O R A T E N, DELIVERED AT NORTI-I:‘s.1\/IPTON,” JULY 5, 186?. A 8 ON 'I"'I~lE. AI?~TNI“V1?LI%;E3AI?;.‘&’ CELEBRA'HON V! V rt:n.=*‘ A %‘ AT Tm‘; M: 5210133 T 01? T_H11.' (;'0m:zI2'*7*J3J::~ '01» _,.»!,e«’~L’./3.4NG.EM.E‘N71$'.. - ‘ H ‘fl -"I V ‘ i’F,{§Lw“‘ ma JO5f§I;°x’£‘I¥1.:&I~J M. m.¢m:, A I J A A2\«*0m1*r1x1z;2'z>:s*0¢~a;A %; _ % mm»; mr*'r1-xoMxa.s WM. r#o%m;m%mf.=< A “ %& 1aQr¢ A%f % av“ » NORTHAMPTON, JULY 6, 1807- 172" a aizcctinggf a wry large 1mm%ber% J ‘ % ‘Celebrate Me? x1n%7ziiae2_'mry% %A1n.7$e — Fez/cm! Republicans, assenzbfeci to ’1. 'I2zde'1be2%zdendq% A ce, V %V ,VOTEDUNANIMOUS Y-—~That%the% Comxnitgee lof Arra11g§- tments ‘present the th:iInks" of this; ‘mee_'t’mg to JONATHAN I-I. LY- % . A 3 » A MAN, Esq. for the elegant and spirited%0ra.tion, by him this day de1iv- % % cred, and that a. Copy thereof be requested for the press; % % _ _ __ ‘ A % Cfzairqnan 9f the C'o¢7znzittcc -.;AI"rn.=3.T,. JOSIAII DVVIGHT, Q)‘. A.]_]_angmn€}m_. , ‘ div vhf: ii 0’ ‘ %‘E§zN%'r'LnM~'%Im‘, A IN compli-mac with the request of the Federal Repubiicmsg '%%1s%exp'1-‘eased in-the above % resolve, I submit a. Copy of the Oration tug ycmr diS%poszt1%‘.% % % A %_ [A V % % I % % * ‘ Rm mcltftflly,‘ % % - % A Y'our%%o1aédic*nt serva.1*1t, \ . A J. H; %LYM%Ar:r. H %Th1i@7.%C'mj'nmittee df Arrangcmentggg % % V ’ may S AN flllnlflllllfilllillliill O A THOSE epochs in the political historyoi? 1121.; tions, wluielm have been markecl by sigxial blessings, ‘ lmve custioxnarily met with public and grateful re- nierabrimce. A11niver;sa1*y fee:-ztivals in commemora- tecticxu to its 1*ig9l1ts‘m1d frcedrq-m.4. 4 and resour;ces, unallicd, unbefriended, tion of such merits are notonly s:1r_1etio11ed by com- mon pmetiee, but they are Consonant with the prin» eipies ofour I1£1tL1Yf3S£1l')C1iL1]€ dictates ofpolicy. W/Vliilc flthey flutter‘ the ]')l“()l~;1di ‘f€@1il1g‘S of our liejarts, they else excite that diigxiifieci and indepelideut spirit; that warm love of our country, which p1'0‘rI1iS(i the surestpro ” AMoNGsuich distinguishedepochsino rjy,fe11ow citizens, that, whieh we are at semlaled topo1n1nemO1~ate, holds thehihr“ It gaveus political birth. It annexed a: the calendar ofnatiions, A It exhibited to theél world a ndvel spectahhle----that or an rinfantpeop1e‘,hhh A A connec:tcd inits members, ‘destituteeoi ‘eriellcci % 61?1Yi¢i¢* mented a holy bond of union, and bolldly seizing’ the gauntlet of defiance. A The perseve1*anee,tl1e for-.. titude, the heroism with whichthe struggle was t tnaintained, could be equalled onlyby the value of A its object and its unexampled success. A W l l T AHAE historian may narmte, the politician may descant, the orator may deelaim,the poet may hymn pzeans in praise of freedom, but its true panegyrie alonescanabe read in the silelntt ernotionsof the h vtartg, Lool; then, my frie11dsl,to your own bosoms for its ettlogium ; and let the sweet incense o*l'gratitt.:cle asf leend from the pure altar of your hearts to the tln"one l.9i:"‘3,*od. .t L t t ’ A V — A W . , As fireedom inthe afiszmcz is a mere nullity, so it A lsta subjeetno less Wortlty of congratulation, that af} ter the prize for which welmd c"o11tes,tecllwas won, A and our indepe11denee was acknowledged by our foes, we were ‘él1'm_‘l3l€Cl suceeséfully to combat renewed dill A fielullties, and‘"”to_establilsll‘ a system of gover111ne11t ;a11d finfanaee tvhieltsgroxnised us the unadulterated en. 4 * rrnctnt of all thosetalitettmpatiintettts of freedom wlticlt , wtaits true zest. Often ltas the mind eonternplat-. lwittli astonisltment the rapidtttslteps of our progress.-t A ‘bled, diseased infancy, to at vigorou 3 m.tanhood.l of the revolutionfound"ou;'country ex. iha télp1e:<.e§:l, bankrupt. lWitl1 tluejmmediate l eattse,ué*l'1icl1 tmtd nited its seveyal membets,l,t11elL1n« ion itself ceased. Private pa,ss£lo11s,1oeal and con... _ , l;encliintgt~i11tereste bodecl a dismal futurity. But in , ti , I "th@c('jzu1'1.Sf:),l.'S of eternity, prosperity Wasaward€d,us.~ , 5 ,.TMl1ose, who had been first in war, became first izji peace. By their wisdom were plan-ned, and by their Fslcill zmd jiidgtrient were carriedlinto efiect, those rneelsures wbicli restored conficlerxce in public faith, ttrmited tliseordémt interests, established the sure and A gmdlltal I"€'3Cll1Cti011 (off our debts, replenished our treasury, ensured the frienclsliip and respect of for}- eigii xmtions, fostered learning and the arts, promot- ed privzite wealth and virtue, and stmctioxied the publ- lie support amcl1'espect of our holy religion. The mimls ot‘ages do 1j'10l;2.ti'i‘OI“d a..pamllel instarice of pub»- lio felieit r. A But with Oliviafwe rna r exclaiitri “ Fe- licity, ihovv trmisientl transient the day-clreami, Viw11icl*1.plays on the fmicytitiithe briglit morliing of lover.” OUR e:2m1t:.1tions are stoppe_d mid-course. They are succeeded by an mixious“ solicittlde. lest we elxould be called to exclmige our g'€.’t’rl£l1‘l(1S for weeds, the tinibrel ztnd the harp for the ftmeral krxell. God be tl1:u*1l<.ed tlmt the “ demom of'w2‘Za7 mi.9rzzZe” arenot it even nm«v, clmtmting :1 p1'ofane and cliscorclszmt rte» A quienl over the ashes ot"oi.1r inclepe11de11ce. A lIaNonANc;E may cast the jeer of incredulity ancil A er:.tf’ty cleeigtt may hurl the islmfts of ridicule, but they em."l1o1otcl"1z111ge the immutable. :nature of truthL._.; ' ThOUg‘l'1 conscious that we have swallowled deadlyi o it poieon, slmll we deem ourselves safe becaltuise weare ' not vet in thetlast stru less of death '2?‘ Ruin is to row . 3%’ P V g1*essive.- It follows. the rge11eral laws. of mture, and i like other effects as consequelitof causes. A , If is _a ‘qtaestion Vi_l“1lCl_1l12tS.b€C11 much clontroverb med among the learned, whether moral or p,/2y.s*z"cal caL1seé,,l1ay_e the gifeatet" itiflnencey producing those surprising changes in society, with which the histo- ry ofthe tivorlclabound_s. In sqnze instances, we trace the rise, decline and fall of empires to the almost sole opelfation pfp/2vysz'ca_Z causes; in most instances, plays.- ical and moral causes have a cambirzed agency; but mgrqly do jive find instances ll,l{.C__QL11“ own,..whe1*e xnoru fial _c:zit1,s,e._slc,zZc2z,ze liaire efi‘ectefdI such a fataldegetieracy, WTH;~: year 1776, is 1'e11dered memorable, not firnemrely ‘ by the great events, which We are this day ’_(30lI1II1(:‘1T1OI‘£lill_10“. It witnessed the organization of i a siyistematic colispiracy, inthe ‘heart: of Europe, against the throne of God and the happiness of man --,5-a coiispiraey iwhich has scattered a inoralpeetilenee over the fair face ,(2f11atL1x‘e.?Kf The polluted dogmas of Atlieisni liavke sttpplanted the benevolent spirit of ; the gospel‘. Man has been taught, that every thing, once eonsidexfed lioiiotttble and v.it"tuons, rebellion a,gains,t the sov1~ei_gntytof reason, and that criim? con- sists alone in a reverence for Jelfxovah, and an indulg- ence of the social afi‘ections and the sweet charities of w in life: that anabstract benevolence, tniadulterated by any definite attaclttnent, is the stint total of his (l:fl1iy,: A andthat his views of futurityemust rest on annihila- tiolnq” T lxesedoetifixies have been propagated with 2i zeal worthy, a better cause ;ithas l3€€i‘.1'1ji(lO11€ too 1111»- ii icler, the impo:-sing pretext ofconsultinghis happiness. Q" Vide, Robisoii, Barruel, &c., The IIlu111i1iat.ia1~c supposed to 11am ' i¢*.c1’1.fi!‘t:tte11'1l30t.li€:d as aisociety, A‘. D. 1776. * But it is most feelingly remarlted by the elegant Mae-;' lkenzie, that “ Hewho would undermine those folun-» clations, upon which the fabric: of our futuree hope is reared; seeks td beat down tlmt column ,f izvlxicln sup. ports the feebleness of l1Lu'n2~mity. Let him btttthinlt ' at inoment and his heart will arrest the cruelty of his purpose. Would he pluck its little t1‘e::isul'e from the bosom <51‘ poverty ? would he arrest its emtclx from the ltahicl of age, 2m3cl remove freme the eye of alllicltion every solace Qf its woe 3? The way we tread is ragga gtid at best ; We tread it ltigl2te1* ltoweverlby the pros- pect df:tl1a‘t bettex‘. country, to wl1ilcl1xveVtrt1st it will lleacl tt‘3llf lt1sll‘1"1otthat‘ it will end inthe ;£_>;t1lpl1t>flete1*.;4 A ml clisslolttticm 0-rlbrealt oll”i11son*1e %witlcl, iWl1i<:l’1 fan. by fill t1p«21s'sl1e' p1eases,bt1t whiclrereéttsoh,is i1n.;ll able tdclelixueate; quench net that beam, wlticlt zmiiclstl the xuiglxt of this evil world, has eheerecl the disponcl-4 ency ol' ill requitecl worth and illurhined the chtrknese of st1*ffe1*it11gevirtue.” I E‘?€?‘}:‘\.RYll thing‘, fendlereld sacrecl by the experiencell bfeages, waslmarlcecl as the A victim of this clesolating_%V T 1 spirit of innovation. Asthe1'1gl*1toftrue leamitug tms soon fmtxud to oeppcisea fmtmidable ba1*1~ierto its pro... « gx*es.s,* a‘se'ctret ‘andldezadllytblow Wtlsla%iemed the es.- tablishecllprixmiplesVofsclehce.’ I "W Logicilnlem-11ix3g”V l%lmsleblee11 called ‘‘ what the compass is in 11::w“ig*latlo1;-4-g4Veeel4 A the guide by xvlticltour reason steers in the epL1rlsultl V L l A tot true pliilosopl1y.”'>l~‘ A This ccrmpztss l1aslbee11bife l<:— be h en antlrieason l"lt1S been left to the guiclmceeoftc%l'2:.mcc vlboliltlafi Wick Oéeétxm Of l11VeS‘tigE1tlQ1].’, lMlo,deh1 dial-:: ~ A A * ~ steam-.,«;;telremy.a¢¢e 3 lectics are an amalgam of chi*cane1'y and absurdity, which would disgrace tls:ye1"easo11ings of a 1nad~hot1se. Language itself is confounded anew £l11’10ngSt these visioneujy B‘abel.builclers. , The vocabulary o'l’s<:ie11ce is crowclecl with abstract terms, to which no definite idea is attached, and wxth him, who labors to under- staml, coizfizsiorz becomes marge co;-zfamzclea’. THE elements of mom} science have been exploo (led, and system of ethics and‘ metaphysics 112-IS been lstxlbstitttted, more clmotie and colrr11ptlth2m the phi-t losophy of the heatheils--—z-1 system which Seneca and Epictetus would reject with contempt and abhor-A 1'e,nce. The laws of nations, which had grown out of the exlgextcies of nmnlzixmd, and by common con- sent had esztendecl their jurisdiction oVerthe_civiliz.. ed world, are discarcled as , ‘WOI”ffl~Ct£tllC‘11 codes, and they are succeecled by the lsvv of will, suppo1*ter_l by physical power. If is very justly remz.-u*l»:.ed by M1‘. Locke, that _“ there cxmnot be done 21 grc:-.1te1' 111iscl1icfto pxhince A and people, them 131'o1),agatluzg w1"o,11,p1ing" house is a reaely Lycoeum; SUCH", my coeuntrymhen, is the systems of ‘mm! and intellectual degradation, which has pervaded our’ oWi1 country in con*i1no‘n Wfth the rest of the World.“ Effects must follow their éauses; From an embit-‘ ferecl four1tai11 must flow bitterhwrztterhs.’ Feeble ate. best is the reesistzmee whi'oh rea.so"11 and prihciple rnzxke against the zhamral tendencixesof our passions,‘ §)'L1t throw dow11et11hth1not1nd," feeble as iris", and fur; V iiislj acldirtihoxaalr a1‘ri‘1§‘r21ncI‘11e\*?:r~ incitements to the as." 1‘uix'1s. TH of history has ever” exhhibiteclh to the philanthropist abu11d:.mt‘ emabtter for melancholy refleca‘ rion ; but thehevents‘ which‘ heme transpired during; J s:1i1m1t,"an'c1the ciitadel“ ofl1u1na11 11appin'ess sinks in?’ {he period'Wl1ic11 we luwe just contem;91a'ted,r have led?‘ 10 on the su-ccessive. scenes ofa tragedy whose catastrophe bids fair to be the dissolution of society. Cast your . eyes over the map of Europe. You find one huge oharnel house; The sword ofgthe destroyer has coverecl her fields with prutrescent carcases and swollen the current of her streamswith blood. Do you enquire for those hitigdoms and republics with which her fair face was once lvariegated '2? They no lotigettexist but as tributary provinces of a vastmil» itary despotism. Tlie old dynasties of Europe which by their reciprocal jealousies, formerly preserved the balance of power, have successfully. become i’m- itierged in the new dynasty of France. P‘o*liti'cal lib- erty is no longer known on the continent; it has fled proscriptioti, and sought an asylurn‘ on the white cliffs pot England; Every thing succumbs before the om.’ nipotence of the Corsican. The old wonders of the world no longer attract notice. gleesar, Ale.sander,. Getigliis Khan diwinclile into petty maruaders, before this Ciolotssal conqueror. Ptiapitli asitlieligli'tni1ig, of his own mind‘, he marclies" but to subdue ;’ the sub» tie policyof Iris cabinetprecedeshiscamp, and Vic- tory is ensured before his arms are visible. Versa-' tile as Proteus he has erzpetlipents. adaptedi to every eszigency. Miaster of half the wealth and popula- it tion of Europe, the siuews of war are his o*wn.----“ Restricted by notiie of M honor, destitute Of“ even the semblance of faith, and rernorseless as thegrave, no’ minor considerations Sl1€ll{t'3 the purpose of his soul. I-iisambition isboundless as his resources. ~ tUni»=s .versal.'empire- his ob_ieet,iand'to thep(},odtojf'tl1e ttnivextse rnust the ztztsiotts World look for salvation.~ . M 11 I N the earliest stages of this dreaclfucl revolutiomdid the prophetic: voice ofwistloin foretel its issue----with few however was the augury accredited. The assert- ers of our independence and the wise founders of our federal fg;overnment who had spilled their blood and expended their treasure, in the acquisition and es»- tablishrnent of substantial freedon1,_ were early alarm- ed at the threatuing aspect of this baleful ineteor.-—-—- ‘While the passions and affections of the great mass; of our country111e11 were propelled with a fatal im- pulse towards an intimate union with the leatlinp; ac- tors in this great drama, our political pilots witha prescience and skill which marked their superiority spanned the illusion and shunned the fatal inticc-» ments. This was the favorable moment for the gerrn of faction and eostnopolitisrn to expand itself.-—- Many names conspicuous in our country had long since stood on the catalogue of the new scl1ool.--§- ‘Our revolution had eventuated in a manner abhor- rent to their alnbitiousclesigns. In despite of; their Intrigues and opposition,‘ a free andenergetic consti; tution of governrnent, had met the approbation and _ acceptance of the people, lint the passions of the people were rzatfv favorable to tl'ltI;‘lt“V'l(’:‘W’S.._ Under the l12111’1C*)()_l“C1(f:rIl0C3_1"’l£EllZlC societies they 0I.‘gt11‘1lZ@(_l their A forces ’£ll1_T‘OL1gl]OLlt' the union ;‘ and assisted by the open influence and secret machinations of the French a court, they swore on the altar of anarchy the destruc- tion of our political charter and the overthrowiof our independence and liappinessg Faction now reared her hydratliead, A spiritiol’ falsehood and delusion went abroad through the land. Darltness became light,‘ and ligflit darl«;ness.p No means were left l.lI1§3iB-:.- t 13? _;saye(i,i‘1'zp mt'ast1rest131ti*ied to accomplish tl1;ei_r_ purpose. (1 Tl1:.=:se mea-no axzdmeaosuros havcagain anti“ gxgztirn :1q.e:en dotailedt: A th§:y have renewedly met with A{tI1eo;;ec.1‘z:1ti0i1jV$ of good men; their disastrous result pt1rA eytzgs ~i1£t§‘tA’AC xx7itAness5eA%d, Aaznd pVost_c-zjity will haw: §btt;11g1421_Vnt poms: t;qi1~f:12robat4c. A A A AA _o131:I=A1N po1*tionmof party spirit, by ezccitiiig ga gvigilaiiit 2-1Atte11tio:n to the oo11tiu_ct of those who ex}; gércistf; thy: deiegatc-:d“p6ow_or ofitlxoipeopleziiis not A only ;_conAs4o_na1A1t withthé 1“1atuAre, but Iiropitious totho \VL‘ii- A beirxgi of 21 repArc*s%entative Arepubli_c.A Btit tliebreatli pfAfz{1ction,$ i:yiasAti11g as the arid ASimoo_1A1 oi‘th§ yljstsart. A A A A i i I13: this briof gketoim, my Cfllllltrymeli, we find ,_:theipa1*e11tagc of the ‘democratic fzxctiont Engendtzreci by atheism and a1121rohy,_remorseioss at‘rn'bitio11AaA11d tiisappointcd malioe, facilitated its birth. To insure to its ticceptazioo thé native wU_.g‘iil1CSS ofAthe nursiixig, was cautiously disguised in tho stole-n1~obes of *pz1tri4.. otisrgi and vi1‘t;1c. ‘ S‘I§'I1*:poo1z;ts§r (§3:JS-Burkfij) of ooursodeliglits in; gazubiime speotiifitions; for 11eveAr inteliding to go be.- yond sapmuiation, it costs nothing to hfl‘V¢ it mztgiiiiix pémtfi? ith sjoclm s1ibiim,e éptrotxiations lizwca o1A;11A' ,Abypocritica1i doma.gogL1és, gulleci the poojulc. For-A ggzful of ‘[i1€,i1_f'fi1A“BtiiAOVC,' t116}’1'1E1v;cosui_:1'nitted to rj1erg §etA;*iciouAS er:r_xbiraces.i . Alcaloué of :t1;A;eirt:_rinec1 friends they havga xwirtjrstod f1'~otnA ‘them thé. guidance of tlieiif <_Ad_c~:stinies;. Intoxicated with 2i,1j1eVv passion tlmegf 5’ .a A ave t1Irox~’:1At1i€if all im we 1::os_s>m 0f‘¥i11¢ASiid?:i3 Qeaoogtgrcro V “POPiU.LARo favor is; awhirlwinvdwhich eievzites its; ‘object to heaven, but to give ito more dreadful fall, «The good man iI1C_i€_€,(1 mefetis luis fate A with compo- A hours; under the consoling I’~€fl€_CtiiO11 of CO1“}S_CiOiL1‘SioiI1w togrity; ‘whiio the Talloii doniogoguo, pillows 111$ 1l1eh21(1ioh‘t11o.agonios r;f1"en1orSo. ‘ A A INO‘RI)INA’.I‘E expregssioons of good wiil ought on for to excite viigilmit circiimspootion. good works are tlieioniy satisfactory evidexico of fa.ith, so the Sim oerity of professions must be estinmted by th_<:: dising- torestczdncsss of conduct. But Where do we find one of tl‘1oso fI‘Zié’fl(_{S"qf‘ z/2:: people who is not an hungry _oxpoct:.111ti, or 2; pamporecl rotainer of oflice Idio Ac:-odd once attoiiied he no l&Q11f.;_‘6:I' _I‘¢3C_Qgl1i:';CS ‘the doc- trine of rotzitioii ; we hear no inoro of ezaliorbitzmt s:11a1"ic:s, or of b1'oad wrestod from the mouth of la-n A 1301'. Does he remit om? jot or one zizzlc, of his re. Ccitsdtod the door objects‘ of his sympathetic affec- tion? Doos, he bear with modesty his blushing ho.1fzors tluioh upon liioi “<3 or does he mzhibit a port and otattoro uxiblozxtod by the ins,o1e'a.t the messenger who bids beware,“ Of what is to be dreaded.” A striking- analogy existsabettveen the body poli- tic and the bedy natural.‘ VVholesome ntttriment anal a jt1clicious»rcgim'ten produce vigorous; liealtla»-~ a vi’ci“ons diet and anirregular and" inteinperajte indull gence of the passions,» debilitate theconstitntionand induce a series of no:~;ious~ clistemperatures, which terminate in dissolntionl. Tlie symptoms of health * “ A Tuszean painter of great repute in his time. AI~I‘e painted a pic» i tuffl of ma fztllenl anggels, in which he drew so hmridla figtnie of Lucifer,» 9 o u a ‘ ‘ A ‘A A A 7-‘AA no - - '1 5’ t A. l'iW."l2 it frightened him so much as to atlccthzs senses ex. (-31 a.f«.c~..1f_. , ‘ __ . \ Jrfartznzcr. 51- ditsease are- p't*»om%pt1y discovered uc1‘ic'iotts' ait...‘ texttionf to the habitstof the patient. VM“z;m is prone to contemplate the bt?righ7tSiVdé: Vo1t1yof»obj’ec;ts.' Hisf tjudtgntent," fo'1‘1o'ws the lead of»11i«stV9vi‘shes.“‘ The ardor of desi1‘écréates;a' S‘tr01’}g assurance of possc-zssion.---~-V ";s[‘htis" it 11':-tppens that the % specious flattery of tho 1t1oot1tntéb‘ank séot1'res fa\>‘o1‘ and confi’dence,“t whilé tho frie11d1y admotnition trvhiclm wams us‘ of itnpc:ndi11g, da11ger,:m'eetst Wiktlt“ 1.tngi'atefi1‘1 A sttspitgzam‘. % ‘But the hottest plttysiciaii win Vno‘t tltoreforé cease‘ to pe1‘fo1'm' his duty ‘with fidMé1it_y.' A A VVITHot”I'f‘ =z2‘z‘r'zzzc", ~tvz';$'dVo71z;ta11dt jmblic SfifI‘iZ, ztfreo fepttblic‘ is a c11im‘era.'i‘ How happe11<:2d it that He-4 rodotus‘, Plato, Acristotle, Xenophon, Iso%ACmtes, Ci- cero, Stmeca, TaCi'tL1S, Plutarch’ minty 0thC1"S,‘ thobest vvrite1‘s" of antiqu“ity,+’ mo’"st" of whorr1t1i'vec1 in t 1~¢pub1ics, ShouldL11timatcljr11a've d€C1a1‘€C1i11"f2:1VOI' of mona1*c11yV? Tl1‘eyti’n‘ vain looked for t/Z030 1"naz'rz‘])z"Z- lars of freedorn. Ltstwus for 21 Inoinetit h:.=.zm'd the intmesting ettqttity. Let us see how Stztttd tlte col»! ' umns wh‘i“cht shouilcl support om“ po‘1iti'ca1f::zbric. " "§‘3'TH:\s~‘%n'i3.xi1n%5, so Odiiflllfi tot11§E"«:.:ici<2z:;s~,_;‘Z3o!i.s-/7; and pzzs-illczyzivivzcirbgV 113$ ,,1.>roVOk€d the i?epz4b[icz27zoSf2_J1 to,hur1,it’:5 z'm:’.=cZz'e telzmz. % ..;»A§disg1‘a,c’ed%tyro oftLfeic¢ster'sc}i1oo1‘, with c1mracteristic% co1tsi$te11oy,i >113-S »%$__€=3-S011éd‘this paliztctand sage .:retrm.rk's,» with the ctxarge of Sop/zo¢2vzo4 rim; .’ Risum tettéittis Z‘ a t t ' t L % As to the‘r'xdi'éut‘ous é;'sse”rti:o1'1,t tltztt tloe author 11245 mrowteizl maizarc/zicrzl %~*tW57‘3t?t8?2I‘-S‘: 0116 ‘Wox‘d‘%w'i11‘ttt‘suiEce". Tktose, who _:.t1-E-2 acqttaintecl ‘With him, mud with his po1i’cH‘icza.1t opinions,lw‘i11%‘scout the idea. ;tm1c1 those, who ZU.'T¢: 51101": will do well to read‘ zttttantivtéljt, axtti to coxusiderg whether he is to be tlécnued hostile to the republiczm institutions ofltiso count1~y, who would mtcita aocautious vigi1a.11ce»ztgainst tlmse d:3.ngers, which t111'e“;z',ter1tth‘e‘E..t*% dissolution. 17 VV1: it j*ou éli'gnify with the szaerecl nzmtne of =zlz"r1Jl a like the sceptical philosophy ofa ‘w7irgi11ian.wi11'u'.; fziizaee? A philosophy whioli weighs the morality of aotxons, by their tlehélelzcy to’fractm"e limbs o1*1"obthe. ppurse‘? Or willyoty look for virtue iopthe moral practice wll1i‘ciI1_fio'vvs“frorr1 such prineiplee? ‘Whatl think you of his cizgb/icfly, who wouldllmolda laogttage qfizeial and 21 1ang~L1ag;e co/2_fldcrzpz‘z'cz[ ; who wottldwrite agottlst the importation of foteig11e1"s,Fa11tl foster alien. V 0t1t~laWs ; who would strenuously aclvooate the pl"l_1‘"1_g- oiplc-:2 of1*otation in oflioe, but exempt l’1ix1'1sellff1*o’ni' its op:;:mtio11 ; who would discourse you sweetly of /zarzeszty, Cl(l[)£Z'CZ.l_‘y'» am! frz'l5’72a’s/zz']) A20 oz/2:3 eoizsziizztiozz, but clis‘tribL1te olfiees tothe di:/zoézest, at/1;c; z'fzccz]Jcz5Z§ 4' arm’ 2‘/‘zap Menzies oft/26 ecloz2'3zz'zzzzimz ; who would prom.- iase to aoczzge, but prove the oinrlicazor of z'rz'.$*zz[t arm! /zzzblitzml tzurorzg ; who would profess rigid tecoonomy,-_ while sqtmnc1er'ing mtillions for baubles ;' who would till-zzizn‘ tobe th’e c1121m‘pilo*11 of ffeedom, with the same l‘)l”*“t1tl'1ltl‘lt1t£1ppl£1uClS' the évzlig/zrerzed gooerzrzzzzczzt qf 13z.zo2zzz_/Jarw W1-1'0 lttottlcl secretly stab the fair flmxe of our political fathe1', and shed o1'oeocli1'e'tears cm-1~13is g"~2we’? W”l1ttt thinl<;: yoti A of hits" hxtegrity tlvlmo under hie oath of allegitmoe would foment insuré i*e’etilo1'1s‘l ; whowoultl s;‘wear to support the constitm tion, but ploolr. down its pillars to S1ll1)'S(:‘1”‘V€ his own .h1lteres*t? Wllat thinl~:, you of the [mrz'zy of the mt- uml~fatl"1e1* of at mongrel progeny or the intended‘ vio-to later of 11:13 frieod’s bed‘? ‘Whattl1i11l<: you ol'1"1isp»zp'.-«‘ ::z_y, jwho would cherish in his bosom. the bold blasu p’l1eo'1er of Goal ”a11cl' bestow on his é1‘ccu1*setl laboré is‘ V unreserved plaudits‘? ~ In short, What think you of this mam of Me pro‘/215 ‘Z? These are a few of the fee» tures of ti portraiture. Do you reicog'ni2e the origin.- al? And in what sfarionl do you’recogn'ize him.- “ O that estates, degrees and oflices, t “ We1'e’11ot derived corruptly, tlmt clear honor “ Were pm-cha.s’d by theimerit-. of the bearer.” ls i¢zgrczz‘itz.zde a syptorn of public‘ virtue “.3: Let A the’sui11ted spirit ofV‘Vashiiug.to11recountto you live bootless z‘/zmz/I3s..r cc oft good turns; Are shuffled off with such uncut-rent pay.” Let multitudes of those who shared his counsels and his dangers display to you their catalogue of iujtiries. If like C0rz'a[czmz.9 they have» not twinedw their arms againist their country,« ’tis~ not because their srnsiéilia y zy was less, but because their eirzzlze ~wa.s' grz:=zzzc'r.--—-~i Our xnituclsyfellow citizen~s,rneed not '\’V£U.1Cl€1" for to l find 5-.11‘10lJ’l@ monunient of public ing~mti‘tude. The Iiutriot, whoforimore than thirty years, has evincecl his ability and fidelity the various services. which he i1tiSl'C11Ci€1"€‘(l.i his country, is rewarded with viru-2 lent abuse zmcl 21 l.")c‘3tI1'iSinT1Ct1t fl'Ol"fl‘ her counsels. Let your warm welcome of his return to the bosom of his friends, extp1*ess the measure of your indignutionf. VV 141 E RE will you look forpzzdlic fzziz/2, which has flyheen justly said to "‘ binds the moral elements of the ‘world togetl1e1‘?” In that lmse perficly, which in-,— veigled our lcitizensyj under at show of gO\’¢1"l1Ifl@flt&i« 19 sancetion, to Levy seetret war agai1A1st 21 nation vvith whom we xveA1*e110mi:1u1iy inamity, and vvl1dieI1,xr»=11e%11 deisaamaoixutnnexat b;dk.’d the e11terp1'ize,ethrew the res- p<>AAr;=si‘ui1ity and the ::"t4'[()1I.'1€l11€?I‘1'C, on the deluded instru,- ments Iiwert to the trial offamithand Og;_2;den.--9» C cA21A:tc*a1AA:p!d_atedyour f1*iendds, inhaling the mephitic Va- pors of a :spa11i.s-311 du11geofi, or suspended as a bait for “kites upon 21 gilabeti, ‘Wlmt do our newly ;:zd.opted bixethren of the /?/’/Est say of ourdpublic faith? Con the spirited ]a11g11-age of their r.ec.ent memorial. As- sured of the free and 1eg:.~11 enjoyment of alltheir rights, for which the coxmtitutioxu was pledged fie the gxtarantee, they reposed confidence inour fait11.--.- ]3u‘t their personalliberty Imss be_e1j1% traxnpled in the dust dbya petty military despot, who, ‘instead Ao7f1neeAt»- ing Witlm merited chastisement, has hitherto received approbzxtion zamd support j!?rom the fo‘unAtai11%of_11is au.-- thority, A ' A A “ A V Do you discoxfer symptoms’ §o9f' national smiity, in thee b0u11_c11ees preva1ene,e of detramtion ? S1a:11de1' which d A A FF out-venoms all the worms of Nile,” V has gorged her appetite wdith A flied f:;1i1"est food ;A A she lime Eéxttened onthe spoils of vt2*e11.dear'ned reputationV ; the beat droll of dvictinise is croduded with names once dear to Americans. Asdno virtue has been too e1e.~ vated, no services toe meritorious, so no worthmhas been so ‘humble and unas:s_u.Ining, no station so sacred or so remote from the jarring confiicts of ambition, A as to secure their objects from this i1*npio4useinm1o1a— 3;i.on. 'l’11esa/(Her, who has fought his country’s bet, 520 ' I fies and won her freedom, the‘: sxamsrzzczrz, who has es» gr tablgéiféfll1e:*1ibei**ciesby wholesome laws, t11e722czgz'3§- » [at-r*c‘é2*c', “who with dignity Mzmd impartiality A has dis- giéaiséd the degrees ofjustitze, zmdthe pr*z"e:;z,w11’O §'=€irit11 meelmess‘ and pfirity 11:13 i1":1ifi4istté1*ed beftirc thé zahar of his Gbd, lime shared :1 ;c0n*m1on¢ f'atrc;*.‘ "ALL ifert {O the cdlumns of thosé: ‘I"z1ctiouspri1‘1ts,‘ which ch“-:1L1ge;pi11* comltgvy. From th<>se,' w_1‘1ié‘:l1‘I:»z:sk in tliéi f'1.111sL1nSl'1i11é(if e:;?%eca1tiv‘e pzitroliaagzve, c1ownm th <3 petty d'z:zbb1£-:1'si'11 dirt, ‘which i1mfes¢t%our own neighl. ‘iaorlxood, °y'a1- the univc~:1'sa.1 peace, co11fc.m11d % All unity on czzamh.” % 7W1LL}*o11$ea1rc11 the joumals of Colagreag fmf t31erec£>1"d of?wis’d0m%? As W'€u might you 1001?‘. f<)i* ii; 1"’mn1 21 znockusexuzxte hf sch0oL-boys. Is it wisée, oi“ honombie, Gr vi1'tu0u4s4 to sap ‘thfi: fOL111C1£’ttiOI'1 of :31 con; ggtitzixtianla of g0V'<21"x1gr1%e11t, j.v11iC_h twfl<~31v§:%ye:surs expezfx... sauce evfmccszl to be: the: best Q11 earth 5.’ In 21 c0m1t1:'y; :ti1~:éou1f ~0*~?§.r11,VM1c:;"?<~3.t1ac-2 intfzrests pf" z1g1'jc111tL11‘e H113: <;omm§_:rc:*: we co-ozfiimxte, and inse1)«e.1'z1b1e in tlxeixg :e:mjrrccticjn_? will yet: Vcifll ‘those’ mc%é.1si:1'es v{/ise, Wlmicli ihrz:n.v the: b1irc1e11s‘of‘%t:Im.ationuVpo11comrai:1'ce, anci A ”s1i!3ject it to evcwy s~.»pécies of Aembz11*rass3me%:1t ; whicfi 1r-savcr it, L11n§':1~otectec1, the vi%cti%m o?f1';mi1“1c,Ainsault, man]! 1 3 ‘N . _, - - . . . 1*‘ ‘- . L .‘ .\'. 4. Q '71‘! W I 54 THE contemptible imbecility of our “ gun-bo~at >1?-system, from the beginhixtg; betrayed the folly of ité projector, but the recent “event atthe mouth "% of A thee _ Chesapeake speaks at Ialtgttagetir1"€SiSti.b1€ to the feel. ittgs and the unde1'stz.mdin.1*ie:s c>ftIeh1'1ti11g, and £t131*ogztte the ehm~te1~ of cm- irzt/zw? ’I71u:-tee are but the _firsz‘ fruits of democra- cy ; in some ofour sister states you behold the ma?- itzrizy oflter counsels and the jm;/’ecz25072 of her'opera.. tic;uxh“1$~ttt , You 2/zcre find %rivzx11ed, the servility, cor.- ruptxott aotl ven:.t1ityVof the Ro1nz:m tepublietinits h1'oetdege11e1*a1te days. Freedom of election is one 1 mg‘; 2% ‘rlottger knmvn : but in tmmtntt Bfibary f€a1'S- not to Show 11:21‘mis~c1*e:2mtfront in the bright glare .:.:f 11:o0nday_. ’I‘ymnnic2t1 A _d.€_}"-I"t2.tg0gt1E‘S aicled by those c/mica’ .9[)iriz.s',. ifiwtto ‘have. escaped meritecl pttnislxment in their own tJussttice,”t:*3is11o longer feit%‘m~trc:garc1ed.. flzzarc/zy mandflt ‘> A icotmtry, hzwc‘: bzmished f1‘om the polls the small re.- fmainsofvirtue and itttegzity, The sacred obliga- tion of thejzzrm~s_mzz/2, that 9‘ adama11tinechain wltich éb'mds2 the intyegrity bf man, to thge throne of eternal ' <;waty’st11Ve%sceptre,and arnyriads of the minor ficzzdx, await the :eAxecLttio11 of h.;er orders. A TRAITOROUSLY surrende1*ed by domestic” syc0~ Vl)!}t11V1t$v the destinies of our nation are no lotuger in the V h;;m~d:s of Ame1*ic~.ms. NtttiV’€ bum citizczns may in» t'!c:<:t1 be the 72072223201 ministers ofgovernment, but 23': th<:;:y:;u't~:t11<:: senselgss puppctgé of forcigtm jttgr g’ic:1*s. 2 A‘ A A A A VTO the base ptu‘pr)sc of promoting ma/2, me11,%l1a«s the elective: ft‘22i11_ChiS€f been prostituted. My C<:>un- t1“yt11cn,he2trkex1 to 1;171t3;}V£11‘l‘1i11g voice of o11e,'i%3‘§tr1t1<3sc ken soared bteyond vulgar com:eptionsof mam... kind. *‘ VVoe to that Cou.11try, which would madly mtdtimpiotxsly rt:-jectt the servitce of t11€3t:.t~1€11tSH; and 'vh~tL1es, civii, ntilitary or rt~:Iigi<:»us, that am: givetitu * ” gmcealmji ttoMs~erve it; z-imd would crondemnto ob.- tscurity, ev:ery‘t11ing fo»1*n1't:d to difl"LItSg€1_uStrt€ttfl11d ::§}o1*y €t.1"0t11'1d a state; -VV'rOC' to that countryttoo, that pm-.:-_¢ A t 1 sing into the opposite; extremt, comiders a low edu- cation, :1 "meant contracted View 70fthit11gs,tt atsordid ;ntex*ce‘m.wy occupatim1 as a pi~efe:rab1e:-: titlzz tg; E0111» "‘ Cur1':a.n. if But-1~:e. 23 VVHERE shall we look for that bolclancl manly spirit, which rose at the “ great call ofnaturefi’ bmva ed the arms zmcl artifice of Britain, and staltecl life for liberty ; which with the olive branch in one iiamdilancl the sword in the other, upon every new aggressioii, stept p1*omp?tly forth in defence of those rights, which it 11-ad so gloriously rescued from the ravisl*1er‘?--—-~‘ Vi/'l‘1'lCl1 taL1gl1t“tl1e nations of the earth to respect the power ofs. great, independent and so\*e1‘c-ign people ? Is it to be found in that albjeet pusillanimity, wliieli su1iie1"s its bearcl to be plucked by at petty b21rb2t- rizm or an inslzwecl Sp.zmia1*cl ;» which pays the trib-» me of millions as the price of peace to a foreign des- pot Like Hercules»; in our cr.:1cl~le we Sllffllljglécl the serpents lllflt soug_3;ht to destroy us, zmdl alas I like He1*e11les, in our nmturer years, We find our limbs envelol ed in the Slll'1"t of Nessus. A A ?'I"1~z"1=; illusive tphantom of human perfeetihility= has faseinatecl the senses, tmcl the syren song; of lilwr» ty, eg?i’ti¢‘t’eo/ix‘): mzrl 2‘/Aw rig/22‘: man, has lulled into so» eurity the Watchliil jealousy of freemen; Thus en» tmocecl the centinel has slumberecl at his post, while the enemy has seized on theifortress. Butdeepem; the sleep or tleath must b ltliose slumhens, wliieh‘ , the thtmtler Olgmptlr spp1*oaelii1ig lrufin does not break. “ /Itua/mi.’ mvalcc.’ pm‘ on strmgz/2 ; am:/M as in or/ze azzcieizr days, 2'72 2‘/26 ge7jzcraz‘z'mz.s' qfo/d.” Ia.-;z:ziel).5 FINIS .