AN RATION, DELIVEREIJ IN THE BAPTIST MEETING.-HOUSE IN 1'-=*RoVr1J.E2vc£; 3UL? 4, A... D. 1795, AT T1133 CELEBRATIMON OF THE NLNETEENTH AIM-YIVEB.8AR.‘Y or V AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE. W _}*0NATHAN MAXCY,A.M.. rnxsxnmmr or at-Ionn.—xsx;A._ND cnnzraax. "“'-"-*-"'"'-"~|N||fl' Publifhed at the Requefl: of the: Tmvn.‘ V PROVIDENCE: wmwrnn KY £2AR.TER Mm ‘WILKINSON’, AND sow, mi 'rm.-tm .um%ox§:~swa3.m. 1.795. % T0 T}! E ‘WDRTHY INHABITANTS 01* '£.‘I—IE TOW‘N OE‘ PRO VIDENCE, Tlm FOLLOWING 0 w ./5 .7 .7 0 ./V I8 MO5TRESPECTI~’ULLY INSCRIBED? mt wxnxn sxmcmn xrnxmxn, AND vmw HUMBLE SERVANT, 54 M.é1.XcI’.. AN 0 R A *1‘: 0 Na A HE citizens of America celebrate that day A which gavelbilrth tci their. liberties. The recollefiticnnlllofl thisl event, replete with confew quences lfo beneficial to mankind, {wells every heart with joy, and fills every tongue with praife. 7We celebrate not the fanguinary exploits of £1 tym rant to fixlrxjttgate and enflave millions of his fel- low»-ereagtures ;, we celebrate neither the birth nor the «CO1"011atiO1‘l of that phantom fiyled a king ;---~ but therefurrefition ofliberty, the emancipation mfmankilnde the regeneration of the world. Thefe are the fourcesef 0urj0y,tl1efe thelcaufes of our triumplu. A VVe pay no homage at the tomb of kings, to fultxlime our feelings-we-—we trace no line of illuflriouts anceflors, to fuppottour dignity-—--- we recur to int‘) ufztges lfanétltbnedtlhy .theVa.uthm- rity of thegreat, to ;proteEto1:tr rejoicings 3-—-——~no,, We love liberty, we glory in the rights ofmeln, we glory in independence. ,,:On whatevereepart tof God’s creation 21 human form pines under chains, there Americans drop their tears, ‘ v A DAM. ( 5 l 7 A DA'R"’&§ lc:ll0u»d once fi*.1la‘d“c-will this laleautifuil qmrtcr of the globe. Conllernation for a while .21 Tltated tlw: hearts of the inhabitants. W/Var d€..... folated our fields, and buried cam Vales in blood. 133m the clay.-fpring from on high fooln opened upon us its g;lim~*:1"i1ag pnrtals. The Angel of Li-—» ljerty clellcelnding, d x'opsp<:£:l on ‘WAS H I N G TO N ‘s brow a.l1l%3: wre-altl‘1 of vilélcaryl and llzamped on Amerxcan heezlozxw the fetal of omnipotence. The %da1"lall;, and the true light now flxines, to enliven mud 1'*ej-mice lz"<.irl2d. VVEI tread a new earth, in n~.? cl:ue:5lc:t.l1 I“lgl')tC0ul‘1]€3l‘S; and View a. new l?*n2.alve11,,.flaa1’:iz'lgllwltliine‘:!z“ting'u‘lfiT?£ble llars. Our fecét will no mlmrc dérfccznd into the vale of op» rclli<1;>r1s. Our flmtxldcrs will no mmw: bend um» de1= the weight of a foreign diqminatlion, as lcrucél as itwt»:-.13 unjull. Vl/Veil may we mjmilce* at the lmt1».m*11 of kl1i.§ glorious» lanrxilwa ; clay deaxtl teo alwry .Ll&l5f3€rl.Cl£1ln£.?-*r¥a?Wld'51}U ta. lbe:;lxa;cl:‘l&rr everl‘a:£trirm m“lne~mbr‘axucew-«a: day whale light‘~c:ilrlc:L1latesl j-Qy film:-'oI;1gll'1 ‘tl1e‘l1eartslof all rs3pul5:limx11s,.l a.smd- tmrlr 1:lv1;x*cmgl1 the l1ea1~tls of tyx*2a.=Iws.~l " A M r Liéb:é~ift~y is; tlm“ bi;:1‘tl1ll1fiig*l1t" of mam. A F It: illshaoewill w~imh:«lhl»s -s?”'@}'v‘4§«-l‘ll-3£lt2*3'_Il:iC€L‘l.;;.ll~. {It in a. aprixrileg-:2 'wmugl‘l¢ i7m<:>“ lli1«i::a";‘ Q01"; lili nu ti any a:m::01xm1 litéfcéi i 33 l tluéau. tziscgm, andpr€”alc“1221*1lilIxi@*d “h1i‘s~o*wln.:llb:y ‘film cancurrerm 9%: oizge Ol7“l1lat'1li'lY€lll‘afildl 1*€:a::fc>11l:.l1ll l‘Wlm: {la all 1*o>b mlém» M" lulm; pri-Vilffgfit 3*" It was; given ‘hmimfbyr’ the m*lgl1:ty. A Nlan;:.,‘ tlmugli nuadm flrclm, was made is l5ve“g.{7?s- T fawn A m 23: "aim cl; A‘ i liglilb élrltyr l t’.-‘.‘('T}lIl=”“~ll-ll {Es 7 ng:'[)t A "£5114 e‘X&m*.tpt*i%bIl “ from l com... A l¢«;;l*<:>a'l*ill‘3e*i7r:v»tl “of the ~c:’0mlxnmI%i:t?y;l :: ‘l:?1>*m:t~l‘ll”loll=‘ lzxwsg bm: in$ a\cco:r"difng' tébalaws 3’ laws jufts‘ and‘ equ-lalv,v e:fta.lbll21:llwe=1l"é:%lli dlle5_i£:at<:* .0blig.»;:,t;o11s mvllmtli 1”f&:n'(;lcr n1eI1=;flav;Ae»slAliz1jhelilfqcliall ll?latl::gl.h.e acl~:nmz>?t~.~A- lggclgéirg 130l::l«p0wll,c:fr bult tglngat ‘(.A't:‘f ~hisy0wnl, a1:l111,;%l and lLlxl)l,A1nl;£$A{Ono <:llg3c.*:fi<%>n -but Lluat of his c,>wn pW:;1ll.; lint 1m l'uonAer dl..4leS the mecellity of Amutual ;rt,*:li§:f and prut<;;:8.i011 involve him in tlm xhllaxiorzlsl ml" czivil fociety, tliaam his llbemy alllumes amsw f(f;)f21) ;, l3i’I2tf.c;‘.r lAaA%c:Nm;>rrlzmmlawd ltohis capacity, .bul»tcl and -€(7.A)lT1'i"f‘fil lmn to £116 1mn€lualA and in-: zvarialale pmfcxrrrlxance of the lall, tlxella are film higlxegllubjc:{ilsc>l'ciw'il govcrn11“1em;. Tluat fyficm til‘Ae.1d1niAui?tx='latlio11 u:~.dr:1l- wlmfe: operation lthczfifi pbjlzfis zxlica 1n<>lle:xpeditEc)Lxfly <;;>btained,land xnmfl Apernmnentiy fecumd, mull be c:leAen1ed tlie mall plex*l7r;:E‘L. 'Tlf‘l2c:~ immrca elilllefiturxxllly tlm p<:rfon~s of ’mc:m am gtxurded fxiclymmjltilry, A and tlaeir plroperty I from‘: uvjizll fpoliatiatx, the lAe:f::~: will may be: llialnller to ,CCJn‘tt31?lI.l0I1~_, mml'c:ll1axp1;>y at h»c;>1m2., Inorcmluappy;, rmnm huxnzme, jult marl benevolmxt ; mare i:alzclull:rAi<::lus, ~.w.::a.ltl'1yA, virtuous and en--A llighltaxmcl. A 1V\/‘lam tAl1£~:n mull be c;>ur lopinion of thz1tfyll'~lm*nc>f plcnlitlcs adoptelcl and puz-fuedl. by .1116 f”c>undmis of all défputic 1'x1mw.rcAhiclsl? Wluatll ,inmmpa.ra.ble;lefTc:mSlof' wifdorn wculd they in4 pulcatchulpoxl us 3 TheyAteacl1 us, by their doétrilnh anfl pI?.'El;lC€, that xnillicms are created forlthe ufs: alndllpleafum o£au1~Ali1l1diviclulall,A who l,,¢nablc A ‘ A A ta 8 3 am no hurnzzm tribunal ; who czin infiinge libel] 1*ights,Adifpol‘e of the property and defizroy the“ lives of his fubjefts. Sentiments thefe, which {zip the foundation of that great political maxim, that the fafety and" happinelb of the community are the higheft ends oficivil government. A I-Iad inafnkind known, tl13.tth“ere was but one being in the univefli: of fufiic:“ient*wifdomT and goodnefs to be inveliecl with Lmlimitedlpower, they never wouldliave fubmittedltoi dominion founded in ufL1r;;atic>1‘1, fuppolrted by cruelty, and adminif... tered by in_jul"l:i<.:e.l The {irfi obje’E’c~<)f men in the ~c:a1*eer of ambition, is v to rendelor thernfelves indie» pendent; A the lfecond, to fubjefi sand lopprefs others.» Monarchical governments, howelverl lim »» imited, have never l'ecu'1'ed to ltihe people the en»- joyment of their rights. A crown, it has been ~i7aid.~, is too‘ liplenclid 3. price to be clonferred on merit. Alfloz, liurely it. is too fplendid a price to ;.?;litte1* on the i"1Et’c1di(i}f m"rogance,l or hereditary folly. The ambition of l«;ings has never knovm any limits. I)azzled by the fplendour oflcrownsg mid inlinzuated by the pofieflion of fupreme pow~;T- erg» flattered on every yfide by the fervile com» A pliance of cAourtiAers, and deluded A ixzto an belief -that the determinations ofytheir own wills ought to be imlriolable y‘lla+iAws: of cionduét for their fub... jefis, they have fancied themfelves the vicegerents of Goo, bornand‘ delfigned for no ‘end lmt the exereilie of unbounded authority. Rzipaciuus of “wealth, amid axnibitious of power, they hm*eine~;. “verifailed toenc'ro:su::,l1 on thofe intermediate 21.1-'~ i~:‘:l1m*itioes conliitutecl by the people, and defign... «ea by A them as an impregnabie lbarrier againfi Awzgai iiwzzi‘iillf:,fc,;2 clicltyl, ‘a V {late C {Kate Raf AimAprovAement;,:A fr_xbj»:.=::E£esd We c1ue’regmfit?“onA£.* of polAi%tiAwz:’a-1 a.«m~imitraLAion%, -mufi .A >~relinqui"ih% am much of ~his AnAaAtu1"a1 :1iAb'¢ may aVsxis A in%AcAo‘x1£i*i’ce?n%t ‘w {lath £113 ,gk:2oc1}?0f the cA0n1mAux1ity. mutt Anot A9i’:A+E)%1A~*x-w ‘§u1A~t1zm‘d Agra.At,ify priwcte.ifiEb1i;na£ion an the e"2c,p eAn’i:‘w*‘- Vczxf AAthe. Vpu%blic.. e2&‘ by {TL1A‘vAm16A aAperationA of“ thafz-. xI1¢ans{;§n{tAi1m?~ted%for thefecqwu ‘”A01ffA}:TT117b‘I'i2€} ms i;‘ne£s;%. A r1wenA= ro%r:.-L. et'y,:wQi3 ;nesssaVHi-1y dimi?r1i;{has t-lmegiar AI1“amw1*aA1 1‘%iA'beA1"ty..A A BAIEH: i~::a,c?h ram: ~0Aught:* ,'?fiQ ' Tl.'30‘17lfi'diAif3j1T, :rhAat he gAa.iAI~1“3 vrA:acfi’l§,z' AmA~0,1*e A’b*yV ztkm %?iAi%m-i:nu;£A%ii‘o1a of m:a‘m:vr mvens~’ Iii». my, than» he lofass by ;1:1m< ~di~m;inu?fim:3m[A%A»ofA‘Lhi*sAA own. *mr:e—ry, _fpe::+i*at.=:s of. .cAiv.iAl =»A*g?<)vA:s:17r*xzIL&"r}»ff, tAheAAm-5 _ c:A:~c{1*fl:AsA a %Afu;pz=c*mr: ‘power, from which there is «no» A V a;p?pfca;I. ,'1‘:hri1ac.ip;1ac:= Of-Age’-I°11;1~i'.n\€“f m-*pub.licV.anLi£h1 isg % &=hat.L_a1l m{en,t%as; mu righm, are ‘aaquéxl. %From%thi%%§ plmns und4;:niah1fl:p«ofition it vfé>11*m~z:s, that: ail~1 p4ow‘-- we not o»riginai;ing; in £1143» ‘;onfemWo:F*% the: people; gall %p0wg:re~ not: c»x:erciAfe.d' ajmorstiing» to their% die m?&tion,% and “’{'ub_jeEced to‘ thiesir cmstroul, is ufur-» pzuzion, injufiiceand tyranny. If an en1i?ghwné.d na.tic;m camxot enjoy happinefs under a g»ovem1m.:n“l fomnczd and 21rdm+:1n1:!?e$er¢d' by hgzr own 4;:onfent, {ha nevxem c;eu1A under any. If uncler a monarchy men; are liable: tow opprefiion, exaftioxm, and milijtaryr mimminaxion ; A ifthr::yVarc Ii:a'l‘>l?e at*a11! times to bq Ainvoliveds in; u%nnm:.eAH'ary wars, to gratify the ca-A pri;c.m of;he~migx1i11gp1*inAcze,Ao1*A‘a favourite miae mime.-r; if tlmey amt: x:on{};ant1y1i‘ablicz to infecurityz at‘ their pe,r_fcams and property, through’ the irxfiaf-4 bility or .de:fici»em:,:y“of falnmry :refguIati0.ns;% under an ariPu:=.:c1*ac‘y men are%‘A liable‘ to fU~-fi‘$‘T’Vthfl” A perrmicimus c%fFge:1étsA ctfif conubixmd: ambi1Vion,%Aorjthze:;: _hm*«r:orsx of ‘d%ifl7V_e11fi01*a, among rillcws clfcnshe ssvrth, cgqual au4t~hmity ;; A if?iman4a1r‘mA %1:i;1b1«e“ “tc:-A thefe“ t~‘nV1ngs,é i»t«is b@c.2u1fe they atre clcprivxad of theirrig11tsVb3&! A privileged ordcm, and {uhj‘&(':icd~tQ tha c:‘<:;nw<:~uli 1axw:*** m1a£:3LcdV and enfc>rc:‘ed¢ %withAQ:ut% their wn-wj” fent. ‘MIA %th::AinconveniaxA‘mes mfulting frivom are? mtwrargzz p0~wm* lodgad in thei‘%h2£ffid%s of an inkz1:.iv{idu~3 a], car of a$1m1mbm*,A are‘ 0bV»i3,t@d by um fi~1*flpn'im?« ci§plaV wf frrea gmw~;~rn%me.nt. ‘ If’ a‘1I‘mg:n are born; m»qu:a1, ilurely all hav‘_a.i cm taqual x=i~%g1%z_t"t<3«:x~ voimjsr, A inwthge ,c=:‘na4Eh0n of laws; allhave an eqt1a1 1=ight»»4V to; fufirage in t~he‘e1e&ion‘of men im;oip1~a£:es ' powar zmdt ;t‘1'ufl:. P4c;»fl"eiTed of thefe rights“, "thtiv p£0p17£.C2m a~1'w»ay:n m.anif:}a?£?c‘A tlrmr wiil, and c:B:}a»-«e; M H A A A “ blifh (12) %%b1%ifl1 mgizlations accommodated to their fimaticn; Jfhfiir exigencies can“ always be kAs:own.A and al:--- WaysA ~1fe'5ieved..A But in gm‘e1'r:amm1ts% where thw .adm1z‘ii{h‘a£:mn of public affa.irs=refis in anAtindi»-L A w'iuual, Am“ a few; w‘here% oficr-‘:s%.; are d3}fpof«2:d»A of RbAyAc.aapric:e,Ho1' folfd to the highefi bA:ddm:;%A:%,w.1mre the rightto gowern is c'1aimed by 1'ae1'eC:i1aAa.=:ayf11c~« ~ceii'1o11,V and deifcends to folly as often as to will-. Adorn; Awhere thefe thing»: occur, what cam be ex... “pei:i;ed but ignorance inwt;-W ruhzrsgwith r<::fpeE’c fitothc x"ea1acoludition of the community? ‘W113; can % bAe,expc:&c:d but fervility and fear in thc -1)e(J:;legy,h'c~%ug11tine’f5 ancl; ‘a11d;1city;~ in MA %magif~ A1;ra«tc..~3 E’ ‘Wlmt can 73,36 e:~xpeE1eAdA but etlm defelatingg ‘péA{ii=1cnce of e;-;:s%>1‘bi%tant A 21 a1fAim and: unb?oundeAd ~at11%:v;%xt;i.%_»n 9 That fpmt. of wifr1mn~and% be1%%aevolm1w A l‘0Aco:af1;%:icuous in t.hc;=: confi*%i%tuAti0nV uf the *LTnAimci W %St;«ates.,.T‘1exre1s%_a11‘ the poznpmus. d=fii;nélimxs 0E ‘rank,’~: opens the way of» honour Amd pmm%%czti0rn A to afflwwho A2"Z1'ewo1fthy, and a.ffi;>rda: amp1c.~vfc:curity. totheperibns and» pmpc:1'*«:yA of the whole ”\{.;.0H1~é musity. The c:rcL1f:ni’£am:e.s atizending the%{?.s:ttA1¢-a ; Amem; andg1=*owth;:;xf this vcoimtsry, till itsdif1fnem- bermQe%nt~frm~the “gmrernxnent of Grea1;-»Britain, tended dire: éltly m. pave~~t1mAway to lVib#r2rty%:md*i(n».; dAepe1?%4.dence%. = %V'I7}1e»f:-miliazy ‘With which%1an.dr::d“prAo- % party »Vwa,s: acq11ire«d,%%;and thc»Acm*tain enj:i“vymentvnf' the pr A~du£*?¢Ai%¢:m3VAoftheir induflry, i11%i7pimd thesim habitamts’ «nth dzfguft ,f0rz=1 fl.ate~'%ofdepcnd€:r1t1y, :&mdA %l::>ve for a Hate 0f f’r+::.edon1.. T he‘ A in ~AA~ahic:h theAy%A%we‘r%e*t1"aincd up {'rom~ y<)Ut.hT*tO« %%ma13ho¢;3~d, taught them their rights. A N%0Au%fi1rp-w I irngtyrant E7e~:'e ;;fi}<£€d ‘ the {hmdard c>f'Adci7p<3tiAfi"nV, ia;:“:d% awed ti”:er1"1 into a flats of vafl"a1agc.A ‘NO . hau,<:2;h_t.y I1-'J..‘}biHt}7 efi‘:gr<)fl7-.?d the A foil, and reduced A thepeople to the 1'1ec<:fl"1ty of fimfving, or fubgjraim A 2 A A A A A ting ( A13 1) ting; %#.c:>V the drudgery of f1::m3s;‘ Each man ~*~w'a$ A hisV<)wx%1AAmaPu::r, %w:;:lkedA:or1 his’ own gmuzud, %rca%pA.:. ed the fruit of his mwzz toil. A Coulddt be_%e%Axpe£i... ed that iuc11xnenAt~'.a;«ul.%d pa:-rgceablyf“c?rin%ge&Aundm' the lzxfh «of A21 ty%m11%tA%? be: exAp£:€ted%111%at fuch xnen Awould %f1,1%fI"<:1‘ their rights to be inf1‘inged by priviVIegr5:d orders, 701* the produce of their :32». _ duflry to be decimated by ecdefia{’tAica1Aoppref- ficm P 7Was the P&:11‘U«':11.‘l‘aCI”1t of Grezxpfiritain fa m:>1‘:mt mf we fia:xt.e «sf this courm'y=,% as; to imagim‘: ttlmt Athvzs: p€3(A)p}¢:. , wl1A%of}3 A daily c:;a;:pe1:ience% A taught Athztrn their liberties, would fit {’rAill:u°,114 they fiwem hcsuwcl in r.:ha.ins? By what authority could the Brtltiflmgmverrfzrmzmt impofc laws on um without mu ccwfcnt, or tax us .A~withoutA allowing us the right (pf x*e;)~1“tc?fc:%x‘at;A1tAio11? W7ith-w11e~,.t fucccfs their m'bitrary clctiigaas ‘wmx: crowned, %lc:t;the lmge rmfoas lutimx dm:1a.m.. ALr;:.t; this Ajr.>yf”u1 %a;nn“i‘w2»rfar%y of mu): ix*acle}%Ae:3mderme 3'£l1"lI”lOl.1!:!C(2»it to m?m%<:>tefi ages, A and flaymd an etcrénal monument of the efcape of A Liberty from the lmrpy fangs0fDefpQt~ifm.fl TEWV political fitx1atio;t”rnfAo'tir¢:ountry,, ‘x'efu'lt..-_ A img ~ fmxzn the aflrxxirablcst3cmftVitAution an%d*VAacinai%An‘i4 fl.m.tiH%Iaf-¢- ‘ fmrx of mzamy b1é:{fi1':gs, mad opens upon us many prmfinmfih”, not ssznjmycred by any mhctr nation under_ heaven, No ("av &;.‘3r1!I‘fl’d orders can here claim the A ¢xclVufiV¢‘, right? «sf lzzgiflation. »A1l fi.and% cm the famfif }m~':t;*.L; ec:I‘1jmyt14"*»c2é" fa.rr:c%freec1<)m%,‘:’ and Ai'ub31'r1it mvthc“ fame l2;m«./.'e»;. % Flaws of%Ahm1m1r.,% prohtgarad ttmfi:., are eqAIm13y 0pcm to% allour c1tA1zens.<:* No A particularfeat <:2f*rx:m1 is%hAeA1"e fupported i11%%id}cnef3$ and 63xtrax*a.g,*a.%:*=’ce., at thc%expc2z*rceVof the co‘mnf:u-;- nity..A A N0 L1x*1ncce:fTm"y t:a.xe:sA am :En1pc»fedV40n pthe pec%>p1m.~11r3,rA is; itjg:-rc’>It3abL1Ae‘%Athere iw11l;AAbe.,% }:_ac'r;t::e:A1:A1{"£: t.heyAafTeE’L the legiflators as much as th~e‘czt1:z.c:ns. A A A ‘ A Property A M; ~14 ,'r@pr_?3%i’;t‘y’ c?L:«m‘r[¥T0t Fitlcjvreé effi:€tmx?a.1I}fv fa (£11 rt:-AC3 than i5AAAAir1%rg1<:1;@%United S*tat,<:mw% for no IA1'l2U.1f1‘1f;‘:i‘€ can gpriw-ad 1QfAAi;t.. bug. by tile 0Apm"m;iAom af laws VA;*.~i=};a:h~~1ii;i£i,e%.+¢fl1 ha}? §¥1A¢IAw:hc2.1_¢ Afg:AQmn;11.mi:y. Tm’: 1ix~':<::s.V £QAr;§1mAz:e;;3:: Ofi aa11AAAiVLhse Am@A.1“Ax%c§sa.m are 0~x1~: hoard A@f11»“rg;;~::~«A_ vciferif .ii:t:;* 5:5 t*i1~e~rafc>~1T¢ tAha':+.C1u:At:y, i1sate*:e.i’t%;aAA1*1cA1 .§aappi;x::::£‘s;t Q5 a1:Al;Am ta;am::areA of it. The prefent.4 A1fi.Vmz:t%iA<;a»11V<>>fA cum‘ ith,ejatx;2m1~me:x4zt af ,2ri1"1' gm-mbye e_‘:?ta calm» §i;l*:!»}AA2A‘.z.~t3¢,:A(;1 130 '3§:rr€rfii7 tam: %a‘t%t;""e2'1tiQ%m Aand %fi..Amv the Aambiw titmx ofi M1 ;w:'h*0~ 2A1A1‘e5 di¢i‘pofleAd$ Am m7ind~m:A t1J1<%:xn{7e1wm - mc—rz2t<.;r;i~;m~u%m_AcmfA “ 1:>u13»1iu; efiemnm. » ZI’hA.=.xt po1im:~ic,a14 A Amuéilitya am¥A -g¢:zneml AVi1a;£Arrr1m:ican~A*w11i;chAA pm *i“3u1~;%g<;>vernm%eAr1;At;5AA 1;vAA1‘:~<:rn,,$rA1}£',A.A A13; AAhA¢A-.”x‘:® Agergxszyed. in .A1:;m g~Az“~:.*2zm'=:«1‘i: 1mi:ud¢,¢ fIA"h+<.~;:%"cond4tzEt of; eivcry¢ ciiAri2sc«zAIw t:F2’rAi*€ df W ivth AaA1a;;th»Q%*r?i t3Ie.,A A 3:111» A %<::zC cAmjrm11c'es fo mAi;gA.z1~ :.amd% d»i:>mVefi icy a.reAf yim. f¢rrzAtg:A~d:;A in, vom-: A x»ia4-WA um je.A Ana»4t1A4oin.AA_ S.u:ch 1'xsW:h€; light (li‘£%' u,Afmd:.A tlnramgh WhAd¢1m';%m+a%f:;: GE .P@|.£)_:,‘p‘1‘fi%. Athai.t4 n%omz% I in %p%};;cegs ‘%'w*t‘I'w1;::{i::% ‘¢*m Ve:fg;ag,pe ““£1*1:x‘;:.V : acAie.1;,ur»a:taa«: im»fp.¢3Eti r3n.i,AA The Afrficcizfim ; (hf £i}I"%1}é2«‘A: [;A31?@AAfi3A«Ac(3r1.vA%<~2Ar1a%s%. 1r;n.i%t£:d “W A m; iiizttoi A 311$} €‘§'4i”“fliig;h1i¢."£11i§:d;:& “C. Q.Ifig%reAfs4 $7 p%o:1itiAam‘i}Ar;~.‘?<§i~*e‘& é1g»?t~%r:>? c>'fiizee far cm*i1?aviLrm pcfriads‘, a=t th;eae:_?;{p‘i§1:at45:-m~n 03? W411 136}: %*t1'my mixzxfi’ 1r¢t:~'V%s JA 1%: >t—3i1*§y’ filim Mc~.~'iii: A4 eg’t"«:~:'e.~ of = i=e1?pQr1"fiV> 1}‘! i-’t«y~*? Lflwéé *:th_ej#A ht! «umflczér flue kg %re~a4t*e%{’t 1i=~1a¥1Ac??1iu%i:%A¢e4*11'f1«r:wti*i<'§4‘4?ZIA;ii”tc:iAI*I~g+tii?‘f35i ’ fiehc:i«r c:ondu~E’: with re5t»ituVde mud w1'?f&dm~? , they be’: 1’i%%1ml y% 10 Aad.c3pt%"Are%5;iu*41a%tii0%r1*s Avi-r;jVur4iVc>1*c%s’~°w Mme wmzommunity, =wh~cn Whey ~tt%lmén13f5'elv»é“e~‘sVA&m4-i1*f%fooizaA fir-ml“ -thv:':~iWr~opm*atlibn «A? fi«‘7:m*tti01*—1 0f itéhixs 1?e::»m1:3‘?i?~# My! =iL17z=€1%i%c.a.tes *i‘?At':~.: 0%-r§gi‘~n%a‘1 +d@*ft%irVuzi%t?ir~IAd, wcm1d‘n%0t =«irihab‘i%t%e*d 7 }mricad by mm: *capa'b1%e of gwovm*n»in~gw ‘anti d*E’Fm.1ifI~A A fin V>g~~t1‘x+a%1“1~&; mi‘1%El1iin;agi'n»evfhaJi A fwch «a =c(miz*1t»1*y, ~in1'ii2a£-b «by ‘imam =fdn‘[t:'1f ‘£90 rxw£c‘~efl?sA cmvii §libe%rt.y,» ‘wm;1‘~lc:1 Vpa‘y%A9-fubmi~‘flic>§n~ ~{—t$% =*€h%e pc~:%yA ifl zmd of B~1‘»itaT~im 57?‘ % ‘~‘W*e~*«m*i'g"h4t A oifi }a~s »~i=‘e 2&1" cnrnz-1“b~l_*y qxpeét, %1f141a.t7%t%he%f11wAn and a’13l*tbe pIaneta.kyw0r1?&§ wnmN:1A-mfh down «~13-om tiherizr -A‘Ihixri&ng¢’f1:54hr2r'=asV,,%~*t~r:avA g;mv%i¢t«8£m rc;»~i';z»rxVc1;a3~a%eI5ln»f1»c‘. A «the ’a¢ppd3in*12m%Bn*t of *he%ia~vsen~wA«e~%A=*fiant1 by ~01&1'*r «fawn ftrmgvh; d:i’fi:~‘mmLrrefi1w %% A aefl Fmm *fm1=¢e&agn% a’n*flL1%enm=5 wnrfl’ fmrxeign, ’?I5h*i4a* oi w;:~m+m'f-f wnvca ’*t:1=ric:l:ou’b'wc1*1r~y égakre *E~i~1’*t:%h 3*t‘0_, Adel i«I:4mra%£*i%o%*?rw, ** A W0 rn~t:1*£:?’t'§ 1"-~hx:9r°—~ Amir can A~nwfi1%é=a:ms=», A ism Mg Amdf éibhiéflmw ,i7nrg”~ 4°:i*h’ve: A*5f{~:’mi:3%l~l«ri:~m1 F iiét u£i*£m?. mcam "01if?354fci*ca£?1'A*fi»t%m=%egA V a’t§1*@~n?,w W*e~R*em~j~»r flegree ifihc mggee. ~o%*Anw;myin.y. ; 'I+I:m;l~'w¢"fvfibrhifimré-W paicious A t%:;;»ci'mxs‘ ciema1ads;rh<:§f Br~itain,“ how de%p1orab1.e tmufh have .b<-ctcn ~:our't sfituatiton? How .d£{g1‘&Ct3fuUy ihould we have been ledvoff by a fOI‘€§g.u xnatiter, and M plunged in all the hormrs 01’, war! How many ‘.AII1fi:1"iCaI1S.II1L_1{.)£‘ have breathed‘ out t_theélt' lives on the plains of Europe E A HOKV -1'11;.:rty of our I1an~dsmuih’t«;ha.x(e b¢r::nt€:tnp1oyed 111 the dt1*tud_ga:=::ry of ki‘ngs.,.t to undermine the fair temple of iiberty I Af’]§‘hhe: great Parcznt of the u2i11'verfe has }t.ecu;=i;smy diftinguifhed the Ame1'icans, in em:c.:u.raging them to aflitrt, and in A enablisig therxthmh to dmfextd their rights. T11e{72ho*\~.*eae:rhave bectnmofit at1"ociuufly vimiatted by that ft1pt:1*c4,11ous 0ve1*hl:eg1riMrug «.:«.::mdut:t, jwhigzh h.;as%ufu.a nmrk@d¢t11e%wABritriih xntiniit ry. hr;~:y, regrardlcfs of the rxghts oftttneutrttlityg h;%we« norm Nmitted fpoliations on uurpn;i:>p<:trtty,tz;.t which umziw jtrilized barbarians twcsuid blufih; fpo¢i23:tit;arzjs attamdn ,edwiththat rapacitms mearmc:fs andttcoxxtctttunptibitt inf01re1*1ce; A which no prcte¢nces,hov-aevcr artful; cam hwnm:-alh,,1;o evafions howtevger pizxufibhita can excufa, Ar,/roma the nutfnemus advantzages ewjcnyed by the inhabitants of %th<:fc~:«States., we may ramk the flifxfiln ption flfmflm‘ ec cl efi aih cal oz: t1h‘tabiii1*1x1tet3ts . he ” tiitcortptoratioh of thc:{:atwithh~f5zI’cc:rx1s pf ctivihlpolicy, htasttnevcrfailed ~tc>*_tt:tpm1n0t;e sbigotltyg. hyp<.>cri£‘y mV1dt.oppre-Hi.orx. A .t ;'Ihe, requtirysmezxttt of A hfubfcripu "titan tgoparticulagr ahrti%cItc$»o:f' faith, as. an ind}{‘pCl1- iibletVqua,1ific:ati0n in candidates» far oflicges of pub... truft, this that moi’: flagitious intlfllfitill» otntt tim grqualrigltts of ;If1'1€IT?l" ; an intrhufioh w‘hichttfcree;zs arr3b%i{t;ion and yatvarixce: tmder the mantle of teli-w~ g.i:o11,“convexjts treiitgiotnt inn} a mere engine: of flats, pat;1‘onizest vice under the‘ pompous * cer‘e11fmr1ies%of iw0rfhip,_levelatall m0raltwAd:ifi;inEticms, taI}d% damps vQ1u,ntar.yth La.rdour$of piety jwhxch a.i,one-_ist— ac» Chépthtbifi t (17) ca table come St; reme Eeincr. Wham htehas P’ P es» 3 ttlaetarm 0f the magiflrate to intrudditfelf into‘ the fieldof religious opinion? To what order pf Anmnt has the Almighty delegated wAAil'd0mlh,and auttlmrity to lprezfcribte modes» of faith? None but voltmtary worlhippers are a.cceptAablt:l to God. Thofe who cl10c>»fc2, to worlhip him, will do it with.- out the confiraihts of civtl. law. All others are hypocrites. V\/ho then can advocate the neceffity of relitgidusdeftablillmmcnts, lwilthoutAbet1*ayinga V wz-mt of finccérity? Religious liberty exills in thejlh SAta=te:s, but not without {ante Arellraitxts. Tlmfe rellrsztints lmve origixntlttlcd in an tmjL1ltifizA1lt)ltA=: lYlt€‘.1"-- l<2re2AA1ce of c1v1l .t1utl1m"ity. To the eAv=ex*la.lling A l*1(.‘m<)u1t‘ of R.l1OCl€—~lll2«Ttnd be it llaticl, that her legim flzxtum has never ut{l"unA1c:Ad the autlmrity of1fcgt.1... A lating ecclcafialtilcal C~OI'1C€:1”I‘lS.. Rt:ligto11 M lA1«;:r<:' llzmds, as it ought to, on its own lmfis, dil‘Con- l netiled with all political co13fi.d¢;ratiotts.htt A stzcmr View of the condition Of mA.anl~:ind in otllex" quatrteraa ciyf. the glltcvbe, will at cmc:c:~: con-« Vince us of tlm fupczrlor priA\riwleges and blellings (£I"lj()y€Cl in America. Ilrrtagination can llcarccly depiift the wretched {late of the people inltxabiting A the: intrrxmlfe 1"cgior1s of Afiaand Al"1*it:a. A Tl1c:*TI‘c hut‘r12x11An2;ltu1'e%, :l1'Wf£'ll)pf:d in da1AAlf~litberty.A In A 1‘naAny p:.”~11‘ts of Europe tlm condpittion of the »pt:oplc: A ever p1"cddminaltAes,h and lrears up its l1‘itd9c':0usl M17111 is more t0ltcrable..l% ’1‘he fpirit -of opprellion howw- A to <::wppr:)fe- the prtzzgrefs l lof lll)C’11"£:‘_»’. l7rtanlce,~rAi1m l l3rea.lA~:ln*g llet‘ czlllllzairzsd Atgmcl“Tl'&li«zl:i13lg=l1<:tr hf r¢+.¢3.§dt>m1,ttA léas l A A A A T C T A h A é3};'§Q1”1Cl‘sCf3Cl { 18 lo e:x'.plc1‘iex1ced all the horrors of war. Its dcfolllatlngf “ cal,a.n1iti~:::ls luvle 1”OllCd‘OV€1." hm“ fczrtile plaina; Her armies, aozuoimatecl by ltl1a.t ardour which firils gloaved in Axxlerical, have 1;1"iumpl1cd- ‘over all op» pofitiou. Defpotilln lms been il1al~«:cnto its lowcll fouz1d;;ations. Brews Fmnehlxnenl your caufe is the caulk of all xaatutrcz _; your viEl,o1'ies, the libmga tics of the world l-A ‘ ‘ V V ‘ * '94.. ’l"UxfEt11‘ope, we m.a.y 1'c;=:3'<“>ic<=: for tlilfl‘ happinxcfs of tl1elU11itcdlllStates. In :21 full perfllafion <.,>f7 clue ex— cellency of ouzj g()‘r€‘1-llllllllnelltg "let us flaun tl:m{"<':'. viccaswllziocll tend to its ‘{7ubv€:rfion, and czultivatx-2. tlixofe virtues wlaiczlz will 1"€:lnde1‘lit p<:*rmalm::rl1t, and trzmfmit it in full vig.<::»ur to all ftI$C€t€d»if1g' ages. Let not tlw: l]?i.gg3l'd forms of intcmpe2ra.rllm:c: arm lnxmy c~‘:‘:e1' Iii‘: up their d(:{lroying xrilflaages in tlhisz happycounazry. Let. cr:-conomy, frugaliety, modm». rzztio1'z and jtxllice, at home and abroad, mark the conduél of all our citizcgzrzs. Let it be our com :{laz‘2t% causes. to clilfixfe lmowledf..;e and g<;t»c)dncfs; tll17()Ugl1 all ra.z'1l;s of zfoclicty. The people of this cm.mtry' will news.-1“ be um-zafy. tlxolnder ifis p1‘c:f<:m:. form of gc"z\'e1*n1'm:1l2*£l, ~fprovidr':d theay A h£1V€’:' ful:li.. cic-rat, inf(>l1"r'na1tillo11 to juc1gel<)f‘lits exlccellicexucy. No xmm>z:1 uxlxdcr l3cave21‘co11_joys fo nmch happinefs as the Amc1'i(::1.ns. Cmwincer tlliern of this, and will tlwzzy not il1u(ldC’:‘I"at the tl1ougl1t <1»? lfubve1*ting their politic:.21l c:z‘;:;z_a{l:it:.1lti<;>m, or l'L1frl'erin,g it to cl;ogox‘1cl~ m1;.::;: inm 2n‘iiloc:rac.y loro1'mmarc:l1y 2’ l.I..;ctl a fc:nI7E: (‘)‘{«i.‘;i““(‘:)l,,1.}.“.}.3.a.£)IJ—_}r‘{i£11:fi3.t1O1Al awal<;.£:n in us the warfmells fcfi»l"atil%o11ls. cifsf’ grzttltuclg to ltlm Suprexmi Beirw‘. » LE-;‘.[_l. us :o_c;>n{i(le1* him 21:; tlY(‘:£l1.1tl‘1OI‘ ofalll our lliltffiv ilxggs, 3Cl{Iz()Wl€dglf"Ig him as our beneficc11t_pe1mIm.,l - gnggllc-élc.x1* aml fri£;t11__*;l. _ The pr<::clo1"r1i1'l2am t;=:1l;da:13cy? of /5! <19) ,;()ffl1l.‘~‘ pl‘O\*l('lCl"3Ct3S to*.varcls us as a nation, l«tE."‘V’1lnlc{*:s; hm bmam'c)lm'1{c daifigxzs. Every part ofhis com- clu«f:.t -i};~<:al«:s m a la:'zgu2zge plain andim.ell1gible.« Len; us open mu‘ eaxfs, la; us attend, let us be wife. "l$i.»";u1.§. we ccl«=:l‘>rat;c the anni*ver{a1*y of our ia1clle;v<;21L1clcxl:c::, let us no; pals 0‘ve1" in filenct‘: the ;'l,1.c+l"‘<_;:1z<‘lm=:-2 of 01,121” C<”—l>1~1Wl‘Y} VVl1<.31"«:‘.a1'¢:: {hole brave: /\1l1:1<:1‘ig?z1n;‘, v«.fl1c>l"e lix*e:slxvc;:re cloven down the t.cxm‘;¢.j:lll <;i>l’ llifiitllf: El Are: they not bending from the l)rig;,'l‘1t; :-1lJ<1l)<“l<:5;;l’ A voice: from the: altar cries, ‘?.I~ ".l'l_“1;::l"e are they wlm, loved their country, thefe: are they who (.l?CC.l for lil)errtyu_” ‘We now reap 1;_;lh<:- fruit of tl1cirAagony and toil, Let their me»- 1’I1_(I)I'l.*.:S he etemallyl e:mbalr1'1ecl in our laoflnm-,. Let the iI'1fza.2ats (>f21lll‘1i>0ll«::1*ity pmttle chair fame, and drop tcggrs of c*vc1"tl‘1e ends of lillcfi world, and film: wc':m‘i«:t:¢l n.21t:01‘1s Wlll l1C‘ down and rail undctr its fl"lZ;*lf.l(?2. I'”‘ICl‘Cf in /lxxmcricza. {lands the afylum far the A ¢dil’l‘1"'e;:{l?:d aml })c1"fccut<:~:<:l of all11atio1'1:;. This Val’: tmnplc: <;ffrec*:clo1'111‘il?:ts n::z1jc;~{’cica1llyfulrf. ” Founclg» ed cm 21, m<:l«:., it willlrmllnaizlllx unlllalwrzl by the fmmrct of t;yrams;, 11HCllI'Ylll11lll"1(fCl: by the flight of tlx‘m“:~. Illl,<>xlllzg llzromns of light. ernmnaw tl'1z:'ough in; pm'2*t;al:#:,l amd clmcc the: da1'l-:m.~‘:fs fmzn difiam nzatmxm, L. Its txmvzzltlrez will Well inm €-Elm: lmavens, rifixag A ($0) Hailing above every tcmpe-ll ; and tlmel pillar of clnivine glory, defcencling fmm God, will rel’: for» ever an its. furnmit. ’ “