_...~' ____W_w)_‘__.,.a.‘...»..-- ,. ,.:4” M .,«r ““””‘ , .57’ 41”.'«<€»-.c?*"”"5*‘T -0' .3» 7*'°i"7:” L‘/H AN 0 R A T I N DELIVERED ON THE FOURTH OF JULY, 1804? AT ST. PETER’s CHURCH PM W M SALEM, MASSACHUSETTS 2 IN COMMEMORATICN OF THE ‘ JNVDEPENDENCE OF THE UNITED ST.ATES.. By JOHN .PICKERING, Jug. Mt ‘ Id flHlm|.n..... -— “ If to pleafsz thee People, we offlzr what we otlrfblves difugw pmve, how c:'m we ;1fi:¢:rw:-11*cl3 Clctfizxici our wmk? I..et: 1'15-T5 raiflz: :3. H.I~T1I‘1d1j11"2!/5;: Ufigitcd States; qf zfgngagica, azzd many i5z'g£:v.fy irztgrg/firzg and imparg,~fant £’°t)£3'722?.S‘ '.§£.{}J.‘:f&T“1?‘;;>A4:2‘£3£’_’/:»?2’;f1L:4’3 taém place ; anal 1.622: 2% 16:: ?'.f.’gz£§?flz*;’t1 tg.far:z§{Z¢; a copy for we j2:~y}. Vorzm Azsa, T/55:2,‘ ti): Committee qf~Arrangemem‘.r «zuzzit on .?§fi’2“.% 1’£.c.-6::-izzg fir 2‘/2.5: prxzjpq/E: qf cazjzyirzg tlzafizregairgg *z:az‘e into a_=.*fi?:fz‘, B. PICKMQIN, jmz. I5_{/3%.’, jzm. Clvaérman zgf'_/M'zz;E::! Committee.’ .Z?2*g/z't{ent 0f_/Zzid flfectinga‘ 3aHLE.‘M, 5‘”z¢?yV 5', I394», SIR, \ " 76¢ regzzg/t’ caziznzurxicaied to #2,: %z.'Zw2',rt damby 1'/at Camrnittee fir» razzgamerzzir, 3.; rammed tacitly zf/Eat _/2zti.sfad'!§an, tzulriclr the approbation qf rgfiizeficzltle f2*i[ovzu~5itiager:w avg/3f to £75/fire. I_/Mmit I/58‘ performmce, % fzuit/.2 dgfidamfg, tafbzalzficatiéan. % , . , ’ I /Jam 1/53 l».arg_¢zx2~ to 5:, weiy reg/jbaxfiffaally, Tam‘ olzediezzz‘ and /Ju:22?2le_/Fzrmnt, % j_f0HN PICKERIN(?,jum;_ Clvairmmz qf t/.23 Faderal Camnzftta: of flrrangamcnrs, 59%.‘ V ‘ THE celebratioti of this‘ day; fellqw»cit“izhe’1is;l“ * V which originated the feelingsoflllbuij fathers, has now obtained the fa11€ti.o11"lof eftablifllé: ed tlfage. "We flmll not,l hoxvever, co1mne1nor2tte‘«7 the llairth of our nation from -A mere ce1'e111onioil1s compliance ‘with cuftotrl : Btpxtit may "be ufeful 0114 this im1';iverfary,wl1ile We notice Origiii, to C611; H fiderthe prilnlcpilples of our Independence, and the Corifequences expeéted A to refult from it. 1: And; would to God! the recolleétloncouldtA_ju{’c1‘yeXcite in our bofoms, that honefi: and lively exitlliifiafm, Wlxich tlle delightful profpeét of a. great, free, and permanently happy people, infpired in‘ the pfouendefslll of our nation. M‘ '1‘11ejrbehe1d n.-othillng l$ult“ttl1e:ivel~l fare and liberty bfttheirppofietity forages; while (melancholy reverfe I) we, _ ttlxeirp irnmediatpe pp tofll A A fpririg, 4 C V 5 3 tfpring, are doomed toanxious fears to “for the fafety; of our union; our freedom, and our happinefs. iTHE patriots of our Revolution, born under an. Englifit conftitution and Engliflx laws, dulyvapprew, tiated the rights which that conflcitution andthofc laws fecured to the people. Iliey {aw the fubjeétsfi of other fovereigps, bowing their necks under the. oppreflive weight of abfolute power ,-._ while. tlzey, in a_ peculiar manner, enjoyed A liberty, 4With_ liberty for their birth-—right, with thc great exam» P165 of illuitrious ancefiors. reiifiing and contr01.1ing the ino1_:dinatearnbition and ‘tyrtanniie e fway of tI1eir rulers, it was to have been, expec':};ed', that they W0u1dm.guard with vigilant citicumfpeétiohd aigd he-:-. ioic zeal, ta blefiingialxnoit exclufivelyt their own, Their jealous fpirit manifeiteti 4 itfelf on every ap-» pearance of a an invafion of their rights :: And that fpiritai Whciibyi repeated irritations it at length inflamAed, neither {nothing palliatives coeld afl‘uage,m nor the fevereit operations fubdue ; it bore down” . all oppofition, and produeed” that .difi:inguifhed~ epoch which we now commer_norate.o Tr-1:3 independenceof the United States, was taxi event, E 7 3 event of ezttraorldinary brilliancy. When‘iwe“coln-a fiderthe wealth and poweriof Great Britain, and the poverty and weaknefs of the Colonies, ‘we are aftoniihed, that ‘a. war conduéted on terms fo nn- equal, fl1011ldiI'€f11lf,l not only in concefiions to the feebler party, but in their abfolute independence. A II‘ will not at this day be queitioned, that the Colonies were warranted in reiifiing the claims of the Mother-Country, as well bytheprinciples of the Englifh Confiitntion (equally the inheritance of both,) as by their own invariable ufages from the ; earlieit periods. It was a fundamental principle of that conftitution, that the fubjeél: could not be taxed without his confent. (The Colonifis believed this right, to be not only inherent in them as Engliih fubjefis, but to have been recognized by i their fovereigns in their lcharters and forms of govern- ’ Inent: And the violation of it by Great Britain, with the folernn parliamentary declaration, of her right tobind the colonies byher laws A“ in all cafes w‘ whatfoever,” ‘produced that determined refiilance, .. which iifued i"nhofi:i1ities, and eventually, in four" A feparation from a the parent dilate... by [83 NEED not occupy your time in tracing the liif} _ tory of the war : ‘The events of it arewell known. It will be recollecfted by all, thatit was conducted with various fortune; oftener with defeats on our part, than with victories : So that at forne periods, t the tnoft fanguine of onr leaders were doubtful of a fuccefsful illue. But the perfeverance of our countrymen, the exteniion of the war to France and Holland,‘ and finally, the capture of a fecond army, determined Great Britain to relinquilh the hopelele confliét,‘ and to acl»:nowledgetl1at indepen--‘ deuce, which the fpirit and firmnefs of our {ages had early proclaimed, and which the courage of their co-patriots had maintained andll‘in firefigfhlcning thé PmY*2m¢1~ Wtinalé difiruilwfltI1¢Fedcra1la.dn1inifilmtio11=, ; lllHllEll v l A _‘ f l',A ' lthat I‘: :2 3 that fomeef our citizens, "in defiance of 1aw,Atonok. A up arms in the Caufe of France. A THE peace and fafety of the nati.0n,A Anowj impeg rioufly demanded the firm inte1'pofition of A the government, to counteraét the infidiousA xneaf1A1res_ A of France, and to refcrain our own eitizens within ‘the jufi: boundshhfbf I1eut1A‘211ity.«:--It- is everohazard-g 0113 to the rulers of a. free; people to refifg the cur.» rent of popular opiniono, and requi1_*esania;1t1'epidity; A ' Ia:-elyto bennet wi1;h.h A Suchefirmnefs, however,! was thenfound1;he Federal‘eadminifb.9ationoA;jA and A totheir inflexible pa.tri,oti;fmoWe.are perh;1psA;at Athis A A moment indebted, for o{1~rooe:éi£°cence as anindepeng dent Ana.ti:on.__ By thei§reewx3{i£2;1on1AAa;nd; Anener_gyA, we Wercnpreiflfiécl from 2.1 W1‘ in ‘%11ia~n¢eh with Reva»: lutionaxfy 1 Erhance whofe aflohciations, under» the guife of friendfliip end fraternity, have Auniformly: termingted,A thedegrading dependence, hafe {€13-,.' vitude, or politihcgl eannillilationn offtI_13e aifoeiqted nag, tions, H h A A A A THE hparty however nvereh not difconcejrted by» the refolute rneafures of the government : Difcoma fiture feemed only to animate their exertions. The A A intemperate E 13 J 4 intcemperzitic *zea‘l“* or many of our countrymen ‘ ‘(e zeal the A more nnwarréxntableg as the feveral branch- es of government had concurred in public decla;l ration of Nentra.1ity,) afibrdedlai pretext to Great Britain, for committing aggreflione on ‘tour Corn»- merce. The extent of thisiinjury dexnanldedrrepa-Vi mtion; The Federaliadminiflratioin,with that «cir-4 circumfpeéizion which our neutral pofition required; infiead of precipitately involving the country in 2. war, determined to open a negotiation Fwiith that power. On this, the clztmours of faftion were re-3 doubled. We were told, with an iaffeétedtenderei ners forour honour and our liberty; an; to negoi-J tiate with ‘all nation, once had to our ownt¢rmsl,twas‘ difgrace tyotreatixxrithi 772t2- i mzrclry, was treafon iagainfcfl repiublirzir thiiteven if a treaty agreeable to tfiui“ ‘ Wifhés he i§_conc11i.1<1- A ed, the perfidy of 13. com Would‘ he irezidyion every fuggeflzion of intereflzior ambition to Violate it. In fine,‘ the iadminifiration wascharged witl1 partialia ty for monarchy, and enmity to irepnblicaniprinciy _ pies, A A BY lfuch inflammatory opinions, proclaimed the. more boldly, the oftener their abfurdity was expofli \ A ed,‘ AC I4 3 ¢d, -the publick igwareinipmpared to condernnnarry? treaty thjataifllould be entered inmwit11niGmati Bri... tain.j‘ A Thcf iadminiftratioii, ihowcvcr, perfevercd xvith firmflefs, in ndefi23.I1ce,of the general c19L;mour;iian~d Ana. friendly and commercial treaty was thercfult. ~ its reception in the United States lmd been anticipat. printipals towns Ag: z"z2~_fiaz2w,i mew: ed A: ;It‘5wz£sA‘{condemnedi inpubiick 11ie:eti11gs iI‘1i(f)11‘t‘ +20}!/baztts 5.?:'iJ~2.g rmd. as W‘ .._~ ‘ -« ,, ~~w ma - ‘1 i 'I HQWim"f9“??1<1€i<1ini£11653i¢i«‘*‘i19?4r5 ‘W7¢»ini3’°¥-11?. vcriwfin fallvzw Citiéms iFi%Pnndc€id€~ 3%‘ 1,%p1m1 iiothé ¢6II%5@!£*i¢¥éiia1 iI%t~=r¢fi firméy ahifia conccrnadjitot ‘\"..:_V:“.1lt'r17€fS'&‘fl‘-CJ‘wi‘t$gIW1fi¥‘i't-S. «And if ‘W6 Wvifli to Amalia <_$:V0.mpnr;;tiVe « cfiima,tc' Of, tlm faith, of men 313d firml31iF%i%~i~(i“«~3“fW¢"1?‘? it-116-. éPP<5ferS of :i1§¢nnii?¥'i¢<1er3rl %bferved~i From Gm 3.1??1;t.=%iI%."~’%*¢i ‘£=cipu1a;ted compe«nmionis. for 1:.«.r:x:~ A 2i.gg§rc1'I,‘1"§oi1W$VlMo%nW()ui¢1‘:comnuqfceé ;% but from % I5'rein_c;c,% infult fuperadidfcdi tn’ injury. From her "W’C71011gj fought for redrcfs, Without A obtaining even a pm». i WW’ Of fin :; i‘”x'Ii~1'.n‘§.tAy : Andi zxtilcngtvh : W - i A . ~i A j; can e ‘ ‘ ~ ‘ ‘ “ ’” ‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ ‘ i 1 ‘ i W‘ ‘ I5 3 fce°nded5r toll“lnegoltilate,’ A millions A of ourljuft clerr1anf& werethetfacrifice; - V ‘. A \ HE difeontents excited on the firltintellioence of the treaty with Great, Britainfdid not fubficle on its ratificationl; ianfld the co11fAthe‘irii1dependence, thé judges will become " A A ” Athti ’ A it By {he tffird magic oftheAILouif{ana Treaty {At is n:pu1anea‘,,i that “ théixuhsibitr-i»r1ts%%of the ceded terfitbry %[Lm.1ifia11a]- fllzlfi }3eVincorpo1~a:%ed thpuxxion of the Un'Aited States, and admkit» ted, as foon as poflible, according to the principles of the Fe.» deral Confiitution, to the enjoyment of all the rights,” adiram tages and immunities of ci.ti2ens of the United States.”---It was i.:tniform1y%a{Tertm:I by the Fedaral 7memb¢rAs in Congrefs and xvvithopt co11tradia?cAi0n on’ thepart: of Adminifiratioxm) that 1;1:1i.s% i-’cipu1ation% was not warranted by the Confiitution. [193 the merccrcatures of the p.erfc.msinpowe1<, and thc Ainflrulments of their vengeancc,Vagainfi a11who.fl1a11 %have%the: luardihood to oppofer their march to.defpQ~» tifm;A and, that their fi1:&vi&§ms%wifl be the muff: en1ig'ht311ed,themofl: vhtuous and the 31108: %Ainflexi. «ble paxriots. A V RecVo11e€t~4 other events of three: ihgrt years, and viexv tI1e%ra.pid~prog1'efs Qfidcorruption; .Beho1c1 the%ab1e%and mgperienced menwof tried in» tegrity, on xvho1jnVfm'%%theirv farviqes Azmd fufi“"e:ring»s A in the Revolution, oryfor their %perfona1 w*orth_., public ofliccs. had been qbefiowed-mdriven from their fi3,tiufly imp paired? Have. WC?» not fean W the 1:err%orAof riem0val4 from oflice, controlling the votes offijme [E1 and the I1;'a,ifed, expfiflcations ‘of acqguiring c:fi‘1¢e,‘dira€tingi the: A Y0tcs« Off%%%ot11ers ? % Add. ten thefezx. fourws A A eo1frup»- % % ti%cn%,% the%%avowa1-, that; czm»didate%sw '£,x:- office Amu_Fp.poHefs%%V cerftain ,ot/Ber %q_x1a1Aifi,c%af£iO11S,,A tlfmn 11£>1j1€f- ty, c::1pQ.city,4anVd A f. the%,%C0%r;fi:it‘x;;i0%n and 4 we ‘4correi1:m;dj;1g 5 Vpra£?:i¢e‘%N;;w+pr.ofiiga;te9men fa-~ [20]. reign adventurers as well as niativ-esg, piatronifed‘ and and rewarded. A Call to» mind» the vifioxms 0fECO110s- my, which amufed the imaginations of our flunx... beringicountrymen, not yet awakened to Lfefithagt they are but dreams. Behold certain and well efiablifhed fources of revenue abandoned, and coini- mezfce loaded with additional burdens to {apply the wants of our improvident rulers 1 ” Seethe Pub». lice Debt, which, vvhile only the A price of our inidc:-.« pendence,oowas a confianttheme ofrepfroach with popular ideclaimers, receiving at-one Pcroakei(_and owith ‘ther triuompahanti approbation of the fame men) an iincreafe of A fifteen mi11i‘onsi!“*eo And for and objecft too which we did not want; and which may ceafe tobe oursibefore fife {hail have paid for it. e Refleéi o11~+theALiberty of the”Pr"'efé TiI1*ie*wiasp,; when we could freely {peak and wfite our thoughtsi; need» ingno other ifhield "than TRUTH. NoW,TRU*1'r1 i is no defence,‘ if it iezapofeo the vimisie and dmiffcleeds -of men pmver.--m-‘When we had no means of refiraining the outrages of the Barbary Powers, capturing’ our ihips and eeeenflaving ouri icoum:ry- men ; rand when we had not even an amaedi boat to guard the coLmm~er<:e of OiU.Fi1‘iC11€'{iZp01‘tSi»; the ' Federal 1: 1 Fczderzd-adn1inii’crati0n, againft 21 confcant fiream of Dppofiétiml, builta Navy adapted to our Acirczumfian-y ws,ax1%dde1ivered”4it over in an r_3fiicientw_fiate to A their fucce{To1*s; AYct ~this ismthrr‘: third A year of “a. Wm: 111i£brab1y pr<3~t1*2u:"t§<;‘ClA with the Inoft contcmptim bk: of tI1of?:: Powers 1 While our owx1%coafi;s are in‘-. fulted, ax1d~con1111e1*«3c at our Very doors is ztban-. I domed to the depredations of armed veflelsg licenfed ind.e<=:d, but equally piratical and contemptiblc: with thofs: ofthc petty Africa11defpot .! Actgmw zxdvcrt to the Confizitution, framed as we fondly lmped to ezndux"-e for ages, and calculated to» flzcure on; 1,1niQn,t and“ the bleflings ofwlibcrty ta poflzerity Sac’: it a,1I*eady changed in one *eflfc11tial feature; undar the pmtence indczedof amending it; but in rea,1ity,fo1' thepu1:pQfc.ofAfecuria:1gto tlxedoxninant party 2., qqntinuance qf&‘thcir 4i11..g(p1:-, ten po,wc?.1‘., A fatal precedent! an earncfc, A that further inmads will bciz. 1:r1ade.;, as the views and} im Atcrc{’cs oxf tI1e‘party<1;;ac5ie1js, 1[b_,a11_ require ; ‘ unt*i11thc_ palladium of our A fret-zcilom, Aflmll beco1nc:. *th€‘.II1f:I?€~ ~infirument 0f: ;1;yranny,. ‘the mare mnveniently an:d the morjc jfi«1.fc;:1y ~exercifcd,A bc-.caufe.it willibe difplayed in CL0I1ffi'tutiQnZ;1fQF111S,,A I ARI: t 2! Ann ifefleétions like thefe, my refpeéhahle fellowtg 3C3-ltilzfins‘, lunfuitable to the occafion? Will they dampthe accuftomed joys of tlmisl 3.nnive1*fa1“y3 Would to God there were no caufel But we cant, lnotefcepe danger by fhutting our. eyes againft it,” »To_ jeemedy an evil, we nlolt l;:11o'w it.” A THE eztztmple of lhtance funniflles; nfeful leffoxxe Qf'lnll:lfL1él:lOn: ']j.‘l1e Revolution in that country doubtlefs originated wyitlt tnen of patriotic viewa._ The foyereign. hirnfelf was not the lealt ready to trledrefs the grievances of his fulpjeéts. ' A free fyf-2 item of government wast formed- and ratified by the nation. But that oountztye contained a.mbi--A tious and unprincipled demagogues, who rejeéted cnofllmeans of promoting tlmeir. own ztcl-vancement._ A On the firll: exercifep of a. lconlltitutionztll right by the king, in tefuling this f3.I1;(?ClOI1 to iniquitous yla.ws,: thofellmen fpreadt the alarm; lllthntl the nation was in danger, and that thteg7o"vernmenthad con-- fpired againfi the people. They proclaimed them- xfelvefs the only men worthy of thenatlon’sl confi- dence.-. Their outcries drowned the feehleuvoice 5 of Reafon : The infatuated people liftened to their infidious fuggeftions ; t they dcpofed their king, in violation [23 J violation of at folemn eompaét, and made his: muiiaa dererse their rulers. Thefe rulers werefifoon jfup- planted by the fame eriminalmeans which hiadi placed them in power- Fafcion after fazficioiilainuil ed and deceivedi thepeeplegand by tuexfnshdeluged the eouizitryfl §vvitl1 blood ;‘ till M at _1afi,fl ltheeedillrzicftecl nation found folziee for its 1‘niferies, in the arms of e A Defpotifm. A A V j» 4 ; ll":-rue periflied the liBei'tie3 of F1*ancelii‘$ind ‘thiifus ‘will our liberties be dellrioyed, unlefsi “We iiizzlcze more efleéicuzil e;~;:ertiensfo1* their p1*efeirvation. A It is time to zwziil oiixffelyee of all the 1T‘1€_B.lI1Sj7€t left: us under the Co11fiitutidi1,'te defend i11griiglif¢V$§V0f *us~,. A as ‘t he fafeVgua1*”%O f tI=1ei1*' virtue ; A A :1rxd%*ou1‘ chi1dren, tlmt flmuld tmnfmit to 1:l:xc~1n un1mpa11‘<-id, the patrimony of our common ancef-