which is advanced or retracted by a milled- head micrometer screw. which allows exactly one pica lateral motion. and which. at each complete revolution. alters the distance between the shaving-knife and the gauge four stan- dard points. or three—to—pica. A pointed indicator on the micrometer screw enables the operator to determine readily each half revolution. two points.—l‘irvulur. Price. with sliding gauge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$15.00 " micrometer gauge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... 20.00 CHANDLER & PRICE MITERING MACHINE Miters perfectly all kinds of brass or metal rule. The knife is made of the best steel and is easily sharpened. By adjusting the screw at the end of the hub. the cutting-wheel receives sufiicient movement on the stud to readily admit of cutting rule to exact lengths. Chandler S: Price Mitering Machine. weight. boxed. 473 lbs. . _ .$15.00 MITER BOXES \Ve offer here a Miter Box which can not be broken. It is made of lumber that is built up of different layers. with the grain crossed. Unbreakable Miter Box. 13%. ems wide. $0.50 Unbreakable Miter Box. 3 in. wide. . . .60 Old-Style Miter Box. 3 in. wide . . . . . . .50 Iron Miter Boxes. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 HAMILTON NE Made of oak. nicely finished. with brass fastenings and polished- steel thumbscrews. The method of opening and closing our file is novel and simple. The clasp end of the file has a flat—headed thumb- screw (see cut). which is passed through a slot. and by giving the screw a quarter turn the file 1S securely locked. \Vhen the head is turned parallel with the file it opens instantly.—-(fircular. These files are made in regular sizes. to hold sheets :20. 24. 26. :38. 30 and 3-1 inches wide. Other sizes made if desired. Hamilton Newspaper Files. each . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 Fastening closed. THE SUPERIOR NEWSPAPER FILE Made of steel. light. simple. and indestructible with ordinary use. As quickly worked as picking up a pencil. Simply lift up the top strip. file your paper. and put back the top clamp which automatically locks itself. No screws nor hinges. No space re- quired for opening. Takes any size paper.--(‘ir¢'ulrn'. 26 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 350 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75 POlNT—LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY EH3 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BATES TYPOGRAPHIC NUMBERING MACHINES Model No. 27 for General Job Work This is a type-higli. au- tomatic numbering ma- chine for general job work. designed to be locked up in the form with type or other matter or to be used alone when the number only is to be printed. Its work is en- tirely automatic_, every figure disc advancing in consecutive order from 1 ~ to ‘.)‘.),‘.)‘.!‘J. Only the best -‘T‘“-‘Cl N” 737 materials and the high- est. order of mechanical skill are employed in its ' — ' ' construction. It may be taken apart in an instant for cleansing—without removing any screws~and is as quickly re-asseinbled. Provision is made for skipping any number necessary. as may be required for check and other work which runs several forms to the page. All parts are absolutely interchangeable. The figures are engraved upon steel wheels and are practically in- destructible. Only the size and style of figures shown in the illustration are carried in stock; others are made to order. Size of standard machine:-1-’;.x,Z inches. Special small sizes made to order. Prices on application. Model No. 738 is the same in every respect as Model No. :27. except that it is made with six instead of five wheels. Capacity 1 to *.l‘.!£L!)‘.)‘.l. Size. lfixi inches. Model No. 727. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$14.00 Model No. 23. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18.00 -_‘j View Showing Parts Detached for Cleansing Model No. 29 for Cash Sale Books Model No. 325) shown in the accompanying cut is of the same construction as Model No. 27. but designed to number consecutively from 1 to 50 or 1 to 100 and repeat automatically. Same machine made to number backward if desired. The simplest and most durable machine for this purpose ever produced. Size: :2 wheels. lfixf. inches: 3 wheels, 12x3. inches. Made with same style figures as Model No. 27 without extra charge. Model No. 20. 73 wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 M()d€l No, 2!), 3 Wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14.00 Model No. 31 for Numbering Pawn Tickets. Baggage Checks. Cotton Tags. Etc. An Automatic Machine made with any size figures from one quarter inch to one inch in height. The design and construction is the same as Model No. 2.7. These machines are more than type-high. but are used with entire success on ordinary printing presses by mortising the bed or re-adjusting the platen. Model No. 31 (5 wheels. inch figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45.00 Model No. 31 ((3 wheels. inch figures) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.00 Model No. 32 for Printing Waiter Numbers on Restaurant Checks, Etc. A t ')e-high non-automatic machine. made with steel figures. which are set b * hand. . 31 ==. . . rs . 3 without unlocking the form. is designed to take the place of type which must be fre- quently changed in the form. It effects a great saving of time. and prevents the destruction of type by being constantlv removed with tweezers. Size 1 x inch. Price of Model No. 3:3. each . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 H - Model No. 33 for Dating Church Collection Envelopes, Transfer Tickets. Etc. A type-high dating machine designed to be locked in a form. Steel wheels are en- 2 2 graved with dates for twenty years. and set by hand as required. without unlocking the form. Size 11 x inch. Price of Model No. 33. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 Model No. 41 for Numbering Sales Books. Tags, Etc. An Automatic Type-high Numbering Machine made with figures of the greatest height that can be operated with type or without special adjustment of the press. In general design and construction it is the same as Model No. :37. It is made with six wheels and to number either forvard or backward. Also. to repeat the number fifty times and advance one unit automatically. Model No. 40 is the same in design and construction as Model No. 41 but made with five wheels. Model No. 40. 5 wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$27.50 Model No. 41. 6 wheels . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 30.00 Extra Interchangeable Parts of Bates Numbering Machines Letter \V'heels (‘J letters) each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50 Skipping Unit VVheels (:3 to 0) each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.50 Letter Slides. with one letter. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S 9--AH SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS Bates Model No. 39 for Numbering Gangs of Strip Tickets An Automatic Type-high Numbering Machine. The plunger may be located either above or below the alignment of the figures and the machine imposed in the form to strike upon the tympan outside the margin of the stock or used in connection with sectional ink rollers. Six wheels are usually provided and if an additional figure or a serial letter is required. it is engraved upon a fixture to be at- tached to the preceding end of the case. VVhen used in gangs of ten machines. similar fixtures are placed upon the end of the case following the figures, engraved with one or two figures. thus pro- viding for skipping ten or twenty and the tickets afterward collated in consecutive or er. Made to order only. with any size or stvle of figures desired.—Fi1-cular. ‘ " “ Model No. 30' . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$30.00 WETTER NUMBERING MACHINES The New Model VVetter is the perfected Type-High Automatic Numbering Machine. Each impression of the press automatically changes the numbers. The Wetter is operated by plunger containing the word "No." to precede the figures: this slide is removable without taking the form from the press and any other character such as "A." etc.. can be inserted in its place in a moment. VVith each machine a "blank" slide is furnished to use in place of the word "l_\To.” when working the machines on a job press and when it is more desirable to have only the figures print. The New Model Wetter is constructed of the best materials: parts are hardened where necessary and workmanship the best. All Figures are cut deep. and the faces perfectly flat and sharp.—Ci1rcular. MVOEESWH EELS? STYLE OF FIGURE/S *mCDJ:S'LIi'éEg'; LIST PRICE I’ MCJSEL VWHEELS: STYLE OF FIGURES LIST PRICE w?.33d7w!v7A33 l iii I36 I511-00 ‘ ltéb); 3 . 3} 1136 _lI$12.O0i— 1801 4 1 1‘ 2% $3 I 12-50 ,1b‘3. :1 [ 1 8:} g 19.: 12.50 112345673 H 1234 126‘ 0 ' 3} 121- I 17.00 llfili 9 1 " I 2} i 33 ; 17.00 I l_ 32 21.00 .1 132 N1 1 I 3.1 I 2: 1 21.00 233 3 | 3; 1;; 1 13.50 H135; 3: 13.00 217} 4 Z 2 13: 1 15.00 IE 1361 0 .. g 2: 12: _ 21.00 For numbering checks with stubs. any number to a page. “Skipping” unit wheels are necessary; these are interchangeable with the consecutive unit wheels furnished with each machine and can be adjusted to machine by any printer. We will send a little pamphlet telling all about them on request. Skipping Wheels. (to skip any one number from ‘.2 to 9) each. . . .-. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.5O Letter Slides, (1 letter) each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 The Midget Wetter A new machine. made entirely of steel. size Six 15?: the smallest stock machine made. Two sizes only. Model No. 115. 5 wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$18.00 Model No. 116. 6 wheel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 Wetter Model No. 185 for Numbering and Dating Church Envelopes, Etc. Five automatic wheels precede the datinfr attachment, and number from 1 to 99,999. changing at each impression of press. This machine 3 3 1 is also fitted with attachment. so that the same number can be printed any number of times. and can be adjusted to do this without taking the machine out of the form. Model No. 185 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$30.00 WETTER PLUNGERLESS NUMBERING MACHINE This is the only typographic numberer for use with or without type on printing presses. that prints nothing but the figures. without '*No..‘: a period. or any other prefix or suflix intended to act as plungers or to prevent the printed sheet from being smeared by the revolving figures. The pressure of_the platen or cylinder on the figures operates the mechanism which changes the numbers and also brings into action ingenious bearers which raise automatically and hold the printed sheet 013:‘ the fi ures while they are changing. These bearers do not print on or indent the paper. All machines on t is list are type-high. Order by Model l\'umber.——(,‘ircular. -0-/lS5ELi§‘wHEE,:S. FIGURES usr PRICE MENCDJELZWHEELSE STYLE or: FIGURES LIST PRICE W _ y_,___ _,---- —l.—»—A~—l -—— .v—- I A—~ — ———~ —w —-—___....--:._.~._, -.__. - 437 1 7 : .3. § 1.7. ;$13.00 ; 3 I ; L9. : 23': 1 $13.00 386 3 614 1170 5 19-00 1, ' L n 1614 176 5 19.00 3:35 1 4 1 ch , 119.». I 20.00 I1 330 j :3 1 3 162 g 136 § 20.00 320 1.‘. 3% I 23.00 f3{31 « 9 5 1 1.9.; 3% : 23.00 3:27 6 ‘ WI“ 614' .411‘ 26.00;: 332 [g_gg_Rpyp_ _ __ 1614’ 1;. I 20.00 4331 3 12345 r1.1..§ 19.00 3; e 12345 $1.11 1:. 5 21.00 117 .1 I ' 1.1.; is 20.00 ' 330» 0 . 1.1. r 24.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 91:") QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS AUTOMATIC HAND NUMBERING MACHINES Model No. 50 This new model embodies the highest achievements in the art of numbering machine construction. It has abso- lutely no equal even in the most expensive machines now upon the American or foreign markets. In its design there have been many departures from the usual plan. ldvery part is-of steel. giving it rigidity and strength with mini- mum weight. It is made with three movements. consecu- tive. duplicate and repeat. Machines made to triplicate or repeat any number of times up to ten and advance auto- matically. made to order atan extracharge of $1.00. Special letter wheels furnished to order. $2.00 extra. Only the standard size and style of figures shown in the cut are furnished in stock machines. Other styles and sizes made to order. Model No. 50 Hand l\'umbering Machine . . _ . . . . . . . . . .$15.00 Model No. 49 'l‘his machine has been designed to meet the popular demand for a very moderate priced automatic numbering ' machine of durable construction. capable of accurate work. M0de1N0- 50 It is made with three movements. consecutive. duplicate Model No. 49 1 6 and repeat. Only the standard size and style of figures 1 4 shown in the cut are carried in stock. Other styles and sizes I made to order at an extra charge. Special letter wheels made to order at an extra charge of $1.50 each. Machines made to triplicate or repeat any number of times up to ten and advance automatically made to order at an extra charge of $1.00. .-Vlodel No. 4'.) Hand ;\'umbering Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5500 T Specially prepared numbering machine ink is furnished in red. blue and black. record or copying. One—half ounce ‘bottles. 25 cents. Ink pads 10 cents. OVERLAY KNIFE ST. JOHN PAPER KNIFE Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$O.50 OIL CANS In leather Case’ 5-, X 12:” . _ _ . I _ _ ' . _ . . . _ _ , ' _ _ I _ _ _ _ _ _$0_60 Till. Slnllll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.20 VVithout case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 Tim largle - - ~ - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ‘ - - - - - ~ - - - - ~ - - - - - - - - - ~ - -25 PRINTERS’ KNIVES PAGE CORD Knife with bodkin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 Linen. per ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .$0.40 Knife with bodkin and tweexer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2.00 (fotton. per ball . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 THE MANUFACTURER'S CARD CUTTER 'l‘he Manufacturer's (Jutter is a strong machine having a twenty-four inch blade. adapted as a whole to any reasonable work for which such a cutter may be used. An essential feature for manufacturing purposes is the automatic grip or hinder which securely holds the work in position before the descending blade begins to cut and throughout its movement. .\Ianufact.urer‘s (Yard (‘utter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$25.00 THE PREMIUM CARD CUTTER 'l‘he Premimn Card Cutter is a popular, all round machine. with a twelve inch blade. meeting the requirelnents of a medium sized cutter. A distinctive advantage is secured by a peculiar arrangement of the joint. by means of which a sheet of any length may be cut. By the simple adoption of a spring overhead con— nected by a cord attached to the handle. the cutter is adapted to rapid work where a great number of small pieces of uniform size are to be cut. Premium (Jard (Jutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$10.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S Silt} SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS STUDIO CARD CUTTER '1‘he Studio Cutter has a ten inch blade and is suited to a class of work lighter than that done by the “Premium.” Studio Card Cutter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00 CHANDLER & PRICE PAPER CUTTER This cutter is built from new designs by scientific methods. It has ample metal. properly distributed to withstand strains. Being perfectly counter- balanced. it works quickly and with the minimum of effort. The back gauge and clamp interlock. clamping as narrow as one-half inch. The fingers of the clamp have a broad surface to avoid creasing the stock. All gauges are accu- '0 rately squared with the knife. The back gauge extends to within one inch of the side gauge. and is divided and adjustable for book trimming or squaring small work. All parts are strictly interchangeable. and accurately fitting replacements may be ordered by number.—~(‘in-ular. WEIGHT PRICE EXTRA KNIFE 23-inch . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 950 . . . . ..$100.00. . . .$9.00 20 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l.l00 . . . . .. 130.00. . . .12.00 30 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1.600 . . . . .. 175.00. . . .15.00 “HOWARD GEM” LEVER PAPER CUTTER This is the original “Howard Gem" Lever Cutter. It has been improved from time to time. and has long been and is still the most popular lever cutter on the market. It is a very heavv. compact and rigid machine; powerful compound leverage makes it cut exceptionally smooth and easy. Clamp has large handwheel and quick-acting screw. Knife cuts clean and true. It is provided with interlocking back gauge and clamp for cutting narrow widths. It is also supplied with our late “easily squared“ split back gauge and stationary side gauges back and front on both sides. Half-inch cutting sticks with eight cutting surfaces same as large ones at one-third the cost. Gibs and setscrews in side frames to take up wear of knife bar. The lever is extra long and heavy. counter- balanced and adjustable to any desired position.——Circular_ WEIGHT PRICE EXTRA KNIFE 30-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1500 lbs., $175.00 $16.00 32-inch . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1600 lbs.. 200.00 13.00 RELIANCE LEVER CUTTER The Reliance is amply braced to insure strength and rigidity. The bed is cross-ribbed underneath. with an extra-wide. brace or flange on the outer edge, and it is additionally strengthened by the heavy center brace. The top arch. which receives the strain of the clamp, is well formed and extra heavy. as is also the knife-bar and clamp. These are reasons why there can be no springing or yielding on the Rel1ance— features essential to accuracy as well as durability. . The lever system is simple and unusually powerful. rendering heavy cutting remarkably easy. The lever is keyed to the shaft. as is also the crank. The arm connecting knife-bar with crank has a motion in direct line with the motion of the knife-bar. thereby giving the leverage full force and guarding against lateral strain and wear on the knife-bar and slots. The knife. when elevated. is about three—fourths of an inch higher on the right end than on the left. This gives to the descending knife the desirable shear-like motion. cutting smoother and much easier than is the case with cutters having little or no shear cut.——(,‘ircuIar. WEIGHT PR!CE EXTRA KNIFE 10%-incli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7270 lbs .... 5 50.00 .... $ 6.75 23i—incli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. IE8 .... .... 25£—iiicl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 40 S . . 25$-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘J00 lbs .... 125.00 .... 12.50 POINT—LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 947 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BROWN & CARVER PAPER CUTTERS AUTOMATIC CLAMP AND FOOT TREADLE POWER PAPER CUTTER The Brown & Carver Automatic Cutters have Q been perfected so they will cut as accurately as the ' Brown & Carver Hand Clamp Cutters. and are ab- solutely unbreakable. The mechanism of these machines is simple and there are few wearing parts. They do not require frequent adjusting. The clamping pressure is applied on the principle of A ._ 5. the Brown 34.: Carver Hand Clamp. It is independ- ent of the knife. is powerful and reliable. and can ‘ - - ’ be instantly varied by shifting a lever within easy reach of the operator. \Vith a speed of 30 cuts per minute the Clamp descends gently upon the stock and packs the pile without jarring sheets out of po- sition. The automatic pressure is then applied. The pile is held under uniform pressure throughout the stroke of the knife. and as the three operations of packing. clamping and cutting are distinct and separate. and are performed at different times dur- ing the revolution of the machine. the belt power is never called upon for more than one operation at a time and consequently the Brown 8; Carver (fut- ters take the least power to operate.--I‘irrulm: /42; 34-inch. weight 5,200 pounds , . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 750.00 63-inch. weight 172.650 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1850.00 38-inch. weight 5.000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 875.00 68-inch. weight 14.450 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2150.00 4-f-inch. weight 6.600 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1075.00 74-inch, weight 16.65() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2600.00 50-inch. weight 7.500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1300.00 S-1-inch. weight 10.150 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . 3000.00 57-inch. weight 10.150 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1550.00 Each cutter furnished complete with knife. oil can and wrenches delivered skidded and boxed f‘. o. b. cars Oswego, N. Y. No overhead pulleys or fixtures of any kind are included. Automatic Clamp. Foot Treadle. and Hand Clamp These machines are the same in every particular as the regular Brown & Carver Auto described above except they have the Hand Clamp parts in addition. 34-inch. weight 5,:—$5() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 800.00 63-inch. weight 12.650 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1900.00 38-inch. weight 5.050 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 925.00 68-inch. Weight 1-1.450 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2200.00 44-inch, weight 6,750 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1125.00 74-inch, Weight 16.650 pounds , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2650.00 50-inch. weight 7.650 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1350.00 8-1-inch, weight 10.150 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3050.00 57-inch. Weight 10,150 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1600.00 Each cutter furnished complete with kiiife._oil can and wrenches delivered skidded and boxed f. o. b. cars Oswego, N. Y. No overhead pulleys or fixtures of any kind are included. Plain Automatic With or Without Treadle These machines are the same in every particular as the regular Brown & Carver Auto described above except the Clamp and Back Gauge are plain (not figured). cutting work up to 3% inches. the Table is plain (not grooved). the Back Gauge is in two parts. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 660.00 34-inch. weight 5.150 pounds. VVith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 735.00 38-incli. weight 5,850 pounds. Vtlithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785.00 VVith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 860.00 44-inch. weight 6.55() pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985.00 VVith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1060.00 50-inch. weight 7.450 pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1210.00 VVith treadle. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1285.00 57-inch. weight 0.050 pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1450.00 With treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1525.00 6:-;—inch. weight 173.-15() pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1750.00 VVith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1825.00 68-inch. weight 1-L250 pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2050.00 ‘With treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2125.00 7-1-inch. weight 16.450 pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2500.00 VVith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2575.00 H4—i.nch. weight 18.050 pounds. VVithout treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2900.00 W'ith treadle . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2975.00 Each cutter furnished complete with knife. _oil can and wrenches delivered skidded and boxed f. o. b. cars Uswego. N. Y. No overhead pulleys or fixtures of any kind are included. Semi-Automatic With Foot Treadle and Hand Clamp A The Clamp on these Machines may be operated as on the Regular Hand Clamp Cutters. or it may be brought down to the work quickly by Treadle and will lock automatically on the work or return to the top as desired. 34-inch. weight -1.600 pounds . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 665.00 44-inch. weight 6.100 pounds... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 990.00 :3H—incli. Weight 5.300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 790.00 50-inch. weight 6.000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1190.00 T Each cutter furnishedcomplete with knife. _oil can and wrenches delivered skidded and boxed f. o. b. (lswego, N. Y No overhead pulleys or fixtures of any kind are included. ('2U'S BARN!-{ART BROS. & SF-’INDLER'S 9-48 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BROWN & CARVER HAND CLAMP POWER PAPER CUTTER (Tiits work up to one-half inch wide and the knife rises six and one-half inches. The back gauge is in three parts and when split. the section forms a side gauge so that work can be cut near the center of the knife as well as at the side of the machine. The back gauge is close to the side gauge for small work. The knife is bolted solidly to the bar and is iiistaiitly adjusted for level or wear by a turn of the connecting rods. The clamp is provided with a flat removable plate for fine work. which otherwise inight be marred by the clamp lingers. 2’.-1-inch. weight 4.500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S 625.00 3%-iiicli. weight 5.7200 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 750.00 «H-inch. weight 0.000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 950.00 50-incll. \\l'e'1g‘ht f'i.S00 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1150.00 57-inch. weight .\'..‘300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1400.00 i'iI§—lIlCh. weight 10.500 pounds. . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1700.00 05-inch. weight 173.300 pounds... .. . . .. .. .. .. . 2000.00 74-inch. weight 14.500 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2400.00 S4-iiicli. weight 10.000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2800.00 Each cutter furnished complete with knife. oil can and wreiivlies delivered skidded and boxed t. o. b. cars (_)s\\'e,g‘o. N. Y. No overhead pulleys or fixtures of any kind are iiicluded. OSWEGO POWER AND HAND AND POWER PAPER CUTTER These are lively running. accurate Cutting Machines. The base webbed directly under the clamping and cutting strain rendering the machine absolutely rigid. The Clamp rises 4;; inches. The Clamp and Back Gauge interlock allowing work to be cut up to one—half inch. The Back Gauge is in two parts on t3+’i—inch and 3:.’-inch sizes. in three parts on :50-incli size. The Hand \\'heel is graduated to insure the movement for Back Gauge. The table is plain inot grooved): front scored in inch squares with brass rule graduated to sixteenths of an inch_ inc}; graduated to sixteenths of an inch. The handles on the clamping wheel render clamping easy. ulle.\‘s or Iixtures of any kind are included. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY ‘J49 QUA]_[Ty AND I,-JNISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ADVANCE LEVER PAPER CUTTER The Advance Cutters have gibs and setscrews in side frames to take up wear of knifebar. The lever and knifebar are counterbal- anced. The knife has a dip-cut, which makes the cutting very easy. It has side gauges on both sides, both back and front. This cutter is provided with “easily squared” back gauge. which also interlocks with the clamp. thus permitting stock to be cut as narrow as three- fourths of an inch. The back gauge is made extra long. which brings it close to the side gauge. enabling both gauges to be used in squaring small stock. A figured scale is sunk in the table for con- venience in cutting to measure. WEIGHT PRICE EXTRA KNIFE 22%-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 635 lbs.. $ 90.00 $ 9.00 25 -inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 765 lbs.. 110.00 10.00 30 -inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1160 lbs.. 165.00 14.00 33 -inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1440 lbs.. 200.00 16.50 ADVANCE POWER PAPER CUTTER The Advance Power Paper Cutter is the most substantial paper cutter ever made for the price. It has a side frame protector which absolutely prevents trimmings from wedging between knife and side frame, which is the cause of so many breaks on power cutters. The knife-bar is perfectly balanced, obviating all danger. The dip cut of knife insures easy cutting and economy of power. The throw-off stops the knife at the highest point of stroke automati- cally. It may be thrown off at any point by hand, in case of error and backed up to save stock. It has gibs and set screws to take up wear of knife-bar; figured rules cut in bed, back and front; “easily squared" back gauge which may be squared with knife in a moment’s time: back gauge interlocks with clamp for trimming narrow work. and extends to within one inch of side gauge. WEIGHT PRICE EXTRA KNIFE 30-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1774 lbs., $300.00 $14.00 33-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1820 lbs., 350.00 16.50 36-INCH CHALLENGE POWER CUTTER The 36-inch Challenge Power Cutter, is a machine of mag- nificent proportions and great strength. It is entirely within control of the operator without moving from his position. The automatic throw-off is positive, and the knife-bar is counter-balanced. obviating all danger of the knife running down prematurely. The knife stops instantly at any point when clutch is thrown ofi. The clamp is geared at both ends. and quickly and easily operated by hand wheel at left of cut- ter. By this arrangement, also, powerful clamping is secured. This cutter is provided with side gauges back and front on both sides. figured scale cut in bed, back and front: new side frame protector which absolutely prevents narrow trim- ming from wedging between knife and side frame which is the cause of so many breaks on power cutters.—(.‘ircuIar. WEIGHT PRICE EXTRA KNIFE 36-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2740 lbs. . $650.00 $21 .00 PONY ADVANCE LEVER PAPER CUTTER These “Pony “ Advance cutters fill a special field of usefullness. They are unequaled for cutting and trimming labels and small work of any kind. and are valuable alike to small and large establishments, even though larger lever or power cutters be employed. These cutters are first-class in every respect. and equal to the large Advance paper cutters in. material. workmanship and finish. They possess greater strength and durability, and are more easily oper- ated than any other cutter of like capacity. Gauges squared to the knife.——Circular. 16-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$50.00 19-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 65.00 BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLEFPS 930 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS COMBINATION PAPER JOGGER It is an admitted fact by those who have tested the merits of the Jogger. that there is nothing in a press-room that will so soon pay for itself as a device for evening up paper. It will take two hours of a good man‘s time to even the paper from a press one day. say nothing of the sheets that are torn on the edges by handling uneven paper. These Joggers will save the price they cost from one to four times a year. In ordering, always give size of the largest sheet you want to print. If your table is fitted to the press. give accurate measurements of the same. ‘ ‘ I _ If . IIg‘:,;; _ ‘ 1;‘ I ’ State the kind of press.—Circula.r. :lllllUllilllll.lllllml ’ I 2.. X 3.. or 1... ...................... %*' 36 x -18 or less . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _. 18.00 Larger than 36 x 48 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20.00 EXTRA HEAVY ROSBACK PROGRESS POWER PERFORATOR WITH FEED GAUGE Has hardened tool steel dies and punches. reclining rear table feed gauge. automatic sheet delivery, steel slugs, punches on the center of guide pins. etc. 28 inch, Steam power, Complete. weight _750 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$275.00 30 inch. steam power, complete. weight 3300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 EXTRA HEAVY HARDENED DIE ROSBACK PERFORATORS 1.3 inch foot power. weight 300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 85.00 20 inch foot power, weight pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 24 inch foot power. weight 335 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 28 inch foot power. weight 350 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 24 inch steam power, weight 410 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 28 inch steam power, weight 425 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 200.00 ROSBACK PERFORATOR The 01-juinal independent punch perforator embodies all improvements found in the power perforator. h 15 inch. foot power. weight 300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 60.00 20 inch. foot power. weight pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 24 inch. foot power. weight 335 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 28 inch. foot power. weight 350 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 125.00 25 inch. steam power. weight lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 24 inch. steam power. weight 410 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 DAMON PERFORATING AND SCORING MACHINE Is locked up in the form. the job is made ready on the press in the usual way. The pressure quad is of a sufficient height so that at each impression of the press for printing it comes in contact with the lever and brings the blade to its elevated working posi- tion just before the paper touches it: the presser quad being of an elastic nature is compressed during _ V _‘_.A _ pp . _-.. _, ., . the rest of the impression thus holding the blade in 1 Crsiiibade: 2, perforating blade in position to take its elevated position until after the paper leaves iIni;F€SSi°"3 3-. Derforator with blade depres-‘=‘€d= 9-iPr‘3S“’“r° the same: the pressure being then relieved the quad‘ ‘F Pres-31”“ ‘Wad glued 0” t-Vmpa” blade returns to its normal position out of the way of the rollers. The machine is entirely automatic and absolutely.positive in its action and will perforate or score without cutting the rollers. without inking the perforations or creasing line. without any make- ready other than that for the printing job. It is strong. durable. easily adjusted and will save time, rollers and money.——Circular. Na 1_ Total 1ength. 5 inches, perforates or scores inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.00 No. 2. Total length 7 inches. perforates or scores bg inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 No. 3A. Total length. 8 inches, perforates or scores 7:.1nches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 No. 3. Total length, 10 inches, perforates or scores 9§11I.1CheS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 No, 4. Total length. 12 inches. perforates or scores 11: inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 951 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS MONITOR ROUND HOLE PERFORATOR The Monitor Extra Heavy Perforator embodies points of superiority and durability: very massive and strong. The side guides for head are supported by a cross-brace. thereby insuring a true and perfect perpendicular motion. The head is connected with operating shaft below by side rods which are joined to the head by means of a projecting hub. on which the collar of the side rod operates: this removes any possible lateral motion or strain to the perforator head. Bed plate supports lower die thoroughly. Stripper is made on angle steel. preventing springing of stripper in center and avoid- ing the binding of die and stripper by needles during operation. Needles are in line with center of side rods. assuring a true and perpendicular motion. Every needle is separate and can be removed and replaced independently. and can be sharpened while in machine. Provided with hardwood tables. back and side gauges.--I‘in-ulur. ~ ................................,........, .........s.. . . . .... ....M... -«.-.»» - . a 24-inch. Foot Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200.00 :38-inch. Foot Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225.00 :-30-inch. Foot Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 275.00 734-inch. Steam Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 tzs‘-inch. Steam Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 275.00 :30-inch. Steam Power. extra heavy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 325.00 Special Patented Feeding Gauge. extra . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 MONITOR STANDARD PERFORATOR The Monitor Standard Perforators are constructed on same principle as our heavy pattern. embodying the same recent improvements and conveniences. It is fully capable of meeting the requirements for general work. will give entire satisfaction and prove to be a machine superior to that of any other manufacture. Provided with tine hardwood tables. back and side gauges. These machines are furnished with or without power. the power device being very simple and quick in action. The machines are thor- .g\““ ":11; ”9”'"’" "cpq|¢‘¢;guL° Srnuwuo T M oughly guaranteed in every respect. - ~('l'l'(‘lII(I)'. 1:2-inch. Hand Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 40.00 730-inch. Foot Power . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 :34-inch. Foot Power . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 100.00 :38-inch. Foot Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 125.00 30-inch. ]t“oot Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 724-inch. Steam Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 150.00 28-inch. Steam Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 175.00 30-inch. Steam Power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 225.00 Special Patented Feed (-iauge. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30.00 IMPROVED GEM PERFORATOR. ‘ _.g. 1 This machine. the Gem Perforator. is perfect in all its parts. . / ...L....,_‘__.l_i'T_'__i made of the best material. and is the only perforator made which has I .. ,.__.j " 1:?-.-— hardened and tempered steel dies. The perforations are round. as ~ M on postage stamps. Needles bent by accident or otherwise can be removed very easily. and others inserted. as the needles are all in- dependent and are not soldered together-~a notable fault with other perforators now in use. VVhen needles are worn too short. new ones can be purchased for fifty cents per hundred from the dealer. One hundred extra needles. one pair of pliers. one screwdriver. one file for sharpening needles. and directions for operating. sent with each perforator.»---I .'ir(-u,Im-. 15-inch. foot power _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$40.00 730-inch. foo-t power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50.00 24-inch. foot powei . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 60.00 7.’-‘s’-inch. foot power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 70.00 FRANKLIN HAND PERFORATOR Perforates 10 inches and is provided with gauges on both sides. so that the sheets may be turned and fed in again. making a continuous I .._ perforated line :30 inches long. Needles make round holes. like the . l . 3 :—l n umu Hill ‘Rn. ~ " perforation on a sheet of postage stamps.-~-l‘irwuI«u'. — | .5. 10 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$25.00 BARN}-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE-:R‘S sis.-2 . SUPERIOR COPPE-ZR—MlXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BATES TYPOGRAPHIC PERFORATING MACHINES Models No. 45 and No. 46 This is a machine designed for the purpose of perforating at the same time as the printing operation is performed. without. however. injur- ing the rollers as is the case with the ordinarv steel perforating rule. I The driving head. Model 40. consists of a metal block in which the plunger and a powerful spring are mounted. The blades are made in two and three inch sections which are assembled in line and connected to the driving head. so that any length perforation may be obtained: the driving mechanism being so located in the form that it strikes the tympan beyond the margin of the stock to be perforated. Dimensions of driving head. 70 2; ‘J2 points. VVidth of perforating blades. 18 points. This plunger. when at rest. is above “ type high. “ and as the impression is made. its depression raises the per- forating blade or blades to a position in which the cutters are slightly more than " type high. “ Creasing or scoring blades may be quickly substituted for perforating blades and used in the same cases with the same driving head. It may be successfully operated upon either platen or cylinder presses. but upon the later it is designed to perforate in line or parallel with the cylinder only. It should be borne in mind. that the character of the perforation is not simply an indentation. but a clean cut, equaling the best pin-hole perforation which is otherwise only accomplished with the most expensive perforating machines at a sep- arate operation. .\'ot only is the entire cost of perforating eliminated but the expense and annoyance caused by the delays invariably associated with a second operation are also overcome.—(‘ir(-ulur. Model No. 45 Perforating Blades. 3-inch sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$6.00 Model No. -15 Perforating Blades. 2-inch sections . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 Model No. 463 Driving Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 Scoring Blades. (2-inch or 3-inch interchangeable with perforating blades) . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 PROOF PLANERS Made of Maple. carefully faced with high-priced closely woven. firm and durable felt. Proof Planers. 3% X ts‘ inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.6O Proof Planers. 253 x 8 inches. with leather top . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 PLANERS « LINOTYPE PLANER A necessity in every office having linotype machines. Faced with corrugated rubber. it re- moves the "whiskers“ from linotype slugs without injury to the face of the type. Made of the best selected rock maple. Maple. small. 31 X6 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.25 Maple. large. 31 X8 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .30 f Maple. leather top. 31 X8 inches . . . . . . .. -40 } _ ‘ _ _ Midget Planers. 13 X 3 X 1;, inches _ , _ _ _ _ _ .07 . Linotype Planers. I-5: X 0 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.50 PILOT PRESS These presses rank as the best of this class in the market. and have never yet failed to give entire satisfaction. They are time savers. as many jobs of card or other work can be put on this press and completed in less time than would be consumed in making ready on ordinary job presses. The size. 6.3 XIU inches inside chase, embraces all ordinary commercial work. Each press is furnished with one set of rollers. wrench and chase. (3%: X 10 inside chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$35.00 \Vith fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 45.00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 953 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE UNIVERSAL PRESSES New Styles compared with the old style Universals have heavier shafts. gear wheels. bridges and platens: great- er weight, strength and durability: they run faster. easier and smoother. with an almost noiseless movement: they have an improved distribution, improved bridge locks. improved changers. new pattern combination belt shifter and brake. and the least possible liability to breakage in all parts. They are adapted to all kinds of work. from the lightest card work to the heaviest embossing and wood printing. The_v are made of the best material. by skilled workmen. from new patterns. with new machinery and special tools. and challenge comparison with any presses ever made. in all the qualities required for perfect printing machinery. Description of the Three Styles and List Prices Quarto Medium Universals are equipped with five cast iron chases. one roller mold (for which a set of cast rollers or two cast iron chases will be substituted. if preferred). six form roller stocks. four distributor roller stocks. two ductor roller stocks. six large and six small roller wheels. two iron lateral distributors. two feed tables. three wrenches and treadle tixtures (for which two cast iron chases will be substituted. if preferred. The same parts are included with the Half Medium, except chases. and one steel chase and three cast iron chases are supplied; with the Half Super Royal. Styles No. 1. 2, and 3 two steel chases and two cast iron chases are supplied; with the Super Royal. Style No. 4, five steel chases are supplied. No treadle fixtures are supplied with any of the styles of Half Super Royal. Half Medium. except an additional charge. All Quarto Medium Presses have the single adjuster latch. No. 3 Improved Galley Universal Style No. 1 This is the regular press, adapted for general commercial letter-press work. Quarto Medium. 10x 1;’) inside chase. shipping weight 1.000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$350.00 Half Medium. lzixlil '* '* “ " ‘.2700 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 450.00 Half Super Royal. l4x73?3 " " “ “ 2,h‘5() . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 515.00 Style No. 2 This style differs from the No. l. in that it is heavier and stronger in its general build. having a much heavier platen and a heavier fly—wheel for “ carrying over" on a more powerful impression. It also has the steel section welded into the rim of the large gear wheel. in which are formed the teeth which are in engagement with the teeth of the driving pinion during the time of the impression. The Style No. 72 is equipped with our new style double rolling device. which lifts one of the form rollers clear of the form on the downward movement of the carriage. by means of latches. which drop automatically. as the rollers leave the distributing cylinders. and hold one roller off the form by supporting its journal boxes. VVhen the roller carriage passes the lower edge of form. the latches are released by pins coming in contact with stops on frame of press and the roller with a fresh supply of ink. passes over the form on the upx 'ard movement. Half Medium. 13x 19 inside chase. shipping weight ?3.75() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$500.00 Half Super Royal. 14 X732’. " “ “ " 73.‘.l0() " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 575.00 Style No. 3, Combination “A" For letterpress printing of the highest grade. cold embossing. stamping and all work that can be executed on a platen set to print at the height of type. Quarto Medium. 10x15 inside chase. shipping weight t2.()00 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$450.00 Half Medium. 13x10 ~~ .. -- -~ 72.900 ~- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 600.00 Half Super Royal. Hxtltfi “ “ '* *' 3.100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 650.00 Style No. 3. Combination “B" For letter iress irintintr and (in addition to all work that can be done on Combination A book-cover I I I h 0 0 I I a inlaying. and cutting and creasing. This combination is fitted with a movable .3. inch steel platen plate and a movable 3. inch brass platen plate. the latter for use in cutting and creasing. Quarto Medium. 10x15 inside chase. shipping weight 2.()()() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$470.00 Half Medium. 13x 1!! ~- .- *- “ 72.‘.l0() “ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 626.00 Half Super Royal. l~lx7373 *' " ‘~ *- 3.100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 676.00 Style No. 3. Combination “C" For letterpress printing and hot embossing (in addition to all work that can be done on Combinations A and B). This combination is fitted with a steam—blank. i inch thick. a movable .i inch steel plate for same. a movable 2. inch steel platen plate. a movable I inch brass platen plate and two cast-iron platen plates. Half Medium. ltlx 19 inside chase. shipping weight :3.‘.l()() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$738.00 Half Super Royal. Hxrltl “ “ " '- 3.100 ~~ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 800.00 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPlNDLER’S 934 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS Style No. 3. Combination "D" For letterpress printing. printing on wood (not exceeding 1 inch in thickness). and cold embossing. This combination is fitted with a ; inch movable cast-iron platen blank, a movable é inch steel platen plate. and a movable é inch brass platen plate, the latter for use in cutting and creasing. Quarto Medium. 10x 15 inside chase. shipping weight 2,000 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$474.00 Half Medium. 13x10 -- -- ~- " 2,900 " . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 629.00 Half Super Royal. l4xt2.‘3 ~' -- " " 3.100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 679.00 Style No. 3, Combination "E” For letter-press printing. printing on wood (not exceeding 1 inch in thickness). hot embossing. and all work that can be done on Combination A. B. and C. This combination is fitted with steam blank and pipe connection. §-inch movable cast-iron platen blank. one .—l05—inch movable cast—iron platen blank. S.-inch steel platen plate. a movable steel plate on steam blank. and a movable §~inch brass platen plate. Half Medium. 13x10 inside chase. shipping weight 2.900 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$738.00 Half Super Royal. l-1x272 " " " " 3.100 '* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 800.00 Style No. 4 To meet the demand of those printers who require a larger press than the 1-1 x inches: to publishers using ready prints. in small towns. for one-page work: blank-book makers and others. who do not have constant need for a cylinder press. we offer the Style No. -1 Universal. This press is built in one size only ~17 x :35 inches inside chase. on new lines, and no expense has been spared in this new production. The frame is of a solid, modern design and is proportionately heavier than the 14 x 22 inches; the bridge. fly- wheel. hook connection and cam lever are heavier: the cam-way in the large gear wheel is of an improved design. requiring a larger friction roller: the gear wheel has the steel section in the rim like the Style No. R? and Style No. 3 Universals: the carriage ways are of a new design. the carriage slot being per- pendicular its full length: an adjustable counterweight to balance the weight of the carriage. when carrying one. two or three form rollers is a new feature; this press has the long pinion shaft with the outside floor support like the Style No. 3 Universal and the new style double inking device without springs is a part of the regular equipment. Style No. -I. 17 x ‘.25 inches inside chase, shipping weight 3,300 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600.00 Electric Welded Silver-Gloss Steel Chases furnished as follows; ] I I THE FOLLOWING DEDUCTION WILL BE THE FOLLOWING CHARGE WILL BE , THE FOLLOWING CHARGE WILL BE MADE FROM THE NET PRICE OF PRESS ‘ ADDED TO THE NET PRICE OF PRESS ADDED TO THE NET PRICE OF PRESS I SIZE , IF ONE ELECTRIC-WELDED CHASE IS ‘ IF TWO ELECTRIC-WELDED CHASES IF THREE ELECTRIC-WELDED CHASES ORDERED INSTEAD OF THE USUAL 3 ARE SUPPLIED IN PLACE OF THE « ARE SUPPLIED IN PLACE OF THE NEW CAST IRON CHASES. USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. } USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. Quarter medium, 10x15. . . .. $1.33 53-35 5 3-02 Half medium. 13x10 . . . . . . .. 1-23 , 4-30 9-32 Half Super Royal. 14x22. . .. .59 I 4-07 10-23 VVe do not guarantee or recommend cast iron chases for job presses. UNIVERSAL EMBOSSING MACHINE. No. 1. :2lix23 inch bed, 18 X20 inside chase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$800.00 No. :2. 24 x20 ~- -.2:2§:x:242 -- -- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 900.00 UNIVERSAL STAMPING PRESS. This is a very heavy. powerful press. built especially for stamping book covers, and making signs and photo mounts. I No. 3, size of bed Zlxzfi inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1600.00 For hot work. steam blank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150.00 For hot work. gas blank. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200.00 UNIVERSAL CUTTERS AND CREASERS. No. 1. size of bed. 273 x312 inches . . . . . . . . .30 x30 inside chase. shipping weight 4.800 pounds. . . . .$ 700.00 No. 1%. ' “ ‘.24-1 x311 inches . . . . . . . ..f32=1= X303: “ “ 4,900 " ..... 800.00 No. '3. “ “ *' :35 x33 inches . . . . . . . .3332‘. X31 " '* " 5,100 " ..... 900.00 No. 3. “ “ " 27% x41-B inches . . . . . . . .33? x40 " " *' " 6,500 “ ..... 1200.00 1\'o_-L “ " “ 31 X45}; inches.........E30 X44 “ " " " 7,400 “ 1400.00 1 Each press is furnished with a steel platen plate. 5 inch thick. (or a brass plate, if preferred.) three chases. two feed tables. power fixtures on press, brake and one wrench. POINT-LINE). POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 955 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CHANDLER & PRICE PRESS The Chandler & Price is heavier and stronger than any other Gordon press, but is constructed upon scientific lines and principles that insure its running easily, quietly and as quickly, as it is possible to feed, Without racking or undue Wear. The side-arms and shaft are of forged steel. The throw-off is instantaneous. positive and easy to operate. With- out springs, clamps, or catches. The depressible grippers can not get beneath the rollers. The chase clamp is positive and instantaneous. The distribution is unequaled. The horizontal platen, with long rest. insures speed and ease in feeding. In short, the Chandler & Price press is the standard of excel- lence in Gordon presses. That it is the cheapest in the long run is proved by the thousands in successful use for many years. Every press is given an expert‘s severe test before leaving the factory. This test of the complete machine, after the rigid scrutiny of all parts during their making, is the good reason Why not one press out of more than 23,000 has been found defective in material or make. It is better to de- tect than to have to correct.—C£rcular. 7 x 11 inside chase, Weight 1,000 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $150.00 8 x 12 inside chase. Weight 1,200 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 165.00 10 x 15 inside chase, weight 1,800 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.00 12 x 18 inside chase, weight 2,500 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 14 x 20 inside chase, weight 3,000 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 141: x 22 inside chase, Weight 3,100 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 450.00 Steam fixtures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15.00 Buckeye fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Chandler & Price fountain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20.00 Each press is furnished with throw-off. depressible grippers three chases, a brayer. two wrenches, two sets of roller stocks, a treadle, and one roller mold. Electric-Welded Silver-Gloss Steel Chases furnished as follows: INET EXTRA CHARGE FOR ONE ELECTRICINET EXTRA CHARGE FOR TWO ELECTRIC NET EXTRA CHARGE FOR THREE ELEC- SIZE I WELDED CHASE INSTEAD OF THE I WELDED CHASES INSTEAD OF THE TRIC WELDED CHASES INSTEAD OF THE I USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. . USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. 7 x11 I $3.62 I s 7.87 I $12.12 8 x12 . 3.62 . 7.87 12.12 10 x15 . 3.77 8.45 I 13.12 12 x18 3 4.17 , 9.70 15.22 14 x20 , 4.60 , 10.76 I 16.92 14lx22 , 4.57 ‘ 10.73 16.89 I We do not guarantee or recommend cast iron chases for job presses. WASHINGTON HAND PRESS Printers who have been accustomed to using the VVashington Hand Press will appreciate the radical im- provements made in the press which we offer to the trade. It is made from new patterns, and all parts are interchangeable. The platen is strengthened by trans- verse ribs, and the bed is made heavier, to resist the force of the impression and make it uniform at all points. The lever support is strengthened by a brace extending up- ward against the frame. The bed trucks are stronger, and the studs, steps and points are all of steel, hardened. _s - E__ ,_ E._ .4. :.““‘- ' I ‘I ‘I I I I ‘I I I ’ I _, ‘I .42 K I II;- . . W_1Wm ’(.‘rrcular. PLATEN BED WEIGHT PRICE 6-col. folio. . . .21 x 30. . . .25 x . . .1.675 lbs . . . . . . ..$200.00 7—col. folio. . . x 35. . . .27 x 39. . . .l,850 lbs . . . . . . .. 225.00 8-col. folio. . .325 x . . .29 x 42. . . 32,275 lbs . . . . . . .. 250.00 0-col. folio. . . .281: x 43. . . .311 x 47. . . 33,850 lbs . . . . . . .. 275.00 I‘;-col. qto. ....20 x 43. . . .321 X 48.. ..2,950 lbs . . . . . . .. 300.00 Price includes one screw wjrench. one ink brayer. one pair bearers, and ink slice; also boxing and cartage. Extra bearers per pair, 50 cents. Extra friskets. $3.50 to $6.00. As (L ‘rule we can supply second-hand 1’I’ashingtun Hand Presses of all sizes on dernand. 956 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CHALLENGE-GORDON PRESS Recent patented improvements place this in the front rank of job presses. The patented impression throwoff is the only device that holds the eccentric shaft absolutely stationary both on and off the impression. The ink disc is large. and noiseless in operation. is highly polished. easily cleaned and no grooves to harbor dirt: this is especially desirable for color printing. The platen is counter balanced. prevents wear on cam and cam roller. In presses With this improvement in use five years the cams are as perfect as the day they left the factory. The platen of 10 X 15 and smaller sizes have extra heavy truss ribs in center: the 12 X 18. 13 X 19 and 14 X :20 have five impres- sion screws: the 1-1% X22 has six——insures a rigid and true impression. Gear Wheels are extra wide and the cam-way and cam roller are broad. giving extra strength and wear- ing surface. The cam roller and stud are made of tool steel. tempered and ground to micrometer gauge. Patented depres- sible gripperbar and grippers are the simplest and best. The bar is malleable iron. with groove to hold grippers. prevents swinging and injury to forms. The grippers are slotted for use on close margins. Forged steel crankshafts and connecting rods on all sizes. The 12 X 18 and all larger sizes have cut steel pinions, also new style folding feedboard. Instantaneous chase lock fastens or releases the chase Without soiling the fingers. Each press is supplied with foot brake and gauge pin holder. All bearings are carefully fitted. hence smooth. easy running and perfect in every movement. This is the secret of accurate register for which the noiseless Chal- lenge Gordon is noted.—("z'rcuIm'. Eighth Medium. 8 X 12 inside chase. Weight 1.040 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$165.00 Quarter Medium, 10 X 15 inside chase. weight 1.660 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 250.00 Quarter Medium (large). 12 X 18 inside chase. Weight 2.500 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 300.00 Half Medium. 13 X 10 inside chase. weight 2.650 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 350.00 Half Medium. (large). 14 X 2.0 inside chase. weight 2.800 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 400.00 Half Super Royal. 14% X 22 inside chase. Weight 2.900 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 450.00 Challenge Speed ’l‘readle for 8 X 12 only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 Side Steam Fixtures. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 Three Chases foot brake, gauge pin box. gripper and impression wrench, three cast rollers, one brayer with cast roller and three roller stocks furnished with each press. Electric-Welded Silver-Gloss Steel Chases furnished as follows: NET EXTRA CHARGE FOR ONE ELECTRICINET EXTRA CHARGE FOR TWO ELECTRIC‘ NET EXTRA CHARGE FOR THREE ELEC- s|ZE WELDED CHASE INSTEAD OF THE ‘ WELDED CHASES INSTEAD OF THE 1 TRIC WELDED CHASES INSTEAD OF THE I USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. I USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. I USUAL 3 NEW CAST IRON CHASES. ._ A E -4, —;—;»—. TE’. 1 k V 6 $3.62 $ 7.87 1 $12.12 18 3,77 8.45 13.12 1.3 X18 4.17 9.70 ; 15.22 123 X11) ’ 4.02 9.55 j 15.07 1'4 X96 . 41,0 . 10.76 ; 16.92 mx..“,., . 4,57 1 10.73 . 16.89 We do not guarantee or recommend cast iron chases for job presses. ARMY PRESS The Xrrny Press has ways bed. tvinpan and frisket. similar to a hand press. The . . ‘. ‘.' .- " t’ f h'hth d‘ printing is done by means of cylinder and crank, by the rota 10H 0 W 1C 8 be 1S i; moved back and forth. making an impression each way. The bed and cylinder are firmly p geared together. and the bed is provided with a center track and slide rest. giving a s_ ’ rigid and true impression.—(7m-ular. / The tympan frame is furnished with rubber blanket covered with extra strong manila. I‘;-column folio. 145: X 20% inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 60.00 7—column folio. 10-E. X ‘.232; inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 85.00 S—column folio. 10% X 25% inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 120.00 125.00 :3 pp. 5-column folio, 1995 X 730 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . F'lCl1 press is furnished with two chases. quoins and key. side and foot sticks. roller frame and cast roller, oiler and wrench. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 9:37 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE OPTIMUS TWO-REVOLUTION PRINTING PRESS .- .2 '-w 08- *q'fl3'lna’\ bi. _ B Q; I: ‘~:. On pages 104 175 of this Speciman Book we have given an extended description of the Optimus. which includes the No. 43 and the Pony presses. Therein we set forth the reasons why it is the superior machine it is. The record of the Optimus makes it worth the consideration of every good printer: and to one at all interested in presses of this style we suggest that a perusal of what we have said will be worth while. The better printer the inquirer may be. and the more exacting his demands for the production of high-class work. economically and speedily. the more will this press appeal to him. The Optimus is simple. strong. fast. and enduring. the least complicated of all two-revolutions. with the least number of parts. No matter what its use may have been in length or amount of service. register between bed and cylinder is exact and unvarying. An even. unyielding impression is secured by great strength in the cylinder. shaft. journals and boxes. and a solid support of six tracks under the bed of medium and large sizes, which are in turn supported by the most massive center—girt in any press. l“our of the tracks are quickly adjusted for wear. The pa.tent cylinder lifting device is simply an eccentric box holding the cylinder journals. lIIl— pression is always taken when the eccentric is on V . . the center. There is no strain. therefore. on con- f§.’........~.--~«-*’--*"‘"““""'”'” nections. There is no counter—balance. The (.)p— timus is the only press wherein the cylinder boxes are fixed as a part of side frames. and do not slide up and down with the cylinder. The side—frames. there- fore. are made to hear the brunt of impression contrary to tl1e general practice. The cylinder is adjusted by a short and very heavy steel screw so fitted into the box that all strain is taken upon its head. This screw will sustain fifty times the strain that it ever will be called upon to endure. The Optimus bed and cylinder mechanism embraces the patent ball and socket motion. It is the only device insuring a perfectly uniform movement. and absolute register between bed and cylinder. It is the simplest. and perfect mechanically. It makes possible a large driving gear. which consumes one—third of its time in reversing the bed. \Vith the air spring this avoids all jar. and results in smooth running at the highest speed known to two—revolution presses. without wear to forms. It also affords the great ad- vantage of driving bed forward and back from same point of contact. The rack is not in the center of the bed but in the center of the load. The rollers. geared direct to one end of the bed. require a large amount of power to drive. The rack is located at the proper point from center of bed to bring it in the center of load. The patent overbalanced piston head is adjust- Pony()p1iml1s ed without any tool. stays where placed. is always / No. 4Il()pti1nus BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER‘S 95:" SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS air tight. and wear can be taken up quickly. The patent controlling device holds the sliders under bed in position. Table and form rollers are geared to the bed po- sitively. and are interchangeable. except on ponies. ()n all sizes except ponies ink passes from fountain to vibrator on first pair of table rollers. It cannot reach the plate until one complete revolution of press has been made. when it is as well distributed as it is when placed on forms by some two—roller machines. The Optimus distribution is the best in the world. The patent roller bearings hold both form and table rollers firmly locked in contact with form (or (.‘y1i11der Exposed for .\Iake—Ready table) and vibrator. or quickly release them. both operations being by a simple movement of the hand. and independent of the device for adjusting contact. There is a patent safety gripper mechanism. The back-up is used as a brake. The famous front delivery of the Optimus is one of its great advantages over all others. It is noiseless and absolutely accurate. It requires no adjustment for varing sizes of paper. and delivers printed side up in plain view of feeder and pressman. <)ptim11s(‘cnter—Girt and Tracks It is easily and quickly disconnected to give access to form in front of cylinder. in which posi- tion press can be run. The extreme rigidity of the Optimus makes it extremely fast in make-ready. and this added to its unequaled speed in operation makes it the fastest two-revolution in use. At highest speed it runs easily and almost noiselessly. the quietest known. It is the only press that does not gutter. We emphasize the advantage of the Optirnus in its little need of repairs. It is a real. positive. extraordinary fact. Optimus simplicity. Optimus strength. Optimus construction make repairs practically nothing during the life of the press. Not only is money saved. but delays that aggra- vate and disorganize are avoided. Dimensions. Speed and Weight of Optimus Presses Iiach press is boxed. and delivered f. o. 1). cars or dock at factory. and is furnished with steam fixtures (or arranged for belt attached electric motor) : slitter: xvrencliesz oil cans: and hard packing. one set cast rollers: one extra set roller cores: counter: ‘ GUARAN- NO. INRO. OF‘ SIZE OF SIZE OF ' TEED FOUND/(HON SPACE OVER ALL SHIPPING 1 OLLS‘ BED MATTER SPEED WEIGHT PER HOUR , . :1 I :2 1 :21; x 3:2 in. :21 ; :27 in. 1 3.01111 7 ft. 1:; in. x 3 ft. 10in. 9 ft. 11) in. x 1; ft. Tin. 7.501) -I I :3 I :37 x 39 in. -‘-3 3 256 in. ' 73.t~‘()() 7 ft. 8 in. x 4 ft. 5 in. 10 ft. 2-3 in. x 7 ft. '2 in. 8.20() 4:; § :1 I 2x x 41 in. .--ya x :41; in. ’ :2..3oo s ft. 1 in. x 4 ft. 7 in. 10 ft. 1; in. x s ft. 10.151) .3 I 4 2311 x 4:; in. :25 x :-as in. 2.400 3 ft. 11 in. ; ft. 11 ft. 11 in. x s ft. .3 in. 14,500 I} 4 34 x 47 in. 721) x 42 in. 12.100 ‘J ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. 5 in. 13 ft. x II ft. 2 in. 16.500 7 4 :41; x 5:2 in. :11 x 47 in. 1.1100 10ft. s in. x ft. 10in. 14 ft. 4 in. x 11 ft. s in. 19.000 11 4 31.1 x in. :44 x 50 in. 1304) 11 ft. in. x 1; ft. 1 in. T 1.3 ft. 4 in. x 10 ft. 21.000 111 . 4 41 xx: in. :41; x50 in. 1 1.700 11 ft. ‘Jin. .' 1; ft. lin. 1 113 ft. 2111. x 111 ft. ~,2~2,1oo 11 I 4 45 x 13:; in. 411x in. 1.15011 12 ft. :4 in. x 6 ft. «.1 in. * 113 ft. 21 in. x 10 ft. 8 in. 23.3140 173 4 ' 47 x III’: in. 4?3 x III in. l.?)()() 12 ft. IS in. X 7 ft. 17 ft. 10 in. x 10 ft. 11 in. 2-I.8()(.) Ir‘orm Rollers for Nos. half inches. POI NT- LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 959 :3 to 13. inclusive. are three inches in diameter; on No. 7 and larger. three and a Form and table rollers interchangeable on No. 43 and larger. QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE STANDARD AND REGULAR DRUM CYLINDER PRESSES . . ~zs:w='*"'"' "’ ';.-:sX’*“‘ Bab<‘.o(‘l( Standard Press The Standard in sizes Nos. (3 and 7 is used on weekly and daily editions of newspapers in the smaller cities: by publishers of monthly religious. medical. insurance. women‘s and other journals: for reprints of popular fiction. etc. In some instances presses are equipped with automatic feeders. and a heavy output is secured. 'l‘his press presents a great advantage in its bed drive. a perfect and mechanically correct motion for operating a reciprocating bed. and the best ever used on a drum cylinder. 'l‘o this more than to any other thing. except painstaking‘ construction. is due its almost noiseless operation. its little wear to forms. its exact register and high speed. It has a patented high fountain, affording much greater distribution than is usual in the rack and screw press: has noiseless safety gripper action. air springs. back-up. controlled sliders. adjustable fly fingers. counter and slitter. 'l‘he eccentric roller bearings make it possible to quickly throw form rollers out of action. and then to pass an unlocked form back and forth under them without picking up type. Handy when making changes on press. The Standard is very satisfactory as a job press. Nos. :3 and 4 are used almost entirely by job printers. No. :3 is particularly handy for all sorts of work. taking a 19 x 735 sheet and less. One customer who keeps several pony Standards busy. objects to selling us specimens of high grade work because he does not wish printers generally to know that his splendid work (in colors of many printings) is produced on a press of low cost. We make the Standard with table distribution also. and call it the liegular. This stvle of distribution is preferred by a number. and for some classes of work it is better than ‘ the other. It offers those advantages which make this distribution es- sential on two—revolution presses It gives a tliorough breaking and working of the ink. and furnishes an even and uniform supply to form 1‘olle1‘.s. The No. 4 takes a 335 x :38 sheet. and prints a seven—column folio: the No. (3 prints a six-colunm quarto. and the No. 7 a _. seven—column quarto. Like all Babcock presses ,4 each machine is a specimen of l1igh—class mechanical "“ I,n'i¢ll um" il"".T'.‘g!l air. construction and finish. from materials the best possible to obtain. and each is furnished with steam fixtures complete (or arranged for electric motor). one set cast rollers. one extra set roller stocks. counter. slitter. hard packing (or rubber blanket). wrenches and oil cans. Boxed and crated. and de- livered f. o. b. cars at factory. Please see extended description on page 1713. “ill’C"<‘1< 1i<‘.€I11li11' PIT“ DIMENSIONS. SPEEDS AND WEIGHTS OF STANDARD AND REGULAR PRESSES Babcock Standard Two-Roller Presses , GUARANTEED ‘ SHIPPING NO. SlZE OF BED SIZE OF MATTER SPEED PER HR. FOUNDATION SPACE OVER ALL WEIGHT :3 7373 x 737 inches 17-1 x 732% inches 2.400 .3 ft. H in. x 3 ft. 5 in. 8 ft. ii in. x 1'» ft. 4 in. .3.75(| 4 7372 x 40 inches 332% x 3!‘; inches 3 33.7300 6 ft. 5' in. x 4 ft. 1'» in. 10 ft x H ft. I in. H'.3$UU 6 £431. x 48 inches 738% x 44 inches l.«\‘()() 7 ft. N in. x 5 ft. 73 in. 11 ft. 4 in. x H‘ ft. ‘J in. ‘.M}t)() 7' 2&8 x 51 inches 32% x 471nches 1.700 >4 ft. 10 in. x 5 ft. 1'» in. 173 ft. 4 in. x ‘J ft. 5 in. 11.004) Babcock Regular Two-Roller Presses :3 73:3 x 737 i.ncl1e.s' ~ 17-} x 732; inches ~ 73.400 .3 H in. x 2% 5 in. ‘J ft. 3 i11.mxl3 ft. 4 in. :'>.‘.);')() 4 7.7;‘ x 40 inches j :33 x :-3+3 inches * 73..‘3()() 6 ft. ‘.9 in. x 4 ft. (3 in. 10 ft. 10 in. X8 ft. 1 in. 3.704) t} 335. x 48 inches ‘.385. x 44 inches ' 1.800 7 ft. 5‘ in. x 5 ft. 73 in. 1T3 ft. 73 in. x«\ ft. ‘J in, ‘J ‘J00 7 2&8 x 51 inches 355% x 47'1ncl1es A 1.700 H’ ft. 10111. x 5 ft. (3 in. 173 ft. 11 in. xi) ft. 5 in- 11.700 For Silver-(lloss Steel l:3 inches. with a speed. on a good foundation. of 3-5()()() per hour. On special orders it can be built single—feed. which has as great speed as the double-feed: but this style requires the services of a very expert feeder to utilize the full capacity of the press. The double-feed permits the use of two feeders. each of whom is required to handle sheets to half the speed of the machine with a greater certainty of securing it. A double-feed can be run as a single-feed. the change requiring but a moment‘s time. It is usual to run the first side with one feeder. and the last with two. Either feed- board may be used with one feeder. and but one folder is necessary. Either feeder has full con- trol of the press. Compared with a flat—bed perfecting press the I)ispatch possesses all the advantages required for the average circulation in the small cities. Not only does the former cost more than twice as much. but it requires more power. more space. higher priced labor. and the wastes are greater. Add the depreciation and interest on the in- creased cost. and the whole makes the expense for printing the average country daily antagonistic to an adequate profit. and far in excess of that incurred should the Dispatch be used. This ma- chine requires a small investment. ordinary skill and experience. little power. little space. and makes little x 'aste. It most satisfactorily solves the principal problem confronting the publishers All there is of the Optimus Driving Motion of papers Within its capacity. DIMENSIONS, SPEED AND WEIGHT OF BABCOCK DOUBLE-FEED DISPATCH PRESS Each press furnished with steam fixtures. or arranged for belted electric motor. one set cast rollers. one extra set roller stocks. counter. slitter, rubber blanket. wrenches. and oil cans. Boxed and delivered f. o. b. cars at factory. T l ' GUARANTEED , SHIPPING NO. 1 SIZE OF BED SIZE OF MATTER SPEED PER HR. FOUNDATION SPACE OVER ALL WEIGHT 7 :§‘.lx5:3 inches j :’.4xJ,7 inches I :§()()() I 1() ft. 7 in. x 5 ft. 8 in. 17 ft. 5‘ in. x ‘J ft. 10 in. ll').«‘s‘(.)() For Silver—(}loss Steel Electritvwelded Chases, see pages 2)t)r2-ms. BARN}-{ART BROS. & SF’lNDI_ER’S 9&3?! SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE LOW-PRICED RELIANCE DRUM The Reliance Drum Cylinder Press This press is made in one size only, to print a six-column quarto. It is a high-class drum cylinder for the smaller ofiices where but one cylinder press is needed for both newspaper and job work. It is made with either rack and screw, or table distribution. Has air springs, and is tapeless. All gears are cut. \Vith its noiseless safety gripper motion. it runs easily and quietly at the guaranteed speed of 1500 an hour. Eccentric form roller bearings are furnished by means of which it is possible to quickly lock the form rollers in place, or to throw them out of Contact with vibrator and form. In this last position an un- locked form can be passed back and forth under the rollers without picking out type. an arrangement that will be appreciated when changes on press are necessary. The Reliance is thoroughly well built. It is the best ever made in its class. It is sold at a low price to be the most satisfactory machine at anywhere near i.ts cost. As we have been selling it for a quarter of a century or more. our experience with hundreds of them has been most satisfactory. and has been sufiiciently long to be of the utmost value to our customers. VVe recommend this machine unreservedly for all work within its capacity. \Ve sell many more of the rack and screw style of distribution than of the table. The latter costs something more. and perhaps that has something to do with the sales; but if one has quite an amount of job work to do. running from posters to good book and circular work, the table distribution is the best. It not only gives a more thorough breaking and working of the ink, but often it is possible to make a short r11n in a Color without washing up the fountain. the ink being put on the table with a brayer. This will be a considerable saving in time and ink. \Vith rack and screw distribution. where the fountain is close to the cylinder. the bed is readily ac- cessible from the front of the press. and forms are more quickly placed and lifted than with table distri- bution. where forms must be handled from rear of press after removing fly. One user says: “The Free Press is printed on a Bab- cock Reliance Country press. with table distribution. It is a good press, and has done me excellent service for five years. It will do poster work. and all job press work re- quired in a country ofiice. The press work on the paper speaks for itself. " Workmanship and materials are of the best. Each press is furnished with steam fixtures complete (‘or ar- ranged for belt attached electric motor). one set of cast rollers. one extra set of roller stocks. rubber blanket. wrenches and oil cans. Boxed and crated, and delivered f. o. 1). cars at factory. This press is further described on page 176. Reliance Drum Cylinder, 'I‘able Distribution DIMENSIONS, SPEED AND WEIGHT OF LOW-COST BABCOCK RELIANCE PRESS . IGUARANTEED , I 3 mo. ; suza or BED sazs or: MATTER SPEED PER HR» FOUNDATION I SPACE OVER ALL 3 s:E"F;':;_G ti , :-{sis} x 4&3; inches I 28:} x 42 inches : 1.500 1 7 ft. 8 in. x 5 ft. ill ft. 4 in. x 8 ft. 7 in.l 7.500 E ’ I ’”" i —— — —— I _ _...-..,,, For Silver-Gloss Steel Electric-Welded Chases, see pages 902-908. POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. F-’OINT—BODY 963 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE DIAMOND CYLINDER PRESS 'l‘he Diamond is the up-to-date press for the country publisher. It is made to meet his wants and in design. material. construction and workmanship. the highest standard is maintained. The frame is strong and com- pact. The iron being put where it is needed and the appearance of the machine is fine and symmetrical. The ink fountain is the celebrated Challenge Book Fountain. with screws conveniently placed to regulate the supply, furnishing the ink to a ductor roller which then carries it in turn to a vibrating roller resting upon the two form rollers. These ink the form in both di- rections as it is carried back and forth on the bed of the press beneath the cylinder. The rollers can be easily and quickly removed for cleaning. The cylinder is heavy and unyielding under the impression strain: the journals at both ends run in anti- friction, oil retaining roller bearings. a single. simple screw and lock nut at each end of the cylinder adjusts the impression to a hair. The bed is heavy. finely machine finished, evenly balanced: the motion is made free and easy by bearing upon three anti-friction steel rollers on the line of impression. making it absolutely rigid. The feed board is large. made of white pine. var- nished: has just enough pitch to insure easy feeding. It has sockets to fit over supporting standards and can be removed instantly by simply lifting it off. and can be put back without any adjustment of any kind. The sheets are neatly delivered by a fly. printed side up. on a finely finished white pine delivery table.—(‘£I'culur. No. 6 14 Steam Power Machine is a six—column folio: size of bed 24 x 329: inches: will print any smaller size sheet without any special adjustment: floor space 40 x 43 inches: the delivery table ex- tending 30 inches back of the frame; speed 000 to 1200 impressions per hour; shipping weight ‘.3:")()() pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $450.00 No. 4 Hand Power Machine is a six—column folio: size of bed 24 x :-a-.2; inches. will )rint any smaller size sheet without any special adjustment: floor space 40 x 425 inches: the delivery table ex- tending 30 inches back of the frame: speed 700 to 000 impressions per hour: shipping weight 73100 pounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 350.00 Each press is furnished with Felt Blanket, set of Cast Rollers. extra set of Roller Cores, Fly Table, Wrenches. Oil Can and Screw Driver. The Steam Power Series, in addition to the above, has Tight and Loose Pulleys. Shifter and Fly VVheel. Rubber Blanket furnished in place of Felt at an additional cost of $4.00. Felt Blanket complete with trimmings, $18.60. Rubber Blanket complete with trimmings, $22.60. Steam Power Attachments (for Hand Power Presses). $125.00. PRESS BOARDS ‘£8 x 4:2 inches, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.50 1 40 x (‘)0 inches. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 30 x 45 inches. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 1 45 x (30 inches. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 ELECTRIC PROOF PRESS This is a self-inking proof press which is designed to be operated by an electric motor. Power required for an ordinary 10-candle power light is ample to run the press. the expense for same being merely nominal. If desired it may be operated by hand by using the crank attached to the sprocket shaft at the right hand end of the bed. as shown in the illustra- tion. The press stands on a strong pedestal. and the bed is supported by four braces extending from the top of the pedestal to the four corners of the bed. The motor is set on a strong bracket near the base of the ped- estal at the rear. and is connected by a short belt with the friction clutch pulley at the rear of the press at the right hand side. The depression of the pedal at the base of the pedestal operates the friction clutch and throws the pulley into mesh with the crank shaft. To stop the press it is only necessary to release the pedal. thus throwing the pulley out of gear and automatically applying a quick stop brake. The entire press is thor- oughly made and finished. and is fully guaranteed for fast and accurate work. It is being used successfully in some of the best and largest printing and publishing offices in the country. ’l‘wenty—five proofs per minute can be easily taken. equaling that of four ordinary galley proof presses. It gives a sharp. clear impression over the whole form. --t ‘in-ulm'. Bed. 10 x :20 inches. with motor. complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$210.00 Bed. 173.5. x 72'.) inches. with motor. complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 265.00 f I_1.i1or‘ are llltIl{t‘l—})l2ltt:(l. Sliipping‘ weijglit «vi machine with twn liezuls. 12% puiinils. \Vei,g'l1t of single hule liezuls. 4 ounces each. This macliine will never wear out and earinnt get out of u1'(le1‘.—~~('i)'(‘uI(I)‘. L'nim;itiC Punch Ni). 73 ine11i‘ ?3U})<)11T1(ls. 'l‘z1kes szmie liezuls as the Nu. 73 machine. Uniinzttie Purieh No. 2% inel11din_;' twn 1‘(>llIl(i hole pmieli hezuls of the f()lli)\\'iIlg' sizes: 1''. .".;". 372" m‘ {‘.«;".. . . . . . .. $15.00 Some of the Shapes Punched by this Machine Actual Size Styles of Unimatic Punch Heads Style L’. fm‘p11iieliin,<.{ lmles for ilmst Bimlens‘. l’1'iee Bnnlts. Shan- " II III n_nr1'l:‘iles. etc. Single rntlml hole punch ll(’it(iH. {‘.~,". :52 . 1 01‘ 1'3; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. $1.25 St_\'le l)l,'. l)ni1l)le1'oi111l< xv: .- y; F}! 1; and ’l‘en5_;‘w21ll l“ile.s'. . . ,';-, . ,g._, . .'. nut over 1" apart . _ . . . . . . .. 2.00 Style (fl/' ;4'ive.s' :3 el1;1,I1g‘es of size fur each head. 'l‘w<> liezuls 2ll‘t‘. ziiljiistztlile. any tlistzmce zipart. (Jnml)in2ttiun head. C0111- lrl -- II “' If 17' ])l‘l>‘ll’l;_{7)1‘()llIil(i linle 1)l1IlCll(,‘.\‘ as f<>lln\\'s: . . 1".-; . 3'2 . .1 and 3.00 Style Ill.’ fm‘p1ii1elii1‘1g slotted hnle in lit Rueltwell ZlIl(i l{11ppell (‘Lirtl l1itlex.. ... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7.50 Style [TS fur piincliing Lm>se—l.e;if l;etl‘<_>‘ei‘ Slieets. Siiigle miiml hnle pimeh liezuls. slotted. or };i';" 5.00 Style lI§l7 lei‘ llllllfillllg‘ slutteil hule tn tit (llnlie (‘zlnl lmlex . . . . . .. 7.50 Style mu. BARNHART BROS. & SPlNDLER‘S SW3 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS STERLING ROUND CORNERING MACHINE In the Sterling Round Cornering Machine printers will find the most useful and comprehensive machine yet ofiered to the trade. Its thorough construction and simplicity of operation. together with the amount and high quality of work it is cap- able of doing, makes it without an equal. The machine is self-clamping and very rapid. Every part is made with the utmost care. It is the most popular machine for the purpose ever devised and over 5.000 of them have already been sold. The operation is so simple that any boy can round corner 1.000 cards in a few moments with hardly any cost. Booklets. Calendars, Menus and an endless variety of work. usually turned away or farmed out. can now be taken at a good profit. The Sterling is like the "Elastic Book Case“ always complete but never finished. Perforating Attachment The Perforating Attachment which we here illustrate can be added to any Sterling and will prove a great conven- ience. The system of gauges is the finest ever devised and they can be instantly adjusted for handling any partic- ular size or shape of work. and are so constructed that adjust- ments can be made to the hun- dredth part of an inch. When you add this attachment to a Sterling you will have the best , Perforating Attachment 10'1nChPe1-foratoron the market‘ Round Cornering Machine Punching Attachment The Punching Attachment will be found very useful and profitable for punching round holes in cards, paper. etc. The fast operation and capa- city of the machine makes it desirable for the printer to have this attachment. owing to the large demand for loose sheets in the modern fil- ing systems. Stabbing Attachment Every printer finds it necessary now and then to do a job of bookbinding. With this at- tachment a printer can do a very successful job on check books, etc., or where he would not have work enough to warrant the installing of a wire stitcher, which are very expensive; and y . even the large printer and book binder finds it a very useful attachment owing to its powerful Punching Attachment ‘ and quick W01'king Properties- Pedestal Foot Power Attachment VVe illustrate the Pedestal Foot Power Attachment on which a Sterling can be mounted in a few minutes. allowing the operator to sit down when using the machine. leaving both hands free for guiding the stock. It will be appreciated by every owner of a Sterling. PRICE LIST OF MACHINE AND ATTACHMENTS Round Cornering Machine. with one knife . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$15.00 Pedestal Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 Treadle Attachment, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.00 Punching Attachment, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Perforating Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18.00 Stabbing Attachment, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 Cutting Blocks. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35 Extra Corner Knives, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Extra Punch and Die. 332, §. 352, I367 372, III, 39.2,.I53, €21Ch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. Thumb-Hole Indexing Attachment, additional . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 Eyelet Attachment, Style P, about {*6 inch . .$2.00 B. P. Eyelets. per 1000. . .25 Eyelet Attachment. Style R, about -1- inch .. 2.00 D. D. R. “ “ “ .. .50 Eyelet Attachment. Style S, about 3 inch . . 2.00 E. S. " " “ . . .55 Loose Leaf Punching Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.00 Card Index Punch Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.00 - NOTE——The Eyelet Attachment is used on the Punching Attachment._ It cannot be ap- Pedestal Foot power plied to the Round Corner Machine alone. Eyelets packed in boxes containing 5000. Attachment POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 967 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS MONITOR MULTIPLEX POWER PUNCHING MACHINE This machine is 30 inches wide and is furnished with six standard round hole punches. dies and blocks complete. as shown in cut. The position of the punch and die can be changed instantly by moving a lever on side of machine to a perpendicular position. This head will punch paper 2 inches from center of hole to edge of Ilaper. \Ve also furnish separate punch and die blocks for punching holes any distance from edge of paper if desired. The frame is very heavy. solid and substantial. The material is of the best and finish Sl11)€1‘I).~~('i)'(‘Ill4Il'. Including 6'; Round Hole Punches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .S250.00 Extra Punch and Die. for Round Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Combined Punch and Die Head. for Round Holes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.50 Special Loose Leaf Punches and Dies. standard sizes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12.50 Card Index Cutting Attachment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110.00 Motor and Attachment by Gear. complete. 110 and ‘.220 Volts. . . . . . . 100.00 Speed Regulator. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 THE PRINTERS PUNCH The Printers Punch is a substantial and first class machine and offered at a moderate price. The punches are constructed without any springs and move straight up and down. avoiding the friction and wear caused by any but a direct up and down movement. thus making it the most durable and economical of all punches.—!‘irculru-. No. :2. hand power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$ 22.00 No. 7. foot power. without stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 No. 8. foot power. without stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 65.00 No. 7. foot power. with iron stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75.00 No. 8. foot power. with iron stand . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 90.00 No. 0, steam power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 115.00 No. 10. steam power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 130.00 No. 2 will punch holes up to 8%. inches from center to center; Nos. 7 and 9, 11 inches and Nos. 8 and 10, 18 inches. Prices given above include two round punches with each machine. MONITOR DUPLEX POWER PUNCHING AND ROUND 3 CORNER CUTTING MACHINE For ofiices whose requirements for punching of paper do not necessitate the use of such an elaborate machine as Latham‘s Monitor Multiplex Power Punch- ing Machine, we herewith present a less costly machine operated by power. which will punch paper of same thickness and as quickly as the Multiplex. and it can also be used as a power round corner cutting machine. covering the use of two separate machines and saving space and power at practically one-half the investment. This machine is furnished with combined punch and die blocks that will punch holes 3.‘. inches from edge of paper. and paper of any width. as there are no obstructions on sides of the machine. Maximum distance between center of holes that can be punched. 14 inches: minimum. 1-1.» inches. Combined punch and die blocks will allow for punching holes 3.‘. inches from edge of paper. and will punch through inch in thickness. Three round corner cutting knives are furnished with corner cutting attachment.~(.‘ir<-ulur. Complete with two punches and dies. without round corner attachment. .$140.00 Round corner attachments, extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 Extra punch and die blocks. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 Extra round hole punches and dies. per set. upper and lower die . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 Special punch and die and block for loose leaf ledger standard sizes. eacfi 12.50 Extra round corner cutting knives. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 BULLOCK PRESS PUNCH One or more may be locked in a type form and will cut a clean. round hole 5'2. 1, ,“.~,. or .1 inch. in paper or card stock. the same time the job is printed. This punch will not clog. as each piece cut is automat- ically ejected by the pliinger as soon as the impression is released. and falls on the floor. The ejector also protects the rollers from any dan- ger of injury from the cutter. All parts being interchangeable. new cutters can be readily fitted in case of accident. The spring for con- trolling the ejector can also be made stronger by turning screw at the bottom.~—(.‘ir<-ulur. 332, l.._f‘.-, or .1 inch. on bases (7.; inch square, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.75 Extra Cutters . . . . . .$0.35 {:~,, ’,‘,. inch. on bases 19.’; inch square, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 Extra Cutters . . . . .. .60 BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\IDLE.R’S 968 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS IMPROVED HEMPEL QUOINS No. 1. Small. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.50 No. 2. Large. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.00 Keys. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 ”‘alMRRQVE5 CHALLENGE HEMPEL QUOINS AND KEYS No. 1. Challenge Hempel Quoins. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 No. 2. Challenge Hempel Quoins. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . 1.50 Key. either size. plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 Key. either size. nickeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Pressman‘s Combination Quoin Key. plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Pressman's Combination Quoin Key, nickeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.15 Right Angle Quoin Key. Style D. either size, plain . . . . . . . . . . _ . . _ . _ _ , . _ _ , _ _ , _ , _ _ _ _75 Right Angle Quoin Key. Style D. either size. nickeled . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .90 ROUSE REGISTER QUOINS By using Rouse Register Quoins. mounted plates or pages may be registered independently just unmounted plates are registered with hooks. The quoins are placed on all four sides of the blocks and any page may then be moved in any direc- tion without disturbing the other pages. No. 1. Margin 10 to :24 points. per doz . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.00 I’ No. 2. Margin 30 to 48 points. per doz . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Key for either style . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .15 No. 1 UNION LOCKABLE QUOIN An exact duplicate of the original Hempel Quoin. with three notches cut in the central rib for the purpose of using the quoin in con- nection with the Brower Lock.——(.‘z‘r-culm-, 7 —<— NO. per d0Z€1'l , _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ ’ _ _ _ _ _ _ _$2_50 ‘ ”“’1K""”'”""'*_'.‘—fi—F'.O I N0. 73. Large. per (l0Zen _ _ _ _ _ . . ‘ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 3_0O /V/0/V 4 ac‘/rs‘./_ . ‘é/3/’7_£_/v7_ P/V062 / Keys, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 MIDGET SAFETY QUOIN The Midget Safety Quoin is locked by a tap of the mallet. and occupies no ' 1, more space in length when ” locked than when unlocked. ‘ Can be used in a space 18 points wide by 120 points long. either outside or inside a form. It is absolutely safe. as when locked it rests against its corresponding flat surfaces. and the harder the surface it bears against the better.——(,‘ircuI.ar. Price. per dozen. with key. net . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 I . I . ..: .1 ‘, ‘ I :“ . ._. I w..lw'w‘ 1-any ll }llv1,l‘ll;|j‘!“|.|‘ N _l . . 1.‘ W‘ "21 w:«"H"'1'l H='|"wI' ' |lunal|1!1|‘.‘«l‘,l W‘ ,‘I‘!';l>,:l!‘‘I’l,l' ;' V|Il:.“l , ' -I. <,’ '. ,> M .1‘ WOOD QUOIN S BURLAP BAGS BURLAP BAGS BOXES or 100 or 500 or 1,000 Hickory . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ..$0.4o . . . . ..$1.3o . . . . ..$3.5o Boxwood . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 . . . . .. 2.70 . . . . .. 5.25 Lignumvitze . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .80 . . . . .. 3.60 . . . . .. 7.00 Hickory. in barrels containing about 7.500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .PE$R31.’2(5) Boxwood. in barrels containing about 7.500 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 PECK QUOIN LOCK A simple. practical and inexpensive device to prevent quoins from working loose while the press is running. Useful where close register 1S desired. where the press is run at high speed or for long runs. No. 1. for small quoins. per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.50 No. 73. for large quoins. per 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY 959 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE MORTON LOCKUP Direct Spread No Slide No Spring of Form An Iron Side—Stick, with broad bearing. (true and square), attached to the best machine- finished steel Quoins. The quickest, safest and most complete Lock-up in use——all in one piece. Place directly against the type, furniture or chase. as mostconvenient: give the key a half-turn. and the Work is done. No time Wasted. no skew. and no quoin can drop out. By this method of imposition, all looseness. bowing or springing of the form is impossible. 3-inch, 1 Quoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.40 " " ‘‘~‘’‘’..°E’’ "- 32‘:-inch, 1 Quoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 ' I 33-inch, 1 Quoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 .» 4-inch, 1 Quoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 5-inch, 1 Quoin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .40 6-inch. 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 65 inch, 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 7-inch, 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .70 8-inch, 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 9-inch, 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 10-inch, 2 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .80 12-inch, 3 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.10 13-inch.3Quoins....................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.15 14-inch, 3 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.20 15-inch, 3 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 lb‘-inch. 3 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.75 2()-inch. 4 Quoins . . . . . . .‘ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.50 22%-inch. 4 Quoins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.00 Key, plain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .50 -5;; Wickersham Quoiu THE WICKERSHAM QUOIN The only Quoin which locks by a direct spread. Without any slide, against straight or beveled furniture: can‘t slip: absolutely safe. No. 1 is ;'-;-inch wide: X . 2 is 2-inch wide: expands 14 points. Quoins, per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$2.50 Keys. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 SLAUSON CYLINDER PRESS LOCKS The Slauson Cylinder Press Locks are made of flat drawn steel tubes which telescope one into another and are drawn out to fill a given space and then locked by an ordinary Hemple key. The quoin which is in the form of a coil or snail. has an extension of two picas and is absolutely safe. The parts are dropped steel forgings. The chief value is on the beds of cylinder presses where forms are being locked that are smaller than the beds. They are almost as quick as a flash and they hold a form solid to the bed. taking out the spring of a chase and preventing the working up of material inside. Pressmen ap- preciate them for this value even more than for the time they save. VVith these locks the press clamps are not used for locking the form but are tightened at the start. The chase is squared against the clamps and the locks "do the rest.“ They work equally well behind the chase or between chase and bearers. Another good use is inside cylinder chases Where otherwise a lot of wood furniture would be used. For example a long. narrow heading can be locked in a full-sized chase, a wide strip of furni- ture intervening or a steel bar. In this use foot piece of the lock comes against the form. In all cases quoin end comes against the chase. (,Iir(mlm'. 3 inches when shut. opening to 5 inches, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $4.00 5 inches when shut, opening to 8 inches, per pair . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.00 8 inches when shut. opening to 14 inches, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 14 inches when shut, opening to 20 inches. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6.00 (nosed Wall Pocket for holding a set, 50 cents. Longer lengths up to 36 inches made to order. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 970 SUPERIOR coppER—M1x}_-_D -rypg; PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PROOF AND HAND-PRESSROLLERS NUMBER FRAME WITH COMPLETE EXTRA HANDLES STOCK WITH COMP. STOCK ' l::I‘rDBLEERS FRAShTOC“}/(ITH 0-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 $1.25 $1.85 $0.40 14-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.25 53 55 ' so 70 rs’-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 1.50 2.30 .45 16-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 2.50 410 '75 10-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1.75 2.75 .50 18-inch. . ._. . . . . . . . . . . . . .33 2.75 455 '30 1:2-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 2.00 3.20 .50 20-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 3.00 5:00 '35 PRICES FOR CASTING GORDON-PRESS ROLLERS SXI2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.40 12 X18 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ‘Jxli-% . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .45 13 ff ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' " I83 10x15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .80 14 ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ "110 11x17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .35 1'25 Hand-press rollers cast at 10 cents per inch. Cylinder—press rollers cast at and 50 cents per pound, ROLLER COMPOSITION Bing'ham's Standard. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.35 Bingham‘s Durable. per pound . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . .$0.50 ROLLER CLOTH--Felt for Distributors In rolls of 72%» inches wide and 1:2 vards long‘. per roll . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $5 00 ’l‘he same. per yard . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 50 ROLLER CORES For Gordon Job Presses 8 x 173 and smaller . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.35 ‘.9 x 13 and 10 X15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .45 11 X17 to 14%X‘32 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 For Hand Rollers 0-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.40 1-1-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $0.70 S-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .45 .75 10-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 ' 12-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .60 STEEL ROLLER BEARERS For 5 x S chase, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.35 gor t‘;-.1» x 10 chase. per pair . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . or 7 x 11 chase. )er )air . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For 8 x 172 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For ‘J x 13 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For 10 x 15 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For 11 x 17 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. For 1:2 x 125’ chase. per pair . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For 12$ x 10 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For 14 x 20 chase, per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . For 14-‘; x 7373 chase. per pair . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. RULIN G MACHINES Catalogues and prices furnished on application. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 971 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE MILLER SAW-TRIMMER This machine is a saw. a trimmer, a gauge and a mitre-and-angle machine for wood. brass. copper and type metal. It will do the work of any one of these machines, or will combine all four at one movement of the sliding table. From the fact that there are no complicated ad- justments to be made. this application of the point principle to the basic combination of saw and trimmer permits work to be done easily and quickly that could not be accomplished expeditiously on any series of machines. and in some cases could not be done at all. This machine requires little room and little power: is ready for any operation at a moment’snotice: is easily understood and operated: and is thoroughly well made and durable. Both compositor and stone—man make fre- quent and profitable use of The Miller Saw—’l‘rimmer wherever it is installed. Though it Works to less than the thousandth part of an inch. its precision is absolutely permanent and constant under all conditions. Its adjustments are so simple and positive that no tools are required. every setting being made by the operator‘s hands alone. As a natural consequence of its ability to perform the forenamed functions The Miller Saw—Trimmer has developed a scope of accomplishment in print- ing house economy far in excess of the original purpose. The perfected device performs not only its oflices of sawing and trimming cuts and sl11gs with mathematical accuracy, but it is as well a practical machine for outside mortising. beveling for tacks or patent register hooks. splitting Linotype slugs. removing ribs and shoulders from Linotype slugs to gain space, etc.~—(,'ir(‘uIm'. No. l. \Vith counter shaft. tight and loose pulleys. mounted on base of machine. Shipping weight :%0() lbs.. f. o. b. Milwaukee. VVis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$235.00 No. 73. VV'ith VVatson %h. p. fully enclosed. 110. 7220 or 501) volt direct current motor. with starter. mounted on base of machine and properly wired. Shipping weight 831) lbs.. f. o. b. Milwau- kee. VVis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250.00 No. 2;. VVith Century -1,. l1. p. semi-enclosed. 130 cycle. single phase. alternating current motor. mounted on base of machine. Shipping weight EM) lbs.. f. o. b. Milwaukee. \\'is . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 285.00 Brass Saw Blade with screws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.00 PRINTER’S SAW TABLE This is the regular saw table for printer‘s use. It is designed for cut- ting and trimming cuts. wood or metal furniture. reglets. slugs. brass rule. leads. etc. Accurate squaring up and parallel gauges are furnished. The table on the right hand side extends outward. and that side is fitted in as a shootboard and plane. The table is raised and lowered by a hand wheel under the front edge of the table. as shown in the illus- tration. A shelf attached to the pedestal provides a handy . receptacle for tools. Slug :Wn: cutting attachments can be ’ 0 , had for use with this table. making it in effect a linotype '~ saw. The sl11g cutting at- tachments may be used on any Saw Table having an adequate parallel _ gauge. They can be used for trimming to size all such material as leads. H‘ W - slugs. reglet and furniture. and are accurate and reliable.»--~I‘in-ulro‘. Printer's Saw Table. without Shoot Board and Plane. :21 x 724 inches. with (Jountershaft .. . . . . .. . . . .5 80.00 The same. complete with .1. horse power Electric Motor , , _ , _ , . , _ , , , , _ _ , , _ _ , _ , , _ , _ , _ _ , . , , , . , _ . _ , , , , , . . . 148.00 }’rinter's Saw Table. with Shoot Board and Plane. 21 x :37 inches. with (Jountershaft on machine . . . 95.00 The same. complete with horse power Electric Motor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 163.00 Slug Cutting Attachment No. 1. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15.00 Slug (jutting Attachment No. 72. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 BACK SAW Back Saw. for cutting wood or soft metal . . . . . . .. . . . .$1.25 IIRTITQ5 ' ’ V A :57: a‘(0wAnIu>4Y|’.D OI .Q. 1‘ -1 ~' ' z n. n. vpv HACK SAW Hack Saw 5‘-inch frame. complete with 1 dozen Griffin blades. . . .$1.50 Extra blades. per dozen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 9772 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SCREW-DRIVERS Each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$O.75 SCREW-WRENCHES 8-inch. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.75 10-inch. each , , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ H $1 00 SHOOTING STICKS --'l‘he Correct.“ wrought-steel. nickel-plated. small. each. . .$0.6O "The Correct.“ wrought—steel. nickel-plated. large. each. . . .75 PATENT COPPER AND BRASS THIN SPACES One of the handiest things a printer can have is a full assortment of Patent Copper and Brass Thin Spaces. To use them once is to appreciate them. They are made in two thicknesses. one-half and one- point. and are out upon order for any point body. The half-point spaces are made of copper and the one- point of brass. so that diflerent thicknesses,may be distinguished at a glance. They are accurately cut by machinery: are cheap. never break. and never wear out. These spaces are put up in fonts of different assortments as follows: '. Wooden Case contains 10 oz. of one-half and one- Cardboard Box, contains 10 oz. of one-half and one-oint thin point thin spaces assorted in sizes from 6 to 72 point. spaces assorted in sizes, 12, 18. 24. 36 and 48 point. Font No. 1. containing 16 oz. of One-Half Point Copper Thin Spaces, cut the following sizes: 6, 8. 10. 12, 14, 16. 18, 20. 24. 30. 36. 42. 48. 60. 72 point. But up in neat wooden case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , , _ , , _ ,' 1,75 Font No. 2. containing 16 oz. of One-Point Brass Thin Spaces. cut the following sizes: 6, 8. 10. 12. 14, 16. 18. 20. 24, 30, 36, 42. 48. 60. 72 point. Put up 1n neat wooden case . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.75 Font No. containing 16 oz. of One—Half Point Copper and One-Ifoint Brass Thin Spaces. cut the following sizes: 6. 8. 10, 12, 14. 16, 18, 20, 24. 30, 36. 42. 48,60, 72 pO1I1t. Put up in neat wooden box. _ _ 1.75 Font No. 4, containing 10 oz. of One-Half Point Copper Thin Spaces, cut the following sizes: 12. 18. 24. 36, and 48 point. Put up in cardboard box. . . _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Font ‘No. containing 10 oz. of One-Point Brass Thin Spaces. cut the following sizes: 12. 18. 24. 36. and 48 point. Put up in cardboard box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ‘Font No. 6. containing 10 oz. of One—Half Point Copper and One-Point Brass Thin Spaces. cut the fol- lowing sizes: 12. 18. 24. 36 and 48 point. Put up in cardboard box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.00 Ounce and Pound Prices We cut upon special order any point body. from smallest to largest size and furnish same in 2-ounce packages of either the one—half point copper or one-po1nt brass or 2 ounces of copper and brass assorted at a price of $0.25 per package of any one size. Also sold_by the pound as follows: 5 point, $2.50; 51: point. $2.25: 6 point. $2.00: 7 point. $1.85; 8 point. $1.75; 9 point. $1.65: 10 point, $1.55: 11 point. $1.45; 12 to 16 point. $1.40: 18 to 30 point. $1.35: 36 point and larger. $1.30. A pound may contain either brass or copper or both. PLATE MOUNTS These mounts will be found inval- uable at make-up table, as supports to the thin plates cast from Advertiser‘s » Matrices. By use of these mounts. the j ' A 1 §___, {W '1’ . time and waste of metal by melting. " V H “l:fl"'?},?}’J1l;{ incident to making thin plates type- ' "" high before the make-up can handle them. is saved. Cast from hard metal. shaved accurately to required height. cut from one inch to full column length. varying by %inch steps as desired: 13 ems or 26% ems wide, VVhen ordering. send sample of thin plate so height of mount can be made correct. Single or double column. in any length up to 20 inches. per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.25 I 1' H‘ POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 973 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS METAL SECTIONAL BLOCKS Metal Sectional Blocks are made from extra hard metal. cored on their under sides to lighten them. They are sufiiciently heavy for the most exacting impression of half-tone or tint plate. The most economical bases for plates of all kinds. They hold the plates securely and save one—half the time of make-ready. Save plates from injury because they do not bend or warp them. As easy to make—up as metal furniture. and are as necessary to a pressroom as the modern cylinder press. Sizes, 16x1(i.8x16,8xS,4x8. 2x8.2x6.‘3x-4. 1 x H, 1 x 6 and 1 x -I ems. per pound . . . . . . . . . ..$0.25 CAST IRON SECTIONAL BLOCKS 16x:-£2 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 tixlti ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.30 16x24 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .85 fix b‘ ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .20 16x16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .70 (ix 6 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _. .15 8x32 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .80 4x24 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 8x24 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .60 4x16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .30 8 x 16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 4x 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .15 8x 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .20 4x 6 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 6x24 ems. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 4 x 4 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .10 STEEL SECTIONAL BLOCKS The Lightest and Most Rigid Sectional Block Made Steel Sections may be considered as the basis of the expansion system of print- er‘s blocks. They are very light and rigid, micro—ground and full forms of these for large presses can be easily handled. 8x 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.18 2 x16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 2 x 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .09 :2 x 0 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .08 BRASS SECTIONAL BLOCKS These are used for very fine adjustments on small plates. made of solid brass. micro-ground. 1 x 16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.09 1 x 6 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5005 l X16 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 x 6 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .04 1 x 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .07 1 x4 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .03 ix 8 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .05 x 4 ems. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .02 LITTLE GIANT REGISTER HOOK Size 6x6 ems. Made from solid Brass. The screw and slotted head are in one piece, cut from steel and tempered: the clutch is also made of steel, and there are but four pieces to each hook. It is actuated by a steel key. Especially designed for fine register and color printing. Hooks are placed on all sides of the plate. and by use of the steel key the clutch on one side is released and the one opposite is tightened, the plate being easily moved the smallest fraction of an inch. Little Giant Register Hooks, 6 x (3 ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.00 EUREKA REGISTER HOOK Eureka Register Hooks will enable you to place plates within eighteen points of each other. They are so constructed that the operating mechanism follows the clutch——one plate can be moved and the adjoining one follow it without interfering with the operating mechanism——the narrow margins are in this way preserved. Made from solid brass. clutch and screw of steel. Slotted head of steel, tempered. Eureka Register Hooks, iixti ems, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 V STEEL KEYS FOR REGISTER HOOKS .. .. TxE"t3uA\.L£_;‘g'35..g;_\N__N;"j.f»( W Steel Keys. 2-inch. each . . . . . . ..$0.05 ' " - » "’”’”° “’5T'“”’°"’ I " . Steel Keys, 4-inch. double end. .. .20 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 974 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SWIVEL REGISTER HOOK Made from solid steel and brass. The center portion is the well known Eureka Register Hook so mounted that it will turn in any direction even after being locked up in form. By use of these hooks an irregular plate can be held perfectlv or any plate can be placed at any desired angle in the form. The Hook being swiveled ad- justs itself automatically to the position desired. These Hooks can be used as plain register hooks when the swived feature is not needed. \ Swivel Register Hooks. 5‘ X5 ems. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ _ . . . . . .$1.50 OUICKEST REGISTER HOOK lpER_M1X;_:_D TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PATENT IRON GROOVED BLOCK Sectional View of Patent Iron Grooved Block Showing Hooks in Position. This block is designed to meet all the requirements of those who print from flat plates. It is made of solid iron three-quarters of an inch thick (unless otherwise ordered) and has a one—eighth inch rabbet on all sides. It is lined over its entire surface in squares of one 173-point em. the grooves being cut diagonally across the block one inch apart. The blocks are usually made two inches larger each way than the largest form that can be printed on the press for which the block is required. Blocks larger than 2()xt25 inches are made in two or four sections at no extra charge. The sections are accurately fitted together with dowel pins and each section may be used as an independent block. Patent Groove Blocks are made to order only. In ordering give name of the press for which a block is required. with the exact bed measure- ments. and the narrowest margin required. VVrite for net prices. PATENT STEREOTYPE BLOCKS New. Old, and Boston Style~—\/Vhen made regularly. these blocks are inch larger each way than size of back of plate. or 1 inch larger each way than size of printed matter. The Hook. Ratchet Gutter and Clasp Brass occupy a space of ,".~, inch, including necessary allowance for taking plate on or off freely. and the two bevels on plate are {‘.~, inch wide. or‘; inch in all. The block will take on a plate 3.‘ inch smaller each way than the largest plate. back dimensions. when the Slot in which the Hook moves is one inch: and the smallest plate the Block will take is 1.} inch smaller than the size of Block overall. Patented Ruled Block——The largest plate taken on is one inch smaller each way (back dimensions) than outside measurements of Block: and the smallest plate (back dimensions) is '3‘. inches smaller than outside measurements of Block when the Slot in which Hook moves is 1 inch long. Blocks for Narrow Margins-—There are instances where it is impossible to get the desired margins on regularly made Blocks. In such instances we can reduce the widths of Hooks. Ratchets. and Gutters. or increase the Variation between largest and smallest plates by lengthening the Slots in which Hooks move. as conditions allow. VVhenever margins are apparently too scant. our long experience will usually enable us to overcome the difiiculty. In some cases we must make a special charge for such special work. VVhen the Slot in which the Hook moves is made longer than 1 inch on New Style Blocks it requires longer Pinions. and :3; cents per Hook is added to the list price for each 4' inch longer than 1 inch. All Blocks are made 2 inch thick unless otherwise ordered. For each extra Hook and Pinion add 50 cents to list: for each Hook less. deduct :25 cents from list. Rule Blocks——Prices for Blocks with Brass Rule Borders will be quoted on application. For price of Blocks with Head Brass but no End Hooks. add to List Price of Blocks without End Hooks as follows: 8 to 16; inch measurement. 10 cents: 17 to 27 inch measurement. 15 cents: 737; to 38; inch measurement. :30 cents. Steel Pinions. 15 cents each. Hooks. 10 cents each. RATCHETS ‘l fl} nu‘ ll‘) ‘I :1 . rgulh‘ VVood Handle BrassRatchet. woodhandle........................................$0.50 Steel Ratchet. wood handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 Brass Ratchet. steelhandle......................................... .50 ._ . Steel Ratchet. steel handle . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .75 New Style Old Style BARNHART BROS. & SPINDI_ER’S Sift} SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PARTICULARS OF MAHOGANY AND IRON PAT-ENT BLOCKS To ascertain price of Block of any style. add together the length and width measurements,'then find the nearest “measurements" in second column of Price List; and the price of the style and size of Block required will be found in the same line as the corresponding "measurement"_in the second column. When the measurements of the Block required diifer from any “measurement” printed in secon price of such Block will be the price in the same line as thenext lower "measurement." In sending orders. give the size of Block outside, and also the sizes of the largest and smallest plates to be used on the Block. always measuring the back of the plate. Unless otherwise stated we assume that all plate measurements given are of the back of the plate. PATENT RITLED Z . MAHOGANY IRON 5 —.,3z (,5 T | as ' PROPER NUMBER OF D|M(:N;lS(;f[:: OF E ‘,3 5 § Q OLD AND OLSEANND Zcfitcéu 81:5!/E § § MAHOGANY IRON BLOCKS To WORK A BLOCKS. E I; 3 - I I NEW STYLES, WITH’ ONLY’ :1: 2: s1-1:57 or PAPER ’j_—— I ‘II’ ‘z’ 3 3 STYLES‘ 1 MT” END WITH END 3 3 wm-1 wm-1 FOLLO OF THE STANDARD Q - » .7, .11 . wm-1001' END AND AND a) :4 HOOKS HOOKS W'NG STANDARD SIZES. I I; I 15 15 ENDS I AND SIDE 3,05 *5 o ALL ALL S|ZES- . 1' (2 g HOOKS‘ £ HggDKEs_ H00KS- ”°°K3- g" 2 AROUND. ' AROUND. I .... .. 8 2 1 $1.50 $2.00 $2.50 $8.75 4 2 $3-75 $12-00 32 Blocks to 22 x 28 X D 81 2 1 1.55 2.05 2.55 8.90 4 2 3-80 12-10 31 X 53 9 2 1 L60 2,10 2,60 9.05 4 :2 3.85 12.20 18 Blocks to 19 x 24 94 2 1 1.65 2.15 2.65 9.20 4 2 3.90 12.40 . 10 2 1 1.70 2.20 2.70 9.35 4 2 3-95 12-60 41 x 6 ................... .. 101 2 1 1.75 2.25 2.75 9.50 4 2 4-00 12-80 32 Blocks to 26 x 40 11 2 1 1.80 2.30 2.80 9.65 4 2 4-05 13-00 5 x 64 .................. .. 11% 2 1 1.85 2.35 2.85 9.80 4 2 4.10 13.20 16 Blocks to 22 x 28 5-} x 63 .................. .. 12 2 1 1.90 2.40 2.90 9.95 4 2 4.15 13.40 24 Blocks to 23 x_ 41 124 2 1 1.95 2.45 2.95 10.10 4 2 4.20 13.60 . . 5-: x 72 ................. .. 13 2 1 2.00 2.50 3.00 10.25 4 2 4-25 13-30 32 Blocks. 19 33 X 46 134 2 1 2.05 2.55 3.05 10.40 4 2 4.30 14.00 14 3 1 2.65 3.15 3.65 11.65 6 2 5.50 ~ 16.00 p 51 x 9 .. 144 3 1 2.70 3.20 3.70 11.80 6 2 5.55 16.20 16 Blocks to 24 x 38 ‘ 15 3 1 2.75 3.25 3.75 11.95 6 2 1 5.60 16.30 6 x 91 .................. .. 154.: 3 1 2.80 3.30 3.80 12.10 6 2 5-65 16-50 16 Blocks to 26 x 40 ‘ 16 3 1 2.85 3.35 3.85 12.25 6 2 5.70 16.70 164 3 1 2.90 3.40 3.90 12.40 6 2 5.75 16.90 6; x 101 .................. .. 17 3 1 2.95 3.45 3.95 12.55 6 2 5.80 17.00 8 Blocks to 22 x 28 174 3 1 3.00 3.50 4.00 12.70 6 2 5.85 17.10 18 3 1 3.05 3.55 4.05 12.85 6 2 5.90 17.30 71 x 11 ................... .. 18; 3 1 3.10 3.60 4.10 13.00 6 2 5.95 17.50 16 Blocks to 33 x 46 ‘ 19 3 1 3.15 3.65 4.15 13.15 6 2 6.00 17.70 191 3 1 3.20 3.70 4.20 13.30 - 6 2 6.05 17.90 20 3 1 3.25 3.75 4.25 13.45 6 2 6.10 18.10 9 x 111 .................. .. 204 3 2 3.30 4.35 4.85 14.70 6 4 7.40 20.10 8 Blocks to 24 x 33 21 3 2 3.35 4.40 4.90 14.85 6 4 7.45 20-40 214 3 2 3.40 4.45 4.95 15.00 6 4 7.50 20.80 22 3 2 3.45 4.50 5.00 15.15 6 4 7.55 31.10 224 3 2 3.50 4.55 5.05 15.30 6 4 7.60 1.40 23 3 2 3.55 4.60 5.10 15.45 6 4 7.65 21.70 23% 3 2 3.60 4.65 5.15 15.60 6 4 7.70 22.00 101 3 13; 24 3 2 3_(,5 4,70 5.20 15.75 6 4 7.75 22.30 4 Blocks to 22 x 28 ‘ ‘ """"""""" " 24% 3 2 3.70 4.75 5.25 15.90 6 4 7.80 22.60 1 3 2 3.75 4.80 5.30 16.05 6 4 7.85 22.90 ‘ 251 3 2 3.80 4.85 5.35 16.20 6 4 7.90 23.20 ’ 26 3 2 3.85 4.90 5.40 16.35 9 4 7.95 23.50 1 264 3 2 3.90 4.95 5.45 16.50 6 4 8.00 23.80 H X 16 27 4 2 4_(,() 5,55 6.15 17.75 8 4 9.40 25.80 8 Blocks to 33 x 46 1 2*; 4 2 4.65 5.70 6.20 17.90 8 4 9.45 26.15 28 4 2 4.70 5.75 6.25 18.05 8 4 9.50 26.45 ‘ 284 4 2 4.75 5.80 6.30 18.20 8 4 9.55 26.80 29 4 2 4.80 5.85 6.35 18.35 3 1 3.2g 294 4 2 4.85 5.90 6.40 18.50 . . 0 _ 11,5 X 181 30 4 3 4,90 6.65 7.15 19.75 8 6 11.15 29.65 4 Blocks to ..4 x 38 301 4 3 4.95 6.70 7.20 20.00 S 2 33.28 31 4 3 5.00 6.75 7.25 20.25 8 6 I 1.30 30.75 1 311 4 3 5.05 6.80 7.30 20.50 8 _ 1 . . 9 12; x 191 .................. ... 32 4 3 5.10 6.85 7.35 20.75 6 1-35 31-15 4 Blocks to -6 X 40 1 324 4 3 5.15 6.90 7.40 21.00 3 3 Egg 31.33 ’ 33 4 3 5.20 6.95 7.45 21.25 8 6 11.50 32.25 334 4 3 5.25 7.00 7.50 21.50 8 6 1 1.55 32.65 34 4 3 5.30 7.05 7.55 21.75 8 6 I 1.60 33.00 34% 4 3 5.35 7.10 7.60 22.00 . . 0 W 9 131, 4 31,1, __________________ ,_ 3,-, 4 3 5.40 7.15 7.65 22.25 8 6 11.65 33.40 - Blocks to .. x -8 ' ‘ 351 4 3' 5.45 7.20 7.70 22.50 3 6 %1.70 33.75 36 4 3 5.50 7.25 7.75 22.75 6 1.75 34.15 361 4 3 5.55 7.30 7.80 23.00 8 6 11.80 34.50 37 4 3 5.60 7.35 7.85 23.25 8 6 11.85 34.90 37; 4 3 5.65 7.40 7.90 23.50 8 6 1 1.90 35.25 38 4 3 5.70 7.45 7.95 23.75 8 6 1 1.95 35.65 H 16 x 224 .................. .. 38; 4 3 5.75 7.50 8.00 24.00 8 6 12.00 36.00 4 Blocks to 33 x 46 *The measurement is the sum of the outside length and width of a Block added together. POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED (Lcolumn. the PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS STEREOTYPE OUTFITS The ldeal Casting Box and Furnace is certainly an Ideal machine as the name implies. This outfit is manufactured in three sizes, 8%xl4, 1‘3x‘3() and :3()x‘3(3. The b’-lxl-I will cast a plate three columns wide by twelve inches long if required: the 1t3x‘30 will cast a plate ten by seventeen inches. and :3()x‘3l*3 Will cast full eight column pages. VVhen this outfit is used for drying matrix the casting box. the form clamped in solidly. is pushed over t e metal pot. and the heat radiating from the melted metal dries the matrix quickly and safely. There is no possibility of injury to type in using this machine. notwithstanding the fact that the matrix is dried rapidly and thoroughly. The ta‘lx14 size is best adapted for small job offices where no large forms are desired. The 1:3x:30 is the best general utility machine. and forms as large as ten by seventeen can be cast, and this is as large as the ordinary electrotype foundry can handle. By dividing the form a seventeen by twenty plate can be easily turned out. The :3()x73t3 size is especially adapted to cast newspaper pages. and a perfect full page plate can be cast speedily and satisfactorily. In ordering state kind of fuel you will possibly 11S€.——-(7iI‘(’llI(l7‘. 5% ‘-2 X 14 INCH ‘2 X 20 INCH :0 X 26 INCH Furnace and casting box . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . $37.50 . . . . . . . .$55.00 . . . . . . . .$95.00 Iron bars, spacings and cores for type-high casts . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11.00. . . . . . .. 15.00 . . . . . . . . 18.00 Iron shuteboard and plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9.00 . . . . . . .. 13.00 . . . . . . .. 18.00 Iron mitre box and metal saw . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9.00 . . . . . . .. 15.00 . . . . . . . . 19.00 Beating brush . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.50 . . . . . . .. 4.50 . . . . . . .. 4.50 Steel gauges for thin plates. small tools. blankets. brushes. prepared matrix paper and directions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 . . . . . . .. 10.50 . . . . . . .. 12.00 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$75.00 $113.00 $166.50 STEAM AND OVERHEAD FIXTURES BELT DRIVING PULLEY SIZE SHIPPING WEIGHT PRICE Light :—3—speed cones, 13 to ‘.1 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .11» Inch 8 inches 3. medium 110 lbs. $15.00 Light 4—speed cones, 7 to 10 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1l inch 8 inches 2. medium 125 lbs. 18.00 Heavy 3-speed cones, S to 10 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..73 inches 8 inches ,1 medium 155 lbs. 20.00 Heavy 4-speed cones. -1-‘: to 8*} inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..?3 inches :5 inches 2. medium 160 lbs. 22.50 Heavy 3—speed cones, ‘.1 to 1:3 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'.3l inches 12 inches I medium 185 lbs. 22.50 Heavy -1-speed cones. 7 to 1() inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .331 inches 1:3 inches in medium 190 lbs. 25.00 Heavy 3-speed cones, 10 to 13 inches. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . inches 12 inches medium 190 lbs. 27.50 Heavy 4—speed cones. 11) to 13 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..73is inches 1:3 inches I medium lbs. 30.00 Heavy 3-speed cones, 12 to 15 inches . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . All inches 113 inches (Jylinder lbs. 40.00 If split cone pulley for line shaft is wanted, add 10 per cent to above prices. SHAFTING Cold rolled and turned. straightened and polished. WEIGHT PER FOOT PRICE PER LB. NET {flinch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . t3..i.‘> lbs . . . . . . ..$0 05 >4 1-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .055 1f1.;‘inCh . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15%,-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . 3.77 lbs . . . . . . . . .05 >6 1{".~,—inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . -1.131 lbs . . . . . . . . 05 >5 11’.~.—inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.573 lbs. . . . .05 >5 11-*'.~,-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. (}.5f3lbs . . . . . . .. .05 1-.1,-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7.131 lbs . . . . . . . . .05 1:3,-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8.78 lbs . . . . . . .. .05 11:1;-inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .10.03 lbs _ . . . . . . . .05 COMPRESSION COUPLINGS AND COLLARS 1 3~16|NCr-1 1 5-16 INCH ‘. 7-16 INCH 1 ‘Y-16 INCH 1 ‘*5-16lI\(.‘H Ribbed Compression Couplings . . . . . . . . . .$3.05 $4.20 $4.20 $6.30 $7.40 Collars, safety set—screw, solid . . . . . . . . .. .80 1.00 1.00 1.20 1.40 Collars. safety set—screw. split . . . . . . . . .. 1.20 1.50 1.50 1.80 2.10 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 9'78 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS ADJUSTABLE BALL AND SOCKET DROP HANGERS All of these hangers have machine—finished bases. and Standard bearings machine-reamed and faced. FRAME SYMBOL AND SHAFT SIZES s10.1:2f14.10.1s.:20 B _. I. inch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.35 "4.I($—‘I4.20 j 445 111:. 1I1Ch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3.95 14.101430 4.55 5 p _11;.~1nch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4.90 . 505 ’ 525 , 5.50 I 560 6.00 . 6.45 11{.l,1nch . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5.00 5 5.15 I 5.35 . 5.60 I 5.70 ; 6.10 » 6.55 . I I I 1;-,';incl1 . . . . . . . . . . . . 6.35 ‘ 7.35 1 7.50 ' 7.30 1 3.05 1 3.30 I 3.30 (. 1 -2.“.~, inches . . . . . . . . . . 3.70 9.05 I 9.20 9.70 10.30 $10.75 ;11.65 ' 12.7., inches . . . . . . . . . . ..} 9.35 i 9.70 f 9.35 10.35 10.95 111.40 112.30 K 1 :2I.1._ir1ches . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.35 511.35 511.35 12.35 113.35 .1445 £15.50 1?3i;I:1nches . . . . . . . . . . ..12.30 13.30 13.30 14.30 .15.30 .16.40 117.45 WOOD SPLIT PULLEYS. — T WIDTH OF FACEININCHES. DMMETER ‘ 3 4 1 5 5 7 . 3 . 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 13 17 INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHESJNCHESI INCHES INCHESINCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES INCHES 3inches........‘1.90 2.00‘2.10 2.25»2.4OI2.6OI2.85;3.10‘3.35 3.60. 3.35 4.10% 4.40‘ 4.75 . . . . . .. 41nches _ . . . . . .. 2.0012.10‘2.20 2.4012.6O12.85‘3.10 3.35360 3.351 4.10; 4.40‘ 4.75 5.10;. ?)inches . . . . . .. 2.6012.85I3.1O 3.35360 3.35 4.10; 4.40 4.75. 5.10 5.451 . . . . . .. 1; inches . . . . . . .. 2.20 2.35 2.55‘ 4.00 4.30. 4.65’ 5.00’ 5.35 5.70 . . . . . .. 7inches . . . . . . .. 2.30 2.452.65 2.35;3.10I3.35;3.60e3.354.15. 4.50; 4.35 5.20 5.55 5.90 . . . . . .. sinches . . . . . . .. 2.45 2.60 2.30 3.00i3.25I3.50,3.75f4.00.4.301 4.65. 5.00% 5.40. 5.305 6.20 . . . . . .. 0 inches . . . . . . .. 2.60 2,303.00‘;4.30 4.65. 5.00; 5.40. 5.30% 6.20% 6.60 . . . . . .. 10 inches . . . . . . .. 2.30 3.00325 3.50;3.75'4.00;5.00 5.40; 5.301 6.20 6.60 7.00 . . . . . .. llinches . . . . . . .. 3.00 3.25 3.50 3.75.4.O0:4.30‘4.6515.0015.4O‘ 5.30; 6.201 6.60 7.00 7.50 . . . . . .. 1-2inches........ 3.90420;4.55j4.90i5.3015.70. 6.10: 6.50. 6.90‘ 7.401 7.90; 3.50 13inches........ 3.30 3.55330 4.10;4.45,4.80‘5.20;5.60j6.00‘ 6.40; 6.30 7.30 7.30 3.40; 9.00 Hinches . . . . . . .. 3.45 3.707400 4.35,;6.45, 6.90; 7.40 7.90 3.50. 9.10; 9.70 1:")inches . . . . . . .. 3.60~3.9OI4.25 4.6O;5.OO,5.4515.9O:6.3516.80{ 7.30; 7.301 3.40 9.00‘. 9.6011030 11'. inches . . . . . . .. 3.30 4.1514.50l5.00.5.5016.0016.50§7.00‘7.50. 3.00; 3.501 9.00 9.60:10.30111.00 17inches . . . . . . .. 4.00 4.40 4.90‘5.40}5.9016.4OI6.9OI7.40.7.901 3.40; 3.90; 9.50 10.20 1100.11.30 1sinches . . . . . . .. 4.20 4.70 5.20’5.70;6.2O 6.70‘ 9.00. 9.60; 111 inches . . . . . . .. 4.40 4.90 5.40 5.90;6.50 7.10j7.7013.30;3.90. 9.50r10.20.11.00:11.30 126011340 :20 inches . . . . . . .. 4.60 5.20 5.301 6.40 7.00 7.60 . 3.30 ; 9.00 . 9.70 ; 10.40 1 11.20: 12.00 1 12.901 13.30: 14.70 IMPROVED FAST LETTERING AND STAMPING PRESS. Made in two styles. No. 1. size of platen. 12 x 12 inches: size of head, 11 x 11 inches. The wheel at the top carries the screw that raises or lowers the head to any required place. and the set screw at the front binds it firmly. The bed on this machine slides in and out. Can be furnished in two sizes. 191 or 26 inches between uprights. Three embossing-_stamp holders. Varying sizes: one chase. inside measure inches square: one large plate. full size of head. for electros and brass work: one atmos- pheric gas heater: set of band holders. and assortment of steel fillers for chase. go with each machine. Our No. 2 Stamper works on the same general plan as the No. 1 machine. except that the bed is a permanent piece and does not slide like it does on the larger machine. Size of head. 12 X 1'2: size of platen. 13% x Takes work 14 inches wide and any length. The head will allow a change of six inches in thickness. One chase holder with chase. two plates for electros. one set of fillers for chase. and an atmospheric gas heater. go with each machine.——(‘frculur. I WEIGHT PRICE .\'o. 1 Machine arranged for steam and hand power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .350 lbs $155.00 No. 1 Machine arranged for hand power . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. -—*— 150,00 .\'o. :2 .\1achine arranged for gas and steam heat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25() lbs 85,00 If heated by gasoline. extra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10.00 POINT—LlNE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 979 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS BOSTON STAPLE BINDER Foot Power and Hand Power The Boston Staple Binder is built on new lines with valuable features never before used in a stapler. It is the nearest approach to a stitcher yet devised. and its work is neater and better than some of the old line stitchers. It is difficult to distinguish its stapling‘ from the best wire stitching. Staples are strung on tin cores (no shrinking or swelling of wood) with paper covers. and placed in the machine at the right hand side. as shown in the illustration. The cores may be lifted out of the stapler. and replaced. as often as necessary without loss of staples. saving from :35 to 50 per cent. in staples over all other - machines. A supporter (an exclusive feature) prevents buckling staples. and permits the use of finer wire than heretofore possible. The result is cleaner work. The driver is a single piece of hardened steel. reversible. and can be instantly replaced when worn without the aid of a wrench. Iron tables are provided at each side of the stitching‘ head with pockets underneath to hold four boxes of staples. The stitcher work table tips forward or back for flat and saddle, and is held in the flat position by the back gauge. VVire No. 320. round. is used. the same being slightly flattened in the process of staple mak- ing. The staples are strung‘ on tin cores of :-$34 each. A paper covering pro- tects the staples from moisture. permits of changes from one size to another without waste. and keeps the staples in line for sure feeding. The feed is positive. the hardened steel pusher being‘ operated by a steel spiral spring‘ which also engages to a locking device at the end of the tin core to hold the same in position. This lock is pulled backward to release the core when sizes of staples are changed. Screw driver and tools are unnecessary after the stapler is assembled. as all changes in staples are made without them. The foot power Boston Stapler has a pedestal and table. as shown in the illustra- tion: the hand power is screwed to a bench or table. The capacity of both styles is three-sixteenths of an inch. flat or saddle work. ---Cirmllrn-. Style A. Foot Power, saddle and flat. shipping weight. 110 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$35.00 Style B. Hand Power, saddle and flat. shipping weight. 50 lbs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 25.00 Staples are put up in boxes of 5000, there being two sizes. 1-inch for thin work. and 11-inch for thick work. 5,000 Lots, per 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.18 $25,000 Lots, )€I' 1,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .15 50,000 Lots, per 1,000 . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .14 100.000 Lots. per 1.000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13 NO. 6 ACME STAPLE BINDER The No. (3 VVire-Staple Binder does a greater range of work. and does better work. than any other staple binder. At one stroke of the treadle it drives. clinches. and re- leases the staple——each operation being independent, though continuous. It holds two hundred and fifty staples at a charge. and round or flat and fine or coarse staples may be used. Staples are fed automatically to the driver by positive pressure on both legs. and clogging is prevented by a device which effectually prevents more than one staple getting under the driver at a time. The clinch is perfect on any thickness. There is ample room for putting in and taking out work. as the driver arm lifts more than an inch above the table after each clinch. There is a long space under the arm for calen- dar work. The treadle has a positive movement. livery machine is furnished with a strong iron stand. VVil.l bind to a thickness of 1-i_nch through any kind of paper. and is furnished with both flat and saddle-back tables. with gauges on the flat bed. For hard or coated papers. when the work is heavy. flat wire staples are used.-—(7irruIm'. No. (3 Acme \Vire-Staple Binder. capacity 1-inch and under on all kinds of paper. for round or flat wire. with table and treadle complete . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$40.00 Staples for Acme Binder No. 0: No. :31. 1—inch.ro11nd: No. 7272. r"’.~.—incl1. round: No. 723. 1-inch. flat: No. 73-1. {‘p,—inch. flat---per box of 5.000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 ACME STAPLE BINDER NO. 1 The frame swings on a pivot and lifts high enough to give ample room for putting‘ in and taking out the work---An advantage not obtainable on other low- priced staple binders. It will not clog. Holds one hundred staples. Binds 1-inch -V“ . \_\\ 3. "’ '1‘ \\ .. vs V’ ,M‘:[a'~3-1 ;AH9,5/ _~s:_ and under. Uses flat sta >1es <>Ill\'.~—('l')'('Ill4II'. R, 1 l . Acme Staple Binder No. 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..S6.()0 Staples for Acme Binder No. 1: No. 225A. 1-inch. fiat: No. :34A. ."‘..~iucl1. flat per box of 5.000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\lDLER’S SM) SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS STAPLE BINDER No. 10 This machine is built with the following improvements which enhance its intrinsic value. It will use six different sizes of staples. both flat and round wire. It will stitch through the fold and through the back from 2 sheets up to 60 sheets, (flat staples) and from 2 sheets up to 30 sheets (round staples) of ordinary book or pamphlet paper. and 11 inches from margin. The wearing parts are all made of Malleable Steel, and not liable to break or get out of order. The Staple Case adjustment is far superior to any of our other Machines. Only one adjustment, and easily under- stood.——(‘ircular. Staple Binder No. 10, complete with Flat and Saddle Table . . . . . . . . . .$34.00 glat \Vire Staples. go. 4}, a1?e_-1nCh long, per box of_5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.25 F13: glre Sléaplesa N0- 1%, +5-ltlchhlpng, per box of 0,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Fla ire ap es, 0. , 1.6-inc ong, per box of o,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . 1.25 at VVire Staples, No. 61;, %—inch long, per box of 0,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Round ‘Wire Staples, No. 14, f’6:1I1Ch long, per box of 5,000 . . . . _ . . . _ , _ _ , , 1,25 Round Wire Staples, l\o. 15, %~inch long, per box of 5,000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 STAPLE BINDER No. 4 This is a very useful binder for the ofl-lce or printer, and can be put to a great variety of uses. It will bind papers etc., from 1 to 50 sheets. Holds 125 staples at a charge. It is impossible for staples to clog in the machine, as by the new device one staple must be driven before another can enter. This machine requires no adjustment. feeds automatically, uses three sizes of staples, put up 5,000 in a box, and are exactly the same as used on the No. 10 Binders—-viz: No. 4_ ,3,_inCh; N0, 5_ ~;-inch, and No, 6. is-inch. Circular. Staple Binder No. 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$3.00 SURE SHOT STAPLE BINDER The most reliable binder for oflice use. Holds one hundred staples at a charge. VVorks on the same principle as Acme No. 1. ‘but has no lever. Binds from two to fifty sheets.——Circular. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.00 Staples for Sure Shot Binder: No. 23 A. -1-inch; No. 24 A. :'i;—inch—~per box of 5,000 of one size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 ADVANCE WIRE STITCHER The Advance Stitcher is a good machine at a low price, and is built on similar lines as the more expensive machines. The capacity is limited from two sheets up to one-fifth of an inch. It feeds, makes and clinches a staple at each stroke. \Vith it, staples are made at a cost of two cents a thousand. VVhere an ordinary amount of binding is done, the Advance soon pays for itself on the saving in the cost of staples. Speed is limited only by the ability of the operator. Sixteen hundred an hour is the average. and with an assistant to keep the table clear, two thousand. The Speed of the power stitcher is one hundred stitches a minute. In construction, the Advance Stitcher is strong, simple and durable. The number of parts is small, and the wearing parts are made of tool steel and are interchangeable. It does not get out of order easily. A boy or girl can operate it. Saddle stitch is changed quickly to side stitch by taking off the table and reversing. The staple mechanism is time—tested and per- fectly reliable. The manufacturers of the Advance Stitchers guarantee their machine to do as good work, wear as well and give as good satisfaction as any stitcher manufactured. They will replace any part that should prove defective up to one year from date of sale. Both use Nos. 22 to 28 Round lVire. Vvrenches, oil can, screw driver and instructions for operating furnished with each machine. thoroughly tested before shipment is made.—~(,'ircular. Each machine is Foot Power, floor space 18 x 22 inches: shipping weight 20:)Hpounds . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$ 80.00 Steam Power, floor space 19 x 22 inches; shipping weight .44.’) pounds . . . . . . . . . . . _ _ . . , _ _ _ . , , _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ . 125_00 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 98] QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS WIRE STITCHING MACHINES No. 000 Monitor Wire Stitching Machine This Machine is the largest wire stitching machine in the world. It has a range of work from three-eighths to two inches in thickness. The machine embodies all those Valuable features and improvements that have been thoroughly tried and tested by constant use for years on the number 00 and No. 0 sizes. It has a range of work from to 2 inches in thickness. Uses 1.8‘ x 730 and 11) x 231.1» flat wire.~(‘ir«-uI«zr. No. 000 Monitor VVire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$800.00 No. 00 Monitor Wire Stitching Machine This machine has the largest range of work of any Stitcher in the world except our No. 000. Can be used for pamphlet saddle work or for the heaviest flat or side stitching. Quickly adjusted and simple throughout. finest material and finish: interchangeable parts. gauges. etc. Capacity, ‘3 sheets to 13 inches. Uses No. :35 round wire. Nos. :30 X ‘35 and 19 x 131% flat wire.——(,’iI'('uIru'. No. ()0 Monitor VVire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$700.00 No. 0 Monitor Wire Stitching Machine This machine is constructed for flat (or side) stitching only. In- stantly adjusted for different thicknesses of work. requiring no change of parts whatever. Made of the best material and of the finest finish. Capacity, 4 to 13 inches. Uses 1!) x 131% and :30 x 235 flat wire. -('i)'(?llI(II‘. Styl No. 000, 00. and 0 Monitor \\'ir- , , , ‘ , _ _ L Stitchcrs L No. 0 Monitor VV1re Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$600.00 No. 1 Monitor Wire Stitching Machine This machine covers the requirements of large binderies and printing oftices because of its large range of work. VVill stitch four. eight. and sixteen page pamphlets with No. 30 round wire as neatly and quickly as a small machine: also also stitch a book LI-inch thick of hard paper. or Z.-inch book of medium or soft paper; will produce 75.()()() staples in one day of ten hours. Capacity. :3 sheets to .1 inch. Uses Nos. 735. ‘.36. .37. :38 and 30 round and :30 x :35 flat wire.—~(‘irculur. No. 1 Monitor \Vire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$450.00 No. 1% Monitor Wire Stitching Machine Same description applies to this machine. the only difference being in the capacity. Combined flat and saddle table. Capacity. 73 sheets to 1;‘ inch. Uses Nos. :36. 27. :38 and 30 round and 730 x :35 tlat.~('ir«-uhzr. No. 1% Monitor V\’ire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$300.00 No. 1% Monitor Wire Stitching Machine Same description applies to this machine, the only difference being in the capacity. Iombined flat and saddle table. (gapacity. :3 sheets to inch. Uses Nos. :35, ‘.36. :37, :38 and 30 round and :31) x 735 flat wire. Styles No. 1.1%; and ~34 Mon- __(.h,(,uIm_. itor Wire Stitch;-rs No. 1‘; Monitor VVire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$275.00 No. 2% Monitor Wire Stitching Machine The No. :35 machine is especially adapted for pamphlet work, large or small. It has a long reach from stand to stitching box for calendars. also a long drop for large saddle stitching. The wire is fed into machine between steel rollers. The pressure on the wire can be regulated to a nicety by an eccentric lever. insuring a smooth. perfect. even feed at each stroke. l’1‘o— Vided with combination flat and saddle table. back and side gauges. etc. Speed, up to 7.5()() staples per hour. according to skill of operator. Capacity. :3 sheets to 1 inch. Uses Nos. .‘35. :36. 737. :38 and 30 round wire.«—v.(‘in-ulur No. 73% Monitor VVire Stitching Machine... .. .. .. .. . . . . .. . . .. .. . . . . . . . . ..$175.00 No. 2 Monitor Wire Stitching Machine No. :3 Monitor. “roll feed.“ Same description applies to this machine. Capacity. ‘3 sheets to inch. Uses Nos. 735 to :30 round and :3() x :35 flat wire. ——( .‘ircuIm'. No. 73 Monitor \Vire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$200.00 Styles No. 21/3 and :3 Monitor Wire Stitchers BARNHART BROS & SPINDLF-_‘R’S 98-2 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS MONITOR WIRE STITCHING MACHINE, No. 4 To reach a demand of small offices not provided with power. we herewith show a small foot—power stitcher at a price to bring it within the range of all medium—sized ofiices. It feeds direct from the spool. making its own staples. at a cost of less than two cents per thousand. Will stitch both flat and saddle work without change of parts for different thicknesses of work or different sizes of wire. It has its own pedestal, similar to our power machines. and is of the same high standard of workmanship and material. Capacity. ‘.3 sheets to .3, inch. Uses Nos. 26. 2”, 28 and 30 round wire. No. 4 Monitor VVire Stitching Machine . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$100.00 BOOKBINDER’S WIRE. ON SPOOLS VVe carry in stock the very best wire procur- able. and it will be sold at prices as favorable as any obtainable elsewhere. The frequent changes in the prices of wire. on account of the fluctuations in the cost of metals. prevents us from quoting prices in this book. WIRE-STAPLE TABLE Table showing number of feet. inches and eighths of inches in all sizes of wire from No. 18 to No. To ascertain the number of staples to one pound of wire, measure full length of wire in staple. go to first column on left of table and pass down same until you reach the size that corresponds with the staple measured; pass along to right until you reach size of wire used, shown by top row of figures. Example: if your staple measures 11/_, inches. and the size of wire is No. 28. there are 11940 staples to the pound. as shown in table. 20 21122’23}24125 26127 31732 Length of ‘ 1 Wire in Staple 1 18 ‘ 19 1 — 1 1 1 1 28129130 ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 . 1 1 « 1 1 E . 1 >4 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4104 5394 1 7403 I 8856 1 11594 I 14544 ' 17142 1 22640 28236 1 31578 35880 1 40878 1 47058 1 50000 1 54546 94 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 3283 4315 1 5926 1 7084 1 9275 1 11635 1 13713 1 18112 22588 1 25282 28606 32942 1 37646 i 40000 43636 94 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 2736 1 3596 1 4938 1 5904 1 7729 1 9696 1 11428 1 15093 18824 1 21052 23880 27118 1 31372 1 33833 36364 % inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2345 1 3082 1 4233 1 5060 1 6625 1 8310 1 9795 1 12937 16134 1 18044 1 20468 23244 1 26890 1 28571 31169 1 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2052 1 2697 3704 1 4428 1 5797 1 7272 1 8571 1 11320 14118 1 15789 1 13910 20339 1 23529 1 25000 27273 1% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1824 1 2397 I 292 3936 1 5152 1 1 7618 1 10062 12649 1 140334 1 10920 18079 1 20914 1 22222 24242 12 inch . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . 1641 2157 1 2963 1 3542 1 4637 5817 1 6856 1 9066 11294 1 12631 1 14328 16271 , 18823 1 20000 21818 1% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1492 1 1961 2693 3220 1 4216 5288 1 6233 1 8232 10261 ' 11:182 1 1802-> 14782 1 1:112 1 18181 19834 114 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1368 1 1798 ' 2469 1 2952 1 3864 1 4848 1 5714 1 7546 9412 1 10526 1 11940 13859 1 1» _ 1 18666 18182 1% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1262 1 1659 1 2279 1 2724 1 3567 1 4475 1 23714 03$‘ 33%? 33;? I 1113.711 33%? ' 12:19 I 133.3% £3: 5*" ‘, 7») ' -2 ~)' 1 2 ”1 .71 . '7-v ~ ~ 01 D 5 i2 iL‘t‘fi:::: :::: :::: ::::1 11113111 iiféé ‘ 131%? 1 1 5331311 3833. 45711 8531 73851 114251 1 10847 1 121-348 1 13333 14545 2 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 1026 1 1348 1 1852 1 2214 1 2898 I 3636 1 4285 1 _ 70°? 1 ‘394 ' 893° 10109 I 11104 1 12300 13038 214 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 965 i 1269 I 1743 1 2083 1 2728 ' 3422 1 4033 1 8327 6643 1 3430 84~8 9671 1 11033 1 11164 12834 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 912 1 1198 1 1646 1 1968 1 2576 1 3232 1 3809 1 6031 8274 1 1017 1 7900 9039 1 10401 1 11111 12121 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 864 1 1135 1 1559 1 1864 1 2440 1 3061 3608 4366 9944 1 6648 1 7041 8068 1 11906 1 10526 1 11483 214 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 820- 1078 1481 1 1771 1 2318 ' 2908 1 3428 4928 7 63161 7113? 1 81,30 1 -341.1 1 109001 10900 ’ ' ~ 1 1" ' 1 1 9 9 . D 1 . . 1 4 2% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 781 1 1027 1 1411 1686 1 2208 1 >770 881121 1 1 65;; 1 $1381 1 89236 1 1131213; 13388 ' ' ” ' ' ' ' ' ' “ ' ' ' ’ "' 749 l 9-80 E 1'-346 H-510 1 S108 1 593141 9081 3937 4910 E 5491 6229 7074 5 8184 ' 8695 ‘ 9486 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1131 9381128811540 5016 5.1 ~._ __ 1 ,9‘ , 1” 1 H 3 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 684 89911234114761 1932' 24241 2857 3738 41081 85881 88701 67791 18431 8333 9091 314 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 656 1 863 1185 1 1416 1 1855 1 2327 1 2742 365- 4511 1 5082 1 8131 1 6888 » 7829 1 8000 8727 3% inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 631 1 829 1139 1 1362 1 1783 1 2287 1 2837 3483 4344 1 4858 1 3510 1 6.38 1 «~39 1 7602 8391 3% inch _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .§ 608 1 799 1097 ‘ 1312 1 1717 1 2154 1 2539 3354 4183 1 4878 1 8306 1 80.6 1 6871 1 7407 8980 314 inch .............. .. 5861 7701 1058 1 12651 16561 2077 1 2448 3234 4033 1 4°11 1 2117 1 0811 1 0122 1 7142 7192 No. of .14 inch in 1 1h..‘16416 321576 135424 1 46376 1 58176 : 6856811 9056011129441112631j2,1;143280 11712712111882-3211200000 1218184 No. of feet inl 1b.....1 171 I 22431 30851 369 1 483941 606 1 71441 9431‘ 117621 131”? 149211 16941’-‘1 196011 2°83’-*1 22723‘ TABLE COPYRIGHTED 1893. BY C. D. BLACKHALL. PUBLISHED BY PERMISSION PAPER COUNTER To make ready for use in pad work. Count 0111: Illlmbel‘ of sheets wanted by hand on top of which place the plate. then draw the stab up firmly against the paper. The screw in handle holds the stab in place. To operate. place plate. on 8 _ top of lot to be counted and push stab into paper bearing down at same time. Price . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$O.75 POINT-LINE, POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 983 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS THE IDEAL TABLETING APPARATUS This is a simple, common-sense apparatus, designed to be used _,\,\\\‘\\ by practical_printers. It has no clamp or screws to be operated, I. :::‘.:i::f;::C:;;':a.:.:*;1;‘.i:.:d..:h,3:.f;‘:§;~ 1 0 _‘\:\\\\\\\\\‘\\ forming the bottom of the box, and a C If i‘ ; _ small pile of sheets resting on it. All ’ ’ " I ' " trash, dust, etc., are sifted out as the sheets are put in, the two side-pieces not coming quite together, and thus leave an opening for that purpose. Figure 2 shows a pile of sheets ready for gluing. Having the sheets in the box, as shown in Figure 1, and having placed the iron brick on top of the pile, Fig 1 it is only necessary to take the appara- tus by the handle and leg and put it in a perpendicular position. Now, continuing to hold the box in a perpendicular position, withdraw it from under the base-plate, (which is made possible by the ingenious and simple arrangement of the bottom frame of the box,) and the pile is left standing on the base-plate, all ready for the glue—brush.—(Ji7'c'ulm'. Fig. 9 Price, complete, with box, base—plate and iron brick. size 8 x 8 x 18 inches. capacity 6,()()() sheets. . . . . .$6.00 Extra iron bricks, weight about 25 pounds, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Extra base—plates, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 COTT’S TABLET HOLDER AND CLAMP For straightening up and holding sheets of paper while being glued for tablets. Will take 3.()()() sheets: is simple. convenient, and durable: one of the best and handiest articles yet devised for the purpose. Any number of sheets can be handled. whether 100 or 3,000, with equal ease: allows glueing on two sides: it is made sloping so the paper will stand alone while being adjusted. The clamp is separate from the box: is quickly and easily adjusted to the various thicknesses, and any desired pressure can be obtained. The paper is set against the notched board. with the upper edge down, and the board of nearest size is placed against it. When even, the clamp is placed over it and tightened with a fair pressure: afterwards it is lifted out and turned over. so that the edges to be glued are uppermost.~(‘in-uIm'. Price, complete. including five beveled press-boards for tableting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$3.50 Extra clamps with five boards . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.00 Clamps only . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 ELASTIC PADDING GLUE An elastic, tough, quick—drying preparation, which is applied hot after melting in an ordinary glue pot. and, while entailing more labor, gives better results than the liquid glue. Does not adhere to the edges of sheets as they are removed from the pad, thus preventing tearing of pages in invoice and letter copying books. The color is bright red.—~(‘irc-ulm-. Price, per pound . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.35 LIQUID PADDIN G CEMENT This cement is much superior to glue. Being a liquid it is always ready, and can be applied cold as easily as paste. Blocks of the tablets made with this cement should be cut apart as soon as removed from the press.~—(‘£r(-ulr.u'. HALF PINT QUART GALLON PINT R€d 01‘ blue . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.30 . . . . . .$0.5O . . . . ..$0.90.. . . . .$3.00 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 984 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS‘ FURNITURE AND TOOLS SPHINX PASTE FOR PRINTERS The ideal Paste for the press room. Keeps soft and free from mould. No risk of lumps getting into the packing or overlays and battering the type. It does not swell the packing nor wrinkle the paper. Half pint cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.10 Pint cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 (Quart cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .25 1 gallon pails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 3.’ gallon pails . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.25 TABLET KNIFE Made extra thin and strong. each . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.50 COMBINATION CASE AND TAKE SLUG i 2 C / 5% % \ \\>\>~\\\\ \ \ ta \ vpdkc 3111;, (}:iq_ 1, (‘asg slug (1<‘ig_'_>) (‘ombined Slug (Fig 5;: The illustrations herewith presented show a combined “take and case slug.“ especially adapted to newspaper composition. though applicable to any other kind of piece work. The slug is in two parts. one giving the number of the "take“ and the other the number of the case. and is so matched and grooved that it can very readily be extracted from lock—up matter on a galley. The "case“ portion of the slug «fig. :2» is to be kept at respective cases. At or near the copy desk is placed a receptacle for the " take" portion (fig. I). When a compositor takes copy he takes the first slug out of the receptacle. places it in his stick. and arriving at his case. places the case slug alongside of the one in the stick. the combined slug being shown in figure 2%. (‘ombined (‘ase and Take Slug. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$O.25 BRASS AND ELECTROTYPED TAKE SLUGS Brass Letter Slug Brass Figure Slug‘ 1 2 TWELVE IClec11‘ot\'beig;1-Nonpareil and Agate. with hooks, _ . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 Q 5 8* '2 P°"" 12-inch Length 7 AGATE Pica. with hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . .so.75 Pica-Nonpareil. or l’ica—Agate. with hook . . . . . . . . . . .. .90 l’ica—l\'onpareil and Agate. with hooks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.25 Brass Newspaper Line Gauges IUU Agates long. with hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$0.50 \\'ith .\'onpareil on reverse side . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75 151) lines long. with hook . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .75 Same with Nonpareil on reverse side . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.10 POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY SM’) QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS PRINTERS’ SNIPS Length 1-; inches, blade :3 inches, each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$2.00 Tempered by patent method and fully warranted. TAPE COUPLERS -I-—inch. per box of 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.00 2-inch. per box of 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . .. 1.25 2-inch, perbox of 1.50 1-inch. perbox of 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1.50 1 -inch. perbox of 1.75 1.‘.-inches. perbox 1.75 l’liers for fastening tape couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1.00 TAPE FASTENER Price. with 1 box eyelets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$1.25 Price. with 1 box eyelets if sent by mail . . . . . . . . .. 1.40 TAPES~— Cylinder Press 2-inch-wide . . . . . , . . . .$0.80 I 1 -inch wide . . . . . . . . .$1.80 -‘_.—inch wide . . . . . . . . . . .98 1.‘.-inches wide , _ , _ _ , _ 2.00 ii-inch wide . . . . . . . . .. 1.18 1 Il—lnches wide. . . . . .. 2.16 1-inch wide . . . . . . . .. 1.38 I :3 —inches wide . . . . . .. 3.40 ;—inch wide...... 1.70 MONITOR TABLE SHEARS Monitor Table Shears are accurately fitted. finely finished and well make. The clamp has a rubber cushion (one quarter inch wide) inserted on under side. which holds stock firmly. and is brought, down parallel to bed by rods on each side of machine. having equal clamping pressure. The front gauge is operated by a hand wheel: one revolution of the wheel moves the gauge in either direction four inches. The Knife Bar is strong. pivoted between centering screws for readjustuient. and well balanced. Table is scored. provided with side and end adjustable gauges. No. 1, 2&2 inch . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$100.00 No. 73. 34 inch. extra I1ea\»'_\' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 150.00 TYPE WASH AND LYE Peerless Type VVash. 1 lb. cans. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$0.20. . . . . .per dozen . . . . . .$2.00 Concentrated Iqye. single cans . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .15 . . . . ..ease. 4 dozen. .. 4.20 HOERNER'S COMBINATION SHUTEBOARD AND TYPE-HIGH MACHING This machine will take blocks ten inches wide. and any length. the carriage. or guide frame. for plane being movable from side to side while in operation; blocks full width of bed are shaved at one setting. For trimming rules, slugs. or furniture. for cutting miters and squaring . . . . . fl blocks, the guide frame is taken off and either of the ,2 planes may be used on side of the bed.--—(‘iri-uI«u'. Complete with two planes (one file plane and one knife-plane) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$35.00 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S El?-<6 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRINTERS’ FURNITURE AND TOOLS CHALLENGE TYPE-HIGH MACHINE For making cuts or electrotypes mounted on wood type-high and true to gauge: will save one-half the time usually spent on make-ready. Simple and easily understood. For squaring. the planer is placed in groove in front of machine and used same as ordinary shoot board and plane. The cutting‘ surface is a special hand-cut file and never requires sharpening.—(‘irculur. (llizillenge Type-High Machine. including‘ 8’ X 1:3 zinc ;:alle_v . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..$15.00 SUPERIOR TYPE-HIGH GAUGE This little instrument is designed to cover the wants of every printer who uses mounted electrotype plates. half-tones. Wood cuts. rules. borders. orna- ments and initials. This Gauge is absolutely accurate. is micro—ground to .918 of an inch and will tell in an instant whether every part is type-high and therefore ready to put on the press. The one end is a cylinder and bearer gauge and with it the cylinder. bearers and rollers of a press can be adjusted accurately. The time lost is an immense item where guess work is used in fixing forms. \Vith the Superior Type-High Gauge all this time is saved. Superior Type—High Gauge. each . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .$1.50 Q OINT SET‘! INT 30° n8 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 987 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ESTIMATES AND COST OF PRINTING ESTIMATES AND COSTS OE PRINTING By J. HORACE MCFARLAND [Probably no primer in the country has given more thought to the important question treated in the following article than Mr, l\IcI?‘ar1and, In his own business and in his compact, clean-cut. and handsome shop, he has introduced methods that are simple. labor- saving. and effective. We take great pleasure in presenting his able observations to o11r customers] HAT the average printer needs most. in order that his estimates may be consistent and certain to give decent profits upon orders obtained, is to know what it costs to do his work. 'There is no manufac- turing business for which actual and accurate data are so hard to obtain, and, probably, no art in which hit—or-miss estimating prevails to so great an extent, or with results so ruinous. It is, therefore, in the hope of giving to those printers who need the help some data upon which to gain information as to the cost of printing in their own shops that these lines are written. It would be far easier to present the usual set "price-list.” useful, if the compiler is honest, for about a week after it is prepared, in his own establishment only; but if the inquiring master-printer will act upon the hints which follow, he can safely estimate upon any piece of business presented to him, and know that the price he decides to ask bears a proper relation to its cost to him. At the very outset, let it be urged upon the printer that he never give an estimate based upon some other printer’s guess. If the prospective customer says, “Smith will do it for $20," don’t conclude that, be- cause you want Work badly just then, you can afiord to bid 5519 and get the order. That is the fools con- clusion, and leads toward a partnership with the sheriff. Figure it out carefully; take time enough. and don‘t let the sometimes designing price-hunter talk you into an error while you are at it. VVhen your price is made. first verify it, then stick to it! If Smith will do it at less than the price you know is just. let him have it: don’t knowingly make a clear loss because the other fellow is willing to. or because he can work much cheaper than you. First, then. the inquiring before beginning to estimate should be as to HOW TO OBTAIN COSTS Every really successful modern “ print—shop “ has some more or less adequate means of keeping track A of the time spent in doing part of the work. Usually these methods involve the marking of the time by the workman. but very few include an actual footing-up of all the items of expense upon each job. Yet it is the overlooking of the items not quickly apparent which gives cause for many absurd and ruinous quo- tations. A method which the writer has successfully used for a decade. and which he could not afford to abandon, is outlined here. It is called the COST-ACCOUN T SYSTEM In this system, every workman, save only the foreman (When not occupied in direct work instead of superintendence). proof-readers. and oflice help, record every moment of time spent upon each job. Every particle of paper or material is also charged to the order, and provision is made for getting at the proper proportion of general expense for each order. The Order Envelope.-—’.l‘o begin with. each order is numbered as received, and the details for its exe- cution are written fully upon the face of a large envelope (8x10 inches). All workpeople are instructed ' to refuse to work or supply stock except upon an order number; and this is made easily obtainable because the envelope accompanies the work throughout the shop, receiving copy (save for book-work and the like). proofs, records of shipments and delays. etc., until it returns finally to the desk with a complete history of the job in it or on it, there to have written upon its back in proper printed spaces a detailed account of the exact cost, and also the items of the original estimate opposite, so that the bill may be made with estimate and costs fully in view. This envelope, filed numerically, serves as a most valuable record and basis of future estimates. If there has been an error in estimating, and a loss has been made on the work. its place and extent will fully appear here. If, on the contrary, the work has been profitable, the point of profit will show. and the printer can intelligently reduce his price in the future if need be—whicl1 the Lord forbid! The Time-Check.—-—'l‘his is the basal unit of the system. It is, in our practice, a slip about 5} ._; x 8} ruled horizontally into ten—min11te divisions for each hour from 7 a. m. to 11 p. m., with the hours printed at the left margin: and ruled vertically with lines about one—fourtl1 inch apart. which give spaces for order num- bers. The time record is made by simply drawing vertical pencil lines through the hours or sixths of hours used, putting the order number at the top of the column used. ’l‘l1us, if a compositor began composition at 7' a. m. on order No. 73010. and worked on it until 10.40 a. m.. he would, after writing 72010 in the space at the BARNHART BROS. & SF’lNDLE.R’S 988 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ' undertaken without an estimate. _2f16 times the weight per rea ESTIMATES AND coST OF‘ PRINTING head of the first column, draw his pencil down through those ten-minute divisions in that column of the time- check. VVhen he leaves this order, say at 10.40, and takes up No. 2104, for instance, he writes that number at the head of the second column, and strikes his pencil down through the time divisions during which he is engaged upon it. But he may not be busy all day upon orders, and to meet this condition. the column at the right margin of the check is headed “General, " in which he. notes such time as he may be assigned to work not chargeable to any order number. but only upon the specific permission of his superior—and means are taken to inspect and restrict the “general" time, as Well as to keep perfect account of it as will appear later. The workman is given but one check each day, and only as he comes into the shop in the morning It is subject to inspection at any time during the day, and must be kept up as the work is done, notbfilled “regardless" at the close of the day. Under proper rules it becomes the original record of the workman‘s time, and if he does n‘t mark the time properly, he is not paid. In practice it is found easy to get workmen to make an accurate record. ‘ Means of indicating by the number of strokes the character of work—as author’s corrections actual running time of presses, etc.—will readily suggest themselves. ‘ At the close of the day the time—checks are handed to the foreman, who immediately looks them over corrects any inaccuracies—he does not foot them up—and hands them into the oflice. The next morning the person who keeps the time foots up each check, putting the number of hours and fractions at the foot of each column used, and the equivalent of cost at the actual rate paid the workman. The Record of Cost.—This is a bound blank—book, ruled on each page into as many sets of columns as there are departments in the shop—as Paper and Materials, Composition, Electrotyping, Presswork, Bind- ing. Engraving, etc. Each set of columns includes, in addition to the regular dollar-and-cent space, a column for hours. At the left is a space for the date: at the right a total column. In use, each day there is posted into this book the sum of all the hours spent on an order in each department, multiplied by the exact price paid the workmen. Thus, if ten men have worked in one day a total of 943 hours on an order, each of them receiving cents an hour, it is entered as one item (,==-$23.71). but if one of the workmen was paid a higher or lower rate, another line is taken, or several lines. accuracy being indispensable. The paper used is charged at a price per pound, the electrotypes at a price per square inch (if so pur- chased). the presswork at so much per “press hour,” and so on. Thus every day all the work done in the shop is charged to orders at its exact cost in cash. without any “loading.” It might seem that this system would require much time and involve considerable expense; but in practice the work is found to be very rapidly done when once systemized. It is perfunctory work, and can be handled by cheap labor. In one case, a bright girl takes care of the cost record of from 60 to 90 people in about half of each day. In a small business, the person who does the billing could work it out in a short time: but whatever the time taken or cost incurred, the intelligent printer will find the system to earn him more (by saving him losses) than any machine he has in the shop. Another most important feature is the information this system gives for making bills for those jobs Every printer should strive to so gain the confidence of his regular cus- tomers as to avoid the necessity for giving constant estimates. Estimates are but guesses, at best; and the best information and study can not exactly predict the cost of work. When a customer is convinced that the printer only wants a fair price for his work, and that he has an accurate system for determining the price in accordance with the real cost. he will often be satisfied to give orders without an estimate. In our prac- tice. I have done much work of an extensive character without estimates, and a dispute is exceedingly rare. THE DEPARTMENTS tion must be made as to obtaining costs for other items than labor. Any master printer e his business into departments. keeping separate accounts with each on his books, and also to so divide his estimates that in billing the work the proper amount of each department may be assigned to it. This plan is also eflfective in.preve_nting the omission of any item in estimating or billing. The situation of the shop and other considerations will determine these depart- ments, but I mention a distribution which has proved exceedingly satisfactory. It is, (1) Paper and Materials; (2) Composition; (3) Electrotyping: (4) P1'€SSW01‘k§ (5) B1I1d111g9 (6) Engraving; (7) General Expense. These departments will be considered separately. (1) Paper and Materials.——This inc material. _ _ simplify the factors of calculation usually used. What is the It will be found a vast facilitation to use of “quire,” “ream.” “bundle”? Paper should be handled by the sheet and pound only; cardboard and binders‘ board by the sheet; leather by the square foot: C10th by the y_ard_. In getting the paper price, the first thing is. of course. to find, in Job-work. the number to a sheet. or. in book-work. the number of sheets to a copy. Don’t forget the necessary waste sheets; from two to ten per cent must always be added to the net quantity required. When the number of sheets is determined. multiply it by twice the weight per ream, if put up 500 sheets to the ream, as all papers ought to be; or by in if on the antiquated 480 basis. This last factor is slightly inaccurate, but it favors the printer, who usually needs all the fractions! . _ . This multiplication gives the number of pounds required for the work. For instance, the ]()b cuts ‘)9 24-lb. white writing, and 2000 copies are required. We find that 260 sheets, eight to the sheet, out of 17x...., _ . _ . _ including 10 sheets for waste. Will be needed. Multiplying this number by twice the ream weight, or 48. we get 12.48 lbs. as the exact weight, or 121/_, pounds practically. . . . The price to charge for paper should always include a fair profit. Many printers sell their raw mate- But explana _ will find it a great advantage to divid PoINT—LINE:. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 989 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED ludes not only the paper and cardboard used, but as well the binding ESTIMATES AND COST OF PRINTING. rial at cost. pay freight, handle and warehouse it for nothing. Few other merchants are such fools! If the paper costs at the mill eight cents per pound. and freight is say one—fourth cent per pound the putting of it in stock will cost another quarter of a cent, so that the actual net cost is just about 81/_, cents. Now, the real profit to be asked is a personal matter, to be determined by circumstances. If it is paper in cur- rent and considerable use, it may be sold at a slight advantage only; or if a large quantity is needed. the addition may be but one-fourth or one-half cent per pound. If, however, one must buy a ream or two of some special paper, and will have a portion left, then a larger advance should be made. An average of ten per cent is not far out of the way. For the cost-account system, have the number of sheets and pounds returned to the desk for each job promptly, (a proper printed slip may easily be prepared.) and charge it there at only the warehouse cost—that is, the mill price, plus the freight and shelving, which in the case in point would be one-half cent. or 8% cents per lb. The man who handles, cuts and gives out stock will report his time on a regular time- slip, so that the exact cost appears on the “Records of Costs.” The process for cardboard. leather, and other materials, will suggest itself. (2) Composition.—Most printers either guess at the composition on a job, or laboriously worry out the number of ems in it. With the continued use of the system here recommended, a very fair average of cost for bits of ordinary composition. such as cards, bill-heads, and the like, will soon be accumulated. A good plan, however, is to work composition by the square inch exclusively, saving much figuring and bother. The thousand-em basis may thus be used. without ever figuring the number of ems in anything. A table giving the price per square inch of various types at various prices per thousand ems is given below, and any printer may readily extend it for other prices by simply multiplying the number of ems in a square inch by the price per thousand ems: Cost of composition per square inch at various rates per 1000 ems sizes or Type Pi: pi: ::-.:*;i" “ii :3-.'::“ 5-point . . . . . . . . . . 14.4 4.8 208 $010.4 $012.4 $0.145 5% “ . . . . . . . . . . 13.1 5.8 172 8.6 10.3 12 6 “ . . . . . . . . .. 12 7 144 7.2 8.6 10.1 7 “ . . . . . . . . .. 10.3 9.4 106 5.3 6.4 7.4 8 “ . . . . . . . . .. 9 12.4 81 4.1 4.9 5.7 9 " . . . . . . . . .. 8 15.6 64 3.2 3.8 4.5 10 " . . . . . . . . . . 7.2 19.3 52 2.6 3.1 3.6 11 " . . . . . . . . .. 6.5 23.3 43 2.2 2.6 3 12 “ . . . . . . . . .. 6 28 36 1.8 2.2 2.5 The prices are cents and tenths of cents. The above is for estimating only. As before noted, the cost-account system is worked by a record of hours and exact cost, and the printer will probably soon get startling information as to what his compo- sition really costs, and, usually, why “composition does not pay.” Just here I will speak of the “general" time before noted, and also the cost of proof-reading and superintendence in a composing-room, items of great importance in getting at actual costs. If the com- posing room is kept reasonably clean. the distribution attended to promptly, and the proof-reading care- fully done, it will be found that all this will cost from 30 to 50 per cent of the actual chargeable output of the room. To get it accurately. take off from the records all the general time, etc., for say six months, and divide into it, the total earnings of the room for the same period. Consultation with other master printers has confirmed me in the conclusion that 40 per cent is a fair average of this cost in a well-managed com- posing-room employing 10 to 40 people. In the net-cost system. therefore, this 40 per cent, or whatever is determined, must be added to the previously obtained labor cost. Thus a piece of composition costing $50 in bare labor actually costs at least $70 in expended cash. To this must be added whatever is determined upon for rent, depreciation, new material, and profit. It ought to be double the net cost, but seldom is; $140 ought to be charged for composition upon which the bare labor is $50. Speaking generally, if the bare labor cost is doubled (making the figure $100) the com- posing-room can be decently maintained and a slight profit realized. In using the square-inch basis it is best to figure on a job of open or mixed character as if it were set in a body a little smaller than the average type predominating. Few commercial jobs—as stationery, etc.—— will pay on a 12-point basis; 10-point or 8-point will be found safer. (3) Electrotypingr-—If a foundry is part of the establishment in question, a cost figure per square inch can soon be arrived at, by dividing the total number of square inches produced in say three months by the total cost of metals, materials, and labor. This can then be used in the cost-account system. supplemented by extra charges for time work, etc. For estimating, the square-inch price agreed upon in general may be used, and it can very readily be combined with the square-inch price for composition above given, to the manifest convenience of the estimator. Thus if a 10-point book-page of 19 square inches is figured on at 60 cents per 1,000 ems basis, and the price for electrotyping is one and one-half cents per square inch for BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 990 SUPERIOR COPPER‘MIXED TYPE ESTIMATES AND COST OF PRINTING. unmounted plates. the complete factor is 4 6 cents per square inch or 34 4 . . _ _ t ‘1 would dictate 85 cents as the price; don‘t give the customer any fractions! Gen 5 for the page. Prudence (4 Presswork.—In esti ' cr ' ~ ‘ ' ° ~.. -~ . ing factor. To charge by then 1tl1:1bIe%tte(rt\I}\7l:y:t::§nto ca1I1e:I:1Ct11IiI;tc2i1r;(:::,C1?11y Var)?- ence in the cost as shown by the system suggested will be most useful. O y experb To prepare a **press—hour“ factor for use in the cost-account system, get the total ex ense f h presses for say three months, (six months or a year is much better.) includiribg labor ink rolljers r O e rent. light, power, insurance, and interest on the investment. Divide into this the actualnumber fgalrsi the presses were being used or waiting, (the total number of hours pressroom was open for busines 0 O1?“ and there results the cost of all the presses for an average hour. Now if all the presses were of S’ reah IV‘) acter——that is, all jobbers or all cylinders of one size——the cost of a “press-hour“ would be easil 111: C‘ ar- by dividing their number into the total cost of an hour. As few shops have any such COI1dltiOIr1O ame'd trary division must be made. Taking the cost of operating, the investment. the repairs and owe aq arm- be found that the average cylinder press costs about two and one-half times as much to run 215 the 1; 1t W111 jobber. Therefore the number of each may be so divided into the total cost of an hour for all as toverage job—press factor—say. for example, 30 cents per hour—and a cylinder-press factor. which would be, tl1g€1I“Ie7;'i') . _ . , . :i<§1g1se1)Ce)rStl1L__.. L .500 :‘ I GRIPPERS MARKER Four and Eight to Insert (Oblong) U ___.. ._..44 GRIPPERS 64 PAGES. Work and Turn Double Thirty—'1‘wo (Hand or Machine Fold) CJDDQDD WEDGE M J] EB QB SEW : ‘*1: =2”? W E: :[::J U [TF3 L_ ~[ “ [:3 Cja 2: ;IA ;[ L___. 3 I O‘ V 1:‘ ‘'° ‘‘’[:I '~— as I N L___.._~._ I |$ w on _ I I : I z . ' _J 1 J 3 H’) 93 L #5 E9 89 69 15 50 55 42 CT: QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED OF FORMS 32 PAGES 32 PAGES Double Long Sixteens, to be cut apart and folded separately. Common Hand and Machine Fold [-1 [-1 r- H vs r fl F7 11 W T i I ' | I 9 ? 173 93 sz 13 zz L3 92 ea La oz 81 #1 Bl ll 17 0) O 0) .5 -A on 20 28 29 4 3 Z; [:3 Li?“ 9*. 1:] [T8 <°~‘C;_J EH3 E 5 FIRST FOLD __7 _ _ —fi Wflpfl FJUWM rjflwfl fight! L__4‘ A 1. _._ ‘L__. l A L J J A e._J 8 6 81 9 9 ll 01 L 8 93 68 1 Z 18 98 L 1 16 13 4 3 14 15 ‘V 9 24 _1_L J: 15 18 23 10 'UH‘.l lHW“lm*"fl»lU J 1 L, L Li L- __J L_1 J ._,2 GRIPPERS GRIPPERS GENERAL QQQV6, INFORMATION 5 TABLE SHOWING THE AMOUNT OF PAPER REQUIRED For any Job of from 50 to 5000 copies. No allowance is made for waste. 480 sheets to the ream. 2 3 4 6 8 9 12 15 16 18 20 24 32 TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE TO THE NUMBER SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET SHEET °‘°°'°"s 3:2 a:2=~:2w:e 3°72 as :21.’ 327:2 5:2 2?.’ as "‘°”"‘E° E3°.='.flE.‘:.‘E3E‘.:.‘E3E‘.:.’°_=3E$53535353 858585858585 85 858585858585 50 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1- 1 0-17 0-13 0- 9 0- 7 0- 6 0- 5 0- 4 0- 4 0- 3 0- 3 0- 3 0- 2 100 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2- 2 1-10 1- 1 0-17 0-13 0-12 0- 9 0- 7 0- 7 0- 6 0- 5 0- 5 0- 4 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. «g: 4 2-19 2- 3 1-13 1- 1 0-23 0-17 8-14 0-13 0-12 0-10 3- 9 0- 7 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 3-12 2-1 1-1 1- 8 1- 4 0-21 17 0-16 0-14 0-13 -11 0- 8 300 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6- 6 4- 4 3- 3 2- 2 1-14 1-10 1- 1 0-20 0-19 0-17 0-15 0-13 0-10 400 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8- 8 5-14 4- 4 2-19 2- 2 1-21 1-10 1- 3 1- 1 0-23 0-20 0-17 0-13 500 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10-10 6-23 5- 5 3-12 2-15 2- 8 1-18 1-10 1- 8 1- 4 1- 1 0-21 0-16 600 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12-12 8- 8 6- 6 — 4 3- 3 2-19 2- 2 1-16 1-14 1-10 1- 6 1- 1 0-19 700 ............ .. 1:14 3-18 7- 7 :2; 3-16 3-16 £23 1—~ 3 1-15 1-11 1- 6 0-22 750 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 15 1 -10 7-20 3-22 2 - 1-2 1-18 1-1 — 8 1- 0 800 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16-16 11- 3 8- 8 5-14 4- 4 3-17 2-19 2- 6 2- 2 1-21 1-16 1-10 1- 1 900 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18-18 12-12 9- 9 6- 6 4-17 4- 4 3- 3 2-12 2- 9 2- 2 1-21 1-14 1- 5 1000 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 20-20 13-22 10-10 6-23 5- 5 4-16 3-12 2-19 2-15 2- 8 2- 2 1-18 1- 8 1250 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 26- 1 17- 9 13- 1 8-17 6-13 5-19 4- 9 3-12 3- 7 2-22 2-15 2- 5 1-16 15 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 32.72 1342 :52 3-23 5:2 :5 17 ............ .. - _ _ _ _ - - _ - - 1 2- 8 ~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ 3:12 :5“: 272 513 5.3 :12 :2 2500 ............ .. 2- 2 — - - — - — — 9 3- 7 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 62-12 44-16 31- 6 20-20 15-15 13-22 10-10 8- 8 7-20 6-23 6- 6 5- 5 3-22 4000 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 83- 8 55-14 41-16 27-19 21-20 18-13 13-22 11- 3 10-10 9- 7 8- 8 6-23 5- 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 104- 4 69-11 52- 2 34-18 26- 1 23- 4 17- 9 13-22 13- 1 11-14 10-10 8-17 6-13 TYPE STANDARD The following is the standard adopted by the International Typographical Union. The basis of meas- urementdis the lower-case alphabet from a to z inclusive, and the ems used are the same body as the type measure : 41 Point ............................................................. ... ...... ..18 ems 8 Point ...................................................................... ..14 ems 5 Point ...................................................................... ..17 ems 9 Point .......................................... ..'. .......................... ..13 ems 5; Point ...................................................................... ..16 ems 10 Point .................. .3‘. ................................................. ..l3 ems 6 Point ...................................................................... ..15 ems 11 Point ...................................................................... ..13 ems 7 Point ...................................................................... ..14 ems 12 Point ...................................................................... ..13 ems The thirteen letters used most frequently, viz., a, c, d, e, h, i, m, n, o, r, s, t, u, are in all cases to fill one-half the space occupied by the entire twenty-six letters. BARNHART BROS. & SPIl\IDLER’S 994 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE necessary to make 1000 ems, and the length in inches:_ the number of ems in the re the number of leads required, and the number of 2-point leads (13 ems in length) c GENERAL INFORMATION NEWSPAPER ESTIMATES Table showing the number of ems of the different sizes of newspaper type in a line, the number of fines WIDTH OF STANDARD COLUMN, 13 EMS PICA Number ems in line ......................................................................... ........ .. Number lines in 1000 ems ............................. ........................................... .. Number inches in 10()0 ems ........................................................................ .. 4-Column Folio or Quarto, number ems in column ................................. .. 5-Column Folio or Quarto, number ems in column ................................. .. 6-Column Folio or Quarto. number ems in column ................................. .. 7-Column Folio or Quarto, number ems in column ................................. .. 8-Column Folio, number ems in column ................................................... .. 9-Column Folio, number ems in column ................................................... .. Number 2-point leads to the pound .......................................................... .. Number 2-point leads to 1()00 ems ......... .._. ............. ................................... .. 4-Column Folio or Quarto, number 2-point leads in column .................. .. 5-Column Folio or Quarto, number 2-point leads in column .................. .. 6-Column Folio or Quarto, number 2-point leads in column .................. .. 7-Column Folio or Quarto, number 2-point leads in column .................. .. 8-Column Folio, number 2-point leads in column ............ ..................... .. 9-Column Folio, number 2-point leads in column .................................... .. Weight of 2-point leads in 1000 ems of leaded matter. ............................ .. Weight of 2-point leads required to lead 1000 ems solid matter ............. .. The following are the gular lengths of column, ontained in one pound. POINT POINT POINT POINT PQ|NT po|NT 2§§ 26 22% 193 174 153 36g 384 45 514 573 64% D_040 432:) 31 45 2465 1950 1610 b505 5615 4115 3200 2525 2085 7180 6160 4515 3510 .277 2290 7900 6785 4970 3865 3050 2520 8630 7410 5440 4220 3330 2755 9310 8030 5885 4575 3615 297 66 66 66 66 66 66 26 29 35 41 47 54 132 124 110 99 90 82 170 160 142 128 116 107 190 178 158 142 129 119 209 196 174 157 142 131 221 207 184 166 151 138 266 250 222 200 182 167 6 oz. 7 oz. 83; oz. 10 oz. 11% oz. 13 oz. 81_:oz 9% oz. 11 oz. 12% oz. 14 oz. 16 oz. STANDARD SIZES OF NEWSPAPERS parties planning new newspapers 6| I6 ‘~I33O1h€A¢Dx-Q03 The following table, invaluable for reference, shows the number 0 regular sizes of newspapers, adopted by the auxiliary printers. We would advise to adopt one of these sizes. The width of column is 13 ems pica. ] 5, SIZE or PAPER; SIZE OF FORM F HEAD RULE l COL. RULE I ' 1 4knunu1QuarfiifffffffffffffffKffI§ ............................................. .. I NC H ES 20x26 22x31 24x35 26x40 28x44 22x31 26x40 30x44 35x48 INCHES ' mcr-n-:s 18 x23% I 11% 193x284 , 13% §§§X§3% 1 15% x 7_ ‘ 18 ’ x -,1, 23§x37 11$, 27 X41 13% 324x45 I 15 INCHES A VALUABLE TABLE pound in the several lengths and thicknesses pica given: LENGTHS pomr ’ pomr LEADS ~ LEADS 3 ems .......... 384 288 4 ems .......... 288 216 sems .......... 1l%4 m8 6 ems .......... ... 192 144 7ems...... 164 123 8 ems .......... ..t 144 108 9 ems .......... 128 96 10 ems .......... J 112 84 l1ems.......... 104 7 12 ems .......... .1 96 72 13 ems ........... .s 88 66 14ems .......... H’82 61 15ems............I 76 57 menm .......... .J m i M 17 ems .......... J 68 2 51 18 ems .......... ..i 64 1 48 I—1 VI——6 II——2 VII——7 III—3 VIII—8 IV—4 IX—9 V——5 X—10 11-212 3 2 8 POINT 1 POINT J LEADS ’ SLUGS I 192 96 144 I 72 112 56 96 1 48 82 4 41 77.: i 64 32 56 I 28 52 1 26 48 1 24 44 , 22 41 20 38 ’ 19 36 18 34 1 17 I 32 16 XI-11 XII-12 XIII——13 XIV——14 XV-15 of leads and slugs that go to the i 1 1-2 2 3 6 1 1-2 2 3 e LENGTHS ] pomr pomr ypomr pomr ii uawems POINT pomr pomr poun- #, LEADS LEADS LEADS SLUGS ! LEADS LEADS LEADS sLuGs 19 ems ......... J 69 45 30 15 ii 35 ems ......... ..§ 32 24 16 8 20 ems ......... ..j :46 ,} ems ......... ..; :2; i6 8 21 ems ......... .. ~ I: .aems ......... 5 7 22 ems ......... .. 52 39 13 38 ems ......... ..} 30 22 15 7 23 ems ......... .., 50 37 2o 12 ,} 39 ems ......... ..' 30 22 15 7 24 ems ......... .., 48 36 24 12 11 40 ems ......... 28 21 14 7 2;) ems ........ .., 46 34 23 11 41 ems ......... ..j 28 21 14 7 26 ems .......... . . ems ......... .. 1 28 20 14 7 27 ems ......... .. 7.. ‘ ‘, ems...... .... .., 26 20 13 6 28 ems ......... .. 40 30 20 10 ;: 44 ems ......... ..n 26 19 13 6 ‘>9 ems ......... .., 40 30 20 10 1 4:) ems ......... ..j 26 19 13 6 30 ems ......... ..l 3 :6 ems ......... ..i 12 12 6 31 ems .......... .1 ‘ '4 7ems ......... .. 1 12 6 3) ems ......... .. 36 18 9 1 48 ems ......... 24 18 12 6 33 ems ......... ..* 34 26 17 8 49 ems ......... ..g 22 17 11 5 .34 ems ......... ..’ 34 2-”) 17 8 1, ooems ......... ..i 22 17 11 5 ROMAN NUMERALS XVI——16 XXX—30 LXXX—— 80 CCC——300 DCCC—800 XVII—-17 XL——40 X -— OD—-400 CM—900 XVIII——18 L—50 C——100 D—500 M—1000 XIX———19 LX—60 CL——150 DC—600 XX—20 LXX——70 CC~200 DCC—700 995 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED POINT-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY GENERAL INFORMATION NUMBER OF EMS IN A SQUARE INCH OF TYPE, AND COST PER SQUARE INCH AT VARIOUS RATES PER THOUSAND EMS. Now: ~Where a fraction of an ‘em remains the next larger whole number is taken. Therefore there are actually 207.36 five-point ems in a square inch (figuring 72 points to the 1nch) lnstead of 208. EMIS IN ,. I % I , SIZE ONE 200 25c 1 300 E 350 400 4501 50c 1 55c 600 1 650 70c 75c ' 80c ! 850 1 90c 95c $1.00 SQ INCH 1 1 ‘ 1 . ‘ 1 ' 5 ._ ____._ _. __.,..._, _ y _ . .. 1 .--___,__1_,.. _-._ .,-_ ,_ .. ., » , .. .- _ .. _ 7 ,, ._ ..._,____ ,_ . 5 Point 208 .0416 .0520 1 .0624 .0728 .0832 .0936 ; .1040 1 .1144 .1248 .1352 .1456 .1560 .1664 1 .1768 .1872 .1976 1 .2080 5%. Pointi 142 0344 .043() .0516 .0602 .0688 .0774 1 .0860 I .0946 .1032 .1118 .1204 .1290 .1376 I .1462 .1548 .1634 1 .1720 6 Point 1 1 0288 .0360 .0432 .0504 .0576 .0648 .0720 , .0792 .0864 .0936 .1008 .1080 .1152 f .1224 .1296 < .1368 1 .1440 7 Point 1 106 0212 .0265 1 .0318 .0371 .0424 .0477 .0530 .0583 .0636 .0689 .0742 .0795 .0848 1 .0901 .0954 1 .1007 1 .1060 8 Point 1 81 .0162 .0202 .0243 ‘ .0283 .0324 .0364 .0405 .0445 .0486 .0526 .0567 .0607 1 .0648 .0688 .0729 .0769 , .0810 9 Point , 64 .0128 .0160 .0192 I .0224 .0288 .0320 .0352 .0384 , .0416 .0448 .0480 .0512 .0544 .0576 2 .0608 1 .0640 10 Point 1 52 I .0104 .0130 .0156 1 .0182 .0208 .0234 .0260 l .0286 .0312 1 .0338 0364 .0390 .0416 1 .0442 -0468 I .0494 I _0520 11 Point 1 43 [ .0086 .0107 .0129 1 .0150 .0172 .0193 .0215 ' .0236 .0258 1 .0279 .0301 .0322 .0344 1 .0365 .0387 1 .0408 1 .0430 12 Point 1 36 1 .0072 .0090 .0108 .0126 . 4 .0162 I .0180 F _ 198 V .0216 1 .()234 .0252 , .0270 V .0288 . 0306 .0324 .0342 .0360 , Of course, as will at once occur to any one making use of the above table. the easiest way to use it is to take lots of 10, 1()0, or 1000 square inches. TO ESTIMATE THE WEIGHT OF MATTER To ascertain the quantity of plain type required for a newspaper or magazine. or any other work. find the number of square inches and divide the same by four; the quotient will be the approximate weight of matter; but as it is impossible to set the cases entirely clear, it is necessary to add 25 per cent to large fonts and per cent to small fonts to allow for dead letter. The average weight of 12 inches of solid mat- ter set in 13 ems pica measure is 6% pounds; if leaded it will weigh about 5% pounds. A single column of six- column folio, solid, will weigh 10:‘; pounds, requiring about 13 pounds of type, while the same length column leaded with 2-point leads will contain but 7% pounds solid matter. requiring about 10 pounds to set the same. The following table showing what each box in the type case will hold. will be found useful in ordering sorts: .—.—’— — —.v.—¥__ —— —~—-.«— ~«r .~ .-———-"Tr —— Ar r— -— —- — — — — >— T‘:-.—: V-.4 ..-. ..——.. . , ,7 WEIGHT IN LETTERS BOX acdhim zpounds e ....................................................................................................... .. ., .. 3pounds hfglpv wyand lsounces kjqxz.:;-’!?fffiffianda1ltigures ................................. .. ' Gounces Caps, small caps and side sorts............ . ...-..__._.._..-._......__.......[ifiLiTfT.ii'i‘f,}Tf'f.i[fTffl.l_[T]_fj'.lj[L§j7ii7 jf'fj7fT_& Sounces CARE OF ROLLERS Soft, thin ink left on rollers over night. and having them carefully washed in the morning before working them. will preserve them longer in cold weather than if put away clean. Pans of water placed at the bottom of a closet containing rollers are also conducive to their well keeping. The following method of recuperating a hard and unworkable roller has been found to work admirably: After washing the roller carefully with lye, cover the surface with a thin layer of molasses, and lay aside till next morning. Then wash it with water and let it hang till dry enough for using. A well-built roller closet, as nearly air-tight as possible, is a necessity in every press—room. Rollers are among the most expensive perishable articles, and if carelessly attended to they become doubly so. A VALUABLE RECEIPT Compositors who suffer from sore or dry skin on their fingers will find the following mixture very beneficial: Glycerine, 1. ounce; rosewater, ounces; carbolic acid, 1 ounce. Before going to bed, wash the hands in warm water, then pour a little of the mixture into the palm of the hand, and rub thorough-ly into the skin. The carbolic acid is very healing: the rosewater is a good diluent of the glycerine, and likewise tends to counteract the smell of the carbolic acid. which is unpleas- ant to some. Any druggist can supply this for a few cents. A PLACE FOR EVERYTHING Order, convenience and simplicity in arranging a working place ought to be carefully observed. A crowded, helter skelter condition of things makes daily labor irritating and uncomfortable: while ease in getting at or using any implement or material expedites its execution and increases the profits of an oflice. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 996 1 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE ADSTYLE — List A PRICES OF \Veigl1ts and Prices given are Apprnxilnnte. 6Point....32A, %lb. 65a, 7/1. lb. 3110 ..$20o 8 Point....28 A, 11/16 lbs. 05 58a, 1316 lbs. 120.... 225 10 Point....25 A, 1%. lbs. 50a,1% lbs. 130.. . 250 12 Point....23 A, 1% lbs. 25 44 21.2 lbs. 150.... 275 14 Point....18A,2 lbs. 40 36a,2% lbs 160.... 300 18 Point....12A, 25,4’61bs, 50 25 a, 2% lbs 175.... 325 24 Point.... SA, 2216 lbs. 60 16 a, 3 lbs 190.... 3 50 30 POl11t.... 6A,3% lbs. 05.. 11a, 33/1’61bs 195.. . 400 36_ Point.... 5A,3% lbs. 15.. 9a, 3"/1’6lbs 220.. .435 42 Point.... 4A, 4% lbs. 50 9a, 4%lbs 300.. . 550 48 Point.... 4A,5?{61bs. 30 7a,5% lbs 315.. . 645 54 Point.... 4 ~X,6,‘/11 lbs. 70 8a,6% lbs 405.. . 775 60 PO1I1t.... 3 1, 71:; lbs. 45 . 421.4% lbs 285.. . 730 72 Point.... 3 ~\,S‘.’1’2.ll>s. 05.. . 4.1, 536 lbs 320.... 825 ADSTYLE BORDERS——List A l3l)0l1lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A, 2 lbs. ....$150 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A, 31/I/6 lbs. 200 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 31516 lbs. 250 ANTIQUE CONDENSED N0. 52——List A 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..-.29A,2%slbs.....$150 14Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A, 2% lbs..... 175 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 19 A, 3‘/16 lbs..... 2 00 20 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14 A, 37/16 lbs..... 2 25 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A,4 lbs..... 255 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,43/1/6lbS..... 260 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A,4,34 1bS----- 295 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, 6916 lbs..... 405 60 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,6% 1bs..... 375 72 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3 A, 8916 lbs... .- 5 10 ANTIQUE CONDENSED N0. 55-List C 14 Point.. ..23 A, 19/16 lbs. $1 35.. ..44 a, 1‘?/{6 lbs. $165....$3 00 18 Poi1lt....13 A, 1% lbs. 26a,2%. lbs. 185.... 325 24 Point.... 9A,2%¢.lbs. 16a, 2% lbs. 195.... 355 30 Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 12a, 2% lbs. 210.... 400 42 Point.... 6A,3‘,3161bs. 265....10a,3‘}1’61bs. 260.... 525 ANTIQUE EXTENDED N0. 53—List A 14 Poi1lt....7 A, 2% lbs. :11 50....14 a, 2% lbs. 3160....$3 10 18 Point....S A, 25.7.. lbs. 150....10 a, 2% lbs. 175.... 325 24 Poi11t....3 A, 2’.31’6 lbs. . 6a, 2% lbs. 170.... 350 ANTIQUE EXTENDED N0. 55—List A 6Poi1lt....13A, '91”6lb. ...25a, 3/41b- $095----520° 8 Point.. ..l1 A, 1%» lbs. ...20a, I3/1/6 lbs. 120.. .. 225 10 Poi11t.... 9A, 1% lbs. ...17a,1‘%61bs. 140.... 250 12 Poi1lt.... 7A,1’%6lbs. ....14a,2 lbs. 150.... 275 16 Point.... SA, 2% lbs. ...l0a,2% lbs. 155.... 300 20 Point.... 3A, 2% lbs. . 6a, 2§1’6lbs. 150.... 325 30 Point.... 3A, 5516 lbs. . 3a, 2’91’6lbs. 175 . 505 ANTIQUE EXTENDED N0. 56——List A 12 Point....7 A, 1% lbs. s130....14 a, 2 lbs. 31 50.---$-°- 80 16 Point....5 A, 2% lbs. .. 9a, 2512. lbs. 160.... 305 20 Point....3 A, 2%.. lbs. .. 6a, 2% lbs. 180..-- 35° 30 Point....3 A, 5% lbs. . 3 a,2'5161bS- 180--~ 5 25 ANTIQUE N0. 7—List A 5% Point...20A, "/6. lb. s090...40a, ‘ll’ lb. 3110....$z00 6 Poi11t...20A, ‘,’/1/6 lb. ...40a, 3% lb. l10.--- 200 8 Point...19A,1l/1’61bs. ..37a.1?;”<>1bS- 13°--~ 225 10 Poi11t...16A, 1716 lbs. -.328.15/31b~“- 135" ' 250 12 Poi11t...14A,1% lbs. ..28a,2 lbs. 145.... 275 ANTIQUE NO. 53—List A 5% Point...23A, "/1’61bs.$095...43a, %lb. 5105 —-$200 6 Point...20A, ‘%6lbs. 095...40a, 91/611). 105--~ 200 8 Poi11t...18A,l‘/folbs. 105...39a.13/w1bS- 13°--~ 225 Point...16A,1-% lbs. 115...35a.1‘_%61bS- 135--~ 25° 12 Point...l4A,1‘,3.~161bs. 130...30a, 1% lbs. 145.... 275 Point...1'2 A, 2%. lbs. 145...23a,23/1/olbs. 155.... 300 18 point.” 9A, 2,1,3 lbs, 150,_.16a, 2‘}{6lbs. 175.... 325 24 Poi1lt...'6A,3 lbs. 190...12a,2"/iblbs. 165.... 355 30 Point... 4A, 3% lbs. 225... 8a. 33/56 1135- 300»-~ 435 36 P()int__, ll)S. 68, 33/1. 43 po;m_,, 3A, 6%}: lbs. 390... 4a,4~}/3 lbs. 260.... 650 POINT-LINE. POINT—SET. POINT-BODY 997 ARNO N0. 2—List A JOB TYPE . .43 a, 916 lb. 6Point....22A, % lb. $095.. 05....$200 8Point....23A, 1‘/1/6 lbs. 105.. 43a, 13/16 lbs 20.... 225 10 Point....17A, 17/{6 lbs 115.. 34a,1-A lbs 35.... 250 12Point....16 ,1% lbs 125.. 33a,2§/{6 lbs 50.... 275 18Point.... 8A 2% lbs 140.. 19a, 2%lbs 85.... 325 24 Point.... 6A,2% lbs 185... 9a, 2% lbs 65,_ _ 350 30Point.... SA 3916 lbs 230... 8a, 3?/I/6 lbs 15.... 445 36Point.... 4A,43/{6 lbs 260... 6a,3% lbs 40,, , 500 48 Point.... 4A,6% lbs 405.... 6a,6% lbs. 75.. .780 60Point.... 3A,93/1 lbs 585.... 4a, 6%. lbs. 95.... 980 BARD—ListA 6Point....18A, % lb. $095....38a, 921b, 3105.. .$2oo 8Point....15A,1‘/1’6lbs. 105....31a, 13/12. lbs. 120.. . 225 10Point....15A, 17/(6 lbs. 115....30a,1% lbs. 135.. . 250 12 Point....12A, 1% lbs. 130....24a,1%lbs. 145.. .275 16Point.... 8A,2‘/folbs, 1.40....15a, 2%. lbs. 160.. .300 20Point.... 5A, 2% lbs. 150....11a, 2% lbs. 180.... 330 24Point.... 4A,2% lbs. 185.... 8a, 2% lbs. 175.. .360 36 Point.... 3A, 491/6 lbs. 290.... 5a,3‘%6 lbs. 230.. .520 48Point.... 3A, 7% lbs. 450.... 4a, 5% lbs. 305.. . 755 BARD 0PEN—List A 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A,2 .....$150 16 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A,2"/{61bs..... 175 24 Point . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A,4 lbs..... 255 36Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A 6’/1’61bs..... 375 48Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,9% lbs..,., 575 BARNHART OLD STYLE—List A 6Point....26A, %lb. $100...50a, % lb. $100....$2oo 8Point....25A, 1% lbs. 115...50a, 1% lbs. 110.... 225 10Point....23A, I9/‘I/6 lbs. 130...43a,1% lbs. 120... 250 12 Point....18A, 1% lbs 140...32a,1'~}1”6lbs. 135... 275 14Point....15A, 2% lbs 150...29a, 2% lbs. 150... 300 16Point....11A, 2% lbs 145...21a,2% lbs. 155... 300 18Point....10A, 2"/fslbs 170...19a,2% lbs. 155... 325 24Point.... 6A, 2'%6lbs 180...13a, 2% lbs. 170... 350 30Point.... 5A, 37/~11. lbs 215...10a,3% lbs. 210... 425 36Point.... 5A, 4% lbs 280... 8a, 3% lbs. 220... 500 42 Point.... 4A, 5% lbs 335... 8a,5%e lbs. 305... 640 48Point.... 4A, 7 lbs. 420... 7a, 53/1 lbs. 345... 765 54Point... 4A, 8216 lbs 500... 6a, 6% lbs. 375... 875 60Point.... 3A, 93/19 lbs 550... 4a, 5%. lbs. 310.... 860 72 Point.... 3A, 1091.. lbs. 630... 3a, 5% lbs. 295.... 925 BISMARCK ——List A 6Point....12A, ‘%6lb. $085...36a, 78 lb. $1l5...$200 8Point....11A, 1 lb. 100...34a, 1% lbs. 125... 225 10Point....10A, 1% lbs. 125...26a, 1"/{61bs. 125... 250 12 Point.... 9A, 1% lbs. 120...24a, 2%» lbs. 155... 275 16Point.... 6A, 1%1bs. 12S...18a, 2%. lbs. 175... 300 18Point.... SA, 2% lbs. 155...10a, 2%. lbs. 170... 325 24Point.... 3A, 2% lbs. 165... 7a, 2%lbs. 185... 350 30Point.... 3A, 3% lbs. 230... 6a, 3% lbs. 200... 430 36Point.... 3A, 4§{6lbs. 305... 4a, 4-316 lbs. 260... 565 48 Point.... 3A, 7% lbs. 470... 4a, 7% lbs. 430... 900 60 Point.... 3A, 127/s lbs. 775... 4a, 12 lbs. 720...1495 BLACK CONDENSED N0. 55—List A 14 Point . . . . 11 A, 11916 lbs. :31 35 . . . .3021, 25/111 lbs. $165 . . . 00 18Point.... 8A,2 lbs. 130....20a,2'§16lbs. 195.... 325 24 Point.... 4A, 1‘.’{6 lbs. 110....15a,3% lbs. 2 40.... 3 50 BORDERS 3 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5‘/6 Feet, 91611). ....$l 50 6 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5 Feet, 1§1’61bs.... 1 50 8 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4% Feet, 1% lbs.... 1 35 9 Point . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4% Feet, 1% lbs.... 1 40 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4% Feet, 1‘§{61bs.... 1 40 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ll4}é Feet, 2% lbs.... 1 S0 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3 Feet, 2%; lbs.... 1 30 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..3 Feet, 215/{6 lbs.... 1 65 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 Feet, 27/1/6 lbs. . .. 1 35 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2 Feet, 25/(6 lbs. . .. 1 65 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1% Feet, 2% lbs.... 1 50 60 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 Foot, 25-16 lbs.... 1 25 72 Poillt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 Foot, 2% lbs.... 1 35 96 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1 Foot, 3%; lbs.... 1 50 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRICES OF --/3:.‘-..1::.:55 1 JOB TYPE Weights and Prices given are Approximate. CADILLAC —List A CASII.)0r_J OLD STYLE/—lI1.)ist A W b $2 00 6Point....20A, % lb. $095....39a, %lb. $105....$200 5 0351----22A. 2; - s080...63a, /61. 6120.... 8Point....19A, 1%. lbs. 110....38a, 1%. lbs. 115.... 225 31’°!“t----13A« ‘Z16 11’- °95---525» 115,46 1135- 13°---- 2%: 10 Point....16A, 17%. lbs. 120....32a,1% lbs. 130.... 250 1° 1’°!“1----17A- 19/5 11’5- 11°---435» 1{{°1b5- 14°---- 275 12 Point....15A, 1% lbs. 130....29a,1’5{6lbs. 145.... 275 121’°!“‘----1,34» 1,/{°11’5 115---35-5a27/:11>5- 15°--~ 2 0 18Point.... 8A, 23/felbs. 145....16a,2% lbs. 180.... 325 14P°!“‘----12A» 1,/5 “)5 13°---.3°5-2;"=11’5- 17°---- 3115 24POint.... SA, 2% lbs. 160....11a,2%1bs. 190.... 350 181’°!"1----3A» 2{{°1b5- 135---255»2f*11’5- 19°---- 325 36Point.... 4A, 4%. lbs. 260.. . 7a, 4%. lbs. 250.. .510 2°1’°!I“---- 54, 2/{611>5- 135---19a-2é11>5- 19°--~ 32 48POlI1t.... 3A 6%. lbs. 370.... 6a 65%. lbs. 380... 750 241’°!m---- 54» 2343155 155---13a»3/{°11>5- 195--~ 35° ’ ’ P b 6 435 60POint.... 3A, 9% lbs. 585.. . 4a, 6346 lbs. 365.... 950 1:1» i3{61b:- :j:%{61E:- gig--~ 500 CADILLAC C0NDENsED.__List A 42 Po1nt.... 4A, 5%/ lbs. 345... 6a, 4% lbs. 280.... 625 , 54POlnt.... 3A, 87/16 lbs 505... 5a,6%l lbs. 370.... 875 10 P01I1t....23A, 17/‘l/6 lbs. $1 20....483., 1% lbs. $1 30.. .$2 50 721301111 3A 117.1’61bS 665 3a 51y lbs 335 10 00 12Point....18A,1% lbs. 130....37a,1‘%51bs. 145.. .275 ’ ’ ' " ' 4 ' 14 POiI1t....15A,2I/1/6 lbs. 145....30a,23/(1. lbs. 155.. . 300 CASLON OLD STYLE ITALIC— ‘st B 18Point....11A,2'%6lbs. 160....22a,2% lbs. 165.... 325 6Point....22A, 3/41b. 85....68a, ‘316lb. s1l5....$200 24Point.... 8A, 213l’6lbs. 180....14a,2% lbs. 170.... 350 8Point....18A, %1b. 100....50a,l5/6 lbs. 125.... 225 30Point.... 6A 33/{6 lbs. 195....11a,3% lbs. 200.... 395 10Point....16A,1% lbs. 110....47a, 1”/f6 lbs. 140.... 250 36Point.... 5A,3% lbs. 225.... 821,35/{6 lbs. 205.... 430 12 Point....12A, 1"/{6lbs. 115....39a,2%3 lbs. 160.... 275 42 Point.... 4A, 47/16 lbs. 265.. . 7a, 45/{6 lbs. 260.... 525 14Point....12A,2% lbs 150....27a,2%a lbs. 150.... 300 54Point.... 4A,6% lbs. 400.... 7a,6§%; lbs. 375.... 775 18Point.... 9A, 2%. lbs 160....20a,2% lbs. 165.... 325 60Point.... 3A, 7% lbs. 445.. . 4a, 4%; lbs. 280.... 725 gggointm. 7A, figs 13$ 160....16a,2¥>1lgs. 165.... Oint.... 5A, 6 s 150....14a,3 8 l s. 200.... CALEDONIAN N0. 5-—List A 30 lI:oint.... 4A, fiI;{6 111:5 185....12a,3%; lbs. 240.. . 4:3 - 1 I 36 oint.... 4A, '81S. 270.... 8a,3 8 lbs. 240.... 5 g1Eg;;;§;;;;}§;§1; g 11%; ”}18‘5’;j;;§§,.§: gag; "18‘5’jjjj$§8§ 42 POlnt.... 4A, 515/l”6lbs. 355... 7a, 47%.. lbs. 270.. .625 8Point....20A,18 s. 110....36a,18 s 115.... 22 _ _ - 10 Point....16A, 17%.. lbs. 120....31a,1% lbs 130.... 250 CA1§I1‘5(c),11i110LD STYLE 5”" C31” 1”" ‘Z5111 3%; 111 $1,511 12 Point....14A, 1% lbs. 130....26a,2 lbs 145.... 275 81301111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "1-/-A’1/é 1b""' 50 18Point.... 8A, 2% lbs 155 16a, 2%. lbs 170.... 325 111p01111_' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 1111’ 9/16 111"“ 51, 24Point.... 6A 2'%61bs. 180 10a, 2% lbs 185.... 365 121501111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' "1011 %1b""' 511 30Point.... 5A,3% lbs. 225 9a, 3%. lbs 220.... 445 14 1301111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' " 8A'%1b""' 511 36Point.... 4A,4% lbs. 255 8a, 43%.. lbs 260.. . 515 181301111 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ " ’_/1 111"“ 51, 42 Point.... 3A 5"/I/6 lbs. 335 6a, 5‘%blbs 345.. .680 ' ' ° ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ’ 48 Point 3A 7% lbs. 455 4a, 4% lbs. 295.... 750 CA§¥)0Rt—Lns;0:51 y lb $100 40 13,”) $100 $2 00 Oln , 4 . a, /16 . CARBON 'rEx1*_L1st 1) 8Po1nt....16A, 1% lb. 100....32a,1% lb. 125.... 225 8Poillt....13A,1 lb. 3100....37a,1% lbs. 61 25....$z25 1.1121113: 14111?’ 10Point....12A, 15%. lbs. 105....35a,1% lbs. 145.... 250 181,01m"" 911 25/6 1113' 155-'--16av2y “)5 170---- 325 12 Point....10A, 1% lbs. 110....30a,23/‘I/6 lbs. 165.... 275 24PO1m-'-- 6A 2;/‘ 1135' 180----10 -2911113 175---- 355 14Point.... 9A, 1% lbs. 125....25a, 1% lbs. 175.... 300 36PO1m"" 51114.,/"{1,1bS' 285--~ 73-3.,;/1b3 230---- 515 16Point....7A,1’91'6lbs. 125....20a, 2%. lbs. 175.... 300 48p01m°-'- 4A 6.,/{61bS' 380" - 73-6,-/"1b5 375---~ 755 18Point.... 6A,21-(6 lbs. 135....19a,2% lbs. 190.... 325 60PO1m°---311 9% 1115' 550----43-5;1b5 350---- 900 24POlI1t....5A,29/I/61135. 165....13a,3%6lbs. 205.... 370 1 ' 3» 3 5- CATALOG OLD STYLE—List A CASLON OLD ROMAN—ListA 6£oint....£2, 1% 1:. $095...16a, 342113. 5l05....$2 og - 3 13/ 8 oint.... , 8 S. 110...3a,18 S. 115.... 22 §l‘52§?.§::::§l‘.1', l-/2..1‘f.'..“i%§:'.l§i:139213;. 3% 33::::$§32 wPo1nt....wA. {gs 12o...36a.1‘;/4-lbs. 130.... 250 10POint....19A, 1%. lbs. 120...39a,1% lbs. 130.... 250 121’°!“‘----153» 1761115 135---335-1? 1115- 14°--~ 275 12 Point....17A, 1%lbs. 135. 32a,1% lbs. 140.. . 275 1411:0111‘----12:1» lb5- 13°---255-2543 1195- 17°--~ 3°° 14Point....15A, 2% lbs. 150. 29a,2% lbs 150.. . 300 13 01"‘--~ 9A» 25/{°1b5 15°---19a»254*11>5- 175--~ 325 16POint....12A, 2% lbs. 155. 21a,2% lbs 145.. .300 2°P°}“‘---- 5A» y°1b5- 15°---145-24 1195- 175--~ 325 l8Point.... 9A, 2% lbs. 160. 18a,2% lbs 165.. .325 2411:0111‘----~§A» 21;{1b5- 15°---108-3 1bS- l90---- 350 24Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 190. 10a, 2% lbs 160.. . 350 3° °!“‘---- A» §,%‘>1b5- 245-~ 75-31,, 1b5- 19°--~ 435 30POint.... SA, 3% lbs. 210. 10a,I-3% lbs 225.. .435 351’°!“1----5A» _/°1b5 295-~ 7a»31-g91b5- 240--~ 535 36POint.... 4A, 41% lbs. 295. 6a, 3% lbs 230.. . 525 421’°!’“---- 511- 5,144 “)5 345-~ 85»4;f>11’5- -’-95---- 54° 42 Point.... 4A, 6% lbs. 375... 6a,4%lbs 290.. .665 431’°!“*----4A» 8y°1b5 47°--~ 55»5g/{°111:5- 32°---- 79° 48Point.... 4A, 7%. lbs. 455... 6a,5‘%6lbs. 350.. .805 541’°!“1---- 33111» 9y*1b5- 1‘5*95--- 55»5y‘>1b5- 38°--~ 375 60POiIlt.... 3A, 5% lbs. 340... 4a,6'/(6 lbs. 365... 705 5°1’°!“‘---- 11-11; 1b5- 45-~ 45-5; b5- 37°--~ 915 72Poillt.... 3.-1,13% lbs. 770. . 3a, 6% lbs. 375.. .1145 72P°1“1---- 3 » 5 5- 59°---3a»52 15- 375----1°55 CIRCULAR GOTHIC NO. 44—List CASLON OLD ROMAN ITALIC—List B 6Point....25A, 3/. lb. 30 95....51a, 91?. lb. $105....$2 00 6Point....22A, 3% lb. $095....41a, %lb. $105....$200 8Po1nt....24A,1I lb. 100....49a,1‘/. lbs. 125.... 225 8l>olm....2lA,1% lbs. 110....42a,1% lbs. 115.... 225 10Po}nt....23A. lg lbs. 120....46a, 1‘;/fa lbs. 130.... 250 10Poirlt....18A, 1%. lbs. 125....35a, 1% lbs. 125.... 250 112”1:°!“:----§12-15:;°1g5- 135- 12 Point....15A, 1'71"!/6 lbs. ....31a,1% lbs. 140... 275 24 Pg1flt'°" 511' 2%‘ 11):‘ 1711""13:' 2.11:‘/6111:‘ 1811"" 350 ' 3/1 . ....25a 2‘6lbs. 145... 300 " ' ’ ' " ’ ' ' 14 Pm.“ 13A’2;"’ bs ’ (5 CLARENDON EXTRA CONDENSED NO. 5—List A 16 Polnt....10A,2/{6 lbs, . ..20a,2A3 lbs. 145... 300 6POim 33A 11,611) $093 65 lb 110 $200 18 Point.... 9A, 2% lbs. ....15a, 2% lbs. 150... 325 81,01111""25A’ 1/1 lb 1oo""57:’1% lbs $1 25"" 225 24P0iI1t----5Al2'%b1bS- ---11a»2%11>5- 175-- 355 10PoimIIII26A’, 1% lbs 110'.'.'.'.52a’, 1% lbs: l40ZZ'.' 250 30 Point... 515.3% lbs- -8a.3%1bs. 190.. 425 12 POint....22A, 1%; lbs 125....44a,2'/fslbs. 150.... 275 36Point.... 3A,4~/4 lbs. 6a,3% lbs. 24-0.. 535 18PO1Ilt....l5A, 22% lbs 150 ..28a,2%, lbs. 175.... 325 42 po111t___. 311,55/1’1,1bS_ _ 53,41/{1,1b5_ 245___ 525 24Po1nt... 11A 2/6 lbs. 170....20a, 211,31/olbs. 185.... 355 45P°*n*---- 51-5'/1”-1b5~ -45-4‘“°1b5 27°-~ 755 §2i38i.’i§::::‘2’.’§:lE2: §l‘s’::::l§Z:§-£5. 12:: 338:1: 1.3.2 CASLON OLD ROMAN—-Small Caps-—List A c1_ARENnoN No, 5.143; A 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A,% lb.....$050 6Point....24A, %lb. 3090.. 50a, % lb $110....$200 8POint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,% lb..... 050 8Point....23A.13 lb. 100....46a.11{4 lbs 125.... 225 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A,% lb._... 050 1°1’°!“1----2111-14‘ 11’5- 115-- 415- 11/1“ 11’5 135---- 25° . ,1 12 Po1nt....15A, 1% lbs. 120....3la,2/{6 lbs 155.... 275 12 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10lAL, /{61b..... Point lbs 20a 25/{6 lbs 14Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,I%6lb..... 050 18po11.1t::::gA:2%1bS 155_':_':1ga:29/1/blbs: 325 16Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A,% lb..... 050 2opoim,_,_ 3A12%1bs 155_,_,15a,2%1bs_ 175_,__ 330 18Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,% lb..... 050 24POillt.... 6A, 2‘%6 lbs 175....11a,2%l lbs. 185.. .360 BARN!-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 998 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRICES OF A JOB TYPE Weights and Prices given are Approximate. Cw-B_1_;,, DE VINNE BOLD—-LIST A 6Point....13A, % lb. s095...25a, %lb. $105....$200 6Polnt....16A, ‘Kalb. $090. 31a. % lb. $110....$200 8Point....12A, 1‘/is lbs.$105...22a, 1% lbs. 120.... 225 8Po1nt....15A, 1 lb. 100. 29a,1% lbs. 125.... 225 10Point....10A, 1% lbs. 115...22a,1‘%olbs. 135.... 250 10Po1nt....14A, 1"}{6lbs. 115. 27a,1§/8 lbs. 135.... 250 12Point....10A, 1% lbs. 140...17a,1’%elbs. 135.... 275 12Polnt....12A. 1‘}{elbs. 125. 22a.2 lbs. 150.... 275 18 Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 165...10a,2'%0 lbs. 160.... 325 18Polnt.... 6A, 253*/fil lbs. 145. 1221,23? lbs. 180.. . 325 24 Point.... 4A, 2% lbs. 185... 7a, 2% lbs. 175.... 360 24Po1nt.... SA, 214 lbs. 175.. 8a, 21/fa lbs. 175.... 350 36Point.... 3A, 5% lbs. 355... 4a, 3'%6lbs. 235.... 590 30Po1nt.... 3A, 3%olbs. 230.. S 36; lbs. 195.... 425 48Point.... 3A, 8%; lbs. 505... 4a, 5%; lbs. 335.... 840 36Polnt.... 3A 4?; lbs. 285.. 5a,3£{6lbS. 230.... 515 60Point.... 3A,11I/1’olbs. 700... 4a,7/folbs. 460....1l60 48Polnt.... 3A 8? lbs. 510.. 4a, 53/fslbs 345.... 855 72 Point.... 3A,13A lbs. 785... 3a, 7% lbs. 440....l22S 60Polnt.... 3A,12A lbs. 765.. 4a,8/4 lbs 525....1290 COMPOSITE CONDENSED NO. 5—ListA DE vIN_NE COMPRI-3I§SED—-List A 14Point....14A,1%3 lbs.$130....40a,2% lbs.$1;(5)....$§gg 6II:olnt....30A, gelb. $090....58a, % lb. s110....$200 18Point....10A,2%/ lbs. 140....28a,2%llgs. 2125.... 400 18Polnt....251:,13/g ubs. 125 ...50a,1u lb. 100.... 225 30Point.... 5A,2‘91slbs. 175....12a,3§7/3 lbs. 355.... 525 1(2)Polnt....%6A,1§/ lbs. 1%0....5ga,lI:{{ollt:s. 140... 250 42Point.... 3A,2%; lbs. 170....10a,5A; s. o1nt.... . 78 s. 0....4 a,2 5 s. 155... 275 A 14Polnt....16A,1é:/bllbas. 130....34a,2%)é lbs. 170... 300 CONDENSED NO. 51—List 18 Polnt....12A,2 s. 145....25a,24 lbs. 180... 325 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..%g2,1-é 12.5 ....$lgg_ 2:1, 12:. 1gg....16a,lgs. 331;... 350 lbs---~ 36Point---- SA) lbs’ 215"“ 8:11bs- 215-m 9Point ............................. ..20A,1;1bS..... no 48Poim---- 4A.5I/(6 lbs- 305.... “.55/felbs. 320... 6 g 10 . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . - . . . . . . . . . .-20A, lbsc.--- 425"" . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 72P0int---- lbS' 4a: 12Polnt ............................. ..17A, 2%1bs----- 180 . - . . .. lggglgl """""""""" 'fff°.f.'.'°.'.'.I16A’,3 lbsIII'.I 20451 DEVINNEEXTRA COMPRESSED—ListA tIIoIOllI"".'..... 3 9 20 Point ............................. Z20 }(2;I1:o.n:,,,,§1.;:,llgs.3l%2....1ga,%% hl;s.$140....$250 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A.4L%6lbS----- 300 18Po1nt....15A, 23/felbs. 145_.,.30a,23/ lbs 15o____ 275 30Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,6% lbs...” 425 24Po1nt.... 9A,25/fa lbs. 150.. 20a,3y4 lbs 180.. 325 36Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , 0}n . 6 3- -- a, 8 S 200.. 350 30Polnt.... 8A,3?/2 111:3. 210.. 133,3:/{/{6lbS 205.. 415 CONDENSED NO.53——ListA 36Polnt.... 6A,3 Is. 215.. 10a,3 slbs 220.. 435 12 Point ............................. ..222,lE:-----$};g g(8)£o:3:.... 52,1? ga,i‘%ohl:s 340.. 550 16Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18 , o_ , 78 s. a, 7 s. 40.. 590 72Polnt.... 3A,6A lbs. 400.. . 4a, 34 lbs. 225... 525 CONDENSED NO. 54—List A _ 6Point....22A, %1b. $090....45a, % lb. 31%‘;----$§g‘5’ D1'3WEYN0- 5-I-18:13 7 8Point....24A,1 lb. 100....49a, 13!. lbs. 250 6Po1nt....24A, I/fslb. 3090....47a, A lb. $110.. .$2o0 10Point....22A,13/8 lbs. 115....42a,1/fbllgs. 275 8Polnt....23A, 171/: lbs. 105....45a, 13/(4. lbs. 120.. .225 12Point....20A,1%1bs- 125....39a.23/{ lbs- 155---- 300 10Polnt....21A, 1!}; lbs. 120....42a,1§/3 lbs. 130.. .250 14Point....18A,2‘/fblbs. 145....32a.2S61b5- 175“ - 325 12Polnt....17A,17elbs. 125....34a,2I lbs. 150.. 275 18Point....12A, 2%; lbs. 150....23a,2fl3 lbS- 175-~~ 335 18Po1nt....11A,23/folbs. 160....20a,2/6 lbs. 165.. 325 20Point....10A, 2%lbs. 160....19a.2i:8{ lbs- 190---- 355 24Polnt.... 721,2? lbs. 175....12a, 2%1bs. 180.. 355 24Point.... 8A, 2"/{ls lbs. 16S....l6a.2_%6lb5- 200"” 400 36Polnt.... 52,4; lgs. 280.. . 7a,3’%albs. 240.. 520 30Point.... 7A,3% lbs. 200....13a,3g£1b5- 215" ' 435 48Polnt.... gA,62 lbs. 390.... 7a,6 lbs. 360.. 750 36Point.... SA, 3% lbs. 220.... 9a, 3;/blbg. 285.. - 630 601I:o1nt.... 3A,g'% lbs. «5480.. . 4a, 5% lbs. 320.. 800 48Point,.,, 5A,5% lbs. 345.... 7a,44 - --- 72 olnt.... , 0 s. 0.. . 3a, 5‘%elbs. 335.. 905 C0sMOS_List A ELECTI-ON ANTIQUE-——List C 12 Po1nt....24A, 1:54 lbs.$1h5;:-$i;5):::-$33 20Po1nt .............................. ..23A,1%1bs.....$200 23 II:3l§l""l§‘:’ lb: l75III'.20aI23/. lbs. 175... 350 ELECTION CONDENSED——ListC 36PointffII 6A,'3% lbs. 215....11a, 3%. lbs. 220... 435 24Point .............................. ..20A,33/1’albs.....$250 _ 1_L- , B ELzEv_IR BOLD—List A ”E§“f»§;F;..°°T§§'§ Plo lb £l00....50a,1% lbs. 51 25....$225 10Polnt....21A, 1%. lbs. 151 20....39a, 1% lbs. 31 30....$25o 10poim::::22A:1%'1b'S_ 115”, 46a, 1‘7%o l2Po1nt....16A, 1‘%olbs. l2S....32a,2’/fa lbs. 150.... 275 12 Point....22A, 1916 lbs. 135... 40a,1£ lb: 160.... 300 ELZEVIR CONDENSED No. 50-List A 16P°i"""'15A’2%"1bs' 140"‘ 29a’2y lbs' 165"" 325 10Point 26A 1% lbs 3125 50a 1% lbs 3125 $250 2°P°l”"'°"°A'2.7{{"1b5' 1bs' 17522.2 350 12PolmIiII24A’1%lbsf 125.'.ff48a’2 lbsl 150IIII 275 24P°”“---- 7A’M""’5' ’ 14Polnt....23A, 217A; lbs. l50....43a, 2:/(6 lbs. 150.... 300 some 7 1. $200 l2.I:2:::~—~~l5wl::~ I33-~—~2l:~ ll: l2:.---- 2:: 5°“6P‘°"33A' %"" $090""65a’ lé8{lb' 3115"" 200 30Point::::8A’3%1bs: 195..I.'17a’3%.lbsI 2053:: 400 5P°i“‘----30A’ % }E' (1)llI5l'"3l§:’ 1%6lbs. 12523: 225 36Point.... 6A: 3% lbs. 220....10a:3% lbs. 205.... 425 3P°%“‘----“Av 1, ' ""42 ’1%. lbs. 130.... 250 48Point.... 6A,6 lbs. 360. .. 9a, 4"}1’albs. 270.... 530 mP°3m""22A’1"/§ll:S' l2(5)'"'37:’2 lbs. 150.... 275 60Point.... 3A,4% lbs. 285.... 4a, 2% lbs. 175.... 460 12 Pom‘----19A’ 1'“ 5- ' 72Point.... 3A,s§/s lbs. 325.... 4a, 2%; lbs. 170.... 495 DENNISON SCRIPT—List E 75 ELZEVIR N0_ 5_1_;,t A 1‘ P°i“""' 6A’ 13”{"1bs'$135""19a’ ll)»:'s27lg""$is0 6Point....25A, 1%. lb. $090....46a, % lb. $110....$200 18P°i“‘“" SA’ 1% lbs’ 175""14a’3V‘ lbs’ 315'". 500 8Point....24A, 1‘/folbs. 110....44a, 1%. lbs. 115.... 225 2“’°‘“‘---- “'2 lbs’ 1”-~"‘%""..7,? lbs' 360'". 550 10Point....22A,1% lbs. 125....43a,1"/falbs. 125... 250 35P°‘“‘---~ 3’‘'3% lbs‘ 290"" 5a’5I/§lbs' 3553.. 780 12Point....17A,13/, lbs. 130.. 33a,1%lbs. 145... 275 48Point....3A.5%1bS- 415-~ 3' ' 14Point....15A, 11/ lbs. 140.. 30a, 2%//'{ lbs’ 160"" 300 20P ' 4.... 8A,2 lbs. 165.. l6a,2 4. s. 170.... 335 DESIGN—1-i8tA y lb $110 $200 24Pgl:t.... 6A,2% lbs. 185.. 12a, 2% lbs. 175.... 360 6Point....24A. %1b- $090----13% 1,/}61b's 120"jj 225 36Point.... 4A, 4%. lbs. 255.... 8a,4 lbs. 245.. . soo 8P°i“‘----252'}? i§(5,""4§:’ 1% lbs’ 120" 250 48 Point.... 4A, 7% lbs. 440.. . 6a, 5"/fa lbs. 330.. . 770 10Point....23 , 6 s. , - 12 Point....18A. 1% 1bS- 13°----§’§a’ll§§' ELZEVIR ITALIC NO. 5—List B 18Point....12A.2f/§1bS' ‘55""15a’3 lbs’ 190' .350 6Point....26A, % lb. $095....S2a, %lb. s105....$200 24P°i“‘---- “'25 lbs’ 160"" a’3V lb" 200" 430 8Point....22A 1% lbs. l10_...44a,1% lbs. 115.... 225 30P°i"‘---- 5’‘'33/‘’ $5’ 432.153: 250If I 500 10Point....21A:1% lbs. 120....41a, 1%. lbs. 130.... 250 gglgglfilfif 5218?? lb: 495IIfI 8a:6% lbs. 405.. .900 12Point....16A,1%1bs. 135....34a, l%1bs. 140.... 275 POINT LINE POINFSE-r po1N'[*..BODY 999 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED \ fir ,. r—o.~ J‘ ‘'9 ~r 11094.-f , . \\"c-igllts .'1ll1l Prices givell are Apprnxl'1l1:11t*. ELZEVIR N0. 5 — Small Caps—-List A JOB TYPE FRENCH OLD STYLE N0. 56-—List A 1 6Poil1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A,%1b.. .5050 1 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Z9A, -/. lb. ....$10o 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18/Lg? lb... 50 E 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24A, 1:? 12: 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14A, 3 lb... so 9Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24A, 13 1 12 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A, %. 1b.. so 5 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 14 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A, '%61b.... so : 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,2I( lbs..... 1515) . 1 ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A,22 lb~..... 17 EMBOSSING 5071119 N0- 52- 53-1-'31 A ’ 15 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 12 A, 33.2. 1b:..... 2 15 6PointN0. ....'24A,3/.1b.....-$100 24pOim . 3A,3%.1b,_,_,_ zso 6PointNo. -30A,%1b.....100 30Point 8A,556lbs..... 330 ' I . EMBOSSING TEXT N°- 5-1181 D 331’331‘.i§:'.‘.'.:::'.:::::::'.:::'.:::'.::::11: $2’ l{.’:::::: 313 18 Polnt.... 9A, 13/14. lbs. :11 45....26a. 2% lbs. 31 80....$325 FRENCH LAT L_ E ’ ENGRAVER5 ROMAN C°NDEN5ED‘L1“ A 14 Pointp E10A 181171’. lbs 8160 40a 1% lbs 52 15 $3 75 51’°11111‘1°-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --434‘: ‘/4 -11* ----$1011 18 Point:::::: 9A’ 23/. lbs. 220:1.:28a’2§1’6lbs: 230:: 450 ()POlIlt NCLZ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..42A, lb. 100 24POi1-"No.1 7A’2%1bS. 235__22a’ 2Lj,{61bS_ 265_'_ 500 51’°1“‘ 111- 10° 24PointNo.2: 6A:23/1 lbs. 245...18aI2%lbs. 255... 500 1? 13-9 1121? 30Point .... .. 5.13;; llgs. 265...15a,i;{l.l1gs. 285.. 53;) _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , _ . . . .. 3613' _ _ . _ __ 4A,3 '315.__12, _350.__6 l0PO1I1t.................... ........25A, 11% lbs..... 140 °”” 8 S a ‘ S 12 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17A, 2 lbs..... 150 FRENCH TITLE-List A 18Polnt...............................1lA,3 lbs..... 200 3poim_,_,25A, 11,{61b5,$105_,_5oa,1%.,1bs_5120__._$z25 24Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 4‘/16 lbs..... 260 10 poim____23A, 17/{,,1b5_ 115,,_44a,1%1b5_ 135____ 250 - 11 I ENGRAVERSTITLE~UstA }i1’32}3E::::§22' W122: ii3:::s‘%§:§% 1132: 123:1: €33 5P°1111N°-1. - - ~ - ' - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - ~ - --15A» t/+11%----$100 18 Point....1SA: 2% lbs. 145...30a, 2% lbs. 180.... 325 51’°!“1 N°- 11'? - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - --1°11» 113- 100 20Point....l0A, 294’. lbs. 140...21a,2%/ lbs. 185.... 325 6P°1“1N°-1 - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - --16A» .1 11> 10° 24Point.... 9A, 23// lbs l75...16a, 2'91.1bs. 180.... 355 31’°111‘N°-3 1711» 1% 1115---~ 125 30 Point.... 8A, 33/s lbs 2 10...14a, 3%. lbs. 200.... 410 8P0mtN°-4 154.14 113$---~ 125 36 Point.... 5A 3% lbs 230... 8a 3% lbs. 200. .430 10Point No.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 - ’ y lb ( ’ y lb. —" 5 . H 48Polnt.... SA, 54 s 320... )a,5 8 s. 303.... 62 10Po1nt No.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..lZA,l/lblbS..... 140 éopointuu 3A’ lbs 365__ 4a’3%1bs_ ZION” 575 l2PO1I1tNY1O.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. llA,2 150 72 point-‘H 3A’ 6% lbs 385”. 421,4 lbS_ 230"” 615 i.2.1‘33iii§.1.‘.".'f‘..:::::::::::'.:::'.:_‘.'::::1311132u.§::::: 132 9“’°1“*~--- 31» 13”‘ “ls 68°--~ 356% 1“ 35°-~-1°” 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A, 3 lbs..... 2 00 GERMAN TITLE CONDENSED N0. 5—List A 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,4% lbs..... 280 5po;m__,_15A, ;%l,1b, 5090....47a, gs lb. $110....$20O N0. A I1:O1I1t....l5 A, l215....14"ga., %I;{{6 135.... _ 3 t ,3, o1nt....13A,18 s. 10.... a, 6 s. 155.... 27 6P0mt----15A» 4111- $100----31d» A6111 3100- --$200 14Polnt....12A,2 lbs. 140....35a,2% lbs. 160.... 300 8Point....17A,1 lb. 100..-.34a.1% lbs. 125. .. 225 16Poil1t....l0A, 2%; lbs. 145....25a,2% lbs. 155.... 300 10 Point....14A, 1%. lbs. 120....28a,1% lbs. 130. .. 250 20 Point.... 7A, 2%; lbs. 140....20a, 2'9{..1bs. 185.... 325 12 Point....11A, 1%lbs. 135....22z1,1%s lbs. 140.; 275 24Point--.. 5A. 2% lbs. 165... 1(1a,2§s lbs 185.... 350 16Poi11t.... 8A, 23,1”. lbs. l50....15a, 237.’. lbs. 150.... 300 3‘11’°!"‘---- 411’ 3% 11$ 85-- 13» 3;“ 125 115-- - 40° 20-‘Point 7%é 103 75/é lbs POlHt.... S. ()d,3 8/ S . ’“ "’ ' "' 1 48Polllt.... 3A, 5716 lbs. 330... 621, 4‘516lbs 295.. .625 EXPANDED N0. 5—List A ‘ 60 Point.... 3A, 7%; lbs 460... 4.1, 6/. lbs 410.... 870 6Point....15A, %1b. 5105....28a, % lb. 5095. ..$2oo 72 Point... 3A.85/8 lbs 500... 4a.7‘?/wlbs 440.... 940 8 Point....13A, 1%. lbs. 105....24a, 13.14, lbs. 120.... 225 GOETHE No, 5_.ListA 10Point....12A, 1% lbs. 130....21a,1% lbs. 120.. . 250 8poim,_._14A, 1 1b_ g1o0,__42a, 1% 1bs,3125,,_$22s' 12 Point....10A, 1% lbs. 150....17a,1% lbs. 125.... 275 10Point....12A, 1*/1; lbs. 115...32a, 11%;. lbs. 135... 250 16Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 155....12a,2%; lbs. 145.. .300 gointuulgfi. 13: 37612:. :33 , ) oln.... , 8 . a, 2 . EXTRA CONDENSED ,N0- 56-1-'91 C 20 Point.... 5A, 2%.. lbs. 135...14a, 2%; lbs. 190... 325 8Point....28A. ‘rmlb. :%100....58a,1%>1bs.s125....$225 24 Point.... 3A, 1%; lbs. 125...10a, 3"/1’61bs. 225... 350 10 Poil1t....26A, 13/1/0 lbs. 115....50a,15/fblbs. 135.... 250 30 Po1nt.... 4A, 3% lbs. 200... 7a, 3%!) lbs. 200... 400 12 Poirlt....24A, 1%. lbs. l25....49a, 1% lbs. 150.... 275 36 Pomt... 3A. 43216138. 261;... 4a. £46128. 220... 43? 18Point....18A,1'.5x{6lbs. l55....34a,2%; lbs. 170.... 325 4111’°!“‘--~- 3Av 6.° 9- 39 ~ 43» (6 5- 34°-~ 7 mp. MA 7 lb 160 25, 2.4 lb 165 325 (>01-’o1nt.... 3A, 9/. lbs 590.. 4a, 8/.‘ lbs. 495...1oss 30 P0111:-~~ 9A1}... lbs‘ 180----19‘1v,):/"lb$ 220---- 400 72 Point.... 3A, 131/3 lbs 760.. 4a, 1091.. lbs 655...1415 oln ,‘/8 a,-’8 s. , 36 Point.... 6A, 2%; lbs. 220....11a,2% lbs. 210.... 430 °°T111°_C°M1’RE55.15D 110- 7—L'”‘ 1;‘ ,, - 1/ 1 7.» . 6Polllt....30A, )4 lb. $095.. 51521, 3161b. $l05....$200 42 Po1nt.... 8A 4/16 lbs. 285....12a 3,.1olbs. 240.... 525 . ,, .. , . A’55/ lb‘ 37. “,’5./ lb 75 75 8P0lI1t....3lA,l/16 lbs. l10....63a, 13/16 lbs. 115.... 225 541’°m1----5 v /'6 5- °---- 4» /"~‘ 5- 3 ‘1 l0Point....29A, 1.712 lbs. 115. .,60a,1% lbs. 135.... 250 FAUST TEXT—ListD 11:oln1....2g:, :1-I‘/1, 111:3. llgs. 23(5) 8Point....18A, % lb $090....57a,1%>,lbs.$135....$22S 0_mt---- 1 «I5» 5 8. /6 S 10 Point....15A, 13/(8 lbs. 100....43a,1%s lbs. 150.... 250 111)’: 12: 18Pomt.... 8-4.1.15 lbs. 120....23a.3rw1bs- 205-.~ 325 30 Point.... 7A,3*/.5 lbs. 200....l2a, 3%.. lbs 200.... 400 24 Point.... GA, 2‘?l6 lbs. l65....l4a,351’6 lbs. 195.... 360 36 Point.... SA, 3716 lbs. 215. 921, 33/8 lbs 210.... 425 36 Poil1t.... 3A,3 lbs. 190.... 8a,4 lbs. 250.. .440 48POll'lt.... 13‘ ' FRENCH OLD STYLE N0. 3___List A 60Polnt.... , was s. . .1, /8 s _ . 6Poillt....25A, 1.1.1. lb. so 90....48a, %. lb. $110....$200 G()1'(l)‘fII)IC'C0Ml:l3zI[-:“Ss1EDlIl:0. £13-1-3L1st6(3I W lb $140 $250 - 1 , l . 01Ilt..... , 8 S. .a, ~8 S. 8P°1m""22A’1f1.1bS' 115""42f”1f1 1117' 110" ' 225 12 Poil1t....33A 1%; lbs. 125. .63a, 1% lbs. 150.... 275 10110311‘-'--Z°A~1,'j‘?1bS' 115----‘“’°‘~ 1,54‘. 11”" 135" - 25° 14 Point....25A: 1% lbs. l30....49a,2 lbs. 170.... 300 12 Po1nt....l8A, 1../16 lbs. 130....35a, l/i/6 lbs. 145.... 275 18POim__._31A,1%1bS_ 150____‘41a,_7_3/{61bS_ 175____ 325 18 P0lnt_....l3A,2,‘/2 lbs. l65....22a, 2‘?/16 lbs. 170.. . 335 24 poim,___1zA,2%; lbs, 165__,,25a,_;}g lbs, 185__,_ 350 _ _ - 30Point.... 9A, 2/ lbs. 190. .17a,2:. lbs. 210.... 400 FR?:,ClI OLD STYLE NO’ 3 Sm" Caps nlxst./A” $0 50 36 Point.... 6A, 2'§i1zlbS. 2 25.... 13a, lbs. 200.... 425 ) Ulllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .: ,I8 )..... Point‘... 7A, lbs. 313a, lbs. 310...’ 8Polllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13A, A/ lb..... 50 54 point_,__ (,A,57m”,s_ 330” _10a,51/4 lbs_ 370____ 750 101-‘olllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13A, §8lb..... 50 (,0 poim__,, 4A,43/lolbs. 290... ()a,3}é, lbs. 250.... 540 12Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10.1, 1.1.3 lb..... 50 ! 72 Point.... 411.4% lbs. 315.. 6:1, 3'9»... lbs. 260.... 575 BARN!-{ART BROS. 3. SPINDLE2R’S 1000 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE a\‘' O . . E . .. '~-~.,; .\ :c -s' ;:v /. ‘ow- ,_.¢:/‘/ / 5 W'eights and Prices given are Approximate. PRICES OF JOB TYPE GOTHIC COMPRESSED TITLE NO. 7—List A INCLINED GOTHIC NO. 120—List B 6Point No.71 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..33A, 3%; lb. ....$100 6Polnt No. 1201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..26A, % lb. ....$100 6PointNo. 72 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..31A, 3/. lb. 100 6Po1ntNo. 1202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , % lb. 100 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..34A,1% Ibs..... 125 6Po1nt No. 1203 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A, % lb. 100 10Point...............................31A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 6Po1ntNo 1204 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19A % lb. 100 12Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23A, 21 1bs..... 150 8Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A,1%1bs..... 125 14Point...............................23A,2A lbs..... 175 10Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A,1 lbs..... 140 16 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17A, 2"/{61bs..... 175 12 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13A, 2%. lbs..... 150 20 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,4f{; Igolnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1gfi,2‘%6 190 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. - , 6 olnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ,3 210 30Point............................... 8A,4%»lbs..... 270 24Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A,4‘/{6lbs..... 260 42Point............................... 6A, 5'§‘l/61bS..... 355 54 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,7'%61bs..... 470 KAgSPEIf—List1:lA 1 lb 100 9 W lb __ o1nt.... , . $ ....3 a, 4 s.$125....$225 GOTHIC. COMPRESSED TITLE N0’ 8 LIST C lb 1 5 10 Polnt...'. 13 A, 1% lbs. 110....36a, 1%. lbs. _140.... 250 8P0ll1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..4IA,13/ . 2 12 POint“__12A’ 19.1/blbs 135” 34a’1%1b§ 140” 275 10P°l“‘ - - - - - - - - ~ ' - - - - - - - - ' ~ - - - ' - - - - ’ °'§§§»{‘gS----- fig 14Po1nt....11A,2‘/{6lbs 145.. 29a,2%slbs 155... 300 12P01nt . . . . . . . . . - . - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- 1 ,2 16Po1nt.... 9A,17/s lbs 130....27a,2§/é lbs. 170... 300 l4POiI1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..§ZA, 21,3/{(5 IbS..... 175 lgpointuu 8A 21% lbs 145__ 23a,23/41bS_ 180” 325 24POint__” 5A’2%1bS 160” 123,3!/I/6 200” 360 2413011111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A, 7/? 260 30P0lnt__” 4A’2%/ lbs 155” 12a’ 260” 415 3()P0iIlt...............................11 ,3;/6lbS..... 325 36point__”3A’2I5/iblbs 180__ 8a’31§{61bS 245” 425 42 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 312,1;//2% lbs...” 375 . 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A,6I/{:1b:..... 425 LATIN N0_ 5_Llst A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - -. , I ..... 3/‘ $095..-.348’ I/3/I/61b. 05.. 60Poi11t............................... ,4fl3 lbs..... 290 8POint””15A,1,/I/6 lbs 105_”.32a:13/{6 lbs. 120”; 225 . 10Point....15A17/{61bs 120....29a,1"/l/6lbs. 130... 250 GUARD-—L'st1AA 3/ lb 3095 ...36a %lb. s105....$2oo 12Po1nt....14A,1% lbs 130....28a,1’5/folbs. 145... 275 .5P°!“‘--~ SA’ 1::/61b; 105' .32a’ 13/fclbs, 12o,___ 225 18Po1nt.... 8A, 2% lbs. 150....18a,2% lbs. 180.. 330 8P°!m----16A.1;,,1bS' 115"'30a’1%1bS_ 135___ 250 24POII1t....5A,2°/1/61bS. 150....11a,3% lbs. 200.. 350 10P°!“t----15 1 .316 - , “"25 ll lbs 150___ 275 30Point.... 4A,3% lbs. 210. .8a,3% lbs. 225.. 435 12Pomt....12A1/felbs. 1-5.... a, . - . 3/ 154/ . s’.,1;/ lbs 155 153 29/{61bs_ 170__ 325 36Polnt.... 3A,4/I6 lbs. 260.... 6a,3 albs. 245.. S05 ;§4511§g;2:---- 1bS- 17011;; 98.: 2x;,,;,1bs_ 180__ 350 48Point.... 3A, 5%. lbs. 330. . 5a, 71/.» lbs. 450.. 780 361’°““---- 3A~4%‘ lbs" 300"" 321,; 11,5’ 255" 715 12Point 13A 2 lbs $150 48P°i“‘---- 3*» 7IV‘’”’S 460"" 43’ 8 ' " 16Point:I'.'.If.'II'.f..'.Z'.IffI..II..IIII. 9A'2% lb III: 180 HEAD LETTER c0N])ENSED——ListA 20 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 37216 lbs..... 225 ' . . . . . . . . . . ..32A,1‘%6lbs.....$l40 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A, 4546 lbs..... 260 lggglgl """""" ".'.IZI............28A,2 lbs.....15o 36Point ............................. ..5A,63/1’61bs..... 385 14polm""""""'I . . . . . . . . ..... ..26A,2%1bs..... 175 42Point ............................. .. 5A,7%31bs..... 475 16po;mfjZ',jjf'_ff,'Zfi_,_......... .. 2lA,2%ellgs..... 13(5) 48Point ............................. .. 5A,85/l’61bs..... 500 18Point...............................19A,37 , 24p ' ............................. ..1sA,3/s lbs..... 250 LATIN_CONDENSED No.1—Lnst A 30 P32: , _ . _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ , , , , _ . . ..11A, 41;}. 125...” 10Po1nt....28A,1;°)%; lbs. 31 10....S5a, 1%. lbs. 31 40.. .$250 36p0in[ . . . _ _ _ _ _ , _ . _ _ _ . _ , , _ _ , , , , . . . . . .. 9A, 4i./1:. 12Po1nt....24A,1/folbs. 120....48a,2fl3 lbs. 155.... 275 4gpoim _ _ , _ . , _ , , _ _ , , , , , , . , . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A, 512 lbs..... 330 18Po1nt....16A, 23/{6 lbs. 145....33a,2% lbs. 180... 325 48Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,§+ lbs-~~ 375 24Point....11A,2"/folbs. 170....21a, 2%lbs. 185... 355 54Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,/3/{e1bs..... 430 30Point.... 8A,3% lbs. 195....15a, 3% lbs. 205... 400 60Poim"'. ' ' ' ' ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,471’<>1bS----- 265 36Point.... 6A, 3%. lbs. 215....10a,3% lbs. 210... 425 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' " 48Point.... 6A 5%. lbs. 325....10a,5% lbs. 315... 640 HECLA—List A 250 60 Point.... 3A,5%6 lbs. 305.. . 4a,3% lbs. 195... 500 l0Point....22A,1Z{6lbs.$115....41a,1% 128-$3;----$275 72 Point.... 3A, 5% lbs. 320.. . 4a,3% lbs. 210... 530 12 Poillt....17A, 11%; lbs. 130....35a, 27/ lbs. 170.... 300 O 16 Point....12 A, 1‘7.5/1/6 1:5. 33.16 lb: 195-- 350 LAWPITALIC NC: 51-‘—I1.;)st B125 4 9/{ lb $ 24Point.... 7A,2/1'61 s. a, - -- 10 oint....18 ,1/.» s.$ ....3 a,1 6 s.$125.. . 250 30POlIlt.... 6A,3'/1'6 lbs. 190....lla,3:é1bS- 133 12Point....15A,1% lbs. 125....30a,2 lbs. 150.. 275 36Point.... 441,37 1:5. 1.83.. - ga,§3;1”°llg:- 320--~ 650 14Point....13A,2 lbs. 140....26a, 2% lbs. 160.. 300 48Point.... 4A,5/(61 s. 33 3, 3, - . 8Point....22A,1%3 lbs. 51 10....45a, 1% lbs. $1 15. ..$225 HU6GgOiIi0. 5-2-8331; lb $095 533 07611, s105....$200 10Point....19A,1@1gs. 125....38a,1g» lbs. 125.... 250 » 4 - 4 ' ' 12P' ....16A1/ .145....31 1’l . 130.. .275 8Point....23A,1%; lbs. 110....45a,1%1 lbs. omt , 6 S a. 16 bs 10 Point....19A, 1% lbs. l20....37a, léfg lbs. 145.... 275 LIGHT LA.HN__ListA lg? 1412332: 170Ii.Z 325 6Point....17A, % lb. $095....34a, %lb. 5105. ..$20o 24P' I... 7A: 21% lb: 175....13a,2% lbs. 175.... 350 8Point....15A,1 lb. 100....31a,1% lbs. 125.... 225 30 6A,3‘.%:1b:. 230....10a.3:/1j61bs- gig 10Point....14A, I7/{6 lbs. l15....29a, 1%’ lbs. 135.... 250 36Point.... 541.4% lbs 255.-~ 9a. 41/16 1bS- ~65--~ 775 12 Point....14A, 1% lbs. 130....26a,1§fi61bs. 145.... 275 48 Po1nt.... 54. 631% lbs 410.. - 8a16§}‘gS' §10""s1o 18 Point.... 714.2% lbs. 150....15a,2% lbs. 180.. . 330 gglgolni--~ §‘;;~i $3.,/‘j,1b:' 280"" 800 24Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 185....10a,23/4 lbs. 175.... 360 0111 .16 . . - _ “ ’ 30 Po1nt.... 5A,3% lbs. 210.... 961, 37/16 lbs. 215.... 425 INCLINED DE VINNE—ListB 1/ $200 36 Point.... 3A, 4% lbs. 305.... 6a, 3% lbs. 245.... 550 6Point....21A. % lb. 3090...42a. 316119 $1 225 48Point.... 3A,6'§1’6lbs. 415.... 5a,6%l lbs. 370... 785 8Point....20A, 1/ lb. 105...41a,1f 1:5 130.... 250 13 P°!“‘~--‘5A’ 13/2 lbs‘ 237rZlbs' 155.’: 3oo 6Point....20A, % lb. s095....38a. %lb. $105....$200 14P°lm""12‘,:" if 13:‘ l8o"'17:’23/fslbsi 145.... 325 8Point....17A,1 lb. 100....34a, 1% lbs. 125.... 225 3:611’ 292. lbs 18o'..°:11aI 2% lbs. 180.. . 360 10 Point....17A, 1% lbs. 120....32a,1% lbs. 130.... 250 301>olm.IIi 5A’ 3% lbs 220... 921.3% 1bs- 205-- - 425 12 Point....16A, 1% lbs. 130....30a,1’5/1’6lbs. 145.... 275 35po;m,___ 3A: 4 lbs 250... 761.43/16 1bS- 355~- - 5“ 18Point.... 9A, 2%. lbs. 160....17a,2V> lbs. 165. .325 42P°i“""‘ 4A’ 5% lbs 340"’ 636;?’ lg: §§0)"" 33% 20 Point... 7A, 2% lbs. 165....13a, 274:. lbs. 160. .325 gggoim--~ 3:. $1113: 5%olbs- 355-"' 940 24Point.... 5A,2% lbs. 160....11a,2§{6lbs. 190. .. 350 1.... , 4 . , / . --- _ . 72 Pglgt... 3A, 1151/6 lbs. 685... 3a, 5§"l6IbS. 350.. .1035 30 PO1nt.... 4A, 35/1/6 lbs. 190.... 921.3% lbs. 235--.- 425 POINT-LINE POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 1001 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRICES OF '5 Weights and Prices given are Approximate. LIGHTFACE N0. 54—List A JOB TYPE LINING ANTIQUE POINTED—List A I 6Point........... ............21A, 3/4 lb. ....$100 ] 14Point.... 9A,2 lbs. $140....l9a,2% lbs.s160....$300 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A,1‘/4 lbs..... 125 a l8Point.... 6A, 25/l/6 lbs. 1S0....13a, 2916 lbs. 180.... 330 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 I 24 Point.... 5A,2‘%6lbs. 180.. . 8a,2% lbs. 170.... 350 14Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A,2% lbs..... 175 . 30Point.... 4A,3% lbs 225.... 7a, 3% lbs. 200.... 425 181>oim...............................10A,3%6 1bs..... zoo l 36Point.... 3A, 4% lbs 280.... 6a,4%6 lbs. 250.... 530 20Point............................. . 9A,3"/{6lbs..... 225. 48Point.... 3A, 73/1 lbs 465.. . 4a,4% lbs. 285.... 750 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 4%» lbs..... 260 I LINING ARCADE Li8tA LIGHTFACE GOTHIC N0. 45——List A E 6Point ............................ .. 21A, % lb. ....$1oo 6Point ----------------------------- ..29A. 1/ 111;. 0g 8Point....................... .....18A, 1%1bs..... 125 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..30A,l4 1 12 - 3 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 1°P°T“"""""""" ' " ' '13A’ 1,A1bS""' 14° - ; 14Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A, 2% lbs..... 175 12 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23A,2/I/6 lbs..... 150 , 14Point ............................. .. A,2% lbs..... 175 18P°}Ill----»-- 7A. 3% lbs-~~ 215 18Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16 3‘/{6lbs..... 200 24Pomt............ SA. 4’/folbsu... 265 20Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13A,37/{6lbs..... 225 36Point.... .. 4A, 6%6lbs..... 385 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A,3%1bs..... 250 54p0im,_____________,_____. . _ 3A’11%,1bS_.___ 539 LIGHTFACE POST—List A LINING ARCHER_Lj3t A 6Point....21‘A. 3/. lb. 3095...41a. %lb. 31o5....$2oo 12Point....24A, 1% lbs. 31 20....50a, 2‘/1'6 lbs.s155....$275 8Point....20A, 1%!) lbs. 105...40a, 13/{6 lbs. 120.... 225 14Point 22A 2 lbs. 140 43a 2% lbs_ 160 300 1°P°int----lgg. lfgffslgs 128-376, 1% lgs. 130--~ zgg 24Point-m11A’2% lbs l75””22a,2% lbs. 175"” 350 --- 6 S -0- - ---- O -... 9 O ...- ) - .... 2% lbs 2l%61b:. €25 30POlI’lt.... 8A,3% 205....l5a,33/I/b 200.. . 405 24Point.... 6A, 2%lbs. 190...10a,2% lbs. 160.... 350 42 Po1nt.... 6A.5 lbs. 300.---10a,4 _lbs. 240.... 540 30Polnt.... 4A, 33$ §l0... 8a,3'37/{6 lbs. 215.... 425 60Point.... 3A, 5'%lbs. 355... 4a, 35%» lbs. 200.... 555 i31‘33i3§:::: 12; 252.162: 4?3::: 2312/’ lfiii €233: 3&3 LININ9 BANK scRIyT—ustE 60Poirlt.... 3A, 11% lbs. 695... 4a, 6% lbs. 380....107S 14Pomt.... 6A,2/4 lbs. 31 40....25a, 2%; lbs. 82 35....$375 72Point.... 3A, 127/‘I/6 lbs. 720... 3a, 7%!» lbs. 410....l130 18Point.... 6A,2‘/folbs. 205....14a, 27/{6 lbs. 245.... 450 ME_ListF . 24Po1nt.... 4A,23/3 lbs. 210....1la,33/1/6 lbs. 290.... 500 LH:nI\’Igillkt(.:...11A, ‘M6 lb $085...31a, '%6lb. 3115...'.$20o 1 36P°3“"' ' 3A*3% lbs’ 305-" 73":/"/““’S' 345'-~ 55° Spointun 9:’ 115%/6%g 095__._27a’1%; 135.”. 230 48POlI'lt.... 3A,5§/8 lbs. 400.... 53,4/3 lbS. 350.... 750 10Point.... 9 , 6 s 105....23a,l 6 s. 145.... 250; _- 12 Point.. . 7A, 1% lbs 120....20a,1% lbs. 155.... 275 1 ”f.‘,“,‘,'§i,f{""“6§.°“.‘.‘}T1,’,“°' 2 LME 1 . 7 3 , /6 s.$135....22a,2A; lbs.$240....$375 18Po1nt.... 5A,1fl1 lbs 150....12a,2%6 lbs. 175.... 325 _ P. A 91, lb ,% b 24POint._” 3A,2%1bS 165w” 9a’25/8 18 0lI1t.... 5 ,l3 6 S. l80....15a,2 bl S. 270.... 450 30Point.... 3A,2%lbs 225.... 621.2% lbs. 220.... 445 24Po{nt.... 4A. 2/3 :25. 2l5....lla. 3316 lbs. 295.... 510 A 1: 1:212:-~~ 2:2» 22.1-I 1:12 1:: 3:25 :2: 5Point....24A, % lb. $100....46a, % lb. s100....$2oo ’ ' ’ “ ' 6Point....24A, ‘X6 lb. 090....47a, % lb. 110.... 200 LINING BANK SCRIPT N0.3—-ListE 8Point.. 21A. 1%» lbs- 105...-42a. 1% lbs. 120.... 225 18Point.... SA,1‘%6lbs.$170....15a,2‘%61bs.$280....$450 10 Point....l8A, 17/I/6 lbs. 120....36a,1% lbs. 130.. . 250 24 point 4A 23/“ lbs 200 103 3% lbs 300 500 12 Point....16A, 1% lbs. 130....29a,1%lbs. 145.. . 275 36POim":' 3A’3y1b§' 310"" 6 '43, lb‘ 340"" -650 18Point....l0A,2-"/*l’6lbs. 150....21a,2% lbs. 175... 325 . 15* *- 3’ /2‘ 5' 20Point.... 8&2? llgs. 12243.. 16a,2'5:{{61ll:s 13o____ 325 48Polnt.... 311,54 lbs. 405.... 4a,5 lbs. 360.. . 765 30Point....6A,32 s. .. 10a,3 6 s 205....425 . 36 Point.... 4A,4 lbs. 250.. 8a, 4%.. lbs 250.... 500 ”NING.BI5°UE'“L"‘A ,, 42Point.... 4A,5% lbs. 315.. 8a, 5% lbs 320___, 535 10Po1nt...............................25A,1/{6lbs.....$140 48 Point’... 4A, 6I%6lbS 7a’6l/I/6 lbs IPJ0lnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2‘/ lbS..... LINING ALDINE C0NDENSED__ListA 3;/ll/1; 6Point....30A,_‘%61b. $090....S8a, % lb s110....$2oo mpoim ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' " 9A’43/{61bS°"" 260 8Point....29A, %lb. 095....68a,15/l’6lbs 130.... 225 P. 1,, 10Poim....30A,1% lbs. 105.. .65a,1'%61bs 145,”, 250 36 olnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA,4/f6lbs..... 290 12Point....26A,1“/{6lbs. l25....51a,2‘/{6lbs 150.... 275 48P0}nt--------.-------------- 4A.6% lbs-.... 380 14Point....24A,1%lbs. 135....48 2% lbs 165.... 300 60Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A, 7'%6lbs..... 470 16Po§nt....20A,2§Aslbs. 145--.-37a. 236 lbs 155.... 300 72Point ............................. .. 3A,8-/3 lbs..... 505 %§’§3}?.§':':l3§’§v/2..l1‘3§: l§§’:: 3i2'§52i’iE§ %SS‘::: 3%?» LINING BISQUE N0-2-1-MA 30Point.... 8A:2% lbs. 180.. 16a:3"/folbs 220.... 400 12 P0§nt----20A» 1‘I%°1bS-$1 25---4021.2 lbs-$150.--.$275 35poim___, 6A,3% lbs. 200,, 113,354; lbs 225_,_, 425 1 14Polnt....16A, 2/(6 lbs. 145...31a, 2% lbs. 155.... 300 48Point.... 6A, 5%. lbs. 305.. 11a, 5% lbs 320.... 625 20Point....l1A, 2% lbs. 165....17a, 2% lbs. 160.... 325 NING 1 24 POlI'lt.... 7A, 29/(6 lbS. 165...14a,3 lbs. 190.... 355 L112 Point....l6A, 13/. lbs. 81 30....29a, 1%lbs. $145....$275 3°P°3“‘'''' “*1 3,3“f"1bS' 195'““a’3i”‘ “’S- 21°----‘°5 18Point....l1A, 27/(6 lbs. 160....19a,2%» lbs. 165.... 325 42P0}nt---- 5A. 4/l°1bS~_280-~ 8a.4/l’61bs- 245--~ 525 24Poinl,.,. 6A, 23/4 lbs. l75....12a,2‘%6lbs. 180.... 355 48Polnt.... 4A, 5%. lbs. 320... 7a,5'/(6 lbs. 305.... 625 ' 5 A 22 2212:5664 :1» 12:» :21 :3 115- 2235- :1: 6Point....19 '%6lb. $095....38a, % lb. $105....$200 4P. “'1; 1b' 7 3» H4,‘ 5- ) 8Polm....20A, 1:/l/6 lbs. 110....40a,1:/'1’/flbs. 115.... 22s 3 °”“---- =04 5- 5 5-~ 3a»5/°1bS- 3-0--~ 395 13 ‘§3i‘.1§::::i§2: is//Z lfii }%§::::§3§:%x2ZlE§: i§3:::: 333 LINING,CALI<‘-RAPH N0- 2 ;l-ism 18 Point.... 8A,2V2 lbs 165....14a, 27/f6 lbs. 160.... 325 12 Polntm. 7A. 11 lb. 30 75....35a,2/fa lbs. $2 00....$275 24Point.... SA, 2%. lbs l65....l0a,2% lbs. 185.... 350 12 P0mt....l7A.2fls lbs. l50....83a,6 lbs. 450.... 600 30Point.... 4A, 39/{6 lbs 220.... 7a,3% lbs. 215.... 435 _ - 36 Point.... 3A, 4%.. lbs 260.. . 6a, 4% lbs. 260.... 520 LINING CELTIC N0.1—Llst A 3/ 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A, lb. 100 LINING ANTIQUE C0NDENSED—I-ist A 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A,1% 1bs.....$l25 8Poim....26A,1%6lbs. 3105....50a, 13/{6 lbs. 31 20....$z25 10Point........ ..21A,1%1bs..... 145 l0Point....23A, 1%. lbs. 120....48a, 1% lbs. 130.... 250 12Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,2%6lbs..... 150 l2Poim....21A,1'%6lbs. l35....39a,1% lbs. 140.... 275 14Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14A,2% lbs..... 175 l4Point....16A, 2%» lbs. 145....34a,2% lbs. 155.. . 300 18Point . 9A,3 lbs..... 200 16Point....13A,2‘/fslbs. l40....25a,2% lbs. 160.... 300 24Point 7A,4 lbs..... 255 20Point... 10A, 25/{6 lbs. 150....20a,2% lbs. 175.... 325 30Point...............................5A,4'§1’6lbs.....300 BARNHART BROS. 36 SPINDLE-ZR’S 1002 SUPERIOR COPPER—MIXED TYPE PRICES OF I’ \ (. ./x _ ‘I ‘.440 é<N\I\lO\-6:-UJNO UIOOUIUIUIUIOO 12Point............ .............28A,1§/8 lbs.. 18Point...............................21A,2% lbs.. 24 Point ............................. .. l7A,33/{61bs.. 26 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A,3% lbs.. 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A,3% lbs.. 36Point............................... 8A,3’%61bs.. 42 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,45/8 lbs.. 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,5% lbs.. 54 Point ............................. .. 6A,6‘/{6lbs.. LINING CONCAVE—List A 6Point...............................21A, '91/61b... 10Point...............................21A, 1‘%61bs.. 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l4A,2 lbs.. 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 11A, 3‘/(6 lbs.. 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 4% lbs.. 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 491/6 lbs.. 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,67/{6lbs.. LINING CONGO—List A 8 Point....17A,15/16lbs.$105....35a,13%61bs.$120.. 10Point....15A,1"}1”6lbs. 120....28a,1% lbs. 130.. 16Point.... 9A,2 lbs. 135. 17a,2% lbs. 165.. 24 Point.... SA 2"/folbs. 165.. 10a, 2‘-51/6 lbs 190.. 30Point.... 4A,3% lbs. 200.. 8a,3"/1/61bs 225.. 36Point.... 3A,4% lbs. 270.. 6a,4% lbs 255.. 42 Point.... 3A,5‘§1”6lbs. 355.. 6a,4% lbs 270.. LINING DE VINNE—List A 6Point....23A, 3/4 lb. $100...44a, 91/61b. $1 8Point....21A, 1 lb. 105...42a,1% lbs. 1 10 Point....19A, 17/{6 lbs. 1l5...40a,1% lbs. 1 12 Point....16A, 1‘-}{6lbs. 130...30a,1% lbs. 1 14 Point....13A, 1‘%6lbs. 135...25a,25’/‘1”61bs. 1 18 Point.... 9A, 2% lbs. 150...18a,2‘%6lbs. 1 24Point.... 6A, 2%1bs. 180...11a,2% lbs. 1 30 Point.... SA, 35/{6lbs. 205... 921,3"/folbs. 2 36 Point.... 4A, 4% lbs. 280... 7a, 3%1bs. 2 42 Point.... 4A, 5“/folbs. 340... 6a,5‘/1/6lbs. 305.. 48 Point.... 4A, 75/8 lbs. 460... 5a,5% lbs. 315.. 54 Point.... 3A, 8‘/{6lbs. 485... 5a,6% lbs. 390.. 60-Point.... 3A, 9% lbs. 560... 4a, 6%. lbs. 365,_ 72 Point.... 3A,12§f6lbs. 715... 4a, 7% lbs. 435 LINING DORIC—List A 6Point....20A, % lb. 5095....38a, 9181b. 3105 8Point....21A,1‘/{61bs. 105....42a,13/{61bs. 120. 10 Point....15A, 1% lbs. 115....31a, 1"/{6lbs. 135. 12 Point....13A, 1% lbs. 125....25a,2 lbs. 150. 14 Point....11A,2%; lbs. 150....20a,23/fslbs. 150. 18Point.... 8A,27/.'2.1bs. 160....14a, 2% lbs. 165. 24 Point.... SA, 27/1'6 lbs. l55....11a,3’/(6 lbs. 195 30 Point.... 4A,3"/falbs. 220.... 7a, 3%; lbs. 36 Point.... 3A, 3916 lbs. 240.... 6a,4% lbs. 270.. 42 Point.... 3A, 5% lbs. 330.... 6a,5% lbs. 335. LINING EGYPTIAN EXTENDED—List A 8Point....14A,1% lbs. $110....26a,1%3 lbs. $1 10 Point....12A, 1"/folbs. 125....22a,1% lbs. 1 12Point....11A,13/4 lbs. 125....23a, 2‘/(6 lbs. 1 18 Point.... 7A,2% lbs. 155....14a,2% lbs. 1 24 Point.... 5A,2§/3 lbs. 170....10a,3%; lbs. 200.. 36Point.... 3A,4% lbs. 265.... 6a,3%.1bs. 735.. 48 Point.... 3A,7% lbs. 465.... 4a, 4% lbs. 285. LINING EGYPTIAN EXTRA CONDENSED—List C 14 Point....23A,1% 1bs.$135....4Sa,1§{6lbs. $165 18 Point....18A, 1%1bs. 145....36a, 2% lbs. 24 Poim....13A,2% lbs. 165....23a,2% lbs. 36 Point.... 7A, 2%. lbs. 195....15a, 3% lbs. 42 Point.... 8A, 3% lbs. 255....15a,4 lbs. 48 Point.... 6A, 4916 lbs. 3 35....10a, 4%; lbs. 60 Point.... 4A, 43/4 lbs. 3 35.... 6a, 4%» lbs. 72 Point.... 4A,6% lbs. 450.... 6a,6% lbs. LINING ELITE (Typewriter)—I..ist A 10 Point.... 9A, % lb. so 70....43a, 2%1bs.8180 10 Point....16A, 1% lbs. 130....90a, 4% lbs. POI NT-LI NE. POI NT-SET. POI l\IT- BODY 180.... 185.... 235.... 280.... 290.... 300.... 435.... 370.... ...$l50 200 250 250 250 290 325 ...$l00 140 150 200 280 300 400 OIUI-FUOUONQ K9 UIOUIIQ sIUIaUlOOUI ....$300 325 350 430 535 625 635 885 ....$250 500 LINING EMERALD—List A 6Point....15A, %1b s095....31a, %1b. 5105....$200 8Point....13A,1'/flslbs. 105. 24a, 1-%6lbs. 120.. . 225 10 Point....10A 15/{6lbs. 110....22a,13/, lbs. 140.. . 250 14Point.... 9A 2%. lbs 155. 15a, 2%. lbs. 145.. . 300 20Point.... SA, 27/as lbs 160.. 9a, 2% lbs. 165.. . 325 24Point.... 3A 2%1bs 170.... 6a,2% lbs. 185.. .355 36Point.... 3A 5%. lbs 335.. . 3a, 2% lbs. 175.. . 510 48Point.... 3A 9% lbs 575.. . 3a, 5% lbs. 335.. .910 LINING ENGRAVERS ROMAN—-List A 6PointNo.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..34A, 3A lb ....$100 6PointNo.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23A, 3/4 lb 100 6PointNo.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A, %1b 100 8Point...............................17A, 1% lbs..... 125 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 14A, 1‘%61bs..... 1 40 12 Point ............................. ..11A,2 lbs..... 150 18Point ............................. .. 8A,31/. lbs..... 215 24Point ............................. .. 5A,3%1lbs..... 250 LINING FACADE CONDENSED—List C 14 Point....25A, 1%. lbs $130....50a, 2 lbs.$170....$300 24Point....15A,2‘/1/6 lbs. 160....28a,27/fslbs. 190.... 350 30Point....10A,27/{61bs. 185....20a,2%s lbs. 215.... 400 36Point.... 8A,2"/{6lbs. 195....16a,3 lbs. 230.... 425 42 Point.... 8A, 3% lbs. 235..._17a,4% lbs. 290.... 525 54 Point.... 9A,s%. lbs. 370....15a,57/fslbs. 380.. . 750 60 Point.... 4A,3% lbs. 245.. . 6a,3%1bs. 225.. . 470 72 Point.... 4A,3%1bs. 250.... 6a, 3% lbs. 240.. .490 84Point.... 3A,47/{61bs. 285.. . 5a,3%1bs. 245.. .530 , LINING FACADE CONDENSED N0. 1—List C 12Point...............................31A,1%1bs.....$150 18Point...............................25A,2% lbs..... 200 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,33/{6lbs..... 250 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14A,3% lbs..... 255 36Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A,3-A lbs..... 275 42 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A,4% lbs..... 325 48Point............................... 9A,5%6lbs..... 385 60Point ....... .................... .. 4A,3% lbs..... 365 72 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A,4 lbs..... 300 LINING FAIR—List A 10Point....22A,1%6lbs.$115....43a,1% lbs.$135....$2S0 12 Point....20A,1‘%6lbs. 125....40a,2 lbs. 150.... 275 14Point....17A,2% lbs. 150....35a,2%1bs. 150.... 300 24 Point.... 8A,2% lbs. 170....17a,2%1bs. 180.... 350 I 30Point.... 6A,3% lbs. 215....12a,33/{6 lbs. 200....-415 ; 42 Point.... 4A, 4% lbs. 255.. . 9a, 498165. 290.... 545 I LINING FAIR 0PEN—List A f 14Point....17A,2%; lbs.$150....35a,2%a1bs.s150....$300 ; 24Point.... 8A,2% lbs. 170....17a,2%1bs. 180.... 350 1 30Point.... 6A, 3% lbs. 215....12a,33/fblbs. 200.... 415 ; 42 Point.... 4A, 4% lbs. 255.. . 93., 43/11. lbs. 290.... 545 I I LINING FIFTEENTH CENTURY —,-List A ! 8Point....24A,1%; 1bs.s115....47a, 1% 1bs.$110....$2 25 ; 10Point....24A,1"/{61bs. 125....47a, 1% lbs. 125... 250 ‘ 12 Point....21A, 1% lbs. 140....41a,1‘%61bs. 135.... 275 18Point....11A,2"/felbs. 170....22a,23/8 lbs. 155.... 325 24Point.... 8A, 2’91’6lbs. 180....15a,2‘%61bs. 170.... 350 36Point.... 5A,3% lbs. 240.... 9a, 3% lbs. 200.. .440 48Point.... 4A,5% lbs. 325.... 9a, 5% lbs. 330.. . 655 LINING FIFTEENTH CENTURY ITALIC—List B 8Point....22A,1%; lbs. $115....44a,1%; lbs. $1 10....$2 ZS 10Point....21A, 1% lbs. 130....42a, 1% lbs. 120. .250 12 Point....18A, l’~?{6lbs. 140....35a,1% lbs. 135. . 275 « 18Point....11A,2%1bs. 175....21a, 2%. lbs. 150. .325 ; 24Point.... 7A,2%1bs. 190_...14a,2%.1bs. 165.. . 355 ‘ 36 Point....' 5A,45/8 lbs. 285.... 921,37/{6lbs. 215.. . 500 48Point....5A,7%1bs. 460.... 8a, 53/(6 lbs. 315.... 775 LINING FRENCH ANTIQUE EXTENDED—List A 6Point....15A, % lb. $095....29a, %1b. 3105....$2o0 8Point....14A,13/{6lbs. 120....25a,1‘/{6lbs. 105.... 225 10Point....11A,1% lbs. 125....22a,1"/fslbs. 125.... 250 14 Point.... 8A,2% lbs. 150.....15a,2%.1bs. 150.... 300 16 Point.... 6A,25/{6lbs. 160.... 921,2‘/{61bs. 140.... 300 20Point.... 4A,25/felbs. 150.... 8a, 2% lbs. 175.... 325 I 24Point.... 3A,33/{6 lbs. 205.... 521,2"/folbs. 155.... 360 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEZQUALED 1003 PRICES OF Weights and Prices given zlre Approxilllate. LINING FRENCH CLARENDON—List A BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S LINING GOTHIC N0. 111——List A 6Point....29A, % lb. $095....58a, '91/slb. $105....$200 6P0il1t....28A, 3/, lb. $095....54a, ‘,3l6lb. $§105....$200 8Point....25A,1 I lb. 100....49a, 11/4 lbs. 125.... 225 8P0illt....28A, II/I/6 lbs. $105....58a, 1%» lbs. 120.... 225 10Point....21A, 13/8 lbs. 115....42a, 1”/{6 lbs. 135.... 250 l0P0illt....28A,1% lbs. 120....53a, 1%?» lbs. 130.... 250 12 Point....18A, 1% lbs. 130....35a, 1-V6 lbs. 145.... 275 1-2 P0il1t....2lA, 1‘9‘l/élbs. 135....40a,1%3 lbs. 140.... 275 l4P0int....l6A,2 lbs. 140....31a,21/1 lbs. 160.... 300 14 Point....l6A, 1*?)/olbs. 135....33a, 2916 lbs. 165.... 300 18 Point....13A,2% lbs. 150....25a, 2‘,‘/{6 lbs. 175.... 325 18 Point....13A,2% lbs. 155....72a, 2"/{6 lbs 170.... 325 24 Point.... 7A,2% lbs. 160....l6a,3 lbs. 190.. . 350 24 Point.... 8A, 2"/1/6 lbs. 165.. 17a, 2% lbs 185.. . 350 30 Point.... 7A,3I‘}2{ 215....11a,3‘é3 1:5. 195.. .410 30 Point.... 7A, 33/lo lbs. 200.. 12a, 3% lbs 200.... 40(5) 36Point.... 4A,3 6 s. 230.... 721,3 2 ls. 215.. .445 36P0int.... 5A,3 lbs. 185.. 10a,3,3.V'l/olbs 240.... 42 48Point.... 4A, 53%6 lbs. 310.. . 7a,5% lbs. 315.. . 625 48 Point.... 5A,4~é3 lbs. 275.. 10a, 5% lbs 355.... 638 60Point.... 3A,5+ lbs. 315.. 4a,3/1/6 lbs 205.... 52 LINING GERMAN TITLE—List A 6Point....12 A, ‘%6 lb. $50 85....36a, % lb. $115... $200 LINING GOTHIC NO. 1l7—List A 8Po1nt....13A, 1%. lbs. 105....33a, 1%. lbs. 120.... 225 5 Poi11t,_30A, 7}12,1b_ $090.. 60a, 9/11. lb. s110...$20o 9Po1nt....12A,13/1/olbs. 110....34a, 1"/16 lbs. 140.... 250 , 5% Poi11t___33A, 94/611) 090_ 633, ll/1/1,1b_ 111)___ 200 10Point....10A,11/4 lbs. 105....30a,1’%6lbs. 145.... 250 l 6 1-*0i111,__33A, l}..,/1,11,. 091)__ 653, " 1b_ 110_,_ 200 l2Point....10A.1% lbs. 125....28a, 1%lbs. 150.. . 275 1 8 Point...34A, 1912. lbs. 105.. 63 13,14. lbs. 120... 225 14Point.... 914.1% lbs. 1l0....28a,2% lbs. 190.. . 300 l 10 Point...30A, 1711. lbs. 120. 5821,15/fa lbs. 130... 250 18P0int.... 6A,1%; lbs. 120....l5a,3‘/{6 lbs. 205.. .325 l 13. P01111___25A, 1./11bS_ 130_ 503, 1151}, 11,3 145___ 275 24Point.... 3A.2‘/(6 lbs. 135.... 9a,3% lbs. 215.. . 350 1 14 Poil’lt...2lA, 2112. lbs. 145...39a, 23/.2, lbs 155... 300 30Polnt.... 3A,2% lbs. 170.... 8a,4‘/4 lbs. 265.. .435 18 Point...16A, 2712. lbs. 160. '30a,2% lbs 165... 325 36Pomt.... 324.4% lbs. 270.... 6a, 3%lbs. 245.. .515 24 Point...l1A, 2%. lbs. 160. 21a, 2%; lbs 190... 350 48Point.... 3A,7%lbs. 435.... 6a,6% lbs. 390.. .825 30 Point... 8A, 3 lbs. 185...15a, 371;. lbs 215... 400 36 Point... 6A, 35;; lbs. 225. . 921, 33,11. lbs 200... 425 LINING GOTHIC N0. 47—ListA 42 Pojnt... 6A, 41,116 lbs. 280. .10a, 4_7.u. lbs. 265... 545 6Point....26A, %lb. $090....52a, % lb. s110....$2oo 48 Polnt... SA, 4% lbs. 275...1la,5<-g lbs. 360... 635 8Point....26A, 1%. lbs. 105....50a, 13/(1. lbs. 120.... 54 Pognt... 5A, 6, lbs. 360...l0a.6l2, lbs. 390... 750 10Point....23A, 17/12. lbs. 11S....45a,1% lbs. 135.... l 60 Pognt... 3A, 658, lbs. 400... 4a, 37,16 lbs. 205... 605 12 p0int____19A, 1% 11,3 H373, 115/{61bs, 145__ _ 1 66 Po1nt... 3A, 5911, lbs. 350... 421,333 lbs. 230... S80 14Point....17A 115/{slbs ....34a, 2% lbs. 165.... /2 Polnt... 3A, 6%» lbs. 270... 421.4% lbs. 240... 51° 13 po1m”__14A 27/(61135 ____25a,2%1bs_ 155,_,_ 84 Polnt... 3A,10~}/3 lbs. 580... 3a,5%3 lbs. 315... 895 20P0int....10A,2% lbs ....21a,2% lbs. 175.... 24 Point.... 7A, 2% lbs ....15a, 2‘5/(6 lbs. 185.... 350 LINING GOTHIC TITLE NO. 60—List A 36Point.... 5.4.35/é lbs . 9a. 3% lbs. 205.... 430 6PointNo.601................ ......68A, 3/. lb. ....$1oo 48Point.... 5A 5"/félbs. . 921.5% lbs. 315.... 650 l 6P0intNo.602.......................5lA, % lb. 1o 60 Point.... 3A.65/fa lbs. . 4a.37/8 lbs. 230.. . 610 6Point No. 603 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..43A, 3/. lb. 1 6PointNo.604 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..35A, 3/, lb. 100 LINING GOTHIC N0. 60—ListA 6Po1nt No. 605 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..32A, 3% lb 100 6Point....28A, ‘.346 lb. $100....55a, 3/4 lb. $100__ _$2oo 8Po1nt l\0.606 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..32A,1:/4 lbs..... 125 8pOin1____25A, 11/{61b5_ 5_.__50a’13/{1,1b5_ 120” _ 225 8Po1nt No. 607 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28A,1%/ lbs..... 125 10pOim.___24A,1z{1,1b3_ ____4ga,1%1bS_ 135__ _ 250 10Po1nl...............................23A,l}~16lbs.....140 12 p0in1____20A,1l§.161b5_ ____4(1a,1%1b5_ 140__ _ 275 1218A,2 lbs.....150 13 p0int.___12A,2% 1b5_ M243, 2%, 1bs_ 155__ _ 325 14 Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18A, 2916 lbs..... 180 24 p01m____ 7A, 2l/3,13, 1b5_ ___12a, 2% 1b5_ 170__ , 350 18 Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 13A, 3‘/3 lbs..... 205 30 point____ 411,332, 1bS_ 73,31/{(,1bs_ 190” _ 400 20 Po1llt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10A, lbs..... 225 36 Point.... 3A,4 lbs. 5a,2‘§{6 lbs. 185_, , 435 24 P01llt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A,3//8 lbs..... 250 48P0int.... 3A,6’/(6 lbs. 5a,4%3 lbs. 295,,” 5501 4A,4 , lbs..... 250 60Point.... 3A, 8"/{6 lbs. 421,53/folbs. 315__,, 830 42 3A,5:}/5; lbs..... 325 72 Point.... 3A, 97/{6 lbs. . 4a,S%; lbs. 34()____ 335 54 Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,7-2.1, lbs..... 465 60 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,9l1olbs..... 575 LINING GOTHIC NO. 71—List A 6Point....20A, 3/. lb. 30 95....41a, 912. lb. 51 LINING GOTHIC TITLE N0. 82—ListA 8Point....19A 1‘/{6 lbs. 105....40a, I3/I/6 lbs. 1 6P0intNo.82l......................34A, 3/; lb ....$100 10Point....1g:., gs 12(5)....§3a,1:;//:<»1ll:s. 1 .. 6PointNo.822 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..29A, 32 lb 100 12Point... , /4 S 39a, 6 s. .. ' Y 7 2 3 0 18Point.... 8A 27/i'6lbs 160....15a, 2% lbs. 165.. :30 24Poi1lt.... 5A,2% lbs 175....10a,2‘~?f6lbs. 190.. . ",3 ’ gt ' 00 30POint"H 4A, lbs 8a, 6PO1llt NC. 1/4 1 36Point.... 3A,4"/folbs 275.... 621,4 lbs. 250” 8Po1nt..............................20A, 1/. lbs..... 125 48 Point.... 3A, 75/16 lbs 440.. . 6a,6 lbs. 360.. 10 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16A, 1‘.‘/1’6lbs..... 140 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A, 2 lbs..... 150 LINING GOTHIC N0. 82—ListA 16 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 2?’!/6lbS..... 175 6Point....1§2. 1% $(1l(9)l0l...3§a,1://8 1:. $11t5)....$§gg 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 3 lbs..... 200 8Point.... , . ...3 a, 4 s. - I 9/ 10Point....16A, 17,46 lbs. 120...32a,1% lbs. 130.. . 250 ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ ' ' ' ‘ " E2’ 35”.“ 12Point....12A, 1% lbs. 120...26a,2%s lbs. 155.... 275 . ' ‘ ' ' - ' ' - - ' ' ' ' ’ - ' - ' - - ' ' ~ - ~ - ' ' " ' 1“ 5 14pOint_”_12A, 2%11bS_ 150__21a,2%11bS_ 150” . 300 30P01Ilt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, lbS..... 32 18 Point.... 7A, 25/1/6 lbs. 150...13a,2% lbs. 175_, _ 325 36 Polllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A, 6723 lbs..... 395 24 Point.... SA, 2'91/6 lbs. 180... 9a,2%; lbs. 180.. . 350 48P0illt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A, 85/1/6lbS..... 500 30Point.... 4A, 3%lbs- 230... 7a,35/£6 lbs. 205.. . 435 54Point.............................. 4A,113/(6 lbs..... 670 36 Point.... 3A, 4:/4 :95... 5a,3‘:?6 225.. .3215) 48P0int.... 3A, 7/I/6 s. 50... 521,54 s. 345... 9 . 60 Point.... 3A, 10% lbs. 650... 4a, 7%; lbs. 42s....1o 75 LI’;IgEin‘i°THI° TITLE N0’ 9°‘L‘“ ABA 1/ lb $100 LINING GOTHIC N0_ 90_L1stA 8P01nt l\'o. 1% lbs..... 125 épointu ‘22A,1b. _._43a’ I./3..1’61b. 1 _$200 8p01f1tl\().l.........................l9A,l/1. ll)S..... 125 8po1m____20A1l.1/¢,1bs, __33a,13/{¢,1b5_ 1 225 10Polnt...............................18A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 10Point....17A 1/.» lbs 1 33a, 1"/fa lbs. 125.. . 250 12 Point................................15A,2 lbs.....150 12Point....lSA,1% lbs I ....28a,l'5l’slbs- 145... 275 14Poi1lt...............................13A,2}~é lbs..... 175 18 Point.... 9A 2%» lbs 1 ....17a, 2"/1/6 lbs. 170.. . 325 18po1m 114 3141,1118. 2011 20Point.... 7A,2% lbs 1 ....l3a,2% lbs. 175.. . 325 - 2 ’ 1;; ‘ ' ‘ ' " . .» 20P0lnt............................... 9A 3/3 lbs..... 225 24P0lnt.... SA, 27/(6 lbs 1 ....lla, 33216 lbs. 205.. . 365 . ’ 1 30P0int“” 5A,3%/6 2 9a’ 31,1/flolbs. 230” . 445 BA, 270 36P01nt____3A’4I/1/(,1bs_ 2 _ 53, 41/1., 1bs_ 250__ _ 500 30PO1I1t...............................5A,4’7l“l6ll)S.....300 48 Point.... 3A,65/{6 lbs. 3 . 6a, 67.12» lbs. 385.. . 760 42 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,7V> lbs..... 450 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRICES OF VVeights and Prices given are Approximate. LINING GOTHIC TITLE N0. 117—List A LINING MENU—Llst A 6Po1nt...............................39A, % lb. ....$100 6PolntNo.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..29A, '9{6lb. ....$1o0 8Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..44A,1’/4 lbs..... 125 6Po1ntNo.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23A, 91/61b. 10 10PolntNo.1.........................39A,1’%6lbs..... 140 6PointNo.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20A, lb. 100 10PointNo.2.........................33A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 8PointNo.4.........................22A,1%1bs.....125 1.7Po1nt...............................25A,2 1bs.....150 l0PolntNo.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,1‘%6lbs..... 140 16Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A, 2"/{61bs..... 175 12Po1ntNo.6 ....................... ..16A,2 lbs..... 150 18Point...............................21A,3 lbs..... 200 12PolntNo.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..13A,2’/{6lbs..... 150 20 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A 3% lbs..... 225 24Point...............................14A:3%; lbs..... 250 LINING MODERN AN'I‘IQUE—ListA 30Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,4 lbs..... 250 5poim,,,_22A, 34 lb. s095...4la, ’§q"6lb. $105....$200 36Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,5% lbs..... 335 8Point,...18A, 1 lb. 100...38a,1% lbs. 125.... 225 42 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8 6 lbs..... 360 10Point....19A, 15/I/6 lbs. 110...38a,1% lbs. 140.... 250 48Polllt............................... 6A,6"/{61bs..... 395 12Point....17A, 1‘%6lbs. 125...32a,2 lbs. 150.... 275 54P0111t............................... 6A,7%1bs..... 435 18po1m____11A, 2% lbs. 155 21a,2"/{6lbs_170_,_325 60Polm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,5%o1bs..... 335 20Point._.. 8A, 25/fslbs. 150...15a,2% lbs. 175.. .325 72 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A,7%1bs.....43S 24Point_,_, 6A, 2%; %70. .13a,2§slEs. 185,. , 355 30Point....5A, 34 s 00. 8,34 s. 235....435 LINING GRACE sCRIPT—ListE 36 Point.... SA, 4:/A $5 370. 7a,lEs. 240.. . 510 30Point No.1...5A, 2% lbs. $245...15a, 3% 1bs.$305...550 42Point.... 4A. 4 8 s- 95. 8a, 2 s. 330.. .625 3013' N _2___ A 211 1b_ 2 2 II _ so 48Po1nt.... 4A, 6% lbs. 400. 6a,6 lbs. 360.. . 760 0”” 0 4 ’ X6 S 30 1a’3”{°1bS 320 5 60Point.... 3A, 834 lbs. 525. 4a,6‘.’/felbs. 395.. .920 LINING GRANT_List A 72 Point.... 3A,1038 lbs. 600. 3a, 51.5% lbs. 335.. . 935 i3§2%fiI::::%§‘2: 1132: l§3::::i§::l7§§‘:.l€§: ii‘s’:::: 3?? {gg--~~~$;gg I4POInt....I7A,2/I/6 lbs. 145.. 3421,23/{61bs 155.... 300 . ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ’ 7 18Point....15A, 27/.4, lbs. 160.. 30a,2% lbs 165.... 325 “P0!” - - - - - - - - - - - - = ‘ - - - - - - - - - ~ - ' ' ' ' “ Sfilgé igsm" 24Poil1t....10A,2‘5/{61bs. 190.. 19a,2‘%6lbs l70....360 36P0mt"""""""'"""""""" ’ 6 S’ 30Point.... 8A,3 lbs. 190.. 15a,37/1’6lbs 210.... 400 . 36 Point.... 5A,3% lbs. 205.. 10a, 3% lbs 225.... 430 UNINQMOORISH °PEN"L‘*°'* A 4A W lb 175 48 Point.... 6A, 5%lbs. 350.. 9a, 4‘_‘/felbs. 280.... 630 14Po}nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . — . . . . . ..1A.§2lbs.....$2o0 54Point.... 5A,67,{8 lbs. 385.. 9a,6%3 lbs 395.... 780 18Po;nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,3y1bs.---- 250 60Point.... 4A,63/(6 lbs. 370.. 921,7‘/4 lbs. 435.... 805 24Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - -- 2A.6I/g lbs---.- 375 72point____ 3,1,5? 1bs_ 390” 4a,3:?,1bs_ 22o_,__ 510 36Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , 6 84Point.... 3A,9 3 lbs. 525.. 3a,4 elbs. 265.... 790 LINING MYRTLE SCRIPT—List E LINING HAZEL SCRIPT—List E 18 Polnt....9A, 1% lbs. 31 85.....19 a, 23/; lbs. 32 65....$4 50 14Point....6A, 17/1/6 lbs. $l60.....19a, 1%lbs. 32 15....$375 24Pomt....6A,2%1bs. 210.....20a,3/w1bs- 290--~ 500 18 Point....6A, 2%; lbs. 210.....15a,2% lbs. 240.... 450 _ 24 Point....4A, 2% lbs. 200.....13a,33/8 lbs. 300.... 500 LINING NADALL—L1stA 36Polnt....3A,37s lbs. 315..... 8a, 4%. lbs. 335.... 650 5PointNo,1 , . . . , _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..40A, 3//. 111:. ....$igg 6PointNo.2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..32A, 4 LINING HAZLETT SCRIP'I‘—ListE 6Po_int No.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..25 A, f/4 lb. 100 12Point....9A, 1%. lbs.$135.....26a, 1% lbs. 32 15....$35o 8Po1nt.............................—-24A,14 lbs---~ 125 18Point....7A,1'%6lbs. 180.....22a, 2‘%61bs. 270.... 45 igllgoint ............................. uigzz. 1:3 .. , L1NINGI0NIC_L15TA 18Point...............................11A,3 lbs..... 200 , - .. 8A 4% lbs..... 265 6Point....20A, % lb. $095....40a, Iélslb. 3105....$2oo 24P°”“"""""""""""“""‘ ’ 8Point....19A,1%z lbs. 110....37a,1%s lbs. 115.... 225 . 10Point....18A,1% lbs. 125....35a, 1%. lbs. 125.... 250 1-1N1NG_NE5T°R5CR1PT“L"'E - 3 Is 12P t 18A 1%lbs.$180....36a17X6lbs.$170....$350 12Po1nt....15A,1A lbs. 130....28a,1/fslbs. 145.... 275 oln--~ . v 5 ' I 1 18Polnt.... 9A 23/fa lbs. 220....28a,2/{6 lbs. 230.... 450 14Polnt....12A,2/fialbs. 145....23a,2/4 lbs. 155.... 300 , » 3 4 20 wflbs 255 500 16Point.... 9A,2'/1/6 lbs. 140....18a,2% lbs. 160.. .300 24Po;nt....6A,2/41bs- 2 5--~ 8» 6 - ' I I 36P nt 4A 3%lbs. 320....13a 4 lbs. 330.... 650 20Polnt.... 8A, 22 lbs. 165....15a, 22 lbs. 165.. .330 0} y » 24Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 17S....10a, 2% lbs. 180.. .355 48Po1nt....3A,5%s1bs- 370.-.—10a.5%1bs- 380--~ 750 LINING JEWELL 5cR1p1‘__L;,t E LINIl:G_ NORMAN CONDENSED—List A26A ly lbs $1 25 20Point....6A 25/{6lbs.$220....21a 3 lbs.$280....$S00 8 omt . - - . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . H4 - ’ ’ P’ ...............................26A,1/{6lbs.....140 24P°mt""5A’2%1bs' 225""14a’3%°1bs‘ 275"" 50° . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A,2;//';:c.lbs..... 150 - .. lb 1 L1NING.LAKES‘DE5°R‘PT—“-‘*5 $81‘38%3§:.':::::::::::::::::::::::::::..1131.‘, 235 “P0!”----1°A»1%lbs-3145-‘--2831“1b5'$2°5-"'$35° 24Point...............................10A 3% lbs..... 250 181’°!“‘---- 8A11'%"”’5- 195---'22a’2%"1b5- 255"” 45° 36Point............................... 6A,47/{6lbs..... 275 24Po1nt.... 5A,2% lbs. 200....16a, 3% lbs. 300.... 500 36 Point.... 4A, 3% lbs. 3 10....1la, 45/{6 lbs. 355.... 665 LINING OBLIOUE G0THIC_ListB . P’ ....18A, 3/ lb. $100....35a, %lb. 3100.. .$z00 LINING LIGHT M°DERN_L'“ A gPElE:....16A,1V:; lbs. 110....3la,1% lbs. 115.. . 225 24Point....7A,2‘%6lbs.$165.....14a,2‘?/fi.lbs.$190....$355 1OP0int_.__14A,1<1/{61b5_ 130____27a,1I/21bs_ 12()__ 250 30Point....5A,3% lbs. 195.....10a,3%lbs. 230.... 425 14p0int____12A’2I/,1bs_ 15o_,,_20a,2 lbs. 140.. 300 36Point....5A,4%s lbs. 255..... 8a, 3'%slbs. 245.... 500 20Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 170....11a, 2% lbs. 155.. 325 42 Point....4A,5 lbs. 300..... 8a,5% lbs. 335.... 635 30Point.... 4A, 3% lbs. 225.... 7a, 33/(6 lbs. 200.. 425 ' . 80 48 Po1nt....4A,7 lbs. 420..... 6a,6 lbs 360 7 LINING OLIVER No.3 (Typewriter, List‘; $ L1N1N(;MAYo_1_;,tB 12 Po1nt.... 7A,1 lb. $0 75....36a,2,61bs.$200.... 275 6Point No.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2lA, 3//1 lb. ....$1oo 12Pomt....16A.2%s1bs. 150.—..80a,6 lbs. 450-... 600 6Point No 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A 34 lb. 100 . . ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ LINING PANTAGRAPH SCRIPT -—L1st E 8Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 122:, llgsn... 1:151 12Poim'm13A,1%1bS.$180m_36a,1%1bS_s170____$350 1°P°}“""'-"W"""-"""'-*""' 1 4 18Point....10A 2% lbs. 240....26a,2%s lbs. 210.. . 450 % b 150 ’ 12 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A,2I6I 24P0int__” 7A, 215/I/61bS_ 260_.__20a’2%1bS_ 240__ _ 500 16Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 2‘n’61bs..... 180 36p0im____ 5A,4 1bs_ 33o___,14a,31%,1b5, 32o__ _ 550 18Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,3‘/{6 lbs..... 205 43point,__, 3A,5,7/3 lbs. 3S0....12a,5"/{61bs. 405... 755 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A,45/1/6 lbs..... 275 60Point.... 4A,7 lbs. 505....11a,7 lbs. 505.. .1010 POINT‘-LINE, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 1005 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRICES OF \\'c-13.51115 aml Prices givcll .'1rv .-\ppmxilll;1tc. LINING PLATE GOTHIC—List A 6Poi11tNo.1 ..33A, % lb. ....$100 6P0intNo.2.. ..28A, 711 lb. 100 6Poil1t N0.3.. ..25A, 3/111). 100 6Poi11t N0.4.. .. 2()A, '31s lb. 105 8P0intNo.5.. .20A,1% lbs..... 125 13 Point No.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,1% lbs..... 125 10 Poi11tN0.7 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17A, 1‘,‘141'l’6ll)s..... 1 40 12 Point No.8 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15A, 2 lbs. . . .. 150 12 Point No.9 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l2A,2 lbs..... 150 14Point...............................10A,2% lbs..... 185 18Point............... 8A,3'/1/6 lbs..... 205 24Poi11t.......................... 6A, 3% lbs..... 250 LINING PLATE SCRIPT—List E 14 P0int....10A, 15"]/(21bS.$$145..../2.981, 2 lbs. $2 30....$3 75 18PoiI1t....8A,13}/.{,1bs. 17S....23a, 29/. lbs. 275.... 450 24 Poi11t.... 6A, 2?”1(> lbs. 2 30. .. 1421, 3 lbs. 2 70.... 5 00 36 Point.... 5A, 33,111 lbs. 260....13a, 4% lbs. 390.. .650 48P01Ilt....4A,4%.1l)S. 345.... 921,5-X3 lbs. 405.... 750 LINING PLATE SCRIPT NO. 2-List E 14 Poil1t....8A,1T16lbs.$%l25.....25a,2% lbs. 32 50....$3 75 18 Poil1t....7A, 1‘?’16lbs. 155. ....21a, 21516 lbs. 2 95.... 450 24 Poil1t....5 A, 211.. lbs. l85.....16a,3% lbs. 315.. 500 36 Point....4A, 25/£1 lbs. 215.....l321, 55.12, lbs. 435.. 650 48 Point. . ..3 A, 31,5/I/61138. 2 85.... . 921, 67/1?) lbs. 4 65. 7 50 LINING PLATE SCRIPT NO. 3—List E 14P0iI1t....8A,1 lb. $1 15.....25a, 2516 lbs. ‘,15360....$375 18 Point....7A,1%o1bs. 155. ....21a, 2‘,5~16 lbs. 2 95.... 450 24P01I1t....5A,2.l«1/61bS. 185.... .16a, 37:3 lbs. 315.... 500 36 Point....4A, Z5/é lbs. 215. ....13a, 55/1/6 lbs. 4 35.... 650 48 P0irlt....3A, 31$’!/61bS. 2 85. 9a, 6716 lbs. 4 65. .. 7 50 LINING PREMIER SCRIPT—List E 14 Point . . . . . . ..6A, 1712. lbs. $1 60. .. 19a, 1‘5161bs.:3215..$3 75 18 Point . . . . . . ..6A, 2 lbs. 200...16a, 2%, lbs. 2 50.. 450 24 Point . . . . . . ..4A, 2:‘/é lbs. 215. ..1221, 33.16 lbs. 285. 5 O0 36 Point . . . . . . ..3A, 3”/{6 lbs. 3 05... 8a, 4% lbs. 3 45. 6 50 48 Point . . . . . . . .3A,63'l/6 lbs. 445... 4a, 478 lbs. 315. 760 48 Point No. 2..3 A, 6% lbs. 4 55... 421,4,‘/1; lbs. 2 95.. 750 LINING PRINCESS SCRIPT—List E 14 Point....10A,13/3 1bs.$155....30a,1'516lbs.55225....$3 30 18 Point.... 9A,2_ lbs. 200....25a, 2% lbs. 250.... 450 30 Point.... 6A, 2516 lbs. 2 55....17a, 37416 lbs. 2 95 5 50 LINING PRINCETON—List A 14 P0iI1t....18A, 2%; lbs. 81 50....35a, 2'/1; lbs.;‘5150....$3 00 18 Poillt....12 A, 25/11 lbs. 155....22a, 2‘."16lbs. 170.... 3 25 24 Point.... 7A, 2% lbs 170.... 1321, 2316 lbs 180.. 3 S0 36 Point.... SA, 3516 lbs 250.. 721, 3'16 lbs 190.. 440 54 Point.... 4A, 73/1/6 lbs 4 35.. 621.5% lbs 3 45.. 7 80 72Poi11t.... 3A,83{61bs. 475.... 321,4‘/lo. lbs 260.. 735 LINING RACINE—List A 6Point No. :1/4 lb.....$1 00 6P0intN0.2..........................22A, 5/4lb.....100 8P0int . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A,1% lbs.... 125 10 Point.... 19A, 1% lbs.... 140 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16A, 21/1'6 lbs. 150 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 10A, 3}/6 lbs.... 205 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 4516 lbs.. 2 60 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A, 5,: lbs.. 335 LINING RACINE CIRCULAR—-List A 8 P0int....21A,1l1?3lbs.$105....40a,1%6l1)s.$12()....$2 25 10 P0int....18A, 17/1/6ll)S. 120....36a,15/fa lbs. 130.. . 250 12 Pol'nt....16A,1:‘/3, lbs. l30....30a, 11516 lbs. 145.. . 275 14P0int....l2A,2 lbs. 140....25a,291/elbs. 165.. . 305 LINING REMINGTON (Typewriterl——List A 10 Point.... 6A, '34}, lb. s065....34a,2% lbs.1$185.. .$25o 10 Po111t....14A, 1%» lbs. 120....70a,4% lbs. 380. .500 LINING REMINGTON NO. 2 (Typewriterl——List A 1.7. PO1I1t.... 6A, lb. 350 65....35a, 2551:/1» lbs. 352 10....$2 75 13 I’Olllt....15A, 1% lbs. 140....80a, 67316 lbs. 460.... 600 LINING REMINGTON N0. 6 (Typewriterl—List A 12 Point.... 7A,1 ’lb. $0 75....36a, Z1.‘/l6l1')S. $2 00....$2 75 12 PO1l1t....16 A, 1516 lbs. 1 45....85a,63/16 lbs. 4 55.... 6 LINING REMINGTON NO. 7 (Typewriter)—List A 12 Point.... 7A,l lb. $0 75....35 a, 21%/(5 lbs. $2 00....$2 75 l2POint....15A,2%;1bS. l55....80a,6 lbs. 445.... 600 BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S 1 LINING RUNIC—List A JOB TYPE 10 Poil1t....22A, 1}/4 1bs.$1 10....43a,1‘.‘{b1bs.$140....$250 12 P0i111....l8A, 15/é lbs. 120....37a, 2516 lbs. 155.... 275 14 P0i11t....l4A, 178 lbs. 130....27a, 25% lbs. 170.. 300 18PO111t....1lA,25’{61bS. l50....20a,2,5/13 lbs. 175.. . 325 24 Point.... 7A, 2% lbs. l7()....12a, 2916 lbs. 180.. . 350 30 Point.... 5A, 2% lbs. 170. lla,3‘.l{6lbs. 230.. . 400 42 Point.... 5A,45/£1 lbs. 280.. 8a, 41‘/:3 lbs. 260.... 540 54 Point.... 4A, 5% lbs. 345.. 8a, 6311. lbs. 410.... 755 LINING SOUTHEY—List A 6Point....24A, 3/4 lb. s090....50a, ’91'«.lb. s110....$2oo 8Point....22A, 11/1/(5 lbs. 110....43a, 13/16 lbs. 115.... 225 10Poi11t....22A,1%1bs. 125....43a,1°/fblbs. 125.... 250 12P0i11t....19A, 15/, lbs. 130....38a,1'5{61bs. 145.. . 275 14P0int....17A,2%; lbs. 150....34a,2%;1bs. 150.... 300 18Poi11t....13A, 27161135. 160....25a,2‘/:1 lbs. 165.... 325 24 Point.... 8A, 2”/1/61bS. 175....17a, 2% lbs. 175.... 350 30 Point.... 6A, 3%; lbs. 210.. 11a,3'/{s lbs. 190.... 400 36Poil1t.... 5A,4 lbs. 250.. 1321.3}/s lbs 195.... 445 42 Point.... 3A.5911. lbs. 335.. . 6a,3% lbs 195.. . 530 54 Point.... 4A,6‘/.5; lbs. 370.. 721,55/1/3 lbs 340.. . 710 72 Point.... 3A, 7916 lbs. 455.. 3a, 4,‘/8 lbs 235.. . 690 LINING SPENCER—List 6Point No. .28A, % lb.....$100 8P0int........... 28A,1%1bs....125 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..24A,1‘.‘4{61bs.... 140 12 20A,2 lbs.. . 150 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A,3‘/1'2.lbs.. . 205 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A,43/lolbs.... 270 30P0i11t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,5 lbs.... 310 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A, 6% lbs.... 400 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A,8% lbs . 520 60 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3—\,7% lbs.... 455 LINING STANDARD SCRIPT—List E 14 P0int....6A 1?16lbs.$160.....21a,1‘5vl2l1bs.$215....$375 18PO1I1t....6A,23/161bS. 215..... a, Zélfolbs. 235.... 450 24 Point....5A,2% lbs 235.. 12a, 2‘-7{6lbs. 265.... 500 361>oim....3A,3%lbs. 305.... 8a,4% lbs. 345.... 650 48P0illt....3A,5Z/8 lbs. 425..... 421.4% lbs. 325.... 750 LINING STEELPLATE —List F 12 8A,1% lbs ..$160 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..6A,2‘5'1olbs.... 225 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..5A,3%1bs....290 LINING STERLING—List A 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 18A, U16 lb.....$100 8Point.................. l7A,1% lbs .125 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16A, 11.1/I/61138.... 1 40 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15A,2l"lb lbs . 150 20 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,31}/1% lbs.... 225 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 64, 4116 lbs . 250 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 4‘,316 lbs . 300 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 6% lbs .425 48 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A, 85.12, lbs .500 LINING STILLSON——List A 6Point No.1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..33A, ‘.51a1b.....$100 6P0i11tN0.2..........................25A, '.31b1b.....100 6Point1\'0.3..........................22A,'}161b.....100 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20A,1% lbs.... 125 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A, 1% lbs.... 140 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. l6A,2 lbs.... 150 18Point................................l1A,3 lbs.... 200 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,4 lbs.... 255 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 45316 lbs.... 300 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,6'y{5lbs.... 375 LINING TASSO—List A 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2lA, 9/11b.....$1oo 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..20A,1% lbS.... 125 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A,1% lbs....145 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16A,2I/1/61bS.... 155 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A,3 lbs.... 200 24Poil1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 4371?) lbs.... 270 LINING TASSO NO. 2-List A 8Point....21A,1%;1bs.:31l0....40a,1%s1bs.$1l5....$225 10Point....l8A,1‘/é lbs. 125....36a,19n”6lbs. 125.... 250 121-’oil1t....l5A, 17/4; lbs. 140....30a,1’91’6lbs. 135.... 275 14 POII1t....13A,2l’11) lbs. 145....26a, 23/1'6 lbs. 155.. . 300 1006 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRICES OF JOB TYPE \Veigl1ts and Prices given are Approxilllate. LINING TYPEWRITER N0. 1—List A ‘ MERIT—List A 8POl11t....9A, lb. s065....44a, 1% lbs. $160....$225 1 6Po'1nt....23A, lb. $O95...44a, '9-1111b. s105....$20o 8Point....l8A.,1‘§4 lbs. ll5....80a, 2‘.316 lbs. 285.... 400 ~ 8Polnt....21A, 1‘{6 lbs. 105...40a, 1_3/1/6 lbs. 120.... 225 10Point....21A, 1312 lbs. 115...42a,1-;/s, lbs. 135... 250 . 7 ' J 17 7 1/ - F 11 1::11:5~~1:1» 1/8 11:: 11332 11:: 123155 :11 l8POlI1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 71-‘\,2i3.. lbS....$Z00 18 pOint___.11A: 25/{61bS_ l50_._31a:2%1bS: 325 ..4P0lI1t.................................6A,3.l6lbS....295I 30p0mt____8A’ 2%/(?1bS_ 145_._16a’3,3/4/1bS_ 180____3z5 36 Polnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..44\,55/16 lbS.... 400 34 pointnn 6A, 21;i61ES_ 180_._11a’3;316%1gS_ 180____ 360 36Poillt.... SA, 3 415. 230..10a,4/fa s 285.... 515 LINING UTILITY G0'[H1C_List A 48 Po1nt.... SA, 6:/‘l/6 lbs 395. 9a, lbs 385.... 780 61901111 No. 2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . ..31A.‘§1o1b....$100 1 5Q11:°!m---- §§113{f,}lgS- gal}? -7‘;---3 53° 6Poir1tNo. 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..37A,‘9q"6lb....100l 7- °”“-'-- 1 " 5 '° ‘*1 4 S 3°"-39° 6Point N0. 12 '§*{6lb.... 100 6 Point No. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 41A, ’,316lb.... 1 00 I M1551()N_List A ()l)0lI1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l % 1 8Point....2SA,1%s lbs. 110.. 49a,1V8 lbs. 115 .. 225 LINING V1~:NETlAN—List B 1171 11:o1jnt....21gr:1 12$. 128.. lbs 10Point....18A 1°61bs.$125....35a 112 lbs. 125.... 250. - 010‘--~ ‘B 5- -- 1 /16 5 °--- 12 Point....16A, 11.4}, lbs. 140....3la' 11{1slbs.$135....$275 ‘ 14P01m----1°A~2%3,1b5- 15°----39av 3%‘ ”’3- 15°-- - 300 l8Point .llA’2%; lbs. 190 ...19a'2£1”1. lbs 135.... 325 18P01nt~---11A127/161bS- 160----33812/:.1b& 165-- 325 ‘ ' ’ ' 1 24Point.... 7A, 25/{6lbs. 185....12a,2}/2 lbs. 165.. 350 I 30 Point.... 6A, 31316 lbs. 240....10a,3 lbs. 185.... 425 LINING VULCAN—List A 1 36 Point.... 5A, 4316 lbs. 275.. . 9a, 3916 lbs. 235. . 510 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19A,1% lbs....$130 1 42 Point.... SA, 61,’.-1”1.lbs. 400.... 721,41/4 lbs 255 655 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A,13/.1bs....145 i 48Point.... 591.7% lbs. 465.. . 7a.5% lbs. 315 .780 14Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..11A, 2% lbs....17s 1 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A, 33,111 lbs.... 210 ' , 30POlI1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A,53/121 lbs.... 320 1 M0DI1;3—_1—1S**§5A 3/. lb $095 773 Bub $105 $200 o1nt.... , 4. . ...... , '1 . . gPoint....13A,1 lb. 100....27a,1% lbs. 125.... 225 I-INING WIDE 5PENCER“'L‘s‘ A 10 Point....12 A, 171;, lbs. 120....Z4a, 1%, lbs. 130.... 2 so 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A, '912.1b.....$1o5 1_2_pOint____1()Ay 17.1; lbs. 140.. 19a,1’.3161bs. 135.... 275 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A,1% lbs.... 145 18 Point.... 7A,2-5/2 lbs. 170....12a, 25/1/6 lbs. 155.... 325 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A,2 lbs.... 150 1 24 point”, 5A,3% lbs. 210.. 7a, 232 lbs. 160.. . 370 18Poi11t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A,3% lbs.... 215 1 36p0int____ 3A,5 lbs. 310.. 5a,3%, lbs 215.. .525 24Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, 4% lbs.... 265 1 48poim__._ 3A,89/{1,1bs. 515.. 3a, 43716 lbs 250.. . 765 30Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5A,4%1bs....300 i . —— i A LINING YOST (Typewriter)—LIST A } M°§§§:1tFRA§:Uf1{§?bS5$0ifN40,.’ 2/. 1b_ $115____$2o0 12 Point.... 8A, 1%, lbs. $080....35a, 2,5/8 lbs. $195....$275 , 9pOim""14A’ 1% lbs. 115‘___40a, 1% lbs, 135___, 250 12Point....18A,2%s lbs. 155....83a.6 1115- 445 -- 50° 5 10Point:...13A:17161bs: 115....36a, lbs. 135.... 250 12Point....12A, 1/1 lbs. 145.. 34 1.1}. s. 145.... 275 LUXOR N0. 5—List B ' 14 Point....11A, 11,512. lbs. 135.. 32:11, 2://11. lbs. 165.... 300 6Point....22A, 3/11b. $095...42a, '9»1'2,lb. s105....$2oo I 16Point.-.. 9A1? ,1b5- 135-~---4312‘/3 lbs 165"" 30° - » 1 ° 7:1 2111. lbs. 135....22a,2%s lbs 190.... 325 8Po1nt....l8A, 1 lb. 10U...38a,1/4 lbs. 125.... 225 1 18Po1nt.... / , . 37.11) no 350 10Point....15A, 1% lbs. 105...34a,1% lbs. 145.... 250 1 24Po1nt....4A.21.1bS- 139- 133% slblbs ;70---- 4 5 12 Point....14A, 1% lbs. 130. 27a,2 lbs. 145.... 275 1 30Po1nt.... 311.21; lbs- 153- 2314;’ b5 -45---- 625 14Point....11A, 2 lbs. 140. 22a, 2512 lbs. 160.... 300 42Point.... 3=\.4~7s1bS- 350-- ’a»5/4 15 3 2 18 Point.... SA, 2:1/6 155.. 17a,2~2/I lbs. 180.... 335 24Point.... SA, 2.42. s. 155.. 11a,3.1’1. lbs. 200.... 355 _- 36Poi1lt.... 3A, 4%. lbs. 285.. 6a,4¥/1/6 lbs. 250.... 535 MODERN GOTHIE L,:§‘1‘: $095 383 9/1,‘) lb ..105_H$z00 48P0int....3A,7‘}1?1lbs.460.. 4a,5£1’1. lbs. 305.... 765 ' 5P0!“----19 v 3° - SW41’ ,3..61b' *105 200 60Point.... 3A,11.1/s lbs. 670.. 4a,7§1“1.lbs. 440....111o ' 6£o1nt....i1;[!:, 1//11132.5 11135..-36:, 13./frflb-S How 225 8 o1nt.... , /16 . 1 - - -- - I ' ‘/1 . 135.. 2 MARSHALL ITALIC N0. 5—ListB 9l>o1nt....1g:, 1:: lb): 125“ 2:3 6Point....22A, %lb. $105....40a, % lb. s095....$2oo 10P°}“‘---- 1 ’~’ ' °", ’ 15/ lb’ 145 275 - 7 I — 1 12Po1nt....13A, 1%1bs. 130----6a. 1.16 5- -- 8Po1nt....-0A,1fls lbs. 110....37.11, 1/1 lbs. 115.... 225 . I5, ,, ,5.1b 165 300 10Point....17A,1‘/5 lbs. 125....32a, 1%. lbs. 125.... 250 1 14Po1nt....10.:., 7l;sl}l;s. lg§...I;:. §I}slb:- 16S.- 330 l 18P0iIlt....8., -2 S. , /2 . 1 - 11/ 75/ MAZARIN N0_5_L;st A 24 Po1nt.... SA, 231/e.1bs. 123..-11931 35? 6Point....28A, -3/.1b. $095....58a, ’3{s1b. 3105. ..$2oo . 30P0}m---- 4A~ 3;‘‘’”’5- ;~ 3’ 4;,°1b' ;55" 520 8Poi11t....24A, 13.1}. lbs. 120. .46a,l,‘1"6 lbs. 105.. .225 36Polnt.... 3A, 44/ lbs. _65... 6a, gm s. - 10Point....21A,1% lbs. 125....4Za, 1% lbs. 125.... 250 1 42 Point.... 3A, 6311, lbs. 380... sa, 4/; lbs. 260... 640 12 Poi11t....17A, 1%; lbs. 140....36a,1‘,516lbs. 1 5.. .275 48 Point.... 3A, 7% lbs. 440... 5a, 5% lbs. 330... 770 14 Poi11t....15A,2l{6 lbs. 145....28a, 23.16 lbs. 155.. 300 “Point 3A 9% 11,5, 590___ 3a, 5% lbs, 330... 920 18Point....11A,2"/islbs. 160....21a,2£é lbs. 165.. 325 . ' 3A’12.,{61bS 755”. 4a 71s.,.,1bs_ 470m1225 24Point.... 7A,2’51’6lbs. 190. ..12a,2%1bs. 170.. 360 I 6°P°¥“""' A’15” lb’ 870 3a’ 7% lbs 465 1335 30Point.... 6A,3'?1/olbs. 235.... 9a,3.‘{6 lbs. 195.. 430 . 72 P01I1t.... 3 , 3 S. 3 ,1)I/ lb. 630...19l5 36Point.... SA 4916 lbs 290.... 7a, 33/é lbs. 210.. 500 | 96Po1nt....3A,24fl1bS.1285--- 3, ~ 8 5- 48Point.... 5A,7%1 lbs. 430. .. 8a, 5%. lbs. 335.. 755 1 60 Point.... 3A, 8% lbs. 530. .. 4a,5% lbs. 330.. 860 1 MODERN GOTHIC C0NDEN5ED__1_is, A 9 oint....26A, 1?/12. lbs. 21 20....50a, 1% lbs. $1 30....$2 50 MAZARIN ITALIC NO. 5——List B ‘ 11:ol1lt....22A, 1916 lbs. 125....45 a, Zy 275 6Poi11t....27A, %lb. $l00....52a, ~21 lb. $l00....$200 ‘ 14Po1nt....18A,l5, lbs. 140.. §8a,g<4 lbs §.- . 300 8Point....24A 111:, lbs. 110....46a 13.11. lbs. 115.. .225 18Po1nt....13A,2/16 lbs. 150.... 6a,-/1 s 17-.... 325 - 1 7. , ’ 5 .250 24Point.... 9A, 2% lbs. 170.. 16a, 2‘?/zslbs 180.. . 350 10Po1nt....20A, 1.11. lbs. 1-0....40a, 1/; lbs. 130.. _ , 1 121361111 17A 11311. lbs 135 333. 1% lbs. 140.. . 275 30 Po1nt.... 7A, 33/11. lbs. 195.. 13a,3/4/ lbs 205.. . 400 131 Poin1""14A' 2'.121lbs° l45'""26a’ 23/1. lbs. 155.. . 300 1 36Point.... 5A, 3% lbs. 225... 8a, 3311, lbs 200.. .425 1a1>ol111""11A’2}4 lbs. 165""19aZ 27,41. lbs. 160.. .325 1 42 Point.... SA, 4% lbs. 295... 321.4% lbs 275.... 570 24 Point:::: 611’ 21.31;. lbs. 180 11a,2% lbs. 170.. .350 ; 48Point.... 4A, sys lbs. 310... 8a, 5,3/.3 lbs 320.... 630 30 Point.... 6A: 3316 lbs. 235.... 9a,3 lbs. 190.. .425 1 54 Point.... 4A,6l»16 lbs. 365... 821, 617,16 lbs 385.. .750 36Point.... 5.»x,4£5 lbs. 250. 8a, 3% lbs. 240.. .520 1 60 l>olnt.... 3A, 6,»;/11 lbs. 400.. 4a, 41/s, lbs 250.. . 650 48 Point.... SA, 7226 lbs. 455 . 7a, 5133’!/6 lbs. 350.. . 805 I 72 Po1nt.... 3A,7,/I6 lbs. 460.. 421,5/16 lbs .95.. 755 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET, POINT-BODY 1007 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEOUALED I» \ , ‘ 0» , 9ol~Y Ll~( Q , DDO.NV§[T< £% PRICES OF \\'ci;:llts and Prices given are Approxillmtc. BARNHART BROS. & SPINDLER’S I008 MODERN GOTHIC CONDENSED TITLE—List A l MONITOR N0. 5—List A 6PointNo.1. ...53A, -/4 lb.....$100. 6I’oint....25A, 3/.’ lb. ga095....49a, '3{slb. $105....$200 6Point No.2.. ...40A, 9}’/1lb.....100 I 8Point....25A,1 lb. 100....49a,1/4 lbs. 125.... 225 6P0int No.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34A, —/. 1b..... 100 1 10 Point....23A, 171;, lbs. 120....45a,1-is lbs. 130.... 250 8Point No.4.. ..36A, 1% lbs.. 125 l 12P0i11t....30A, 1% lbs. 130.. 40.1, 1'§lolbs. 145.... 275 8Point No.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3lA, 1% lbs.. 125 « l4Point....16A,1'5l2»lbs. 140....3l.1, 25/ft. lbs. 160.. . 300 10 Point No.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .34A, 15% lbs.. 140 l 18 Poil1t....l1A,23/16 lbs. l45....22a,2;‘«i lbs. 180.... 325 l0Poil1t N0.7.. ..29A, 1%/6 lbs. 140 24 Point.... 7A, 27/I/6 lbs. 155....l5a,3 lbs. 195.. . 350 12Point...............................23A, 2 lbs. 150 30Point.... 5A,3 lbs. 190.. l1a,3‘£l’«.lbs. 225...415 14Point...............................31A, 255 lbs.... 175 36Poillt.... 4A, 3% lbs. 215.... 7a, 35/ll lbs. 215.... 430 16P0int...............................l7A, 29/{6 1bs.. . 175 42 Point.... 4A,4% lbs. 270.. . 721,471/(llbs. 270.... 540 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A, 3 lbs. .200 48 Point.... 4A, 53/lb lbs. 315.... 7a,53l&llbs. 310.... 625 20Point...............................l5A, 3%. lbs. .225 54Point.... 3A,6% lbs. 375.... 621,6.‘/4' lbs. 375.... 750 24Point...............................12A, 4 lbs. .260 60Poil1t.... 3A,7‘/2% lbs. 440.... 421, 4I.3lOlbS. 290.... 730 30Point............................... 7A, 4%; lbs. . 21:3 72 Point.... 3A, 82.’. lbs. 490.... 4a, 5%. lbs. 320.... 810 36Poi11t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, 5 s. . 42 6A, 6‘/{olbs.... 365 OLD ROMAN BOLD—ListA 48Point............................... SA, 67I1’olbs. 390 6p0im__,_z4A, 3111). s095....49a, '9.2.lb. i%105...$200 54Point............................... SA, 8 lbs.... 480 gpOlm_.__23A, 11,,/;,lbS_ l10___.44a,13,,;,lbs, 115... 225 60Point..................... 3A, 6% lbs.... 400 10p0im____ggA, 1%1bS, 130__ 433,1?/liglbs. 130... 250 72Point............................... 3A, 9"/1’o1bs.... 555 1gpOint____17A, 1I;{61b5. 135__ 333,17; lbs, 140... 275 84Point...............................3A,13 lbs.... 730 14poim____13A, 3 lbs_ 145” 25a,2% lbs, 155... 300 96Poi11t............................... 3A, 16 lbs.... 835 1;-;p0im__._10A 271.}, lbs_ 150__ 19a,2% lbs. 165... 325 120Point............................... 3A, 253/l{olbs....1200 34 poimnu 5A: 21%., lbs, 175__ 12a’2% lbs, 175... 350 30 Polnt.... SA, 3'3/{6 lbs 200.. 10a, 351%; lbs. 225... MODERN GOTHICITALIC-MB iS’§8:iit"" E12’ §«i”}:lE:* $33" 3:'ll’é§' §8‘§::: 535 6Point....16A, -% lb. 095....31a, '3x’e1b. IOS.-- 200 54Point.... 3A: 71,5/folbs. 475.. 6a: 7%s1bs 455... 930 8Point....l6A, 1%; lbs. 115....28a,1% lbs. 110... 225 60Point.... 3A, 9% lbs. 575.. 4a,5%3 lbs 305... 880 10Point....13A, 1%.. lbs. l20....28a,1% lbs. 130... 250 72 Point.... 3A,115-6 lbs. 670.. 321.5% lbs 335---1°05 12Point....12A, 1%lbs. 130....23a,2 lbs. 145... 275 . 14 Point....10A, 2% lbs. 160....17a,2 lbs. 140... 300 01-9 RQMAN CONDENSED-LI8tA_ _/ $200 18 Point.... 7A, 2% lbs. 165....l3a, 22.2. lbs. 160... 325 211301":---32):. 1176 $135101.-..iga. 1;/8 lb-S 5} 225 24P0int.... SA, 2% lbs. 135.... 9a, 2'9le.1bs. 1230... 365 10Pgl§t"-'24A»17f}61b:- 120“ 483113,: lb; 130;: 250 30P0im---- 3A» 3%1b5- 7-35--~ 6a,33/I’%1b5- 300-~ 425 12 Poim'.'.'.i20A’ 113.42. lbs: 135.'. 40a’17/8 lbs. 140.... 275 36Point.... 3A, 5% lbs. 325.... 4a, 37/1/0 lbs. 215... S40 14pOjm____15A:2' lbS_ 140__ 31a:2%1bs, 160_,,. 300 42 Point.... 3A, 7 lbs. 420.... 4a, 4%; lbs. 260... 680 16Poir1t....11A,2%s lbs. 145....22a,21/4 lbs. 155.. . 300 48Point.... 3A, 851?. lbs. 485.... 4a,53/.2. lbs. 310... 795 1 18Po§nt....11A,2% lbs. 150....22a.2%1bs- 175-- - 3:3 54 Point.... 3A, 10% lbs. 635.... 3a, 5% lbs. 335... 970 l 34P0!m 7A 3"/f°1b5 155----15da37:1b5- 185--~ 3 . .,3/ _ ,5, _ l 30 Polnt.... 5A,3‘/3 lbs 195....l1a, 3516 lbs. 205.. . 400 60 Po1nt.... 3A, 12.16 lbs. /70.... 4a, 7.16 lbs. 475...124S 36 Point 3A 3”) lbs 215 7a 371/6 lbg 215"” 430 72 P0lI1t.... 3A, 15%. 900.... 38,878 500...14-00 ll [12 3A: 41//4 lbg 73: 27()__ _ . ' u 1/ 5... . I §ffl38%3§:::: 32 {E2 Zl3:::: 22%/.l€§: §éo.. . 760 MODERN GOTHIC TITLE—LnstA i . »,,/ b g ,3. lb 290 800 6PointNo. ~/4lb.....$100 §‘,’I*j°!“:--- %b5 j°‘v‘;,;;:1b:- 330" ' 890 6PointNo.2.........................22A, 3/. lb.....100 I ' °‘”"" 8 S ' ‘ 3' ’ 8Point No.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A, 1% lbs.... 125 OLD ROMAN C0NDENSED_Sman Caps__List A 8P0int No.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l8A, 1% lbs.... 125 6pOint _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ _ ' ' ‘ _ _ _ ' _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ _ _ _ '_25A,% lb__,_$050 l0P0intN0.5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l7A, l‘,’{0lbs.... 140 8Point_.____.____H______________H___”g1A,fig lb____ 50 10 Point No.6 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..16A, 1”-'1/bll)s.... 140 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . ..13A,%, lb... 50 l2Point...............................l3A, 2 lbs.... 150 lzpolnt - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - « - - ~ ~-13A»I}’l°1b--- sg 14Point...............................12A, 2*/5 lbs....17S 14P0!"t - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - ~ - - - - - --10AvZ§ ill;-~ 30 16Point...............................10A, 2%lbs....180 - - . - - - - - - - - - . - . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1b... 50 18Point...............................10A, 33/{olbs....2lS ° " 4 20POint............................... 9A, 3% lbs.... 230 OLD STYLE N0_ 1___ListA 30Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 4';.;,lbs.... 300 8p0lm,,_,lgAj '5/ltlb. O95....52a: 15).’. lbs. 130.... 225 36Point............................... 4A, 6'.4'2.lbs.... 375 10Point....17A,1% lbs. 100....49a,1‘%6lbs. 150.... 250 42 4A, 7% lbs.... 450 12Po.int....14A,1‘?/I’g>1bs. 115....40a.2%1bs- 160--~ 27: 48Point............................... 3A, 8'%e1bs....530 18P°""----10A»3‘«‘4°1b5- 175-- 30a»3%1b5- 15°--~ 32 54 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A, 11"/1/olbs.... 695 . 60Point.............................. 3A 14% lbs.... 850 OLD STYLE NO’ 1—SmauCaps_L'stA . - ’ 3/ 6Po1nt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..22A,%; lb....$050 72 3A, 16/4 lbs.... 970 Bpoim . _ ‘ _ _ . _ ' ‘ . ' I . . . _ ‘ _ _ . . . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ' _ __18A%1b___. 50 84P°‘“‘---~---- 3Av25%1b5----147° 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l5A', 5/8 lb... 50 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l1A, “/16 lb... 50 MODERN TITLE — List A 6Point....21A, % lb. $095....40a, '94’. lb. s105...$2oo OLD STYLE N0- 59-1-istA 8Point....18A, 1%., lbs. 105....36a, 1312. lbs. 120... 225 ggoint....g4A, 1‘!/éfelg. s11)98....i2a, 31%)..-$§gg 9Point....19A, 15A’elbs. l20....37a,1Zl;.lbs. 130... 250 0!“--~ ~ » .5 5- 5» /'6 5- l0Point....16A, 1242, lbs. l20....33a,1—7é lbs. 130... 250 lg: 13.12:. ll POlI1t....l7A, 1171/6 lbs. 130....34a,l’-/lfolbs. 145... 275 1,1 pOintH”16A, 2%61bS: 150'”'29a’2% lbs: 150_U__. 300 12 Point....14A, 1/. lbs. l30....27a,1%lbs. 145... 275 1spo1mfIff1oA’ 2-%.,1bs_ lgo'_jjjg0a’2y. lbs 145_,, 325 18 Point.... 9A, Z7/l/6 lbs. 160....17a,2% lbs. 165... 325 20Point.... 8A: 27/1/5 lbs. 160....14a:2‘/2 lbs. 165... 325 24 Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. l75....11a, 2,7/8 lbs. 135... 360 2‘: goinnu gfi, L135. 15a, 335- ii; 30Point.... SA, 3%lbs. 230.... 8a,3%3 lbs. 195... 425 3‘ 011"--~ » /"5 5 5» ’~’ 5- - 5"- 36Point.... 4A, 4'942.lbs. 300.... 5a,3% lbs. 200... 500 36 P°¥“‘--~- 4A1 42/“ lbs‘ 275“ 6av3%"1b5' 230"‘ 223 48POim__” 4A 7 lbs 420 6a 6,1/élbs 365 785 42 Polm.... 4A, 5/3 lbs. 340... 7a,5/la lbs. 310... v - » / - 4sPolm.... 4A 73,... lbs. 430.. 621 67/8 lbs. 355... 785 60Point.... 3A, 9'%olbs. 580.... 4a,6 lbs. 360... 940 5()p0im,___ 3A: 97.’; lbs. 5g5__ 4a:5%1b5 350,” 945 72 Point.... 3A, 13 lbs. 755.... 3a, 6'%b lbs. 390...l145 72 Point.... 3A, 125% lbs. 705.. 4a,7% lbs 415...ll Z0 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE I’ \ 9 “\0 Cop ,. ¢Oll~4T DO-NY SEY ¥ PRICES OF JOB TYPE \\'ci-,_rl1ts and Prices given are Approxilllzltc. OLD STYLE ITALIC NO. 59—List B PARAGON ITALIC—List B \ 1 I 61>6int....244, -2.1, lb. $095....4Sa, '31.,lb. sl05...$200 1 6Po1nt....23A, 3/4 lb. $095....46a, ‘.3161b. $105....$200 8Poi11t....20 \, 1:10 lbs. 105....40a, 13,16 lbs. 120... 225 % 8P0111t....Z1A,1,1*é, lbs. 115....42a,1,‘/8 lbs. 11()__,_ 225 10 Poir1t....20A, 1:‘/8 lbs. l30....3S2l,1716lbs. 120... 250 1 10 Po111t....19A, 1‘?16lbs. 130....3)a,1}’2 lbs. 120.... 250 12Poix1t ..l7A, 2 lbs. 150....30a,1‘.‘l6ll)s. 125... 275 1 12Point....16A,1%/ lbs. 135. 33a,1‘51’6lbs. 140.. 275 14Poi11t .14A, 2% lbs. 150....27a,2}«:; lbs. 150... 300 1 l4Point....12.~\,2l161bs. l45....75a, 23.18 lbs. 155.. 300 18 Point .10A, 2212. lbs. 170....20a. 233 lbs. 155... 325 1 18 Point.... 9A,2?l161bs. 170.. 16a, 23.4 lbs. 155... 325 20 Point .7A, 2‘,‘{61bs. 180....13a;3’:u.,1bs. 150... 330 1 24Point.... 6A,2%lbs. 175 l1a,2%. lbs. 175... 350 24 Point .6A, 3 _lbs 190....10a,27l6lbs. 160... 350 1 30P0l1lt .5A, 4‘... lbs 250.... 8a,2l.41;.lbs. 175... 425 1 36Poi11t . 4A, 4716 lbs. 2 75.... 6a, 35/E; lbs. 225... 500 ! PARAGON—Small Caps—ListA 42 Polnt . 4A, 5151; lbs. 355.. . 6a,4% lbs. Z85... 640 l 6P0int . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..'20A, 5.; 1b.. .$o so 48 Point 4A, /‘hjolbs. 455.... 621,6.‘/4 lbs. 375... 830 l 8Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A, 5:‘ 1b.... 50 60 Pmnt BA. 9% lbs. 585.... 4a. 63.16 lbs. 370... 955 l 10 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A, ‘hzlb... 50 73P0int...- 3.5.1354 lbs. 730.... 321,7 lbs. 405-1125 1 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A, ‘E17, lb... 50 | 14 Point . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10A, 5.: lb... 55 1 18 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A, 94.: lb... 50 OLD STYLE NO. 59—SmallCaps——ListA i 6P’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._ .' .. . 50 .1 ll:....$o50 l PAS'[‘EL—ListA 10501111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6pOim____33A, % 13 $090____44a, 13116 1b_ $110_ ‘$200 _ olllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1, /I6 1 13' _.__19A’ 1/1 , 1()5____°7r,1/ 1b, 13()___ 225 14 Polllt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, "/11. lb... 50 13 p§§§:_.__17A, 1!/‘3°1b:_ 130.___§5:,11_1j:1b:_ 130__ 250 18P0lnt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, % lb... 55 13 pOint____15A, 2_ lbs, 150__,_2sa,1‘_,l/1;,1bs_ 1_'__ 275 1 18Point.... 9A, 2?1’6lbs. 155....16a,2f//s lbs. 170.. 325 1 24Point.... 6A, 3 lbs. 190.. .10a,2~‘»8 lbs. 170... 360 OLD STYLE CONDENSED N0- 50—ListA 36 1361114.... 4.4, 4% lbs. 265.... 7a, 4 lbs. 250... 515 10 Point....26A, 1512. lbs.$105....53a, 1% lbs.s145.. .$250 48 Point.... 4A, 6516 lbs. 415.. 6a,6 lbs. 360... 775 12Poi11t....24A, 1‘?»1”6lbs. 115....48a,2%; lbs. 160.. 275 60Point.... 3A, 971/elbs. 565.. 4a,65/s lbs. 370... 935 1SPoint....16A,2,1/4 lbs. 150....32a,2‘}'1’6lbs. 175.. 325 72 Point.... 3.4, 11218 lbs 675.. 3a,6§»16lbs. 360...1035 24 Poi1lt....10A, 2—‘~/3', lbs. 155....21a,3§/{6 lbs. 195.. 350 30 Point.... 8A,2‘316lbs. 175....15a,3?{8A lbs. 225.. 400 36 Point.... 6A,3‘..l., lbs. l95....13a,3‘é16lbs. 235.. 430 PASTEL BoL1)._ListA 42 POlI1t.... 7:\,3151b ll')S. 235....l42l, 290.. 525 Spoint 20A __40a, 9.16 05_ _$200 48P0l1'1t.... ()1-\,5I.l/6ll)S. 305.. .l1a,55'1/blbs. 330.. 625 ‘ 6POint::::Z2_ ’ I/!i’6 1b_ 090__._43a, 1b_ 110___ 200 60 Po1nt.... 3.-\,4I‘Il/6ll)S. 280.... 4a,3_ lbs. 180.. 460 SpOim____ A’ 1l{61bS_ 110__ _33a,13/.1’61b5_ 115__ 225 73 P()lIlt.... 3A,S~//3 315. . 421.3316 lbS. l95.. 510 10 pOint_”.16A, 1712) lbs_ 1_7'0”._30a,1bS_ 130” 250 12P'1t....14A, 1~'7’é1bs. 125....28a,216lbs. 150... 275 _ 14Pglllt....12- 2 lbs. 140....23a,2%; lbs. 160... 300 OLD STYLE CONDENSED N0- 52—LlstA 18 Point.... 9.4, 25.12. lbs. 150....16a, 2.33 lbs. 175... 3 25 10 Point....26A, 1712, lbs.$1 15....50a, 154 lbs.$135....$250 24Point.... SA, 2"/felbs. 165....10a,3’_:‘16lbs. 190. .355 l2Point....20A,1‘%6lbs. 125....38a,2 lbs. 150.. . 275 30 Point.... 4A, 354% lbs. 210.. . 8a,3-T 1135- 325 -435 18Point....12A,2‘/4 lbs. 150....’25a,2“/1/elbs. 175.. . 325 36Point.... 3A, 4% lbs. 255.. 6a,4Fl;,lbs. 250. .505 24P0int.... 8A,2% lbs. 165. ..l4a, lbs. 185.... 350 42 Point.... 4.4, 6% lbs. 375.. 5a, 4318 lbs. 255... 630 30 Point.... 6A,3% lbs. 200.. .10a, 3311. lbs. 200.... 400 48 Point.... 3A, 731;, lbs. 430.. 5a,5»>/.4 lbs. 325... 755 36 Point.... 5A,3~}/1 lbs. 235.... 821.31/4’ lbs. 200.. .435 54 Point.... 3A, b‘:‘.{ lbs. 525.... 4a, 5’_3/lolbs. 350... 875 48 Point.... 4A,5716lbs. 325.... 821.5% lbs. 315.. . 640 60Point.... 3A, 10.14 lbs. 615.. . 4a,6~‘/s lbs. 39§...1010 6UP0ll1t.... 3A,6-)1 lbs. 405. . 4a,3~}f; lbs. 225.. . 630 72 Point.... 3A,14 lbs. 810 . 3a, 7}/s lbs. 4 ...1225 72 Point.... 3A,S71i,lbs. 490. . 43,551/O lbs. 295. . 785 PASTEL CONDENSED-ListA 0LD STYLE TITLE N0- 59—ListA 8Point....24/51,1 1b. s100. .45a,1f/4 lbs.s125....$2 25 6Poi11t............................. .21A, lb.....$l00 10P0int....22A, 1716 lbs. 120....44a, 1.30 lbs. 10... 250 8Poim . _ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..2lA, 1% lbs....125 12 Point....21A, 1% lbs. 130.. .39a,1‘1516lbs. 145... 275 l0Po1nt...............................19A, 1% lbs ..140 14Poi1lt ..16A,2 lbs.140....31a 2/,lbs.160... 300 12Poi11t...............................17A, 2 lbs.... 150 l8POll1t ..13A,25~:6lbs. l50....24a,2]4;/lbs. 175... 325 14Point...............................13~'\., 2% lbs. .175 ’4Point .. 9A,2"/lelbs. l65....1ba,7°1/olbs. 190. 355 16Poil1t...............................11A, zmlbs. . 175 a0Poi11t 27.4.3‘/41bs. 300.---l3a.35/l,61bS- 3,03-~ 405 20Poi11t...............................10A, 3% lbs .245 36Point . 5A,33/1/6 lbs. 195....10a,3‘}l6lbs. 230.. 425 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A, 43/4; lbs . 280 42 Point . 5A, 4?12.lbs. 275 9a,471l.lbs. 265.... 540 30POl11t.............................. 6A, 55,1/6lbs. .330 4SPoim .SA,5,‘_2 lbs. 330. lbs. 795.... 625 36Poillt............................... 6A, 63/3 lbs .395 54Point .5A,6:/3 lbs. 410.. ba,5:8 lbs. 340... 750 42Poi11t...............................5A, 7*}:/olbs .460 60Point ..3A,5:;/41bS. 34D...-43,3?_;8.lbS- 715-- 550 4A, 8% lbs .510 72Point....3A,7/‘IDS430---~4av41“’1b5-36“ 580 60 3A, l0II/6 lbs .605 PASTEL LIGHTFACE— List A OUTLINE GOTHIC N0. 61—ListA 6Point....22A, ‘%6lb. $0 90...44a, lb. 8110... $2 00 12Poi1lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21A,2 lbs....$150 8Polnt....19A, 1 ,lb. l00...39a,1§4 lbs. 135... 225 181901111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A, 3%; lbs.. 205 10 Pol11t....1/A, 1716 lbs. 120. .34a,1-_/8 lbs. 130.. 250 24 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..14A 4 lbs.. 255 12Po1m....15A, l‘?wll2s- 135- -26a.1¢’s,1bs- 140-. 275 30Pf)lr1t . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 8A: 4 lbs.. 250 18136101.... 9A, Zjlélbs. 150. .l8a,~.::9lbs. 150.. 330 36 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, 4‘%61bs.. 290 24 Polllt.... SA, 2 mlbs. 1§5...l0a,-;/16 lbs. 155.. 350 481901111 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA, 67% lbs.. 410 36 Po1l1t.... 4A, 47716lbs. 275... 6a, 3'73 lbs. 240.. 515 66 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A, 9%; lbs.. 545 48 Po_int.... 4A, 6’.3lolbs. 410.. 6a, lbs. 355.. 765 72 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3A, 8% lbs.. 510 60:61:16.. 224(3). §a,%;:<, 1323 2 o1nt.... , *8 s. . a, .2 s. S PARAGON — List A l , 6Point....24A, :3/41b. so 95....49a, '31:. lb. 5105... $200 , PASTEL 0PEN_-L18;/A _ 13 N 8Point....21A,1.‘* lbs. 105....44a, 13.11 lbs 120... 225 12 Polnt....15A, A1916 lbs.sl§5....—ba, lay, lbs.:l5l_l . .$2 75 10 P0i11t....20A, 1"/1/elbs. 125....40a,1}2 lbs. 125... 250 lb POlI1t....l0A,2;fi6lbS. 1_{(_J....16a,2-’/8 lbs. 155.... 325 12 Poi11t....17A, 1’316lbs. 135....35a,1?'é lbs. 140... 275 1 24 Polllt. .. 6A,2;‘/4 lbs. 1/3....10a,2% lbs. 175 .. 350 14Poi11t....12A,2‘/{6 lbs. 145....26a,23/lfolbs. 155... 300 . 36Po11lt.... 4A,4}'4 lbs. 265.... 7a,4 / lbs. 250. .. 515 18Poi11t....9A,2{‘/zlbs. 155....l8a,2‘?/16lbs. 170... 325 1 48 PO1Ilt.... 4A, 6,745 lbs. 410.... 6a,6’.16lbs. 365.... 775 24 Point.... 6A,3%; lbs. 200.. . 93,221/6lbS. 155... 355 l 60 Po111t.... 3A, 9-/8 lbs 5/5.... 4a,6% lbs 375 950 POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1009 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED PRICES OF \Veigl1t.s' zllld Prices given are Apprnxilllzltc. PEN TEXT NO. 5—List D I 8Point....17A,1 lb. 31 00....51a,1I/4 lbs. 31 25....$225 l 6Poi11t....17A, ’,3«16lb. 3105.. .33a, 9/. lb. s095...$2oo 10Point....16A,1% lbs. 110....46a, 1% lbs. 140. .250 l 8Poi11t....15A, 1%; lbs. 110....31a, 15;. lbs. 115... 225 14Point....12A,1 lbs. 130....36a,2%( lbs. 170.. 300 1 10Poi1lt... 14A 1"/fslbs. 125....28a,1% lbs. 125... 250 18Poil1t.... 9A,2%3 lbs. 140....25a,2'%6lbs. 185.. 325 12 Point....12A 1'%61bs. 130....22a,2 lbs. 145... 275 24 Point.... 6A, 2% lbs. 160....l6a,3‘/14. lbs. 195.. 355 14 Point....10A 2% lbs. 165....20a,1‘,5/1’ lbs. 135... 300 30 Point.... 4A, 2% lbs 180. ..13a,3'5/felbs. 245... 425 18 Point.... 7A 29/? lbs 170....l2a,2%3 lbs. 155... 3%: _ 24Point.... SA, 3§6lbs 210... 8a,2}/ lbs. 155... 3 PISA N0-5-1-IstB 30 Point.... 3A, 3% lbs 240... 6a, 215:; lbs. 185... 425 6P0int....18A, % lb. $080. ..54a, ’§’{6lb. $1 20....$200 36Poi1lt.... 3A, 5%; lbs 335... 4a, 2'§16lbs. 185... 520 8Point....17A,1 lb. 100....48a,1% lbs. 125.... 225 48Poi11t.... 3A, 8% lbs 510... 421,4"/1”6lbs. 280... 790 10Point....15A,1%; lbs. 115....44a,1‘%6lbs. 135.... 250 60Poi1lt.... 3A 12% lbs 735... 4a, 6% lbs. 390...1l2S 12Point....13A,1%/ lbs. 125....40a,2‘/1/6 lbs. 150.... 275 72 Point... 3A,13% lbs 770... 381,63/8 lbs 370...114O 18 Point.... 8A, 2716 lbs. 160....22a,2% lbs. 165.... 325 l 24 Point.... SA, 2%. lbs. 155....16a,3%s lbs. 200.. . 355 POST-L-stA 36Point.... 4A,45,/16 lbs. 265.... 921,4 lbs. 250.. .515 6Point....21A, % lb. $095....4la, '%6lb. $10S...$200 48 Point.... 3A, 614. lbs. 365.... 9a, 6% lbs. 400.. .765 8Point....l9A 1 lb. 100....38a,1’/4 lbs. 125... 225 60Point.... 3A,9% lbs 545.. . 4a, 491/6 lbs. 280.. .825 10Poirlt....18A, 17./?.lbs. l20....35a, 1% lbs. 130... 25g 12Point....15A 1"6lbs. 125....29a,2 lbs. 150... 27 PLATE TEXT—ListF 18 POlIlt.... 8A 25/folbs 150....l5a, 2% lbs. 175... 325 8Poil1t....12A, %lb. $100....33a,1%lbs.$125....$225 24P0}nt...- 6A. 2% lbs l80....10a.2%s lbs. l70.-- 350 10 Poi11t....12A,15/1/6 lbs. 130....33a, 13.1. lbs. 120.... 250 30Po;nt.... 4A. 3?/plbs 205.... 821. 3‘’/§e lbs. 220.-- 425 12 Point....11A, 1% lbs. 1Z5....30a, 1% lbs. 150.. 275 36 Pognt.... 4A, 43/8 lbs 270.... 6a. 3‘.‘1<»lbs. 230-~ 50° 14 Point.... 9A, 1%. lbs. l30....26a,2 lbs. 170.. 300 48 Pognt.... 3A. 6% lbs 395.... 6a. 61216 lbs. 400.-- 795 18 Point.... 7A, 1% lbs. 140....21a, 2% lbs. 185.. 325 1 glzlgolnlm. 32. lgs 4%a. llgs. oln , 8 S -21, 6 A PLATE TEXT No, 4_1,;st 1) l 96 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3A, 223/16 lbs. 1155 8Point....16A, I5/~{slbs.s095....5la,1%lbs.sl30.. .5225 . 10 Point....15A, 1%. lbs. 105....47a,1% lbs. 145. 250 l POST 9PEN‘L"’A,, 7P ' 11% 4 lb. l 12 PO1flt....l5A, l/(6 $1 25....29E1,2 lbS.$l 1- o1nt....1 , 6 s. ....0a,2 s. 150.. 2 . H 325 14Point....14A,2 lbs. 140....33a,2_‘/4 lbs. 160. 300 l 18P°!“t---- 8A» 324 lbs 150-~--17a»37/{61bS- 175-~ 360 16Point....10A,2 lbs. l35....30a,27/lzlbs. 165. 300 “P011”----6A. 25/4 lbs. 175....11a,2f;/ lbs. 185... 25 18Point.... 921,21/1 lbs. 150....27a,2% lbs. 180. 330 l 3°P°!“‘---~ 4A» 3/*1bS- 31°~--~ 83.3219 lbs- 315-~ 4 P ‘I 6A 25 lbs l70__"l6 213/ 1 36PO1I1t.... 4A, lbfi‘ 265.... 721, 3I%6lbS. Z45... 24 ollt , A3, a, .16 s. 180. 0 l . H I 770 30Poi11t....5A,2'5>16lbs. 180....15a, 3%. lbs. 225.... 405 l 4bP°!’“---- 44» 71/6 lbs 460.... 521,553 lbs. 310-185 36 Point.... 4A, 33/... lbs. 200....1la, 3‘%61bs. 235.... 435 . b°P°!“t---- 3A. 127/6 lbs 725.... 4a, 714 lbs. 460...1 5 1 72 Po1nt.... 3A,10A1 lbs 630... 421,75 lbs. 435...106 PLY MOUTH — List A . 6Polnt....19A, 3/4 lb. 31 00...38a, %lb. 31 00...$2oo l R‘l:3){,‘:§;1tITAL§lCAN2‘)%?b:I;'f‘733 Na mlbs $160 $330 8Po1nt....18A, 1%; lbs. 110...34a, 1%; lbs. 115... 225 ' " °°° " 1 ' 10 Point....15A, 17,'.{6 lbs. 120...29a, 1% lbs. 130... 250 REED TEx'['_Ll,tD 12 Polnt....13A, 1'19/folbs. 135...26a, 1%; lbs. 140... 275 l gp0i,,t_,__15A,1 lb. $100....43a,1‘/4 lbs.s125....$22s 14 P01l1t..--11A, 2%? lbS- 150---208. 2%31bS. I50... 300 10Poi11t....14A,1A lbs. 125....35a, 19/‘I/6 lbs. 125.... 250 18Point.... 7A, 25/{6 lbs. l50...15a, 2% lbs. 175... 325 , 12Pol1‘1t....12A, 1% lbs. 130....33a,1§1’6lbs. 145.. . 275 24Point.... SA, 2% lbs. 185... 95. 2'3/felbs. 180... 365 ‘ lglpjollll----l(2);'l.§j%,<>lEs llls. - 11 1 o1n.... /16 s a, -8 s. 3°P°!“""' M’ 3;{‘’lbS' 230' ' 73’ 3,/‘ lbs‘ 200"‘ 43° 18Point.... 8A, 2%: lbs 155....22a, 2%. lbs. 170.. . 325 36Pol11t.... 3A, 4o_im.... 4A,4%. lbs. 265.... 7a,3',3.l2.lbs. 235.... 500 l ~22’ iifzlbg lggvgslzlgg 5:53; 520 48 POlI1t.. . 4A, 69/£6 lbs. 395.... 7a, 6%; lbs. 370.... 755 48P0int:::: SA: 7;/8 lbs 430:: 7a:51/ll/6 lbs 340___ 770 60Po1nt.... 3A, 85/16 lbs. 500.... 4a, 4‘%.lbs. 395.... 895 f 5()poim_”_ 3A, gyg lbs 545_.__ 43,4151/blbs 295_,_ 840 72Poir1t.... 3A,9i/s lbs. 545.... 3a,4% lbs. 280.... 825 1 72 Point.... 3A, 10%. lbs 610.. . 3a,5‘,5./ialbs. 345... 955 BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE-2R’S 1010 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE PRICES OF JOB TYPE Vlfeigllts and Prices given are Approximate. SKELETON ANTIQUE N0. 55—List C 1 TALISLIAN ITALIC—List B _ 10Point....28A,1’/1/6 lbs. $1 05....55a, 17216 lbs. $1 45....$2S0 6Polnt....20A, % lb. $100...40a, ’9i61b. $100 ...$200 12 Poillt....24A, 17/(6 lbs. 130....46a,1% lbs. 145.... 275 8Polnt....17A,. 1%; lbs 115...34a,1V§ lbs 110 .. 225 14Point....20A, 1% lbs. 135....39a,1‘§q”61bs. 165.... 300 10 Polnt....16A, 19/‘I/6 lbs 130. .29 122 lbs 120.... 250 20Point....13A,2 lbs. 160....25a,2‘/1'6 lbs. 165.... 325 12Polnt....15A, 2 lbs 150. .27a,1‘%61bs 125.... 275 24 Point....11A, 2%; lbs. l65....22a,2§.§ lbs. 195.. . 360 14Po1nt.---10A. 2‘/s lbs 150.. 21a, 2%, lbs. 150.... 300 36Point.... 7A, 2’.3l’6lbs. 215....11a,2% lbs. 210.. .425 18 Polnt.... 8A, 2% lbs 165. 16a, 2712 lbs. 160.... 325 48Point.... 6A,4% lbs. 295....11a,4% lbs. 340.. .635 24Polnt.... SA, 2/; lbs 170. 10a, 2%. lbs. 185.... 355 54 Point.... 6A, 5% lbs. 395 ...11a,5'/1/6 lbs. 355.. .750 ggllgolnb... :2, Za, 311/§ lbs. . :35 oln , 6 S .. a, /4 S. .. . 0 SLOPE GOTHIC N0. 50—List B 48 Point.... 3A, 7% lbs 465.. 5a,5% lbs. 315.... 780 6PointNo. 3/11b.....$100 60Polnt.... 3A,115/ielbs 680.. 4a,6% lbs. 380....106O 6Point No. 502 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28A, %1b.....100 72 Polnt.... 3A, l4-3/I6 lbs. 825.. 3a,7 lbs. 405.. .1230 6Point No. 503 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..28A, 3/ 1b.....100 6PointNo.504 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..23A, 3/ lb... 100 TELL TEXT N0. 5—List D 6Point No.505 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A, %lb.....100 5p0im”,_16A, ”/fslb, $090.. 5021, 73 lb $110....$200 12PointNo.506 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..21A,2 lbs.... 150 8p0im__._15A,1 1b_ 100__ 43a,1%1b3_ 125m. 225 12 Point No.507 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..17A,2 1bs....150 10p0im_”_13A,13/3 11,5, 115” 35a,11,l{(,1bs, 135___ 250 12 Polnt1\lo.508 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..15A,2 lbs.... 150 12 p0int__._1_1A,11%61bs_ 125__ 333,2 V1bs_ 15()__ 275 18Polnt l\o.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A,3 lbs.... 200 18p0int____5A,2%1bs_ 14()__,_20a, 2’},'(,1bs, 185_._ 325 24Point No.50 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 6A, 4% lbs.... 265 24p0int.__. 4A,2%1bs, 170.. l2a,3‘/12, lbs. 195... 365 , 36P ' 1.... 3A, 37/. lbs. 210.. 10a, 4% lbs. 295.... 505 SMITH-PREMIER STANDARD N0.1(Typewriter)—Llst A 48 P313“ 3 A, 51;./61bs_ 350__ 93,634 lbs 405” _ 755 12 Point... 7A, 1‘/a lbs. $085....35a, 2% lbs. s190....$275 60Point.... 3A, 89/l’61bs. 530.. 4a, 5%; lbs. 310.. . 840 12 Point....17A, 2% lbs. 175....8Oa,5,3/1 lbs. 425.... 600 TONIC N0. 5»—L' t A SP1I2RlI:)Z 110. 5—2—4I:Ai‘st1E/b lb $130 46 W lb $145 $275 -nll1JPolnt....13A,15?{:slbs.s105....39a,lbs.sl45.. $250 om.... . .6 s. a. 8 8- ' ....13A,13 1b.130....35a,1’6 s 145.. 275 18Point....14A,1‘:/gellgs. 155....27a,2z;1bs. 170.... 325 12P°”" ‘ S /I 24Point.... 9A,2 61s. 160....19a,2 6l s. 190.. .350 -1- U-I-ON BLACK N0, 5_L'stA 30 Point.... 7A, 29/{6 lbs. 195....13a, 2916 lbs. 205.... 400 Iitpoint 10A 1% 1135 311 30_,__30a 2% lbs.$170....$300 36Point.... 6A,fi;l’6llbs. 205.. 1la,i;y lbs 230.. . 233 ' ' ’ 48Point.... 6A, 1 s. 335....1a, s s. 305... N0_5_LitA 60 Poi_nt.... 4A, 4:/6 lbs. 300.... 6a, 3193 lbs. 275.. . 575 T"i3"I§gi1:1tEXT113lfxD'i3% 1bS_$115f__34a’1%1bS_$135__._$250 72 Polnt.... 4A,4/1/6 lbs. 300.. . 53,4/‘I/6 lbs. -75.. .575 12 P0int::::1g2:%z:/ %I3I//:6 STATIONERS PLATE——ListA 14Polnt.... , 6 s » ,/° - 6Point 3/1lb.....$100 lilliolm--~ i§»%:/§6ib:- $2‘ 333--~ 6Point %.1b.....100 GPO!”--~ 3A'3,'/ lbs 195"" 7a’3%1bs' 230"" 425 6PointNo.3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..27A, log 3 Om‘--~ w 3 1 ' 6PointNo.4 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , 4 10 6Point No.5 ......................... .. A, %lb..... 100 T1T1-E_N°- 5‘L‘~°*‘;‘ lb 160 213 2% lbs 3165 $3 25 8PointNo.6...........................22A,1%1bs....125 , 18Po}nt....10A. 21/16 5 3 ---14 »3~1b- 19b-- - 350 8PointNo.7 ......................... .. A 1%lbs.. 125 ‘ 24Po;nt.... 7A,M lbs 160--~ 8. V 5- - ’ 3 30Po1nt.... SA 3% lbs 210 ..10a,3/2 lbs. 215.. .425 10Po1nt A1A1bs...140 , v 9 12 Point No.9...........................16A,2 lbs.... 150 igllgognltu... ggfélbg - ggélgg - 0111 , 8 .... 1 - - -- STATIONERS TEXT N0. 5—List D - 11 TITLE N0. 9—List A §l32l?.i::::l‘3’i: 9.212: "33§::::1§-2:ll§g.$l§3::::“§3‘§ 52 Polnt...16A. 3/big. sgggwgga. gfglg. slgg.-$333 10Point....15A,1 lbs. 110....42a,1‘%61bs. 140.... 250 6 Po3nt...18A. éflb 105----32:»1,,:1bb Now 225 12Point....13A,1% lbs. l25_...37a,2!/1. lbs. 150.... 275 7 Polnt...l6A, I/felb. 105....37a,13;1{61bS. 1E0... 225 16Point.... 9A,1% lbs. 125....27a,2% lbs. 175.... 300 8 Polnt-..16A,16 S. 15....38 ,1y lb. 135... 25 7 ' 7I« 5 . ___ , . .... , . ... ..0PO1nt.... 6A, -912. lbs. 14 ....19a,2% lbs. 190.... 335 9 Polnt 18g lb: {,0 30: 15/21b: 130 253 24Point.... 4A, 23/; lbs. 150....13a,2%; lbs. 205.... 355 10 Point---15 6 - - v - ~ STEELPLATE TEXT N0. 5—List F , TlTL/E N0.1O:;IAist;/l{1b $0 95 34 W lb $105 $2 00 18P' ....7A,1':V1b.$145.....19 ,2V lb. 180....$32S 5 5 Point... . 6 . a. no . 24P3llll....5A,23/lzlbi l70.....ll:,25)l1.1b: $180. 350 : 62Point...20A, gfelb. 090...-41a, 1/; lb. 1l0... 200 30Polm....3A,2% lbs l80..... 9a, 2%; lbs 20 400 1 g I1;o13:...216l.:,1,/61%. lb: l;3... O1 , . , . .. SYLVAN TEXT N0.5—ListD 9 £olnl...115;2,1bs. Pg: gig P’ “ . .. 7 1 0....200. 10 mm... , .6 s. a, 4 . lg la/1:6 5§::1‘§l’6lbs $l4l0....$2.;g 12 P0iI1t---12A»15/31b5- 120----24-312% 1135- 155-~ 275 12Point....15A,1‘.‘6lbs. 125....44a,2 lbs 150.... 2 _ 14 Point....13 A, 25.1’ lbs. 145....35a, 23/13 lbs 155.... 300 TITLE N0.11—Llst A9 W 18 Poillt....10A, 2%. lbs. 170....22a,2% lbs 155.... 325 5% Polnt.....16A, /{6lb. $095....30a, /16 lb. $105.....$20O 24Point.... SA, 2?7{6lbs. 155....15a,3 lbs. 195.... 350 _ 36 Point.... 3A, 3 lbs. 185....10a, 3’~§16 lbs. 245.... 430 TITLE N0. 52—Llst A 42Point-... 3A,4% lbs. 365.... 821.4% lbs. 260--~ 525 6Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..19A, 3/. lb.....$100 54Poillt.... 3A, 6% lbs. 410.... 7a,6% lbs. 390.... 800 gpoim _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ _ _ , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ , _ , _ , , , , , . . _ bg 125 10Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. , /16 s....140 TALISMAN—ListA 12 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A,2 lbs .150 6Point....20A, 3/. lb. s100...39a, %lb. sl00....$200 8Point....18A, 1916 lbs. 105...35a, 13/1/6 lbs. 120.... 225 TITLE N0_ 53_ListA 10Point....16A, 1%, lbs. 125...30a,1"/l’6lbs. 125.... 250 6p0im___.17A, %1b, 3095,___32a, 9{6lb. $105....$200 12Poillt....l4A, 1;./-316135. 1§5...§5a,%gs g 14 POlnt....12 .A, 2 3 S. 1 O... a, 8 S. .... N0, t B 18Point.... 8A, 7Zf6lbs. 160...15a, 2% lbs. 165.. .325 1 T1"?-1§Oi1I1TtA 21A bblb “$100 “a 3/ lb $100 $200 24Point.... SA, 2%. lbs. 170...10a,2IA; lbs. 180.... 350 5 8POim....16A,1%5lb.s 105.-..33a,13/41/61b.s .120.... 225 30Point.... SA, 4 lbs. 250... 7a, 3/; lbs. 195.... 445 2 9POint....18A.154/Hbs. 120....36a.1y2 lbs. 130.... 250 36Point.... 4A, 5%., lbs. 315... 5a,3/4 lbs. 200.... 515 I . a 2, - v 5 - - 1 4 lb 240 530 K 10 Polnt....15A, 1/16 lbs. 120....29a,1fl; lbs. 130.... 250 “P01”----4A’ 65 lbs" 390'” 53' 1 S’ ‘ 12P int 17A 17 lbs 130 23a 1%lbs 145 275 48Polnt.... 3A, 7/. lbs. 440... ga,gé%lll:)>s. 35153.... 338. 0 ~ . 4 - » - -- 2141 1(9l%ll;:f glgfii 4::6%61b:: 375::::101S 5 TITLE ITA1-1C N0- 50-Li-°-‘B 72l>olmIf.I 3A: 13% lbs. 785... 3a,6% lbs. 390....1175 1 6Point....16A, 3/ lb. $095....32a, %lb. s105....$z0o POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1011 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED " " JOB TYPE N V \Vci',.{l1ts :11l711. lbs. 295.. 510 14 Poi11t....l7A,2 lbs. l40....34a, 2% lbs 160.... 300 30 Point . . . . . . . .3A, 212 lbs. 2l5...12;1, 1‘; lbs. 335.. 550 18 P0i11t....l3 A, 2%; lbs. 140....26a, 2'40. lbs 185.... 325 36 Point . . . . . . . .3A, 33.10 lbs. 2 60...10a, 4 1 lbs 390.. 6 50 24 Point.... 8A, 2);’; lbs. 150.. 17a, 3112, lbs 200.. . 350 30 P0l1lt.... 7A, 3 lbs. 185.. 13 a, 37,111 lbs 215.... 4 O0 , 36 Poil1t.... 6A, 3% lbs. 230.. 921, 3%» lbs 215.. . 445 WESEI-_—’-‘St A , _, 421-‘oint.... 5A,45'11, lbs. 250.... 0.1, 4.15112. lbs 290.. . sso 6Po1nt....33A. ‘hr. lb. $000.. /ll 21. /,1; lb. $111) ..$2 00 48P0i1'1t.___5A,5%]1)s_ 315__ 1,3, 5%, 1115 31()__,, 525 8Po111t....211\,1/ lb. 100. 1421,14, lbs. 12. 225 5413131111.... 5A,6 lbs. 360.. 9.1,6°/11. lbs 395.. . 755 10 P0111t....1‘lA. 1:4; lbs. 110.. 394. 1‘‘lr»1bS- 1&0 - 25° 50 pO111t__._ 3A, 5131b11,S_ 3 51)” 41414 11,5 3 55__ , 505 12 Po111t....17A, 1:23 lbs. 125....3>;l, "15 lbs. 1.1.. . 275 72p01m____ 3A,(,.j1 H)g_ 3g0__ 43, 4141;, 11,5 131;” _ 570 14 Po111t....14 A, 1'-‘ls lbs. 135....2(>;1, 2 :4 lbs. 105.... 300 96 1201111.... 3A, 91.311, lbs. 510.. 3a, 5%}. lbs 290.. 800 11:<)1I1:....1;.:,2)§;o 1§3....i1a. 11$. 1;l_l.- 0111.... ,-;‘13 s. / -a,-* )8. ' I .. , 9 . 7 TUDOR N0~ 5~—I-istD 121133111?" 3:12“ 1132' 323"" 3.‘? fiat? 113?. 353 ' 213 8P0lI1t....24A, 13/1'16 lbS.$l 15../163, 12/1/6 lbS.$l l0....$2 25 113 p0int"” 521,65/8 11);‘ ;i()()”” {7:,’61I1bS £70‘: 770 l0 POlI1t.... lg A, 1?"!/6 130.. .373, l% l 2 50 60 P()in[‘H' 2; A, 7'7“)”); 4 1; 4,1, 415“) 11),‘. 73 00' 7 45 12 POlI1t.... 16A, 1'91/6ll)S. 135. 313,174; lbs. 140.. 275 72) Point’... :5 A" lb; 5 )5‘... 1:,‘ 55,011); 10 845 16Po1l1t....l2A, 2211. lbs. 150...23a,23/1'6 lbs. 150.. .300 " 22’ 2' ’ 2012111111.... 8A, 27.11. lbs. 160...16a,2,‘/2 lbs. 165.. .325 24 Point.... 6A, 2‘;1”s 190...1la, 2% 160.. . 350 wgsr LINING c,()TH1c_1_1st A 30Poi11t....51\, 3 3 225... 921,3 85.. .410 - ; 7 , 3/ 100 36 1>o1m.... 3A, 431'}, lbs. 255... 5.1, 22/. lbs. 170.. . 425 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ’ " 3/: 11:_j_,_$,0o 48Poi1lt....3A,6%12.lbs.375...5z1,431”olbs.25()....6ZS (,p(,,,,tN0'gg1""""""""""""§5A’ .111, 100 60 Poillt.... 3A, 9 lbs. 5 45... 4a, 4510 lbs. 2 95.... 840 6 point NO' 25235 ' ' ’ ” ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ A ' ' ‘ " 71,3,’ 3'; 11, 1 go 73 P0iI1t----3A»137*?’>1bS- 735---351.53/411%335----105° 12 P0111: No: 5361f: i... ff .... i... X. 2111’, 2/ ll1sI... 150 12 P0i11‘t No. 537 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 17A, 2 lbs.... 1 50 TUDOR BOL —List D 12Po11lt 531 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 15 A, 2 / lbs.... 1 50 5p01nt__,_15A, - 1b_ 31035 443, 7/1, 1b 3115” _$2 00 18Po1nt1\o. 539 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..12A,3%11.1bs.... 210 8Poillt....13 A, ‘£5/1311). 0 95 41a, 1153/0 lbs 130.... 225 , 3 . ’ :1 ) . 19 1‘331ii§....l3f2: 11”}. ll: 11?. 31:: $1/;"11,2_ 123.. . 333 WEST OLD STYLE N0- 70—L-st A 16901111.... 7A, 1% lbs. 120.. 2321,2541 lbs. 1.30.... 300 6Po}nt....23A. :31». lb. 50 9b...44a, 1:21/ull). s105....$2o0 1,s1p01m_,__ 5A, 21, 1bS_ 1511 _17a1, 215,}, 1b5_ 135____ 335 8Po111t....20A, 1111, lbs. l05...39.1, 13.11, lbs. 120.... 225 24p01nt__._ 4A’ 7;/8 1b5_ 170,__1()a, 313,1}, 1bs_ 150” _ 350 10 Po1l1t....l9A, 1'»: lbs. 18.1, l._/111 lbs. l2..... 250 30 Point.... 3A, 332 lbs. 220... 721, 35.13 lbs. 205 .425 12Po1nt ..16A. ljwllm. 122,-. 124, 1'=vs lbs. 140 275 36 Point.... 3A, 511;, lbs. 315... 5.1, 3%; lbs. 210 . 525 18 P01nt-~- 9A, 2,3, lbs. 19.? . 1721. lbs. 190 - 325 48 Point.... 3A, 72;; lbs. 475... 5.1,5V1 lbs 320.... 795 l4Po1nt -- DA. 2,;w1l.>s. 1/3.. 1121,21» lbs. 17%.... 350 60 1201111.... 3 A, 13°13 lbs. 815... 4.1, 728 lbs 445 ..12 60 361’01nt.... 4A, 4.40 lbs. 285.. (14,; 2 lbs. 21§ . 500 48 Pol1lt.... 4A, 7711,1115. 445.. (1;l,5.1./1 lbs. 313.... 760 - 1’ . 1 . TUDOR -I-EXT N0. 5___List D 60 P01l1t.... 3 A, l()I1/to lbs. 905 4 E1, 5310 lbs. 320... 9 25 10 Poi11t....22 A, 17.11;. lbs. 51 15 6.221, 1%, lbs. 31 35....$2 so Z3 1Ij"!3:-Wég-E ’(‘,’1,{3§{".11:’SN(,’—>"" la’ (’”‘°_l1lf' 1,1’ 12 Point ..17A, 1% lbs. -' 5221,21... lbs. 150.... 275 ’" 0‘ ‘ ‘ 3 "7 ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ‘l 16 Point 13A, 2%}, lbs. l40....38 a, 2?/14 lbs. 160... 3 00 24 Point 7A, 2‘.‘«1”o lbs. 1 75.... 1921, 2% lbs. 1 75... 3 50 WEST QLD STYLE N0_ 70 SMALL CA1:-5__LiSt A 30 Polllt 4 A, 2'51s lbs. 1 80....13 21, 332 lbs. 2 20.... 4 00 ( Point 11) A 1/, lb $0 50 48 Poil1t.... 3A, 41,141}. lbs. 280....10a,6 lbs. 360.. . 640 ,;P0,m ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ' ' ' * " ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' " 15,11; 1b"" 050 50 P°“”---- 4A~8%11’3- 53”-~~ 9318516 lbs- 5°”~~-1°20 10PolulifZCff'.'..'.".'.ff1..'.”.'.ff'...'.".'..'.".'.f. 1314: lbl... oso l2P011lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A, "10 lb 0 50 TWO LINE NO. 55——List A int . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..18A,13 lbs....140 1(2) gginh... . ....15A, 24 lbs....$150 WIDE GERMANIA N0- 5—List A 14 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l6A, 2% lbS.... 1 75 8 P0iI1t....llA,l lb. '31 00....3111t . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1lA. 1 11. lbs_... 140 8 Po1nt....l3A, 1516 lbs. 1()5....25 a, 13/15 lbs. 120.... 2 25 1, Puim 1) A 711-, lbs 150 12 Point.... 11 A, 11916 lbs. 135....20 21, 178’ lbs. 140.. 2 75 1;) Point ' ' ’ ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ‘ ’ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " 71' 31;“) 1 75 18-point‘... 7A’ 165‘.-.1221, 160'... ’ . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. A,-41///) —.... . . , 18Po11lt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7A 3.1; lbs.... 205 24 Po111t.... 5A,3‘/3 lbs. 200.... 7.1, 2511. lbs. 150.... 350 ,4 Point M14,/4 lbs 270 36 Point.... 3A, 491/1. lbs. 2 90.... 521, 3%; lbs. 2 10.. 5 00 “ ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ’ ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' " ’ 48Point.... 311,716 lbs. 450.. . 521,5}/8 lbs. 305.. 755 WIDE OLD STYLE—List A WARREN LIGHTFACE—List B 8Point....l2A, 1 lb. sl00....24a,.1% lbs.$1 225 6Poi11t....l6A, 3/; lb. $095....3321, '91:, lb. §,&.105....$200 . 10 Poillt....l0A, 1% lbs. 125....1‘)a, l"11. lbs 125.... 250 8Point....l4A, 1%; lbs. 1l0....242l,1,‘/1; lbs. 115.... 225 1 12 Poil1t.... 8A,1”1’r.lbs. 125.... 1721, 2115 lbs 1-) . 2 75 12 Poi1lt....11A,1~"/I lbs. l30.,..21a, 151?. lbs. 145.... 2 75 1 18 Point.... 5A, 2712. lbs. 160 921, 252 lbs. 165.... 3 25 18 Point.... 7A, 271}; lbs. l60....l32l, 2213 lbs. 170.... 3 30 1 24 P0il1t.... 3 A, 254; lbs. 170 621,27/3 lbs 185. . 3 55 24 Point.... 4A, 25‘/1/11 lbs. 175.... 821,254 lbs. 175.... 350 1 30P01l1t.... 3A, 4311 lbs. 285.... 321, 2‘,‘11/Io lbs. 165.... 450 36 Poi11t.... 4A, 4% lbs. 280.... 621, 3511. lbs. 245.... 525 1 36 I’0illt.... 3A, 5:‘/.1 lbs. 355.... 3a,3‘?1/11 lbs. 220.. . 575 48 Poil1t.... 3A, 7‘91o lbs. 470.... 421, 415.13 lbs. 290.... 760 l 48 Point.... 3A 9-‘llo lbs. 560.... 3a,5’/2 lbs. 330.. .890 BARNHART BROS. & S1"-"INDLER’S 101;’. SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TELEGRAPH CODE TELEGRAPH CODE The Tele;.rraph Code herewith given will be found very convenient and economical to our customers who have occassion to wire for type. For example: A patron desiring: us to ship by United States Express 25 pounds of 12 point Barnh-art Old Style. 3 fonts of 18 point Old Roman Bold and 1 font of 24 point Plate Text No. 4, would wire as follows: "Unisex Welfare Bat-ca; l<‘:u~tion P-alrnated Modena: Facade Palpus Morphia." shown in this Specimen Book. It should be understood that this code applies only to type SHIPPING CODE Adex . . . . . . . . . . ..-\(l:1lllS Express Freehigh . . ..l.elii;:li Valley . . . . . . . ..Enipire Line Fast Freight Amerex.. .. . . ...\iuericaii Express Freho .. .... ..Hoosac Tunnel Fast Fr. L. .. .. .. .. ..l\letropolitan Line BOXteX..........N..|.¢Yllnsto11 l)isp. Express Frejer . .. ...... . .(‘eiitral R. R. & N. J. . . . . . ..Provideiice Line Frebalt .... . . lialto. t\' Ohio Frekan . . . . . . . ..Kenawlia Dispatch . . . . ..1’ere Marquette Frebash . . . . . . ..\\':tl>z1.~'l1 Frekuk . . . . . . . ..Keokuk at Western .. ..Erie Freigzlit Freboard ... . . . ..s‘eal>oard Air Line Frefaslack ... . . Lacka. Fast Freiglit Line. .. ..Redline Fast Freiglit Freboat.. . . . . . ...\"ew Haven Boat Frelack .. .. ....l>el-aware. Lack. <3: )1. .. ..Erie Dispatch Frebofo . . . . . . . .. 3. «Y O. Train 94 sure Frelew.. .. .. ....l.ake Erie and Western . . . . . . . . ..(_‘l_iica9r0 <31 Easterll Illinois Frebridge .. . . ..lirid;:eport Boat Frelake .. . . . . . . Lake Shore . . . . ..\\ est Sliore Frebue . . . . . . . ..Iilue Line Freline . . . . . . . ..l’eoples Line (Hudson Riv.) . . . . . ..Soutliern Railway Freburl . .. . . . . . .(‘.. ll. 6; Q. Fremaine . . . . . ..)laine S. S. - - - - - --Solltllerll Pacific Frecansol .. .. ..('-anada Southern Line Fremerch . . . . ...\lert-liants Dispatch ...Sunta_Fe Frecedar .. . . . . . Burl., (‘edar Rap. 6: Norm. Fremich . . . . . . . ..\ii<-iugzan Central .. usfar L nion Line Frecest . . . . . . . ..(‘cntl. Sts. llisp. Fast Fr. I. Fremil .. . . .... ..(7liic.. .\lilw. 6: St. Paul ...'lrade.s I)lSDa.tL'll Frecindes .... ._(‘l:i<-a;,:o, Indiana it Eastern Fremoines ._])es.. lo. Falls & Nortli _ .. ..Iow_a (‘entral Frecit . . . . . . . . . ..(‘itizens Line 4 Hudson Riv.» Fremonons. . . . .(‘l1it-agzo, Ind. and LOlllS\'1ll€ . . . . . ..Indiai_iapol1s «S; Vincennes Frechand . . . . l . A’ I). Fremont . . . . . ..\'erinont Central . .. .. (S; \V. R. l{., Freight Freclyde ..(‘1_\'de Line Frenah .. . . . .. ..savannah Line Boat . . — . . . ...\g>_rw1cli Boat Frecoast . . . . . . . .Atlantic Coast Line Boat Frenash .. .. .. ..I.oI1is\'ille & Nashville . - . . - . . - -W} 1S<‘0_n>‘lI1 Central Freconsol .. . . ..(‘onsolidated Lines Frenick ........I\'it-kleplate ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ":\ew 3 OH.‘ Celnral Frecrip R. 1. ts: P. Ereigrlit Frenois . . . . . . . ..llliiiois Central -- -- --I,nte,rs- ll1>;i>- Fast Freizrht Frefour . . . . . . ..Bi;: Four Frenorp. .. .. .. ..Burlin;:ton & Xorn. Pacific Natex . . . . . . . . ..;\ational Express Fresoo .. . . . . . . . ..l‘€-‘S C0. Fregrand .. .. ..‘ (‘O- F1‘eehaVe........Ve\\'York.Ne\\' Hav. A: Hart. Frepenna . . . . ..l’ennsylvauia R. R. Freigrlit WEIGHT Wakeful . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 ounces Wealth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . :3 pounds Widen __ . , __ . , __ .. .. 100 pounds Woman . .. .. 275 pounds Wander .. .. ...... . . .. is’ ounces Weapon . . . . . . . . . . . .. 16 pounds Wild .. ...... .. .. 125 pounds Wonder . . . . . . . . . . . .. 390 pounds Warmth ......... .... 12 oun«-es Wedding .... .. .. 1:’) pounds Wilful .. - 150 lJOl11ldS Wonlng‘ -- ~- -- -- 3-'l0llOll1ldS Warning. . . . . . . . . . ... 1 pound Welcome .. .. . . . . .. .. 20 pounds Winding 175 Dddlld-*' Wonted - - - - - - - - - - -- 49" P0ll1ldS Warrant.. . .. .. . . . . .. #2 pounds Welfare . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2:’) pounds Wisdon . . . . . . . . . . . .. 200 pounds Woodcut . . . . . . . . . .. fat) pounds Watch :5 pounds Welkin ....... . . . :30 pounds Witness ........ . . .. 22:’) pounds Workman .. .... .. .. um) pounds Weaken . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 pounds Welter... .. .. .. .. .. .. 75 pounds Wizard . . . . . . . . . . . .. 250 pounds Wrangle.. .. .. ..1000 pounds BODY TYPE Babbitt . . . . . . . .. 6 point ll-arnliart O. S. Behead . .. ..18 point Mission Blush .. ..11 point Ronian l\:o. 60 Babble .. . :4 point llarnliart O. S. Behold .. . . .. 6 point Old Roman Bold Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..1l point Roman l\_o. 63 Babboon . .. 10 point liarnliart ( l. H. Belay . 8 point Old Roman Bold Boarish . . . . . . . . . . . ..1l point Roman 6% Bacca ...l‘£ point litlI'!lll1|I‘t O. S. Belch ._.11) point Old Roman Bold Boast . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ll point Ronian i\‘o. 66 Bacchus ...H point liarnliart O. is‘. Belfry __1~31,0mt(>l(l Roman Bold Bobby.. . . .. .. .. ..l1 point Roman ly). 80 Bacon . ..l6 point llarnluxrt O. S. Bellow . . . . . . . . ..l4 point Old Roman Bold Bodfish . . . . . . . . . . . ..l2 point Roman N). 63 Baden ..ix point Barnliart O. S. Belva ..l.\‘ point Old 1{oinan Bold B0dleY -- ---- -- --1'3 Pdmt ROUNU1 1\_O- ()4 Badger . 6 point (‘as-Ion 1). li. Bemoan . . . . . . . .. 6 1H>intO. R. (‘ondeiised Bogan . . . . . . . . . . . . . point Roman .\vo. 64 affle .... . 24 point ('aslon O. R. Bench . . . . . . . . . .. 3 point (). R. (‘ondensed _BoLan . . . . . . . . . . .... 16 point Roman _i\o. M Baggy .......Hl imint <‘u.~'l<>n 0. ll. Bender ...1o point o. R. (‘ondensed Boldly . . - . - - . . .- => i><>1_nt Old §t.i'le .\;<>. 59 Bagpip . . . . . . ..ll point (‘aslon O. R. Bengal .. .. ..l'2 point, 0. R. (‘ondensed -- 5-" - ~ - - - - ~ - - -- 6 lldlllt U1d§t.Yle 150- 1 Bai1er.... ..... ..I:.’ point (‘aslou O. R. Benne1;t__.___._,14 pointu. R.(‘ondensed O R1’P".~ -- -- 6 lldlllt (add §t.Vl9 1\_0- {>3 Baird... .. ..H point (‘aslou O. lt. Bequest . . . . . . .. is point 0, li. Condensed Bolton . . . . . . . . .. point Old style :39 Baize.. .. .. ..l6 point (‘aslon O. R. Bereft.. .. . 6 point Paratron Bolus . . . . . . . . . . .. POl11t “Id §t)’19 l\_0- 40 Balbec .. .. . . 13 point (‘aslon O. l{. Berry . . . . . . . . . .. 7 point l’ara;:on Bona1r.... 6 point Old ntyle l\_o. 90 Ba.der .. .. .. 6 point (‘aslou O1 1 Style Bespeak .... 8 point Paragzon Bondage - - ~ - - -- £3 D‘-llllt Old $518 «\_0- 200 Baled . . . . . . . . . .. 8 point (‘aslon Old Style .. .. . . . . .. ..l0 point Paragroii Bones . . . . . . . . . .. 1 point Old ntyle l\:(). 53 Ballard .. . .. .. ..1o point (‘usloii Old Style ..l2 point l’ara;:on ‘ lldlllt Old fityle A\fl- 59 ‘ n ming . . . . .. ..lr3 point ( ‘aslon Old Style . . . . . . . ..14 point l’arai—"Ol1 8 1’°.”‘t ‘dd Wyle I‘,"- _1 Baluster . . .. . . ..l4 point (‘aslon < )ld Style .. ..lx point l’aI'alIOll V , 8 l"’”1t Old §t~"1e :‘,‘—’- ‘*3 Bamoth .. .... . . is point (‘aslon Om style . . . . . . . .. 5 point Roman 1\Vo. 64 8 point Old style i\p. Q9 Bandage . . .. . _ ._ 6 point Elzevir No. :3 . 514 point Roman l\_o. 60 . 8 point Old ntyle l\;o. :0 Bandbox. . . . . .. 2: point Elzevir No. 5 r.,1,=_: point ltoinan so. 93 8 point Old bfyle i\_0. 90 Bandit .. ..m point Elzevir No. :'»,_ point Roman l‘<_0- 0% 3 Domt Old bfyle $0. 100 Bangs . . .. . . . . . . . 1': point Elzevir No. 5 .. :'>l,._’.' point Roman l\_0. (it) 9 PO11“ Old §t.Vl9 3'0 {)3 Banish.... ......u point l4 point Lin. (iernian . . . . . . . - . -- 7 POl11t R"""“1 I‘_"- M’ Bowled. ' ' ' ' - - - "10 l"v’!"t Om W319 N” 100 Barked _ _ . _ _ _ _ __ 9 ,,.,mt]‘m.(;e,-,,,an _ 7 point Roinaii no. 80 Bowsprit . . . . . ..l1 point Old btyle l\To. 1 Barker” __ . _ _ . _. 9 },.,mt ]‘m_ He,-man };(,_ 2 . 8 point Roman )\_o. 60 Boxwood .. .. ..l1 point Old btyle Isa. 58 Barnuin ....l0 point Lin. Herman . . . . . . . . . .. 8 point Roman l\_o. M BOYh00d - - - - - - --11 lldlllt (dd bfyle 1\_0- 539 Barrett . _ _ _ _ _ . _ _ H) puint ]‘jn_ (;e[-‘nun X()_ 2 . 8 ])0!Ilt 1{()nla.I1 .\'U. ()4 . . . . . . . .11 pUlllt hY(), 40 Barter pointI.iii.(lerinai1 . . . . . . . . . .. 8 imint Roman M». 90 Brabant . - - - - - point Old l3tyle M2. 90 Beacon.. .. . . .. ., 1:: point Lin. (ierinan .. 8 l>OlllT lgmnan l\,o- 44 Braddock -.13 point Old §tyle I50. _1 Beady _ _ _ _ _ _ _ A _ __H pmnt ]_1,,_ (;e,-mun .. X point ltoinan i\_o. 80 Braggart 001;; point Old style bio. no Beaker ' ‘ . _ _ _ _ _ __ 1},‘ point L]'n_ (}ern]an . . . 9 pfllllt l\()lll&Il :\'0. ()0 Brallltzle . . . . . ])0lIlt I\(). Beatty H __ _, 5 lmmt ],in_ xv (ieutury . 9 point ltouian .\_o 64 Brandish ..lz point Old style l_\:o. 91) Beaver.. .. . . _ . . . 10 point Lin. XV (‘entury . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 point lunuan .\o. 66 Bravest . . . . . . . ..l4 point Old style hvo. 59 Beckon . . ..12 point Lin. XV (‘entury .. 9 point Roman 130. :4 Brayton - - - . . . ..18 point Old style lxo. 59 Bedaub .. ..is point Lin. X\'Ce1itiiry .. .. 9 point ltonian Z\_o Ml Breaker .. . . .. ..l8 point Oldbtyle .\o. 76 Bedlain .. .. . . . .. 6 point ,\Iis-sion ..l() point hoinan l\_o. 66 Breathless ..l0 point Illailiiig I‘ype_.\_o. 3 Bedung , _ , , _ _ _ _, x paint 311551011 . . . . . . . . ..1() point Roman .\_o. 6; Breeder . . . . . . .. 8 point Lniform Mailing Befall .. .. ..m point Missioii . . . . . . . . . . ..lU point Roman I\_0- 04 _ _ype_ H Beggar-_,__ __1:g [mint _\]i_\‘_\'i()n ...I() point Roman l\_o. bb Breslin . . . . . . . . ..l() point L/llll'OI'1ll Mailiiig Begone..........1-1 point Mission ..!0 point Roman l\0. 80 _Vll€ POINT-LINE. POINT-SET. POINT-BODY 1013 QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED TELEGRAPH CODE POINT Pabular . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. I point Pagan................. 8 point Pa1mated............. 18 point Panfu1.................54 point Pacate :3 point Pagoda . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9 point Pa1melto.............. 20 point Panti1e................ 00 point Pacer................_:: point Paint..................1() point Pa1pus................24 point Pantry......_.........ms point Pacha.................»i point Palade............... 11 point Paltry................30 point Papa.l..................72 point Pacify................;3 point Pa1adin............... I‘. point Pamper .........36 point Papist.................~<4 point PaCkaI‘(l..............3%poiiit Paling.................H point Panda.................42 point Parade............_...96 point Paddock..............0 point Pallid........ It‘) point Pane1..................4x point Paradox.......... ..lt30 point Padnag 7 point FONTS Facade . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 1 i'ont Faint............ .. bfonts Famous ..11 fonts Fe1on..........l.owerease fonts Facial...................zfonts Fairy ................7font.s Fancy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..l2t'onts Femur...............l’ointfont Faction.................Cifonts Faking..................8i'ontv-s Feca1...................(‘api'ont Fenton...............Q1iu4if<)iit Fading.................. 4 fonts Falcon ‘Jfonts Feeble ..............l<‘i;:ure font Fernald . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Spa<-e font Fagged .. .. . . . . . . . . .. . .. :3 fonts Fallow . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..10i'onts Feint . .Joh fonts spueesand qdze. Fervid ...... .. ..Small Cap font JOB TYPE Labefy .. . . .. . . ..Adstyle Leeward. . .. ....l)e(-inial l<‘i;,:ures No. [120 Lobu1e.... ......Li;:litfaee Post Labial ...... .. ..Advertisi1ig l“igs. No. 101 Legacy ... . . . . ..l)ei.:ree Hotliie .\'o. 1 Lochia . . . . . . . . ..Lining ;\(‘llle Labium . . . . . . . ..-\; Gothic Title No. 90 Latched . ..(‘a.\:lon ()1dSt_yle ltalie .....(:':()tlll(' (‘oinp. Title No. 71 Mamnet ........Llnin;: Hotliie Title .\'o. 901 Latent ..(‘u.s'tor . . . . . . . ..(lotliie('oinp. Title No. 7‘). Manacle ....Lining(iotlii("l'itle No. ‘J0? Latei al . . . . . . . ..(‘ntulog Old Style .. ..(iotl1ie (‘onip. Title No. 8 Mamock .. .... . . Lining (iotliie Title No. ll? Lathing ........(7in-ulurliotliie No.44 . . . . . . ..(iuur(l Manade . . . . . . . ..Linin;:(iotliie Title .\'o. 1171 Laudable . .. . . ..(‘laren(lon lixtru (‘on(l.1\'o..’: ..llan(ly l<‘i.~‘ts No. :3 ]Manak1n . . . . . ..Linin;,: (iotliie Title No. ll?! Laudatory . . . . .< ‘lurendon No. .3 . .llan(l_y l<‘i:~'t.~x No. 6 Iflanape . . . . . . . ..Linin;_v' (Trace Script Laughed . . . . . . ..( ‘luli ...lieud Letter (fondensed Zifltanation. .. ..Lining (I-rant Launched .. . . ..(‘oniiner«-iul Marks ;\'o. :3 ..liel(-a ‘ anpate _ _ , , _ , __l.ining Hazel Script Laureate . . . . . ..( ‘omnierviul Marks No. 0 . .liu;:o No. :3 Iflancus . . . . . . . ..Lining Hazlett Lavaret .... . . . .(‘oimner«-iul .\lurk.~' No. 7 ...lneline(l De \'iiine Nfandamus. . . . l.iiiin;:,' lonie Lavender .. . . ..(‘onnnereial Marks‘ .\'o. X ..lneline‘ No. 1060 Livery . .. ..Lea(lers, Three Dots to l~Ini ...Linin;: Myrtle Script Lebanon . . . . . ..l)e<-inial l~‘i;:ures No. 1070 Lividity . . . . . . ..Legal ltalie No. .3 ..l.inin;: Nzulall Lection . . . . . . . ..l>e<-inial Figiires No. 1080 Lizard .... ..l.ig‘lit Latin Lining Nadall No. l Lecture . . . . . . . ..l)e¢-inial l~‘i;:ures No. 10250 Loafing . . . . . . ..l.igl1tfaee No. 7 Lining‘ .\'zulull .\’o. 2 Ledger.. ....lJeeiinal l<‘igui'e.~‘ No. H00 Loathsome .. ..l.igliti'aee No. 534 ...Lining Nzulull .\'o. 3 Leeching . . . .. ..l)eeiinal Figiires No. llll) Lobelia .. . .. .. ..Ligliti'aee (iotliie No. 4:3 ..l.ining Nestor Seript BARNHART BROS. & SPIN DLER’S I014 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE TELEGRAPH CODE . . . . . . . . . . . o . . . . . . . . .Lining Plate Gothic No. ..Lining Plate Gothic No. Lining Norman Condensed Lining Oblique Gothic Lining Oliver No. 3 Lining Pantagraph Script Lining Plate Gothic . . . . . . . ..Lining Plate Gothic No. 1 . . . . . . . .Lining Plate Gothic No. cmummwww Lining Plate Gothic No. Lining Plate Gothic No. Lining Plate Gothic No. Lining Plate Gothic No. Lining Plate Gothic No. . ..Lining Plate Script Lining Plate Script No. 2 Lining Plate Script No. 3 Lining Premier Script Lining Princess Script Lining Princeton ..Lining Racine Lining Racine No. 1 Lining Racine No. 2 .. ..Lining Racine Circular ..Lining Remington Lining Remington No. 2 Lining Remington No. 6 ..Lining Remington No. 7 Lining Runic Lining Southey Lining Spenser Lining Standard Script Lining Steelplate Lining Sterling ..Lining Stillson Lining Stillson No. 1 Lining Stillson No. 2 Lining Stillson No. 3 Lining Tasso Lining Tasso No. 2 Lining Typewriter No. 1 .. ..Lining Umbra .. ..Lining Utility Gothic No. 2 .. ..Lining Utility Gothic No. 3 .. ..Lining Utility Gothic No. 12 .. ..Lining Utility Gothic No. 13 ..Lining Utility Gothic No. 14 Lining Vtenetian ..Lining Vulcan ...IIII.'f..oxdRomanBo1d "'..'II'...1>arag . . . . . . ..0ld Roman Condensed .. .. ...Old Style Condensed No. 50 . . . . . . . ..Old Style Condensed No. 52 . . . . . . . . .Old Style Italic No. 59 .. .. ....Old Style . . . . . . . . . .Old Style No. 59 .. .. ...Old Style Title No. 59 ..Outline Gothic No. 61 on . . . . . . . ..Paragon Italic Nol . . . . . . . . ..Paragraph Marks No. 1 . . . . . . . . ..Paragraph Marks No. 2 . . . . . . . . ..Paragraph Marks N0. 3 . . . . . . . . Pastel . . . . . . . .Pastel .. ..Parens. . . . . . . . . .Parens. . . . . . . . . . .Parens. . . . . . . . . .Parens. . . . . . . .Parens. . . . . . . . . .Parens. . . . . . . . . Parens. . . . . . . . . .Paragraph Marks No. 4 and Brackets No. and Brackets N 0. and Brackets No. and Brackets No. and Brackets No. and Brackets No. and Brackets No. . . . . . ..Pastel Bold . . . . . . . Pastel Condensed . . . . . . . . . . . Pastel Lightface Open . . . . . . . . .Pen Text No. 5 . . . . . . . .Perpetual Calendars x 30 . . . . . . . . . . .Perpetual Calendars x 31 . . . . . . . . . Perpetual Calendars x 32 . . . . . . ..Perpetual Calendars x 33 . . . . . . . . ..Perpetual Calendars x 34 . . . . . . . . . Pharmaceutical Signs . . . . . . ..Piece Accents . . . . . . . ..Piece Fractions GUIFWNH . . . . . . . . .Moclern Go. Cond. Title No. 7 . . . . . . . . ..Mocern Gothic Italic . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title .. .. .. . .. ..Modern Gothic Title No. . . . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title No. . . . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title No. . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title No. . . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title No. . . . . . . ..Modern Gothic Title No. .. ..Modern Title . ..Monitor No. 5 ..Nail. Pin and Screw Heads Lining Wide Spenser . . . . . . . . . Piece Root Si gns isaNo.5 Lining Yost ........Luxor No.5 . . . . . . ...Marshall Italic No. 5 Mazarin No. 5 . . . . . . . . Plate Text . . . . . . . ..Plate Text No. 4 . . . . . . ..Plymouth . . . . . . . . ..Plymouth Bold . . . . . . . . ..Plymouth Condensed Mazarin Italic No. 5 t .. .... ..Metal Braces No. 3 . . . . . . . . .Metal Braces No. 7 .. .. ..Mission ..Mode Modern Fraktur No. 5 Modern Go Modern Go Modern Go Modern Go Modern Go .. ..Modern Go ..Modern Go Modern Go . . Modern Go thic Condensed thic thic Cond. Title . Cond. Title No. . Cond. Title No. . Cond. Title No. . Cond. Title No. . Cond. Title No. . Cond. Title No. 96U\|#O3l\5"‘ Adstyle Border . . . . . . . . .Adstyle Border No. .. .. ..AdstyleBo . . . . . . . . . . .Adstyle Border No. . . . . . . . .Adstyle Border No. .... .. ..Adstyle Bo . . . . . . . . .Adstyle Border No. .. .. ..Am. Flag Border, 1 color . . . . . . . . . . . . ..Am. Flag Border, 2 colors .. ..Am. Shield .. ..Am. Shield .. ..(‘uban Flag Border, 1 color . .(.‘uban Flag Border, 2 colors rder No. rder No. O0U‘|fbC~’aNH-‘ Border. 1 color Border, 2 colors 3 point Borders 6 point Borders . .. . 9 point Borders . .10 point Borders 12 point Borders .. ..18 point Borders .. . .24 point Borders .. . .30 point Borders . . ..36 point Borders .. ..48 point Borders . .72 point Borders 96 point Borders . . . . . . ..Combination Border No. 21 22 . . . .(}ombination Border No. .. . Combination Border No. .. . .Combination Border No. . . . Combination Border No. .. ..()ombination Border No. . . . .Combination Border No. . .(lombination Border No. Combination Border No. . . . .Combinati0n Border No. . .Comb. Ornaments No. 20 $83 25 26 115 I17 119 Five Pointed Stars Florette Border No. 3 . . . .Garland Ornaments No. 51 . . . . .. ..(iarland Ornaments No. 52 . . . . . . . .Garland Ornaments No BORDERS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. o . . . . . . . .. POINT-LI N E, POINT-SET, POI NT-BODY ..Ornaments No. . . . . . . . ..Plymouth Italic ost Post Open . . . . . . . . ..Radial Italic No. 5 . . . . . . . ..Reed Text . . . . . . ..Ref. and Indices No. 60 . . . . . . .Ref. and Indices No. 70 . . . . . . . . . . .Schiller No. 5 . . . . . . . ..Schwabacher No. 5 . . . . . . . .Sheridan .. .... ..Skeleton Antique No. 55 .. .. ..Slope Gothic No. 50 . . . . . . . . .Slope Gothic No. 501 .. ..SlopeGothic No. 502 . . . . . . . . .Slope Gothic No. 503 AND ORNAMENTS Garland Ornaments No. 54 Garland Ornaments No. 55 ..Garland Ornaments No. 56 )-| . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. 1808 . Holly Border No. . Holly Border ho. . Holly Border No. 2409 . Holly Border No. . Holly Border l\o. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . Holly Border No. . . Holly Ornaments No. 100 Holly Ornaments No. 101 Holly Ornaments No. 102 . . Luxor Border Mazarin Ornaments No. 50 Metal Rule Metal Rule Border No. 337 . ..Metal Rule Border No. 338 Metal Rule Border No. 475 Midway Midgets Series l\o. 1 Midway Midgets Series No. 2 New Art Border No. 48 ..New Art Border6(I;Io. 49 Ornaments No. 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 Ornaments No. Ornaments No. Ornaments No. Ornaments N o. Ornaments No. Ornaments No. Ornaments No. Ornaments No. Ornaments No. 1015 Muscat . . . . . . . . .Slope Gothic No. 504 Muscle . . .. . . . . . .Slope Gothic No. 505 Museful . . . . . . . .Slope Gothic No. 506 Museum . . . . . . ..Slope Gothic No. 507 Mushy . . . . . . . . ..Slope Gothic No. 508 Musical . . . . . . . ..Smith-Premier Stand. No. 1 Musket . . . . . . . ..Spire No. 5 Mustang . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 1 Mutiny . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 2 Mutton . . . . . . . . .Stationers Plate No. 3 uzz . . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 4 Myst c . . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 5 Nabit . . . . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 6 Nacrita . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 7 Nadir . . . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 8 Nagged . . . . . . . ..Stationers Plate No. 9 Nailer . . . . . . . . . ..Stationers Text No. 5 Naked . . . . . . . . . . Superior and Inferior Letters and Figs. No. 590 Nancy . . . . . . . . ..Steelplate Text No. 5 Nandine . . . . . . .. Superior and Inferior Letters and Figs. No. 640 Nantes . . . . . . . . . .Superior & Inferior Italic Letters and Figs. No. 590 Napkin . . . . . . . . . Superior & Inferior Italic Letters and . . . . . . . . . .Sylvan Text No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . .Talisman . . . . . . . .Talisman Italic . . . . . . ..Tell Text No. 5 . . . . . . . ..Teutonic No. 5 . . . . . . . . ..Teuton Black No. 5 . . . . . . . ..Teuton Extended No. 5 . . . . . . . ..Title No. 5 34 ha- 99‘ 7- G '71 - .° © 10 . . . . . . . ..Title No. 11 . . . . . . . ..Title No. 52 . . . . . . . ..Title No. 53 . . . . . . . ..Title Italic No. 10 . . . . . . . . ..Title Italic No. 50 . . . . . . . . . ..Topic No. 5 .. ..Tudor Bold . . . . . . ..Tudor No. 5 .. .. .. . .Tudor Text No. 5 epos . . . . . . . . . . .Two-Line No. 55 . . . . . . ..Two-Line No. 56 . . . . . . . .Two-Line N0. 58 . . . . . . . . .. Warren . . . . . . . . ..Warren Lightface . . . . . . . . ..VVedding Plate .. ..Wedding Plate No. 2 . . . . . . ..Wesel . . . . . . . . ..West Lining Gothic No. ... . . . . . .. West Lining Gothic No. . . . . . . . ..West Lining Gothic No. . . . . . . . . ..West Lining Gothic No. . . . . . . . . ..West Lining Gothic No. . . . . . . . ..West Lining Gothic No. . . West Lining Gothic No. . . . . . . . ..West Old Style No. 70 . . . . . . . ..West Old Style No. 75 ..Wide Germania No. 5 . . .VVest Lining Gothic No. .: Figs. No. 640 532 533 534 535 536 537 . . . . . . . . . . .Wide Lining Gothic No. 520 . . . . . . . . . . .VVide Lining Gothic No. 5201 . . . . . . . ..W'ide Lining Gothic No. 5202 . . . . . . . . . . .Wide Lining Gothic No. 5203 . . . . . . . ..Wide Lining Gothic No. 5204 . . . . . . . ..Wide Old Style Orkney . . . . . . . . .Ornaments No. 71 Orlando . . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 72 Orlop . . . . . . . . . . . .Ornaments N o. 73 Ormolu . . . . . . . . .Ornaments No. 74 Ormsby . ..Ornaments No. 75 Ormuzd . . . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 76 Ornate . . . . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 77 Ornithic . . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 78 Orologist ..Ornaments No. 79 ro‘:und . . . . . . . .Ornaments No. 80 Orphaline . . . . . .Ornaments No. 81 Orp han . . . . . . . .Ornaments No. 82 Orp heus . . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 83 Orpunent . . . . . ..Ornaments No. 84 Orr sch . . . . . . . . ..Outline Stars Ort hite . . . . . . . . ..Page Ornaments No. 57 Orthodox . . Page Ornaments No. 58 Or ‘nnlngy . . . . ..Page Ornaments No. 59 Ort ve . . . . . . . . ..Pastel Border No. 51 Ortyx . . . . . . . . . ..Pastel Border No. 52 Osborne . . . . . . . . Pastel Border No. 53 Oscar . . . . . . . . . ..Pastel Border No. 54 Oscillate . . . . . . ..Plymouth Ornaments No. 30 Oscullant . . . . ..Recherche Border No. 10 Osmeum . . . . . . .. 8 point Rococo Border No. 5 Osmond . . . . . . . .18 point Rococo Border No. 5 Osmose . . . . . . .. ‘croll Bordler No. 50 Ossean . . . . . . . . ..Scroll Border No. 54 Ossifled . . . . . . ..Scroll Border No. 55 Ostend . . . . . . . . ..Scroll Borcier No. 56 Ostler . . . . . . . . ..Scroll Border No. 57 Ostrich . . . . . . . ..Temple Ornaments Oswald . . . . . . . ..Utility Border No. 51 Othello . . . . . . . ..Utility Border No. 52 Otis . . . . . . . . . . . ..Utility Border No. 53 Otology . . . . . . . ..Utility Border No. 54 Otter . . . . . . . . . . ..\'eronese Ornaments Ottoman .. . .Veronese Outline Orna. Ourane. . . . . . . . . Volunteers QUALITY AND FINISH UNEQUALED INDEX INDEX TO SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE, ORNAMENTS. BORDERS AND BRASS RULE. PAGE Accents .................................... ..727-743 Accents, Piece ............................. ..743 Acme, Lining ........................... ..468, 469 Adstyle ..................................... .424, 427 Adstyle Borders ............ ..640, 648b—648g Advertising Cuts ........................... ..795 Advertising Figures ............... .699-715 Advertising Rules ........................ ..784 Africani ...... ................................. ..676 Agate Music Type ....................... ..723 Aldine, Lining ............................. ..60, 61 Aldine, Condensed Lining ............ .. 62 Algebraic Signs ............................ ..681 Almanac Signs .............................. ..680 American Flag Border ................ ..636 American Shield Border ............ ..636 Anglo Initials ................................. ..748 Anglo, Lining ................................. ..527 Angular Quads ........................... ..838 Antique No. 7 .................. ............ ..193 Antique No. 53 ............................... .192 Antique No. 6, Lining .... ........... ..191 Antique Condensed No. 52 ..............197 Antique Condensed No. ............ ..196 Antique Condensed, Lining .......... ..193 Antique Extended No. ............. ..199 Antique Extended No. ............. ..198 Antique Extended No. 56 ............. ..198 Antique, Lining Modern...........202, 203 Antique Pointed, Lining ............... ..20O Antique, Skeleton No. 55 ............... ..194 Arcade, Lining .............................. ..320 Archer, Lining .............................. ._448 Arithmetical Signs ........................ ..680 Arno No. 2 ............................... .393-395 Autos and Horses ......................... ..77 Australian Ballot Signs .............. ..726 Ballot Signs, Australian ............... ..726 Bank Script, Lining...................574, 575 Bank Script No. 2, Lining ...... .576, 577 Bank Script No. 3, Lining ...... .578, 579 Bard ........................................ ..438, 439 Bard Open ..................................... ..440 Barnhart Old Style .......138-141, 486, 487 Beveled Linotype Column Rules...7 2 Bikes .............................................. .644 Bismarck ....................................... ..601 Bisque, Lining ............................... ..302 Bisque No. 2, Lining ................. .299-301 Black Condensed No. 55 ................ ..606 Braces, Braces, Metal ................................. Braces and Dashes, Metal .... ..692, 693 Brass Advertising Rules ............... ..784 Brass Braces ................................ ..784 Brass Circles ........................... .. 786-788 Brass Column Rules .................... ..782 Brass and Copper Thin Spaces .... .790 Brass Corners . ..77A -780 Brass Dashes ................................. ..785 Brass Diamonds ............................ .786 Brass Head Rules ........................ ..,783 Brass Leaders .............................. ..781 Brass Leads and Slugs ............... ..789 Brass and Metal Foot Slugs ......... ..783 Brass Ovals .............................. H786-788 Brass Panel Rule ........................... .773 Brass Perforating Rule ............... ..789 Brass Rule in Strips ................. "757-767 Brass Rule, Labor Saving . ......770-773 Brass Rule Miters, Price List ...... .770 Brass Scoring Rule .................... ..789 Brass Space Rule ......................... ..770 Bonv TYPE Barnhart Old Style ............... ..97-103 Body Type Accents ............. ..727-732 Caslon Old Roman ................ .176-184 German ............................... ..59(%595 Lining Fifteenth Century ...... ..93—96 Mission .................................. ...1. 7-162 Old Roman Condensed ......... .163-169 Old Roman Bold ................... .170-175 Old Style ................................... .66-92 Paragon ................................. . . 150-156 Roman ........... ....................... ..31-50 BARNI-IART BROS. & SPINDLER’S BORDERS PAGE 3 Point ............................... ..608, 648a 6 Point ......................... ..608—611, 648a 9 Point ........................................ ..611 10 Point ....................................... ..6l1 12 Point .......................... ..612-618, 648a 18 Point ......................... ..618-623, 648a 24 Point ......................... .623-631, 648a 30 Point . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .631 36 Point .................................. ..631-634 48 Point ................................... 634-635 72 Point ........................................ ..635 96 Point ........................................ .635 Adstyle ........................ .640, 648b--648g American Flag ........................... ..636 American Shield ........................ .616 Combination No. 21 and 25 ......... ..665 Combination No. ................... .662 Combination No. 23 and 24 .......... .644 Combination No. 26 ..................... .637 Combination No. 115 and I19........648 Combination No. 116 and 117 ...... .659 Cuban Flag .................................. .636 Florette No. 3 .............................. .662 Holly ........................................... .638 Luxor .......................................... ..649 MetalRule ............................ 643 New Art No. 48 ............................ ..647 New Art No. 49 ............................ .646 Pastel ........................................ .641 Recherche No. 10 ..... ................ ..658 Rococo No. 5 ............................... .637 Scroll ..................................... .650——653 Utility . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .654, 655 Brownies ......................................... ..675 Cadillac ................................... ..434, 435 Cadillac Condensed ................ .432, 433 Caledonian No. 5 .................... .188, 189 Calendars, Electrotyped ............... .719 Calendar Figures ................... ..716, 717 Calendars, Perpectual .................. ..718 Caligraph No. 2, Lining ................ .516 Cancelled Letters and Figures.....694 Carbon Text ............................. .548, 549 Caslon Old Roman ...... ..348—351. 492, 493 Caslon Old Roman Ital .345-347, 494, 495 Caslon Old Style ...................... ..135-137 Caslon Old Style Italic .................. ..134 Castor ....................................... ..446, 447 Catalog Old Style ..........142-145, 488, 489 Catchwords, Modern ..................... ..746 Cattle Brand Blanks ..................... .679 Celtic No. 1, Lining ........................ .311 Chamfer, Lining Check Blanks ................................. ..794 Checkers ........................................ .685 Chicks ............................................. .675 Circular Gothic No. 44 ...... 472, 473 Clarendon Extra Cond. No. 5 ....... ..187 Clarendon No. 5 ............................ ..186 Clarendon, Lining French ............ ..210 Club .......................................... . .39(}392 Column Rules, Brass! ..................... ..782 Combination Border No. 21 .......... Combination Border No. 22 .......... Combination Border No. 23 .......... .644 Combination Border No. 24 .......... .644 Combination Border No. .......... ..665 Combination Border No. 26 .......... .637 Combination Border No. 115. ........ .648 Combination Border No. 116 ......... ..659 Combination Border No. 117 ......... ..659 Combination Border No. 119 ......... ..648 Commercial Logotypes ................. Commercial Marks .....681-683, 692, 69: Composite Condensed No. 5 .......... Concave, Lining ............................ ..201 Congo, Lining ......................... .436, 437 Condensed No. 51 ........................... .. 51 Condensed No. 53 ........................... .. 51 Condensed No. 54 ......................... .56, 57 Condensed, Antique No. 52. ........... ..197 Condensed, Antique No. ............ ..196 Condensed, Elzevir No. 50 ...... ..106, 107 Condensed, Latin No. 1.. ................ ..208 1016 PAGE Condensed Old Style, No. 50.....104. 105 Condensed Old Style, No. 52 .....109-111 Convincers ..................................... ..676 Copper and Brass Thin Spaces .... ..790 Cosmos ........................................... .108 Cross Rules ................................... ..784 Cuban Flag Border ...................... .636 Cupids ............................................. .675 Cutting and Creasing Rule .......... ..789 Darktown Nine ............................. .676 Dashes, Metal ............................... ..687 Dashes, Brass ............................. ..785 Date Lines, Electrotyped ............. ..79 Dearborn Initials ........................... .749 Decimal Figures ...................... ..699-71 Degree Gothic No. 1 ...................... Degree Gothic No. 2 ...................... .232 Delsartes ........................................ .674 Dennison Script ...................... .584, 585 Design ..................................... ..112, 113 De Vinne Bold ......................... ..286, 287 De Vinne Compressed 288, 289 De Vinne Extra Compresse'd'...290. 291 De Vinne, Inclined .................. De Vinne Initials ........................... ..751 De Vinne, Lining ..................... ..283-285 Dewey No. 5 .............................. .455-457 Diagonal Fraction Marks ........... .. 695 Diamond Music Type ................... Dolsen Initials ............................... .754 Doric, Lining ................................ ..l90 Egyptian Extended, Lining ......... ..2l2 Egyptian Extra Cond., Lining .... ..211 Eletnion Antique ........................... ..726 Election Condensed ...................... ..726 Electrotyped Calendars ............... ..719 Electrotype Date Lines .............. ..793 Electrotyped Imprints .................. ..685 Electrotyped Sub-Heads ............... ..827 Elite, Lining .................................. ..514 Elzevir No.5 ............................ ..120, 121 Elzevir Condensed No. 50 ....... .106, 107 Elzevirine Initials ......................... ..750 Elzevir Italic No. 5 ........................ .122 Emerald, Lining . .460—461 Engravers Roman Condensed.. . ............................... .330, 331, 478, 47 Engravers Roman, Lining .......... .. ............................... .. 332-334, 480, 481 Engravers Title .......... ..328, 329, 482, 483 Expanded No. 4 .............................. .. 55 Expanded No. 5 ............................... .55 Extended, Antique No. 53 ............. .199 Extended. Antique No. 55 ............. ..198 Extended, Antique No. 56 ............. .198 Extra Condensed No. 56 ................ .. 64 Facade Condensed, Lining .... .304. 305 Facade Condensed No. 1, Lining Fair, Lining .................................. .443 Fair Open, Lining ......................... .442 Faust Text ..................................... ..545 Fifteenth Century, Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..ll6, 117, 501 Fifteenth Century Italic, Lining... .............................. .118, 119, 503 Figures, Advertising ............... ..699-715 Figures, Calendar ............... ......716. 717 Figures, Decimal ..................... ..699-710 Fists, Handy ........................... .688, 689 Five Pointed Stars ........................ .679 Florette Border No. 3 .................. .662 Foot Slugs ..................................... ..783 Fractions, ................................. .692-698 Fraction Marks, Diagonal ............ .69.) Fractions, Piece ............................ .694 French Antique Extended, Lining.199 French Clarendon, Lining .......... .210 French Old Style No. 3 ................. ..122 French Old Style No. 56 ................ .123 French Plate ............................ .554-556 French Title ............................ ..293-295 German Body Type ................ ..590-595 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE INDEX PAGE German Title Condensed No. 5 ......596 German Title, Lining ................... ..597 Gliders ........................................... .674 Goethe No. 5 .................................. Gothic Compressed No. 7 269 Gothic Compressed No. 8 ....... .270, 271 Gothic Compressed Title No. 7 ......225 Gothic Compressed Title No. 8 .... Gothic Condensed, Modern ......256-259 Gothic, Degree No.1 Gothic, Degree No. 2 ..................... ..232 Gothic Italic. Modern ............. ..246—249 Gothic, Lining Oblique .................. ..234 Gothic, Lining Utility .................. Gothic. Modern ........................ Gothic No. 44, Circular .... 472, 473 Gothic No. 45. Lightface ............... ..229 Gothic No. 47, Lining ............. ..264, 265 Gothic No. 60, Lining ............... ..236—238 Gothic No. 71, Lining ............. ..244, 245 Gothic No. 82, Lining ............... ..239—241 Gothic No. 90, Lining ............... 243 '}othic No. 111. Lining...............266, 267 Gothic No. 117, Lining .............. .260-263 Gothic No. 120, Inclined ................ ..231 Gothic No. 61. Outline ................... ..272 Gothic No. 50, Slope ...................... ..230 Gothic No. 20, Wide Lining Gothic Title No. 60, Lining ......222. Gothic Title No. 82, Lining ............ .213 Gothic Title No. 90, Lining..............224 Gothic Title No. 117, Lining 221 Gothic. West Lining ...................... ..228 Grace Script. Lining ...................... .566 Gritiins .......................................... ..678 Guard ............................................. ..310 Handy Fists ....... .................. ..688, 689 Hazel Script, Lining ............... ..568, 569 Hazlett Script. Lining Headletter Condensed ............ .308, 309 Head Rules .................................... .783 Hecla ....................................... .444, 445 Holly Borders ............................... ..638 Hugo No. 5 ............................... ..452—454 Imprints, Electrotyped . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..685 Imprint Matrices .......................... ..685 Imprints, Type Metal ................... ..685 Ionic, Lining ................................... ..185 Inclined De Vinne ................... . 281L282 Inclined Gothic No. 120....................231 INITIALS Anglo .......................................... .748 Dearborii ..................................... . .749 De Elzevirine .................................... ..750 Mazarin Mortised .............................. .735, 756 Rococo......... Universal Jesters ............................................. .. '77 Jewel Script, Lining Jim Crows. ...................................... .677 Jingos ............................................. .678 Job Type Accents.......................732—743 Job Type Fractions .................. 695-698 Kaiser ............................................. ..603 Kickers ........................................... ..674 Kits ................................................. .. ‘77 Labor-Saving Brass Rule ...... ..770—773 Lakeside Script, Lining Latin No.5 ............................... Latin No. 52 .................................... ..205 Latin Condensed No. 1 Law Italic No. 5 ............................ ..525 Leaders, Brass ............................. ..781 Leaders, Metal ............................. .691 Leads for Lining Type ................ ..7 Leads and Slugs, Brass ................ ..789 Leads and Slugs, Short ................ ..79O Legal Italic No. 5 ........................... ..524 Lightface No. 7 ............................ 59 Lightface No. 54 ............................ .. 52 Lightface Gothic No. 45 ................ Lightface, Pastel ....... ..372—374, 510, 51 Lightface Post ......................... ..273—275 Lightface. Warren ................ ..464, 465 Light Latin .................................... Light Modern, Lining ................... ..2 Lining Acme ........................... ..468. 469 POINT-LI N E, POINT-SET, POINT-BODY PAGE Lining Aldine .............................. 61 Lining Aldine Condensed ............ .. 62 Lining Anglo ................................. ..527 Lining Antique Condensed .......... ..193 Lining Antique No. Lining Antique Pointed Lining Arcade ............................... .320 Lining Archer ............................... ..448 Lining Bank Script ................ .574, 575 Lining Bank Script No. 2 ....... .57‘, 577 Lining Bank Script No. 3 ....... ..578, 579 Lining Bisque ................................. ..302 Lining Bisque No. 2 ................ ..299—301 Lining Caligraph No. ................ ..516 Lining Celtic No. 1 ........................ ..311 Lining Chamfer ............................ ..195 Lining Concave .............................. .201 Lining Congo ........................... ..436, 437 Lining De Vinne ...................... . 283—285 Lining Doric .................................. ..19O Lining Egyptian Extended .......... ..212 Lining Egyptian Extra Cond. Lining Elite ................................. ..514 Lining Emerald ...................... ..460-461 Lining Engravers Roman .. .......... .. 332-334. 480 481 Lini'i'i'gé '"F':iEsL;ié‘c'5h'dé'fisea ...... .304: 305 Lining Facade Condensed No. 1.....303 Lining Fair .................................... ..443 Lining Fair Open ........................... . .442 Lining Fifteenth Century ............................... ..116-117.500, 501 Lining Fifteenth Century Italic .............................. .. 118, 119. 502. 503 Lining French Antique Extended. 199 Lining French Clarendon ............ ..210 Lining German Title ..................... ..597 Lining Gothic No. 47 ............... .264, 265 Lining Gothic No. 60 ............... Lining Gothic No. 71 ............... ..244, 245 Lining Gothic No. 82 ............... ..239-241 Lining Gothic No. 90 ................ .242, 243 Lining Gothic No. 111 ............. .266, 267 Lining Gothic No. 117 ............. Lining Gothic Title No. 60 223 Lining Gothic Title No. 82 ............ .213 Lining Gothic Title No. 90 ............ .224 Lining Gothic. Title No. 117 .... 2;. Lining Grace Script ...................... ..566 Lining Grant ................. .... ..428—431 Lining Hazel Script ................ 569 Lining Hazlett Script ................... ..586 Lining Ionic .................................. ..185 Lining Jewel Script ...................... Lining Lakeside Script ................ ..588 Lining Light Modern ................... .204 Lining Mayo .................................. ..319 Lining Menu ............................ ..326, 327 Lining Modern Antique 203 Lining Moorish .............................. ..441 Lining Moorish Open ..................... ..441 Lining Myrtle Script .................... .567 Lining Nadall ............................... ..313 Lining Nestor Script ............. 583 Lining Norman Condensed .......... ..312 Lining Oblique Gothic .................. .234 Lining Oliver No. 3 ........................ ..518 Lining Pantagraph Script .... 581 Lining Plate Gothic .....335—337, 484, 485 Lining Plate Script ................ 561 Lining Plate Script No. 2. ...... Lining Plate Script No. 3 ...... 565 Lining Premier Script .......... .572, 513 Lining Princess Script ............. Lining Princeton ................... ..458, Lining Racine ..................... ....... Lining Racine Circular ................. .512 Lining Remington ........................ .522 Lining Remington No. 2 ............... .521 Lining Remington No. 6 ............... .520 Lining Remington No. 7 ............... ..519 Lining Runic ...................... Lining Southey .......... ..449~451, 508. Lining Spenser ........ .._ .............. .314, Lining Standard Script..... ...... .570, 5:1 Lining Steelplate ........................... ..440 Lining Sterling .............................. .. 7 Lining Stillson ........................ ..322, 323 Lining Tasso .................................. ..321 Lining Tasso No. 2 . ....................... ..523 Lining Typewriter No. 1 ................ .513 Lining Umbra Lining Utility Gothic ................... Lining Venetian ............................ .526 Lining Vulcan ............................... .318 1017 QUALITY AND FINISH PAGE Lining Wide Spenser ................... ..316 Lining Yost .................................... ..517 Linotype Column Rules........... ......782 Logotypes ................................. .746, 792 Luxor Border ................................ ..649 Luxor No. .............................. H406-408 Mailing _T3_'De ........................... .724, 725 Mayo, Lining ................................. .319 Maltese Crosses .............................. ..679 Marshall Italic No. 5 ...................... Mazarin Initials ........................... ..753 Mazarin Italic No. 5 ................ 361 Mazarin_N_o. 5 ............. ..362—364. 506, 507 Menu, Lining ........................... .326. 327 Mephistos ...................................... .677 Merit ........................................ ..387~389 Metal Braces .................................. ..725 Metal Rule ..................................... ..643 Metal Rule Border Midway Midgets ............................ ..673 Miscellaneous Characters ...... .684, 685 Mission ......................... 342-344, 490, 491 Mode ................................................ ..292 Modern Antique, Lining ......... .202. 203 Modern Catchwords ...................... ..746 Modern Corners ...................... .744, 745 Modern Fraktur No. 5 ................... .598 Modern Gothic ........................ Modern Gothic Condensed ...... .256—259 Modern Gothic Cond. Title ......216—219 Modern Gothic Italic ............... .246-249 Modern Gothic Title ............... ..214, 215 Modern Title ............................. ..296—298 Monitor No. 5 ........................... .146-148 Moonies .......................................... .. '79 Moorish, Lining .. .......................... .441 Moorish Open, Lining .................. ..441 Mortised Initials ..................... .755. 756 Music Brass Rule .................. ..722. 723 Music Type ...... .._.... .......... ..... .722. 723 Myrtle Script, Lining .................... .7 7 Nadall, Lining .......... ............... ..313 Nail, Pin and Sc_re_w Heads .......... .685 Nestor Script. Lining .............. .582—583 New Art Border No. New Art Border No. 49 .................. ..646 Newspaper Headings ...828—837 Norman Condensed. Lining ......... ..312 Oblique Gothic. Lining ................ ..234 Old Roman Bold ......... ..356—359, 498, 499 Old Roman Cond. .........352-355, 496, 497 Old Style, Barnhart .....138~141, 486. 487 Old Style, Caslon ..................... ..135—137 old Style. Catalog ...... ..142—145. 488, 489 Old Style Condensed No. 50 .... ..104. 105 Old Style Condensed No. 52......109111 Old Style Italic. Caslon ................ ..134 Old Style Italic No. 59 ............. ..124—126 Old Style No. 1 .............................. ..108 Old Style No. 3, French Old Style No. 56, French ............... ..123 Old Style No. 59 ........................ ..127—129 Old Style Title No. 59 .................... .130 Old Style No. 70, West .............. ..131—133 Old Style, Wide . ..................... ..114, 115 Oliver No. 3. Lining ...................... .518 Olympics ........................................ . .678 ORNAMENTS Combination No. 20 ..................... Garland ................................. 661 Holly ................. ........................ .. 39 Mazarin No. 50 ............................ .657 New Art ....................................... ..645 Ornaments No. 60 and 61 ............ Ornaments No. 62 and 72 ........... .664 Ornaments No. 63 and 64 ............ Ornaments No. 70 and 71 ............ Ornaments, No. 73. 74. 75 and 76...672 Ornaments, No. 77, 78 and Ornaments. No. 79, 80. 81 and 83.668 Ornaments No. 84 ........................ .671 Ornaments No. 118 ..................... .659 Outline Garland......................660, 661 Page ............................................. .. Plymouth No. 30 ......................... .670 Utility .......................................... .636 Veronese ..................................... .663 Veronese Outline ........................ .663 Vogue Ornaments ............... ..806»826 Word ._ .......................................... .671 Outline Gothic No. Outline Stars ................................. .679 UNEQUALED PAGE Pantagraph Script, Lining .... 581 Paragon ...................... .338, 339, 474, 475 Paragon Italic .......... .340, 341, 476, 477 Paragraph Marks......... ....688 Parentheses and Bracket.s’.....'.'....686, 687 Pastel ...................................... . .375-377 Pastel Bold ............................. .380-383 Pastel Borders .............................. ..641 Pastel Condensed ................... .384-386 Pastel Lightface ......... ..372—374, 510, 511 Pastel Open .............................. .378, 379 Pen Text No. 5 ............................... ..529 Perforating Rule ........................... ..789 Perpetual Calendars ..................... ..718 Pharmaceutical Signs .................. Piece Accents ................................. ..743 Piece Fractions Piece Root Signs ......... ................ .680 Pisa No. 5 ................................. ..466, 467 Plain Face Brass Rule .................. ..780 Plate Gothic, Lining ...335—337, 484. 485 Plate Script. Lining ............... 561 Plate Script No, 2, Lining ...... 5613 Plate Script No. 3. Lining ...... Plate Text ..................................... ..553 Plate Text No. 4 ...................... Plymouth ................................. ..409-413 Plymouth Bold ........................ ..421—423 Plymouth Condensed ............. ..417—420 Plymouth Italic ...................... ..414~416 Post .......................................... .278, 27 Post, Lightface ........................ ..273—275 Post Open ................................. ..276, 277 Premier Script, Lining .......... 573 Price List of Cut Rule ............ .768. 769 Price List of Strip Rule ............... ..768 Princess Script. Lining ................ .587 Princeton, Lining ................... ..458. 459 Quads, Angular Racine Circular, Lining ................ .512 Steelplate, Lining ......................... .470 Racine. Lining ............................... ..325 Steelplate Text No. 5 ..................... Radial Italic No. 5 ......................... .527 Sterling, Lining ............................ ..317 Recherche Border No. 10 ......658 Stillson, Lining ...................... .322, 323 Recipe Marks Sub-Heads, Electrotyped ............. ..827 Reed Text ............... .._. ............... ..546. 547 Superior & Inferior Lets. & Figs...690 geferences zirid _Ind1ces ......... ..692, Sylvan Text No. 5 .................. ..532, 533 emington, lining ........................ ...).. Remington No. 2, Lining .............. ..521 Talisman .................. .368-371. 504, Remington No. 6. Lining ............... ..520 Talisman Italic ........................ .365-367 Remington No. 7. Lining ............... ..519 Tasso, Lining... ............................. ..321 Rococo Borders No. 5 Tasso No.2. Lining .......... ........... .52: Rococo Initials ............................. Tell Text No. 5 .......................... ..534—536 Rom_an No. 55 .............................. 3 Temple Ornaments ...................... ..648t Runic. Lining ................................. ..209/ Teuton Black No. . ....604 L '1‘euton Extended No. 5 .....604 Schiller No. 5 TeutonicNo. 5 . .. VOGUE ORNAMENTS NO. PAGE PRICE NO. PAGE PRICE N0. PAGE PRICE N0. 1 . . . . . . . ..813 ....... .. 34 ...807 . . . . . . . .$0.50 7 . . . . . . . .. ‘ . . . . . . . . .. 25 106 . . . . .. 2 . . . . . . . ..808 . . . . . . . .. .40 35 ....... ..812 ....... .. .75 68. ....807 107 .... .. 3 ....... ..810 ....... .. .40 36 ....... .. 7 ....... .. .60 69 ....... ..810 ....... .. .40 108 .... .. 4 ....... . . . . . . . .. 75 7 . . . . . . . ..811 ....... .. .50 70 . . . . . . . .807 . . . . . . . .. 109 .... .. 5 . . . . . . . .. 7 . . . . . . . .. .40 38. ....810 . . . . . . . .. .75 71 . . . . . . . ..806 . . . . . . . .. 25 110 .... .. 6 ....810 ....... .. .40 39 ....... .812 ....... .. .75 72 ....... .. .20 112 .... .. 7 ....... ..811 . . . . . . . .. .40 40 . . . . . . . ..811 ....... .. .75 73 ....... .807 . . . . . . . .. .20 113 .... .. 8.. ....8l0 . . . . . . . .. .50 41 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 ....... .806 . . . . . . . .. .20 114 .... .. 13 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. ....... ....... .. .75 75 ....... .807 . . . . . . . .. .45 115 .... .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .5( . .7 7‘ 7 .45 116...... 11 ....... .50 44 ...811 . . . . . . . .. 77 ....... .815 . . . . . . . .. .25 117 . . . . .. 12 ....... ..808 . . . . . . . .. .60 ....812 .. .75 7 ....... ..808 . . . . . . . .. .30 118 .... .. 13.. ...808 . . . . . . . .. .60 46 . . . . . . . ..806 .. .35 7 ....... ..807 . . . . . . . .. .35 119 .... .. 14 . . . . . . . ..813 . . . . . . . .. .40 47 . . . . . . . ..811 .. .60 80 . . . . . . . ..813 . . . . . . . .. .40 120 . . . . .. 15. ...807 . . . . . . . .. .35 48 . . . . . . . ..806 .. .35 81 ....... ..811 ....... .. .40 121 .... .. 16 . . . . . . . ..814 .. .50 49 . . . . . . . .. .35 8: ....... .807 . . . . . . . .. .30 122 .... .. 17 . . . . . . . ..808 ....... .. .50 50 . . . . . . . ..806 ....... .. .30 83 ....... ..807 . . . . . . . .. .30 123.. 18 ....... ..810 ....... .. .40 51 . . . . . . . . .. .25 84 ....... ..807 ....... .. .30 124 $3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .. . . . . . . . .. 85 ....... ..813 . . . . . . . .. .55 125 .... .. . . . . . . . .. I .7 4" ' .. 35 . 1 21 ....... . . . . . . . .. .60 .. .25 7 ....... ..822 . 1.50 22 ....... ..809 ....... .. .50 ....... ..806 .30 88 ....... ..822 ....... .. 1.00 128 23 ....... ..8()6 ....... .. .30 56 ....... .. .30 89 ....... ..808 ....... .. .00 129 ff... 24 ....... .807 ....... .. .60 57 . . . . . . .806 .. .35 90 ....... .816 ....... .. .50 131 .... .. 25 ....... ..811 58 ...810 .. .35 91 . . . . . . . ..811 . . . . . . . .. 1.'." 132 . . . . .. 26 . . . . . . . ..8l0 .. .60 59 . . . . . . . ..807 ....... .. .40 95 ...811 . .75 133 .... .. ....... 3(1) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .30 96 . . . . . . . . . . . . _ . .. .40 134 .... .. ....... .. .; . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .:0 7 ....... .. .40 135 .... .. 33 ....... . . . . . . .. .83 ....... ....... .. .25 99 ....... ..826 ....... .. 1.25 136 .... .. ; :::::::::ao7: ..... .. 3'4i........806.ff.....'. :18 }b’§’::"":t:s22:;::ii;: 1:43 }s§.3:::;:: 32 ....... ..808 ....... .. .50 65 ....... .810 ....... .. .40 102 ....... .810 .25 140 .... .. 3% ....... .810 ....... .. .60 66 ....... .806 ....... .. .25 103 ....... .813 .40 141 .... .. BARN!-{ART BROS. & SPINDLE2R’S 1018 PAGE Schwabacher No. SCRIPTS Dennison ............................... .584, 585 Lining Bank ......................... .574, 575 Lining Bank, No. z’ 7 Lining Bank, No.3 579 Lining Grace ............................... Lining Hazel ........................ 569 Lining Hazlett ............................ Lining Jewel ............................. ..586 Lining Lakeside ........................ ..588 Lining Myrtle ........................... .567 Lining Nestor ...................... 583 Lining Pantagraph ...............580, 581 Lining Plate ........................ 561 Lining Plate, No. 2. .............. 563 Lining Plate. No. 3...... 565 Lining Premier ................... 573 Lining Princess Lining Standard 571 Scoring 789 Scroll Borders .........................65(%653 Sheridan ................................... ..403—405 Short Leads and Slugs Skeleton Antique No. 55 ................ ..194 Slope Gothic No. 50 ........................ ..230 Smith-Premier Standard No. 1 .... Society Emblems Soldiers .......................................... ..677 Southey, Lining ......... ..449—451. 508. 509 Space Rule .................................... ..77() Special Roman Figures...... ............694 Spenser, Lining ........... ........ .314, 315 Spenser, Lining Wide .................. ..316 Spire N0. 5 ............................... ..306, 307 Standard Script, Lining ......... .570, 571 Stars. Outline ..... ......................... .679 Stationers Plate ............................ .324 Stationers Text No. 5 531 Steel Cutting and Creasing Rule...789 Steel Perforating Rule ...789 SUPERIOR TEXTS pi.-,5 Carbon . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . .548, 549 Faust....... . . Pen, . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..529 Plate ................. .. .. ...........553 Plate, No. .. .. ....550—552 Reed ...................... .. . 546, 547 Stationers. No. 5 .......... 531 Steelplate No. 5 ........................... .528 Sylvan. No. 5 533 Tell, No. 5 ............................. .53-4—~536 Tudor. No. 5 ......................... .540. 541 Theater Ticket Logotypt’S..... Thin Spaces, Copper and Brass Time Table Figures ................ .72 7:. Title No. 5 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 63 Title No. 53 Title No. 10. . 54 Title No. 11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 53 Title No. ................ .. 52 Title No. 53 ..................................... .. .' Title, French . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..293—295 Title Italic No. 54 Title Italic No. 50 ........................... .. 54 Title, Modern Topic No. 5 ............................... ..396—399 Tudor No. 5 .............................. 7-539 Tudor Bold ................................. 542-544 Tudor Text No. 5 ...................... .540, 541 Two-Line No. .............................. .. 53 Two-Line No. 56 .............................. .. 53 ’1‘wo-Line No. 58 .............................. .. 53 Type-Metal Imprints ..................... ..685 Typewriter No. 1. Linintl Umbra, Lining . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .470 Universal Initials .................... ..._....747 Utility Borders ........................ .654. 655 Utility Gothic. Lining.....................;:2 Vogue Ornaments .................. .806-826 Volunteers................ Warren .................................... .462, 463 Warren Lightface ......464, 465 Weather Signals Wedding Plate . ......557—559 Wesel ............................ .. . . ......400—402 West Lining Gothic ...°"’8 West Old Style No. 70 ............. ..131—13: VVide Germania No. 5 Wide Lining Gothic No. 520 .......... .227 Wide Old Style........ 115 Wood Type ...... .. . . . 839-8>6 Yost. Lining .. ...517 PAGE PRICE N0. PAGE PRICE ...814 . . . . . . . $30.75 142 . . . . . . . ..l‘B0.30 ...813 . . . . . . . .. 75 143 . . . . . . . ..814 .25 ...813 . . . . . . . .. 75 144 ....... .806 ....... .. .3.) ...808 . . . . . . . .. .40 145 . . . . . . . ..809 . . . . . . . .. .30 ...808 .40 146 . . . . . . . ..809 . . . . . . . .. .30 ...810 . . . . . . . .. .50 147 . . . . . . . ..809 . . . . . . . .. .40 ...808 . . . . . . . .. .60 148 . . . . . . . .809 .60 ...811 . . . . . . . .. .50 149... . . . . . . . .. .40 . . . . . . . .. .50 150 . . . . . . . .806 . . . . . . . .. .40 ...812 . . . . . . . .. .50 151 . . . . . . . .809 .50 . . . . . . . .. .50 153 . . . . . . . .807 .. .60 ...808 . . . . . . . .. .75 154 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .40 ...8l6 . . . . . . . .. .75 155 . . . . . . . .. .40 ...816 . . . . . . . .. .75 156 . . . . . . . .806 . . . . . . . .. .50 ...819 . . . . . . . .. .75 157 . . . . . . . .806 . . . . . . . .. .40 ...813 .40 158 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .50 ...8l4 . . . . . . . .. .75 159 . . . . . . . .806 . . . . . . . .. .40 .821 . . . . . . . .. .7’) 160 ...812 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...821 .73 161 . . . . . . . .812 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...821 . . . . . . . .. .75 162 . . . . . . . ..816 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...8l6 . . . . . . . .. .50 163 . . . . . . . .816 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...816 . . . . . . . .. .5() 164 . . . . . . . ..816 . . . . . . . .. .5’ . . . . . . . .. .60 165 . . . . . . . .816 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...826 2.25 166 ....... ..816 . . . . . . . .. 50 ...814 ....... .. .50 I67 ....... ..816 ....... .. .75 ...823 . . . . . . . .. .50 ’ 168 . . . . . . . .816 .60 ...8l3 .50 169. ....816 . . . . . . . .. .60 ...814 ....... .. .50 170 ....... .816 .60 ...821 .. .50 174 ....814 ....... .. .50 ...821 . .75 173 ._.809 .50 .. . . . . . .. .25 176 ...810 . . . . . . . .. .65 . . . . . . . .. .25 177 ...811 .60 ...810 ....... .. .25 178 .. 810 ....... .. .60 COPPER-MIXED TYPE INDEX VOGUE ORNAMENTS No, PAGE PRICE NO. 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POINT-SET, POINT-BODY NO. PAG PRICE N0. PAGE PRICE NO. PAGE PRICE 240 . . . . . . . ..815 . . . . . . . .. .50 268 . . . . . . . .818 . . . . . . . .. 50 288 . . . . . . . .. 7 . . . . . . . . .. 50 21 . . . . . . . ..814 ....... .. .50 269 ....... ..819 ....... .. .30 289 ....... ..817 ....... .. .40 245 . . . . . . . ..814 . . . . . . . .. 75 270 ....... ..818 ....... .. .75 290 ....... ..817 ....... .. .40 7 . . . . . . . .818 . . . . . . . .. .50 271 . . . . . . . ..820 ....... .. .50 %1 ....... ..818 ....... .. .40 250 ....... . . . . . . . .. 1.00 272 . . . . . . . ..817 ....... .. .40 29... . . . . . . . ..819 ....... .. .60 251 . . . . . . ..823 . . . . . . . ..1.00 273 ....... ..817 ....... .. .40 293 ....... ..817 ....... .. .75 252 ....... ..810 ....... .. .25 274 ....... ..818.. .50 294 ....... ..818 ....... .. .50 253 ....... ..825 . . . . . . . .. 1.50 275 . . . . . . . ..817 ....... .. .40 295 ....... ..820 ....... .. 75 254 ....... ..825 . . . . . . . ..1.50 276 ....... ..819 ....... .. .30 297 ....... ....... .. .75 255 ....... ..825 ....... .. .7 277 ....... ..817 ....... .. .50 298 ....... ..819 ....... ..1.25 256 ....... ..825 ........ . 2.00 278 ....... ..8l9 ....... .. .40 299 ....... ..819 ....... ..1.25 257 ....... ..825 ....... ..1.25 279 ....... ..819 ....... .. .40 300 ....... ..818 ....... .. .75 258 ....... .826 1.00 280 ....... .817 ....... .. .50 301 ....... ..819 ....... ..1.00 260 ....... ..818 ....... .. .75 281 ....... ..817 ....... .. .50 ...820 ....... ..1.00 261 ....... .817 ....... .. .40 28.. ....... ..817 ....... .. .40 303 ....... ..818 ....... ..1.00 262 ....... ..8l9 ....... .. .50 283 ....... ..818 ....... .. .75 304 ....... ..820 ....... ..1.00 263 ....... ..819 ....... .. .50 284 ....... ..817 ...... .. .50 305 ....... ..817 ....... ..1.00 265 . . . . . . . ..820 . . . . . . . .. .25 285 ....... ..817 . . . . . . . .. .50 306 ....... ..823 ....... ..1.50 266 ....... ..817 . . . . . . . ., .40 286 ....... ..817 .50 308 . . . . . . . .824 . . . . . . . ..1.50 267 . . . . . . . ..819 . . . . . . . .. .30 97 . . . . . . . ..818 ....... .. .60 CUTS AND SOCIETY EMBLEMS NO. 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PAGE Acme Mailing Machine ................ ..942 Addressing Machi.nes..............941. 942 All-Brass Galleys ..................... .920, 921 All-Brass Lincoln Galleys ............ ..921 All-Brass Linotype Galleys .......... ..921 Auxiliary Grippers ........................ ..926 Backing Powder ............................ .859 Beating Tables .............................. ..936 Bellows .......................................... .859 Belt Fasteners .............................. Belting ........................................... .859 Belt Lacing .................................... .859 Belt Punch .................................... .. 859 Benzine Brushes ........................... ..862 Benzine Cans ................................. ..861 Blankets, Felt and Rubber .......... ..859 Bodkins and Tweezers..... Books for Printers ........................ .859 Bookbinders Cabinets ................... .879 Bookbinders Press Boards .......... ..862 Bookbinders Superior Lettering Pallet ........................................ ..861 Bookbinders ’Wire .......... .: ............. ..983 Brackets ........................................ ..863 Brass Catches ................................. ..975 Brass Corner Quads ...................... .911 Brass Lined Galleys .......... ........ ..922 Brass Type ..................................... ..861 Bronzing Mitten ............................ .862 Bronzing Pad ................................. ..862 Brushes .......................................... Cabinets ................................... 864-882 Card Cutters ............................ .946, 947 Carts .............................................. .965 Cases ........................................ ..887~901 Case Brackets ............................... .863 Case Racks ..................................... ..886 Case Stands .............................. ..884—887 Cast Iron Chases ..................... ..908. 909 Challenge Metal Tie-up Slugs ...... ..939 Challenge Plate-Zinc Storage Galleys .................................... ..922 Challenge Riveted Zinc Galleys.....922 Chases, Cast Iron ..................... .908, 909 Chases, Electric—Welded ......... .. 2-908 Circular Quads .............................. ..910 City Case Stands ............................ ..885 Combined Eyelet Punch and Set...914 Copper and Brass Thin Spaces .... ..973 Composing Rules ........................... .909 Composing Sticks ................... .910. 911 Copy Holders ................................. ..911 Corner Quads ................................. .911 Cott’s Tablet Holder and Clamp ...984 Counting Machines ....................... .911 Creighton Standing Galley Shelving .................................. ..923 Cutting Sticks ............................... ..912 Dividers .......................................... ..914 Dorsey Combination Press Room Cabinet ..................................... .881 Dorsey Compositors "Working Cabinet ..................................... .873 Drying Racks .......................... .. 912, 913 Elastic Padding Glue ................... ..984 Electric Motors ............................. .914 Electric-Welded Chases .......... .902~908 Electro and Cut Cabinets ............. ..879 Electrotyping ................................. ..914 Embossing Compound .................. .914 Engines .......................................... ..914 Engravers Tools ........................... .914 Engravers Wood ........................... ..914 Extension Front Cabinets Grand ................................ 867 Eye Shades ..................................... .914 Eyelet Set and Punch ................... ..914 Feed Folders ................................. ..916 Felt Blankets ................................. .859 Folding Machines ......................... ..916 Foot Slugs ..................................... .916 Form Racks .................................... ..915 Form Trucks ........................... 915 Furniture ............................... .916-918 G alleys ..................................... .92(%922 Galley Cabinets .............................. .. 77 Galley Racks .................................. ..923 BARNI-{ART BROS. & SPINDLER’S PAGE Galley Shelving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .923 Gauge Pins and Guides ..........926 Glue Pots ........................................ .9.26 Grippers, Auxiliary ...................... .926 Half-Tone Softening Hammers and Punches ............................ ..927 Handy Letter Board Cabinets........881 Hand Numbering Machines Handy Sort Cabinets ........ .......... .. 71 Hardwood Letter Boards ............. ..881 Imposing and Beating Tables 36 Imposing Stone Frames ..........927-935 Ink Fountains ............................... ..936 Indexed Electrotype (,‘abinets.878, 879 Ink Knives ..................................... ..937 Ink Reducers ................................. .937 Ink and Roller Cabinets ............... .. 77 Ink Slice ........................................ ..937 Ink Spade ...................................... .9: 7 Inking Stones ................................. .936 Inventory Books ............................ ..860 Iron Case Stands Iron Furniture .............................. .918 Iron Grooved Blocks ..................... ..976 Iron ImposingTables...............935. 936 Iron Side and Foot Sticks .. Job Galleys ............................... .92tr922 Label Holders ............................... .937 Labor—Saving Iron Furniture........918 Labor-Saving Leads and Slugs .... .939 Labor-Saving Lead and Slug Racks ........................................ . .938 Labor-Saving Metal Furniture .... ..917 Labor—Saving Reglet Cases .......... .918 Labor-Saving Wood Furniture.....919 La bor—Sa ving Wood Furniture Cases ........................................ .919 Lamp Brackets .............................. ..937 Leader Boxes ................................. ..937 Lead and Rule Cutters .......... .940, 941 Lead and Slug Racks ................... .938 Leads and Slugs ............................ .939 Leads for Lining Type .................. .939 Letter Boards ............................... ..881 Letter Board Cabinets .................. ..881 Lettering and Stamping Presses .979 Lettering Pallet ............................ ..861 Lincoln All-Brass Galley ............ ...921 Line Gauges .................................. ..985 Linotype All-Brass UaI1eys.....,......92l Liquid Padding Cement ............... .984 Lye ................................................ .986 Lye Brushes .................................. .862 Mailing Galleys ....................... ..920-922 Mailing Machines 942 Matrix Cabinets Mercantile Addressing Machine ...941 Mercantile Mailing Galle_vs............921 Metal Corner Quads ...................... ..911 Metal Furniture ............................ .917 Miller Saw Trimmer. .................. .. 972 Miter Boxes .................................... .943 Mitering Machines ....................... .943 Monotype Cabinets ........................ .880 Morton Lockup .............................. .970 Mustang Mailing G alleys ............. .921 Mustang Mailing Machine ............ ..942 New Departure Cabinets ....... ..872, 873 Newspaper Files ............................. .943 Newspaper Galleys .................. 920-922 New York Case Stands ................ Numbering Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . 944-946 Oil Cans .......................................... ..946 Overhead Fixtures .................. .978, 979 Overlay Knife ............................... .946 Padding Glue and Cement ........... ..984 Page Cord ....................................... .946 Paper Counter ............................... .983 Paper Cutters .......................... .947-»-950 Paper Joggers ............................... .951 Paste .............................................. .985 Perforators ............................ ..951e953 Planers ........................................... .953 Plate Mounts ................................. ..973 Polhemus Cabinets ................ ..864. 865 Polhemus Case Stands .................. .884 1 020 Paper and Card Stock (,‘abin_ets.....876 Porter Extension Front Cab1nets.868 Press Boards Bookbinders......_...862 Press Boards . ....964 Press Points ....... .. . _. ._..965 Press PuI1(‘.hes...... .. .....968 Presses, Cylinder... 958964 Presses, Hand . . . . .. .. 953. 956. 957 Presses. Job .............. .. ....951 957 Printers‘ Carts ..................... .. Printers‘ Dividers .................. .. 914 Printers‘ Insurance Protective Inventory System Books....... .860 Printers‘Knives......... Printers‘ Snips .. . .. .. Proof Planers . . .....953 Proof Presses ... .. .964. 965 Proof Rollers........... .. ... . . . . . . . .971 Pulleys......................... . .. .. .._...979 Punching Machines... . . . . . . ..966 968 Quoins..................... . ..969.970 Quoin Locks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .969 Quotation Quads ........................... .917 Ratchets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .976 Register Hooks............ 971. 975 Reglet ............................................ .920 Reglet Cases . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .918 Reversible Unit Cabinets........871. 875 Reversible Unit Banks...._ ....... .876 Roller Bearers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 971 Roller Cloth ..................... .. ....971 Roller Composition................ . . 971 Roller Cores .................................. .971 Round Cornering Machines .. .967, 968 Rubber Blankets.............................859 Ruling St. John Paper Knife. .. 946 Saws . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .972 Saw Table.............. 972 Saw Trimmer ................................. .972 Screw Drivers 973 Screw ’VVrenches . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .973 Sectional Blocks ...................... .. 974 Shafting ......................................... .978 Shooting Sticks .............................. 973 Short Leads and Slu:IS..._.................939 Shuteboard and Type-High Machines . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .986, 987 Side and Foot Sticks. Sifter and Transfer Cases........ .....887 Slauson Cylinder Press LO<‘kS.. ....970 Sort Cabinets .................................. .. 71 Specimen Cabinets ....................... .882 Sphinx Paste ................................. .985 Standing Galleys ..................... .924. 925 Staple Binders ......................... .980, 981 Steam and Overhead Fixtures.978, 979 Steel Furniture .............................. .916 Steel Run Case Stands. ............882—~884 Stereotype Beating Brush es .........862 Stereotype Blocks 976, 77 Stereotype Outfits ....... .._ ................ .978 Sterling Round Cornering Machine .................................... .967 Superior All—Iron Case Stands ...... .887 Table Shears ............................... .986 TabletAKnife .................................. ..9><.3 Tableting Apparatus . . . . . . . . . . . _ . _ . . . . . . .984 Take Slugs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985 Tape ..... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .986 Tape Couplers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .986 Tie-up Slugs ................................... .9311 Trucks. Form ......................... .909. 915 Tweezers and Bodkins . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 861 Type-High Gauge.............................987 Type-High Machines................986. 937 Type Wash ..................................... .986 Unimatic Punching Machine Vvlgindow Cabinets ........................... .869 ire ................................................ .983 VVire Stitchers. ........................ .981-983 . . 869M871 Wisconsin Cabinets . ...919. 920 Wood Furniture "Wood Furniture C;isesA.:..'..'.‘.' ........ .919 VVood Ga1le5‘s.... ............................ .. 921 Wood Type Cabinets . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .876 SUPERIOR COPPER-MIXED TYPE