PRUNWWWCEM 4“?-mi ' ‘gm ‘ n- M m- is %T_TMH u R astmr‘ '21:‘);-mag’ T7?" 3§", 353%“ W96» Mlffrfia Sefefimarz qf .Béfl6w¢ _ % from Heaven, on the 4th ofjuly, I776. '"' T is now acktlonvledgcd as a. fmflz in pm litical bi_ography, that Liberty dcfccnded W/V6 are affezmblcd on this day, tlw 1:wcmtieth %ax1niverfzary mfhéradvcx1.r, m fympathife in thofc fplczztfurrss which none but fme1nex1 can enjoy _:;--- - to Exclimfi tiwfa murwfi cm:-9:mLa,£i¢9nsxA$Axmzczz ~ “Eur &frE€%mTéfiA4can c:><:p1'ef:s. V '1":-m firft promulgation oftheGofpe1o;fLibczfty, was the declaration of Ammfi%ca%n independence. Her apofiies, the vczacrable Co11g1'efEx*, whof: rupdc: o7fcvang‘Vclizixag, made many 21 F elixtrcmblezz-, fmlcd thadoom_.,am:1 ifilaed the deathmwarrant of Defpot-— ifnrr. Thc me2fure% of her iniquity was filled up :: ha dezcree was gone furth, and Americans were clarified by G06, to redeem from bond»age, the miferabic vicftims of arbitrary power. But it ‘W04u1dhavc been of no avail, far them to publifll V A to O {S AN 0 R£‘}.,T I_QO1“-2*Z. to the enflavcd the beauties ofF1'ccdorn, de»fi'criVbp: her charms, and urge “t‘ne..c‘iuz:y of pofi'efi"mg her, while: they, thcmfelves, were declamd by an :16}: of %‘£.:hc2 Britifh légiflafiure, liable to b:?: éazwcfen tfée wiii med M1/I25 af 7z‘Kz¢‘ Z51/erbem*ii:ag' kimgdomh “‘ 11‘? ALL CASES kw-:ATsonV*%A3R..” They Vdéfdayizzedam incoxufiflzcncy of cha1*:;.cEbz:r :-—--"they préfentcd the world with a g_lo1'ious exazrxxple by efibéiitag theix." own emancipation; “ ‘4 'i'és , my i'£:lAlo"vv ciountrymcn You ,ir1d~ig~Vna11t1y ifefufifcd 22 a:'bagfeft“1bmiffiozi fJ:o thé xzfiirpation of Great Britain,“-mtlae impdfitions 9_i‘_iif:1' parliament and me ix1i"o1«:-:11ce csf her nxinife. try. After opp4ofim'g,rcafo11i11gNa11d.3rgL1Amcnt%tdA Ezacr zzbfurd pmtcnfions and dEg11i%fied.remonPcra11cé ‘:50 her unfixfiifiabzlc Acncrmchmtsrnts,‘ the folemrfx fipz ea} was made ml"-3§cave11«-mtihe {word wag drawn; and the onccinfeparabléa xic cf c0nncC.."io11Abe-+v twtien the tWoACm1r1tri es,Revered in twain. Th€*;% mig‘nt‘y“‘ blow rfé pznyemitacd €AXg’%?£‘ti;(:{11S tag promote the A public profperiiy, entitle Vthézn ‘:0; our firmefl: confidence and Wa_ImePc gr:' At;iAtude.-mg‘ %;Vli,121;1i<; Gob !Uniti%ngiz1 the celebration of thig annivcrfary, I behold xmuay of th;ji1[Iuiu"tx'ic:us r'cm.¢.” mam: off t§'1.€*lf§.' band of patriots, my./}'1;<:),; Vc§V'ef;r3ifi"ng dm.r3.; gm‘ and death, dctermfi.ime«d to bej free or glurioiflly pcériih in the: Caufcf.» Their: courltenzmccs bcanwag inexprefiiblc-ct c3::*1ight--quAr joysr azjc increafed by Iheisf prefcnéc, our mpturcs are l1eig;l,1rc*1‘}ec5 itay; xheir pargicépatimx. "1136 i’ec:1ings vvhicijg igzufpirczcgg Ighem in the l‘* times w_fi"zich trit:-c.1 n"xé:1“1’sA11ia111:~:,“{ are <:0mmL1z1’ica.tcd to our bofE.)m,s.7 WV: c:z~.w::h't£'1:: Ciivizw fpirit which 2'x1peU»t%';.*3 tIi‘?£*m%V$%ta bid dc.~fi;u1c:§‘ 22:1,» 1.}'_1m'3‘ cangrcgaiczd 3"::(;>fl" of}:_i«:::1"p0ts«; whAir:11.%cm1~r' 1§)VIcd. tl1c rxm1 tqdart the lightliixuégs mad‘ i"1ux‘l tang: bolts whichAth;2ir I7r:m1<:.'1in E‘E1£kd‘\VI‘C:fi’Ca’.'jv f'z*<>m j:"av}3’:sj fight Ifrggzécl, at th~.::i§~ prczvud ogp};>rc:IIZ)r:s am} rutiilcfs foes. We Ewezfn‘ to pz"cfl=:‘rvt:" the bIcflVIn&g;s fhcry nailed to gain, which they obmimrd by the zlmscflfiant labors of eight difircfsful yegm; §,_,_A,,__mA * Zh_t'£1§;1fi’1"iH.‘ to our pQf’ter1ty_.,our rights L1ndimi.t1ifl1r:c‘%f, Wf honor uzlmrnifhgcd, and our frcwdcm uzzirm. A P3;3%'*3"3~A~~ ‘ A A ~~ = A ‘ ma‘-it -« T AN 0; R A T I JO N. 13 1 ‘ ‘ ' ,Arr1mencounter1ng the Combined force of“ European ty1‘.=ir1ts'in the fié:+1d,i11 1783, the Claims o_f Americawere aciikriowlcdged, and her rcquifi... tious CwO1’Dpii€d”iWitl1, byithe‘fl’#"JitZrzlgzzcm of the Merfazrd mg’/Zmji of Me acemz. Britain,ihumhbi1ed and cxhaL1fl‘eti~—-worn down with the burthcn of ‘L an unf?uzcCefsf"uI war, arid bleeding with unnurn....' héred Wounds, yielded to the imperious control bfineceflity, and declared the thirteenh U11rit_§:dJ Statcis toihc: fr@c,Ibvereign and ifidcpendent.m-- Columbia, rmflincd at her cafe beneath the fhade hf hr::r“l:mrcIs; “I‘hc1*oIcs of peaqt: were interwow "ran iwith‘ the wrezuzh of glory that V encircled her throws.‘ The fword, which {he had wielded in the muflz: of Liberty was committed to the hands of Agriictxlttzrc, ‘zmd furmwed t we‘ ' \. H :.i.,._,',‘,,‘; ,v;'“ ,vw‘ to be ’perfi)r:nf1c:ci, other ciifiicultics to bu: vanquifl1—- hé foil fhc had f”ex'ti:}ig~ VA A V -i it A A 4 . iisutithcwvorkit Wvrts not zzccomplifhiedz other labors were: yet_ ad. During the critical’ time, when harmony of V fiffflltilliiffllt united the idiffcrent States ;--~Wi’l<‘3I1 they wcmj all cilgagecl in the attaiitnient oftl1ei1*frer:«& darn ;-----Wi‘l€11 all their intercflrs W'LE1‘{§ involved in the event or the confliét and the fuccefs ioftheir: grins, the old fyflfcm of Confederation‘ was adc» quart: to the purpofes far which it was inftituted. 1_3_ut, when dazngcr was over and ths ardcuti par... lg?-?1§K,Whiphinfpircd cfvery bofom fifith the gener... BUS; M. " AN OR A’Ii%.I 0 h%gIQ*.w' of fympathy gnd affefiion,---of xnanhw Vmmzsmge and fratermzglLffplicitmda, had fubfided, the; Afituation ofour ccuntfi} ‘§2msidifcove1"cdft0 be truly alarming. Having onccé £ufl‘2:re d fd %feve1‘c1y from wthm md af arbitrary pawer, the pcoplewere jeaf... Ems, men A we 4 .1‘111,.€rSf they %had a;:pc$intedA by :~thfliF¢vV%GWn;ffuficrageé.' But I xvill mm? axxhatgeém ~*‘?;hé: fcencis which folloxvcd, on that difafltmmns flare of America,.whiq11w Vwags remc-died%a10m by ,a.%%po'Mt»ica.1 remlution, ; more awozxderful t h.:m the £fiéms3guina1fy one, which ¢fi"¢¢”ced; her feparatiozn fijmm Britain; Tim Imrchzamt mcollcfiits his diiéa «smgantlcd ihipping and his. Lzfclcfs fi01‘es~m~t}%e hail? hxndmun, the periiheed prmducd of his fa,:~1*x1s+.-~« % flue mcch%anic, how idIs-:we1'e his tcm1s,%%%‘how*4fataA§. ' V:E1%i;c.; u:1avoidab1e7%Ieifu%rc.% white pinicms 0f A ‘€30/mm1‘mcrcc Wcrci fu:*1cd, and flu: %%%% ""§3E;?e;;:»t at: her ina... i7fii1ity towaft aver thcfitlazaticfs. w%.?mvesVthe luxuri... mat h*21rvef’cs of lmcrfiflzér Plenty”. ” ‘The dcbilitatcd 0 awn ctc1~c*:1tion of I113 States—---=-the ilzefficacy of an rezcommcndatory fyfiem, where: tha Obftinacy ~m[A*c%nvy of Qnc ix1f7:.ri0rVdep;u'tmcnt of go>vern«-- wme11t“«1couIVd put 2:. 11cgati\'evL1p011t‘im c«o11cc‘;”ted JAA*wif‘<;:3o1IiV of the union”----the abfoiutc;aknefs4a%z2c_l§ wmaminal fup1*ctnw:_y of Cm1grefs,L wérefaroduaftivé " emf uncdu%nted%evi1s, of“ Acontinual ja.rgm1 and per» >l§2Etua1feuds. And',% upox*L4~n*:inute infpeétion, thz; %%%%% 4% % whxc Hlfwfi M .; H‘ ‘ l Au 0 T10 Wlilole fii*u6’cu1*e of our national fovereignty--9-thf:l temple where were to refide the power and &ig..,.~ mity oftl1eUnitc:d»States,lappeared fo feeble, builz: of fuch flight materials, 10 difprop(:rtioned in im form, and incompetent to the defigra of its er§ec.... trion, that it was pronounced“ unworthy the trou"-» blc and expenfe ofalteratio11_or repaix‘, Tm.‘ decayixmg edifice was peaceably talascn c:lm>vln,bgy ecanlcmt of the people, and the-: nuajeilic fe1b1*icl0;fl 1:114: Federal Coanllitution, reared in its fiead. Sublimely tovvctrlng to the hmvens, its high dome Aecoincentmtcs the:-1drn.imti011 and applaufe of all the kingdoms and clomixmimasélo-f the cam. A Sup.-l ported by its maflivc: columns, it flmll fiand ulmulll llml<.en and uninjured, until in one general ctmu flagmtion the gr«;a%:%.A glcybe that we l inha.bit,lMfl1;l3»11l and of worlds l 7 “ablel r«u1n A of fU13_»5g* A A A 1v.r1«:m:cA1~m+ couldnot hefitatej inllltheir Choice A l ml" at chief magiflrate. From the calmlflmdesf Mciunt Vernon, callled bytluevolcc of his country, lie, whowas our ‘Cloud and pillar, during iourrl pilgrimage and Warfare, arolc to govern and guard us in peace. Every heart: lieatkt with‘tlranf«. port:s—--~»cvcry tongue hailed! himwelcomel, thr7i.c*c 2 ‘welcome !----§—U11derhis wife and unequaIIed’%“a_g:].. mi11iPcmtion,la11 ranks and degrees! at our fellow cilcizlelns. 1% V RN %O5 R A T Y O citizens I-me been happy and profperouks. TEE lofty ;pyramid% of American glory has been cam‘;- pleated. As our flruggles for freedom Weft unparallelled in their farce and fuccefs, fo our efenfe ofeits value has A been efiimeated and proper... tioneed.e T Weiheave fecueredit by the befi ei5ni‘Ei‘tu... tidn, that ever was d‘evifed by the wifdom” of man»; we Have defended it as well fmm f0z*eign inva... fioen as from the more dzmgermils attacks" of do’-— mefiic arxxlaitiorzf. And although :1 few afpiring; and difc0“ntez1teé“1’Ex'oti€:s%, have ibtxmfled the alarrrx. afid rung difmal peals updrl the Tbcfizx ;----the ‘real fr';endsA ta“ their country, hzive remained eafy and unahppztlled, grateful} to GOD ‘fi:i1' their fi’L1r1ie1‘l- ous blefiings, and indufirioufly Ia"b0uz*ing'in% the -. ‘ 4 -‘ "1 e ., ' mty and the field, to deferv“ee“andebe favored wxtsh '3. continuance ofrthern. fmd tliougil ing1'atitud'e has dared to impeach the mofi infiexibie integfii... ' my ;---utluough difappoim;-ed ambition Ems éenuitted all its venom to blaskerz the flzir reputation ofunu fiullied virtue; thcrugh the befi intentions Imve been naifreprefenzed and the noblefi mativesr afu. crfisaed to viler purpofes than ever were conceived‘ by a Clodius or a. Camline, the confidence of the.“ AMERICAN “PEOPLE A can never be % remover}, ‘nor their a..fFeé’cions diverted fmm theiVr long =-med, rheix.‘ hang Ioeved H I §f£I’eO‘N; A IV‘ not out ’”<:m1fi'e11ated% flag I AN 0RATION.+ I7 \ , _ As Americans we fhozfldbcjealeus of our na--. fienal chireéter; let us not preient it to the ‘beheld, colored with the mottled appearance which : wg11 be~giv¢n,'” by divifion of feelings, ‘difference bf manners éind a fervile fubmxffioxx Ed any foreign’ ixyfiuence. We lmvea right-—--a right edearliy pui‘_ ‘A; c:hai?3d-------vz71 right, which we might fooner diethan. 1jelinq'uifh, to sift, {peak and tIf1inl{.%fc)f 0urfe1evr:e..”;_-e Pofiefiing refources inexhaufcible, we can com:;*' mand the wealth of other countries to flow into «bur owndepofitories. Our long extent of flea; coat’: indented iwitli capacioue bays and numerous»: harbors ~----our ut1mez=1fL_1ra.b1e ‘interior te1'ritur_§r‘ I - interfefiefl withnavigable Rivers and fe1*ti1izing; « flreams, enfure fuecefs to the enterprizc of eCom..; A ' mercre, and an abundant reward to the~Iz1bo=;:s off’ ,,. ‘ ,‘ g‘ ‘H W ' _ _‘ ,9 W ,, 31:; M, .11”. .4 x,-,,‘ r x“ _ ,. ..:-5., ‘Y N \ A een borne E’ It rm been difplayed in Boreal blafis, it has‘bee11faz1nea:'2*«L “ the gentle breezes of milder elimes. A A , A AA « . A VA e V » Irw*ri;LLIcri»Nc1=i is the f‘ouI*of‘ eLibe1~‘ty‘. Im; j31*eEed witha due fenfe of this eimportant truth; eour ancefibrs infcituted "feminaries of learning, and engrafted ‘t1’1c% fcions of literature, ‘on; their palitical confiitutions. The venerable wazzs Of Harvard, are monuments 1215 their eternal Imnm“. An Amerieaxu, who can neither read nor write, is . “ ‘ , ‘ . . 1 C ‘ ‘ I‘ ‘ M. U! who ‘ ‘ V ‘ ‘ I ya‘ ‘HEN’ R’ A T 1 0 N; w 1 our hemifpherél Emi1igIm7entd; honefl, and in-‘-~ ciependcnt, the ciui2éns""of our populous tiowns,4thé: I ix_f1habi£ai1tsof**.>u17 vilkagés and nam1eras;;a&,m1om A and5determin$c furthemfelves; on fubjecih of thla g}rcat'ef’c%*rfiomzéjnt, A xm: A fuch prop1'iety,: ‘(Hat ‘thcf §?‘t>icc§“of” the“ Amc»rican“people,V may with ]uPric':e 3%: termed’ thevoice of Gad; Let us than be: A meric:~1ns; (‘Bur alliance will be cou-‘rted fo Imag- as w<:‘b<:~hav€‘ wiI'h*tha1: dign‘ificd‘5 r*eIcrve;,;v:rhic11 rcfufesr, a~E{ike;.,r to urge foreign‘ ihn:i1nacies>=*when4 trhe%y'a:re‘u11nec'efl'ary, and the adoption of foreign; princi‘pIc:s- and habits; Remote from the thcatrc: of European‘ C0nte’*:f’CS,We maypmfit by their vau- A riances without involxfivhg ourI'e1?vcs in-their wars‘; No one member ofthe great family of nations has". a right to interfere in our domeihc coxlcems, or I’0 impofc uponus pa1't.ia.1,% and jparticular c:>b1i-a gations. To Fr‘2m%ce,A We owe unbounded ‘grew mitudc. Vs/‘hen afl"‘2zI.1cd by the tempvcfis; and t0%£Te:& by Ishe" 1*Qug;h Billfmvs of Wa%r,»111c burft ixrall the‘: M A ‘radizmczc 0f hc“r power, upon our dreary fituatiom, and iilumCined' mur pmifagaé to the haven ofF1?ee.... domcw-Ah 3" Dow:- not pay the tributary figh tow the mcm%orie.e* of thofc: %G.=.1l1icw heroes who%felAl4it1‘ mxr ca;u‘fi:,0r have been facrificcd, the viéicims of 4 gmx'oI_;1tiona:*y rage imthat country‘, for xvxhichfihczzjr A?**’=~>uIcz n.m c1mcrmll;r flmd the Lam dmp ofmeir blood 3‘ as rare :1‘ phénbménon as the vifit of a{i:on1et' ta?’ M 355 :T N» rm ylblood ? C:m.\v.e .check the tear ~that%'Gmtitude claims, when in mournful idea, we vifi‘t%the ffiungeon of ;F m12*rrs ;1lnd_1ifiAenV to the clanking ‘ while pf hisc:ha.ins ? ‘at I’Aforbea;r¢;—e~17{ranc;c ap:,_1cngfh gfrgéwfmview lmjr rifing from the g1oomWsAwhich*'had §;fl'o?1on%g lowered arouind her-1-a-blackened ;_herflprof-«% pecfks, and eclipfed her glory, and fplflndigi _wi}:_h. Awthc Ifmbouénded cfiulgenécwiof Libértygl } A ‘F01; “Britain, wcVf;:e1anx$;ous as patriots éintl A §n1eu.~ Her fuccefs would fcrve to incrcafc the pride W of:he.r§n1inifi1'y, and ftwngthen the armof groyzgl ,f)rCl:Qg§itiV€{. ; %I-ier fa,1l-»wouIVcnlfqbjuga,tcwm «l::raAve% no 16-1:0 Afomi n dcnminatiom. Britons are valiant and eniightcned 3; we Arefpcifif their w.=ji1jt;L;_gcs_., we love thc amiable traits inf theiér ;chaAra&cfr.,. . ~ yfléifl 0; rd; % Alas %_.'. Th%c':% pmfpciflz » Vicpf which‘ 170 lately glinxmcgfcd in the political ” ~‘3hof‘i2tor§ i;;: Vvgnifhcd and gone 3. Again lighn. gymgs mag, we t¢_13¢uncfl:;=:1fsiV%rc'_>1i--g~2>a.Jr_¢1d t-he mmpem 5wvi1d1y rag¢s4Vcvcr W1‘°t¢hW1 Etfirope. waits Livurariora incaICunla,blé, dcfolzgzting in it; cou4r1'c_:’, ayfld tfgefi filcfis in its progrefi; ! Mayfliue guardian "God of A Co»- gumbia preferve our land from the ravagcAof thc: "3, and £11.: fury of the conflicftinvg élcménts Q i?VWc*1am¢nt the ncccffity at a m5fi0RAT10N» , . Wanna:-want 3 T0 {mm 63 imzty wizfi Britain, was 427;: eom'c:?/f§§{- A of mztzbmzl Ngrfiz‘ : The mférits or demerits‘ of that meaty, ax-c_fi;b_je«..‘£s, which ldci not feel myfelf wa.rra,;1tcd in ccmfidcring oijgthis day, when the h:;rc%11ct of E?2:11'I'y.fl:iOl.§1d be bufied, whey; fratarzmag pp. w_1%;;';>vc, 2},§uicongen.ia%11:y%0f feeling, Qught to glow} in every bofum, and bfighten every couxatenzxncci .May its effcafis be propitious to our commerce: H May the Aconviéiicén that the dicitatés of pm. W . \ dzwtej are imfinitdy méwe wdrthy of obfervancm _ _”i:wh?%an theft of R.efi=m‘7Imzz‘,%' induceflan un'ifi{€rfi11 ac-)5» quitfcrncein the proceedings of our COnfi'ifl1tiifl(.1 fiuthoritica Z‘ AMmI<;'A.Ns E V’ 1.’ Ta preferve, to perpetuate the indcpexzdepqq t»f%’ourAc/011nt1'fy,%%,is the duty, not only of som-W civil-' rulers, ‘but of every individual.‘ Much dlcpendgs; frequc:12t1y; upon the exertions and dcfigns of a» A fingIc'n‘:e§1nber of fociety. The fate of Empircs"“' h1a"s”been dc:cid<:‘d A by an afpiring dcmagogue, ms“ “air: am“biti0us'hero 9, A M A V INTRIGUE and Fzacfiioaj, are flu: inftrurxjenm *w‘nic11 defignixlg and artful than employ to pro» daze théfé deI’pmC:'%ion of good government, and V the ‘ * < ; At; R A ~<’I' I O N’; til? we ccmfiaqxmnt axtnihiiaticn of order and of 1:5? Wheat‘ thufi: imfetmtl agents, are at twork, he who bcilmvs loudtzft for Libtrty, izttends‘ to ‘bathe tyn- tant: in %ch_.icf.. ALB: u“sAbe‘jea1austof thofc Stem-»+« proniim-ummzmtle their nkfiatrious il1t€l1ti0nS;"aI1d“t éozttrittcc them of the fallacy of their hopes to ;t?f1"{3t€ttIttfii*’ptrrp0i7t2S« in the Itxidft of an eulight-5 tnedpcogleq AA ; ‘A ‘ 5 %" “ ’ A A Txttxm: at we11~1*cgu1nted militia is pccemiry Wto; prcitecft anti“ frtzcdom and out lmppinefs ; ta guard “fl‘”1ttC'I'I1p1€ ‘0’f' Juflice front the outrages; of that '1:tw?u3>1E-;;a%ntd "ab:51nti0:1ed,ttttand to ‘wreak the Vfin-5» rgeatxica 0f'fl,!“li11fuIt€3d amdpqwcrful nation upon tht: infolextt invaders of ourqfoil, isa truthttoo gcntmtlly acknowledged, to re-quire antytfuppott; {and hardy yéo?mztrzry,qf’ci~c:xt1gzmd vigotous, com.. pubic tin ztrtny, wh0['c force would be at irrefifiible, as theirlmtrcd oftyrancsisuficonquerablc. MDif-5 ciplincd zmd pa,tr*iotic-—-thcir foldierly appear- {2mccwou1d‘mz;xkc the flavesm” Haifa: or WaItd¢ck Av strcmhlc, thficmgh 'thof:‘: wretched yhirelings have ‘hot fcnfe to difcem orrcfpeét the: ardent virtuq ttf their tlzttintlcfs bofontst AMEZi'Ifi'A,{_ ‘ k _M_ ‘ ‘,.W“..“:\:‘.‘.,‘.,,¢.f‘, ‘Q1 ‘. ‘WE, ":‘()¢ ‘ .. v;fl;‘vx‘£;-;mq;g;\~fi»«rw».v:-‘wqfim-e“:hmwuo.;;.;«.t‘V _ ‘ V ‘ ., ‘ a W“ » v w ' ' 41‘ ‘ t -Y M g » t . fit‘-A %_ t t .. ‘ .. 1' lave \‘ ~ - H VI"A .. ‘ , ‘ ‘ , V A‘ 5- 1" > \ , “ Wm Am 0 R A T 0 N34 hum-«um .p1*1.iiEd‘Ta7‘130C1§3 yQf.;v;i€m1fy,.t:hc~:%ofi»lyV and fai4rcVficu1*¢£_?1¢~ g-;-mzev of 31‘ yjluxfrx gf 0ppfCfi‘C€1,--:_-f:« p;~reFs:ntsLft(3 1:;‘fiéVvo%ridVa+21 .objc-49: a>;<;1.;Vn*r1i1fiati.0r1¥........,%V ”mLfi1periorbeings aiubjcét tqr *appIai1f¢.~g-alndée mnd¢3nt“~a~nv3 v%fz:w-wfnew iVs4=f1-1% 66*: W %n¢>:V¢A2fi? eaftihi {hall held her A eafy {xv}; And maxi forget his brother man‘ to flay~'-- 4 To martial; a .rt$3§ fl1a~1*l milder a~rts«* fuccecd 5; Who&bIVefTcstnofi,fl1a£I‘lA ga+i~n me immortal mead.’ The eye mf Pity {hall be’ p-2:’-i11’d= no more, With "Vi<:5?‘ory’s crimfon banners fiain’d with~g0%n:m Thnuglorious wracome‘ !A%Ha%iI= blic:flE:d,ti=mcE % when fuH_or-b’d F1*eedom fl1a1‘I§ u¢ncIo:uded {hing When thcchafie Mufes cheri1h’d by her rays, In olive groves fihall tune their fwcetcfc A IE1yS*---‘Na ’ When boumcoua Ceres fhail d~ire«fJ: her car, O"'£:r fields now blaficci by the fires of warm “ And angels“ View with jay and wonder j0in"°d3 The galdcn age rctu—m.’d to blgflg mankind E