AN 0 R A '1' V Paowovmcm ‘?’U.iL2"‘44,41:799, ‘% % % ..m:* THE RECQJEST cm mm mzrmm*mm :2; my TEEEA TOWN Q13 A BOSTON, IN C01VII\~IE1VIOIm.’I‘ION 013‘ Tm: mmwzgfgzasmz” (‘SF otgfliyan-vafynoocfiynanut)“u£g'V‘gE';-d:£%54%' 1‘a( *$9 d ;v¢flanonajuaraluiflyqacufyuvuN , ‘. A" OW ~ ” Ly mum L M 13?.LL yum. "*5)w~"'4w~~~"¢:r~v~~?:>w¥%31¥§*"Mfi*.%;&~'!1§*¢fl;1w*$*‘EE§%$4“**E*::fi3?3W%w-»‘%£:u*-3}i(:m~*¢)i"MMf % “ I~Ir.-: wiar; has; ;m1m;g,-am at :Txi%1,Aisa 1:h~..n; rm-i1-'»1r: animml wlm pe.z:c€.:iv<:2s his: libc;‘1*t:y m'1}'y when 11¢ wars; in picmzea, amzul 3:“r':2%\%'%-»§;»%..;wifca11zf:;.’“ .1"l:t be firmly fixed and per-» . 4 fine, this Rtevo1utie‘e2ee3r Eyre?!‘ mm-e,tereif. in A that: any‘ fpeftre which ‘A poetic Vfanc‘y‘A ems dc. fax-ibed,more~horr1d inteits afpefi: than the famed Gorggoxn, more carnivorous than the Mom fl:er*0f ‘Thebes, more balefule than the mott pot» tentone Mete«:>r,twAhtieh lme ever affriglxted the imag-.. V inatifons of 71‘I1H;I.’1kind, has fpared, intits edeftruétive progrefe, ‘neither :e1‘ge,Wn0r fe.:°:,Vno1* helplefs infancy, net cufizems,» not maraners, nor ttiesgnor principlem Merey forms nottpart of its attributes Hut'amit4yn ist?tndt‘tt att;Ltth:tndmt2tidy appears thenttmin of its follofiwersgttlnnocetnce fupplicatets in ‘vain eiitorable to the ::d.ema;nds ext’ Juftice, or: to thett1ten1i1d;+g- Ver“c1a.i;ms‘0f ‘pity. A In propztgatingn ‘Liberty,‘ n * aeabliflxect E 9 I! c:ll:ab1iifl1ed”thc worfc of iflavery". Profefiing to fe:~ cure thclrights bf man, itilihlas thrown downall the barriers which 112l.V€ hitherto proteéted them. It has let lloofe upon Society the moi’: ferocious paflions of the W011’: of men. ‘Virtue it has p:=:rfc- cured----Vice it has patronized apd rewarded. Indufiry has been robbed of the fruits of its la» bot, toll enrichl and to pampm‘ the lazy ancl lthc: dillo1ulte.l‘l Not confining itii:-If to the wretched luxury of dcsrpriving mankind of the: cxterna1~=~com~ ‘fort:-2 cal‘ life, it 1m3lbu1*r0Wedlll*into thelinrnofizirea A tu1*rmd~w4—-‘Whatl ccilim 0£lthel‘hu1nax1 heart, and tried toiplay tihc lfyrzimz .vt.:lméer~ 1lhwlsl(3€x1ifCi@si1(3e*;l A lmalm mid» to: keep nu-an Slaves, it hasl fh"ippc3d them of thofe vim txms ‘and of thofca principlctzs whicll alone fit them to frrmll Whatever was ‘efiabliflied it has ovcrn iflfllflififlti virtuous it has corrupted-»- Wllatever was refpecftable it 11213 IfidiC"i.1ifld-~wVVi"1»EllZ« ever was falcred itllms; pr0faned..l‘ In lieu of mcler, it has fubflituted confufioznamllil placeof obedience," olrgzm ernmenlt, anarchymln thellnzaizlllcf A Religion, it hag propagated Atlxeifiii. A It hrzwmada man;»fas Wl'6tC11Cd ail he is capable in‘ thisworld, and perrfecuted him beyond»the g°ra.v=e?, bydepri» ving him of 't11€§h0p€S of futurehappinefs, aslaw folaceforprefent mifery. “ In fine, it lhas thrown Law, «Ordcr,l Morals, efiablilhed Infiitutionsy Rem ligicm, every thing but the Solid Gimbka whicli we inhabityinto allsflatel Of =Vo1ca;nic eruption, V ioi’ aha-« A J3 M A THIS CA W l I~II?S; is but :1 faint piéture of the modern Raves lutionary Spirit. It would require the hands and coloringof a mafiexyof a BAURIsZE,' or of an AMES, tot give to it itst genuine tints, its living exprefiion. AAndi’s this the fiend-like fpitit to which our glori» oust revolutionary “' principles, feelings, and man» ners”A have been compared? lls this the Liberty which is faid to have been: an emanation from our i own i Is thissthe Freedom foaoftenrecommended to our patronage and fupport, as theLegitimate OH} fpring of the pure and virtuous Flame which;eanima«~ A ted the breafis of Americans? It is a counterfeit, not a Legititnate Progeny. To call this Liberty is at g1*ofslperve1*£“ion of language»---It is awilful calumny A upon the bait andrn0fi3.difi2inguiihed patriots--~It is a nefarious Libel upon the principles of our Rev» olution. To give it credit and currency, would be A to fixlan:eterna1lfi;igml%upon the American Char-s aéter. AOur hoary Patriots wn1diArifenpl,laanddi{L elaimAtheir»fl1are of the difgrace. Our: departed Heroes and Statefmen would built their cold silfllwg prifiianznents, and vindicate their 1'ne1"r1ories froII1,A; the unmerited reproacll. They would difdainel to"ot,Aancl Danton, and ‘Rob. efpierre, and l\/Ierlin, and Talleyrand, the difgracea ful infamy of this maodern, munderou*s;,iReifol1ition. : a1*yTl1eory.. A A ~ Be it our tail; then, my Fellow»iCitoizens,.toaxeiifi A eue% the el1ara€ceriofthle American Revolution fmm it A this unmer%ited4&,ob1oquy.4 That " illufirious event as i had its: .origin in theejufieitiprinciplesg in, the noblefl:A4 M A feelings, in the pnrefi; motives. A It iw_assAAA.,sllA~enot it tlgesi * ii blind [ I 1: ] blind and AcoAnvuIfive iAefi‘ort Adf flavery to {bake iofl’ fettersmldi*ma;nac1es of defpotifm ; but it was the calm, the difpaflionate, the auguitrefolutiioniof en... lightened FrAeemen, to refiit the earlieft en»cx*o2tch;.= ments‘ of arbitrary pawexn It did not prAoceAed fromi A :1 mere inftinéiivei itruggie toniget ridiof prefentfufu faring ; butiit was a penetrating foreiight, and 2. de«- termined oppofitinn to future ufurpation. Cont--A fnrmable to the rt-:€r:ii:ude~ of its principles, and to the vvifdorn of its néiors, was the equal iandtimiode» rate temperature of itsp1*0gm»fs. At Intermfly, Ame-«~ rica exlmibited no miarlts of :1 wild and fanatic ARev- A nAAw:nf*:iimbrAu“eth%e hm-;xdAs of 0111.-tic:mx..1“itI~Iigh Gm) was the Pillar of Fire“ by night «ad -’t»:Iw Cloudby Adayg A A At/«o* ~ “‘ AA difa 2 ‘ 1 %14 v ave V m§cyt~«¢b~eem tsaflmmm ed t0ac:k1'i0~W1edge o»u»r4 erucifieVdsaviour,4 nor to talm t~h%é :t:rofs*m1d f‘t:>11mvA in %t:**11is%»w%agc:»~>~of fiflifimablm Infidelity. Here mad of Liberty ‘dared to denounce thé Altars mM:Ahe~A i ~Al-~~ V mighty 5? M I-Ie%1*e~ ho‘: ¢a.t}1e‘ifl:ical$V rImfiVdeI“s$ ventumd to A w”"rfa&g11 the*1najefiy~,~ and %“p&'0%W)~ke‘the~ Avemge- Deity A A I~Ivere mwAwretc1md libertines £=u%§fiAitAuted -a. courtezan as an ébjeét of profane adoration, IT and no %AVp§_rformed AAthe A “ mockery {:4 J mOckC1"37'Of religious ritesto the tnolt proftituted of her fez: !. We have not in this countrylperfe-«-it cuted the pious Teachers of the Gofpel ; we have not driven them from thefe lfaeredttttiit defies; ande hunted them like wild ‘beaite from ‘thethaunts of men :4 if they have of late been fcandztleufly viii»: fied and abufedt by thefervile eopyifis of the Phi» iofophers of .Fra.neej;, it is ebecaufe they have Arena deredtrthelrneede of merit to the Government of A the United A Statesl But let thern their confnled with the refleétion, that their LordtAanclttMeiter was etxpofed to the like ridictule, and that ou1'Sa~ viour himfelf Waedenounced in France as an Arif-«A A tecra,t, becaufe he ztendered unto F5‘ R0ya1” Caefarl the things that wereAlh%eeCaefa%1fe’s.t Tn reducegthis ex... tenfive piéture to e, fingle ,contmi°ceEcle view, the principles of Fmnce, its ‘explained by their praélice, tend. ;3fiiei?1ifl1tl.nin he every country the govern-« men: _ of the fword, “ ttnrneduee mnnlszind to the two fimple clztfles of Soldiers harxcl Cerfs,’.”* while hours leadt firnplytn :1 milti government of Laws and Mennersg fnundecl en the folid and {ncred ban iis of Rational Liberty and Revealed Religon.” SUCH, Ainerhxans, were the glorious “ feelingsil manners, and principles,” which ftimulated you tn aifume an independent mule emnng thetnzttions. of the earth. Wonrrrtr of fuch principles is the form efGn.v'-V ernment which you wifely framed _ and calrnly adopted... Werthy of Inch feelings and manners ‘ :3‘ Preiident Adaitm E 15 J] are the ‘ enlightened Statefmen, whoxn you have ever ehoferneAlt0ladminifl:er it. “ A CANUwereca1 to our recolleélzien our diftin-— i guifhed iPatriets and Astatefmen, and refufe one tributary tear, one folitary figh to the memoryof out A lately erttinguiflied A‘ Luminary ? Shall the fplendor andfeliivity of this Anniverfiltv, To late; ly honorecl by thy prefence and enlivened by thy fmilee,” make use ceafe to remember thee; thou blefi: and immortal Slxaclei “Remember thee? yes, from the tablets of our memories we’ll wipe away all trivial fend Words, 2111 Afrws of books, 2111 forms; all preflhtee illA"eWWhiehtitflee and Aebfe‘r¢vatiAen cepw! ied“ there, and thy bright q:imm- all alone flmlll titand within the book: and volume of our bminle, umnixed with bafer xnatter.-m-»~Yee, by lheav» eflS,”t1'~;~*' '‘ l BUT A are A there /1“1lCfCia.!‘1g‘=€i‘«S which threaten you 3’ Is there no lurking fpirit of epoftacy‘ which med» itates the fubverlion ef this fairflabric, theAftuit:A of all your laborsendef all-I ycmr toils E‘ A AA 1 IF thiseecelebrietiett M ufelefs my“ cluty to "held A up the mirror rte lithe failings and vices of my country» men; to appeal to theireleonfciences, as we11lasiitoA A illufizrate their virtues to depiéture the abrupt precipices which endanger, as well aethe verdant . lawns which -vari~egate the landfcape 3% to exhibit the blarckh whirlwind, uthefierc“eAl tornado big with defitueétioin, has well as the be mild rainbow which beautifies the fcene. We areenveloped with Adan- A r A A A V gets, 1“ Shelteljpeetee k % gors, Adonleflic and foreign. We liavoilotftolmioa l without, and traitors Within. A Wotto'o£t ropelttho A A once”, and 1'cfifrain the 0th.ior.t v A A A i To expeéi tobe free froma doxnofcic f2.l.&i0l1l,*iS A as road as to look for a goltlon aigo ; lit ltiolasttvilion» ary as the hope of univerlhl liberty; itis no fmit-A lefs is the fearch after‘ the; pl1ilofc>phot’olfl;o11lo. As in A the t natural, fo inthe political World, tho ‘T1:;oo of Liberty oheriflxos ito own dofiroyom; Although it is A planted by tPatriotAi:ftn,t anti; murliflxm ed and protefized by Loyalty, yotlthodoiiruétivo A infeéts of Faéiion will germ-ate fattczxm upoli itsluxuriance, will blight, and zilxnolt dcilroy the ivory vordu;reA which lhpporttslthomlll $£l.1QI1g}.‘fl3 men l1avellpaflions., it they will | hzwo vices; £0; long as the globe lofts, there will be cliftitngétiontsto in A foA-- ciety. Nature, Education, and Fortune, are not oqua.1l‘AAin0tho»ifiribution of their favors. This man. is an Arifcocrat ii1AAundorl“:z2.ncling, t‘hatA:Aa,~A ]a.coi~ bin in heart. There will A always A;bWcvc1*l, with this l‘1u1f1:1l)lc fpirit of laccommocla—- tion, tlmy czmnlclt all begratlfiml. '1‘ lhe: ldifappoinu ad will purfue their ravange ‘with, an acrimony‘ p1'opc)1“1ricfm<’:d to 17.116 xuwenous l1unger afterlfarne V wlxich impelled tlmm. T113 1no1*tilfiedl ambitious: :1I“€;‘. xmverll lin, want of t:0<:>l«s to‘ «gm the fratle of flmélimn; l M Tim ignorant, the jealous, and the envious; tlm l>z1,z1l«:.:.::u1~.$l: in xnomls zmd cl1ar21€l:m*, and tlm ixxlblvent in purflzz, are tlxe finall weapllons, vvith which tl1r:lp,;re2mt%l%Le:vi:1tl1a.ns in loppcifition cbgltlnualllyopexmw... ; ; Imvlew ll-"tlwpal’:d %l'i£lc:r3r “bf théll UnlitedSltatcs, lalnld; what pagel is there in 'Wl1lCl1 tlite ‘ proofs .01’ A thefe principles are riot in... fcribcd E’ Cmevall with our Governmkant lhzlsbezen anllinvetemte oppofition; an oppofiticm growing l'wi1:l1 our 1:-.,"1‘[_)"W“‘L“l1;., ‘£l.=1’1Cl fircngtheningfwitli ll‘0lur fircangth. At firllfmall and feeble, it uttered its ldifcbntents only in the gentllelwhifpcrs of difap-« probation; now, bold,l hardy, and fl1amelefs,lit tlhulndlersitsl anatlmmas in the language of rebelln ion. A li1:;"WC":l rcmarlmd tlxat faé’ci0i1_is tlllefpohe A A l A Ac 4 lcgneoug taneeusp1*e&h&ien of a free foil; but 1i'ke*alltnaa. eve plants, it is not deftined wholly to deftroy the ‘Vegetation which furrounds it. It is by the in‘troduc'tien of exotics alone, that the w0rl«;: of eiszterrnizaation can be effefiecl. In vain would out blotnefiic enemies affail the goodly Fabric of our Confciltlution ;‘ vain would be the calumny againfl: our ablelt Patriots; A feeble and nervelefs would be the aifaults of 0111* internal leneinies, ‘if they lW61‘€ not fupported by foreign gold, and encou- raged by eXte1*lnlal afliltance. Vvithout thisaid, our‘ infant Hercules would have flzranglecl the re- bellioue reptile in his cradle. Still our young and vigorous Samfoh would have “burft afixhderlthe leerds lwithl an"i1ilfidi‘ims faétionllhad boulnd him, if this intemal foe had ‘not a entered into "a VTrea”t"y of Alliance, offenfive and defenfive, with a. forellgxi? aeltrerfary. V A 5 the ~ Mazzeian‘l‘llltrlble of"1>h11orop1msare we ifidebted for the introcluflzion of A thls”fe‘reigr1lAuX—» llary. A F1'mT1 the Treaty of 1778110 the prefeht ' hour, theft: Grzz2‘i!udimzrian.r have {tanned our ears witl1 the xnagnanixnity, the difinterelted bene‘€m— lence of Mo*na1*chicalar‘1d Anti-Monarchiclal France. In former times, Gratitude was confidereld as**a ipelative, peribnal, and ‘rational virtue. A 4 It waste. generous fentiment, flowing from the tetndereitfeelu «of the heart of the perfon who r’eee”ived; te- ‘lvards [Hone wl10%hadtlconfe'i*r'edl a In the ajflocabularly of A mbdern Pl1il0fc1phjf,'i‘t "has a A direétly l“5p‘poflte meaning. ‘ According to this new-light, A i1ihumanltdo€trine,Weare to love the perfeeu;-' t01'$ E 3 tors of ourPatrons. Eve ax-eto hate Louistlllthe XVIth.~eW)h0 Orderecl his armies and nzwies to our aid, and We are to cherilli the Regicides xvlicx l31"()11ghth.lSl1€a(l to the fcafiold. i Nor does this unnatural femziment flop here. Lllste the loyalty Of the Vicar _Of,BI‘3,Y, it is to change with the daily fiornis which obfcure the Parifian flgy. From the King, ‘lite mull: be transferred. to the Fayettes and Petions. lF1f'om the Peticms, to the B1*ifl'otines. Froxn the Brififotines, it is to be moped up in Robefpierre zatlonel Fx'omiRobe1"pierre, it is to be €1ZtlM'g3.<3lltO~tl1tE: Taliens. 1~7‘roin the 'l‘@1li€311Sa‘C0 the Bmztlielemye. A From the Bartllelemysutol the lMerlins 2indiTz1lleyr:Lnds3; Froin the Talley1‘2m<:ls, for auglit we know, to Beelzebub l.1l1'1‘”1l‘Clf,l'.ll1<.‘§i8“1"iCl1 fiend of Revolution. Still we could forgive this .weathevc0ckfenefibi1ity, if we could ditfczem my of relief from this oppretfive0b1.iga.tien. A BUT p21'§f1'nC1”li'.S and Lrequitztls fwelll ratllei‘ ttthan ltliminifli our debt. A Robbery, perlicly, ziridlmurw alert fémm thelizmcls of our benefaélors, zuie, accord- thefeigmtefiilfentitneiats, A A A could almell overt-loollc all the-fe;ta.bfurdities,t ingtfithis tnewlehilotopxmilbut£remlitimu1i=to which Outrage ethge beft feelings of hu1'm.n nature, =xif~itl1ad not been infiftecl upongtliat wefliould make aiperpetual leagueand covenant with thefe pretended lbenefaétorsg that we iihould lit down A and partake of tlieir banquet ; that We fliould fip ttheirle poifonoeus drugs,.and “ be as mad as they I53’ H l*tl1a“t .well1ould throw all’ our ancient virtues? and A l ai.‘ra.yl‘(:n1rfelV»ef8 in the difgufciing habilimems ef tlmll‘ E” zol A their vices that we flmixid difczird Our Vowri-i3Re~ ligien, and beeoifne! p1*oi"e1ytes to Atheir: Atheiiiic-314% syfle1n,asint.:31e1~a.m as it is biafphemeus. M A THE Gai1icA”fm§i;‘Aion in thisicountry would not have-e merited {:3 full‘ 3. flrzere of our exeyeration, if he they had COI1t€'I'1i?6CiW.ti1€111ii‘3i‘V6S with “echoing in foinieroué plaudits, the AiJO1'Zflb&*ii:iC'ACi€tA2’niiS'{}f AFrench viéiories, or if the‘yyhadco1'1fin“ed themfeivesAto the patridticpleafure of degradi11g their ewn eeuntry, by 2:.tt1'ibuting its Freedoern and Independence they thearms andgeeemfity of France. done it aninjuzryj which I fear may he irreparable ; they 113.‘-V6 inflicfted. 2. Wound in the bofom of their A Parentgof which {he ‘i‘1angui;[hes, andlzanguiflling A may ‘ciie.*“’A’y . Bypmpagatinygy the difmgzmiziiig, de- m0ra1izing,iatheifi*.iea1 principles sof France 5 by incuicating the hoiy 1*ight of Ixafurreélion ; by juil tifyingiythm ,%e11jmaniya11d {wage atrocities which 11W~€ A difgYaC€€1iA th+3Fr¢n0hiR€V01uti0n 3 A pizmdingyy her perfidious violafipns of A of A Nations ; by encouxaging venai preiies in the pay,. 01“ under the influence of France; by _p3:orn0ting end cuitivating 21 fniri: of audacious eaiumny egainfi every Patriot, difiinguiflied by his virtue and his talents ; by introducing, republifliing, and feettering the immoral, i1'1*e1igioue, and deleterioug; pmziuétions of Cohdoreet, ofAVo_1ney, of Paim-j:,. and of Godwin; and laifly, and Werii of 2.11,‘ by efiafiaiifhing yiyfecifet, yafiliatied foeietiesg Whi<;hA “have erganififici. Qppofition, which liavei “ fyiiematized Atfeefori, Wi1i(:h__i1aVC“ marflmiiede: all the vices yof imankind.aga‘ii1fi; law amii orde1* ; 3.I1dv\7Vh*1ACi1_., aly-4 A A A A A though E 2: 3 though they were fbaniflied from the bublic eye, A! and drivfetnintotheir lurking pliacesyby the virtue- ous frowns of our VVAsHiINGaTyoiN,r have been buifie ly employed in {zipping the foundations of yfociety, and may ere longfpring amine, Which%ifl1e1IiibIoiver V up inur Cfonititntiony and j Liberties. SUCI-It2l1‘¥Eyti1£'3CiOII1Cfi;iCty dangers whichthreeten ‘hour repofegih ‘Our externalhazards are not lefe im» minent or Iefs obvious. To fay that France threat-Q ens our fubverfion-witliat ihe meditates the den» flruétiion of our 1iberties----th3.tfhe has long waged anopemand carried on aifeciiiet war againit out i Rights ;J.ndmi:rIndependence<, would be but to repteet‘ the language of every, henefli Anierican, for theife two years pait, would be but the detail i of her aggreflions and her ioutrages. Does any man doubt! that France isimitntingthep~n1icy of Philip cf Maeeden, j 01-; nf the Roman Republicans .? Doeehe quefiion whether theyihjxpendous fchernes cf Uxuiverfal Conqueft, conceived by Louis XIV; “are received by his more ambitious and tyrannical the ienflaved» fneeeflhrse, the Dir'e£torni«i Frncneret A iitnyinrns, when are tafting Gallic Free- dam under the Pike and the Halbiert. Lethim in- baa: A quire of the oppreflhd Belgians who have been irnm , pelled to the madnefs of defperation, and to yyyopeyyn rebellion, againfi their iiivage and ferocious op. preflbrs. Let him mingle with the unhappy Ge-= it nevans, and compare their prefent ruinous free: dom with their farmer profperous fl-Avery. Let him perufe thehiiiory of Venice emancipated from the pxetended tyranny of its D053; and lts emf.- ” A tocracy E 3 mca*ac3rt-3~be.fo1d, by its perfidious de1ive*1‘ef4S;AT1T%ia¢1v*ii“: an African flave, or 1iLa3.ax1 imnimate cI1a.tte1, A hezflciii doubts, let him apply to the wretched win» habi*tants of Switz&m1and,A wh0f;aAVa10urA&Was only‘: 4 aqu3.'iiedV by their happinefs .V S3Vh0fE:f1‘fi_§fd0IIl and indepmdeneze 'm.*erg=: only A rivvalled ‘I ,;by nthreir» juftice, modemtima, gonad fz=.ith, zmd love: of pcacce; iAv~'17hBY c3.nA aizxform himf of the z.em’arAme1*cies of Frenéhw mt-:n%. T11e p::3.fam«'.“s 0fSwitz€r1and can tsxhibit the iron chefcs from wI1ence«the fmits AQf1;heirAA1a» hm‘ have byours,Atherc~:A is ‘no alternatrive, between war arrd fubrniffion to France.” A “ You fee that neither jufizicae Ar10rAm0de:rati.0n c:u1rAfec:ure us from 3. f;#:Lrn- ticipation in the war", which 112:5 agitated Europe)” mflmcrica is; of tea much inrxportancze, fur t1rc;purA-A-s * A A pofizs E M: I] oies oftiiiwealtii, and power, to leave her the fmaflefi: hope of efeaping, without her own determinediex.» ertions, the contagiontof the general difcemper.” ; SUCH are the fentiments of the firft Statefman in our Country. Sentiments fo juii, and ‘truthstfo momentous, cannot be too ezetenfively embraced, or too carefully cheriflaed, to guard the public mind againit falfe hopes of pacification. Aflhileed by the infidious arts of that Machiavelian Cabinet; courted and foiicited to renew the difgracefultrain of delufive negociations ; A the Prefident nobly fpurned the Olivie-bratnch, under the leaves of which was concealed a Dagger. ‘ He knew that the Sexjpentihad power to charm the bird which it deii-7 » t tined foritsprey. feeffé Iwrzgv aware thatthe" “‘-‘ Ty» ger croufchestibeforei heleaps upon hisiviéizim.” He refufed to permit his rninifi:ers even to pafs over to France, until they zfhould have afli.11*ances that they fliould be’ received, refpeéized, and hone oredgas the Reprefentatives of a greattgfree, and independent Nation. B%U"I‘, Americans, why fllould you indulge this meek, daftardly anxiety» and foiicitude for peace, ~ which you know imufi: be deiufive 3’ "Where is fled A the xnagnanimous andiunconquerable fpirit of your rfoiefathters E’ Where the courage, where the hero-« ifm which animated the Patriots of 1776 3 Have you not hands and hearts, as well as they 3? 7,~And does not your pulfe beat as high for your Rights and Independence,as theirs ii iW'hieh of you is ready A‘ » to;tabandon~thieta1tar, or his fire—-Jide? Will you, my A No A military friends, tarnely fiurrender the honor ofyour country, E =25 Z! c0unt1*'y,wit1"1yxmr gleaming bzmyonets un%fl1eat}1ed, zmd witllyeur t1‘1r:.fty fwordsz. byyour {ides ? V1751} "you, _1myj ym.1t11‘fu1 I brr::thren, \ czal1n1yb:£:ho1d thofe 1'W0Iuti0nizi11gGr21u13 vio12u:ix1gAt11at innocence, wI‘1ich G013 and NatL11'e_mqx1i1*eyou to proteét E’: E3up%pc>fc wcflmuld% 111z11~;ep:::zce with the L=:rapm::iOL13 1311110f<:>p‘i1c217s--'.E;‘ it wouldbc fafe, perma.» ' z1<3zV11:, ()1° pr<;>i3.'tab1e E’ H you ente1*m§.11 am idea. fa vii"- iam.;2.1"y,. yarn .7§~s.:1:';<;>W mm: the enmay yam 7:225? 3»'z:’2‘ ms-» crozwzsw. Ifisa flm clxzxxagcd hm‘ fcrocicms and a1nbi~ % '%:im::=; (iiii%3@“:z:i‘V>:£.4L§:z:i~:)11 ? LWE. IS file 16:55:. 1‘14£):U;i?.c: t0\;v2.&“<; as 1111:: "!.;Jx“ai“:»:L;:¢:1M% SE::z1tc:& .? 3i‘§3:'0. Wfim: has p»1*01x1ptm:i hex“ m !:c::m'l tfiw (‘.‘.m:112cn:ru:s,%1:<;>}:>zf% c:%:~;Ia;’i1‘;4§.*é:% ‘:1, WW 11”f:3!§.72¢§?£21ti(')E1 mi?“ fric::1'1dij¢ fantiznexxta E’ I ;zz“xf§.‘»=;rw:1*, (TI? an 1* mm 17. 5,5 m:<7>'%::»£,2.“1 17"¢ta.&E_c>x'1;, our Elf-a:z'c;1tcd% 1M'ix.:1)z%a.*{fiu$Ems; ;, om" 3Z.fl’*1*. jL<)gg21z‘*;£, :."u‘14:;1 our Jae}. B111?» lt:m:»v:~;«s4 1‘ A mm tlm mz7L1‘*vimxr;':s cof -«our ~e:.a;:te:rn:1*1% zmd ixatmmalé é§rx::z~:v37§.r3s, in prcwnumtihgj pants? I 1*cp1*y, To m*2ft»:;s:c<:: that laijmft i1'i;(:’slm=:n::€tm£.’ }i*‘r'mcc ; to imt1'mducc :1 i‘me;::4§h ham; (i1‘>fi“h¢E3.E4“ 1"ny1*1“m1ic1s<1:a11.=5;V 3 to rzmifz tl1ac:sq_*>it'~ izwg Qyi1“it M_j'm:m1Ji1*1i{‘1n,,%arm the can *:1g;cAm11d‘ cO1*1~€% {%2(§§;'wm1¢:t:AM%0f' prm.f’¢:tfl7crx1*5 Aw 1‘11p“}§3C‘.3fl2 M5'§f%1 if~ t.mffw%211:m1‘V%A~n¢:W ”??*‘%r3Mz‘1fi1\}:M0 inmlt 1.135 zmd ufurp 0111* §}cxw'V‘e1*<2§g4x1%i:y" ”t«<;:s* *bri1:m:%* &nmv% C.‘ih1“'onic:1es anal amimzv .::*w1a.~<:-1*;tas;% ; zmcl fixmlly, ttr r3fl;ab1i%fl1 :1Pa1*i‘fi:1n R232; A pz::}:;:1icja,:a%pm"s» the mzauinrs c.:>f om‘ Gm*c~:rnrm:11t "W I~m'"1}* tmr %$;?heA1ix1vies font ardently nvifla, nnxfl; be mu: Iazuxew-~wvl“1:ezt they d2a“¢i*21d, ;=:nu;[‘t be its zuaticlwteza. L:::‘at us: timaaw 31c1*0iLc2zi%}§,r3:‘11~::*fi:.”t «;*»m:* d;a2:azg:;@1' 5.11 the. facssa. ‘K. IR; v“ “' (‘W N: 27"‘: .43“ ‘Mu ,1-'3 1‘. w‘--C,-x~n‘v'~ V ~| w I‘; "3: ‘ ‘ vi-:. 4‘: p 3 “4’ I ‘ .hk..a{..-L iTJ1~:.:t Cmaammut E «M 1;; ‘Ca ;.u1.i§:';'kM 1..$U.§o M...«.?L (L. EL :;1.1M...v-_, XJEC in-J-“" t1m;;:%, mud (.5.E.‘fi1(3?é‘1€.f,W:T%.‘MC'3 '.’&":}’m,Lmtifu?;. flezwcn has; %E:2E.<;::fi}::s:I.‘. 1;:z.a=.% ur;;%M%"z% :2. C0L1.m:'1‘y rich in ‘1'»:::f~:m.1*ccs," Iii? A % -~;~:.ube1"an1: r 26 1 e:~::ube1"9.r1t in produélzions; let thern not Ifemairr A nlelglefied and tifelefs. Our citizens are numerous, enterprifing and brave. Let us then proclaim our Rights from the m‘ouths“of our Cannon, Let us treat with _Frw~2c/277r2,e72,m2ly at the points oflour bay-A on-ets. Already our Commerce fails proteélzecl over the Ocean; already our {tripe-,5 and flats, heretofore difgraczecl, Wave triumphztnt Over the tri-coloured flag of our enemies, ‘A-" Sllfltllcl. danger impend, every grove” fl1ouldt“1del’cencl “ From the hill-tops they 1’l1acle,d, eur {bores to defe11d.”’5"’ A THEN {hall our Navy ride triumphant in every dime, and future TRUXTQNS be viélzore of the Nil€- Difcardr it mean, parfimoniolls policy, a dif» graceful calculation of pecuniary interePcs:--~Then We fhould not Want able and courageous defend» ere--—-Tlieia fllould Gallic ligl1t11ing aflixil us, “ Our "WASHINGTON, unmoved; would condu&:,witl1 his fword, every flalh to the deep.”1”--Thert thefe feared Altars of the Moi’; I-ligh flrould be fecured frorrz p1*ofzma.tion; your wives from defilement, :E_i,I’1(l your children from fl_aughte1*--eThenfi1ou1d United America. join in one choral gmtulation of “ ADAMS, LAW, Awe LIBERTY.” '1"l1en-mm “ll PJt.INn’s patriotic and juftly admired Song, “..c1a’am: and Lz'5my.” 1‘ Thfi ffimflw *'r11enm 4 N<:’v::r flxould COLUMBIA {imp £0 Gallic fwnyy, AA Truff to their arts, or their proud laws obey; M % % OM76‘.-21229 Em tribute, nor one homage yield, % W'hi 1e yet one Son histruffy {word could“ wield.‘ ‘Then flwuld our EAGLE wing his rapid way To the b1'ight%reg%ions of unc1%o%udcd dziy+---- Upheld by _Iufl:ice--~z7trm’d in Vi1'1:ue’s caufe--m *Nerv’d to proteét our Governnment and Laws ; "With vengeful ire fhould hurl the bolts of Fate, And pierce proud Ga!/i¢z’s tyrants in their hzmghtieflz Rate.