MR. DAGG%ETT’s. Om .af/.99‘ 4_Z"[r of ffzzzfv, I799... SUN--BEAMS MAY BE EXTRACTED FROM CUCUMBERS, BUT THE PROCESS Is TEDIOUS. ORATIOM PRONOUNCED mt THE rQUR*I‘Hw°FJULY» I799: M THE A nnogrnsr A or‘ THE ¢c1'rxznNs.«or' A '% NEW--HAVEN. $3 ‘ny15Av1DDAGGF;rT. % PRINTED BYT'HOMA‘S“(§"REEN AND some; A 1799. %% % [Co;byIx’z'gl2t.S?czzred.] T AA A M 0 £56 Cz'z‘z'ze72.r V;ZVe'w—I:Ta€zJen, at wécf: regucg/2? £1723‘ Omtimz was % pronounced and pulza zgyzoed, 2*: as rcfl>e£2‘fizZ_[y infirriéed 5); my» fiec... flame fiieéd aim’ Fe1zaw-cz2z.m, DAVIDDAGGETT. % “X wmwu W»-asanwwpmuanwsa - “ U¢?‘fl—0'1hO'W-0'1h0'1l-0'u4’1w¢9-u %AN 0RATION.. A HISTORY ififorms us_;, that at L[agad(:‘:), La- V pnim, there %AwasA‘fa“*gt%*anAd academy efiabliflied, in which %th‘ere*was adifplay of much curious learning‘, “Om; arciflr, of a very philofophic tafte, was racking his invention to make 3. pm-»cufl11on out of wpxcce of marble:. V A ~ M I w*‘Arsro~1*Ar-IE3. had formed an inge:niousp‘roje"u%!_"".nz1cs.+i"s (rm which they were to difr:mrfE:;” and t1‘"1£‘: Hif§:m‘ia.n adds, %“that he had ‘f3:»$'t?8:V dd*&d:1d!**=f“*=:<fl’Eddfinkidng uric? car the Weight of their packs, who, when they met‘ in the fireets, would lay c‘:0wn therir ldads, open thair facks, and hold ccmver agign for ::m hcmr togetlmxr ; thfifl put up their impiements, help each other to re-4 fume their burdens, and trike their leave. “ A FOURTH appdém*=éd+vv+i%1§i4fbbty hands and face, Tnis hair and beaard long, ragged and finged in fever—- al p1aces.d His clothes, fhirt and {kin were 211} of the flzmue colour. He l7~;:a.d'"”E”d3TF:c.*-n eight years upon a projeft for extracfting fun—Vbeams out of Cucumbers, which were to be put into viais, h€:I‘1T‘1€tiCa.}]y17ez1l€d, and let out to wzmn the air in rzwv inztlement {Mr}:- M3333 3 Ht‘ hf: j,Cfid mt ckmbr 13‘1“Cfthj1<1*tTsd51‘ii‘ddfifgki e:z7”Jd7%‘?0f‘M?f= ihfilildd.i?¢fdd.s'i1?i<:tddd;d_td0d fi,191'fly the G0v'm‘1~dd 91‘?5‘ddf83~1id‘3¥3§~.W,id£hT035133? a:a«reafondab1t* 1~:ate~” H ;;rh.€'QI‘ifiTS dwm*e»%.Ve,ry piagtjentrg, %% indxgfiricoxzs andd1ab0riws:.dir1ddthéird;dm‘dfz»zits-r«l1:adA 3~.113%hl rctim~ {ion for their fingtiflar pi*oficienc§r,wa;nd Jwetfe: i‘egard-- ed as prodigies in fcimce. The conmnon laborers amd,fI‘1€¢h:afrI:di;C5 W:e%;fC%dddeftr~:.é1nec1da difiérent race: of bém i~21g;s,d d;.fin*d:; Wd€1‘€defpi{%2ddf'0r tdtheird fiupid :zmdf..01d ‘flxfli-4* icznad mimnerd ~05 _ acqtxixfirag ;pr0pe;zaf’r:l?1’i1‘%1e, 1fi1“ig11t défl‘I3(§y”»Ati’:.& gfixzingw INA: ll MIME: C'L'1fl3‘iOi1.5‘;’..‘.£}.r: fit;“r;s€'.*° :1s(«i%?V2?‘i;£i}t::¥.w;g{;3.T‘ ofi vi’ maxi faf ;I.1;1‘1«i.cdf f1z::»:E<;;;>,; Jftlm ; :isz:u’x‘ :s.~zv.c;‘-:1:' \wcini1fiA:::»}1;;a:m rbaeng isAurAx1:>h1l01Qpli4ir:2a1 tn M34; fi.'x<;hA <:;_u.r:ft;cui%s».;":2W " ‘fir 1'rid1*eV11"10fi:t1:n tinfwAs_; A wt’: 33/ jtifts not Lmlika t}“A€T)‘¥‘.f 0‘? t'm:- 1€;:m*me:3 mf’ Lapum, 21-» hU;Yyt?j~77lT1,fE*m::i:()1"lt:‘>;r~i.7%:4i7;V=Vg:;.1;n?.p3§:u;:tvEm p1e:a.Acx:.+,: bVy.l;a1*:d; any lmcl %»»zit11m1Ai: a~i;cl~:of" +~1*1czf*i‘m,'= V%:r.:£:2:i<:x24,»~AA 091- filiyiontiw *£“3AA1:'~; éimiVz&'11a1. Tlrzfi ; A:w:a§.s ;:VV*:,AA1;m;4;i}~i.t; ftagzz Almlrxigg ;\%%;a"xm1 gL1i<;i¢: ii: 1.1 1;» 1:1 ii} A .:zmAs:1 ‘I2;i1A1g:;1 ?‘ mf mmfl. f7’1’“h%i x'I*w:il":if1"zc:AAW zgsw c(Li+1f:‘z1:2ls:f1m1v,,~% 711‘;fi?(5. ‘A p;EmvAr:ci g;1%cA1“z*;p11Il'1%2xi;>3y 62a1p£l§;‘>is:* of 1;2t:3*i‘ii“,~:*rV1'1i1?xg% _;.Ath}Z? ‘thltitfi ail iigxzeci m .it,.:md tlfm: Qnljw c1ifi71icx11fiy%4:»WAi=1itc:h ;. atttsmplcml it, A amd W 31 itfr%h ::‘,‘:3'E,‘-ix} hitzmmz %*A}1::s1f<°:%v’42r2 rm *é+3¢itAs:£’ %:1;ir1‘ivm1fal 111%.-, +was,A tiéwza ‘no;A< “""'lfr""‘“”"_";"7“'7..1." i€?.l-“‘\"‘fi?3‘I’,, : «if ::.~‘:,1V::y;: nmamt f};:1'10w had been for 4 uncivilg Abe rmig:I1A~tA11a.V;r: doubted why, if wood and i1‘0z*1weye deI'ig11ed toga alum: %m<;1A fca1*ry a«10a<‘.1,_ tI1c:*vvhA(f)1';2 T”Ahcrdr “of oxérg, 11A0rfe’s and camels Wefe csm-‘rated. AA 9 % A A A A AF Ayc¢,rsV,ag0 flit: I..x:amnc.dA%:.infifi€d \’that Axwais, grvellmg travfl ;mVthcei'¥: by.’Z£Z?Zd: ~ 2 or 2 ;*z2mtarr, : but t;hgw.AA;At11e t;m1y4A PM/Q/0g0Z:>z'cm71’?m?>c.ié.i': %was.Atc: gin» %%iAi‘1% 251141 Apa1‘tVS:V0f-A:I:f1w_ W1*lc71g,'?A1*i3€:::*L'2?1:.11iii’csA‘ ware A m:c:A#c_1, 111: %;;%1:w1,1Al_¢;>m1s,% A with « t;1‘3t.-=.:AAAwIi10,1x:; apmams A of lxvxng AAa11d; ;§1:y_in,a iaI1~ ::mwe.x¢e fi;yx‘1u%%xg;4A%V:A +’ti%a§1*o:L1g1*1 the fr; ;~1;'»:r::1;1§s;; A A to» t~hA,e%3iA 1J,I:i;erAAAA V$flmni{11mVewn;t Amd. :;;smorMfiz:fi ca-»i tsicm ;xs:>f7 zho‘i”e pom‘~‘“A.i%111rt:vatr: ~VA;wmetches AAAAw}:z0.~~?*wt+1€rt A<;10§ACt1rx7a4¢%A itlgug ~ j ar1:d;;A Am. 4AAtheA.g4 ¢mz;1:;1*x:;.A A2; 1?: 7I?:om fare this Ameflthod (pf travellixlg¢Wa;‘s%iVVfQinw2rI*fiat%4preca»: 3‘im.1s.---~A flaw of wind, xfegardlfifgof the p3‘iflCi}.)legAAo1é ropa;W1t%Amigjlfif b=c~:¢1c=:tAA into the A iba, Adaflm?d%AA‘:e1gair1fi V;:r r0c_1;A, L :~z:m‘~r:i*° tlmzsgim prcacriotzscontents 1nife1*ab}AyA~pr%rifl1.A %*BMutA L10ubAtl?€i’E::%Art::?;dbn% Wilh in ”Cil"I1<:‘fi5A-A1T)1*(’)7»?‘§dtii 1"L1AfHciit~:z“1£:A ” g;A§1e‘CksVag21&;‘1fi; Az;:n11AA‘t:l*1<:%A1%’%: c;a.111a1ti,es+.~ Hf§r:3'eL aMgg:ai;%':% iAVEm*v;5;r t 3 f‘ bufy body in other me-n’s matters” might afle, if it was intended that men lhould fly through the air, why were they not made with feathers and wings, and efpecially Why are there fo many who are julily called ”Hea*z2y moulded men .5’ i I e l ANOTHER clafs of the literati ofour age, «fcorn- ing to travel either an tlie;/Zeta, ‘olr:r-onltlielzzrzd, ‘or in the air, have conftrulcftedr ta_/zzlarrzmdirzel boat or dining arzmrbiize, by whieh they were rconftanytlylgraping la»-A mong fhark, fiurgeon and fea-horfes. To lfaye new thing of the hazard which: thefe gentlemen encoun-4 ter of running on? rocks orfhoals, or of being left intthe lufrch, ‘ontlie bottomqof the fea, by a leak, may we not vvonder that they were not made with fins. andofcales, and may they not efteem thernfelves very fortunate that they have hitherto efcaped being A cut upr to be madetinto toil?‘ l A T HESE are a few among many, modern inven-» tions. All the principles of thefe various machines are capable of defence, and the inventors are all great, ‘and learned, and ingenious men. Yet, firange as it may feem, the fiupitl, fooliih, plodding; people of this andotl1ercountriea,yf’cyill keep tlieir oxen and their l1o1* €l13‘W3l.lfhllllg0,~‘ytrO Newt»-Yorl-2 on the furface ofthe found,=inf’tead of finking tolthe bottom or rilinginto the clouds»-----andl they {till prefer a £air5wir1d ancli tide to the g eatefitprofuyfion ofyyfleam,‘“p1*t>doc:eCl” V the’~mol’c~fcieI1tific naanqezt; : I” J T azsifrpecyites of enterprife; and~,:rthyi a r learn»- a ing, yhasleo,i®15€id deeplyinto the lbulinefs &1§i%‘’l7lLTl,1r.l‘‘w- [ I5-Llliftifg Difcoverrxes haver been 1“ll'1l‘e7t§l,(3;ry~fV9’l”l;1iC;7l1,fll£W'LClll‘€3‘l‘l~-- d¢1‘i€d f0W1tff1§_?,‘ 8114yiftfapiviligitlllirfxe«:‘efl‘ary..t ‘TM; plow, ltlwrflwa tfpade, lhotnaficlrzle andfiiytllzene l1,y£“1.::\”/('3 13?": tggoneaa, tl'l01“QyL1gli;¢y chya1ige,t.ionrt {rm :3; tl1e;’r:a2;t;i:eal rm ',;w ‘Q. ”p1es,~!_:1nd the fpeculative hxlfbandmah WI1as jgremlv ewxpeéhzd, to fee the fields c0ve1*ec1-~wit11 g1'2ifs, 7:221:31 tlue hi1ls‘:a.nd%v;11lies with com and Wham, v.>v‘itIm9L1tw: the c10wnii11V~exAercif4: of labour. A VV;i%ti14'V";::fl&>w~ Hufbzmdry, in his hands, and 21 coznuplete c0l4l%c%8:ib§1 A 0f p11i~10fuphic21}farming utc3nfi1s,; he has fc5~.rg<>ttci4i'1L tha_t by the? “ fwctat of his brow he was to eat: his bi’C:‘a(.,” and is ho»ur}y% expeé‘c1n§_>,; to‘ “ 1'«':*2%:.1:) A v1*1ei'c9: he hath not fawn, and g_§at:he1* w'l"xere he 1m€t:h -n<>T1;%% ftrawed.”-—-Sti‘11 here a11c‘1%tl1¢:1*<:> mar: <’:>%]Ad ”fa1fl"1io1ic*d ‘f7:-3-I‘-‘ low,"and NeW~Eng-1and%aboxmdswith th<~:[m_, ‘‘ will r1fe:*6a1~ly ‘and<%1ifet%1¢%Lfp% 1=ac“e; °:m<.?"1 eat ft‘I1e«b1-k*. ad of"? iing. dufiry; Wifl {ow his fec3c;3 in the mmufing and in the ' evening withhold not his h:.mcL” :a.nr1 is fc:.c1"c:t}37Af1:3zt~ tetring llilhfijrlf that this is tlmffireflir§)z1d4t0pea¢c:Wand I’1YPOCRA'I‘I£S, Galen and Sydenham, have been hfucccrflively and A conjointly :1tt21c1i:c:c:1JL*>y"th(~: P‘i157fi¢‘c'i« ;1~tns~of7tl*1e}:>:*¢*3fc%nt 1'c:?¢fine.d agar, zmdrlntr mo:-:c;iic*:.:11Alvéariaf xaing 01‘ anc=14=c:nt%ti:1ufx<:::s, (>15 ewm of ithc ]:.;ai“cA ct;::m:ux'y,* 1‘M*<én0iInA0€Aci §111ac1~:m'Y «W1ruVaza1enrc. Afi:r~ri€T: eI¥ AAi*f 4 an Awc:;~c: ~ A::.zIt%tM-Alécci:+“AAvvAi«:11 *:.a;i 7=‘%r-mr;f’¢ Viéalcnt 1,. difeafti*,,~}w:W£is%Acfli1%*c;% lthcl br;.mci yfp}1pc> 1‘:md; gt:hev~ Agzixjp-cai£e. ' 'I’1~m S %the I Vfirfiw 1~gM;n%%j%;%‘%L1i:v Pcmfxfx 1&1‘é7:VtCi'1fl1.1pt«I“.“l’(3‘(':£.:*l'.¢‘:?dW ail‘ % 0t11etrs; «and *§7v+as:%Ewp&éc:a%é%I:1’¢;f%x‘:'1«t*, we-3.1‘ct<::mHy% bi<:d.% dMli§,r,4 but Vc*:nt;im1 yf;"«t+s?f:10v§;*c1j%. ‘A xiv!» «A «V *7! 4:" itfi _ ;A1i iength-rm'1yb7z,['ztrzerriiig 7~e.if 11uxmninatt11*e;, Obctiieiice 11: ‘V m parents is exprcfsly reprolmzed, and all the tyran-» my andldcfpntilln in the world mfcgibed to pa1~ent:lI authority. Thislfent”il:'m:‘ntlis cxplxcitly wowed by Mr. Volncy,xvhois the friend and lafllzlciate ofnualny clifiinguiflued men in tl1elUlnit«3dlState_s, and wlflo 1ms,lin;~:his opinion, lliewcéd that Paul was a fool or lz;xiave~wl1e11 he faid, “ Children obey y-0111*lP“arez1t£§l in thellllford, for this is righl.j.” A A’ V l 7 l _l IF any perfon, gropingin dia1*l«;:nel§,_fl10uldob~ jeft to tliefelfentimezutsl and enqulire, hmv it is poflim ble tl‘1a'.t children lllfluoulld ;bec%olmel‘l%tI1us excclla-:nlti\lif lefclentirely :toltl1e1‘nfelvc%s,when the experience of ages has bcenmhat with great and COl1tli‘lUi3Cl mean- tians, no fuclm fa€ts lmvct exillccnl, it may be rcrpliecl, the p7‘qj¢u.."?‘or af Ilazputzz Zmd not éecézz alzle in “ gn Jfc3l1'-ml; YEARS to ¢v:t2~::zo‘2"M/z4:¢»g¢’2;¢«:z:Im fmaml Cztcz»z2:z£>‘e7".r, Zrzzt Alba‘ wax curtain it woulzllée dam: IN EIC}I~1"I‘ ymns. MOVREQ. . all recolleél; when tlllxcrfcr pz*i1gcipl¢:é l:mg;*z1nl~t0«l~l ll7')})rt“f.l?4; our Collegggesmwlxen it was 1423:-imzlly arm-+ tcnclcrcl that the llzmly of I‘l”‘l4‘:‘ll.‘1EltlCS and nauurall pl1il0fi)pl1y Wm5‘l'L1lI’l01]SltO the: I1:-mlth, geniuszmd, clmaraéfex 10? ‘ :3, ycsmmg lgtixjltlmizilueaa-»That mull~£*,?lllanll‘l lpfainting, dancing, zmdllllvflmcing, and _/panczkizag" Fnvyéclv, were the. only accomplifl'1m«:nts WOX“tl1lpQlf-#* fcfling; and tlfmt Idatin and Gram-lc Wart: fitted only fm*llf’Eupidldlvines, "or black lettfer~laWye1*s. ” An ix’:-Q A d’lfpen*iE.«1ble %}partof this jz/5iZ.cflj>f2£m[,and palzmll arid gmrael, and p‘é~e2‘zy"l‘ed11‘ca?tli;o¢n Was,; toltravel linltolfcm-A A «sign countries, and therereficle long lenoughto Fdlr-:4 ‘ get all the early habits‘ of llifemto forget all ldomefl tic connéxiohlsw-to forget Atlxez fchoo1—1aoufe where: he was fiffli taught his Nevv-England llplrimerwtoll forget the old fafhionecl meeting»-houfe whcwel hei V wlas?lfirPcll:1ed to worihip God, and efpeciallyl to farm- get ‘*:l,1is>'n‘ative“ clountry,l and? to 781123112176? only, lbut rémelmber always and effe«S‘tually, that he was a pawl .lifl1edllcofm0politc, or citizen of lthel world. If.‘ I‘ :'1‘z~1E:i';,vfi«::1”1 0f'111cra1~sVwhich hasAbeAen4re21red by ‘care-,% mmielty,“ and W} dom of ages, has, in its %t;mz1‘,% :‘.:+;?e«£nWa%fxTE1i}f,d bjv.thef: Thc*:orifis%.‘ The - Ian.- gt1age4 “()f* 1”I10d€‘£‘n” refisrnuers to theft: who vene1'a§e zzn:><:§zez1tA:ha.%bi;ts, amrient manners, ancient fyflfems of Azxizorazis and57edu%c:1ti0n@,%%is, F‘ O fools, when’ will ye bi:-:wii"a:é%.”:; ofirfi: iflnake, and thc-311% dcfcroy we faith of every man onthefz interefizing fubjecfts, has ‘been attmnpted by”‘ many difiinguiflaed men, with ariinduftry, labar ‘a1'1ET1‘ perf<:v<~21“ance,~Which d=ef(:rV-- %c3dVz2.%%%%’ br:t%t<;é1*%caL31E; and has been for manyVVy’ea?1*s 3; p1'i:m:=&obje:£t of purfuit in that A ~mti0n%*%*Which, has ht-:*<:~n thrt: ””gY4I*6:;1t hc>t—-b<~:d of pm-matL1re4ahd %m"1*<:>1*1f’cr‘(5us %prodL1<.’:“E%%itf»%zr1é;£V f To pa1*ticu1arizc on ‘this i'i1ti{jc:a_‘E";xvc"m1%<:5lA be? irimofffible, but Icannot forbe-cm to 1aint:atVa fexv of th0I?::v docihines now i“trermo1.1fly 'fl.1p}_2)O1"tL’”C1. A % W A ~ A "i‘%:r-m'1*:*ns3:3 fhould loves: their cI1iIc'h'r.:r%1precifély a%ccc>z~c1i11g4 to then’ worth, and ~Vthat If a? nei;%hb01"s Achild b€:m01'«:=: defc':x'vi11g, it flmuld b§:pz*e1‘c:1*1*ed. T.:~mT afrwn are to regard the gexweral gooci in all . W,,;V,.§:I”1<:ir%c<>z"1%c}i11<5%, and of Cou1"iE: to i;)1“'«"::;.-9.1:: pr0mifi:*s, Con- twrafts and ezag;:;g;%n11c?x*1ts, or perform t11e{m, as will (:0.m.'fiuCe D0 this 0b_j€:."3:. % ‘ ‘Tz~IA'r to r:::fu1~:: to lend 21 Tum (3? money, when %ApofiiMl)AIe, z-11'1d whexn *thre:;1pp1icant is in ncetd of” it, is». an 4215;‘; <3:;:p;1:¢Hy crimiiml witla thcrft or mbbe1‘y,t0” than :1§,1z31<:%zzz%1';%ouxA1r. ~ A 7;; u“i§.*;ficult4y flxmxlzzl here be f‘mz~md,%%t'im1:jmem. n'1ay:,,%jm;:%;§g;'x:: ¢:*z“1*c,me<;)ui'1‘§_r 215» to th:%: c;¥<:+i‘E:~1“i:«s;,0f? %21?”nerigl «AV %%b;ojr’Asw%%Aazixim-éea-tl:1(:%%c;1%<::n*j1.21r1‘d;Ls Of’vth€3%%P1.}3.L31iC mi :0 th«;*: A 1f111:f;f3r~?m:f4::Ai1t P1‘03’fl,ii?t*» *mf~j%.Atl'1eZn<:ce11”ity:%ffo%r‘%?Athe loan in % 132%: mc%11E%io4;1g:~,d t h("ifl anfwmf: 1*<:~a:dyy myc»n,%v Miw11Vi%g;l*1i:}*; J zftzzxfibn , faifx ir1f;z11i,%b.1t:%% * iguide. A ; ~ A * UM. A%,I%"L1*fJ‘t11c2a:1‘1cc1%=1‘m.n;»w i11143., _, tins %_is7i11<:1eed,a_ r perly exercifed. Thé,’ii q bleautiful fyllem, but ‘there appears one cliflicultyf attending nit, tha.tiAis, it is i made for a race of be... Inge entlrelyr difierenltbfrom men. "Again, fays he '----VVhy for fix] thloufand years thlelovebof parents to Cl1llCll"€Il, has ~beeAn confidered,~as the only j tie 1 by which famifiels have been t:on‘neél:ed ; A and ~ families have 3 been iconfidered as the ftrongeft band' A ahd mofi:Vpowerf'ul .cement of focietyv-« clei‘t1'oy then this affeélion, and what better than rniferable vagabonds, will be the inhabitants of the A earth ?-—-«This part ofthe projeél really Pttikes me, he i adds, like the attempt to propagate the Zwreed aftrzw: Iced]/aeep. t Then again, it ‘is quite doubtful, Whew ther parents, of ordinary nerves, can, at once, divefl: themfelvest of natu1~alaffeé‘tion.-——--Indeed, there is a ftrong analogy between this part of the fcheme, and rnczkiizg cz j)iz2~£u_/Zvim out of cz piece of marfle.-----~i But to the eofmopolite,‘ who belongs no where, is. conneéled with nobody, and who has been from his youth, progrelling to perfeetion, thefe fentiments are jull, and the exereife of them, quite feafible. W Btmithefe modern theories have appeatedfintheir native beauty,and nmnawirhethc tnoltlirefplendent l A luflre in the fcience of politics. "We are feriouflytolcl thathnen are to begoverned onlybys reafon. sofa-» t t l fleet? men and there will be amends of punifhment. It iis'Atrue,l lince the world began, not a family, Va ilate or a nlallfiion,‘ has beenyonthefe principles, pro-~. teéltedg but this his, bleealufetireafon has not beenpro-*~ A perioclnowapp"roaehes when %reafon* unfolds itfelfiw-«one motel but-Jed will mature it, and then beholdiithe glorioushatvell l5 A A Bari: may be /fapidzj: afkedwhatlhall be done inthe mean time? men are now _/omew/hat impeifiéi‘ --‘§+«Thel't, burglary; roAbbe'ty and murder, are now and than connmitlted, land it Awxll befo'meAAAyears be» me ‘7lZl‘l*€’1)€I’ft’5lIl0l1 of human ‘nature will Ihield us \ A’ 14.. thefe eivAi_ls.A bTl1ls inte*rz'egi111m will be foxnc- ‘I §vhAat..galg{mitQuS.~+-Fflnd z1lA'fi;rz,A-iSA it Acertain that the eb‘:1‘fimiIlidnAA of crimes AAh::Ls A23‘; tendency to rezfine and perfecft the perpetrator? T hefe queflmnsb never flmuld [be afked at tlje elAofe of the eighteentli Cen- d tug-y.-a~:ThAey are manfifef’cIytAA< A A AA pwinioln, A:tll*1l}2§{tAl met; are 1);! rilgh»t*s~,A apd[t'ha.tb"F';God I A A AGAIN, flay modem t:l1eories,-1‘nen are all equal, and of courfe 11A0'1‘~*e/z‘rzzi72*Z3agi‘¢:Ai1‘1?1pOfed by focietymm no dzflinfilims Aean Aezrdft, exeep_tte'jA gratify be the pride of 1:l1el*amI:§;‘iau:, tAl1eleruelty bfAthele4zz’¢3/jvoiic. W \ it is Athemplain "duty“of' every individual,tol1a.{:’cen the reign ofliberty and eqpality. It 13 not ~ae novel? 0-A-A nature ‘ poll"efl'ed of equal but ’~tis folmewbat doubt"Ful* lwlxether every A man flxould be permitted to do as he pleafes.--+-Such ii/he ewy, A it 1naylbeA«faild,Ais z¢7y;:z_,v’z,= With men whoaare not perfeél:.-4-bAco1"rnopo1ite, to be fire, will not abufe A A A _ A atlnlmadebf one blood all natiofislleof men toldwellll on thelfacel of A the earth,’ 5 A itglbeeaufe he loves all mankind in arrequal degree :4 but the expediencyof the general priIA1ciple may be quefiionedmany opinion of great and learned men in anylwife, to the contrary nonvithfcanding. A A Inhowever, byliberty and equality is intended, thepower of aélting with as much fleedom as is confident .withAt:he public fafi::ty~—-eand that each man has the Afam,eArigl1t to the pAroteé‘tioAn of law as anom- thergthere is no con’troverfyA ; but thefe termé, lash now explained, advocated and adopted, meanfithey power of ac5l:ing without any other refcraintgthan ream fgn, and the levelling ally dilftinélions by rightor wrong, andbbtlmws underfi:ood,they ~arelof1jatlherAltooA‘ fufpicious a admitql A A A ‘BUT thefeprincipleslextenldbllflillflflarthefe-—theiAr A charaélzer for men, ofAor*dimz7;y' tzzzmrs‘, to grafp is wider. hey aim atiluel aétual dcfcruélion Ofeverydgolvernmentoncarth. A A I45 Krwcslareltlzefirllcl (jlajeélz of tlmeler ::1ttzicl«:4--thei?1» :1‘ r1obi‘l'ity--wtlien commons. l‘ To prepare thelAwllay for theeaecoxirapliflament of tllefe obje€ts,AA‘AaAlAl “f<)rnl*1ei*. A’fyllernsA of thinlcing and aél:ing,mfurff be‘ annihillatedg and tih'ereignAoflreaib1l1 A firmly Aefcablifinedl. A A AABUT it will be enquirecl, v%1l1e1*e -l"1£l¢‘\/‘C thefe novel l3l1CO1“l€‘S appeared? I anfwer-~—-'I‘he’y have clawnecl jupon New~lEngland--+—they l?mveA glowed in tl1eA fou‘-i %tl1e-rn il:ates--~etheyl1{ave buijnt id France.l " We have Teen a1‘ew~p1*ojeé’cor$ in 5Bdats,l Ballllcmns and Aut"oe1‘ngl atons—--~:-A; ‘Few philcafoplfical farmei's——-A few alt- tempts {:0 proplagate the breed of naked fl1eep--—-and we lmve at leaf: one Philofopher in the United States, who“ lms tz11«:en an acczurate Mrnenfuraftion or the Maz11*m0thA‘*s'l:>c)A1'1es+-~1“I'1Az1cl€:-A filrprifing ‘clifcoveries in the lclcfirlrine of V.ibArz1ting }:~enclulL21“ns,; and aflsonifhed the worlcl with tl1e~preci1l~: gxxage and dimenfions of all tl1e‘aborigi11alsA of Ame.rica.; A A l BUT in Frz1n<:e, For umny years, thefe fpeculatione in agrictwltxzre, gtliue Amreel1axnilc.%art:s,Al eAcluA:cat.ion,:Aa rnolralsf mI1dlAAAAgolvemment, AAAAhalveA been: zalloptecl Aan=c.l _pm*fuer;l. A ‘I A there fileelarecl jalnd efcabliflnecl, by Alaw, that am eient A l1zzAlt>1rs,AlAc11lIlcoms and .1mnners,lnxocles t:lA*'zAx;Axi~aAAls.A:L~;:«AA.., iz‘1g,l:A1*eaibr1Aingl and A a&ing;,l0L1gl1t toAbe A1‘l£llC’L1'lt‘§l,' defpifiecl and r<-gjeéled, for A tlmt a, totally new <:>:rde£'A of tlexingshastalieh p1;ace.le11 thofe rAules,,of ac... tion whicl1 ci:vili:zeAd AAm‘éx;;t:ions lhave:A dee1*r1ecllneceITa1*y tc:»fAAtl1eirAA lbeace A and llappinefis, lliiwe been AAdeclarcéci Al zyklefs or ¢z:~z?2itrzzry,zzJé7zece3flzry or lzzzgjzz/f. "Flue moll: A <‘li1lizA1g11iIh.ed treatifesyon the laws 0f‘r1%altilclms-~t1'ea— A A tiles which l121V(:‘il)€f;‘l1‘1’C01”]fiClCi‘€Cl.aS’(E()I‘ltalnlIflg1‘L1l€'S adlmirably aclaptecl t:<'>rl1<43r fittzation 0f‘clifi""ere?nt Conn;-l Atries,= anal tluerefore of laeigla smtlemrity, lmve net only- beA1e11dillreg~a1'clecl, but pul'>1icly' c<:»nte1*:;nx"1ec;lAl.asl ziAz111.l",§rA wlofml-eeaten p1"A(l)cl11%z53"1:ic»2':<:a‘s. A Ewien t‘h'at .Z1(3C(..}I'.1‘1plll,l'l€?d r‘-O .16 Cofmopolite, Mr. Genet, who came the meffenc. get of peace and fcience to this guilty. and deluded people, and who treated us precifely according to thofe aflhlried c*hara€ters, opened his budget with an explicit renunciation offthe principles of_PnfFen~~ dorf, Vattel, and other writers of that defcription, and declared that his nation wouldbe governed by none of their obfolete rnaxims. “ INDEED, this learned nation, have yielded impli- citly to the fentirnents of Mr. Volney, Mr. Paine, and N11‘. Godwin, in all quefiions" of morals andpom licy; and in all matters of religion there is afl'ociat—- ed with themthat learned and pious divine, the Bifhop of Autun, l who had the Cofrnopoliitifm to boat‘: that he had preached twenty *years, under an oath, “without believing a word which he uttered. To aid tlieleftablifliment of thefe projedts, the V credulity ofthe_~prefent age has become truly afl:on.... A ilhing. There 13lpp§'_91,‘$S_ to be a new machrnery for the mindgby which its capacity at believing; certain things is perfeét. It is b€l1CV€Cl that Socrates, and ii‘Pl1ato,; and Senecram-Bacon,ilNewton and Locke, and all who lived. and died prior to the commencement of the French Revblrxtion, were either yfools or flaires. That in no country but France is there fiience or virtue. That the body of the people in "England are now groaning under the rnofl: oppreflil ive bondage and tyranny. That this was precifely the cafe in Holland, Italy and Swimcrlzinti, till 4 Franceintrolclucecl them to their p1*efent11appyiiconc dition. It is?’believecl by all the Cofinopolitea in Europe, and by many in Ariiericaiwby f all genuine Jacobins, by many Democrats, by the greaterdpart bf the readers of the Aurora, the Argus and ‘th¢B£e', and by anwinnumerable mnl». titude who doxftrcad at all, that the Citizens of thefe States, and particularly of New-l'i.ngland_., are rniferable, benightecl, enflaved and wretclied tl1_ipt*a;, M 17% and that the Preficlenlt V and his adhcrenlts, are in a A I firm Ieagize to inyure iéincl deflroyy them. A Thatiouri Inembers of Congrefé, and the Heads of clcpart-L 1‘nents,A are bribed with Britifh gold, and areuexerting all their faculties toforge chains for tl1Cl1’_p()f[L"1>‘lty'. That 211;}, in any w_a.y_, connczélred A with the govern--- menAt,i are con{’canAtly pliindering the T rieafnrym-2- mailing Wealth---~beco:.ning independent--wand thus efhiblifhing an abominablcy cru€l,ywicl»:ecl, cliafpotic and dnvilifh ariflgcrncyg which is to ccntiziiially an-A» largc its grafp, till 1: iliall embrace all ti1€‘A~V1?ll_Ufll31C interefirs of America, and Vl;<;l_,”‘£1.“i«"tefro1ii they yAiLirO1‘€l,a thi; ,A_rg,L1sy ‘ and (1116 Bee; A and who tlcmbt “theft: lfoii1*c:?c~risy lofi iint":;;1*i*i1a~ tion, finer: the v.1-n"i<:mspublications, Within ynar pafl”, refpeéling lCCin11c:€ti&, this City,andy ourC01e legs? A i ii A T ii A Buriit rnayybdAiafl<:>F, A Sir, Ci13t.thC A zinodeini Litcratiy are at—~ ?ftein;:>tin;g; toextrzxét fun~bcaxm finch C”.ucuml>::’i~s--- toytravizeli without exiertion-wtoyi rarzaip without iiawizig A-—-mtzn (:‘(.lUCiclT<'.‘3 childrcrn tn p(3.I‘i'(i‘élIlOl"1---f.(_) im:i*c>ydi:ce 5; new (‘)1‘’.1‘ of thin it refpcéls A ?iZz’3‘*7"!.?Z.S..:~1Il(.l ]10/2'z‘z'_c.;,' _/’bz:z'a/ An.n<;l ax"-vii dzztyieiv, and to ell::1blill;1iy1:li1i:;y ilz':.u"ig=:£ ’11DtfC4.i,JC’S Qf''C1‘{£r:.iLIlity ? . my‘:lyw-ti1o{i:: *wlAml Image: clc2ii:;ribinig;,iiz*1 ~fzi€c,AAl1avc an eiXifl*c:nir:eP , A"yWyherr=: V is ‘ eyetbeeome Cofmopolites, neetli‘ no proof; T lacy ‘l1ave=feen, and l1ea.rcl, and read tliefe wxld vagaries, fined are thierefore fatisfied of their estiflzencc, Asto ~ the others, I have only to remark, tl1:1t;?trhi.£a fIzus ztgaiznft our gtcrmernztuent, which according to tlw laws of c::'vtry W621} rc~:g,uA1atc:t1 fOCi€3ty', would fub_jc:€t the: an... thors to the:: pU1.‘1i_fl”11'1‘1€'.‘I1t of dtzzmzlu. A A ‘N:-tram we Imve complzainctd, the: Direétory I1avcr,t with tht: mofc ptiillttffd ubuféi or 111116311 cuxxttmpt, re»- jetted cmr C201‘I“1p1z~‘LintS. A 5 AC)NEAtI1"1'il3i'fl‘_f?r lms beast refuitti an aL1dience,~antA¥d ttluree, Wen: mat with :2. m1:>;tm"<: of the molt fbul t aL1dAdc:bafir;g 1A11t1*1,gu(:. A t In E t A A % t -t ” A T2-mat d£:f1“1‘1t2t11d,“~<1n terms, that thetiptaccltes of the A P;r¢1Tid@ntaflmuldAbe :tCC0xt1*xmoda.tedwto ‘a‘Dti1'ce'£3etZ .’---——Rz'gZ7r.s afMa7¢! I arn ali.on-- ilhed that the utterance ofthofe Words “"dmzz‘ Z221’ er" rbeir tmzgzles.” Since the combimition againfc France was defeated, {he has t1nil'"' been the aggreffor, and Europe has 4 become yonieygreiatl flaught~er—-houfe. iWi*thin this period, itis computed, that more than four millions of people have perifhed by the revo-~ ilution, and t:his“mighty dellruétion‘ has been 9efi'e&‘-~ A ed in ways, by rneans and under circumfltancesl for afiilifting anddiPcreflir1g,that itis hardly pofiible to conceive howfour millions of people could have pe-— rilhed, with more infiamyito the Republic. « BUT the Direétory proclaim, Liberzjr end Eguah ity. Liémjy and Eqzmlizyl i Wasithe earth ever before infulted with fuch mockery I--—--The Direlfto-— ry, each of whom, afliumes a haughtinefs, and ap-- ipears with ‘:1 pomp and fplendor unequalled by any’ potentate in Europe, infult the World by the iprel-4 tencfeof efizablithing Libmjy and Egzmlity! = ‘D :22 freetiom to the milhrahle captive, l)‘1’\t’Ji§Ze.‘.’.I} tii()W11ti*‘1eit.. mages of idolatry, and driven error 2;1.f1c;ii iii.jlp€‘l"i-iitl(')l1 from the earth. That they have uttloofeti bands, is not denied-—--that they have cieiitoyetl the mongefi ligaments by which individuals ihcieties were connected, is not denied, but that the caufi: ofgem1- inc liberty is promotecl, ldocleny. lsitherc a fingle country in Europe, in which their aitmys liave tri-j umphed, lefs opprelfeti, or left; wretched now than t€n,yf33l"S ago? A i 4 it ' i ” yTr—IA.T they have driven men from one fpecies of error andfuperfliticn to iahotheri, is agreed. But What confolatioh is it tothe vifretched worfhippers of llzones to forget thefe Gods, and adore rieafon, fortiw tude and Virtue ? A A A A Altthey f.OL1I'H3i‘lnt Egypt: thofe who were bowing l downyto arzioizs and Zea/ts, have they rendereti them any efiimtial fervice, by telling them hencefortli to believe in the liberty andequalityi of znanm-itft the perfeétability of human nature, and in the etemal; Ileep of death. Paul, Whofe cliaracler they fo heart—- ily ciefpife, acted a much more civil and kind, (not to lily chrifitian) apart. He found an altarh among the Atliehiians, infctibed to the “ Unknown God 5” and beholtiinggg their devotions, ‘ cried, “ ‘Whom. theref'ore,y ye ignorantly worfhip, him declare I U11-~ A to you.” Let the advocates for the reformation, in religion, which this nation are effefting, compare the plain and unadorned account of Paul’s God, with BUT they have opened pztili'€:)s"2s and l:~aii:iilaes, gitreanu :;l1e.addmfs of the F tench Apoflle, Bluonapairte, to ~ the ignorant Egyptiaris. “ There is no God but God. Helias no fon or afibyciate in histiltingdomfi’ Bohr ’tis: faid; thefe mighty eventsgwhichynyoiw af’ton1ll1 the world, are 111* exact ‘A ccmformity toy the c wil1ofHeaven. iWhait dotheiafibrtcrs iofthisypro»-,»~ p0{itic:>z1 rm->::m P Théllii ’t'i.s~:%, A§ti1i‘ii.{ft;“3if,, 1~ig.gI"tt, £.':i'1d‘1fhi;7fi'€~ f'bt*cag;rfie;1b]t: m the will M Imawlu, fortonczztnatiotm t0 d_fit;i0z't is f”aiiE::. _A.l1tt 'VVIg'“i- t«:;~:t':4:,,<>1*1 tht: tlmvrs 0f7n22t1%i<:;n, ‘Vt/’i¥I}“1(3i.1§1 gm t?XC:f;‘f,"JL'i0.rJ, ttrztch £1 diMm€ti}~' tygaywtfite dé of the: Un1ve1'IE, Do tI1C’fi:" apalagiflm For Fi”@FlC1“1FI1o1'dinates, at-e commiflioned by V Gtntgh to d<3flc1'c“>y ztll t1’1ff3g0V6I‘I71l1"1(fI”ltS on earth? If t thtfy‘ mczzm this, I {beg them to thew, firfi*, that thczy am: the pmvy cot1xix1f;>Hu:'.=3 0F I"‘I<:?&‘.1V<'3‘n; and, fémondly, that flush C()l‘I'11‘I511mC)1'1;‘:} havcir aéttwlly Jfllrtsd. tBt.1:t Wdottht-:y tnetm that theft 1’1.0r1*id,21¢”;t'Sttt()f plurmcler, trem- “clwry tnt’7t1*cl‘x:i1t1r<;it:tr,t artaxundter the thvine C.<01T3t1“01, and tI1m~efc.>m. twt: 1111211" atzquicsfce anti rtsjoice P If thtly t I“l"1tL‘1:1I1 tftzisz .[tC0f1@_jrE1tL31alt(3 tlwztu on thei1* refignation, andfwifla that it1’1'mytiz1c1~tafe, till itprt9t1uce.'s.afpir~ itofreconciliation try our own g0Vf3r11It"nc-*nt. But it at_]11ftptar1t:1p1t:,t1mt_*tve taretto: be tlttankful, fam- all events, b(i'C2:«.11.11€. they arcunder the chv‘1tm:: contm1.? I thin1»;: the friends ofthisnewtheorfittihouldp1~aifi:: God fin“ .2111 tlw evil and mifi-try’, which I‘}Wz€‘n c.t:m':- mit, zfmcgi ittmzr, and thczy will be A entitled, then, to the trmiit of bc:~in_,g; c:tJnfifi:cnt. Bm~ is it ‘I'1”1fZfCL1'1I: that theft: events m'LL prn:itzt't: gtzrtjd, ..&<'ti'1.d t1‘1f;‘I"€f(JI‘fi‘ are the fi.1b;<:-t‘:tof xt*c=t;Aozt::x‘:gt?--- n. ’i‘11t3;7sdt':*and liglztzuixtg, t*t>3ctta:1t»5atnd t3't%.I't‘§]"‘i‘:.::;”:§;3',vi;Es,:,5 :24- yuuupnuuuu-un«n-nnud peftilence and famine, which afleightezz, zz/Bani//5 and dflfroy, may produce good! The fire and plague, of 1665 and 1666, which defolated the firlt city in the World, probably, have been followed with falu- tary confsquences l But what affem bly, ever yet, feri- otifly eingagetl in mutual congratulation, that the i peftilenee was {laying its thoufands, or that millions of old and young, innocent and guilty, were confuu med by a eonflagration, or fwallowed up by an earthquake E’ r V “ l NAY, there was a murder, once committed, on Mpount Calvary, which has produced all the good in tl1eiUniverfe. Who has yet been found, to apm iplaud thefe‘ murderers ?-+--Marla the difference, in tlxeicondtiét of I-Ieaveh, at the birth and death of the Saviour. At the one, “ all the ions of God fhout-- ed for joyfl’ At the other, in direél: difapprobation thereof, the Heavens were veiled in darknefé, and the C£lI"t;l1*fl‘100l{ to its centre! I F many of our countrymen approve the meafures of France, and applaud them in their mad career of domination, I fpeak, “withconfidence, the body of our citizens entertain, different opinions. Such will cordially join in protefiing; our government, and in fupporting an energetic adminifltration. They will, particularly, as a mean to aecornplifla this objeét, and the onlyone I lhall now urge, difcountenance that unparallelrlri-‘cl abufe of all thofe to whom is entrufted the management of our national lI'.1t€1‘E?fliS, which is now fo prevalent. a Not a man, tho’ his rivate eliaraéter were like i 7 P . tried goltl, has efeapetl the molt malignant cenfure. A 4»--The Prefident, each head of department, each 1 :;nember of the Legiflature, and every other man, ~§yl1o fupports the ppadnniriifhationi, isdaily chayrged r *:%~.:§fll:.l1A£l‘lt: ntoil‘. vile and degrading Crimes, They l 25 are openly vilified, as parties to a confpiracy, againfl the peace, the dignity, and the happinefs of the Uni- ted States. AND who are thefe reformers, that exhibit theft: charges ?-—-——Are they the virtuous, meek, unfpotted and holy of the earth P ‘ 1 ‘WHO are thefe thus reproached? They are your neighbors, chofen to proteét yourinte1‘ef’ts.--—-VVhat is their objeéti’ iWealtl1 3-——-~If fo, they are miferably employed. Tl1€?1‘6 is not ya man among them, wlio can, with the utmoft economy, fecure as touch mo»- ney, as lmndreds of merchants, lawyers, phyficians, maiizers of veflels, and farmers, annually make, by their Various purlizits. i BUT alas it they wifh to enflave us. Is this their elmreéter in private life E’ Have they not, with you, lxouliss and lands, chataélzer and liberty to defend Pm- I"‘"IZ1V€ they not wives and children, whofe luappinefi is near their l1€?211”tS P---«And do they, indeed, labour and toil, to fiorge clmins and fetters for their ichil-~ clten, axial cl1il,clren’s cl1ilc;lren,,tl12=;t theirlnamesland ‘1'.1“1t’3:1?'I’10t'i¢:E‘.‘.E‘%, my go elowzi to fottite generations, cov- ered with the lnilttewell: czurfes. ,iI rmvl‘; 1'r12teleltl“1efe oblirrvzttions, my ,F(:'l,lOW-~Cit-- A iszsens, tliat we rmty, on this anz1i.verfa.ry ofout; Na-4 tional exifizencre, El Ll£1yWl’1ZCl1 I hope may be kept li-xcred to that: folemn employment, contemplzlate the labours, the exertions, and they cl1zirac.€ltersof thofel veneralole men, who foundecl, and have,llntl1erto, V p1*cJte€ted this nation. .I Willi them to be feen, and eoz*uy>a1*et,,l with the fpeculating; tl‘1"tfOl‘lilS, and l‘l‘1Ull'Ia;~ei room pOlit1CI2.-1I”1S of this ztge or realon. .l.’£‘ is mzwv leli; tlrtemltwo lmntlred”ye:1ts, llI‘1C6 thei iirli: l'ett1<.::me11t of wlute people was efl'eéi.eel, In tliefe :26 ‘United States; ltfs than one liumrtscl and eighty, tfince the till’: fottlettiezit was; ?lTl€l(l('.‘, in l:‘;l€W~EI1glé-ll']tl, and left; than one l'l1.1l‘lCl1"€‘(‘l and leventy, fince the lirll: fsttlcment was matlt, ll‘) Conynt>«fl1cL1t. The place jWl‘l€1‘t2‘ we am ‘now zllllfilillblfifl, W218 tlltfn, a wild wall:tr. A llnlbead of'*d fields, 5276225 azrni 1,“(N.-’zf.5‘., In- fieatl of a flourillaing city, /9245: mm’ ‘J(Uig"£W!77J5. ln-~ fiead oi polite, benevolent, and leamed citizens, «:4 iiilaarde laffmmges. lnllead of a ftat of fcrience, full of young men, qualifying to adorn and blels their country, here: was only taught the art oftorrrientiiag ‘mgenioufly, and here were only heard the groans of “the dying. M VVI-{AT is here faid of Newa-Haven, may, with little variation, be laid of all New--Engilantl, and of many other parts of the Unittsd States. tWEy have now_.,lupwa1*cls of four millions of inl1ab-—- itarits, cultivating a fertile: country, and exugaged in «la commerce, Wltll 876,000 tons of flnpping, and tféconcl only, to that of Great Britain. A How has this miglntyi change been ef*Fe€tecl?——-- it by magic? By lixpematural aid? or was it by irigeniotls tlieories in morals, economics and g_o—— jvternment? My Fellow--Citizens, it was accom-~ pliiltled by tilt: induvftry, the labour, the pc*rl'c:vr:x"am:t:, the fuflitrrillgt. and virtues, of thoio men, fi*om whom yvc: glory in bmng Cl€:'lC¢3I1Cl(i'Cl."*' THESE venerable men.fpt:nt no time in cittraéling mxnbtanis from cL1c1m1l:>¢2rs-~«1n wrxtmg lttttors to azzei, or €I“l€Kl1‘1<’l3‘ the world with thé: 'ar won of P P 1:19 A ill‘:-t perfeélaibility of lmmao naturcr. Trim and tlltrir illufltioua tlefiztélatlants purlixed g;l2ll“£rfl:l‘}«*, and by tliofa oz-.r:ar'*;al Wl1l4L.?l'“.t always ‘Wlll lu<:.~. V 5* Sea ’l‘rzzttlljutll’allli£”l;w* of Ct:r1ae»Elita—c~-.t..a lreotaln which on 'bLto be in l Wergr family. “ 27“ ism-sci, {Eur they axiwaiys hazve fiicceeded, thofe which czommozt ihriii-,* tiirftzxttr, the t~;-refticni and fiipport of gtfxcati g(T2VL“I‘f‘11“I"1C‘3I1t zmd good 11"iortt1s. 'I"0r:ffe€t thtfe great oi;t::je¢”ts, they {toad like montiments, with tiltiil‘ wives, thczir children, and their iivts in their hantis. -—--Theay f0ti§_2;i1t—4—ti1ey £h1ed~»—-the: y ditzd.---At this ex»- ptiice of cafe, hztppintéfis and lift, thtty made cftab-A lifiiments for poi’tc3.rity--—th<::y pi*ot<:€teci tizetiwtgainii: iiatragesmtluey Cemented them with their blood--—~% they Cit.‘iiV€l‘€Ci thc::m to us as :1 {acted depofit, tam“ if vvt: i"t1.EFer them to be ciefi'1‘oyeti by ithte-tinfialltd re; fimsments of this-.: élgét, Wt? {hail d€‘fiif?i”VC‘ti1€ rt+proa.t;h».ii es, with whicsh, ix‘npm:ti;tljuii:i«::c=: will cove1'fi1cI1a.pu--» fiilanimous race. 7 LJ[M1.‘>1-‘<1; pmrticuiariy at the: Vt-"il"i0US' CO1‘l”!p1&i17)~IIS, rew htitanttrtmcses mid pt?tItiOl1S rnziltcie by tht-2f:-3 Stattes, on: vatiotis Occaficvius, from‘: the firit fcttlesiiritmt of" thi$ COUHTFY5 to the 4ti1 of" July i'7'7(3, zmd compare: t t::i*‘n with the {tare p:.tpcri'::5, M tiit-: great Republic. In that tune, you will fee: the plain, pc>int<:w:i language 0f‘i1'a_it.1r<:*a.“i inn0«;:t:nc:c3, L.i¢}"1'1flI'1Ciii'1.f_§‘ l"(i*<1Tit‘€3,“fi§----ill the 0th—~ war, the fly, wily, z12'1’1bigi(311ES,nC:?~3.17i*1tfii0n diaicét of jcefiiits, CL11‘iOUfly‘W1'OI.]gi"13iTL1p_ ta mer:.~m cveryt thing, and notiiing, by fin: of nmuhttzbarilc. pahticizms, headed by El per3uredBifl1c)p of Autun. A ’* A AA A AT this day there exiit two p:~m:ie:~3 in tiiefc Uni- ‘ted. Stzatstrsy 'At the I*1md%(:»f one are W'afl'zington,= Adams, and Ellfworth.--~The objecft of this fparty is to pmtcft and dctfend the govermnent from tlmt deftruftioii, withwhich, they believe it threatened, by its enemies. To preferve and tranfmit to pofieri-A ty thofe ef’tab1ifl11nents,iiwI1icl1 they believe import-» am: tn the happinefs of fociety. AT the head of the other, is the gentleman who drank toafts atFrede1*ickfbu1'gh in May 1798, in adireéiticontempt of our government, who wrote that’: 28 letter to Mazzei, with Galhatih, mud Nie1“20h:u~;, flild. Lymz, and to grace the company they flaine, with the borrowed iufire of Talleyrand, that diflennbler cw God and Ma‘n. The objeét of this party is to defi1'0y' ancient fyfcems--«-—ar1cien‘t habits----anciem: cu‘fi‘oms -----to introchuce :1 neW"1ibert:y,' new equality, new rights of man, new modes of education, and 2. new Crrderyof things. A h7LEhTj them meet and makeh a f'ul1,fair, and pen- Vfeét expofition of their principles-mm-tl1ei1* objeéts, and the means by which they are to be accompliflxw ed-----«And let there be prefent at this difplay, the departed fpirits of Davenp’ort,E-Iooker, V\7inthrop, Wo1cott,e‘e Hopkins,’fHaynes, and I-Ieaton, and let there alfo appear 21 Lavm-neee, a W“a1~rhen, 21 Mercer? and a ‘Wo0;fl*er', We to which of thefe pzuxties would they give their blefling E’--}F01* whi«::;h Ofthefe zmfl es, ifit were pofiible to hleeci and die a1g;aine"in the eauffe of America_., vmuld the behaved 'W‘AR1‘:.:r.*:~.: A-~ emzw BLMD AND DIE? A