AN 4 ‘ a. ., . W ,_“ ‘ 1"». 1}‘ 1 ‘ :,-~(,“‘.«‘ ‘ Wamnvmzzm" mzromz "mLxE REPUBLICAN cmlzams, W mm V M “mum my HENGHAM, A warm? c0MMa%Mommxcmm~ A Wmm an JULY ma, xficagu, A B‘sa‘BENJ.A.MIN GLEASON, 4% Ma. _ mwmwtawm mm; W ‘Tile Unitmi States*im9., firm in their ;princip14Yetas%o§* mma,¢ 7% *h”av¢%~cmdcavo umd by jusmicm, ‘ by % :1 %:x*&gui;w @135», _ % % fihargr; cm‘ 2111 max nm:i0n;a,l ax1{dwz':3a,ldm;i'c:s,$mmd: by,m?‘¢« my‘ frie:nd"1y&% m.‘fi¢r::? thmir situativtm fhatsi ’$.d%mittm$%, main.» , min with ALIQ, ‘their ac‘.cus!.;c)n"m4;i %rc:1%3§t“;i(Im "qf friendallipu hpspiuality, ancI~~ awmmarcirml intcrcourm . Ajwérmagggg A “ \ “ um-a _ “ , MCGNH ED1 f%the Committee of Arrangements, return you their thanks, for your excel.- lent and patriotic Orationgu delivered this day, before the Republican Citizens of‘ Hingham, an.d% its vicinity, and ram quest a cop%y“‘th"é"f€6‘f for thé“‘p”r“e”?3”§.% A % I%?a.n‘“; yours, 55¢. HAWKESS FEARING, W % % “ M4 Cflmzirman 23/” we gonzmilima B£N1A1v.i'x:.4z Gzmsbu, % % ‘ W warzmaww» M 6» my». 322?, A M *, ‘*7 B “7W’7"-'»"h .‘%}72LE%i22zéZ”mi'"}5¢ Mongnzent V W4zrre’22".?—-+5?"/B4:%i22terem qf£The DEL)!»--'5.7%"2’J4£;:Ai5.1"ra» V " fig? qf our patriafic Citimem-m-mm’ my awn .Repzz!)l£ca7z+~ ;figling:,‘%¢»§a1{:;i7ra‘zrw”~mz'V~$ia~xszz:rz@tyour palzk 6f‘ZJi[ifJ:€5‘$ ggngraw iwiybgy, ; A A A A V % Tourg 49.. [regpeflfulfg/, 3.. GLEASOM w ‘ 4 ..,. w«..—w A A AWKES FEARINE; 5’ ‘ % % %V 4] % % ‘ 1, M ~~ M ing cl1in1es of public hilarity.” Let the *star’da colours wave in triumphant display, and aIl,;lthe:lli rich npageantry of Art and Nature mingle inthoe ~t?y,i yourheartseshallfeelin all; and in all be hap-A-4 i py ;; for your youth was devoted to the glory of ylourlrcountqglandeyoutreioidage isilterewardedt-imwith~ \ all the honours your patriotism deserves.--4-Yo11‘1 ill "at; .5“: -«.3 M M 0 R A Tito N: --uunnzsszeml-®l@!o1s1Vunu--- Iwozrswntww Cnr:ze2vs.m~V.»:rmAar.$'oLoIsas,H TFIIS auspicious Day is all your own. “The times which tried men’s souls” are now past, and live only in recollefiion. To the retrospeétion of those great events, is consecrated this sacred Day. A Day of triumph, and immortal honour. Welcomewthriceiweloonmeallyepealsof thun- der, from the cannotfs mouth, and all ye clatter-A A gloriousexhibition. it -- J Ye vsaérablei facherslsfapawestazicsmmuni- lived in elder times, and you live this day, to heart the songs of Peace, andto participate in all out festive joys. A You saw the lowering A A aspeét of our political hemisphere----—you saw tixetlifittempest gathering its % tremendous forces---you saw the pitiless tn;storna¢ l. descend----you felt its horrors--4-4-and 3%ou sL1fFerecll all 5* but, your defexgcexves Glzanand your Right; A and your $alvz;tion,,l,is l-e;yerla$ti11gl%ll Me“ lpshall be serene” was the motto stamped upon the eurren- cy of that Day, and you have lived to realize all your expe€tatlons.« The bow of~Peace was paint»- e ed on the darkest clouds; you s:«2§w it, 23.3.'1CljJ’Ol.l.1”€- ljoicecl in the alssurancelllof lFreecl0m.l You saw the elenzezzzie of [@‘2='subjeél:eé,, and seen one perlpetm“ ual azure b1'ightefied all the heavens: ‘ifo»u1*le1;:. edrlzlozls were all sL1ceesefL1l-wand all sealed with the.ltestiindxiigtlslofjfournoblest bleed. l Y 013. werel; lglrléaf iii WWI‘ 3.s»li:ll1el elaieftalns of tlxebravest A url lhlealrts sALllil:lllilet$ the, lfilllélet lefllelveryl clam... g¢£',; 5?§0fm‘e WP???-tifilfll “*a’~W‘=mlP3r€d‘with WiS-:.l den} and magnanimity. .lYc:ur bosome tl1robbed %z‘:«*oml%lll law: efkery 4 battle; And Deaf/5ll itself became 1°lelya3H¢“5€m’f. 1g;rl1lileitwllprpfi‘ered the bitter cup 5 eflfor youlzinew Q0‘ fcara. butllthlell llfiner #1101? Of W’ ‘l_1"Sl~" “€33 and Y‘3W+”“l G010. Youlwerle more tllem 1:-em*t:2xl" lj A 4_lVVhereV%Vistl1e mam, who lives '::l1.Ie Day, on etllielll ~ 9>ld’~°v’£l1¢*lg,1'€§3+F I°V?‘+?¢F§el¢fth€0¢W1aWh ° {am 141*“ 311 iriileresfi sr Nayll »1__&vel1ere the ‘child, wlioee :littl'e lileart wlarme z;AAc:%g;a linltl1ee0x_1templati0n of such all gleawlng pic.-J1 A llture? Sacred ‘and socially‘eél:eldl"be allour feel» men.ect::slg1orzous oc¢asio;n- F9rle,lWhat is more tality and all Wlhilch A ll ir1herits,W Without A the b’lve.,-§_ sine thislleverlmemorablelV5213’; Sl°‘lriCll1l1Y€ni¢?Y ?* wlzat ismeand allits hvpeslandbllisseee wirhwt atfiwl precious andllinestimableLWIJI 5'? 4 $15: LIBERTY flaxmszg f0rev£.1‘;on~§:he holy altars of @111‘ Ccnuntry ;_ z§”iid%'ri41iIIipns day, breathe its; firital Warziath; exult its inextimguishablé A % light and gldify.§«~+P1‘es¢1'Ve"it, He,:xven,1[0ngaMs the _ ¢onste1Vlated{7spIié1*<¥;s of &t1l1‘wE__gIQWupdf1'thybCl:- — éona, and i1iéasu1'e out‘ the pejriocls of «étérnal dlura.~ mfgion. }j:’re;,S%§?:I‘V6 cur %r;;§;0,<.;t'ys2;cr_¢':i'a;1"13ea¢eVA andhliberty, Xi1migVhtyVPa1f611t-émgldng as thy children waar *=¢th2Vzcc, a11g1 all its ”e§o11c<$n1itant fe1.ic~ities% ;,--my'ou1' limbs, and’ a11%:ité"'$céci€11”A Itiahfsa 4 m7id%AY51‘tu€S$ EM. increasing hAé1ppi11éss.” TheyAjSladgedA ‘tificirt zf'z"z.%.‘e:,;, . ', ‘ fl7€i?‘ farz‘z£;zc.s‘, .am d 2:/.z;~»~“;.~A ma.:2f%.s‘zwW+’ Vbiiffiw femembrantgdf farméri4Atini4§s+AshaAI1timer pass if» A fa thawastagebfd¢pa1‘tcd4yeara:% It fi11s’our%iiearts. with big sensatiorisg and'g1&:xddénsf' al¢1VV"th§épr'eac1'1Wt% to 1mve%it Vsaid,%you%Iiv¢ di11thoée momenm;1sJd¢%zn:es ;' ou1: Imts instantly feel Fm‘ You a11réspe€taandv?r= A itbsxclaimwflzfzwc 71261;,3rau1~.wmez1zoria’:w A J/mil A 12¢ izzzg M ~z&zorz‘..e%zdW than they» who have ” them; at the dear? pricewof tlléikf» 3 T blood; and heme happy are we that so nzanyof our worthy fathers live ‘this day to'hono11r,With .. their presence, 21 Ce/ebgrgzzfiion, which is sinedeed “5 the feast of Reason, and the flow” of Souifif A i A TO! 31'! Amerifiane-ftfl a Republican»?-«the story of eldex-times will ever be interesting ‘and grate»?- ful, With A“ the mindfs eye’? ‘to follow our veteran; fathers, t,h1*o”_a11thewma’nifo1_C1 sbenes, and ampxe fie1dsso»Athe3ztrave.i'sed; 3I1d'.dsayoaIié1o11ight, throf av :i_rerysi1fferance;,gm-wixajt ass subjeflp for eontenaplaé tionfi VA " ‘ ‘-31 A 7 o - s Time was arzce---u-when yoor rich soil felt nottho A effeét of eultivationm-1-its vii'ginsbosom"the11 scarce‘ felt %_th e geifiial influences of Heaven. ‘ Your citiesg towns,and villages were “then lbixtwhunting grounds; or places of exesort'Afor Iudiaxis wgirriors, sor*else.¥ unknown foevery savage tribe,” throughout the vast domeainweaablfankeesiissetentfiéi Wow rise from V filuese same spots, i-nnmnerable spin-es;' arid dornesg} and noble edifices, towering’ to the'c1"ouds‘.> Your‘? 4 popu1atioAn so is ‘great, “and imreasing ?‘imnienéely¢' A Civilization holds you in the silken 13'A:-1n«dsA of good; 'fel1owsohip." Youf1*4;C‘rovernme‘nt is truly Repsub-4? I7ican;7ie The predAomina:m: e:xce1lency~'-~«nay,\the:AA soulesfyouge-R»speb1icisowxiu:eeefld blessings of the ALMIGEITV; is with ‘you, A A V A A 3 Tm-« swim A vozzcou-we--w~he11 Ifersecution passed "with A gigantici strides overflléionfi seaewalfed shores; A ands a7~Iitt1e=~ bands of Burgbersmindependent in feeling A and chafafiter, "who worhippecl Goo oinf. s #501131’ sincerity, % anti venerated w,ibe1vty forits Axxzw A sure’s W132 Wares driven Afmmtheironative hams? ’ no 9 and t patei*nal habitatious,‘ to seek for ijeace and quietudeiui a land of strangers ;. theifpilgrimage ended not there, they crossed the mighty waters, and souglit an assylum in the wildsof Nari/5 Anzerim. The benignaut eye of Deity smiled complacent on all their wishes. A Here they found a hoiuegand l‘1e1*e planted thernselves, with chain tered privileges, on the most generous and happy ‘soil, underthe canopyof Heavenp They grew‘ and flourishech and have now become a mighty and magnanimous People. l Time was once when the avocations, anxie- ties and fatigues of life, then neccessary for subsis- taniee and proteétiong barricaded the human mind, and prevented its’p1*og1'ess in those improvements, which are so congenial to its nature, and in which its capacities now soipire9-eminently iiexcel. A _'.l"‘he zirt: and Sciwzcey, those lovely twin sisters in the human family, then slept where wildflowers shed their fttagrant bloorrh VIl_\lO.FI5i£Z?2.l”1Z'7ZJtl1€I1 awoke them into life anal trarisport. Tll€i11l:21I1fC()l011i€S were thenkept in /mzzding»-;f2'*z'7zgs ,~ fno1*lpe1fmittecl.t to think, or speak, ?‘or’a€l:,il butiiaiatithe sovereign nod of its pareiit Br~imin. This presumptive,“ sovewg _ rtianpa1*er1t felt n0't",'t‘11B‘-yqaI.x1il SJ‘n‘Qr affeétions of amsthemitxsoksatapsn its sea-zagtias t ‘flJlZ{726Z7[iJ?‘g‘,‘i, nursed by‘ some menial servant, and educatedin the school of insufferable discipline; that its ldesertion from holmewasa proof of data cing disaflfexftion, and that cruel impositionsand I severities were the only eflicient correfitives but a the olfspring of GrecztBritei7zAWas%_;1o such fouuda 12 W so ling child; nor yet a prodigal son, Wasting its substance in riotous living.--m-It never did, nor never would feed upon }’m.s*£z.c.—---~It never became mmrm ; nor yet ever had o‘ceasioen to arise ano go to its parent for forgiveoefiss. lt was a. legitio mate child, and discovered early in life; 3. filial of- fefilion, respeélz, and gratitude,-—--and never the hu» Airniliating servility of 3. menial; bu}; the amputsting In-life of rigid intolerance xnade Athe Excision, and the fsAlres€A hranclz of a lofty tree wAasA hewm to the ground. A Theafmas of domestic and hon- ourable regard took it to its bosom, and it was se- ¥curAeAclfrlo‘n1l dA2mger;----it was home to a.«;ler anti A happier soil, and planted zmd cherished by 21 1*eli~ gious love and venerationwit took :2. deep root, s.nd~ greww-expanding all its verdsmtAfAolisge,hi1lA. the purest liquids and elesitest sunshine of Heav» en 5 ~T‘he amiratiomof rush, and the glory of the world! AA A s A A V Tixzze -zoos ems when War sat lterrifie upon; §tsAlAe1nbattleed charger. A It threw the gozmflez‘ and bid defiance to all the Aresspeélzful afi’e@tlo11s of as deserving offspring. Thee 11o‘z.i;,§ll1ty war l1orse, ‘ink m1l'ed to <:s.mage'ancl tuto:~.:;:al to incessant battles. in languageAAio“f V705, ‘pa‘w*e.4,¢il'l'¥'fiS?an& cl1ildl2*é§(l.' I»?/Ii‘z’9l22?.3.r.r~~4tl1t:szlotillegiotzs lp1éostitlL1tiox1_ of your temples,e1weé’c&:d toGo33,andldeldicated to every Clwistiatil social virtu:o.l How did a brutal soldiery ravage your well ‘cultivated fields, yo'orsa,ércd% habitatiom, and your Aomoro sacreclltenuplest of subllxnt: andfljodly worship l A Contrast thequictt ploasurosof this Daytwith those clroadful abuses 15% 35$‘-"""‘-«n-.-.-.7-2...-"""' and dreadful sufferings. his wellfor “thegoocl peo- ple of these United States,” tOtl’1lI1l<. often of tltosgs tinted;--to consider the presetttmgattd to be wise 5 lestthey n.egle-étfully swerve from the path oftheir political duty, and heedlessly prostitute, or pervert the true spirltt, anclvenerable principles of Repuh-« licanism. * The Declaration of our Independence‘: has Welland truly asserted. ltllat * “ Tltle history of the present lging of Grezrz‘ 4l32*i2‘f(:i72l”is ‘:1 history ol: 1'epea,tE:d injuries and usurpations, all having im direft objeélt, the establishment ofsn algsolute tyvw xarrtty ovter:~tl1eese.";";‘;ates.”lA% Agstln. Wi’z‘ei'zm--~the frsuds, massacres, and prison ships, which fled, surprised, and lnullified‘ your.e11erget‘lc pow»- ers. V!/Virrzerrmwthet treason, rapine, attd tlexfastation, the fragments of which are evert ‘how riisible, scattered iarrtorsg those Asmouldlering 1'ul¥ns,tgvl1i%cl“r every“ ‘where meet your view, as nzerzzorirzlr of the proud, pervertecll p51;¢y“sr the British Cabinets‘ Efirrzesrwwthe oppressioros, interruptions, embarras-=~ ments, andlttvalidation of our laws, our.clt}il and judicial1'egu’latluns, and all our legislative a,11Cl' national concerns. W'z't2ze.r:-~§‘f‘ the standilrxgn armies“ il1trod&ucedV,’f‘c and the "‘ iztstrrreéftiotts llexcited '21-I 1isotigstt1s.”l’f7;¥rzrr: iilsfoii-“the’l’Inertzilesllndian slaw ages?’ brought upon our defenseless frootiersfl‘ with thetorrzla/lmztsvfé ma; rrz2I]bi}2g~/éngfléwmdestroying ‘hall ages, SeX€S,£l.l1Cl Conditlions.” Wz'rzzerr-~:-ye yottr-«J selves, who survivtedl this everlasting disgrace} fiwhiclu has, and will for ‘ages yet to come, ta1*r1islt the “valour, lieroisnysnd glory of Great Britairts’ in fi1'<:-‘:,’ WVII7 wan: ‘NMM 33:22 1101316 3i1‘éAs 21 I1tWfi'l*81fOi1S %pa:%-<3g':—313.j;, ms re» *<.§.ra;'a:‘1 of y0u1"A ‘essezertionz; is%'impe1'isha”bie as‘ thcr: :s:;u':3,.if wc.A~':, your clliidren, but continue toin‘1itatew am} Va:-mexfate your ajizxlted virtues.m-»Theroa1'ing the }3?rz'jz‘i:Zv I;.i:Am £1311 never aifiighiz us :%—--%---{he wllmie 211'nm‘dz1 of English ‘S652-I.eap¢2%n:z'.r5 with 2511 their vimdifiive 1>ax'ba1'i€ics, can but excite a. spirit‘, ‘.'}/"11‘iCh will be their inevitable destru57cior:A%:—-:1::*:.' cm ‘F all the vassa§s'%pf%Ji’z¢z~o_g;a in za.1‘1m;” c‘s.«:cst1*c:»§7 A crgmr IND1aP1:N1:*,1a1sIc13., You saw the xrengafui. n1a1ig§_;nit*j;A' of that powcer, 'v;c»"I1iAt11‘A¢ ‘treatczcl )7DU]?§()b€l‘T63I"11C)3.’lStI*2;‘l.1‘lC£1°.S, 21-r1<:i t’3‘L".1‘- nestpetiticans with ix1:sr.>1c:racc‘: 3 which <:rc>L1c‘t<3cfi‘”"*r;1§:2~ yam, with t1"c3tz1cI"1c:mL1s. r.:ur;mi11g9 zmd cmrrl Em» lzjositioxm inflame” hzmcil ; wish f.m.ud:;, ixmverioxxs fhrczzzts, aml :3ovc1r<2ig;11 c:%«:»°z.1tc3x":1§ut in that ()t1‘.uE2I’. . ‘§f”0uAsz1xv theI11ig1*A;:yApg:»vm2', wluich sti'idc:¢:l and l.:.<.*1%t?;1::~ wan‘ 1"1m'.~:;a=‘: on to bZLt’t1§.3. ’§m11.l1£z%:a1*d film: Q1;71ng01" eif a.rm$. Y'm,1 l")<~31A'1c;:Ici ;mu1‘% “‘ (;2iEi<€8 wAz:*apt ’ and your o\>v:n¢Ag:11’*1m:11t:s ware “ rolled in blmcadf’ Y_oAu saw 1:116 ca1‘111%r;uV"1"As tu Awitn.e:s- A.*«;:¢=.:<:1 the indA11stry ofAyo;,1r owr1%‘}iz1‘1id‘$ trczddazn to the eartI1w-~thel121rd Aez11*r1i11g_§s* (ff xinazuy wcrmisonm dzxys and yczufs, wasted i11AL1r1f<:;::1iz1g; :~2pm2't. A M37011 saw A ’tI"i€é poinfeclstct3:1$%gc5i*i%1‘1‘g; the b1%c::A¢f:£:1%ii‘1g%b;v:§o12.ts*. czf your beloved? wives Aarmti A«;:h%iMr'c2n. A "i"c>u% felt your clnerlmlwd hopes ramd f3.1ir@stp1*0:ape£“cs cut cuff pm every side- You wAAe1*e7d1'iven to 2:1 1~c:22re:2gcafL1i despmrzxtion. Yam—};<:m /im;fd-~yoL1 fiu?rwli}~;c~3 A mmn. Your last hope t1"f3I1‘£Mé?id i11%1:he~ ent2'cmch-- n.m11t of Liberty. It flittemd 11p01“LAthe last point A mf d_cstiny. A The: all «:=:~_y‘a:: %c:i3}f'1Ié:$:a.v?e:nd pal- W M M e hflllltvnflafifllj Aronized the expiring flame, and badeit live“ Cherubic hosts guarded the holy ftre,-and Nat11'1*e kindled the inextinguishztble bhttse of FrAeedom.t ‘ You appeared in battle e.rray'.. You rose indig... nant. You copied hear no more, A You ‘imp; peeled to the supreme judge of the Unitre1'se for: the recftitude of your intentions.“ You deciarect] yourselves Free and Irzdcpendezmfl, Your grouncl A was ‘principle? Your law tI1hehRighi::qfeMet:; Your cause was the noblest. Your etfoxfts wete justified, and erovvned with complete ettccesst You “‘ fottght end bled iti Freedot1z’sheat1se;’;’ and you*“~'were greatly vié‘corious. A A A h ‘ tDem,'~£~: or Libertyhwaehthe insignia and counter» eignof those ‘times, oandttyou verified the troth of feeling, byhall your wozoderful tminsafiionhs. Thesekwere the days of old. he objeét anct A end offeil your invixtcible €i1‘1C1‘gt€S were futly an; 7 V ewered, and the consummation of all was Peace ‘OVY and Iezdeperzdemre. Upton‘ theruins of war, rose the fabric of out superior Cotistitutiono and GovetnAn1en‘t-~and this * ou1"adn1i1‘abIeRepm'7/ic, which far eurpasses all the republicsofthee1derwAo1*1d,. They were frail am the nature of Man, %anhdhhztvte”%lo1tgt since critimhtled to atoms :«-»---o1.1Ars is fomtded AA upon thatflwisdom,which A A is the fearof the Ai1.MIG}ITY---a11dup0n those im-» mutab1e%hprinciples,ewhiclt are unhchangeahble es“ ‘Truth, tend Tis"tc‘o¥ete19ntaIhwith the tdutation of V1 to-A“ A A EquaItt~igI1ts5tand equaltprivfilehges are now,in solemn hc*o'mpaé‘t‘,[o‘t‘tt guaranteed mid to soecuted “to us, ' by every sacred tie, almost beyond the reach of flotation. A An equal repreaeiitation in euristete and gen... era} governments, our frequent eieftions, and eurflcerpomlse capacities new affords us everyim... gpermnt poiiticeiadventege : the lerexeeteis indeed wfraught with innumerable blessings, and thefzcm A were with the richest anticipated feiicitiies. Blast ariclfmppy are we now as :1 nation. Our peiiticei enjoyments and advaxitages, are incaIce~ iebiy greet. Our domestic: peace, prosperity, aim happiness are new almost as rich as life can make ithem. Uistinfiione may ezeisit in society", and there may he diii"erences in wee poiitical sentiments; but un- iess some desperate villain. should dare ta leap: the %barriers (if our social Peace; pass the beunu daries, efeur‘exce1Ien.t civil regulations, andwith malice gwcybezzxe, or in cold blaaczi----to hurIiiiif‘Wfi1*e~ 1i'or.:m<;1e, e.rro‘ws, and clam‘./9,”en10ng his feiiew citi»; eze11s~m-aidog~r*iébed woff .’% preyingi upon tlfie qui-» etude and confidence of societym-exceptixig 3% $01» iteryiin3tence,Ii1-ce this, of/aarrilvfefrezzzzy .’-#---what have we go fear from the mere iidiffe1'ences of epiniion, on the same subjexib? ‘ Call him as we please Repulvlizwiig t:rFederzz/Ext, ieigfigeod man ever: A efisi frem Pri?zcij.‘_>[€. And it ie “wisely observed by our honourable thief magis-» tmte that “ good men can never make bad eitim .ieene,’3’ it is a, truth, that every man is as fairly -fiilltitifid to his epieion as is hie neighbour ; mid; i'iex1ce,eflvery niazfs opinions may be respeéieclie A g3%'mpm*t§r:-11 in his €du‘C3;t}A.O21, and L”i'i"1&13.’.1"S‘fC111A:LAE3A:.2‘A1f§'. '3§_‘Ahe%:~e4%~m:e: ti: 195:, it is sszlich, whczrn “ rmzxl equ:-flAiyA goofl, and equally gwafi: ho§d~Se11tiI1i@nt3 UIIEQLIER,»-M, mczally hosti13”-mimcl h0w«3.W:1* in t:srif1?ingg;sp&:cuIa-L A 1120113 aw m;-1y? divide, ci?Livr31's3i,:“y,,A a.;n.~;i% a1*mng;§e%0ur * mations ef Gc;>*=.rc3mAr:.‘1£2z1t, of the ezdztizmg sum: of fi1in;:;;s,% -and of the pm.vez'sA that be, yet we must have me gaod of ourcommo11qqfumafyat he9.rt, bii:“C21uS€ it is i11se‘;n2x";—::.b1y _i7I1L”:C33:‘p4<':>1‘:-.1t<’:d with our awn. izldixridual w»e1fm'a and p1*0sp«::r'ii:y : I1e1"1c:.3w,ve TL1sig;i.%oVursca1ves f}*c:1g.~:-2 IF. and hopizzg a.§1tEa.Ez1gs’”m~tE1e- paxhxx of z.rf§’".r:;jy wzzza :3.tA iaAét.a9wai%de:iAA ~wtIA::*xA*mi3: b1fA;.we an :1 A im111m*t'a1 Acounw m:'y"z11ei§. "'_AE‘h~:;y obtained 1-Au'A1AAI{fi5AAfiAA€3ii2‘z1bIe [2za’cj>Aa°9zc‘;7«- mam: A‘A‘.V}'i§1A€‘flA‘1£3 “/.1’zz72a’r.edwz2iz’/iorzs cy“2720z2.ey,and /52:22-4 dmczi 2“/’.“zoz¢*5a:z7zz;z’A 3;’-aw,” wI1icl1E2zg/ma’ c::”~':”AA§ez1ded mi :§n.1pportAA t11«éi1* iAngIo1'iD.:*&z‘...?'A A A A A A A