A A 4 ‘ l l l ‘»w,v,:‘ 7;‘ l A~ AA ll law A A “El lwulévmvw ‘ . AA... A. s A ‘ ‘ A 5.4 .~v>3!&:aA ’¢?!{??yrl)§%‘,‘m may 1 V A ‘V ‘I ly,‘§,W’l A A * ‘ , H M‘ V l ‘ l '“ N ‘-h "W ‘ .A‘ 1A ll‘ ‘ «" a. ‘ A= v. ~ ‘ / ll . I2‘ I V‘ 'lAl,% A Al’ A ¥ V «l Al ’ V]? W D-z:AnASzn, l ‘ A A _ lTHE“Committee,l appointed by the Hcnorabll lljoovn-» 1. A ‘Council, do, as Adireélcd, prefent you their thanks; fielialf A l of the %%Cizi.z.ens of_NewporAt,A for the cxcell»cnt‘llOl§_ATioN‘AA which you delivered, incomplianceAwiA;hA% their wiilxeal, on the l 4;}: infiant, fthe Anniverfary of AmeFicanA Indleperficnée ; f and requeft ofyou a Copy of the fame for the Pxefsg :A l l l ‘ AWc arc, A ‘ Your,“ ~ ,3 _ l A l JOHNACAHOAQNE, ‘ ll Camzzzitterg A 1l’AVIDlA;l‘A4@lLY.l1LL: 5%-A A " A ‘PAUL M. MUMFORD, Efqg ‘l - l With fenltilmentslzlf unfeigned cflcem": l A ~GElNTLEMElN,l A’ l A % ‘ A A % IF any thing cangivc v Iue to my life, at has the pawl. l cndcaripgw it to me, izaxislthc favor with_whir;h my fela ‘ : lfllvwwlacitizcizs F‘ hav6:lb£;Am,l 190),; ‘‘‘,{m_’’ I A fay favor - I lbecaufe Ii'c““ii\v*l A * * em all’ mcir.y1.-m,:o ma‘ he{ml0ll%valuable~—l of worldly izreafurc. A‘ To thelrequcft of the Honorable Council,‘ which as their A « Committc-egAAyolu communicate, I ‘cordially accede; bclicv-y 1 ling itwas inten;jed_ Aa_ triézzte zofincemy. ‘Though the A lfemiments which I‘ tl‘leA hQ,An0r_ of lpronmmcing althe late l AnniAvcrl'alry of cm: Natio*na1A; llndepclndcncml were not con- A%mampl,a,mdlllaAsl gm Am rc:mhAtAhePrcfsl;A:" yet it would be iAmpa;4f« , ‘1”tl3lNAaAforl‘me 'lt‘OAlrcAfifl: finch all complimcng, from {'0 ‘venerable a % V%o1ilrAclc;-lalrld ‘fo‘%gm3tcfu‘lAlto feelings. AA17brgetfulAlof the "‘mfiA.. l ;Al~?11-iy ilm%perfa-lliu :33 swhich thAeiMr%Aappca_rar1ct:%Ain lpgirlt may bntray; l l::thcyhrelhu"?nb1y fubmittcde Q A l A A = * l l lAcceptA,l%I pray you, for yourfclvcs, anal ‘thofe in who£A"e f ‘behalf lycunappcar, gtha‘ulfleigncldjexlprttflion"Aofmy acknow-l A 1*cdgemcx1ts- A A W l A “ A A A < ” ~ l l l A ‘ PAUL M. MUM~FO”?RD. 7 % < if I: I Fria-‘ml: and Fe!/a=w~C7it£:-wns, A IN compliance with your will, I rife the liumblc echo of f@I1tlI11€1"itS to which the day is dcclicatecl ; and which, like: the zephyrs of A the nm1'ning, dilate in innocent plcafurc, diffull ing i‘I‘f3il1I’1‘é2i~S, and fmigrazicc. As yonder fun in his lflallzcrn height, beams light zincl hilarity through the chambers of night, and wakes the repnfe of their {lumbering tenants ; fo the bin- vigorating influence of the prefect zmrzivcrfnry, as recorded in the annals of our Country, inlits regular return, revives the feelings and the prin- ciples, by which we claim to be Amcric:-ms. It is cflccmccl a prerogative, to thofc who are no... bly attached to facial duty, more prc-eminently glorious than could be dcrivecl fmni royal paw tcnts, that in the revolving; circle of time we are annually prcfcntccl with at clay, fignalizccl by gilgic virtues of cur F3.tl1<3rs, and hnllowccl by tl'1E,§§€~ nius ofLibw*iy,~ on winch the nnblcr facultics takethc lam, cxpwnding o’cr l1l'1<1‘3.‘ lmxnrm mac, as one extended fzunily, and in gcnmous plflilliuréfi xnarlir. 1;h<-:: impmvcmcnts of their condition. 'Wi3i are zimamblcd, fcllow»citizcns,to cam- nicnmmtc our 1r2depc22dc22ce,c as 21% Nmfiozz, by wliicharnannanimous "cola were advanccdfrom .3 P V ‘ _ , _/was ‘_ «Mm J la.‘ 4 \“ : « ‘K... 44 *“fl I (4) bonclage. The t'eVi€,“Vt7,.fpl€nClltZl as it is, involves, many melancholy traits occafioned by an arclua 0123 and bloody Revolution, through which it was fecuted. The gloomy tints of devoted fuf-.t fering, glance on the darkened mirror of remem-.t brance, and create a flow of emotions, fOl”t’£r.t"I17' and ferenew-—wl1itch, mingling vvith”'a cor)./h:’i.‘ouf.t av’ ’ ztefst of reétitude, and the exalted fenflfations of eventual V1l§;l30.17y, conftitute an etfiyoyllment worn. thy of human nature, hand aec,eptahlel to its aunt thot. '177haoug.,rh it-hete‘ are many, perhaps, here» prefet1t,jwh.<.‘x‘have mourned the fate of a fond; f}9g,t.l‘£‘t , a beloved brother, or more tender friend, twept from the catalogue of ezsziftentce by the utl-«_ A principled arm of defpot-lfm ; though the tears offottovst and fympathy" have not yet forgottett: to flow at the recolle5tio'n ;-—--there is, comfort in. the refleétion, that they were ‘volmztary factifices, in defence <21‘ their Country, andthe riahttsef tntanltind ;‘ , that th eirf :t1at't16S are ,endearee»tae~cel“ tetity, and embalmed? in gratitude and etteem ;,. that their bleffedt fpirlts are reclining in the btiglzt portaIs_ oflcelellzial blifs,,and {mile in con-» fcious fecurity, thatthe caufe, for which they t”ufi”ered, is:,.eftabIilhed, and that the vengeance of tyrants can no longer reach them. SUBMITTING, then, to the Supreme di.l'po{l- A er of events, and fatisfied that his difpenfations, whatever appearance they may wear to rnottal_ eye, are wifely ordained to promote the molt lith- {tantial good of man, let us attempt to utxtmlcl a theme the molt illuftrious and intetiefling, which the hiilory ofNa_tioz1sa1t"o1"ds. at IN. C 5. )7. A M‘ técnks among‘ the number of 0111‘ n"ziylsfo't~a tunes, fellow-cltizens,l that anyera the molt auf- picious to Liberty ; that the birth day of a tN:.t_y tion ; on which millions of men emerged yfromyl. an abjeél: {late of Callonial depryeflicm, and all furnecl the majeyellic attitude of continental incle-he pendence:-. It ranks, I fay, among the nun1bert of our misfortunes, that fo at.1lpi»’:i.OuS an eventyg, the. anniverfary of our political ertiflezzce ; the momeztts of our fondefl hopes, are often feizecl upon, and mcmopolized by the rapacity of MC»- tiouts impol'l:m*s, and prollitutetl to abandoqedt- purpofes. It h::“tS toe often been our lot, when invited to attend, the celebm.tic>n of tlais‘ day, to have our princieples 211'1"€tig11€€l, and out l'<:el» ings infulted, by the lufty impettinence of lbme crouching fatellite of'fafellite:s._., whole cznnilte gen. nius, let on by politicalt Nimmds, in obfequioust ttelerity, yelps fctzr the lnm1t*3lattio1:». of virtue, ztndl. «tile ezttirlélion of riqht.--------m L. all is falfe anal lmllttrw; thavngltttluts tongue: Dropsy:'.nt.mtt.a,_;=1ncl cam awake the wmfcs appeattf y The better re:ufl~n, to perpltrx and claxfll. ‘ 3-9« ‘(V M.a!;t1reillc0urxfc:ls l y t j t I sun wam.»1nte<.l I11 tlttefe olafeztvattcans, by recent: e:scample:s,, which evince tlte-it truth ;.-, anal being truths; which relate to the oli>jl::<£l of the pref’entg aflenihlage, it has bectcrwme my duty to maltet them; aduty wtl1icl1tI‘ llmll purfue in its ftrlélnefs. ‘% hints the diilhrent principles; by the eellifion A Anlim yerfeét art anizaticm of all few of the . P I A 3 V fails whxch relate to the CL)mII1t3fllC€m€I‘lE, zmcly A the prgflrefs of thefefilmtfrzs ; thgether with a “Few? hf Whltstll, lthe event wecteltabmte was procltuced (5.) (and by the continuation of which, we have poli- tically been “, born again” into 21 new, and re- generated life) haflily thrown together, without fymmetry or grace, will comprife the prefent re-t ptalt. And I regret that want of time, or ability, precludes me from affording one better a.d2tpt- ed to the refinements ot fentiment and literary tafte. e 1 A There was a time, when America was with» out 21 11111116, and her fhores were folitary, and difmal : ‘When her belt foil gaveits fubllance to unfruitful trees ; and the fairell flowers of the valley “walked their fragrance in the defert air.” It was let apart in the original decrees of deftinly as the refuge of liberty. Its difcovery was at- tended with many fingular events, and excited many fpeculations. "I he prowling mottller of opprefliot1,,y that roamed theeallzern world, rear-t ed up its ltztggard for"rt1,"andl flr'etchif1git~te~t‘fi’fl*l“ete fol eyes, furveyed in grim concern, the looming t continent. The opprefied, who had been held in lhacltles ofllavery, burft them alhnder, and role, in confidence and courage, to redeem thetr rights and their exiflence. Always confillent tn zeal fordotnlnation, many attempts by the crownoflingland were mttde to people it ,-,y but in vain. Invainwere men etnbarhed under the influence and patronage of El kizngl They fell A victims to dil'afler,lar1tddifeafey.;fik %Tl1e corrupt mo-s tivee, by which the impulfe brought them, was comtnmticated,titnpttrtedfa bane that funk them in the dull. No poflihle adjflllllleflf of flfilllatld blood, , in human compofit1on,,~yMgWgt;ld, ""w-m-..,uwl ‘ (7) V withflandthelpeculiarities of its slime, but fuch as was the temple of thofe principles, which have exalted its name, and made it refpefied. Puri- tan was the genius that effe{.l:ed.its population, and, Itrult, pure is the genius that yet prefides t over, and pteferves it. The reign of James the Firft, is remarkable for 1'el:ig;ious perfeeution. There was at that time, in Extgland, 21 clafs of men who held a re- pugnzmce to the Romilh church as then efiablilllu ed, and to popilli ceremonies whiclt they deemed idolatry. N umhers of them were deftroyed, without fomt or ceremony, as impious heretics, till the defperitte remnant, fixperior to the “ ills -that covered them ,” refolved to e:s:pl<3i*e the wide wztlies Qfél. new difeovered coumry, mtionally jttdggixlg, that at the cliflzance ofgooo miyles, they would be beyond the g;jm;fp ofintolerance, where tttey might enjoy, in i.ti‘C‘L1t‘ityl,tl1t’:.iI1'm'1uI1itlt3S of 1 their na.ture. The harcllhips they had endured, protlueing; a fpirit ofinquiry which taught them to 1“€3z1l'0I1l‘l1‘)1‘ thentfelves, it would have been af- tonilhing had they not brought with them opini-. ons favorable to liberty. Poll"efling an intuitive knowledge of government, they lmew vi:~1*y well that it was the ’comtoo11 l)lrtl'lTl§;‘l1‘t of roan ; and that every attempt to reftrttixtlit, by UI1COnlHlL’l- tional, and unreafonable means, was 21 violation of the cotnpaél: which forms the ligaments offo-= ezety. A‘ A However repeated their tranfntutations, as jtoythe forms of their police, one principle feemsl ‘I A Iure, followed} by the innocent pledges of his ta 3 r:eareihlly interwoven in them all, viz.'e$;:emption _ Early did from foreign, and apprgflfve ‘taxation. this jealoufy arife, and early was the right alfertw ged. “What is good land (laid they) without good laws? It were madnefs to leave and im.-- proved country, to plant in a wildernefs, and .»give an abfolute power to another, to tax us at pleafure.” rNatural“‘ right, and human prudence -ere oppofedr to fuch doétrine. \ Such were their protellations againil: the inroads upon their prim vilegres »; and hence it is clear, that ffromrthe firfl: moxneht of their fettlements, they urrderftood; their relations to the mother country 1.; the 113.41: ture of their duties ;,--—-—the extent oftheirrrights ;r l were apprifed of the dangers that would invade them; rrand grew up in a cletermination to repel attempts of the kind, from whatever quarter they might arife, even at their firfl: appeara.11ce.} How clelightful "is the found ‘or Lrsmy R’ How rich, and fubfiantial the enjoyment that is derived from its poflefiion 3! Pronounce it to the {lave : He hears it in ftupid apathy : To /Yam; it has loll‘. its charms. l But the lowly cottageri, while performing the round of his narrow inclow early vows ; or the more humble hermit, feated in the filent ferenity of folitude, in {trains of un- udulterated fem-ime-nt, exprefs itsrvelue. t It is a gem ofimmenfe and equal Value 20 every grade in the fcale of human being;---a common right which, liltey the loleliing of health, no, conrmutau tion can comfzenfate, andis indiipenfahley to eve- ryenjoyment. Tire morualilt may analyee~th§,,. (9) mind 5 exhibit the ciepenciencyr of §:saflE0nA in con» «:z'1e&et1oz*d:e1", and caicuiate the‘ impulfrs to duty". r w. 0 . V _ ‘ i. ‘ I I . lhe pi‘11I0fophc:1* may expofluh-we on fomtudeq, and_te21ch forb‘c-zarance. "But the more exalted er1e1~gies offrmiorzz donor‘ require their exA%;>la::m,~ tions. As felfevident tmths, ~t?.7.ey moVcki:h:.:: duii formaliiias of 1a1‘:gu%ag:e, and ckazave to tlm finer“ paarceszptimw of flzzxfibility. S%haEi it (be? in»- vadedlvythe da1'img fihicitas of ambition! "flnrz. thoug11tcar17i:::$ i2zz;zZ:';_.>»:-22zz2i‘.;ic2,rzA to t§.1.c:%}.1<:‘:;3n.‘t»%.. ‘ The p1"0gi‘€’f:%3 of libe1*ty in the Aamrican Stzxtaas hm: been f&;iC7l'1 21:“; £70 furr1ii"hiu~3 1;1":.:u::% ch:g1r£1(;- 1;<2r'if&ic. I‘”.ar‘1;1‘l-;iz.1g; inf. I*m_:.*:1:.111 rxaime, it is ca5.1E:1'z.- fiialiy the i'::u1‘1e in :::~..H <.:m11“1t1‘ic-:S, but f21vo1“53 the clime in w’hich.it is nmzriflleed. In th¢2?.“;§I.'i'=..*‘3é?,, 2m.«;1 :TaIubric)u:a: air 0fAz11e::rica%,it is; natural to £‘up}>oi1‘-3: tlmt it exifls in fL1AHVi§:Z,‘()T,21I’1d the hi:rh«:2fl ;:mr;§t'«:2c:« ai”c)11. C3 onfVic1ea1'i;m:>; tam, the: quaxlitws c.vf'% m*in»=;l wliich i:np<::limi tcf: its 6-;a‘1*1y p<':rp L1ia1ti.<:m, zmxd 'a.vf§"L‘i 4:31; 2111:: ‘wt to be: €1*RdiC:Mr.;:d fre>z1wthv:3. b1rc:*a{h-: of 1%» x%1'1;=:2'ic;u‘1s, we fecal a ifatisfi“a.éih:)1*y c:c>x1fid:anc::;: «.m;z; the V ‘fmfma (pf faufizimx, and the arts A%of”i1‘1t;3'ig% 2,-.;_., will be: m.-:«::1*teci in v:ain. "Hm impm"iuu~sVpaiicy of Britain, bezhelfl. T%with exwy, the tiling prcai‘perity of thc:-’: «::c>‘:onies%; and z1fl3:é‘t’ed by; adi%£tex11pemd je:al0L1fy, t‘fmtt1:«c;~: artificial authcmty it lmld up, wcmld tw.3% in»- adequate to the ai¢.~:I3 gz'1s that wen: cexxteartaimecl, of cwnxrerting them ‘ta 9:; fomrce of'reve11ue,_ loft it- A %Afe1f%inrage. Their refpefiive da.=:z11an%ds zamfein A %a1ternat€: g1'21d21%txoI1s, rilltlrm crxnea, in infatxxzatecle §ea1,A affc;-xrwtzecl zs1m%x;dg1;: af “- £2i2za’i2zg in all’ K I0 3 vzvbaraqyer ;” and the others, forced by necellity, folemnly declared to the world their rightof freedom and independence. A It is not the prefent purpofe to enumerate the grievances inflicted in a thoufand fhapes, by f which they were driven to a Declaration of In-- I dependence : They are yet frelh wounds, {till a bleeding in the feniibilities of Americans, which it time can never heal, and which nothing could alleviate but the fucceiies they have procured. a ‘They are recorded in duflcy pages, over which weeping hunranity will bend for generations to come. Isit {aid that the Parent {late was a£tu- ated by maternayl care to fecure a rude and mif- guided offsprirtg in the blefiings of profperity? With as much afcendency of reafon it may be Lfiaiti, that the barbarities, praélifed by VVelt.cIn- clian planters, upon the wretched Africans,doo1n- y ed to their inclernency, are acts of tender mercy andiaifetétionate fraterrlity, Did thelParliian‘1ent of England uphraid the Provinces with an inten- tion of throwing ofi’ their allegiance and their ’ tfuhjeétioui As well might the Provinces re» proach that Parliament, with an infidious defigvn of reducing them to a ltate of abfolute llavery and ‘t iuneonditional fubmiflion. Vlfhen royal agents, in fecret conclave, were barttering; your A lives and property ; when the atlantic was vex- ed and fatigued by the frequent delegations of it oppreflion, deflinedr for the then haplefs {horesi of America ; when the interior of thecountry was darkened, and polluted, by the accumulation of fliltllliflifififll tools, who werefpreading abroad tofpy out your liberties‘, andto embarrafsyylorrari t n 3 councils ; when argument was anfwered by the glittering array of military marches ; when the terrific found ofrebel fubjefls, was echoed “ to and fro,” with impious intent to ciifhearten and divide; what was the light in which that Par- liament and that miniftery appeared E’ And what, fellow-citizens, were your fenfations iThe firft may be imagined : The other Iwili anfwer. To anfwer it, is the honeft pride of an American “heart. They were as they yet are ; and contu- pofed a warm defire, and invincible determina- tion, to maintain, at every rifle-t, the rights with which nature, and natut-e’s God have indued the forts of men. Delufive was the yymifcreant hope i of fattening on this cotttttry the cords of hon»- dage. In mafculine flrength and irrefiitible en.» ergy they were burft afunder, and the brutai both in the cowardice Oftguiif, abandoned the.t.t tpI‘()jtE&, and fled beyond the horizon. ‘ Truth, however, prompts the retnatit, the it was not a contention againit the f’eep/e of England; no more than the war of e.xtern1ina-- tion, which has been carried on by that court» try, for eight years, Elf.-Mifliif the Republic of Frattce, is 2*/futvir war : N Q, the .Pc?’0}£’/6’ of England were averfe to the aggreihona which iflhed in the feverance of an Empire. The htigltteft talents yyjcif that nation, as they have prtttefted agaittft the enotmities, which, of late, have t;i€it1gtE’(;i in hiooti done half the globe; fo tht:y,. theta, were advot*ates of the AI‘1)€IiC21fl,CaUf€. It was a flruggle agairtflz prtviiegtttsd mders, which have ever iougitt the ,__det'ttuci:ion tn‘ human ltappittefsz It was afirug;~ C ‘W 3 glo zzguiuft the ‘170Tc2£ia9Zt5 policy of Britain, wI":i«-;:l::_ by a feniledlclelufiozl of the divine rigl'1t of kings, anal bereditary Gowrmzzem‘, has laid tl“1ellib€‘..1‘ti6S of its fubjoéizs in cllaius. The People of every country are allied by the vital currents of fame limerefi-—--fauiel danger;---»tl1e danger of being built upon too iopproffivolyf_. '1‘l1<-2y are the'broac;l bafo; the Inafify doric ofuembellifhed orders, ithofo “fiuponcious fabrics” which boali of lords and l2z'22g:. Theirilubors diffolve in the coniiitutiobual economy, and tranfL1ding the apertures of financial animation, go qto udo1‘11 the oexterior, and lperpetuato the ilzxfliitudle of Pu»- lizical p3.1‘2tf1t€S,__ who ibaik inf £avioArl..M It would. be diflioult to=ta1§eupofitiun 17%;: elevated as to give 3.: general outline of the Rr;-:l—l .volut.iona.ry fceues thatuwould do jufiziczo to thofo who comluéiod. tho ilmpotjtanti drama, The points ‘@b‘€‘en?‘C‘On-lfitigredfi wlere~ ni€“fe-« lofted‘ asiliplrolriiinénf lfoatulresl, but as the more latent cazg/Es by whirzh it was produced, whiclli lfurnifl1 the fairefi example of that fpecios of liberty, that the citizens of the United States» have ever claimodl and fupported. Though the‘ wide.-fpread 8; convolving difpofitionsiof tho grea.t body of thiepeople wférel. lcolleéied in l“»aniarkM of covenant” oefiablifheda by the confodemtioil, A ; the organ of which: (the oontizzemal. Congrcfis) flood an Apollo of wifdom, and a colofllzs of majefiy,andL firmnefs,;tihough nh~eir— judicious no-=4 gociatious with foreign countries, aided and ac- , celomteditlhe final fuccefs ; thoughlthe fingu1a1f‘,$ fu.coefli~v.c oagturies of the; Bxitifl1Ha1111i.bals,,, ‘Y: ‘I I3 3 Eurgoyne and Cornwallis, eomprife allwconllellaél tion which adolrns our luiflory, and gives rank: A to the American name among military nations : tho’ it be a, faft that more A than elem-*2: tboufa22d”“ ef our brave coum1'3*me11, in difeafe and famine, lbreatbed their lafl on ‘board the jerfey prifon- fhip, whofe boniee‘, for yezws, lay whitening in the fun, on the flmres of ‘Longllland : tho’ the bleed of our citizens, mmderled in inexorable cruelty, after fu1'reI1dering*, and while fi1ppl“icating men- cy, yet flaine the fire of Fort-Grifweld, 8:5 cries fronl the ground in ezxtecratioxfx to the n:,une of Arnold : "though many of our populous t:ow11s, mvageed, and defgaoilecl, by every devicewhicll .‘élbamdm1ed'merce1‘1aries could inve:t1t., are yet meu1*nfu“l mementos: of the days of your a.clver- my : tllmlgll the foul&* clingy fezxtures of Britifll abontainationss, in projeéls of fub_jugation and ‘ they wvsuld require. A » :l7ervltulcle.,lrlife upin" cloudy goon: on every fide : tllleuuggla all thele awe clillixxli mpiecs, 3. minute clelxu neation of wl1i<:l1,woulcl ee'.té>rtte“2u's of unrivalleatl 1*el”e11tmem, zmcllrelhew the emotions, by which“ our Independence was fuppcmed 5 too mucl1_“ c2:1“OWds1’1poI1th(e vxew to allow them the time x ‘ ' M. ' ..‘3luz:l:1.,, fellow~Aciltieenbs;fis l a f<—:eble and '1' m... ;:»c7:”i{‘%'3w&.‘c l"l+;eu::l1 of the pzrxncxples, and the opem-» telbxisl wlficlx conduélelcl to our National Imrlepen-« silence; cllllinguilhed above all others,e,tl1e day we are erllembled to celebrate ; and held a radi-~ em: czrzzurfe to its final acknowledgelznent by that *_f*bIM§*amfay’s I-iifiory V01. 2,, page 285.; Fewer, which in lofty menace, and arrogant af- fumption, {trove to reduce us to the vile rcondiu tion of vaffals. It -has been ufual on this occa-y-at ‘ lion, to idolize certain charaéters, and towing the envenomed fhafts of detraétion againft others. i To fligmatize men who “ deferve well of their country” with Milliberal epithets, and to breathe A upon their virtues the corrofive fublirnate of meditated calnmnyr 3; while . proftiaturtion planed, fraud were winked at, and encouraged. But it is a joyful hope which the events of this day in» fpire, that the true ldiflinséftilons will foon be made, when a mark {hall be Tet upon the forehead or twice‘; when gilded pomp rfhall no longer pals A current for worth ; when falcon fancy ‘lfhall ceafe, to quarry upon it principtlre “; the temple of Janus be elofed forever, and double minded duplicity, pierced by the keen glance of detection, end its eiareer. K/Vhile the molt generous efliufionsy of of grratitudee.‘ltpteeatl their tender imonitioilns hind behalft of the paternal pate, tons of 12'./Berry, and plead that they may not be forgotten 5 more generalizing reafon, though equally ready to pay the tribute oftl1anl<.fulne£'s,, apologizes for the feeming negle€t,by fuggefiing the diihonorable conneétion 1t would create with , thofe, tolwhom the rattling tongue of adulatory eloquence hras fo r often chanted fophifticated I praife. Live on then, ye venerable ‘Fat/mrr, '5‘ mad’ :2; ye 77zo°ve,lazr,r /Jappirzz/.} z‘7zcrer_2/I9.” Thou effnlgent orb of philofophy, and model of reéti-« rude, from whole eomprehenfive and benignant faculties, the memorable inftrument proceeded, in wlrich, our Indepiiendence :brToke,r. upon the C 1,5 ) l'worl'di ; who holdeil the molt dillinguilhed fiatiomlt in the elleern ol thy fellow-mitizentis and their A national council; thou real Patriot, and friend? of man 1 To thee,as the faithful delegate of heav- en, do we look with animated hope, that thy precepts, and thy exLaitn»pleet»;.* thy watchful care, “‘ and atlieétionate concem"’” for the profperity of the people whofe confidence has coveredlthee with glory, will go far in the eliablilhment of "‘ peace upon Earth, and goodwill among men.” Thy merits, and the merits of thofe united with thee in duty, and in principle, need not the ad-A ventitious aid of verbal perfpeétive ; they will re- eeive, from at free and enlightened people, their appropriate reward; in. filent foliloquies of unfeigned. devotion. A ‘ However hopefi1l1oulr’pirol'pe€’cs at the celfau tion. of hoflilities, {till there were angry and: portentoue clouds telling upon the political hot... izon. Though the veteran combatants, who had; filzudiaecl‘ woe,«and~ threatened devallation, were withdrawn from our coalt; and though it bad plecyisd %Di-vim’ Providence ta. dfl>q/ii’ Z‘/J67 /Bear!‘ of George the Third tafbrget all pa/2 tni/undezflandu itngs ; {till the anxieties of doubt,‘ and the pains of folieittude were not at an end. The bofome of tour: patriots yetthrobedt with apprehenfion, and were more anxious in proportion as they had been fuccefaful. The fenfe of common danger, which had contpreffed opinion to one cemented mafst, having pafied away,a§relaxatiot3T lenfued, teeming with deftruftive confequetlcem hofe inducements by jvvhieh theitt tiviewmttette: C 1'5 ) united in "the attainment of a general objeéifm. having, by the return of peace, ceafed to oper-. ate, ‘illicit fpeculatione of private inteteft com-i menced, which threatenedt to tarnifhap the glory,,, and fruilrate the advantages which were enjoy... ed and expefted at Io favorablet a termination A of the coriteft. Imbittered partizans were-‘ watching with invidieus eyes, and inflamed de--_. A’ fire, that their malignan.t predi £?nl'pici'on, refollving to fare rllemfelvesle iirorrr. blame, and to fecure his appr0bation,iwh;ich they; knew to belclevoyted to their chiefir1te1'efi:---they i-nterefl of their common country.. As in ’75,, they had relinquixhed the tranquil wallczsl of ru-in ml and mechanic occupation, and enlilled in. the troubled and tremendous fcenes of war; fo in ’83, when the common good required it, they were not lefs ready to lay down the imple-. me-nts by which they had extorred juflice from, their enemies, relying on the public juflice, ended; the favor of hea.ven,_ for their further proteélioxl; and indernnity.. To beholcll a viftorious army, breathing at‘ once, the noble ardor of the foldier, and the am- iable virtues of the citizerz, after avenging in: harms their country’s wrongs, returrming; from “ the and where war grows hot, and. Raging tlrrongh the llcy, the lofty trumpet-. . Swells the macltfning foul,” and haftening with “~iinefli1bl‘e deligllt” to regain; the “ blifeful feat” of" domellie enjoyment, was" r indeed, a magnificent, and a novel fpeélcaclel. ‘ It will afford, thro’ diflant ages, a refuge for our hopes. It holds high a fplendid nflnrarrce, that American liberty, fortified by the virtues of her fons, will, in fpite of pious fra«ud,,2md poliltical den Iufion, endure forever. Whlenlever flavery, arill. ing from its bed of dull, elanks its rully chains, we fhallv revert to the remeznbraencems a {brine of infpiration, and a pledge of fafety. Wlrlile travelizrg, with the {lrength of dexvf _§e€tation,,y ‘£ll0l'lg the arbouyred wnllrsi of fuccefsfui; (ll )5? axperiitiient‘, 21 hf’: impediment lcallrlxe wi”thin,ltlie:: view. It early occurredl that the fyllem of-,tl1e old confederatilonwas an ilmiperfeél: organization ofthe political energies-, and inadequate toal flare ” of peace. Deviled on the fpur of occafion, amidl the clafhing; of bayonets, 8': the fcent of fullphur, A its pulfations were irregular and languid go and its financial an-langenients were not calculated to» irieetltlhe alccumuiatedl claims which public lfer~ vice had created; It became necefl‘ary,l there-: fore, to fupplyn lthefe defeftsl "by a. Anew, more gen.e~ralizing',; and ~effi~<;i¥ent. form. It expired, iwithout 3.. llruggiel; and the newy Carfliz‘zm'a22,.,_ emerging from the wifdom of fages, Jandoaclapt-~ éd to our %geniusland;conditilon,".% aiiumed. its Vim" l l A A To call‘ it good, “'~ivouldl‘ be to lpronounlce: Bflltf‘ praife..“”“ \\ leulogiu A 1 mull. lconfiff in ‘ltlié lbenefitsl it‘l~procures lforfo and: the; advantagesl it coroferls upon the people. jl was the emanation of their will; as delegated to ’ the convention Whichl formed it :3 It was devifedl for their gua.rcl_ianflv1ip¢;: and underflthe ~d:lfpenfa-» tionslof a. faithful adxniniftralzion, L trufi, it will provea fource of; genaral, happinefs-, and; Afecure to lpoilerity; the; rights which Vwerzay redeemed; thro’ bloodl and flaughten If it is .fufceptible_of amendment, it provides the power, which is ‘am important and primary. principle of perfeélion. oTlius,.o fellow-citizens, hadl we arrived af A what had been confidered the termination of our Ztfxoubies. A ’When.. each individual, _in_the purfiiitll t 19 3 efltls rightful employment ; and in the enfioyt ment of honor and confidence; refulting, not from birth, but from afiiam, and the fenfe that was entettainec-.l of them, might glide fmoothly ‘ down the current of time, repeating benediétions upon his country, and preifes to the wifdom and the bravery by which it had been confecrated the fentéttxary of liberty, and the Canaan of pm- mife A and redemption. Eztoneratted from the demands ofa foreign defpot 3 fecure from his encroechments, and under the ztufpices of chofen inftitutions, it was, to be fare, the reafoneble hope, that, as a people, we might recline beneath “the {hedow of our vine, and fit;-tree, and there would benene to makeplus afraid.”t But the ttclvencenlent of fociety, like that of the mind , tmuit, in the nt~m.:u*e of things, meet frequent in» terruptione. The one compofed of adverfe lpaflions, alternately predominant, the polarity of reafon is often difturbed, and with ditfieultty re- ftored. The other compofecl of adverfe in.- tetefte, felfifh, tftubborn,*bli:hdz¢Z».l .«:m2 Grovornmunt, (whzcli is, l1n:,,,i deed, our ziiofigmaluable lioritogo) tlio will of their :z1ajority is olgfioluie. ln proportion as it is more jlhilanthropic than the will of an individual, or feleélecl A.1"ilto<:racy,.in that proportion we of- I teem, and adore it. Iftis that for which our anm “:'.&'ol’cors explolregl Ian mhofpitoble l«l}.O1‘€ :1 It is that; l I IV I?'.l‘I‘~c‘::‘v . ‘ for which yO’L1haV€ fofczrined a oliiél againllz the formidable fo n eight years con.-.l row of B1".ito.in;l; A land which we have been taught‘ to coofidor as: ‘me pallzicliumo of our lil3€1'ti.C3d. 9 wnouncod according toi co lgoolnos a full principle of iiwliich tl"1€l'e is no appeal but to force, the firflza ? “prinoipl £-;r Hence an orderly, title will of the majori J 3 one will witliholcl who have at l: Wanld ifrioeclom of all. Su.cl*1l will, aim»- I1llZ1l2L3.l’.lOl’T.Ell fomis, be». legal obligation, l"rorr.i» e “ and ixllxlxeciliaue parent of defpotifi1'1.”‘” and poeilcmble aoq11ie.l'ce11co iii. ty is 3 filwoll duty, wliioli: eoxtl the hoppim "“*l:ma,i~.u\l\: vi, V ‘ “ 5. 3: 1 “ 4- ~ "' M _ . V ...e1oy1n~g.,then, upon tlie virtuouw - “A men who luv or ,.—~~::}: 9 1_W”;,,.‘. 3 and tllilli l;l1fi3'}p’”l" xértliolns to p1’oi'or*Je the liarmoai my V ‘l "A “l l ll Linitq A Violcroty clmrged with mmmoni good, good inifupport of thofo who are: its autlioritios, whilo oélzitzngg; for tho we look forward to rmmy, marw» fl tmrxquil, and uxiintorropicscll. days, and yearso onjoyriientm-----—. A _ I ; N ‘Nixon %al1»th’Qfloppofihg elements oflllwéii ‘ The lg:-iles» of raga, “and h . Shall ceafo, and lwaft; our ‘ ‘ Wlxon mutual paflions m l Agid.-eacllw ’e£l<=l'1l~bt3 Neig/3* orticanes cl1fl’cxtii'm . balk on lllkorl fail, max calm prevail :; ill ol"im*xn~3 {lmll lenwrlh, Frx'Md..’. ” lAn«i.1 lo:1llifo’%s ocean %oni':: g mu bar, F:ctl.7er;l /'= /? rl‘.‘»V-:.—