PRON0fiNcEmW#* 1 - ‘ \ V ‘ ‘A , V ’ .‘ ., _ 3 ~ . % . g. H , v ‘ a.‘ - ‘ . ‘ 1 M , , . ‘ ‘ ,‘ , I :, \ \ ‘ m ‘_ v \« v ~ ‘ ‘ ‘ , ‘ ‘J. , - . ; 1}‘ .. a. W: ‘-9 A’, r -w - mp‘ 34/“ ‘ “ ‘H: ' ‘ya. u...‘ 4 ,." -tn " ' “ _. . r A‘ m. d’'-:‘‘‘ .,. 5 fl ,-v u. _‘ r , ". RwEQ.UEST av%Vm I {I .‘ , ‘ A T O r N .( or 0&6‘. A .. a. nu ‘ ‘ . ‘ . ‘, .5 ‘ " i ‘W ‘ . ,. mu. _ ‘- .« ‘H4 . . ,, ‘W In ‘W ‘.55 $ commuEMoRA¢figfi ‘ A 0?! rMg;”_% .V A A A; Nw I‘ LE N V Y 9 my I ‘ -_ , , ‘ ‘ W ‘ . ‘ \ W A ‘ V‘ 1 ‘ w~W_ as n!_ ‘ ‘-1.; W’-' ‘, ,‘.“ _ ‘ ‘ , . ‘ ' -I ‘ ‘. "y, m“ M; ‘M . 3 "@"'u, T‘ N us." .. H n H ‘ ‘ ‘ > u ‘.‘ I‘ ‘ ‘- '4‘ ‘ ‘w ‘ 1" ‘ ‘ ' ‘ “‘ ‘J \ ‘ w ‘M . ‘ ‘ I A F ‘ T, v ‘fl \ J ' 1 1*. ,,. ‘H “ ,9 I w I ‘ ‘t I \ _' N ‘ - ‘ay ;;,,., ‘L-4‘ . ‘ s. w- .; ‘M ‘n n .. ml 4: a ‘ ‘V ‘u H‘! ,. ‘ . . ‘ ,\ "w ,-‘ ‘ ‘ “ ‘ ‘-,u r r _ _ , ’ . , ‘ , . w r.‘ \ . . . _ M . ‘ , . ‘ ,y A 5 . ‘ ‘ ‘ I , ‘ , W ‘ ‘5. ‘ ‘ ‘ " “ “ , " ' '4 h ' .;\, ..yM . 4‘ “ V t u“ n , « . TANT'%3 AMERICAI;IWI’u1\TDELI’E?§I}i3I5‘iNCE» " on 5 cou1d:?VI:w;;mi‘%p AA%aughx4A4b¢nW§h. ;1;ehe flaim; ~ That cafth Mhmzh feacn, or fancy cou1d‘Vifdevi%fe 3;. Thine: a1t*£i%f‘,;i“%i'aLc;:ad L13 x£V%I%s'1“¥,%«;fl:}01-Eh’-1 figand* . ‘ M Built by '50 mflrfiéflfifi ~m'>“1£‘a1‘ hancla A % With fragrant turf,‘ and flawera as w_‘1d.;u_1,d; fair % as even; u_r3,x*cf§.’d :1 bank, or facntcd fummer air. : “ v w, n we 1‘) ‘ , 2) 0 sA¢a~ N \ C.§3W’FERa A .mwNW&Ad¥aa47m smmAAA mr BENJEMIN. 5DEd% ,mWWmMwfiM¢ %afi §’i:mg¢f £3: Fra:fialJer.3yflAagJ «War In}}a5irVmt.¢ “tfiw % Tdwn of BOSTON, July gtikliiftd ma’ laga-'!.fy warned, Vim fm§lf;§»Ta‘wm’§,xW¢:5iflg .; fiém lgyl-Ag: Fan§;;(M1i1«}‘Ia13A3W’A~ 53; 'I'g¢y%§{xr_gAMh WJr;;.AaA AN“-'~:;‘r.A ‘ fie» AR» 3 V Q E at A». ::‘x»A..-~" ‘#\‘é‘ Aw"! ‘-31% M“ “ M ‘I WA p 5$:%A $7gTcTM$%#¢ Afiw-%an&“‘¥§‘ere Iyare apéa‘ A ‘*1:-3'm%«'ec1 a Committee to wait gr; % Hj0HN CJLLENDER, J 1g. and in thewfiame «af ::hc‘ Town t_n thank him for the 17p i;a-it¢=d.,A:=1nAAd* :A¢1"A,¥=gM£ QRATAK thA!A8.. D%:@y,:;.cm1i;szemed V .‘w,MA.~~ 4; ;, ,,¢A‘_ ,*&,. A‘,..‘.. A. ‘Q|f“.A W‘ AA‘. A ‘ A L MA.A3 Au *AA' '. '-* ~ .a- A-‘LA. Aamfit. max, at t'h<:Req.ue“fi: of the Town, upon the Am»: 1v“zxs.m.. N Am: 073 THE INDEPAEMDENCE,_oA1rAA;r,g;~In Uz uTxe:nSTA1~g3 Q13? A Ah/1ER%ICA-9-win Which, according to” t;_h¢*gnWA__}:1_fiiit3,;g1tion of the Tqwni «tit!fi§cfgd:?£}1e§“AAA4Fee}mg-3, §I§{Iatw,‘iicr’:s,A‘a1'£Ad_ Pri_rw, A A gciples whic 4 led to that great National %Event-nmanci £0 tie;*.-.a§*A:A~% A AT¥:Y%A«=P;°:1%$%A AAA;?*#%9#%fi #5?!’ “"qufcfl'. af him 3. Copy thereof ftwi the Prcfs. M Amzem A A A,,_W1*,LL§AM,A CQAQ1‘:AAER.AAA*Tow-n.A.<:1m~k. A Q‘; A A A A A A A fipww‘ (F ‘ ,‘.y A ~ any W» m:. M wnum ,pAA ‘ “Iv-V“V "W “,3 4: ‘M my, 45: Ag,‘ ,_9,[.»A cg W ' " 1-‘ 4» '- up ‘A V ‘~ 7 ‘ A : ‘‘,‘,,‘w,_»ArAAAA_‘f*A 2‘ ‘%,Ji'H‘lU:VI:‘ 3* NA ..A. 1",); luv «u “*£mAAA..:*AA ». .41. {iv A3» A ‘v:wA-Vi H M $3‘. ‘ ATLEMEN % H % ~~~~~ c----.m.....-~"“"' ‘ A “ ‘ ,,‘ Amu " ' “” A-lnA"=”"'?A «vs-z<,.~A~ ‘mm Agmms filo-<“A“‘t‘hfl‘" Bmfs, umAoR.1m:17AAzAAMAAAAA{§»mchAAwaAs yefterw A V day» h<_01mr’d with %their%cand»id Aatténtion. , .- ..-gm“ sA»,A-AWAAA 7 $sLVg¢a~4;mz «-5.303 A -k"':‘ .....a .A A A with ra;g;;imp:g:s b£’«i*"iir£15c6_kfu1' '¢:caia.F;;1"é.2x4‘a»4;*i‘a_:ni AA -‘ A ‘- - ‘ ‘y “ ' ':A«A"\' '1‘ 1" *'*w « .3 . . " ‘ T ‘ 9 , ‘A - my «A A ‘ A M ‘ v \ M ‘ I by , _ A “ ‘ ‘V ?':;...“'.L..x;.‘L.'*.";.;‘2“:.'.‘.“A.«AA..I“ ~ >4‘ 1:1 V‘.' "' y l ‘ .4 ‘ A A as; A A A A ~ A 4 V * ~ A-.- -~ ‘ Io.‘:4w’\‘ff'ApV‘“1"‘:~,AY':‘ ‘W "~.‘“Wl &.1'1*\VUVI:"‘:. 4 '1‘ V‘- si. g ‘ 7 A‘ ' A ‘ 1 -‘ - "4' A-Am: firm’ ' .~‘r' A ‘A2 ": I .‘ ~ A A 1' . g r " " V’ “A ‘W’ W» ~-*' *3» 41‘ W‘."' M “W 4:: ''" AV A - ' ' \ AA ‘ ' ' ‘ - ‘A ‘ A .. AA A AA ,AA.mAurAAm0 om mm: A A AA A I A A “ " A ~_. 3. A. «AA V ~ ‘ ‘u “ "“{“‘Tv"“V ‘ ‘ AA ‘ A ‘ V ‘W -AA.»-M u » A : "A r A’ u; " A ‘ ‘m ‘ ‘r A_“w;“'- «g ¢qA -A " M W d. A. ‘ “ .2“? ...‘ A.:.*uA3""ywA—" ~.~A.:' .A'.. A AA A . .1» , . ‘U >4-.\VF‘n“" ~ ’"““\“‘V .,,. ‘V Fe1Alfic3.;;w—C:iti.2:cns,;A% L»QV"\wJKA1. ‘ A..A_. , A ,......,,v um , ,_., i 5 H %mm '.dilig¢z1‘§fY%;.4I A"f«i>x&~A thew authVo rig}; _ p@{ccied‘cnt, it); A fame fi°“AV¥h«:.P1‘0Pri¢t¥ of awféV0'ri¢cA%4iiIeafur¢4 3 bt1 t W Irgvolupion \}v‘%hw%ic”hpr0&u¢cf:. Af‘%'1«?i‘??%‘=1?€‘3~:fi”?d Opirliom V~'hi9h gave f birth¢% ro;¢VitsAv;~V Md me w<1=»ciI*iw<=e wf 0.11’? twvrsnrty wars afifvrdfi -fiz}44%a:np1m:onvi¢ftim th3t:t%M,fRirit~:IW'3?iCh é3?!Vi¥T1W*% '1efi%n¢d: In oupvicw Vitfi.4Winéf7cim}a.bM1"c:Avaluc, ; Thofc tcfl'imCo,-~ Z A ni£wf4liv61sxfe¢o11et%i>n4W'hi¢h1mWmMii’¢i W11‘ 4 fJcVc%m’Ii$v¢ return A of thi§TV3.2m;§::‘;::‘fTicmA t;o~t}"1¢ tfpeaker of the rAef:-.-ntd;1}7. Bu: we jams fgnigzizy 5%‘ thg goccafion and the V ifEXp‘1'Cfl~If‘V(i <::amc34or ~wh icI; bcitms from e_very AA comm - aemcg infima mg that ih<:A févcrity %otd¢;1:gcirm W. m _ ‘ 7‘ Hum‘ » W ‘ ‘ . , ,‘-_ ‘_‘ 3‘ H‘ h ‘ ""‘?"‘ "*'AAA"“ ‘ ‘ "J", ‘ .‘..“‘ “"A ‘ ‘ A M ‘ ‘ THEAE4 AA3A32A'1I‘CfL‘11”.A rpz:-it re1ig"iousA gsertccmion A wh-Ecfi chafea tgr¢fazhcrs¢ fmm the AI?AAa1jid qt‘ Ihéir nacivny,‘ccmpelledthem m tAakc1'efi..zAge in me» diam %“an-d~ t:a‘ver§15S3’»‘A$A”AoF% a AA wildcrntfswgrcazly preferring the Vinh0f;$itz{B1Ae iiévildw a—f%AAmericAa with ‘ frcedcmi Aof fe¢ntirfienr,‘VJ»t"c2 theluxurious abodmof‘ wIAtAiva~tcd Europewhen7 ihacklcd bykoppreffion. .I+Ie.~r~:é:‘ than we di£?:6Ave1*%4 the f.Jurt:e~ frond which 4 A A m*feA E15351:dc:1i*caAcj*AAc:ffAfcééIi%ngs,4 that pu rity of {man--- A mars; Mzha%t«ri~g.I:d% ixwfiexibility cfi principles which ~ g3v¢4 Wgavic birth mour admirablc ‘1fcpuAbii«::. Dcgcnea mm indccdi imuft have been theirofi'sprimg§ hazfl they fufiéxsdighc haindqf tyranny, m flsiflc iniifiaix T V ibréfoms, zthewiglowing pirit of fuck 4 prngenitom, It Wgrciicedlefs to repeat the vayious perils which A A" ‘our fcttlcra enéountcrcd in tlmir ix:;.fantcfmb1ii1;4... men: ;A to dcfcribca Warfare with the trcgchcrmug inhabitant of the woods, novclin its mammr, and Criufil in its «:,£ci%;nd ~a%ff0rd rim: an infiamaze of a fé«v01Au$ti%aVn fo im;.:o11rang caf... fcfticd with fa few eno?rrni§ti::m. To rim“ w'if:a: p[=m"-~ %?,1ifinns ofo_u4r vencrzzble":fa1'efathe.rsfarc we%indcb1;L... ed for futh f11uraryc‘fi"m€ts. J The%ir‘€,arIy cfl%ablaVim;... .rfie3n1:s for thbeducation (:31-"V youth 1'e:t3‘dt:%rcic;1~t:h»if:o A‘ ::"it:‘:ii?nment of know1ecigecafy to “the pooreft memx... I bér tlaecommurfiry. A %Hem:*c tAhé:i%rA rightsxwrc clearly unidcrfw’m0d, rm: blefiings of genuinclibcrty _A .«aVrdt-ntfyypurifhcdwand the vi‘fi0na,ry Wanderixigsof 3.tsp}1a.mm1 mcifi; A jucliciou{1y”avm1dcd.'z* ‘ M. AAOR A Ti 0 N.l ll tr: Trr.A.'rlour revelutienlwas fo littledifgracedf by cruelty and injufliee tlnttcht alto «is fine to the exetrtiens of rourlclergy, anti iris r‘Wlt'l1 pride 1 here oflrerwlmy humble EWri'bm’t¢‘0f‘ap'P1‘a‘u;f€:lItO that ‘éievout arid lC3£1In€Cl~pr0~f€LlllOn» The holy precepte Ofpur religion which tltey limtulcated, and me bright examplesfof vit'tue which tl1ey»exhibited, gave them a great and merited influence with the people. To their eternal honour be it recorded, V were infi‘uence\e:terted on the fide of A liberty and lnzmanity, in a great meafure rreftrained thofe wild excefies which have too frequently blalled in the execution, at cttufe defigned by the neblell motives of the humzm mind. rHAv1e;srerrobtain’tl the glerfiotts ebjeaflt of our contcfl, and wrung from the govcrnr1}y"ent0fllGreat Britain, a tardy and relrutftzmt A aclttxowledgmcnt ef‘ tour Independence, theperimdlwtl1icrhel%refl'or’d peace .“nt,‘0“0‘ur nation wasreplete Alli.) twitlt‘draxtger. The: tfyflfem or _Fedcmtion which lltatllztxifwered every pttrpofe wlhrilewe were under the impreflionof 3 A l foreign foe, was founcl tetal 1y inatdequate _t;a the intention; when tlmt powerful ineer1titre:;to union, was remove-d.« 'I1h;€ llIllCCdW’ifClOII1 or the mxttinent was tltererfére fummoned ta) devitfe .3} qmrore eligible “pltm of lnatiotral government. A The praduétlen of this: laflenlxbly of {ages were A ,9.‘-.4 mcafi ag10omo’e1f_ the b:ig,h: profpcfls of our A *m721st}';a.fhsnp§:§y crzzmbination of “liberty andmg, the Irfiedeml,%Confiitution, undervvhicI1 we now iéexifi ;%a wmfk, which would have addedwsputation ~mthe%cha%raéier of a Salon orLicurgu.~:s.. And 4 x;mdc:r% whofe gmaial influence the United ?S:ate s lmvcf advanced towaud wealth and: lpxvfperity, with a rapidity xxncxamplcd in A th;e annals ofthc woridg. % Ban’: while we contcnipiatc with unfcigned joy ‘ ¢ the aufpicious eifecfis of our revcalution, we came A not but obfcrvc with the mat} painful axaxictyg that that mad fury’ of Empotan politics 1 threatens ' %p01itica1%hori';,a12dtoinvoive us in theAcaIa.m~ imus dfinfizquczxaces of :1 war which hath already dc;*I ugfi de ""b‘1o5d 7Vj the Vfaircfit qfliiayrtéfs of 3V the: M A A "globe%.§;—-gT11e1*efufaIof France t0’wrem:iv‘c»Our%n1ié-~W A nifl‘cr,~and herH1Jnp1‘0vOkcd dc?-prcdationson our A c:on1njs:rretEachL1s% thedin7f’cr*uc‘%ivc Wlcfibn, that na?-4 A ’ tiitsnztl friendflzipg and national partialities ¢gxm: tmly in the diflemperéd imagination of*the cm:h%u..... , 4%Vfiafl‘ic theoriih. A Thisco11dué‘i: is notonly a&vio1a-»% ticix of the law of natiozw,but»M;m% ir1fi*aeSti01i Csf A T tréaty mm fI:>1<:;rnmy ratified betw:'2cn us. Thct reafbf1“aifigI1’d fur fagch vio1mt’Qu1’rag%cs is but an AjA7agg19a‘mtdion ' of the im{‘:.21;«.md 'mu"It %4?c:{(:~i%%tc the ink» A ; Adignatiozt moRA’rreN.. M3 fiigmztion of every American who has the difcernw merit to perceive, or the fenfibility rhattcan feel; the wounded hcmor of his c0untttry.~—-~Much has been faid ofrhe gratitude clue to France for here aiiiflance in the glariotzs revolution which we sea» V lebrate." The motives mi this alliflance it ie urine-== C’ell'ary' to develope. But the creditwhich {he ‘would derive irorn it, is juflly loft in a fyfiemaitic‘ and infidious attempt tr) create dilienittions _be«~= ‘ itweentlue people andconflituted authoritiee of A i cur country;-mfilo indivicluals of the French rm-A-» titan we are indebted for great and important fer-~ vicee. To the armies which fought our {ides we feel fcntimenrs of" grateful acknowledgment; nor flmll the injufiice of their country ever banifb, ' em V ]Cl§"l.ll1"-Jmiit1d"SMt‘h¢‘ 1" weer retnetir1br:t,1i1lt:s:,i.Q£thfiir gajllant deeds; Wltile Frenchmen were contendr-e ingrfore that liberty,wl1ich we foeminently enjoy, ‘ however we might difapprovethe means, Pcfill tone the grand principle we Mwiflted them efucccfs “wiel lW(i‘rt'3‘l2l'1v~.':1‘l1‘ friendsl in reality not by profeffion, but A V W their atremptto influence and cliflrtwcottr coun-‘+“4 A cils,l1a‘s made ac ravage in our friendfleztipthatz e eatxmot cafily be forgotten. As an iinilepenrlent M A i nation, ithe irefpolnfibility. of our rneafures refle A Withus. “ If we/irzrrr rommftrrdi error: and Mafi- rmr déwzatgflrazad we _/Mil Ea wiiliizg zn1;a:~;-;,:r : V A ” ii 73 ii rzirrwrlg 14. A A “O” R A T I Na A Mm: Awefim/6 :z’0me4 injarfag, we flsall 51: willing, cw ::mviz@‘zfa7¢,tMecirqflst/§wm,”--~but the gmzardiam A ;@}f¢iou1rAmvz14 honor we Acan%noAr,, will mt, tamcsly A fubmsit no the impctztious %dic‘37tarm of any foreign Eg3QW€ 37¢ 7” A4 A Tzwsn rmzive principles of liberty, w’hi«:hcfia~ bIi.fl1c+d wi1Iprotekiitour i11dk2pcndr:11cc: and canvincc: ‘the i:nrriguihgA politic3,Aof every nation, that be... #m-em {hie people and government of America» tI1,::mis not‘ thcfhadow of dM’cincSi‘ion4. Hmmvm maybe the event of negotiation, Iaov(mvc%r%;dcfiro11s%to mai11tain pimtce and amity with jflicflcnch %Repub1iC, 11:111. it becromesus to be pm- pamzdfor a1l~?evcnts, and if the flld alternative muff he unqualifigzci §,;bm)$iflEoz1 to their will or oppQfi~ A flan arms, Iwi;.L1 mm: iAl1fL11K'Ch¢- Ipirit and bravery Maf%myVcoun;try”xm:n% by a doubt uponthcir clxoicem A A A :ffl%-I1 &AV&:fuAbj',fi€t :fl1i:k¢At]E_1is, war flmll all be unitech AA.way,the:1 with tlifg ridiculous diftin