AN ‘W ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I H’ ». I *7’ ‘ ‘u.i ., ‘ - ‘ «Ha » ‘ ‘ W W ‘ “ . , , . ‘ PRON0"UNCED O'N 'I‘I~IE _4z=zJ D442” 7UL2: 1;-gs, AT%TI—-IAIE REQUEST oAFAAANVUMBER.o1~* ’3I‘I:I E INr—1AB1TA.NTs or ’”D@:Ui1an*1 .«z.2vD m misixxity, V. IN COMMEMORATION 01:‘ "EH12: mxaxinerfaty mt? AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE» ------—-@«>@«~@-»@«@>@«»«::~.~«»@«~@~-------« 122* HN ALXZ ‘THE 0 P, gum A ~mmmowmm@wm%®®WW Mmizmazt 2 z~.ze2:2w:r*1w i‘ ..»~2"?2*A f ez*m.r«:%%;Aw Mnvm my %JéJm:: 14.. v A A‘ A ‘ wt - I 0' f‘ 03$ 9 V. '5"; “VI 19': 1."? "' «C9 “W, .§"w'D. ‘N! ‘O. ,5‘ "I, O‘ “I u" ‘.0’. '4‘!-" ‘o‘I“, ‘fir "flu" 9'!’ ‘.5. 5.0:‘ '5!‘ "Q. 0'. ." . ‘ M F Dedhamy, July 4., 1798;. M U N Iizofio/2', in we compmzy qflévrzlalool of 114:7’. Cc.:y’sz‘oworn, to colofirztto t/Jo Fozlrtla *_'7’zzly, 1776, Voted, T/5oz‘jAMlEs R ICHARDSON, TIMOTHY GM", jam. Gmacnm As191“NwALy1,,Wo722lqjofxm VWL-— LIAMS, oo or cormnittoo to wait on JOPIN‘ LAT:-mop, jam. to thank lvizrzfiar lafx ologmzf, fodoml, pot» rsoou; anal yjj9irirodlOrotion‘l tbio day -delivered, and z‘orog/zofl :2 copy of 2'2‘ jor tlao J-orzy.'r. yawn-Lmm, V I DESPISE tlao mifcrozble coquetry, 2‘/om‘ ogf'%'c‘l.s' fo rooofivo applmg/é willy z‘22z2’g'for'cx:éoo ; of glory in my fox;/zoility Io emery foéonl of Mo approlmiion of my fel-~ lowl-citizens. 2‘/Jo followixzg zzdclmyfr poflfi any nzorif, ix‘ ycowgfl/23: in Air; truth and American federal- ifm. f 2"aooooedac1m~ed, mzoguovooally, yozzr czooor - azrzoo ozlvifb z‘/‘Bo fi*722‘z'ozonz‘: ‘ow/Jio/5 £2‘ oozzmim ;~»~—’«w/Jy flaould AI clolzolaz‘ .3 W/?2y_/bozold I ofl for wlvzztl you Zurvo A y_/2: Zilvom/ly gi~von—--«your ozmdor .5’ But loz‘ mo"prorvoz'l «L-ooo you to floollovo, Tzflaaz‘ in prcflrzrirzg the £73/Eziuzg j>orjor*;7zor7zoo to I/Mpzlloolicl eye, I ylolcl floo flzggo/lioizs of my owmjzodgzzzonz‘ foo your polite rogzoj/Z. A I am, with due refpzaa. , A your hux11bIef3rvant, JOPIN LATHROP’, jmz» #;._‘~_~.v'u "._w~_".,.oa,"‘.‘.I 'b__._‘.r av," ..,oIu-'..,.**-.'.*.w._..‘..-~_. .'1"9n,‘.._1‘§..'..,..¢ I _..u m,‘'.,-“ -'o"“.\\r,’%“,.v -on qr on .’ on . ‘-1 to I-41 .. tau 07 I: g 317" ‘‘am-'' ‘Mr’ "M" ""51-‘ mm‘ ":5.-‘ Hm‘ "c,.u- ‘'»:.i '-.A* "u-‘ ".o“ "vw "and" 'M'' 7’-su . W-A ‘ : .. w in" ‘W; A —-«- ‘Kg *3‘ ' ‘\ 1. ‘a —l . V ‘ ‘ in In» ’ lellll ~ ~ A W ‘ M . w“‘- . ' _‘ ’ u' xx .;. " ’ ' l ‘F’ Wu». ' ., . ‘w ' r u " N ‘ .. _ I T » l | «g in il .' ‘N. ' l H. A ( 1 I " d .‘g"-M V" ~ A +- ~» ~ _ V _ ’-,‘ ,1‘ ,‘-.~L..... ' ' "' ' 7 i " H . - " 1. ‘ “ ‘W l¢'\»n‘.‘« V ' 4 " M 9"’ ‘lbw ' , .1, V ‘ JWH _ A you w ‘ ~ I W. ~ ‘ “ ‘ll... )1 «i 9 ’ n . . .v ¢.'.‘.~,*“’ ‘*‘f"=v-‘.~ 5 J} ‘..,..T'5‘f.‘\5“ ' , ' “ “' ‘ ..“ ‘ ’ ‘ M d§,“A_«',* ""' - 3» «w ‘l um-. A A AN ORATION. FRMO M the turretmrownecl palace of the monemzh, to the grove-fl1elt.ered cottago of the humble peafant ;----from the elevated fphere of fupromo dominion, to the lowliolt grade in the family of man, Independence is the blelling mofl; valuodl and clear. In the caufe of Independence, the {ages and heroes of our own Columbia and of w u‘ ‘ '. " 5 ‘Mg. .'_. -“ ‘ ‘g H A .; .. ~-—------.~ ' I u:;¢::z«.; - '=‘.:~" our own tinm, waged ward againft Defpotifim. Tluey wronclmd, from the 1nonfl:m~’s grafp, the iron fcc:-ptre, and bound him in the fctters and clmins he lmd forged for millions of lfrec—:mden.d lT11en,} Liberty, was thy triumph c:omp1etel‘Inde- pendenczey majeltic and ferene, gave to our couns- try her facred charter,«and WAS!-IINGTON lfwolm A to defend it. A if 5 fl ON the 4th of July, W76‘, a phenomenon in jpoliticfs appemed, which challenges a parra.lle1 in the annals of the worllc.l.----«~A nzttion by her own flan‘ fptnttg from chaos and night, into the full vig- or of ii e, Ztlltl the unbounded fplendor of day.-—-~ At thztt atvfttl moment, was foredsoomed the down- rfatl of T },*t~zt1111y. Rocks-tooted baftiles were lhiver» ed to their lowe-ll; dungeons and their deepelt toutttlzttions. ,The blood encrimfoned cells of the Inquifition, the Alnfirian m%2zetzzric.r of living wretche- es, dencl to the recollection of enflaved empires ; every purple llrobed gaolet ;htl1e rack, and every A inl”e1'nal inllrtnnent and minilter of his office, were tleftined to fpeedy and irrenmediable ldeft1VuUBL1cs.” IN the political, as in the moral wot-ld; there are dutiesgwhich we owe to outfelves, and dtitiesy incumbent upon. ustto perform to othera; Viewing H nations, as: one grea-tl family, each: ihoulld feel for the aucmsr sts'IrEaHoo1:r,l.t every afl°e€tionatelenm- tion, every clefire to promote ha-pplnefs ant} irxtel-»~t eft 5---Jhould ren.der every kind ofie-ei11 l‘1erpo‘at~exr£, compatible with‘ her ownlt peace, fecurity and h.or:or. «5'e_/;’lc07yz*a7c’2"af*i07z, as the main fpring of lmmart aaftion, has fo necefiary and unavoidable a cor;.t1'ol,, A wl*1e1'eve1* man is an agent, that we can graduate merit, ‘ only by its comparative approach toxa'a1*dat ‘E 1“ 3 tithe JM72-femjzwdrzrzfi Ag“ .j')<:7!_‘][é_”e:7Z'0‘3’Z. VVG: vcz1’111“1o't,, +the1'efore, expeét any natio,11 to treztt with us, uniefs eibe GEJ:iClli2:1t€ «upon an a‘cc1*uingadvztntagetoiaen felf. (fin our own part, there is no c:ompu1fion~—---» we have a right toi cazsfivzz and agtraerrzcm‘. As an Lindependernc tmtion, we have the privilege of form.-- ing treaties when, and with whom, we pleafe-—-wmld if the folemn contizrarit be made, the party, whm violates it, becomes an agigrefiiorti11*irijm'-y. One ?t~1'€E1tY'bTOi'?.€I1 by EL fiate, afiieéfts its <:ham€te1* .':t.:;~'i; does the infrafiien of an ermgztgexnent, between maxl ztnd. rmu1.-~««»I..oi"s oi7reputz1tio11 is; the firft con.- feqtxence-—--di4fl1ox1o1*, pcwe1'ty_., 211113 i)2t1li’='{J'l.1ptCy 1%i,« "'iO‘W, with ete1'Im1:rui11 in their ciifmztl tmixl. A In any i<:0t11‘1t1“y, where tI1e.r.e :-.1tre‘1awst, the aggrieved is entitled to, and will :receive judicial 1'edrefs.. ‘When rmticjn fins agztixxfi n21ticm_, the iiii'uen.1u{’t be .deter111ixted by the TRIAL AT Amm. 'We., as Aniericans, Imve nzxtionai dignity to -f1;xi1:r1::c3:t'.t;--—-we ghzwe nattiorml honorto defend-4--we bzure public: engagenmente to fulfil, izmd we Imve the fulfilment .01? public engz1gen1c11t:s mew us. A If we Imtinftxit; ed 01~i'11fi'e1*injt1ry, mufi: hswe the 1'1'1t*3£1nS of indemnification zmd the%inf’c1"L1I11ez1tsi of ixttfliétixxgi A puniflument, tin. «our CPW11 i‘1£1I1CLiiS.---4-Oil‘I1‘ pmperty ‘innit be p1y’ti1ie‘if<3c>it oifta11i11x*:a;-» t 3 der.l~mHence then the importance of a well diici. plined militial.--~—I11 the melancholy event of war, the landholders, the mechatrics, the tnercliantsm all, who have any tl1ir1g dear to tliem-wall, who have any thing to lofe, will feel the taflt of tie 237255 cievolved ‘upon tl1t3I'I1ll3lV€S ;----fI‘*It-IE 'GRIEA.'I‘ BODY’ or THE PEOPLE. The life and property of each individual, «being in equal jeopardy, the combinaa tion of the whole, for mutual and general fecurity, will be naturall and inldifpenlfable. A Of what avail are public fpirit and a crowd of citizexmg without military '1 knowledge and difcipline? The gallant hand of Laoxzmts, hadthey been unlkilled in the _ ufe of arms, woul<:l,l inflead of achieving a molt important, brilliant and 'in1n1o1-talizing exploit, have deferted the poll: of honor, and fled to at {helm ter aurong rocks and in caverns.-----Four huntdreci warriors defendecl the {traits of Thermopylee againll: the army of Xerxes--A-—-—an army, ‘whole van {aluted the tiling fun, when thepdiftant rear was A enveloped in the ll”12tCl€:S pol‘ night! quaintecl with their duty, feel aiiurancetin clifchargm wing it. Undifciplinied troops are eafily intimidated, defeélioni of a few eovvards, is fuflicient to give panic to battalions; T11 battle, fear is epiclernical ; A vj-«military fcieuce is the only preventative againfl: A tilts adrxriillon arid ravage in an a1"111‘y...;...mOurf*a,» - E 13 1 , voted country can boait of a militia adequateto every occafion, and prepared for every emergence. -----«A militia, whofe appearance communicates for~ tititcie, and whofe hearts, contemning danger, wouici beat with tdauntlefs courage in the field of death. T11ank “God”, if fate have ordained that war be our portion, we {hall neither be dependent for ztflifirance upon foreign mercenaries, ,nor flnail we be laid under a new debt of gratitude to fo1'eign Volunteers in our caufe. * V Cit-:.1*1‘1o.aL, anti. in a degree, diftrefling as is the preientfitttation of our country, yet much reafon. hate the patriot, for erzultation and joy, in a furvey of our public: aiiairs. Let us corrgratttlate each A otiier, in the rttoft afiieétionate language, that Co» lumbia is yet free, and that her fons are determined that ihe {hall remain rniftrefs of her own acftions without ftlbjtitiiilifin’ or cont1'o1.----That our old, tried and venerable friend, JOHN ADAMS, fwltom we have chiofenfrotni the ‘midft of us, {H11 pt'efid‘t;:s over our national councils,‘ 21 political Pal-» zizzzw;/,z,.s*,” who guides the American ark with {kill and faiiizty, tlnrouggh the tempeftuona ocean that ataryea artznmti her, unntoved among the furges, m“lt‘i nnfhalten amid the ftorm. A May he continue to c:t;.n1dn<.‘f‘t ‘ imter----to govern her czourfe and watch at titre helm, untilthe _fubfidingbi110WsJfl1a11 leave. E4 hex‘ ”:i11'fecu1*ity*o1i the flmzrém‘ of 13*-I*1i«: RNAL T’13.A.C1Z 3? That 0141.1" l’1'~efidc211r---o%uAr Co11flcit11ti<"a11-—«th. . RETIRED to the cc:s11f<2cA.mte%d flmdes of Mount-«- "'V::1'r1%ox1,, the immortaal W"AsI~IINc;:*1“oN enjcnys, in aVv%fera11eo1d%agc, tshe con:{'o1ing rAeflefl%ionAs of a 110:» ble rnind, xzdjzmfe own cm:»1fc:iou,fi‘1@i§ is an uxlceafl. rewzxrd for all the toils and perils of :.Lr1m£?‘cive: and glorious 1i=fe;»--m~'l‘he re;ca1lm his native igkies is‘ %%;da1ay%ed by I-Zita-aven,%t1"121t he: may mzamin a buIw;.1r1~j: to his c:ount1*y-—~:~lthe%tccrror of 111631‘ enenlies, and the imrincible %Cham.pio11 of her a'igeI*‘1ts zmcl digxmyf His fwo1'd is 1*e;tcI;v*, sum 17,153 heazrt is uncI1z1z*1ged."“ *9 Sizzm My %de/iwary if 152': Qraz'5o7z, I/5.»: a'ppai2zz‘m2w;! cf GEORGEA WASI~1INGTON, In rim fC2'flz’¢'a.¢y“ I1zEu~rm,~w~» AGENEML mm Cmuxmawnrzn wt Cr-131:2; or 'I‘I~IE flMERICAN[ Amims, /Ba: flew: pulv/z'c/3: anyzozanqw’. % T£*z'.; mxzfl giwe 15],} ¢sz3;.af_[bz'r*i: to 2‘/J4’ [uA’:r~*.:uazr-'21; mzd rz.»mraer'z';:g /m_/mt, and arid fl':fi mm’ :.vzt£r:.fi4:/"m M Ma ;i’! fedcrai patr.?a! ---~—---- ‘.'T}.’3:.a:, 2‘,/,'m mm.»-a.»b£e sumo prqflmts Ia Mm‘ aymj/zmx «war/zz’ an 1:r.v::.a2:I2g‘2/e, 2'1: %glory rz1.:z'a'/Basnct para»?/e/p4~—-.4fler Zzawirzg “/aflat'2zed' %t«§{¢V _,fi'r_/J mm’ mcsa/2’ d'igwzz_{z5td qflire fr: 1:}: (razarziry, 125? MM}; am’~“w.wmr.r ta M ¢_1‘T':?‘fi:rz(f /.vr:r—--—~a'a /arm mm’ taz'[%z'rz /Mr ma;/2!, in dz ;;5o:~4:2’."rz.:zz*.c/z’:scrz'a;»2,. ‘;2‘"z.’:i.c .2’: ‘I179 £[z':mzfi: sf :2 c/:¢zr.:.z.»..‘Z’m-, rwlw/2 c«c:m1’£*.t parts we ‘tag? g?’-‘W flu“ Jr/5'ri]>?z'wz «mam! runiw/é wholc /«tum/J: /2116 1.2 L1x2.ivcrf::% .« v I £a.?_{yefina' % film flwzzzak cf ronrajpffan. W L is J -»:-~4='I[”1*ertz1E)Ie ye, wha vainly t1**1re2iten i:11V2”3.fiO1'1A, anc? A g;;zezef<:c:>z'121dc2 mi 23. c;1if%a11ce.~wV\7ee halve millions of Ilzwcly‘ ywth, who 111001: at fear, and fet danger at defia.1'1ce-—z1nd we"h21ve PVa/Eirzgton-ma Gcz2‘c:-~2m iiixzca/I2»-a Kizax----and a co11fieIIatio"n of veteran wz1rrio1's whofe names are enrollecl in the brighzt voIun1e of F21me----to cemmand then}; [f2‘ZM'Z('27sf mar cog;/z‘.r, mzcz’ by our GOD eve fwcar, ““ E51‘:/fI_,/,7zzz¢;g;*/?vfa‘r’d cmfflr flJ.:z!Zfi‘ccZ 2‘/be bir~cZ.r ofair.” .H;%‘z;m{') is 2‘/:wi;* fizfc wire wizard/y 2‘c’mj)z‘ our m'r6',e A e,2’}g/W2‘ am‘ flmrw, M‘ with our /sq/2: cvzgnge. 13¢: the divine gemclezxefs, we have been direéieci rlien. the ehc;>ice c.>f<;)1.1r fixmte and federzad" oflic::ers,‘A fa .ei%'e1ed3"%: 1‘}1C'31'1€3I1.1iI'1Ci’l”HZ fax‘ tth.ei1* p2zt1‘iotifi11, abilities, §_m1:.>}ic: and p1'ivz1te virtues. Theexazmmple offueh: ¢.;i[MI"1‘€_"§;Llmfléiid pcrfoluagee produces the general dif-« fizxenimwican of piety, h.omef%y,, Iea1“11i11g;, and their mrenclamt bleefiings. Hence the ch2m1*a«?ce1* “of our gncgémph: va'z;2:;m;A am zxmiuble and ende:~.u*ix1g; afpeéh H: is the S$p:xrt:.x11 c:I1zx1*:;u&1:c;r, mellmved mini improv- s;«;n;1bye time 2m<;1 ~z2v.A'iMt:>x*z.1..e Arne1'ica1"1s "venerz.1te%thee ’i‘")I(',.3l,lf%1"l,~'--**-Z‘i.1”lt} fI‘(§)I”x“1 the fuwow, 0111+ legiflators and ix:-dgsges mm: UKEIIHBCI to the fexmte anal the judgment iZ::21t“e. A 0 L115‘ n*xe1*<’%Im1'1tt:e: ancl r11:11'i11ers wish our Aizmcl with the tre:sxfu1"es :.1.nc1*IL1:w1'ie3 of every clime, :a;mi «.m1:' !1zxxv'etf‘t:.~:: are u.’za1i"t:~':£;i ¢:>ve1* araftie fees; and; t is :1 to realms beneath the glowing line. America is defiined by Heaven to be the granary of the world. Already the emporium of commerce, her navy" {hall commit to her hands the trident of the ocean. Our Atlantic receives with joy her floating caltles to his bofom, and fwells with pride while ltir.“ briny mountains are fhaleen by their thunders. To exhibit the reverie of a pleafing pi€tt11'e, is a tail; difagreeable and painful. Truth compels a cohrpliance witlt duty, and detnantls obedience to here injunélions. "When a great and porve'rfi11 peo-- ple forgets the eternal principles of juftice, and vi- olates the eompaél of nations, the commits a crime rnoft heinous againft the whole worltl.---1-~Sl"1e for- feita all right to the friendlhip, ailiftance and con»- fidence of every other {late and country.----She be- comes an outlaw, a general depreclator, againfl: whom arms mull: be employed, and with whom. i noiother mode of retafoning will prevail. The confequences of her conduct are warn--thedePcrt1c~ tion oforder----«the ruin of myriads---tl1e depopula» tion of empires»-—~anarchy--confufion and death! Among the7viél:in1s of the ambition and avarice of the prefent firomge cf the glabh, alae----our clear A America is numbered 3 Many of her citizens have been clefpoiletl of the rich earnings of their indnfi» C 17 ] try, and the valuable produce of their enterprize. Attempts have been made under the direction of the French government, to effect a fatal clivifion between the people of thefe States and their con- ilitutecl authorities.----«Our neutral flag has beenin- i'ulted.—---Our's of peace and reconciliation treateclv/ith contempt and diplomatic infolence un-A paralleled in the annals of hiltory, in any nation or in any age.----Our fellow-citizens have been ren- dered fufpicioua of each other, and the pellilential fpirit of party had nearly lclifibl_ved all thofe bands A of confidence, mutual affection and friencllhip, which hold fociety togetlrer, and conflitute the happinefs, fecurity and profperity of civilized man. Tliefe are ferious evi1s----—--thefe are open infults to whiclt the high fouls of Americans could not‘ fubmit with Spanifh fervility or Batavian tamenefs. Our gratitude and ardent love to France were not eafily to be lhaken----~if they are dellroyed, the act that deftroyed them was her own; May this conduct teach us an important leffoin. The inten- poiirtg providence of Goo clireéted the clevelope-A ment of her clefigns, and eztpofed her i11fit;ll0l.'1S arts in all their deformity. ‘We have efcapeclthe cataitrophe, which threatenecl uswcivil aware-«-w-the hotteil inftrurnent of Almighty wriatln [ 18 ] ‘"i”‘z~m Voice: of the penplzs from New'»H:1n1p- fhirc to G=eo1*g§u, has z1fi11~:<:«;:1 o11rF,.~;ecL1tive zmd C011g1'efs of the Union, that the}':11*c rczzxdy and cietermined to pmtefi and ciefmcl their (‘Ic_mfiir:.1- tim-1, tlwir G-nve1.‘mner1t, th<:ir Laws and their Liberties, zxgzxinfi zuxy faurcikgzx or dcmmflic <::nc':x11y "who {hall dam: to affail oroppofe them. Yml, zny feI3.o1v~tcmrz1f:I1en, will be 21111<:>11g t11n—:fo1'c:11‘1c>H; in the 1:2:.1t1'ioti<%: ihugglc, w11e11cv«:'2r fu11m"1ox1¢:d‘ tc» zuftion, zmd A % A A Witfi dazzzztlq/Tr rurzlar----fucb as gfaw’d/'zzbIinzc=', Tirben Ra77ze’.r proud mglzafiyafld I/Jroug/5 a~ve2'_y Clifilc”, Spring imldly on, yajm" Comztrfx riglvfx 1‘0_/Ezwr, A Or 72051; Aerz” in :2 r/ariom rrzzw’ .’ V J’ A 5 W c8 4 But come, fwm‘ peace .’ in rztdievfl c/Frzzrzrzx arfczy’(z',, 1~3¢=tur*rz .’ zz blcediizg ‘world regm'rc.s~ My aid 1 Calzzzzzbizz call: .’ an eager pz'zz_iam fly, 'Lvirtz£6*fixLér, arzfi 77zc'ck-ey’(%Z piiy die ; Rg/Eon: rim galdcrz fig-£33 w/5372 (:1! Vnzanfi-ind, In azzcs 2%"/3 Zmgzxz: qf bifat/2c?r/fmaa.’ éwtrc jaz'2z’c2'. €42"/Girze be 2'/1;? fwzzy, azzdf/34972 rZ7razrgZ2 awry gr'0w, SI:-:21! gerzfla 7122.;/Bic 2‘zm.:= t/’m"z~ {my/2 to law, 'O’:.r::7*z‘i'z.'c* rzymj) Zn: 1’! rmrfimz n’mzca°.v irmci, ./fmz’ [:m'.<1:v i“;‘€J?Z;_€'7Z, o’cr %%z‘;{*-c’ z‘;,"c:“77zz':wg;fi.'Zcz', TX>;*i;'flJz;’r*z}fv (11772: of .«zg7*imlz‘zar¢:! ‘wicr/s;z’,---. E :9 3 ‘Tim: zg/E_:f:J nrf: /Z:,:2.7lfibml irzfrig/32‘ rm m::r::., 71.7/‘r2722 vzuzzizr drmc.1'fi*o2zr azi2d”g.arr;z:;zz‘: 7*aZl’cz’ in gvznz, 13m‘ -29.1:/.n-3z*z.’ mm! 2r*ng'€ in b»:2rrar.s' wmjn‘ 1'/M =msrl:—*_.%, ‘§T;.':.'z' " .c'/3¢*(.‘rim ;*:9f.:;‘.s’ mix’/9:1! M ::’’«’.’:i’:''}' §‘c’If¢*»