K A N ORA TI 0 N; ‘DELIVERED IN TLINITY-Carmen, x N on ~rm: 1"owm'rI-I or JULY, 1801. Corpora magnnnimo‘ fzxtis ,ePc"}im'I’i,rafi'c Lconi, % ‘ Pugna fuuru finem, quum jacet hostis,'halhct. OVIDJ j\ V J ""'f"""W'.'.""a:a'€*'.',*iUflIIw—~n- W The Diffiaficm nf Information, and Arraignment ef a1l.Abufi:s,; at thc%Ba;- of th¢‘p;;b1ic%RqaVfon%, % % V “ "" %%Prcfid~eri1;’"]'é7-fI'crfon’s Speech. % -«-—-nut£~:4'£!1-:~1§nni--- _ “ I wifla finccrely, that your good Example, in endeavouring to bring the People: of thcfe United States more acquainted witlx the Laws and Principl-csof ‘the-.'ir Govcarnmentz, w;1s' followcd.-—--Thfiv only rcquirc a proper Undcrfianding of them, to judge‘ rightly on all great National Qgefiions ;‘bg;;, unfgrttznatcly, infinit¥c$mor’e Pfiima. is takcm to blind them, by one D;;_£cyvmjf6n of Man, than thcrc is to open their’Eyes by the other ;‘v-:,\i%l?iic: 1‘*i%, in my Opinion, is the Source wt‘ moi‘: «of the Evils we labour _m1der.?’ % ?~ % % § Gan. %WAsn1Na'fi’o'N.’s _Lctter to Judge Axtmzscm, « %d'atcdyg_;th March, 1799. Nnwvronlw (.RZvvdc*»Is*I¢;11d) Pri‘n tc“2d“a’c fhe Ofiac‘ cf the: Nfifporu % % M Mercury»--A-.1891. % V At a1\/Icctifig of the State Society of Cx1~rcIm~u'r_x, A V jab: 4th, 1801:, RESOLVEQ A % ATA H A T the thanks qf Ibis Society 17: presented to WILLIAM HUNTER, Esq. far 2/36 0 R A T I 0 N, this Day deliwered, an 1176 /1mzz'*z:ersaryqf' flmarican Indc» Jpz.-nakncc ,r-Av and that Cal. Archibald Crary, CoZ.-Henry V Sherburnc, Col. Ephraim Bowen, 'wz'tb zbe Secretary, F ‘ an wait on Mr. %Hunter, and regucfi /vim zaVfurr1i;9b Ibo? S0’: A 05:!) witba Cqpy _.fi2rV1’ubIz'catwn. _ A A : ‘A A Extraét frgmthe Minutes : ROBERT RoGERa,&m%‘ . Era -rum‘ SOCIETY 01? CINCINNATI; % or -run.‘ % A-STATE 01+‘ RHODE-ISLAND.’ '1' H11 9 rnonovmczn AND rvnnrsrrzn AT 1-um: nnqvxsrfi 13, wrrn: SENTIMENTS or HIGH nzsrzcrg TNSCRIEJEZD IIY THEIR. OBEDIENT HUMBLE SERVANT, TnzAUTHOR 4 A A Enxow-iCn~xzl::Ns,l l A HEN, if ls confitlcred, Iinéler what peculiar bircumflandesl, I havel been in‘duc,cd to accept, the giharc ‘lalfigned me.,¢in the clelcbt‘atiol11lof thislclay,-——1hlope and I believe, lafl’eé’c3:tlon will ‘not: bebimputedlto brim.»-=-4VVhen ‘IA declare‘, Ibbineverlrofel, in any aflbmbly, with more un- feigned (liflidence “and ‘appreherifivc embarralTment.-~ Thcjrequlefi of the Socilelty of the Cincinnati, came ta Vmp, follatc, alsmlollvrcclude any idea, of formal or elabo- “bratlel preparatilon ; butlit Cami: lllikewifel recommended by lfL‘u:‘.l1‘ma1'ks‘: of honorable corxficlbence, accornpanicd by‘ " luch friendly promiles of indulgenbcel lbr irnperfc.é’tion, 1 and apology fo1~e1-rm-,, and fo enforced by the pcculiar inte;reft,‘tha1i focietybaveinl,t11;el glory of this lclay---thai; N I felt llmyfelf obliged "not to‘ clifobey fo ulrlgentland re re. fpeélablel an inlv%itation.--A-I feel too further elneouragled, when‘ -I recollcfi, that Ihave to addlrefsl you, on a fubjeél: A on whicl1XrefclarChl bilslnot only unnecellary but ‘ufclcfs. ”Wl1¢n* I fpealr. of the acquiifition of our Independence, ” cf the chm-msofl freedom, A of the invaluable blefiingsl of ‘ Ma Cronlllitutionl uniting liberty with ordc‘r,3 of a wife ‘ad--= ' l 1 miniflratiorz 6 In7iniifi,ration eontriving‘. good, and diffufing benefits»-g-1'? have but to utter, in the prompt and unpremediated Ian», M guage of the moment,» the infiinétive fentirnents of my _ own heart, the invincible opinions of my own unden- fianding. And I {hall find thofe feelings and opinions accorded to by you with correfponding harmony, with anticipated conviction and zealous co-operation. We alliknow, this day is confecratejdas the fabbath of freedom, the Lfeflival of reafon, the jubilee of our in- dependence; that it commemorates, one of the few re-« volutions, whofe objeét was the univerfal good, in which the prize obtained was as valuable as the blood thatiwas ihed, in which the chiefs were aétuated by pure, and difintereiied motives, and the people contended on found and rational principles, for their legitimate rights and inherited liberties. i In firi€tnefs,i perhaps it waswno re- arolutiqn.~—«It w,as,a,., natural feparation, -.:§fi‘eé’ted in the ifnllnefsr of time,i”o”fithe larger countryi, from tl1e,;lefsp.-«=5-~ ‘ child was of iaige,ii—land ichofe noilongertolabouruné r éyyrler _t%he,,plegtal jjdifabilities of infancy, much leis, under flparental opprefliion, but determined it to exercife _the_» andwlegal “perogatives kofpinianhood.--A,t it the pe- , .§1jlilo,d,;lvv{l1ien aonrl difierencesrbdgyan, the ableflyminifterthe ,annals of any country can boait, had t tight Britainher‘ gfirength,, and made Europe tremble at it. in Our mother _~(,;3ou,ntryl was then proud in glory, flufhecl with con- fque;{i,,and,elate with i, the joys of..ii'nccefsful poW"er;, ..But ;_i1*er fttnation was rather, fplendiclwthan a.profperous,ii,iaIid ;'“'v|Vh:¢‘r jyifitories a while they ezfzhaufied her. refourccs, had ,.fliInullated ,, her iaavaace.l - ?T.he; icompaét with the Colo- iI;;,ie3sl,,py;vaspl never accurately defined, andluntilithis period ,1; xvtrirefn ,it.y_waisiconeeived theyuérnight rninifier‘ topthe ne-« Q icieflities of the S,tate,_tl‘1eir importance was nieiver, duly ,apeprecilate,d.l ..The right arrogated by Britain,‘ am,uDt- A fubftarlccxittoithra-t~ of ‘mkinel 311 ouriiipr0P6ri¥r;iWith~ , i‘;o¢1rt;_p,a,:;u}3oo11fent.“>The afliertlion of this principle,,, even orb i t hi it ti " ' tease. before .%it WasA%~~acc,o%m%pani¢d A with an ~a;tte1npt» to? gnfprce iI;;,,waf;; fufficicnt to rqufe the attention and 1'€g:f_lfia.nceWpf M this4country.»-ea-'I'hisv%,rcfifla.nge Aer3n2y:1a,t:e%d; from that 1111.; mnquerable .":1‘I)w.iI‘,‘L.l‘t.“‘ o,ffrc¢.dpm we Incl; cL‘e1‘:i;Vs=du from Qua‘ A %‘2LIi¢e{tors.-:—-T4h,e11urfg:of‘grea,tthoug11t§%ar1dma,gngnimous iI11i'eflfEi.0,I1‘-5?, a’fp‘iritMt”h at fiimulated by a:virtt1;0u,s; jflmloufy,’ Iiadvgnlafgcd and e%1ciVaIcd our" conceptiqns«mand:iin,» thg “ Iangfiage qfMi1tori had, like the inf»1 u~cn;c"§ o£%%AH%ca,ve:n,”,: xaitifig-;Ad and en1ighte*ncd% our n1indsL+—+We kn§w,Awr;rady, ‘mired, \w:;1ca_v cd, ‘fthc %conVPcitution of om‘ mother coun-gs t~ry,*the% p,I’i11Ci~p1¢.S_‘ ofhe1t%Qo~mmQIjL1a+w, tl1e~.e_flf'entia_1% "anclj; V (;h?grt¢rs,_ angi vib1atqdM_thg‘4c1o1i§pa6t of (mi £unda,mentalma:confi.itut'1on. ~ Wc pathetically fupflpilicatcd theA*kin;:; dred fpirit of VF.%ng‘1%iifl1%liberty--w-t%hc: guzuvdian of our Amu:-.2 tual happinefs,» and the-3 impartial defender of our c¢om-i< Inon?‘eaufe.»-w-But, in Britifh coufrficls, “j %%ma.cInefs.:VV:‘*:1%u1ec1* the; hou7rA ;1”~ %Eng1Va.nd w%ou1d4hav% e forcctl us to dr‘i;r1k the cup:?o§mhuini1iationL to the very d'regs~e-and have com- pcl1edus%to u.r1conditio'na,1~ fl1bmifli0n.--«But A'mer:iIca§r1s%,* taking; ccunfel from their couragez’, nobly ref01vedwto' hazard “:%a11--.-to»feek freedom through “yeafrfs of»toil,: ":.md= feaé oéf ¢b1r»od*. ut, holwrwzms this rczvtolution <§ond?L16’ced 37 comp’arcd% to pfmany. which preccde.d,? and ondwhich has fo113c)”w:e»d%,i12%;~e+-~it%prefentod the ”ca.1m% ‘ and ‘quiet of A r-cguw M latcdj .foVcicty—-+it'wa.sV afifingular wphenqmcnon, A a, civi£l' wan ‘waged wit11{mi1dncfs; Aa rcvolution condzzéted with; a1_*dVer.¢;,;z;%'I?her<2.have: been too many attempts; of 1ate,‘:toA &c“feAnd% ~dur ‘réevolution, 1ip,on* %:wrc>n5g7 :princi%p1es»-—at~o4 a;ttri;,i. butq to im firfi mznvers ‘vvxzongx motives, and tovforce 4m;1nca‘“ ana.1ugy$ b,etWcen:¢;Vour».re%zmlzzrion;_ and the F1~e1ich” ‘mheraién. ‘ % 3 % . % 1 % A in propoftic3n‘a*c%:we arejjroud of the American A qfiaraéier, we ought% to " refift ‘this’ % attempt, and..; repel this‘ A;cE:ufation.-+1-VV4e4%% invented ;no:~new princip1es~.~»+“ we? mdvedgwithin definitc limits for a. definite obj'e€t4.”.4.....V Our. Was"groun‘ded*.on: law, asto itsxcxificnce not» . ' 419ni.§d. byth¢~ Who1e;na;ti*oIx~:a.glz;in%it \i:=hoLm we: contended}? x “ 4 -n 9. 'A1‘1d‘asA 1:6 A its %cAoAirreé’t ipp1ica;tion',I 6AAA4acknowI"ctTg‘cc1 mofi Ven1ight¢ned~;amlA1:efp_e&able. flporti”%on of that nation; M--L--Jt was '1'2lW-2+-:Kis1;),:fUp,[3(>17TE of which its: ablefi :tApe:nsAAAAAAAand:‘ mbfi crloqucn’ -1zm~=:+gxz”esy had bé:c11AA.éxe1~c.id"ed,::“; and »its_ :gre a.t-afi A¢f%IAfpi1‘it~s 1i=aw::a6’ced4 and fufl'a.i:¢;d.»%A I 1 Our: objeéhwas my have the Vbexicfitsa ‘ofathfat iacknoW1e,d% cd_ .:War. wits‘ i‘ not one of ;;azAxibitio1A1A% or AA;;g§ra%nAdizem»eht; lbu't‘%“Of i:icA(e: aim M r1eceAflity.~;-JWe fwefrck oa(::oAn'omAic2Ll% of blbowd, an d} conduflced our«unhap.}5y Mbut§;ia:1W;it=a1=3I.e c.ontefi, as ra.~tional- arid zLcco11A1=iit:z:.b1?2fi beingAs:; Thrflegvvild, del;ufiVfe; fafdi-F 1:1a;tiI1g‘,N.bL1t“T:f£:1IitH:fiiC- thcc)1:ics'. of liberty; and%equi"a1itjr, thcf m‘Yspring‘A :fof}?ff mod=emA f:imes% were never adoptcdr by us, much1efs~fu=rioi1‘fly propaga.ted.AfL “ 41 «THAESE. p%rim«:ipIeAs,: forapic1A'i’n%¢their movem.e.nts,~;fou t”e»i€rib1e:‘;iAn'tlmir:A perve-rfion, Afo f- ra11y;Ac1efiru31“-g-_~mf gtnd? if it? logical dedufition from I tl1isn,pofi_tion,f1:ha;t every: :.one is” entitled “to the fame righttsn--a.nd if this lS0uth,ern States, e3;o1ude.[ ftfom the cxerlelfe of efvelry right 3; ‘.:fli€:it+?l .NegT%roesv, [forming the? lalrgefl . portion. off tlgelt populatiorie V ~ do 'w1e,T 7in"ttl1is;:~Sta.te,.t infift on certafinl‘ qualifications; to bellow the righte"of;fuffrage .7: do all the States, and all the World, exclude the other fe3;f1:o'rn;al1efl1a.re in government ? They are the fairefi, the molt a.rn_ia,b§,le, and in general not tl1el1ea;.fi; intelligent paftt of ma.r1kind.l The truth is (wha.tev“eu may be ptetencled to the contra;-y)~uti1lty and Cxpflre dliency are the only vital 'princlple‘st of good government llflave,‘;é,nd thofe; Alike flavelsgdlwhdo ate extremely‘ deg. ‘evident, e1tt‘remlely”igno.ra§nt, extremely indigent, and fiercelybarharousg, ought tqsbfie excluded from alltfllare i~ulgo:fernrTI1etnt.-1-¢Fo11l a. Very contrary :rea.fon,, among others,Hought thelfaii--{ex to be excluded;-+4-~intereIling, fa.fc:'ina.;ti.ng, with power.‘ to direét us at their will, anldj eqieecifeladeufpotile. fvv_a.%yr ofvter our atfteétioons ; once to a.d~.i mitted, they could command every fuifrege, man engrofs 3 éornfp:1ete‘dlmonoopoly.of power.~—-~The rt-ifes, and fall] of Em§pires,the fate of na.tlons. would depend on theograeel of.pet»fori_l,lollorl the beauty: of features, don; the llulftretqf anj leye,”len,u1et~conmur of :xbofo‘m.f ” A‘ " ”' V A A‘ Loon: atlnaturet, tfl1eluo whereprefents the imege ofi equal‘i_tly.?t Her operzttiontf and pro;du€’tiot1s a.te% infinitely dive1*fi4fiefcl5;“ v Her ltupendoués. whole is bound togetl1e~r,fljj§ .3? tconootenzttedtlll*lferiV%esA of..g1*a;ldatio.11s and inequalities, task fillatlll ” A U ‘V ‘L d A A WV‘! 7"?‘ Gzoldlem ctv¢lxl~=11’C§'T8”ll Clifiinfgo . g l l A , ; . W“ T,7Vhof'e llx:ong.o.embrm;e, 'l'1{«.:Ml(.lysM_IjttF_V§tVC11%,A_‘\i?lVl'1VE.l earth, and main.” ., l;.Dg;;st;u;o thefeuo gradations and. inequalities undo you via elagtethe lam invert meolplm, ind annihilate the A fyftem of wneitutre.-mg-And as it has. been happily_il111fl:ra.ted.A--Low-, dr but tl1e,fu~ittmits‘»®f the mountains 2Lntl1e~ve1 the furfac? n . I . r , .1,,;¢- ' 0; f 49‘ . l 451*’: the‘ eéafth, ailclfroifi thafilmoanmt tlucifclwilll A 921- vallics fior riVerls,,:circulaltion-vorfvlsgatzitiora,‘ tlmre cam rerriain no mcium q€ll'.h"¢ff*"lan}.l iinivcirfal laridity hr cmbifi gencralinuudatim will prevail; one of hi-i~llp.rédulc;;l tions is naitmfcrmmlé diverfificcl lahd'un~equal than ~inthat;: of man.é—--Shafill ;1m":l C(3II1vIDa217E3’Cl‘L8;‘j7ll1“"lfl€l‘~OI".‘Ilf‘ybl1l plcafclthcr mama? farclinaryl ta".lr¢nts who; ;;:;ga:zl¢ S‘ at the lvdafluing crf w”ax*esl;,%*or amules hlimlbllf with thebeautiy anldllvarilety cit‘ the {hells on the flmrel, to N‘Ej‘WTO‘N who comprehending ‘ 'lZhiE‘.(l21l1‘l‘C;l'(_)wl: that iarnmelnfczly fubliitfxe objeél the bcceari thatl:layllbefm°c them, revalve: in his mlighty mind this theory bfttildles and th*e¢p‘owcr% lznflasttraélcionwéand is led by the l‘cl?onftemp1atilon of“‘i‘].\ mturcs Worksup to G:*o‘d.’3 IN the moral wlofld, let:b;1t:t}1e,fcythclofcqualifiy,inoW * A down.m«mm level, all ;the gx“:x.cll°a3:il"c>“1:1sl: ancl.elcva’gi0ns of focietyg. wh a;t.aly dull anduninltererfling flat, vvoulld prefcnt itfelfiwl-{W;ith*nothing,above laim; to i<‘~avh7at could 1'r;anllaf~‘ " .$p'i!1*e’l,?; i = ‘,lhelré.'*wou1d aféfivity,émd.'ind-1_1fb~y} E: th.é~fpi:rlit‘7of cmu:1afidnl?. .Wh‘erc the proludlll (lilll'.lIl£fi0I‘l;B3 ‘ ”0f’I.;.‘x2”l1‘tll¢..? The g:cr1’cnouslllremumxrations of ‘melrit?-MI ‘dwell the longer, on lthisichwimaficalll notion, for thouglr /che illufiraltionl of its‘ formida.ble confequences is cabvious,“ lrandlits mefrutation is cafy---«yet Izropagatccl, by feéls anal V {Dhi‘lof0p.hiflS., with inficliouls 1:13 dufiry, zu:1d,de coratccl‘ ivith tithe lfi91endidLw1ol:t11*s olfl5c10qucnlr:c+——~it has in lreality bccri the wzzaufe of the dclufion of thoufand S, ofthe murder and A mifericsafmilllions. Via.gu€lykdcfir1red,erroneoufly under-. lllilfiood, the multitude lllmve deermzcl lit, a certificate ofrigllf, .pe3mitting them 3120 lfcizde by violence, all that the llwifdoms l()f'S'.tB.lICl5 hac1‘hithei‘t‘o witkuhleld, a. »pallport authorizing" l . plunder and l7defilrué’cion.l»-«4-It? lms ‘begotten la. flats of war» tare, of thc pooragainfi the '.tfllCl;1l;--=-?OflEl1"f3 ‘citizens, aga;inF£ lthofe Whom theylhavjcmappointeécl to: reprefent and lcon-W troul thc:r_n.»-+~I.tll;i11fa.llib1y wgaklcns fuborclination; infrin-A “ox#clcr.,; violates p<éa.ce;;: lcmdlangerzs fécurity, ‘difcurbs‘ lwperircy and harmony. II ;propcrty,l and lannihilaxes Etlljj.‘t;h‘€‘5fC3l1—'I'Cé—$‘ of:lpublic* pro{3 Ix»: in? T and metz1;phyfieia;1.i liberty féunrdfed Man? this equiaglidty ; for , like 1‘ ether? K mere abfirafitionis, ewe“ irknewii it:~w:1s» not to be; fouriiid;-¢m~Vie7'ie it did not with ttheax: bf ta :vai1dra1.,t level in at momeht, ‘What ta.ite;, if indu.{irjf :1 and refinemente had been» ages, in ereétirig.4-as-—Un1ike;',t:;thier;r revolutioniiis in Franc e ?. the righ‘ts»‘tTef man did: not 1Con"fiitute vitithieusgrni: a pt1eai,fo):; the deflruétion of the rights:‘oifer‘tcitizen‘st§—+—We did not ufe the fovererigntyii of the people, as a pretext forrtherfubvermr fion.eorf.icivi1fociety, ;th:e ietextinétiont ofrrmora1ity,Wa.nd the: we in #1:: anti reifohzitiori, wmtendied. . né’5t;7 far an: abfifét@§"~ ~ove1tthi‘dW pf re1i.giio‘n.~4We interfered: not with 5 the :con-it V ce}rnsof ether natiions; wedid not arrogate to ourfelves 22,; right iitor.d«i€ta.te%czonfizitutions, or drive powerlefs ebutun,-.; oifeinding nations under the yoke it of our ‘domin~ation.-—- :rI71liE;i:‘p=a.t1‘iOtii‘I1‘f1 animated, ‘ real injuries inflamed our i ;fpirits”_; we fought forour.coi1ntry,*ouraltars, ourhornes . or, im pelleedri by rwilrdi ambit ion for fame; for plunden, stir extended power.‘-9»-$MTc re: up no “conititution, as the ; para.g0i'1§ of perfeétion, andfthe model drfiimtitatiion;-—~§As pthe.rido1, rbéibrdi which all the na.tion.s of the eart11,Ctve1#e Iltc)“ fall down zlmcl worihipu-1--under.rtherpenalty ofheing _cafi:: tinted “the burning ufiery furnace; of; our difpieafure. No State has marked with terror theprogrefs of our ar- rrnies, {presiding defoiation.-A»-1\To‘iStatehashad to mourn, i sinrcpentzmce and uafiiiétioii, the tincurnbranee of rom- ...friendfl1ip..: We did not imitatethe crafty cruelty ofthci ., liyrantg who" ha;Vi‘flg all-ured Vi¢9[iII1S 1 7120 Em. ..hra‘ce,_e as if in fport, the beautiful but lifelefs fiatue of a F t,Veni1si, ‘found a dagger fpring ‘, from her iboforn, and j—pi€rbe them to the heart, In what,V theng does this rpretended tfimiiarityiieeof the French 'rev'o1ution to; ours :‘ confifl EWIS. itbecaiufe; they threw down the mild mon- archy of:Louis, to make way for thedefpotifm; of .Eena~ ~tparte ?---.-is it becaufeir they have ereéted thr.e.r.immmTc pyiraimide «of their power, upon the ruiniofiemipiresgwitll » the hammer” whole nations, eanc1I.’ici:n1entie¢l it 3 with the 5 r A,“ g is bioqd. n - 0 cv ‘hloodir of millions E’-3-— liiowc fintllthis i*ef'erhbIa1'ice' in an hxpiring C:0mI1‘1E:1”:C€', in a difcouraged aigritculture and an- nihilated manufaélures .7’-“---——»ls~it., becaufe w’e.borroi2ved the aid of revolutiohary tribunals, fanétioned, inurcier by law, .o,n«;l encouraged, €i:ll‘E1fliIIi2ttlOn by legiflativebountic*sfi-‘—-15 it; in_th‘e itliot ritlicule of all religion, and boafiing profef— {ions of mad impiety P----In the adoration. of afflatue of . ;1iberty, beipatte1*ecl with blood from the contiguobsiguil- lotirae ?.a———l1'1,.the before unheard of worihip of a harlot, —t1*icl;ecl out as. the goddefs of reafon, iirra gorgeous drapery, fo thin and adheiive as to heighten, by afiieét-— ring to iconceal her meretricious charms, to flimulate infiead of fupprefling itmauthorized clefirc; Has any ~man here, been bold er-rough, vxith his ejrei: looking _abroa¢:l on nature, feeing the poiwer of Goo, tleclaretl in all his worlcs, from the inofs that creeps round tl1eroc1<.:, to the fun that blazes in the heavens, in Vwfullil (lay, with the reproaching blight of _thatifui1‘.j, darting onliis head,_ has any man her’: been bold . enough to deny his e.xifience,uto fpurh his rréercy,lto «deride his power» E‘:---3'1‘ he French revolutionvcjas a comet, :oot~one of thofe that Milton, has defcribed, 9‘ fl'1ak_ing,r from his horrid hair, pefiilence arid War, and with; the fear of change, perplexing I‘/:'onarchs.,” for the imagination o1"l\/lilton, whom we have hitherto been taught to ofizirmatc, “ as no plagiary from any thing hu- 1| man, but whofe lips we can believe, to have been touched, a by ferapliini with hallowed fire from the altar of heaven,” his imagination even, was not hold and wild enough to realize zmy,aha1iogy of a French Rcvolution.i-we-It wars,» in . ‘reality fuch a comet in the moral world, as the fears of alironorners, l‘1iaveiprecliéi;erl is at fome fatal period ‘tonn- e nihilate the natural;;~’-«~who,fe prodigious bulk, burfiing with 5 accele1'atedve1ocitj*,into awilclc ocentric orbit, and fedwith flamiing; fires, is to cleflroyall the lawsof attra.€tion, and h;r<-:al«:. down all the balances of nature ;-a-L--intierfering with . ‘D 613.5?’ *-our earth, rl’Cl1€‘jOl)€(?t:llef1t ocean muft O‘v*c1”tVl1€.l1T1‘1lS,l/fill‘ ~ Wl1yi1‘led;;ro;ondii11 ceafelefs agitzv:i.ox1,xve mull be abforbecl in Litslfiery bofom. 4 Our 1"(::VOtlUlZl0l'l, founded on mild, V ~8.I1lCl.6l'1t.,‘.a11C:l€tl:‘lOW6Clpri11C.lplcS«.,t prel7ents to the mind’s eye, 1 a.ttbrilllilz1ynt planlet, owhich :itl1oug;l1l it formed from the be- A gixmiog one of the ba‘la.m;es in tl1e.grea.t order ofnzitttre, othougluit haritrolledforagesinunboumlecltl'paee,"~theibolom _ of its ;GoI3,”’;’ and W.a.Stl{lI1Lllt:Cl- into being, when tth.el:1igl1eft .f2ti;l let there be; liglutl yet, unfeen by mortal eye,unknoW1=1 totmortal calleulation, it fudtlenlly glittereclin the front V. of l1ea.v[en,~ fhetddingl ligl1t, landllife, aml joy.»--But it’ ap- peared in purfuancc: ofthe1"egula,r, lteztcly zmdetemal lmvs ofym-ttttre, intcomp‘-etion of the trrevocable decree * of ;l1'1lfinilZ§3»l§.I1DWl6(.lg6 and omnifcient power, like the llar to in thlellilalhtlae herald of good, the l'la1~bing:et1* of felicity. Axvayt \VIlJCl'lfIhl.S .pretended analogy! How is it,tl1at?clelu.. “lion ll1aslTo.llo11g and powerfully operated, that tl1ot1fanele llmve [t€tl{€.I1 pride, in what, if true, Woulcl have been dif.» grace, and derived an imztginary confolation, lroln ace» V ;p1oL1s,fource of afi:lié’r.ion. lI3rU1;‘.pe1*l1 a.ps,t they will idly deelcwe this‘ rel'embl.anee, is ¢Z.?§1l1iblt€d in the filxnilamtcsu/Z of the two revolutions.--~ Are we then to degracle =our free zmcl happy conllitution, V with the Conftitut'x,o.~“1 ,£.>.»:=”g WW 7 Vt l ._ , at H, ausfiztcagtm. éf Vt hole»-Our experience, has taught‘ us’: ‘he appregue bend, A that at fame unfoxétttnateamoment, a large flats; byretfoltttely pu11ing$he1‘ie1f beack,’ Q1” hafiily th1*pwing tierfelf fqtwatd, Jmay fnap the ligaments of the union; gt; draw the ‘power A efé the tizhqle, concentrated ixatq herfelgfi Sqo_'rr1e.‘:to_o_a qtteimloufly pe1*1’1;aps,% have deem; ed it an impei-feétiqn ~ih pau.-r eonitittttiton, that we a1feno;t%t ~a;1—1Qwed to "enjoy i ‘f6-11‘-..1‘flO1'6 than ?%fQuryears,” in a1*etrea1-:1 from ‘gmeit, "the'de1icious ealmof public trariq1:t311ity.f A ‘='1"hey may fiippofe this too great a flimulus, to th'ewar- 7 ring; ‘prejudices and pafiions of ma,n1 t,b“em.,z'12 :zp)'2c'1rc7zi-A A, gwincidéncae :23)’. opt.r“m'az1'“Zxatz‘c‘ a'%rz"g/5: to demand’. an azzsvzuer t.o tjvcse qua:-,. i?z‘a’n.r.%.: Candid iznmyers e%:>cfil:'¢£t_[y gitz.a1:%M71zig1:t too, in we jbresmt statev 7 Qf'pczrt‘%:e..s't ltave the éesttefact. These a.n.mwj3 -would fzerlmps acanstzl r flute an czm,{.>lc apalogyhfiar ttzlweir z'n¢jonsz'stenciea, and con*vz'rtce us tbaq, igabat bas..t.bé .af:jmara_nce qfT§indefansz'(3lc treacbery and tergivcrsa;_iq)g“ .)§f'z~a2_zl1,«.6a_2¢n2‘¢:;5lc, anclpqtriotic re{2c2zt_qzzcao_ 17.‘ Min ‘ ;eonflit'ution arifing though from 44 the limitecl"powers of the humanmind, A that it rhasrlnotl ‘ilprecilion of language adequate to thecliflicult. ttaflt“ or rclefiningfthe ciiverfilied powers ofour various and interfering authorities, and that ulliee, crulliedlto pieces, by the collilion of %confli£St«l\ ing jurifdiétions, will frequently be dep1ored,*“as the w%eteping and bloody vigitim, of this inevitable cleficien-j ey.-«—-l—But “Hill, I would iezaclairn with the ancient barons.,i ‘9‘I2olz:zr2usflmzrrm'i{” Let us refill; innovation, andlbeirvare of‘ pretenclecl improvernent, however fpecioufly propofed, in this age ofralh adventure, and heedlefs eXp€1"ln}eint.—--ri The ehalle ionic liruétttre of our conftitution, admits not a '_ abrilliant burclen, an incongruous exerefcence, which the eye of’ legitimate tafie would tlifapprove, and the virtuous, andindignant difapprobation of our country i tlefiroy. Yet flander, “ more cruel than the fworcl,” has-._ imputed to Tome ofthe belt charat‘?ters of ourcountry._. the very framers of this conftitution, whomone woulclnatu» rally fuppofe to be fond of their own work, and who by their aétions have fhown the molttonfirmetl and partial‘ the Corinthian capital of nobility, and a crown would be aiieétioti for it----«it has attributed to them, the firange and A r,himeri-cal notion of introducing monarchy and arifioc-t» '4 racy. A And this calumny was propagated by artful am-—v bition, autlt caugltt at by ltupid eredulity when the-fer 'ahara€’cers were in the dutiful adminiliration of their regular authorities, under a confiitution they had {worn l to fupport, that guarantees a republican form of govern». lment, that excludes i~‘l:ars.,*titlies, ribbands, and allthe abfurcl gew gavvs" of artificial pre-eminence, and defines‘ V‘ with unexarnpled preoifion, the form of eleétion, the du. ration and extent of the powers of its execiutive-+~Wet have too much reafon to believe, that thefe artful and dangerous calumnies, were meant merely as a cover to dark deligus, and unwarrantable intentionsr--the IDCTB liufi‘ and firaw of a party,V«erfed in ltratELg6m$, burnt to raife ,Il,3 V “i9aife%ai:i;‘1»nl~a:l«:elto covermheir advance, totl1eat:t'acl~: of the depolitory of loL1r.rig,hts, the moll 1"a<:red cita;le1% of ‘oilxj ”f1‘€‘:Cit(Zl.OIl11.--‘.5°L1l‘1I)t3Et*iious plunder they, -xfaifed the eefirfi cry. A It“ is in vain, to p!.‘f:t('3I1£Zi,~ otherwife, there are men in our CO1.l1”1‘€1‘y” who hate its" c;_%on£iitutioon, and lchiefly bccaufe, havi11g%brol;e11 down; the O1ig;arehiels,(previou’fly ezxtiiiing in many of the fiates, itl1as.tlaken away the means of their dangerous pre%-erni-y neoce, and raifed a mound againli which, their enraged aml'“>ition beats in vain. They were a. formidable band w*ho% olppofed it in its commenoexnent, who retarded it in its progrefs. and who have fyfiematically clogged the‘ wheels ofits admiuill:ratio11.-—-»'l"hc: evidence on this point is toofirong; to be relifiezl. This party, atthe period of%tho, formation of the iCO1’1lllll11l'.l.OI1, in an exorblitant Ptyle of“ glooniy pre_di6i;ion?,del‘cribed it, as a monller, which 1.111;- ci1}ai*ned u=po11lthe people, would ma1~l<_ its flepsin their. blood, ancliidevouri as its accufiomecl diet, their riglusi and privileges. This hatred, if it e::i*f’ced in language or in iamagiz1~atior1 orily; would have been hamllefs and traniient, A'L*>..1»‘t:% 1;1_1eir' condutl laffo1*ds proofs that it was, orfiginallxyy fin%cere,eanjd that itremainsl1,1ual.ter;ed. '1"he; amendmelnta to the .CiO1'1i-lltlLltl¢l11,l are too U.I1lX'I1p_O:I'l1a.f1lT, 3.1141OI‘1~pOl.1'1’£S"tOOl!1figjI'1lfiCa.I‘1t, to lrave reconciled them to awfyllenu tluery five, in the human heart, lb eifeétive of gciod, Io’ p‘tolduc-M tive:0fAAAieliCAity ;~”-=#~thzttp“rin'ciple5 which 'r‘cllraiI1s Vfwhillc "it ?conlfolesthepoorA,whichi whales the pridegwhhile. it declares r the cluties of the ifieh, powerfullyimprelling as itcloes; the llefldri ofehrilliari equality,-—-That, tlieifatherl of the A tmiverfe, ilodkis with an eye,of equal beneificen.cle,7o%ni the whole family of 1'I12.I'1l4llIA".l.Cl.:‘-'-5-‘-'.l:-{€°:llg‘l()11 ’El”1.C'l'.)'§'LlII1 bfwound» ed minds; theretuge bf misfortune, Whole gentlcfhandt flopes the path ofctleelining age, ancl fmocsthsrthc bed of ~ A e A A C A A ldeath n.._ ""‘A“* Eabammc (;0d‘Aw“1'..fl4.fl7'-St London Edin'on,pagA';: 78i8At‘5oAo#l 8 ebaptcri i, wlvgrre 12¢f%exAc1.aimsl agaz"nstj5AroAjbertfy as fbelebausé qfpil t/bt¢:,At26ulA,s'es of aoeiezy, andtp%ropo.$;::: agreacZy_pm'ncz}<>1efar z't.r eq:Amlz'zation., To wbpm. sqys be does it iielong .9--«-Itfe answers; toW.c';vz'ni wbo warzte it, . AA He j2r0j)o.9e.s' an 'eAgzm1 dz'strt_b1.AzAtio_rz, page 799, page 8334 ’ " A V f l Religibn, pagcl7Ag7--Hci“saysAe-rue ought to lay aside, as :'ntendeaZ amzy for cloildrcrz in undeArstandh'2g, and contemplatcitbe wznmrq-dn_r£ principles‘ oftbing . , ‘ _' _ e , Page 84,9-«---131a say: “ Tb: z’n.s‘titutio:A¢ marriage (IA system 4/‘ fraud-.”-mjiagc 8 go “' .7l’Ia1A'1jiage is 42 Idea, 5222:! the -worst qf all 1410:; fin afikzir rfpraperzjz and t.6e mm of all j»roJb:rties.»--A-Tilve alzolitianz df marriage -will be attended =wz't19 no e'ov'ls.”-..- We. W6. it l V ‘ .e~12’zdyc-t tZ>z'.s- baa}: £m.sSf2cz'A.s*s¢:d tbrwgfi sivvcral editions? in this eounh try:-—~a72£l a new edition Az'sAnaw aclwrtiscd at Wasbington, sgapporncai it is .mz'dA Zgy bggbmvery bzzgr/bpatranage.--—-It is even taugbt as a scbaal 1900/: in .s“u7m:' r:_>/1.6:: academics qf'Vifginfa. .Ma_y tbc t£7acJ’r;'eA.s afa‘ACam-‘r M «giwcct mt.‘-t lead to we practices cg” at Rofiersjzicrre I .’ J -12 n an-annual-Q‘ A < tieath----which beams l’rom Heaven the radiations of hope, A foftened through the medium‘ of ‘I mercy, even on the heads. of the wretched and the guilty.---~'I"hiso Religion, ‘ , the philofophiiis, the fabrica.tors of recent revolutions, ridicule, tafifliicit and perfecute, and have confecleratecl W their exertions to baniih it from the earth. n f.VVI:I’IL‘E i the Sun of Chriflianity enlightens and beau» W tifiest the: Ut1iV}'<:rfe,i like owls and bats, they fly with envious clifcontentg from his fplendour, and chufe to flutter in the difmal twilight of doubt and ig*nor.2Lnce.--+5 Or r‘;‘ ha;il4this Glorious Sun, to tell him only how they hate his" bea.m5.” i or T“ ‘BUT I turn vrithtpleafL11'e from the purfuit of t fo dreary it afubjefic, frornthepath of dmrlenefs and blood, where wandert the mifguideclviétinis of ydelufion, to brighter ‘ fcenicsi and fairer profpeétst. I feel my fpirit refref'h- ‘ ed,” andnas it were fullainccl, by the confoling idea, that there arec'hara6ters, deferving of pro.ife.—---That jacobi- nifm has not yet exiled from the world, all rationality honor,i and virtue. ~ t l L I IN taddrcfling the refpeéiuble Society of the CINCIN- NATI, I difiinguifh a grouper. of W-orthies who, animated by the principles, of r rational liberty, lmve fought, bled and fufibrcd, for their country.»---And have a.cqu«ired, for it", the glorious prize, of liberty and inclependexnce.-we I clifizinguifh at fociety founded theprinciples of honor and benefilcenee.---Friendfliip tthieir nmeztns and benevo- ' lcncetheir objeét. A i t A iGEN:r1.”zn.mN,t Y A , t A \ " Gun country is indebted to you in an encllefs clebt of :gratitude.e-~Not that oppreilive lloaclof obligation, which weighs down the heart-——--but that delightful gratitude, yywrhrich ‘F owingmwes not, but {till pays, at once indebted end difel:wyrged.”--You are thofe,who engaged in the con- .lte£l*. 23 wilt-in-«and tel’: we now commemorate with early ardour audhonora.- V‘ "bio euthiifiafm---who did not count the tremulations of the bleem, to know on which fide the ba;la~nee” of fortune ,\ GVu1 il1 i u 7 You llepped forth the tehaimpionslloflyowr eouxitrywyou were fuccefsfttl-—--but, unlike the armies of "-ClRfii?‘&l1", of Cromwell, and ofBo.naparte:~,, you did riot abufe the 8.fl‘6€fi0-I'1S- of yourczountrymen ; arid, in- the warmth of their a-dm.iratiLon, cheat them of their liberties‘ plalined no. ercclufive glory—--emo permanemtltpre—eri1i- rzence-,-..-—-you preferved an ereét integrity, an u.ul”u:1lieldy ho11our.;--rAfter~ eight years of toil, Varied only by the vticiiliitucles O.’f‘Cl‘a.‘I'it-§_._’,‘(.'2I~' and diltrefsw-—-—.VVi«th. impaired con- liit~utions--”-VVitht forturies redt-mcecl in your A.country’~s‘ fervicem-With jut‘: claims, which an exhaufled country eould not l5atisfy-, your e army feparated--=--N.[-any, too. many, not to return to. their comforts, and their hotmcs; w-but “= forced to beg.>;tl1-eir bread, through cliimese their velour Won.”-W-You lingered. not in arms», but laid your- Iiiword, yet wet with. the blood of vié'tory,r atthc feet "of- the civil authorities of your country- You {laid but to take an affeétiona.tele2we.of your iellow-Io1d.ie1's anclturm ing from their tears, hu-rriedinto.a11.una.m~bitious retire- n1ent.--—e:Th_i-,s forbearance was mlagrxgnitmoushmethislfccne tmpa.ra.llc.1‘]eclj. But you are richly repaid. What isyfet noble at reward; as the fc1;1fe.o.f' COnl‘(§“iO11'SlwT'Ca!,i3C11Ci.C‘?*'*f The voice of five, millions of people, who acknowlt-.dge~i you. their benefaétors, muft found in» your cars has foft as: ‘ o themufic of the Sphg:rc_s,ya.s fwect 3v? the barging: of they 7?-3‘-1”§¢.1i59:.. 13011:. Oh !- that every piéture I‘ have toprefentyou witl1,wa;swg V decorated liketltthtiltslwith the goldentrays. of j__oy,_y but I fool‘, A my mind fil1ed4_ywith,thofey “ Thoug;hts which mufingt.pi~ty, pays ;.t “. Andyfonycl remembrance lovesyto rail'c..”~» R1.-V Xr¢vcr.,-——-Btxt tltcrc is at ‘was, deep,‘ as Well as coa- pious. thatk d_0es not lbon t::5tha.ufi: itfelf ; a. patient a.n,td cndurlirlgl dfe1*1*ow,».ttl%1atildoesnot haflily folicittrelief, tlmt delights to rctaitn. tha i:*z1prellion.sdo_ffad11efs, and l lovesd toglingcr with its team, I l l " A A 1 l ' ':“d Tl1o’t ~Mcvcx9y ctrazfcfx-'{tc1n f'o1't:ft birth, % l t ‘{‘V :~TthraW‘s with the nmrnihg beam ltSd£‘.:W$ to earth ;, l g‘? .Nq’¢ifld’oels tll1c_gchtl;e R032, mvlivle: fo fcaoinf, l ~ ' ‘ ‘F B_r.1tb‘ath’d iri%‘:;atui'td:’s tears,‘ it": dropps till ‘n@on._" cqnfcerdnpltatct you as ‘tI1ol'c, who, zmxiolus for your §:Q;unt15y’tsgood, and apprehlclnfivg of its futur¢:clcl’ti11y, :xd1¢dita4tct«ldceply, again and again, 11p_on' its molt llatflliétivcd 'C:31al'flZ.l;ty.-fa-'-AI‘1d. "clerivintg yomf only l:conlTo1“2Ltio11 from the prece"pts,"of wifdom, lcnovvd, that you cannot cptl1cr-yd wife diminifh itsV'elil"eél:, but by infufing intofl your rnirids, his pq.ttfigati,c; lprilnlcipltes ;_ land by an imitation, in‘? your litrcs, ~IQf._th¢ private gfoodncfs of him, twlioffi lqfs you cl¢;=:«-it ~ plore. % Fnxgtow-CxdTxzEM.s,l t t _ A “ have vgntutccl to depart la, little from the, bca.t,cn,i £539}; of ltthis cl'ay’s thenie.--wlmprcllccljwith thé nmgnani.-5 V “A A l " l " “ A nwuslt r 625 tmbtlfi fentiment of our firltl Congrefsw-4-who" tfaid,,“rrrto, the Engli;{l1 rtzrtlom ‘We will holdyomasr the rreftéof man. rkincl,tem:rniesrir1_o war, in peace .friends.—----1 rlmve “not ;mis—fpent your time,; and abttfed your patience, :in tin- rflamintg Im.tirO1‘Ial; an~tipathy——-_-é—ingathering round;..your hearts rthemalignities of our txettxrers»-44a;r1d fixilng.t‘l‘1esrc thechilling fruit of lcalloust and i1'rvete1*ate hatre:d;rd#%=‘W'le rrconquerecl.-—~lrx1 noble natures, fuceeffs ‘:iln}\fF)irt3A\:Sl gerterc>lT1- lty.-l-—-'l’owarClsl at fallen foe; it fprirrgs up; thed'fior-fiv:dferiti- ment of r:?lma.g{nanimity.t V Our-be releigi»o11 .fanw-,l thena1a.xi1ns of lac1rmi11illlrati*ox1, than purfued,bylllou1-dclivlic Fa.tl1er» ‘Wafi1in.gton,ll wlemll thejrcfult of wifdom, labilit5rl.,l' and virtue‘. We will dew. our nation juftice ; itéonc,eiv;eclitfc1fto.be, as it really A W15» the ‘mall fortunate nation on ca.rth., A And whim 1t%proudlylcha11engcdl ‘thc com.pa.rifqn, gra.tcfu»ll‘y ac:- A knoWl;edgcdgthe lcau-.‘fe.l And Why has~this.. delightful. fmnogrcxiitefl gfor. fa; : flmrt a, -p,cr:'md 3. .Why, lwhcnl thcll . gQvernlment;V 27 government oontinuedto eomlnunlcate benefits, ‘clicl the " people ceafe to l1*'eciproca;te lgratituclef It was becaufe‘ foreign influence, calling’ to titsl alfiflarace the mofl amiable propenfities of our nature, and appealing to the generous l but miflaken notion of national gzratitudteg tinterlerecl in ourCouncils; and, under the femblance ofgkindnlefs, atlnfiniflered potent, foreign drugs, to fiirmulate a all the t peccant hurnours, and petty difcontents of our country. ‘ 4 Ever iince the alppearfalcce ol Genet, a party hastezxifi.» ed, ‘ organizeedancl dil‘c;i;{:li11ecl, extended in-a conneétedv line tllroughoutfthe Cfontlnent, that has watched with ccafel»efs jealeufy every movement, and oppofed with nndiltinguifhing“ hofiility every tnealure of the Federal; admituillration.--4-#A‘ndyetthataclminlfiration,befetwithin-» nuxnerable evils and lclifliculties, lzas contenflerlfu ccefsfully with all.----Twto 3lI1l?llt1‘1"fi‘8LlO1'lSl~C1l’l'l€T1l€(_l by that p'artyt.,were Tu pp refl'ed,Wit11out bloodfltecl; at w:il‘e and di gn-ifiedneutrality waseadopted, and two foreign wars avoided witlnout diihoa nour.---~—Under tl12Ll‘.3.(ln1iI1'1l)£1'E~tti()'I1 ourprofperityhas been- uninterruptedlyfprogreflive, our *agricu1tt-xrehas reached a the lnmmit of the Appalachian‘ hills, and our commerce, clepollts on our fl’}O-1"€‘S., the luxuries of fqhinat, the {ore of K an‘:.tl”c.‘l’mtl§a, the l'-alnics oi ]3»en.gml, and the f11't7*eI‘ of Mmtico. Do you need undeniable proofs of the allleru tion, that this aclxnlnillzration has been profperotts and ltappy ; talsze them not from any one who has born apart in sit, or who has regarttlecl it with fleacly, and oncleviating friend fhlp. That man. cferteinly illufirioua, who ltae overthrown that aclneuiniltration,and who is now llzratecl at the helm of afl?aai1*s --Jlrefident Jefll-:rfo11l3i1t'1le1f‘. hasprm lnounced its’nl'1ol‘c fplentlicl pataegyric, in a fpeeclz '\«"2tl1l‘£1»- ble, to be line as a model ot'1i1emry elegance, hutclotahly valuable as he has verifiecl this “irnportant political on. He informs us that the governtment of this country" is in “ the full tide of fuc:oefsfuI experl.ment.”-m-«W”ho made this experiment ?---Whoa-clotucltuéted this egovermnenta 'Walhington and A dams. I1‘? 28 IN this; early and generous recizntation ofpaiirerror, accompanied by promifes of enooiuragementii to corn- merce, of ‘F fasted prefervation of the public faith,” F?“ and Qfiithe. )gi'ienera1 government in its ~Wh0.i£’.‘ conftittltional vi-- 4 gar," you xnufi: acknowledge the voluntary a;doptio'I1 of 7 they ii’pI'”11”1Cip1f3S iei=of.theii,i:federa1ztdminiiflration, and you mufi with pride amid pleatfure hear thiS':fi1"2l.i1'=‘1 offpo_r1ta.ne- one a.dmira.tioini zburft froni its moii: a.bj16*“3iY1dt_=fuCC6fSfu1‘ adverfatyg ‘‘ We are all F6d61"2L1ifiSa"” ~ Let 119 then? With, finoerityo ifiipport this Aadniiniiifation,"eotmmetncinig; with iiichfi }"fp1€11d'1C1; promifes, and fuch happy aufpices.i Wei_,}1%V.é an unquefiionable afiiuraneeii» of juitiee and im--» paittiality, an indemnity from the fatal efffséts of party tfi--.“ umphe-:4»-VVei have reiterated ptomiifeos offlequel and exaét A juitiicé‘ to jello men,” IUfI;.i" vvlmtevef religious 0‘1‘"p0]i.tiiC3".'1_ pe1%«f1iefion.?’~a—+--VVe have ‘ the; p1edged.hdn;or of out firft imag;i.it12ate;i;‘thet he will “fix-eftore to focialfl interoourfe; ti”1ti'1.“ti'1Et1’7i111C§1i“x3Z zt»nd!efI‘e<‘§tion, wi”t11outwhich,i Liberty A and: Wen Lifbfiiffeilf, SLTC3‘ but dreary tliingtni’ Never uxiiniiiltia, .irI¢15l“ of theft: prornises, and of his honor, he will feliiityell tlieiporediétions ot7 evi1,o the effufions of our patriotic, but tooisapprehenfizve zea1.; iMere1y btecaufe hispredecefioxi zilipoyitzteieii N'1me“VVi‘1} not remove Iheritoirious and honorable; men, whofe eonduét i’s:b12utne1efs, whofe c112tr::Lé‘ters are" i1"rep1*oac1mb1e. Difdaining the gmtification of ignoblei 1‘€inf3l')LiZ1'1'1¢Z“1.1‘1t.,iiitCi never, in the fpirit of~imii'era.b1e quibbling will ’E2’£i«ICt2LdVZ1I1‘t2LgCi_ of at clerical eritor, to interfere in at idepartiznent, iplaceti by the tmeaning of the Confiitution heyontzi his reach. Aloof from a.1I.’pat"ty pfetiileétioxxsi, eztrneiily iblieitous to reunite public opinion, he will firmlyorefifi the cagc1‘fe1fifl1nefs of his dependants. He’ Wi11I‘€I1“1i1'1(1 them of their‘ boafied purity of principle, their ni:>b‘1e difinte1*efied'nefs of motive. He will deelate to theym; your zeal for me, was attachment to What you‘ deemed the caufe of 1'1berty.---In my perfon that caufe has olitained a. triumph, and in that triumph you have your A reWat'd.. Hm 29 neyertviilt foirfeit all claim to public eficen1,to;~;foi infult the xmtivetalents ofhist countrymen, (talentshe fo ably defended againit I116-[ fitczersof European aL1thors.)~fa.s, ~ migrncr; . p,,. to apipoint top the moft in1porta.nt oflice in his gifi:;2u:;It'o:. I ‘T 0 his folicitations he will a1'1fwe1?vvith firninefeand‘, L dignity. You may fir, forgetful eofeyour A own, haVt:tt;tr¢,33-es L Toned yourfelf into acold and philofophic prefererxceyfor ~ this country.--But this ietyznot fufficient for our fecurity, our interefis require the fizrong tiest,i theearly 4fympta.thi.€:S, and even the prejudices of Iiative a.ttach1nc11t.--{1'§cs true youtaare ardmedetwithttformidable talents, but their whole energy has been exerciifed in oppofition to that govern- ” ment, that‘ has not only hofpitztbly aifordecl you proteétion, ’ but has fo1‘givetnyou1*crimes,*~‘t and extendedjtowards you. : iuntexamplecl clemency. A I acknowledge‘ my perfona1,.ob~ Hgatio11s to you; But elevated to this hig11PEati0‘I1, yequala ‘Iyl bythc prudent p,a.t1~iotii;m of my opponents‘, as the 4 ardterxt approbatioti of my friends, I muittake ajcomxnands ing View of my duty,Va.nd withymy mind purified from ‘p the mifts of paflien, raifed by the heat of party centefi, withLztjudg1nentunob{huredby prepofi‘efl"1on.,I mutt confult Hie ihfety zmd the lmppinefs of the whole community. I reluétaxntlyencomlter the reproach of per{'1lS a.pa.thy which o_ppire1Tes it.----If I I have, imzo, the chill a‘1f1c;i ftagnzmty lake of public O.pI1'1IOn.*~"""If.I. have fpoimn, ti-uths with fome boldnefs-—----the times requitfc it4**"fi"1f&I1y' objeét .to;. m_e., that Ihzwe done: this VVIthil11'1- wm*ra.nta_b,1e byolcinefs.---I anfvver time in a free co,untry, I lmve fpokcn the cliéiates of my feelings, the fugefiions of thro.W*i1;2; pelfiale; which Iliope may undulate its furface, I my underiia.nding.y-~I know who will objyeét, and I not ambitious to avoid their icen1"L11*e. If I may be allown ed to 111%: the Imiguage, WI‘1iI€3I feel, the ifentiiment ofya. great fiatefman, I would further a11fwe1",-I--tlmt “ the heat flmt oiffianded them is the ardoryof yconvifiion, and that I szcial for the fervicye of my country, which Iy_1CitI1&‘.‘I"IiIQp.e). mgr fear fl1a,11ii_n,fluence. me. to fupprefsfl -’3f’"~¢71.VI»3».