1 nonnnnnn 1 i 1 ififi§fi$§n$$hfimll§nfith$§hfihfimggflfi ”‘3‘" i igORDINANC O F T H E SE“ 0 a: Lords and Commons 3i“ E 5% Affembled 1n ' i i 3111\\ 5.3% PARLIAMENT: 331‘ 5% .35}: or the 111ahling ofS1r W 111mm Erereton Ba, 3: . :g ronet one of the Members of the Houie of Com 3 mons, {peedily to put in Execution the Ordinances for the ”F. Sequettratien of the hflat s of Papifis and Delinquents ,the Fifth, and ‘3 ‘ ’35“ Twentieth Part, Weekly Aileffe; 11 em- and all other Ordinances of 3:5 5% Parliament, within the County of Cbeflcr', and County and C1tyofb1 C/ooflcr: And to take Subfcription's for the Letter 111pply and main- £11" ‘ tenance of the Forces under his Comm and, for fecurity of the {aid Places, and preventing the Acceife of the gé Iriih Forces 11110 thofe Parts. 33% Alf: allowing unto the fold Sir William B1C1eton tile per/onallg +6" Iflate: of 11/1 Papifl: and Delinquent: in and 45010 London, and ’3 wit/9m 20.172110 thereof, a: are not}et [qu/cflredw g‘é' 61100067651, for the Sc r'vice aforefmd. 34. D11: Ward: 26. Marni. 1 6 4 4. 3% Rdered by the Lords and Commons 1n Pa1liament that 2::- this Ordinance be forthwith printed and publifl1ed._§{. 10/1. Browne Cler. Parlzanzent. 3% § Printed for Jo 11 N W11 1 o 11 r in the Old— —Baily. 3: as March 29 1 6 4 4 Bi? ‘¥%‘%%%WW%WHW%%‘4€%‘4¥9¥W¥§% fig i." J . ’ . _ 3', i 3:. J3 L I m . 2%; O»).'\Y",}. ‘ . _ AN 0RD INA NC El- ' O F T H E . ' LORDs and COMMONS 1n ‘3 ' ‘ PARLIAMENT: ; To inable Sir Militant fBrereton Baronet,one of the Members of the Houfe of Commons , to. execute-the feverall Ordinances of Parliament, for Advance" of. Money within the County of Clufl‘er , and County and‘ Clt?’ of Clyq/Zcr, and to take Subfiriptions for the better Sup-_ 1: y and Maintenance of the Forces under his Command, for the feCu‘rity of the {aid Places andfm: prevention. of the Acceffe of the Iriih fierces‘into thofe Parts. . ”//,///// ”xxx/4 HE Lords and Commons Aflembied in ParliaJ ment taking into their ferrous Confideratton the ‘. ‘ 7/}; ,, prefent condition of the Countyof Chg/tenant! . " - of: the County and City of Ckefler , and the "a"? Parts adjacent; and the damgtage which hath >, ., /’ alread hap ned and may :11 accrue. to this :g/éz) Kingdihme, ylthe, frequent Acceflc of the Iriflt fill/a} ., , " . Forces into the {aid P1ace,e(by meanes of the ‘ Haven of 'Claefier being yetwithin the Enemies power) ioyning themfclves with {uch Delinquents and Papifts as are now in Armes in thofe Parts ainft the Parliament; have thought fit that Coutfe be timel. taken or prevention of further .tnil‘chiefs, by, landing of more Iriih orces in thofe Parts. “And therefore that they might {peedily reduce the kid" County and Clty of Cbefl'er, and Places aforefaid ‘,. to their due obsdience to the King and Parliament , ha»; a 29% thought it ‘neeefl'aty {that Competent Supplies and Provifions he i A z .4 “m and. efiabliihedgs well for the Difchar' e and Paiment oi fuch .Arreares asare already due and‘owing'tothe 0' eers-and‘ Souldiers imploy ed: in the Service aioreiaid,as 'ior their future maintenance and allowance-,dua- ring iuch time asrheir Service {hall be requiiite. To which end and pur oie, theiaid Lords and “Commons, having had, good experience, and eing fully aiiured of the Fidelity and Reiolut‘ion of Sir William ' Brereteh Baronet, one of the Members of the Houie of Commons; and of the forwardnetie and good Affection: oi the Deputy-Lievte- nants, Commanders, and Inhabitants ofthc {aid County of Che/fer, have Ordained, and be it Ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons, That the {aid Sir William Brérr‘ran {hall have in] PoWer and Authority, to take the Subicriptions of all iuch Perfons,as wfll voluntarily lend,or contribute any i urnme or iummes of Money towards the Supplies and Provifions aioreiaid, and For other neceiiaries for the advancement of the {aid Service : Whichjiums of Money to be iubicribed as aforeiaid, the iaid Sir William Brcretommdhis Aflignsfirafl’and may receive and imploy for the Service aioreiaid, and give Notes or Acquittances for the ieverall iums {0 received ;’ which iaid Notes or Acquittances {hall be a in fficient Specialty and" Evidence for the {everall Peribns that [ball lend or contribute an y" Money as aiorefaid, to demand repaiment there— of, with iuch Increaie as {hall be agreed upon, io as the fame‘ihall not exceed eight pounds per Century; And or the better inabling the iaid Sir Wiflim Brenton to make repaiment oi fuch Moneyes as ihallbe lent for the iaidpurpoies, and to periorme inch Conditions and Agree- ments as the feverall Subicribers and Lenders {hall agree 'unto as afore- {aid ; and for the maintenance and {applies of the iaid Forces,and fur- ther advancement of the aioreiaid Service. Be it further Ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons, That the iaid Sir William Brenton, to- %ether with the Deputy-Lieutenants , and Committees of the iaid ounty 0t Cbefler, and the County of the City of Che/fer , or any two, or more of them, {hall have full Power and Authority to pugn Execution, within the faid County of Cbefler , and County of the City of Cbefier (when the fame {halbe reduced) the ieverallO‘rdi- mace: of this p’reient Parliament hereafter mentioned : That is to fay, The Ordinances for Sequeitration oi Malignants, Delinquents,and Pa- grit: Eitates. The Ordinance for the levying oi Moneya by way of xeiie, or New Impoit. The Ordinance for the raifing of Money,by taxing {nth as have not at all commuted, or not according . to their fifiatts, —:a Eltates-t. TheOrdinanee for the Weekly Ali'efl‘ements, a a . - - Ordinances made this prefent Parliament , for advance of Money through the whole Kingdome and Dominion of Wales, for the Set- vice of the'King and Parliament, {0 Farre forth as they , or any of them , have not beene already fully executed within the Pla- ces aforefaid : and to take care for the lull'and due Execution of the laid Ordinances according to the Tenour and true meaning of the fame, refpet‘tively. And For the more fpeedy railing of Moneys for the repayment of fuch Summes a3 {hall be brought in by S ubfcriptions, as aforelaid, and towards the fatisfar‘tion offuch Officers and Souldiers as are or {ball be in Arreare of their iufl pay and allowance , and For whom there {hall not be prefent Pay and Provifion allowed : Be it Ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons, that the faid Sir William Brenton, together with fuch Deputy Lievtenants and Committees as aforelaid, {hall have hereby full power and authority to let and let the Lands, Tenements and Hereditaments, of all Papif’ts and Delinquents which are or {ball be feized and fequeftred according to the Ordinance of Parliament for Sequeltration, within the {aid County , of Chofler, and Countie and Citie of C/Jefl‘er, or either of them from year to year, or by Leafe or Leafes for the intents and purpofes aforefaid, {0 long as the {aid Sequeftration {hall continue. And in cafe the Lenders-or Sub- fcribers {hall not receive full fatisfaétion of their principall Money to be lent or {ubfcribed as aforeiaid, with theintereil thereof, out of the - El’tates of Papil’ts and Delinquents ,.as aforefaid , or by inch other meanes as is hereby provided as aforefaid , That then the laid Lenders and Sublcribers, and every‘of them, {hall have the Publique Faith of the Kingdome for the payment of luck Summe and Summes of Mo— ney as {hall be due unto them. . And whereas the {aid County of the City of Che/fer, is wholly fubjefied to the power and tyrannie of the. Forces railed agamf’c the Parliament,..by realon whereof no Commif— fioners or other Officers could as yet put in execution an 37 of the {aid Ordinances of Parliament: And whereas fome perfons formerly ap» pointed by Authority of the Parliament to be Commiliioners and Of- ficers within the {aid County of Cke/ler, and County of the City of Cbtfler to execute the Ordinances aforefaid ,for the fervice of the l’ar— liament,have fince neglected and deferred the fame , and maniflfled their difaffefiions thereunto. Be it therfore Ordained by the {aid LO! ds and Commons, that for the lupply thereof . the {aid Sir William Brew ion l ‘ - e - er with {rich Denney Lievtenants' and Committees as afore- faid ,ogtall have full power and Authority to name and appoint fuch‘ Commiflioners, Treafurers, Collectors, and other Officers within the [and County of Chefier,and County and City or Chefier , when the" fame {hall be reduced ,as {hall be neceiYary (through the defect afore- {aid ) for the better putting in execution of all and every the Ordinan- ces of Parliament before mentioned , and of all other Ordinances of Parliament, in cafe either no Commiflioners or other Officers be na- med by the Authority of Parliament , to put the fame in execution within the {aid County of Che/hr, and County and City oF Che/hr, or either of them, or in cafe the Commiflioners or other Officers al— ready named, have neglected or deferred the {aid Service, or other wife difcovered their difaffcfiions to the proceedings of Parliament, which faidCommiflioners and other perfons fo to be named and appointed by the {id Sir William Brenton , together with the Deputy-Lievtenants and Committee: as aforefaid, {hallby vertue of this prefent Ordinance have as full power and authority to put the faid refpet‘tive Ordinances in execution, as if they were named by both Houfe: of Parliament, and their names inferred into the {aid refpet‘tive Ordinances. And be it alfo ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons , that the feverall Summes of Money which {hall be lent for the ad vancemcnt of the {aid Service , and fuel: increafe as {hall be due for every l‘efpet‘fivc Somme {o lent according to the true intent and meaning of this Ordi- nance, {hall be fatisfied and paid out of the Moneyes that {ball be rai- fed within the places aforefaid', by virtue of the aforementioned Ordi- nances, or of this prefent Ordinance. And the {aid Sir William arm- to". with inch D uty Lievtenants and Committees as aforefaid , are hereby enabled atifauthorized to call to Accompt upon Oath all fuch perfons of the {aid County of Cbefler as have received any Moneyes by Authority from the Parliament : As alfo to take Aocompts upon Oath from time to time of the faid Commiffioners, Treafurers, and o- ther perfuns who {hall receive any Moneyes within the {aid places by inch Authority as aforefaid, and the fame to convert and impioy for the fervices aforefaid .and to give fuch fitting and reafonable allowances mm inch perfons as {hail be imployed in the execution of the Ordi-o Dances aforeiaid , and of this prefent Ordinance, or anyof them, for their pa ms and charges therein, as the {aid Sir William Brenton {hall thinke fit , provided that fuch allowance {hall not exceed the ”a?” . (if ) flijveRates allowed in other Counties of the Kingdome for putting the {aid Ordinances in execution .-" And if any Treafurer‘s, (201th- "0:8 or others fiiall refufe to accompt or pay in the Moneyes where- with they are charged , then the kid Sir William Brenton, toge- ther with fuch Deputie Lievtenants and Committees as aforefaid, {hall returns. their Names to one , or both Houfes of Parliament. And the {aid Sir William Brenton, together with fuch number of De- puty-Lieutenants, or Committees, as aforefaid , is hereby Authorized to Adminiiier the feverall Oaths fpecified in the aforefaid, Ordinances, tmtofuch Commiflioners and Perfons ( which have not already taken thefame ), as by the true meaning of the {aid Ordinances,or of this pre- {ent Ordinance, or any of them, ought to take the fame. A nd be it further Ordained by the {aid Lords and Commons, That the Perfonall ' Eitates of fuch Delinquents and Papifts within the Cities of London and Wejlminfler, and withinltwent miles of the fame, not yet {eque- fired nor difcovered ; and which all be difcovered by the {aid Sir William Brereton, or fueli Perfon or Perfons as he {hall Authorize un-, der his Hand and Scale, For that purpofe, within two Moneths next af- ter'the publifhing in Print of this Ordinance, {hall be allowed unto the {aid Sir William Brenton , for the further Advancement of the faid Service, provided that the {aid concealed El'tates exceed not the'iummef of five thoufand pounds : 'And that the (aid Sir William Brenton, or any Perfon Authorized by him , as aforefaid, nor any of them, (hall pol’fefl'e themfelves of the {aid Papiits or Delinquents Ei’cates,bef'ore he or they acquaint the Committee of Lords and Commons for Seque— {irations therewith, to the end they may judge of the Delinquencie of ; the Perfons, before his, or their Efiates be fequeitred and taken away. ' ”And be it further Ordained by the Lords and Commons , That the - {aid $ir William Brcrc’ton {hall have Po Wet and Autho; it y and 18 here- by required to Ad m inilier the Covenant (appointed to be taken by the three Kingdomes of England, Scotland , and Ireland) to all Perfons within the {aid County of Che/fer, and the County of the City oi Che/fer, who ought to take the fame (by the late Ordinance and In- firuétioxis For that purpofe ) and have not already taken it . And be it further Ordained by the laid Lords and Commons , that the {aid Sir William Brenton, together with the Deputy-Lieutenants and Committees, as aforeiaid, {lull have Power to call bciore them all Minifters and Schoolemafiers within the County of Clip/fer , and the h ‘ County \ . at . t . (5) - . County 'o’EIth'e City oF‘ Chéflehthatare {candalot‘ts in their lives, grill-é afiéflfd'to the Padldmea“,wdt Poment‘ers (SF-this unmet-m Warre, 'or find] wilfully rufufe obedience to the Ordinances of‘ Parliament , or {lullhavedeferted their ordinary place of rcfidence, not being imploy- ed inthe Service of the King’a'nd Parliament ; and-they {hall have Power to‘fend for any WrtuefieS, and examine any Com laint of Te‘ finnony againfl: them, Upon Oaths of fu¢h Perfons'as ' all and may be PYOdUCcd to give E vilence againi’ctthem ; and upon fuc‘h Proofs of the aforefaid Crimes, the faid Sir Wifliam'Brereton, together With the pCPUtY- Lieutenants and Com mittees aforefaid,havle hereby Power to ' remove and e ie& all {uch {caudalous Minillers, and Sch'oolemafiers, and‘ , in their places’to nominate and appoint fuch learned, able, godly, and fit Perform, as they ( with the and vice and content of three, or more, ‘ odly and learned Divines of the {aid County of Che/fer, which they gull call unto them for that purpofe) {hall think fit ; and {ball caufc all {uch Minifters and Schoolemafl’ers, {o nominated, appointed, and placed, to be put into pofi'eflion of the {aid Churchegifid Schools, Who (hall and ma refpefiively take, receive, and perceive to their own u- {es, the Pro ts and Revenues' belonging to the {aid {everall Churches and Places, in as [at e and ample manner, as the feverall Minifiers and Per-fans in the {aid everall places-hare formerly ufed to do.‘ - FINIs RARE 670 .flC6 E64 1644 veyrsut of Missoun- Colu