f3~N ZPRONOUNCED AT NORTHAMPTON, ]'(fLY 4., 1805‘. THE TWENTY NINTH ANNIVERSARY‘ OF V %ttericm1' Qnnepenbence 2 AT THE REQUESTA OF THE QOMMITTEE OF ARRANGEMENT. BY ISAAC C. B.!+\_TEB,.. , :%,;:@@w A NOJ{’TIIAM.PTON; A mrmran AN1‘) sow mt THOMM; M. I?0VMRfTfl¥”~ ../YT oz Meeting of the Federalist: 0 f the Town of N07?/2amp2on,. and. z't.r =vz'cz'nity, assembled at Mr;4-A Pcrmero_y’,s’ the 4th day qf §‘uZjr, 1805. % % % T.iNANIMOU§LY, Tha,t%the C%or1%nmittcc of Arrange‘-‘ dfinent be, and“are’Tiereby appointe'i:I’, *3. Committee to wa.-‘it o“n“M'r. Is=A..A.c: C. BATES, and thapk him for the; elegant and spirited Oration this day’ delivered by him, 11pon the Anniversary of the Independence of the Unit-V ed States of‘-.Am_erica., and to request of him» a Copy for. the Press. mam qfthe C'ommz'ttee* Attest. JOSEPH LYMAN,}m‘“i" g¢-%A,,,a,,gemm, % It ‘I T ‘T’ i I‘ ,‘-;y~\!2r%a:s ..«“..,! -. ma.‘ ‘ “ g"'m,.."‘9M.yf‘H.,'u-LR-u~ ‘mjwi,-,::...“,.,m j‘.‘.L..4:_‘ ‘ C.‘ \~‘,,+N.,w“.‘~»»; -my, “ GENTLEMENQV % % TH: Ora.t'ion, &a;c.opy&.ofwhich_yo‘u request, is humbly siJbit'1':1itte&‘« to yin}-1r rdi.sposa.1. With the highest esteem, yourmost obedicnt servant, ISAAC C. BATES. The Committee 9]’ Arrangement. AN ORAT I 0 N. A THE event which We are convenedto cc’l- cbrate, is one of memos: remarkable history.’ ~ It is not the triumph of aiparty ; it is the birth day A of our Independence. r ew * of us canfully r!ea1izTe*r* e the value. Like a man of sound health, We are ignorant of the epainsnof sickness; and, like an heir to a fortune, We know not the toil of earning it. But if you eurvey the governments of Asia, where thesuspicion of the ruler is the death of the sub; Aject ; Where there is noasecurity for liberty, or 1ife“::~ A Or, if you ask the captive, who is chained to théaoar of a galley, far’ from his country, and his friends i A, day after day tuggingthe same round of * toil; :f‘,‘, Za- 7 ceratad with stripes at an/zicfz mercy weeps, when she sees to/zémi inflicted on a beast :”, Or, enter the dune» A A ~ , A geons of Tripoli.,and View your cou11trymen,w11it+, _ AA A , ening, and fading, in the solitary ce11s of darkness,, I A and disease ; breathing at the mercy of Aa11eneit1y, i ', it 4 e whose trade is” ybutchery, and whose elementisiiblood, A r A A a cruel ae death, and re1ent1essastheAAgravte'; viiewi r a them hereandtherereclinihgyontheearthigyouywould 4‘ . ezneed no pencil, to paint to you the cllzerms of freee ; (10111 ; you would feel, what the tongue cannot utter, Yet F‘ éeasIon after season ¥V'f§a1Z\L1I‘11S,_]3.!§l1Z net to them 5” no relief; no cheerful illtefval qf pleasure, There was a time my cQu.ntrymen‘,% when the voice of Greece rocked the battlegxxents of TrQy , ea11c1~s11oo_1.: A ¢11ethr0neQfP:ri§§m, to reclleem an ei11”=divi.dua1. A But was anege of még11aiiirxiity; /games ruled, and « eoivards played With Children: A ‘Trio U c. H, A at present,’ we enjgay alltheé blessings, 1vhich"1i‘éertYa11d1%W: can give or secure: Yet let me remember» that the Wheel of fortune rolls; that theVceiebratien Int1epe11de11ce today, is no prgof ih5¢W*éwsha11¢njfby it toemorrqw. e.W11e¥¢ are Rome -:5 an Greece BrLifL1s $11}‘mb€}‘S i11the ashes ofliise 9:>osere eeieteda yer tlxey eeI%¢r=i11Yseem€d~ 1¥h'élVI‘II'_1?)'I11Zt_3 111 the ‘pause of frefedome %eOur e*ei:eeepeees were bri11.ia‘nt,m“ ‘as the fisinmg sun L11-;._ ‘e1*tY;fpr0S1aerity» an"dWee¢asine happiness» playeel m, we % when the p;11eree£ei1, the‘ bending; »rteunhthe»visio,nsr;of future, ‘in the sweetest err; eha11tme11t;.t = . Evtery hea'rtLg1,ovtred1witl1, that fine en, thusiasm, whjcli pro;1ue,ed.the raptures of the, poet, Here Was to be a‘-"land, hflowing with and hem ey ; an asylum for the unfortunate‘; a1 place . 4 the persAecuted might finclrepose. But, how7~ soon was the scene reversed ! The ambtitiouet and ditsteona tented, who espiredet the honors and’ emoluments of ofliee ; men in auAthori3ty, Who‘ t1na‘de,t‘thei1‘ own? conceit, the standard of their merit ; and who ar-9 rogated that power, which their constituents thought proper to confer on otllere ; found themselves dis.-h a1>1oointe:,d.-.--~'Fhei1~pride was, mortified 5 A theirt ogre».-J eentmefit erxkindledg arrc1,rffeepairing efaclvatictement‘ inthe hour o‘ftmnqui1it«y,,theyAresohred to‘Aprpduce’a> A storm,‘ and rise upon the whirlvvind, Hencejthejy t began to elamour against the eonstitution to Vilify men in office ; to sow the seeds of rebellion; 311:1 to light the torch of civil war. ‘With What sue-3 eess, their e2;e1'tior1sl1ave been crowned, experience has evinced. Our eou.11try is stmdered : into fee,» tions. A contest of newspaper o11ioa11ery, and in» trigtte, has eomrnetreed, ‘With an inflt1enoe,mo1~e fell tlmn the wixids of Syria, it blightens and com A A sttmes, Whatever, is V*zt1uegi31er, or ~desireb1e, oiteartlm, IEr1vy,Hetredt,,ar1cll\/Iarliee,-—¢J‘ rz:u1ging forreye11ge,»- ~ ‘ A , I1av,e,in‘ t/zeec carzflrm, with a ,nio;1are11’s ,voice,,_ to A V cried, havoc ; ,and‘t11e dogs ,of,war:t” both civil arrciflrd damcerric, have attacked, and, pursuec1,,w could support the victim, every deseription“i11s4 V ty, Without regard \t(),."‘S‘e‘X5 to age, to A‘ Arm rmtkh. The innocence of arxermgelrotf se-=_§ lliltémtufit mfgrity 5, the eilelice of the tton1bArA%i,s,,1m ;$r:0tectioh11,-w,; 1 A __ s I ’I‘~1ie,ashes at the deacl are unraked, with deliberate «coolness, to glut the rage of envy, and the memory » of the patriot is sta_in6d, with the blackest dies, that the monument of his grave, might become the mon-5 ument of his shame gythat posterity, when they un- l roll theannals of their fathers, may weep at their fol- ly, and blush at their iniquity_- ,DO you ask" for proof Show me Where you liavt: it ,7z,_0t, and I Will- shcw tyouwhere you izczéve it. Not asun‘s,hines, but the C yclopjes , of sedition are hammering the instru- mentsof death. N91: wreck returI1.s»bw=st11e 6/W~ ion. you never heard that Adams, it‘, _/zmrzryil‘/zeaded traitor .9” that lW,asl1ington was t“ a cotuard .? cz murderer? 2‘/ze éuilesz‘ of /zy,bocrz'tes§”’*'—r~ zeréditmelssengers*,of slander travel throir With what honest indignation must he frown from the realms of day at such unparalleled abuse! A A criniei so unnatural, so brutal, no tears can wash A ~ jg ‘ , i it t‘ Tamas flig the founclationo tame; ofailghappl-p mess here ;of all hopehereafter. It is the key-stone, which holds the arch of the universe together. a De- stroy it, how immense the ruin ! disregtamgl it, how complete the wretchedness it A general distrust, would produce a general dislike ; uiiiversal uncer... tainty, universal misery. But lying has hecomeso in use, that truth is out of fashion ; quite thrown aside, as the uncouth garment of a Gothic age,-exe icept, by here and therea man, who likes the haba its of A his youth, and the sturdy virtues of his fa» i it i V ‘Vim; ‘?The Prospect Before ‘£15,?’ the proclmnation ofDnane, iffhsione inspected, andiiiahproved by the fresident ;:itl1e7other written. by i hisi'ii:favori1teiand confidfmt. » it i t l‘ I ~ 7 A, a ther§i.“*'* , ?The tendency of l'tl1is,? l‘is, to corrupt society,» to set allmoralityafloat [the object, to gain“ the momentary triumph ofalparty‘, to proclucethe tran-~ Msient, and savag'e,l smile ‘of victory, Whenmillions . omust mourn for‘ it liereafter.. Tlae preservation of” Virtue, order, and decorum, respect forage,andrev- to lerencefor aut'ho‘rity,is ifnfinitely more important to the state, than all ya the objects, which» this contentpt;-e iblelstrugg1e,c,an‘e?v*er” gain» in But,» not only “ truth i is fallen ~in~ltl1etlstreets,~"’ the Shepherds who pointuisat to the STAR on BETHLEHEM, are smlileal?11po11,.; Withthe sneer of contexnpt, and ridiculed in public“ palqeyre, A ‘EV hen the guardians of morality are I once’ removed, j or their influence is once destroyed, who dareianswe1~ for the event lo. Wanna, my Countrylnen, is that spitit',livl1ii§h , could look a tyralxtt in the face, and pluck. the b1*ight'» «est jewel from his lcroyvn 4'? ‘Where that love of glo- ry, which inspired the hero,~and the soldier g4 which '1”-6pL1b1i(3‘S' envied, and" 1'no11a1?cl1sl fearecl ?V Wltere that’ sense of honour, which preferrecl the field £27 battle, and the stale}? of rortzzm to the zijiéutel qf a greoaz? iVVhere that national pride ? that Tgen~ herons, inclependet1c,e ?‘ that cligxtifiedu submniéssioni.’ tlmti manly cleportx11ent?¥-~Amefica xvatsttolme A darlingof i her S0115. , N otia stain upon her lionoui-s, but imillionstoof hearts,,1eaped,to vvashiityoutt with their, blood. Niowi cm the simple tar,., in aforeignii ,pj,or't,,blu's11es andcoverslns honest face, ytoyyyown , ”7gTItI5 exception should. bet1nore»;specific.t VVl1i_le,tl1e cajuse,,~fol_unycl;- ed"ouei~ror, can only be? supported by falsjlehood, ‘tha,t,e£’onndedjl y*,li$n“trtuth, can lltevetno use for it. Hence-~one party, have einyyinterieeti;intygitfingl Cilia: mency toottlwopinion, that eu}zatet7€2'z'.s* puéfisfied is jc;[&e,,tl,becaute‘l in tltis, y . the}/fiitdlth3eiixf~secutfity,y and on this, alone, ‘W’ origin. ‘Disrobed of :n~ g1ory,We crouch like slaves. ; Cowardly, and tefi"eminate,~ we have not spirit to re- sist. With a fawning s'ubrnission, we orawl to the AA rfootstool of tiaptions, a11cl;:tii2i‘rr’coz as afwvomf What we r tonight rlhavte denzafldédeaso ta .rig/IL: A4111 Fra.nc.e,e~ We ‘ curse and slaA1'1de.1'f, the enemies of *tl1,e Great ARepu‘Ab— oldie as We applaud ancl earess, the tyrant ; we trout. V t .. strip alltheiobsequirotls multitudes that surround him, mad receive a snufi" box for our adoration. When to or'ed for our l_COfldiL1(}'Cg by rod of Eligland», we r pbegher pardons and 1?r0miS€ t0 1“<=f0rrI1s vl V ‘A A T}IE administirationi of justice hasiprelaxed.-A Ask our fathers whether there was the same rerfxrissness iinpeaicielmagistrates "? in the minor officers of towns? Wliether oaths were playlt/zéngs, and the obligations of an oa»th,lphzmtoms which vanisli before the breath W:0f~.p.OP\m1J_1£Lr'}\ty “?----A11 these tllingsy tarieobearingtts A i}1i}CF3.E-lfiillg time, andi fa.-- ‘ V tn alas dam. thrown §>t11€1*Piliarittandstifirm, (‘K W Ai$ha11AnOW be the subiect at a moments considem. ” ti(A)Il.* A A A l A A t'PAUlBI. re SPIItITC1€l10At6‘S,~ :1-"lot merely, a dispo... A sition, liberally; to support a. goverI””1ment,*AbL1ti A also a disposition to promote the public Welfare and to sacrifice private interest ,» when incompatible with the general good. Yet was there everta period,sinee the, World began, when the nation was so forgotten, in the interest ofia ‘party. Mere popularity, has‘ be» come thepordeal of life, or death? toevery measure of the government._ ‘This is? a touchstone’ which .:makes gold iron, and iron gold; A A ~.ONA subjects A so complicated, as general policy, 9 9 '~i'iD'i3ru- the least iinformedare the most liable to err. Hence itis thehighest absurdity, for rulers to be govern-. t ed; by the ever veering weathercock of popular opin... yion.~ It may shewthc direcition arrtneavina, but it e " wi11 never point r they mariner tothe “pole; Yet the \ contrary is a doctrine, which flatters our vanitygrandr We will believe it, though the paths thereof lead A down to ruin; V Vox populi vozxfit Dei, is an‘ apo-— i thegm,that has gone‘, hand in hand, with destruc»-t tion”; has made more n1o.thers, widoWs,and c1iiI—,- dren orphans, Within a century, than the armies of oppression; has cornrnitted crimes one day, for A which it has covered the face in sackcloth the next ;; Iiasveiledtlie earth in darkness, and ii crucified tlie" aSon*iof7God.1 Yet this risaathe Wandering ‘star, which rules, and guides the destinies of our nation, yd to The people are an ocean; that ever i ebhs and flows; easily moved, by every breath which curls upon the surface. The two great engines,- by which they may always be agitated, are the f/zirstfor rz‘c/ms; and the dread of rdomintazion. “ Strike but these spriiigsiyou‘ may toss 2.‘/mm to 1/24: Hea=zw7zs.’i’A rneniiir society, who have something to expect from at cliianyger ’Wit11t1iep/zz:mtom of A liberty fluttering, in i onehand, and a freedom from taxes, A in the other,i '1"'rx1~:a1: ever have tbeen,yand there ever will he,‘ i they will allure thepeople downto death, wliile they 1 i cry ALLaLUIa'H, it/wLortZtbci t/zan/ted. Far be it A ifronirnei to‘ insinuate, that the honest Arnerician, _ would, designed1y,‘countenance the subvertersi of order; at His actions araetlietatestimoiayiys nature is at Tlie -voice tfieipaqblcyiifibilifitar ‘ 10 hears~ against every species of’, But Ian?-» gnage, tam rhea,/l',, to express tljxe meanness, and baseness of those, who would in abuse the simplicity oyftheflir fe_lIows,. to enrich ,,the:n1~selves,« who i would destroy the quiet ofa nati,onrto11r:the altry honors of VVHAAVT was once’ the real wish toddpromote the A intefestof dur country,_ has now become the desire to rnaintaiii the ascendency of our party. VVhat‘vvill Eefléfit 7¢11€'P“b1iC= is I10 1°1*1is¢1‘, the qucsfioll but *Wh€*‘t"WiI1isttpI>6rtm3> Side A Time: ilpon the ifirst 1‘o_findd6f§honor%,,lrnust revvard their ‘immediate agents, or they lose their office ; the more active partizans intxst receive their mite, or they lose their object ;, and the tpeople, who heaved, and tugged, them up the ladder of promotion, are favoured for their toil, their ydisputel and their anxiety, with the =w~/zoyleprqfiz ofaamilg, and the meat czzrzd a’rz'7‘z/7: of Good 1» men Y 0 U; k V < i ‘‘3»'‘‘''.;‘ “. «.29., ,_ w , U3 ,‘ ‘h K "' t3 M “A 3‘«M,v...:‘ux1[§ "” ‘M, \ toms H ”~V‘\'I"" " ‘ V A‘ ‘>2 ‘ , l . M 5 are therefore,’ smite dot: discharged their duty, with un~im1;J€_ ‘tn , , ‘ A t 7' l A delity, and are therefore entitled to coniridenee ; have been dismissed from service merely ministerial; of them in advanced life, without the means of support, Withoutfri the allegation of a crime. ” i0thersl t have been appointed’, were lulled in the cradle, duringtzhe Revolution ;~ have no other merit, a than that theyihavte tvirioug/it in the "z1i72e_yard of oz parry; no other claim, than, thatthe-labourers is worthy of l yfl-,,.£,_y,,, it . t « ~ I t t A onthe one hand, the whole is asystem of injus.-. A 3 n on the 2 other, of arrant bribery. A The public 1'1 9 ‘mm! [honors areyholden up to lVi¢W,it1ike prizes on a‘“’race ground." A’ iThey,d,€V0tedtothe vile purpose of influencing the judgment on a question, of Ilational gsconcevrn, a question thatvvve ought to decideimpars tially, because, we decide for ourselves and fOI‘_-pOS:2- terity ; or, ‘they yarepléostituyted tothe stilllyyviler purer 15036ofrewatdingapostates ,from,their real principles, s¢h,e,at3*t°ih@,mS€1V€$y31‘d’¢1”ait0l’Sto their s.c0;untrye. kforsithevezgpectatioin, or the assurance, of an oflicein ,theGrove1"nment. ,'V_Vlf1ere is the man, unless he be a villain, who would offer the inducement? and where is the man, who vvould accept the bribe, that is fit for an oflice‘? Wl1y,wasytl1aht clarnoyur against high l salaries ?-vvhiiy, thatery owpeculazion an([izy1i‘an?zy?"’ .Why is the‘ constitution violated, time after time? Why altered, to destroy the infiuenceof smaller states? Why this recall of Ministers ? why this unis versal dismission frotn osfli,-ce ? “Have ‘the agents been influenced by motives» purely patriotic ?---- Charity, indeed, hopeth all things. But these, she %_ ,canno1: spread a‘ mantle Wide and thick enough to , eoverfit “"‘ Isonn Bomzvonnoum observes,‘inltisreinai-Iris on the Histoiy, of England, that “ A spirit of liberty will be'ztlwa;ys, :a;n‘cl' wholly ‘clonoehtdd \ about national interests, and very, indifferent about, persons)‘ fiun{d,,.‘pa;iwtte interests ; that on the contrary, aspirin of faction ‘will be{‘a.lWa.ys,‘ "and . i wholly cotncernedj abouti these, and very indifferent %Ll5o1;t1.-5 the otbersg; thdt the one will preserve gs govternmenti lw,hichi.,,,;is worth presewin;g,,7 the other if not distinguislied and cotlntemclted, will inevitably destroy it!’ The spiritrhat new iprevails in cumcotuntry, is obviously thdil iof faction. Amongths melancholy ‘fruits-:, wlelsobservethatl1nayn3v;;ofiour,l9étst' men sptujn at the public Jsonours. offioesubecome thejwn*ft’VV“BlV‘("2 years, w’l1e1i it r'equir—-' ed 1111 the wiecltexn, a11dl‘e:qneri:e11ee, of the best men, to or tztnieet a1?lldtt1*e :l:a.te »_a com lieated llslrsteint V17“ 3 S 2 P A 3 9 gwver11meht at élnmtxe gtltwltexill it Lirequilrfcdt all =the"fo1f'e.: ;'si*gl71ta‘a11d firm11es«s of the lelelestl l::~.m;»cl most lpowerful nation, to escmipett tlte 1 ldavmgersl .fmm:abreadtlt';'l fwlmen the Incli:.m"s were 1naki11.g war on the west ; and i114.‘ surreetions were l)I‘€::~1l{i‘11g out in the midclle, and on the easelt ; when the trea~sLi1*y was empty; and the eoureee of ’1’C*3V€I1"L1(t were dried up, or the elluuinelsl bbstructeétl e;' Federa“1ists* illireeted the at-llxirs of the Uxlion. ' ‘ M A l ‘N 1+1 12 Nl tl1"e3;f"lclelitnerecl‘tlre ‘e('3lot*ernine1tt “to their $I:t‘tcclessors,~ lwllmt, myClou11tryme11,» was the state of tl1en".21~tion,» compared with “the s‘t:.tttel,*whenet11e'j5r ave: eeivecl lit; A Om tc0ul1l‘1t1*y ’Wes%‘l1appy, l'110tt’l0nlty," “hen yoncl reas0112ib‘1e expee‘tattio11,~~ but ‘l:)eyond :1 ‘parallel.’ Tllfi iildustryl of our eitizle11s;,=xves vast als’tl1eir enter-‘ prise. A wilderness they lmd el1a1mgedte\t.:+1 garden ; ‘Attic baxten heatl1,tl1ey haclelothecl i;11*ve1*na~1~beauty ;. I ” zmcl the solitary place, tl1elytt.had~.xnadle _~t.e Alb-ud, and» 13' hlesscm, as‘ the rse.i..i Science and the arts every‘ where prevailed, to civilize and soften. A Commerce Hwavedt in. every sea where Winds could Waftiit. A No clime so remote, where waters :r’o11ed,e butyou would ifiiidi the hardy sons of America, plyin gtheir success- ful industry. Wealtht flowed in from ” every A A direc» tion, iua deep,“ 1-ui1id stead.ycu1"rent.i A We were res- ipecitedi abroad; We virere haippyiat A home‘; we had all that aiiatioxi could desire ;ia11 that Providence eou1d“giVe;L.u j Our concerns, though immensely; Va.- rious, audiextensive,~ were all A settled ; credit was established; theeuaticnal debt, provided for ; the state debt assumed ; ii and the whole tvas delivered to their successors, a perfectly finished machine, in 1~egu1areopemtion, which needed notzliing but super..- intendence, and direction, to accomplish the object « of the wisest, the best ofGovernme11ts.t IN all ithiswhich the FCCif31‘£’liiStSi'1£:1V¢(i01”.l€3,110W . '1‘riuch i121*v*eiievent11eiroppouexmfia f0u11dtoiice11eLu*e "? ‘I/ze Fundi2zgS_y3t3?7z, 2‘/ze ;Briitis/2 Treaty, it/zed Pro-Q taisiovzal flrvazzy, Z/ze Lmzd Ticzoc, rzind 2:/ze Seditiazz ?' Funding System, was devised by :1 man, A whoi lockedibeyioud the boiurnec %t11at limits the vulgar sighteifauyd. Whoi judged accurately, beczuuse he clear» lysurveyecl tliewhcle, anti judged from the iuducw i tici1ofpzu~tieu1ars.V ‘Were youto have A Heard him aum.m¢£ tCo1’nmi0uw"ea1th attains, Ycukwouldiisztyi, iit%had‘ibee1i:,iaI‘1‘ in all, ma study ; u i List his diseouree o£=War,~ ytmwvoulcl ulienr, i A fearfulibzu:t.1e%t1ieuc1ered you iuitutisie ; i iTm~n Iximwiany cmtseuuoftpolicygi i f A. 4 V _ i‘ Gerdiaiu kuct ofitiheidwould uaitm; 3 A Familiar as his earter~”" i hi hi “ 7 A V 19 . V Hewould, sometimes, melt youtto comriasssion, the sweet sunshine of his eloqiitenee ; sometimes he would arouse you to indignation by ithe,thunderz of ins rhetoric; sometimes, he would strike the harp of A Comus, and “‘‘_make Zaz.«:ght67~*bursz /sis side3i;’i’tlsoime; tlrnes, he was terrible as the spirit of Lode ; and sometimes, mild as the lute of Ossian; “‘ Sedilliumr 5-lib’? Tmoyis no 77Z07’6’..----Pa1“Cl011i the dig1"essidn, rny“ C otmtrymen, for where is fiche traveller, who would not turn ,from, the highway, to weep at the tomb of Hamilton I----T he Funding System, in the opinion of the W1S€SlZ, and the best politieizms, was the great Panacea, , whioli satrecl the ‘nstioxti. But on this measure, , *.s:nd‘e ‘thee treaty Witl1Greiat-B1‘itain, time ha?s” decided, and cavil said i censure 1"m;1 std cease. , T1-112 army was raised at a period, which icalled for decision and defence. Our seasWe1*e swept by French privateers; ouricitizens enslaved ; ourtrea- ties violated"; and our lzmd was covered with vul-t tures, who were screaming for tribute, and “ fore» bodingpestile11ce anal War.” Twice we sent two" solemn embassies to iFrance, vestedwith the most £11Ttpl@1)OW€1”S ;% twice they *vveretclisn1issed, witlioiit . recogrxitioni, or even the fo1‘1*r1ality,,ofa heariitfr. The l ztg'gressions~co11ti11ued ; imjxfitsticc followed contempt; l iosttlt tecoutnttleted upon insult until the enorzmities ; i , exceeded fo1"beerar1ce.ft Itvvss then that the nation arose, and: with the spirit and inclependence of amen, told the temissaries, who were whizoing for at subsidy, i zmcl creating disa{i‘ectio1i,“ th;.tt«,sl1eliacl';e;millions t for defence, but “not” cent for ,,trib1.1te;” _ Under tliese circumstances, the army ,lraised. Wliat “ shottld lizwe‘ been done lied f'21i1~‘3Cl~-**7 ‘Were ?We,, V11u1nb1y,}jr.o bencl flue k11@¢‘«~t0' B{'11?1'éipa1‘*t€3, and p_I"_-at‘-.3’T‘. to him A:‘ AT/Zgy 1951/ 51:33’! dam .3 Or, in: the lam- Agx_1ageAo'f a pugilist, when he 1136.1 twaakczds our nose, A gcnadcg; hisapasa, am1‘Afi11ip’d ufiiixi thfi 419106, fivvem \%\«5’@ "not to bt: éxx om“ dflfexme ‘s? Q1‘, \~'@«reAVwm%%%*tQ$tm'1d., %1*ik@ ;.1:11¢' Sfupgid ‘as$»,. aml take it ?:m.—Not11ing s_hcm1;d “ be deaArer%t1‘~ia11%a"11atim1’$s1m11ou;1*, In 21 W11’ to sup».» port it LordChat1mm mini, “ w*mur1d tear tlw [shirt from l1i‘s‘AbAa.»ck.” Ycct, My CoL1m;rymen, in a land of F3 13 E 1:. M, an administration has been braml-.~ .4cd,1with:g1isgraccVf£>r m€tkingth¢dttemApt.%AV A A A B“%1icgood%rcsu1tcdfrom this measure, the in; Clulgéncé We owe to lmmzm frailty, irisitcad of bl:.1st.. 111g thcé} ailtluors, would have excL1sed the error. Tl1afourcount1"y was exposed to damgcrs, and that we A Wescapcd, when the other Republicks, who .s*1uAAmbered tothttlullaby of French liberty andfiprm *BCti0naAVf¢11Vi£=tims 2* that our coxmcernfi %wer¢4$p¢edi1jr ac?1just«®d+,and 13%eace~,% %ima-%- %«a1:orjc;:d; arefzm:tswhic11n%o%11c will dispute. A Is it not ;1+easo,1m%b1e% to c_o11c1ude, that, when Frzmce saw A» A 3:nAericz1% raising ‘armies, and Afleéts, to c1c~.*f'¢11<;1 her shores and her c.r:>1n»mcrce, it1'l2.1Jj1 shemight 1'1£xve1*(”:‘- rlinquished projects aml made concesrsions, which ' AA she might ham: accon1p1ishe'd, :.:mc1i1'1forced,, had We cxliiitcacl the complying spirit of obflclience. VVQ‘ A A 11%avct11e testimony of *\Vashi11gto11, who lmew the V Aintc1*es’c, and who oertzfmly felt for the 110110L11’0ft1’1€: V A ‘Union, tlaat the mmsurt: w'aSfou11dec1in necessxity, A g11d%dictat.¢d by wisdom,» A A AAIN caseof War, therevenue must 1m.ve failed, . %f1?;¢.¢+‘«1‘.L1S©itvva,s d€pendc11to11Comm.erc¢.4 A 1a11d«A 21% tzur‘i was. therefore; necessary, to give supiporti to the army. Both were desiigri'e;t1; .l3(f)f:C¢a5e vviith the emer- gency that pmducgd them. lBt1tthe:t.*pol,icy of the direct tax, does not rest 1‘1”l.€1’¢1Y upon the €2€pedie1i+ ey of the army. It is a question which yetlrepmaine A for decision : "‘ Wllfitllfir direct lZ3.X:~1lLiO11 be 11o.t pref-— erable to indirect?” The aflirmative was strenuottsu ly advocated, by those wary /zonorczlyle gentlemen, who, afterWa1*ds. styled itthe engine of oppression. Tim. Sedition Law was designed to give every mm the liberty‘ of epeal«;ing truth. How it could have been censured, can be accotmtgd for, only on the pri11cip1e,.t1mt prejudice is bliocl, and itlmtt “'41:i~:i... ‘ fieelight as air,” weigli inoretheii 1nom1tai11sp,vvl1e1f1 justice sleeps ami passion regulates the balanoeflt i" A ‘TH U s, I have given y'oul:.1 very imperfect sketch of the Federal Aclrninistratioit ; the state of the na- tion vvhen they came into power, and the state Wl1€I1_ they retired. You have seen hovvimich they have done; marl how much they liave done to he cert-. sored. Let us now see whet the Democrats have done to bCf£1pp1i1l.i£l€Cl.. V V Government they received as tl1§3.Ft"3,dgg-.. V ralists left it,org'e11ieed and in full operation. 71‘l1e "" "When this law was yemzucterl, t_l1c..I)¢1'I1OCr2Lf3 ;1sse1~t. that -the Fed- er:a.liss1:s were endepevoluring to estahliszh a. mopnm-chy. ‘At euch la timepiit .l ’ rntmt l'1::.ve been their iirsit srep,;1:heir only means of succesm. to silence ‘italic _ cmquiry, that the people might nottstmpect, until the object was Ta?ceom¥- plisshed, what ~sva.::; brooding in the cahimt of the t g0vcrnm.e11t., j vm, mt ‘rhczt wary time, they passed an e.ct:,l dertrzayirzg the ztrxiple spatfety,ii:whicl1 the common law then aii’orc1ed,--forliy tliztt, iriestate pmsccuiio;j,‘ln-at/z is he. libel, and therefore, not to be spo.I«ter1‘witl1out p11.e.zard.e-send. giving ‘every person the fr1l1"'1iberty of 15uiiI.is1ii.11g ani1'sple”aking;vvitltimpzmitjz,lwligiteya er he comic; spbst.entiate ii1.erid§c;1ce. ‘ l o ‘ j e l i i it army wars disbanded, by the law that produced it. The Sedition Act expired or course, because in its creation it was temporary.. , For these measures, ‘ “therefore” they can claim no credit, except that of Q, having; done no evil; and on this principle, the gov- ernment that does nothing, is entitled to the most applause, i i l i 7 BUT all their actions have not been “1‘1egative. They have abolished the Judiciary, Wl1(i‘1‘1 the Con- eititutio11i‘exptressly says, that the Jllclg‘-CS of l;lf‘l€": U.- nited States, shall hold theiroilice during good he- haviour. It is a sound rule in the construction of laws, to interpret thorn acco1*din§g; to the obvious meaning of the Legis1atL1r*e that produced them. Yet thoee JL1c.lges were dis1nissed without l1'fl’_pC3€lCl”1-~ rnent ; without even the prc'tc=7zsz"0rz that they had committed a crirne. Can this be holding an oflice during good be/ziaeiotzrily ?-—t-—-C)nerof these ‘raw 0 Conclu-9 i siionsmnst follow ; either the tstipreme A judieialpotnu errnay be annihilatjediat the will of the Legislattlre, (which by all writers isdefined to be the eseence of tyrany) or the Constitution has been violated. T HE ‘President has dismissed from ofiice, (1t11"'- ing the 1“€:C€SS“Of the Senate, and‘, thereby, esta.blish-,. ed a principle, by which he can keep his own min» ions in authority, at least three fourths of thetime, in defiance of all therpowers of gFover111ne11t,,Wl1e1i the Constitution declares, that he shall only rzarrzitizrzaze l ~ . A and appoint by and Witli the acieice and Cayzsmit __of the Senate. l A r ‘THEY have yaltyeredthe A“ Magma charta” of our llgibterties, and given to the strorzg the power of the tveczlz. r l A t i pp ‘Wnarri will be the event of this a rapid progres- sion in change, time alone can .deter1fnine. . Expem rience has long since told us, that Constitutions, be- fore the rage of a party, are the mere Web ,,of. the spider, to enchain the lion in his wratli. Hence:;ours has been mutilated ; has been violated,agai11:a1*id aggain, while the destroyer has pronounced his euloa-» giunis, to lull the people to apatliyloi and pieacei.--- Read the letters a of. M1‘. ELLIOT ; confessions a- gainst himself. An ideot cannot doubt the object. Their own party begin to pause and to retract. We have every thing to fear, from the single state A of a Virginia. A She has czgz'cz7zz:’a fi0‘1.’U62",«‘:11‘ld though it be t zj;\Ir‘zz7z0zz.sfiz_c1;.zpz.r¢a’pp it, Heaven can N witness. that she has the disposition. i i l i BUT ’sLiol1rema1*I<,s,, We are told, are the result of A Federal chagrin; without foundation, and without A proprietyyibetoattse they tendito excite the jealousy of the nation. Vvould to Heaven, it were possible i to awake the fears. a A great proportion of our citi» zens only raise their sleepy heads, and look about, anddoze again, Wl1ll@1"L1i1‘1l‘1OV('31‘Si round them like a mist. ~ A strange infatuation has seizeclthe mind. New-Eiiglaiid, though the first to vindioaie her free.» .,do,n'1,pis the first to destroy it ; tliough she is the nursery of science and the arts, yet sheisthe stew ofignoranee ; though she will have no slaves at home, yet she is the pmother of A oppression. "While the Southern states, thougli not who .compared to l‘ A Eastern, arefthe cloud by day, and the oillar of ifire by night. VW: folltoiw them implicitly,’ and st1*ange to tell I we more themas the.itGoiI3s os-Ftneznon, wliile I/2r;’i7‘.s‘/ct*vg:s(z7”¢’ N€c’c[i7zL§”o2‘p;ifleiif_]§.*e!. p Thou gh A $4 rrj.xv{71“1@1e% -’(:&‘,i'Jt'1511t%1"yeis tilled by “ sineWS"bo‘L1”ght anti A «so1dr,L>= by thee runfortourrate% Children of 4.-”xf1*i*oa, vvllose — «—fee1irrgse to pain A; , who tell their ‘seueibi1ity«,~ “a1nd¢ tlreir sorrows by the big terarrthat stands i11et1*reirA eye, w-ehil-er} ‘they rpur-sue ftheir rsilerxt rlaborsr; fyet, my~“oou?11?tEryme11,- that is oz‘/ze Jami Lr27be7*7zy;’ A T1*roug11Vo’the ?Lrord1i11gsr—fam72 mt» ~o_/Jpms-sidizz, yet we‘ ar*ei11vired,‘i1ay. we are Lxrgecwe ~1:o Wit11lthe111,~a‘s the rgL1::r1*c1im1s ofFreedom, »asr1ue1@ver«s4rer pom, t11efl‘ie11ds4o*fthe unfortur- ; ‘ em, tf§11e: ri‘irfim1~?s1:ers4 fojf joy met, r<:o1*:~so1atiron. A “ Oh! A A ‘J11 » i>me11:tT,thouA?art flecl to ‘oruris~1nbeasts§ ~iam:1 men A ihrweolost their 1'easo:r1.” But your Will not resign A the libertiesuof your country, :uorzr'bzr11donr‘t11e Wrxyss of your fathers. M Like the i1'I1II101‘ta1'C2lt0,' you will ratluer oppose a host ; like 1-mu, you will ratller perm in the effort, a11d prefer the honest fame of %z‘/2c '‘ “ 4‘ MA I, f ,__, \ ;‘ r , U or we.;eu:err1; A , Roman p;zzrz”ot,rto the rewards of zreczc/wry or co‘z’x}~—r V e‘’''% Voxbii Addrees tlka Citiiéerzel'qf».Zf7Ia&r‘zi»clirt.s%rf.r5jpirévia ~ r wb1?(IS ‘to ‘fi1”e“‘r1étst%reIrecV;tio11". > % A “ ” % L % 1" Tlroruglr thererr-.aLre'n1::.11y‘ who cIeserve,'t]A1e ernicratioris ofa11"1i‘1a.nlMid'c1Ie and So‘u{~Ahe1~n r'Srat¢s'WO3U1*€1 $UCC¢?’¢¢1Vt° "the rule, because the'i.:r territory ris'imme11'seIy rrrm-e extensive than oura, « om-1 beéa11'seV tfxeir iri11AaI$ira.i1t¥‘s are more tlmn four “times ‘as nnugnerousg. Xetgwhen we ‘lmve nothing torga.in%fi-urn adesrxrxucrriori of t11e‘Cor1strirurion, ‘ A ~eiAther rirr present or enjoyrrxent or‘%%r%rfutu_r*ejrpr‘pr.pe%:3:,s»($u‘t*e:v<~;rfv thing to lose, rm’z7I.5r“¢*,*"r 1nam.y of our "éitizensrbeliefire mm. r Fthé I)7err1eoc1*a‘rs$4re”1‘1us thaitt/zazf is our only. object, rmd, 6‘ =w]ztrt«i.9 xsrrrargrc-, A 223 A“ c A tliepilrchase of‘Louisia1'1a, ttvo facts a't"er_‘o5-r *I)z'ozz: ,4 the one, z‘/zat we /ma’ Zcz72ds‘:¢bq'fore, qfmz ex.-5 1:6/Z3722‘ gzzalizjz, more z‘/um their cm were czz/tieatc ; the it other, z‘/zczzfia nazio icomjyact is more potvezgful aiza’ /zapfy, 2‘/um ‘ZU/2872 2‘/zz'72{y scattered other/2a_Zfz/zeiglofie. Louisiana therefore, can be ofvery little irnportattce, ezxcept to secure a passage through the Missisippi; But- thatpassage it never can secure, Whilei Spain, or atiyt other mitioit holds the Filoridas:. Suppose then an iindividuztili, who hits a large family 3 who is happy in all his domestic enjoyments ;, admits into it the Spzmiard, the A1_g~erine, the Iudizui, the Tartar, and individualsfrom slmostevery nation— on earth, many ofithetn, rude as nutttre, and savage as rude ; it vvou"lc1',,, " he conduct wisely ? But suppose he should call up-- on his children to give millions for their ‘society.--—- If they were virtuous, undouhtedly they would prove obedient. Yet menflof reason and coolness, would greatly doubt the policy of such a measure ;. and suspect the motives of such a parent. I>U1.=.1:'.I’c s are iiever 1*emarkable for ettergy.-m VVheuitl1erefor'e,; their territory becotnes iriirrrenisel, theyiarc like’ :5. g77gcz7zz‘z'c 50057, with 21 little .s'pz'rz't'_: can huge hydropsie, with limbs soft, bloated, all bttrsting out with tumefaction, in Whom the 15106:! “ scarcelycitcu1ates,f1~ona o”11e‘extremity to the other‘, ‘ too umvielcl-y to be moved, Without vigottr, with-« otttsotivity, without" use. A Y'et,i my ycountrymer)‘, for this state of 11l"1~i1'igS,;_Wt“: give 900,000 dollars, per 5 anltum. THE feature in the , present aclrtiinistration, which seemed to iltave attracted, the inost attention”, ly es ieeconorny. i,ThlS11ELS been echoed throttgli the“ Uruion; has been the constant theme of e::ho1*ta~r tion from thePriest of Apollo, to the most humble’ p¢11ite11t,. that worships at lflis shri11e; has made more converts, than all the other r-ninisteyrial-ipraxis, from the Presidential “ thorough bass,” to the Whining" of his hirelings repetition. ii Wt: ILE7 her children have been expiring in clun- , goons, America has boasted of her riches, and her gains; n1iserli»ke,, has paid her six per cerzrzmz, and ~ lefty her family to perish for the vvantfil‘ A A system so procligal of honour, so p‘rodigal~ of life, should in- tleecl have sometl1i11g more than economy to jzrszxwr it, something; more tl~‘l£t1"1 economy to recommend it, Yet the present aclministratio11 have only paid 13,000,000 of the natio-In;-11 debt and added 15,000,000..~ The former, defrayed the expenees o , ef ttvo ifilzdicm wars ; of quelling mo i72szz'rrc?'ctz'a7‘2s* ;j of ‘raising ‘A aine’ar17ty‘;ii of“ Z>‘zzé”Zir2’iz'7z(g*ri 4 ncir:y~ ,5“ of redeem, ring capzieest‘; X111 liner, of completely 2 organizing an infant government, and, dedzmziirzg 2:/as mm2c_y arm,’ z/we seczarizics to/zit/z I/my dc-Ii=verecZ to 2/;:c°,z"r successors, peicl 8r,.267,t000 clo1la1"s of the natio11a1rdebrt,, The ‘ Democratic revenue has been 12,64~4,88,6 dollars per annurn.« The Fecleraili revenue was less than 6,000,.OOO.-T‘ ,Yoniwil1yfiy7n<;l from ofiici-al clocua ““ OUR ccmntryunen, who are wajiting in prisons for the arrival of our navy ;' vessels tn-med with but a singlegmz, some of them yet to be made, arid. yet to train the Atlantic’; vcss;e1s,tw11icli the gentlest breeze‘ of spxing. will overset. V D0113. ' 1' Tm; Democrats have paid, of the public debt 13,576,891‘ i Andtlieve aclclecl, the price of I.ouisiana. A 15,.0O0,000' :7leVn%a.tiojnal debtfitfter deducting all the funds in the posses- . 1-Morn, tofrthe govemnnent, a;p1>lica,blre to its rerlnetion, was, V27 mexitsfit that wit}: even the economy oft11.ei*rprede. .eessors, insteadt of 13, they should have paid 27,000,000.‘ W IF it be asked, how it -llappeliei, that tIjieyW already dis,c:1121rged more of the “nationalidebt, i than the Federalists? I answer, in the firsi place, toheir %reve11ue%11asbee11 more than twice as latge ; in the secorzdplaoe, they have had none of those extraordi— xiarytexpexices, which..necessari1y resulted from the situation of the country, and which always attend every new institution, especially one so vast, and oompltiezttedt aotltat of Govern1ne11t.v A A THE Federalists dug the chianine1s,iand coileoteti -in 1791,--about the time the Federalists..recei£reé1 -the «goveumu V t ~ - ’74+3v135=59S‘ After deducting as before it was, in 1801,—-.,.;zbout the time A the Fed»em1ists‘rcesz'gnecl z't,--- V ‘I 65,9'18,3‘1-1 -pun--— 9-I-NW0---—-*---H-0 Reduction during their administrzxtion 8,257,285 'I‘11ey also pnicl for qtxelliw; mo i:z.<:urrcct£o72..': in Pennsylvania . 1,250,000 For ,thot_mi1it:u~y prcpamtions against France and for support- ; . ing two Indian Wain ‘ i‘ ($000,000 For builcling, equipping‘, ém‘d;pu1*c1msi11g atmecl vessels before % it - V. I i the clcase of the tycmr 1799 % V - W $,8w,o0o For ditto in 1800 A n iiS,4l1*8,716 For rcacleeming; out captives at Algiers zmdc:a1~rying*ix:1to efliact V t t V t i L 1:t87i5:754= treaties; with the Medeitex-mnenn powers i M to . A Axnounting in..the whole to 24,585,002}? Beside the expencesa for light lxonses, fo1~tifications, Ste”. &c‘. t w11ich‘cm1noHae iexlxibited in 21 ntsite. t t , V ’1‘he 2L'1'1m.1Zt'1‘ Democmticwlficvenue lxasdlaeeiu 1'f.5,f54*1=,0i}0 i The :mm1a.1 Feclei-23.1 ilovettzxe was only * ’. «fin-.¢$.t05i,13§ » ‘l*his view‘ of the snbje-.ct is given .fX‘01‘l'1*t11e very i a.b1ei7istatea=nents«o‘.E’ time IN.-t_v. TAoc3A.n'r,t ptxblislmodgillt the Hdfivzpnlzirgeni JGa£§’W'z 3nd 1:3 nncloubtedlytcorrect. n t M 1 % . , o A‘ A _ V f"" j_tVi<:1ei the ~ etntetnetut of ‘TM; o%,Mz,m‘;%% : ”S’_§f1'1iCh W? 13?-‘T9’ %%31F¢3?3€§: :2.1JL1d,ed.'" 7 * i t i 23 the streams. tTheir successors had nothing to do, i but raise the gates, and the tvvaters flowed Yet, because the machinery is more productive, ‘ thari when the architects were devising, forming and bal-.. ancing it? the arrogant directors boast ‘sofas’ their a-. lchievenients.‘ The simple boythat blows the heel.‘- lows, strutsbefo1=e the mechanist who frames the or» gan, is even prefered to Timotheus, who strikes the "anthem, that swells before the altar, l and chills, and _sootl1s,i and charmsvthe votaries ttltat surrouncl it THUS my countrymen, I have given you an hex- hilfitioii of the Federal and Democratic administra.- anon; imperfect, I acknowledge, but much~=~longe1' than I could have Wished. A Viewthern from first to last; Ileave you to conjecture the result, But for another purpose, let us pause and query. l A A JV/zczt is zheabjebz rgfiiit/Lei Fm’eralisr?, maze of V the Demucrczt? »Are‘ there not certain‘ features, l wl’1'1C11_d‘iS‘ti11g‘L1iSh them ? which shew the general tendencyof tliei1~limeast1.j11es ? T/ze raising afar: (try A grzypzfq idcfand our rig/22: ; qfa many to prams‘: our commerce; 2/haze gstalzlislzmenz tqf at 5-’ucZz'ciar_y,z/m_zl r_7zz3rz';:e mfg/zzbe cczlrvvwcz’ /icmze to 1/26 dogma ; Z/‘Le icrz-9 aciiozz cf 4; serliziozz (mtg, I/Amt every man mig/tr speak zruz/hand no mcmfals’/zood ;1:""""'VVhE1lZ is the language ~ of these things ? Is it m9z‘qf"e7;c:*rgy or ez'g0m- A11 these leve I A led to thewishes of aparty ; the tyra- army of Fecleralists trumpeted” through the. land ; taxes repealed ;. the vigour I 0‘f.1f1WStu11n€r~Vt3d ;" the Constitution fritte1*ed away ;——~lWhatis the irnppres.i §i9n‘*eftllese? J5 2'2; not of Zezzizjyu and cmarc/2_y .?—-.—§--»' 1’ E29 Nay, is itnot -the boast of eDemtocrats,ll.that Federal; ists are pursuing the most vigorous‘ measures '1? Is it not their 1norning, andtheir evening hymn ? Has 227205 56672 3/zetvrz 2‘/zczzyz/zczz is Z‘/26’ safir‘y Aside ?y Let the honest American come forward to the test,y,»lt:§1ncl let him :;mswer these fourquestions. Is. not the side ofczxrzarc/ty (Zcmgcrozzs ? Is not the side qf energyl less’ a’ct723ge:l'0zz5'? ‘z1rc=t7z02tl‘z‘/2:9 oFca"c_fralists jmrsuirzg. the 7720.92 ‘z:z;g*oroz.z.s‘ i7l2cczsm*es .35’ Jflrmzazf Z/zc Democrats 2'72- cZz'22z'7zg 20 26/26 (2/2;/.20sz'ze ex'tI*‘:3772c .9 A If he does not silence V c<;>n:~:.c:ie11ce,4_y ::u1cl knock reason in hetxd, he must an- sewer in the alli1*11mtlv“e. \y‘jWhere will the conclufaiotl chive him 2’ '1‘lmt Feclefalistslarehlwtays right, l’}Il do not :lpr*ete11cl.* it Butlthe” general system of theirmeas- 111*es,7 is the only ohethatleem lpreseryey our liberty :;t1‘1Cl'l11C3l€i“pf‘31”1Cl(’511CL‘i‘.. A The ‘prospects, lwhiohlll the" 1e‘ad-‘ lug Dentoemts hold up:, possess a clmm Whielt the magic of Umbro calthzmclly ldissipate. But, A God l7o1~h'icl, that they should eliurm us i;u"tol mattiacs ; or, allure 11:3 into slavery by the lustre oftheir manacles. A V Bevvaxre of the Golden chain! It has the strength of A iron; lhuuuce seizeclthe“ litterin ettclant. “ It hit 8 y E P like ttzserpextttmd stunglike a11yadder;.” Gabriel himu 1 W fiélf could not have lcomrinced that nation but that she 't‘V1.lt§VIlI’1 the A full pursuit of liberty and glory. ‘‘ Yet V aftehslte hacl committecl crimes, at which those of Gomorralt brig.hte11 into day ; after she had rolled her mztd and saxtguixmry waveseover Europe, and in .-successive undulations swept away every 1~ept1blio on the continent ; the illusion vzmished ; and-’sl“1e settled dovm zlnto 2». despotism more abezolute, ancl more prof'ouncl tltrmt the dominion of the gyztve. "”I‘his leveling system as certaittly leads to tym1111y as: sin to perditiott. 30‘ _ oT‘l1ot1gh the eourse we ought to follow be clear as the sun, we have no reason to €X1T)("3C’C that preju- dice. will yield, or that truth A will triuxnph, V TH EARE is‘ a hhistirange fatality attending man. Shou.,1d_anhgilrzgel‘/9*o;r2tz Hcaocezz preaclt to 21 congrega- V‘ tion onthe great principles ofmo1"ali.ty” and a judg- A 1ne:nth”‘toh A come, eae11? individual would believe ljlhtxaelf ezzteepted. hough we have the testimony allhistqry fwithottt a single eraception or contra- @i¢ti9naae,a11d thee»fi’i<1e110e of our own €xpe1"ie1m that anarchy alone is the door whieh dean open tyran-nu ny to our view, yet We will 22025 believe it. At But tlie juclgment will coine ; and if We refuse to listen to the Warning voice that wl1ispe1"s from the rtlinar. of our medeceesors, the period is on the wing, rapid as the flight of time, and ee1"ta'in as the shaft of fate, when it will be forever too late ; when ourhliberty will be gone and with itall that claw; can animate, or leonsole.a Sotnehnftttmje t1faVel1erha,1nayhsit., like theson h of Hilkiah on tl1¢1_'l1l11S,“ and apost1*ophise the desot lation that su1~rounds~s 111m. Here once was the seat eofha great emphreh, Under the snailest of Heaven and of freedom ehej yvas virtuoushand hhaphpy. But par.- ties arose, fnetedotn fled and now she is left desolate, of‘ How doth the city mouth that was full of people, 5.? 3,11 her friettde *112El‘_AV'€‘1A(‘1(’§3'&l_l‘l2 treaellerously with he1".."f‘ The sot111d of the late ishtno rnore heard in her cot... ttage; innocence no grnore sports upon her mhoun-— tains; but the streams mu.1*1nur to the silence of the A forest and the blasts of the evening sigltthrouglthh j hwihcle.an.d melancholy waste. A A I"IZ‘s7._Z'".S7. NOTE.» After the mmxxscript Karl been delivered to the 15ri'nte‘r'-,1 Viv-31$‘. too late to ma.1~:e .:m‘ 211t#erz>.tio11, a very palite’ criticism appeared invthe Re» % publican Spy, Aqn agsentence 3»fvbic11119.d’been omitted, A viz. L“ W/’2e7?e”cz_:'a' “ ‘ . éfmt/rage, Rome. czzzcz.’ Gméfce T/fie 2.j2ra72t.:? cfflaréary irzbrzv L9t’m’/: czméazzcl rim‘ to?22f?2 «JHrznizibal‘;,’.ZMz2f§i.s-V5-z'm?ii3e2xs- ’z':.v2 the cz.s-Km‘ :3/7:53 coz¢;r2trv, E5’c.--»-A c1~it—-:1 1 _ .% ick who has zxssuined the ofiice of detecting and censuring the errors of ' A others should at least, be correct 11i1nself. By adxferting to Justin, 32--—4«, > the gemlemzm will fix-zcl, that Prusias newer :m1‘n~c;1ered Itlzmnibal, zmd. flmf: Flziminius was not 3. Rawzavz Ccmsul at the time he cléxnmnded hzm, ‘::L1'1t1t1'1€’¢t there: have been t1n~ee~Hu1miAb‘a1s in C:*:.1~thage, za.11%gem=:mls. But suppose rhea I-Iaxmibal alluded to was killed by P1‘i.1SiZLS, and never 1-exnovétd to"Car- - A flmge. By a.’very«comA1'rion rheto1'ica1‘~figm-e, he might be Lspoken of a,s 11o'v-J ex-"mg around his coum:ry,t11oug'h11e were more than av t/1.c:=u.9a2zci ';1';<«i[e.9 dis- tzmt, and I1. 11'1on11‘1"x‘1c=:x1t might: be spoken firf as erected to his Inemmc T, 2.11;} % tomb for his ashes, though he himself were zmraong the antipodes; 'By’Vf‘11¥'£-‘%V leaat a.ttenti<'m to the omtors or peers, the gexxtleunaxu will find. that, thou_5;1'1~ his criticisnl wars 29.Im11A~‘RKA.BI«Y mcm:._>:1ovs, yet rhat it was 33.0%: Ye-1-y _jm:.’t..