% TE flmrlu cf mu:-imt heroes I TX: 1.059 iai/’J, V A1KI ; ‘ ‘ . _ ,v"‘ M ‘ ,; ‘V " 1“ “ _ ‘, 1” , ‘ ‘*_' w‘ m I UN ‘ vaoufivncmn .7"ULY W. V1935 Ar mm flEQ_UEST‘ on ‘THE INHABITANTR 0.1”‘ THE TOWN 01» 13 o are N; un COMMEMVORATION Amr EH2 ANNIVERSARY mv AMERICAN INDEPENDENCE; my JOHN QUINCY AI?AM5~ ' 0 woman mn..c':n mm:-:n:.'r4'rxs 2 CM. ' mu WV 7"l2rar1__g/J /arzg [m:a~:flivu- age: to Emile’ up A’ laborxrifig‘ plan 9/‘ flaw ;% behuld at once % The wonder done ! A Tmmsnm. .-_... % % B 0 S "T 0 N : wart» by BENJAMIN EDES 3: sow, in KW}-Strtm A ;a,ncc,xctzx. A AA A ”;:i’l‘iE:“!‘ci:.;;§«' z‘g‘;'_g.-*:'.% 4t}3,ff_f _{§’?J])E 244'?” ‘ct: flfaafing 1)}; Fr-ee¢3IeV{2!¢_g'er: and’ crime,‘ Izzfiaaéilgaztx eff‘- 2‘/.v:° ‘L3”'«mm of BOSTON, Jiébr grzabyfad and /agar/{y warned; in j)r¢!5.:"..‘.rr5 707u22~fl_‘:g;r:/Erxg, gfi?:'f}xé/:‘d (fig Fa11E’11§i3eE.Ial_,L gfiq VOTEWD, ‘\M I ’ “ % _g*_ H AT ,, me S‘x§L§M%crM§ ‘bug sand hereby am ~.:a.ppointm1 3. Ccfifirniftee “to "wait on J0 -M1 Q_’U'1E*~JCY: A‘L¥%r‘fl.'IS, E51]. zmd in the I~Ig},1n¢_c';»f the Town to thank him for the fpi1*i§:ec1aI1d degmfxf OR.«.‘1'1“I'ON this Day‘ gleiijgeg-ed, Lg. is-s§t1_:n_, as the l?%.e‘g§u.%$;*:{’t [L16 ‘7lT‘,«;>v;.j11£ %u%p¢;'fi t11c='*—~ANN1v%%s+:éI’sARY*'61?‘rue Frwamrémtmcu or-‘ 1*:-:1; '{Jr~a1'2r*sD STAT-as r._,~r.~ A1‘vf:.E;,l{IC.»..’~3ur in V%«'lliCh, accorclinég; to tlm Infiimriosr. ofthe Town, hr-.3 co71{iV:f“len;:;l {I165} fag}- is1%gs,.h4%ég1Aa 1111§;~s , * mu d "%'pri% 1‘.-_<:i_p.l w'11ic:";h lcwfll 1:0 ‘that 'g1'«;;mt % Naziomil Eve‘nt~«—m1d to requc~:fi: ofhgixn a Copy’ tl1ere0F: for the Prefis. % ‘ ~ “ ' %.A'a‘f&fl, ~.3v1LL1AM qoopm, T0Ym,g1Q,kY fcnmrzslsimszxf, W IN ‘?“’?”P/5"”‘f wré<é: 2>.2Ii%.e Mz~:rfl elf swim (L‘5ti§é:753, I/2:3 /ISVYOIV ye’/}w7dAr%_y dc /gtverdd, % " ;[w’i:;z*:.: 211:. l22d4'z4gA;;m of w¢Pz¢zz/za.~ ‘ _.Qa}2VI/amen,‘ j % %Wé25V flrzaére Rczfpefl‘, Tour zgefiy bm;:£/e Sermrzf, ’ A I‘ V V‘ 12: A~Mg,;.:. Kw‘, ‘ X‘ I "T has been a c:uf’_ro:rh, Iané’cio}1eddhyAhthed euniverfal prafcice of civilized Nations, »" hce1eh1*ate ahhidexfaddrfhfolemnities, thed ;return of the days W’11iCh have heen difiinguifhed Ad by eveqts ehe I110“; xmgofgagt to__ the_happ1oefs of A the people. In couhtfies where the enatmial dig-1' nity of mgxnkixad, hag been degradedwdby the wcalgw , nefs of bggogry? or debafed the mifexfies of defl. potifm, this cufiomagry celebration has degenerated A into :1. fervile mockery of fefiivity upon the birth of a, fceptered tyrant; orhas dwindled to an unmeeaningw revel,,in honour of%Vfomei}‘,e2g.x1onized A f"zL1'jgatiC;,of Whoxidiiotliifigododnow fenlains but the name, in the calendgxr of anfciquated fuperfiitioo. Ad In thofe e_more fortuzuzgteyegioos of the earth when: d Liberty hzisw condcfccnded to I€fid€,fl1¢‘Ch€€;‘fUl" grdtitgde of her favoured people hasdcvotedo to W V inofocent gaiety and ufeful relaxation from the toil: 0f§ZirtU<5U$i11duf’try the periodical revolution Of s thdfe days which have been renderedmillufcrious Ad dthé‘m;tr5,umphs of Freedom, d JMERICANS 4 JAIERICJLVS .! Such is the natursi‘ of thm inftitutjgora =w}3iVch again. calls you}: attention to itftifibratfi £h‘£cfiab1i‘i11¥31£n§ of your11at.ional Indete pendehce. And iumly fincg the creation of the heavenly Qr1?%LW1:ich feparatccf thgday from zchc ~ night, amidihé 4%fin:mm5crcd A wants which .ha.v;¢ diverfificd Iihc hifio.ryAof t.h¢ human racc, mac has A ever occgrrgd mom highly defcrving of ue:e1cbm.» Iion byAAcvery. fpecies of cgrfizxxenialg. zhm cam tefiifyafenfc of gr-2:-tiwdc-.*t<> .the;D.£—;I1~‘¥, and 9f happincf$,d¢;:iv%¢d.frq‘xn his tranfcmzdmt favours, IT is ‘a. wiVf'rc.-_ fiu.l1ex'.:a fwm Lhclunhagllowrjdlluorcs of 0pp1'€lfiOI‘.l_;:n which infpired than witlhlthe fizblime plifpofctbf ccmvertlng the for§wfisA0fa, wilddcrncfsriflnto the 1%.... llvUurl’ltllé‘”fmz1nfion “(if Libélty ; llofllunfolding the gatcsh ~ 052» nmv wm"l£l_, asgz refuge for the viélzinus of per---- f€CUlZ‘lCl)I1l!1ll‘tll‘lC oldf‘ Tlielfcel‘ingslolF injlulredl Vfraew; » dom, the nnmners of focial equality, and the plfin--A Al ciplcsof (gm-:r11al jufiice. l J A ’I“IAIll the Save-reignls 7of’lEn§;l2indlllp:L11;fued tha ,, “ policyprefcribcd by their intercfl, had they not prwvqlicd the hofiilities of their Colonifis againfi lthcl flae f’eéb1e'fI:§rt1*€fs0ft their‘ aéitiiority, may‘. fhigfifi ;; pe19haps *r11ave; re%tz*ii‘ne§d t:o?thi's' day an Efnpim which would have beef: but th‘§*m0f’edurabIe, for reflir-fig only upon theVfQundati0n4 of immcrmofwsl euflomg 5‘°and national affcfiion. V 4 2 INcUMBAE%‘t&ED% however” Witfi the (“5p%}')fef:f:i%v°€ glory of a; fucc"éf§'fu1‘ wan; which had cflfiched the pride of Britain;»%With the fpof1s; ‘(if ‘her’ <)’W11%0];)#-av puIcncc,"a1~1d rcplerriflued the ‘zzrrcrgz-ix1‘C¢A%i1‘i pro»; X pJrtio11~:;afs itghad exhaufiredfl "tY1?t:Vi'e%fotf1*Cé‘s‘ c')f” “tI1i;*‘: na.tijon ;~an "*adve.nt4urous . minif’try, catchifig at? I ¢_;_ycf;ryj% dcfperate e:_gpedient: to fupport fthd po'r1d2*.s, Wmh tlmfe of thff.‘ Ame»- ricrmg ‘mi! ‘;;,g=;~n gracluzaiiy lacifeiicezfi to tl‘1:=;veI'gc of . (LL 4) »‘ -‘‘--'- ’ ' %d§.iI731:.ztioz1, 533.7 the flow but ceafcsiirm hrmd of timcz. W Ti1{%éasd of 1'::i:u¢:*z1i11g’ the {E.‘I1'£§:l"’T1€fI'ifS Bf fmtcmalf ffiw at :*‘tioi1, whidi é*z1§.z'i11t-sci {fie An”ic1'iC::.:%,%thc3r jgggiizlfja-:i 1j"1;=.a%:ai13 w=émit;w wiath pi*epofie2*ous opi11io11S of inf:1itiri.c:Vfi.1:5erio1'itjr: they cC}11fibfe1‘V*cd, that tl‘zc7 zmticms the rnofi highly favou1'-~ (rd *w‘%itE1%f~*C«::<;”é<:>rh, havcnot always bce11vth«:mof’cf fm: lily E0 13.1% Iibaz-“WV of othens. The peopIwr2%0f' }7f3a1'.it:zin,&cxpc-i7ifcc‘1to fccl mnc of the opprcflion 'W}1ic1A1 .21 pzmgizirncntzury tyr:.mnj,r Inight impof<:": ugon the Anweznmatzzfzs ; on the cozztrmfy, A they" mcpefted :e111%a.11evi:»1tior1 of 1;'hf:%i%1“‘~b1L1r(1(i‘I”'.1_,‘ fmmA t‘I1e*accumuIa- tiozz of om, zimd vz::.i:91y 11«:>pc:" thztzt by the fl1*ipe$ ftnfliflzcd upon 113, fllrsir wourzds would b:3:11ca}¢d... 7% wTm3 I~ih1gg~—~N¢ed it be faid, that he adopted as ‘H16 oIi:E;p1*i11g of his own=nafl”ecflions,a plan 113 faVoLzr..: A able to the mtural pmpenfity ovfroya1tytox2mz'd.';% zu*bit1'ary power. Depending upon the prQ_fiitut.... tad v7é11ou1*of his me1*cc:11a1‘y legions, he was aear to rim pm u. th;et»edr_nplaginits,V he was inexomble to etc’ t’etttO’l";i.t:: “ Ptrancee of vielgted freedom. A l}ur1'1 and cdttcatedi A tqthe ttfual prejudices of heredita'ry clominiomamd-i hgibitttally acculldmed to the fyre11—fong of aid 111:1... ti,:0n, he was ready to believe what the courtly tribe about hisgthrone did not fail to alfute him 5 that cpmplaint was nothing more th%.m%the tmtrmuf:-2* of fedi,titJn,and remonlt rzmce the c_la.mo‘L3t of rt:hel.liez1., BUT they lszztewv Iiotthe people Witll wle1o“tl';»: they had to contend. A people, fitg-;tcious~ and enlieghtwl eriedl to dlifcern cobl and deliberate to dlfCL1fS,- .fil‘I1"l V . . J . V and refolute td maintain their 1'ight:.~h~ Fmm the: firll: appezttjaxice of the fyzftem _()f"_}_.)£l1=“lla~l'11¢3Tl1tELl‘)( op».- pijeflien-under the fQ1‘.fn Q1’ gt l’t;1mp..z1ét,it wzts met, by thféd dfiffirmined CppC)fi't.lQ1’1 of the whole Ame»- .1‘lCa._l} Contineht.4 The arimifils of other Imtiione have produced i11l“ta11ces of fuccefsful firuggles tuft bregtlt at yoke;pi‘evicmfly impaled ; but the rec01'dg_ of hifioryfdid not perhaps fu1fnill1 an example cf’ p¢0t>1¢ Wh.0f§3j p¢nt¢trtati0n T had arlticipatcd the dpflf;ttlO°l1S_ of ty1*atnmy,a11d Wlicvfe fpirit had A difdainwa edto fufl’er an experiment upon their liberties. A The minilteriztl partizans had flattered themfelvee with the expectation théltthe A61: would execute itffiflfét thfttbeforeithe ltandsiodf Freedom could be mifedi to repel the trfurpatien, they would he %1oad..‘ V i ‘ t | ‘rd I 71: 3 wit}; f"tztte1*s ; thztt the American Samtfoh would be fhorn of his 1.021513 while aflecp ; and ‘W1‘1C11 thus t;}%3g:h1~;};-;;~s.r;:d qf his firength, ‘might be made-A tlmeir {port wit11 §mpu11i.ty.-m-Vain illufion I»--ta-~Inf’c:mt2;L._. «gmeaus and fQj:c¢fu1,~ as an eleétric fpar1<.',thc fcrvicl ;3;”pi_1‘i1; 01 rcfiftaxtce pmtvaded every of the coun»... try ; and at the gnotncmt, when the operation of the fyitcm was i11te11dt:d to c011nn€11cc, it wzts.i11-- digttétntiy 1'ejcC?t;:d, by three millions of men ; thighmmindtzd Imam, drstermizmd .to7fac:rif1cTc-: tI1cir /” . V . -V ', gtxxftcxmcc, rztthcr thzm refign the Liberty, from. wvhichaall itts ¢nj03*m<=I1tS Wwrc dtrivcda IT ist11"meccffi1ry to putftac the d:::~taiI of obfi:i....; tmcy and cxfuclty on the one part ; of pt-trfevcranzzc and fortitude on tile thcr, until the perisd whet: ‘cvery chord which had botmd the ttyvo coL111tt'ies together, was dc:{’u"0,ycd by the vtiolmcc of rccip1*o« cal hofiilities, and the 1*cp1‘cfcnta_,tives% of Ame-riczt, A adoptc:dthemczgfu1*c,% which was alreadyt dizftatcd by the wifixes of thcixj C0I.1flitL1€1‘1,tS ; they dCC1;11‘Cd the United Ctolmtgiqgs ft‘c¢:, 1_'Qtvt1*¢i_g11 :m%d% ilydegcxx-q «;i_¢;nt States. A AAr«xEtt1c..»msIet 1:13 pzt1.1fef"o17‘a 1"n0nf1Ac:tt to com» A tfidcr the fituationof 0urc.ou1'1t1*y, at that cvctxtful ttfhmrsut nvgtioxaal. ~:xificncc<:omtmcm:<:d». In, tm r V‘ “* f 5.3; ] ‘ ‘. ‘ in ‘ML ‘ ‘ _ , “A __.. ..‘ -‘ 4- M, V‘ wn ? ’ 7 ta “*3. ~ 3;, "£316 flail p~:>i"iici1'i«:.';~.:1 mzizzi <::;:zo§m1u:.:a_. M mi 1.:1i;:.uia,, g.:>z;,~.:%., I 67.,‘ 4-‘ v.-'3... it ‘ ma awry”, ‘--..?« -. -~ rm», ‘ 41.11 K-*‘~.‘l'.rL""'5 1'0 3 v\'rp.:.:.rm: ¢-zv w pl! I‘O@V..V..§_1f life to p:1m1.kc%o.i*" %I:f3w d_i.... €m:11‘L1".=flL1fi3i fw}V*ii<:l1V Ainf pi1‘_.c:id -;fthé:% A1'I1f.‘I‘ic:::.1,z1 bug $011: &w*12ichpx*mr:~:p!;cd h»;~2r *n::Iz1i1"1:i4c3e:":Ii”i.§. % t1‘1e i"1o}ytcn1pI%c cf Amer;?;«::aaI1 Libc+2‘ty, owrrflw amie ta £32113 !Zfi1Li*I”lef;1«f«11‘.E'S of I 31*it:m1 ; wi"‘a,i<::}1 cz>Vz1fc (vi 13*!“ ?;;>:mnc':rs of her a1*mics ; and :£"in:LMy c:1*c:*:::f3;a';:ci lamina ‘tomb of départfid tyranny} I7t‘.i:~3 from ~ti1<>3f?3 . wilulio me }alrAeadypaffed thc?n1c1'Vidian’o£'li1‘13*5 it fkqm 2%: IT 713 ii %%3;=*gL;;A4;2, "yr: V'e11¢1*:s.b1e :1i7Fu‘%i;0;:*s csf t11c‘V1‘§gl1ts of [_nmn;‘ 1 ,, . :,. . In W‘ M “*3 Jmra-.11, that we art: m be 1z':3:0m'm:c§, wlmt were the fcclixugs W1':.i:::h f*;:v:1ycd w';Ethiz.1 y,ou1' b1‘€£1fiS aumi iI1}.w A pfllééiy0L1lZf)A£u”?I;§.Q1'1, M1611, 1ikc:,t}1c$”fi1*ip1ing of Ii1*:«.w;1, with {Cares 21 w<"e:1.pon to attack, and W’iL7hOL1t » aihicldfcr }"O'Ll1‘.("j1{f_p*3E1C€,yOL! mc':,,a11d 11:1<.ii.ifmayed, ’ czagaged Kvitla ‘K1163 §;iga11tic&g1'<:atmi”s of the Britifh powc::r'. U"s'1m1::<;m;:c.1i11 the ¢;{i‘§{}_:,gz*::.c«:?;%."7..23_ fcie:m%:cAof V lmmzm bm:<:}‘mry ;%¢%%%c1eftitut«:: -oftfim fatal 1"mt{:1'i£:;1s * v:r1‘ziC!11“h*:3r imf‘_:;¢m'u3.i':y (3f'1*11.*:u1 3"’1E1S'CO11j1bi11’3d,tOQ1511‘?- : {(21%} thrc: i7:;_yjz:"m;: M <.Ticm:h ; 1.!\1‘1?f7!.:f;&T,>}:';>(")1"iIeii(,1 “$33.7 “i:h.£i£:.1*x11% n (Bf anyr f.t”i€i”£'11;fUy*:ET';11iZU1CC; magi u2f1fb1*ti:—;‘1cd '::Ii. :3: pmwcxfizl z1.1Ai‘C:l11,1}ts fuf z1nA1111r¢laz12:%i%z1g c311e1"3:1y, iycmA fiid 1:101: I1<3:ii%tat<3~ at that nmomxzmt, w1§1<::11 },.=0u1* c@:.zfi;3‘ 'w‘!<:1‘+:i&Vx1E1;‘1%y§;t:ii*by 21 fl)1”I’1"1id3.b1.€fltZ*C”C_,\V\1‘:Ci1 y0u1* tc1*?rL« foriciue‘. xvcsm ‘iI1V’11dE3d by :1 nuxm;-1‘o1.s zmcl vm:«:1*z1n '.:mny, to pronounce: %t1'1<: 1j%'c":1':.tmce of cztcrxml f<::p:i1*a~r ;mtiOl1 i"mz1V1 Bxitairu, :.«11*1d 1:0 throw the gaL1x1tIct 21t*a. ;7.;>owcr t11c.;tcz?1'cw1f cJf'w}1oi,?.::~ r<::cc:=:n%t t1‘iL11”I1pl“1£~: a;1~.;« V :;n‘z01"t <;:t:i4~<;j;v:tv::z'1i3ivc: with %tI%1cr%*ea1rt%h§-k-3--Tlie ii1temftcd ;z:x11c’{fc:Uf;ih wopcznvfitics "whi«:.th in ti}.'l"§.€S of p1‘0fpcr« «c>L1st1*zmq11i1ity havc: fuch pmvcrful c;‘ic»n1i11io:1wovcr the: heart, wcxfc a11AeVxpe11cd; :.m,d‘in their 17tcac1_, thfi‘. A fmblic virtzues, .4 the fpirit of pcrfnnal devation to the A commcm caufcr, a contempt af czvery dan"”ger%Vin r:0rz*1pari§bn with the fubfcrvienrcy of the: czountryf, had affilmcd an1.m1imitcdcon.trou1. »AThe pztffion fin?;;. the sf 1% 3 %.;;1:*Zme public, had abfor}J¢d%z1l1 tI1e*réfi: ; as £116 ggiragiw, pus Imninary of‘ hf 2_lV€3I.1 cxtim;g;ui.fl1e3 in 3. Lfifulgénce th'= WiH1€—1ih}g flier:-601-0? :¢\’€%'.Y i3?~:F¢:=‘3%£4~;&? $.V%:-nplansit. A Thzififé ‘of you T§0L1fl?‘i'Ym€11, mhq ~ afflzors in thdfe i11te:°eflir;g fC€.fffl€S; Wil1 %b«:fi; 1[V«;'.:::%;W_.:, 4%%;hotw i73€3I€ Acmd is thr: language of % -ac-fcAript ion to miprefsz 1:‘;-2.; Airzxpeiiézlefi Wizotinns 3 «("3 7- th‘c foul, wirth wnich yc=L1WCJf;‘€ thc1&1Aagit21ted; yctgg A ‘it were injuflizce to cm1c1u«;‘;;2 f3? m tacnce, mf f'1”C;l§}"g: c the greater p‘:ccva1e11ce mf pirimt ::g11'.:‘; pcx'fQ:1a;1;}:Qn;,: %¥f-tifvies Atllefgs dag}? ‘?hf9a7.1.1T1 f¢1*chi‘tyV? that‘ fang "have degenermccd from ting. vjrmcgz of their fi1tI1e;f.€,1 %Let it rather bf? 21 fubjgét {af pleafilag ;.'c*1“:'Lc=:<&i::z1:g gag you, tha't%tl1e: ‘generous A and difi11tex'efl‘e-d e;Qe%rgiw:s_,,% which you were fummorgcd to c1iQ31“%:2;y, ‘am pc;'rrr,it—¢ ited by the bountiful indulgc-miceqf %I-Ieavm to ram main latent in the: bafoms Qf)-’QU:1‘ childxfen. Fvr0rni% V the pyrefizntprdfpemus app:§32V1r8mc§:VOf pug‘ publiq. affhirs, We may admit :1 1*:.:.ti011a§ hope than: Qmv {Country will have no occafioxz. jto1'equWi.reg::»f m:%% ;tho fe exyraordiflary and hcrc)i;;".1@X§*;*tio1mwlnjch in; A waé” your fortune to exhibit; ;But* fgrom thfiz cqxnqi mon verfatility of all. human dcfiiny, V A profpeafi: héréafttfr darken, and th‘&: clouds of pub.-.4. libmisfortune thiczken, to a Vteihpefi; mould tfle fioéice ofour c6unt1‘y’s calamity ervcr ‘call as to .her r¢1ief;xxrc may by therpreciaus memory of *thaT; I.” I5 fztges whoktoilcd, and of the ht:1*oes% W310 bledifi : hcrAdefc:nt:e,Ithtttwt: will prove ourfelvtes not u11.-; worthy of the dprizc, which they fo <.r‘u;‘z:t'§y pt: 1'Ch_€l{‘—-‘a ed ; that wt: v.'i1Al aft as the_ t1'tithi?tt1t t*’1i{”t:.r§tr1t%s Of" « ’ theft: t*¢h:3%fz2 um-gtimtintottfly taught us tin: 't3tff’;t1"t.1;;i««~tt rive Ieffon of 1*cpL1blicat1 virtue. SEVEN years of ineflZ“:Ctt2al% hoftility, an hundred millions of tmztftttet fiuitlefsly expended, and un.--« 1C0LII1_tC:‘d_t110ufaI1dS of human lives”facrificed ta n%o4%A‘% pt1tpo‘ft:-, at length tattgltt the %dreadful Ieflbjn off witfdom to the B1'itiPn G-0vt:1't1mc11t, and compel.” laid them to rtslinqttiflt a_ c12tim% which they had, long fincc been ttztttzthhz to tnztintain. The pride t of Britain, wltittlt fhould have been humbled, was A I only n‘1p1‘tificci. Witlt fu11e1t1itnpotence,fl1wr3:yield... .4 ed to the ptrciT.1rc4of accumulated calatnity, and aloft:-d with rc:Iu&zu1cea11 i11g101'iotts war, in whticzhtfi {he had often been the pbjccft, and 1*;t1'e1), th¢&9£;jtt.,; \ ofa triumph. ' : - ,&_'1";t:t Nv:u‘itms; tT)CICt¥.il'1'(?1‘lC€S ofour national hif’tory,,t. M fincc: that 1‘)€‘I‘l"vr17V{“\,)£;'Ib")‘ ;.m;: within the mcolletftioxm of all my hCaI’t'3t‘fi‘. - "f’hcrc1mt2ttion and debi1i«ty of thc: politicallzmdy, Wh§£'3h“fUCC€€dCd the-viflolient em-.. A tialls it had madt:duri1‘2gthe war 2 the 7total itxteflfifi... ‘ tcacy of f.I"lC.I€COInn1€fldk1t0l‘_V fizderalt fy1"cem,! whic:I17W 1md.bee11. formed in the bofom of contention ; t%th<:“r' peaceablcf «A M . 1,. F EH 4 L J £3-nfim ' W; x «~%»".‘§ ?*v‘-‘I n.‘«,"\ n,«"*7r\M'7'§ ‘WM '“v*'rCv‘-“*9; *i"«»'*-Tp-§*s'~;t:x‘ 2.-'~’~~:~. £_‘£L’§j1“{_\(;é1gul,iL, 3.11% \.T§h...m.L.» I‘m.C c.a.m.1u..J£,vt.;(xz} (.14 M. L.a.?w’...-;n.. C£."L.Ca“””“ A "fiL«.w ” ‘mm 3-% mw , N ~ 4 mal mmtxmaal «:csmm.m.10n. by u.-:«.2 }3e%»E«2% or thew ‘ ' 1 ‘f; “I V ”".""-Mr " \( -‘ ‘ 11111011, zzzm :;m;: pczeus :,1a_:.rz11V::m42.~.t:<.:«:} mt than: A goverzztnexm wI’:%‘:%s:~«:':*:a.%1':z'a.ss 2”‘«:r;’é EM": l£.TEE‘..?f'£~i1‘i‘¢Z‘*;.1T§’;i:L)I"i(? A 0t"pubEic c«:m1j’1e;‘§:::-1*;cr::.*“,,%» w3.":ich ‘ms r31t;‘§!i,—’_:‘3;EE"2{‘I”}€."‘~§ tin: 1?'i11um:‘3;’ bzmch sf Imi:in, ::;.zA1d r<::;*i.”:*crv;"c:d {fuzz bioom and «::~»:{' i%:‘m‘::%:.1'ti:e1T1jL:.{"3:i«:c%, :0 Lin: _j;f>Li}."_r,1i:tC” V ' ‘~hi,;, 1&4” M ,fim; ‘O W; coL:11%tmm:‘1c:, z§.;;.g,(;<.Vi av, 3‘.«..u,Us.;a'f7*.: of 3._A»l?caiAxug35. CO:1CCxfl..=. 7 piatioz1 to t’:*:::.? ;.&;§:;i::i*i:1~*i:i:: :«;m21:L ”1§‘iir:: 1“«.“:%;¢:>:::;iv;i:<52ci Una.» nifmity of the: 13z:1ti0;1% has }f;z1ca:~«;§ at the: i’m:::;::.V. M ths: Américma couixcihs, the hc2micA lctadczr, v.:*}1<;)fi;:% pm--A d ¢:nca*': and V'¢‘110};:i' C0z‘1dn=%1<;‘1'cd to‘-.¢i<3:c::rr" H”1¢f."f zusmicis cf irécdom; zxxld the tum) firf%:0{1*iccs 0f"::h‘ }C:21'2”far1*1<.3r1~:- wmifin, if‘i"i}1 g:;».:'i1i1.“.ai$". E116 Vixftugzs mull 'cn.1p1«:;y"$ I;]‘t1c ta-w lcxzps Qf the 'w:§r1«;*:r::.E:3h: patriots, V/i‘10ft: 1'.‘1x‘rn zwxd «.“:if~« inte1'%c;{'"’tc;."‘i d:‘:j».r :>tiic:»z1tc;> the <:;1ufE:4dfLibm‘ty, was rcas 1v2*.1'€a::*ci%*by 11'1‘3‘h'Oif§OL11‘8J.'J1t;’ difiizlfiion of :1 Btfitiflz p:;‘a3fC1'ipti0:14.V, Ame;'icun::s%! the v0':<-:: V of g2“at€:fuK:¥ iL‘mt"‘3'*c:L‘}'.)IIa1 is {“;1*a1agc1* to the language of aduIati<;m.A '%W'i$1i}.«': we Wirfl;1 thefts: i1f.L1fl:2'i0L1s to” he afl7L21'cc:i th::..1:% %%,;::§1a%VTI1£?1m‘>ry4%0f tl‘mi11' fc-:1'vi%ccs% isA %imp%1'%ciTa~d M11“ p 0 n 31101.11‘ ’§m:=:au1'ts,Vi:1czhzxrafcers, ixzdeliblc to the %1atc“fl‘% p<22:iz::ci of timrr, *.:vc t1';;.£1' that the nxofi acceptab1e'% ti"EbLlI’.‘&i“ of z*cfpc::.‘:7: wh}2cE'1 cam be offered tot..ci1* virn-. %‘1;L;s:,:s, ni$%Vfm1«z%ad in the comidciace of their couzltry"-« ma-an. Fr{;~m the fcjzikwrnt admiration of future ages when the hifcoriarzs of%,America.,% {hall tractczé from _m}:mix N 19’ L. .‘ ,3 2 I" ‘ 1 ' " ‘I t * y - .. rm , 3 y ---i ff In“;-A -« -py _...,n I r.’ W"; ,1-:, - u‘-m ; A. V .3 ,.«- v_ ‘ M. _ , am. a. ».._\ ...._ ..N .C. ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ "” . , £~-*':~r31.13 C =.'..1 ETl.L.")1~.\..'$u .,..u., V‘iN.uC;3L..§ am .~»“.t»..H..,: I: Q,» 1. L1 «3I.’1C V'IF"~.« " ‘. It -1 ‘ .- W "1." r -,3, .-... r.-,_ W » ~ .~. -. ,--‘ -.. .. W, a IT“ ,__ , "P m.:_., mL+1r mf::'.*.%..: W MI. 'm:fla.3_w.. .1 aw.:a';e:;.k,»m%ic 01 1;m,,aL:£iy_ 1i"§OZ€.:3,3-!.'f:C1:T)€.1S *§j.~JW';*n;iTl»i3.§~L‘£.§. L. n 2-. as -34 F 5.. L f‘\ ? ’I—1 :4 3:’: Crai.snEC:"1f{:d 33V " U’ T.§§.&£ I.Jtm:=.;. 1:a.M.LL’1.v.£‘_ig I.»i.;.A.L.;.:.Lé.j.¢.m:m:. Ly‘; z..."+}..';iI.«‘;.;a.z.:;ps:,,ivia‘:;f.‘1e1;fe:;:m,3 ’ ‘ ‘ “xi, ‘ l . ‘ ‘ ~ V 3’Xi'V’a:r;L;g:*1§;Ii:s*re;’§cé ::7iz‘i~:fi Em of the grmt ‘maicia CmuI':;‘m“:1m'::t<:‘, ajk-?z‘iv£+s% a V’£t’H £.?t(‘_'..‘. 3:cr§‘§E::»:1 imm it.-5 iz"*2‘§‘§.a.%::3z“1;t«:.* upraxzthe ;rflfaix*s 01’ thLi*':. ‘%‘*i“¢*.'<%3~2%'§.:;i, ilmfi its 0pc%1':ma;32%a 611 W221 the hiflory of mm- ]a:’izi1%:;,i.% A It has :%?;lx*<::9i:1rci‘r i1“:v<.::1vir‘arg‘ H \ L tilt‘: c3lm;nc1'1tary p1'i1T1cip1cs or g<;wc1*111An1c*x2t, :3. qtlefiion fight Lvcétxx/emf: the i0\r&e2*eig;:1 zsmd the fLzlf{jc«.’ft 'whiC11“ i1"1 5 V%prOgrcf$ lfiétd ?:rWAt<é11dt;?1'ac 3/ tb i11!:1'0ch1::e :;*..n*i0ng 1111:: civimicd nz1ti«::mS of ]%.3Iu1*c)pc, thcit dif<:uf-Nu %fim1<:,sf :1, topic} the: firfc in mzngrnitude, which can ‘%‘z1ttx‘acE%tthe zxttczration of m:m1~;:ind, but ‘which for ifnaxmy cexuturics, “thre gioc)m}rfl13dVcs of dc:fpotifi'i1 hiid ovc:1*fp1‘cztd with ilnpcmétmble darlmeis. The French natimn cheerfully fupported 1111 alliancfa 'V§’it11.t11C'~Ux1itéd Afitatcs ::mdA it Wm: with Britain,‘ * 3 7 Im \ C I A A %(iu1‘ing§ ' I [' I 8; A Eiuiiing tile courfeiof which a Iai‘ge bociy of troofiié and coniiderable fleets were fent by the FI“€:‘flCi'i. g0V’€_i‘flIfl€I}t, 1:70 aéi; in <:oi'xjui1c:7:ion with their new aiiies. The Lmfion which had at firfl: b?CX1 formed by tin‘: C'OE&i'f.‘i-Ct:1‘£LZ‘€ of 21 Common enmity, was foam fii'ciz:ig»;ti3ened by the bands of a fiieiidiy intmscouifc, and rim fiibj:-363:3 of em aijbitrary pi'ince, in iighting ‘:13: iszgizziimi of fireadom, {ban Iezimt to Ci‘£E.1’ifl‘I the caiifit of i_.ii::m°ty &t'\{‘€Ih‘\f~fl By 21 I1:-lEL!i'8;i and egiiy mp- I.3i.i.Cfli:i{j*.i1 to iE1«:~infc1ves of the: princip.c.e: upoii 'V+’i'i‘iCi1Ei”Hf.‘ wxiirxificviiis aiii::1'u::ci. tifxc j\.1i’ticc of thair A "Wfl.i“iE:i.i‘¢‘, iimy Wem led 1:0 iiiqLi'ii"¢ izitzo time iiiiiéiilrfi of xiii‘ oisiiigmicsni vviiicii pr<*:fci‘ibcd tif1ci1' JiiL'ii;3.=m',1i'[i~iOI1 rd their mm fuvcarcigzig «:"3Li1!.‘.i wlmn they miiiisezivcxrcd tha2;.t"ti'1e coiifant of the people is tin: only Iegitiu ‘rimtc fource of I£!.L1ti1OZ‘iEy,'ti'1C}’ ncccffmily drew Athc ccmclufian timt‘the;ir own obedience was no more timn the campulfive acquiefcexlcc of feiwitudc, and they waited only for a flwourzibie opportunity to AV1‘it:*C0vc:r the poiii.°fiioi1 of thofc: ciujoymczits, to which they lmd neverfarfeited the rigI1t.i V Sentiments of A _a,fin1i1iz1rmtLuic.°,»by z§l gradual and imperceptible A maigic~ta1iifman‘»of4gicfpotifin wasbrokgn, the‘: fpcijll _p1?Ogi'fl!fS, f::Ci"c:tiy miderrriined all the fotindzitions of 1 '4 their gmrcrnrnentH; iand1wh¢::114thc ncceflitiies of that foivereign redurged him to the inevitable expédient ofizippeaiiiigtotiie bcnievoienceuf the people, the V Qf V , . W"-v»p.‘ E 19 ] mfprcfcriptive tyxmfmy was difi'oIved,sm;c‘i the pe%mr2¢. A pails pageant of their nuengmrcizyg, infim1t;2}.,ncQL1fly% §gC:!.fU§I1b1~€d‘tQ grams; A fubfeque11-t EfirQpean§:v;ez1,ts which’ have . ‘fiat flip the dags of ‘W’:.~u‘, to prey upon the Vitals of immzmity ; Mrziclx have poured the torrent of defe- i:1*fieE%ioz1 OVCI’. the faircfc harvcfis of Europezm fe1*tility* 3; vvhichhzw»:=:4m1I:>01.1z1«;i the pirmms of fizzibm A ]ati0x1, imd gfent her f<::«rt11% go fC£l'£It€21“”'p¢Z':ff.iICI‘IC§@v A :».md% _ d(‘e3.1:h%a1noz1gtI1e 1m1“i0n$; thé ,fcVé11:i‘23Ic1%, fi1‘1QZgi2V1g w_withth@:: bland af :1 i%xE§£n%%n1o1*1a1*c11 ; :h«:;* C01*pf<:wcG~<- V A verecl_%T%Iie1d,xxrlzéxwgggmizing mtLm:- fl’.1’L?0‘€3‘}€;S v.*itI1 *<:~>=::»~ the pztngs %ofdifi1>1m:i011 ; pm-:11: m.-as Iny 1“%*W~"*'"" A ;.:;.J;:x:..J)( coum:rymen,At0 tiarow 21 pull rzmzr obj @;f7t‘s 1i}:s;:;“: tE"m:f;;~.~, which could only fgwcszd :2. gloom upcam tljm fhtfe of" A;o211*Q‘fc:fiivity. Let us mtlfmr i11dL1Ig;ct tfnc gzlamizzgg am} 1’ationa1anticipati0n of the period, Vvhcn all % the mytiotas Of Europe flmll pa1*t:1k<:*: ofthc b1eHingg% gzfcquzxléliberty a,11dVV1%111ivc;ffz1I %.p¢aC€:.W4V VVhatcv.*cx% irffue may byfi? dVei’ti1j§3dM%bythe%1§vi1l of Hc::.wcn« ta await; the 1:c1*x‘ninatiaz1 of the rp,l'€f€11EEL1fG}}C£i1. Commmioxza, the fy fimn of7feuda1 a.bfi.zrd‘ity Alias re». ceiv"cd an irmztcxverablct ‘"wc:>zzm.¥, and m=e29y fyzmp... ~§oI1'1i11dic:aitcs% ita appro;1c11.i,ng di%fl"o1mi<:=z1.% ’1#'i}m4‘% feeds %0“fv Liberty are p1c:I1tifL1i1}*fo§W11. I%~Io‘vv'evcr fcvcgc the clinmte, however barren thfii fail of % th€::JVV A M ‘which thwyhm b¢m*4‘1f¢c€ived» fuck 5 €| '3 3? 1 . W L S. A: 1 9.1 ... 3.. ,‘ NJ.» ..»ilw.5.i~a.c=:x1 f3':~1:;‘.H . L. n _ y!.~V'-"nx4‘p‘1""|‘ w. 1...... a :. u~3.1_ to ‘ ll ft‘ 1 _ T‘ 4.... ‘.... :., ....“ ‘. .5. .... ‘.{§..u... J.*.*‘..,..:. - ‘...; 1 ‘wk . A . a . A n “V _ MI. I h. . 1 .. . .. . Iii . .41 ._..Wo; J 1 U fiw Am B W WI.» W in my D .6 J . ..M HRH fihfiw v 1% .. WKW W - -% ... ... . % ...! 4 .. ... .. . . .... . .. . . . . . . .. . . .4. .. ...- .\... ... ..-“ .. ... .... ...? .... A .r.. ... - . . 1 ...... C W... .. ......“ ...... . ...: ...... ... ...... . M. . Al .. m.r...... wag w 1|» Jim. ML] . .51. M .. . I. . uflluaw w ill r.1..»|«. . flu\. . . . u . an . . flu: «Wu J. 1 V... Vn... . .’ 1 K i .1 ...m a nun. . llnla m » HIE .1 Eu . Wm 4.1.4» - u N» 1% . . wflflh . .. w y . . mz . 2.1 I .. «Tn..- ... all . 11A. u .. mun ...w. u . . , 35+ . -PW . x mm . Tu. n A a IOI.» this A m... r rum vim I .l. I W.» ...... fifiei «... It ..v.l. JIA . IL .... H.» . .15. w.. . ..-. . 7.. ... .. ...... - .-. .... ...... C 2 w. .. ...... .. O ...- . .3. ...» u .l .3. .i 7». . u M «M . .1...» as 4. .. munnm nlylh u Ail .I...< PM . . “an? M1... -... M ‘Mal... ... an. A... .a.t. . .... . . Ii. .. M .. . . . ...... w. «... . 0' ml. . ...... %wnHW «In a . .... %.n . n ......» ... . X... ix. mlwflm . k n. (7 01» «IL .....A W]. . M.w m . .. ..ll 7!. r: IE mu ...a. wfl ‘.1 . r ... r ). Vii. .u.u. m. K. .u.c1nI. Ina W . .u G. 2 .... . u .. s a. TA -4 1 ‘J I 1lm...I.m W11.» « M-«Q1 wail. .. W 4 ..P c .v Jail .. . .. . . . rnxk V‘. % «U. «R. 14 1. no lnwifi L 1 ... 1 .u !w raw _ I ... u n fifla PINE u ... - .. ru . . . .... P... .. . - .. -... ... ......» . 2.. .... ......I . ...... . . .1. . .... . . « aux... . 4.. 1 .. .«...n. . M M ..a .. Wk. .3 1... .. A . maul.» w a a 4.1% NW. uynnu man ....A 4.1.. u a "fin A.» fwd . no ... hi .1 xh. ulluunw I-E cl MUN mil rm av .1. u.. . , s L dn. I. . . . . U . W . Ila. & H . mlnlh v I . n (It N3. . ...... . MN; F... . .. pal...» ¢ » .. «.9.» I.» Hi. If.» mam . (\w u s 1 «IF.» 1 u 1 \ u. . W. . . .m. « H: .u. W..\ .....7-.. .1 . . . M. m I. v .. .... ........ - ...... . .. ...... . .... T... ...... .... .... .... e.n_. . W .... .1. . m .. 1.3" Ll KM .u... ... ... . . ...... a . . ...... ...... . - . . . M .. .. L .. r... . . an ....» 1.1 .1 I .......u . at ...<... M». :1. . ....m t. W. wake. 4“ 2 an ..m m. mm.» W» M w . Ian. 4... .w.h. me... WV . av./u ... ....u . 1.» .“,..W.... . mam Wk. . O . . I. .13»... av ml. - . .. . .... M .... ...... ... -. - .. .. -. .... .. .. C. .... ...... ......m 5 ...... .. . . .... W .. . J .1» E. W... a . M. an... .. V ......“ - .. . ...! ...... ...... . 1... C 1. ma» 1.. JU XV hut. W» . n m\.. «-1.... ‘V... LL ....» wy. ......» a....n.. 3... Mn. . ‘.1 T .w. I. . . ..-J 1.. u . .... .0! a .. .. H... p .. W .u . _ 7.1. in... 39% _a...u we .4 a. . ... 33 vi. . A .3... . ...... 1.. N. v. ,. . . ...w . . .3». u . .. .... .. . . W. ..e 1!... «W. -..... m mt J W. 3. V. .L Ml. ...... ...... ma... .. mm mm 1 ...... ...... .. . .... M , m . ~ . ... w . .. -. n x .. . tau . 1% .. I . I . .. . .... . my ...... 5». Wm «.1 w........ .n.. M .. ......” nu ...... . . W. C «F, ...I. . .. . at. H... - J1. . ......” NM .3». .. {ml MM - L. .. ...... 2m {.1 n .w ... n ....u.... 1... . . it at . . . VF" A.-. .. ...) ....x. w .. M in v. I ». . -..U:U.h . .. 3 ..R. .: .. . m . .. . . . . . . . . ... ....-. - . .1»... v. . M... .. - 4.... .. ...... . .. .. ..L. .1. r... .. K. « .... .... ...... .. M... mJIm.I.iJ hmfl L K1 . Whl (TA ‘.4 49.» m 9;. hlw u. ..»...u\ . ml dlwunuwv an m M M (A vlwhl .I.n». I I 1. Clan . A w . I u . 3..w...u|. ... I a .4L M ml affl I ..4.\ ...n.l. «Hun. ‘INA my . ) ...$1U. Ty Auula . .5 . m. w .1. w . s, . . .4 . I .. . (L . . .... 4 W at .\flm I . ..- vw .. w .u .4 r H MK. I‘ ml. H A WM. ind.» 1U...“ U . ...A 1!‘ T n....nV.t.J WI...» . ~nJ&.~ u .. . .. ..., man." .. 3 3 ....» 4.... .?I... «PM. «I» .1 Wk . . .n...!. .51 W1 .39.. E J M. _ U6... 8.9. .. 1.4 {... ../ hr m I .0... WV . nu. .. cal 1?» flux « tilt. .m u. A. LIL m...» 15.89» ‘final . Pu . ...: . ...... . .. .. - u. 1. . . «LL -. ...... . ...» 1.». in L .4.» .-.. ...... ...U «M 1.» . .... 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