w’ ' ‘ ‘ .. V _ W .‘ ‘ ~“-«,w“.»« ‘ n.,4‘~~" M ‘ . : (V v ,. .W«..m..E.-U ~uv‘r~1-g£-- 7* REPUELICANISM 89° ARISTGCRAW JQ0NTRdSTED¢ 5OR,:, THE ‘ ‘ ) “ “ - ‘ ‘..., V ‘ V I '~‘ 3 I . ' ‘ w as in ‘,,y__‘ 3 I ‘ ‘ ‘. ,1 .4 1» b‘ ‘ "tn ‘W S) "I ‘ ‘ ‘ N, w;: V % % ' % rs. . V 5;. as gar . . N ‘ ‘ OF I””\7CUN5I3TENT7/Vfffzifl AND OPPOSEW % an ?:*m: w:zr~zc1:m2:s 01-'~‘ THE Af]L;1fER1T'Cm2’N REVOLUTION. EXI~IIBITED IN Agar DELIVERED AT NEW-LONDON, (com " JULY 4111, 1804.. A ‘ ON THE CELEBRATION 05‘ AMEIUCAN INDEPENDENCE. é do M CL‘I41RISI‘C)I’£-111%MAI~flVM?.1NC§g % -—-mum Q; é .. NQRWICH. :.uld not livc{;tt,;ogethex ‘in 22. {late of pea‘,ce}an;ldlha,1frr10lAr1y, and fufjfisr each Oilltfii‘ mm- tjually :9 cnjoy, wighatgg: intim-upzign, chm}: bl¢fi‘1ng$ gwhlich by ‘natfum a.llr.el_.c<:1m_i;non to all. Butmankind be... ing impenfefi, p1a,ccl<;1 in cliffcrcnt :c_i%rczgn1fiancena, undw a necegfficy of following different ‘t:,mploy;w:::2t%s ;, zmdbct,-gg slug at thc: fame time fqyaycd land warped by pafllon and?" lprcjud_ice, all led to vary %e;;ceeVdi,ngly in their‘ opinllpnl; ‘aver: refpecfiing tlw fauna things. and pverlu-1p,s there am go twa fubjcfis an which they diffpr nrmom widely chm xhofc ofpolitics and religlionm-natowing‘hgwfiver tn Elm, intricacy of the; fuxbjcéts car the flditlicxglllpy imvctlilgatingl l tvhézn ; for whcnlcept fcparatc, i:h¢r,¢ axtlglnm fubjerits maria fimplc and bcttcif adapltclcl to glihfi’ capacitieg of all cllam as of citizens; Au-«V-b;u,t wlmn bleradecl togetherlforzlm gurpofc ofyfacxificimg tlgel in;er.¢~::ll,cs Qfzljmxngany to Elm lqnnatvurall and unchrifiian iptcfiréfls and fcclisnga of fcwl ; um .d§re& tcndcncy is to corrupt and prevent bflthgz; tlmcy them’ btccrxruc myficrioius and hard “to be undcrflltfm and to an mninfbrmed mind appear 3. lazinggl of lclvilll ané eccle%fiaflicailwitchcrafc." 7' ' A“ ll 4 V Kr~;E1=rclligipn fcggagrate, lvitzlvylit asllallxrguattcm ébglaltwixu _mal.n and lhigmalgcrg‘ ‘fqxt vfhigh hcig accom1,ta3.lb=lc; only ta fi»jS G"0d,a.ndyo1i ajcllonbe ftriplit qfall ngylflcny, and il:~b~':;*--A coznesfol~lHpllalin%-and eiify tlmg: l1eygyholl1‘g.1a1«3 gxlriyw read aniflx lumlnlderfiand. S0 A wlmii ciyll A gloxgcmxnbms ix; cpnfildenc in its nature and defignllasallfocigll llclgémpafi, immglcad for thcgcod offociety, to fqcurc gtlw: lliAv;:sl,l li.bcr.t1es, and l prlopcrxies of all ; the myficrry at once mamas, alnldiv; ape-A A pears not fuch a, very difficultlalnld lpluzzling, thing, to in-.~l+ Wflrigatc: as many pretend. bus it evidently appears A I E44 il tbatlélvil gavérxnfnent and religion are infcitutcd forqulm A dif*l"erént,.ends;ll A The former to regulate cmrcondufi to» A wards men. The lattcrltol regulate: our conduél: towards A God. The one for the purpofg: of making orlwcrping "us civil, tn; fit usforthe fociety orman in this worlcj ,3 tha iotlaerlfor Elle pmfpofc cxf" prcpzwizag us forlthe fmziccy pf faincs in Heaven. » l T l V A ; ‘ ‘The Sw1ViOlJr clecjlared‘ that his kingdom was mat of this world-«wand ‘what llHeav/an hasamaancd ilmlllme kept feparate, let not meal on elartlhlla‘c’jmmpt‘to Unltfl‘. A ll ‘When civilgovernmcntlis folfar corruptedzmd per-+ Wcrteldllfronxllics original clefig,n,llasll‘co‘ lbxscrmmr A matterl qoffpccznlatiram, and viewed as the: lrolziclllccn prcfizrxncent, ‘vvealth land honor new-when clmfi-:~ frlleflgéd frmrn tlm pco-— la for-lchc~ pun-po{’e“o:F attgndin g; {Q pwlirl‘iCa‘l aflhirs, fur-k glctlthciraccountability A to the-‘pc<;;pae,‘l and “‘1n‘{'l.ft:aCl emf‘ flicking and prombtingpublicintcéref’§,lpurt’1ze: private in- terreflcland perfonlall laggrandlzcmcnt: when thy:-y flgnrggeg‘ tlicyarc tl'm»lpeople‘s fervants, land abxgfi-:"rhc p€)Wf31“(lt:l<:“f-°‘ gated to tln-:m,byl opprcsfling thufe from whlorn the pczwrtr ‘was ‘derived; andrhe people at the fazne tirm: are realm» {pad to faith a’ {late of ignorance and crcdulity :45 tczrplaccl’ limwplicitctmficlcncc in tlael*r1,, land think no men can do fq V well: asl tlwfi: nowllin dfi~‘:ce, and llbmlilelye and clorificllé: in qcvery thing they li"w,r and dd; and finallywhen llgcm:-rn-~; men: is rcprefentezd as a vcrylwgml»: tliingln itfmlf and um leis‘ plmppecll ulpebly the pillars ofthc church willlclejxcaim-‘ fly fall‘, and unlclfscilv?illaws a,n:~L1rr1l:;;d¢:l” tolfupportrcligion that will all"%: wmblllae :;_;*whlén,l'tlh.e'4péV<)plleare lb ‘far clcllludwl ed as m l"M"’llC‘VC’lIll)'lSI‘flyfi't?lI"l(3:US(fl0élIl‘ll1ll§f‘,'lll"anCl tlaofa wlmfl” an-:"c:p;';>ofc*d to tlacfbl monflrozz:"laé/urdiriex,l am‘: rc-;:>x'<;$bart:dl in 1:h‘el{’llrc‘lm;grf’tlterms;"andl bAr'anEl§:d”ll'£as, Lzn‘/.l*wz'jZ.5'_;, 47452?/’f.s‘,;l A %Z7erlaz‘z'z‘&5, jmroivigzs, imfidal p}§iZ¢g,fap/93%, wm1zaic5ltolGoz2’l zfzlrzaill iymrrz, am’ in lmgawwifb £122.? ldazlifig Freizcbszzkzgzg mad 7iJ:1fi*r7¢aZ J(j>ir2;t: m dclllroy all gzwerrlzlnent,0'rClc:r;"alr1¢l re; 0 A "l1lgl10n_., and turn tlags: wnrldluplfidedown. l VV\7l1c§1‘l”ltl~xir2aa',:ssll «come :0 rim; pally, than ’bc3;hl pmitlics and rwligidn bx; A §0;x.'n¢ enveloped in mam, an’d*‘ls:h7e: l<;nowlcdgcp}t~: cm mtth, t§'“t.t:t% we haw: a»--%-,_‘ my Itnowledgc tzwf, .€'fljOy{3d'II1‘U€";‘ civil and rfligimus. m.’:»‘w'-~; VV32 are thcrefore veryjuftly ietl to» contclude, thatthem _ never was an cvtetutt confittdcrcd as human; thfit _prom§f~¢-V ed 12') much to th?e«peacc, libtfrty and happinci§3t0fAtt"mt2.t It may ctmphaticaljy 13¢ 1$€2rt‘l1t:d“F the returning dawn of 1tmg1o{'t1iberty.” A A V W ‘Wt:t.L may we Athtan, with the utmofit propriety, Cféfltflr- bratrzz the day on which the people: ofthc United Sttittaz cjeclared tlwy wtwtld Em frge. t'I“ht:: rtzfkflution then xtxatm: WaAsw%Ace:nnfi{’teVnt with nsafon and the unalienable rights tut? A 1*11at1;t.,rI1t:t thc apprtabation at httaven ; and was uppoftd by tytrants0nIy....And thcrrtz never was t'é;;nd% %thtcertc~tncvm'+t % will ht-: anyjtzfl ttmfcgn givtzytx, why Azmwricafluouicjbet fubjéét no meat ’Br'ittain.,.;BLtt the irl”3M£‘1'3t:*a,di_El-t:t‘;f ._1Cm.1fi:S5Ofm our fepa1"atit;m VA .wtmId bcufclcfs for me t£)t%%mt£j1')t%i011,a‘3tt you havtrjufi lmatdttthemrrctacl asptnnt-rd in thttctsltbraw t_c:dtdr3cl:§t1*at;i%%on %0‘f' iVn’d€;“j)4¢5£7.C1f€?.I1C{:'?; A ” [t"fwm»:'rY~E1tc;t-a'Ih years agqttzis d:i.y\,tth§fSAiflflfU1m€flt *t§:a4s farmed atzd publiflled ten the w;ax~}d. t'I’jhc ptatople uf A grim nited tStta;tt:3,t that tack that itpttrate and indc:pr:t1-« %dt;~:t3t;1’tat§0ntatt‘a1i0tflgg thtznatitmgzts G+f£=I“.iC£Z‘t21)r£§’3', ttg; witltth '£h§¥. A E 6 1 were élntltlccl by the Gml of mature. T-llcy than ;:lr:c.l§~:e lrcd thcfiv would have aw king, but the king of I-leaven“; go mugfl Mg/av, may} mig.l'n{y,l anclldrmd Sovereign; but chc: Zwfg/la, wig/Ezy and dread ..5'avem’gzz of the Umxwgnsm. The very principles on 'Wl"llCl'l Elm mvolutian was fnuncled, as; shall: allb v¢l1lcl“:lt'l1e declaration of lnclepcndence 1*ecq::s*«3g gaize, are truly republican. They clifpenfie with all prim: legged orders; have: notlxlng to Mizh lwig/5 lira‘/'9, anal [aw M219, loigb rm}: and low 1”t3’l7K?:'“,llll find all th%l;:3»l”£e foolifh tig- ms and diPcihlt3tlc'paHlve‘obedience, we mppofied the manly fcntimentée “fhTh2i‘t rebcllipn la,_;.r.g.l2zl*r1?{’C tyr2:1!m3 wasvobedicnce to God‘ ;"l’ and, during thgé s>j:l1:>I¢ firuga glle, it was evlclem‘: the Lard was on’ cmArfidc. Far a;.«, fhebltandiincnnficller‘able ag :ll1eiUrifix;e;;lls:g;¢g mm ja%B...lr:% pciar*ed,+fl1e, allflterla fever: ycalr’sco‘nlt<:ft, wmpllclrncly gained iii Iutuun-«Hangman A the ehd for which liiiefeuglit, he feparrated hetfelf firom thti? ‘*&'J€J?r32‘t‘}.J'tt1 and dz/frvfliizgwpolicy of Biritain, ‘A’-’ together with: A her heavy deéts, and fnturéfa;r.” V *7‘ bourer--we-how fhnuld he ltnow about thefe matters grit As it would not be conliiiterit with my prefentdefigm to fay any thingrefpeéling theAf1'tuation of our country at the conclnfion of the war, Iprnceed tr: obferye, that, A WE have every tenlbn to helieve,“ that in pr'Opi0l‘tl0Ili~ as the principles nfntir revolution are negleftcd, riclicum led and forgotten, in that proportion will our liberties be indéinger. And the more theft: principles pirevail, they greater will be ourpeliticnlzund religious fafety. There--; fore, as weycttnnot tooyliighly appreciate our civilanci religious rights, we ought ever tnwatch over them with 1 ti jealous eye, and {land reaclyvto repel the firlt invafiort ofthcm. Human nature irsithe {nine in every age ancl nation ,-, and even in this country, the melt free and hap-5 py of any on the globe, we have theft: among us,“ even} at the prefent clay, who are unfriendly tothe rights of man; We have not only fecret, but open and iavowed aci«-» yocates nfantimrevoltitinzmary principles. Atndhnw often are fentimcnts advanced, which difgrace the American frame, that border on the dotfitrines of the old fchool, and ceincicle with the principles of thofe who have GEORGE, fur their Fm:-ma. A ~ r i A L Om; I fhall mention is this, fay they, “ the common *5‘ people have nothing tonlo with politics ; thercare menf _ *5‘ who are bred to the bufinefs.” A How often do they aha» i_'erve, “~' that fuck a man is a mechanic, or a; commnn la-uh" “E takes a great deal of hard ftudy firlearning, remake as F‘? lnw.yer,ian,din addition to» thefe, at Vail deal more tn? '9‘ qual%ifiyar1'ian for in politician. A yThefe men thereforw “F had bcittjer aittelnd wll'tl)fi plow andi the hoe, 85¢. When ““‘y'A-fl their alliftancci is wanted they will be L t:_aliledAion,“ yyyniftii ‘iiiientkftir, and di€fn’teidAwihati7”s tube done." A i ,. whioevcrrthre m'enar?e,Ivyorrwhalteyerl:Iey*their“‘prn‘i-r it feflinnsg w‘hi=ether prielh lawyer or do£to»r, dare not ; him ywoutaiam, them what exclufive privii1egehayey¢'u to. dim _ ‘i V ,ée‘tefifnrlpt:>l'iti@éll?lmettt¢rstEPleafe,te lel;t(e”nd’Ajth' yott;-V partittifie A E 3 3 Eat pmFtH3~ons gentlemen, ti}! you hawe Xeatnetf quitw different ltffong, far at prcfent, 1f ytm are caiicd to Ir:- ‘giflatte, 03”‘ take any part in Gwvernxnéént, you are the mofl: unfit ofzall G<:zd’s Ci‘c*2:t*im:s. I % LET tha men who CLf§tt'V:1ti3thAti'if own {oi}, wear their‘ 4 awn clmzh, cat‘ 93? thmr mum fajbflianct, and pay taxes‘ at their own §:A.r;ptnct-amtaik they plmfftr about thmlt‘ % awn ptfiwcr, gmvetnmmnt and adzninifiratimn ; zflfa ifthay‘ thiflk.}C3t:fiI,..£§3A£1f‘L11.€fiathhathvtffiriibiflut theft; that than ta’ : c‘mp1o*ya's fe%rAvants,~AAtfi::“ gcnt1em¢n‘4, ifa. ‘»‘¥c»hangge of cVircumf’canccsfl1ou3d place: ymu in Hm *1‘ c0%nd.Itigm of thafit Cowman kind Qf pccsplcr, and 'yot.:g 5‘ bccmxm mum: u»fefu}% nncrnbers of fo¢ciecy,‘%_hmv mu %‘“-' would ii1~:ct0wbicinfL1}ted in the mzmncrl have aHudLccI “ t<:»”--—~T}mf"e men whom you defpifc on account af that in«;}ufir‘y%%whichgives yw 'i~"upport, are in gfineral the mgft L}ffi“.fu3’,I1(Ent3fi put of foc%ic:t:y.. ,, They; n;eicwhc1j fquarmdeir in cxtravagfan;cc, rifot in plcafum, nor» Ic:ai~t7c1*%% in: idl.cnMs%,A an%c1whofe4minds when c%r:Al§gI1tc2nt-d,‘ and whofc im:cre~{’csV%¢im1d*thc%m"at an equa1dif’t'ancc from the ty-ram and tlwflmve. ‘ By their virV::u e,%te1'npcrancc and indufe try, they are thcgrmteflc fupportcm (bf p€a.ce,% order. and gQve1*nm‘<3?nt; and by the piezty and morality oftheizi }3iv%es,% gheyvarc tiw greaccfitfupportcrzs of religinn. % 'I‘hc:fcamf thc fmn who bald the ba%l1anCe5;, am} Watch Gvcrwand znzagxnminthe liberties of 21 countryjand n:oVt%as%%»A -1* Adamsfuppofcd “ ones: placéd i“r1”a lmlc, grmm» than the: iv/bola.” L . A A . ‘V ~\ A‘ , Ho&w~inconfi[’c<§mis th%e&conAduE’t pf’ tI1*0f'e afifioéraitic. gcntlemcjn with t,I1%g:princip1eso~f’76. M The Ivanguage mf @113: day wag, we 113.9 people €595. Nnw the A}az1g3uAagcof%th%e{c mm are,we% Mn: noble, ‘c/acfiiz, Ap7*£t*i»’agcd+%few—m'I‘hey fun:-t Iy wiih :;hVepri/nciplas of eLzr‘Arevo1m;ion buried. in ieterrral filcncc zzand cvcrlafiing forgctfulnE§1”s ; And if théy$ pégr, ;§ny“‘att»EEnti0nw to t'h’is day, by way ofielefimtiofif, théjir prr:tem£"ionsV arc %em’de'm:‘[y lmpacrizical. A A BUm9%%$wxaw have abund:1ntAreafOn,"‘fcA1IoW Cit5iC¥h§5 13¢‘ ‘ fee j"Loic:con_ ,th‘i:uday,,;thAa%t in fpit:’c:: oFthic‘,.?un"i’t¢d efi'orts:_ of 17%1£~#fii1edfc:d¢r.am’cs,;old ‘to;r$ic%s% and. till MI:ar§flodra§ti&gr&u;2, ghat the: ?princ3{‘p1e}; xzrrf oujr1 xjcvolution ‘a?r¢A»no%t ficvlrgufterx, butoperating pcnwcrfully and cxtcnfivgfy th_1‘r:>ug'hom: A011”? auiumzry, A New:rAfincc% the‘ 4th of July ~17;f6 has the fun Se: fabn Adam’: 1£'1f£’7f‘ taS¢gmu#l »¢,1iz#'m"r1;'.v. AA A E 10 arzrsfe upcm mm‘ lewd, anci {cums} mar rmticin I0/m%*, :‘;=v2«r2%*v~ gmrzdaazx and happy as at the grcfcrft day. V. A ALL thf)£*c_%"ifi<)nary and xnnsawrxary tv'11spm‘d2€f:.*c.1 am the downfall ofthe late admini{trAation4 have fafden to '.:h:‘:r ground. The preclicfhsrs Iuavatr: ail proved f‘:tH"e ;;m::phe:34 Not one ofzheir prophecies havcbeen fi.1H’1HcAcim~nnr one of the evils predi,2‘, V4 A4 _ ;% That they ever aflumtd the AAchaf“a<.5tcruf yrophets. Haw lunhnnluqnlou-hhfiflh ‘iufwmcix more%%.&soVtI1air mag: would itlmve berm to ham +;»::cptyfi.il%¢:nt, and wamsrd \;»*ir:h paxxence, til} at l*c;v:.:fl: form 0? « zzhczzic i1’11agznary% €EV}1SCODI,~{ p.lacc:-,% and thcn‘%c:x«c1aimcd“ !~ ' A £51/e%tc>!a’ A yazz fa .5 5A3 refpefistim genera} %Gmn::rnmenr, civergz thing a—- §3c&z:+.1*s m be%c0ndué‘ced.% wifziyy and we}§~~~amd A in %myi%%o« g:winion,Vn0%rm.n who is 2:1 firétnd 10 we pecrpis, and paw?» mfinfexmation, can take a ciem;mz~;ati'm °v.iev.V c2f M16 fats '5;=:m;i prcrikiat admini£%ratic:ns~~-wixhaut beérgg; if?iruc'I«: with the cuntrafh and gisginga dacided _pi‘:‘f{”’-tfi‘€:t‘i(Tf<:‘”.‘. to the Iatt€r....BL1t;% G M V % ¢ E"c:rE'2apsI x"x'2i;;ght be jw4fit1ychar§gedw§t’%& m:#gEae:E"t were E not mpay alima ‘attmtim mwzhix State. [ r InCanr*m*c be f"ai:;1 £3fti1::%g;:3vcrnTmc:%1t ufth§sStace,% th%§,€: I itis cmiy aw-:pL1E;3lis:.*2an at C3»':(”;‘:':i::~C:‘3.tiC.’,3:}. H<:%rc: exifi: laws % Whichare mpgzofwd to {fat ccmflitmticfm c;~ftE*~.e: U%Ani’tc*c’£ States; and which in tlzcéiz“ 0;:::c::“at%in re» iig;ion....’I*I¢rc the }eQiI1~azL1z‘e&ar;:A afraiid mlct r:z:§4igicm « 4' {ma cm its own bafia-z, and i?z.avaVi'c1&Ftts:>%%t.hecareand; Jprmcftion of ;:he{'.}reatI:rI¢1a::i of me C.h%urcI1,Ab%ut :*nu,fl: % makt: laws ob}Aig'ix::g cw:ryVtc:w:x mt fimtiety to» be prravideci ‘,§Vith 2:. minifhr or teacim" ofi z‘1”1<32‘a}§t_V.} And for n%egh=:c'i:, .4 :z~§.rt2tt<3 ha fi:'1e<"1aCcard’¢ingg to the pieafum of %i;h::¢G:;:ner a§. Cmzrt. }7:"}<:*rc: the majority 01? a. i"<3c:i<:'ty% xrxay mm-A awafy 4 tvhe::11Q1ney%404fthe mimm*icg.',‘f‘§m* veiigious {)u%Vrpz2fi%s;, u;nJl¢:.{°$w £116 1nin0r*ity%w~i11A cV0sxfi;rr1n to the z1"sz1jority acc«:>rdin;gJ4%m law. I“¥¢:re aifo cxifl; l2.wés for ?thep1.3%rp0I?:“: af fctzlirxg arid A Vfixpportingg; m‘i'ni{?:c'rs; btmdizug meeting¢;~Iwtxl3r3, E’.z:t:., V i&?3‘sZ.’.“(l?'..‘,“ A A3;1 %whiCh aijjc in oppofitior; m_ ;z:lw C3%:.2iA"pc~:;IV,"ar"z%r;‘I%1"e~4? % i%igi‘m‘11sVfrc6dA<:m1.% A .‘ . 4 A V A }}}Ur¢in::d"ditimn t0Athcfe3 pez"hap,s ivz1nup}a4cc:,V d%ot2mm‘V, evgrcrase m0rc:* urmqua1tl123nVi‘%%n thiséhacc. V%{The%1'31ode %ta‘3:::u§0n isazalculszterd coinj+uz'¢c t}1eAp00r,ar1d‘%%%fawc)ur {Em ‘i Vri«cl"x rnan..A EVEN tl1%c‘Apol;1 Arm, in famc,%%towns5%.atr1mum:3 my “ more than one half? ithe fi1s’n:‘t0%ta1 %c1:4f+%%th~r:}t:v37. m3i1::-- qucrmy inthof: toVwns,%prc2pe%rt ydams nsotf pm3'A0f1i¢% ‘W5 A .‘ tm taxes. Yes: propmwy, sum, z:,¥1aA£azz.{y,%nm£*a .c'ozs.i?“Z;a%L:%;§:§;% % Avocer.s;AAA A V A A y E 3 Aezzccmxzmsrc» to thc laws" t:%Afthis~ASt:m:, t ?:€"p‘00;3? mam "Whb pays}; puilfax, dam milimry duty, and *wc;mz;s tvécfi flavsin ayewon ::h;e hi_ghw%ays; pays armmzdly a iargcf tax than is paid on 16 ::yf~z:hTc bcfi haufies in ‘C(3llD€’73IiC'L2C... »ca1cuIati%Vng%ithe%l'muTe:és%at 3ocoVdc:1s."e:ac:I1, his mxtis «equal to thmzmf.4.i§,o00%‘C10Is.%M1;*m>p~crty inlmuiks. If he has two fans cm z:;%.:ap:'€zmti4%ccs bet?-»w'e*en.%1 8 5:: in years turf" age, {ha Tincreaiafit M hiss; w.~.:«w:1y %%t%:":,..m is rnztme rhzm equal to that «of 36 dwe§i%i%mg;}2cpuVif”z*39 mt pmpe;rt:y;&iAz1.I1<:mf«:s IQA Ehtizr amount mi’ m8,o<:;-*0 dmla; ".i5i’1i=5,i$ indi*j”put;Lb4ly t;n;1e. , And tlmm is i%nfi::mces% A Waugh in this:‘“.‘:"3::a’te, c:f%r1“mn{wh0 pay 2% t.':m:‘y:e:ar}f,r, vqtxal to w1‘xac*”ishcrv: f’!7za.%t«::rd. A Eltiflétht;-y are “ _;5»z9r1::.»;zf/Te*5,”; have no vumt: in’aim:%g<:wc:'1n:m:nt which thatryfi*mm~riVb%%ut%c%1:0fuppmt; are mm aIlu%2ved as 179% in ¢:ia:'iwr%%tow£7, or fH:mfm*:n’s z‘nAc*m;iz1g5;, asjczi gm um :r?e;rsmfimted frmn *}*e:zxr m yc:az*~;. W’h.:at csm bar r:mmr z2.m-- jufl, mam: .umt*qL1;1I thzm theisfi =Arxd y‘crt**‘it miss 1:11am: (2%: .'‘with 1narzy%a4n%c>1€lA war-wo‘rm' fzzldicrr, who ham brawci ciir;-:;;1I:I"3 rat the Lncmths at" 9.4. p0uz"3d«:*rs;, m c+.€h;zb!4i1"?:: ::m: re*mv:,“»iu# I ticm.a?r_v do£htim:*,j that t:.mation%and rt‘;_;;%x<::*fcn’tz2£i@r:%% am: im- feparable, ‘and that’ taxatiwn w.=vii;~h::>uz: ‘rr::Jg.)r*c:fci‘n*caativ:3n, is Atyragany ; and this tymzinicai prizwxciphs, I“éf-L'3L1C€T€.'3 mipraca ggtice, uvas; th£:‘.C1"1i%r£f%Czm{~€ mf ow‘ %i'a:;;;:a:'zarion’ {mam Grmr _jLBricain.%%A' Aznmfica wags t¢£‘:.§‘z'.«“::'7d in’ the Britifln V;:*>mt?.i:;:.u"mr:4:t, but n%c)'a%;fc;z‘mi'ar,*x"s¢»tct::;1 t€'u.=:rc3{““ ..r‘5“.mr.:i pe:z“h~a;:as it mayfi t;h;m:w~ {oAmcVaid4ciicitmz::.1 ligfixr cm tiw i"i.z£:»;§:;*ci’t,‘%t0 qumrc a1T3::vzfs£*t.~:xuVca km t*wo,fn:>m t%I"2m‘;¢.u::<:*chc.‘*r:s m‘r:xm;s G-£‘}t?bi‘a£fi*&”1 zlmxnbtrs cf the §Bx'i:.i'fl‘: p:1r1Ai2mu:::nt;.. ..Mr. 17'*‘A%1'1";{*,,;Ai%x%a%% am: Hmu.1’3::*,cnf Cumi- 1‘".m:»ri:=,;, wjm ma origix1a=-.AlA b.m%Id1:wfs hf «x5rr»v?{fiu4nA, %c>E:zfc~rva*:;, i” L«:~1: tine €1:»\:,*e:r4—rign auAt%Ea_c:»riAty ufrch.is%&cm1ntr}*, *c.2«w:*.r rm “ co1.oni¢3s, W: afi1"~z‘zcd‘ in fi:r*urz5:;‘te:*r1'as‘as 7cf;m E':u:* s::§¢:%v.i‘~4 fcsd, and r*x;‘rzm";t*:":‘%t&i) mzwnci“ £0 ¢m»:3ry ;mix“zt%:t;f icggii"1.;.:.tic211 "F wha\H‘0ew:r,V;,thm:%wt:rmy‘ lmiind t.ha:~:~:i,i' tr:.u:h::':%, c:’::)~1%'2fime “ t§zt:4ir m1m1uf2aa‘3&vmri;:s,4:zm<:3.d0 z;z"’ay tfzizagg ::fte:a“ietr;;;#zt ralwzirzgg um: 5*‘ x":smr*a~:#y mzt mi’ :A:h*wir% ;}:>}c’:Wc~Emzr“:; n<*ari:"!m:uAi:‘ %V'ti%m%r%% *<.:r,1r2£%;:j*:*aL_%”f I-.4.UTdC:’&T»E£3flIaT,,‘ in iim I%€JLIi;I.T cu‘ 13"“c:¢:*z*a,$%Vi%r:2» {i~Vxtcv4r:g; mmi %%p<:s§n:a'd“1a:1Vg,nm;;j@, i"a%i;ti, *7‘ Ifly pztfliuzia is; thisj,_‘1' r«:’tpt?;it in‘ W1 :Wil 1 rm%z;i;1t:.m: it mmy hour,:1:aAxat%iz,:x%1%,m2hd ’."‘c‘p3'i‘::i‘~» *7j*.fi:'nAtaticJ;1Vz%.r<:*4iz1fe:*§w.ra!::1r:‘.A 'I‘11isp¢:~fitiUn is fc:au;1%dr;%AdL2..*«a>x I3 A3’ up-umponvuuu A%*?F*Athe laws wfntature. It m'mi'e, it is itfelfan ctd%rnaAAi 1*’-’ law‘ofnmtum. Mr v«hat‘eveArA 13 a m%zm’s% own, is abfm “ 11.}C€1y (Wm. No man has a right to takeiA:%% from A Y“ him w1t%ho;uth1s confenta ‘Whoever attempts to do it A“ ansempm an injury. A Whoever dmzsj it immmics aLr«:.»b»- 9‘ bery.” Thus, ac%mrd%xn,_g m the fen::;i%mning is um: Aacceptatxla, w2'mc1~%mcn can» not be rzmmdc fmcznern, bCA:C~a“.llft3£hf2:y do nztztown or%pofl‘r:%i"s. pr0p%¢':rty, r:>Ar% at lcrafl cnuzzgll to_cman11iAm:a % thcm,%%v0ters; :a.¢cc<>rdir2.gm tthc laws of tl1is#$ta~t.*¢,AA thtjfI’;t;F£‘*p€.'3.I the Vlavm which c;blig;c them an payAtzme3, and do mm: cjzmara thern fur a ram; fm if ymz do, the «meld rt:vc:iaJtAiom*ar%3? e:ic:;firint2*, A£:lmt: t%:2:.:x;mfic>nAzax'zd rwpw*cfcntatiorL,‘r.-_m inAi"cpa::zz§;:1& Vzmitiaat L%e:xaric3n4 withkzmc r¢3pi“c?1A¢:t‘1tati0n is tfxmnny anu gwaliticzf/Q‘ n“abberym~..«8’ia:ra°~v_y:mfl;;Z.Z in Jim fizzml " A A .-=3'r‘ “T 1 Eur thfi A ‘A1‘Ai.1A£'3fi‘E£'fiIA‘lA :m*iiErs, haw zwc zhefit awry; to bu:-r re». 1 mcedied in %t.hiis .?~3~w.tAt: E’ “ I %1~.:.nc.mw (}fAAbAkIt tA;mc~: way, Wm} is m%cAhar1g_..:;e* of cffim:.%.rs%..%%.*Af0 *}c.m%g; as t.hc:z*rx::*x1m;u.v‘i‘:mfi’ic<::* art: A kept in, fur lcynggmjwr 21i11£’tVfu*fi?AAz%%r that}: Ewils mi: z:2:~<:§i%'». But: as £700.17: as there is a rt1ajm*’1£y¢0f mm 05 z}‘xz.~: z'i§.g§%%zr P;;a2*rx;p, %frim‘nc1sm fifC}U~”"fl» righAts,”i~:‘x bath hcmfcs AAQfAz}m%i«;~:gé{A3:aa%tAureé, ~£:i‘w<:'1 wiil¢t4I1r«::{i5zvc: 1;=mv,s ber'<:;:m*a'ied, aV::u;’: _;uEi: uzmsi m'~s.'«2L:.;.:»..m:I,;.~ Thmwili rim 0;}! c:imrt<:rV bu dzfpczmrcfi wznh, e5!§h“““’*-z- ..k M... .,,.. 4 1' >< ms:-—_:«—,—»a=-1.-=—:-fia 14- 3 «Q~:arac.?;‘c*-- wra»ig‘nprincip1et0 uvfniciz an otl1es*s‘mug}r~1t%t0fi1b1”c.=:rw:*, hzwe:~ 22 Hi} and emzcnfive ape:-rati<2>n.;’..az*:c1 wcflmtahsi zzmn fr.=¢e‘% mam %x'an1«; accarding to pezrfbnal :1'*uErIit ; not acccmth ing m the piety and W()1‘t:§1é:sftheir Fatfncrs and a*nc«::f’tp:rie:t§,r Qf conducii §r1Va111%.. °V~27e fi‘1m_;1dfi~:e% 21 E'€fp£;’«‘f‘3‘. crxzf" man Fm: mem.....But to conciude, V % V E2aveafi'E::“nb}Eci at this time, Fc}lovw~Cit'1zcns, on ma cc-ammzm 0ccafih«:.m~::31* to tiwib prim iplarsg .M;2.y we conficlcer Kim: thc f‘ir€%‘r Wtcrgres toxwmis a rcggm}ar zmd {mar gumrcrmau mam‘, is, iE:*li‘—gc>vf;~::rnnmnt; mad that the/bafisa Ufzm pt.:'Mic virtue is przizszzfc 3'vz':*'izr».z.:z' 5 and if~t§’1{~fH*t . mm: dugiy cstxltivz-med, it mattm-3‘ but litt1«e.v.vhat our farm mf gyww €=2'mm:*nt is, or by what Imazmz itiacailcd. May we av‘0’id difcmrd, fmftimn 8:‘ everyvicc, praéfice indMu&1°3g‘t¢mpai*« mince, ;>a*tadence, moder:a.tion,* and that whaie train M W;“‘.'~« puE;w1‘.c:.m vim.;::~:s.. May wexucvcr fuffcr party vimw, of fiscal pmj*L1c1ic<:s m‘ divide us, or prevent Us {mm pu1*f::n.a ingz; that: public gonvd. A;nc:i I65: US 3.31 firzitt? assume m givin,g2; mm‘ firm Rapport, t0At§w"fF:: mam for p1.1't:*;3iEcG$crzz';:g. mu! thcafe only, vv'h::> will fuppcart tbs :‘i,gl1t3 m Ami: A)C~‘It~HM'...I..‘S£”,' may the principles of {;j_;1m,;<<:,~an¢;1ti’:m be fwvcallmwcrsl up in !:.:+maaV‘i fmf ctm*niz:"; ' 27.2" N" .2” £2