A m%A%CoMMgaMo1m.TxoN m "we INDEPENDENCE Aof the UNITED STATES 0? Afi?2efifliCflw A‘ i:*;:‘iV3; { MM Vs’-‘W ED In the J3z:2;>I§,/2 MYm'rting~I-5ioufc in Pmxovxmmcmg V ~4~tm By Emma? H M0141 c%mm;, A D; ...... 4...». " Printed by L C£%§.I%.'l"fiRm N" am Faurth of gyagy mm hm Eng ths amnivmcfary of the fleclaraw tim1< of the & Im~>ep£en;flance of tha" 1 Umcz 5;*mm,% the 11Qwii11g% 3.»: mum‘ A was d3e}ive1'ecL j in A mmmemoilég ration ofthat ¢:-vent, an& $3. wnmv pubi1ifl1e”d§ at the rauefk of the i{nl1.a:«§ A A A gram mm A ravidemeg _7wg:w 83 £793., H E mtum of" this Anni=veH“ary ‘hath mm%nd«» ed us» n*1y~r,ef'pcé’tcd Fc1Eow~Cit§.:zcens, aflan cvezm full cpfwonders, and pirqegnam with cmnfequcncw impmrtant, not to this cmmtry only, butts: man-: 1~::.ind.. Called again m feiic§tat;eVym.mn thm mam» arable day, I feel -myfelf femur: kiirr yomwcandour A:m~‘%tVI10.fé‘fi:*ntimental7 c‘&’ufmi14s% ‘W*hi*c:«h" time ioccafimm Izhay flnggcih There is an pieafum in thfiidea of addramng a; frat: anciéan miighmrmd peoplc,%§%m1q the: blcsffizwgs they enjoy, a13nd~on*t*he_ happinefs of A %tVI;1‘9t:‘i?I.f“ CcmdA%i*t%Vim3:;* AAmtri*canf3“! 'th1is44 day Arccognizm yuur cma.nc~ipat:io4m It is ynurjubilec. Mltis the Mrthuday of ymar independence, of your natianai -zcxificngc 3 Let it :%1 c:Avex{ ha forgmtten, “that, you rim Tfmrrth am :7!-fly»A mmt?i10U*i%1ndf”Wnhundr€d anti fewanty-+fi.x,% fbArMt%f1"A%§’ffuec.i*A{mm tF"m:%iliu:f“tVr4i0 u$¢, andpaxriotic Clmngn,-.f.%3 the followingmagnaniznom »:dacJaratxm"n'2 A “ % A ¢ ‘W:a,&%4 the%rc*Fom,% me R14e%pVrefm=tmiwires 3:0? mm hired States of Aunerica, in Concrrefsa‘ITembied 5:9 .9 appealizag to the Supreme J%udg!c'of' the W0rl"d far ~.Hm r%z:€l:imd‘c=: cf om“ intentions, do,“ A in the name and byautimrityof tlacgcmd pe:cJVp3e“0%f' t::hefi: C04. gmxmies, falemnlypubliih and c.;¥!ec;l:ar*e¢ that :}th‘fi(ff& A esflzejited Cwlazzim are-, and of rig‘I1to~ught m be, from Mr v emimdéxzdegnazzzfamt «;S:‘mg%z'm‘'’A ; A A A w A A % i -«it Z3 T:-gm fle.,r.:3amtim': was :«mmm kpamied% with the mafmaa which carzxpeiiad tEnm"a m :nakeA4%%V’itw and which were dmmeé fmfficiem m juftifyr the mfiamrc in the View 0? the xvorld. It wag nnb3y=rx'md7e‘attI1'c rrmi"£ evfenzfufipericfi of t£w»%w:m A when yam“ cmuhtry wa3'bE’eer;finga?t @x?eryAp0rm% withmiat zafriend amang the nations (sf xhe earth“ Gad alarm was her% friend 3 Th.eju€’c§ce of her c:.mfa% was r%egi{‘»’:cr*ed in %,tht£:%[%hig!1 4::.hancery ofhcavcjm. The Bears foul.gh‘t in theircmsrika forher ; and me . ’ ‘7 «ew:hVx§ j%L3flQ£ified g%fiegp%%jwv;hi¢h Emlici % aflenifimid the‘ & CFO ifitrace Ethe £’ceps%VWI1Aic1‘i,lEe€ift(3 VfheM%aCCOm»~ piifhmemz Qftlm mvalutiong and the czmfes which 7 prepar7€dAtheway fQ1' i'£, Wamld“ bf: ta emu:-r mm 3;’ fieid mfd.§{cumo‘:aAm”o %1argefar4thAa1 Pr«::fe:ar%¢iiVcca£im1. Kt wazfld be tavi’fep%eat what%has%%aIre;3Ay Tbéiéhdmm in a%t1'xr3t%f.'a,i1;?E formay Héfimians have ciolieéted Mei, arrarxggged thee gr@s;tV mafs of anzatmialsg. Ora» mrs fimvc %sT‘:af:ar§i«:M, in poiiflsead Aptrriods, thét %gr‘a:*a£ 0iJt}inES_Qf thé x'&’volmi0n.; Pacts have fang its p*mifi::s,, M6,“, flztetc§1ing fmxvardun the prophetic’ wzxmg, the vwcal mufe hath afiignedtn 231: mrerfy Vggmgré mifxw/Erich {Q grfi,m:% an%<:W"m1t tsarab€,pmdu’fl"i%~f€, ”'.s‘€‘E*ze fuVbj«:~fi:,, hc>w=eve2~, isAVt%10t*exhaufied. Senti mmt-» % ml gieaniaags mu remain to Em gathered thmmqh ~ah«:- :*:<;*c<:rrf:;*2*E;-zrrgf q7”s.EaF:f¢'a:w2z :3)’ zflévg immz qfF’ra=via’wr¢2,~i !m’.’.':’% ” ‘ . a:rrr’:*};3eé_ ;I2’*z;¢=z*;"z2‘}: day .¢;{g5r£z’, A7. 3*; 3793. ’ ’ ’ '}?;‘I3EvS£f‘ki}*$.I'VE%*£3,LA:;:’l"l‘% hisr’E::Lcéii::nc},' the G<:zW:*n:3r,. fMefTs's. ]of'e;,>h % Tfi‘Eight%ix%ag;ai§.*%,»=,Iipizraém Bsfswen, jtm.~]erem§:3h Olmy, zmd .W%%e§& rzmma .A»r:;x<>M',,'~1}&—%; .committ"ee to n‘m}m;-: <:§wi::e M a perfmz m e:§eIS'vo::tv :a_. fu%t:a:h} e »0mti‘c:m‘_;%.nn the four2%*: day» ofv}s.:I3.r~ next, ten. ccxnnaersceswts w:rc7»*3'j*:fm::,1‘*%c'2r;§t¥cw_.at1i—’§j:_co33,in commemmratiazrn mf :11e1indep:":ndmceo§V A 111$ K 5 ) iingom“ M" the irnpmving; cn~n%ci3tim*x of mm‘ awn mummy, th%eAprogm3 offoczety, goiwrnxmnt anti man~n’m*s, m the work}, whzch W111 $611136: rum flw %% rc%‘v”o3ut§Qraf,%‘and {mm thm c?f?.*.;1mifhrr1¢mt «sf am inwi &rp¢n&Emcw~V4 %% O‘;.r ;r_ * U%Ax‘.éiVt:§ix:‘:”tz’v;n?¢::‘Wfturns” to M-View ?t§“u.=: aC§;vat1«' 5;éag*ma¢;éf th<.‘:’n:~1i::'i;ra3fimation, and poh%t2ca1°fl“¢&do:m, whixsh way 3.33 pempicr, €':‘H_}Oy'., 4 A A Twas}; wtmz faJggc°rfi?m;i to us by a recognfitian (sf itheVinciepmdcn~cy»wot"::%h4:3%Arr1<=:rica%n }~I'1«::px;aM ic." VT:;,:'» ‘what }75L1z‘prJfi~: Could baa ether: pé:)1Tci*fiic,)nof':E1M}§rn-u;rJ_ withmut the €‘n_5_§39'_‘§f2T'I‘:fi‘I3l§ mf t;hc’}:1Nz:-ter?9 In ?‘i:mt:'“x“ 4rc:'-- i‘pc.:éfs:, Vc:;z.3r~1ir1c*sy$hV‘;:W§¢: faflcrn ‘i=‘n»g~:1£r%af;1*ntphces; and we ~;mw;a g_g;or3d%}y heriwtage. ‘Wham: nmfion ma «earth can bum m‘ finch a t«;:rri::¢f:»r*y, in extent 22.1142! fc::rtiiity“ Of fit>i},%% fimmtimn Aami variety of ¢:mm::«: '1'L"hiat* %?fi~—~ mafziofn am d m«tt%e%ra%f'i we :*m‘*i £’w ry* “M” 5 ;;«~4»: (/2.-geitm A Sm~z,;—-5 .m“*t£%i“}i‘*.2”%s:}i31*“:i‘C)%1€f4fl2»r La grt-::aJ.t.' \r7a1*imy «(W p‘2’CiC:I’1.1'(fi:‘i‘i‘f$'«1"§3j,I and cunwznmnt f0r%cwnm:*xm*<:¢&. Iiflxtacndzrng fmrn theV%thirty-—~hri’tA to time: i‘m'ty--Izxth degree of zuorm . vflatigucl-95 az1dVa"J?€:2'::2g;in1g_§ at m%ore%t§mrin0ne!a:hm.1far::d 2‘ni1t-mi i1‘i%brea«d‘rh,~ %:tEm-Ly rzcymprehc-smti main :1 v%a%ri€cw M foil and <‘hrr:.;m=~, 2:23 A to be: capable of azlmofi: a::vc:rrykir1d of"p2*0c::!ué%i0r1A, c:~ichcr n-:::«:fi’?a%r§.? C31" com» wnientto mmn. ~ "17"h::;- pmiifmfbil wvifilrrwxarci {ha culti’vm or’sVIabour, and Afumi*fl1 an :m“1plc‘ ’f‘1.'!pp§j»’ for its ixmrcafing inhabirmrzcs. It is n0cu1"ua2% firm“ any of the c22f?f“a.ltic5, vmrxrreby rim 1"mi::.s: 0f the‘: e3ax‘th am: at any tinmzv cur: <>fi’, 1:0 pm'vac3<~: I}: e:3<:¢:c:n- fiw a ijpacaz at Ithct fazwm tmmr. ‘*«'V§‘1é1c om: pan: 7:'._}he-United S‘:::;,tes : Thaf {aid ccymmitmcé pmvitle a }r.».]a%ce far the dsv:‘— i‘.i*vr:u'3,v of [much Omtion; and rhm:-- an Oramm am {aid am~.:‘:nm"ablc «Wain! be C:.e'.ml;31'am::.l ::_nxm:a!ly. ' % V" % xx‘ .+i7';'.w (Lbgy .- J , % » ‘ % ;?§i’;‘:z:zfi, .Dm.'x£1. am-: T§~‘_; C?‘.rw:«:.2:«. L’L“z’}r2“.?£"., 5 ,3 fln~cEmcafi w‘ithV d«rmu,gh%t,L m+§«de%vmu red Mr i»flf::‘&$,, m%hm<*s«havek an mpm*abu2*id~;anc;<3%tm fup.p.iy ‘th e?.ir4Adg., manda. Bazmdied an the Axfianxic mama by a, fv%?afi:A w;a*ent% of qagafl, they 6nj0y.evm*y a_dvfa.nmge «Q-E’ fhreign and donmrftic commerce, 4 In{ter fm5tadE by many rivers," at diflcanccrs favaurable for intcrnafi nzwigawtimu‘, or ta fuppi y arti fici%%aAl%“c;%a nalsfi tEm§ix1%h agbitm antsm jay an eafy £ra«nFpQrta«ti0n~ fur thfi. mmbex "a.m.: 4 ‘ growth of their fi~:r~tiI;ca baynel4nd§tion& w.hi’::h f:::»1%_im*~:rs. ‘:’a~01ia.=r;1it%,,, are czirctxmfltancgg-s mmflt favou,ra.bIc em aircpubiiczm fern} mf g0vcrr2z4hent. A Virtue anti §%z'1c3ufix'}7, taienm and lirzwvxledgcg will form tha principal di[tim§’tEons; and the mmives m thacfim will iA:mxrca%f¢adA, %%wM~1e the ®ippurtur1iti.w%%fmrV vim mw: mindemzd f'e::jsz.«'.er'; A V Iwfuch a Rate, the .hereditary dernaggtzsgueg, and; we %cri%ngg;’zAng fycophant, are alika unknown” Pram wéh-:d% %by:;;4,4}:,awsA% of their own frarnfxng, the pmplm . flarirmt bf: o_pprcfi?:d. Enjoyingan equal g0vé‘ri‘1%-=~ mam A 6 7 J memm which has no“mcmtiv@:fimt=mesm wefiowg. mam Wifl Lmrm gram fcsrwpa for amb.it:»«iLous intrfigiuég «wSu~c**h gmcmfiMy4 is Hm «flame GE this Acm.1n:%try, whofc inhabwimnts icm%nfi*{%‘ principaliiy uf indzepen-» dam and imrdy %§moman*z*~y,M A44mamy ;¢tmi:n%4vcd :0 ’th@; mfc M” aamrm, infiru6Eedéi.n%4 rl1eirrighas»wr;caing~ and fenjaying me :frV*u‘i%-ts ~of their own i‘fldUfi3K'_Va«--':*-4* Happy ache pmprlc that am in fuch a flaw! HM "the hlcmngs wf fecmfiaar and mpalvitical enj,oynm1t lie: waéthiihm and ph——i1a»nt4hmpy, which ~mz;~em eh»-:2: apprm.*img=,r. " miflcse H (8) ‘*:~»i?0'ic0t‘;fin. V It is A1‘:mjci%é%fi”aAf}f%%; ~,§hA@riE» fm'e,% that ‘the fm'.«zZ awiil be ccsfieékcdg» and Arum» ce1‘mA*2;teci in mm form or confiituzion ofAgo%vem-- znrsflnt; nu flare hewingyet ap%pearejci, WAhf"~$I”€ the. peophrr at once gavern :l1¢mf,c1v*eVsLf5,v§tlx0u;1:»reA;:m*3~« fentatiom. L This cmnfiittationg. Mtma the w~z§73Ab?;'J‘1Aa-—- ‘titan oAforg;ans -that {ornnm the %cz;aA;a::fiA%tution of cm Eimman bawdy, ‘mufi conm§nA %Awvith;;»in‘A étfgif fuficienc A formvand eariergy tn carry- %c:m*Ll:1*&%;“;34c:CW:&ry.A% f:?.um;f,~» ,t:i‘,<:zgn:-;-.;’, A ‘ The head ‘difiaies the laws, anWfiE 5+ and on the hanom y=0M~jf%.~fi]£!S.i}1~0I?§ Viuaw down z::kx¢m:%fcW«:a~ /by. thci; un%a:1i1n:i1;y% jzzr tVfh%ae:;%4%A ,,C2;l;€-,£,L-; t~~‘m 1:.‘x.». A A A 4 « \ = ~ V ,4 'FHE?px'~¢fcnt fioxrriflming conditimrf of thcfa: Eitateas-;.,;%é‘%,a.*fl’Qr%ds,£hwe CD17“-n€fl';C or; the camel:-.:« cc of our yrC0;én£Hi.'=l.1 L.iAao%n.;:: A 4% All; ‘ ufef U11 t:%hcori,cs+ am: prafficable. ‘me mc2{’c:pexrfe%é% ‘.1-nQd'&1..W0fA.:g0f'K'\ rw:rn~VfI?£.cnmh4a%t i.magi%natio3n can form. will be uufc%-: 1;g‘:fs,..\*if£}ae% flaw of manlézilnsd mn.:d~:r:s. it impracS?:ie~% mbl.¢. "A,.1rc~:ady has mper.i«m:c:e aaugm us,-Ath:aE% our government is fraught with %:ma~¢rizy ¢b1e[fingsu Tirm fa4;m«-x‘: fignmrnal. .caufeAs_ chatA1cdA-to in%dc:pemdcn;ceW and mtiszma1**%=e%x;§€%%:%;mx:e, haivr¢*guided the: pmpic nf thctfc S rams 1:0: a. : wi fa» amd d£w21r*2i~:t:7<:%r%a:t%;3,:%%% Em .o,fi~pm:-,- f0nS,~»..t0 whom: the: powers of ~govi_%er:nrn£n%t might. 1?aL§e}y be ‘entruftcd. To the wifdom of t:h%cir eleétmnrs,‘ afld.tO. 1:hc% ‘}UdiCi'013iSflp'p£3il'1CF171C"H»£ GE cmflicers m. ‘tihfiv fcvcml epar1:m.c:%.n:I5% of . fl=afm, = am‘ my to“ a.fcr.i=qbc their wprcfem; flvAou'rifla4%1AnAg, cc>?n%di:t:m3 T.=Jndc=r thehappy. infimc-,nc.& 0%? their w»i:f'cio%m,%V fi.d{C--~ lity: and ,iJndufiry,_ rave: »f::~c%A,%ous1' c.r£:d‘x3:. If.ae{%;»ore*~ a.brt5ad_.,. ,an.d efi:abliIhed% at hAm:nwca-«our _dcg*a»ngcd+ fi5nanc:es.~ rcduced toA\§fyVfwEem, and made produéliw Xwyond tfie calculations of the mofii“ fanguine. Although sthr: wm:vc:n%u+e laws may, in {amt rcfpmffts, aperate11>1'1»t:qVg.1a3L;,r':1z;prcfr:nt‘,. yet t‘ht.*.A objmfii: Q5 g,c>w:1'~nVernent Vb~ei,n gthqe éiA£fr&.b*u1;::i:;wn;% oftqpal j«M1?0iAcAe_.,M ft}=Cih.al~£€Yfl1'..l()%fiS ami ;rcfcmmsvwi!l %;d%0vt:%%b%%tlx:rfs takct“ plar::c,»aLs crrprnduce all that equalizty A%wilfai4§;h.».;otzl3¢cc'4y natm;me.0Afi»:;m.c icarfe will« admit.% ‘Who %docs-4 net‘ fem rc%afm%m% @199 réjjgoicm i % the jmovificn mak:imgA fair» rim? currc at of j~u~&-.i;cr: ..t:=0 rung {pure t:hr~cmglm mim" ~Unio;n,...:% ......~.whn% rbm t1~th¢c:dAifl1%onef’c: and frtaudulant {d€bftQIf,. at rm c,riminal mofl.'md£vr The » digVniry;,w ‘cuandwwu :1 A zemd. A ?( 1'1 .w1;fi“:impartia1i:t.y, Idifplaye-wd from 7 the judicial bAench,% augur Awe}! was the riglfts of .individ%uA%als,, and w thyt’: peasaaof focietzy.-. ‘A A ;I‘IERB p,m;per;ty, is Am-nd4eVrcd %.fm:u.*re,,A‘A «bythe @Tqua].iA.1_:y ,~¢;;»Aff' law; Am; an ;: a%n»d»:A:V;c:vcry Aman,% bting -mAaflerA»of1aheA% frAuAi:tAs of hii;s% ?0¢w%n A1:abour,A “ er;jc:yAs the right Oi-F A p%z‘r)pe%rt%yw~Ano a~r-bitrary i»m‘pAf1.ti0Tn= of taxes Ao:rA c:f,ty«the«s,% no ‘lmdly ;cxa~¢:"t_i0ns 1‘::frr“eA:at:Ts_, chill the be,a.‘rt;df ir1dAufirAy, *n<)r_r7c%prefs the c%i;x%l:ti.v:iw mAr’aA vmerAtiotn s»A~wnoA ~me~mcawn%cil~v: vmrAporations3 ‘ with Am£cluAfivAe rigluts,Ada.xnVp.t:Ah~e ardent _fpAi»Aric nf »enmr« .,pxf“izce2... Aflenca wcifeea 1:n*ack!ef'swi‘ldern%efs,inthze: A1’hmAc fifiaca uf c:»AI:t§e.~.I1Am:a ndjrmi andVfmmt:u:y Ay:caArs,. dum- A%VAt:%:*l-*Vi§JmAAcm-anAfizauAiAtffu*Isfic1d‘ armd, in .thcA 1'pace uf mnAy;ear’5!5 xw: -fee ;.1:‘r:.1fl~c:~%and coinmerrcd, no longer Eimitcd pa.ArliaAmem::ary AxscPcricEtiAons, incur difireffed ‘by’ war, .A ~fiMttndih.g; a;.l,lA "paxfxzs of the glmbe, A. Afi-om mhc A Afh*~aits:AAaf a*gt:Ma;An tqthe inAho~fpir4ablAe regimm 0? Kamfkatka. Hence alfo;-we fiac «the AmerAilna‘m genius fpringing farward inAufeful arts, projczfting gx?:;.€:at:; and ; Ih inge my terpfrwi ms, A :=.t.mrzIng" A Wm: A.maug;gj»m, —_-;_a)z?dA1«fi;f¢(jhg;;up «z,mAAMz?c.=r;,~‘*‘* find 1 making. afi- Afrzrrrts ur§1anA0Wn iz1A:%}t~h0fi~: AAcoujAntVrAic$A wharf: dcfpogifm :€I' ¢AndeAr;£a every «thing p%rc:cam0us,A,;:?°and%=whc:1:ic.Aa% £Ay;-‘-2 ax*AantAirc:;a;pssa»\v.hz1%t%A+fla»v=:crsAhAa?vcIo-Wm.» M N ~ ~ A. ” f 6 L1'%m4AA..an§d; AiAn«gmu"iA‘bAuAs A=:?Eurmp&dntravelIen, ‘;_(A rA.~ M00112‘) ‘telglws us,» .A A%‘A%T:1'm4 AchrllAing .Acfi‘ccfts% mf ,.deA;{‘ pm-t,~1 c:,, ub»pp:rcJ:"fio.An, A or ;.t:I1c lzimuxyign, ms-flucnA*c$e I ,‘ A AA %* 5 I fimdom .~x.- Mr. mA‘eaAVas«xAA}:»:%:Bn:jg;>;»;7s«»:,TVA ~1\:ae%rchA:a;4“nc; of m “is, thaw people may rafhly take a cliflike to Liberty herfclfi;from.thc tcafing impcrtinence and abfurdi.ty of lfome oflher Areal orlllaffi:él:e<:ll ‘.,wk2ll-wi;.fl1ers;;l%h as a man might lbecomel‘lefs lfcrmtzl mfll*llh:%i?sal;§hbhfi:£h‘frilh:nd, i;f.heh found A him allwaysll attenhdked by a fnappilh cur, whichl without provocation was always growlingand ar1<:.ilng;" .. .“ l I * ‘VV»‘}'h-,-IA'VI‘ are the ldifordclrs gaff at fxflmgcvernmcln 1:; compalred to the "‘g1oomlyA rcgullarilltytprloclticed by dcfpotifizm E1 in whilcéhnrmezm 'am;lobliged:lc.oh~tllhi:‘lrI:*mfl: l painful , ci?rcumfpc<5’cicm. in ajljl ltzhelri;a€t:ilonsxl;l'll;2rr‘e afraid to {peak lthelirl lfenhtimenltsohn thalmafil «C0m-- A man occurrences; fufpicious of cherifhrrxg go.-% jverlnlnmcn ts fp:l€S.z in ftheir thouflxoldh fervants, hglhifirufif ftnllgof t:heir;~ vlw':latillo?ns“ and» mc3zdfl:,1ntlxrI19£nlvalac:"fIedl;; _il'.=£[3 lath ea lolpprefl lion of men in power, and to the infolcnce of their fl1vc:urites.. No confufiong in mylmindll, caaaznlbe Ilfrlblfil £11 Aanhhh ~th;e A Item ‘ difci plined j1*egula"rity 1 van »l1i<>‘Iicllleh hlarlblicrm lglbvérnlmcntsa hiéaflihcéhxge A clverylrllhheart A ls l ldeprcr Hledl by A; fear‘: lwhherlé“ A mahkind - not affumclltheirlhatlural i}:h3I‘35l‘¢3‘5$ (" I3 ) where the free fpirit mufi: crouch to A the Have in office, where grznius mufi rcprefs her efi"ufi<:ms, or, like the Egytian worfhippers, pffier them in facrificAt: 1:o.the calves. of puwerg Aandwhcrc the human mAiAnd, always in flnacklasg Ihrinks from every generous effort.’ A ' AM V ~ 1 % % A %QTm~:ru: is awpoint of dczpreifion, aé well as ex- aitation, from A whxcb human affairs na:tura%I‘Iy% tea mm in a contrary dire€ti“oAna, and bey%ond"w'hich% they fcldorn pafs, either‘ in their dcclAine*or ad- vancement. “ Theprefcnt is a crifis, tin human aflhirs, that teams with LA greacp and-Minterefling %ev;cnts..: * Lung,» ;vlung~%:4 ,13wa§ar oFld*'*.vi7orIi%d" been fimkin ignmramce, fup,erf’cVitior’1a“ndbondage. But »t;hc% period oifher emancipation appears tobr: Arapidw 1y, approaching; Whata mighty :coxn’birmria*1umef evemzs: is ijmw can fpiring {to the; general fpread A at" kzmwlcci ge and vfreed=d*t11 "VJu~dgi?n“gfromwfw 7-at we havefccn and experienced, we may conclude *th’at: the meafures now taken tocruflmthc rigI3%Ats* of mankinch and to (w*t:r2:u%rn~ the altar 01‘ A freedom, *wiI1$* be*~pr"oid.u6‘ti of ttI*x*el ‘*co)n”trary ¢Efe&,«*1ndecd Iac1 az*k cloud [fiat pr:-:fi2n'tiivvai%ls the fairfcou’nt%kenanc:e: W %of.lil:>e.rI;y vm‘. F.raVx1%cc:.V Inex per;enceAd an the fcienct: A ¢:3f*a:{)fr[m:gotvt:rnmc:nr,. and unprcparczd fm the %r:n:~ jo4y;%m;¢n ti;:.c:f it by revipu*s.i c:%o;t1;;:4fr: Q-of: % 4edu.m ion, of MA;i'}m211&¢aé7tflual;= impiftjvcmcnt, ahi4d mm} :d%if;éis» pline,,.thc:y1have:1:arn~ifl1k3d‘i?thcir% glory by Acxccfikss; «and,: in the paroxyfms of.Atheir%zea&1, k*ha”vc*~ carrirzd %cxcc%fsA%tc1 Qutrage. ¢ 111‘. is rhéJmAAisfmun;e1o£men ~f’cr'U}g g1ing for law}. that ;t::h"ey ram aptra :10‘ be \ ‘cia%.rrircd% % too fa¢n,~:a:;wg JIWUE Z7e£i2.‘t”awg/at *:;axj9eria72ce.. “‘»Tf‘h¢ ;mo:rie~< «the %V;Im;- man :~m%iV:nd;hatI1bccn dceprcffctd, “the greater will be ( M } its extfavagancics, when it ;burEtsa fimh from flm :§h.ac;k1csAof cyrarmy into time full light 0f freeddam. Like the ,Vibr!‘Va’{ifl g3 cndulum, it xfiires {mm _s£;‘xtr€:m€ -tA0%::%a‘nw:=ha;~rv»;‘ «and, 1 like thiat,~ =*l'I1*flflZ haw: gimtro regulate i‘tfc:}*'f'., 7811311 we % r;ejr:€t ';1.‘7é1‘lfil Ca%u’ik: cf human liberty, becaufe anarchy attends’ ffht firfi efforts of a people to gain -it, or .be:cauufc fc:ro-- cigtijy L fI‘3'iEiI‘k.;S ‘%fom~ew3;f *th;eir% fieps ta0«wa;z‘ds it 3“ Or {hall cur confiderxit-e in its progrefs be 02v’r:rcl1rowm b¢:ca.uf4::% th-rcmizcmd by hoftviie Aco%nf.2de%ra;c;ics ? IQLS Am-erécans, we mufc eifthcr remounéc% that %whi€:h. aisomf boa-F; and giory, m wa-afmly win: fucccfs rm the great principles of M.th?c- gFwnc.h rev-@»1.u%t:i¢o1ia:-m gprinciplcs fcunded on the equal libwty of all m«en;9 th<~;;_§:mpire %oVf%sth:d"=law*5._L As -rational bvfings}, %:a;a:1;¥c:l as MChrAifiiam we” fl71;cz_u~1d_rcc%oile4~u~I~:’}% cm: combined powers *fiicCe'e‘d,;%‘again{?§ .§Fmn%ce,.»"~ and 1:h“c ,xeV-efcahlifhmerm’ 0f ridtmairrchy gshaam ¢e::'iB::%* a;mim%1;g; ”p%c5ffiVb17e »crvent%5*5% é34tiAfaE¢]crI1:1*afi7t,%t;1}’r _;:ha*~ve %w¢; thét zziiliiei {am e7 Irattsemt ; wi11Amm+ ébe mm: tb re{ifE?UYnpgi!j ‘What iwmrld» be hericmdiwd tion, if;f§.!"iJ_:]:L1gi=lt«‘3§i ibyithrc ics3~nfederat»csiagaini7t%* frcedom,. we maylnearnfrotn the fiatc of Polanci, liaxzely rnada ff¢i6ibyiavolu"ntary coniparfi with i King;.but.m:1w iiuii/duiediby timfcrcmiioins %poxver»i Qftxhc north, dividréd andonig h-err jcaimzsi .1-seigh--I iiaours, and the people folild with thw foil, like the animals that graze iuipon it.-w-‘.-'LC1: the ‘iigcne;-guy» fmlingfi ofimman nature: rifle indignant as the ab--A imrrcnt: icicra of part of itfcli-f being "thus ciiegrad-ed. ‘Whatever may be the fate of Francevin the pm» ii:-nt commit, xhq great pringgipiea mfi1:h4eii.rev‘0‘1n;:iion will evxicmually find ad‘?vcmams in every §a1“!Z.0f‘fl1¢fv ‘ Warlidi icxren ammmg tih-.!;'.lfi’3 who are now mofl: iiinu--» veteram zagainiic thcicondwét of the French; V Ti1c*' dioéi:rinesiaAfi1c:‘acc:iitary powaris-mo? the divimarighfii «inf leziiniwgs-.-w«.oF their inVi‘0l:abil'ii‘\:tyVfi and incapacity (Ob aria Wrcmg, are {aft declining, and wiilfaon be ¢c:.xi=--I plo»d»'m.d‘. They am falccifms 0f the fame naxumr with thmr ‘mivzrm raglan; to doiwmnggi and will; in }f1:m:z~*it:x.1irr¢,.W mmfc enlighmned and liberal diaysgq . be ireaii Qfiwi th:=,af’conifliment.i if-law often doitliiiwhanci u~im;b£'mrvcd fiiiflsthwi figzena cafrhié world 1 Tim calmcfi andiiiiftiilxcftiii hour" prfiflflfliiflifi i~cI7mwhiiirlwiind iafndiirs harsh mundmdi in? me fmreincfiz ‘I‘ky. The ;mi0naric*h hath ‘1drawrix‘ t;i‘u‘J.'" azzlxairisnvin iof fllat§'..i‘, in iwhich hci_Imid be.r:n‘iwon~t mi ride: in triumph 5 or been (dragged to a.{caiiFold,ib3r the m-ifguided zeal ofliisi late admirers ; and the gxtmtciiit whim ever Aa»we,di:hic iiwor1id;,ih‘:m*c“ momm... a,t::1,atit:hc: mm cift~I1ci white}. 3:Such;. O Luuisz, hm» b~::.cinM thy Lzntimcrly fam! Art it‘h«y‘m*n, hat pityringg A mum drop a finnpaitlzctic tear» EA €eaf'c,”‘”thou~‘ A fiina-» g_>4u.ina.:‘yd¢r:ia,zi, any ioxngzcr m fuppmzrn ziiayibiliomaiyi fiandaérd i c :6 > fiandard! May4the1ni1dergehiu~sof truelibc:rty, and more enlightened (policy, fpeedily pervad7eth+c councils, andblefs the people of France! . OUR A attention V n"ow* returns gvith delight ‘ta contemplate that port:on4 ofreligious and fcien-ks tific freedom which our »coum:ry enjays. To thfl early care ‘of: our ranAc:efti%1rsvem%eftab1%ifhA literary, and enc%o‘u"ra gc religimus inI’citut:i‘ons,A arc”we much‘ indet:1eVd.f0r_the 'acc:omp1ifl1ment%ofVthe late revo«- lpticm, whichwflmws us the vaff inupdfcance of paying~greax: a1:tenti0n%t0 the rifing fans and daughters of Arnericagbyw giving A them an ene- Ii;ghtcned and a virtuous educaticim. Here the humanV:;»4mi%nd,A% free as~the<«air, may exert all its powers ttxwards the vari:q5uAAs%%.:dobj%e6ts5 laid~bc~fore= in and exp.a%ndA its faculties to an A extent’“h%%itherEofun» knoxvnw It has been the policy of all m~ona.rchi¢- cal governments, and of foam: religious ini’titu-—+ tioms, 1:0 %I<.cep tha Apeople: inignorancc, the mAor?: craifily todazzlc them into %obe:di%cnc€:%~by*external rxjxarl-as of grc2.tn«::fs, andvofnative fuperierityy Knowledge and true religion go‘ hand inW.hand,A When the formsr is obfcuredhthaa latte-1* is mu;i- iarred, and enveloped in the: flxaclcs of fiiperfiition and bigotry. A And xvhenever the civil4.Apoyyer has undertaken tajudge and decide mncerning truth; and error, to oppufe the one, Whi'lc:~-it5 prutc:§5h‘:d the wethrz r,-AA “ii: i has inva.r1ab1y _ fuppar’nf.:dfib"1gotfry_, fuperPcitim1“and Anfcmfizn fit. * “%ANAX‘~AGORAS was tritz-d and condeznnVedr in Grwcxe, fur 1:ar:aching%t11ac the fun andfx‘.ars%werVe not deicics,bucy%%%ma{‘fi:~s ofcorruptiblc matter: Accufa.-A- tiuns,o£ a, liicé:%~n%1turc‘C0ntribu%tcdAm» the death of , ”SQc:rates. %‘%Theti}rcats W05 %%bigotry:, me! ‘%.t11e fcar~ nf 6* 3 :05? pm*fi~:cutimi', pmvganteci Copernicus fi’roz11‘%pu‘b«~ % hlhlimgy during has Me tame, his difccwexfy of aim tme ryficm of the world. Geflilm was ahliged E0 X'@l5fl@l3§fl‘C€ the dioflrizxe afthe mmigm of the earth, andfuEF&rédayezxz*’s imprifonmcntfar having afl- fcrmd it,,"’ Many othczr infiances of a. fimilar na- mmy, and much later dam, might: be mezmtioncd,-, mm tendency of which has beenm cramp: the hum mum pczawcrs, m d¢3fl:r0Vy in form xneafure the enci of maducaftioné, bydirecfking the current of thought%%% into a nNa»x*m"w chanxwi. Hence the ducftrine of the rmmhxtian of the ‘earth round the fun, mrould have be*éAm,ars gmat mt Pcu.mbI"i%n4g~b%I%oAck to the prejuu di?c£'d ; je~ws;‘arXd$% asi aipgparenc fnoliflmefs to the Mamed Grmaks, as that mf a. cmcified Jefus to be me Saviour“ uf Hm Worid.’ Ev tfw cunflcicution of rt.-he Umcmm %S-mwas, my man is abxfidgged 0f the liberty caf enquiry-m=— I120‘ ~reiigimus; %t«::‘*{% is reqiui~i1*cdw-«ma bait is nhmwn A am‘: by gmerm;n4eAnAc co! AenAcouzvaga h%y’p¢ocrify, or mkal*ud¥@‘*thM*ao::ef‘: and dezférving. A In tlmia .rcfpa€?c it ipomiifcs :1 1»Aibm*fz1liz:y Lnnkaaowwn to any pwpic be-» fam. It mufl give p1¢ai‘ure m .z;*v%m~y gcnemus mind,y m hc~ar4 " the children wf elm-:i’cot:1::. uf Abram» ham” 1:huAs” ~adid:ru4fl3ng% %(:m:r hemved Prefidenm * Deprived’ asvwe have“ %11m'etofm‘e:: been M the in»: va‘1Vmb‘§eright*$%of citimius, we new (‘with a deep Mn3fwuf gratitudfl m the Alrnighty Difpmfernf am «av-amiss) befimid a gwwrmncnt: c3r<.i'fl"a:‘d cm the mam jafiy ufthm pmaplwwma g_0AvM<:*rm'x=";ent fwhich to him» g7o7%tr'*y% gives no f'a‘n%€tian, «:0 pm*fm::m=iem no aififiw anew, but gmeroufly afFordifng to an Eibzmy mfrsom-x £°cién.cc; and irmnunicics Qfcirizeaaifizipmdecxning emery mm, 0f wh.»atc-zver natmn, comma or L.m-~ gg;;‘u‘~a“g¢, equa1,pa1~rsAuf the gmvcwzujimmentai nm~c1:zzm €17 Thha ( I3 ) Tll‘llS lb ample and erttehlive federal union, whole. hafis is philanthropy, mutual confidence, and public virtuet r we eannat but A acltnowledge to he i the ewerkr of the greatGed“, who ruleth in the at» rriies hf heaven, and among the inhabitants of the earth.” \ lie thie Vicw otcbeirubjeec, imylwe nollililcomi... _ dear thefe as the dawn of brighter daysg of a bright» er funrthanrever bleflfed the world before; as a com» mencement of the golden age, that introduces all better fyllem ofreligion tl‘l2ilfl,I’l'lOljC oftrhofe which ltavte ‘rhaeen hitherto profelled in the world 5 a re»- ligion that enforces mm-alohligations, not a re» ligiorl that relaxes ancl}.evat;lesthem ,; areligiort hf peace and charity, natal Ptrifeanld party rage it The importance of religion to the peace and or»- ‘€36!’ offociety, is unfpeakably great. Every thing is replaced andrellatblilhed by religion. ltwfuer-»-A rounds‘ the whole fyllfem of morality, refembling that univerfal force of phylical nature, which re-—~% tains the planets in their order, and fubjeéls them tr; a regular revolutionl ~ But as to all Ade- cent modes and outward exprellipns at it,’ the rights of confcience remain untouched. A Here all religious opinions are equally harmlefs, and ten-A-~ der men who hold different ‘opinions equally good l’ubjeél:s,% ibetraufe there; are he laws to oppofe them, nofotrce toicompel them». lThe ufe ofarmsi, and the military arr, ofwhich we have this day for agreeable and elegant a fpecimen, are diregélzed to a very didllerentl objeélt, the defenceiof freedom_,' and.asra» bullwarlt of the State. A A” i ° i l MAY 7 re Extz'a5t {t'K'flLrl.’ljl‘k1l‘l\l3.L.lltll‘¢fl-8 prefented Pl‘refitlent WAsHrNcTl0*ll~1 by l?~lewpet"t, Wllcll unhia tourthreugh the eallzerrt thtateay ~~~«»-».;,.H ;‘;i‘~i" . i (mi Mme we ever flmw miefeiees woreiiy of eiie bieflings we enjoy, and never eeenifli the bright iufire ofeiiis day, by any unbecoming exieeflesnw Amiericzims i. tiiieiie of the many priiiilegea which diflinguiih ymir mnditioni i Be grateful fer ymie ion 5 and fee your virtue fecm'eiiwi1l’at’ ymie vaimm under God, iiaein eibeained; and eranfmit miatefi pofieriiy eiae giorieus iniieeieance. May the pan» iieieai edifice eiefted en the eiieatre at" this new wmid, afibrd a prafiieai ieiibn ofliberey em mama» kind, and become in aneminem degree ehe model M time gimimis tempie mi univerfai liberty which ie. about to be efiabliiiieed over the civilized worm, eei‘