Ara QRATEON, “>2’E«?_0Ix§O'UNTC3E’;I)5 A1‘ SALEM WM» ':r:m.«: F0 UR m nay W ;—;z‘Uw, 3.3%, KW mwmmmmmaawxom an aim JWMTIONAL INDEPENDENCE“ wwwwwwwwwwwmmmwwwwwm Bur 103139;»: swam", mm. wwwwwwwwmwwmwwwwwwmw '~w2m Lmmvw dwells thcrrc is my Couxtmryu. Enanxxxm. ‘ 1: mxwrmn ma" WILLIAM mzm:‘m*_ xfimg. % lggmummg», nfm wngmgwmgs my km Mua‘sM¢a;?§¢g¢an;a¢Taw .3I;i,@},pag+£m,a,lavggum*q mffiaaupmnfiafiznea cm 8 Oman % fiiltwn. IE5‘f§I]y;“lz’Igg‘.*7§!”,f$v1 3%§.;;W?H;;£;’}’&»*.%,i71M W4 NW1 u“1W:i'fiIflf a'7I:m; MW!‘ WI] "mag Salsm, 5% July, 180.}. flaAzc. $1: :2, Tuna Committee of Azrranggcments return you thzmks for your smxi-y elegant 0rmic:m, <3ieli\*cr£!c?. yaiicrdayr in commemmmioza «of Americana .It:ciept:a1«;m"x-ca ; ;f€1¢;% !'cqv.,u:§?c a ccaigy cf the flame for Um: grcfsn W»: an:-9 Dcrrr Sir’, 3:39:52" .e7"2"ima'.£, and )'.fm:z5!c ..'5?m"v:zm‘.¢, » §A(3{";)I$ flRfl”W1\'!IN$HIELD, "1*i:”::NMY l*i¢IN(3‘!£, A ::'ommg:m j()H»E;1’1’~IA :1». g :: 1¥’1:2S. 42)‘ JOM N H t ‘1"Hr. i=1‘-I M 3.. Jun. ' A‘mrzng*¢rn:rz!:4 ]*Ut53E‘Lk’L'1 W'kil'F1‘:-, JUN. fimsarx-1 $7:c:~.Mr,' -3'4:/mt, jmfy 6, 1804:. G—m~x'rmrm;w, 1 "3fi'¢imr pmfiitc :mcm.i.~m hm; nxy mwfl, grateful return. If %tTL¢. part mvhiah I haw-‘i thu.-,1V:m‘wr m ;.»«.:xfu:rr1, in cm"nMm:.:t'xmmticm of (mi IndL‘pt‘:n-- ¢;§:*:‘et:t¢:. gave: {‘:xizsa%’aw§“ti«'-&:zx has my fxiv."xu£}&s, I am rzrrwpbf 5K‘t’3]“J:%ifl. I fuhnxit tht: (3;-mm; gr,» «, ‘uI'g;~ ttry Ems; Em wavwtymrminth ye:-::n2141* of her fazvw vgszfrssiggtmty and inaicpaxmcficzfzcgm. It is v;»;r¢:r1*&"hy of the aiigzggtaéty 0% freeman 3:0 1.‘f”Z£O1”d in :;1~m~ za,n21:a§_::» fizhcs: r.?;iV:7;:~x3 offlmh z1dmi1“:»;ib1c:’:z1t.te1i111'K1¢2Itm5. It is m»*01*«« %t%$::»:_;.*' Cm‘: mtl*1m_£1z:zfn.1 to 1 "£’;€‘£3‘.C)I'(C{-}.h.’17f.%3f rim.‘-:~. §3LlYQ}‘1Z-Riki? the iI'1V2flL.lé‘?.%fl@ inhcri*i'« rmc:c:i:... If 31%: wfsxxe mm mti§ci10mm;:*aaE::flaa ‘v'~.{«rr»1M1x1d3 ra:3.{’“oL1r p.-:m*is:.:am, 22%: were €;1:s_@prv.:::..§«:::*c:'.tc‘«:: m“' »a:;i**s«t5.,1 $1 “a*1"f(“~ :.:v.L-an ,r\?2r‘I‘ .1 " "IV. in "W H J M !..x’»...:, K~..a’.%.'«.,1 3 4: 3 pzsliw m embzrpi m the 11.*zz.1*r.2a€ti%xrc Of czjjvmtza xv§%r1i%{;:%!w1 f;:§::i4r:'%it" W331 be: 1a::*»fl* fi:m~“:'w;:r. A "E€""i~w: iits: «:‘:3a::p;».13~:'t:e:::ias-§<;c4€He:2“2c:e znay mmm zmd sfzfimsugh mar dc*{*ertec1Aca}r:itc»1gqbut it will fbe: ma *;.*xm;aI ztrmmckcry, ‘»”*withmr.~t at Ioczd; %mbita.t'%iVm:m war“ a Ymrmma.» »« % I “ I 2 % x'“m f<;::1x“c:~ffuc:h 1:>z‘1‘$ were truiy‘ tine foihs of *en%mr*w A prize... Having fled from the tyranny 0f'1"c1ig~s~ ions intolerance, they fcmught in the n.i:::=1cuhu:red wilds of America a+x1afylu};Iu from dpprcgfliom and :1 herimgéforthcir children. Ntirféd in an zadvcrfity the mofl trying, at a time when the nights of confcieme were efiabliflued by inquifm itorial edifis ; when rcligious apoflacy was dew \ aided by trials morc~abfL1rd% than Goth’i¢: 01*deals 3 W%3en heretical ccmviétions Ware cnfozwzcd at the fizxke mad the fcafifoid, with cruclties which might appa} the heart of 21 Caligula, and amrflr the puxpofe: mf a 3uwarmw...Anurfbd infuclum qdverfity, they % knew the full value of liberty,. V,ar1dV liberally paid for the purchafc. They cf.» “ tc»e:mcdVcox1f¢:iencc more than lifca 5, and 3.1nf¢t«. ( 9 3‘ taxed poverty more than Iuxuriotis depétidehcéf The pampered indulgence of floth was in their yiew neg) equivalent for ihglorious fervitude; It was the bells and the trinkets of the African, which amufe _f'anc;y", while they found his difgracc and fgflwcr his finevirs. The land. which theay explored was indeed no Canaan flowing with milk and honey, to fwectcn the rcpofe of A wcaricd pilgrimage. The yell of thc favagc: fwcpt frightful cm thfi blafts of night ;A_ and the‘ éay flat fickened at the d¢fo‘Ihation oftthte pcfihiw Ierlcc. fury, that famine fmotc with difeafe ; whom the mcrcilcfs winter {pared from dAeftru&i«i$n,, ftimk undcr the hecitic of fummef. A age, which like; A the principles which infpired it, knew‘ no_ ruler buthhcavcn,-« added perfeverm since to zeal,’ and fucccfs to pcrfeverance; The ' intrepid Aexil-cat gloxicd in thbirttoils and fecured H the: tranfportintgvtriumph of Iibartyt A They cf-—‘« t}a‘blifl1e.d rights,,~ notott the prefbription of am- tient ufage ; they cftabhihed authorities, not r;1crcIy«on the: claartemd bounty of royal muxmtiw“ ficeuce; they efl:a‘b‘Iifl1ed a nation’, A not by tlm grAa.dualA ufhrpaticm of afpihring vaffzmls on ftzudal ieignories....but they efiablitihcd the whole on. the Iegitinuate bafisaf po‘pt11‘a.r mnfcnt. No, Fc:‘II‘ta*w Citizens, we Wefffi not likle the conviftraa of Bctamy Bay,h chc plantedmlonies of dozrxtcf- Whom the taméxhawk fzwcd from itfi A Buta Cour»; A ( m fir: ‘faumanify ;nor,A1ikc freland, the fraudtziemi‘ mnquefi of acrafty cnczny. W"eAwem1n0t,,: MAkeAfeu&aIVi11%z1im, attached to the demefnees: éofa Lard ,.~: mm" defcended, like an heirloom, the heavy appendage of an imperial crown. VVe-gre.~:~w by the firezwgth of nativa vigor 3 w¢ Arofe by thVeAfoMé:e m"*intm-na1 regularity, mrfoflcr-~ %»'e<§ b‘ forei%11fi'rufl~:“2s ma unaidcad b matczzrnafl 1 Y g Y proteéiian umii we bmramc an ohjeft: of jvszmxtxs %a7mbitio.n.. A Like me oak mi’0a.u" own f'<;a1'c::fi"3 we were barn and nurtu=m»d in 51 Hay, wwhic-hi. never knew theblight 0f:oppreflic;>n, or trim engraftment of defpotifma The f0i1c:L11‘tivz~m::d E3! the labor, and the rights a.dvocatc*d by thd voice of our fsu"he‘1*s, wme equally our a//m’z':z! me!" ux1%i~ncumberm;i i‘x1hr:ritam:e. ’ZI‘§w:y mm~t.... ga~g:cd%nmf farvicm to ’pmdrz::ag;ativc, and they ¢rIaiVa1ne naicqtai$£y4fwm; rgal jmflcibag it VVha,tw~ ever %B1"it:aiz1 gaim:~:d‘over cmr i‘I<:>v:.*:m:ig~z,11ty wag the n‘1m'<:: right of power aver infant Awrzazknefs ‘ g the filent tE1uug1'1i1*fefi‘i7fibIe ties of 21 co**mmcm“ origin, a ca’mAm.on language, zagznd ai mm~m,;m fympathy. We fub*mitted nzzr hcr encsroachw :ments,A becaufewe were tnnable t‘o~refii ’c thcmn ;.;- wmc: lam" fwatirxing" bzmds, becau£.=: we w,mtm; adflrcngth. to‘ hurfi them» I. A ‘yircnxmfizmcies Voughf m Bic w*e1I4:A%Arx¢.m FMFV W afcfmmn the nattlivaof our 1"*‘~’7S’Q‘1W?1"01‘18~1‘}’ conmfi ;a~nd%v1Vndicar“cit m thoiia ( xx ) ewhohava not afcendad mfirfcprincipiefi. Withw out thcfc ccmfiderzxtions we might Vbe1:mjufl1y' branded with the ignomimy of 3. rebellixzm A eacminfi the falutar "difcijvline 0f. mrental an»- m \ . ‘ Y P } thority... % Mife1"abIei11dcE.d,%W@uid bethefophw jflry, and worthy of their c.iiiTo1Lztc~:a:mf3: C>‘f’m1{7t<2m i’&:ryi1ity.~mT1‘1<:tics 05 me pcfliticai corxwpaxft, have no analogy with n-.m.ma1 zaflixmity. The zrcmorfelefi-3 parriciclc: uxmdcrr every pretext is in»: dignsmtly banifhad from fociety, But the apinimn, mat no iAxafrit1gem%ent%of national right, not exercife of dcfpotic vengeance, A no opprgfa {ions of pltzncieringq cntelty, can j'u1fl*ifyAa mn- nunciatimn 0f bvcrcignty, isAto0 abfurd, tom xfnonfirqus, too defl:n.uf.tive, £2211“ the admpticm of rcafonor honor; V Thus: furious zeal of an Emm- prczfsa who cat1Idm1.1rdeMz:2r hufbazxd, and tho: 'M0ateci igzuorance of :51 Papa, who cou1d:1I‘mth.,. cmztatize 21 world, wcmld flxriraia from avirxdi... qsarimn of flush atrociousdcm"trim:s.> A ¢'1“‘1“-),c«.=: grofs mbeifiuuce of thefiufs, Aand thé indi fcrimina:ta appetite Aof the EccIcfiaf’cic, would loath the. unf%:emIy poifon. '”I”hey' might 4 fwa}1,oWAthc dogma of tranfubfi:.»1ntiation4;% but no jefuiflry could win from their crmi"cienccs,that political A " in_fa1I,iAbi1ity fuparcedestllc laws of nature. A To the honorof Britain lat it be remember»- a:d,th:Lt inlfmczr worflzdays this doflrinc‘was_%A never ferioufly afl‘L1Vmcd a¢sA¢tht: bafis Qf hex‘ dfiw M. ( W 3 ‘Tmiflbn Wtr us-. it can be found only in tliq . lvlack latteied rubrics of monkiili folly‘; or rim debafinig catécluifim of modem policy, mom 1 mvickcd in pr.irpofc-:,l than cqnte-rrliptiblie in Chang A mcflérw To rriakc waylfdr the grand promulg- gation of-it, confpiracieas, of political cl‘emoral-- iéaitipn have been’ conjured up _; prophefics of A irfipendinlglruini indufirioufly circulated, that I*nisfl1aperi notions of ‘a few} fanatics ‘organizecl into the principles of a new philofophy ; and in fine, the mangled iikcleton of Illumihatifm, dug frbm the bowels of Gcmiany,' tg fill up flue cauildirpiz of forcéry and brew the ominozisl ‘twitclricraiftl. ..But I paufe: from tihé purfuit. 'I”lm doélzrine of pblitical infallibility is‘ now quietly buried in the fame grave with papal fup'rcma..... . Sl'lQLllCl lanjf imlnoly charm ‘raife it once more to f‘°iéevifit’thEt glyrnpfesof the moan,” 1 we itlrufi: thé: génixzs ollfliiblerty will cxorcile the fiend, and lay it foirfrrvcr in the Red Sea of ob... A hazlfrwnéuri has 1'1‘-W3! dapfed fincc the pride of Britain; unveiled and undifputed, firllc élikloied ‘t<‘> our fathers, thgzweiiticnt of her axfbigi- trary pretentionsl ilti hacl beef: prefériptiivb xulgeof hercgnfiitqtional p0l.ic}:r,. ‘confirmed by A itherhiarter ofonc lmonairch and ratified by par-A-A A A liaméntaryixxifdcim on this: abdication N of R ano-s that,iithai“'"th*é;riilhiof Re lriefentatiaxi was re» (13%) lgxtlenfivc with the right of taxaticm...that lifb, liberty, and proparty wem controlablc only i juries in thc Courts of Law, or by peers in the: Courts of Legiflaticm. This was the darling birthright of Englifhmen ; foflcered with une-» qualled folicitudc _; felt and inbulcated with can thblig: enthufiafm... It wag bought by heroca worthy of the acquifition, A and def;-ended to 21 pofiérity worthy fo prcfcrve it“, It was the unw- V.;'1lienablcprivilege“f<3r whicl1 Hampden bled, A and Sidney fufflbrcd on the Scaflbld. Iflwez A were the fubjccfts of England, this xjight was A alfo our txrnqugilialuahltinheritancc ; iflwye were not, we pbflbfllad it from l.‘l'1l3 bounty of nature. Yet indéfianca of ball pringsiple, in oppofition. to all authority, flm boldlyaclvancedfhe doc:-«-» ytrini=:, which fubjecftedus tolthc dcpexxdmce of :1, pro,vincc:, tlm aflumptions of 2;, conqmzft. l The afplritof lAmpriclaI5:indled zztthe lnfblent A prcmnfions. She was governed by a mild, but inflexible policy. In tranquility, like the Chriflian charity, pure, holy; gentle, eafy of accéfsl, without partiality and Without hypocriw fy; “But roufcdl to indignation, lll{C'HéICUlé$y fhe rofc in‘ Ache f;¢fl1_¢nedl’ energy pf youth, and flranglled the ferpjchts that ufixrped lher cradlcu. To a mild ‘plctitionl fqx redrcfml an arnbitiops miniffry returned an imperious, tho’ ambiguou§%_!44 _ ;ap;;fv§Ier,..tq a _modcfl: fiat(,:_rn_cr;;t of wrongs, they A (M—.> mp‘§i'ed with gcompulfatory‘ adiéka, p0.if0nec’i M«'i‘l:E§_, *flh.ebitter1§'ef"s of fi11~cafrn..,to zz,da-finiwtivs mm%0n-«g firance ofrc-mz1, thcyreto1*ted menacing a;:;;::u.. fiéitions, which c?onvert;ed the lwittmfnefs of fiar;-s Vcafin into the h..1f’cf'uln¢:fs .of vengeance. The; ci1pM0f recenciliation vms clraixafida 1% to; its A%;very: dmgs...g0urifat1*1e1:s{aw tliattlwy mufi fink im» 9:0 the tafmméfs Jiof fla.vAcry, m'afl7::rt the dignity aft" madam by tha {ware}; and the baymwt; ATIW ‘habits, t}‘m:~*..~ fjrmpatiaiesz, and the aifefiionsaf fife, fo1'ce2don theirmindss the former altermtivc, Um one fidcthrcy baizcflgd anaticm, gigantic in ;';::e.::»x.ver; abmdzmt in rmrenw:-3, zmcielntc with yea 6:4-mat vifiory ; with trcrdps 05%" hereditary valorfi gallamz in cz1tcrp1‘im, zmzi Ready in difciplincm On the other fidie they behclfl a country divid-«A edin crmuncils, difi1"z,1€’x'md by j7<2:a?;0ufic;*s, and Ii-~ “min:-d in mfourcc _; undifxaipliniecl far way, but. *e..1m:zfi::d to-V flx&bmifl3on"”; "lV‘h is.* firtzatiou "Wm; fra141g:3*at wiah perils. But liife was thrrst bcrmng Lzanc"1.::§i%*ac3;s,? <.*:;%;:{:E;2ia*;'3«:e..i, wizih tiara gmmercmzs Aimmazxzw "“ c1 day, an hmw at" vAirtuAou s §%.A,ibt::.*rry, is; Wcorth, 2 W: a wiwlc-3. ctemityo»fA'b<;>nda¢ge. A A Time: awzxlizenw ixag arc1orc&}eé‘crimdevery heart ;and fi.:%rmour3t«-e mi every abaaclaz. A The genius ofourCoum1;'y Vwavszd };1isb;1nn¢rs inproteéiion ; and the 4,tl1 A _ 0f” Jj1.,1;fi1}&"A,v, 1776, witneflE:d%the1blemn appc:a%I t%0; A 1h@"%G*0¢i* Of’ r”m‘I‘1i«<:ss. thétAm¢rica Woxxldbfi free,A»orp¢rifl:ink am amt. sximimc m2m.::¢n¢r G;%%xo3‘m~xemmxvaz K M 3 eternal monument of honor to the I-i‘m*t:£Vs%ii *who conceived it. will renmin a fplaazndid e::;r:;-:—=« gexmplae to latefl pofk-rity of What a lymzmdful «;:°..:§:J E'Jk'aV=£lT1E£1'Cfl11Cfi‘€C:t, when fiapported by meergy of independence. The c}7¢Lxr:ué%:er (9? mm mam maum newt :Vappr=:mc§:w.=:s fa mien" to =a'IM“-5;,?'.§‘*z;‘.'3iE‘£}’$ as Wham fl*rz.x;.g,rgEir2.g to pm::w.~:;=rvc3 the r¥g;fm:%:;:, :mc.‘§, ;acc«z:;~mpIifl"1 EM: fi~ahr21t§cm. mi" w'2a=zm.’Ea:;i€w;;‘, Gm‘ E~7‘:.arhc:*1fs x"ne:*ited fitcamfs, zmeri tlmy o'%;3m13Em:c“1 §€"x,.~ Tlwy f?c:ez1g_:;ht_; rhcyblmzig they tr£z.1m3;rIA2c:-;§ .5»-my Ewroxm $1519: iLW§‘iiC)Ll.3 erMz;:2x~g3ri'm:*S mfam eigg'htyca11*3”' A Wm‘, thizy 1'«;mf::* m trim flzfl :§3cs“iTe£’Vi”:o:r2 of {Em baif gifts mf hrzavcm, civil? and mtligggious liberty’. AW Fain wwlcwi I dropéa vefl owr the ccmdu€c«of E1'i1::.air1 dm'ir1g%tP1i's momentous corzteflr: of thrsi ‘i3'pirit* of reaibn againft the fpirit of dmmin:;atAim'x ‘Would it ware poffiblc t0 blot her W3«T7F'C;.€flZ:2Tjv‘"V riztrurc-slties from the anrmls of o'm*1*1iflca;ry. A But" theymuft ar1?d‘Wil5I defcend t'0fl1tm'e agczs the difgraceful 1‘r':e%m‘enif1os of civilized barbm-ity. Let no om imaginethat I thimkxmramy «of the: Britiflt C}1z1ra‘ have unfore- tunatefy fvetfled an hered%‘itary hatreti in the In»- habitants or; either tide of the Engliflt tzhamtel, which neither time, not reafon, nor generofity can fubdue. ;B“ut thougtt asmen we difdain to oonfult the indignation of %acctut'z‘1"t1I:ttedA Awrom gs 3,» though as chrif‘tians,t We forgive the Brutal re;-4 \ venge ofour revolttfionary foes, ” we mufl: rew meember flldii thin gs‘ were,"’i and‘ pafs the whole;-4+ A fome leiTo11 to pofterity. Cam we forget t:'Be7 time twhen, to Agfut thits od'io«t1r’s pafiion, em ci- A A ties werewrapped in flames P‘ out widowsand ehildgjen impaled on“ the bayonet? ourwives and L x7 3 A é"riotiief‘S expdfed to the mercilefs mV*ifl1er, air iofi in the fury ofcorftemfiiimgg eiexnefits ?...Hap~ jay‘, thrice happy had it Eezeh, but one CRE; firs A hzid perifhed in the tempefrs E Cafi we fork‘- get, thatuthe etdemahéwk and {he féafpitlg knife ’a.7vere not beneathfthe refearch of martialpoli{- Cy 3 that the Indizm w'arivho6p was the fignal for the executioh of dezeds, “ whflsh freeze the firnuxxgg [filmed ahd h;:x%rrc:>w up thefotezl P” Cari we forget, tImt_prif‘onfl1i%pé, emote fizrein tlieif A pL1rp0fe, t;hOL1gh iefé; rapid in their«fii’mIity,*t1“1ari {he blaxeie hole of‘ Calffxxtéa, the loaaflufomé ebodes of thoufande of ouir ir3jui'e.:':1 umconxpiainw ifig enuinéryriden, Whiz: lingered for months it; the agonies of corrupted horror? Death had beer1f'w,eetta them :44 but if came not to relieve till emaciated peflilence had exhaufced every?’ zfeverity of torture. e'I"'he affiighted Hudfcmi “ heard nightly p1Lm'g’d bene21t’h11is fullen wave’ the: frequezi'xt cmfe,” till his V watersVt1'1ic1~tened With the fhiningpolhition. Te: this my bomb‘ the fllrieksofthe unburied dead” roll of: tbeblafi 0f xiuidxwigbt, and eaccufe the: 1.1I”1g1“;£-3!f.E:f'1;.l'1 zaeglefi K}*fft1‘1€tiI‘C0t1f1ti’”y.. Cam wefk:f>z*g>;ett1“2efi:: flfilhfig.-_3:S?. N0.»-We will forgive them ; but poflerity fl'mI’l Iearn, that :1 ci*vi1ized11z1ti.on in an eee1"11eigl1tened age hes not been afhamed to record hcrze~infaz11y' / by efuc}ie.{'a;Ari§*iiAiWiiary fi1*:1tza;3;e111se¢ “Whil§‘: we mourn mrer thefe mdferuznate views A Q V ( I8 ) tims; whofe filont fortitude was dcraiod its raw Ward in the ‘death of honor, lot it fix in our hearts tltetnightytprioo of our political falttaw» ‘tion. Shades of departed h61'Df:‘S E‘ ye who fell in the fury of the battle, and ye who pt:‘t'ifl“1t3d in the poifon of the pt*ifon...yo have not dioditt. ttain 3 Sweet is tho voice of A your fttme..,..”I‘l1o blefiings of néttiom: have fwolledt your Ttifqtliw ems..;;tho lavurolswot glory thicken on your {E24 pu1cht*est... .the g1‘€1i3i.H1d€ of Liberty immortztlizots your rnomories. Your Children £11211} triumph in your deeds 3 and by ptwpetuatiztg the rights; which“ you purchafod, flmll elevate the dignity of your €ttC}.‘1i€r‘\’Cn1fi211t$, and Wbriglttcn the fplon-« dot of your tottown t A A Left; grateful. its the tzttk to i't‘:.?t(I.‘.’(;‘: the hifcory" of latotwirnos, and A mark tho at:atrz'1*zttiotts, from revolutionary principles. Deeply its to bottom A grettodthat tttxy can bow found, wwhog. fubfotvioxtt to foreign infltuenco, or fubtlcz in i1”11(*J:£;1i0L1S }')mZ'«»«« poftr, cieprociato the rights which thoy «enjoy, and itatitt their tmctzftry by apoftacy and itt1g; itudog A After fifteen ytzats of tint: pureft civil liberty, protcétod by 2:1. confiittution -adrnirablo in *dt:fign, and wbonoficent in opomtioxt ;, ttf‘t<:::x* {if- teen years, in which commerce hat g;t.1ic1t.d to our fltoros. the trcafttros of the ottfl: and tvoft, tmdtho arts zmd fcioncos ‘oeon.cuIti~vt1tt:d with an cnttrprize unequalled in fttoccefs, if"_W’OL11d feem hardlypofliblc: that any could be found to (19%) Rafi tcA>AA human dignity, as vo1unta,riIy ta re.a..%% nounce thefe blézflings, and silk an a1"ylumAun-A der the dangerous protmf?ci.ou of‘ royalty. But Americans are to I,c:arn that ambition, }ike1\/I613? A falim-1, thinks no p1*'io11 b+1‘:i‘1Arm mc;nV1;1c::r1t§ onléyto. rc:~a<£?:irsinLqL1~ities wim, %m:1c:w‘ed vigmr, ’1'"°e*r-e I 2'01‘ E1ndpEi“1‘&f32CL1ti0I1( zgnfter’ exhaL1Pcing%VE¥u1*ope, have bet:1:1.Aci<:‘f’cir1<::d to a:t1*0fs. the ./-ktlantic, and A mam frC>n*1 z\It21n3:1Am, to St.” CrQiX..%% The rich and the powe1'fAu} hewc bmn dazzled :*VVit11A‘A$th‘c:;A%A mzzgnificencc of c:0Au1"t$, and the: b1ufl*1ing% erxffgns of nobility; Tlw: pxudctnt and the goad have bc:en aIm~n'mc1 with Vtlwdangers f ofmgperizxaanits, V 1.vl1%ia:1'1 flacnnixugg ti)-fiii_‘t every thim,g;z::flmz1t, might A ovcxwvheairrm thc;~:.m in th«z:i1*p1'a:>g;;;*1"efs. A The veii; of the tcmpla of Liberty Ims bcenrenmzra twain., and film w:rya1zars%4 d¢V0t‘€:d tc; faxlguinaraf acc;w~% * A ilazzrickziss... A On every fidc: Republican infl‘itmtion::: haw laeessn %ar~mcI<:<:~d.%‘ The quarmlsa11dAdifi‘cmionsAofA A 3f€3V‘0Il1l1t).13FAy 2-ezil l’1;~1AvA”c: been z1rtfAuIly fomanted ;zx*1clt:xag';.;er;1ret}.u AA Tim orcler cnrf de‘fApotifm,% H. 7.*)1cT)a£tc3“dC;:11”C£1AiAAAA(;i’ of u%n"wciAIdy difeafc,‘ cal m only f1*0mwa7nAt c>'f"l1if"c:*, has bcen‘cTreflAed in thé: “robes Of an Apega, th0ugh,A1ike A her, ~C0m':r::a1Aiz1g in the ormlmsznts of its boforn21poifor:c:dVdagg€r;, it folds to ccarrupif, and €:mb;mcc:st0 d€:i7croy...,.» C #0 Tlacfla events are nothere I'f3Clt¢(.‘l to zmvakgm isnw dlignaltion or cmenuatecrro;-ll: they gxrerccalleci tcllyour minldis merely to fly:-W that even inno——; cénce azjxd vlirtuc may become th§ c:l<;luc:l¢<,:la apply M A ogifis ofintolcranwcc and c1jm¢,. A Farnbeit froml -me: to.«vi~nd‘i?cate tlm :~.m'ocitiAes_ wluich have fometimes d-ifgrlaced the bell of A A Catxfes. A~ The accufations, the banlfhments, zmcl thcilihxvage pcrfidiles which have crimfomad the: Gallic annals; are deeply to be regmttccl by evew A ry. f.ric1'xdofChun1anit.y‘ agndl reafon. Thety’ have left a {lain on thé'a1~r/M ofaLiberly, which he? Wvcftal worfhipperé have fczzrcelly xvallfliecl g1fvv:1y., But let tlmfe ‘who have acldcd-ltlue tc>lrc.‘l'1&, tlml faggot, as Wellas Confouridecl; the pflngiplc with thy: acflziomlet thofe refpondl tc» their gonfqier; CCS for the unholy holrroral A Let them wc~iligh :»1-? . gainff ré\foIut.iona1fy woes, tlleflmaffacresl of Charles, theSlilberialofCatharihe, tha Crenuaml tions of Mary, and bloody perfecL1tionsl of Phiwa lip, Let them decide if the oppreffions and A crueltzies Qf .ter_1 ceptyzrics could hg too fiercely rc;laliatAcd.l A Ll::t%ltl1clnr1lclcci_&clc:" if tliefe zlccurmx-»_ l latcd wvrlongs couuld be} ’1*edr'efl'c:c_:l,M but bgyd the awn-» ful fixcrilficlte of the infiocgegdt withthfle gu%ilty.—--~_ 1 V Mas l_th%eb¢:{’c. cauf: c%;1nn<5:VdcC0II?.p'<3f¢ the: cm‘--, lruptflfiiments of ambiti_onl;” thc;worflE Cannot, Aextlnlgluifh cveryglgcam of virtuous glory. A But ;§dubI;ggui1tyarc thofc’, Who, tc»wl:ul)i:cr‘v;t1tl1is occ;1fionAimw V ‘manic timeffi ~Wa1lsf.5 That Vtzzfla; “is l¢aftAto4tI10fe; whofe rnodefiy hz1s%1.1furped all talmuts :%7w.;=:, mm whofe czmdor has Ineafumd all politim r;."::«:1I hamfly by Eh*:.”i“ .{£;:.:11c of faé?cion......No fuck. }§§*rC«@nmimaI1c«3 .isAc1z1i;mcd hem. We are proud cox1fc::fsj. that many are fmmd; in trim Oppflfiw Wl“x0fe pmvem tArz1nfccénd AtI“1e‘t,iAmid ken «Of W ::*=**vu?.:~Mca.n£i*m, 2mr.:i Awhoff: h:;mc>r' has never lneczm. “I E}... fi":.11I§.1'@d by {L2f:p§C§ But .¢'gyfMfiz'22g' ;f:rz'2m'/:!¢*.r,, one zezezivzzzmcd bc~3y0nd the: rattle and 1c:21di11g,;;*;V fli"101¢11ddifgI&C€ himfirlfby l7mfitatif resmhztionary fpirit ’yeAt*rcnminis, it mufl flame with indignation at the terribleim-« part 01*" manarchical maximm Yes, FclIo*w- Citizens, whateverforms they afllxmc, whct}‘m* the Glamorous authority of power, or the grave: m:fi:%1cn*1er1t of flaw-Vu1atiorx_; whether may dew ?€"1OL1l'1C€?, or wx.~?:ep, or entrmt, that crafty S1: rmorm whm would excluazmjge repubiican fimplicity for I“0}/211 trappimgs, zarc: the dcmdliefi enemicts M" mar mti%omI g1"eatr1c::fIf"a ACAsA%s%ANDI‘mA to fcmefszc, whezx afizch men bear fwvay, that the: woomrm I~107R:m (bf dcfpot?ifm will form he withirx the wzxliza of the VConfl'imt.im1. It will them be mo 121% to» £E1vc~.... ..T‘hc:: wmvw is fc::rti1«t: in armsgvthe GA Tm m'cfu1'rm1c1c1*ad ton! tlm foe 1 Wlmt in truth are the boafited advantages of mc3m1r<:hyP Are civil liberty and pcifozual prom tuition fecurccl A? ’”I"hc::{¢ are ,thc: trzznfcendant :rights of mankind, without whicAh1ife itfelf" Wm: 51 hezzvyburtlzcn. Look‘ over the armals mf ages, and m21rI~:: the m<:Ia,ncho“1y pi<£’cu1*cs.~~»-« 'WIw1em'vc1* we mm, notluimgg .app<:a1*s but zxgloa-» my fuc:ec::fI%ion mfte1np<.=:fls, 1igI1tcdatdiflant% in-»» i‘crv'a].<3 by :.1trzmfient fi.1nfl1i11c:2, Q%Whi»ch“1*¢r11dc1"S A Hmf fizrroundix1gA da1'1mc2I§'s more terrific. Op- pr<::Hi011 '.em<:7i crucrlty, t"r1‘urdc:r and War, c;ie‘fcribc* the p1*c)g*re:fs cf cionfiiniozz. The whims Qf a ccmrtim“, that: it1t1*ig;L1cs 055 a mifhrefa,‘ or the ammi ;( 24 4 3 get of a prince, have defolatad ki'ng<:3i:'>mé, and {acrificéd the feIicityof4miIIi04AnS. A The ‘lives of fubjeé’cs have been :00 mean forthe confidefam mm of thofe,» whotirc born for empire.-. If thé fecurity of pzmrserty be the objecfi: of govcrm mienr, wI1e1'c:is the monarch whofe rapacity has not trampled on the laws, grid w‘refl:ed frbxn in»; dufiry its fczmty pittahce? What has beeri fpared from the grafp of the micife, 1‘1asA been phzndcrcitd under the fanfcion ofa recplifltiom Even in th.:-2.tco11mry, which boafis a limit» ed confiitnxtion, fcarcely have her own hifiori-» ans, Athro’ a {cries of orm tlmufand years, traced 3.. fingle reign 11ntarn.ifl1ed by arbitrary exam t.i_ons,, zmd Lxnclouded by 11nn«ec:eH3.1ryi 'W.:11':s;.. ‘ Nzxtional honor has been the 1/1J“3g2‘:r13ret;:,=’rncc of difiatoriayl :.=u.1thority, and national’1e ‘i1ndc:viating'1*Ae{z1It. Need I advert to antient times 3 Examplcm yet lime, sxndcrcywd ziroundf me on every fide. ’T‘l‘1e vzgllies of Erin exzshca with the iillrieks ofkmurder and r.§pin’e; zmd Mm i"c1'c:z11ns of the: I1"l.dLIS' are c:l1oa1!e:c:dwit?:2 Um: blmmi «Inf its 4c:1f1»i%1dren .‘ 4 A A A A I~»;rc;,. mowcirizer:s.;.c1:mugh unc2‘er 3 mm fovermigtu the 1“i.zbjc:<‘1s ofI1cre:ditzu"y f"w;;.:y xnszjr enjoy civil happim:‘fss _; yet it is lmr the e:;m=.a1‘2’*sav A <1f*z1 filament. ’1"h*r2rc:=: is no fizfxiruxfiy {Or the fix» turc,,- A 5\Vh,crever pukfiic rc:f';7onfibi‘1iry c<:;.xfZ;:*s,, % ixsjizflfliflfi Willprcvail. NQ%cAl1a1*a1%1”1s1r'«£;:}%s}:r iié ‘i'hé::%x“2?':pV%iAr“'ziV<>:'*:,; ui:{ch<::&:?;n::&d but ‘by H.“l~”:: .*£"ugjg,;;:::fi;Vic>r%2£3 (if '¢'-'1.E‘)"1.{21‘ti‘t?i(‘.‘2'I.”1. cuff 1‘év*éi1g‘c.' ”I‘lii5; very Varxcfgjr, fa) x”m1t:h zidrx:2ii'i:'d {ma its prmmptitude mf afftion’, A b'c3Vcofn'ci3 the i0:ui3'c"¢ of it“2nt1t“x1’c1ia.bIewérrcfrs ; a’r:§d émné eM3i@Cut‘ivc «s:z‘r<;ai'% "%7'z*v;:~q'1,u;':i'1tl37ritifvofves in it a‘ déazidfiy ma£h~"qpI~:e; ’Th‘i£;Vverj7 ene£*gyi is p1‘i1'chafe:c.i My rm: mvi'f:“:i‘i駣~‘{ cmf m’iIIi0nS,~ Wlxcfe pa*czp£:-.1*%tiec;2=¢x*a{ dev%oi1A1"c:d':mé‘l ~who{'e lives am C:rufl1é*:d. ‘ by its 1‘icez:#£i‘o+ufi:‘efs. It is fhc my xf£afLi:'c:0f j u‘Ptié:e% to: be cfielibmfiate. .R.apici4ity of cicézifioti, t‘§10ug3;h itnimy fi7umVc;1f:?fr11c~:A:~s mt<:l:"1;ic:v£: mm‘ i1m:ac:3.*t::x1*:t ézjtérrgfiriizm iii: g§@mra}%Iy it“: t‘$z‘1tio’r*m}% ;afi}?1‘i;r5 13115: Wc:n"fl§ of pQVliAti‘¢:z1l'*d«::h:-.9 zfioxus. ~ '15“lm x‘n‘i;;:f;hf3'r i1‘:it<:~:*e:I}f.'s%" c>f“.‘i§flt21t¢ a.‘x‘E1'1r;:'tw» %“§f‘:r;: mc:»vec.f3 liktz £7116: ‘Wil"€‘3E3 (if :72.‘ ptzmpczt :Ih‘t:%w.% M ;fic:r‘y {"pi.r'it of ambiticzen Wtztfld (:wc’21‘If:;~zp at O3."::C-E: Jh(::- \ tint: cawizuafy c%a1‘cL1}:,1‘ti0nsA**cf 1*é:21f'01*.=£, and luunfy into 1'1’1€2-.3.fLlI'fi“::‘I~,‘ 7”Whi«::h nmhin 3;*:»’uAt‘ dcefpzzix‘ can D (I 25 3 ai*a.i~%1“Eoriz%e. If ti1is:wbe“enie1'gy, if H9113 be ;.;;,*'i”c31*§"e*'9. I ‘ésrufl: we fl1a'I'1~._1ong. be fimngers t%AoAthc:z‘n.. M‘ i.3StI1ebo:;1f.’c of a- 1'epr<:fé:nta1.tive$gr:>vemme11t% that At1ievoiVce of t~I‘xe people is difiincifly I1rm«1*d%: AA%tI1a*:;zt d¢1ib‘eration’ pr<:c»s:des- acffion : that the imv‘te1'ef’mc «M the whole are abandamdto the meme: 3:22». ry proje<9cs of few. A AA Wlmn n:21t iom.a1 fl1itl‘1 viio1‘atccl<,4 or nationa-I 1i%be1'ty* i11v;:«1d§:.d,. that }mU- I§ic%z*::z1I waits’ imt in; tardy’; iL13«dLiffcrence fo.1=th%: nod ofa princés: OI“ ishcfzz app1‘orVzfl cf .21 nuizuiflger, It concentrates fife}? for .21c.‘f%;ioxa,.,z=111<;*Z bUI‘fl‘S witlet infianta11cou‘s \7e11ge2:1'1c¢: o11%tI;1e.t?3.a1*ing ::g;;fgrcfl'b1*, Away t}i1.enwvit'h. tIm.fé%{:1:1a}1ow: d:::c:I;1matim;1s gsainfl‘ mpubfican goxrcrnmentsu. ‘Huey pofii-.-..+fEs all the f3cr€:11§_z;t1'1~ xrcquifitezt zfox" lfzzztyianal unicm in (2 7202'»/:.=' c*:2z.r/2* ; r;1";o3:'<:~: thejs: .:.m»p,_;11t not to poiTc:i'I9, The?fo1‘dicr 15.; um; led to the fie:*:1r.:;i :1 da‘I1i:dc::d vz1i§"~ fix} 2: lm film-;*"is H143: ;;~«.u'I*;:Iic; wrc31”1§“f$¢ mad gglcgnricais up “average I'1iaac0:zx1try». '”;l':‘imt: tlatzpctty int.ri-gazes of :1 cliziazéf, at tlbxc-2 fi11“y ctznf" 2*1f3u:fTti .cw1'1, c:2mr1r.:>t:A in :i"L1ch{a gOV¢31‘11I“flf::m“£‘:?.?.‘€‘&’£.‘l}»$Z«€i‘.%'1w the pr:>pu12:v.»1‘ :.‘f:c::e“11,¢i :3 3, proaf of its m';?z.r1i1‘£1'b}'r:r pcxlityw \VA;m*%i:s the: 1'"t:c>m*gcofthe I&1x1n'mz‘1+r2me, zmd flmrzmwld bc:% rim: 1&1“: ra::f*ci)rt&of A in1"L1}tk::d4virt‘uc. 'I7‘h:::- fufl7;:“riz*:gt§s, which it‘enmif1s,.~» even. in %%de1‘"c:1*;Cc2: af jufiictc, Ar<::.-~ qkzire that its czmfe fllould l>e%1':1z11*1~if"l:tfl“,A emd its; %0bjc:c?c imtioml. A A Frcermrarl (tan 1*xc:w.:r be iME:11-%-~— fiblé to marfial ardor 3. but thrcy difH2.1i1‘1 to p:“c>{7- tituteitto the Caprice 0f :3. co:,1rt¢r:.m,n, ‘m ma» 1 ~wi1"e sf 0f A3. A traiitmr. A < 27 2 A ”l:;e“t '5': be my duty then on this g;lor‘i“0usa*nln'L+ *verf:1ry to inculcate tl‘m‘l<:>vle ofthe Confiitxxtiozi, 211111;! cl1l<:.*x’ifl1 with rapt dlevoticm the l1:1flit1.1tes of El?‘rcccl<3xl‘n. ~ Vl/Ale lmve pafled the perils ofwa1:,g, lfillt ‘aw: are not yet lJ€’:y’<.)flCl‘tl‘1f3 reach of political Qlfntzlllllixmrs. A “ll)zrng;crs of 21 mofl powerful, thd” 'l?::c::1%«=::tl ixuflttcnce, impentl over oL1r”l1e:m;ls. Thé w:>i<:::c;— cf imligrmnt virtm: hascrullued the ‘apex: Maitrjr‘ 3; ‘lmrt can feize the ‘Senator in his ~'wil¢.:::-2, macl the laflllfiln in his lltéllll P every :c:'0x’x:mmnity, ll1o»wevm* blml: with privileges, or m:il«:;>1'm:<:l witl1 gglcvlxry, tlmre lwill always be found xwrfllefiés l'pi1*iAts,xvl“1o are ever watchful to: fztnthcl flame emf fmfilzion, ~a1*1d~organizetlmexnaclnixuationsl of Tim/itiom.. _ A 'U1*gecl Q by uncontrmlllalbzlrz‘ impul-«a fats, they rlic:»—tli114un1ult,l and build thczl-ir great-« Itaelé on the: rlxixmaf tllmir country. Atx~:ve1'y fix“ vomble 4n1ox‘1mlm: tlm fc::sc1'm: infinxmtions af llilnw H trigue, the lcmd cllenlunciationslof colnfpirzicy, zmmcl the cr;afty»c:ant~ing3 mf -lbyplocricy, will be employed to fhagkc lom‘*prin1«::iples, and fap film f.}3z..11"xc;lat:ior1s of national l1l"ll®I’1. Every ex15.g:irr«*:’ wlviclm ir1g<~:m.:ity canl devil}: will be f01‘Ced into a#Ii'ii0n"t_O _accompl.i.{l1 the bold clefign. Ambi--~ tion, wllm m;w::rlflL1ml>ars 11 orfleepsl, Aczzin afllxme mn tlxoufizvm fprmsto awe, to perfuade, and to iz1toXic:.m:. knows hovv. tjowin the ear of” wriofity by l~1.1rpa”i‘iZ€,yl and force: -convilftionl Son ~zhc: unwary by the point of ridictxlca. At one mimrsz its ‘voice in ltlm mufic of 9. f_yrem pours tzhxzt <::::.."a.i~?gj ‘ c:vptAiw.rz1éi1*xg;.&;’s 0f £:fl0CJ§l,1fi1'iC€3 3: at zxzicflm-1* in: wins f?wcr2tIy in the.’ tones; o~§f‘ fl21tt*.‘i’:1‘y and <;:ic:»r 3;, at zzxacithrsr itdénwtancm; in%zz}E; the: t1*1i.11‘1<;h;:zf c)f‘:.1x;'+»» cuiéxticn. ’ ?EEm*ir1g,”' i11txj%épid,4 i1*£:, i1;V:;"1d- '€?2?1r1~:':€:3 withze. haxf<:‘Ei‘m(5o<;.*1~c+f' %z:;fi%:;4tio4r1 comrmrnm ~z:m: with ‘vthdvf:.a.1ffiy4c»f E.t:;;fl:m:c11m11ts.. Ii: §331*c:> {A’cr2a1tc2:-mat its fast; with 1;,m1A1e:fitat.i11g crmlty, A wary thin g§%":o~u§*eva1* f 2-.1m"fid , &;1o'»vt~wer w:x'z<2rab1Vm, ‘s={os&L1t7;;1.,“ba;,¥z1¢z,:ty; gééiiitlsy, age, fz—1x'c': '4 *L111reh3nting1y lad to ¢:~.t<:{:1.17.5i¥:)1“a iarlél that 6.1’~3;Z'Ll1Atiflg d:::mv.m lAz1u;;3:h£; in tlm its vid?."i:1a:"u3(. . V % F A ~DmIp aini: alum pr2rtx.;r‘b»::ci. ixnagm; of 3, cixfazmn Dc) 1 pzlim th€:’di.fi1o1*tm:i fic.<:;-a.x1;;>tAf’ro:n": its f'zm.-~ W. V :F.‘mx“xct3 11:13 not zmlcmfis *s..vr;~:pt mmr tlm zrzztfll :{I.u:r:mc3fRc51a12svIEm1~1rg; ;B1‘ii‘z.lin ham. x1<:>~t:alt:)m;: bcmn c1ot1mdi%x1f‘Eac1~:c:1mhf by tiw Wars mf hm: '§M;§2:z~q 1§:~.;u3s ' 5:? M1 £;;§i§"Ifi;rzuifim:;"1 1“1£"l$_ zahvrzrry w}%1;m%::* ec3~p.¢%;":*:x1:<:*:zi.:i . fl“z:;: A “W151 5;) :13 M: i:.::' 5 z*1VrM m%‘1}i“m*iA1“1(:ip1<:<;§ :f Ia.<.€‘uioz."2yz'2*;$V:1 o;::”.*:.Jrxjm.i ha:":*;.A:1i&'£;: of 1%.: mum .. IE7?”.1"c;>1'r:a rim: tLc.:>w;4:*:.'m:';.;w15m*:3:“ m 1*<;:’vw1mt4iwcmz11'y pzmicatss in-- t::2x.*r:::x;4;1 t7%*1c:'3*'a:'ii<:;4L,ztrs. c:éf";1x*xti,cx1Vt arifl"c“>c:x*2ic:yf thfir gzm t it: SP ":3 '"zj1a~.. 1:‘. 13:13 zarlii 72:11 .. voictar A1-zzax 3 E2 :rw}m;:E%4 wandci»L1I"1c3i"wa:;::iiim;§;&3 in tjliw {7i1c2m;¢:-2 cfiaf mini %z»iz3§g_gf1%1t,. 21:71:54 V iVfits:i:d‘th 1:: re c.imzi£“t as ’ emf pi 21y 'witlV42: c,>z1*3iz“:n::>m=;A*t A p¢eaV§ m>.»;1~: ht::~r* i‘?mt<;%1":3, fizmi Eike ;12i3;c:f;?¢' £”mi3t::=;% in their full yacwmziiimxu 01" pc=:.:?M:‘cs:A, Eibcmrty, 3.‘l4‘4€‘1t'1“‘.»/’§‘i:"‘1'iT'L1¢1‘3‘.... ‘T11é“*fOng," *<’mf paazférnt echoes A jzayfuzfl tl*m';»“ Em‘ maumaxizjm; an«:,{%%%t!'1&“ clmral hymn M %13r'¢::~c:£.%2’<:mn A fkvaefler. the: m:z:z.tim5 of my w:flez1s.-mm~¥t fl"'3.:§§.N mm ‘the: 1m/‘ 1¢‘mn.a.“%‘z:<;:>1‘zA this occtsafiwza to wc:s1}~;'.m §:>jy :1 m*m.'.z-_ zficznt ¢‘uic%2‘;?;y tA'm~: ;;zniz'rzix*;=1rim1ofthis i:wri§,;*1%1t:3t~« a.~;*hi¢=:v:3:r"x“m:;‘1t«:>f’po3.iti:;::zI p¥;1il%o{%2ph}r. iiwflfi“ 1;.-gnu: ¢_‘,)~fCJLHJ’iUl,12{3L‘1'i<..ZI!.1£$E?;dI"31.i3'1i{h’E1t§4:)I1 3sm::nt ~M"a“ m -§",I=‘zmm1*i11'1*1;x*hIv<: -hr&2.:%..t}1»*0f7 xtrmm it is 1“€{i‘C3fd:";?C§. in ¢;‘ie;:c*:«4?é:~3 w*}%1ic:Ii“1‘.t".haII a:M}’::c:z'1:;*%i to ;{:;c:rfi:‘::rity, and; give imm'zA1<,3:,“te1l.iry 1'0 zv.'1zw§»:>z1;;1I; g;r1“.=:mtL2C3c::. }1i:F--— :zmss{»2«:A1"a;1s xmiz Iiwcrd 1071‘? his 0wnIz*)%A4‘nge.% A ’l"‘ha% §7 mz.1s:.i%, A Wlmgrh tz:'::u:::m;i t:h€:Ij3c3t:1z11':1tiox1 c:f Indepen~~ dc::;"a<:c:, m::;1y cru%mM«$: in tlm dufl: 5 but t}A‘1»r:%;3zabo1‘&;\ «:‘3?f ti‘1i2*ty yezms c;i:;2v<:>t:;:d to the pubiicifervice Eixzftvrcz <."=:nf'urm;:1 21 title to 2:3. glorious: parzxfpcstuity. A ‘What that“), }§5}:~:}.f[Azf:f2;~1/%Citii:a:«::nssA, ‘flizoum the rem A *»;;:3V‘11::::a.E%.iz.>zf2;ta‘0*f this (fay i111”‘p:i1*c:?. %..A4h«:>'w<:«=;v3:::;x* <::*::4'.:1V1«;-- tgtd in t:11a:a1*1t:s,A, mr £M3;li1fz*xr: in vim1«::+s, xvhr.;2 3e;;~a..,*;I1:e;: ~::1-1:: firnplicity of x*:z*pubIicz.1.11 ;§,g;0w;:xA*x1%me2r1te;,. }£3‘;:x1?bc: it jf1‘0m us to tmccxum an unggmucrwxxwzs t{}w11.;f";:>ic:ic3z*1 of thzzrs dufiggns of ther: gmat :s:=.:m;i }"”1c“>1‘m1‘~«~ 21};)1c;:. 5 r 'r‘zf1~i:3.*f% :;1.?2u...ifc:z%f:t}y ;::.<::2 5¥‘.:;w;~: i*1«::p<:tr..i Hfnlt (:ivi.=§; 'wi%Vi'a.ia:>‘1'x'z wiil 1:2 0 him gm:-V1‘ 17* We VV2.‘ti‘Cl”1\’Vm’(l‘I ff:<3I"’ §:¢jN::'1‘:[‘::CL-1t.,’;(:)1"1 _; W323.‘ 13;: §pr;::.riv3a‘ 3.r;::211'mi1‘1 the fl'¢3pfiI()1"A"«»;': ;*oWt§;‘A1c g;.§L1i}1<:;M:i1""1c:m. A fpiritnuf” }:3c:1iI:ica.1 imt4:)}cr~—~ m.‘1Cv.:.‘: has §~.;;"OI1{“3‘ f7:::ax*th, mc;m:: c;iV¢::~fl*1'1A.u.’:”.’tiw “" tlmn t}V1c:~ j;%“;,:;2:i1*iic:a:e;:c th:—.fz.I: *»wI1I~:.c:tT?.:: in 4;::3‘;A22*3~;;::"3«;:af:c:, or i:h:;;: fit... mizxvzz timt w:;1fl<;:th M n<_‘:<:::n <:';>€*' «.::i::H,r."' ’ I\»’TM1*a;;~ x='4:mK _pj«:;i in its p2:<;;2§_,jg;;v*z::i ., Mam“: 3.1": (2: vfthlzvfllcscl 1?; ULM 0 R. , it ms I;jff:.;*: zrwv :1 y w.2lt1:1 indi ié'%<.:z*i11:*2i»«::;'a:;1t<£:% f"L—11*y time ihoamzjg I't:p,1.1!l;‘?.tiOLia c'.>f‘%t.‘.‘m<;: 11;»: *1:-hm: m::c:0r:1;::l£f}’.1c:c:fi§% a,;r:1c>quem:c:- o£"rI*~.c:{2:I‘1o1z;u*, zmci tlm: WCH c::.:“z?rm;:4 is.-:>.L;x1*c:.I£~.: c..:{"thc:: fl;;1tc:H“z1:V1.r‘z; it ham opcz"mcM4l tfl1;::: flc7mc;§ gntc:s .e::+{“‘ .;::1.h2z‘1‘xz*1y.,%z;m<.l fpx'»::;:zz;‘%i 21 z‘11ig;ht§«f a.1<;:.lz.1g;;c:; <=‘;.W€3L1? tlm: 1‘m:>1‘:;:1 *.m;1rI<:3. A I‘*~’-'::r«c:11:-.1r2u."‘,"a:<:*1* $1315; be-::;:1=r; , mo 1“1ig,'h f"m:% i;;t.<;; c’m*t;~z1.a;fI“cia::$1'z ,_;; t1og1c>z'y tam z.m..._. f‘"'2.::~.:“ .i;ts:4% fLz1Iyin§;§,; I10 'aIim1c*s tr.>0~13.Im far vi an 32 :a*;W&Q;‘€S. By‘ 21 1*é’v:::r{e of ;>1fi'1fi'§ties‘,. it Ms cmw.. errolled the defidhrafe of‘ philoibphy‘, :mcit1*am';é- muted thfi p411‘rei’cAgol’d‘ into the mega m«::m1’..—»....~ “W./e%arci’11deccTAA tcfid", émd flronl luigii zitzt’Iioriv*, %:*I“1a%t‘thi;s is the r.=.mI< émd indigenoz1s ofispringg cisf repubIia;‘ani{’zn, whi<:H, like the Up21s‘,..€I::an--%~A every‘ t1;1i11g, W‘hi.«::'i‘1 zzppmachcs it, imQ‘in¢- Efiofpitablcz ‘Lm1*rc~:r1nr2fs. But let thofe, whoié arg- €"ific:<"::9 1"1zW;<;': \.7»;ri1fi.1Tly f”oz"nc-2r'1tc:d& our donucfiic (iii?-A .§‘mfic>n4s, :xr‘2‘fiv-e~r this l3y%a11‘:a«pI:¢>cz11 to tlmir com 2' .4‘, ‘W;:Z‘1“f1 to fi.xpp01*t z:.i'[i,1z1bc:21n'i; % ‘"1 bro’ its. gg;c)ffc3‘11m«~~ 3*fm:1c<2s7. T1'1€3flit1’)f}’ prbtextis two ttrmxotm AA W‘ fo1‘ds‘nocy’cis mo dim t‘c> permzivct tA1*1x::c}*x1iy-» A 2‘«;"E=1Iis (pf royz:‘i'ty. it £5 :1 rm~:1*c fhalkimg pL1pVpc;':m, V t<3c;ic:*Tudc11s of‘ A0111‘ Iiberties ;A%Az1%V%p21nt0mimi{: ggh0fh%»V “"I>v'f:iic1’1 f1*m;=.4 its I1our"112pr2>nA the A flags , ” C5 beg‘11iTc’u1s%%i11ft)A fltareciitzxfyg0v:::1‘n1ncn1:. Cam Emrmy is the promii"-izuous growth of c~ve_ry age‘: A zmd (cfixne. % ‘Nothirm; 151.1% tlxepurity of awel!‘ mgtzlatecl‘ pu1’3*l‘icopimio4n, andtlfie exucrggy ofw‘ gczwxcrans ar1dcorre€i:i:ve%fym}mtI3y Cain crufli b;2a;%1¢fu1 progeny- T‘oa1t't?:-*1i%r1 this ivr"n'pc”3rt::a11t sand fhoI;1MI‘3c: i'h<:;: firffi am?bitim1of' fx?etio.n fro the pub} ic: gaod carmot :redean1 reputation {mam imridifous 21fpc1*£i'«;>x1—...i,n wmga fiuall mug asrgm /' ‘ ‘ ' wwfll) K .::€- 3 (~u‘xv§\p@ ‘ . . fl ’ H W1‘ ()1 iaDa:*,1*i3r...ma1 mm. fi%ew.fl2% wit: 0%‘ ‘V’ J» cic“m5:":¢:‘: t'°E'm; Mm'fing‘$ $d?;L*e: ta fiche chmrzm 0 aw‘ var ~ "fl'*~ H4 ::3a[3a.a:v;La:..wzz“xz§r2« .. IVE '5. Iggmd wifl few; :1 Mzzzm mm’: W532“; ?..'!E'”£{T1*f;’E7 :1 grcnke mt ”honcj%§;2g;¢e, n"z~:M:?r:w:r t;‘»“'m:‘1 %{7z_fl:~m'1i1' m :£7L1£.f§3t_2ta3£.3§, wen: y ?f5id a:~‘m;:f§§ 21 H ms t"«?:;» ‘that: fl*1»'.é;i:»:,rE~;:‘»: <:>7'f” z'é.1*i%;i7’s:c:;s::1'z1z;tj;r amci the }jg:m"’§;i1<;* .27: ca: cf,» m'm..n. zrfira "H7:~::;,‘:~ i:'n1“r"m1't;:1Ii%y of mm.“ C7€3R"1fiL'}:1’"’€fl’f‘$?§£I‘72’E"‘E:7 '.M::::%%t'L1é;“§.di4vi:1<é Czxwpfm, Will. fi't::fl”1c":1"2 u. ‘A (4% Mwz$A‘1**1. hm *$hro1i;g*§1 r:‘§:c:*mlit';;»* ’0f%'}%c>1fixt11%f*ts1Icwsilimz ’"jH:u:: m£’ci*r..+i::j§,r M it;-*3 pmwczm Iifmy fkwnczifimtrzs prawn 'aNI(“?fi‘wi:‘§ em? rap%id§tyof m<;$ti<::>z;7i ?3m1Ezmf:*"1 zmzm p:::2z"'§;»"ik:i:&;.‘ 5, but: if willrmljr .fl*ie2:w th:;7;t the f}3z*ir‘rg;rs M 15% We zmrr ?e1:afii:.:, zzmzi the:-. §mrt*z1o&a"a}»i mt?‘ my ?mlIzr12“xc:c:s31.mim te1*rLzpmwc3A;. Di fatflfrmuxa Emits!-cad W0z;134ciA1;m:4 thcr 1‘;m:%>—4» mcemt c2f§."Vt.<3 ;(:[L1tE’tH1§<:*3§“. A It xw;'4<)1\zM}::~ortc:1'v:<;l :5; I::::t:h-~ ::z1;sg,:_"§;ry w.;a,~§ afrzxxscir tM+:;':3 '2'z£0 mH;u:1":az..” Let us»: 7ih€11‘§Hfi1T€E thin: §i?*;}E"I*;‘f'i€'3;‘&.‘iE3 p(33"pfitL1it}’1.T)y :1 %ga::ncra”:n1s <:c>i“1“£‘:3;dc:m:::2:,V m<::.s~;i:cMiW. with thczr I4;:":-~ gm} z':;m§:,1§fitii¢i>z%%3$ cm” ,§;;;¢;:2*x;'®mxfn%a¥3t“;¢i5. "H9'i:é: c<.:2rzfi~~~ »;i?;ae:1“2<;‘.<:r , fie: {firm} my :1-ab L} fit: , mi mm "£’7:.m'm i<.i;1bIe_:: fair Cm"“r"a?‘:i§c:2‘i£7i£;vI:! *;*vU;I zlrfzid‘t¢:;;“m,1‘rm;»' ”!?mr.":~.”«*;:+‘.«:%* tar: }.3*Llb" 3‘ic faa~3.icit3,n Uz"mIm" M153: :n.a{"p:I<:a;::s;; M’ 21 v czxmisczrz‘, kzzjczl, yiat wzm;::1aif1:z1....,.fi<:;:1*c:‘;‘§;*, great i.nflz;*:;ibla-2, ‘1.1»»— ‘ «x::<;:~z*y, itc;oz’1*z:c*.*s:»;:i‘<:»1'Hi1,likazc": fE:'§m'r%'“s.w::7§1, m :3‘ (33) mm‘) M 1’i;*:1V1t1;;~.“;’mm W111 §g;iw3~: am iz7m:224\%?3.fEfE2 tat: A ‘$5. naticumd cha1"exafSi:m.' I‘z10.w:: w.’:zi;-i‘”c:.w:;sf2 Mars: Hm1‘”1 ffi‘:'$/“€331” imzi g;gg:<”3ra*Ats;~<;% '+.r‘§“m:2 1.3 if u :1‘§i‘»EitiaZ§HE ca» £wu::., cw Aco2f1°e:ih:d film £3;:E*?zT;3;}‘2iUi"3i1 mi" dim m3%1\‘If3., ~ £3"! 'g¢"vE ‘ t ( an "r u as g .1 «Q. 4... M a , .-~- Wm ,« ~« ~. «ran -1 -- vv" -Mm m. 1'” v mum; A W int .4 1 A “1 4.. *3 V 4 3 A: :3 w. (E 3’ H‘. ,* ;;;3, ‘y’ W.) M’; >.:,1f, 2' r. :4: s‘.,:; E» M. £ am 33.. Q A 3 ‘WI up WW‘ 1 w rt {~17 gm .. "'- " . ‘ ‘ " .” ’ “. *1“ . . ‘ . W” 5 ‘iv .‘I’- ." . .;.L ‘'9. h"'0- ;'.V * ~ \ ‘x “‘ * ' <" W3 6;: «X5. 3; 0 U, .a K ii {:5 14’ .3 R»: 3 H, KL‘ 4 3 Q 73* AK » M 143: :f_,,», ,2; if g_ ,_ 1,3: :1} *3 mu” 9 mi 3 {_ ‘ u-1 ‘I %...:rm 'é:a?;:::;A M ?c;§4?:::¢::: 4:r;s~%%;;:??;;;t»». mA:mz;.?;;:mtmnzx A hm 1:~:;;.: Miiffitfitm w «.4» n " ~ ‘ Mg‘ ‘ a " 4- ~ ' I . ‘ p-- M V, . ‘ . an I .‘- V ‘4. wve‘ aim 4.3 M L1dx:::m;: i W aszm 33;: mri 5; .. A 3 ms: £ ,1 2,3. M ‘:3 M A. W W v~ ' “ V I w A’ .‘ .3 , “$3. I T xW::'}i;fM A wh- at a " . M1 ‘ 4. Q. N u‘’;\ r"? W A Wig I mf!I1“N“I: w a» ‘ 4 T§;V'aL.,:%m:r,».A it l.‘;';aw, ‘ihifi-‘-9&.J%vi§&M‘;r,fl ."§’..££M,flrm:,&,i%£;» ,;. wuhm ym1rgg;:*:Mp, NS f«:;mm Ai t;:a:par*w¢:1i£: a1z'm‘%1i3'2Elatec1. 3:?§nt Kim: J W11: m:_’s_:§LI E: :2: i";a‘). £13» m::.1 ‘E: 35 5’ W fir ‘ W cw %? am 1"x.m.'1t;§, % Whicll um rx1C:wz2c,§ W? amt:»AE E125 :;; ::;i: fax 2%., /+;;:.z?¥; hjg «z;w::t:m 1” mm, fi€if'a“n,, fies. ?.7§.’L"&!J;’3 air” a a', bcrmufc it isAtI"1c—: glarycaf }:>1ai‘1a:2{'£:>§r>§;“,a}*« its mmdcmtiom is the coohmfl; M vx*:::{b71x.”c: 3 r2<::.4se:: p1"ur:ir::ma.'=: the z1r5t.ivc;‘ cm*1m:>i r.::af £:'3*:a:*3:’i«::;:C3: e:§~;:s~ cifioam 11%;: imp1*aflive: n1:;:m,z,1*ity' mf mid the Pcorxm M-of cr,€'§<:2.t;»W it 1'2-tVi1'cc1 c11AzOI‘~4G, camzpc/M715}! 1%/Ir, S1 DRY, mzolfinzg at We dg/E ._f ifze gin-:r_/'or;~.=zmwce.c in the Zvfcézixg 11025/c, A ALL ME} to the day, whm afferhbictctl as cane, Our gailwnt fcurcfathera prc:)c!aim’d my a nation; WV'h::n §.ibz»:rty mm-, 33 from -‘chaos the Sun, ' Arzci ilIt,1n;;”irx’c1 cmr malxn with the rays of falvatian £3 1Vf1d the z.Vex'npePc he-r vuicc .‘£5:’ hen" czhilcinm rejcxicer, M Amt} pmtn-:<‘3; kw their vrdmzxr the laws qaftlwir choice ; Wain», {M252 of tl1:::E:»1';”:vc ; are to tyrants ya: how, ' E..::~.t ~y-:,n.x1“ Ezmness blarach thtlf plainsg wheraf: yam" fires%1ix'g’d the: platzghg }3‘mm Germzgggia to Maine: nnxha wide w§ng;s_ of fame % prmid the zml which infpir’d the fublime declaration, L§kc:1:g;}1t,n§mg difl"us’d,"the bright patriot. flame ’ ' fiiivvmt wild its camzr, ar1d‘eIc:&riz’d the Nation 3 SW, tyrrmtr-;, the wind ‘With admins; can ye: taint}, Ag: w«m’:.1 rr1ig,_*ht_yc: ‘f»:tr.«:-:r the freebmrn ref mind 2 Khan 21):: flmm bite: the cluit, who to pqwef hemds the I-zrxace, Thar: C3}c;;:d"s mm promé}; mafia, wlw dam tr.) be :'"m:.. ' }"5‘.m-MW by Imgh lmwn cm the: records of fate, ‘ $mm~*i:s mat: lczwfiy ~d:: c:x*e-42*, tlzmtmraugh time {hall enciure 2 AU xzaartala am: frets, and tiwir ifizcmd «Mate: % No pK‘flf¢;,‘?ri{i‘Jt‘i£;)t'l (gar: 13:3); and ma fifliorx obfcure ; Thain" r'§§g?1r$ W m;1im.aim Nnm*. {}:'1;V:1l ilrnaflxglc in vain, N<) bartm" (“::1fl t.;¥'x;,;g.%* :l‘ae:r'1m, am ezdiflt mfi;a'x"n 3 Tlxcrx pemfh tht: cuwmd, wm {Winks :0“ ii fl::vr.:;, K*icmvc:2:x gives‘ its rich%:%%b1efl3;‘ng,s up nouriih the ‘bravm K l‘?w:K*i::§ um perils 0!’ Wm mid the dégrknefs of death, Lead by Wifdcirn our fires the drain‘ wilds tra‘ck’d Iabcrious 5 in vain famim; and ficknefh {bed pefiilcnt breath, " ' They grwr by defgat, and their zgzal was viflgorious 3 % ' % 1 L6, Li’z.uer2y’s1+ig!xt; % Througlx i'l1::~: ternpefi: {hone brighf, % % ”Tw.vaa their pillériiy day, and their clcmd by the night 3 Let thebrnvé ne’er defpair, for though myriads oppofe, V The zmn ncrv’d by freedom {hall conquer all foes. Immmta1 defign 2 when the conquemrs of old %% " Led their whims tn ‘battle for glundesr qr glory? zmfrzve/».r 31125;}: mas. tum whcetm Mm»: 'v:u,.i."nj,;' was; ir;wM3,, R<:'Tr1utaz:3’5i§ "3.;m *1%;§.z=:r.’-:"%.*mm*-M in c ‘ a:;z*m'n72a:im:r «mi? §c(M‘j;' 5 WV 31313;" i§:;H::: §';wa*s*;a;u.‘a.:s; sM'7:;:c;3z':u::;:*’é Tiacm" +11%-m~m.»; t§7.»::e,;f.,r "£:».7m1.«::‘3,, And §:sm;».sr cm- $‘,.3.'1:%: fzaallm ah»:-2 ‘mamas mfthss: frimd 2: s::a":.—?:2r t:i"1e_=:_?::a~:'w.:>-2:'-4: ‘we fhc;~.d 3. 5 F‘ A y Hmv with am: thfifi en: 2 Thaw c7’.r1c32.‘ii"7L":-. thfi vi:"§»-«L m:~f§,r hailww we ~21. 1*-;1«r;E. flu £111 rim»; (3 L21 imb, *‘%'»1'-:.?»'§"‘.”::"».".“:"I,'M1 i3‘2;*; 3£.~.§‘b&rW"°S 53£i?»~3'f*3'w Hfirr ;?;:aeat'z”im:s.; §*a%:,»:w«.~. ’;;3¢3l"‘Mifi"*.l":Ll'§L ‘W "3. S; h AI%“%.‘1z;:v:?LTj'{,’ 6.jfT‘::Z:‘?.+VafI0”i.§.«I;>3"2, W % % am. L1z.“;%;"w?:w,2’a%l £3,-«c'm;:1 &,}*xv;: iawm ’fl’1mLz§;;§%:: «an 'ihlrl1‘E."€l.‘..E§.“:|‘:"’:&~ ms..§ M Mr i.?:s;a;v,i"r % ml 1. W-F: . , % '4. A As» “ v - _ , “,'x“§5‘\. , Mzawrcr L‘;!:;ri~—-%m~;.azxaeta 3":-:;:u' §;:2wz's::~.x.s; ‘éarzm <;':mm?2. er. ‘L:.:m* g_2',*:‘:V~.r«: 9'” ‘ ' ' nh .. - LJmam[,wali’ :1‘_r;:r.:’3 m_;>t, (Emu; ¢:.t,;l\.E§2.3,L»§,L m.‘a a. A‘1»‘.s ‘V ‘M - is 'v.. y H M . ffahades 631%’ M:.::;':."3::r3 .:.:’.e...?*r,1: 3~-m”.}.‘T1fi? *m»::m;»: "aw? xrs:..«:n'¢“:<, . 1 ~ ‘ ,y r‘H’.‘~ at m '- L‘ “ V ..,, gm -.‘ v- - ~. . v‘ .1 - H F. , W3 ‘:9 I-""‘ *"‘ "r ” lm: iazrm: ctiri *,m:.%.wa ;:.i%=.::.:e..§:~; ‘M |‘:,',““t‘)t»1x‘ s3,1:..’;':r»%..1‘«H5'1_?, ¢V.aW«»~3-¢3'~:11I7’4,§2?;;; Small {wc:H t:§m_.»’ «~.:.»e.«.,.§fr; W . ,!I~ ..' 3 ' 2 ‘ 2; " ~.. u ‘L 9?. “ .-,L,..‘...?, w M? .;m~;.1 ;::x1”I».xIaM»..2 ~:m;::h lmibzff, Fzntazirx Haw ma ~m_* mi: : 16:‘: n::.«.m-airs. ms i;h:: <;§z;uy’s w¢:i7*;;£r.'x'2:?. mm:‘i:";*:a_g:3;;; I! . "h -A ‘ 1:327. 21:3 :71 1’ 57-3 W ‘ff ‘I “'[€'.'M"7'.~ E3 'iT'Tf‘§ U U: f D‘‘’‘‘‘ r '9 H113 €:e3§;‘atiw~t ¢'.~if“2>:§ i ;.1c:.“L33I3 ,, ;:2&‘IM. 3:: ll v". In ‘.9. 3,, L. .. 4‘~‘i>.z m:.~, 1...; jg X ; 22: ‘Sf "M W’ ‘ .. '1! M2‘ * at" ,". , . . . H j‘"f:”8; xi)».-;..-1 ?:.?.1“.\'m'mx3r:.a 2 ‘ ‘ ' 4' « I‘ I V"! E - rm ‘-v H’ “ n ~A‘ ~v. -«-\ ‘- ‘ 4‘ “ “§.Vhzl<;: Mm‘: em m,..7:>m ;..e;;.m 33,, <.:.m: :.t,$o:z'a2:;._,;,} Miguel}. ‘ Q .3‘ ", . V" W >1"l ,. rfv ’ fi1mi .., :.:w;:':‘w :'.€::,?.:?uEH J 5‘ Tcra flies my me ;i’m:.:" "Wham: Efflbewty tr?1-,%"z.>‘e‘:-.%1"§:=.::.,%% M 3 whzza‘. ‘Z.:u';::»:x.1‘t;iev::;; mifizr, A.x':t,, i'a.:§m:c<: zfiamr}. mia~tz;1«:a~ ctmjztw I W 1:3r"s:i;tct:f?&;i:iim':«»~«»-~w .?5.;?;".."r':3z?a Lhw;-, 5' W mil $31?-%€7i"1 tm?z'!:x.m:: e.i§ fi:i1 mmfn ‘ma: i%I?;:.§&-3;, ‘:5 n n. u u u ..3§;.3'2e;1 'm“~;.='=;€~:, in ma ?:Nf>iw;;Wa Him §37m§m M yA:se¥r:‘Ec;'%':’2\;:%c::;1 3 vw . n ' 49 .s.:";s::a‘:w~.:::3%z M2‘ zmim 1“6?!zg::gm % "‘ ‘. M . Wk.“ .. ' F 7' ‘. » , .. ‘M {.,»i"$i!.!»'.,uitfs¢-.»;5 ?:::..42;_:ri‘L Hw mu-3: .m.»m."2, A‘m..¢ z~*.}%.z=;2 3{...c_2ws,. ¢m»..3. W23: (;v:m’;t?:»(}£E:.1&32fi :3” ma: 7{;~?;;?z;:3%. wk. '7. 1' “ ygamggmmu 1 ‘The.~:=.m% trmvrxl m 31:31:“ tfirxmgnhwa '?''x'.«[ss M Ether ’1'”Z.~» jmurs to ”§H*::§,?:1**a.z»;:~, ‘mam; },wu:';.n: <4l’m:,*~:i’7;.aH:ru: grave. V»3’}"x§'i<~: 3.11:5: §';mr§g;3"a?; 33}§m".~. of em Mix... :a:fi;:v::~.:.\';v.%;Eirss fine. W"»v am, \ }.Fim.::’} ¢.":1;3~‘r..H"t3 Ma f§.,r:m:*2 ;::«2:-2}? «.%~W.rE.'-‘;i'~.-Au £"m:i2i§%¢e.s; ;..u;~»,-ma .::'a:'m§3?:m@#am 33*: mu" rz'::'sir*f:x' trm $1§f:,r'\3i5;2fl"isT31V,, W“::w::5:"I:“r ?.F“‘s1L"“:';.«"‘*~».';".’1’.'41§1.»-:‘.»Tx mmy 1rw::i"§:9 Aaizd k*.".,h«".-r. mihsl rwzra mi: ;::m:m.::a €.3«iLfl?i.1f»3 'wid¢;: ‘&;.h::~:ir ir»ie::i"'x’71r2.g;a: 5351:: *s,A"».7"3§V‘ai:3«’ .ra%_:;i;~“rz€: .zmi'=.z+:.3sh:?;. - %f”.33"z;23;7 2 %¢;m.n' «x:E"si7i%¢:3w‘2z1 ?::2:;::%1r:)3:‘:l %‘ P m5e .{1;=+;=:I§t:"2z"r.s%:1ui’ g»;Entry mifizrfl mps:;‘a:w::: 1.m7wc,*s11"t:1 5 ’Ti 1%7{ tfimmzg h i.~; Iiixfk .:;,~c1m}zmé m:m.."ax*r2: f1*1z:H'{"w::zap, £1?-».:mlc;ha0s muz*r:z~%%jm:1'% the i’ax:v.=: cxftinza damp. % % * %