~?G11ILIELMI W Printed by Cbafle: Bi” and T/2am4:,New:am£», Printers f ".._ I . ~.‘ -_' E .i. 1 .Anno Regm I E REGIS& REGINZE Anglize,» Fraizcice €99 Hiéerzzzle, On the Ni11tI1 Day of flpril, Inna fD0m. J 1689. In the F1.l‘PEl Year of Their ~Maje{’cies Reign, t11isACT Pafled /the Royal Aflent. é-—-—.— ..L_ r—v 9% 0 %° mm: €;%?§§?9§? I 2;? -7‘ 5 % . £1‘ ’ 9 O J I ""“""'7"_'" LONDON to the Kiugand (m¢en’.s moi’: Excellent Mgjefiies. 1 68 9.” b _1__.__.. ‘_e‘ ....o 1“ ‘I: . . yr". .% 1% bx Vq_ 4-- 1 V -0- University of Missouri- Columbia Libraries Hlrrflj ' From the Collection Of Loren and Augusta Reid .~c—u- “ '7 '4 ‘ ' I .’ X ‘, V. * x .« M -9 1 -u ____ .. 4.. u. «an» "" “' ./“\ . , . . \ _ . s . «.: ._.....:3 ~.‘.___....._..._ ‘ \f.t§, W «. ; .{.\.‘......_..-g-.x»»“;5‘uh-s . Q‘ ‘MW. w‘-a.\\...... . , _ ,~ ~\;.~a-re f‘ <~t\usn—z:mm~ ..... \.3«>4r:. ,, (I753 . Q * V Ann Primo ‘WILLIELMI 8:MAB‘~.IzE ;_.¢. ———’——_. An A C T for mabuming the % Coronation Oath. J may b ti 2 mm- ‘,._§,,g.._'.,; ; 4.,‘ 2 2 ‘ - ‘ ) " e o mien: a 2 ox . am: 2% /ll . _V v; )2: t’ . \“‘~ .“ ‘\lf.‘:"”b\ “V ‘ud ’ [2 “V.‘\ "V ‘ ‘S ," I Eli‘ ‘ ibtiugs am: snutens ' tbetznf babe taken so . Qolmm QDMIJ upon » the fibangeitfts at -' fligcéc rz£pect:hsQtoz’o;- nations, to xnainfcam the %tatute5,¥Lam5 mm fluitamgo the fam ma1m,ann all the ’zB2op,lc’auh 3:1»- babitantz thereof m that émrstual am} cum fiigi)ts ant: iazopetticg. '2.*5ut fomfmuch as the £1>ati)Vitfe%if0t3 fuel) Qssafimx flnminiftrzn, Ijatbijeremc fuzz been Emmet: ia mmhtful wazns arm ,®:pzea‘.”i‘:ons, mm) tflatifltl to ancient '2: t 2 flanvs of my iaeaum , we 1; 5 Aims Regqi p1~imo % * ‘Ea Aim W 2:19 tintsfage A Ziawg am Qanfzimzms at tijis?» iiiité @325: @2:t§}#map{ B2 :33 31%;; fgziiszat by $232 i'f5;mg5 mm mazens sf fbtfi §’i?£€£si2z:; 213:3 m Eijgma t£f9$€m.‘»£ip fibmis Q z’_:.:?§"§‘~;;:i3 9.: £332 am hi’ am 232229 cf ’£im:: éwgaztatéaza. L ,x?;Eg1*gv?:t§,;tisai'g‘$9233.31; sagaajgfgjcfi, A §$*111€::g* be Q‘Em‘ai??8D fiittia ~Ee%#t‘ Mama‘ by the mug mm :1"2:1wét1’5nmfi fimziiam fi’Ba;’2€i‘ies,* hp m:a[%ms:i3 we mines ma mutant of the ions éapétituai mm i:.'zmuzat.A%. @£tt!~1mfa:;{fI5ii' ifi tijifi. pzefent’ aaatiianzzmcfifieutbyeb, mm;[;;b§2 the Qiutljozitp of The famiz‘;'&’iEl)at‘t13e ®at.b Ijmin Qmntianeb, ants bmtsfmt tfirpzefizn, than amt: :L:tai?‘,‘iI12Lmit15'c1ixtt~:~» ‘ {mu tn tam mm} ®:czflj2;nx. wagigms iaing W I L L I A M’anDfla:aénMA.RY’, (‘1hl)mn @013» tang D2efewz%}% at of £13221: Eazuuattan. in t!3gL%19zefev;ti2,,;€E an gascfons t1)at*fi)~a.11be mm % xm mutant at the fiatenxnisittga ._t}jm:zoJf‘;% .,2{t"ci)h§fl)op¢vof Canterbtlry, Q; Ztrcbbitmp inf riprk, :3; zitfgm at them, 0: smPL 01:1)» Qfiiihop of this §&mtm%,*~ migexu tbs i£t:ng’5%9lBa;’zfi22 :fBa.1i~:bmte=«F unto %appniut,.% atmmho am: he % % tijereunwto refpembzty Qiutmmszbs aims!) 9Dat!) fnltamztij, amb (bail be_flnm’inis men in this mantmt ; ibat is*to»L£a?e..% ‘ * ,'Z-“Jae ~‘~; .-ea‘ . 7-’ . ”" ”' .. ._L._..~ .__.... ....._.- ‘ \ m»% ‘xii Yrviiizami 2:, ' ". ~ “' iv .' ’ ;."h, 3.‘ /Emil: % 111» iiolemniy L and:5W€ar to Govewftz“ 1’€0p1e0f:%this Kingdom wE.r2g!m% 1»D0mini0ns~ tlmwte bee-.. 1.0ngin%»;%‘9«7¢9rding t11eSt@amtes=: ini%1%F;i¢?*I¥1€I1t»Agr€€d 0n;%#A£md the}; Laws and Q1fl30fI.1S Of the%, iame 9 TbeK%i2zg 25/5622 jihad’! J I f01emn1yP1*dn1ife%‘ few to .5 *'T‘:'.;‘; ;;§,:;:', _.-. A71/J52‘/}J0]9 07% B2//yap». i11.Y0i1 to Your powFe‘r ‘cfmifferri . law and Juftice in~&Mef(ty’t‘é) Executed win all Your udgm®m:s.. . ‘$0’ 5""?-s fa \ \ .. . ‘ \ , f __._, _.._ . = ,, .4 A. At -.-- 9» ‘ . . . . ~ ’ ° 3» AI‘cMz/bop or ‘B1//50]). ‘ ~ . .,..,.. ‘ .._« wt ' * ' T 1?‘ ”' ' ‘ L to the uitnnofij ' . A power . x . " '- ~ 5.’ ' . . . “,.: . ~.. *4‘ ‘ ~‘— . V __ _ C '. , ; " ~.- ck x. ‘ . ' ' «W1 ‘ W w F .»-~ on? ‘ ’ j ‘ ; ,.. . .\ M - *"-. -a~,~. =‘~ u ‘ - ' ‘j _ ‘ ‘*3 «w -s V L ... 5 .,. ‘ ’ ”" i I78 Pinllo Rcgni primo power Maintain the Laws of God, the true Profeflion of the Gofijel, and the P7'0t6flzz7z£_ Reformed R€l_l# "’g‘ion Eflxtblilhed by Law .97 Atnd will You Prelerve unto the Bi- o fl1‘(33s and Clergy of thisRealtn, all to the Churches Committed to their Charge , all fuehRightS V and Priviledges as by Law do or {hall appe-rtain unto them, ~ or any of them P % 1 ‘ » Kizzg‘ 21::/2. * All this I Promife to do. ‘ Qlftet (big, “)8 53 mg 8113) ED119221 law mg l>3is«.auD iF3£:13 iaaxte upjm the 19.01}? uiiofpcls, flgallfw. ' "King (2)2! @3612. The things which I have here before Promifed , I ‘will Perform and Keep. S0 176’/177726 God. i iibtn the king am: £Duc£t1i‘i1aiIi£:’f§ ‘D9 25003;‘ ’ _ ‘ , 241:3 \ ‘**’‘t ‘V x .~’ ~: ’ ,7To»fl3*7"""-V /‘*7 - -*\V; "”"""-V $3’ ' . VV17.1l1e11n18C\ 1V1a1f‘l£- 179 tiftfi:;IjeTAi: Gfnactzty dfiijat the \ ; fiainivavattj {gait bzliniltim mgnnzp zlnmrs uittrzn 1;oJ§ebztp 131119 02 911mm who mu éucceen to the ilmnzttali «Emma at this 33ea1m,at. t1;gitzt¢fDI2ttibz fiozogmtyons. {.112 one ‘of the zltcbbifbops oz fl5II1)0I35% 05 this main: nf£%Bng1a.nd fo; the tmmbzs % mg; to be tbereuttto avvfiinteb UP fttcb aamg 02 Queen réfpertmelp, min in t1)8 2 gzefencz uf all aazrfons‘ that fyall be 21:»: te:1umg;.,2tfitam&I » 02 utnetnagfz zmfwt fat fut!) their rzfpcrtibz Qtaznnatmns; any imm; ®tatutc .3; mfagc to the contrary notmicnaanmng. Unnversity of Missouri - Columbia O10-504871203