tion-: - To the Citizens ofiJWc;ssac]zz£setfs¢. A AA V A ‘OUR: Annua1Ele€i:ionfafi::ipproac11es;aniti 4 ffhall {ooh be called upon Atp iexcrc1i1‘a$i on,‘;t7: <)fi%iti1_c:x11i0fc ;efl‘en~tiaA1 rights ofindepcndienit freemegn,‘ AA V V . I ' i , V we invefled by the coni’citutAion.;, ofchoofiingxmen to Adie- reft our pubhc cicanicerinsg, 1nvo1Aves ’duties, Vvhi¢;];_1~Awi1lrc« ~ The AA high and A1mp"o,1*t:mt p .v11edgc»VwAit11 3n*11ici1\3féi% quireall ourAAAinte11igence, all our Vigilance '£md”p21t1'iOt- A iif111C111A1y*t0 ciifclmrge. A Altiexaéizsof usi,ithatiweAfl10u1d. with caution ife1jAe€t, fr0mAiti1o.Fean1Q-11¢; us, men of %i1A:1-» A corruptible integrity, "of i‘cer1ing- £aient$, .KwI:1Ao A Imvc; A A done tlwfcate form: fervice,iiine3I§31* ;fo1jgetting,ithutAtl1e fate of the community refcs 0niAouriifi1fi’ragés, tlmtfi a Wife and judicious choice. is effentiizxlitgp ourdeamiisi i rights. f AItAAdE:1n£L'ndiSi, tha,ti%Qurijc1e€tions%fl'ioVu1dAbeiifree i from PAaifl10nA andp*reju§Amw~A The; prarentiifi¢AuataAon of ouiiAicc»umeryerf<=€*C0nViA5*:i0r1i[i0f.t11c¢vin~ antr1 Wifdvilfivffcd¢ira1iAm¢n»i and fidcral c:flW<'%:e»i X» «*4? " 'L1I'__.TT1€I1b6fi}"'“\?V€ thinkour meai11re8b€i‘r4 % The idates fc}'1'${ %Go*Vern0‘11, W?*w¢*hav”e no hefitzfion anfvvering ams; ‘We%thi:1AI:% fort1:e4enruingym~, have already beenannounmclLt01i1$«in41:116ub1i¢3PW¢15S%-V Theyare ourweI14known4and4} e::ce¢11e‘nt=%”friend[and gm“ GovernAor; cAL£«Mfiand the Of “0PIéoVfite%Vch21re zmdofip Itis Vthendof too fi-éq%u#enW§r[4‘re13ezited; fut3i]ciem1y infcrrii om-~ % Vf\L¢1’fi¢‘~S the re:en£ion%so£the ran for the of... 11% p Vficébf°C}QV%er:1%or-~th2;i:‘We aflc Wlmt tare t1 1ei1+ fenti-e V A and; iriéws,-:1a;rx1<;:1i Wh%:itfwi\11% be the m4ea£ures%o£ igheir adxI1‘inifi;r21tiAo,n, gadoptedwbyt the one or the cV)tI;werN? Lc tVtI1e people alfo enquire, Ihould the defmocratic £210» tion, by a fl%mngeA Aand unaccounAtab1e fatality gainfa} ¢:oVr'11p1et’e afcendency irfytha ftatez, I fay let %t11en1% aflszg, -jwha.;twi1l% be the f:1t:11'%,vcQnfaquences? 4'I‘11efe%am im- AAP0Jitant enquiries, AA it bchove‘s A ;A¢*¢ci‘Y of the §0fiim“ni‘Y.fi°~Ti%°“flY» 3‘1dWith0‘4“1°?VSOkftiméa to makfi. A _ % AA % % % N % % % ive {them cancbiid and temperate difcuflibéngis t “fiV§1€1~1gn%A0f this jAadd;‘cfS‘i,% %:%iDAWI1ic11 afcrupu1ous~ dif.» V “at§vg‘I1L‘, :;?“fil1..b¢w(\@b£ermv'¢d’,b¢tW'¢’€'n P1-ib1icAand priw 1ae‘inmdedun1¢rsA m<:ri¢miriationby the4in~ «AddiTei*éfi05f10fan4¢3194I2”§>nVé fa1,%4Y1i}e3;hé%fQrm¢er *fl‘xa11 befrce~ 4 A F1‘§éed0Iii 01’ P3113013» fi‘颀iP9m4SpéefihaanC1%%fr¢€flomVV Nof%thjéPre%fs,ar¢ bieflix:g,s.1%4fe:¢11rac1Amin mu laws %d’€”iw“€s%Vz‘"<5I‘0111‘~ V1"igh‘~“Si %i’%dV1Tib€ft3€$=V%»4 cezife 4 1 d§t49¢%%%Ve>:¢rcifcthemwa Weceak to A VWh0‘%%fiifl6%$%A4%hi:4i$ »;T6;; A % A ” " 3~t¢d§‘ 9€1',’~ . _ hi~s**i ~ fees 4fe1fpcVnt Vv%inc1ihg A f~le%c%pin him! Thse M wild %tpuntab1c Vfa~rAt1;emi1bI1iefs re%1;L1"it.1ng't04 fcxciety ifmm~ Ilis filence--4-the« laft would 13.63 i aCC O%untab1e fol‘ the mifchiefs of the Ring refi{‘L11¢ting%f1*%o,1“i*1 hisforbeax;mce.4% 5l”h%e.olc1%qL1c;:Pe1c)11 ist11en4againca1Icd 1;p,%/}'3¢z¢[l¢v A/11% 1 N 07*“ M r. SUI. L VA? N be W Co=2‘,=¢?,7r7~zVarfl1" I 2';€2_.é2 ‘any fi.zirzg"yem~ ,9‘ very fi11g;gcA{.3:i0x1 404.’ tin:-‘quePLi4011,pmvc::~:1 wthzau: 2:11‘ izé n0tVva11in"t%h€:7fl:1te. ]3of3tV&fC¢*I14,,111,fi?I;1,(;)f_-fL1C1'1 A opp,ofite p;~incip1’::.°s, fc:11t:i1"m3nts am "I1a“b»its.% tlxexkz ncatvc-:*r , hcouldba 9. fcwious cc>r1tA<2i7r ~fo1‘ tliflgchief.1%/121gi{’c1':x,cy;iftl“1€: publicmind ‘~"~/Tirefrtzcfmm«;11nd.p1'c:j).1diCc, if %t11e%vi1¢3‘fpi1*itof p:.11:'tydifc1 rmt t(.m ‘b%i1:t*:e171y%= %1:tmL:l::>,i% ; Q11’1* 1V1ca1~ts,Aan<.i c:.:xcclfi1<;1e.u:~f; from iiiaihszlixzg to that voice CHE fl1*mf0*r1‘ mud Qf{E1fc;ty. K%F¢:t1l0*$fif«%Ci1:izcex'1é3, r<3z1dAOn,ti:‘zVis ‘ fi113j<:":& the wife courmficls mf iyc>u1'Ax2'c:nAc:%1"2113}c‘WyAs;~I-Imgi. ~ '1f<:>..~:, who occxxpics a con;fix;1c3r2x'b1<2pmrtion of 1°.1is_ ,F121rc;“:- A ‘wen iAdd1*cfs, in w*J:1rniv.2.p; <:c:»1.s11*:t1*y,mc:;1%1., intllcz folcmn nmnner, zmggxintii thc21;>:'1m;~fu1 rJjfa;finiiffitfV%of pzxrty. %B1,c:i1?f:rlWit41%1 f'1'm3 CQI1fiit1.z’CiCm, 1i.‘im;:c>u%41fs,;% fit) %pccu;,1iar13r 0111“;1$b1e to ?«;h¢::%p%cgi)1>1e,% A it Vfl.1%1§;;111a¢1'1y% ha» , Af<:c>mesA us, in cm %A‘c1_e1ibc::r:2;Afic)11¢, ;1vtV)ic:1A‘ :1lt¢»g:=:t1*1c1' the fezlflflx and 41ti”21i§*r¢:5W C; 0I'1fi'C{f31‘E1t§.(3fi§ c:f"“pz1r1*}*%. ’ % A ‘. % %'1”}."1e oflice cu%f%(3r0"1" 5.5+ zem i1‘1"1p()1“iTflIit (me. ¢ is Fvczftczci by 1112;: C011 £%ii1:u‘tim1wit1'1 ixigfia p’mv<21's:,,A a1*xMciff:'c;m1 . his fi.tu21tiom%%c1<:21*iV‘cs 211uir1$;‘Em»:.%11cAc=:, whi<;:'11 c1“1;1b3c:shi1fn r*0% adopt n“1e;1fi11"&=:s, tlmt %a£i}::C”t rmt yc7>L1 ::rx‘1c1*<::1y. 1 .‘.»""L.1,?;“."",,“.r}14..1-‘\1': %;t:1V1i1drcn‘, your %c11i1drc2n’j:3 %c;%Z1%iAId::'ez1 to zlzxrzz 1:;1Vt"c:*%{‘.:%pii{t<:1*$7i"L- ty. It is iA1"1%11'i%s§pc>W<::1*,, by‘ ~wii"5cVVax1dvigc“>1*<.:gsAixfacgiffihres judic~iIou“:“~3 A a1.vpc>inA%%tm<:n%t%:5A hf vir’tu cwri?2:M3*x:x1a«;:it%1f%p<>4sVc:+~ %ty¢#a+nc1 difirefs-mtobringWW1:upc>n%y{h.:1 i';:Iic&ir1i;p0rt21‘11t. Arm c>'F}1iciw%V%I1:u ” mfp<>nfibi1"itY4“*~v<:'i1ia<>*u1dlam me¢nmzr. C1¢’aS‘l\,::1.im’£Y\,‘ M‘ 1 §*ng,easAuAnWort’l1yAA of 1’A1As, allenarrow prejudices»-em-all sfe*L= \ flfhsconfiderations-we-thinlcingonly of the p11b1icgood----}~ but p3.rtyistfe1fifl1 and illiberal-----it fizeals awtty fom us eur A reafon, blinds the A fiunderfianding, and fome.ti'm¢;:;st even cormpts tllsetheaxft-Q-It_preVentgsus fr0rnja]pp1"ehend- itng theicleartett notior1sA,3; reprtefentedin theep1aine;tttrnaI1t- per:--frAom tAsd%ifeoverin4gAt; 4thetforeeAJA of f3..AAI'gAU~fI1A|3Y1tSA_[ tlwugh xhey be clear asdAijA*7¢—tAhOughtItey be fAmI.111ded”on a; roelattaAehtmenttt*tfor At fthat;1C01“i£tittttei0nA,;Afo in»- #9ve‘tAetratelyA oppofed the‘paArt_y, WHQA new fetupjqdge butAAWx1iC\h3A,by:.I" the blteflingg of tG0hd,""and; tt1r1?der Atthfl vwife‘ ands virtutem s_adAmihi{ttattAien of W afl1ing- A ten gatid Adnmst, has conferlmd oh; tAf1eA A ‘United States fie Ag10ry%,110I10A1*,refpA,efAcXpmfi1ng1}isl fentifnents Am the great mtion~ A “ all quefiions, which eeme befiare the ’ S)ci;x1“AatAe:,A ; and to con» - A did 2ufxdartlefsAwfa$ his mannetr-+-+hiAf.$ reafoning l,;foA' 111» Ininousm-A4-his arguments fo folidlé---fuch :1 perfeét knowl-L edgeldid 11e“ difcolter of thepeople of the country, of A A their habits zmd A rna.nn“e1*s--~of their wants and A their I expeétations, that he was always liltened towith plea.-« {tire and with lconvi6l3ionA. On the death of our \Abe1o‘v.A— A‘ €dSUM1.-II_:”.1g“ Whofe mtegrityand%talents commaAnde"d A refpeét, whofefuavity of manners‘ c~oAnci1iatedl2ul1d at» A trAa.él:ed the Ahe“arts‘lo‘f"tI1e peop1e,A&Ar1dA Awhofe A mefAmoAry)'A A we ftill cherifl1,wit11A fondlAAa.dr11irzLt.ion, KONG}, at; A A ter rquclxfolieitation, Aland,againitlI1isflAown tpriva.teAiAlAir1c1i-A» A A Axiation,;Af1‘ompatrliotic moAtiveg,Awas]Ainducedltostllowf A himfelf to befitupo as a candidatelf0rAG0veArn0F~l t1W l " t3'é?ér18waWhlénheWasA lch0f¢nlbly flllAgf¢%t 111?1i015itY«AlA 11aslcontinfuedlin.tl1cchaixtg day, u Ao~v.>S'r1zo’Nte't ‘ A” A epevatelafe ‘Aw. ,‘ andcxcmp1arr«Hehaslbeendceplydtvmeldta uneX¢€PtittDn&l>lell §nt<:reI%sA so? chrifiiiafiity, Ma.nd11Vasbe”en Iong in a*2ro*x7v*ie{¢t W _ p+1*c)'fe‘fI'or ofjitsV=V‘diVipe truths‘ a‘ndd%o&rin€ES.%% Ingghis A A <*‘4I5¢‘T~‘?~S~ W L6.-gmfiffirea¢0T1f<51‘*‘*1iri%gA;t0 “W” habits 0?‘ roux‘ r f0AI'€fA£L'th61‘,‘S,A and t () ‘c::OnVi%‘€ffion1y¢%%fui*e~bafisVof mu ti0na1{;h%ppin€f$:a>ndI1fa“€d upon USA‘ ti1¢«f6i1éIx:nobfer* Vance of thoftt ‘ h"o1y;%iAnfiitutic;ns,A which freE§uc:nt"~ A iv to%»%mfleri’ron{tlaedutiés 05111031AA"51i33ti0n%sV‘V43fld7AA'3«¢A % Acon¢~emp1a;tethe i:nfi3:‘1iteA g;)od%nefs;4 AA*WfitIi which thfiAlxnightygov¢r11sVtheW0r1d-% A AA 4 Gov _ST*ROANjG has 1:114 yeafy Vfamilizw‘In:tnnc1‘s%»of old A fi1fhiA0I1é~’**c‘l%vti1nes~+he11:13feign ?%1n‘uchA,oftAI1e A wa1~1d,%Aan¢dA no onemnbe A*Arn0.:*e affable, cT)A1*% Am 0A1“'C_ pe1ffe&Aly} the gen» A Atlemangflis h2ind‘is%;t1Ways fcrctched Oflt§04.Wwery homefl 1n21n,witI10UtVr3;9fi1‘d to drefs % or %ap}3fFcarA£§4ncé.+ee-+‘V%A %I-Ie4?has44a1Vx%vays beenpm-ticu-laiily free and£ox:iab1e %with.% the fsz,r1n_c2 rA, the me¢~11an:c and“ labourer, &n:‘mdnvarm1y%V¢Vf4; A poufeci their inter¢4&sa4cohiidering VtheLi11Vmen¢quflH7"in%44 tVit1edto-%1*e1;pe<9:V a13d1*egarc1 wit‘hAthé moremfiuent and %influéntia1.%A%‘ A we we; the AArIi21An, who firfl: projcjéted, 21nd} % byhis;1dviAcAe aflifim:1%the% committee pf m€ecfh an'ics V BoPcQnfinkt11¢farmation ofclmfirft fefdexfalj p1fQc€1fi0ffi1AA ‘afterfi1¢f1‘%atiiicati0nOfthe ¢V0nfiitutinAiI1 17 8A8,W1iiC11 remixedro+¢mt:ch$h$on«:mr qnsofionians, d 6rdi:«;11yitfr1itateVd*» W ¢ ¢mT1E§4fiff%€%r3ta»tcs‘a ffAAA*‘%%”1AA13<#‘ii171t€g1"i+ W ofms ¢ha1+aete¢:g n+nb1e%1na1:m5 gmaevelxcammn,»A hasneverd%11‘6dt0attri¢1 , thefe praciices; ‘Gov. “ S”1‘R 0 N q,A during 11AisA A A :.1dn*1i‘ni%fira ti"0An ;.of the sure government, haspurfued Kai ? mild a‘ndAconciliatoU1*y ifyflem of A COnVdU&,IIlR‘1u -A-Acan Y0“**ha5V$ %Y01itAh€. liearta to turn ‘ out 9-1112rn3W11o3Au11d¢r¢ Heaven, Vhaswbefinj ihA€,iWiA‘u~4 A %‘i11_dnt one much 3“ gopd .? A;gratitude,you1f Afifire I A of jufticc mvolts‘ T 21tpA t1ie:A%%Aide%a‘,%:%Ahe;firm an,dV‘ vigi1m14t:% and in‘-,V;_ke, C2ii1€'§1‘ti_OMn 07151 H16 A M onday pvflato infurethe rVe~e1ec°ciVon,wthe omce of Govex~~ A not;Of=your?veriAerab1?e$'r1idm‘G,.7 “ “nu 1t e1‘nper A of his . A too,1"s,~befo1'c he putsthc1'nfintAo 0pc:~:ra- tion,‘ let” us confide1- the char:a.é?cc:'1j andpretenfions of; L ]udg<§Su11ivan¢, zmd of the nuen,WI1oc£poufe his, I<:;‘auAfe foWwarmIyMinpppofitionto .GOv.L,%%S'ra0Nc;,A befofref, We A ¢0nfeI1tt0% a1T0W‘tAh¢: ii?-ndard of t1‘r¢iVr a11f¢fih0ritY to be fctumn AWSA ft11e¢fe<1-em-1 adflxninitt ; W, 4 A h4weV«Von1y4%‘¢d“‘ ‘ Fcdlw mt . “ n my '.‘Vi€VIi‘iJ"',Cjivillean; fie ‘ i%11n£urr “iwthf:he ‘ w‘: A ~. .L;A WM 01 1—:.1, to tho‘;"<~:, who then prc;~tiide:s:1 ovmr your nati.I;I:1*ifl‘:=cc%!—-~*sa,*V'§n;EL:h9 *i':§7«.i%3»«.'aiza za. :fi;tu21ti(>1.1, that wzus ’w'm-fa tinzm n0thi2:a‘ga;~»-A—'~m%'Vithaw 2: fl1i1?.i11 of pc:1'mzmc‘m: r@v«.:m%:ac~~w:ith0ut :1. i'y§f‘ca2xm%1 of fiz1:mce---~1$u1*« domed witll 21. <;M:>t from t1A1c:w;v.r, wwhi»;:§%1 on Eiqxliflzxticmxa, was fcmnd ta amount to flzw;2m:y fix zmd an hzxfif 1”x1iL H()1‘l:~.i of’ <:1<;)11a1“:s, :.me:1 withmut m:;.mi1:;:y in me a2z*czMfm"y» for th<~:2 0m;1i1a:.u*y c;:q;i3c1“acc$ wf 1:116 gQ>vc31“1:1A111cér1*t,::a{Ef mw::d 1"i1ch :1, mnk aI11<3z1g tlfm I1:Lti<:f>1"ui+ of Atim ~s.w;'.>1"M., :12; the I.%mited §3t:M:c*:s3 ;"L11f1Ax;€u::§,x~ %1:hc:~':% zzutltnir1ifl:mti(im A of A W>2§31#»xImG'1“0N xmd ADrua.mm~Du1*i11g this auf"pic.:im13‘c1"2L %:fm* %tIi1A<=: Unit- ed fitzxtes, I My ]'udgc=: SUL.I..1“VAN, fa 1§...2;§3.1”"i"‘fOlTL’T1 appmv» izxg zmd 21fl¢iftir1g, was hofiiice bath to the A11*xcm and t‘“11€3% 11ncaLfi.%11*c3. % A Aith011g1$1 juciggge SUI..I..£'VAN 11121y fecretly exalt in tlm 21dmitnc:is, with which l1e‘Im£~: p1'21€ti‘ft:d on the cireedulity 0f'111a.nl~:ind,, and in the Very nflru€tion, as would; fpeeclily dellroyalll its firengtl1, will you give your votes for a man of this tltamcter to be your Governor_., in preference of Gov. Simone, who has or always been the fame honeilt, emu, conclillent republican. On vieWing.;tI1le cltararfter of judge SUL.LIV'AN.'clI1Cl the party whollfuplportrhi1n,can you clonbt,tl1at he is hofiile to the fore palladium of your rigltts. and the belt fecurity. of your happinefs E’ A . ll Such, fellow-citizens, are fome of the flrlking traitt; in the cltaracters of tl16'tW“0_In€I1, offered foryour fut»: {rages on the firll: Monday in April, for the ofllc_e7of Governor for theenfuing y*'ear.t Perhaps thtereWl.s not iin all nature aolmore ‘Rriking. contraft, than enilts be» l1W€'t31'1 the private andepliblic ecbaraéte1*s of tllefe (two meta, and we l1-ave no reafon to doubt, but the fame central} would eteztiltbetweenl the rneafures A of the aclw nnnizftration of the one, and the otherl. E3 ~Buring the fix. years in WheiCi'1 Gov» S'1‘aoN‘o hae been in the chair, the State was never more clxfiinguiflb ed for the bleflings of peace and harmony; and has he done a fifiglfi thing to forfeit your confidence. During a the firit four years, he was annually elected by a gene- tality of fuffrages almollz altogether unprecedented” in. the flate. The ttiends of ]L1dge SULLIVAN will not pretend to fay that he has done a fitigle aét the two lafi: years, which makes him lefs worthy of our choice, thzm for the firft four. Now if he be that improper, dangerous man,he is reprefented to be, how has it hap- pened, that we have been {.222 ignorant and to wicked as to vote for him {'0 regularly and for the greater part of the time, to give him fuch immenfe majorities. ‘We muft date the decided hoftility to Gov. Sraomo, and the unexanipled clamour againit him to that um lucky moment when judge Sut,LxvAN’s ambition got the better of his prudence, after liaviug, in former times, been repeatedly th'wa1*ted in his political views, again conceived the hope of being Governor. From that day to this Gov. St1*ong lias been g1*oW‘ine; 1‘I10l"€: unworthy of yourtcontideuce,‘ and if Jttdge Sui.- livarfs infatiable ambition be not fpeedily gratified, he will become one of the moft faithlefa and incapable men under God’s Heavens. e In the approaching elerftion, fellow citizens, i would yviih. to guard you mofi: eautioufly againll being impo- fed on: andmifled by the artifices of the wicked and tux*buler1t-——~—vvil1oofe element only his in the itorrn and in the ytempeft. ‘When you hear an old confidential fer» yant‘, like Gov. Si+r:aoNo, aeeufedm-call to your minda, what he has done for his~couutry--the profperity and happinefs you have enjoyed under',;hi‘sJ adminiftratiou, and before you are perfuaded to withdraw youth con- fidence, demandauthenticated faéts, and not condemn on vague acfcufation. Afk yourfelives, who are the men, who recomimend turning out Gov. Sraomo. Are they men, withwhofe charaétere you are well ac» V quaintedw-in whofe integrity you have impliclitelozifiu :{':£K-":- dance F’ Arr they r1*:err., who have afi"r>r«:;’fie& carry fir‘bf’?tsrrra rim} prcmfs of wifdom in p€'J.C€., or of ’r}:reir* capacity in war-—~—rr‘rhQ have difi:in;:>;'uifl1€d themiriives by their public £§:r‘w*ir€sw~who heme been in the Irzrbirs of firr:z*ifir:i.11g' private: interezlls to the g;cne1'a1 gcmd E‘ fiere their“ freeu hrfldcrs, who have property, and have {something ms Erzmzard by 3 mvcflutiorr ? Are they men of difcernment ::m<:if0ur1d judgrmiznt, and luvs they hlld. c>p7;)csrtunit:ies mi’ rrrrzrkirrg the1nfe‘wes acquainted with the: dmrrzrérer-S 6-32’ the ct-1ndidates~——>-}r}ave they no rfefliih partial viewvrs in rr1if1'eprcfe:x1ting and colruurirrg what they Wmuld wifh j-rmu tr) believe as fafics P [we they rrmm, rr) Whom you W0u1ciriend*yw:>ur' gold and fi1vver—--«to whmrr you would cmlfieak-: your private affairs, and in ps'2r'f:;>m.1 c'rifir'ci's re- fort frar advifr: and zrfiiflzrrrcr:-m-i*f you. czmnot ztrnfwer firefii: queftions in the a{’iirr1mti,ve., ds:-spa-xrd upon it, £131» Eawritizens, you Czmnot for a r11c>11wrm: iiflen with fzrfrtyr to thrsir crmnciis. Avoid: tlmmg p21{Asn0t1"ry' them, turn from them. and pafs mvay. '"§"hc*y raw: your bit" rrercfi forts, and Wiflr to cheat and deludc ymu. Abcrvr: 31} Iwauld wiih to caution you againfl timfxz .K‘I‘1(fI-)1; who rail Atherxrfrslvcs csucrrlzfl-wz pm‘:-z'a:.‘s, and flriencis of the pew» p'L:=:--—-—the boafted lovers of 1i“bcr‘r"5r, ,equ2r}ity,r ecQn0111y* and innovation. Thrfc are their rvrztcb‘ wom’.r,rrwitI1 which they would fwindle you our of your“ rig rs arrci Eibrzrties. They wiflr only uproar): and ccmfufion, t11at they may ride on the whirlwixld and dirmaft the frorm. in zrllcommunities inch rrren exifi. A Infirwed the hifm tory ofrrrancimt Republics is the rrhifrory of falfc pzrtriotsg who pratending to be friends of Ribs:-tgr, hzrvr: kept their countries in perpetual foreign brofls, or dnrrxefiic agitau trams and convulfions, to ferve their a.varicr.~ and 21m‘rbI:~ tion, and who have never failed; to render thcnmfleives A the tyrants of the people. “ It is by %b0h:’r crznfures of r 1 0the1*s,2a.nd by boaPting~of fupcrior virtue,that fuch men open their way to powergbyrlulling the public fufpici«:"m mg to themfdves, zmd dixjefitring it «:0 charaétcrs, whosfi; gr:ne1*ous minds feeling norfenrimenr, that I1on@'urV wtmid;difc}aim5 air and {peak with 3. franknefs. and in» depwdehces ‘~voft1iv OF1'<=P11b15‘?*”“#i“i‘=0nfci0115 0ft1wir' :trAcce:hi3s1*x“2;Aii211f:d‘ic3A[1‘Athieir integrity. , A A A V i A * i Let” 21:35 flier), f€1i_OV_V citize%ns,i 311 d ‘iii@:mi2mdi?iAn0t by tlnzrir prc;>fc:Ii.ons; when iweh‘ea1ft.he1"r1ii 1;o;1t%ing oi:‘i11!eir patriotifxn, let 1;; iieznquireiwhethxzr 311163? liaveidiiiztoveifed it in any 0t1i1cr*w[ay inwards. A Let us not be gulled by their flattery. Donm: prom», ife yourfe1vcs,itl1a.t btzcvaufe you 1i=vein a Repub1ic,iyo;uA are“ in noiwdanger of beixug led zifiray byfervile courti,er;si gt: men by their at!» -—i---_—-by lips of ifalfehood, iand 1;Ac:ngL1es‘Aof* deceit. .BieA-i lieve me, fe1!ow~ci.tizens5 Republics Al1ave.A_A Abeen \ péfierad. %witl1’asi hungr‘yi:1ndife1*vile p211‘afitesaLs Moxiarclaies air» ” Defpotifms, Aa1~1d_ vanity%isafrai1itjr 0fmVoreiperniciou$A_ cncrg;yi%Witht11e~1nany, than viritI1'Athe{0neJo‘1'*th;e _ A 'l7‘l1Aat my A fcia1*sAAa,rI1di appirei1enfio~r;s as tcwthisl fubjeét fiuzzy be; the betterd explained andunderflood, f andthat ii»-«me you may be the moiieiion. your A guard zigainfitlaieii arm Ellld int1'igues%of flattering m<:n._., permiti me to recallici yourmihd 0116 of , Aithe fabias of Jflfop, the i—iii1I10ra1ii:§‘ of which is fc) plain thiéxtiit iI1:«.1yjbe felt andlinderfioodi achfldi. Of‘i‘th6 craiwiiflfiid A thfi fax; - '1’1I6 AL fiancclof t'heifabi1Ve may be flats ithiuiis i‘:-—-a“ An hungry? fox pafling unidcr atre-c,i heard aifufilinig 0veriI1ead,»ax1ci “ loolazing faw‘ 3; cirowi on A one of the top1'r1oPc ibAr21‘ru:l'1est. A i:1vci>ri;t<~‘: piece of clxeefe, which thje crow was holdin wit11i_n l1isibeak,Vi11ft;1ntly caught tha eye and fl"1arpr2.m: ,; A tlmappetite c>‘f'jAt11ef<>x.i N*c)Wi*tl1isiifo:a: W213 uni oldcamzg and 11a.dbc:(~:niibimiucl1Ai11 1;11<.=: Wi()1‘1d,i1i1i1Ziti11C well kxicwr» xheobrmatigans commonlymzxde aboutthe crow. fléalthe piece (pf focrdout bf mougthii of} ‘the crow, when raifqdffi 11igI“1 i1bOV6flLIj;iOrdin9.ryreach “ wa.s the {- itljgcif l1ungjryW"o1d%%ifQXA:A 1:6 i'de2'*Iii‘Ae andiattdmpit. “iwas mwi fi‘i~’¢i111Y:iA“9"115C11i chm€ter'z¢d theict0W~ '1‘11eif0Xiikn€Waitwell, and ithe iflyncfsflf his aiggd by prf§fi:ic~¢,l1§gl AAV1-e:fo1iveciAit¢:r» itélkei advar1t:;;gicj&iii‘I‘ i fhi7$%*i?i :fQr\a£cOm’iP1iqifl).ing»i hi$i¢irexamiiiA AV ;% A A‘ A A? putAjur ¢gé i?% % A A éi?%pioof;.tAI1:itA helm at Iength the pe1*VfAm1:y1 Afatisfaftima“ A ofknowing fromthci cv1denAceof1fi=* 9Wi‘1f€MA<=S= in 01%" ‘V A pofition to cAo;miAnoAn farntythat Abeamies of the crow% AA £Ir€% .°c>fA a~fuAper1a.tiveAd *e1eg2‘Ln.ce A and% ; .Whiten;efs.g Filling i this “I-1a.ttery4 acccsptablmthe EGVXA. e:1.4:4&'{1~;eIfAes Iiiglmawd: A miracicm of good finging,and inafiyA1e¢c;£dprAafoum—A“ refpeé’c»iAntimate_sa to bra A Aperft)n* hughsmtllccwwaand trA<>?ttiIig A ;thh%4e% filly thin to fe‘c1%théVreproac1iV . A ‘ N~Ac)w,: fe1IAdw;ci%4tizqraV «AA, knowiAng%we11 the cha§r:1A%V€terVof Z th»a»ti4fW<§ 1Aif’eento4th4e 1''?‘ ea :3, 9- 3° 9 3'-'3 3- ‘9. ‘« if A . 4 *AfiA1}y AA théfavble, %and*1£:arn‘ from bittc;'~%exA}$e4 A AAve%@VAA%1cm.-a 4% ,A‘f?; , ht NW WAT A ether "theAcrowAV excels A AasAin..%o,cher acco.mpIAiflimeAnts. : I Open gfa4pesi;%the A mo§ut~h%fto,»fing‘. Out JA:A_drop:s ,-AAthe.= favoilrit A %¥%t%1A1efl ‘Inouth: {of ‘A‘t:l1A_¢-.A 3 fox; who f A A tA 4our17e1v?esA Afitmtic5nAV‘ or thatlwdgeSiziliwnisthe éunning Old A 11ft‘ ng,‘AAeo1*derAAot tllihgs were deredinffofaéti A Ai’€‘}ie‘v“erjf eXifiencéAofPennfjr1vani’a “z;saAf A pendent flats has A ‘ A fm1sk% bfAréforIh, a;13afttexnpt has been ‘m”:1deVtp4;f1ibvei*1; A f A :eVt1;}ffl:CTii; ec_:ox“1i{’:iAt*u7t;ion"L_., ‘And to diflblve 3111} Afhee"'eoAf$fAo1. Ax‘ A A . wercAorigina11yAAAtheAmoit A Auenrtial iI1f'prOmovtif1g“Ae C1€aiiOI1.i'0f.V:GOV€i‘ndf-A ' * A‘ cijay. The AV€'1:‘j*n1Aép%W_h Avagabond'9eutcafi,antoriousAe1ibe1Ieroftha A theAm¢r1can fary4éii1s*t®eA¢a#1d, that7AGov- AM’Keén was e16é‘redinAop%A poefition mAMrAA1zors,the federale caI1didate,AAbYfi3 ~ iiderable ma3oA;-icy. Glamié”, Cawdor, Kieng,he hadfeAi~t{‘ a1lA,andI1e played moft Afoully fm-A Aim‘ AN ow,; fellow 9' w emtizens, 2111: the Pennfylvanians, at 3t11isAd21wy,¢ewh:1t Atehey'A " gainedgin 1799, by being; peyfixadfiekfl, t%1W1zu.teif~t11ee%’che_1'; ex--% A overturned, A a betteerAAmigl1t VA *bie'4Aeftabl1fl‘15pd. Make yourfelves acquainted wit~hAthe AAPcateAoft11ii1gsi11 Pénnfylvzxluia, :1151k:1AA 1é:a11A‘ri Aipfiruftiofi fromt11ei1*’1ne12p;1ch01y e:;2xmplAe;—--Af1reA I1at1*riony : has exifled A in 1.Zhf3i1‘_ eminci1s-~ —W1A1et11crparty arzimofity I1A:1§ji‘%t1VariAy degmree fubfided-gwhetlzer Um ge11eralA’%ini:efi«;- A A4 A ei’cs% “of the’ ‘ C0mmAonjwc'a1tI1'l1a\ge ljeeiitmzoreeezealoeufly Avindicz1teE:1eA:x11d })r(3.m0tedA ; and they wilfzmfwcr Aet11_21,;i:eA A tAhe° fiateeof focie;y;t11e1*e has been littlebetterflaanthzxt % of Pzmden‘ Oniumé--»t11eyV will tell 7? fZJflfdf£7€‘.lif':l‘IE'_fiafl$'€f_ A Aderzzocraty 1" Z2¢.'Is %I2e"cc577z;;' tiriclecr-~~77z’t2r6' %t§j>,1>rc_¢fli*vzf tbf AA!/J3 A ‘A ‘efiwl’. Azzfi Afiflm‘ U‘ A“: Ea’ A Legiflature l’”1:1?sib'e$erA1 ‘£cenAeAod£barbe AW be“gnA ¢endan“fge;‘ed§"% _ _ "Undeisf A 1 7 {_ . A ee1WKea‘i1,h2a**§7ebec0meh~is rI‘1 * « Hug wazzee tizeewefiylairis ifi}‘éde7*z;iZij'rrz»~+r/fzczt g;'m;%2ieA A A A cbae2AedAeAAmw5 wbz;s,4¢%z/wyara " eheAhsbAemiAfun4A AAA%anAaV A zLndeA‘iiide~} A {wee i1fy1*Vahi2iWo“uld" Ame AAa;ban*Ad¢neam A A - v ;w Afi;*-.'~,p éé VA ;.g V,AV \..jI3 M; ; ~‘..é A.A;g.;-A A e,f é A é e V s A;d1ét2ttes:eandcr11Ne1edefpotmfmoi VVg.«A'yDfz(am?,,a; 3 N iii fenete of that itate there is now amaj ority of oheof Dzzmm, party, and at the commencement f the prefent feffion, ‘Wl1€fl the Governor add1*efTed both branchesof the le« giflature, that body would not allow the Goverhofis fpeech to be recorded on their journals 3 but did him the indignity to throw it, with as much indifierence as you would throw crumbs to your dogs, under their table. ’ i i A ‘ Novv, fellow-citizens, you are free and hzippy under the adminiitratiou of Gov. STRONG.--»-~:”Why will you hazardithefe bleflings by eleéting ]udgerSULLlVAN.-—a- Why will you run the rifque, by promoting men to dim refit your public councils, pofliefling the fame wild fpirit of innovation, the {mine fondnefs for uprortr and mif~ rule—---of having your fiate like Pmznfy/mwzia, cliftrzicftecl by difientionswyour colleges, fCl100i:~5 zmd ztcztdemies, anclliinternal improvements negleé"tecl—--«Your civil, rights, and the fecurities of property menaced and in- f1'inged the laws, courts and judges, trampled down ; the trial by jury fubverted, and the Conltitution over»- tlirowug and above all, will your national pride allow you to fubmit to the indignity, oflmying it doubtful, as in Pezziflr/oarzia, whether the man, whorn the native » eitizens of the State have elected to be their Goverynorg or an yunprincipletl foreigner, ihall have the mofi rinfiu-., ence over your public councils, Y A y. , A Finally, the {urn of all the lobjeélions and caluinhiei iflgainfit Gr0‘i7'iSTRONG-1‘n3.§’ be reduced to «one,which is, that he is not an implicit believer in the wifdorn or pol-4 icy of the prefent national adminiftration-—--but howevl er true this nmy be, it is equally certain,‘ that neither l1(’§,:‘ nor his friends, have permitted their “Want of confi» dence in our national rulers‘ to embarrafs‘ their rneafi-i ures, or prevent their doing their bell: for the good of, the country. Onthe contrzuy, he has runiforirzly fup», ported Mr. JEFFERSON, and the national government, in giving eii“eé“t_tlo all laws and meafures, which have’, received its fanétion, Whatever might be his doubts of " their policy. No rmn knows better than Governor A S:mAc>er~m,fheeAee,neecemAtyeofenfo;rcingeAkxrlxatcvei-ee"emearuz~ése A airs cefifiifiuteionally :;doptecAH>Ayethereprefe»nt'ativ<:s of ft1i€AA,pé0P16-'A,AeNOman’ei—é=‘?V1Ef8¢iI1.C1ii1€C1AefhaIiehimfdf A eopApre¢ee h;is_priV:1tee Aopi11i0f1S to the public “fenetiI_njent5 “ A e A when faire1Ay‘e..f¢ertained~ And not ‘th'i'S:‘d"ifp0fiti0r1‘-' A a;I1,%tehat nA ee:dAAAbA‘e erequired.? ACAa,n itbe,5en¢cei1Exr3%th;1teA+c11¢ V A chiefmagmu-ateoftheesmteflmu_1dbeA:11eeflave orA«coo1ee ' ‘ Vfethcfliifif eMagifi1‘i1tAéOfthéeUI1i0AIiA?M9%YAfh‘¢Yen<>fAA A ~ A AddweIlAiI1AtIieirArcfpe.f1~,iend§,f are uponethe ’eexreet)jfeI:i* war; A this is 'V¢1‘y different fro»m,ee ;fhe»et¢=n0r Of his eforméf mefiages; ain:d* "When findthis.e.high oeflicer“ A kenand1fifrifélfc0hf¢fl3nge11iS mififiefi When%AWeefiAnd;3eeeA ‘AA eethaAtc1uringhis aldmini£trati0;n;AafF:&%irsAarechingedi»froAmeeW ifiaeteedfpwcetevhatAeAA0fiempehdingewav seemufieyour Gd°v*‘iA‘i%iiTe;4eAno=1é,% A0r;hisAefx*iend”se §b‘ecé1ufee~Atl1‘eyAA * haveoftheeinAfa411i“bi1W0f.t11¢APr¢fiA€1€I1Aieee1SN5AitAA mot; wit1:outeA A errors au1tAs,eAby which‘ eWe’%ar¢,ebf0i1g#iA ' 1 I I { f A . Ahappy A y?’o.11Ar Goveern«;>r%i’ca;nAcI.SIeaedfié,;3:c>~a;e£fif3:e} ;, g AA7\,Affe:f: A Nateionale A A ‘dy’At0eé1-d,and ¥7f1A<”»‘1‘v<’»‘ %aTa»€1‘ifiC¢e\e«0f an xtofopnm V A %danér?s% the%tY4rannV:rmd % Iouthen, fe141ow+citimens,w tut%i0n4f0rWhiCh¥0ub Y---Ifvo m¢I?At&~1fY0uWi.V ~properm-Jot precmnusunce we hatawvmhM Vinde enAd<=11tA d§4a:1mme,Aand 4ab%roa Digitization information for the Daniel Webster Pamphlet Project University Libraries University of Missouri——Columbia Local identifier web000 Digitization work performed by the University of Missouri Library Systems Office Capture information Date captured Scanner manufacturer Scanner model Optical resolution Color settings File types Source information Format Content type Derivatives — Access copy Compression Editing software Editing characteristics Resolution Color File types Notes 2004-2005 Minolta PS7000 600 dpi Unknown tiff Pamphlets Text with some images Uncompressed Adobe Photoshop 600 dpi Bitonal; images grayscale tiff Pages cropped and brightened Blank pages removed Property marks removed