...... " ‘ 1" ’ : V -__,- ' l . :n_ ' - ‘ $. . - » ~..,.-_. .__,,. V, ‘ -'*‘i“ ‘r ' " . " at.” . «.’a‘_“‘ "r“ ‘ , " )- ~ -‘ ' n", a. V ' ' . i ' ’ 'w as??? r .c . . a ‘ ' ; ‘3‘... 4, L , :- _ . i . , .r » t .p - ‘ _ c , . p ’ .7 1.. W '— ‘- I-r -1 /‘ _, ,p ' -.{ ' c. h 5“}: v ‘1' ' . . O , - . W” ' x a 1 a”; :7 ; ‘ - I "'v .‘r r z . «v , l d l 42;; “i . , V e ' . u. ‘ . V . R, H V V v I ; \ ‘ n '4 : ~ '1 A. r" V a.“ - _ V . w . . _ v u (I ‘ k" ‘i 'V Y r v" ' V; as t 4 1.1 A 54 g" .I {1 M b . a ' . n ‘- h - C. '. A .g’.r‘.‘.:(~‘, ( \P.‘ 5‘ .f .,. .. a . f , '1‘ (VI 4/ E. A s .0 N s ' 7V V . hy the DeputpLieutenants,intrufted by thefPar-g __ Lament for Che/hire, cannOt agree’to the Treaty of , _v t _' i - - Pacification made by fome of that County : At ' Bunéery, December, 2 3. I 64.2. utrality condemned, bydec I ‘ ”$15.“ 1' r “5' . v . ‘ - ‘E - __ . “ ,V ”13% ' ' l g c ' . ‘3‘ ‘ i .35" -. i. ~ i anngthe - ' ' -~ I t, _ , -. mmw. Nun‘s." me}. And may fame toprwmt the like in other Cotmtier.--‘ L $ . f , AN 43mm”, madcfivr a pacification, and/Etling thrpmcc of the [aid Count]. - Rm 021. , ' , I. Agreements and pacifieations amongft inch, are nor alwayes the Caraéters of a good ! F‘ caufe, nor infeparably incident to good intentions, no more then eXternall'peace isan infal. lible marke ofthe (weft Church; Doe we not finde Abraham and Lot, Paul and Barnabas _. 1 contending, and divifions ’twixt the nearefts relations, Occafioned even by the Prince and ’ ‘3 Gofpell 0 peace, when in the meme time we fee Simon and Let/i, Fratrerin male, the Ru ~ “’5 taking Councell, S M54114: and Tobias}; confpiring together, and the Jews unanimoufly ‘ 1;, '"‘ crying out, C mafige; and all hgainfl our Saviour and his living Temples : Peace therefore 'j l in it felfe is like riches, and other goods of Gods left hand, which are neither in themfelns. t good nor bad, nor to be ahfolutely defired orrcfufed, but are pro»: ell uremia claim. ** Fir]? we, the» needle. ames . I . . ~ l p , Righteoufnefl} 45; Peace, Pgal. 85.310. 7 I - ."it ' ' Word: of Peace MTrut/y. Ifa. 3 9. 8. Pit/Hm. " "k’ Love the Truth MPeace. Zach. 8. 19. ' _ . # ApcaCMHe Irfcin all‘godlincfl}. I Tim. 2. 2. , i 'F l _ ' {Sicpamn V 9mm i A 4w. B] peace lxfiafl dig/fro} many. Dan. 8. 25, ’ ‘ .{J ’ . ‘1” r The blood ofWar inpmce. I King. 2,- 5, \I’gflimw: _ a K Fax hominis fine pace Nnminis. . i l - . ,f f Therefore truth malt give Law to peace, and heaven to earth, .th' I ‘ ing. in grace as well I r!“ x as nature,fubfervient to the motions and direflions Oftha't: And ., ”(will we} fo'mcrf ' 1 4‘ be found, who by their malice and {ubtle infinuations, endeavou' cep‘t thofe celeftiall «\ . .. ~ . influences ; yet what doe they but datrdr: [101m ? For rightcou ,w’iufimhgkc dOWne x}, . _ p from heaven, Etptmgrt my?“ [unit Diana/rm. ' ' 'I J " -, ' ' ' ' i A j ' "j \» . ‘\ ' ‘ Elf n" - f/ A ~.\ g , 4%? ‘3‘: IMP/3W h~. I. ; “ml-.5 ’4‘ . - I E \ k‘\ .. 4-1 feud" ' —‘_—'— '0‘“ . ‘ ‘ 'v-m *K, . , .. .—-‘" caning; which aimes at, and 'produceth—a Neutrality: it is obietvable, i t 3185 ofthe Neuteerdy arewithout life; and where either fide’is forged, it ”S“... in him, that~israt that time, neitherhot up!" Cold, hflthet {@God'fidt B'a'éllgfiatts , .when they are upOn the earth, and Bird sy‘when in the ayre, but there men are altoget, " eh- folved how to name .theml'elv es 5 in a time of Peace, they can be content, like the-P n' "t: 7. Mercnp;;ever to follow the motionlof that Starre to which they are c0njoyned,‘lgir_t r V. V 91“” . s t , w... m I.w we . . t. A... ".t“ ___r , l a. a. . ‘ L at. “a y -‘ i - .» MT “W R~f‘i V a—. .r.. 4.. , ff“: ‘, _ ' ' " ' ., ‘f’i'rV- ‘.l . “ u _ ‘ :::: \ rid, and the'raifing of moneyesupon thePropofitions‘, declared by both Houfestfiflw eerding to Law, and veryingceirary at this time for the prefervatiott of the peace and {afety “ of the Kingdome, and tube put in executioni‘n that County.‘ 6“; Both the, {aid Houi‘es by their Declaration of the 4., of December lafl‘, have L-authorifed divers periods (0, receive and 2 » collect monies, plate, and horfes from feverall perfons within the. City ofLorzd n, for the fe— .. curing and relieving of that County,againfi all power that is,or {hall be raifed therein, again“: . the Parliament and proceedings thereof, upon which,feverall fummes-are already received.' . ' ‘ And 7. Commimons have been lately granted to! ”Sir Will/21m chretoéi, one of their Mc'm, i, ‘ , ' a bets, and to divers officers, {ubordinate to him, for their acceiTe to that Cobnty. Thefe arch . f0 mahy judgements of the {upreame Court ,of judicature, again“: this ungrounded and tin; , . jufiifiabl‘e Neutrality. ‘ - ~ 1 , But by what meanes is it {o agreed 1’ The well-affected of this County to the proceedings ' of Parliament, being jealous of the fafety of their Religion, Lawes and Liberties, and witha‘ll weary of their Taskmai’cers, refolved to get up and be doing,‘and to couch no longer-like . [[mkdr, betwiXt their burdens ; In number and firength they prefently exceed their adver— , faries, which makes their oppofers firfi flie for refuge to Ckcfler, and being there, for policy, to the Bifhops Palace, at the‘d efire no doubt of the Popilh party, who conceited that what came from thence was 2 Carhcdm, and um capable oferrour or mifcarriage '. But this Sa‘m- ' ~. drim being thereconven ed, at firi’t conclude, that in regard the government of the City was , . no: in a fafe hand for their defigne, a new Govemour muff be placed, paramount the Maior, . with liberty éonely referved to him to carry, his white fiaife, the Sword being to fleepe a ' while behinde the Ephod: and had nm the Maior been bath couragious and religious,doubt- , leiTe there had been the revelation of that I’latonicke yeare, wherein even the Magifleriall . fiaffe of that City' was eXtorted. from the hands of, their chiefe Magifirate, and himielfe a while made {abject to a S ubjeé’t. But what thinkes the Recorder (active alfo at this meeting) will by this meanes become of the City Charter 1' I beleeve his zeale to “prom0te the de- figne, and by that,himfelfe, for the prefent made him become Oélivifcor, or elfe they perfwa- , « de‘d him, they could as eafily procure a new Charter, as they could a Letter from his Maje- V fly to declare his refolution ofno: fending Forces into that Countrey. No foo‘ner had the new Governour taken pofieKton ofhis plac‘e,but fome of the people wondring to {ee anathtif- Sun in their Meridian, were‘afraid it mi ght, portend fome fatality to their famous City,which their Recorder once told them was, more ancient then the Moone : Others more aflrono- miCall, informe them, its but a Parelius, a Comet, which would foon vanifh : but fuch as li- ved within the droppings of the Cathedrall, admired to fee {omething appeare which they had {'0 long expected from the Bait, and they adore this rifin g Sun. The people being-thus devided, occafion is given (for‘prevention‘ ofuproares) to call anOther Counfell, at which’ there is V a new apparition, Dflxfwmimfdfli , The Lady C [JO/mdt] is the chiefe ofthe Coun- fcll, expeéling perhaps, now the (Qeenes Standard and Army are approaching, by her acti- vity, tomerit ,aCommanders place abroad,as {he hath along time done at home : at lafi it is concluded, that all Forces ihould be‘ealled in, that could be procured toafhfl: the Array, and then (final) time had gadethem more able) atender o_f:peace {hould be made to {omeof the -., _ mofi hinderate Gentlemen‘for the Militia. which afterbeingdone, produced: thei'e followa ,. ‘ , ingAr'ti'eles, under who"? Olive branches, 1' feare by (hatching, Will‘be found to lurk fomc- t g. V , )Vhatpfdau'gerons coufequ'ence.’ , _ , ._ f. ‘ . J. '. ,. ' ’ 3.1:? 't- . g. 5;; , t2: ' :13 . 7 ~ -‘ . ffir-.t5. .. - m s a -, -V..._ _. .s, ”fie- .u ‘_ a» "A. —— _ (4) r a ._ "' ARTICB'E- t." ‘ " ‘ , , Twebmk a» aéjblm eefl‘arien of Jinan-fem WM mam the Camry,“ and,» ‘ Ame: to be taken up to offend one another, hut by the eonfmr of the King and but!) Hey/2*: of Pa'limm, wile”? it be to rq/ifl Force: draught into'tbe Camry; - . ‘ ' _ ' R E A s o N I. ' ' This is to prefcribe rules to them from whom you are to receive man‘s“: {uppafetheféj inhappy differences ’twixt his Majefiy and the Parliament doe continue, it mufi be granted by the Neutralifl: (unlefl‘e he be a Seeptique in his opinion, as well as in his refolution) that this war is juft‘on one ffde, and that hirnfelfe is therein involved. What peace then is this ‘3 Unnaturall peace, whilfl: the body of the Kingdome is in danger, fo to provide for one member, as tatally to negleé’t the reft, Mmenim A ripper will tell them; that whilfl the mem- . hereof the body confpired to famiih the belly, they themfelves fufi‘ered. Uncharitable peace, to incite on, and not to afford your helping hand to Ray the downfall of a tottering King— dome, which maybe the fooner'ruined by your feeurity ; how can the Pilate thinke to fave ' his Cabbin, when the Ship is linking; companiOns in peace, ought to be {0 in war, ‘unlefi‘e‘ there be fomexjufl exemption, fo much of the writ oFShipmoney being good Law, nod om: ranginper 07mm dehufupportari : (but by the confent of King, and bOthHoufes of Ptrliamentfl aflattenn g favant, as if (0 {oone as King and bOth Houfes agreed to command one aé’t, there would not be an immediate ceiTat-ion of all hofl-ility. But it feemes Armes may fiill he taken-up to refifl' Forces fent thither, if nor fent From his Majefiy "and Bnth H‘oufes.‘ Unequall peace, The Parliament was fendingdowne forces,to put their Ordinance of Mi- litia in execution, and to fettle the peace ofthat Connty, His Majef’ty hath {cm for forces from thence to his winter garrifon to oppoi'e his Parliament, 'yetby this Article the one mufl‘ be hindered from entring, but nor the Other from ifl'uing forth -‘ i Q - ARTICLE a.' - .' I The: a! hut zoo. of either fia'c ée d/réamled to marrow, king Saturday, am? apex/113M474]! the ref? ripen hath/id“, bot/7 borfle andfoote. ‘ R e A s u N 2. ‘ ' , ' What needs ['0 much hafte a" Are any of the family of the Hafir‘ng: among& you? that ma: n7 thouiands of the Parliaments furces mufl needs. be as foone disbanded, as In many hun.’.T dreds on the other {ide t’ Ought you not to have expeaed a" moderate diffolution from the - fame Sun that did exhale you, rather then to have fallen away by fudden’fpouts, as the raine ui'eth to doe in the Indies?which if you had expected, certainly you had nor gone up-the hill, . and fo foone come down a gain,but had required the great charges ofyour uniting, either by. . {ettling the Militia, fuppreflin g the Commifiion of Array long fince declared to be illegally- by the highefl' Court, raifing of Money, Plate, and Hori'es upon the Propofitions,relieving omerthtfler, which hath long finee eryed like thofe ofMaet-dam'a to Paul, Come over and" help us, or at leai't would have flayed till you had given, and received fome intelligence, to, and from the Parliament, or Sir William Brenton your worthy Patrior, of whom let it inf-~— fice to fay, that though he hath n0t had the fuccefl'e of Fabim, by delay to doe his Coun‘trey» fervice, yet whoever well Confiders the manner ofraifing and maintaining his Troope, be; ing much by his owne charge and indufiry, and the difficulty of procuring monies, ammu—' nition, Officers, and Commiiiions, by one man alone, for he hath had none in Parliament-t to affrfihim therein , will conclude, his delay was northrough his owne defauit : Can this a agreement then made without him, oblige him, or render his Commiflioninvallid 1’ that were“: Mai e a power paramount E113 i’arliament, in whofe name he comes. , . . .... - _.- _ ARTICLE ‘ ' ‘ _ ART-rec 1513'. 35 71W alp’r‘ifonefl on hthftde: he releafid, (are. _ . ' ' REASON-13., j , .. g " ~_ .230 warranro 1' For 30th the Deputy Lieutenants, andCon‘imilTioners 415' Andy imfld‘ fon none, but by vertue, or colour Tofl-‘o ineauthority derived unto them from King “or Par- liament, and then can. they not (batting no their power in their Commiflionsfiifcharge With. out Law thofe that are in wfiodia legér. ~ g ‘ r , . An'rycrsq. «_ ' That the fortification: at CbeflenNdmpmr‘ch,Nortbwicb,sgopfird, Kwtrfird, 0,. _ W “/7”. \Toivnejn Clacflire, lately made 57 either part},befl7eediljdeproli/bcd, _ . R . . n a s .o N This is Fall to advance the pretended unlimited power of the Commifiioners of Array; and to fuppreffe the advantages,theParliament, and well afieaed of thefiountrey might fpeedily have received,by the helpe oft‘the Army,there lately on f00t , and ‘by‘ their Garri— fons, which were fo confiderable, that'upOn the fudd en approach ofCommanders,-and Am- munition they might eafily have fetled thatCounty, for the Parliament, have {em auxilia- . ries into LancafhircywhiCh had beene but Lax magma, couped up the Eagle in his nefl, and prevented his further refoluticns. . ' - a, ARTICL55._ . M’ Thatgaodwd Arm taken on éothfidmée in {peciefortlnm'rlo whammy an, other. um are taken out oftkeCazmty, it 7/3 promifl’d on hot/apart: , that fincc the éflxfit of 2M; Pariflmfi. on rcdozmd: to the County ,that tbzy will ufi their utmafl endee'mrrfor ajoynt contribution of the Countygowardr thefktzkfafiion of the owners. - _ \ REASON"; , This Article would tacitly raife an imputation upon the Parliaments party in that . Coun- ty,at if they had pillaged anti l'poyled any there of their goods ,5 When as Null-i mo equar, nulli mpuércjuvmcda. (But can the Commiilioners of Array and their party boafi‘. herein .? . No,if they do,the difarming the Trained B,.nds,the late barbarous and inhumane plundering of Torperley,Utkington, Stapleford,8: Other adjacent places,even during,8efince this Treaty I by Colonell Haflingr,the Earle Riverr,and efpecially the Lord ChOIMZC‘]! fioopes, and the perfidious fpoyling of Namptwich,heretofore by the Lord Grmdzfon and his Troopes will give them the lie;though what was gotten there by breach ofCovenannprov$ to that Lord, but 13'un Sejanmmr as the gold of TholoiTe,when he loft that and more at. inchefier; but 'becaufe thefe goods are by that and other meanes, gone through {'0 many hands, and cannoc he reflored in/fccie, an endeyour muPt be ufed, that the County may contribute towards the owners {atisfaéliombut what will follow upon that improbable contribution '1 The Corn» mifl'ioners of Array,being the PromOters of this Agreement, thinks thereby to endeare themfelves with all thofe who (hall reape the benefit of that contribution,and by that meanes firengthen their Party and the County,again9: the Kings next comming towards Chefter, whither it is conceived'His Majefiy hath animm revertendi, if he remove from ‘O xford,and then if defolation come, as in Other Counties where hath bin Neutrallity it hath done ,thank your ‘felves. But upon What, ground will this contribution be made .? becaufe this pacificatiu on is for the benefit of the County 3 I wii'h it may prove fo , but ’tis noc fo,becaufe its {‘0 faid ; if my neighbours Houfe burne,mine owne will the fooner ‘kindle by my fecurity ; the befl: .way in that cafe to prevent the» mine of thine owne, is to be aéiive in quenching thy neighbours firegand he is a {luggard indeed,that will chooferather to lye fiill upon his hard bed,then riieto haveit made the fofier; howevenhe is much miitaken that thinkes he. may _ , . A3, . ' , like \ 1 ', - V ' .ufi- - ‘ s a A - _. a ' . like an An . .. . . .. . labfiraét h‘inglell'eé‘i r'omthe publilte condition of the places and ~ g 1 . . . ~ in he lives.A man may not-by: the‘Lawes of.man,as well-as of God,do what . 4 g, . 1th himlelfe': He that voluntarily‘vburrieys his ovi'nehoufepr cuts'oE his owne arme . ‘ amy be punilbed for inbceaug the Comqiépeyealth hath agintereflz inthe performs and: had ‘1: ‘bilgfibflS-dfnigniffl'““mu““K ,il.1l....- ‘_ ; I 1 -.., i s flint} I. , «‘zz‘y i; -l .3 ~.~i foul: 03:le "9' " ' 1 {Rafi}; '1' ,i‘C‘I.‘E .6.~’ There tke‘Lor-dr dhdeeh'tIemm C may? 1W: efArrezyg'eefire the 8 day of Lenny/.71 next, Pro? _ ‘ mygfrgm Hi; Majcfly a Letter,tbeeey d€§‘/‘£7’i?7£ flat in regard Pence is amide in" that C camp/ye nouldfend no Forces, into {tend ifemj fit/22?): per/012M team»; to the Declaration bring, Forte: "into the Cohntyf refugefirfdrtex mfhaflt domgan] H off/fleeifi'elielj excepted )11‘7‘9: fetid Lem} 4nd Gentlemen, will jeyne to'refifl thefiii a‘n _"Elimi-Fefiéth'r/aém'the confem 'of the King, 2m}! as . ' bath H ate/e: of Parliament [7741] came into-ihzlt Conntjfia Paflagefirforee: \Wtkq'memy Heflile 463 and; excepted ) The faid Gentlemen Deputy Lieutenant: Wifljoyne to refifl themmxdflfe their ut- mfi'emmrtrhefin- ; ~ 1 ' ; . - ' _ . _ .‘RE‘ASON 6 a . , , This is all th‘e'pr'ofit'the County feemes ro receive by thefe Articles,and this isz'nfieri too, not infafio, ('0 that form uncertaine contingentbenefit, perhaps never to be obtained, the Parliaments forces muff be prefently difban‘d‘ed ; And who can be induced eafily ,to beo leeve that'His Majefly will illue forth inch, a Declarationlor the good of the Parliament Party,efpeceially if himlelfe {hall be minded to returne into Chefhire, When the Parliament them {elves have fo’often receiv’ed denials from His Majel'ty to their humble Petitions , and offersflodisbandfo that‘His Majcfiy would he pleafe‘d' to returne to them with ‘His‘ Royall, net Martiall Guard. An d if the King deny To to declare,then dath the Confideration which moved the ParliamentsParty here to disband, torally faile. But flran e prefumption! thus peremptorily to make fiipulationsvto procure HiS‘Maj‘ellie then unconalted witball, tofde. clare fuch an 2161 in terminir,and before fuch a timezthe Law and Parliamehi alTume buE a dire: ' aive,no coaftive power over Soveraignty,and yet'hitherto they amt-16: able [‘0 “an” it to :18 ; and yet it feemes thefie prefume oftluatpoxyer, that whether it' be convenient. for His , , Maiefiyxor no,or whether His Majell'y {hall fopleale to apprehend it , yet-it mull be, done, or one this ‘Article and the refl,are but meer ddufionswhichisjthe rather to befupptifedfiuc tunlefl'c the-King pleal'e To to declare, His Majefiie may bringinor {end thither what Forces bc pleafe,withom conlent of beth Houfes, but {0 cannot the‘Parliament'by this Article , nor any of their adherents in their greattft excremity, ‘no‘liberty. of declaring being left to them; If Ifrael then mould flie before the Egyptians, and Chelhire appears before them asa‘red S cayand being bound up by this fophifiry,could not without danger entertaine them , Other- wil'e then like vagabonds to give thein a pile ;'whai inhumanity’wereith‘isd bé'tlghisnlibegy of pafl‘age muff needs be inferred, ‘ left the, Antipa’r’lia‘nrentaryl forces; in the North might Otherwife be flopt from going this way towards his'Maiefiie‘, for force‘s :w‘it'houf doing all)" hoflilc A61, may paire, though by the firflf' Article , all forces brought finito'.'the"_Couti§l ty, were to be refified ;what is meant then by an Hoftjle ac’tf‘isio Bring Delinquents FOquiCQ an hoflile Aflfifthat have more Violante init theri' 'ulig‘all’, flélim‘guéuts 'maff‘tthank'c them; (elves, whole flight argues theirguilt;i and? have ‘ayflj-‘géehyo that “eight and bill“???- ' -. . 1.; -- mutt. - .r L " u'e' ‘«‘--‘ that they were not 'otherwife attachable,‘ and then to ' eny theil’arltament,’ power to put: their Orders in execution, is to abridge them of that which the‘meanefi‘Coirrt‘ initial-9&5? which memes, in (lead of being venerable, it would become offmall'efteeme.‘ 7' ' . . -' ., as ”FART. o ', ( .. '- M V . “.elrg':—'." : l - ‘4 .1.-. '. a *1; \ > '2 ' ' '9 ~‘f -- {.3 ’---’r . _ a. ,-- .,V V .. ' J‘i’ - " , - ' I , x (. "7'31; _‘ - - ’3 k, » . 1 ‘ ’ .v I If- .> ; "'.. s , f ' . , . ' . ‘ _‘ ‘l > . . ' _ . qr ’ ' . a ' ' ~ 3* ‘3': ~ ‘ x“ K i t . ‘ V; - ( I a ' . . ~_.l . - - . . . ‘ _A ' 7- ' ‘4, _ ». A. ". l ‘,‘1_ ' -v-‘_ k3V,J.","’: .Q ‘. ‘ ‘ Arctic/Cite; . , , ’ _ .‘.i __{ .. , ‘h l / ‘u‘t' ¢ : .I‘. ' -" " . ...-v'..,..->_'.'-,r~.;a.v '.. I '5 ~ 7 D 3WD WW? ' ififieatzivreztzéea’m? ;,. in the Cowgafstaafiamza , " oéféivt 51; it.“gff‘éihé!.tkg’éériykfloflm :7” 41171493 ifidlé???f~fl£’f Mikel??? . Til/77¢?! 0)“ I‘ 4:1" 3- . v ~ r417€eérés'vtivnz'ertbfi”WWW DemzintteaéatDDti‘thivéfifrééfli!ie2 ‘- i‘ l , . REASN 7 a a " a ' - I Such aPeace as may be chWnedWith the blemng‘ptgoa; is not onlylh‘opedgbu; prayed ‘7 ' "3 i for; but that will nat- Seby monopolizing Peace, or bygiying' it an untimely birth“: a con; i . l' clitiiovn by. inch meding is' botlifli‘llegalland qnnvatt‘trall abu'tifva lafiin ‘Pgap‘etwereinteii.’ : ded tb'bgfibferfld, What meant‘mgt} bfittherly pioegeaings' of the, 6dtittii‘iflionere’agent‘fs, - (though by'theiran,éfpe‘cially'.the Lord C [9077;71574’3’ firthflaE ‘73)} ‘ Way‘s: the other places- " 4 I " before mentioned,even durin g,‘ and after the Treaty: (he fufi‘e'ring mo’fl, that was mofi' religi. ! i ‘ous')‘and'tvhen rei’titiition was'de’m‘anded‘ ‘of’fo‘me'of‘th’e Commiifioners acCording 'totl‘ie- Articles, the remedy proved worfe than the diféaie, before,th’ey‘ legit their goods, ‘bttt when ’ they co mplain‘ed,”i: 95m? {carceefcaped with then-lives; . by . the danger 9,!" their ‘ Battlefa‘ges; 1 ’ ' To that no w‘ (fa/#415512) the ‘patt'ies'diemfelves to this agrem’efr‘ilt Taféfit liberty,ajndafter dram. 1‘ renth'efis of time may'r'ccontiiitie their formerRefolutiCInsfioi tlje’ 'refl'oftheArticle,theWords . run paralell, but not the matter ; theO rdina'nce for the M'liiia being (imported, notonely by the Judgement and command of that Court from which". there is no'appeale, but alfo by, i the {upreame law, viz," S/zIm fiapali, {and the;.,C'otfimtiTton ‘of Array in the meane'vtimeiscon-I :"- ; demned bY'.‘.h.€‘!9§.¢: égjdeittitttiv; to: the 6thé‘r.’ ..; . .1. . .a . - - 7- . - f . _ AM 14/21}, All thefdidfdrtie: doe agree andpr‘ofizife wick to other‘ in the word df a Gentleman." E . and 4,; may define» to Pro/per, that 44 We]! #70 them/61726:, 44 'alfia theirfieimdx, tenants, and fir. D, um”) and all my,” 5,, whom the} [yaw any inure/fa [ball 4: much #5” them lie perform tbzé: 4.. t grecmem; 4 22d ,- t 7-! furl 1967 495,64, that 41] the/did panic: joy»: in a Petition to his Maicflie, and 5, (Wk Hmfl” of Parliamenhfor putting an {mire {13: great diflmfliam and miferie: fallen upon the Kingdom, 5] making 4 [1”ch Peace, ‘Andit :2 jgfiaxglwsir Sir George Boath, and ail other: i in the County, who have appeared, either a; Coinmifl'ianerr of Army, 07 I“ Deputy Leifltemntr, * éy reg/0,, of the . 0 rdimmc‘e’ of Parliament, [7741! Wit/a all canvmimr/fieedefirbfwibe 2/013 , Agree-1 . mew, ' ' " r .m “A. .. - \ 1;. A .- Orlando firchgtjmm, , Henry Magnwarmgfl .. » , R EA 3 0 NT 8, The Gentlemen that did (ubfcribe, are,not {0 much blame—worthy, being men of tempel 4. rate fpirits, and quei’tionlefic true lovers of their County, as thofe that did by importunate ‘ / folicitations pet-{Wade them to it, Sic norm ‘Ulijfl-x .’ did their former advice for Neutralitie l {o advantage the County (the Kings forces being by that means invited thither) that it mail E ' prevaile for the fame purpofe again ’3 I‘Wifh that by this meanes the damage to the Countrey. i [may not be doubled, as their advice hath beene. But admitting the Commtffioners for the ,A ., Array have For their parts hitherto obferved this agre-emengmui} net then the {ub‘fcribers for the leitia obierve it likewife, to keep both their homur and Faith inviolable'.’ for Sir Gear Booth and the rcfl: refufe it. Their generall Protefiation to Gad, which I am fure they have ~ taken,being inconfii’tent with the private pacts ofmen,grenders thefe ofno force, "but loofeth a. D0 \ ?:v "f v, I ‘t ‘ ; . ,,"‘ v‘ - 3.1;“ .3- . . I w _ . ‘ »- . I‘ ,0... g ) .. oer ' . fa. a 'K : 3 A ‘4. 9‘ .*""--- - \ as this muil; needs be, bein repugnant to that myp‘ower exprel'l'edhswn therein,” in'all'their thrementioned='nfoluti0ns,- And in inch 3 Parliament certainely, called'ahd continued according to‘La‘thn‘cilE ofthe'Kings voluntary aeration, and of ”the Kingdomesfahy, dmh the fupreatne power refide‘, 'elfe policY {hould' ‘ come fhort ofnatute in not fencing againft that which would prove bath dangerous and .de- ' (frufiive to it felfe; nor is it breach of Covenant,o‘r loffe of Honour to réiaft that which is,ei-" ther before the tloing of it, contrary to the command of that great Affembly, or being done, is‘by them declared illegall'. bath mat the Lord Fairefaxe more eterni'zcd, hisnamefiby his Wifedome and valour, fince his retraéting the like fubfcriPtion then ever beforefflgodfich confultb, confuitiit: mxavit. But all mufl: be {alved by ioyning in aPetition forPeace. “It is great pitty faire weather lhould ever doe har me, or that Peace {hould be unfeafonable, but take heede lefl: under the notion of Peace, importinga Neutrality, or by drawing Ar-X ticles againft thexexprcl‘rc Orders of Parliament, you draw your felves, and the rd).- of the Countrey whoh'ave beene for King and Parliamant into a mifieriousz eonfpiraci-e againfh bath :‘ but ifyou 'Will either make or Petition for Peace ; let it be for England your'Lawes, and for King and Parliament, whom bOth have united, and'fince \neceflity and charity call for it, it is well hoped that the Subfcribers, and many of the Commiifioners in that County will‘idyne with the Parliaments yartw asbrethren, ‘hOQSh fallen oneufe to doe ) a... ' gainfl the common Adverfary, which is now the army of Papifls in divers parts of the King. dome, thatin the North, having in the head of it éhe'Catholilte’Standard :l'ucha Peace: is blell'ed, and Barri pacifier} the Motto of fuel: Peace-nuke“. EImIsg‘ . f‘ London Printed form)» own», and are to'be fold at his Shop in‘Pope-Hea -Alley, December, t’. 1642. 0. s» _ 5’ ‘f‘é‘i‘T’W, ruc- the‘xrw um «(w-gt .1. ‘ “ I v .' . . «' . 4 I“ .‘E‘Tf l "5 1.9:..fim ‘ fir} {'2} I'- ‘j: . 41"?5‘ , - ,7 if?! it; w. ~ , ,,, fees. . ' A; L > 5:.“ {Mn-Statffii’ "ftibliciue vow to Guiana to the Pailiamen— ; an, , V .. -~:~< > r. .1“ I» 1- : 3-. 1" 1 i .‘l-v 2 "‘5: .. . _ . H V " ‘ "a . v' » 1 , .. 4 I " ' ,a " , A ‘ . .7 - ~-‘ '- 3 "1" . ‘ . ' ”‘ . . 2 . -~ .« ’ ,i ‘ - -. ‘ t, in. ' I A '. - y‘ '_ R . “u ' , - r ~ ‘ ‘ _ , N, . .- , ~. " 7 u. . ‘ 4 .« ‘ - I . . . , . $: “t " . h » ‘ 3;. fl » i ~ ' .‘ v *0: . K. ' ’ \ . . ‘ no powefit'felf 0? lies it in the power of anyacrehtecl “W5 W ei 'Ivoi dc .. _. :_ ;. - enr,‘ 2 ":z~.\_vu~— «r . \ , ‘ V ‘7 - “f L - -. "‘ a «e .5" 4:! . Ff RARE DA 412 1642 , N48 University of Missouri— Columbia lllllilllllllllllillllillliilllllllillll 010—50528