AN O R A T I O N, PRONOUNCED AT POULTNEY5, JULY 4, mos. BEING THE THITRY-THIRD ANNIVERSARY 0 E‘ ‘wmmtémn “finmwnmnw. BY CHAUNW LANGD % (“:1 W,$ amw.fl' -W O11:a*szclf'—za,pprov’ingg hrmr whale y'em: dutwcighafé. % V % %*“V0f%amx1bi’d sstwers, mad 05:" mud huzzas :- “ And more true joy, Marr:¢2I1t1s.:¢m:i'i£:ci‘ fmlw; 4“ T11:xn%CumLr with $1 seam at his lxeely. '5‘ This; wcwlcl, tis true, aw Was; math for Caesar; but for Titus 1:00,. “ And which more blast ? who chain’c1 his; country, say, 4*‘ 01' ha, whose virtue sig;h’hcl to 10036: at day 2”‘ Pow, PUBLISHED my TI-IE; REQUEST 01:‘ THE HEA.RE.11%g,V . I‘ ‘ RUTLANI), W. , ERINTE13 BY THOMAS Pamfiom A 1808. AA en the fiutatie, Publiloatioxt of the following sheets.,, were necessarily delayed until this time, by the Printer. t At the repeated solicitations of my 4 friends, they are now offered to the candid peru- sal of the public. If the reader isweharitable and honest,,he yfwill not Impute, tomeldtydliétd motives 2‘ . » If he h as knowledge of factsyhe mustTown,t that I A have represented truth Without embellishment. Its errors, detached sentiments and incorrect.- ness, I leave with those who carp at words and garble at se11teneesy,t and thereby shew their own nakedness deformity tBm: the t collective opin- oins and sentimentls I have advanced, I cheerfully submit to a, liberal and generous public. r A l A CHAUNCY LANGDON. A Cczszflczon, October 1808.. A ‘W l »»»»»» ‘ ‘ an ORATJION. MINGLED emotions of fear and patriotism erowd upon the minds of this respectable audi- ence, while they convene to celebrate the day of our rxattional birth. _ Wltat 11etv,“se11sations do We feel, when we behold the sun of Liberty, andthe glory and splendor of our Sovereignty it and Indie-» penclence, through the cloud which lnangs over our heads, and threatens the Temple of’ Free.- dom It s v s ‘l i , Since the achievement of our independence, we have experienced many important changes in our body politic, unknown to former ages, With» A A out eonvulsing the vital princibles of a Republican Government. Different parties have arisen under different names ‘; ‘ and some have remained, in prin-— ciplei and practice, radically the same. Amused by the alluring temptations of office,‘ and its con~ eomitant emoluments, they are fast bustlingidovvn the tide of time into the gnlph of oblivion, per... haps, to make room for others to arise, destroying a one another, and by themselves destroyed ! Sue» t eess has crowned the exertiotis of alxnost ball: And the head of the last is about to give up the helm of governrnent to unknown hands, tttioesed on the agitated ooehn of uxmertainty. t «Q» We are threatened within and without; Foir. eign, and powerful nations have assumed a bold and imperious tone. They would advise, and may I not say, even idirfiect our government, what part to act in the great political drama, anal conflict of nations. But the passing events of time are with the omniscient Jehovah. A Insurrections have taken place ; andltreasone have been plotted in, our lancl 1 Violent political A partieé have been formed in our government; and have endangered our internal ‘peace and union. These have threatened to enter the ‘fengolc of Frlffia A dam, and destroy the Ark qf our Safezgy. Al Clorruptinn, divisiom theWu4nreleiiting spirit r of party, and the tyrgints eofrtheflearth liave tseizecl upon and destroyed every Republic in Europe; Asia, and Africa; and the semblance of Liberty scarcely remains! ‘We are left the only Republic; on earth I And, I fear,_vve have reasoii, like elf... fiictrdilbx at illjqirfihgrd andiscrape aura selves withal :% to sit down among the Miles’? of consurnedvirtue and patriotism, and ii‘ seriottsly consider our Ways.” A Isthere not too much rea. son, for the virtuous and patriotic to say, with Adi-A dieon in his Cato, A r '-“ The morning lowers, “And heavily brings on the day *9‘ Big‘ with the fate ofthefe” United States 2 V thie important crisis of public afi"airs,t let: XTl:@_l.I1t1‘€8.llyQ~Ui to hear me with teandor, “ zmcl. judge net, beforetithe timer,” one, who hestappear- -cd; befere you wtitltrelttctance and diffi(lencle..' i A t Lietusiall he wattchftil, active, Lander pmdent. T A Cooeiliate, A and ioandidly "inetructr one %.inotlxe1*, eilafitt usipatienitlytfiufliert rcrproaeh for the good orom: A A WQQl'1I1m.QIlC0L1Iltry.l._,L€lI»1TlD onelibie induced, like \ A Job, to say, “I.4€t,l}l1fidflyiI§¢YlSh ttiheriein” otir nae *2 tion “was ‘born ::”.........“ And as for that might, let darlmess seize A upon it. Let the stars; of’ the twilight tl1ereofbedox*lt‘; and letit not be joinecl unto the days of the year l” But let us forever remember i/tax: nig/2: througlt wlticla, vvewallted, with much tribulzxtion, to mttintain our iluclepem deuce. Let monarchy never ovexeliadow the day of our birth; 1101‘ Inzperial Despozism make us A afraid. Let not oppression, or the di1‘eful effects of party ever stain our liberty : And let not CO1‘1"up- tion or foreign inlluencze ever enter upon the threel1- hold ofthe counsels of our nation, or weaken and ~ destroy the vital p!'lI.‘1Cl}_)lCI-:‘« of our Government !—-~«- May God regard it from above ;----And “ may the ‘M111 of 1‘ig;l1teous11ess aeisse, anal £§l'l.ll”‘1€ upon us with healing in his \vings,” that we only rejoice togethu er, “ zmd joy in the God of our salvation.” The I)eol:-;tratio11 ofIndepender1oe, this day read, calls to our recollection the l olnisoeriesand orocltliee t we have stullered. It ‘pai11ts before our eyeo the horrors of our revoltttionewy contest! Yes, my friends, tnzmy of us still remember the 19th of April, 75, when the plains of L€.‘H.l11gtO11XV€‘1”("3 first stain- ed with the blood of our coumrymexull Thattpre-. eiousbloocl, ivltiohtwas freely shed in Frcedorzzw Carma, perfected our union, zzmd -forever sealed the heroic resolution of our ancestors, to (lie Freenzen, mt/wr t/mm to live Slmzm. Freedom was their birt11~rigl1t-M----a11d they inviolably maintained it, at the ltaszzzwd of their lives and fortunes. toWe still remember Bunker Hill,}wl3ere tl“1el'1er'0» it: Watr1*en fell, with four hundred and fifty men, “" who deemed it gfiorious to die for their coo 11t1*y..” We still remember the gallant Montgomery, Pherson, Cheesmzm, H€11ClrlCl{S and others, Who7nobly fell bel'o1“e the lofty waddle of Quebect. 9 To shew you the price of our Frceclafiz mad Izzdcpgzzcfwzce, shall I tt'£‘t‘VcI‘.“5€ all the bloody stfifeldsl Y of dearth ; said there; sltewyott" »mmbet~1¢.e to%tl1ersl,t 6 ‘%Wl‘l0 equallyrnerit your praise and adimirnttion ? Shall I there uncover the vbleeding wounds of the valiant Mercer, andlay by his side the mattgledr corpse of the young and matchless Laura-:ns,y and Campbell, whose blood last streamed in the cause of liberty ? Alas lthese heroes did not live to en... joy the Freecloni and blessings their valo1*ll1ad wonl Yet they nobly fell, and their names are enrolled on the records of firmed, nndleft to posteritya fair and rich inheritance; and their rnouldering gravest admonish usof its worth. As often ‘ElSl’VV("‘.hlCOl'l)- rhemorate this diary, we willbedew the never fndittg lonrels on their graves= with our tears, Let their virtues ever live in our breasts, and linspirelyyus; with ythatlove of country, that when ycalledl to idea- fend oL11*1*igl1ts, We mayo gloriouslyiidie likettythem; Shall I call to your recollection conflagratedt= towns and Vrillages; and shew you the companions of your bosoms, bearing in their arms the smiles of innocence ; and your helpless,-children fleeing frotninnmetdlriate lldestruictiorl; or yperishing in the flames, to “fire your minds with the love of .Liber.. ty 9? N 0 ; it lives in every breast and is enterwoven in the liigantertts of every heart. r Shall I ask you to visit the revolutionary prisons of Great Britain '?«--—those vaults of contagion, cru-» elty and torture»--the eternal reproach of hurmmity, and there take a retrospective view of our brethren in captivity, and listen to their sighs, and hear their dying groans S---r-T he cruelties they suffered, and thefsrrinnner of their deaths affect us more tthrzm their loss.‘ But I forbear : I would not excite prejudice, stirup malignant pztssions, or wound the feeliryxgs of humanity; but only rehearse these thingsas terrnpted enjoyrnent oran our; rights and privile- ges ; 1 and as inciternentsinyou to guard them,t as y the apple of your eyes, against foreigzt encroaclx-» A A post, iatitlyuse them as powerful n1onitors,lto1'emi1‘icl r you of the inestimable Worthof p€aC6,_E11“l(1tl]€ unin-«V ( totality. ‘Ii’ ntents, anti not to blindlyb:irte1~ thern a~wsygtyitl?i tlcrzzagogzmt, for El mess of pottagey sezisonedwwith i'l:;tttery and party spirit. i . Valor hath achieved our Liberty and Indepen- dence ; but union, Wisdom, and Virtue must pre- servethetn. Tliese will gttztrcl you vvithin and Without. The harm of libe1"t‘y, nervedmwitli these, will bid defiance to any power on earth ; without them, Liberty and independence are a tale which is i often told, a styren song, which is often song, to amuse and deceive the giddy multitude into slave» A ry and ruin. Under the protection of 21 happy form of govern... ment, organized and administered by the plastic hand Ol"Vi"l"tU'(:‘, we litwe enjoyed, with few excep- ti0I'1E3.,pCflCC and prosperity. A Agg*ressio«zis on our commerce have been many anti‘ unjust ; and the Indian wars cruel, ferocious; and eitpeiisive to But they all love been prudently adjusted, andtamicably settlleclfby treat*ies, anclthe ‘ merciless wars ended by the wisdom, prudence and energy of former administrations. The Wise and manly policy adopted by the Inn» mortztl WASIIINGTGN, in ninety three, preserved our tieutrnlity ngziitist the insidious attempts of for.- eign nations, amid the vile iiitrignes ofroany of A our own citizens, to draw us into lll”lC"lJ.07‘l‘:£’.%‘ ofEzzrc:pe4- an polities ; andyinvotlve us in it war with the most powerful nations of Ettropefit Tlie same policy "“ Siee the I’res;iclent’s proelzaxrnntion of nettti-ttlity, issued April 22c1 1793, forbicling our citizens mlzing any part in the hostilities commen-' ced by France against England, from carryizig contraband articles to ei.— 1 the-.r power zit war ; and enjoining all acts, inconsistent: with the duties of a. friendly nation. This proelatnzttion gave rise to the first attack of the olmrztcter ofthe President, and to crimiimting his conduct, which lind, hitherto, been shielded b ‘ the affections of the people. p Occasioitzil hints were thrown out t1w,tth- Executive was hostile to the lil)et*ti£’:S 053 the people,a.nd unfriendly to Fmnce. From this period we may truly date the corntriencement, ofithat vile attempt to brand all the def'ei1cler$s of the ‘Constitution, and the ztdministratiouof "Washington and Adams with the opprobrious epithets of toirités-,‘ and monarc/zzats ; met-elyiheczutse i ‘MY would not httsnnqpey imbsorvititt to F ra.nce,, and thus violmzemtt nett- 2?; has hitherto presm-ved us.i By reason (‘if this, QUE‘ country arose almost from a state of beggary, A to amuencée. Natioiial faith and cwizdit revivtzd, and we became respectable mnong the nations of the ¢:*m'tih. By 1"€‘.«‘:1SO1T0fthi8, Our C01"fl1’1’1€-3]f‘C€ hats btaen £‘.Z§§i.€‘1‘3adE‘d from river to 1~ivc-:1‘, zmd.f1*mnsea. to sea, C:‘”‘v’(*33'1 to the ends of tlie ezmh.iw--iC0n1rr1e1*c.eii is the hamdmaid mi.‘ iimdmstry, and will ever :retum to the ~ hu-:~;hz1m.i1ha11 and niccthanic :1 ~:.~m;1"e and just reivvard <0fa11 their labors. The basis orfall coxmnerce is the; iIlluiiwéll‘i21CCO.mmOdE1'iii-Um and siL1y.>1:>1}' ofthe wants of the parties concerned. "'H*ie:i1* intemsts‘ mei tliere. fore mutual. A iAniyi izitrzrmptiml iniai colnmemial i intercourse, wi1l,«1nore or 1e3'SjAa§‘ffeCt the ixfxtfrrests of W both paainies. Their interestsiiareiiinseparably mcon~ nected, and their bhnefi‘ts‘ rccipmcal.iiI11 short, it is the €7X(2i’£€iI‘ig€‘0f}Ii.'1f3SL1I'pil18 piart of 9'thDS€3 m”ti« «ales, which we do not wzmt,for those articles wliich are more V’&iL13.bif3 and convenient ta us. Without it, a nation wiil be poor in the midst of plenty. She may isuzppqxrt. i1;if£:*,% butih.czi11fneivi¢irii enj my it. This a... lone converts the surphisiiproiduct of mix‘ iisoil and iaibou1*s, into ciurahlc :'ichm2s ; and pmcures the ne- cessaries and COI1V€i1iCI'?.Ct£’.“S of litb. Commerce dif... fuses useful kxiowledge among men ; and harms- nizes different govaernmhnts and nations.. It liberq. alizes semiments ; eiszpamls the mind with etnlargn ed views ; and inCL11CLH2€‘S a a=.pirit of universal iloved, andi phiL‘:ll‘lthI'0pi‘1y. ‘ A V ‘When, from :1 view‘ of the present situation of Otir giovhernment, Ircsficct on the difficultiea, which iamraiifzd the fornmtioin, and adoption of nut" consti-‘ itutio«n,iIiam10st, with a~st0x1iishment,i that it was ever iefihctedi ; andiso ezisiiy and successfullyio1"gan- ized. S0 maiiyidifihrenit iinterestesi, 0pii1'1it)n&3 aindiob-i jectionspresehtedi ti”1(3IT1S(31V€%8:' toithe A illustrious fra-A mtazfs of itythat€:adyiito abandon the i‘m‘“$ Aportant work in despair :--i-—-Th<~:i11,i sudden1y,i1h¢: same patriotisni,‘ iwliitihiiinited them in the lmur sf danger, disembroiled theirembarrassments and partialities; ianclr“tha‘t sublime virtue, Vt‘l’1lCl1 was universally displayed in our revolutionary contest, conciliatedl their minds to compromise dilierent in- terests and opinions ; and thereby enabled them to bringtheir arduous labors to a final issue. sMay We not ascribe, the happy issue of that im- A portant event, to him, in whom are the issues of life, and the original source of all causes l---«Does he not hold, in his Almighty Hand, the eternal chain of events ? and, by an invisilale power and wisdom, grtide and direct their infinite relations and results. l""’oliticia1’1s and philosophers may explore causes by ‘ theirevents ; but Goo alone is the GREAT Anon» NA ofthern. From I-IIM all our blessings flow. Ila: raised up Moses to deliver, David to defend, Solonton to instruct, and Cyrus to restore his an»- oientoliosenpeople.t May we not recognize the same Almighty I-Iand,in raising up,,and_‘ continu~ ing tlirotigli the hi revolutionary, contest v; and the 't?f:C1tt1t1ll7_§f important crisis, the fran1i1ig,i adoption, and o1~gani:zatiot1 of our constitution and govern» ment, that Illustrious Citizen, who directed our i battles, and led our armies to victory : who taught our Senatorswisdom and prudence, andiour eisstaos trltor.s,,..,;righteousness. In him was a rare assternblttge .,ol""virtues and talents. T he rrrrajesty of them awedl treason, united division, coneiliatecl tdilierenees of opinion, and the i disaflected, and caused sedition, slander and intrigue, to shun his presence, and vice it to hide litsheacl, “His ersalted virtues abashed ty- its department. . rants, and bafiled the deslroycr ofnatiorzsfly’ . Our constitution, as I observed on a former oc» easion, contains an admirable balance of power to protect rational liberty, and therights. of man ; and also give eiiettgyl to its operations. It restson the elleetiotu of the eople, directly, or Il.1'1CllI'C3Gillly_‘iIlid.l B. $0 tT:o*p1~eserve its; vital‘ p1*incip1*es;_to secure our ‘" %happi1=1e.s$ micl pmtcct our rigltts, that teloctitm 1T11;1..‘5t be free and u11bi:«;1sedt,. without partial views, zmct duoalloyed wit11p:.1rty opiritt The electors must act ,:witi1ou;t pt*ejsL1dttice, mrxatvved by power; ‘iltllillfltléll- cedby the hflzzttory t;an.c1 .de:.::c:i»tfu1 p.1*ofl’cssiom3 of d@fl12};:gDg1;1(i‘S. ; ‘ l.1t1'1Ct(L')I‘17L1-p_'E(i‘(1"“ by tho allxtrmzieitts ot? ,gaia1 or ofiitoo ;. withotttthe ftifitl‘ ofre'proaol1,tregmcd- loss ofthc fittge1"t of y scorn,» or the txphraitlixtgs of Inch. II‘l1fi171OI‘t. they nmst be guided by the: uner...t ing TL11ti\‘Stt0f1'UCuth , voirtuo and tlxo good of com mu- mty. A t ” A "‘f"1.“he‘E1‘e‘St€d mustbtemo1'1t of infornmttion, indu$-- tryt, eoonomy mutt ability ;t of truth, Yi,1‘tL1€,“ and uh- impeachablo integrity. In public and pt’1vatet1ii‘et ,th.e:irtohamctorstaotught not to ol)tc;otttz~t1511is;;l1t:d[witlt cor- mption, .op1:nr<2ssi.,;o:n,.t _profa11ity_,t Q1’i1T1€S, illldr tvtices. t:t‘Mcn do not gat11e1~ grapes of -‘ th01"1"lS, or figs of tthis?t1es.” t to : .«IfOL1I‘"61.CCtiO11S- are made: on these principles, wvorthglsfztstst ort1«,;1m:s:jtLt44mom:361410.122 oo_ol3fEti11 tofiices. t ‘Thezt nogloot of mem tenablesttarttftttlmen;t:11tte=o%ot:cot:1sf.-:roa~ ohes C“.r€€pi11g.:0‘L11Z of the holes of ships, to work their way into notice, out oi the bowels of vice, corruption, and obscurity. T hose men will troub- le the water of political opinion, and stir it up from the very bottom, so that they 1nay,t. tlto more casily,t temergotfront their native mud, and swim on ' the surface, in the foam which they have matte. Such zoxenocauseldoxn be t1“l.1StCd with~ safety. t'I‘l1ey wggi11Vnever l'ive by laudable mdustry, oooxtomy, and» the labourtofttt their own htm‘dt~3; but possessmg t tptower,.,tthcywil.l tlmroforc 30 ‘L136 31716» ootltrivo it, 1., . A (‘V‘\‘‘ “that1mneftmen, 4 Ah % t_,"F‘Be-aortic the "Toft andteafy cufhih'ohns,t% ‘ V “ ‘no hlcttaifes ropoféhancl fat_ten.7 W y f A The:~hforrf1 of our agmoverttmot, wvhvhonh adopted, peared in theo1'y,}we1tl calotxlztted to secure om: u¢1:t-¢~_ ~3'f~;.5::i.r io1ir,rpeaiee and htippillfiffisr. r rF'i]B apparerii: ~eoi1teomm itantievils, were at coneoiit1atti:on O}f\a~lf1~ the states, %im- to tone govermnrent ;% whgieii ttiiglit end in orehy; '2trtr.1 tiivisaions and parties, whieli ewouildiexe pose us to; »di%scord, and oivilr war. Agairtet the first the idifferent ~interests, 'gth‘eA viigilanee, H and I may add the pride, midi local prejudices of eeaeh state t‘t1‘€iVt:R‘_y greeit securities. To prevent Sfllitii iS'C£tt’&S from laeing; swallowerdi up by the power and infltienceof the iorge, maclti state has am equal voice in the Senate, which 1135 at negative on the ‘aiiouse ; rind in certain cttses, in the eleotionof at Presic1ent..r In short, the S€i‘l1Zt’[€‘ are the immediate represe11tt1- tivee ofthesovereignty of each state i; and the homse of’ thepeopie; A Under at govemment so i)t?ttt1=tift11 in theory, all woulti be 1*e:ic1ytoeoy, it l‘.'.‘XuS-3t promote the peace, lmppiiiese,freedom e11idreqtjmoI‘r,i+giiite of every im:1‘i~t A Vidtlttii ine.ociietyr;eand, beroome M13:rb't*.:;ifpf3ittt1”ta1,,;.i, ;»Btit,r ztias,rexperi.e1ioe, the 1110tS15“C‘0I5'l”€f'Ct i1'1t313I?tt'ct@r‘~(1¥fmatth 7i«:irxd, time OftCDt°OL1g‘i'it us, that‘p1"actiee frequenwtly iroaflies the wiasdom of theories in govermnent, and“ C011fiI’m.S the senitiment of Pope, that, A‘-" For forrns of government Iet fools tcoxitest *7‘ Whatierveis belt ttciminiiireci is beft it % e % “ For modes of fatitizx let grecelefs zealots fiigihrt % t ‘<“‘ His can’t;be Wronggwhofe life is in the right.” Fromi experience We have great reason to fear, that divisions and; parties are iiiliererit in our gov-«.4 er1m1ent,z1nd the constitution of ma;n. These have already prepared their whip of scorpions to scourge us for our folly, iZl1'1(1fC21Ch11S wisdom by A their awn f Lil and more etiectual lessons of 2.idve1*sity. Pros»? perity often elates use aboVei1'eatson, and p1"ecipitate.9‘* ."uS_b£“2yOI1t1i the limits of wisdomii and prutienioe. Regardless ofthe voice of reztson, vvirsc1omit,ricf1f‘rfe2tr;t Iiluu-it11C1€‘etzt1*e wetteci, by popular g.21i€$y&:"_1,IDiIig the: tide of opin‘iot1»,i uritil they are b1’CliU“g‘htiIOttth£‘ir oenw ii! 12 see, by sufferings. Divisiiitons and parties ares ea. c liatmitliels which ‘I greatly dread. greater evils can- not btefatll us -; except the lsos ofLibetty and Inde; pendence. Foreign Wars, compared to these, are 21>pearetl,in embryo, in the “United States‘? i pWiI1at character has been so virtuous ‘a1'xdp..te:.'.nlt— ed, as to betsttfe from "the pntaligxmnt shztfta of sla.n.derj‘ and tabttse ii Hstnil t not the "presge.1rva.tion of tltemztjesty of the lztwsibepett the only restraint to _ tliehloody ‘hand. of the assassin? Vlfhttt virtue,li1tteg1*ity,”?ot7liability will lrecomtxtezidegntanzto cbtai=11,~ or retain an oiiice of _prntit or: trust, :a.— gainsttthctpotver ‘bfifil C1C>}"!“niI'!Zl.I'l1£.pP'I5t.'£‘t5y pp? Are. not tlte"conticie1uce zmdmer-_ l ~ it ofpthe rtuling party prefiyeqtxisittes, inndpptthe ".9ime ma: W522 lqttalificntipottsgpt A ell tgntmt assent to the facte M £cx%il??'oiii(;evor public‘: e1tzp1poy1nent'f? iP:tu'ee.;., .fr:a.1t;_iidlyppeott§idt:t* tmtl refieetmzd t is direct bribery by imonieyp Matty would beitsvrery. etdifrotn the line of their duty, and tliejirlintegrity shxalten by theellnring temptations ofan ofiiee, who would disdain the greatest, bribe. The flatteriesl and specious promises of Cesar, lmd ‘more eiieet, and a greater tendency to Corrupt and destroy Re- man virtue and patriotism, and undermine their liberties, than the bribes of Phyrsns. V/Vhile the latter had no effectupon the Rontan people, the fore e rner proved too powerful for the unslmlten virtue and patriotism of a Cato. , A The power of the President in iioiiiinatiiig and appointing, nndrthe rprzietiee of arbitrarily rernovg ing from ofiioefit are enormous ; and in the lmnds of some men, more eliieetnl to procure an election, or he continued in that oflioe, ageiiist the true in- terests of the people, tlmn”liolclit1gt the pt11*se-strings ofiiltlie‘tnat:ion. rlfiroporseydr ramenrdnients of the Com stitntion are nowtmder oonsideration, for lrathertttrrinl operation, to destroy * the independenoeof the J 11- dieiary. This proposed amendment will destroy the Pailledittin of our riglits ztnd liberties, agttinst the enoroaolinieritsot‘ the tEXCCtTt'_£'1Vt;“, Legislative, A mid '*.p];\/.[;il;il'.ElI1"y ideypartrnents fol‘, government, and g;retitly iriereztsertthe powers ofthePresident.--—-in Tl1(:’fS'&’.‘ tliirxigs \7V"1ll“fl.Il:illly destroy the free and .nn4~ binssed expression of the will of the people in that irnpotrtantpeleotion. Towhatlengths, parties will proeeedto decompose and destroy the h:.tr1noni- nos systern, and defeatthe benefieitil effects of our ezscieellent form of government,“ God only knows 3. Next to eternal sl:».ivery and death, It should depre-4, "" Some rnzty think that I mean to apply tlzis practice to the present Ezreentive. I honestly say I do ; for upon reflection and enquiry, Ido not find any instances of Presidents .Washington and Adams, having ttrhitprztrnly removed any man from ‘office, because he d1il' with the i8.(l.17'Iill’ll$l,1‘fl»tlO11 in political sentirnents. President Jellorson and (lcJlplt.'tl!ijlIl3r(€tii with President Wusliiiigtoii in politiczil sexititnentshiitl i mmsnres Mariel espoused the interests of an opposite party“, ye‘: i-'11C‘»1t1W1', Were;retrx'iove"cl, frond olliee. And upon the relsigtmtiorirof Jéflb-1'S0n¢ es Secretary of Etate, E, t Rzmdolph tvas appointed rllifi; stteeessczrr. no ems its dis.~.;ssc>h1ticA:»n. Urxlezsss w*c zstpply ssmne virtuw mls, p;;m*ioti<:, and concxiliatory cic>1*1‘<2ctivcs, wet: szlmll anon, very soon, become lilm Rfitpllbliflall 1"Vr:;:11ce, ;t1‘1e prt*.yA ofone :«.1110th6:1”,J1l11(1 of worthleess aicn121go5gucsAA; tlac: spolft of fo1‘eig11 i1'lflLIf3flCA3€ zxnd i.ntrigL1e ; the sulamissivc ‘£0013 0«ftyr::m.ts 3113116613733 clezatlnilagg and at lzmst, the sure: and Iwlplesm Vic» tims of fun:-igxl, or c1o11'1esti%c mmbiticm. I haw here:t0Ib1*:-:: avmided 17xz;1xx‘1iAng,g* pa1‘tics, or am- 1A>.1AyA_'A117A1g 1?a1”Ai11cip1artyAare%*% Am A muc.Lh _c‘1;f',Ahy 1e;1di11gyA1ne11 in power; TI “s1mL11d be fqrgetful of the duty Iowa to my cou1”1try, which gzxw: me birth, and to my God, who has pAr<;*sc:t'w:*.d ma: in s3xiSt‘<2nCé,> ta; sL1pp1*¢3:s.~:st11c truth on ‘this occaasion. '1"'ruth., I .h%c>pc:-, W A;;ifAAit AA-wi1;l,%A its hatelfis n1us3tAl:m:: ~:ifi‘c:nc1E;d; By £1 sirnple Ar¢;~1m;io11%»of”4i£';xc:ts”Tmr smti~.:gAA Aments, I’ would give no offence, or imure the: i'<:c:;IA.$,g ings of any perso1A1, but excite 2.1 Ar:.2u1c1id «mqui;-ry in. mtlme origi1%1 zmcl progmss of pzmiees in our g;ovcr1'x~ meat, :x11c1a\»Valm11 the: virtuous and pat1*io~ticA part araf communi,ty to a.tte11d tothosc tI1ix1gs,4 which Intern long; to am peace, 1mppim=;~:3:e3A‘a11d szxfcty, “ befidre: EM-:y% am for:-;*ve1"--1}id*dc11 from our <~."-ayes.” A QuAr presmmt happy form of gow:r11me11At Arrmy A $uArAvi,Vc~At1;c:se«deczxyixxglimbs ofours ;_A for we mtmt isaogjx $1E%flp“AAVwvi%th our fa.thc:1~sV ; yet, most of ms Ahzxvc": c11i1drmj2,Awhom we love, to leave bahixid us :. And xvho A1s%the1'%e A%i11.thisAas4se-rnbly, so b;;1scj,A‘%a“:3‘Atr3AAAbe =wil1ing%~tAo Alem them « exposed f£0th®. diI'E'fLi1 f€%°tS°fPE*r*3f.1"ag¢» am10p1>ressionA? IfVarmA11imI ma ofle11d:.‘ Wlay tlmre so4%%%%se:rAvfle?:, as to ‘ fie :mdV'ifl‘e1*e:1tahoL1t%thefatc~AQf%p0Ster‘ity, and 11otAléa;r~; fi~‘5*~‘3~?11;Eé’«~¥’%’I¢ASh $0 1‘€Aav»e toA}At1*u=:m wthc’: Aaaxnc L1n%ir:A»m, fi~c2em»s e=l7:>n_1 and incllepeoclence, which he lies 1*ceelveel? llrent his tmcestors, as the price of t11elr1p1l"eciowsl blood‘? If there is any, I fear not to o£l”endI1im. A , Is it possible, that the hotly of the people, cotfiw posing the. two g__§reat parties, wltxich have arisen in §£>,'L11‘lt7t1‘l€l,€ttl'lCll, luave been like two ztrmies,.set in battle array, e1gai~g11st each other, can lmvtr distinct views and %p»‘£1tC,,l‘1"1tEtI‘_€StS ? Have not these pew»- ties principally plrogressed from the mlS£lppllCEttiOD,. email. wzmton abuse oi? the terms 1'7 c?dcra1;'is77z and Re- pztblicawzisivz ;, which o1‘igi11ally meant, and I believe still mean, the same thing, anal rest on the statue fotmdation '? The great body of the American peog ple are ,e,hthosla.stic acltnlrers of the lettCll1"sgpt"inC.l.- ples of the Revolution, which secured to us the l>llessing;s ofLiherty and Ixmdepeotleneet Tltey are friemls to their emthtty, zeulotts ztclvotzates of gootl ortler, etmtl Aratioxml li berty, :.mcltlrIr1ly attaclxetl to ‘theCoxustiltutiongof the United ,,Smtee. l 'f‘ho’ the 3p»t1hlic mind has been egiteted and delucledby, t'4'€p1“6S€I1tt\tlOI1St and abuse of terms, yet, at hee1‘t, zaml in principle, the people are Fcztlemlietsl, a1‘tCllil14 mzmy cases, without lmowing it. For no persoln em; be tit Federalist wiltlaout being“ at Repuhllczm; they ore, in fact, one and the same tlminwx All Wiela. l or p1*etem;l to wish, to promote their hadivitluitl, ‘iii. te1*est,zmr.l the interest axtdgoocl of com1t1t1hity.l'5I‘he rightsahd interest of all areblencled and linked to» gether by one commott olmin, and arelittseparably teonnectecl, The some government and laws se— ,,,,%hre, zutcl protect your rights and rrxine. This gov- ernment is, or ought to be, a government of laws which can have but one meaning, and not of men. lfany aEl'mlt1lSt1'.~"at0I‘ of the laws, from party views, or co1*mptp“ri*nelples, judge of them clifl'erently, let all the people curse him I A l ,. A l [Almost all tvilllt“‘”itg1*eet, that out general gover'n- lt1‘1er1’t, isle representative Republic,, ;l-—--:.~md istprefer-. leblte to may otlteeform of govet*nme1tj:. From the 16 latin word faedzzs, signifying a league, or con. “federacy, itis called, the Federal Go'vernment, to‘ distinguish it from the State Governments. The one is ‘composed of an union ofsovereign and lode.» pendent States, the other of towns or districts; Those, who approved and supported the presents Federal Constitution, were, therefore, with the greatest propriety, called Fe([c7‘a[isZr : which term", was originally used andis still lconsidered, by its advocates, as synonirnons with the term, Rc2]mZ9lz'c- at72l.‘i€' Those,< who opposed the formation, adoption, organization and administration of the Federal Gov» ernment, assumed the name, and _were,« with equal propriety, called ? A72z‘i—Fc;rz’era[iszs ; or in other Words,opposers of our present constittttiontand com federation. « hp “ t t it ~ t 7?‘ l V’ » To organize the government, the constitutitonal voice of the people unanimously placed the immora. tal VVashington in the Presidential chair. Frotrip principles of gratitude, wisdom and prudence, he sagaciouslypnominatechto theSenate the sages and expe1~ie1';g_oedipattriotsiof llllltit~.1*€“V’0lu13t’tt3Cl“§.:i:l”£t‘£€‘E'>. M « t- t 17 ttntldisappointecl. Yet tlmisilover of virtue _am3. patriotism, so pursued the principles of anf l1oiujest,l pmclexxtl, firm'1ClI1*.lz1g11:;\I_1lt.1IIl50'L1S policy ;,:mdiilso laid tthge. foundation of his administration in tlte tmerring principles of public and ‘private, virtue, of morality and religion, and soeonfirmed them by his own C"3_'§i_:;l1f1"1;plf3S,°K',,tl1‘£lt, in spite of that piowerful opposition, it became popular, acquired streingth, and spropmoted the peace, union, happiness aiod prosperity of the States : ,Co11sequently» the anti-— ltifrciemlists l)€3C:.”u‘I1f;'i unpopular, and the number .-21,13... lg; tli1rxini:she(;l. V‘ The clete1*minatio11 of the bill, in 17911, to estsb— 11:51) 21 I'lZltlOI1Zll bzml-;, and fimd the »11Etl'.i01l1£‘.ll(l€l)it in tljm of the holders, mztde deep impressions on the mintls of some, and mortifiecl T.l”lE'1 feelings of 0l;llW5;,i..l7~ilLl€;311i1lz1.i menmhersin C£)lftg1*¢,$S. ii 'I‘l1eyppsert~ sihly figlt tl1je,;,, olaagtiixti or ‘ambitious,,,»c<§>rr;p,etitoi~s, his soism,iin Coxigress, atldcidniewfsti5éiif=~*tliJ"to, ‘opposition, and texitletl to tvrganiseimore eoniplleteu ly two <;lill'eront pttrties, which, in tbffil‘ progress ,2;l1‘l£lCO1‘1‘il‘1Ct‘f()1‘p‘1)(Z)W(31", l1f:1VC since shook the Unit-g. eel, States to tlieiprpcpetitreg V At,tl1iistimetluepxin»eig~ pfittl tliitagss, whielt public‘ ldeelaime1's operated ,uptmpthe mincls of the peopltet, :zmd‘prejt1dieedthe1n Sil§;‘;1l1‘lSt the ad1T1i11iiSil‘a’[i01"l V of government were ‘p’the Ptosidotitfs levees,1‘*7wl1ioh they said, were 11163“ 1111111.; ii ‘ ”" T'ltessl,ltliitigsllifillly apples? itfihis inzitigtwztlispieetrh zLt~~'the Mopenizigg of CQng‘1”K2‘3s,ll,{)l1 the ,:3Qth‘. play of April, 1789. The primzlples~;;tnt;i,§$t1i*ivt;;.r of sox1,,tit'x'1t.mzs conmithed iii ‘chat tclignifiecl address, are, worthy of the pefu. *:w.l*’lof 11.11; '.£Ll'i(;l.” will afford instruction to time ltlegfislator, mo*ro.list, and di- ,,,vino.....,t;8ee Ma1:slr:,al”s Hist, Washittgton, vol. fv. page 157 to ‘ _a.11:t}1 tine Jotirinols of Congress’. , l . 1; 6]‘ To just:if'y the sppoixtted times to wait on compzmy, called lwem; the 1"rc:sitlent assignecl: the,_l:o:a1: of reasons, to wit, economy <>i"pti'r;r\pe,f.p»’.*¢:1,'1‘§1i €351‘?!-fJi'l‘.I‘ll'1¢.2,i:L'1‘l€‘.llT:il€’,‘ m:<:.omi‘no'ci:ttirm ofoil who “\V'i‘$h€;r(.l to cttll, 0Tl:t1E*l*5,l*l3‘l1.'~ Ho saicl, tlttxt ltaefm-o he ztclo-ptetl 't.‘l"I(3.‘5€3 levees, W Gentlemen xvere eztll~ inlg,lps':S;§fist_he, tltseifmwfi hx~ea.l¢' ttmilt-he sat down to ‘tlinner ;;’,};*tit:l1 gave ltimmo timt: to axtencl on public clxttiosg utxloss he ; laropkop itt,,;;11,p,o11 lithe neotasismy hows (l*1f;$;l£3£3_1‘).”.;..“ .M11', he, ge11tlom‘o“11l;cl<111ne mldlgq i.11Jg.'w_;‘1‘£1»1‘f;iIlX‘lV1;l"£Il.l,3f3.‘!'§§ ;; elmt zmcl act as they plmtso.??‘ ,.l,tt.,.fi£Upon tlmxr first entrrmeo, are mutual E.~}ZzlLlt.'.!.tl()Im.”....u“ \"i'l1::.t,:}‘ao4iub};l,,t1&ca;rVo is, infill this, I tmi, sztys he, tixmblc: to diseovm-.”" ' Mé7%ihiAi‘t:§tio11s'0i’”t’h<3 ce1*r:*7i7zo7zfic3~ ‘anflw ponzfi mi E5Lim.%% gpe‘a11C'd*urt*sV. A *H~:ig}1_Vsa1a*1"i'eb*, *W1*ii*ch LmmnMifes~t¢d ai ii1%iTs1"e"ga‘1‘c1ff ifhat §?i*fi'I‘1?_3‘1"1Vc:"1ltgy anti!“ Ve'co1*io‘1*n Vvvihich»-. AA¢“:;hzA1wrac‘t§:fiZAt;js¢“:a r‘c13ubTic'W,%‘from :1‘ *moma%r'a:l1y{: ']*.°he5 banking» dxxdi “fi.1i11‘d*i*rigA s;y%st%mnAs, "~w§1'1.ic:ih 11:1 % ~21 tens. (1e:'11cy%tp&pmfp:t:3tt1:ate A’tiu~:% 11':3f'101jmfi -r:3i‘c:“l3‘ t, th0'ug~11 pro» visionswere ‘m;r'de,A in thm: mm *sy*stae:~m, A to A Acancd. :i‘*t'A::r "’A-IIC1fl‘1EYf.‘1‘§!(§iS.(3’l“fi‘\VS,AW’11iEi'1' Coflectzed :-.1 *revA~e-I. I1.m:=; a‘ft:frAtlae‘A11man"xfie1~ “o5 G1~e:1t~BVritian.*** A %So‘m1e‘0f fhc V‘he§{'d$V $113 'dejpa1*tmei1tsV of ‘ g0v‘em rm:-11+t,f. be”- #3z1‘111e’xva1*%m‘13*‘:1rfi:amm's,,%21x"1‘d%«fc1*%«rz1tt:d mclm othe-r with. g1'eatas19erity.VA A . A ‘ 4‘ A A" A i ” A T T'his sci:sm=, ja.nuVoh 3gr mm1 ofVt;:a*I%e11ts%am<1*Vt?hAWe persoxmw frie11’c’1sj Qftllfi“ Pt*e41Asi(i1’r3:1t1t ;:“a1Td‘ fdhc: i*m:rjez'1Si*n"g' ran -~ .(} CVN)Lf11"‘»M"' ‘t'1i;¢ Qm) Q*sit‘i. p1‘ese11"ted“4 to man, Wiflbe {braver il0s‘t‘.A”3$ A A '%;"‘.“.i’N?I;‘%y‘ca!ar\‘-‘F’-1]‘;cfl|Sx w~iish.,.;x,t-1d A-my Afonclmt 1m:p«j:A Atl:sc:x'eA~ ¢i§.,fl. '-'t1*m%t%%«i:xtsmad «uff ‘W.ouuad4ia1g, &t»c..»~@ac.11%:o-t1’m1ts4 A :f£A¢1ifi w"$.2I£:h'¢re‘ Iw1i!g711fAbAé‘13‘b€T*Tfl1 atT10W'a11CC‘S§A %AAniutua1 A »*f0rbe'21iz-an¢exs~%:.a11d% V rt~em‘pnriz%i.1agA.jy.i%e1diaag«s :»on-1m;1a~ A 3i~”es... ‘Wi*t11‘out them every tl1i1“1gAmust ;L: the A wlAw;ée1s' ~@v£e=1*m mxfrm will slog ; Sour »>efAn~emiAe 3.» A will. Ttriumph, y.%t’h*xm~vizag 't“1:A1eir weight ixaxmrhe Adixse S = 5* ‘To the-mti»mfim1%%'p2m:of’?cc;1j£1rrmi':“ivty;-% tlingej. :mOd¢i%W§flO1Witi“$ 51% %TA!fi* %% ;ceasar3"r wevenua §s3pcr:(“&:%t&y.%%jvim1n_amrin.A1y -;% 1mrxMc},esd%;‘%itsi$ simples fiaayt, mndsnot ~e::pen.«3iv¢~;.c .v:_A*nd 1jhefAA¢abj1e:ctggo£ vtzL:;iwti%(aF1r1%-;%:;\.1r«a‘;= wof arm conseclwrncfl, " if _th_ey ‘operate equ-allyf on ««eivc~3xryvpz2;r1;Aof 11ms2*«‘3::%<2.I2sx:z't113_n;uity, :zcc.qrding~1:o tLh.1:.. ixntez-rest protected, a.nd~a1‘»‘i1ity %tc> 1;a.}f.A.,% %% % r “ :::l’fl"ooter1acalo, may L‘l.CCOmpll.Sll" the ’1'lJl'l"1.'Ql: the goofb fly fabric we have been crr:ctling.l’’ % In another letter to the some p¢.=..1*solns.,; s7peal«;:ing; of the imavimblo misolfief, whlclm 1;l*17-A2“ 1)rej§{,. ‘poritiesancl oivisiono woulcl create. H’é"l”sa}*s “land for what ‘?--—Bccan1lso ma11l«:i11dl cazmot think alllifi, but would adopt di’El‘eren‘tl mean.m<.l tlmir nmost in- fllloxltiol olmrzmterls. 'I‘ll'ii$ produccsd 21 p1'e-—e:;isti11g temper in tlle people to oplsznly roprobzttc evlzry law :.>.1ncl m.(”:£.‘lElL;l1.‘(;’:l of Congrczztss, xvlxich was opposed on the floor ol‘tl1c:l1ousc:., by the 16 adors of ‘gl1A<:irAA party? n$tyra11ioz1l mid oppressive, and lmxdillgto sL1bVc:rAt t11<§:llib:.::rtica<)l’tl‘x4& people. " All who aclvocuted or obeyed Alaws, A were dleé1“r1-» czalcéxnemiess Am the grozltlblody of ilic: people, and at-4 tcmptss were macle to brand tzluc-:1n{ Witlm tluo opprobfim om epithets of zaries, nozorzarlc/zilsflso zzvzldpczrzisans ‘Gwm B7‘i£imzAA», A ‘ A _ A Cc)11cilia.t(>1'3r mleasuros were: liakm to soothllthtsir mimzlss, 1’1*oolam:a.tions9 llf3Sl.1("".’d re-qt.1"i1"ing tolltlw lalwz-5., :;uflc,lAp1* f,)Sl1i’:(;l1‘(ll£)I1:$5»l.l“.'l’f;*2f‘Ct iAmtltL;tC§All[Witl%!f_ V “ea cut any bcénefieial efiect. These only added fuel tax the fire. , A ' A , A , it ‘ l , A T his fire was fanliiecl by “.’AV'a1‘1‘fl partisans, until it V burst into a flame, which could not bearrested in its progress, unless ‘byamilitaryf force and by the trim al‘a11(lAC0nViCti0t1Ab‘fa mlmber of their leaclersl. Tliiei? in the opinion of the ‘party, Mmadel them tmartyrs in the cause of freedom 3' martyrdom made them pop... ular. l Some of them even foreigners are now loacla _ed with praises, and. the Vhcmors and en1blL1n1e11t"§AA of office. 'Tl1e$se men,”1ike Sampsorfls bees have xmide much heney out of the carcase of the dead I.,.yw:>n. "I’er11aps.tAhey‘ may live 2AinAcl leave , the” world, ladmi, ring their arts and talents, before , tlueyfl liave fully tasted, the contempt, which they deserve;. “ A “ That malignant e.11d,ivisio11ariy pliilosojfihy, ttA*liicl1" arose in Frmiee in_ A seventeen ‘hundred :‘;miAc1i*l ‘11AA11_1(:*tY "one (are two, ‘A As‘ee,re‘t1y*5" ' tAitr11“3er‘A‘c eptibly 4 ” lgztiiuecl groluAndAAin the United States. Phildsophy, falsely so called, which owned not God, nor regarded man, which estimated as nothing, themiseries and des- tmctioz1',of theiliulman ;~:::,c;e,,1A)rovidec_l it could well, and-deliherzitelyepui*sLiAe,ethlretigli oflilfoed abstmelt A‘systems‘Aof “governrneiit, and newiiexpleri-A ments to obtain some‘Afzmcied and iuA:nkno*vAvn goodi; 'T'he French, and almost every‘ imtion in Europe lmvedranl: to the evefydregs, the bitter cupof these trisiomry schemes; zmcl the deadly pC)‘t,lQ1“1l‘l1.’t3lAl)(‘3(‘:I"1l fetale toevery Republiciam govemmeiit in the held A Upon the clezith of the King of V entice, iGe1ieet,*aL manjf Wellil versed in the Pliileeophy gm"1cl7 politics _ef Claj7;,’\?Va$3AS€11t‘lt0 AAmericA::.i, 2ii~;AitrrAiiAA1iister lofwiithe’ FrenlehiARleApAlubli’c. I lF1*0ifii tliel‘ ’1'i0blel fec*li1ig:sAi of gzratittmde, i*ancAl 'r11‘3m‘y"tl‘itA3AI1 believed); ,frjejxn,,t,x*ee,i—; prosiityaii‘ l~lep%ubl_,iean Asezitiments ahcl=prii11Ae‘iAplee,tl*1e A p3eeA1jle A *o;£‘t,1~;el ,U'nitAedA; “StetesA'1‘eeeit3ecl"tlief lRe13iili>li— i2i1nia:liisei;iciar,e,with ciax1:«Lemselilcmlarkser jeA3’,a11cl , eiiae‘ixmem:. A*iA*,A'Flattei*edAitli‘Atheee.,A[[,m:ai*lte iormzaieha E1 "menit, Genet, bef’orc11e was accreditefl‘, cormnis. si0m~:da1"1d finlistcd men in our te3r1‘it’<3ry,, fitted out privmt<:ers"1n Qt11f ports, to cruisst: a§2;ains-3*: nations then at jpeace with us; and establish Courts ofAd-- miralty. Thi.s% was comp!-adncd of as 21 .b1*e::{c:h” of our NccL1tra‘1ity. T he Prc~:side11t consic.1r;'1*téd these procecdixags, as a c1irecmrio1atio11of our s0ve1‘eign- Aty a11d11eutt*2dit_§.'; zmd took t:i'1“'c.'ctL1zz1 me:1s%uresa« Agaxinst thmn. Two Americans, who had enlisted «zmdC1"L171s@di:1thc Frczxmch sczrvice were ar1‘cst*z,1$% «1“c‘13a4cab;1tc~:*c1 win; ’§,r;»:*%c;;*a1t acm '1j‘1mOk:1y‘,t1TlC1‘vilfily‘1"'€:“:pI'€‘V$4E;‘i“xt1%1c:I%L1y:31ve%e2vi-4 »C1c3mc('e 05fstroa1g”z1tta<:hrx%u:1“1t to the Br'1’Li:sh g.;f;<)ver1‘- ‘th<;*. :1fl'crctic)1w ofthc: 1fm:0p1c,1'ac \v<>L1!1c1'I’1a*:uL1 :1 firrxm :;md »X1‘1(‘:1‘1t. The: 1*‘m11<:.h m'n'fx1Sstct'1" \> cve1V1:.a(\'vi:=;s<::'(1 not to rclzxxz in 1m; dcxmncls, am; “ ‘W‘::1€-is ms.r;s\.m:d, than; in c:<*:1*At;;1'1£1 ‘:;3uppcn:'t.” V A A 'I‘11%ess@ m:»Lr:£1vzxgz3.1‘1t171:‘-:‘><:@crLfi'ix%)§s ‘VV(‘:’.<“C’: s?:.*u'?1Vc’tic:m£:c:,ie21:i<:~s:;,% c:a1A1ing tl‘:c:x“msc:ivc:s Z/2¢*1»f;:¢'0]_.-[:9 ; mujl t1w:g1¢zzrdia72s z/20 j)L*0j)Za’.’-wT11GSO s.ocietim; xvc:~1*¢:tr:;1ma1:”c3rxr1c:c1 byAthc~ 1'0s«m::1’i21g h:.1nd of .Ge1u:t imo denxcacrzztic sc>c2ic*:tic:9. #'1‘l1c: iirgtwvus ibrxmc-cl at I’hilac1«3lp11’i'a,oxxthe f;’30th day of May, 1793, run.- dcr thcz f"z—m~;iVxxat%ia1g prafcssssioaxs mi’ px"c2st:1*‘v ingg;i"recL1o111, whi*é,11 xvzxssxthre2{tez1c~c14by* Fchc:-s‘ cfilc:s13m;s Ami" %Eu1'c:;%pc*, 4”‘ zmd,” in 2/29: sm'~z l.,r “ mxdrxxmgczrccl by the lyridw of w«~:.11th a21c1arr0ga11cc*: of pow'c2r%,disp1ay<:‘d in this nitzjgd Smtq«_=3g«_“ ‘ \ % % % % % . __ ‘ % A 7 « s :i2AM:aa.11y A virtugoxxs :.~md% wczkl disposed ! ‘cit;izm1f$‘T>>‘Wf1*I“¢ induced frqm %purc:‘am:1 7 pa’m‘i(:,»tiC: A motive$T join £11036 .lres:1eir1 we oppasitimfx I5a;1?.F51‘5a.‘.‘ te~$[AA.zZ25..fAA‘”i?1W??*‘$ flwtieflalfaithx zfle gtismzs manure/gty, mid V2‘/23‘ czzenzies Q/'Lz.bc1tg: A F:f(z2zce.” Real patriotism will ever ctonsult the Autitlity andbtenefieialresulttof any measure, more fl:lr£;t11ti{2S ten1pee;11‘y popularity, a_1f1d4 will not slrxrinlk s11enAthmaath £tAA£1vwtY,A.Ab¢ it tapefms Aft?and»~—bésetWit1it brim a11d‘tth1om1~s+’t’. s t «PKE st; DE NAT V,VA.£«I~I we T on’ ever a, »Aro~barteed&t4the .4 . PP A-real peop1e’s occasionally assembling together, in gt tlegahvay, ‘i to express their semimentést an political ep:%bjAeets.»e’,’ A But those self created societies, At uesur:-e pi1fx'g autlxority to cemzmul theAcon;stituted 21ut1‘1o%ri- ' t:ties,,Aortidietatetand direct publieopinion, he ever Aetetensidetredtas;dan;ger«ou_s% to rational l«i»berty, and oi Aa1lAAfreeA governmexutsfit In; his t1Aet~ gtcrtto A$ayt,=AwrittAen in1796.tthe dbservesat “ that s¢1‘fttAc1featec1socAietie9a W1aiAAc11thas;espre2rd ttluAem~ ee13retcAfs»;AAmier we t<:ou;ntryt,;_ Have ~beenA laboritng fitnes- of dtistru$t;j¢a1ot1ey discontent ;,2i'ncT thereby to effect someee;er;ev;:>%}iuti01:1 mutllfi:gO¥i¢If11n1{§~¥¥tt;t«iS?fi;fé$“ctA,t to" you. A *St%=e¢5rh‘t- 0”'f‘”é°L‘/I‘tiz*s1:;:t1’[é1i£‘é.-téfwesxxiifterom. A A $6.5; @11el,xw"l1o will exam«l11e tlwir conzdu‘c»t.”ll A J l , “ ll‘Tl=mstate'parl:&es,,»*iln— «(me 1111-Ol§l»SE‘x-13(lll S&V—fE>1’r1 lajg11::t1.a<" «lived alt=1fl;1‘f1~71~1f1’¢Ef’£y7lS§;2*§5,‘ ‘ls jl-‘lately ~cl;e€eC1*.t<'i;l9fe»(7ll in :.hi:s~}.l ml.» tier "tollPlresitl‘ent.lefi"erson, and slmws,» :ma¢1aeha~ca have lléelonlflle 1fmne.n.t~ea7~s »<2»~fl«e: lxmsterazs A C7listu*r13a~I~1»c‘esadmits‘ ofno clmsxbt, 5:-11 »tl1zelmi1adw0f‘:a:11y A an *i11v*.inc~i‘bl~<3 tleslre ?t«c1lqL»1‘i*t the ardliuows services -emf a«~n~ul1a%lgratell:11coumry,4-and =reltl~re éto the lpea~ce,fml: sla'a»cl£~s. of p~rivate1'ife.% “ Tlmrtmitil ‘i‘«l£71«€T«lJ:1St ye;a:r l;W0u,’.”’ saayrs--lawe,%."‘ll%Il=x21cl_l.n0lcomsepxian,that pam- ti~e:slWou1d’,. or :e«v«en could «go the 1lleng;~tl1s I Imam l;*)c~:en: ?vv'itnvess to ; nor di<:l“I lbelieve umiil ilermly, that lei: wars» in tlae bounds of pmbalaility, hamclly within» t’l1olse~o‘f p*oslsilb~ili»ty.,,. that whilel l was ltmirnvg my Alum lmost exc':rt=ilons~. ta: mstaébllshll a n21t~iomall" clmmcsterl df our Qwn:,. irrdcpe1nVa:tr,.171 almnflcl ‘be arccu sed of being the enemjr of cmiie 7113» tion, zsmcll subject to tl1e‘influennce«of %amotlm=r ;----lancl ml prove*it,l tl1~at everyl‘ act A of l1~ny‘lll liaclminlstrlatiabm mulld be tortured 5‘! and the grossest« % and lvlmbétl -mm sidliolus misrelpresentationslof them be made, by givingnnc side Qn1yl‘uponAa snlgpjfictr; anldllllllthrat tom--A ié11»sL1ch.ex;3.f1ggerat¢:d:’lzilld indecenttefms, lag; wioulcl Iscarcqly be applkcll :tQAlaw Nelrom-4-tolla %;1‘1lotr’iouls;l faulterwor A €VC‘:1‘1 ccxmmeon pick-pack ell” W A These” causeé, wi‘tl1Jay’s.;treaty, Laixadw the Pram ' 3idcln:1:’ls..r.ccfus~ing the .pape;rs, relatiwi 120 the samc,, 1;_l1ou~ght.hley%ihad.l1mldireclt relation to} any mattgc l;)c£c>Arc C¢.o:mgr«:ssi,imperiously Iglrgécll 4 us to W‘ 2:11 im; portant crisis ;.l mid we sl1oL1l§lhavefa1len apre3r{t:Ql V Fr&11%ch.i11ltriguc, slander mad the clireful lefihcts’ party, :l1aol~.moti:1ha£ lV’.Vi;S‘©l l,ams:ll 1pm;1lLllem; nlagislratc lfirmlyl <$a5;00(1ll<1‘r1 the portal llmflltllm car/E: llofmmfl lmx71im11,l peaceland.smfety;,la1md repelled lewzry lattaf>l?§l~~ l :l ‘I D uringlglis ald“mlnistratio11, was thé most ' ~<évf:11’E- ful periad of changes ; xfgvolutionsary 12.rinc1.p1«::s al s".?.2i« false and ;e::m‘avagm1‘c th«eori<[‘:s ; vainu phiidsoplxy ; enoz'm0us%vic;es._,;ax1d u1)11eard«%of ,c1*ueltie‘:‘s, which ever stainecl %t11%cp2xges ofiuistmffyr. .A1l tluescg things Vvvcgre done, prtfifessrsdly to aid the cause of z..c72z'zmr.. ml ZiM:r2y,4a11dl%to re:e3[to1*e the ;e~qVL1a1A rights of .man. VV1"1cre,nmv is that ca3.:1s<~: of 1'1be1~ty\?~—~That‘~ czmsc: so absurdly pursued A by 1;hc—: wig7zAis fiztuzzs of :14 mizl phiiosophy? “vV‘he1*c 1sthat% €:11t1‘lLl£5i£’4SI1’1 for /z'b.9rz_y arzdvz/zeeqzmZV rig/My man, whic11%4so%oftc11 cauzscd the ai%1"%t“o rend fw»iLh ,t1mv 21cc:1;.11'r2A:xfcic;ms of millicms, shVo11ti?ng-w~L072g¢%léwc Lizficrzty W.’ L02zcg*wZi=zm~ Egm;'li« {y .9 A "VV"here ,are~the ShOL1tii1f§:§W’()fta;Y‘3,¢£S,‘ ‘VV1}(.), VVh€.‘1"C3 left]? :toA%_%%t11e;garZ£a%r Qf A1€£¢z30;2,% in% the %field pf IS/I:.xrM:a, to Swami ¢tém:11hat_reA£1 I0ki1‘1.—,“?g;‘i“va131."i€3$tS; anal 4,'5~‘;I1;‘~*P@ro~rs lmy. A m5%=A:i*ri¢aads,% tlwcy % 3W-,?W1<= % a]2b'Zm::7'z ,V A , . you have sooften Almard called the Grmz 4R.cpz/.5/i» cczrz .? And this» same 1"c::pub1_ican has mast g:f.m_;. ciously -t%akenA%the»samea cause of unive1*sa%1A liberty and theec1ua14r,igh7w;o;f ~h\i:Si A4A9“T;1I hW3S»9*11@1 is pliccss A stars :.~m_d~ % gmitcrs to his A fami1yi,4fin.fvox*i%tcé mm frii:11d:-:.%-¢——~% V ; V 7. 7 V A 4 W “Alas: cc wmimr % Manléindy:-zre made‘of!” 1 M % % % % Sluzzkespéarfzqs-¥~‘%“too many of them have‘ % % ‘FA %Many,hancIs and no u{'e% ; purblinded ,; V 1“ All eyesaxjd nc§ fight 1”-wk» X % fl . ' In _A”*rr;eri”£:é, ‘the bodjyiofthcfi peoplci are 1essig.f§no— rant anc1‘coi~1'u‘pt.‘ Too nmny%0fti3c111,I l‘1yopcgs;%tiIi relw 01?: theii‘ cmm i#nformatio?r1 df‘111’e11:zmdyf n1<:r"as%¢13=2'?eza Io b e“1(~jdby swee4t'words,‘’ “ % ‘ ” 7 ** 7“ ““ Low é1*ooke%d Vcourtifies; :1.’nd..bzife, fpa.u.ic1. f2"xMw;nings_% A By gm.-£u1wsmz1esrofknaves, and %ftron+gr%%pi~dferfl10ns ; h ; A « By laud huzzasA4:~;uy4~empA‘cy names; tofArwim,:A . _ » ““ “Like wantofi boys; on Hr1a;dders1,%2;Zn z=1,V%%:EV1.‘z*1ar:i<3&ci “ Se21‘0fg;1ory,” % ‘A ” % 2 ties ’We*sti1l tirrefer the field of freedotm to the field of ‘ Mars ; and the altar of Virtue and Religion to the altatr of reason, i A " A A M “Virtue never wi1lbe"moved,, “ Thottgh lewdnefs court it in the ihepe of heaven.” ‘ Happy for us, my brethren, that throtrglt the eom‘liet of psssionsp and false theories, the tgreet lover of truth and Virute, stood at the helm of our goversrmtetlt, antlfirmly pursued than open, honest la‘l11d'pl‘Lldt€11t policy. By this, he preserved our p‘eztce, our safety zmtl freeclom. He stood, like a mole in the midst of the agitated ocean; and his ovlirtues bid defiat1ee'to the fury of its Waves. F‘ Vi..- olenee, it-ttrigue, tslarlder and detraction dashed the:mselvt:s to pieces againsthim, and fell in empty I'YlUl”l‘l”1l.lI‘S at his feet 5”’ A ; Tile suceessorof Vwzlshington firmly‘ ‘followed his ste:pe,1 but witlt less prt1elene+e«amd op ootideseeny. lesion. ;'1‘he vmlailignant shafts ofs1aoclerlal=idl d€lI.YElCr- dliolll were, therefore, levelled at him With. more success, by the u111*el~t:11ting.:; spirit of party. Indian wars, in zwhieh had been two defeats tmtl great ex. penees ; suppressiing of insurreotions ; the then text istiog eoabmrttsstrnents in our foreign relations, ancl (l.€pt‘€t5lt1t§.0n.S on ouroommeroe had necessarily in.» creased the e:»=.«:pex'1ces of government and lessened the public revenue. To preserve the sinking funcl, and the provisions made for cancelling the national debt, it became necessary to resort to new "objects. of ttttmtiott to defray the extra expenses of govern». ment. A These taxes alffeoted the rich more than rrthe poor, and their operation was equal upon prop- erty and men of business : But the names of the Meets were unpopular, and tended to awaken pteju.~~ ' dice. Demagogules and partisans seized the pree- A clone opportunity, chat-"ed the old short’. tmtl eddres—- sad, the p£lSSlOIl53 trod prejudices of men,_mtore ethane A ptlhAeir‘rteeso.11. Many, who never did, 2lll_d,1[J€rhtlP,S A he never wouid have paid a single cent, had the acme eontinued, felt the marmozizs 0_/Jjarcwzorz, and clarnour- ed most against the taxes. The same party, Cvlltlllgillg their name to Repiubli- A canwatici pttrsttitigytllie olcl 'n1axirn, that a ica_72z‘Jz'72z¢aZi tlropizzg will tvézzr astray I/zcfliizzry rot/3, poured forth front their presses,and in 1nany other ways, tor- rents of slander and abuse. nnajority of Con- gress considered, th-a‘t such abuse could not be en- dured anyloiager and the government survive "7: But that government, which was instituted for the benefitlancl preservation of -community, ought to protect itself, as well as 1 individuals. 'I"hat larw, called the sedition law, was thereforepassed, whichi amefliotrated the comtnon law, by permitting the truth to be giveni in evidence to justify the pt1bli'C:;1- tions, complained of as libellons. i A A ' c The jails andtrorthelstof Europe had been along «time disgorging their seditious and Ioathsome’ burthens upon us; and’ transplanting the exotic- plants ofEuropean corruption intoithe soil of ration. t al liberty :,_To rernedythe, evil, and prevent the -tconslequences, an°"alieni‘itlaW' was ‘passed.‘ “ These la-wssoon became the rallying points of the parties, and the theme of popular declamation. Instead of remedying tlieievitls, which threatened to dissolve the bonds of society and o-verthrovv the government, they only checlted their progress for a short time ; when a new“ election of President chan.ged the en- ecuftive in 1801- This consequently, Worked a full cure,”andfurnished at compleat remedy for all the“etvils3andt complaints against government, by displacing the old, faithful and experienced ofiiceris of the former adrninistrations, to rnake room for A giopuiar declairners and hungry t partisans. ye These were ls‘oontMconvitnced that the salaries ofthe" oflicers of government were notttoohiglil ;“ and the powers of the ‘Eresidentunottltoo g1*eat-mlatttmiglit be en» «ttAiargetd,yn*ith safety, whcntheinterest of time. party; i £.7;7, reqtiircd : A The practical languageof \ these , prol’es~: , sed lovers of the people soon became, thatithe pofli. cers of governrnrnt wereno longer servants to o-4 bey the Voice, or regard the opinions of the “whole body of the people, but‘ professional, servants and practical masters, or stewards to provide for 7 them. selves and their households 1 i Let me ask you as a people, What rights, what ~ privileges do you new enjoy, whichyou did not, before 1801 ‘.9, Do you enjoy greater freedonnmore, rational liberty or independence ? Do you pay less taxes, or does the produce and eflects‘ of your Ia- bors find a better and more ready market ‘1? Is not the reverse the ease‘? Is your government more respectable at home , or abroad ? Have there been any changes for the benefit of the great body of the ,people ! A , Wliati have the present administration done forpyourpeace, safety, pro*spe,1*i"ty ancl itlialtipiu ness, Wl'1iCl‘1 the former had not done? These are »serious queistions, and require the seriousand _c:m.. did consideration of every member of. community. We are not to expect or look for perfection in the former, or present administration of government.. It is not in man or his Works. Man is imperfect in all his Ways, thoughts and actions. l ' _ A A , 'I''hougl1 former administrations and their support it ters may have committed errors in framing and or- gaanizing; out of the chaos of difiierent interests and political opinions, and putting and keeping in mo.- tion our present form of government. it Yet have the present administration committed no errors and irn. prudences, in the more easy task. of continuing the government in motion, in time of peace and in collectitig into the granafies, already prepared, and in disposing of the plenteons crop, which liadybeen A sown, and secured by the industry and skill of the fortner administrations ‘.9 If the present administral; tionhave committed none, and “ are _ without sin” let them east the stone. If the party in power are 28* the exclusive possessorst‘ of virtue, iwisciom, in"tegu ii rity and patriotism, let a great part of the freemen of this great republic, who have achieved yourlib» erty and indepenclence, and framed, organized anal supported, and are still supporting your tconstitu» tion, be tre::1tec1 as ‘M26102: in this land of Freedom. Practically say to them, vveiiave no need of your jpubtlic and honorable serrvices. Be inclustrious, , pesceable and quiet : Pay your taxes and bear the burthens of l government, which we see lit to lay upon you : Fight our battles, not as nfiicers, but as goocl, brave and faithful soldiers, and your retvard ls, ‘(viz/'2 us. ” These things, my brethren, sought not to be. If equal rights and privileges , in our iaiid, they ought to prevail. Abilities,‘ virtue and A information o‘ug,hti‘toi be the only criterion,to deter.» mine a man’s merit and claim to public notice, and to a share in the concerns of government. A Time and inclination prevent pa1‘t‘iCLll2:u‘S, and I have new fmed parties not to i11crease or StY€flgtl')€11 them, but - to t iislt‘o=W“i“lltl*1eir‘l*lllinconsistency? in : our gover1t1ne1tt,. H Where the Oi.'Jjf€‘CtE3i0fal1i‘fI‘1UStibt3 the same. Party spirit, like the jaundiced eye can see nothing in its ‘truelight. It cnslaves the mind, locks up the un. derstanding and perverts the judgment. In all gov... ernments ofa popular kind, it is an ~i1‘l€XlmUSt£1l)l6 sonrcte of evil and malignity." It is their vvorsten» erny. It clebases the virtuous, the most pruclent anclitlie wisest part of community. t It iiexzttlts the “Vicious artful, trash and corru tto laces of honor 3 y . P P ancliconfiidlence. A It agitates every part of society, A and convulses the nerves,and vitzils of government. VVh'€T€V’€r it e:x:*ists"uncontrooled,‘ no one is safe. _'VV‘hen“ever it :hasclestroy‘edlall its l origimil opposi- ltion, it"wil‘1iprey*upon itself, and its i fi1"st,psrtis:ms tvith redoutbled rfanconr. ‘This '~lms alreatly sheen, V *Th~e Izefo‘t.; were 34618558 of men in La.oede_mon' in anciient Greeee, pwho were kept to tillthe ground, perform ilneimiel services anti ntalro Y i ‘lgnaoirisiens for ,t1';*e.r~t,*.r1‘!1le&", ‘h,utA1i_adJnowveiee o1'pz~.r-t?i;11 the gtaverrizrzeniz.» ‘ A n pl $9 exemplifietlein this asryltzmtof liberty. Many have been obliged to lleelto their firstopponents forjpr0- teetlon, to I l to A : l Let me beseech you to pause for a moment, di... vest yourselves of all party feelings and prej ucliees, zmtl candidly enquire into the real sltutttion of our e0t;mt'ry. Are not the concerns of our government.- under the baneful itfiluenee of a Stl‘Ollg-p21l'ly spirit 5? Have not some of the leaders of the party now in power, tvaged war agttlust the f1‘a1ner.eantl support- ere of the fecleral constltutiorl, zmzl 21 great and vire tuous part of eotmtmtmity ‘:9 Are there not too many whotdare not counteract the clietaltes of the leaders of the parties ‘E’ If so, letme tell you, you will noon. er or l:.tter fall a prey to one :».mother. llfyou find the evil does exist, apply the eonstltutlomtl remedy, which you now l‘l£l‘Vfl in your 1‘)&Cm;’C:_1"l, before you are Jhurxzield ’ll‘:)lilllldl’tl-flllill “rilown the fetal A lpreeipioe. Lieten not to theSyren songs of den‘1ag*ogttes, or the M strong pt"ol‘essiorrs of warm pztrtisuns. They will lead you from the paths of truth and virtue, to the ellmt1l:;er*s of political (leath. Let no one however ltigh in olliee persuzrcle you, that truth, virtue and religlottlmve notlaing to do with politics. Vt7itl'1- out them,no republicrmgovernment can long exist.. If you doubt tltls, refleotyon the awful fate of every republictm form of governrnerlt in F-I‘£t11C<:‘, and in other parts of Europe, where slswery now clanlm h er thousrmd clmins. . t Be not afraid of a union of church and state in our gove1"11me1tt, where the clergy lmve no ext- (3lLlSlVC pr'1y'ileges., but are entirely clependzmt on the people for employment and support. The ob» of both are or ought to be the same. ‘W 1th. out rnorality or virtuea mam cannot be :3 good «eiti-. zen, much less 21 good ruler, vvhoy is to be ‘t a. terror to evil dolers,aml £lpi'2t~1SS@ of so eh aeltlo well.” ll Does “ pure zmcl untlefiled r‘t3llglO11 before: God and 1/26’jL1~f./2(§7.,.”V” lmttlte at max‘1lleee. tymorallorfi l V’llt‘t-!,10t~.1$ ? so Is itanot equally the duty of citizens and rulers to “ do justice, to love ‘mercy and Walk humbly be.- fore our God”?---——Thist is the sum of all religion. This is a duty incumbent on every citizen.* A Hear, ye reverend fathers in God ; it is your part to cultivate virtue, as “ the only amaranthine flow- V er on earth” far To inculcate the importance of truth i in our concerusinlife : To teach to guilty men the precepts of our holy religion, asthe greatest trea- aureever bestowed on mortals : To adtuinister the balm and consolations of the Gospel to the wound- ed spirit ; for a wounded spirz'l', to/20 c(zz2bez:zr .9 To‘ instruct and stirnulate mankind to Walk in the path of the just, Which“ is as the shining light, shining more and more unto the perfect ,day.” The pracg tiee of these things ; will rnalte good ; citizens t l and good 1'ulers. t Though govermtient remove every temporal prop for your support ; yet by a faithful propaga- tionof truth and virtue, in all their native charrns, you rnay safely rest ongthe afiiectilotfts‘ ofapfree and virtuous people, for” a generous support: And what is more, that when you close your eyes on all sublinary enjoyments, you will ‘ ‘receive a crown of glory, which fade-th not away.” Ye, «fathers and friends, who achieved our liber- ty and independence, Icongratulatel you on this occasion, that you still enjoy the fair inheritance, tvliich you have purchased by your toils A and trea- sures, audby the precious blood of your brethren. Let not.-tthe rich treasure be lost in your hands, by division or corruption. , Let not “ the gold become “dim” byvioe and sluggishness ; “nor ‘ ‘ the most, fine goldibec,hanged” by intrigue, slanderand party spirit. Let it not be plucked from you by strata-i’ *" If by a uni'orr*of clmriilt" and state is meant, that no_n'ian can be eligiblelto an oflice. exceptlhelybelongsy to at particular church, as in Eng» "land, I should 1-eprobateisuch ;a. luniorr; , butrif fit is. meant, as many -“use ' it, tha.ttve ought not to ele'cta' mernberflof :2; church into ofiice, or t that a clergyman ought. not to vote, or act in government, the , idea is absurd and unjust. 4 4.4,» ;.J_J5:{ gems or ‘treason. A One of yOu1‘1‘lL‘lml)C1‘,9li who apt» ‘V parentlypwore the garb of republicanppism, who tnacle 3 strong professions of patriotism and love of the people ; has been high in oflice, like a wolf in§sl1eep’s t ‘ clothing, and with sacrilegious hand, attempted to» snatch , it away, i‘1‘Wh»ile you slept.” Surroundlit with the Palisades of union, wisdom and virtue, which so much characterized you in the hour of danger. Guard it with a watchful, eye, and no longer contend about Political names, which do not justly designate a man’s true merits; Teach your children its worth, and the way you have walked ; for you know not when foreign influence and Clem» agogues may come, as thieives in the night, and steal it away. Place faithful eentinels about it,men of your own choosing, not of the gchoosing of the leaders of a party ; men of firmness, virtue, indus- tryand economy ; no brawlers and loud professors of their lovefor the people, inrlpltxblic places and corners of the streets. Remember tAbsa.lorn*of old, and, that Korahs, Dathans and Abirarns may be in the camp. Above all let those of your choice be men of incorruptible integrity, who will show their faith oy t/zeir works ; for _/Zzlir/z twist/zouz tvor/as zpkwderzrl. Your country “ expects every manto do his cltutyp.” You will soon be gathered to your fathelrs; ,B,y thus doing, you will fall asleep in peace, and leave a _ rich blessing behind you. ,_M_y Toztng Frieizrlr, a You now enjoy peace, liberty and indepenclence, Your fathers, who achieved them, will soon pass off *Aaron Burr, late Vice President of the United States. Novlman did. more to promote the election of Mr. Jellerson. He. received an equal number of votes in that election, and not one of them, given by a federal , elector. He was the first democratic Senator in congress fI'Q.1jD New-Yorlt, and was succeeded by a fecleralist, and afterwards was almost every’ year on the democratic ticket for the state legislature, until he was rap» pointed Vice President. He had frorrt its first comrnenceznent, been a leader of the party,who have opposed the former aclrninistrationsu Ylet since his trcasonable projects, many have been so base, as to ‘V I)'LI1l'),ll.Cl_t'f‘ p ll'€*pI'&S€‘1’1l:lliI'I’l, as a feds:-alist ; when in fact he never receiveelaifederai. r ‘rota for any attics, when 21. federal candidate was opposed to him. fines: stzfigwa of iii”. ttw, in‘dus1:1‘y zmd mzcmomy. L»? L? 5? Tmmpfies: Imt 021 We grey 1'1aim bf p0i%itic4a;l or private "virtucr, but wait; with p:;1ti¢. :1'wc:: mad receive: tlim rich Nc$si:%1gsi":‘0xn their h.-.u1d:“~; z.ui2.d cou1m*:1fi"(m1 thmiir lipss. VVQIE; in the p:.xths ofpuh» Lie and px*iv.'3.te virtms, and ice; mxicm zmd wisdwm meet 3.»*m11* 5-s;t<~:ps. Let not Um E:«3;tte;*:r1'1r;:;2;:~;, :a1"ad:apix~.~ it of p~ar1;y mmcrr your x11im;1s:.. 'l'l1<:y will stir up in ymu mzfligzzmxt pmissioazs, xvhic‘l1 will %t~o_1"1m»311t ymx daay'%;x11c111?;gE2t,imcl w*ii.lpz*cci;)itz1tc2 yrsu imio cz“i1m<:%zs9 ?trc:aesons, €~st1"a:tzxgcmaa, :;m«;1 :.:mt}rx1c:}y c’1c~2‘:ti1. A “ The ho111*oH*o1'¢2i§g;e“‘z clzazmgcr m;.:zy 13-3 at 1“m1*:?~d. Om’ rfornaer foes have 11“HE!.=d4Zi an 1.111pm\~'mizctal :;’:tt:.~=.£:1«»: up-an us, and than c<3z1qu<&:1*c>1* r>i‘Em"oApc and the: dczstrwywm‘ of”11a:ti*oa14s11as toidus, that M: am: z.1hvemdy% at Wm‘ AKgvit1nti1e$n1,L‘* .'m«:1 tlfmiz thcry‘ dnzwscéxwca it.” It i*5sl‘1§&‘. ardent wish, thutdm: may abcz: c;=:111‘I1r«c3i1ec;’l in 3.1 s.v.-gm‘ ~Withi11¢Vn1,Aflmt ixfirrmly1tr1c>r<:A:¢&t»Si1y4Awa¥4%t1mé irwrt : Sm:-pfifc mi” £uV1m I5£§$~%15‘ld0cfiy mm is xstrciztcthecl Om; t0wm‘d:s us, am! thrC;.1te.:1‘1s our pmcc: and safc:ty. ‘VVc: are in c!a1n;p;a%;:1' on awry siicitz.-~»—- Ea“, %i%:1*1:;=:m3!.‘c3»1°<:r, 1.1x1itt:c’3,~virtLm1::-,4 zmd vzflimxt. W/Al%x$<;*n.«. .«::m~ Aycm ;11"<=: C:;tH€."(1 ti.) :;1c;:fi3nd (.) L‘l_j1'£‘,3§.b§;'2';‘ti*.;*‘g‘:i,, :.a.m.1 in». agmixasit 1,11Vc:%sMwimx1 %«z,:gf7., ;.f;.gx;1:;y_ i’m14'i:ig‘n pmx=»:::r,; rxxay ymxr b*;*c:;:5%ts be Vfired wuh tmt lcnve mi“ ]‘ib'{".‘£‘t3.” zmd ix1d.<:?pc1'1de1mc:-3 VLh1~;.‘.,§”. 3:01.: nmy 1“n1m*rt a':M1"1~» gar Vvithottt C.i:3ma1y,:m"1al die gl01'i0t¢m§y flax‘ }"(;>Ll1." C()U‘EH7I"_"\;’ I T5‘i_naily, b1*m;?;31"<2rx"1, ‘let us; all (:::m(]i(Ny sez11"ch :.1{’u.:1* t1"L1t~h,i11 all our p