AN 0 %R A 1 “I? N? 33ELI”V§§1U3DA'I” PI:..o~x«*”1D:2:NcE, IN “I"I~IE Aflxzasr C0.N'GJ¥2Zi’c.}%' AMM =2“..7.Lv\7« 1731:, WM THE Fauirth of ju1y“,I804. ....mmu.... ¢._. -n--u an By the Reva, JM/IE8 'WxLs0N., 1"a{£or of the Second Cmxugrcgatiazmal C11ur3.:h; w_......___ .,m.. "anu‘Lw...........t_I:In_m.w. flnnlulawu 1>12:. 0 ‘V I :13 N cAE=fimAA % PRINTED ma H E A '1: 0 N Ea’ w1L L 1 A M 3%., % . Committae of Arrangements for the 4th oi? Iuly Tn; H M behalf ofthe town prefent their thanks to the Rev. Mr. 'Wn..- ( ‘ meg:f:a.ry,% and requefi Ha capy fox; the p‘zfefs.._ % A AA H ‘ ' H ~ ‘ H JEREMIAH OLNEY; THOMAS P. XVES, ‘ VV"I'LI.IAM ALLEN» JAMES BURRILL, Jun. JOHN WHIPPLE, V NATHAN FISHER, TRISTAM BURGESS; PHILIP MARTIN, % % ‘WILLIAM BARTON, H M _ % M ~ HENRY SMITH. ‘ % P’ravidmce, _‘7z:zjy 6&2‘/5,~ I804.» % 4:‘ M M son, for his Oration Adelivered at the ce.-1ebrat.io11: of that MAnni-L IN'comp1iam;c wiithw the-requefl of, and tI1rough the Com» H mittee of Arraalgtements, the following Ofation is refpeétfully M H prefentgd. to the Citizens o£Mhthe_ town of Providence, by‘ M’ A A A 1r;mMAuTHoB.., To the Committee of Arrangements for ' ' % % the celebration of the Annivcrfary, &c. E Pravidcmc, 61% _7u{y, 1.8045 ,,Ev§- AN R A TI 0 “N. I HE aufpicious and eventful day, which now we ceiii- A vébrate, comnmnced not, Iikrz‘-. the prcfent, axnidfi haIc;V:-- on fcenes of tranquility, when the dove rt-:po{'cd on the “olive branch, and lute of (lac Ihepherd tranfported thfi ‘liftcning villager. But thoughit was announced by the wzla rion"s martial voice, the deep founding drum, and was uttered from the cannoxfs mouth in the prefence ofhoil tile: and approaching armies, yet we1'«2A111cricm*1 citizens and foldicrs unappzxllcd. Trufling in thc~:Alrnighty, as the Founder of nations, and great Arbitrator in the lafi ap- pea1ofc0nfliE‘ting hofis‘, they refoundeclzlznerican Inde-~ pendence, and with dauntlefs courage, bad defiance ta iBrit;ain’s thuridcmiaind to the ihafus .-and Atc:zi11,pc:{i.s of war. II‘ was at this evctntful ‘moment, that Howxa, indignant at his flight: from rim battcricirsiof Dorclueffer, and ran- in Forced by the Vifjfglft tan legions of an cahflinatc and guide-dmonarch, I'ighLed on your Ihorczs, uhiifu*r*It:dithie ‘banxieis of defpotifrn,threatened, “flattered, and waged A 7 cruel warfare.‘ The J as on your coaiis felt thq ‘ A prcflion. York A022}: fail, ~N£zu~M7,1'e7ffi3v was%inVa"dcd, was «over-A-n,1n. A cloud»d in the Wweiflern horizon : Ticonderoga was ovex'v\v115_vAei*rriehdi:;i ‘Albany trembled. Theihoflile invadersizxteind to the iouth. iThc Czzv/'04 Jivzzzs, P6927;/jalvania, Georgia, and Vi7;gz'7zz'a, are deluged in “blood, are iwaflied i with fire, [fword,andumpinc. But vain are theiriviEinricsi.i Checked by W2j7ii¢zgt07z in‘ the jerfeys, A vanquifhed by Arnerican vaiour at Saratoga, , forced from the fouth, by Ma2z.i7:rzTe,ii M09’gan., and Green, i iiiii;t7e‘i‘7C<.')u‘ri”e. ii in: 1') ire‘: fart. tiivti (ieii<)iaAte iflamzis of%tlixe*va£’c l’:iCificlm, piziyto h“erit.h“c-:iir_? i‘ aiiipicz %L1°ibi)1ie. i A But what fii‘rpaffc+s '2ifi;driiihirieih‘t itiicrifi, i%\fiL£"":""$wLh‘§c1i perhaps poiierity willi yet régard as 4’ ill:-can-n-uulun the Britifh Lion croucbes, the defiineri conqueror ofSe~ A 'riazgaz;12azfzw2i,,and his legionsi, field to Amcrica’si1lufirious Chief, and to her Allies. A BUT what are the rewards for the tblis fufiained, ' A d “d wdb’ d dt 'fi1iesi”" (:1 cl puvauons en me i,a*n :00 an tea r expen e , inthis ‘arduous Acoin{l1E‘L?«i As the mead of vifiory, we this (13 I‘C‘3CO0"niZ€A11'1€TiCan Indc endence. Asthe reward , . 0 A A . .i P of T0113 and Priivazions, lo! we are unihackled from Britain’s wars f'romEuro e’siwa ward oliiicks. And . i ‘ ’ . P i P . . 1n our Federal Confi:1tuL1on,ias the bond of our union, palladium iofiour rights, anchor of ourLiberties, and pledge of future profperity, we receive theAbocqn%co‘xi- f‘er-red on us by the blood of a-Wzzi*mz,Moaz2‘§o2ne+y,i and an hey} of/alien /5*aAr0e5.’%% A BUT as a tefi; ofthe importamze oftliisilridependience, efficiency ofthis Confiitutioiz, and as t‘.‘.Vi'1")CiV€ oftha tail-4% rants and integrity ofthofe who have exercifed the high. eff powers which it confers, we fhzill 1'ecogn‘ize, in a few r:.mi£"pi%cuous% iiifiancesg, the eniiancizig profperity of uiuri cmintry under theiiir ifafhzring patrcjnager. ‘ VVERE we here to gianci icmiyiioin a firigie pariticuiari, A how uianifefi wduidiibeithe iII1pTOV€i'D€nt0f Gui‘ c0i1dAi- rion. Coxitemipiatmif ycaix wili, AmAAeri~caii cicmmerce. “‘-v, .1‘ ‘ II -ilw . ‘ i -‘ '.,b‘ ‘n,; PIIOTLO the revolutionntwas 1'€i)£l"1Ei',€d‘t0 Great.-flBiri1tz-mi‘ and her terri£orAies;. BiUCiI‘iOW, aiiliumpe folicits her Al"'riAcy:1 ¢oH"ers her goIid‘dufi4and ivory. V Theimith ii-sas propofc their {pity pmdufiicins. Czimmi Ti1e¢InCii+:2s are €Xi}Zi)iU\I'€Ci heir. % EVi"€r1A*‘ taie: 0f f(ii9"?”:‘§'i-i§\\4‘{1§':‘§";, isfiihat arnidfi aii this c:xteri_ded iiixitér-9 -sourlic, e‘iFeéiAefiix:%w pla"nici.::“ i _.h'?l_V§?'f§iERI‘1'i1i1;1ii 3; adidcd their luxurircmti c:rr.:wpsAiAAtt;Aiiitlimfc of 5 fllulfilflnvunnddt each prectzdittg vtzalr. Commerce andagriculttire th“uti:Y exp&tidcd,neccfl1tt"ilyhtivée ptciiptielllezci tl“tt‘t1‘ttti0 of'p0pu- lation. It iSgClif3faliya.!)fi credibly ftttppol"c:d,th2tt the” nutnbtertofinhabitants in the-:l't~ Putters was about Three Mill%i0ns,~hoth at the hegitittitig mid and of thé revolu-» tionary war. The ratio of iI'lC1ti£ili:?, WiJ]€‘l'l nut ir.lte:rrttp- ted by the lwalies of war, has l)fffi‘I) {fated as doubling our ttutrtbers once in twenty~tl'm::e years. But it is now” with rtziucth probability fuppnfizdtr llltit the lztft twenty* and one years have t'nultipli£:;-d us froth if/l7't‘,’6‘ to we millipns of people. The imptilfe oflthczlie atugtnenttng numbers we texperience cm our eaficim llrcmtier, in the tmttsformaticm of villages into cities. But in the wefl, the fclurelia tlieznltfzlvczs give birth to lbvereign fltattcsg arid l‘121Vt3 added V€;mz.0m‘._, Kctttztcly, Tt+7z7zr:fl&c.',i mid (9/‘trio, to the 7‘6}tt0'<“$t.J97;(3(li Tlzimzzitt. ; A A t 3 ucr wduldyou duly; (3iiimE3tttEl‘tl71t‘? emhianlced pt-'ol}f;¢=_-... l‘ilty.(Jfll"lf2l‘(“:fiat(:?S,y0LIl fhoiuld Cmitemplzatte tlwtrir con- dition when holiilities i<‘.‘-t.".‘2‘l.i"‘£f‘d--t-'--—\t\'i.‘tt:‘l’l the balmy lhunds hf peace huflted, in this W€tt"tW£3I‘I”l land, the: tiil'c0rd:.m+t Ftioilti of battle»--when ytT.)t1I' citizens, {mitt the mila of llite: camp, with well-canted lzttimis of v*lEtot‘y', return. ed to the lwcrett; of dcimtzilic felicity; or r'cturneCl,,; with /zmtoumble _/Ews, mitt) tinxilta anti captivity, to time! ehtdearthetits of long t‘e;»artm;:d fii'it;~tndlhip~w-«what was that: tth.ctCOttt?liti0l‘tt of this land? IAn.7ix11tt1tml'eldeiht hungover it, pt1lJliC.l{CI‘c‘(2lit 1l’t7:lt.%fm'l 'th<3: Vt2’:l“‘g’6 hf‘ zttfxa lniltillationt, privata ftmttties ware much im.p()V€‘.'l‘'1£;’?Ci:,’ mtarry fatntilies from aiiiuetltce, Tfidllced to reallwaht, tliroLzgh.mearis of 1:1 tdcprecittttsd crurrczrtcy. Atrilexciell live irntportztticm t of fhreign‘ nmzrchandizca, u ncoittrcaltltafi hyflmericttn mtportatimt, but enlianctzci the growing’ calamity. The veteranfpawiotl, wearitzd in viE‘tory,or worn outwith toil, fi1'1t’.léT§§L)n his t*t;rttirn, ltis. hamlet in am» t , i t:‘;s‘, 01‘ his fruitftil farm httcotne EL wildt:rtm1st;,a‘nd‘t to cozjm pllett: i'"1iSi,fi1H‘6l‘i17lgS, his lbantyvm gas, 101“: g in atfrt:-:ars,ic2-A main unpaid. Tlie relvtmutetts areiuntp%rt)dttt€t.ivte, emdt the g¢V£‘rt)l”1lt*:ft'ttfe.t::l3l¢ arid t<,it.te1‘ii1g.itAmtitlfi tllmisvortex of ills, and from ihelis: quickli-xritis publick tidalrtd private di.lfltre:li;, tlic:Fwleml Cli.l7:I]IiZ.Zf'ltllZh£.lllZ'fpI'0VidCH[§i¢'1lIy Ipmng up. "1.wi1€tgE€fl£VVAS1i{1N c:'t*ot~t,eb;y*tlie ummitiious voiceof his 6 ’fe1low-citizehs, was called to the helm oi the States_. Aided by wife and able politicians, the true interefls of the union were defcried; and, happily for America, the principal part of the puhiick debt was met by per. mament funds. It is._.howeiver, matter of deep regret, that in but too many inriiances, and in this fiate in par- A ticular, the honourawhieaiierters of American Rights have retrtztined tmrecempenfed by that t:ot1nt.ry which owes its irideperidence ta their vaiour difplayed upon the tented field. But though in thefe .infiam:es the wifdbm and reiburces of government were inadequate to obviate difficulties or to control adverfe CiI‘Cl1'm- fiancee, yet tethe profound trteafitres of the Way/zz'9tg~ tamlzm admin'ii’tratio’n was owing, in a very great de- gree, the happy ctiange from poverty to opulence, which foot: pervaded every Hate. An enertgetickp government, producing a reiitrrefiiion ofpuhlictk credit; cornmended univerfal confidence, routed individual exertion, and» in the fttccefs of thefe exertions, gave I itability to private credit. This improvingcondition of the unioni being then met by the difafirdus wars of Europe, it new field opened, and unuiual refqurces of- fered themfeivtes to Amtetriicpan COpTDl"flfi‘.I'C€.@ The worrld t itfeif became their emporium, and the wealth of the nations was flowing into» their coffers. The jealopufy of Gpreab-Britain, and rapacity of France, were then awaited up. Ourtmaritime defence was not even in embryo; with impunity, therefore, were the prupe;r- ties of our citizetis plundered, the fources of our rev-— ermes diminiflted; and iefitlécd were the honour and 2'?1de_;D87’!rCh‘f’I2:Ct’:' of 0Ll1"_ cotmtry and govemmzent. pThe wrath of Americans was kindled, indignation burned“ in etrery'brezt{i.. An itifaxitile navytwas created, and deferifive meafurcs were reforted to. But prudence ftlggefted the importance ofrzeutrality, It recornmenpd— ed it~e:‘rtt;m{’tra.nce ; and remonfirartce tern'rieated in amic;-ibie treaty, which Iiecured, and recovered to us, mum more than ft1_CC€fSfuih0ihiiities could pofliblyi r A rphave obt.ein_e:d. i t t Tpflti. pprefent is douhtlefs a period motreproper to A {ertitiinizte the expediency of temporizing atpfitch at; C’ crifis, than }'tt7£tS“ the mornent when thelie tt“2tnt'l;tt':7tiotlt:t occurred; Then pallion and t:onjet‘:‘tttre lietzlmtdetl reafon’s eye : But time lhottlld now have lulled. pzktllltifl into candour, and fizflzs lhould lead the dil'pafli<;ma;te mind to unerring tlecifion. For fiatffts, loud and {iul - born, proclaim the legacity of that policy which, whilfi» it averted the horrorsflyof unequal wa1*liare,f‘oliered the pecuniary interefts of fiates, then but tentergling from revolutionary embarrafiment. Thefe falfis appe_:ar in the induhitable evidences of the EtCCtlmLll2'~l.t€’:L‘l wealth of our citizens. Turn your eyes wherelbever you will, and you behold tltern, not lb much indeed in the liplendottr of buildings, glitter of equipttge, c<>ftlinefs of furniture, or riehnefs of aptparelm-but you behold them in the multiplied flocks and herds, and lttxutient crops of independent land-tholders; in the navies and {lore-houliest of our mercantile community; in the opulent capitals of our numerous b:~;ml«:S and inlurttnce companies; in the vaft futnis annually and profitably expended in turnpike roacls, publiclFt-::r: t1n<:ex' in “THC; thati however fwsefsful, it is fiiliian evil pregnatit withcaiamity; that ho.{filiticz~‘s,; at that mmmexttous crifis, Wilifln the two mighty com-i» pctitors fox" zmivmflzl etvzjymr, were about to taflnniflt the World with l'H‘H‘.‘_‘XE1lUPi€d ccmflifit, might have long earn» brcziieti us in El.lI'Op€3an wa1'I'are _; that our iimngth, if m1rtm'<:+d by 2/J::'czce, bad fair to become giganitick _; yet was then.) but as that mi’ the beiarcileis iiripling; and fina11y,t‘imtm,tt hmmxzr rgrnained untarnifhecl until I‘CH)0’X"tii.I‘%1flC€ ihcxuld fail, bccattfc the _l1iiEtgt3S of able fiatefumn, of the iilumined ‘W", and of aili civiliizedy natiom, had eitabliflicd the intmrpoiitionof m:got:i.a.tion Before the fzmguinary appeal to the fwo1"d.% But negaciationisa anticipated; theih./Iiflifippi e:»tpe:di,tion is difeiimbarlted and abandon,ed ; Lztzzivzgflon. from the inrow of ]i4t2mm,, bears away the laurcits of treaty _; 'wihiH‘t in the revenue-rs nun"-tured by the» firft fE’rc2fic_ic~m.t, the: ertiitingg; g0V€.‘.’!'l’1mE.*ht finds the tniiliotm which purchafc Lmuiiiana, and which from our wef- tczrn Iirmntitzt‘, happily avert that fraternal mnb-race, Wii1r;)i‘é: .f0m'/1, czrufhtzcl the liblcrtim of $wit2:ei1'ia.rizii,t and ilf'l‘lp(’)VIEZ‘Tiii1fi1*d the ii“-Ii53‘n and lviigggilty Statczs Qfflolland. ?’itJrf:ad% tl;1e~p~lains. Vanifhrerd are rim im}:>¢,*zvir%;us f'oz*efi:;:. The" fl1e<‘:*p, cow,‘ and gene%r<;»11s !1m'{'e,% cm the vm"c1:a.xat !ezwr1s,,?fuCceed to the Abear, wolf, and 17353-:rc3f‘t1“:e%xv*i‘l~ NArts, fcience, and i¢nan12fzr&¢(x2¢*e.§, d%ifFu§‘E: a- A rmmdithi5:ir%fa}utary¢ix'xf111&mcey_; whim mhc: “ (‘:}mz“t:h+- goiz%>g bc1I”»announces :1. p:+:c>p}e favcmwed of heavexz, and invitczrd tn the: imxxfiz: 0F (End. VVM1 amticivpasions thus cmativcé, we hail the United States; we: m:mgratu- Jamie her ionher numberlefs, added rnillions ctzf’ we{%fe1*z1 (:iLi2sem, all {peaking one 1ang;u21gc~, cctmerztaszd by «me iz“iterc:fl, and unite;-d in pe:ac%e and f}:'licit~}.', xmdcx‘ om‘: gc:rseral% and happy gcaverrxmwernt. : I xl‘3“TUT ‘Whrm-" % ciuzmd in the fl11ne:%ra1ic> an: our new &.:~;iIiing rniIHz>z:i:e: mvere; fur luxury, «that kxzcfiwn enarny of p0p11Eati<‘;>z23. lrkea. {maxi rt.1fl'1c:‘,£~; in upon us. And 2.129 mxr Vr:1%,xn'1l:rt:m muItipl*y fthis wzry i11crct:1!'e,iz2 propmnicm to its rxuakgrzi-3 rude, xnuifi. unavoidably produca c2bf*t:zzc~ tiezms IIJ21 furt.hcr increafe. This p4:rba%;_::.+s tnay a’ppmr‘ ~p>2,nx“m‘Ic:v:v;ic;21l; but an ambiguity will vemifll, when ii :i:~; I“eco1l%ef:%ed, that dix"i1iniI1'1r:d rnr2a.n‘s*of i'ub£i{’tt=.rz%ce and %incm.af7x:d difeaibs are the lezgitimatc wfisprizag of %% A crczwdcdpopulution. V ” A A % V A ‘ ¢ 10 Dun geQgrap*lf::.‘all lfanrfaccg exclufivc of Louillana, is abxzaut om: millicm of lqsaare miles. Our white~in- habitams are probably {ll‘M:;>'rtlllll0flfive tmlllons. ‘But at populzuiun equal to Connefiliclut, would give us fly -;vniZli03"z5 ; ancil cxlnprs-lqxlnexl £0 Enlglzuud and lW'?a.;l:=.:sl, would lgmwllsr =0“ us two Izzmalrcdll millions, lb thatllllmur prefenlp population, czxcllufivc of the late ,lpurchafe,ll is‘ but a f0rllC»£l.‘l‘ parallel wlmat it may yetbecomc. ~ ‘Should them A mo, thrgee, «or mere cenmrieis clalpfe in filling up the vallllblaml‘ “ wars, fomign lor zlnmcllic, {hall not dallblam us? That/almilslion of lfl;,«.ves,ll fall lctzting, and increafed by akpreferit filmpolizicl and vile imporltaiioxa, will not yet lhalie tar» leribly the peace of the now llumbering S.outhl? Or that _IJOt1ifi§&na lhall not hereafter become lo us a Rival, A “great and plowerful, fulhained by the arms of Frajnce ? llllxézmzlnawcss relpefiing the future, can bcdralwn it)hlyl%l‘x*Qz11ltlm; pall anxcl prefentgl and {houid be To A rawn, »m;>t_ f1*qx‘zg qilrclullnfmibelldl and partial r eve ms and w1c:ws,Abut; frolmll vi§:wsl=l and alvleuts general and wk-telnd~ eds. ;If * :&lw::1 we would take this jull land‘ enlalrlged 3.’lr::’.3~J c;f%Vlappropriate elvenmll we flmuld mark zhelrife, flu: glory, and £129 dc:-<:_%llime,0l‘ldill:ilraguill1e:d rxalions of ailm lI:alll?«:-l:r1,:mlaemilphem. Crwllirxg fdr tlxi-3 pulrpcfel the ALlam;tic,, pallzng lthlc: pillars of llmculous, and panama»- ning Llw1$,xlcdi.;e}-mncan, y:0u._. ,fman the rrmmhsl olftlm l3~l‘il«c:, may POl3€l£§F lilgypfi; faurmxof old, her viélories, lljlm.-:1‘ <;;yl:»li;vi»<:m», ncl3 %wvjc:w.': frhkcrrel; A Pmczeecl Eallward, and in l%.=m"cl1 fofrl great Ifilinevalx :~1m:l lrcnowmzxl Babylon, lcnzwincaetl y0L1z"l??,:lft»hat ci:ir:s,l+‘&hel capitals of empiresg and exmlllzlg in rnagnlimdellall others, are: obliterated by the: lmandlof tivlne, and leave no lcertainllevildcmce of flWl'l€'l"€:A(J&l‘l;€Z”Ia‘i"g they lloocl. Return bythe ruins%%of7famed T1foy;,.l:>,ut lz.;,m'y not tolament old I-’riam’s llaughtezrecl ll"ans,%l to%l%~b<:de%%%wtl1e rc:licks%lofltl1c*irfallc2nlconquer.ors=; A A A lFf¢?‘V%é,l ill}? flflwingl tears. I OiGr.ecc;c ll Glreeclel whe re Amara thy‘ bloallflzcsdl Liber*ti¢:s,l thy rcanmarnedw Lawgxvcrsgl Heroes, and thy Oxjators P Athens l where aml f 1, I fix}! fleets,wan;d Wherc thy Attibk fires‘ .?’fiS‘parta', where‘ thy veteranbands, and Iwher%c thy valrzmur? Curh«<=:d‘ by thc+Macedonia.n, fr:*.tv.;ered by {%Romarx%le‘gions,% and cruflxed by Turkman def‘pmifm._, O Grc~rcc:e ! t'hyfbr1‘s’ areflaves, thy daughters gone into‘ c:aptivi%ty,La%n%dA thou rcmainefibut the fad mcmumem. of dx=:gr.=:nerat:;- great»- nefs. Butwherethis haughty M:;me:domian,% tlmfa fe- * fiftlefs Romans, and them mppxmfiiawg Turks? The t%wo% former‘, their ~L-Empires 2a.a1&¢1*1i.% irnvincimegAble-ms-.-fl4 from the%naI.i«:ms of ma xmrid, haveg, through clapfw centuries, exilied only can t§1e%page of Mfiery, and there exified to prociaim aha czrimvrzs; «:2? ctwrnqut-ram, the mifaries ciaf the vanquifixed, and iz41fla%bi1ity of ME that bearson ‘earth the name cnf man. A ‘Whiific the dc» A crcpit Turk, c~c>nVvuH'cd% by ‘i'n{1i1rr«~3£?i%:i<:>%n,% tmmbglcs, any the deflined prey of mpacicrsus Fra*nce*o*r fiof Ruflian ferocity. Arc:X further ‘adkncnimry 'évbm.s and Araas nee%dfu~l? Came, then, and cm the ‘banks of the: Vifiu«: la, hear the Aplaims of difmembered 4P0lan&.. Cnndoie with her, a ruined, patriot king, her flatxglatmed free- man, her brave, though vzmquifllrérd K.oI‘c:uiflc.o;.‘ and fram M»-fated Warfaw, learn Stxwarmw’s cruelty, and the triplet allitzd dctfpots’ infatiabie ambition. Opprczfi fad Hdllaxfxd claims “rmw ycxur Iifterning car. She foughc for Liberty. From France its trea flm purcha--4 fed ; flue: planted it _~-,- it grew ‘.;\“b‘l1t 011‘! its Imves are chains, its~b1o{TrJms, poverty, and its fruit, dz::fi’ruf.’tion. From H01land’s humid vapm1rLs,and fron1%thcAdclmc~ rious effluvia of her Voltwrzmz U_-/ms Tree, we now afi- cend to inhaia the balmy Abreeze <3? Gmhaz*d’s Alpin A height. But even lime, burdened is the air with fighs; for at your fee-tisblecding Swizzerhaxnd; ¢()hA! oncae famed, free, and happy natimn! fpraak forth thy wrongs; fay by whom infulted, and who have mm»- dercd thy Williarxa Tells! Hear her impeach the. 111-» vet-tcmgued Roflbau! _He prefc:-nted inficlali¢y’s illu-. fivc cup: Some 'amcmg{’t her Fons they tafied and wm intoxicated. The phi!ofa:2p’£1mrcuf Fexmsy and A A his Aapofiazc aflbciates beguitezd mm {tili further frqm 4 A 1‘,know1edge, faith, and duty. Tim Pan-1%{12n1 in- 4 fa*ni"ty camc next, in %train. A ‘Barn and Zunch werc alarxnedg tha other cantons flmxmbfired. Em E"1r‘enc,h: m » um-awn-nu age:nts.were:W?igf‘la21t; thcyl"rgal:1"r=::rl we dcmagorgrms, and ga.‘i"ned Rcifleauhldelrudeld vcrtaries. ‘ Allrwas,upl- roar, all dlivili%on., and all a prey ; l'”0I‘_l0ll. I0 ffclfiie and virt.ur.=:r Brune and his mock Frernchrllrpz1;tri<),ts%rhave.,; on Armed ~Slwitzer—land, inflified 111s alncl {wrongs tool -maze nam=e.. ‘ ‘ A A A A r .% BUT ‘difguflad with the altroclities of repazNz'ca7z Frar.-‘x<:e,l now ”ezr.pilat,ing her oPfl:ncesr under the iron ‘W2-rlifff "of an ahlblute rdefpotilm, and leaying her 5‘ bloody area” rfirewed with thu-::r COFll3S oflher illullri-r <:~=zsfors.é, !:h«.;=: rrmrdered lEng;,hein,l bow-firinlgcd, I*’i%che-. gg{3‘l,!, and lperluaps immolated lV‘Ioz‘r:aL1~———-Wel return to Rhoda—Illanc';l’s fiill peacell‘ulll,fl'mrc:. Iifuurf herelreturm rd, and in the V pr«:;:fi:m:r-3 :0? tlwrlb all‘cmbled%citizrrr11s, whatr conclulions from lEurope’s prol*l1'a.te liberties flmll we now infer E’ 1 ll ;; \ THE halt: tlhmaglxtr we~l‘pum, tlmc American free»; m:::h, like ldlegcnc-zralte Pa_.rilians, would liils the hand that lcrulhed fa:h«:=:m : Or ltlma, while their clmins were in faith‘ rijv«:';ing, they would he corxlbled by the axnulhn mental ol}t7hleplay~houfc,;the ball—-room, orlthr: puppet; fhew. *:Neitl1er dowelcsomermplate the expofure of our fl'!Vf."l¢?.‘l-l)OI.'l'1 Vfiatesrlto cxltcriorlfl violencellasl equal lmto that of Switzerland or of regenerated Poland. Th<:~: llattrer had no fircmg barriers, and the l'ormer’s_ cl;,n,1d- ll mpe’s tlzrearlraxaing hc>lls.r A ~r Capt. Alps were ulnequagl to mxr fatlxomlefs and xazirlcn lflmead ‘kt]&‘l—kf‘iC. And on which barrier, in 21 day 0l'2x:ar or r.7m1ger,~fi1OQld we polfalr. thatgrzavalr Force which our crarnxrmarce may demaI1d,.a;r1cl would lhpport, t,l1c:hv,xr1r1clc:r A the Il;~«l«-cstflmgr. ml” Divine Pmvridenc*n,, £7001“: War‘ {lmll l1.-urrzllernclnnicz-3 rm lerve=ry; h;~.mrj;l.r llEa;Cl'1_Pta_r,r::: uwiél l‘><;‘.’:’lc‘rn‘é‘"n€rla.. rr:'E’v.z*e.l;.* 1‘"im§arg;er‘wli§r;A davoulr the lhcmllm.*.l '7l‘l§':c:-..llpr::nw:%::rs; Europa iwill play om llatel0wfl’,ag;air1ll 2mnthr:+a?', zxrmfll the *wlmlr:ibec<:>.lr'1frc: at % lcragtln 3_l'l!';;‘rlY‘ l1r:lp- h;:‘:ll~‘ ;3liw:~_jr'r.::r y.r'~’l.njdc)}R:. Alf tll:lv:?ln (.'.l;l’«’L'_":fi"(."9‘Lf is c_mr wmil‘: foe, haw lhcmldl we cl<§;:2lm°c wl‘1ams~v<.~r ;9;iV¢*-‘*3 l3rIlll"ll"l m, or f(';»flars it ll "Why ll‘rc:.mVlLl ;t_l3£;‘.. wmrlsl I=”r'dr7"a'Z and R(¢“2z5Zicm’z,llblel tha rallying lf..”H'.flll!"H.‘~”< for clillczmclamongll Armrrican ciziw mnfs and llH‘c:‘:I.lH"€“n PM wlmcn lmtlu appc~llaxions are alilm cgnllirxlitiwnzsal; wmtn‘ annfliturliotmlly explaimcl, they are: m?:xrlV lym“mimc>1m; ztmrl wl'u:-"Arm clmy, lmr:ou;r, and irxtemllg, clc+l‘1m'1«:l of evexlvl l“1()n(-3.l'l man zzzrnongfl us ca bear llwrappcrlllz-axi<'m., :1 Frcleml I'3qbzlZvZz’c‘¢.'z9*l:a. A A = 0012. l:ne:lmrml T/l’}:;z//’2zfmg,z'zf0¢2, in lniél valedlflory, l;1n'mnz;s tlml llIW1lCllC)l,18 tllflinfitinns of *4‘ Nl0H.l'1€'l'I'1lan(l S()l.lf.l7F”Tl?ll lflcatcmgl ll‘flAl»:antl(: and VVr:-Item.” And l1c:nv0fic:n have we m:pc1'ienced armthcr llklxzrcctl of’ gmwing clifirords, in tlm l_jc~2alo1l1fim; of the Farnuer agairxfi the merchang and M the cmzntryl agaiz‘rlltl‘:e l‘«::~aplm't%s. 'Bl.1tWCI‘-Uldil; war lmtwixt ll‘1t':: laandlslanrl the fisrcat, or the: right lmnd and the left, he rncnre pz"cr;;l<:“>{li,e.rc>tIsl or ruinous, tlxan are tllclle rzxecrable az:i1"r“m{li‘i<:‘s betlwixt tlae: ffzvcral parts of one great wlmle P where there mcifls lilcla a re:c:i;procal intctrcolurlllct of comnjmrcel and mutuality of cllérm-r1clc2rllac.:.:al and ir1tc:rc:lls,htl1:.1t no cm: wzmzfaer can fux’*lf"er but at tl‘l€:‘.‘ rxprvzcn and z'9*j7zwjyVof lthe wzulzale finely; It is tl“1c:n as: I‘l"1‘Ell!"lll‘£‘.'tll as ifllwx'ittt$n in fim-beams, that our’ (301‘lI€;’lj”lf.l(’lI')SUarillfi not lb muczh fromlrc:allcaul{“es (bf cmmplaizllz aas l’rmn our iggrzcwralnce, mar ambition, mur ’1nerCé:rmry pzalllcnns, in one worcl, fmm a vzflousl clefirllc of the honours and emolunmnts czflofiice. Tm; gctnius of’ our gm'c:mmenm zxlgllc-l, necellarlily, but innocently, ctontribxzzes to 1115+: g1’O‘\.Vll”l c>fflriF6:s a- nwnngfi us. For that l're¢:clom (:)lt.l10l.1gl)l.,ll fpeech, and A aflioh, which rcipublimn infiixmimns guarantee, una- voic:lubly pmduces diffentimzs wl%zllcl1.,1'n fuch a mm~— munity, growxxp as wecrcls in alluxuriam foil, And A w=l“1ilfliti:; Iheinfirmity of this lorrfi fmrn of gm“erln- mentls thus to ;acc:,<:-:ler;atc: ~cor:lr'c2verfies and divifiatzsns, fothisl'm“r11itfelFand%its adnlzinllrators, liilce la-very thing; all}: lllll'am1r1lan, am lial_)l¢:: to mutati0xx,pcrVerfion, and to g:-rrolrs l€:al‘l t.o‘b»c:l expeélccl. M A ; BK?J’I‘ willaqing to avert each threatening ill and heal 14 Qua-waft tlmlwviclening; breach, we 0331“ expedients ta each friend ‘ofpaacei and advocate for liarmmw. A But what will eizgxdienis avail, ifla gexmral diifiifion of knowledge: he wamtirxg? Monarchies may exift peaceably and lie-~ «1r:t.w:~:ly amialllt general ignmance; but general ignorance is; {lent}; lo republicks. If this tlmnis a trutli, wbicli rm mam amn-ngli us will deny, can there be me much (lane to i‘lls1min%ale our numerous rifting ymith, in a mmnsm1nitj,r the nmfl pflflflllar and republican in all its feazlums cal’ any of the fame magnitude that everiexill ted on tbs: face ofthis globe? ‘Na, as 2. nation, arcane repre:f::=:nt~a.tiva:': republic; as flames, are fevemeen {inch :repul)li€:l«:s;, lamfl this number imull increafei. Each {late or rsrpublic of nihefc fevcenteen, is confiituted of a mulcimde of diflinrfzl democracies, called towns; And lmw great l1l"X-f.’:l!‘ number, may be inferred from thisi republick which, tlmugh ane of the fniallefi in the umiiaryn, yet contains t/zirty fuel: democracies. iThe.-Te wthingstcarilideretd, ihould convince us, that {band "pol.- icy, ‘d=.n;—*y, intelrefi, necefiity, wizlmane united voice, ale- mand 0i‘ourgena2ral government, of 0u%%rfiate~leg;ifla- tures;, and of all omcitizens affemblledin town~»méeLing;s, a, pmimpt and adequate filppflft of publick iI1illEtlElO1'13 com -{Jamaal m Elle due infh'uEti;«:~+ p2ll2“%:::s.~: wlm ztl:levill:d our W£i’ll adjul lied Corxl”llmti«;m”({2} tlmt. izl'}{L)-22f”lL)lJ.S flEtCi3l'llI.}7 which 0pE.".l7H3£Jl cL1r :l"mnl*:m":l: amcrl midcille l.l£1Etf:$g. have in {E11110 degree l3‘3ClOillLll{T(l slag: Illllig glarlies of Republican £mnr‘nu1ln1ms+:s~. A A V A 13U"I‘ lk:el»,* the pru*mmilirai;m tyrarxnizing over an /z;zmz;lr£cl _/Zxzvesl? Vxl/'«l1;1.t obliterate all luncluce: atltaclmxcnt to Klilu-— mpcfls pmlicyl P ‘Wha ll":lxl3juggatc: all lbealrm to E-«a:‘a¢"C1‘]‘ElL1I‘lt%}(‘l.‘).“ my lawllullly and C.0\{)i,%l'iiFKALi0r'~aflIlyr lappminted? !W'l1at rel- mmic:: Llm ¢:lncl:n l..‘(.mil“iam»1’s {muh eallc:x'n lszmurn :10 that rnargin of the “«:.vef’l.4:rn dm:=:;J. its inx1LH"n€:‘r‘.:.l:l‘)l—i’: millimn.s of Lll'llll5?(7l fr"«f:<::~ .rz‘z1«:m? .:":mcl lvx*l*2.a:1t, undc=:x' tlle blluflllzig; ml Divine l?‘rovi- c:»m agar-5, tlxaxt Lil. .-. early, t.lml7::: liigglxls, amil tlulzs Il’1dc:pezxdc:*:11cc:., f'c)rwll“1i<:l'“1l mnimdlv, ymx tuggcztlner F0110 crllzt, blttd, and conqu-<2-red? Tlxfi atl"x'l"w<3r is, tlw:l1:: can be effizfilcd Only by t.ha.L illu- » Irxiucd, virmc.m.:s Love of Cm.m.é~ry., which llmll transform azzd c0z1lblidat.e:~ us imra om lpurjzle ; into F(:LZ6Tl‘dl,'RtZ[’Jz.(../}‘~ 12.6422, 19z.:ZgI)¢r9zci.:l;lz£ A MERICANS. A A4 (:1) It is not hczrelmcant that pluljligzk infliltutiozzas llwrmglgfil. fupearccdelllllizluofiza of l rs p1*imm3 mnzure, but that the forzner flzould. fupply the lzuzk cifhtllfl latter. lZJl*sl”c§ij-l % 53 it lbrg-ottcn, xzlmn many tzmvtnx-3 zmd ibmallilutcs have: made»: mgple prmrilioxl far the ezdnumtxpn uf then: x'e1j:>cc.‘:'li've youth. g l l A l l * {"15} '1‘31is cl;;ulfe,_m‘u1 aflaw oth¢r.e=., are added fincc cfiaalivcry.