MR. WEBSTERWS ON WHE GREEK RHVO%IuUfl'ION.... EXwun.thc VVushingt0n fihiflionu n nwuunwvnvamrvwuunn-«wow I%3STTHW: .”??l’JI6‘~IW.ISI*II£D BY CUMMING-S,‘ EIIIQLIARD 85 CO. '&’.Tnivr2:'sizy Pmss--HilIia1'cl 2:1: Metcalfl 189%. MR. WEBSTEIEPS SPEECH ON THE (Erect: ilwillfllttfillll. ON the 8th of December, 1823, l‘vIr.i Webster presented, in the House of Representatives, the following resolution : “Resolved, That provision ought to be made, by law, for defraying the expense incident to the appointment of an “Agent or Commissioner to Greece, whenever the President shall deem it expedient to make such a1:>pointment.” t The House having, on the 19th of January, resolved itself into a Committee of the Whole, and this resolution being taken into consideration, Mr. Webster spoke to the following effect: I am afraid, Mr. Chairman, that, so far as 111ypa1't in this discussion is concerned, those expectations which the public excitement, existing on the subject, and certain associations, easily connected with it, have conspired to raise, may be dis- appointed. , An occasion which calls the attention to a spot, so distinguished, so connected with interesting recollections, as Greece, may naturally excite something of warmth and enthusiasm. In a grave, political discussion, however, it is necessary that that feeling should be chastised. I shall en-- deavour properly to repress it, although it is impossible that it should be altogether extinguished. We must, indeed, fly beyond the civilized world, we must pass the dominion of law, and the boundaries of knowledge ; we must, more espe- cially, withdraw ourselves from this place, and the scenes 4 which here surround us, if we would separate ourselves, alto- gether, from the influence of all those memorials of herself which ancient Greece has transmitted for the admiration, and the benefit, of mankind. This free form of government, this popular assembly, the common council, held for the common good, Where have We contemplated its earliest models? This practice of free debate, and public discussion, the contest of mind with mind, and that popular eloquence, which, if it were now here, on a subject like this, would move the stones of the Capitol, whose was the language in which all these were first exhibited? Even the Edifice in which we assemble, these ‘ t proportioned columns, this ornamented architecture, all remind us that Greece has existed, and that we, like the rest of man- kind, are greatly her debtors. t But I have not introduced this motion in the vain hope of discharging any thing of this accumulated debt of centuries. I have not acted upon the expectation, that we, who have inherited this obligation from our ancestors, should now attempt to pay it, to those who may seem to have inherited, from their ancestors, at right to receive payment. My object is nearer and more immedi- ate, I Wish to take occasion of the struggle of an inter- esting and gallant people, in the cause of liberty and Christianity, to draw the attention of the House to the cir- cumstances which have accompanied that struggle, and to the principles which appear to have governed the conduct of the great states of Europe, in regard to it; and to the effects and consequences of these principles, upon the independence of nations, and especially upon the institutions of free govern- ments. VVhatIhav'e to say of Greece, therefore, concerns the modern, not the ancient; the living, and not the dead. It regards her, not as she exists in history, triumphant over time, and tyranny, and ignorance; but as she now is, con- tending, against fearful odds, for being, and for the common privilege of human nature. As it is never difficult to recite commonplace remarks, and trite aphorisms; so it may be easy, I am aware, on this occa-_ sion, to remind me of the wisdom which dictates to men a 5 care of their own affairs, and admonishes them, instead of searching for adventures abroad, to leave other men’s con» cerns in their own hands. It may be easy to call this reso- lutioin Qui:A:‘0t'£c, the emanation of a crusading or propagandist spirit. All this, and more, may be readily said ; but all this, and more, will not be allowed to fix a character upon this proceeding, until that is proved, which it takes for granted. Let it first be shown, that, in this question, there is nothing which can affect the interest, the character, or the duty of this country. Let it be proved, that we are not called upon, by either of these considerations, to express an opinion on the subject to which the resolution relates. Let this he proved, and then it will, indeed, be made out, that neither ought this resolution to pass, nor ought the subject of it tohavo been mentioned in the communication of the President to us. But, in my opinion, this cannot be shown. In my judgment, the subject is interesting to the people and the government of this country, and we are called upon, by considerations of great weight and moment, to express our opinions upon it. Tltcse -considerations, I think, spring from a sense of our own duty, our character, and our own interest. I wish to treat the sub»- ject on such grounds, exclusively, as are truly .flmerz'c(m; but then, in considering it as an American question, I cannot for- get the age in which we live, the prevailing spirit of the age, the interesting questions which agitate it, and our own peculiar relation, in regard to these interesting questions. Let this he, then, and as far as I am concerned, I hope it will be, purely an American discussion ; but let it ernhrace, neverthe- less, every thing that fairly concerns America 3 let it compre- hend, not merely her present advantage, but her permanent interest, her elevated character, as one of the free states of the world, and her duty towards those great principles, which have hitherto maintained the relative independence of nations, and which have, more especially, made her what she is. At the commencement of the session, the President, in the discharge of the high duties of his oflice, called our attention to the subject, to which this resolution refers. “A strong hope,” 6 V; says that communication, “ has been long entertained, found- ed on the heroic struggle of the Greeks, that they would suc- ceedin their contest, and resume their equal station among the ‘nations of the earth. It is believed that the whole civil- ized world takes a deep interest in their welfare. Although no power has declared in their favour, yet none, according to our information, has taken part against them. Their cause and their name have protected them from dangers, which might, ere this, have overwhelmed any other people. The ordinary calculations of interest, and of acquisition with a view to aggrandizement, which mingle so much in the transactions of nations, seem to have had not effect in regard to them. From the facts which have come to our knowledge, there is a good cause to believe that their enemy has lost, for ever, all dominion over them : that Greece will become again an inde- pendent nation.” . It has appeared to me, that the House should adopt some resolution, reciprocating these sentiments, so far as it should approve them. More than twenty years have elapsed, since Congress first ceased to receive such a communication from the President, as could properly be made the subject of a general answer. I do not mean to find fault with this re- linquishrnent of a former, and an ancient practice. It may have been attended with inconveniences which justified its abo- lition. But, certainly, there was one advantage belonging to it ; and that is, that it furnished a fit opportunity for the ex- pression of the opinion of the Houses of Congress, upon those topics in the Executive communication, which were not ex»- pected to be made the immediate subjects of direct legisla- tion. te Since, therefore, ‘the President’s message does not now receive a generalianswer, it has seemed to me to be proper, that in some mode, agreeable to our . own usual form ofproceeding, we should express our sentiments upon the important and interesting topics on which it treats. r If the sentiments of the message in respect to Greece be it proper, itis equally properthat this House should reciprocate those: sentiments. i The present resolution is designed to have '7 that extent, and no more. If it pass, it will leave -any future proceeding where it now is, in the discretion of the Executive Government. It is but an expression, under those forms in which the House is accustomed to act, of the satisfaction of ‘ the House with the general sentiments expressed in regard to this subject in the message, and of its readiness to defray the expense incident to any inquiry for the purpose of further information, or any other agency which the President, in his discretion, shall see fit, in whatever manner, and at Whatever time, to -institute. The whole matter is still left in his judg- ment, and this resolution can in no way restrain its unlimited exercise. I might well, Mr. Chairman, avoid the responsibility of this measure, if it had, in my judgment, any tendency to change the policy of the country. With the general course of that policy, I am quite satisfied. The nation is prosperous, peace- ful, and happy; and I should very reluctantly put its peace, prosperity, or happiness, at risk. It appears to me, however, that this resolution is strictly conformable to our general poli- cy, and not only consistent with our interests, but even de- manded by a large and liberal View of those interests. It is certainly true, that the just policy of this country is in the first place, a peaceful policy. No nation ever had less to expect from forcible aggrandizement. The mighty agents which are Working out our greatness, are time, industry, and the arts. Our augmentation is by growth, not by acquisition; by internal development, not by external accession. No schemes can be suggested to us, so magnificent as the pros- pects which a sober contemplation of our own condition, unaided by projects, uninfluencecl by ambition, fairly spreads before us. A country of such vast extent, with such varieties of soil and climate; with so much public spirit and private enterprise; with a population increasing so much beyond former examples, with capacities of improvement not only unapplied or unexhaustecl, but even, in a great measure, as yet, unexplored 3 so free in its institutions, -so mild in its laws, so secure in the titletit confers on every man to his own acquisitions; needs nothing but time and peace to carry it forward to almost any point of advancement. In the next place, I take it for granted, that the policy of this country, springing from the nature of our government, and the spirit of all our institutions, is, so far as it respects the interesting questions which agitate the present age, on the side of liberal and enlightened sentiments. The age is extraordi-t nary ; the spirit that actuates it, is peculiar and marked; and our own relation to the times we live in, and to the questions which interest them, is equally marked and peculiar. We are placed, by our good fortune, and the Wisdom and valour t of our ancestors, in a condition in which We can act no obscure part. A Be it for honour, or be it for dishonour, Whatever we do, is not likely to escape the observation of the World. As one of the free states among the nations, as a great and rapid- ly rising Republic, it would be impossible for us, if we were so disposed, to prevent our principles, our sentiments, and our example, from producing some effect upon the opinions and hopes of society throughout the civilized world. It rests probably with ourselves to determine, Whether the influence of these shall be salutary or pernicious. It cannot be denied that the great political question oftliis age is, that between absolute and regulated governments. ‘The substance of the controversy is, whether society shall have any part in its own government. VVhether the form of government shall be that of limited monarchy, with more or less mixture of hereditary power, or wholly elective, or rep- resentative, may perhaps be considered as subordinate. The main controversy is between that absolute rule, which, while it promises to . govern well, means nevertheless to govern without control, and thatregulated or constitutional system, which restrains sovereign discretion, and asserts that society may claim, as matter of right, some effective power in the establislttnent of the laws which are to regulate it. The spirit of the times sets with a most powerful current, in favour of these last mentioned opinions. T It is opposed, however, whenever and Wherever it shows itself, by certain of the great potentates 9 of Europe ; and it is opposed on grounds as applicable in one civilized nation as in another, and which wo=;?:d justify such opposition in relation to the United States, as well as in rela-- tion to any other state, or nation, if time and circumstance should render such opposition expedient. What part it becomes this country to take on a question of this sort, so far as it is called upon to take any part, cannot be doubtful. Our side of this question is settled for us, even with- out our own volition. Our history, our situation, our charac- ter, necessarily decide our positio:n and our course, before we have even time to ask whether we have an option. Our place is on the side of free institutions. From the earliest settlement of these States, their inhabitants were acou;-:»torned, in a greater or less degree, to the enjoyment of the powers of self-government; and For the last half century, they have sus» tained systems of government entirely representative, yielding; to themselves the greatest possible prosperity, and not leaving: them without distinction and respect among the nations of the earth. This system we are not likely to abandon; arid while We shall no farther recommend its adoption to other nations, in whole or in part, than it may recommend itself by its visi~~ ble influence on our growth and prosperity, we are, ncvertl.1e-~ less, interested, to resist the establishment of doctrines which deny the legality of its foundations. We stand as an equal among nations, claiming the full benefit of the established in- ternational law; and it is our duty to oppose, from the earliest to the latest moment, any innovations upon that code, which shall bring into doubt or question our own equal and inde- pendent rights. a S Iwill now, Mr. Chairman, advert to those pretensions, put forth by the Allied Sovereigns of continental Europe, which seem to me calculated, if unresisted, to bring into disrepute the principles of our government, and indeed to be wholly in- compatible with any degree of national independence. I do i not introduce these considerations for the sake of topics. I am not about to declaim against crowned heads, nor to quar- rel with any country for pt*efe1r1*in,{=; form of government dif- "-7? ,6. 10 ferent from our own. The choice that we exercise for our-; selves, I am quite willing to leave also toothers. But it ap-- pears to me that the pretensions of which I have spoken, are wholly inconsistent with the independence of nations gener-— ally, without regard to the question, whether their governments be absolute, monarchical and limited, or purely popular and representative. I have a most deep and thorough conviction, that a new era has arisen in the world, that new and dangerous combinations are taking place, promulgating doctrines, and fraught with consequences,.who1ly subversive, in their tenden- cy, of the public law of nations, and of the general liberties of mankind. Whether this be so, or not, is the question which I now propose to examine, upon such grounds of in- formation, as the common and public means of knowledge disclose. Every body knows that, since thetfinal restoration of the Bourbons to the throne of France, the continental powers have entered into sundry alliances, which have been made public, and have held several meetings or Congresses, at which the principles of their political conduct have been de- clared. These things must necessarily have an effect upon the international law of the states of p the world. If that effect be good, and according to the prin;_"‘_i_ples of that law, they de- serve to be applauded. If, on the contrary, their effect and tendency be most dangerous, their principles wholly inadmis- sible, their pretensions such as would abolish every degree of national independence, then they are to be resisted. I begin, Mr. Chairman, by drawing your attention to the treaty, concluded at Paris in September, 1815, between Rus- sia, Prussia, and Austria, commonly called the Holy Alliance. This singular alliance appears to have originated with the Emperor of Russia; for we are informed that a draft ofit was exhibited by him, personally, to a plenipotentiary of one of the great powers of Europe, before it was presented to the other sovereigns who ultimately signed itfil‘ This instrument * Vide Lord Castlereagh’s Speech in the House of Commons, February 3, 1816. Debates in Parliament, vol. 36, page 355; where also the Treaty may be found at length. I1 professes nothing, certainly, ' which is not extretnely com- mendable and praiseworthy. It promises only that the con- tractingi parties, both in relation to other states, and in regard. to their own subjects, will observe the rules of justice and: Christianity. In confirmation of these promises, it makes the most selemn and devout religious invocations. Now, al- though such an alliance is a novelty in European history, the a World seems to have received this treaty, upon its first pro- mulgation, with general charity. It was commonly under- stood as little or nothing more than an expression of thanks for the successful termination of the momentous contest, in which those sovereigns had been engaged. It still seems somewhat unaccountable, however, that these good resolutions should require to be confirmed by treaty. Who doubted that these august sovereigns would treat each other with jus- tice, and rule their own subjects in mercy? And what ne- cessity was there, for a solemn stipulation by treaty, to ensure the performance of that, which is no more than the ordinary duty of every government? It would hardly be admitted by - these sovereigns, that, by this compact, they suppose themselves bound to introduce an entire change,or any change, in the course of their own conduct. Nothing substantially new, certainly, can be supposed to have been intended. What principle, or what practice,therefore,called for this solemn declaration of the intention of the parties to observe the rules of religion and justice E I It is not a little rpmarkable, that a writer of reputation upon the Public Law, described, many years ago, not inaccurately, r the character of this alliance: Iallude to Put*l‘endorfl". “It seems useless,” says he, “ to frame any pacts or leagues, barely for the defence and support of universal peace 3 for, by such a league nothing is superadded to the obligation of natu- ral law, and no agreement is made for the performance of any thing, which the parties were not previously bound to per- form 5 nor is the original obligation rendered firmer or strong» er by such an addition. Men of any tolerable, culture and civilization, might well be ashamed of entering into any such l2 compact, the conditions of which imply only that the parties concerned shall not ofiend in any clear point of duty Be-— sides, we should be guilty of great irreverence towards God, should we suppose that his injunctions had not already laid a suflicient obligation upon us to actjustly, unless we ourselves voluntarily consented to the same engagement: as if our obli- gation to obey his will, depended upon our own pleasure. “ If one engage to serve another, he does not set it down expressly and particularly among the terms and conditions of the bargain, that he will not betray nor murder him, «or pil- lage nor burn his house. For the same reason, that would be a dishonourable engagement, in which men should bind themselves to act properly and decently, and not break the peace.’’* a Such were the sentiments of that eminent writer. HOW nearly he had anticipated the case of the Holy Alliance, will appear from cotnpnring his observations with the preamble to that alliance, which is as follows : p “ In the name of the most Holy and Indivisible Trinity, their litiajesties the Emperor of Austria, the King of Prussia, and the Emperor of P.ussia,”-—"‘ solemnly declare, that the present act has no other object than to publish, in"the face of the whole world, their fixed resolution, both in the adminis--- tration of their respective states, and in their political relations with every other government, to take for their sole guide the precepts of that holy religion, namely, the precepts of justice, christian charity, and peace, which, far from being applicable only to private concerns, must have an imniediate influence on the councils of princes, and guide all their steps, as being the only means of consolidating human institutions, and remedy-- ing their imperfections.” This measure, however, appears principally important, as it was the first of a series, and was followed afterwards by others of a more direct and practical nature. These meas- ures, taken together, profess to establish two principles, which the Allied Powers would enforce as a part of the law of the T * Book ii, cap. 2. 155 civilized world, and the enforcement of which is rnenaced by a million and a half of bayonets. The first of these principles is, that all popular, or consti- tutional rights, are holden no otherwise than as grants from the crown. Society, upon this principle, has no rights of its own; it takes good government, when it gets it, as a boon and a concession, but can demand nothing. It is to live in that favour which emanates from royal authority, and if it have the misfortune to lose that favour, there is nothing to protect it against any degree of injustice and oppt'ession. It can rightfully make no endeavour for a change, by itself; its whole privilege is to receive the favours that may be- dispens- ed by the sovereign power, and all its duty isdescrihed in the single word, submt'sst'or2.. This is the plain result the principal continental state papers; indeed it is nearly’ the identical text of some of them. The Laybach circular of May, 182], alleges, “that useful and necessary changes in legislation and administration, ought only to emanate from the free will and intelligent con—- viction of those whom God rendered responsible for pow»- er; all that deviates from this line necessarily leads to dis- order, commotions, and evils, far more insufferable than those which they pretend to retnedy.”“* Now, Sir, this principle would carry Europe back again, at once, into the middle of the dark ages. It is the old doctrine of the divine right of kings, advanced now, by new advocates, and sustained by a formidable mass of power. Tliat the people hold their fun» damental privileges, as matter of conce.ssz'on or indulgence, from the sovereign power, is a sentiment not easy to diffuse in this age, any farther than it is enforced by the direct ope- ration of military means. It is true, certainly, that some six centuries ago, the early founders of English liberty called the instrument which secured their rights a Charter; it was, indeed, a concession; they had obtained it, sword in hand, from the king; and, in many other cases, whatever was ob- * Annual Register, for 1821. \ lzla tainetl, favourable to thulnan rights, from the tyranny and des- potism of the feudal sovereigns, was called by the names of prrlvfleges and liberties, as being mattertof special favour. And, though We ; retain this language at the'present time, the prin- ciple itself belongs to ages that havelong passed by us. The civilized world has done with the enormous faith of many made for one. Societyiasserts its own rights, and alleges them to be original, sacred, and unalienable. It is not satis- fied with having kind masters; it demands a participation in its own government: and, in states much advanced in civiliza- tion, it urges this demand with a constancy and an‘ energy, that cannot well, nor long, be resisted. There are, happily, enough of regulated governments in the ‘ world, and those among the most distinguished, to operate as constant exam- ples, and to keep alive an unceasing panting in the bosorns of men, for the enjoyment of similar freeinstitutions. , When the English revolution of 1688‘tool< place, the Eng- lish people did not content themselves with the example of Runnymede ; they did not build their hopes upon royal char-— ters; they did not, like the Laybach circular, suppose that all useful changes in constitutionsand laws must proceed from those only whom God has rendered responsible for power. They were somewhat better instructed in the principles of civil liberty, or at least they were better lovers of those principles, than the sovereigns of Laybach. Instead of petitioning for charters, they declared their rights, and, while they ofi’ered to the family of Orange the crown with one hand, they held in the other an enumeration of those privileges which theyidid not profess to hold as favours, but which they demcmcled and insisted upon, as their undoubted rights. T ’ I need not stop to observe, Mr. Chairman, how totally hos- tile are these doctrines of Laybach, to the fundamental prin- ciples of our government. They are in direct contradiction : the principles of good and evil are hardly more opposite. If these principles of the sovereigns be true, we are but in a state of rebellion, or of anarchy, and are only tolerated among civilized nations, because it has not yet been convenient to conform us to the true standard. 15, But the second, and, if possible, the still more objectionw able principle, avowed in these papers, is the right of forcible interference in the affairs of other states. A right to control nations in their desire to change theirown government, when- ever it may be conjectured, or pretended, that such ehange tnight furnish an example to the ‘subjects of other states, is plainly and distinctly asserted. The same Congress that made the declaration at Laybach, had declared, before its removal from Troppau, “that the powers have an undoubted right to take a hostile attitude in regard to those states in which the overthrow of the government may operate as an example.” There cannot, as I think, be conceived a more flagrant vio- lation of public law, or national independence, than is contain- ed in this declaration. W No matter what he the character of the government resistcd,', no matter with what weight the foot of the oppressor.beat's; on the neck of the oppressed; if he struggle, or if heicomplain, he sets a dangerous example of resistance,---—and from that moment he becomes an object of hostility to the most power- ful potentates of the earth. I want words toyyenpress my abhorrence of this abominable principle. I trust every e1tligi1t~ ened man throughout the world will oppose it, and thattespe- cially, those who, like ourselves, are fortunately out of the reach of the bayonets that enforce it, will proclaint their detestation of it, in a tone both loud and decisive. The avowed object of such declarations is to preserve the peace of the world. But by what means is it proposed to preserve this peace ? Simply, by bringing the power of all governments to bear against all subjects. Here is to be established a sort‘ of double, or treble, or quadruple, or, for aught I know, a claim» tuple allegiance. An offence against one king is to be an ofl"ence against all kings, and the power of all is to be put forth for the punishment of the ofiiauder. A right to interfere in extreme cases,’ in the case of contiguous states, and where imminent dangeris threatened to one by what is transpiring in another, is not without precedent in modern times,«upon what has been called the law of vicinage ; and when confin- l6 ed to extreme cases, and limited to a certain extent, it may perhaps be defended upon principles of necessity and self?- defence. But to maintain that sovereigns may go to war upon the subjects of another state to repress an example, is monstrous indeed. What is to be the limit to such a princi- ple, or to the practice growing out of it? What, in any case, but sovereign pleasure is to decide whether the example be good or bad 3 And what, under the operation of such a rule, may be thought of con earample? Why are we not as fair objects for the operation of the new principle, as any of those who may attempt to reform the condition of their government, on the other side of the Atlantic? The ultimate effect of this alliance of sovereigns, for ob»- jects personal to themselves, or respecting only the perma» nence of their own power, must be the destruction of all just feeling, and all natural sympathy, between those who exercise the power of government and those who areisubject to it. The old channels of mutual regard and confidence are to be dried up, or cut ofl". Obedience can now be expected no longer than it is enforced. Instead of relying on the afiectiotis of the governed, sovereigns are to rely on the affections and friendship of other sovereigns. There are, in short, no lon- gerlto be nations. Princes and people no longer are to unite for interests common to them both. There is to be an end of all patriotism, as a distinct national feeling. Society is to be divided horizontally; all sovereigns above, and all subjects below; the former coalescing for their own security, and for the more certain subject.ion of the undistinguished multitude beneath. This, Sir, is no picture, drawn by imagination. I have hardly used language stronger than that in which the authors of this new system have commented on their own work. Mr. Chateaubriand, in his speech in the French Chamber of Deputies, in February last, declared, that he had a conference with the Emperor of Russia at Verona, in which that august sovereign uttered sentiments which appeared to him so precious, that he immediately hastened home, and Wrote them down while yet fresh in his recollection. “ The 17 Emperor declared,” said he, “ that there can no longer be such , a thing as an English, French, Russian, Prussian, or.dus- trian policy : there is henceforth but one policy, which, for the safety of all, should be adopted both by people and hinge. It was for me first to show myself convinced of the principles upon which I founded the alliance; an occasion ofiiered itself; the rising in Greece. Nothing certainly could occur more for my interests, for the interests of my people ; nothing more ac- ceptable to my country, than a religious war in Turhey : but I have thought I perceived in the troubles of the Morea, the sign of revolution, and I have held back. Providence has not put under my command 800,000 soldiers to satifi my am" bition, but to protect greligion, morality, and justice, and to secure the prevalence of those principles of order on which human society rests. It may well be permitted that hinge may have public alliances to defend themselves against secret ene- mies.” i s 0 These, Sir, are the words which the French minister thought so important as that they deserved to be recorded; and I too, Sir, am of tlie same opinion. But, if it be true that there is hereafter to be neither a Russian policy, nor ‘a Prussian policy, not an Austrian policy, nor a French policy, nor_ even, which yetI will not believe, an English policy ; there will be, I trust in God, an flmericanpolicy. If the authority of all these governments be hereafter to be mix- ed and blended, and to flow in one augmented current of prerogative, over the face of Europe, sweeping away all re- sistance in its course, it will yet remain for us to secure our own happiness, by the preservation of our own principles; which I hope We shall have the manliness, to express on all proper occasions, and the spirit to defend in every extremity. The end and scope of this amalgarnated policy is neither more nor, less than this :—-to interfere, by force, for any government, against any people who may resist it. Be the state of the people what it may, they shall not rise; be the government what it will, it shall. not be opposed. The prac- tical commentary has corresponded with the plain language of 3. 18 the text. Look at Spain, and at Greece. If men may not resist the Spanish inquisition, and the Turkish scimitar, what is there to whic-h humanity must not submit E’ Stronger cases can never arise. Is it not proper for us, at all times----is it not our duty, at this time, to come forth, and deny, and condemn, these monstrous principles. Where, but here, and in one other place, are they likely to be resisted? They are ad»- vanced with equal coolness and boldness; and they are sup- ported by immense power. The timid will shrink and give way---and many of the brave may be compelled to yield to force. Human liberty may yet, perhaps, be obliged to repose its principal hopes on the intelligence and vigour of the Saxon race. As far as depends on us, at least, I trust those hopes will not be disappointed ; and that, to the extent which may consist with our own settled, pacific policy, our opinions and sentiments may be brought to act, on the righ_t side, and to the right end, on an occasion which is, in truth, nothing less than a momentous question bettvveen an intelligent age, full of knowledge, thirsting for improvement, and quickened by a thousand impulses, and the most arbitrary pretensions, sus- tained by unprecedented power. This asserted right of forcible intervention, in the affairs of other nations, is in open violation of the public law of the world. Who has authorized these learned doctors of Trop-~ pau, to establish new articles in this code 3 Whenoe are their diplomas E’ ls the whole world expected to acquiesce in prin- ‘ciples, which entirely subvert the independence of nations? tOn the basis of this independence has been reared the beau» tiful fabric of international law. On the principle of this in- dependence, Europe has seen a family of nations, flourishing within its limits, the small among the large, protected not al- ways by power, but by a principle above power, by a sense of propriety and justice. On this principle the great com-~ monwealth of civilized states has been hitherto upheld. There have been occasional departures, or violations, and always disastrous, as in the case of Poland; but, in general, the bar- mony of the system has been wonderfully preserved. In the 19 production and preservation of this sense of justice, this pre- dominating principle, the Christian religion has acted a main part. Christianity and civilization have laboured together; it seems, indeed, to be a law of our human condition, that they can live and flourish only together. From their blended in- fluence has arisen that delightful spectacle of the prevalence of reason and principle, over power and interest, so well des- cribed by one who was an honour to the age-- “ And sovereign Law, the world’s collected will, O’er thrones and globes elate, Sits Empress---crowning good, repressing ill : Smit by her sacred frown, The fiend, Diiscrerion, like a vapour, sinks, And e’en the all-dazzling crown Hides his faint rays, and at her bidding shrinks.” But this vision is past. While the teachers of Laybach give the rule, there will be no law but the law of the strongest. It may now be required of me to show what interest we have, in resisting this new system. »What is it to us, it may be asked, upon what principles, or what pretenses, the Euro- pean governments assert a right of interfering in the affairs of their neighbours? The thunder, it may be said, rolls at a distance. ' The wide Atlantic is between us and danger; and, however others may suffer, we shall remain safe. I think it a sufficient answer to this, to say, that; we are one of the nations 5 that we have an interest, therefore, in the pre- servation of that system of national law and national inter»-v course, which has heretofore subsisted, so beneficially for all. Our system of government, it should also be remembered, is, throughout, founded on principles utterly hostile to the new code; and, if we remain undisturbed by itsoperation, we shall owe our security, either to our situation or our spirit. The enterprising character of the age,onr own active com- mercial spirit, the great increase which has taken place in the intercourse between civilized and commercial states, have ne- cessarily connected us with the nations of the earth, and giv- en us a high concern in the preservation of those salutary 20 principles, upon which that intercourse is founded. Wehave as clear an interest in international law, as individuals have in the laws of society. But, apart from the soundness of the policy, on the ground of direct interest, we have, Sir, a. duty, connected with this subject, which, I trust, we are willing to perform. What do we not owe to the cause of civil and religious liberty? to the principle of lawful resistance? to the principle that society has a right to partake in its own government? As the lead- ing Republic of the world, living and breathing in these prin- ciples, and advanced, by their operation, with unequalled ra- pidity, in our career, shall we give our consent to bring them into disrepute and disgrace? It is neither ostentation nor boasting, to say, _that there lie before this country, in immedi- ate prospect, agreat extent and height of power. We are borne along towards this, without effort, and not always even with a full knowledge of the rapidity of our own motion. Cir- cumstances which never combined before, have combined in our favour, and a mighty current is setting us forward, which we could not resist, even if we would, and which, while we would stop to make an observation, and take the sun, has set us, at the end of the operation, far in advance of the place where we commenced it. Does it not become us, then, is it not a duty imposed on us, to give our weight to the side of liberty and justice-—-to let mankind know that we are not tir- ed of our own institutions-—-—and to protest against the assert- ed power of altering, at pleasure, the law of the civilized world? But whatever we do, in this respect, it becomes us to do upon clear and consistent principles. There is an important topic in the Message, to which I have yet hardly alluded. I mean the rumoured combination of the European continental sovereigns, against the new established free states of South America. Whatever position this government may take on that subject, I trust it will be one which can be defended, on known and acknowledged grounds of right. The near ap- proach, or the remote distanceof danger, may afliect policy, 21 but cannot change principle. The same reason that would , autliorize us to protest against unwarrantable combinations to’ interfere between Spain and her former colonies, would an-A” thorize us equally to protest, if the same combination were directed against the smallest state "in Europe, although our du- ty to ourselves, our policy, and wisdom, might indicate Very difierent courses, as fit to be pursued byus in the two cases. We shall not, I trust, act upon the notion of dividing the world with the Holy Alliance, and complain of nothing done by them in their hemisphere, if they will not interfere with ours. At least this would not be such a course of policy as I could recommend or support. We have not offended, and, I hope, we do , not intend to offend, in regard to South America, against any principleof national independence or of public law. We have done nothing, we shall do nothing, that we need to hush up or to compromise, by forbearing to express our sympathy for the cause of the Greeks, or our opinion of the course which other governments have adopted in regard to them. t V‘ It may, in the next place, be asked, perhaps, supposing all this to be true, what can we do? Are we to go to war? Are we to interfere in the Greek tcause,,or any other European cause 5’ Are we to endanger our pacific relations ?——No, cer- tainly not. What, then, the question recurs, remains for 153 ‘.? If we will not endanger our own peace; if we will neither M furnish armies, nor navies, to the cause which we think the just one, What is there within our power ? Sir, this reasoning mistakes the age. The time has been, indeed, when fleets, and armies, and subsidies, were the prin- cipal reliances even in the best cause. But, happily for man- kind, there has come a great change in this respect. Moral causes come into consideration, in proportion as the progress of lmowledge is advanced ; and the public opinion of the civilized world is rapidly gaining an ascendancy over mere brutal force. It is already able to oppose the most formidable obstruction to the progress of injustice and oppression; and, as it grows more intelligent and more intense, it will be more 22 and more formidable. It may be silenced by military power, but it cannot be conquered. It is elastic, irrepressible, and invulnerable to the weapons of ordinary warfare. It is that irnpassible, unextinguishable enemy of mere violence and ar- bitrary rule, which, like Milton’s angels, “ Vital in every part, “ Cannot, but by annihilating, die.” Until this be propitiated or satisfied, it is vain for power to talk either of triumphs or of repose. No matter what fields‘ are desolatecl, what fortresses surrendered, what armies sub- dued, or what provinces overrun. In the history of the year that has passed by us, and in the instance of unhappy~Spain, we have seen the vanity of all triumphs, in a cause which vi- olates the general sense cf justice of the civilized world. It is nothing, that the troops of France have passed from the Pyrenees to Cadiz; it is nothing that an unhappy and pros»- trate nation has fallen before them ; it is nothing that arrests, and confiscation, and execution, sweep away the little rem- nant of national resistance. There is an enemy that still ex-» ists to check the glory of these triumphs. It follows the con--t queror back to the very scene of his ovations ; it calls upon him to take notice that Europe, though silent, is yet indignant; it shows him that the sceptre of his victory is a barren scep- tre; that it shall confer neither joy nor honour, i but shall moulder to dry ashes in his grasp. In the midst of his exalt- ation, it pierces his ear with the cry of injured justice, it de- nounces against him the indignation of an enlightened and civilized age ;~~ it turns to bitterness the cup of his rejoicing, and wounds him with the sting which belongs to the conscious- ness of liavingioutraged the opinion of mankind. In my own opinion, Sir, the Spanish nation is now nearer not only in point of time, but in point of circumstance, to the acquisition of a regulated government, than at the moment of the French invasion. N ations must, no doubt, undergo these trials in their progress to the establishment of free institutions. The very trials benefit them, and render them, more capable both of obtaining and of enjoying the object which they seek. 23 I shall not detain the Committee, Sir, by laying before it any statistical, geographical, or commercial account of Greece. I have no knowledge on these subjects, which is not common to all. It is universally admitted, that within the last thirty or forty years, the condition of Greeceihas been greatly improv-— ed. Her marine is atipresent respectable, containing the best sailors in the Mediterranean, i better even, in that sea, than our own, as more accustomed to the long quarantines, and other regulations which prevail in its ports. The number of her seamen has been estimated as high as 50,000, but I;sup- pose that estimate must be much too large. They have prob- bly 150,000 tons of shipping. It is not easy to state an ac- -curate account of Grecian population. The Turkish gov- ernment does not trouble itself with any of the calculations of political economy, and there has never been such a thing as an accurate census, probably, in any part of the Turkish em- pire. In the absence of all official information, private opin- ions widely differ. By the tables which have been commuw nicated, it would seem that there are 2,400,000 Greeks in Greece Proper and the Islands; an amount, as I am inclined to think, somewhat overrated. There are, probably, in the whole of European Turkey, 5,000,000 Greeks, and 2,000,000 more in the Asiatic dominions of that power. The moral and intellectual progress of this numerous population, under _ the horrible oppression which crushes it, has been such as may well excite regard. Slaves, under barbarous masters, the Greeks have still aspired after the blessings of knowledge and civiliza-- tion. Before the breaking out of the present revolution, they had established schools, and colleges, and libraries, and the press. Wherever, as in Scio, owing to particular circumstances, the weight of oppression was mitigated, the natural vivacity of the Greeks, and their aptitude for the arts, were discovered. Though certainly not on an equality with the civilized and Christian states of Europe, (and how is it possible under such oppression as they endured that they should be .9) they yet furnished a striking contrast with their Tartar masters. It has been well said, that it is not easy to form a just conception 24 of the nature of the despotism exercised over them. Con- quest and subjugation, as used among'European states, are inadequate modes of expression by which to denote the do- minion of the Turks. A A conquest, in the civilized world, is generally no more than an acquisition of a new part to the conquering country. It does not imply a never--ending bond- age imposed upon the conquered, a perpetual mark, and op- probrious distinction between them and__their masters ; a bit»- ter and unending persecution of their religion; an habitual violation of their rights of person and property, and the un- restrained indulgence towards,‘ them, of every passion, which belongs to the character of a barbarous soldiery. Yet, such is the state of Greece. The Ottoman pow-- ier over them, obtained originally by the sword, is constantly preserved by thesame means. ‘Wherever it exists, it is a mere military power. The religious and civil code of the state, being both fixed in the Alcoran, and equally the object of an ignorant and furtiousfaitli, have been found equally in»- capahle of change. . “ The Turk,” it has been said, “ has been encampecl in Europe for four centuries.” He has hardly any more participation in European manners, knowledge, and arts, than when he crossed the Bosphorus. But this is not the worst of it. The power of the empire is fallen into anarchy, and as the principle which belongs to the head belongs also to the parts, there are as many despots as there are pachas, beys, and visiers. Wars are almost perpetual, between the sultan and some rebellious governor of a province; and in the conflict of these despotisms, the people are necessarily ground between the upper and the nether millstone. In short, the Christian subjects of the sublime lPorte,ifeel daily all the H miseries which flow from despotism, from anarchy, from slave- ry, and from religious persecution. If any thing yet remains to heighten such a picture, let it be added, that every office in the government is not only actually, but professedly, venal ;-T-- the pachalics, the visierates, the cadiships, and wliatsoever other denomination may denote the depositary of power. In the whole world, Sir, there is no such oppression felt, as by 25 the Christian Greeks. In various parts of India, to be sure, the government is bad enough; but then it is the government of barbarians over barbarians, and the jéeling of oppression is, of course, not so keen. There the oppressed are perhaps not better than their oppressors ; but in the case of Greece, there are millions of Christian men, not without knowledge, not without refinement, not without a strong thirst for all the pleasures of civilized life, trampled into the very earth, cen-« tury after century, by a pillaging, savage, relentless soldiery. Sir, the case is unique. There exists, and has eXisted,~noth-~ ing like it. The world has no such misery tolshow; there is no case in which Christian communities can be called upon, with such emphasis of appeal. , t But I have said enough, Mr. Chairman, indeed I need have said nothing to satisfy the House, that it must be some new combination of circumstances, or new views of policy in the cabinets of Europe, which have caused this interesting struggle not merely to be regarded with indifi'"erence, but to be mark- ed with opprobrium. The very statement of the case, as a contest between the Turks and Greeks, sufficiently indicates what must be the feeling of every individual, and every gov- ernment, that is not biassed by a particular interest, or a par- ticular feeling, to disregard the dictates of justice’ and hu- manity. And now, Sir, what has been the conduct pursued by the Allied Powers, in regard to this contest? When the revolu- tion broke out, the sovereigns were in Congress at Laybach ,1 and the papers of that assembly sufliciently manifest their sen- tirnents. They proclaimed their abhorrence of those “ crimi- nal combinations which had been formed in the eastern parts of Europe ;” and, although it is possible that this denuncia- tion was aimed, more particularly, at the disturbances in the provinces of Wallachia and Moldavia, yet no exception is made, from its general terms, in favour of those events in Greece, which were properly .the commencement of her re» volution, and which could not but be well known at Laybach, before the date of these declarations. A Now it must be re» d 4 26 memhered, that Russia was a leading party in this denunciau tion of the efliorrts of the Greeks to achieve their liberation; and it cannot but be expected by Russia that the world shall also remember what part she herself has heretofore acted, in the same concern. It is notorious, that within the last hall‘ century she has again and again excited the Grreeks to rebel- lion against the Porte, and that she has constantly kept alive in them the hope that she would, one day, by he-r-own great power, break the yoke of their oppressor. Indeed, the earn- est attention with which Russia has regarded Greece, goes much farther back than to the time I have mentioned. Ivan the Third, in 1489.2, having espoused a Grecian princess, heir-— ess of the last Greek emperor, discarded St. George from the Russian arms, and adopted in its stead the Greek two»-headed black eagle, which has continued in the Russian arms to the present day. In virtue of the same marriage, the Russian princes claimedthe Greek throne as their inheritance. Under Peter the Great, the policy of Russia developed itself more fully. In 1696, be rendered himself master of Azoph, and in 1698, obtained the right to pass the Dardanelles, and to maintain, by that route, commercial intercourse with the Mediterranean. He had emissaries throughout Greece, and particularly applied himself to gain the clergy. He adopted the Labartttn of Constantine, “ In hoc signo minces ;” and medals were struck, with the inscription, “ Petras I. Russo-Grcecoram Im,_perator..” In whatever new direction the principles of the Holy Alliance may now lead the politics of Russia, or whatever course she may suppose Christianity now prescribes to her, in regard to the Greek. cause, the time has been when she professed to be contending for that cause, as identified with Christianity. The white banner under which the soldiers of Peter the First usually fought, bore, as its inscription, “ In the name of the Prz'nce, andfor oar coun- try.” Relying on the aid of the Greeks,.in his war with the Porte, he changed the white flag to red, and displayed on it the words, “ In the name of God, amlfor Ch-rz'stwIamIty.” The unfortunate issue of this war is well known. Though Anne 27’ and Elizabeth, the successors of Peter, did not possess his active character, they kept up a constant communication with Greece, and held out hopes of restoring the Greek empire. Catharine the Second, as is well known, excited a general re«- volt in 1769. A Russian fleet appeared in the Mediterranean, and a Russian army was landed in the Morea. The Greeks in the end were disgusted by being required to take an oath of allegiance to Russia, and the empress was disgusted be«- cause they refused to take it. In 1774, peace was signed be»- ‘tween Russia and the Porto, and the Greeks of the Morea were left to their fate. By this treaty the Ports acknowledged the independence of the khan of the Crimea; a preliminary step to the acquisition of that country by Russia. It is not unworthy of remark, as a circumstance which distinguished this from most other diplomatic transactions, that it conceded the right to the‘ cabinet of St. Petersburg, of intervention in the interior affairs of Turkey, in regard to whatever concern- ed the religion of the Greeks. The cruelties and massacres that happened to the Greeks after the peace between Russia and the Ports, notwithstanding the general pardon which had been stipulated for them, need not now he recited. Instead of retracing the deplorable picture, it is enough to say, that in this respect the past is justly reflected in the present. The empress soon after invaded and conquered the Crimea, and on one of the gates of Kerson, its capital, caused to be in- scribed, “ The road to Byzantium.” The present emperor, on his accession to the throne, manifested an intention to adopt the policy of Catharine II. as his own, and the world has not been right, in all its suspicions, if a project for the partition of Turkey did not form a part of the negotia- tions of Napoleon and Alexander at Tilsit. All this course of policy seems suddenly to be changed. Turkey is no longer regarded, it would appear, as an object of partition or acquisition, and Greek revolts have, all at once, become, according to the declaration of Laybach, “ criminal combinations.” The recent congress atVeronaexceeded its pre- decessor at Laybach, in its denunciations of theGreek struggle. 28 In the circular of the 14th of December, l8F3£:?., it declared the Grecian resistance to the Turkish power to be rash and cul- pable, and lamented that “ the firebrand of rebellion had been thrown into the Ottoman empire.” This rebuke and crimina- tion we know to have proceeded on those settled principles of conduct, which the continental powers had prescribed for themselves. The sovereigns saw, as well as others, the real condition of the Greeks ; they knew, as Well as others, that it was most natural and most justifiable, that they should en- deavour, at whatever hazard, to change that condition. They knew, that they, themselves, or at least one of them, had more than once urged the Greeks to similar efforts ; that they, themselves, had thrown the same firebrand into the midst of the Ottoman empire. And yet, so much does it seem to be their fixedobject to discountenance whatsoever threatens to disturb the actual government of any country, that, Christians as they were, and allied as they professed to be, for purposes most important to human happiness and religion, they have not hesitated to declare to the world, that they have wholly forborne to exercise any compassion to the Greeks, simply because they thought that they saw, in the struggles" of the Morea, the sign of revolution. This, then, is coming to a plain, practical result. The Grecian revolution has been discouraged, discountenanced, and denounced, for no reason but because it is at revolution. Independent ofpall inquiry into the reasonableness of its causes, or the enormity of the oppression which produced it ; regardless of the peculiar claims which Greece possesses upon the civilized World; and regardless of what has been their own conduct towards her for a century ; regardless of the interest of the Christian religion, the sovereigns at Verona seized upon the case of the Greek revolution, as one above all others calculated to illus- trate the fixed principles of their policy. The abominable rule of the Porte on one side, the valour and the sufferings of the Christian Greeks on the other, furnished a case likely to con-- vince even an incredulous world of the sincerity of the pro-« 29 fessions of thetAllied Powers. They embraced the occasion with apparent ardour 3 and theworld, I trust, is satisfied. We see here, Mr. Chairman, the direct and actual applica- tion of that system which I have attempted to describe. We see it in the very case of Greece. We learn, authentically and indisputably, that the Allied Powers, holding that all changes in legislation and administration ought to proceed n from kings alone, were wholly inexorable to the sufferings of the Greeks, and wholly hostile to their success. Now it is upon this practical result of the principle” of the continental powers, that I wish this House to intimate its opinion. The great question is a question of principle. Greece is only the signal instance of the application of that principle. If the principle be right, if we esteem it conformable to the law of nations, if ' We have nothing to say against it, or if we deem ourselves unfit to express an opinion on the subject, then, of course, no resolution ought to pass. If, on the other hand, we see in the declarations of the Allied Powers, principles not only utterly hostile to our own free institutions, but hostile also to the independence of all nations, and altogether‘ opposed to the improvement of the condition of human nature; if, in g 7 the instance before us, we see a most striking exposition and application of those principles, and if we deem our own opin- ions to be entitled to any weight in the estimation of mankind; then,I think, it is our duty to adopt some such measure as the proposed resolution. 4 It is worthy of observation, Sir, that as early as July, 1821, Baron Strogono1"l", the Russian minister at Constantinople, represented to the Porte, that, if the undistinguished massa- cres of the Greeks, both of such as were in open resistance, and of those who remained patient in their submission, were continued, and should become a settled habit, they ‘would give just cause of War against the Porte to all Christian states. This was in 18921. It was followed, early in the next year, by that indescribable enormity, that appalling monument of barbarian cruelty, the destruction of Solo 3 a scene I shall not attempt to describe ,5, a scene from which human nature 30 shrinks shuddering away 3 a scene having hardly a parallel in the history of fallen man. This scene, too, was quickly follow- ed by the massacres in Cyprus 3 and all these things were per- fectly known to the Christian powers assembled at Verona. Yet these powers, instead of acting upon the case supposed by Baron Strogonoff, and which, one would think, had been then fully made out; instead of being moved by any compas- sion for the sufferings of the Greeks; these powers, these Christian powers, rebuke their gallantry, and insult their suf-T ferings, by accusing them of “ throwing a firebrand into the Ottoman empire.” Such, Sir, appear to me to be the principles on which the continental powers of Europe have agreed hereafter to act; and this, an eminent instance of the application of those ‘ principles. I shall not detain the Committee, Mr. Chairman, by any attempt to recite the events of the Greek struggle, up to the present time. Its origin may be found, doubtless, in that improved state of knowledge, which, for some years, has been gradually taking place in that country. The emancipa- _tion of the Greeks has been a subject frequently discussed in modern times. They themselves are represented as hav- ing a vivid remembrance of the distinction of their ancestors, not unmixed with an indignant feeliitg, that civilized and Christian Europe should not, ere now, have aided them in breaking their intolerable letters. In 1816, a society was founded in Vienna, for the en- couragement of Grecian literature. It was connected with a similar institution at Athens, and another in Thessaly, called the “ Gymnasium of Mount Pelion.” The treasury and general ofiiice of the institution was established at Munich. No political object was avowed by these institutions, proba-- bly none contemplated. Still, however, they have, no doubt, had their effect in hastening that condition of things, in which the Greeks felt competent to the establishment of their inde- pendence. Many young men have been, for years, annually sent to the universities in the western states of Europe for 31 their education ; and, after the general pacification of Europe, many military men, discharged from other employment, were ready to enter even into so unpromising a service as that of the revolutionary Greeks. t i In 1820, war commenced between the Ports and Ali, the well known pacha of Albania. Differences existed also with Persia, and with Russia. In this state of things, at the begin- ning of .1821, an insurrection appears to have broken out in Moldavia, under the direction of Alexander Ypsilanti, a well educated soldier, who had been maior—-general in the Russian service. From his character, and the number of those who seemed disposed to join him, he was supposed to be counte-— nanced by the court of St. Petersburg. This, however, was a great mistake, which the emperor, then at Laybach, took an early opportunity to rectify. The Forte, it would seem, however, alarmed at these occurrences in the northern provin-~ ces, caused search to be made of all vessels entering the Black Sea, lest arms or other military means should be sent in that manner to the insurgents. This proved inconvenient to the commerce of Russia, and caused some unsatisfactory cor» respondence between the two powers. It may be worthy of‘ remark, as an exhibition of national character, that, agitated by these appearances of intestine commotion, the sultan issued a proclamation, calling on all true musselmans to renounce the pleasures of social life, to prepare arms and horses, and to return to the manner of their ancestors, the life of the plains. The Turk seems to have thought that he had, at last, caught something of the dangerous contagion of European civiliza«- tion, and that it was necessary to reform his habits, by recur-~ ring to the original manners of military, roving barbarians. It was about this time, that is to say, at the commencement of 1821, that the Revolution burst out in various parts of Greece and the Isles. Circumstances, certainly, were not unfavourable, as one portion of the Turkish army was em- ployed in the war against Ali Pacha in Albania, and another part in the provinces north of the Danube. The Greeks soon possessed themselves of the open country of the Morea, and 32 drove their enemy into the fortresses. Of these, that of’ Tripolitza, with the city, fell into the hands of the Greeks, in the course of the summer. Having after these first move- ments obtained time to breathe, it became, of course, an early object to establish a government. For this purpose delegates of the people assembled, under that name which describes the assembly in which we ourselves sit, that name which “freed the Atlantic,” a Congress. A writer, who undertakes to ren- der to the civilized world that service which was once per- formed by Edmund Burke, I mean the compiler of the Eng- lish Annual Register, asks, by to/"mt auzlzor-ity this assembly could call itself a Congress. Simply, Sir, by the same author- ity, by which the people of the United States have given the same name to their own legislature. We, at least, should be naturally inclined to think, not only as far as names, but things also, are concerned, that the Greeks could hardly have begun their revolution under better auspices; since they have endeavoured to render applicable to themselves the general principles of our form of government, as well as its name. This constitution went into operation at the commencement of the next year. In the mean time, the war with Ali Pacha was ended, he having surrendered, and being afterwards assassinated, by an instance of treachery and perfidy, which, if it had happened elsewhere than under the government of the Turks, would have deserved notice. The negotiation with Russia, too, i.OOl{ a turn unfavourable to the Greelcs. The great point upon which Russia insisted, beside the abandon» ment of the measure of searching vessels bound to the Blaclt: Sea, was, that the Ports should withdraw its armies from the neighbourhood of the Russian frontiers; and the immediate consequence of this, when effected, was to add so much more to the disposable force, ready to be employed against the Greeks. These events seemed to have left the whole force of the Empire, at the commencement of 1822, in a condition to be employed against the Greek rebellion ; and, accordingly, very many anticipated the immediate destruction of their cause. The event, however, was ordered otherwise. Where C) o3 the greatest effort was made, it was met and defeated. Enter- ing the Morena" with an army which seemed capable of bear- ing down all resistance, the Turks were nevertheless defeated ' and driven back, and pursued beyond the isthmus, within which, as far as it appears, from that time to the present, they have not been able to set their foot. It was in April, of this year, that the destruction of Scio took place. That island, a sort of appanage of the Sultana mother, enjoyed many privileges peculiar to itself. In a population of 130,000 or 140,000, it had no more than 2000 V or 3000 Turks; indeed, by some accounts not near as many. ' i The absence of these rufian masters, had, in some degree, allowed opportunity for the promotion of knowledge, the accumulation of wealth, and the general cultivation of society. Here. was the seat of the modern Greek literature; here were libraries, printing presses, and other establishments, which indicate some advancement in refinement and knowledge. Certain of the inhabitants of Samos, it would seem, envious of this‘comparativeihappiness of Scio, landed upon the island: in an irregular multitude, for the purpose of compelling its inhabitants to make common cause with their countrymen against their oppressors. These, being joined by the peasan- try, marched to the city, and drove the Turks into the castle. The Turkish fleet, lately reinforced from Egypt, happened to be in the neighbouring seas, and learning these events, landed a force on the island of 15,000 men. There was nothing to resist such an army. These troops immediately entered the city, and began an indiscriminate massacre. The city was fired; and, in four days, the fire and the sword of the Turk rendered the beautiful Scio a clotted mass of blood and ashes. The details are too shocking to be recited. Forty thousand women and children, unhappily saved from the general destruction, were afterwards sold in the market of Smyrna, and sent off’ into distant and hopeless servitude. Even on the wharves of our own cities, it has been said, have been sold the utensils of those hearths which now exist no longer. Of the whole population which I have mentioned, not above 5 34 900 pie;-sons were left livinggupon the island. I will only repeat, Sir, that these tragical scenes were as fully known at tl1e Congress of Verona, as they are now known to us; and it islnot too much‘ to call on the powers that constituted that: Congress, in the name of conscience, and in the name of humanity, to tell us, if there be nothing even in these un- paralleled excesses of T Turkish barbarity, to excite a senti- ment of compassion; nothing which they regard as so objec- tionable asieven‘ the very idea. of ‘ popular resistance to power. The events of the year which has just passed by, as far as they have becorneiknown to us, have been even more fa-‘ vourable to the Greeks, than those of the year preceding. I omitall detailsgiasl being as well known to others as to my- self. Suflice it to say, that with no other enemy to contend with,.and no diversion of hisforce to other ob_jects,rthe Porte has not been able to carry the war into the Morea; and that,’ by the last accounts, its armies were acting defensively in Thessaly. I pass over also the naval engagementsof the Greeks, although that is a mode of warfare in which they are calculated to excel, and in which they have already perform-J ed actions of such distinguished skill and bravery, as would- draw applause upon the best mariners in the world. The present state of the war would seem to be, that the Greeks‘ possess the whole of the Morea, with the exception of the three. fortresses of Patras, Coron, and Modon; all Candie. but one fortress; and most of the other islands. They pos- sess the citadel of Athens, Missolunghi, and several other places in Livadia. They have been able to act on the offen--* sive and to carryithe war beyond the isthmus. There is no" reason to believe their marine is weakened ; probably on the} other hand, it is strengthened. But, what is most of all im-t portant, they have obtained time and experience. They have awakened a sympathy throughout Europe and through- out America; and they have formed a government which seems suited to the emergencyof their condition. Sir, they have done much. It would be great injustice to 35" compare their achievements with our own. We began our revolution, already possessed of government, and, compara- tively, of civil liberty. Our ancestors had, yforcenturies, been accustomed in a great ,measure to govern themselves. They were well acquainted with popular elections andlegislative assemblies, and the general principles and practice of free governments. They had little else to dothan to throw ofl? the paramount authority of the parent state. Enough was still left, both of law and of organization, to conduct society in its accustomed course, and to unite men together for 3- ~ common object. a The Greeks, of course, could act with little concert at the beginning; they were unaccustomed to the exercise of power, without experience,with limited knowl- edge, without aid, and surrounded by nations, which, whatev- er claims the Greeks might seem to have had upon them, have afforded them nothing but discouragement and reproach. They have held out, however, for three campaigns ; and that, at least, is something. Constantinople and the northern prov- inces have sent forth thousands of troops ;------they have been defeated. Tripoli, and Algiers, and Egypt,have contributed their marine contingents ;-----they have not kept the ocean. Hordes of Tartars have crossed the Bosphorus ;---——they have died where the Persians died. The powerful monarchies in the neighbourhood have denounced their cause, and admonished. them to abandon it, and submit to theirifate. They have an»- swered them, that, although two hundred thousand of their. countrymen have offered up their lives, there yet remain lives to offer; and that it is the determination of all, “yes, of ALL,” to persevereuntil they shall have established their lib- erty, or until the power of their oppressors shall have relieved them from the burthen of existence. i It may now be asked, perhaps, whether the expression of our own sympathy, and that of the country, may do them ‘good? I hope it may. It may give them courage and spirit, it may assure them of public regard, teach them that they are not wholly forgotten by the civilized world, and inspire them with constancy in the pursuit of their great end. At 36 any rate, Sir, it appars to me, that the measure which I have proposed is due to our own character, and called for by our own duty. "When we shall have discharged that duty, we may leave the rest to the disposition ofWProvidence. I do not see how it can be doubted, that this measure is entirely pact;/ic. I profess my inability to perceive that it has any possible tendency to involve our neutral relations. If the resolution pass, it is not, necessarily, to be immediately acted on. It will not be acted on at all, unless, in the opinion of the President, a proper and safe occasion for acting upon it shall arise. If we adopt the resolution to-day, our relations with every foreign state will be to-morrow precisely what they now are. The resolution will be sufficient to express our sentiments on the subjects to which I have adverted. Useful to that purpose, it can be mischievous to no purpose. If the topic were properly introduced into the Message, it cannot be improperly introduced into discussion in this House. If it were proper, which no one doubts, for the President to ex-— press his opinions upon it,‘it cannot, I think, he improper for us to express ours. The only certain effect of this resolution is to express, in a form usual in bodies constituted like this, our approbation of the general sentiment of the Message. Do we wish to withhold that approbation ? The Resolution con- jers on the President no new power, nor does it enjoin on him the exercise of any new duty; nor does it hasten him in the discharge of any existirtg duty. I cannot imagine that this resolution can add any thing to those excitements which it has been supposed, I think very causelessly, might possibly provoke the Turkish government to acts of hostility. There is already the Message, express- ing the hope of success to the Greeks, and disaster to the Turks, in a much stronger manner than is to be implied from the terms of this resolution. There is the correspondence between the Secretary of State and the Greek Agent in Lon-- don, already made public, in which similar wishes are ex- pressed, and aoontinuance of the correspondence apparently invited. I might add to this, the unexampled burst of feeling 37’ which this cause has called forth: from all classes of society, and the notorious fact of pecuniary contributions made throughout the country for its aid and advancement. After all this, whoever can_ see cause of danger to our pacific rela- tions from the adoption of this resolution, has a keener vision than I can pretend to. r Sir, there is no augmented danger; there is no danger. The question comes at last to this, whether, on a subject of this sort, this House holds an opin- ion which is worthy to be expressed? Even suppose, Sir, an Agent or Commissioner were to he immediately S3I1ta'---a measure which I myself believe to be the proper one,--~—there is no breach of neutrality, nor any just cause of offence.‘ Such an agent, of course, would not be accredited; he would not be a public minister. The ob- ject would be inquiry and information; inquiry, which we have a right to make; information, which we are interested to possess. If a dismemberment of the Turkish empire be taking place, or has already taken place; if a new state be rising, or be already risen, in the Mediterranean, whocan doubt, that, without any breach of neutrality, we may inform ourselves of these events, for the government of our own con—- cerns P The Greeks have declared the Turkish coasts in a state of blockade 5% may we not inform ourselves whether this block» ade be nominal or real {Z and, of course, whether it shall be regarded or disregarded P The greater our trade may happen to be with Smyrna, a consideration which seems to have alarmed some gentlemen, the greater is the reason, in my opinion, why we should seek to be accurately informed of those events which may-affect its safety. ~ It seems to me impossible, therefore, for any reasonable man to imagine, that this resolution can expose us to the re- sentment of the Sublime Porte. As little reason is there for fearing its consequences upon the conduct of the Allied Powers. They may, very natural- ly, dislike our sentiments upon the subject of the Greek Revo- lution 5 but What those sentiments are, they will much more 38. ‘explicitly learn in the President’s Message than in this reso- pp lution. They might, indeed, prefer that we should express no dissent upon the doctrines which they have avowed, and the application which they have made of those doctrines to the case of Greece. But I trust we are not disposed to , leave them in any doubt as to our sentiments upon these im- portant subjects. They have expressed their opinions, and do not call that expression of opinion, an interference; in which respect they are right, as the expression of opinion, in such cases, is not such an inte7;fierence as would justify the Greeks in considering the powers as at war with them. For the same reason, any expression which we may make, of dif- ferent principles and different sympathies, is no interfiarence. No one would call the President’s Message an interference ; and yet it is much stronger, in that respect, than this resolu-— tion. If either of them could be construed to be aniinter-~ ference, no doubt it would be improper, at least it would be so, according to my view of the subject: for the very thing which I have attempted to resist in the course of these obser- vations, is the right of foreign interference. But neither the Message nor the resolution has that character. There is not a power in Europe that can suppose, that, in expressing our opinions on this occasion, we are governed by any desire of aggrandizing ourselves or of injuring others. We do no more than to maintain those established principles, in whichwe have an interest in common with other nations, and to resist the introduction of new principles and new rules, calculated to destroy the relative independence of states, and particular- ly hostile to the whole fabric of our own government. Iclose, then, Sir, with repeating, that the object of this resolution is, to avail ourselves of the interesting occasion of the Greek revolution, to make our protest against the doctrines of the Allied Powers; both as they are laid down in principle, and as they are applied in practice. a p I think it right too, Sir, not to be unsegsonable in the ex- pression of our regard, and, as far as that goes, in a ministra- tion of our consolation, to a long oppressed and now struggling 39 people. I am not of those who would, in the hour of utmost peril, withhold such encouragement as might be properly and lawfully given, and when the crisis should be past, overwhelm A the rescued sufferer with kindness and caresses. The Greeks T address the civilized world with a pathos, not easy to be resisted. They invoke our favour by more moving’ considerations than can well belong to the condition of any other people. They stretch out their arms to the Christian communities of the earth, beseeching them, by a generous recollection of their ancestors, by the consideration of their own desolated and ruined cities and villages, by their wives and children, sold into an accursed slavery, by their own blood, which they seem willing to pour out like water, by the common faith, and in the Name, which unites all Christians, that they would em- tend to them, at least some token of compassionate regard. 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