film‘ R A T It @ ZPRDNOUNCED AT I¢’r0»RC.ESTEA?g % E~"OURTH 01-“ JULY, 1793 A A NNIVERS/IR Y ENDEPENDENCE EM‘ ‘$73513 é A ‘m"rr:D s"rATEsomMEmcA. By SAMUEL AUSTIN,:. M. PEINTEU {xx ii/T'0RCE~$!T%E R,»V :maLE0NAuRm WORCESTER; 179$ 1» * ‘y L A 3.:VORCESTER,§_‘Eu1.374j, aygfio % -. Aatya Meeting wf % a Earge xmmbef 0%’? Gentlemen, of ‘ A‘ .;3»fl&_fl1e I1B igh%bor%ir1;g Tdwns, to ce1ebratetheAnnivexx.y “ "iffaryaf AME¢r{1cAN IN‘DEPEN.DENC.Ef ;——;.» A $40 TE D9 Tfiazf JQSEM-I ALLEN, SAMUEL FLAGG9 Q/Q. Cozi DAN IE1’. CLAP, EDVVARD BAN"GS.,, % ‘ mza”_WV3:LL£A1wI STE?DM A‘N,V fie cz Cornrmziee M wait? mzflzc Rew.’Mr. AUSTIN, to t2’zAarz}€‘%%/;2i7rzfa7* t/ze am simafea’ and patriotic ORA.T10N ,“ delivered lay /zim, I/722222’ ” day, and fa reqzuffl a’ «copy iéefecffar t/Tee Png,/Iv. The Committee wfaitefi km Mm acco%rdinigly, and rexzeivm ed the follgwing AN\SW~£R ; % "‘vV‘0RcEs'r1zR,july 6th, 1793. GENTLEMEN, A A M V A AA \ g V I HAVE z%é%;&o‘w3z't2‘*2*%*«gf ¢ac£rz0wZedgz'wgt/Eeféfler 0 am %%Lf,£e72t2'072, recez'vea’fro72z ya24,7=%dated j7z,z[y the 4:72. T/as Edit» Jar and poZz'tene_ef.§‘ of myjéllbzo citizeizx have wzadea deep i?223g’77'§flEor2 an my m;2'22d', zw/Tzz'c/2 we?! ma‘ 5% ca;/Ely o'Z2Zz'm*m6d.. I éazwc co722friI:z.z2fed to r/zei2”_fl«zt2'5fiz&’2'0n‘; m 5&6 perM'2‘za- wt/mt pmfrz'a2f2' 22:2, zuffiiafi 2'; already exzeiyfveiy défizyfa ‘ rz‘/.26 cmzzmled/I,"e:-zce qf any indz'zvid'u.a[, wka 2'51 fém» 1%ind#°£3yj‘::€mérging a political fiarvxyjéiz, we/gazgragw wafz'm24wiiZl%certai2z[3w bjmz?2¢t‘ua;l;.% A wgqgggpt, mtlemen, «bmplimemts, mm’ pe2wziz”m¢% - A ‘ 0 ifaatgflure yam, %V$}Iz%zzé‘%%*I am, wit/'2 rg? peffjial cow;/z"aQ’r«:ztio2z, % Y0zw0Z2Z:t'g"ed, amt! zmfy fzz4r.*z£'¢’£“,/Eerwant, ‘ “ % A‘ %£3'..%. Z"£".:V.g }iE’RONOUNCED AT WHRCESTERQ JULY 4th, 1798» CANNOT but mingle my rkgwi ~or~ V (\ A mmtfi fxfmm 11116 irigmuitynf m Gentle A niaii*dQFdifli11gui% ; aofl‘icia11*'ef'peé’cabilityfl, towhom an early ::1pp1i« A azatimm ‘was mafia to addx*ef:~s: you publicly on t}1i$ AA A mccafiong am difappmixltecfi , ~TI'1e di.f21p§£)QIiflt;§"‘ mer1;1r. Cat1110tA b¢dr¢mov¢d&: It mufl:Ab@4pat‘imtw Ky? borm;,% A It Aiysk iE:m6%%-cwxmfolatiolg1:153’*1m,% fizhatw . ' whim I appem*A%fubf£’citute*, y0ur1’expeé%a~w 5 % A V 4 4 A V . : %4j.%_ti@%am Himaaflmrmflw Fosmrm, flaw? W ‘ A V .~ .~,[ gret with yaum, I+“61v}low Citiw V A zen$,th:9;tt11ec::xpe£’rati«:211syou V have% i:n.duI.ged,V of sxatertaim ed abilities» andhigh iioiaisi A will be formed on a .10iWer fcaie? Mandi :ha:1_£ha11 have an equitable claim, upon uxikjoimmoriipgrtion A ofiyouri camdox‘. Thigh little dexterity, whichwill appear,iiI1the mam » ’ A Qagéjzmt-nt offubjeéis, to which it would be um.» i Y pardonable nqt ta direéi your attention, will be veriial in one, who is trammeied by pro-». feifional puI‘fuits,. p.ub1.3£:ind¢€C1 ;. but i3ex'¢ig11,. and confin¢d.. We argafihmblad, onthis anniveirfaryifiefi-. V “kival, my Countriyzaigen, to commemorate the memorableepoch ofgjthe Birth of our Nation .; "Tim fourth of ]u1y,fi_n thief: year of our Lord A _ ne thoufand ffeveni hundred and feventy» fix, V was the day of the Political’ Nativity of the A: ‘United States of America.’ It was then, that we emerged from the minutenefs, and depend»- am, of a colenialexifiencc, to the niajefiy M ma iconfolidated, and formidable Nation. Ifi _that’We took our rank, as o;tjf1e,7aj..;.« = mong. theindependentrovsreignties the V iiiworldva Forourwilliw be FRiEE§i;ii‘:iD11rpi1b1iC* V ifoiigmg declaration that we would Le-1%ifo,i 7*i\i UfVia“flzlaration, ifounided in principle, the c:fi'e6i of iiegzefiity, and uttsrly irrevocablg, _was,ii.»u1i-- A iigiar Slodgthe guarantentofiourffecdom» W6 ;en1;e"redj 5 A entered mt uptm a work, which We meant pufillanimoufiy to abandon; Our eiieifgy “we determined fhouid be effeetuai, orthat, like the Greeks at Thermopylae, we weiuldi leave no triumph in tllehands of our oppref- fora. A In this refo1ution,iwe11avfte not been fruftrated, and the prefent day compietee two A and twenty years of our national eitiftence. '1 As this is the moft folemn, and the motif general political feftival of our country, as it is the great day of the United States of Amer... ica, a day of peculiar giadnefs, which We eel» ebrate with the ardor of extenfive hiieuity, it feerps requifite to be fure of its propriety, and to poflefs a confidence, ifi fuch 21 eonfidenice may be rationaJ.Iy'indL11ged, tlmt there are no ecmfideratiens wlxatever, which the adverfaw i‘iesi,tor the femipatrietie friends of our Ixicle-i pendence,andtotf ourNationaI Govetmnent, A earl jttftifiabiy a1l.ege, to obfcureits Ai’pIAe11der,‘, or damp its joys. No‘ wife manAwiH abam-?4iit den himfelf to an infiecenti hilarity, ifeimidieid 4 ‘ A on immorali and indefcnfiblebafist.iieiiHe i f will yield himfeif it to the govertitznefiitiiiof ream A fenigiand proceedno fart1i1er,‘itha1iihe"feelsat S i1irrifeif17}.1Hpo1'tedi by her iAndubitab1€§ deciifiiie. A ,I3aVfl ., ‘AA Have we, then, reafon to glory in the events,‘ which this day celebrates, or have We not Q? A ADO the tile, the progrefs, the local effects, and extenfive pol-itical confequencesof A cur indew V p pendent natioiial exiftence, juftify the public A it celebrity we give to this Animiverfary 3 Are AA we afting like children, pleafed with their - toys,and playful with the inftmment which is to corr'e€tthem.,; or like men of Afolid fenfe, pleated with a lfolid advantage, and capable of i'ubmitting,unblufhi11gly, their conduct td the narroweft fcrutiny? , A | A A A Revolutions, it mutt be confeffed, are not always juPtifiabcle,or prudent. They, are oft-~ en incumbered with complicated fuffetings, and net unfrequently terminate in accumu-: A lated_pwretchednefs. And the fpirit of revolu-3 tionifm feemseto be now the political, “and A » a moral mania of theday.; We mull take care‘, A ,ef*e0111‘p creed, then, in this refpeét. Much ‘ ' li1*evetrenceis,,,unquefiionab1Yduct t<> prefcripve team And in t;a1ht; of oppofition to the moi’: perfecft" d€fPOtifIfl,~'»f mutt 7 ever be e a A crime. 011 this Bm A Principle» principle, tlxelong repucliiatecl iidibgffillb 05’ yaflive obedience andenonrefiftance, the alarm ling dofirine of higle1i~ehurcl1men,: and pelit-«av ical bigots, is i11c0ntmvertibly eltebilifliedi: Nay, is ettabmheebcyond.its~~origi;11a1 .pl"B~==* ‘ tenfionsi. But We IV€l‘8lCl1ilClI‘€3n~. Be it fol,» is it A violation of filial dutyto €3fOapB~,13l18»»ClL1“lZCl1(‘3£§“ it Vefdefpoticy aiideruel fathers Pr With refpeéirto thofe W-l1o~-vcieubif the poliw ey, or public utillityl of our Independence in faait, it mightit be fuffiCl€I1f~‘CO—*all(, m*11etl1ei*it: be better to be ea» child or 21- 1na11.. 3;» an 21pp1'e1i~»~ A tice, ora-matter ;.t¢ .apupil-, or an adept in all knowledge 33. flave,wh0l1as his'- talk fet, amii _ his pint of V1‘l£.§«€ given him, or the irrefponfiw blew manager of tan» e-Xtenfive p17opert~y?. Tm it A what..aitra.nge political incredulity are tliefe‘ it tnen fubjeéti’ By what kind»ef political .arittl1»= A metic4do. they calculate P To appreciate the: utility of clue N~ati.onal. I.ijidepenclenee1dulyf; T we mufc net 1 ook through the a-undiced \ eye prej utiiee,.. or of foreign attachments _.-,i but, A the clear viiion" of u:nbiafi’ed,< and ~CXtfi1'1::-"' five obifervation», we mufi juI’tlyTefti1nate the: * prog1*efs;efatrbitm1'y A pow.eMr,, “wl1eniiunrefif’t~e~' itmgl it mt llflauluuu-cull-you ‘:Iin~gly:*iacimitteEi; itstAefFe<‘5ts on the body-politic} in cramping. every effort of g.enius,~dil'c0ur-A?-4 aging enterprife; and .exhaufting thefpringsi; of public profperity 5 We muft lo-ak at facile; as they e exit’: in xegionsigfaabfolute colonial dependence 5 we mufl: :reviewa1ll the pail: ipa-»= ges of A our own political hif’tory,i duringlthe A period which has elapfed sfince the declaration of our linélependexicle ; lconfider .tl1e unparalw leled increafe of our population, .cmrA .:com- meme, A a11d_0uz* ; improvements “in arts, and learning, the i11eomparably,exceIlent nature A A of our political inititutions, and thefpirit of enterprifei, which is diffufed even to the e:”x-- tremities ofour ticountrly is and with the eye of all ,the..propl1ecy we ‘p0flefs_, whichmayeil foemevvhat A conje:Sti1ra1, but %confidera*bly» lain; Weerobahle,p1ungeiinAtoA far edit taut A periodsw,;lj’ie:l’eelfViia 7: » growing ‘ilprofpetity; id ' eorrefpQ11deI1t' to what we t have .alr..ead.y ex» perienced. 4 A lWith refpeét tioxezvhat Aisv-pal“: we “have more 4 A tlian conjeéture, VW'e;gl:1a.V.feiifldllbitablei tfaEi:.‘i A , 0naiigeneralel’cimate4of ithe: pr0Agrel7sAof bur A _ national affairs; iduring' A the itawo and twientyd jyearselwhich have Aelapfed, it will appeal‘; mt ‘I_'fi”j" % AA profperity has Been in fat? advancing,” with anacczelerated fpced, excccdin the moft fangt1inoeo:predifi«:i'ons of our warmefi political ocakuloatorfi. ‘ W3 havoexh~ibited*21¥phenome--s H011, which. the world never raw, a nation deliberately conffrufting, adopting, and e:.>r<:*~"-- cuting,o under fihguolar aufpices, without blood, ahnoft ‘vfithoutooothe quarrel of words, 3. form A of go'V€:rnmen1:, fraught with wifdom, and adminifiered with firrxmefs. ‘We have moved forward, with our fwords in one: direéfiony and under the gui_da11ce of one Captain. We: V have V followed HIM with bloflings, into the: retirements‘ of a tranquil old age, and have am o tacked ouorfelves, fave a few reftlefs partizans, A with equal zeal, and confidence, to his Wovenw arable jfucceffor. This is the pafc. And what is the futhre? Here, I am fenfi» VA oble, political enthufiafm has fometimes ofoarw. ed,‘ till it became dizzy. A But, unlefs our divifions, our cowardice,o or our libertinifm A bfcureit, what ~hind¢rs, oobut that the eyeof A political faith terminate in a profpcét of um. A & bounded, and irradiated glory, as the triumph... ‘ fiflff? intercept tho foxelight of future citm antA¥l£¢que1 of our national Pcruggles? What ios 13 fies rifing, with unecfualied? gdrandeur, to vi.ew, fuperb monuments of humem art and inclufn try erefted, diflant foreflze converted into fruitful fields, rivers meeting rivers bynaviw . gable cgnals, and dour innumerable fllips, wav-» in g theirihiped p€I'1d61'1’£8 over all oceans, and every dif’:rié’c of the g1o‘be P What elfe cam prevent our feei11g,‘befUre}1ar1d, future unim-e verfities founded, .ai1d;e*i§‘dmp1y endowed; fur-— ture VVASHINGTONS 1'ifing; to defexxdg fzmgire ADAAMSES to? illuminate their country ; and a genuinc-; andaratioxlal Chriftizmitty, 1'ifing~ fllw-~ perior to malignity, anddfophifin, to mora1—~» ‘Time, and felicitate the whole 3! Let ncme talk, then, of its having been better Afar u‘8dd£f‘t‘ ‘have remained mere colonies. Let us fpurn. fuch xuarmwf, and inglwious con». d eeptione. Feeling that ewe ARE,1¢t us~1"e17c>1ved thatweWxLL“BEa Nation,at1dnever1ofe fight d of the momendtvvhich gave usbirth, nor of the illufcrious charaéizersd, who led theway, A in the adventurous flight, from theNwin4gO9 delufive p1*ote6’cion, tofcvaringeorid our? jowm. A pdinionds; as A we pleafed-.: 5 , at fee, faythe Idulgewarm advocates, or A mere. Afpeé’catm:s of4ourd Independencegeedede A 4 A A Awhithez” I4 A whither you arenaow poigiixig. ‘ See how '*tl1le'f more eprudentlcalculations of A) the Wifer ; f0I'~:t are about to be realized. See how you have been torturedby one. nation, and are new the mereelfport and lplayething of another. 0bfe1‘ve your commerce broken, your nation--e al _dig,;ni.ty precipieatfleel; ;d}o.wn -to the deepefli A degradation, and ‘youe~i=li=.«eou%ntry like ltobe af.- “failed by the irreiiilile’ ;p.ha1an;Xese of an all conqueziixag Republic. lO.bferve to what. your e r:evol‘u1tio11 has given birth. in the maflacres A of revolution upon revolution in Europe, and fl1e«coililion of arities, the increafe ofcorru .. P tion, and the blafi of .calumniating fa-Etion. in the U1-1ited.S-tates themafelvee; ~ ~ A A V W76 fheuld. be unwilling to amdmeit, from tliefe fuggefiins, .a conclulfion »Cl-lfl'1OI10.1‘al)l§?: A A ii to our Independence, or extenfively £0 to our i .acouI1t1"ye_; nor {hall We, without the moi’: flib--, iiamtial A evide11ce.. We deny, -‘that we gave ll e:aaznple,i or furnilhed pa:treonage,l~toltl1at end-V--A leis ringing of clliangee. owlfixich isheard on the otherfideofV the Atlantic 5 or to that reftlefs, A fpiritof ifaélion, which pollutese the ftreama ofourownl public profperity. It waexiot ll pride, knpatienteof A EL rational obedience 5 it _ wee . 1* 5' was nee‘ tleliglxf in bl‘oodA;- Alt lwa“s“AI'1‘0t infidel A averfions, or unbounded 1'1be1‘tinifi'n,AlWhicl32 impelled us to take our.Pta11d, A and retain itA‘.;l It was thepri»1:1ci,ple of fel-f prefervetion. AA It was the genuizle loveof our" cozemtry, taking fuchl‘ all f’tep:with "1*e1ué’ta;lnce, and eounteraéling A a thoufandi oppofite attachments. It Wa.SlCI‘1'l- el necefiity. A And are the faélious‘ among eurfelves, the demagogues of a- party, or the A retailers oftheir infidelity, and ealumneye‘ 3-, are thefej ‘lthelegitimate children of your country; as an inclep"enden’r, and confolidated Republic? N 0. They are a ’fpurious_,,ofi‘sp1'ing. Like muflwooms, th‘ey11ave-a recent, and unfolide eXifiem:e;.A The proper couefe of our nation»- al energyl will make “ them fade, a-ndgf wi4:~her,A ]iiketl1e1eavesiI1 autumn. A 4 ’la‘rJAe*“ net the public errangemezzte of A e*fi1‘“'Agovem’z11enlt,lunderreits irecentladminiilrazu V A ems, capable of a fair! and llonoreble Vanda” cation ? The I5J1il~i%2ed‘ States have-ebeenib fare from ftirniflaing an example of diflurbyingthel orldemf 1:11"ewor1d§, Ours he‘el~yybee11uni~—v £oI'mlyA§thle fufl"ering,and the pacific let, VVe._ A have llbeenmerely th“e‘ll‘c'>¢bjeél3s of aggreflion aggreffiyo11., indeed”, which wouldi have prmroléé 4 e. any other f7:w‘ereignty on? earth to a Vieiedt ,§feta?iation., ‘We have been fpeiled of our“ V propertyyewhen purfuixgg; a fair, and neutfai commerce; ~ The very power from Whiche Wiei ;‘evo1‘ted, ed in a. moment of temporary fuCC‘3,fS:.1 Jgdrotxndlefsly indign-ant at our A partialities for the French nation, then firugglirig for Iibere V ty 3 pamtialities which We confefs as general” anddfe1'vent, but righteous; b1'ok~ein ulzgon our dhonefc trade, and inglorioufly {hipped us A of the earnings of our toil, and enterprifea But, extenfive as thefe dvielatiens of our prop-3 erty were, t11ough refolvedly tenacious of the rights and dignity of an independent gover11-«id M ment, we did meet immediately gird on the {word of vengeance, as the Madifons, the Gileses, and dLivingf’cons of fhe country, would have had us do~ne.e We did not, without the xpelfee moderate" means of negociation, rufh %t;0i1C€, and precipitately, into thesoceanof carnegfiw A‘ greater Wifdom, ztndl more A difipafliondate .policy, < We firfc jialked with Glut‘ A A AA epprefl"or. V A We demanded indemnity,eand ob--:4 tainede it. Our differences‘ we fettled, by eb1o0dlefe4 accommodation, "and an amicable- A a.djuffment;‘dS«ome, infcead of imputing to A J. 17 an exceliive fenfil)ility,l' infiflthat, inlthis inw fiance, we dlfl101101‘€d ourfelves, by fervile‘ AA-conceflions. To them we anfwer, that, if ta aél tlae part of firmnc%fs,mingled will: mode--a ration, be to be difhonored, We were dill-mu» cred. Let the lovers oflan En,glifl1»‘WartaI;e that fida of the queftion, if they Choolfeif. A Fafis, wl1iél1 no reafonlng; can lAova;fthroVv, our policy. A V A A “ Short, alas, much too fhoft, was tha inten- val of our repof-3. No faoner had we repel»-A led the attacks, wllich were made on us on the ant-*: hand; than we were allailed, with more intolerable, and ungratafL1l azmayaace, on the otlaer. The Frendzlm Republic, to amply vif1cllca'i:e, at once, our morality, and Whorrl we had beenfo Warmly» andfo genan °“flY Parfiala €V3“5“ days Whfifllhfi“ A Pf1"U§f§1¢ A was mo1’l:' convulfive; when her politicalfate A hung in the poize of excefiive danger, rather than of uncertainlty 3 when {he had notl even A put herfelf into the pollute of an orderly ex; iflence; a lRepublic,'lvvl1ichl has ’heAretofo1*6 taken us by the hand, with expreffions of page ‘ culiar fraternity, Whicl1 has c>rd:2red our col»-— orsto hang fufpended in the very cl1amb.erllolf t8" , . her Legifl'at3fve“ Aeemety; and Wm: has fer frequently given us thevovvs of eternal a-Em Eriance; forgetting her vows,and»herf1‘iendm thip, proud" with recent. viftory, andi vaunting: in the p1‘eeminence of her martial glory, ha"sr made: inroads upim us, of the moft pemi-— eiottse and flagrant nature. She has not on- ly coxxxmittedw the m ofl‘ A predatory ravages pm: our commerce,.bu.t malttreatedat the perfons of em‘ counteyxnen», and contemplated the entire excifion of our govemment- Reeling-uifl1ing,e tota11y,..herfi1'it O-flT€1Tfi«b1€;v&.‘fid, as I imagine,,.. ttea1:objef i_h~e A , nited StateAs;fp1'eadiAng~amQn/chamrcbmbuf- rtible materials, ;;ex1t of popular A V "~W.avering,V4’ on purofe to Vburn dov'v'11% th A edifice of our co’untry’e liberty 3 aiming, while generouflyyfoftered in thebofom of the country, utterly to fubvert its moft invalua‘... hie intereftsfi But thefe complaints, it apt»-at Pf33I_"S1'i7O me, and I think the opinion will be fupported by the futirages of all men of can... dor, have been ihewn, by Pickering, Mr. Harper, andlour Envoys to the French Re- public, to have no foundation. Our efcape from war, by the treaty of London, which has made fuch noife on each tide of the Atm lantic, has been drawn into view, as peculiar- A ly offenfive, and as the principal, and jufti-,.. fying reafon of French depredations. , Go, fays the haughty Direétory, a body of def-. pots, now the concentration of all authority. in France, and as ambitious, and imperious, A has Louis the XIVth, at leaf’: ; ego, and undo y, the tcontraéta, into which you have entered, A ‘twithout advifing-a with us, with the cabinet of St. ]arnes?"s, and then We will talk with you. But notgga word before.‘ What, then ! are A A r We amenable, in the management ofyour pub-»,. yinterefis, to the Direétory of France? yo, 3 Havewe no right to negociate terms of fecuri. e » ‘ty, and ,cn:,1meree,without the conient ‘of thia domineering 2! domineering Republic Ir? Mufti 02w‘ diplomatic tranfaetions be fubjeéled to :Berfcrt1ti11y, before they lean go into effeél? May rwerzotbe at A peace wrlth a formidable nation, without bar permifi'1o11Po Then’ let us bow down our necks 1:1r1cler%tl1e yoke patiently. ‘Letlus fubmit to . l:>erocked in the cradle; or tumelclr out of "it, juff as her Ladyfhip pleafes. out letlis no longer talk of being and incleperxdem: melon. Whatever opiniorl may be formed of tlmie treaty with‘ the Court of Lo1‘1do1'1 5, vsrhetlrer, on the Whole, it havrebeen a judicious, or en’ injudicious political meafinre, one tliing A is certain, that it cannot be the leaff jufllficam tion of French aggreflions. Beeaufe there is a fpecific claufe, in tlmttreaty, Whiclxutterw A ly excludes its operation, Virjrcoafes ~i11te1'ferio_g witlx pre6Xifl:ingtI”<’¢3-tiC*Sl.r B11f:thaf11hliSiSl A not the caufew.rI_htl1e injuries heaped on us, even in the feelings of FranceVll1erfelf, is evi... dent, from innumerable pof’ceriorevents. is evident, from her correfpondent treatment of other neutral nationls A It A from _‘ all here revolutionizrirlg meafulrresl. It is eviw 4 dent, A from heripolicly, and her avowed prim-l~o 4 A ciples. A It is evidenfc, from her makin tor 2:23 to us the price of here friendfhip, and fifom her own wanton difrefpeéttos the nielt fol»- emn exifting campsite.‘ No : There is an- other caufe of her depredations. .And it is h€I‘«I'a1‘1”C0~I' againlt England, and her ~determi~ nation to cruih the Englilh power, united with the“molt infatiable thirfi: for {elf agg1*an~ sdizemeiit. A It is this diabolic, ‘(for I can call it b no fofter 3; name it is this diabolic dif-he y i M o . V pofition, whicli is interdicitmg all the com- merce of Europe, and draining the Pcrength «of furrounding countries.‘ A A It is this, which direéts her -clanclefrine intrigues, and her pubs». lic opemtiotis. And itis this, which will re}- duce thee,f Oh my country 1 to theitiolt igno»-A minions fubjeftion: It is this, -which will: bring thee to tell a tale of Woe, to Venice, Genoa, Holland, and Switzerland, as thy for»- Ixowing filters, unlefsi thou liafc a will to be show condefcending independexit, and unlcfs Pitividence preferve “ Howrniltl, howtolerant,tl1o.w ami7cable,.. ii A J stout OW’1’1i government 3 Difliking ‘war, reluc:--is itantteiretalliatessfond of peace, and wifhings above all ‘ , onthe other hand, has been i A igsiyfertthe privilege of;‘seXi£ting,, v A A and A 23‘ finer! of reduc‘ing' to the mofi extenfive advan.» tags, the legitimate powers of our country, in ' ai m:ut1"a1ity, we have againfough1:indem~ nity, a11ciipeao.=:,» by V11egociatioi1, on 21 bafis‘ pew feéfly accommVoda.ting. oNotfatisMfied with am...- ple difcufi3‘ons»i ;with:eXa1ni11i11g clofelyoevery point of pretended grievance 5%. with waiting on the government of I~*‘ranc:eoinA; otlxepoeffon ooof one 1\/Iinifl"c:rA 5, nor mfenting therepulfiver. manner, «in Whioho4oheohas been treated go we halve-fe‘:nt a tritlmviratoof Minifizors, "clothecl with adequate powers, and infirufied to don fcendo to*eve1*y poin?f:%0f; pacification, of which ournational dign»ity can poflibly ~admit4; While, with ounpmxallelaod forbéaranficoe, we are fufiaining injouries, withouto moeafure, and Without roeaf:Erefs~. But, lo 1 what obI’Mcac1esiarc raifcd to ff1'ufi:rateo1J;r rrieafur‘es,oanAd~t§o throw was into utter defpondency, with4refpef Aouii‘ Nation, and rally rouvnd the fiandards of om: natibnalg<5vernme1it,;t1t1isAday;; Witl1d11tb:1u ing, A0111‘ Indrspendence, inits%o1*"'ig*iw:i,'i11§4its operations, and in its "efie&s, f’cands coma pletely exonerated, may I not fay E‘ fmm ew- e:r‘y% imjgiutation. V That our g0verr1‘n9ie%mt,' 0:: V A < its adminiI’crations,i are ~Wit11out A an error, ncmcontend; its adverfaries, from :withwVoAt,4?5_ar?1 VVwi*thif1, rnay challengg» &‘edA‘fdp1*o4duce it 11ot<5rious evil in cither. W A Let 113, then, Fellow Citi2ex‘13, '4Camf~.a%o1;11t national Independence _; and 1‘efo1vc,4V&7iith joinedhands, and folemn appeals towmighm prote&ion,.thatwewi11 :10: f37ar't1:Nvit1i"i7t.,* AAI-Iavetwe not reafof:1%tova1ue4itasf highly, V ~a$,LWhcn’ We fought “on” the %‘p1ai:1s Jof wSmf~.r飗-- a 1) VA 4 toga; 2.6" toga? And are we rm via be Mfolicitous to wrefl; i1:xo:-ad: of %t’11ie- AA hands of?" AFrench«5 as of Eng1i£h4D“efpot®”? A V A AA ham ¢rmwv :a.¢r1fived,;»~m:3y €bunt’rymen,e 350- an‘ awful, am mbfc" in4t‘eref£i£iz1g*., a% ‘moft‘V'Aferi«§—~¢4 m1s c1*ifi.s...» ADefeated-: is.-n our at?tempt9.‘to ne—-A W .gocia.te- any actom-moda-tioi14 wi13‘h4the~"F_rench-; g4.<.3vernIrrc11?c;. We feemzi togibe 1eff;~oI',‘ at‘ leaihl to "bf: ' AMr apid1y*%appro4xixr1atin.g; Atb ' the 4 on-Iy ale-A iternative of war. >It‘a,-ppears,.- that‘ all patri0t~ifm_;, our Wi~fdom;,. and our v'a1or,,. are rm e fumrnoned to 32 m4ofb"fe1'iou.s triafi < It lap:-° pears, thaiz Awa’ are to Abe~.~m“c}uceci“to A the ng-rcefw fity, ei1:herfofre~figninVg our Igndependemce, or ef c0nfexitin"g,:At0 d£:fe11d“« & %W11ich:*-{hall we‘ choofe .9: With1fu;¢hVAv4aA Eprcciousobjggétin view; on the £ecu%1'ity of which th:fe1ici‘t4y» o£«. ukn»-A born: millions “ for intimately A d<_1:pend1s4= ;f the dear purehafe: of y.ears of public £uffm?in~g 3;. f01‘Whi¢h% WARREN. M0N:mo%M£:&R Mm» «am, andythoufams of i:11tr+;cpid;~;coum:=ry~~ men; hawe% BI» 52 and % "bfcrmflff fema1e'vendernefs+has.=V fo often; heavmv aterna1;4 and c0nj;.uga‘1L fighs is cm» there4io;aeA perfon i%nthi‘sr‘h9ufe,% iS”" t}1~’$I€'E"" m:»e~«perrona,na11 EnIaam5.%or 4 «ant. 29 ;?¢°BcXijt whe w‘hc5I:c fixfexmfi sf t11;cw‘Uni:téd ,StatAcs,A, W110 wi%I1 hfrfitaptc what micifiondto make,? Is; flxere one individual if to ;be fiound, Wi31'l: ignomini%QuflyWiIhh91dhis property,;, or his. 4 luife, W11em;favWrafi,m1:d%:A %£intcre£k& isrdfipending A V Permit me h%e.»rem Areacitfie to pafl’a:g.e,,; from an ..en1in.¢nt 4CiV”i1ian.?‘* . ~“4Th¢%4laW of Go» no1«e*fs%VAex1joix1sawhole natiozx. to take *c,4am§ (inf their ;p1fe£erva£ian¢ does rim vam men. is, .th31’@f01”3,. jl1flT3. that they:4 fllould t?fi.1ploy4 form‘: againfl: thoffia A W110: Jdgfiwa «¢:1arin:vthc%mAfe14ves4 ¢%ne~t~*n-ies, violate film law of fczeiabilitty %towa1"de$ t;laerx%1,. refufiz them their d1w,fe¢;kd:m. dcprivé .1:h~e'm;df thei1* ad-7 Vafxtagm to A deffifroy them; ‘ A is. thmrefom 51‘: tltne‘ of focietxy, iihai: P18. A 4 4 dforts eff tmfe. film» fixb%vA¢rt 7’£h.fif foundations» of it; otherways the human fpaeiesé’ w4o11~id§ A become the vi;€ti;Vm:s of 1:?b%b~ery,%anc1% ti11fI1¢f$~ f¢¢I:’#13h¢ Qf 353" M fp@a1§i4mgy% ¢ mi mai~ntaim;n cm, % Qram iris ceftair!» time *3 :Bmu.mA~gut¢, ma =meeA%Painre4i~p1¢sV cs«i¥ Mae=m:@4I,4and A Pmitic Lam 28 - gflluvauuu-n-nah-nutufi that the lfovereign,” in evvhrofe hands ii the inter--‘ efi of“tl1ei‘whole foicietyli is lodged, hes alright" to rnakewar 5; but, if lit be lo, we imrufi, of A eourfe, allow himithe right of employing ifhgi. ' L feverelimeans for that end. In a word, we mufi granthirn the “power of levying troops; anycliobliging them to perform» the molt dan- ’ gerouis duties, even :atrithe peril -of their lives. the obligation underwhieh fubjeéls are, * in ‘this refpeéi, is {O rigorous, “and firong; ~tl1at, flcriftly fpeaking, no man can be ex...’ A empred from taking up arms, when his co1_‘1n«-»” try ycalls npon hirn for his aililiance and his refulfaliiwould be a juft reafon not to tolerated fuehieiperfon any longerin thefociety.” A V Having 4 taken this review ofrrthe pail; having vindicated the attachments you ought - A fiill, and with as great zeal as ever, to‘enter-- tain for your Independence, and for”! your Country ; and pointed you to that fcation of valoxions, and determinedr refifiancel, which you Tare ‘bound.’ fo take ; permit me, now, though I can claim no preeminence in will doién, to folicit your attention to “a feiv in- terefcingg praétical, and prudential principles, nhieh are ifltlfl13t¢.1_YC0l1n€5tCd with our dw- ty," A 29 ‘E39’; and AA 01115 fafety,A asfil individuals; _2mAd::. Aa community. A * A Aiirefolutell defence of our national erigllts, ageinft the iunbounded ‘violenices of eFrar1Ace, ‘L by refzmzin g to arms, when regularly fem-—~ n:1onedeAby*the ivoice of our govemment, by Ixojmeans comprehends all that we haveltoA do, as good citizene. AThez:e are, in connecm tion with. this, otberpoints of duty, which tlmepreflizrele of .circuml’cances Arendere equally indifpenefable, andobligatory. A A A A A * And, firft: Does itnot behoveus, and ell pecially at tIxisec1‘ifie,A when the fpirit of in» trigue is fo infinu.ating,lwl1en fafltion isle daring, and convulfiens are foAfreque11t,A to extend the eyed of A the mofl: unremittedlviigi-l= A lien over; A eflablifhed, A : fol9tunateA Cfiilflitlle Gevleriiment ? The abfolutc i neceflitylof ejudieious, and permanent form of government, ally denominated :1 Cori» fiitution, ‘as the grand bulwark of Liberty, 1 is among the radical principles of a rational jurifprudence. ~ A ‘ confltitution of Agovern» ment, is the primitive Alconfent olfthe PeOP17e".AT\ in the mode of their political exifience; and ‘£83’ . therefore, the cream of freedom. '.flAil'1g V the flitufiw» mutt be d,¢[%tif.111%‘- Im 7% govc_-arnmentgf A A’ A \ fhe“ wcrolmentratioll“ of ;t"‘£1eir%% ;authority, fin a‘ free governmenfc, A is paramount toall “ught,;. in this icountr . Their confer uericeslliliave A A A ‘ll ” been extremely mifclmievous. 5 Antipathy,‘lim1 one occafion, A name lniezir to lprecipitatingi ‘clue A United Al States _.,] ineedlefsly; A and irret1'ieva'Ib1y‘, AA into a clefiruélive implication iIiIllti1f:.'flI‘11"g‘gi€§ of Europe. And a groundlefs partialitylis now difpofed to refign, without the leafl cllr:~-A fence, thel public liblertiem oreign influence has A detached imultitudesl from as pmperll my hemnce tolthe rights of theircountry; and form it has feduced toa traitorous imitzation. cafi an Arnold. Nor is this influence confin- ed to 1‘ public mealixres, and diraeft corrupticm; but it dliffufes itfelf, ‘W'ilIi‘1/El1I1£liig1’l?:1I1'l:'iCOI11T«;- A gion, Cintol all tlm ramifications of ftmietjy. A iffues A in Q“ fervilimdéption 701° ifdreign prinm ciplcs, and “mainners. 7 It A A lays iusi 4 open ii to intrigue,and-tolad'ifl'ociating-powfe1*. It pollutes ourireligion, and our honor; ancl fubjeélzs Us to an inundation of A imported follies ““ A It bows us doiwni,from erccft pofiure fofi l1onéf:l, ‘Aandl llixidcpentlent ii A1’I1f':1'i- cans, tmthecringingitieannefs of (lavas. W: ihould be be:ncvol<*:-mt, Fellaw Citizcnsyto 34$ A no partof it. z Farther ‘ :. it} not a— matte; of infixfitie im-~» portance,ethet,=. rel5i=11qu~i£h;in¢ge a1%1- perfbnale re-A» femtments, and—»un.generous eriminations, We A fink déwn into~'oneeef’ormideb1eewhole ;~ £111-we we make union the order of t11eeda=y 54 and concentrate all the energies of the eceeuxmtry, to the (me g1”5(’i‘«’:L‘lE-p"()i.I‘1t,»---*-”a.E=,h(’.’- fecurity: ~of all 3‘ If the*re‘%b3ee11ofe,-_ indeed; Who, agai1:1f’c"every m%iee1ifi;: invaleuabie ir1te1*ePcs of our owrx, I ceaafefs, I fee not hewe we can embrace~ theme "I‘11ey are A ‘net’ the Ale-few eeoulr enem.ies,e beceufe ‘theey Walk in our fireeets. Beet, it ie tobe hepeeh that tlxereare few of 1:hieeche.1*acE’cer.e “ -ee=1‘1Lef leaf: mode1*atie11v%‘ve'il{I, in this hour ‘eefi’ Q vd*a%nger,e and difhefe, %1iPcer'x Ate: 2u“gfimen~t, am} rte faefir. eeA11deitVis ea pleading confideeation, thét thiseis iet».a.'e.:eeobvie‘Lm*~effe1atAAe«»firit “ctz1h1mny,A‘w1iich, like Pandora's box, ie fceteerieng mifehief in every direffieon ; which A Ewes to traduee virtue,’ whichitc:m11ot re- Afl3mbI€.3 7 ar1dAwhicl1eean find confolation, 0.11%" lyirithe prof’rrationef~a11 principle, and Orv eA.ier?=AAee’I‘hat I our iflumienated cduntrye can be extenfive1y‘corrupted, v by diforganizing ef»-.4 forts, however: in fidious 5 erg. that the people 0f the United Astates, can ever A be g11iltyofA exacmmoues ee folly of A fuAppofiAng, that they, their goverrimem; haAveaA Hivided intera.» weft ; until fome total xeevoliztionbee Aeffeéfed, ‘I have, indeed, noidea. Equa1IyconfiAdex1t I am,than, A A Q 4 A e “ As «thepure %1impidA%f£ream; when foul with fleing, A A "Of ru{l1inAg torrxents, am‘! defcending reins, ~ ~ A - ff Woer:kseeeietf-elf ecleargg and; as] it; runs, m_fin»es;ee A f"Ti1l, by degrees,iethceefloatingmirrorfllirxes, A \I e A _ * ‘E Reflefis ,eqch‘flower,AAthai onAAtI1ebeofdei*grows, A AA AA W“ And” a new"heave~n;e in eitseee fair bofom; {hows :eAW e A the adrr1i11if‘crA21tic§nAof fermef, A A A prefeng. Supreme EXecut7iA”sfie, *wi11,. Permit me to add. Is‘ * n<:A>t*A in*xportant,,AAA W“ -J, “ V “ _ w r 3: . ‘ . 5 H. .‘ ‘V, 3 “ \ I ‘ L ' m , ‘\-‘*‘ “ “ e e‘, ., \ ,\ r 4 - re‘ ‘ ‘ “~ “ g “ AA “ A -> A‘3‘ ‘ ‘ v ‘ I \ ' A, A . . 2 w ‘ , en ‘ ‘ Ann ,0}? .5 ., ‘ 37 §;11~'i’iS,i)f‘(l)girs%iiS, corhpiete1yAcieé.’mfeitfeif mm aliithe fltains of a flanderous imputation; and A appear, eventually, with Lmbor1'owed,AAamj1 unpoliuted purity. Yet, thecaiumny, which is p<:mred’forth,a midi mofl unrefirainedlyg fromiafome «of the prefles, "in~t*I1i’s ’country, is an iizjury, a mifc/Jig‘; and a pgflz'Zeace,iw1iich the lovers of our country, and of virtuemari-4 not but repel. A A “ A A Finally: Let us ‘feel the importanc:e of ‘ a deep refpeéi: for the infinite moral Govemar cf the world ; cultivate an unaiterable reverence ‘for the inf’citutions0If hiswAorfl1ip 5, and adopt, in our praéiice, that virtue, which the laws of the univerfe prefcribeg, giving full credence fa the maxim of wifdom, that “ Rightreoufiiefs A exalteth a nation; ~%but,% that fin. is the re... A preach **QfAa1'1y peeplef’ A iUnder,his iiiaufpices, we maygi1*denthcarmoref arefelved {elf A defence, andirefi confident, that nothing can defiroy us, but our ci;*imes~, or that divided. eovvardice, which is prepared to refign iatiie moi’: enviable enjoymerits, liberty, property, conifeience, yea, the laft drainings of [the cup of eomfort, to the mandate of a rnercilefs tyw-» » raxit. A cowardice, Which, thanks to Provi, i V A denee, 3% dance, is fcarceee in America; and’, W1‘1ere’it exiLfcs,e is an exotic.weed,, not the indigenous produficien ‘ of o1i1r_ generous efe~il.e May an oppofite patriotifin. {well every breafc ! May e=1:heenamee%Ae.of VVASHINGTON make us 3.“!- afhamed to retreat f from the mmparts of our ¢:ountry’s fecurity! And, though danger may be gbeforee us, let us meet it with firmnefs ,; always remembering, that “ Dulce at decommz £y’z';bra*pm‘rz'zz mam‘ ‘;”’* that IT IS A GLORY FOR .e.~FKEEMAAN, AND A CHRISTIAN, To DIE FOR. ms _cemN:mYe In *He0RACE,.